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804 S Oak St - Building
CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT . ELECTRICAL PERMIT N? 15300 Port Angeles. Washlngton.......mu.....l.u:u..,:::..;:!:....m...........m..... 19__.....? In accordance with the City Ordinance to regulate the installation. extension. or repair of elec- trical equipment in, on. or about any building or otber structure in the City of Port Angeles. per- :~:::: i~__B{~~. ~~;tg~::.:t~~::~:..~~.~:..~:.:::~:~..~.~.IO:~cupancy....__m.:__:.~~m....m......m.....m. ') =:1-"./ " Owner .m:t.~.'",A~...{/.!f!.,!.fk.-d...~.......__........mm. Tenant.........umu..............__............u.__............__........... . :.j,~ l/) Wiring Contractor .__...__,.:.::;..::,:'L,,,.~.~-!!.::~.-::c.____....u__..__ Byuu..m......__.............____...____m....__.................... 14,ght Outlets.__._______..._....______.....__.___...... ~eceptacle Outlets._._m___.._mm_____....... Dryer, K\V1.............umum..........u...__.. Rnnge, KW Water Heater: KWu__u...u...u...__um.m__umu....u Heat' RW../.r.{.2~B./:]m.m.mm Motors: size, volts and phase: , . ......,/ ..... i' :..., Service, volts ... ___ _____m~m nn mm___ ;> No. wires _m_.___:~mm_mnmmnn__m Size wiresm.m?Z~'!u..(il.."... Main fuse m~t~.q_A:'.m_mm._... c: Enclosure _m_~m__mm______...._.._... Type of wiring: Entrance Cable m... Rigid Conduit .m_m..._..____...m__.nn Metallic Tubing __mmm__._.m_.._.... Current transformers: No. & Size_n.........mu____m_m_.m_..n. Ser. NO....nn___.____....___________________._..... Ser. No........___.____________......._....._..____... Ser. NO._______.__........_.....___n_________________ Type of Wiring: Armored Cable ....._ Non.Metallic _.m___m_m_____mm..__... Knob & Tube_... Rigid Conduit ..mmmmm.m.mmm Metallic Tubing _______nu__m Raceway __..__n___n_____..........n______..... Circuits, LighL..mm..mmmm_m.un...... Utilit)' ..m...__.....umm"'m".m. Heat Range ________........__...__.___.......____.n____ \:Vater Heater ....__..........mm.......__ Motor ____...._____..__...___.............___....._ Dryer..___.__...._____._._____......__..._____._._.__.. Furnace ........m.mm__......___... Total Load__...__.._...____________._.. Ser. No.__________.._.__...__________________________ Total ____.__.n..n...un____._n___.....__ Remarks: ___d.__u.~~~.._P..__:.._;:.::.:-:..;.---f:.--~L-t-__...m-----::.::m::..~~-.~~._~~~~...~.:'.-t.__..um_.m_._.____.._.________'mm_m._nnm.mn .".."...".........."......m.........................................................................m...j'/../:""..:;7:...m:m..............:..........."... ~e.~~..~::...m............. ~~~.~:,,~~.~~~.~~........ By h,.~;.r;;".."l~:.!U/~~!.:':!.L:..~...,,~,.. v NOTICE-Current must not be turned on until Certificate of Inspection has been issued. If work is to be con. cealed due notice must be given the Inspector so that work may be inspected before concealment. NOTIFY THE INSPECTOR BY PERMIT NUMBER WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION ELECTRICAL PERMIT N? 15300 Oate called for inspection__.________........._________..______...........___._.__n..___....___._._________________._._____.___.....___...........____.________..___...._.____..._.__......_..._.______ Preliminarylnspectiondates___.......______..........._....___.____._____.........__.........n.._____.___.__.._..____.._______._______...___.....__........................._._............______ Ipspectioncompleted_..________.........________......._._.____.__.................___...__...__._...._______.____._.____...____..______._....___............_.................._........._......... Total Load ...._____..n..........n________...........____._.____...__......u.....un.n_________. ...__..__..nn_______....,,__ \ 1M 3-72 O~mPic Printers, Inc. ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 Application Number 15-- 00001332 Date 10/21/15 Application pin number . , , 184384 Property Address . ... . . . 804 S OAK ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBE: 06-30-00-0-2- 6608 -0000- Application type desexiption ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision -Name Property Use Property ZoniaF . , . . , . . COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHCOD Application valuation . . . . 0 Application desc office remodel Owner Contractor Ti TPSSIE /D JOHNSpN /T RUTZ UTRX EXTRA MILE TECH & ELECT— LLC 804 S OAK ST 418 N. RACE ST. PORT ANGELES WA 9Q3527740 PORT ANGELES WA 96362 (360) 457 -5222 Permit , , , . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc 1 -4 CIRCUITS Permit Fee 86.00 Plan Cher], Fee 00 Issue Date 10/21/15 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 4/18/16 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 86.00 Fee summary Charged paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 86.80 86.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total. .00 .00 .00 ,00 Grand Total. 86.00 86.00 .00 .00 REPORT SAGES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code o5o2) PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contra_ ctor X GAFXCHANGEIBUILDING Date wa E CITY of PoRT ANGELES PERMIT APPLicATION In W . $ I1o%Id"nng iillvNSlonlEIeK trisal Inspections C 321 Fast Fifth Street — P.O. Box 11150 f Port Angeles Washington, 98302 Pig: (360) 417-4735 Fax: (360) 4117- 4711 EMMfCAL Date: �' ' �'�` ZMulti- Family or Commercial* * Plan RoviGw May Be Required, Please Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet ,lob Address: �..,o_ 0�4 _ �i ra �, w .._ Building Square Footage: Oescrtption of above y CC Lt r! `R �.. ...»,,. Owner lnf ation 14eme: _ » 5 ce ,�� Contras r Information iVame: �. Malling Address. _ `r c.l S r2 �.t r� n ! red _ .._- - Mailln Add nr4 cF -S ru—s_, % City: p jj- State: L"—Va_ zip: City: - State. -K21p; Phone, Tax: _ ± 1 hone?. fax: n License#1Exp._ mrjr 7 ?�&�� -. Item Urrl C e "f tai ultl lled b liras Char a, ServtcelFeeder200Amp, $132,00 $ �� ServtmiFeeder 201400 Amp. $160,00 $� Service/Feeder 401 -600 Amp $ 223,00 - Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Arnp. $ 288.00 ServioelFeeder over 1000 Amp. $ 410,00 Branch Circuit W1 Service Feeder $ 5,00 $ Branch Circuit W10 Service Feeder $ 74.00 Each Additional 13mrich Circuit. Branch Circults 1.4 $ 5.00 $ 86,00 $ Temp. Services Feeder 200 Amp, $102.00 Temp. Service/Feeder 201 100 Amp, $121.00 � $ 'temp. ServicelFeeder401 -600 Artip. $164.00 -.- Temp..Servicell"eeder 601 -1000 Amp , $185,00 Portal to Portal Hourly $ 9640 Sign/Outline Lighting 88.00 � Signal OrwiV Mmltect Energy- Multi- Family $ 64.00 $ � Signal Circuit! Limited Energy I First 1500 sf - Commercial $ 96.00 Nate: $5,00 for each additional 1500 s Renewable Electrical Energy- 5KVA System or less $113,40 � $� Thermostat $ 56.00 $ Dote: $5.00 for each additional T-Stet c $_ L� � Total ^ Owner as defined by IRM19.28ZI: (1) Owner Ml occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last. inspect;on. After reacting the above statement, I hereby certify that 1 am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical mntractor, t am making the electrical installation or alteration In compliance with the electrical laves, N.E.C., RM Chapter 19 28, WAC. Chapter 296 -, 68, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05,050 regarding Electrical permit Applications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: n cash © Check f,�j 0 ereattcn�da ��'t �s�c � � l3atcd: e I� '" � � �f 0401012