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PHONE NO. : 770 704 9908
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Jun. 08 2009 11:53AM Pi
nAY-20.2009 12:25 pn PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WRKS 380 417 4542
ILJIl Statement of Work for ServiceElite
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PHONE NO. : 770 704 9908
Jun. 08 2009 11:54AM P2
MAY-20-2009 12:25 PM PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WRKS 360 417 4542
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Remarketed IBM Maintenance Agreement
Maintenance Services Description
Contract Term: 07/01/09 - 06/30/10
Customer Name: City of Port Angeles
Customer Address: 321 East Fifth St
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Description Type Mod/Feat Serial Number Charge Start Date Charge Stop Date Type of Service Charges
IBM Legacy Support/ine 9406 270 BAODS 9x5 $1,000.00
T01al Charges ...' , ;.., <.. .....".'., ,..' ~,; I ,I" ... .L, ". .,.,".. .,......, .,., ....,". ,.J, """', ';.,,;.:,, '," ';,'" '. . -c, ," . ,.' . . .... '.' .,. ,,': L",. '.'"' '. .,,," I." ,,$ .,.:.,,1,000.00
HTE VAR, LLC 1 of 2
Maintenance Services Description - Continued
SPS VAR, LLC. (We) agree to provide IBM Maintenance Services for machines described above to our Customer (You) under the terms of this Agreement. We do not provide
Maintenance Services under the terms of your purchase order.
You have committed to continue Services for the entire transaction contract period. However, you may terminate Services on notice to us, if you permanently remove the
equipment from productive use within your Enterprise. For other reasons of termination, IBM requires one month's written notice, after the equipment has been under contract
for at least one year, and paying an adjustment fee equal to a minimum of 2 months of changes. After allowing for applicable adjustments, you will receive a credit for any
remaining prepaid period associated with Services you terminate in accordance with this provision.
IBM will specify the eligible Machine types and available contract periods. We will list the Machines covered and the coverage start and end dates for each Machine.
Each of us agrees that if a feature, upgrade, or conversion is installed on a Machine while it is under this Maintenance Services Agreement, 1) an additional charge may apply
and 2) the feature, upgrade, or conversion is subject to the remaining portion of the contract period.
Prices and Payment
The amount payable for Maintenance Services is a fixed price. Depending on particular circumstances, as described below under Maintenance Services, additional charges
may apply. We will inform you in advance whenever additional charges apply. Maintenance Charges are due within 30 days from the invoice date. Amounts past due are
subject to a late payment charge of 1.5% per month. You agree to pay accordingly. You also agree to pay applicable sales taxes or to supply exemption documentation.
Types of Maintenance Service for Machines
When a type of service involves the exchange of a Machine or part, the item replaced becomes IBM property and the replacement becomes yours. You represent that all
removed items are genuine and unaltered. Before IBM exchanges a Machine or a part, you agree to remove all features, parts, and attachments not under our service. You
also agree to ensure that the item is free of any legal obligations or restrictions that prevent its exchange.
Maintenance Services
IBM will re'store the Machine to good working order or exchange it, based on the type of service selected for the Machine. IBM may inspect a Machine within one month
following the date Maintenance Services begin. If the Machine is not in an acceptable condition for service, you may have IBM restore it for a charge. Alternatively, you may
withdraw your request for Maintenance Services. However, you will be charged for any Maintenance Services which we have performed at your request. Maintenance Services
do not cover accessories, supply items, and certain parts, such as batteries, frames, and covers. In addition, Maintenance Services do not cover service of a Machine
damaged by modification; misuse, accident, unsuitable physical or operating environment, improper maintenance by you, removal or alteration of Machine or parts
identification labels, or failure caused by a product for which we are not responsible. Unless otherwise agreed, Maintenance Services do not cover service of Machine
Warranty .
We warrant that IBM performs Maintenance Services in a workmanlike manner. THIS WARRANTY REPLACES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS
PURPOSE. We do not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of any Maintenance Service.
Limitation of Liability
In the unlikely event, because of a default on our part or other liability, you are entitled to recover damages from us, in each instance, regardless of the basis on which you are
entitled to claim damages from us, we are liable only for an amount no greater than the sum of all payments you have made. Under no circumstances are we responsible to
you or third parties for 1) loss of, or damage to, your records or data; or 2) special, incidental, or indirect damages or for any economic consequential damages (including lost
profits or savings), even if we are informed of their possibility.
The laws of the State of Georgia govern this Agreement. Any controversy or claim rising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach of this Agreement, shall be settled
by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association at a hearing in Atlanta Georgia. A judgment of a court having jurisdiction may be entered
upon the arbitrator's award. The prevailing party, in addition to all other sums to which it may be entitled, may call upon the other party to pay their reasonable expenses
(including attorney fees) relevant to the claim.
Relation with SunGard HTE, Inc.
SPS VAR and SunGard HTE, Inc., a Florida corporation, are independent contractors. Neither party is the agent of the other. Neither party is authorized to make any
representations or create any obligation or liability on behalf of the other party.
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