HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.916 Original Contract 5. qllp Our Experience. Your Advantage. jVionica Ludwig i-\CCOLJ'lt:-; RecelvcJblel Collecc!ons Spec.:;II",: ,_ )90C: j\!<;:.scih: AvenuE S 6100IT.irigCOl1 .'VII' 5:-'43;' PnO,lE:. S52.456.iS.L1 Fax: 952-983-3400 CROSSTM Dear Customer, All payments should be sent via check to our lockbox address: Cross Telecom Corp PO Box 1521 Minneapolis MN 55480-1521 Or by EFT/Wire to: Account Name: Fed Tax ID #: Account Number: Account Type: ABA Number: Bank Name: Bank Address: Cross Telecom Corporation 41-1861853 6278986 Checking 075900575 Associated Bank of Minnesota 800 LaSalle Ave Minneapolis, MN 55402 ar@crosstelecom.com Remittance Email Box: If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Monica Ludwig Accounts Receivable/Collections Specialist 952-456-3517 mludwig@crosstelecom.com All nghts reserved. Cross and Cross Telecom are trademarks of Cross Telecom, Inc. o. &i .= = 'y ffi ~I!:!b @J>> IS .= IS .= ffi 1S !:= ffi ffi 'ffi Y 'i9 IS @ ~ @ !9'J W'l ~ IS (iiOJ ~ "@ ~ ~ &9 ffl ~ 'l@l g;: Jl.'m!l CD @ y IS @ = c@ l&!l ~ [\!!:!J = W'l lS @ c= &!l ~ 121 l'ig I~ , I l ~~@~~~ ruJ~~wrnrn~~lIT( M 0 ,,' As part of an ongoing effort to continually educate and train our customers'9n the latest in cutting-edge communications solutions, Cross has developed Cross UniversitY~ The training and education needed to stay on top of this ever changing technology within our inpustry, is essential to your business success. The technology curriculum that you will experience through Cross University is developed and provided by our highly skilled and experienced Technical Team at Cross. \ \ @ e1illS) Le (Q) m ceIr "fIr cau1rmiirrn.g .. \ Our strategic goal at Cross University is to deliver high-quality training for the'communications I \ ' solutions we support. We work very closely with our customers to identify and..provide training that is both essential and significant for you and will deliver the necessary information and tools you will need to stay on top of your strategic communications goals. \ \ W (Q)IL Rcdl ([Rcal~~ "fIr calfumfumg IF cal eili Ley \ \ Recently, Cross expanded into a new 82,000 square foot facility in Bloomington, MN. This new' , \ facility showcases a Cross Briefing, Training anc~ Demo Center, fully equipped with tf:le latest in communications technology. i , , Cross has the ability to offer our customers a blended approach to training utilizing:\ o Classroom Training o Hands-on Training o Online Training i \ \ \ \1 I , I We believe this approach will maximize the effectiveness of your learning experience and decrease I the time you vyill need to become skilled. : \ , , Cross University is an extension of the added value and support that we are delivering to our customers and is ramping up to provide additional training. ~ ~ : I ,-" Al1 CTrOSS 'we wiHH c01l1111i1l111UUJJHHy sl1rrive 1to TMullTk.e OTJJJ.Tr eXpeTrllellilCe - yov.ur auJJvd17J1!l1{}JfPe! I To learn more 'about Cross University and whatiwe can do to strengthen your industry knowledge, contact us at: : 1l"(Q)~~ [F1i"\elE): ~(5)(5).~~3.3lSi(Q)(Q) }!3l1(Q)(Q) <<::1l"<<J)~~M IJ'il fi~lE)Il"~fi\tw@<<:Il"<<J)~~\ClE)~lE)<<:<<J)Il'il'il.<<:<<J)1l'il'il " 1 ~~~ \ , CJCJ C 55 lUNliVIEISliY (( I All rights reserved. Cross and the Cross Telecom Corporation logo are trademarks of Cross Telecom, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned In thiS document are the property of their respectJv~ owners. Today's Training. Tomorrow's Success. I 1- CROSSI Our Experience. Your Advantage. Schedule "A" Page -1 of 1 10900 Nesbitt Ave So Bloommgton, MN 55437 Customer Name: Quote Description: Quote Number: CITY OF PORT ANGELES CM5 Upgrade SSU 300-01-034342.8 Software Support plus Upgrades 725 204020 SSU CM R5 X 501-1000 3YAN $24.56 $17,806.00 $17,80600 Software Support plus Upgrades MM 600 209144 SSU MM R4.X Avaya STR 501-1000 $996 $5,976.00 EQUIPMENT $5,976 00 $23,782.00 INSTALLATION GRAND TOTAL Taxes and Freight not included $0.00 $23,78200 ,< ,,\~~-, ....-"~J"' ~ 1 -~-"i'-<'~' , l' ~- -"ll~AI, -,~' J~ ~.-<o,"~ >_._r_~,,,.,cr .,.',f ~"~. ,1-'-'\ -~ r--~'- ^- ",I".....,' ~ > r' ,~.,-->+, Jhis State'ment Qf Work andjor,Schedule, AJs gover~ed by,the terms ahd conditio'hs'agreedt9: ~y 'the 'parties cont~linedjr;1 the { _ t C J _" _ . _, _ T {' _._. ,__~~_+_ - -, e_~~"'_~'~ - -~,_~__ -, ~- "_0 ~ - '-" "'-- r__'-_v," ,. + ,~-,~ '. -- ~F<?dyc!i~d:_S.eryLc_~s .Agr~~!l1~nt. ~~te9 9,:.~5:q.~. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Subscnption Service Contracts: For single year or smgle payment multi-year Subscription Service Contracts Customer WIll be invoiced one hundred percent (100%) of the SubscriptIOn Service Contract price at Transaction Completion. For multi-year Subscription Service Contracts Customer will be invoiced one hundred percent (100%) ofthe fIrst year ofthe SubscriptIOn Service Contract pnce at Transaction Completion. For each successive year of the Subscnption Service Contract, one hundred percent (100%) of the upcommg year's subscription will be invoiced forty-fIve (45) days prior to the Transaction Completion anniversary date, with payment due by the Transaction Completion anniversary date. Customer shall be responsible for full payment of each year of the Subscription Service Contract. (Cross Signature) CUSTOMER (Customer Signature) ~ L. O~~ll.;:;J Jenl\&t6 L. ,srrItPflo'" tQh.l'3 (Typed Name) (Typed Name) (Date) (Date) Clerk ~ft~:I&(~. Cross and Customer Proprietary and Confidential Approved as to Form o Use Pursuant to Applicable Agreement Terms All rights reserved Cross and the Cross Telecom fogo are trademarks of Cross Telecom Inc. CROSSI Our Experience. Your Advantage. Schedule "A" Page -1 of 1 10900 Nesbitt Ave So Bloommgton, MN 55437 Customer Name: Quote Description: Quote Number: CITY OF PORT ANGELES Xtend E911 Application 300-01-034633 Equipment 1 EA-101 1 EA-145 1 EA-150 1 228-00782 1 07 00 03244 1 221-2615 Enterprise Alert Base Package Database Integration PS/ALllnterface MSSQL Server PC Anywhere Host and Remote 1 User Enterprise Alert Rack Mounted Server $32,200 00 $10,220.00 $10,07000 $1,350.00 $150.00 $6,110 00 $60,100.00 $10,930.00 $10,930.00 EQUIPMENT Labor 1 Labor Installation, Training, Project Management INSTALLATION GRAND TOTAL Taxes and Freight not included. $32,200.00 $10,22000 $10,07000 $1,350.00 $1 50 00 $6,110.00 $10,93000 $60,100.00 $10,930.00 $71,030.00 ,....-"~.ri'<;..:::r;;.::-.....'~..."-'"'t". I I;~J-~~~-"'-_.'>'-'f-".-"'''' --c;"'r~~ ...... ~l.--~'-I'...,~...~-'~>lt~~' "..~"--.,~".._-t~,, ~,,,,.- ~'"- "-.'r ~j\ ~ -"""r~" 1'~~)-'~'~ ~......, ~- ...._~~ ~"~~'"'--~<-<>""""-~~~~"'~'-' ..,..,,~..---,~,.......-..~-~. ~l:iis\'Statement, 6fWo-;'K',-~nd!or::Schedul~ A'is'governed byJne feJ;ms ana 'ccindition~,agreed'.to~by:th~ :partiescor=)faiiled 'in the r ' .""" - ,'I, \..-" _~ OJ' 1- T ",___~ ._t_,,",,__~_ >. --. _l~__ ~~._~_.'~'~~~l,_ -____ -__ _-J.._r~7~__r_ - ~ ~- - ~ ~~_~-,_..l., -'. .' , P,ro'duct;a'na.Servfces ~Agreenie"nt.'date(i(9.::i5~68. ' -- --- " .~,'-> n"""",-'-',_~t-.._. ,,_,~ ~_'-:.-v _' l....___~~.... -.... - ~.,,;;- <_,_ >. CUSTOMER CROSS TELECOM CORPORATION () 1^ ~:::::::~,.) ~A ft0~ (Date) Io./! () / () ([ (Customer Signature) ~~.f)~ Jtrl.L~ 1... , Jrho-'. W hI. 'i (Typed Name) (Date) Approved as to Form J&; I~I Jt4H!/~ &~f','1:r1~ Clerk Cross and Customer Propnetary and Confidential o Use Pursuant to Applicable Agreement Terms All nghts reserved. Cross and the Cross Telecom logo are trademarks of Cross Telecom Inc '" .. CROSS Our Experience. Your Advantage. City Offices 1 1 2 2 1 1 725 1 1 1 1 1 9 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ESS Site 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 10900 Nesbitt Ave So Bloommgton, MN 55437 Customer Name: Quote Description: Quote Number: 195249 195250 195251 195313 203027 207920 207962 208092 211330 212337 212339 212484 405362641 700170012 700178056 700381254 700393408 700394497 700394794 700394950 700397284 700405020 700406135 700437171 700439672 700439706 700439714 700439722 700427537 214370 700356454 195249 195250 195251 700393408 700406135 195826 198069 405362641 700170012 700178056 700394497 700394950 700405020 700406747 700437171 193806 Schedule "A" Page -1 of 1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CM5 Upgrade No Speech Access wIth ESS 300-01-034342.A IP MEDIA PROC CIRCUIT PACK TN2302AP RHS IPSI2 CP TN2312BP RHS C-LAN INTF CIRCUIT PACK TN799DP RHS COMPACT FLASH READER W/FLSHCRD RHS VAL CIRCUIT PACK TN2501AP CM5.0 S87XX SFTW L1C CM R5 501-1000 NEW L1C CM5 SFTW ENTITLEMENT L1C S8730 SERVERS INTGR MGMT R5 0 ASA VAM CLIENT CM L1C INTGR MGMT R5 0 VMM CM L1C CC R5.0 BASIC RFA RELEASE INDICATOR PWR CORD USA CABLE GREEN 5 METER CABLE GREEN 25 METER COMPACT FLASH 128MB RHS FACILITY TEST CP TN771 DP RHS BUS TERMINATOR CP AHF110 RHS DS1 INTFC TN464HP RHS G650 MEDIA GATEWAY RHS G600/G650 TDM LAN CABLE KIT RHS USB MODEM V.92 56K RHS G650 AC/DC PWR SUPPLY 655A RHS CM5 0 L1NUX UNITY SFTW CD NEW SYS ADMINISTRATION TOOLS R5 0 CD R5.0 ADMIN TOOLS INSTALL & UPG DOC VOIP MONITORING MANAGER R5.0 CD R5 0 VOIP MNTR MGMT INSTALL & UPG AM MODEM SERIAL MUL TITECH CM5.0 US DOCUMENTATION PWR SUPPLY 1151C2 OCP PHN W/BATT/CAT5 PP IP MEDIA PROC CIRCUIT PACK TN2302AP RHS IPSI2 CP TN2312BP RHS C-LAN INTF CIRCUIT PACK TN799DP RHS FACILITY TEST CP TN771 DP RHS G650 AC/DC PWR SUPPLY 655A RHS S8500C ESS & LSP RHS AVAYA IP600 PATCH PANEL RJ45 RHS PWR CORD USA CABLE GREEN 5 METER CABLE GREEN 25 METER BUS TERMINATOR CP AHF110 RHS G650 MEDIA GATEWAY RHS USB MODEM V 92 56K RHS WIRE 1 PR 24 GAUGE SPOOL 1000 RHS CM5.0 L1NUX UNITY SFTW CD NEW SYS UTILITY TRIGGER REM GATEWAY NEW SITE $5,807.97 $4,455 85 $768.25 $138.29 $3,687 60 $0.00 $44 22 $000 $9,21900 $000 $0.00 $0.00 $553 $1537 $24 58 $98.34 $1,207.69 $111.24 $2,67044 $2,396 94 $92 19' $153 65 $1,65942 $61 46 $000 $0.00 $000 $000 $12046 $000 $72 54 $74,354.46 $5,807.97 $4,455 85 $768.25 $1,20769 $1,659.42 $3,07300 $368.76 $5.53 $15 37 $24 58 $111 24 $2,396 94 $153 65 $1352 $61 46 $000 $5,807.97 $4,455 85 $1,536.50 $276 58 $3,68760 $000 $32,05950 $0.00 $9,219.00 $000 $000 $0.00 $49.77 $61 48 $24.58 $98 34 $1,207.69 $222.48 $2,670 44 $7,190 82 $184.38 $307.30 $4,978.26 $122.92 $000 $0.00 $000 $000 $12046 $000 $72.54 $5,807.97 $4,455.85 $768.25 $1,20769 $1,65942 $3,073 00 $368 76 $22 12 $30.74 $24 58 $222 48 $2,396 94 $15365 $1352 $61 46 $000 . - - ~ ~ -- ._-"~ -~----"._------- --- -- ~-~- --- --- --- -~- - --- ~--~.- .~ 408357077 PWR BYP DIST MOD 120V 700-1500VA $233.22 $233 22 1 700290273 S9RM MODEL 1000VA 120V W/SNMP $1,063.92 $1,063 92 -: 1 700404411 UPS EXT BAT MOD W/700-1000VA RHS $51090 $51090 2 700404502 UPS 4-POST RK MT KIT W/700-2KVA RHS $85 02 $17004 1 700434798 UPS ENVIRONMENTAL PROBE $12355 $123.55 1 207937 CM5 S8500 ESS W/O ENTERPRISE ED SFTW L1C $24,584.00 $24,584.00 $46,952.06 Fire Department 1 193806 UTILITY TRIGGER REM GATEWAY NEW SITE $0.00 $000 1 207924 CM5 G700 LSP W/O ENTERPRISE ED SFTW L1C $000 $000 1 405362641 PWR CORD USA $5.53 $5.53 1 700394661 MM711 ANLG MEDIA MODULE RHS $983.36 $983 36 1 700394984 G700 R4 AC/DC MEDIA GATEWAY RHS $3,994.90 $3,994.90 1 700405020 USB MODEM V.92 56K RHS $153.65 $153.65 1 700406267 S8300/S8400 CD/DVD ROM DRIVE RHS $215 11 $215.11 1 700407810 S8300C SERVER $1 ,229.20 $1,229.20 1 700437171 CM5.0 L1NUX UNITY SFTW CD NEW SYS $61 46 $61 46 1 408357077 PWR BYP DIST MOD 120V 700-1500VA $233.22 $233 22 1 700290273 S9RM MODEL 1000VA 120V W/SNMP $1,063.92 $1,063.92 1 700404411 UPS EXT BAT MOD W/700-1000VA RHS $51090 $51090 2 700404502 UPS 4-POST RK MT KIT W/700-2KVA RHS $85 02 $17004 1 700434798 UPS ENVIRONMENTAL PROBE $12355 $12355 $8,744.84 Corp Yard 1 193806 UTILITY TRIGGER REM GATEWAY NEW SITE $0.00 $000 1 207924 CM5 G700 LSP W/O ENTERPRISE ED SFTW L1C $000 $000 1 405362641 PWR CORD USA $5.53 $5.53 1 700394661 MM711 ANLG MEDIA MODULE RHS $983 36 $983 36 1 700394984 G700 R4 AC/DC MEDIA GATEWAY RHS $3,994.90 $3,994.90 1 700405020 USB MODEM V.92 56K RHS $153.65 $153 65 1 700406267 S8300/S8400 CD/DVD ROM DRIVE RHS $215.11 $215.11 1 700407810 S8300C SERVER $1,22920 $1,22920 1 700437171 CM5 0 L1NUX UNITY SFTW CD NEW SYS $61 .46 $61 46 $6,643.21 Mise 1 700431604 IP SOFTPHONE R6 CD-ROM $30.73 $30.73 $30.73 Modular Messaging 1 184048 MM MODEL $000 $0.00 1 188938 MM AVAYA SWITCH RFA QSIG WAIVER L1C:DS $0.00 $000 1 190932 MM RFA ACTIVATION R3 $000 $000 600 201417 MM R3 1 L1C 1 ST VMBX NEW 501-1000 $25.69 $15,41400 1 201648 MM MAS APP L1C R3.1 AV STORE AND SVR $0.00 $000 1 201649 MM MSS APP L1C R3 1 AVAYA SVR $000 $000 1 212593 MM INTEGRATION TRACKING T1 $000 $000 1 700170053 TECH LAPTOP LAN X-OVER CBL 10FT $307 $307 1 700402787 AM MONITOR FL T PNL US W/PWR CRD RHS $368.76 $368.76 1 700403520 AM KEYBOARD US TYPE WITH MOUSE RHS $30.73 $30 73 1 700403785 AM KVM SWITCH 2-PORT /W CABLES RHS $46.10 $46 10 1 700405020 USB MODEM V 92 56K RHS $15365 $15365 1 700426190 MM R3.1 DOCUMENTATION $000 $0.00 1 190933 MM MAS S3500 FACTORY ASSY $000 $000 1 190934 MM MAS S3500 FAC ASSY OPT $000 $0.00 1 700290836 AM SRVR PWR CRD LIST 405 $29 50 $29.50 1 700376213 AM S3500 MAS MISC CMPTS KIT $000 $000 1 700376528 AM WINDOWS 2003SAK L1C STKR AV SVR $368 76 $368 76 1 700403793 AM S3500 MAS RHS $3,591.11 $3,591.11 1 700403900 AM T1 CARD KIT RHS $4,91373 $4,913.73 1 700426158 MM MAS MED R3.1/0S AV STORE AV SVR $0.00 $0.00 1 190935' MM MSS S3500 FACTORY ASSY $0.00 $000 1 108736067 AM CP CYN23AP RMB US $267 35 $267 35 1 190946 MM MSS S3500 FAC ASSY OPT $0.00 $000 1 700290836 AM SRVR PWR CRD LIST 405 $29 50 $29 50 1 700376197 AM S3500 MSS MISC CMPTS KIT US/CAN $000 $000 1 700403801 AM S3500 MSS-STD AVAIL RHS $4,80740 $4,807 40 #'/ v~ 1 600 " Labor 1 1 1 1 1 4 100 700426166 188916 215906 Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Network Assessment Network Assessment Console Replacement 1 405362641 1 700356447 1 700381775 1 700381809 MM MSS MED KIT R3 1 APP MBM WEBCLNT MM SWITCH INTRGR AVAYA MM R3 1 SPEECH ROYALTY 1 SEAT NEW OS PP City ESS Corp Yard Fire Department Modular Messaging Sites - Network Assessment IP Phones - Network Assessment POWER CORD 9X10 IN USA 17505174300 MOQ 1620 PP 1151C1 OCP PHONE PWR W/CAT5 CBL DEF ATTN CNSL 2-WIRE GRY 302D1-B RHS DEF DSS GRY 26C1-C-323 RHS $0.00 $0.00 $000 $30,023.66 $19,000.00 $9,000.00 $9,500.00 $8,500.00 $12,502.00 $685.00 $9.00 $62,142.00 $5.53 $20.28 $1,38285 $731 37 $2,140.03 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION GRAND TOTAL Taxes and Freight not included. $000 $000 $000 $19,00000 $9,00000 $9,500.00 $8,500.00 $12,50200 $2,74000 $900.00 $5.53 $20.28 $1,38285 $731 37 $168,888.99 $62,142 00 $231,030 99 ~., .....', ,,,.."~ _" :1"''''2< """-.,.,,. ~"''''i>'''''' l'" J"tl"'" U' 'l"T' ... """ ~~ " ,..-~,,"'TI" ~"'''1.f':.'''! ' ,,_ j;1;;>> 'IH;; ~- ~.." .i'-,.... C ,...,....- . ,f ' ." "" ~"pl __"'2' ":"",-) .--" -: ,,~, , ~- r" ~~~- ..,,"'r t$.:f"' ~- ::;....- '\ 1-" 1"~ n; ......- ~ ~""' ....._r... , ~~~ ",.tJ''''''''1''~A'''''_W ~'l:;;,-....t'~"-""'" .H-V.~,.-. -..., {'"'I.. rrh is'Stateiifen( DeW o~ka nd/O'r JSchecHiIe:Ais',governedbythe 'terms:i:t nd -co,Rd itionsagree'd ,t6'l:Jy~,tJie ,partle{conta i ned;j n\the I" ,'" t- })." ',,1 \_, _," _~.,.- "~. __"--,,,e.- "-_____ _.__"~__L,~_,",__"",__.~",_.~~,,~,_~,,~__~ -- --- .'''''-~r_.;:.l.. .ct.-__"-~.__..:#-_",,-L.>""'__~."'..'-__.,",.._~--,~_._t;;.J...t..-'.......J Product an'(l's~~ice's';Agreemerit' claterd 9::t5~08. . , ,~~ '~"'" _.."Uu_.,.......,.,.,."............""_..........lo~l ~~.L-.-;... ~._~~-..._.._~J"._~J_ .J.""~........__~""-_"""_" o CROSS TELE CUSTOMER (Customer Signature) ~ L. ,~ .-.::J (Typed Name) J~... t. 'srt~ (Date) 1011.1 (/8 u Rebeltu I tJ //(),i/) d , I (Cross Signature) (Typed Name) (Date) :::~~'d"IOFom /}~4~:t ~ ~ Cross and Customer Propnetary and Confidential Use Pursuant to Applicable Agreement Terms All rights reserved. Cross and the Cross Telecom logo are trademarks of Cross Telecom Inc. " ,. . CROSSTM IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES FOR NEW AVAYA COMMUNICATION MANAGER FOR CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROJECT 6/03/08 Our Expenence. Your Advantage. The Cross Implementation plan for an Avaya Communication Manager for CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROJECT is customized based on the particular configuration and their specific Implementation requirements. The Implementation plan IS based on a pre-defined and mutually agreed upon Scope of Work with responsibilities and milestone dates that must be met by both Cross and CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROJECT In order to meet the anticipated Implementation date at the quoted pnce. If the defined Scope of Work changes, If the scheduled Implementation date changes, or jf Cross is required to perform additional tasks outside the Scope of Work throughout the Implementation process, additional charges may be applicable. Installation price IS based on local resources. Travel expenses will apply If local resources are not used. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Instead of upgrading the whole system, separate the City from the county, upgrade the city EPN to a 58720 with G6S0's. The New 58730 CMS with G6S0 gateways will replace the MCC cabinet which is an EPN off the Clallam County's G3si. These locations should be implemented first. Main Site City Hall: Install Avaya Communications Manager 5.0 with 58730 processor Implement 725 ports Right to Use (RTU). Install 3 G650's cabinets to be rack mounted. Install 60 IP 9610 sets. Install 1 USB modem for server. Cross Connect 63 eXisting digital sets. Cross Connect 227 analog sets/devices. Install 1 Med pro board. Install 2 C-LANs cards. Install 1 Val Announcement card. Modular Messaging will be the vOlcemail system for thiS design. Client Will place and sets. ESS Location: Install ESS 58500 Avaya Communication Manager 5.0. Install One G650 cabinet to be rack mounted. Install 1 Med pro board. Install 1 C LAN card. Install 1 IPSI card for connectivity between server and gateway. Install 1 Facility test board for PRI and packet bus diagnostics. Install 1 USB modem for server. Install 1 1000VA UPS for 30 minutes holdover for servers and gateways. No phones Installed at thiS locatIon. Corp Yard Location: Install Avaya Communications Manager 58300 LSP G700. Install 1 analog trunks/station module to support local trunks and any analog sets/devices... Install 1 USB modem for server. Install 20 4610Sw IP sets. Client Will proVide POE switches to support sets. Fire Department Location: Install Avaya Communications Manager 58300 LSP G700. Install 1 analog trunks/station module to support local trunks and any analog sets/devices... Install 1 USB modem for server. Install 1 or 2 4610Sw IP sets for testing purposes of the gateway - customer will Install rest of sets after that Client will provide POE sWitches to support sets. Page 1 of 6 . . Our Experience. Your Advantage. IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES FOR NEW AVAYA COMMUNICATION MANAGER FOR CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROJECT 6/03/08 CROSS™ Cross Deliverables PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project Management Cross will assign a Project Manager (PM) responsible for overseeing the proJect. The PM will be the single point of contact (SPOC) for CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROJECT from contract signing forward with regard to system Implementation. The PM Will direct the implementation team to ensure the milestone dates and the requested upgrade date are met. Project Management activities will be completed remotely via teleconference. These activities may Include, but are not limited to: . Project kick-off meeting with CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROJECT project coordinator (remote) . Project Plan & Milestone schedule . Environmental Specifications provided to CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROJECT . Equipment delivery and Inventory coordination . Managing change requests with the Cross Account Executive . Project Status Updates (via e-mail) . Cutover Support (remote) . First Day of Business Support (remote) Customer Responsibilities: . Assign a Single POint of Contact as project coordinator to work with Cross PM to be responsible for customer actiVities, milestone responsibilities, and project planning . Accept shipment of equipment and prOVide secure location for storage . ProVide equipment room and power to meet speCifications. . PrOVide rack space and shelves for equipment or server installation according to specifiC hardware speCifications. . For converged systems with IP endpOints, complete a Network Readiness Assessment. (Documentation to be proVided under separate cover, as applicable.) SOLUTION DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT System Software and Networking Translations Cross will activate all Software options purchased by the customer and activate the customer's dial plan based on a standard template. Cross Will use a standard template to Implement the System Software and Network translations (SNT) for the customer. ThiS Includes feature access codes, Classes of Restnctlon (COR), Classes of Service (CaS), and ARS patterns. Cross Will proVide the baSIC system translations for trunklng, netcon ports, and IP enabled CirCUit pack translations (MED-PRO, VAL board, as well as C-LAN applications for Intuity, CMS, and TELNET), etc. The Cross Software Resource Will proVide the customer with a feature access code liSt. Cross will administer one Attendant Console. All services will be prOVided to the customer by remote Cross resources. If Included in the Scope of Work, Cross can prOVide a customized dial plan and feature access codes. Customer Responsibilities . ProVide signed temporary login form for system access by Cross resources. PrOVide all IP addresses and related Subnet Mask and Gateway information for IP enabled circuit packs. Station Reviews Cross's Software Resource Will hold a software kick-off meeting with the customer's project coordinator to diSCUSS the project and provide them with a list and format of the Information required, along with a Database of ExtenSions, In Excel spreadsheet format, to be filled out. The customer's project coordinator and/or their departmental coordinators Page 2 of 6 ", CROSS™ IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES FOR NEW AVAYA COMMUNICATION MANAGER FOR CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROJECT 6/03/08 Our Experience. Your Advantage. (one for every 30 - 50 end-users) will gather speCIfic end-user Information based on modeling by station type, including requirements for features like call coverage, call pickup, call restrictions, etc. for each vOice terminal to be Implemented. The customer's project coordinator will provide that information to the Cross Software Resource in a specified spreadsheet format. The Cross resource will import that information into their provisioning tool and upload that to the system. This includes a simplified Call Coverage format for all stations. Once the stations have been administered based on the customer provided data, changes or additions to the programming may result In additional charges. Customer Responsibilities ProVide completed Extension Database, In Excel spreadsheet format, which identifies specific end-user Information for each new station including station type as well as requirements for call coverage, call pickup, call restrictions, etc. . Provide template, or model, of like phones as well as requirements for any unique extensions with specific requirements. Extension to Cellular (Not Included) Meet-Me Conferencing (Not Included) SOLUTION DEPLOYMENT Work Hours Work hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, local time; Monday through Friday, excluding Cross designated holidays. Additional charges will apply for any and all services provided outside of Cross's standard business hours. Site Survey The Cross PM will work with the customer's project coordinator to determine if a site survey IS required. If one IS required, a local resource will complete a site survey prior to equipment delivery. Activities may Include, but are not limited to: . Equipment room inspection . Verification of power requirements . Checking environmental specifications . Validating wJrlng/termlnatlOns/demarks if required Hardware Installation Hardware installation Includes: Pre-Staging and testing of Processor Hardware In Cross's Lab. . Loading all Software, Software Patches and firmware upgrades. . Burn In of updated Processor Hardware prior to shipment. Placement and testing of the system hardware by local technician. . Installation of UPS(s) that are purchased from Cross as part of the system (If applicable). . Implement Avaya Ethernet switches that are part of the server complex (If applicable) Implement Avaya maintenance modems Cross Will unpack and Inventory all equipment received from our Distributor. Cross will power up and test the processing hardware In our lab and verify successful power-up diagnostics. A Cross engineer Will verify and apply any applicable firmware and software upgrades available and the system Will be "burned In" at our lab. Cross will repack the equipment for shipment to the customer's location where a technician Will phYSically Install the equipment In the customer's equipment room. After Install, the techniCian will observe upon power-up to determine successful completion of self-test diagnostics. The Cross techniCian Will also connect all adjuncts to your communication system stated In the contract. Implementations of an S8XXX server will be supported real time by a Cross engineer on line to support the technician. Page 3 of 6 . . " Our Experience. Your Advantage. IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES FOR NEW AVAYA COMMUNICATION MANAGER FOR CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROJECT 6/03/08 CROSS™ Customer Respo'nsibilltles Accept delivery of equipment, visually Inspect boxes, and store In a secure location. The boxes should not be opened by the customer contact. . Ensure the equipment room meets environmental specifications. . Provision and placement of any applicable power sources. Provide in the equipment room and administer as reqUired all requested Ethernet ports. Provide all Cat 5 Ethernet cables of specific length necessary to connect to the Ethernet ports. ProVide all IP addressing for IP connected circuit cards and adjuncts. Providing an analog access line (CO) for maintenance access and alarming of the ACM. Providing an analog access line (CO or DID) for maintenance access and alarming of each adjunct. Cross Connects The Cross techniCian will the place the cross-connects in the SWitch room at the Main Distribution Field (MDF) between the product's maintenance modems and the external line used for alarm origination. The techniCian will place the cross-connects In the SWitch room at the MDF between the system station and trunk ports and the station and trunk terminations (I.e., where the station wires terminate on the wallfleld hardware In the SWitch room and the trunks terminate on an RJ-21 or wallfleld-hardware prOVided by the Facilities (trunks) vendors). Customer Responsibilities PrOVide the Cross techniCian a run list With station numbers and Jack locations. Cross connects at any intermediate wire closet (unless Included by Cross as part of their Scope of Work). Station wire runs (unless quoted by Cross as part of their Scope of Work). Campus inter-building "black" cable or fiber OptiC cable (unless quoted by Cross as part of their Scope of Work). Trunk Installation and Loop Back Test The Cross techniCian will Install and test each new analog and digital trunk and Inform the customer of the results. The Cross techniCian Will also perform a loop back test from the Switch DS-l's (Integrated CSUs ONLY) to the facilities demarc pOint and Inform the customer of results. Connectivity to the customer's network services Will be tested. If network problems are detected, it is the customer's responsibility to refer to, and resolve the problems With the network service provider. After the customer verifies the service prOVider has been successful In resolving the trouble, Cross will follow up With additional testing. Customer Responsibilities Ordering all trunks from their network provider and prOViding the configuratIOn details to Cross. Extending the demarc Into the switch equipment room. . Managing all network troubles with their network provider Remote Access Line Cross will verify connectivity of the remote access modem to the appropriate support center and register the customer's system. Customer Responsibilities ProVide remote access lines. Page 4 of 6 . , Our Experience. Your Advantage. IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES FOR NEW AVAYA COMMUNICATION MANAGER FOR CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROJECT 6/03/08 CROSS™ Station Installation When Cross provides new equipment, refurbished equipment and/or existing m place compatible telephones, Cross will unpack, build, and label new telephone stations. When required for an IP voice terminal Implementation, the TFTP server and DHCP server are a customer responsibility. Cross Will assign an engmeer to assist the customer. The engmeer will provide to the customer Avaya's LAN Administration GUide and Will be available to answer questions to help the customer complete these tasks. If Cross's engineer IS reqUired to provide step by step assistance or is requested to perform these tasks for a customer, additIOnal charges would be applicable. Customer Responsibilities . Provide a location to assemble and stage new voice terminals. Prior to Cross startmg the ImplementatIOn at the customer's location, a TFTP server must be provided and configured according to Avaya's specifications for any IP hardphones. . Prior to Cross starting the Implementation at the customer's location, a DHCP server must be available and configured according to Avaya's specifications for any IP hardphones. Station Placement Cross Will place and test vOice stations according to customer provided floor plans Indicatmg each user's location and station type. Station placement Will be done dUring Cross's regular hours Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm local time. Station placement can be scheduled before or after system cutover at the discretion of the customer. Customer ResponSibilities . Provide a floor plan shOWing station types, Jack numbers, and extension numbers of all new voice terminals and analog devices. ProVide access to all areas where stations will be placed. . Phone Jacks must be easily accessible. TechniCians Will not move desks or other furniture In order to be able to plug sets Into the telephone Jacks. Cutover Hours Cutover activities Will be completed between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, local time, Monday through Friday, excluding Cross deSignated holidays. (NOTE: Any work performed between 5:00 pm and 8:00 am Monday through Friday, and/or all day Saturday, Sunday, and Cross deSignated holidays Will Incur Incremental premium charges) Solution Assurance After installation is complete, the system Will be tested with the customer. Cross will proVide support to the customer until all issues Impeding functIOnality of the system and adjuncts that are a result of Cross prOVided equipment or software administration have been resolved Help Desk Cross will prOVide help desk service on the First Day of BUSiness (FDOB) staffed by an on-site technician With remote support from the Project Manager and Software Resource. Help Desk activities are performed between 8 am to 5 pm local time, Monday through Friday excluding Cross designated holidays. If requested, standard Help Desk support IS for the first four hours of the next BUSiness Day follOWing cutover. Trainer Will be on site at the Pueblo location for FDOS all day. Additional support coverage for Help Desk resources can be scheduled in advance at an additional cost. Customer ResponSibilities Page 5 of 6 .. ~ t. "t.. Our Expenence. Your Advantage. IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES FOR NEW AVAYA COMMUNICATION MANAGER FOR CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROJECT 6/03/08 CROSS™ . Provide locatIOn with vOice terminals to serve as help desk. . Publish help desk number within their organization. . Provide one representative to support the help desk. End User Training (Not Included) Training Room Setup (Not Included) Administration Training System Administration training will be provided by Cross through Cross University either as a 4 hour instructor-led, web based course, or an In depth classroom course at the Cross University training facility In Bloomington, MN. Your Account Executive can provide further details. As a third option, Cross can provide an on-site trainer to Introduce the customer to BasIc System Administration for moves, adds, and simple changes. On site training will be scheduled as available. Up to 3 trainees can be accommodated In each session. Existing System De-Install (Not Included) De-installation of the eXisting, "old", system is optional, and It has not been Included In this quote. Prior to providing a quote for de-Install, a site survey must be performed, In order to determine requirements. If thiS service IS requested after contract Signing, It can be accommodated uSing the Change Control Process. De-Installation will Include the Cross provided technician plaCing the "old" equipment at a customer designated, mutually agreed to location on Site, and will not Include the phYSical removal of the equipment from the customer premise. The removal of any eXisting cables, overhead or under floor, as well as surrounding wall field, can be addressed by your Account Executive. Customer Responsibilities . Designate an area for de-Installed equipment; provide boxes, if boxing IS desired. . Pack de-Installed equipment, as appropnate, If It is to be shipped. . Arrange for de-Installed equipment to be removed from premise. t , . ..~~^..J" .1', ~~. '0"""'.- ~'"' .~...... _-. ~ f. ~ (~"'~ ~, ,'- ''''--. , . ~ ,- ," _1-"~_";'::J' '[:' -- ~~~... "''',.- -., ;Ttiis ~tateme'ht of Work anq/or Schedule A is'governed,bithe.terms.and conditions:ag'r;eed, to by,the parties j .... ,~, _, _,~"., _. ~'l I" ... -,-~- ---.", ,-~,,--, ""."- ,~,-~" ~_.H._""_n__~__" 'cont,ained ~p'Hie '~ro~,u~t a~d.Sel1lice.s J;\g~ee'~ent da~ed 9-}.5,::Q~~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused thiS Agreement to be executed by their duly authonzed representatives with the Intent to be legally bound as of the effective date, for good and valuable consideration, the ft~ an~ ad~qUaCy of which IS hereby acknowledge,d. T~ JOW shall be governed by the terms and conditions of Ut 4.< ~('jllfl'.!I Agreement, dated ~- '5-03' . By:~L~~ Name: J~ L.. t).)1'r'lM...v Title: 'flY nIl4lll4'~ '" h.' 9 , By: Customer Title: Date: Date: App,oved as to Fo,m ~ ~, ,M,tr!u% t!/f~ C'eek &>>t'~J ~7fj- Page 6 of 6 ... ..... / I. CROSS Our Experience. Your Advantage. Cross VolP Network Assessment Engagement Proposal Date: Project: 9/15/2008 City of Port Angeles Upgrade This Statement of Work and/or Schedule A is governed by the terms and conditions agreed to by the parties contained in the Product and Services Agreement dated 9-15-08. Customer: Account Executive: " ;~-':.::'::":::,; ;';;:-'~';:', ~:::'~,:."'..:""''' '.,,', T , ' ~, !t, . , , - - ~ ~ ~~~__~_ ~__ __ ~ ___~_H _ _~ _ City of Port Angeles Bill Olson Cross IS an Avaya premier, National Platinum Business Partner and Business Partner of the Year award winner and Cisco Silver Certified Partner. By providing a complete portfolio of Voice, Data, IP Telephony, Wireless, Professional Services, CrossNet Customer Services and Cross Learning Services, Cross has defined itself as a complete end-to-end integrator of converged technologies nationwide. Having one of the largest and most experienced technical teams WIthin the industry, Cross delivers business transforming communications solutions that will create a distinct competitive advantage for our customers. ThiS document contains Information that IS confidential, proprietary, and/or legally privileged of Cross Any unauthorized reView, use, disclosure, or distribution of this document is strictly prohibited. . .' CISCO SYSTEMS __ I Silver Ceriified @ Partner Statement of Work AVAYA Platinum 13USINESSPARTNER ~I'~' fIJ'" II. j ~~', ;1' l:!~l "'~,'I . This Statement of Work ("SOW") is an agreement between CUSTOMER and Cross Telecom Corporation ("Cross") to provide VolP network assessment services for the purposes of facilitatmg CUSTOMER's goal of compliance and network readiness/validation. Cross may subcontract work to be performed under the Agreement, but will retain responsibility for such work. The roles and responsibilities of both parties and the scope of work to be performed are contained herein. Purpose The Cross VolP Network Assessment has been designed to provide a baseline measurement to confirm that CUSTOMER's data network meets the minimum requirements for VolP traffic outlined in the Avaya /P Voice Quality Network Requirementwhitepaper ("Whitepaper"), and comply with the Avaya /P Network Readiness Assessment Policy ("Policy"). The benefit of this information is the enablement of the CUSTOMER to obtain a qualitative assessment of the data networks ability to sustain specific amounts of IP telephony traffic. The final qualitative assessment of the data network report will serve as a benchmark for the state of CUSTOMER's network as of the time of testing. It is CUSTOMER's prerogatIve to accept and Implement or reject the results of any test provided by Cross. CUSTOMER takes ownership and responsibility for any decisions made as a result of information and/or recommendations provided by Cross and understands that the ultimate quality of CUSTOMER's VolP Network may be affected. Service Description The Cross VolP Network Assessment consists of a two part test: 1) Preliminary Test(s) and 2) Full test. Testing is between end points, simulating VolP traffic and measuring key indicators for quality and performance. VolP Network Assessment simulates IP telephony traffic, measuring. Packet Loss, Jitter, Delay, MOS For the Preliminary test stage Cross will execute a maximum of 3 preliminary tests and provide CUSTOMER test results, including type of failure(l?). Additionally Cross will make recommendations as to possible resolutions. Failure of a Preliminary test is indicative of a network which may not be capable of sustaining a quality VolP environment (per Whitepaper). As applicable, for each of the included Preliminary tests CUSTOMER will be allowed to make corrections and changes for each pair of end points. If CUSTOMER does not pass a Preliminary test (3 offered), Cross will provide no further testing without a signed change order for additional services Further Cross services can be contracted to implement corrective actions, recommendations, or consulting as an additional service. Upon passing Preliminary testing one Full multi-day test will be scheduled and performed. Upon successful completion of the Full test a final report will be delivered to CUSTOMER and filed with Avaya. This SOW includes only one Full multi-day test and final report. Pass or fail, Cross Will ThiS document contains information that is confidential, proprietary, and/or legally priVileged of Cross. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution of thiS document IS strictly prohibited. ~ provide CUSTOMER a Full test report. After the Full test Cross will provide no further testing without a signed change order for additional services. The timely completion of the Cross Network Assessment is dependent on the availability of resources provided by CUSTOMER. The Included Preliminary testing and final report must be completed within 2 weeks after completion of the first Preliminary test. Cross Responsibilities · All personnel provided by Cross shall be fully qualified, trained, and capable within their respective disciplines to fulfill the obligations of this Statement of Work · Provide CUSTOMER a Cross VolP Network Assessment Customer Kit ("Cross Kit")Review provided network diagram(s) · Review QOS Best Practices and Recommendations if requested per the Whitepaper · Coordinate and assist with VolP test traffic agent installation/un installation · Perform up to three VolP network assessment Preliminary tests and provide reporting and recommendations D Perform one VolP network assessment Full test · Provide a final report and executive summary · Review test results and consult with CUSTOMER on recommendations · If applicable produce VolP network assessment final report · File final report results with Avaya if Full test passed Customer Responsibilities · Designate a technical contact that is familiar with CUSTOMER's network and data infrastructure as a point of contact (Technical Contact) for Cross during the entire duration of the assessment · Ensure the Technical Contact is authorized and reasonably available to Cross during applicable hours for the duration of the assessment · Prior to or during the kick-off call, provide topology/network diagram(s) for the specific sites listed in the below Engagement Detail section. · CUSTOMER will provide network connectivity, Internet access, and both local and long distance telephone access to Cross · Confirm network configurations implementing QoS are in place prior to Cross initiating the VolP network assessment test traffic · Configure network to allow test agent communications; per the Cross Kit · Install/uninstall test traffic agents; per the Cross Kit · Comply with all requirements contained in the provided Cross Kit, implement corrective actions and/or recommendations resulting from VolP network assessment Preliminary testing and or Full testing · CUSTOMER will take ownership and responsibility for any decisions made as a result of information and/or recommendations provided by Cross Out of Scope . More than three Preliminary tests . More than one Full test . Network/data backup and redundancy . Any item not specifically listed as a Cross responsibility "In Scope", in the section above. Any Out-of-Scope Services that are requested to be performed by Cross under this Statement of Work shall be agreed to in writing by both Parties prior to that work being performed This document contains mfonmation that is confidential, proprietary, and/or legally privileged of Cross. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution of thiS document IS strictly prohibited '.ol. (I' Warranty OTHER THAN THOSE CONTAINED HEREIN, CROSS MAKES NO OTHER REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED RELATED TO THE VOIP NETWORK ASSESSMENT TO BE PERFORMED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF THE NETWORK'S CURRENT OR FUTURE FITNESS FOR VOIP TRAFFIC. CROSS' RECOMMENDATIONS ARE BASED ON AVAYA'S WHITEPAPER BENCHMARKS AND CUSTOMER'S GOAL OF ACHIVING THESE BENCHMARKS. CROSS MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING THESE BENCHMARKS - ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. Limitation of LiaQility IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER PARTY, OR TO ANY THIRD PARTY CLAIMING THROUGH OR UNDER THE OTHER PARTY, FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OR REVENUES, LOSS OR CORRUPTION OF DATA, EQUIPMENT OR NETWORK DOWNTIME, TOLL FRAUD, OR FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL PUNITIVE AND/OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT OR THE PERFORMANCE AND/OR BREACH THEREOF, EVEN IF THE OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY THEREOF. EACH PARTY'S TOTAL LIABILITY Af\!SING FROM OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, EXCLUDING PERSONAL INJURY ,L\ND WILFULL MISCONDUCT, SHALL BE LIMITED TO NO MORE THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNTS PAYABLE TO CROSS HEREUNDER. LIABILITY FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE WILL BE LIMITED TO NO MORE THAN CROSS' APPLICABLE INSURANCE POLICY COVERAGE WHICH IS $1 MILLION. Confidentiality CROSS WARRANTS IT WILL KEEP ALL INFORMATION CONFIDENTIAL AND CROSS WILL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE LAW, CUSTOMER FOR ANY VIOLATION OF CONFIDENTIALITY. Pricing PRICING IS CONTAINED WITHIN THE SALES QUOTE IDENTIFIED IN THE ENGAGEMENT DETAIL. CUSTOMER WILL REMAIN RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CHARGES EVEN IF THIS AGREEMENT IS TERMINATED PRIOR TO ITS COMPLETION. Engagement Schedule The Cross Project Manager will coordinate assessment activity. Work will only be performed dunng Standard Business Hours, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm local time, Monday - Friday, excluding Cross designated Holidays. , This document contains information that is confidential, propnetary, and/or legally privileged of Cross Any unauthonzed review, use, disclosure, or distribution of this document IS stnctly prohibited. ~.. " Engagement Detail IN RE: Sales Quote #: 300-01-034342A Contact Information Phone: 360-417-4513 E-mail: jharper1@cityofpa.us Network Assessment Configuration Parameters: Full network assessment test run duration: 1 Day Tentative start date of Vol P network assessment call traffic: TBD VolP codec to be used during testinq: G.729 VolP datagram size in milliseconds: 10ms Customer Site Information: 4 Yes 50-250 Unknown Endpoint (Traffic Agent) Deployment Parameters: Site NamelDescription: Type: Site Description/Name: Total # of Concurrent calls: City of Hall WAN Enter Name of Site ESS Site WAN Enter Name of Site Fire Department WAN Enter Name of Site Corp Yard WAN Enter Name of Site Enter Name of Site WAN Enter Name of Site Enter Name of Site WAN Enter Name of Site Enter Name of Site WAN Enter Name of Site Enter Name of Site WAN Enter Name of Site Enter Name of Site WAN Enter Name of Site This Statement of Work and/or Schedule A IS governed by the terms and conditions agreed to by the parties contained in the Product and Services Agreement dated 9-15-08. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this Statement of Work to be signed by their duly authorized representatives CUSTOMER Cross Telecom Corporation. By: ~ L. O,AA., ,~ (Signature) By: SI9 ture) Name:~ 3. Pt.hthu (Print - Block Letters) (Print - Block Letters) Title. CITY "'.~^'r~ Title: (jJ)rLtrtloJ /Y'1tt/lIJUt'V (Print - ~~l1k Letters) . (Print - Block Letters) , Approved as to Form l.WIJ ~; .Jtk!r dif~ ItJ/LtJjof Clerk &~Xjfl ~ Name: JE,"IJJ l. "JTPV,AIJ This document contains Information that IS confJdenlial, proprietary, and/or legally privileged of Cross. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution of this document IS strictly prohibited. City of Port Angeles Statement of Work - Enterprise Alert™ Solution )'..."."..A'".,. B- . . ,. ~ \.__."...... .""J..~Ml OJ r ~I._~,...l 26 September 2008 ~~ A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE Executive Summary ................................ ............................................................... ........... 3 XTEN D Corporate Bac kground ................................................................................ ....... 3 XTEN D Mission.................................................................................................................... 3 Company History................................................................................................... ........... 3 Key benefits of the XTEND Enterprise Alert™ solution: .................................................4 Assumptions... ............................................................................................................ ........ 5 Integrations........... ............................................................................................................. 5 Enterprise Alert™............................... .............................................. .................................. 6 Basic System.......................................... .................................................................. .......... 6 Standard Reports........ ............................................... ........................................... ............ 7 AN I Update - P RI Trunking .............. ......................................................................... ........ 7 On the Avaya Side Changes are required................................................................... 9 PSI All Interface .................... .................................................................................. .......... 9 City of Port Angeles-Provided:........ ..... .............. .......... .............. ............... ....... ............. 1 0 Database Integration .................................................................................................... 1 0 Voice Recordi ngllnstant Recall: Alert... ............................. .... ..................................... 11 Passive Monitoring.......................................................................................................... 11 Notification: Group Code (Optional) .................................................................... 14 Voice over IP Sensing and Tracking (Optional) ......................................................... 14 Dynamic DID ( Optional) ................... ........... .............. ........................... ...... ............... 1 6 Enterprise Alert™ System Requirements................................... ...... ....... ..... ............. .... 1 7 XTEN D Com munications-Provided .... ...... ...................................... ........ ....................... 1 7 City of Port Angeles-Provided....... ............. .... ....... ...... ...... .......... .............................. .... 1 7 Hardware Specifications............................ ................................................................... 1 7 Operating System Requirements and Limitations ...................................................... 17 Servers............................................... .......................................... ..................................... 1 7 Workstations........................................... ......................................................................... 1 7 Database Licensing....................................................................................................... 1 8 Servers and Gateways......................... ...... .................................................................... 18 Data Network Requirements .......... .................. ...................................... ...................... 1 8 System I nstallation and Training.. .......................... ........................................... ............. 1 9 Installation......................................... ............................................................................... 1 9 System implementation for City of Port Angeles will consist of the following: ....... 19 The City of Port Angeles provided database must meet the following requirements: .............. ...................... ....................................... ....................................... 1 9 Training............... ................................................. ............................................................. 1 9 System Documentation................................................................................................. 20 Change Control Date (CC D) .............. ........... ....................................... ....................... 20 ~~ A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE Executive Summary XTEND Corporate Background XTEND Mission XTEND Communications is a company at the forefront of the computer telephony integration (CTI) solutions industry. Our products Include highly complex and multi-level integrated systems that encompass mam number answering, answering service, emergency call answering, radio paging, on-line directory, scheduling and Internet applications all from one main product core. Not simply a call center software company, XTEND prides itself and truly positions itself at the highest end of the industry spectrum by partnerlng with customers in need of unique and complex total communications solutions. We provide solutions for highly specialized markets such as Healthcare, Hospitality (Resort and Casino hotels), Education, Public Safety, Fortune 500 and Military Installations. Company History Founded in 1967 as a Telecommunications Consulting firm, it was not until the 1980's that XTEND began its journey as a customer driven software developer. In 1981, we saw various telecommunications needs that were not being addressed by traditional telephone companies. This led us to developing the world's first customer premises, microcomputer environment based Call Detail Recording (CDR) system. This system evolved into an on-line directory that was used by customers in the shared tenant suites environment. In one sense, XTEND may be the world's first true first party call control CTI developer. In 1982 the XTEND intelligent console product was modified for use at a major Philadelphia Healthcare institution. Yet another example of XTEND's dedication to being a customer driven company, this introduction Into the healthcare world exposed us to the Idea of the total communications solutions. In 1982 our intelligent console product could answer and control the PBX at the operator level, receive real time patient informatIon, provide unified directory and messaging services and initiate radio pages to ReC and on-site transmitters. All from the same user Interface. In 1993 we developed the first Enterprise Alert™ system and in 1994 we Implemented the first pc/psap, PC based Public Safety Answering Position Designed to fit the needs of our customers, our solutions come with our legendary commitment to service. Our customers fmd the most appealing aspect is that they integrate easily with existing systems and are simple to use. Our solutions have set the standard for excellence in CTI for the healthcare, hospitality and public safety industries. What IS Enterprise Alert™? ~~ A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE Enterprise Alert™ is a PClWindows based application that upon dialing 911 from a PBX station line translates the station 10 into an associated Direct Inward Dial (DID) number that allows public safety answering point (PSAP) callbacks and directs emergency response personnel to the exact caller location. Each 911 call from the PBX passes through the Enterprise Alert™ system to the E911 Tandem for routing and local 911 PSAP call dispatching. The ANI update feature stores and translates the PBX number from the extension and the Calling Party Identification (CPID) to an assigned DID number. If no DID is assIgned to a particular extension, then Enterprise AJert™ translates to the nearest DID location. The Enterprise Alert™ database adheres to the NENA2 standard for public safety and updates the Local Exchange Carner's All database. Its software structure offers system flexibility on-site to adapt to virtually any network. Key benefits of the XTEND Enterprise Alert™ solution: . Satisfies all applicable Enhanced 911 Legislation Enterprise Alert™ (EA) provides automatic number identification (ANI) and automatic location information (All), complYing with recent legislation. . Improves Emergency Response Time By providing the corrected ANl associated with the proper All, EA not only improves emergency response time, it also directs emergency units and notifies on-site personnel to the caller's exact location. . Integrated PBX Solution Using your existing PBX as the system foundation, EA eliminates the need for additional, proprietary or specialized PS/ALI equipment, which upon failure may prevent a 911 call from reaching proper authorities. . Uses Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI) Substantially more intuitive to use and administer than other solutions, its Windows interface makes the database administration task simple and straightforward. XTEND Communications understands the needs and is at the forefront to provide reliable 911 solutions that identify the Victim caller location, perform PBX station to DID (Direct Inward Dial) translation and provide real time on-site and remote event notification. Its inherent software-based flexibility combined with the reliability of your Avaya makes Enterprise Alert™ the optimal solution for today and into the future. S A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE Assumptions 1. All 911 calls from phones behind the locations with Enterprise Alert™ servers will be routed through a local C.O. connected PRI on the main PBX. The ten digit caller ID passed on the PRI D channel will not be altered by the CO switch regardless of the trunk groups from which the DID are provisioned, Le.: 911 calls from DID numbers provisioned for the other PBXs/nodes/shelves will be routed through the main PBXs. 2. All 911 calls from out of local 911 network (Le. remote) PBXs and stations that are networked to the main PBX will be routed over a PRI that is connected to the Enterpnse Alert™ Server (I e. is not connected to a C.O. facility). These calls will be routed to the virtual 911 Server via an Internet VPN. 3. 911 Calls routed out of the main PBXs on local C. O. PRls will be routed by the 911 network to the appropriate PSAP if more than one PSAP serve the area. 4. 911 calls will be routed over local trunks in the event connectivity to the main PBX is lost. In these instances the caller location will default to the locatIon associated with the CPE that terminates the local trunks. 5. Uniform Dial Plan across all locations 6. Single Management system interface to communicate all moves, adds, changes to the XTEND server by way of the Database Integration function 7. Enterprise Alert™ uses Calling Party Number, or Caller I.D. or ANI, (whichever is the applicable feature) to identify the calling location. If Caller I.D. privacy is turned on for a station it will be identified only to the main number's address. Integrations The following is a summary of the Enterprise Alert™ features provided by XTEND: . Integration to the Avaya network . Integration to the Client data switches . Integration to the Public All Database for Avaya station translation . Integration to the existing centralized database (TMS) 8 A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE Enterprise Alert™ Basic System Enterprise Alert™ integrates with Avaya systems to identify an extension and location of 911 or 9-911 callers The caller may dial the digits "911" or "9-911" from any Internal analog or digital extension on the Avaya and the call will be reported on the local Enterprise Alert™ system For each call that IS received by the Enterprise Alert™ server, an audible alarm is sounded and the monitor is populated with number and location detail regarding the caller. Enterprise Alert™ automatically connects the audio segment of the call from the Avaya to the PSAP Enterprise Alert™ processes all 911 calls in a sequential manner, based on the number of 911 trunks configured. If. ..1 '. If 05 ~1.:~_~~ :_1 ~.:.1..~_~!: ~ ( r r ~ r t -------- ,------- If t [------- ! ----------- ---- 1'----- t -------.-- I~ __ 1-------- ! - - - 11~~~1~~,~ ' ~ .., ,'~./~>>- ~f~-~~{~~,~~~~,~~~jt~:,l~~~~~~~:?5i(~{~~f;~~,:': )~, _-r'e's'siCtff~pJo :p'ri Mfr's p' d.~P,;'::t~~.I\I}.tJ.l':~~ ~~'c.."\.!.~':"(...",,~ ~J''''' "'.,;;.J:-...'w..J.....'f'". ...llTI'l"rt~/g1l;"":e-~r-"l "'1..~,..,,"!J""" I ~~ A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE Standard Reports Through system administration, the Enterprise AlerFM administrator maintains access to four (4) standard reports: . 911 Calls by Extensions . 911 Calls by Date and Time . 911 All by Extension (Extension Report) . 911 All Database Additionally, the system is equipped with reports for the Pager Notification option: e Pager List Report . Pager Services Report . Pagers Report Built-in Diagnostics To verify system functionality, on a daily basis, during idle periods, Enterprise Alert™ will automatically send handshake messages to the Cross Telecom interface to verify that the software is in control of the signaling path. Verification of the each component of the interface, on a daily basis, by City of Port Angeles personnel will also act as a check on individual system data integnty. Additionally, the system will sound an alarm in the event the system's Interface has been compromised. ANI Update - PRI Trunking The ANI Update feature performs two distinct functions for 911-caller identification for Avaya owners. The ANI Update proVides an Interface to translate the Avaya extension number from extension and CPID to an assigned DID extension number. The feature also provides the ability to store the translated non-DID extensions to the nearest DID extension, in cases where DID service is not available in the switch or switch network. The second function of thIS feature is to insert the DID number or closest DID of the 911 caller for transmission via the 911 trunk This ANI information is required to perform a query on the Telephone Company's All (location) database that houses telephone subscribers' number and location Information for the Telco's region All the functionality is contained within the PC-based system. The local Telco provides the PRI trunks required by the Enterprise Alert™ system for connectivity to the Public E911 network. Today, most new large Avaya environments utilize PRI trunks. PRI trunks include the capability to send the calling party number or ANI with outbound calls. Thus, they allow the PSAP to receive the actual extension number if it is a dial-able 10-diglt number or if the Avaya is equipped for this feature. S A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE A PRI trunk is a digital facility usually provided over a four-wire T-1 circuit in which 23 time slots are used to provide 23 separate voice channels. These are called "barer channels" The 24th channel is used to carry call setup and supervision Information including the calling party number or ANI. In the following figure, we show the simple provisioning of a PRI circuit from the Avaya to the public network. ,"-,'", "'~.. =..,.\- " ~F~;t, Where supplemental real-time service from Enterprise Alert™ IS required, the picture changes. As shown In the figure below, XTEND's server-based Enterprise Alert™ IS Inserted In the PRI circuit S A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE PRI CD~' ~ :~ > .. @ ~~ i 01;. PRI \~'-......./r @][;](;]!:'B t3E:JG GlIEJGl~@[2I oaIIlEl~GJG ElDc:JG [;JOEl DDIDO ElOE!] ElCJGJEI BOG Gl [;] c:J [IJ D 0 Gl 00 c:J l1J QIZl 0 GlIIl G 1m EJO lEI Gl m IZHE ILJ IZl El Server Bypass SWItch As ordinary calls are made, the Avaya sends them to the server and the server just passes them through to the outbound PRI, except for 911 calls. When Enterprise AlerFM sees a 911 call; it refers to its database and determines what digits to send forward It passes through the audiO and records the call It goes a step further to conference the audio to one or more nearby responders by dialing on a PRI channel toward the Cross Telecom. For this most useful feature, another channel of the PRI is used for local notification for each active 911 call From a provisioning point of view, no physical changes are required to a PRI circuit in order to install Enterprise Alert™. Enterpnse Alert™ is a "drop and insert" Installation; however, PBX configuration changes are necessary. On the Avaya Side Changes are required A special new route should be established for 911 calls only. These are calls to 911 and 9-911. At a minimum, two channels of the PRI should be planned for 911 calls. If all channels are out of service, calls should overflow to the normal outbound route to provide overflow without 911 enhancements. PS/ALllnterface Avaya providers can utilize the PS/ALI Interface to ensure that all emergency calls originating at the facility will be displayed on the 911 PSAP call taker's screen. The call taker will display complete location information, including the specific telephone extension and exact physical location inside the building. ~~ A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE The PS/ALI interface software license provides the flexibility to personalize Avaya station records with the accurate number, location and other details about the environment of the station line or person station at that line This Information IS stored in the Enterpnse Alert™ PC server for input and maintenance. This Windows-based, easy-to-use database application provides the single point of input tool to maintain local records as well as interface to the Telco's All database gateway for update. :"i"~5fii~!.:ik~~~r.~:'(~;M.~:~i::~~i~i~!~i' "\;~~~Ti;:)~i::::~ff~;~~i~~~~tr;:""'" . . '""' '{NjIQf::; :P,Sl;PJI::f&:5ru~':r"ER'E"l' 1~1jr:~;~~~~~~5?~~ r ~\ i"'........'li""'lJ '":r~ 1""~,",1''';-1'!',;-_1.l'':' .t I>r ~"'fl 1 ~"I'?itG}~"~t~ 'D~~i~r:Fii~}rifr \'l!I,~;:,(;J; ~..:.:, 1-, :1} ~~l-;'I~.:1t ,1~r'~'~L ";L~~~ i'.' ',J.-::~i.....~ The system provides the ability to initiate an update session, updates the Telco All database, and disconnects from the system. As a next phase the system redials the Telco All gateway to receive any error codes for resolution or receipt of file acceptance. As a final phase a report is generated for future reference of last date of update. City of Port Angeles-Provided: . One (1) analog line for modem connectivity . User Name/Password for login . License to update Telco's All Database Database Integration Enterprise Alert™ is programmed to access a database representing every customer/station behind the pnvate switch/switch network. This information would need to be developed/provided by the City of Port Angeles for accuracy of station detail including station number, location and other pertinent Information. Location information is critical to this application, specifically for dIspatching emergency response units by the PSAP. The database is stored on the Enterprise Alert™ server for access by the application upon receipt of the 911 calls. The database has been designed to adhere to the NENA2 format (National Emergency Number Association) for public safety compliance. S A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE The Database Integration Module/Gateway is a passive link from the existing database system to the Enterprise Alert™ system. Standard integration to a database system is via a one-way link. The link is configured to receive data records regarding moves, adds and changes within the Avaya environment from the City of Port Angeles's database provider or the switch station information. Receipt of the records within the system trigger several processes. These processes include establishing, changing, and deleting extension records. Should an extension be moved to another location In the database system, Enterprise Alert™ changes the location accordingly. As the system is automatically updated, the need for paper listings is eliminated. A real-time or batch, networked link to the City of Port Angeles's existing database system will provide a constant stream of up-to-date number and location information for the E-911 call takers. Accurate number and location information is critical for dispatching emergency services to the emergency scene. ThiS feature provides the dynamic to accommodate this situation, thus providing an up-to-date E-911 database The TMS database system must be able to output the updated information for integration with this feature. The TMS server must have access to the network segment where XTEND's server will reside. ThiS information is crucial to the update of the All database and location of each subscriber line. Voice Recording/Instant Recall: Alert Note' Voice Recording/Instant Recall is included as part of XTEND's Enterprise Alert™ PRI base solution. With the Remember Disk Digital VOice Recording feature, Enterprise Alert™ automatically activates the voice-recording module upon receipt of the 911 arriving at the Alert engine. The Alert system will be configured for storage capacity of 10 hours of vOice recordings This data IS stored in a standard wave (.wav) file format, digitized at a rate of 11 025 Kb/s. For example, 343 megabytes of hard disk space will store up to 10 hours of audio (at 11.925 Kb/s, 1 Megabit of storage is required for each 1.75 minutes), however, the system is not limited to this 1 a-hour storage constraint. Each recorded session IS marked with the time and date and the calling identification of the calling party. The recorded files will be stored locally for easy access and for playback needs. XTEND's Enterprise Alert™ programming allows this data to be played on any PC utilizing MS Windows with media-playback capabilities. By using the standard wave (.wav) file format, blocks of recorded sessions can be downloaded to a CD ROM, floppy disks or to other types of media for storage or playback purposes. Passive Monitoring 8 A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE Note. Passive Monitoring IS Included as part of XTEND's Enterprise Alert™ PRI base solution Providing on-site notification of a 911 caller's number and location Information ensures E911 system integrity for the business telephone system and provides the same 911 functionality provided to residences Enterprise Alert™ IS the mechanism by which this critical Information IS translated, transmitted to the E911 network and sent to on-premise dispatch systems Notification: Sentry (Optional) Enterprise AlerFM Sentry Instant Messaging is Client software that resides on designated PCs When a 911 callis made, the designated PCs get a "screen pop" with an audible alarm telling them that a 911 call IS In progress and gives the caller's extension and location Notification: Pager (Optional) Enterprise Alert™ can provide extension location information for up to ten (10) City of Port Angeles supplied alpha/numeric pagers, as the result of a 911 or 9-911 call. Enterprise Alert™ reqUires that the pager be dialed from an analog line that Interfaces with the Enterprise Alert™ system The paging services must recognize DTMF tones or TAP modem protocol at a rate of 300 baud In addition, the display string should be terminated by pressing the pound (#) key ~~) 1-\ DIVISION OF j'~MCOM SOFTWARE The Pager Notification option is complete with an external modem for dial-up to the RCC (Radio Common Carrier) City of Port Angeles Provided: . One (1) Analog Line for dial-up to the RCC Notification: Email or Cellular Text Messaging (Optional) XTEND's Enterprise Alert™ system has the capability to send enhanced information to any email address. Various em ail addresses may be associated to a corresponding extension in the system database, or a group address can be created so an em ail can alert a pre-determined group of a 911 call in progress Cell phones with web capability that supports either WCTP or SNPP can be included in thIs notification process. The call information is sent to the cell phone as a text message. This simply requires the message recipient's name and URL address of the cell phone to be input into the iNET paging table of the database. XTEND highly recommends that the ability for a cell phone to receive email and text messages be tested prior to Installation. It is the responsibility of the end user to ensure that cell phones are operational prior to installation Load Balanced Enterprise Alert™ Server (Optional) The XTEND Enterpnse Alert™ Server can be equipped with Load Balanced servers and software, which provide "Fall-Safe" operation for the system's cntlcal functions. The servers will act In concert with one another, either systematically alternating the routing of the calls between the two (2) servers via two (2) distinct groups or routing the 911 calls to the mam server under normal condItions and routing 911 calls to the backup server in cases of main server or main PRI failure 8 A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE XTEND's Enterprise Alert™ solution provides an additional layer of dependability to the function and design of your network. In addition to the load balanced or backup Enterprise Alert™ Servers, the servers will provide all ANI/All correction information and replicate a complete copy of the database to each server. Any time there is a change to any of the servers, there will be a real- time update to the remaining server. If either server fails, the remaining server will handle all outgoing E911 calls. If the system detects a failure in any of its components, It "busies out" the ports, which allow the call to "hunt" to the first available port on the remaining server. Throughout normal daily operation all database changes made to the database are automatically replicated to both Enterprise Alert™ Servers. Notification: Group Code (Optional) The Enterprise Alert™ database adheres to the public safety industry standard, NENA II, for record layout and protocol for data exchange. This database is the source for providing the location information for all notifications. Additionally, this database contains the fields to support groups for group notification. Group identities vary by notification type (PCs for Sentry, Phone numbers for Passive Monitoring, e-Mail IDs for E-mail notification, etc). The group code module allows enterprise customers the ability to build groups and members for notification. Group Notification provides the capability for the City of Port Angeles to define a group list of Identities to be associated with a group number The City of Port Angeles will also provide a set of telephone numbers and/or a set of ranges of telephone numbers to be associated with each group number E911 calls from any of the telephone numbers associated with a group number will result in notifications to only those identities Identified with the group number. There are numerous circumstances for which group notification is required. For example, it may be desired that 911 calls from a specific school In a district result in a notification to the Principal of that school as well as District Security personnel. Other examples include; hearing/speech-impaired users, first responders geographically located to Incident, specific number dialed indicates specific event requiring key- personnel notification, team lead or team member notification, etc. These are just a few examples. Parameter settings within the Enterprise Alert™ module offer the flexibility to define types of calls and group members for notification. Voice over IP Sensing and Tracking (Optional) The calling from location IS an essential component in North American 911 systems. With the advent of IP (Internet Protocol) based telephony services, the worldwide telecommunications infrastructure is going through a major transformation. One of these critical issues IS the ability to track 911 calls throughout the ever-increasing Enterprise VolP telephony networks. ~~ A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE In a VolP environment where the IP phones and soft phones are mobile within the network, it is critical that the call handling and routing to the PSAP (public safety answenng point) ensures that the telephone number provided with the call allows an All (automatic location identification) database record retrieval that correctly identifies the location of the caller. Also, the telephone number provided to the PSAP must provide for the ability of the PSAP to call back to the victim caller's phone. Since Local All database updates usually take between 24 hours to 48 hours, this capability must also be provided in such a manner that the Telco All database does not have to be updated as IP phones move about the network (or be updated in real time). The XTEND VolP Phone Tracking Gateway provides these capabilities. XTEND's VolP Phone Tracking Gateway keeps track of the current "address" for authorized VolP phones; authorized soft phones and any other authorized VolP telephony devices An authorized VolP telephony device is characterized by a MAC address and DID number that is registered with the Call Server (i.e. IP PBX). Addressing is based on the City of Port Angeles defined mapping of Ethernet sWitch port ranges to physical locations. Each location (based on Ethernet sWitch port or range of switch ports) has one or more associated Emergency Line Identification Number (ELlN). An ELlN is a DID number. The extension/DID number, ELlN, Switch address/ID, switch port and location associated with the sWitch and switch port IS Integrated directly into the Enterprise Alert™ VolP database. An example of location information is the building address and the specific location within the building such as Third Floor; Rooms 305 - 308. Each switch must be MIB-enabled (Management Information Block) with sufficient information in the MIB to Identify the sWitch, switch port and MAC 10 for any device connected to the switch port. As a device is connected to a sWitch port, the switch must be configured to generate a SNMP (simple network management protocol) trap to the XTEND VolP Phone Tracking Gateway or to a management system that relays the trap to the XTEND VolP Phone Tracking Gateway. XTEND's VolP Phone Tracking Gateway, via SNMP querying, determines the switch port (and therefore the location) to which a VolP telephony device is connected An API proVided by the IP PBX alerts Enterpnse Alert when a user registers. This alert provides the phone number and IP address of the VolP device. A subsequent query to the IP address determines the MAC ID of the device. As result, the VolP tracking gateway has the location of the device as it is connected and the phone number to associate with the device as a user registers. Thus, an ELlN is assigned to the registered phone number and is used for convey location Information to the PSAP. The Enterprise Alert updates its Internal All database With the MAC 10 and ELlN to be associated with the registered number Upon receipt of a 911 call, the XTEND Enterprise Alert system maps the VolP telephony device's extension (or DID) number to a telephone number (ELlN) that IS associated with the port range to which the VolP telephony device IS connected. This telephone number is contained in the All database (via the PS/ALI feature) and associated with the specific location. In this manner, dynamic changes can occur to the location of the authOrized c8::~ A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE VolP telephony devices. These changes will be supported by immediate call back capabilities, uSing remote call forwarding of the ELlN to the phone set's extension, and do not require All database updates to Identify dynamically changing location of a VolP telephony device. Dynamic DID (Optional) The following IS a summary of the Enterprise Alert™ Dynamic DID features provided by XTEND Communications: . A group of DID numbers will be predefined in the XTEND database and the ANI/All public database. These DIDs (ELlNs) are not assigned to a phone set. They are assigned to specific areas that contain non-DID phones. Example: DID 212-951-4551 is assigned In the database with a zone description of lunchroom. While there might be five extensions in the lunchroom and none of them have that DID assigned. . Upon making a 911 call from a phone without an assigned DID, the XTEND system will pass the ELlN number associated with the non-DID phone to the public network (either over CAMA or PRI trunks) The resulting PSAP dip into the ANI/All database will result in the school address and description of the specific location Information (e.g Building address and Lunch Room) that had been previously uploaded from XTEND via the PS\ALI interface. . The XTEND system will also provide the functionality of insuring that a call back to the ELlN will ring on the non-DID phone. Enterprise Alert™ Dynamic DID is compliance with phase II of Enhanced 911 regulations today It is the path to provide the 911 PASP the ability to dial the 911 caller back within the organization without having to assign individual DID numbers to every phone. Enterprise Alert™ Dynamic DID provides the ability for emergency responders to call back the victim no matter where or what phone In the building IS making the call. It allows communications to continue not only from the victim's point of view but also from the emergency response team. Enterprise Alert™ Dynamic DID provides the continued communications path to the Critical end point within your facility at a time, when you need it the most. ~~ A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE ,.. Enterprise Alert™ System Requirements XTEND Communications-Provided . One (1) Enterprise Alert™ Software License . For PRI. One (1) dual PRI card and By Pass Box . One (1) Hub/switch if required for XTEND LAN . One (1) server per XTEND's server specifications . One (1) Monitor / Mouse / Keyboard . One (1) UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) City of Port Angeles-Provided . One (1) analog line for remote diagnostics . Appropriate Power . Environmental Controls . Network Access and Password . One (1) PS/ALI Account and Password . One (1) analog line for PS/ALI Modem . For PRI: PRI Trunks from Telco . For PRI: Two Standard RJ48C cables (to and from the Bypass box). Hardware Specifications Operating System Requirements and Limitations Servers Microsoft Wlndows@ 2003 Server with latest service pack release This network operating system is available for each XTEND product. Appropriate user licenses must be allocated. Each PC workstation requires a software license. Workstations Microsoft Windows XP Professional with latest service pack release This network operating system is available for each XTEND product. Appropriate user licenses must be allocated. Each PC workstation requires a software license. XTEND's preferred platform is DELL. Other hardware platforms will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Delivery of XTEND software on other than a DELL Platform will require additional platform certification and may require an additional certification charge ~~ A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE ,.. Database Licensing Microsoft SOL Database Server and Client Licenses are required. . One MS SOL Server License is required for each MS SOL Server . One Client Access License is required for each system that will access the Database This includes, but is not limited to: o Enterprise Alert™ Workstations Servers and Gateways Enterprise Alert™ Server . Dual Core Intel Xeon Processor . 1 G8 RAM . Two (2) 73 GB* SAS Hard Drives RAID 1 . Enhanced Keyboard . 15"/17"SVGA Color MOnitor . CD-ROM Drive . MIcrosoft Windows 2003 Server (32 bit)* . One (1) 100/1000 NIC (Network Interface Card) e One (1) PCI OR PCI-X Card Slot (Full Length 1 Full Height) No PCle** . Two (2) Serial Com Ports . Multimedia Equipped * ReqUires appropnate service packs, updates, hot fixes and lIcenses ** Slot Count depends upon number of Analog and Senal ports Data Network Requirements Enterprise Alert™ IS a PC Windows-based application. It requires a local area network for connectivity. The following IS a description of the network requirements for the Enterprise Alert™ product for the City of Port Angeles's implementation: XTEND's cabling requirements for the Enterprise Alert™ system are Ethernet 1 0/1 00 Base-T Category V unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cabling terminated with a standard T568A or T5688 configuration. Each cable run shall go from each PC location to a common point or location where XTEND-provided Concentrators will be located. The distance requirements are Ethernet standards at no greater than 300' from starting point to termination point. If the distance is greater than 300', shielding will need to be utilized. <8:~ A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE II"" System Installation and Training Installation XTEND Communications' personnel will require ready access to the City of Port Angeles's premises dUring the implementation process. This may include access at times other than your normal business hours and may Include special security arrangements for XTEND personnel such as badges, door codes, and clearances Installation service is available during normal business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Monday through Friday (excluding XTEND's observed holidays), unless otherwise agreed to in writing. XTEND will require a dedicated period of time to install our software on the CPUs provided. This should be uninterrupted time to configure our system with the data network to our server, define the software applications on the local drives and run test calls with the telecommunications server and public E911 network. The E911 trunks should be Installed and tested for verification call flow and Central Office test lines should be made available as well System implementation for City of Port Angeles will consist of the following: . Software Installation . System Configuration . Hardware Burn-In and Testing . On-site System Implementation . Enterprise Alert™ database upload from a City of Port Angeles supplied database The City of Port Angeles provided database must meet the following requirements: . Fixed Field Length including a seven or ten-digit ANI . Flat ASCII file or MS Access Database, spreadsheet or FoxPro file . One Record per Extension Training XTEND personnel will proVide administrative training on all features purchased. Administrative manuals Will be provided as well. Training will be conducted on a "Train-the-Trainer" program basis. This type of program will help reduce costs for initial training on the system and for future training concerns. ~~ A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE II"'" The City of Port Angeles will be required to provide an area for training. The test CPU will be staged in this area. Training will be provided on consecutive days between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding XTEND's observed holidays. Additional training or special arrangements can be discussed with XTEND's Project Manager Some system configurations may include custom applications, which require data initialization. For example, you may need to input a local directory Into the data. XTEND offers training on how to initialize these data. Your XTEND Communications Project Manager will discuss with you the data requiring Initialization and the training offered. System Documentation XTEND will provide a sufficient number of manuals for all users and supervisors. XTEND will provide these manuals for system Implementation, training and cutover support Change Control Date (CCD) The CGD is the last date XTEND can accept changes to the products ordered for installation on the In-Service Date and specified in your contract/order. Changes In specifications after the CGD will cost time and money and, therefore, should be minimized by your use of effective change control procedures It is Important that we are advised of changes, which will affect your hardware and/or software requirements after the contract/order has been signed. These changes can then be included on the Change Order Form and installed by your scheduled In-Service Date You and the Project Manager will establish change control procedures for use dUring the change control period to minimize the impact changes may have on the cost and scheduled Installation of your system. ~~ A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE ,... Tn~:Sta"t'eme"nt-orWork'ill:;aJolsch:edJI!; Ais gave'rried hy,tii'~"terms'~ancj;c6ri~it.icins agr-eed to "by II ,'! . ,- . - - , ' , _J____ ~4"_ - - ... -- - .....,,~ ..._,,1 !.... the parties.cor:ltained in,the Product,alild"Services Agh~elTle!lt,d(!ited' 9-TS-08'. 10._,.... ~_.,_'-_....-t_...........",.,__"......_ _"...,~_'--_.....,",U>.:t.,......"..-......,__"-_l~..__.__ _~ ___ . -_.j, ~......~...,__w~. Cross Telecom Corporation, By Vlrenc1Ltit (j h ki .J Name' Nflnfi 11 ~) RLDP/h L- ~Drd- \(2]':1 me' 11/1q eO' IO//tJ!{)!' I Approved as to Form /A!!J~M 1fM~ q49 Clerk &-M( 1r I ~ Customer By: ~l. ()~~:... J J~ L. DSTE4"4~ Name' Title: 'PrY .... A ....rf( Title: Date: ,.12./ " Date: ~ A DIVISION OF AMCOM SOFTWARE 5.QllJJ . t A V AY A END USER LICENSE AND WARRANTY For Customer Purchases from a Reseller THIS END USER LlCENSE AND WARRANTY AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT") GOVERNS THE WARRANTY OF A V A Y A'S PRODUCTS AND THE USE OF A V A Y A 's PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE. READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY, IN ITS ENTIRETY, BEFORE INSTALLlNG OR USING THE AVAYA PRODUCT(S) (AS DEFINED BELOW) BY INSTALLING OR USING THE AVAYA PRODUCT(S), OR AUTHORIZING OTHERS TO DO SO, YOU, ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF AND THE ENTITY FOR WHOM YOU ARE INST ALLlNG OR USING THE PRODUCT(S) (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO INTERCHANGEABLY AS "YOU" AND "END USER"), AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND CREATE A BINDING CONTRACT BETWEEN YOU AND AVAYA INC. ("A V A Y A"). ANY USE OF THE PRODUCT(S) WILL CONSTITUTE YOUR ASSENT TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT (OR RA TIFICA nON OF ANY PREVIOUS CONSENT). SCOPE: A vaya grants the warranty and software hcense described in this Agreement to the End User who purchases or licenses new and unused A vaya products, meaning any combination of Hardware, Software and Documentation (the "Products") from A vaya or an authorized A vaya reseller (the "Reseller"). This Agreement does not apply to any customized software resulting from professional services performed by A vaya. In the event of any conflict between the warranty set forth below and any warranty accompanying a Product, the warranty below shall prevail. 1. AVAYA WARRANTY I.I Avaya Warranty. Avaya warrants to End User that during the applicable warranty period, the Products WIll conform to and operate in accordance WIth the applicable "Documentation" in all material respects. The term "Documentation" means A vaya's information manuals in printed or electronic form containing operating instructions and performance specifications that Avaya or its suppliers generally makes available to users of its products and Avaya delivers to End User with the Products. Documentation includes statements of work delivered by A vaya to End User with respect to services. Documentation does not include marketmg materials. 1.2 Warranty Period. The warranty periods for Products are as follows: (i) Registration Program Products: with regard to Products that have an Avaya registration program available, the warranty period is the Specified Warranty Period (as defined below) beginmng on the mstallation or enablement date, not to exceed eighteen (18) months from the ShIpment Date. The term "Shipment Date" refers to (a) the date when Avaya dehvers possession of the Product to a carrier for shipment, or (b) in the case of Software features that can be enabled by A vaya remotely or delivered via electronic means, the date when the features are enabled or the Software is downloaded to the target processor; (ii) Other Products: with regard to Products that do not have an A vaya registration program available, the warranty period is the greater of (a) the Specified Warranty Period (as defined below) plus three (3) months from the Shipment Date (as defined above), or (b) the Specified Warranty Period beginning on the proof of purchase date from the authorized A vaya distributor (the "Distributor") from which Reseller purchased the Product, not to exceed eighteen (18) months from the Shipment Date. (iii) Specified Warranty Period. The "SpeCIfied Warranty Period" is (i) twelve (12) months for Hardware, beginning on the In- Service Date for Avaya-installed Hardware and on the Shipment Date for all other Hardware and (il) ninety (90) days for Software, beginning on the In-Service Date for A vaya-installed Software and on the Shipment Date for all other Software. "In Service Date" means the date on which Avaya's employees, independent contractors and/or subcontractors arrive at End User's premises to install Products. "Hardware" means the standard hardware products that End User orders or A vaya delivers under the Agreement. "Software" means the computer programs in object code form that End User orders or A vaya delivers under the Agreement, whether as stand-alone products or pre-installed on Hardware. Hardware or Software does not mclude any customized deliverables that A vaya creates specifically for End User 1 3 Warranty Exclusions The warranties do not extend to any damages, malfunctions, or non-conformities caused by (i) use of the Products in violation of the license granted by A vaya or m a manner mconslstent with the Documentation; (11) use of non-Avaya furnished equipment, software, or facilities with Products (except to the extent provided in the Documentation); (ili) any failure to follow installation, operation or maintenance instructions; (iv) failure to permit A vaya or its suppliers tImely access, remote or otherwise, to Products, (v) failure to implement all new Updates to Software; (vi) Products that have had their original manufacturer's serial numbers altered, defaced or deleted; (vii) Products that have been servIced or modified by a party other than Avaya or a Reseller. For Avaya End User LIcense and Warranty A vaya Propnetary - Apnl 2006 Page I of 4 '.' purposes of this Agreement, "Updates" means all new versions of the Software that A vaya makes generally available to subscnbers to A vaya's Maintenance Services. Updates are changes in the Software that typically provIde maintenance correction only, but not introduce optional new features. An Update is typically designated with a non-zero decimal as its version number, such as "3 ] " ].4 Products from Third Parties. End User's decision to acquire or use products from third parties (including non-Avaya products purchased from a Reseller) is End User's sole responsibility, even if Avaya or an authorized Reseller helps End User identIfy, evaluate or select them. A V A Y A IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR, AND WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR, THE QUALITY OR PERFORMANCE OF SUCH THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS. 1.5 Toll Fraud. Avaya does not warrant that Products or services will prevent Toll Fraud. Prevention of Toll Fraud is the responsibility of End User. The term "Toll Fraud" refers to the unauthorized use of telecommunications services or facilities accessed through or connected to the Products. 1.6 Geographic Scope. The warranty in this Section] shall apply only within the Territory, which refers to the geographic area within which Reseller is authorized to resell and market A vaya Products, and excludes any locations outside the United States. 1.7 Disclaimers. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION ], NEITHER A V A Y A NOR ITS SUPPLIERS MAKE ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO ANY PRODUCTS AND A V A Y A DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT ABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. A V A Y A AND ITS SUPPLIERS DO NOT WARRANT UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE OPERATION OF PRODUCTS. ].8 Warranty Procedures and Remedies. If a Product does not conform with the warranty above, End User shall notify Reseller in writing within the applicable warranty period, describing in reasonable detail how the Product failed to be in conformance and including evidence that the Product is under warranty. A vaya at its option will (i) repair or replace the nonconforming Product, or (ii) refund to the authorized A vaya distributor ("Distributor") the purchase price and/or license fee paid to A vaya by Distributor upon the return of the nonconforming Product to Avaya. Under no event will Avaya be obligated to refund any amounts in excess of the purchase price and/or license fee paid to A vaya for the nonconforming Product. If A vaya elects to replace the nonconforming Product, End User shall return the nonconforming Product to Reseller (rather than directly to A vaya) so as to permit Reseller to follow Avaya's standard product return procedures. Replacement Products may be new, factory reconditioned, refurbished, re-manufactured or functionally equivalent and will be furnished only on an exchange basis. Returned Hardware that has been replaced by Avaya will become Avaya's property. Replacement Products are warranted as above for the remainder of the original applicable Product warranty period. 1.9 Exclusive Remedies. THE REMEDIES ABOVE ARE END USER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AND ARE IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER RIGHTS OR REMEDIES END USER MAY HAVE AGA]NST A V A Y A OR ITS SUPPLIERS WITH RESPECT TO THE NONCONFORMANCE OF PRODUCTS. 2. SOFTWARE LICENSE 2.] License Grant. Avaya grants to End User a non-sublicenseable, nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use the Software and Documentation provided under the Agreement for End User's internal business purposes at the intended capacity levels and at locations within the Territory. 2.2 All Rights Reserved. Except for the limited license rights granted in this Section 2, A vaya and its suppliers reserves all rights in the Software and Documentation and any modifications thereto, including tItle, ownership rights, intellectual property rights and any other rights and interests. End User will own only the hardware or physical media on which the Software and Documentation are stored, if any. 2.3 License Exclusions. End User agrees not to: (i) decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Software; (ii) modify or create any derivative works (including, without limitation, translations, transformations, adaptations or other recast or altered versions) based on the Software or Documentation; (iii) merge the Software with any other software except as expressly set forth in the Documentation; (IV) use, copy, sell, sublicense, lease, rent, loan, assIgn, conveyor otherwise transfer the Software or Documentation except as expressly authorized by thIS Section 2; (v) distribute, disclose or allow use of the Software or Documentation, in any format, through any timesharmg service, servIce bureau, network or by any other means, to or by any third parties; (vi) enable any Software features or capacity (e.g., additional storage hours, agents, ports or mailboxes) which Avaya licenses as separate products without A vaya's prior written consent; (vii) violate any obligations WIth regard to A vaya's Confidential Information (as defined below) or (viii) permIt or encourage any third party to do any of the foregoing. A vaya End User LIcense and Warranty Avaya Propnetary - Apnl2006 Page 2 of4 ',' 2.4 Backup Copies. End User may create a reasonable number of archival backup copIes of the Software and Documentation on the condition that and as long as End User (I) stores backup copies separately from any actively used computer programs; (ii) keeps a written record of all backup copies indicating the location of their storage; and (iii) provides such record to A vaya upon request. End User will not remove any product identification, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights notices from the Software or Documentation and will duplicate and display all names, logos and notices of A vaya and its licensors on each copy of the Software and Documentation made by End User. 2.5 Termination of License. A vaya may terminate the license granted under this Section 2, and exercise all available rights by giving written notice, effective immediately, if, wIthin ten (10) business days of End User's receipt of a reasonably detailed written request to cure, End User has not cured all breaches of license limitations or restrictions. Upon such termination, End User will immediately pay all outstanding license fees (including applicable termination charges), cease use of all Software, return or delete, at Avaya's request, all copies of the Software in End User's possession, and certify compliance with all of the obligations in this paragraph to Avaya in Writing. 2.6 Audit and Remote Access. At Avaya's request and upon reasonable notice, Avaya will have the right to inspect and audit End User's compliance with these license terms during normal business hours, but no more than once annually. End User will cooperate with the audit and will grant assistance and access to applicable records, materials, equipment, and personnel. In addition, End User will provide remote access to its systems to Avaya to enable A vaya to electronically audit End User's compliance with the license terms. If an audit reveals that the End User possesses or at any time possessed unlicensed copies of the Software or use of the Software beyond the licensed features or capacity restrictions, End User will pay A vaya the applicable license fees immediately upon request. 2.7 License Types. Avaya grants End User a license within the scope of one of the license types described below. The applicable license will be a Designated System License unless a different license is specified in the Documentation or other materials available to End User. The applicable number of licenses and units of capacity for whIch the license is granted WIll be one (I), unless a different number ofIicenses or umts of capacity is specified in the Documentation or other materials available to End User. For purposes of this list of license types: (I) "Designated Processor" means a single stand-alone computmg device; and (ii) "Server" means a Designated Processor that hosts a software application to be accessed by multiple users. 2.7.1 Designated System(s) License (DS). End User may install and use each copy of the Software on only one Designated Processor, unless a different number of Designated Processors is indicated in the Documentation or other materials available to End User. Avaya may require the Designated Processor(s) to be identified by type, serial number, feature key, location or other specific designation, or to be provided by End User to A vaya through electronic means established by A vaya specifically for thIS purpose. 2.7.2 Concurrent User License (CU). End User may install and use the Software on multiple Designated Processors or one Server, so long as only the licensed number of Units are accessing and using the Software at any given time. A "Unit" means the unit on which Avaya, at its sole discretion, bases the pricing of its licenses and can be, without limItation, an agent, port or user, an e-mail or voice mail account in the name of a person or corporate function (e.g., webmaster or helpdesk), or a directory entry in the administrative database utilized by the Product that permits one user to interface with the Software. Units may be linked to a specific, identified Server. 2.7.3 Database License (DL). End User may install and use each copy of the Software on one Server or on multiple Servers provided that each of the Servers on which the Software is installed communicate with no more than a single instance of the same database. 2.7.4 CPU License (CP). End User may mstall and use each copy of the Software on a number of Servers up to the number indicated by A vaya provided that the performance capacity of the Server(s) does not exceed the performance capacity specified for the Software. End User may not re-install or operate the Software on Server(s) with a larger performance capacity without Avaya's prior consent and payment of an upgrade fee. 2.7.5 Named User License (NU). End User may. (i) mstall and use the Software on a single DeSIgnated Processor or Server per authorized Named User (defined below); or (ii) install and use the Software on a Server so long as only authorized Named Users access and use the Software "Named User" means a user or device that has been expressly authorized by Avaya to access and use the Software. At Avaya's sole dIscretion, a "Named User" may be, without limitation, designated by name, corporate function (e g., webmaster or helpdesk), an e-mail A vaya End User License and Warranty A vaya Propnetary - A pnl 2006 Page 3 of 4 . , .1 or vOIce mail account m the name of a person or corporate function, or a directory entry in the administratIVe database utilized by the Product that permits one user to mterface wIth the Product. 2.7.6 Sbrinkwrap License (SR). WIth respect to Software that contains elements provided by third party suppliers, End User may install and use the Software in accordance with the terms and conditions of the "shrinkwrap" or "c1ickwrap" license accompanying the Software ("Shrinkwrap License"). The text of the Shrinkwrap License will be available from Avaya upon End User's request. 3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. EXCEPT FOR PERSONAL INJURY CLAIMS,WILLFUL MISCONDUCT AND END USER'S VIOLATION OF AVAYA'S OR ITS SUPPLIERS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, INCLUDING THROUGH A BREACH OF THE SOFTWARE LICENSE, NEITHER A V A Y A, ITS SUPPLIERS NOR END USER SHALL BE LIABLE FOR (i) ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, STATUTORY, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, OR DATA, TOLL FRAUD, OR COST OF COVER AND (ii) DIRECT DAMAGES ARISING UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE AND FEES PAID FOR THE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM 4. MISCELLANEOUS 4 1 Acknowledgement. End User acknowledges that certain Software may contain programming that when enabled or activated: (i) restricts, limits and/or disables access to certain features, functionality or capacity of such Software subject to the End User making payment for licenses to such features, functionality or capacity; or (ii) periodically deletes or archives data generated by use of the Software and stored on the applicable storage device if not backed up on an alternative storage medium after a certain period of time. 4.2 Third Party Beneficiaries. End User acknowledges that third party software may be included with the Software and that such third partIes are beneficiaries to this Agreement and are entitled to enforce their respective rights. 4 3 Export Control End User agrees not to export or re-export the Software or DocumentatIOn in any form in violation of the export control laws of the United States of America and any other applicable country. 4.4 Protection of Confidential Software and Documentation. End User acknowledges that the Software and DocumentatIOn are regarded as confidential by Avaya and its suppliers ("Confidential Information") and End User agrees at all times to protect and preserve in strict confidence the Software and Documentation. The End User agrees not to permit or authorize access to, or disclosure of the Software and Documentation to any person or entity other than employees of End User who have agreed in writing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement and have a need to access the Software and Documentation for the benefit of the End User. A vaya End User LIcense and Warranty Avaya Propnetary - Apnl2006 Page 4 of4 AVAYA (including reasonable attorney's fees and costs) arising out of Avaya accessing or providing access In accordance with Customer's Instructions 3 7 Avava Eauloment Customer Will not remove any identification tags or other markings on Avaya Equipment Customer Will keep Avaya Equipment free and clear of all levies, liens and encumbrances arising by or through Customer or arising In connection with the location of Avaya EqUipment at a Supported Site, and consents to the filing of informational finanCing statements by the owner of the Avaya EqUipment to give notice of ownership. Customer will, at ItS own expense, maintain insurance against loss, theft, destruction or damage to Avaya EqUipment (each, a "Loss") for the full replacement value of the Avaya EqUipment, Will provide eVidence of thiS insurance upon request, and Will notify Avaya promptly In writing of any Loss Within thirty (30) days after the termination or expiration of the order or SOW, Customer Will (I) cease all use and return to Avaya all copies of software (including backup coples)provlded as part of the Services, and (II) deliver It at no cost to Avaya all Avaya EqUipment located at Supported Site subject to the termination to a location In the United States deSignated by Avaya, In the same condition as when originally delivered to the Supported Site, reasonable wear and tear excepted 4. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS TO EQUIPMENT. Title to Avaya EqUipment, whether new or replacement Avaya EqUipment, will remain with Avaya or ItS suppliers and Will not pass to Customer Title to other Avaya-Installed replacement hardware prOVided as part of Services Will pass to Customer when installed Title to all other hardware prOVided as part of ServIces Will pass to Customer when It arnves at the Supported Site Avaya may, without notice to Customer, assign, pledge, transfer or otherwise convey any or all of Avaya's right, title and Interest In Avaya EqUipment Customer Will bear the nsk of loss, theft, destruction or damage to Avaya EqUIpment except for losses caused by Avaya 5. SOFlWARE LICENSE. Where Services Include prOVISion of patches, Updates or feature upgrades for Supported Products ("New Software"), they will be prOVided subject to the license grant and restrictions contained In the Original agreement under which Customer licensed the original software from Avaya. Where there IS no existing license from Avaya, New Software Will be prOVided subject to the manufacturers then current license terms and restrictions for the New Software. New Software may include components provided by third party suppliers that are subject to their own end user license agreements. Customer may Install and use these components In accordance with the terms and conditions of the "shrlnkwrap" or "c1ickwrap" end user license agreement accompanying them. 6. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. "Confidential Information" means either party's bUSiness and/or technical information, pnclng, discounts and any other information or data, regardless of whether In tangible or other form If marked or otherwise expressly Identified in Writing as confidential Information communicated verbally Will qualify as Confidential Information If deSignated as confidential or propnetary at the time of disclosure and summarized in writing Within 30 days after disclosure. Confidential Information excludes information that. (I) IS publicly available other than by an act or omiSSion of the receiving party, (II) subsequent to ItS disclosure was lawfully received from a third party haVing the right to disseminate the information Without restriction on ItS dissemination and disclosure; (III) was known by the receiving party prior to ItS receipt and was not received from a third General ConddJons of Mamtenance and Managed SeM:es - VersIon US0307 Page 2013 - ~ party in breach of that third party's confidentiality obligations; (IV) was independently developed by the receiving party Without use of the disclOSing party's' Confidential Information, or (v) IS required to be disclosed by court order or other lawful government action, but only to the extent so ordered, provided the receiVing party provides prompt written notification to the disclOSing party of the pending disclosure so the disclOSing party may attempt to obtain a protective order In the event of a potential disclosure In the case of subsectIon (v) above, the receiving party Will prOVide reasonable assistance to the disclOSing party should the disclOSing party attempt to obtain a protective order Each party Will protect the secrecy of all Confidential Information received from the other party With the same degree of care as It uses to protect ItS own Confidential Information, but in no event With less than a reasonable degree of care. Neither party Will use or disclose the other party's Confidential Information except as permitted in thiS Section or for the purpose of performing obligations under thiS Agreement The confidentiality obligations of each party Will survive expiration or termination of the Agreement Upon termination of the Agreement, each party Will cease all use of the other party's Confidential Informatlon and will promptly return, or at the other party's request destroy, all Confidential Information, including copies, In tangible form in that party's possession or under Its control, including Confidential Information stored on any medium. Upon request, a party will certify In writing its compliance with thiS Section 7. WARRANTIES. Avaya warrants to Customer that Services Will be carned out in a professional and workmanlike manner by qualified personnel If the Services have not been so performed and Avaya receives Customer's detailed request to cure a non-conformance Within 30 days of Its occurrence, Avaya Will re-perform those Services ThiS remedy Will be Customer's sole and exclUSive remedy and will be In lieu of any other rights or remedies Customer may have against Avaya with respect to the non-conformance of Services EXCEPT AS REFERENCED AND LIMITED IN THIS SECTION, NEITHER AVAYA NOR ITS LICENSORS OR SUPPLIERS MAKES ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICES IN PARTICULAR, THERE IS NO WARRANTY THAT ALL SECURITY THREATS AND VULNERABILITIES IN A SUPPORTED PRODUCT, SUPPORTED SYSTEM OR NETWORK WILL BE DETECTED OR THAT SERVICES WILL RENDER THEM SAFE FROM SECURITY BREACHES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AVAYA DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 8. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. IN NO EVENT WILL EITHER PARTY OR ITS RESPECTIVE LICENSORS OR SUPPLIERS HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, STATUTORY, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR REVENUE, LOSS OR CORRUPTION OF DATA, TOLL FRAUD, COST OF COVER, OR SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR PERFORMANCE THE LIABILITY OF EITHER PARTY FOR ANY CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT WILL NOT EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE AGGREGATE TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALL FEES PAID OR PAYABLE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IN THE TWELVE (12) MONTH PERIOD IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE DATE OF THE EVENT GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM, UP TO $1 MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000). THE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY IN THIS SECTION WILL APPLY TO ANY DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED, AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NEGLIGENCE), OR OTHERWISE, AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE LIMITED REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO THE PARTIES FAIL OF THEIR ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. HOWEVER, THEY WILL NOT APPLY IN CASES OF WllFUll MISCONDUCT, PERSONAL INJURY OR BREACHES OF AVAYA'S LICENSE RESTRICTIONS. THE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY IN THIS SECTION ALSO WILL APPLY TO ANY LIABILITY OF DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS AND SUPPLIERS 9. GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION The Agreement and any disputes arising out of or relating to the Agreement ("Disputes") Will be governed by the laws of the state where the Customer reSides, excluding conflict of law pnnclples 10. TERM AND TERMINATION. This Agreement Will be effective from the date Avaya accepts the order unless terminated earlier In accordance With thiS Section Unless a different term is defined In the order, Avaya Will prOVide Services for an initial term of one year. Services will be renewed automatically for successive one year terms applYing the then most Similar current generally available support plan offering and then current rates, unless either party gives the other written notice of ItS Intent not to renew at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the applicable Initial or renewal term Unless otherwise speCified In the SAS, Customer may terminate maintenance Services In whole or in part upon 30 days written notice subject to the cancellation fees equal to maintenance Services fees for 12 months or the remaining term, whichever IS less Upon termination, Customer will return any Avaya EqUipment as deSCribed In Section 37. Either party may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other party effective Immediately upon receipt If the other party falls to cure any material breach of thiS Agreement Within a thirty (30) day period after haVing received a written notice from the non-breaching party detailing the breach and requesting the breach be cured. 10.1 Avallabilltv of Funds. Customer warrants that it has funds available to pay all amounts due hereunder through the end of ItS current appropriation penod and warrants further that It will request funds to make payments in each appropriation penod from now until the end of the Agreement term In the event that. (/) funds are not appropriated and are not otherwise available to Customer for any fiscal period follOWing ItS current fiscal year ("subsequent fiscal penod") for the acquIsition of Services and functions which are the same as or Similar to those for which the Products prOVided or Installed under the Agreement was acqUired, (II) such non- appropnatlon has not resulted from Customer's act or faIlure to act, and (Iii) Customer has exhausted all funds legally available for payment under the Agreement and no other legal procedure shall exist whereby payment thereunder can be made to Avaya, then Customer may terminate thiS Agreement as of the last day for which funds were appropriated or otherwise made available by giVing sixty (60) days prior wntten notice of termination to Avaya. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, Customer shall remain responSible for payment to Avaya for all work completed and accepted, as well as for all Products delivered and accepted. 11. MISCELLANEOUS. Avaya may assign thiS Agreement or any assOCiated order to any of its affiliated entities or to any entity to which AOK #003809494 ';':'VAYA, GENERAL CONDITIONS OF MAINTENANCE AND MANAGED SERVICES FOR STATE, LOCAL AND EDUCATION CUSTOMERS The undersigned Customer agrees that these General Conditions of Maintenance and Managed Services (the "Agreement") Will govern the purchase of certain Services (defined below) by Customer from Avaya Inc ("Avaya") 1. ORDER, PROVISION AND SCOPE OF SERVICES 1 1 Order and PrOVISion of Services In return for the payment of the fees specified in the order, Avaya Will provide the services options for Supported Products or Supported Systems at Supported Sites, as descnbed further In this Agreement and the SAS ("Services") In the event of a conflict between the SAS and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement Will control The "Service Agreement Supplement" or "SAS" IS the Avaya Service Agreement Supplement then current as of the date of Avaya's acceptance of an order for Services and available to Customer upon request As used In this Agreement, "SAS" may refer, as applicable, to either the Service Agreement Supplement or, where the parties have executed a statement of work describing specific Services to be provided by Avaya, to the statement of work "Supported Products" are' (I) hardware or software products Identified in the order, and (II) Added Products (defined In Section 1 8) Supported Products may Include non-Avaya products to the extent they are specified in the order "Supported Systems" are a group of products or networks specified in the order. "Supported Sites" are locations specified In the order. Where Avaya provides hardware or software for Customer's use as part of the Services but retains ownership of them, including replacement parts for them, these are referred to as "Avaya Equipment". Orders are subject to acceptance by Avaya Avaya may accept an order by beginning to perform the Services Terms and conditions contained In Customer purchase orders or other Customer documents Will have no effect 1 2 MOnltonnQ Avaya may electronically monitor Supported Products and Supported Systems for the follOWing purposes (I) remote diagnostics and corrective actions, (II) to determine system configuration and applicable charges, (III) to venfy compliance With applicable software license terms and restnctlons; (IV) when prOViding managed Services, to assess Customer needs for additional products or Services; (v) as otherwise prOVided In the SAS 1.3 Error Correction. Some Services options may Include correction of Errors An "Error" means a failure of a Supported Product to conform in all matenal respects to the manufacturer's specifications that were currently applicable when the Supported Product was purchased or licensed 1 4 Help Line Support Where the selected Services option includes help line support, Avaya Will prOVide It in accordance with the coverage option (service hours, target response Intervals, etc.) that Customer has selected. 1 5 Updates Where the selected Services option includes the prOVision of Updates, Avaya Will make Updates available to Customer as the manufacturer makes them generally available to ItS other customers An "Update" IS a change In software that tYPically prOVides maintenance correction only It typically IS deSignated as a change in the digit to the nght of the second deCimal pOint (e g. n y [z]). Avaya Will prOVide Updates via a webslte, em all or post mail, at Avaya's option Updates may be remotely Installed by Avaya or delivered to Customer for self-installation. Geneflll Condmons of Mamtenance and Managed Se1VlCes - VelS/on US0307 Page 1 013 1.6 End of Support Avaya may discontinue or limit the scope of Services for Supported Products that Avaya or the third party manufacturer has declared "end of life," "end of service," "end of support," "manufacture discontinue" or Similar deSignation ("End of Support") Customer may access Avaya's user support webslte (www support avava com) for End of Support notifications Avaya targets posting of End of Support notifications for Avaya- manufactured Products at least SIX (6) months In advance of the End of Support date. End of Support Will be effective as of the effective date of the End of Support notice. Avaya also may provide End of Support notices by emall to emall addresses that Customer has registered With Avaya. If Services are discontinued for a Supported Product, it will be removed from the order and rates Will be adjusted accordingly. For certain products subject to End of Support, Avaya may continue to offer a limited set of Services ("Extended Support"). Where Avaya has chosen to do thiS, the descnptlon of Extended Support available and related fees will be available at the time of Avaya's notice These notices Will communicate information such as Extended Support eligibility, extended support alerts related to parts shortages, and end of Services coverage eligibility (including Extended Support). 1 7 Replacement Hardware Replacement hardware prOVided as part of Services may be new, factory reconditioned, refurbished, re-manufactured or functionally eqUivalent. It Will be furnished only on an exchange baSIS. Returned hardware that has been replaced by Avaya, whether Avaya Equipment or otherwise, Will become Avaya's property 1 8 Added Products If Customer acquires additional products of the same type and manufacturer(s) as the existing Supported Products and locates them with eXisting Supported Products at a Supported Site, they Will be conSidered "Added Products", and Will be added to the order automatically for the remainder of the term Added Products purchased from a party other than the manufacturer or an authonzed reseller are subject to certification by Avaya at Avaya's then current rates If Added Products fall certification, Avaya may choose not to add them to the Supported Products. 1.9 General Limitations Unless the SAS proVides otherwise, Avaya Will prOVide software Services only for the unaltered current release of the software and the prior release The follOWing Items are Included In the Services only If the SAS speCifically Includes them. (I) support of user-defined applications, (il) support of Supported Products that have been modified by a party other than Avaya (except for installation of standard, self-Installed Updates prOVided by the manufacturer); (III) making corrections to user-defined reports; (IV) data recovery services, (v) services associated with relocation of Supported Products, (v) correction of Errors arising from causes external to the Supported Products (such as power failures or surges), and (VI) Services for Supported Products that have been misused, used In breach of their license restrictions, Improperly Installed or configured, or that have had their serial numbers altered, defaced or deleted. 2. INVOICING AND PAYMENT. Avaya Will inVOice Customer for Services In advance unless another payment option IS speCified in the order Payment of undisputed inVOices IS due Within thirty (30) days from the date of Avaya's inVOice Customer will pay all bank charges, taxes, duties, leVies and other costs and commiSSions associated With nonstandard methods of inVOICing and payment Overdue payments Will be subject to a late payment charge of the lesser of 1.5% per month or the maximum rate allowed by applicable law Unless Customer prOVides Avaya with a tax exemption certificate, Customer IS solely responSible for paYing all reqUired taxes, (including, but not limited to, property, sales, use or excise taxes With respect to the proviSion of Avaya EqUipment) except for any Income tax assessed upon Avaya. 3. CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES 3 1 General Customer Will cooperate with Avaya as reasonably necessary for Avaya's performance of ItS obligations, such as (I) providing Avaya With full, free and safe access to its faCilities, (II) prOViding telephone numbers, network addresses and passwords necessary for remote access, and (III) providing Interface information for Supported Products and necessary third party consents and licenses to access them All Items Will be prOVided by Customer at Customer's expense If Avaya prOVides an Update or other new release of software as part of the Services, Customer Will Implement It promptly 3.2 PrOVISion of Supported Products and Svstems. Except for Avaya EqUipment or Avaya hosted facilities Identified in the SAS, Customer Will prOVide all Supported Products, Supported Systems and Supported Sites Customer continuously represents and warrants that. (I) Customer is either the owner of, or is authOrized to access and use, each of them, and (II) Avaya, ItS suppliers, and subcontractors are authOrized to do the same to the extent necessary to prOVide the Services In a timely manner 3 3 Moves of Supported Products Customer Will notify Avaya In advance before moving Supported Products. Only Avaya may move Avaya EqUipment Avaya may charge additional amounts to recover additional costs in prOViding the Services as a result of moved Supported Products 34 Vendor ManaQement. Where Avaya IS to instruct or request products or services on Customer's behalf from third party vendors under Customer's supply contracts With the third party vendors ("Vendor Management"), Customer will provide Avaya upon request a letter of agency or Similar document, In form reasonably satisfactory to Avaya, permitting Avaya to perform the Vendor Management. Where the third party vendor's consent IS reqUired for Avaya to be able to perform Vendor Management In a timely manner, Customer will obtain the wntten consent of the vendor and prOVide Avaya a copy of It upon request 3.5 Third Partv HostlnQ. In the event one or more network address(es) to be mOnitored by Avaya are assOCiated With systems owned, managed, and/or hosted by a third party service prOVider ("Host"), Customer Will (I) notify Avaya of the Host prior to commencement of the Services, (II) obtain the Host's advance written consent for Avaya to perform the Services on the Host's computer systems and prOVide Avaya With a copy of the consent upon request, and (III) facilitate necessary communications between Avaya and the Host in connection With the Services 3 6 Access to Personal Data Where Customer Instructs Avaya to access any employee, customer or other indiVidual's personal data contained in any Supported Product or Supported System, or to prOVide Customer or a third party identified by Customer With access, Customer Will Indemnify Avaya and its officers, directors, employees, subcontractors and affiliates against, and hold each of them harmless from, any and all liabilities, costs, damages, judgments and expenses AOK#O03809494 _AVAYA Avaya may sell, transfer, convey, assign or lease all or substantially all of the assets used m connection with ItS performance under this Agieement Avaya may subcontract any or all of ItS obligations, but Will retam responsibility for them. Neither party Will be liable for any delay or failure m performance to the extent the delay or failure IS caused by events beyond the party's reasonable control, mcluding without limitation, fire, flood, act of God, explosion, war or the engagement of hostilities, strike, embargo, labor dispute, government requirement, cIvil disturbances, cIvil or military authority, and mabllity to secure materials or transportation facIlities The failure of either party to assert any of ItS rights under this Agreement IS not a waiver by that party of ItS right later to enforce this Agreement m accordance with ItS terms This Agreement constitutes the entire understandmg of the parties with respect to ItS subject matter and Will supersede all prevIous and contemporaneous commUniCations, representations or understandmgs, either oral or written, between them relatmg to that subject matter. It Will not be contradicted or supplemented by any prior course of dealing between the parties All notices under this Agreement and any modifications or amendments to this Agreement must be m wrltmg. CUSTOMER: (Company Name) (,1'1'"'( OP POAr AN~nt:'S Signature: Name: Date: C I 'TV M A 11.1 II (,. f' it 1~I~Jo~ Title: App'oval a. 10 Fo.., 11.- ~~ -'" /Ju '1 ~ Itf. :::.:ttom.~a~,1 ~ City Clerk I General Condmons of Mamtenance and Managed SelVlCes - VelS/on US0307 Page 3 of 3 AOK #003809494