HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.862 Original Contract ( , ~.. IO,f 'R' ;T':Pl- N:G" 'E"LE: 'S" j <,.,: :; i ,I I Ii" J " :" ~ ~ ' ~ I ^of _ _' <<~~! __'" ! ,- , ; , . . WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. Public Works & Utilities Department ~ ~' I" , ., " " ;, ' < : { ~ ~,(:- ,,:) , " '~,' \ ',' ~ J ~, ,.. ",'j", Thursday, May 22, 2008 ",' .' . " ,;" , Ms. Melanie Jackson Bonneville Power AdministratIOn Mail Stop: TSE/TPP-2 P.O. Box 61409 Vancouver, W A 98666-1409 ;" ;, ' ",' )' ~ ' , ',< . .:.' Subject: Agreement to terminate delegation agreement , " Dear Ms. Jackson, Please find enclosed an originally signed agreement to terminate Contract No. 07TX- 12822. , , " f ~ Enclosure Cc Becky Upton, City Clerk Phone 360-417-4805! Fax 360-417-4542 Website WWW cltyofpa us! EmaiL pUbllcworks@cltyofpa us 321 East Fifth Street - POBox 1150 ! Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 5. 8{O~ Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration P.O. Box 61409 Vancouver, WA 98666-1409 TRANSMISSION SERVICES May 12,2008 In reply refer to: TSEffPP-2 o ~~~H"'IE MAY 1.3 2008 Mr. Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Public Works for Power Systems City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 Subject: Agreement to Terminate Delegation Agreement Dear Mr. Dunbar: Per the request of the Port Angeles City Light (Port Angeles), enclosed are two signed originals of an "Agreement to Terminate" the current Agreement for Performance of Certain Activities Required under Electric Reliability Standards (Delegation Agreement), Contract No. 07TX-12822 between Port Angeles and the Bonneville Power Administration (BP A). The enclosed Agreement to Terminate constitutes mutual agreement to terminate, according to Section 3(b) of "Term and Termination" of the Delegation Agreement. Upon receipt and approval, Port Angeles will sign and fill in the effective dates of each original, and return one signed original to BP A at one of the addresses below. This will effectively terminate the agreement. First Class Mail Bonneville Power Administration Mail Stop: TSEffPP-2 P.O. Box 61409 Vancouver, WA 98666-1409 Overnight Delivery Service Bonneville Power Administration Mail Stop: TSEffPP-2 7500 NE 4151 Street - Suite 130 Vancouver, W A 98662-7905 If you have any questions, please call me at (360) 619-6012. \. Sincerely, , 'l1jICfh~ Me ame Jactcs~n~ Tra smission Account Executive Transmission Sales 2 Enclosures cc: Mr. Glenn Cutler Mr. Terry Dahlquist 5.gw:l- AGREEMENT TO TERMINATE This agreement is made this IS!!1 day of May, 2008 by and between the City of Port Angeles ("Utility") and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Department of Energy, by and through the Bonneville Power Administration ("Bonneville"), a federal power marketing agency. For and in consideration ofthe mutual benefits to be derived, the parties recite and agree as follows: 1. Whereas, Utility and Bonneville entered into an Agreement for Performance of Certain Activities Required under Electric Reliability Standards, Agreement No. 07TX-12822, on November 15, 2007; and 2. Due to a change in circumstances, the parties now agree that it is in their mutual best interests to terminate the Agreement referenced in Section 1, above. 3. Therefore, the Agreement is terminated effective All .Jr-<<, I S ,2008. CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: ~4'\ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Department of Energy ::nn~stratioo Title: Director of Public Works & Utilities s) 15/'1.."0" Title: WI "'+\ 6<, . 4Z \ () ') /4-t'--0V"'~ t)Ct'-Ji~\JL f) /1 d- / {}-OO 8 I Name: Glenn A. Cutler Name: Date: Date: G \Legal_BackupIAGREEMENTS&CONTRACTSI2008 Agmts&Contracts\Bonnevllle Agmt to Tcnmnatc 040 I 08 wpd Apnll 2008 (9 28am) 5. ~~~ lO-25-07A09:28 RCVD~ Agreement No. 07TX-12822 AGREEMENT FOR PERFORMANCE OF CERTAIN ACTIVITIES REQUIRED UNDER ELECTRIC RELIABILITY STANDARDS executed by the BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION and CITY OF PORT ANGELES This AGREEMENT FOR PERFORMANCE OF CERTAIN ACTIVITIES REQUIRED UNDER ELECTRIC RELIABILITY STANDARDS ("Delegation Agreement") is entered into by and between City of Port Angeles ("Utility") and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Department of Energy, by and through the Bonneville Power Administration ("Bonneville"), a federal power marketing agency who are sometimes referred to individually as "Party", and collectively as "Parties" as the context suggests below. WITNESSETH WHEREAS the Energy Policy Act of 2005 ("Act") authorized the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") to approve Electric Reliability Standards with which users, owners and operators of the bulk power system are required to comply ("Electric Reliability Standards"); WHEREAS FERC has approved certain Electric Reliability Standards and associated Requirements proposed by the Electric Reliability Organization ("ERO") authorIzed by the Act to develop such Standards; WHEREAS the ERO holds entities responsible for compliance with particular Electric Reliability Standards and Requirements based on the function those entities perform with respect to the operation of the bulk power system; WHEREAS the ERO maintains a list of entities that are registered ("Registered Entities") and subject to the Electric Reliability Standards, which also lists the functions for which the entities are responsible; WHEREAS the ERO has delegated certain enforcement and other authorities to the Regional Reliability Organization (RRO); WHEREAS Utility, a customer of Bonneville, lS an electric utility that is a Registered Entity, registered as a Load Serving Entity (LSE) and Distribution Provider (DP); WHEREAS Bonneville has been performing for Utility certain activities that are now subject to the Electric Reliability Standards, and Bonneville agrees to be retained by Utility to continue to perform and report on those activities in accordance with the Electric Reliability Standards, and to perform such other activities required of Utility by the Electric Reliability Standards and agreed to by Bonneville and Utility, all as more fully set forth herein; NOW THEREFORE, in order to define the roles and responsibilities for complying with the Electric Reliabllity Standards and in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Bonneville and Utility agree as follows: 1. Definitions. When used in this Delegation Agreement, the following terms have the meaning shown below: a. "Day" means a business day as recognized by Utility. b. "Electric Reliability Organization" and "ERO" refer to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation or its successor approved by FERC under its authority pursuant to the Energy Policy Act of 2005. c. "Electric Reliability Standard and Requirement" ("Standard and Requirement") means a reliability standard or its component requirements as approved by FERC under its authority pursuant to the Energy Policy Act of 2005. d. "Incremental Costs" means those costs that Bonneville incurs (i) to perform its obligations under this Delegation Agreement that are materially increased due to changes to Standards or Requirements occurring after the Effective Date of this Delegation Agreement or (ii) to perform obligations related to new Standards or Requirements that Bonneville did not perform prior to June 18,2007, but which Bonneville agrees to perform pursuant to Section 5c of this Delegation Agreement. e. "Regional Reliability Organization" and "RRO" refers to the Western Electricity Coordinating Councilor its successor to which the ERO has delegated authority under the Energy Policy Act of 2005. 2. Effective Date. This Delegation Agreement shall be effective at 12:00 AM in the time zone applicable to the address of Utility on the day after Utility actually receives from Bonneville an original copy executed by both Parties ("Effective Date"), notwithstandmg anything to the contrary in Section 15. Agreement No. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles 2 3. Term and Termination. a. This Delegation Agreement shall continue in effect for ten (10) years from the Effective Date, unless otherwise extended by written agreement of the Parties or terminated in accordance with the provisions of thIS Delegation Agreement. b. The Parties may terminate this Delegation Agreement only by written mutual agreement. From the time that the Parties agree to terminate until the time termination becomes effective, the Parties shall continue to abide by and perform their obligations in accordance with the terms of this Delegation Agreement. 4. Amendment of Delel!ation Al!reement. Except as expressly stated otherwise in Sections 5(b) and 15 of this Delegation Agreement, the Parties may amend or revise this Delegation Agreement only by a signed written mutual agreement. New or revised exhibits to this Delegation Agreement shall be deemed to be part of this Delegation Agreement and shall be effective on the date specified therein. 5. Exhibits. a. Exhibits A ("Bonneville Responsibilities") and B ("Utility Responsibilities") are hereby incorporated as part of this Delegation Agreement. b. Unilateral Revisions (1) Bonneville may unilaterally revise Exhibit A to incorporate FERC- approved changes to Standards and Requirements set forth in Exhibit A. Such changes shall be effective on the date Utility receives written notice of such changes by Bonneville. (2) Bonneville may unilaterally revise Exhibit A to incorporate additional Standards and Requirements. Such revision shall be effective seven (7) days after Utility receives written notice of such revision from Bonneville unless Utility provides objection by telephone to Bonneville within such period followed by delivery of written notice of such objection within five (5) days, in which case such revision shall be deemed ineffective. c. Negotiated Revisions. Pursuant to Section 4 ofthis Delegation Agreement, Utility may request that Bonneville assume responsibility for compliance with additional Standards and Requirements not set forth in Exhibit A or with changes to Standards and Requirements set forth in Exhibit A, and Bonneville may in its discretion agree to assume responsibility under terms acceptable to Bonneville and Utility, which may include Utility's agreement to reimburse Bonneville for the Incremental Cost associated with its assumption of responsibility for such additional or changed Standards and Requirements. Agreement No. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles 3 d. The Parties shall make a good faith effort to negotiate by December 31,2007, an Exhibit C to this Delegation Agreement to specify each Party's operational and other technical obligations to enable and facilitate the Parties' compliance with the Standards and Requirements. In the absence of an Exhibit C, an arbitrator may make findings regarding a Party's reasonable operational or other technical responsibilities in determining comparative fault under Section 7. 6. Performance Oblie-ations. a. Bonneville's Performance Obligations (1) Bonneville shall undertake the operations, maintenance, reporting, documentation and such other responsibilities required by the Standards and Requirements specified in Exhibit A for Utility to maintain compliance with such Standards and Requirements. (2) Bonneville shall accept and be bound by the relevant interpretations and final orders ofFERC, the ERO, and the RRO regarding the actions that are required to be taken by Bonneville in order to fulfill its obligations under Exhibit A. Bonneville may comply with such interpretations without the consent of Utility. (3) If performance of Bonneville's obligations hereunder requires access by Bonneville personnel to property or facilities of the Utility, Bonneville shall comply with all applicable Utility access procedures and safety regulations and take any necessary safety instruction that may be required by Utility. b. Utility's Performance Obligations (1) Utility, and not Bonneville, shall be responsible for compliance with the Standards and Requirements listed in Exhibit B and all other activities required to comply with the Standards and Requirements, including documentation requirements, that apply to Utility and that are not listed in Exhibit A. (2) Utility shall accept and be bound by the relevant interpretations an'd final orders of FERC, the ERO, and the RRO regarding the actions that are required to be taken by Bonneville in order to fulfill its obligations under Exhibit A. (3) Utility shall timely add, maintain, repair, and replace equipment and software on its system necessary for Bonneville to comply with the Standards and Requirements in Exhibit A. If requested by either Party, the Parties shall meet to discuss the necessity of such additions, maintenance, repair or replacement of equipment and software on Utility's system. Utility's failure to respond to a request by Bonneville to add, maintain, repair, or replace equipment or Agreement No. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles 4 software shall be considered in any determination of comparative fault by an arbitrator under Section 7(d). (4) If Bonneville needs access to Utility's facilities to perform its obligations under this Delegation Agreement, Utility shall grant Bonneville and its authorized contractors timely access to Utility's facilities to perform those obligations, subject to Bonneville's compliance with Section 6a(3) of this Delegation Agreement. (5) As the Registered Entity, Utility shall fully inform Bonneville of any non-monetary sanctions or other non-monetary directives proposed to be assessed on or directed to Utility by the RRO, ERO or FERC with respect to Bonneville's obligations under this Delegation Agreement. 7. Liabilitv for Monetary Penalties. a. As a Registered Entity, Utility shall be responsible for paying to the RRO, ERO or FERC any monetary penalty imposed by the RRO, ERO or FERC for violation of any Standards and Requirements applicable to Utility or Utility's system or for failure to comply with other obligations of a Registered Entity regardless of whether a dispute exists between the Parties under Sections 7(c) and 7(d) below. b. Bonneville shall reimburse Utility for any monetary penalty imposed on Utility as the Registered Entity for violations of Standards and Requirements for which Bonneville is responsible under Section 6a. Bonneville shall reimburse Utility for any such monetary penalties within thirty (30) days of Bonneville's receipt of an invoice from Utility or within thirty (30) days of, and consistent with, the final resolution of any dispute under Section 7d. Bonneville shall recover the costs of any monetary penalty reimbursement through generally applicable rates and charges, and not through any direct chltrge, surcharge or penalty that assesses such monetary penalty against Utility. If Utility's acts or omissions are responsible in whole or in part for Bonneville's failure to comply with such Standards and Requirements, Utility shall bear a share of the monetary penalty based on its comparative fault. c. In determining whether and to what extent Utility is responsible for any part of monetary penalties imposed with respect to Bonneville's violation of its obligations pursuant to this Delegation Agreement, the Parties shall use good faith efforts to reach agreement on the proper amount, if any, of the monetary penalty that should be assumed by Utility. d. If such dispute is not resolved after good faith efforts of the Parties to reach a resolution, the dispute shall be finally resolved by binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Arbitration Rules, unless the Parties agree in writing upon another method for resolving the dispute. Each Party shall have discovery rights as set out in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Judgment upon any award rendered by an arbitrator may be entered in any court or administrative body having Agreement No. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles 5 appropriate jurisdiction. In order to keep Utility whole, the award shall include interest on the amount of such monetary penalty for which Bonneville is determined to be responsible. The Parties shall equally share the costs of any arbitration process, including the cost of the arbitrator, court reporter and room rental. Each party shall be responsible for the costs of presenting its own case, including, without limitation, witnesses, attorneys, and consultants. 8. Challenges to Penalties. Sanctions and Other Non-Monetary Directives. a. If Bonneville elects to challenge a monetary penalty, non-monetary sanction or other non-monetary directive noticed by the RRO, ERO or FERC for performance or non-performance of activities for which Bonneville has assumed responsibility under this Delegation Agreement, then Bonneville shall notify Utility in writing of its decision to challenge and shall consult with Utihty regarding the potential risks, costs and liabihties resulting from the challenge before filing any such challenge. Utility shall cooperate with Bonneville in initiating and pursuing such challenge, and the Parties shall assume their own costs of initiating and pursuing such challenge. b. If Bonneville does not elect to challenge a monetary penalty, non-monetary sanction or other non-monetary directive noticed by the RRO, ERO or FERC for the performance or non-performance of activities for which Bonneville has assumed responsibility under this Delegation Agreement, but Utility deSIres to challenge such monetary penalty, non-monetary sanction or other non- monetary directIve, then Utility shall notify BonnevIlle in writing of its decision to challenge and consult with Bonneville regarding the potential risks, costs and liabilities resulting from the challenge before filing such challenge. Bonneville shall cooperate with Utility in initiating and pursuing such challenge, and the Parties shall assume their own costs of initiating and pursuing such challenge. 9. Reportine: Responsibilities and Information Exchane:e. a. Each Party shall provide in a timely manner to the other any information that is reasonably required and requested by the other Party in writing, and which is needed to perform its obligations under this Delegation Agreement, including without limitatIOn information required by FERC, the ERO, the RRO to determine compliance with the Standards and Requirements for which Bonneville has assumed responsibility under this Delegation Agreement. Such information shall be provided in a timely manner. b. If Bonneville determmes that it is not in compliance with one or more of the Standards or Requirements set forth in Exhibit A, it shall prepare a report of such violations pursuant to the requirements of the RRO and submit such report to Utility as soon as practicable. Utility shall submit such report to the RRO and inform Bonneville of the date of such submission. Bonneville may submit its report directly to the RRO if Utility has not submitted such report to the RRO within five (5) days of its receipt from Bonneville. As soon Agreement No. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles 6 as practicable after the report is submitted to Utility, Bonneville shall prepare a mitigation plan to correct the violation and shall submit such plan to Utility III the proper format which shall then submit such plan to the RRO and inform Bonneville of the date of such submission. Bonneville may submit its mitigation plan directly to the RRO if Utility has not submitted such plan to the RRO within five (5) days of its receipt from Bonneville. c. As soon as practicable but not more than two (2) days after learning of an investigation by the RRO, ERO or FERC of a possible violation of the Standards and Requirements set forth in Exhibit A, Utility shall provide telephonic and telefax notice of such investigation to Bonneville and mail a copy of such notice to Bonneville by first class mail. d. As soon as practicable but not more than five (5) days after learning of an upcoming compliance audit of Utility by FERC, the ERO or the RRO, Utility shall provide written notice to Bonneville describing the date, time, and location of such audit. Upon receiving such written notice, Bonneville shall deliver as soon as practicable, but no later than two (2) days prior to the scheduled audit, all documents, correspondence, and materials related to the performance of its responsibilities under this Delegation Agreement that are determined by FERC, the ERO or the RRO to be required for such audit. Bonneville shall deliver materials to the location listed in Utility's notice. In the event that the audit will be performed on site, Bonneville shall have a representative in attendance to explain all documentation provided by Bonneville under the terms of this Delegation Agreement. e. Where a Party provides information to the other Party under this Delegation Agreement and marks such information as privileged commercial and financial information or critical infrastructure information submitted to a public body in confidence or as trade secret information for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act or similar law of the State of Washington, the other Party shall treat such information as confidential and protected from disclosure to the extent permitted by such law. The Party possessing such information shall notify in writing the providing Party of any request to release such information. The Parties agree to use such information only for purposes of performing the Party's obligations under this Delegation Agreement. If Bonneville receives a request to disclose such information provided to it by Utility, it shall promptly notify Utility in writing of such request and shall not disclose such informatIOn without obtaining the consent of Utility, consistent with Bonneville's obligations under the Freedom of Information Act. If Utility receives a request to disclose such information provided to it by Bonneville, Utility shall promptly notify Bonneville in writing of such request and shall not disclose such information without Bonneville's consent, consIstent with Utility's obligations under state law. In the event legal proceedings are initiated to require Utility to release such information, it shall be the responsibility of Bonneville to take any and all actions necessary to protect the confidentiality of such information, and Utility shall not be in Agreement No. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles 7 breach of its obligations hereunder if Utility does not take legal or other action to resist the disclosure of such information. f. The Parties shall also timely provide each other with any information that is reasonably required, and requested by either Party in writing, to allow the requestmg Party to comply with the Standards and Requirements, regardless of whether the requesting Party has assumed responsibility for such Standards or Requirements under this Agreement. 10. Liability and Indemnification. a. To the extent allowed by the Federal Tort Claims Act, 62 Stat. 982, as amended, Bonneville agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Utility, its board of directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives against and from any and all loss, claims, actions or suits for or on account of injury, bodily or otherwise, to or death of persons or for damages to or destruction of property belonging to Utility or others, resulting from Bonneville's negligent acts or omissions or intentional misconduct in connection with the performance of this Agreement, excepting that any liability attaching to Bonneville shall be reduced by any proportion that such harm or damage is caused by negligence or intentional misconduct of Utility, its board of directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives. b. In no event shall Bonneville be liable to Utility, its board of directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives for any lost or prospective profits or any other special, punitive, exemplary, consequential, incidental or indIrect losses or damages (in tort, contract or otherwise) under or in respect of this Agreement. 11. Relationship of the Parties. The Parties agree that Bonneville is an independent contractor to Utility in the performance of its obligations under Section 6a of this Agreement. Neither Party is the agent or prinCIpal ofthe other, nor are they partners or joint venturers. Each Party agrees that it will not represent that, in performing its obligations hereunder, it acts in the capacity of agent or principal of the other Party, nor that it is a partner or joint venturer with the other Party with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 12. Governinl! Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and enforced in accordance with Federal law; provided, however, that the capacity, power and authority of Utility to enter into this Agreement and any issue relating to the interpretation of Utility's enabling statutes or its oblIgations under local or state information access and disclosure laws and regulations shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the constitution and laws of the State of Washington. Agreement No. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles 8 13. Assif:mment. Neither this Agreement nor any rights or responsibilities under this Agreement may be assigned by either Party to a third party without the written consent of the other Party, and such consent shall not be unreasonably delayed, conditioned or withheld. 14. No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and legal benefit of the Parties, and no other person shall be a direct or indirect legal beneficiary of or have any direct or indirect cause of action or claim in connection with this Agreement or of any duty, obligation, or undertaking established herein. 15. Notices. Where this Agreement requires the determination of the date of receipt or delivery of any written notice, request, demand or other communication, it shall be deemed to occur on the earlier of: (i) the date when telefaxed with confirmed transmission, (ii) four (4) days after being deposited into the United States mail; or (iii) the day after being placed into overnight delivery. Any notice, request, demand or other communication under this Agreement shall be dIrected to the Parties' respective contacts as shown below. Either Party may change or supplement its respective contact information by giving the other Party written notice of such change. If to the Utility: If to Bonneville: City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 Title: Electrical Engineering Manager Phone: 360-417 -4 702 Fax: 360-417-4709 Attention: Transmission Account Executive for City of Port Angeles - TSE/TPP-2 Phone: (360) 619-6113 Fax: (360) 619-6940 If by First Class Mail: Bonneville Power Administration P.O. Box 61409 Vancouver, WA 98666-1409 If by Overnight Delivery Service: Bonneville Power Administration - TSE/TPP-2 7500 NE 41st Street, Suite 130 Vancouver, WA 98662-7905 16. Waivers. Any waiver at any time by either Party of its rights under this Agreement, or with respect to any other matter arising in connection with this Agreement, shall not constItute or be deemed a WaIver with respect to any subsequent assertion of that right or matter arising in connection with this Agreement. Any delay short of the statutory period of limitations in asserting or enforcing any right under this Agreement shall not constitute or be deemed a waiver of such right. Agreement No. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles 9 IO-2G-viA09:28 RCVD~ 17. Entire Al!reement. This Agreement constitutes the entIre agreement between the Parties regarding Bonneville's duty to perform on Utility's behalf activities that are otherwise Utility's responsibility under the Standards and Requirements. 18. Shmature Clause. The Parties' representatives signing below represent that they have been properly authorized to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the Party for whom they sIgn. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as shown below. By: ~A- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration CITY OF PORT ANGELES Name: a, Ie...." A. C v""l.G.tt (Pnnt / Type) By /fJ;;t tl(tI4u~ Name: Lynn M. Aspaas (Pnnt/Type) Title: --0 )1'l.Ja"l..1"IIq" ;;? v~c..IC..\.JOIl" ~ "8- v-n~ I /~ J 10 "0") Title: Transmission Account Executive Date: Date: /1 /;~7 I ( w. \ TMC \ CT\Electnc RehabIhty Standards \ Contracts (Final) \ 12822_DA_Port Angeles.doc Agreement No. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles 10 Exhibit A, Revision No.1 Bonneville Responsibilities Load Serving EntitylDistribution Provider Standards and Requirements This Reviswn No.1 to Exhibit A adds a clarifying footnote regarding Standard FAC-002-0. This Exhibit A, Remsion No.1 replaces Exhibit A in its entirety. BAL-005-0 Automatic Generation Control F AC-002-0 Coordination of Plans for New Facilities F AC-002-0 Coordination of Plans for New Facilities F AC-002-0 Coordination of Plans for New Facilities This standard establishes requirements for Balancing Authority Automatic Generation Control (AGC) necessary to calculate Area Control Error (ACE) and to routinely deploy the Regulating Reserve. The standard also ensures that all facilities and load electrically synchronized to the Interconnection are included within the metered boundary of a Balancing Area so that balancing of resources and demand can be achieved. To avoid adverse impacts on reliability, Generator Owners and Transmission Owners and electricity end-users must meet facility connection and erformance re uirements. R 1.3. Each Load-Serving Entity with load operating in an Interconnection shall ensure that those loads are included within the metered boundaries of a Balancing Authority Area. R 1.1.1 Evaluation ofthe reliability impact of the new facilities and their connections on the interconnected transmission systems. R 1.2.1 Ensurance of compliance with NERC Reliability Standards and applicable Regional, subregional, Power Pool, and individual system planning criteria and facilit connection re uirements. R 1.3.1 Evidence that the parties involved in the assessment have coordinated and cooperated on the assessment of the reliability impacts of new facilities on the interconnected transmission systems. While these studies may be performed independently, the results shall be jointly evaluated and coordinated by the entities involved. 1 This only applies to connection requests to the Federal Columbia River Transmission System (FCRTS). Page lof3 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit A, Revision No.1 Bonneville Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Coordination of Plans for New Facilities R 1.4.1 Evidence that the assessment included steady-state, short-circuit, and dynamics studies as necessary to evaluate system performance in accordance with Reliability Standard TPL-001-0. R 1.5.1 Documentation that the assessment included study assumptions, system performance, alternatives considered, and jointly coordinated recommendations. F AC-002-0 Coordination of Plans for New Facilities PRC-009-0 Analysis and Documentation of Underfrequency Load Shedding Performance Following an U nderfrequency Event PRC-009-0 Analysis and Documentation of U nderfrequency Load Shedding Performance Following an U nderfrequency Event R 1.3. A simulation of the event. R 1.4. A summary ofthe findings. 1 This only apphes to connectIOn requests to the Federal ColumbIa River Transmission System (FCRTS). 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit A, Revision No. 1 Bonneville Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 2 of3 ~t""St~n<l1t" ]'" '"A~*,I<>""''''' PRC-009-0 R2. Analysis and Documentation of Underfrequency Load Shedding Performance Following an U nderfrequency Event W: \ TMC \ CT \ Port Angeles \ Electric Reliability \ Revisions \ 12822_Ex A_RCDA.doc The Transmission Owner, Transmission Operator, Load-Serving Entity, and Distribution Provider that owns or operates a UFLS program (as required by its Regional Reliability Organization) shall provide documentation of the analysis of the UFLS program to its Regional Reliability Organization and NERC on request 90 calendar days after the system event. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles ExhIbit A, Revision No.1 Bonneville Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 3 of3 Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities Load Serving EntitylDistribution Provider Standards and Requirements CIP-OOl-l Sabotage Reporting Disturbances or unusual occurrences, suspected or determined to be caused by sabotage, shall be reported to the appropriate systems, governmental agencies, and regulatory bodies. R1" >l%'>.Ji ~~~f>i:; R1<''''Jlm,h ~%~<~t'">~>> '~ y ~q!:'rrlf";' '; / . " ~gLrEtx.;$ R 1. Each Reliability Coordinator, Balancing Authority, Transmission Operator, Generator Operator, and Load Serving Entity shall have procedures for the recognition of and for making their operating personnel aware of sabotage events on its facilities and multi site sabotage affecting larger portions of the Interconnection. R 2. Each Reliability Coordinator, Balancing Authority, TransmIssion Operator, Generator Operator, and Load Serving Entity shall have procedures for the communication of information concerning sabotage events to appropriate parties in the Interconnection. R 3. Each RelIability Coordinator, Balancing Authority, Transmission Operator, Generator Operator, and Load Serving Entity shall provide its operating personnel with sabotage response guidelines, including personnel to contact, for reporting disturbances due to sabota e events. CIP-OOl-l Sabotage Reporting CIP-OOl-l Sabotage Reporting 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Reqmrements Page 1 of 25 Sfhndaffd "">*-:::- ^ 1"'"'<G& CIP-001-l EOP-004-2 Disturbance Reporting EOP-004-2 Disturbance Reporting EOP-004-2 Disturbance Reporting " ,-~.r-<<'}~'" "b 'rl~ , It'N'''U'ev :,:::;q'rp,(J~~ Disturbances or unusual occurrences that jeopardize the operation of the Bulk Electric System, or result in system equipment damage or customer interruptions, need to be studied and understood to minimize the likelihood of similar events in the future. rl{eq'#{ . R4. R2. -,.,""< -<~tft." ,,~*,' :;k> . <:RErgime~t . ->,"'0l<o< <~l"fl.V ^~".'-' ~;,<~ ~ Each Reliability Coordinator, Balancing AuthorIty, Transmission Operator, Generator Operator, and Load Serving Entity shall establish communications contacts, as applicable, with local Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officials and develop reporting procedures as a ro riate to their circumstances. A ReliabIlity Coordinator, Balancing Authority, Transmission Operator, Generator Operator or Load Serving Entity shall promptly analyze Bulk Electric System disturbances on its system or facilitIes. R 3. A Reliability Coordinator, Balancing Authority, Transmission Operator, Generator Operator or Load Serving Entity experiencing a reportable incident shall provide a preliminary written report to its Re . onal Reliabilit Or anization and NERC. R 3.1. The affected Reliability Coordinator, Balancing Authority, Transmission Operator, Generator Operator or Load Serving Entity shall submit within 24 hours of the disturbance or unusual occurrence a copy of the NERC Interconnection Reliability Operating Limit and Preliminary Disturbance Report form. Events that are not identified until some time after they occur shall be reported within 24 hours of being reco nized. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entityillistribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 2 of 25 ~llii10"'<< ,,':::--7'( 'i.-':;'" slfinda:hh'ft =He ~ "'"~" < ",,'_ EOP-004-2 EOP-004-2 , '" "_-""'';1' :fliillflSttfJ ' , ~~ltll'ettfr,j!J, , {<jt \"1" , >:>fJ> Disturbance Reporting DIsturbance Reporting ApplIcable reporting forms are provided in Attachment l-EOP-004. R3.3. ,i?!ft'~~t!~~'Ji~~t~j, Under certain adverse conditions, e.g., severe weather, it may not be possible to assess the damage caused by a disturbance and issue a. written Interconnection Reliability Operating Limit and Preliminary Disturbance Report within 24 hours. In such cases, the affected Reliability Coordinator, Balancing Authority, Transmission Operator, Generator Operator, or Load Serving Entity shall promptly notify its Regional Reliability OrganizationCs) and NERC, and verbally provide as much information as is available at that time. The affected Reliability Coordinator, Balancing Authority, Transmission Operator, Generator Operator, or Load Serving Entity shall then provide timely, periodic verbal updates untIl adequate information is available to issue a written Preliminary Disturbance Report. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 3 of 25 Stan:aara. > ,.-.' ~J, +~r EOP-004-2 .' . '0' tu : Purpq~~~. . F AC-002-0 Coordination of Plans for New Facilities To avoid adverse impacts on reliability, Generator Owners and Transmission Owners and electricity end-users must meet facility connection and performance requirements. Rl. "7.;-a;r'Q<",y, <<iIot . )-A~i~~~q ~!;~~~ > ,~ If, in the judgment of the Regional ReliabilIty Organization, after consultation with the Reliability Coordinator, Balancing Authority, Transmission Operator, Generator Operator, or Load Serving Entity in which a disturbance occurred, a final report is required, the affected Reliability Coordinator, Balancing Authority, Transmission Operator, Generator Operator, or Load Serving Entity shall prepare this report within 60 days. As a minimum, the final report shall have a discussion of the events and its cause, the conclusions reached, and recommendations to prevent recurrence of this type of event. The report shall be subject to Regional Reliability Or anization a roval. The Generator Owner, Transmission Owner, Distribution Provider, and Load-Serving Entity seeking to integrate generation facilities, transmission facilities, and electricity end-user facilities shall each coordinate and cooperate on its assessments with its Transmission Planner and Planning Authority. The assessment shall include: 07TX-12822; City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 4 of 25 IRO-OO 1-1 Coordination of Plans for New Facilities ReliabIlity Coordination - Responsibilitie sand Authorities To avoid adverse impacts on reliability, Generator Owners and Transmission Owners and electricity end-users must meet facility connection and performance requirements. ReliabilIty Coordinators must have the authonty, plans, and agreements in place to immediately direct reliability entities within their Reliability Coordinator Areas to redispatch generation, reconfigure transmission, or reduce load to mitigate critical conditions to return the system to a reliable state. If a Reliability Coordinator delegates tasks to others, the Reliability Coordinator retains its responsibilities for complying with NERC and regional standards. Standards of conduct are necessary to ensure the Reliability Coordinator does not act in a manner that favors one market participant over another. R8. The Planning Authority, Transmission Planner, Generator Owner, Transmission Owner, Load-Serving Entity, and Distribution Provider shall each retain its documentation (of its evaluation of the reliabilIty impact of the new facilities and their connections on the interconnected transmission systems) for three years and shall provide the documentation to the Regional Reliability Organization(s) Regional Reliability Organization(s) and NERC on request (within 30 calendar da s). Transmission Operators, Balancing Authorities, Generator Operators, Transmission Service Providers, Load- Serving Entities, and Purchasmg-Selling Entities shall comply with RelIability Coordinator directives unless such actIOns would violate safety, equipment, or regulatory or statutory requirements. Under these circumstances, the Transmission Operator, Balancing Authority, Generator Operator, Transmission ServIce Provider, Load-Serving Entity, or Purchasing-Selling Entity shall immediately inform the Reliability Coordinator of the inability to perform the directive so that the Reliability Coordmator may implement alternate remedial actions. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 5 of 25 . Std<hirJ41 "'-s4~ ,,'<r.f.> IRO-004-1 MOD-017-0 MOD-017-0 MOD-017-0 '. .' 'f;!t .' Reliability Coordination - Operations Planning Aggregated Actual and Forecast Demands and Net Energy for Load Aggregated Actual and Forecast Demands and Net Energy for Load Aggregated Actual and Forecast Demands and Net Energy for Load Each Reliability Coordmator must conduct next- day reliability analyses for its Reliability Coordinator Area to ensure the Bulk Electric System can be operated reliably in anticipated normal and Contingency conditions. System studies must be conducted to highlight potential interface and other operating hmits, mcluding overloaded transmission lines and transformers, voltage and stability limits, etc. Plans must be developed to alleviate System Operatmg LImit (SOL) and Interconnection Reliability Operating Limit (IROL) violations. To ensure that assessments and validatIOn of past events and databases can be performed, reporting of actual Demand data is needed. Forecast demand data is needed to perform future system assessment to identify the need for system reinforcement for continued reliability. In addition to assist in proper real-time operating, load information related to controllable Demand-Side Mana ement ro ams is needed. Rl. . '.~..\ %~'?JIfu\" '~(ij..k 'lif~t Each Transmission Operator, Balancing Authority, Transmission Owner, Generator Owner, Generator Operator and Load Serving Entity in the Reliability Coordinator Area shall provide information required for system studies, such as critical facility status, Load, generation, operating reserve projections, and known Interchange Transactions. This information shall be available by 1200 Central Standard time for the Eastern Interconnection and 1200 Pacific Standard Time for the Western Interconnection. The Load-Serving Entity, Planning Authority and Resource Planner shall each provide the following information annually on an aggregated Regional, subregional, Power Pool, mdivIdual system, or Load-Serving Entity basis to NERC, the Regional Reliability Organizations, and any other entities specified by the documentation in Standard MOD-016-0 R1. Integrated hourly demands in megawatts (MW) for the prior year. Monthly and annual peak hour actual demands in MW and Net Energy for Load in gigawatthours (GWh) for the prior year. R 1.1. R 1.2. 07TX-12822, CIty of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 6 of 25 Aggregated Actual and Forecast Demands and Net Energy for Load MOD-017-0 Aggregated Actual and Forecast Demands and Net Energy for Load MOD-018-0 Treatment of Nonmember Demand Data and How Uncertainties are Addressed in the Forecasts of Demand and Net Energy for Load MOD-018-0 Treatment of Nonmember Demand Data and How Uncertainties are Addressed in the Forecasts of Demand and Net Energy for Load R 1.3. R 1.4. To ensure that Assessments and validation of past R 1. events and databases can be performed, reporting of actual demand data is needed. Forecast demand data is needed to perform future system assessments to identify the need for system reinforcement for continued reliability. In addition, to assist in proper real-tIme operating, load information related to controllable Demand- Side Management programs is needed. R 1.1. Monthly peak hour forecast demands III MW and Net Energy for Load in GWh for the next two years Annual Peak hour forecast demands (summer and winter) in MW and annual Net Energy for load in GWh for at least five years and up to ten years into the future, as requested. The Load-Servmg Entity, Planning Authority, Transmission Planner and Resource Planner's report of actual and forecast demand data (reported on either an aggregated or dispersed basis) shall: Indicate whether the demand data of nonmember entities within an area or Regional Reliability Organization are included, and 07TX-12822, CIty of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Reqmrements Page 7 of 25 ~i~~d> MOD-018-0 MOD-018-0 MOD-018-0 Treatment of Nonmember Demand Data and How Uncertainties are Addressed in the Forecasts of Demand and Net Energy for Load Treatment of Nonmember Demand Data and How Uncertainties are Addressed in the Forecasts of Demand and Net Energy for Load Treatment of Nonmember Demand Data and How Uncertainties are Addressed in the Forecasts of Demand and Net Energy for Load . p\ii-pose'. R 1.3. R2. Address assumptions, methods, and the manner in which uncertainties are treated in the forecasts of aggregated peak demands and Net Energy for Load. Items (MOD-018-0_R1.I) and (MOD-018- 0_R1.2) shall be addressed as described in the reporting procedures developed for Standard MOD-016-0_R1. The Load-Serving Entity, Planning Authority, Transmission Planner and Resource Planner shall each report data associated with Reliability Standard MOD-018-0_RI to NERC, the Regional Reliability Organization, Load-Serving Entity, Planning Authority, and Resource Planner on request (within 30 calendar days). 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B UtIlity Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 8 of 25 c;SlaiIdard;: <,<,~=, <<~"''' " > MOD-019-0 MOD-020-0 Reporting of Interruptible Demands and Direct Control Load Management Providing Interruptible Demands and Direct Control Load Management Data to System Operators and Reliability Coordinators Cc ':"c ~;Pun"\'osej c ~..~t>-<-&"'l- ft~ "'" >'~ _ "" P0!#F">ftl.~rv To ensure that assessments and validatIon of past events and databases can be performed, reporting of actual demand data is needed. Forecast demand data is needed to perform future system assessments to identify the need for system reinforcement for continued reliability. In addition, to assist in proper real-time operating, load information related to controllable Demand- Side Management programs is needed. To ensure that assessments and validation of past events and databases can be performed, reporting of actual demand data is needed. Forecast demand data is needed to perform future system assessments to identify the need for system reinforcement for continued reliability. In addition to assist in proper real-time operating, load information related to controllable Demand-Side Management programs is needed. R1. 0<'0=> <^ ,R~t $,>> rye"" The Load-Servmg Entity, Planning Authority, Transmission Planner, and Resource Planner shall each provide annually its forecasts of interruptible demands and Direct Control Load Management (DCLM) data for at least five years and up to ten years into the future, as requested, for summer and winter peak system conditions to NERC, the Regional Reliability Organizations, and other entities (Load-Serving Entities, Planning Authorities, and Resource Planners) as specified by the documentation in Reliability Standard MOD-016-0 R 1. The Load-Serving Entity, Transmission Planner, and Resource Planner shall each make known its amount of interruptible demands and Direct Control Load Management (DCLM) to Transmission Operators, Balancing Authorities, and ReliabilIty Coordinators on request within 30 calendar days. 07TX-12822, CIty of Port Angeles ExhIbit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 9 of25 S~~da~' MOD-021-0 MOD-021-0 MOD-021-0 Documentation of the Accounting Methodology for the Effects of Controllable Demand -Side Management in Demand and Energy Forecasts. Documentation of the Accounting Methodology for the Effects of Controllable Demand -Side Management in Demand and Energy Forecasts. Documentation of the Accounting Methodology for the Effects of Controllable Demand -Side Management in Demand and Energy Forecasts. "i~~~:gtTpQ:~~~2,',:t~~~lit ' To ensure that assessments and validation of past events and databases can be performed, reporting of actual Demand data is needed. Forecast demand data is needed to perform future system assessments to identify the need for system reinforcement for continued reliability. In addition, to assist in proper real-time operating, load information related to controllable Demand- Side Management (DSM) programs is needed. R2. R3. " .~,:~~)j:We~ji;~". ~ The Load-Serving Entity, Transmission Planner and Resource Planner's forecasts shall each clearly document how the Demand and energy effects of DSM programs (such as conservation, time-of-use rates, interruptible Demands, and Direct Control Load Management) are addressed. The Load-Serving Entity, TransmIssIOn Planner and Resource Planner shall each include information detailing how Demand- Side Management measures are addressed in the forecasts of its Peak Demand and annual Net Energy for Load in the data reporting procedures of Standard MOD-016-0_R 1. The Load-Serving Entity, Transmission Planner and Resource Planner shall each make documentation on the treatment of its DSM programs available to NERC on request (within 30 calendar days). 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 10 of 25 '~ St" uw~tJ uw, :.:I ' tip, ' ~~aE~, PRC-004-1 PRC-004-1 PRC-005-1 Analysis and Mitigation of Transmission and Generation Protection System Misoperations Analysis and Mitigation of Transmission and Generation Protection System Misoperations Transmission and Generation Protection System Maintenance and Testing " .'! f R~~g\;#~ ' el!l, ' xt%. < ,_~-<'-~ "",,4& <<~ ..;,?~ v R 1. The Transmission Owner and any Distribution Provider that owns a transmission Protection System shall each analyze its transmIssion Protection System Misoperations and shall develop and implement a Corrective Action Plan to avoid future Misoperations of a simIlar nature according to the Regional ReliabilIty Organization's procedures developed for Reliability Standard PRC-003 Requirement 1. R 3. The Transmission Owner, any Distribution Provider that owns a transmission Protection System, and the Generator Owner shall each prOVIde to its Regional Reliability Organization, documentation of its Misoperations analyses and Corrective Action Plans according to the Regional Reliability Organization's procedures develo ed for PRC-003 R1. R 1. Each TransmiSSIOn Owner and any Distribution Provider that owns a transmIssion Protection System and each Generator Owner that owns a generation Protection System shall have a Protection System maintenance and testing program for Protection Systems that affect the reliability of the BES. The program shall include: > .'1i .<'-< "', >e~ ~;'*fft>l<c~ / " uJ;P0><<~~~titSi, . . Ensure all transmission and generation Protection System Misoperations affecting the reliability of the Bulk Electric System (BES) are analyzed and mitigated. To ensure all transmission and generation Protection Systems affecting the reliability of the Bulk Electnc System (BES) are maintained and tested. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 11 of 25 < ~~ "-,,,+>-.-->> A"';M > .' Standaid~;.. ^ -> "" ~ b ~,",^f"'C", "-, PRC-005-1 PRC-005-1 PRC-005-1 Transmission and Generation Protection System Maintenance and Testin Transmission and Generation Protection System Maintenance and Testin Transmission and Generation Protection System Maintenance and Testing R 1.2. R2. Maintenance and testing intervals and theIr basis. Summary of maintenance and testing procedures. Each Transmission Owner and any Distribution Provider that owns a transmission Protection System and each Generator Owner that owns a generatIon Protection System shall provide documentation of its Protection System maintenance and testing program and the implementation of that program to its Regional Reliability Organization on request (within 30 calendar days). The documentation of the program im lementation shall include: 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribuhon Provider Standards and Requirements Page 12 of 25 :~~"~t~li[~i9~e'1: ' PRC-005-1 Transmission and Generation Protection System Maintenance and Testing PRC-005-1 PRC-007 -0 Transmission and Generation Protection System Maintenance and Testing Assuring Consistency of Entity U nderfrequency Load Shedding Programs with Regional Reliability Organization's U nderfrequency Load Shedding Program Re uirements R 2.1. R2.2. Provide last resort System preservation measures by implementing an Under Frequency Load Shedding (UFLS) program. R1. Evidence Protection System devices were maintained and tested within the defined intervals. Date each Protection System device was last tested/maintained. The Transmission Owner and Distnbution Provider, with a UFLS program (as required by its Regional Reliability Organization) shall ensure that its UFLS program is consistent with its Regional Reliability Organization's UFLS program requirements. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B UtilIty Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 13 of 25 S~r <<<x'd' < ''ita',;< lJan ar ,f'-4 ,,' -.J ""~m\~..2..-,.,>r"( PRC-007 -0 PRC-007 -0 Assuring Consistency of Enhty U ndeFfrequency Load Shedding Programs with Regional Reliability Organizahon's UndeFfrequency Load Shedding Program Re uirements Assuring Consistency of Enhty U ndeFfrequency Load Shedding Programs with Regional RelIability Organizahon's Underfrequency Load Shedding Program Requirements The Transmission Owner, Transmission Operator, Distnbuhon Provider, and Load- Serving Enhty that owns or operates a UFLS program (as required by its Regional Reliability Organization) shall provide, and annually update, its undeFfrequency data as necessary for its Regional Reliability Organization to maintain and update a UFLSprogram database. R3. The Transmission Owner and Distribuhon Provider that owns a UFLS program (as required by its Regional Reliability Organizahon) shall provide its documentation of that UFLS program to its Regional RelIability Organizahon on request (30 calendar days). 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and ReqUIrements Page 14 of 25 PRC-008-0 ~~!tfti!i PRC-008-0 Inwlementation and Documentation of U nderfrequency Load Shedding Equipment Maintenance Program Implementation and Documentation of Underfrequency Load Shedding Equipment Maintenance Pro am ProvIde last resort system preservation measures by implementing an Under Frequency Load Shedding (UFLS) program. R2. The Transmission Owner and Distribution Provider with a UFLS program (as required by its RegIOnal Reliability Organization) shall have a UFLS equipment maintenance and testing program in place. This UFLS equipment maintenance and testing program shall include UFLS equipment Identification, the schedule for UFLS equipment testing, and the schedule for UFLS equipment maintenance. The Transmission Owner and Distnbution PrOVIder with a UFLS program (as required by its Regional Reliability Organization) shall implement its UFLS equipment maintenance and testing program and shall provide UFLS maintenance and testing program results to its Regional Reliability Organization and NERC on request (within 30 calendar da s). 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution PrOVIder Standards and Requirements Page 15 of 25 , <;;gtaird <,,~,~> ' PRC-009-0 PRC-010-O PRC-Oll-O AnalYSIS and Documentation of Underfrequency Load Shedding Performance Following an U nderfrequency Event Technical Assessment of the Design and Effectiveness of U ndervoltage Load Shedding Pro am. Undervoltage Load Sheddmg System Maintenance and Testin . ~: uR,,'ojo<<,<#{ ;, .... ~q , Provide last resort System preservation measures R 1. by implementmg an Under Frequency Load Shedding (UFLS) program. R 1.1.3. Provide system preservation measures in an R 1. attempt to prevent system voltage collapse or voltage instability by implementing an Undervoltage Load Shedding (UVLS) program. The Transmission Owner, Transmission Operator, Load-Serving Entity and Distribution Provider that owns or operates a UFLS program (as required by its Regional Reliability Organization) shall analyze and document its UFLS program performance in accordance with its Regional Reliability Organization's UFLS program. The analysis shall address the performance of UFLS equipment and program effectiveness following system events resulting in system frequency excursions below the initializing set points of the UFLS program. The anal sis shall include, but not be limited to: A review of the voltage set points and timing. The Transmission Owner and DIstribution Provider that owns a UVLS system shall have a UVLS equipment maintenance and testing program in place. This program shall include: 07TX-12822, CIty of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 16 of 25 . 'siknd~ "'ll~t " ~ ",'" ,"" " <; ~. PRC-011-0 Undervoltage R 1.1. The UVLS system identification which Load Shedding shall include but is not limited to System Maintenance and Testin PRC-Oll-O U ndervoltage R Relays. Load Shedding 1.1.1. System Maintenance and Testin PRC-Oll-O Undervoltage R Instrument transformers Load Shedding 1.1.2. System Maintenance and Testin PRC-O 11-0 U ndervoltage R Communications systems, where Load Shedding 1.1.3. appropriate. System Maintenance and Testin PRC-O 11-0 U ndervoltage R Batteries. Load Shedding 1.1.4. System Maintenance and Testin PRC-Oll-O U ndervoltage R 1.2. Documentation of maintenance and Load Shedding testing intervals and their basis System Maintenance and Testin 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 17 of25 , ,~,~t PRC-O 11-0 Summary of testing procedure. PRC-Oll-O PRC-Oll-O PRC-Oll-O PRC-Oll-O U ndervoltage Load Shedding System Maintenance and Testin U ndervoltage Load Shedding System Maintenance and Testin Undervoltage Load Shedding System Maintenance and Testin Undervoltage Load Shedding System Maintenance and Testin U ndervoltage Load Shedding System Maintenance and Testing R 1.4. Schedule for system testing R 1.5. Schedule for system maintenance. R 1.6. Date last tested/maintained. R 2. The Transmission Owner and Distribution Provider that owns a UVLS system shall provide documentation of its UVLS equipment maintenance and testing program and the implementation of that UVLS equipment maintenance and testing program to its Regional Reliability Organization and NERC on re uest (within 30 calendar da s). Page 18 of 25 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements < A'fu""::J ~,~~t~~,> '< ;~1 '!StaNaa:ud, " > < > y.", ~ <><1 "'-<"""M'ii{;h} ~ ,. PRC-015-0 PRC-015-0 PRC-015-0 PRC-016-0 Special ProtectioN System Data aNd DocumeNtatioN Special ProtectioN System Data aNd DocumeNtatioN Special ProtectioN System Data aNd DocumeNtatioN Special ProtectioN System MisoperatioNs To eNsu:ue that all Special ProtectioN Systems (SPS) are properly desigNed, meet performaNce requiremeNts, aNd are coordiNated with other p:uotectioN systems. To eNsure that maiNteNaNce aNd testiNg programs are developed aNd misoperatioNs are aNalyzed aNd corrected. To eNsure that all Special ProtectioN Systems (SPS) are properly desigNed, meet performaNce requiremeNts, aNd are coordiNated with other protectioN systems. To ensure that maiNtenance aNd testiNg programs are developed aNd misoperatioNs are analyzed and corrected. R2. R3. R1. The TransmissioN OWNer, GeNerator OWNer, and Distribution Provider that OWNS an SPS shall maiNtaiN a list of aNd provide data for existiNg aNd proposed SPSs as specified iN ReliabIlity StaNdard PRC-013-0_R 1. The TransmissioN OWNer, GeNerator Owner, and DistributioN Provider that OWNS aN SPS shall have evideNce it reviewed New or functioNally modified SPSs iN accordaNce with the RegioNal Reliability OrgaNizatioN's procedures as defiNed iN ReliabIlity StaNdard PRC-012-0_Rl prior to being placed iN seFVIce. The Transmission OWNer, Generator OWNer, and DistributioN Provider that OWNS an SPS shall provide documentatIon of SPS data and the results of Studies that show compliance of New or functionally modified SPSs with NERC Reliability StaNdards and Regional Reliability OrganizatioN criteria to affected RegiONal Reliability OrgaNizatiONS and NERC on request (withiN 30 calendar days). The TraNsmIssioN OWNer, GeNerator OWNer, aNd DistributioN Provider that OWNS aN SPS shall analyze its SPS operatioNs aNd maintain a record of all misoperations iN accordaNce with the RegiONal SPS review procedure speCIfied iN ReliabIlity StaNdard PRC-012-0 R 1. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B UtIlity Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 19 of 25 >>~>> <<<~l:<"-I'" <'*~b> .~:Z;~tariaartri,; 4ti"Wl~y~" r ,>~>: "">>>>,\,< PRC-016-0 PRC-016-0 PRC-O 1 7-0 Special Protection System Miso erations Special Protection System Misoperations Special Protection System Maintenance and Testing PRC-O 17-0 Special Protection System Maintenance and Testin PRC-017-0 Special Protection System Maintenance and Testin PRC-017-0 Special Protection System Maintenance and Testin ~t:J.;""<' ':>;; ~ 4}1% '/";;', ;" : rip. Pu' "'p' 'o."/s"e" "; , '>~' ,<", ~ <'., To ensure that all Special Protection Systems (SPS) are properly designed, meet performance requirements, and are coordinated wIth other protection systems. To ensure that maintenance and testing programs are developed and miso erations are anal zed and corrected. R2. R3. R1. R 1.1. R 1.1.1. R 1.1.2. The Transmission Owner, Generator Owner, and Distribution Provider that owns an SPS shall take corrective actions to avoid future miso erations. The TransmissIOn Owner, Generator Owner, and DIstribution Provider that owns an SPS shall provide documentation of the misoperation analyses and the corrective action plans to its Regional Reliability Organization and NERC on request (within 90 calendar da s). The Transmission Owner, Generator Owner, and Distribution Provider that owns an SPS shall have a system maintenance and testing program(s) in place. The program(s) shall include: SPS identification shall mclude but is not limited to: Relays Instrument transformers. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution ProvIder Standards and Requirements Page 20 of 25 PRC-017 -0 Special R Communications systems, where Protection 1.1.3. appropriate. System Maintenance and Testin PRC-017-0 Special R Battenes. Protection 1.1.4. System Maintenance and Testin PRC-017-0 Special R 1.2. Documentation of maintenance and Protection testing intervals and their basis. System Maintenance and Testin PRC-O 1 7 -0 Special R 1.3. Summary of testing procedure Protection System Maintenance and Testin PRC-017 -0 Special R 1.4. Schedule for system testing. Protection System Maintenance and Testin PRC-O 17-0 Special R 1.5. Schedule for system maintenance. Protection System Maintenance and Testin 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility ResponsIbilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution ProvIder Standards and Requirements Page 21 of 25 Special Protection System Maintenance and Testin PRC-017-0 Special Protection System Maintenance and Testing PRC-021-1 U nder- Voltage Load Sheddmg Program Performance PRC-021-1 U nder- Voltage Load Shedding Program Performance U nder- Voltage Load Shedding Program Performance PRC-021-1 Ensure data IS provided to support the Regional database maintained for under-voltage load shedding (UVLS) programs that were implemented to mitigate the risk of voltage collapse or voltage instability in the Bulk Electric System (BES) R 1.6. R 2. The Transmission Owner, Generator Owner, and Distribution Provider that owns an SPS shall provide documentation of the program and its implementation to the appropriate Regional Reliability Organizations and NERC on request (within 30 calendar days). R.1. R 1.1. R 1.2. Each Transmission owner and distribution provider that owns a UVLS program to mitigate the risk voltage collapse or voltage instability in the BES shall annually update its UVLS data to support the Regional UVLS program database. The following data shall be provided to the Regional Reliability Organization for each installed UVLS s stem: Size and location of customer load, or percent of connected load, to be interrupted. Corresponding voltage set points and overall scheme clearing times 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B UtIlity Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 22 of 25 ",~Jjl PRC-021-1 PRC-021-1 PRC-021-1 PRC-021-1 PRC-022-1 PRC-022-1 U nder- Voltage Load Shedding Program Performance Under-Voltage Load Shedding Program Performance U nder- Voltage Load Shedding Program Performance U nder- Voltage Load Shedding Program Performance U nder- Voltage Load Shedding Program Performance U nder- Vol tage Load Shedding Program Performance R 1.3. Time delay from mitiation to trip SIgnal R 1.4. Breaker operating times. R 1.5. Any other schemes that are part of or impact the UVLS programs such as related generation protection, islanding schemes, automatic load restoration schemes, UFLS and Special Protection S stems. R 2 Each TransmissIOn Owner and Distribution Provider that owns a UVLS program shall provide its UVLS program data to the Regional Reliability Organization within 30 calendar days of a request. Ensure that Under Voltage Load Shedding R 1. (UVLS) programs perform as intended to mitigate the risk of voltage collapse or voltage instability in the Bulk Electric System (BES). R 1.1. Each Transmission Operator, Load-Serving Entity, and Distribution Provider that operates a UVLS program to mitigate the risk of voltage collapse or voltage instability in the BES shall analyze and document all UVLS operations and Misoperations. The anal sis shall include: A description of the event including initiating conditions 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distnbution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 23 of 25 U nder- Voltage Load Shedding Program Performance PRC-022-1 Under-Voltage Load Shedding Program Performance A review of the UVLS set points and trippmg times. PRC-022-1 Under-Voltage Load Shedding Program Performance PRC-022-1 Under-Voltage Load Shedding Program Performance R 1.3. A simulation of the event, if deemed appropriate by the Regional Reliability Orgamzation. For most events, analysis of sequence of events may be sufficient and dynamic simulations may not be needed R 1.4. A summary of the findings. R 1.5. For any MisoperatlOn, a Corrective Action Plan to avoid future misoperations of asimIlar nature PRC-022-1 Under-Voltage Load Shedding Program Performance R 2. Each TransmIssion Operator, Load-Serving Entity, and Distribution Provider that operates a UVLS program shall provide documentation of Its analysis of UVLS program performance to its Regional Reliability Organization within 90 calendar days of a request. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distnbution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 24 of 25 TOP-OOl-l TOP-002-2 TOP-002-2 ReliabilIty Res ponsibili ties and Authorities Normal Operations Planning Normal Operations Planning To ensure reliability entitIes have clear decision- making authority and capabilities to take . appropriate actions or direct the actions of others to return the transmission system to normal conditions during an emergency. R4. Each Distribution Provider and Load Servmg Entity shall comply with all reliability directives issued by the TransmIssion Operator, including shedding firm load, unless such actions would violate safety, equipment, regulatory or statutory requirements. Under these circumstances, the Distribution Provider or Load Serving Entity shall immediately inform the TransmIssion Operator of the inability to perform the directive so that the Transmission Operator can implement alternate remedial actions. Each Load Serving EntIty and Generator Operator shall coordinate (where confidentiality agreements allow) its current- day, next-day, and seasonal operations with its Host Balancing Authority and Transmission Service Provider. Each Balancing Authority and Transmission Service ProvIder shall coordinate its current- day, next-day, and seasonal operations with its TransmIssion Operator. Neighboring Balancing Authorities, Transmission Operators, Generator Operators, Transmission Service Providers and Load Serving Entities shall use uniform line identifiers when referring to transmission facilities of an interconnected network. Current operations plans and procedures are essential to being prepared for reliable operations, including response for unplanned events. R3. R 18. 07TX-12822, City of Port Angeles Exhibit B Utility Responsibilities - Load Serving Entity/Distribution Provider Standards and Requirements Page 25 of 25