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TECHNICAL Permit# UFS Address 3 E S� Project description a r J C,o 'mmzrn� oY1 `C) VoCH .4 Ey 6-4 Date the p ermit was fi d -3 ®9 Number of technical pages 29 CSA ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE CONSULTING l'■1 STRUCTURAL REPORT (per the TIA -EIA -222 -F Standard) for existing penthouse frame CALCULATIONS AND DESIGN CSA JOB #10480 I EXPIRES. 04 -07 -09 The engmeermg stamp affixed hereto is valid only with the original `WET' stamp, with the signature in RED ink, and only for the specific structure at the specific location identified below FOR SAI /AT &T RN -31 DT Port Angeles 131 E. 1 St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 7/11/08 Fed 2895 Beavercreek Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045 (503) 228 -3848 FAX (508) 228 -047E July 11, 2008 SAI Communications do Julie Danforth 130 Andover Park East, Suite 300 Tukwilla, WA 98188 Re: Structural Report for existing penthouse frame Site RN -31 DT Port Angeles, 131 E. 1 Street, Port Angeles, Clallam County, WA CSA Job #10478 CSA Consulting Engineers has performed a structural wind load analysis of the above referenced existing roof -top frame. The structural analysis has been performed in accordance with the TIA/EIA -222 -F Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Supporting Structures. The TIA/EIA -222 -F standard is recognized by the 2006 IBC and the 2007 OSSC (section 1609 1 1 Exception #4) The existing antenna information and existing tower information was taken from the TRK Engineering as -built drawings dated on 10/07/03 and Artisan Engmeermg mapping dated on 07/03/08 The results of our analysis indicate that the existing penthouse frame is structurally INADEQUATE for the proposed antenna loading shown below using code prescribed wind forces. However, the structural deficiency can be corrected by providing 2" extra strong pipes in lieu of the existing 2" standard pipes. In addition, the structural correction for the proposed antenna loading is shown on attached detail A of page 3 of this calculations set. Please note that all existing antennas at the 75' -4" rad- center elevation need to be removed. The following wind pressure and antenna loading was used for the analysis of the penthouse frame 100 mph basic wmdspeed with no ice per TIA/EIA -222 -F 87 mph basic windspeed with %2" ice per TIA/EIA -222 -F (6) Kathrein 800 -10121 75' -4" (proposed) with (6) TMA's, and (6) RET's If we can be of further help please do not hesitate to call. Cordially, Ryan McGraw, P.E. CSA Consulting Engineers EXPIRES. 04 -07 -09 r A L r A y e 4444. �xlsipak 2" S\D, PIPES 46 U? biftAo ir-1 *rib VeXTkA -6Tre 4(sr net tutu_ 6ms TIM t" S -71 1i PwRAPIMGT Tb 2 MA- STQ IR ")cent) tt tacOlf et.tit Ur VA. Vrtst1.11 *OD MP put. Cta. opoOttpari. plito Kart emu. risk sA=411,42, 01142144 TO INA Cato *mit Alt kV wit tr tiT. tisa.a i �l ��y..•�yy,�JJ��aN MATS !io.tito w �p CONSUL 77NG ENG/NEE/?S 2895 BEAVERCREEK RD OREGON CITY. OR 97045 Ph: (503) 228 -3848 Fx (503) 228 -0475 FsIAF;Antenpa Windload'Cirent Mine Antenna /Component Name: flat wide surface no ice: height -61 in width 10.3, in ratio height/width 5.0 4.7 CA 1 40 1 40 AA height "width 3.7 ft` 4 1 fr CA`AA 5.2 ft` 5.8 ft` flat side surface no ice: height 51.8 in thickness 5.5 in Antenna /Component Name: flat wide surface ratio height/width CA AA height "width CA "AA flat side surface ratio height/width CA AA height "width 4.7 1 40 4.0 5.6 ft ft` 9.5 1 48 2.0 ft` Antenna/Comnonent Name: flat wide surface Katy r ?a 1/2" ice: 52.8 in 11.3 in 1/2" ice: 52.8 in 6.5 in ratio height/width 9.4 8.1 CA 148 144 AA height "width 2.0 ft` 2.4 CA`AA 2.9 ft` 3.4 4.4 140 4.4 6.2 no ice: 1/2" ice: height 52 in 53 In thickness :5:5 in 6.5 in 8.2 144 2.4 ft` ft i ft` ft s CA`AA 2.9 ft` 3.4 ft` ratio height/width 1.0 1.0 CA 140 1 40 AA height "width 0.0 ft 0.0 fl` CA "AA 0.0 ft` 0.0 ft` I ?ss tY '-AnteEKn k` Project Name: t, i tent AaRetes.FN.3'1. Client Name: $AF Job NO: :Il48t) weight of weight w/ weight w/ 1" component 1/2° Ice ice 45, lbs. 30.58 lbs. 65.74 lbs. 45 45 Combined 75.58 lbs 110.74 lbs Weights weight of weight w/ weight w/ 1" component 1/2" ice ice no ice: 1/2" ice: height= '5 in 53 in :401bs: 32.02 lbs. 68.671bs. width 41 in 12 in 40 40 Combined 72.02 lbs 108.67 lbs Weights weight of weight w/ weight w/ 1' component 1/2" ice ice no ice: 1/2" ice: height •0.001. in 1.001 in =0:004 fbs. 0.03 lbs. 0.26 lbs. width 0.001 in 1.001 in 0.001 0.001 Combined 0.03 lbs 0.26 lbs ratio height/width 1.0 1.0 Weights CA 1 40 1.40 AA height"width 0.0 ft` 0.0 ft` CA A 0.0 ft` 0.0 ft` flat side surface no ice: 1/2" ice: height 0.001 in 1.001 in thickness D 001: in 1.001 in Dare: 7/[0/21)0�8• Designer: Ryan M. 1 Checker: Dwight M. I V 1 Project v-r Ar xr ets./-aveeK,s Location 1 77F ?OTT Client spa Ar?tArrt."• W.f. LoAV't e. f 'FRAME, Oregon City, Oregon I wwvx 1 1 s k r1-4.1-k-F, 4.s.-4.4c_ I N- lec>04 i N■00e.1_. 1 t I 1 se.vri 0-4 2,3 W14.1, tc i> A4 v z 5L.17.4222.49 r. 100 toi ph me Pog.t Asic.st..ts I er A E g..0A.AAY 1 H 3) Oh) AAA 4,4: 0.0e e. 4 Li 2.0S Ac D r( tif )e.S °Pec•=coce.... /Asti4vm r g r e s ,4‘ A v r ('4 osXz2 (t.ys I BY tek'l Date 22 1 tS Sheet No. 6 Job No. I )19460 cA Oregon City, Oregon Y €,_"bRALf(EvacyLATom D Etav-ibr) Yz. 495 1/1 LOAP Ffac g 15-A iwto De L. 12 r). IF UNo-i-k EAK/1114C1- .PLT JCI 1/29 Xs 0 ftdvati, F04).1.7 1 ik r t7t. —417 -:7--- PT (4-* 1 4 4 I?. '6517 Otfltz Z113'410- (2)(2.1184 ()it Li 1L33 LtAc— 14& ‘ft >Pt,- 4 1 1.. CONSUL- 77/VG ENIGINEe125 17L, -$t 6 Project T 7, ti t jk ,,j- 1-1 Location jr, 44 Client I B y 'RH Date Sheet No. Job No. 104-20 City of Port Angeles Community Economic Development Department Building Division 321 E. 5th St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 360-417-4815 360- 417 -4711 Fax SEISMIC D -1 FROST 12 inches, moderate STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA SNOW 25 psf minimum roof snow load drift not included WIND 100 mph category D within 1,500 ft of shoreline, category C beyond that CODES IN EFFECT 2006 International Building Code (IBC) 2006 International Residential Code (IRC) 2006 International Mechanical Code (1MC) 2006 International Fire Code (IFC) 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) 2006 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) 2006 Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code (VIAQ) 2006 International Property Maintenance Code (IMPC) 2005 National Electrical Code (NEC) 2003 American National Standards Institute (ANSI -117) 1997 Uniform Sign Code (USC) 1997 Uniform Code For Building Conservation (UCBC) First Edition Washington State Historic Building Code (WSHBC) For more information regarding Washington State Building Codes go to htto. /www.sbcc.wa.00v /sbccindx.html For more information regarding City of Port Angeles construction codes adopted and amendments to international codes, go to the Building Code Chapter 14 03 at htm.// www .citvofna.us /municinalcode.htm T:Forms /Building Division /Structural Design Criteria Codes in Effect t7� Solution: Envelope CSA Consulting Engineers) Ryan McGraw 10480 'N23 IV/ ND DT Port Angeles (ANto...-fs■s Of ?ruc c.+> ANTem445.) J July 11 2008 11.24 AM Prop- Ant Exist- Fra- 2inXS.r3d 0 Solution: Envelope CSA Consulting Engineers i DT Port Angeles Ryan McGraw 1 10480 July 11 2008 11.24 AM Prop- Ant Exist- Fra- 2inXS.r3d aoi Company CSA Consulting Engineers Designer Ryan McGraw Job Number 10480 Global 'Steel Code 1 AISC 9th Edition ASD AlloWeltileiStretellffeted0TedfoNASIEli'", 1 33 Include Shear Deformation 1 Yes 1 indiazieMatOt4 I No. of Sections for Member Calcs 4 Redegidt0Sedtidife,' :t4: "7, P Analysis Tolerance 10 50% VeiitteeTAktt',...„ lZ '41 Materials (General) Material Label STL !CONIC" Sections Section Label I SEC1 SEC3 SEC4 SEC5 Database Material Shape Label PIPE 50 I STL PPE 2O 1 L3X3X4 1 STL 1 L3X3X4 STL STU, DT Port Angeles July 11 2008 11.22 AM Checked By Young's Modulus Shear Modulus Poisson's Thermal Coef. Weight Density Yield Stress (Ksi) (Ksi) Ratio (per 10^5 F) (K/ft^3) (Ksi) I 29000 I 11154 I .3 I 66 I .49 I 35 1 0E 1442 i 25 1 3 Area SA(yy) SA(zz) I y-y I z-z J (Torsion) T/C (1n)^2 (InA4)_ (InA4) (InA4) Only 1 4.3 1 1.2 1 1.2 I 15 162 15.162 1 30.324 I 1 ..1 1;8at 1 44 1 1.2 I 1.2 I 1.24 I 1.24 I 032 I I .1,11Ii2' .;;1 I 7 Joint Coordinates Joint Label X Coordinate Y Coordinate Z Coordinate Joint Temperature (In) (In) (In) (F) 1 Ni 1 0 I 0 I 28 I 0 '..1142 V. ..1::''. Ali ".il,.. '1 .:1',Dx ',..j'' ".11'..` I N3 I -64 I 0 I 0 I 0 V.. N4 1. ....1.7.6:: I. 1 ';I:.:7(I..... .ii::.: '.:.„..?.:4:..„:„ N5 1 76 I 70 1 0 1 0 '...:ii it:;::i5 ';‘,....1.2i A ...n.e..,... ,ICI'd 1ii";". ,.:::ALY,.`„,.,-., ::1:1 ,12 ,i05.;. •.''..A -..i N7 I 12 1 0 1 40 I 0 IL Na .1 "'.6±'ct. ...2......,..I I',......,.. ...,.402:2..'.....'.:::'.:' 1::',.,' .40,i '''1" 's 0,.. I N9 1 64 0 1 40 1 0 l': .11410.::- 1:." ...:r0:: ti 4,0 I :"":1: "AI:: r.:" :;.:0 N12 1 96 1 0 1 40 I 0 .....Na I ."..it 4: I:. :k,'.'0`...'.."': ...A-. V O ..',',..4& .:.:,.1:: ..:;.„71.T...',1:.7: :11;.:.7.:3,a...1 ::.:.if. :7.:111 I N14 I 12 1 0 I 57 0 I N45 1 :'.2. .."11 .l:f ''!'.0 :LA:- .1 '.1.:: .:,:,;5T :7 ....:0 1 N16 I 64 1 0 1 57 1 0 I II !WT ..i 4:64 t," fi '01. '.:',VE",i,.. ,ig::.." T;.:',. ...!(r. f 1 N18 1 0 1 0 57 1 0 1420: ....„:1. ....i, ;96,; .,:t I, .:0,:;,,,e....,..`;,' Ir.'. AY N21 1 -96 I 0 1 57 0 N23 r ...o .f .1.2.0......:,1 1 ::::1'.. t .7..7... -404' 7,' ib N27 33 3333 1 23.3333 1 38 1 0 N28: -546667» ...11f,„ :46$6677 N29 1 33.3333 1 23.3333 1 38 1 0 1 :613.07 ._i E :64.:66$7'. F7: ..`45B6 l'.. ''',.`,4....4.14'.4 a N35 1 0 1 0 1 63 1 0 I „:;11 .7, ."".''.'',7:. '.:1 7,.;',,,:''.3.(X,•`„ .1 Ii:','.:.'2I '...;.';',4i Et 1: 4 RISA-3D Version 4 1 [N:\NEW JOBS\TELECOM\10480 RN31 -Downtown Port Angeles SAI Struct &Fratjecbm\Cala N39 444%, N41 N43 N45 N47 N49 2N501 N51 N53 N55 N57 f1584: N59 1460 N61 N62 N63 Company Designer Job Number Joint Coordinates (continued) Joint Label Member Data CSA Consulting Engineers Ryan McGraw 10480 DT Port Angeles July 11 2008 11:22 AM Checked By X Coordinate Y Coordinate Z Coordinate (In) (In) (In) Joint Temperature (F) o 1 23.3333 I 42 I 0 ..::.„""itt.re..,;.„ 0 I 35 I 31 5 I 0 ..•:.:::',85 7";', oz.;;:;r:!:. ,.'r. ,E;V:' l'. 74 6667 I 0 40 I 0 7.4:666.7,': .7.. :1 '..**.Nt 11 401,.., ..P.'',.:...:, :iir" 7 ;1":;.T.:"..": 7 .71.: 85.3333 I 0 40 I 0 .',43:54,333 v_,,,,:r 3 *".2" Br ':t.' or, I';-1 74 6667 I 0 I 57 I 0 14:16667,...;: ,...",,,,'..k. ,7„ *a. *:;:k T.,. .:4K.,„ ,.:'1.......„.".:E.j.7.:..,....„... :.',0! 85 3333 I 0 I 57 I 0 ..'8543351:7' ***Ir. .:*:'0.:(** **.*7,.:r1.7' '771:k I: 85 3333 I 70 I 0 0 awagaac,.:::._ .T.7 w; ,'.,r, f 1,, it.T. 85 3333 I 46 6667 I 19 I 0 ;748:51,33.aa.':.:. ,.':.t r ":1 ','",:',181.,.." 85 3333 I 46 6667 I 19 I 0 28 "2 4; 1 64 I 0 I 28 I 0 16,.: .7 I 'P0.i .:,z -96 I 0 I 28 I 0 8.5a333',..,",X,I.,..K:7_,.„481333.K,L. -85 3333 I 58 3333 I 9 5 I 0 ='1 7 581S333T.T T'c"....:,r7. 85 3333 I 0 I 28 I 0 -85 3333 '„itt ':'....:......:-.:..I.-,4 ..;....T:....*„.......1.'7......: .k. .....7t,..„'„0,i 11 X-Axis Section End Releases End Offsets Inactive Member Member Label I Joint J Joint K Joint Rotate Set I-End J-End I-End J-End Code Length (degrees) xvz xvz xvz xvz (In) (In) (In) I M2 I N9 I N17 I I I SEC2 I I BenPIN I I I I 17 J M4i,: „it:- ''Nf?4 .:i.D Y. 'aleoLL 4,, 1 ...SECT .r,........ V.iBeriPIR,*,'1.,.... ,..„.....1......, I.: t M6 I N9 I N7 I I I SEC6 I I I I I 52 :t. :::11477 't L:N40: '..2......:T.'' .C.C.:::::,'SRg6It" lit :E.. ......1 i.,i;'"'"..L".I.F.''.:12: I M8 I N10 I N6 I I I SEC6 I I I I I I 12 l',...1..:..1.Mit0 s .NFT 'ir 21:1Na 11..'''::. 4 1:7 ',TI.:::?SEC"63:.:„:r!.:,. `."..if.."'... 7:;'. •',1r 1 '52.: I M13 I N17 I N15 1 I I SEC6 I I I I I 52 L ..:::"..11M4 ii .:N45 .,...ii. ,N48 1 :'''T ..,..,3. E06.,,..,..2::":, •.,..„,.„.i,"...."4: :'.'f. 1 „,:..:1..A.;:.,:::.::::...".„, 'W.i.....'..A M15 I N18 I N14 I I SEC6 I I I I I 12 L....,'W.r.. r .W14' .T,..„."11916 .:..'„i'......... ..15:,...11.:..., .;*r„' .41 r '1'. ...IN. I,: t M19 I Ni I N10 I I SEC1 I BenPIN I I I I 12 1.......,,,...'M2B :.1..: 1 l'... .11. V.:SECT: t. 7: .:K: I:',7 i ,..'„.'....'.',2„.:,.f.„',. :.F,,,, M23 I N12 I N20 I .1 I SEC2 I BenPIN I BenPIN I I I I 17 M25 11... N1...,...f. .....N24 JJ,,I,.E1 _47 17: Fri413.0.0.P1Wf:;13.1FIN::;ii:.:.r.' .4i.. „T .7 I M29. N15 I N27 I I I SEC3 I BenPIN I I I I I 36 886 .C. '1"...„ :E::f....7.nuo..: M31 I N28 I N5 I I I SEC3 I I I I I I 36 886 1/132 ''xr. 7- 1,::.. :.7...:.',..::11r.'".'..:SECV:" ::::7 M33 I N29 I N30 I I I SEC3 I I I I I 36.886 ....„...vg*._ 2 N3cr:::I.S:'''',',NIC. V.:',.:* 77.:13f*::**;:::::::',7)T..71, ,56 M35 I N7 I N27 I I I SEC3 I BenPIN I BenPIN I I I I 31 679 .......A436: ‘r, :1; ilo,', 71,'::6129,7.t..r7 .7"::',1"; .7",.::.'7,3:.. •:S.03;7,,,.:_lieetel.WIF.*:Be'liinNifiR M41 I N18 I N35 I I I SEC1 I I I I I I 6 1 1 11,..,....N5„ .1*., IN23 ii::-.1S.E0,1r ,„.1,1',..*.*,,,: ,,1.1,',:„... ,51..7,'.',..f."„...::,_,,1„,A1;...:.,....'..::"':77,.„ RISA Version 4 1 [N.\NEW JOBS\TELECOM\10480 RN31 -Downtown Port Angeles SAI Struct 8,,Fragec2)m\Calc: Company CSA Consulting Engineers Designer Ryan McGraw Job Number 10480 Member Data (continued) Boundary Conditions Joint Label N2 N3 I N4 I N38 N I N51 X Translation (K/in) I Reaction I F 3.. 1 Reaction I I Reaction I I Reaction DT Port Angeles July 11 2008 11:22 AM Checked By 17/ X-Axis Section End Releases End Offsets Inactive Member Member Label I Joint J Joint K Joint Rotate Set I-End J-End I-End J-End Code Length (degrees) xvz xvz kiz xvz (In) (In) I M45 I N35 I N39 I I I SEC5 I BenPIN I I I I I 31.392 I 1%48'. .1.:. iN39. 'iltIN'i.tili:: ",1' 1 r:.irlSE06,- .,11::, ..,:t, .4 T 4,. *:m6s.B I M49 I N41 I N40 I I I SEC5 I I I I. I 15.696 :,--3M5Lt, :II '.,N41 I.'..' I e,;,:.::...: ..,1V...,;SEQ.%:::-...1:... ,,...,7,.: :AV, :-.1.:. ...1' X. 1,7::.1.. .10.077 M52 I N42 I N43 I I SEC6 I I I I I I 10 667 ,M53 ,t M43 F- i.N.:9).. iii:„ i it: iSEC% I A.._ I 1 7 :1; 1:::' l'ef:60 M54 I N8 I N44 I I I SEC6 I I I I 10 667 r'JF.:',N4.4 f. 4145 N f.•.. 4. 1$E _1', ....:.:':,:„.':I :2': ,l‘ '.:."1:1 A061,7;....7 M56 N45 I N12 T I I SEC6 I I I 10 667 iiM57 '17. 1',"jSEC,e.f.r n. 7.- .Tv.. ii N-4.40267 M58 I N46 I ..„..N47 1 ,I s. SEC6 1 .1 J 1, J J .1... ::wz.: s ..,...._.t. :........rgt k....„..2 t- 1 ,:,:t _i"1„. „.e..A..*:10,667!..•:. M60 I N16 I N48 I I SEC6 I I I I I I 10.667 1461.:,... .J.S1.'....1148: ...E.. fi.14:9i;:::. "1.:,i,:::.'' :.T. 1.: .ti.;;;;:::...,,,,';.1 1.itt.w:. M62 I N49 I N20 I I I SEC6 I I I I I 10 667 llriot......:::'.r ''''11::' X:74. .11 ,4 6E0.,6,fi_.:11.)$.63,1P,I..NririrW:.'; 2;;M: 7 ,1„...4::::177:17',T .1fif M65 I N52 I N53 I I I SEC5 I I I I I I 30 091 'rvica.,:.: ..:D "..N46 T.'...'„N5Uf.k". SE5:::',31 '-',1'''''''', e:::1,' 1.:::2.. :'..T.:.::.: ..7 1-4L" '",t,.:;.atkovv. M69 I N54 I N55 i I SEC5 I I I I I 30 091 M7:1; .::7.1:4 '..N3 .:1466 :1 .:"I .'iSEQZ '''',:t ;la:: M72 I N56 N9 I SEC2 I I I I I I 12 P1731 ::::J1T. '.NZ N67 IZS7 T i" ':SECig:' ....!'r.: :if' 4f.: :281. I M74 N57 I N8 I I SEC2 I I 12 „II ;NI... "A.,: i' ..,`;;;A::;$...gC.,.0Y:T. 'II'. 7 ,,::..11:',..:,-....:. ...41.7, .;',64,... I M77 I N1 I N56 I I I SEC6 I I I I .1 I 64 4001:::.,,:.. li:::::4960!.., ..,„1,.. ..11.„:"...‘ f' 'v ..,'oi" r,' '1:. t ',1045 I M82 I N60 I N50 I I I SEC5 I I I I 1 I 15.045 F. :..,:.'maa ....1,. 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Ar.c. ...::,24;;;:sEez041,. ,„:7. ,7,,7::.;:i-LI-137t 2 6711% i t.r.,.- .:.r jr.:...:.,- Li A ,,.....121 M98 I N49 I N45 I I I SEC2 I BenPIN I I I I I 17 Irl.: 1.•'•.., NO, I....1463f.. :":t:..., I, :'.1 .1:.....:SlE0-21` 11.,,,..",$.`4,, 1_.., .:7 .„1: ..4Z Y Translation Z Translation MX Rotation MY Rotation MZ Rotation (K/in) (K/in) (K-ft/rad) (K-ft/rad) (K-ft/rad) Reaction I Reaction I I I I :Re ,IRe'abffigt::::".y..T 1: ,,i.-i :r '1 Reaction I Reaction I I I I R46010d, IS A 4 E k e A 6 t i o r i IL e.":.:;, II Reaction Reaction I I I I ,.13:466tiefr. i: 41 :::Ftegaii564 t.: S" ','.1 S f ''::':;.:1„:":`, J Reaction Reaction I I I I RISA-3D Version 4 1 [NANEW JOBS\TELECOM\10480 RN31 -Downtown Port Angeles SAI Struct &FT2ajec2rn\Calc: Company CSA Consulting Engineers Designer Ryan McGraw Job Number 10480 Joint Loads /Enforced Displacements. Joint Label L]oad or fDlisplacement N23 I L I Joint Loads /Enforced Displacements. Joint Label L]oad or fDlisolacement N23 I L I Joint Loads /Enforced Displacements. Joint Label [L]oad or fDlisplacement N23 I L I Member Distributed Loads. Category WL. BLC 2 Member Label M23 2 M20 M6 M14 M15:.... M17 M8 M4 M35 M30 M76 M52 1153, I M57 M59 E I Joint N12 N10 N9 N15 N14 N10 =�7 N8 N7 .N1ali. N27 M36 I N6 M33 I N29 M42 I N35 M60 I M62'..:....._...x.... l` M56 I 155.. M61 AM51:.. M90. I DT Port Angeles Category DL. Direction Z I Category WL. Direction Y I Category WL, Direction X J Joint N20 0y N18 :NSW, N7 N18 N16 N6 N16 N27 N28 N29 N30 N23 BLC 1 Dead Magnitude (K. K -ft, In, rad) .27 I BLC 2 Wind Y Magnitude (K. K -ft, In, rad) 1 65 I BLC 3 Wind X Magnitude (K. K -ft, In, rad) 1.65 Wind Y Load Pattern Lab UNIFORMY AINI.FORI ItY. UNIFORMY IdNIFC; RMY UNIFORMY a JNIEQR Y UNIFORMY 'U:NfFORMY UNIFORMY .Y UNl'FORIA UNIFORMY :''.0 NIFORMY UNIFORMY ::UNI'FORMY UNIFORMY .UNIEORM C UNIFORMY �>�IJNIFORIVIY.: UNIFORMY UNIFORMY UNIFORMY '`UINIFORMA`,' UNIFORMY N17 I UNIFORMY el Pattern Multiplier I .011 I I 018 I 009 '009 <00.9 009 0 /9+ I 009 009 014 I N3 .1{ iUNIFORMY N16 I N48 I UNIFORMY N45 I N12 UNIFORMY N4 'I.4 ,IN45rt. ;k`. 4 'UN1'FORMY N48 I N49 I UNIFORMY ..NB k ,,l: M N4 ',..:IVIMtMFORNIY• f N58 I N63 I UNIFORMY .,14W, R": fir x 1157 NIFOR Y",. N57` I N1 I UNIFORMY NI 3 x .x, 1174_2 r :'::`:RUNIFORMY N42 I N3 I UNIORMY i 4:3 N9. T_.. I .,UNIP_OR.MY; N21 I N46 I UNIFORMY ..N46: :N47 u H sly., nUNJ"FORMY- N47 July 11 2008 11:22 AM Checked By 1.02T77 .009 .009 t.090;"..", 009 009 009 009 .009 I :1009 3x :sl 009 I 13 RISA -3D Version 4 1 [N \NEW JOBS \TELECOM \10480 RN31 Downtown Port Angeles SAI Struct &FTageobm \Calc: Company CSA Consulting Engineers Designer Ryan McGraw Job Number 10480 DT Port Angeles July 11 2008 11:22 AM Checked By Member Distributed Loads. Cateaorv. WL. BLC 2 (continued) Member Label I Joint J Joint Load Pattern Label Pattern Multiplier r. Me& :Rile jtil. K.; :IN5#i ';','....34' :.;U:NitEORMY:.,.:.::.:1.1;',...i',1.:,•:•:' 01:6 7 .1:..: il M71 N3 I N56 I UNIFORMY I 009 I IF.*: .',M72r•,.: ''••"":1456 0;',,: I M73 N2 I N57 I UNIFORMY I 069 I M74 ,,.,,Tt NW n. 71Nae:,,,:.,.,:,..,.. •..g..'.. 'AIRtORIVIY:::.:,..:i.":tr I M77 I N1 I N56 I UNIFORMY I 009 I ......:M89 .i.. NI. Y 'IN§.2n," 7::17 Viii I M92 N56 I N64 I UNIFORMY I .009 I i...'.. •,......,.:M93 '...i.r..14,•_ •::N164 A§9 RMY" :"::,',..1`,.•ifi`i0.0a••'' M69 N54 I N55 I UNIFORMY I 016 M88; ..";T,LINIFORMT _,';',71...,:n:,..'„::021e1„...,• M84 N61 I N51 I UNIFORMY I 016 I .',1494?_...,...,, ...P...„.:„:„NOC.. ,r,''' ,T.Jq64,..'•,•: A:'...7"..t..;;;;:7? M45 I N35 I N39 I UNIFORMY I 016 I M48: 1.•,... ,:i1,39 .T. 1' :‘144:13; :UNIFORMY':::.:.,71:::! 1 M49 I N41 I N40 UNIFORMY 1 016 I ;•:1•1;.•':•.:':: r.T.:17.:.."...I.:.:', ..7.•."N40 ...7gi, f ,....'„„.',IN62',.„,,..:.IIII :.',.r.: .,,,T,':VANIFORMY 1, .3)40i.."_ '..:.1 M88 I N62 I N38 I UNIFORMY I 016 I :f0'.82;':' :1;!!' ','.."'!Nee.• .•''r .,:•.,;..„iN5f1 'UDFORMice 1. 4.:',..:.... Man"' M81 I N53 I N60 I UNIFORMY I .016 M66;;:' F `,..f.1462, ".:F.. 7 ,:.,';:(43: ',,I,,',. 11:::!'ILINIFORP* 4 ";;...016 7 M64 I N49 I N52 I UNIFORMY I 016 M95 r''':L.,,.::•';'''',..'1.,;:r: 'T.49.63157_ ';,:„:';',ir. Member Distributed Loads. Cateaorv. WI... BLC 3. Wind X Member Label I Joint J Joint Load Pattern Label Pattern Multiplier i M25 I N13 I N21 I UNIFORMX I .011 I tA2311. .I ,I.: ,N•,127;;;,.• t N201:.:. 1 ...14 .ititilIFORMK:2;„,,IS.:i:,.1 M20 I N10 I N18 I UNIFORMX I 018 I Mz. '3r. 1 .,1: ''',INIr'; .„.,1::, ;JUINFEORMK„ 1 ';'''100.9,', I M4 I N8 I N16 UNIFORMX I 009 I' M81... T.: ,"'„1:1428 '...!..7... T UNTECIRMX, ::::104 I M30 N27 i N28 I UNIFORMX I 014 ..'.M34 I .N30 "'"1" ,•;.;N•4 .V.:. .UNI:FORMX,'. 13 044 M33 I N29 I N30 I UNIFORMX I 014 ..''.M29 fL,' ..+146:: tfI' 1 '''1!iNtFORMXP'7'T ,..§::13114;,„.'...;ki,:.. M32 I N14 I N29 I UNIFORMX I 014 I M.3.6i 'ev T.,, NO: '....i $N29q! f:i. ';EINFORMX.7AXI,Fir ,....:-'104L. M35 I N7 I N27 I UNIFORMX I 014 I ,.....:.,:,.,......$.442. A, .14 9.,,.„;_.,,„:!N23?:4::::, ;M:,..::&,.:::13.NEFORNIX., Al'. „'„',',..74M;', M41 I N18 I N35 I UNIFORMX 018 :•AV174 e' 417.::•••• 1 „:11:64',:'!•.•""" I,....':1`':'::::009 I',::;.!:',',I1 M73 I N2 I N57 I UNIFORMX I 009 I ..072 II 'IN.5a. '''''„'''''..I'l• t... ,....,UME,0,11M),(1: :Mai': M71 N3 I N56 I UNIFORMX I 009 I Pt% 't tkiv.... ..:1* f.,.,... IJNEFORM.K, .,,.::,t ......04w M68 I N46 I N54 I UNIFORMX I 016 M69 'Al' ..4 •:.$155....... M83 I N55 I N61 1 UNIFORMX 016 M84 'L‘ 3... 1 If ....:P.:::,..'„"lei4;;; M94 N61 I N64 I UNIFORMX I .016 I I..., .M45 Y ita5:: 1::',:FI' 'AsP9,1I '',4 3/I6.7 I M48 I N39 I N41 I UNIFORMX I 016 I M491 ''f •.:.:NIVF.. •.':',V.•••':•.'•.:.: M87 I N40 I N62 I UNIFORMX I 016 I RISA-3D Version 4 1 [N\NEW JOBS\TELECOM 0480 RN31 -Downtown Port Angeles SAI Struct 8,1154ecbm\Calc: Company Designer Job Number CSA Consulting Engineers Ryan McGraw 10480 Member Distributed Loads, Cateaory WL, BLC 3 (continued) Member Label I Joint I -k1.'. ;N 2 1 M89 1 N1 I M.64:. 9�. I M65 I N5 2 Num 1 1 1 2L d Fw�t 13 1 d -wv 15 I d 1 M2 1 M82 I N60 Basic Load Case Data BLC No. Basic Load Case Description I 1 I Dead r" 1And 3 I Wind X Load Combinations Description d +wv 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 max 1 1 093 min 1 -0.637 max 1 1.092 min 1 -0 638 max 1.09 min -0.64 max 1089 min I -0 452 max 0.667 min -0.452 max' 0 667 min I -0.452 max 1 0.667 min I -0.452 Category Code DL WL Env WS PD SRSS CD BLC Ivlvl I 11 I 1 1 IvIvI 1 1 1 I I I I I 11 I min I -0.642 1 I -0.061 1 3 1 et; Gxriflii'`[: "0 624., 12 G=rMa :lama '31r. m i rt` 3 min;; 1 M6 1 max l 0 667 3 I 0 024 1 3 1 -0.014 11 3 0 018 1 3 1 I -0.008 1 1 3 0014 14 1 I -0.004 12 3 1 0.014 14 1 I -0.004 1 2 DT Port Angeles Envelope Member Stresses Member Label Section Axial Shear y -y Shear z -z (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) J Joint Load Pattern Label litk138f.r. N62 I UNIFORMX R N53 I_ UNIFORMX •1 s. x .;NO'(}: e.6o- :1' i l:NI RMX N50 I UNIFORMX U"6 IFoR[UIX,, 3 I 0 033 14 I 0.279 1 I -0 057 1 2 -0 414 3 I 0 033 1 4 0.279 1 -0.057 2 1 -0.414 3 0 033 4 I 0.279 1 I -0.057 12 -0 414 3 I 0 037 11 0.279 Category Gravity Description X Y Dead Load I I I Wind Load I I I 1 0.275 -0 164 0.269 -0 17 0.263 -0 175 0.257 -0.181 Factor 1 I BLC 2 I 2 I I 1 1 1 Bending y -top B Lc (Ksi) Lc 1 I 1 551 12 3 I -0.905 4 1 I 1 034 2 3 -0.603 14 1 0 517 12 3 I -0.302 14 1 1 0 1 1 3 I 1 827 1 I -1.654 3 I, 2 297 1 I 1.78 3 1 2.767 1 I -1 906 31 3237 1 I -2.031 Factor 1 I Pattern Multiplier 1 016 I I 016 I 016 Load Type Totals Nodal Point Dist. Surf. 11 I I I `l;, `11;,62; ..,1,. 1 I I 36 BLC Factor I I 0 1 I 0 1 ,::1; '.905 i; 1 7 6 2 ry 1.55' 4 >11274 :0 603 2 1 075 0302:yI 2 I.;F253 •0.517 5E 4I 1 654 I2 2 -1.827 14 4 178 1 2 2I- 2.29714 4 I 1906 12 2 I -2.767 14 4 1 2.031 12 2 I -3.237 14 July 11 2008 11 AM Checked By I I I 1 ending y -bot Bending z -top Bending z -bot (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc 0.905 4 1 11.231 13 7.569 1 I -1.551 2 I 7.569 1 1 11.231 3 I 0.603 4 17 487 13 5 046 1 I 1.034 2 1 -5.046 1 1 -7.487 3 0.302 4 I 3.744 13 2 523 1 -0.517 2 I -2.523 11 -3.744 3 I 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 10 317 -16 203 4 529 -6.751 2.496 1 464 11 537 7.661 BLC Factor 0 11 F 4ry 7 ,2,74; 6,12LL,. 1 1r 7516 3 Ia -S 075:''1 1: 11. 16.203 13 10.317 11 6 751 13 -4 529 1 1 464 1 2.496 13 7.661 11 11.537 13 1 RISA -3D Version 4 1 [N \NEW JOBS \TELECOM \10480 RN31 Downtown Port Angeles SAI Struct &FTageditm \Calct 15 Company CSA Consulting Engineers Designer Ryan McGraw Job Number 10480 Envelope Member Stresses. (continued) Member Label Section Axial Shear y -y Shear z -z Bending y -top Bending y -bot Bending z -top Bending z -bot (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc ....x/1;7 0 :6 4 3 .ir .:.733�t.._:1.._ t�.,. 0.. 3=.. I... 4.. s_..,. k-... �f::' 3; 2' 3„ �7r:. l�:. ��2�: �2�, f�_ 4:: �a;3V1 :3; I 1 mire:_I y `0:.4,9: 1 1 1 0 f 88 k 3 -0189} 1 1a 2031 i,.• 2:.'" 3237 4 7f.657 I 11.532 3 I i max 0473 s fi 564 1 0 2.0 Ot 03z 96 4 2 59 2 1 13625 ag .1 ,'9`" 176- 1 I 1 1n 0.49 1 089!`L 0319' :.1 2 593 2k 1 3 596 i ..4 1 -91R75 t 1u 1. 1.3 I ,3 I 3" 1max'f. _0.733' 3 0 065. 1 0 2591 `3" x966 4s 1155 12 1 707 I, 3 i 10, 703 1 13' 1 '3..15'5 27„ -3956 4 f -1 3 70.31" ti 1-15 07 3 11Z2430...1.. L.:. rrtcn I,.0 49 1� _.0.092 3, x04193 ,1., �X 3 71 ;7, '•2 -4.3161. .4".. t 2:243 s -1»,- [-.,117.778..:3 1 M8 1 1 I max 0 735 3 0 091 3 I 0 191 1 1 4.316 I 2 3 717 1 4 1 17.65 3 12.114 1 1 I I min I 0.492 1 1 -0.066 1 -0.256 13 3.717 4 -4.316 1 2 1- 12.114 1 -17.65 3 I 2 max 1 0 735 3 I 0 09 3 0 189 1 1 3 956 2 3.155 1 4 1 15.595 3 10 591 1 I min -0.492 1 I -0.065 1 -0,257 3 3.155 1 4 -3 956 I 2 1 10.591 1- 15.595 I 3 I 13 max 0 735 3 I 0 088 3 0 188 1 3 596 1 2 2.593 i 4 1 13 53 3 9 079 1 1 I min 1 -0.492 1 -0.063 1 -0.258 13 2.593 14 -3.596 12 I -9 079 1 13.53 13 4 max 10 735 3 0 087 3 0 187 1 3.237 1 2 2.031 4 1 11 453 3 7 578 1 1 1 min I -0.492 1 I -0.062 1 -0.26 3 -2.031 1 4 -3.237 2 1 -7.578 1- 11.453 1 3 J M.10 1 ax:t.. 0.;6.6.`;1• �:3'..Ii,.,:0 OA> f�.4� :0.'1:79 1��•° 5 1{ 0 1 ;3 °:287 ,1� 2.t13 4 4a9� z 3 r7.583• N 1 rilY ::I 0 454 I' 1 0 014 2 '.•Q 255.1 3 2'.03:1S "3.23aZ "2. .z 7583 .1.,1s.,.1 X459::1.. 3 2 max.:: 0.66 0.0 1: �1... 9..:1.,.,3 ...1...0.,..... 4;� ..�1:.4� �0: <1;73: �.:1� 2f67,: .`2'. i Q6 1-`9 I f mm 0;45.4 i 11_0 Tr14 1 2 1 0 261: 3.. I ,'1 906` 4 2 767 "1 2 J .1456 1 1 2 4Y88: 3 0009; L .•.O S:�Xi 1: '.0273 .:;1€ 27' 4., y-16 0681 5 -,10 183::t'. 1 1 M13 11 max 1 0 196 3 0 068 1 4 0.232 3 0 788 4 0 658 1 2 7.436 1 11 94 1 3 1 min -0137 1 -0.058 1 2 -0.134 1 1 -0.658 2 -0.788 I 4 11.94 3 -7.436 1 1 2 max 0 196 3 0 068 I 4 0.226 3 1 3 148 4 2.674 1 2 2.694 1 3 983 3 min 1 -0.137 1 -0.058 1 2 -0.139 1 -2.674 2 -3.148 4 -3.983 3 2.694 1 1 3 max 1 0 196 3 0 068 4 0.22 3 5.508 4 4 689 2 3.769 3 2.253 1 1 min 1 -0.137 1 -0.058 2 -0.145 1 I -4.689 2 -5 508 1 4 2.253 1 -3.769 3 I 4 max 1 0 196 3 0 068 4 0.214 3 I 7 868 4 6.705 2 11 315 3 7 404 1 min I. -0.137 1 -0.058 12 0.151 1 I -6.705 2 -7.868 4 -7.404 1 M1 11.315 3 :4 1 m 0.; ax I. 4 0 ,655: 1 2 0 '4 F 7r 871.,...1 6 708 WIZ '11 32 3 7 4Q$, -K: cnln I_ =.0 5742 2 057 4 -.0 575,', ,2 F -6 708 2' r7.> 7�1. 4} ;1 ..,.7 408 I 1 ::1' 32..: imax_:. ;0. :5:72 <4. 0 68 <::1. 4 J Q 5 1; 4 324 _•i I ;5 3 AL8 099 Tniax 1 4} 1 4 6':524 :1 3 7 10-:094.1 4,11;:..12.971.!:;:t 4`. 91;93 1,1' 2: L. i mn 0 571. 2 �0 57' 4 0:578{; L 2 :1 -3 992,'1 1 2 1 5.827 ;VC 117.51&E.4:.: 3 833 12 I M15 1 I max 1 72 2.1,. 0 57 I 2 0.579 f 4 9.044 4 I 5.827 1 2 A 17 511 I 2 13 83 .4_. I min I 571 4 0.655 1 4 I -0.566 2 -5.827 2 -9.044 1 4 1 13.833 4- 17.511 1 2 2 I max 10 572 2 0 57 I 2 0 578 4 6.659 3 4.126 I 1 1 12.971 2 9 193 I 4 1 min I -0 571 4 -0 655 1 4 -0.567 2 1 -4.126 1 -6.659 1 3 1 -9.193 4 12.971 2 3 I max 1 0 572 2 0.57 1 2 1 0 577 4 1 5.145 3 3.297 1 1 11 867 3 8 012 1 1 min 1 -0 571 4 -0 655 4 1 -0 568 2 I 3.297 1 5.145 3 -8.012 1- 11.867 1 3 4 1 max 1 0 572 2 0 57 2 I 0 575 4 1 7.871 2 6.708 4 1 11.247 3 7 335 i 1 1 min -0.571 4 -0.655 1 4 1 -0.57 2 1 -6.708 4 -7.871 12 7.335 1 11.247 i 3 ..050•. I~ I `j.0:' °l4 &i s I ..78683:;' `2 f ";67E15'. .4. 11:`2`43- 3• G;' 7:3'32 i:. 1y 401W 1r, 1 -0 068 .:2 -..1 40 212::11 3. :-6 7O5;-=,L 4 :1, 7 8x8 1 2 7.332 1 x E11 X243 r.1 ..3 M �'i T 4.689 `1 4 8 765 1 3 1 2 249 CIF 1' 3 -4 689 4� I "5 508 2 2 249 1 t 3x765 I' 3: I x:3 1 3 t. Nnln i. .,.(I•.,14.. I 1 F �0 068 -f 2 i ;0 224~ ,F 3� ..2:,674�11�4 �;,3 148 �1 2 -3'�9 '•�'3> :.��`2ifi3;` 'i 1 :I .0.058 :1.,4 :0132.H• _1x.1, ,0:788' 2: .658 :.1.;4;:1...7.303 `I.1. ;:11:130I+ .3 <I RISA Version 4 1 [N. \NEW JOBS \TELECOM \10480 RN31 Downtown Port Angeles SAI Struct &FTagecbm \Calc: DT Port Angeles July 11 2008 11:22 AM Checked By- Envelope Member Stresses, (continued) Member Label Section Axial Shear Shear z-z Bending y-top Bending y-bot Bending z-top Bending z-bot 1 K819 1 nnax 0 36 3 0.481 1| 0 30 4 0 '1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 max 03G4 3 O482 1 0.303 4 1 266 1 1234 3 0.794 4 0.784 2 3 max 0 362 3 0 484 1 1 0 305 4 2.537 1 2.472 3 1 593 4 1 593 2 lW����� M23 1 max 0.06 3 i 0.009 3 0 009 2 0 1 I 0 1 0 1 0 min '0.819 1 0.008 1 0.009 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 max 0 059 3 0 003 3 0i003 2 0 053 3 0 053 1 0 053 2 0 053 1 m in -0.02 1 -0.003 1 -0 003 4 -0.053 1 -0.053 3 0.053 4 -0 053 3 max1 0 05 3 0 00 1 0 00 4 0 05 3 0 05 1 0 05 1 2 0O53 min -0.022 I 1 -0.003 3 -0.003 2 -0.053 1 1 '0.053 3 -0.053 4 -0.053 4 max 0 056 I 3 0 009 1 0 009 4 0 1 0 1 0 I 1 0 Company CSA Consulting Engineers Designer Ryan McGraw Job Number 10480 1 M31 min min m�� min max min DT Port Angeles -0.009 2 1 0 �)��j K��� ���D� |g�������9��- IL M29 1 max| 1 49 4 OOQS 4 O U78 3 0 1 0 1 O I 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 /1 0 1 -0.371 2 -0.487 1 4 1 -1 397 1 1 561 3 3 mor( 1511 4 (l 4 OO8 3 0 945 4 0i82 2 2.502 1 3 3.008 1 K. r Wait 1 |nlan nnm 2 max min 3 |n�an |m� m�/ ��0 max 1 504 min -1.689 mor( 1511 m�| 1�B 4 I 0 099 4 �U85 2 I -0.081 4 0.07 4 0 078 I 3 21 -lOS7 4 0 08 3 2 -0.091 I 1 4 0 09 3 2 -0.085 1 4 I 0 0 9 6 3 2 -0.079 1 0 1 July 11 2008 11:22 AM Checked By' 0 I1 0 -0.82 2 -0 945 4 -2.571 1 -2.927 3 1378 4 1.346 1 2 1 35O4 1 3 411Q 1 1.346 2 4 mox| 1518 4 1 0 05 min -1.697 2 -0.086 3 �lO73 1 3 K8301. 1.1r 1 1| 4 2 4 2 1 1 5 14S3 4 0 03 2 0 04 1 I O813 4 I 0 32 2 3.504 3 3.24 I 1 -1 591 1 2 -0.039 4 ~0.044 3 I 326 2 I -0.813 I 4 -2.77 1 1 -2.929 1 3 15O1 4 0.046 2 0.05 1 O57 4 0.14 2 1835 3 2.422 1 1 -1.595 2 -0 053 4 -0.038 1 3 1 14 2 1 -0.57 4 -2.07 1 1 -2.147 3 15O8 4 0 05 2 0.056 1 0299 4 0 03 2 1O45 4 I 1.394 2 -1.589 2 -0.087 4 -0.032 3 032 2 -0.298 4 -1 191 2 -1.223 4 RISA-3D Version 4 1 [N\NBWJOBS\TELECOM\1048O-RN31 -Downtown Port Ang«les SAI Struct m\Ca 19- 1 Company CSA Consulting Engineers Designer Ryan McGraw Job Number 10480 Envelope Member Stresses, (continued) Member Label Section DT Port Angeles Axial Shear Shear z-z Bending y-top Bending y-bot Bending z-top Bending z-bot 4 /nmaxl 151O 14 O.OG1 /2 1 O])82 12 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 11 0 1 1 1 1 min 1 1.803 2 1 -0.081 I4!-lO2O14 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 -1 579 4 -0.034 1 -lO3 179G 1 '1.789 3 1478 2 0 03 I 3 0 05 3 1 702 1.782 1 1S87 4 -0 025 I 2 -0 038 1 4�5�� 1 -1.531 3 3 08 4| -31G |2/ 2.132 4 2782 2 1 1351 4 -2.361 2 O748 4 M34 M35 1 max 0 18 3 0 02 4 I -0 008 4 0 I 1 0 1 0 1 I 0 1 |mhn -0.115 1 -0.021 2 -0.013 2 0 1 0 I 1 0 1 0 I 1 1 2 !n�axI O182 3 0 00 4 -0 003 4 0 09 3 0 02 1 0 09 4 0.25 2 nnin -0.108 1 -0.007 1 2 -0.004 1 2 -0.029 1 1 -0.089 3 '0.314 2 1 -0.109 4 3 |nnax 0 176 I 3 0 00 2 0 00 I 2 0 09 3 0 02 1 0.093 4 0.25 2 1 nnin -0.102 1 -0.007 4 0.003 4 -0.029 1 -0.099 3 -0.214 2 -0.109 I 4 4 'maxi U17 3 0 02 2 0.013 2 0 I 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 i 1 -0.096 1 1 -0032 4 0008 4 0 K���- M41 1 |n�ox| 0 69 3 D458 1 O5 2 1O038 1 11178 3 148D5 4 14 605 2 mnin -0.6 1 -0.369 3 -0.5 4 11 179 3 -10.838 1 -14.806 2 1-14.6051 4 2 1mow 0 69 3 O467 1 0.498 2 11437 1 11.665 3 1384S 4 1 13949 1 2 nnin -0.8 1 -0.37 3 -0.499 4 11.865 3 1-11.437 1 13.948 2 -13.948 4 3 mnax| 0 69 3 O458 1 0 49 2 12O39 1 1 1 12.153 3 13.294 4 13.294 2 |min -0 601 1 -0 371 3 -0.498 4 12.153 3 12.039 1 13.294 2 13.294 4 4 1 mox 0.886 3 0 45 1 04S7 2 12O42 1 1 12.642 3 12.64 4 1 12.64 2 1 i 1 '0802 1 0373 3 -0497 4 1 RISA-3D Version 4 1 [N\NEVVJOB�TELECC3NK1O48D RN31-Omwn�wnPo� Struct 1 |n�ax min min min 2 max Max 4 max 4 3 1 3 1 3 1 -1 782 1 531 1.276 1.411 1 1 3 1 3 1 July11 2008 11:22 AM Checked By 2.701 -2.641 2.387 -1.822 2.018 -1.155 1.595 -0.639 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 Company CSA Consulting Engineers Designer Ryan McGraw Job Number 10480 Envelope Member Stresses, (continued) Member Label Section Axial Ksi) 1 4 I rmx l '0 063 I M45 1 max 1 3.083 I I min I -2.814 I I 2 I max 1 3 092 1 I min I 2 82 I I 3 max 1 3.102 1 I I min I -2.825 max 1 3 111 Shear z -z Bending y -top Bending y -bot Bending z -top Bending z -bot Lc K i Lc (Ksi) c Ks Lc (Ksi) L s Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc i-4 -`j.,• -4 �1��'`4�: -4��62 2 -4! <6� 4 3 f 'WW1: 2 C.: 1'',I ��.4 3 I 1 I. V... (i46h1.,1 4.A„ 1 0111 4 I 0 1 0 1 1 I 0 1 0 1 3 -0.111 2 I 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 089 4 1 0 673 1 0 439 1 3 1.321 1 3 -0 089 2 I -0 439 3 -0.673 1 1 -0 861 3 1 0 067 4 I 1 394 1 0 974 I 3 2.733 1 3 -0 067 2 -0 974 3 1.394 1 -1 909 3 1 0 044 4 2.161 1 1 604 3 1 4.238 1 min I 2.83 I 3 I -0.142 13 -0.044 2 1 1.604 3 -2.161 11 I -3.144 3 ...I:rx�e1:- ..1...._ ..�_.`�:�:I�..� 6..., E.." 3> u�, 0, 44:, F.::: 4•- �If.��`s'�.61':..'1.;:7i� =a 1y; 6( I4r'��.r:, ?'��23$;�.:i"- '1 °su '�:�wfi�8 i%1.60.. �t I 2.1:6"x1; 3t144,�' 3 -4 95�7H` 1 .x2 562?: 1. :1.954 1.. 5.024: 11.-... -4.483 3 ,.,.....,.rnli'p •.835. ».>fi 3...:.a. 41;52. �3° �0:0� 3;;. 1'x'95'4 =3 1 .3w :max 1; 3.12 d1 1 1= 0=x176_ 1 1 0 022< 4 :13 .2.97:5;;. I 320. 3 J. 5 834:' 1 1. 5 34. 3 2,835..E ,3.1. 1'62 3; =0'022 12x, 2.328; 3 'I 2.975 `415'661`'1 3n 824::. '0:,01 I` 34. r. 1; 1� ,.;'lN2:72:7. "!�`�f1�:6fi mite: 2:838.,:: 3-,�_V 0:1372" :�3K 0:,01,11 w ;2.:72 ,7. M49 1 1 max 3 125 1 0 181 11 0.011 4 I 3.4 1 2.727 3 6 666 1 1 6.255 3 1 min -2.838 3 I -0.172 I 3 -0 011 2 I -2.727 I 3 3 4 1 .1 -5.347 1 3 7 798 1 I 1 2 max 3 129 1 0 186 I 1 0 2 3 836 I 1 3 149 3 7 522 11 7.223 3 I I min -2.84 3 -0 182 3 0 4 -3.149 13 -3 836 1 -6.174 3 -8.799 1 1 3 max 3 134 1 0 191 1 0.012 2 1 4.284 1 3.595 3 1 8 401 1 8.245 3 I min -2.843 3 -0.192 13 -0.012 4 I -3.595 13 -4.284 1 I -7.048 13 -9.827 1 1 4 max 3 138 1 0 196 1 1 0.023 2 1 4.744 1 1 4 064 3 I 9 302 11. 9.323 3 1 0 3 0 fx 4 4.064 1 3 -4.744 1 1 -7.969 1 3 10.882 1 1 I I min 2.846 3 -0.202 I 3 -0.023 4 M51 I 1':.: max<:} .0..003 r 2' 0..006,, 1 �k.t 1:.1..,4 >:523 3 „0:4624 1 ,1 :f. 0. I G,1 :fly 1' I I min 0. 003:'1 4 :40'0061 3 1 0 032" 13 :0:462. "dl .,1....0.573 :.I3 1. ...f 41-2 J 76i.._.I ,1 .229..:: 3, ,y I; t� 1 I -0 573 .3`,1;.:.'0.229 ..1 3 x.075:: 1- I 3 :1.:41k1 ..:0.0D3 I.2. I` 0 00 1 0 009; tl 1 0 5) °�F 3'1 0 53:, :1. �Q 14,4 1 13.'01:467=. I `3 fmin" ;1.. 0:.008 4' 0:009' 3rn. I.....I- 3_`I 0,034 3 -0 353 -I I 0`�5�4� 1 k ;t1�467` "I' :3�d-1_�:�3t1'44i $_,1 14 al max I 0.003.. 1 '2, 10:,0: „WNW 434'I.'•.-� CF2:8fi. M52 1 maxi 0 063 1 2 0.026 1 4 10 141 3 1 0 311 I 3 I 0.257 1 1 13 469 I 1 4 776 3 I 1 I min I, -0 066 1 4 -0.022 2 I -0.108 1 I -0.257 11 I -0.311 13 I -4.776 13 I -3.469 1 I 1 2 'max 1 0 063 1 2 0 026 4 I 0 14 3 I 0 494 I 4 0 411 1 2 1 2.693 11 1 3.775 3 I I min I -0.066 I, 4 -0 022 1 2 I -0.109 1 1 -0.411 1 2 -0.494 14 I 3.775 3 I -2.693 1 1 3 I max 0 063 I 2 0 026 I 4 1 0 139 3 I 0 682 4 0.568 I 2 1 1 909 1 1 2 783 3 I min -0.066 14 -0.022 1 2 I -0111 1 I -0.568 2 1 -0.682 1 4 -2.783 13 I -1.909 1 I 4 max 0 063 1 2 0 026 I 4 10 137 3 0 87 1 4 1 0.726 1 2 1 116 I.1 11 8 3 min 1 -0.066 1 4 -0.022 2 I -0.112 1 -0.726 1 2 I -0.87 1 4 I, -1.8 1 3. I -1.116 1 M53: 1 1 max 1 0 063 d 2 0. 026 4 1 €7X137 .r 3 .0 87 1.4� F f1 X20 I 1 1' 3 I .mix 4.: 0.022 2: I,... -0 11,2 ..,1 1 .1`., 0.726 ,2� I 0 87. 1, 4 i :�h ,8 I -1 1. 6 1 4,?; 14 Shear y -y Lc (Ksi) 1= ._!'5 0 4'6av` 2 .f:. 046: 1 1 0137 3 I -0.082 1 I 0 146 3 I -0.102 1 1 0156 3 -0.122 1 0 166 DT Port Angeles n,.._,.Ex.06�,�..4.. ..._0;.022.: ,..2,. �.FO'1��'C°3;- :7�. .0��$ I I -.4a0664 M�f 1 a `.'0 8i' 4 r w0 825 :�:,.3::, ;�E�3:14: l 3 `irlax 0 6833' 02 0x,35 I �ro,1, ,2 ,:I�.:O 6,,.'E. w -1� 3 246: ;1 4 1,0:4`1:,,• 2 ''a:141 :train k -0 Q66 s 4 =O 022:;! 2 h 0 "I 1 1 g (�41 Z 2 7" 46- 1 max 't7 063: 2 :::,:0:026 4 I 0 34„_f 3 143 4 109. 2 F 1099" 3 t 3,16 K :1; I........ ".:mtn. x-0:`06:6:. :4:..1,'-:0: 422. i':2 --�I ;.0...1.16. :.t 1 M1 199, :...2 .:1 1;.434'::�I:4, 1 `3-9.6,..1`: -t099 13' M54 1 1 1 max 10 :063 1 4 1 0.022 1 4 10 122 I 1 I 1 434 2 I 1.199 1 4 I 1.274 I 3 11 491 1 I I min.! -0.066 12 I -0.026 1 2 I -0.141 3 I 1.199 1 4 I -1.434 12 I 1 491 1.1 I -1.274 3 1 2 I max 1 0 063 1 4 1 0 022 1 4 10 121 1 I 1.246 1 2 I 1 041 1 4 0.268 1 3 1 0 623 I 1 I I min I -0 066 1 2 I -0.026 1 2 I -0 142 13 I 1.041 14 I -1.246 1 2 0.623 11 I -0.268 13 July 11 2008 11:22 AM Checked By 1 008 1.545 2.234 3.197 3.678 4.957 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 RISA -3D Version 4 1 [N: \NEW JOBS \TELECOM \10480 RN31 Downtown Port Angeles SAI Struct &Igethm \Ca CI 1 1 Company CSA Consulting Engineers Designer Ryan McGraw Job Number 10480 Envelope Member Stresses, (continued) Member Label Section (Ksil Lc (Ksi)_ Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc I max 10 063 4 I 0 022 1 4 I 0 12 1 1 058 1 2 I min I -0.066 2 I -0.026 2 I -0 143 3 0.884 II 4 I max l 0 063 I 4 10 022 4 I 0 119 1 I 0 87 1 2 1 min 1 -0.066 1 2 I -0.026 1 2 1 -0.144 3 I -0.726 1 4 n f 0 E ,4 3�'. 4. I .rriln�[ 0;086 2 I; "�(��Q26��.C� :2�; �Q 1 4 33 �Jz:��Q�'7�2fi,� -0.066 4;2`; ,..0.)26 x 2;,i .4:144:5A 3:' I► i 0 0:3. 4 x..0022 C 4 1.x:0.1:1 `'rrtii%:V 0.066 I 2' ;I' 0.026 =_1 ,2 Q 1. <k:, =11022Y.3 I: i9=11;5;v .R. I .1.rn m: 0=.066:.2` Y x-0.0263 L3 0{.148 E ..I ,0 :26`1-:`H1 40:.:314„1:a.1:. M56 1 1 max 1 0.003 1 4 1 0.007 1 3 1 0 033 1 3 1 0.477 3 1 0 316 I 1 10 156 1 1 10 666 3 1 1 12 -0 7 I 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 4 1 1 13 1 1 4 1: Y (0.462`4 +1 0 h 1 i 0:.• 1 2. ma 0 Q3 2 8�. 02$. z: 7101:61M f';'&204' f ...�1, a .OA.. �I�` �k� �..��.1:1= .3' I �4� f rr m 0 003 I t 0 008: I' 3 _0 0 5 �1 F :0!6`73 :3 ":`I 4:51T g I t I -0102 "It 1 `f 0,204- 3 3_x 1 r> tax:l: 0 0033 x 12 ,1 :,0 „009 tl..x1 I 0 02 n n,. I.. .....Q03. :Aft 3:.00. `8�<F:� '.t�E 6:... _�'F� -0 ;3 '_`.0 %�57� L 7 _Tom::: AA p :1 's��.rl� .'I `0':39.9'. .3: 1 :...:0 a�r �0, 't 1: Vii 0 Q3. [_.2, I 0 r,� :It :10:026E 3 !0 637: t 0.79 &t�l 3�� i0 �$5 _I 3, 1 0 33+ l m mn 0.0 '4�� 03. ,Ir:' 001 x;? _1 ,3 ,0 1} 7':: ,1z.- 98:._ M58 1 I max 10 056 1 3 1 .0 081 I 3 0 185 I 1 1 326 1 1 11 728 1 3 0.583 3 0 329 I min I 0.043 1 1 1 0.062 1 0.289 13 1.728 1 1.326 11 0.329 2 I max 1 0.056 1 3 10 08 3 0.184 11 0 889 1 1 152 1 3 0 987 min I 0.043 1 1 -0.061 1 -0.29 13 -1 152 3 I -0 889 11 1.482 3 max 0 056 1 3 0 079 3 0 183 11 0.461 1 1 10 585 I 3 2.294 min -0.043 11 1 059 1 -0.292 1 3 -0.585 13 I -0.461 11 -3.557 4 I max 1 0.056 1 3 1 0.078 3 0 182 1 1 0.358 1 4 1 0 342 1 2 3.592 0.342 1 2 I 0.358 1 4 5.64 I M60 s: 03't:4� x�l,. I min I -0.043 J 1 J -0.058 1 -0.293 1 3 k,;;:O „056: 4043, mlr) 1.. t7 043" :4r 6cF:0056,E of itid 0::04 3'. :O -:I it :Ir:.= Q043. 1 !max 0 058 I min -0 045 2 I max l 0 058 I min I -0.045 3 ;max l 0.058 min I -0 045 4 max 0 058 DT Port Angeles Axial Shear y -y Shear z -z Bending y -top Bending y -bot Bending z -top Bending z -bot (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi)_ Lc 1 0.884 1 4 1 0.235 1 1 1 0 746 1 3 I I 1.058 1 2 I -0.746 1 3 1 0.235 1 1 I 10 726 1 4 11 085 1 1 11 769 1 3 I I -0.87 1 2 I 1.769 1 3 1.085 1 1 769} ::3; 0:8 2' I' -1. :769 Bt :4.0. 1 Si56. ;�4= 1 '_:1 i927..:. f.: L-.BD 0 682';€ ii;, A ,,2.801 3 1 Q9A2{7'-: l 1 41 !i;:.`I, 2.7�t. 1�P "1 ^3.84.1' I 3r .-0 :94:. Iw`2.`I. 38'41x.1 3'° 276. ,,I 1`, 3 min I -0 003 2 -0.007 11 I -0 005 1 I -0 316 1 I -0.477 13 I -0 666 1 0.156 I max 0 003 4 0.006 1 3 0 032 3 0 524 3 1 0.362 1 1 10 112 1 1 0.435 min I 003 II 2 I -0.006 11 I -0 007 1 0.362 1 I -0.524 3 I -0 435 13 I 0.112 maxi 0.003 1 4 1 0 005 I 3 10 031 3 I 0 562 3 I 0 4 1 I 0 06 1 1 0.213 min I -0.003 12 -0.005 11 I -0.008 1 -0 4 1 I -0.562 13 I -0.213 3 I -0.06 max 10 003 1 4 0 004 1 3 1 0.029 3 0.591 3 I 0 43 1 1 I 0 1 1 I 0 min J -0.003 1 2 1 -0.004 1 1 1 -0.009 1 1 1 0.43 1 1 -0.591 3 1 0 1 1 1 0 max I' y 0t w't 3 0 �62� t1 �103 1 .2 0006 1�1 I 0 029- �'3r�1�, July 11 2008 11:22 AM Checked By 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 ;'0.0:78 3 0.1 1 0 358 I [4 1� 0.342, rt 2 059 1 N :5 64 3 1,3'J 0 077;:•x1 3: ;0.18K,.; 1 :I ,1024.61,:f _0 rg.2..:. 4.882:x;1„ .,7 73.1.....3 1', I' x'0.057 I I ,0. 294 3 0 591 �r1 2 X45 Il 4 ,7 73^1 t1 ".3>:;! =4 £88~2 '1 133 :'4 1`..04839. J'' 2" t,.: 6.1x6 ..1 3 .,.E�•�:075� I` t3., .,':0 17 1 1 .r. 4 1 1: :1 X 166 1 7'4'35 1*1 1;:1:" .94 .3; ,1w.,w 0.055 1 .:0 2 9 7 3 4 7 4 3 6 3 0 046 I 1 1 0.292 3 1.521 1 2 11 088 4 7 303 1 11 807 3 1 -0.066 1 3 1 -0.174 1 I -1.088 I 4 I -1.521 2 11.807 3 7 303 1 3 0 048 1 1 1 0.291 3 I 1 133 I 2 10 839 4 I 6 061 1 9 728 1 3 1 -0 067 II 3 I -0 175 1 I -0 839 14 II -1.133 2 I -9.728 3 -6.061 11 3 0.049 11 I 0.29 3 I 0 745 1 2 10 591 4 I 4 809 1 7 658 1 3 1 -0 068 13 I -0.176 1 1 -0.591 1 4 II -0.745 2 I -7.658 3 -4.809 11 3 0.05 1 1 0.289 3 0.358 1 2 10 342 4 I 3.55 1 5 597 I 3 min -0.045 1 -0.07 I, 3 1 -0.177 1 -0.342 14 1 r -0.358 c, 2 I_ 5.597 3 3.55 1 1 1 I, X43 �7�: 13`.._L,l� ©,'k77;1, 1 l t 3 x 0 3,42"�,:� �2 -0 342 4 3X 4 358 2 .1. �,5.59t7 .T 3.1 »3.55 :`0. 1s w ax°058= :3'':I "11451 •['1 1.',0287 °I 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 -0 583 1.482 -0.987 3.557 -2.294 5.64 -3.592 RISA -3D Version 4 1 [N NEW JOBS \TELECOM \10480 RN31 Downtown Port Angeles SAI Struct 8i'T etd m \Ca CI 2o Company CSA Consulting Engineers Designer Ryan McGraw Job Number 10480 Envelope Member Stresses, (continued) Member Label Section k: a thitt h 3 Itrnax1 f: f mink I. 4 Ir-nax I 1 M62 1 I max I min 2 I max I min 3 I max I min 4 I max I min M68;., I M69 M71. I M72 Shear z -z Bending y -top Bending y -bot Bending z -top Bending z -bot IKsi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc x.','.0..1,7 1. x.- 0.562' '1 3:., -0.439 f •"F i 3.5 4,4 k w3± 1;...- 2 1; I' 1.. I r 7 p8 I M }1 '.071 i '.-1 071131-0.808.1 5 3 Q� c7. xI 1' 1 1�.'S.�SBy i, 3 .0.°53:8 3 :;#141 ui .588H' -3,._: X1.18.5 s i 1 1 0 544 1 I 0 705 I 3 1 0.538 3 0.283 1 -0.003 3 I -0.705 3 I -0.544 1 1 1 -0.283 1 -0 538 3 0.003 1 1 0.497 1 1 0.659 I 3 I 0.367 3 0.18 1 -0.003 3 I -0.659 3 I -0 497 1 1 0.18 1 -0.367 3 0.003 1 I 0 459 1 1 0.621 3 0 188 3 0 086 1 -0.003 3 I -0 621 3 -0.459 11 I -0.086 1 -0 188 3 0 003 1 I 0.43 1 0 591 I 3 0 1 0 1 -0.003 3 I -0.591 3 I -0.43 I 1 0 1 0 1 .�k:2$ i7:F08' 6- '�4_� rn.rrr �k� 6� z3= P 0 Q3 I =1' 6 1 :k�°` 0`8 1 t 0.554 Fk 4 2 64' k 1r �3 7" 0 29 p 0 1 t .0 64 0 98. 0 647 8 1 2 ,4y1 C 64 4 179`9 3 k '4 ,0 7 98 2 1 4__ 4:10S _4 tilaxil 0 23' 1 I�t0'038 4 3.r 40 0431 k; 4 1`2991..1 2= °I 086 4 2'344% f 4 1 734 k rr`.la.nllr )t 0:297 ,'3 I 0 0221', .a. k 3:.04,. 3 N,22 -0 86 ;,4. -1 '2299 2 n1 4, k��. t -82 2 74 1 I max I 0.23 1 0 038 1 3 0 043 4 1.299 2 1 0 86 4 2.344 1 4 1.734 I min I -0.297 3 -0.021 1 1 -0 043 2 -0.86 4 I 1.299 2 -1.482 1 2 I 2.742 2 I max 1 0.239 1 0 019 1 3 0 022 4 1.491 2 1 0.997 4 2.651 1 4 1.971 min I -0 302 3 -0 012 11 -0 022 2 -0 997 4 I -1.491 2 -1.685 2 -3 101 3 max 1 0.248 1 0.002 1 2 0 4 1 561 2 I 1.061 4 2.722 4 2.037 I min -0.308 3 -0 006 4 0 2 1.061 4 1 561 2 1.741 2 -3.184 4 I max 0.257 1 0 004 1 0 021 2 1 511 2 1 049 4 2 556 4 I 1 932 I min I -0.313 3 -0.018 13 -0.021 .4 1.049 4 I 1.511 2 -1.651 12 I -2.99 °:1.07:��:' 0.Qg4 I�r3': 1 0 "`1�::1� =�„�t� `E7 .0:;047E)..k 1 :k a.;k�:,M107 X 2;`:1 0 ;1 :1 1 4 1 ;x' k 1....:2:.1,4:•> ...1:.:... 0,.076 ,��3 .?OiO 6: ?�4: 'Oe5?1- r2�" I ..0;326`i 1.4 *.Q •~91�8 4 r `.5 4i.'.: 1� 93 4�K s ,M .2 d x ::-2';24°. 4 6 ";I!`max k` :0.259 .I _1 ,k 0.039': 3:,:I 0 043s k,. 1. 95 .k 0. 56 4:_; 2 4 4 ..‘.14:74t g, 0 1 ,r, "r' ten', -rx r °fee f 6' '1 w I• :1 8 0 756 r .�1r::i?95::..:.n2K .,..1.686:22?96 1 I max 1 0.259 1 1 1 0.039 1 3 0.043 4 I 1.195 2 0.756 4 1 2.547 4 1.972 min -0.326 3 I -0 022 1 1 -0.043 2 -0.756 4 I 1.195 2 I 1.686 2 2.98 2 max 0.268 1 I 0.02 3 0 022 4 1.352 2 1 0.859 4 1 2 923 4 2.288 min -0.332 3 -0.013 1 -0.022 2 I -0.859 4 I =1.352 2 I 1.956 2 3.419 3 max 0.277 1 0 002 4 0 4 I 1 388 2 0 888 i,,,, 4 I 3.061 4 2.433 min -0.337 3 I -0.006 2 0 2 -0.888 4 388 2 -2.08 2 -3.581 4 max 0.286 1 1 0.004 1 0 021 2 1.303 2 1 0 842 4 2.963 4 2.407 min -0.342 3 -0.017 3 -0.021 4 -0.842 4 .303 2 I -2.058 2 -3.466 1tin.. 1•.07.3,,,,.:-1'.1,.4A. 9<.., N....1 a.'153 �3,: O��° 1 w` k ,854 4hP.6,, 0 269 k. 2 k. 4 401646; q4, G. 2 282:41`;3' .='1.:528' maxi _rnln; 79 1�_ 1._:1:;- 0,{11.8:..1y.:2.._4:... f�.. 1, 53��3, t7:: 53= 7.. r�:., :�=1��1.•093:fw�:4i...:•i'a5C5' 3:056 4= :max: 2:02: 3' 0:'1137: 4�. ':0:1@33'_• =1r�6 4„ F I k� k` �7 :1 ,1 1 t i :�:6q6; 2 1 4584 rl 1 t .684 -7 T. k «O: .018 ")k 0 1 3 .1,53 0.806 :.;h -1 639 �4 k a.84 I -4.584 I max 1 1.388 1 3 I 0 002 1 4 I 1.593 1 1 I 1.129 13 0.296 1 1 1 2 2 733 13 1 15.198 I min 1 -0 733 11 I -0.011 12 I 2.378 13 I -0 296 1 1 1 -1 129 1 3 1 15.198 1 1 1- 22.733 ;_Ct�i�X= =iOr2L133: c: 1~ Yr.'D�t}J 3� �Q:E •�7.,i a4 �r� r 1 tYr[n 0 :2 :1: [ll 0:046 1.. g��1'.07 'p1C 0 2 I.rriax kt 0 .212'. :k:1 k,.t 'Q 5 ,0- 086 F 1 44.: k 0 554 .1. 2 43`'1.. =k:" 1 I• 0 1r :0; 1- 4 1,..0 49 k.: 2 1 Axial Shear y -y ;-0 IKsi) Lc (Ksi) Lc :045 .1a,. 'fi 0 071, -0 f 3 41 .0 d�5. r. 07 0�058� 0:054 :I1:t}45 0.003 4 I 0 007 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 I -0.007 4I 0006 2 -0.006 4 0.005 2 1 -0 005 4 1 0.004 2 I -0.004 DT Port Angeles "0 $85' Attlat 0 015 I 0.023 I 0 014 I -0 025 I 0 013 I -0.026 1 0.011 I -0.027 July 11 2008 11.22 AM Checked By 2: 2: 4, 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 1.I 121 14 12 14 1 2 1 12 1 „f:'1' f.. 1.. 1+ '1 1 L i; I 1 1 3 1 RISA -3D Version 4 1 [N• \NEW JOBS \TELECOM \10480 RN31 Downtown Port Angeles SAI Struct &agdei.m \Calc: Company CSA Consulting Engineers Designer Ryan McGraw Job Number 10480 Envelope Member Stresses. (continued) Member Label Section mza I M74 1 min 2 I max I min 3 1 max I min 4 I max 1 min 2.: 1 max 3' 2 max min 3 max min 4 max min 1.: max 1 ,I;;;9:91 3 ‘,..v037; r 1~ 036:! 1 4i1;' 301341 1 98$` 3 0, 037 1max :'1'986 I3 0.0371 1 m int 1.042' P I 1 J ,X0 018x...1, 10ax =1 1 983.E 1 0137 sL 2 I max Axial (Ksi)_ Lc 1 387 3 -0.734 1 1385 3 -0.735 1 1384 3 -0.736 1 DT Port Angeles Shear y -y Shear z -z Bending y -top Bending y -bot Bending z -top Bending z -bot (Ksi)_ Lc (Ksi)_ Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc 0.002 4 1 593 1 1 -0 011 2 0 002 1 4 -0 011 12 0002 14 -0.011 12 1 118 I 3 0 348 11 1 7.54 1 3 5.017 1 1 1 -2.378 13 -0.348 11 -1 118 13 I -5.017 11 -7.54 13 I 1 593 11 1 086 13 0 379 1 1 1 5 163 11 7 654 13 I -2.378 13 -0 379 11 -1 086 3 1 -7.654 13 -5.163 11 I 1 593 11 1 033 13 0 388 1 115 344 11 22.848 3 1 2.378 1 3 -0.388 1 1 -1.033 1 3 22.848 3- 15.344 1 I '0 0 1021:1.0 0'..'. 1 .0 1 O a 1 0 153. 3 £1 c0 540` (2 0.269,-;:.; 1 2 28 Q 1} `3" ,1525', ,,31. O 1'02' '1 1 L 269 Q 2.;;;!.;'`A '.525 iF ?2.28 ;'3 :.1 0 153''U E 3a. )x; „1093 .:,i Pr 0 5 ,:a4.. x, 4 155.9Z;::: 3$051 i'..1 I 102I 1 -0 537 11:_4' 1i'- 1.093" 2.1;143 kV irli ;1...x:'5`59! I: '.1 ;,53 iii; ?:.3 ,ri. 't639 2' .0.805.: 44 6 8 °1 #3 I` 44476 11 '4.40240;;O: 0:.806:' -44..'-1.,639"312'; 4 '.57`6Y11'1,.1z :6 :839' :3 1 1 2 383 3 1 163 3 1 0 33 1 1 15.257 1 1 22.793 July 11 2008 11:22 AM Checked By 1 357 1 3 1 0 002 1 2 -0 702 1 -0 011 1 1.599 3 22.793 3 1- 15.257 1 356 3 0 002 12 2.383 1 5.045 1 17 567 -0.703 11 1 -0 011 4 I 1 599 3 I -7.567 3 I 5.045 1 355 3 1 0.002 2 1 2.383 1 1 7 659 3 1 5 168 -0.704 1 I -0.011 1 4 -1 599 3 5 168 1 I -7.659 1 353 1 3 1 0.004 1 1 2 383 1 22.885 3 1 15 381 1 -0.33 1 I -1.163 3 1.129 3 1 0 359 1 -0 359 1 I -1 129 3 1 074 3 1 0 366 1 -0 366 1 -1.074 3 0 997 3 0 352 -0.705 11 -0.014 13 I 1.599 1 -0.352 1 I -0.997 3 1- 15.381 1 1- 22.885 3 I 1,x0,0 1' t 1 2�1, k 2�1 x°164 k 1�9ia3,` `3 'i= 503 1 1 1:6 174 .4,.Ta :296 'f 1_ I -0.816 3 C, -0 0183 1 4 L =0 275:3 1 608 11 :1963 1. 3 1 1 E 296'; =1. .'1:- 16157'1 1 3 P 0,559 1 1 I'. 0.021 'I 2 0.1 }7 =1;3' 2 0133,.,, i 1. 26 4.57 Is 334``1 1 1 kr�trt ,0.8.'16 "1 3 J.x.: -A 01.8 4 g= 0.26. .0iix,a "I 526..4', 1 .3. 1. rig ff "<1� 3:041~... 4 J '42 098 =��1'17 686 3;793:.: 2 I-r17,;f86 13 t 3 1 0.254 3 1 793 I M77 1 1 max 1 0 554 I 1 10 024 4 I 3.041 1 min 1 -0 811 13 -0 027 1 -0.186 1 -3.041 2 -3.793 2 I max 10 554 1 1 0 018 2 0.261 3 2.903 4 2.283 I min -0.811 13 I -0 021 4 -0 179 1 2.283 2 -2.903 3 I max 0.554 1 1 1 0.018 2 1 0 268 3 2.013 4 1.526 1 min I -0 811 1 3 1 -0 021 4 1 -0.172 1 -1.526 2 -2.013 4 !max 10 554 1 I 0 018 2 1 0.275 3 2.06 3 1 705 1 min 1 -0.811 13 I 0.021 4 1 -0.164 1 1.705 1 2.06 G. -M81 1.. ,rna :..:.0.2.7: T.... 1' x:��:.. -1 1r ,J.....0.,0£I4..,;1 1 �1..:: 0, .{)21i'�.�`�.2.:k�.1�-�.5.'1w�� =�.2� I: mtn 1 0 313. 3 =0' 018 1 3 1 _0 021 :1 4 `;1 049 2 lmax G 0 261 1 ;0.009 :=I 61 '0 032 1 2 i1 1 441'' .min.-0.316 '[:A3 ,:0_ 27:;I :3, 26 ::0(}�1 I 3'.. 10 I 0 -043 =$1 trriih";I:;6- 0.319 3..,J. ,-0.03;7..11 ,3 40243: 4 Iwmax}1' 27 ,I 1 .1 6€17 13 1 0x053 2 I X1 2(9 2 1.°mtn X0.321 I ,3" .I 0.046:;?I 3..1 0.053 1 4,1..,.0. 4 I M82 11 max 0 323 1 1 1 0.066 I 1 10 119 1 2 1 1.209 1 2 0 893 I 4 I min -0.34 3 -0.105 13 I -0.119 14 -0.893 14 -1.209 2 2 max 0.328 1 0 07 1 1 1 0 129 2 0 836 1 2 0 614 4 min -0 343 3 -0.114 13 I -0.129 4 -0.614 14 -0.836 12 3 max 0.332 1 0.075 1 I 0.14 1 2 0 433 1 2 0.316 1 4 I min -0 345 3 -0.123 3 -0 14 14 -0 316 14 -0 433 12 14 max 0.337 1 0.079 11 0151 12 0 11 0 11 I min -0.348 3 -0.133 1 3 1 -0.151 1 4 0 1 1 0 1 __N18 11:07404,2r L....... m 0.28 I ax 6. :t,.I? 0. fl21r :(.;,2,'I•. ::��t��3D3 f, 31 11 3 1 11 31 11 2 1 12.099 11 i 17 686 3 4 17.686 I. 3 1 12.099 1 2 4 298 1 1 1 6.685 3 4 1 -6 685 31 -4.298 1 2 14 627 3 1 3.193 1 4 -3 193 1 -4 627 3 1 16.248 13 10 373 1 3 1- 10.373 1 1 1- 16.248 3 '1.049 •4 2.556 'h.,4 ?I .1:932 :,2: :1 sir .1 2 1 1:651 f: 2 '2.99 J r° >'4 1 016 1. 2 384 .1r' 4 1 815 nI 2 44.41: '1':'5.52,:1.2 -1' Z.7894 I 9 4 y 6 6 f~,4 2 656 I;4 .I 4 I ..::;4 1.862 4 1.453 2 I -1.242 2 -2.178 4 I 1 301 14 1.012 2 1 -0.865 12 -1.521 4 I 0.68 14 0.527 2 -0 451 12 -0.795 4 0 11 0 1 I 0 11 0 1 1 RISA -3D Version 4 1 [N• \NEW JOBS \TELECOM \10480 RN31 Downtown Port Angeles SAI Struct 12.5g ethm \C ale: Company CSA Consulting Engineers Designer Ryan McGraw Job Number 10480 DT Port Angeles July11 2008 11:22 AM Checked By Envelope Member Stresses. (continued) Member Label Section Axial Shear Shear Bending x II., .`"Lfiffiffil rit1232..ATZWA4.0.5C 456.1'61:: M88 1 max 2.155 1 0 802 3 0i121 2 6 194 1 5.616 3 12.145 I 1 12.883 3 min -1.865 3 -0.875 1 I 0121 I 4 '5.618 3 -8.194 1 11.012 1 3 14.207 1 2 |mnax 2.16 1 O782 I 3 1 0.132 1 2 4118 1 372 3 8O74 1 8534 3 min -1 058 3 -0 87 1 -0.132 4 -3.72 3 -4.118 1 7.295 3 -9 445 1 3 !max 2 164 1 0 782 3 0 144 2 2.053 1 1 848 3 4O25 1 424 3 1 min -1 87 3 -0.865 1 1 -0.144 1 4 -1.848 3 -2.053 1 -3824 1 3 -4.709 1 4 |max 2.169 1 0.772 I 3 O155 I 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 I 0 1 min -1.873 3 '0.88 1 '0.155 4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 &490 1 |mox| 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 i 0 1 min 0 1 1 O 1 1 O 1 I D 1 0 1 0 I 1 0 1 2 max 0 1 0 00 I 1 I 0 00 3 0.004 1 0 00 3 0.004 I 1 -0 004 4 mm I 0 1 001 I 3 1 0.001 1 I -0.004 3 -0 004 1 O.004 I 4 -0.004 1 3 mou( 0 1 0.002 1 I 0 00 3 0.017 1 O017 3 0 01 1 3 -0O17 4 min I 0 1 1 -0 002 3 0 002 1 -0 017 3 -0 017 1 0.017 I 4 -0 017 3 4 max| 0 1 0.004 1 0.004 3 O 039 I 1 0 039 3 0 03 I 3 -O 039 4 I min 1 0 1 -0.004 1 3 0.004 1 -0.039 RISA-3D Version 4 1 [N \NEW JOBS \TELECOM\10480 RN31 -Downtown Port Angeles SAI Struct m\Colc: Company CSA Consulting Engineers Designer Ryan McGraw Job Number 10480 Envelope Member Stresses, (continued) Member Label Section I M92 I M94 M3 ,...1 DT Port Angeles Axial Shear y -y (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) max l 0 052 1 1 I 0.015 2 min 1 -0.061 13 1 -0.007 4 2 max 1 0.052 1 1 0 015 2 min I -0.061 3 -0 007 4 3 maxi 0052 1 I 0015 2 min I -0.061 3 1 -0 007 4 4 max 0 052 1 I 0 015 2 0.023 2 min -0.061 3 1 -0.007 4 1 -0.035 4 max lry I `0 d° :3: =0°:0 0.004 1.;I_ :000:4. I 'UA 1 Shear z -z Lc (Ksi) 2 4 2 4 2 4 0.016 -0.042 0 018 -0.04 0 021 -0 037 1 3 003%1..1. 0039 3 2k E00,039i=3,_•1'r=- 0. .t .1 1° ;1 0002' 1 3 0?002 1 '40'017 1 I 0 O F 13 f. 0 o17�, r 4 f, 04002 3 1, :L 00:02 mx,0:f 17:' s '00171C11,..: '1110177V1' I °rri6:;k F. I OPT. I max 0 063 11 I min -0.033 13 '1 max 0 044 1 1 I min -0.017 3 3 I max 0 039 2 1, min -0.015 14 4 1 max 0 037 1 2 0039 13 -0.001 11 2 0 013 3 0 1 0 11 001313 0 001 I 1 l min -0.017 1 4 -0.039 13 rr`isIt "t 02%7 °..L 3` 13. 00:'1- ;r L=0 042 f 4 T .F0:0a C 3 :1 triii C 0 0132 1 0.0011 13 o oar t 1.0 004 f ;010,0204 1.001 1 1 1 0 0041:' -0 ©04 1 ,1". 0.004. 1 f Q 0 065 2 0 11 I 0 -0.065 4 0 11 I 0 0 022 2 0 522 14 1 0.286 -0.022 4 -0.286 2 I -0.522 0.022 4 0.522 4 0.286 -0.022 2 -0.286 12 -0.522 0.065 4 0 11 0 -0.065 J 2 0 11 0 0 `06 1 4� Y or ✓4 'I I 03 022 2, 0522 4 F 0 2: r 1 t,522:,: �,ritr�..,fr.�0:015,...1.�2..1:_,_.. 0, 1$ 3:' I':> 3. ��E:_. M0<: 022�i .;2`.:`k= K- �0,286`.:1��i2�:r a fl: :522vW :4��< �E} 056'(..'a. "��:1�:4' :96 :2 10 622 lmax 0038: ,1,4 1K'.' :0 286 2 ..1 023` C 2.,1 .:66 'F. 5 4 11 1: ..r0:` 037 :4'. Toff 4 4 v =_.0 :0 3.5 4' I L .0:017' °i.;2:;,; 0.039`..1.,3 4 0.065::1 ..1'_., 2._ '1.'0 1. I M96 1 max 0.2 1 1 1 0119 1 3 0.129 1 1 I 0 1 min -0 344 13 -0.091 11 -0.167 3 1 0 1 2 max 0.201 11 0.119 13 0.129 1 I 1 076 3 min -0.342 13 I -0.091 1 1 -0 167 1 3 -0 819 1 3 max 0.203 1 1 1 0 119 1 3 0129 1 1 2.152 3 min -0 34 1 3 -0 091 1 -0.167 3 1 -1.638 1 4 max 0.205 1 1 0 119 3 0 129 1 I 3 228 3 min -0.339 13 I -0.091 11 -0.167 13 I -2.458 1 .1- :044X M9 1. ,trtax�:.r ,9 C- "4: =(l;t }3 1; 9` .l•;�3`.)�..,0°. 54k :�:':1` °:i<::0�4= 1;3� :=1: :`"1` g. r :';0:054n f 2 '�V I Q2•� 1 :'0.045 0 4,.1 :..Q E 3.9., :,I ..54.. 1 :,I 0 275.:1 I !mini-0 -0 022:" 1 0�I °81 t:3; 0x50:3 m .ax _.0 046 4 .,4 039 3 '00.154 -1 1 1 .`0.138 :•1 m: 1 0� 2M 1 �I22".. k,,. ,r 1,..1~ a :Q 44r 4 ;048911 014 .:1 1 I'riilri, :L.4 053.. »:rte._ 0.022 :»r �1, 0' 181.,~I 3:,C 0�...` 1 M98 1 I max l 0.212 1 1 0.111 1 3 1 0.172 1 3 1 0 1 1 I min I -0.355 1 3 -0.082 1 1 -0.134 1 I 0 1 1 2 !max l 0.213 1 0 111 3 I 0 172 3 1 1 3 I I min I -0.354 3 -0 082 11 I 0.134 1 1 -0.744 1 3 1 max 1 0.215 1 1 0 111 1 3 1 0.172 I 3 1 2.001 3 I min I 352 13 -0.082 11 I 134 I 1 I -1.488 1 4 I max 1 0.217 1 1 0 111 1 3 1 0.172 I 3 I 3 001 1 3 Bending y -top Bending y -bot Bending z -top Bending z -bot Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi)_ Lc (Ksi) Lc 0.838 3 0.849 2 -0 849 1 -0.838 3 4 0 935 3 0 826 2 -0.826 1 -0.935 3 4 0 999 3 0 77 2 -0.77 1 0.999. 3 4 1 027 3 0 678 3 -0.678 1 -1.027 1 1 1 1 I' 13::1 11::.0 0Q4 f•: 1 0 1 I 0 1 1 1 0 11 0" I1 2 1 023 2 1 0.656 1 4 4 -0.561 4 I -1.196 12 2 1 023 2 1 0.656 1 4 4 -0.561 4 I -1 196 I1 2 1 0 1 I 0 1 1 -0 1 I 0 1 1 688 1 4 1 0 788 -0 788 2 I -1.688 1 104 4 I 0 547 -0.547 2 -1104 0 553 4 0.271 -0.271 2 I -0.553 0.041 1 I -0 036 0.036 3 I -0.041 4 03$'; :01:03W 3',1; 10:039: ;0.17 July 11 2008 11:22 AM Checked By qtr` 3`4:.'; 13.. 0...,:.. 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0.819 1 1 164 1 1 509 3 1.076 3 1.509 3 -1164 1 1 638 1 2.327 1 3 019 3 -2.152 3 -3.019 3 -2.327 1 2.458 1 3.491 1 4 528 3 3.228 3 -4.528 3 -3.491 1 ;0',.755�•.'� 31., 1 a,C 3 3 4'75x.; 40;';5443.;:t11 1 2.943 1 3.475'.....X` 4.03275 I '1 1 1 962 it 1 1 =2 317 '3 13 f1�:0 0.8~1. I 1 :=1;��'If:5$.' 1 0 111 0 I11 0 11 0 1 1 0 1 1 I 0 11 0 744 11 1 561 13 I 1.215 11 -1 3I 1.215 I 1 1 1.561 I3 1 488 1 1 3.122 13 1 2.43 11 -2 :001 13 I -2.43 11 I -3.122 13 2.231 11 14 682 1 1 3.645 1 1 3 Version 4 1 [N \NEW JOBS\TELECOM \10480 RN31 Downtown Port Angeles SAI Struct St Igtiettom \Ca c 7 Company CSA Consulting Engineers Designer Ryan McGraw Job Number 10480 Envelope Member AISC ASD 9th Code Checks Envelope Member Stresses. (continued) Member Label Section Axial Shear y-y Shear z-z Bending y-top Bending y-bot Bending z-top Bending z-bot (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi l Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc (Ksi) Lc I I min -0.351 1 3 1 -0.082 1 1 I -0.134 I 1 I 2.231 I 1 1 -3.001 1 3 1 -3.645 1 1 -4.68213 M99 ...1 0.0442: 0.045.31 0.19 1 3105281 0.8713 3.107 1 639I3 46: .211: VO4.5.1 3 0.19. 3 0..352f. 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(Ksi) (Ksi) (Ksi) 27.993 I 30 792 I 30 792 1 H1-3 1 27 993 1 3CW92 30 792 :1444 27 993 I 30 792 I 30 792 I H1 2 1 27 993 30 792 1 30792 ElI -2 27 993 30 792 I 30 792 1 H1-2 27 993 30 792 30 72 7 1 .:1 3V2 27 993 I 30 792 I 30 792 H1 2 I 27 993 l 3079 I 3�V9-2 ;;!:!,}41;Z 27 993 I 30 792 I 30 792 I H1-2 274.9A, 3a292174.: 1 27 993 I 30.792 I 30 792 I H2-1 1 275993:;;. ••..',30 I 27 993 I 30 792 I 30 792 I H1-3 27:9g3=:' 3a:792•.:: Code check based on z-z Axial ONLY 1 Citidetti4ek';taSetr;.:6444;AgratONLrt: Code check based on z-z Axial ONLY Code check based on z-z Axial ONLY .......,:.7:,COde,thadkbatbddiiZ4;:lkidr.CINLY.Y4:.- -Co- Code check based on z-z Axial ONLY detheditiliett:Ott, 27 993 I 30 792 I 30 792 I H1 2 27993: 141 Code check based on z-z Axial ONLY :.,.:CbdaI5fiedk arf,44:.!''A) Code check based on z-z Axial ONLY 2799 27 993 I 30 792 I 30 792 I H1-2 27 993 I 0 792 .'30192:! 27 993 I 30 792 30 792 I H1-2 27 993 27 993 I 30.792 I 30 792 1 H1-2 27993 1 30792 1 1:30792;. 27 993 1 30 792 I 30 792 I H1 g& 27 99 1:1 .!:3:Q;:319Z!..,...11.:..:"Ftli4 27 993 30 792 I 30 792 I H1 27993 1 30792 1 r3a3.9z 27 993 30 792 I 30 792 1 H1 2 .::06rik•thdtk,ibaSediAtirt 2:4fAR[0,.. 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(continued) Label Code Chk Loc Shear Chk Loc Dir Fa Ft Fb y-y Fb z-z ASD Eqn. (In) (In) Lc Lc (Ksi) (Ksi) (Ksi) (Ksi) M69 10.012 I 30 091 I 3 10 003 1 0 1 v 1 3 1 23.768 I Code check based on z z Axial ONLY 1 $.1340..aiL::40% A:Z.1 I M72 1 0 792 1 12 1 3 I 0 192 1 12 1121 3 1 27 071 I 27 993 I 30 792 I 30 792 I H1 1 7.1073 2 a L QQO8 t 0 :11:al ....:IA I M74 1 0 792 I 12 I 3 10.191 I 12 121 3 1 27.071 I 27 993 1 30 792 I 30 792 1 H1-2 I M77 I 0 603 1 0 1 3 I 0 016 1 64 164 1 4 I 18.438 1 27 993 I 30 792 I 30 792 1 H2-1 110011 115'1454 I:r.E0:004i1k1'54:46i2:rAnaA i:N:qatra M82 1 0 013 1 15 045 I 1 1 0.008 1 15 045 I z 1 4 26.281 I Code check based on z Axial ONLY 043 11:5 lo4 13L1 0OW.615:114aNit 1 M84 10 014 1 15 045 I 1 10 008 1 15 045 I z 2 I 26.281 I Code check based on z Axial ONLY rse7 .:4,.01 r.1::15'496qT 1r tfWgt MfailiDistLY-6...:„ 7. 1 M88 10083 1 1569611100471 0 Iv 11 I 26 187 I Code check based on z Axial ONLY F 7:.1 0!.;:v ::::4,:eitilaitertUgt.0°§ M90 10 002 1 10.667 1 I 0 1 106671).6671 I 27 076 27 993 30 792 I 30 792 I H1 M91 100631 I 21 M..1:72',:100021243332.11 C:; M92 10 061 I 0 I 4 10.002 I 0 1 0 1 4 1 25 849 I 27 993 I 30 792 I 30 792 1 H2 M93 1 e.:0021:*:: 0 1X..1-'a: I M94 100041 0 11100041 0 I z 1 4 I 16 501 1 Code check based on z-z Axial ONLY r M9517::1 0 M96 10 193 1 17 1 3 I 0 06 1 0 1 0 3 1 26.593 I 27 993 I 30.792 1 30.792 1 H2-1 M97 10 116 0 71: 31:0'066111:: 1 M98 0 193 1 17 1 3 10 057 I 0 I 0 1 3 26.593 I 27 993 I 30 792 I 30 792 H2 1 1: :m99:: ;:1134066!..1r• 1' 1 27 993 '1:: Y Force Z Force X Moment Y Moment Z Moment (K) Lc (K) Lc (K) Lc (K-ft) Lc N2 1 max 1 0 092 1 1 1 0 033 1 3 I 2.139 I 3 1 0 000 1 1 I TeiiittilE•: VOW N3 1 maxi 0 137 1 3 I 0.034 1 3 I 2.179 1 3 I 0 000 1 1 I 1401E N4 I max 1 1 379 1 4 I 1.431 1 4 I 1 134 I 2 I 0.060 I 1 I 342t: 4 2 11:74 N5 'max 1 1.297 1 4 1 1.431 1 2 1 1 134 1 4 0 000 1 1 I ;*A421:K6 -..;A: 7211:f N38 Imax 1 0 097 1 4 I 1 682 1 3 2.489 I 1 1 0 000 1 1 I I nIUTI �937 i1 a62 .111.:TCF: .:1311%;:" 000!LrAIRT: N50 !max 1 0 094 1 4 1 0 441 3 1 0.268 I 1 I 0 000 I 1 I titbit; 1 ::.40,o94: N51 imax 0 094 1 4 I 0 482 I 3 I 0.298 1 1 I 0 000 1 1 I 1 .K,..:43:28,2 L3J14{...1,0.1000 Reaction Totals max maxj 2.823 I 4 I 3.324 I 3 I 1.162 1 3 I (K-ft) Lc (K-ft) Lc 0 000 1 1 I 0 000 1 1 0000:' It G000 1 0000 1 0000 II 0000 1 IT.. f 0 000 1 1 I 0 000 1 1 thOOTY t I 000Q F I o Obo i I I 0000 1 1 0 000 1 1 I 0 000 1 1 0000 i 1J Opoor 0000 I I I 0000 I I I VOW; 0 000 1 1 1 0 000 1 1 I Z RISA-3D Version 4 1 [N \NEW JOBS\TELECOM\10480 RN31 -Downtown Port Angeles SAI Struct tagideam \Cala Ce11:.Site rm RN. 31. Downtown Port Angeles State. Washington County Clallam City Port Angeles THIS LEASE IS THE PROPERTY OF Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc. 617 Eastlake Avenue East Seattle, Washington 98109 Attn. Real Estate Coordinator COMMUNICATIONS SITE LEASE AGREEMENT THIS COMMUNICATIONS SITE LEASE AGREEMENT "Lease') is entered into this day of October 1995, between Naval Lodge #353 B.P 0.E of the United States of America of Port Angeles, Washington, a Washington non profit corporation "Lessor and Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc. a Washington corporation, d.b.a. AT &T Wireless Services "Lessee') 1 Premises. Lessor is the owner of a parcel of land "Land and a building ("Building") located thereon as described in the attached Exhibit A (the Building and the Land are hereinafter collectively referredrcto ,as the `Property Subject to the following terms and conditions, Lessor`Ieases:5to:' Lessee approxima telystwoufiuridied<(200) sgiiVeieet of interior space in the Building and certain space on the roof of the Building (collectively the `Premises in such amounts and in such locations as described on the attached Exhibit B together with such rights as Lessor may have in any roads, alleys, easements, and right of way upon, within or adjoining the Land. The Premises are situated in the County of Clallam, and located at: 131 E. 1st St. Port Angeles, WA 90362 2. Term The initial term "Term of this Lease shall be five (5) years, commencing "Commencement Date') upon the earlier of 1) written notification by Lessee to Lessor of Lessee s receipt of all Governmental Approvals as referenced in Section 4 following and internal budgetary approvals; or 2) eighteen (18) months from Execution Date of this Lease. The initial Term shall terminate at midnight on the last day of the month in which the fifth annual anniversary of the Commencement Date shall have occurred. 3 ,Permitted Use ThPremises may be by Lessee only for permitted uses, f' which include the �transmiss on and reception of radio: communication signals and the construction, m� aintenance,�repair or replacement of related facilities, antennas or equipment and related civities. i 4 Permits and Preliminary Requirements. Lessor acknowledges that Lessee may be required to obtain governmental permits for the construction of radio communications facilities on the Property Lessor hereby authorizes Lessee to make any and all OR G \A_ ialz� /ss applications and/or submissions necessary to obtain all licenses and permits "Governmental Approvals from all applicable governmental and/or regulatory entities required for construction of radio communications facilities on the Property Lessor agrees to cooperate with Lessee (at no cost to Lessor) in the submission and/or processing of any such applications, and agrees to execute any documents, applications or other submissions required therefor Lessee shall obtain, at Lessee's expense, all required Governmental Approvals and may (prior to or after the Commencement Date) obtain a title report, perform surveys, soils tests, and other engineering procedures on, under and over the Property necessary to determine that Lessee s use of the Premises will be compatible with Lessee's engineering specifications, system, design, operations and Governmental Approvals. After any testing, Lessee shall restore Property to the condition existing prior to testing. Lessor agrees that Lessee shall have the right to immediately terminate this Lease if Lessee notifies Lessor of unacceptable results of any of the above requirements, provided Lessee reimburses Les le, lea a er preparatory expenses incurred to a maximu 6 Renewal. 5. Rent. Rent for the purpose of this Lease shall "Rent Rent shall be paid to Naval Elks Lodge #353 at Lessor's address specified in Paragraph 13 below and in the following manner U on the Commencement Date, Lessee shall pay Lessor as Rent, the sum Rent shall be payable on the anniversary of each lease year, in advance. (b) If this Lease is terminated at a time other than on the last day of a year Rent shall be prorated as of the date of termination for any reason other than a default by Lessee, and all prepaid Rents shall be refunded to Lessee. (a) Lessee shall have the right to extend this Lease for five (5) additional, five -year terms "Renewal Term') Each Renewal Term shall be on the same terms and conditions as set forth herein with the exception of Rent which shall increase by eighteen percent (18 upon each Renewal Term of this Lease. (b) This Lease shall automatically renew for each successive Renewal Term, unless Lessee shall notify Lessor in writmg, of Lessee s intention not to renew this Lease, at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the Term or any Renewal Term. (c) If Lessee shall remain in possession of the Premises at the expiration of this Lease or any Renewal Term without a written agreement, such tenancy shall be deemed a month to -month tenancy under the same terms and conditions of this Lease. 7 Non Interference. Lessee shall not use the Premises in any way which materially interferes with the use of the Property by Lessor, or tenants or licensees of Lessor with rights to the Property prior in time to Lessee's (subject to Lessee's nghts under this Lease, including non interference). Similarly Lessor shall not use, nor shall Lessor permit its tenants, licensees, employees, invitees or agents to use, any portion of Lessor's Property in any way 2 which materially interferes with the operations of Lessee. Such interference shall be deemed a material breach by the interfering party who shall, upon notice from the other be responsible for terminating said interference. In the event any such interference does not cease promptly the parties acknowledge that continuing interference may cause irreparable injury and, therefore, the injured party shall have the right, in addition to any other rights it may have at law or in equity to bring action to enjoin such interference or to terminate this Lease immediately upon written notice. 8 Improvements. Utilities and Access (a) Lessee shall have the right, at its expense, 'to erect and; maintain on the; Premises improvements, personal property and facilities, ,i icludjng rw� hout lmitatiion, an:a ir- r condition equipment. room in 'the Building u`tilrty l transmission w lines, r adio transm and receivi ng antennas and supporting structures t A ntenna Facil Le prior c onsent to the pans l and specifications for such buildings and other :improvements shall l eo b tained;but shall withheld or delayed and shall'be deemed given as to those items listed in E C .hereto Lessee shall have the nght to replace or upgrade the Antenna Facilities at any time during the Term, or any Renewal Term, of this Lease. Lessee shall cause all construction to occur lien -free and in compliance with all applicable laws and ordinances. Lessee shall use its best efforts to minimize any interference with or disturbance to Lessor's tenants of the Building. The Antenna Facilities shall remain the exclusive personal property of Lessee and are not fixtures. Lessee shall have the right to remove the Antenna Facilities upon termination of this Lease. Lessee shall repair any damage to the Property caused by such removal. (b) Lessee shall, at Lessee's expense, keep and maintain the Premises and all improvements now or hereafter located thereon in commercially reasonable condition and repair during the Term of this Lease. Upon termination of this Lease, the Premises shall be returned to Lessor in good condition, subject to wear and tear (c) Lessee has the nght to draw electricity from the electricity supply on the Property Lessee shall pay any additional utilities charges due to Lessee s use. Lessee shall have the right to install utilities, at Lessee's expense, and to improve the present utilities on the Premises, including the installation of a separate meter and main breaker Lessee shall have the right to install necessary wiring for use of a portable emergency power generator Lessor hereby grants an easement to permanently place any utilities on, or to bring utilities across, the Property in order to service the Premises and the Antenna Facilities. (d) Lessor shall provide to Lessee, Lessee s employees, agents and subcontractors access over the Property to the Premises twenty-four (24) hours a day seven (7) days a week, at no charge to Lessee, at all times during the Term of this Lease and any Renewal Term. 9 Termination. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Lease may be terminated, without any penalty or further liability as follows. (a) upon fifteen (15) days written notice by Lessor if Lessee fails to cure a default for payment of amounts due under this Lease within that 15 -day period, 3 (b) upon thirty (30) days written notice by either party if the other party defaults and fails to cure such default within that 30 -day period, or such longer period as may be required to diligently complete a cure commenced within that 30 -day period, (c) upon sixty (60) days written notice by Lessee, if it is unable to obtain, maintain, or otherwise forfeits or cancels any license, permit or Governmental Approval necessary to the construction and/or operation of the Antenna Facilities or Lessee s business, (d) upon sixty (60) days wntten notice by Lessee, if the Premises are, or become, unacceptable under Lessee's sole discretion regarding Lessee's design or engineering specifications for its Antenna Facilities or the communications system to which the Antenna Facilities belong; (e) immediately upon written notice, if the Premises or the Antenna Facilities are destroyed or damaged so as in Lessee s reasonable judgment to substantially and adversely affect the effective use of the Antenna Facilities. In such event, all rights and obligations of the parties shall cease as of the date of the damage or destruction, and Lessee shall be entitled to the reimbursement of any Rent prepaid by Lessee. If Lessee elects to continue this Lease, then all Rent shall abate until the Premises and/or Antenna Facilities are restored to the condition existing immediately prior to such damage or destruction, (f) at the time title of the Property transfers to a condemning authority pursuant to a taking of all or a portion of the Property sufficient in Lessee's determination to render the Premises unsuitable for Lessee s use. Lessor and Lessee shall each be entitled to pursue their own separate awards with respect to such taking. Sale of all or part of the Premises to a purchaser with the power of eminent domain in the face of the exercise of the power shall be treated as a taking by condemnation. 10 Taxes. Lessee shall pay any personal property taxes assessed on, or any portion of such taxes attributable to, the Antenna Facilities. Lessor shall pay, when due, all real property taxes and all other fees and assessments attributable to the Premises. However Lessee shall pay as additional Rent, any increase in real property taxes levied against the Premises (excluding any additional taxes that relate to the period prior to the Commencement Date, i.e., roll -back taxes) which is directly attributable to Lessee's use of the Premises, and Lessor agrees to furnish proof of such increase to Lessee. 11 Insurance and Subrogation. (a) Lessee will provide Commercial General Liability Insurance in an aggregate amount of $500,000 and name Lessor as an additional insured on the policy or policies. Lessee may satisfy this requirement by obtaining appropriate endorsement to any master policy of liability insurance Lessee may maintain. (b) Lessor and Lessee hereby mutually release each other (and their successors or assigns) from liability and waive all right of recovery against the other for any loss or damage covered by their respective first party property insurance policies for all perils insured 4 If to Lessor to If to Lessee, to with a copy to: thereunder In the event of such insured loss, neither party's insurance company shall have a subrogated claim against the other 12. Hold Harmless Lessee agrees to hold Lessor harmless from any and all first party claims arising from the installation, use, maintenance, repair or removal of the Antenna Facilities, except for claims arising from the negligent or intentional acts of Lessor, its employees, agents or independent contractors. 13 Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if personally delivered or mailed, certified mail, return receipt requested, or sent by overnight carrier to the following addresses. Naval Elks Lodge #353 131 E. 1st St. Port Angeles, WA 90362 Attention. Dr Lon Riggs, Chairman of the Board Federal Tax ID 91- 0142790 Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc 617 Eastlake Avenue East Seattle, Washington 98109 Attn. Real Estate Coordinator McCaw Cellular Communications, Inc. PAC/ROC Regional Office 10210 NE Points Drive, Suite 400 Kirkland, Washington 98033 Attn. Regional General Counsel 14 Ouiet Eniovment. Title and Authority Lessor covenants and warrants to Lessee that Lessor has full right, power and authority to execute this Lease, it has good and unencumbered title to the Premises free and clear of any liens or mortgages, except those disclosed to Lessee and described on attached Exhibit F which will not interfere with Lessee's rights to or use of the Premises, and execution and performance of this Lease will not violate any laws, ordinances, covenants, or the provisions of any mortgage, lease, or other agreement binding on Lessor Lessor covenants that at all times during the Term, and subsequent Renewal Terms, of this Lease, Lessee's quiet enjoyment of the Premises or any part thereof shall not be disturbed as long as Lessee is not in default beyond any applicable grace or cure penod. 5 15 Environmental Laws. Lessee represents, warrants and agrees that it will conduct its activities on the Property in compliance with all applicable Environmental Laws (as defined in attached Exhibit D) Lessor represents, warrants and agrees that it has in the past and will in the future conduct its activities on the Property in compliance with all applicable Environmental Laws and that the Property is free of Hazardous Substance (as defined in attached Exhibit D) as of the date of this Lease. Lessor shall be responsible for and shall promptly conduct, any investigation and remediation as required by any Environmental Laws or common law of all spills or other releases of Hazardous Substance, not caused solely by Lessee, that have occurred or which may occur on the Property Lessee agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Lessor harmless from and against any and all claims, causes of action, demands and liability including, but not limited to, damages, costs, expenses, assessments, penalties, fmes, losses, judgments and attorneys fees that Lessor may suffer due to the existence or discovery of any Hazardous Substance on the Property or the migration of any Hazardous Substance to other properties or released into the environment, that are caused by or result from Lessee s activities on the Property Lessor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Lessee harmless from and against any and all claims, causes of action, demands and liability including, but not limited to, damages, costs, expenses, assessments, penalties, fmes, losses, judgments and attorneys fees that Lessee may suffer due to the existence or discovery of any Hazardous Substance on the Property or the migration of any Hazardous Substance to other properties or released into the environment, that relate to or anse from Lessor's activities during this Lease and from all activities on the Property prior to the commencement of this Lease. The indemnifications in this section specifically include costs incurred in connection with any investigation of site conditions or any cleanup, remedial, removal or restoration work required by any governmental authority 16. Assignment and Subleasing. Lessor agrees that Lessee may assign or sublet this Lease, and all rights, benefits, liabilities and obligations hereunder, to any person or business entity which is licensed by the FCC to operate a wireless communications business or to a parent, subsidiary or affiliate of Lessee which controls or is controlled by or under common control with Lessee, is merged or consolidated with Lessee or purchases a majority or controlling interest in the ownership or assets of Lessee. Upon notification to Lessor by Lessee of any such action, Lessee shall be relieved of all future performance, liabilities and obligations under this Lease. Lessee may not otherwise assign or sublet this Lease without Lessor's consent, which consent will not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Additionally Lessee may upon notice t� Lessor mortgage or grant a security interest in this Lease and the Antenna Facilities, and may assign this Lease and the Antenna Facilities to any such mortgagees or holders of security interests including their successors or assigns (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Mortgagees provided such Mortgagees agree to be bound by the terms and provisions of this Lease. In such event, Lessor shall execute such consent to leasehold financing as may reasonably be required by Mortgagees. Lessor agrees to notify Lessee and Lessee's Mortgagees simultaneously of any default by Lessee and to give 6 Mortgagees the same right to cure any default as Lessee except that the cure period for any Mortgagee shall not be less than ten (10) business days after receipt of the default notice. 17 Successors and Assigns. This Lease shall run with the Property and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective successors, personal representatives and assigns. 18 Waiver of Lessor's Lien. Lessor hereby waives any and all lien rights it may have, statutory or otherwise, concerning the Antenna Facilities or any portion thereof which shall be deemed personal property for the purposes of this Lease, regardless of whether same is deemed real or personal property under applicable laws, and Lessor gives Lessee the right to remove all or any portion of same from time to time in Lessee s sole discretion and without Lessor's consent. 19 Miscellaneous: (a) The substantially prevailing party in any litigation arising hereunder shall be entitled to its reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs, including appeals, if any (b) Each party agrees to furnish to the other within ten (10) business days after request, such truthful estoppel information as the other may reasonably request. (c) This Lease constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties, and supersedes all offers, negotiations and other agreements. There are no representations or understandings of any kind not set forth herein. Any amendments to this Lease must be in writing and executed by both parties. (d) If either party is represented by a real estate broker in this transaction, that party shall be fully responsible for any fee due such broker and shall hold the other party harmless from any claims for commission by such broker (e) Each party agrees to cooperate with the other in executing any documents (including a Memorandum of Lease) necessary to protect its rights or use of the Premises. The Memorandum of Lease may be recorded in place of this Lease, by either party (f) This Lease shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the county and state in which the Property is located. (g) If any term of this Lease is found to be void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining terms of this Lease, which shall continue in full force and effect. (h) The parties agree that the terms and conditions of this Agreement are privileged information, and that such information will be treated in full confidence and will not be revealed to other persons, firms or organizations. The Execution Date of this Lease is the day of October 1995 7 LESSOR. Naval Lodge #353 B.P.O.E. of the United States of America, of Port Angeles, Washington By Dr Lon Riggs Its Chairman of the Board By Joseph T Wanner Its. Chief Executive Officer LESSEE. Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc. By Robert H. Johnson Its. Vice President and General Manager 8 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF CLALLAM ss On this day of 1995 before me personally appeared Dr Lon Riggs, known to me to be the between Naval Lodge #353 B.P.O.E of the United States of America, of Port Angeles, Washington, the organization that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Printed Name of Notary NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington Residing at My commission expires: STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM On this day of 1995 before me personally appeared Joseph T Wanner, known to me to be the Chief Executive Officer of between Naval Lodge #353 B.P.O.E of the United States of America, of Port Angeles, Washington, the organization that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Printed Name of Notary. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington Residing at My commission expires. 9 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. On this day of 1995 before me personally appeared Robert H. Johnson, known to me to be the Vice President and General Manager of Simmons Cellular of Washington, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Printed Name of Notary NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington Residing at My commission expires. 10 After recording please return to. AT &T Wireless Services 617 Eastlake Avenue East Seattle, Washington 98109 Attn. Eva Chapman Site Identification: RN 31 Downtown Port Angeles MEMORANDUM OF LEASE This MEMORANDUM OF LEASE is made this day of October 1995, between Naval Lodge #353 B.P 0.E of the United States of America of Port Angeles, Washington, a Washington non profit corporation "Lessor and Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc. a Washington corporation, d.b.a. AT &T Wireless Services "Lessee') By Dr Lon Riggs Its: Chairman of the Board By Robert H. Johnson Its: Vice President and General Manager AGREEMENT 1 Lessor hereby leases to Lessee and Lessee hereby leases from Lessor a portion of the real property located in the City of Port Angeles, County of Clallam, State of Washington, and more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property"). The portion of the Property leased to Lessee is as described and depicted in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Premises 2. The lease agreement is more fully set forth in the Communications Site Lease Agreement between Lessor and Lessee, dated October ,1995 (the 'Lease the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference. 3. The Lease shall be for an initial term of five (5) years, and five (5) subsequent optional extension terms of five (5) years each, pursuant to the terms of the Lease 4 The Lease provides for access and utility easements over the Property during the term of the Lease, as described in the Lease. 5. This Agreement is executed for recording purposes only and is not intended to be a summary of the Lease and is subject to the terms of the Lease. In the event of conflict between this Agreement and the Lease, the Lease shall control. 6. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon Lessor and Lessee and their respective representatives, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have respectively executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. LESSOR: Naval Lodge #353 B.P 0.E of the United States of America of Port Angeles, Washington, a Washington non profit corporation LESSEE. Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc. dba AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF CLALLAM ss. LESSOR On this day of October 1995 before me personally appeared Dr Lon Riggs, known to me to be the between Naval Lodge #353 B.P.O.E of the United States of America, of Port Angeles, Washington, the organization that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Printed Name of Notary NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington Residing at My commission expires STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF CLALLAM s s. On this day of October 1995 before me personally appeared Joseph T Wanner known to me to be the Chief Executive Officer of between Naval Lodge #353 B.P.O.E of the United States of America, of Port Angeles, Washington, the organization that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Printed Name of Notary NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington Residing at My commission expires: 2 STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF KING LESSEE On this day of October 1995 before me personally appeared Robert H. Johnson, known to me to be the Vice President and General Manager of Simmons Cellular of Washington, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Printed Name of Notary NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington Residing at My commission expires. 3 EXHIBIT A to the Memorandum of Lease dated October 1995 between Naval Lodge #353 B.P 0.E of the United States of America of Port Angeles, Washington, as Lessor and Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc. d/b /a AT &T Wireless Services, as Lessee Leaal Description The property is legally described as follows: Clallam County Assessor's Parcel 063000 511675 0000 Lots (17) (18), Block (16), Norman R. Smith's Subdivision of theTs- of PA,CCW-, also Lot one (1), Block (20) Norman R. Smith's Subdivision of the Ts- of PA 4 EXHIBIT B to the Memorandum of Lease dated October 1995 between Naval Lodge #353 B P 0.E of the United States of America of Port Angeles, Washington, as Lessor and Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc. d/b /a AT &T Wireless Services, as Lessee The location of the Premises (including easements) within the Property is more particularly described or depicted as follows. Room number 509 on the fifth floor and the roof of the elevator penthouse located on the roof of the building, together with utility and cabling routes to be depicted upon completion of Lessee s design. 5 EXHIBIT A to the Communications Site Lease Agreement dated between Naval Lodge #353 B.P 0.E of the United States of America of Port Angeles, Washington, as Lessor and Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc as Lessee Leeal Description The property is legally described as follows. Clallam County Assessor's Parcel 063000 511675 0000 Lots (17) (18), Block (16), Norman R. Smith's Subdivision of theTs- of PA,CCW also Lot one (1), Block (20) Norman R. Smith's Subdivision of the Ts- of PA 11 EXHIBIT B to the Communications Site Lease Agreement dated between Naval Lodge #353 B.P 0.E of the United States of America of Port Angeles, Washington, as Lessor and Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc., as Lessee The location of the Premises (including easements) within the Property is more particularly described or depicted as follows Room number 509 on the fifth floor and the roof of the elevator penthouse located on the roof of the building, together with utility and cabling routes to be depicted upon completion of Lessee s design. 12 to the Communications Site Lease Agreement dated between Naval Lodge #353 B.P 0.E of the United States of America of Port Angeles, Washington, as Lessor and Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc. as Lessee Coaxial Cable to be located across roof as specified by Lessee EXHIBIT C FQELIevttksArtY Site Plan ElevatortPerit th se lO4 ation of` fl antenn North EXHIBIT D to the Communications Site Lease Agreement dated between Naval Lodge #353 B.P 0.E of the United States of Amenca of Port Angeles, Washington, as Lessor and Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc. as Lessee Environmental Laws As used in this Lease, 'Environmental Laws means all federal, state and local environmental laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, judicial or administrative decrees, orders, decisions, authorizations or permits, including, but not limited to, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S C. 6901 et seq the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S C. 7401 et seq the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S C. 1251 et seq the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act, 42 U.S C 1101, et seq the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, 42 U.S C. 9601 et seq the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S C. 2601 et seq the Oil Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S C. 2701 et seq and Washington or any other comparable local, state or federal statute or ordinance pertaining to the environment or natural resources and all regulations pertaining thereto As used in this Lease, "Hazardous Substance means any hazardous substances as defined by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, as amended from time to time, any hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended from time to time; any and all material or substance defined as hazardous pursuant to any federal, state or local laws or regulations or order and any substance which is or becomes regulated by any federal, state or local governmental authority any oil, petroleum products and their by- products. 14 EXHIBIT E to the Communications Site Lease Agreement dated between Naval Lodge #353 B.P 0.E of the United States of America of Port Angeles, Washington, as Lessor and Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc as Lessee The Access Easement (if separate and not described on Exhibit B) is described as follows 15 EXHIBIT F to the Communications Site Lease Agreement dated between Naval Lodge #353 B.P 0.E of the United States of America of Port Angeles, Washington, as Lessor and Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc. as Lessee Lessor's list of liens and mortgages are as follows 16 14 32 FAX 208 389 5'134 jOLLl 1J1111. viiu EXHIBIT A to the Communications Site Lease Agreement dated /9 between Naval Lodge #353 B.P.O.E of the United States of America of Port Angeles, Washington, as Lessor and Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc. as Lessee Legal Description The property is legally described as follows: Clallam County Assessor's Parcel 063000 511675 0000 DESCRIPTION LOTS 17 AND 18, BLOCK 6 NORMAN R SMITH SUBDIVISION OF THE TOWNSITE OF PORT ANGELES CLALLAM COUNTY WASHINGTON EXCEPT THE NORTHERLY 50 25 FEET OF LOTS 17 AND 18 BLOCK 6, NORMAN R SMITH SUBDIVISION OF THE TOWNSITE OF PORT ANGELES ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME i OF ULL•DS PAUL 1 RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT THE NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 18 THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 18 50 25 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 17 AND 18 100 07 FEET MORL OR LESS TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 17 THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE 50 24 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 17 THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 1/ AND 18 100 03 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING SITUATE IN CLALLAM COUNTY STATE OF WASHINGTON EXHIBIT B to the Communications Site Lease Agreement dated 02Z 7J between Naval Lodge #353 B.P 0.E of the United States of Amenca of Port Angeles, Washington, as Lessor and Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc as Lessee The location of the Premises (including easements) within the Property is more particularly described or depicted as follows. Room number 509 on the fifth floor and the roof of the elevator penthouse located on the roof of the building, together with utility and cabling routes to be depicted upon completion of Lessee s design. 12 EXHIBIT C ty to the Communications Site Lease Agreement dated v'� 027, between Naval Lodge #353 B.P 0.E of the United States of America of Port Angeles, Washington, as Lessor and Simmons Cellular of Washington, Inc. as Lessee Coaxial Cable to be located across roof as specified by Lessee f QE t.m.iNs Are f Site Plan Elevator Penthouse location of antennae North Initial