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2138 W 18th St - Building
\ FROM :EDfSON ELECTRIC BOTHEL SOUTH FRX NO. :206-439-2337 DEC. 22 2003 12:C~6~\ i Ff':OM ; FLRGSTDNE MOTEL PortRngElo<sWa? FAX NO. : 360 457 9494 fli,n,,,. ...~ .- . ..~ i; . ~ DeC. 22 2003 12; 01PM P1' ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION t'I)R 0f.H1'IM.IJ:H:m/l.'r I)'lelll~. I>01n1I. ""'*' -- ""'C'^wr.;o~.,i'..'''::'_ lllfl'l.'!I;u...,1 Pl...."~. . ,. . k ...JI- ..to or rupr,n In JI'l . I' you hDvQ an~ que,tions. pleaaa Gall (3GO) ..1,....735 -t'-' /0 B8 Fax number: (J6D) 417-471 1 '''8 E:leclrir.::ll F"fJrrnil ADPlicarton must bu IIltali OLlf corru"8Ielv. -.-. o..n.,_ ".... e......""_< =" E kelt-ie. G,oup,Xf1(. ~on"~.:J.~J . {dS... Fax: y;;/S,'77 1-7802 PmP4I'lyOwno" POrT A O\"'~ Phenal Add"'S$:c9I3'2> Lu. \~, 'oj\-, 'So Cily;J?Or+ A-rge IE'::" Zip: Elecl11cal Cotlfractor:PrJ.rson EI.ettne. Group. Inc. Ucen..,#: E!n:5c~~q1i7"M:xp: '7/8'" {o'l Addre..:~I;;1 W. LtJI"~So.f' Qd #163 City: ~oi-he \ \ Phon'.: '-1::2$ - 77 Y C(. Zip: q &)0.. INIiTALLATION WIRED !lY: ,-, OWNeR Cl ELECTRICAL CO~RACTOR Credit Card Holder Name: -.f!d'son E I er i r " G - CJ...>e \ ~ h ~Cl ~~ Bllllnl1Addnnl.,; I;i. in "'lcity:~"'+N> J I '- ~ PRo.J5:CTADDRIlSS: d 13 'B' W. I Zf'-4... i'FIOSO Zip; Cf80 I ~ \l7SA.. X Me; .- - TYPE OF WORK: Check JIIllhllt apply: D New filJ.AJteratlOnlAddliion Cl Residential 0 MultI-family O<Commercial 0 Mob~e Homa Sq. 1'" CJ Flamota Mater 0 Oetacned garage. CJ Hol TUb 0 SWim Pool.. 0 Sepli<: Pump CJ Low Voltage a Telecom. 0 Slg Number of Ciroulls adcIBd or altered; . DEBCRIPTlON OF THE ELECTRICAL PROJECT: PrQvlde '. )~h-!t'(\3 n.fld(~ledrrCa. \ Jt......i n1 ~'S . .IYBl-o. \ l roof f'l'bW1.fr;>d .e.x.ho..u.5 r -'-of' _ , . . r ,rcu..,t5::,G..v\c\. 2, +ef'c-l"'rs -+03 3, Bro.n c..h ElectriGal Heat Lo'ad ~cfditions and or SubtrActions Servico Information: . o Baseboam . 0 FumRce o Heat Pump' . b Fan-Wall _KW _KW TON =I<W LRA o OV"IIlelld Se",;ce . IJ'Temp Sorvii:c o Undezground SlI<Vfce Voltago', : Phase: 0.,. . Cl 3 . Service S'b:;ci: Feeder Size: . '. ' I hereby certify that; have read and examined thIs application' and know that same t6 be tt!J& and Cl)rrect, QiId I an: . authorized to apply for this permit I understand it is noUhs City~ legsl Mt!lpOhsibi/1y.to delermi ity to determine whet permits are 19rjuired ~tidtO.dbFcti" su~h. '. . . . .' . CrAdil Card Holder',. Signatur.., . . . /JJ.. . . . .. . ". ~~~~:);L/c;J'd)S3' y u.q ._ D~'n' J;). / j;; 103 (J I , PERMIT FE~:$ 'Q:;)q I 10 . , Ow"..r or f'lec. Cont. Signature: b:II!!~ECTRICALPERMIT APPLICA 1', ON W . . l?/tz/f>3 LrJ-~<Tl r -1io~ 01/07/2008 00:08 4579270 . Jnb wtred by ;eJ EIec:trIcal CClIItrllCtOr C Ow.or Ell!lop-i(lftl l;ontr.ctor ..me Ucenar: ~ 0.111 fu.piteIJ Ir)jZftm GJ~'t. SJlnPS~L 'i731.f1 lddl-C19 . P.......,.. ",.lIing odd.... b ,. J '2 'f. :W3h A. } 01 /AI ctrYJJa '!. 5.,t< ZIP 'Ie-/- ~-elf' W,4 rf36~ Tt:leflbana num cr FAX ftllmber &- 1-/ Ji;2 .~ u.,ti2 PNmltlClI o..,u,!, a~" f)no.ete5 r:nInOC!5,'!x:- 1eonnO/D!ji,.<;. TJ7l!.. Kddrtll"or la.pe<<loA 'J".A ~I d 138 14J, P~J7' _ ~+ (.}"1~Je.s r.Oltt l"lIm.~er 10 !9t.d.t, In..pm....: 'fS:;'-(P17t. Ow,uw 0$ defJaftf by RCW./9.28.261:(I) l)w"6r will deeupr'''' .1rrwtrtmfo" tw() J'Mf'.. iifter fAl8 tdrr.lnr;aJ permll L'f flIHlIIPrd, (2) Owtler 'J ''*IIIJred h'J hitt! all c/cr:Mcnl co,"'QC,or if dl>>w: Jtlld ",."",,.,,. is for Ja/t., I'ffU or I~ A1ter reNt:1rw "'ol!l above IIMmlet1l. I hClreby elMt.;fY ,hAt lAm Ihe owtlC:f or lbe Mrove nMmld JDGPcrI)' or iii licMlliled cJlldric" contrACIOl". r Ilm making tht r.leetfi4at iruJCsd- t.tion or .hC1'Clltion in compUencr '*'ilh Itlt eloetlial IlIwA., N.E.C.. RCW. Chl.pter 19.28. WAC. Ch.pt.er 296-lt6A. Thn Cit)" of rort Anrrelca fllh,nitliplll Coller:, and. Utility S 'fit:Atlael. Slp.1 Df,. der. deettll ~l.&ulIlAlItIlIllIDl! NO LOAD CHANGES o B_wd _ K1N o F_ _KW o H..t Pump _ Ton _ LAR o F"".WaII _ KW Date: !- Ill!DlI -0% SIMPSON ELECTRIC PAGE 01 ELECTRICAL WORKPE'RMlT APPLICATION InAtfttlation dllGDription J" CGmmtrdal 1:1 RealdtDtId o 1'1.... )i( AItcrodIA_. J- L) ('.-f'R-1' .J,{../ h fIJ. d./lL sw/ft!-IJ ??-J r)f) f'., .;z L.,j-JJs !+dc/ .2. &d!~1-s C Cash IJ Check 11 o Credit Card 62 M.stercard DiSCOYCf CArd# - ~-F-----._--- ElIpimtiOll Dale of ..rd In"Pcr.tinn fee $ S8.!?!2. Serv..:!. InfDnnBtlon o Overtlecd Sa"'" o Tom. &onri... o u.-gro_ Sentle. Voltag. _OHI3 Servl.. SIz.o: _ Foeller 5lrB: SAME DAY INSPECTION. CAi,L BEFORE 7':00 AM 360-417-4735 ROITGIHN 11Di:RMOSTAT r SERVlCl!: lA/DC -w>V , Do. .-\prIIl>\fO\l By .." >\P1l"'l'flllfly "- ..., ^"-, '''' FlNAL ( mroJ _.J r .J:1Ul.UrAC. ,1/7:!,/d6 ~ 0." "- Do" A~Bt tntpectioa A"'.. 9uildins <If llqu1Jlll1tl1tl......ted Aelion 'taken 'f!1eerrical DllItc In!l)eelar 'h/og C.rr:>lIiJt.. ~A ""fL.J - -- -- .. ELECTRICAL INSPECTiON WIRING REPORT 417-4735 S 1'1 ADDRESS 2138 LC. APPROVED NOT APPROVED o .................... DITCH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 'Iii!, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROUGH IN/COVER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SERVICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FINAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 CORRECTIONS NEEDED: -:7UWoeTS ~vS"f>FJ'-) 'V~J:2 To~ FL U6"R~~'E...t41 ,,,) C:l;= LU t\.t(o tflO. {fa C NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS - DO NOT REMOVE - OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC. (360) 452-1381 FJ1iE ~~JUiJi D OCT 0 8 2008 EI-ECTRlCAL WORK PERMIT APPLICATION UBHT DEPT. FROM :STRAITS ELECTRIC LB-lZO[V . Job wired by Q Owner Wlizrp PAX number ~~t- Pa.rK A I ~e l.V 16 Owne1' o.~ definE:d by RCw'J.9.28.21i};(1) Ow"er will nccllpy the :ri",c,rm..for two yearw after ,his I:!IE:clrieal pt!flll/l 1s fitfrJlk(>.d. (1) Owner is rt!tfld1'ed In him an electrical cnn!ractor if ahove .laid properly is for J"/(~, renl m' lense. Aner rending the sbove st8tement. J 'horeby cOl1ifY tbat I am the owner or the above named pro ny or a liconsod cloctrical contractor. I ani making the electrical insttl.l- Jation or I erillion in compli/l.tlco with the clcctricRl hlWS, N,B.C.. RCW. Chnplcr 19.2, A:. Chll.pler 296.460, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Ut' ty i ICQtio"~. Igna , n"net, electrlc.1 t;ontractor nr l!lcctrlul admlnt"tratnr DateR t Rr. l!IubtrBctlons lJ NO LOAD CHANGES lJ ea.aboam KW a FumaC9 _ KW o Haat Pump ~ Ton _ LIIR lJ Fan.Wall KW Oct. 07 2008 09:45AM P1 In5w.llntion deseription )( Commerd.1 lJ Residential lJ New lJ Altered/Addition g \ 4By ~ lJ-J ) COf} kedelfr- 1- (7) 2of\ 1 i3hh 3 C/Y1 ~ ~ (j /5-i-1ffo ..... C Cash [J Check # Q Credit Card Visa Masterc.rd Discover Card# -----~---;;o -_0_- IlxpirationDnte /2/ - In", of card S service Inform8\lm1 lJ Overhead Service o Temp Service o Underground Service Voltege Pha.. lJ 1 lJ 3 ServIce Size: Feeder Size: SAME DAY INSPECTION. CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 ~ ~RO{JGH-JN /" l'RERMOSTAT SERVICE ~ 'i . ~ i\l>pl'fwtrl Hy 1)/1\0 !\l'fIPlv~11 Ry '- nl\'~ ^T'I'ravell D~ p~la FINAL /" DITCH }EEJ)ER '\ ILll{}.j~ ~ Pale ^llplVva.llJy O. IlJ'Pl'f'lva:IRy Dqta ^""ftl"~d H~ ./ "- Inspoction Area. Building or Equipment In:'i:pected Actiori Tnk~n Electrical Date rnRp~ctur jolt lor ()tL ,11' fn"J! . - - _.,~ ....--- ; I , T . " "-- ~VORT-4.v. .....l,O~Q~ (;,---~ ~ r~ "1;1....... -=:::::....:s'C/) ~'- t ('t>~~V ~RKS&. vB o E CONTRACTOR 14\\7 Z '0 k) ADDRESS ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT 417-4735 PERMIT # APPROVED NOT APPROVED o .................... DITCH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 liI':-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROUGH IN/COVER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SERVICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 D.. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . FINAL. ... . . . . . . . .. . . .. . ..~ A ~ '~. CORRECTIONS NEEDED: /...J\~ )) L s,c-. !\l ff..c 110. 2-.2.. NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS - DO NOT REMOVE - OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC. (360) 452-1381