HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.587 Original Contract </.5 g7 PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ThIS Contract is made and entered into in duplicate this i".lt1' day of July, 2008, by and between the City of Port Angeles, a non-charter code city of the State ofWashmgton, hereinafter referred to as "the City" (or as "Customer" in the attachments hereto), and UTILX@ Corporation, a Delaware Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor" (or as "UtilX" in the attachments hereto). WITNESSETH: Whereas, the City desires to have certain publIc work performed as hereinafter set forth, requiring specialized skills and other supportive capabilities; and Whereas, the Contractor represents that it is qualified and possesses sufficient skills and the necessary capabilities to perform the services set forth rn this Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the terms, conditions, and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Scope of Work. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, matenals, and equipment in order to accomplish the following project: CANYON EDGE CABLE UPGRADE Project CL-0907 Contractor will provide CableCURE injection service, and other services as more fully descnbed in Attachment A hereto. City agrees to compensate Contractor according to the pricrng schedule set forth in Attachment A, subject to additions or deductions for changes and extra work, plus any applicable sales, use, or excise taxes. The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work, and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for completing the work provided for in this Contract, except as may otherwise be provided in the Project Manual; furthermore, the specific responsibilities of the parties are set forth in Attachment.B hereto. 2. Time for Performance and Liquidated Damages. a. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Contract and in adhering to the time frames specified herein. The Contractor shall commence work withirI 60 working days of Notice to Proceed, and said work shall be physically completed within 60 working days after commencing work, unless a different time frame is PW-407 ~ 1 a.doc [Revised March 2008] Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 1 of 17 expressly provided in writing by the City. 3. Compensation and Method of Payment. a. The CIty shall pay the Contractor for work performed under this Contract as detailed in the bid, at the completion of work and submlsslOn of a detailed mVOlce. b. Payments for any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this Contract shall be on a negotiated time and materials basis in accordance with Attachment A. If it becomes necessary or desirable to modIfy or to change the description of work by altering, adding to, or deducting from the work, or to add correlated work not previously covered by the Contract, the parties may, without invalidating the Contract, agree to a written Change Order signed by the parties. 4. Independent Contractor Relationship. The relationship created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. No agent, employee, servant, or representative of the Contractor shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant, or representative of the City, and the employees of the Contractor are not entitled to any of the benefits the City provides for its employees. The Contractor shall be solely and entirely responsible for its acts and the acts of its agents, employees, servants, subcontractors, or representatives during the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall assume full responsibilIty for payment of all wages and salanes and all federal, state, and local taxes or contributions Imposed or required, including, but not limited to, sales tax, unemployment insurance, workers compensation insurance, social security, and income tax withholdmg. 5. Prevailing Wage Requirements. The Contractor shall comply with applicable prevailing wage requirements of the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, as set forth in Chapter 39.12 RCW and Chapter 296-127 WAC. The Contractor shall document compliance with said requirements and shall file with the City appropriate affidavits, certificates, and/or statements of compliance with the State prevailing wage requirements. The Washington State PreVailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts, Clallam County, incorporated in this Contract have been established by the Department of Labor & Industries and are included as Attachment C to this Contract. The Contractor shall also ensure that any subcontractors or agents of the Contractor shall comply with the prevaIlmg wage and documentation requirements as set forth herein. 6 Indemnification and Hold Harmless. a. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, Its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers against and from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, or suits, including attorney fees, arising out of or in cOIUlection with the performance of this Contract, except for injuries and damages caused by PW-407 _10 doc [Revised March 2008] Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 2 of 17 the sole negligence of the CIty. b. Should a court of competent JurisdictIOn determine that this Contract is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concun-ent negligence of the Contractor and the City, Its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemmficatlOn provided herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunIty under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of tills section shall survive the expiration or termmation of this Contract. 7. Insurance. The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Contract, msurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Failure by the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of contract upon which the CIty may, after giving five working days notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, Immediately terminate the Contract or at Its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums III connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the City on demand, or at the sole discretion of the CIty, off set against funds due the Contractor from the City. a. Minimum Scope ofInsurance The Contractor shall obtam insurance of the types described below: L Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substItute form providing equivalent liability coverage. Ifnecessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liabilIty coverage. 11. Commercial General Liabilitv insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover hability arising from premises, operations, stop gap liabIlity, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising mJury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to prOVIde the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. The City shall be PW-407 _1 O.doc [ReVised March 2008] Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 3 of 17 named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance polley WIth respect to the work performed for the City using ISO Additional Insured endorsement CO 20 10 10 01 and AdditIOnal Insured-Completed OperatIOns endorsement CO 20 37 1001 or substitute endorsements providing eqUlvalent coverage. 111. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. b. Minimum Amounts of Insurance The Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a mmimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1 ,000,000 per accident. 11. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $1,000,000 general aggregate and a $1,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate hmIt c. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contam, the following prOVISIOns for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance. 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be pnmary insurance as respect to the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the CIty shall be in excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contnbute with it. 11. The Contractor's insurance shall not be cancelled or reduced as to coverage by either party, except after forty-five (45) days prior written notice by certified maIl, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. d. Acceptability ofInsurers Insurance IS to be placed WIth insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. e. Verification of Coverage The Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the AutomobIle Liability and Commercial General Liability PW-407 _1 O.doc [ReVised March 2008] Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 4 of 17 insurance of the Contractor before commencement of the work. f. Contractor's Insurance For Other Losses The Contractor shall assume full responsibIlity for all loss or damage from any cause whatsoever to any tools, Contractor's employee owned tools, machinery, equipment, or motor vehIcles owned or rented by the Contractor, or the Contractor's agents, suppliers or contractors as well as to any temporary structures, scaffolding and protective fences. g. Waiver of Subrogation The Contractor and the City waive all rights against each other, any of their Subcontractors, Subcontractors, agents and employees, each of the other, for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by property insurance obtain pursuant to the Insurance Requirements Section of this Contract or other property insurance applicable to the work. The pohcies shall provide such waivers by endorsement or otherwise. 8. Compliance with Laws. a. The Contractor shall comply with all apphcable federal, state, and local laws, including regulations for licensing, certificatlOn, and operation of facilities and programs, and accreditation and licensmg of individuals, and any other standards or criteria as set forth in the Project Manual. b. The Contractor shall pay any applicable business and pennit fees and taxes which may be required for the performance of the work. c. The Contractor shall comply with all legal and permitting requirements as set forth in the Project Manual. 9. Non-dlscrimrnation. The parties shall conduct their business in a manner which assures falT, equal and nondiscrimrnatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed, color, sex, Vietnam era veteran status, dlsabled veteran conditlOn, physical or mental handicap, or national origin, and, in particular: a. The partles will maintarn open hirrng and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions from qualified indivlduals who are members of the above-stated minorities. b. The parties will comply strictly with all requlTements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of nondiscriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all patrons and customers without discrimination with PW-407 _1 O.doc [Revised March 2008] Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 5 of 17 respect to the above-stated minority status. 10. Assignment. a. The Contractor shall not assign this Contract or any interest herein, nor any money due to or to become due hereunder, wIthout first obtaimng the wntten consent of the City, nor shall the Contractor subcontract any part of the servIces to be performed hereunder without first obtaining the consent of the City. b. The Contractor hereby assigns to the City any and all claims for overcharges resultmg from antitrust violations as to goods and materials purchased in connection with this Contract, except as to overcharges resulting from antitrust violations commencing after the date of the bid or other event establIshing the pnce of this Contract. In addition, the Contractor warrants and represents that each of its suppliers and subcontractors shall assign any and all such claims for overcharges to the City in accordance with the terms of this provision. The Contractor further agrees to give the CIty mediate notIce of the existence of any such claim. 11. ProactIve CableCURE Warranty. Proactive CableCURE Injection is defined as the treatment of contiguous segments of cable cirCUIts where the majority of the mdividual segments have been in operation without failure or Destructive Testing for at least 120 days pnor to mjection. Destructive Testing includes (1) any exposure of the cable to a voltage greater than 50 volts at any frequency below 50Hz or above 60Hz or (2) any exposure of the cable to voltages at any frequency above the rated voltage of the cable. Proactive CableCURE Injection specifically excludes the injectIOn of a single section of cable, which has failed and not been in contmuous operation for 120 days prior to injection. Any Destructive Testing performed on the cable segments following ProactIve CableCURE Injection shall specifically VOId the 20 year Warranty. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS CONTRACT, THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY FOR THE CABLECURE SERVICE, DELIVERY OR PERFORMANCE IS: FOR 20 YEARS AFTER PROACTIVE CABLECURE INJECTION OF A CABLE, IF THE CITY IS NOT SATISFIED WITH THE CABLECURE SERVICE, DELIVERY OR PERFORMANCE, CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE A CASH REFUND FOR THE FULL ORIGINAL PRICE PAID FOR THE TREATED SEGMENT, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN ATTACHMENT D-l OR TREATED SUB SEGMENT, AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN A TT ACHMENT D-2, BOTH OF WHICH ARE ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE. 12. Contract Administration. This Contract shall be administered by Jeff Liu on behalf of the Contractor and by Terry Dahlquist on behalf of the City. Any written notices required by the terms of this Contract shall be served or mailed to the following addresses: PW-407 _10 doc [Revised March 2008) Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 6 of 17 Contractor: UTILX Corporation P.O. Box 97009 22820 Russell Road Kent, WA 98032 City: City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 13. Interpretation and Venue. This Contract shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws ofthe State of Washington. The venue of any litigation between the parties regarding this Contract shall be Clallam County, Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first set forth above. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF PORT ANGELES: By: 4ru ~ ~~J ~~_ Mayo Title: Vi C-f::,. p~4.l0~-r A~P7'ved as to ~ /N~ //'/ City Attorney Attest: &~ .JJphrA City rk PW-407 _1 O.doc [Revised March 2008J Small Works Roster Project Manual Page 7 of 17 ATTACHMENT A Description of Work Perform Proactive CableCURE Injection including craftwork. Proactive CableCURE Injection is defined as the treatment of contiguous segments of cable circuits where the majority of the individual segments have been in operation without failure or Destructive Testing for at least 120 days prior to Injection Scope of Work: CableCURE proactive injection for 3/0 220mil 15kV cable on Canyon Circle, HIli Circle and Canyon Edge Drive. UTILX will provide 2 injection technicians to work with the customers linemen who will do the craftwork. This Will be standard Injection. If riser terminations are needed the customer will need to add new stress cones Special Documentation & Invoice Reauirements Send invoices and certified payroll reports to the attention of Terry Dahlquist, City of Port Angeles. Feeder Cable Terminations Upon addressing the reliabIlity of feeder cable through the use of CableCURE/XL fluid injection it is strongly recommended that all termination deVices be removed and replaced with new components to ensure longevity. PricinQ Schedule Effective January 1, 2008 - December 31,2008 UTILX reserves the right to negotiate new pnces for work on an annual baSIS during the Term of the Agreement With the new pncing being effective each January 1. PRICING SCHEDULE L)>L~~g~1'! &}~a!e!i<:,l. ~~<:,.rges__ .._. __ __ ..__. .. ___. __' .'.' __ ,_ . __ _________'_~--. _, I '. ~~~I.cg.~~.m __.__ __ __ ,~p~~~!P..~~~______.____.__._.._._.___.___.___________, .______._' Char~~.J:J~l!S__. __ _ __ . _. : 1_03.?!?, __ _ :J!:!~ sin9!~~~_~,~E!_.310_~~Q~,II__!?~Y'(:ab.I~____ _. . __ .' __$6.Q.2__-:- ~cmductorn ,_.. lJO.D.?7.. 111~.~~~____ ____~_eat ~~i.!:1~_~_<!~e!~r..~Jor.~~~!~.__.______.__._______' $64 ~...i.~~u . _ __ __.________ ..' : 1.0026 11.14,6:1. 1 Heat~,hrink,M?R~E3r-'<_i.Uo.rB':s~!s,81~964__ _,~~.4_~_9,.: Ea._ ;,1000?, ~1_6119 __ ~.lnjE?ctj(;m ~rbow st?nda,rd 15Kv"J6!3A~~~F__ _ , _$8~_69__ ; Ea: U0001 816120 J.lllj13c::tl~~EIt?ow 15kY, 1,68AL'3.G J!3~~~_:-Ea - ---,' ':- '~,-~':_--: . .. ~1t?4?Z, __" _ _ __ ;u~~gL.E!i.-.r\~~~a,I.~<?!11R_L.l}.Q.fo!:?IQ_ ____ __, __. __. .. ..J.':L?Q._____: Ea. _ . L 1__QQ9~. _..__._..__.____.__ :_~~ended~l~ctl~m Elbo~_~an~arc!.1.?~~~J.~:t:!)_~________ji85.69_....:__~?_______ ___ __ ____...; . 10536 .; E~teflge9 Lu$.l ~ ~_~~5~5 ___ _ __ ,__, ____ _, ,_ __ ____, !~~:QQ__ _: .Ea. ~__~J.i~,e C-'!a,rg~_~_, _______._.__,_ n'.._ ____. ___ .______ ___._ .___ ___ ____ __,_ _ ________.___. _ __ 'n' __ . :__BilJ <<;:od,e __ __pe.scr!p.ti.<?~ __ __ __. __. ___.. _. __ __. ___ __ ___<;:J!~rg~_____ , ~ L1nJts, -- - ~ 10218 ~l~ectlo~Q~~=-_g_rnaf"! C!!3.'vYu _ _ t~~~112~99_ __. _~ ~an hour 1 ~_~_19.9~__ ._, __________ __: Mobilizati~n and Demob~lg,e ch_C!l.!'.9~:__._____.____. $21.9.Q:.9.Q......_,~.9,c::!!.YY~y._ __,._____. : 10258 Overtime . $125.00 . Man hour . ,---.. .. I Delay Charges are in addition to any i -----1- . i U.92_~~._..___m_ _________.1 Hourly or dally rate set forth herein I $14500 _1\11_?!! HQ!:!r__._____ _.1 Note' 'If a minimum of 3000 feet of cable IS injected, then the mobilizatIOn and demobilization charge will be waived Otherwise, a mobilization and demobilization charge will be necessary if less than 3000 feet of cable is injected. This, in part, enables us to recover travel and work costs to our crew Note: Injection length based charges are per unit conductor length. Injection and craft hourly charges are billed In half-hour increments and are per crewperson. Hourly charges will not exceed 8 hours per crewperson per day, unless authOrized by customer representative. ATTACHMENT B SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES ; UrTLYresponslblITiY'(U) u__._._.__._. --- -.-.. --.------------ - - u - - U 'n_ -- -- - - ; Customer responsibility (C) ; Not Applicable (NA) ! ;__.JL______.l._.__ ~~~orgi.Q.~L2L~~~bl~ tras:~n.g..g.ata .~1)5!__t;J.~!1y.1Le.[c!.!.~_C?!ts __________________ _. _ ___._ __n___' : C' 2 Providing any permits or licenses required by state, county, or mUnicipal authontles, and: : _ _ . ~ _.__ __.b~.!1dli!:!s.~y!equlrec!..kJ!.e!f9.~_~th_g2~~nment aJJ~l}ci~~_ .. _._._._______ _.______ __ __ j . C: 3. Providing information and maps describing the physical charactenstics, legal limitations, and : L ..___ __~__._._ . __ 1~9?-t.!9..I}~_~f th'?...9~!:,I~_~!.Lea~!__~.Q.~~~s_p-r!<?~_to..!b~.I?~!:f~!.~'?-l}<::~of tb.e_~.<?~~. ____. _______________._._m_: : C 4. Providing accurate cirCUit maps, which indicate the location of normal open points, circuit i ! _ _ ~__ __QbC!~l').9.'_~l')SL~!D~cJDf~!:.~~ion ':.~!!:.~JQ..~~elY_..ClnsLefficl~~!Y..2e~c:l..~_ ._____._____ _.--: i C: 5 Designating a Customer representative to act on the Customer's behalf in communicating with ; i , the UTILX operating crew, Including daily approval of progress recorded on the UTILX dally field i ~_....__~ .___.m _....!~~~.__._.__.___._ _._.. __ _. ._____.__.___.____.___.__ ---o. ________.______.______________ --.. .; : C 1 6 Planning all switching to maXimize efficiency and productivity and to minimize any additional time : ._m'__'_ 1._. ..__. ___()! ex~nse ._____________...__ __ ____._____.___.___._.___. ___ ____ .__________________.: U 7 Planning all injection work to maximize efficiency and productivity and to minimize any additional ' :.__ ___m:"""'._ n' time or expense ________________ _______ : C 8 Handling all communications with utility customers prior to the start of operations at a given site i ~. C' :-- -9.- .. Handling ali commu'mcatiOns-withpublic'ag'encles anc(t-hemediau-.---.-. . _m_ ... -.-.-- ---.- ;- -c---.--:ro--Provldirig.quallfiedsupeNision to SWitch and-venfYthe'de-energlzed and grounded'cond"ltJon'ofl any cable segments which need to be worked upon and to reenergize the same upon completion : j U ,..m 1-1'--Testlnii the 'conditlon of the neutraTp'rlcir-to-lnYe-ction:"f the-cable has- neutral dam-age exceeding--; 75% of the cable neutral's onglnal ampaclty, the condition WIll be repaired, the cable will not be ~ Injected, or the customer will issue a written waiver to allow injection to proceed. i - -~ - ---------- -----~------------~ ~-- ~~ ~ - -- ------------~----------- ---- - ~ ~. -- ---------------------< U 12 Provide an electronic Image of each cable's high resolution TDR trace , t--c--l-.-f~.-i'nstaTiaifo.n-.or-mod"ificatfon of sUltaEieeibows'and/orpermanentfnje'ctiori-aa-aPtors'toalfow-t"ile'1 [' ..---l----~able~~B..~ ~~i9..~L~E~l~j~~.!~j~n.q"cont~i!l~.J>~!:.!~.~ .Ca~.!.~g.~~.~!:!oc~0es M3I!!.':!?.!:._.._ "_'JI C 14 Instalfalion or modification of dams and/or temporary injectIon adaptors to allow the CableCURE . _ _ _ ___ _...!!~~l!2. be ~~ted .2.!!Q{~r contained.!...e.e!.!.h_~_g,aE.~yJ:!RE "procedures Manua~___._______ ; U; 15 Testing for airflow and pressure limits prior to injection. If the cable will not support injection the : r' -_..- .1_.._.______<;:~Q.g.\~[9..n. '.!!.l..J..~~e:_c.~~f?~ted or..the__~a~!~~Il!.. t')~! b.~.iQlec~~Q. --- ----. .-....-...-.-.. -- .-.. .---.\ 1-' -~ "1 .~_.1~..f.o~:lnEl<;:tingJQJect!~!:!.~g~.[p'!!}~!:.l.t. and..flui~~.~es.!Q.!l')l~ti.QI) ~ap'!<?~~~.._..___...._.___..__._. -..-m"--r r'~_'''l....._.X~_...!!!>!allil1g_c;oll~ctJo.n eg~.I!1~nt.9l'! th~.ter.f!1inatloEls of the c9ble_~g.t!l~n.!.~m._.... .______ .._.._, _. _ U._ ___J_~,._JnmaJ~lJ9.~.Q. maintaining f1ow.<?fth~~a.!?l~g,ld8.~fluj<!t~ into the~~L~~~9.rllEElJt~. ____________~ U 19. Locating and pinpointing all splices necessary to permit flow ;--9-'.;:,:=--=-gQ~E~~~f0i?J[~~pJl~~~.l:l.e to.!L~~_fee:G~_~~~b--n~s~~~~_~ j~2.e:f!6jt flow. __.-===-~==.~-:.:.====:~ C 21. ReplaCing all splices necessary to permit flow, utilizing the following gUideline' a) Clear one (1) splice per 101 feet; b) Clear two (2) splices per 202 feet; c) Clear three (3) splices per 303 feet; and d) Replace all splices on feeder cable injection Field Crew reserves the right to make the call in the field based on the senSitivity of a dig (I e. concrete . ! ; driveways, ornamental gardens, and other items With high restorative cost.) Any deviation from repair 1 L __.__~._...__~I.!!.~~ I}g~9...91JJt1_e U!ILX Cable.Tra~llJg....?yste.I!l__..__________._ _,,__...._ .... ___._______1 !_. g,..._:..... 22. Re~t.2.~[1}9 ~~ p.l~.q,r tr~nc.bes'__.__.._...__.__ .._._.____...________"_ __._ .__.i L_.Q......!....__ :?~:.__f'roviding back fill matena!.f.9.!.p.~LQ!...!r~nch...!estor~~ion:.____...._n __ u. ___.."._ _ ______._____....~ ~_g_...; _ 24.: _J3,~:>J?2D.~I?!.~ for ..back fil!iIJ.g.~s1 tal1.:l~_e!~ oT..k~~.hes__._______.___._... __ _. _ ._.._1 ~~._ 25.~~.mslble for removaL~!l.cL<!~p.2.~al of all surface matenal and excess spoils : U 26. Monitoring cables to assure that no leakage is occurring and that CableCURE fluld(s) flows: _cot!lQ!ete!y.!!!rough the cable segment. ____. . i TJ'rILX responSibJiity (U) . . : Customer responsibility (C) i Not Applicable (NA) ------------( , ! 1----- .-- T.-m--- .---. -----------~- ..____.0.. ------ -- -.--.0-- - --------------------------.- -- - ---- - - - ----.-. _. --------~1 __ _9._ ___.?L~_mo~~~f..?l!_ rern.ov~~~!':li~glon ~.9~iRm~@..~L~~~n.9 of th~_J..l)lectJon 'p'erJ9..C!. _.______ ______ I C: 28 Providing suitable confined space for entry/rescue, equipment, and personnel if entry to confined ! !_ .___ ._..2. ________~~ce_'!~~_~~lre.9_f9!._!!!~ ~.9n~g~..9.f th~j~~_________._______________ _ __.____._____________________ _ _______: . C 29. Providing cables and matenal for splices or terminations in the event that replacement of old ; _ _ ___ _____ _ ~_~~~~J..s !~qUlred becaLls~ the~E3_~f~ct...!.~"OI.~m.!!ot allow flo~__________ _________-: : C' 30. Replacement of cable In the event that a cable needs to be replaced because It has been , : _ _______~__ _ _u_ determtne.~lQr te.c.~.!:1!~~__o~~on~!!:!iq re9s~f.1~b.~_t_~t l~_I)~~LIi!able_f2Li_QJ(;~J.i2_n__________ ___ __ _.__; ~____C;;___:.. __ _ ~1_ }:!o!lfy__ele.s:!!I~C1'.9l,lsl~~e.!~_ ~I:!e_n_p_o~f?r_i~ ?~itcbE?_d_ oft:_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __._ .. _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ 1 C! 32 Arranging for the location of existing utilities In advance of excavation. There Will be no charge ! for locating existing utilities where a locating service is avaifable at no charge through One-Call Service or through individual local utilities. If such a service IS unavailable, the cost of the _______ _locating service will be billet! to t~e C.ustorner atinvoice cost plu~ 10%._ _ L~_L___};'._ _.Any othertas~(s) Dot ~p.e~l~c~IIy.I!s.tec!.abQve.. __ __ __ .._ _____. . ATTACHMENT C PREVAILING WAGE RATES CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-02-08 ********************************************************************************************************** Classification PREVAILING WAGE ELECTRICIANS - INSIDE CABLE SPLICER CABLE SPLICER (TUNNEL) CERTIFIED WELDER CERTIFIED WELDER (TUNNEL) CONSTRUCTION STOCK PERSON JOURNEY LEVEL JOURNEY LEVEL (TUNNEL) ELECTRICIANS - MOTOR SHOP CRAFTSMAN JOURNEY LEVEL ELECTRICIANS - POWERLlNE CONSTRUCTION CABLE SPLICER CERTIFIED LINE WELDER GROUNDPERSON HEAD GROUNDPERSON HEAVY LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR JACKHAMMER OPERATOR JOURNEY LEVEL L1NEPERSON LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR POLE SPRAYER POWDERPERSON ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS MECHANIC MECHANIC IN CHARGE FABRICATED PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS FENCE ERECTORS FENCE ERECTOR FENCE LABORER FLAGGERS JOURNEY LEVEL GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL HEAT & FROST INSULATORS AND ASBESTOS WORKERS MECHANIC HEATING EQUIPMENT MECHANICS MECHANIC HOD CARRIERS & MASON TENDERS JOURNEY LEVEL INDUSTRIAL ENGINE AND MACHINE MECHANICS MECHANIC INDUSTRIAL POWER VACUUM CLEANER JOURNEY LEVEL INLAND BOATMEN CAPTAIN COOK DECKHAND ENGINEER/DECKHAND MATE. LAUNCH OPERATOR $55.05 $58.86 $53.16 $57.15 $28.83 $51 25 $55 05 $15.37 $1469 $56.53 $51.64 $3715 $39 1 9 $51 64 $39.19 $51 64 $43 83 $51 64 $39.19 $12.07 $60 85 $66 25 $1350 $13.80 $11.60 $31 01 $43.76 $46.59 $1600 $36 75 $1565 $924 $59.22 $34.81 $34.52 $58.62 $50.20 Page 2 (See Benefit Code Key) Over Time Holiday Note Code Code Code 1E 5A 1E 5A 1E 5A 1E 5A 1E 5A 1E 5A 1E 5A 2A 6C 2A 6C 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 4A 6Q 6Q 1H 50 1H 5G is 5J 1H 50 CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-02-08 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code INSPECTION/CLEANING/SEALING OF SEWER & WATER SYSTEMS BY REMOTE CONTROL CLEANER OPERATOR. FOAMER OPERATOR $9.73 GROUT TRUCK OPERATOR $1148 HEAD OPERATOR $1278 TECHNICIAN $807 lV TRUCK OPERATOR $1053 INSULATION APPLICATORS JOURNEY LEVEL $20.50 IRONWORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $47.92 10 5A LABORERS ASPHALT RAKER $36.75 1H 50 BALLAST REGULATOR MACHINE $36 24 1H 5D BATCH WEIGHMAN $31.01 1H 50 BRUSH CUTTER $36 24 1H 50 BRUSH HOG FEEOER $36.24 1H 50 BURNERS $36 24 1H 5D CARPENTER TENDER $3624 1H 5D CASSION WORKER $37 20 1H 5D CEMENT DUMPER/PAVING $36.75 1H 5D CEMENT FINISHER TENDER $36 24 1H 5D CHANGE-HOUSE MAN OR DRY SHACKMAN $36 24 1H 5D CHIPPING GUN (OVER 30 LBS) $3675 1H 50 CHIPPING GUN (UNDER 30 LBS) $36.24 1H 5D CHOKER SETTER $36.24 1H 5D CHUCK TENDER $36 24 1H 5D CLEAN-UP LABORER $36 24 1H 50 CONCRETE DUMPER/CHUTE OPERATOR $36 75 1H 5D CONCRETE FORM STRIPPER $36 24 1H 5D CONCRETE SAW OPERATOR $36 75 1H 50 CRUSHER FEEDER $31.01 1H 5D CURING LABORER $36.24 1H 50 DEMOLITION, WRECKING & MOVING (INCLUDING CHARRED MATERIALS) $36 24 1H 50 DITCH DIGGER $36 24 1H 50 DIVER $37 20 1H 5D DRILL OPERATOR (HYDRAULIC, DIAMOND) $36 75 1H 50 DRILL OPERATOR, AIRTRAC $37 20 1H 5D DUMPMAN $36 24 1H 5D EPOXY TECHNICIAN $36 24 1H 50 EROSION CONTROL WORKER $36 24 1H 5D FALLER/BUCKER. CHAIN SAW $36.75 1H 50 FINAL DETAil CLEANUP (Le.. dusting, vacuuming, Window cleaning, NOT $28 45 1H 50 construction debns cleanup) FINE GRADERS $36 24 1H 5D FIRE WATCH $31 01 1H 50 FORM SETTER $36 24 1H 50 GAB ION BASKET BUILDER $36.24 1H 5D GENERAL LABORER $36.24 1H 50 GRADE CHECKER & TRANSIT PERSON $36.75 1H 50 GRINDERS $36 24 1H 50 GROUT MACHINE TENDER $36 24 1H 50 Page 3 CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-02-08 ********************************************************************************************************** ClaSSification GUARDRAIL ERECTOR HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL A HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL B HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL C HIGH SCALER HOD CARRIERlMORTARMAN JACKHAMMER LASER BEAM OPERATOR MANHOLE BUILDER-MUOMAN MATERIAL YARDMAN MINER NOZZLEMAN, CONCRETE PUMP, GREEN CUTTER WHEN USING HIGH PRESSURE AIR & WATER ON CONCRETE & ROCK, SANDBLAST, GUNITE, SHOTCRETE, WATER BLASTER PAVEMENT BREAKER PILOT CAR PIPE POT TENDER PIPE RELlNER (NOT INSERT TYPE) PIPELAYER & CAULKER PIPELAYER & CAULKER (LEAD) PIPEWRAPPER POT TENDER POWDERMAN POWOERMAN HELPER POWERJACKS RAILROAD SPIKE PULLER (POWER) RE-TIMBERMAN RIPRAP MAN RODDER SCAFFOLD ERECTOR SCALE PERSON SIGNALMAN SLOPER (OVER 20") SLOPER SPRA YMAN SPREADER (CLARY POWER OR SIMILAR TYPES) SPREADER (CONCRETE) STAKE HOPPER STOCKPILER TAMPER & SIMILAR ELECTRIC, AIR & GAS TAMPER (MULTIPLE & SELF PROPELLED) TOOLROOM MAN (AT JOB SITE) TOPPER-TAILER TRACK LABORER TRACK LINER (POWER) TRUCK SPOTTER TUGGER OPERATOR VIBRATING SCREED (AIR, GAS, OR ELECTRIC) VIBRATOR VINYL SEAMER WELDER WELL-POINT LABORER Page 4 (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note WAGE Code Code Code $36.24 1H 50 $37.20 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $3720 1H 50 $3675 1H 50 $36.75 1H 50 $36.75 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $3720 1H 50 $36.75 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $31.01 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36.75 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $37.20 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $37 20 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36.75 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $37.20 1H 50 $36.24 1H 50 $36.75 1H 50 $36.24 1H 50 $36.24 1H 50 $36.24 1H 50 $36.75 1H 50 $36.24 1H 50 $36.75 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36.24 1H 50 $36.24 1H 50 $36.75 1H 50 $36.75 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36.24 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36.24 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36.24 1H 50 $36.75 1H 50 $36.24 1H 50 $36.24 1H 50 $36.75 1H 50 CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-02-08 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code LABORERS - UNDERGROUND SEWER & WATER GENERAL LABORER $3624 1H 5D PIPE LAYER $36.75 1H 5D LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION IRRIGATION OR LAWN SPRINKLER INSTALLERS $12.89 LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT OPERATORS OR TRUCK DRIVERS $12.89 LANDSCAPING OR PLANTING LABORERS $12.89 LATHERS JOURNEY LEVEL $43.79 1M 50 METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) FITTERANELDER $1516 LABORER $11.13 MACHINE OPERATOR $10.66 PAINTER $11.41 PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $33.94 2B 5A PLASTERERS JOURNEY LEVEL $25 83 PLAYGROUND & PARK EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS JOURNEY LEVEL $8.07 PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $57 34 1G SA POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS ASSISTANT ENGINEERS $42 14 1T 50 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (3 YO & UNDER) $44 92 1T 50 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (OVER 3 YD & UNDER 6 YO) $45 41 1T 5D 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (6 YD AND OVER WITH ATTACHMENTS) $45 96 1T 5D 8L BACKHOES, (75 HP & UNDER) $44.50 1T 5D 8L BACKHOES, (OVER 75 HP) $44 92 1T 5D 8L BARRIER MACHINE (ZIPPER) $44 92 1T 5D 8L BATCH PLANT OPERATOR, CONCRETE $44 92 1T 5D 8l BELT LOADERS (ELEVATING TYPE) $44 50 1T 5D 8L BOBCAT (SKID STEER) $42.14 1T 5D 8L BROOMS $42.14 1T 50 8L BUMP CUTTER $44.92 1T 50 8L CABLEWAYS $45.41 iT 5D 8L CHIPPER $44.92 1T 50 8L COMPRESSORS $42.14 1T 50 8L CONCRETE FINISH MACHINE - LASER SCREED $42.14 1T 5D 8L CONCRETE PUMPS $44 50 1T 50 8L CONCRETE PUMP-TRUCK MOUNT WITH BOOM ATTACHMENT $44 92 1T 50 8L CONVEYORS $44 50 1T 50 8L CRANES, THRU 19TONS, WITH ATTACHMENTS $44.50 1T 50 8L CRANES, 20 - 44 TONS, WITH ATTACHMENTS $44.92 1T 50 BL CRANES, 45 TONS - 99 TONS, UNDER 150 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $45.41 1T 5D 8L WITH ATACHMENTS) CRANES, 100 TONS - 199 TONS, OR 150 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $45.96 1T SD BL WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES, 200 TONS TO 300 TONS, OR 250 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $46.53 1T 50 8L WITH ATTACHMENTS} CRANES. A-FRAME. 10 TON AND UNDER $42.14 1T 50 8L CRANES, A-FRAME, OVER 10 TON $44 50 1T SO Bl Page 5 CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-02-08 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code CRANES, OVER 300 TONS, OR 300' OF BOOM INCLUDING JIB WITH $47.09 1T 50 8L ATTACHMENTS CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE ( 20 - 44 TONS) $44.92 1T 50 8L CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE (45.99 TONS) $45.41 1T SO 8L CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE (100 TONS & OVER) $45.96 1T SO 8L CRANES, TOWER CRANE UP TO 175' IN HEIGHT, BASE TO BOOM $45.96 1T 50 8L CRANES, TOWER CRANE OVER 175' IN HEIGHT, BASE TO BOOM $46.53 1T 50 8L CRUSHERS $44.92 1T SO 8L DECK ENGINEER/DECK WINCHES (POWER) $44.92 1T 50 8L DERRICK, BUILDING $45.41 1T 50 8L DOZERS, 0.9 & UNDER $44 50 1T 50 8L ORILL OILERS. AUGER TYPE, TRUCK OR CRANE MOUNT $44 50 1T SO 8L DRILLING MACHINE $44.92 1T SO 8L ELEVATOR AND MANLlFT, PERMANENT AND SHAFT-TYPE $42.14 1T SO 8L EQUIPMENT SERVICE ENGINEER (OILER) $44 50 1T 50 8L FINISHING MACHINE/BIDWELL GAMACOANO SIMILAR EQUIP $44 92 1T so 8l FORK LIFTS, (3000 LBS AND OVER) $44 50 1T SO 8L FORK UFTS, (UNDER 3000 LBS) $42.14 1T 50 8L GRAOE ENGINEER $44 50 1T 50 8L GRAOECHECKER AND STAKEMAN $42 14 1T 50 8L GUARDRAIL PUNCH $44.92 1T 50 8L HOISTS, OUTSIDE (ELEVATORS AND MANLlFTS), AIR TUGGERS $44 50 1T 50 8L HORIZONTAUDIRECTIONAl DRILL LOCATOR $44.50 1T 50 8L HORIZONTAUDIRECTIONAL DRILL OPERATOR $44 92 1T 50 8L HYDRALlFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (10 TON & UNDER) $42.14 1T 50 8L HYORAlIFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (OVER 10 TON) $44.50 1T 50 BL LOADERS, OVERHEAD (6 YO UP TO 8 YO) $45 41 1T 50 BL LOADERS, OVERHEAD (8 YO & OVER) $45 96 1T 50 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (UNOER 6 YO), PLANT FEED $44.92 1T 50 8L LOCOMOTIVES, ALL $44.92 1T 50 8L MECHANICS, ALL $4541 1T 50 8L MIXERS, ASPHALT PLANT $44.92 1T 50 8l MOTOR PATROL GRADER (FINISHING) $44.92 1T 50 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER (NON-FINISHING) $44.50 1T SO 8L MUCKING MACHINE, MOLE, TUNNEL DRILL AND/OR SHIELD $45.41 1T 50 8L OIL DISTRIBUTORS, BLOWER DISTRIBUTION AND MULCH SEEDJNG $42.14 1T 5D 8L OPERATOR PAVEMENT BREAKER $42 14 1T 5D 8L PILEDRIVER (OTHER THAN CRANE MOUNT) $44 92 1T 5D 8L PLANT OILER (ASPHALT, CRUSHER) $44.50 1T 50 8L POSTHOLE DIGGER, MECHANICAL $42.14 1T 50 8L POWER PLANT $42 14 1T 50 8L PUMPS, WATER $42.14 1T 50 8L QUAO 9, 0-10, AND HO-41 $45.41 1T sD 8L REMOTE CONTROL OPERATOR ON RUBBER TIRED EARTH MOVING $45.41 1T 5D 8L EQUIP RIGGER AND BELLMAN $42 14 1T 50 8l ROLLAGON $45.41 1T 50 8L ROLLER, OTHER THAN PLANT ROAD MIX $42 14 1T 50 8L ROLLERS, PLANTMIX OR MUL TILlFT MATERIALS $44.50 1T 50 8L ROTa-Mill, ROTa-GRINDER $44.92 1T 5D 8L SAWS, CONCRETE $44.50 1T 50 8L Page 6 CLALLAM COUNTY Effeclive 03-02-08 ********************************************************************************************************** Classification SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, ARTICULATING OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT ( UNDER 45 YO) SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, ARTICULATING OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT (45 YO AND OVER) SCRAPERS, CONCRETE AND CARRY ALL SCREED MAN SHOTCRETE GUNITE SLlPFORM PAVERS SPREADER, TOPSIDE OPERATOR - SLAW KNOX SUBGRADE TRIMMER TOWER BUCKET ELEVATORS TRACTORS. (75 HP & UNDER) TRACTORS. (OVER 75 HP) TRANSFER MATERIAL SERVICE MACHINE TRANSPORTERS, ALL TRACK OR TRUCK TYPE TRENCHING MACHINES TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER (UNDER 100 TON) TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER (100 TON & OVER) TRUCK MOUNT PORTABLE CONVEYER WHEEL TRACTORS, FARMALL TYPE YO YO PAY DOZER POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS- UNDERGROUND SEWER & WATER (SEE POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS) POWER LINE CLEARANCE TREE TRIMMERS JOURNEY LEVEL IN CHARGE SPRAY PERSON TREE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TREE TRIMMER TREE TRIMMER GROUNDPERSON REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS MECHANIC RESIDENTIAL BRICK & MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL CARPENTERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL CEMENT MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL GlAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL INSULATION APPLICATORS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL LABORERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL Page 7 (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note WAGE Code Code Code $44 92 1T 50 8L $45.41 1T 50 8L $44 50 1T 5D 8L $44.92 1T 5D 8L $42 14 1T 5D 8L $45.41 1T 50 8L $44 92 1T 50 8L $44 92 1T 50 8L $44 50 1T 50 8L $44.50 1T 50 8L $44.92 1T 50 8L $44 92 1T 50 8L $45 41 1T 50 8L $44 50 1T 50 aL $44.50 1T 50 8l $44.92 1T 50 8L $44 92 1T 50 8L $4214 1T 50 8L $44 92 1T 50 aL $37.61 $35 73 $36.19 $33.68 $25 43 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 5A 5A 5A SA 5A $27 68 $43 75 1M 5A $17.85 $25 63 $18.00 $27.78 $21.36 $9.86 $18.08 $15.97 $1460 CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 03-02-08 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ClaSSIfication WAGE Code Code Code RESIDENTIAL REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS JOURNEY LEVEL $55 41 1G 5A RESIDENTIAL SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) $33.04 1E 6L RESIDENTIAL SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL $10.88 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) JOURNEY LEVEL $19 67 ROOFERS JOURNEY LEVEL $36.78 1R 5A USING IRRITABLE BITUMINOUS MATERIALS $39.78 1R 5A SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) $51.97 1E 6L SHIPBUILDING & SHIP REPAIR BOILERMAKER $31.46 1H 6W HEAT & FROST INSULATOR $46.59 1S 5J LABORER $12.16 1 MACHINIST $17 16 1 SHIPFITTER $1466 1 WELDERlBURNER $1466 1 SIGN MAKERS & INSTALLERS (ELECTRICAL) JOURNEY LEVEL $19.29 SIGN MAKERS & INSTALLERS (NON-ELECTRICAL) JOURNEY LEVEL $12.15 SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL $36 08 1B 5A SOLAR CONTROLS FOR WINDOWS JOURNEY LEVEL $1031 1B 50 SPRINKLER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) JOURNEY LEVEL $19 67 STAGE RIGGING MECHANICS (NON STRUCTURAl) JOURNEY LEVEL $13.23 SURVEYORS CHAIN PERSON $9.35 INSTRUMENT PERSON $11.40 PARTY CHIEF $13.40 TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $32.34 1E 5A TELEPHONE LINE CONSTRUCTION - OUTSIDE CABLE SPLICER $30.66 2B 5A HOLE DIGGERlGROUND PERSON $17 19 2B 5A INSTALLER (REPAIRER) $29.41 2B 5A JOURNEY LEVEL TELEPHONE LINE PERSON $28.53 2B 5A SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER I $30.66 28 5A SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER II $30 05 2B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (HEAVY) $30 66 2B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (LIGHT) $28.53 2B 5A TELEVISION GROUND PERSON $1631 2B SA TELEVISION L1NEPERSON/lNSTALLER $21.68 28 5A TELEVISION SYSTEM TECHNICIAN $35.78 28 5A TELEVISION TECHNICIAN $23.1 9 28 5A TREE TRIMMER $28 53 28 SA Page 8 CLALLAM COUNTY EffectIVe 03-02-08 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING TIme Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code TERRAZZO WORKERS & TILE SETTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $41 96 1M 5A TILE, MARBLE & TERRAZZO FINISHERS FINISHER $35.79 1B 5A TRAFFIC CONTROL STRIPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $36.40 1K 5A TRUCK DRIVERS ASPHALT MIX (TO 16 YARDS) $41.19 1T 5D 8L ASPHALT MIX (OVER 16 YARDS) $41 90 1T 5D 8L DUMP TRUCK $20.23 1 DUMP TRUCK & TRAILER $20.23 1 OTHER TRUCKS $41 90 1T 50 8L TRANSIT MIXER $23.73 1 WELL DRILLERS & IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLERS IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLER $11 60 OILER $9.45 WELL DRILLER $11.60 Page 9 ATTACHMENT D-1 CABLECURE WARRANTY (Circuits less than 2,500') For 20 years after Proactive CableCURE Injection of a cable, if Customer is not satisfied with the CableCURE service delivery or performance, UTILX Will provide a cash refund for the full original price paid hereunder for the treated Segment To make a claim, Customer shall prOVide UTILX with a CableCURE warranty tag and a completed CableCURE Warranty Claim form, a sample of which IS attached hereto as Attachment 0-3. The warranty tag should identify the Segment(s) of cable that has failed or that IS otherwise unsatisfactory to Customer A Segment of cable is the length between two terminations, and IS identified with a unique 8-diglt number at each termination with a pair of CableCURE warranty tags. This warranty applies only to Segments that are less than 2,500 feet long. THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF CUSTOMER UNDER THIS ATTACHMENT D-1 WILL BE A CASH REFUND EQUAL TO THE FULL ORIGINAL INSTALLATION PRICE FOR THE CABLECURE SERVICE. UTILX SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER, COMPANY OR THE AFFILIATES FOR ANY ADDITIONAL DAMAGES OR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR ANY CLAIMS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO BREACH OF WARRANTY AND BREACH OF CONTRACT. THIS WARRANTY AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY ARE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR REMEDIES FOR THE CABLECURE SERVICE, DELIVERY AND PERFORMANCE IN CONNECTION WITH CIRCUITS OF LESS THAN 2,500 FT., WRITTEN OR UNWRITTEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND UTILX HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTY AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO EMPLOYEE OR AGENT OF UTILX IS AUTHORIZED TO GRANT ANY WARRANTY THAT IS GREATER OR DIFFERENT THAN THIS WARRANTY. CUSTOMER WARRANTS AND AFFIRMS THAT NO DESTRUCTIVE TESTING, AS DEFINED IN THE AGREEMENT (AND REPEATED BELOW) HAS BEEN PERFORMED ON THE CABLES. Destructive Testing includes (1) any exposure of the cable to a voltage greater than 50 volts at any frequency below 50Hz or above 60 Hz or (2) any exposure of the cable to voltages at any frequency above the rated voltage of the cable Proactive CableCURE Injection speCifically excludes the injection of a single section of cable, which has failed and not been in continuous operation for 120 days prior to Injection Any Destructive Testing performed on the cable segments following Proactive CableCURE Injection shall specifically VOid the 20 year Warranty. AGREED AND ACCEPTED: CUSTOMER BY: TITLE' DATE NOTE: UTI LX requests that If the cable has experienced a dielectriC failure after performance of Services, the Customer supply the failed portion of the Segment to UTILX for complimentary failure analysis to be provided to Customer. UTILX uses the failure analysis to refine the CableCURE rejuvenation chemistry and injection process 4 " . ATTACHMENT D-2 CABLECURE WARRANTY (Circuits equal to or ~reater than 2,500') For 20 years after Proactive CableCURE Injection of a cable, If Customer is not satisfied with the CableCURE service, delivery or performance, UTILX will provide a cash refund for the full original pnce paid for the treated Subsegment - To make a claim, Customer shall provide UTI LX with a CableCURE warranty tag and a completed Cable CURE Warranty Claim form In the form attached hereto as Attachment 0-3, which asks that Customer provide the distance between the fault or problem and a specified termination. The warranty tag should identify the Subsegment of cable that has failed or that is otherwise unsatisfactory to Customer. UTILX will proVide a cash refund to Customer for the applicable Subsegment. A Subsegment of cable IS the lesser of the circuit length between a termination and an end-of-reel construction splice, the length between two end-of-reel construction splices, or 2500 feet, and IS Identified with a unique 8- digit number at each termination With a pair of CableCURE warranty tags THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF CUSTOMER UNDER THIS ATTACHMENT D-2 WILL BE A CASH REFUND EQUAL TO THE FULL ORIGINAL INSTALLATION PRICE FOR THE CABLECURE SERVICE. UTILX SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER, COMflANY OR THEIR AFFILIATES FOR ANY ADDITIONAL DAMAGES OR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR ANY CLAIMS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO BREACH OF WARRANTY AND BREACH OF CONTRACT. THIS WARRANTY AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR THE CABLECURE SERVICE, DELIVERY AND PERFORMANCE IN CONNECTION WITH CIRCUITS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 2500 FT. ARE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR REMEDIES, WRITTEN OR UNWRITTEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND UTILX HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTY AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO EMPLOYEE OR AGENT OF UTILX IS AUTHORIZED TO GRANT ANY WARRANTY THAT IS GREATER OR DIFFERENT THAN THIS WARRANTY. CUSTOMER WARRANTS AND AFFIRMS THAT NO DESTRUCTIVE TESTING, AS DEFINED IN THE AGREEMENT (AND REPEATED BELOW) HAS BEEN PERFORMED ON THE CABLES. Destructive Testing includes (1) any exposure of the cable to a voltage greater than 50 volts at any frequency below 50Hz or above 60 Hz or (2) any exposure of the cable to voltages at any frequency above the rated voltage of the cable_ Proactive CableCURE Injection speCifically excludes the Injection of a single section of cable, which has failed and not been In continuous operation for 120 days prior to injection. Any Destructive Testing performed on the cable segments following Proactive CableCURE Injection shall speCifically VOid the 20 year Warranty. AGREED AND ACCEPTED: CUSTOMER BY: TITLE' DATE: NOTE: UTILX requests that If the cable has experienced a dlelectnc failure, the Customer supply the failed portion of the Subsegment to UTILX for complimentary failure analYSIS to be provided to Customer UTILX uses the failure analYSIS to refine the CableCURE rejuvenation chemistry and Injection process. ~ ' f" ,. ATTACHMENT 0-3 CableCURE Warranty Claim Form CableCURE segment number: D D D D 0 ODD Failure/Problem Date: Remittance Address Customer: Attn. Street City, State Zip. Please check one of the boxes below: o Failure or Workmanship (If you marked this box, please complete Dielectnc Failure Questionnaire on the next page) o other - please explain below Remittance Option: Under specific warranties you may qualify for a refund or credit for future work. Qualification is determined by relevant job contract. Please select your preference. o Credit for future work o Refund check o No Credit Requested On the sketch below, fill in the blanks and Indicate where the problem was observed: Loop\circuit designation: Term 1 X=dielectric failure Term 2 designation: O=Construction splice designation: I D=Other splice I I I Total length _ (ft) Phase of Explain why you are not satisfied. Attach additional sheets as necessary Authbrizea Customer'Representative: ,Date: ' Print,name. .... , ~ 4.1 Please return this form and any samples to: Attn Samantha Martin Utilx Corporation 22820 Russell Rd Kent, WA 98032 II . 'J . DIELECTRIC FAILURE QUESTIONNAIRE Approximate time of failure: Estimated ambient temperature at time of failure: OF Circuit was: (check only one) o Energized & loaded (estimated loading o Energized but not loaded amps); Failure site was: (check only one) o Cable only o Component (Includes cable failures within 6" of component) If you checked Cable only, please return this form and several inches of cable on both sIdes of the failure to CableCURE engineering for analysis, COMPONENT FAILURE The failed component is a: (check only one) o Splice o Elbow o Live-front termination Component manufacturer and model' The component failed: (check only one) o Within moments of the cable being energized o As the component was being de-energized o Within moments of an Injection/permanent cap/plug being removedlinstalled o While In unattended operation The failed component: (check only one) o Had no injection port o Had an injection cap/plug in place when the failure occurred o Had a permanent cap/plug in place when the failure occurred o Definitely had neither an injection port/plug nor a permanent cap/plug in place when the failure occurred o Presumably had a permanent cap/plug in place when It failed, but the cap/plug was unseated by the failure o Presumably had an injection cap/plug in place when it failed, but the cap/plug was unseated by the failure 0+ If possible, take a photograph of the failure site as discovered. 0+ Return the sample with the cable still assembled and at least 3 Inches of undamaged cable protruding from the failed component -+ Return a UTILX warranty tag and any craftsman identification tags that were attached to the component