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Application Number 08 00000714 Application pin number 572018 Property Address 1234 E 3RD ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 7 9 0400 0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation 0 Owner Contractor BRENKMAN SAM J P 0 BOX 177 LONGVIEW WA 98632 OLYMPIC ELECTRIC 4230 TUMWATER PORT ANGELES (360) 457 5303 Date 6/18/08 WA 98363 Permit ELECTRICAL NEW RESIDENTIAL Additional desc OLY EL 200A SVC Permit pin number 128322 Permit Fee 75 00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 6/18/08 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 12/15/08 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1 00 75 0000 ECH EL RM 0 200 1ST SRV FEEDER 75 00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 75 00 75 00 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 75 00 75 00 00 00 II\ SPECTION TYPE DATE DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FIN AL COMMENTS: ELECTRICAL RESULTS INSPECTOR 11 /zv/oe 08/18/2008 15:08 FAX 380 452 3498 Olympic Electric Co. .. PA CITY INSPECT @001/001 - ...... . ~ ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT APPLICATION .~ \ ~ ......... ~ IDltellation closoriplion C .Co_erdol ill'1b.ldeotlal . Jo6 wired 6;y riectrlcal CoalraclOr OOWller EIKlriwal oonlr.cwr nlme L.icense number OI~ eKpirOl ~;~,,"".r_ e/"-"I'",;" ~t.yfi1/E-C~)P/ r~ matllnl Iddreu fl2.Jo TV~fU,;9;r~/1 Ci1b Stale ZIP' /t:'rr #!r;t..,/ UT / FJ 62 Telephono number P^X number ~ 7. CNew o AllerodlAddllloa Z0Jr:?.7 m -:::? )//y, > ,- / Prcmltn OWDII~ Dime ~/77 r//7~?7,7/J AddrcI. or lupeetlDD ~ ...L2, 7</ r l' )r CII'r7 ~;? #Prr u'rr 'bODe D~lDbe' to edule lalp.ecloll: 'I 0..... IU def1nrd b1 RCII'-/9.28,16/:(I/ Ow", wfll occupy ,hI ',,",,'."/01' "". ymn qftv litis aJtt:tTlad J#7'III /I fln,1IvN. (2) OWner II rtpired 10 lJi", an "a:lrit;al COAII'rJeltN ". allow SQ/d prvP'''1 "flU' "QI~, ntrl Qr ,,,~.. AftcT rc:adiftJ the .hove slalclDmC. I beraby cettil)' thlll um !he OWner or the above DllDed IIrvPlrty or . U""acd ~IKrrieaJ contractor, I 1m makl"B tile etOCltI.:lIIUtol- laciuD or eltc:nltion m compUlI10; wilh lhe elmrical law.. N.!.C.. JlCW, Chapter IU8. WAC. ClI'p..' 2PI>-4611. TIle CilY or POri ADael.. Monl,lp,1 Coda, 'ad UUJlll' Speelfi..ri.as. BI'"ltur. 'I' '''''1', electrical conrractor or oloctrlcaJ IdJRlnlllntOl" Q~ OCheck# ~ilCazd . VlSlI M"len:ard Discover Card II - . . ---------------~ x , Date: Expilation Data of card =. SMVlce Informstlon o ~OAD CHANGES C aaaaboard kW _ ./ o Fu",""" kW ~arh.8d So..'" o HGIU Pump _ Tan _ LAA 0 Temp Service C Fan-Wall _ kW 0 Undlrgn>und So.."", SAME DAY INSPECTION. CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 VDIlage .? fp Phaae []1' 0 3 SetV\ce SIze: ~ FoedOr Slzo: J ROUG!HN THERMOSl'AT SERVICE ... AppMVoll By t-l~ & AHftlOrCd a,. D.. - l~m~ DrTOl FEEDER I 0... NPlOfCO By ~l. ApprDI'IIlBy Intp8elioD AI=. Buildiag or Eqolpme.lInspecled Aerion tat.ea Ellllotrloll Dice InrpcGtor nnn=, ~ I :U 'IJ LE; I !) IINl 7 ?nn~' !R1~ U9HT DEP'lJ'.