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7-<[jO/3 , D01J 6oya/sJ:/ -.-------- .....35G2aR aIu 31t~ . .. QUlT CLAIM Duo THIS INDENTURE ..do thi. lOth Day of Augu.t, 1964 by and batwecn tbo CIn or J:ORT AHcELES, A ~.unlclpal CorporAtion, of CLalLam County, We.hington, A' party of tbo fir.t port, and GLADYS LEWMAN , aa party of the aacond part, \ 111 T1C1SS1mI1 TSAT JHERIAS, tbe CITY OF ~Rr ANGELES acquired the h~retn&fter deccrlbed real ..Cat. under and by virtue ot the authority VI.Cod un1cr 9393 of R~1nBtont. Revi.ed. Statut.. and 35.49 .t .eq a. c. w.; WHlkIAS, pur.uant to & ra.olution duly adopted ~y th~ City Council of the City of lort Ana.ll. for thl .al. of thl horeinafter described roaL property. the .aid party of the .~ond part hlrlin haa purchM.ad thl .aid reAL propn~ty and ha. compl.ted all of the ~~nt. required thlreforl and ba. compl~d with all c~ th~ requirement. of tb. City Ordina"".. and the La". of the Stat. of \'aehin3to~ to .ntitl. him to . deed to a&1d property I MOW THElBrOl!, in oon.id.ration of the .u~ of _ $3,lO4,00 n.id by tho party of the IOCOnd part to the party of the tirlt pArt, ftn~ 1n accordance with the Statut.. of the Stat. of Welhington. And luch Ca'el8 p=o...1~cd. the party ot the flrt!': part doe. hareby OOKVEY AND QUIT CLAlk to the party of the '~~ond rart. hiD he~r.. lucca.lor. and ...i&n., the follOlitns d..oribad rill property .itu.ted in tho Cou~ty of Clallam, Stat. of Wa.llinston, to-liitl Lot. On. (I), Two 12), Thr.. (3), ond rour (4). Blook Thr..-Huodrad-Sixt..n (3l6), Town.it. of Port Anaal.., W..hinston . ! ' -, '. / I - -. _ i '/ :; ,';_ ........c... ,. < GIVEN uncI.r .y hand tllil -!.2!!! Day of Au '::.~ ~< I ~_ / Gi Counurlisned: C#,,,<?_~c;t;/~ hayor -, . ~ 8. ~ nn~>/ , City Cl.rk stATZ or JASRt HGTON CLALLAU COUNTY TREASURER EXCISE TAX EXEUp[ ss COUllTY or Cl.ALLNi ) Oa thi. ~ day of .&"I'ul" I 10F..la. f before IDe B. B. MeN..ce and Charl.. Willlon f to me known to be the City tb. Municipal Corporation that executed the foregoing In8t~~~nt. and acknowledged .~ld lnltrusent to be the,free and voluntary act And deed of laid Corporation for the use. and purpo... tbereld ~ntlon.d. and on oath Itated that thoy were autho~ized to execute said 1natru.ent. and that the .eal affixed il the 1..1 of laid corporation. GIVIN under ~ band and official 1..1 thil year and day 'irlt 1n thil certlf1cat. above vrltteQ. , .. -- .-"<'~"':'~.",.",, '- -' I f~~& ' ........ /, ~ ... ~,..:~~.~~:~: ~I~.. I.;~.~~.,.;. '" OC.:"-;"fOT~i\\""\ .~. - ....,=,O, ~.. ~~~ ;..,,:. ...~; * ~ -II I ~ ... . a..;c,:,~ ~' ?l'Jl'. I , t<... I I~'- "', ~ lu ~ ,:::: -"" ... ,. ~ ...... 10"'-' ~.. 4- -~'3 ii -", l ":.;-....;.., ,l) ...:: S~ '" ti C':"";:.t1~~.;.:........ . .u ~ ~ Sn J "'" ...~ - ~ ~ kI ... ~... 2:1 "'~ (~...,u , ~J: _ v Sf~ IV 13 IV E: ., r -.J () ;../ K0 s C}J S E ;VE S ~3 -; so If K k> i o-fs lei' ...:? / &, I' -.;;2 d ,oL- l;\\\\\\\Y \)[ CbI,bm \ r\\\,\tc c{ W:l"l\ington SlI. t\ AtT'CE c. 1'1101nm, County A~'.'l;t~,r of ~l\\d Count)' du \h'r~hy 'ccrti.f:; that the :Ihvvc at"\ Ie r .,;.)11& i~ u. lru~ j1nd cor~ ~ed OOPY of ,I" in."",,'''' " t'" ""., OJ" """,\,:.j. ID% /4.(,(., / o/"IK::</R"""'. 0' C""1'.<." C''''''Y. . (J !N 'l'E,STi:>tO'~~ \\'nJ~:lH..,~\::, 1 h:,,,:~ 'l:ert~',nto s~~IUY band '~'lid,fH"" ,he ,,01 ': "'" C,,,o'y II.d:]...'''! oi.llitj'.1.Cl ~ f ". __<:':1.... !)udiIO' .." I -ny ........Dcputf \)\)~ lJeed Heconl .\0. m\-Clallam County. \\'ashingtoll ......"'.".,_..,..~...._, . fContilnlod} 1st. ':'h<,t the snid uprt., of ~h(> fi)'~lt llwrt ",;('j::r' Jf t).o ~,[',ic: 1,nJ'<u' in feo 131"':.110, (111d hl"'S C'JJd ri,~!'t to C"l'YI';.r trc. i~' .~O. :?\l;d. ':'hl~t th,... ~"'i(1 l,[\'!"t:' ;)f th" llCe')l:rl jJ!''I"t ~)l->"ll ":lirtl;' (>11. ';' thr ,'nid llr'omisca. ::r\I, '~hllt the f:>ClU .,rw^.i SCll -"(. freo fro" nIl ircilr~l'r"n~('s. 4th. ':'hnt the 131\[(1 .,(.Tt;: 0f th(' fir::;t l.lnrt \"1'1 V'flrr"rt T'm] ,;rr., 1'0 t; 0 tu the St1!:'1e f')rC\vcr ul3uinst /"111 l(lwfnl clai~':;;: vl1d dor.1nlHl:: V')->f.!ttJ0ev,~r. :,nd the !Jurt:{ of the first lJOrt, f,1T the uddlt. )),n1 cOIo:.;i, Cl't": , " f -\"0 !-!11l;tlrrd und fifty~four Thol1tJl'UU 'fvlo H:llldrntl lllld fifteen llollnrtl to it 1)] .,~j{: 1" tho !Jortil of the aocol,d ~Jt1rt, bor,:;uiJltl !Iud l:\el1s to tho ~)nrty of tho !:IeuJI .,c'rt, l'll thot certain <,ubllc ~md dor~outic ',Vute1" wYl:lter~ l.llid t'lUllt heretvfo)"o ulit11 r.0\' cuint[ 1: eel !lnd o,1)orutl'd in the s['1d Cit:,.' of rort .d1l.el'::nJ, tllld the COULty of Clnl111rn bj' tr,c !,[:1"t: of t\1e first }lnrt I'Iho,oby 1"uttr for jJ'll'lic una dUr:Jostic ~J:.t:r~Juoe bus I,I'C);, '..d is, f .1"- :,:!:Jl'I'd to tho soid Citj' of .cOrt ,\:11:o1es [Iud ita iJlha1)1tl1l~t8, E;Jld \'-!~it:l; e:t)ter:: nlld .,:fl.t is, ill ;l!':"t, 1 'cotl'c1 11LJon th(1 nbJVI' c08critcd rf!ul }lrOLJert:l; tOl.if'thor \'Iit~ r11 -::ho ":!ltcr !lltnts, litetl.)II.'l, buil.:':ill,S, <lt1":!(Jtll1"0/j, :ncchilJory, };tOPf_, 'hc11orH, 0.,,;11':<'8, toeters, .J11lOI;, reserv01rs, wellA, I';ldrrmta, st"l:d Ill!Jt>ll, d1strih\ltil':r5 l,i.iJI'S, OUIi.,lJ.oL, f:t'JC;" 111'1\(1, "!ncl D-l1 Otl1f'1" llerflonnl )1"Ol){lr~:/ find 111l1;11(\)icr:n IlO'" kl;!l,t for \,1;0 Jr (!r1","J::,..d 111 "nd "'\'IO\lt t\'lo oporotion .;,f A'io "'ntor f3;/fltaPl, "no uleo, nIl licr>l\>>l"H, jJ01"">i~s, ....!!tcT r1 -htlJ or HJ.J,Jlic!'ti,m th~r('fJr, Otl);W~C1ntfJ f.,lr ri,'i;t ,Jf 1"1n:' ql~[l cOlltrntt!' ::":'T !;Or\"il'e n .\'/ i''-'r1 ond held h:l Ho J!rrt:' Jf tbe fi1"!l1' :Jl1rt. '\11<1 ~he ~)!'rt:' )f t~.. f!~'11 .Jt'''t \'Ill] 1"I"rrrllt .1'(> ,JI'rt.":,f tl,o ()(~'I.d . rt in tI'C1 ,,)'1 Cf'siJII, tJ 1'1<0 nJnl cl;jJ:"",:.t ')f'!\ir' l)f'l"l'Ollnl ~JrO'pC1rt".. "~I'c trll0 illtlntl.,1. :.C q,;:. ~)I.(>1l1'll"0 ifl tol ':I',.t J' ~\-I' "r'ld G't:' 'f ..'J)"t ')11"011':-;,1''' l' the ",ru.'C'rt:r of ":'1' fi,",:t ;,!. -to r'''\l. 1)('1' 01"11 ..:ri,.tioll, within ,)J,id C,)\:l;t.'l ,)f '.;1"::1"~;.. fr,''-' )f ('Ie ;'~111-nl:cr. h~rl\ heret~f~I'O ho:~ D-li~ 'l8nd ty \~() 0-rt:' Jf thC' fi,Ht ~"rt. I:: "'1--'-:;:i.i "~I."r'~r',~' the "rr'::' )f ~h fil-:'!: ,J~,~'-t "[ cf'.';~ f(, t~<:.: b(\ ('xec';t,~ f1t ':'ncomfl, ':I'Rhillt:tO)j ti'Ltl :ird (IU:: of :jetulJ":!' 1..4, t:" t:.(' i~I'I' iUIH1t, ntteotl,ld b.'! tho hond _)1' :tt; ."cUI" C1er:: Gnd its c.:>rFol' ~c(ll. ,. ,. I .. i ~-' f' 01 ':11y 1"1 \: '" ~, ,> ~ - ......(' st,.".,,]:t tc: J;- ,'. ~ . rPE- ;,ttcat: l!orth .L'aeiric .r.'.,l:liu i:lOrviuo L:o. jjy W1.11ior~ \,. "'e~'fW\lr '~, L. ..;t1:!.o8 .nc t111g ele rk. (;)(H'_l :if tho ::ort.!': J;'''c1fic ~"ll'li(J ::ienico Go.l ..'T08i{1(,llt. ($16.r,0 1. R. ..tUT:1j.!s lO/3/~4 ::. t. t. S. G. ) ;3-r::; a? .., S!l!I:G':'O;i, r.n:!':'""{ -::F i: I":!Rr.?, ", (In tl116 3rd ,1,\:,. Jf C'cto',flr, 1~24. he:l'ore Me llersonall:1 DPJ:10flrf'd ',Hllil'r" SO~'MO~l:r' ~nd ':'. "!,,. Stil(\A, to MC! ::nol'll1 to 1,(' thl l'rA8:\.~nllt ,Del "cti(' Clflr;: rC'spct1:i'",':' of tho cQrlJorl't1011 th"t C'XOl":t-",! PH' \'.'itl'in '!lv1 f'l)'or:oi\1p: illfltr""CJ1t, ~nc ~C;:ll-,'''l''(l, "j the lHlid 1llstr:linont to hc t~lC' :fr"'(1 r>wl '.',)l\l)~tnr;.r n(it nl:d (1(!Cld,f ~~l1id cor,J':-Jrl'11,'J', -; JT tho IUloa '".lJd .JurlIOB('[: t~C'roill r~ccti')I~rtl. oill1 0n onth :ltOt.,, tl,.!t "c.': '''C';Q !lllt!':,'l'l::od to exocuto said i!18tra!"1'!: 1: ('1(,1 ~/'rlt ~i'(! 00'1 "ffl:--:r.<! III t:...... cir;Jor"tn r(l": ;.;~: ic C_":'- .;oration. I1r Vn"':'?';l:) :"1;"'~;~:~1~', T ilr.\'O h('r()lllltc [1(1t m:.. l>Dllrl 'lHlr:f"ixlld M:. :.f::"ic'[I1 ,,('nl tho dey ond :loor :firl:lt ~ll:.)\"a Vlri ttc:,. J1otnr1nl .:ienl Vom. Expo llov, 19, 1924.) I;. ::i 1101" l!ot(lry .c1l1.].:C ill "lid for tre ..tote of i'lrohingt.));, rClJidi:Jfj' nt Tocomv, In t:nld COllnt:'. l,:y OQ,':'l.',-:lv,yi )]) oXlJlree J:ovomhcl' H', H;;:4. Filed for record ot tho rOI!llost o)f Rose &- Lewis Oct. 6, 1r,.24 ut 11:30 A, I.:. J, IV. Warrell, Auditor. By (II"' (' I DO.tlllty ..~ ',~"~"";",,,,,,,<,,,,',,.......,,",_-",---_. 1 J J 1. Dlocku 4 Ulld [j of GI0l111 Ad{\ltlotl to .rort the ~uat Holf of tho Ilorthctlut ~uortor of ;jOotioll \'1. M. _ \_\'--2. The 3utlt Hulf (,)f the :iO\lt.hBS8t "'uurter of t.he 1Iortheo-at":~urt;;--;f.-t.h;-J:ortheu8t r .' ~.:~cr of section ;.;3, TownehiV 30 lIorth, Huncio G "cut, 'iI. ;,j. V I --"3:.-'1'he-souflroil~uurror-.(al--ihe !lvrtbelult ...uaTter ~f-;;;U;;;'23, 'r;)WI;';I~>~O :-:orth, Rl1n~"4~ \Y:~~ 1,2, 3, ~1(lO-;-19 aUd~-~7o~Ck.316~.;;~;~~-;O~~~-':::.~~::-.""""-~' 6. tote 5, 6 and 7, Block 279, Townsite of .llort *ngelea. --~ With 811 and singular the horedltamenta and appurtenanoes to the 8Rms bel ~~no 81n1ng, the reversion or reverf1iollB, the rempindllJT or rGf~('il\dflr~', rm!ti-l, tliliUel3 profits thereof. 'I'O RA~ MinTO H01,D. 'l'ho llbove gre.ntlld premleeB unto the Boid party 01' the poonl p~rt, ltB Bucoaueorll fino n8flirns forevl"lr, with all the privileges nnd e.,PSlurtenan081J t.o belonginG_ " I . " .." , "\,..,,, , .And. tl1e an1t'! pnrty of the f1ratpart d068 oovenant for itself e.n4.~1t...:~ assigns,to DJ1d with tho Boid porty of tho seca14 part. 1tB~8UOOeB8oip';~4~';"" 10'113: " .~~""':"~~'..:'.,\ , . }~, :, ,.".' ,." ~. I ~) ,I .. .. j ,~,~,'~;,,~'~':Y """1'1'1"#1'1'- '::~:J(~?t;,;}~~~i r~, ' . ,l ...... . t~.. '..,., ... Deed Heconl No. l08-Clallam County, Washington , '\ I ---1 i I 661 (Continuod) ~- To Whom It Un:, Concern: .. ~ ,PlO:,BO tu]:o notioe tb.llt the"o il3 Jl-)\V ,!-IOlld1: f: 11' th{' :'11 I.t 0,1 .,ltn1',,!: Dl~;tf'lct Court ill find for tllo Wosterll DiBtl'!(:t ;,)f \'fnull111f,tell, ):ort\1"l'l1 DlyjHioll, lh' ."l'J\'" ('l1titlf',l couea to qniet tltle ill the "Jllitt'?d .::itutf)ll of ,'r~f1rier\ 1111d ono ")0 ">1!:~i!lH)ll. 0.11 !!,J.illll t1110ttOO. III ond to tho roul eat.tle hc,-el11liftor [:',ore I'llrt1clllflr1y !\<Hi(;rl bcd, l'lid tv ho\"(' ,;r-c:lnrr-.' null und \'oid certuin !Hl8Cl:ISmonta Ulld tUXOd herctufJre lo\'il;d lil:Ll cl)(tr,~('li [JI;t:lh,.t :'I'i,1 rl'ol ostote; thot the real oatuttl ~fiectcd by tho ohovl1 lll:ti011 lu uitlwtt'd ill Cll'-llf,m Cou:,t::, \'/oshlJlbtOll ond more !-'hrticlllllrly der:;eribcd tll:l follows: 3'3:, jcc, 10, 'rown!!hip 30 ll;,)rth Hl'lliS6 7 '(/. W. i.i, , eontl!inll.L: 160 DCre!!. Unitod Stutor:; of "moriclI, rluiJltiff. 'i'hos. r, TIovclle '!ni t"d :Jtut(!l\ .r.ttorne.':, Donuld C, ";rc1hnm ';fU~i stOllt lIni t('o ~tr> t ('S :,t torne;;. FlIed for rOCoJrd <'It the rOrtllOllt of 7hoa. ? Hevollo Dot. G, 1(1~~4 ot 10:i~O .\. I.'. J. \'1. I'Jarrell, .~lll1itor. D:\f r:,) i / Do 1m t..v , ,J' ......... .................... ............. .......................................... ... ......... ........ 1010\.11 !:i:~'l'l! i..\CI?IC !'::BLIC :E:r:IC?' CO:.,_'A!;Y TO CIC'Y r:? ,i'O:\";' Al!'~~~L:::8 -:-:118 !l~'!'l-::;!"''J:~;;::, muoo tIlts thinl dllY of .:)ejJtor~b(!r, ;" D" H1P.4, hotvl(,ll'lll ':0rth rl.lO,fiC ~ ,i,".lbl1c ~er\'\ce ComjJt1l1Y, 0 oor!lorr:t1on, or,:wl11zed Ill1uer ':hc 101'11' of the --t"tc ,1f flol'lsoch\ls- 'Jt'd~, !lnd do1ni.( blle1110SH In'the Stn':('I of iYllshil1l'tOtl, j>!1rt;.' of the> fi.rHt lJf'rt, p.nd the (.;1ty oJf i'ort '\11,7('110/-" n 1":'1111cipn' co:q)l)rntil)ll lCH)'ltf'n III Cl1111fH~ CO~li~l:', ','I(,l:Il'I'T+on, I)!'rty llf tn(l aocolld 'part, \'I!"'I'~SS~'!'1-!, '~hpt th~ :-';/1111 ,Jnrt:l of thl" fjrnt !,!'rt. f,l: "nd 111 ,;o)l:~ld()rllt!lJlI ,1f the WA:~~!,:'''''( D;;::,l :,::n nr:.r, .? ~,\I,2 am, )f '"'1'JOnt:, fl \'0 ';'h0'lllPlld :~on)1l ::;1i\i1r(l11 ::i;:ht:,' ft ye D~llll!'I~. '~111~." ,)f t. hI" ::111 t')l\ ,jtnten ~f },morioll tl) It 111 hfl1ll1 1>01\1 1,:v Ihl'! ~\'ll.r\ ;l:,rt:. l)f ~!'(l "f'el!,l .,nrt. 11.'f':) 1":-1 theBo jJrcuolltt'l, GJ't1!lt, bUJ'/;H111. so~l. C01l\'0.'I l\lu1 conflrr' HlllO ~!'t' l)"\i\ "r'l't:,. "f tl'" u(I()llllcl ,!-Inrt, ita 3,lCCOOlW':"'~ lInd uoeli.:llll. the foll')I'linr: rl"n.l f'fltn't' 1:'I!'I: "llt1 h11:r: i" tho County vf Clolllm, o.itl1i'e of Wnallit'l;ton, \hHlcr1hod nil ~'o11o\'lu. to~\':lt: '<I:gf'lef'. f:lflj i\ r;1!'1111 :,rldl t 1 ,)1, 111"1116 17, 'rdVillt3h 1,!-1 :-iO. ~: JJ' th, il'ln,o G lief'. t , or s.p.per1" and ;r ..... (r- fn Th. ..11.. 't'.." ~P"'" ,.<.i""1 1..11 ,.,......, .f .1,. 'v.."... ,.i.. ...4 l~,.,.., I.. ..... ~'.~~.. .L... ....../..d. " ""~" ...d J.!.... to ....",h...,. ""v"', ~.".nl)---.t:Ulil~e.n~__d_4 >0 ..,. '0" ....t<. ''''P''"~ on, p... !.-...., "....'.., 'o..n I., p~b", ..... [....1 ''''v_b..",.. '''.p' ""> ,,,.. ...., .".d, _"., 6o...r ,1"'"1 'h,.~~" on, """.n..h.""...'h...II.,..nd...b..,.,. t+.. 1.11..,,,. . .a.e~eot. and r~.trietion. of record (I) U..I... ..IIIf.......r... 10 1"'0.;0/.0/1..,10."01.., .h. "".cho.., .1,.111>. ...Ii.I.d to p......i_ .flOid ,..1.......,," .r... ., cIUInt..." '0 ,....i.. .........i"".. '''"1'' "".cho..,:. "0' in ..1....11 """"".'" Th.,,,,ch..o,ro....o""',,I..p.... kolldint. ..... .."'.. i...p""......".. .... 10;. logl "'0'. ;" '0" '.poi. oncl """0 p..m,' ..... ....s ~.' .. ~". .. P.",,,,.... ~.. .1. If,. ,_I ....... f., ..., Ill'V.1 "'""1'.... n.. pv'ch..., 'h.~.~" ,. "., .11 """', ;~.,.,:.".,., .' .o~".~..;"" .h..~.. f.. ....." ....." .1..1<;.,'1, ~.,\..v. .. ..10., v,;!;" ....,... fu,~;.h.. '. ..;. ...1 "'." .10., ,". d.,. p~'ehu.. :. .... ...I....,.......i_. ('I I~ .... .... ......cl.u.. 1.11. ,.. ...... .~, "..''''.~. I..,.;~ p'.';..' .., .. '".;"'.;~ '"'u"~'.. .. h...;~ '.qu".d. ,.!,. nil.. '"ihr'"o~. h.h p.J."'.~'.' .H... .u.h l~h"~C., ..~. .~, ."'.~~" OG p.;. b, ,.., ..II... '",.'""' ..,... ;~.......' ,h. ~.i';..';: 1'.lvIi';. ~;":~~ .,~~:7:~:.:;":'::i,:.1 .::~,..:.~:.....::,r,~:::':.~r '~:,I~ ~:,;;ir:'.." b. ,,",..ho... ." ..".,'. d."'....., .11 (10) /,... '. .,.... .,.....C. ..r.h;. C.~I".', ..~d".. .~,..d 'h..;" '.,..... ,,",.eh..., .h.1l 1.;1.. '.~ol, ..;....., PO"." ..., ...~.III- .. .V'.......~, I..,..f., I. "'..~. .~, p..,,,,.~, '.qu',.d Io".u~d., ',....1"1, .. .... .,.... .~.,~..... ......"9' ho,.;~ ,,,'''';,.,, ,.!,. 0.11., ...., .1.., I.. d.,I..,. .11 .10. pv,.hu.,'. "~h,, h...v~..' """i~...._ .~. "0"" h.. ".'~i .... .1I1>.r"'.~" ....... \., tho .......10..., h.,.,,,".., ..~. .11 :"P'...",.nt. pl....d u,"" .... ...1 '''.'' .h.11 bo 1.,r.".. '. .10. ..II.. .. l;iid. ~.:'., d....~:Jr~ .;,...r;:. ",:,..:~':~:~~rc;:::. ';e::r ':; ::~n.'::u:;..:";'..~~.':: :;-:;, ":~~.'.:::~: ~~',':~' It""" ~. ~., ... \., .... .. I., So..i.. Up." ,..",t.... .r .11 .."'.~... ~.'i'.. .' .'''., ".~.,. .... "'o'e'> '. I~.,.,..", .n" '.....'^...~n.1 .....c........ i~~~.:,,::~ I;: ;;::.:.~r..~";... S..... "'.11, "."o~. p...p.'~, "'u,~ ""'p' "'~'...., ...."." ,,,.... pv'<~"" ot 10,. ':"""" ..~~~~.~1Ir.~.:.:~~~:';.: ~.,.,':~:.:~ .10;:::. ',:',,:: :n,'.o:;~:;T. .::;....:'.,o~.::;..<i::..o:~d I:fll~~;;.~ :~~. ;:..<.:':::' ,=":.=~;,~ wl~f .:+...... ::111';. -;::~, '~7'..'. '~:ll,1 ~: ~~:~:~:~..;.~ :.~,~J~<d:t7:"~I.i' '~:<:::m~~~~::': ~'j ~:\.~~:t.....,. "~h" h.,..."..,. .". I..dr ...... h .. .~'.'.'. "'. "..".10..., .V'u. ..,"" . ,..."".101. '~"''' a"..n.~'. I.~. .nd .11 c.... .n" ......... ;n c...n...'.... ..I'" .u.~ ."it, .".01.. "'. '.........101. coo' 0' ".'c~i"V ,.co.d. .. d".',",n. .... .......,.....1 ".1..,.... d.'. IUdo ."" i. c..........<.., ...h;c~ 'u'" .h.1l1oe I';cl~... I~ .n~ iw.~"'.n'.. ...,.. ''''''.';~ .wc~ .ui,. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. ,h. ,...1.. h.,.,. I..v. .h.w..d .h;. ;n."~......,.. 01.10. d.,. Ii... ....;"." .10...... :~"~ .:":::::: }... bin l'ir. Realty, Inc. . " "c;);b --C~ ./~~~ . ~!}~ ;.,- > ,"I,. 0.."'1. . .:J.;1.tJj) do~,". NovembQl' , 19 74 ""';".:TT'J~rt-.... C;V.dL~)?;? .{......, ....- .\ '.'.:.;. "_~n"w~I.\..'''.. . ...,...1..",___ /J . " . .11'_ , Z; , J t.::P"...<A-.J ~J..c. ~ . '. tho c..__.I.........' ;;.c...... tho 1....,.'''IIl...,.u.......I. .noI-;.rI:_l.dv~ 001. 'n."~""~' '010. ,.... I... .n. y.I.......?'-Kt onoI...JeI..ldc..._...I...,I....I.o"....nd,....,......~...I"...nt'...........nd_..,"k..........., ,';'.' ....hor,.eoIl...DC....l'ho..I.;n........."..nd,...."'.._I.If;...I.,.,.c"',..a,.....l.I..;dc..._ot,"".. In WI_. W\,...of,.'..... ......."'.. ..,.., ""no! ",,,I.Ifi.~.., "",.,.1 ._I.he do, .~. r..'! '.\.... '_~"'.~.~:... t " ~i:x ...lle l~ "". 1,.. 0+.. S'." .f .. .10......." ...,011..... Port Angelea '"' t.l cr c" ~ "" @ THIS SPACE RHERVfO FOR IlECOIlDER'S USE SECURITY ~ I~~A~E ~~ {' '" ....- ...._ ....... ....!ltil.~"lIl4~_~ ili Land Title Campan; ---- --.-- - ,-. f' iltalEli;;RfCt"~511rr:lll_,:.:'. FII" J., R~.nI" ROlJI'ut.' . /5/1 Dce -6 F~ J: 34 c" ~Y.!JlJI .,' <C...~~~[ c. JHOiHi:\lufu~ Ct~L;;M;,r~NT:' ~l'< NA..\ilf TYin l'ira R..lt~;' 'Ci:J~'Jil i~:~~:~: ~,,~~~~: :!: I to! :~. "" ~ r,r> ., o 1;/1 I-IUUIGii\:C:..ct.:!'il ~ltu:51 ...Land T,tle Comp"UJ' 4DOllfS! Rout. .. Box 458 Fort in~el.5, w. 98362 157, ~Si 25 (;;1- Iso .. L C. : ~: .. '.:~ i'lt r, c..J, '.' ,.." \'/i--A-~JC'~;I r~ 3: 48 ?d CITY AND HAT! , I: J ! ~';i.6(.7J;, jet 431 ,.,:189 .':" jOt 4~O ...Ji20 '. ~ "....... . .~ ~. ;r ..... ~ " . Y'( j't' "0 !.O' CO , '" o. ." , " : , , c, , , , ; , , , , C ; ~... : ,. , , 0 , . .. -. : . : '. ::"c' C' : ".t. -(\ c ~. . - -J .1!. :. ~ .. ., _.~. c ;o,t c. ,. , .C' I' ';. ~ - -. : ~ ':! ;~ !~ ;;.~ L. ~ ; 12'(, ~:.:'" -..!. Jr . ~ .. ~:.' , '. . c lC<:C....: -" -,. ..~ -. 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",.<'. .f.ol b. l>O,d.. .11."., --000 hUDdred. eiljlbty-three and OO/100ths--------- II 183.00 0.'1.... .. ___ o' ,....f.o...'. 0'''_......,1..1... ,),0 20th d., .1 December . 111 74 . ..... --ODO hundred eiljlbty-three and OO/100tbs------- ($ 183.00 10.110... O' m.'. 01 ,....c......'. .,',.n. "".' ~.I... .1.. 20t-h dOJ 01 ..... ....,..d,"; ,.I."do' "'~"'~, "n,,1 ,h. b.i"~<..' .o'd ,...,.10.... poi.. .hol1 ho.. ....n 1.,11, ",,;d. Th. ,...,;h;.., lu..h., 0'.... '. po, .~...." ." ,h. d,m'"""'~; b.""...1 ...,d ,...<1.... ",.,... ,... ,.,...1 8ls ~,..n' po' ..~n..." I.... .1.. 2nth, .0'''' Nov(;;:-ber. .1; 74 , ..h.ch .m....' .....11... ..~~<,.. 1._ u,h .~.,.n",.n' ""'~.~, .... ;l.---r.,.~,. GI n'" ....-..". "f ..', ,.,.,' ."..1 ""..c.",,1. All """,....n.. '. b. ....d. h.,.u....,.. .1..11 b. ...od... First l"ati0:1a1 Bank ".' ...ch ...1.0. pl..... '.... nil.. _. d...c' ,n ..rlhn,. 10.2 E. Front St.. Port Angeles. Wa 98362 Seller hereiD agrees to keep payments current 00 underlying contracts and to provide release therefrom upon fulfill~~nt of th:s COr.~Idct. ...........001...1...,10 .,.......Cl. "d... 01.'........ .1..11'" Sovembar 20. 1974 ....P~.;:.:. ~'::::,::: b;;::;'. -;::'~:;'''::.7.::T =::::. d:~ft~t:;c:~:I:.::....:I.;,~::.::::.:.::-:~: -;.~'<;~:,...~~b:::::::d...;~~: ::::::.::'.n";;.~~:II"..I~:::;e:.':'d 7:ft.~' .'.::~.~~,,:~;,.~.~:: :;.:::.,~ ~:;m.~:' .":...:' :.';:.:< t'.";,':~o':::e';. h. ." 'G_ .ft, 'u" (21 Th. ,......1..... ..g..... ,,",,1 ,h. ,~.<ho.. 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'0'. oj 8l.:1 .,... c.", p.' ."~"'" I,"," .~. 20t.h 00' 0' SO\'l' - :;to'r .~,<_ ......." .....1' o. ..,",'.. I,~~ 00'. '""0 _,.", "",~,O' o~o "0 I,',.,. 0' .. > '0"'-' '" 1",""",,1. 9 74 ~ 0' i ...111'C'~p~"'o b. "'GO. _P'O.~O.' ,_..TI b. ",~...., FirBt !i'atio:-1a1 Bank. ",.' .uoh ....... pl.o... '''' ...... ~G, on'<"~ ~""ni_ 102 E. Front St., Port A.'"1geles. ioia ~S362 5~11er herein agr~es to keep payue~t8 and to provide rel€ase tbprefro~ u?vo current on und~~lying eo~t:aets fulf111~~~t of ~~.~ e::~~r~ct. ,1" ..1....., '0 ;n "'1. co......c,. "'do.. of <I""~i" .1>011 \0. Bovember 20, 1974 ~..} 1~ .~:.. "h';:."~.j:: b;;:::'. '7:~G~~':::; ,::1 ::::::, d:~~~~t;~c:h:I:.::,:..~l '':~. 0; ;;:,:~,",,:~: :::'~',."'o~'." ~.~:~: ::: :~o;;~: ",.n, o( _. "'~";Oll". '......0" 00 0'-.' .~,~",...on...." hGO .,.~~.o p~,"'.~' of G' <9-"~ '0 pv""'''' ...,.., .~. 0"' "'" '" ~.....~.".. ~~.. 0 Io.~ "" '.'0 ,.,: ."0". "'. P""~o'" G~'..' '0 p., ,~. 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"" 'C", ,.'~ ::,~~ ~~:.':.'.:. ::.':~~': ::. ~;;"";:;..:,~" 1':~' "; .,:~~<,h.: :~1:;1 .~o:: ~".:', '~."\1 ~:o 0; ,p.:, G'""' ..p:.....:::: :.0,' ,-:. ~':, ,", .: '_:.';-;~: ..'.yl,. .~. .nt p~,~_.." ~.... .k.I' b. .~pT.4" ,~. pO,n.~'. ~.~'ljOI:4)I:: :lS'So~ '~~~"~".4'~Q :~_fJ19 __..llo:~'"'!: '''/6/'1 ..., '" .' ~ " - ~ I,,, 1"'" ~~ ~ Ir I I I \ 1 ;:- ..... --------------- O~:~9 @ 0C7 ' \';,,~;'/ ~ 43~3S 1~ .'\3~-~a~ REAL ESTATE CONTRA'CT ~) ~~ l~:-;i; ~ - GL-;:785 9i;?C 'c ,";1.<5C':S -: i~X (CD~PC..J,l E FOR'" ....ln~1 THI~ CO,,"1 RAeT, ""'~. on. .~,.,.d ,",. ,~i. 20th <lo,.r 'Sov",-~er. 1974 ';':"'J ::: ~ '974 '"..A;,,;'5.(C<) ~ :c 'let '.'Y;'v /} " _.':.._.,. C?d' jl':f-t:-n . (f'- ,76- ..:,d ....lft! ~ ~..w.." 'ni'I!I FIRS RL\.LTY, I!fC., a Washington corporation h.,. n.h., to".d th......'."........ ii!U.:A..K l'i. ';.~.~':\.l.PSGIi 3nd :saY!. J. TB'::;~?SON. 'h:.:.s:';'.."d 1,_""01... <.".. ".. "pv.cho...," ..TI..n~E 11'1 T....., ,1,. ..II., .'1.... '. ..II " .h. "".c........ ond tho 1>""""'" 0..... '0 P","",,, j'~m ,... ..; O' 'h. 1.11....,.... .....c..I... ....1 ..'.... ....,*,.1- .p..........".nc... i.. Clil,11a.. K:j) C.~"ry, ~..'. .1 Wo'''''",''''' - "":.;) A I ~a.t r,,-rt of 'tr.e ~ut half of the !iort~e~-;t qui1.rte-r of Section')' 1ft I'f.. 23, To,.,-;.ship 30 50:-th, Ra.nge 6 We!lt, W.H., Ot"3;:;:i':;,.d ;"3 ~:act../ 12 1n i;:lIt!."'\:l:.~n't recc:ded SeFte~ber 27, 1974, t:Mh,r hu,-:'!itor'lII Fil. 50. 436981 and celineat~ as said Tract 12 on Su:vey re-ccrded St:!l?tbober 27, 1974, in Volume 1 of Sur;"eylI, fa.;;e 91; Situate in Clallam County, Washington. r:-"'f., .,,~ ?:..~;t...1- suBJECT TO easement of record for pipeline in =avor of Clallam County; . , u,* ALSO SUBJECT TO the follo~ing restrictions I 1) In the event that a ho~eowner'a Association is for~ed, the O~TIer of each five acre parcel Yill be allot~d o~e ~~~b~:ship acd cne vote; 2) In the event of plattin.., or annexation to the City of Port ~ele., the purchasers agree to sign aoy COC1..1tr,er1ts ~s ::-equired to plat and dedicate any portion of property herein ce3crib~ as roac~ay contiguous to said property; 3) 50 !'1J<;s s~all be pe-r:nitted 00 said prot:'!;'rty; 4) So ll.::lbile n::l':tcS shall be a!.lo....ed on said ,;.rc;-dty; 51 C?on i~gtallation of a ~at6r system ~o Vi~:a }:' ~j-~!. a rata portio~ of the installation and ass€s~~e"t c~ :~,s :~::~ be aSI;t,,5st"d to €ach tract o..mer; said aSl:ot'5s::-e~,t. ~'-,.ll be based on a total i.U.P. assessment and Fri\'at.e -eY.':.~~S:O:; of .,atar l:!.~e to the ent:..re Vis':.a ~ea.cc""s ~ro?€:rty; ~"id i:-.st.a::",H..:on and asse~.s~ent shall be divided equal.ly F",":P9 t.:~i: C~i' :: ~J"-:':":..fi [',18 t.:dct o.."Te:.. ,.L 'f.J..l~., 'J L, l.JlJ [J ~_____ _"'....".. ~u hot'l'P paYl:'<:::r.ts cur:er;!. on '.:.::;, _ .:; .,_;...:~:.._s and to I-:ov:de re:..a.;;e therefrorl< u;o:m fu:fl::::.,;t C'f '.'-:5 c;:....~~ct. .... ....".d'~,~ "". <~~~.". ..~.;<. 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".......... ..,..-'. ;';,"4li~; 'is;;' ",~:'~'~~O,-C19 .._~--!......u J. .' , , U "~ I . l\) I ~ ~ ,~ ! ~ II . . \ , (/:~' ~;... 1'c..'2 Lt.' i c ~:_)1..,'C' 1 i c; f e:.::' v i c: '2 C '")::;~x.--'../:J a c 0 :.~)\:' l',~-..: ion 0::" ~ ::;~.:~ i z ,::-5, '~..l::c:':.';:, \..,...':.e 1 ::-l'.'.:~': . r, 0 t ~l,e ~J ..;. ..!.. l Ci :~' ~ ,~'. ,1 e ?:::;.te of 1-.':'2.S~.::.::~i'J[e-!"":f.: aT:d :.ioi:-:S~ c.U.=.l':ic :i n :. !-: e S: 2. t e 0 f ",,:/~;.:: ~'""l ,5;: .>~ :1 . - " Deed' "/2-,::."'r,.-:".ty dc,,:,,;" ~::,::jd To Dated ~~e~)t.;) 10:.::.;~ , , Acknow1cdrfcd (j,:t. :5 .l~;;24 . b Hcccivcd for Beenl'd:')c t 6 Heconkd III Bunk 102 City tion of Por t l')c a~ e::l A!:g e le :' J ,(:. in. Clal1.;..~'::' r~~ '..1 ~: i c i ~ ;~.~ 1 C 0 l' ...J J . CO 'J::. t..,. 'if:::;"::"''' ',"- ,-,- - , 0:, Pngc fi -, ~ 2J. CO!JoidcratiOIl, 'S 25 ?S5.00 . , x . I Granting words~Gratlt, Dnrgaill, Sell, COllvey and Conflnll, untu Second party heirs nllu assigns Land in ClalJam COIl~J'Y) S!a~c of \Va~hillgtol,I" towit: ~ Elock,s' 4 and 5 of Gle:l:n Ac.:..i ~ion to Addi:io~l bEing t~e East half of ,the ~j'o",",'1~"'11'lJ 30 ~'o'.........\--.' ........,..,-.. 6 'I' J.. ,,--.'. 1 - _...- ~~ .!...\..,,~ ..ld;.weiee l.- ,i.:':', / r;'h~ ed~"':, :half of t'ne '5.)t..;.tneaet .quarter'. \Jf t~e tr~e' r-:'J::.t~~ea5t qUa,~te~''Jf ..o"""";o'n oJ"; TO'1;,',-;c.:','''D ""'~'-'~-.......'- ".'~"'-- ~c,r ~ "'-; ... ,~. --:-. 'I, c.... _ ,J. :.'l. I The e')utrl.ea'~t.' ql~.~rte-::' Qr tr~e~':'J::t>,c~".~,t q'.l:::.'.''t-~:,-, of' ~pn.. ~l rJ'.". 'JC;; f . _.. _'_ ,_ . lom1- 21-~i"i) 30 D,or,trl. rc:;;"ge' 6 "i/e;.' i.. ~~J ( LGt~ I,' 2, '_'3, 4, 18, 1'0, a:-:J 2n -_".10;".< ';1 f) ~'o-.'..-.'.c.:~Jv" 0.. o:.~ ... ~ v - - ~ '-' - _ _ p~ 1':' A:~C e 1 e 5 V Lot~ 5, ~l:apd J.,~~ac~ 279 T0wnsite of.PC~t A~gele5. :F~.~~ ;~:P~LY o~:~:-,nB.,~:;c~,e:l~~~JB:CO~"'f2,rtJ al~ t'1s': ce:--:,'j" P .... '-' - ~ '-' -.-- .ll do -' '-.... ,,1 C " -, '.. t: - '- (~, v e .. -' . ", ':) I ~~ . J L n F' -""'. 0 i 0 i" _~ " . : ~ j 1 F,",in+:,,"~, '-:l':~n'~'" .,'.,;.... '" ~ ,,' >_'" '-:.:':'_ ~ ;.~<. . ~,--~'. _'~;;;.....: --C. co','.: ...,-~-...",~l..e... ......".1.'. 'J:)~~_c.c.-l!S'_~ .1-:: t,i~- C1t.':O- ~J:fl', \"'-."'-'lc'" CJ.e..J.lc::--: To have and tQ. ho1d forever Co 'n': ':''--:'f'i ~_ :'0--'" J '.(;..''-- .-.J . . ..1.. '-J J \,'--..... '- .J."", '" '.. I Port Angele.-: :!:~iicl Gle:ln , riort~east q~arter 'of ~ectio~ 1? no~t~'1e2.-:l.~-': quarter' 30 nO.rt':l. ::::"":Lngr:: (5 .of '. ~?ye.ll.u.~~,t~~'~.gai.n~.t. all persons, .shall wurrallt and forever, defcnrl t16.00 IRS , Signed 't ., c:)r~')or:?.te 1.TJI' t:'1 "'e'"'' c c(Seal) L.) _'..J- C. ,'. '. Pacific e e,s~ P'..J.ol ic C.] . '0 Y 'il i 1.2. i :"1.},1 '-'(. A~te~'~; T. L. Stile:~; S~eY~:10;J7: }Jres:.~, ~l-~al) ele :,1-: (Seal) Ac ti ;;G' ',., (Seal) AcktHJ\\'leJgcd before ~l ~ot~lry Pllhlic ,. x III i.llld ror:2.:.~ l'ce CO\lnly St'lle of Wnshiogtoll. x "rtr, ..,,'" ~ ,.~ c:- ..;Jt,..:..;. ,...J..c;, ~j,"~;neJ. . (Se,d) ',C . ~ i 1 ~"' (Siglfcd) Com. Ex. 192 :-iOtUI-Y Public io nod for c: - -; ~ c , ~ ,c. - 01 2. '''Is. ~.;: Residing at " ,1': ~. .., . i 'I' '>;\. 'i , U I~ , ." , . <.: .J .( " '" !" . ~'" 1: ).1 I, -~: .t Fi,' i i ;::: , ," if :r ! . . '..':1 '.... "li. -/1 y' , ~;; .,' -, '1:\:. ,) (~: . i Ii r r 1',1 ,.' j I' i I Y \ jr, ......, '.i.), ",,' V ,:1. I' '~; < ~ if I, i~: : ;' . !,' I.. ;', . . "- "'. d~. ~ ',. 1'i'e~1.",:;2 .~ 1::l?,'6 r.. J f"ONEEi< NATIONAL ~'. TITLE INSURANCE --, ......IoIU."...-. '.. \ 1'-(1 .,~'~.1:' '0' IIC{"~I' \ J~l AT1;::oocor..II'oI.l'l'l 'd~"'" .... ,).;:/ r!~/~~ Fd,.u I"r Hc','p:,lllt H{"(IUl'~t of AFTER RECORDING MAil TOI .771:' SOt, ., '" 'I' (i t.r; .,:. -j C> C.J \..'t N .., ~~.l'dbi.LL j( ..J... 1J "~ -,.21) y.,} . //:;r,~_. Quit Claim Dead 'OIUC L ~ 1\ tllE CUl(lClI. City of Port Angelc5 for .nd 10 t'-"'51d....tlon of Eighty Thousand nnd OC/100 dollo.:'s cor,...y .nJ qult c\.l_ to L. H. Croxford fh.foLl""lnaducrlt>..dr".l..t.t., .tc".t.d Ln th.C....ntlof ':~a11am h.r. of lI..hln,l;lon In<:lo.,dlnj( Iny l~t..r...t {t,.raLn which 't.M<>r....~ i'l.rl.ft'r ,c,<"Lr.' The Sautrl east qu~rter (S~~) ot the r:OI'ttl east quarter' (NE\). Section ;3. To~n5hlp 30 North, Range 6 W. W. M. , .,' ClAll,W r:'..'.. :;1' T;(L,-~;jr:li ";-.. D.CiS( 1M lJ.(~~r OA~~:..JL2}- 81' rA ft,,,,,,,. - d.L('. ,---.. .- " .~ 1.,:.\ ;.,( "f)," '" " " i",I'":", 7L O;:ttO tbh" /~ .tay of ~a.>><:d/.t"i /977 ~\.M<,~..,~"", '" ?}~~,~"~'" "Ih-r<<~. ".." tS(4ll .v.~ 01 W/lt.'H~-,Hfl. (u. Co;oJ"tYDt'~\ On Ihto d.y p..."".lly .ppt.r.d b.fo,"" _ (..L.~, '.'> 1'1' ("I. <...... ~ uti ............. C'_HL.......... to _ 1t""""I1 to to. tn" Indlvlcl<.al" dutrln.d in .nd 1Ih1l ....<:1.11.0 tl1" "1(h1n u,d to-nJoLn, In,tr"...nt. 'I'd .tltnowl.dl"d thn ~... , IL,n." tl1& ,,_ . rr.. lnod voluntuy.U uwl dud, tOT t!l. ....... 'l\cl;>\Jrpwtl tl,.uln C1entl<>n&d, CIVlllunJu fJ:JY hand 'I'd o!tlrl.l ...t thl, .... I'i) ,dlY of ~"'l''':-:'~I': ,~~ ,_ ..?L~~~~~~", ,,, ";.;;,,, ,j ...".",,! .u,a..~ It IJ ,....:f' (I.l.~(d...<:"" '. ) '0 I 508 ". 051 , ( , ( ; ~.... . .'/ 'r>' : f t;-" :,~,~: - '; . '. I. ~"-5l...Th.~2.5 .... " ORDINANCE NO. 625. AN Q~DINANCJ<; vHt:ntlng the all..'Y between Lots 1, 2, 3, 18, 19 and tU In Block 1116 In the City ot }'nrt .~ n. gel'lll!, Washington. De it orllaIned by thtl City ClolUldl ,Jr. 'r!l\; Ci ty ot' Port Allgeles: Section 1. That t'he alle';' h,-,tw<'('lJ 1,ots 1, <I, 3, 18, HI and ZO in Blod, :01; in the City of Port AUl;dcl!, b,', Mid the s/uno is hereby vacated. StlCtloD. 2. This Oroinanc<2 Shilll tuke enact and bti in force fl'om and after five daYI! after Its lawIul pul))i- C<l-tioIl. Pa!l\;ed December 231'd. 1919. APProved December 24th, 191;1, Published DecBllIbel' 26th, HI] !I, DE WITT BUH:\8, Mll,>'or Pro T,wl. Il1~AN) Deputy Glerk. ~ r .:)'~~,~~~ oj ~'1,~~~~\:~, A ~~~'~~o\~"'!' ~~~~~\~~ I ~().J',"u... nc, /"u ;", '" ~ ~. ~ ~~<>\ A.,.,..~~.i '/i.;.,.,~<.&~~~,~ 1 ~~ 1,;t,~,I.s,''l~:tc'-''''" ). ~ .all. ''''''~~'''~~'''"''''\':]' ~~ ~~ ~~\,~""'~ '!. ~~"'"'~""'~ ~k~~~~l'tl"l.'~ ~~ c~~:, ;~~ ~ ~~"t ~ ~~ ~"'-\ ~~", , ~~~<\....~~~".~~~ :3C'tl.~~~~1'11 ::: ,~'_>i.~o~oiN.A~,9E'NO..621.tt,., "', -Fifth: That ~'CI'l;',ll{lJl' nny per~onl"I' ~~,'t '~)~(':lt)^ t:\.... ~j: e....'''" ",'" 'I, '--""'.' " '. :. .. "j tJ'm p, CO"o,"<1oo, ""','iog 1" con.! ""'^" ~ ',,, '~~~i~".9 .RD~.N.'A.>1~>l",!li8TABL'Sl<lN. G.,'}.''':i' ,.,.:n:\,..~:." ,.::,: '~:'.id~ ~I 'J>: ~lIj~W;\L~' AREA".', Rl!lGl'LATI'f",; w'lk. 0' ,,\.!~y :" ."" "^' ']""1', I.. ,0 '1'IlUO'PION,'. :REOvNSTRUC:'''ightpo", :i.]o,hon. pol.. i.... Ot, m' '/_ I 'r ofuiN ",ND RWAI\ioe' SIDE.) 'h"bb",,;;o~ any .ot ',he Si,cot,.atl W~ l rev b ""- (.. .; ;'\"ALK~.AND.RilJGULA'I'.(NG Tffr'.;;tht3C1~YQilYort\.<\.ng('I(JS'l:l~raU'beroi'e'j ./~. . ~. j ,II :€.~AC.IN '-Os.FH'REI.EUS'S"ETRRIYC:IN'L.IsGAHIDTj' sthu'",,'~,bin.gieinn'ndeIOoir,' OOIf.'O!hi""""~" '.en'~'d;' 8e",chu,r'F~' S--~.. ~ h-~~' cFj' _ <:::, .c-. '." iiv? ',T PHONE'POLESC AND' W;\i,o p"ml"io."~O :" :~,f"o"'I'" ~ 0 'V."'. ", lI1luiIDs"oR Ii, :!\'I\l;l;P,~,AND '!'EPl!lALING ALl;,OR'j '''d """uJ"ion " " '""on. Ih...Cit. Y1. 0:____, ! 'J' i, IN-,wCES rf PMTS OF,,'ORD1.! ~n~i."",. if '''~.."y ,nd tho.,an';' () \, p \ 0 , , flJ.;'- ~ o. I oc ~~~'ms IN,. CONFLICT ^H1llHE:j "QuJ"d 'od "Qu"i,d, .h,1I '0', ~ ~ ~ ""Y, ~ # CO WITH;. ,.',. '" \ "'a", m.-l<jtng the a"gum.., aJld _ u' Q (j~ r-o" 0- III '. .4'e^lti:O'daf",d Ihe'City'touncil ",ade, ..... ,~, .' . u..... (tl, ::;-, \.7 - ~~- tOil- r "~'I Jil.ib.>'G1iy of Port ~,,,.' Sixih,/ That~h""ft" 'he P'ovl,~ -, , . , 0' :<.,:..~,;. .:.""I"\/',-Thal 'el'eaI aJ..1Bld.eWhlklon.'~ottl;,,!.,.o....,I~anceflhll.ll'iIl~iY~o. ~~-'~_/ /~~ ~ Ilil ;"':; "~.. in ~b' City oI i' ,t Angol... thO' SU""'lnt'n~e~' 'OI. S\""" 'W""'I ' _ _.., . ," :.;:....1 .' :'~\<':11,.~'..::./~..~..:.,..,:;L.:.hi,.....:.tr.f.;~lj.~E..~~~~1ii~.f.~~~::~:~:~~~, ~~. . . ~oL~ ~~. :;;; <t:..f"",'. ,.,Btr~9t5I'~l~:r.e.O'O~v~c~', 'd,,'3~ : '.s,v.en.~,., '\'ho"vlOlatlon oI '.~y\.~ ~~ ~ ~ w-.", _ ," -,,:,~ ,', '.' ,t;'a.'n'r~~c1J.,_l.<'1m. ,6ilttic. .tlili. '. 'al:icl:'th~.._"'p. roo viB~ons. 0 I.'ibiS ordinance. '.~lR 7'- ~ A ~~~ 1 qlll ,,\~'t:.'. - .~f"?OI>ea,..1',~trel,,,or:'s~fub ,r~~(~&d'~Il1iS'dom~anora.nd 1IIJnl3l!1; ~, ~ .:':}.!' '~: .~.i<l.; ~t .~~~,c~:'e,,'~.~;~.IS(.o~,.o ~.r;t~}i~~P~.dl.1 t:QO~,~ o.~rfj\:1e~.~ij~';i~:~:.:n t~J~e%)~~..; +~ ~~" .::' . c' . ,O"!,,qil.. UuJ'~' O\h"w~ ."d'l)l1!,~6~ aflr~ot "'ex"",' Ih!et,",.":,.,,, \Vi . .. (j~" J' l I< P . i..:..J..I'." , ".' "", \ :t1:W{;Clt3'l,eouncll, and, no,"ermJ~BiO'D. !"ftn',aud.lmp",.nUleol.,;.... a-,...:,.; ~ """'-<- ~(I_:'. ~ ~ ., ~ij~ll'b~;#'O"'d~th.,'i"ft.Wl!hO,U':"$o'h." gl["", AiI10,dlq',n", ,,'partl{'R.. 77"" A"" br "i . "."....,;.: ....;, '0 ;tl O'd, .no.. In oontll<t mih th,", ~ z;:; ~ /_~ ~ ","' T.:'~ ~. ZI:1.i't' :dJ(,,~~hai.Ji~jje~?f.',:f~.b '~€.' Bid. e? VIBlon\j:'oc t~>Ii7d.loon" '''~"h'';bY..AL . ^ I _, ~ y ::::' ''', ''''<1~~......d''l<:ed.lo~,,;'Oh!n-ucte~,' "peaJ.~.: '.. .... '. '" Vy ~ """ .<4- "" ~ Y(.... "'t;;.-: ag,' ;tlr~<{e._q?~~t.~uc.t!drr~.?~.'2!-j!\~~e!.:.W "hI,ch.} . NJn~,\ This 9tdlnRnco.~s'hQl1.:tak. ' J!J / w)j1. !J.n.lt:""':'l's',"t,",n"?nO;o/ih"oI"ih",!I,Ie'),.nd\b'''ln'Iorc~I,or. .n.Of'''i 1'i0L.-c. /VI- z:.,,'7 ~ ,,' '-"oJ an, . ,j1.f"'""..."...."ren.,~_I~'r-l..':}'fd~bl,.!b."~Ui.',l..d8~. !I!Y.,,:~..'''..y.' .~t~r.lt8....,Ja'l'tul Il.U.bUCRtlOUj , {;J ~ an,' :"1Cl'llld';"'f'W'!k"."..t.!9'lh~'eu'b'li",,;, "'Pl""~~ h th, City C'~n'lt oI 'n~ C1'(l--- ~ C-/':: cry;.... 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'. _ r ""',, ~,m~j .~<>t ~~~ s.s. . Attest: J. L.