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339 Viewcrest Ave - Building
Apr 08 1404:24p JPE,LLC 360-975-3314 p.1 REOCEIVED CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION Building Division/Electrical Inspections APR 9 2014 321 East Fifth Street—P.O.Box 11501 Port Angeles Washington,98362 �- Ph: (369) 4174735 Fax:(360) 417-4711 ELECTRICAL �► l L(--_f eV 1&2 INSPECTIONS �ingleFamilyDw+�lirtg `Plan Review May E `Regdred,lease C�orrplete©ethical Ran FWew Ir�fio melon Shed .robA thus:_3� Zswr'r!' A4f t0Uldrg Square Owner lrjfoaWion Contractor Inforrrration ntarre " Nffm- %W'6 L41- MaGi Address: 3 i E Cr£$d- fi �.—��p' G$ � IN�ilfl"G Lbvw� i3 Cfty.P `#57 3 8 Fax J 5 w�z 93 Z Phone: - Fac 3 - - 33 Liger se#1 � Lioensetkf�.j 'tyt--V-P73 06skn ,!T5 Item Unit e CXX TOW Lcjy Multi lied by Unit SmAce/Feeder200Airp $120M $ SSMOE Feader 201400 Pap. $148.00 S Savioa'Feeder 401-600 Anp $205.00 § ServimTe dar 601-1000 Arrp $MOD $ 5ervioa+Feeder two'1000 AM $373.00 $ Dw&Q rat W Service Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch 0 mL*WO Service Feeder $ 63.00 $ EahAddtiorva BranchQmA $ 5.00 $ Branch Orbs 1-4 S 75.00 Tarp,Service'Feed 200 ATp. $ gaco $ Twip,S3VMTbeder 201400Anp. $110.00 $ Terrp.S3vioa'Fe3der 401-600 Anp. $949.00 $ Temp.53vim Feeder&o1-100DArrp, $16HO $ Portal to Pater Haxi $ Srgrd Gran/Lirriled Er ergy-1&2 Farrily DAdling $ 64.00 $ MenLfa%zed Hare CaTw ctm S 12QOD $ Pa wa Ue Elec tdcal BieW-5WA System or Lass $10200 $ Tremstat $ MOD $ NDb,-$5 00 for each a9citiona'Twat NEWQ0NMXTlQN GrLY: Fist 1300 ire Ft $120,00 Each fddtiord 800 Sgj3e Ft or Portion of $ 4(1.00 $ Each Outulclfq or lead $ 7400 $ Each 9Mrrrnfrg Pcwi or Hat Tub $11 D.00 $ $ ?5,Ob Total Offer as defined by RCVV19.28.261:(1)Omer will oa:XR the stns tre for tmyears after this electrical pemit is frdLmd.(2)Omu is regr.ired to hire an electrical=tailor ff abch a said property is far sale,rant or lie. Pemirt e)0res after six months of last irspedion. After reefing the abm a st iaTent,I hereby outify fl d I am the carer cf the above naned pcpedy or a lioar'Ged electric ocrtrcdor.I am malting the elecsrical irddlafion cr a'teration in ocrtplianmwith the electrical lam,RE Q,RCVV Cher 19.28,VAC Diver 2954E' The Cityd Port ArVdes I "cipal Code,and Uility Sped ce6ons and PAMC 14.05.050 regading B C cal PwM Applications. Signature of oracles-,efectrigl oontredor or electrical administrator: ❑ Carr, ❑ chi X meted: � 7 _ aagirDtz ELECTRICAL PERMIT - CITY OF PORT ANGELES 3 360-417-4735 Application Number , . . . . 14-00000430 Date 4/09/14 Application pin number . . 2697a0 Property Address , . . . . . 339 VIEWCREST AVE REPORT SALES T.4')C ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER; 06-30-15-5-1-9000-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY on your excise tax form Subdivision Name , , . . . , to the City of Port Angeles Property Use . , , , Property Zoning UNKNOWN (Location Code 0502) Application valuation , . . . 4 Application desc Ductless heat pump Owner Contractor FANGEN TTE-ROBERT E JPE { FERRY PETERSON FANGEN FAMILY LIVING TRST 73 EAST LOMA VISTA RD V� PORT ANGELES WA 98362 SEQUIM WA 98382 (360) 731-&994 0, v0 tS ------------------------------------------------------------ _____-_ ---------------------------------- ------- ---_=1 7 �'1 Permit , . . . , . ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional deoc 1-4 CIRCUITS Permit Fee . , . . 75,00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue ]late . . . , 4/09/14 Valuation , . , , 0 Expiration Pate . . 10/06/14 M Qty Unit Charge Per Extension Ell BASE FEE 75.00 ------------------------- -- - Fee summary Charged Paid . Credited Due Permit Fee Total 75.00 75,00 ,00 .00 Plarl Check Total. .00 00 00 .00 Grand Total 75.00 75.00 .00 DO INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL / -I, V COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTI-IS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: GAXCHANGI;MILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 350-417-4735 Application Number . , . , , 14-00000430 Date 4/09/14 Application pin number . . . 269780 Property Address . . . . . . 339 VTEWCREST AVE REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06 30-15-5-1-9000-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY on your excise tax form Subdivision Name . . . to the City of Port Angeles Property Use Property zoning . , , . . . , UNKNOWN (Location Code 0502) Application valuation . . . . 0 Application desc Ductless heat pump ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ FANGEN TTE ROBERT E JPE ( JERRY PETERSON FANGEN FAMILY LIVING TRST 73 EAST LOMA VISTA RD PORT ANGELES WA 98362 SEQUIM WA 98382 {360} 731-8994LA ------------------------------------------ ------------- - --5__1 ----- Permit . , . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc 1-4 CIRCUITS Permit Fee 75,00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Tate 4/09/14 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 10/06/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 75.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 75.00 75,00 ,00 .00 Plan Check Total 00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 75.00 75,00 .00 .00 INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: GAIEXCHANGE\I3U1LDING CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DiVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 I~UlI_I. III~I~ I"l;:~lYII I ISSUED: 6/21/2002 PERMIT NO: 13495 OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION R.E. FANGEN 339 VIEWCREST 339 VIEWCREST Lot: PAR. A~Sl/2 L 22 ALL23-26 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 26 [] Long Legal 360/452-8164 Subdivision: GRANTS T: S: Parcel No: CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT EMERALD ROOFING N/A 133 LELAND AVE Port Angeles, WA 98362 , 98360-0000 360/452-4681 360/000-0000 PROJECT INFO ~j) Project Value: $4,200.00 SFD Units: 0 Commercial: 0 Project Type: RE-ROOF SFD SQ FT: 0 Industrial: 0 Occupancy Type: RESIDENTIAL Garage: 0 Occupancy Group: MFD Units: 0 Construction Type: MFD SQ FT: 0 Zoning Use: RS7 PROJECT NOTES TEAR OFF, SHEET, FELT, COMP .,~ FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: $111.25 Misc Fee 1: $0.00 Plan Check: $0.00 Misc Fee 2: $0.00 State Surcharge: $4.50 Misc Fee 3: $0.00 House Moving: $0.00 Manufactured Home: $0.00 Sign: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $115.75 Plumbing: $0.00 AMOUNT PAID: $115.75 Mechanical: $0.00 BALANCE DUE: $0.00 Radon: $0.00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. [ hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing th.~s-,h~e of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to~yiOate/o'r cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of of Contrac~r or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T:\?LANN[NG'u~ORMS\I ]02A$ [4/2002] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. ITIS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES I NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT: # PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR / SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE GAS LINE BACK FLOW ! WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS / GIRDERS SHEAR WALL WALLS / ROOF / CEILING DRYWALL T-BAR INSULATION WALL / FLOOR / CEILING MECHANICAL I-IEAT PUMP WOOD STOVE / PELLET / CHIMNEY HOOD/ DUCTS PW UTILITIES ! SITE WORK (Engineering Division) SEPARATE PERMIT #'s: WATERLINE / METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W. / PW/ CONSTRUCTION - R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW / ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 ~ ~/~ O~.. ~/- BUILDING T:\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15 [4/2002] . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457-0411 PERMIT NO. .L/ / (~ DATE /p- /1/-93 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Installed By: READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: o WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Site Address: E ./ Phone: Qrmer/Business Address: Sq. Ft. ~ RESIDENTIAL o COMMERCIAL o BASEBOARD KW _ o FURNACE KW _ DFAN/WALL KW _ o HEAT PUMP KW_ o SIGN Details/Description: o TEMPORARY SERVICE o PERMANENT SERVICE o NEW CONSTRUCTION o REMODEL o ADD/ALTER CIRCUITS o SERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR o SPECIAL EQUIPMENT (LIST BELOW) o OVERHEAD SERVICE 'R1 UNDERGROUND SERVICE /VOLTAGE: o SINGLE PHASE o THREE PHASE..,n ~ SIZE ~C/ AMPS 30 . \ \ . . I ~ Ditch Inspection O.K. o O.K. to connect service .;ff^ 'P Fiinal O.K. W.S. No. CAPACITY: o O.K. NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: 0 CHANGE TRANSFORMER o INSTALL SERVICE POLE o CHANGE SERVICE WIRE o OTHER SERVICE SIZE DATE ENGR. Site Address: Permit/Receipt No. {p-j'f- Installer: New Meters , . Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address an ermit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or on the Building Per It. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. NOOCCUPANCV OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT $ . . .I/o, {)() Permit Fee YELLOW - fire by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer GREEN - Top: Meier Dept., Bottom: City Hall OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT I I N? 16117 Port Angeles, wasbJngton........../m:I...~.m..m.mmmm.....m. 19.2.r In accordance with the City Ordinance to regulate the Installation, extension. or repair of elec- trical equipment in. on, or about any building or other structure In the City of Port Angeles. per- mission is hereby granted to do electrical work as listed below. Address ..,~).~~~..m...mh'h"" Occupancy.....m........................................ ~:~::~~~~~~~~.:::~;:~~k:;:::....~~:~~~;~:::::::::::...:.....~::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::: --- . Ltg)t Outlet8................~.i.......~.._..... Service, volts ./.~r-p..y.t:'....... Type of Wiring: Receptacle Outlets.......2..)>............... No. wires ........................y..... Armored Cable ............................. DrYf"r, KW ___um.._n~......uh......_.__..._ Size WireS.~t;!.~:71n_...._.. Non.Metallic .....................00......---. /~- doer rr Knob & Tuben..............._.__.._.......... Ranr,e, KIV .................................. Main fuse ............2"...........::.......... V RIgid Conduit ............................... Water Heater: /' Enclosure ___...0.00...0.000000___...__.......... fI"-) KW.________u_..i!.._._...______._n___.._.______. - ~ );-/31.> Heat: KW..._.._............._........................ Type of wiring: Entrance Cable ........00__.......__.. Motors: Blze, volts and phaBe: /~ ._.....00 __.................._':!:..............n....n.. . /J , __.__.,.r..~_.!!f-!:~.~~._......h_.___....._..... Rigid Conduit ..__.__......_....._. Metallic Tubing mnm.._____n Current transformers: No. & Size...................._.... Ser. No..............--.-..---....---_.............__ Ser. No. ...h_......._............__................. Metallic TUbing .....__00..._..........__.. Raceway .._...._....................._._......_ C. Clrc~:~.it~i~~f:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c.. I-Ieat ____.....__.._._._....................._...... 2.... Range .......................__._....___....__..... ;t Water Heater .................._...._.._.._. Motor ............_._.............................. ";"'J Dryer ..n..~..............._..___...._....nn__.. Furnace .____._..................._._...._._.._...... Sec. No............................................... Total Load..__..............._......... Sec. No. .n._...__....._..h....._.........__.,...___ Total ....?..L....__............... Rc marks: nnn_uu.::'!:1-.1nl!!;....:!._....~=._____n~"!.~!..h_f..~..n~_un~__nunhun.OOn_.n.__n'.n_n..nn_.n_nnnn.nn.'__'..4__. '. '~~~;~";~~---hm..m'''hm....m';~~~:.''~~~~;~~''huumu---mmh.m''''''j71!','f/:l:mm2------' $.........lLqJL______hu.hu. No............................. By ull:u...___~u..lt.m.m_..~~u..u.~r.~!._. NOTICE-Current must not be turned on until CertifIcate of Inspection has been issued. It work is to be COD- ce::3.led due notice must be given the Inspector so that work may be inspected before concealment. NOTIFY THE INSPECTOR BY PERMIT NUMBER WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION ELECTRICAL PERMIT N? 16117 Address............._______._.____......................................................................._._.....___._..______......_.__......Date..._....._____..__._..........___...._.__...________.. Q\vner ........____..______........_......___n..__._......_...._.__.___...._......._.._........._....____.h____....___.____.._. Tenant..._....h__....h__....h._____h......h______....n_________.__.. "'-Iring Contractor......................................_n_._..._n.....__:_.....__.....____..__..__n____................................ By.h.h......____....____________.._......_._..._......._____.. NOTICE-Current must not be turned on until Certificate of Inspection has been issued. If work Is to be con. craled due notice must be given the Inspector so that work may be inspected before concealment. 1 M C11vmoic Printers. Inc.