HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.623V Original Contract 11/27/2887 17 44 '. . , 2535365988 . CERTIFIED CLEANING . PAGE 84/13 ii City of Part Angeles Publ., WOIb 4 Ublilies DepI. OpmIIoDs OIIlcc 1703 South B SImI _ Angdes W ^ 98362 Tel: 360-417-4"*1 F",,' 360-452-4972 LIMITED PUBLIC WORKS PROC1\...CiS o Request for Quotation ~ Contract Contrllct TIlle: Cleanlna al Boo-Diesel Tank at COlt> Yard. Project Numba': ES-07-lM2 ThUS CONTRAcr is entered Into the data last below wrItl1!!n between the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON ("CI'TY") AND Certilled O""nloo ServiOl!!l Incoroorated L"CONTRACT'DR"). 1. WORK BY CONTRACTOR The Contractlor shall perform the work as desa1bed ,n Attachment "A" (Attachment "A" may mclude Contractor's Proposal, SCOpe at Work, Statement of Work, Plans, Spec.ificati01lS, and any ather related Contract Documents) which Is attached tlereto and by this reference Is Incorparatad herein. 2. TERM OF CONTRACT All work under thIS CMtract Is to be completed as Indli:ated (check one). o All WOJ1( under this Contract IS to be compleled by lt1ls date: -" I8l All work under lt1ls Contract Is to be completed ;z. days from the Notioe to Procl!Ied. No work Is to be performed prior to written Notice to Proceed by the CIty. o The performance period under this ContrlIct commenalS _ calendar days after contract award and ends _ calendar days after contract award. 3. PAYMENT A. The my shall pay the Contractor for the work performed under this contract (check one): B o ~ TIme and material, not to exceed. $_ TIme and actual expenses InOJrred, not to exceed. $_ Unit pric;es set fa1l1ln the Contractor's bid or quote, not to E!XO!ed. $_ Firm Fixed Pr1ce set forth In Contract.or bid or quote In the amount rff $5392.90 The eon_ shall do aU work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment, In accordanca wlth and as desa1bed in the Attachment "A". The Contractor shall provide and bear lt1e expense or all equipment, work and labor 01 any sort whatsoever that may be requlnad for the transfer 01 materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in this contract and every part thereof; except as are mentioned In the speclficatlons to be fumlshed by the city of Port Angeles. Il. The Contraaor shall maintaIn time and expense reoordS, which may be requested by the Oty. The oontrattor shall submit invoices to the my for payment for work performed All Invoices must reference the my's CXlI1tract number. InvoIces shall be in a format llCCePtable to the Oty. C. 111e cry shall pay all Invoices from the Contractor by maIling a my warrant within 30 days or receipt of a properly completed IllVOIoe. D. All mcords and accounts pertlIlnlng to this Contract are to be kept available for Inspe:dons by representatives or the CIty for a period of three (3) yeen; after Ilnal payment CopIes shall be made available to the ory upon request. Page I Rev 211612007 Project ES-G7 -042 11/27/2007 17:44 2535365900 . CERTIFIED CLEANING . PAGE 05/13 , E. If during the course of the COntract, the work rendered does not meet the requirements set forth In the Con~ th8 Contnlcb:lr shall correct or modify the requlnad work to comply wrtIl the requirements ot this Contract. The Oty shall have the ~ght to withhold payment for such work until it meets the requirements of the COntract Docllments 4. RESPONSIBIUTY OF CONTRACTOR A. Safety. Contractor shall take all necEssary precautlons for the safety of employees on the work site and shall comply with all apphcable provisions of federal, state and local regulations, ordinances and codes. COntrad:Dr shall erect and properly maintain, at all times, as requlnad by the conditions and progress of the work, all necessary safeguards for the protEctIon of wor1<ers and the public and shall post danger SIgns wamlng against known or unusual hazards. B. COrrection of Defec:ts. Contractor shall be responsible for correcting all defects In woOOnanship and/or materials dlsalvenad within one year after ao:eptunce of thIS work. When corrections of defects are made, COntractor shall be responsible for correcting all defects In wcriaT1anshlp and/or mater1a1s In the correclEd work for one year after ;KXEptance of the corrections by the Oty. The COntractor shall start work to remedy such defects wIthtn seven (7) days of mailing nobce of dlscovery tIlereof by my and shall complete such work within a reasonable time. In em.. H"'.oes where damage may result from delay or whena loss of servloe may result, such oorrections may be made by the City, in which case the cost shall be borne by the Contractor. In the event tile Contractor does not accomplish com!ClJons at the time speclned, the work will be otherwise accomplished and the cost of same shall be paid by the Contractor. C. Warranty. contractor shall be liable for any costs, losses, el(peT1SeS or damages Indudlng consequenUal damages suffered by the City resulting from defects in the ContradorS work Including, but not limited to, cost of materlals and labor expended by the Oty In making emergency repan'S and cost of englneenng, IIlSpectlon and supervision by the Oty. The COntractor shall hold the Oty harmless from any and all dalms whu::h may be made against the Oty as a result of any defective work and the Contractor shall defend any such dalms at its own expense. Where mater1als or procedures are not speafied In the Contract Docwnent, the City will rely on the profes5lonal Judgment of the c... ,b "",tot to ma!c;e appropnate salections. D. NondiscnmmabOn/Affirmatlve Ad;Ion. Contractor agrees not to di5C~mlnate against any employee or applicant for employment or any other persons In the perrormance of this Contract because of race, creed, lIller, natlonal o~gln, ITlllrttal status, sex, age or handicap, or other drcumstances as may be denned by federal, state or local law or ordInanoe, exa!pl for a bona nde occupational qualification Contractor agrees to post In consplaJOus places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notlces to be provtded by Contractor setting forth the provisions of the nondlscrtmlnatlon clause. e. Employmer1t. Any and all employees of the Contractor, while engaged In the performanoe of any work or services reqUired by the Contnlcb:lr under thiS Contract, shall be CXlnsodered employees of the Contractor only and not of the aty. My and all claims that may arise under the Workers CompensaUon Act on behalf ot said employees, while so engaged, and all dalms made by a thlld party as consequence of any negligent act or omission on the part of the Contractor's employees, while so engaged on any of the work or services provided or rendered herein, shall not be the obligation of the Oty. 5. COMPUANCE wrnt LAWS The Conlractor shall comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations applicable to the work done under this Contract. Arry violation of the provisions of this paragraph shall be considered a violation of a matenal prtMSIOIl of thIS Contract and shall be grounds for cancellatlon, termlnabon or suspension of the Contract by the Oty, In whole or in part, and may result In Ineligibility for further work for the Oty. 6. TERMINATIon 01' CONTRACT A. This Contract shall tenmnate upon satisfactory CDmpletlon of the work desalbed In Attachment "An and flnal payment by the City B. The City may temunate the Contract and take poSSeSsion of the premises and all mate~als thereon Project ES-07.o42 Page 2 ~ 211612007 11/27/2ee7 17:44 253536ie CERTIFIED CLEANING . PAGE e6/13 and finiSh tile wor1< by wl1lltever methods It may deem expedient, by gMng 10 days written notlce to lI1e Contractor, upon the oa:urrence of any one or more Of the events hereafter spedfied. 1. The Contractor makes a general 8SSIgnment for the benefit Of Its aedltors. 2. A receIVer Is appointed as a result of the In!iOlvency Of lI1e Contractor. 3. 1l1e contractor peI!IstJmtty or repea~1y refuseS or falls to wmpfele the work required herein. 4. Contracror falls to make prompt paymMt!Xl subcontractors for mate~al or labor. 5. contractor persistently dIsregards ~raI, slate or local regula~ons and ordinances. 6. Contractor persistently disregards Instruc:tJons of lI1e COntract AdmlnlstralXlr, or olI1erwlse substantlally violates lI1e terms of this Contract. 7 The City determines that sufftdent operating funds are not available !Xl fund completion of the work contracted for. C. 1n lI1e event 1I11s contract Is terminated by the Oty, Contractor shall not be entltled 10 receive any furll1er amounts due under 1I11s contract untllll1e wor1< spedfled In Attad1ment "A" Is satisfactorily mmpleted, ;IS scheduled, up to lI1e date of termlnatJon. Pi. such tlme, If the unpaid balance of the amount to be paid under thiS Contract exteedS lI1e expense Incurred by the Oty In finishing lI1e work, and all damages sustained by the City or which may be sustained by reascn of sud1 refuslll, neglect, failure 01' dIscxlntInual1a! of employment, sudll!XD!SS sI1lIl1 be paid by the City to lI1e Contractor. 1f lI1e Oty's expense and damages exceed lI1e unpaid balance, COntractor and his surety sl1lll1 be JOIntly and severally liable therefore 10 the Oty and shall pay such difference to the Oty. Such expense and damages shall InclUde all legal costs Inturred by the City to prated: the ~gtltS and IntaTests of the City under the Contract, provided such legal costs shall be reasonable 7. OWNERSHIP OF DOaIMENTS A. On payment 10 the Cu.,b ...:lor by the City of all compensatlon due under this COI'Itract, all finished or unfinished documents and matsnal prepared by the Contrac:tcr with funds paid by the City under this Contract shall bIrome lI1e property of the City and shall be forWarded to the aty upon Its request. B. Any records, reporlS, Informatlon. data or othEr documents Q" materialS given tll or ~red or assembled by the COntractor under this Contract will be kept confidenllal and shall not be m<Kle available tll any IndMdual or Of9!lnlzatlon by the COI'Itractor without prior written approval of the Oty or by court order. S.CLAIMS Any daim against the City for damages, expenses, costs or extras arislng out of the performance of 1I11s Contract must be made In wrIllng 10 the oty within thirty clays after the dlstOllefy of such damBgl!, expense or loss, and In no f!IIl!I1t later than the tlme of approval by the Oty for final payment. Contractor, upon making appllcBtlon t'or final payment, shall be deemed to have waived Its right to claIm for any olI1er damages for which appllca~on hilS not been made, unless such claim for final payment includes notlce at addl~onal claim and fully desafbes such dalm. ,. GENERAL ADMINIS1'RATION AND MANAGEMENT 1l1e Director of the PublIC Works and U~IIt1es Department or hiS/her designee shall have primary responSibility for the Oty under lI1ls Corrtract and shall oversee and approve all work to be performed, lXXlrdlnate commurueabons, and reIIfew and approve all involces, under this contract 10. HOLD HARMLESS A. 1l1e contractor shall protect, def8ld, Indemnify and saw harmless tI1e Oty, lIB officers, employees and agents from any and all costs, dalms, judgments or awards of damages, anSlng out of or In any way resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor. 1l1e COntractor agrees tI1at Its obligations under this subparagraph extend to any claim, demand, and/or ClIIlSe of action brought by, or on behalf of, any of Its employees or agents. fOr this purpose, the Contractor, by mutual negotiation, hereby waNeS, as I espects lI1e City only, any Immunity that would otherwise be available against such dalms under the Industr1allnsurance provision of Title 51 RCW. In the event tl1e Oty obtains any Judgment or award, and/or Incurs any cost arising lI1erefrom Indudlng attorneys' fees tll enforce the provisions of thiS a~de, all such fees, expenses, and costs shall be rec:owrable form the Contractor. Project ES..()7..042 Page 3 Rev. 2/1612007 11/27/2007 17:44 25353610 CERTIFIED CLEANING . PAGE 07/13 B. 111e CIty shall proll!tt, derend, Indemnify and save harmless the Contractor, Its offia!l'S, employees and agents from any and all costs, dalms, judgments or awards of damages, ansrng 0IJt of or in any way resulllng from the negligent aelS llI' OmiSSIonS of the City. 111e CIty agrees that I1B obligations under this subparagraph extend to any dalm, demand, and/or cause of actIOn brought by, or llI'l behalf of, any of Its employees ()I' agents. For this PU1'JlC!e, the CIty, lrf mutual negottation, hereby waives, as respects the Contractor only, any immumty that would otherWIse be available against such claIms under the IndustrlallnsuranOl proYlskln of Title 51 RCW. In the event tile ContTaGtOr obtains any judgment or award, end/llI' Incurs any cost ansrng therefrom IncludIng attorneys' fees tc enforce the provisions of thiS article, all such fees, expenses, and costs shall be recoverable form the Oty. 11. INSURANCE The Contractor shall malnlllln Insuranre as set Ibrth in Attadmlent B. U. PREVAILING WAG!! 111is eontract Is subject to the requirements of Cllapter 39.12 RCW, and as It may be emended, relating to prevailing wages. On Public Works projects, funded in part or in whole WltIl federal funds, Federal wages laws and nagulatlons shall also be applicable. NO WORKER, LABORER OR MECHANIC EMPLOYED IN TliE PERFORMANCE OF ANY PART OF TliIS CONTRACT SHALL BE PAID LESS THAN THE PREVAIUNG RATE OF WAGE as determined lrf the IndustIial Stobsboan of tile Department of Labor and Industries for the state of WashingtOn. 111e sdledule of prevailing wage rates for this Contract Is made a part of tills <:onlrac:t as thoU\lh fully set forth herein. PrIor to making any payment under this Contract, the CIty must recetve an approved copy of the "Statement of Intent to Pay Plellalllng Wages on PUblIC Works ConII'ac:ts" from the Department of Labor end Industnes. It IS the Contrac:tor's responsibility to obtain and file the "Statement of Intent to pay Prevailing Wage". 1l1e Contractor shall be responsible for all flUng fees. Ead1 illV01ce shalllndude a Signed statemoot that pl'fNlllllng wages haVe been paid by the Contractor and all subcontrac:tlJls. FolloWIng the final acceptance of ser.nces rendered, contractor shall subm~ an "Affidavtt of Wages Paid". For a contrac:t award or an on-call oontrac:t wori< order under $2,500, and In aa:ordan~ with RCW 39.12.040(2), the oontractor or suboontrac:tor is authonzed to submft a combined Statement Of Intent To Pay PrevlIlllng wages &. Affldavft Of Wages directly to tile City of Port Angeles at ftnallnvoldng. SUbmission shall be made on the Ibrm developed by the Washington Sta12 Department of Labor and Industl1es and available from tile aty of Port Angeles Public Worlcs and utilities Department In case any dispute arIseS as tc ....nOlI: are the prevailing rates of wages for a specific trade, craft or oexupation and sudl dISpUte cannot be adjuSted by the parties In Interest, Indudlng labor and management representatives, the matter shall be referred Ibr arbitration to the Director of the Department of Labor and Industl1es, and his deciSion shall be final, conclusive, end binding on all parties involved In the dispute. 13. INTERPRETATION AND VENUE This Contract shall be Int.... etl!d and conSlnJ8llln accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The venue of any litigation betWeen the parties regarding tills Cootrac:t shall be Oallam County, Washington. 14. BRANDS OR EQUAL When a special "brand or equal' Is named It shall be OJnStrued solely for the purpose of indicating the standards of quality, performance, or use desired. Brands of equal quality, performance, and use shall be considered, provtded Contractor spedfles the brand and model and submits descriptive literature ....nen available. Arr( bid containing a brand ....nJdlIS not of equal quality, pelformanoe, or use speafied must be represented as an alternate and not as an equal, and failure to do 50 shall be sufficient reason to disregard the bid. Project ES-07-042 Page 4 Rev. 2'1612007 11/27/2007 17'44 . ' 2535365900 . CERTIFIED CLEANING . PAGE 08/13 15. INSPECTION AND RElECTION All goods, services, work, Or mi!tel1als purchased herein are subject Inspecllon and to approval by tile CIty. Any rejection of goods, services, work, or materials resul~ng because of nonconformity to the terms and spedficatlons of this order, whett1EJ" held by the City or returned, will be at Contractor's r1sk and expense, 16.5UBLErTlNG OR ASSIGNING OF CONTRACTS Nellher the Oty nor tile Contractor shall assign, transfer, or encumber any rights, dutles or Interest aCCl1Jlng from this Contract without the express prior wrltten amsent of the other. 17. INDEPENDENT <:oNTRACTOR The Contractor Is and shall be at all Umes dunng the term d lhls Contract an Indellendent OlI'Itractor and not an employee of the City. 18. EXTENTOP CONT1lACf/MODIFICAUON This Contract. together with the attachments and/or addenda, represents the entire and IlIteglated Contract betWeen the pa~es hereto and supersedes all prior negoti~ons, representations, or agreements, either wr1tten or oral. ThIS mntraCt may be amended, modified or added to only by wr1tten InstnJment properly SIgned by both partles hereto, ThIS Contract, together with the attachments and/or addenda, represents the rire and Integrated Contract between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior negotIatfCll1$, representabons, or agreements, elther written or oral. This oontract may be amended, modlfled or added to only by wntten Instrument properly slgned by both parties hereto. IN wrrnESS WHEREOF, the parties have e<ecuted this Contract as of 1/ h'1/ I I .2007. d?~MK TItJe<</M'Ah'flh S 4I~A1t:L. Address;?7103 lie fA r.5T 6 City.7Jifom,lfj Tax 10 #. '1/-113.3~rf Phone Number z..53 - 5"3'- - ssco - CITY Of pO~ELES By: I;UJ~~ Printed Name: 1. ( . v<-",- e TIde: 1) ~k--L6 D ~. Purchase Order #. 1051.(& Page S Rev.2116f.!007 Project ES-07-042 11/27/2007 17'44 2535365900 . CERTIFIED CLEANING . PAGE 09/13 City of Port Angele$ OperatlOnll Office Public WorkS and utilities Department 360-417-4541 "TTACHMENT ",," WORK BY CONTRAcroR Contractor wtll be allowed to work from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Fnday. The Contractor may request to work oulslde of these hours, which may be approved at the dIscretion of the City's representative for the respective task, The Contractor shall do all work and fumish all/abar, tools, materialS, and equipment In order to accomplish following project' Cleaning of one (1) 6,000 gallon Bla-Dlesel fuel tank Contractor will pump and store remaining fuel In tank, clean interior of tank and retum stored fuel VIa filtration, subalntrac:b>r Respomibmty: 1) The Contractor shall include the language of this section In each of Its first tier subconlrilttS, and shell require each of Its subCOntractors to Include substantially the same language of this secUon In each of their subcontracts, adJusting only as necessary the ttm1S used for the CDI1lri1Ct1ng parties. The requirements of thiS section apPly to all 5UbtOlltracrors regardless of lier 2) At the !lme of subcontract exetUlIon, tile Contractor shall verif'y that each of Its first !ler subcontractors meets the followm9 bidder respon5lbllrty crlIerIa. . At the time of subcontract bid submdlal. have a certificate of registration in compliance wfth chapter 18,27 RCW, _ Have a current state unrfted bUsiness ldentrfter number; _ If applicable. have . IndustrlallnsurancB covet'lIge for the subcontractor's employees working In Washington as reqUired In rdle 51 RCW. . An employment securIty department number as required In Tile 50 RCW, and . A slate exCise tax regielrslJon number as required In Tlla 82 RCW, . An electncal contractor license, If requued by Chapter 19,28 RCW. . An elevator contract license, if required by Chapter 70 87 RCW. _ Not be disqualified from bidding on any pUbliC works contract under RCW 39.06.010 or 39.12,065(3) Page 6 Rev 2/1612007 Project ES-07-042 11/27/2887 17:44 25353618 CERTIFIED CLEANING . PAGE 18/13 City of Port Angeles Operations Office Public Wor1<8 and UlII~1es Department 36~17-4541 ATTACHMENT B INSURANCE lll$Uranc:e Requirements, The Contractor shall proClJre and maintaIn for the duration of the Contract, Insurance against dalms for Injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or In connection with the performance of the worIt hereunder by the COntractor, their agents, representatIYaS. employees or subalntraclDrs. Failure by the Contractor to maUltaln the InsJrat1Cl! a5 reqUired shall constitute a rnatel'llll breach rR contract upon which the CIty may, after g,ving five wor1dng days notice to the contraclDr to correct the breach, ImmedlatBly terminate the COntract or at ,Is discretion, procure or renew such Insurance and pay any and all premiums In connection the-ewrt:h, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the CIty on demand, or at the sole dlscretlon of the CIty. off set against funds due the Contractor from the aty 1. Minimum Scope of Insurance The COntraclDr shall obtlln Insurance of l1\e types described below: a. Autnmoblle lIabllltv Insurance oovenng all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehldes. COverage shall be written on Insurance ServIces Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form pro1Iiding equIValent hablllty coverage. If necessary, l1\e policy shall be enclorsErj to provide contractual liability CO'IeI'age. b. COmmercial General lIabllltv Insurance shall be wntten on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall a:N1!!f liability ariSIng from premises, operabOns, stop gap liability, Independent contractors, products- completed operatlons, personal Injury and advertising Injury, and liability assumed under an Insured contract The Commercial General liability Insurance shall be endorsed to provlde the Aggregate Per Pro.Jed: ErIt10rSement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. Then! shall be no endorsement or modiftcatlon of the COmmerdal Genel'lll liability Insurance for liability anSlng from exploslon, ooIlapse or underground property damage. The Oty shall be named as an insured under the COntractor's COmmeraal General uabllity insurance policy wll1\ respect to the work performed for the CIty using ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 10 10 01 and Addlbonal Insured-Completed Operatlons endorsement CG 20 37 1001 or substitute endorsements providing equlV8lent coverage c. Workers' CotnDl!llS8bon coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the SlaI2 of Washington. 2 Minimum Amounts of Insurar1(2 The Contraclllr shall maintain the following Insurance limits' a. Automobile Uabllltv ITlSurance WII11 a minimum mmblned single limit for bodily ITljury and property damage of $1,000.000 per al:ddent b. \:9mmeraal Gen8l'a1 lIabllltv Insurance shall be wntten with limits no less tlhan $1,000,000 each O<X.tIrrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a $2,000,000 products-comp/eted operatlons aggregate limit 3. other Insurance ProvIsions The Insurance polioes are to alIltaln, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Autnmobile liability and Cotnmeroal General liability insurance. Project ES-07-042 Page 7 Rev. 2/1612007 11/27/2667 17:44 . . 2535365966 . CERTIFIED CLEANING . PAGE 11/13 a. The Conl7ad:or's Insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect to the City. Any Insunmce, self-Insurance, or Insurance pool coverage maintained by the aty shall be .n excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute WIth It. b. The Contractor's Insurance shall not be cancelled Or rmuced as to coverage by sther party, except after forty-five (45) dayS pI'IOI' written notice by certJned mall, return receipt requested, has been given to the Oty. 4. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance Is to be placed with Insurers WIth a current A M Best rabng of not less than A:VI. 5 Ver1ftcatlon of Coverage The Contradllr shall furnish the City with original certtflcates and a mrtV of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional Insured endorsement, evldendng the Automobile liability and Commercial General UabUIty Insurance of the Contractor be(Qre commencement of the work. Before any exposure to loss may occur, the Contractor shall nle with the City a copy Of the BUilders Risk insurance policy that Indudes all applicable conditions, exdusons, definibons, wms and endorsemen1S related to thls project. 6. Contractor's Insuranll!! For Oll1er Losses The CVllb .....WI shall assume full responsibility for all loss or damage from any cause whatsoever to any tools, Contractor's employee owned tools, machinery, equipment, or motor vehldes owned or ren(ed by the Contractor, or the Contractor's agents, SUppliers or contractors as well as to any temporary structures, scaffolding and protecbve fences. 7 Waiver of Subrogation The Contractor and the CIty waive all rights against ead'l other, any of their Subcontractors, Subcontractors, agents and employees, each of the other, for damages l;<Iused by fire or other perils to the extent c:overed by Builders Risk Insurance or other property Insurance obtaIn pursuant to the Insurance Requirements section of thIS COntnlct or other property Insurance appllc1lble to the work. The poliCIes shall prcvlde such waivers by endorsement or otherwise. Project ES-07-042 Page 8 Rov 2/16/2007 11/27/2ee7 17:44 . . 253536ie CERTIFIED CLEANING . PAGE 12/13 City of Port Angeles opel'!l!ions OffIce PubUc Works and UtJhlles Department 36ll-4174541 ATTACHMENT "c" PREVAIUNG WAGE RATES Sce attached listing: I WashingtOn State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Work. Contracts, Clal1am COWl\}', effi:ctive 08-3!_06'1.t-.,... 2. WashIngton State Prcvslhng Wage Rates For Public Works Contmcts - Apprentlccs, Clallam COlUl\}', effect1ve 08-31-0'1>'1 ~ Project ES-07-042 Page 9 Rev 2116/2007 Stage of Progression && Hour Range ASBESTOS ABA TEMENT WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 50 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 60 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 75 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 90 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 60 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 70 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 80 00% 4 3001.4000 HOURS 90 00% BOILERMAKERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 70 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 75 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 80 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 85 00% 5 4001.5000 HOURS 90 00% 6 5001-6000 HOURS 95 00% BRICK AND MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 aODO-07S0+fOURS 50 00% 2 0751-2250 HOURS 5.5 00% 3 2251-3000 HOURS 60 00% 4 3001-3750 HOURS 70 00% 5 3751-4500 HOURS 80 00% 6 4501-5250 HOURS 90 00% 7 5251-6000 HOURS 95 00% CARPENTERS CARPENTER o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 60 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 65 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 70 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 75 00% 5 4001-5000 HOURS 80 00% 6 5001-6000 HOURS 85 00% 7 6001-7000 HOURS 90 00% 8 7001-8000 HOURS 95 00% DRYWALL APPLICATOR o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-0700 HOURS 50 00% . . PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR CLALLAM COUNTY APPRENTICES EFFECTIVE DATE 8/31/2007 PrevaIling Overtime Holiday Note Code Code Wage Code $793 1M 50 $1932 1M 50 $2212 1M 50 $2851 1M 50 $3315 1M 50 $25 02 1M 50 $27 83 1M 50 $30 63 1M 50 $33 44 1M 50 $793 1C 5N $38 86 1C 5N $40 30 1C 5N $4173 1C 5N $4317 1C 5N $44 60 1C 5N $46 04 1C 5N $793 1M 5A $2549 1M SA $27 05 1M SA $28 62 1M 5A $3174 1M SA $34 87 1M SA $3799 1M SA $3956 1M SA $793 1M 50 $2668 1M 50 $32 38 1M 50 $34 00 1M 50 $3563 1M 50 $3725 1M 50 $38 88 1M 50 $4050 1M 50 $4213 1M 50 $793 1M 50 $2346 1M 50 Page 1 . . . CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-07 ********************************************************************************************************** ClaSSIfIcation PREVAILING WAGE ELECTRICIANS - INSIDE CABLE SPLICER CABLE SPLICER (TUNNEL) CERTIFIED WELDER CERTIFIED WELDER (TUNNEL) CONSTRUCTION STOCK PERSON JOURNEY LEVEL JOURNEY LEVEL (TUNNEL) ELECTRICIANS - MOTOR SHOP CRAFTSMAN JOURNEY LEVEL ELECTRICIANS - POWERLlNE CONSTRUCTION CABLE SPLICER CERTIFIED LINE WELDER GROUNDPERSON HEAD GROUNDPERSON HEAVY LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR JACKHAMMER OPERATOR JOURNEY LEVEL L1NEPERSON LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR POLE SPRAYER POWDERPERSON ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS MECHANIC MECHANIC IN CHARGE FABRICATED PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS FENCE ERECTORS FENCE ERECTOR FENCE LABORER FLAGGERS JOURNEY LEVEL GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL HEAT & FROST INSULATORS AND ASBESTOS WORKERS MECHANIC HEATING EQUIPMENT MECHANICS MECHANIC HOO CARRIERS & MASON TENDERS JOURNEY LEVEL INDUSTRIAL ENGINE AND MACHINE MECHANICS MECHANIC INDUSTRIAL POWER VACUUM CLEANER JOURNEY LEVEL INLAND BOATMEN CAPTAIN COOK DECKHAND ENGINEER/DECKHAND MATE, LAUNCH OPERATOR $55 05 $58 88 $5316 $5715 $27 32 $5125 $55 05 $1537 $1469 $5437 $49 64 $35 93 $37 89 $49 64 $37 89 $49 64 $42 27 $49 64 $37 89 $1207 $57 88 $63 45 $1350 $1380 $1160 $3101 $43 76 $4613 $1600 $36 75 $1565 $910 $59 22 $3481 $34 52 $58 62 $50 20 Page 2 (See Benefit Code Key) Over TIme Holiday Note Code Code Code 10 5A 10 5A 10 5A 10 5A 10 5A 10 5A 10 5A 2A 6C 2A 6C 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 5A 4A 4A 6Q 6Q 1H 5D 1H 5G 1S 5J 1H 5D . Stage of ProgressIon && Hour Range JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 50 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 60 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 70 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 80 00% 5 4001-5000 HOURS 90 00% 6 5001-6000 HOURS 95 00% DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 50 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 55 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 65 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 75 00% 5 4001-5000 HOURS 85 00% 6 5001-6000 HOURS 90 00% ELECTRICIANS - INSIDE JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 40 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 50 00% 3 2001-3500 HOURS 55 00% 4 3501-5000 HOURS 65 00% 5 5001-6500 HOURS 75 00% 6 6501-8000 HOURS 85 00% ELECTRICIANS - POWERLlNE CONSTRUCTION JOURNEY LEVEL L1NEPERSON o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 60 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 63 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 67 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 72 00% 5 4001-5000 HOURS 78 00% 6 5001-6000 HOURS 86 00% 7 6001-7000 HOURS 90 00% POLE SPRA YER o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 85 70% 2 1001.2000 HOURS 89 80% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 92 80% ELEVA TOR CONSTRUCTORS MECHANIC o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% ,-'. , ~" y_,<^f'l' . PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR CLALLAM COUNTY APPRENTICES EFFECTIVE DATE 8/31/2007 PrevaIling OvertIme HolIday Code Wage Code $793 1M 50 $1402 1M 50 $1682 1M 50 $1963 1M 50 $22 43 1M 50 $25 24 1M 50 $26 64 1M 50 $793 lE 5P $28 29 1E 5P $29 82 lE 5P $32 88 lE 5P $35 94 lE 5P $39 00 lE 5P $40 53 lE 5P $793 10 SA $22 49 10 SA $26 30 10 SA $3146 10 SA $35 85 10 SA $40 26 10 SA $44 65 - 10 SA $793 4A SA $32 03 4A SA $33 20 4A SA $34 76 4A SA $3671 4A SA $39 05 4A SA $4217 4A SA $43 73 4A SA $793 4A SA $42 06 4A SA $43 66 4A SA $44 83 4A SA $793 4A 6Q Page 3 ''''''~ -'\ ~. . 'j"fh~:",ti{f~i~"'~~' " f'l); ti~'1-i-(t t, t', Note Code . . PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR CLALLAM COUNTY APPRENTICES EFFECTIVE DATE 8131/2007 PrevaIling OvertIme Holiday Note Stage of Progression && Hour Range Code Code Wage Code 1 0000-1000 HOURS 50 00% $20 69 4A 60 2 1001-1700 HOURS 55 00% $37 36 4A 60 3 1701-3400 HOURS 65 00% $4176 4A 60 4 3401-5100 HOURS 70 00% $44 55 4A 60 5 5101-6800 HOURS 80 00% $48 97 4A 60 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% $793 1 1 0000-1000 HOURS 55 00% $793 1 2 1001-2000 HOURS 60 00% $793 1 3 2001-3000 HOURS 65 00% $793 1 4 3001-4000 HOURS 70 00% $845 1 5 4001-5000 HOURS 75 00% $905 1 6 5001-6000 HOURS 80 00% $966 1 7 6001-7000 HOURS 85 00% $1026 1 8 7001-8000 HOURS 95 00% $1147 1 TELECOMMUNICA TION TECHNICIANS TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% $793 1D 5A 1 0000-080a HOURS 60 00% $2037 1D 5A 2 0801-1500 HOURS 65 00% $2171 10 5A 3 1601.2400 HOURS 70 00% $23 06 1D 5A 4 2401-3200 HOURS 7~OO% $2441 10 5A 5 3201-4000 HOURS 80 00% $25 76 --'0 5A 6 4001-4800 HOURS 85 00% $2711 lD 5A FLAGGERS JOURNEY LEVEL o OOOO-OOOD HOURS 0 00% $793 1M 5D GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% $793 lH 5G 1 000041000 HOURS 45 00% $22 44 1H 5G 2 1001-2000 HOURS 50 00% $24 38 lH 5G 3 2001-3000 HOURS 55 00% $26 32 lH 5G 4 3001-4000 HOURS 60 00% $28 26 1H 5G 5 4001-5000 HOURS 65 00% $3019 lH 5G 6 5001-6000 HOURS 70 00% $3213 lH 5G 7 6001-7000 HOURS 80 00% $3601 1H 5G B 7001.8000 HOURS 90 00% $39 88 lH 5G HEA T & FROST INSULA TORS AND ASBESTOS WORKERS MECHANIC o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% $793 lS 5J 1 0000-1000 HOURS 40 00% $25 32 1S 5J 2 1001-2000 HOURS 45 00% $27 06 lS 5J Page 4 .. Stage of Progression && Hour Range 3 2001-3000 HOURS 50 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 55 00% 5 4001-6000 HOURS 65 00% 6 6001-8000 HOURS 75 00% 7 8001-10000 HOURS 65 00% HOD CARRIERS & MASON TENDERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 60 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 70 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 80 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 90 00% INSULA TION APPLlCA TORS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 50 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 60 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 75 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 90 00% IRONWORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-0750 HOURS 65 00% 2 0751-1500 HOU","S 70 00% 3 1501-2250 HOURS 75 00% 4 2251-3000 HOURS 80 00% 5 3001-3750 HOURS 90 00% 6 3751-4500 HOURS 90 00% 7 4501-5250 HOURS 95 00% 8 5251-6000 HOURS 95 00% LABORERS GENERAL LABORER o 0000-0000 HOURS 000% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 60 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 70 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 80 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 90 00% LABORERS - UNDERGROUND SEWER & WA TER GENERAL LABORER o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 60 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 70 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 80 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 90 00% . PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR CLALLAM COUNTY APPRENTICES EFFECTIVE DATE 8/31/2007 Prevailing Overtime Holiday Code Wage Code $28 79 1S 5J $30 52 1S 5J $33 99 lS 5J $3746 1S 5J $4093 1S 5J $793 1M 5D $25 02 1M 5D $2783 1M 5D $3063 1M 5D $3344 1M 5D $793 1 $1025 1 $1230 1 $1538 1 $1845 1 " $793 10 5A $28 08 10 5A $29 70 10- 5A $3982-_ 10 5A $4144 10 5A $44 68 10 5A $44 68 10 5A $46 30 10 5A $46 30 10 5A $793 1M 5D $25 02 1M 5D $27 83 1M 5D $3063 1M 5D $33 44 1M 5D $793 1M 5D $25 02 1M 5D $27 83 1M 5D $30 63 1M 5D $33 44 1M 5D Page 5 Note Code . . PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR CLALLAM COUNTY APPRENTICES EFFECTIVE DATE 8/31/2007 PrevaIling Overtime HoiJday Note Stage of Progression && Hour Range Code Code Wage Code LATHERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% $793 1M 50 1 0000-0700 HOURS 50 00% $23 45 1M 50 2 0701-1400 HOURS 50 00% $30 78 1M 50 3 1401.2100 HOURS 68 00% $33 38 1M 50 4 2101-2800 HOURS 75 00% $35 98 1M 50 5 2801-3500 HOURS 84 00% $38 59 1M 50 5 3501-4200 HOURS 92 00% $41 19 1M 50 PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% $793 28 5A 1 0000-0750 HOURS 52 00% $1927 28 5A 2 0751-1500 HOURS 55 00% $20 32 28 5A 3 1501-2250 HOURS 60 00% $2137 28 5A 4 2251-3000 HOURS 64 00% $2326 28 5A 5 3001-3750 HOURS 68 00% $24 36 28 5A 6 4001-4800 HOURS 72 00% $2545 28 5A PLASTERERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% $793 1 1 0000-0500 HOURS 40 00% $1033 1 2 0501-1000 HOURS 4500% $1162 1 3 1001-1500 HOURS 4'5 DO% $1152 1 4 1501-2000 HOURS 5000% $1292 1 5 2001 ~2500 HOURS 55 00% $1421 1 6 2501-3000 HOURS 60 00% $1550 1 7 3001-3500 HOURS 65 00% $1679 1 8 3501-4000 HOURS 70 00% $1808 1 9 4001-4500 HOURS 75 00% $1937 1 10 4501-5000 HOURS 80 00% $2066 1 11 5001-5500 HOURS 85 00% $2195 1 12 5501-6000 HOURS 90 00% $23 25 1 13 6001-6500 HOURS 95 00% $24 54 1 14 6501-7000 HOURS 95 00% $24 54 1 PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL o oooo~oooo HOURS 0 00% $793 lG 5A 1 0000-2000 HOURS 50 00% $30 53 1G 5A 2 2001-4000 HOURS 62 50% $4152 1G 5A 3 4001-6000 HOURS 70 00% $44 49 1G 5A 4 6001-8000 HOURS 75 00% $4547 1G 5A 5 8001-10000 HOURS 85 00% $50 43 lG 5A POWER EQUIPMENT OPERA TORS Page 6 , , . . PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR CLALLAM COUNTY APPRENTICES EFFECTIVE DATE 8/31/2007 Stage of ProgressIOn && Hour Range PrevaIling OvertIme Holiday Code BACKHOES. 175 HP & UNDER) o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 65 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 70 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 75 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 80 00% 5 4001.5000 HOURS 90 00% 6 5001-6000 HOURS 95 00% POWER EQUIPMENT OPERA TORS- UNDERGROUND SEWER & WA TER (SEE POWER EQUIPMENT OPERA TORS) o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 65 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 70 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 75 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 80 00% 5 4001-5000 HOURS 90 00% 6 5001-6000 HOURS 95 00% POWER LINE CLEARANCE TREE TRIMMERS TREE TRIMMER o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% " 1 0000-1000 HOURS 75 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 80 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 85 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 90 00% REFRIGERA TION & AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS MECHANIC o 0000-0000 HOU RS 0 00% 1 0000-2000 HOURS 50 00% 2 2001-4000 HOURS 55 00% 3 4001-6000 HOURS 60 00% 4 6001-8000 HOURS 70 00% 5 B001-10000 HOURS 85 00% RESIDENTIAL CARPENTERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 1 st Period 60 00% 2 2nd Penod 65 00% 3 3rd Penod 70 00% 44th Penod 75 00% 55th Penod 80 00% 66th Penod 85 00% 77th penod 90 00% a 8th Penod 95 00% RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICIANS Wage Code $793 1M 50 $33 39 1M 50 $34 98 1M 50 $36 56 1M 50 $3815 1M 50 $4133 1M 50 $4291 1M 50 $793 $33 39 $34 98 $36 56 $3815 $4133 $4291 $7 93 4A 5A $25 17 4A 5A $26 34 4A SA $27 52 4A SA $28 70 41\ 5A $793 1 $1384 1 $1522 1 $1661 1 $1938 1 $23 53 1 $793 1 $1071 1 $1160 1 $1250 1 $1339 1 $1428 1 $1517 1 $1607 1 $1696 1 Page 7 Note Code 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L . Stage of Progression && Hour Range JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-0900 HOURS 50 00% 2 0901-1800 HOURS 55 00% 3 1801-2700 HOURS 75 00% 4 2701-4000 HOURS 85 00% RESIDENTIAL GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% RESIDENTIAL PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000.0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000.1000 HOURS 55 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 6500% 3 2001-4000 HOURS 75 00% 4 4001-6000 HOURS 85 00% RESIDENTIAL SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL (FfELD OR SHOP' o 0000-0000 HOURS 000% 1 0000-0900 HOURS 55 00% 2 0901-1800 HOURS 60 00% 3 1801-2700 HOURS 65 00% 4 2-701-3600 HOURS 70 00% 5 3601-4500 HOURS 75 00% 6 4501-5400 HOURS 80 00% ROOFERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-0820 HOURS 60 DO% 2 0821-1630 HOURS 67 00% 3 1631-2450 HOURS 74 00% 4 2451-3270 HOURS 8100% 5 3271-4080 HOURS 88 00% 6 4081-4899 HOURS 95 00% SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-2000 HOURS 45 00% 2 2001-3000 HOURS 50 00% 3 3001-4000 HOURS 55 00% 4 4001-5000 HOURS 60 00% 5 5001-6000 HOURS 65 00% 6 6001-7000 HOURS 70 00% 7 7001-8000 HOURS 75 00% . PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR CLALLAM COUNTY APPRENTICES EFFECTIVE DATE 8/31/2007 Prevallmg Overtime Holiday Note I Code Code Wage Code $793 1 $1389 1 $1528 1 $20 84 1 $2361 1 $793 $793 1 $803 1 $949 1 $1095 1 $1241 1 $793 1E 6L $1703 1E 6L $1794 1E 6L $1927 1E _6L $2019 1E 6L $2135 1E 6L $22 26 lE 6L- $793 1 $1241 1 $793 1 $793 1 $1666 1 $1808 1 $1950 1 $793 1E 6L $22 90 1E 6L $3163 1E 6L $33 53 lE 6L $3546 1E 6L $37 40 1E 6L $3931 1E 6L $4124 1E 6L Page 8 . Stage of ProgressIon && Hour Range 8 8001-9000 HOURS 80 00% 9 9001-10000 HOURS 85 00% SHIPBUILDING & SHIP REPAIR MACHINIST o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% SHIPFITTER o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% WELDER/BURNER o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% SOFT FLOOR LA YERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 50 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 60 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 70 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 75 00% 5 4001-5000 HOURS 80 00% 6 5001-6000 HOURS 85 00% 7 6001-7000 HOURS 90 00% B 7001-8000 HOURS 95 00% SPRINKLER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS <t5 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 50 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 55 OO%~ 4 3001-4000 HOURS 60 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 40 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 45 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 5000% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 55 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 65 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 70 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 75 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 80 00% 5 4001-5000 HOURS 85 00% 6 5001-6000 HOURS 90 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 60 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 65 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 70 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 75 00% 5 4001-5000 HOURS 80 00% 6 5001-6000 HOURS 85 00% TILE. MARBLE & TERRAZZO FINISHERS . PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR CLALLAM COUNTY APPRENTICES EFFECTIVE DATE 8/31/2007 Prevailing Overtime Holiday Note Code Code Wage Code $4316 1E 6L $45 09 lE 6L $793 $793 $793 $793 18 SA $20 85 18 5A $23 89 18 SA $26 94 18 SA $28 46 18 SA $29 98 18 SA $3151 18 SA . ~ $33 03 18 SA $34 58 18 SA $793 1 $885 -1 $984 1 $1082 1 $1180 1 $793 1 $885 1 $984 1 $1082 1 $1279 1 $1377 1 $1475 1 $1574 1 $1672 1 $1770 1 $1180 1 $1279 1 $1377 1 $1475 1 $1574 1 $1672 1 Page 9 . Stage of Progression && Hour Range FINISHER o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000.1000 HOURS 50 00% 2 1001-2500 HOURS 55 00% 3 2501-3500 HOURS 60 00% 4 3501-4500 HOURS 70 00% TERRAZZO WORKERS & TILE SETTERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000.0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 50 00% 2 1001-2500 HOURS 55 00% 3 2501.3500 HOURS 60 00% 4 3501-4500 HOURS 70 00% 5 4501-5500 HOURS 80 00% 6 5501-6250 HOURS 90 00% 7 6251-7000 HOURS 95 00% TRAFFIC CONTROL STRIPERS JOURNEY LEVEL o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 00QO-0500 HOURS 60 00% 2 0501-1000 HOURS 60 00% 3 1001-2333 HOURS 60 00% 4 2334-4666 HOURS 73 00% 5 4667-7000 HOURS 88 00% TRUCK DRIVERS DUMP TRUCK o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-0700 HOURS 70 00% 2 0701-1400 HOURS 80 00% 3 1401.2100 HOURS 90 00% . PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR CLALLAM COUNTY APPRENTICES EFFECTIVE DATE 8/31/2007 Prevailing Overtime Holiday Code Wage Code $793 18 5A $24 35 1B 5A $25 82 1B SA $2727 1B 5A $3022 1B 5A $793 1B SA $25 00 1B SA $26 53 1B SA $28 06 1B 5A $3112 1B SA $3419 1B SA $37 25 1B SA $36 78 1B SA $793 1K SA $1523 1K SA $20 55 lK SA $24 05 1K SA $28 06 1K SA - $32 69 1K 5A - $793 1 $1416 1 $1616 1 $1621 1 Page 10 Note Code . . State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone (360) 902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts The PREVAILING WAGES listed here Include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe benefits On pUblIc works proJects, workers' wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total A bnef descriptIon of overttme calculatlon requirements IS provided on the Benefit Code Key CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-07 ********************************************************************************************************** ClaSSification ASBESTOS ABATEMENT WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL BOILERMAKERS JOURNEY LEVEL BRICK AND MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL CABINET MAKERS (IN SHOP) JOURNEY LEVEL CARPENTERS ACOUSTICAL WORKER BRIDGE DOCK AND WARF CARPENTERS CARPENTER CREOSOTED MATERIAL DRYWALL APPLICATOR FLOOR FINISHER FLOOR LAYER FLOOR SANDER MILLWRIGHT AND MACHINE ERECTORS PILEDRIVERS, DRIVING, PULLING, PLACING COLLARS AND WELDING SAWFILER SHINGLER STATIONARY POWER SAW OPERATOR STATIONARY WOODWORKING TOOLS CEMENT MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL DIVERS & TENDERS DIVER DIVER TENDER DREDGE WORKERS ASSISTANT ENGINEER ASSISTANT MATE (DECKHAND) BOATMEN ENGINEER WELDER LEVERMAN, HYDRAULIC MAINTENANCE MATES OILER DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL ELECTRICAL FIXTURE MAINTENANCE WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL Page 1 PREVAILING WAGE (See Benefit Code Key) Over Time Holiday Code Note Code Code $36 24 1H 5D $4747 1C 5N $43 75 1M 5A $1467 $4391 $43 75 $43 75 $43 85 $43 79 $43 75 $43 75 $43 75 $44 75 $43 95 $43 75 $43 75 $43 75 $43 75 1M 5D 1M 50 1M 5D 1M 5D 1M 5D 1M 50 1M 50 1M 5D 1M 50 1M 50 1M 50 1M 5D 1M 5D 1M 5D 1H 50 1M 5D SA 1M 5D 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 50 8L 1T 5D 8L 1T 5D 8L 1T 50 8L 1E 5P $36 24 $85 75 $44 22 $44 59 $44 08 $44 59 $44 64 $4621 $44 08 $44 59 $4421 $43 59 $937 . . PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR CLALLAM COUNTY APPRENTICES EFFECTIVE DATE 813112007 Stage of Progression && Hour Range 2 0701.1400 HOURS 60 00% 3 1401-2100 HOURS 68 00% 4 2101-2800 HOURS 76 00% 5 2801.3500 HOURS 84 00% 6 3501-4200 HOURS 92 00% ACOUSTICAL WORKER o 0000.0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 0000-1000 HOURS 50 00% 2 1001-2000 HOURS 60 00% 3 2001-3000 HOURS 68 00% 4 3001-4000 HOURS 76 00% 5 4001-5000 HOURS 84 00% 6 5001-6000 HOURS 92 00% MILLWRIGHT AND MACHINE ERECTORS o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 1 st Period 60 00% 2 2nd Pened 65 00% 3 3rd Penod 70 00% 44th Penod 75 00% 55th Penod 80 00% 66th Penod 65 00% 77th Penod 90 00% 88th Penod 95 00% PILEDRIVERS. DRIVING. PULLING. PLA CING COLLARS AND WELDING o 0000-0000 HOURS 0 00% 1 1st Penod 60 00% 2 2nd Penod 65 00% 3 3rd Penod 70 00% 44th Penod 75 00% 55th Penod 80 00% 66th Penod 85 00% 77th Penod 90 00% 88th Penod 95 00% BRIDGE. DOCK AND WARF CARPENTERS o DODO-DODD HOURS 0 00% 1 1 st Penod 60 00% 2 2nd Penod 65 00% 3 3rd Period 70 00% 44th Penod 75 00% 55th Penod 60 00% 66th Penod 85 00% 77th Period 90 00% 88th Penod 95 00% CEMENT MASONS Page 2 PrevaIling Overtime Holiday Code Wage Code $3078 1M 5D $33 38 1M 5D $35 98 1M 5D $38 59 1M 5D $4119 1M 5D $793 1M 5D $23 52 1M 5D $30 85 1M 5D $33 46 1M 5D $36 07 1M 5D $38 69 1M 5D $4130 1M 5D $793 1M 5D $2728 1M 5D $33 03 1M 5D $34 70 1M 5D $36 38 1M 5D $38 05 1M 5D $39 73 1M 5D $4140 1M 5D $43 08 1M 5D $793 1M 5D $26 80 1M 5D -- $3251 1M 5D $3414 1M 5D $35 78 1M 5D $3741 1M 5D $3905 1M 5D $40 68 1M 5D $42 32 1M 5D $793 1M 5D $26 68 1M 5D $32 38 1M 5D $34 00 1M 5D $35 63 1M 5D $37 25 1M 5D $38 88 1M 5D $40 50 1M 5D $4213 1M 5D Note Code . CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-07 . ********************************************************************************************************** ClaSSIfication INSPECTION/CLEANING/SEALING OF SEWER & WATER SYSTEMS BY REMOTE CONTROL CLEANER OPERATOR, FOAMER OPERATOR GROUT TRUCK OPERATOR HEAD OPERATOR TECHNICIAN TV TRUCK OPERATOR INSULATION APPLICATORS JOURNEY LEVEL IRONWORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL LABORERS ASPHALT RAKER BALLAST REGULATOR MACHINE BATCH WEIGHMAN BRUSH CUTTER BRUSH HOG FEEDER BURNERS CARPENTER TENDER CASSION WORKER CEMENT DUMPER/PAVING CEMENT FINISHER TENDER CHANGE-HOUSE MAN OR DRY SHACKMAN CHIPPING GUN (OVER 30 LBS) CHIPPING GUN (UNDER 30 LBS) CHOKER SETTER CHUCK TENDER CLEAN-UP LABORER CONCRETE DUMPER/CHUTE OPERATOR CONCRETE FORM STRIPPER CONCRETE SAW OPERATOR CRUSHER FEEDER CURING LABORER DEMOLITION, WRECKING & MOVING (INCLUDING CHARRED MATERIALS) DITCH DIGGER DIVER DRILL OPERATOR (HYDRAULIC, DIAMOND) DRILL OPERATOR, AIRTRAC OUMPMAN EPOXY TECHNICIAN EROSION CONTROL WORKER FALLER/BUCKER, CHAIN SAW FINAL DETAIL CLEANUP (I e , dusting, vacuummg, wmdow cleaning, NOT construction debns cleanup) FINE GRADERS FIRE WATCH FORM SETTER GABtON BASKET BUILDER GENERAL LABORER GRADE CHECKER & TRANSIT PERSON GRINDERS GROUT MACHINE TENDER Page 3 PREVAILING WAGE $973 $1148 $1278 $793 $1053 $20 50 $47 92 $36 75 $36 24 $3101 $36 24 $36 24 $36 24 $36 24 $37 20 $36 75 $36 24 $36 24 $36 75 $36 24 $36 24 $36 24 $36 24 $36 75 $36 24 $36 75 $3101 $36 24 $36 24 $36 24 $37 20 $36 75 $37 20 $36 24 $36 24 $36 24 $36 75 $28 45 $36 24 $3101 $36 24 $36 24 $36 24 $36 75 $36 24 $36 24 (See Benefit Code Key) Over Time Code Holiday Code 10 5A 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 1H 50 Note Code . CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-07 . ********************************************************************************************************** ClaSSification GUARDRAIL ERECTOR HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL A HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL B HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL C HIGH SCALER HOD CARRIER/MORTARMAN JACKHAMMER LASER BEAM OPERATOR MANHOLE BUILDER-MUDMAN MATERIAL YARDMAN MINER NOZZLEMAN, CONCRETE PUMP, GREEN CUTTER WHEN USING HIGH PRESSURE AIR & WATER ON CONCRETE & ROCK, SANDBLAST, GUNITE SHOTCRETE, WATER BLASTER PAVEMENT BREAKER PILOT CAR PIPE POT TENDER PIPE RELlNER (NOT INSERT TYPE) PIPELAYER & CAULKER PIPELAYER & CAULKER (LEAD) PIPEWRAPPER POT TENDER POWDERMAN POWDERMAN HELPER POWERJACKS RAILROAD SPIKE PULLER (POWER) RE-TIMBERMAN RIPRAP MAN RODDER SCAFFOLD ERECTOR SCALE PERSON SIGNALMAN SLOPER (OVER 20") SLOPER SPRAYMAN SPREADER (CLARY POWER OR SIMILAR TYPES) SPREADER (CONCRETE) STAKE HOPPER STOCKPILER TAMPER & SIMILAR ELECTRIC, AIR & GAS TAMPER (MULTIPLE & SELF PROPELLED) TOOLROOM MAN (AT JOB SITE) TOPPER-TAILER TRACK LABORER TRACK LINER (POWER) TRUCK SPOTTER TUGGER OPERATOR VIBRATING SCREEO (AIR, GAS, OR ELECTRIC) VIBRATOR VINYL SEAMER WELOER WELL-POINT LABORER Page 4 (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note WAGE Code Code Code $36 24 1H 50 $37 20 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $37 20 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $37 20 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $3101 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $37 20 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $37 20 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $37 20 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36 75 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $36 24 1H 50 $3675 1H 50 . . CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-07 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ClaSSIfication WAGE Code Code Code CRANES OVER 300 TONS, OR 300' OF BOOM INCLUDING JIB WITH $4709 1T 50 8L ATTACHMENTS CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE (20 - 44 TONS) $44 92 1T 50 8L CRANES, OVERHEAD BRIDGE TYPE (45 - 99 TONS) $4541 1T 50 8L CRANES, OVERHEAD, BRIDGE TYPE (100 TONS & OVER) $45 96 1T 50 8L CRANES, TOWER CRANE UP TO 175' IN HEIGHT, BASE TO BOOM $45 96 1T 50 8L CRANES, TOWER CRANE OVER 175' IN HEIGHT, BASE TO BOOM $46 53 1T 50 8L CRUSHERS $44 92 1T 50 8L DECK ENGINEER/DECK WINCHES (POWER) $44 92 1T 50 8L DERRICK, BUILDING $4541 1T 50 8L DOZERS 0-9 & UNDER $44 50 1T 50 8L DRILL OILERS - AUGER TYPE, TRUCK OR CRANE MOUNT $44 50 1T 50 8L DRILLING MACHINE $44 92 1T 50 8L ELEVATOR AND MANLlFT, PERMANENT AND SHAFT-TYPE $4214 1T 50 8L EQUIPMENT SERVICE ENGINEER (OILER) $44 50 1T 50 8L FINISHING MACHINE/BIDWELL GAMACO AND SIMILAR EQUIP $44 92 1T 50 8L FORK LIFTS, (3000 LBS AND OVER) $44 50 1T 50 8L FORK LIFTS, (UNDER 3000 LBS) $4214 1T 50 8L GRADE ENGINEER $44 50 1T 50 8L GRADECHECKER AND STAKEMAN $4214 1T 50 8L GUARORAIL PUNCH $44 92 1T 50 8L HOISTS, OUTSIDE (ELEVATORS AND MANLlFTS), AIR TUGGERS $44 50 1T 50 8L HORIZONTAL/DIRECTIONAL DRILL LOCATOR $44 50 1T 50 8L HORIZONTAL/DIRECTIONAL DRILL OPERATOR $44 92 1T 50 8L HYDRALlFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (10 TON & UNDER) $4214 1T 50 8L HYDRALlFTS/BOOM TRUCKS (OVER 10 TON) $44 50 1T 50 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (6 YO UP TO 8 YO) $4541 1T 50 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (8 YO & OVER) $45 96 1T 50 8L LOADERS, OVERHEAD (UNDER 6 YO) PLANT FEED $44 92 1T 50 8L LOCOMOTIVES, ALL $44 92 1T 50 8L MECHANICS, ALL $4541 1T 50 8L MIXERS, ASPHALT PLANT $44 92 1T 50 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER (FINISHING) $44 92 1T 50 8L MOTOR PATROL GRADER (NON-FINISHING) $44 50 1T 50 8L MUCKING MACHINE, MOLE, TUNNEL DRILL AND/OR SHIELD $4541 1T 50 8L OIL DISTRIBUTORS, BLOWER DISTRIBUTION AND MULCH SEEDING $4214 1T 50 8L OPERATOR PAVEMENT BREAKER $4214 1T 50 8L PILEDRIVER (OTHER THAN CRANE MOUNT) $44 92 1T 50 8L PLANT OILER (ASPHALT, CRUSHER) $44 50 1T 50 8L POSTHOLE DIGGER, MECHANICAL $4214 1T 50 8L POWER PLANT $4214 1T 50 BL PUMPS, WATER $4214 1T 50 8L QUAD 9,0-10, AND HD-41 $4541 1T 50 8L REMOTE CONTROL OPERATOR ON RUBBER TIRED EARTH MOVING $4541 1T 50 8L EQUIP RIGGER AND BELLMAN $4214 1T 50 8L ROLLAGON $4541 1T 50 8L ROLLER, OTHER THAN PLANT ROAD MIX $4214 1T 50 8L ROLLERS, PLANTMIX OR MUL TILlFT MATERIALS $44 50 1T 50 8L ROTO-MILL, ROTO-GRINDER $44 92 1T 50 8L SAWS CONCRETE $44 50 1T 50 8L Page 6 . CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-07 . ********************************************************************************************************** ClaSSification SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, ARTICULATING OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT ( UNDER 45 YD) SCRAPERS - SELF PROPELLED, HARD TAIL END DUMP, ARTICULATING OFF-ROAD EQUIPMENT (45 YD AND OVER) SCRAPERS, CONCRETE AND CARRY ALL SCREED MAN SHOTCRETE GUNITE SLlPFORM PAVERS SPREADER, TOPSIDE OPERATOR - BLAW KNOX SUBGRADE TRIMMER TOWER BUCKET ELEVATORS TRACTORS, (75 HP & UNOER ) TRACTORS, (OVER 75 HP) TRANSFER MATERIAL SERVICE MACHINE TRANSPORTERS, ALL TRACK OR TRUCK TYPE TRENCHING MACHINES TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER (UNDER 100 TON) TRUCK CRANE OILER/DRIVER (100 TON & OVER) TRUCK MOUNT PORTABLE CONVEYER WHEEL TRACTORS, FARMALL TYPE YO YO PAY DOZER POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS- UNDERGROUND SEWER & WATER (SEE POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS) POWER LINE CLEARANCE TREE TRIMMERS JOURNEY LEVEL IN CHARGE SPRAY PERSON TREE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TREE TRIMMER TREE TRIMMER GROUNDPERSON REFRIGERATION & AIR CQNDITlQNING MECHANICS MECHANIC RESIDENTIAL BRICK & MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL CARPENTERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL CEMENT MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL INSULATION APPLICATORS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL LABORERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL Page 7 (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING TIme Holiday Note WAGE Code Code Code $44 92 1T 5D BL $4541 1T 5D BL $44 50 1T 5D BL $44 92 1T 5D BL $4214 1T 5D BL $4541 1T 5D BL $44 92 1T 5D BL $44 92 1T 5D BL $44 50 1T 5D BL $44 50 1T 5D BL $44 92 1T 5D BL $44 92 1T 5D BL $4541 1T 5D BL $44 50 1T 5D BL $44 50 1T 5D BL $44 92 1T 5D BL $44 92 1T 5D BL $4214 1T 5D BL $44 92 1T 5D BL $35 62 $33 82 $34 27 $3188 $24 03 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A $27 68 $43 75 1M 5A $1785 $25 63 $1800 $27 78 $2136 $986 $1808 $1597 $1460 . . CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-07 ********************************************************************************************************** ClaSSification PREVAILING WAGE RESIDENTIAL REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) RESIDENTIAL SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) JOURNEY LEVEL ROOFERS JOURNEY LEVEL USING IRRITABLE BITUMINOUS MATERIALS SHEET METAL WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) SHIPBUILDING & SHIP REPAIR BOILERMAKER HEAT & FROST INSULATOR LABORER MACHINIST SHIPFITTER WELDER/BURNER SIGN MAKERS & INSTALLERS (ELECTRICAL) JOURNEY LEVEL SIGN MAKERS & INSTALLERS (NON-ELECTRICAL) JOURNEY LEVEL SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL SOLAR CONTROLS FOR WINDOWS JOURNEY LEVEL SPRINKLER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) JOURNEY LEVEL STAGE RIGGING MECHANICS (NON STRUCTURAL) JOURNEY LEVEL SURVEYORS CHAIN PERSON INSTRUMENT PERSON PARTY CHIEF TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL TELEPHONE LINE CONSTRUCTION - OUTSIDE CABLE SPLICER HOLE DIGGER/GROUND PERSON INSTALLER (REPAIRER) JOURNEY LEVEL TELEPHONE L1NEPERSON SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER I SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER II TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (HEAVY) TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (LIGHT) TELEVISION GROUND PERSON TELEVISION L1NEPERSONIINSTALLER TELEVISION SYSTEM TECHNICIAN TELEVISION TECHNICIAN TREE TRIMMER $5401 $33 04 $1088 $1967 $2051 $39 78 $5197 $3146 $4613 $1216 $1716 $1466 $1466 $1929 $1215 $36 08 $1031 $1967 $1323 $935 $1140 $1340 $3115 $30 66 $1719 $2941 $28 53 $30 66 $30 05 $30 66 $28 53 $1631 $2168 $35 78 $2319 $28 53 Page 8 (See Benefit Code Key) Over Time Code Holiday Code 1G 5A 1E 6L 1 1R 5A 1E 6L 1H 6W 1S 5J 1 1 1 1 1B 5A 1B 50 10 5A 2B 5A 2B 5A 2B 5A 2B SA 2B 5A 2B 5A 2B 5A 2B 5A 2B 5A 2B 5A 2B 5A 2B 5A 2B 5A Note Code . . CLALLAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-07 ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ClassifIcation WAGE Code Code Code LABORERS - UNDERGROUND SEWER & WATER GENERAL LABORER $36 24 1H 5D PIPE LAYER $36 75 1H 5D LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION IRRIGATION OR LAWN SPRINKLER INSTALLERS $1289 LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT OPERATORS OR TRUCK DRIVERS $1289 LANDSCAPING OR PLANTING LABORERS $1289 LATHERS JOURNEY LEVEL $43 79 1M 5D METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) FITTERIWELDER $1516 LABORER $950 MACHINE OPERATOR $26 90 PAINTER $1141 PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $3316 2B 5A PLASTERERS JOURNEY LEVEL $25 83 PLAYGROUND & PARK EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS JOURNEY LEVEL $793 PLUMBERS & PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $56 34 1G 5A POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS ASSISTANT ENGINEERS $4214 1T 5D 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (3 YD & UNDER) $44 92 1T 5D 8L BACKHOE EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (OVER 3 YD & UNDER 6 YD) $4541 1T 5D 8L BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, SHOVEL (6 YD AND OVER WITH ATTACHMENTS) $45 96 1T 5D 8L BACKHOES, (75 HP & UNDER) $44 50 1T 5D 8L BACKHOES, (OVER 75 HP) $44 92 1T 5D 8L BARRIER MACHINE (ZIPPER) $44 92 1T 5D 8L BATCH PLANT OPERATOR, CONCRETE $44 92 1T 5D 8L BELT LOADERS (ELEVATING TYPE) $44 50 1T 5D 8L BOBCAT (SKID STEER) $4214 1T 5D 8L BROOMS $4214 1T 5D 8L BUMP CUTTER $44 92 1T 5D 8L CABLEWA YS $4541 1T 5D 8L CHIPPER $44 92 1T 5D 8L COMPRESSORS $4214 1T 5D 8L CONCRETE FINISH MACHINE - LASER SCREED $4214 1T 5D 8L CONCRETE PUMPS $44 50 1T 5D 8L CONCRETE PUMP-TRUCK MOUNT WITH BOOM ATTACHMENT $44 92 1T 5D 8L CONVEYORS $44 50 1T 5D 8L CRANES, THRU 19 TONS, WITH ATTACHMENTS $44 50 1T 5D 8L CRANES, 20 - 44 TONS, WITH ATTACHMENTS $44 92 1T 5D 8L CRANES, 45 TONS - 99 TONS, UNDER 150 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $4541 1T 5D 8L WITH ATACHMENTS) CRANES, 100 TONS -199 TONS, OR 150 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $45 96 1T 5D 8L WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES, 200 TONS TO 300 TONS, OR 250 FT OF BOOM (INCLUDING JIB $46 53 1T 5D 8L WITH ATTACHMENTS) CRANES, A-FRAME 10 TON AND UNDER $4214 1T 5D 8L CRANES, A-FRAME, OVER 10 TON $44 50 1T 5D 8L Page 5 . ClAllAM COUNTY Effective 08-31-07 . ********************************************************************************************************** (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note ClasSifIcation WAGE Code Code ~ TERRAZZO WORKERS & TILE SETTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $4196 18 5A TILE, MARBLE & TERRAZZO FINISHERS FINISHER $35 79 1B 5A TRAFFIC CONTROL STRIPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $36 40 1K 5A TRUCK DRIVERS ASPHALT MIX (TO 16 YARDS) $4119 1T 5D BL ASPHALT MIX (OVER 16 YARDS) $4190 1T 5D BL DUMP TRUCK $20 23 1 DUMP TRUCK & TRAILER $20 23 1 OTHER TRUCKS $4190 1T 5D BL TRANSIT MIXER $23 73 1 WELL DRILLERS & IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLERS IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLER $1160 OILER $945 WELL DRILLER $1160 Page 9 ,. . . P.O #: 010546 DATE: 11/28/07 INVOICE TO: Clty of Port Angeles ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 TO: CERTIFIED CLEANING SVC, INC 2103 E 112TH ST TACOMA, WA 98445-3729 SHIP TO: Clty of Port Angeles CORPORATE YARD FUEL 1703 SOUTH 'B' ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98363 VENDOR # 27378 REQ. NO. 10278 REQUISITIONED BY CRAIG FRIED SHIP VIA' F.O.B. TERMS NET QUANTI TYUOM 1.00EA ITEM NO. AND DESCRIPTION CLEANING OF ONE (1) 6000 GALLON BIO-DIESEL UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK. TANK IS LOCATED AT 1703 SOUTH B STREET, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON, 98363 UNIT CO 4975.00 EXTENDED COST 4975.00 SUB-TOTAL TAX 8 . 4 TOTAL 4975.00 417 90 5392.90 "