HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.443 Original Contract
5. </13
338 W. First 8t.
P. O. Box 1350
Port Angeles, WA 98362-0251
(360) 457-8527
FAX (360) 452-3959
August 8, 1997
Becky J. Upton, CMC
City Clerk
City of Port Angeles
P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98263-1150
Dear Becky:
Enclosed IS the signed cost shanng agreement for the hotel study.
M. Christine Anderson
Executive Director
COMMISSIONERS: . Glenn Beckman . Dick Foster . Jack Waud
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: . Christine Anderson
321 Ea~t Fifth Street. PO Box 1150
Port Angeles. Washington 98362-1150
Phone (360) 417-4500 TTY Phone (360) 417-4645
Fax (360) 417-4509 Internet addre~s cnym@olympus.net
August 7, 1997
M. Christine Anderson
Executive Director
Port of Port Angeles
P O. Box 1350
Port Angeles, W A 98362
Re Cost Sharing Agreement
Dear Chris:
Enclosed are two copies of the revised agreement between the City and the Port, agreeing to
share costs associated with the feasibility and impact study for the development of a hotel and
conference center in downtown Port Angeles.
Please sign both copies and return one to my attention for the City's file.
Thank you for your assistance!
Sincerely yours,
1 r
Becky 1. Up10n, CMC
City Clerk
, .
5, <j<j:3
This Agreement is made and entered into this 7tA day of August, 1997, by and between the
PORT OF PORT ANGELES, a Washington municipal corporation (hereafter called "Port"), and
the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a Washington municipal corporation (hereafter called "City").
WHEREAS, the Port and City desire to obtain a feasibility and fiscal impact study for the
development of a hotel and conference center in downtown Port Angeles; and
WHEREAS, the Port has contracted with The Chambers Group, Inc. (the Consultant) to prepare
a feasibility and fiscal impact study; and
WHEREAS, the City and Port desire to share in the cost of said study;
NOW, THEREFORE, the City agrees to reimburse the Port for 50% of the costs associated with
the preparation of the feasibility and fiscal impact study. Port and City agree that the total cost
of the study will not exceed $6,500 plus expenses and City's share shall not exceed $3,250 plus
50% of any additional expenses unless the City and Port agree in writing to additional work to
be performed by the Consultant. Costs for additional work would be shared equally by City and
As payment(s) are made by Port to the Consultant, Port will bill the City for 50% of payment.
City will reimburse Port within 30 days of receipt of billings from the Port.
City shall work with Port in directing the Consultant in this project and in reviewing draft
reports. Port agrees to furnish City with a copy of all draft reports and the fmal report. City
agrees to hold Port harmless for any claims by third parties related to the use or distribution of
said report by City, its employees, subcontractors and constituents; and Port agrees to hold City
harmless for any claims by third parties related to the use or distribution of said report by Port,
its employees, subcontractors and constituents.
A copy of the agreement between the Port and the Consultant is attached as Exhibit 1.
Executive Director
Port of Port Angeles
G R 0 U P I INC.
June 28, 1997
SUite 920
600 Stewart Street
Seattle. Washington 98101
FAX (206) 441-1775
(206) 441-5522
Ms. Chris Anderson
Executive Director, Port of Port Angeles
P.O. Box 1350
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Enclosed is a proposal to perform consulting services based on our discussions last week.
As we discussed, we would perform -the engagement with Greg Easton of Property
If you have any questions, or if there are changes you would like made, please let me
Andrew N. Olsen
Managing Director
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OQ{ k. ot d).r. "
G R 0 U P I INC.
June 25, 1997
Suite 920
600 Stewart Street
Seattle, Washington 98101
FAX (206) 441-1775
(206) 441-5522
Ms. Chris Anderson
Executive Director, Port of Port Angeles
P.O. Box 1350
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Based on your conversations with members of our firm, we are pleased to present this
proposal to perform consulting services related to the development of a hotel with
conference/meeting facilities. The project's background, our approach and work plan,
estimates of timing and fees, terms and conditions of the engagement, and acceptance
statement follow.
The Port of Port Angeles controls a site on the waterfront between Oak and Cherry
Streets. The 3.9 acre Oak Street site has been proposed to accommodate a hotel
development. The City' of Port Angeles would join the Port in furthering the
development which would ultimately be completed by a private developer.
The proposed hotel is expected to be at a quality level similar to a Shilo Inn. The hotel
would contain approximately 137 rooms, restaurant and lounge, and convention and
conference space.
In order to justify expending public funds in completing the development of the project,
the public agencies involved must determine the benefits to the public of the completed
hotel facility. As a result, you have requested the assistance of The Chambers Group, Inc.
and Property Counselors in analyzing and quantifying the economic impact associated
with the project.
A convention facility provides economic benefits to a community by attracting visitors
and capturing their spending at local businesses. These benefits are "net new dollars"
because they would not have been captured if the facility weren't there. Spending by
other attendees simply represents a redistribution of dollars they would have spent in the
community anyway. In addition to direct spending, there are two other sources of
Return Copy
Ms. Chris Anderson
Executive Director, Port of Port Angeles
Page 2
economic impact. The operating expenditures of the facility itself are also net new dollars
and are a direct impact. In addition to direct impacts, there are indirect and induced
impacts, which reflect the circulation of direct spending through the economy. This
phenomenon is often referred to as the multiplier effect.
The direct and indirect impacts take the form of business receipts, jobs, and personal
income and tax payments to state and local government. We would estimate these
impacts through four sequential tasks.
Task Descriptions
1. Describe Project Elements
a. Facility size and components: hotel rooms, meeting room size and capacity.
b. Capital investment: taxable construction expenditures.
c. New visitor activity: facility users by type and size of event.
2. Estimate Direct Impacts
a. Visitor spending based on average spending per day figures from International
Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus (IACVB.)
b. Facility operations based on operating proforma
c. Aggregate impacts for area businesses, households, and workforce.
Business receipts
Personal income
Tax receipts
3. Indirect and Induced Impacts
a. Estimate multipliers using Bureau of Economic Analysis Regional Impact
Modeling System (RIMS).
b. Estimate total impacts through application of multipliers for each sector of
direct impact.
4. Provide Written Documentation
a. Summarize findings and conclusions, including methodology and sources.
We will not prepare a detailed market analysis for the proposed hotel as part of this
engagement. We will, however, rely upon analysis of the future operations of the hotel
which have already been prepared for the Port.
Our fees will be based on the actual amount of time spent in the performance of the study
at our standard rates plus out-of-pocket expenses. Based on our experience with similar
projects, we estimate the fees for the engagement will be $6,500. This fee should be
The Chambers Group. lnc
Ms. Chris Anderson
Executive Director, Port of Port Angeles
Page 3
considered a fixed fee unless the scope of our engagement changes, at which time a
revised proposal will be issued which will outline the new scope and any additional fees.
Computer processing, typing, report production, travel and maintenance, and other out-of-
pocket expenses are not included in this estimate. Expenses are estimated to be
approximately five percent (5%) of fees.
We will submit a draft of our summary report to you within three weeks of beginning the
engagement. After receiving your comments, we will then finalize the summary report
and submit it to you within one week.
The results of our analysis will be based on estimates and assumptions which are
inherently subject to uncertainty and variation depending upon evolving events. Some
assumptions inevitably will not materialize, and unanticipated events and circumstances
may occur; therefore, actual results will vary from those described in our findings, and the
variations may be material.
The data used in our research will be presumed to be reliable; however, no responsibility,
whether legal or otherwise, will be assumed for its accuracy, nor can it be guaranteed as
being certain. Under the terms of this engagement, we will have no obligation to revise
our findings to reflect events or conditions which occur subsequent to the date reflecting
our final date of field work. However, we will be available to discuss the necessity for
revision resulting from changes in economic or market factors affecting the subject.
We will not ascertain the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the lodging
market area. Further, no effort will be made to determine the possible effects of future
federal, state or local legislation including any environmental or ecological matters or
interpretations thereof.
Our findings are intended for the Port of Port Angeles and the City of Port Angeles.
None of the information may be referred to or quoted in any registration statement,
prospectus, appraisal, or other agreement or document without written consent of The
Chambers Group, Inc.
Liability associated with this engagement, if any, is limited to the dollar amount of the
total fees for this engagement, and is limited to the client only. We have no obligation or
accountability to any third party. If our findings are distributed to anyone other than the
Port of Port Angeles or the City of Port Angeles, you will make that party aware of all
limiting uses and conditions of the engagement.
If work is suspended by you for a period of thirty (30) days or more, we reserve the right
to adjust our fees before work resumes. In addition, completion and delivery dates may
be affected by these delays.
The Chambers Group, Inc.
. v
Ms. Chris Anderson
Executive Director, Port of Port Angeles
Page 4
The terms of this proposal are valid for sixty (60) days from the date of this letter.
You may indicate your acceptance of our proposal by signing the enclosed copy of this
letter and returning it to us together with the retainer. We will begin our engagement as
soon as scheduling permits.
We thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working
with you on this project. If you have any questions regarding the scope or interpretation
of our proposal, please contact us.
Andrew N. Olsen
Managing Director
By: (L~
Date: ~V -? / /'77
eIMD/Proposal/PortofP A
The Chambers Group. Inc.