HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.867 Original Contract 2008-1216900 Page 1 of 5 Agreement Clallam Tille Company Clallarn County Washington 02/28/2008 03:59.20 PM 111I M\~ ~I~l~ l~ ll~f lr~' IN'I~r,.W '+i'IIIf.~'y II" I 5. ~~_7 W~ FEB 62009 ~~ 1 " .' AFfER RECORDING MAIL TO: N~ PLATT IRWIN LAW FIRM Address 403 S. PEABODY City / State PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Document Title(s): (or transactions contained therein) L BOUNDARY AGREEMENT 2. 3. 4. ~ - . First American Title Insurance Company Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: 2008 1216620 o Additional numbers on page RERECORDED ADD EXHIBIT 1 of document (this space for title company use only) Grantor(s): (Last name first, then first name and initials) L CITY OF PORT ANGELES 2. 3. 4. 5. 0 Additional names on page of document Grantee(s): (Last name first, then first name and initials) 1. CHERRY HILL ASSOCIATES, A WASHINGTON GENERAL PARTNERSHIP 2. 3. 4. 5. 0 Additional names on page of document Abbreviat~d Legal Description as follows: (i.e. lot/block/plat or section/township/range!quarter!quarter) LOTS 7-10, BLK.14 TPA o Complete legal description is on page of docum~nt Assessor's Property Tax Parcell Account Number(s): 063000 001405 NOTE: The auditor/recorder will rely on the information on the form. The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein. Return to: 200'" '1216620 Pag, }f 3 Agreement PIa,. Irwln Law FIrm Clallam County Washlngton 02/25/2008 08:44:54 AM IIlI fr~ 'IJ ~~ ,1-1A~1-tf If~' ,f~UM~1 II. lft~ r"\~~,U 1/111 .> Stephen E. Oliver PLATT IRWIN LAW FIRM 403 S. Peabody Port Angeles, WA 98362 BOUNDARY AGREEMENT Grantors: City of Port Angeles, a municipal corp of the State of Washington Cheny Hill Associates, a Washington general partnership City of Port Angeles, a municipal corp of the State of Washington Cheny Hill Associatesl a Washington general partnership Grantees: Legal Desc.: (Abbreviated) Full Legal: See Exhibit I attached hereto Tax Parcel Nos.: THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on the dO day of hJJ f~, 2008, by and between the City of Port Angeles ("City") and Cheny Hill Associates, a Washington general partnership, ("Cherry Hill"). For and in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived from this agreement, the Parties hereby recite, covenant and agree as follows: I. At this date, the City owns both Lot A and Lot B, more particularly described on the attached Exhibit I. On the 23rd day of October, 2007, the parties entered into a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement ("The Sale Agreement") that provides for the sale of Lot A from the City to Cherry Hill. The purpose of this agreement is to resolve, prior to closing and in a mutually beneficial and efficient manner, certain concerns of both parties. These concerns include: (a) The City Light Operations Building is on Lot A. As constructed, the surface of the exterior east wall of the building is on the boundary between Lot A and Lot B. Portions of the roof or external supporting structures of the Building overhang Lot B. (b) Cherry Hill has determined that its current intended use of the Building will require a Fire Separation Distance pursuant to the International Fire Code of 10 feet from the east wall of the Building. 2. To address these concerns, the parties agree to the following actions: (a) Prior to closing, the City shall complete a boundary line adjustment of the eastern boundary Lot A by adjusting the east line of Lot A, four feet (4') to the east. (b) The parties acknowledge that Lot B is an open air parking lot, owned by the City and dedicated to public parking. As such the parties agree that Lot B is a "Public Way" as defined in the International Fire Code. All parties acknowledge that, for the purposes of determining compliance with the International Fire Code, the face of the City Light Operations Building is the surface of the exterior wall of the building and not any part of the roof or external supporting structures. The City hereby designates the area of Lot B within 10 feet of the east wall of the Building as a Fire Separation Area for the benefit of the Building. The City agrees that it will build no structure on Lot B within ten (10) feet of the City Light Operations Building for as long as the City Light Operations Building stands. The City agrees that, for purposes of determining compliance with the International Fire Code for a building application, Cherry Hill is entitled to claim the "Fire Separation Distance" described in the first sentence of this paragraph. 3. As consideration for designating the Fire Separation Area on Lot B, Cherry Hill grants to the City the right to remain in possession of the Building through the end of March 14 2008, without rent or other compensation, regardless of the date The Sale Agreement is closed. 4. This agreement shall be in force and effect for as long as the City Light Operations Building stands. For purposes of this Agreement, the City Light Operations Building "stands" as long as the existing foundation presently supporting the eastern wall of the Building is capable of, and does, support a structure equivalent to the one now existing. This agreement shall terminate when the existing foundation is not capable of supporting the eastern wall of the Building, or the foundation is altered, or the eastern wall is removed and not replaced by an equivalent structure. 5. This agreement is binding upon the heirs, successors, and assigns of the parties, will survive the closing of The Sale Agreement, and may be enforced by specific performance as well as other equitable and legal relief. IN WTINESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CHERRY IDLL ASSOCIATES By: 71L..LCl* /77~ Mark E. Madsen, City Manager By:\~ ~ ~ William Hennessey, M. ., Parther ATTEST: G:\Legat Backup\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACfS\2008 Agmts&Contracts\Cherry Hill Boundary Agreement 2-1-08_ 2.doc J' . . STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of Clallam ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Mark E. Madsen is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledge it as the City Manager of City of Port Angeles, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: d I,':j..o I 0 (\ . , STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Clallam ) ~<LO--~ 'f'.A. .~ ~Y-O-Y'- Y NO Y PUBLIC m and for the state of Washington, residing at pd\J- ~ ~ My appointment expires: S) d.-5) / I Notary Public State of Washington JEANIE M. DEFRANG MY COMMISSION EXPIRES May 25. 2011 I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that William Hennessey, M.D. is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledge it as a Partner of Cherry Hill Associates, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: .J -:1. 'J.. - <YB CARlENE MARIE RINGIUS STATE OF WASHINGTON NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Q3..10-11 c~~-~~ \Z,\~ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for ill state of Washington, residing at ~o,,\ ~.... ~..J.....& My appointment expires: 3-\ 0- \I ;~ 0'>0 :::!; i~ ~ ~~ ~ ii~ m Z >' ~~ i~~~ ~ ~;~ ~::]~ ~:~~~ ~!~~ii FND TACK.t BRASS DISC IN UAD PLUG -lS 27129-, " H7036'29-C. a 07' fROW THE ENnRE VACATED RIGHT or WAY OF j'CALCULAJro POSlnON I CHeRRY STReeT IS SU8Jf:CT TO AN AIRSPACC (9/07) 1 eASCMENT AND AID' IIlDe PeDeSTRIAN oS WALKWAY cAseMeNT pm ORDINANCC 3303 ,~~ I' AS snPULATE:D IN A PURCHAse AND SALe Jv ~~~~... tg~~~~~N~~t~~~0~~~~~2~~ THe $/ , WALKWA Y eASCMENT SHAU 8E MUTVAlL Y / AGREeD UPON A T A LA TE:R DA TE: IF THE , PARnES CANNOT AGREE. THE WALKWA Y 1'0 , EASEMENT SHALL Be THE ~Sn:RL Y TE:N ^- ;,. FEeT OF THE VACA TE:D CHERRY STREET I ' I Y '-. 9" /1 /:- ,I IA-'o./ 1"7'",... 1 I '''',1' ""'-!~ ,,,of" , . 1",6~ 1 ! ~;''''o>. I (~I 4}S"Y- I /,'ct .PoP" i" I / $;J-.l,/ I 1$ ''J. / ' I'I""~ I ~~~" / 0' Iy /;" f ~o, I~b I il ""'ORICIN.... I ,; 4Y 1 I ~ <11' I',' BOUNOARIlS I J'Q.. '(; I ~/ It~ ~'t / / Of' LOT 10 ,,/ "I AI ~' I, .iI /', ~~~I,t;/l / / .:;"i l 1 Ib'--~ ~",' '- rND 5/8- ~I ' I ""$' ~'f i~'/ "RfBAR on" 1 . .f'.&1 p'- f PLAsnc CAz / ~ v- ~,' (UNREADABLE) , 1 ~ I~ / 2/08)'" 1 1 <t'1' 1,1 ~ ,I I , '- , -!t 1 I' -'o.l I I /." "'-j "~~'b~~' ,o;~; )~~l / Ii .. ,/ 1 I' "s fl' ~ I, f\,~~ ~,' .:; .~ ~.% . ~ ~ '-&~ 1 . -!to ol' ">b>.~ .. ... ... I NDn: .. LEGEND (INLESS 07HERMSC INDlCATfO) _ _ _ _ [XTrRIOR BOUNDARIES OF SU8J(CT PARCeLS _______ ptAnro LOTUNES ADJUST[{) LOT LINE _ _ _ Cf.NTfRUN[ OF STRffT RIGHT OF WAY _ _ _ _ _ Lu.ttTS (T STRffT RIGHT OF WAY r /' /' /' /' /' /' A ~7T~oBfo~rSFfRRfD FROM rOOND CENTERL.INE MCWUItlENT AS INOICA rm rOOND EXISTING MONUAlfNT AS INDICATED SET 1/2- RffJAR WITH PLAS17C CAP STAt.tPCD -Z&A PlS 280n- SET MAGNAIl WITH ALlRtflNUJl WASHfR STAMPro '"Ls 28071- ~ ... ~ .j> ... ~ ...~ .......... ~ ~:J' ~o~ /~ .. i- ,f ! I ~ .. I ~ ~ fo ~ .:; ~ "~~..9 / .V' DA TE OF SURVEY FE8RUARY, 20D8 ... RECORD OF SURVEY BLA 08-01 SHOWING RESUL TS OF BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN LOTS 7 & 8 AND SURVEY OF LOTS 8, 9 & la, BLOCK 14, AND PORTIONS OF VACATED CHERRY STREET WITHIN BLOCKS 1.3 & 14. TOWNSITE OF PORT ANGELES T.30N,R6W,WM CITY OF PORT ANGELES, CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON PREPAReD FOR CITY OF PORT ANGELES "~ ... ~ NOTE: I THE VACA nON OF THA T PORT7ON ~ CHERRY STRfET AS SHOWN HEREON AND ASSOOA rrD RESDNATlONS PER ORDINANCE JJ03 AS AOOPTfD BY THE OTY Of PORT ANG[lES ON ocroeER 23, 2007, IS CONDm~D ON THE PA'NENT OF FEES IN THE EVENT THA T THIS COHO/nON IS NOT MET, SAID ORDINANCE $H^LL 9( VOID AND /olAV{" NO (FFECT THE PAYWENT OF FEES IS SUBLCT TO THf COHSULfUA nON OF A PURCHASE AND SAlE AGRfOIENT DA TED OCTOBER 2J, 2007 BE'ntffN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND CHERRY HIll ASSOCIATfS. A WASHINGTON GE:HERAL PARTNERSHJP All. INTEREST IN THA T PORTION OF CHERRY S'TRUT ABUTnNG LOT I. &OCK 1.3 TO~SlTE (T PORT AAGELES HAS 9(fN QUIT etAJIlED TO THe CITY OF PORT ANGElES PER AUDJTf)R S FlLE NO ,Mofl-r2:.'I.I.Ul ~ ... ~ ...g.@.... ~ HORIZONTAL DATUM WASHINGTON STATE COORDINA n: SYSTE:M, NDRTH ZONE, (NAD 83/91), AS DEn:RMINED FROM FIELD MEASUREMENTS MADE TO CITY OF PORT ANGELES GeODETIC CONTRDL MONUMeNTS (lD#) 06JOOJBIP(Fl3-3-1). AND D6313460P(Fl2-1-1), SAID MONUMENTS BEING SHOWN ON RECORD OF SURVEY FILED IN VOLUMe 34 OF SURVEYS, PAGE 22 DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE REDUCED TO SAID GRID BY A CDMBINED SCALE: FACTOR OF D 999944689 PROCEDURES THIS RECORD OF SURVEY IS BASED ON A GROUND SURVEY unUZING CONVENnONAL TRA VERSE METHODS THIS SURVEY MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE STANDARDS CDNTAINED IN WAC 332- JJD-D9D EQUIPMENT TRIMBLE.. MODEL S6 3- ROBonc TOTAL STA nON AUDITOR'S CERTlFlCA TE FILED FOR RECDRD THIS _l-.2.~ DA Y OF _~~____ 2008, AT ~'lIAI.I, IN VOLUME _./Q.'2- OF SURVEYS, AT PAGe ~__ A T THE RECUEST OF ZENOVlC ole ASSDCIA n:s. INC ~ t..u;,.tt COUNTY AUDITOR ZENOVIC& ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER .z.soe - IZA 1.1.1'1 301 E SIXTH 5T, STE 1 PORT .4.NGELES WA 98J62 PHONE (360) 417-0501 FAX (360) 417-0514 SHEET 1 OF 2 1"",- / "'- / "'- "'- "'- "'- '-<< "'- rob "'- "'to" "'- "'- "'- "'- "'- "'- "'- "'- "'- "'- "'- "'- "'- "'- "'- "'- "'- ~,,~ .s~~> _ ,JJI2@&S- @ , 6998 sa rr (ORG) 6438 sa FT (ADJ.) f I ADJUsrm BDUNDARY UNE.I & ~<t'. O'/~ I'~ .~. 1/ .,l / f I / ~ "'- D--l5610- AT CON1ROL PDINT 06300JB1P SURVEYOR'S CERTlFICA TE THIS MAP CORRECIl Y REPRESENTS A SURI'EY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIREcnON IN CONFORMANCE IIlTH THE REOUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT A T THE REOUEST OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES IN FEBRUARY, 2008 ," - 20' 40' Scale: 20' SECTION INDEX BLOCK '4, T P A SfcnON 3 (PRDJfCn:D), TJDN,R6W,~ .0' I ~ ./ ../ 2#S"/'S 'BR~ Tn ~'b..tR, PLS 28m DATE: DA TE: 2/14/08 J081 07208 \jD /.... ",'5 pc;, 58 .: I RAI..IIOAD FHD 2" BRASS c\P IN PA~JlE.NT STAI.f~CD --~~ .OTY OF PORT ANcnrS CONTRa. POINT I FfJ-J-r OJJOOJ81P '995. : I ~~~ I' } ~ I l.&J,... : ~I: -------------------------------________________________________________________J ~I~ . ::11 ~ :!J 2:, - - - - ----r- - - --- ---N-;o:ji'07" W- __FfION!__ - - -- -- -- 8J!EEr ---- 56'-'''-- - - ----------~"'!~g,;~-::-- ~ I~ ~ 'I =;C~:o:o ~ 5 .56 36 .515" ~ 5 56'J7'07~ E 23498' EAST) FND TIIO<-;;I35OO', r J~00:--4999":'---r--":;i'"99~!-5m-- ...5-99~--------------29i97;--~-----"7------T-----i J5' i (9/07) ~~~DD/~UG t ~I ! I! :,: ,:. : I "L5 27129~. I~ I "'I . rID r~ iQl t: Ii I N70JS'29"E. 0) v.::; In j: 10, at! ~ OJI I 007' FROM 1:2. I .~ :?~,'~ :2: I ~LCULATE'D 'I ~::::- ~<<l .~ I I -I 1'- " l\: POSlnON .. ~ rO) .lJ . : ,~ (9/07) , ,I : 0 I~ IJ I"", "1,! ! F8' I ,c, >.. ~I._, '3~ \',' ..., I 110) ~ ,:'ii- ,~ r~ l~ ~I ~ ti hi Wi r~ ; t ~ j::? I~ ~i ~ II~ \\. ~: i. ~~~A;1;"!::1 1 - i" i" "!:" ": ! ~~~~F~~h;;+~B"~-~ ..:~J7r;..2~_+J4~'-- .!/P.:...l__~---------.!!.9.2r---------_----~----~J ~: "', ---1 Ii !----------------------------.~.~---------------------------------1 : : ...I : ~" : ~!~ : ~f~ :~ :1 10 I ~I~ I~ "'II I~ : ::11 :- -: I,,, I 2::1 I I : 1 : : 1 W roo ;.-B:A~S J>' Ii J5' Ln___________________________.~..2~_______________n______n________J J5' : m CAP .H" PUNCH, ~ ~ ' ~~~t--~------------.---_~~-~-_-----~----------------------J S 56'3656- E fND 2" BRASS N 56 J7'Or w 5699.5' CALCULA TfO CAP Mf7k PUNCH POSInOH PfR .,....RK (9/07) R 0 S. ~. P 9J ~; II ~ DIAGRAM SHOWING SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 14 SCALE I" = 50' LOT OWNER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT l71..J-i. ?1~ CITY OF PORT AN LES, A MUNICIPAL CORPORA nON OF THE STA TE OF WASHINGTON BY MARK E MADSEN, CITY MANAGER ACKNOWLEDGMENT STA TE OF WASHINGTON SS r;,.~NIr; Tc;J C~:~~~M THl T ON THIS Ir.""'- DA Y OF \- e'n(,-<Co ~ , 2008, BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED. A NOTARY PUBLIC, IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DULY COMMISSIONED AND SWORN, PERSONALL Y APPEARED MARK E MADSEN, KNOWN BY ME TO 8E THE INDIVIDUAL 1tl-i0 SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OA TH STA TED THA T HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO eXECUTE THE INSTRUMeNT AND ACKNOWLEDGE: /T AS THE CITY MANAGE:R OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGE:LES TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MeNnONED WITNESS MY HAND AND OrnCIAL SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABO~ WRITTEN RECORD OF SURVEY BLA 08-01 SHOWING RESUL TS OF BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN LOTS 7 & 8 AND SURVEY OF LOTS 8, 9 & 10, BLOCK 14, AND PORTIONS OF VACATED CHERRY STREET WITHIN BLOCKS 13 & 14, TOWNSITE OF PORT ANGELES T 30 N, R 6 W, W M CITy OF PORT ANGELES, CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON PREPARED FOR CITY PORT ANGELES LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A (BEFORe AD.A)STM"'T) LOTS S. 9 AND 10, BLOCK I.... TOWNSlrr OF PORT ANGnE5. TOCf1HER lMTH ALL OF VAC.... 1[D CHERRY STRfET PER ORDINANCE NO .330.3 AS ADOPTED ON OCTOBER 2.3, 2007 L'l1NG SOUTHERl Y OF FRONT STRf:ET AND NORTHERLY OF THE ALLEY, BLOCKS ,J AND 14, TOMIJ-SJTr OF PORT ANGfLES -SJ1UATE" IN THE COUNTY OF CLALLAM, STATE OF WASHINGTON CONTAINING 30,792 SOOARf: FEfT, MORE OF LESS PARCEL B LOT 7, BLOCK '4, TO~S1Tf OF PORT ANGELES -SJ1UA1E'IN THE COUNTY or CLALLAM, STATE OF WASHINGTON CONTAINING 6,998 SQ FT MORE OR LESS (AFTER AD.AJSTMeNT) PARCEL A LOTS 8, 9, 10 AND THE NORTHwrSTERL Y 400 FrET OF LOT 7, AS MEASURfD PERPENOIWLAR TO THE LINE f3€TWrEN SAID LOTS 8 AND 7, BLOCK '4, TOWNSITE OF PORT ANGRES, TOGETHER VtfTH ALL OF VACATED CHERRY STREn PER ORDINANCE NO JJOJ AS ADOPrrD ON OCT~R 2J, 2007, LYING SOUTHER/.. Y OF FRONT STREET AND NORTHERL Y OF THE ALLEY, BLOCKS 13 AND 14, TOWNSlT[ OF PORT ANGaCS SlTUA TE IN THE COUNTY OF CLALLAM, S1A TF: OF WASHINGTON CONTAINING Jl,352 SQUARE FEET, MORE OF LESS PARCEL 8 LOT 7, EXCEPT ~ NORTHI4f:STERL Y 400 FErT THEREOF AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE LINE BETWEEN SAID LOTS 8 AND 7, BLOCK 'of, TOMNSlJ!' OF PORT ANGELES SlTUA rr IN THE COUNTY OF CLALLAM, ST A Tf OF WASHINGTON CONTAINING 6,438 SO FT MORE OR LESS NOT!: PARCELS ABO\-{' ARE SUBJ[CT TO A LEASE AGREEMENT (PARKING FAC/UTY) PfR AFI 1999 1029910 THIS CON~YANCE: IS FOR THE PURPOSe OF ACCOMPLISHING A BOUNDARY UNe ADJUSTMeNT PURSUANT TO RCW 58 17 040(S) IT SHALL NOT CReA TE ANY ADDITIONAL LOTS, TRACTS, PARCELS, OR D/VlSION RA THeR, THE LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL MERGE OR BE INTEGRA TED INTO ABUTnNG PROPeRTY PReSEN71. Y OM/ED BY THE GRANTEE(S) CITY ADMIN/SmA TlON APPROVAL An~ .1 J€i-ClA. ATTEST KY TON, C~ RK &V~.J~. 'PLANNING MAN R ,/l- PI-t} / DATE 0=-105S'IO. AT CONTRDL POINT OS300381P !V 11 ,~- PUBLIC lIORKS DIRECTOR ~ 150' RES/DING AT \=lr"J. ;:"'",c,r \ of''' MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES :'u",e \. ;1(")(',<; 1" = 50' 100' Scale: '0' ~~!o G DATE ZENOVIC& ASSOCI A TES INCORPORA TED 301 E SIXTH ST, SIT 1 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 PHONE (360) 417-0501 FAX. (360) 417-0514 SHEET 2 OF 2 DA TE 2/14/08 JOBI 07208 VDL to'5 p~ 50