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IntelliKnight@ Model 5700 :~'j
Single Loop Addressable ,:'~1).~:-~'.!;
Fire Alarm Control System ,': "'.~ ,
The affordable addressable fire alarm
control panel solution.
IntelllKnlght Model 5700 IS a 50 pOint class leading single loop
addressable fire alarm control/communicator system 5700 provides you
with the revolutionary value and performance of addressable sensing
technology combined with exclusive, bUilt-in digital communication,
dlstnbuted Intelligent power, that Includes an easy to use interface. Powerful features such as dnft compensation
and maintenance alert are delivered in this powerful FACP from Silent Knight.
For more Information about the IntelllKnlght system, or to locate your nearest source, please call
1-800-446-6444, or In Minnesota, call 763-493-6435
5700 performs dnft compensation and
calibration checks on each of the
sensors In the system.
The baSIC IntelliKnlght 5700 system
can be enhanced by adding modules
such as 5860 remote annunciator,
5824 senal/parallel pnnter Interface
module (for pnntlng system reports),
and 5496 Intelligent power module
5700 also features a powerful bUlIl-in
dual line fire communicator that allows
for reporting of all system activity to a
remote monltonng location
Up to 50 addressable pOints
Up to 125 zones and 125 output
Uses standard wire-no shielded or
tWisted pair required
BUIIt-m digital communicator
Central station reporting by pOint or
by zone
Supports Class B (Style 4) and Class
A (Style 6 or 7) configuration for SLC
Dlstnbuted, Intelligent power
Dnft compensalton
13 pre-programmed output cadences
(Including ANSI-3 41 ) and 4
programmable outputs
Notification CirCUits configurable as 1
Class A (Style Z) or 2 Class B (Style
V), or aUXIliary power for resettable,
constant, or door holder power
BUilt-In synchrOnization for AMSECO,
GentexG>, Faraday, System Senso~
and Wheelock@ appliances
BUlIl-in annunciator with 80-character
LCD display
RS-485 bus proVides communication
to system accessones
. Upload or download programming,
event histOry, or detector status
onslte or from a remote location
uSing a PC and 5660 Silent Knight
Software SUite (SKSS)
. Improvements In SKSS deltver five
limes faster upload/downloads
. BUilt-in RS-232 Interface for
programming via PC
. BUIIl-in Form C trouble relay rated at
2.5A at 27.4 VDC
. Two bUllt-m Form C programmable
relays rated at 2.5A at 27.4 VDC
. Programmable date setting for
Daylight Saving Time
Electrical Specifications
Pnmary AC 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 1.5A
Total Accessory Load. 2 5A @ 27.4
Notification Power' 2 5A @ 274 VDC,
Standby Current. 200 mA
Alarm Current: 325 mA
Nolificalion/Aux Power CirCUits.
2.5A @ 27.4 VDC per CIrCUit,
Battery Charging Capacity. 7 0-35 0 AH
Battery Size 7 AH max allowed In
FACP cabinet Larger capacity
battenes can be housed In an RBB
accessory cabinet
Mechanical Specifications
1275" W X 152" H x 34" 0
(32.39 W x 3842 H x 8.57 0 cm)
Welgnt. 11.5 Ibs. (5.2 kg)
Color Red
Model 5700
Telephone ReqUirements:
FCC Part 15 and Part 68 approved
Type of Jack' RJ31X (two required)
70, & NFPA 72: Central Station,
Remote Slgnalltng; Local Proteclive
Signalling Systems, AUXiliary Protected
Premises Unit; & Water Deluge
Releasing Service. SUitable for
automatic, manual, waterflow, spnnkler
supervisory (DACT non-coded)
slgnallmg services.
Other Approvals: UL Listed,
CSFM 7170-0559: 144,
MEA 429-92-E Vol. XVI.
b~! Hi"- .1f:Y-.c'\el:
SLC Detectors
Addressable photoelectnc smoke detector
Addressable Ionization smoke detector
Absolure temperature heat detector that
goes Into alarm Immediately If the
temperature exceeds the programmable tnp
pOint Tnp pOint range from 1350F-150oF
SIX Inch base for use with detector heads
SD505-APS, SD505-AIS and SD505-AHS
Four Inch base for use with detector heads
SD505-APS, SD505-AIS, and SD505-AHS
SIx-Inch sounder base for use with eXisting
sensor and base Operates In single and
multi-station modes and/or as a system
sounder Requires 2 additional wires for
Short CIrcuit Isolator base for SD5G5-AHS,
SD505-APS, and SD505-AIS detectors
SIx-Inch relay base for use with eXisting
sensor and base Provides one Form C
Ducr housing that detects smoke In HVAC
Duct detector base With relay Provides
Form C alarm contact For use With
SD505-APS and SD505-AIS sensors
Compatible With SD505-DTS remote test
S 0500-PS/S0500-PSOA
SD500-PS IS a Single action pull station and
SD500-PSDA IS a dual action pull station
SLC Modules
Model S0500-AIM
Dry contact Input module for use With
normally open dry contacts It features an
Indicator LED to show alarm status
Mlm dry contact Input module IS a small
version of the SD500-AIM For use With pull
stations and other normally open dry contact
Addressable notification module proViding a
Single Class A or Class B notification Circuit
on the SLC
Addressable relay module that features two
Form C output relays Provides indicator
LED to show output status
TWO-Wire detector Input module Allows for
the connection of conventional 2-wlre
detectors on the SLC loop ReqUires two
additional wires for power
A short ClfcUlt Isolator module for SLC
deVices When a short occurs on the SLC
loop, It IS detected as a trouble, but all SLC
deVices protected by the Isolator module
continue to operate
An LED dnver capable of dnvlng 80 LEOs
through the SLC loop Up to 40
SD500-LEDs can be used per system
S-BUS Accessories
5860/R Remote Fire AnnunCIator
Features the same 80 character backlit LCD
display keypad and firefighter's key SWitch
as the 5700 The system can be fully
programmed and operated from any 5860
5860 IS gray and 5860R IS red
5496 Intelligent Power Module
A 6 amp notlfl<',3tlon power expander that
prOVides four additional power-limited
notification appliance CirCUit outputs
5880 LEDIIO Module
Features 40 LED
outputs, 8 normally
open dry contact Inputs
and one plezo output
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5865-3 and 5865-4
Remote LED
Features 30
Programmable LED (15
red and 15 yellow) outputs and a plezo
sounder The 5865-4 adds a silence and
reset SWitch to the package
5883 Relay Board
Features 10 general purpose Form C relays
Used With 5880 module
5824 Serial/Parallel Printer
Interface Module
ProVides one parallel and one RS-232 senal
port for connecting a pnnter to 5808 Use to
pnnt a real-time log of system events,
detector status reports, and event history
Interfaces With bUilding control system
Miscellaneous Accessories
5660 Silent Knight Software Suite
User-friendly Windows software for remote
programming of 5700s uSing a PC Upload
and view panel account information, event
history, and detector status
5670 Silent Knight Software SUite
End-user faCIlity management software
allows viewing of detector status and event
history via modem or direct connection
Remote Battery Box Accessory Cabinet Use
If backup battenes are too large to fit Into
FACP cabinet DimenSions
16" W X 10" H X 6" 0
(406 mm W X 254 mm H X 152 mm D)
Remote test SWitch that proVides remote key
operated test function and annunciation of
detector alarm With S0505-ADHR
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ThiS document IS not Intended to be used for installation purposes We try to
keep our product IfIfOrmatlon up-to-date and accurate We cannot cover all
speCific applicalions or anticipate all reqUirements All speclficalions are
subject to change Without notice For more Informalion, contact Silent Knight
7550 Mendlan Circle SUite 100, Maple Grove, Mn 55369-4927
Phone (800) 328-0103, Fax (763) 493-6475
IntelliKmght & JumpStart are Registered Trademarks of Silent Knight
Flexput IS a Trademark of Silent Knight
Kl\;lCH l
l:}" Ho ~t}l'...{::;l:
FORM# 350392 Rev 0,04/06
Copynght @ 2006 Silent Knight
IntelliKnight@ Model 5700
Single Loop Addressable
Fire Alarm Control System
The affordable addressable fire alarm
control parlel solution.
IntelliKnight Model 5700 is a 50 point class leading single loop
addressable fire alarm control/communicator system. 5700 provides you
with the revolutionary value and performance of addressable sensing
technology combined with exclusive, built-in digital communication,
distributed intelligent power, that includes an easy to use interface. Powerful features such as drift compensation
and maintenance alert are delivered in this powerful FACP from Silent Knight.
For more information about the IntelliKnight system, or to locate your nearest source, please call
1-800-446-6444, or in Minnesota, call 763-493-6435
5700 performs dnft compensation and
calibration checks on each of the
sensors in the system.
The baSIC IntelllKnlght 5700 system
can be enhanced by adding modules
such as 5860 remote annunciator,
5824 senallparallel printer Interface
module (for pnntlng system reports),
and 5496 Intelligent power module.
5700 also features a powerful bUilt-in
dual line fire communicator that allows
for reporting of all system activity to a
remote mOnitoring locabon.
. Up to 50 addressable points
. Up to 125 zones and 125 output
. Uses standard wire-no shielded or
twisted pair required
. Built-In digital communicator.
. Central station reporting by pOint or
by zone
. Supports Class B (Style 4) and Class
A (Style 6 or 7) configuration for SLC
. Distributed, intelligent power
. Drift compensation
. 13 pre-programmed output cadences
(including ANSI-3.41 ) and 4
programmable outputs
. Notlficabon CircUits configurable as 1
Class A (Style Z) or 2 Class B (Style
Y), or aUXIliary power for resettable,
constant, or door holder power
. BUilt-In synchronization for AMSECO,
Gentex<B>, Faraday, System Sensor@
and Wheeloc!<@ appliances
. BUilt-in annunciator With 80-character
LCD display
. RS-485 bus prOVides commumcatlon
to system accessories
. Upload or download programming,
event hiStOry, or detector status
onsite or from a remote location
using a PC and 5660 Silent Knight
Software Suite (SKSS)
. Improvements in SKSS deliver five
times faster upload/downloads
. BUilt-in RS-232 interface for
programming via PC
. BUilt-In Form C trouble relay rated at
2.5A at 27.4 VDC
. Two bUilt-In Form C programmable
relays rated at 2.5A at 27.4 VDC
. Programmable date setting for
Daylight Saving Time
Electrical Specifications
Primary AC: 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 1.5A
Total Accessory Load: 2.5A@ 27.4
Notification Power: 2.5A @ 27.4 VDC,
Standby Current: 200 mA
Alarm Current: 325 mA
Notlficatlon/Aux Power Circuits:
2.5A @ 27.4 VDC per Circuit,
Battery Charging Capacity: 7.0-35.0 AH
Battery Size: 7 AH max. allowed In
FACP cabinet. Larger capaCity
battenes can be housed In an RBB
accessory cabinet.
Mechanical Specifications
12.75" W X 15.2" H X 3.4" D
(32.39 W X 38.42 H X 8.57 D cm)
Weight: 11.5 Ibs. (5.2 kg)
Color: Red
Model 5700
Telephone ReqUirements:
FCC Part 15 and Part 68 approved
Type of Jack: RJ31X (two required)
70, & NFPA 72: Central Station;
Remote Signalling; Local Protecbve
Signalling Systems; Auxiliary Protected
Premises Umt; & Water Deluge
ReleaSing Service. Suitable for
automatic, manual, waterflow, spnnkler
supervisory (DACT non-coded)
Signalling services.
Other Approvals: UL Listed;
CSFM 7170-0559: 144;
MEA 429-92-E Vol. XVI.
by Hlii1<:y'M;'
SLC Detectors
Addressable photoelectnc smoke detector
Addressable 10nlzabon smoke detector
Absolute temperature heat detector that
goes Into alarm Immediately If the
temperature exceeds the programmable trip
point Tnp pOint range from 1350F-150oF
SIX Inch base for use with detector heads
SD505-APS, SD50S-AIS and SD50S-AHS
Four Inch base for use with detector heads
SD505-APS, SD505-AIS, and SD50S-AHS.
SIx-Inch sounder base for use WIth eXlsllng
sensor and base Operates In single and
multi-station modes and/or as a system
sounder Requires 2 addlllonal WIres for
Short circUlt Isolator base for SD50S-AHS,
SD505-APS, and SD50S-AIS detectors
SIx-Inch relay base for use with existing
sensor and base ProVides one Form C
Duct hOUSing that detects smoke in HVAC
Duct detector base With relay. Provides
Form C alarm contact. For use With
SD505-APS and SD50S-AIS sensors
Compatible with SD505-DTS remote test
SD500-PS IS a single action pull stallon and
SD500-PSDA IS a dual acbon pull station
SLC Modules
Dry contact mput module for use with
normally open dry contacts It features an
indicator LED to show alarm status
Mml dry contact Input module IS a small
version of the SD500-AIM For use With pull
stations and other normally open dry contact
Addressable notificallon module proViding a
Single Class A or Class B nollficallon CIrcUIt
on the SLC
Addressable relay module that features two
Form C output relays ProVides mdlcator
LED to show output status.
Two-wire detector mput module Allows for
the connection of convenllonal 2-wlre
detectors on the SLC loop Requires two
additional WIres for power
A short CirCUit isolator module for SLC
deVices. When a short occurs on the SLC
loop, It IS detected as a trouble, but all SLC
deVICes protected by the Isolator module
conbnue to operate
An LED dnver capable of driVing 80 LEOs
through the SLC loop. Up to 40
SD5oo-LEDs can be used per system
S-BUS Accessories
5860/R Remote Fire Annunciator
Features the same 80 character backlit LCD
display keypad and firefighter's key SWitch
as the 5700 The system can be fully
programmed and operated from any 5860.
5860 IS gray and 5860R IS red
5496 Intelligent Power Module
A 6 amp notlficallon power expander that
prOVides four additional power-limited
nollfication appliance CircUit outputs
5880 LEDIIO Module
Features 40 LED
outputs, 8 normally
open dry contact inputs
and one plezo output
5865-3 and 5865-4
Remote LED
Features 30
Programmable LED (15
red and 15 yellow) outputs and a plezo
sounder The 5865-4 adds a Silence and
reset SWitch to the package
5883 Relay Board
Features 10 general purpose Form C relays
Used with 5880 module
5824 Serial/Parallel Printer
Interface Module
ProVides one parallel and one RS-232 serial
port for connecting a printer to 5808. Use to
print a real-lime log of system events,
detector status reports, and event history
Interfaces With buildmg control system
Miscellaneous Accessories
5660 Silent Knight Software Suite
User-friendly Wmdows software for remote
programming of 5700s uSing a PC Upload
and view panel account mformallon, event
hiStory, and detector status
5670 Silent Knight Software Suite
End-user facility management software
allows vlewmg of detector status and event
history via modem or direct connection.
Remote Battery Box Accessory Cab met Use
If backup battenes are too large to fit mto
FACP cabinet DimenSions
16" W x 10" H x 6" 0
(406 mm W x 254 mm H x 152 mm D)
Remote test SWitch that prOVides remote key
operated test function and annunciation of
detector alarm with SD505-ADHR
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ThiS document IS not Intended to be used for installabon purposes. We try to
keep our product Informallon up-to-date and accurate We cannot cover all
speCIfic applicallons or anticipate all requirements. All speclficallons are
subject to change Without nobce For more Information, contact Silent Knight
7550 Meridian Circle SUite 100, Maple Grove, Mn 55369-4927
Phone' (800) 328-0103, Fax: (763) 493-6475
IntelllKnight & JumpStart are Registered Trademarks of Silent Knight
Flexput IS a Trademark of Silent Knight
~ l(~f(;ll<r
by HO:1t'J';'Well
FORM# 350392 Rev 0,04/06
Copynght @ 2006 Silent Knight
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Commander3 Series Selectable
Candela Evacuation Signals
The Commander3 Series is a low profile strobe or horn/strobe combination that
otters dependable audible and visual alarms and the lowest current available.
The GE3 Senes 24VDC offers tamperproot field seleclable candela options of
15,30,60,75. and 110 candela. The 12VDC oHers tamperproof field selectable
can~ieja options of 15, 30, 60, and 75 candela.
The Commander3 Set las horn offers a continuous or synchable temporal three In
2400Hz and mechanical tone, a chime and whoop tone. All tones are easy for
the professional to cnange in the field by uSing SWitches.
The GE3 Senes has a minimal operation current and has a minimum flash rate
or 1 Hz regardless of Input voltage.
The Cornrnand8r3 Senes IS stllpped Wltt1 the standard 4" mounting platE: WhiCh
II:corpOrates ihe popular Super-Slide'" feature that allows the Installer to easily
test for supervision. The product also features a locking mechanism which
secures the product to the bracket without any screws shOWing.
The Commander3 also features the Checkmate'. - Instant Voltage Venflcatlon
feature WhiCh allows the Installer to check the voltage drop draw and match It to
the bluepnnt.
The GE3 Senes appliances are UL 464 and UL 1971, listed for use with fire pro-
tectl'/8 systems and are warranted for three years from date of purchase.
Standard Features
· Nomlllal Voltage 12 & 24 VDC
· 24 VDC: units have tl81d selectable candela options 01
15, 30. 60, 75, and i 1 0 candela
.. 12 VDC units ilave field selectable candela options of
is, 30, 60, and 75 candela
· GEH ~lorn IS available in 12 or 24 Volt
· Super-Slide'" Bracket - Ease of SupervIsion Testing
· Checkmate'~ - Instant Voltage Verification
· Unit Dimensions: 5" high x 4.5" Wide x 2.5" deep
.. Synchrorllze Strobe and/or Horn wltt1 Gentex Senes
Control Module (12 Volt product must use the AVSM
· Prewlre Entire System, Then Install Your Signals
.. Lower instaliatlon and Operating Custs
· Input Terminals 12 tv 18 AWG
· SWitch SelEJctlon fOI Hlgj-1 or Low dBA
· SWitch for Chime, Whoop, Mechanical and 2400Hz Tone
.. Tamperproof Re-entrant Grill
12 & 24 VDC
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Product Listings
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. BFP (City of Chicago)
· BS+A1MEA #28S-91-E
· CSFM 7135'{)S69:122 (GEC3-24 & GEH-24)
712S-0569:123 (GES3-24)
7125-0569:129 (GES3-12)
7135-0569:130 (GEC3-12 & GEH-12)
. FM Approved
. UL 464 & UL 1971 Listed
. CANlULC S526-M87 Listed
ULSZ7.S3406 Listed (GECa-24,
GEI-124 & GEH12)
Product Compliance
. NFPA 72
. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
NEAM '. ~
MliMBfiR I!~'-Hu.(: ~.N
d SWitch for Continuous or Temporal 3 (not available on
whoop tone)
· Surface Mount With the GSB (Gentex Surface
Mount Box)
" S:lence Hom Whiie Strobes Remain FlashmrJ
" Wide Voltage Range 8-17.5 VDC (12 Volt Models)
16-33 VDC or FWR (24 Volt Models)
.. Faceplate Available In Red or Off-White
GEH 12 or 24 Volt Low Profile Evacuation Horn
GES3 12 or 24 Volt Selectable Candela Low Profile Evacuation Strobe
Model desl9nations:
"W" = Wall Mount
"R" = Red Faceplate
"W" = Off-White Faceplate
"P" = Plain (no lettenng) Available
with all models.
These units are non-returnable
"Agent" bezel also available.
(I -
GEC3 12 or 24 Volt Selectable Candela Low Profile Evacuation Horn/Strobe
. The GE3 Series IS not listed for outdoor use. · Operating temperature. 320to 1200F (00 to 490 C).
. For nominal and peak current across UL regulated voltage range for filtered DC power and unfiltered
(FWR [Full Wave Rectified]) power, see Installation manual. 12 volt models are DC only
. Gentex does not recommend using a coded or pulsing signaling circuit with any of our strobe products
(see Technical Bulletin Number 014).
ro uct tro e urrent
'Operaling the horn In thiS mode at this voltage Will resu~ In not meeling the minimum Ul reverberant sound level required for publiC mode fire protection service These set-
lings are acceptable only for pnvate mode fire alarm use Use the high dBA selling for public mode applical10n (not applicable when uSing the chime tone The chime tone IS
always pnvate mode)
Notes: The sound output for the temporal 3 tone IS rated lower since the I1me the horn IS off IS averaged Into the sound output rating While the horn IS prodUCing a tone In
the temporal 3 mode ItS sound pressure IS the same as the continuous mode
To obtain the horn/strobe current draw, add the strobe current draw and the horn current draw.
1 The listed reverberant dBA are for the Continuous Tone mode The Temporal 3 Tone has a reverberant dBA @ 10ft per Ul464 IS 77-83 With a horn current draw of 34mA.
2 RMS current ratings are per UL average RMS method UL max current rating IS the maximum RMS current wrthln the listed voltage range (16-33VDC for 24VDC Units) (B-17VDC for
12VDC Units) For strobes the UL max current IS usually at the minimum listed voltage (16VDC for 24VDC unITs) (BVDC for 12VDC units) For audibles the max current IS usually at the
maximum listed vollage For unfiltered FWR ratings, see installation manual