HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.597 Original Contract I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I ORIGINAL #1 </.5 q7 PROJECT MANUAL for ROOK DRIVE SIDEWALK PROJECT NO. 08-01 CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGlON August 2008 GLENN A. CUTLER, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES STEPHEN P. SPERR, P.E., DEPU1Y DIRECrOR OF ENGINEERING SERVICES For information regarding thiS proJect, contact' Enc C Walrath, City of Port Angeles 360-417 -4806 PW 0407_01 Part01 doc [ReVised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF AWARD October 9, 2008 TO' Pnmo Construction, Inc. Attn. Mr. Gregory Parnsh 970 Carlsborg Raod PO Box 296 SeqUlm, WA 98382 PROJECT Description' Rook Dnve Sidewalk, Project No. 08-01 The Owner has considered the bid submitted by you for the above described work in response to its Advertisement for Bids dated September 30, 2008. You are hereby notified that your bid has been accepted for Items in the amount of $51,07307 You are required, as stated In the Information for Bidders, to execute the contract and furnish the required Contractor's Performance and Payment Bond and certificates of insurance within ten (10) calendar days from the date of thiS notice to you Two copies of the contract are enclosed for your execution and return If you fail to execute said contract and to furnish said bonds within ten (10) calendar days from the date of thiS Notice, said Owner Will be entitled to consider all of your nghts anslng out of the Owner's acceptance of your bid as abandoned and as a forfeiture of your bid bond. The Owner Will be entitled to such other rights as may be granted by law You are required to return an acknowledged copy of thiS Notice of Award to the Owner. Dated thiS 9th day of October, 2008 CITY OF PORT ANGELES By ~~ Title City Engineer ACCEPTANC~TICE Receipt 01 the above Notice 01 Award IS hereby acknowledg ~I m SIGNATURE Print Name (\./~ ~ ~. VQ.,(Y) ~ L ~'N>~\~AJ- 20C'fis ~ Title Please return signed onginal to the City of Port Angeles Public Works & UtJ/itres Department, attn: Eric Walrath, Assistant Civil Engineer/Project Manager cc City Clerk N \PROJECTS\08-01 Rook Dnve Sldewalks\Rook Road Paths and Dnveways\14 Award & NTP\Award wpd I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROJECT MANUAL for ROOK DRIVE SIDEWALK PROJECT NO. 08-01 AUGUST 2008 GLENN A. CUTLER, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES STEPHEN P. SPERR, P.E., DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING SERVICES P'Zd bp ~> Project Engineer Reviewed by: ~~,~J Deputy Dire tor ;,;:y:~ City Attorney PW 0407_01 Part01 doc [Revised March 2008] 1- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS ROOK DRIVE SIDEWALK PROJECT NO. 08-01 PART I BIDDING REQUIREMENTS: Paqe No(s). Advertisements for Bids................................................................................................ 1-4 Information for Bidders.................................................................................................. 1-5 Bidder's Checklist......................................................................................................... 1-6 Non-Collusion Affidavit.................................................................................................. 1-7 Bidder's Construction Experience...................................................... ........................... 1-8 List of Proposed Subcontractors...................... ................... ........................... ....... ........ 1-9 Bid Form................................... ......................... ..................................... ............. 1-10-12 Bid Security Transmittal form.. ................................. ...................................... ........... 1-13 PART II CONTRACT FORMS SUBMITTED FOllOWING AWARD OF CONTRACT Contract.................................................................................................................... 11-2-7 Performance and Payment Bond................................................................................ 11- 8 Escrow Agreement for Retained Percentage.............................................................. 11- 9 Certificate of Insurance..................................................................... (provided by bidder) PART III SPECIAL PROViSiONS...................................................................... 111-1-36 PART IV ATTACHMENTS A. Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates for Clallam County B. Request for Approval of Material (RAM) form C. Request for Information (RFI) and Construction Change Order (CCO) Forms D. Request to Sublet and Contractor and Subcontractor Certification Form E. Contractor's Application for Payment Form and Certification of work completion form. F. Amendments to the Standard Plans and Specifications G. Project Plans PW 0407_01 Part01 doc [Revised March 2008] I - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART I BIDDING REQUIREMENTS PW 0407_01 Parl01 doc [Revised March 2008] I - 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ROOK DRIVE SIDEWALK PROJECT 08-01 City of Port Angeles Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Public Works & Utilities at 321 East Fifth Street, P O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362, until 2:00pm, Tuesday, September 30, 2008, and not later This project provides for the construction of approximately 400 linear feet of 4 foot wide cement concrete sidewalk, storm drainage, and other work. Informational copies of any available maps, plans and specifications are on file for inspection in the office of the Port Angeles Public Works Engineering Services (360-417-4700). Mlnonty and women owned businesses shall be afforded full opportunity to submit bids In response to this invitation, shall not be dlscnminated against on the grounds of gender, race, color, age, national ongln or handicap in consideration of an award of any contract or subcontract, and shall be actively soliCited for participation In this project by direct mailing of the invitation to bid to such businesses as have contacted the City for such notificatron. Further, all bidders are directed to soliCit and consider mlnonty and women owned businesses as potential subcontractors and material suppliers for this project Glenn A. Cutler, P.E Director of Public Works & Utilities PW 0407_01 Part01 doc [Revised March 2008] I - 4 I INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS I Sealed bids will be received by the City of Port Angeles (herem called "Owner"), at 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washmgton 98362, until the time and date as stated m the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS or as amended through addendum, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. I Each bid shall be received by the Owner in the manner set forth m the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Each bid must be submitted m a sealed envelope, so marked as to Indicate its contents Without bemg opened, and addressed in conformance with the instructions of the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS I I Each bid shall be submitted on the required bid form contained m Part I of the Project Manual All blank spaces for bid pnces must be filled in, in Ink or typewntten, and the Bid Form must be fully completed and executed when submitted Only one copy of the Bid Form is required In addition, all other forms Included in Part I shall be filled out and completed, mcludmg any addendum(s), and enclosed in a sealed envelope endorsed With the name of the work Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid deposit m the form of a cashier's check, postal money order, or surety bond to the City of Port Angeles for a sum of not less than 5% of the amount of the bid, and no bid Will be considered unless accompanied by such bid deposit In addition, the bidder shall submit a copy of a valid certificate of registration in compliance with 18.27 RCW. I I The Owner may waive any mformalities or minor defects or reject any and all bids. Any bid may be withdrawn pnor to the scheduled time for the openmg of bids or authOrized postponement thereof Any bid received after the time and date specified shall not be considered No bidder will be permitted to Withdraw its bid between the c10smg time for receipt of bids and execution of the Contract, unless the award is delayed for a penod exceeding sixty (60) calendar days. A conditional or qualified bid Will not be accepted. I The City of Port Angeles reserves the right to accept the bid that is in the best interest of the City, to postpone the acceptance of bids and the award of the Contract for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, or to reject any and all bids. If all bids are rejected, the City may elect to re-advertlse for bids Subject to the foregoing, the contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder I The work will begin withm ten (10) calendar days after notice to proceed from the Director of Public Works & Utilities and shall be completed Within the time as stated in the Advertisement for bids. I The Owner may make such investigations as it deems necessary to determme the ability of the bidder to perform the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the Owner all such mformation and data for thiS purpose as the Owner may request The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid, if the eVidence submitted by, or mvestlgation of, such bidder falls to satisfy the Owner that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated therein Subject to the foregoing, the bid award may be made to the lowest responsible bidder I I The party to whom the Contract is awarded will be reqUired to execute the Contract and obtain the Performance and Payment Bond withm ten (10) calendar days from the date the notice of award is delivered to the bidder Such bond(s) shall be on the form provided by the Owner, specify the name, contact phone, and address of the surety, and shall mclude a power of attorney appomtmg the signatory of the bond(s) as the person authorized to execute It (them). I The notice of award Will be accompanied by the necessary Contract and bond forms In case of failure of the bidder to execute the Contract, the Owner may, at ItS option, conSider the bidder m default, in which case the bid depOSit accompanying the bid shall become the property of the Owner I The Owner, Within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the acceptable Performance and Payment Bond and the Contract signed by the party to whom the Contract was awarded, will sign the Contract and return to such party an executed duplicate of the Contract. Should the Owner not execute the Contract withm such penod, the bidder may, by written notice, withdraw its signed Contract. Such notice of Withdrawal will be effective upon receipt of the notice by the Owner. I The notice to proceed will be issued Within ten (10) calendar days of the execution of the Contract by the Owner. Should there be reasons why the notice to proceed cannot be issued wlthm such penod, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the Owner and Contractor. If the notice to proceed has not been Issued within the ten (10) calendar day period or wlthm the period mutually agreed upon, the Contractor may terminate the Contract without further liability on the part of either party. All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having junsdlctlon over construction of the project shall apply to the Contract throughout. I I I I PW 0407_01 Part01 doc [Revised March 2008] 1- 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BIDDER'S CHECKLIST 1. Has the Bid Security Transmittal form been completed, either by (1) attaching a bid deposit in the form of a postal money order, cashier's check or other security and filling out the part of the form above the words "Bid Bond" or (2) a surety bond in the proper form and filling out the section of tile form below the words "Bid Bond"? 2. Is the amount of the bid deposit at least five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid? 3. Have the bid forms been properly signed? 4. Do the written amounts of the bid forms agree with the amounts shown in figures? 5. Have you bid on all items? 6. If Addendum(a) have been issued, have it/they been acknowledged on the Bid Form? 7. Has the non-collusion affidavit been properly executed? 8. Have you shown your contractor's state license number on the Bid Form? 9. Have you included a copy of a valid certificate of registration in compliance with 18.27 RCW? 10. Have you listed all proposed subcontractors that you will use for the project on the Listing of Proposed Subcontractors form? 11. Have you filled out the Bidder's Construction Experience form? The following forms are to be executed after the Contract is awarded: A. Contract - To be executed by the successful bidder and the City. B. Performance and Payment Bond - To be executed on the form provided by Owner, by the successful bidder and its surety company. To include name, contact and phone number, and address of surety and power of attorney of siqnatorv. C. Insurance certificate(s). PW 0407_01 Part01 doc [Revised March 2008J I - 6 . . d II - ~ ti,- ~, ~ ~,. ~. f!JII r~1 G~, '~'I ' [ ;~: II "J t :;! '''I (.! "'~ ',,1 '~I -~I .) '-~ ;,1 ,I ) il ;1 :jl J BID FORM Page 1 of 3 Honorable Mayor and City Council Port Angeles City Hall 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 BID DE R :'y ('( , \"'(\ () rC--"l{\ -:=)-+n 1 (It-; ()'(\ l <;) (\ c..- DATE: Q. 'dCi.nt REGISTRATION NO.:Vl2l\--\ ()c:r \ 33P-=l UBI NUMBER: I 00 \ o~q ~ q ~ STATE EXCISE TAX NO.: q \ - \3'g Dt1S ~ EMPLOYMENT SECURITY NO.:JdCS \Gq ~ -(:)() lo The undersigned, hereinafter called the bidder, declares that the only person(s) interested in this bid are those named herein; that the bid is in all respects fair and without fraud; and that it is made without any connection or collusion with any other person making a bid on this project. The bidder further declares that it has carefully examined the plan, specifications, and contract documents, hereinafter referred to as the Project Manual, for the construction of the proposed project improvement(s); that it has personally inspected the site(s); that it has satisfied itself as to the types and quantities of materials, the types of equipment, the conditions of the work involved, including the fact that the description of and the quantities of work and materials, the types of equipment, the conditions of and the work involved as included herein, are brief and are intended only to indicate the general nature of the work and to identify the said quantities with the corresponding requirements of the Project Manual; and that this bid is made in accordance with the provisions and the terms of the Contract included in the Project Manual. The bidder further agrees that it has exercised its own judgment regarding the interpretation of surface information and has utilized all data which it believes is pertinent from the City Engineer, hereinafter also referred to as the City or Owner, and such other source of information as it determined necessary in arriving at its conclusion. The bidder further certifies that the subcontracting firms or businesses submitted on the LISTING OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS will be awarded subcontracts for the described portions of the work: If the bidder is awarded a construction contract on this bid, the name and address of the surety who will provide the performance bond is: ,sar u) . ~\'\)I\ ,r,Md'o./)) Cl~(O- fu6hl-e {. PreA:ti( Q Suret - \) Agent yY\~ \ \ eJ'l(\\u..VY) torp. '?ct,rl( \ e\o~CJ(, '1>.0. 60)( 6'10 \~40() t-::><e. 11 Y\1\Y1 \-\-: \\ (d :)J<n.-+tt Q I w~. g",% /I ) - 63'10 Surety address ~o~m t>Ytd I usA-. 0lC'05 ~ Agent Address ~ n g Po X 4cJfl. a1f.p. 0&):) 5-k \)-.{l ~(). \ mo 11 d-C)1o. ~t.\ l. ~'3CJb SUrety Contact and Phone Number Agent Contact and Phone Number PW 0407_01 Part01 doc [Revised March 2008J 1- 10 ." ~1 ~; f1j1 - BID FORM Page 2 of 3 ."' ,i ;~ Item No. Sec No. Description tif Item 1 1-09 Mobilization - - - - - 1 ,f'\.j\I 2 1-10 Temporary Traffic Control 3 2-01 Clearing and Gmbbing 4 2-02 Saw Asphalt or Cement Concrete Pavement 5 2-02 Remove Asphalt Concrete Pavement 6 2-02 Remove Cement Concrete Sidewalk and Driveway 7 2-03 Roadway Excavation Inc!. Haul 8 2-09 Stmcture Excavation Class B Incl. Haul 9 4-02 Gravel Base 10 5-04 Commercial HMA 11 7-04 Solid Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe 8 in. Diam. 12 7-05 Catch Basin Type 1 13 7-12 Adjust Water Valve Box 14 8-01 Compost Blanket and Seeding '~I "1 1.. II ';1 .. r.& "I ~ ~1. 15 8-01 Compost Berm "~I "I :J 16 8-14 Cement Cone Sidewalk Type I 17 8-14 Cement Cone. Sidewalk Type II 18 7-15 Mailbox Support, Type 2 '11 ~ "1 J d JI .J! 11 .il PW 0407_01 Part01 doc (ReVised March 2008] I - 11 Estimat ed Quantit y 1 475 50 100 20 10 110 25 40 1 1 250 450 ISO 40 Total Bid Units Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Linear Foot Square Yard Square Yard Cubic Yard Cubic Yard Ton Tons Linear Foot Each Each Square Yard Linear Foot Square Yard Square Yard Eaeh Unit Price (Fi2ures) Extended Amount $ 5-'1 $ Id,6~L,. Ii J~f)/(Jlo.6"f $~ ~rO,LD $f.pF?O.lIO $ ( OOO.dO $l 000. iJI) $ d. 07J $ q 'SO. (.-\') $ jl), cJD $ 1)00. (/I) $ d/I~ CjQ $d /OfO. UD $ cJ /.;" eTb $5' a o. (}1) $ l 0 . 00 $,CO .00 $ ~O ' S 0 $ ~ ~5:) ,crt> $ ~ '7.5.60 $ 1'.P8'/5,OO $3?,l/t) $/5JO,UO $ J 3J-/O. 00 $/31-/0, U'D $8'7000 $cJ10,OD $ 5.10 $;1-/50 po $ 3. --f5 $/55J. SD $ 4'i ~ cJb $'};)OO.vo $31. /.pO $ /SDz1. (J1) $ 3 co . aD $ 300 . O.QJ / $~\ I.01J.O*T ;: L ~\~\o~ I I I I 1-", ~ I I~ f/~~ ,I. fti 1,_ ','1 ~:~ .., C1"1 f , (,; I" II "'I <~ ,- ""I ~ ;; ~I "'"'1 ., ~'.l ,. JI .11 I I BID FORM Page 3 of 3 ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGMENT The bidder hereby acknowledges that it has received Addenda No(s). 6 to this Project Manual. The name of the bidder submitting this bid and its business phone number and address, to which address all communications concerned with this bid and with the Contract shall be sent, are listed below. Bidder's firm nam:7 r [m 0 C EX1S-\nA &1')) -Y) IOn c . . Complete address C{ l () ~OL r ~()bXS Kc ~ ~~.J'-IY) VJt4 _ cft3 :t :J (Street address latel (Zip) Telephone No. VIP. Title Signed by Printed Name: Notes: (1) If the bidder is a partnership, so state, giving firm name under which business is transacted. (2) If the bidder is a corporation, this bid must be executed by its duly authorized officials. PW 0407_01 Part01 doc [Revised March 2008] [- 12 ------------------- ,. REGISTERED AS ~ROVIDED BY LAW AS CONST CONT GENERAL , '.' ,REGIST.. ..# . 'EXP. DATE CCOI \ PRIMOCI133P7 04/04/2009 EFFECTIVE DATE 10/27/1987 PRIMO ,'CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 296",' , , , CARLSBORG "WA:' '98324 Signature Issued by DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I or.. _ . .. BID SECURiTY TRANSMITTAL FORM Herewith find an executed Bid Bond or a deposit in the form of a cashler's check, posta[ money order or other security in lieu of a bid bond in the amount of $ , which amount is 110t tess than five (5%) percent of the total bid. SIGN HERE BID BOND KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS Safeco Insurance Company That we, Primo Construction, Inc. as Principal and of Amenca as Surety, are held and flrmly bound unto the CITY OF PORT ANGELES as Obligee, in the penal sum of Five Percent (5%) of the Total Amount Bid Dollars, for the payment of which the Pnncipal and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs. executors. administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. The condition of this obligation is ~uch that if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for: ROOK DRlVE SIDEWALK PROJECT Oa~01 according to the terms of the bld made by the Principal, and the- Principal sliall duly make and enter Into a contract with the Obligee In accordance with the terms of said bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the PrinCIpal shall, in case of failure so to do. pay and forfeit to the Obligee the penal amount or the deposit specified in the advertisement fo/' bids, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise It shall be and remain In full force and effect and the Surety shall forthWith pay and forfeit to the Obligee, as penalty and liquidated damages, ,Che amount of this bond. September ,20~. ,. By: , ,^'-,-p(inClpal - Safeco Ins ran ompany of America By:-j~a.~ Surety Mary A. Dobbs, At torney- in-Fact V,P. Kibble & Prentice, A USI Company Agent PO Box 34670 601 Unlon Street, Suite 1000 Seattle, WA 98124-1670 Surety address Seattle, WA 98101 Ag e nt Address Jane Fox 206.473-3635 Surety Contact and Phone Number Mary A. Dobbs 206.695-3104 Agent Contact and Phone Number Dated: Received relurn of deposit in the sum of $ PW 0407_01 PartO.t.doc iRevl$oo Mawh 20081 1- 13 I I f1) POWER OF ATTORNEY Safeco Insurance Company of America General Insurance Company of America Safeco Plaza Seattle, WA 98185 I KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA Washington corporation, does each hereby appoint No 2364 and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, each a I *****HEATHER ALLEN; MARY A. DOBBS; TERRI L. FRANKLIN, SUSAN L. GARRED; JEANNE M. HAGEL; PAMELA A. JARDINE; ROXANA PALACIOS; STEVEN W. PALMER; PATRICIA L. RUSSELL; BONNY SMITH; ANGELA D. TONNON; HOLLY E. ULFERS; I Seattle, VVA*************************************************************************************************************** I Its true and lawful attorney(s)-In-fact, with full authority to execute on Its behalf fidelity and surety bonds or undertakings and other documents of a similar character Issued In the course of ItS business, and to bind the respective company thereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA have each executed and attested these presents I this 23rd day of January 2008 I ~~~ . \AfW~' I STEPHANIE DALEY-WATSON,SECRETARY TIM MIKOLAJEWSKI, SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT, SURETY CERTIFICATE Extract from the By-Laws of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA: "Article V, Section 13 - FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS . the President, any Vice President, the Secretary, and any Assistant Vice President appointed for that purpose by the officer In charge of surety operations, shall each have authority to appoint Individuals as attorneys-In-fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other documents of Similar character Issued by the company In the course of ItS business. On any instrument making or eVidencing such appointment, the signatures may be affixed by faCSimile On any Instrument conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the company, the seal, or a faCSimile thereof, may be Impressed or affixed or In any other manner reproduced, provided, however, that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such Instrument or undertaking." Extract from a Resolution of the Board of Directors of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA adopted July 28, 1970 I I I "On any certificate executed by the Secretary or an assistant secretary of the Company setting out, (I) The provIsions of Article V, Section 13 of the By-Laws, and (II) A copy of the power-of-attorney appOintment, executed pursuant thereto, and (III) CertifYing that said power-of-attorney appointment IS In full force and effect, the signature of the certifYing officer may be by faCSimile, and the seal of the Company may be a faCSimile thereof" I, Stephanie Daley-Watson , Secretary of SAFE CO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, do hereby certify that the foregOing extracts of the By-Laws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of these corporations, and of a Power of Attorney Issued pursuant thereto, are true and correct, and that both the By-Laws, the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full force and effect IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the faCSimile seal of said corporation I I I thiS c:::<~iM day of /~ ,c:<C7cJJ?' I ~~~ I STEPHANIE DALEY-WATSON, SECRETARY Safeco@) and the Safeco logo are registered trademarks of Safeco Corporation I S-0974/DS 4/05 WEB PDF I I I I I I (I I I fI I~ ~ II :~ ill I:' ~' ~) 11 ~2 :'~I 'J :i ~I "1 ~ I 7. 8. 9. BIDDER'S CHECKLIST 1. Has the .Bid Security Transmittal form been completed, either by (1) attaching a bid deposit in the form of a postal money order, cashier's check or other security and filling out the part of the form above the words "Bid Bond" or (2) a surety bond in the proper form and filling out the section of the form below the words "Bid Bond"? 2. Is the amount of the bid deposit at least five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid? 3. Have the bid forms been properly signed? 4. Do the written amounts of the bid forms agree with the amounts shown in figures? 5. Have you bid on all items? 6. If Addendum(a) have been issued, have it/they been acknowledged on the Bid Form? Has the non-collusion affidavit been properly executed? Have you shown your contractor's state license number on the Bid Form? Have you included a copy of a valid certificate of registration in compliance with 18.27 RCW? 10. Have you listed all proposed subcontractors that you will use for the project on the Listing of Proposed Subcontractors form? 11. Have you filled out the Bidder's Construction Experience form? The following forms are to be executed after the Contract is awarded: A. Contract - To be executed by the successful bidder and the City. B. Performance and Payment Bond - To be executed on the form provided by Owner, by the successful bidder and its surety company. To include name. contact and phone number. and address of surety and power of attorney of siQnatory. C. Insurance certificate(s). PW 0407_01 Part01 doc (ReVised March 2008] 1- 6 I I I I I I [I I II I iI I 11 :111 '>f J JI il JI II :1 I NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF ('/1 CLLloxY\ ) ) ) The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath, says that the bid herewith submitted is a genuine and not a sham or collusive bid, or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therein named; and (s)he further says that the said bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any bidder on the above work or supplies to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that said bidder has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to him/her self an advantage over any other bidder or bidders. Subscribed and sworn to before me this cY1th day of ~Q ~-\e vvJn--ex- , 2OJ<i'. \\\\ \\ \\1II1I1/IIII/, ~"\ ~:!O~../. 1'1% ~ ,.-~ ........ /J:~ ~ .;::: ~")...~ .. .. ,,-, ~ ~ ~'..' Od ". \P ':::, :::: ."" .....~ · ':;::0 ~ ~: ,-' ...~.. :::. -(i)." Q~"'c.._ :: -l :." 1,\'0 ~: m :: :;. 0 ~ ,,\01.\\ 0: ;:: S - .., 0" ,,~. <' _ ~ 1""0 1 u"4' .. ~ ;:- ~ .... 1\ g .... ')) ~ ~ >) .......... -o/)) ~ ~/I/, ~ 41 0 H "\ ~,#" 1'1111111/1111\\\\\\\ PW 0407_01 Part01 doc (Revised March 2008] 1- 7 r~. 11- . ~ti11 ",,,! :. .; " . ~ [JIll I. i!. "" ." .} fP!I' I.', 5.' ''):1 t J 11; II I' " :1 .:";j 'I J~ .' :<l ~I ~'jl " A ~I ~I ~I ~I BIDDER'S CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE 1 Answer all questions and provide clear and comprehensive Information. Name of bidder~~(",l' ffit, r[)\~-\\uC'-hl'5Y\ I j) ne.- Registration Number: ~ e.-"D---\(") ('I \~~? '+ Permanent main office address' g"lD rDU"{~ IZ d . ~"t( llYn I 1_1)yL\ Cj'R~ ?Q When organized: -.19 1 ~_ . Where Incorporated:\ A..b 1.h I ~e How many years have you been gaged In the contracting business under your present firm name? ,:,2~ ~ * Contracts on nand. (Schedule these, showing gross amount of each contract and the approximate anticipated dates of completion), contact name and phone number. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. dJ2 od~'~J 7 * General character of work performed by your company: (~I\..o A Q( 0 (&fJY\,"Yt-n ..( (! n ()Y\ 8. * Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? NO If so, where and why? 9. * Have you ever defaulted on a contract? NO 10. * List the more important projects recently completed by your company, stating approximate cost for each, the month and year completed, contact name and phone number. k r1llcv~voJ 11. * List your major equipment available for this contract: --&d...1l .P a ~ -' 0/ 12. * Experience of bidder in construction Similar to thiS project In work and Importance: 13 Will you, upon request, fill out a detailed financial statement and furnish any other information that may be required by the City? ---l-f1l * Add separate sheets if necessary The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person, firm or corporatIon to furnish any information requested by the City of Port Angeles Date q. aC\. ()t Print Name v~f w .,,~ Title PW 0407_01 Part01 doc [ReVised March 2008] 1- 8 I I I I I Primo CONSTRUCTION, INC. I Contracts on Hand at Auaust 25. 2008 I Contract Owner/Contracting Scheduled Project Architect/Engineer Completion Amount Agent Date Clallam Transit Krel Architecture Gateway $7,422,331 Authority Stanley Cruse (360) Dee-08 850-5313 Vehicle Maintenance Clallam County Rice Fergus Miller FaCility $1,816,135 Fire District #3 Howard Struve (360) Sep-08 377 -8773 Library Media Center $260,000 The Vemo Schacht-Aslam Concrete Company Oet-08 Lavender Field Semor $435,000 KDA Construction Ambla- Arch Pac Estates Ben Juhl Land-CIvil Apr-08 Clallam Bay Branch $460,774 North Olympic Jerry Schlie Design, Inc Library Addition Library System Nov-08 HUrricane Ridge Rd $197,000 Lakeside Industries N/a Oet-08 Northwest Maritime $8,144,744 Northwest Maritime MlllerlHull Partnership Center Adln Dunning Apr-09 Holiday Inn Express $600,425 Wright N/a Construction Nov-08 Streetscape $496,862 City of Port Tom Miller Townsend Dee-08 Cline Irrigation Cline Irrigation $114,895 Dlstrlct/Clallam AI Bruck Ditch Co Feb-09 Work on Hand $19,513,166 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P .- /~ ,,-) r~Fl ""'- -~_... ._~I - , ."0' ~/ ; / \ ,(/~' / / I I , / " 'f f / '--. " -' '-....::;.:::./ CONSTRUCTION, INC. Statement of Qualifications 970 Carlsborg Road, Sequim, Washington 98382 Phone: 360.683.5447 Fax: 360.683.6475 E-mail: jen@primoinc.org PRIMOCI133P7 I I Primo Construction, Inc. was formed in November of 1979 to operate as a general construction company. Today, Primo Construction enjoys a steady pattern of growth based primarily on its reputation for timely completions, competent employees and efficient office staff. I I Primo Construction is proud of its ability to handle a diverse range of construction projects. Because of its reputation, the highest quality subcontractors, competitive in their respective trades, are available for Primo Construction's projects. I Primo has had the same corporate officers since its inception; the current officers of the corporation are: I President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles R. Parrish 1225 Taylor Cutoff Road Sequim, W A 98382 I Vice President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gregory V. Parrish 393 Cedar Park Drive Port Angeles, W A 98362 I Secretary/Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James H. Bartee 2845 Happy Valley Road Sequim, W A 98382 I Primo Construction has extensive experience in all aspects of construction, including but not limited to: I * Commercial buildings * Concrete construction * Road building * Utility installation * Excavation/grading I I Primo Construction is able to efficiently complete their construction projects using their own crews to perform the excavation, grading, utility installation, foundations, through framing, siding and finish carpentry. This ability to perform a large variety of operations ensures Primo's presence on site during the entire project, affording better coordination between trades, a higher level of quality control, a close relationship between field workers and office management, and an effective way to schedule with confidence. Each of these items translates into savings for the client. I We offer a full range estimating staff to meet your needs. Please feel free to contact us for a free estimate or bid at any time. I I I I I I I I I PRIMO CONSTRUCTION, lNe. COMPANY INFORMATION I I I I I BONDING AGENCY Kibble & Prentice P.O. Box 370 Seattle, WA 98111-0370 (206) 441-6300 Contact: Steve Palmer BANK REFERENCES Frontier Bank 901 W. Washington Sequim, WA 98382 (360) 681-2590 Contact: Doug Holst SURETY COMPANY Safeco Insurance Company of America Millennium Corporate Park, Bldg C 18400 NE Union Hill Rd Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 376-8805 Contact: Jane Fox ACCOUNTANT Berntson Porter & Co., PLLC Pacific First Plaza 155 108th Avenue NE, S. 510 Bellevue, W A 98004 (425) 454-7990 Contact: Stein Larsen I I I REFERENCES Lakeside Industries PO Box 728 Port Angeles, W A 98362 (360) 452-7803 Contact: George Peabody City of Sequim 152 West Cedar Sequim, WA 98382 (360) 683-4908 Contact: Jim Bay I I I I Lindberg Architects, Inc. 319 S. Peabody, Suite B Port Angeles, W A 98362 (360) 452-6116 Contact: Bill Lindberg City of Port Angeles 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 (360) 457-0411 Contact: Ron Johnson Olympic Electric Co., Inc. 4230 Tumwater Port Angeles, W A 98362 (360) 457-5303 Contact: Bill Burkhardt Value Management Resources 503 N. Sequim Avenue Sequim, W A 98382 (360) 582-3264 Contact: Roger Eas1ing I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Roland Ordona Pete Nesse Robert Reick Korey Smith I I I I I I I I PRIMO CONSTRUCTION, INC. PROJECT MANAGERS James Bartee Jerry Brownfield Steven Lee Charles Parrish Gregory Parrish 40 years 44 years 35 years 40 years 40 years SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL Concrete Superintendent Septic & Water Systems Underground Utilities Commercial Building 20 years 18 years 17 years 15 years A V AILABLE CRAFTSMEN CARPENTERS TRUCK DRIVERS EQUIPMENT OPERA TORS GENERAL LABORERS CONCRETE FINISHERS I I I PRIMO CONSTRUCTION, INC. VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT I I The following is a partial listing of vehicles and equipment that Primo Construction has available for your job: 200-5 Hitachi Excavator Limbo Tilt Trailer I 200-3 Hitachi Excavator Trailmax Tilt Trailer 200-John Deere Excavator Lufkin Pup Trailer Freuhauf Pup Trailer I 450G John Deere Dozer 650 John Deere Dozer 3-Axle Equipment Trailer I 3-Axle Form Trailer 543 Bobcat Skidster I 2-Axle Grader Trailer 310 Backhoe Compactors JCB 214 Backhoe I 2- Vibrating Rollers JCB 1450 Sitemaster Backhoe 2-Forklift I JCB 1550 Backhoe Laser Level Two ICB 214S Backhoes I Air Compressor Kobelco Excavator Edco Concrete Saw Model601A Grader I Power Curber 645 Champion Grader I 966 Cat Loader All Blacktop Equipment for small patching jobs Five 10- Yard Dumps All Equipment and forms for curb & gutters, sidewalks and buildings I Two One-ton Flatbeds Two Two-ton Flatbeds I 2-Water Truck I I I I I I I I I I I Primo _ _ _ ~,; _~ !V _ CONSTR.UCTION, INC. Major Projects Completed in Past 5 Years Proiects Completed in 2007 o City of Forks Walks - $200,000 Install approximately 7,300 LF of curb & gutter, and 2,600 SY sidewalks for Lakeside Industries. Contact George Peabody @ (360) 452-7803 o Costco - $1,200,000 Perform all site work and building concrete for the completion of a 24 acre Costco Wholesale store for Pennon Construction Co., Inc.. Contact Justin Campbell @ (206) 418-0235 I I I I I I I I I I I o OMC Dietary/Cardiac/MRI - $1,200,000 Perform all site work and building concrete for the completion of an addition to the existing hospital for Berschauer Phillips Construction Company.. Contact DerekJ@ (360) 754-5788 o Castle Hill Annex Renovation - $744,000 Renovate existing 8,000 SF wood-framed office facility in Jefferson County for the State of Washington. Contact Bill Sloane, Architect@ (360)943-67745 o Cedar Ridge-$2,550,000 Provide site work, utilities and concrete for ISO-unit housing development in Sequim. Contact Cedar Ridge Assoc, LLC Larry Freedman @ (360) 809-0164 o CCFD#3 Vehicle Maintenance Facility - $1,778,663 Construct a metal building maintenance facility with carport. Contact- Rice fergus Miller Architecture & Planning, LLP @ (360) 377-8773 o OMC Oncology Addition and Ancillary Services Building. - $14,329,487 Construct a 47,500 SF Ancillary building and a 7,200 SF Oncology addition. Contact Collins Woerman @ (425) 822-6700 Proiects Completed in 2006 o Lincoln Street Storm Sewer - $748,800 Installed approximately 1,100 LF of24" HDPE storm drainj, approximately 20 LF of 12" HDPE storm drain and approximately 660 LF of 8" storm drain. Abandoned or removed existing catch basins and plugged existing sewer connections. Installed and connected new inlets, catch basins and storm drain manholes for the City of Port Angeles. Contact Enc Walrath, PE@ (360) 417-4811 o A New Weight Facility Addition - $735,000 Construction of addition to existing Sequim Aquatic Recreational Center for the Clallam County Parks and Recreation District # 1. Contact Mary Ellen Winborn @ (360) 452-7895 I I o Brownfield Road & Utility Construction Project - $590,000 Work included approximately 1,400 liner feet of roadway and utility construction between South 3rd Avenue and the intersection of Brownfield Road and South Sequim Avenue. Major items of work included, but were not limited to, clearing, grubbing, excavation, grading, storm drainage, water main and sewer force main construction, shoring, asphalt paving and roadway illumination for the City of Sequim. Contact James Bay @ (360) 683-4908 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o Makah Emergency Water - $756,000 The project consisted of the construction of approximately 23,000 lineal feet of 8-inch water main along the east side of the Makah Passage between the Family Camp in the Robuck area to the wells located north of the southern reservation boundary in Clallam County for the Makah Tribe. Contact Charles White @ (360)645-220/ o Hardy's Market - $380,000 Construction of a 3,200 square foot convenience store including all associated sitework and interior finishes for PPB, LLC Contact. Chuck ParrIsh @ (360) 683-5447 o JimmyComeLately Creek/Estuary Restoration Site (#7009) - $330,000 This contract provided for the improvement of 3.25 acres of land adjacent to US 1 01 at MP 270.9 to MP 270.98 in Clallam County by excavating, hauling and reshaping and all other work, for the Washington Department of Transportation. Contact. Jerry D Moore @ (360) 457-2575 Proiects Completed in 2005 o Deer Park Road, RD #40750 - $725,000 Reconstruction of 0.62 miles of Deer Park Road by realignment, regarding, widening, drainage improvements, paving, hydro seeding and other work for Clallam County Public Works Department. Contact Dave Blb/er @ (360) 4/7-23// o Roosevelt Middle School Gymnasium Addition - $1,340,000 Construction of new concrete tilt-up gymnasium and mechanical improvements to existing structure, including all associated sitework and utilities for Port Angeles School District #121. Contact. Roger Eas/mg@ (360) 681-0503 or (360) 460-7810 o Crown Park Sewer & Stormwater Improvements - $991,000 Installation of 3,850 feet of 8 to 15 inch sanitary sewer and 1,050 feet of 12 to 36 inch storm sewer, including manholes, stormwater treatment structure and improvements to a stormwater omfal1.for the City of Port Angeles. Contact MIke Szat/ocky, PE @ (360) 4/7-4805 I o JimmyComeLately Creek Estuary Restoration Project - $1,200,000 Excavation, removal and disposal of approximately 60,000 cubic yards of fill placed in the Estuary, realignment and restoration of Dean Creek through the excavation of a new channel and installing spawning gravel and large woody debris. Construction of distributary channels in the restored estuary and construction of a temporary stream bypass structure and installation of a soil plug in the old streambed for the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe. Contact Sam Glbbony. @ (774) 757-2305 I I o Vintage at Sequim - $375,000 Excavate, cut & fill, rough grade, fine grade, install storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water system and other associated work for assisted living facility for Exxel Pacific, Lnc. Contact Bruce Eskeberg @ (360) 734-2872 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o Port Williams Reservoir Project - $778,000 Installation of approximately 3200 feet of irrigation pipe and a 5 million gallon reservoir with appurtances in addition to installation of approximately 14,700 feet of irrigation pipe for the Sequim Prairie Tri-Irrigation Association. Contact. Gary Smlfh @ (360) 683-5049 Projects Completed in 2004 o Sheriff/Dispatch/EOC - $1,860,000 Construction of a new Sheriff's Office facility, including site improvements and the remodel of a portion of the existing Administration Offices and Emergency Operations Center at the Jefferson County Corrections Center for the Jefferson County Department of Public Works. Contact Robert Hutchinson @ (509) 838-8681 o Social Services Complex - $2,465,000 Construction of a multi-use campus for administration and medical facilities, consisting of three wood-framed buildings totaling approximately 12,000 square feet. Project work includes site preparation, utility installation, landscaping and paving for the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe. Contact. Annette Nesse @ (360) 681-4620 o MP 0.00 Sail River Vie. Slide Repair - $530,000 Improved 0.1 Miles ofSR 112 in Clallam County, MP 0.00 to MP 0.10 by excavating unsuitable foundation material, grading, water pollution and erosion control, installing drainage and horizontal drain systems, surfacing, paving with hot mix asphalt, guardrail, pavement markings, traffic control and other work for Washington State Dept of Transportation. Contact. Bnan Brewer @ (360) 533-9352 o Parking Lot Upgrade & Building Addition - $525,000 New foyer addition to the existing building including related mechanical and electrical work. Site work consists of demolition of existing parking and replacement of walks on the north side of the building, reconfiguration of existing access drives and parking on the east and west sides of the building, and construction of a new parking lot. Work includes related lighting, walks, curbs, striping, landscaping, fencing and quarry rock wall for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Contact Bill Green @ (360) 452-6116 o Pedestrian Underpass - $1,650,000 Demolition, excavation, shoring, traffic control, site utilities, storm water, communication & data, construction of cast in place and pre-cast concrete tunnel, concrete ramp and stairs, landscape & irrigation systems for completion of pedestrian tunnel passing beneath SR 101 for the Jamestown S 'Klallam Tribe. Contact Annette Nesse @ (360) 681-4620 o Wal-Mart Store 5273 - $755,000 Furnish & install all water, sewer and storm utility systems and all required appurtenances for complete and operational systems. Form, pour finish curb & gutter, walks, heavy duty concrete paving and miscellaneous other concrete work for Sierra Construction Co., Inc. Contact Bryan Ploetz @ (425) 487-5200 I I I o W Sequim Bay Rd. to Dawley Rd. - $330,000 Remove asphalt concrete pavement, grade, install drainage, place crushed surfacing, pave, implement erosion control, install extruded curb, guardrail, permanent signing, install pedestrian tunnel illumination and cement concrete floor overlay traffic control and other work for WSDOT. Contact Jerry Moore, PE @ (360) 457-2575 I I I I I I I I I I I I o Lower Campus Sitework - $820,000 Clearing, excavation, installation of utilities, drainage, pavement, retaining walls, landscaping and exterior flatwork, stairs and curb at the new tribal Dental Clinic for the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe. Contact Annette Nesse @ (360) 681-4620 o Sequim Downtown Rural Economic Development Project - $530,000 Installation of approximately 16,000 LF of curb & gutter, 6,600 SY of sidewalks, 2,600 SY of approaches and other associated concrete work for Lakeside Industries. Contact George Peabody @ (360) 452-7803 FAX 457-7932 o West Spruce Street Water Main - $320,000 Installation of2,900 linear feet of S-inch water main and street improvements including roadway pulverization, grading, compaction and asphalt concrete pavement for the City of Sequim. Contact Jim Bay@ (360) 683-4908 FAX 681-0552 o Serenity House of Clallam County - $1,025,000 Construction of a 10,000 square foot, single story, wood frame building for a New Adult Shelter for Serenity House of Clallam County. Contact Cathy Whato @ (360) 452-7224 FAX 452-0806 Proiects Completed in 2003 o Maintenance Shop at Quilcene National Fish Hatchery - $900,000 Construction of a cement block maintenance building, including demolition underground utilities, asphalt pavement and shop equipment for US Dept of Fish & Wildlife. Contact Jim Burby @ (503) 231-6252 FAX 231-6847 o Old Olympic Highway & Gasman Road - $1,500,000 Improvement of approximately 1.0S miles of Old Olympic Highway, .25 miles of Gasman Road and 700 feet of turn lanes on SR 101 to include realignment, regarding, widening, drainage, paving and other related work for Clallam County. Contact Dave Blbler@ (360) 417-2311 FAX 4/7-2513 I I I I o Westport Shipyards - $500,000 Complete all slabs and foundations for the construction of a new yacht-building facility in Port Angeles for Westport Shipyards as a subcontractor for Fisher Construction. Contact. Dan Powers @ (360) 757-4094 FAX 757-4005 o North Olympic Skills/Business Center - $500,000 Provide earthwork and utilities, concrete foundation, slabs, curbs & sidewalks for the Port Angeles School District. Contact Jim Jones @ (360) 457-8575 FAX 457-4649 o Laurel Street Slide Repair - $225,000 Repair slope failure by installing drainage, erosion control and retaining wall for the City of Port Angeles. Contact Gary Kenworthy @ (360) 417-4800 FAX 417-4709 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o North Viking Avenue Utility Improvements - $650,000 Installation of approximately 8,000 LF of 12" ductile water main, including two bores beneath state highways, one 300 LF bore and one 150 LF bore and connection to existing reservoir and to city main for the City of Poulsbo. Contact Bill DuffY @ (360) 779-4078 FAX 779-6384 Proiects Completed in 2002 o SR 3 Vic Falkner Rd - Unstable Slope - $300,000 The improvement of .13 miles of SR 3 in Kitsap County by clearing and grubbing, excavation and removal of unstable landslide material, quarry spall buttress construction, drainage, shoulder reconstruction, restriping and erosion control for the Washington State DOT. Contact Jerry Moore @ (360) 457-2575 FAX 457-2527 o Irondale Road Improvements - $1,075,000 Increase paved road shoulder, improve drainage facilities, upgrade water distribution systems, including Hilfiker wall, rockeries, asphalt paving, planting, and 8" water line for Jefferson County. Contact' Monte Reinders @ (360) 385-9242 FAX 385-9172 o Olympic Discovery Trail - $650,000 Construction of a 3.2 mile, 10' wide asphalt concrete pavement pedestrian trail including unit pavers, specialty sign installation, landscaping, retaining walls, curb & gutter, storm drainage and culvert installation for the City of Sequim. Contact Jim Bay @ (360) 683-4908 FAX 681-0552 o Beach Resort Phase II - $1,500,000 Construction of ten cabins and one icehouse, including all site work and utilities for the Quileute Indian Tribe in LaPush. Contact Anna Parris @ (360) 374-6163 FAX 374-6311 o Francis Street Park Improvements - $425,000 Construction of improvements including but not limited to clearing and grubbing, excavation, site preparation, landscaping, demolition, utilities, paving, drainage and lighting for the City of Port Angeles. Contact Gary Kenworthy@ (360) 417-4800 FAX 417-4709 o Neah Bay Middle School & Gym - $1,900,000 Construction of a new Middle School & Gym in Neah Bay for the Cape Flattery School District. Contact, Mike Gentry, Archltect@ (360) 457-7550 FAX 457-2929 o F Street Hastings Street to Blaine Street - $2,000,000 The improvement of F Street and Discovery Road by grading, construction rock retaining walls, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water mains and service connections, surfacing, paving, curb & gutter, sidewalks, lane markings, signing, installing crosswalk protection system, landscaping & other work for City of Port Townsend. Contact Dave Peterson @ (360) 385-9160 FAX 385-9172 o Port Ludlow Fire Station - $1,150,000 Construction of a new fire station of approximately 10, 140SF and all site development of approximately .77 acres, including grading and utilities for Jefferson County Fire Protection District. Contact' Arlene @ (360) 437-2899 FAX' 437-0117 II ~I II ~I II ;1 II II ~""I I~ {~I ~I ~ _I jl :;rill J :JI "MI "J ';1l .ia jl '''I ~ 11 JI Subcontractor List Prepared in compliance with RCW 39 30 060 as amended To Be Submitted with the Bid Proposal Project Name _hc)o k \\i\ ,/ e ji rl--tuJCll "0. Failure to list subcontractors who are proposed to perform the work of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, plumbing, as described in Chapter 18.106 RCW, and electrical as described in Chapter 19.28 RCW will result in your bid being non-responsive and therefore void. Subcontractor(s) that are proposed to perform the work of heating, ventilation and air conditioning, plumbing, as described in Chapter 18.106 RCW, and electrical as described in Chapter 19.28 RCW must be listed below. The work to be performed is to be listed below the subcontractor(s) name. If no subcontractor is listed below, the bidder acknowledges that it does not intend to use any subcontractor to perform those items of work. Subcontractor Name Work to be Performed j-t V A- c... to/V\- Subcontractor Name Work to be Performed V h.uv....\o ~ '" ${ ~)\~ \ Subcontractor Name Work to be Performed <( /\~c:h-\ ec.-1 PI\A Subcontractor Name Work to be Performed Subcontractor Name Work to be Performed PW 0407_01 Part01 doc [ReVised March 2008] 1- 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART II CONTRACT FORMS SUBMITTED FOllOWING AWARD OF CONTRACT PW 0407_02 Part02 doc [Revised March 2008] II - 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT This Contract is made and entered into in duplicate this 12-tActay of g)rr. ~ by and between the City of Port Angeles, a non-charter code city of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as "the City", and ft(MI!J &n5./rvc..lti" . /nc.. a , hereinafter referred to as "the Contract6r". WITNESSETH: Whereas, the City desires to have certain public work performed as hereinafter set forth, requiring specialized skills and other supportive capabilities; and Whereas, the Contractor represents that it is qualified and possesses sufficient skills and the necessary capabilities to perform the services set forth in this Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions, and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Scope of Work. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment in order to accomplish the following project: Rook Drive Sidewalk, Project 08-01 in accordance with and as described in A. this Contract, and B. the Project Manual, which include the attached plans, Specifications, Special Provisions, submittal requirements, attachments, addenda (if any), Bid Form, Performance and Payment Bond, and C. the 2008 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation, as may be specifically modified in the attached Specifications and/or Special Provisions, hereinafter referred to as "the standard specifications", and D. the most current edition of the City of Port Angeles' Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, and shall perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this Contract and every part thereof. The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work, and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in this Contract, except as may otherwise be provided in the Project Manual. 2. Time for Performance and Liquidated Damages. PW 0407_02 Part02 doc [ReVised March 2008] II-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Contract and in adhering to the time frames specified herein. The Contractor shall commence work within ten (10) calendar days after notice to proceed from the City, and said work shall be physically completed within 20 working days after said notice to proceed, unless a different time frame is expressly provided in writing by the City. B. If said work is not completed within the time for physical completion, the Contractor may be required at the City's sole discretion to pay to the City liquidated damages as set forth in the Project Manual, for each and every day said work remains uncompleted after the expiration of the specified time. 3. Compensation and Method of Payment. A. The City shall pay the Contractor for work performed under this Contract as detailed in the bid, as incorporated in the Project Manual. B. Payments for work provided hereunder shall be made following the performance of such work, unless otherwise permitted by law and approved in writing by the City. No payment shall be made for any work rendered by the Contractor except as identified and set forth in this Contract. C. Progress payments shall be based on the timely submittal by the Contractor of the City's standard payment request form. D. Payments for any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this Contract shall be in accordance with the Request For Information (RFI) and/or Construction Change Order (CCO) process as set forth in the Project Manual. Following approval of the RFI and/or CCO, the Contractor shall submit the standard payment request formes). E. The Contractor shall submit payment requests with a completed Application for Payment form, an example of which is included in the Attachments to this Contract. This form includes a lien waiver certification and shall be notarized before submission. Applications for payment not signed or notarized shall be considered incomplete and ineligible for payment consideration. The City shall initiate authorization for payment after receipt of a satisfactorily completed payment request form and shall make payment to the Contractor within approximately thirty (30) days thereafter. 4. Independent Contractor Relationship. The relationship created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. No agent, employee, servant, or representative of the Contractor shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant, or representative of the City, and the employees of the Contractor are not entitled to any of the benefits the City provides for its employees. The Contractor shall be solely and entirely responsible for its acts and the acts of its agents, employees, servants, subcontractors, or representatives during the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for payment of all wages and salaries and all federal, state, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, workers compensation insurance, social security, and income tax withholding. PW 0407_02 Part02 doc [ReVised March 2008] II-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5. Prevailing Wage Requirements. The Contractor shall comply with applicable prevailing wage requirements of the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, as set forth in Chapter 39.12 RCW and Chapter 296-127 WAC. The Contractor shall document compliance with said requirements and shall file with the City appropriate affidavits, certificates, and/or statements of compliance with the State prevailing wage requirements. The Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts, Clallam County, incorporated in this Contract have been established by the Department of Labor & Industries and are included as an Attachment to this Contract. The Contractor shall also ensure that any subcontractors or agents of the Contractor shall comply with the prevailing wage and documentation requirements as set forth herein. 6. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. A. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers against and from any and all claims, irtiuries, damages, losses, or suits, including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Contract, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. B. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Contract is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract. 7. Insurance. The insurance coverage shall be in accordance with and as described in the Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications Division 1-07.18 including any special provision(s) thereto. A. Verification of Coverage The Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. B. Subcontractors The Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. PW 0407_02 Part02 doc (ReVised March 2008J II-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8. Compliance with Laws. A. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including regulations for licensing, certification, and operation of facilities and programs, and accreditation and licensing of individuals, and any other standards or criteria as set forth in the Project Manual. B. The Contractor shall pay any applicable business and permit fees and taxes which may be required for the performance of the work. C. The Contractor shall comply with all legal and permitting requirements as set forth in the Project Manual. 9. Non-discrimination. The parties shall conduct their business in a manner which assures fair, equal and nondiscriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed, color, sex, Vietnam era veteran status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin, and, in particular: A. The parties will maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions from qualified individuals who are members of the above-stated minorities. B. The parties will comply strictly with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of nondiscriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all patrons and customers without discrimination with respect to the above-stated minority status. 10. Assignment and Subcontractors. A. The Contractor shall not assign this Contract or any interest herein, nor any money due to or to become due hereunder, without first obtaining the written consent of the City. B. The Contractor shall not subcontract any part of the services to be performed hereunder without first obtaining the consent of the City and complying with the provisions of this section. C. In the event the Contractor does assign this contract or employ any subcontractor, the Contractor agrees to bind in writing every assignee and subcontractor to the applicable terms and conditions of the contract documents. D. The Contractor shall, before commencing any work, notify the Owner in writing of the names of any proposed subcontractors. The Contractor shall not employ any subcontractor or other person or organization (including those who are to furnish the principal items or materials or equipment), whether initially or as a substitute, against whom the Owner may have reasonable objection. Each subcontractor or other person or organization shall be identified in writing to the Owner by the PW 0407_02 Part02 doc [ReVised March 2008] II - 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Contractor prior to the date this Contract is signed by the Contractor. Acceptance of any subcontractor or assignee by the Owner shall not constitute a waiver of any right of the Owner to reject defective work or work not in conformance with the contract documents. If the Owner, at any time, has reasonable objection to a subcontractor or assignee, the Contractor shall submit an acceptable substitute. E. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all acts and omissions of its assignees, subcontractors and of persons and organization directly or indirectly employed by it and of persons and organizations for whose acts any of them may be liable to the same extent that it is responsible for the acts and omissions of person directly employed by it. F. The divisions and sections of the specifications and the identifications of any drawings shall not control the Contractor in dividing the work among subcontractors or delineating the work to be performed by any specific trade. G. Nothing contained in the contract documents shall create or be construed to create any relationship, contractual or otherwise, between the Owner and any subcontractor or assignee. Nothing in the contract documents shall create any obligation on the part of the Owner to payor to assure payment of any monies due any subcontractor or aSSIgnee. H. The Contractor hereby assigns to the City any and all claims for overcharges resulting from antitrust violations as to goods and materials purchased in connection with this Contract, except as to overcharges resulting from antitrust violations commencing after the date of the bid or other event establishing the price of this Contract. In addition, the Contractor warrants and represents that each of its suppliers and subcontractors shall assign any and all such claims for overcharges to the City in accordance with the terms of this provision. The Contractor further agrees to give the City immediate notice of the existence of any such claim. I. In addition to all other obligations of the contractor, if the contractor does employ any approved subcontractor, the contractor shall supply to every approved subcontractor a copy of the form, provided in the project manual, to establish written proof that each subcontract and lower-tier subcontract is a written document and contains, as a part, the current prevailing wage rates. The contractor, each approved subcontractor and each approved lower-tier subcontractor shall complete and deliver the form directly to the City. 11. Contract Administration. This Contract shall be administered by...:5(' ~\" 'A< or tb.~\ Lon behalf of the Contractor and by Eric Co Walrath. Assistant Civil En2ineer. on behalf of the City. Any written notices required by the terms of this Contract shall be served or mailed to the following addresses: PW 0407_02 Part02 doc [ReVised March 2008] 11-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Contractor: '\?"tlMo L<<Wt,.(....,.uc...+t-er\ I t'llc.. q16 ~~,.l~bol",\ eA.. 5e~cJ IVV\ l {~A qf> ~ Bz..- City: City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 12. Interpretation and Venue. This Contract shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The venue of any litigation between the parties regarding this Contract shall be Clallam County, Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first set forth above. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF PORT ANGELES: -0(\(. By: ~ ~ ~ ..J ..... __ ~ Title~ ~"S ~ ae.-vU- Approved as to Form: 1JdL~ ~ City Attorney Attest: ~q~ ...LAptO..!',. City rk ,- PW 0407_02 Part02 doc [Revised March 2008] II-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (f' .... 1 PERFORMANCE and PAYMENT BOND Bond to the City of Port Angeles Bond # 6582371 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned, Primo Construction, Inc. as Principal, and Safeco Insurance Company of Amenca a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, as a surety corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become surety upon bonds of contractors with municipal corporations as surety, are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Port Angeles in the penal sum of $ 51, 073.07 for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, administrators or personal representatives, as the case may be. This obligation is entered into pursuant to the statutes of the State of Washington and the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles. . Dated at Seattle ,20~. , Washington, this 13th day of October The conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has let or is about to let to the said Primo Construction, Inc. the above bounded Principal, a certain contract, the said contract being numbered 08-01 ,and providing for Rook Drive Sidewalk (which contract is referred to herein and is made a part hereof as though attached hereto), and WHEREAS, the said Principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the said contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth; now, therefore, If the said Principal, Primo Construction, Inc. , shall faithfully perform all of the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time therein set forth, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under said contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and materialmen, and all persons who shall supply said Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work, and shall indemnify and hold the City of Port Angeles harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in said contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or performed under said contract within a period of one year after its acceptance thereof by the City of Port Angeles, then and in that event, this obligation shall be void; but otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. Signed this 13th day of October ,2008. Safeco Insurance Company of Amerlca ::~~ti~ V5=~. ~ Title 601 Union Street, Suite 1000 Seattle, WA 98101-4064 Agent Address Surety By~1 ;;'. ~14-/ Mary A. L'obbs Attorney-in-Fact Title PO Box 34670, Seattle, WA 98124-1670 Surety Address Jane Fox (206) 473-3635 Surety Contact and Phone Number Steve Palmer (206) 441-6300 Agent Contact and Phone Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , < Safeco Insurance Company of Amenca General Insurance Company of Amenca Safeco Plaza Seattle, WA 98185 i'1) POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA Washington corporation, does each hereby appoint No 2364 and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, each a *****HEATHER ALLEN; MARY A. DOBBS; TERRI L. FRANKLIN; SUSAN L. GARRED; JEANNE M. HAGEL; PAMELA A. JARDINE; ROXANA PALACIOS; STEVEN W. PALMER; PATRICIA L. RUSSELL; BONNY SMITH; ANGELA D. TONNON; HOLLY E. ULFERS; Seattle, VVA*************************************************************************************************************** Its true and lawful attorney(s)-In-fact, with full authority to execute on Its behalf fidelity and surety bonds or undertakings and other documents of a similar character Issued In the course of ItS business, and to bind the respecllve company thereby IN WITNESS WHEREOF, SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA have each executed and attested these presents this 23rd January 2008 day of ~~~ . \~. STEPHANIE DALEY-WATSON,SECRETARY TIM MIKOLAJEWSKI, SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT, SURETY CERTIFICATE Extract from the By-Laws of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA: "Article V, Section 13 - FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS ... the President, any Vice President, the Secretary, and any Assistant Vice President appointed for that purpose by the officer in charge of surety operations, shall each have authority to appoint IndiViduals as attorneys-In-fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other documents of Similar character Issued by the company In the course of ItS bUSiness On any Instrument making or eVidencing such appOintment, the signatures may be affixed by faCSimile On any Instrument confemng such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the company, the seal, or a faCSimile thereof, may be Impressed or affixed or In any other manner reproduced, proVided, however, that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such instrument or undertaking." Extract from a Resolullon of the Board of Directors of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA adopted July 28,1970 "On any certificate executed by the Secretary or an assistant secretary of the Company setting out, (I) The provIsions of Article V, Secllon 13 of the By-Laws, and (II) A copy of the power-of-attorney appOintment, executed pursuant thereto, and (III) CertifYing that said power-of-attorney appointment IS In full force and effect, the signature of the certifYing officer may be by faCSimile, and the seal of the Company may be a faCSimile thereof" I, StephanIe Daley-Watson , Secretary of SAFE CO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, do hereby certify that the foregOing extracts of the By-Laws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of these corporations, and of a Power of Attorney Issued pursuant thereto, are true and correct, and that both the By-Laws, the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are stili In full force and effect IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the facsimile seal of said corporation thiS 13m &~~ , c:5l ?'r:?cf . day of ~~~ STEPHANIE DALEY-WATSON, SECRETARY Safeco@ and the Safeco logo are registered trademarks of Safeco Corporation S-0974/DS 4/05 WEB PDF Client#: 322294 PRIMOCON3 ACORDTM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DDIYYVY) 10/14/08 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. PRODUCER Kibble & Prentice, a USI Co. 01 Union Street, Suite 1000 eattle, WA 98101 206 441-6300 Primo Construction Inc. P.O. Box 296 Carls borg, WA 98324 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER A Alaska National Insurance Company INSURER B INSURER C INSURER D INSURER E NAIC# 38733 SURED COVERAGES I THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS INSR ~~~~ POLICY NUMBER PJ>,N~~ri~~88mIE P~~.fJ /~,XJ,~m\N r TYPE OF INSURANCE LIMITS ~NERAL LIABILITY 08DLS31604 04/01/08 04/01/09 EACH OCCURRENCE $1 000000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ~~~~ff-U9E~~~~i~ence \ $100000 = ~ CLAIMS MADE [K] OCCUR MED EXP (Anyone person) $5 000 II .x- PO Oed: $5,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $1 000 000 f-- GENERAL AGGREGATE $2 000 000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $2 000 000 t h POLlCy-ri1- ~~;: n LOC ~TOMOBILE LIABILITY 08DAS31604 04/01/08 04/01109 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT .x- ANY AUTO (Ea accident) $1,000,000 f-- ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY I $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) ~ ~ HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ ~ NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) I PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) RRAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ I~ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY AGG $ EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY 08DLU31604 04/01/08 04/01/09 EACH OCCURRENCE $2 000 000 txJ' OCCUR D CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $2.000.000 II $ M DEDUCTIBLE $ X RETENTION $ 10 000 $ I~ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND 08DLS31604 04/01/08 04/01109 I T~~~;r~~s I IOJ~- EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY WA Stop Gap Only $1,000,000 ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E L EACH ACCIDENT OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E L DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 If yes, deSCribe under E L DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 r SPECIAL PROVISIONS below OTHER " , " - - 'I " - - ~- ESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS /VEHICLES / EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT / SPECIAL PROVISIONS " l/ )rimo Job No. 802710 - Rook Drive Sidewalk; City Project No. 08-01. The City of Port f;,.'( '- ~ngeles, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are Additional Insured and L '"' ') . .'lD8 ~ I (., rVerage Is prImary and non-<:ontr;butory per attached endorsement. , 10 days notice of cancellation for non-payment of premium ~ ~- --. ----------- -} ERTIFICA TE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL ~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON'THE INSURER,ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE <-">t CORD 25 (2001/08) 1 of 2 #S3057643/M2422517 CNMJU @ ACORD CORPORATION 1988 IMPORTANT If the certifIcate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certam policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the poliCies listed thereon. CORD 25-5 (2001/08) 2 of 2 #S3057643/M2422517 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADDITIONAL INSURED ~ (CONTRACTORS) ~ AUTOMATIC STATUS WHEN REQUIRED IN CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT WITH YOU THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART 1, Who Is An Insured (Section II) is amended to Include as an insured any person or organization (herein referred to as an additional insured), but only if you are required to add that person or organization as an insured to this policy by a written contract that is in effect prior to the "bodily injury", "property damage", or "personal and advertising injury". 2. The insurance provided to the additional insured IS limited as follows: a, That person or organization is only an additional insured if, and only to the extent that, the injury or damage is caused by negligent acts or omissions of you or your subcontractor in the performance of "your work" to which the written contract applies. The person or organization does not qualify as an additional insured with respect to injury or damage caused in whole or in part by independent negligent acts or omissions of such person or organization. b, The insurance provided to the additional insured does not apply to "bodily inJury", "property damage", or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of an architect's, englneer's. or surveyor's rendering of or failure to render any professional services including: L the preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, change orders, design or specifications; and ANIC GL 10610308 ii. supervisory, inspection, or engineering services. c. The insurance provided to the additional insured, referred to in paragraph 1. of this endorsement, does not cover "bodily injury" or "property damage" caused by your negligent acts and omissions in the performance of "your work" that occurs within the "products- completed operations hazard," unless the written contract. referred to in paragraph 1. of this endorsement, contains a specific requirement that you procure completed operations coverage or coverage within the "products-completed operations hazard" for the additional insured. However, even If coverage within the "products-completed operations hazard" IS required by the written contact, such coverage is available to the additional Insured only if the "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurs prior to the end of the time period during which you are required by the written contact to provide such coverage or the expiration date of the policy, whichever comes first. 3. If other valid and collectible insurance, whether on a primary, excess, contingent or any other basis, Is available to the additional insured for a loss we cover under this endorsement, then the Insurance provided by this endorsement is excess over that other insurance. However. the Jnsurance provided by this endorsement Will be primary to other insurance on which the additional insured is a named insured for the covered loss. If the written contract, referred to in paragraph 1. of this Page 1 of 2 "I I I I I I" I I I I I I I I I I I I I endorsement, contains a specific requirement that this insurance be primary or primary and non- contributory. In that case we will not share with that other insurance on a pro-rata or other basis. If the other Insurance available to the additional Insured, whether on a primary, excess, contingent or any other basis, is coverage for which it has been named as an additional insured, then the coverage provided by this endorsement is excess over that other insurance. This endorsement changes the policy to which it is attached and, unless otherwise stated, is effective on the date Issued at 12:01 A.M. standard time at your mailing address shown in the policy. The information below is required only when this endorsement Is issued subsequent to commencement of the policy. Endorsement Effective 4/1/2008 Policy No. 08DLS331604 Insured Primo Construction, Inc" Endorsement No. . Countersigned By ~ Lu~ ANIC GL 1061 0308 Page 2 of 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART III SPECIAL PROVISIONS 0407_03 Pari03 doc [Revised March 2008] III - 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The work on this project shall be accomplished In accordance with the Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, 2008 edition, as issued by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the American Public Works Association (APWA), Washington State Chapter (hereafter "Standard SpecIfications"). The Standard Specifications, as modified or supplemented by the Amendments to the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions, all of which are made a part of the Contract Documents, shall govern all of the Work. These SpeCial Provisions are made up of both General Special Provisions (GSPs) from various sources, which may have project-specific fill-ins; and project-specific Special Provisions. Each Provision either supplements, modifies, or replaces the comparable Standard Specification, or is a new Provision. The deletion, amendment, alteration, or addition to any subsection or portion of the Standard Specifications is meant to pertain only to that particular portion of the section, and in no way should it be interpreted that the balance of the section does not apply. The Special Provisions are labeled as follows: "(May 18, 2007 APWA GSP)" - APWA General Special Provision "(August 7, 2006 GSP)" - WSDOT General Special Provision "(******)" - Contracting Agency General Special Provision Also incorporated Into the Contract Documents by reference are: . Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, currently adopted edition, with Washington State modifications, if any . Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, WSDOT/APWA, current edition . City of Port Angeles' Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, current edition Contractor shall obtain copies of these publications, at Contractor's own expense. 1-01.3 Definitions (******) This Section is supplemented with the following: The term "Contract Bond" is understood to be equal to "Performance and Payment Bond" for this project. The term "State" is redefined to mean the City of Port Angeles for this project. The term "Commission" is redefined for this project to mean the City Council of the City of Port Angeles. The term "Secretary" is redefined for this project to mean the Director of Public Works for the City of Port Angeles. The term "Department" is redefined to mean the City of Port Angeles Department of Public Works & Utilities for this project. 0407_03 Part03.doc [Revised March 2008] III - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The terms "Engineer" and "Project Engineer" are redefined for this project to mean the City Engineer for the City of Port Angeles. The terms "Contract" and "Project Manual" are interchangeable. All references to "State Materials Laboratory" shall be revised to read "Contracting Agency designated location". The venue of all causes of action arising from the advertisement, award, execution, and performance of the contract shall be in the Superior Court of the County where the Contracting Agency's headquarters are located. Additive A supplemental unit of work or group of bid items, identified separately in the proposal, which may, at the discretion of the Contracting Agency, be awarded in addition to the base bid. Alternate One of two or more units of work or groups of bid Items, identified separately in the proposal, from which the Contracting Agency may make a choice between different methods or material of construction for performing the same work. Contract Documents See definition for "Contract". Contract Time The period of time established by the terms and conditions of the contract within which the work must be physically completed. Dates Bid Opening Date The date on which the Contracting Agency publicly opens and reads the bids Award Date The date of the formal decIsion of the Contracting Agency to accept the lowest responsible and responsive bidder for the work. Contract Execution Date The date the Contracting Agency officially binds the agency to the contract. Notice to Proceed Date The date stated in the Notice to Proceed on which the contract time begins. Substantial Completion Date The day the Engineer determines the Contracting Agency has full and unrestricted use and benefit of the facilities, both from the operational and safety standpoint, and only minor 0407_03 Part03.doc [ReVised March 2008] III - 3 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] III - 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I incidental work, replacement of temporary substitute facilities, or correction or repair remains for the physical completion of the total contract. Physical Completion Date The day all of the work IS physically completed on the project. All documentation required by the contract and required by law does not necessarily need to be furnished by the Contractor by this date. Completion Date The day all the work specified in the contract is completed and all the obligations of the Contractor under the contract are fulfilled by the Contractor. All documentation required by the contract and required by law must be furnished by the Contractor before establishment of this date. Final Acceptance Date The date on which the Contracting Agency accepts the work as complete. Notice of Award The written notice from the Contracting Agency to the successful bidder signifying the Contracting Agency's acceptance of the bid. Notice to Proceed The written notice from the Contracting Agency or Engineer to the Contractor authorizing and directing the Contractor to proceed with the work and establishing the date on which the contract time begins. Traffic Both vehicular and non-vehicular traffic, such as pedestrians, bicyclists, wheelchairs, and equestrian traffic I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DESCRIPTION OF WORK (March 13, 1995) This contract provides for the improvement of sidewalk, drainage, and other work, all in accordance with the attached Contract Plans, these Contract Provisions, and the Standard Specifications. 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS 1-02.1 Prequalification of Bidders Delete this Section and replace it with the following: 1-02.1 Qualifications of Bidder (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Bidders shall be qualified by experience, financmg, equipment, and organization to do the work called for In the Contract Documents. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to take whatever action it deems necessary to ascertain the ability of the bidder to perform the work satisfactorily. 1-02.2 Plans and Specifications (******) Delete this section and replace it with the following: Information as to where Bid Documents can be obtained or reviewed will be found in the Call for Bids (Advertisement for Bids) for the work. After award of the contract, plans and specifications will be issued to the Contractor at no cost as detailed below. To Prime Contractor Reduced plans (11" x 17") and Contract Provisions Large plans (e.g , 22" x 34") and Contract Provisions No. of Sets Basis of Distribution 4 Furnished automatically upon award. 1 Furnished automatically upon award. Additional plans and Contract Provisions may be purchased by the Contractor by payment of the cost stated in the Call for Bids. 1-02.5 Proposal Forms (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Delete this section and replace it with the following: 0407_03 Part03.doc [Revised March 2008] III - 5 At the request of a bidder, the Contracting Agency will provide a proposal form for any project on which the bidder is eligible to bid. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The proposalJorm will identify the project and its location and describe the work. It will also list estimated quantities, units of measurement, the items of work, and the materials to be furnished at the unit bid pnces. The bidder shall complete spaces on the proposal form that call for, but are not limited to, unit prices; extensions, summations; the total bid amount; signatures; date; and, where applicable, retail sales taxes and acknowledgment of addenda; the bidder's name, address, telephone number, and signature; the bidder's D/M/WBE commitment, if applicable; a State of Washington Contractor's Registration Number; and a Business License Number, if applicable. Bids shall be completed by typing or shall be printed in ink by hand, preferably in black ink. The required certifications are included as part of the proposal form. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to arrange the proposal forms with alternates and additives, if such be to the advantage of the Contracting Agency. The bidder shall bid on all alternates and additives set forth in the proposal forms unless otherwise specified. Any correction to a bid made by interlineation, alteration, or erasure, shall be initialed by the signer of the bid. The bidder shall make no stipulation on the Bid Form, nor qualify the bid in any manner. A bid by a corporation shall be executed in the corporate name, by the president or a vice president (or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign). A bid by a partnership shall be executed in the partnership name, and signed by a partner. A copy of the partnership agreement shall be submitted with the Bid Form if any D/M/WBE requirements are to be satisfied through such an agreement. A bid by a joint venture shall be executed in the joint venture name and signed by a member of the joint venture. A copy of the joint venture agreement shall be submitted with the Bid Form if any D/W/MBE requirements are to be satisfied through such an agreement. BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS (August 2,2004) The fifth and sixth paragraphs of Section 1-02.6 are deleted. 1-02.7 Bid Deposit (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Supplement this section with the following: Bid bonds shall contain the following: 1. Contracting Agency-assigned number for the project; 2. Name of the project, 3. The Contracting Agency named as obligee; 4. The amount of the bid bond stated either as a dollar figure or as a percentage which represents five percent of the maximum bid amount that could be awarded; 5. Signature of the bidder's officer empowered to sign official statements. The signature of 0407_03 Part03.doc [Revised March 2008] III - 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the person authorized to submit the bid should agree with the signature on the bond, and the title of the person must accompany the said signature; 6. The signature of the surety's officer empowered to sign the bond and the power of attorney. If so stated in the Contract Provisions, bidder must use the bond form included in the Contract Provisions. 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal (******) Section 1-02.9 of the Standard Specifications is modified in its entirety for this project to now read as follows. Each proposal shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions outlined In the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS and the INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS AND BIDDER'S CHECK LIST. 1-02.13 Irregular Proposals (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Revise item 1 to read. A proposal will be considered Irregular and will be rejected if a. The bidder is not prequalified when so required; b. The authorized proposal form furnished by the Contracting Agency is not used or is altered, c. The completed proposal form contains any unauthOrized additions, -deletions, alternate bids, or conditions; d. The bidder adds provisions reserving the right to reject or accept the award, or enter into the contract; e. A pnce per unit cannot be determined from the bid proposal; f. The proposal form is not properly executed; g. The bidder fails to submit or properly complete a subcontractor list, if applicable, as required In Section 1 02.6. h. The bidder fails to submit or properly complete a Disadvantaged, Minority or Women's Business Enterprise Certification, if applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6; or i. The bid proposal does not constitute a definite and unqualified offer to meet the material terms of the bid invitation. 1-02.14 Disqualification of Bidders (September 12, 2007 APWA GSP) Revise this section to read: 1. A bidder will be deemed not responsible and the proposal reiected if the bidder does not meet the responsibilitv criteria in RCW 39.04. 2. A bidder may be deemed not responsible and the proposal rejected If: 0407_03 Part03 doc [ReVised March 2008] III-7 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] III - 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a More than one proposal IS submitted for the same project from a bidder under the same or different names; b. Evidence of collusion exists with any other bidder or potential bidder. Part!clpants in collusion will be restricted from submitting further bids; c. The bidder, In the opinion of the Contractina Aaency. is not aualifies for the worK or to the full extent of the bid, or to the extent that the bid exceeds the authorized preaualification amount as may have been determined by a preaualification of the bidder; d. An unsatisfactory performance record exists based on past or current Contracting Agency work or for work done for others, as iudaed from the standpoint of conduct of the work; workmanship; proaress; affirmative action: eaual emp!o-yment opportunity practices: or Disadvantaaed Business Enterprise. Minority Business Enterprise, or Women's Business Enterprise utilization; e. There is uncompleted work (Contracting Agency or otherwise) which might hinder or prevent the prompt completion of the work bid upon; f. The bidder failed to settle bills for labor or matenals on past or current contracts; g. The bidder has failed to complete a written public contract or has been convicted of a crime ansing from a previous public contract; h. The bidder is unable, financially or otherwise, to perform the work; or i. There are any other reasons deemed proper by the Contracting Agency 1-02.15 Pre Award Information (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Revise this section to read. Before awarding any contract, the Contracting Agency may require one or more of these Items or actions of the apparent lowest responsible bidder: 1. A complete statement of the origin, composition, and manufacture of any or all materials to be used, 2. Samples of these materials for quality and fitness tests, 3 A progress schedule (in a form the Contracting Agency requires) showing the order of and time required for the various phases of the work, 4. A breakdown of costs assigned to any bid item, 5. Attendance at a conference with the Engineer or representatives of the Engineer, 6. Obtain. and furnish a COpy of. a business license to do business in the city or county where the work is located. 7. A COpy of State of Washlnaton Contractor's Reaistration, or 8. Any other information or action taken that is deemed necessary to ensure that the bidder is the lowest responsible bidder. 1-03.3 Execution of Contract (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Revise this section to read: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Copies of the Contract Provisions. includinq the unsiqned Form of Contract. will be available for siqnature by the successful bidder on the first business day followinq award. The number of copies to be executed by the Contractor will be determined by the Contr<.1~tinq Aqency Within 10 calendar days after the award date, the successful bidder shall return the signed Contracting Agency-prepared contract, an insurance certification as required by Section 1- 07.18, and a satisfactory bond as required by law and Section 1-03.4. Before execution of the contract by the Contracting Agency, the successful bidder shall provide any pre-award information the Contracting Agency may require under Section 1-02.15. Until the Contracting Agency executes a contract, no proposal shall bind the Contracting Agency nor shall any work begin within the project limits or within Contracting Agency- furnished sites. The Contractor shall bear all risks for any work begun outside such areas and for any matenals ordered before the contract is executed by the Contracting Agency. If the bidder experiences circumstances beyond their control that prevents return of the contract documents within 1Q calendar days after the award date stated above, the Contracting Agency may grant up to a maximum of 1Q additional calendar days for return of the documents, provided the Contracting Agency deems the circumstances warrant it. 1-03.4 Contract Bond (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Revise the first paragraph to read: The successful bidder shall provide an executed contract bond for the full contract amount. This contract bond shall: 1. Be on a Contracting Agency-furnished form; 2. Be signed by an approved surety (or sureties) that: a. Is registered with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner, and b Appears on the current Authonzed Insurance List in the State of Washington published by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner, 3. Be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract by the Contractor within the prescribed time; 4. Guarantee that the surety shall indemnify, defend, and protect the Contracting Agency against any claim of direct or indirect loss resulting from the failure: a Of the Contractor (or any of the employees, subcontractors, or lower tier subcontractors of the Contractor) to faithfully perform the contract, or b. Of the Contractor (or the subcontractors or lower tier subcontractors of the Contractor) to pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors, lower tier subcontractors, materialperson, or any other person who provides supplies or provisions for carrying out the work; 5. Be accompanied by a power of attorney for the Surety's officer empowered to siqn the bond: and 6 Be sianed by an officer of the Contractor empowered to siqn official statements (sole proprietor or partner). If the Contractor is a corporation. the bond must be siqned by the president or vice-president. unless accompanied by written proof of the authority of the individual sionino the bond to bind the corporation (Le. corporate resolution. power of attorney or a letter to such effect by the president or vice-president). 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] III - 9 1-04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions, Specifications, and Addenda I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (******) Revise the second paragraph to read: Any inconsistency in the parts of the contract shall be resolved by following this order of precedence (e.g., 1 presiding over 2, 2 over 3, 3 over 4, and so forth): 1. Addenda, 2. Proposal Form, 3. Special Provisions, 4. Contract Plans, 5. Current edition of the City of Port Angeles' Urban Services and Standards Guidelines 6. Amendments to the Standard Specifications, 7. WSDOT Standard SpecificationsJor Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, 8. Contracting Agency's Standard Plans (if any), and 9. WSDOT Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. 1-04.4 CHANGES IN WORK (******) Section 1-04.4, Changes, of the Standard Specifications shall be amended to add the following: All revisions, clarifications, field requests and field authorizations for construction contracts shall be documented using the "REQUEST FOR INFORMATION" form. A construction contract change order may be initiated by the Contractor, City inspector, or ArchitecUEngineer by using the RFI form contained in Part IV, Attachments. Definitions: a. RFI: Request for Information b. CCO: Construction Change Order 1-05.5 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS (******) Section 1-05.5 is supplemented with the following: As-built drawings are required to be maintained by the Contractor. The as-built drawings shall be a record of the construction as installed and completed by the Contractor. They shall include all the information shown on the contract set of drawings and a record of all construction deviations, modifications or changes from those drawings which were incorporated in the work; all additional work not appearing on the contract drawings, all design submittals, including electrical schematics; and all changes which are made after final inspection of the contract work. The Contractor shall mark up a set of full size plans using red ink to show the as-built conditions. These as-built marked prints shall be kept current and available on the job site at all times, and be made available to the City Engineer upon request. The changes from the contract plans which are made in the work or additional information which might be uncovered in the course of construction shall be accurately and neatly recorded as they occur by means of 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] III - 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I details and notes. No construction work shall be concealed until It has been inspected, approved, and recorded. The drawings shall show at least the following: a. The location and descnption of any utilities or other installations known to exist and or encountered within the construction area. The location of these utilities shall include an accurate description, dimensions, and at least 2 ties to permanent features for all utilities encountered. b. The location and description of all facilities and appurtenances installed by the Contractor. The location of facilities and appurtenances shall include accurate dimensions and at least 2 ties to permanent features for all major components, including gate valves. The City of Port Angeles has the right to deny progress payments for completed work if as-built records, as required by this section, are not available on the job site for the work that has been completed by the date of the payment request. Final as-builts shall be delivered to the City Engineer at the time of final inspection for review and approval. As-built drawings must be approved by the City Engineer before final payment will be made. See Submittal Requirements for additional information. 1-05.7 Removal of Defective and Unauthorized Work (October 1,2005 APWA GSP) Supplement this section with the following: If the Contractor fails to remedy defective or unauthorized work within the time specified in a written notice from the Engineer, or fails to perform any part of the work required by the Contract Documents, the Engineer may correct and remedy such work as may be identified in the written notice, with Contracting Agency forces or by such other means as the Contracting Agency may deem necessary. If the Contractor fails to comply with a written order to remedy what the Engineer determines to be an emergency situation, the Engineer may have the defective and unauthorized work corrected immediately, have the rejected work removed and replaced, or have work the Contractor refuses to perform completed by using Contracting Agency or other forces. An emergency situation is any situation when, in the opinion of the Engineer, a delay in its remedy could be potentially unsafe, or might cause serious risk of loss or damage to the public. Direct or indirect costs incurred by the Contracting Agency attnbutable to correcting and remedying defective or unauthorized work, or work the Contractor failed or refused to perform, shall be paid by the Contractor. Payment will be deducted by the Engineer from monies due, or to become due, the Contractor. Such direct and indirect costs shall include in particular, but without limitation, compensation for additional professional services required, and costs for repair and replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal, or replacement of the Contractor's unauthorized work. 0407_03 Part03.doc [ReVised March 2008] III - 11 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] III - 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I No adjustment in contract time or compensation will be allowed because of the delay In the performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the Contracting Agency's rights provided by this Section. The rights exercised under the provisions of this section shall not diminishJhe Contracting Agency's right to pursue any other avenue for additional remedy or damages with respect to the Contractor's failure to perform the work as required. 1-05.10 GUARANTEES (******) Section 1-05 is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall guarantee all materials and equipment furnished and work performed for a period of one (1) year from the date of substantial completion The Contractor shall warrant and guarantee for a period of one (1) year from the date of substantial completion of the system that the completed system IS free from all defects due to faulty materials or workmanship, and the Contractor shall promptly make such corrections as may be necessary by reason of such defects including the repairs of any damage to other parts of the system resulting from such defects. The City will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. In the event that the Contractor should fail to make such repairs, adjustments, or other work that may be made necessary by such defects, the City may do so and charge the Contractor the cost thereby incurred. The Performance and Payment Bond shall remain in full force and effect through the guarantee period. 1-05.11 Finallnspection Delete this section and replace it with the following: 1-05.11 Final Inspections and Operational Testing (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) 1-05.11(1) Substantial Completion Date When the Contractor considers the work to be substantially complete, the Contractor shall so notify the Engineer and request the Engineer establish the Substantial Completion Date. The Contractor's request shall list the specific items of work that remain to be completed in order to reach physical completion. The Engineer will schedule an inspection of the work with the Contractor to determine the status of completion. The Engineer may also establish the Substantial Completion Date unilaterally. If, after this inspection, the Engineer concurs with the Contractor that the work is substantially complete and ready for its intended use, the Engineer, by written notice to the Contractor, will set the Substantial Completion Date If, after this inspection the Engineer does not consider the work substantially complete and ready for its intended use, the Engineer will, by written notice, so notify the Contractor giving the reasons therefor. Upon receipt of written notice concurring in or denying substantial completion, whichever is applicable, the Contractor shall pursue vigorously, diligently and without unauthorized interruption, the work necessary to reach Substantial and Physical Completion. The I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a revised schedule indicating when the Contractor expects to reach substantial and physical completion of the work. The above process shall be repeated until the Engineer establishes the Substantial Completion Date and the Contractor considers the work physically complete and ready for final inspection. 1-05.11 (2) Final Inspection and Physical Completion Date When the Contractor considers the work physically complete and ready for final inspection, the Contractor by written notice, shall request the Engineer to schedule a final inspection. The Engineer will set a date for final inspection. The Engineer and the Contractor will then make a final inspection and the Engineer will notify the Contractor in writing of all particulars in which the final inspection reveals the work incomplete or unacceptable. The Contractor shall immediately take such corrective measures as are necessary to remedy the listed deficiencies. Corrective work shall be pursued vigorously, diligently, and without interruption until physical completion of the listed deficiencies. This process will continue until the Engineer is satisfied the listed deficiencies have been corrected. If action to correct the listed deficiencies is not initiated within 7 days after receipt of the written notice listing the deficiencies, the Engineer may, upon written notice to the Contractor, take whatever steps are necessary to correct those deficiencies pursuant to Section 1-05.7. The Contractor will not be allowed an extension of contract time because of a delay in the performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the Engineer's right hereunder. Upon correction of all deficiencies, the Engineer will notify the Contractor and the Contracting Agency, in writing, of the date upon which the work was considered physically complete. That date shall constitute the Physical Completion Date of the contract, but shall not imply acceptance of the work or that all the obligations of the Contractor under the contract have been fulfilled. 1-05.11 (3) Operational Testing It is the intent of the Contracting Agency to have at the Physical Completion Date a complete and operable system. Therefore when the work involves the installation of machinery or other mechanical equipment; street lighting, electrical distribution or signal systems; irrigation systems; buildings; or other similar work it may be desirable for the Engineer to have the Contractor operate and test the work for a period of time after final inspection but prior to the physical completion date. Whenever items of work are listed in the Contract Provisions for operational testing they shall be fully tested under operating conditions for the time period specified to ensure their acceptability prior to the Physical Completion Date. During and following the test period, the Contractor shall correct any items of workmanship, materials, or equipment which prove faulty, or that are not in first class operating condition. Equipment, electrical controls, meters, or other devices and equipment to be tested during this period shall be tested under the observation of the Engineer, so that the Engineer may determine their suitability for the purpose for which they were installed. The Physical Completion Date cannot be established until testing and corrections have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] III-13 0407_03 Part03.doc [Revised March 2008] III-14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The costs for power, gas, labor, material, supplies, and everything else needed to successfully complete operational testing, shall be included in the unit contract pnces related to the system being tested, unless specifically set forth otherwise In the proposal. Operational and test penods, when required by the Engineer, shall not affect 21 manufacturer's guaranties or warranties furnished under the terms of the contract. 1-05.13 Superintendents, Labor and Equipment of Contractor (May 25, 2006 APWA GSP) Revise the seventh paragraph to read: Whenever the Contracting Agency evaluates the Contractor's Qualifications pursuant to Section 1-02.1. it will take these performance reports into account. CONTROL OF WORK (March 13, 1995) Cooperation With Other Contractors Section 1-05.14 is supplemented with the following: Other Contracts Or Other Work It IS anticipated that the following work adjacent to or within the limits of this project will be performed by others during the course of this project and will require coordination of the work: *** Reconstruct the existing driveways to 1203 and 1205 Rook Drive, excluding the 4' wide concrete sidewalk abutting the above dnveways, and relocation of the existing telephone pedestal within the right of way adjacent to 1207 Rook Drive *** Add the following new section' 1-05.16 Water and Power (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) The Contractor shall make necessarj arrangements, and shal! bear the costs for power and water necessary for the performance of the work, unless the contract includes power and water as a pay item. Add the following new section: 1-05.17 Oral Agreements (October 1,2005 AWPA GSP) No oral agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the Contracting Agency, either before or after execution of the contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations contained in any of the documents comprising the contract. Such oral agreement or conversation shall be considered as unofficial information and in no way I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I binding upon the Contracting Agency, unless subsequently put in writing and signed by the Contracting Agency. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC 1-07.1 Laws to be Observed (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Supplement this section with the following: In cases of conflict between different safety regulations, the more stringent regulation shall apply. The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries shall be the sole and paramount administrative agency responsible for the administration of the provisions of the Washmgton Industrial Safety and Health Act of 1973 (WISHA). The Contractor shall maintain at the project site office, or other well known place at the project site, all articles necessary for providing first aid to the injured. The Contractor shall establish, publish, and make known to all employees, procedures for ensuring immediate removal to a hospital, or doctor's care, persons, including employees, who may have been injured on the project site. Employees should not be permitted to work on the project site before the Contractor has established and made known procedures for removal of injured persons to a hospital or a doctor's care. The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for the safety, efficiency, and adequacy of the Contractor's plant, appliances, and methods, and for any damage or injury resulting from their failure, or Improper maintenance, use, or operation. The Contractor shall be solely and completely responsible for the conditions of the project site, including safety for all persons and property in the performance of the work. This requirement shall apply continuously, and not be limited to normal working hours. The reqUired or implied duty of the Engineer to conduct construction review of the Contractor's performance does not, and shall not, be intended to include review and adequacy of the Contractor's safety measures in, on, or near the project site. State Taxes 1-07.2 State Sales Tax Delete this section, including its sub-sections, in its entirety and replace it with the following: 1-07.2 State Sales Tax (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) 1-07 .2( 1) General The Washington State Department of Revenue has issued special rules on the State sales tax. Sections 1-07.2(1) through 1-07.2(4) are meant to clarify those rules. The Contractor should contact the Washington State Department of Revenue for answers to questions in this area. The Contracting Agency will not adjust its payment if the Contractor bases a bid on a misunderstood tax liability. 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] III - 1 5 0407_03 Part03.doc (Revised March 20081 III - 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Contractor shall Include all Contractor-paid taxes in the unit bid prices or other contract amounts. In some cases, however, state retail sales tax will not be included. Section 1- 07.2(3) describes this exception. The Contracting Agency will pay the retained percentage only if the Contractor has obtained from the Washington State Department of Revenue a certificate showing that all contract- related taxes have been paid (RCW 60.28050). The Contracting Agency may deduct from its payments to the Contractor any amount the Contractor may owe the Washington State Department of Revenue, whether the amount owed relates to thiS contract or not. Any amount so deducted will be paid into the proper State fund. 1-07.2(2) State Sales Tax - Rule 171 WAC 458-20-171, and its related rules, apply to building, repairing, or improving streets, roads, etc., which are owned by a mUnicipal corporation, or political subdivision of the state, or by the United States, and which are used primarily for foot or vehicular traffic. This includes storm or combined sewer systems wIthin and included as a part of the street or road drainage system and power lines when such are part of the roadway lighting system. For work performed in such cases, the Contractor shall include Washington State Retail Sales Taxes in the various unit bid item prices, or other contract amounts, including those that the Contractor pays on the purchase of the materials, equipment, or supplies used or consumed in doing the work. 1-07.2(3) State Sales Tax - Rule 170 WAC 458-20-170, and its related rules, apply to the constructing and repairing of new or existing bUildings, or other structures, upon real property This includes, but is not limited to, the construction of streets, roads, highways, etc., owned by the state of Washington; water mains and their appurtenances; sanitary sewers and sewage disposal systems unless such sewers and disposal systems are within, and a part of, a street or road drainage system; telephone, telegraph, electrical power distribution lines, or other conduits or lines in or above streets or roads, unless such power lines become a part of a street or road lighting system; and installing or attaching of any article of tangible personal property in or to real property, whether or not such personal property becomes a part of the realty by virtue of installation. For work performed in such cases, the Contractor shall collect from the Contracting Agency, retail sales tax on the full contract price. The Contracting Agency will automatically add this sales tax to each payment to the Contractor. For this reason, the Contractor shall not Include the retail sales tax in the unit bid item prices, or In any other contract amount subject to Rule 170, with the following exception. Exception: The Contracting Agency will not add in sales tax for a payment the Contractor or a subcontractor makes on the purchase or rental of tools, machinery, equipment, or consumable supplies not integrated into the project. Such sales taxes shall be included in the unit bid item prices or in any other contract amount. 1-07.2(4) Services The Contractor shall not collect retail sales tax from the Contracting Agency on any contract wholly for professional or other services (as defined in Washington State Department of Revenue Rules 138 and 244). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Permits And licenses Section 1-07 6 is supplemented with the following: (March 13, 1995) No hydraulic permits are required for this project unless the Contractor's operations use, divert, obstruct, or change the natural flow or bed of any river or stream, or utilize any of the waters of the State or materials from gravel or sand bars, or from stream beds. (January 5, 2004) Reduced Insurance Requirement Section 1-07.18 is revised as follows: Item number 1 in the first paragraph is deleted. Item number 2 is revised to read: 2. Commercial General liability Insurance written under ISO Form CG0001 or its equivalent with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate for each policy year. Products and completed operations coverage shall be provided for a period of one year following final acceptance of the work The Contracting Agency shall be named as an additional insured on the policy. 1-07.17 UTILITIES AND SIMILAR FACILITIES (******) Section 1-07.17 is supplemented by the following: Locations and dimensions shown in the plans for existing facilities are in accordance with available information obtained without uncovering, measuring, or other verification. Public and private utilities, or their contractors, will furnish all work necessary to adjust, relocate, replace, or construct their facilities unless otherwise provided for in the Plans or these Special Provisions. Such adjustment, relocation, replacement, or construction will be done dunng the prosecution of the work for this project. The Contractor shall call the Utility Location Request Center (One Call Center), for field location not less than two nor more than ten business days before the scheduled date for commencement of excavation which may affect underground utility facilities, unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties involved. A business day is defined as any day other than Saturday, Sunday, or a legal local, state or federal holiday. The telephone number for the One Call Center for this project is 1-800-424-5555. The Contractor is alerted to the existence of Chapter 19.122 RCW, a Washington State law relating to underground utilities. Any cost to the Contractor incurred as a result of this law shall be at the Contractor's expense. No excavation shall begin until all known facilities in the vicinity of the excavation area have been located and marked. 0407_03 Part03.doc [Revised March 2008] III - 17 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] III - 1 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-07.23 Public Convenience and Safety (******) Section 1-07.23 is supplemented with the following: The construction safety zone for this project is 10 feet from the outside edge of the traveled way. During the actual hours of work, unless protected as described above, only matenals absolutely necessary to construction shall be within the safety zone and only construction vehicles absolutely necessary to construction shall be allowed within the safety zone or allowed to stop or park on the shoulder of the roadway. The Contractor's nonessential vehicles and employees private vehicles shall not be permitted to park within the safety zone at any time unless protected as descnbed above. Adjacent roadways and sidewalks shall be cleaned of construction debris at the end of each work day, or sooner if there is an unanticipated adverse impact on the safety of the traveling public. Deviation from the above reqUirements shall not occur unless the Contractor has requested the deViation in writing and the Engineer has provided written approval. In addition to the requirements of Section 1-07.23(1) of the Standard Specifications, the following provisions shall apply: 1. There shall be no delay to medical, fire, police, or other emergency vehicles with flashing lights or sirens. The Contractor shall alert all flaggers and personnel of this requirement. 2. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least one work day In advance of the need to restnct parking within the project limits The Engineer will notify the Police Department of the required restricted parking. 3 Prior to cutting across driveways and bUSiness or parking accesses, the Contractor MUST NOTIFY All OWNERS AT lEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE 4. Every effort shall be made to limit restrictions to access of businesses to short periods of time. The Contractor may be required to address business access concerns on short notice Modification(s) to the contract to compensate the Contractor for changes due to access concerns shall only be made if such change results in an impact on the delivery schedule of more than one day and/or a significant change in labor or equipment requirements. 1-07.23(1) Construction Under Traffic (October 1,2005 APWA GSP) Revise the second paragraph to read' To disrupt public traffic as little as possible, the Contractor shall permit traffic to pass through the work with the least possible inconvenience or delay. The Contractor shall maintain existing roads, streets, sidewalks. and paths within the project limits, keeping them open, and in good, clean, safe condition at all times. Deficiencies caused by the Contractor's I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I operations shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense. Deficiencies not caused by the Contractor's operations shall be repaired by the Contractor when directed by the Engineer, at the Contracting Agency's expense. The Contractor shall also maintain roads, streets, sidewalks, and paths adjacent to the project limits when affected by the Contractor's operations. Snow and ice control will be performed by the Contracting Agency on all projects. Cleanup of snow and ice control debris will be at the Contracting Agency's expense. The Contractor shall perform the following: 1. Remove or repair any condition resulting from the work that might impede traffic or create a hazard. 2. Keep existing traffic signal and highway lighting systems in operation as the work proceeds. (The Contracting Agency will continue the route maintenance on such system.) 3. Maintain the striping on the roadway at the Contracting Agency's expense. The Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling when to renew striping, subject to the approval of the Engineer. When the scope of the project does not require work on the roadway, the Contracting Agency will be responsible for maintaining the striping. 4. Maintain existing permanent signing. Repair of signs will be at the Contracting Agency's expense, except those damaged due to the Contractor's operations. 5. Keep drainage structures clean to allow for free flow of water. Cleaning of existing drainage structures will be at the Contracting Agency's expense when approved by the Engineer, except when flow is impaired due to the Contractor's operations. 1-07.23(2) Construction and Maintenance of Detours (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Revise the first paragraph to read. Unless otherwise approved, the Contractor shall maintain two-way traffic during construction. The Contractor shall build, maintain In a safe condition, keep open to traffic, and remove when no longer needed: 1. Detours and detour bridges that will accommodate traffic diverted from the roadway, bridge, sidewalk, or path dunng construction, 2. Detour crossings of intersecting highway, and 3. Temporary approaches. 1-07.24 Rights of Way (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Delete this section in its entirety, and replace it with the following: Street right of way lines, limits of easements, and limits of construction permits are indicated in the Plans. The Contractor's construction activities shall be confined within these limits, unless arrangements for use of private property are made. Generally, the Contracting Agency will have obtained, prior to bid opening, all rights of way and easements, both permanent and temporary, necessary for carrying out the work. Exceptions to this are noted in the Bid Documents or will be brought to the Contractor's attention by a duly issued Addendum. 0407 _03 Part03 doc [ReVIsed March 2008] III-19 Whenever any of the work is accomplished on or through property other than public right of way, the Contractor shall meet and fulfill all covenants and stIpulations of any easement agreement obtained by the Contracting Agency from the owner of the private property. Copies of the easement agreements may be included In the Contract Provisions or made available to the Contractor as soon as practical after they have been obtained by the Engineer. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Whenever easements or rights of entry have not been acquired prior to advertising, these areas are so noted in the Plans. The Contractor shall not proceed with any portIon of the work in areas where right of way, easements or rIghts of entry have not been acquired until the Engineer certifies to the Contractor that the right of way or easement is available or that the right of entry has been received. If the Contractor is delayed due to acts of omission on the part of the Contracting Agency in obtaining easements, rights of entry or right of way, the Contractor will be entitled to an extension of time. The Contractor agrees that such delay shall not be a breach of contract. Each property owner shall be given 48 hours notice prior to entry by the Contractor. This includes entry onto easements and prIvate property where private improvements must be adjusted The Contractor shall be responsible for providing, without expense or liability to the Contracting Agency, any additional land and access thereto that the Contractor may desire for temporary construction facilities, storage of materials, or other Contractor needs. However, before using any private property, whether adjoining the work or not, the Contractor shall file with the Engineer a written permission of the pnvate property owner, and, upon vacating the premises, a written release from the property owner of each property disturbed or otherwise interfered with by reasons of construction pursued under this contract The statement shall be signed by the private property owner, or proper authority acting for the owner of the private property affected, stating that permission has been granted to use the property and all necessary permits have been obtained or, in the case of a release, that the restoration of the property has been satisfactorily accomplished. The statement shall include the parcel number, address, and date of signature. Written releases must be filed with the Engineer before the Completion Date will be established. 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS Add the following new section: 1-08.0 Preliminary Matters (May 25, 2006 APWA GSP) Add the following new section: 1-08.0(1) Preconstruction Conference (May 25, 2006 APWA GSP) Prior to the Contractor beginning the work, a preconstructJon conference wIll be held between the Contractor, the Engineer and such other interested parties as may be invited. The purpose of the preconstruction conference will be: 1. To review the initIal progress schedule; 2. To establish a working understanding among the various parties associated or affected by 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] III - 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the work; 3. To establish and review procedures for progress payment, notifications, approvals, submittals, etc., 4. To establish normal working hours for the work; 5. To review safety standards and traffic control; and 6. To discuss such other related items as may be pertinent to the work. The Contractor shall prepare and submit at the preconstruction meeting the following: 1. A breakdown of all lump sum items, 2. A preliminary schedule of working drawing submittals; and 3 A list of material sources for approval if applicable. Add the following new section. 1-08.0(2) Hours of Work (May 25, 2006 APWA GSP) Except in the case of emergency or unless otherwise approved by the Contracting Agency, the normal straight time working hours for the contract shall be any consecutive 8-hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of a working day with a maximum 1-hour lunch break and a 5-day work week. The normal straight time 8-hour working period for the contract shall be established at the preconstruction conference or prior to the Contractor commencing the work. If a Contractor desires to perform work on holidays, Saturdays, Sundays, or before 7 00 a.m. or after 6.00 p.m. on any day, the Contractor shall apply in writing to the Engineer for permission to work such times. Permission to work longer than an 8-hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 6.00 p m. is not required. Such requests shall be submitted to the Engineer no later than noon on the working day prior to the day for which the Contractor is requesting permission to work. Permission to work between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. during weekdays and between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and g.OO a m. on weekends or holidays may also be subject to noise control requirements. Approval to continue work during these hours may be revoked at any time the Contractor exceeds the Contracting Agency's noise control regulations or complaints are received from the public or adjoining property owners regarding the noise from the Contractor's operations. The Contractor shall have no claim for damages or delays should such permission be revoked for these reasons. Permission to work Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or other than the agreed upon normal straight time working hours Monday through Friday may be given subject to certain other conditions set forth by the Contracting Agency or Engineer. These conditions may Include but are not limited to: requiring the Engineer or such assistants as the Engineer may deem necessary to be present during the work; requiring the Contractor to reimburse the Contracting Agency for the costs in excess of straight-time costs for Contracting Agency employees who worked during such times, on non Federal aid projects; considering the work performed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays as working days with regards to the contract time; and considering multiple work shifts as multiple working days with respect to contract time even though the multiple shifts occur in a single 24-hour period. Assistants 0407_03 Part03.doc [Revised March 2008] III-21 0407_03 Part03.doc [Revised March 2008] III - 22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I may include, but are not limited to, survey crews; personnel from the Contracting Agency's material testing lab; inspectors; and other Contracting Agency employees when in the opinion of the Engineer, such work necessitates their presence. Add the following new section: 1-08.0(3) Reimbursement for Overtime Work of Contracting Agency Employees (May 25, 2006 APWA GSP) Where the Contractor elects to work on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, or longer than an 8- hour work shift on a regular working day, as defined in the Standard Specifications, such work shall be considered as overtime work. On all such overtime work an inspector will be present, and a survey crew may be required at the discretion of the Engineer. In such case, the Contracting Agency may deduct from amounts due or to become due to the Contractor for the costs in excess of the straight-time costs for employees of the Contracting Agency required to work overtime hours. The Contractor by these specifications does hereby authorize the Engineer to deduct such costs from the amount due or to become due to the Contractor. Revise this section to read: 1-08.4 Notice to Proceed and Prosecution of the Work (October 1,2005 APWA GSP) Notice to Proceed will be oiven after the contract has been executed and the contract bond and eVidence of insurance have been approved and filed bv the Contractinq Aoencv. The Contractor shall not commence With the work until the Notice to Proceed has been oiven by the Enoineer. The Contractor shall commence construction activities on the proiect site within ten days of the Notice to Proceed Date, unless otherwise approved in writing. The Contractor shall diligently pursue the work to the physical completion date within the time specified in the contract. Voluntary shutdown or slowing of operations by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to complete the work within the time(s) specified in the contract TIME FOR COMPLETION (******) Section 1-08.5 is supplemented with the following: Time is of the essence in the performance of this Contract and in adhering to the time frames specified herein. The Contractor shall commence work within ten (10) calendar days after notice to proceed from the City, and said work shall be physically completed within 20 working days after said notice to proceed, unless a different time frame is expressly provided in writing by the City. If said work IS not completed within the time for physical completion, the Contractor may be required at the City's sole discretion to pay to the City liquidated damages as set forth in the Project Manual, for each and every day said work remains uncompleted after the expiration of the specified time. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-08.7 Maintenance During Suspension (October 1,2005 APWA GSP) Revise the second paragraph to read: At no expense to the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall provide through the construction area a safe, smooth, and unobstructed roadway. sidewalk, and path for public use during suspension (as required in Section 1-07.23 or the Special Provisions). This may include a temporary road or detour. PAYMENTS (******) Section 1-09.9 is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall submit payment requests with a completed Application for Payment form, an example of which is included in the Attachments in Part 4 of the Project Manual. This form includes a lien waiver certification, and shall be notarized before submission. Applications for payment not signed or notarized shall be considered incomplete and ineligible for payment consideration. All contract Payments will be made only through an Electronic Fund Transfer. It is the sole responsibility of the Contractor to provide to the City the applicable account information to allow this to occur TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL Traffic Control Management General (August 2, 2004) Section 1-10.2(1) is supplemented with the following: The Traffic Control Supervisor shall be certified by one of the following: The Northwest Laborers-Employers Training Trust 27055 Ohio Ave. Kingston, WA 98346 (360) 297-3035 Evergreen Safety Council 401 Pontius Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98109 1-800-521-0778 or (206) 382-4090 Measurement (August 2, 2004) Section 1-10.4(1) is supplemented with the following: 0407_03 Part03.doc [Revised March 2008] III - 23 The proposal contains the item "Project Temporary Traffic Control," lump sum. provisions of Section 1-10.4(1) shall apply. 0407_03 Part03.doc [Revised March 2008] III - 24 The I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND ROADSIDE CLEANUP Description Section 2-01.1 is supplemented with the following: (March 13, 1995) Clearing and grubbing on this project shall be performed within the following limits: From the north edge of Rook Drive to the limits of the fill area as identified on the plans. (September 8, 1997) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, Curbs, and Gutters Section 2-02 3(3) is supplemented with the following: The approximate thickness of the asphalt concrete pavement is 2"-4". The approximate thickness of the cement concrete pavement is 4"-6". Construction Requirements Section 2-02.3 is supplemented with the following. (******) All slurry created by the sawing of asphalt or concrete pavement shall be collected and legally disposed of. A vacuum shall be used to collect the slurry as it is produced or immediately following completion of the sawinig. No slurry shall be allowed to reach any storm drain or surface conveyance of storm water. Measurement Section 2-02.4 is supplemented with the following: (******) Asphalt concrete pavement removal will be measured by the square yard. (October 25, 1999) Cement concrete sidewalk and driveway removal Will be measured by the square yard. Sawing asphalt or cement concrete sidewalk will be measured by the linear foot. Payment Section 2-02.5 is supplemented with the following: (September 30, 1996) "Remove Asphalt Concrete Pavement", per square yard. (November 3, 1999) "Remove Cement Concrete Sidewalk and Driveway", per square yard. "Saw Asphalt or Cement Concrete Pavement", per linear foot The unit contract bid pnce for "Saw Asphalt or Cement Concrete Pavement" shall include collection and disposal of all slurry created by the sawing of asphalt or concrete pavement. 0407_03 Part03 doc [ReVised March 2008] III - 25 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] III - 26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT Measurement (******) Section 2-03.4 is revised by following: The third, fourth and fifth sentences of the first paragraph are deleted. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 5 SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PAVEMENTS HOT MIX ASPHALT Construction Requirements Soil Residual Herbicide (*****) The first sentence of Section 5-04.3(5)0 is replaced with the follOWing: Soil residual herbicide shall be applied in areas to be paved with granular base. Application of soil residual herbicide shall not be required in areas of non-permeable base such as paving over cement concrete or asphalt treated base Acceptance Sampling and Testing - HMA Mixture (January 5, 2004) Section 5-04.3(8)A IS supplemented with the following: Commercial HMA Evaluation The following HMA will be accepted by commercial HMA evaluation: HMA Class W' PG64-22 Joints (January 5, 2004) Section 5-04.3(12) is supplemented with the following: All cold joints, whether they are butt or lap joints, shall be sealed on the surface at the joint with AR 4000 or other as approved by the Engineer Measurement (******) Section 5-04.4 is revised as follows: The fourth paragraph is deleted. The unit contract bid price for "Commercial HMA" shall include the application of soil residual herbicide In areas to be paved with granular base. Application of soil residual herbicide shall not be required in areas of non-permeable base such as paving over cement concrete or asphalt treated base. Payment (******) Section 5-04.5 is revised as follows. The second paragraph is supplemented as follows: The unit contract bid price for "Commercial HMA" shall include sealing butt and/or lap joints, and the application of soil residual herbicide in accordance with Section 5-04.3(5)0 in areas to be paved with granular base. Application of soil residual herbicide shall not be required in areas of non-permeable base such as paving over cement concrete or asphalt treated base. Paragraphs 7, 8, and 9 are deleted 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] III-27 0407_03 Part03.doc [RevIsed March 2008] III-28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 7 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, STORM SEWERS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATER MAINS, AND CONDUITS STORM SEWERS Payment (******) Section 7-04.5 is supplemented with the following: The unit contract price per linear foot for storm sewer pipe of the kind and size specified shall be full payment for controlled density fill (CDF) backfill of the trench where indicated in the plan details. MANHOLES, INLETS, CATCH BASINS, AND DRYWELLS Materials (******) Section 7-05.2, Matenals, is supplemented with the following: Grates shall be standard bolt down type. Catch basin grates shall have stamped on them the words "Drains to Streams". Construction Requirements (******) Section 7-05.3, Construction Requirements, is supplemented with the followmg: Backfill around the catch basin shall be controlled density fill (CDF). Where shown on the Plans, or directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall install catch basins of the type indicated in the plans. Measurement (******) Section 7-05.4, Measurement, is supplemented with the following: Catch Basin Type I will be measured per each. Payment (******) Section 7-05.5 Payment, is supplemented with the following "Catch Basin Type I", per each. Controlled density fill (CDF) backfill is considered incidental to and shall be included in the unit contract price. ADJUST WATER VALVE BOX Construction Requirements {******} Section 7-12.3, Construction ReqUirements, is supplemented with the following: Where shown on the Plans, or directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall adjust water valve boxes to finished grade. The Contractor shall exercise care in handling the valve box. Valve boxes damaged, due to the Contractor's operations, shall be repaired I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer or replaced at no added cost to the City. In addition, this work Includes installing a "Storz" fitting compatable with a 5" Storz hose coupling that meets the NFPA Fire Hose Connection Standard in Chapter 6 of the latest edition of NFPA 1963 on existing hydrants where indicated on the plans. Measurement (******) Section 7-12.4, Measurement, is supplemented with the following: Measurement for "Adjust Water Valve Box" shall be per each box adjusted. Payment (******) Section 7-12 5, Payment, is supplemented with the following: The unit contract pnce per each for "Adjust Water Valve Box" shall be full pay for performing the work as specified, including all costs for extensions, shortening the existing valve box, excavation or any other material, work, or equipment necessary to adjust the valve box to finished grade and Installing a "Storz" fitting compatable with a 5" Storz hose coupling that meets the NFPA Fire Hose Connection Standard in Chapter 6 of the latest edition of NFPA 1963 on existing hydrants where indicated on the plans. 0407_03 Part03 doc [RevIsed March 2008] III-29 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] III - 30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 8 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL . ~ Construction Requirements (******) The first paragraph of Section 8-01.3(4), Placing Compost Blanket, is replaced with the following: Compost blanket shall be placed at locations and to a depth indicated in the plans. Compost material and grass seed shall be placed simultaneously or grass seed may be applied and raked in to the compost blanket following its placement Measurement (******) Section 8-01.4 is revised as follows: The first sentence of section 8-01.4 is deleted. Section 8-01.4 is supplemented with the following: Measurement for "Compost Blanket and Seeding" shall be per square yard Payment (******) Section 8-01.5 is revised as follows: "ESC Lead", per day is deleted All costs for the work performed by the ESe Lead shall be included in the unit contract price for the various other items of work in the bid proposal. Section 8-01.5 is supplemented with the following' "Compost Blanket and Seeding", per square yard CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKS Description (******) Section 8-14 1 is replaced with the following: This work consists of construction cement concrete sidewalks in accordance with details shown in the Plans and these Specifications and in conformity to lines and grades shown in the Plans or established by the Engineer. Payment (******) Section 8-14.1 is supplemented with the following: "Cement Cone. Sidewalk Type I", per square yard "Cement Cone. Sidewalk Type II", per square yard I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STANDARD PLANS August 4, 2008 The State of Washington Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction M21-01 transmitted under Publications Transmittal No. PT 08-049, effective August 4, 2008 is made a part of this contract. The Standard Plans are revised as follows: All Standard Plans All references in the Standard Plans to "Asphalt Concrete Pavement" shall be revised to read "Hot Mix Asphalt". All references in the Standard Plans to the abbreviation "ACP" shall be revised to read "HMA". C-1 Sheet 1 In the TYPE 1 ALTERNATIVE, the title of the first section view is revised to INITIAL INSTALLATION B-10.20 and B10.40 Substitute "step" in lieu of "handhold" on plan C-1a In the TYPE 11, WOOD POST ASSEMBLY, the 18" long Button Head Bolts are revised to 25" long. C-1b In the ANCHOR POST ASSEMBLY, the above ground 71/2" long bolt connecting the Wood Breakaway Post to the Foundation Tube is revised to 1 0" long. C-2Q DELETED C-2s Delete reference to Cross-Section A C-3, C-3B, C-3C Note 1 is revised as follows: replace reference F-2b with F-10.42 C-3d DELETED C-5 In the A CONNECTION, "Type 3 transition pay limit" is revised to "transition pay limit". C-8 END VIEW A, shows two dimensions at the connecting pin counterbore opening at the top of the view, 1 W' R and below another dimension of 1 ~" R, the bottom dimension should be 7/8" R 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] III - 31 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] III - 32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C-8b (Sheet 1 of 2) Revise SECTION A note as follows: STEEL LIGHT STANDARD .- SEE STD. PLAN J- 28.60 (Sheet 2 of 2) Revise POLE BASE PLATE note as follows: replace J-1d with J-28.60 C-10 (sheet 2 of 2) COVER PLATE DETAIL, dimension of the 1" dia. holes, changes from 8" to 3" C-11 DELETED C-11 a DELETED C-11 b DELETED C-12 Note 1 is revised to read: Approved inertial barrier systems (sand barrel arrays) are listed in the Qualified Products List and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Products not listed on the Qualified Products List are considered when submitted with a Request of Approval of Materials (RAM) form. C-14h Revise SECTION B note as follows: STEEL LIGHT STANDARD - SEE STD. PLAN J-28.60 C-14i Section C callout: "Sign Bridge End Post (See Std. Plan G-2)"revlsed to read: "Sign Bridge End Post (See Std. Plan G-70.1 0)" C-14k Elevation callout. "Cantilever Sign Structure (See Std. Plan G-2)"revised to read: "Sign Bridge End Post (See Std. Plan G-70.1 0)" D-1a throuQh D-1f Deleted. F-40.12 throuQh F-40.18 The following note is added to these five plans: Note 7 To the maximum extent feasible, the ramp cross slope shall not exceed 2%. J-11 c Delete all references to Type 7 Junction Box J-12. Sheet 1 of 2. Detail View A (STD. PLAN G-4a) is revised to read: (Std Plan G-22.1 0) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sheet 2 of 2, Detail View 0 (STD. PLAN G-8a) is revised to read: (Std. Plan G-25.1 0) K-80.30-00 In the NARROW 8ASE, END view, the reference to Std. Plan C-8e is revised to Std. Plan K-80.35 M-1 .60 COLLECTOR DISTRI8UTOR ROAD OFF- CONNECTION, taper dimensions of 225' MIN. is changed to 300' MIN. The following are the Standard Plan numbers applicable at the time this project was advertised. The date shown with each plan number is the publication approval date shown in the lower right-hand corner of that plan. Standard Plans showing different dates shall not be used in this contract. A-1 0.1 0-00..... ..8/07/07 A-10.20-00 .....10/05/07 A-1 0.30-00......1 0/05/07 A-20.1 0-00. .......8/31/07 A-30.1 0-00..... 11/08/07 8-5.20-00......... .6/01 /06 8-5.40-00...... ....6/01/06 8-5.60-00......... .6/01 /06 8-10.20-00....... .6/01 /06 8-1 0.40-00. ... ....6/01/06 8-10.60-00 .......6/08/06 8-15.20-00. .......6/01/06 8-15.40-00...... ..6/01/06 8-15.60-00. ... ....6/01/06 8-20.20-01......11/21/06 8-20.40-02.... ....6/1 0/08 8-20.60-02...... .6/10/08 8-25.20-00. .. . .. .. 6/08/06 8-25.60-00. ... .... 6/0 1/06 8-30.1 0-00........ 6/08/06 8-30.20-01......11/21/06 8-30.30-00.. .....6/01/06 8-30.40-00...... ..6/01 /06 C-1.................. ..2/06/07 C-1 a.................. 7/31/98 C-1 b................1 0/31/03 C-1 c................. .5/30/97 C-1 d. ...... ..... ....1 0/31/03 C-2....................1/06/00 C-2a................. .6/21 /06 C-2b........ ........ .6/21 /06 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] A-30 15-00..... 11/08/07 A-30.30-00...... 11/08/07 A-30.35-00......10/12/07 A-40.1 0-00......10/05/07 A-40.20-00...... ..9/20/07 8-30.50-00. .......6/01/06 8-30.70-01........8/31/07 8-30.80-00.... ....6/08/06 8-30.90-01........9/20/07 8-35.20-00. ..... ..6/08/06 8-35 40-00...... ..6/08/06 8-40.20-00. ..... ..6/01/06 8-40.40-00....... .6/01 /06 8-45.20-00....... .6/01 /06 8-45.40-00....... .6/01 /06 8-50.20-00...... ..6/01/06 8-55.20-00....... .6/01 /06 8-60.20-00.... .. .. 6/08/06 8-60.40-00....... .6/01 /06 8-65.20-00...... ..6/01/06 8-65.40-00.... ....6/01/06 8-70.20-00....... .6/01/06 8-70.60-00 ... ..6/01/06 C-3b................. 1 0/04/05 C-3c. .................6/21/06 C-4.................... .2/21 /07 C-4a.................. .2/21 /07 C-4b .................6/08/06 C-4e.................. .2/20/03 C-4f................... .6/30/04 C-5...................1 0/31/03 III - 33 A-40.50-00.....11/08/07 A-60.1 0-00.....10/05/07 A-60.20-00..... 1 0/05/07 A-60.30-00.....11/08/07 A-60 .40-00..... . 8/31 /07 8: 75.20-01...... .6/1 0/08 8-75.50-01...... .6/10/08 8-75.60-00.. ....6/08/06 8-80.20-00. ......6/08/06 8-80.40-00...... .6/01/06 8-82.20-00......6/01/06 8-85.10-01..... .6/10/08 8-85.20-00...... .6/01 /06 8-85.30-00.......6/01/06 8-85.40-00.......6/08/06 8-85.50-01.......6/10/08 8-90.10-00...... 6/08/06 8-90.20-00.... ...6/08/06 8-90.30-00..... .6/08/06 8-90.40-00.... ...6/08/06 8-90.50-00. ......6/08/06 8-95.20-00...... .6/08/06 8-95 40-00....... 6/08/06 C-13c................. 7/3/08 C-14a.......... ...... 7/3/08 C-14b............... 7/26/02 C-14c............... 7/26/02 C-14d......... ....... 7/3/08 C-14e........... ....7/3/08 C-14h...............1 /11 106 C-14i..............12/02/03 C-2c................. .6/21 /06 C-2d .. . .. .... .6/21/06 C-2e................. .6/21 /06 C-2f .... ...........3/14/97 C-2g .................7/27/01 C-2h ..... ...........3/28/97 C-2i... ...... ........ ..3/28/97 C-2j.. ...............6/12/98 C-2k........ ...... ....7/27/01 C-2n....... ..........7/27/01 C-2o................ .7/13/01 C-2p.... ... ......10/31/03 C-2r.................. .3/03/05 C-2s......... .......3/03/05 C-2t................ ..3/03/05 C-3........ ........ ..1 0/04/05 C-3a. ............ ..1 0/04/05 0-2.02-00... .....11/1 0/05 0-2.04-00...... ..11/1 0/05 0-2.06-00...... ..11/1 0/05 0-2.08-00........11/10/05 0-2.10-00. .. ...11/10/05 0-2.12-00........11/10/05 0-2.14-00........11/10/05 0-2.16-00........11/10/05 0-2.18-00.......11/10/05 0-2.20-00... .....11/1 0/05 0-2.30-00...... ..11/1 0/05 0-2.32-00........11/10/05 0-2.34-00........11/10/05 0-2.36-01...... ..11/08/07 0-2.38-00........11/10/05 0-2.40-00........11/10/05 0-2.42-00........11/10/05 E-1. .. ... ... . .. ..2/21/07 E-2........... ...... ..5/29/98 F-10.12-00.......12/20/06 F-1 0.16-00..... ..12/20/06 F-1 0.40-01...........7/3/08 F-1 0.42-00.. .......1/23/07 F-10.62-01...... ..9/05/07 F-1 0.64-02...........7/3/08 G-9a.............. ...6/25/02 G-1 0.1 0-00........9/20/07 G-20 10-00........9/20/07 G-22.1 0-01.......... 7/3/08 G-24.10-00......11/08/07 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] C-6......... .... ...... 5/30/97 C-6a.................. .3/14/97 C-6c.. ............ .....1/06/00 C-6d.... ..............5/30/97 C-6f..... ....... .. ...7/25/97 C-7...................1 0/31/03 C-7a ...... .........10/31/03 C-8................. .. .4/27/04 C-8a.... ............. 7/25/97 C-8 b. .. .. . .. . .. .. ... .. 1 /11 /06 C-8e.................. .2/21 /07 C-8f................... .6/30/04 C-1 0..... ... ...........7/31/98 C-12................... 7/27/01 C-13.................... 7/3/08 C-13a........ .... ......7/3/08 C-13b.... . ...... 7/3/08 0-2.44-00...... ..11 /1 0/05 0-2.46-00...... ..11 /10/05 0-2.48-00 ... ..11 /10/05 0-2.60-00... ... ..11/1 0/05 0-2.62-00.. . ..11/10/05 0-2.64-00...... ..11 /10/05 0-2.66-00...... .11/10/05 0-2.68-00...... ..11 /10/05 0-2.78-00........11/10/05 0-2.80-00....... .11 /10/05 0-2.82-00...... ..11 /1 0/05 0-2.84-00........11/10/05 0-2.86-00...... ..11 /1 0/05 0-2 88-00...... ..11 /10/05 0-2.92-00...... ..11/10/05 0-3.. .......... .....7/13/05 0-3a................. .6/30/04 E-4...... ............ .8/27/03 E-4a................. .8/27/03 F-30.1 0-00.........1/23/07 F-40.1 0-01.......10/05/07 F-40.12-00 2/07/07 F-40.14-00....... ..2/07/07 F-40.15-00........ .2/07/07 F-40.16-00.........2/07/07 G-24.50-00......11/08/07 G-24.60-00......11/08/07 G-25.1 0-00..... .11 /08/07 G-30.10-00......11/08/07 G-50.10-00.. . ..11 /08/07 III-34 C-14j... ..........12/02/03 C-14k.... .... .......1/11/06 C-15a................. 7/3/08 C-15b..... .......... 7/3/08 C-16a...... .... ..11 /08/05 C-16b............ 11/08/05 C-20 14-00......2/06/07 C-20.40-00... ..2/06/07 C-22.40-01.. .10/05/07 C-23.60-00..... .2/06/07 C-25.18-01......9/20/07 C-25.20-02........ 7/3/08 C-25.22-01....10/05/07 C-25.80-01........ 7/3/08 C-28.40-00.... ..2/06/07 C-90. 1 0-00... .....7/3/08 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0-3b 6/30/04 0-3c 6/30/04 0-4. ....... ... ..... .12/11/98 0-6.................. .6/19/98 0-10.10-00.... ....7/8/08 0-10.15-00... ......7/8/08 0-10.20-00.........7/8/08 0-10.25-00........7/8/08 0-10.30-00..... . .7/8/08 0-1 0.35-00. .. ... .. .7/8/08 0-1 0 40-00.........7/8/08 0-10.45-00... ... ...7/8/08 0-15.10-00... . .. 7/8/08 0-15 20-00.........7/8/08 0-15.30-00.........7/8/08 F-40.18-00...... .2/07/07 F-40.16-00.......2/07/07 F-40.20-00.....10/05/07 F-42.10-00.....10/05/07 F-80. 1 0-00.......1/23/07 G-70.1 0-00......10/5/07 G-70.20-00......10/5/07 G-70.30-00......10/5/07 G-95.1 0-00.... .11 /08/07 G-95 20-01......7/10/08 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G-24.20-00......11/08/07 G-2430-00......11/08/07 G-24.40-00......11/08/07 H-1 0.1 0-00... ......7/3/08 H-10.15-00..........7/3/08 H-30.1 0-00......1 0/12/07 1-10.10-00.. ...8/31/07 1-30.10-00......... 9/20/07 1-30.20-00.........9/20/07 1-30.30-00.........9/20/07 1-30 40-00....... 10/12/07 J-1 f............ .... .6/23/00 J-3.......... ... ......8/01/97 J-3b................. ..3/04/05 J-3c.................. .6/24/02 J-3d. ................11/05/03 J-5....................8/01/97 J-6c.................. A/24/98 J-6f..... ............ ..4/24/98 J-6g.. . ............12/12/02 J-6h......... ........ A/24/98 J-7a.............. ....9/12/01 J-7 c........... . .... .6/19/98 J-7 d ................. A/24/98 J-8a ................ ..5/20/04 K-10 20-01......10/12/07 K-1 OAO-OO. .......2/15/07 K-20.20-01......10/12/07 K-20AO-00.. .....2/15/07 K-20.60-00...... ..2/15/07 K-22.20-01......10/12/07 K-24.20-00........2/15/07 K-24AO-01......10/12/07 K-24.60-00........2/15/07 K-24.80-01......10/12/07 K-26.20-00........2/15/07 L-1 0.1 0-00........ 2/21/07 L-20.10-00........2/07/07 L-30.1 0-00........ 2/07/07 M-1.20-01.........1/30/07 M-1AO-0 1......... 1/30/07 M-1.60-01... .... 1/30/07 M-1.80-02. ........ 8/31/07 M-2.20-01......... 1/30/07 M-2AO-01... .....1/30/07 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] G-60 10-00....... .8/31/07 G-60.20-00....... .8/31/07 G-60.30-00....... .8/31/07 H-32.1 0-00....... .9/20/07 H-60.10-01 ..... .7/3/08 H-60.20-01.... .: .7/3/08 1-30.50-00........11/14/07 1-40.10-00. ...... .9/20/07 1-4020-00..........9/20/07 1-50.10-00..........9/20/07 1-50.20-00......... .8/31/07 J-8b................ ...5/20/04 J-8c....... .. ... ... ...5/20/04 J-8d .................. .5/20/04 J-9a.......... ......... A/24/98 J-1 0....................7/18/97 J-11 a................1 0/12/07 J-11b. ..............9/02/05 J-11 c............. .... 6/21/06 J-12................. .11/08/05 J-15a................10/04/05 J-15b.... ...........10/04/05 J-16a................. .3/04/05 J-16b................. .9/20/07 J-16c........ ........9/20/07 K-26AO-01......10/12/07 K-30 20-00........2/15/07 K-30AO-01.. ...10/12/07 K-32.20-00 .......2/15/07 K-32AO-00....... .2/15/07 K-32.60-00........2/15/07 K-32.80-00.. ... .2/15/07 K-34.20-00...... ..2/15/07 K-36.20-00. .... ..2/15/07 K-40.20-00.. ....2/15/07 K-40AO-00........2/15/07 L-40.10-00.........2/21/07 L-40.15-00....... ..2/21/07 L-40.20-00........ .2/21/07 M-7 .50-01........ ..1/30/07 M-9 50-01........ ..1/30/07 M-11 10-01. .... ..1/30/07 M-15.10-01........2/06/07 M-17.10-02. ....... 7/3/08 M-20.10-01........1/30/07 III-35 G-95.30-01 .... 7/10/08 H-70.1O-00 .....9/05/07 H-70. 20-00......9/05/07 H-70.30-00..... .9/05/07 1-60.10-00.... ...8/31/07 1-60.20-00....... .8/31/07 1-80.10-00..... ..8/31/07 J-18. ....... ...... 9/02/05 J-19................ .9/02/05 J-20............. ...9/02/05 J-28. 1 0-00... ...8/07/07 J-28.22-00...... .8/07/07 J-28.24-00...... .8/07/07 J-28.26-00.. .... .8/07/07 J-28.30-00...... .8/07/07 J-28AO-00...... .8/07/07 J-28A2-00 ..... 8/07/07 J-28A5-00...... .8/07/07 J-28.50-00...... .8/07/07 J-28.60-00...... .8/07/07 J-28. 70-00.... ..11/08/07 K-40.60-00.......2/15/07 K-40.80-00.. ....2/15/07 K-55.20-00...... .2/15/07 K -60.20-02. ........7/3/08 K-60AO-00... ...2/15/07 K-70.20-00.... ..2/15/07 K-80.10-00... ...2/21/07 K-80.20-00.....12/20/06 K-80.30-00.. ....2/21/07 K-80 35-00 ......2/21/07 K-80.37 -00...... .2/21/07 L-70 10-01..... ..5/21/08 L-70.20-01...... .5/21/08 M-40.10-00......9/20/07 M-40.20-00. ..10/12/07 M-40.30-00..... .9/20/07 M-40AO-00.. ....9/20/07 M-40.50-00. .... .9/20/07 M-40 60-00 .....9/20/07 M-2.60-01. .......1/30/07 M-3.10-01.........1/30/07 M-3.20-01.........1/30/07 M-3.30-01.........1/30/07 M-3AO-01.........1/30/07 M-350-01.........1/30/07 M-5.1 0-01... ...... 1/30/07 0407_03 Part03 doc [Revised March 2008] M-20.20-01 .......1/30/07 M-20 30-01........1/30/07 M-20AO-01........1/30/07 M-20.50-01........1/30/07 M-24.20-01...... 5/31/06 M-2440-01........5/31/06 M-24.60-02....... .2/06/07 III-36 M-60.10-00. ....9/05/07 M-60.20-00..... .9/05/07 M-65 10-01..... 5/21/08 M-80 10-00..... .6/1 0/08 M-80.20 -00. ... .6/10/08 M-80.30-00 ....6/1 0/08 I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART IV ATTACHMENTS PW 407_04 Part04.doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment A Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates for Clallam County PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone (360) 902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fnnge benefits On public works projects, workers' wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total A brief descnptlon of overtime calculation requirements IS provided on the Benefit Code Key CLALLAM COUNTY EFFECTIVE 08-31-08 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code ASBESTOS ABATEMENT WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $38 06 1H 50 BOILERMAKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $50 33 1C 5N BRICK AND MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $45 05 1M SA CABINET MAKERS (IN SHOP) JOURNEY LEVEL $1467 CARPENTERS ACOUSTICAL WORKER $46 32 1M 50 BRIDGE, DOCK AND WARF CARPENTERS $46 16 1M 50 CARPENTER $46 16 1M 50 CREOSOTEo MATERIAL $46 25 1M 50 DRYWALL APPLICATOR $46 42 1M 50 FLOOR FINISHER $45 98 1M 50 FLOOR LAYER $45 98 1M 50 FLOOR SANDER $45 98 1M 50 MILLWRIGHT AND MACHINE ERECTORS $4716 1M 50 PILEDRIVERS, DRIVING, PULLING, PLACING COLLARS AND WELDING $46.36 1M 50 SAWFILER $45 98 1M 50 SHINGLER $45 98 1M 50 STATIONARY POWER SAW OPERATOR $45 98 1M 50 STATIONARY WOODWORKING TOOLS $45 98 1M 50 CEMENT MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $38 06 1H 50 DIVERS & TENDERS DIVER $9231 1M 50 8A DIVER TENDER $49 84 1M 50 DREDGE WORKERS ASSISTANT ENGINEER $4709 1T 50 8L ASSISTANT MATE (DECKHAND) $46 58 1T 50 8L BOATMEN $47 09 1T 50 8L ENGINEER WELDER $4714 1T 50 8L LEVERMAN, HYDRAULIC $48 71 1T 50 8L MAINTENANCE $46 58 1T 50 8L MATES $4709 1T 50 8L OILER $4671 1T 50 8L DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $46 04 1E 5P ELECTRICAL FIXTURE MAINTENANCE WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $937 Page 1 I CLALLAM COUNTY I EFFECTIVE 08-31-08 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) I Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ClaSSification WAGE Code Code Code ELECTRICIANS - INSIDE I CABLE SPLICER $58 34 1E SA CABLE SPLICER (TUNNEL) $62 86 1E SA CERTIFIED WELDER $56 29 1E SA I CERTIFIED WELDER (TUNNEL) $60 60 1E SA CONSTRUCTION STOCK PERSON $28 83 1E SA JOURNEY LEVEL $54 25 1E SA JOURNEY LEVEL (TUNNEL) $58 48 1E SA I ELECTRICIANS - MOTOR SHOP CRAFTSMAN $1537 2A 6C JOURNEY LEVEL $1469 2A 6C I ELECTRICIANS - POWERLlNE CONSTRUCTION CABLE SPLICER $56 53 4A SA CERTIFIED LINE WELDER $51 64 4A SA GROUNDPERSON $3715 4A SA I HEAD GROUNDPERSON $3919 4A SA HEAVY LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $51 64 4A SA JACKHAMMER OPERATOR $39 19 4A SA I JOURNEY LEVEL UNEPERSON $51 64 4A SA LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $43 83 4A SA POLE SPRAYER $51 64 4A SA POWDER PERSON $39 19 4A SA I ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $1207 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS I MECHANIC $60 85 4A 6Q MECHANIC IN CHARGE $66 25 4A 6Q FABRICATED PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS $1350 I FENCE ERECTORS FENCE ERECTOR $1380 FENCE LABORER $11 60 I FLAGGERS JOURNEY LEVEL $32 41 1H 50 GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL $45 20 1H SG I HEAT & FROST INSULATORS AND ASBESTOSWORKERS MECHANIC $4758 1S SJ HEATING EQUIPMENT MECHANICS I MECHANIC $1600 HOD CARRIERS & MASON TENDERS JOURNEY LEVEL $39 25 1H 50 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE AND MACHINE MECHANICS I MECHANIC $1565 INDUSTRIAL POWER VACUUM CLEANER JOURNEY LEVEL $924 I INLAND BOATMEN CAPTAIN $59 22 COOK $34 81 DECKHAND $34.52 I ENGINEER/DECKHAND $58 62 MATE, LAUNCH OPERATOR $50 20 Page 2 I I CLALLAM COUNTY I EFFECTIVE 08-31-08 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) I Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ClaSSification WAGE Code Code Code I INSPECTION/CLEANING/SEALING OF SEWER & WATER SYSTEMS BY REMOTE CONTROL CLEANER OPERATOR, FOAMER OPERATOR $973 GROUT TRUCK OPERATOR $11 48 I HEAD OPERA TOR $1278 TECHNICIAN $807 TV TRUCK OPERATOR $1053 INSULATION APPLICATORS I JOURNEY LEVEL $20 50 IRONWORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $4792 10 5A I LABORERS ASP HAL T RAKER $38 77 1H 5D BALLAST REGULA TOR MACHINE $38 06 1H 5D BATCH WEIGHMAN $32 41 1H 5D I BRUSH CUTTER $38 06 1H 5D BRUSH HOG FEEDER $38 06 1H 5D BURNERS $38 06 1H 5D I CARPENTER TENDER $38 06 1H 5D CASS/ON WORKER $39 25 1H 5D CEMENT DUMPER/PAVING $38 77 1H 5D CEMENT FINISHER TENDER $38 06 1H 5D I CHANGE-HOUSE MAN OR DRY SHACKMAN $38 06 1H 5D CHIPPING GUN (OVER 30 LBS) $38 77 1H 5D CHIPPING GUN (UNDER 30 LBS) $38 06 1H 5D I CHOKER SETTER $38 06 1H 5D CHUCK TENDER $38 06 1H 5D CLEAN-UP LABORER $38 06 1H 5D CONCRETE DUMPER/CHUTE OPERATOR $38 77 1H 5D I CONCRETE FORM STRIPPER $38 06 1H 5D CONCRETE SAW OPERATOR $38 77 1H 5D CRUSHER FEEDER $32 41 1H 5D I CURING LABORER $38 06 1H 5D DEMOLITION, WRECKING & MOVING (INCLUDING CHARRED MATERIALS) $38 06 1H 5D DITCH DIGGER $38 06 1H 5D DIVER $39 25 1H 5D I DRILL OPERATOR (HYDRAULIC, DIAMOND) $38 77 1H 5D DRILL OPERATOR, AIRTRAC $39 25 1H 5D DUMPMAN $38.06 1H 5D I EPOXY TECHNICIAN $38 06 1H 5D EROSION CONTROL WORKER $38 06 1H 5D FALLER/BUCKER, CHAIN SAW $38 77 1H 5D FINAL DETAIL CLEANUP (I e, dusting, vacuuming, WIndow cleaning, NOT $2959 1H 5D I construction debns cleanup) FINE GRADERS $38 06 1H 5D FIRE WATCH $32 41 1H 5D FORM SETTER $38 06 1H 5D I GABION BASKET BUILDER $38 06 1H 5D GENERAL LABORER $38 06 1H 5D GRADE CHECKER & TRANSIT PERSON $38.77 1H 5D I GRINDERS $38 06 1H 5D GROUT MACHINE TENDER $38 06 1H 5D Page 3 I I CLALLAM COUNTY I EFFECTIVE 08-31-08 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) I Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ClaSSification WAGE Code Code Code GUARDRAIL ERECTOR $38 06 1H 5D I HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL A $39 25 1H 5D HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL B $38 77 1H 5D HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL C $38 06 1H 5D I HIGH SCALER $39 25 1H 5D HOD CARRIERlMORTARMAN $38 77 1H 5D JACKHAMMER $38 77 1H 5D LASER BEAM OPERATOR $38 77 1H 5D I MANHOLE BUILDER-MUDMAN $38 77 1H 5D MATERIAL YARDMAN $38 06 1H 5D MINER $39 25 1H 5D I NOZZLEMAN, CONCRETE PUMP, GREEN CUTTER WHEN USING HIGH $38 77 1H 5D PRESSURE AIR & WATER ON CONCRETE & ROCK, SANDBLAST, GUNITE, SHOTCRETE, WATER BLASTER PAVEMENT BREAKER $38 77 1H 5D I PILOT CAR $32 41 1H 5D PIPE POT TENDER $38 77 1H 5D PIPE RELINER (NOT INSERT TYPE) $38 77 1H 5D PIPELAYER & CAULKER $38 77 1H 5D I PIPELAYER & CAULKER (LEAD) $39 25 1H 5D PIPEWRAPPER $38 77 1H 5D POT TENDER $38 06 1H 5D I POWDERMAN $39 25 1H 5D POWDER MAN HELPER $38.06 1H 5D POWERJACKS $38 77 1H 5D RAILROAD SPIKE PULLER (POWER) $38 77 1H 5D I RE-TIMBERMAN $39 25 1H 5D RIPRAP MAN $38 06 1H 5D RODDER $38 77 1H 5D I SCAFFOLD ERECTOR $38 06 1H 50 SCALE PERSON $38 06 1H 5D SIGNALMAN $38 06 1H 50 SLOPER (OVER 20") $38 77 1H 50 I SLOPER SPRAYMAN $38 06 1H 50 SPREADER (CLARY POWER OR SIMILAR TYPES) $38 77 1H 50 SPREADER (CONCRETE) $38 77 1H 50 I STAKE HOPPER $38 06 1H 5D STOCKPILER $38 06 1H 50 TAMPER & SIMILAR ELECTRIC, AIR & GAS $38 77 1H 50 TAMPER (MULTIPLE & SELF PROPELLED) $38 77 1H 50 I TOOLROOM MAN (AT JOB SITE) $38 06 1H 50 TOPPER-TAILER $38 06 1H 50 TRACK LABORER $38 06 1H 50 I TRACK LINER (POWER) $38 77 1H 5D TRUCK SPOTTER $38 06 1H 50 TUGGER OPERATOR $38 77 1H 50 VIBRATING SCREED (AIR, GAS, OR ELECTRIC) $38 06 1H 50 I VIBRATOR $38 77 1H 5D VINYL SEAMER $38 06 1H 50 WELDER $38 06 1H 50 I WELL-POINT LABORER $38 77 1H 50 Page 4 I I CLALLAM COUNTY I EFFECTIVE 08-31-08 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over I PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ClaSSification WAGE Code Code Code LABORERS - UNDERGROUND SEWER & WATER I GENERAL LABORER $38 06 1H 50 PIPE LAYER $38 77 1H 50 LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION I IRRIGATION OR LAWN SPRINKLER INSTALLERS $1289 LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT OPERATORS OR TRUCK DRIVERS $1289 LANDSCAPING OR PLANTING LABORERS $1289 LATHERS I JOURNEY LEVEL $46 42 1M 50 METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) FITTERIWELDER $1516 I LABORER $11 13 MACHINE OPERATOR $1066 PAINTER $11 41 PAINTERS I JOURNEY LEVEL $33 94 2B 5A PLASTERERS JOURNEY LEVEL $25 83 I PLAYGROUND & PARK EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS JOURNEY LEVEL $807 PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $59 24 1G 5A I POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS ASSISTANT ENGINEERS $44 64 1T 50 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (3 YO & UNDER) $4742 1T 50 8L I BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (OVER 3 YO & UNDER 6 YO) $4791 1T 50 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (6 YO AND OVER WITH ATTACHMENTS) $48 46 1T 50 8L BACKHOES, (75 HP & UNDER) $4700 1T 50 8L BACKHOES, (OVER 75 HP) $4742 1T 50 8L I BARRIER MACHINE (ZIPPER) $4742 1T 50 8L BATCH PLANT OPERATOR, CONCRETE $4742 1T 50 8L BELT LOADERS (ELEVATING TYPE) $4700 1T 50 8L I BOBCAT (SKID STEER) $44 64 1T 50 8L BROOMS $44 64 1T 50 8L BUMP CUTTER $47 42 1T 50 8L CABLEWA YS $4791 1T 50 8L I CHIPPER $4742 1T 50 8L COMPRESSORS $44.64 1T 50 8L CONCRETE FINISH MACHINE - LASER SCREED $44 64 1T 50 8L I CONCRETE PUMPS $4700 1T 50 8L CONCRETE PUMP-TRUCK MOUNT WITH BOOM ATTACHMENT $4742 1T 50 8L CONVEYORS $4700 1T 50 8L CRANES, THRU 19 TONS, WITH ATTACHMENTS $4700 1T 50 8L I CRANES, 20 - 44 TONS, WITH ATTACHMENTS $4742 1T 50 8L CRANES, 45 TONS - 99 TONS, UNDER 150 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $4791 1T 50 8L WITH ATACHMENTS) CRANES, 100 TONS - 199 TONS, OR 150 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $48 46 1T 50 8L I WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES, 200 TONS TO 300 TONS, OR 250 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $4703 1T 50 8L WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES, A-FRAME, 10 TON AND UNDER $44 64 1T 50 8L I CRANES, A-FRAME, OVER 10 TON $4700 1T 50 8L Page 5 I I CLALLAM COUNTY I EFFECTiVE 08-31-08 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over I PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code CRANES, OVER 300 TONS, OR 300' OF BOOM INCLUDiNG jiB WITH $4709 1T 50 8L I ATTACHMENTS CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE ( 20 - 44 TONS) $4742 1T 50 8L CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE ( 45 - 99 TONS) $4791 1T 50 8L I CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE (100 TONS & OVER) $48 46 1T 50 8L CRANES, TOWER CRANE UP TO 175' IN HEIGHT, BASE TO BOOM $48 46 1T 50 8L CRANES, TOWER CRANE OVER 175' IN HEIGHT, BASE TO BOOM $4703 1T 50 8L CRUSHERS $4742 1T 50 8L I DECK ENGINEER/DECK WINCHES (POWER) $4742 1T 50 8L DERRICK, BUILDING $4791 1T 50 8L DOZERS, 0-9 & UNDER $4700 1T 50 8L I DRILL OILERS - AUGER TYPE, TRUCK OR CRANE MOUNT $4700 1T 50 8L DRILLING MACHINE $47 42 1T 50 8L ELEVATOR AND MANLlFT, PERMANENT AND SHAFT-TYPE $44 64 1T 50 8L EQUIPMENT SERVICE ENGINEER (OILER) $4700 1T 50 8L I FINISHING MACHINE/BIDWELL GAMACO AND SIMILAR EQUIP $4742 1T 50 8L FORK LIFTS, (3000 LBS AND OVER) $4700 1T 50 8L FORK LIFTS, (UNDER 3000 LBS) $44 64 1T 50 8L I GRADE ENGINEER $4700 1T 50 8L GRADECHECKER AND STAKEMAN $44 64 1T 50 '\ 8L GUARDRAIL PUNCH $47 42 1T 50 8L HOISTS, OUTSIDE (ELEVATORS AND MANLlFTS), AIR TUGGERS $47 00 1T 50 8L I HORIZONTAUDIRECTIONAL DRILL LOCATOR $4700 1T 50 8L HORIZONTAUDIRECTIONAL DRILL OPERATOR $4742 1T 50 8L HYDRALlFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (10 TON & UNDER) $44 64 1T 50 8L I HYDRALlFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (OVER 10 TON) $4700 1T 50 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (6 YO UP TO 8 YO) $4791 1T 50 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (8 YO & OVER) $48 46 1T 50 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (UNDER 6 YD), PLANT FEED $47 42 1T 50 8L I LOCOMOTIVES, ALL $4742 1T 5D 8L MECHANICS, ALL $4791 1T 50 8L MIXERS, ASPHALT PLANT $4742 1T 5D 8L I MOTOR PATROL GRADER (FINISHING) $4742 1T 50- 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER (NON-FINISHING) $4700 1T 5D 8L MUCKING MACHINE, MOLE, TUNNEL DRILL AND/OR SHIELD $4791 1T 50 8L OIL DISTRIBUTORS, BLOWER DISTRIBUTION AND MULCH SEEDING $44 64 1T 50 8L I OPERATOR PAVEMENT BREAKER $44 64 1T 50 8L PILEDRIVER (OTHER THAN CRANE MOUNT) $4742 1T 50 8L PLANT OILER (ASPHALT, CRUSHER) $4700 1T 50 8L I POSTHOLE DIGGER, MECHANICAL $44 64 1T 50 8L POWER PLANT $44 64 1T 50 8L PUMPS, WATER $44 64 1T 50 8L I QUAD 9,0-10, AND HD-41 $4791 1T 50 8L REMOTE CONTROL OPERATOR ON RUBBER TIRED EARTH MOVING $4791 1T 50 8L EQUIP RIGGER AND BELLMAN $44 64 1T 5D 8L I ROLLAGON $4791 1T 50 8L ROLLER, OTHER THAN PLANT ROAD MIX $44 64 1T 50 8L ROLLERS, PLANTMIX OR MULTILlFT MATERIALS $47 00 1T 50 8L ROTO-MILL, ROTO-GRINDER $4742 1T 50 8L I SAWS, CONCRETE $4700 1T 50 8L Page 6 I I CLALLAM COUNTY I EFFECTIVE 08-31-08 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) I Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ClaSSification WAGE Code Code Code I SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, ARTICULATING $4742 1T 50 8L OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT ( UNDER 45 YD) SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, ARTICULATING $4791 1T 50 8L OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT (45 YD AND OVER) I SCRAPERS, CONCRETE AND CARRY ALL $4700 1T 5D 8L SCREED MAN $4742 1T 5D 8L SHOTCRETE GUNITE $44 64 1T 50 8L SLlPFORM PAVERS $4791 1T 50 8L I SPREADER, TOPSIDE OPERATOR - BLAW KNOX $4742 1T 50 8L SUBGRADE TRIMMER $4742 1T 5D 8L TOWER BUCKET ELEVATORS $4700 1T 5D 8L I TRACTORS, (75 HP & UNDER) $4700 1T 5D 8L TRACTORS, (OVER 75 HP) $4742 1T 50 8L TRANSFER MATERIAL SERVICE MACHINE $47 42 1T 50 8L TRANSPORTERS, ALL TRACK OR TRUCK TYPE $4791 1T 5D 8L I TRENCHING MACHINES $4700 1T 5D 8L TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER ( UNDER 100 TON) $4700 1T 5D 8L TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER (100 TON & OVER) $4742 1T 5D 8L I TRUCK MOUNT PORTABLE CONVEYER $4742 1T 5D 8L WHEEL TRACTORS, FARMALL TYPE $44.64 1T 5D 8L YO YO PAY DOZER $4742 1T 50 8L POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS- UNDERGROUND SEWER & WATER I (SEE POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS) POWER LINE CLEARANCE TREE TRIMMERS JOURNEY LEVEL IN CHARGE $3761 4A 5A SPRAY PERSON $35 73 4A 5A I TREE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $36 19 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER $33 69 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER GROUNDPERSON $25 43 4A 5A I REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS MECHANIC $27 68 RESIDENTIAL BRICK & MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $45 05 1M 5A I RESIDENTIAL CARPENTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $1785 RESIDENTIAL CEMENT MASONS I JOURNEY LEVEL $25 63 RESIDENTIAL DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $1800 RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICIANS I JOURNEY LEVEL $27 78 RESIDENTIAL GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL $21 36 I RESIDENTIAL INSULATION APPLICATORS JOURNEY LEVEL $9.86 RESIDENTIAL LABORERS JOURNEY LEVEL $1808 I RESIDENTIAL PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $1597 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS I JOURNEY LEVEL $1460 Page 7 I I CLALLAM COUNTY I EFFECTIVE 08-31-08 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) I Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ClaSSification WAGE Code Code Code I RESIDENTIAL REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS JOURNEY LEVEL $56 21 1G 5A RESIDENTIAL SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) $33 59 1E 6L I RESIDENTIAL SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL $1088 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) I JOURNEY LEVEL $1967 ROOFERS JOURNEY LEVEL $38 28 1R 5A USING IRRITABLE BITUMINOUS MATERIALS $41 28 1R 5A I SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) $54 07 1E 6L SHIPBUILDING & SHIP REPAIR I BOILERMAKER $32 56 1H 6W HEAT & FROST INSULATOR $4758 1S 5J LABORER $1216 1 MACHINIST $1716 1 I SHIPFITTER $1466 1 WELDER/BURNER $1466 1 SIGN MAKERS & INSTALLERS (ELECTRICAL) I JOURNEY LEVEL $1929 SIGN MAKERS & INSTALLERS (NON-ELECTRICAL) JOURNEY LEVEL $1215 SOFT FLOOR LAYERS I JOURNEY LEVEL $37 08 1B 5A SOLAR CONTROLS FOR WINDOWS JOURNEY LEVEL $1031 1B 50 I SPRINKLER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) JOURNEY LEVEL $1967 STAGE RIGGING MECHANICS (NON STRUCTURAL) JOURNEY LEVEL $1323 I SURVEYORS CHAIN PERSON $935 INSTRUMENT PERSON $11 40 PARTY CHIEF $1340 I TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $32 34 1E 5A TELEPHONE LINE CONSTRUCTION - OUTSIDE I CABLE SPLICER $31 46 2B 5A HOLE DIGGER/GROUND PERSON $1758 2B 5A INSTALLER (REPAIRER) $30 17 2B 5A JOURNEY LEVEL TELEPHONE L1NEPERSON $29 26 2B 5A I SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER I $31 46 2B 5A SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER" $30 82 2B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (HEAVY) $31 46 2B 5A I TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (LIGHT) $29 26 2B 5A TELEVISION GROUND PERSON $1667 2B 5A TELEVISION L1NEPERSONIINSTALLER $22 19 2B 5A TELEVISION SYSTEM TECHNICIAN $26 42 2B 5A I TELEVISION TECHNICIAN $23 76 2B 5A TREE TRIMMER $29.26 2B 5A Page 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CLALLAM COUNTY EFFECTIVE 08-31-08 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code r;ode Code TERRAZZO WORKERS & TILE SETTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $4361 1M 5A TILE, MARBLE & TERRAZZO FINISHERS FINISHER $37 44 18 5A TRAFFIC CONTROL STRIPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $37 90 1K 5A TRUCK DRIVERS ASPHALT MIX ( TO 16 YARDS) $43 45 1T 50 8L ASPHALT MIX (OVER 16 YARDS) $44 25 1T 50 8L DUMP TRUCK $20 23 1 DUMP TRUCK & TRAILER $20 23 1 OTHER TRUCKS $44 25 1T 50 8L TRANSIT MIXER $23 73 1 WELL DRILLERS & IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLERS IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLER $11 60 OILER $945 WELL DRILLER $11 60 Page 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Washington State Department of Labor and Industries Policy Statement (Regarding the Production of "Standard" or "Non-standard" Items) Below is the department's (State L&I's) list of criteria to be used in determining whether a prefabricated item is "standard" or "non-standard". For items not appearing on WSDOT's predetermined list, these criteria shall be used by the Contractor (and the Contractor's subcontractors, agents to subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers, and fabricators) to determine coverage under RCW 39.12. The production, in the State of Washington, of non-standard items is covered by RCW 39.12, and the production of standard items is not. The production of any item outside the State of Washington is not covered by RCW 39.12. 1. Is the item fabricated for a public works project? If not, it is not subject to RCW 39.12. If it is, go to question 2. 2. Is the item fabricated on the public works jobsite? If it is, the work is covered under RCW 39.12. If not, go to question 3. 3. Is the item fabricated in an assembly/fabrication plant set up for, and dedicated primarily to, the public works project? If it is, the work is covered by RCW 39.12. If not, go to question 4. 4. Does the item require any assembly, cutting, modification or other fabrication by the supplier? If not, the work is not covered by RCW 39.12. If yes, go to question 5. 5. Is the prefabricated item intended for the public works project typically an inventory item which could reasonably be sold on the general market? If not, the work is covered by RCW 39.12. If yes, go to question 6. 6. Does the specific prefabricated item, generally defined as standard, have any unusual characteristics such as shape, type of material, strength requirements, finish, etc? If yes, the work is covered under RCW 39.12. Any firm with questions regarding the policy, WSDOT's Predetermined List, or for determinations of covered and non-covered workers shall be directed to State L&I at (360) 902-5330. Supplemental to Wage Rates 1 I ************************************************************************************************************************ BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 08-31-08 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OVERTIME CODES OVERTIME CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON THE HOURLY RATE ACTUALLY PAID TO THE WORKER. ON PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS, THE HOURLY RATE MUST BE NOT LESS THAN THE PREVAILING RATE OF WAGE MINUS THE HOURLY RATE OF THE COST OF FRINGE BENEFITS ACTUALLY PROVIDED FOR THE WORKER. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE A ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL ALSO BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE B ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE C THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL OTHER OVERTIME HOURS WORKED SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE o THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS BEFORE OR AFTER A FIVE - EIGHT (8) HOUR WORKWEEK DAY OR A FOUR - TEN (10) HOUR WORKWEEK DAY AND THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED THE NEXT DAY AFTER EITHER WORKWEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL ADDITIONAL HOURS WORKED AND ALL WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE E THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL OTHER HOURS WORKED MONDAY THROUGH SA TURDA Y, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE F THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL OTHER OVERTIME HOURS WORKED, EXCEPT LABOR DAY, SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. G THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON A FIFTH CALENDAR WEEKDAY IN A FOUR - TEN HOUR SCHEDULE, SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN (10) HOURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE H ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER CONDITIONS OR EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED MONDAY THROUGH SA TURDA Y OVER TWELVE (12) HOURS AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE J THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED OVER TEN (10) HOURS MONDAY THROUGH SA TURDA Y, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE K ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE L ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN (10) HOURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH SA TURDA Y AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE M ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER CONDITIONS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE N ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE o THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS AND AFTER TWELVE (12) HOURS, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, AND AFTER TEN (10) HOURS ON SA TURDA Y SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE P ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF CIRCUMSTANCES WARRANT) AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 08-31-08 -2- Q THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND UP TO TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN (10) HOURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT CHRISTMAS DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON CHRISTMAS DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE R ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDA YS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE S THE FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL OTHER OVERTIME HOURS WORKED, EXCEPT LABOR DAY, SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE T WORK PERFORMED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS OF STRAIGHT TIME PER DAY, OR TEN (10) HOURS OF STRAIGHT TIME PER DAY WHEN FOUR TEN (10) HOUR SHIFTS ARE ESTABLISHED, OR FORTY (40) HOURS OF STRAIGHT TIME PER WEEK, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, OR OUTSIDE THE NORMAL SHIFT, AND ALL WORK ON SA TURDA YS SHALL BE PAID AT TIME AND ONE-HALF THE STRAIGHT TIME RATE HOURS WORKED OVER TWELVE HOURS (12) IN A SINGLE SHIFT AND ALL WORK PERFORMED AFTER 6 00 PM SA TURDA Y TO 6 00 AM MONDAY AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE STRAIGHT TIME RATE OF PAY THE EMPLOYER SHALL HAVE THE SOLE DISCRETION TO ASSIGN OVERTIME WORK TO EMPLOYEES PRIMARY CONSIDERATION FOR OVERTIME WORK SHALL BE GIVEN TO EMPLOYEES REGULARLY ASSIGNED TO THE WORK TO BE PERFORMED ON OVERTIME SITUATIONS AFTER AN EMPLOYEE HAS WORKED EIGHT (8) HOURS AT AN APPLICABLE OVERTIME RATE, ALL ADDITIONAL HOURS SHALL BE AT THE APPLICABLE OVERTIME RATE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE EMPLOYEE HAS HAD A BREAK OF EIGHT (8) HOURS OR MORE U ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURL YRA TE OF WAGE V ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE W ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS AND SUNDAYS (EXCEPT MAKE-UP DAYS DUE TO CONDITIONS BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE EMPLOYER)) SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE X THE FIRST FOUR (4) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST TWEL VE (12) HOURS ON SA TURDA Y SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED OVER TWELVE (12) HOURS MONDAY THROUGH SA TURDA Y, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE WHEN HOLIDAY FALLS ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY, THE DAY BEFORE SA TURDA Y, FRIDAY, AND THE DAY AFTER SUNDAY, MONDAY, SHALL BE CONSIDERED THE HOLIDAY AND ALL WORK PERFORMED SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE A THE FIRST SIX (6) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF SIX (6) HOURS ON SA TURDA Y AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE B ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE C ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE o ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS AND SUNDA YS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT STRAIGHT TIME IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE E ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS OR HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS OR ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE F THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT THE STRAIGHT HOURLY RATE OF WAGE IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 08-31-08 -3- G ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON PAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE INCLUDING HOLIDAY PA Y H ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE 2 ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE J ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON PAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, INCLUDING THE HOLIDAY PAY ALL HOURS WORKED ON UNPAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDA Y PA Y K M ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE o ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE P THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SA TURDA Y SHALL BE PAID ATONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT 8) HOURS ON SATURDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE Q ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE 4A ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA TURDA YS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURL Y RATE OF WAGE HOLIDA Y CODES 5 HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DA Y, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7) A B HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DA Y, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) C HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DA Y, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) D HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDA Y AND SA TURDA Y AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) E HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DA Y, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) F HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS' DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (11) G HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7) H HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS (6) HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6) J HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DA Y, CHRISTMAS EVE DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 6 BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 08-31-08 -4- K HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DA Y BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) L HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DA Y, THANKSGIVING DA Y, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) M HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DA Y, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS AND CHRISTMAS DA Y (9) N HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS' DA Y, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDA Y AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) P HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DA Y, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AND SA TURDA Y AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) Q PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6) R PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DA Y AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, ONE-HALF DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7 1/2) S PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7) T PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DA Y, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND THE DAY BEFORE OR AFTER CHRISTMAS (10) U PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) V PAID HOLIDAYS SIX (6) PAID HOLIDAYS W PAID HOLIDAYS NINE (9) PAID HOLIDAYS X HOLIDA YS AFTER 520 HOURS - NEW YEAR'S DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY AFTER 2080 HOURS - NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY AND A FLOATING HOLIDAY (8) Y HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY FOLLOWING THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) z HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) A PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DA Y (8) B PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S EVE DAY, NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DA Y, CHRISTMAS EVE'S DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) C HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) D PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, THE DAY BEFORE OR THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY (9) E PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE OR AFTER NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS DAY, MEMORIAL DA Y, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DA Y, AND A HALF-DAY ON CHRISTMAS EVE DAY (9 1/2) F PAID HOLlDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS' DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (1 I) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 08-31-08 -5- G PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS' DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DA Y, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS EVE DAY (I I) H PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, NEW YEAR'S EVE DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DA Y, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS, AND A FLOATING HOLIDAY (10) PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DA Y, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DA Y, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7) J PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DA Y, INDEPENDENCE DA Y, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DA Y, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS, AND A FLOA TING HOLIDA Y (9) L HOLIDA YS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORKING DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) Q PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DA Y, MEMORIAL DA Y, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS DA Y, THANKSGIVING DA Y, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8) UNPAID HOLIDA Y_ PRESIDENTS' DAY T PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DA Y, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORKING DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9) U HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY (9) V PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DA Y, THANKSGIVING DA Y, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND ONE DAY OF THE EMPLOYEE'S CHOICE (9) W PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DA Y, DAY BEFORE OR AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY (10) x PAID HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE OR AFTER NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DA Y, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DA Y, CHRISTMAS DAY, DAY BEFORE OR AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY, EMPLOYEE'S BIRTHDAY (I I) NOTE CODES A THE STANDBY RATE OF PAY FOR DIVERS SHALL BE ONE-HALF TIMES THE DIVERS RATE OF PAY IN ADDITION TO THE HOURLY WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS, THE FOLLOWING DEPTH PREMIUMS APPLY TO DEPTHS OF FIFTY FEET OR MORE OVER 50' TO 100' - $1 00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 50 FEET OVER 100' TO 175' - $2 25 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 100 FEET OVER 175' TO 250' - $5 50 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 175 FEET OVER 250' - DIVERS MAY NAME THEIR OWN PRICE, PROVIDED IT IS NO LESS THAN THE SCALE LISTED FOR 250 FEET C THE STANDBY RATE OF PAY FOR DIVERS SHALL BE ONE-HALF TIMES THE DIVERS RATE OF PAY IN ADDITION TO THE HOURL Y WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS, THE FOLLOWING DEPTH PREMIUMS APPLY TO DEPTHS OF FIFTY FEET OR MORE OVER 50' TO 100' - $1 00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 50 FEET OVER 100' TO ISO' - $1 50 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 100 FEET OVER ISO' TO 200' - $2 00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER ISO FEET OVER 200' - DIVERS MAY NAME THEIR OWN PRICE D WORKERS WORKING WITH SUPPLIED AIR ON HAZMA T PROJECTS RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL $1 00 PER HOUR L WORKERS ON HAZMA T PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS - LEVEL A $0 75, LEVEL B $050, AND LEVEL C $025 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BENEFIT CODE KEY ~ EFFECTIVE 08-31-08 -6- M. WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS LEVELS A & B $100, LEVELS C & D $050 N WORKERS ON HAlMA T PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS - LEVEL A $1 00, LEVEL B $075, LEVEL C $0 50, AND LEVEL D $025 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WSDOT's Predetermined List for Suppliers - Manufactures - Fabricator Below is a list of potentially prefabricated items, originally furnished by WSDOT to Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, that may be considered non- standard and therefore covered by the prevailing wage law, RCW 39.12. Items marked with an X in the "YES" column should be considered to be non-standard and therefore covered by RCW 39.12. Items marked with an X in the "NO" column should be considered to be standard and therefore not covered. Of course, exceptions to this general list may occur, and in that case shall be evaluated according to the criteria described in State and L&I's policy statement. ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO 1. Metal rectangular frames, solid metal covers, herringbone grates, and bi-directional vaned grates for Catch Basin X Types 1, 1 L, 1 P, and 2 and Concrete Inlets See Std. Plans 2 Metal circular frames (rings) and covers, circular grates, and prefabricated ladders for Manhole Types 1, 2, and 3, X Drywell Types 1, 2, and 3 and Catch Basin Type 2. See Std. Plans 3. Prefabricated steel grate supports and welded grates, metal frames and dual vaned grates, and Type 1, 2, and X 3 structural tubing grates for Drop Inlets. See Std. Plans. 4. Concrete Pipe - Plain Concrete pipe and reinforced concrete pipe Class 2 to 5 sizes smaller than 60 inch diameter. X 5. Concrete Pipe - Plain Concrete pipe and reinforced concrete pipe Class 2 to 5 sizes larger than 60 inch diameter X 6. Corrugated Steel Pipe - Steel lock seam corrugated pipe for culverts and storm sewers, sizes 30 inch X to 120 inches in diameter. May also be treated, 1 thru 5. 7. Corrugated Aluminum Pipe - Aluminum lock seam corrugated pipe for culverts and storm sewers, sizes 30 inch to 120 inches in X diameter. May also be treated, #5. Supplemental to Wage Rates 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WSDOT's Predetermined List for Suppliers - Manufactures - Fabricator ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO 8. Anchor Bolts & Nuts - Anchor Bolts and Nuts, for mounting sign structures, luminaries and other items, shall be made from commercial bolt stock. X See Contract Plans and Std. Plans for size and material type. 9 Aluminum Pedestrian Handrail - Pedestrian handrail conforming to the type and material specifications set forth in the contract plans. Welding of aluminum shall be X in accordance with Section 9-28.14(3). 10. Major Structural Steel Fabrication - Fabrication of major steel items such as trusses, beams, girders, etc., for bridges. X 11. Minor Structural Steel Fabrication - Fabrication of minor steel Items such as special hangers, brackets, access doors for structures, access ladders for irrigation boxes, bridge expansion joint systems, etc., involving welding, cutting, punching and/or X boring of holes. See Contact Plans for item description and shop drawings. 12. Aluminum Bridge Railing Type BP - Metal bridge railing conforming to the type and material specifications set forth in the Contract Plans. Welding of aluminum shall be in X accordance with Section 9-28.14(3). 13. Concrete Piling--precast-Prestressed concrete piling for use as 55 and 70 ton concrete piling. Concrete to conform to Section 9-19.1 of Std. Spec.. X 14. Precast Manhole Types 1, 2, and 3 with cones, adjustment X sections and flat top slabs. See Std. Plans 15. Precast Drywell Types 1, 2, and with cones and adjustment Sections. X See Std. Plans. 16. Precast Catch Basin - Catch Basin type 1, 1 L, 1 P, and 2 With adjustment sections. See Std. Plans. X Supplemental to Wage Rates 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WSDOT's Predetermined List for Suppliers - Manufactures - Fabricator ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO 17. Precast Concrete Inlet - with adjustment sections, See Std. Plans X 18. Precast Drop Inlet Type 1 and 2 with metal grate supports. See Std. Plans. X 19. Precast Grate Inlet Type 2 with extension and top units. See Std. Plans X - 20. Metal frames, vaned grates, and hoods for Combination Inlets. See Std. Plans X 21. Precast Concrete Utility Vaults - Precast Concrete utility vaults of various sizes. Used for in ground storage of utility facilities and controls. See Contract Plans for size and construction X requirements. Shop drawings are to be provided for approval prior to casting 22. Vault Risers - For use with Valve Vaults and Utilities Vaults. X 23. Valve Vault - For use with underground utilities. X See Contract Plans for details. 24. Precast Concrete Barrier - Precast Concrete Barrier for use as new barrier or may also be used as Temporary Concrete Barrier. Only new state approved barrier may be used as X permanent barrier. 25. Reinforced Earth Wall Panels - Reinforced Earth Wall Panels in size and shape as shown In the Plans. Fabrication plant has annual approval for methods and materials to be used. See Shop Drawing. X Fabrication at other locations may be approved, after facilities inspection, contact HQ. Lab. 26. Precast Concrete Walls - Precast Concrete Walls - tilt-up wall panel in size and shape as shown in Plans. X Fabrication plant has annual approval for methods and materials to be used Supplemental to Wage Rates 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WSDOT's Predetermined List for Suppliers - Manufactures - Fabricator ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO 27. Precast Railroad Crossings - Concrete Crossing Structure X Slabs. 28. 12, 18 and 26 inch Standard Precast Prestressed Girder- Standard Precast Prestressed Girder for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for approval prior to X casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)A 29. Prestressed Concrete Girder Series 4-14 - Prestressed Concrete Girders for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be X provided for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)A 30 Prestressed Tri-Beam Girder - Prestressed Tri-Beam Girders for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided X for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)A 31. Prestressed Precast Hollow-Core Slab - Precast Prestressed Hollow-core slab for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to X be provided for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)A. 32. Prestressed-Bulb Tee Girder - Bulb Tee Prestressed Girder for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided X for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)A 33. Monument Case and Cover X See Std. Plan. Supplemental to Wage Rates 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WSDOT's Predetermined List for Suppliers - Manufactures - Fabricator ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO 34. Cantilever Sign Structure - Cantilever Sign Structure fabricated from steel tubing meeting AASHTO-M-183. See Std. Plans, and Contract Plans for details. The steel structure X shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO-M-111. 35. Mono-tube Sign Structures - Mono-tube Sign Bridge fabricated to details shown in the Plans. Shop drawings for X approval are required prior to fabrication. 36. Steel Sign Bridges - Steel Sign Bridges fabricated from steel tubing meeting AASHTO-M-138 for Aluminum Alloys. See Std. Plans, and Contract Plans for details. The steel structure X shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO-M-111. 37. Steel Sign Post - Fabricated Steel Sign Posts as detailed in Std Plans. Shop drawings for approval are to be provided prior to X fabrication 38. Light Standard-Prestressed - Spun, prestressed, hollow concrete poles. X 39. Light Standards - lighting Standards for use on highway illumination systems, poles to be fabricated to conform with methods and materials as specified on Std. Plans. See Specia X Provisions for pre-approved drawings. 40. Traffic Signal Standards - Traffic Signal Standards for use on highway and/or street signal systems. Standards to be fabricated X to conform with methods and material as specified on Std. Plans See Special ProvisIons for pre-approved drawinas 41. Precast Concrete Sloped Mountable Curb (Single and DualFaced) X See Std Plans Supplemental to Wage Rates 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WSDOT's Predetermined List for Suppliers - Manufactures - Fabricator ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO 42. Traffic Signs - Prior to approval of a Fabricator of Traffic Signs, the sources of the following materials must be submitted and approved for reflective sheeting, legend material, and aluminum sheeting. X X NOTE: *** Fabrication inspection required. Only signs tagged "Fabrication Approved" by WSDOT Sign Fabrication Inspector to be installed Custom Std Message Slgmng Message 43. Cutting & bending reinforcing steel X - 44. Guardrail components X X Custom Standard End See See 45. Aggregates/Concrete mixes Covered by WAC 296-127-018 46. Asphalt Covered by WAC 296-127-018 47. Fiber fabrics X 48. Electrical wiring/components X 49 treated or untreated timber pile X 50. Girder pads (elastomeric bearing) X 51. Standard Dimension lumber X 52 Irrigation components X Supplemental to Wage Rates 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WSDOT's Predetermined List for Suppliers - Manufactures - Fabricator ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO 53. Fencing materials I X 54. Guide Posts I X 55. Traffic Buttons X 56 Epoxy X 57. Cribbing X 58. Water distribution materials X 59. Steel "H" piles X 60. Steel pipe for concrete pile casings X 61. Steel pile tips, standard X 62. Steel pile tips, custom X Supplemental to Wage Rates 8 I I I State of Washington Department of Labor and Industnes Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone (360) 902- PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage The PREVAILING WAGES listed here Include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fnnge benefits. On public works projects, workers' wage and benefit rates must add to not less than thiS total A bnef descnptlon of overtime calculation requirements IS provided on the Benefit Code Key I I METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) EFFECTIVE 08-31-2008 **************************************************************************************************** I I (See Benefit Code Key) Classification Code Prevailing Wage Overtime Code Holiday Code Counties Covered ADAMS, ASOTIN, COLUMBIA, DOUGLAS, FERRY, FRANKLIN, GARFIELD, KITTITAS LINCOLN, OKANOGAN, PEND ORIELLE, STEVENS, WALLA WALLA AND WHITMAN I FITTERJWELDER LABORER MACHINE OPERATOR PAINTER $12.76 $813 $1266 $1020 1 1 1 1 I I Counties Covered BENTON I I MACHINE OPERATOR PAINTER WELDER $1053 $976 $1670 Counties Covered CHELAN I I I FITTER LABORER MACHINE OPERATOR PAINTER WELDER $1504 $954 $971 $993 $1224 CountIes Covered CLALLAM, GRAYS HARBOR, ISLAND, JEFFERSON, LEWIS, MASON, PACIFIC SAN JUAN AND SKAGIT I FITTERJWELDER LABORER MACHINE OPERATOR PAINTER $1516 $1113 $1066 $11 41 I I I Supplemental to Wage Rates 9 I I I METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) EFFECTIVE 08-31-2008 ******************..********************************************************************************* (See Benefit Code Key) I Classification Code Prevailing Overtime Holiday Wage Code Code I Counties Covered CLARK FITTER $28 63 1E 6H I LABORER $20 35 1E 6H MACHINE OPERATOR $2991 1E 6H PAINTER $26 45 1E 6H WELDER $28 03 1E 6H I LA YEROUT $2991 1E 6H Counties Covered COWLITZ I MACHINE OPERATOR $24 46 1B 6V PAINTER $24 46 1B 6V WELDER $24 46 1B 6V I Counties Covered GRANT I FITTERlWELDER $1079 PAINTER $807 I Counties Covered KING I FITTER $1586 1 LABORER $978 1 MACHINE OPERATOR $1304 1 PAINTER $11 10 1 I WELDER 1548 Counties Covered KITSAP I FITTER $26 96 LABORER $807 MACHINE OPERATOR $1383 I WELDER $13 83 I I I Supplemental to Wage Rates 10 I I I I METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) EFFECTIVE 08-31-2008 ******************kkkkkkkkk************************************************************************* I Classification Code I I FITTER/WELDER LABORER MACHINE OPERATOR PAINTER I I FITTER LABORER MACHINE OPERATOR WELDER I I FITTER/WELDER LABORER MACHINE OPERATOR PAINTER I I I I FITTER LABORER MACHINE OPERATOR PAINTER WELDER I I I I (See Benefit Code Key) Prevailing Wage Counties Covered. KLlCKITAT, SKAMANIA, WAHKIAKUM $1699 $10.44 $1721 $1703 Counties Covered PIERCE $15.25 $1032 $1398 $1398 Counties Covered SNOHOMISH $1538 $979 $884 $998 Counties Covered SPOKANE $1259 $807 $1326 $1027 $1080 Supplemental to Wage Rates I Overtime Code Holiday Code 11 I I I METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) EFFECTIVE 08-31-2008 **************************************************************************************************** I Classification Code I I I FITTER LABORER MACHINE OPERATOR LAYEROUT WELDER I FITTER/WELDER LABORER MACHINE OPERATOR I I FITTER LABORER MACHINE OPERATOR PAINTER WELDER I I I I I I I I Supplemental to Wage Rates I (See Benefit Code Key) Prevailing Wage Counties Covered THURSTON $24 88 $1661 $26.95 $26.95 $2281 Counties Covered WHA TeaM $1381 $900 $1381 Counties Covered. YAKIMA $12.00 $1031 $11 32 $1200 $11 32 Overtime Code 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A Holiday Code 6T 6T 6T 6T 6T 12 I I I I FABRICATED PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS EFFECTIVE 08-31-2008 **************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Classification Code Prevailing Wage Overtime Code Holiday Code I Counties Covered ADAMS, ASOTIN, BENTON, COLUMBIA, DOUGLAS, FERRY, GARFIELD, GRANT, LINCOLN, OKANOGAN, PEND OREILLE, STEVENS, WALLA WALLA AND WHITMAN I I ALL CLASSIFICATIONS $996 I I I I I I I I ALL CLASSIFICATIONS Counties Covered CHELAN, KITTITAS, KLlCKIT A T AND SKAMANIA 861 Counties Covered CLALLAM, CLARK, COWLITZ, GRAYS HARBOR, ISLAND, JEFFERSON, KITSAP,LEWlS, MASON, PACIFIC, SAN JUAN, SKAGIT, SNOHOMISH, THURSTON AND WAHKIAKUM ALL CLASSIFICATIONS $1350 Counties Covered FRANKLIN $11 50 CountIes Covered KING $1315 2K Counties Covered PIERCE $928 Counties Covered' SPOKANE $20 23 Counties Covered WHA TCOM $1367 Counties Covered YAKIMA $872 $807 58 ALL CLASSIFICATIONS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS I I CRAFTSMAN LABORER I Supplemental to Wage Rates 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WSDOT's List of State Occupations not applicable to Heavy and Highway Construction Projects This project is subject to the state hourly minimum rates for wages and fringe benefits in the contract provisIons, as provided by the state Department of Labor and Industries. The following list of occupations, is comprised of those occupations that are not normally used in the construction of heavy and highway projects. When consIdering job classifications for use and / or payment when bidding on, or building heavy and highway construction projects for, or administered by WSDOT, these Occupations will be excepted from the included "Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Work Contracts" documents. · Electrical Fixture Maintenance Workers · Electricians - Motor Shop · Heating Equipment Mechanics · Industrial Engine and Machine Mechanics · Industrial Power Vacuum Cleaners · Inspection, Cleaning, Sealing of Water Systems by Remote Control · Laborers - Underground Sewer & Water · Machinists (Hydroelectric Site Work) · Modular Buildings · Playground & Park Equipment Installers · Power Equipment Operators - Underground Sewer & Water · Residential *** ALL ASSOCIATED RATES *** . Sign Makers and Installers (Non-Electrical) · Sign Makers and Installers (Electrical) · Stage Rigging Mechanics (Non Structural) The following occupations may be used only as outlined in the preceding text concerning "WSDOT's list for Suppliers - Manufacturers - Fabricators" · Fabricated Precast Concrete Products · Metal Fabrication (In Shop) Definitions for the Scope of Work for prevailing wages may be found at the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries web site and in WAC Chapter 296-127. Supplemental to Wage Rates 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Washington State Department of Labor and Industries Policy Statements (Regarding Production and Delivery of Gravel, Concrete, Asphalt, etc.) The following two letters from the State Department of Labor and Industries (State L&I) dated August 18, 1992 and June 18, 1999, clarify the intent and establish policy for administrating the provisions of WAC 296-127-018 COVERAGE AND EXEMPTIONS OF WORKERS INVOLVED IN THE PRODUCTION AND DELIVERY OF GRAVEL, CONCRETE, ASPHALT, OR SIMILAR MATERIALS. Any firm with questions regarding the policy, these letters, or for determinations of covered and non-covered workers shall be directed to State L&I at (360) 902-5330. Effective September 1, 1993, minimum prevailing wages for all work covered by WAC 296-127-018 for the production and/or delivery of materials to a public works contract will be found under the regular classification of work for Teamsters, Power Equipment Operators, etc. Supplemental to Wage Rates 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ESAC DIVISION - TELEPHONE (206) 586-6887 PO BOX 44540, OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98504-4540 August 18, 1992 TO: All Interested Parties FROM: Jim P. Christensen Acting Industrial Statistician SUBJECT: Materials Suppliers - WAC 296-127-018 This memo is intended to provide greater clarity regarding the application of WAC 296- 127-018 to awarding agencies, contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers and other interested parties. The information contained herein should not be construed to cover all possible scenarios which might require the payment of prevailing wage The absence of a particular activity under the heading "PREVAILING WAGES ARE REQUIRED FOR" does not mean that the activity IS not covered. Separate Material Supplier Equipment Operator rates have been eliminated. For those cases where a production facility IS set up for the specific purpose of supplying materials to a public works construction site, prevailing wage rates for operators of equipment such as crushers and batch plants can be found under Power Equipment Operators. PREVAILING WAGES ARE REQUIRED FOR: 1. Hauling materials away from a public works project site, including excavated materials, demolished materials, etc 2. Delivery of materials to a public works project site using a method that involves incorporation of the delivered materials into the project site, such as spreading, leveling, rolling, etc. 3. The production of materials at a facility that is established for the specific, but not necessarily exclusive, purpose of supplying materials for a public works project. 4. Delivery of the materials mentioned in #3 above, regardless of the method of delivery. PREVAILING WAGES ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR: 1. The production of materials by employees of an established materials supplier, in a permanent facility, as well as the delivery of these materials, as long as delivery does not include incorporation of the materials into the job site. 2. Delivery of materials by a common or contract carrier, as long as delivery does not include Incorporation of the materials into the job site. 3. Production of materials for unspecified future use. Supplemental to Wage Rates 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STA TE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES June 18, 1999 TO: Kerry S. Radcliff, Editor Washington State Register FROM: Gary Moore, Director Department of Labor and Industries SUBJECT: Notice re WAC 296-127-018, Coverage and exemptions of workers involved in the production and delivery of gravel, concrete, asphalt, or similar materials The department wishes to publish the following Notice in the next edition of the Washington State Register: NOTICE Under the current material supplier regulations, WAC 296-127-018, the department takes the position that prevailing wages do not apply to the delivery of wet concrete to public works sites, unless the drivers do something more than just deliver the concrete. Drivers delivering concrete into a crane and bucket, hopper of a pump truck, or forms or footings, are not entitled to prevailing wages unless they operate machinery or use tools that screed, float, or put a finish on the concrete. This position applies only to the delivery of wet concrete. It does not extend to the delivery of asphalt, sand, gravel, crushed rock, or other similar materials covered under WAC 296-127-018. The department's position applies only to this regulation. If you need additional information regarding this matter, please contact Greg Mowat, Program Manager, Employment Standards, at P.O. Box 44510, Olympia, WA 98504-4510, or call (360) 902-5310. Please publish the above Notice in WSR 99-13. If you have questions or need additional information, please call Selwyn Walters at 902-4206. Thank you. Cc: Selwyn Walters, Rules Coordinator Patrick Woods, Assistant Director Greg Mowat, Program Manager Supplemental to Wage Rates 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment B Request for Approval of Material (RAM) Form PW 407_04 Part04.doc [Revised March 2008] I I ~ Yli Washington State Department of Transportation Request for Approval of Material Contract FA Number Date I Section County I Contractor Subcontractor I For WSDOT Use Only For assistance in completing, see Instructions and Example RAM # Bid Matenal or Name and Location of Fabncator, Specification PE Hdqtr Appr'1 Appr'l File Item No Manufacturer's ProducllType Manufacturer or Pit Number Reference Code Code No. Project Engineer Date State Materials Engineer Date Approval Action Codes for use by Project Engineer and State Materials Laboratory 1 ConditIOnally Approved: Acceptance based upon 'Satisfactory' Test Report for samples of matenals to be Incorporated into project. 2 Conditionally Approved. Submit Mfg Cert. of Compliance for 'Approval' pnor to use of material. 3 Conditionally Approved Submit Catalog Cuts for 'Approval' pnor to use of matenal. 4. Conditionally Approved Submit Shop Drawings for 'Approval' pnor to fabncatlon of material. 5 Conditionally Approved Only 'Approved for Shipment' or 'WSDOT Inspected' matenal shall be used. 6. Conditionally Approved Submit Matenals Certificate of Ongln to Project Engineer 7. Approval Pending Request Transmitted to State Matenals Laboratory for Approval Action. 8 Source Approved 9 Approval Withheld: Submit samples for preliminary evaluation 10 Approval Withheld. 11. Remarks I I I I I I I I I I I I I Project Engineer Distribution o Contractor o Region Operations Engineer o Region Materials o State Materials Lab MIS 47365 State Materials Engineer Distribution o General File 0 Signing Inspection o Fabrication Inspection 0 Other I DOT Form 350.071 EF Revised 3/07 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment C Request for Information (RFI) and Construction Change Order (CCO) Forms PW 407_04 Part04.doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) FORM PROJECT NAME. PROJECT/CONTRACT NUMBER: ORIGINATOR ITEM REFERENCE DRAWING OR SPECIFICATION, DESCRIPTION OF CLARIFICATION/REQUEST: DOwner o Contractor DATE REPLY REQUESTED' CRITICAL TO SCHEDULE' 0 YES 0 NO ORIGINATOR SIGNATURE. DATE. COMMENTS: RFI Number' PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER (CCO) NO. I Project Name Date I Contractor Project No I I DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perform the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this Change Order: I 1. Describe work here 2. Additional work, etc.... I Such work will be compensated by check one or more of the following as applicable [ ] Increase or [ Decrease In bid items, [ ] Force Account; [ ] Negotiated Price: The described work affects the eXisting contract items and/or adds and/or deletes bid items as follows: I Item Descnptlon RFI# I Qty Unit $ Cost Per Unit $ Cost Net $ Cost Adj. Days No " .( ~ , , 1'" " 1 Ong Rev 2 Ona Rev I I ORIGINAL CURRENT EST NET CHANGE TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS, EST CONTRACT AFTER CONTRACT CONTRACT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDING THIS ONE THIS CHANGE ORDER * * * * * DAYS XX DAYS yy DAYS zz DAYS XX+ZZ-YY DAYS YY+ZZ I I I * Amount with applicable sales tax included I All work, matenals and measurements to be In accordance with the prOVIsions of the onglnal contract and/or the standard speCifications and special provisions for the type of construction Involved The payments and/or additional time speCified and agreed to In thiS order Include every claim by the Contractor for any extra payment or extension of time with respect to the work descnbed herein, including delays to the overall project I APPROVED BY. SIGNATURE: DATE PROJECT ENGINEER CITY ENGINEER CONTRACTOR PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE I I I PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment 0 Request to Sublet and Subcontract Certification Forms PW 407_04 Part04.doc [Revised March 2008] I I ..... ~ Washington State ~II Department of Transportation Request to Sublet Work o Subcontractor 0 Lower Tier Subcontractor 0 DBE I Prime Contractor Federal Employer J.D. Number * State Contract Number Job Description (Title) Request Number Approval is Requested to Sublet the Following Described Work to: Subcontractor or Lower Tier Subcontractor Federal Employer I D. Number * Address Telephone Number City I State Zip Code Estimated Starting Date If Lower Tier Subcontractor, ID of Corresponding Subcontractor . If no Federal Employer I D Number, Use Owner's Social Secunty Number Item No. Partial Item Descnptlon Amount I understand and will msure that the subcontractor will ~ P"m, Coo""", 5,,,,",, Date comply fully with the plans and specifications under which this work IS bemg performed Department of Transportation Use Only Percent of Total Contract DBE Status Verification This Request % PrevIous Requests % Sublet to Date % Project Engineer's Signature Date Approved - Region Construction Engineer Date o Approved (When Required) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DOT Fonn 421-012 EF Revised 03/2008 DlstnbutlOn White (Onglnal) - Region Canary (Copy) - Project Engineer Pink (Copy) - Contractor I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Contractor and Subcontractor or Lower Tier Subcontractor Certification for City of Port Angeles Projects (ReqUired for each Subcontractor or Lower Tier Subcontractor on all proJects) I Project Number I I Project Name I Subcontractor or Lower Tier Subcontractor To be signed by proposed subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor The contract documents for this subcontract include the minimum prevailing wage rates. I certify the above statement to be true and correct. Company By Date Title Contractor Certification To be completed and signed by the contractor 1. o A written agreement has been executed between my firm and the above subcontractor. 2.0 A written agreement has been executed between (the subcontractor) and the above lower tier subcontractor. The contract documents for (1) or (2) marked above include the minimum prevailing wage rates. I certify the above statements under Contractor Certification to be true and correct. Company By Date Title PW - 0407_25 [New 07/05] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment E Contractor's Application for Payment and Certification of Work Completion Forms PW 407_04 Part04.doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT ROOK DRIVE SIDEWALK, PROJECT NO. 08-01 Page 1 of 2 TO: City of Port Angeles DATE: Public Works & Utilities Department P.O Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 FROM: PAYMENT REQUEST NO. PERIOD From. to [end of penod] STATEMENT OF CONTRACT ACCOUNT 1 Original Contract Amount [Excluding Sales Tax] $ 2 Approved Change Order No(s). [Excluding Sales Tax] $ 3 Adjusted Contract Amount (1 +2) $ 4 Value of Work Completed to Date [per attached breakdown] $ 5 Material Stored on Site [per attached breakdown] $ 6 Subtotal (4+5) $ 7 84% Sales Tax [at 8 4% of subtotal], As Applicable $ 8 Less Amount Retained [at 5% of subtotal] $ 9 Subtotal (6+7-8) $ 10 Total Previously Paid [Deduction] $ 11 AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST (9-10) $ WAIVER OF CLAIMS FOR EXTRA COST OR TIME: The undersigned Applicant waives and releases, up through the date hereof, any and all claims for costs or item extensions arising out of or relating to extra or changed work or delays or acceleration not specifically identified and reserved in the amounts identified below or previously acknowledged in writing by the City of Port Angeles. CERTIFICATE OF THE CONTRACTOR: I hereby certify that the work performed and the materials supplied through the ending period date noted above represent the actual value of accomplishment under the terms of the contract (and all authorized changes) between the Applicant and the City of Port Angeles, relating to the above referenced project, and that the remaining contract balance is sufficient to cover all costs of completing the work in accordance with the contract documents. Continued on Page 2 PW 407_04 Part04 doc [ReVised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Page 2 of 2 I also certify that all lower-tier payments, less applicable retention, have been made by the Applicant for the periods covered by previous payment(s) received by the Applicant to (1) all lower- tier subcontractors/ suppliers, and (2) for all materials, equipment and labor used or in connection with the performance of this contract. I further certify that I have complied with all federal, state and local tax laws, including Social Security laws and Unemployment Compensation laws and Workmen's Compensation laws, insofar as applicable to the performance of this work, and have paid all such taxes, premiums and/or assessments arising out of the performance of the work. I further certify that, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, all work for which previous payment(s) have been received shall be free and clear of liens, claims, security interests and encumbrances in favor of the Contractor, subcontractors, material suppliers, or other persons or entitles making a claim by reason of having provided labor, materials and equipment relating to the work Within seven (7) days of receipt of the payment requested herein, all payments, less applicable retention, will be made through the period covered by this pay request to all my lower-tier subcontractors/suppliers and for all materials, equipment, labor, taxes and assessments arising out of the performance of all said lower-tire work. DATED: CONTRACTOR: SIGNATURE. PRINTED NAME AND TITLE. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of ,20_. Notary Public in and for the State of residing at My appointment expires APPROVAL: Project Manager Date City Engineer Date PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CERTIFICATION OF WORK COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE PROJECT NO.: All work on the above referenced project has been completed in accordance with the contract documents and the final inspection and the warranty provision included therein or relating thereto. The final estimate in the amount of $ , including any applicable taxes, has been reviewed and is in agreement with our records. I further certify that the final estimate amount shown above is a true and correct statement showing all the monies due me from the City of Port Angeles for work performed and material furnished under this contract. City Council acceptance and final payment, including retained percentages, is hereby respectfully requested. , Contractor, hereby releases the City of Port Angeles, Washington, from any and all liens arising out of this Contract or is, herewith, providing a bond covering all unpaid obligations for work, materials, equipment or any other liens outstanding on this Contract. CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL: DATE: PW-402_03 [Revised 03/30/04] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Attachment F Amendments to the Standard Specifications PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION The following Amendments and Special Provisions shall be used in conjunction with the 2008 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS The following Amendments to the Standard Specifications are made a part of this contract and supersede any conflicting provisions of the Standard Specifications. For informational purposes, the date following each Amendment title indicates the implementation date of the Amendment or the latest date of revision. Each Amendment contains all current revisions to the applicable section of the Standard Specifications and may include references which do not apply to this particular project SECTION 1-03, AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT April 7, 2008 1-03.1 Consideration of Bids This section IS supplemented with the following new sub-section. 1-03.1(1) Tied Bids After openmg Bids, if two or more lowest responsive Bid totals are exactly equal, then the tie- breaker will be determined by drawing as described in this Section. Two or more slips of paper will be marked as follows: one marked "Winner" and the other(s) marked "unsuccessful". The slips will be folded to make the marking unseen. The slips will be placed inside a box One authorized representative of each Bidder shall draw a slip from the box. Bidders shall draw in alphabetic order by the name of the firm as registered with the Washmgton State Department of Licensing. The slips shall be unfolded and the firm with the slip marked "Winner" will be determined to be the successful Bidder and eligible for Award of the Contract. Only those Bidders that submitted a Bid total that is exactly equal to the lowest responsive Bid are eligible to draw. SECTION 1-04, SCOPE OF THE WORK April 7, 2008 1-04.4(1} Minor Changes The first sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: Payments or credits for changes amounting to $15,000 or less may be made under the bid item "Minor Change." 1-04.5 Procedure and Protest by the Contractor In the second paragraph, number 2, the reference to 7 calendar days is revised to 14 calendar days. The second sentence in the fifth paragraph is revised to read The determination will be provided within 14-calendar days after receipt of the Contractor's supplemental written statement (including any additional information requested by the Project Engineer to support a continuing protest) described in item 2 above. SECTION 1-05, CONTROL OF WORK April 7, 2008 1-05.1 Authority of the Engineer The fourth paragraph is revised to read' PW 407_04 Part04 doc [ReVised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I At the Contractor's risk, the Project Engineer may suspend all or part of the Work according to Section 1-08.6. 1-05.12 Final Acceptance The second paragraph is revised to read: The Contractor agrees that neither completion nor final acceptance shall relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to indemnify, defend, and protect the Contracting Agency against any claim or loss resulting from the failure of the Contractor (or the subcontractors or lower tier subcontractors) to pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors, materialpersons, or any other person who provides labor, supplies, or provisions for carrying out the Work or for any payments required for unemployment compensation under Title 50 RCW or for industrial insurance and medical aid required under Title 51 RCW. SECTION 1-07, LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC August 4, 2008 1-07.2(2) State Sales Tax: Work on State-Owned or Private Land The following new paragraph is inserted in front of the first paragraph: State Department of Revenue Rule 170 and its related rules apply for this section. 1-07.9(1) General The following new paragraph is inserted to follow the sixth paragraph: The Contractor shall ensure that any firm (Supplier, Manufacturer, or Fabricator) that falls under the provisions of RCW 39.12 because of the definition "Contractor" in WAC 296-127- 010, complies with all the requirements of RCW 39.12. 1-07.15(1) Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan This section is revised to read: The Contractor shall prepare a project-specific spill prevention, control, and countermeasures plan (SPCC Plan) that will be used for the duration of the project. The Contractor shall submit the plan to the Project Engineer no later than the date of the preconstruction conference. No on-site construction activities may commence until WSDOT accepts an SPCC Plan for the project. The term "hazardous materials", as used in this Specification, is defined in Chapter 447 of the WSDOT Environmental Procedures Manual (M31-11). Occupational safety and health requirements that may pertain to SPCC Plan implementation are contained In but not limited to WAC 296-824 and WAC 296-843. Implementation Requirements The SPCC Plan shall be updated by the Contractor throughout project construction so that the written plan reflects actual site conditions and practices. The Contractor shall update the SPCC Plan at least annually and maintain a copy of the updated SPCC Plan on the project site. All project employees shall be trained in spill prevention and containment, and shall know where the SPCC Plan and spill response kits are located and have immediate access to them. If hazardous materials are encountered or spilled during construction, the Contractor shall do everything possible to control and contain the material until appropriate measures can be taken. The Contractor shall supply and maintain spill response kits of appropriate size within close proximity to hazardous materials and equipment. PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Contractor shall implement the spill prevention measures identified in the SPCC Plan before performing any of the following: 1. Placing materials or equipment in staging or storage areas. 2. Refueling, washing, or maintaining equipment 3. Stockpiling contaminated materials. SPCC Plan Element Requirements The SPCC Plan shall set forth the following information In the following order: 1. Responsible Personnel Identify the name(s), title(s), and contact information for the personnel responsible for implementing and updating the plan, including all spill responders 2. Spill Reporting List the names and telephone numbers of the federal, State, and local agencies the Contractor shall notify in the event of a spill. 3. Project and Site Information Describe the following items: A. The project Work. B. The site location and boundaries C. The drainage pathways from the site. D. Nearby waterways and sensitive areas and their distances from the site. 4. Potential Spill Sources Describe each of the following for all potentially hazardous materials brought or generated on-site (including materials used for equipment operation, refueling, maintenance, or cleaning): A. Name of material and its intended use. B. Estimated maximum amount on-site at anyone time. C. Location(s) (including any equipment used below the ordinary high water line) where the material will be staged, used, and stored and the distance(s) from nearby waterways and sensitive areas. D. Decontamination location and procedure for equipment that comes into contact with the material. E. Disposal procedures. 5. Pre-Existing Contamination Describe any pre-existing contamination and contaminant sources (such as buried pipes or tanks) in the project area that are described in the Contract documents. Identify equipment and work practices that will be used to prevent the release of contamination. 6. Spill Prevention and Response Training Describe how and when all personnel (including refueling contractors and Subcontractors) will be trained in spill prevention, containment and response in PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I accordance with the Plan. Describe how and when all spill responders will be trained in accordance with WAC 296-824. 7. Spill Prevention Describe the following items: A. Spill response kit contents and locatlon(s). B. Security measures for potential spill sources. C. Secondary containment practices and structures for hazardous materials. D. Methods used to prevent stormwater from contacting hazardous materials E. Site inspection procedures and frequency. F. Equipment and structure maintenance practices. G. Daily inspection and cleanup procedures that ensure all equipment used below the ordinary high water line is free of all external petroleum based products. H. Refueling procedures for equipment that cannot be moved from below the ordinary high water line. 8. Spill Response Outline the response procedures the Contractor will follow for each scenario listed below. Include a descnption of the actions the Contractor shall take and the speCific, on-site, spill response equipment that shall be used to assess the spill, secure the area, contain and eliminate the spill source, and clean up and dispose of spilled and contaminated material. A. A spill of each type of hazardous material at each location identified in 4, above. B. Stormwater that has come into contact with hazardous materials. C. A release or spill of any pre-existing contamination and contaminant source described in 5, above. D. A release or spill of any unknown pre-existing contamination and contaminant sources (such as buried pipes or tanks) encountered during project Work. E. A spill occurring during Work with equipment used below the ordinary high water line. If the Contractor will use a Subcontractor for spill response, provide contact information for the Subcontractor under item 1 (above), identify when the Subcontractor will be used, and describe actions the Contractor shall take while waiting for the Subcontractor to respond. 9. Project Site Map Provide a map showing the following items: A. Site location and boundaries. PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Site access roads C. Drainage pathways from the site D. Nearby waterways and sensitive areas. E. Hazardous materials, equipment, and decontamination areas identified in 4, above. F. Pre-existing contamination or contaminant sources described in 5, above. G. Spill prevention and response equipment described in 7 and 8, above. 10. Spill Report Forms Provide a copy of the spill report form(s) that the Contractor will use in the event of a release or spill. Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1 for the following Bid item when it is included in the Proposal: "SPCC Plan", lump sum When the written SPCC is accepted by WSDOT, the Contractor shall receive 50-percent of the lump sum Contract price for the plan. The remaining 50-percent of the lump sum price will be paid after the materials and equipment called for in the plan are mobilized to the project. The lump sum payment for "SPCC Plan" shall be full pay for: 1. All costs associated with creating the accepted SPCC Plan. 2. All costs associated with providing and maintaining the on-site spill prevention equipment described in the accepted SPCC Plan. 3. All costs associated with providing and maintaining the on-site standby spill response equipment and materials described in the accepted SPCC Plan. 4 All costs associated with implementing the spill prevention measures identified in the accepted SPCC Plan. 5 All costs associated with updating the SPCC Plan as required by this Specification. As to other costs associated with releases or spills, the Contractor may request payment as provided for in the Contract. No payment shall be made if the release or spill was caused by or resulted from the Contractor's operations, negligence, or omissions. 1-07.16(4) Archaeological and Historical Objects This section is supplemented with the following new sub-section: 1-07.16(4)A Inadvertent Discovery of Human Skeletal Remains If human skeletal remains are encountered by the Contractor, they shall not be further disturbed. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any such finds, and shall cease all work adjacent to the discovery, in an area adequate to provide for the total security PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I and protection of the integrity of the skeletal remains. The Engineer may require the Contractor to suspend Work in the vicinity of the discovery until final determinations and removal of the skeletal remains is completed. If the Engineer finds that the suspension of Work in the vIcinity of the discovery increases or decreases the cost or time required for performance of any part of the Work under this Contract, the Engineer will make an adjustment in payment or the time required for the performance of the Work in accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-08.8. 1-07.17(2) Utility Construction, Removal or Relocation by Others The first sentence in the second paragraph is revised to read: If the Contract provides notice that utility work (including furnishing, adjusting, relocating, replacing, or constructing utilities) will be performed by others during the prosecution of the Work, the Special Provisions will establish the utility owners anticipated completion. The first sentence in the third paragraph is revised to read: When others delay the Work through late performance of utility work, the Contractor shall adhere to the requirements of Section 1-04.5. SECTION 1-08, PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS August 4, 2008 1-08.1 Subcontracting Item (2) in the first sentence of the seventh paragraph is revised to read: (2) Delivery of these materials to the Work site in vehicles owned or operated by such plants or by recognized independent or commercial hauling companies hired by those commercial plants. 1-08.3(2)A Type A Progress Schedule This section is revised to read: The Contractor shall submit five copies of a Type A Progress Schedule no later than 10 days after the date the contract is executed, or some other mutually agreed upon submittal time. The schedule may be a critical path method (CPM) schedule, bar chart, or other standard schedule format. Regardless of which format used, the schedule shall identify the critical path. The Engineer will evaluate the Type A Progress Schedule and approve or return the schedule for corrections within 15 calendar days of receiving the submittal. 1-08.5 Time for Completion The third sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: A nonworking day is defined as a Saturday, a Sunday, a whole or half day on which the Contract specifically prohibits Work on the critical path of the Contractor's approved progress schedule, or one of these holidays: January 1, the third Monday of January, the third Monday of February, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, November 11, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. 1-08.6 Suspension of Work The first paragraph is revised to read: The Engineer may order suspension of all or any part of the Work if: 1. Unsuitable weather that prevents satisfactory and timely performance of the Work; or PW 407_04 Part04.doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. The Contractor does not comply with the Contract: or 3. It is in the public interest. 1-08.7 Maintenance During Suspension The first sentence in the fourth paragraph is revised to read: If the Engineer determines that the Contractor has pursued the Work diligently before the suspension, then the Contracting Agency will maintain the temporary Roadway (and bear its cost). The fifth paragraph is revised to read: The Contractor shall protect and maintain all other Work in areas not used by traffic. All costs associated with protecting and maintaining such Work shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, except those costs associated with implementing the TESC Plan according to Section 8-01. The seventh paragraph is revised to read: After any suspension, the Contractor shall resume all responsibilities the Contract assigns for the Work. SECTION 1-09, MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT April 7, 2008 1-09.9 Payments The first paragraph is supplemented with the following: For items Bid as lump sum, the Contractor shall submit a breakdown of their lump sum price in sufficient detail for the Project Engineer to determine the value of the Work performed on a monthly basis. Lump sum breakdowns shall be provided to the Project Engineer no later than the date of the preconstruction meeting. The second sentence in the third paragraph is revised to read: Unless otherwise provided in the payment clause of the applicable Specifications, partial payment for lump sum Bid items will be a percentage of the price in the Proposal based on the Project Engineer's determination of the amount of Work performed, with consideration given to but not exclusively based on the Contractors lump sum breakdown. The third paragraph is supplemented with the following: The determination of payments under the contract will be final in accordance with Section 1- 05.1. 1-09.9(1} Retainage In the fourth paragraph, number 1, the reference to $20,000 is revised to read $35,000. SECTION 1-10, TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL January 7, 2008 1-10.5(1} Lump Sum Bid for Project (No Unit Items) This section is revised to read: PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "Project Temporary Traffic Control", lump sum. The lump sum Contract payment shall be full compensation for all costs incurred by the Contractor in performing the Contract Work defined in Section 1-10, except for costs compensated by Bid Proposal items inserted through Contract Provisions as described in Section 1-10.4(3). SECTION 2-01, CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND ROADSIDE CLEANUP April 7, 2008 2-01.3(1) Clearing Item 3 .is deleted. The first sentence in Item 4. is revised to read: Follow these requirements for all stumps that will be burred deeper than 5-feet from the top, side, or end surface of the embankment or any structure: 2-01.3(2) Grubbing Item 2. e, is revised to read: Upon which embankments will be placed except stumps may be close-cut or trimmed as allowed in Section 2-01.3(1) item 4. SECTION 2-02, REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS April 7, 2008 2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, Curbs, and Gutters The first sentence in 3. is supplemented with the following: For removal of bituminous pavement, asphalt planing equipment may be used in lieu of sawcutting provided that a clean vertical edge remains. SECTION 2-03, ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT January 7, 2008 2-03.1 Description The first sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read' The Work described in this section, regardless of the nature or type of the materrals encountered, includes excavating and grading the Roadway, excavating in borrow pits, excavating below grade, excavating channels and ditches, removing slide material, and disposing of all excavated material. 2-03.3(3) Excavation Below Grade The section title is revised to read: 2-03.3(3) Excavation Below Subgrade The first sentence in the fifth paragraph is revised to read. Compaction. If the density of the natural earth under any area of the Roadway is less than that required in Section 2-03.3(14)C, Method B, the Engineer may order the Contractor to perform any or all of the following: PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2-03.3(14)M Excavation of Channels This section including title is revised to read: 2-03.3(14)M Excavation of Channels and Ditches Channel Excavation: Open excavations a-feet or more wide at the bottom, but excludes channels that are part of the Roadway. Ditch Excavation. Open excavations less than a-feet wide at the bottom, but excludes ditches that are part of the Roadway. Before excavating channels or ditches, the Contractor shall clear and grub the area in accordance with Section 2-01. 2-03.4 Measurement The first sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: Roadway excavation, channel excavation, ditch excavation, unsuitable foundation excavation, and common borrow items will be measured by the cubic yard. The fourth sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: For Roadway excavation, channel excavation and ditch excavation items, the onginal ground will be compared with the planned finished section shown in the Plans. 2-03.5 Payment The first paragraph is supplemented with the following: "Channel Excavation", per cubic yard. "Channel Excavation Incl. Haul", per cubic yard. "Ditch Excavation", per cubic yard. "Ditch Excavation Incl. Haul", per cubic yard. The first sentence in the second paragraph is revised to read. The unit Contract price per cubic yard for "Roadway Excavation", "Roadway Excavation Incl. Haul", "Roadway Excavation - Area _", "Roadway Excavation Incl. Haul - Area _", "Channel Excavation", "Channel Excavation Incl Haul", "Ditch Excavation" and "Ditch Excavation Incl. Haul" shall be full compensation for all costs incurred for excavating, loading, placing, or otherwise disposing of the material. The second paragraph is supplemented with the following When a bid item is not included in the proposal for channel excavation or ditch excavation all costs shall be included in roadway excavation. The third paragraph IS revised to read: When the Engineer orders Work according to Section 2-03.3(3), unit Contract prices shall apply, unless the Work differs materially from the excavation above Subgrade, then payment will be in accordance with Section 1-04.4. PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 5-04, HOT MIX ASPHALT August 4, 2008 5-04.3(9) Spreading and Finishing The nominal compacted depth for HMA Class 3// and HMA Class 1/2" listed under the first paragraph is revised to read: HMA Class 3// and HMA Class 1/2" wearing course other courses 0.30-feet 0.35-feet 5-04.3(12)8 Longitudinal Joints The first two paragraphs are revised to read: The longitudinal joint in any 1 course shall be offset from the course immediately below by not more than 6-inches nor less than 2-inches. All longitudinal joints constructed in the wearing course shall be located at a lane line or an edge line of the Traveled Way. On one-lane ramps a longitudinal joint may be constructed at the center of the traffic lane, subject to approval by the Project Engineer, if: 1. The ramp must remain open to traffic, or 2. The ramp is closed to traffic and a hot-lap joint is constructed. a. If a hot-lap joint is allowed at the center of the traffic lane, 2 paving machines shall be used; a minimum compacted density in accordance with Section 5- 04.3(10)8 shall be achieved throughout the traffic lane, and construction equipment other than rollers shall not operate on any uncompacted mix. The reference to Standard Plan A-1 in the third paragraph is revised to read "Standard Plan A40.10-00." 5-04.3(21) Asphalt 8inder Revision This section is revised to read: When the Contracting Agency provides a source of aggregate, the expected percentage content of asphalt binder in the resulting mix will be identified in the Contract documents. Should the percentage of asphalt binder shown in the job mix formula for Hot Mix Asphalt produced with Agency-provided aggregate vary by more than plus or minus 0.3-percent from the amount shown in the Contract documents, an adjustment In payment will be made The adjustment in payment (plus or minus) will be based on the inVOice unit cost, including shipping cost, without any markups. The quantity subject to an adjustment shall be the difference between the JMF asphalt binder percentage and the contract document asphalt binder percentage except that the first 0.3% of this difference shall not apply. No adjustment will be made when the Contractor elects not to use a Contracting Agency-provided source, or when no source is made available by the Contracting Agency. SECTION 6-02, CONCRETE STRUCTURES August 4, 2008 6-02.3(2)8 Commercial Concrete The second paragraph is revised to read' Where concrete Class 3000 is specified for items such as, culvert headwalls, plugging culverts, concrete pipe collars, pipe anchors, monument cases, light standard foundations, pedestals, cabinet bases, guardrail anchors, sign post foundations, fence post footings, PW 407_04 Part04.doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, the Contractor may use commercial concrete. If commercial concrete is used for sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, it shall have a minimum cementitious material content of 564-pounds per cubic yard of concrete, shall be air entrained, and the tolerances of Section 6-02.3(5)C shall apply. Commercial concrete shall not be used for Items such as, bridges, retaining walls, box culverts, or foundations for high mast luminaires, mast arm traffic signals, cantilever signs, and sign bridges. The Engineer may approve the use of commercial concrete for other applications not listed above. 6-02.3(10) Roadway Slabs and Bridge Approach Slabs This section's content is deleted. The sectIon headmg is revised to read: 6-02.3(10) Bridge Decks and Bridge Approach Slabs This section is supplemented with the following new sub-sections: 6-02.3(10)A Preconstruction Meeting A pre-concreting conference shall be held 5 to 10-working days before placIng concrete to discuss construction procedures, personnel, and equipment to be used. Those attending shall include: 1. (representing the Contractor) The superintendent and all foremen in charge of placing the concrete, finishing it; and 2. (representing the State) The Project Engineer, key inspection assistants, and the State Construction Office. If the project includes more than 1 deck or slab, and if the Contractor's key personnel change between concreting operations, or at request of the Engineer, an additional conference shall be held just before each deck or slab is placed. The Contractor shall not place bridge decks until the Engineer agrees that: 1. Concrete producmg and placement rates will be high enough to meet placing and finishing deadlines; 2. Finishers with enough experience have been employed; 3 Adequate finishing tools and equipment are at the site, and 4. Curing procedures consistent with the Specification requirements are employed. 6-02.3(10)B Screed Rail Supports The Contractor shall place screed rails outside the finishing area. When screed rails cannot be placed outside the finishing area as determined by the Engineer, they shall rest on adjustable supports that can be removed with the least possible disturbance to the screeded concrete. The supports shall rest on structural members or on forms rigid enough to resist deflection. Supports shall be removable to at least 2-inches below the finished surface. For staged constructed bridge decks, the finishing machine screed rails shall not be supported on the completed portion of deck and shall deflect with the portion of structure under construction. Screed rails (with their supports) shall be strong enough and stiff enough to permit the finishing machine to operate effectively on them. All screed rails shall be placed and secured for the full length of the deck/slab before the concreting begins. If the Engineer approves in advance, the Contractor may move rails ahead onto previously set supports while concreting progresses. But such movable rails and their supports shall not change the set elevation of the screed. PW 407_04 Part04.doc [ReVised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I On steel truss and girder spans, screed ..rails and bulkheads may be placed directly on transverse steel floorbeams, with the stnke-board moving at right angles to the centerline of the Roadway. 6-02.3(10}C Finishing Equipment The finishing machine shall, be self-propelled and be capable of forward and reverse movement under positive control. The finishing machine shall be equipped with a rotating cylindrical single or double drum screed not exceeding 60-inches in length. The finishing machine shall have the necessary adjustments to produce the required cross-section, line, and grade. Provisions shall be made for the raising and lowering of all screeds under positive control. The upper vertical limit of screed travel shall permit the screed to clear the finished concrete surface. For bridge deck widening of 20-feet or less, and for bridge approach slabs, or where jobsite conditions do not allow the use of conventional configuration finishing machines described above, the Contractor may propose the use of a hand operated motorized power screed such as a "Texas" or "Bunyan" screed. This screed shall be capable of finishing the bridge deck and bridge approach slab to the same standards as the finishing machine. The Contractor shall not begin placing bridge deck or bridge approach slab concrete until receiving the Engineer's approval of this screed and the placing procedures. On bridge decks the Contractor may use hand-operated strike-boards only when the Engineer approves for special conditions where self propelled or motorized hand operated screeds cannot be employed. These boards shall be sturdy and able to strike off the full placement width without intermediate supports. Strike-boards, screed rails, and any specially made auxiliary equipment shall receive the Engineer's approval before use. All finishing requirements in these Specifications apply to hand-operated finishing equipment. 6-02.3(10}D Concrete Placement, Finishing, and Texturing Before any concrete is placed, the finishing machine shall be operated over the entire length of the deck/slab to check screed deflection. Concrete placement may begin only if the Engineer approves after this test. Immediately before placing concrete, the Contractor shall check (and adjust if necessary) all falsework and wedges to minimize settlement and deflection from the added mass of the concrete deck/slab. The Contractor shall also install devices, such as telltales, by which the Engineer can readily measure settlement and deflection. The Contractor shall schedule the concrete placement so that it can be completely finished during daylight. After dark finishing is permitted if the Engineer approves and if the Contractor provides adequate lighting. The placement operation shall cover the full width of the Roadway or the full width between construction joints. The Contractor shall locate any construction joint over a beam or web that can support the deck/slab on either side of the joint. The joint shall not occur over a pier unless the Plans permit. Each jOint shall be formed vertically and in true alignment. The Contractor shall not release falsework or wedges supporting pours on either side of a joint until each side has aged as these Specifications require. Placement of concrete for bridge decks and bndge approach slabs shall comply with Section 6-02.3(6). The Engineer shall approve the placement method. In plaCing the concrete, the Contractor shall: 1. Place it (without segregation) against concrete placed earlier, as near as possible to its final position, approximately to grade, and in shallow, closely spaced piles; PW 407_04 Part04.doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Consolidate it around reinforcing steel by using vibrators before strike-off by the finishing machine; 3. Not use vibrators to move concrete, 4. Not revibrate any concrete surface areas where workers have stopped prior to screeding; 5 Remove any concrete splashed onto reinforcing steel in adjacent segments before concreting them; 6. Tamp and strike off the concrete with a template or strike board moving slowly forward at an even speed; 7. Maintain a slight excess of concrete in front of the cutting edge across the entire width of the placement operation; 8. Make enough passes with the strike-board (without overfinishing and bringing excessive amounts of mortar to the surface) to create a surface that is true and ready for final finish; and 9. Leave a thin, even film of mortar on the concrete surface after the last pass of the strike-board. Workers shall complete all post screeding operations without walking on the concrete. This may require work bridges spanning the full width of the slab. After removing the screed supports, the Contractor shall fill the voids with concrete (not mortar). If necessary, as determined by the Engineer, the Contractor shall float the surface left by the finishing machine to remove roughness, minor irregularities, and seal the surface of the concrete. Floating shall leave a smooth and even surface. Float finishing shall be kept to a minimum number of passes so air bubbles in the concrete are not released. The floats shall be at least 4-feet long. Each transverse pass of the float shall overlap the previous pass by at least half the length of the float. The first floating shall be at right angles to the strike-off. The second floating shall be at right angles to the centerline of the span. A smooth nding surface shall be maintained across construction joints. Expansion joints shall be finished with a l/2-inch radius edger. After floating, but while the concrete remains plastic, the Contractor shall test the entire deck/slab for flatness (allowing for crown, camber, and vertical curvature). The testing shall be done with a 1 Q-foot straightedge held on the surface. The straightedge shall be advanced in successive positions parallel to the centerline, moving not more than 1/2 the length of the straightedge each time it advances. This procedure shall be repeated with the straightedge held perpendicular to the centerline An acceptable surface shall be one free from deviations of more than lis-inch under the 1 Q-foot straightedge. If the test reveals depressions, the Contractor shall fill them with freshly mixed concrete, strike off, consolidate, and refinish them. High areas shall be cut down and refinished. Retesting and refinishing shall continue until an acceptable, deviation free surface is produced. The hardened concrete shall meet all smoothness requirements of these Specifications even though the tests require corrective Work PW 407_04 Part04.doc [ReVised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Contractor shall texture the bridge deck and bridge approach slab by combing the final surface perpendicular to the centerline. Made of a single row of metal tines, the comb shall leave striations in the fresh concrete approximately 3/winch deep by 1/a-inch wide and spaced approximately 1/rinch apart. The Engineer will decide actual depths at the site. (If the comb has not been approved, the Contractor shall obtain the Engineer's approval by demonstrating it on a test section.) Tbe Contractor may operate the combs manually or mechanically, either singly or with several placed end to end. The timing and method used shall produce the required texture without displacing larger particles of aggregate. Texturing shall end 2-feet from curb lines. ThiS 2-foot untextured strip shall be hand finished with a steel trowel. If the Plans call for an overlay (to be constructed under the same Contract), such as hot mix asphalt, latex modified concrete, epoxy concrete, or similar, the Contractor shall produce the final finish by dragging a strip of damp, seamless burlap lengthwise over the full width of the deck/slab or by brooming it lightly. A burlap drag shall equal the deck/slab in width. Approximately 3-feet of the drag shall contact the surface, with the least possible bow in its leading edge. It shall be kept wet and free of hardened lumps of concrete. When it fails to produce the required finish, the Contractor shall replace it. When not in use, it shall be lifted clear of the slab. After the deck/slab has cured, the surface shall not vary more than 1/a-inch under a 10-foot straightedge placed parallel and perpendicular to the centerline. The Contractor shall cut high spots down with a diamond faced, saw-type cutting machine. This machine shall cut through mortar and aggregate without breaking or dislodging the aggregate or causing spalls. Low spots shall be built up utilizing a grout or concrete with a strength equal to or greater than the required 28-day strength of the deck/slab. The method of build-up shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. The surface texture on any area cut down or built up shall match closely that of the surrounding bridge deck or bridge approach slab area. The entire bridge deck and bridge approach slab shall provide a smooth riding surface. 6-02.3(10)E Sidewalk Concrete for sidewalk shall be well compacted, struck off with a strike-board, and floated With a wooden float to achieve a surface that does not vary more than X-inch under a 10-foot straightedge. An edging tool shall be used to finish all sidewalk edges and expansion joints The final surface shall have a granular texture that will not turn slick when wet. 6-02.3(10)F Bridge Approach Slab Orientation and Anchors Bridge approach slabs shall be constructed full bndge deck width from outside usable Shoulder to outside usable Shoulder at an elevation to match the Structure. The bridge approach slabs shall be modified as shown in the Plans to accommodate the grate inlets at the bridge ends if the grate inlets are required. Bridge approach slab anchors shall be installed as detailed in the Plans and the anchor rods, couplers, and nuts shall conform to Section 9-06.5(1). The steel plates shall conform to ASTM A 36. All metal parts shall receive 1 coat of formula A-11-99 paint meeting the requirements of Section 9-08.2. The pipe shall be any non-perforated PE or PVC pipe of the diameter specified in the Plans. Polystyrene shall conform to Section 9-04.6. The anchors shall be installed parallel both to profile grade and center line of Roadway. The Contractor shall secure the anchors to ensure that they will not be misaligned during concrete placement. For Method B anchors installations, the epoxy bonding agent used to install the anchors shall be Type IV PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I conforming to Section 9-26.1. The compression seal shall be as noted in the Contract documents. Dowel bars shall be installed in the bridge approach slabs in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Plans and Section 5-05.3(10). After curing bridge approach slabs in accordance with Section 6-02.3(11), the bridge approach slabs may be opened to traffic when a minimum compressive strength of 2,500 psi is achieved. 6-02.3(17)N Removal of Falsework and Forms The fifth paragraph, begmning with "The Contractor may remove side forms, traffic barrier form, and pedestrian barrier forms" etc, is deleted. 6-02.3(17)0 Early Concrete Test Cylinder Breaks The third paragraph is revised to read: The cylinders shall be cured in accordance with WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 23. 6-02.3(20) Grout for Anchor Bolts and Bndge Bearings The title for this Section (on page 6-71) is revised to read: 6-02.3(20) Grout for Anchor Bolts and Bridge Bearings 6-02.3(25)L Handling and Storage The fifth sentence in the third paragraph is deleted. SECTION 8-01, EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL April 7, 2008 8-01.3(1) General The ninth paragraph is revised to read: If the Engineer, under Section 1-08.6, orders the Work suspended, the Contractor shall continue to control erosion, pollution, and runoff during the shutdown. 8-01.3(1)C Water Management Item 2. "Process Water" is supplemented with the following new first paragraph: High pH process water or wastewater (non-stormwater) that is generated on-site, including water generated during concrete grinding, rubblizing, washout, and hydrodemolition activities, shall not be discharged to waters of the state. Water may be infiltrated upon the approval of the Engineer Off-site disposal of concrete process water shall be in accordance with Standard Specification 5-01.3(11). 8-01.3(6)0 Wattle Check Dam The reference to Section 8-01.3(10) IS revised to Section 9-14.5(5). 8-01.3(12) Compost Sock The last paragraph is deleted. 8-01.3(13) Temporary Curb The first paragraph is revised to read: Temporary curbs may consist of asphalt, concrete, sand bags, compost socks, wattles, or geotextile/plastic encased berms of sand or gravel, or as approved by the Engineer. PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 9-14, EROSION CONTROL AND ROADSIDE PLANTING April 7, 2008 9-14.4(8) Compost This section is revised to read: Compost products shall be the result of the biological degradation and transformation of plant- derived materials under controlled conditions designed to promote aerobic decomposition. Compost shall be stable with regard to oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide generation. Compost shall be mature with regard to its suitability for serving as a soil amendment or an erosion control BMP as defined below. The compost shall have a moisture content that has no visible free water or dust produced when handling the material. Compost production and quality shall comply with Chapter 173-350 WAC. Compost products shall meet the following physical criteria: 1. Compost material shall be tested in accordance with U.S. Composting Council Testing Methods for the Examination of Compost and Composting (TMECC) 02.02-B, "Sample Sieving for Aggregate Size Classification". Fine Compost shall meet the following: Min. Max. Percent passing 2" 100% Percent passing 1" 95% 1 00% Percent passing 5/8" 90% 1 00% Percent passing X" 75% 1 00% Maximum particle length of 6 inches Coarse Compost shall meet the following: Min. Max. Percent passing 3" 1 00% Percent passing 1" 90% 1 00% Percent passing %" 70% 1 00% Percent passing X" 40% 60% Maximum particle length of 6 inches 2. The pH shall be between 6.0 and 8.5 when tested In accordance with U.S. Composting Council TMECC 04.11-A, "1.5 Slurry pH". 3. Manufactured inert material (plastic, concrete, ceramics, metal, etc.) shall be less than 1.0 percent by weight as determined by U.S. Composting Council TMECC 03.08-A "Classification of Inerts by Sieve Size". 4. Minimum organic matter shall be 40 percent by dry weight basis as determined by U.S. Compostlng Council TMECC 05 07A "Loss-On-Ignition Organic Matter Method (LOI)" . 5. Soluble salt contents shall be less than 4.0 mmhoslcm when tested in accordance with U.S. Composting Council TMECC 04.10 "Electrical Conductivity". 6. Maturity shall be greater than 80% in accordance with U.S. Composting Council TMECC 05.05-A, "Germination and Root Elongation". PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7. Stability shall be 7 mg CO2-C/g OM/day or below in accordance with U.S. Composting Council TMECC 05.08-8 "Carbon Dioxide Evolution Rate". 8. The compost product must originate a minimum of 65 percent by volume from recycled plant waste as defined in WAC 173-350 as "Type 1 Feedstocks." A maximum of 35 percent by volume of "Type 2 Feedstocks," source-separated food waste, and/or biosolids may be substituted for recycled plant waste. The manufacturer shall provide a list of feedstock sources by percentage In the final compost product. 9. The Engineer may also evaluate compost for maturity using U.S Composting Council TMECC 05.08-E "Solvita@ Maturity Index". Fine Compost shall score a number 6 or above on the Solvita@ Compost Maturity Test. Coarse Compost shall score a 5 or above on the Solvita@ Compost Maturity Test. This section is supplemented with the following new sub-sections: 9-14.4(8}A Compost Approval The Contractor shall either select a compost manufacturer from the Qualified Products List, or submit the following information to the Engineer for approval: 1. A Request for Approval of Material Source. 2. A copy of the Solid Waste Handling Permit issued to the manufacturer by the Jurisdictional Health Department as per WAC 173-350 (Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling). 3. The manufacturer shall verify in writing, and provide lab analyses that the material complies with the processes, testing, and standards specified in WAC 173-350 and these specifications. An independent Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) Program certified laboratory shall perform the analysis. 4. A copy of the manufacturer's Seal of Testing Assurance STA certification as issued by the U.S. Composting Council. 9-14.4(8}B Compost Acceptance Seven days prior to initial application of any compost the Contractor shall submit a compost sample, a STA test report dated within 90 calendar days, and the list of feedstocks by volume for each compost type to the Engineer for review. The Contractor shall use only compost that has been tested within 90 calendar days of application and meets the requirements in section 9-14.4(8). Compost not conforming to the above requirements or taken from a source other than those tested and accepted shall be immediately removed from the project and replaced at no cost to the Contracting Agency PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PW 407_04 Part04 doc [Revised March 2008] Attachment G Project Plans I I~ ~ ~ J I~ I I I I I I G I. . Ii I I I I I 101 I I I PORT ANGELES SCALE 1"=2000' ROOK DRIVE SIDEWALKS PROJECT No. 08-01 VICINITY MAP SHEET INDEX SHEET TITLE TITLE SHEET PAGE T-l 1 NOTES & DETAILS EllIZH~!lll 2 C-l PORT ANGElES HARBOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN & DETAILS 3 C-2 CONSTRUCTION PLAN & DETAILS C-3 4 CROSS SECTIONS 5 C-4 GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAlS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CrTY OF PORT ANGELES STANDARDS, THE CURRENT EDmON OF THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (WSOOT) STANDARD SPECIFlCATIONS FOR ROAD. BRIDGE AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION (STANDARD SPECIFlCATIONS), AND ANY PROJECT SPECIFlC SPECIAL PROVISIONS OR CONDmONS AND REQUIREMENTS. 2 TEMPORARY EROSION/WATER POLLUTION MEASURES ARE REQUIRED AND SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 6 OF THE CIlYS URBAN SERVICES STANDARDS AND GUIDEUNES AND THE CURRENT EDmON OF THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION 3 EXISTING AND NEWLY CONSTRUCTED STORlA WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF 4 A PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE HELD WITH THE CrTY PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 5 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROLS/DATUM AS ADOrnD BY THE CrTY SHALL BE USED, UNLESS APPROVED OTHERWISE. 6 ALL APPROVALS AND PERMITS REQUIRED BY THE CrTY SHALL BE OBTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TD THE START OF CONSTRUCTIDN, UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE CrTY ENGINEER 7 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOCATION AND PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY CAWNG UNDERGROUND LOCATE AT 1-600-424-5555 A MINIMUM OF 4B HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION WORK 6 IF THE CURRENT WSDOT STANDARD "K" PLANS ARE NOT UTIUZED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A TRAFFlC CONTROL PLAN(S) FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE CrTY ENGINEER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAIFFlC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD) 9 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A COPY or THE APPROVED PLANS AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AT ALL TIMES 10. SPECIAL STRUCTURES SHALL BE INSTALLED PER PLANS AND MANUFACTURERS' RECOMMENDATIONS. 11 ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL RECEIVE TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL IN THE FORM OF VEGETATION ESTABUSHMENT SUCH AS GRASS SEEDING A MEANS SHALL BE ESTABUSHED TO PROTECT THE PERMANENT STORM DRAIN SYSTIEM PRIOR TO ESTABUSHMENT OF THE PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL MEASURES THESE METHODS SHALL BE INCLUOED IN THE EROSION ANO SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 6 THE CrTY OF PORT ANGELES URBAN SERVICES STANOAROS AND GUIDEUNES 12. CONSTRUCTION WORK HOURS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO 7 A.M. TO lOP M PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CrTY ENGINEER SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR WORK BETWEEN lOP M AND 7 A.M -.J 13. THE CrTY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR SHALL BE NOTIFlED A MINIMUM OF 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE NEED FOR -.J AN~ ~ 14 TRAIFFlC AND STREET SIGN SLEEVES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CrTY PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE. CONTRACTOR TO CONFlRM SLEEVE LOCATIONS, IF ANY, WITH CITY INSPECTOR 15 PER THE PROVISIONS OF THE CURRENT WSOOT STANDARD SPECIFlCATIONS RELATED TO PUBUC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN READY ACCESS TO DRIVEWAYS, HOUSES, AND BUILDINGS ALONG THE UNE OF WORK 16 SHOULD ACCESS TO A PROPERTY ADJOINING THE PROJECT REQUIRE TEMPORARY CLOSURE ANTICIPATED TO HAVE A DURATION EXCEEDING 15 MINUTES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE TEMPORARY CLOSURE WITH THE PROPERTY OWNER/RESIDENT A MINIMUM OF 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTIFlCATION SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE PROPERTY OWNER/RESIDENT PRIOR TO ANY SUCH TEMPORARY CLOSURE 0" I ," T-1 2" I TWO INCHES AT FULL SCALE IF NOT SCALE ACCORDINGLY .. ,. .. ~ '" ~ .. f..... kJ ~~ li)o l..J i=:::! f::::: ]- .. z :i/" >z ~.I a;- ..~~ ~[,lf;l ~>J: i!l!l i!li!l ~~ .... 00 '" [;l ~ ~~~ '" ~e;; ~ <:zlil":~ U) ~~~ ~ rL ; f..... 5 I:' u gs "':;; '" ~ ill" 15'" on ~ ~..... ill ~ ~ ... 1,.....;!; i ~ C5 ~: ... )...IN ~ f..... "'''' c::3 ~ I GENERAL NOTES' I ALL WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES URBAN SERVICES STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES (A COPY OF WHICH IS AVAILABLE ON THE CITY'S WEBS/TE OR THE PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES DEPARTMENT S ENGINEERING SERVICES DIVISION) THE LA TEST WASHINGTON STATE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD BRIDGE AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION AND ANY PROJECT SPECIFIC SPECIAL PROVISIONS CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CDNTROLS/DA TUM AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY SHALL BE USED, UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED IN WR1T1NG THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GIVE THE CITY A T LEAST 48 HOURS NOTICE FOR REQUIRED INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION AND ALL CONCRETE POURS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FULL Y RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOCATION AND PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING STREET SIGNS, LIGHTS, UTILITIES CONTROL WIRING AND OTHER APPURTENANCES 5 THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL REQUIRED TRENCH SHORING IF SHORING IS NOT ADEQUA TE THE CITY CREWS WILL NOT ENTER THE TRENCH AND THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF AN ADDITIONAL TRIP TO THE SITE BY THE CITY CREWS ALL TRENCH EXCA VA TION BEDDING AND BACKFILL SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSOOT SECTION 7-013, OTHER APPLICABLE SPECIFICA TIONS, AND AS CONTAINED HEREIN A CLEARING AND GRUBBING, WHERE REQUIRED SHALL BE PERFORMED WITHIN THE EASEMENT DR PUBLIC RIGHT OF WA Y AS PERMITTED BY THE CITY ANDIOR GOVERNING AGENCY DEBRIS RESUL TING FROM THE CLEARING AND GRUBBING SHALL BE DISPOSED OF BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF ALL APPLICABLE PERMITS UNLESS THERE IS A SPECIFIC BID ITEM IN THE BID SCHEDULE FOR CLEARING AND GRUBBING THE COST OF ALL LABOR, EQUIPMENT AND MA TERIALS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE CLEARING AND GRUBBING SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE UNIT CONTRACT PRICE FOR THE VARIOUS OTHER ITEMS OF WORK IN THE BID PROPOSAL 13 THE TRENCH SHALL BE KEPT FREE FROM WA TER UNTIL JOINTING IS COMPLETE SURFACE WA TER SHALL BE DIVERTED SO AS NOT TO ENTER THE TRENCH THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN SUFFICIENT PUMPING EQUIPMENT ON THE JOB TO ENSURE THA T THESE PROVISIONS ARE CARRIED OUT C TRENCHING AND SHORING OPERA TIONS SHALL NOT PROCEED MORE THAN 100 FEET IN ADVANCE OF PIPE LAYING WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER o BACKFILLING WITH NA TIVE MA TERIALS EXCAVA TED FROM THE TRENCHES MA Y ONL Y OCCUR WITH THE PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER IF THE EXCAVA TED TRENCH MA TERIAL IS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER TO BE SUITABLE FOR BACKFILL, THE CONTRACTOR MA Y USE THE MA TERIAL TO THE BOTTOM OF SUBGRADE ALL TRENCH BACKFILL MATERIALS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT DENSITY E IN PAVED AREAS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE CONTROLLED DENSITY BACKFILL PER CITY STANDARD DETAIL UNLESS ANOTHER AL TERNA TIVE METHOD IS SPECIFIED HEREIN, OR APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER AL TERNA TIVE MATERIALS MA Y ONL Y BE ACCEPTED WITH WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE CITY ENGINEER ALL OTHER TRENCHING SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITH CRUSHED SURFACING OR OTHER MA TERIALS CONFORMING TO WSDOT SPECIFICA TIONS ALL ASPHAL T TRENCH AND PA VEMENT JOINTS SHALL BE SA WCUT THE CUTS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF ONE FOOT OUTSIDE THE EXCAVATED TRENCH WIDTH TEMPORARY RESTORATION OF TRENCHES AND STREET PA TCHING SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY USING 2" MINIMUM DEPTH HMA, CLASS W PG 64-22 WHEN AVAILABLE MEDIUM-CURING (MC-250) LIQUID ASPHAL T (LD MIX) ASPHALT TREA TED BASE (A TB) OR TRAFFIC BEARING THICKNESS STEEL PLA TES WHEN UTILIZED, STEEL PLA TES SHALL BE SHIMMED AS NECESSARY AND SECURED WITH HOT OR COLD MIX ASPHAL T CONCRETE A WEDGE OF HOT OR COLD MIX ASPHAL T SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT 12H IV ADJOING ALL PLATE EDGES TO BE CROSSED BY TRAFFIC A T8 USED FOR TEMPORARY RESTORA TION MAY BE PLACED DIRECn Y INTO THE TRENCH OR PA TCH AREA, BLADED AND ROLLED AFTER ROLLING, THE TRENCH MUST BEFILLED FLUSH WITH THE EXISTING PA VEMENT TO PROVIDE A SMOOTH RIDING SURFACE 10 ALL TEMPORARY PATCHES SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE PERMANENT PA TCH IS IN PLACE IF THE CONTRACTOR IS UNABLE TO MAINTAIN A PA TCH FOR ANY REASON, THE CITY WILL PA TCH THE AREA AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR 11 TRAFFIC SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO CROSS GRAVEL OR CDF TRENCH BACKFILL FOR ME THAN 24 HOURS WITHOUT USE OF TEMPORARY PA TCHING MEASURES STA TED ABOVE 12 TACK COATSHALL BE APPLIED TO EXISTING PAVEMENT AND EDGE OF THE CUT AND AT COLD JOINTS PRIOR TO PA VING SPECIFIED IN WSDOT SPECIFICA TION SECTION 5-04 3(5)A 13 HMA, CLASS W PG 64-22 EQUAL IN DEPTH TO THE EXISTING PAVEMENT SHALL BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT SPECIFICA TIONS OF SECTION 5-04, EXCEPT THA T LONGITUDINAL JOINTS BETWEEN SUCCESSIVE LAYERS OF HMA SHALL BE DISPLACED LA TERALL Y A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES HMA OVER 3 INCHES THICK SHALL BE PLACED IN EQUAL LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED 3 INCHES EACH 14 PA TCHES ON ALL STREET SURFACES WALKS OR DR/vEWA YS, SHALL BE FEA THERED AND SHIMMED TO AN EXTENT THA T PROVIDES A SMOOTH RIDING CONNECTION AND EXPEDITJOUS DRAINAGE FLOW FOR THE NEWL Y PAVED SURFACE SHIMMING AND FEA THERING AS REOUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEER SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BE RAKING OUT THE OVERSIZED AGGREGA TES FROM THE ASPHAL T CONCRETE MIX AS APPROPRIA TE 15 SURFACE SMOOTHNESS SHALL BE PER WSDOT SPECIFICATION SECTION 5-04 3(13) UNACCEPTABLE PAVING PATCHES SHALL BE CORRECTED BY REMOVAL AND REPAVING OF THE PATCH 16 WHEN TRENCHING WITHIN THE ROADWA Y SHOULDER(S), THE SHOULDER SHALL BE RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL OR BETTER COND1T10N 17 THE FINAL PA TCH SHALL BE COMPLETED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FIRST OPENING THE TRENCH THIS TIME FRAME MA Y BE ADJUSTED IF DELA YS ARE DUE TO INCLEMENT PA VING WEA THER OR OTHER ADVERSE COND1T10NS THA T MA Y EXIST HOWEVER DELAYING OF THE FINAL PA TCH OR OVERLAY WORK IS ALLOWABLE ONL Y SUBJECT TO THE CITY ENGINEER S APPROVAL THE CITY ENGINEER MAY DEEM IT NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE WORK WITHIN THE 30 DA Y TIME FRAME AND NOT ALLOW ANY TIME EXTENSION IF THIS OCCURS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM THE NECESSARY WORK AS ORDERED BY THE CITY ENGINEER 18 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FULL Y RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOCATION AND PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING UTIL1T1ES THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UTILITY LOCA TIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY CALLING THE UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCA TION CENTER A T 1-1300-424-5555 A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVA TION THE CONTRACTOR WILL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL LOCA TE MARKS ONCE THE UTILITIES HA VE BEEN LOCA TED . I~ I I I I I I I w Ii -I I I I I I I I SANITARY AND STORM SEWER NOTES THE CITY SHALL BE GIVEN 72 HOURS NOTICE PRIOR TO SCHEDULING A DIVERSION OF FLOWS IN THE WASTEWA TER SYSTEM NO DISRUPT/ON OF SEWER SERVICE WILL BE ALLOWED TRENCHING AND SHORING OPERA TIONS SHALL NOT PROCEED MORE THAN 100 FEET IN ADVANCE OF PIPE LAYING WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER ALL WORK SHALl BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH WASHINGTON INDUSTRIAL SAFETY AND HEAL TH ADMINISTRA TlON (WISHA) AND THE FEDERAL OFFICE OF SAFETY AND 1-'EAL TH ADMINISTRA TlON (OSHA) STANDARDS ALL SEWER MAINS SHALL BE HIGH VELOCITY C, EANED AND PRESSURE TESTED PRIOR TO PAVING THE STREETS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE WSDOT SPECIFlCA TlONS A T THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE HYDRANT FLUSHING OF LINES IS NOT AN ACCEPT4BLE CLEANING METHOD AN AIR TEST OF ALL THE LINES IS THE MINIMUM TESTING REQUIRED TESTING OF THE MAIN MA Y INCWDE VIDEO INSPECTION BYTHE CITY TESTING SHALL TAKE PLACE AFTER ALL UNDERGROUND UTILlTlE5 ARE INSTALLED AND COMPACTION OF THE ROADWA Y SUBGRADE IS COMPLETED PRIOR TO BACKFILLING, ALL SEWER LINES AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY S INSPECTOR APPROVAL SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR FOR CORRECTION OF ANY DEFICIENCIES AND/OR FAIWRE AS DETERMINED BY SUBSEQUENT TESTING AND INSPECTIONS IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY THE CITY FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS CONNECTION OF A SEWER MAIN TO A SYSTEM WHERE A MANHOLE IS NOT AVAILABLE SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY POURING A CONCRETE BASE AND SETTING MANHOLE SECTIONS THE EXISTING PIPE SHALL DNL Y BE CUT INTO BY CITY CREWS UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED ECCENTRIC MANHOLE CONES SHALL BE OFFSET SO AS NOT TO BE LOCATED IN THE TIRE TRACK OR A TRAVELED LANE AND SHALL BE IN LINE WITH THE MANHOLE STEPS MANHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS SHALL BE CAST RON MARKEO "SEWER" CONFORMING TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM A536, GRADE 80-55-06 REPAIR OF DEFECTS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED SAFETY STEPS SHALL BE FABRICATED OF POL YPROPYLENE CONFORMING TO ASTM 0-4101, INJECTION MOLDED AROUND A ~ INCH ASTM A-615 GRADE STEEL REINFORCING BAR WITH ANTI-SLIP TREAD STEPS SHALL PROJECT UNIFORML Y FROM THE INSIDE WALL OF THE MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE INSTALLED TO FORM A CONTINUOUS VERTICAL LADDER WITH RUNGS EQUALL Y SPACED ON 12 INCH CENTERS AND INSTALLED PER WSDOT STANDARD PLAN 13-24 MINIMUM SLOPE THROUGH THE MANHOLE SHALL BE 1I10TH OF ONE FOOT FROM THE INVERT IN TO THE INVERT OUT ALL MANHOLES SHALL BE CHANNELED 10 A MANDREL TEST IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT SECTION 7-17 3(2)G MA Y BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEER ON SEWERS EXCEPT LA TERALS 11 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT SEWER SERVICE LINES FOR BLOCKAGE OR DAMAGE AND REPLACE ACCORDINGL Y UP TO THE RIGHT OF WAY LIMITS 12 WHEN THE SEWER LINE CROSSES AN EXISTING WATER MAIN, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THA T THERE IS AN 18 INCH SEPARA TION BETWEEN THE PIPES IF THERE IS LESS THAN 18 INCHES CLEARANCE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CUT THE SEWER PIPE AS NECESSARY TO ASSURE THAT NO JOINTS IN THE SEWER PIPE ARE CLOSER THAN 10 FEET FROM THE CROSSING ADJUSTING RING OIL SEPARA TOR TEE rO.1' 8" PVC Li? T,;~~I CATCH BASIN DETAIL @ 1. CATCH BASIN BASE TO BE SET LEVEL. GRA TE FRAME TO MA TCH TRANSVERSE SLOPE OF ROADWA Y. 2. BACKFILL AROUND STRUCTURE SHALL BE CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL. LEGEND M o C><l -y- o o OJ @ o NOT TO SCALE 9 CO BACKRLL SPEC/RCA TrONS 2SDO l.8S. OF a~ #I. A~7E 800 UlS. OF STANDARD CfIrICRCTE S4M) 64 l.BS. OF PfR7LAND CDIENT APPROX. '4 a4L OF' WATER THE' AJJOLINT or JI4 TER /$ A (RI11CAL FACTOR 1() SE7 IJP lIE AM) SHDIJlJ) /IC ADDED AT 1//Csm: -w -w -w - TRENC~DET AIL - UGP- UGP- UGP- NOT TO SCALE -ss-ss-ss- NOTES -SD-SD-SD- I ACP PATCH SHALt Be RtX.J.ED AND NOT ~1ED. Z. ro BE USED Fl'JR AU. PA~ S7RCE1S AND ALI.E'tS BACKT1U LOCATION 1t) ,"-0- 8DIHJ aJRB OR EDGE OF' PA~ tINLESS OTHERIIISE APP'ROiofD IN ADVANCe BY Q1Y ENG1M:ER. ..1 WHERE CONalETE PA~ JOINT IS lESS THAN 4"-0- FRC>>I SAIIf%JT, THE PA'lEJENT SHALL 8C RDIO~ 10 1HA 7 JOWT. -T -T ~ 7E1tI1'ORARY PATr::HING M1H A.SfIHALT OR PlACEJIENT' OF srm Pt.A7ES IS RCOI.IIRt:D WHEN TRAFF1C IHU 0i'CtS:S' CDr FOR MORE THAN;<I HOURS Iff1HotJT PCRJIANOIT RCS'TORAT1ON. S1ED. PLATES SHALL HA~ caD PATDt N(Z)GfS ON 1RAFF1C EDGES. EXISTING LUMINAIRE EXISTING WATER METER EXISTING WATER VALVE EXISTING HYDRANT EXISTING POWER HANDHOLE EXISTING POWER PEDESTAL EXISTING TELEPHONE PEDESTAL EXISTING CABLE lV PEDESTAL EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE EXISTING MAILBOX CENTERUNE MONUMENT EXISTING WATER UNE EXISTING UNDERGROUND POWER EXISTING SANITARY SEWER UNE EXISTING STORM DRAIN UNE EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELECOMMUNICATIONS 0" ," I 1WO INCHES AT FUll SCALE IF NOT SCALE ACCORDINGlY C-1 >- .. ~ i:i .. ~ t-.::: CJ <: ~~ f:::::'" <.J ~ ~< j c:s;<< <.J>zz ~~~ ;;;~~ ~~f;l ~>:I: .,., 00 88 .,.. ~~ "'''' ,~ ~ It) ''-!.....It) S~~ CJ~i ~~~ Clo I., '*" '*""'-11 Cl:::(:) :j6:(:) G~~ Cl::l..... ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ill_ <;.. z.. . t en"'l:~d.l Sh.l; ~! tJ~<i!;;;o ~ ill'l 15'" <Ii ~ 2.~"'as~~1U I L,...,qP c:s~:..." )... ~ N ~ h. en" c::s e t2 G ~o.l:ilN (j":: ~ N <:h,,::: l:1 "l: ~ ~ ~ ! ih.s ~! u gs..c ., ~ al" ffiw ui~ I" 2" ::>....... ill!!' ~ o.l .. co ~ (Ii I ~~~:u: 1WO INCHES AT FUll SCAlE f w ~ IF NIJT SCAlE ACCORDINGlY i:: ~ l'i .. G C-2 @D I I I 12 "7 ~ ADDRESS, TYP. OJ INSTALL TYPE 2 MAILBOX SUPPORT PER WSDOT STANDARD PLAN H-12a INSTALL TYPE 1 CB W\BI-DIRECTIONAL GRATE PER WSDOT STANDARD PLAN B-2c ~~ *7 - SEE NOTE 8 111.0' - SEE NOTE 1 2% SLOPE 11_ 3"' . J ,. 1.0' - SEE NOTE 7 4.0' - SEE NOTES r EXIST. ROADWA Y (1\ SIDEWALK TYPE I DETAIL \fJJ NOT TO SCALE 1. SAW EXISTING PAVEMENT 1.0' FROM EXISTING NORTH EDGE 2. CONCRETE SIDEWALK TO BE MINMUM 6" THICK COMMERCIAL CONCRETE CLASS 3000 3. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE FULL DEPTH ASPHALT IMPREGNA TED JOINT MA TE/AL. 4. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE AT 20 FOOT INTERVALS, MAX., AND AT DRIVEWA YS 5. CRACK JOINTS SHALL BE r WIDE AND 1" DEEP AT 5' INTERVALS. 6. SOIL RESIDUAL HERBICIDE SHALL BE PLACED PRIOR TO PLACING CONCRETE 7 CONSTRUCT 1 0' WIDE SHOULDER A T BACK OF WALK. 8. COVER CUT/FILL SLOPES AND NEW SHOULDER AREA WITH 2" MIN. COMPOST/GRASS SEED MIX. 0" I >- '" C:l ...... 1- i'<') ~! '" ~~ 1- ...... ~ V) ,- V) ::::! ~~ ~ ~8 )'" ~ I&. "0- <:~<~ "' "l: > z:- ,....,) (:l.,1 Cl ~-- "'~~ ~ ~1H~ ~ (:)>:J: (j ~ ~ 88 V) 88 :;;:: "'''' C) to! I!! (, < < '-'00 < ., 0 Z S;l:J. l&J (JOLt.l~ >- o'lz ~ >-~~3 iH~"'lE ~ ~o:~~ V)~:g C:CCSlC) ::::5 lC) C)~I :t:s:?~ ~ I.. "I- "1-",-" 9:::C:l :::lr:2C:l <5L,.JjJ CCl...... I I x i I I I I I ~ EXIST. SIDEWALK END SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION. MATCH EXISTING. APPROX. L1MIIT OF FILL SLOPE, TYP. o 1207 o ~ / /'~ .... 'r5':t.i / %~ ti / EXIST. MAILBOX ______ ~- IXIST. TEL -PED TO BE RELOCATED BY OTHERS, ',. J '0 3173 '" f :E 3: BEGIN DITC~ CONST5UCTION. CONSTRUCTI ASPHALII CONC. SPILLWAY 1i\J SHADED: AREA .~ 1208 >- .. ....... \Q i- I.C) 2~ VI CJ~ .......'" i- IV) ~ tr) 1 tr) :::::! ~~ l....J t:::\ ~ <.... 0 "C ~ b] <:~<~ "' "C > z:" it ~u ",,,,oJ ~ ~~~. i::::: U>:I: ~ ~ ~ 88 V) 88 ::::: .... c::s lO!lO! t.:> ~ ~ -- -- ------- < !I: 6 Z ~!I:~a.j~~ 10 b~Z~ El>-z~6O: ~do:g:~ ~~:i~(1~ --------- --- :" 1206 -- EXIST. ROADWAY .' . "'oS'-- . "" , I'\2L- M ~ ~SS-.S ~ J'", ~ S " s" - 4.0' SIDEWALK - SEE NOTES (1\ SIDEWALK TYPE II DETAIL \fV NOT TO SCALE 1. CONCRETE SIDEWALK TO BE MINMUM 4" THICK COMMERCIAL CONCRETE CLASS 3000. 2. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE FULL DEPTH ASPHALT IMPREGNA TED JOINT MA TEIAL. 3 EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE AT 20 FOOT INTERVALS, MAX., AND AT DRIVEWA YS. 4. CRACK JOINTS SHALL BE r WIDE, 1" DEEP AT 5' INTERVALS. 5 SOIL RESIDUAL HERBICIDE SHALL BE PLACED PRIOR TO PLACING CONCRETE 6 CONSTRUCT 1.0' WIDE SHOULDER A T EACH SIDE OF WALK. 7. COVER CUT/FILL SLOPES AND NEW SHOULDER AREAS WITH 2" MIN COMPOST/GRASS SEED MIX. 9 /rz/p~ tr)~tg 9:::CSI.C) :::::s I.C) CJ~I :t:~~ CIJ I.. '<:I- '<:1-""1 Cl:::CJ ::j~CJ ~~~ C:c:l....... l:J €) ~~~N N (j "';; ~ <::~gCl~~ ","C~d~ ~ f-.. 6 ~! ugs"t:;;o~ I" 2" ~ Q. U ~ i I L....... 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