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5.870 Original Contract
~.87D APR-09-2008 WED ] 1.:18 AM DIGI1rtL. FAK N0, 1360453784 P, 02 Muriici~al Lease Agreement ^ m LESSOR: [;reatAmerira Lrasrng rbrpplahnn ~~ ~ ~ QZ; FIt5i Slreat 5C, Ced.rr t+.tpid., IA 52Q01 Bli ~f ^ PD EsDx G09, Cec47r Rapid;, fA 5240E-0GIf9 p1~1lLEAaIKG CgRPORAT[ON CBS•C "O. ~-luuun [.~$$(~ (hC'iCInCf20r 31 ;o rCTGTCd tD aS •"YDU~ Or °YDUN') Full Lcafll pain: CITY OF~ F'_OA'f ANGELES - Atltln; , C,I,y State Zlp County 331 EAS"!' SlFi S'TR^ET, P,Q.ElCX 11GD PORT ANGF~i.,ES WA 983G2 CI8113n1 4ENUp1i (Valfbr n cat GrrdWnedC~Y~/vJcnt rxrr U VrruJw outfror+nYl Lu wnivc ur OIaT Ol1y trmri Dr wndipon of pLS Aryn:CmMt) ......._.........,.r.,~.._... ... N;PtIC ~Y 51ata pi_ryital (Cuanmcr Nl,mbcr pnppt9g529A) PORT ANG~LFS Watihinglon 98362 TERMS ANd COrIpITiCiHS~PLEASE READ CARHFULLY sEIFORE SL6NING _ M ... •T n Q kr m c f C ~ w , htndcl Na VPu,l4a h r o l RY gnrpmcnt Leased sarlal f 1"EACH i-Il"RFC pIGl1'AL FULL COLOt3 CONY N.AC}ifNE, MbbEt MX-35Q1N ~ 7j.5'-'`' f RS -~,.__ iNCL(1CfE3: DEX3, FNX1, PNX1~3, TRX2, 05X5, Pf0(1, AN1~ DSi33NT - •~ . ^ - " r ~ M. ..,,_.~ ~` Q See attached schedWe for additional equipment. E 112b-Nb~FtT LCICATI(]N if otttcr than Bltow City State County UEPARTNIt`P~7 OF RECREATION (SAME ADDRESS) AA h+nnths _,_ 14~ONTIiLY REIV'fAL PAYMEN7& dF ~ ?.u9.u9 plus tax SEC[)RT7Y pEPOSCf S ~~~ ~~~ nUtiCl IA'iF C7f+rIC71V AI' FN17 Or'I L[Wt: (CtIFGK ONE.) ~ ('Alit MA'tKE t VAI.U.r-. ~ $1.00 OR ~ OTHER (_^,S, of equipment cart} I, MUNICipl.L LrA .'E AtIRLftM[,NT, Swlhjrct to the tcmts of thl; lansC, CreatAmvrka LuaanU tOlpWalgn (ak:o reltrred to ac "NW ; 'Uy- and "DUr^) agn7;: b b,r~ hl Ir.;•J8: (,nu, rnlrmd to a; `Yn'~" ;'ui "Ynur'~, anfl Yau a~rec m 1c~r. fttm Us, III equpmeut de,cnh,Kf above ("I:qulpme~tth Ix In any su'rduie ("athPUutr ") Irunr nr • • A . llb dds I« p . .r . pct,nl rr . n C't.c..t^ by rrh;r •nee Nhr Ls sr~nr:l by vau hod approved Ay uc. Tnu team ar Equglmer,e da:.linert In dd; Lp,f:e bnA llv; h,t:.r. e! RlulPmrnt rh-xAbd h rnctr Scnr,'duk +~II mn:ttute xir •: :c RU h : '1 an t C h l l , , > I .~ p :ae r Drr„ ade a w trar Is ratercd-ta hoioln as a Wora. Tf111 L6aL~a cuOgl7lc Ufa oatue arrang/nnPnlUt•Iwran You anti Us and no rrudiheahons of IhL; ltC9O uhall oc r'flCrSlw unk•,4In rRA~np :1ruf sylrrd by lhO partiCl, Z. LLLIVLJtY AND A[CLFTANtL 0: LQUU•MGNT. AccepCmce Dr the rtpllptl:Cnt IJrturs upon tleliMely. when Yda lecelvc the Equiplrvenr, rou alJrrret bu insp,tct n m'tl v,•riry Irr Irhqurmrr. m fa rMpiny rRlih urlnrnl:ltan ar: W:f rtrdY IL':IrdrO, You hc'+f•hy aulllonzc Us to chher mmt or wnnct the Lease nuTber, serial nuPlUerS, modr9 uumlxr t, I)K1fr»Vptt dnhy rvgnal.•a da1n, a.IC YOUI II,1MO. DNCE YOU Si07d TIII$ LCA.R6 AND LESSOR ACCt!'''[$ Ir, TMIS LERS'E WILL>sE NONCANt~LLA6Lf POA TH2 PULL LEASE T'LgM~ S. GAVERKIIdQ LAL'Y, CONSL'NT Td IUt![SDIC7ION AND VENUE OF 11TIGATION. Tld^ lrstr nltd mHl Sehrvpfir• ':iruA bn Rtlvcmcd by tic IsTNS Df IOWr. YDU AGREf THAT ANY DISFUTE AFI5INv UNDER OR tt_RJITCD 70 7tILS CLASL Wltf. 6t: AD,7UDIGAT[D IN 7JIE F'tDERAI OR 5TATE LOURT LOCATED [N t~DAR RAPIDS, 20WA, YOU frCRCfJY COtd.CN7 TO G%II.ONAL IURL,DICTION AND VLNUE iN THAT COUkY AND WA1YE ANY RIGHT TO TRANSFER VENUE tACFi PARTY WAIVES ANY RI . GI IT TO A TRIAL DY 7e1+{Y. M1. FAG:UMttf: SiIOWATURP3, you agree that a fatsYDlle copy pf this LBa,A! beWrinp auL'mrLrrl Slgrlalurr. nl:iy h:lrLVruvl as •rn or(ulrul, G, T)'!'LG. EJOCufq fur airy l;nRwaru CrNrfnld bV tflK IC,+:x (the °ti0ftwm'C"), We ore the owner of and have title to the Fqupbne~tL VVe Ou nut hhve bl+r• In lha SnRurar;. We arr not rv_"rCnnsA.dc fl>r 11.; ,~•1R.v.rrc• ur tF;•: ulclo::tluns OIMt'd by cldly Yau or the IlCCrsar under any ucen:c Agreamant for the SOlt 4 T + ' war4. O4 DIUIh7 Y Crtl:rlJ:,c: Un: lAll dIJLC aDaon, If a'ly, fcr thl; rrjidtmdnl, Yrw urrJ,,•r•ylnd Il.rl yr, ~ do tort r~,rn the gOttvmrO end rnflnfJt dan9far !t to YOU. EfOfepl a. provided b, 11rL par,WrAi1h, hll Adenrrk J to "FOldr7ncrlf' m Lhls I cox mriutks the 6uhv.•,,c. f.. Nf:7 I.FArF•'• YOU ARRle IIIAT YOU ARE IINCONDL770NALLY Oa1364Tt~ 74 PAY ALL RENT ANO OTHER AMOUNTS DNE FOR THE fHTIRE tPJ1.Sf TERM NO NATTER ' WNA7 NAt'I"ENS, EVEN lF THE EQUIPMENT IS DAMAOCD OR ODSiROYED, IF [T 1S PEF6r7tVt2 tNt If YOU NO [ANGER CAM USE IT. YOU ARC Nl7T ENTiTLPD TD RfiOUCf Qit 5tT~DFF AGAIN +T TIL•NT OR OTHER AMOUNTS DUG TO US OR T'O ANYONki TO W HOM W 6.TRAN5F6R THIS LEASE, W NETHER YOUR CU1IM ARi5L3 OUT OF 1'1II LCASi, ANY bTATlML'JtT OY 7liE VfNUOR, OR ANY MANUFACTURkR S tM YpNI10R'S l[AMIIITI', b7RItT L[ALiILiTY OR NEC:LiGENCE OR OTHERWLE THIi LEASL " . . JS A F7NAPoGE CFA1:E" AS D[FJHED IN AR7Yr=r t 2A Of THD VNIFORN COMM4RCJAL tOD~ 5EE !{EVERSE SLUE FOk nl)bl I trJNAI. TERMS AND CONDTR[1N5 lltTS IF.AST iS AUD.ll:Cf TU Tli: TERhIS' 1WD CON[tI'IIUNS PRINT ED ON TJt15 570E ANp l]N TILE RCVCRS[ SID[, ALL OF WhIICH CC-R fA[N 1'0 1'HiS IP.ASF PND WHTCtI YUU fC:KNOVA.CfH:F. t+AV:NG RPAD, TKIS LCASG L5 NDT DIhDING UNi1L A[CtPI t3Y LFS5UR. YUU CERTIFY ALL ACTIONS REQLIIREU TO At7HOlIf7E'fHE EXECIJliCN OP IHI;. 4hA,SE-, :Nt:l UI:Qp1G YJUR AUTNORITi', I IAVC C~L'CN FULFiLLGO, LES.50 : B'zrCa7rAlTlt:rlt:if EIeESIny Cot-porat7011 ~ LESS!~E: (AsStflted/16ave) q Q nY: ~~~ ~ OaIeACCfXttG{l~ ~! Q !) ~ . X ~j/9i1.~. F• ~J'/y-,w'Nrrr~,/ DiiICA.;R'pICU: r' D~ ~; ~ .. iuin0.rrcu P " S ig nature / ~ ~ /r f'dle: _..---....._,...... __.....,........._ Title: ,..5•.Cr,,. C'WArnE,G•~C. ~~~~ M[jNIG>(PAL GEftTIFICATt; I, t•N: ~IfI11Cf1•IrlfU:d, IL;rahy OgrlAy denl +ha CfhVidUBI Who B>(OCWEQ IIIIS t Dtl$r: had fIi 1hC• T'vna O1 C%et`1fliml of It116 Lea,e Iup power pod authOlUY TO ER/fF11Id IIIIG Lt:bfX! anti Iltal all rl+{ldfl.'d pfOGCdrp'°9 ni GLLSJfy 1p m~AO d1;9 LCS:p 3 IC7trt Qnd Ii111IIIlrIrJ btlhgalron Dr1h0 Lc•S7tlO have brren fallOWed, 1 a1•n do hlanlry fvrtlly gtJi Uayrrn'nl•, duc •rtW payalJla try the uud14 for ThC Gtrrroltl (r Cdl yCdr tlrC within the aayent budget apd arr, Wllhln ;,n dvailalNr;, unt:,lnyuhlwl aid uq+vlruntt.reed a;rynnpn.rl:m1. ArtAlt+,„µ11y, UW EyviUUlCnI is essantwl to the immedcde prtryprmanra, al UN; lJMfcrnnl0ntll drpartmuM bltt:d above. l7~te 51nnr_d: _ _~~~ a ...,....",.°......_.... X it rt /+ - CIC7.Sti_0:a7 Pd~ ] Of 2 APR-09-2D08 WED 11;18 AM DIGITHL FAH ND. 136D45~3784 P. D3 y, DLShAIkL,n IS¢ WARRA NTJCS, Y1lF hQUtDMFNT 75 RPiNG LCASIZI7 m YCJV IN •AS-YS" tONOTr1Ak- ND INDIVlDUA1 Is AUTN ORCIED TO Cf1ANGE ANY PROVIS701v OF TiiTS LCASL YOU AGgQ THAT WC {IAV6 NOT MANUfw CTURFD THE EOlI7 r'MpNT ANir 21IAT YpU HAVG SELEC'PLD 7HE CQIIIPMCM EASED UDt]N YOUR OWfJ ]UDCMENT. YOU IIAYC NCIY RPIIED ON ANY SY n'rCMiNY3 WC U1r pUR FMPLpYLtS 6AYL' MADC. WG 11AVn NOT MADE AND DO NOT MAKC ANY CYPRESS OR IMDLTED REPPtE I:lNI'ATION3 OR WARAANTlIS WHAI5ULVL•!4 1NCLUptNO WTff10UT LIJ•tYTA7TON, ANY CWM THA7 YOU MAY HAVE OR ASStNtT AGAINST THE V[NDOf( O0. ERUIPNlCW7 N,ANUPACTU RLR, l'1E CQUIPMLrsP•S ML'RCNANIAHItt•fY, FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR DUttPOSE, SUJTABILTPY, DFSI6N, CONDTTIDN, DUAARJl3TY, ~OPEPUi tTON, QUALTIY Ot MATCRIAL5 ON WORKMANSHIP, OR COMPLIAN[£ WITH XPLCTfiCnTIONS OR APPLJCADLE LAW, Yuu b1a aWyre Or lYle Equgvnrnt mivna.lLprr[4 nr10 YpU WIII COnlaCl pK' nlJhprn[tulrl for a astn};nh:: nl Your wattetdy npht•., ii pay. Dn»Aard You err nvl In tledault tinder tltls Lease, You ntay enlprcrt as wmran[y Ilghls dr~~.tly apclrel tlta mono arn,H:r rn the lrrnpmcnt You m,2n m IeRle any utgtutt• You my weer r~aYlamn N+mu»:ulce a dvontenynre of tlu I:gwnmCnt dlmr.Ny YAth t•M manntauw_r or Vendor of pu' }ctnn•nrnL k. 2':RM, RUNT AND SCCLRSI'Y OL'POSTT. {'.,v~u•1ds nn- duo rtr,nlydy b:o+r•m, tix-tlnu: Ca~dlmxnt Is dchvetrv to YuU, of auy rater uwte de54~•,d:rrl by U. antl mghn.rrrj on tlw :nn•Y d„y v< r..t.h h;IluninJ mtxl.l~, nnpt luny ry+Ir: Wt• m•+v t.harpr• ytm n rca•rrrtaflle: Ire to rover Nxt.mrnwpon and trvellu7;Aam rL:L. 5rgtdly rlelYft.t iS rrfunUdhle a Ywt wUrq dlt• I n,w e•x•rre, r:, prnturuU ell LLJSC L~111P: and (I)IIWI)Gli^ II1Y" borer! Ivupc•riy 111111»s1 by Ytw Sit'clmty t9ptY,IVi .r.C 7enr<,.I pirymantl may hn eou,mlrlWet. a•1c do rot uiro Inu;re•e. Yw• mny not rcrynfl t»I'. IFJ'•Y n, 1u11 drtrl uaWn llvt ftpupnti•1.l fa ntt n1 l'k hat or We tn.rl: IRnn wttlld rt Ullr fnnTn[ anU WC mby cFlaRta YW, III aadtlion t0 C,r ollmr enttxtnlt owrxl u,ldtlr IIuS f'St•~r„ nn ;,+rly tr'rrrt•aflnn fa,- taped l.. f,w; frn.n,r (5;5) of h,r bxol wnn.tnt Wt' Ix1it1 fur lhr. FnUlpmUlt NOK-APPROPRIATION pC (ENDS. Yuu ntlkrttl IC IenVl oll ro q .atU UIhCr ruymems to U; for the Flll LCYC R,Tt If WndS are LL4Jally itrollalae. ]Il UI2 evknl Yr;,, nn• net nranlrtl nn pA•1•tryaLdtu. nl luuU~ al pny Dttle pW 1ny the InaW Iemt hv!la: etlulptr ~+t atdnU'ot m p115 ll:uorl ahc ontxatn~ funds a1a naL olh&witr. arallapla tD V(u to Day Ula elan UnM1 d4l'r p,+ynhyll:. IJur,~ a.N ut L'::tama nl.v Jl15flY LIaS LaasA, anfl p,C•ftl .S rY) Opx'.( e:gal IrUtt:elurr! rfr nrlllLilae ftlntl4 fry tY wRh wMdt payatcrf¢ ran hC mado b U4 antl tlw approDrL3tWlt Urt` Iy>1 n:5ua frvr ru+ utt nr amu,:m y Yua, Yau anal! rrtve Ulr ri~hL to hdtnn ;Ik 6pnl n,vrq fn er,Vq:Lvur wllh SI•rtlon 11 of Vus ln~c noel to notate floc Lei:e en Inc !n_t tlay M t!a• G:.rd p; r+pd ro• vat4•~h afyxplatappns wdty r~ravrul •wnnp:n nmuay or exlnt„w u, Yuu, u='nn +~'.• rp Iln• pnrtwn oP rw^+t for vrl,rch funds Mall Fava peen approDrlaled ana ttudur:lud. At Ir.tat lldny ;3p) t1+y. prrcn to I:nt rna of Yc a haul y, err, Ywr Uhcl Exr[uuve DI»e~ Wr Lery:t C-utm•s;l) sltW+ o:ItlfY In wrttcaJ erne (e) fund; hp'yc npl bete u~IWxIOtGd tar Ufe I'acal peuod, (v) su,i urnreq,nr.>[uun,u:l tAU Mel IUltllt a nm nny t:rt a ludulc m act ay You, atd (c) Yod rd,.K rxhrrh:d AI4 WMpt kydhy ov:nl•dllt• for [hc Aaymrn[ Cf I'rnL C. YOUR Ot•PRIt:F;u PifAT127N6 ANn WARAAN7fE5. Y(>,1 hcn'eby tnpnlH:u n,n w;,rlent b~w th::t at o; urn arty nr rhr tt:dr~t, and pxougltout the Laase term: (a) Yuu me a StntL cr a ruby conshpdad ;wllu-•d Sulahvlslon o• adunq• p( lrx• buts n1 wench Yau ate loealaa, (n) You arv putt' prgafn.•htl y1uJ r~ahnU lmde-the :en:nwpon and Iaw7 of the blare m wti~:h Yw are Iccauvl, (c) rhr 1:qulpln.:rt c r.:ennirt et fhe unm~l+ale paltdrmancr or a owernmenta{ a• ptapdaGry'u:a:Gpn Uy Yin wh141t II>C 5rApt n! Your authority end Inplt Oe: usc~ dorm:; ttz Lhi1 ta~ln en'y uy Ypq mld melt' Kt pvfonn Such funCpun, (d) Ypu IntCna to use the PagtAplrimtt far pre enht>= Lee'.v !rani pt uJ 9'•t': tnlte NI ntd:ezlprv at]ron m Irtcude m YOUr annlril hudgt:t arty furtds rsquuda.lc Ita,a Yutn uLrolntlpus for rack nscnl yci,• ]+,rmg are 4aso teen; (r7 Yau i.Iw tnmphnd Ft+llr wqh uU dpnLalblr low Uwwnmp oxn meolntoc, puuuc drw!n5 am .pprvfucntml° requnCa in tsatp.cpon wWP tl r Ll liC nttd hC ACr¢II':a tall e• pre E»ti'puleut; Yule qulrytlaa , N ,n•ndl oral wdrr tlx: U;tx WR9tllUtL'S a [urrpnt bWEnSF and not a DHtt W1nrr al>Ttluan:; y!:flp few, Po trvrrmn of the I r{,w [orl:utu.IL: d Plcrrr: pf Yuur Ww r>r 4+-nete~ rtlveimr.~., nntl any niwr.lmt wnCh i; Sri u+rtsnucd M/ T roUrt p.'tD7nyalntt jm e,pa;rv. 17 vWU from ptU in:.:nl~rx+ of lLr L-n:C; fq Yau Oull eomNy wlp, the urfalnaWn tCp:nLn(1 rulurniutm(;; nF 4x1'nn 149;r:)'oF'thcYtzk. 5ueh.eomplldnee shalLindtue, W[ not pe nnnlr•n n,, Utc rxcetrt!:n of 61'1]G-G pr SJI(i•GC L da1:11Npd RGl.g11I. Ip. U6ti AHl2 MAY6JTY;NANCtE, Ypn pryr,.r tFutt Phc Fau;uRlerd MII he used fdr lLvturS purptr.,• only. Yu+. wpl ke1 •p t!r Em6pmcnt In pupa repnu, cuntutmu to xl wnrtu+g order, exc•ga OrclulFtry wrdl nrd u•,=:, ana wll ftxm:~t all par ana IcrvlDng re'pultexl. Epukallun iuvplira ntla utllru ernrlro aro Ant Mlrt of [lus Lease. too may mtrLly .Itr iy,bIYIIY,IIL Only YYlpf (Ate f:ri:u a•H y;r1 Ln'I:aTt. .22. LOCA1'IONr SWLYCCiTON AND RLYUHN Or LQUIrrMIRr[T, Yotr wlll not morel the Eottlpnten[ hoot iLs neatlon notra In U,e tta,~• wlthglt Uur prk+r nltller, crnsa's. VJe wd: have LL.e rlgn[ u: enter U•n pr;•nd~::'. when: U,r fgmprr:,d k• trx•Id,•c[, m rxclrr tp conllnn the exls~rtce. tatnlpon elta arova mmnlrrsrew d tt1r. Crnanl~tn:. At the c>alracor or the te:~e tem+ or oNrJ n'tli~)rl;lhit», YGU rfJl! I•I lpnslliar:ly fC11a 11 FRUgtml'hl ht Yow CXpCIGC IIl AvcI~11C Salcat:lc Cdndltarn, IO iuGtl (xdCe es 15 dr!.Ipt a,ltY) ~' US. "AVCnfP= Saleable Cpnaltmn' lllean5 the F.CJIpIt1EAC IS n»lnul•atnly evn;LV dr. for u:.t' try unchrrr kY;tm wllhput tie need dF aay Inpalr err rdmUTnxnt. Slnulrl Ytxt Ldl In alum trx• Edu:pment at else end pf ttn Lease tin rn, renewal of me LBasr: wli' h,::aumr t.•c n~ a n•Indhty t ea'., rtT;pnr Wnpt,1 npphctllon from YOL' [D pre Cant a1y'. . i _, LOSS DR DAMAfiE. Yuu ossame „t1a 4vr L.n• rNk of nr„ ur dtnwpc to pv, Egnlpmtmt. IP tltc tgwpment l6 bs: err danwpea, You a({rrt• Ut rtgilac8 pr ttthta th^ t,[Ptnpmrnl and m mat nLC to pny l emu. 18, INStapANCG, Ynu aprtc; (p) to Lcep pr. tAUwm~nl taut' o•:.+.rcd ajdrrl I+U•I hl u:, nTrl;uta»rrtl eoa4 with Us namce w lava payee; {b> ur marlt•+in m»:rnann;~ir; public (..+idrfy in:naaltc: 1CI CphhlC di Uc; (C) tP provahr prn0( d.' nt:,aanur raLLratU:ry to Us tx; lithe u:m tli ny (3p).I;Iyr fullowln(1 the tomnencement of Lls ease, turd Dterts:Rer open Dur wrR;cr, nr,, ~;v (d) ~r You 6111 m tNUln mtd mnmtaat fropcltY Inns ln;u:a,xe salYlarltn y u, lL ut:Uur Y4tl tall ur txavidt• proof aF torch Insurance tp LLS wttnn parry CJO) rlayr, cf hm rnmmcnmment pl ne Lrnse, roc have bx• optrar, Wt Ilpt N:e OhIIDaLOh, to StKtIIC papraly load yrsutttrt ten t11c C.ttulpntt'nl from a G+'ra:r Of Opr C'1pdTp1~ In Ilkn ICI r.+l end entOlmtS •IS Wr [n:Cm rcaYOrlprxe ru protcrr Cnn trt:em•ts; !~) d !ve nfdce maearey. nn the kgttlpment, Y!e wW nut fteme Yat as an insttr+.d and Your mtuuts may noc ltC fully prot~,ea; p) Ir wr; yrC(rrc mvrtnae on tta+ Egttlpnmrt, Ypu wt'1 pay Us en dmodnt for dx• pmminm ankh may lx' flipnrr lean Uxr prellllunr tlvt You woultl pay d Yau Itasca [x utsurnnte IndtrysnnnnrAly eon may result m a proAt to us r+InupP~ an lrrvesntrern In rranau;rncc. Any nrupance pttkaa7i r«caw.ra well try .+plnt,.t, at Dur pplron. {I! to rcpalr, rrrtc••n a replace tnh Lqulpmuetl, 0: 1)i) to wY Us the remammp oaL'^r° rn pd1 taasa plus Our reran, ar.U rr•tkr~l vel.w, path rESCOUhteU :a 6% l,er yrnr. ~ • ]a. IWOL•MNITY, Yv~: rut• IOt n::rt1n, It =for any byes ur lnlures CaUred fry lJrr rntlnlL'nxtn nr u;e of lire rtn:kfrrenL and Yuu agree ro lsdP.mniry l.s w'll•. rw;ry•cc In hll d.rmi far ICY. tmaoz•c on, in;tttred UY ur hv.+•nr•d atl,unst t„ lnduplry atlorncjrs feet told caru: aP tb!ir:n:x', pbrs trl•I:rc :t, v.•hlr.• .JGn ttdlms m anY way Blame to the Egtu•,nnml. F'tlrUlennpn;, Ypu (yn'c, d rnu :•:mc by tC^. •nr, tr, a+•,nul u'. »,, ~na a ny rlalm: Mr losses or lnplnes G~Sid W tlx FJluipna~tt. ' "25, 7A%ET. Yuu t:y{n:r• Ir1M Ym, vl.U p, y liter! eras t+ltlr:r d~rrCtly or by rclmpunlnq us, atl wars t-liuny to li,il lrMr and rhr. f gtdpmt'rtt, -~ -~14. DPLPNQUFIVT AMOUNTS JWO ADVANCES. IJ:nty nrd Ir atltkflnrul amntmts rrgWrLd d be pale by Ypu under' U1L.lHao ara not prlid whin dta;, pitch Imrduc amcurt wJl accrue tntr•c:4 ilmn the dut• Cod Itnul paid, at U 1e bwur oue ar1A untrlv,V Frn,a» {t rah) per nlnntn n the hrghez rate nllowcd la/ aptll;mpkr Yew, in naathon, You vall nay U; a "late charclt" equal to: I; hle r7rCdlt•r M vn Ua) cr•Itn (ol tc _!t dtdlur ovrovue ur twrnly-vx (;]6.00) dollar; err 2) tl-c Mpltc_t lowtul tttat•gr, wNkhevc, Hers: Ttti.; Lvl,: ttwrrUC mY tuc titre and pavspb w17 vier nLntt morttmy nYttal rdymrnt noc. la ptc r:rent trot Wu navy. to nw,kc nrlv.rrV,C n vmCnO of pm ,Ind to prt:I:tw Np posed progeny, or to tJl:.thhrpr arty :.n, rhr_ amaunl ativan[ed IYy lys w:u M rkpiyaha: pt' Yew G~ Us, IrrlZirtCt wtth In:c•r~l u1CJ prod. 17. DCFAl1LT AND Rft4COt~ 5. pny C; t:u' Fo(luwtup ev¢nt:; or coat5lvn• wig nr. r„ir:>1; tkfauh hrwndrr (p) You MII ro pay nny sdm ovC U6 on Cr befm: t1K cn2 date tllertat: (bl You fill m d r..rrvt• nt ptTlurrl nny ptht•r term, :ovLrrant o1 eonJlLnu of pM LCN•,r m+d x,n ftnlure apntm:rcY for inn (30) deys fralowing um reu•ifn pt wntr••r »p:tc: 'ntrn Us; (c) rite hhn~ Uy or eg:fort You nt p I,I•u.tcn ana.' the tnNSUpttY Cock a uMCr m,y olty, hr•nln-nry L,w prwidlnp for the r¢Lcl pl dcUtwi: (tl) pre vnlurtnry ur invadta+lary maanq or an usgxtmdnt or sale rf a sunsardaa pnnMn ul yrtur ;ear. h, p~[wmm,ent elf ~ rtceaer ur uu•alr fn You or (nr Your asses, mmmtatcement of alit' funnel o• NdtxrtlJl tntxredfng for"dlsloWnon, nqunirwt:, u:we,nrau ur C:aintS n),,irt:a or .druiugl tqi rd Your afwu3, ur YuJ cease aoulg Ulr.,blt•s a•• a pox,q canclnrl; (r.) arty rrprpsantalitxY a watrmry Nn11C M Ypu hsrdn or m any dtrument drdht:•r<d oy Yau at cat,ueHun Mtm. v,Ih O•INC tt It;1yQ bxn mt:KnUlnp In raft' mate.! lhl rnnrrt wht!n mane; a• (Q You err? m eeP.lmt uMrr auy otnrM Nrrtlr+tt wlVt Us" Lpar Ina uccwlattco or an avwtt W dd,rull, Ir04 *1•+Y, at Ow onlurn, n nraa Ynr pav 1) i;l past aver amuunL, utalur tlti•, l tux; arty ?)all future amounts owes ter' Ure yrrtynrn!Il urrr., tl•,cpunud ut du ram or ti% per amtrm. Jpun a drfa,dl, Wr. m,ty " rv;o ehnn:e tt: t Wo •rcas the F.q.nptrtty q~ a nc do noc choose m repasses tt~ Egwpn'r,R, Y m w,ll abr. pity ;n lls our catutwud resrdlstl Va4s la the Etr,arv,t•nr. We m,,y err n one ant nl'ner runarllu at~la,Uln to t: unam appLtahlp t,rv. +11•o;~th Ypu a?Ircc toot we hove rsa o:a:guhnr. la cpu uK rynpmrmL N We tln asp the tytnpmen4 We will reaum Lne nnuuan rim urtr: try w+tat vrt• rccevt•, ns; aplxlt YuU «gronus. Tht•sr rurnl••ha9 w1I! be apnnctl, m me extent a9owr:A Try LSw, armuxlNrNY. ]n Hdrllaoru You pates to pay Us a6 mils m4 i.l r•r•.:r, hnl,Idn'p opnru•y; frs, mc~nal fry Us, in e,tc, ch.n,U +n .d ,•ny,lmrJ m e,(rrlt:c onv a Rp ngnls or ren+ecntc v Urc~ lra•4 IS dremtd m ucatc a stYSrnry Truer ^ remaue. will Y:durh' a u1Yt: n:.r+pa;rlr :mcl:r ArllClt' p of ale UC'C. A w•avor h1 Ar•fnn l: owla rot he tnn-tnn'~'i D'. p Wn1W,rpf aIPY OOtel Yr SWnnrrn'ut did,+ult .III. ASJ:tGhrMl-NT f,ND FUPCHASL OKDER. Ytnr lour, m1 r'r{f1t br cell, aslan o1 nl4loasr' Wr EgmpaaeN nr tld: !rent'. WL IdAY S[LL OR ASSIGN THIS LFASE OR OUR Rl(iHl'S TN TIIG FQUPPMFNT, IN WHOLE OR IN PLRir TO A TN]RO pAK1Y WITH DUT NOTICE TO YUU, YOU AORCE T'fIAT IP WE SELL On ASSIGN AN INTfJRP5'T IN T[I15 LCA6L, TIIE AS'7f,NL'E Wll L [LAVE DUR RJGI]IS, uuT WILL qp1' HAVE OUR OBLIGATIONS AND WILL NOT pII SU ByCL`I' TLt ANY GIAIK DCPErlSE OR SCT-0FF THAT YDU CUULO A.SSI~tT AGAIff':T UC:Oh ANY OTHER PAFT1', 19. HlSiCCLLANLOUS. ]r p rnurt find; soy lxorlapn of lh:, L2aw hl hr un.mtoravUc. t)tc• rt:m:unu¢t urns of ma lace shall +nnnw :n Clrr;rt, Ate of Yar welt-cn Intkes to U: n~asl Ve seal Uy crun.,a u,.1St Yew uprm• r,.,t floe to::.t ¢ lhr cnur< aHCUntcut belNrrr, Ypu der L: rcp:lydlna Cie lose of the Egl,ipnranl red pn++.a.:•c ci 4x bami mtrJ mntAlbrs canU dncV In art' puro,ase O.'.1v ,rL1»nq N Ilq' F(IUy,nlput. 70. M'Pl DN 20 PURLf1A5E pNO~AENEW. ?nrvitF•d Yen arc not In defa~l;, we uara Yexr 111k aY,,hprr br rn rch•'ye nt^• (net entrU pf the EgJlpl~ent nl dtu cyfir:+tmn CF :Ix• lean of :Fen LCa:e at the !§udu••'r ;tnlnn irnuu:,! SL1tM} on ptc non;, luy,lph 1n [n-n to U, or Utx Assgh'en, AS-L, WIIIiRC IS, W2T1{ ND IF)IPRF5ti t7R IMPLIED WARRANTY. Rrlu;wa: of thl; Lcaa wlll h~l nutlxuaua,. Ira p n1nN 41~ bntt:, uCCS: Yuu tlMi, a1 4r US trdpcn nr,lit ¢t last slxry (Ep) tlays plEul W ur t:ngandwn pf rhr. tam pr the rcnLYml iro ut _~I. iUiTDMER Y:.4TYtR1 Yuu R, nvu ,rlrctn of Ure Intent to aC[ele~i:e Ure n:nl, t'u: am'lr::rnhml or t'tc rent pod o1 flu enloKrntt!Id pf plx rgtlts. 1o the extent Tau ata pCn:dlitxi try pnv, Yau tv:un: a: right: pad rt•rrr•J1e :, Ycn, Ikrvr try A.Lldr 1A (brctions SCfI-5]7) nr t!m hn fcrm C.[+m mo"tlal Coda. mdtldlnp Gul no( (in111gU tG Ybur nnhG tp: (Q 0nte' of le}wd'.ae U.; 4aN,t ; (pr r.Ut•t!- pr rrvnl!n au,pFierRe of U r C4lnpmnv; pr) rtemr.•I pamaflCS frorr GS Idr i1y brtx,tt+ p{ N,:Aanq~ Or Jpr anY Oln[r rcaxrr ana (v) yrunl ,+ ctrur4y ht[t rt~i In nnY Pcnnpmcnt In Yom ;xrsa!:IOP •I N Cnt eti:•Tn T7c : rc ;K.i inllurrl B, iry I,,w, Ypu nl•sf wmve 71nY nphts You nna or tiler holy ~urvr wlat-r Wert' rAONM o• Otnerwlse which tequlrr (1"+ h, :.ell, Irux nr oliwrwr.c aye mY I:gwpntcnt to rr.hte [» .1 d.,rUQtx 61 rA1Ah urJy ulla•nvr.P 4,nlt nr mod1W nny d( Ow ,yeti er wmafrt~ Aiy R Unn Yru Lute ttpamst Ut toi any tleleull, ntdutl~rlg :1r,•aL11 Of N,lmanty or IrltlCmnllY. mist Ua el aric7 wllhnt cuu ; l j.vYOr el ¢•: 4x: nn•rn•wita'h t'~nr;cd tt~ K'c rAll not pi: eNda Fa :;pIVGG pt:,f:am'rrtpt• nI t v: Lcnsr.• tt, (pr pn'y b:7t6, a, n,apr~:, Utdnr' yr (,nllyrc lp c!c'rvcr th'• Lnwpm:nL You ';,Uthfli l.'c U: t0 647n ofi YotR Fd~ 71t A to I1L• nt •IqY IrnM• nary ~IntUrj7n, nG• U Cilnfl~'GIIGh rlln tf't lxt• r ~ ,.~ • .. '~ uu'a T^ ~, ur page g al 2 APR-08-2008 WED 11 ~ 20 AI'f D I G I1 r,L FAX N0. 13i3045i'~789 P. 05 talon-Apprapri~ian of Funds Addtntium This- E5 an addendum {°Addendum") fo ar-Ci part of that certain agreement beiwEan C]rF~rt~,mcric~ Leas_trtg Cacporaf}an ~"Obliges") a.nd i'C~n r~,gr,;~s, City of dE7a pep~rttTU~nt of Rooraati~ ("Obligor"}, which agraamont fs identified in Obtigeo's records as agreement number ~~as°s ("Agreemerrf"}. All capitalized, terms used in this Addendum v~~hich an not dpfinerl herein shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Agreement. You Hereby represent and warrant to Us that as of t5~e state of tho ,Agreement, and thraughaut Thy: ,tlt~reement Term: {a} the 'indivitfual who executed the Agroement had at the time of exeatr'apn of . the Ac~reomdtst i~rll pow~,r and authority to execute the Agreement; and that all required prr~ceduras neaes~ry to make khL Agreement a legal and bindinr~ obtigatian of tkre Obligor hav© been ft,llrnnrEd; {b) the r=yuiprtrent is essential to the immediate performance of an author'Qed gavernrneniat ar propriptazy . furictian and shall be used during the Agreement Term only by You and only to perform such funciian; {c) tf,~i aiP paymen~~ due and payable ror tho current fiscal year era within the current budget and aro within an available, unaxhaustHd and unencumbered appropriation. in the event Yau era not granted ivnds in f~rture fiscal years for the equipment subject to the r'~,groQmarrt or for equipment which is furrctianally similar tip the equipment and operating funds are net otherv~i .e available to 1'ou tc pay the rent and ether paymertts due under the Agrearnent, and there is na rstirar legal procedure nr ;zvatlabte funds 6y or with which pgymants can be rrtade #a Us, and fhe appropriafion did net rr~sult from an act or omission by You, You shall have the right to rafirrn th€ Cqui~yment in acc~rdancp wiitr the 6srms oi'the Agreement and termina~ba the Agreement on ttte last day cf ttra fisca} perldd for which appropriations wsro received. At least thirty (30) days prior to tho end of Yaur fiscal year, Yaur legal counsel shall certify in writing that ~a} funds have not bean appropriated fqr the next fi~a1 year; tb) such non-appropriation did npfi result from any act or fiailure to act by You; and {c} Voss have sxhausfad a!I funds legally avarlebld'Far payment of rer~, 3t~e^l~.n~srica L~asir~g C- ~e ~ilnn ~ Pott,Mo~,f~r., CEty of cfie i7eaartrr~art of Recreation j'/a, _ ~ ~~ Obligor _._.._ O igee Sir~nature Obligor S;gnaturo ~-~~~~'~ ~ ~`/ -~~ Print ~6 me Title ~"~~`~ Print Narne ~ Title D~-#~~ P.cceptarl: ~ d ~- ..,.. ..Dave ,3 d ~~vH _-_ orrun_atio9