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Apr 12 07 10:43a
360 366 5800
Mechanical Summary MECH-SUM
;l0()4 w~h.n~lu,' ~1111:: NQf,",,,,..:sonRtlII..nar"lit)' ~ COmpl.:JI". r.~
frrojcct Info ProJect Address o1.:yRIJic 7'1...:& Uate 4/1:1/2007
l~ De1. Q1i",,; Dd._ f.or'Rulkl1ng Dept. U&O
pore Mer. laD. -
I\pplicanl ~rne: AndgM Corporation
Appllc:onl Addr~'S: 6920 Salil!lhan Pkwy A-102
... I\ppllcant Phone: (360) 366-9\l00
Project Description
Brlefly describe mcchanlCllI
'"~tcm type ancl features.
Includes Pl;lflS
The followiny Information is requited to l1c inco/'Pora\.ed WIth the mcdlanic;ll cqulJlm
prujH(.1~ wilnoul. plan::, r.1 in lh~ required inlomli:.lion balow.
I ~PIDI:~ -
Cooling Equipment Schedule -C/
(Quip. capacily' OSA CFM Sl:l:I\
10 Bmnd Nome' Modal No.' Btultt TotalCfM or Ccono? or EER 11)1 V' I ocalion
n=- ,. TlULtlI!. !'tSC072A3RLA YO.O :;1600 t<:ONO 1.0.:1 Z;~ == n
It''I'U -:d TIUlRI: YZic048A3lUJ\ GO.O 1600 1lC:'ONO 1.0.0 :;u%Tr. f2
n= -:I !=Am: YSCO<lIl...~ 60.0 1600 EC","" '0.0 D\lrne '3
, - Co ~ rsc0<l8A3)<LJ. GG.O lGOO I!lC'OKC LO.O 6Ul'l'lt 414
J-:;a ~ Sc:0.90A3JlL1 ~::o_o 3000 ECC>>lU 1.0.1. EEl!. 801ft lIS
Rlru. 51> ~ rSco'lZA)1UA 00.0 21.00 P.COIro 1.0.2 ~ cum: .5
RTI7 6 fl&ANE YSCO & uA3ltf..ll. '0.0 'fiOO J:CQIlO 10.0 !MU'!: "
R~ - 7 ~ $CO&lIA3RIA CO.O 1600 J"COIllO :1.0.0 SUI'l'lt 87
JI"Ml - 8 rRAJa; ysc:o', :lA3P.1.l> AO.O 21.00 ECmIO 111.2 EEJl nm:LZInco 2
RTO ." 9 :rJtUlZ: YSC048AJ1I~ 60.0 1200 J'X:ONO 10.0 lmr.n.DmG 2
Heatine EQuipment Schedule
loqUlp, Cap..lcity' OSA cfm
ID Br.md Nilmo' ModOI No.' (\ loth To131 CFM or r-cono'l Input Utun Output Btuh F.fficiency"
IlTIJ - 1 ~ YSlC072A3)O.lo. 80.0 2&00 E.COJIO 110.0 6&.0 8J.%
11')'\/ . ~ TRloIIE YCC06llA:l~ .0.0 1600 JlCONO GO.O 68.0 81%
IltV - ;] 'l'RUIE Y9<;0&8A3JU.A GO.O 1600 ~"O 60.0 <10.0 8:1'.
~-I. TILUIE YSC06u.311La .0.0 1600 SCO~ 60.0 48.0 8:1%
JlTtl - 5. T\IMIJ!: YtiCO.90J>.JJU.Jl l.;l0.0 3000 ECOtlO 120.0 n.2 81%
~ - :lb ~ ysco',2A3KLA 00.0 2400 F.COYO Uo.O "'.8 81%
l\'n1 - to TIIl\IIIE rOCO&BA3RL1\ '0.0 1'00 ItCONO 60.0 48.0 8:1%
Jlro - 7 ">lA1IE raiCOI. BA3lU'..JL CO.o 1600 ECORO 60.0 &U.O 81%
J\TIl - 8 Tll.Mm Y&C07a"1RL1\ 80.0 Z600 1!lCOltO 00.0 64.8 01.%
"'"" -!I :nll\IlE ~SC:O"A.) !\LA 60.0 ':100 Jl:COJlO GO.O n.o 8:1%
Page t
Apr 12 07 10:44a
360 366 5800
Mechanical Summary MECH-SUM
2004 Wa&l';ftglllll SId.. ...,.,,<1,;""',.... Ln",lIY Cocla Ca_illt\cc r ann:; _.e. Moy ~OO5
IF.m Equipment Sch~duJc
, 10 BronC! Name' Model No.' CFM Sfl1 HPIOHP FIDW Control' Loea lion (If Scrvicp.
'If :1v:til:1blc. : A'i tm;ted accordlnu to Tab1<l14-1A tI1rough 14-1G. "if rcqUlroo. . COP. HSPI"', Combustion Cttiacncy, or AI UL. <IS appllcablO. .. now
conlr01lypes: variablo all" VOlumO(VAV). constanl volume (CV), or VlIriable speed (VS).
Page 2
Ap"" 12 07 10:44a
360 366 5800
Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH-CHK
?()(W W","l"lIlU"'.::ila1e NOIv...ldflntllll Cnar!)~ c;ode Co",l"~I'\GI: "0f'I'T"S R.,...,.,n Mot ~oO-J
projnc;\ Addrc~ IDallO 4/1.1./200'/
The following lnform:ltion Is ner.c-:;(;ary to d1ccl< (l m<:r.:haOlC:(l1 pormil applic-~'ltlon for compllanCl} witl\ I/\c med\:)nlC;J1 roQuircmcnts in
"e Wa"..I1inglOn $bte Nonl'C'$idenlial Energy Code.
.jlpliC3bllily COOe localion Building Dcp3rtmllnl
(yns, no. n.a.) Section Comnonent Information ~CQvlred on Plans Note!;
HVAC REQUIREMENTS (Sections 1401-1424)
1411 Equipment performance
N/J>. 141 1 .4 Pl<g. c1ec. htQ.& dg. L.i!;t hcc.\t pumps on schodula
y 1411.1 Minimunl effir.iency equipment schedule with lVI'/!. caP3city, cli.ciency 1'1-0
ilIA 11111.1 Combu5lion I1t,Q. Indic.'\te intermment ignitIOn. Rue/dratt d3mpClr &. jatl(eIIO~
1412 ItVAC conlrols
y 141;>.1 ICmper.1turo zon~ Indicate 1003001\$ on pia,,:; M-'1al-~
T 1412.2 De3dbllnd conlrOI Indicale 5 degrec dC3dband miOlmum M-O
N/,., 1412.3 Humidity control Indicate humidistal
y 1412.4 ^utomatlc :;e\b;l<;k IndiC3le thermostat wil/\ night setbaCk and 7 diTto ooy types 1\4-0
N/A 1412.4.1 Dampers IMicale danlpor localKln and autu. controls & mDl(. leakago
./A 1412.11.2 Optimum SIlII't lndicote optimum st.ut controls
N/A 1412.5 Hel)\ pump control Indicate microproOC!>-'ior Of\ mermoslal sd1edule
IV/A 141:l.6 Comllus1ion htg. Indicatc modulating or staged control
RIA 141:?7 ~lIl;ancing Indlcalo b3l:mcing lOOWres on plans
1'.' 1422 [ThermoSI;,! intL'I'lOCk Indicate U\ermostal intcnor.k on plllns. !I-O
y 1423 EtxlOomizers fquipmont Sl".hedutc 11-0
'\413 Air economlxp.r1il
y 1413_ 1 t\ir Econo Operation InOlcate 100% cap~bility on schedule 11-0
HIA 1413.1 Vvlr EcclrlO Operation looicatr. 100% cap.'lCity al 4~ <lC!)F db & 40 deg l-' WI)
lJ/A 1413.2 W3\or Econo Ooc IndlCo'\te cIg load & waTer CGOOOC 8. el9 lowcr pertofm:lO(le
It/&' 1413.3 In\e9f3ted operation Indlc:J.tc capabihty (or partial COOlln!!
'I9/A 1413.4 HumlOl1ication Indicale direct eva~ or fog stonllzatlon wI air oconomimr
1414 Dueting s~tcms
y 1414.1 Duct scabng Indicate seClhng necessary 11-0
If/A 11114.2 Duct insul<ltlon lndic:lte R.vCllue of insu\ct\iOfI on dud
'II/A 141[,_1 PIPing insulation Indicate R-V;iluc of insulation on pipin!}
1416 Complotion RequirCl \cots
y 1416.1&2 Drawing.; & M.''!nual:; In(liC3te requirement lor record dr.lwings ond operotion dOC:;. ~~B IIJ"'"
Y 1416.3.2 Air 8cllancing IMlcate air ll)r.llem balance reQuirements .-0
NIA 1416.~.3 H~ronlC UDlancing IndiC3te hydronic syst~ bal3nc~ rcqwrcmenls
tl/A 141GA Commissioning IndlcaV.l requirements for oommissioning and prP.lim. Report
y 14:>4 Scpl)rate ;til 'JY'J Indicate senaralc :;yslems on pions M-O
y Mechantcal Complete<, and attaChed. Equipment scnedUe WIth types.
Summ3ry Form Input/output, efficiency. elm. hp. econu..nizcr
1440 SBrvico water hI!!.
rr/7t. 1441 Elec. water hORter IndicatE! R-10 Insutali()(f tinder I.."!nk
l'l/A 1442 !>hut-off controls Indlc."lle <lulllmatic shul-off
R/lI 1443 Pipe Insulation lnolCo"lte R-value of Insulation on piping
iliA 1452 Heat pump cOP Indicate minimum COP of 4.0
JII./A 1~2 HealOf efficiency Indic:t1c pool heoter effiCiency
N/^ 1453 POOll1CalCr controls InolCAte swttch and 65 dagroc control
III" 11154 Pool covC!rs Indicate vapor retllrdont ClOver
Ill/A 14(;4 Pools 90+ deyro~ Indicato 1~-12 pQOI cover
If "no" Is cIrcled for any question, provide explanation:
Page 3
2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Fonms I\z, Revised May 2005
Project Info Project Address ~Del Guzzi Drive Date 12/4/2006
Port Angeles, WA For Building Dept. Use
Building 1
Applicant Name: KT Development
Applicant Address: 510 Lakeway Drive, Bellingham, WA 98225
Applicant Phone: 360-752-4299
Project Description
Briefly describe mechanical
system type and features.
Packaged heat / cool units separate for each lessee space
iii Includes Plans
Drawings must contain notes requireing compliance with commissioning requirements - Section 1416
Compliance Option
. Simple System 0 Complex System 0 Systems Analysis
(See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications. Use separate MECH-SUM for simple & complex systems.)
Equipment Schedules
The following information is required to be incorporated with the mechanical equipment schedules on the
plans. For projects without plans, fill in the required information below.
Coolin2 Equipment Schedule
Equip. Capaci~ OSA CFM SEER
ID Brand Name1 Model No.1 Btuth Total CFM or Econo? orEER IPLv3 Location
Rf-l Trane YSC048A, 3,4, W 49 1600 Econo 10.00 - Roof
Rf-2 Trane YSC092A,3,4,W 92 3400 Econo 10.10 11.80 Roof
Heatine Equipment Schedule
Equip. Capaci~ OSA cfm
ID Brand Name1 Model No.1 Btuth Total CFM or Econo? Input Btuh Output Btuh Efficiencv4
Rf-l Trane YSC048A3,4,W 60 1500 Econo 60 48 81. 000
Rf-2 Trane YSC092A3, 4 ,W 84 3000 Econo 84 98 81.000
Fan Equipment Schedule
Equip. Flow Contror
ID Brand Namel Model No.1 CFM SP1 HPtBHP Location of Service
llf available. 2 As tested according to Table 14-1A through 14-1G. 3 If required. 4 COP, HSPF, Combustion Efficiency, or AFUE, as
applicable. 5 Flow control types: variable air volume(VAV), constant volume (CV), or variable speed (VS).
System Description If Heating/Cooling [] Constant vol? [] Air cooled? iii Packaged sys? [] <20,000 Btuh?
See Section 1421 for full description or Cooling Only: [] Split system? [] Economizer included?
of Simple System qualifications. If Heating Only: [] <5000 cfm? [] <70% outside air?
Decision Flowchart
Use this flowchart to determine if project qualifies for Simple System Option. If not, either the
Complex System or Systems Analysis Options must be used.
Heating Only
Complex Systems
or Cooling Only
Simple System
(section 1420)
Use Complex
(section 1430)
Refer to MECH-COMP Mechanical Complex Systems for assistance in determining which
Complex Systems requirements are applicable to this project.
2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form
Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH-CHK
2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Revised May 2005
Project Address 108 Del Guzzi Drive Date 12/4/2006
The following information is necessary to check a mechanical permit application for compliance with the mechanical requirements in the
Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code.
Applicability Code Location Building Department
(yes, no, n.a.) Section Component Information Required on Plans Notes
HVAC REQUIREMENTS (Sections 1401-1424)
1411 Equipment performance
n.a. 1411.4 Pkg. elec. htg.& c1g. List heat pumps on schedule
yes 1411.1 Minimum efficiency Equipment schedule with type, capacity, efficiency
yes 1411.1 Combustion htg. Indicate intermittent ignition, flue/draft damper & jacket loss
1412 HVAC controls
yes 1412.1 Temperature zones Indicate locations on plans
yes 1412.2 Deadband control Indicate 5 degree dead band minimum
n.a. 1412.3 Humidity control Indicate humidistat
yes 1412.4 Automatic setback Indicate thermostat with night setback and 7 diff. day types
n.a. 1412.4.1 Dampers Indicate damper location and auto. controls & max. leakage
n.a. 1412.4.2 Optimum Start Indicate optimum start controls
n.a. 1412.5 Heat pump control Indicate microprocessor on thermostat schedule
n.a. 1412.6 Combustion htg. Indicate modulating or staged control
yes 1412.7 Balancing Indicate balancing features on plans
n.a. 1422 Thermostat interlock Indicate thermostat interlock on plans
yes 1423 Economizers Equipment schedule
1413 Air economizers
yes 1413.1 Air Econo Operation Indicate 100% capability on schedule
n.a. 1413.1 VIIlr Econo Operation Indicate 100% capacity at 45 degF db & 40 deg F wb
n.a. 1413.2 Water Econo Doc Indicate c1g load & water econoe & c1g tower performance
n.a. 1413.3 Integrated operation Indicate capability for partial cooling
n.a. 1413.4 Humidification Indicate direct evap or fog atomization w/ air economizer
1414 Ductlng systems
yes 1414.1 Duct sealing Indicate sealing necessary
yes 1414.2 Duct insulation Indicate R-value of insulation on duct
n.a. 1415.1 Piping insulation Indicate R-value of insulation on piping
1416 Completion KeqUlrements
yes 1416.1&2 DraWings & Manuals Indicate requirement for record drawings and operation docs.
yes 1416.3.2 Air BalanCing Indicate air system balance requirements
.a. 1416.3.3 Hydronic Balancing Indicate hydronic system balance requirements
.a. 1416.4 Commissioning Indicate requirements for commissioning and prelim. Report
.s. 1424 Separate air sys. Indicate separate systems on plans
yes Mechanical Completed and attached. Equipment schedule with types,
Summary Form inpuVoutput, efficiency, cfm, hp, economizer
Y1fA I ~~ MI :A IINU ANU M~j~ I ~u ectlons '44U-'4~4:
1440 Service water htg.
yes 1441 Elec. water heater Indicate R-10 insulation under tank
.a. 1442 Shut-off controls Indicate automatic shut-off
yes 1443 Pipe Insulation Indicate R-value of insulation on piping
.a. 1452 Heat Pump COP Indicate minimum COP of 4.0
.a. 1452 Heater Efficiency Indicate pool heater efficiency
.a. 1453 Pool heater controls Indicate switch and 65 degree control
.a. 1454 Pool covers Indicate vapor retardant cover
.a. 1454 Pools 90+ degrees Indicate R-12 pool cover
IT no IS clrclea Tor an UeStlOn, rovlae ex lIanatlon:
2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form
Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH-CHK
~ ~ p
Mechanical - General Requirements
1411.1 Oeneral: Equipment shall have a minimum performance at the
specified fating conditions not less than the values shown in Table 14-1A
through 14-1 G. If a nationally recognized certification program exists for 8
product covered in Tables 14-1A through 14-1G, and it includes provisions
for verification and challenge of equipment efficiency ratings, then the
product shall be listed in the certification program.
Gas-fired and oil-fired forced air furnaces with input ratings ~ 225,000
Btuth (65 kW) shall also have an intermittent Ignition or interrupted device
(110). and have either mechanical draft (including power venting) or a flue
damper. A vent damper is an acceptable alternative to a flue damper for
furnaces where combustion air is drawn from the conditioned space. All
furnaces with input ratings ~ 225.000 Btu/h (65 kW), including electric
furnaces, that are not located within the conditioned space shall have
jacket losses not exceeding 0.75% of the input rating.
1411.2 Rating Condltlona: Cooling equipment shall be rated at ARltest
conditions and procedures when available. Where no applicable
procedures exist, data shall be furnished by the equipment manufacturer.
1411.3 Combination Spaoa and Servloa Water Heating: For
combination space and service water heaters with 8 principal function of
providing space heat, the Combined Annual Efficiency (CAE) may be
calculated by USing ASHRAE Standard 124-1991. Storage water heaters
used in combination space heat and water heat applications shall have
either an Energy FActor (EF) or a CAE of not Ie.. than the following:
< 50 oal storaoe 0.5S 0.71
50 to 70 aal storaae 0.57 0.71
> 70 oal storaoe 0.55 0.70
1411.4 Paokaged Eleotno Heating and COOling Equipment: Packaged
electric equipment providing both heating and cooling with a total cooling
capacity greater than 20.000 Btu/h shall be a heat pump.
Exaeptlon: Unstaffed equipment shaelters or cabinets used
solely for personal wireless service facilities.
1412 Controls
1412.1 Temperature Controls: Each system shall be provided with at
least one temperature control device. Each zone shall be controlled by
individual thermostatic controls responding to temperature within the zone.
At a minimum, each floor of 8 building shall be considered 85 a separate
1412.2 Deadband Controls: When used to control both comfort heating
and cooling, zone thermostatic controls shall be capable of a dead band of
at least 5 degrees F within which the supply of heating and cooling energy
to the zone is shut off or reduced to 8 minim um.
1. Special occupancy, special usage, or code requirements
where deadband controls are not appropriate.
2. Buildings complying with Section 1141.4, ifin the proposed
building energy analysis, heating and cooling thermostat
setpoints are setto the same temperature between 70
degrees F and 75 degrees F inclusive, and assumed to be
constant throughout the year.
3. Thermostats that require manual changeover between
heating and cooling modes.
1412.3 Humidity Controls: If a system is equipped with a means for
adding moisture, a humidistat shall be provided.
1412.4 Setbaok and Shut-Off: HVAC systems shall be equipped with
automatic controls capable of accomplishing a reduction of energy use
through control setback or equipment shutdown during periods of non-use
or alternate use of the spaces served by the system. The automatic
controls shall have a minimum seven-day clock and be capable of being
set for seven different day types per week.
1. Systems serving areas which require continuous operation at
the same temperature setpoint.
2. Equipment with full load demands of 2 kW (6.S26 Btu/h) or
less may be controlled by readily accessible manual off-hour
1412.4.1 Dampers: Outside air intakes, exhaust outlets and relief outlets
serving conditioned spaces shall be equipped with dampers which close
automatically when the system is off or upon power failure.
1. Systems serving areas which require continuous operation.
2. Com bustion air intakes.
3. Gravity (nonmotorized) dampers are acceptable in buildings
less than 3 stories in height.
4. Gravity (nonmotorized) dampers are acceptable in exhaust
and relief outlets in the first story and levels below the first
story of buildings three or more stories in height.
1412.4.2 Optimum Start Controla: Heating and cooling systems with
design supply air capacities exceeding 10,000 cfm shall have optimum
start controls. Optimum start controls shall be designed to automatically
adjust the start time of an HVAC system each day to bring the space to
desired occupied temperature levels immediately before scheduled
occupancy. The control algorithm shall, as a minimum, be a function of the
difference between space temperature and occupied setpoint and the
am ount of tim e prior to scheduled occupancy.
1412.6 Heat Pump Controls: Unitary air cooled heat pumps shall include
microprocessor controls that minim Ize supplem ental heat usage during
start-up, set-up, and defrost conditions. These controls shall anticipate
need for heat and use com pression heating as the first stage of heat.
Controls shall Indicate when supplemental heating is being used through
visual means (e.g., LED indicators).
1412.6 Combuatlon Heating Equipment Controla: Combustion heating
equipment with a capacity over 225,000 Btulh shall have mOdulating or
staged combustion control.
1. Boilers.
2. Radiant Heaters.
a anc na: ac alrsuppy outetoralrorwatertermlna eVlce
shall have 8 means for balancing, including but not limited to, dampers,
temperature and pressure test connections and balancing valves.
1413 Air Eaonomlzers
1413.1 Operation: Air economizers shall be of automatically modulating
outside and return air dampers to provide 100 percent of the design supply
air as outside air to reduce or eliminate the need for mechanical cooling.
Water economizers shall be capable of providing the total concurrent
cooling load served by the conneted terminal equipment lacking airslde
economizer, at outside air temperatures of 450F dry-bulb/40oF wet-bulb
and below. For this calculation, all factors inclUding solar and internal load
shall be the same as those used for peak load calculations, except for the
outside temperatures.
Exaeptlon: Water economizers using air-cooled heat rejection
equipment may use a 3SoF dry-bulb outside alr tern perature for
this calculation. This exception is limited to a maximum of 20 tons
per building.
1413.2 Doaumentation: Water economizer plans submitted for approval
shall include the following information:
1. Maximum outside air conditions for which economizer is sized to
provide full cooling.
2. Design cooling load to be provided by economizer at this outside
air condition.
3. Heat rejection and terminal equipment performance data
including model number, flow rate, capacity, entering and leaving
temperature in full economizer cooling mode.
1413.3 Integrated Operation: Air econom izers shall be capable of
providing partial cooling even when additional mechanical cooling is
required to meet the remainder of the cooling load.
1. Individual, direct expansion units that have a rated capacity
less than 65,000 Btulh and use nonintegrated economlzer
controls that preclude slm ultaneou5 operation of the
economizer and mechanical cooling.
2. Water-cooled water chillers with waterside economizer.
1413.4 Humldlflaatlon: If an air economizer is required on a COOling
system for which humidification equipment is to be provided to maintain
minimum Indoor humidity levels, then the humidifier shall be of the
adiabatic type (direct evaporative media or fog atomization type).
1. Health care facilities where WAC 246-320-525 allows only
steam injection humidifiers in ductwork downstream offinal
filters. 1412.6 Combustion Heating Equipment Controls:
Combustion heating equipment with a capacity over 225,000
Btulh shall have modulating or staged combustion control.
2. Systems with water economizer
3. 100% outside air systems with no provisions for air
recirculation to the central supply fan.
4. Nonadiabatlc humidifiers cumulatively serving no more than
10% of a building's air economizer capacity as measured in
cfm. This refers to the system cfm serving rooms with stand
alone or duct mounted humidifiers.
1414 Duetlng System.
1414.1 Sealing: Duct work which is designed to operate at pressures
above 1/2 Inch water column static pressure shall be sealed in accordance
with Standard RS-18. Extent of sealing required Is as follows:
1. Static pressure: 112 inch to 2 inches; seal transverse joints.
2. Static pressure: 2 inches to 3 inches; seal all transverse joints
and longitudinal seams.
3. Static pressure: above 3 inches; seal all transverse joints,
longitudinal seams and duct wall penetrations.
Duct tape and other pressure sensitive tape shall not be used as the
primary sealant where ducts are designed to operate at static pressures of
1 Inch W.C. or greater.
1414.2 Insulatlan: Ducts and plenums that are constructed and function
as part of the building envelope, by separating ,interior space from exterior
space, shall meet all applicable requirements of Chapter 13. These
requirements include insulation installation, moisture control, air leakage,
and building envelope insulation levels. Unheated equipment rooms with
combustion air louvers must be isolated from the conditioned space by
insulating interior surfaces to a minimum of R-11 and any exterior
envelope surfaces per Chapter 13. Outside air ducts serving individual
supply air units with less than 2,800 cfm of total supply air capacity shall be
insulated to a minim um of R-7 and are not considered building envelope.
Other outside air duct runs are considered building envelope until they,
1. connect to the heating or cooling equipment, or
2. are isolated from the exterior with an automatic shut-off damper
complying with Section 1412.4.1.
Once outside air ducts meet the above listed requirements, any runs
within conditioned space shall comply with Table 14-5 requirements.
Other ducts and plenums shall be thermally Insulated per Table 14.5.
1. Within the HVAC equipment.
2. Exhaust air ducts not subject to condensation.
3. Exposed ductwork within a zone that serves that zone.
1415 Piping Systems
1416.1 Insulation: Piping shall be thermally Insulated In accordance with
Table 14-6.
Exception: Piping Installed within unitary HVAC equipment.
Water pipes outside the conditioned space shall be Insulated in
accordance with Washington State Plumbing Code rNAC 51-26)
1416 Completion Requirements (Refer fa NREC Section 1416 and fhe
Building Commissioning Guidelines, published by the BUilding
Commissioning Association, for complete text and guidelines for building
completion and commissioning requirements.)
2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Fonns
Revised May 2005
Project Info Project Address lOB Del Guzzi Drive Date 12/4/2006
Port Angeles, WA For Building Dept. Use
Building 2
Applicant Name: KT Development
Applicant Address: 510 Lakeway Drive, Bellingham, WA 9B225
Applicant Phone: 360-752-4299
Project Description
Briefly describe mechanical
system type and features.
iii Includes Plans
Drawings must contain notes requireing compliance with commissioning requirements - Section 1416
Compliance Option
. Simple System 0 Complex System 0 Systems Analysis
(See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications. Use separate MECH-SUM for simple & complex systems.)
Equipment Schedules
The following information is required to be incorporated with the mechanical equipment schedules on the
plans. For projects without plans, fill in the required information below.
Cooling Equipment Schedule
Equip. Capaci~ OSA CFM SEER
ID Brand Name1 Model No.1 Btulh Total CFM or Econo? or EER IPLV Location
Rf-3 Trane YSC072A,W,K 72 2100 Econo 10.20 - Roof
Heatin2 Equipment Schedule
Equip. Capaci~ OSA cfm
ID Brand Name1 Model No.1 Btulh Total CFM or Econo? Input Btuh Output Btuh Efficiencv4
Rf-3 Trane YSC072A,W,K 80 2100 Econo 72 65 81.000
Fan Equipment Schedule
Equip. Flow ControP
ID Brand Name1 Model No.1 CFM SP1 HP/BHP Location of Service
llf available. 2 As tested according to Table 14-1A through 14-1G. 3 If required. 4 COP, HSPF, Combustion Efficiency, or AFUE, as
applicable. 5 Flow control types: variable air volume(VAV), constant volume (CV), or variable speed (VS).
System Description If Heating/Cooling [] Constant vol? [] Air cooled? iii Packaged sys? [] <20,000 Btuh?
See Section 1421 for full description or Cooling Only: [] Split system? [] Economizer included?
of Simple System qualifications. If Heating Only: [] <5000 cfm? [] <70% outside air?
Decision Flowchart
Use this flowchart to determine if project qualifies for Simple System Option. If not, either the
Complex System or Systems Analysis Options must be used.
or Cooling Only
Heating Only Section 1421
Simple System
(section 1420)
Use Complex
(section 1430)
Complex Systems
Refer to MECH-COMP Mechanical Complex Systems for assistance in determining which
Complex Systems requirements are applicable to this project.
2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form
Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH-CHK
2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Revised Mey 2005
Project Address 108 Del Guzzi Drive Date 12/4/2006
The following information is necessary to check a mechanical permit application for compliance with the mechanical requirements in the
Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code.
Applicability Code Location Building Department
(yes, no, n.a.) Section Component Information Required on Plans Notes
HVAC REQUIREMENTS (Sections 1401-1424)
1411 Equipment performance
1411.4 Pkg. elec. htg.& clg. List heat pumps on schedule
1411.1 Minimum efficiency Equipment schedule with type, capacity, efficiency
1411.1 Combustion htg. Indicate intermittent ignition, flue/draft damper & jacket loss
1412 HVAC controls
1412.1 Temperature zones Indicate locations on plans
1412.2 Deadband control Indicate 5 degree deadband minimum
1412.3 Humidity control Indicate humidistat
1412.4 Automatic setback Indicate thermostat with night setback and 7 diff. day types
1412.4.1 Dampers Indicate damper location and auto. controls & max. leakage
1412.4.2 Optimum Start Indicate optimum start controls
1412.5 Heat pump control Indicate microprocessor on thermostat schedule
1412.6 Combustion htg. Indicate modulating or staged control
1412.7 Balancing Indicate balancing features on plans
1422 Thermostat interlock Indicate thermostat interlock on plans
1423 Economizers Equipment schedule
1413 Air economizers
1413.1 Air Econo Operation Indicate 100% capability on schedule
1413.1 Wlr Econo Operation Indicate 100% capacity at 45 degF db & 40 deg F wb
1413.2 Water Econo Doc Indicate clg load & water econoe & c1g tower performance
1413.3 Integrated operation Indicate capability for partial cooling
1413.4 Humidification Indicate direct evap or fog atomization w/ air economizer
1414 Ductlng systems
1414.1 Duct sealing Indicate sealing necessary
1414.2 Duct insulation Indicate R-value of insulation on duct
1415.1 Piping insulation Indicate R-value of insulation on piping
1416 ...ompletlon Requirements
1416.1&2 Drawings & Manuals Indicate requirement for record drawings and operation docs.
1416.3.2 Air Balancing Indicate air system balance requirements
1416.3.3 Hydronic Balancing Indicate hydronic system balance requirements
1416.4 Commissioning Indicate requirements for commissioning and prelim. Report
1424 Separate air sys. Indicate separate systems on plans
Mechanical Completed and attached. Equipment schedule with types,
Summary Form input/output, efficiency, cfm, hp, economizer
V1 rAI IINu AND MC, ~I...... ectlons 1440-1454;
1440 Service water htg.
1441 Elec. water heater Indicate R-10 insulation under tank
1442 Shut-off controls Indicate automatic shut-off
1443 Pipe Insulation Indicate R-value of insulation on piping
1452 Heat Pump COP Indicate minimum COP of 4.0
1452 Heater Efficiency Indicate pool heater efficiency
1453 Pool heater controls Indicate switch and 65 degree control
1454 Pool covers Indicate vapor retardant cover
1454 Pools 90+ degrees Indicate R-12 pool cover
IT no IS ClrClea Tor an UeStlOn, rovlae ex )Ianatlon:
2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form
Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH-CHK
Mechanical - General Requirements
1411.1 General: Equipment shall have a minimum performance at the
specified rating conditions not less than the values shown In Table 14-1A
through 14..1 G. If a nationally recognized certification program exists for a
product covered in Tables 14-1A through 14-1G, and it includes provisions
for verification and challenge of equipment efficiency ratings, then the
product shall be listed in the certification program.
Gas-fired and oil-fired forced air furnaces with input fatings.::. 225,000
Btuth (65 kW) shall also have an intermittent Ignition or Interrupted device
(110), and have either mechanical draft (including power venting) or a flue
damper. A vent damper is an acceptable alternative to a flue damper for
furnaces where combustion air is drawn from the conditioned space. All
furnaces with input ratings ~ 225,000 Btu/h (65 kW), including electric
furnaces, that are not located within the conditioned space shall have
jacket losses not exceeding 0.75% of the input rating.
1411.2 Rating Condltlona: COOling equipment shall be rated at ARI test
conditions and procedures when available. Where no applicable
procedures exist, data shall be furnished by the equipment manufacturer.
1411.3 Combination Space and Service Water Heating: For
combination space and service water heaters with a principal function of
providing space heat, the Combined Annual Efficiency (CAE) may be
calculated by using ASHRAE Standard 124-1991. Storage water heaters
used in combination space heat and water heat applications shall have
either an Energy FActor (EF) or a CAE of not less than the following:
< 50 aal storaae 0.5B 0.71
50 to 70 aal storage 0.57 0.71
> 70 oa' storaoe 0,55 0.70
1411.4 Packaged Electric Heating and COOling Equipment: Packaged
electric equipment providing both heating and COOling with a total cooling
capacity greater than 20,000 Btulh shall be a heat pump,
Exception: Un staffed equipment shaelters or cabinets used
solely for personal wireless service facilities.
1412 Controls
1412.1 Temperature Controls: Each system shall be provided with at
least one temperature control device. Each zone shall be controlled by
individual thermostatic controls responding to temperature within the zone.
At a minimum, each 1Ioorofa building shall be considered as a separate
1412.2 Deadband Control.: When used to control both comfort heating
and cooling, zone thermostatic controls shall be capable of a deadband of
at least 5 degrees F within which the supply of heating and cooling energy
to the zone is shut off or reduced to a minim um.
1. Special occupancy, special usage, or code requirements
where deadband controls are not appropriate.
2, Buildings complying with Section 1141,4, If in the proposed
building energy analysis, heating and cooling thermostat
setpoints are set to the same temperature between 70
degrees F and 75 degrees F inclusive, and assumed to be
constant throughout the year.
3. Thermostats that require manual changeover between
heating and cooling modes.
1412.3 Humidity Controls: If a system is equipped with a means for
adding moisture, a humidistat shall be provided.
1412.4 Setback and Shut-O": HVAC systems shall be equipped with
automatic controls capable of accomplishing a reduction of energy use
through control setback or equipment shutdown during periods of non-use
or alternate use of the spaces served by the system. The automatic
controls shall have a minimum seven-day clock and be capable of being
set for seven different day types per week.
1. Systems serving areas which require continuous operation at
the same temperature setpoint.
2, Equipment with full load demands of 2 kW (6,826 Btu/h) or
less may be controlled by readily accessible manual off-hour
1412.4.1 Damper.: Outside air intakes, exhaust outlets and relief outlets
serving conditioned spaces shall be equipped with dampers which close
automatically when the system is off or upon power failure.
1. Systems serving areas which require continuous operation.
2. Combustion air intakes.
3. Gravity (nonmotorized) dampers are acceptable in buildings
less than 3 stories in height.
4. Gravity (nonmotorized) dampers are acceptable in exhaust
and relief outlets in the first story and levels below the first
story of buildings three or more stories in height.
1412.4.2 Optimum Start Control.: Heating and cooling systems with
design supply air capaCities exceeding 10,000 cfm shall have optimum
start controls. Optimum start controls shall be designed to automatically
adjust the start time of an HVAC system each day to bring the space to
desired occupied temperature levels immediately before scheduled
occupancy. The control algorithm shall, as a minimum, be a function of the
difference between space temperature and occupied setpoint and the
amount of time priorto scheduled occupancy.
1412.5 Helt Pump Cantrall: Unitary air cooled heat pumps shall include
microprocessor controls that minimize supplemental heat usage during
start-up, set-up, and defrost conditions. These controls shall anticipate
need for heat and use compression heating as the first stage of heat.
Controls shall Indicate when supplemental heating is being used through
visual means (e.g., LED indicators).
1412.6 Combustion Heating Equipment Control.: Combustion heating
equipment with a capacity over 225,000 Btuth shall have modulating or
staged combustion control.
1. Boilers.
2. Radiant Heaters.
. anc ng: ac air supp y out et or air or water termlna eVlce
shall have a means for balancing, including but not limited to, dam pers,
temperature and pressure test connections and balancing valves.
1413 Air Economizers
1413.1 Operation: Air economizers shall be of automatically modulating
outside and return air dampers to provide 100 percent of the design supply
air as outside air to reduce or eliminate the need for mechanical cooling.
Water economizers shall be capable of providing the total concurrent
cooling load served by the conneted terminal equipment lacking airside
economizer, at outside air temperatures of 450F dry..bulb/40oF wet-bulb
and below, For this calculation, all factors inCluding solar and Intemalload
shall be the same as those used for peak load calculations, except for the
outside temperatures.
Exception: Water economizers using air-cooled heat rejection
equipment may use a 350F dry-bulb outside air temperature for
this calculation. This exception is limited to a maximum of 20 tons
p.r building,
1413.2 Dooumentatlon: Water economizer plans submitted for approval
shall include the following inform ation:
1. Maximum outside air conditions for which economizer is sized to
provide full cooling.
2. Design COOling load to be provided by economizer at this outside
air condition.
3. Heat rejection and terminal equipment performance data
Including model number, flow rate, capacity, entering and leaving
tem perature in full econom izer cooling mode.
1413.3 Integrated Operation: Air economizers shall be capable of
providing partial cooling even when additional mechanical cooling is
required to meet the remainder of the cooling load.
1. Individual, direct expansion units that have a rated capacity
less than 65,000 BtuJh and use nonintegrated economizer
controls that preclude simultaneous operation of the
economizer and mechanical cooling.
2. Water-cooled water chillers with waterside econom izer.
1413.4 Humidification: If an air economizer is required on a cooling
system for which humidification equipment is to be provided to maintain
minimum indoor humidity levels, then the humidifier shall be of the
adiabatic type (direct evaporative media or fog atomization type).
,. Health care facilities where WAC 246-320-525 allows only
steam injection humidifiers In ductwork downstream offinal
filters. 1412.6 Combustion Heating Equipment Controls:
Combustion heating equipment with a capacity over 225,000
Btuth shall have modulating or staged combustion control.
2. System s with water economizer
3. 100% outside air systems with no provisions for air
recirculation to the central supply fan.
4. Nonadiabatic humidifiers cumulatively serving no more than
10% of a building's air economizer capacity as measured in
cfm. This refers to the system cfm serving rooms with stand
alone or duct mounted humidifiers.
1414 Ouctlng Systems
1414.1 Sealing: Duct work which is designed to operate at pressures
above 1/2 inch water column static pressure shall be sealed in accordance
with Standard RS..18. Extent of sealing required is as follows:
1. Static pressure: 1/2 inch to 2 inches; seal transverse joints.
2. Static pressure: 2 inches to 3 inches; seal all transverse joints
and longitudinal seams.
3. Static pressure: above 3 inches; seal all transverse joints,
longitudinal seams and duct wall penetrations.
Duct tape and other pressure sensitive tape shall not be used as the
primary sealant where ducts are designed to operate at statlc pressures of
1 inch W.C. or greater.
1414.2 Insulation: Ducts and plenums that are constructed and function
as part of the building envelope, by separating interior space from exterior
space, shall meet all applicable requirements of Chapter 13. These
requirements include insulation installation, moisture control, air leakage,
and building envelope insulation levels. Unheated equipment rooms with
combustion air louvers must be isolated from the conditioned space by
insulating interior surfaces to a minimum of R-11 and any exterior
envelope surfaces per Chapter 13. Outside air ducts serving individual
supply air units with less than 2,800 cfm of total supply air capacity shall be
insulated to a minimum of R-7 and are not considered building envelope.
Other outside air duct runs are considered building envelope until they,
1. connect to the heating or cooling equipment, or
2. are isolated from the exterior with an automatic shut-off damper
complying with Section 1412.4.1.
Once outside air ducts meet the above listed requirements, any runs
within conditioned space shall comply with Table 14-5 requirements.
Other ducts and plenums shall be thermally insulated per Table 14-5.
1. Within the HVAC equipment.
2. Exhaust air ducts not subject to condensation.
3. Exposed ductwork within 8 zone that serves that zone.
1415 Piping Systema
1416.1 Insulation: Piping shall be thermally insulated in accordance with
Table 14-6,
Exception: Piping installed within unitary HVAC equipment.
Water pipes outside the conditioned space shall be insulated in
accordance with Washington State Plumbing Code 0NAC 51-26)
1416 Completion Requirements (Refer to NREC Section 1416 and the
Building Commissioning Guidelines, published by the Building
CommiSSioning Association, for complete text and guidelines for building
completion end commissioning requirements.)
General Data
Table 1.
General Data - 3-4 Tons
3 Tons 4 Tons
T /YSC036A3,4,W T /YSC048A3,4, W
Cooling Performance(l)
Gross Cooling Capacity 37,400 49,200
SEER(ii) 10.7 10.0
Nominal CFM / ARI Rated CFM 1,200/1,200 1,600/1,600
ARI Net Cooling Capacity 36,000 47,000
Integrated Part Load Value(iii) - -
System Power (kW) 3.79 5.40
Number/Type l/Hermetic l/Scroll
Outdoor Sound Rating (dB)(iv) 83 82
Outdoor Coil
Type Lanced Lanced
Tube Size (in.) 0.3125 0.3125
Face Area (sq. ft.) 7.19 9.59
Rows/FPI 2/17 1/17
Indoor Coil
Type Lanced Lanced
Tube Size (in.) 0.3125 0.3125
Face Area (sq. ft.) 5.67 6.17
Rows/FPI 2/16 3/16
Refrigerant Control Short Orifice Short Orifice
Drain Connection Number/Size (in.) 1'!4 NPT 13/4 NPT
Outdoor Fan
Type Propeller Propeller
Number Used/Diameter (in.) 1/22 1/22
Drive Type/No. Speeds Direct/l Direct/l
CFM 2,550 3,610
Number Motors/HP 1/0.20 1/0.33
Motor RPM 1,075 1,075
Direct Drive Indoor Fan
Type FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal
Number Used/Diameter (in.) 1/10xl0 l/11xll
Drive Type/Number Speeds Di rect/2 Direct/2
Number Motors 1 1
Motor HP (Standard/Oversized) 0.33/0.50 0.60/0.80
Motor RPM(v) (Standard/Oversized) 930/1,100 1,000/1,100
Motor Frame Size (Standard/Oversized) 48/48 48/48
Belt Drive Indoor Fan
Type FC Centrifugal -
Number Used/Diameter (in.) l/llxll l/11xll
Drive Type/Number SpeedS Belt/Variable Sheave -
Number Motors 1 1
Motor HP (Standard/Oversized) 1.00/- 1.00/-
Motor RPM (Standard/Oversized) 1,750/- 1,750/-
Motor Frame Size (Standard/Oversized) 56/- 56/-
Type Furnished Throwaway Throwaway
Number Size Recommended(vii) (2) 20x25xl (2) 20x25xl
Refrigerant Charge (vIII)
Pounds of R-22 3.8 3.8
General Data
(3,4 Tons Standard Efficiency)
Table 1.
(continued) General Data - 3-4 Tons
3 Tons 4 Tons
Heating Performance(lx)
(Gas/Electric Only)
Heating Input
Low Heat Input (Btu) 60,000 60,000
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 80,000 80,000
High Heat Input (Btu) 120,000 120,000
Heating Output
Low Heat Input (Btu) 48,000 48,000
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 64,000 64,000
High Heat Input (Btu) 96,000 96,000
Low Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
High Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
Steady State Efficiency%
Low Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
High Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
No. Burners
Low Heat Input (Btu) 2 2
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 2 2
High Heat Input (Btu) 3 3
No. Stages
Low Heat Input (Btu) 1 1
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 1 1
High Heat Input (Btu) 1 1
Gas Supply Line Pressure
Natural (minimum/maximum) 4.5/14.0 4.5/14.0
LP (minimum/maximum) 10.0/14.0 10.0/14.0
Gas Connection Pipe Size (in.)
Low Heat 1/2 1/2
Mid Heat 1/2 1/2
High Heat 1/2 1/2
(i) Cooling Performance is rated at 95 F ambient, 80 F entering dry bulb, 67 F entering wet bulb. Gross
capacity does not include the effect of fan motor heat. ARI capacity is net and includes the effect
of fan motor heat. Units are suitable for operation to ,,20% of nominal cfm. Units are certified in
accordance with the Unitary Air-Conditioner Equipment certification program, which is based on
ARI Standard 210/240 except AK (380V/60 Hz).
(ii) EER and/or SEER are rated at ARI conditions and in accordance with DOE test procedures.
(iii) Integrated Part Load Value is rated in accordance with ARI Standard 210/240 or 360. Units are
rated at 800 F ambient, 800 F entering dry bulb, and 670 F entering wet bulb at ARI rated cfm.
(iv) Outdoor Sound Rating shown is tested in accordance with ARI Standard 270. For additional infor-
mation refer to Table 105.
(v) T/YSC036A,3,4,W motor RPM shown is low speed. High speed RPM is 1,060/1,145.
(vi) Optional 2" pleated filters also available.
(vii) 20 x 25 filter on medium and low heat models. 20 x 30 filter on high heat models.
(viii) Refrigerant charge is an approximate value. For a more precise value, see unit nameplate and ser-
vice instructions.
(ix) Heating Performance limit settings and rating data were established and approved under labora-
tory test conditions using American National Standards Institute standards. Ratings shown are for
elevations up to 2000 feet. For elevations above 2000 feet, ratings should be reduced at the rate
of 4% for each 1000 feet above sea level. Applicable to Gas/Electric units only.
(x) AFUE is rated in accordance with DOE test procedures.
General Data
(5,6 Tons Standard Efficiency)
Table 2.
(continued) General Data - 5.6Tons
5 Tons 6 Tons
Heating Performance(xv)
(Gas/Electric Only)
Heating Input(xvl)
Low Heat Input (Btu) 60,000 80,000
Mid(xvii) Heat Input (Btu) 80,000 120,000/84,000
High Heat Input (Btu) 130,000 150,000/105,000
Heating Output(xvlII)
Low Heat Input (Btu) 48,000 64,800
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 64,000 97,200/68,000
High Heat Input (Btu) 104,000 121,500
Low Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
High Heat Input (Btu) 80 81
Steady State EfficiencyOfo
Low Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
High Heat Input (Btu) 80 81
No. Burners
Low Heat Input (Btu) 2 2
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 2 2
High Heat Input (Btu) 3 3
No. Stages
Low Heat Input (Btu) 1 1
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 1 1
High Heat Input (Btu) 1 2
Gas Supply Line Pressure
Natural (minimum/maximum) 4.5/14.0 4.5/14.0
LP (minimum/maximum) 10.0/14.0 10.0/14.0
Gas Connection Pipe Size (in)
Low Heat 1/2 1/2
Mid Heat 1/2 1/2
High Heat 1/2 3/4
(i) Cooling Performance is rated at 95 F ambient, 80 F entering dry bulb, 67 F entering wet bulb. Gross capaCity does
not include the effect of fan motor heat. ARI capacity is net and includes the effect of fan motor heat. Units are suit-
able for operation to %20% of nominal cfm. Units are certified in accordance with the Unitary Air-Conditioner Equip-
ment certification program, which is based on ARI Standard 210/240 except AK (380V/60 Hz).
(ii) EER and/or SEER are rated at ARI conditions and in accordance with DOE test procedures.
(iii) Integrated Part Load Value is rated in accordance with ARI Standard 210/240 or 360. Units are rated at BOO F am-
bient, BOO F entering dry bulb, and 670 F entering wet bulb at ARI rated cfm.
(iv) YSC072A when used in a horizontal application has an EER of 10.1 and System Power (kW) of 6.83.
(v) Outdoor Sound Rating shown is tested in accordance with ARI Standard 270. For additional information refer to
Table 105.
(vi) Outdoor motor is 0.40 hp for AK (380V/60 Hz) units.
(vii) Outdoor motor is 0.75 hp for AK (380V/60 Hz) units.
(vlii)YSC060A3,4,W Oversized Motor and YSC060AK Standard Motor Fan Diameter is 12 x 11.
(ix) Motor RPM shown is low speed. High speed RPM is 1100/1135. 10. Filter size shown is for low and medium heat
models. High heat model filter size recommended is 20 x 30 x 1.
(x) Standard Motor is 1.00 hp for YSC060AK (3BOV/60 Hz) units.
(xl) Standard Motor is 2.00 hp for the YSC072AK (3BOV/60 Hz) units.
(xii) Optional 2" pleated filters also available.
(xlii) Filter size shown for TjYSC060A3,4,W,K is for low and medium heat models. High heat model filter size recommend-
ed is 20 x 30 x 1.
(xiv) Refrigerant charge is an approximate value. For a more precise value, see unit nameplate and service instructions.
(xv) Heating Performance limit settings and rating data were established and approved under laboratory test conditions
using American National Standards Institute standards. Ratings shown are for elevations up to 2000 feet. For eleva-
tions above 2000 feet, ratings should be reduced at the rate of 4% for each 1000 feet above sea level. Applicable to
Gas/Electric units only.
(xvi}Second stage/first stage if applicable.
(xvii)Medium heat is not available for AK (380V/60 Hz) units.
(xviii)Second stage/first stage if applicable.
(xix)AFUE is rated in accordance with DOE test procedures.
. '
General Data
(5,6 Tons Standard Efficiency)
Table 2.
General Data - 5-6Tons
5 Tons 6 Tons
T /YSC060A3,4,W,K T /YSC072A3,4,W,K
Cooling Performance(l)
Gross Cooling Capacity 63,100 72,000
SEER/EER(ii) 10.20/- 10.3/10.2Civ)
Nominal CFM / ARI Rated CFM 2,000/2,000 2,400/2,100
ARI Net Cooling Capacity 60,000 69,000
Integrated Part Load ValueCill) - -
System Power (kW) 6.78 6.77
Number/Type l/Scroll l/Scroll
Outdoor Sound Rating (dB)Cv) 84 88
Outdoor Coil
Type Lanced Lanced
Tube Size (in.) 0.3125 0.3125
Face Area (sq. ft.) 8.81 13.88
Rows/FPI 2/17 2/17
Indoor Coil
Type Lanced Lanced
Tube Size (in.) 0.3125 0.3125
Face Area (sq. ft.) 5.00 9.89
Rows/FPI 3/16 2/16
Refrigerant Control Short Orifice Short Orifice
Drain Connection Number/Size (in.) 1'/. NPT 10/. NPT
Outdoor Fan
Type Propeller Propeller
Number Used/Diameter (in.) 1/22 1/26
Drive Type/No. Speeds Direct/1 Direct/1
CFM 3,470 6,100
Number Motors/HP 1/0.33(vi) 1/0.70(vii)
Motor RPM 1,075 1,075
Direct Drive Indoor Fan
Type FC Centrifugal -
Number Used/Diameter (in.)Cviii) 1/11x11 -
Drive Type/Number Speeds Di rect/2 -
Number Motors 1 -
Motor HP (Standard/Oversized) 0.90/1. OOCx) -
Motor RPMClx) (Standard/Oversized) 985/1,080 -
Motor Frame Size (Standard/Oversized) 48/48 -
Belt Drive Indoor Fan
Type FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal
Number Used/Diameter (in.) l/11xll 1/12x12
Drive Type/Number Speeds Belt/Variable Sheave Belt/Variable Sheave
Number Motors 1 1
Motor HP (Standard/Oversized) 1.00/- 1.00/2.00Cxi)
Motor RPM (Standard/Oversized) 1,750/- 1,750/1,750
Motor Frame Size (Standard/Oversized) 48/- 56/56
Type Furnished Throwaway Throwaway
Number Size Recommended(xiii) (2) 20x25x1 (4) 16x25x2
Refrigerant Cha~e
(Lbs. of R-22)(xlv
Pounds of R-22 4.9 7.1
, ,
General Data
(7%,8% Tons Standard Efficiency)
Table 3.
General Data -7'12-8'12 Tons
7'h Tons 8'h Tons
T /YSC090A3,4W,K T /YSC092A3,4,W(I) T /YSC102A3,4,W ,K(II)
Single Compressor Dual Compressor
Cooling Performance(lII)
Gross Cooling Capacity 95,000 92,000 105,000
SEER/EER(iv) 10.3/10.1 10.4/10.3 10.3/10.1
Nominal CFM / ARI Rated CFM 3,000/2,625 3,000/2,625 3,400/3,000
ARI Net Cooling Capacity 90,000 87,000 100,000
Integrated Part Load Value(v) - 11.0 11.8
System Power (kW) 8.91 8.37 9.9
Number{Type l/Scroll 2/Scrolls 2/Scrolls
Outdoor Sound Rating (dB)(vi) 90 87 86
Outdoor Coil
Type Lanced Lanced Lanced
Tube Size (in.) 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125
Face Area (sq. ft.) 17.0 17.0 19.83
Rows/FPI 3/17 2/17 2/17
Indoor Coil
Type Lanced Lanced Lanced
Tube Size (in.) 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125
Face Area (sq. ft.) 9.89 9.89 12.36
Rows/FPI 3/16 3/16 3/16
Refrigerant Control Short Orifice Short Orifice Short Orifice
Drain Connection Number/Size (in.) 1'14 NPT P/4 N PT P/4 NPT
Outdoor Fan
Type Propeller Propeller Propeller
Number Used/Diameter (in.) 1/26 1/26 1/26
Drive Type/No. Speeds Direct/1 Direct/1 Direct/1
CFM 6,200 6,500 7,100
Number Motors/HP 1/0.70(vii) 1/0.70 1/0.75
Motor RPM 1,075 1,075 1,075
Belt Drive Indoor Fan
Type FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal
Number Used/Diameter (in.) 1/12x12 1/12x12 1/15x15
Drive Type/Number Speeds Belt/Variable Sheave Belt/Variable Sheave Belt/Variable Sheave
Number Motors 1 1 1
Motor HP (Standard/Oversized) 2.00/3.00 2.00/3.00 2.00/3.00
Motor RPM (Standard/Oversized) 1,750/1,750 1,750/1,750 1,750/1,750
Motor Frame Size (Standard/Oversized) 56/56 56/56 56/56
Type Furnished Throwaway Throwaway Throwaway
Number Size Recommended (4) 16x25x2 (4) 16x25x2 (4 )20x25x2
Refrigerant Charge
(Lbs. of R-22}(lx)
Pounds of R-22 11.9 6.2 Circuit 1/3.4 Circuit 2 7.9 Circuit 1/4.0 Circuit 2
~ O~.- {-Z-L?2-
2004 Washington Stale Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms
Re .sed Ma 2005
IlL- Vl y
Project Info Project Address ~Del Guzzi Drive Date 12/4/2006
Port Angeles, WA For Building Dept. Use
Building 1
Applicant Name: KT Developmant
Applicant Address: 510 Lakeway Drive, Bellingham, WA 98225
Applicant Phone: 360-752-4299
Project Description
Briefly describe mechanical
system type and features.
Packaged heat / cool units separate for each lessee space
iii Includes Plans
Drawings must contain notes requireing compliance with commissioning requirements - Section 1416
Compliance Option
. Simple System 0 Complex System 0 Systems Analysis
(See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications. Use separate MECH-SUM for simple & complex systems.)
Equipment Schedules
The following information is required to be incorporated with the mechanical equipment schedules on the
plans. For projects without plans, fill in the required information below.
Cooline; Equipment Schedule
Equip. Capaci!l OSA CFM SEER
ID Brand Name' Model No.' Btuth Total CFM or Econo? orEER IPLV Location
Rf-l '1'rane YSC048A, 3,4, W 49 1600 Econo 10.00 - Roof
Rf-2 Trane YSC092A,3,4,W 92 3400 Econo 10.10 11.80 Roof
Heatine; Equipment Schedule
Equip. Capaci!l OSA cfm
ID Brand Name' Model No.' Btuth Total CFM or Econo? Input Btu h Output Btuh Efficiencv4
Rf-l Trans YSC048A3, 4, W 60 1500 Econo 60 48 81.000
Rf-2 Trane YSC092A3,4,W 84 3000 Econo 84 98 81.000
Fan Equipment Schedule
Equip. Flow Controf
ID Brand Name' Model No.1 CFM SP' HPtBHP Location of Service
1'f available. 2 As tested according to Table 14-1A through 14-1G. 3'f required. 4 COP, HSPF, Combustion Efficiency, or AFUE, as
applicable. 5 Flow control types: variable air volume(VAV), constant volume (CV), or variable speed (VS).
System Description If Heating/Cooling C Constant vol? C Air cooled? iii Packaged sys? C <20,000 Btuh?
See Section 1421 for full description or.Cooling Only: C Split system? C Economizer included?
of Simple System qualifications. If Heating Only: C <5000 cfm? C <70% outside air?
Decision Flowchart
Use this flowchart to determine if project qualifies for Simple System Option. If not, either the
Complex System or Systems Analysis Options must be used.
or Cooling Only
Heating Only Section 1421
Complex Systems
Simple System
(section 1420)
Use Complex
(section 1430)
Refer to MECH-COMP Mechanical Complex Systems for assistance in determining which
Complex Systems requirements are applicable to this project.
2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form
Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH-CHK
2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Revised May 2005
Project Address lOB Del Guzzi Drive Date 12/4/2006
The following information is necessary to check a mechanical permit application for compliance with the mechanical requirements in the
Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code.
Applicability Code Location Building Department
(yes, no, n.a.) Section Component Information Required on Plans Notes
HVAC REQUIREMENTS (Sections 1401-1424)
1411 Equipment performance
.a. 1411.4 Pkg. elec. htg.& clg. List heat pumps on schedule
yes 1411.1 Minimum efficiency Equipment schedule with type, capacity, efficiency
yes 1411.1 Combustion htg. Indicate intermittent ignition, flue/draft damper & jacket loss
1412 HVAC controls
yes 1412.1 Temperature zones Indicate locations on plans
yes 1412.2 Deadband control Indicate 5 degree dead band minimum
.a. 1412.3 Humidity control Indicate humidistat
yes 1412.4 Automatic setback Indicate thermostat with night setback and 7 ditto day types
.a. 1412.4.1 Dampers Indicate damper location and auto. controls & max. leakage
.a. 1412.4.2 Optimum Start Indicate optimum start controls
.a. 1412.5 Heat pump control Indicate microprocessor on thermostat schedule
.a. 1412.6 Combustion htg. Indicate modulating or staged control
yes 1412.7 Balancing Indicate balancing features on plans
.a. 1422 Thermostat interlock Indicate thermostat interlock on plans
yes 1423 Economizers Equipment schedule
1413 Air economizers
yes 1413.1 Air Econo Operation Indicate 100% capability on schedule
.a. 1413.1 WCr Econo Operation Indicate 100% capacity at 45 degF db & 40 deg F wb
.a. 1413.2 Water Econo Doc Indicate clg load & water econoe & clg tower performance
.a. 1413.3 Integrated operation Indicate capability for partial cooling
.a. 1413.4 Humidification Indicate direct evap or fog atomization w/ air economizer
1414 Ductlng systems
yes 1414.1 Duct sealing Indicate sealing necessary
yes 1414.2 Duct insulation Indicate R-value of insulation on duct
.a. 1415.1 Piping insulation Indicate R-value of insulation on piping
1416 ...ompletlon ReqUirements
yes 1416.1&2 Drawings & Manuals Indicate requirement for record drawings and operation docs.
yes 1416.3.2 Air Balancing Indicate air system balance requirements
.a. 1416.3.3 Hydronic Balancing Indicate hydronic system balance requirements
.a. 1416.4 Commissioning Indicate requirements for commissioning and prelim. Report
.a. 1424 Separate air sys. Indicate separate systems on plans
yes Mechanical Completed and attached. Equipment schedule with types,
Summary Form input/output, efficiency, cfm, hp, economizer
AND POOLS (Sections 1440-1454:
1440 Service water htg.
yes 1441 Elec. water heater Indicate R-10 insulation under tank
.a. 1442 Shut-off controls Indicate automatic shut-off
yes 1443 Pipe Insulation Indicate R-value of insulation on piping
.a. 1452 Heat Pump COP Indicate minimum COP of 4.0
.a. 1452 Heater Efficiency Indicate pool heater efficiency
.a. 1453 Pool heater controls Indicate switch and 65 degree control
p.a. 1454 Pool covers Indicate vapor retardant cover
r..a. 1454 Pools 90+ degrees Indicate R-12 pool cover
IT no IS ClrClea Tor an uestlon rovlae ex lIanallon:
2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form
Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH-CHK
Mechanical. General Requirements
1411.1 Gener.l: Equipment shall have 8 minimum performance at the
specified rating conditions not less than the values shown in Table 14-1A
through 14-1G. If B nationally recognized certification program exists for a
product covered in Tables 14-1A through 14-1 G, and it includes provisions
for verification and challenge of equipment efficiency ratings, then the
product shall be listed In the certification program.
Gas-fired and oil-fired forced air furnaces with input ratings.::.. 225,000
Btu/h (65 kW) shall also have an intermittent Ignition or interrupted device
(110), and have either mechanical draft (including power venting) or a flue
damper. A vent damper \s an acceptable alternative to a flue damper for
furnaces where combustion air Is drawn from the conditioned space. All
furnaces with input ratings ~ 225,000 Btu/h (65 kW), including electric
furnaces, that are not located within the conditioned space shall have
jacket losses not exceeding 0.75% of the input rating.
1411.2 Rating Condltlona: Cooling equipment shall be rated at ARI test
conditions and procedures when available. Where no applicable
procedures exist, data shall be furnished by the equipment manufacturer.
1411.3 Combination Spaca and Service Water Heating: For
combination space and service water heaters with a principal function of
prOViding space heat, the Combined Annual Efficiency (CAE) may be
calculated by USing ASHRAE Standard 124-1991, Storage water heaters
used in combination space heat and water heat applications shall have
either an Energy FActor (EF) or a CAE of not less than the following:
< 50 gal storaae 0.58 0.71
50 to 70 gal storage 0.57 0.71
> 70 gal storage 0.55 0.70
1411.4 Packagad Electric Haatlngand Cooling Equlpmant: Packaged
electric equipment providing both heating and cooling with a total cooling
capacity greater than 20,000 Btu/h shall be a heat pump.
Exception: Un staffed equipment shaelters or cabinets used
SOlely for personal wireless service facilities.
1412 Controla
1412.1 Temperatura Controla: Each system shall be provided with at
least one tem perature control device. Each zone shall be controlled by
Individual thermostatic controls responding to temperature within the zone.
At a minimum, each floor of a building shall be considered as a separate
1412.2 D.adband Controla: When used to control both comfort heating
and cooling, zone thermostatic controls shall be capable of a dead band of
at least 5 degrees F within which the supply of heating and cooling energy
to the zone Is shut off or reduced to a minim um.
Exception. :
1. Special occupancy, special usage, or code requirements
where deadband controls are not appropriate.
2. Buildings complying with Section 1141.4, if in the proposed
building energy analysis, heating and cooling thermostat
setpoints are set to the same temperature between 70
degrees F and 75 degrees F inclusive, and assumed to be
constant throughout the year.
3. Thermostats that require manual changeover between
heating and COOling modes.
1412.3 Humidity Control.: If a system is equipped with a means for
adding moisture, a humidistat shall be provided.
1412.4 Setback and Shut-O": HVAC systems shall be equipped with
automatic controls capable of accomplishing a reduction of energy use
through control setback or equipment shutdown during periods of non-use
or alternate use of the spaces served by the system. The automatic
controls shall have a minimum seven-day clock and be capable of being
set for seven different day types per week.
1. Systems serving areas which require continuous operation at
the same temperature setpoint.
2. Equipment with lull load demands of 2 kW (6,826 Btu/h) or
less may be controlled by readily accessible manual off-hour
1412.4.1 Dampers: Outside air intakes, exhaust outlets and relief outlets
serving conditioned spaces shall be equipped with dampers which close
automatically when the system is off or upon power failure.
1. Systems serving areas which require continuous operation.
2. Combustion air intakes.
3. Gravity (nonmotorized) dampers are acceptable in buildings
less than 3 stories in height.
4. Gravity (nonmotorized) dampers are acceptable in exhaust
and relief outlets in the first story and levels below the first
story of buildings three or more stories in height.
1412.4.2 Optimum Start Controls: Heating and cooling systems with
design supply air capacities exceeding 10,000 cfm shall have optimum
start controls. Optimum start controls shall be designed to automatically
adjust the start time of an HVAC system each day to bring the space to
desired occupied temperature levels immediately before scheduled
occupancy. The control algorithm shall, as a minimum, be a function of the
difference between space temperature and occupied setpoint and the
amount oftime priorto scheduled occupancy.
1412.5 Heat Pump Controls: Unitary air cooled heat pumps shall include
microprocessor controls that minim ize supplem ental heat usage during
start-up, set-up, and defrost conditions. These controls shall anticipate
need for heat and use com pression heating as the first stage of heat.
Controls shall indicate when supplemental heating is being used through
visual means (e.g., LED indicators).
1412.S Combustion Heating Equipment Controls: Combustion heating
equipment with a capacity over 225,000 Btu/h shall have modulating or
staged combustion control.
1. Boilers.
2. Radiant Heaters.
a anc ng: ac air supp y out et or atr or water termlna eVlce
shall have a means for balancing, inclUding but not limited to, dam pers,
temperature and pressure test connections and balancing valves.
1413 Air Economizer.
1413.1 Operation: Air economIzers shall be of automatically modulating
outside and return air dampers to provide 100 percent of the design supply
air as outside air to reduce or eliminate the need for mechanical cooling.
Water economizers shall be capable of prOViding the total concurrent
cooling load served by the conneted terminal equipment lacking airside
economizer, at outside air temperatures of 450F dry-bulb/40oF wet-bulb
and below. For this calculation, all factors including solar and intema110ad
shall be the same as those used for peak load calculations, except for the
outside temperatures.
Exception: Water economizers using air-cooled heat rejection
equipment may use a 350F dry-bulb outside air tem perature for
this calculation. This exception is limited to a maximum of 20 tons
per building.
1413.2 Documentation: Water economizer plans submitted for approval
shall include the following information:
1. Maximum outside air conditions for which economizer is sized to
provide full cooling.
2. Design cooling load to be provided by economizer at this outside
air condItion.
3. Heat rejection and terminal equipment performance data
including model number, flow rate, capacity, entering and leaving
temperature in full economizer cooling mode.
1413.3 Intagrated Operation: Air economizers shall be capable of
providing partial cooling even when additional mechanical cooling is
required to meet the remainder of the COOling load.
1. Individual, direct expansion units that have a rated capacity
less than 65,000 Btulh and use nonintegrated economizer
controls that preclude simultaneous operation of the
economizer and mechanical cooling.
2. Water-cooled water chiners with waterside economizer.
1413.4 Humidification: If an air economizer is required on a cooling
system for which humidification equipment is to be provided to maintain
minimum indoor humidity levels, then the humidifier shall be of the
adiabatic type (direct evaporative media or fog atomization type).
Exception. :
1. Health care facilities where WAC 246-320-525 allows only
steam injection humidifiers in ductwork downstream of final
filters. 1412.6 Combustion Heating Equipment Controls:
Combustion heating equipment with a capacity over 225,000
Btu/h shall have modulating or staged combustion control.
2. Systems with water economizer
3. 100% outside air systems with no provisions for air
recirculation to the central supply fan.
4. Nonadiabatic humidifiers cum ulatively serving no more than
10% of a building's air econom izer capaCity as measured in
cfm. This refers to the system cfm serving rooms with stand
alone or duct mounted humidifiers.
1414 Ductlnll Sy.tem.
1414.1 Sealing: Duct work which is designed to operate at pressures
above 1/2 inch water column static pressure shall be sealed in accordance
with Standard RS-18. Extent of sealing required is as follows:
1. Static pressure: 1/2 inch to 2 inches; seal transverse joints.
2. Static pressure: 2 Inches to 3 inches; seal all transverse joints
and longitudinal seams.
3. Static pressure: above 3 inches; seal all transverse joints,
longitudinal seams and duct wall penetrations.
Duct tape and other pressure sensitive tape shall not be used as the
primary sealant where ducts are designed to operate at static pressures of
1 inch W.C. or greater.
1414.2 Insulation: Ducts and plenums that are constructed and function
as part of the building envelope, by separating interior space from exterior
space, shall meet all applicable requirements of Chapter 13. These
requirements include insulation installation, moisture control, air leakage,
and building envelope Insulation levels. Unheated equipment rooms with
combustion air louvers must be isolated from the conditioned space by
Insulating interior surfaces to a minimum of R-11 and any exterior
envelope surfaces per Chapter 13. Outside air ducts serving individual
supply air units with less than 2,800 cfm of total supply air capacity shall be
insulated to a minimum of R-7 and are not considered building envelope.
Other outside air duct runs are considered building envelope until they,
1. connect to the heating or cooling equipment, or
2. are Isolated from the exterior with an automatic shut-off damper
complying with Section 1412.4.1.
Once outside air ducts meet the above listed requirements, any runs
within conditioned space shall comply with Table 14-5 requirements.
Other ducts and plenums shall be thermally insulated per Table 14-5.
1. Within the HVAC equipment.
2. Exhaust air ducts not subject to condensation.
3. Exposed ductwork within a zone that serves that zone.
1415 Piping Syatems
1415.1 Insulation: Piping shall be thermally insulated in accordance with
Table 14-6.
Exception: Piping installed within unitary HVAC equipment.
Water pipes outside the conditioned space shall be insulated in
accordance with Washington State Plumbing Code ry.JAC 51-26)
1418 Completion Raqulremanta (ReIer 10 NREC Section 14f6 and Ihe
Bul/ding Commissioning Guidelines, published by the Building
Commissioning Association, for complete text and guidelines for building
completion and commissioning requirements.)
2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms
Revised May 2005
Project Info Project Address lOB Del Guzzi Drive Date 12/4/2006
Port Angeles, WA For Building Dept. Use
Building 2
Applicant Name: KT Development
Applicant Address: 510 Lakeway Drive, Bellingham, WA 9B225
Applicant Phone: 360-752-4299
Project Description
Briefly describe mechanical
system type and features.
Iii!I Includes Plans
Drawings must contain notes requireing compliance with commissioning requirements - Section 1416
Compliance Option
. Simple System 0 Complex System 0 Systems Analysis
(See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications. Use separate MECH-SUM for simple & complex systems.)
Equipment Schedules
The following information is required to be incorporated with the mechanical equipment schedules on the
plans. For projects without plans, fill in the required information below.
Cooline; Equipment Schedule
Equip. CapacitV OSA CFM SEER
ID Brand Name1 Model No.1 Btuth Total CFM or Econo? orEER IPLV Location
Rf-3 Trans YSC072A,W,K 72 2100 Econo 10.20 - Roof
Heating Equipment Schedule
Equip. CapacitV OSA cfm
ID Brand Namel Model No.1 Btuth Total CFM or Econo? Input Btuh Output Btuh Efficienl:\,4
Rf-3 Trane YSC072A,W,K 80 2100 Econo 72 65 81.000
Fan Equipment Schedule
Equip. Flow Controf
ID Brand Namel Model No.1 CFM Spl HP/BHP Location of Service
llf available. 2 As tested according to Table 14-1A through 14-1G. 31f required. 4 COP, HSPF, Combustion Efficiency, or AFUE, as
applicable. 5 Flow control types: variable air volume(VAV), constant volume (CV), or variable speed (VS).
System Description If Heating/Cooling [] Constant vol? [] Air cooled? iii Packaged sys? [] <20,000 Btuh?
See Section 1421 for full description or Cooling Only: [] Split system? [] Economizer included?
of Simple System qualifications. If Heating Only: [] <5000 cfm? [] <70% outside air?
Decision Flowchart
Use this flowchart to determine if project qualifies for Simple System Option. If not, either the
Complex System or Systems Analysis Options must be used.
Heating Only
or Cooling Only
Simple System
(section 1420)
Use Complex
(section 1430)
Complex Systems
Refer to MECH-COMP Mechanical Complex Systems for assistance in determining which
Complex Systems requirements are applicable to this project.
Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH-CHK
2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Revised May 2005
Project Address 108 Del Guzzi Drive Date 12/4/2006
The following information is necessary to check a mechanical permit application for compliance with the mechanical requirements in the
Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code.
Applicability Code Location Building Department
(yes, no, n.a.) Section Component Information Required on Plans Notes
HVAC REQUIREMENTS (Sections 1401-1424)
1411 Equipment performance
1411.4 Pkg. elec. htg.& c1g. List heat pumps on schedule
1411.1 Minimum efficiency Equipment schedule with type, capacity, efficiency
1411.1 Combustion htg. Indicate intermittent ignition, flue/draft damper & jacket loss
1412 HVAC controls
1412.1 Temperature zones Indicate locations on plans
1412.2 Deadband control Indicate 5 degree deadband minimum
1412.3 Humidity control Indicate humidistat
1412.4 Automatic setback Indicate thermostat with night setback and 7 diff. day types
1412.4.1 Dampers Indicate damper location and auto. controls & max. leakage
1412.4.2 Optimum Start Indicate optimum start controls
1412.5 Heat pump control Indicate microprocessor on thermostat schedule
1412.6 Combustion htg. Indicate modulating or staged control
1412.7 Balancing Indicate balancing features on plans
1422 Thermostat interlock Indicate thermostat interlock on plans
1423 Economizers Equipment schedule
1413 Air economizers
1413.1 Air Econo Operation Indicate 100% capability on schedule
1413.1 INlr Econo Operation Indicate 100% capacity at 45 degF db & 40 deg F wb
1413.2 Water Econo Doc Indicate c1g load & water econoe & c1g tower performance
1413.3 I nteg rated operation Indicate capability for partial cooling
1413.4 Humidification Indicate direct evap or fog atomization w/ air economizer
1414 Ductlng systems
1414.1 Duct sealing Indicate sealing necessary
1414.2 Duct insulation Indicate R-value of insulation on duct
1415.1 Piping insulation Indicate R-value of insulation on piping
1416 I..ompletlon Requirements
1416.1&2 Drawings & Manuals Indicate requirement for record drawings and operation docs.
1416.3.2 Air Balancing Indicate air system balance reqUirements
1416.3.3 Hydronic Balancing Indicate hydronic system balance requirements
1416.4 Commissioning Indicate requirements for commissioning and prelim. Report
1424 Separate air sys. Indicate separate systems on plans
Mechanical Completed and attached. Equipment schedule with types,
Summary Form input/output, efficiency, cfm, hp, economizer
ANU Mt:. ~1t:U eCtlOns 144U-1404;
1440 Service water htg.
1441 Elec. water heater Indicate R-10 insulation under tank
1442 Shut-off controls Indicate automatic shut-off
1443 Pipe Insulation Indicate R-value of insulation on piping
1452 Heat Pump COP Indicate minimum COP of 4.0
1452 Heater Efficiency Indicate pool heater efficiency
1453 Pool heater controls Indicate switch and 65 degree control
1454 Pool covers Indicate vapor retardant cover
1454 Pools 90+ degrees Indicate R-12 pool cover
If no IS ClrClea Tor any question, provlae eXplanation:
2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form
2004 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form
Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH-CHK
gt rrN P
Mechanical. General Requirements
1411.1 Oeneral: Equipment shall have 8 minimum performance at the
specified rating conditions not less than the values shown in Table 14-1A
through 14-1 G. If a nationally recognized certification program exists for 8
product covered in Tables 14-1A through 14-1G, and it Includes provisions
for verification and challenge of equipment efficiency ratings, then the
product shall be listed in the certification program.
Gas-fired and oil-fired forced air furnaces with input ratings ~ 225,000
Btu/h (65 kW) shall also have an intermittent ignition or interrupted device
(110), and have either mechanical draft (including power venting) or a flue
damper. A vent damper is an acceptable alternative to a flue damper for
furnaces where combustion air is drawn from the conditioned space. All
furnaces with Input ratings ~ 225,000 Btu/h (65 kW), including electric
furnaces, that are not located wlth!n the conditioned space shan have
jacket losses not exceeding 0.75% of the Input rating.
1411.2 Rating Condltlona: COOling equipment shall be rated at ARltest
conditions and procedures when available. Where no applicable
procedures exist, data shall be furnished by the equipment manufacturer.
1411.3 Combination Sp..e and Service Water Hutlng: For
combination space and service water heaters with a principal function of
providing space heat, the Combined Annual Efficiency (CAE) may be
calculated by USing ASHRAE Standard 124-1991. Storage water heaters
used In combination space heat and water heat applications shall have
either an Energy FAclor (EF) or a CAE of nol less Ihan the following:
< 50 oa' storaoe 0.58 0.71
50 to 70 oal slorage 0.57 0.71
> 70 oal storage 0.55 0.70
1411.4 Packaged Electric Heating and Cooling Equipment: Packaged
electric equipment providing both heating and cooling with a total cooling
capacity grealer than 20,000 Btu/h shall be a heat pump.
Exception: Un staffed equipment shaelters or cabinets used
solely for personal wireless service facilities.
1412 Controls
1412.1 Temperature Controls: Each system shall be provided with at
least one temperature control device. Each zone shall be controlled by
individual thermostatic controls responding to temperature within the zone.
At a minim um, each floor of a building shall be considered as a separate
1412.2 Deadband Controls: When used to control both comfort heating
and cooling, zone thermostatic controls shall be capable of a dead band of
at least 5 degrees F within which the supply of heating and cooling energy
to the zone is shut off or reduced to a minim um.
1. Special occupancy, special usage, or code requirements
where deadband controls are not appropriate.
2. Buildings complying with Section 1141.4, if In the proposed
building energy analysis, heating and cooling thermostat
setpoints are set to the same temperature between 70
degrees F and 75 degrees F inclusive, and assumed to be
constant throughout the year.
3. Thermostats that require manual changeover between
heating and cooling modes.
1412.3 Humidity Control.: If a system is equipped with a means for
adding moisture, a humidistat shan be provided.
1412.4 Setbaok and Shut-O": HVAC systems shall be equipped with
automatic controls capable of accomplishing a reduction of energy use
through control setback or equipment shutdown during periods of non..use
or alternate use of the spaces served by the system. The automatic
controls shall have a minimum seven-day clock and be capable of being
set for seven different day types per week.
1. Systems serving areas which require continuous operation at
the same temperature setpoint.
2. Equipment wilh full load demands of 2 kW (6,826 Btu/h) or
less may be controlled by readily accessible manual off-hour
1412.-4.1 Damper.: Outside air intakes, exhaust outlets and relief outlets
serving conditloned spaces shall be equipped with dam pers which close
automatically when the system is off or upon power failure.
1. Systems serving areas which require continuous operation.
2. Combustion air intakes.
3. Gravity (nonmotorized) dampers are acceptable in buildlngs
less than 3 stories in height.
4. Gravity (nonmotorized) dampers are acceptable in exhaust
and relief outlets in the first story and levels below tne first
story of buildings three or more stories in height.
1412.4.2 Optimum Start Controls: Heating and cooling systems with
design supply air capaclties exceeding 10,000 cfm shall have optimum
start controls. Optimum start controls shall be designed to automatically
adjust the start time of an HVAC system each day to bring the space to
desired occupied temperature levels immediately before scheduled
occupancy. The control algorithm shall, as a minimum, be a function of the
difference between space temperature and occupied setpoint and the
amount of time priorto scheduled occupancy.
1-412.5 Heat Pump Controls: Unltary air cooled heat pumps shall include
microprocessor controls that minim ize supplem ental heat usage during
start-up, set-up, and defrost conditions. These controls shall anticipate
need for heat and use com pression heating as the first stage of heat.
Controls shall indicate when supplemental heating is being used through
visual means (e.g., LED indicators).
1412.6 Combuatlon Heating Equipment Controls: Combustion heating
equipment with a capacity over 225,000 Btu/h shall have modulating or
staged combustion control.
1. Boilers.
2. Radiant Heaters.
a ano ng: BC air supp y out e or air or wa er termlna eVlce
shall have a means for balancing, including but not limited to, dampers,
temperature and pressure test connections and balancing valves.
1413 Air Economlnra
1"13.1 Operation: Air economizers shall be of automatically modulating
outside and return air dampers to provide 100 percent of the design supply
alr as outside air to reduce or eliminate the need for mechanical cooling.
Water economizers shall be capable of providing the total concurrent
cooling load served by the conneted terminal equipment lacking alrside
economizer, at outside air temperatures of 45DF dry-bulb/40oF wet-bulb
and below. For this calculation, all factors inCluding solar and internal load
shall be the same as those used for peak load calculations, except for the
outside temperatures.
Exception: Water economizers using air-cooled heat rejection
equipment may use a 35DF dry..bulb outside air temperature for
this calculation. This exception 15 limited to 8 maximum of 20 tons
per building.
1413.2 Doau",entation: Water economizer plans submitted for approval
shall include the following information:
1. Maximum outside air conditions for which economizer is sized to
provide full cooling.
2. Design cooling load to be provided by economizer at this outside
alr conditlon.
3. Heat rejection and terminal equipment performance data
including model number, flow rate, capacity, entering and leaving
temperature in full economiz.er cooling mode.
1413.3 Integrated Operation: Air economizers shall be capable of
providing partial cooling even when additional mechanical cooling is
required to meet the remainder of the cooling load.
1. Individual, dlrect expansion units that have s rated capacity
less than 65,000 BtuJh and use nonintegrated economizer
controls that preclude simultaneous operation of the
economizer and mechanical cooling.
2. Water-cooled water chillers with waterside econom izer.
1413.4 Humidification: If an air economizer is required on a cooling
system for which humidification equipment Is to be provided to maintain
minimum indoor humidity levels, then the humidifier shall be of the
adiabatic type (direct evaporative media or fog atomization type).
1. Health care facilities where WAC 246-320-525 allows only
steam injection humidifiers in ductwork downstream offinal
filters. 1412.6 Combustion Heating Equipment Controls:
Combustion heating equipment with a capacity over 225,000
Btu/h shall have modulating or staged combustion control.
2. Systems with water economizer
3. 100% outside air systems with no prOVisions for air
recirculation to the central supply fan.
4. Nonadiabatic humidifiers cumulatively serving no more than
10% ofa building's air economizer capacity as measured in
cfm. This refers to the system cfm serving rooms with stand
alone or duct mounted humidifiers.
1414 Ouctlng Systems
1"14.1 Sealing: Duct work which is designed to operate at pressures
above 1/2 inch water colum n static pressure shall be sealed in accordance
with Standard RS-18. Extent of sealing required is as follows:
1. Static pressure: 1.12 inch to 2 inches; seal transverse joints.
2. Statlc pressure: 2 inches to 3 inches; seal all transverse joints
and longitudinal seams.
3. Static pressure: above 3 inches; seal all transverse joints,
longitudinal seams and duct wall penetrations.
Duct tape and other pressure sensitive tape shall not be used as the
primary sealant where ducts are designed to operate at static pressures of
1 Inch W.C. or greater.
1414.2 Inaulatlon: Ducts and plenums that are constructed and function
as part of the building envelope, by separating interior space from exterior
space, shall meet all applicable requirements of Chapter 13. These
requirements include insulation installation, moisture control, air leakage,
and building envelope insulation levels. Unheated equipment rooms with
combustion air louvers must be isolated from the conditioned space by
insulating lnterior surfaces to a minimum of R-11 and any exterior
envelope surfaces per Chapter 13. Outside air ducts serving individual
supply air units with less than 2,800 cfm of total supply air capacity shall be
insulated to a minimum of R-7 and are not considered building envelope.
Other outside air duct runs are considered building envelope until they,
1. connect to the heating or cooling equipment, or
2. are isolated from the exterior with an automatic shut-off damper
com plying with Section 1412.4.1.
Once outside air ducts meet the above listed requirements, any runs
within conditioned space shall comply with Table 14-5 requirements.
Other ducts and plenums shall be thermally insulated per Table 14-5.
1. Within the HVAC equipment.
2. Exhaust air ducts not subject to condensation.
3. Exposed ductwork within a zone that serves that zone.
1415 Piping Systems
141&.1 Insulation: Piping shall be thermally insulated in accordance with
Table 14-6.
Exoeptlon: Piping lnstalled within unitary HVAC equipment.
Water pipes outside the conditioned space shall be insulated in
accordance wilh Washington State Plumbing Code (WAC 51-26)
1416 Completion Requirements (Refer to NREC Section 1416 and the
Building Commissioning Guidelines, published by the Building
Commissioning Association, for complete text and guidelines for building
completion and commissioning requirements,)
e 'l'l1A1II;-
General Data
Table 1.
General Data - 3-4 Tons
3 Tons 4 Tons
T IYSC036A3,4,W T IYSC048A3,4,W
Cooling Performance(l)
Gross Cooling Capacity 37,400 49,200
SEER(il) 10.7 10.0
Nominal CFM / ARI Rated CFM 1,200/1,200 1,600/1,600
ARI Net Cooling Capacity 36,000 47,000
Integrated Part Load Value(iil) - -
System Power (kW) 3.79 5.40
Number/Type l/Hermetic l/Scroll
Outdoor Sound Rating (dB)(iv) 83 82
Outdoor Coil
Type Lanced Lanced
Tube Size (in.) 0.3125 0.3125
Face Area (sq. ft.) 7.19 9.59
Rows/FPI 2/17 1/17
Indoor Coil
Type Lanced Lanced
Tube Size (in.) 0.3125 0.3125
Face Area (sq. ft.) 5.67 6.17
Rows/FPI 2/16 3/16
Refrigerant Control Short Orifice Short Orifice
Drain Connection Number/Size (in.) 13/. NPT 13/. NPT
Outdoor Fan
Type Propeller Propeller
Number Used/Diameter (in.) 1/22 1/22
Drive Type/No. Speeds Direct/l Direct/l
CFM 2,550 3,610
Number Motors/HP 1/0.20 1/0.33
Motor RPM 1,075 1,075
Direct Drive Indoor Fan
Type FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal
Number Used/Diameter (in.) 1/10xl0 l/11xll
Drive Type/Number Speeds Direct/2 Direct/2
Number Motors 1 1
Motor HP (Standard/Oversized) 0.33/0.50 0.60/0.80
Motor RPM(v) (Standard/Oversized) 930/1,100 1,000/1,100
Motor Frame Size (Standard/Oversized) 48/48 48/48
Belt Drive Indoor Fan
Type FC Centrifugal -
Number Used/Diameter (in.) l/11xll l/11xll
Drive Type/Number Speeds Belt/Variable Sheave -
Number Motors 1 1
Motor HP (Standard/Oversized) 1.00/- 1.00/-
Motor RPM (Standard/Oversized) 1,750/- 1,750/-
Motor Frame Size (Standard/Oversized) 56/- 56/-
Type Furnished Throwaway Throwaway
Number Size Recommended(vii) (2) 20x25xl (2) 20x25xl
Refrigerant Charge (vIII)
Pounds of R-22 3.8 3.8
General Data
(3,4 Tons Standard Efficiency)
Table 1.
(continued) General Data - 3-4 Tons
3 Tons 4 Tons
Heating Performance(lx)
(Gas/Electric Only)
Heating Input
low Heat Input (Btu) 60,000 60,000
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 80,000 80,000
High Heat Input (Btu) 120,000 120,000
Heating Output
low Heat Input (Btu) 48,000 48,000
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 64,000 64,000
High Heat Input (Btu) 96,000 96,000
low Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
High Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
Steady State Efficiency%
low Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
High Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
No. Burners
low Heat Input (Btu) 2 2
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 2 2
High Heat Input (Btu) 3 3
No. Stages
low Heat Input (Btu) 1 1
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 1 1
High Heat Input (Btu) 1 1
Gas Supply Line Pressure
Natural (minimum/maximum) 4.5/14.0 4.5/14.0
lP (minimum/maximum) 10.0/14.0 10.0/14.0
Gas Connection Pipe Size (in.)
low Heat 1/2 1/2
Mid Heat 1/2 1/2
High Heat 1/2 1/2
(I) Cooling Performance is rated at 95 F ambient, 80 F entering dry bulb, 67 F entering wet bulb. Gross
capacity does not include the effect of fan motor heat. ARI capacity is net and includes the effect
of fan motor heat. Units are suitable for operation to %20% of nominal cfm. Units are certified in
accordance with the Unitary Air-Conditioner Equipment certification program, which is based on
ARI Standard 210/240 except AK (380V/60 Hz).
(il) EER and/or SEER are rated at ARI conditions and in accordance with DOE test procedures.
(Iii) Integrated Part Load Value is rated in accordance with ARI Standard 210/240 or 360. Units are
rated at 800 F ambient, 800 F entering dry bulb, and 670 F entering wet bulb at ARI rated cfm.
(Iv) Outdoor Sound Rating shown is tested in accordance with ARI Standard 270. For additional infor-
mation refer to Table 105.
(v) T/ySC036A,3,4,W motor RPM shown is low speed. High speed RPM is 1,060/1,145.
(vi) Optional 2" pleated filters also available.
(vii) 20 x 25 filter on medium and low heat models. 20 x 30 filter on high heat models.
(viii) Refrigerant charge is an approximate value. For a more precise value, see unit nameplate and ser-
vice instructions.
(Ix) Heating Performance limit settings and rating data were established and approved under labora-
tory test conditions using American National Standards Institute standards. Ratings shown are for
elevations up to 2000 feet. For elevations above 2000 feet, ratings should be reduced at the rate
of 4% for each 1000 feet above sea level. Applicable to Gas/Electric units only.
(x) AFUE is rated in accordance with DOE test procedures.
General Data
(5,6 Tons Standard Efficiency)
Table 2.
(continued) General Data - 5-6Tons
5 Tons 6 Tons
Heating Performance(xv)
(Gas/Electric Only)
Heating Input(xvl)
Low Heat Input (Btu) 60,000 80,000
Mid(xvil) Heat Input (Btu) 80,000 120,000/84,000
High Heat Input (Btu) 130,000 150,000/105,000
Heating Output(xvlII)
Low Heat Input (Btu) 48,000 64,800
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 64,000 97,200/68,000
High Heat Input (Btu) 104,000 121,500
Low Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
High Heat Input (Btu) 80 81
Steady State EfficiencyDfo
Low Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 81 81
High Heat Input (Btu) 80 81
No. Burners
Low Heat Input (Btu) 2 2
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 2 2
High Heat Input (Btu) 3 3
No. Stages
Low Heat Input (Btu) 1 1
Mid Heat Input (Btu) 1 1
High Heat Input (Btu) 1 2
Gas Supply Line Pressure
Natural (minimum/maximum) 4.5/14.0 4.5/14.0
LP (minimum/maximum) 10.0/14.0 10.0/14.0
Gas Connection Pipe Size (in)
Low Heat 1/2 1/2
Mid Heat 1/2 1/2
High Heat 1/2 3/4
(I) Cooling Performance is rated at 95 F ambient, 80 F entering dry bulb, 67 F entering wet bulb. Gross capacity does
not include the effect of fan motor heat. ARI capacity is net and includes the effect of fan motor heat. Units are suit-
able for operation to %20% of nominal cfm. Units are certified in accordance with the Unitary Air-Conditioner Equip-
ment certification program, which is based on ARI Standard 210/240 except AK (380V/60 Hz).
(II) EER and/or SEER are rated at ARI conditions and in accordance with DOE test procedures.
(iii) Integrated Part Load Value is rated in accordance with ARI Standard 210/240 or 360. Units are rated at 80. F am-
bient, 80. F entering dry bulb, and 67. F entering wet bulb at ARI rated cfm.
(iv) YSC072A when used in a horizontal application has an EER of 10.1 and System Power (kW) of 6.83.
(v) Outdoor Sound Rating shown is tested in accordance with ARI Standard 270. For additional information refer to
Table 105.
(vi) Outdoor motor is 0.40 hp for AK (380V/60 Hz) units.
(vii) Outdoor motor is 0.75 hp for AK (380V/60 Hz) units.
(viii)YSC060A3,4,W Oversized Motor and YSC060AK Standard Motor Fan Diameter is 12 x 11.
(ix) Motor RPM shown is low speed. High speed RPM is 1100/1135. 10. Filter size shown is for low and medium heat
models. High heat model filter size recommended is 20 x 30 x 1.
(x) Standard Motor is 1.00 hp for YSC060AK (380V/60 Hz) units.
(xi) Standard Motor is 2.00 hp for the YSC072AK (380V/60 Hz) units.
(xli) Optional 2" pleated filters also available.
(xiii) Filter size shown forT/ySC060A3,4,W,K is for low and medium heat models. High heat model filter size recommend-
ed is 20 x 30 x 1.
(xiv) Refrigerant charge is an approximate value. For a more precise value, see unit nameplate and service instructions.
(xv) Heating Performance limit settings and rating data were established and approved under laboratory test conditions
using American National Standards Institute standards. Ratings shown are for elevations up to 2000 feet. For eleva-
tions above 2000 feet, ratings should be reduced at the rate of 4% for each 1000 feet above sea level. Applicable to
Gas/Electric units only.
{xvilSecond stage/first stage if applicable.
(xvil)Medium heat is not available for AK (380V/60 Hz) units.
(xviii)Second stage/first stage if applicable.
(xix)AFUE is rated in accordance with DOE test procedures.
General Data
(5,6 Tons Standard Efficiency)
Table 2.
General Data - 5-6Tons
5 Tons 6 Tons
T IYSC060A3,4,W,K T IYSC072A3,4,W,K
Cooling Performance(1)
Gross Cooling Capacity 63,100 72,000
SEER/EER(i1) 10.20/- 10.3/10.2(iv)
Nominal CFM / ARI Rated CFM 2,000/2,000 2,400/2,100
ARI Net Cooling Capacity 60,000 69,000
Integrated Part Load Value(iii) - -
System Power (kW) 6.78 6.77
Number/Type l/Scroll l/Scroll
Outdoor Sound Rating (dB)(V) 84 88
Outdoor Coil
Type Lanced Lanced
Tube Size (in.) 0.3125 0.3125
Face Area (sq. ft.) 8.81 13.88
Rows/FPI 2/17 2/17
Indoor Coil
Type Lanced Lanced
Tube Size (in.) 0.3125 0.3125
Face Area (sq. ft.) 5.00 9.89
Rows/FPI 3/16 2/16
Refrigerant Control Short Orifice Short Orifice
Drain Connection Number/Size (in.) 13f4 NPT 13f4 NPT
Outdoor Fan
Type Propeller Propeller
Number Used/Diameter (in.) 1/22 1/26
Drive Type/No. Speeds Direct/l Direct/l
CFM 3,470 6,100
Number Motors/HP 1/0.33(Vi) 1/0.70(vii)
Motor RPM 1,075 1,075
Direct Drive Indoor Fan
Type FC Centrifugal -
Number Used/Diameter (in.)(viii) l/11xll -
Drive Type/Number Speeds Direct/2 -
Number Motors 1 -
Motor HP (Standard/Oversized) 0.90/1. OO(x) -
Motor RPM(iX) (Standard/Oversized) 985/1,080 -
Motor Frame Size (Standard/Oversized) 48/48 -
Belt Drive Indoor Fan
Type FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal
Number Used/Diameter (in.) 1/11xll 1/12x12
Drive Type/Number Speeds Belt/Variable Sheave Belt/Variable Sheave
Number Motors 1 1
Motor HP (Standard/Oversized) 1.00/- 1.00/2.00(xi)
Motor RPM (Standard/Oversized) 1,750/- 1,750/1,750
Motor Frame Size (Standard/Oversized) 48/- 56/56
Type Furnished Throwaway Throwaway
Number Size Recommended(Xiil) (2) 20x25xl (4) 16x25x2
Refrigerant Cha~e
(Lbs. of R-22)Cxlv
Pounds of R-22 4.9 7.1
General Data
(7Yz,8Yz Tons Standard Efficiency)
Table 3.
General Data - 7'h-8V2 Tons
7'h. Tons 8'h Tons
T /YSC090A3,4W,K T /YSC092A3,4,W(1) T /YSC102A3,4,W ,K(lI}
Single Compressor Dual Compressor
Cooling PerformanceCIII}
Gross Cooling Capacity 95,000 92,000 105,000
SEER/EERC;v) 10.3/10.1 10.4/10.3 10.3/10.1
Nominal CFM / ARI Rated CFM 3,000/2,625 3,000/2,625 3,400/3,000
ARI Net Cooling Capacity 90,000 87,000 100,000
Integrated Part Load Value(v) - 11.0 11.8
System Power (kW) 8.91 8.37 9.9
NumberjType l/Scroll 2/Scrolls 2/Scrolls
Outdoor Sound Rating (dB)Cv;) 90 87 86
Outdoor Coil
Type Lanced Lanced Lanced
Tube Size (in.) 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125
Face Area (sq. ft.) 17.0 17.0 19.83
Rows/FPI 3/17 2/17 2/17
Indoor Coil
Type Lanced Lanced Lanced
Tube Size (in.) 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125
Face Area (sq. ft.) 9.89 9.89 12.36
Rows/FPI 3/16 3/16 3/16
Refrigerant Control Short Orifice Short Orifice Short Orifice
Drain Connection Number/Size (in.) 134 NPT 13/4 NPT 134 NPT
Outdoor Fan
Type Propeller Propeller Propeller
Number Used/Diameter (in.) 1/26 1/26 1/26
Drive Type/No. Speeds Direct/l Direct/l Direct/l
CFM 6,200 6,500 7,100
Number Motors/HP 1/0.70(v;;) 1/0.70 1/0.75
Motor RPM 1,075 1,075 1,075
Belt Drive Indoor Fan
Type FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal
Number Used/Diameter (in.) 1/12x12 1/12x12 1/15x15
Drive Type/Number Speeds Belt/Variable Sheave Belt/Variable Sheave Belt/Variable Sheave
Number Motors 1 1 1
Motor HP (Standard/Oversized) 2.00/3.00 2.00/3.00 2.00/3.00
Motor RPM (Standard/Oversized) 1,750/1,750 1,750/1,750 1,750/1,750
Motor Frame Size (Standard/Oversized) 56/56 56/56 56/56
Type Furnished Throwaway Throwaway Throwaway
Number Size Recommended (4) 16x25x2 (4) 16x25x2 (4)20x25x2
Refrigerant Charge
{Lbs. of R-22)Clx}
Pounds of R-22 11.9 6.2 Circuit 1/3.4 Circuit 2 7.9 Circuit 1/4.0 Circuit 2