HomeMy WebLinkAbout222 N Lincoln St Ste 14 - Building
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/ viI:: This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 307 of the 1,~~j\
:i' c;\;-;.~~~.t.: Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time ofissuance this structure was ! ':'PI..:
; (if ill': in compliance with the various ord~nances of the City regulating building i~.~1!
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City of Port Angeles
Building Section
Tltfs Cert(/1cate Issued pursuant to' the requ.lrements of Section 307 of th~
Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of Issuance this structure was
In compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building
construction or use. For the followl'lg:
Ute Clul!lelllan ProfelRional O~fice . 81da. PermIt Ne -0- .
Oroup B-2 Type ConItrucllon V-H Ute Zone CBO
Owner of Ilullnea --1;." ".. r to. "'" UA.l:.n" D. n ""',,.
Bulldlnt A:ldrc:ll 222 North Lincoln 14
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