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Highline Community College
Highline Community College
Private Branch Exchange (PBX) Equipment
Agreement Number 0124301433
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between Highline Community College and
AT&T Corp., licensed to conduct business in the State of Washington, hereinafter referred
to as "AT&T" or "Contractor"
WHEREAS, Highline Community College issued a Request for Proposal (RFP), dated
June 1, 1994, for the purpose of obtaining proposals for a PBX and related Equipment for
use by Highline Community College.
WHEREAS, the Contractor submitted a proposal dated June 27, 1994, in response to
Highline Community College's RFP to accomplish such objectives, and
WHEREAS, after full and careful evaluation of said proposal and the proposals submitted
by other vendors, Highline Community College selected Contractor's proposal as best
meeting the objectives of Highline Community College's RFP, and
\VHEREAS, HJghline CommunIty College and the Contractor now desire to enter mto
this Agreement in order to allow expedItIouS and effective ImplementatIon of the
Contractor's proposal for PBX EquIpment for use by HIghlme Community College, and
WHEREAS, this is an Agreement of convenience and neither financIally bInds Highline
Community College nor its customers or otherwise obligates Highline Community College
or its customers to purchase any products hereunder, except for the Initial
AcquIsition/Implementatlon for HJghhne Community College, located at 2400 S 240th
Street, Des Mones, Washington, as specified in Highline Community College's RFP
(Exlubit A)
NOW THEREFORE Highline Commuruty College, CommunIty College, hereby awards
to Contractor this competitively awarded Agreement for obtaIning Contractor's PBX
Equipment, hereinafter referred to as "PBX", as listed and described in Contractor's
proposal attached hereto as Exhibit B to this Agreement, and by this reference made a part
hereof, as though completely set forth herein, at the prices set forth opposite the
description of the goods and services thereon, subject to and in accordance with the terms
of this Agreement
Page 1
THE PARTIES FURTHER AGREE that additional goods and services may be ordered
pursuant to the scope of tl11s Agreement if such order is submitted in writIng and only with
the written mutual consent of both parties Such wnting shall include a specific
description of the additional goods and servIces, pricing and additional terms and
conditions as relevant The goods and services shall be available under the same terms and
conditions established herein except as specifically amended in writing between the parties
Different terms and conditions for such additional goods and services may need to be
negotiated for individual orders, including orders placed pursuant to an lnterlocal
IN CONSIDERATION OF the mutual promises made to each other, as hereinafter set
forth, the parties further agree as follows.
Definitions as used throughout this Agreement shall have the meanings set forth below:
"Exhibit A" means the Request For Proposal (RFP) for PBX Equipment issued by
Highline Commuruty College, dated June 1, 1994.
"Exhibit B" means the Contractor's response dated June 27, 1994 to Highline Community
College RFP for PBX EqUIpment
"Contractor" means AT&T Corp ("AT&T") It shall also Include any subcontractor
retaIned by Contractor as permItted under the terms of tl11s Agreement
"Contractor's Proiect Manager" means that person designated by the Contractor, and
acceptable to HighlIne Community College, to coordinate all Contractor project activities
"Contractor's Account Manager" means an employee of the Contractor who is specifically
assigned as the primary contact person with whom Highline Community College Contract
Administrator shall work with for the duration of this Agreement
"Highline Community College Contracting Officer" means the Vice President for
Administration. Highline Community College
Highline Community College Contract Administrator" means that person designated by
Highline Commuruty College to administer this Agreement on behalf of Highline
Community College.
"Highline Community College Proiect Coordinator" means that person designated by
Highline Community College to coordinate the project.
Page 2
"HIghlme CommunIty College" means Highline Commuruty College, actmg through
Highlme Community College, or as otherwise identified
"InItial Acquisition/Implementatlon" means the purchase from and the mstallatlon by
AT&T ofa Definity PBX and related EquIpment and Services for Highline CommunIty
College as a result of the RFP (Exhibit A) and AT&T's Proposal (ExhIbit B), at June 27,
"PBX Equipment or PBX" may also be referred to as "Equipment," means the PBX
hardware and software, terminal equipment, support service, design, maintenance and
product development purchased pursuant to this Agreement.
"RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington (Washington State Law).
"Subcontractor" means one not in the employment of the Contractor, who is performing
all or part of those services under this Agreement under a separate contract with the
Contractor. The term "subcontractor" means subcontractor(s) of any tier.
The initial term of this Agreement shall be three years, commencing upon the date of
execution by both the parties The month and day of execution by both parties shall be
conSidered herem as the anniversary date of this Agreement (the last date prevaIls)
The term of this Agreement may be extended by two one (1) year penods, PROVIDED
Each extensiOn shall be by mutual agreement between Htghlme CommunIty College and
the Contractor, by HIghline CommunIty College's Contractmg Officer givmg written
notice of the extension to the Contractor not less than thirty (30) days prior to the
anniversary date oftlus Agreement IfHighhne Community College elects not to renew
this Agreement for the additional term(s) and the Contractor IS not in default of the terms
and conditions herein the termmatiOn shall be deemed a TERMINATION FOR
CONVENIENCE as provided herem
With respect to purchased EqUIpment, the following clauses shall remain operative for so
long as the Equipment remains 10 use by Highline CommunIty College'
* Governing Law
* Severability
*Independent Status of
* Anti- Trust Violations
*Mamtenance Documentation
*Software Documentation
* Confiden tial i ty IProtecti 0 n
of Proprietary Information
*Limitation of Liability
*Entire Agreement
Page 3
*Patent and Copyright IndemnificatIOn
A Set forth elsewhere in this Agreement are specIfic provisions which allow HigWlne
Community College to terminate this Agreement for converuence When HigWine
Commuruty College exercises the TER1vfINATION FOR CONVENIENCE
option, Highline Community College Contracting Officer will,
1. By fourteen (14) days written notice, beginning on the second day after the
2. Terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, when it is in the best interest
ofHighline Community College
B. If this Agreement is so terminated, Highline Community College is only liable for:
1. Payment required by the terms of this Agreement, or
2 Equipment received and accepted or services rendered prior to the effective
date of termination.
HigWme Community College Contracting Officer may, by written notice, terminate this
Agreement, in whole or in part, for failure of the Contractor to perform any of the
obligatIOns or provisions hereof If Contractor fails to fulfill In a timely and proper manner
Its performance obligatIOns under this Agreement, or if Contractor violates any of the
performance warranties made herein, then HigWIne Community College Contracting
Officer shall give Contractor written notice of such failure or VIolation which shall be
corrected immediately, or as specIfically set forth elsewhere herein. If such failure or
VIOlatIOn IS not corrected withm thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice from
HigWme Community College, this Agreement may be terminated immediately thereafter by
wntten notice from HigWIne Community College Contracting Ofticer to the Contractor.
A In such event, Highline Community College shall thereupon have the right to
procure on the open market the Equipment hereunder required in lieu thereof, and
the Contractor shall be liable for damages as set forth herein. Highline Community
College shall thereupon have the right to deduct from any monies due or that
thereafter become due to the Contractor or to require the Contractor to pay
Highline Community College for all additional costs for procuring other
Equipment including, but not limited to, the following.
Page 4
1. Any cost difference between the original contract price of the Equipment
estabhshed in this Agreement and the replacement cost of said Equipment
acqUired from another vendor and,
2 All administrative costs for acquiring replacement Equipment including, but
not limited to, cost of competitive bidding, mailing, advertising, applicable
excess financing charges or penalties, staff time and the like. The
Contractor's administrative costs liability under this Agreement shall not
exceed $100,000 The Contractor's administrative costs limitation of
$100,000 stated herein is considered an exclusive and separate redress and
does not modify any provisions regarding other damages, or any other
conditions as are agreed to by the parties, set forth elsewhere in this
B. If it is determined for any reason said failure to perform is without the Contractor's
control, fault, or negligence, the termination shall be deemed- to be a
C. This provision shall not apply to any Contractor failure(s) to perform that result
from the negligent acts or omissions ofHighline Community College.
D. Contractor may, by written notice, terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part,
for failure of High line Community College to perform any of the obligations or
provisions hereof IfHighline Community College fails to fulfill in a timely and
proper manner its performance obligations under this Agreement, or if Highline
Community College violates any of the performance warranties made herein, then
the Contractor shall gIve Highline Community College Contracting Officer written
notice of such failure or violation which shall be corrected by Highline Community
College within 30 working days If such failure or violatIon is not corrected, this
Agreement may be terminated ImmedIately by written notlce from the Contractor
to Highline ~ommuruty College Contracting Officer.
A Upon termination oftnis Agreement, Highline Community College, in addition to
any other rights provided in this Agreement, may require the ~ontractor to deliver
to Highline Community College any property or Equipment specifically produced
or acquired for the performance of such part of this Agreement as has not been
B Highline Community College shall pay to the Contractor the agreed upon price for
Equipment received by Highline Community College, and the amount agreed upon
by the Contractor and Highline Community College Contracting Officer for (i)
Equipment which were received by Highline Community College, and (ii) the
protection and preservation of property unless the termination is for default, in
which case Highline Community College Contracting Officer shall determine the
extent of the liability ofHighline Community College, PROVIDED THAT, in no
Page 5
event shall :Highlme Community College pay to the Contractor an amount greater
than the Contractor would have been entitled to if this Agreement had not been
terminated Failure to agree with such determination shall be a dispute withIn the
meaning of the DISPUTES clause of this Agreement Highlme Community
College may withhold from Contractor any amounts due the Contractor for such
completed work or services such sum as :HigWine Community College Contracting
Officer determmes to be necessary to protect :Highlme Community College against
potential loss or liability.
C The rights and remedies ofHigWine Community College provided in this
Agreement shall be exclusive.
D. After receipt of a notice of termination, and except as otherwise specified by
HigWine Commuruty College Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall:
1. Stop work under this Agreement on the date, and to the extent specified, in
the notice
2. Place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services, or facilities
except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the work
under this Agreement that is not terminated
3 Assign to HigWine Community Coliege, in the manner, at the times, and to
the extent specified by Highline Community College Contracting Officer,
all of the nghts and interest of the Contractor under the orders and
subcontracts so terminated, in which case Highline Community College has
the right, at its discretion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of
the terminatIOn of such orders and subcontracts
4 Settle all outstanding liabilities and all claims arismg out of such
termination of orders and subcontracts, with the approval or ratification of
Highline Community College Contractmg Officer to the extent he may
require which approval or ratification shall be final for all the purposes of
this section
5 Transfer title to Highlme Community College and deliver in the manner, at
the times, and to the extent directed by Highline Community College
Contracting Officer, any property which is required to be furnished to
HigWine Commuruty College
6 Complete performance of such part of the work as shall not have been
terminated by Highline Community College Contracting Officer.
7 Take such action as may be necessary, or as Highline Community College
Contracting Officer may direct for the protection and preservation of the
property related to this Agreement which is in the possession of the
Contractor and in which Highline Community College has an interest.
Page 6
E The Contractor shall pay, within thirty (30) days of termInation, any monies due to
Highline Community College for liquIdated damages or damages an sing from
tenrunation for default
Upon filing of a petition for bankruptcy or financial reorganization or in the event of
Insolvency of the Contractor, Highline Community College may terminate this Agreement
upon written notice signed by Highline Community College Contracting Officer Should
such petition be dismissed or such insolvency no longer exist, or should adequate evidence
of Contractor's ability to continue performance be provided to Highline Community
College Contracting Officer, no termination shall result. Termination under such
conditions shall constitute default by the Contractor.
In the event that either funding from Highline Community College or other sources is
withdrawn, reduced, or limited, or the authority ofHighline Community College to
perform any of its duties is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective
date of this Agreement and prior to normal completion, Highline Community College may
terminate this Agreement under the TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE clause of
this Agreement.
A HJghlIne Commumty College may terminate tillS Agreement, by wntten notice to
the Contractor, If It IS found after due notice and examination that there IS a
VIOlatIOn by Contractor of.
The ExecutIve Conflict ofInterest Act, chapter 42 18 RCW, or
2 Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, chapter 4222 RCW, or
3 Any other similar statute involvIng the Contractor in the procurement of or
performance under this Agreement
B In the event thIs Agreement is terminated as provided above, Highline Community
College shall be entitled to pursue the same remedies against the Contractor as it
could pursue in the event of a breach of this Agreement by the Contractor. The
rights and remedies ofHighline Community College provided by this clause shall
not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by
Page 7
A The Contractor warrants that no person or sellIng agency has been employed or
retained to solicit or secure this Agreement upon any agreement or understanding
for a cOnunlssion, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide
employees or a bona fide established commercial or selling agency of the
B Highline Community College shall have the right, in the event of breach by the
Contractor of the above-stated provision, to.
1. Annul this Agreement without liability, or
2. In its discretion, deduct from this Agreement price or consideratio'n or
otherwise recover the full amount of such cOnunlssion, percentage,
brokerage, or contingent fee.
A The parties agree that neither the Contractor nor Highline Community College
shall be liable to each other, regardless of the form of action, for consequential
damages The parties further agree that neither shall be liable to the other for any
lost profits or any demand or claim, regardless of the form of action, against eIther
party by any other person except a claim or demand based on patent or copynght
mfringement, in which case liability shall be as set forth elsewhere in this
Agreement ThIs provision does not modify any provisions regarding liquidated
damages, or any other such conditIons as are elsewhere agreed to herein between
the parties
B Neither the Contractor nor Highline Community College shall be liable for
damages ansing from causes beyond the reasonable control and without the fault
or negligence of eIther the Contractor, Highline Community College, or their
respective subcontractors
C Such causes may include, but are not restricted to, acts of God or of the public
enemy, acts of any governmental body acting in eIther Its sovereign or contractual
capacity, war, explosions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, stnkes,
freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather, but in every case the delays must
be beyond the reasonable control and without fault or negligence of the
Contractor, Highline Community College, or their respective subcontractors
D If delays are caused by the default of a subcontractor without its fault or
negligence, neIther the Contractor nor Highline Community College shall be lIable
Page 8
for damages for delays, unless the goods and/or services to be furnished by their
subcontractors were obtamable on comparable terms from other sources in
sufficient time to permit the Contractor or Highlme Community College to meet Its
required performance schedule
E Neither party shall be liable for personal injury or damage to tangible property
except personal injury or damage to tangible property proXlmately caused by each
party's respective fault or negligence.
F Contractor's liability under this Agreement shall be limited to direct damages which
are proven, in an amount not to exceed the purchase price of the affected PBX
Equipment. Contractor's liability under this provision will apply on a per
transaction basis. This limitation of Contractor's liability does not apply to
personal injury or to damages to personal property by reason of the actions of the
Waiver of any breach of any term or condition of this Agreement shall not be deemed a
waiver of any prior or subsequent breach. No term or condition of this Agreement shall
be held to be waived, modified, or deleted except by a written instrument signed by the
parties hereto.
H1ghline Community College, upon paying the amounts due hereunder and performing all
other covenants, terms, and conditions on its part to be performed hereunder, may and
shall peacefully and quietly have, possess, and enjoy the goods and services obtamed
hereunder for the term(s) provided without suit, molestation, or mterruptlon
Contractor shall protect, indemnifY and save Highline Community College harmless from
and against any damage, cost or lIability for any or all injUries to persons or damage to
tangible property arising from acts or omissions of Contractor, its officers, employees,
agents, or subcontractors howsoever caused
If any term or condition of this Agreement or the application thereof to any person( s) or
circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions or
applications which can be given effect without the invalid term, condition or application;
to this end the terms and conditions of this Agreement are declared severable.
Page 9
The Contractor hereby assures that It will comply with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to
the end that no person shall, on the grounds of age, race, creed, color, sex or national
origm be excluded from particIpatIOn in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise
subjected to discmnination under this Agreement or under any project, program or activity
supported by this Agreement
In the event Contractor has failed to perform any substantial obligation to be performed by
the Contractor under this Agreement and 30 days after written notice of said failure to
perform is provided to Contractor and said failure has not been cured, then Highline
Community College may withhold all monies due and payable to Contractor, without
penalty, until such failure to perform is cured or otherwise adjudicated
The parties hereto, in the performance of this Agreement, will be acting in their individual
capacities and not as agents, employees, partners, joint venturers or associates of one
another. The employees or agents of one party shall not be deemed or construed to be the
employees or agents of the other party for any purpose whatsoever.
This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the law and statutes of Highline
Community College The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for
Thurston County, Washington
Contractor means any firm, prOVider, orgaruzation, individual, or other entity performing
services under this Agreement It shall include any subcontractor retained by the prime
Contractor as permitted under the terms of this Agreement Subcontractor means one not
m the employment of the Contractor who is performing all or part of the services under
this Agreement under a separate contract With the Contractor The Contractor may, with
prior written permission from Highlme Community College, enter into subcontracts with
third parties for its performance of any part of the Contractor's duties and obligations In
no event shall the eXlstence of a subcontract operate to release or reduce the liability of the
Contractor to Highline Community College for any breach in the performance of the
Contractor's duties. The Contractor agrees that all subcontractors shall be agents of the
Contractor, and the Contractor further agrees to hold Highline Community College
harmless for omissions of the Contractor's subcontractors, their agents, or employees.
HIghline Community College shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from
personal injury, physical loss, harassment of employee, or violations of the PATENT AND
COPYRIGHT INDEl\.1NIFICATION provisions of this Agreement occasioned by the acts
or omissions of the Contractor's subcontractors, their agents or employees. The PATENT
Page 10
Al'ID COPYRIGHT INDEJ\1NIFICATION provisions of this Agreement shall apply to all
If funds are not allocated for this Agreement for periodic payment in any future biennial
fiscal period, Highline Community College wIll not be obligated to pay the net remainder
of agreed-to consecutive periodic payments remaining unpaid beyond the end of the
then-current biennium. Highline Community College agrees to notify the Contractor of
such non-allocation at the earliest pOSSible time No penalty shall accrue to Highline
Community College in the event this provision shall be exercised. This provision shall not
be construed so as to permit Highline Community College to terminate this Agreement in
order to acquire similar Equipment or services from a third party
This Agreement shall consist of the terms and conditions as set forth herein and the
following documents which are incorporated herein by reference.
A. Exhibit A - Highline Community College, Request For Proposal (RFP) for the
acquisition of PBX Equipment dated June 1, 1994
B Exhibit B - Contractor's response dated June 27, 1994, to Rghhne Community
College's RFP for the acquIsition of PBX Equipment
C All Contractor or manufacturer's marketing publications, written matenals and
schedules, charts, diagrams, table descriptIOns, and other written representations
pertaming to the Equipment, software or services that the Contractor'
Made avaIlable to Highlme Community College and used to effect the
selection of the Contractor's proposal, or
2 Purports said equipment, software or services are fit for particular
purpose(s) or attests to said operating conditions, functions, capabilities, or
D Such incorporated documents shall include, but not be limited to
1. Contractor and manufacturer technical design and documentation;
2 Contractor or manufacturer's guides, instructions, manuals and handbooks,
Page 11
3. Contractor or manufacturer's product information, advertising materials,
marketing publicatIons, and diagrams fumlshed or made avaIlable to
Highlme Commuruty College
4 Contractor's Equipment and maintenance price schedules are mcorporated
in this Agreement as Schedule A.
E Notwithstanding any Contractor disclaimers regarding the accuracy, efficacy,
completeness, variability of, or right to change with or without notice or public
announcement, any information, features, functions or specifications, contained in
the here above-stated incorporated documents, all representations made therein are
binding on the Contractor unless:
1. Corrected or modified in writing prior to execution of this Agreement, or
2 Specifically excluded by this Agreement or by mutual written agreement
between the Contractor and Highline Community College as provided in
the LIMJT ATION OF AUTHORlTY clause of this Agreement.
A The headings used herein are inserted for convenience only and shall not control or
effect the meaning or construction of any of the provisions
B. If any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be in conflict with any
statute or rule of law, such provisions shall be deemed modified to conform to said
statute or rule of law In the event of any inconsistency In this Agreement, the
mconslstency shall be resolved m the order of precedence stated below
ApplIcable Federal and State Statutes and Regulations
2 The Terms and Conditions of this Agreement 0124301433.
3 Exhibit A - Highlme Community College, Request For Proposal (RFP) for
PBX Equipment dated June 1, 1994.
4 Exhibit B - Contractor's Response dated June 27, 1994, to Highline
Commuruty College's PBX RFP, including all written information (as
described in the INCORPORATED DOCUMENTS section of this
Agreement) proVided with Contractor's proposal This section entitled
ORDER OF PRECEDENCE shall not be interpreted to require Contractor
to provide any products or services not set forth in tills Agreement, offered
in Contractor's response @xhibit B) to Highlme Community College's RFP
@xhibit A) or which Contractor specifically objected to in its response,
attached as Exhibit B
Page 12
This Agreement, including all exhibits and attachments Incorporated herein, sets forth the
entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and except
as prOVIded in the provision entItled CONTRACTOR COMMITMENTS. WARRANTIES
AND REPRESENTATIONS understandings, agreements, representatIons, or warranties
not contained in this Agreement or a written amendment hereto shall not be binding on
either party. Except as provided herein, no alteration of any of the terms, conditions,
delivery, price, quality, or specifications of this Agreement will be effective without the
written consent of both Highline Community College Contracting Officer and Contractor
Any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement (except notice of
Equipment of software problems) shall be effective on the date stated within or, if no date
is given, upon receipt; and shall be effective only if it is in writing and as an alternative to
personal delivery, sent by certified, registered or overnight U.S. Mail, if to the Contractor
American Telephone and Telegraph Company
Attention: Highline Community College Account Manager
Louise Watts
1110 Capitol Way, #306
Olympia, W A 98501
and if to Highline Community College at.
2400 South 240th Street
Des MOines, W A 98198-9800
Attention Vice President for Admlnistration
or to such other address as each party may notify the other In wnting
Only Highlme Community College Contracting Officer or delegate by writing shall have
the express, ImplIed, or apparent authonty to alter, amend, modify, or waive any clause or
condition oftrus Agreement. Furthermore, any alteration, amendment, modification, or
waiver of any clause or condition of this Agreement is not effective or binding until made
in writing and signed by Highline Community College unless otherwise provided herein.
f-l1ghline Community College shall appoint an individual who will be the Contract
Administrator for this Agreement and will provide oversight of the activities conducted
hereunder. Highline Community College Contract Administrator will manage this
Agreement on behalf ofHighline Community College and will be the principal point of
Page 13
contact for the Contractor concerrung Contractor's performance hereunder Highline
Commuruty College shall notify Contractor, 10 writing, when there IS a change 10 staffing
and a new Contract Admimstrator IS assigned to this Agreement
The Contractor shall appoint an 10dlvidual who will be the dedicated Project Manager for
the project, or when an expansion to an eXlsting system is greater than 500 ports of call
process1Og capacity The Project Manager will have full responsibility to oversee the
Contractor's delivery, installation, acceptance test, training and system turnover to
Highline Community College. The Project Manager shall produce and maintain a
complete plan, including Gantt chart(s), for all Contractor-related activities concerning
installation and training The plan shall also clearly identify items which depend upon
timely completion of specified Rghl10e Community College responsibilities. The
Contractor's Project Manager will coordinate all activities with Highline Community
College Project Coordinator. For specific Mandatory Requirements of the Contractor's
Project Manager, refer to Highline Community College's RFP @xhibit A) paragraphs
3.4.1 and 4.1 2.
The Contractor shall appoint an individual who will be the Account Manager for Highline
Community College account. The Contractor's Account Manager will be the principal
point of contact for Rghline Community College concerning the Contractor's performance
hereunder The Contractor's Account Manager will also serve as the focal point for
business matters, support coordmation, and adrrunistrative activities
No modIfications or amendments to this Agreement shall be effectIve unless It IS in a
written amendment Signed by an authonzed officer of the Contractor and Highl10e
Community College Contracting Officer
A With the pnor wntten consent ofRghline Community College, which consent may
be Withheld at Rghline Community College's sole discretIOn, the Contractor may
aSSign this Agreement including the proceeds hereof PROVIDED that such
assignment shall not operate to relieve the Contractor of any of its duties and
obl1gatlOns hereunder, nor shall such assignment affect any remedies available to
Highline Community College that may arise from any breach of the provisions of
this Agreement, its supplements, or warranties made herein including, but not
limIted to, rights of setoff
B With the pnor written consent of the Contractor, which consent shall not be
withheld unreasonably, Highl10e Community College may assign this Agreement
(and move the Equipment) to any state agency within the political boundanes of
Page 14
the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges_ PROVIDED that such
assignment shall not operate to relieve Highline Commuruty College of any of its
duties and obligations hereunder, mcluding the obligation to pay monthly charges
when an assignment IS made, and provided further that all nsks and expenses
incurred in connection with such removal and relocatIOn of said Equipment
including transportation, rigging, drayage, msurance, and installation charges shall
be borne by Highline Commuruty College
If any litigatIOn is brought to enforce, or arising out of this Agreement or any term, clause,
or provision hereof, the prevailing party shall be awarded its reasonable attorneys' fees
together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation including necessary fees,
costs, and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgment in obtaining execution thereof
A. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, when a bona fide dispute
concerning a question of fact arises between Highline Community College and the
Contractor, and it cannot be resolved, either party may initiate the Highline
Community Collegepute resolution procedure provided herem
B Time is of the essence in resolving disputes The initiating party shall reduce its
description of the dispute to writing and deliver it to the responding party The
responding party must respond in writing within two (2) state working days
Then, both parties shall have three (3) state workmg days to negotiate In
good faith to resolve the dispute. If the dIspute cannot be resolved after
three (3) days, a panel of arbitrators may be appomted
2 Each party will deSIgnate an arbitrator, and those two arbitrators will
appomt a third arbitrator to the panel
a The panel will review the wntten descriptions of the dispute, gather
additional information as needed, and render a decision on the
dispute m the shortest practical time
b The parties shall share the costs of arbitration
c Both parties agree to be bound by the determination of the panel of
C Both parties agree to exercIse good faith in dispute resolution and to avoid
arbitration whenever possible.
Page 15
D HigWine Community College and the Contractor agree that, the eXlstence of a
dispute notwithstanding, they will continue Wlthout delay to carry out all their
respective responsibilities under this Agreement which are not affected by the
Nothing in this Agreement shall preclude HigWine Community College from purchasing
similar PBX equipment from another provider
Except to the extent the provisions of this Agreement are clearly inconsistent, this
Agreement shall be governed by any applicable provisions of the Uniform Commercial
Code, hereinafter referred to as the DCC, as set forth in Title 62A RCW.
A. To the extent this Agreement entails delivery or performance of services, such
services shall be deemed "goods" within the meaning of the DCC, except when to
so deem such services as "goods" would result in an absurdity.
B Notwithstanding the INCORPORATED DOCillv1ENTS and ORDER OF
PRECEDENCE provisions of this Agreement, in the event of any clear
inconsistency or contradiction between this Agreement and the DCC, the terms
and conditions of this Agreement take precedence and shall prevail unless
otherwise provided by law.
The Contractor agrees to submit to Highline Commuruty College all advertising, sales
promotIon, and other publicity matters relating to any product furnIshed by the Contractor
wherein HighlIne Community College's name is mentioned or language used from which
the connection ofHigWine Community College's name therewith may, in Customers
judgment, be inferred or implied; and the Contractor further agrees not to publish or use
such advertising, sales promotion, or publicity matter WIthout the prior written consent of
HigWIne Community College
Any specific information that is contained in the Contractor's Proposal (Exhibit B) that is
confidential or proprietary, must be clearly identified by the Contractor If a request is
made to view Contractor's proprietary Information, Highline Community College will
Page 16
comply with the Open Public Records Act, chapter 42 17 RCW, and Highline Community
College applicable WAC 1321-276
Contractor and Highline Community College recognize that in actual economic practice,
overcharges resulting from antitrust violations are in fact usually borne by the purchaser
Therefore, the Contractor hereby assigns to Highline Community College any and all
claims for such overcharges as to goods and services purchased in connection with this
Agreement, except as to overcharges not passed on to Highline Community College
resulting from antitrust violations commencing after the date of the bid, quotation, or
other event establishing the pricing under this Agreement
Contractor represents and warrants that its products are designed and manufactured to
meet Federal and Washington State safety and health regulations that are in effect at the
time of their shipment to Highline Community College. Contractor further agrees to
mdemnify and hold harmless Highline Community College from all damages assessed
against Highline Community College as a result of the failure of the items furnished under
this Agreement to so comply
Contractor, its agents, employees or subcontractors shall conform in all respects with
reasonable physical, fire, or other published security regulatIOns while on Highline
Community College's premises
A Contractor will at its expense defend Highline Commuruty College against a claim
that Equipment or programming supplied hereunder infringes a US or foreign
patent or copyright, or that the Equipment's operation pursuant to a current
release and modification level of any programming supplied by the Contractor
infiinges a U S or foreign patent or copyright Contractor will pay resulting costs,
and attorney's fees finally awarded provided that
1. Highline Community College promptly notifies Contractor in writing of the
claim; and
2 Contractor has sole control of the defense and all related settlement
Page 17
. ,
B If such claim has occurred or in Contractor's opinion is likely to occur, HigWine
Community College agrees to permit the Contractor, at its option and expense,
either to procure for HigWine Community College the right to continue using the
Equipment or programming or to replace or modify the same so that they become
non-infringing and functionally equivalent. If neither of the foregoing alternatives
is reasonably available, H:.igWine Community College agrees to return the
Equipment or programming at Contractor's nsk and expense upon written request
by the Contractor. In the event the product has been installed less than one year,
transportation to the initial installation site paid by HigWine Community College
shall be refunded by the Contractor. Contractor agrees to grant HigWine
Community College a credit for returned Equipment as depreciated. The
depreciation shall be an equal amount per year over the life of the Equipment.
C. For this section only, the depreciation shall be calculated on the basis of a useful
life offive (5) years commencing on the effective date of purchase and shall be an
equal amount per year over said useful life. The depreciation for fractional parts of
a year shall be prorated on the basis of365 days per year.
D. The Contractor has no liability for any claim based upon the combination,
operation or use of any Equipment or programming supplied hereunder with
equipment not supplied by Contractor or with any program other than or in
addition to programming supplied by Contractor, if such claim would have been
avoided by use of another program capable of performing the same function or
result Contractor has no liability for any claim based upon alteration of the
Equipment or modification of any programming supplied hereunder, if such claim
would have been avoided by the absence of such alteration or modification.
E The foregOing states the entire obligation of Contractor \vith respect to
infringement of patents and copyrights.
A The Contractor shall provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage prior to
perforrrung work under this Agreement H:.igWine Community College will not be
responsible for payment of industrial insurance premiums or for any other claim or
benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or employee of the Contractor,
which might anse under the industrial insurance laws during the performance of
duties and services under thiS Agreement
B The Contractor shall be primarily and directly responsible for the payment of all
Washington State Industrial Insurance Fund employer's premiums for all the
Contractor's employees engaged in work under this Agreement where the work or
employees are subject to the provisions of Title 51 RCW. The Contractor shall
make sure all applicable contributions or premiums for Contractor employees are
collected and paid as required by said statute.
Page 18
, .
The Contractor shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal lIcensing
requirements and standards necessary In the performance of this Agreement (See chapter
1902 RCW for Washington State licensing requirements and definitions)
The Contractor agrees not to. discriminate against and to take affirmative action to ensure
equality of treatment for any client, employee, or applicant for employment or services
because of age, race, color, religion, sex, ancestry, national origin, marital status, Vietnam
era or disabled veteran status, or the presence of any mental, physical or sensory handicap
with regard to, but not limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or
transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoffs or termination, rates of payor
other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeships and
volunteers A Contractor in violation of this clause or any applicable affirmative action
program may become subject to other penalties as elsewhere provided in Washington
State Law
A The Contractor acknowledges that material and information which has or will
come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this Agreement, or its
performance, may consist of confidential and proprietary data, whose disclosure to
or use by thIrd parties could be damaging
B Access to Information concerning individual recipients of I-Lghllne Community
College's services shall not be granted except as authorized by law' or agency rule
C The Contractor, therefore, agrees to hold all such material and Information In
stnctest confidence, not to make use thereof other than for the performance of this
Agreement, to release It only to authorized employees requiring such information,
and not to release or disclose It to any other party
D The Contractor agrees to release such information or material only to employees
or other parties who have signed a written agreement expressly prohibiting
A Any written commitment by the Contractor within the scope of this Agreement
shall be binding upon the Contractor Failure of the Contractor to fulfill such a
commitment may constitute breach and shall render the Contractor liable for
liquidated or other damages due Highline Community College under the terms of
tills Agreement
Page 19
, .
B For purposes ofthis Agreement, a commItment by the Contractor, wruch must be
in writing, mcludes' (1) prices and options committed to remain in force over a
specified period(s) of time, (2) any warranty or representatIon made by the
Contractor in a proposal as to service or system or equipment performance, (3)
any warranty or representation made by the Contractor concerning the
characteristics or items in (2) above, contained in any literature, descriptions,
drawings or specifications accompanying or referred to in a proposal; (4) any
modification of or affirmation or representation as to the above which is made by
Contractor in writing whether or not incorporated into a formal amendment to the
proposal in question; and (5) any representation by the Contractor in a proposal,
supporting documents or amendments thereto as to training to be provided,
services to be performed, prices and options committed to remain in force over a
fixed period of time, or any other similar matter regardless of the fact that the
duration of such commitment may exceed the duration of this Agreement.
A. The Contractor agrees to provide the goods and services at the costs, rates and
fees set forth in Schedule A to this Agreement No other costs, rates, or fees shall
be payable to the Contractor for implementation of Contractor's proposal.
B Such costs, rates and fees may not be increased during the initial term of this
C Thereafter, purchase price and service rate increases may be proposed by the
Contractor by written notice to Highline Community College Contract
Administrator Such proposal must be submitted at least 120 days before the
anniversary date of the contract Price adjustments will be taken into consideration
by Highline Community College Contract Administrator when determining
whether to extend this Agreement
lfthe Contractor reduces its list prices for any of the Equipment and/or maintenance rates
dunng the term of this Agreement, Highline Community College shall have the immediate
benefit of such lower prices and rates for new purchase of PBX Equipment or new orders
for post-warranty maintenance for like terms, conditions, quantities and configurations
Page 20
A The Equipment ordered herem, for the purpose of implementatIOn and
performance under this Agreement, shall be grouped together as a single
configuration as set forth in Cor:tractor's proposal.
B Any such configuration shall be deemed incomplete if any item of Equipment,
component, software or features thereof within the configuration has not been
implemented installed or, if implemented, installed, not operational in accordance
clause of this Agreement.
C. Any such configUration shall be deemed not accepted if any item of Equipment,
component, software or feature within the configuration is deemed not acceptable
in accordance with the STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE clauses of this
D If requested by Highline Community College, the Contractor agrees to identify on
all items of Equipment, components, or features thereof, implemented under this
Agreement, all appropriate test points for connecting commercially available
hardware monitors designed to measure system capacity, performance or activity
E Contractor warrants that Equipment purchased hereunder will connect without
modification or damage to Equipment not provided by Contractor as follows' data
telecommunications Equipment, terminals, and all peripheral Equipment identified
m H.Jghline Community College's RFP (Exhibit A) Highline Community College
shall have the right to connect the Equipment purchased hereunder to any
equipment manufactured or supplied by others mcluding other, peripheral
equipment, termmal devIces, communications equipment, and the like which
interface with the Equipment purchased hereunder
F H.Jghline Community College shall notifY the Contractor at least five (5) state
working days prior to any such connection. If the Contractor shall deem it
necessary or desirable for proper warranty service, the Contractor shall make or
supervise the interconnection, at the Contractor's expense Any such connection
shall not void any herein-stated warranties or maintenance service.
G The Contractor shall supply any required interface devices, proprietary to the
Contractor, as described in published Contractor manuals at Contractor's then
current rates subject to the PRICE PROTECTION provision of this Agreement
Page 21
, .
The Contractor warrants that Equipment acquired subject to this Agreement IS either (1)
newly manufactured from new and serviceable used parts which are equivalent to new in
performance, reliability and durability, or (2) identified as refurbished and carries the same
warranty as counterpart new equipment.
The Contractor shall provide all parts, software, or accessories ordinarily furnished or
required to make the proposed Equipment, set forth in Contractor's proposal cgxhibit B),
delivered and installed hereunder, a complete operating unit at no additional cost to
Highline Community College.
The Contractor agrees to bear all risks of loss, injury, or destruction of goods ordered
hereunder which occur prior to delivery and installation at Highline Community College's
destination; and such loss, injury or destruction shall not release Contractor from any
obligation hereunder. Contractor and its insurers, if any, release Highline Community
College of responsibility for all risks of loss or damage to the Equipment, except for loss
or damage caused by Highline Community College, or nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation,
or radioactive contamination for which Highline Community College is legally liable.
After installation, the risk of loss or damage shall be borne by Highline Community
College except loss or damage attributable to Contractor's fault or negligence
The Contractor shall shIp all EqUipment purchased pursuant to this Agreement prepaid,
FOB DestinatIon The method of shipment shall be consistent Wlth the nature of the
EqUipment and the hazards of transportation The Contractor shall pay all shipping
55. (RC) TITLE
Upon acceptance of the Equipment, consIstent with 51 A1\TDARD OF PERFORMANCE
provisions set forth elsewhere herein and upon full payment for the Equipment, the
Contractor shall convey to Highline Community College good title to purchased
Equipment free and clear of all liens, pledges, mortgages, encumbrances or security
A The Contractor warrants that the Equipment when installed shall be in good
operating condition and shall conform to the Contractor's manufacturer's official
published specifications as shown in Contractor's proposal, herein set forth as
Exhibit B, at the time of installation for a period of twelve (12) months following
Page 22
. .
acceptance of the EquIpment as set forth in the STANDARD OF
PERFORMANCE provisions of this Agreement The Contractor further warrants
that the Equipment when installed shall be free from defects in material and
workmanship and shall remain m satisfactory operatmg condition for the term of
this Agreement subject to the charges and provIsions of the following applicable
maintenance provisions
B The Contractor's obligation and liability under this warranty shall be that the
Contractor shall either, at its option, adjust, repair, or replace, as promptly as is
possible, the defective parts or units of Equipment claimed to cause unsatisfactory
operation of the Equipment. The Contractor shall assume the costs for the
replacing parts or units and their installation Highline Community College agrees
that the Contractor will not be liable for any damages caused by Highline
Community College's failure to fulfill any of its responsibilities as set forth herein.
The provisions of this clause shall not be exclusive, but are in addition to the
various rights ofHighline Community College and the overall obligation of the
Contractor as set forth in this Agreement.
o The warranties provided in tIllS Section 56 and post-warranty servIce do not cover
repair for damages, malfunctions or service failures caused by (1) actIOns of non-
Contractor personnel, (2) failure by Highline Commumty College to follow
Contractor mstallatlOn, operation or maintenance instructIOns, mcluding failure by
Hlghline Community College to permit Contractor remote access to Highline
CommunIty College's equipment, (3) failure of products not serviced by
Contractor, (4) abuse, misuse or negligent acts, or (5) force majeure conditions a
stated in Section 12, subsectIOns Band C.
A DELIVERY - The Contractor agrees to deliver the Equipment, configured with all
the mandatory requirements set forth in Highline Community College's Request
For Proposal for PBX Equipment @xhibit A) and further described and set forth in
Page 23
, .
Contractor's proposal @xhibit B) on or before the date mutually agreed upon by
the parties for each order placed by Highline Commuruty College under this
B INST ALLA nON - The Contractor further agrees that the Installation of
hereabove delivered EqUIpment shall occur on or before the date mutually agreed
upon by the parties. At Highline Community College's sole option, installation of
the Equipment may occur at a later date to be mutually agreed upon by the parties
The Equipment shall not be considered fully installed and ready for use until the
Contractor provides Highline Community College with documentatIon of a
successful system audit, using the Contractor's diagnostic routines, performed at
Highline Community College's installation site(s), which demonstrates that the
Equipment meets minimum design capabilities, and after reviewing such
documentation, HigWine Community College agrees that the Equipment is ready to
begin acceptance testing and so notifies the Contractor in writing. Failure of the
Contractor to deliver and install the Equipment on or before the aforementioned
agreed upon dates will subject the Contractor to the assessment of liquidated
damages as set forth in the provision entitled LIOUIDA TED DAMAGES _
SPECIFIC, set forth elsewhere in this Agreement
C Highline Community College shall provide the Contractor access to the installation
site for the purpose of installing the Equipment.
D. Configured products consIst of hardware and/or software designed or modified in
accordance with Highline Community College's specificatIons All other products
are non-configured.
E The Change Control Date (CCD) for orders except for those conSisting entirely of
non-configured products IS the date mutually agreed to by the parties and is the
last date Contractor can accept changes to the products ordered for installation on
the In-ServIce Date The CCD for orders consisting entirely of non-configured
products IS the date AT&T accepts the order, unless otherwise indicated
F Contractor wIll accept changes to Highllne Community College's original order
Including final software detaIl information (final number, type of telephone sets
and/or terminals, station program detail and system, network and trunking detail
received on or before the CCD Changes and price adjustments associated with
changes will be reflected on a Change Order form. All changes must be approved
in writing by authorized representatives of both parties Changes received by
Contractor after the CCD will be treated a separate orders and installed after the
In-Service Date.
G The "Delivery Date" is the date the products are delivered to Highline Community
College. For AT&T-installed products, the "In-Service Date" is the date
Contractor notifies Highline Community College that the products are installed in
good working order and comply with Contractor's standard specifications. The
Customer Contract Return Date is the date Contractor must receIve the order Wlth
Page 24
, .
a signature on behalf of Highline Community College in order to meet the Delivery
Date and/or In-Service Date
H Contractor's installation services and Contractor's and Highline Community
College's responsibilities are descnbed in AT&T's Services Offerings and Support
Plans, a copy of which has been supplied to Highline Community College
Additionally, Highline Community College is responsible for removal of any
hazardous material (e.g, asbestos) or correction of any hazardous condition that
affects Contractor's performance of work. Ifinstallation or services are delayed
while Highline Community College removes or corrects the hazardous condition,
Section 57.1. will apply with no penalty to Contractor.
I Contractor will make reasonable accommodations ifHighline Community College
requests a delay in the originally scheduled In-Service Date by giving written
notice prior to the CCD. IfHighline Community College gives notice after the
CCD, by mutual agreement, Contractor may deliver the Equipment and commence
billing Highline Community College as of the scheduled In-Service Date in which
case, installation will be rescheduled at a mutually agreeable time.
58.1 SCOPE
The Contractor shall comply, in all respects, with this standard of performance
before Highline Community College accepts the Equipment
The performance period begins on the day following the day when the Contractor
installs the Equipment in accordance with the EQUIPMENT INST ALLA nON
and shall end when the EqUIpment has met this standard of performance for a
penod of ninety (90) consecutive days by operating according to Highline
Community College's mandatory technical and operational requirements for the
Initial AcquisitionJImplementation and subsequent mstallations as set forth m
Exhlbit A and mutually agreed to technical and operational requirements for
subsequent installations and performs in strict accordance with the Contractor's
manufacturer's technical specIfications set forth in the Contractor's proposal
(ExhibIt B) for the initial Installation and the technical specifications set forth in the
Contractor's proposal (Exhibit B) and agreed in wnting to by Highlme Commuruty
College for subsequent installations pursuant to this Agreement
A. Highline Community College shall, at its sole discretion, determine whether
the Equipment has successfully demonstrated and satisfied the requirements
set forth in this standard of performance, conforms with the overall
mandatory and technical requirements ofHighline Community College's
Page 25
, .
RFP (Exhibit A), and conforms with the Contractor's manufacturer's
techrucal specifications and any other commitments set forth In
Contractor's proposal (Exhibit B)
B In the event the Equipment fails to satisfy the standard of performance
established in tills provision, Highline Commuruty College may, at its sole
1. Require the Contractor to replace the Equipment or take other
corrective action with whatever resource is necessary to bring the
Equipment within compliance to the performance requirements of
Highline Community College's RFP (Exhibit A) at no cost or
expense to Highline Community College; or
2 Terminate this Agreement in accordance with the provision of this
Agreement entitled TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT. The
Contractor acknowledges responsibility for any additional cost to
Highline Community College under the TERMINATION FOR
DEF AUL T provisions, subsection (A); or
3. Continue the performance test In this event, the date of the start
of the successful performance period will be revised to the first day
of the current continuous period of adequate performance day
following the last service call. The performance test will be
restarted as of the revised date
C Highline Community College's option to terminate this Agreement under
this standard of performance provision remains In effect untIl successful
completion of testing and acceptance by Highline Community College.
HJghline Community College will not have accepted the Equipment or make any
payments to the Contractor untIl the Equipment meets the standard of performance
established In thiS standard of performance provision Highline Community
College will notify the Contractor, In writing, after the Equipment has met the
standard of performance.
Contractor agrees that for purchased Equipment, Contractor will, at the sole option of
Highline Community College, maintain the Equipment to original performance
specifications and in accordance with the following maintenance terms and conditions for
the life of this Agreement including any extensions thereof, provided that said Equipment
has been continuously maintained by the Contractor, or the Contractor's authorized
Subcontractor, since its acceptance.
Page 26
, .
Mamtenance for purchased EquIpment may be discontinued by Highline Commuruty
College upon ninety (90) days wntten notice to Contractor Maintenance charges are as
set forth m Schedule A to this Agreement
A Highlme Community College shall provIde the Contractor access to the Equipment
to perform maintenance service
B The Contractor shall provide Highline Community College a toll-free telephone
number for a point of contact for the Contractor's designated maintenance
representative. This point of contact shall respond to the Customer on a 24 hours
per day, seven days per week basis, to include weekends and holidays.
C Preventive maintenance shall be performed at a time convenient to Highline
Community College within or contiguous with contracted periods of maintenance.
The Contractor shall specify in writing for the herein purchased Equipment, the
number of hours it requires per month for preventive maintenance and the
frequency and duration of such preventive maintenance. From this Contractor
supplied information Highline Community College shall develop and provide to the
Contractor in writing the schedule within which the Contractor shall provide
preventive maintenance. This schedule may be modified by mutual agreement.
D. Remedial maintenance shall be performed after notification that Equipment is
moperatIve. The Contractor shall prOVIde Highline Community College with a
designated point of contact and shall make arrangements to enable a maintenance
representative to receive such notIfication.
E Contracted response time is defined as the time, as specified m Exhibit B at
Section 3, within which Contractor's maintenance personnel must arrive at
H1ghline Community College's EquIpment installation site after notIfication by
Highlme Community College that maintenance service is required
F Except for causes beyond the control of the Contractor, if the Contractor's
maintenance personnel fail to arrive at Highline Community College's installatIOn
site within the contracted response period, the Contractor shall grant a credit to
Highline Community College in the amount of V200th of the basic monthly
maintenance charges for each "[ate" hour or part thereof (prorated) beginning with
the time of notification and endmg with the time of amval. For purposes of
response time computations, only hours of contracted maintenance shall be
meluded, except that, if any portion of the contracted response time falls outside
contracted periods of maintenance, the maintenance personnel shall arrive at the
beginning of the following period of contracted maintenance.
G The Contractor shall furnish a malfunction incident report to the installation upon
completIOn of each maintenance call. The report shall include, as a rrunimum, the
Page 27
1 Date and time notified,
2 Date and time of arrival;
3 Type and senal number(s) of Equipment,
4 Time spent for repair,
5 DescriptIOn of malfunction;
6 List of parts replaced,
7. Additional charges, if applicable.
H. There shall be no additional charges for replacement parts
1. Maintenance Credit for Equipment Malfunction.
1. If Equipment remains inoperative due to a malfunction through no fault or
negligence of the Customer for a total of 12 hours or more during any 24-
hour period, the Contractor shall grant a credit to the Customer for each
such hour in the amount of 1/200th of the maintenance charges for the
inoperative Equipment plus 1I200th of the maintenance charges for any
Equipment not usable as a result of the breakdown; PROVIDED THAT,
for Equipment supplied by other vendors the credit shall be as mutually
agreed Equipment downtime for each incident shall start from the time the
Contractor receives a trouble report from the Customer and continue until
the Equipment is returned in good operating condition. However, should
the Customer fail to make contact with the Contractor's maintenance
representative at the prearranged point of contact, (see paragraph 60 B ,
above) then the Contractor shall credit the Customer with downtime
commencing from the time the Customer made the bona fide attempt to
contact the Contractor's maintenance representative and contmue until the
Equipment IS returned in good operatmg condition PROVIDED THAT,
time reqUIred, as a result of the malfunction to reconstruct data stored on
disks and/or other storage media, shall be considered downtime for that
EqUIpment required for said reconstruction, and downtime for each
incident shall be reduced by either the contracted response time or the
actual response time whichever is less
When maintenance credit is due the total number of creditable hours shall
be accumulated for the month and adjusted to the nearest half hour.
2. Exclusive of the provisions of Paragraph 1.1. above, the Contractor shall
grant a credit to the Customer for any Equipment being maintained by the
Contractor which fails to perform an at effectiveness level of 99 8 percent
during any month. The effectiveness level for Equipment is computed by
dividing the operational use time by the sum of that time plus Equipment
downtime. Operational use time is defined as the total hours in a month
the Equipment is operational, minus scheduled outages Downtime is when
the Equipment is not available due to malfunction through no fault or
Page 28
negligence of the Customer The Equipment downtIme shall be
accumulated as described in paragraph I 1 above
The credit shall be a reduction of the mamtenance charges by the
percentage figure determined by subtracting the actual effectiveness level
percentage from 99 8 percent For example, if the effectiveness level for
Equipment is 82 percent, the credit would be 17.8 percent. Any
Equipment downtime for which credit was granted in accordance with
Paragraph 11. above shall not be included in the effectiveness level
3 In the event that purchased Equipment which has been installed less than
two years, is inoperative due to Equipment failure and the total number of
hours of downtime exceeds ten percent (10%) of the total operational use
time for three consecutive calendar months, the Customer reserves the
right to require the Contractor to replace the Equipment. The purchase
option and/or age depreciation credits for the replacement Equipment shall
not be less than the credits accrued from the date of installation of the
original Equipment, regardless of whether the replacement is made at the
request of the Customer or for the convenience of the Contractor.
1. There shall be no additional maintenance charges for.
Preventive maintenance, regardless of when performed
2 Remedial maintenance which was begun during the principal period of
maintenance or e:>..1ension thereof or when the Contractor was notified
during the princIpal penod ofmamtenance or extension thereofofthe need
for remedial maintenance
,3 Remedial maintenance required within a 48-hour period due to recurrence
of the same malfunction
4 Time spent by maintenance personnel after arrival at the site awaiting the
arrival of additional maintenance personnel and/or delivery of parts, tools
or other required material after a service call has commenced.
5 Remedial maintenance required when the scheduled preventive
maintenance preceding the malfunctIon had not been performed
K Malfunctioning Equipment must be repaired or a replacement spare installed by the
Contractor's maintenance technician no later than the close of business on the work
day following notification of Equipment malfunction. Failure of the Contractor to
comply with this requirement shall be a failure to perform.
Contractor shall not be in default if it begins repairs within the specified time
period and thereafter diligently proceeds to complete the repair. Contractor,
Page 29
however, must exercise the highest level of escalation within the Contractor's
escalatIOn process to complete the repair within the aforementioned time period
Failure to do so, shall be deemed a failure to perform. A description of
made part of this Agreement as Attachment A
L "On Call" Maintenance
1. The basic monthly maintenance charges set forth in Schedule A shall entitle
the Customer to maintenance service during the principal period of
maintenance, which is 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
2. The Customer by giving fifteen (15) days written notice to the Contractor,
may extend the principal period of maintenance in the time increments, and
for the charges as shown in Schedule A.
3 The principal period of maintenance or extension thereof may be changed
by the Customer upon fifteen (15) days written notice to the Contractor.
4. Should the customer require maintenance service outside the designated
principal period of maintenance or extension thereof on an on-call basis,
charges for such additional maintenance service shall be as shown in
Schedule A. Only one maintenance person shall respond to a request for
maintenance unless it is mutually agreed that more than one is required.
Contractor shall furnish replacement parts for the purchased Equipment for a penod of
seven (7) years commencing With the date(s) of acceptance of the Equipment in
accordance With the STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE provisions set forth elsewhere in
this Agreement. After the expiration of said seven (7) year period, Contractor, when
requested by Highline Community College, shall furnish all data necessary to enable
Highline Community College to purchase such replacement parts or .have them
manufactured elsewhere.
F or purchased Equipment Contractor shall, upon commencement of performance, provide
to Highline Community College such current diagrams, schematics, manuals and other
documents necessary for the maintenance of the Equipment by Highline Community
College or Its subcontractor. There shall be no additional charge for said maintenance
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, .
All software provided by the Contractor for mstallation on or within the Equipment
configuratlOn(s) shall be subject to the following provisions
Contractor understands that Highline Community College provides information
processing services to agencies of state government and other tax supported
entities. Software delivered hereunder will be used in the delivery of these
services. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that said use of software products
for such use is acceptable under the licensing terms contained herein.
Contractor as Licensor hereby warrants and represents to Highline Community
College as Licensee that Contractor is the owner of the software and licensed
programs delivered hereunder or otherwise has the right to grant to Highline
Community College the license to use the software and licensed programs without
violating any rights of any Hurd party, and that there is currently no actual or
threatened suit by any such third party based on an alleged violation of such right
by Contractor
Contractor wIll provide one copy of all pertment documentation for each system
program licensed herem. All documentatIon shall be delivered with or before
delIvery of the software
Software provided by the Contractor shall be the most current version (release
level) of the software at the time of delivery to Highline Community College.
Contractor shall make available to Highline Commuruty College the option to
license later verSIons of the software as such later versions ( or releases) become
commercially available
Contractor shall provide a correction service at no additional cost to Highline
Community College for any error, malfunction, or defect, if any, in the Contractor
supplied software which, when used as delivered, fails to perform in accordance
with Highline Community College's officially announced technical specifications as
Page 31
listed in @xhibit A) and/or the Contractor's proposal @xlublt B), and those which
Highline Community College shall bring to Contractor's attention Contractor
shall undertake such correction service in a timely manner
A. Contractor agrees that if the manufacturer of the Equipment, components,
features, Equipment or software, releases upgrades or major changes to the
Equipment purchased pursuant to this Agreement, the Contractor shall
offer to Highline Community College the option to acquire and implement
such enhancements and updated versions or new releases of the software as
they become available consistent with the PRICE PROTECTION
provisions of this Agreement.
B. When new technological capabilities, as established in Highline Community
College's RFP (Exhibit A) as desirable or optional features, are made
commercially available, Contractor shall make these features and
capabilities available to Highline Community College consistent with the
PRICE PROTECTION provisions of this Agreement
A Contractor grants Highline Community College a personal, non-transferable and
non-exclusive nght to use, in object code form, all software and related
documentation furnished under this Agreement. This grant shall be limited to use
with the Equipment for which the software was obtained or, on a temporary basis,
on back-up Equipment when the original Equipment is inoperable Use of
software on multiple processors is prohibited unless otherwise agreed to in writing
by Contractor Highline Community College agrees to use its reasonable care to
see that its employees and users of all software licensed under this Agreement
comply with these terms and conditions and Highline Commuruty College wii!
refrain from taking any steps, such as reverse assemble or reverse compilation, to
derive a source code equivalent of the software
B Highline Community College is permitted to make a single archive copy of
software. Any copy must contain the same copyright notice and proprietary
markings as the original software Use of software on any Equipment other than
that for which is was obtained, removal of software from the United State, or any
other material breach shall automatically terminate this license
C Highline Community College agrees that any software or technical and business
information ("Information") owned by Contractor or its suppliers and furnished to
Page 32
I-lighline Commuruty College shall remain the property of Contractor or the
supplier, and shall
Be used only to install, operate or mamtain the product for which it was
originally furnished,
2. Not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, except as necessary for
use as authorized under this Agreement or unless otherwise agreed to in
3. Not be used to develop other software;
4 Together with any copies, be returned or destroyed when no longer needed
or permitted for use with the product for which it was initially furnished,
5 Not be removed from the United States
D. Software and information designated "confidential" or "proprietary" shall be kept
in confidence unless required to be disclosed by Washington's Public Records Act,
RCW 42.17 and except for any part that:
I-lighline Community College rightfully obtains free of any obligation to
keep confidential,
2. Becomes generally known to the public through acts not attnbutable to
I-lighline Community College, or
3 Highline CommunIty College Independently develops
E If any Equipment is subsequently assigned to another end user, upon written
request, Contractor will grant the new end user the nght to use any related
software and information, provided the new end user also agrees, in wnting, to
Contractor's terms and condItions and pays any scheduled fees
SIte preparation guidelines shall be furnished in writing by the Contractor at least twenty
(20) days prior to the date the Contractor shall install the EqUIpment. These guidelines
shall be in sufficient detail to facilitate preparing the site to permIt the Equipment being
Installed to operate efficiently from the point of view of enVIronment and power.
Contractor specialists will be available at no separate cost to Highline Community College
apart from costs presented in the Contractor's proposal to provide requIred consultation
relative to site planning.
Page 33
" .
Contractor warrants that installation of such engineering changes as Contractor may from
time to time require or recommend shall not cause the performance of the Equipment
modified to be materially degraded below the Contractor's official published specIficatIons
at the time of installation of the Equipment Any such engineering changes are to be
installed at a mutually agreeable time
The Contractor will provide the training as specified in the Mandatory Requirement
contained in Highline Community College's RFP Exhibit Il, Section 3.6 (Training) and the
Contractor's response to these requirements as provided in Exhibit B All training, end-
user help- programs, supporting documentation and scheduling must be defined and
agreed upon in advance by Highline Community College Project Coordinator and the
Contractor prior to implementation and use by the customer.
No advance payment shall be made for goods or services furnished by Contractor pursuant
to this Agreement. Except as otherwise provided herein, such payments shall be due and
payable withm thirty (30) days after acceptance of such goods or services or after receIpt
of properly prepared invoices, whichever IS later
69. (RC) TAXES
Hlghltne Commumty College will pay sales and use taxes Imposed on goods or services
acquired hereunder The Contractor must pay all other taxes including, but not limited to,
Washington Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or
personal property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which
HJghlme Community College does not hold title
A The Contractor will submit properly certified itemized invoices and/or vouchers in
triplicate to Highline Commumty College Invoices shall provide and Itemize at a
I Equipment Serial Number(s) and Purchase Costs,
2 Software Licensing Fee(s),
3 Maintenance Charges,
4 Applicable Taxes,
5. Other Applicable Charges,
Page 3-l
· f'.
6 Applicable Discounts, and
7. Total Charge
B Payment of maintenance service or other use charges or fees of less than one (1)
month's duration shall be prorated at 1/30th of the basic monthly charges for each
calendar day.
C Tills Agreement Number 0124301433 must appear on all invoices, bills oflading,
packages, and correspondence relating to this Agreement All payments to the
Contractor shall be remitted by mail. Highline Community College shall not honor
drafts, nor accept goods on a sight draft basis.
D. Maintenance charges will commence, as to each unit of Equipment, following
expiration of Contractor's provided warranty as set forth elsewhere in this
Agreement in the provision entitled EQUIPMENT WARRANTY. Maintenance
charges are as set forth in Schedule A to this Agreement.
E. Highline Community College shall pay maintenance charges on a monthly basis, in
arrears. Payment of maintenance service ofless than one (1) month's duration
shall be prorated at 1/30th of the basic monthly maintenance charges for each
calendar day
71. (Re) PAYMENT
A. The Contractor shall not submit invoices to Highline Community College, and
Highline Community College shall not make payments pursuant to this Agreement,
until Highline Community College has accepted the Equipment in accordance with
the provision of this Agreement entitled STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE,
unless otherwise provided for in this clause
B Any credits due Highline Community College, for liquidated damages or other
damages provided for herein, may be applied against the Contractor's invoices with
appropriate mformatlOn attached.
C Highline Community College shall pay monthly service charges, monthly
maintenance charges, as well as all other monthly costs and charges within thirty
(30) days after receipt of such service or within thirty (30) days of receipt of
Contractor's properly completed invoices, whichever is later.
D. Upon completion of the trouble free operation as specified in Section 3 2 of
Exhibit A, AT&T will present an invoice to Highline Community College for an
amount equal to eighty percent (80%) of the toal purchase price. The invoice will
be due for payment within thirty (30) days. The remaining balance of the total
charges will be paid by Highline Community College when a final bill is submitted
by the Contractor to Highline Community College at the successful conclusion of
the Testing and Acceptance, pursuant to Section 3.2, Exhibit A. lfthe equipment
Page 35
. I,...
is not accepted, any progress payments made to the Contractor will be promptly
returned to Highline Community College
For acquisitions where incremental moves by facility tenants are not part of the
implementation plan, payment for the mstalled Equipment will be made in full at
the successful completion of the Test and Acceptance of the Equipment and final
billing is submitted by the Contractor to the Customer.
A. Any delay by the Contractor to perform will interfere with the proper
implementation ofHighline Community College's programs to the loss and damage
ofHighline Community College
B. Similarly, delay by Highline Community College in readying the facility or
permitting installation will interfere with the schedule under which the Contractor
is operating, thus resulting in damage to the Contractor.
C. As it would be impracticable to fix the actual damage sustained in the event of any
such failure to perform, Highline Community College and the Contractor,
therefore, agree that in the event of any such failure to perform, the amount of
damage wruch will be sustained will be the amount set forth in this Agreement and
they agree that the Contractor and Highlme Community College shall pay such
amount as liquidated damages and not as a penalty
D Amounts due Highline Community College as liqUidated damages may be
deducted by Htghline Community College from any money payable to the
Contractor, or Highline Community College may bill the Contractor as a separate
item pursuant to this Agreement Highline Community College shall notify the
Contractor in wnting of any claIm for liqUidated damages pursuant to this
provision at least 30 days prior to the date Highline Commuruty College deducts
such sums from money payable to the Contractor
E Liquidated damages provided for under the terms of this Agreement are subject to
the same limitations as provided for in the prOVISion entitled LIMITATION OF
1. lfthe Contractor does not deliver and install the Equipment described in
this .Agreem~nt and special features and accessories thereto on or before
Page 36
. ',,"
the date mutually agreed upon by both partIes, the Contractor shall pay to
HIghlme Commumty College as fixed and agreed lIquidated damages m lIeu
of all other damages due to such non-delivery, for each calendar day
between the agreed delivery date and the date such EqUipment IS delIvered
mstalled and certIfied operational, an amount of one-thousand dollars
($ 1,000) per day not to exceed fifteen calendar (15) days
2. If the delay is more than fifteen (15) calendar days, then by wntten notIce
to the Contractor, Highlme Community College may terminate the right of
Contractor to deliver the Equipment and may terrrunate this Agreement.
Such terminatIon shall be for Contractor's failure to perform and shall be
considered a terrrunation for default as set forth in the TERMINATION
FOR DEF AUL T provisions of this Agreement Contractor shall be liable
for damages set forth m this provision and as set forth in the
TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT provisions of this Agreement.
If Contractor's maintenance personnel fail to arrive at Highline Community
College's installation site wahin one (1) hour after notIfication by Highline
Community College that maintenance is required, the Contractor shall pay to
Highline Community College as fixed and agreed liquidated damages, in lieu of all
other damages due to such non-responsiveness, for each hour between the agreed
one (1) hour response time and the actual response time an amount of one-hundred
dollars ($100) per hour for each "late" hour or part thereof (prorated) beginning
WIth the time of notificatIOn by Highlme Commumty College and ending with the
time that Contractor's mamtenance personnel arrive at Hlghline Commumty
College's EqUipment site
This Agreement 1S to be executed In duplIcate origmals and each duplicate shall be deemed
an anginal copy of the Agreement signed by each party, for all purposes
L."{ WITNESS WHEREOF the partIes hereto, having read this Agreement Number
0124301433 m 1tS entirety, including all attachments hereto, do agree in each and every
Page 37
. ~ J ..
~j;l ~vdi/'~
Vice President for Administration
Approved as to form by Deputy
Attorney General on 6/4/92
s-t~ !/rlM _tl
StJb Jj;y-cL?-f' A--
~Cj /Ci {j
Page 38
~ , ill
Escalations start with the field service operation when the technician on-sIte either cannot
isolate the problem within two hours or cannot determine the problem solution within two
· At ~he end of hour one, the technician should be advising the service manager of the
· At the end of hour two, when the problem is about ready to be escalated to the Technical
Service Center, the technician should advise the service manager to inform the field
services manager of the escalation.
· At both of these intervals, the technician is responsible for advising the customer of the
current status
2 At the end of hour two, the on-site technician escalates the problem to the Technical Service
Center TechnicIan Helpline The Helpline has 15 minutes to resolve the problem If the
Helpline believes that the technIcian's problem cannot be resolved witrun 15 minutes, the
problem wIll be immediately passed to the system technIcal engIneers
:3 Once the field services techrucian has escalated the problem to the TechnIcal Service Center,
the field servIces technician must call the Techrucal Service Center for further status
4 If not resolved, at the end of 30 minutes or immediately as applicable, the Technician Helpline
wIll pass the problem to the system technical engIneers The engineers have a total offour
hours to resolve the problem
At the end of hour four, the engineer is to advise the customer of the status
· At the end of hour six, the time the engineer IS ready to escalate the problem to Bell
Laboratories or applicable manufacturer, the engineer IS responsible for advising both the
customer and the Technical Service Center operations manager of the escalation.
Page A-I
,. 1'.__
Page S - A
I" ...
! .
Noles and Comment on HIghlme Commul1lty CoUe8c Planrung Order
Overall i
111e ll1ltial o([ered confIguratIOn was at a pnce poml of 5359,102. Several changes have
been made. The current conf1guratIOn IS pnced at $371,788.57 . Tlus IS an lllcrease of
$12,686 to Highline Commuruty College and is mamly altnbutable to the use of lhe new
wgItal sels and packs wluch allow the cCollege to use a smgle or dual pcur station
wmng plan. AT&T has absorbed the balance of the increases caused by these desIgn
changes. Total credIt for trade III of the DimensIOn:S138,872.
MocL11catlOns Reflected in the Plannmg Order
Aux. Trunk card [or musiC on hold
DIrect Stauon SelectIOn console for SWItchboard
SlIbtotal- additIOns
OS-I card (1)
All digItal packs have been upgraded lo 16 port
All sels have been upgraded lo 8400 senes.
VersIOn soflware has been upgraded [rom Versm 2 lo VersIOn 3.
TypICally lhere IS approxillHllely u 10% prenuum on the cosls of lhe new sels
and packs. Ont,'1l1al rEp con[IgurilllOn reflecled est. 5202k m wgItal sels& pucks.
Trude ill CredIl
Some of lhe lrude III credIt uppenrs m lhe Ul1lt pnong ralher lhan on lhe credIllme. For
audIl purposes look [or lhose producl or "pec" codes Lsled below. Conlrasled WIlh lhe
pnce lIst you WIll see lhe bulallce of lhe anlIopuled lrade-lll credIt.
Product Code Price Lis FP Plannin Order Net Chan e.
63012A (slZe sens.) 521,600. 52880. 518,720
1264-IS2,I1264-013 $13,200 $8440. 54,760.
6300-59Cj6300-59CU $37,170 527,890 59,280.
63203/63203U $9955. $8355. $1,600
SubTotal 5 34,360.
Credit Line 5104,512..
Total Trade In Credit 5138,872.
SUI!gcslIons [or DISCUSSion
AppllCatIOn [or Prilllury Rule ISDN So[lware
RequIremenl [or Auwble Message Wallm7, NolulCatlOn
Passageway / InlegratlOn [or Use wllh PR!
5. 3Z~('-
DATE: October 19, 1995
TO: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
FROM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
RE Telephone System Contract With AT&T
Attached are copies of the agreements between AT&T and Highline
Community College and AT&T and Clallam County for purchase of a
telephone system. Together with the Intergovernmental Agreement for
Acquisition and Operation of Telephone System between the City of Port
Angeles and Clallam County, these agreements constitute the terms of
the City's purchase of a new phone system from AT&T. Accordingly, you
should have all three agreements together in your files.
) ,
The parties agree that the rights and duties set forth herein may be assigned by
Clallam County to the City of Port Angeles for that portion of the phone system that
maybe transferred from Clallam County to the City of Port Angeles pursuant to the
Intergovernmental Agreement for Acquisition and operation of telephone system
("Intergovernmental Agreement") attached hereto as Exhibit A. AT&T makes no
representations regarding the enforceability or validity of such "Intergovernmental
Agreement," nor does it waive any rights it has under this Agreement by virtue of
permitting Clallam County to assign any rights and duties to the City of Port
Angeles under the intergovernmental Agreement. To the extent it is reasonably
able, AT&T will send separate bills to Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles
for their respective portions of the phone system purchased under this Agreement.
Clallam County will provide all information necessary to enable such billing.
However, if the City of Port Angeles should dispute or refuse to pay any amounts
owed to AT&T in connection with the phone system purchased hereunder, Clallam
County will remain responsible and forward payment to AT&T with respect to any
such outstanding amounts.
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@ Printed on Recycled Paper with Soy Ink
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~ I Printed on Recycled Paper with Soy Ink
The parties agree that the rights and duties set forth herein may be assigned by
Clallam County to the City of Port Angeles for that portion of the phone system that
maybe transferred from Clallam County to the City of Port Angeles pursuant to the
Intergovernmental Agreement for Acquisition and operation of telephone system
("Intergovernmental Agreement") attached hereto as Exhibit A. AT&T makes no
representations regarding the enforceability or validity of such "Intergovernmental
Agreement," nor does it waive any rights it has under this Agreement by virtue of
permitting Clallam County to assign any rights and duties to the City of Port
Angeles under the intergovernmental Agreement. To the extent it is reasonably
able, AT&T will send separate bills to Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles
for their respective portions of the phone system purchased under this Agreement.
Clallam County will provide all information necessary to enable such billing.
However, if the City of Port Angeles should dispute or refuse to pay any amounts
owed to AT&T in connection with the phone system purchased hereunder, Clallam
County will remain responsible and forward payment to AT&T with respect to any
such outstanding amounts.
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T'ff'!'J) 1^.' r I:brothy IAmcan
~1T'':' Board of Camdssioners, Chair
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~ Printed on Recycled Paper with Soy Ink