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City of Port Angeles
City Clerk's Office
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362
1m 1/111 """ 1/11
2005 1164636 Clallam
Interlocal Agreement
City Clerk File No.: S': 31{)
Agreement between the City o[Port Angeles and ?c.4~'l. PoLCL ~
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Purpose: Ctt:,~ li ~'01.-) Yl6t:Jia:hd>- f YVlcia.JzwU:-6v'91 slurd
Su C>~
Dated:~bbJt< t1(6/1~
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FILE: A44 15
(360) 417-2000
FAX (360) 417-2498
(360) 4[7-2458
FAX (360) 4[7-2499
In order to estabhsh ulllform procedures for claSSIficatIOn, notificatIOn, and monitonng regIstered sex
offenders m our commulllty, the Clallam County Shenffs Department and the Port Angeles Pohce
Department have agreed upon the followmg procedures
JunsdIctIon - The Port Angeles Pohce Department wIll have pnmary responsIbIhty for
classIfymg, mOllltonng, and pubhc notIfication of regIstered sex offenders who reSIde wIthm the
CIty hmIts of Port Angeles The Clallam County Shenff's Department wIll have pnmary
responsIbIlity for all regIstered sex offenders who reSIde m Clallam County outsIde the CIty
hmits of Port Angeles except that Clallam County may enter mto sImIlar agreements WIth other
CIties m Clallam County
The agency havmg JunsdIctlOn over the reSIdence m WhICh the offender resIdes WIll heremafter
be referred to as the "primary agency"
2 RegIstratIOn - Sex offenders are reqUIred to register and record change of address wIth the
Shenffs Office m the county m WhICh they reSIde The Clallam County Shenffs Department
wIll mamtam the regIstratIOn packet on all regIstered sex offenders m Clallam County
A The IllltIal regIstration packet conSIsts of the state regIstratIOn form. fingerpnnt card.
and Polaroid photograph Change of address forms are also mamtamed m the
regIstration packet
B. The Clallam County Shenffs Department wIll send the pnmary agency a copy ofthe
state regIstratIon form, an ongmal fingerpnnt card. and a Polaro[d photograph
ImmedIately upon regIstratIon of the offender Address changes wIll also be reported
immedIately to the pnmary agency
C The Clallam County Shenff's Department wIll mamtam a hst of regIstered sex
offenders and make the hst aVailable for public mspectlOn
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3 Investigative FIles - The pnmary agency will mamtam an mvestIgatIve file on each offender
within their jUnSdICtIon.
A The pnmary agency will gather all additIOnal mformation, such as offense reports,
background checks, etc., needed to classify the offender, and Will mamtam this
documentation m the primary agency's investIgative file on the offender.
B After classlfymg the offender, the primary agency will provide the followmg mformatIon
to the Clallam County Sheriffs Department to be mamtamed m the Iml1al regIstration
(1) Age and sex ofvictIm(s)
(2) Level of classificatIOn.
(3) Copy of flyer, If Level II or III
C When a sex offender moves wlthm Clallam County, outSide the pnmary agency's
junsdlctIon, the mvestIgatIve file on the offender wIll be routed from the pnmary agency
to the agency who has junSdlctIOn over the reSIdence of where the offender moves to.
If the pnmary agency determmes that a sex offender has moved out of Clallam county
or the offender's current location IS unknown, the pnmary agency will route the
investigatIve file on the offender to the Clallam County Shenff's Department to be
filed with the ImtIal registration packet
The mvestIgatIve file wIll be mamtamed by the Clallam County Shenff s Department
m an mactIve status for future use If the offender moves back into Clallam County or the
offender's current address becomes known. The Clallam County Shenffs Department
wIll route the investigative file and the ImtIal registration packet to the pnmary agency
at that time.
4. Classification - Offender classillcatlon levels Will be completed by the primary agency The
level of classification wIll be determined by the followmg guidelines:
Offender classification is based on documented activity of the sex offender
A Level I - Low RIsk to the commumty
(1) Includes all offenders reqUIred to register, l.e felony offenders, and
(2) Offense IS non-violent, and
(3) Offense is committed m a "famIly" settmg.
B Level 1+ - admlmstrative classification for momtonng purposes
(1) Offenders whose crimes place them at Level I, and
(2) BehaVIOr profile mdlcates a hIgher nsk of reoffense, and/or
(3) BehaVIOr profile indicates pOSSibility of having extrafamIlial victims,
(4) Classification mcreases frequency of field checks
C. Level II - Interrnernate Risk to commumty
(I) Cnme occurred outSIde "famIly" settmg, and/or
(2) COm1ll1SSI0n of multiple offenses at different times, and/or
(3) CommISSIOn of vIOlent offense whether mtrafamilial or extrafamlal.
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D Level III - High Risk to commumty"
(1) Offender exhibits "predatory" tendencies as defined by state law RCW
71 09.020:
Acts duected:
a. towards strangers/general pubhc, or
b towards indiViduals with whom a relatIOnship has been estabhshed or
promoted for the pnmary purpose of victtmizatIOn, and/or
(2) Cnnunal history mcluding multiple violent offenses, and/or
(3) Offender expresses intentIOns and/or desues to continue committmg offenses,
(4) Diagnosed as a sexual predator by mental health profeSSional
5. Community NotificatIOn - NotificatIOn wIll be the responsibihty of the primary agency
Nottfication Will be determmed by the level the offender is classtfied at.
A Level I and Level 1+
(1) The offender's mformatIOn is added to the Sex Offender Registration LISt.
B. Level II
(1) NotificatIOn flyer prepared and approved.
(2) Flyer dIstributed to local law enforcement agencies
(3) NeIghborhood nottfication flyers to:
a Houses wIthm 4 block radius of residence of offender.
b Nearby schools, chIld care facihttes, and other affected groups.
C Level III
1 All Level II actIOns taken.
2 Press release completed and approved
3. Media contacted
6. Momtonng - The pnmary agency wIll momtor the offender on the following basIs to confirm
current residence, vehicles and acttvIttes
A Level I - Once a year
B. Level 1+ - Once every 8 months.
C. Level II - Once every 4 months
D Level III - Once a month.
7. Registration VIOlations - The pnmary agency wIll investigate and take proper enforcement action
of all sex offender regIstratIOn violations occurrmg wIthin their junsdictIOn.
It IS understood that when an offender moves wIthout properly nottfymg the Clallam County
Shenff's Department, the pnmary agency is determined by the locatIOn of the offender's last
registered address It IS understood that when an offender is found to resIde m Clallam County
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and has not regIstered with the Clallam County Sheriff s Department, the pnmary agency
is deterrmned by the locatIOn of where the offender resIdes
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hIef Steve Ilk
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