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2006 JAN 27 FH 3: 40
Filed at the request of:
City Clerk
City of Port Angeles
321 E. Fifth St.
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362
2006 1173961 Clallam
Document Title:
Interlocal Agreement - Addendum for Upgrade and Operation of Voice
Mail System, dated December 20, 2005
Amends Intergovernmental Agreement between Clallam County and City
of Port Angeles for Acquisition and Operation of Telephone System
City Clerk File No.: 5.388A
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TELEPHONE SYSTEM executed on September 19, 1995 between County of Clallam, a pohtIcal subdIvIsiOn of the State of
Washington (hereinafter the "County" and the CIty of Port Angeles, a non-charter, code CIty of the State of Washmgton (heremafter
the "CIty").
WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, as amended and codified m Chapter 39 34 of the RevIsed Code ofWashmgton
prOVIdes for mterlocal cooperatIon between governmental entities; and
WHEREAS, the County and City have agreed to Jomtly purchase and operate a VOIce mall system in order to more effiCIently
meet therr telephone equipment and serVIce needs.
NOW, THEREFORE in conSIderatIon of the mutual covenants contamed herein the partIes agree as follows.
A The purpose of tills ADDENDUM IS for the upgrade and operatIon of a vOIcemal1 system to serve the needs of both partIes
B. The 1995 agreement (County Agreement 550.95.001) IS amended as follows'
1. Duration This agreement shall be in effect 1 November 2005 and contmue m effect mdefimte1y untIl modIfied or
terminated by mutual written agreement of the parties. In the event of termmatIOn, property tJlat IS Jomtly owned
pursuant to tills agreement shall be disposed of by dlvldmg ownershIp equally between the partIes based on saId
property's fair market value.
2. A new paragraph IS added to SectIOn 3 Acquisition of the 1995 Agreement. The new paragraph shall read as follows:
In 2006 a new vOIcemall system shall be acqurred from A vaya by the County through GSA Contract The County w1l1
then invoice the CIty fro the CIty'S portIOn of the system. The CIty w1l1 be assigned the contractual nghts and
obhgatIOns for the portIOn of the system that w1l1 be owned by the City and for one-half of the portIOn of the system to
be Jomtly owned.
3. A new paragraph is added to the 1995 Agreement. The new paragraph shall read as follows:
Both OrgamzatIOns agree to promptly maintam system so that the whole is in operatIon.
C. As amended, the 1995 Agreement IS confirmed and ratified.
Dated thist?lOtbrray of December, 2005.
Dated thlJ ~~ay of December, 2005
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Mark NIchols, Deputy Prosecutmg Attorney
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Filed at the Request of:
City of Port Angeles
City Clerk's Office
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362
2005 1164634
Interlocal Agreement
City Clerk File No.: ~~A-
FilED FOR o)e ", -
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2005 SEP -9 AM 9: 27
Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and fj cJ1c;.,.,. ~
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Dated: bPs It><
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THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the County of
Clallam, a political subdivision of the State of Washington
(hereinafter the "County") and the City of Port Angeles, a non-
charter, code city of the ?tate of Washington (hereinafter the
"City"), for the acquisition and operation of a telephone system to
serve the telephone equipment and service needs of both parties.
WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, as amended and
codified in Chapter 39.34 of the Revised Code of Washington,
provides for interlocal cooperation between governmental entities;
WHEREAS, both the County and City have agreed to jointly
purchase and operate a telephone system in order to more
efficiently meet their telephone equipment and service needs;
NOW, THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants
contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. Purpose. The purpose of this agreement is to provide for
the joint acquisition and operation of a telephone system in order
to meet the telephone equipment and service needs of the
governments of Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles.
2 Duration. This agreement shall be in effect the 1st day
of September, 1995 and shall continue in effect indefinitely until
modified or terminated by mutual, written agreement of the parties.
In the event of termination, property that is jointly owned
pursuant to this agreement shall be disposed of by dividing
ownelship equally between the parties based on said property's fair
market value.
3. Acquisition. Initially, the telephone system shall be
acquired from AT&T by the County, provided that the City shall pay,
and be assigned the contractural rights and obligations, for the
portion of the system that will be owned by the City and for one-
half of the portion of the system to be jointly owned, which
ownership allocation is further described in Paragraph 4.
- 1 -
4. Ownership. Followi.ng initial acquisition, Clallam County
shall own that portion of the telephone system located in its
facilities and the City shall own that portion of the system
loc~ted in its facilities, except that the parties shall jointly
own that portion of the telephone system that is necessary for
operation of the entire system, including but not limited to
conduits, fiberoptics, and central processing units, as set forth
in the attached Exhibit A.
5. Administration.
a. Each party shall be responsible for operating and
maintaining that part of the system that it owns in its separate
capacity, and the parties shall be jointly responsible for
operating and maintaining that portion of the system that is
jointly owned by the parties.
b. Each party shall designate a person to be
responsible for day-to-day administration, operation, and
maintenance of the telephone system. The telephone system
administrators may refer policy, budgetary and other matters and
decisions such as whether or not to upgrade hardware or software to
the respective legislative bodies of each party as the
administrators may deem necessary and appropriate.
6. Installation and Maintenance Costs. The parties shall
share equally in the costs of installing and maintaining the
connecting line between City Hall and the County Courthouse and in
the remainder of the portion of the telephone system to be jointly
owned by the parties. Each party shall be separately responsible
for the installation and maintenance costs associated with that
portion of the telephone system which it owns in its individual
7. User Fees. Each party shall pay AT&T separately for its
use of the telephone system.
8. Cooperation. Each party agrees to aid and assist the
other in accomplishing the obj ecti ves of this agreement and in
dealing with any contingencies that may need to be addressed in
order for the telephone system to meet the respective needs of each
EXECUTED this -/.!I!!' day of ~J.teJr) 1995 for CLALLAM
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1995 for CITY OF
PrEpared by GBCS 9/18195 PagE! 1
Clallam COUnty - City of Port Angeies
Telephone System Pricing
Oeacr1ptscn Pr1c:e EIonlent Code Quantily lktl CQQ Total Co$t Unit Co!;t TcCal Cost
EqUlj)tT1erl Equipmmt I~I Install
~ County
Pon SeculIy Oe\tc:e - Key 1214-KEY $S4O eo $ 540 80 $250 00 S 250 00
Terra NO\IlI . Wif\dows 1335-WIN $166 60 $ 16680
8110 Analog T~ 31 S3-OO1 16 $:95 20 $ 1,523 20 $18.00 S 2S8 00
84O:l Oigbl Te6ephone 3233.Q38 124 $95 20 $ 11,80480 $4600 $ 5,704 00
8410 0l9QJ TlIIepltone W/O Display ~ 8 $187.00 $ \,496 00 $S8.oo $ 464 00
8410 Diglal Te6epllone WI Oi$play 32~B :31 5336.60 $ 10,434 60 $58.00 $ 1,798.00
8434 Dlglal Telephone 3236-096 3 $846.00 $ 1,938.00 $6000 $ 180.00
CoIlSOle 3274-1OBU 1 $1,037.00 $ \,037.00 $11500 $ 115.00
CoIlSOle DIrect Selector Field 32318U 1 $550.80 $ 550 ao S35 00 $ 3500
7400A Data Module & Cablll$ 21625 $64.60 $ 604. eo $1000 $ 10.00
2171-AOM $448.80 $ 448.80 $7S 00 $ 75.00
275O-i)OS S340 S 340 $1000 $ 10.00
~eway - OtI'llCt CornpWlr Teklphone lnlegrabon DIl'v_ 8302-4OOP 2 $349.00 $ 698 00 $300 00 S 600 00
83Q2-711A 2 31650 $ 3300
PagePac 20 5323-005 1 $336..60 $ 336 60 $119.00 S 11900
Pa;ePac: Zonemate S3505 1 $340 00 $ 340 00 $2100 $ 2700
Uruv.rwJ Coupler 63150 1 $2UT 40 $ 2fJ1 40 S9S 00 S 95.00
AUl ClIrd . 4 Pam 631113 1 $890 &0 S 890 eo $7000 $ 70.00
0igIa1 ClIrd - 6 Ports 63114 1 $1,397.40 $ 1,3117.<<1 $70 00 $ 7000
CO Card - 8 Ports 63115 3 $1.394.00 $ 4,1a2.oo $70 00 $ 21000
DID ClIrd .8 Forts 63116 2 $1.39400 S 2,7&8 CO $7000 $ 1-40 00
A.Nlog Card - 16 POll. 63136 17 $2.68$68 $ 45,673 55 $9500 $ 1,61500
Tie lJ". c.rd - 8 Poets 63140 2 $700.40 $ 1,400.80 $70 00 $ 14000
D9tal CiRd . 16 Potts 63841 11 $2,788.00 $ 30,56e 00 S95 00 $ 1,04500
No~ $ 10,&40 00
Total $ 118.623.96 $ 23,700.00
Prepared by G8CS 9/180'95 Page 2
City of Port AngeJes
Port Securiy ~ - Key t214-l<i.Y $540 eo $ 54C.60 $250 00 $ 250 00
T eml NoYa . W1rldows t335-WIN 1166 60 $ 166 60
E. mergency Transfer PaIV:Il 65262 $527 00 $ 52700 $290 00 $ 290 00
84C3 C%Jllal T~ 3233-008 33 $95.20 $ 3.141.&0 $46 00 $ 1,51800
6410 DlgQI Telephone WIO ~ 3234-6$ 0 $187.00 $ $56 00 $
8410 Digital Te~ WI 0tsp6ay 323&<:l56 25 $336.60 $ 8,415 00 $56 00 $ 1,450.00
8434 Olgihll Telephone J23S.CeB 0 S646 00 $ $eO 00 $
Console 3274-10BU 1 $1,03700 $ 1.037 00 $115 00 S 11500
Console Direct 8eed0l' Field 3231 au 1 $S5O 80 $ 550.00 $35.00 $ 3500
74()()A Data Moc1\IIe to Cables 2' 625 $64.60 $ 6<4.60 $1000 $ 1000
2171-ADt., ~80 $ 44a1lO $7500 $ 75.00
2750-008 $340 $ 3040 $1000 S 10.00
Passajjl9Wi)' . Dirad CompUr Telephone Irrtegrabon Deuioe 8302-4ClCF 2 $349.00 $ &98. 00 $300.00 S SIlO 00
83Q1-711A 2 $16 50 $ 33.00
Um..<<SaI Coupler" 63150 1 $207.40 S 207 40 $95 00 $ 9500
Aw. Card - -4 Pocb 63118 1 $690 80 $ aoo ao $7000 $ 7000
OIgIal Can! . 8 Puts 63114 1 $1.397 40 $ 1,3197.40 $70.00 $ 70.00
CO Card . 8 Porn 63115 2 $1.394.00 $ 2.788 00 $70.00 S 140.00
DID CanI- 8 Potts 63116 2 $1,>>1.00 $ 2,788.00 $70 00 S 14000
Analog Card - 16 Pclt$ 63136 15 $2.686 as $ 40,299,75 $95 00 $ 1,425 00
DigItal Card - 16 PoIts 63841 .. $2.788 00 S 11,152.00 $95.00 $ 380.00
Nonsta'ldards $13.353 00
Total $ 75,149.75 $ 20,026.00
. ~
Prepared by GBCS ~18195 Page 3 .
Common Equipmem
PM ~rty Device - Lock 1214i.OK 1 $540.60 S 540.60 $250 00 $ 250 00
lIS Terminal S9OO-ET7 1 570S.~ $ 706.42 $SCI.oo $ 60.00
Zl'15-18C 1 $37 40 $ 3740 sa.OO $ 8.00
AlJcflWe Me$sage Waiting ~re 1264-AM1 1 $1,70000 $ 1,70000 $12000 $ 120.00
A.u1omatlC Rotlte ~ Software 1264-ARS 1 S $640 00 S S40 {)()
G3t Software 1264-013 1 $6.625.00 $ 6,825.00
S3012A 9 $4OS 00 $ 3.sn.OO
G3i Har<tw;n 63ClO-596U 1 $16,250 00 $ 16,250 00 $4,535.00 $ 4.535 00
63181 2 $680.00 $ 1.360 00 $35 00 $ 7000
63502U 1 $10,880 00 $ 10,aso 00 $3,445 00 $ 3,445 00
CaNes 63190 89 512,24 $ 1,089.36 $400 $ 356.00
63210 8 S255 00 S 2,o.co.00 $120.00 $ 960.00
63212 6 $&80 $ 40.80 $35 00 $ 21000
63213 11 $238.00 $ 2,818.00 $35 00 $ 385 00
63214 7 $13.60 $ 9520 S
63215 f $30.60 $ 3060 $
63302 1 SI36 00 $ 136 00 $140 00 $ 140 00
63297U 2 $6800 $ 13600 $100 00 $ 200 00
63300lI 2 S204 00 $ 408.00 $SO 00 S 100.00
S3334U 2 $748 00 $ 1.496.00 $95.00 S 190.00
Voice Mall $58,029.25 $5,398 50
T rnnching $13,500.00
12 St,...,ct F rber & 2 Il1MtClUl:ts $11.578 00
S~lng $2.944.62
Total $ 106,002 63 $ 45.090 12
Cbllam Coulty Tctal $ 2t8.915.34
Cty 01 Port Angeles T eta! $ 171,767.13