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The Clallam County Sheriffs Department has received an award from the Washington
Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (W ASPC) relating to the enforcement of sex offender
address and residence accountability. As this is a county wide enforcement program, it is the
intent of the Sheriffs Department to share the funding with other law enforcement agencies
within Clallam County that choose to participate and meet the funding requirements of the
As the Clallam County Sheriffs Department is the award recipient, it is their responsibility to
report activity required by the award on a quarterly basis to W ASPC. Therefore, this agreement
is made to describe the funding award that shall be passed on to your agency on a quarterly basis,
and to list the requirements and expectations that are essential for the award to be received.
A. A ward
The award is based on the number of offenders, regardless of level, residing in your
jurisdiction as of 8-8-08. After considering administrative costs to the Clallam County
Sheriffs Department, $391.45 per offender shall be awarded to your agency. As of 8-8-08,
there were a total of 62 sex offenders registered in your jurisdiction for a total of $24,270 to
be awarded to your agency that will be payable in quarterly installments.
B. Reporting Requirements
1. The premise of this award is to require agencies to enforce sex offender
residency requirements and to aid agencies in funding or equipping officers or
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other staff in making these verifications. As a result, the following checks shall
be followed:
Level I Offenders
Level II Offenders
Level III Offenders
once a year
every six months
every three months
2. Upon face to face verification with the offender, your agency agrees to take
updated digital photographs ofthe offender as well as other important
information about the offender and refer that information to the Clallam County
Sheriffs Department. This shall keep the Clallam County Sheriffs Department
sex offender data base current
3. Your agency agrees to complete the quarterly report required by W ASPC and
deliver that form the Clallam County Sheriffs Department by the deadline that
shall be set each quarter by the Sheriffs Department. Should the report not be
received on or before that deadline, the Clallam County Sheriffs Department
shall assign deputies to conduct those checks due during that quarter and your
agency shall forfeit that quarter's award. A copy ofthe required reporting form
has been made part of this document and marked attachment A.
A. Registration Violations
Your agency will investigate and take proper enforcement action of all sex offender
registration violations occurring within your jurisdiction. Failure to report change of
residence from your jurisdiction shall be deemed a violation regardless as to where the
offender has moved. Referrals of police reports on these matters to the prosecutor for
charging decisions are the responsibility of your agency.
This agreement does not affect previous agreements between your agency and the Clallam
County Sheriffs Department. The life of this agreement is dependant on the continuation ofthe
award from W ASPC. At present, the award is designed for one year, beginning July 1, 2008 and
ending June 30,2009. However, this agreement shall remain in effect as long as the award is
received (i.e. renewals in subsequent years). Should the award by W ASPC be renewed with a
monetary amount that differs from this initial year, the per offender award to your agency shall
be adjusted accordingly.
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William L. Benedict, Sheriff
Date g", ll- ~OOB
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Registered Sex Offender
Address Verification Quarterly Grant Report
Reporting Period:
Levell Levell! Level III Unknown
Number of registered sex offenders at the beginning of the quarter
Number of face-to-face address verifications made for quarter
Number of fact-to-face address verifications made year-to-date
Average number of attempts before verification is made
Number of sex offenders registering as homeless*
*attach list showing where the RSO is sleeping
Number of false homeless reportings**
**reporting as homeless but living at a residence, in another county, etc.-anecdotal
Number registered sex offenders not at reported address
Number of resulting arrests for failure to register
Number of resulting prosecutions for failure to register
Number of arrests on unrelated warrants or new sex offense charge
Number of DNA samples taken
C:IWINDOWSI TempI Temporary Internet FileslRSO Quarterly Report2.xls
RSO - Quarterly Report