HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.623N Original Contract
City of Port Angeles
PublIc Works & UtIlities Dept
OperatIOns Office
1703 South B Street
Port Angeles W A 98362
Tel 360-417-4541
Fax 360-452-4972
o Request for Quotation
i:8J Contract
Contract Title: Vern Burton Caroet Reolacement, PrOject Number: PK-07-032
THIS CONTRACT IS entered Into the date last below wntten between the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON
("CITY") AND N'West Intenor Deslon Center ("CONTRACTOR").
The Contractor shall perform the work as described In Attachment "A" (Attachment "A" may Include Contractor's
Proposal, Scope of Work, Statement of Work, Plans, SpeCifications, and any other related Contract Documents)
which IS attached hereto and by this reference IS Incorporated herein
All work under this Contract IS to be completed as indicated (check one):
o All work under this Contract IS to be completed by this date' _
i:8J All work under this Contract IS to be completed 30 days from the Notice to Proceed No work IS
to be performed pnor to wntten Notice to Proceed by the City.
o The performance period under this Contract commences _ calendar days after contract
award and ends _ calendar days after contract award.
A. The City shall pay the Contractor for the work performed under this contract (check one):
o Time and material, not to exceed $_
o Time and actual expenses Incurred, not to exceed: $
o Umt pnces set forth In the Contractor's bid or quote, not to exceed $_
i:8J Firm Fixed Price set forth In Contractor bid or quote In the amount of: $7009 68
The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, matenals, and equipment, In accordance
With and as descnbed In the Attachment "A".
The Contractor shall prOVide and bear the expense of all equipment, work and labor of any sort
whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing
the work prOVided for In this contract and every part thereof, except as are mentioned In the
speCifications to be furnished by the City of Port Angeles
B. The Contractor shall maintain time and expense records, which may be requested by the City The
contractor shall submit inVOices to the City for payment for work performed. All Invoices must reference the
City's contract number. InVOices shall be In a format acceptable to the City.
C. The City shall pay all inVOices from the Contractor by mailing a City warrant Within 30 days of receipt of a
properly completed inVOice.
D All records and accounts pertalmng to thiS Contract are to be kept available for inspections by
representatives of the City for a penod of three (3) years after final payment. Copies shall be made available
to the City upon request.
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E. If dunng the course of the Co.ct, the work rendered does not meet the tUlrements set forth In the
Contract, the Contractor shall correct or modify the required work to comply with the requirements of thiS
Contract. The City shall have the nght to withhold payment for such work until It meets the requirements of
the Contract Documents.
A. Safety. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of employees on the work site
and shall comply With all applicable provIsions of federal, state and local regulations, ordinances and codes
Contractor shall erect and properly maintain, at all times, as required by the conditions and progress of the
work, all necessary safeguards for the protection of workers and the publiC and shall post danger Signs
warmng against known or unusual hazards.
B. Correction of Defects. Contractor shall be responsible for correcting all defects In workmanship and/or
matenals discovered Within one year after acceptance of thiS work. When corrections of defects are made,
Contractor shall be responsible for correcting all defects In workmanship and/or matenals In the corrected
work for one year after acceptance of the corrections by the City. The Contractor shall start work to
remedy such defects Within seven (7) days of mailing notice of discovery thereof by City and shall complete
such work Within a reasonable time. In emergencies where damage may result from delay or where loss of
service may result, such corrections may be made by the City, In which case the cost shall be borne by the
Contractor. In the event the Contractor does not accomplish corrections at the time speCified, the work Will
be otherwise accomplished and the cost of same shall be paid by the Contractor.
C. Warranty Contractor shall be liable for any costs, losses, expenses or damages Including
consequential damages suffered by the City resulting from defects In the Contractors work including, but
not limited to, cost of matenals and labor expended by the City In making emergency repairs and cost of
englneenng, Inspection and supervision by the City The Contractor shall hold the City harmless from any
and all claims which may be made against the City as a result of any defective work and the Contractor
shall defend any such claims at Its own expense. Where matenals or procedures are not specified In the
Contract Document, the City Will rely on the profeSSional Judgment of the Contractor to make appropnate
D NondlSCnmlnatlon/Affirmatlve Action. Contractor agrees not to diScriminate against any employee or
applicant for employment or any other persons In the performance of thiS Contract because of race, creed,
color, national ongln, manta I status, sex, age or handicap, or other circumstances as may be defined by
federal, state or local law or ordinance, except for a bona fide occupational qualification. Contractor agrees
to post In conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be
prOVided by Contractor setting forth the proVISions of the nondiScrimination clause.
E. Employment. Any and all employees of the Contractor, while engaged In the performance of any work
or services reqUired by the Contractor under thiS Contract, shall be conSidered employees of the Contractor
only and not of the City Any and all claims that may anse under the Workers Compensation Act on behalf
of said employees, while so engaged, and all claims made by a third party as consequence of any negligent
act or omission on the part of the Contractor's employees, while so engaged on any of the work or services
proVided or rendered herein, shall not be the obligation of the City
The Contractor shall comply With all federal, state and local laws and regulations applicable to the
work done under thiS Contract. Any Violation of the proVISions of thiS paragraph shall be conSidered a Violation of
a matenal provIsion of thiS Contract and shall be grounds for cancellation, termination or suspension of the
Contract by the City, In whole or In part, and may result In ineligibility for further work for the City.
A. This Contract shall terminate upon satisfactory completion of the work descnbed In Attachment "A"
and final payment by the City
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1:'. 'The City may terminate the Collct and take possession of the premises a.all materials thereon
and finish the work by whatever methods It may deem expedient, by giving 10 days written notice to the
Contractor, upon the occurrence of anyone or more of the events hereafter specified.
1 The Contractor makes a general assignment for the benefit of Its creditors.
2 A receiver IS appOinted as a result of the Insolvency of the Contractor.
3 The Contractor persistently or repeatedly refuses or falls to complete the work required herein.
4. Contractor falls to make prompt payment to subcontractors for material or labor
5. Contractor persistently dIsregards federal, state or local regulatIons and ordinances.
6 Contractor persistently disregards Instructions of the Contract Administrator, or otherwise
substantially Violates the terms of this Contract.
7 The City determines that sufficient operating funds are not available to fund completion of the work
contracted for.
C. In the event this Contract IS terminated by the City, Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any
further amounts due under this Contract until the work specIfied In Attachment "A" IS satisfactorily
completed, as scheduled, up to the date of termination. At such time, If the unpaid balance of the amount
to be paid under thiS Contract exceeds the expense Incurred by the City In finishing the work, and all
damages sustained by the City or which may be sustained by reason of such refusal, neglect, failure or
discontinuance of employment, such excess shall be paid by the City to the Contractor If the City's
expense and damages exceed the unpaid balance, Contractor and hiS surety shall be JOintly and severally
liable therefore to the City and shall pay such difference to the City. Such expense and damages shall
Include all legal costs Incurred by the City to protect the rights and Interests of the City under the Contract,
provided such legal costs shall be reasonable
A On payment to the Contractor by the City of all compensation due under thiS Contract, all finished or
unfinished documents and material prepared by the Contractor With funds paid by the City under thiS
Contract shall become the property of the City and shall be forwarded to the City upon Its request.
B Any records, reports, information, data or other documents or materials given to or prepared or
assembled by the Contractor under thiS Contract wIll be kept confidential and shall not be made avaIlable to
any individual or organization by the Contractor Without prior written approval of the City or by court order
Any claIm against the City for damages, expenses, costs or extras arising out of the performance of thiS
Contract must be made In writing to the City Within thirty days after the discovery of such damage, expense
or loss, and In no event later than the time of approval by the City for final payment. Contractor, upon
making application for final payment, shall be deemed to have waived Its right to claim for any other
damages for which application has not been made, unless such claim for final payment Includes notIce of
additional claim and fully deSCribes such claim
The Director of the Public Works and Utilities Department or his/her deSignee shall have primary responsibility for
the City under thiS Contract and shall oversee and approve all work to be performed, coordinate commUnications,
and review and approve all Invoices, under thiS Contract.
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A. The Contractor shall protect, defend, indemnify and save harmless the City, Its officers, employees and
agents from any and all costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages, anslng out of or In any way resulting
from the negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor. The Contractor agrees that Its obligations under this
subparagraph extend to any claim, demand, and/or cause of action brought by, or on behalf of, any of Its
employees or agents. For this purpose, the Contractor, by mutual negotiation, hereby waives, as respects the
City only, any Immunity that would otherwise be available against such claims under the Industnallnsurance
provIsion of Title 51 RON In the event the City obtains any judgment or award, and/or Incurs any cost anslng
therefrom Including attorneys' fees to enforce the provIsions of this article, all such fees, expenses, and costs
shall be recoverable form the Contractor.
B The City shall protect, defend, indemnify and save harmless the Contractor, Its officers, employees and
agents from any and all costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages, anslng out of or In any way resulting
from the negligent acts or omissions of the City. The City agrees that Its obligations under this subparagraph
extend to any claim, demand, and/or cause of action brought by, or on behalf of, any of Its employees or
agents. For this purpose, the City, by mutual negotiation, hereby waives, as respects the Contractor only, any
Immunity that would otherwise be available against such claims under the Industnallnsurance provISion of Title
51 RON In the event the Contractor obtains any judgment or award, and/or Incurs any cost anslng therefrom
including attorneys' fees to enforce the provIsions of this article, all such fees, expenses, and costs shall be
recoverable form the City.
The Contractor shall maintain Insurance as set forth In Attachment B.
This Contract IS subject to the requirements of Chapter 39 12 RON, and as It may be amended, relating to
prevailing wages. On Public Works projects, funded In part or In whole with Federal funds, Federal wages laws
and regulations shall also be applicable NO WORKER, LABORER OR MECHANIC EMPLOYED IN THE
as determined by the Industnal Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industnes for the State of
Washington The schedule of prevailing wage rates for thiS Contract IS made a part of thiS contract as though
fully set forth herein
Pnor to making any payment under thiS Contract, the City must receive an approved copy of the "Statement
of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages on Public Works Contracts" from the Department of Labor and Industnes
It IS the Contractor's responsibility to obtain and file the "Statement of Intent to pay Prevailing Wage" The
Contractor shall be responsible for all filing fees Each inVOice shall Include a Signed statement that
prevailing wages have been paid by the Contractor and all subcontractors. Following the final acceptance
of services rendered, Contractor shall submit an "Affidavit of Wages Paid".
For a contract award or an on-call contract work order under $2,500, and In accordance With RON 39 12.040(2),
the contractor or subcontractor IS authonzed to submit a combined Statement Of Intent To Pay Prevailing Wages
& AffidaVit Of Wages directly to the City of Port Angeles at final invoIcing SubmiSSion shall be made on the form
developed by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industnes and available from the City of Port
Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department
In case any dispute anses as to what are the prevailing rates of wages for a speCific trade, craft or occupation
and such dispute cannot be adjusted by the parties In Interest, including labor and management representatives,
the matter shall be referred for arbitration to the Director of the Department of Labor and Industnes, and hiS
deCISion shall be final, conclusive, and binding on all parties Involved In the dispute.
This Contract shall be Interpreted and construed In accordance With the laws of the State of Washington The
venue of any litigation between the parties regarding thiS Contract shall be Clallam County, Washington
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When a special "brand or equal" IS named It shall be construed solely for the purpose of indicating the standards
of quality, performance, or use deSired. Brands of equal quality, performance, and use shall be considered,
provided Contractor specifies the brand and model and submits deSCriptive literature when available Any bid
containing a brand which IS not of equal quality, performance, or use specified must be represented as an
alternate and not as an equal, and failure to do so shall be sufficient reason to disregard the bid
All goods, services, work, or materials purchased herein are subject inspection and to approval by the City. Any
rejection of goods, services, work, or materials resulting because of nonconformity to the terms and specifications
of thiS order, whether held by the City or returned, Will be at Contractor's risk and expense
Neither the City nor the Contractor shall assign, transfer, or encumber any rights, duties or Interest accrUing from
thiS Contract Without the express prior written consent of the other.
The Contractor IS and shall be at all times dUring the term of thiS Contract an Independent contractor and not
an employee of the City.
This Contract, together With the attachments and/or addenda, represents the entire and Integrated Contract
between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either
written or oral. ThiS contract may be amended, modified or added to only by written Instrument properly
signed by both parties hereto
This Contract, together With the attachments and/or addenda, represents the entire and Integrated Contract
between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either
written or oral. ThiS contract may be amended, modified or added to only by written Instrument properly
signed by both parties hereto
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed thiS Contract as of ~t. {",,.. 3 , 2007.
Printed Name: (V( (. ~.J f l ( I' .e LA
Title: J:d.p "J ~ D, r ,_<-t"" "-\
By ~ t1111Jf-
Printed Name. JVV\\\~ \\lV\c.~
Title oth 1.1'.... W\l\V\~1'{
Address 15.1 (Xl ':3 \'\Wj \ aI
Clty:~i IV'
Tax ID #: -.l1- I~O JjO?4-
" Phone Number: ,~O - "YI-7t 11
Purchase Order #: 010090
Project PK-07-032
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City of Port Angeles
Operations Office
Public Works and Utilities Department
The contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and eqUipment In order to accomplish the project
described below Unless otherwise provided for In the Statement of Work, the Contractor will be responsible for
obtaining and paYing for any and all permIts requIred for this work.
1) Safely secure work zone from public.
2.) Remove approximately 1,950 sq. ft. of eXisting carpet and properly dispose of.
3.) Replace area With new carpet made of Nylon In the Entryway, Hallway and the Conference Room In the
Vern Burton.
4) Carpet must be similar In color and must be approved by the project manager before Installing. The
Contractor's pOint of contact for the work IS Corey Dellkat, who can be reached at 360-417-4566 or 360-
5) Location: Carpet Replacement IS located inSide of the Vern Burton at City Hall. (See draWing).
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Hallway carpet that
needs replaced.
I ...
L.~ I
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Subcontractor Responsibility:
1.) The Contractor shall mclude the language of this section m each of Its first tier subcontracts, and shall
require each of Its subcontractors to mclude substantially the same language of this section In each of
their subcontracts, adjusting only as necessary the terms used for the contractmg parties. The
reqUirements of thiS section apply to all subcontractors regardless of tier.
2.) At the time of subcontract execution, the Contractor shall verify that each of Its first tier
subcontractors meets the followmg bidder responsibility criteria:
- At the time of subcontract bid submittal, have a certificate of registration m compliance with chapter 1827
Have a current state Unified busmess Identifier number,
If applicable, have
. Industrial msurance coverage for the subcontractor's employees workmg In Washmgton as required
m Tille 51 RCW,
. An employment security department number as required m Tile 50 RCW, and
. A state excise tax registration number as required m Tile 82 RCW,
. An electrical contractor license, If required by Chapter 19 28 RCW,
. An elevator contract license, If required by Chapter 70 87 RCW
- Not be disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39 06 010 or
39 12 065(3)
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City of Port Angeles
Operations Office
Public Works and Utilities Department
Insurance Requirements:
The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Contract, Insurance against claims for InJunes to
persons or damage to property which may anse from or In connection with the performance of the work
hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Failure by the
Contractor to maintain the Insurance as required shall constitute a matenal breach of contract upon which the
City may, after giving five working days notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, Immediately terminate the
Contract or at Its discretion, procure or renew such Insurance and pay any and all premiums In connection
therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the City on demand, or at the sole discretion of the City,
off set against funds due the Contractor from the City.
1. MInimum Scope of Insurance
The Contractor shall obtain Insurance of the types descnbed below'
a. Automobile lIabllltv Insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles Coverage
shall be wntten on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form prOViding
eqUivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to prOVide contractual liability
b Commercial General Llabllltv Insurance shall be wntten on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall
cover liability anslng from premises, operations, stop gap liability, Independent contractors, products-
completed operations, personal injury and advertiSing InJury, and liability assumed under an Insured
contract The Commercial General liability Insurance shall be endorsed to prOVide the Aggregate Per
Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. There shall be no endorsement or modification of
the Commercial General Liability Insurance for liability anslng from explOSion, collapse or
underground property damage. The City shall be named as an Insured under the Contractor's
Commercial General liability Insurance policy With respect to the work performed for the City uSing
ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 10 10 01 and Additional Insured-Completed Operations
endorsement CG 20 37 10 01 or substitute endorsements prOViding eqUivalent coverage.
c. Workers' Comoensatlon coverage as required by the Industnal Insurance laws of the State of
2. MInimum Amounts of Insurance
The Contractor shall maintain the follOWing Insurance limits.
a Automobile lIabllltv Insurance With a minimum combined Single limit for bodily injury and property
damage of $1,000,000 per aCCident
b. CommerCial Generalllabllltv Insurance shall be wntten With limits no less than $1,000,000 each
occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a $2,000,000 products-completed operations
aggregate limit.
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..' Other Insurance ProvIsions .
The Insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the followmg provIsions for Automobile
Liability and Commercial General liability msurance
a. The Contractor's msurance coverage shall be primary msurance as respect to the City. Any
msurance, self-msurance, or Insurance pool coverage mamtamed by the City shall be m excess of the
Contractor's Insurance and shall not contribute With It.
b The Contractor's Insurance shall not be cancelled or reduced as to coverage by either party, except
after forty-five (45) days prior written notice by certified mall, return receipt requested, has been
given to the City
4 Acceptability of Insurers
Insurance IS to be placed With msurers With a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A VI
5 Verification of Coverage
The Contractor shall furmsh the City With Original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements,
mcludmg but not necessarily limited to the additional msured endorsement, eVldencmg the Automobile
Liability and Commercial General Liability msurance of the Contractor before commencement of the work.
Before any exposure to loss may occur, the Contractor shall file With the City a copy of the BUilders Risk
msurance policy that Includes all applicable conditions, exclUSions, defimtlons, terms and endorsements
related to thiS proJect.
6 Contractor's Insurance For Other Losses
The Contractor shall assume full responSibility for all loss or damage from any cause whatsoever to any tools,
Contractor's employee owned tools, machmery, eqUipment, or motor vehicles owned or rented by the
Contractor, or the Contractor's agents, suppliers or contractors as well as to any temporary structures,
scaffoldmg and protective fences
7 Waiver of Subrogation
The Contractor and the City waive all rights agamst each other, any of their Subcontractors, Subcontractors,
agents and employees, each of the other, for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by
BUilders Risk msurance or other property msurance obtain pursuant to the Insurance ReqUirements Section of
thiS Contract or other property Insurance applicable to the work. The poliCies shall prOVide such waivers by
endorsement or otherwise.
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City of Port Angeles
Operations Office
Public Works and Utilities Department
See attached hstmg
Washmgton State Prevailmg Wage Rates For Pubhc Works Contracts, Clallam County, effectIve 08-31-07
2 Washmgton State Prevalhng Wage Rates For Pubhc Works Contracts - ApprentIces, Clallam County,
effectIve 08-31-07
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. 'FROM.
FAX NO. .3606817297
. 'p. 04 2007 11.10AM P2
1".1~"'8'i1A TI81 Rl 8.81 \J ('f"V'o i?..,Io"" (4vrd- R<".pl'lcl!'......-<+
~h~' I:5Idder hereby bids the fOllowing amounts f~; all wor1< ('I~~ludlng labor,
'equipment, I1me and matenals) reqUired to perform the work in the Statement of
Wor1< and thiS p.a.<:'<age _
1. Lump Sum $ b, ('}bb,/.!''l
2 Sales Tax (8 4%) $ 9-\'3.H?
3 lotal Bid $ J,OOq .b7
4. The bidder hereby acknowledges that it has receiVed Addenda No(s) ;tJ/4
(Enter "N/A" If none were ISSUed) to this Request for Quotation package, I
5, The name of the bidder submltl1ng this bid Bnd ItS business phone number Bnd address, to which
address all communications concerned with this btd and with the contract shall be sent, are listed
below Any written notices reqUired by the terms of an awarded contract shall be served or mailed
to the follOWing address.
. ;.)'
6. Bidder's firm name \,lI~~+-:r ....+lr\ or- 1D':"~,^ C-e....+-"L..- \ "'f'4':>
7. Complete address '2.. c; "\ <.') 0 ~ \-tW '( \ 0 /
(Street address)
(Clly) (State)
Nl8[ST~1 q 'i;'X-.-I--\
GC'i 7hL) o'f3
2>(,0- b:S'll- /77 '7
8 Registration Number
9. UBI Number
10 Telephone No
The bidder represerits that it is qualified and possesses sufficient skills and the necessary capabilities
to perform the ser'Vices set fir' In thiS Contract
11. Signed by ~ _ ~~
- "-.)
12 Tille ~..-'t"........... \ .M...."..j'.r
13, Pnnted Name. J <:>\" '" .JI<\ ,..,V\: 7.
14 Date
q~ '-' . "7
Project: PK-Q7-Q32
Page 2
R"" 2/1512007
. ,
P O. #: 010090
DATE: 09/13/07
DATE CHG 09/13/07
Clty of Port Angeles
PO BOX 1150
259003 HWY 101
SEQUIM, WA 98382
City of Port Angeles
1310 W 16TH ST
* *
* *
6466.49 6466.49
TAX 8.4
543 19
Vern Burton Carpet Replacement