HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.19 Original Contract
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I;;:rUS l\GlroIlEliLEI.'f.1: In!.lde t.his ~ .:lay of April
, 10(;0,
bo'b;cen 'tilo CI~ 017 PORT m:~BLES, a m't.ard..cir.;.e.l corporation of
<;;110 St<lt.e of t'Jaob1n<;~on, berciwftar called fit.he City", and
w1.YO~UBn nJconoow'\~~, u Colm1urG corvoration, t'lith a. plo....'f'lt.
0.00 o:i2:2ico in i?oZ'~ An.;eloD, t~nshin-jton, hcreinafte:r somotinoB'
called t1tlt.o COID~nya, U I T n E SSE T Eh
~y Contract da~eJ Decomber 16, 1929, between the City
a~rJ. Olymr>ic ForGst. prot1ucts Comp3ny, a V:t'GdGccssor of Ra51'On1or
!~"M::oruorot.oo, tllO City agroc1, ar.-DlroJ other 'things, to ~all one:
~oliver ~o the Cornpany'o predeeooGor, Qnu tho CO~~~l'a preDo-
co~s()r agxecu to purcllI:l.SO ~:au 1001" for, t-JD:tcr from tlls City' 0
El'iiha B..ivor v~iwtQr :G~tc;:!eion r?rojGlc~ :?or (,l tom of t;:drt.:;r (3D)
yoa~o from Ja~un~ 1, 1030. Ray~ni~r Incorporated a~ succeeded
i~~ al~ o~ tho ~ig~to, ti~le, into~o~t a~~ obligatiorB of ~ly~~!c
I'!Q;;;;OSt". :rroilVj~t.G Co:m~::;my in, 'to EU;1o. un<1c:4 Gi..;).id Con~act 0[;' &~t~ga:ra-
bo:f' 18, 1925> " Said COli:~\:rnct. oS: nOC0:r.lJJQJ: 18, 1929, grant,H to
1:11.0 Con~:::my an 01:i>t.icn 'to GxterW! said COI:.tract. 201:: an o.t.~:l.t.io::!31
V'.i)~icu of thir~ (3C) ;jfGarG ~"1d0r li1~o te~, m~cept as to rate,
and 1?rovie.1cs 20r t.ho det.OrT.iUl.ut.ion of t.l. fair UMuo.l rat~ b:t" nr-
1"'?1:c.rat.1on.. ~l"AO Co~~n:t :lUO 6luly o::~orciDatl ita said option to
o2rtcntl 'i.:X:!.o CGm of saiC). Conc:i:oct. of D~cm~r 18, 1929, for a~
uClli.itiOin1::.1 ~~r1od oi thirty (30) yeurs..
ThG parties have
r.TYlt.unll:if agZ'ccd to disvo:n~e \'Ji't.:h arbitrat.ion os t11a means 01:.
establishinG t.t:!O rate to JJO paid >1' tho CO~l?n:f:U ..utUor said con-:-
\;Z'Qc\:' dt;~ing the aiiu it iOtla1, thirty (30) YG:1ar psrio6 and havE)
w.l:tt'?nl1y ng:roae.q 'U.90~~ sa1rJ rot.a..
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NOW, THBRBFOItE, in consideration of the premis.a and of
the mut.~l agreement.. herein contained, the partie. agree .s
follows I
1. The teX'1\\ of the aforesaid Cont.ract dated December
18, 1929, hu been ext.&nded for an additioaal period of 'thirty
(30) years under like t.erms, except. as to rate, and the term
of said Contract will therefore continue until the close of
DeceRber 31, 1989.
2. The City an4 'the Company have heretofore agr..d,
and do her.~ mutually agree, ~o dispense with the arbitration
proceedings contemplated by paragraph 9 of the Contzraet, of
Dece1llber 18, 1929: and the city and 'the Company 'bave 89re.4,
and hereby do a.gree, upon the fair annual rate to be paid. by
the Company during the a4dit1onal thirty (30) year 1'81'104 as
hereinafter set forth.
3. 'the rate for which the Cit.y ahall ..11 t.o t.he COmpany
and which the Compaay aqr.es to pay for wat.er daliverad durirt.cJ
the period from January 1, 1960, to DeceJDber 31, 1989, inelu-
aive, under and pursuant to aaid ConU'aet. da't,ed Deeember 18,
1929, shall be the sum of 'l'birty '1'houaand :seven Hundred 81xtY-
nine Dollars and Twenty-~hre8 Cents ($30,769.23) per year,
each of 8aid annual payntenta to be made in two equal ae.1annual
ins'talmenta Which shall fall due on the 15th day. of May and
November in each year, 'the first payment. falling due on Hay 11,
1'60. The parties mutually agree that said annual rat.. ia a
fair annual rat.e as contemplated by para'9raph 9 of ..1d COll-
tract. of December 18, 1929.
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4 ~ As l1ereby supplemented al'ld amended, said Contract.'
dated December 10, 1929 shall remain L~ full force and'effect
in accordance with i~s terms.
nl ~'Jn",mss ~n:mFJ:50F, this, 1\greemant hns been o:i:ecuted
In. dupli~ate by authorir;i of a.n ord1naJ:lce passed by the City
Council of 'the Cit.y of Port Angeles on t.he 21st day of Apr.il ,
1960, and ~ the duly au'~rized officors of Rayon1er Incor-
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{J City Clerk
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Its .President
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Use 'Jf ('later in case of e~ergency' in
the cjtyfs water line.
l-1ay 18:1 1955
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City of Port Angeles
Port A.l1geles,
Attention: l-frO' G. S. Vergeer, Cit::t.: Hanager
yTe acknol'1'ledge receipt of Hr. GO'S. Vergeel" s letter of Hc:.;r 3, 1955, 'VThereJ.rJ.
he requests a formal agreement from Rayonier permitting the City of Port A.ngeles
to 1-n:thdraw up to 2400 gallons of liater per minute from the pipeline be GTrreen
Rayonier's pump house and filter plant in case of an emergen:::y..
He are glad t.o give ;'loU assurances on the following basis:
1. An emergency shall be:
(a) An unanticipated casualt~ or act of God, by reason
of which the normal capacity of the City: s water
system is inadequate to supply all wat.er reasonably
necessarJ to meet the situation; or
(b) Unforeseeable damage to or failure of the City's
water system ifhich reduces the water s',lpply tlli:'ough
the City's system below the minimum required to
serve the City's regular customers other than. la.rgE~
industrial users.
An emergency shall not include a situation or conditj_on whi~h results from
crd:..nar.y' deterioration of the City's ivater systen, from fa:1.1ure of the City to
maintain its system in good condition and repair, c'r from conditions apt t.o DllpC1:':LL
i"08 lines Hhich the City could reasonably anticipate and gD.ard agajnst. N'e:i.tber
shall it include a situation resulting from a lowe:r:ing (",:C rE~duction. in the CiL.yls
dO!:t8st'ic "'lat.el' supply II
2. In an emergency, the City may l'rithdraw from our water supply lin'3
between our pump house and filter plant, at the l..'1tersection of .Jones anrl Water
streets, so much water as is ausolutely necessary~ up to, but not in 8XC83S of~
2hoo ga:'llcns of water per minute, fol' the duratio:1 of toe emergenc:r 0'1.' .mt:Ll YOD.
bave had time to make t'epairs, but stlbject to the conditions herein set forth.. You
r.:ay make ann maintain such connection and installationc as yo:.... -vr.ish :('or this lllU1JCJS8",
The same shall be maintained by YOLl at all tlr,les at y'ou::..~ expense in sl;ch manner af>
"Nill Got illlpair or ciai'nage our line..
3.. You recogniz.3 that diversion of 1i-Tater i'ro:::l ou'!" system :In Lhe
quantities herein discussed may require R3.yor1ier to curta.D its plaut operations
iixecutive Office" 16 J Ea.r 'iZnrl :Streer, New Yock 17. New Yorl>
.., "
Mr. G. S. Vergeer
Page 2
May 18, 1955
and that any curtailment will be costly to ~s in lost production, degraded
procucts and general expense. For that reason it is imperative th3.t in case
of all emergency the City use extreme dilibence and extraordinary effort to put
the Ci tyt s Hater system back into operatioll as quickly as possible. Rayonier
reserves to itself and shall have the right, in Rayonier1s sole and absolute
discretion, to determine whether the City is acting in accordance with those
standards and the period of tLme during-which the City may take water from our
line and the quantity which it may take, and Rayonier may, ano you will, curtail
or stop the taking of water in accordance with Rayonier1s decision. You should
not imply from the foregoing that 1-;e expect to be unreasonable or arbitrary, but
since no one can now apprJise the various situations which might arise it is
necessary that Rayonier have this means of protecting its interests.
4. You shall in no event take Hater from Rayoniert s line without first
notifying Rayonier of your desire to do so and obtaining from Rayonier's Resident
IIanager or one of his assistants permission to do so. You 1dll give us as much
advance notice as is reasonably practical.
5. 1'Je do not expect to ask that we be paid for "t-rater taken by you
pursuant to this permission for relatively short perioc.s or relatively small
quantities. However, 1ve believe it proper that t!lis subject be left open for
discussion in each instance so that if we feel the circumstances warrant we may
recei ve rei!ilbursel'lent for our cost of "Tater diverted.
6. It is expressly understood and agreed between us that P~yonier
makes no agreement or warranty whatever as to the availability of any minimum
quantity of Hater in its pipeline nor as to the quality thereof nor as to the
pressure on its line. The water in our line is currently supplied through the
Industrial Water System, which System is not operated for the purpose of supplying
parties other than the established customers of the Industrial Hater Systene You
agree to inde~nify and save ha~~ess Rayonier Incorporated, its officers, employees
a~d agents, from and against all claims, liability and costs for injuries or damage
to persons or property arising out of or based upon the exercise by the City of
the permission hereby granted or the water which is taken pursuant hereto or the
failure of the 'tiater supply in our line or from a"lY act of Rayonier, its officers,
agents or employees, in terminating or curtailing the ta1d.ng of vTater pursuant
hereto; it being fUlly Q~derstood and agreed that the permission herein granted you
to take water Q~der emergency conditions is a matter of accomraodation and convenience
to you and that Rayonier shall not hereby assume or incur any obligations or lia-
bilities by reason hereof.
~'Jhenever any uncJersta'1ding is reduced to 1vriting (and we agree 'tuth you that
it is desirable in this case), it necessarily must cover the major problems
involved, and for that reason we have gone into some detail in cxafting this
( ~ ?.. .,;
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Hr. G. S. Vergeer
Page 3
May 18, 1955
\'1e are happy to have you call upon us for these assurances, as we pride
ourselves on being a good citizen of the City of Port Angeles and we are willing
to respond, as every responsible citizen should, when called on in an emergency.
It is in this spirit of civic cooperation that ,.1e will act.
If the foregoing correctly states our understanding, lull you ldndly sign
in the space provided below and return two signed copies of this letter to ~s,
l<Jhereupon this instrument will become effective.
Yours very truly,
By (S
John B. Gray,
. Acting Resident M ger
We confirm and agree to the foregoing.
By -rf, J~ d.7Z
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,L,.'1~oloc ~ ~!o.oblnc-:tan~ 0.;;:'0 }),0r('lb:-,~ cm.tho4.~izc(l t:nl1 1nc'truatcd to do ',;ho;t;ovst' is
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oo.id contmot to '~llG 0l1c1 tl1r..rt:; tho tU tJ. 0-;" Port ~\llCD10D ohell ut:COJ':'.'J tho :L'l.oldor
os.' the loG~.:.l titlo to tho !'oc::l llZ'OP~!"tJ Y.'o't'ozTcd to in Qcid no:~rh!:'.l(lt.
P~cotl 0/ tl.t9 0:1",,:)" Oo,:-i!utloicn Ci:~e Oi;:")10d by tho r~;\~rol' ~ th:lo 5.th C.c:.~l of
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~" ~~t:iMg~~(j,s~r:)~~:<ill1itf~i~):or!>cratioojhereir'..aftor culled tho If,City and Olt'1;ipic lcor~otProduct@/:",',::i\;,;\'
'~;"~Cpt~vi ~~','~corporat1011,' hered.l:U;.t:ter called the ~ICo:'.;'.:any ~" " , '. ':,.... " . ',' .,~ : . '
" f~tJlf:!;~f:~i;:~.':}ii';"~ ::, <;>. \,<h:":: > i ,,:'" , .:: '.. / . .' ~.. . & . ,'. ',' .
<:(~:,:,,'.<T>:,:~.'\":~::, I:he..:City ,is' e!1zaecd 1..'1 inztal..L.J.,;."1g an ~dt:.ition to it's e.Y.iet,l,~g r:.Ur'.ici~jal .t;..::.V::r
;i.:~,~"l:)rjcs~,tpyst,Gl.t'tc~m.Gist:;n~ of divcrDion \mri~~J) tur.ncla l.':.ntl u. pi;;f~ J.ir.o fl'l~~~ i,;.,he n\.,:.:.~ L.:. ";i ,:::"
:,"\~d{;lsisn,cd: to' deliver \'Jatcr tor industrial f"Ul!.10S0S f;,n,;:l Jr.r:t,-;;;n a:::. tt,(:j Utll:.;), hivor \':at.,:o:, LZ-
\:~ii..<~~flGi;~~:P~oJe:ct,,:.aa. e..xtendod by Ordin:mce No &'18 of c:dd City.
,t.~,,,; ,;.'"':,\" . ,( :\~'.~v,':.. '~', l : ,," ,;~\ , '" _" ,
,~:: ~ " 't', :.:'<The coiupan:v- is constr.1cting a pulp r..dll on a oite in ...he Cit.y of' Port 1.nLc1cs
:,':'~eh pulp'IidU.:in it~s operati.on ,,'ill require e. large supply of fresh water. .
, '^, !. >., IC: '," Ii " ." '-' \'- ~ ' 'I ~,\ I' .' , .
",>,;,::. . I':,' "" L'1 com:ddel"'~t.ion of the prc.~i;Jes U-1:1U 01' the mutual agree.1.ents beroin cor.w.::i:r;ed
, ,.j':~iT\ 1iAS'Bi~Lt; Amu1:li 'J~S fOLLO':&S:
, '. :'~ -,', ",...:" " I, "\: ~; ,; 'TI (1,-1'; " I {,,',: .';, ,', '" \ ' _ '" ' "'~, \ ' ,
i~:::,',' :" \:,~:,y<,.'.,:.,i~.,"...The C,ity. w:U.l' cO::Iplete its'll.\'Jha P..ivc.r \':.:;.ter ExtcnGion Project as e;..-tendcd
~,n~y authori,ty of,CTdinunce 110 82$, capt-4ble of dolivetin~.5 to tho p:tpc line lea~[5 i'r.jIl
:...;:;thc ~oiot.hcrlY' exliremityof the northerly tU:."1!lel as J.:1Uch ,,'.'O.ter dully throughout thet;-criad
, '\:-':',:'of\ tl:lis:'co..~troct. :a::~l 'is, ne~es$.!L? to meet. the requireI~lent.s of this and othur' efcl.stirig CQa-
~\,;~tracts .~or'11tater,i'rci:1 said project? The City ;dll 1'\.umsh to the co-::.rany 1:r&:1" baid project "
, ~ij"'.~or;:'use'_'itLt;,l:~ CQkp#~~ said pulp r.-lll or in any other Qpe:t'4tions conducted "bY ,t~e ~O!:lpany, \;:fj~~
'''',i:';;,~pr;.,aj1c~~cF~r1'''l;t..;rti ,years' r~n th~, first dD.yof Ja.'1ua~ 19>Q~L t~J.rty ,~l;,io.."1/t~O~90:j~P99):'~,.:..Si~:
"':~:'~fgauq;i~.;:,~r '~~~r:~,;p:o,r';:4ay; ,'pro"4ded' 'oowovur6 tha~' .the cc!ilpuny .'iJay..at;, a."1y, :,ttm~'at::';i,11'~q; :ot:.nex~:t:'~;:,,\~J
. ,,~~:,\',f,en~e('.{rbut:;'j\;ti;tn$ut~'ilicre.i'se ':W' nte), tal.e,' from. '$:lid riro ~ect ,throudti: :the' '-pine' llri(,J., :ta'f~Yj'cP , off::;iii .::~~~
'JJ"'o'l~<.I:'\,,.,' \',-,,,,''-,'-::'-, ~ "h' '~.'<\"~, '0_' ,I, )'-" "'.,11, '.' "'1 'o/l't \" >, ~ '&~ ( .; 1,(,> 1 -,~ < ~;';;,c,. 'cVJ"'t\"",,\,'>-> ,."~ ,0'... '-,' ,;"~r,
o'_<;l~\:trl;.:i;..tll~c(nb~cr:'l~.;',~remity:::o!:the :i:-crthcrly" tur~cl. ' an, ad\;!t.ic!llil-\quaritit:f'~r~'~jj:~f:it~r.pt ~,~~'~:~ti::'~
'~~~C'eF~:'~~enj ~lj:iJ~'~Ii; (10..900.00) gallons or t~ter per uc.y.. ~\ctu~l delivGl7;' ci:";iat:;~.'iWl) ~ Jo, : '; .'j"..:.:{" ,t
':"'CortlIJc,\{ce',oi" J.heco:!l.pleticn' of said T!rojcct. . :. ' .,' "" ',,>,
?,:~~'l~:':'.~:;:;. "";"'~;"';;; 1'\. "",~." . ~ _. ' _ '<;.. ,',]," ,,'. c',
':,/':' '.' I "~,:2." 1he co~~ 'Shill tal:e dC1.:l.vG'~! of l..:'~~ ','; ,;.:,c;;" [~'i.,. :",.0;"1 ;:oints en :t.ry,e 'P7.~ ,l].r;e:';:"
"':'witl~ .the,"Citvlimits 01' t'le t'i~'y cf r"~' '",-",1.";'", "., ',' c"X~.' ,,:,...~,. - <'-1 bC1t"'ct' If' Ulc ,'~,',""
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..: ::perlod of this Co.'''l't:-act to conc~r.;.ct and r:::lir~tain c. '-,i~~ i.:':.r~c .;:;:.' ;3_:.t::~.:.,l.:; c.irilenSi,,;'iS ur.cor
. and:e'#-ong the Cit.y's etT~;Bt:::: :L'l order to co~'.,,'.\ct t~lG- ~,~.;...ft.:.' !.;:\,,;,;, :...,;:.;d~ d~~v(:,:,'.}f point. to the
.Can~v'& plo..'1t.
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1- ,ttlit.h said fcl\: ..=:"':jIri e~:.c'~,::tir~.,.~ ~,.:.,:..5-,,~ ..:\;~. tt:..:..~~~;.~~~..":~~ to ~.:l_:~:~"'- ..~_~..~~_~::.~~.r '~,~.'"..c:. i:~:' ~:..ric(.~ f1:"[~trl neg.-.
,<' 1t!c.,tlcnc- .~," ...~ a C.,..;;r ~..... ~-,y t.-~~... ~ ......-:", ... ",...,,:.0., ~ r ~{' 'r'~~';$.r1 -4( ~'~,.'":~ ~...... . ~~,r'~. . _h..... . ;..rJ>'r"~.!"\.r'" r:....'r~-),..~
,\..L. v. \;,'; v":" \...r",,:""'" v.....J..._.,c;...j.I... ........l...- .i.\~.'..J':;,.$ t.J.,.......'l,lv'...; ~...{_ ,i.~'-4 '...U ~J"n~""":- v~ .....~~.........., ...,:"..,-, \.''';..\)''''''~~....\. w.t""..t.~~,._"J,.~'
(If.i.''~'' O;'~\' -. "'0'" ~.:,," .r..t...."~ ,'<"~, ,_.,~ ,~~" c~., -~"ct ..,.-, ...,..'",~-, -.~-"; i., """'" ..,,'u:r........ r .' '''''''000)
i " "J::'.1~# \0.1......."':"". l. ..' ...........'" ..-...:~ oi.' '- -<!>;J.. ......-'<- I,..J~,..J....Q C..~ '::. -... 1;:...1':..,.. ~-_..;;. "V..;;~ .. ~"'..'"...."" ..~~ - ~..~......~~...., \.~.._l ~oiI.~ \. .~ 9..../...... 0 '
"pi:r ye"r cr'. web S' ,.'{'.{.....,...:/.. .. ,." ,-.. ""!'x'co(' ". ~~ 0 '" r, I" ""', , ...,. ,. 'I" 00 'f':"! .1' ' , ~ {;r'''''l
'I ' ........ ....~..."'.. J ,~,.<.v..... .......to,I:, "~I.."; ~ .......1....". "''10......." ., .....",""''''... - -...'......:: ....-....$o~~ ;:"~ ......-..........- ..:'....... ~..:._.. .. "-~ -1~
se.'Td...t:,.-<"i.;.:~::J.. ~i_~:'I~..Li110:: t~; '....~~~2:~ ~: :~,,~:.:. l.ti.ll i.,~.~~c or! t,Jie l;::.t.il UD:ifS oJ: .. ~.0..;;f i-J.{lQ ;iCiVa:.'1tv~ .t' ,;~h.
';,;~_- :l~; ~~(.~r".:.~n S..._B - .....r:..(.~d
,..~... t. (~::.: ~;}~st(f:~~ tc ..~_:" .:...ic~i~lg
,,::; t.. ,.::; I';:'~ -~.he \.,.:,';'J cf Port
yearlt w:k~ ....1.1-:0:.;:. pr.....:.~~r~t, l'~~:":"i..:i.~ ~i.l~ or i.:r~y 15tti, :.~~3::..
---. ~:;) ?he Cit.y 2...:::;:..t.:t;~ (lot to CO~ltl'\"._ct to s~\;.:- ~..'i.~:'- :-1-' .~C t);"_
\ -c''', !)rejuili.ce {..~~ the CO~;1..P~t~:,J~" or lr~ i:i,.:~::l eVent =- ~ ..~~ck1. 1:;. :~-:...,. ...- ..'::'~ 4- :.. ~ ~ _ , \
\/~availablo iit, tile pitc...lir:u t.a.kc-o:': .i'1..~t~ t~~:; ::'Qrt':'''''':<''J~ v"::_:'I>~..:-~ ..:~:,. .~T
;'., below the poi.'it necc~K)>::.~" to ~u::-,y~:,., 'to t.:~e'lipe-lio0 ;.;::. ;:;.::.'l. vi_-,,:,;
. "<t.he COl:i:t")any is ent.itled U:lder t:~is.' cO;'lt.r~ct'. v
I." ~~~ 1'" :lscr:":
_:~:.;. ,.:..'3 &i:'our~-..J
~. -..... ,~...
~ ;(" :~.c~~"L,.herly ~ll..,:'_~:::~l:~:~
;;..'-W ~~? tce ~~tel~ t~:l
\ ,.. ~, it
)!, '
: ~"-' ',J
, ,
\ ,,'
---;.~. "'. .. -' ~ n
.'..,: ,,-~ . ~,~> ~~', .::." ( { ~ J 't!;"~:.........< . >,,~. r
(\,~, ,l, :'.., '," ~' , '~... ' " "
.,': 0" ' : :s,~ ~" ,.;i,th.out ,the City's negligenco, :the City's main 's!~ be broken ()r ~o
:."damtAgod as,:~ ~l:ce it t.~'1pOr&rlly impossiblo tosupply,the Company 'idth \fat-tit' as hereiri'
,pr6;Vltlcd,' ,the City 'Will not bee liahle: for da.'~ac:sby rca~on thereot..~ .'" ,':;, .,:',.,'
:' " ',,;, ' ' I ,,), ~;~\ "', '0 ,:. ~:'C I ,!,.,,~, ~ :', ~^," ,I ;:" {~ -, :' j ,,' ~'< '~, ::-',' ',/', ,l' , "
. ~:. i.. '. ..;:/~; '; .fb~" cocipani:,i&i~{ii~sitffi, this .~oritrici','k\\.ti1~ie ':'p~~iri~.'~ax{:~.:~~;,~:~~~~~'cilsible;'
";:,~qrPoration :()r. pcrsq.p.,:'. provitiod .that, 'suc}:llls'aif.Ill11C;nt. ahill.:not;"relieVc','t'4.e. Company f~" .
. ,,:,.--reS!)Cl'101bllity tor. the pertormance of the obligations h~rei.'1 'required.to ~e perror~ed by .
..>tho'C~ '. ,",. ........ ,.."1'..." .' ,. ,.. ".
.,':. ,"~:.' ,;.;\:.~;.,.;".:..' :." ;;...., ", .,..".. : . ^<;' ,". ~ '..... ," ." .. <.. ".' ,'.,':, '. . ,,.., :,'" -: :..::.:: ':, ',' f.,~. :" "
;. .'. ',': ,',', ';.."-7~," Iri"acSditio.."l to the \'Inter fro.'ll its'm.tl1ha River.industrial system above .pro.. .
.:: tided '~6r,'" the City horob:f- grants to the Compnny- ell of it.'G available \-sat.er L-ri L6.ke Jmgeles,':":
;' Lake cre~ at..d. Bnni.~, Creek,' not now used for the City's water su..1plyon tho foUo-vdng terms: ..
i ;c~' \.{, ,~) ~,~ : ) ,', \ _'~ t, <~tJ ',< "J'"' Ii , \, _' ", J ~ ,., _ ,- " " ,-, , I _
t;;.~.. .',' .:. ~ (A) 'The.co:npany'\d.1l be 'Pei-tiAtted to use such W'J.tor oriJ.y so long ~d to such
extent e.s 1,h~ eamc 1.0 net necessa.1.7 to au~ent t.he City's prene.'lt 'lim.ter supply.
" , ~"" , ' ,
.~. " .", ," ,(B')' The C~~ in ordor to mke such ~ater aV&ilable" mD.). at it's Oi'JIl ~enso
:~,:.install".:nich divorsion' l1nd stor~Be workc and pipe lines as are I'eascir.w.bly ncceosary for t.l1e
. . "
. ',: purpose. . .
':.... 1 . ." (b) Th~ City \-d.ll. . GO t~r as is necessary j cooperate t-;it.l1 the 'C~ in BCCUl"-
:,1ng 'the ~e:cessa.ry'~t.er rights or pemits to make said ws.ter s.v-dilable.', . .
,. (D) 'Ita-ii.LV time it OOCO!'TiOD necessary tot" the Cit;.)o. to take over for it's wat8r
.'; supply ~". ~r a substant.~aJ. part of the "'Soter being secured by the Cc:m'Zptmy f'~ Lako ,'.
:}l..nbel~S~ Lake, Creek ,or .Ermis C~ok p~sue.."'l:t. to this arr~ce;::~ent~ The. City \4;U, ,u~. doiO?:,' I.'
--:i: ~,::..xy~burSO~ :tho :'C~Y". tor' a.'1,Y. ariount., (less Dcp~eciat;on) wich~lle .~Co;'ii!i~"'i: ~:t. pavc>e~:; ',;:s'/',:"
';":pCt~cd"'p~~"l~/ ~': thc'ai:r,ahgement; , for diversion. V{c;,l~~; , stOrage' '~li::s~r. oth~ri:ris~;:'11. i~ioa~::2'}ii~
~,'~~dc1i tho:'City :tall. 'uSe '!d.ii.' ~~cinting ,the', Wtl.ter 'supply.:"" ;. '. : ;,',' . '" ':: .i' .,' J:'" . . "'. .:,;' '::' ~/:~'},y:., ~',:!.i,::; :<:\'::,
,,:::/.,~~,~~-',;':",>-,~,;~" ':,,:',:~'~<~'~' '-:~'<:,~'_:"_<:,' '~I -".I"-,~, " ',1,'" "','" '-~.'" " "" ~, .l ~I: '-\ ~ '~./<'" r'~~\!::~~~~':~~>:\~~~';:
:.>:' ~ ,.... .c" 8~',It 'i,s,'Und.e~tood ~iw.t' the ar.l'l'uul rate \fuich tho Co:n~ has aiieed".t:ci~:pa.Y ,../{>;<::"%'
: Ul'Aer~us cont.r'~ct is based in part or t.he coat or inatallatiOi."1 of the Project ~s e.."'I.-telded~'.:, '.
. It. is' Usa 'u,."1dersf:,t..)Od that there will prob:lUj'r be avillable to' the northerly extri.uty,of '. ...' '.
.the northerly tunnel l<'here the pipe li..'1c ia.~as otf~ more linter tha"'1 is nec€lscar-.t to ca.--.:p.ly . .
. ldt.h the requin'me.'1ta ot existi.'lg contracts tor ~{i.tCiI' fr..""!:l said projects. It a.t &.11Y future
. til:le there shaJ.l be excess \mter ~v&ilaUe aft.er toq:ly-lns ~ith the J,"equirer~ent5 of' this or
.' ar~' other existing eo~tracts" the City II if it disposes of such e:XCC30 water or any thereof'.
lwill charge ror such e.Y..cess vJ&tcr su.ch to bo:.i.I' an e,:~uitable IJortion of the cost of canst-
\! r~ct.ion of that part of' the system bet....;oon the intuke .:;.no tho r:cst ncrthcrly -:t.u:-acl pond
f\ l4'1d U'.e annual ra.te specified i.l1 this cvntr-.lct l.d11 then '0 e proportiona.wly reduced in ace-
. ordance With t.ha am.ount of co."1struct.icn cost borne by Guch USl:l!'S so long &5 'sue-:-. users' shsll
. . take and pay for such e:(ce::>:3 tcter. In c::.3e of diu :'i..:,t,e L>e:tMeel':: LL0 LOi..:.F<:lny .t:r.r-tcl the City ~
to a..'l)i! breacl,l or &ll(ji::c-d breach by the City of tilt: ~,rQv.1.oiD.:..;; ,of L::15 ;;.::.rd[;raph SJ the e.u-e
, oo..:lll. t~ot e:{CUse the Cv~..,:>.:?n;; from ronid.na the se::rl.-ar.n..l:J. P&~,.:tC;.:'L:s l'<::qulr<:.'\.l to be :':":'':,0 by
. p-"'''''''''''''''nh':l ......::> th.l.., co-,J..'(>z':c~ "'L'~' A\l~ Co:""'.,.,,"'... ",h""'l ",,"-e .....~A .,.........,(.~.,."" . C' f.~a_(;,f\"\ -('--"~""ed
" ~...t.,...w..v .J v..L ...u...... ....r.."_","* v v ,,&;.t v.,.,. "':l~".Y ..,.....~ I:~~~ .....",;.....\.,4. J...;"'~JL.. :-....1.\.-- .t..kw V.l.I.w-. .LJ.,. .:&. .........;~.,,-. J
, \'.1.thout p1"'~J':..l.dice hOw~ver to it's right." it :..',ny, to recover i'rCJ:l i...hc Ci...y relY a,:;;ot:..::.t. OV"r-
paid by the CO;;ipEIDY by r~so.."1 of the City'o i'\lllure to co.:~ply ,-;ith. 'the previsions of t:'1is
~~~~e. .
9. 'Ihe City hereby gr~mtB to the C~IiPo.r:.y ~~ opti;;n to c.::<t0nd ~\Jhis contr"~c';" for
a..~ adrlitionrJ. period of thirty t~O) uears ur.deI' l::..k~ -;:'C~,;5 excCii:t :::..s, 'to r"d.:t.e, \l;lie:1 r:"....c
for said ad::iti')ruJ. thirty ;;,'c,1ra period sh2.l1 be a i):-ir L:~i.1f;]. r.::.:te in v'iGW of ~~;'~''''';.",~
the value o~ tho ~'.:.r~:.~ . .~~ th.;:. expiroticn of the (.r::'i;iad t,C:l"'Z:'" ;.>l'(i\i:..dcd. by this C.).i:'::' :."~
a..'1d 1.:.'1 vicr~; of the <;.r'~'OC;:l(.::...t of the Ccopany rcl.tAtiu~ 'Cc x;l:.:<t.C\,<:~lce ,;!:d :-znlacer:-.c.'.tn.,. . .:,:',
rate to be .;:lc~ermir:c~ b.r nrbitroticu. in ca.se the Cv",:~:::'l:""" c,(;.::lrc:'3 to e;-.:.orcice flCJ.C. ~. ,;.:'.1,
~ 4 ~ c
4t.."" C^r~p;"..."., ",h",U ,.,4",., <1-0 ..j,,,, C'i~... ""ot{C'" "on ..4.~t....C" 1".[> 1'^'''''t.. -'"'~r1'-''-\{''\''' "lOt 1"'....,., "'\.... .....
W.lv ........A~ ~i1AJ ""'4.~ C:"" \,I........, v,J...... _ iJJ AJ. .. 9....... ~-. ..6 'V..J.. .....l.4........ j. ...... ~ l.;.'-J.~ ~~"'. ... _v....~ v.,,'-,......~ ....- -- 1'>0
mDatha prior to ~'1e e::;9ir.J.tion of the tom of tbis ec.::~tr.'lct. ...;ithin tOIl days ai'tor' '~..e
Eivinz oX S"...i.ch not.ice each party GlwJ.1 appoint an ar1:it.rator and sha11 .irx1i.ediately nvt.i!y '^
-~~(i!F,S}\~': .~r, .,.>;:~::,\::. '. .,' ',\ " :. ......;9, '.; :..,,;: " .... .~,,: ,';:: "f~1
:': ~;:)the' otherlJ~Y; 1n>tIriting 'CSt'< such, appointment. ' ,The t\~'() ,arbitr~:torB 50' appOinted 'flr'a" 1) with";}: ':',~ii
: ':;~~ilri"'t~n:::a'ays,;Jiucc~bding ~ their:,dppointmo..,t,"'a~o: upori"tmd "appO;trit.',~,c ',third' erbitrat.or~"?'in'ci~,~;:~h:'}~
'. ./!.\-~) '\ h' v'. ~ '''''-~''''-'I'", >~.s''1f ",~,' ~ 'j\, ," ,~) ,- ,,( ',," '-',,,- .~ ',I' ,f ;')',' ~y'. n' t'. ~",I! " ..., 1 <' .~'~'."\f"\}-"i't:~..~,\
;t,,:~;~;~~t ~:t'\.,rA~~.Y,:~~,;,;;f,~)~:,~'P?q~tt ~" ',~~;t;~a:~?,~, :~~h,i-q. :;Lq, :fib.Y~';~,S,)~'!~ro~~d.(',Br::.~:~Ji,~~ ,:~,p:,.r:!i'ii;
~\L, :t~'O}~~R; !-r~~~ :;,,!pl'.:to: a,Ppo:bft;,.~:,:.,t1, ,rc;:~ ~~~~~:t'?lt:~ ~l~~::, ~~ ':;;~lO ~e.t:t:~J"/' ~r~,~xt~\tPtJ,~!:r~~~,~~";,,~:;i,:
," t,~,;~~~~)~'p~a~"q, "5>~ ':,i~B~J~, ?:~ltPJ'O~~~ ~:'Ub:~~:r~t.or "o~ :;~~oi~ra.tQrs' ,3~~ ;.be" ~:J..~~~, ~l?Y,:,a.:p'p~;u'l~~k: 9~c:,:,:;~!y,?t,,::;::~~:;:
, . :r;~~.lp;~~/~~~tC,~ '~(JJ;';:'~~r~~i,~'t1?~~~ : 9o~~ '~ of:' t-he ,S~1-~:.' ~.1':~ \'ht~ijinet~ ';.th,m :In': .91'f1~e., ;~;9:~o. ,;~~~1:tir~~,: :",,;:f';':,?t
: 'l;;;~9r~;r\..sti4U:i d~,~~~e ,p~e '~,~e# ,u~er':and:pl~fJ,i or,' ~r~~t~~lIio?, arA, ,,~~ ~t;ie9~i,0A',9f,' ap,y :,t~~ :,,'::i':~~~:('t;\
,I"hrbj:tratOrs' 'shall' be borno"eaUally b1 t.hoparties ','.' ",' i, "",' " ,",,' ,', ;' il :, I:,," "'\;::" . ',';''''''w'''/,;,I;,
, 'f:::i,;,~:~:,:,~~'i:i",:' ::i;.;, : !;, :;:.::~;:~"'i,ii,:r;,.,~::;'::.::~'i., ;:,,'~,'<:' ,~<, ,::',;'::~ : ,,', :: :',, ~ J ' "~('~~:i" ',:" .'., ~,:' ::', (:,: , : ',' ,'::: ,<' ) /:'~, ' . ::':,::,.:':'<':::,,; ;~':' ::\'~i:t'~;f~
,?':~;\:":',~'\;,-;C:\'~'~ :~~',~B:~nf3ss oJ:, this C9nt~a.ct,', heS ',bcitil ,~:;.;.ecuted in .aup1i~tc Qy'au:tllQrity 01: :'a.'l',': ':,'1 :'):;'{::~:;
>:Pr~cc pas~ed,,~~,: the Cit~CaJ11!lis,sicn"o!' the ',Citl ot 'rcrt ..~m: ~~S, Wa,s.~~1 ~"-..~p, :' "';;~;i)
;~ '>ZOI,t!:l 'dDY' 0,1: 'V~Ce:lber" 1929.. and by au~~ority of' t-ho board 'Of ,d1rcctors or, tho' co~~ \ , , ':":..
,~~~\'" :.i~ ,.\,., ,. ( :.' .' ..:.( ".:" ". '': .", ., .... . . (. '. ..... . ",/.'(;\' " p . (~i
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