HomeMy WebLinkAbout1829 W 4th St - Building CITY OF PORT ANGELES (r-7) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT- BUILDING DIVISION - 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 Application Number 10 00001311 Date 11/18/10 Application pin number 116010 Property Address 1829 W 4TH ST REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 0 1 4535 0000 Tenant nbr name MERLIN & SHUZHEN ANDERSON on your state excise tax form Application type description RES ADDITION Subdivision Name to the City of Port Angeles Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation 13685 Application desc ADD A 333 SF SUNROOM ABOVE THE GARAGE ETC (� Owner Contractor b MERLIN AND SHUZHEN ANDERSON O V� 1829 W 4TH ST I•l Vl✓ly' c��l(�l(3GO) 417 8875 ���1 A-_" L/ PORT ANGELES WA 98363 LJ 3 S C, 1J_' ' L:7 X+ �A Structure Information 000 000 ADD A 333 SF SUNROOM ABOVE GARAGE J�eS $3 Other struct info HARD SURFACE AREA Permit BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL ����� 4 15'7 �� Additional desc ADD 333 SF SUNROOM OVER GARAGE Permit pin number 177097 Permit Fee 263 75 Plan Check Fee 171 44 Issue Date 11/18/10 Valuation 13685 Expiration Date 5/17/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 95 75 12 00 14 0000 THOU BL-2001 25K (14 PER K) 168 00 Special Notes and Comments The Fire Department has reviewed the project application and \ has no comments November 16 2010 4 38 11 PM sroberds ./� The proposal will result in repair of lower walls of the Y \ structure to support a sunroom addition above exist garage No increase in lot coverage No land use issues November 9 2010 2 41 58 PM Brian 417 4708 OK Public Works Utility Engineering has no requirements for / this plan review Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 263 75 263 75 00 00 Plan Check Total 171 44 171 44 00 00 Other Fee Total 4 50 4 50 00 00 Grand Total 439 69 439 69 00 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work,SEPA,Shoreline,ESA,utilities,private and public improvements This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days,if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. 1 hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction r Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner(if owner is builder) T:Forms/Building Division/Building Permit O 1 BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD — PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24-HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS— Building Inspections 417-4815 Electrical Inspections 417-4735 Public Works Utilities 417-4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417-4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER,INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT INCONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION: 12 —$— 10 Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage/Downspouts Piers Post Holes(Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING. Under Floor/Slab Rough-in Water Line Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow/Water FINAL Date Accepted b AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING �;2.$-l0 L(� rn SE{�� �o(dJocon I-3 Joists/Girders/Under Floor aR.l. `�� Shear Wal Hold Downs l Walls/Roof/Ceiling Drywall Interior Braced Panel Only) T-Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall/Floor/Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pum /Furnace/FAU/Ducts Rough-in JZ Gas Line Wood Stove/Pellet/Chimney Commercial Hood/Ducts FINAL Date Accepted b MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing/Slab Blocking&Hold Downs Skirting �® PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit#s SEPA. Parkin /Lighting ESA. Landscaping SHORELINE. CIX�, FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE Inspection Type Date Accepted By Electrical 417-4735 Construction R.W PW /Engineering 417-4831 01 Fire 417-4653 Planning 417-4750 ^ � Building 417-4815 l 2 J, T Forms/Building Division/Building Permit PREPARED 7/26/11 8 39 18 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 3 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 7/26/11 ADDRESS 1829 W 4TH ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR MERLIN & SHUZHEN ANDERSON CONTRACTOR G & M VINYL SIDING/GUTTER INC PHONE (360) 457 3949 OWNER MERLIN AND SHUZHEN ANDERSON PHONE (360) 417 8875 PARCEL 06 30 00 0 1 4535 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00001311 RES ADDITION REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL99 01 7/19/11 JLL BLDG FINAL TIME O1 00 7/19/11 DA July 19 2011 8 59 51 AM 1pangrle MERLIN 417 8875 BUILDING FINAL AFTERNOON July 19 2011 4 18 10 PM jlierly hand rail on deck stairs per code/jll BL99 02 7/26/11 BLDG FINAL July 26 2011 8 33 44 AM 1pangrle MERLIN 417 8875 BUILDING FINAL ADDED A 333 SF SUNROOM ABOVE THE GARAGE ETC COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 7/19/11 9 13 55 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 7/19/11 ADDRESS 1829 W 4TH ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR MERLIN & SHUZHEN ANDERSON CONTRACTOR G & M VINYL SIDING/GUTTER INC PHONE (360) 457 3949 OWNER MERLIN AND SHUZHEN ANDERSON PHONE (360) 417 8875 PARCEL 06 30 00 0 1 4535 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00001311 RES ADDITION REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL99 01 7/19/11 BLDG FINAL TIME O1 A00 M July 19 2011 8 59 51 AM 1pangrle MERLIN 417 8875 BUILDING FINAL AFTERNOON COMMENTS AND NOTES a 1� PREPARED 2/10/11 9 17 55 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 3 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 2/10/11 ADDRESS 1829 W 4TH ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR MERLIN & SHUZHEN ANDERSON CONTRACTOR G & M VINYL SIDING/GUTTER INC PHONE (360) 457 3949 OWNER MERLIN AND SHUZHEN ANDERSON PHONE (360) 417 8875 PARCEL 06 30 00 0 1 4535 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00001311 RES ADDITION PERMIT BPR O1 BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL1 01 12/06/10 JLL BLDG FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 09 00 12/06/10 AP December 3 2010 2 12 53 PM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FOOTING MORNING December 6 2010 3 58 46 PM jlierly BLFO 01 12/08/10 PB BLDG FOUNDATION TIME 09 00 12/08/10 AP December 7 2010 3 51 56 PM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FOUNDATION MORNING December 8 2010 11 03 44 AM pbarthol BL3 01 12/28/10 JLL BLDG FRAMING TIME O1 00 12/28/10 AP December 28 2010 8 35 49 AM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FRAMING AFTERNOON December 28 2010 4 40 13 PM jlierly Hold down and strap inspection only finish sheathing and call for a frame inspection/jll BL9 01 1/04/11 PB BLDG SHEARWALL 1/05/11 AP January 5 2011 8 50 53 AM pbarthol January 5 2011 8 51 49 AM pbarthol BL3 02 1/31/11 JLL BLDG FRAMING 1/31/11 AP January 31 2011 8 38 08 AM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FRAMING January 31 2011 4 17 57 PM jlierly BL3 03 2/07/11 JLL BLDG FRAMING 2/07/11 DA February 4 2011 3 30 40 PM 1pangrle MERLIN ANDERSON 460 6820 FRAMING February 7 2011 4 50 00 PM jlierly Contractor on site needs to check ubi number and put info on permit per wash state law/jll BL3 04 2/08/11 JLL BLDG FRAMING 2/08/11 AP February 8 2011 8 46 20 AM pbarthol MERLIN 460 6820 February 8 2011 4 40 45 PM jlierly BLI O1 2/10/11 L BLDG INSULATION TIME O1 00 February 9 2011 3 58 40 PM 1pangrle MERLIN 417 8875 INSULATION AFTERNOON COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 2/08/11 9 17 20 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 11 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 2/08/11 ADDRESS 1829 W 4TH ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR MERLIN & SHUZHEN ANDERSON CONTRACTOR G & M VINYL SIDING/GUTTER INC PHONE (360) 457 3949 OWNER MERLIN AND SHUZHEN ANDERSON PHONE (360) 417 8875 PARCEL 06 30 00 0 1 4535 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00001311 RES ADDITION PERMIT BPR 01 BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL1 01 12/06/10 JLL BLDG FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 09 00 12/06/10 AP December 3 2010 2 12 53 PM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FOOTING MORNING December 6 2010 3 58 46 PM jlierly BLFO 01 12/08/10 PB BLDG FOUNDATION TIME 09 00 12/08/10 AP December 7 2010 3 51 56 PM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FOUNDATION MORNING December 8 2010 11 03 44 AM pbarthol BL3 01 12/28/10 JLL BLDG FRAMING TIME 01 00 12/28/10 AP December 28 2010 8 35 49 AM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FRAMING AFTERNOON December 28 2010 4 40 13 PM jlierly Hold down and strap inspection only finish sheathing and call for a frame inspection/jll BL9 01 1/04/11 PB BLDG SHEARWALL 1/05/11 AP January 5 2011 8 50 53 AM pbarthol January 5 2011 8 51 49 AM pbarthol BL3 02 1/31/11 JLL BLDG FRAMING 1/31/11 AP January 31 2011 8 38 08 AM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FRAMING January 31 2011 4 17 57 PM jlierly BL3 03 2/07/11 JLL BLDG FRAMING 2/07/11 DA February 4 2011 3 30 40 PM 1pangrle MERLIN ANDERSON 460 6820 FRAMING February 7 2011 4 50 00 PM jlierly Contractor on site needs to check ubi number and put info on permit per wash state law/jll BL3 04 2/08/11 JLLn BLDG FRAMING February 8 2011 8 46 20 AM pbarthol MERLIN 460 6620 COMMENTS AND NOTES ISM �j q* Vinyl Siding 8. Gutters a� 4113 S "C" Street H Port Angeles, WA 98363 b 457-3949 c 809-0355 "Dedicated to giuirug,you pmand ac aice" RECEIVED FEB 0 7 2011 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION PREPARED 2/07/11 8 19 25 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 7 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 2/07/11 ADDRESS 1829 W 4TH ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR MERLIN & SHUZHEN ANDERSON CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER MERLIN AND SHUZHEN ANDERSON PHONE (360) 417 8875 PARCEL 06 30 00 0 1 4535 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00001311 RES ADDITION PERMIT BPR 01 BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL1 01 12/06/10 JLL BLDG FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 09 00 12/06/10 AP December 3 2010 2 12 53 PM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FOOTING MORNING December 6 2010 3 58 46 PM jlierly BLFO 01 12/08/10 PB BLDG FOUNDATION TIME 09 00 12/08/10 AP December 7 2010 3 1 56 PM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FOUNDATION MORNING December 8 2010 11 03 44 AM pbarthol BL3 01 12/28/10 JLL BLDG FRAMING TIME 01 00 12/28/10 AP December 28 2010 8 35 49 AM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FRAMING AFTERNOON December 28 2010 4 0 13 PM jlierly Hold down and strap inspection only finish sheathing and call `or a frame inspection/jll BL9 01 1/04/11 PB BLDG SHEARWALL 1/05/11 AP January 5 2011 8 50 53 AM pbarthol January 5 2011 8 51 49 AM pbarthol BL3 02 1/31/11 JLL BLDG FRAMING 1/31/11 AP January 31 2011 8 38 08 AM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FRAMING January 31 2011 4 17 57 PM jlierly BL3 03 2/07/11 LL BLDG FRAMING f February 4 2011 3 30 40 PM 1pangrle MERLIN ANDERSON 460 6820 FRAMING COMMENTS AND NOTES ,�,; VW PREPARED 1/31/11 8 40 15 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 4 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 1/31/11 ADDRESS 1829 W 4TH ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR MERLIN & SHUZHEN ANDERSON CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER MERLIN AND SHUZHEN ANDERSON PHONE (360) 417 8875 i PARCEL 06 30 00 0 1 4535 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00001311 RES ADDITION PERMIT BPR O1 BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL1 01 12/06/10 JLL BLDG FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 09 00 12/06/10 AP December 3 2010 2 12 53 PM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FOOTING MORNING December 6 2010 3 58 46 PM jlierly BLFO O1 12/08/10 PB BLDG FOUNDATION TIME 09 00 12/08/10 AP December 7 2010 3 51 56 PM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FOUNDATION MORNING December 8 2010 11 03 44 AM pbarthol BL3 01 12/28/10 JLL BLDG FRAMING TIME O1 00 12/28/10 AP December 28 2010 8 35 49 AM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FRAMING AFTERNOON December 28 2010 4 40 13 PM jlierly Hold down and strap inspection only finish sheathing and call for a frame inspect on/jll BL9 01 1/04/11 PB BLDG SHEARWALL 1/05/11 AP January 5 2011 8 50 53 AM pbarthol January 5 2011 8 51 49 AM pbarthol BL3 02 1/31/11 BLDG FRAMING January 31 2011 8 38 08 AM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FRAMING -- COMMENTS AND NOTES '/ ��til(�''f �'►�-�' '"� �� `� aA-/vvtOAIC qu le- Sc- 000 �� PREPARED 1/04/11 8 34 24 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 1/04/11 ADDRESS 1829 W 4TH ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR MERLIN & SHUZHEN ANDERSON CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER MERLIN AND SHUZHEN ANDERSON PHONE (360) 417 8875 PARCEL 06 30 00 0 1 4535 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00001311 RES ADDITION PERMIT BPR 01 BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL1 01 12/06/10 JLL BLDG FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 09 00 12/06/10 AP December 3 2010 2 12 53 PM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FOOTING MORNING December 6 2010 3 58 46 PM jlierly BLFO O1 12/08/10 PB BLDG FOUNDATION TIME 09 00 12/08/10 AP December 7 2010 3 51 56 PM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FOUNDATION MORNING December 8 2010 11 03 44 AM pbarthol BL3 01 12/28/10 JLL BLDG FRAMING TIME O1 00 12/28/10 AP December 28 2010 8 35 49 AM 1pangrle BILL 809 03,55 FRAMING AFTERNOON December 28 2010 4 40 13 PM jlierly Hold down and strap inspection only finish sheathing and call for a frame inspection/jll 1/04/11 JLL January 3 2011 11 01 31 AM 1pangrle� BILL 809 0355 FRAMING AFTERNOON COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 12/28/10 8 46 05 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 11 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 12/28/10 ADDRESS 1829 W 4TH ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR MERLIN & SHUZHEN ANDERSON CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER MERLIN AND SHUZHEN ANDERSON PHONE (360) 417 8875 PARCEL 06 30 00 0 1 4535 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00001311 RES ADDITION PERMIT BPR O1 BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL1 01 12/06/10 JLL BLDG FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 09 00 12/06/10 AP December 3 2010 2 12 53 PM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FOOTING MORNING December 6 2010 3 58 46 PM jlierly BLFO O1 12/08/10 PB BLDG FOUNDATION TIME 09 00 12/08/10 AP December 7 2010 3 51 56 PM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FOUNDATION MORNING December 8 2010 11 03 44 AM pbarthol BL3 01 12/28/10 J L BLDG FRAMING TIME O1 00 �I�''p-►-' ry/J p\ December 28 2010 8 35 49 AM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 (( `` FRAMING AFTERNOON COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 12/08/10 8 09 45 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 9 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 12/08/10 ADDRESS 1829 W 4TH ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR MERLIN & SHUZHEN ANDERSON CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER MERLIN AND SHUZHEN ANDERSON PHONE (360) 417 8875 PARCEL 06 30 00 0 1 4535 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00001311 RES ADDITION PERMIT BPR 01 BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTTAT• REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL1 01 12/06/10 JLL BLDG FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 09 00 12/06/10 AP December 3 2010 2 12 53 PM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FOOTING MORNING December 6 2010 3 58 46 PM jlierly BLFO O1 12/08/10 JLL BLDG FOUNDATION TIME 09 00 December 7 2010 3 51 56 PM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FOUNDATION MORNING -- COMMENTS AND NOTES PREPARED 12/06/10 8 05 31 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 3 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 12/06/10 ADDRESS 1829 W 4TH ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR MERLIN & SHUZHEN ANDERSON CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER MERLIN AND SHUZHEN ANDERSON PHONE (360) 417 8875 PARCEL 06 30 00 0 1 4535 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00001311 RES ADDITION PERMIT BPR O1 BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS BL1 01 12/06/10 L BLDG FOUNDATION FOOTING TIME 09 00 December 3 2010 2 12 53 PM 1pangrle BILL 809 0355 FOOTING MORNING COMMENTS AND NOTES R74A%. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink "~'�•'� CITY OF PORT ANGELES � For City Use Only Attn Building Permit Technician 321 E. Fifth St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Date Received — p (360)417-4815 fax (360)417-4711 Permit# 1C—1 Date Approved Applicant 6112 K I , ,^ � ren Phone Property Owl A MAP Phone Property Owner's Address d Contractor Phone Contractor's Address P_ �T j License:# Expires E-mail PROJECT ADDRESS S29 VJ LA *V� Parcel Number L Zoning - Project Type & Brief Description. ❑ Residential ❑ Multi-family ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial Check all that apply ❑ New Construction T-t Low uo ta (S 00"J ❑Addition ❑ Remodel Repair ❑ Demolition \� ❑ Re-roof ❑ House ❑garage ❑ other tear off& re-roof ❑ lay over one layer ❑ Heat System ❑ Heat pump ❑ wood-burning st e ❑ gas fireplace ❑ pellet stove D other " Pv ❑ Other No nu yyNbt,h (Y\e—,- U 11,11 Floor Areas Existing(sg. ft) Pro sed s . ff. �� Basement a $ per sq ft. = $ c�TI 1 Floor �N p "U 2nd Floor p 3`d Floor Garage &jpal r- I av - Carport \Naiis Covered Porch Deck _ Shed f r, C- QRS I r Other � /I TOTAL VALUATION $ Total footprint /ystem sq ft. _ Lot size sq ft. = Lot coverage % Site Coverage amt of impervious surface on a parcel including structures paved driveways sidewalks patios and other impaces (see PAMC 17 94 135 for exemptions) Site coverage % Max. height of uctures ft. Occupancy group # of bedrooms Will a lawn spribe installed? Occupant load # of full baths Will a fire sprinbe installed? Construction type # of half baths 1 have read and•completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to working on projeLt &,, (;x Date ON Print Name /�_ �Q et� Signatur�?��� T Forms/Building Division/Building permit application -77 TA pirlication Cr 11 It File Edit Commands Help asnAmPuBuc sEcT6R Nsvil-insiLtnc Application 10-00001 Pro Information Bonds rtti .l Application Information J Contractor escrow Address 1829 W 4TH ST Application desc ADD A 333 SF SUNROOM ABOVE Fees] ! PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application status PLAN REVIRJ Global balance dui Location ID: 91502 - Status Date 11/08/2010- a Inspection history Owner name MERLIN AND SHUZHEN AND Application-type RES ADDITION Miscellaneous info ' ASSESSOR,PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00.0.1 4535-0000- Application date 11/08/2010 ®Names ALTERNATE ID: 063000014535 Tenant name/number- MERLIN 6 SHUZHEN-ANDERSON j ®Permits R 1 7 =_j Y FAC – ®Plan tracking Receipts Contractor Information 7 Outstanding Inspections ® dquare footage cal Structures Contractor,Name OWNER Insp Schedule Confirmation I ®valuationcalculati Contractor Number. Type ID' Date Number I Type Cont — – – -� No outstanding-inspections exist CotractractorRequirements -Doc Number ( ,PLAN'CHECK FEES317 49 GO OT"000000—EPA DO j IPERidIT FEES - 498.4$ UD .00 OOOOOD EPR 00 STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 .DD .DO Total_ 810 44 00 00 pr m Carvel Y Evt 4V Refresh Lard Inquiry Dwumerde PREPARED 11/08/10, 14 24 35 PAYMENTS DUE RECEIPT CITY OF PORT ANGELES �Y- �1 V� / ," ` S(�� PROGRAM BP8 2 0L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION NUMBER 10-00001311 1829 W 4TH ST FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ PLAN CHECK FEES 171 44 BUILDING PERMIT - RESIDENTIAL 263 75 STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 TOTAL DUE 439 6 9 Please present this receipt to the cashie with full payment V� �(S lona He bomdlands Help iS1lNM4ARWPUB0C SECTOR, Sane Cartel Exit Spell check, .Time damp Applioation umber type: 100000131,1 RESADDITION Property addrea 1828 W 4TH November 8 2010 3 20•50 PM 1pangxle _( EARLIER TODAY WE CHARGED HIM $85 OO.PER I1 SQUARE.FOOT FOR HIS SUNROCM, SO HIS VALUATICN WAS $32 000 00 LATER IN THE DAY SUE R: AND I'WERE DISCUSSING THE PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT FOR SUNRO,M9 AND SHE SAID THEY.SHCULD BE'.$30.00 PER gQUARE FOOT I AMENDED HIS APPLICATION { TO REFLECT'THE REVISED SQUARE,FOOTAGE AMOUNT THAT DECREASED THE VALUATICN TO $13 685 00 I CALLED MERLIN AND TOLD HIMI ; AST THIS AND•GOT HIS CREDIT CARD NUMBER TO CHARGE THE NEW REDUCED 'AMOUNT HE OK D MY DOING'THAT EDIE"P VOIDED THE'PREVIOUS CREDIT CARD CHARGE OF $810.44 AND'WE CHARGED HIM $439 69. t ' 4+1111 —1 mc+oreQrne 4) 4 wvoie_ us c, sf­r,+z'nf►e _9 tie,�'s f o ft BUILDING PERMIT ADPL A T/GN Print in�nk+VW�O� CITY OF PORT ANGELES a� e' For City Use Only Attn Building Permit Technician 4he te Received 11- -Io 321 E Fifth St. Port Angeles WA 98362 rmit# (360) 417-4815 fax (360)417-4711 te Approved Applicant �4 i 4 ��[-0 V - 075 Property Ow�ne -- S.' CkM P �- Property Owner's Address Q� _,f21k 364- SO`t-0355 Contractor Phone 360- y 5-7-3R'{Q Contractor's Address R License # G rA V a-ki tA V qAgie Expires E-mail 113 5 G 5fi it X+ PROJECT ADDRESS 5201 w Ld + 11 3� Parcel Number Lot Zoning 5 Project Type & Brief Description. ❑ Residential ❑ Multi-family ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial Check all that apply ❑ New Construction • -t Lou, In)a (S 120 QA_ ❑ Addition f tQc G�.6 V ❑ Remodel Repair ❑ Demolition ❑ Re-roof ❑ House ❑ garage ❑ other ❑ tear off& re-roof ❑ lay over one layer ❑ Heat System ❑ Heat pump ❑ wood-burning stove ❑ gas fireplace ❑ pellet stove E. other ❑ Other NO u it Yl (Y\ (�1 Floor Areas Existing(sq. ft.) Proposed(sq. ft) o D©VI, Ba ement $ J J per sq ft. = $ ls' Floor 2nd Floor — all® 3`d Floor �� � 'qo Garage Carport a`t r 1 eWe 1 Covered Porch -row-5vPFC+ci- Deck Shed Other ©IL.-- I+-I )ova S J TOTAL VALUATION $ 13 '(Ci S5 Total footprint of structures sq ft. - Lot size sq ft. = Lot coverage Site Coverage = the amount of impervious surface on a parcel including structures paved driveways sidewalks patios and other impervious surfaces (see PAMC 17 94 135 for exemptions) Site coverage % Max. height of proposed structures ft. Occupancy group # of bedrooms Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Occupant load #of full baths Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? Construction type #of half baths I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain permits prior to working on project Date Print Name Naelw Signatur JR,!_� T Forms/Building Division/Building permit application 1.910 : 1835 Q 402 1829 1829 / 1836 . 1813 1830 y - :1626 1805 * 1820- t839 .1614 1633 1820 1810- Hill St INI s� 1825 - S 505' 1823 j S�3 40 7.O �A C/p, A S � � A s s6 \ SSg 191 � t3 S� � Q \ 1.835 40.2 +� I 829" .7 �8 N" s�e 2S . 1$21 V q 1836 �/ '•e ~ / 1830 Sly 1813 = 3 / f I •> *. 20. 7 I 0 " .1839: ,� ` ;•= I. � � _ -_ 1814 3 O 1833 SA ' I s 1810 6' Hill St f 1804 w 4z 25 S 7n_ 5 1823 �•2 j' � � //� '•.® � /�, _ — 40 Clallam County Assessor& Treasurer - Property Details - 57007 MERLIN AND SHUZH. Page 1 of 5 Ciallam County Assessor & Treasurer Property Search Results > 57007 MERLIN AND SHUZHEN ANDERSON for Year 2010 - 2011 Property Account Property ID- 57007 Legal Description. LTS 13&14 EXC R\W BL 145 Geographic ID- 0630000145350000 Agent Code Type Real Tax Area: 0010 PA 121 PORT ST CNTY H2 L Land Use Code 11 Open Space: N DFL N Historic Property- N Remodel Property- N Multi-Family Redevelopment: N Township- Section. Range. Location Address: 1829 W FOURTH ST _ Mapsco PORT ANGELES WA �( Neighborhood Cycle 5 Res Map ID- 3 Neighborhood CD- 10955130 Owner Name MERLIN AND SHUZHEN ANDERSON Owner ID- 11210 Mailing Address: 1829 W FOURTH STREET %Ownership- 100 0000000000% PORT ANGELES WA 98363 Exemptions. Taxes and Assessment Details Property Tax Information as of 11/08/2010 Amount Due if Paid on NOTE If you plan to submit payment on a future date make sure you enter the click RECALCULATE to obtain the correct total amount due. First Second Half Half Base Base Year Statement ID Taxing Jurisdiction Amt. Amt. Penalty Interest Base Paid 2010 40021 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL $26330 $263.29 $000 $000 $52659 2010 40021 CC-GEN COUNTY $14011 $140 13 $000 $000 $280 24 2010 40021 PORT PORT $1970 $1969 $000 $000 $3939 2010 40021 PORT ANG PORT ANGELES $32441 $32441 $000 $000 $64882 2010 40021 SD#121 SCHOOL DISTRICT#121 $341 03 $341 04 $000 $000 $682.07 2010 40021 NTH OLY LIB NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY $4072 $4071 $000 $000 $81 43 2010 40021 HOSP#2 HOSPITAL#2 $5748 $5748 $000 $000 $11496 2010 40021 WSMET PK DIST WILLIAM SHORE MET PARK DIST $1829 $18.29 $000 $000 $3658 2010 40021 CITY_STORMWATER CITY STORMWATER $3600 $3600 $000 $000 $7200 i 2010 40021 WEED CONTROL WEED CONTROL $0.82 $081 $000 $000 $163 2010 40021 TOTAL. $1241.86 $1241.85 $0.00 $0.00 $2483.71 2009 570072008 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL $301 19 $301 19 $000 $000 $602.38 2009 570072008 CC-GEN COUNTY $152.43 $15243 $000 $000 $30486 2009 570072008 PORT PORT $21 59 $21 59 $000 $000 $43 18 2009 570072008 PORT ANG PORT ANGELES $33433 $33435 $000 $000 $66868 2009 570072008 SD#121 SCHOOL DISTRICT#121 $372.47 $372.46 $000 $000 $74493 http.//vpn.clallam.net.8084/propertyaccess/Property.aspx?cid=0&year=2010&prop_id=57 11/8/2010 ELECTRICAL PERMIT y k O CITY OF PORT ANGELES 0 360-417-4735 UIV Application Number 11 00000088 Date 1/27/11 ApplicatPropertyon pin Address18295w 4TH ST REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 0 1 4535 0000 on your excise tax form Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name to the City of Port Angeles Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation 0 Application desc 2 circuits fro sunroom Owner Contractor MERLIN AND SHUZHEN ANDERSON JEDI ELECTRIC 1829 W 4TH ST 331 FORS RD PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 417 8875 (360) 460 0556 100 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL �pJ�, Additional desc Iv Permit pin number 180869 Permit Fee 76 10 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 1/27/11 valuation 0 Expiration Date 7/26/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1 00 73 5000 ECH EL BRANCH CIRCUIT WO/FEEDER 73 50 1 00 2 6000 ECH EL ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT 2 60 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 76 10 76 10 00 00 ^-d-- Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 76 10 76 10 00 00 INSPECTION TYPE DATE. RESULTS INSPECTOR. DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN 31 ll FINAL Z COMMENTS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:\EXCHANGE\BUILDING CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION Building Division/Electrical Inspections " E"EIVE 321 East Fifth Street—P O Box 110/Port Angeles Washington, 98 Ph (360)417-4735 Fax: (360) 417-4711 JAN 2 6 2011 CU Date: I` a 6 11 X 1 &2 Single Family Dwelling _Multi-Family or Commercial* _ComZMANSion/Alteration/Remodel/Repair* *Plan Review May Be Required Please Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Job Address: 11201 LJ eS*i"_ Building Square Footage: Description of above 0,dck a G I(,c.u TS T-o Sc(n Coo&I Owner Information Contractor Information Name: mecii ✓) AV\der-joy) Name: QO2 �(eGr�iL Mailing Address: jf� 44771.E Mailing Addre s 'P.0, (3ox 3 Se City. 4. State: &,)c— Zip: cf&.?, _ City, P State: 4-11— Zip: `1k3'(2— Phone: Fax: Phone: Fax: License#/Exp. License#1 Exp. EDI G 9 S 7 z Item Unit Charge Qty Total(Qtv Multiplied by Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $119.90 $ Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp, $145.50 $ Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp $204.6D $ Service/Feeder 601 1000 Amp. $262.20 $ Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. $372.50 $ Branch Circuit W/Service Feeder $ 2.60 $ Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $ 73.50 I $ 7 3 SO Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 2.60 Temp.Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $ 92.70 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 201400 Amp. $110.30 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $148.70 $ Temp.Service/Feeder 601 1000 Amp $167.90 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $ 95.90 $ Sign/Outline Lighting $ 88.20 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy/First 1500 sf—Commercial $ 95.90 $ Note. $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Signal Circuit/Limited Energy 1,&2 Family Dwelling $ 63.90 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy Multi-Family Dwelling $ 63.90 $ Manufactured'Home Connection $119.90 $ Renewable Electrical Energy 5KVA System or Less $102.30 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 $ NEW CONSTRUCTION ONLY. First 1300 Square Ft. $110.30 $ Each Additional 500 Square Ft.or Portion of $ 35.20 $ Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage $ 73.50 $ Each Swimming Pool or Hot Tub $110.30 $ $ -76. 10 Total Owner as defined by RCW 19.28.261 (1)Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above.statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.0 RCW Chapter 19.28, WAC Chapter 296-4613, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14 05 050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner electrical contractor or electrical administrator, ❑ cash _��eck 01- ❑ Credit Card# X Dated: —` 0110112010 a. ELECTRICAL PERMIT C ITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 0� Application Number 11 00000068 Date 1/19/11 Application pin number 049000 REPORT STATE SALES TAX Property Address 1829 W 4TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 0 1 4535 0000 on your excise tax form Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY to the City of Port Angeles Subdivision Name Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation 0 Application desc Sunroom addition 3 circuits Owner Contractor MERLIN AND SHUZHEN ANDERSON ANGELES ELECTRIC 1829 W 4TH ST 524 E 1ST ST PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 417 8875 (360) 452 9264 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc Permit pin number 180604 Permit Fee 78 70 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 1/19/11 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 7/18/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension OQ 1 00 73 5000 ECH EL BRANCH CIRCUIT WO/FEEDER 73 50 2 00 2 6000 ECH EL ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT 5 20 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 78 70 78 70 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 78 70 78 70 00 00 INSPECTION TYPE DATE RESULTS INSPECTOR. DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS 27 C KLer-4. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX 1(,)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Ak PrEL-Ii —ra S)o JOS Si-nature of oxvner or Electrical Contractor k Date 01/18/2011 15 50 FAX 360 452 9265 Angeles Electric 0 0001/0002 RECEUVED I e) eRy:o1RAngolaPumRAppliptlonIJ 1 201' ELECTRICAL IPoit iiQeti�Ylliutllfi l*bll30t e-144 r. I niT11 INSPECTIONS .oma .. •� 1 .: 1'�2 Sbtple FarhhBy�l�wemrhp Now- ,_MhAU•f dn1�r a C;drtMhehdd' _Cciinr*dW Addf6 lAlEemkn I Remodel/Repair- Plan-,Rv*wM*.b9RegWrKPlease Eledrl PI I -Shed Job-Add uildlriQ 5gbere.foQbtpe' iD$sWptbnof,atbOYe Nerbe: � NemxrAf 0- ; hq�ld�eirM AMm. 'Z . ' baoe:Jal�nP Cb: Smbc_.hG__� Phaned_ ehr Raw mazgg v poc �2—fiis' :I.lcelAse�ilxp lkmh6e�/Em. [.,!•,� �v�oes' ' 1 3`:fIb.50 f •btiMoalFaedar201rI00Anhp. 42o4.60 S BanAoNFaedR1016D0Arnp. $26210 i 6anAoNFaedar601•t000Ah�iP. :3372.60 = SaviedF�eOerohNr1000Aep $ ..2A S &ankhCiOW Snw`1 FFos i 1i .000 $ EakhhAAdMmmal�k a.Wo s T01.6ir"Fq.W r200Amp. •:•110.90, : TmpBh>fvbalF!adar.20f�00Ahha. Ild6.70 S Tanha 8�do�VFiedu�Of�00.Anp. i Tep. b00AM Moo Porm aod9*r 4846 I- s •Vo" Y•96.90 I 8bnhi ckcw EavW—fid AdM1wW 1609 j6A0 _.•63.90 S ftmla;iipWlANEnaipr-1t2Fx*Ow ft I.3jo S BbhWbCltahiruarhlMl'Eiiapf►•Ah Faah�►0Melfhp 1119.00 n f 11!210 1 Rmmmob a M, B68* A 6yvbm ar t:eaa I i.11a:6Q i E@ehhlAdMmd=8*=FtorPoMmd 173.50 S Each parOabkhadGnpa I ._._, Tow 7Vp ON�rgraa,If fRhad/p IICN:!✓626Stf:p)ohrhnr hreloom+pl�tlm aeveearr tbrhroyaara aAweyU abaebadpannhtN fbaa�dFp Orna►b rpei�dbei�r.ao aJ1,11 lWIDMAN N •r>bokaptrlpr�pirpr�fiJloligAS jaefa[NnAhafaltehapNardbratrafoadnolYatbapaeOhm. 11�t.lwdl!q 11ha Nadmnht;I Mra0o(oarthr that 1 am tlho aMnharotfM atbow nanMd ptaprb►ore Oeaaaad obebk�l oontraeter.l oe abebabeatinb0 o or ali idd>S bi�4ohihOfitbeii dfrffM aean CtPAhpMWCdb t0b INdn Mla*2%NFC.Raw.ChaorfZWACCMbimiW& oO .al3ihi6hnof ernat alhe4kd eordhaotoror abdrkal adodobtAtbor o cob I Chook � PREPARED 1/26/11 14 34 57 CORRECTION RECEIPT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 E 5TH STREET P O BOX 1150 Receipt Application number 11 00000068 Date 1/19/11 Correction option Adjust with G/L Time Correction description not doing work knee surgery- Number 0006525 Corrected by KEMERY Cashier SCORDERY Before After Fee Amount Credit Reduced Amount Credit Structure Permit Insp Paid Remaining By Paid Remaining PERMIT FEES 78 70 00 78 70 00 00 000 000 ELAR 00 Totals 78 70 00 78 70 00 00 C (1/26/2011)Trent Peppard Merlin Anderson Permit Refund Request Page 1 From 'Ken Simpson' <ksimpson@olympus net> To 'Trent Peppard' <Tpeppard@cityofpa us> Date 1/26/2011 11 15 AM Subject: Merlin Anderson Permit Refund Request Sir We were not able to get new-knees Pete to Mr Anderson s place on his schedule so Jed is going to take care of him I was hoping to talk you out of a refund or a credit in the amount of$78 70 for permit# 11-00000068 Thank you Ken Simpson Angeles Electric, Inc. 360-452-9264 phone 360-452-9265 fax N Cash Adjustment I Cashier info C � O Payment Type Application# Check# Receipt# Fee Type .,�LL 7a a Amount Paid —78Refund Amount -78� Adjustment $10T11P46 WOTZ k, VOTD Posted Fee New Fee Signature r n � M , r � ��. f���yqg+�.51 -��� +�:>� � +v S" ,:,.+. �•.m.JM� � n.:s €t� d sg " .. a.S�"� k `� 1 �Ip��ysa,'Xij�"�,.a�������'" f (g �, t "k•" �� �.,y,,J Si Y 35x ''�� � w,�s r , f �j'�[�3 u G '�.- K fi� � 3 � � C'a�y� �i�+' �.K �c s'•W� �^��'^'�un.`,�j ���+:t"'Y�� wJ .s` -' vf,.+ �e���� �t'�.�''t 4i.. �"a �+. 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'�tc" �v' �.e �,, f�i r ��Fa# � �..: 1 A .a.�� >��rii�t�. �•`Et�e.'+t d'�� � �u�C` -•+ m..ru `""-•. n - •z q� ,r4i-3 -r' �'4•' � '. -y <SS°T'�C - ^ �c5 µ J F i .�+ y' aj '�] ..'*kms.,.X`_ ,� •5+-_y` S' l,.P+g,.yt'a`a4f54y�'�KiYi MMS. �+},y,�: . � � � ? € 4 n.."�3y+` i'' °5�^"rs.- "a s..x'^'3 '"t ^i. v �� h. -��� �a ��'' r r ". ^ e ro'?.t,...•r l`�a--w, e. �+" A�`w"�'�,-��«.. �^s,�v&� aQ � ii Application Number . . . . . 23-00000052 Date 1/18/23 Application pin number . . . 843996 Property Address . . . . . . 1829 W 4TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-1-4535-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ SHUZHEN ANDERSON JOHNSON ELECTRIC COMPANY 1829 W 4TH ST 3129 S REGENT PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 460-6976 (360) 728-4327 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 120.00 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date . . . . 1/18/23 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 7/17/23 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 120.0000 ECH EL-0-200 SRV FEEDER 120.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 120.00 120.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 120.00 120.00 .00 .00 1 - 2 SINGLE-FAMILY ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Pub! ic \Yorks and ULili ties Department 32 l E. 5th Street. Port ;\ngeles. WJ\ 98362 300.417.47]5 ! www.cilyofjJa us I electricalpcnnitsr21/cityofpa.us Project Address:--------------------------------------­ Project Description:--------------------------------------□Single-Family Residential D Duplex/ ARU Building Square footage: _______________ _ OWNER JNFORMATtON Name: ________________________ Email: ______________ _ Mailing Address: ________________________ Phone: ___________ _ ELECTRfCAL CONTRACTOR fNFORMATION Name: ___________________________ License: ___________ _ Mailing Address: ________________________ Expiration Date: ________ _ Email: Phone: ___________ _ PROJECT DETAILS Item Unit Charge Qy51ntit3£ :To1s.l (Quantity x Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $120.00 $ Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $146.00 $ Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $205.00 $ Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $262.00 $ Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. $373.00 $ Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder $5.00 $ Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $63.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $75.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $93.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $110.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $149.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $168.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $96.00 $ Signal CircuiULimited Energy - 1 &2 DU. $64.00 $ Manufactured Home Connection $120.00 $ Ren ewable Elec. Energy: 5KVA System or less $102.00 $ Thermostat (Note: $5 for each additional) $56.00 $ First 1300 Sql;Jare Feet $120.00 $ Each Additional 500 square feet" $40.00 $ Each Outbuilding / Detached Garage $74.00 $ Each Swimming Pool/ Hot Tub $110.00 $ TOTAL $ Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296- 468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Date Print Name Signature (0 Owner D Electrical Contractor/ Administrator) [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall or electricalpermits@cityofpa.us] '"'CJ CD PREPARED 1/17/23, 8:12:44 PAYMENT DUE CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROGRAM BP820L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION NUMBER:23-00000052 1829 W 4TH ST FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL 120.00 TOTAL DUE 120.00 Please present reciept to the cashier with full payment