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WHEREAS, RCW Chapter 39.34 (Interlocal Cooperation Act) permits local governments
to make the most efficient use of their powers and resources by authorizing them to enter into
agreements with each other, in order to provide services and facilities in a manner best serving the
needs and development of their local communities; and
WHEREAS, the Sequim Police Department is charged with the protection of all persons and
property within Sequim; and is the prime provider of mutual aid and emergency first response
services in East Clallam County to the Clallam County Sheriff s Office and Washington State Patrol;
WHEREAS, the Sequim Police Department 20 12 Strategic Plan has identified the operational
need for patrol K-9 services; and
WHEREAS, training is an integral part of the operation of a patrol K-9 program; and
WHEREAS, the Port Angeles Police Department has long had a police patrol K-9 program
and employs a trainer recognized by the Washington State K-9 Association as a K-9 trainer; and
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is willing to provide K-9 training to the City ofSequim
K-9 personnel locally.
NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned jurisdictions agree as follows:
1. The Sequim Police Department is seeking professional, cost-effective and State
recognized police K-9 training services.
A. By contracting for these training services with the City of Port Angeles, the
City of Sequim will save approximately 12 weeks of per diem, lodging costs
and travel totaling approximately $10,000.
B. These training services must meet or exceed all requirements set forth by the
Washington State K-9 Association, and the Washington State Criminal
Justice Training Commission, as well as all applicable RCW and WAC
2. Port Angeles Police Department responsibilities:
A. Services of a K-9 Instructor to provide a mInImUm of 400 hours of
documented training; and
B. Facilities, training equipment, and personnel will all be located within
Clallam County.
3. Mutual benefits:
A. Improve and enhance communication, deployment, support and training for
police K-9 units; and
B. Provide cost effective, locally based K-9 training.
4. K-9 Training Agreement:
A. Purpose.
The Port Angeles Police Department will provide K -9 training for the Sequim Police
Department (Officer Hill and K-9 Chase) at their location. This Attachment outlines
agreed upon roles and responsibilities between the Port Angeles Police Department
and the Sequim Police Department for the training and support ofK-9 training.
B. Part I - Sequim Police Department Responsibilities.
1. The Sequim Police Department will supply Officer Hill and K-9
Chase to be available for the 400 hours oftraining within the allotted
training time. The training will commence on or about April 15,
2008 and will continue until Officer Hill and K-9Chase are trained
in accord with WAC and Washington State K-9 Standards.
11. The Sequim Police Department will pay the Port Angeles Police
Department the sum of $5,000 for training.
C. Part II - Port Angeles Police Department Responsibilities.
1. The Port Angeles Police Department agrees to provide a Trainer that
is recognized by the Washington State K-9 Association to conductthe
training for Officer K-9 Chase and Officer Hill of the Sequim Police
Department. The Training Officer will make periodic reports on the
progress of training for Officer Hill and K-9 Officer Chase to the
Sequim Police Department.
11. The Port Angeles Police Department will provide the location of
training and all of the training material. The training will be
conducted in an environment that meets the standards of the
Washington State K-9 Association.
111. At the conclusion of training P APD will schedule WSPCA canine
testing and evaluation for Officer Hill and K-9 Chase.
5. Term. This agreement shall take effect April 15, 2008 and shall continue in effect
until completion of training. Such term may be extended by the mutual agreement
of the parties hereto for up to two (2) one-year periods. Either party may terminate
this Agreement by giving thirty (30) days written notice of the other.
6. Hold Harmless. Each party to this Agreement shall be responsible for its own acts
and/or omissions and those of its officers, employees, and volunteers.
7. Contact Persons. The parties stipulate that the following persons shall be the contact
person for their respective jurisdiction:
A. City of Sequim:
Robert Spinks, Chief of Police
Sequim Police Department
609 W. Washington St.
Sequim, W A 98382
Phone: (360) 683-7227
Email: rspinks@ci.sequim.wa.us
B. City of Port Angeles:
Terry Gallagher, Chief of Police
City of Port Angeles
P.O. Box 1170 - 321 E. 5th Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
Phone: (360) 417-4901
Email: tgallagher@cityofpa.us
8. Nothing herein shall require or be interpreted to waive any defense arising out of
RCW Title 51.
9. General Provisions:
A. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains all of the terms with respect to
any matter covered or mentioned in this Agreement.
B. Modification. No provision of this Agreement may be modified except by
written agreement signed by the Parties.
C. Successors. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties' successors in
interest and assigns.
D. Severability. Any provision of this Agreement which is declared invalid or
illegal shall in no way affect or invalidate any other provision.
E. Default. In the event that either of the Parties defaults on the performance of
any terms of this Agreement, the other party may notify the party in default
in writing and demand that cure of said default be made within 10 days. If
said default is not cured within that time, the non-defaulting party is relieved of
further responsibilities and may seek legal redress.
F Venue. The venue for any dispute related to this Agreement shall be Clallam
County, Washington.
G. Waiver. Failure of the Agency to declare any breach or default immediately
upon the occurrence thereof, or delay in taking any action in connection with,
shall not waive such breach or default.
H. Performance. Time is of the essence of this Agreement and each and all of its
provisions in which performance is a factor.
10. Governance: This Agreement is entered into pursuant to and under the authority
granted by the laws of the State of Washington and any applicable federal laws. The
provisions of this Agreement shall be construed to conform to those laws.
TillS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is executed by the persons signing below who warrant
that they have the authority to execute the Agreement.
Robert Spinks, Chief of olice
By: ~ ~
G~~raun, May~r ... L..__
Date: ~ Ph \ ~D
, 2008
Date:~....~ lfJ
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Approved as to form:
Craig A. Ritchie,
City Attorney
~d as to fom:
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ennis C. Dickson,
Senior Assistant City Attorney
G ILegal_ BackupIAGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\2008 Agmts&ContractslSeqUlm PD K.9 Patrol Interlocal 040708 wpd
This Interlocal Agreement authorized by the Sequim City Council at a regular meeting
held on the lih day of May 2008.
By: Laura / UbOlS, :N1ayor
Date: ~ ).:s , 2008