HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.406 Original Contract (2)
Department of Energy
Bonneville Power Administration
P.O. Box 3621
Portland, Oregon 97208-3621
Contract No. 96MS-95279
July 30, 1996
Mr. Robert J. TItus
CIty of Port Angeles
Department of LIght
P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362-0190
Dear Mr. Titus:
ThIs letter agreement (Agreement) between the Bonneville Power AmmmstratIOn
(BonnevIlle) and the CIty of Port Angeles, Washmgton (Port Angeles), provides for the sale
by BonnevIlle of Surplus FIrm Energy to Port Angeles. Bonneville and Port Angeles are
heremafter referred to mmvldually as "Party" and collectIvely as "Parties." The Surplus
Firm Energy purchased by Port Angeles under thIs Agreement shall be used to serve the
electnc load of Rayomer, Inc. (Rayomer).
Therefore, Bonneville proposes the followmg:
1. TERM. ThIs Agreement, when executed by the PartIes, became effectIve on
the hour ending (HE) 0100 hours on July 1, 1996 (Effective Date), and shall
contmue in effect untIl HE 2400 hours on December 31, 1997, unless termmated
earlier as provided herem. All oblIgations incurred hereunder shall be preserved
until satisfied.
2. UNDERLYING PROVISIONS. Unless otherwIse specIfied m thIs
Agreement, all admmlstrative and operational provisions reqmred to perform this
Agreement shall be as described in the Power Sales Contract. Such prOVIsions shall
include prOVISIOns relating to delivery, scheduhng (If applIcable), billing, payment,
metering, access to facilities, dispute resolution, uncontrollable forces, contmuity of
serVIce, and contract mterpretatIOn. Nothing included in or omItted from thIs
Agreement m any way alters or prejudices the rights or oblIgatIOns of the PartIes as
set forth m Amendatory Agreement No.7 to the Power Sales Contract.
(a) "Power Sales Contract" means the firm power sales contract between
BonnevIlle and Port Angeles, Contract No. DE-MS79-81BP90450, as that
contract may be amended or replaced.
(b) "Rayonier Agreement" means the power sales agreement between
Rayomer and Port Angeles.
(c) "Surplus FIrm Energy" means surplus firm energy made aVaIlable by
Bonneville to Port Angeles pursuant to section 5 of thIS Agreement.
4. POINT OF DELIVERY. Surplus FIrm Energy shall be made aVaIlable by
BonneVIlle at the Rayomer pomt of delivery, unless otherwIse agreed.
5. RATES AND AMOUNTS SOLD. Beginning on the EffectIve Date, and
continuing for the remammg term of this Agreement, BonneVIlle shall make
available, and Port Angeles shall purchase, Surplus FIrm Energy as follows:
(a) Rate. The monthly rates for Surplus Firm Energy shall be m
accordance WIth Bonneville's Surplus FIrm Power (SP-93) rate schedule or ItS
successor, and shall be as specIfied m section 5(b). The rates for Surplus
FIrm Energy shall mclude charges for transmiSSIOn serVIce, transfer serVIce
(If applIcable), and assocIated losses over the Federal ColumbIa River
Transmission System to the pomt(s) of delivery. The rates do not include any
load shapmg, load regulation, or reactIve power charges. Port Angeles agrees
to pay BonnevIlle for such charges, If any, based on Port Angeles' total load at
the pomt(s) of delIvery, as further described in BonneVIlle's General Rate
Schedule Provisions.
(b) Monthly Amounts of Surplus Firm Energy and Rate. The
hourly rate of delivery and the monthly amounts of Surplus Firm Energy
shall not exceed the amounts specified below.
July 1996
August 1996
September 1996
October 1996
November 1996
December 1996
January 1997
February 1997
March 1997
May 1997
June 1997
July 1997
August 1997
September 1997
October 1997
Hourly Rate Monthly Amounts
of Delivery of Surplus Firm
............... (MW) .. _. ~~.~.~gy (~t
21 W!.QQ.o. .............. . t
21 1 ~!.~.~.4
21 ~~Ll~9
..................~.~...................... ... 1 ~!.~.1~...
..................~.~.....................:....... ..... . 15 ,.1 ~.9......
21 . 15,~.~.1.......
:::::::::.:::::::IL:::::.:...:::.::.:::::.:::::::..:.......... 15,624
..................~.~............ ........~....................... .14, 112
21 i 15,624
.::::::::::::::::IL..:' . .....:.::::::::. . :::::::::::::J~,099
21 . ...}.~!.~.~.4
21 }.~).~.o
21 1.~!.~.~.1...
..................~.~.. ..... ............... ....}.?!.~24 ......................
21 : . ..}.~J~.9.
..... .... 2;1 _ .. ..... ...........}.~,645 . ................._... ......
Surplus Firm
Energy Rate
.. .............
. ............... .....
... ............
........ ...........
Contract No. 96MS-95279
November 1997
December 1997
Monthly Amounts
of Surplus Firm
En~E.gy' (~)
. ....}.?).20
~ ?J.~.~.4
Surplus Firm
Energy Rate
.. .J~f.MWh)
(c) Delivery. BonnevIlle shall deliver the monthly amounts of Surplus
Firm Energy to Port Angeles at a flat rate of delivery during all hours.
DelIveries of Surplus FIrm Energy will not be scheduled. Therefore, each
monthly amount of Surplus Firm Energy and the hourly rate of delIvery
assocIated wIth such monthly amount speCIfied in sectIOn 5(b), as may be
mollified by section 5(d), shall be deemed delIvered, and shall be deducted
from the measured energy and peak amounts under the Power Sales
(d) Deviations from Amounts Specified in Section 5(b). The
amounts specified in sectIOn 5(b) are not take-or-pay. If, pursuant to the
terms and conditions of the Rayonier Agreement, Rayonier eIther (1) prOVIdes
Port Angeles and BonnevIlle with notice to reduce a monthly amount of
Surplus FIrm Energy, or (2) fails to use the full amount of energy for a given
month, then Bonneville shall bill Port Angeles for amounts of Surplus Firm
Energy as calculated m section 5(e).
(e) Calculation of Monthly Amounts of Surplus firm Energy to be
U sed for Billing Purposes. Following the end of each calendar month,
BonnevIlle shall determine the monthly amount of metered energy at the
Rayonier point of delivery.
(1) If such monthly amount of energy is greater than the monthly
amount shown m section 5(b) (as may be mollified pursuant to
section 5(d)(1)), then BonnevIlle shall bIll Port Angeles for the full
amount shown in section 5(b) (or the modified amount) for that
month. The PrIOrity FIrm Power demand charge shall be calculated
using measured demand that occurs durmg the hour of the Monthly
Federal System Peak Load, less the hourly rate of delIvery shown m
section 5(b) (unless the amount of energy has been mollifIed, m which
case the hourly rate of delIvery to be used shall be equal to the
amount of mollified energy dIVIded by the number of hours in the
(2) If such monthly amount of energy IS less than the monthly
amount shown m sectIOn 5(b) (as may be modified pursuant to
section 5(d)(1)), then Bonneville shall deem that all of the energy IS
Surplus FIrm Energy and Bonneville shall bill Port Angeles for such
energy at the rate specified III this Agreement. BonnevIlle shall
calculate an hourly rate of delIvery by llivIlling such monthly amount
of energy by the number of hours III the month. The Priority FIrm
Contract No. 96MS-95279
demand charge shall be calculated m the same manner as described in
sectIOn 5(e)(1).
6. PAYMENT. Each monthly charge under this Agreement shall appear as a
separate lme Item on Port Angeles' wholesale power bIll.
7. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. If the Rayonier Agreement
termmates pursuant to the terms and condItIons that allow for termination under
that agreement, then thIS Agreement shall termmate on the same day that the
Rayomer Agreement termmates.
Angeles desire to amend the Rayomer Agreement for any reason, then Port Angeles
shall notify BonnevIlle m a timely manner. Port Angeles agrees that it shall not
sIgn any amendment to the Rayomer Agreement unless approved by BonnevIlle in
If the foregomg terms are acceptable to Port Angeles, please sIgn and return one original of
this Agreement. The remaining original IS for your files.
Account ExecutIve
Charles W. Forman Jr.
By 5%1~
Name .:RDBE:n:T J, Tt7VS
Title C iT" U GHT 01 R.CCTofL.
Date 7/30/96
Contract No. 96MS-95279
Department of Energy
Bonneville Power Administration
po. Box 3621
Portland, Oregon 97208-3621
February 26, 1997
In reply refer to: PSW1700
Amendatory Agreement No.1
to Contract No. 96MS-95279
Mr. Robert 1. Titus
City of Port Angeles
Department of Light
P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362-0190
Dear Bob:
This letter agreement (Amendatory Agreement) between the Bonneville Power Administration
(Bonneville) and the City of Port Angeles (Port Angeles), hereinafter sometimes referred to
mdividually as "Party" and collectively as "Parties," amends the Surplus Firm Energy Sale
Agreement, Contract No. 96MS-95279 (Agreement), executed on July 30, 1996. The purpose of this
Amendatory Agreement is to reduce the Surplus Firm Energy Rate of $17 per megawatthour
($17/MWh) to $15 .60/MWh for the months of October 1996 through October 1997. This reduction
is due to the removal of the embedded base transmiSSIOn component ($1.00 per kilowattmonth) from
the power rate. The Parties agree that it is more appropriate for Port Angeles to pay separately for
the transmission of the Surplus Firm Energy purchased under the Agreement. Therefore. BonneVille
will charge for transmission of the Surplus Firm Energy under Port Angeles' Network Transmission
Agreement (Contract No. 96MS-96090). These charges will mclude the transmission base charge
and the transmiSSion load shaping charge.
Therefore, Bonneville proposes the following terms and conditIOns:
1. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Amendatory Agreement. when executed by the Parties.
shall become effective at hour ending (HE) 0 I 00 on October I, 1996.
2. AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENT. The Agreement IS amended as follows
(a) SectIOn 5(a) IS deleted and replaced hy the followmg.
'"(a) Rate. The monthly rates for Surplus Firm Energy shall be m accordance with
Bonneville's Firm Power Products and SerVIces (FPS-96) rate schedule or ItS
successor, and shall be as specified in section 5(b) The rates for Surplus Firm
Energy do not ll1c1ude charges for transmISSion service, transfer serVIce (1 f
applicable), associated losses over the Federal Columbia River Transmission System
to the point(s) of delivery, power load shaping, load regulation, or reactive power
charges. Port Angeles agrees to pay Bonneville for such charges, if any, based on
Port Angeles' total load at the point(s) of delivery, as further described in
Bonneville's General Rate Schedule Provisions."
(b) Section 5(b) is deleted and replaced by the following:
"(b) Monthly Amounts of Surplus Firm Energy and Rate. The hourly rate of
delivery and the monthly amounts of Surplus Firm Energy shall not exceed the
amounts specified below.
July 1996
August 1996
September 1996
October 1996
November 1996
December 1996
January 1997
February 1997
March 1997
April 1997
May 1997
June 1997
July 1997
August 1997
September 1997
October 1997
November 1997
December 1997
... .Ho.uriy..Ra"tc.....i......Mooiiily. Xiiio"iiois"o{" .,.... S'urpfli-S-'F'irm' ..
of Delivery : Surplus Firm Energy Energy Rate
............ .JMWl........~ .......... .................. .............. (M~~l...;.......J~~W~}..........
21 10,000 17.00
. ...... ........:tC.................T........ ......... ....T5.~624................. ........~. ...... .....If.oo............. ..
. ........ "':ir'" ....... .......:..................... "1'S'J2C)"" ........ ...... ......:..............T;jjm................
......... .. 2T ... ........ ............ .... ..... "'T5'~624"''''''''''''' .... ... .. .... ....TS:.6tf ............ .
. ..... .........~r.mm.r:......I~]~~;n;i~
..... .... '21'" ..... ..~...... ...... .. i\624 .............. . . ......... B:6C)" ....... .
.. m .... .11 . .. mm:m ......u:~~~m.f~.I~m
2 C" ...... .... ...... ... . . ... fSJ 20 ...... ... .. .. ......... . "YS:'60 ..... .. . .
m .... ~ 1.......~mIHif ..:lH~m:,..
AA No. 1 to Contract No. 96MS-95279
If the foregoing terms are acceptable to Port Angeles, please sign and return one copy of this
Amendatory Agreement to me. The remaining copy is for your files.
c1J ~I-
Charles W. Forman Jr.
Account Executive
Name Charles W. Forman, Jr.
Name 'RoBtarLT J. 11 'us
Date ZIZB!q 7
AA No 1 to Contract No 9GMS-95279
This Mutual Termination of Power Sales Agreement, by and between Rayonier Inc., a North
Carolina corporation (hereinafter "Rayonier"), and the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation of
the State of Washington (hereinafter the "City"), is effective as ofthe 1st day of March, 1997 (the
"Termination Agreement").
A. Rayonier and the City entered into a Power Sales Agreement effective July 1,1996 ("the
Power Agreement"), wherein the City agreed to sell to Rayonier and Rayonier agreed to purchase from
the City, surplus energy purchased by the City from the Bonneville Power Administration at a special
B. The parties desire to provide for an orderly termination and set forth their respective
obligations remaining under the Power Agreement.
The parties hereto mutually agree as follows:
1. Rayonier shall continue to purchase surplus energy from the City at the rates and under
the provisions of the Power Agreement through February 28, 1997.
2. The Power Agreement shall terminate effective HE 2400 hours February 28, 1997.
3. Each party hereby releases the other from all obligations, claims, or liabilities for
performance under the Power Agreement after the date of termination. Both parties shall remain liable,
under the terms of the Power Agreement for all energy delivered thereunder on or before February 28,
1997, including, but not limited to Rayonier's obligation to pay for energy supplied on or before
February 28, 1997.
4. The laws of the State of Washington shall govern this Termination Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement on the day and year first
above written.
Ro ert 1. TItu , CIty LIght DIrector
- 1 -