HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.418 Original Contract .r;'CBIC CONTRACTORS BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY 5. <j / ~ IIUI1I('(UrU(':( fllI'llU. "-un'h' PLAT BOND WASHINGTON 1111 V .11\ \ "'Ill ~ I I' () no, (J~71 Sl.llllt \V^ "X I 1111 OJ! (2l1h) (J1X~ 7?O() (XliII) /1,'.1 1111 (clll'l I.Xc.1 'i'iX (.,\ X Bond No: LB0446 PREMIUM. $4,420 KN()W ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, EHUD IIOUSING COMPANY called the Principal, and CONTRACTORS BONDING COMPANY, a Wa:--hington Corporation, called the Surety, arc held and firmly bound unto CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WA called the Obligee, in the sum of Two H undrcd Twenty One Thousand and 0011 00 Dollars ($ $221,000.00 ), for the payment thereof said Principal and Surety, bind themselves firmly by these presents. WHEREAS. Principal is developing a certain tract of land in PORT ANGELES, WA de~cribed as .' HIGHLAND COMMONS I PLAT LOCATED AT 1700 BLOCK OF MELODY LANE ;and IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDE A TURNING KNUCKLE (ti; MELODY LANE CIRCLE, 34 FT. ROAD TO GOLF COURSE WITH CURBS & GUTTERS, AND SEWERS WHERlAS, as a preconditIOn to approving the plat, Obligee requires that Principal make those improvements as more particularly set fOl1h in LETTER FROM B COLLINS & S BROI>IIUN (Ii) CITY OF PORT ANGELES DATED IO/J/96 (hereinatter referred to as the Improvement Specltications) NOW. THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation IS such that If the Principal ~hall construct the improvements described in the Improvement Specifications on or before NOVEMBER 1ST . 1997 (or Within such further extensions of time that shall be grantcd by Obligee in writing and consented to 111 wnting by Surety), then this obligation ~hall be VOid. otherwl:--e to remain in full force and effect. ThiS obligation IS subject to the following conditlon:--: I. This bond runs to the benefit of the named Obligee only. and no other person shall have any rights under this bond. No claim shall be allowed agamst thl:-- bond after the expiration of one year from the datc set fOl1h in the prcceding paragraph. or one year frol11 the end of the latest extension of time consented to in writing by Surety, whichever occurs last. 2. ThiS bond is not a forfeiture obllgntion. and in no event shall the Surety's liability exceed the reasonable cost of completing the improvement:-- described in the Improvement Speciticatiolls not completed by the Principal. or the :--um of this bond, whichever IS less. This bond is executed and becomes effective this 1ST day of NOVEMBER 1996 l<:HlID HOUSIM; COMI'ANY CONTRACTORS BONI)IN(i ANI) INSURANCE COMPANY ~ P"''''pal "Y?Y ~ --- By: J2~ ~ ...:Pt~ DEENA E. HILLER All (lrncY-II1-I' ael lis: l\ndl'I 1\1101 W,\(lIc-l'1'i "\nll'\u",.II"''.''1l10010~ 10 2 ')~ ,.r ; ) . W~rtEl) !'owl:A Of' A'rtORNet '. .1IE"AD CAREFULlY CONTRACTORS BONOlNGAND INSuRANCE COMPANY IS llESPONSIBLEONLY fOR lliE =BON!) DEScRlBEO:MlD UP TO THE AMOUIIrt SET FORTHlN THIS : LII\lITEO PQWE~QF ..uJ:ORNE.Y. ANY ERAstlREWILL \fOIO}HIS POWER Of AtTORNEY.lfYOU 1iA\IE ANY QUESTIONS ASOUTOR WANT TO VERIFY THIS . . POWER Of ATTORNEY CALL CONTRACTORS BONDING AND INSURANCS COMPANY TOlL:fREE" AT f~)7~2242. . PmfSum $ ~ 2 2 1.;:..0 0 0 . ~.() E EO. 43 Power-No. 8-~ 4'~ s: a . .... . 80n<lNo. . LB .o:ii4 6. ." l,jmlt~l!Pol'f;;;;r Date-APPrQvelt: 1.lI01/9 6' ~~ d..: J.D. Minto (Print1llllllel Approlled bll: (Si~-I . Name.ofPfOll:lpal:' un HOUS LNG COMPANY CIT~ O~ PORT ANG~LES, WA !'lamQOrOb(\g~ HIGH.L-ANlJ -GOMM'UNS 1 PL.AT LUG.ATtlJ A."1' .llfji,) Bujt;k Uf DesCrlption(9t: M.1::.L-Ul).Y: LANt;; iM-.Plwvr;-Mliwr::; LNCLUlJtt A lUIOtlNG... 'KNOCK.Ut 3-4 f'T..' J<OAb, t~rU~S. &. tu'C'!'&xs/..Atw S8wI::k WA RESOLYEDuall1o P_ortllllUrh.._lI.oa_rtaaallamoy",-facl.,tI1o Compll1y DEE N A E. F U L L E R WlthpowerandllUlhonIVt.o~lClnbohlll ., tho C.mpany 1I1oa. sule\y bond. w'"ch may from Um. t.t,m. be a""r...d by tho Vice PlOlldonl, Chtol An,"",oal Officer, P'.lI1Ilent or Chl8f Exocu~.. OIl",.r 011ha Company, In such paroalaum. and accord"", t.o such eornitJoll8 81 may be appro'l'ed by the Vice Presldert, Cl1ef Fmraal OffIC_, President or Qllel executIVe Officer of Ihe Compsny. RESOLVED FURTliER Ita aach Power.l Att.omow mUllaotlor1h lhaapoallC daacr'ptl.n .11ha bond to wh,ch ~appll'" tI10 RIme .oltho pmtJpa\ tha nama of lI1a obb""", tI10 penal.um, 111. bond number (OlcooU.ra bod bond wherathete 18 no numberJ.1he IdentJfyl1g nJmber of the 8tlomey.U"tac:t, the Identtfymg number 01 the Pawer of Attorner, and the name and l'Snsture 01 the Viee Pre81dert, theOuM f"tmnaal Officer, Pradert or the Otlel Execut'" 0_ .1 Iha Company; and may 181 Iorlh tI10 daacnptJon and amOllrt 01 addlJonaI lOl1IU13nca .or c.olateraI, d any RESOLVED FURTHER1haltho Chool Exec.."" Officer. -en!, Chool FlIlanaal Officer or Y"1C8 _ntor 1110 Company la BLth.on..dt.o _.... a apoaf'" OXpll8llon daIll lor the _ ofAllllrn., and 1.0 modlfy1hal_ from ~m. t. ~mo ..111. Chief Execu1lW 0_, PlOlldart, ChIOI Fnanaal Officer.or Vicel'ralldont _allO...../y on h. ..Ia dllC..~on: Iha applcabto "plrallon daIll t. b. duly 181 forth In anywrilan Power .1 AlIornoy. RESOLVHl FURllER I1at,OIllOptaa otherwl8Opr.w!od nlholmm-,au:x:eodll" ,,"oUlln, under '" C11'l111111Dncoll"a1:~lhec.onll1lC1amo""oranybld, psymant,porio_ or co_l"JII1OI1lanl poll"""""" bond [I.... a padormanoo and _t~.n n 0111 b.ndlorm)Olc:aod Sl,2!1OPOO j 1110 bond II~'- by 1/10 SmalIluamo8MI1IIIIlIabon; (b)1ha ponIi sum 01 any bond nOlp;nood by'" SnaI8l.B.....hhnolJallon (oI1artl'C81 a bod bondwtod1l.U1/1o. reotnctedby_(c1I""""d$3~8nd (clabo! bondw"""'.not.,..muedbv1heSrnalBuln..MmlllJOllClnbe ...""-"<!lor ajobwhoto, 1 tho COntra1......-.II!d, \he bond per'iIIIlI on any perloll1lll'Clll bond, payIlllrt bond, .rc.omblr-. perl.rman::aand payment bond 0 0., a perl.nnance and paymentobigabon n OlIO bond lorm) 1.0 be 8llSClltad pmuantt.o Iha bod bond II to 0IC88II S3,eOO,IXIO RESOLVED FURTHER ua aIIo.. named Attomey.Jn.fac:l1l granted pow.r and aWlorlly to exeod Ihe appllCtlble penal limb set I.rth In Ihe Immedl8te1y precedllg reooksuon lor any bond III an am.oulll """,I t.o 111. amo\81t 01 any addllOnall8I1Iu'lIlC8.r 01 any cash, lolIsr .1 or.dl or othor aacunty rac....ad.. c.llalaraI aecurty by tho Company as Inducamant to ..... tho bond, ... I.ng a.1ha cIoocnptlOn and amOllrt ., addllJonal r8ll1lUrance or colale131 are I8Ilorth In 1I1e Power .1 A1t.omev. RESOLVED FURTHER thallhaauth.nty .ltI1oSacrotary.lthoC4mpanyto cerutythoautloontJCltyand .aec:lrto... .1 1i1o1.'og.Ilg '....kIll...,na'" lJmJt.od P....ro1 AU.omow II ""obydolaga1ad to thololloYOMiI pera.ollO, the Ilgna1llre 01 an, of the f.Uowlllg 1.0 bind tI10 Company w~h ,espect 1.0 th. auth.n1IclY ancI.aectlY..... .1 tI10 '.regolng rea.olWona .. d SIgned by Iha S.......ry., the C.mpany O.nalel Slrlln, SIoYen A Canes, Marc A IIrku:ka, and J D """ RESOLVED FURTHERthal1l1.lIgnatUres OncIudll1g certll'CObnthat 111' Power.l A1t.omev IIIllI III I."", and .ffeClj 01 thoChle\ Er,cullYe Orlicer, Pre.d.... Chief Fnanaal Officer, \lice Prealdentand HOUlry PubflC, and tI10 corporaLe and Notary ...appeamg on an, limited Power ofAl1orneyconlalllng ltIlI and the toregolOg rnoIl1tona _ wela the Lmated Pow. olAttomey..... and IlJIIrEI'1anI1UIon, mlf be by ta.::trmle; and aJCh Lnnrted Power 01 AUomey .haIl be de.mod an .rigi1al,n al_Cl8. RESOLYED FURTHER 1hal1ll1 ..aolllb.na adoptad pll" t. _y appollltll1ll tI10 abon Rlmod.. a1l.omey..rn.lacllor tho Comoany alO hOlGOy lIJOeraadod, :"'~NESS WHERE~, rrf~' BON~tlG AND INSURANCE COMPANY has cauaedthese pr...... 1.0 be IIgned by III Chief ErecubYe 0l11cer, Prel.d.rl, Chief F.....ral 0_ and \lice Prealdentand III c.orporate ...11.0 behen:to _---'" ~ND"\'" CO"'''''''~~'''''''''''''''''''''""''';J.''''v ~ ~~P"O'R"-~ ~I JJ E t;/"O ~~... ~"~ -:0: . ~ ~ ~ ~ SEA L E ~s D. M. lee PresIdent \~... "'$J~ ~ "~/;".)979...'''''~./ *1'~ "174 ...... ,\:J'-_- 1\,\, S /of, N () ._--" By: . '"""." Men: A. Nrkvtcka, Chief RllllI1Cilll Officer BY:~ Donllld S1rkm, Chief Exea.rtiw Offioer ~~~~~--e;: By: .' S1wen A. GllIIllG9, President STATE OF WASHINGTON - COUNTY OF KING On 9 / I 9 / 9 4 ,penonallyappeared DONALD SIRKtl, STEVENA. GAINES, MARCA. MRKVICKA andJ. D. MINTO,lo m' kno\lIn 10 be theChlel ExKUI,VG 0llIcer, Pre..lon!, Chief Financral OffIcer and VIC. p,....den~ rapocl....il\ of tho corporation 1ha1..ecuted 1M lorogolll9 Linlled Power 01 AIlomoy and a.knowledged .ad lJ..lod Power of A1lom", 10 be tho free and lKllllnlery a.land deed 01 aald corporatIOn, for Ihe "'" and purpooea there.. ment..ned, and on oath olalad that they al'8 aulhonr.ed t. ......Ie Ihe .ald L,mrted Power o. Attomey. III WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto !1St my hand an ffixed my off,clal.aolthe deyand yaorf,rst above wrrtten. NOTARY PUBUC STATE OF WASHIN(;TON MOLL V A. HUDSPETH My AppoIntment ExpiteaJAN 9.1997 Nolllry Th. undarslgned, acting under euthonty 01 the Board of DIrectors of CONmACTORS BON:lING AND tlSURANCE COr.l'Jl,N'(, hereby C8rtIIIa., 0 In lieu of Certificate of the SIlcl'ltary of CONTRACTORS BONDtlG AN:) tlSURANCE COMPANY,that the above and foregoing IS a ful~ true and correct copy of the Original Power of Attomvy ISsued by said Comp.ny. .nd does heraby further certify that the Slid Power 01 Attorney is shllln force and effuct. 'NEN."""m't;r7f;a ~W A thIS o I dvy of NOV 19~. A 1 (091396) . S~ORM WATER CONTROL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the streets of Melody Lane and Melody Circle as improved by the Highland Commons subdivision drain into a wetland system upon private property in the Southwest corner of the Highland Commons subdivision; and WHEREAS, building and other impervious surface improvements on the Highland Commons Subdivision site will contribute to the mass and velocity of storm water discharging from the site into the White's Creek stream system, and WHEREAS, a significant area surrounding Melody Lane is a drainage basin releasing water into the wetlands system, and WHEREAS, the outlet from the wetland system discharges directly into the White's Creek and its stream system through an existing piped outfall; and WHEREAS, detention/treatment is needed to protect the quality of the wetlands system and the White's Creek stream system; and WHEREAS, the on-going performance of the wetland system is very important to the capacity of the basin storm water drainage system and to the environmental quality of the White's Creek ecosystem and fish habitat as well as the wetlands themselves; NOW THEREFORE, let it be agreed as follows: Section 1. The main channel of the wetland system beginning at the east boundary of the Highland Commons Subdivision will be protected by erosion control devices approved by the City Engineer and maintained in proper working order by the property owner(s), Highland Commons Developer, heirs or assigns. Section 2. The wetlands buffer enhancement areas in the Environmental Sensitive Areas Tract will be restored, including required fencing and signage, per the wetland permit and the City's Wetland Protection Ordinance prior to occupancy of any building in the Highland Commons Subdivision, and then kept undisturbed and free of debris by the property owner(s), Highland Commons Developer, heirs or assigns. Section 3. This maintenance and operation agreement shall continue in perpetuity. im GE!'rman President, Richard Winters President, Harstone Group Construction City of Port Angeles Gary Ken~orthy, PE; City Engineer misc\sd-agre4