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520 E Park Ave - Building
Ci"]I y OF PORT ANGLLFs PER.MT APPLICATION Building Divisiion/Electrlctal Inspections 321 Jest Fifth Street—P.O.Box 1150/]Port Angeles Washington,98362 �m��Pia.(360)417-4735 Fax.(360)417-4!711 V [late:„��.�[l� ' ) —Multi-Farnily or Commercial* Commercial Addition 1 Alter on/Remodel 1 Repair* *Plan Review May Be Required,Ple se Complete Electrical Pian Review Information;sheet JO Addresa:�� �Q - Building'Square footage: Description of above 0wher informatio Contractor Information Marne: 1r t1/ I t fCt -Ce Name-, _ � .� 'G� ^�`C Lx..L Mairing A re .. ,3,�o F -LL.�' Maling Address:_, i ��c'K 4�,. _ City: State;( ._i'tp: City: 5tate:.lt,,91�- 4:9�� Phone; ax: Phone: fries ax:_ .. License#1Exp. �. I.1eanset1Expo !teat tin t C are Total Multinjild§v Unit ChIrge) ServicelFeeder 200 Amp, $132.00 $� 5emlaelFeeder 201900 Amp. $160.00 ServlcetFeeder 901.600 Amp $225.00 Service/Feeder 6011000 Amp. $288.00 Servim Feeder over 1000 Amp, $410,00 Branch Circuits 14 $ 88.00 Branch Circuit W1 Service Feeder $ 50 $ Brandt Circuit W10 Service Feeder $ 74.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5,00 'temp.Servicd Feeder=Amp. $102,00 Temp.ServicelFeeder 201 400 Amp. $121.00 � $� Temp.ServlcelFeedsr 401•$00 Amp. $164,00 $� Temp.SardoelFeeder 601-1000 Amp. $185.00 $� Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96,00 $� SigrgOulline Lighting $ 68.00 $� Signal Clrcultl Limited Energy-Multi-Family $ 64,00 $� Signal Circuit/Limited Energy 1 F€mt 1500 sf-Commercial $ 96.04 $� Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy r 5KVA System or Lass $113,00 Thermostat $ �Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261:(1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit la finalized.(2)Owner Is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property Is for sale,rent or beast;.Permit expires after six months of last inspection. Alter reading the above staternenL I hereby certlfy that I am the owner of the above named.property or a licensed electrical contractor.I am mawng the electrical instaliat€on or alteration In compliance with the electrical laws,N.E.C„ROW,Chapter 19.28,WAC.Chapter 29648H,The City of Port Angelea Municipal Code,and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14,05.050 regarding Electrlcat Permit Applications, signatu df o nor,electrical contra " r electrical admirllstraton 0 Caah © Check rpated: 0110112012 I I I i ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 <.1� Application Number . . . . 12-00001555 Date 11/28/12 Application pin numher , . .. 658,135 `( Property Address . . . . . . 520 E PARK AVE REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30--15-5-D-9160-2001- on your(-Excise tax form Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name , , . . , . to the City Of Port Angeles Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property 2o.ning . . , . , , Application valuation , . . . 0 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ ST ANDREW'S RETIREMENT COMNTY SIMPSON ELECTRIC 703 CALLAHAN DR 243036 W HWY 101 BREMERTON WA 983103347 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (36D) 457-9270 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc 1-4 CIR Permit Fee 86,00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 11/28/12 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 5/27/13 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 86.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 86.00 86.00 00 00 Plan Check Total .00 00 .00 .00 Grand Total 86.00 86,00 ,00 00 INSPECTION TYPE DA'T'E: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN ik A� COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X ----..__._-_._---_--u--_- Ci:1 FXCHANGGIB U I LDIN C CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 12- 00000033 Date 1/11/12 Application pin number 729661 Property Address 520 E PARK AVE REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-15-5-0- 9160 -2001- Application type description MECHANICAL APPL. PERMIT on your state excise tax form Subdivision Us Name to the City of Port Angeles Property Use Y g Property Zoning (Location Code 0502) Application valuation 24195 Application desc GAS LINE AND GENERATOR PAD Owner Contractor ST ANDREW'S RETIREMENT COMNTY LEGACY TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC 703 CALLAHAN DR PO BOX 360 BREMERTON WA 983103347 BURLEY WA 98322 (253) 858 -0214 Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT Additional desc GAS LINE AND GENERATOR PAD Permit Fee 71.30 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 1/11/12 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 7/09/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension final pn BASE FEE 50.00 4 1.00 10.6500 EA ME STOVE /FIREPLACE /MISC. APP. 10.65 1.00 10.6500 EA ME -FUEL GAS PIPING,1 -5 OUTLETS 10.65 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 71.30 71.30 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 71.30 71.30 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of a y state or local law re!,' lati.g construction or the performance of construction. f )2 Ticioi-icks C Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T:Forms /Building Division /Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 -4815 Electrical Inspections 417 -4735 Public Works Utilities 417 -4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 -4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION: Footings F ounda it Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING: Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water FINAL Date Accepted by AIR SEAL: Walls Ceiling FRAMING: Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Intarior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL: Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line /3 LC.-• Wood Stove Pellet /Chimney. Commercial Hood Ducts FINAL Date 2 2.g. S Accepted 14.3 MANUFACTURED HOMES: Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT. Separate Permit #s SEPA: Parking Lighting ESA: Landscaping SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY USE Inspection Type Date Accepted By Electrical 417 -4735 t �r Construction R.W. PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 VAJ Building 417 -4815 l T:Forms /Building Division /Building Permit M N H CO CV WW 0 H 4 4 a Q Cr H N 0 0 co r m 0 ,1 H J 1) M N N 0 co N H N N .0 r-1 7 a 0, a cx 0 ft W 0 H H 0 H a O z z 4 a 41 (I) woo a 0 W CO Q x x w o 4 H U CO a a m CO U 2 H lh N cfl cM W Q z H D co H O O H U a N N N a N uu Z v)o �i o Z E. W W t. W 4 N VD N H N Z aa W c7 cv w,-1 w cn cn W 2 z iD o x z z u 0 0 a N N a N Z HH 2H HU 4HMr+4 0 H zz U P. 0. CO H N H m z u 4 x ro a 4 m N U U 2 x O S a) H H H 4 (/11.) 0 0( 0 0 0 H z o 4 COW W 14 0 1 W 0 U W£oO I F -I QZ XroHhZ0 H W I 2 E 2 H iHx XHHU a H 0. >oa 8m0 �4 alliI u o cn a 0\ W MH W a CL v 4 c 0 H D h 4 ti m 4F W in o U) P. a H o W Q o Mp Q Q N W W RC R[ 1 0 i. H H H H H H U 0 U CO W ,Z N W H to N O W a N N W m4 In 4 cn0H 000. HH N N 0 0. H W O H H iD 1012 a au o a o w W R. CO U (0 H H a o m 1 4 14 F a 0 0 a E 14 F W p4 Isl U a H m au 40oaa 1 F x m N 1 H 1 N H H ww C7 4 4 a W a H N co N 1 m 0 0 r1 Ln 0 N A a H I Q 0 W O 0 W is) uO axx 0 F u 1 ma. 0 H nLIC I O) ,7. F h N W 0 x 1 o 0 0 z d H 0 1 F (n a N N E. 1 H F H 0 (n uu 1 Z (no 1 F a w w X ON .0 0 cn CT) 1 a z Z -io E Z z I U N 0 0 a N 1 E H H 1 Z F H u 4 H rn 0 H z a F\ u u a a (n H U) a H F 1 FHa (n (n U C E F z o a w w w rd 0 O W0U E1ga Eh E. U 0 N H H W T II I W W O W a d L >oaI£ h H KC F W (n o H Cn 1 a a H o W 1 N 0 1 o q kiPIPI N 0 4 1 1 r.())rn0 FE- H H 0 1 0 0 m W 1 N W F /0 N 0 0 4 N N FLL4 10 a (n O H O 0 a H H CY F 1 W O H H a l (k a U a o w P7 W W 1 0 0 H a 0 0 a z F a o a wa H m frl 121 al al /0 P U g o o n 1 0 E-r BUILDING PLUMBING MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION LONG FORM (To be used for projects that require plan review.) Date Received Permit L 7 0 4'3 City of Port Angeles Please print in ink. Date Approved 1 -11 -4 Attn: Building Permit Technician Approved by f% 321 E. 5th St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 360 417 -4815 fax: 360 417 -4711 Credit card payments are accepted Mon -Fri 8 -5 pm (no American Express) Hours: Mon through Fri 8 5 pm Cash checks are accepted Mon -Thurs 8:30 -4 pm Fri 8:30 -12:30 pm 0253 d�6 -3o�r� Contact person: J Q �'1') .e Ira a C y Phone: 2S 85 i o z Property owner: 1 d c'e w 1 e k m corn lr,. Phone: (3 (0o)9 n 3 4- t 18 Property owner's mailing address: 520 E a S-\- V f \L- Contractor's business name: Lego Cy Tele Co rn m UM CO4', Phone: (or property owner's name if he /she is doing /overseeing the work' (253'58 0? --vA Contractor's mailing address: PO 1 6 0 3 (oO svr WA 8322 Contractor's L &I license number: Expiration date: LEGIAC'T (oosk“) 03+31( IZ- Project Address: o Et9sT P4 ek 4 Project Type: Residential 'XL Commercial Industrial Multi- family Project Business Name: Zoning: (for commercial, industrial, or multi family projects) /ire w .p ACE 1 n Parcel Lot Complete only the portions of this permit that are relevant to your project. Pay the plan check fee (based on the valuation of the project) at the time of submittal Residential Projects submit: (1) Two sets of plans* (including engineering calcs, geotech reports, etc. if applicable) Prescriptive Approach Simple Form (confirming conformance to the Energy Code) Commercial Projects submit: (1) Three sets of plans* (including engineering calcs, geotech reports, etc. if applicable) (1) Paperwork confirming conformance to the Energy Code For large projects, a pre construction meeting with various City department personnel is highly recommended. To schedule a pre construction meeting, contact the Planning Manager at (360) 417 -4750. Additional information may need to be submitted including: landscape plan, parking plan (including ADA spaces, ramps, etc.), utilities (existing proposed), curbs, sidewalks, storm water plan, etc. For Additions New Structures also submit: (1) Site plan (8 112" x 11 showing all structures (existing proposed), setbacks, new driveways If an architect or engineer drew the plans or calculations, include at least one "wet- stamped" set of plans and /or calculations. T:Forms /Building Division /Building/Plumbing /Mechanical Permit Application Long Form (Revised 2011) Page 1 of 4 1 Repair Solar Panels Miscellaneous: (explain the project) Project Valuation Remodel: (explain the project, including how the building space is currently being used and what the new, remodeled use will be) Project Valuation If the space will change from commercial to residential, submit: "Checklist Converting Commercial Space into Residential Space" Addition: (explain the project and complete submit page 3) t hSk01 At 1 a 5(P ILV\I r� eneroiti-ot' f or SA and- j power Maximum height of the new addition feet Project Valuation New Structure: (explain the project and complete submit page 3) 1 n s--o11 c' '3CD u_W s nd b') 9 ere ra t-o r- sy s+-em Maximum height of the new structure 3 feet Project Valuation 494 y q PLUMBING PERMIT: Will there be ANY plumbing changes (items moved, added, replaced, or altered) Check one: No Yes If yes, complete submit page 4 "Plumbing Changes" MECHANICAL PERMIT: Will there be ANY mechanical changes (items moved, added, replaced, or altered) Check one: No Yes (1) If yes, complete submit page 4 "Mechanical Changes" Occupancy group of bedrooms Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Occupant load of full baths Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? Construction type of half baths *Homeowner: If you will be doing overseeing the work, then the project valuation will be determined by doubling the cost of materials, to reflect the value the repair adds to your property. Cost of materials x 2 Project Valuation I have read and completed this applica know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my resp•nsibility to •etermine what permits am required, and to obtain permits prior to working on protects. Date /o /z/ Signature Print Name /Dn i Page 2 of 4 Floor Areas Existing square New square Price per new footage footage square foot Basement x 1st Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck 30" high)* Deck (s 30" high)* Shed Other Other Remodel project valuation TOTAL VALUATION 4 iq Walking surface of the deck above ground For residential building projects the minimum square foot valuation we accept is: Dwelling $85.00 per sq. ft. garage /utility /misc.structure $30.00 per sq. ft. porch /deck/carport $12.00 per sq. ft. LOT COVERAGE SITE COVERAGE Lot coverage is the amount or percent of ground area on which buildings are located. It includes: houses, garages, carports, covered patios, cantilevered portions of buildings, roof overhangs that are longer than 30- inches, uncovered decks or porches having walking surfaces higher than 30- inches off the ground, etc. Total footprint of structures sq, ft. lot size sq.ft. Lot coverage Site Coverage is the amount of impervious surface on a parcel, including structures, paved driveways, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces. (see Port Angeles Municipal Code 17.94.135 for exemptions) Does the project include a new driveway? yes no If yes, what will the driveway be made of? cement asphalt o gravel other (NOTE: 18 feet Is the recommended minimum driveway length for residential projects) Does this project include a new parking pad? yes 1st no If yes, what will the parking pad be made of? cement asphalt o gravel in other a) Total footprint of structures sq. ft. (existing new) b) Total concrete, asphalt, other impervious surfaces 43 0,5* to sq. ft. (existing new) c) Add lines "a" "b" above to get the total impervious sq. ft. (existing new) Total impervious sq. ft. s .lot size sq. ft. Site coverage Page 3 of 4 0 PLUMBING CHANGES Check "No" or "Yes" (and enter quantities) for each line item. Type Plumbing Changes (Moved, Added, Replaced, or Altered) Sink (hand, mop, floor etc.) No Yes Quantity Toilet No Yes Quantity Bathtub No Yes Quantity Shower No Yes Quantity Washing Machine No Yes Quantity Hot Water Heater No Yes Quantity Water Line (meter to structure) No Yes Quantity Re -plumb the structure No Yes Quantity Sewer Line No Yes Quantity Backflow Prevention Device Types: Beverage Machine No Yes Quantity Landscape Watering System No Yes Quantity Fire Sprinkler System s 2 inch line No Yes Quantity Fire Sprinkler System 2 inch line No Yes Quantity Please list all other planned plumbing changes or additions that aren't listed above. MECHANICAL CHANGES Check "No" or "Yes" (and enter quantities) for each line item. Type Mechanical Changes (Moved, Added, Replaced, Furnace, heat pump, or or Altered) forced air units 5 tons No Yes Quantity Furnace, heat pump, or forced air unit 5 tons No Yes Quantity Ductless heat pump No Yes Quantity Wall (recessed) heater No Yes Quantity Baseboard heater No Yes Quantity Steffes room heater No Yes Quantity Wood burning stove No Yes Quantity Pellet stove No Yes Quantity Radiant floor heat No Yes Quantity Gas fireplace or freestanding stove No Yes Quantity Gas cooking stove No Yes Quantity Propane tank set No Yes Quantity Gas line No Yes 1 Quantity Boiler No Yes Quantity Clothes Dryer No Yes Quantity Ventilation fan (single duct) No Yes Quantity Hood duct mechanical exhaust No Yes Quantity Ventilation system (not part of a heating or air conditioning system) No Yes Quantity Air handier No Yes Quantity Evaporative cooler (non portable) No Yes Quantity Please list all other planned mechanical changes or additions that aren't listed above. 1 nSAc nt 9 enera -©v Page 4of4 e 0 RAvu#Pc) k'''' �,3 QUIETSOURCE® SERIES p ig STANDBY GENERATORS 4 i L i qu id- Coo led Engine Generator Sets INCLUDES. Standby Power Rating s Model QT0 3 (Gray) 36 G< V1160f-�r Gerterac T u rbo charged C a e us:Fu ele d 2 4 LEngtn e Two L in LC 1 Tr ling D gi tal NexusT C ENE AC Isochronous Elect Gover 4. 3' riu at5a uraw a Sound, AttenuatedErielosure Z 47G)YI�II�AC R 4 Closed C Recovery System 3b 5 3 y •Smart Battery C har g er Y U V Ozone Re.sist 4 +1 la Voltage Reg ulation ratlo Naturai� o r. LP Operi 2 Limited W arranty C �L us N QUIET TEST uL 2200 Liste Meets EPA Emission Regulations Not for sale in CA /MA ED VOLTA FEATURES 0 I NNOVATIVE DESIG d PROTOTYPE TESTING are key components of SOLID STATE P REQUENCY COMPENSAT REGULATION, success in "IMPROVING POWER BY DESIGN." But it This state of the art power maximizing regulation system is standard on doesn't slop there. Total commitment to component testing, reliability all Generac models. It provides optimized FAST RESPONSE to changing testing, environmental testing, destruction and life testing, plus testing load conditions and MAXIMUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY to applicable ESA, NEMA, EGSA, and other standards, allows you to by electronically torque matching the surge loads to the engine. An choose GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS with the confidence that these unequalled ±1 °J° voltage regulation. systems will provide superior performance. 0 SINGLES URGE SERVICE RESPONSE from Generac's extensive dealer network provides parts and service know- how for the entire unit, from the 0 TEST CRITERIA; engine to the smallest electronic component. PROTOTYPE TESTED NEMA MG 22 EVALUATIO GENERAC TRANSI ER SWITC f S Long life and reliabili are SYSTEM TORSIONAL TESTED MOTOR STARTING ABILITY synony with GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS. One reason for this confidence is that the GENERAC product line includes its own transfer systems and controls for total system compatibility. GENERAC, so 9007: 2008 c Application Engineering Data QT036 GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS TYPE Synchronous MAKE Generac ROTOR INSULATION Class H MODEL Inline 4 STATOR INSULATION Class H CYLINDERS 4 TELEPHONE INTERFERENCE FACTOR (TIF) <50 DISPLACEMENT 2.4 Liter ALTERNATOR OUTPUT LEADS 3 PHASE 4 wire BORE 3.41 BEARINGS Sealed Ball STROKE 3.94 COUPLING Flexible Disc COMPRESSION RATIO 9.5:1 LOAD CAPACITY (STANDBY RATING) 36 kW INTAKE AIR SYSTEM Turbocharged /Aftercooled EXCITATION SYSTEM Direct VALVE SEATS Hardened LIFTER TYPE Hydraulic VOLTAGE REGULATION TYPE Electronic GOVERNOR SPECIFICATIONS SENSING Single Phase TYPE Electronic REGULATION 1% FREQUENCY REGULATION Isochronous STEADY STATE REGULATION 0.25% GENERATOR FEATURES ADJUSTMENTS FOR Revolving field heavy duty generator Speed Yes Directly connected to the engine Droop Yes Operating temperature rise 120 °C above a 40 `C ambient is Claus H rated al e rise A ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM All l models s are fully prototyped tested d OIL PUMP Gear ENCLOSURE FEATURES OIL FILTER Full flow spin -on cartridge Aluminum weather Ensures protection against mother nature. CRANKCASE CAPACITY 4 Quarts protective enclosure Electrostatically applied textured epoxy paint for added durability. ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM Enclosed critical grade Quiet, critical grade muffler is mounted inside TYPE Closed muffler the unit to prevent injuries. WATER PUMP Belt driven Small, compact, Makes for an easy, eye appealing installation. attractive FAN SPEED 1500 SAE Sound attenuated enclosure ensures quiet FAN DIAMETER 22 inches operation. FAN MODE Puller FUEL SYSTEM FUEL TYPE Natural gas, propane vapor CARBURETOR Down Draft SECONDARY FUEL REGULATOR Standard FUEL SHUT OFF SOLENOID Standard OPERATING FUEL PRESSURE 5" 14" H ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BATTERY CHARGE ALTERNATOR 12V 30 Amp STATIC BATTERY CHARGER 2 Amp RECOMMENDED BATTERY Group 26, 525CCA SYSTEM VOLTAGE 12 Volts Rating definitions Standby: Applicable for supplying emergency power for the duration of the utility power outage. No overload capability is available for this rating. (All ratings in accordance with BS5514, IS03046 and DIN6271). (All ratings in accordance with 855514, IS03046, IS08528, SAE J1349 and DIN6271). QuietSource® Series Standby Generator 36 kW GENERAL' OPERATING DATA KW RATING (LP /NG) 36/35 ENGINE SIZE 2.4 Liter Inline 4 GENERATOR OUTPUT VOLTAGE /KW 60Hz kW LPG AMP kW Nat. Gas AMP CB Size (Both) 120/240V, 1- phase, 1.0 pf 36 150 35 146 175 120/208V, 3- phase, 0.8 pf 36 125 35 121 150 120/240V, 3- phase, 0.8 pf 36 108 35 105 125 277/480V, 3- phase, 0.8 pf 36 54 35 52 60 ENGINE FUEL CONSUMPTION (Natural Gas) (Propane) Natural Gas Propane (ft /hr.) (gal /hr.) cu ft /hr Exercise cycle 48 0.5 19 25% of rated load 156 1.7 62 50% of rated load 282 3.1 112 75% of rated load 392 4.3 156 100% of rated load* 503 5.5 200 For Btu content, multiply ItYhr x 2520 (LP) or ftVhr x 1000 (NG) ENGINE COOLING Air flow (inlet air including alternator and combustion air) ft /min. 2,200 System coolant capacity US gal. 2.5 Heat rejection to coolant BTU /hr. 145,000 Max. operating air temp. on radiator °C °F) 60 (150) Max. ambient temperature °C °F) 50 (140) COMBUSTION AIR REQUIREMENTS Flow at rated power 60 Hz cfm 106 SOUND EMISSIONS IN DBA Exercising at 7 meters 58 Normal operation at 7 meters 64 EXHAUST Exhaust flow at rated output 60 Hz cfm 300 Exhaust temp. at muffler outlet °F 1075 ENGINE PARAMETERS Rated synchronous RPM 60 Hz 1800 POWER ADJUSTMENT FOR AMBIENT CONDITIONS Temperature Deration 3% for every 10 °C above "C 25 1.65% for every 10 °F above °F 77 Altitude Deration 1% for every 100m above -m 915 3% for every 1000 ft. above ft. 3000 Refer to "Emissions Data Sheets' for maximum fuel flow for EPA and SCAQMD permitting purposes. RATING: All three phases units are rated at 0.8 power factor. All single phase units are rated at 1.0 power factor. STANDBY RATING: Standby ratings apply to installations served by a reliable utility source. The standby rating is applicable to varying loads for the duration of a power outage. There is no overload capability for this rating. Ratings are in accordance with ISO- 3046 -1. Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. KW rating is based on LPG Fuel and may derate with natural gas. INTERCONNECTIONS QT036 UTILITY SUPPLY FROM QT SERIES ENGINE GENERATOR SERVICE DISCONNECT RTS TRANSFER SWITCH CONNECTION PANEL 1 G 1.1 i Q www www Ilan t, n LOAD SHED I I 2 N Ni N2 Kli Y Z F—Z n NEUTRAL W REPPLIED u l¢ II n F II NOTE: MATCH WIRE I N2 1 NY MODULE a 11,1 NUMBERS TO MUT I e TERMINAL NUMBERS I I,I� g E2,-. o (�pt a r"� Now MI m I. (\1 I a 1 111 1 I 11 e'oo 00o i 21•111•1 L: I -0O N1 N T7 -1 it C O J Ji T1 E1 E2 T2 O I -t f —11 I I I I GROUND GROUN G 1 �1 Ji l� J NEUTRAL BLOCK NOTE: CUSTOMER LOAD POWER LEADS AND TRANSFER SWITCH LEADS (DISTRIBUTION PANEL) BE RUN IN TWO DIFFERENT CONDUITS. LIQUID COOLED INSTALLATION NEXUS'"' CONTROL FEATURES 2 -Line Plain Text LCD Display Simple user interface for ease of operation Mode Switch Automatic Start on Utility failure. 7 day exerciser -Auto -Off Stops unit. Power is removed. Control and charger still operate. Manual/Test (start) Start with starter control, unit stays on. If utility fails, transfer to load takes place. Programmable start delay between 10 -30 seconds Standard Engine Start Sequence Cyclic cranking: 16 sec. on, 7 rest (90 sec. maximum duration) Engine Warm -up 5 seconds Engine Cool -Down 1 minute Starter Lock -out Starter cannot re- engage until 5 sec. after engine has stopped. Smart Battery Charger Standard Automatic Voltage Regulation with Over and Under Voltage Protection Standard Automatic Low Oil Pressure Shutdown Standard Overspeed Shutdown Standard, 72Hz High Ternperature Shutdown Standard Overcrank Protection Standard Safely Fused Standard Failure to Transfer Protection Standard Low Battery Protection Standard 50 Event Run Log Standard Future Set Capable Exerciser Standard Incorrect Wiring Protection Standard Internal Fault Protection Standard Common External Fault Capability Standard Governor Failure Protection Standard *Single and three phase connections may vary refer to the owner's manual for specific connection information. INSTALLATION LAYOUT QT036 CA CV q u-1 s a L-N "t t 4 4 W 2 ti d Wai �i oN IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIII r r r r r JZ N IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 31 W LA w a E 111101111111111111111111 w w NWZ N (111111111111111UIIIIII H u .J-i d 2' g w 2 W W K Z d m N 7 W g W q� Q� 4°� o Iiliillllllllllllliillll 02 W 2 J J J J J¢ w Z H Z w K ¢N U¢ 0 W U 2 0 W W 0 Z a N°°° o N E L.31 zw oa w� w 2 Q WU H JW wA RF LA K 4J w Nq ox. 0z WW JL� KO 2 Z O K2 UZw J Inm OW> a1.0 0 0 Z a� N 2 DO 0. ZO A a. 2'Nw 2 W 0 O r, 8 mMi 0<a SZ 0 m z 7 W a K 1- 3)" u 0 E W U U m r+2 ,,..,0 pi, VI i 02 IIIIIIUIRId11111 'I L- L a r p Y CI 0 121 H r J 2 W In W i1I mi n I h =�J 0 i t C_ o m U Z [5" M F P-"1¢ II 1 I I LL .J U a o U 2 u o-i E I u 2 N 2 7O U 1 1 1 U 8 4 J U n 1 I N O N r �(�f-~ N f 3 NI J T} 1 W� I Q W Z 3 V W WO a F az pO 1 u .�D1- <1 f'1 O Z 1-W 22 Wq Q 4. Z W ON rJ.. r I X Ln 1 Ca W K Wow w O2' n 2N zO q W° I Q I 4 U 51UN (21- 51„,4 4 L. w¢2 zMI- 1 1 •IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllhI Jwa JO °Z Illllllllllhlllillllllll 0ZW ti, IIIII(IIIIIIN1111111 i p YU ...1..� .A C10 002'W L l� z WOE m z W q tea¢ 00 CO ,00 W 0_1Z1.0 u OS �1n w' 1 EN0M N u3Z N z a CA Z QW H E Ow 3D\ U w 2 N q W n^ JO0 ZC ZW 2 H N ^2EE WWK ¢U J O N N 0 ('1 ZK VI Q w L. 10 n1< �a1 In ¢0WW JZ 0 X U) 1 N °M N Z UI..K ¢OK Z E W W i In O N Z 2HWU 00 Z Vi �20 XU =0 W w2' O 0 ¢3H2' ZZW 6 LA 0, X LA V1 0O 0 X l- 33 02201 0 0ww a W IIIIIIIIIIIiiliillllllll W a 01 0 N 1 ,XO Z w IIIIIIIIIIII :IIIIIIIlIll iu o¢o w¢rY w u ,J 1--u zmw„ u 1111111111111111111111111 L La w& J E> a 111111111111111111:111111 Z u0 l7 NN "0 Z J 111111111111111111'111111 0� L. 1/1•3 0 <W 0 0- 2 Z W W 0 "0 =J z 2 z Z 111111111111911111 .+U 1-J1.1< X 000 0 a 2 r 0Z LSO VVI R.N. z WO 0 Z W Z Nr N. Z W0 0 N \V =N LAW g.'^g� n Q J MWNO 0 1 O J w H 0 a 7 W kn.' 2 0 0. z ¢NI -W 11- 0 n 2 q i5cy H "r--.z 0"z 2' J z U ZNOW <U� '4 1 12 J0 ¢E z a 1-- 12 z 1-\ �-E W.. W ¢X2 0 UW O 0 2 q¢ Z 0 U z Z1-20 F3 &U W w-• 0 X ZUJ 0 w ¢F 2¢1 J 2' z Enj O i O Z W Z q X W co S y <0 Y U a SuH�i UWg 0 O aw aW LU 0 0 K q 2' Q.KW q ON q L., ¢Y 0 Z gW 2' A� gwI72' =C1 OU KW12..1 X ¢1 ^UN 'S 0 Z~ ¢J 2'° ¢V-VI K J _Ho Zu,X__I S a ('120 S E2 ti(a( Y 004 J Z IY 1",,aRl O uzz0 WH 1 W O 0 =1" aq W 0 000 law 7Z 2 rW WO J Inw 0 2 K w" Jq CO, 1-00 1- IA i y E U N Z N Liz Z W (1J 0�0 WU 'i LA CAN W W¢ 0110 30-41 7N PLAN q a f 0 _1, U ZW JN W 0 YS f Zm ai Jq2¢ <0 VIZU Li,-. I. X mO JZ21- W ^OU X W WZ t_,,. ¢¢¢N U 0 0 2 02 N m Q in N a AVAILABLE ACCESSORIES QT036 i ladet Product ue rtp E If the temperature regularly falls below 32° F, install a cold weather kit to maintain 5630 Cold Weather Kit optimal battery temperature. Kit consists of battery warmer with thermostat built into the wrap. Recommended where the temperature regularly fall 5616 Extreme Cold Weather Kit y s below 32° F for extended periods of time. For liquid cooled units only. 5651 j Base Plug Kit Add base plugs to the base of the generator to keep out debris. 5704 Paint Kit Medium Grey Kit i i 5984 Scheduled Maintenance Kit The Liquid Cooled Scheduled Maintenance Kits offer all the hardware necessary to perform a complete maintenance on Generac liquidcooled generators. 5928 Nexus Wireless Remote Completely wireless and battery powered, Generac's Nexus wireless remote monitor provides you with instant status information without ever leaving the house. 1 Remotely control generator functions with the advanced model's LCD display. In Advanced Nexus Wireless 5951 I addition to remote testing of the generator, set the excercise cycle and maintenance Remote 1 interval reminders DLM Load Control Module DLM Modules are used in conjunction with the Nexus Smart Switch to increase 5937, (50 Amps) its load management capabilities. It gives the Nexus Smart Switch additional load management flexibility not found in any other transfer switch. G E N E RAC Generac Power Systems, Inc. S45 W29290 HWY. 59, Waukesha, WI 53189 generac.com (02011 Generac Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Bulletin 0187730SBY -H Printed in U.S.A. 10/20/11 E '4 't t Telecommunications, Inc. PO Box 360 N Burley, W A 98322 Job ST; Au g k 5 N 46E, Date i k hz- (253) 858 -0214 N Fax (253) 858 -0215 57,7a PAid A ✓E 1 /c:''r G.li 5 f t) 4 en 3 6 2- 360- 411 3L11S1 WA -Lic. #LEGACTI005KD Approved Date e Quit, 1 5 (A 1." cmcrern Amkieso s /c l:esi r5t) 1 10 12 (?I 4 6 0 141 2 m/1648i to PR 1) b L i( V ir Pi.- ie -1 I ELECTRICAL PERMIT t CITY OF PORT ANGELES St 0 360- 417 -4735 P Application Number 12- 00000032 Date 1/11/12 n Application pin number 583072 Property Address 520 E PARK AVE REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06- 30- 15 -5 -0- 9160 -2001- on your excise tax form Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name to the City of Port Angeles Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning Application valuation 0 Application desc Generator panel 30 circuits Owner Contractor ST ANDREW'S RETIREMENT COMNTY SIMPSON ELECTRIC 703 CALLAHAN DR 243036 W HWY 101 CA BREMERTON WA 983103347 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 457 -9270 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit Fee 282.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 1/11/12 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 7/09/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 30.00 5.0000 ECH EL- BRANCH CIRCUIT W /FEEDER 150.00 1.00 132.0000 ECH EL -COM 0 -200 SRV FEEDER 132.00 4 a 7C' PJ Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 282.00 282.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 r. Grand Total 282.00 282.00 .00 .00 F‘ INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH i Ji t 1 Z 1 SERVICE ROUGH -IN 9 14 l i2 1 FINAL L /`r 1 COMMENTS: C 1 PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G: \EXCHANGE \BUILDING °R'Ah ELECTRICAL INSPECTION V A�N WIRING REPORT t e tt ,,�y F 417 -4735 DATE PERMIT INSPECTOR �j b l2 rZ -00 3 `z 47 OWNER /CON ACTOR GJ C,/"'Q S 8 Ga >,�T121 C� ADDRESS L Zo �-Pr APPROVED NOT APPRO D DITCH ROUGH IN /COVER SERVICE FINAL CORRECTIONS NEEDED: c11 /fit ■M rt. 13F2...f.X11'C NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DO NOT REMOVE OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC. (360) 452 -1381 o1 ?OIfl'rt41, P ,k CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION (t 7 r n t Building Division /Electrical Inspections r 1 L1. 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles Washington 98362 r a ir 1 0 �I 0 Ph: (360) 417 -4735 Fax (360) 417 -4711 VI Date: ?—/-2- ELECTRICAL v Multi Family or Commercial* Commercial Addition Alteration Remodel Rep *S PECTIONS Ptan Review May Be Required, Please _complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet S a Job Address: IJ I t -K Building Square Footage: Description of above t*rr> .30 G,1 -si f' y r ��i r r Owner Information Contractor Information Name: Z T, Prar -�.J Y 1 cx-e Name: 3h'i 9 50fl E 1 e e) ...tre'c, LLC, Mailing fir 0 .-e. Mailing A ress: P. CC 1gox_J2 4 City: _ECtILir State;(i i Zip: °":::0_3_.-_,„/.. i W f77 ys o ,r, City: State: Lth4- ZI 1: c4 3 6.2 Phone: t, _0_9,7r, tC r n Phone; y57 �9 O Fax: License/4/ Exp, n License Id Exp. Jfli P.$I 43_1_3 Sx---- (i1 7 3 1r.' ao Item Unit Charge Qty Total (Qty Mu 41ied by Unit Charge) Service /Feeder 200 Amp. 132.00 .rPS' ServlcelFeeder 201.400 Amp, 160.00 Service /Feeder 401 -600 Amp 225;00 Service /Feeder 601 -1000 Amp. 288.00 Service /Feeder over 1000 Amp. 410.00 00 Branch Circuits 1 -4 86.00 i 0— Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder 5,00 Yr CJN_ Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder 74.00 L $7.0 C o v Each Additional Branch Circuit 5.00 Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. 102.00 Temp, Service /Feeder 201-400 Amp, 121,00 Temp. Service /Feeder 401-600 Amp, 164,00 Temp. Service /Feeder 601 -1000 Amp 185.00 Portal to Portal Hourly 96.00 Sign /Outline Lighting 88,00 Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy Multi Family 64.00 Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy First 1500 sf Commercial 96.00 Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy 5KVA System or Less 113.00 Thermostat 56.00 3 f o' 2.82 Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalize( (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor If above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspecti in. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical ontractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.0 RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 29 :I -46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05,050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature owner, electrical contracts or electrical administrator: cash 0 Check iff I�P Credit Card _'1 q Dated; /2 0110112012 Application Number 08 00000728 Application pin number 314848 Property Address 520 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 15 5 0 9160 2001 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation 0 Application desc Hot water tank circuit Owner Contractor ST ANDREW S RETIREMENT COMNTY SIMPSON ELECTRIC 703 CALLAHAN DR 243036 W HWY 101 BREMERTON WA 983103347 PORT ANGELES (360) 457 9270 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit pin number 128462 Permit Fee 58 00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 6/19/08 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 12/16/08 Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 58 0000 ECH EL COMM ALT <5 CIRCUITS Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Date 6/19/08 WA 98363 Permit Fee Total 58 00 58 00 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 58 00 58 00 00 00 Extension 58 00 INSPECTION ELECTRICAL TYPE DATE RESULTS INSPECTOR DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS: 6.-24 JQ 05/17/2008 20:30 4579270 SIMPSON ELECTRIC PAGE '04 -0 'T),B e ELECTRICAL WORKPERMlT APPLICATION Job wfr"d by ~Jectri.al Contractor (J OWller EIt!;clt1C:ill c;onh"acto... nem:- l ,LiccnRt: t;'u~A n ~ pate E~pire.s . ~e.cArIC ~..Jli9fJ3 Of'( ascr' mailing 8~dl'C$::S, I . ~b tN.-t.dltr /0/ City /? U Stal~ tiP ~ Il . Wf1- Telephone numb.:o FAX number Installatil1n description J'l Commerdal .0 R..I....tI.1 o New JlAlter<dlA.ddilion 9%3& I!(I:.. 1- S c/IU:-t.u '/:5 R U rJ/1'-lLj II{ C!..f/c~lIa h f-h.e- t./of. tJ.Ji:tiv f~ o cfJ \ ~ ~ Premlnl' owner'~~m':A _ 1,. r / __ S-f t:1JjaL'eW$ ~ ~ Add.... O~~.t;n b. en rK ~ ::~:. .um'~::~'h~:!.;;;=: Lu ~ Owner as deji"ed "y RCJf'./9.28.26/:(I) OWf'lC,' t1,iI/ occupy (he ~trJlcrJln::fo' twl) YCflrs after lhis eJet:'f'I'cuJ permit is fillalbed. (2) (ftv1W' j,1 rtqmr('rI to "in tm electrical cm'trrJctor if ohmoe .Mid property Lf Jf)" SlJll!, rem or It!ou. Afb:r rcadlrl@ the above statement, I hereby certify that f am the (t\\rTICT (I( the DOOVe named property or 8 Iiccn..'lcd electrical conrraetor. I am maJcilltlThe electrical in!llal- latiDn (lr :\hernlion in com.r1inncc with the electrical 1119.1$, N.E.C.. RCW. ChaptcT 19.28. WAC. C}I;'l.p1er 296-46B. T,..c City of Pon A"gcl~ Munidpnl Code. 3Tld Utility Specific:ttinns. 511nat re or o.nu, electrl r:ontractnr or electritsd admlnl"tntOJ - Date: j, 3" !Og! JUN 1 8 2008 o Cash (J Check # )l.CredilCard @ 1~a.T~~T. Discover CW#__~'___~____ Expiration Dale of card .1" ectrlcal LQad Additions a . d s b CJ NO LOAD CHANGES o Baaeboard KW CJ Furnace _ KW [J Heat Pump Ton LAR (J Fan-Wall KW S!!rvlce Informatl!l.D o Ov.rhoad SolVie. a i p.mp &rvlce (J U~erground Servit::e Voltage Ph"". CJ 1 CJ 3 Service Size; _ Feeder Size: SAME DA.Y INSPECTION. CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 .. ROUGR-lN / THERMOSfAT SERVICE b-Zi,.qs ~ """ M~<JB~ "- DMe ,^""",wed 9y Dllo: ^IIIlN~dey FINAL /' DITCH FEEIQ b-2b'?}jf ~ OInt: Apprnvl'lllAy,/ "- Dn~ Al'fIfflVCl18y .... "", -".Y/ Iflspection Area. Building or Equipment Inspected Electrical Date Actio," Taken Inspector - I I o~ @ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET. PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Issued: 8/18/97 Permit No: 6017 OWNER/APPLICANT------------------------PROPERTY LOCATION------------------------ EPISCOPAL RET. HOMES OF W. WA 520 PARK AVE E 220 W. MERCER, STE 500 Lot: SEATTLE, WA 98119 Block: 1 Long Legal: 206/286-9951 Sub: MCGUIRES ADD T: S: Parc No: 06301550180/190 CONTRACTOR-----------------------------DESIGNER--------------------------------- KIRSCH ELECTRIC 141-H FALCON RD. SEQUIM, WA 98382 360/683-6819 , 000/000-0000 PROJECT INFO-------------------------------------------------------------------- prj Type: COML.NEW prj Value: $0.00 Occ Type: Cnstr Type: Occ Grp: Occ.Load: Land Use: RS7 Electrical Heat Baseboard KW: Furnace KW: Heat Pump KW: Fan/Wall KW: o o o o Service Type Riser Overhead Service X Underground Service Temp Service Voltage: Diameter: Service Size: Feeder Size: 120,208 -1 X-3 1,600 AMPS o AMPS PROJECT NOTES------------------------------------------------------------------- ST. ANDREWS ASSITED LIVING FACILITY PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT--------------------------------------------------------- Service: $313.00 Additional Feeders: $656.00 Circuit Wiring: $0.00 Temp Service: $0.00 $0.00 Misc TOTAL FEE: Amount Paid: $969.00 $969.00 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- TOTAL FEE: $969.00 Balance Due: $0.00 COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE. ACCEI"TED COMMENTS I YES I NO DITCH . -y) -IN / COVER /Zt;J'i / f(? ~ ~ /TOil /4r4 fr9<'- "TN ,\. T 17//Q/e,.fIIfl?tP\ I GENERAL COMMENTS: PW-I 102.15 (4196) Envelope Summary Climate Zone 1 ENV -SUM 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Project Info Project Address Applicant Name: Applicant Address: Applicant Phone: 'Project Description Compliance Option Space Heat Type Glazing Area Calculation Note: Below grade walls may be included in the Gross Exterior Wall Area if they are insulated to the level required for opaque walls. Concrete/Masonry Option Roofs Over Attic All Other Roofs Opaque Walls Below Grade Walls Floors Over Unconditioned Space Slabs -on -Grade Radiant Floors Opaque Doors Vertical Glazing Overhead Glazing Vertical /Overhead Glazing Semi heated space* Root Over Semi Heated Spaces* 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form i St Andrew's Assisted Lifing Facility Park Ave Port Angeles WA 98362 Chillesa Neilson Architects (503) 227 1751 333 SW Fifth Ave Portland, Ore 97204 New Building Addition Alteration Change of Use Prescriptive Component Performance ENVSTD (See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications) O Electric resistance Total Glazing Area (rough opening) (vertical overhd) 3232 0 Q yes no Envelope Requirements (enter values as applicable) Fully heated/cooled space Minimum Insulation R- values 10 0 Maximum U- factors 0 600 1 300 Maximum SHGC (or SC) 0 650 Minimum Insulation R values *Refer to Section 1310 for qualifications and requirements Notes Building 28 194 Sq Ft Parking 23 768 Sq Ft Walks 3 363 Sq Ft 'Date 6/24/96 For Building Department Use Systems Analysis June. 1995 C) All other (see over for definitions) Electronic version: these values are automatically taken from ENV -UA -1 Gross Exterior Wall Area times 100 equals Glazing divided by 13480 0 X 100 24 0% Check here if using this option and if project meets all requirements for the Concrete/Masonry Option. See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications. Enter requirements for each qualifying assembly below. Opaque Concrete /Masonry Wall Requirements Insulation on interior maximum U -factor is 0.19 Insulation on exterior or integral maximum U -factor is 0.25 3 0 0 If project qualifies for Concrete /Masonry Option, list walls with HC 9.0 Btu /ft'• °F below (other walls must meet Opaque Wall requirements). Use descriptions and values 11 0 from Table 20 -5b in the Code. Wall Description U- factor (including insulation R -value position) WS EC APPROVED 7VED To the best of my knowledge and ability, these plans show compliance with the requirements of the 1994 WSEC as initialed below- Envelope Mechanical Lig tirig 'e 170594023 6 -2R,7 SPE Signature Res Date 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Project Address St Andrew's Assisted Lifing Facility 'Space Heat Type Glazing Area as gross exterior wall area Concrete/Masonry Option m o O tY R= R= R= R 19 R= R= R= R= R= R= Plan ID Plan ID Plan ID Plan ID a� o. R= Plan la O R= Plan ID 0 8 Rn o Plan ID* 0 u- D R= Plan ID* R None Plan ID slab o SR= Plan ID* m o c R= Plan ID to m R= Plan ID 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form 'Envelope UA Calculations Climate Zonel ENV -UA 0 Electric resistance Q All other I 24 0% Prop. I 40 0% Max.Target 0 Yes Q No `Date 6/24/96 For Building Department Use June, 1995 Notes: If glazing area exceeds maximum allowed in Table, then calculate adjusted areas on back (over). If Concrete /Masonry Option is used, Target U- factors, SHGC and Glazing will be different than shown below Refer to Table 13 -1 for correct values. Building Component Proposed UA Target UA List components by assembly ID page U- factor x Area (A) UA (U x A) U- factor x Area (A) UA (U x A) U 0 360 PlanID• 0 360 3232 0 1163 5 0 600 3232 0 1939 2 U= Plan ID. Glazing Electric Resist. Other Heating 0 -15% 0.40 0.90 U U= Plan ID: >15 -20% 0.40 0.75 V, U= Plan ID '3 c5 U= Plan ID- >20 -30% .not allowed 0.60 U= Plan ID U= Plan ID 8 U= Plan ID U= Plan ID: Glazing:% Electric Resist OtherHeating. ii U= Plan ID: 0-15 '0.80 145. 8 U= Plan la >15.2O% O:80 140 4 U= Plan ID. >20 -30% :not allowed 1.30. o U= Plan ID >30 -40% _not alloin+ed 1.25 t U= Plan ID (see Table 13 -1 for Conc/Masonry values) O U= Plan ID 1 100 Plan ID Entry Type 1 100 200 0 220 0 0 600 280 0 168 0 Cr o U 0 600 Plan ID Metal is 0 600 80 0 48 0 Electric Resist. Other.Heating m O O o u= Plan ID: 0.60' 0:60 R 38 0 Plan la 0 030 14161 0 424 8 14161 0 o 1.R= Plan ID* Electric Resist. o: 0 4 R= Plan ID• 0.031 Plan ID Plan ID' Electric Resist: Other Heating Plan ID* 0.034 0.050 0 Plan ID Exterior Walls 0 062 9968 0 618 0 0 140 9968 0 1395 5 Plan ID' Plan ID. >30 -40% not allowed 0:50 (see Table 13-1 for Conc/Masonry values) OtherHeating 0.036 Electric Resist. Other Heating Ordinary. 0:062: '0.14 Metatstud. 0:11' 0:14 :Conc(int) 0.19 0.19 *Note: sum of Target Areas here should equal Target Opaque Wall Area (see back) Conc(oth). .0.25 0 .25 2 R= Plan ID T g R= Plan ID. Electric Resist. Other Heating 0 Ordinary 0:062 0:14 m R= Plan ID' ry 5 Note: if insulated to levels required for opaque walls, list above with opaque walls Metal stud 0.11 0:14. Electric Resist. 'Other Heating 0.029 0.056 0 730 704 0 513 9 704 0 Electric Resist. Other Heating F =0.54 F =0:54 (see. Table 13 -1 for radiant floor values) *For CMU walls, indicate core insulation material. Totals 28345 0 2988 3 Totals 28345 0 3502 7 For compliance: 1) Proposed Total Area shall equal Target Total Area, and 2') Proposed Total LA shall not exceed Target Total UA. Building Permit Plans Checklist ENV -CHK 1994 Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms Project Address The following information is necessary to check a building permit application for compliance with the building envelope requirements in the Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Applicability Code (yes, no, n.a.) Section Component Information Required GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Sections 1301 1314) I 1301 IScope 'Unconditioned spaces identified on plans if allowed yes 1302 Space heat type: Other n a yes yes yes no n a yes yes yes yes yea yes yes n a yea yea yes yes I 1310.2 I 1311 1311 1 St Andrew a Assisted Lifiug Facility ISemi- heated spaces I Insulation I Insul. installation 1311.2 Roof /ceiling insul. 1311 3 Wall insulation 1311 4 Floor insulation 1311.5 Slab -on -grade floor 1311 6 Radiant floor 1312 'Glazing and doors 1312.1 U- factors 1312.2 SHGC SC 1313 (Moisture control 1313.1 'Vapor retarders 1313.2 'Roof /ceiling vap.ret. 1313.3 'Wall vapor retarder 1313.4 'Floor vapor retarder 1313.5 'Crawl space vap. ret. 1314 'Air leakage 1314 1 Bldg. envel. sealing 1314.2 'Glazing /door sealing 1314.3 IAssemb. as ducts 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form If 'Other' indicate on plans that electric resistance heat is not allowed ISemi- heated spaces identified on plans if allowed 'Indicate densities and clearances Indicate R -value on roof sections for attics and other roofs; Indicate clearances for attic insulation; Indicate baffles if eave vents installed; Indicate face stapling of faced batts Indicate R -value on wall sections; Indicate face stapling of faced baits; Indicate above grade exterior insulation is protected; Indicate loose -fill core insulation for masonry walls as necess; Indicate heat capacity of masonry walls if masonry option is used or if credit taken in ENVSTD; Indicate R -value on floor sections; Indicate substantial contact with surface; Indicate supports not more than 24' o.c. Indicate that insulation does not block airflow through foundation vents Indicate R -value on wall section or foundation detail; Indicate slab insulation extends down vertically 24' from top; Indicate above grade exterior insulation is protected Indicate R -value on wall section or foundation detail; Indicate slab insulation extends down vertically 36' from the top; Indicate above grade exterior insulation is protected; Indicate insulation also under entire slab where req'd. by Official 'Provide calculation of glazing area (including both vertical vertical and overhead) as percent of gross wall area Indicate glazing and door U- factors on glazing and door schedule (provide area weighted calculations as necessary); Indicate if values are NFRC or default, if values are default then specify frame type, glazing layers, gapwidth, low-e coatings, gas fillings Indicate glazing solar heat gain coefficient or shading coefficient on glazing schedule (provide area weighted calculations as necessary) Indicate vapor retarders on warm side 'Indicate vapor retarder on roof section; Indicate yap. retard. with sealed seams for non -wood struc. Indicate vapor retarder on wall section 'Indicate vapor retarder on floor section 'Indicate six mil black polyethylene overlapped 12" on ground 'Indicate sealing, caulking, gasketing, and weatherstripping I Indicate weatherstripping 'Indicate sealing, caulking and gasketing PRESCRIPTIVE/COMPONENT PERFORMANCE (Sections 1320 -23 or 1330 -34) Envelope Sum. Form Completed and attached. Provide component performance worksheet if necessary Provide ENVSTD screen 1 output if necessary If 'no' Is shown for any question, provide explanation: 'Date 6/24/96 June, 1995 Location Building Department on Plans Notes M1 2 3 GAS 8 HEAT PUMP IA4 3 A4 3 A4 3 A4 3 A9 1 IA3 1 'See addendums Sec 08630 See Addendums 152 A9 1 Sec 08630 See Addendums 152 'Sec 07200 IA4 1 I IA2 1 2 2 I A8 1 I 'M 3 I Mechanical Summary MECH -SUM 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Project Info Project Description Briefly describe mechanical system type and features. Compliance Option Equipment Schedules 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form See Plans M 3 and Addendums 1 &2 Attached letter in adition. Project Address Applicant Name: Applicant Address: Applicant Phone: Cooling Equipment Schedule Equip. ID Brand Name' Model No. St Andrew s Assisted Lifing Facility Park Ave Port Angeles WA 98362 Chilless Neilson Architects (503) 227 1751 333 SW Fifth Ave Portland, Ore 97204 Simple System O Complex System O Systems Analysis (See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications. Use separate MECH -SUM for simple complex systems.) The following information is required to be incorporated with the mechanical equipment schedules on the plans. For projects without plans, fill in the required information below Capacity Btu /h 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I Heating Equipment Schedule Equip ID Brand Name' Model No Capacity Btu /h I I Total CFM Total CFM OSA CFM SEER or Econo? or EER IPLV Location OSA cfm or Econo? Input Btuh Output Btuh June, 1995 'Date 6/24/96 For Building Dept. Use I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 Efficiency Fan Equipment Schedule Equip. ID Brand Name' Model No. CFM sp.' HP /BHP Flow Control Location of Service I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I If available. 2 As tested according to Table 14 -1 14 -2 or 14 -3. 3 If required. 4 COP HSPF Combustion Efficiency or AFUE, as applicable. 5 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH -CHK 1994 Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms Project Address St Andrew's Assisted Lifing Facility The following information is necessary to check a mechanical permit application for compliance with the mechanical requirements in the Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Applicability Code (yes, no, n.a.) Section Component Information Required HVAC REQUIREMENTS (Sections 1401 1424) 1411 Equipment performance yes 1411 4 Pkg. elec. htg.& cig. List heat pumps on schedule seconda ry 1411 1 Minimum efficiency Equipment schedule with type, capacity efficiency M3 See attached letter yes 1412 yes 1412.1 yes 1412.2 a 1412.3 yes 1412.4 yes 1412.41 yes 1412.5 yes 1412.6 yes 1412.7 yes 1422 no 1423 1413 a 1413.1 a 1413.2 a 1413.3 1414 yes 1414 1 yes 1414.2 yes 1415.1 yes 1424 yes IHVAC controls 'Temperature zones Deadband control 'Humidity control 'Automatic setback I Dampers 'Heat pump control 'Combustion htg. 'Balancing 'Thermostat interlock 'Economizers Air economizers 'Operation 'Control 'Integrated operation Ducting systems 'Duct sealing 'Duct insulation 'Piping insulation 'Separate air sys. Mech. Sum. Form Indicate locations on plans Indicate 5 degree deadband minimum Indicate humidistat Indicate thermostat with night setback and 7 diff. day types Indicate damper location and automatic controls Indicate microprocessor on thermostat schedule Indicate modulating or staged control Indicate balancing features on plans Indicate thermostat interlock on plans Equipment schedule Indicate 100% capability on schedule Indicate controls able to evaluate outside air Indicate capability for partial cooling Indicate sealing necessary Indicate R -value of insulation on duct Indicate R -value of insulation on piping Indicate separate systems on plans Completed and attached. Equipment schedule with types, input/output, efficiency cfm, hp, economizer SERVICE WATER HEATING AND HEATED POOLS (Sections 1440 -1454) no yes a a a a If no 1440 1441 'Indicate R -10 insulation under tank 1442 'Indicate automatic shut -off 1452 'Indicate not electric resistance 1453 'Indicate switch and 65 degree control 1454 'Indicate vapor retardant cover 1454 'Indicate R -12 pool cover is circled for any question, provide explanation. 1450 Also see ADDENDUM 1 2 Service water htg. Elec. water heater 'Shut -off controls 'Heated pools 'Pool water heaters 'Pool heater controls 'Pool covers 'Pools 90+ degrees 'Date Location Building Department on Plans Notes 1M1 2 3 Ml 2 3 I M1 p I M1 IM1 'M1 'PS 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 6/24/96 Sec 15950 Sec 15950 Sec 15950 Sec 15250 Sec 15250 Sec 15250 M3 See attached letter June, 1995 CHILLESS NIELSEN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS PC TF,flff F !'1•+11 I FCC, AIA DONALD E, NInSEN, AIA AiwClelaa; DANIEL P CIENNON, AIA GAIL P BOGi:R. AIA 333 SW PIfTM AVENUE SUITE 201 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 (503) 227 -1751 fax: (503) 274.8634 June 27, 1996 Mike Brown City Light City of Port Angeles 321 E. Fifth P B Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Re: St. Andrew's Place Assisted Living Facility Port Angeles, Washington Dear Mike, Here are the Efficiencies for the mechanical equipment as relayed by our mechanical engineers. Minimum Standard Efficiencies CU 1 CU-2 CU -3 OHP OHP 2 OHP 3 TAC 1 TAC 2 SEEK 10.00 SEER 10.50 SEER 10.00 SEER 10.20 SEER 10.20 SEER is 10.20 SEER 10.00 SEER 10.00 We are less than a week away from the bid date. Issuing an addenda now is not desirable. I will send a copy of this letter to the general contractor for distribution to his bidding sub's. This is a H U D project. As such, they will not allow attached addenda as part of the construction document package. When the contractor receives the drawings and specifie for actual construction, which we anticipate to be in late August. all of the addenda items will need to be incorporated into those two pieces. I will have the mechanical engineers include the ?hove Minimum Standard FffiriPncipa on their Equipment Schedule sheet M2. Plpacp (-all with any questions nr comments. Siri arpiy CHILLESS NIELSEN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS, pc Gail P Boger AIA c: Leff Williufc.s, W G. Clark Construction ()mid Nabipoor Interface Engineering Robb Linkletter, TLA Lighting Summary LTG -SUM 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Project Info Project Address 1 Project Description Compliance Option Alteration Exceptions (check appropriate box) 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form Maximum Allowed Lighting Wattage (Exterior) St Andrew's Assisted Li£ing Facility Park Ave Port Angeles WA 98362 'Applicant Name: Chilless Neilson Architects (503) 227 1751 Applicant Address: 333 SW Fifth Ave Applicant Phone: Portland, Ore 97204 New Building Addition Alteration Date 6/24/96 For Building Department Use O Prescriptive 0 Lighting Power Allowance 0 Systems Analysis (See Qualification Checklist (over). Indicate Prescriptive LPA spaces clearly on plans.) No changes are being made to the lighting Less than 60% of the fixtures are new and installed lighting wattage is not being increased June, 1995 Maximum Allowed Lighting Wattage (Interior) Location I Allowed (floor /room no.) Occupancy Description Watts per ft Area in ft2 Allowed x Area All 'Nursing Home (All Exempt) 3. 501 10646 01 15969 0 I I I I From Table 15 -1 (over) document all exceptions on form LTG -LPA Total Allowed Watts1 15969 01 Proposed Lighting Wattage (Interior) (May not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Interior) 1 Location I Number of Watts/ Watts (floor /room no.) Fixture Description Fixtures Fixture Proposed 'Exempt I I I I I I I I I I Total Proposed Watts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Interior Total Proposed Watts1 Allowed Watts Area in ft2 Allowed Watts Location Description per ft or per If (or If for perimeter) x ft (or x If) Covered Parking I 0.2 W /ft2 I Open Parking I 0.2 W /ft 23768 01 4753 6 Outdoor Areas I 0.2W /ft 3363 01 672 6 Bldg. (by facade) I 0 W /ft I Bldg. (by Perim) I 7.5 W /If 704 01 5280 0 Note: for building exterior choose either the facade area or the perimeter method, but not both) Total Allowed Watts1 10706 2 (May not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Exterior) Proposed Lighting Wattage (Exterior) Location Fixture Description I Number of Watts/ Fixtures Fixture Proposed Watts Drive /Parking SA 1250 watt Metal Halide I 121 300 01 3600 0 Walks SB 1100 watt MH Bollards I 61 130 01 780 0 Enerance Sc 1100 watt MH Recessed I 81 130 01 1040 0 Bldg SD 1175 watt Incandescent I 41 150 01 600 0 SF Perimeter 1175 watt Metal Halide I 21 210 oI 420 0 P Bldg 160 watt Incandescents 81 60 0 480 0 Perimeter I Total Proposed Watts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Exterior Total Proposed Watts' 6920 0 Lighting Permit Plans Checklist LTG -CHK 1994 Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms Project Address Date The following information is necessary to check a lighting permit application for compliance with the lighting requirements in the 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Applicability Code (yes, no, n.a.) Section Component LIGHTING CONTROLS (Section 1513) yes yea yes yes yes a a yes a a yea 1513.1 1513.2 1513.3 1513.4 1513.6.1 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form St Andrew's Assisted Lifing Facility Information Required Local control/access'Schedule with type, indicate locations Area controls 'Maximum limit per switch Daylight zone control Schedule with type and features, indicate locations vertical glazing 'Indicate vertical glazing on plans overhead glazing 'Indicate overhead glazing on plans Display /exhib /special'Indicate separate controls 1513.5 'Exterior shut -off 1 (a) timer w /backup 1(b) photocell. 1513.6 Inter auto shut -off 1 (a) occup. sensors 1513.6.2 (b) auto. switches Lighting Sum. Form If no is circled for any question, provide explanation Schedule with type and features, indicate location 'Indicate location 'Indicate location Indicate location Schedule with type and locations Schedule with type and features (back -up, override capability); Indicate size of zone on plans Completed and attached. Schedule with fixture types, lamps, ballasts, watts per fixture 'Elec motor efficiency'MECH -MOT or Equipment Schedule with hp, rpm, efficiency I Location Building Department on Plans Notes 1 E4 5 1 E4 5 1 E4 5 1 E4 5 I I I I 1 E4 5 6/24/96 June, 1995 Jul 28 2014 09:06AM Olympic Electric Co,, Inc 3604523498 page 1 RECtIVED Oq JUL 2 8 201r. CITY of PORE' ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION Building DivisionlElectrical Inspections ELECTRICAL � 321 East Fifth Street — P.O. Box 1150 / Port Angeles Washington, 98362 fNPs�NS°" Ph: (360) 417-4735 Fax: (360) 417 -4711 Date: 'i rq 0 MUNI- Famlly or Commercial{ Plan Review May Be Required, Please Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Job Address: S-r- e-4wParz r_-«s' S P L w i &A°• S'zo C- _ PA_z;"e Building Square Footage; Description of above =AsS' &Na: CLM ,441 Owner Information Contractor Information Name: t=.77 Name: aLYMMELECTRIC Malling Address: Cr , .errs +- ,a Mailing Address: 4230 ".LMWATER City: PA. 5ta1e:vv"Ar Z# City; FOR VANLIELES Slate: WA Zip; 98363 Phonel/1'7 *S9 Fax; Phone: 3e0.4a -M03 Fax; 3e04e7a48e License 4 / Exp, L- oen se g / Exp, OLYMPEC2e5 D1 Item Unit Charge QtV Total (Qty Mullipiied by Unit Charge) ServicelFeeder 200 Amp. $132.00 $ ServicelFeeder 201400 Amp. $ 160.00 $ ServicelFeeder 401 -600 Amp $ 225.00 $ ServicelFeeder 601 -1000 Amp, $ 288,00 $ ServicelFeeder over 1000 Amp. $ 410.00 $ Branch GrcuitW/ Service Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuit W/o Service Feeder $ 74,00 $ Each Addilicnal Branch Circuit $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $ 86.00 $ Temp. Servicel Feeder 200Amp, $102.00 $ Temp, Service/Feeder 201 -400 Amp. $121.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 401 -600 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp. Service /Feeder 601 -1000 Amp , $165.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 $ Sign /Outline Lighting $ 88.00 $ Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy-Nlulti•FaWy $ 64,00 $ Signal Circuit! Limited Energy/ First 1500 sf - Commercial $ 96.00 $ Note: $5.00 For each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy - 5KVA System or Less $113,00 $ Thermostat $ 56M $ Note: $5.00 for each additional 7 -Stat $� Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection, After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and U61ity Specifications and PAMC 14,05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: ❑ Caah ❑ Check M CredltCard$ Dated: - �� 0110112012 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 -417 -4735 Application Number 14- 00000886 Date 7/29/14 Application pin number 693356 Property Address . . . . . . 520 E PARK AVE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-15-5-0- 9160 -2001- Application types description H1,ECTRTCAL ONLY Subdivision Name . , . , , . Property Use . . , . . , , . Property Zoning . . . , , , . Application Valuation . , . 0 Application desc -- - - -- _____ ad4in4 outlets for paging Owner JeA� Contractor ,9T ANDREW'S RETIREMENT COMNTY OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC 703 CALLAHAN OR 4230 TUMWATER BREMERTON WA 983103347 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 457 -5303 Permit . . , . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL, Additional desc 1 -4 CIRCUITS Permit Fee 86.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 7/29/14 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration. Date 1/25/15 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 86,00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 86.00 86.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total 00 ,00 .00 .00 Grand Total 86.00 86.00 .00 .00 N REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGEIBUILDING ii