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S3c:Y9'S-X/2--~(00. -. 1-GG J'0-3 4=.9/1 ~9S jl/.b. ., " S-~"1 X 26 :;2,0?0L- ) t1:: ,i;PG y'f@ 0/<- -----~ ------ c.~~q fl LDD l!/{,(q f3/ ~(-{~A,YL WAGL rc0T )l/--'b , P ::::- &L{~~ 4- ~ ~ ,,/, C;; , ~ \ A /M -=- il. <Sx. 7, ~ '<- / 0LfJ~ ~ ~ 11 ~'D? /Lf /Is ~ let <P-:;-fiJJc /1- , \.~3 ",9 ,,(lca-~ -S"/~('t.-) ~ ~ ~# <::' ~~5 T1---. ~--~ ------.._...--_."'"---~- I 1.--{\- <; JlY j' e Q.; 0 t I~" t - ,/ ~."'7 1/11/2007 WIND02 v2-03 Detailed Wind Load Design (Method 2) per ASeE 7-02 Description: 03369 PILOT S.F.R. LOT 11 OLYMPIC HTS. Analysis by: SRH User Input Data Structure Tvoe Building Basic Wind Speed (V) 100 mph Struc Category (I, II, III, or IV' II Exposure (B, C, or D) C Struc Nat Frequency (n1) 1 Hz Slope of Roof 7.0 :12 Slope of Roof (Theta) 30.3 Deg Type of Roof Gabled Kd (Directonality Factor) 0.85 Eave Height (Eht) 17.00 ft Ridge Height (RHt) 24.00 ft Mean Roof Height (Ht) 20.50 ft Width Perp. To Wind Dir (B) 28.00 ft Width Paral. To Wind Dir (ll 63.00 ft Calculated Parameters Type of Structure Height/least Horizontal Dim I 0.73 Flexible Structure I No Calculated Parameters Importance Factor 1 Non-Hurricane, Hurricane (v=85-100 mph) & Alaska Table 6-2 Values Alpha = 9.500 7g = 900.0001 At= 0.105 Bt= 1.000 Bm= 0.650 Cc= 0.200 1= 500.00 ft Epsilon = 0.200 IZmin = 15.00 ft Gust Factor Category I: Rigid Structures - Simplified Method Gust1 For rigid structures (Nat Freq > 1 Hz) use 0.85 I 0.851 Gust Factor CategOry II: Rigid Structures - Complete Analysis Zm Zmin 15.00 ft Izm Cc * (33/zY'0.167 0.2281 Lzm J*(zm/33}^Epsilon 427.06 ft Q (1/( 1 +0.63*((Min(B,l)+Ht)/Lzm )^O.63))^O.5 0.9285 Gust2 0.925*((1 +1.7*lzm*3.4*Q)/(1 +1.7*3.4*lzm)) 0.8874 Gust Factor Summary G ISince this is not a flexible structure the lessor of Gust1 or Gust2 are used I 0.851 Fia 6-5 Internal Pressure Coefficients for Buildinas. Gc~i Condition GCDI Max + Max- Open Buildings 0.00 0.00 Partially Enclosed Buildings 0.55 ~.55 Enclosed Buildinas i 0.18 i ~.18 IEnclosed Buildings 0.18 -0.18 I Copyright 2005 www.mecaenterprises.com Page No. 1 of 4 WIND02 v2-03 Detailed Wind Load Design (Method 2) per ASeE 7-02 Desion Wind Pressure - Buildinas of All Heiahts Elev Kz Kzt qz Pressure (Ib/ft^2) Windward Wall. 0 Ib/ft^2 +GCpl -GCpl 24 0.94 1.00 20.39 10.32 17.42 20.5 0.91 1.00 19.73 9.86 16.97 20 0.90 1.00 19.63 9.79 16.90 17 0.87 1.00 18.96 9.35 16.45 15 0.85 1.00 18.47 9.01 16.11 Fiaure 6-6 - External Pressure Coefficients. CD Loads on Main Wind-Force Resisting Systems (M thod 2) B h 14 I L Variable Fonnula Value Units Kh 2.01 *(Htlzg)^(21Alpha) 0.91 Kht Topographic factor (Fig 6-4) 1.00 Qh .00256*(V)^2*I*Kh*Kht*Kd 19.73 psf Khcc Comp & Clad: Table 6-3 Case 1 0.91 Qhcc .00256*V^2*I*Khcc*Kht*Kd 19.73 psf Wall Pressure Coefficients, Cp Roof Pressure Coefficients, Cp Roof Area (sa. ft.) I - Reduction Factor I 1.00 Calculations for Wind Normal to 28 ft Face Cp Pressure (pst) IAdditional Runs may be req'd for other wind directions +GCpi -GCpi Leeward Walls (Wind Dir Normal to 28 ft wall) -0.29 -8.37 -1.27 Leeward Walls (Wind Dir Normal to 63 ft wall) -0.50 -11.94 -4.83 Side Walls -0.70 -15.29 -8.19 Roof - Wind Nonnal to Ridge CTheta>=10) - for Wind Normal to 28 ft face Windward - Min Cp -0.19 ~.78 0.32 Windward - Max Cp 0.27 1.06 8.16 Copyright 2005 www.mecaenterprises.com 1/11/2007 Paae No.2 of 4 WIND02 v2-03 Detailed Wind Load Design (Method 2) per ASeE 7-02 leeward Normal to Ridge -0.60 -13.61 -6.51 Overhang Top (Windward) -0.19 -3.23 -3.23 Overhang Top (leeward) -0.60 -10.06 -10.06 Overhan Bottom A Iicable on Windward onl 0.80 12.90 12.90 Roof - Wind Parallel to Rid e All Theta - for Wind Normal to 63 ft face Dist from Windward Edge: 0 ft to 41 ft - Max Cp -0.18 -6.57 0.53 Dist from Windward Edge: 0 ft to 10.25 ft - Mln Cp -0.90 -18.64 -11.54 Dist from Windward Edge: 10.25 ft to 20.5 ft - Min Cp -0.81 -17.09 -9.98 Dist from Windward Ed e: 20.5 ft to 28 ft - Min C -0.59 -13.49 -6.39 * Horizontal distance from windward edge Fiaure 6.10 - External Pressure Coefficients. GCef loads on Main Wind-Force Resisting Systems wi Ht <= 60 ft Kh = Kht= Oh= Theta = 2.01 *(Htlzg)^(2/Alpha) Topographic factor (Fig 6-2) 0.00256*(V)^2*lmpFac*Kh*Kht*Kd Angle of Roof = 0.91 = 1.00 = 19.73 = 30.3 Deg Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction Torsional Load Cases Wind Pressures on Main Wind Force Resisting System Surface GCpf +GCpl -GCpl qh MlnP MaxP IDSf) (psf) (pst) 1 0.56 0.18 -0.18 19.73 7.50 14.60 2 0.21 0.18 -0.18 19.73 0.59 7.69 3 -0.43 0.18 -0.18 19.73 -12.03 -4.93 4 -0.37 0.18 -0.18 19.73 -10.85 -3.75 5 -0.45 0.18 -0.18 19.73 -12.43 -5.33 6 -0.45 0.18 -0.18 19.73 -12.43 -5.33 1E 0.69 0.18 -0.18 19.73 10.06 17.16 2E 0.27 0.18 -0.18 19.73 1.78 8.88 3E -0.53 0.18 -0.18 19.73 -14.01 -6.90 4E -0.48 0.18 -0.18 19.73 -13.02 -5.92 Copyright 2005 www.mecaenterprises.com 1/11/2007 Page No.3 of 4 I 1/11/2007 WIND02 v2-03 Detailed Wind Load Design (Method 2) per ASeE 7-02 * p = qh * (GCpf - GCpi) Copyright 2005 www.mecaenterprises.com Page No.4 of 4 r-n '" '" ;t W l- S Ulll ~...= .W lIlW", ~I!::ll U~~ 00< lIlO:= lIllD . <~lIl Oa.~ ~i=~ U::lZ >0< Ollll- Z",O:: W~O Nona. .. ..;t z .. 13!zlDOl:!! !!l!!lQii:~ ~d " a. 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Load Diagram W1 = 700.0 Iblft (down) w2 = 940.0 Iblft (down) Ay = 8,769.091b (up) By = 9,990.911b (up) I I 8,769.09 I i I 0.00 x ft -9,990.91 1 ! 11.37 Shear Diagram (I b) 53,094.82 ! 0.00 , I I 11.37 Moment Diagram (Ib-ft) 0.00 I x ft MDSolids - Educational Software for Mechanics of Materials Saturday, January 15, 2005 5:02:35 PM Copyright @ 1997-2005 Timothy A. Philpot www.mdsolids.com