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604 S Pine St Technical - Building
TE CIIICAL 60 S ;RR 9t WO �iuwle8 5-2.0-og y), Pies TSE Engineering 12930 N.E. 178th Street Woodinville, WA 98072 A (425)481 -6601 v 5.9.07 b PROJECT Job Name. Hacker Design Specifications. Building Type Importance Factor Basic Wind Velocity Wind Exposure. Roof Snow Loading Occupancy Category R. of Snow Incl. w/ Seismic: Soil Site Class. Allowable Soil Bearing Analysis Procedure. Spectral Response Acceleration, Ss. Load Combinations: Building Design Parameters Roof DL. Wall DL. PermaBilt Site Address. 604 South Pine Port Angeles Jurisdiction. City Of Angeles Job ID: Hacker 3 psf 4 psf JOB BY 2(3x4 DATE. Gb 47 1 /of// 2006 IBC Post -Frame 0 87 100 mph C 25 psf 65 0 D 1500 psf Wind' ASCE 7 -05 Method 2 Seismic: ASCE 7 -05 Equiv Lateral Force Procedure 150 %g ASD Basic 19969 A NAL 9/1147 EXPIRES 08/20/08 J 1 111111111 1111 I. r-A Town Country® POST FRAME BUILDINGS DIV NOF PERMABILT Quality: Our Fate Depends On It:. 7...<6 PLEASE CHECK ERoll-up doors fit in Bays g -up doors will not hit Truss Z. Roof Pitch fie~ Snow Load shown on this drawing and vice versa. Suite C 16521 Highway 99 Lynnwood, WA 98037 3161 Building FAX. (425) 742-4378 Toll Free: Everett: 71 Puyallup: (253) 840 -9552 Design Administrative Headquarters: Headquarters: (425) 743 -1555 1-800-824-9552 33 FLOOR PLAN 1 1 I r41 1 I /ea Wind MPH e"' Wind Exposure �7 Eave Height Y Minimum Clearance 4 I CI •e Imo/ 1 I L -1- I i t ARc Draw North Arrow in Circle 1 L k. I 1 BUILDING ELEVATION Customer has verified and approved the orientation of the building to the North and verifies that all items specified in Paragraph B of the contract are Customer Name: ric rd Lead 6 5-15-0 Customer Signature I/`" j,h4 TSE PROJECT Haclier PAGE Er g r,aa ri r,g CLIENT :PeriiiaBilt DESIGN BY JOB NO 2;134..., DATE 09/19/07 REVIEW BY Wind Analysifor`Low rise:Bu]Idiiig';;Based ;on ASCE7 -054IBC :.2006 INPUT DATA Exposure category (B, C or D) Importance factor pg 77 (0.87 1.0 or 1 15) Basic wind speed (IBC Tab 1609.3.1V Topographic factor (Sec., pg 26 45) Building height to eave Building height to ridge Building length Building width Effective area of components DESIGN SUMMARY Max horizontal force normal to building length, L, face Max horizontal force normal to building length, B, face ANALYSIS Velocity pressure q 0.00256 Kh K Kd V I 16.09 psf where: q velocity pressure at mean roof height, h. (Eq. 6 -15, page 27) Kt, velocity pressure exposure coefficient evaluated at height, h, (Tab. 6 Case 1,pg 79) Kd wind directionality factor (Tab. 6 -4 for building, page 80) h mean roof height Desian pressures for MWFRS p qh [(G Cpf (G C pl )J where: p pressure in appropriate zone. (Eq. 6 -18, page 28). G C product of gust effect factor and external pressure coefficient, see table below (Fig. 6 -10, page 53 54) G C product of gust effect factor and internal pressure coefficient.(Fig. 6 -5, Enclosed Building, page 47) 0.18 or -0.18 a width of edge strips, Fig 6 -10, note 9 page 54 MAX[ MIN(0.1B, 0.4h), 0.04B,3] 3.00 ft Net Pressures (psf), Basic Load Cases Roof angle 0 18.43 I Roof angle 0 0.00 I Surface I Net Pressure with I I Net Pressure with I G Cpf I +GC -GCp) I G Cpf I +GCp -GC 1 0.52 5 41 11.21 0.40 3.54 9.33 2 -0.69 14.00 -8.21 -0.69 14.00 -8.21 3 -0.47 10.44 -4.64 -0.37 -8.85 3.06 4 -0 42 -9.58 3.79 -0.29 7.56 1 77 1 E 0.78 9.66 15.45 0.61 6.92 12.71 2E 1.07 20.11 14.32 1.07 -20.11 14.32 3E -0.67 13.73 7.94 -0.53 1142 5.63 4E -0.62 12.84 7.05 -0.43 -9.82 -4.02 5 -0 45 10.14 -4.34 -0.45 10.14 -4.34 6 -0.45 10.14 -4.34 -0.45 10.14 -4.34 3E 3 REFERENCE CORNER WIND DIRECTION REFERENCE CORNER ZONE 2/3 BOUNDARY 6 WIND DIRECTION Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction Basic Load Cases NIND SURFACE -i C FOR DESIGN �-''7 ii 0.1- _..;r/T/ Iii' 'U I '0:87 Category I r >-vi,'ii 1 /o_ V 100 mph ".1 '/r,- 'I //''.1` K 9 Flat y I.\ h 9 ft a) h :13- ft -I L L :36' ft B 24 ft B I A 150 ft 3 4.68 kips See Page 4 for 3.27 kips Adjusted Wind Forces 0.85 0.85 11.00 ft 60 ft, [Satisfactory] INPUT PT PL hr he= ADJUSTED WIND FORCES' SEISMIC WEIGHTS' SEISMIC BASE SHEAR. SEISMIC DESIGN FORCES' VT Cs Wt p 0 7 V�= CsWi TSE Engineering Page 9. LATERAL ANALYSIS Job ID WIND Hacker The analysis on the previous page determines the wind force on the total exposed wind surface of the building. For post -frame construction with embedded posts, the amount of wind force imposed on the main force resisting system equals the roof projected area plus 3/8 of the wall projected area. Calculations that follow adjust the total wind force to the design force on a post -frame building 4680 lbs. (non adjusted) 3270 lbs. (non adjusted) 13 ft. 9 ft. Transverse VT [(hr 0 625 he) hr] (P 2655 lbs. Controls Longitudinal; V {[0 375 he 0 5(hr -he)] [he 0 5(hr he)]} (P 1598 lbs. Controls SEISMIC The seismic force imposed on the main force resisting system of a post -frame building is based on the seismic weight of the roof plus 3/8 of those walls that are perpendicular to the direction of the seismic force INPUT Building Width 24 ft. p 1 3 Building Length 36 ft. W roof 2592 lbs. W end walls 840 lbs. W side walls 972 lbs. SDS 2/3 Ss Cs= SDS /(R /I) V Cs W Transverse 477 lbs. Longitudinal 459 lbs. 434 lbs. 418 lbs. 1 000 0 134 1 s 1 1111111111f 1111 II II Country® POST FRAME BUILDINGS i PERMABILT Quality: Ou Futur Depends On ItTM PLEASE CHECK ©'Roll up doors fit in Bays EI ROII -up doors will not hit Truss Roof Pitch ,s Snow Load I 1 1 L k. shown on this drawing and vice versa. Suite C 16521 Highway 99 Lynnwood, WA 98037 3161 Everett: (425) 258 -4171 Puyallup: (253) 840 -9552 Administrative Headquarters: (425) 743 -1555 FAX: (425) 742 -4378 Tot Free: 1- 800 -824 -9552 Contractor's Lie. it: TOWNCPF099LT -t FLOOR PLAN r I EE i' A Customer Name: Building Design 17 1- Customer Signature 0'9 Wind MPH Wind Exposure Eave Height Minimum Clearance I i L i I BUILDING ELEVATION 4-e CO k7 /`ic9 I ke i.)/k4 Draw North Arrow in Circle r I Customer has verified and approved the orientation of the building to the North and verifies that all items specified in Paragraph B of the contract are Lead# 64'5=5-0 TSE Engineering 12930 N.E. 178th Street Woodinville, WA 98072 (425) 481 -6601 Ari ct Di PLAc N1�<Jr or P06r -FI f\i'tt 20>G., w, ant- ort-tu 5149INIa r.L, r L 1 G a r PROJECT it' PLAN VIEW OF BLDG SH V Ini DISPLACED R O Tt rp D FR) M 141ND roRc p. NORM/IL TO St-DG, St, a JOB BY C.- DATE. Poor 15 co N5,r P D `tG tb ,'J o 314 VARY/ LL (Y a Pen) CN,'VJA Lt_. P C01)Wk(L DISPLiV2°- N�Nr Ju/ To V 2 P! 6 4 1'VEWAL L ,3ISP AcC- iJrtu' 7"o O -4. r� s 5b -/t —r w2L�� SE d CTIMos 'i <o or S PCNGTl G F M 1-T `L S' 4-41, crpIrtot) tAlRefiE .A 1 6 DI5Fe-AcE- rrl 'IJ SLPG 1t7— ETIV t� SHEAR DISPLACEMENT OF POST -FRAME BUILDING WITH ONE OPEN ENDWALL Assumptions: Roof diaphragm is rigid Building has shearwalls on sides and one end Building rotates about its shear center SHEAR CENTER A VT GRID 1 V (shear on endwall) Endwall Shearwall Length V (endwall) e (distance to shear center) Q (shear on each sidewall) GRID A Sidewall Shearwall Length V (sidewall) GRID B Sidewall Shearwall Length V (sidewall) 5E (deflection of endwall) SS (deflection of sidewall) A allowable per IBC Table 1617 3.1 Ratio A to H 10' TSE Engineering page. 7 SIDEWALL B 4, d= A= RIDGE oc. 55° 2794 lbs. 2794 lbs. 9 ft. 310 plf 18 18 ft. 2117 lbs. 24 ft. 88 plf 36 ft. 59 plf 0.224 in 0 189 in 0 629 in. 0 853 in. 2.880 in. 0 006 r 1 P =V 2 PLAN VIEW WITH GRIDS 'OPEN ENDWALL Note. 'Open Endwall' is enclosed but without qualifying shearwall segments EXCEEDS 150 plf ALLOWABLE ADD STRAPPING SEE BELOW Job ID Hacker 111) -I v) 1440 4 7 '0 bc /91( srfps 0/&,s oc s 4 170 s f 7 O K. UE(2)sps ea04 way SHEARWALL DEFLECTION OF POST -FRAME BUILDING Endwall Sidewall Input: Input: Results. A 19.25 in b 9 ft. E= 13x10 en= 002 in. G= 11x10 psi H= 12 ft. t 0 0135 in. V (endwall) 310 plf A= L (AV) E_ en G= H= t= V (sidewall) 19.25 in 30 ft. 1 3 x 10 psi 0 02 in. 11 x10 psi 12 ft. 0 0135 in 88 plf TSE Engineering page. 8v H 0 019 in. EAb v H 0 025 in Gt 0 75 H en 0 180 in. E 0.224 in. Results: 8 v H 0 002 in. EAL v H 0 007 in. Gt 0 75 H en 0 180 in. E 0 189 in. Job ID Hacker TSE Engineering WIND LOAD PRESSURE FOR COMPONENTS ASCE 7 -05 Method 2, Section 6 5) q 0 00256 *K *K *V *I EQ 6 -15 V= 100.0 mph Exposure= C KZ 0.85 Table 6 -3 K 0 85 Table 6-4 I= 0 87 Table 6 -1 and, q 16 1 psf v10.12.04 GC 0.90 GC 0 18 1 075 Figure 16 -11A Figure 16 -5 and, p= q,[(GC -(GC 17 3 psf page. TSE Engineering EMBEDDED POST DESIGN (POST -FRAME CONSTRUCTION) Sidewall or Endwall Eave Height Post b Post d HF Post Fb Fc E(101^6 9 NOMINAL. 6 6 #1 975 850 13 ft. ACTUAL. 5 625 5 625 CD 1 6 1 6 1 0 in in. CF 1 1 CL 1 Bay Width Span Roof OH Roof D Roof S Ci 0 8 0 8 0 95 12 24 3 25 ft. ft. ft. psf psf Fb' Fc* E'(10) ^6 1248 1088 1.235 Wind Pressure 0.75W W Is psi psi psi 17 3 156 208 0 8 psf pif plf Post CSI (in -span) 0 30 Post CSI (in -span) 0 38 Post CSI (base) 0 55 Post CSI (base) 0 69 IBC 2006 ASD BASIC LOAD COMBINATIONS: Loading D 0 75S 0.75W Loading 0.6D W P 2592 lbs. P 259 lbs. fc 81 9 psi fc 8.2 psi le 86 4 in. le 86 4 in Ie /d 15 4 le /d 15 4 KCE 0 3 KCE 0 3 FCE 1570 psi FCE 1570 psi c 08 c 08 k.1 1 53 k.1 1 53 k.2 1 80 k.2 1 80 Cp 0 80 Cp 0 80 Fc' 871 psi Fc' 871 psi M (in -span) 10641 in -lbs. M (in -span) 14188 in -lbs. M (base) 18918 in.-lbs. M (base) 25223 in. -lbs. S Mod 29 66 inA3 S Mod 29 66 inA3 fb (in -span) 359 psi fb (in -span) 478 psi fb (base) 638 psi fb (base) 850 psi page. 10 TSE Engineering w Bay Width (ft)= 12 Wind Load (psf)= 17 3 `777" w(plf)= 208 Lateral Load Desian. Post Diameter 0 66 ft. Foundation Depth. 4.25 ft. Constrained? YES Depth Required 4 0 ft. Nonconstrained? Soil Passive Allowable. 100 psf Gravity Load Desian. v 10.10.04 5.23.05 1 P= 3312 lbs Diaphragm Restraint H(ft)= 9 P= 3312 lbs Foundation Diameter 2.5 ft. Foundation Area: 4 9 sf Bearing Allowable(F 1500 psf Actual Bearing(f =P /A= 675 psf Foundation Design per 2006 IBC Section 1804 3 1805 7 Snow Load(psf) 25 Span(ft)= 24 Bay width(ft)= 12 Page. /1