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Public Works & UtIlitIes Department
February 4, 2008
" .
, '
Ms. Shannon K. Greene
Bonneville Power Administration
909 First Avenue, Suite 380
Seattle, W A 98104-3636
Dear Shannon,
Enclosed is an originally signed Revision No. 11 to Exhibit H of the Billing Credit
Customer System Efficiency Improvement Conservation Agreement, Contract No. DE-
Larry Dunbar
Power Resources Manager
, .'
Becky Upton, City Clerk
,f ... _
,,' \
;, > Phone 360-417-4805 / Fax 360-417-4542
';-, '
Website www cityofpa us / Email. publlcworks@cltyofpa us
321 East Fifth Street - P,O. Box 1150/ Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
Department of Energy
o ~~~ov~
JAN 2 3 2008
Bonneville Power Administration
Seattle Customer Service Center
909 First Avenue, Suite 380
Seattle, Washington 98104-3636
January 22,2008
In reply refer to: PSW-Seattle
Mr. Scott McLain
Deputy Director of Power Systems
The City of Port Angeles
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217
Dear Scott:
Enclosed for your consideration are two signed originals of Revision No. 11 to Exhibit H of the
Billing Credit Customer System Efficiency Improvement Conservation Agreement,
No. DE-MS79-91BP93489 (Billing Credits Contract) between the City of Port Angeles and the
Bonneville Power Administration. Revision No. 11 updates the Program Priority Firm Rate as
defined in the Billing Credits Contract, and is based on the final NT -08 transmission rate and the
PF-07 power rates. The power rates are unchanged from Revision No. 10. I have included the
detailed calculation worksheet to show how we applied the various PF and NT rates to arrive at
the Program Priority Firm Rate.
Please call me at (206) 220-6775 if you have questions concerning these calculations.
If you find the revised Exhibit H acceptable, please sign and date both originals, return one
original to me no later than February 8, 2008, and retain the other for your records.
:Jj~'tUYlr;)/) 4:Awk0
Shannon K. Greene
Account Executive
Enclosures (2)
Revision No. 11
Exhibit H, Page 1 of 3
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective at 0001 Hours on October 1,2007
Calculation of Prioritv Firm Rate
The Program Priority Firm Rate (PF) in mills per kWh used in the determination of the
Billing Credit paid to the Customer is calculated pursuant to this Exhibit. This Exhibit
shall be revised when Exhibit A is replaced pursuant to section 4 of this Agreement, using
the applicable revised rates. The effective date of this revised Exhibit H shall be the
effective date of the new rates. The capacity and energy amounts and the annual load
shape used to calculate the initial Exhibit H shall be used for the contract term to calculate
1. Procedure to Calculate the PF
The PF is determined by using the current applicable priority firm power rate for
capacity and energy in Exhibit A as follows:
a. Use the capacity (kW) and energy (kWh) amounts specified in section 2 below.
b. Multiply for each month of the Operating Year the kW and kWh amounts below by
the applicable rate for the month.
c. Add columns (h), (k) and (1), add those totals, reduce totals by low density discount,
and divide by column (c).
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Revision No. 11
Exhibit H, Page 3 of 3
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective at 0001 Hours on October 1, 2007
Department of Energy
Bonneville Power Administration
~JJJ;f~~ .~
7" Account Executive
Name Shannon K. Greene
1/ ?,;z /08
I (
(PSW/SeatUe S IPMICUST_SKGlPORT ANGELES I Bllhng Credl18_199CConservatlOn I ExhH_Rev# 11 IPA_93489_20080122_ExH Rev#lCFmal doc) 01122/2008
Demand Base Shaping Sched. Total kW
kW $IkW $IkW $IkW $IkW $IkW $
Oct 120 1.94 1.298 0.367 0.203 $3.808 $ 457
Nov 130 2.08 1.298 0.367 0.203 $3.948 $ 513
Dec 130 2.18 1.298 0.367 0.203 $4.048 $ 526
Jan 130 1.85 1.298 0.367 0.203 $3.718 $ 483
Feb 150 1.88 1.298 0.367 0.203 $3.748 $ 562
Mar 130 1.75 1.298 0.367 0.203 $3.618 $ 470
Apr 120 1.64 1.298 0.367 0.203 $3.508 $ 421
May 110 1.36 1.298 0.367 0.203 $3.228 $ 355
Jun 110 1.25 1.298 0.367 0.203 $3.118 $ 343
Jul 100 1.53 1.298 0.367 0.203 $3.398 $ 340
Aug 110 1.79 1.298 0.367 0.203 $3.658 $ 402
Sep 110 1.85 1.298 0.367 0.203 $3.718 $ 409
Energy Energy
Energy Energy Load Reg & Op HLH LLH Demand
Total HLH HLH LLH HLH LLH Variance Freq Reserve Total Total HLH LLH Total
kWh % kWh kWh $IkWh $IkWh $IkWh $IkWh $IkWh $IkWh $IkWh $ $ $
82,000 57.8% 47,396 34,604 $ 0.02970 $ 0.02176 $0.00047 0.00033 0.00041 $0.03091 $0.02297 $ 1,465 $ 795 $ 2,717
83,700 59.0% 49,383 34,317 $ 0.03168 $ 0.02310 $ 0.00047 0.00033 0.00041 $0.03289 $0.02431 $ 1,624 $ 834 $ 2,971
92,500 56.8% 52,540 39,960 $ 0.03306 $ 0.02426 $0.00047 0.00033 0.00041 $0.03427 $0.02547 $ 1,801 $1,018 $ 3,345
92,500 59.0% 54,575 37,925 $ 0.02807 $ 0.02030 $0.00047 0.00033 0.00041 $0.02928 $0.02151 $ 1,598 $ 816 $ 2,897
90,800 56.6% 51,393 39,407 $ 0.02866 $ 0.02050 $0.00047 0.00033 0.00041 $0.02987 $0.02171 $ 1,535 $ 856 $ 2,953
92,500 55.7% 51,523 40,977 $ 0.02659 $ 0.01949 $ 0.00047 0.00033 0.00041 $0.02780 $0.02070 $ 1,432 $ 848 $ 2,750
80,200 55.1% 44,190 36,010 $ 0.02495 $ 0.01793 $ 0.00047 0.00033 0.00041 $0.02616 $0.01914 $ 1,156 $ 689 $ 2,266
78,500 57.2% 44,902 33,598 $ 0.02084 $ 0.01441 $0.00047 0.00033 0.00041 $0.02205 $0.01562 $ 990 $ 525 $ 1,870
73,200 57.6% 42,163 31,037 $ 0.01887 $ 0.01002 $ 0.00047 0.00033 0.00041 $0.02008 $0.01123 $ 847 $ 349 $ 1,539
71,500 56.7% 40,541 30,959 $ 0.02324 $ 0.01701 $0.00047 0.00033 0.00041 $0.02445 $0.01822 $ 991 $ 564 $ 1,895
75,000 57.9% 43,425 31,575 $ 0.02721 $ 0.02018 $0.00047 0.00033 0.00041 $0.02842 $0.02139 $ 1,234 $ 675 $ 2,311
73,200 56.7% 41,504 31,696 $ 0.02809 $ 0.02254 $ 0.00047 0.00033 0.00043 $0.02932 $0.02377 $ 1,217 $ 753 $ 2,379
$5,281 985,600
563,535 422,065
$ 15,890 $8,722 $ 29,893
l$lkwh = $0.03033 I
S:Files/Port Angeles/PABCO_20020306_ExhibitH Revll Cales.xls
Updated 1/16/2008
S:\PM\CUST_SKG\PORT ANGELES\BilIing Credits_1991_Conservation\ExhH_Rev#II\PA_91489_20080116_Exh H Rev#II_Calculations.xls(Exhibit H Details 2008)
1/18/20084:47 PM
.~ \
July 16, 2002
Glenn A. Cutler, DIrector of Public Works and Utilities
Bonneville Power Administration (BP A) Billing Credits Agreement and
Transmission Contract Revisions
SummarY: The City needs to revise several provisions in our Transmission Contract and Billing
Credits Agreement with the BP A. These revisions do not represent substantial changes, but are
routine housekeeping changes to bring the contract and agreement up to date with the latest power
prices and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) requirements.
Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Works and Utilities to sign the revisions
to the BP A Billing Credits Agreement and Transmission Contract and !autholize'ifuture
ii'eVisiC'Jri'~t.o"1Exhibit:.Ht&f;:the",BiIlin .c€redi15~:t ','. '''.''''ement:--
Backl:round I Analvsis: The City needs to revise exhibits to both the Billing Credits
Agreement and Transmission Contract with the Bonneville Power Administration.
The Billing Credits Agreement covers payments from BP A to the City for improvements the City
made to the electrical distribution system in the conversion from 4 KV to 12 KV. These
payments vary based on the price of Priority Firm (PF) power from BP A. The implementation of
the Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (CRAC) each six months during this rate period changes
the amount of the payment from BPA as reflected in Exhibit H of the Billing Credits Agreement.
As the PF power rate from BP A will be changing every six months due to changes in the Load
Based (LB) CRAC, Financial Based (FB) CRAC, and Safety Net (SN) CRAC, it is also
recommended that approval be granted for signing changes to this exhibit throughout the
agreement period, which ends in 2022.
The changes to the exhibits for the transmission contract are required due to changes in FERC
orders for open access on high voltage transmission lines and subsequent changes to BPA's Open
Access Transmission Tariff. These changes require all utilities to schedule power transmission
over the Open Access Same-time Information System (OASIS), along with designating the entity
that provides various scheduling and ancillary services.
The Utility Advisory Committee reviewed and supported the above recommendation at their
July 9,2002 meeting.
N.\CCOUNCIL\CC2002\CC0716\BPA Agreement & Contract ReVlsions.wpd
5.307 ;
. <
Revision No.8
Exhibit H, Page 1 of 3
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective at 0001 Hours on October 1, 2004
Calculation of Priority Firm Rate
The Program Priority Firm Rate (PF) in mills per kWh used in the determination of the
Billing Credit paid to the Customer is calculated pursuant to this Exhibit. This Exhibit
shall be revised when Exhibit A is replaced pursuant to section 4 of this Agreement, using
the applicable revised rates. The effective date of this revised Exhibit H shall be the
effective date of the new rates. The capacity and energy amounts and the annual load
shape used to calculate the initial Exhibit H shall be used for the contract term to calculate
1. Procedure to Calculate the PF.
The PF is determined by using the current applicable priority firm power rate for
capacity and energy in Exhibit A as follows:
a. Use the capacity (kW) and energy (kWh) amounts specified in section 2 below.
b. Multiply for each month ofthe Operating Year the kW and kWh amounts below by
the applicable rate for the month.
c. Add columns (h), (k) and (1), add those totals, reduce totals by low density discount,
and divide by column (c).
Revision No.8
Exhibit H, Page 2 of 3
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective at 0001 Hours on October 1, 2004
2. Calculation of PF for use in Exhibit F.
Month Demand Total HLH HLH LLH kW Rate kW HLH LLH HLH LLH Total
kW kWh % kWh kWh $IkW Dollars $IkWh $IkWh kWh $ kWh $ Dollars
(C*D) (C-E) (B*G) (E*I) (F*J) (H+K+L)
Oct 120 82,000 57.8 47,396 34,604 $3.985 $ 478 $0.02340 $0.01741 $ 1,109 $ 603 $ 2,190
Nov 130 83,700 59.0 49,383 34,317 $4.715 $ 613 $0.03101 $0.02532 $ 1,532 $ 869 $ 3,014
Dee 130 92,500 56.8 52,540 39,960 $4.715 $ 613 $0.03188 $0.02486 $ 1,675 $ 994 $ 3,282
Jan 130 92,500 59.0 54,575 37,925 $4.516 $ 587 $0.02852 $0.02057 $ 1,556 $ 780 $ 2,923
Feb 150 90,800 56.6 51,393 39,407 $4.343 $ 651 $0.02647 $0.01925 $ 1,360 $ 758 $ 2,769
Mar 130 92,500 55.7 51,523 40,977 $4.057 $ 527 $0.02415 $0.01696 $ 1,244 $ 695 $ 2,466
Apr 120 80,200 55.1 44,190 36,010 $3.627 $ 435 $0.01987 $0.01390 $ 878 $ 501 $ 1,814
May 110 78,500 57.2 44,902 33,598 $3.605 $ 397 $0.01980 $0.01175 $ 889 $ 395 $ 1,681
Jun 110 73,200 57.6 42,163 31,037 $4.098 $ 451 $0.02435 $0.01388 $ 1,027 $ 431 $ 1,909
Jul 100 71,500 56.7 40,541 30,959 $4.817 $ 482 $0.03144 $0.02194 $ 1,275 $ 679 $ 2,436
Aug 110 75,000 57.9 43,425 31,575 $4.817 $ 530 $0.04567 $0.02638 $ 1,983 $ 833 $ 3,346
Sep 110 73,200 56.7 41,504 31,696 $4.817 $ 530 $0.03324 $0.02755 $ 1,379 $ 873 $ 2,782
985,600 $ 6,294 $15,907 $ 8,411 $ 30,612
The Average Annual PF = Total Power($) + Total Transmission($) = $30,612 Divided by Total Energy (985,600) = $0.03106IkWh
Calculation includes all Products and Services which were included in PF-91.
Demand kWh plus total kWh taken from Revision No.7 of Exhibit H, HLH percent = FY 2003 HLH percent.
Priority Firm Power Rate (PF -02)
21.66% LB CRAC October 2004 - March 2005; 25.77% LB CRAC April- September 2005; 11.16% FB/SN CRAC's October 2004-
September 2005.
Low Density Discount = 0 percent.
Network Integration Transmission Rate (NT-04)
No Reserve Power or Capacity charges.
Billing factors for Transmission Load Shaping Charge and Base Charge are the same.
Ancillary Products and Services: No Energy Imbalance, Spinning and Supplemental Reserves requirement = 2.6 percent.
Revision No.8
Exhibit H, Page 3 of 3
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective at 0001 Hours on October 1, 2004
Department of Energy
Bonneville Power Administration
~~{ ~/l
Account Executive
(}, Ie " /) A. (J f.; -rJe-IL-
Charles W. Forman, Jr.
~-^1- ~.) :Loo S-
October 2004-September 2005 rates
PF02 5-vear Final Rates with CRAC Flat
LB FB SN Combined Energy-HLH Energy-LLH Load Variance Demand $/Mwh
Month CRAC CRAC CRAC CRAC $/Kwh $Kwh $/K wh $/kW -mo W/O Ld v
Oct 745 0.2166 O. 111 600 - 0.3282 0.02161 0.01562 0.001061 2.34 3.16 Oct
Nov 720 0.2166 O. 111600 - 0.3282 0.02922 0.02352 0.00106 3.07 4.29 Nov
Dee 744 0.2166 O. 111600 - 0.3282 0.03008 0.02307 0.00106 3.07 4.15 3.86 Dee
Jan 744 0.2166 0.111600 - 0.3282 0.02672 0.01878 0.00106 2.87 3.88 Jan
Feb 672 0.2166 0.111600 - 0.3282 0.02468 0.01745 0.00106 2.70 4.03 Feb
Mar 744 0.2166 O. 111 600 - 0.3282 0.02235 0.01517 0.00106 2.41 3.26 3.71 Mar
Apr 719 0.2577 0.111600 - 0.3693 0.01805 0.01208 0.00110 1.98 2.77 Apr
May 744 0.2577 0.111600 - 0.3693 0.01798 0.00993 0.00110 1.96 2.65 May
Jun 720 0.2577 0.111600 - 0.3693 0.02252 0.01205 0.00110 2.45 3.42 2.94 Jun
Jul 744 0.2577 0.111600 - 0.3693 0.02962 0.02012 0.00110 3.17 4.29 Jul
Aug 744 0.2577 0.111600 - 0.3693 0.04384 0.02455 0.0011 0 3.17 4.30 Aug
Sep 720 0.2577 0.111600 - 0.3693 0.03141 0.02573 0.00110 3.17 4.43 4.34 Sep
0.3488 I 3.72
Demand Base Shaping Sehed. Total kW
kW $/kW $/kW $/kW $/kW $/kW $
Oct 120 2.34 1.013 0.404 0.230 $3.985 $ 478
Nov 130 3.07 1.013 0.404 0.230 $4.715 $ 613
Dee 130 3.07 1.013 0.404 0.230 $4.715 $ 613
Jan 130 2.87 1.013 0.404 0.230 $4.516 $ 587
Feb 150 2.70 1.013 0.404 0.230 $4.343 $ 651
Mar 130 2.41 1.013 0.404 0.230 $4.057 $ 527
Apr 120 1.98 1.013 0.404 0.230 $3.627 $ 435
May 110 1.96 1.013 0.404 0.230 $3.605 $ 397
Jun 110 2.45 1.013 0.404 0.230 $4.098 $ 451
Jul 100 3.17 1.013 0.404 0.230 $4.817 $ 482
Aug 110 3.17 1.013 0.404 0.230 $4.817 $ 530
Sep 110 3.17 1.013 0.404 0.230 $4.817 $ 530
Energy Energy
Energy Energy Load Reg & Op HLH LLH Demand
Total HLH HLH LLH HLH LLH Variance Freq Reserve Total Total HLH LLH Total
kWh % kWh kWh $/kWh $/kWh $/kWh $/kWh $/kWh $/kWh $/kWh $ $ $
82,000 57.8% 47,396 34,604 $0.02161 $ 0.01562 $ 0.00106 0.00030 0.00043 $0.02340 $0.01741 $ 1,109 $ 603 $ 2,190
83,700 59.0% 49,383 . 34,317 $0.02922 $ 0.02352 $ 0.00106 0.00030 0.00043 $0.03101 $0.02532 $ 1,532 $ 869 $ 3,014
92,500 56.8% 52,540 39,960 $0.03008 $ 0.02307 $ 0.00106 0.00030 0.00043 $0.03188 $0.02486 $ 1,675 $ 994 $ 3,282
92,500 59.0% 54,575 37,925 $0.02672 $ 0.01878 $ 0.00106 0.00030 0.00043 $0.02852 $0.02057 $ 1,556 $ 780 $ 2,923
90.800 56.6% 51,393 39,407 $0.02468 $ 0.01745 $ 0.00106 0.00030 0.00043 $0.02647 $0.01925 $ 1,360 $ 758 $ 2,769
92,500 55.7% 51,523 40,977 $0.02235 $ 0.01517 $ 0.00106 0.00030 0.00043 $0.02415 $0.01696 $ 1,244 $ 695 $ 2,466
80,200 55.1% 44,190 36,010 $0.01805 $ 0.01208 $ 0.00110 0.00030 0.00043 $0.01987 $0.01390 $ 878 $ 501 $ 1,814
78,500 57.2% 44,902 33,598 $0.01798 $ 0.00993 $ 0.00110 0.00030 0.00043 $0.01980 $0.01175 $ 889 $ 395 $ 1,681
73,200 57.6% 42,163 31,037 $0.02252 $ 0.01205 $ 0.00110 0.00030 0.00043 $0.02435 $0.01388 $ 1,027 $ 431 $ 1,909
71,500 56.7% 40,541 30,959 $0.02962 $ 0.02012 $ 0.00110 0.00030 0.00043 $0.03144 $0.02194 $ 1,275 $ 679 $ 2,436
75,000 57.9% 43,425 31,575 $0.04384 $ 0.02455 $ 0.00110 0.00030 0.00043 $0.04567 $0.02638 $ 1,983 $ 833 $ 3,346
73,200 56.7% 41,504 31,696 $0.03141 $ 0.02573 $ 0.00110 0.00030 0.00043 $0.03324 $0.02755 $ 1,379 $ 873 $ 2,782
$ 15,907 $8,411 $ 30,612
I$/kwh = $0.031061
563,535 422,065
.. ~~-
ExhIbIt H, Page 1 of 4
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The CIty of Port Angeles
EffectIve at 0001 Hours on October 1, 2003
Calculation of PriorIty FIrm Rate
The Program Priority Firm Rate (PF) in mills per kWh used in the deter~ination of the
Billing Credit paId to the Customer is calculated pursuant to this Exhibit. This Exhibit
shall be revIsed when Exhibit A is replaced pursuant to section 4 of this Agreement, using
the applicable revised rates. The effective date of thIS revIsed Exhibit H shall be the
effective date of the new rates. The capacity and energy amounts and the annual load
shape used to calculate the initial Exhibit H shall be used for the contract term to calculate
1. Procedure to Calculate the PF.
The PF is determined by using the current applicable priorIty firm power rate for
capacity and energy in Exhibit A as follows:
a. Use the capacIty (kW) and energy (kWh) amounts specified in section 2 below.
b. Multiply for each month ofthe Operatmg Year the kW and kWh amounts below by
the applicable rate for the month.
c. Add columns (h), (k) and (1), add those totals, reduce totals by low density discount,
and dIvide by column (c).
RevIsion No.7
ExhibIt H, Page 2 of 4
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The CIty of Port Angeles
EffectIve at 0001 Hours on October 1, 2003
2. CalculatIOn of PF for use in ExhibIt F.
Month Demand Total HLH HLH LLH kW Rate kW HLH LLH HLH LLH Total
kW kWh % kWh kWh $/kW Dollars $/kWh $/kWh kWh $ kWh $ Dollars
(C*D) (C-E) (B*G) (E*I) (F*J) (H+K+L)
Oet 120 82,000 57.8 47,396 34,604 $4.216 $ 506 $0.02526 $0.01878 $ 1,197 $ 650 $ 2,353
Nov 130 83,700 59.0 49,383 34,317 $5.006 $ 651 $0.03349 $0.02733 $ 1,654 $ 938 $ 3,243
Dee 130 92,500 56.8 52,540 39,960 $5.006 $ 651 $0.03443 $0.02685 $ 1,809 $ 1,073 $ 3,533
Jan 130 92,500 59.0 54,575 37,925 $4.786 $ 622 $0.03079 $0.02220 $ 1,680 $ 842 $ 3,144
Feb 150 90,800 56.6 51,393 39,407 $4.606 $ 691 $0.02859 $0.02077 $ 1,469 $ 818 $ 2,978
Mar 130 92,500 55.7 51,523 40,977 $4.296 $ 558 $0.02606 $0.01829 $ 1,342 $ 749 $ 2,649
Apr 120 80,200 55.1 44,190 36,010 $3.816 $ 458 $0.02130 $0.01488 $ 941 $ 536 $ 1,935
May 110 78,500 57.2 44,902 33,598 $3.786 $ 416 $0.02122 $0.01258 $ 953 $ 423 $ 1,792
Jun 110 73,200 57.6 42,163 31,037 $4.316 $ 475 $0.02610 $0.01486 $ 1,100 $ 461 $ 2,036
Jul 100 71,500 56.7 40,541 30,959 $5.086 $ 509 $0.03372 $0.02352 $ 1,367 $ 728 $ 2,604
Aug 110 75,000 57.9 43,425 31,575 $5.086 $ 559 $0.04899 $0.02828 $ 2,127 $ 893 $ 3,579
Sep 110 73,200 56.7 41,504 31,696 $5.086 $ 559 $0.03564 $0.02954 $ 1,479 $ 936 $ 2,974
985,600 $ 6,655 $17,118 $ 9,047 $ 32,820
The Average Annual PF = Total Power($) + Total TransmIssIOn($) = $32,820 DIvided by Total Energy (985,600) = $0.03330/kWh
CalculatIOn mcludes all Products and SerVIces whIch were mcluded in PF-91.
Demand kWh plus total kWh taken from RevIsion No.6 of ExhIbIt H, HLH percent = FY 2003 HLH percent.
Pnonty Fum Power Rate (PF-02)
21.29% LB CRAC October 2003 - March 2004; 24.63% LB CRAC Apnl- September 2004; 22.37% FB/SN CRAC's October 2003-
September 2004.
Low DenSIty DIscount = 0 percent.
Network IntegratIOn TransmIsSIOn Rate (NT-04)
No Reserve Power or CapacIty charges.
BIllmg factors for TransmISSIOn Load Shapmg Charge and Base Charge are the same.
AnCIllary Products and SerVIces: No Energy Imbalance, Spinning and Supplemental Reserves requirement = 2.6 percent.
PF NT-04 NT-04 SCD & GSR Total
Demand Base Shapmg NTF Total kW
kW $/kW $/kW $/kW $/kW $/kW $
Oct 120 253 1028 0425 0233 $4216 $ 506
Nov 130 332 1028 0425 0233 $5 006 $ 651
Dee 130 332 1028 0425 0233 $5 006 $ 651
Jan 130 3 10 1028 0425 0233 $4 786 $ 622
Feb 150 292 1028 0425 0233 $4 606 $ 691
Mar 130 261 1028 0425 0233 $4 296 $ 558
Apr 120 2 13 1028 0425 0233 $3816 $ 458
May 110 2 10 1028 0425 0233 $3 786 $ 416
Jun 110 263 1028 0425 0233 $4316 $ 475
Jul 100 340 1028 0425 0233 $5 086 $ 509
Aug 110 340 1028 0425 0233 $5 086 $ 559
Sep 110 340 1028 0425 0233 $5 086 $ 559
$ 6,655
H FIies/Excel/P ABCO _20020306_ ExhlbltH Rev7 Cales xis
Updated 1/05/2004
Revision No.7
ExhibIt H, Page 3 of 4
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371 "....
The City of Port Angeles
Effective at 0001 Hours on October 1, 2003
Energy Energy
Pi' ACS-04 ACS-04 and
PF Energy Energy PF Load Reg & Spm & Supp HLH LLH Demand
Total HLH HLH LLH HLH LLH Vanance Freg Reg Total Total HLH LLH Total
kWh % kWh kWh $/kWh $/kWh $/kWh $/kWh $/kWh $/kWh $/kWh $ $ $
82,000 578% 47,396 34,604 $ 002337 001689 000115 o 00030 o 00044 $0 02526 $001878 $ 1,197 $ 650 $ 2,353
83,700 590% 49,383 34,317 $003160 o 02544 000115 o 00030 o 00044 $003349 $002733 $ 1,654 $ 938 $ 3,243
92,500 568% 52,540 39,960 $ 0 03254 o 02496 000115 o 00030 o 00044 $003443 $0 02685 $ 1,809 $ 1,073 $ 3,533
92,500 590% 54,575 37,925 $ 002890 o 0203 1 000115 000030 o 00044 $0 03079 $0 02220 $ 1,680 $ 842 $ 3,144
90,800 566% 51,393 39,407 $ 0 02670 001888 000115 o 00030 o 00044 $0 02859 $0 02077 $ 1,469 $ 818 $ 2,978
92,500 557% 51,523 40,977 $ 0 02417 001640 000115 o 00030 o 00044 $0 02606 $001829 $ 1,342 $ 749 $ 2,649
80,200 551% 44,190 36,010 $001938 001296 000118 o 00030 o 00044 $0 02130 $001488 $ 941 $ 536 $ 1,935
78,500 572% 44,902 33,598 $ 0 01930 o 01066 000118 o 00030 o 00044 $002122 $001258 $ 953 $ 423 $ 1,792
73,200 576% 42,163 31,037 $ 0 02418 001294 000118 o 00030 o 00044 $002610 $001486 $ 1,100 $ 461 $ 2,036
71,500 567% 40,541 30,959 $ 0 03180 002160 000118 o 00030 o 00044 $003372 $002352 $ 1,367 $ 728 $ 2,604
75,000 579% 43,425 31,575 $ 004707 o 02636 000118 o 00030 o 00044 $0 04899 $002828 $ 2,127 $ 893 $ 3,579
73,200 567% 41,504 31,696 $ 0 03372 o 02762 000118 o 00030 o 00044 $0 03564 $002954 $ 1,479 $ 936 $ 2,974
563,535 422,065
$17,118 $9,047 $ 32,820
I$/kwh = $ 0 03330 I
1 .--
.. \.
L)1Q.~T'Oa. of ?u8L,1(.. c..JDR.K~ ,.. cA.T/I_i7/GS
Name 6L€~~ A. Cu.,.LEft.
Date ..:l I .;). /0 f
ExhIbIt H, Page 4 of 4
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The CIty of Port Angeles
EffectIve at 0001 Hours on October 1, 2003
Department of Energy
Bonneville Power Administration
By eIl-J 9;=~?
Account Executive
Name Charles W. Forman, Jr.
Date ~ J..~ Zeit! lj'
. 4
Revision No.6
Exhibit H. Page 1 of 4
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective at 0001 hours on October 1, 2001
Calculation of Priority Firm Rate
The Program Priority Firm Rate (PF) in mills per kWh used in the determination of the
Billing CredIt paid to the Customer is calculated pursuant to this Exhibit. This Exhibit
shall be revised when Exhibit A is replaced pursuant to section 4 of this Agreement, usmg
the applicable revised rates. The effective date of this revised Exhibit H shall be the
effective date of the new rates. The capacity and energy amounts and the annual load
shape used to calculate the initial Exhibit H shall be used for the contract term to calculate
1. Procedure to Calculate the PF.
The PF IS determined by using the current applicable priority firm power rate for
capacIty and energy m ExhIbit A as follows:
a. Use the capacity (kW) and energy (kWh) amounts specified in sectIon 2 below.
b. MultIply for each month of the Operating Year the kW and kWh amounts below by
the applicable rate for the month.
c. Add columns (h), (k) and (1), add those totals, reduce totals by low density dIscount,
and divide by column (c).
Revision No.6
Exhibit H. Page 2 of 4
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective at 0001 hours on October 1, 2001
2. Calculation of PF for use in Exhibit F.
Month Demand Total HLH HLH LLH kW Rate kW HLH LLH HLH LLH Total
kW kWh % kWh kWh $IkW Dollars $IkWh $IkWh kWh $ kWh $ Dollars
(C*D) (C-E) (B*G) (E*I) (F*J) (H+K+L)
Oct 120 82,000 57.8 47,396 34,604 $4.221 $ 506 $0.02569 $0.01910 $ 1,218 $ 661 $ 2,385
Nov 130 83,700 59.0 49,383 34,317 $5.025 $ 653 $0.03407 $0.02780 $ 1,682 $ 954 $ 3,289
Dee 130 92,500 56.8 52,540 39,960 $5.025 $ 653 $0.03502 $0.02730 $ 1,840 $ 1,091 $ 3,584
Jan 130 92,500 59.0 54,575 37,925 $4.805 $ 625 $0.03132 $0.02258 $ 1,709 $ 856 $ 3,190
Feb 150 90,800 56.6 51,393 39,407 $4.615 $ 692 $0.02907 $0.02111 $ 1,494 $ 832 $ 3,018
Mar 130 92,500 55.7 51,523 40,977 $4.308 $ 560 $0.02651 $0.01860 $ 1,366 $ 762 $ 2,688
Apr 120 80,200 55.1 44,190 36,010 $3.664 $ 440 $0.02017 $0.01411 $ 891 $ 508 $ 1,839
May 110 78,500 57.2 44,902 33,598 $3.636 $ 400 $0.02010 $0.01192 $ 903 $ 400 $ 1,703
Jun 110 73,200 57.6 42,163 31,037 $4.137 $ 455 $0.02472 $0.01408 $ 1,042 $ 437 $ 1,934
Jul 100 71,500 56.7 40,541 30,959 $4.860 $ 486 $0.03192 $0.02227 $ 1,294 $ 689 $ 2,469
Aug 110 75,000 57.9 43,425 31,575 $4.860 $ 535 $0.04637 $0.02678 $ 2,014 $ 846 $ 3,395
Sep 110 73,200 56.7 41,504 31,696 $4.860 $ 535 $0.03374 $0.02797 $ 1,400 $ 887 $ 2,822
985,60 $
0 $ 6,540 16,853 $ 8,923 $ 32,316
The Average Annual PF=Total Power $ + Total Transmission $=$32,316 Divided by Total Energy 985,000 = $O.0328/kWh
Calculation includes all Products and Services, which were included in PF-91
Demand kWh plus total kWh taken from Revision No.5 of Exhibit H, HLH percent = FY2001 HLH percents
Priority Firm Power Rate (PF-02)
46.225% LB CRAC October-March, 39 08% LB CRAC April-September
Low Density Discount = 0 percent
Network Integration Transmission Rate (NT-02):
No Reserve Power or Capacity charges
Billing factors for Transmission Load Shaping Charge and Base Charge are the same
Ancillary Products and Services: No Energy Imbalance, Spinning and Supplemental Reserves requirement = 2.6 percent
- .
RevIsion No.6
ExhibIt H. Page 3 of 4
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective at 0001 hours on October 1, 2001
Detail Calculation
Energy Energy Load Reg & Gp. HLH LLH
Total HLH HLH LLH HLH LLH Vanance Freq Reserve Total Total HLH LLH
kWh % kWh kWh $/k Wh $/k Wh $/k Wh $/k Wh $/k Wh $/kWh $/k Wh $ $
10 82,000 578% 47,396 34,604 o 02379 001720 000117 o 00030 o 00043 $0 02569 $0 01910 $1,218 $661
11 83,700 590% 49,383 34,317 003217 o 02590 000117 o 00030 o 00043 $0 03407 $0 02780 $1,682 $954
12 92,500 568% 52,540 39,960 003312 o 02540 000117 o 00030 o 00043 $0 03502 $0 02730 $1,840 $1,091
1 92,500 590% 54,575 37,925 o 02942 o 02068 000117 0.00030 o 00043 $003132 $0 02258 $1,709 $856
2 90,800 566% 51,393 39,407 002717 001921 000117 0.00030 o 00043 $0 02907 $002111 $1,494 $832
3 92,500 557% 51,523 40,977 o 02461 o 01670 000117 o 00030 o 00043 $0 02651 $001860 $1,366 $762
4 80,200 551% 44,190 36,010 001833 001227 000111 o 00030 o 00043 $002017 $001411 $891 $508
5 78,500 572% 44,902 33,598 001826 001008 000111 o 00030 o 00043 $002010 $0 01192 $903 $400
6 73,200 576% 42,163 31,037 o 02288 001224 000111 o 00030 o 00043 $0 02472 $001408 $1,042 $437
7 71,500 567% 40,541 30,959 o 03008 o 02043 000111 000030 o 00043 $003192 $0 02227 $1,294 $689
8 75,000 579% 43,425 31,575 o 04453 o 02494 000111 o 00030 o 00043 $004637 $0 02678 $2,014 $846
9 73,200 567% 41,504 31,696 003190 o 02613 000111 o 00030 o 00043 $003374 $0 02797 $1,400 $887
985,600 563,535 422,065 $16,853 $8,923
Demand Base Shapmg Sched Total kW Total
kW $/kW $/kW $/kW $/kW $/kW $ $
10 120 2574 1013 0404 0230 $4 221 $506 $2,385
11 130 3378 1013 0404 0230 $5 025 $653 $3,289
12 130 3378 1013 0404 0230 $5 025 $653 $3,584
1 130 3.158 1013 0404 0230 $4 805 $625 $3,190
2 150 2968 1013 0404 0230 $4 615 $692 $3,018
3 130 2661 1013 0404 0230 $4 308 $560 $2,688
4 120 2017 1013 0404 0230 $3 664 $440 $1,839
5 110 1989 1013 0404 0230 $3 636 $400 $1,703
6 110 2490 I 1013 0404 0230 $4 137 $455 $1,934
7 100 3213 1013 0404 0230 $4 860 $486 $2,469
8 110 3213 1013 0404 0230 $4 860 $535 $3,395
9 110 3213 1013 0404 0230 $4 860 $535 $2,822
$6,540 $32,316
Revision No.6
Exhibit H. Page 4 of 4
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective at 0001 hours on October 1, 2001
Department of Energy
BonnevIlle Power AdmInIstratIOn
By .~C, ~
Director Of Public Works
& Utilities
Name Glenn Cutler
By t!d-.J{~~~I
Account ExecutI ve
Name Chuck Forman
/ % :J-6 (] ;;2.
(PBLLAN-PSW-6/Portland-W \Pt Angeles \ Blllmg Credlts\Ex Hrev6\DE-MS79-91BP93490\ doc) 10-1-2001
Department of Energy
Bonneville Power Administration
POBox 3621
Portland, Oregon 97208-3621
January 24, 1997
In reply refer to: PSW1700
Mr. Robert Titus
Deputy Director of Utility Services
City of Port Angeles
P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362
Dear Bob:
This is your official notification that your request to commit Conservation Resource
Acquisition funds after the September 30, 1997 deadline has been approved. Please note
that this only extends the date to make financial obligations for specific projects. The
projects will still have to be completed by September 30, 1999.
I hope that this additional time to develop projects will help you achieve your energy
savings goals.
Charles Forman
Account Executive
Department of Energy
Bonneville Power Administration
Olympia Customer Service Center
1835 Black Lake Boulevard SW
Olympia, Washington 98512
Amendatory Agreement No. 1
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
August 30, 1996
, Mr. Robert J. Titus
Director of City Light
City of Port Angeles
P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217
Dear Bob:
Subject: Extension of Billing Credits measures installation deadline
On September 14, 1992, Bonneville Power Administration (Bonneville) and The City of Port
Angeles, Washington (Customer) executed Billing Credit Customer System Efficiency
Improvement Conservation Agreement Contract No. DE-MS-79-91-BP93489. On August 29,
1996, the parties agreed to extend the date by which all energy conservation measures
(ECM's) are scheduled to be installed to December 31, 1997.
The parties agree that in Exhibit E (1) Verification Method (Voltage Upgrade) the Customer
shall use the 1996 calculation to compute the Billing Credit until the conversion is complete.
If the conversion is complete before the end of calendar year 1997, the Customer will begin
using the 1997-2021 calculation to compute the Billing Credit the calendar quarter following
the completion of the ECM Conversion.
If the Customer finds this Amendatory Agreement satisfactory, please indicate by signing both -
copies and returning one copy to Barbara White, the Contracting Officer's Technical
Representative. Her address is Bonneville Power Administration (MES), 1601 Fifth Avenue,
Suite 1000, Seattle, WA 98101-1670. Please keep one signed copy for your files.
eiL4-' /l/,~ j
Charles W. Forman, Jr. '
Account Executive/Contracting Officer
Title DIRECTolt
Date 9/lefu,
- \'.'
o ~ ~.,.... !::
f ...
I "I'
,h ~'" ..
Contract No. DE-MS79~9TBP93489
Procurement No_.1...6.3.ZL~ ,_
executed by the
acting by and through the
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Index to Sections
Section Page
1. Term of Agreement ................................................ 2
2 . De fin i t i on s ...................................................... 3
3. Exhi bi ts ......................................................... 5
4. Amendment of Agreement ........................................... 5
5. Enti re Agreement ................................................. 5
6. Interpretation.................................. ~................ 5
7. Duti es of the Customer ........................................... 6
8. Duties of Bonnevi 11e ............................................. 6
9. Determination of Adjusted Alternative Cost .......... ...... ....... 7
10. Amount of Savings ................................................ 7
11. Payment for Billing Credit Resource ..... ................ ......... 7
12. Bonneville Right to Review....................................... 9
13. Customer 's Annua 1 Report ......................................... 9
14. Termination of Agreement ......................................... 10
15. Notices and Other Communications ........................ .... ..... 10
16. Severabi 1 i ty ..................................................... 11
17. Signature Clause................................................. 11
Exhibit A (Wholesale Power Rate Schedules and
General Rate Schedule Provisions) .. ............... ........ 5
Exhibit B (Billing Credit Conservation Contract Provisions) . ... ...... 5
Exhibit C (Description of Conservation Programs) . ........ ... .... ..... 5
ExhiPit D (Determination of Adjusted Alternative Cost) . ........ ...... 5
Exhibit E (Verification and Ramp-in) .......... .......... ... ...... .... 5
, ,
Section ~
Exhibit F (Determination of Billing Credit) . ............... .......... 5
Exhibit G (Cost Share Percentages) ................................... 5
Exhibit H (Calculation of Program Priority Firm Rate) ..... ... ........ 5
Exhibit I (Referenced Documents) ............. ............. ........... 5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This AGREEMENT, executed September l~, 19~, by the UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA (Government), Department of Energy, acting by and through the
Bonneville Power Administration (Bonneville), and THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES,
WASHINGTON (Customer), a municipal corporation organized and existing under
the laws of the State of Washington (the Parties);
WHEREAS Bonneville is authorized by the Pacific Northwest Electric Power
Planning and Conservation Act (Northwest Power Act) to provide Billing Credits
for conservation activities independently undertaken by a customer, or a
political subdivision served by a customer, which results in a reduction in
the Customer's net requirements for supply of Firm Power from Bonneville; and
WHEREAS the Customer and Bonneville have entered into a power sales
contract (Contract No. DE-MS79-81BP90450), which as the same may be amended or
replaced shall be called Power Sales Contract; and
WHEREAS the Customer is purchasing Firm Power from Bonneville pursuant to
the Power Sales Contract; and
WHEREAS Bonneville requested proposals for Billing Credits pursuant to
Bonneville's Billing Credit Policy with a solicitation issued on July 9, 1990
(Billing Credits Solicitation); and
WHEREAS the Customer responded to the Billing Credits Solicitation with a
proposal for a conservation activity or customer system efficiency improvement
(CSEI) independently undertaken and described in Exhibit C, which will result
in a reduction in the Customer's net requirements for Firm Power from
Bonneville; and
WHEREAS based on that proposal described in Exhibit C, Bonneville will
provide the Customer with Billing Credits, as provided in this Agreement, only
for verified Savings; and
WHEREAS Bonneville is authorized by law to dispose of electric power and
energy generated at various Federal hydroelectric projects in the Pacific
Northwest or acquired from other resources; to construct and operate
transmission facilities; to provide transmission and other services; and to
enter into agreements to carry out such authority,
NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:
1. Term of Agreement.
This Agreement becomes effective at 2400 hours on September 30, 1991
(Effective Date), and shall continue in effect until 2400 hours
on September 30 ,20~, unless terminated earlier pursuant to
section 14. If this Agreement terminates prior to 2400 hours
on September 30 , 20~, the termination charges provided for in
section 14 shall apply. All obligations arising from this Agreement
shall be preserved until satisfied.
2. Definitions.
All capitalized terms are as defined in Exhibit B, except that the
following terms shall have the following meaning:
(a) "Adjusted Alternative Cost" means the Benchmark Alternative Cost
adjusted pursuant to Exhibit D for the value of specific
resource characteristics not accounted for in the Benchmark
Alternative Cost.
( b)
"Benchmark Alternative Cost" means the estimated costs,
specified in Exhibit D, Bonneville would incur as a result of
acquiring new resources to meet future load obligations.
"Bi 11 i ng Credit" means an adjustment to the Customer IS e 1 ectri c
power bill or an equivalent cash payment for a reduction in the
Customer's net requirement of Firm Power purchased from
Bonneville resulting from a Conservation activity independently
"Billing Credit Policy" means the policy, as amended, under
which Bonneville grants Billing Credits to the Customer pursuant
to section 6{h) of the Northwest Power Act.
I'Bi11ing Credit Resource{s)" means the Measure, Program or CSEI,
described in Exhibit C, for which a Billing Credit is paid.
"Consumer" means any retail customer purchasing Firm Power from
the Customer.
"Cost Share Percentage" means the qualifying Bonneville load
percentage determined pursuant to section 21 of Exhibit B.
"Cure II means the additional time and the plan described in
Exhibit C which the Parties agree the Customer will use to
obtain additional Savings in the event the Customer does not
achieve the Savings by the date all Measures are planned to be
installed pursuant to the Installation Schedule in Exhibit C.
"Customer System Efficiency Improvement (CSEI)" means projects
including voltage modifications, reconductoring, transformer
replacements, and other system improvements undertaken to reduce
electric power consumption or losses as a result of increases in
the efficiency of electric use, production, transmission or
( i )
"Firm Energy" means electric energy provided to the Customer
pursuant to the Power Sales Contract which is assured to be
available except when restricted, suspended, interrupted,
interfered with, or curtailed as a result of any condition
described in the Uncontrollable Forces or Continuity of Service
sections of Exhibit B of the Power Sales Contract to meet all or
an agreed portion of firm load of the Customer over an agreed
upon period of time.
(k) "Firm Power" means electric power and energy provided to the
Customer pursuant to the Power Sales Contract which are
continuously available except when restricted, suspended,
interrupted, interfered with, or curtailed as a result of any
condition described in the Uncontrollable Forces or Continuity
of Service sections of Exhibit B of the Power Sales Contract.
Firm Power shall be a collective reference to Firm Capacity and
Fi rm Energy.
(1) "Installation Schedule" means the Customer's estimated schedule
for installing Measures and the amount of Savings the Customer
estimates each Measure will obtain. The Installation Schedule
is specified in Exhibit C.
(m) "Measure or Unit" means equipment, devices, or materials which
result in improvements in the efficiency of production, use,
distribution or transmission of electric energy.
(n) "Program Priority Firm Rate (PF)" means the monthly average rate
the Customer would have paid for Firm Power if it had purchased
Firm Power from Bonneville in lieu of obtaining the Savings from
the Program. The PF is determined pursuant to Exhibit H using
the applicable capacity and energy charges of the Priority Firm
Rate (or its successor) for the sale of Firm Power by Bonneville
to meet the general requirements of the Customer.
(0) "Program" means the plan or method by which the Customer
proposes to implement a Measure or Measures. Program includes
the entire delivery and quality control system needed to achieve
and verify Savings as specified in Exhibits C and E.
(p) "Ramp-in" means the period of time specified in Exhibit E over
which the Customer will install Measures. The Installation
Schedule specified in Exhibit C is the plan for installing
Measures during the Ramp-in. Unless otherwise provided by a
Cure, all Measures are to be installed no later than
June 3D, 1996.
(q) "Savings" means the reduction in Bonneville's obligation to
deliver Firm Power as a result of the Customer's installing the
Measures described in Exhibit C. To qualify for Billing
Credits, Savings must be verified and result in a reduction in
the Customer's net requirements for Firm Power from Bonneville.
3. Exhibits.
Exhibit A (Wholesale Power Rate Schedules and General Rate Schedule
Provisions), Exhibit B (Billing Credit Conservation Contract
Provisions), Exhibit C (Description of Conservation Programs),
Exhibit D (Determination of Adjusted Alternative Cost), Exhibit E
(Verification and Ramp-in), Exhibit F (Determination of Billing
Credit), Exhibit G (Cost Share Percentages). Exhibit H (Calculation
of Program Priority Firm Rate) and Exhibit I (Referenced Documents)
are by this reference made a part of this Agreement.
4. Amendment of Agreement.
(a) Except as provided in section 4(b). this Agreement may be
amended or revised only by agreement of the Parties.
(b) Exhibits A and H may be replaced by Bonneville to be effective
on the effective date of interim or final approval of new rate
schedules by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or its
successor agency. Exhibit G may be revised by Bonneville each
October 1, pursuant to the provisions of section 21 of
Exhibit B. Exhibits B. C, 0, E. F and I and Tables ~f Exhibits
C, 0, E and F, if any. may be revised by agreement of the
Parties. Such agreement shall be evidenced by both Parties
affixing their signatures to the revised Exhibit.
5. Entire Agreement.
This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement of the Parties and
supersedes any and all prior agreements with respect to the subject
matter of this Agreement. The rights and obligations of the Parties
hereunder shall be subject to and governed by this Agreement. The
headings used herein are for convenient reference only and shall not
affect the interpretation of this Agreement.
6. Interpretation.
(a) If a provision in the body of this Agreement is in conflict with
a provision contained in the Exhibits, the body of this
Agreement shall prevail.
(b) Nothing contained in this Agreement shall, in any manner, be
construed to abridge, limit, or deprive any party of any remedy,
either at law or in equity, for the breach of any of the
provisions of this Agreement.
(c) This Agreement sha111 be governed by and construed under Federal
7. Duties of the Customer.
(a) Subsequent to execution of this Agreement, the Customer shall
complete the Program described in Exhibit C within the times
specified in Exhibit C.
(b) The Customer shall during the time period prior to completion of
the Ramp-in and the Cure, if any, prepare invoices and submit
them to Bonneville pursuant to section ll(b).
(c) The Customer agrees to use the methodology described in
Exhibit E to verify Savings.
(d) The Customer shall prepare and provide all reports and
information required by this Agreement necessary (1) to
calculate the amount of the Billing Credits, (2) to verify
Savings provided by the Program(s) described in Exhibit C,
(3) to establish required persistence of Savings and (4) to
satisfy the requirements of section 13. If the Customer fails
to provide the reports and information required herein,
Bonneville may on 30 days written notice suspend payment of
Billing Credits until the information or report is submitted.
(e) The Customer shall comply with the terms and conditions of any
permit and license for the Program(s) issued by any Federal,
State or local governmental agency or body having jurisdiction
and with any Federal, State or local regulation applicable to
the Program(s). The Customer shall test and dispose of any
distribution transformers, materials or equipment removed
pursuant to a Measure or Program, in accordance with applicable
Federal, State and local regulations. Unless prior written
approval is obtained from Bonneville, dispose means to
intentionally discard, throwaway, or otherwise complete or
terminate the useful life of a distribution transformer.
(f) The Customer shall hold Bonneville harmless from any and all
liability arising from installation, operation and maintenance
of the Customer's Program, including but not limited to the
disposal of distribution transformers, materials or equipment.
8. Duties of Bonnevi11~.
(a) During the Ramp-in and Cure, if any, upon receipt of an invoice
from the Customer, Bonneville shall provide the Customer with
Billing Credits for Savings obtained from implementing the
Program(s) described in this Agreement.
(b) After the Ramp-in and Cure, if any, is completed, Bonneville
shall make payments to the Customer pursuant to section ll(c) in
the amount determined by Exhibit F for Saving~ obtained. The
amount determined by Exhibit F shall be based on the number of
Measures or Units installed and the Savings specified in
Exhibit E. -
(c) Bonneville shall review in a timely manner all information sent
by the Customer to verify Savings under this Agreement.
9. Determination of Adjusted Alternative Cost.
The Adjusted Alternative Cost is the basis for the Billing Credit for
Conservation activities, and is used in the calculation of the amount
of Billing Credits received by the Customer. Exhibit D specifies the
Adjusted Alternative Cost that will be used to determine the
Customer's Billing Credits.
10. Amount of Savings.
(a) To qualify for B111ing Credits, Measures or Units must be
installed and their Savings verified pursuant to Exhibit E.
(b) The verification methodology specified in Exhibit E has been
developed by the Parties to ensure that Bonneville is being
provided with an objective measure of the Savings. Any
responsible third party should be able to obtain the same
results as those submitted for payment. The Customer, or its
agent, shall maintain and provide to Bonneville, or its agent,
the data used in the analysis of Savings. Exhibit E shall
specify standards used for sampling if required, and the form
and nature of data required by Bonneville.
(c) The Billing Credits shall be determin~d for each month pursuant
to the provisions of Exhibit F, and payments shall be made
pursuant to section 11.
11. Payment for Billing Credit Resource.
(a) Bonneville shall, at its option, either make cash payments or
credit the Customer's power bill for the Savings determined
pursuant to section 10 above. Pursuant to section 13(f)(7) of
the Billing Credits Policy, the first payment or credit shall
not be made by Bonneville until 90 days after the date
Bonneville publishes a notice in the Federal Register of its
decision to execute this Agreement. Unless otherwise specified
in Exhibit F, Billing Credits shall be invoiced or made
(b) Unless otherwise specified in Exhibit F, during the Ramp-in and
Cure, if any, the Billing Credit shall be the amount determined
by using the formula in section 2(a) of Exhibit F. Payment
shall be made within 30 days after receipt of a proper invoice.
The Customer in its invoice will provide the number of Units
installed each month during the payment period and the total
UG.ts installed to date, Savings per Unit or total Savings as
appropriate, the Adjusted Alternative Cost and the Program
Priority Firm Rate used to calculate the Billing Credit pursuant
to Exhibit F. The invoices shall be in a similar format as the
sample invoice attached to Exhibit F, and shall contain all the
information requested in the sample invoice.
(c) Unless otherwise specified in Exhibit F, after the Ramp-in and
Cure, if any, the Billing Credit shall be the amount determined
by using the formula in section 2(b) of Exhibit F. Payments or
credits shall be made quarterly. Payment shall be made no later
than 10 days after the end of each quarter. The amount of
payment or credit will be recomputed when Bonneville replaces
Exhibits A and H or G pursuant to section 4, or when Exhibit E
is revised to reflect new Savings. Thirty days prior to each
Fiscal Year Bonneville, after consulting with the Customer,
shall prepare a statement, which shall be a table to Exhibit F,
showing the annual Billing Credit for the next Fiscal Year and
the quarterly payments. If Exhibits A and H are revised during
the Fiscal Year, Bonneville shall prepare a revised statement.
The revised statement will show the amounts of the subsequent
payments for the remainder of the Fiscal Year.
(d) Savings shall be multiplied by the Cost Share Percentage for the
Customer as specified in Exhibit G. Bonneville shall review the
Cost Share Percentage annually, and will revise Exhibit G each
year using the Bonneville load percentage table specified in
section 21 of Exhibit B. The Bonneville load percentage table
specified in Exhibit B in effect on the date the Customer /
executes this Agreement shall remain in effect for the term of
this Agreement. In the event Bonneville's Conservation cost
share principles are revised, Bonneville shall offer the
Customer an amendment to this Agreement which incorporates all
of the changes to these principles, including any changes to the
values in the table in section 21 of Exhibit B. The Customer
shall have 60 days to accept or reject the proposed amendment.
(e) Bonneville shall conduct a compliance verification review and
make a final certification of the Savings obtained or the number
of Measures or Units installed, within 12 months after the later
of the final verification as provided for in Exhibit E, or the
date the final Measure or Unit is installed. If the compliance
review discloses that the Customer has claimed Savings based on
Measures or Units not installed, Bonneville may adjust future
Billing Credit payments until the amount of overpayment of
Billing Credits is corrected. If Bonneville makes a final
certification of the Savings and/or number of installations, all
payments made to the Customer shall be final and conclusive
except with respect to accounting errors, illegal acts, fraud,
or gross mistakes as may amount to fraud.
(f) If the Customer terminates this Agreement pursuant to
section 14, the termination charge determined pursuant to
section 14 shall be due 60 days after the date Bonneville
submits a bill to the Customei" for the amount determined
pursuant to section 14.
(g) Payments made from Bonneville to the Customer's bank account
shall be made by check or electronically. The Customer shall
provide Bonneville with the name, address, Customer's bank
account number and the American Banker's Association 9-digit
routing number of the bank to which the funds transfer shall be
made. Payment from the Customer to Bonneville shall be made by
check. Bonneville shall provide the Customer with the address
and account information to which the payments shall be made.
(h) The Northwest Power Act requires that Bonneville's power rates
not be higher as a result of Billing Credits than they would
have been had the alternate resource been acquired by
Bonneville. In the event that Bonneville's rate to the Customer
for Firm Power exceeds the Customer's Adjusted Alternative Cost,
payment for Billing Credits will be due Bonneville rather than
the Customer. Such payment shall be determined pursuant to
section ll(c) and made within 20 days after the end of each
quarter that payment is due Bonneville. If this requirement is
changed, or the Billing Credit Policy is otherwise amended,
Bonneville shall offer the Customer an amendment to this
Agreement which incorporates all of the changes between the
Billing Crp.dit Policy and such amended Billing Credit Policy.
The Customer will have 60 calendar days to accept or reject the
proposed amendment. \
12. Bonneville Right to Review.
(a) Upon reasonable notice, Bonneville or Bonneville's designee may
inspect, monitor, audit or otherwise review the implementation
of the Program, the verification procedure. and all records used
for calculating Bonneville's payments or credits for Billing
Credits under this Agreement.
(b) The Customer shall make available to Bonneville from the
Customer's records specified in Exhibit E such information as
Bonneville may request in conducting such inspection or
monitoring review. A Customer receiving Billing Credits for
Programs which duplicate other Bonneville sponsored programs
must maintain separate and discrete records for each program.
Records for dual or multi-program participants must have a
common identifier and must be maintained separately for each
(c) Bonneville may conduct, upon reasonable notice, such onsite
inspections of a Billing Credit Resource as Bonneville may
determine necessary to verify installation.
13. Customer's Annual Report.
Within 60 days after the erd of each Fiscal Year, the Customer shall
submit to Bonneville an annual report, as specified in Exhibit E,
which describes the Savings obtained from the Program(s) listed in
Exhibit C. The report shall contain all information requested in
Exhibit E, and shall provide Bonneville with sufficient facts to
determine whether the Savings were obtained. If the Customer fails
to submit the annual report, Bonneville may on 30 days written notice
suspend payment of Billing Credits until the annual report is
14. Termination of Agreement.
This Agreement may be terminated as follows:
(a) If the Customer terminates the Power Sales Contract or fails to
execute a successor Power Sales Contract, Bonneville may
terminate this Agreement upon 30 days written notice to the
(b) The Customer may upon 30 days written notice to Bonneville
terminate this Agreement or withdraw a Billing Credit Resource
(c) In the event (a) or (b) above occurs, a termination charge shall
be determined pursuant to this subsection. The termination
charge is based on the difference, with applicable interest
charges, between the Billing Credit payments made prior to the
termination, and Billing Credit payments that would have been
paid if the Adjusted Alternative Cost was based on the contract
term that_ actually resulted from the early withdrawal of a
resource, or termination of the Agreement. The applicable
interest rate is 10 percent for each year from the Effective
Date to the early withdrawal or termination of the Agreement.
Based on Bonneville's economic assumptions used in making the
initial calculations on the Effective Date of this Agreement,
the termination charge will be calculated using the Schedule 1
in Exhibit D and using the methodology, data and assumptions
used to calculate the original Adjusted Alternative Cost.
15. Notices and Other Communications.
Written communications including invoices between the Parties shall
be delivered in person or mailed to the address and to the attention
of the person specified below:
If to Bonneville:
Bonneville Power Administration
Puget Sound Area Office
201 Queen Anne Ave. N., Suite 400
Seattle, WA 98109-1030
Attn: Barbara Hickey - TB
Public Utilities Specialist
(206) 553-4561
If to the Customer:
'POfLT l\~b~L-E.S CrT'f LI6HT
Po. BC))( 115D
?OItT A\Jl2>E-LES I WA 985bl.
A ttn: S,'flo.\JE. Hlll1.o;l-\ . c...l<:>INEEk/l'J6 M'Tl. (lob) 4S7-o4/ I
(Name and/or Title) (Phone Number)
Either party may change or supplement such address or specified
person by giving the other party written notice of such change.
16. Severability.
If any provision of this Agreement is finally adjudicated by a court
of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, it is the
Parties' intent that the remainder of this Agreement, to the extent
practicable, continue in full force and effect as though such
provision or any part thereof so adjudicated had not been included
17. Signature Clause.
Each party hereto represents that it has the authority to execute
this Agreement and that it has been duly authorized to enter into
this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement in counterparts.
Department of Energy
Bonneville Power Administration
Area Manager
, C~,sIJ~4
'v ~a Manager
f~ Z-
September 14, 1992
Title j)1~TDR. CF L\"N l'bHI
Da te '8/2.0/92.-
Director of City Light
August 20, 1992
I:>p ~ ~ ,iJdD/':,
{/} h~ (1QQ"~~ I
9, - ,~f) - tl~
City Clerk
August 20, 1992
BCCCP Form 1
Index to Sections
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. Def i nit i on s ................................................. 2
2. Interpretation .............................................. 3
3. Arrangements with Consumers and Customers ................... 3
4. Program Suspension for Environment, Health, or Safety....... 4
5. Uncontrollable Forces....................................... 4
6. Program Records ............................................. 4
7 . Aud its ...................................................... 4
8 . E val u a t i on ...............;.................................. 5
9. Disclaimer of Liability..................................... 5
10. As s i gnment of Agreement ..................................... 5
11. Binding Effect .............................................. 5
12. No Third Party Beneficiaries ................................ 5
13. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act ................ 5
14. Cony i c t labor ............................................... 6
15. Equa 1 Opportun i ty ........................................... 6
16. Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities ................... 8
17. Officials Not to Benefit .................................... 9
18. Contractor's Obligations Not General
Obligations of the United States ............................ 9
19. Sma 11 Bu sine s s Act .......................................... 9
20. Other Statutes, Executive Orders, and Regulations ........... 10
21. Cos t Share Percentage ....................................... 10
22. Residential Exchange Program ............ .............. ... ... 12
1. Definitions.
(a) IIActual FIrm Bonneville loadll means the firm energy portion of the
annual average metered requirements. computed average energy
requirement. or contracted requirements under the Customer's Power
Sales Contract with Bonneville. as amended.
(b) IIActua1 Firm Total loadll means the average of a Customer's actual
total firm energy load, as defined 1n section 3(b) of the Customer's
Power Sales Contract with Bonneville, as amended.
(c) IIAuditll means a complete interim audit or final closeout audit of
the records as may be specified in this Agreement.
(d) IIConservationll means any reduction in Firm Power consumption as a
result of increases in the efficiency of electric energy use,
production, or distribution.
(e) IIContractorll means the Customer.
(f) IIFiscal Year II means the period commencing on October 1 and ending
the following September 30.
(g) IINorthwest Power Actll means the Pacific Northwest Electric Power
Planning and Conservation Act, 16 U.S.C. 839.
(h) IIPower Sales Contractll means the Northwest Power Act firm power
sales contract, as may be amended or replaced, between the Customer
and Bonneville for the sale of power and energy to meet the
Customer's Actual Firm Bonneville Load.
(1) IIRegionll means (1) the area consisting of the States of Oregon,
Washington, and Idaho, the portion of the State of Montana west of
the Continental Divide, and such portions of the States of Nevada,
Utah, and Wyoming as are within the Columbia River drainage basin;
and (2) any contiguous areas, not in excess of 75 air miles from the
area referred to in paragraph 1(1)(1) above, which are a part of the
service area of a rural electric cooperative customer served by
Bonneville on the effective date of the Northwest Power Act which
has a distribution system from which it serves both within and
without such Region.
(j) IIUncontrollable Forcesll means:
(1) strikes or work stoppage affecting the performance of the
Customer or of Bonneville; the term IIstrikes or work stoppage"
shall be deemed to include threats of imminent strikes or work
stoppage which reasonably require a party to restrict or
terminate its operations or restrict or terminate the
installation of any CSEI or Measure; or
(2) such of the following events as the Customer or Bonneville by
exercise of reasonable diligence and foresight, could not
reasonably have been expected to avoid:
(A) events, reasonably beyond the control of either party,
causing failure, damage, or destruction of any works,
system or facilities necessary for performance; the word
"failure" shall be deemed to include interruption of, or
interference with, the actual operation of such works,
system, or facilities;
(B) floods or other conditions caused by nature which limit or
prevent the performance of either party; and
(C) orders and temporary or permanent injunctions which
prevent said performance, and which are issued in any bona
fide proceeding by:
(i) any duly constituted court of general jurisdiction; or
(ii) any administrative agency or officer, other than
Bonneville or its officers, with proper jurisdiction
(I) if said party has no right to a review of the
va li di ty of such order' by a court of competent
jurisdiction; or (II) if such order is operative and
effective and such order is not suspended, set aside,
or annulled in a judicial proceeding prosecuted by
said party in good faith; provided, however, that if
such order is suspended, set aside, or annulled in
such a judicial proceeding, it shall be deemed to be
an "uncontrollable force" for the period during which
it is in effect; provided, further, that said party
shall not be required to prosecute such a proceeding,
in order to have the benefits of this
subsection l(j), if the Parties agree that there is
no valid basis for contesting the order.
2. Interpretation.
Only Bonneville's Administrator or the person or position designated in
writing by Bonneville's Administrator with the authority to take such
actions, may issue interpretations of this Agreement which are binding
upon Bonneville. The designee may further delegate such authority to
interpret or take actions under this Agreement, if authorized by the
Bo~neville's Administrator in writing. Such interpretations shall be in
writing and shall be distributed to each customer which is a party to an
agreement containing the provision being interpreted. All such
interpretations shall also be available for review at each Bonneville
Area/District Office.
3. Arrangements with Consumers and Customers.
The Customer shall not unreasonably discriminate among Consumers in
implementing this Agreement. Bonneville shall not unreasonably
discriminate among customers in implementing this Agreement.
4. Program Suspension for Environment. Health. or Safety.
(a) The Customer shall implement the Program in accordance with
applicable regulations issued by Federal, State, or local agencies
related to the environment and to the health and safety of the
Customer's employees and the general public.
(b) If the Customer fails to comply with subsection 4(a), Bonneville may
suspend payment of Billing Credits until the Customer provides
evidence of compliance to BonnevJlle.
(c) Before suspending payment, Bonneville shall give the Customer
written notice and a reasonable opportunity (at least 30 calendar
days) to demonstrate compliance or to develop a plan with the
appropriate governmental agency to correct the violation or
(d) The Customer shall bear the costs of compliance or noncompliance
with all environmental, health', or safety requireme~ts with Federal,
State, or local agency regulations.
5. Uncontrollable Forces.
Each party shall notify the other as soon as possible of any
Uncontrollable Forces which may in any way affect performance in
accordance with this Agreement. In the event the performance of either
party is interrupted or curtailed due to such Uncontrollable Forces, such
party shall be excused from such performance during such period of
interruption or curtailment. However, such party shall exercise-due
diligence to reinstate such performance with reasonable dispatch.
6. Program Records.
Records shall be maintained by the Customer as specified in Exhibit E.
Unless otherwise provided in Exhibit E, the Customer shall keep all
records required by this Agreement until 3 years after the later of the
date the last Measure or Unit is installed or the date of the last
7. Audits.
Upon reasonable notice, Bonneville may conduct financial Audits. Their
number, timing, and extent shall be at the discretion of Bonneville and
may be conducted by Bonneville or its designee. However, if the Customer
receives $100,000 or more during any Fiscal Year from the Government, it
shall be subject to the Single Audit Act as detailed in OMB circulars
A-128 and (A-133. Bonneville, at its expense, may:
(a) audlt, examine, or inspect Program records and accounts maintained
by the Customer, ln accordance with the Program records section of
thi s Exhi bit;
(b) obtain coples of such Program records and accounts for such
purposes; and
(c) verify installations made under this Agreement, provided that all
such verifications shall be arranged in advance through the Cu~tomer.
8. Evaluation.
The Customer is responsible for evaluation of its Program. Verification
must be consistent with the information in Exhibit B of the Billing
Credits Solicitation and Exhibit E of this Agreement. The Customer shall
grant Bonneville or its designee access to the data and analysis the
Customer performs to comply with the verification requirements of this
9. Disclaimer of Liability.
(a) Bonneville shall not be liable to the Customer for the tortious acts
or omissions of the Customer's independent contractors.
(b) The Customer shall require any independent contractor with which it
contracts to implement the provisions of this Agreement to indemnify
and hold Bonneville harmless from all claims, damages, losses,
liability, and expenses arising from breach of contract, statutory
and regulatory claims, and the negligent or other tortious acts or
omissions of such independent contractors, their officers, agents,
or employees.
10. Assignment of Agreement.
This Agreement or any interest therein shall not be transferred or
assigned by either party to any party other than the Government without
the written consent of the other party.
11. Binding Effect.
This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the
Parties, their respective legal representatives, assigns, and successors.
12. No Third Party Beneficiaries.
In promising performance to one another under this Agreement, the Parties
intend to create binding legal obligations to and rights of enforcement
in: (a) one another; and (b) such assignees or successors in interest of
the Parties as may enjoy a right to enforce this Agreement by virtue of
provisions of this Agreement that expressly create such a right in such
assignees or successors in interest. By entering into this Agreement,
the Parties expressly do not 'ntend to create any obligation or promise
of any performance to any other third party, nor have the Parties created
for any third party any right to enforce this Agreement.
13. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327 et seq.)
(a) Overtime reauiremeQii.
No Contractor or subcontractor contracting for any part of the
contract work which may require or involve the employment of
laborers or mechanics shall require or permit any such laborers or
, .
mechanics in any workweek in which the individual is employed on
such work to work in excess of 40 hours in such workweek unless such
laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less than
1-1/2 times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of
'40 hours in such workweek.
(b) Violation: liability for unpaid waaes: liquidated damages.
In the event of any violation of the provisions set forth in
subsection 13(a) of this Exhibit. the Contractor and any
subcontractor responsible therefor shall be liable for the unpaid
wages. In addition, such Contractor and subcontractor shall be
liable to the United States for liquidated damages. Such liquidated
damages shall be computed with respect to each individual laborer or
mechanic employed in violation of the provisions set forth in
subsection 13(a) of this Exhibit in the sum of $10 for each calendar
day on which such individual was required or permitted to work in
excess of the standard workweek of 40 hours without payment of the
overtime wages required by provisions set forth in subsection 14(a)
of this Exhibit.
(c) Withholding for unoaid wages and liquidated damages.
The Contracting Officer shall upon his or her own action or upon
written request of an authorized representative of the Department of
Labor withhold or cause to be withheld, from any moneys payable on
account of work performed by the Contractor or subcontractor under
any such contract or any other Federal contract subject to the
Contract Hork Hours and Safety Standards Act which is held by the
same Prime Contractor, such sums as may be determined to be
necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such Contractor or
subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as provided in
subsection 13(b) of this Exhibit.
14. Convict Labor (Executive Order No. 11755, Dec. 29,1973).
In connection with the performance of work under this Agreement, the
Contractor or any subcontractor agrees not to employ any person
undergoing sentence of imprisonment except as otherwise provided by law.
15. Equal Opportunity (Executive Order No. 11246, Sept. 24, 1965).
(a) If. during any 12-month period (including the 12 months preceding
the award of this contract), the Contractor has been or is awarded
nonexempt Federal contracts and/or subcontracts that have an
aggregate value in excess of $25,000, the Contractor shall comply
with paragraphs 15(b)(1) through 15(b)(11) below. Upon request, the
Contractor shall provide information necessary to determine the
applicability of this clause.
(b) During performing th;s Agreement. the Contractor agrees as follows:
(1) The Contractor shall not d1scr;minate against any employee or
applicant for employment bprause of race, color, religion. sex,
or nat;onal origin.
(2) The Contractor shall take affirmative action to ensure that
applicants are employed. and that employees are treated during
employment. without regard to their race. color. religion, sex.
or national origin. Such action shall include. but not be
limited to. (A) employment, (B) upgrading. (C) demotion,
(D) transfer. (E) recruitment or recruitment advertising.
(F) layoff or termination. (G) rates of payor other forms of
compensation. and (H) selection for training, including
(3) The Contractor shall post in conspicuous places. available to
employees and applicants for employment the notices to be
provided by the Contracting Officer that explain this clause.
(4) The Contractor shall. in all solicitations or advertisement for
employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, state that
all qualified applicants will receive consideration for
employment without regard to race. color. religion. sex, or
national origin.
(5) The Contractor shall send. to each labor union or
representative of workers with which it has a collective
bargaining agreement 'or other contract or understanding, the
notice to be provided by the Contracting Officer advising the
labor union or workers' representative of the Contractor's
commitments under this clause, and post copies of the notice in
conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for
(6) The Contractor shall comply with Executive Order No. 11246,
Sept. 24. 1965 (30 FR 12319). as amended, and the rules.
regulations and order of the Secretary of Labor.
(7) The Contractor shall furnish to the contracting agency all
information required by Executive Order No. 11246. as amended.
and by the rules. regulations. and orders of the Secretary of
Labor. Standard Form 100 (EE0-1), or any successor form. is
the prescribed form to be filed within 30 days following the
award, unless filed within 12 months preceding the date of the
(8) The Contractor shall permit access to its books, records and
accounts by the contracting agency or the Office of Federal
Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) for purposes of
investigation to ascertain the Contractor's compliance with
such rules. regulations. and orders.
(9) If the OFCCP determines that the Contractor is not in
compliance with this clause or any rule. regulation, or order
of the Secretary of Labor, this Agreement may be cancelled,
terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and the Contractor
may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts.
under the procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11246,
as amended. In addition, sanctions may be imposed and remedies
invoked against the Contractor as provided in Executive Order
No. 11246, as amended, the rules, regulations, and orders of
the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law.
(10) The Contractor shall include the terms and conditions of
subparagraphs (b)(l) through (11) of this clause in every
subcontract or purchase order that is not exempted by the
rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued
under Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, so that these
terms and conditions will be binding upon each subcontractor or
(11) The Contractor shall take such action with respect to any
subcontract or purchase order as the contracting agency may
direct as a means of enforcing these terms and conditions,
including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, that if the
Contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with,
litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of any
direction, the Contractor may request the Government to enter
into the litigation to protect the interest of the United
(c) Notwithstanding any other clause in this Agreement, disputes
relative to this clause will be governed by the procedures in
41 CFR 60-1.1.
16. Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities (48 CFR 22.810).
(a) The Contractor certifies that it does not and will not maintain or
provide for its employees any segregated facilities at any of its
establishments, and that it does not and will not permit its
employees to perform their services at any location under its
control where segregated facilities are maintained. The Contractor
agrees that a breach of this certification is a violation of the
Equal Opportunity Clause of this Exhibit.
(b) The Contractor further agrees that it will (1) obtain identical
certifications from proposed subcontractors prior to the award of
subcontracts exceeding $10,000 which are not exempt from the
provisions of the Equal Opportunity Clause; (2) retain such
certifications in its files; and (3) forward the following notice to
such proposed subcontractors, except where the proposed
subcontractors have submitted identical certifications for specific
time periods:
Notice to Prospective Subcontractors of Requirement for
Certifications of Nonsegregated Facilities.
A Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities must be submitted
prior to the award of a subcontract under which the
subcontractor will be subject to the Equal Opportunity clause.
This certification may be submitted either for each subcontract
or for all subcontracts during a period (i.e., quarterly,
semiannually, or annually).
17. Officials Not to Benefit (41 U.S.C. 22).
No member of or delegate to Congress, or resident commissioner, shall be
admitted to any share or part of this Agreement or to any benefit arising
from it. However, this clause does not apply to this Agreement to the
extent that this Agreement is made with a corporation for the
corporation's general benefit.
18. Contractor's Obligations Not General Obligations of the United States
(16 U.S.C. 839d(j)).
None of the offerings of obligations, or promotional materials for such
obligations, which may be offered by the Contractor to fund its
activities pursuant to this Agreement, are. nor shall they be construed
to be, general obligations of the United States. nor are such obligations
intended to be or are they secured by the full faith and credit of the
United States.
19. Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 631 and 15 U.S.C. 637).
If this Agreement exceeds $10.000 then
(a) It is the policy of the Government that small business concerns
owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged
individuals shall have the maximum practicable opportunity to
participate in the performance of contracts let by any Federal
(b) The Contractor hereby agrees to carry out this policy in the
awarding of subcontracts to the fullest extent consistent with the
efficient performance of this Agreement. The Contractor further
agrees to cooperate on any studies or surveys as may be conducted by
the United States Small Business Administration or awarding agency
of the Government as may be necessary to determine the extent ot the
Contractor's compliance with this clause.
(c) As used in this Agreement the term "small business concern" shall
-mean a small business as defined in section 3 of the Small Business
Act (15 U.S.C. 632) and relevant regulations promulgated pursuant
thereto. The term "small business concerns owned and controlled by
socially and economically disadvantaged individuals" shall mean a
small business concern-
(1) which is at least 51 percent owned by one or more socially
disadvantaged individuals; or, in the case of any publicly
owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is
owned by one or more socially or economically disadvantaged;
(2) whose management and daily business operations are controlled
by one or more of such individuals.
The Contractor shall presume that socially and economically
disadvantaged individuals include Black Americans. Hispanic
Americans. Native Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, and other
minorities, or any other individual found to be disadvantaged by the
Administration pursuant to section 8(a) of the Small Business Act.
Contractors acting in good faith may rely on written representations
by their subcontractors regarding their status as either a small
business concern or a small business concern owned and controlled by
socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.
20. Other Statutes. Executive Orders. and Regulations.
(a) The Contractor agrees to comply with the following statutes,
executive orders, and regulations to the extent applicable:
(1) False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. 3729 et seq. Whoever makes or
presents to any person or officer in the civil, military, or
naval service of the United States, or to any department or
agency thereof, any claim upon or against the United States, or
any department or agency thereof, knowing such claim to be
false, fictitious, or fraudulent, shall be fined not more than
$10,000 or imprisoned not. more than 5 years, or both;
(2) Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. 793;
Executive Order No. 11758, Jan. 15, 1974, and the regulations
of the Secretary of Labor (41 CFR 60-741, et seq.), which
concern affirmative action for handicapped workers;
(3) Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1972,
(38 U.S.C. 101, 102, 240, 241, 1502, 1504, 1507, as amended),
and the clauses contained in 41 CFR 60-250, et seq., concern
affirmative action for disabled veterans and veterans of the
Vietnam Era;
(4) Executive Order No. 11625, Oct. 13, 1971 and implementing
regulations which concern utilization of small disadvantaged
business concerns;
(5) Anti-Kickback Act, 41 U.S.C. 51 et seq.; and
(6) Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a.
(b) The Contractor agrees to comply with requirements deemed necessary
by Bonneville in order to implement Bonneville's obligations under
the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, 16 U.S.C. 470 et
seq. (1982). Such requirements, if any, shall be subject to
analysis and comment by the Contractor prior to becoming effective.
21. Cost Share Percentage.
(a) EliQibilitv.
Each year Bonneville shall determine whether the electrical service
area of the Customer shall be eligible for participation under this
Agreement during the next Fiscal Year. In order for an electrical
service area to be eligible, the Customer must:
(1) be planning to place load on Bonneville pursuant to
section 14 or 17 of the Power Sales Contract, for the 12-month
period beginning the July 1 prior to such Fiscal Year; and
(2) have a Bonneville load percentage equal to or greater than
1 percent without rounding when calculated in accordance with
paragraph 21(b)(2) of th1s Exhibit.
(b) Cost share oercentage.
(1) Concurrent with the e11gibility determ1nation, Bonnev1lle shall
determ1ne the Bonneville cost share percentage for the
electrical service area of each utility served by Bonneville,
based on the Bonneville load percentage calculated in
accordance with paragraph 2l(b)(2) of this Exhibit.
(2) The Bonneville load percentage shall be the percentage produced
by dividing the Actual Firm Bonneville Load for each Customer
by its Actual Firm Total Load. The load information used to
make such determination shall be for the period of July 1
through the following June 30 prior to the Fiscal Year for
which the determinatio~ is being made.
(3) The qualifying Bonneville load percentage calculated in
accordance with subsection 21(b) of this Exhibit will be
rounded to the nearest whole number for the purpose of
identifying the appropriate Bonneville cost share percentage
shown in the table in paragraph 21(b)(4) of this Exhibit.
(4) Cost share oercentaae table.
Bonneville Cost
Bonneville Load Percentaae Share Percentage
Equal to or Greater Than Ot. Ot.
~ Less Than It.
Equal to or Greater Than It. 75t.
and Less Than 40t.
Equal to or Greater Than 40t. 85t.
~ Less Than 60t.
Equal to or Greater Than 60t. 901.
and Less Than 80t.
Equal to or Greater Than 80t. 95t.
and Less Than 901-
Equal to or Greater Than 901- lOOt.
(c) Such cost share percentage sholl be applied to payments as provided
in this Agreement.
22. Residential Exchange Program.
(a) The Customer shall separately identify its average system cost (ASC)
fi11ng Program costs re11ed upon to estab11sh retail rate tariffs.
(b) Program costs included in any ASC filing w1ll be independently
evaluated for inclusion in the Customer's ASC.
Exhibit C, Page 1 of 5
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Description of Conservation Proqrams
The Conservation Program is a CSEI project to reduce energy losses by
increasing the voltage from 4.2 kV to 12.5 kV on 24.5 miles of existing
distribution lines in addition to replacing 850 standard distribution
transformers with low-loss silicon steel distribution transformers. The
Voltage Upgrade effects 14 feeders in a commercial/residential area served by
the Customer at 4.2 kV. Bonneville presently serves the Customer through two
feeders from Bonneville's Port Angeles Substation at 69 kV. The feeders are
tapped off at several points along the subtransmission system where the
voltage is transformed down to 12.5 kV and 4.2 kV respectively. Upon
completion, the estimated annual Savings from the voltage upgrade is
350.4 MHh, and the annual Savings from the replacement of existing standard
transformers to low-loss silicon steel transformers is 610.8 MHh. All system
efficiency improvements are scheduled for completion by June 1996. Based on
conductor loading and voltage drop studies performed by the Customer, the
distribution circuits do not require upgrading to provide reliable service
until after the year 2026. The length of the proposed contract is 30 years
for the vOltage upgrade and 15 years for the transformer replacement based on
the remaining life of existing transformers.
1. Estimated Savings (Voltage Upgrade).
The Savings for the voltage upgrade is inversely proportional to the
difference in the square of the vOltage and also proportional to the
square of the load being carried by each section of the distribution
system at each instant in time. The estimated annual Savings are
determined from energy and peak load projections based on zero load
growth. Actual loss Savings will also vary from year-to-year based on
actual load growth and weather conditions. Savings will be paid as each
feeder is cut-over to 12.5 kV.
The following schedule lists the estimated annual Savings for each year of
the Agreement.
Savings Schedule
Estimated Total Annual
Savings (MHh)
Exhibit C, Page 2 of 5
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Description of Conservation Programs
Seasonality Adjustment.
Savings due to increasing the operating voltage of feeders are
proportional to the square of the load at any instant in time. Since the
load served will vary from month to month, the Savings will vary. A
seasonality adjustment is made to the Alternative Cost in Exhibit D to
reflect the different values of energy during different periods of the
year. The adjustment is based on the percent of estimated Savings per
month as shown in the following schedule. The data were furnished by the
Customer in its proposal.
Seasona1itv Adjustment Schedule
Percent of
Savings by Month
Apr il
Caoacitv Adiustment.
Savings due to increasing the operating voltage of feeders are
proportional to the square of the load at any instant in time. Since the
load served will vary from hour-to-hour during the day, the Savings will
also vary. The capacity adjustment will be applied to the Alternative
Cost in Exhibit D to reflect the higher value of capacity during peak load
periods. A review of data provided by utilities show a consistent factor
of 1.2 for the average 15-hour capacity over the average 24-hour
capacity. The capacity adjustment which is based on the difference
between the l5-hour capacity and the average capacity is deemed to be
0.2 times the Customer's average capacity.
2. Estimated Savings (Transformer Reolacement>.
The Savings for each transformer installed will be the difference in
no-load losses between the existing standard distribution transformer and
the low-loss silicon steel distribution transformer for the remaining life
of the existing transformer. The no-load.loss value for the standard
distribution transformer will be based on the average for the standard
Exhibit C, Page 3 of 5
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Description of Conservation Programs
silicon steel distribution transformers manufactured before 1970 and will
be deemed as shown below. The remaining life of existing standard
distribution transformers will be defined as 40 years minus the average
age of the transformers to be replaced. For this Program, the remaining
life of existing transformers will be deemed as 15 years. The no-load
loss values for the low-loss silicon steel distribution transformers will
be based on Bonneville-approved data from the Customer. Values for 1992
deemed no-load losses will be based on Bonneville-approved data provided
by the Customer involving purchases of low-loss silicon steel transformers
prior to 1992. No-load loss values for existing and low-loss silicon
steel transformers will be deemed as shown below:
Low-Los s
Stee 1
Stee 1
1 .314
1 .209
1 .883
1 .314
1 .489
2. 19
1 .752
6. 132
To ensure overall loss Savings, any low-loss silicon steel distribution
transformer installed shall not exceed the average load loss value for its
particular size. If the load loss value of any low-loss silicon steel
distribution transformer installed exceeds the average load loss value
listed in column 6, the transformer shall not qualify for Billing
Credits. The no-load loss value of any transformer installed after 1992
shall not exceed the average load loss value for the same size low-loss
silicon steel distribution transformer shown in column 5. The load and
no~load loss values for the low-loss silicon steel transformer, for
comparison purposes, will be determined from the manufacturer's data
supplied with the transformer.
Exhibit C, Page 4 of 5
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Description of Conservation Programs
The annual Savings for each size transformer instalJed will be deemed as
shown above.
Low-loss silicon steel distribution transformers are to be installed each
year during the Ramp-in (Installation Schedule). The Savings shown below
represent only the difference in no-load losses between an existing
silicon steel distribution transformer and a low-loss silicon steel
distribution transformer of the same size for the remaining life of the
existing transformer.
Installation Schedule
Estimated Total
Annual Savings
+4 Percent for
Transformer Number On-Line (Deemed) Annual Savings Distribution
Size (kVA) Installed Data Per Transformer (MWh) Losses (MWh)
15 31 1992 0.3504 11 .2969
25 80 1992 0.3767 31 .341
. 37.5 91 1,992 0.6658 63.0113
50 53 1992 0.8234 45.3858
75 31 1992 0.7884 25.4180
75 2 1992 1 .314 2.733
100 13 1992 1.209 16.345
150 1 1992 1 .752 1 .822
167 6 1992 1 .402 8.748
300 1 1992 1.883 1 .958
500 1 1992 4.292 4.464
1992 Total 212.523
15 19 1993 0.3504 6.924
25 36 1993 0.4818 18.039
37.5 46 1993 0.7884 37.717
50 48 1993 0.8322 41.544
75 23 1993 0.9636 23.050
100 9 1993 1.489 13.937
167 6 1993 1 .752 10.932
500 1 1993 6. 132 6.377
1993 Total 158.520
Exhibit C, Page 5 of 5
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Description of Conservation Programs
Installation Schedule (continued)
Estimated Total
Annual Savings
+4 Percent for
Transformer Number On-Line (Deemed) Annual Savings Distribution
Size (kVA) Installed Data Per Transformer (MWh) Losses (MWh)
15 10 1994 0.3504 3.644
25 35 1994 0.4818 17.538
37.5 32 1994 O. 7884 26.238
50 29 1994 0.8322 25.099
75 8 1994 0.9636 8.017
100 1 1994 1.489 1.549
167 3 1994 1.752 5.466
225 1 1994 2.628 2.733
300 1 1994 3.504 3.644
1994 Total 93.928
15 9 1995 0.3504 3.280
25 24 1995 0.4818 12.026
37.5 43 1995 0.7884 35.257
50 10 1995 0.8322 8.655
75 6 1995 0.9636 6.013
100 3 1995 1.489 4.646
167 1 1995 1.752 1 . 822
1995 Total 71.699
15 8 1996 0.3504 2.915
25 39 1996 0.4818 19.542
37.5 56 1996 0.7884 45.916
50 21 1996 0.8322 18. 175
75 12 1996 0.9636 12.026
1996 Total 98.574
Total All Years 635.244
Seasonality Adjustment.
Since the Savings due to no-load transformer losses are constant over time, no
seasonality adjustment will be applied to transformer losses.
Capacity Adjustment.
Since the Savings due to no-load transformer losses are constant 'over time, no
capacity adjustment will be applied to transformer 10~ses.
Exhibit D, Page 1 of 9
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Adjusted Alternative Cost
The alternative costs presented here represent the estimated costs which
Bonneville would incur as a result of acquiring new resources to meet future
firm load obligations. These alternative costs reflect Bonneville's cost of
acquisition, and are set forth in the way these costs would be recovered in
Bonneville's rates for Firm Electric Power.
A. Benchmark Real Levelized Alternative Costs.
Bonneville's Benchmark Alternative Costs are listed below in Schedule 1.
These Benchmark Alternative Costs are presented in real levelized values
(1990 dollars), for different on-line dates and various contract terms.
These are called Benchmark Alternative Costs because they will usually
need to be adjusted to reflect the operating characteristics of a typical
Billing Credit resource.
mills per kWh (1990$)
Resource On-Li ne Date
Contract Term lill. l2.9..3 ~ li.2.5 1996
5 25.0 25.3 25.5 25.8 26.0
10 25.9 26.2 26.4 26.7 26.9
15 26.8 27.0 27.3 27.5 27.8
20 27.7 28.0 28.2 28.5 28.7
25 28.5 28.8 29.2 29.6 30.0
30 29.2 29.7 30.2 30.7 31.2
35 30.0 30.6 31.2 31.9 32.5
40 30.7 31.5 32.3 33.0 33.8
45 31. 5 32.4 33.3 34.2 35. 1
50 32.2 33.2 34.3 35.3 36.3
Inflation Rate: 5% annual rate
Real Discount Rate: 3'10
Note: Must interpolate for unlisted contract terms.
Exhibit D, Page 2 of 9
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Adjusted Alternative Cost
B. Adjustments to Benchmark Alternative Costs.
The Benchmark Alternative Costs shown in Schedule 1 are based on certain
characteristics important to a resource's value. To the extent that the
Billing Credit Resource has different characteristics, the Benchmark
Alternative Cost will be adjusted pursuant to this Exhibit D.
1. Seasonality.
The seasonal distribution of Firm Energy capability for the Benchmark
Alternative Cost resource is constant for all months.
2. Capac ity .
Capacity is defined here as the maximum resource capability which can
be sustained for a continuous 10-hour period during the heavy load
hours between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., for 5 days a week, Monday through
Friday, (50 hours total per week) for each week in a month. The mix
of benchmark alternative resources would provide a l-to-l ratio of
capacity to average Firm Energy capability in each month. For
purposes of calculating the capacity capability for a Billing Credit
Resource, the sustained capability over the 10-hour period should be
provided, or the Customer may use instead the average Firm Energy
capability over the same period.
3 . Loc at 1 on .
The alternative resources are assumed to be located east of the
Cascade range and outside of the Customer's service territory.
However, if this is not the case for the Billing Credit Resource,
then the following location adjustments shall apply:
(a) Puget Sound Curtailment Adjustment.
Beginning on the date a Measure or Unit is installed, and
continuing until December 31, 1993, Billing Credit Resources
located 1n an area generally described as the Puget Sound Area
receive a $5.00 per kW (1990 dollars) incremental adjustment for
capacity in the months of November through February for any
Measure or Unit installed.
(b) West Side Capacity Adiustment.
Beginning January 1, 1994, and continuing for the term of th1s
Agreement, B1111ng Credit Resources located in an area generally
described as west of the Cascade range receive a $1.93 per kW-mo
(1990 dollars) incremental adjustment for capacity in the months
of November through February.
Exhibit D, Page 3 of 9
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Adjusted Alternative Cost
4. Transmission Loss.
Because the alternative resources are assumed to be located outside
of the Customer's service territory, an additional 2.5 percent.
adjustment is applied to the Benchmark Alternative Cost and other
adjustments to account for the estimated transmission system line
losses which would be incurred in transmitting power from the
alternative resource to the Customer's system.
BPA has estimated the marginal value of each of these resource
characteristics, and will adjust the benchmark alternative costs as necessary
to account for any differences between the alternative resource and the actual
Billing Credit resource.
Se~sonality Adiustments to Alternative Costs
Firm Energv Savings In:
Adjustments to Alternative Cost
(mills per kWh, Real Leve1ized 1990$)
December to April 15
April 16 through June
July and August
September through November
Caoacity Adiustment to Alternative Costs
(Real Levelized 1990$)
Exhibit 0, Page 4 of 9
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Adjusted Alternative Cost
Firm Energy Savings Ramp Rate by Year (MHh)
at BPA/Customer POD
Month 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Total
Jan 18.0 13.9 36.5 10.2 13.9 92.5
Feb 16.3 12.6 38.3 10.0 13.6 90.8
Mar 18.0 13.9 36.5 10.2 13.9 92.5
Apr 17 .5 13.3 28.4 8.9 12. 1 80.2
May 18.0 13.7 26. 1 8.7 11.9 78.5
Jun 17.5 13.2 23.3 8.2 11.1 73.2
Jul 18.0 13.6 20.9 8.0 10.9 71. 5
Aug 18.0 13.7 23.5 8.4 11.4 75.0
Sep 17.5 13.2 23.3 8.2 11. 1 73.2
Oct 18.0 13.8 28.7 9. 1 12.4 82.0
Nov 17.5 13.4 31.0 9.3 12.6 83.7
Dec 18.0 13.9 36.5 10.2 13.9 92.5
Total 212.5 162. 1 352.9 109.5 148.6 985.6
Firm Capacity Savings Ramp Rate by Year (MH)
at BPA/Customer POD
Month 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Total
Jan 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.13
Feb 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.02 O. 15
Mar 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.13
Apr 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.12
May 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.11
Jun 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.02 O. 11
Jul 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.10
Aug 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.02 O. 11
Sep 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.11
Oct 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.12
Nov 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.02 O. 13
Dec 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.13
Exhibit D, Page 5 of 9
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Adjusted Alternative Cost
Firm Energy Savings by Year
Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Total
1992 213 0 0 0 0 213
1993 213 162 0 0 0 375
1994 213 162 353 0 0 728
1995 213 162 353 109 0 837
1996 213 162 353 109 149 986
1997 213 162 353 -109 149 986
1998 213 162 353 109 149 986
1999 213 162 353 109 149 986
2000 213 162 353 109 149 986
2001 213 162 353 109 149 986
2002 213 162 353 109 149 986
2003 213 162 353 109 149 986
2004 213 162 '353 109 149 986
2005 213 162 353 109 149 986
2006 213 162 353 109 149 986
2007 0 4 259 38 50 350
2008 0 v 4 259 38 50 350
2009 0 4 259 38 50 350
2010 0 4' 259 38 50 350
2011 0 4 259 38 50 350
2012 0 4 259 38 50 350
2013 0 4 259 38 50 350
2014 0 4 259 38 50 350
2015 0 4 259 38 50 350
2016 0 4 259 38 50 350
2017 0 4 259 38 50 350
2018 0 4 259 38 50 350
2019 0 4 259 38 50 350
2020 0 4 259 38 50 350
2021 0 4 259 38 50 350
2022 0 4 259 38 50 350
2023 0 0 0 0 0 0
2024 0 0 0 0 0 0
Exhibit D, Page 6 of 9
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Adiusted Alternative Cost
Transformer Replacement
Other Resource Characteristics
----------------- Year -----------------
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Contract Life (years) 15 14 13 12 11
Variable Cost Fraction1 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.150
West Side Capacity Adjust. yes yes yes yes yes
Puget Snd. Curtail. Adjust. yes yes n/a n/a n/a
The Variable Cost Fraction indicates the portion of the total leve1ized
Adjusted Alternative Cost that is variable, and is used to develop the
nominal Adjusted Alternative Cost stream.
Summary of the Benchmark Real Levelized Alternative Cost
and Real Levelized Adjustments
<1990 mi 11 s/kWh)
----------------- Year -----------------
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Benchmark Alternative Cost 26.80 26.80 26.90 27.00 27.10
Seasonality 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Standard Capacity 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
West Side Capacity 0.74 0.81 0.88 0.88 0.88
Puget Sound Curtailment 0.37 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC at POD (2.5 percent) 0.70 0.70 0.69 0.70 0.70
Adjusted Alternative Cost 28.60 28.50 28.48 28.58 28.68
Exhibit D, Page 7 of 9
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Adjusted Alternative Cost
Voltage Upgrade
Other Resource Characteristics
----------------- Year
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Contract Life (years) 0 30 29 28 27
Variable Cost Fractionl 0.000 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.150
West Si de' Capaci ty Adjust. yes yes yes yes yes
Puget Snd. Curtail. Adjust. yes yes n/a n/a n/a
The Variable Cost Fraction indicates the portion of the total levelized
Adjusted Alternative Cost that is variable, and is used to develop the
nominal Adjusted Alternative Cost stream.
Summary of the Benchmark Real Levelized Alternative Cost
and Real Levelized Adjustments
<1990 mills/kWh)
----------------- Year
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Benchmark Alternative Cost 0.00 29.70 30.00 30.30 30.50
Seasonality 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Standard Capacity 0.00 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95
West Side Capacity 0.00 1. 32 1. 39 1. 39 1. 39
Puget Sound Curtailment 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00
AC at POD (2.5 percent) 0.00 0.81 0.81 0.82 0.83
Adjusted Alternative Cost 0.00 33.21 33.40 33.71 33.92
Exhibit 0, Page 8 of 9
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Adiusted Nominal Alternative Cost 1
Adjusted Alternative Cost Stream
(nominal mills/kWh)
Year Fixed Variable Tota12
1992 37.7 5.0 42.7
1993 38.4 5.2 43.6
1994 46.3 5.8 52. 1
1995 46.6 6. 1 52.7
1996 47.2 6.4 53.6
1997 47.2 6.7 53.9
1998 47.2 7. 1 54.3
1999 47.2 7.4 54.6
2000 47.2 7.8 55.0
2001 47.2 8.2 55.4
2002 47.2 8.6 55.8
2003 47.2 9.0 56.2
2004 47.2 9.5 56.7
2005 47.2 9.9 57. 1
2006 47.2 10.4 57.6
2007 61.2 12. 1 73.3
2008 61.2 12.7 73.9
2009 61.2 13.3 74.6
2010 61.2 14.0 75.2
2011 61.2 14.7 75.9
2012 61.2 15.4 76.7
2013 61.2 J 6.2 77 .4
2014 61.2 17.0 78.2
2015 61.2 17 .9 79. 1
2016 61.2 18.8 80.0
2017 61.2 19.7 80.9
2018 61.2 20.7 81.9
2019 61.2 21.7 82.9
The nominal AC is derived by adding the effects of inflation to the
adjusted real levelized AC. The nominal AC represents the actual
year-by-year payments Bonneville would make if it acquired the alternative
This column is the AC used in the formula in Exhibit F to determine the
Bi 11 i ng Credit.
Exhibit 0, Page 9 of 9
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Adjusted Nominal Alternative Cost
Adjusted Alternative Cost Stream (continued)
(nominal mills/kWh)
Year Fixed Variable Tota12
2020 61.2 22.8 84.0
2021 61.2 23.9 85.2
2022 61.2 25. 1 86.4
2023 0.0 0.0 0.0
2024 0.0 0.0 0.0
The nominal AC is derived by adding the effects of inflation to the
adjusted real levelized AC. The nominal AC represents the actual
year-by-year payments Bonneville would make if it acquired the alternative
This column is the AC used in the formula in Exhibit F to determine the
Bi 11 i ng Credit.
Exhibit E. Page 1 of 3
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Verification Provisions
All energy conservation measures (ECM's) are scheduled to be completed by
June 30. 1996. Upon completion of the upgrade and the replacement of
transformers. the annual Savings for all ECM's installed is 961.2 MWh as shown
in Exhibit C.
1. Verification Method (Voltage Upgrade).
The verification process will be used to calculate the actual Savings to
be paid under the Agreement. Hourly data from Bonneville substation
metering equipment will be applied to the following set of formulas
representing the electrical characteristics of the distribution circuits
to calculate the actual Savings for each hour.
l. 1993 Feeder Conversion
Savings (kWh) = 8.4699**10-10 (kW**2)
2. 1994 Feeder Conversion
Savings (kWh) = 6.1221**10-8 (kW**2)
3. 1995 Feeder Conversion
Savings (kWh) = 7.0037**10-8 (kW**2)
4. 1996 Feeder Conversion
Savings (kWh) = 7.9544**10-8 (kW**2)
5. 1997-2021
Savings (kWh) = 8.1700**10-8 (kW**2)
For years 1997 and beyond. the actual Savings will be determined by
32 percent of the load from Bonneville Port Angeles Feeders No.1 and
No.2. This percentage represents the portion of the 4.2 kV distribution
system affected by the voltage upgrade. Savings for each hour of the
period will be the product of the total Bonneville Port Angeles No.1 and
No.2 load squared and a constant. The constant includes a factor that is
the square of 32 percent.
During the Ramp-in period. the feeders that are converted each year
represent a portion of the 32 percent Bonneville Port Angeles Feeders
No.1 and No.2 load. Savings for each hour'of the Ramp-in period will be
the product of the total Bonneville Port Angeles Feeders No.1 and NO.2
load squared and a constant. The constant includes a factor that is the
square of the portion of the 32 percent Bonneville Port Angeles Feeders
No. 1 and No.2 load which has been converted.
Exhibit E, Page 2 of 3
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Verification Provisions
Savings due to the voltage upgrade will be calculated hourly and paid on a
quarterly basis. The sum of all hourly Savings values for the year will
be the total annual Savings.
The alternative cost calculation including the seasonality adjustment will
be reviewed at the end of 5 years and adjusted for future payments if the
new value varies by more than 5 percent.
2. Verification Method (Transformer Replacement).
The Savings paid for during the Ramp-in will be based on the difference
between the deemed value of no-load losses for a standard distribution
transformer and low-loss silicon steel distribution transformer. At the
end of each quarter, the Customer shall provide Bonneville with the number
and size of transformers installed ea~h month during the quarter,
manufacturers' data for the load and no-load losses, and loss Savings
(watts). The manufacturer's data for the load losses of a low-loss
silicon steel distribution transformer installed will be compared with the
average load losses for a standard distribution transformer of the same
size as shown in Exhibit C. The manufacturers' data for the no-load
losses of the low-loss silicon steel distribution transformer installed
will be compared with the deemed no-load losses for a standard
distribution transformer of the same size as shown in Exhibit C. To
qualify for the Billing Credit both the load and no-load losses of the
low-loss silicon steel distribution transformer installed must be less
than the average or deemed values identified in Exhibit C. The Billing
Credit for each month will be based on the total of the loss Savings
(watts) for all transformers installed before the end of the month. The
actual Savings would be the loss Savings (watts) times the number of hours
in the month. After the Ramp-in, the monthly Billing Credit will be based
on 1/12th of the calculated total annual Savings.
The manufacturers' data for no-load losses of the low-loss silicon steel
distribution transformer will be verified by either obtaining a
manufacturer's certification for no-load losses or measuring the no-load
losses of a random sample of the transformers to be installed. The
certification shall be a warranty that the no-load losses do not exceed
the values listed in Exhibit C.
3. Recordkeeping.
Records will be kept on the upgraded sections of the distribution system
including the feeder location, conductor size and mileage; on hourly kW
and kVar readings; on the calculations of Savings by the hour; and on any
test data on load and no-load losses for replaced transformers. Port
Angeles shall submit with its invoices the manufacturers' certifications
for replacement transformers load and no-load losses.
Exhibit E, Page 3 of 3
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Verification Provisions
4. Revision of Exhibit.
(a) At the latter of the end of the Ramp-in, this Exhibit shall be
revised to document the actual Savings installed.
(b) The revision shall include a schedule (Ramp-in History) showing the
actual Savings achieved each Operating Year. The Ramp-in History
shall be in a similar format as the Installation Schedule in
Exhibit C as set forth in this Exhibit, which provides information
showing the size, number, and actual calculated total annual Savings
by year of installation for each size transformer actually installed
as well as the location, and mileage of each feeder upgraded.
(c) The Ramp-in History will be used to recalculate the benchmark
alternative cost, true-up payments made during the Ramp-in, and
recalculate the Alternative Cost for the remaining term of the
Agreement. Changes which would affect the original net present value
by less than 5 percent will not be recalculated or adjusted.
Exhibit F, Page 1 of 7
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Billing Credit
l. Formula for Determining Billing Credit.
The Billing Credit paid to the Customer shall be determined by the
following formula:
BC = (AC - PF) * (Savings * Cs)
= Monthly Billing Credit
= Adjusted Alternative Cost, in mills per kWh, specified in
Exhibit D.
= Average Program Priority Firm Rate in mills per kWh
determined pursuant to Exhibit H.
= Savings obtained under this Agreement. The amount of
Savings used to calculate the Billing Credit shall be as
determined by section 2 below.
is the Cost Share percentage determined pursuant to
section ll(c).
2. Payment.
(a) Payment during the Ramp-in including the Cure, if any, will be made
based on invoices submitted to Bonneville by the Customer, and
approved by Bonneville. Bonneville will payor credit the amount
determined by the following formula:
Payment = (AC - PF) * (Sv * Cs)
= the verified Savings specified in the invoice.
This computation shall be made for each month of the payment period.
The total number of units installed by the end of the month shall be
used to compute the Savings for that month.
(b) After the Ramp-in, including the Cure, if any, Bonneville will payor
credit the Customer an amount determined by the following formula:
Payment = (AC - PF) * (Sv * Cs)
Sv = the verified Savings determined pursuant to Exhibit E
Exhibit F, Page 2 of 7
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Billino Credit
3. Average System Cost Adjustment.
The provisions in this section of this exhibit apply only during periods
the Customer has a Residential Purchase and Sales Agreement (RPSA) or
Exchange Transmission Credit Agreement (ETCA) with Bonneville and is
making Average System Cost Filings (ASC) and receiving benefits pursuant
to those agreements. All capitalized terms in this section not defined in
this Agreement, shall have the same meaning as in the RPSA, ETCA, and the
1984 Average System Cost Methodology.
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Exhibit F, payments or credits
may require adjustment whenever the Customer is receiving benefits
pursuant to its RPSA or ETCA during the term of this Agreement.
(1) An adjustment may be required whenever the Customer makes a
Revised Appendix 1 ASC Filing (Revised Appendix 1). Bonneville
will determine if an adjustment is necessary 30 days after the
Customer submits a Revised Appendix 1. Such determination will be
based on the attached worksheet (Worksheet 1), which shall be
completed by the Customer and submitted with the Revised
Appendix 1.
(2) With each Revised Appendix 1 the Customer will separately identify
all costs, revenues, functiona1ization of costs, associated with
the Billing Credit Resource, and estimated Savings or verified
Savings of the Billing Credit Resource consistent with the
informatton provided in this Agreement. Data will be sufficiently
detailed to support completion of Worksheet 1.
(3) Within 30 days after receipt of a Worksheet 1, Bonneville will
notify the Customer that completion of the Worksheet 1 either is
acceptable or is not acceptable based on the as-filed content of
the Revised Appendix 1. If acceptable, payment or credit for the
Billing Credit Resource will be made based upon the filed
information, but subject to adjustment for the Bonneville's Final
ASC Filing Determination. If not acceptable, the Customer has 30
days to submit a revised Worksheet 1. If the revised Worksheet 1
is not acceptable, Step 1 of the Worksheet 1 shall be deemed
larger than Step 2 and no Billing Credit payment or credit shall
be owed or made, subject to adjustment for the Bonneville's Final
ASC Filing Determination.
Exhibit F, Page 3 of 7
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Billing Credit
(4) If Bonneville's final ASC Filing Determination on any Average
System Cost Filing results in a change to the Billing Credit
payment or credit, BPA shall within 30 days of such final decision
adjust the Worksheet 1. If actual Billing Credit payments or
credits exceed the amount determined by the adjusted Worksheet 1,
the Customer shall receive reduced Billing Credit payments or
credits until such time that the 'overpayment has been corrected.
If actual Billing-Credit payments or credits are less than
payments determined by the adjusted Worksheet 1, Bonneville shall
pay the Customer or credit the Customer's wholesale power bill
with the amount determined.
(b) If BPA's final ASC Filing Determination on any Average System Cost
Filing does not functionalize such Billing Credit payments or credits
to Distribution/Other, then each month while such final ASC is in
effect payments or credits shall be made pursuant to this Agreement.
Payments or credits shall be an amount equal to the difference between
the Residential Exchange Program payment received by the Customer for
such month pursuant to the RPSA or ETCA and the Residential Exchange
Program payment Customer would receive if such payment or credit had
been functionalized to Distribution/Other.
Exhibit F, Page 4 of 7
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Bi11ina Credit
Worksheet 1
The Customer shall use this Worksheet 1 to determine whether an adjustment is
required when the Customer prepares a revised Appendix 1. A revised
Worksheet 1 shall be prepared pursuant to section 4 of Exhibit F with each ASC
filing, and attached to Exhibit F upon approval by Bonneville. References to
Schedule 4, below, refer to the 1984 Average System Cost Methodology.
Steo 1: Determine estimated RPSA benefits that would be expected absent this
Agreement. Include Billing Credit resource costs and loads as filed
in Revised Appendix 1 ASC filing.
~ Item
1 Average System Cost
2 Forecasted Annual Exchange Load
3 Estimated Average PF Rate
4 Estimated Annual Residential
Exchange Benefit
5 Billing Credit Payment
6 Total Estimated Payment
Schedule 4, line 19
(line 1 - line 3) · line 2
line 4 + line 5
(Worksheet continues, next page)
11 BPA forecasted Residential Exchange load adjusted to include estimated
ZI Use current PF rates.
J/ Functionalized to Production pursuant to Footnote i, 1984 Average System
Cost ~~thodology.
Exhibit F, Page 5 of 7
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Billing Credit
Worksheet 1 (continued)
Step 2: Determine sum of (a) estimated RPSA benefits without inclusion of
Billing Credit Resource costs and revenues and (b) Billing Credit
payment determined pursuant to this exhibit. Exclude all Billing
Credit program costs and revenues from ASC determination.
Li ne
Steo 3:
Total Contract System Costs
Less: Billing Credit
Program Costs
Billing Credit-adjusted
Contract System Cost
Total Contract System Load
Billing Credit-adjusted ASC
Forecasted Annual Exchange Load
Estimated Average PF Rate
Estimated Annual Residential
Exchange Benefit
Unadjusted Billing Credit Payment
Total Estimated Payment
- Schedule 4, line 5
line 1 - line 2
Schedule 4, line 18
line 3/1ine 4
(line 5 - line 7) * line 6
Exhibit F, (AC - PF) *savings
1 i ne 8 + 1 i ne 9
Determine Payment for Billing Credit Resource. If Step 1, line 6, is
greater than Step 2, line la, because all benefits for the Billing
Credit resource are received through the Residential Exchange
Program, the customer receives no Billing Credit payment. If Step 2,
line la, is greater than Step 1, line 6, the difference is the annual
Adjusted Billing Credit Payment under this Agreement.
II BPA forecasted Residential Exchange load adjusted to include estimated
ZI Use current PF rates.
'11 Functionalized to Production pursuant to Footnote i, 1984 Average System
Cost Methodology.
Exhibit F, Page 6 of 7
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP934E9
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Billing Credit
Invoice Number
Page 1 of 2
Month 1
Total Savings
Month 2
Total Savings
Month 3
F ormu 1a
Total Savings
Total Savings Quarter 11
Payment ZI = AC - PF
* Total Savings Quarter * Cost Share =
11 Total Savings is the sum of all months in the quarter.
ZI The amount paid shall be the sum of Payment for Voltage Upgrade and Payment
for Transformer Replacement.
Exhibit F, Page 7 of 7
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Determination of Billing Credit
Invoice No.
Page 2 of 2
Installed 11
Transformer 2/
Month [2
Month 1 15
Total for Month
"'3 =
Month 3 15
Total for Month
"'2 =
Total for Month
'" 1 =
Sum of Monthly Totals
Total Savings This Quarter JI
+ Cumulative Monthly Savings ~I
Total Savings ~I
'" (AC - PF) millslkWh
"'3 =
Unadjusted Payment QI
'" Cost Share
Payment II
11 The number of units installed during the month.
~I The Savings per unit as determined by Exhibit C.
31 (Month 1 '" 3) + (Month 2 '" 2) + Month 3.
~I Sum of monthly totals from previous quarter plus Cumulative Monthly Savings from previous quarter.
51 Cumulative Monthly Savings'" 3 plus total Savings for this quarter.
QI Total Savings'" (AC - PF).
II The amount paid shall be the sum of Payment for Voltage Upgrade and Payment for Transfmormer
Rep 1 acement.
Alder Mutual
Benton Co. PUD #1
Benton REA
Big Bend Elec. Coop
Blachly-Lane Elec. Coop
Bonners Ferry
- Cascade Locks
Central Elec. Coop
Central Lincoln PUD
Centra 1 i a (Ci ty)
Chelan Co. PUD #1
Clallam Co. PUD #1
Clark County PUD #1
Clatskanie PUD
Clearwater Power Co.
Columbia Basin Coop
Columbia Power Coop
Columbia REA
Columbia River PUD
Consolidated 10 No. 19
Consumers Power, Inc.
Coos-Curry Elee. Coop
Coulee Dam
Cowlitz Co. PUD #1
Douglas Co. PUD #1
Douglas Elec. Coop
East End Mutual
Elmhurst Mutual
Emerald Co. PUD
Exhibit G, Page 1 of 2
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Cost Share Percentages
(Determined Pursuant to Section 21
of Exhi bit B)
Cost Share Cost Share
Percentage Contractor Percentage
100 Fall River E1ee. Coop 100
100 Farmers Elec. Co. 100
100 Ferry Co. PUD #1 100
100 Fircrest 100
100 Flathead E1ee. Coop 100
100 Forest Grove 90
100 Franklin Co. PUD #1 100
100 Glacier Elec. Coop 100
100 Grant Co. PUD #2 75
85 Grays Harbor Co. PUD #1 100
100 Harney E1ec. Coop 100
100 Heyburn 100
100 Hood River E1ec. Coop 100
100 Idaho Co. L&P Coop 100
100 Idaho Falls 95
90 Idaho Power Co. 0
75 Inland P&L Co. 100
100 Kittitas Co. PUD #1 90
100 K1ickitat Co. PUD #1 100
100 Kootenai Elee. Coop, Inc, 100
100 Lakeview L&P Co. 100
100 Lane Co. E1ee. Coop 100
100 Lewis Co. PUD #1 100
100 Lincoln Elec. Coop, Mont. 100
100 Lincoln E1ec. Coop, Wash. 100
100 Lost River E1ec. Coop 100
100 Lower Valley P&L Co. 100
100 Mason Co. PUD #1 100
100 Mason Co. PUD #3 100
95 McCleary 100
95 McMinnvi11e 95
100 Midstate E1ee. Coop 100
0 Milton (City) 100
100 Milton-Freewater 90
100 Minidoka 100
100 Missoula E1ee. Coop 100
100 Monmouth 100
100 Montana Power Co. 0
100 Nespelem Valley E1ec. 100
100 Northern Lights, Inc. 100
90 Northern Wasco PUD 100
, -,
Exhibit G, Page 2 of 2
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Cost Share Percentages
(Determined Pursuant to Section 21
of Exhibit B)
Ohop Mutual
Okanogan Co. Elee. Coop
Okanogan Co. PUD #1
Orcas P&L Co.
Oregon Trail Elec. Con. Coop
Pacific Co. PUD #2
Pacific P&L
Parkland P&L
Pend Oreille Co. PUD #1
Peninsula P&L Inc.
Port Angeles
Portland General Elee.
Prairie Power Coop
Puget Sound P&L
Raft River Elee. Coop
Ravalli Elee. Coop
Riverside E1ec. Co.
Rural Elee. Co.
Salem Elec.
Salmon River Elec. Coop
Skamania Co. PUD #1
Snohomish Co. PUD #1
Soda Springs
South Side E1ee. Lines
Cost Share
Surprise Valley Elee. Coop
Tanner Elee.
n 11 amook PUD
U.S. Air Force (Fairchild
U.S. BIA (Flathead)
U.S. BIA (Wapato)
U. S. Bureau of' Mi nes
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
U.S. DOE (Riehland)
U.S. Navy
U.S. Navy (Bangor)
U.S. Navy (Jim Creek)
Umati11a Elee. Co.
Unity L&P Co.
Utah P&L
Vera Irrigation Dist.
Vigilante Elee. Coop
Hahkiakum Co. PUD #1
Wasco Elee. Coop
Washington Public Power SS
Washington Water Power
Wells Rural E1ee. Co.
West Oregon Elee. Coop
Whateom Co. PUD #1
Cost Share
, '.
Exhibit H, Page 1 of 1
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
The City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Calculation of Program Priority Firm Rate
The Program Priority Firm Rate (PF) in mills per kWh used in the determination
of the Billing Credit paid to the Customer is calculated pursuant to this
Exhibit. This Exhibit shall be revised when Exhibit A is replaced pursuant to
section 4 of this Agreement, using the applicable revised rates. The
effective date of the revised Exhibit H shall be the effective date of the new
rates. The capacity and energy amounts and the annual load shape used to
calculate the initial Exhibit H shall be used for the contract term to
calculate PF.
1. Procedure to Calculate the PF.
The PF is determined by using the current applicable priority firm power
rate for capacity and energy in Exhibit A as follows:
a. Use the capacity (kW) and energy (kWh) amounts specified in section 2
b. Multiply for each month of the Operating Year the kW and kWh amounts
below by the applicable rate for the month.
c. Add columns (e) and (g), add those totals, reduce totals by low
density discount, and divide by column (c).
2. Calculation of PF in Exhibit F.
kW kWh
, Month kW kWh kW Rate Dollars kWh Rate Dollars
($lkW) (Col b.d) (mills/kWh) (Co 1 c. f)
(a) ( b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
Oct 120 82,000 $3.60 432 18.7 1 .533
Nov 130 83,700 $3.60 468 18.7 1 ,565
Dec 130 92 ,500 $3.60 468 18.7 1,730
Jan 130 92,500 $3.60 468 18.7 1,730
Feb 150 90,800 $3.60 540 18.7 1,698
Mar 130 92 , 500 $3.60 468 18.7 1,730
Apr 120 80,200 $3.60 432 14.7 1.179
May 110 78,500 $3.60 396 14.7 1 , 154
Jun 110 73,200 $3.60 396 14.7 1,076
Jul 100 71,500 $3.60 360 14.7 1 ,051
Aug 110 75,000 $3.60 ' 396 14.7 1 ,103
Sep 110 73.200 $3.60 396 18.7 1 .369
Totals 985,600 5,220 16,918
3. The average annual PF $5,220 + 16,918 = $22,138
$23,652 - 0% = $23,652
$23,652 / 985,600 = 22.5 mills per kWh.
Exhibit I, Page 1 of 1
Contract No. DE-MS79-91BP93489
Procurement No. 76371
City of Port Angeles
Effective on the Effective Date
Referenced Documents
1. Billing Credits Policy, as amended August 30, 1984, is referred to in the
recitals, section 2(d), section ll(a) and section ll(h).
2. Billing Credits Solicitation, issued July 1990, is referred to in the
recitals and section 8 of Exhibit B.
3. Termination Examples.
I A .
Referenced Document-- Termination Examples
The following two examples show how the termination charge would be calculated
in the event of early termination of the Agreement. The following assumptions
were used in these examples: resource size 0.1 aMH; on-line date is 1992;
nominal discount rate is 8.15 percent; cost of capital is 10 percent;
inflation is 5.0 percent; and the variable cost fraction is 15 percent.
Example 1: 20-year contract terminated after 15 years
(Nominal Dollars)
Actua 1 Modifi ed Cumulative
Billing Bil Hng BPA Overpayment
Year Credi t Credi t Overpayment Plus Interest
1992 $22,025 $16,688 $5,337 $5,337
1993 $21,350 $16.006 $5,344 $11,214
1994 $20,685 $15,334 $5,350 $17,686
1995 $19.329 $13,972 $5,358 $24,813
1996 $17,897 $12,532 $5.365 $32,659
1997 $16,564 $11,191 $5,373 $41,298
1998 $16,032 $10,650 $5.381 $50,809
1999 $15,425 $10,034 $5,390 $61,281
2000 $14,656 $9,256 $5,399 $72,808
2001 $13,551 $8, 142 $5,409 $85.498
2002 $12,460 $7,041 $5,419 $99,467
2003 $11 ,210 $5,781 $5,430 $114,843
2004 $9.451 $4,010 $5,441 $131,768
2005 $7,709 $2,256 $5,453 $150,398
2006 $5,547 $82 $5,465 $170,902
pv1/ $126,825 $85,425 $41,400
Termination Charge $170,902
Example 2: 20-year contract termi na ted after 10 years
(Nominal Dollars)
Actual Modified Cumulative
Bill i ng Bill i ng BPA Overpayment
Y.ul: Credit C red i t Overoavment Plus Interest
1992 $22,025 $11,544 $10.481 $10,481
1993 $21,350 $10,856 $10,494 $22,024
1994 $20,685 $10,177 $10,508 $34,734
1995 $19,329 $8,807 $10,522 $48,730
1996 $17 ,897 $7.360 $10,538 $64,141
1997 $16,564 $6 , 0 11 $10.553 $81,108
1998 $16,032 $5,462 $10,570 $99.789
1999 $15,425 $4,837 $10,587 $120.355
2000 $14,656 $4.050 $10,606 $142,997
2001 $13,551 $2,926 $10,625 $167,921
pv1/ $111,096 $47,389 $63,708
Termination Charge $167,921
1/ PV in 1990$.