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4001 Tumwater Truck Rt - Building
FROM : KIRSCH ELECTRIC '-VYl!j"ill~IU_'/:I\l UI.Jj fM FRX NO. : 3606830869 May. 25 2004 03:20PM Pl ~Ill Ur t'A BLOC DEPT FAX lio, 3604174711 0, ')OV003 ..~ ~ '; , . tV/ C ~\(J 'WI 1<) I)~ v l~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION fClll. O!'Flctu. USJ; om.~ Cll....~tc, .... 'OIWIir#: DD'N~: ....'-.. The flectt:lc1J Perrrdl Application must be ftll~d out COmbleteN. PIIIlQ&e ~ or reprint In 'I'lk: H)let.LI 'have 8I1y IiUeJtion., pI.as. b.(l (3li1JJ 41'7004735 Fex rmWlb8r: (360) 4'7-4711 _ 03 - /0'7" ,0"".'0' elo,.Con~otOtAllen~ -t"Z- D~ S1e.ve ~hon. b8~ ~~~, E:8 1-~(St b f'roperlyOwner: tz. De..c\G-( ~ 1~ RJ.d~ 'He ~^9n.: ft<jd""'~'3 IV\b ~ ~ I LA.OIty: , ",' ' " , W A- Zip;, q~'-68d. E1.cbf..IOonlrect." ~ CSc.V:t\.~c.::t-rIV, UoenSefl:f<fRScIO~-,lw " Phone; id5%B(9 Add....; oft) ,E?DK=S~b 'CIII';~;.0 ~ Zip: Cj'6~8.d- ,INSTALl.ATJON WIREDBV: OOIllN.R (ELEeTRlCALCOllrTRAc:TOIl ..' " , . ..... Credit Card Holder JJ.mt: ,K' \ S~ ,-.c (-{:r:hr--i c..:.. &7UngAdUT8&s: 'PO ~ 3~b~ ~yY\ ,crwJlt ~&P. DatS: .~ ;, PRO./SGTADDR!!ll: 4bD \ ,Tw.nwa:kW'\nA.c.k> f<tu:!-O Zlp: ~~ 'VIsA, . Me: !? - .!::::.. TYPr; O~ WORK' Check ulllhat apply: ~ew Cl A1teraucIVAdClitlon.: , , ' ,', PD1-6 OResfdenllal OMuI1MBmRy Aeomm&mal [j MobiloHO/lIe, ,Sq.FI ~ ~ ff Bu.iLj:~t^ Cl Remote Meler '0 Oatachad gerege ,0 Hol Tub crSWIm pool' 0 SeptJi: Pump" [j Low'voltege' 0 Teleoom. 0 SIIlI Numbor 01 CIrouiIB added or e'tsre~: ' DESCRIPTION Of 'lltE ELECTRlCAlPROJECl:;' <)I!1tV/t!L ...; hJ/~ ,L7&L.t gu/~ot'/Yt" '/ZJ N'k-J Eleclrteal Helll Load Addltlons and or Subtractf...... 'Servlc& ,.,ftJJ"Matlon , 0 !laseboard o Flimse& ci Heel Pump )(Fan-Willi _KW KW ~ TON LRA S.r;KW- o OII8rh8ad S.rvice c Temp Satvlco " jl(und8rground SIll'Vics '~ 'Voltlllge; 0 0 Fha." 1 3 'SeM" ize:~oe t:J F8Qder S!ze:.... . . I hereby certify /het I have read and extimlned this application and know that same to be true and correct and I am authorized to apply for this permit. I understand It Is nCJt the Clty's 199al responslbfllty to determine what permits 3te fflQulred: it ltlmain6 the app/ieat!~ responsibility to determlnB lit permits Bf1J teqlJimd and to obtain sur;/? D";": r5[i~r~ CI'NIIl Card Holds<:s Slllneture: , Owner or Sac. Oont. SllInB. Dat", dw ='='_-=m~,~ '~)<jl~\ 5/Z6ft~ PERMIT FEE: $ CJ<f. fJ50