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222 N Lincoln St Ste 1 - Building
.,,~._----- -.- -.- -._' .-- -~.~-- -- .-- ---.-------- --- __no ______.__ - .____ - (~~flJ!f!tljRj~lJf_~f!lJl~-ff!f!WI/!fi/f!~jll~~~~;~;;~~"\' i F' ~ ..::;~l@,! ;.:.-:,.".. P.:~ r' ~ . 'Pc=: f.:~ 'f/. ;~,= ! ~ .'-'= N, .;:::~ ?:.~ .r";,:~ l F= ..'f/I'0= :?~ 'I:'~ ~ =~ "1 >;:Aj - I I~J~~~.~~~~.~~.~~..d4~.~~~.~.~y~,%~~~L~)' : I .....~.1.-_ __ "lI,,__!li. ~ _.f~'_ ~ _ ';' ..""';O'~"t."".:\~.~l~~ _~ ~_ . 4 i:l"'~ '...- ...:..'''::..~_::,..~ _.;f".~ .:..~~_~ ~ . I~\:" .' -,t-.-~-<, -..r..-."..... ...~ ..'...,....,............ ..-.,.-...... ............-. ~-.. .-+ .... ... .~-,....-.....-.-~..... .."..-..-...~-...".-~ ....--........-+..........,.-.-.............~............_..... ""-rll; '" iJ~1 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY t~{i f .l@1~ City ?f .port A~geles ~ '~') !f~l BUlldmg SectIOn l''i-,': I "1'" , 'urj' 1'\. · .. 171ft' , (r:#~t This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 307 of the r~~'~,'! :.~~tf .' Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure' was t'~ ,~ Il: in comp/~an.ce with the various o~dinances of t~e City regulating building t '~~i \, ~~ ~ constructIOn oruse. For ,the follOWing: I ' ~' ~L .... li'r' 1~~W' I (~t' , ~I~W ) (l~; UseClassifiC<ltion r~~ta~rant Bldg. Permit No. 1122 t:~~)i ,~ ; G,,,p -B,"2c-)' ., , T,,,, Coo,,,,,,'oo 111- N u" Zoo, r R f) 1:~~1 , ~~ ' """ofBm'oo' Larry Smithson Add". 212 West 2nd "'", f t ",Hd;o, Add,- 222 No, Lincoln, Suite I Port Angeles, Wa, 98362 ~ ~f< , (B · J' ,.DI I (.~~.: , ->':1: , Jr;- .... Mc1)' 24, J 985 .,lj(o' ."t,/'. (I~ * Da Ie Du ilding Official 1: ~l ! 'I' ~~~. \; l, " ., . t I. . .- ~"'; Post on the PremIses In u ConspICUOUS Place '..I,!' ~:', :~~l~k"l<~'~,'...n}~:.I::~;~;~.~:~:t.::.;:~::;.~~r.~~i.a~'-""'-'-".."._.,~,...~..;.-k1! '~I I >>'~~, . ~ .~~l~l?"~ ~l'~ fi'~ ~"~ ;p't'~,.;; '~~ 0~~1~0:.~"~~~_..'~..~.f~}""~ )'. \ .~",.." ~:l /" .~. /' t-,' "~,t ." 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"1j;i'~"" <1 "'0 ~...!iI~l!t ':"~"?ti!;;;): i'/f/'JY %2,_ - ~)_ ';- 4iJ".".4,.'1;;:~, '\~;-$, '".;" ~*c:!..i :'- ii',\tN,-'i'~,.~f;'~~' ~;1oi'\};\!"" ',.~'!l/,'\),\.>t' ,>,"{' ":"_ ,. EX~J!i NECESSITY JO ,USE THE PUBLIC STREET, S ,IlE\~ALK OR ~L~NTING STRj) . ~\t'\~~ 0,0"1 TY\/ll<'t- <lIJ,,-,1;\v\e ci.& 0.:..1 Se.(i:..+,1'\ 0..", ''''~b\t. ~ 6 L.~c.V" C0ts~~:?<:;e\h\ -to.r ~<:"€'. ~o re...\<V" \' d0{1I'l~/ * * * HOLD IlARHLESS AGREEHENT * * ~~ i~j> In c0mplinnce Angel:~ Municipal Code, and in consideration the City a Street Use Permit to the undersigned allowing ment of the above de~sribc~,\ street uS,e, the undersigned for himself and for his ~- ,", ',J .'} nnd interest, hereby"lig~cef(, to save and to defend the City from, and hold the City against any claims or,\::'~~i~s for .'per~onal injury or property .~~' '; - . '_ --~~. " '. .'~, . . _ ,- 't:~::' ,,:- ~~~,. :,>,*~?Ij,'/!;t> _.",~::~! ' ,>' in.' any 1<13'Y connected 'w~t""t e abovc"described street use, ";- :',J:.',-' ~ . - _ 'fi,~-f;;., :~'.;:~~f' '... co",cd Ly cho ,0Ic "O'_f cho ,CJ~Y of ,~~r,c A"golcs 0' , ~:~:;:' < e~~f rAt,.. ,,>w , 19-R~_~. .....\.':~.'. ,. ,'i~. ,) "J'""'" "'''.''''~.",.. ~ .\ ,\ .... "\.,, '..,"" r'," .,' - t<,""""i i " ,/ '. \. C'. t :' J.. ;.', , C 1/ . / SUIl5CRInED ant! mc chi. cy AD]", ,:,../,;"'; :. , " .: NOTAJ~Y PUBLIC in "t I \ ,. Washington residing (This permit, ,if npproved, may be terminated by the City without cause * * * * * * * * *'* (Office Use Only) * * * * * * * * * * Dnco n,pli,eL,"" w"in'd rJI~0 FOe poid ,d61oo Reccipt Certific;!te of JnsuLlnce prov.id rJ~ AgrCl:menL Lo Rcmov0 Encroilchment Gi r,ned ,I nd reeD ['(led CO,j~, s~"t to, p"I',"'~l'i'e~'J"""i"g~dmi", S"'!~C ~~/-K(., Apphe." ""<Gpi ''''~ """, "," I,,' II" c' ":' "f ['" hi,,' h'", l, . -.. u.~ _ _._.__ \. j t Ii (<J1It! J I. lon',: S0~ cJ:---k_<\-(o..uJ'-')~_~0bI:')J~g~ 'm._n. _ -.--________h______ ____ Copy to City Coune i J 0 Fi] e by add res:> ilnd llumber ~ Copy to Street Di v. for Closure RECORD . 1~ ~E~O~~ _i& ~~~~~UD:ATE' ORj0THERWI~E C\~NC,EAL , 24 HOUR NOTICEtREQUIRED PRIOR TO INSPECTION. POST THIS INSPECTION IN A CONSPldOol)s LOCATION, APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON JOBSITE C>F I NSPECTIQ~' , ~~~. ~:i"~;: '.' ":, ' .,~' ~' ...."',p, "" '., \~' ...~.. ,,,,,.,,, ,.:\-... . '- ~'''ft '%)l'fi- _""~~'~_ -<,..'.... _\ .' ,~\ ... " " ; ,,\, .'\.: ,.. \...~ , ~', -,,:,~,,; ':')';~- :;'"' . t_ Inspection':J';!~.:' ,;,i~.', Accepted Date ;i~~', "0~ :~tft;,; - Rough In Corrections Plumbing Corrections Framing Com~ctions ,j,.; <'~'f>' Chinlney ", .-...~f ~:. ~ 'I, _ ._ __" _',~ CorrectigD$ .../': .~->.> ,::\,..~\ ......'1...,.\\... I ..,~\\'" '.>t;'\. il...., ..,. ...."', .i,'1I.'- ;\\_\,\.'-,qh,\,. ,.'w ;~~';~;~'''''''m. '- .... _.;'- t.,~ ~,}," ,\'~ _'~~:j, '.... Mechanical " :;. ~ ,. ..J.... Corrections .' ~r:\ . ~l ~ \ , .\ ~.:: ' . " ' . ' , . Insulation " Corrections n_"_"n'n, ., . .' . " - ~ - . \ .... :, ~ Electrical Final . Corrections __n,__, - Final Inspection 01< ?l2 !la: K/ r . Corrections FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY , ,,-"<'1 ~..~ ot'." ;}*~, ROUTING SLIP ~ su;ine.. Llcen.e, Building Permit Application, Certificate of Occupancy 'i!!J ~ t L /, . ~~"'~i'; ~ DATE ~ ~ 9)?",~i~l;"., New Business ............................. ( , ) Address of propbse~l,u~s,I~ess "f:~ Transfer of Business Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ", y' "J.:."')-':2- ~7J.,Jrt"'> '0 :!-I 9.ha!1geofOwnershlp.......................( V) ~ ,Applicant L\oy~!'41 6,' hr,'tn New Building.. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. ( ) . Address :l "2.. ~ ~ot, I It.. 'Y"?')\ i) R.emodel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ) ~_~h Temporary Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ) Ph 'b I "":!:S'101 h PermanentBuslness..................,.....( ) one. us ness ~,,,, ome.. .;~, ". Brief description of proposed business: ~-, ~ iJ. '"l:)<b I. " I Legal Do"\crlptlon: , lot Block Subdivision Current use of Prope~ty: S m l~ -' :.t:::>c., I I Zoning Classlflcatlo;'of Property: " -P:: b WILL THERE BE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? YES NO YOU Will NEED THE FOLLOWING: Construction changes. . . .. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , , , , -1L_ PERMITS BUSINESS LICENSE Electrical changes ..,...................,.,.,., -'/ 1) Building 1)'raxl Mechanical (healing, cooling, stoves) ..,...,..",. -L 2) Plumbing 2) Peddlers Plumbing changes ..,.,.........,.......,.,.,.. L 3) Electrical (City Light) 3) 2nd Hand Dealer New or relocated signs... ... . ...,' ..... .... . . .. " -L 4) Mechanical 4) Pawn Broker' " v ,New sepl1c tanks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . . . , . . . . . . , , . 5) Sewer 5) Private Detective New seWer service .,..........,.,.,.......,.", v ~) Sidewalk Installatlon 6) Merchant Patrol Admission charged to patrons;,' . . . . , . , . , . , . . " , , ./ 7) Drlvew1\lj installation 1) Amusement' Is thIs a home occupallon? . . . , . , . . , , , , . , , . , , , , , . v 8) Curb Ins lallation 8) Dance Excavation or filling of lots ............. . , , . . , . . . / 9) Sidewalk obstruction 9) Hotel. Motel Work done In City rlght.of.way ....,.,."."".", ," if 10)Water metar Installallon 10) Septlc Tank Is there sufficient off.street parking? . . . . , . . , , , , .. , :/ 11) Septic tank 11) Fireworks New driveway openings ..........,.,....."."., v ~Occupancy 12) Ambulance A grading plan for site drainage _,_'/ ~Ign 13) Massage Parlor (parking lots, downspouts, etc.) ."'...".",.",, ./ 14) Fire Department 14) Talloo shop Are the existing streets paved? . . . . . . . . , . . . , , . . , . , ./ 15) Shoreline 15) Other Are there existing sidewalks? . , . , , , , , , . , , , , . , , , , , ,/ 16) Home occupation Is thoro curb & gutter? ....,.'..,.,.,..,'.,..., , . v 17) Conditional usa Other...,...".".,.."".."""""""."" , -L 18) Other I hereby apply for a permlt/llcense for the Items above -..) and aCknOWledge that I h':W8 read this application and . i /1.J::l J 9'7 j/ state that the Information I have supplied is correct to Date. fl....L.--;/.';,) (i 47'" /j the best of my knowledge. Signed;" :-:&L A..-, ~~., ~ ~,;o,;o ') -' - / A -:?" Comments/Conditions I~ Iv (.:;; tv "lJ r:'//J ~;J..s I Building Section /^di~/)('[CTI();-.J ,'.vIGI.. i:~ (OA.Jouc.--rt..<, Public Works Department 't? I "TN cr FIIC() /)&;vr7". f:J:. Planning Departm6nt Fire Department , I I I I I I -, G T.. ClF\N A.V',"USE ~E~~I~D., srv rl5scaIJ1(1'j HIr~8Ci!.. r>€LI . 'DAti: ' ll1~' IV He1~C( JEaJ;j( (c2t<,J 'I5'~ -~~ .:Ur.:.t.1' ADDRESS FOR .:UKU,l' USE, "jjUJ (../~Jj:. r PrAf....etU-f>.:vh:;. 9J'3Cy . DEsCRIPTION OF ntEREQUEST (include drawings forcladty):.(Irstrfttc1oaure is ~. ~~se"":'::::\'-'. '., ablte ,.. or Itnct R ll1dta or cloaure %1Iql.ated ~t.her with the ctIl'.t1on~ closure.., SII)~*f71J'{/(/h~i;';;:~~'/ ':(I>flr p~ AUll.On"e, (,'t'"' /Jt.,~, ~,.'()'::f>e(..l ~1/W. ;S'r.rIOt:-6~ '.... " ""<;f,.;,:,~t,~:f " " " '..~~'tH17'att-IJ",' '(.A1trtrr . ,',.,'.'.'... '..-;..,., , ....,. '<,:'...'..><.".'.',...'.'.../;:,(,i::C;/>'.~ ..,.<.:~:.:~?Mrh:.:,):. LUL.lUN DURATION ntAIO~UCT!ON \/ILL BE IN PLACE(1.e..hourso.f_op~atiOn),AND.. HOW. ,IT. '..".;:,':,',..::".:;,;~,>.';::. WILL B,E..,.LI_ftf1 If'klLfH ~t?1N .'6J.:J-'li.!ID:!JJJS> 101M (.('1 tJl!1rY.. ":"',/. ,.:,::,',:":,,'.f,i, 11-(41 I:J.-J/~, Jf1?Nt;. M!'1f "FmYr /?1V) IN18<.m.e.. 6r-:- ~(. """'~::"":-(;:"_;:,,:~ '. ",. . '.' '., . . ',' '. .' .." ',' , """'/:~;;~!:k?!?; "",,",Ill h~fnTO USE THE PUBLIC ,.,".u" SIDEl/AUOR PLANTINq~IP: ,r/ff~W ~{~!C~~f ~~;:: li. egi~.f-S~ '1.0.-11'(".( (17)'1 ~dl<'(,J')' ~O"";I?<~I:~;~~?~~ . . ' ". .... HOLD HARMLESS AGRmmNT* *.* .......,.,.,~';,?',"{<~:i;~{(fii~:t~Wik~1iJ;;~ .' In cocpliance vith the Part Angeles Hunici?al Code. and,1nconsiderationoftheiSsUance~'i,'i;-:'ii} ; . .. . . '. , . - "'. ..' . . .- . "'\ ''';~''_:: ..,,' ::,. ..', " -'-::.:'~' . .' (.~ ,-;:;'i~.' ;.~;,,~ ..'~~:,.t' by the City of Port Angeles of a Street Usa Permit .,to the undersigned allov1ngthe.place-",/il. llent of the above deacribed street use. the undersigned for himself andfor.his'successori':~:::':'~~ . ,., ..' ' . . ' "',' "..... , . ,.' ,.,', .",.-;"'''-. and:lnterest, hereby agrees to save and to defend theCit7lrOlll.andhoid.the ,Cit7,ha'~,~~~,~i~S~F . . ,'," ,'.. " '" ,. ,'., .., '..' .,' '. "'. ',,;"' ",>1, ,,' against any claillS or lawsuits for personallnjury or property damage arising out of,' or~::(;.:,i>. . . /., , '_::: . .:" ".',.:,.....-> -'.>' ,:::::-' ;,..., .'-:::' ~". "_, :,' ,",/:" ,,'. .,.::.;. :-.;~;?::{\r:.).:;.~/ :lnanyvay. connected vith the above descr1bedstreet:use~';exceptfor,.injUriesordam8ge8~:~{';-:";i'~:, . . - . ','" " '~- - ." ':":'; ".,: - :,,:/~,'.:-::': >.-,-:: -'-':';"'>',' ,,"':,--:"::: ,':"',:'Y~__,,'> ",-;, _::';-r,.,,-, --.. ,: "'. 'd_ ~~.~.~,;::..: ::'''~.,~''~ caused by the sole negligence of the City of Port Angelesor.1ts agents~.; . " ':: <:>'~:~:;~~\~~C{~.; ," , . .- y ..~>;.~...~,.~,::~<-~<..';.~.~J;{t DAn:Dthis" r7f1J- day of d1E(1 ,19!l.1 ':.:'>':',2~1:~,":I? r . ',. '''',~>''.'. ,...,'..'.......,,".. 7/)'/(. .>,,~~''J,~'.';j;'~TI:. ~) '...".,,!.',;,'."., .- - ,.:.;;~' ~ul).)l...AJ.~ nnd aworh 'to before ,me this 17m- daJof AtJt2tc.....,19fi ',,'.' ~{~ti~b ' " ARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington residing at ~ 1 llllS~ic4 SGav"1 .<,.. (This peI1l1t, if approved. I18Y be terminated by the City vithout cause and at a~, t1JDe.):,(,:~~;:<,,'~L , .~ - ',': "- ': ,,-' ,,-<',~ ,...:.'.. · · · · · · · · · · (Office Use Only) · * · * * .. · * * ' ,," ';....:;;;\"\":~;,~{~'/)~ . ','.'...'..'" Date application rece1yed 4.::J1:!1J Fee paid $ a.o Receipt' '3073~ "':",':-:; Certificate of Insurance prOYide~ ' Agreeme~t to Remove Encroachment signed and r~corded .' ../ _~ . K\S\C....-......-::: Copies sent to: Police 0' Fire ~ Planning 0"AdlDin. Services \:}~ APPllcation~prO~denied by Director of Public Works -~l' "'_ with conditions: M.....~~~ 4' ~\-r ~.:b'J\-t -"'- fM~n ~Opy 1'01 APPOO~~~ 'F~ er=; P~1.~f-et..:JcnREE'1' 0 . '.,- ~. RUP C ", ,; " ' , ",.",.j,';'''':i^,i}!,<." d'''::,;.,'''' ,", "LESfl~~ "" I-' ~ . '~'1' ~ J!';";'f~~~ CITY;,OE;;PORl'<~GE .' ".;~~fi;,)~'t:;':f.i - . . ~~ "t~.~;,; 1991 . -, RE: Right-of-Way Use Dear Sir:.' of insurance , ' 'I ", ; " ;';, .. Enclosed is a copy of the approved ,application for" your file ~ : you have any questions, please contact ,me by:phoninq eXt. 125. ' ' , Larr] J. Romig, Building Official ,', ,. ~~ ,"'";, Barbara Robinson 'Permit Technician , , '.-' '" ; ."- . ,.., . ROUTING SLIP ~I"OArl4".. iS~Q~~1;~t\}~ Certificate of Occupancy ~~ L,,-==:::.::w ... Certificate/Inspection Fee ~ DATE '1~ 4-t?Z- New Business ............................ ( ) . . Address of Proposed Business Transfer of Business location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ( ) Applicant "'TJ4.~ f"'a-.~ ':> ~ r' , Change of Ownership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ( ) New Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ( ) Address '2...-~,-. ",. t..-::r::::rV'(!e:; f--I\/ :B Tif'; Remodel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ( ) business ~..-€..f&fqf-home t.f{1-o l'ft Temporary Business ....................... ( ) Phone: Change of Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ( X) Brief description of proposed business: (!)PF7:~ f legal Description: lot I Block I Subdivision ";dto. / Q d-s- Current Use of Property: c...iSD Zoning Classification of Property: Will THERE BE ANY OF THE FOllOWING? YES N~, THE FOllOWING Will BE REQUIRED: Construction changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PERMITS BUSINESS LICENSE Electrical changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) Building 1) Taxi Mechanical (heating, cooling, stoves) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) Plumbing 2) Peddlers Plumbing changes ............................. 3) Electrical 3) 2nd Hand Dealer New or relocated signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4) Mechanical 4) Pawn Broker New septic tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5) Sewer 5) Dance New sewer service ............................. 6) Sidewalk installation 6) Hotel. Motel Admission charged to patrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7) Driveway installation 7) Fireworks Is this a home occupation? ...................... 8) Curb installation 8) Ambulance Excavation of filling of lots ............. . . . . . . . . . . 9) Sidewalk obstruction 9) Tattoo shop Work done in City right-of-way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /' 10) Water meter installation 1 0) Other Is there sufficient off-street parking? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V 11) Fire New driveway openings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12) Occupancy A grading plan for site drainage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13) Sign (parking lots, downspouts, etc.) .................. 14) Shoreline Are the eXisting streets paved? ................... 15) Home occupation Are there existing sidewalks? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16) Conditional use Is there curb and gutter? ........................ 17) Other Other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I hereby apply for a Certificate of Occupancy and acknowl- edge that I have read this application and state that the Date: information I have supplied is correct to the best of my ~ knowledge. Signed: ... -. REJECTED Comments / Conditions Building Section Public Works Department IO/t..f/oz- Sr2.- Planning Department v /o/qJOk- Fire Department e,U I tJ I Z"{ 0 Z- City Clerk V P.B.IA