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TECHNICAL Permit 0 6 -9 L- I 0 Address 2-7-2 0 SA' Project description N evJ S `P2 Date the permit was finaled 5 "5 08 Number of technical pages CJ7 102 S 26 St Phone 253 284 -3170 CAscAiiE Residential Jesign, Inc IA7ERAIJ ANAIJYSIS BEAM CAJCLJA7ONS EXPIRES. JUNE 5 2007 IF THIS SIGNATURE IS NOT IN COLOR. DO NOT ACCEPT FOR PERMIT SUBMITTAL. PROJECT Plan 1819/2A August 31 2005 2003 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE 100 MPH WIND EXPOSURE B SOIL SITE CLASS D SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D /D, Tacoma, WA 98402 Fax 253 284 -3183 Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 jel (253) 284 -3170 ax. (253) 284 -3183 DESIGN LOADS. ROOF DEAD LOADS ROOF LIVE LOADS FLOOR DEAD LOADS FLOOR LIVE LOADS STAIR LIVE LOADS 15 PSF Total 25 PSF (Snow) 15 PSF Total 40 PSF (Reducible) 100 PSF PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPHI WOODS WOOD TYPE. JOISTS OR RAFTERS 2X. -HF #2 BEAMS OR HEADERS 4X 6X OR LARGER -DF #2 LEDGERS AND TOP PLATES- -HF #2 STUDS 2X4 OR 2X6- -HF #2 POSTS 4X4- -HF #2 4X6- -HF #2 6X6- -DF #2 GLUED LAMINATED (GLB) BEAM HEADER Fb =2 400 PSI Fv =165 PSI Fc (Perp) =650 PSI E =1 800 000 PSI PARALLAM (PSL) 2 OE BEAM HEADER Fb =2 900 PSI Fv =290 PSI Fc (Perp) =750 PSI E =2 000 000 PSI MICROLAM (LVL) 1 9E BEAM HEADER Fb =2 600 PSI Fv =285 PSI Pc (Perp) =750 PSI E =1 900 000 PSI TRUSSES. PREFABRICATED WOOD TRUSSES SHALL BE DESIGNED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN ENGINEERED I- JOISTS -FLOOR JOISTS BEAMS OF EQUAL OR BETTER CAPACITY MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THOSE SHOWN ON STHIS PLAN EQUAL IS DEFINED AS HAVING MOMENT CAPACITY SHEAR CAPACITY AND STIFFNESS WITHIN 3% OF THE SPECIFIED JOISTS OR BEAMS Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 lip!: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 LATERAL ANALYSIS BASED ON 2003 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE BY LOCAL JURISDICTION SEISMIC DESIGN. SEISMIC DESIGN BASED ON 2003 IBC CHAPTER 16 SECTION 1615 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING LIGHT FRAME CONSTRUCTION LESS THAN THREE STORIES IN HEIGHT (EXCLUDING BASEMENT) Seismic Design Data. -Soils Site Class D (Assumed) Seismic Design Category D /D IL I0 R 6.5 S 1.25 Si 040 F 1 00 F,, 1 5 w Equation 16 -38 Equation 16 -39 Equation 16 -40 Equation 16 -41 equation 16 -56 Equation 16 -57 For Seismic Use Group I occupancy (Table 1604 5) Light Framed Wood Walls Shear Panels (Table 1617 6.2) Mapped Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration Short Period (Assumed) Mapped Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration 1- Second Period (Assumed) Site Coefficient based on Site Class S (Table 1615 1.2(1)) Site Coefficient based on Site Class S (Table 1615 1.2(2)) Seismic Weight of Structure (Units LB Seismic Weight of Structure at Level x (LB S S F S 1.25 S S1 Fy Sm1 0 6 2 SDS Sms SDS 0 83 3 SDI Sm1 SDI 0 4 3 1.2 SDS v W Seismic Base Shear R V =0154 W 1.2 SDS F w Vertical Shear Distribution R F� =0154 w PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH (vertical component of earthquake ground motion taken as 0 for allowable stress design) Lateral Forces will be distributed along lines of Force /resistance Lines of Force /resistance will be investigated for both wind and seismic lateral loads 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN 7 Page Cascade R'rrsidential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 del: (253) 284 -3170 (253) 284 -3183 WIND DESIGN PROJECT Plan.1819/2 (100 MPH) USE ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE OF ASCE 7 -02 SECTION 6 5 3 ENCLOSED LOW -RISE BUILDING LESS THAN 60 FEET IN HEIGHT WIND EXPOSURE B 100 mph WIND SPEED Equation 6 -18 p= g (GC Mean Roof Height h 22 ft q 0 00256K Velocity Pressure Evaluated at mean Roof Height h (Equation 6 -15) GC External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 6 -10 GC Internal Pressure Coefficients per Figure 6 -5 K15 70 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients at z 15ft (Table 6 -3) K20 70 K25 70 K30 70 K40 76 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients at 15ft z 20ft (Table 6 -3) Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients at 20ft z 25ft (Table 6 -3) Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients at 25ft z 30ft (Table 6 -3) Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients at 30ft z 40ft (Table 6 -3) Topographic Factor Multipliers w/ L Oft H Oft and x Oft (Figure 6 -4) K1 0 K2 1 K3 15 1 K3.20 1 K3.25 1 Topographic Factor Coefficients (Figure 6 4) r K151'= +K1K2K315) 2 K201 (i K1 K2 K3 2 K25t (1 K1 K2 K3.25� K301 (1 K1 k2 K3.30) K40t (l Kl K2 K3 40) 2 2 K15t 1 K20t 1 K25t 1 K301 1 K401 1 Kd 0 85 Wind Directionality Factor (Table 6 -4) 100 Wind Speed per Hours (Figure 6 -1) 1.= 1 0 Important Factor (Table 6 -1) K3.30 1 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN K3 40 1 Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 ael (253) 284-3170 Fax. (253) 284 -3183 Velocity Pressure (q) Evaluated at Height z (Equation 6 15) q 15 0 00256 K15 K15t Kd v 1 q15 15.23 q20 0 00256 K20 K20t Kd'v2 1 q20 15.23 GC 18 q25 0 00256 k25 K25t Kd•v 1 q30 0 00256 K30.K30t Kd•v 2 1 q40 0 00256 K40.K40t Kd•v 1 Internal Pressure Coefficients (Figure 6 -5) End Zone Coeffieicient a' (Figure 6 -10 Note 9) Least Horizontal Dimension x 44ft For Lateral Design of Shear Wall System Internal Pressure Coefficients will cancel out for overall building and will therefore be ignored for this application External Pressure Coefficients w/ Roof Pitch 7/12 (30 degrees) to 12/12 (45 degrees) (Conservatively taken from Figure 6 -10) GCpfi .56 GCpt'IE 69 GCpt2 .21 GC .27 GCO3 43 GCpt3E —.53 GC —.37 GCpt4E 48 10% of Least Horizontal Dimension 0 Ix 4 4 ft or 40% of Mean Roof Height 0 4•h 8 8 ft whichever is smaller but not less than 4% of Least Horizontal Dimension or 3ft Therefore a 4 Oft PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH) q25 15.23 q30 15.23 q40 16.54 0 04x 1 76 ft 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 $I: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 Design Wind Pressures (Equation 6 18) P15 1 q15 (GCpfl)'psf P15.2 qi5 (GCO2) psf P15.3 q I5 (GCp13) psf P15.3 -6.55 lbft 2 P15 4 915 (GCpf4) psf P15 4 -5 641b ft 2 P20 1 92o'(GCpfl) psf P20.2 920.(GCpi2) psf P20.3 g20-(GCp13) psf P20 4 920' (GC psf P25 1 q25 (GC l) psf P25.2 q25 (GC0 psf P25 3 q25 (GCpf3) psf P25 4 925 (GC psf P30 1 930 psf P30.2 g30.(GCO2)•psf P30 3 g30 psf P30 4 g30 (GC0-4) psf P40 I g40.(GCpf1) psf P40.2'= 940.(GCO2) psf P40 3 g40•(GCp13) psf P40 4 940.(GCpf4) Psf P151= 8 53 lbft 2 P15,2 3.2Ibft 2 1201 =8.53 lbft2 P20.2 3.21bft 2 P20.3 6.55 lb ft 2 P20 4 -5 64 ft P25 1 8.53 lbft 2 2 P25.2 3.2 lb ft P25.3 -6.55 lb ft 2 1254= -5641bft 2 1 30 1 8.53 lb ft 2 P30.2 3.2 lb ft 2 P30.3 -6.55 lbft 2 P304= -564 Ibft 2 P40 1 9.26lbft 2 P4o.2= 3471 bft 2 P40.3= 7 llIbft 2 P404= -612 Ibft 2 PROJECT Plan.1819/2 (100 MPHI P15 IE 915 (GCpf1E) psf P15.2E 915 (GCpf2E) Psf P15 3E 915 (GCO3E) psf P15 4E 915 (GCp14E) psf 1 20 lE g20'(GCpf1E) psf P20.2E 9204GCp12E) Psf P20.3E 920•(GCpf3E) Psf 13 20 4E g20'(GCpi4E) psf P25 I E 925 (GCpfl E) psf P25.2E 925 (GCpf2E) psf P25.3E q25 (GCO3E) psf P25 4E 925 (GCpf4E) psf P30 IE g304GCpflE) psf P30.2E 930 P30.3E 930'(GCp13E) psf P30 4E 130'(GCpi4E) psf P40 lE g404GCpf1E) psf P40.2E g40'(GCpf2E) psf P40.3E q40 (GCpf3E) Psf P40 4E 940'(GC04E) psf 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN P15 IE 10.51 lbft P15.2E 4 I 1 lbft 2 P15.3E =-8 07 lbft 2 13 154E= 7311 P201E 10.511bft P20.2E 4111 bft 2 P20.3E -8 07 lb ft 2 1 '204E -7 31 Ibft 2 P25 1E 10.51Ib ft 2 P25.2E= 411 lbft 2 1325.3E_- 807 2 P25 4E 7.311b ft 2 1 30IE= 1 0.511bft 2 P30.2E= 411 Ibft 2 P303E=- 807 lbft 2 P30 4E -7.311b ft 2 P40 1E 11 41 Ibft 2 P40.2E 4 47 lb ft 2 P40.3E -8 76 lbft 2 P40 4E -7 941b ft 2 6 IWO 5WIA110 V �,T1C� b� S Lo pe 27 gE AR ELEVATION r WVATION Ctcpt Z7 Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 11.02 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel. (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 W2 (P15 1 P15 4• END ZONE WIND SHEAR AT FLOOR DIAPHRAGM. WI 127 491bft 1 W2 127 49 (b ft 1 W3 131.9lb ft 1 W4 154 03 lb ft 1 W5= 114.2 PROJECT Plan.1819/2 (100 MPH) WIND SHEAR AT ROOF DIAPHRAGM (Sides). W 1 1 1 P15 4) 1 ft (P20 1 P20 4) 5ft (P25 1 P25 4) 3 ft END ZONE WIND SHEAR AT ROOF DIAPHRAGM (Sides). WIE'= (P15 lE P15 4E) 1 ft +(P20IE P204E) 5 ft +(P25lE P254E) 3 ft WIND SHEAR AT FLOOR DIAPHRAGM. W2E (P15 lE Pl5 40 WIND SHEAR AT ROOF DIAPHRAGM (Front Rear). W3 13 25.2 P25.3� 17ft sin(27deg) (P 20 1 P20 4) 3ft (P15 1 P15 4) 1 ft END ZONE WIND SHEAR AT ROOF DIAPHRAGM (Front Rear). W3E (P25.2E P25 30-17 ft sm(27 deg) (P20 IE 3 20 4E) 3ft (P15 IE P15 4E) 1 ft WIND SHEAR AT ROOF DIAPHRAGM (FRONT OF GARAGE). W4 (P15.2 P15 3) 22ft sin(27deg) (P15 1 P15 4)' END ZONE WIND SHEAR AT ROOF DIAPHRAGM (FRONT OF GARAGE). W4E (P15.2E P15.3E) 20•ft sin(27 deg) IE 3 15 4E) 4ft WIND SHEAR AT ROOF DIAPHRAGM (Sides of Garage). W5 (P15.2 P15.3) 13ft sin(27deg) (P15 1 13 15 4) 4ft END ZONE WI ND SHEAR AT ROOF DIAPHRAGM (Sides of Garage). W5E 1 P15.2E P15.3E)•13 ft sm(27 deg) (P15 lE P15 4E) 4ft But not less than 10 psf over the projected vertical plane WIE 160.391bft 1 W2E 160 39 Ib ft 1 W3E 165 331b ft 1 W4E 181.931b ft 1 W5E 143.2Ibft 1 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN W1 12749Ibft 1 W1E 160.391b ft 1 W2 127 491b ft 1 W2S 160.39 lb ft 1 W3 131.9Ibft 1 W3E= 165.331bft 1 W4 154 031bft 1 W4E 181 931b ft 1 W5 114.2Ibft 1 W5E= 141.21b ft 1 Page 2o ov I BAN 0 2 fI t g k", BEDROOM '3 L I BEDROOM n r G 13 i UPPER FLOOD. N Ff i E3oN&4' o pfialv'AL) Z L BDLG LINE BELOW BDLG LINE BELOW Cascade Re§idential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tell (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL AA. Wind loads per foot: WI 127491bft 1 WIE= 160 391bft I Distance between shear wall LI 15 ft 1 Wall Length Laa��. (4 3) ft Laa„, 7 ft Laa 4 3(6 ft Laa 6.25 ft 8 Percent full height sheathing Rio 7ft 0.54 Max Opening Height 4ft, Therefore 13ft per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 Check Wind Force vaa Check Seismic. Rf 15 psf 28 ft 15 ft Wa 10-psf 28-ft 5 ft 2 W Rf Wa W 45501b 0 7V W Seismic Force E aa C Laa Overturnina Moment on 13ft Wall: 'L1 a \VIE 2a LI DLRM W Laa DLRM 4277 71b ft Holdown Force Net Uplift: Shear Wall Summary. Wind force Seismic Force vaa 207.28 lb ft 1 E 981b ft 1 PROJECT Plan.1819/2 (100 MPH WI (LI 2a) C Laa„. E 98Ibft 1 Plate Height: Pt 8 1 ft L 7 ft OTM vaa L Pt OTM 11753 lb ft Shear Wall Dead Load Resistina. Rf 0 6(15 psf) 14•ft L Wa 0 6•(10•psf) Pt Laa \V Rf Wa W 1222.2lb OTM DLRM HDFaa HDFaa 1067.9 lb Laa Base Plate Nailina Spacing (2001 NOS. Table 11N) 16d Common Nails, 1 112' Side Member Thickness. ZN 122 lb CD 1 33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N 162.26 lb Z'N Per Nail B• B 078ft vaa B P. Nailina Spacing B 0 78 ft 16d 8' o.c. (L1 2a) 2L1 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Holdown Force vaa 207.28 lb ft I 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN C 0 80 Holdown Types HDFaa 1067 91b Simpson MSTC28 Cascade Residential Design, Inc 11je2 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL BB. Wind loads per foot: W 127 491b ft Distance between shear wall Ll 14ft Wall Length Percent full height sheathing Check Wind Force Check Seismic. Rf 15 psf 17.5 ft 14 ft Seismic Force �V Rf Wa W 2712.5 lb OTM DLRM HDFbb Wind force vbb 22729 lb ft Lbb„ (3 3) ft Lbb„ 6 ft WIE 2a vbb 0 7V W Ebb C Lbb Holdown Force Net Uplift: Seismic Force Ebb 81 141bft I 6ft 12ft L1 al L1 J HDFbb 1641.22 lb Ebb 81 141bft 1 C Lbb Wa 10•psf 17.5 ft 5 ft Lbb Base Plate Nailing Spacing (2001 NDS. Table 11N) 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Side Member Thickness. ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N 162.26 lb Z'N Per Nail B B =0 71ft vbb p Shear Wall Summary: PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH WIE= 160.391bft 1 Overturning Moment on 12ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 8 1 ft Lbb 6 ft OTM vbb Lbb Pt OTM 11046 15 lb ft Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting. Rf 0 6.(15 psf) 2 ft Lhb Wa 0 6•(10•psf) Pt Lbb W Rf Wa W 399.61b DLRM W Lbb DLRM 1 198 81b ft Lbb (2)3 6` ft Lbb 4.5 ft 8 0.5 Max Opening Height 4ft, Therefore per IBC Table 2305 3 7 2 W1 (L1 2a) B.P. Nailing Spacing B 0 71 ft 16d @8' oc. (LI 2a) 2L1 HDFbb 1641.22 lb 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN C 0 80 vbb 227.29 lb ft 1 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Holdown Force Holdown Types Simpson ST2215 Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 10,2 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel. (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL CC. Wind loads per foot: Distance between shear wall. vvall Length. Percent full height sheathing Check Wind Force vcc Check Seismic: W3E 2a Rf 15 psf 40-ft 16 ft Wa 10 psf 40-ft 5 ft 2 W Rf Wa W 68001b Seismic Force Ecc C Lcc Overturning Moment on 26ft Wall. L 26ft OTM vcc L Shear Wall Dead Load Resistina. Rf 0 6415 psf) 2 ft L Wa 0 6 (10•psf) Pt Lcc W• =Rf +Wa W= 173161b DLRM W Lcc Holdown Force Net Uplift: HDFcc OTM DLRM Z Bp vcc B 3.33 ft Shear Wall Summary. 0 7V W Wz 131.9lbft L1• =16ft Lcc (26) ft Lcc 26ft 26ft 26ft DLRM 22510 81bft Wind force Seismic Force vcc 48 79Ibft 1 E 28 171bft L1 L a) W3 (L1 2a) (LI 2a) vcc 48 791bft HDFcc —470 61 lb C Lcc E 28 171bft PROJECT Plan.1819/2 1100 MPH) Plate Height: Pt 8 1 ft OTM 10274 841b ft Lcc Base Plate Nailina Soacina (2001 NDS. Table 11N1 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Side Member Thickness. 7_ 122 lb CD 1.33 Z' Z CD Z' 162.261b Per Nail B.P. Nailing Spacing Bp 3.33 ft 16d 16' o.c. W3E 165.331bft 1 HDFcc —470 61 lb 1819- 2A,100MPH.Adendom mcd 8/26/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN 1 Max Opening Height Oft. Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7 2 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Holdown Force Holdown Types No Holdown Req'd Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma WA 98402 si (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL DD. Wind loads per foot: Distance between shear wall. L I 12ft Wall Length. Ldd (19.5 18) ft Percent full height sheathing Check Wind Force Check Seismic. Rf 15 psf 40•ft 2 ft W =Rf +Wa W3= 1319lbft 18ft 18ft =1 (L1 W3E 2a. (Li al W3 (LI 2a) 2a) vdd LI 2L1 vdd 26 071bft C Ldd Wa 10 psf 40•ft5ft W 5600lb 07V WZ I Seismic Force Edd Edd 16 0816 ft C Ldd Overturning Moment on 18ft Wall. Ldd 18 ft OTM vdd Ldd Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting. Rf 0 6 (15 psf) 2 ft Ldd Wa 0 6•(I0 psf) Pt Ldd W Rf Wa Ldd DLRM W Holdown Force Net Uplift: ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 Z'N B vdd Shear Wall Summary: Wind force vdd 26 07lbft B p 6.22ft W 1198.81b DLRM 10789.2Ibft OTM DLRM HDFdd HDFdd –388.211b Ldd Base Plate Nailing Spacina (2001 NDS. Table 11N) 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Side Member Thickness. Z'N ZN CD Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail Seismic Force Edd 16 08Ibft 1 PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH) W3L 165.33 lbft 1 Plate Height: Pt 8 1 ft OTM 3801 411bft B.P. Nailing Spacing B 6.22 ft 16d 16' o.c Ldd =37.5ft HDFdd 388.21 lb 1819- 2A,100MPH.Adendom mcd 8/26/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Max Opening Height Oft, Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d Nails 6 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Holdown Force Holdown Types No Holdown Req'd Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc 1tt2 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL EE. Wind loads per foot: I 127491bft 1 \VIE= 160.391bft 1 Distance between shear wall L1 14ft L2 l lft Wall Length Lee (4) ft Percent full height sheathing L1 2 4. L2 W1E W1• Check Wind Force vee L1 2 L1 2 vee 421 161bft 1 C Lee Check Seismic: Rf 15 psf 28 ft ft 17.5ft 14 ft 2 W Rf Wa W 5547.51b 0 7V W Seismic Force E ee C Lee Overturning Moment on 4ft Wall. L 4 ft OTM vee•L Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting. Rf 0 6•(15 psf) 14-ft Lee \V Rf Wa W 698 41b DLRM \V Lee DLRM 1396 8 lb ft Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFee HDFee 3062.2 lb Lee Shear Wall Summary: Wind force vee= 421 161bft 1 B =039ft 4ft 4ft Seismic Force E 149.36 lb ft 1 PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH 1 Max Opening Height Oft -Oin Therefore per IBC Table 2305 3 7 2 Wa 10 psf 28 ft 5 ft E 149.36 lb ft 1 Plate Height: Pt 8 1 ft OTM 13645 61 lb ft Wa 0 6410 psf) Pt Lee Base Plate Nailing Saacina (2001 NDS. Table 11N1 16d Common Nails 1 1/2' Side Member Thickness ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N 162.26 lb Z'N Per Nail B P vee B.P. Nailing Spacing B =039ft 16d 4 o.c 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d Nails 4 0 C Wind Capacity 494 plf Seismic Capacity 353 plf Holdown Force HDFee 3062.2 lb 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Holdown Types Simpson MST48 C 1 00 Page cl CascAde Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tat: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL FE. Percent full height sheathing Check Wind Force L11 7 ft OTM vff Lff Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resistina. Rf 0 6415 psf) 13 ft LIT OTM DLRM HDFff W1 127 491b ft Wind loads per foot: Distance between shear wall Ll 15ft L2 11ft Wall Length Lff (7) ft 7ft 7ft Check Seismic. Rf 15 psf 28-ft 26 ft I Wa 10•psf 28 ft 5 ft 2 J W, Rf Wa 6860 lb W• =Rf +Wa W= 1159.2 lb L ff DLRM W DLRM 4057.2 lb ft 7 Holdown Force Net Uplift: Wa 0 6•(10•psf) Pt Lff HDFff 1436.52 lb L ff .Base Plate Nailing Spacing (2001 NDS. Table 11N) 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Side Member Thickness. ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N 162.26 lb Z'N Bp vff B 0 65 ft Shear Wall Summary: Wind force Seismic Force vff 248 9 Ib ft Eli• 105 541b ft PROJECT PIan.1819 /2 (100 MPH1 2a 2 (L1 4 a L2 W1E• W1• 2 l vff L1 2 L1 vff 248 91b ft C Lff 07V W 1 Seismic Force EI'f Ef 105.541b ft C Lff Overturnina Moment on 7ft Wall: Plate Height: Pt 8 1 ft OTM 14112.81 lb ft Per Nail WIE= 160 391bft 1 1 Max Opening Height Oft -Oin Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 B.P. Nailina Spacing B 0 65 ft 16d @6 o 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN 7/16' Sheathing wi 8d Nails 6 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Holdown Force HDFff 1436 521b Holdown Types Simpson ST2122 MSTC28 Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma WA 98402 Te? (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL GG. Wind loads per foot: Distance between shear wall: Wall Length Lgg (13 8) ft Percent full height sheathing Check Wind Force Check Seismic. Rf 15 psf 40 ft ft 2 Vl Z Rf Wa W 104001b 07V W E o 53.331bft Egg Ego Co Lgg Overturning Moment on 8ft Wall. Lgg 8 ft OTM vgg Lgg Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resistino. Rf 0 6 (15 psf) 2 ft Lgg Wa 0 6.(10-psf) Pt Lgg Seismic Force W =Rf +Wa DLRM W Lgg 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: W3= 13191bft LI• =12ft 8ft 0 8ft (L1 4.a 2 L2 W3E L1, W3• 2 L1 2 vgg Co Lgg W 532 8lb DLRM 2131.21bft HDFgg OTM DLRM HDFgg 487 47 lb Lg Base Plate Nailina Saacina (2001 NDS. Table 11141 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Side Member Thickness. ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N B vgg B 1 74ft Shear Wall Summary: Wind force Seismic Force vgg 93 071bft 1 Eu2 53.33 lbft 1 PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH W31: 165.33 lbft I L2• =16ft 1 Wa 10 psf 40•ft5ft Plate Height: Pt 8 1 ft OTM 6030 96Ibft Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail B.P. Nailina Spacing B 1 74ft 16d 16' o.c. 1819- 2A,100MPH.Adendom mcd 8/26/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Max Opening Height Oft -Oin Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 vgg 93 07lbft I Exterior 7/16' Sheathing 8d nails 6' O.0 WindCapacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity =242 plf Interior 1/2' GWB Unblocked BOTH SIDES w/ 5d Cooler Nails 7' 0 C WindCapacity 200 plf Seismic Capacity =100 plf Holdown Force Holdown Types no holdown HDFgg 487 471b Page 16, 4 tito-to> 6.0 y u_ 7 .0 iNir� odM iJ FOB t IN 1 1 1 t c,.- \t_ t,Z 12 44' "P t.k 1 Casdade Residential Design, Inc 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel. (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL A. Wind loads per foot: W2 127 49 Ib ft 1 W2E 160.391b ft 1 Distance between shear wall L1 18.ft Wall Length La„ (4 3 6 4) ft La, 17 ft Percent full height sheathing 3ft 1 3ft Check Wind Force Check Seismic: Rf 15 psf 28 ft ,6 ft Wa 10•psf 44-ft 15 ft Fl 15 psf 28-ft 18 ft 2 2 W Rf \'Va Fl W 15840 lb 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf 0 7V W 1 Seismic Capacity 242 plf Seismic Force E E 104.98 lb ft C La Overturning Moment on 3ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 8 1 ft L 3 ft OTM va L Pt OTM 4026 91b ft Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting: Rf 0 6(15 psf) 14•ft L Wa 0 6-(10-psf) 2Pt L Fl 0 6•(12 psf) 9 ft L W Rf Wa Fl W 864 lb L DLRM W 2 L Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFa HDFa 910.3 lb L Base Plate Nailina Spacina (2001 NDS. Table 11N1 16d Common Nails 1 1/2' Side Member Thickness ZN 122 lb CD 1 33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N Bp Bp 098ft va Shear Wall Summary: va PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH L1 –a� (LI 2a) vaa Laa, W2E 2a W2 (L1 2a) L1 2L1 I va 165 721b ft DLRM 1296 lb ft Co LaW Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail La 4 +4 +3 +6 ft Max Opening height Oft, Therefore per IBC Table 2305 3 7 2 HDFal HDFa HDFaa HDFa1 1978.2 lb Anchor Bolt Spacina (2001 NDS. Table 11E1 5/8' Dia Bolt, 1 1/2' Side Member Thickness. A 830 lb ZB As va As 6 66 ft 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN La 16.25 ft C =100 CD 1 33 ZB A CD ZB 1103.91b Per Bolt Wind force Seismic Force B.P. Nailing Spacing A.B. Spacing Holdown Force Holdown Types I l B 0 98 ft As 6 66 ft HDFa 910 lb No Holdown Req'd va 165 72 Ib ft E 104 98 lb ft p 16d 12' o.c. 5/8' A.B. 72' o c. HDFaI 1978.2 lb Simpson STHD8RJ Y Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 1'02 South 26th St. Tacoma WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL B. Wind loads per foot: W2 127 49 lb ft 1 Distance between shear wall LI 20.ft Check Wind Force Check Seismic: vb W Rf Wa Fl W 73801b Lb 3 ft OTM vb-Lb Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resistina. Rf 6 (15 psf) 2 ft Lb W•= Rf +Wa +Fl Lb DLRM W Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFb Lb ZN 122 lb Z'N B b Shear Wall Summary: CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail B 0.34 ft Wind force Seismic Force vb 477 41 1b ft DLRM 745.2 lb ft Eb= 176 621bft 1 HDFb 3618 641b B.P. Nailing Spacing B =0.34 ft 16d @4 oc PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH'! W2E= 160.391bft 1 Wall Length Lb,,. (3 3) ft Lb„ 6 ft Lbs 3 6) 2 ft Lb, 4.5 ft Percent full height sheathing' ft ft 1 Max Opening Height Oft. Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 vbb Lbb,,,+ W2S•2a LL1 al W2 (LI 2a) (L2L12a) Co Lb Rf 15 psf 24•ft 14 ft Wa 10-psf 24-ft 15 ft Fl 15 psf 12 ft 14 ft 2 7\i W7 1 Seismic Force Eb Eb 176 62 lb ft C Lb Overturnina Moment on 3ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 8 1 ft OTM 11601 12 Ib ft Wa 6 (10•psf) 2Pt Lb Fl .6 (12 psf) 7 ft Lb W= 4968lb HDFb1 HDFb HDFbb HDFbI 5259.86 lb Base Plate Nailing Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11N) Anchor Bolt Spacina (2001 NDS Table 11E) 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Plate Thickness 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. A 830 lb ZB As vb A.B. Spacing As 2.31 ft CD 1.33 ZB A CD Z3 1 103 91b Per Bolt As 2.31 ft 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN vb 477 41 1b ft 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 4 0 C Wind Capacity 494 plf Seismic Capacity 353 plf Holdown Force Holdown Types HDFb 3618 6416 Simpson STHD14RJ 5/8' A.B. 24 o c HDFb1 5259 86 lb Simpson PHD6 Cascade Rbsidential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL C. Wind loads per foot: Distance between shear wall: LI 12 •ft Wall Length Lc (13 16) ft Percent full height sheathing Check Wind Force vc Check Seismic. ll Rf 15 (psf) :48 ft ftJ W Rf Wa +Fl W 223201b 7V W Seismic Force E C Lc Overturning Moment on 13ft Wall. L =13ft OTM vcL Shear Wall Dead Load Resistina. Rf 6•(18 psf) 2 ft L W Rf +Vva +Fl L DLRM W Holdown Force Net Uplift: ZN 122 lb Z Bp E OTM DLRM CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD B 1.96 ft Shear Wall Summary: W2 127 49lbft W2E 160.391bft L2 20-ft 13 5ft 13 5ft vcc Lcc W2E 2 a 2 W2 LI (2 a W4 L2 LI 2 LI 2 I vc 126.891bft C Lc Wa•= 10•psf48ft 15ft E 82.89lbn I Wa 6 (10 psf) 2Pt L W 1591.2 lb DLRM 10342 8lbft -HDFc HDFc 232.23 lb L Base Plate Nailina Soacina (2001 NDS Table 11N1 16d Common Nails 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH I Plate Height: Pt 8 1 ft OTM 13361 84lbft Fl 15 psf 40-ft 12 ft 2 Fl 6.12 psf 1 ft L 16d 16 o.c. 518' A.B 72' o.c. W4 154 031bft Max Opening Height Oft -Oin Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 Exterior 7/16' Sheathing 8d nails 6' 0 C WindCapacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity =242 plf Interior 1/2' GWB Unblocked BOTH SIDES w/ 5d Cooler Nails 7' 0 C WindCapacity 200 plf Seismic Capacity =100 plf Anchor Bolt Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11E1 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. A 830•lb CD 1.33 ZB A ZB As As 13.32 ft E 1819- 2A,100MPH.Adendom mcd' 8/26/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN ZB 1103.9 lb Per Bolt Wind force Seismic Force B.P. Nailing Spacing A.B. Spacing Holdown Force Holdown Types No Holdown Req'd vc 126.89lbfr E 82 89lbfr 1 B I 96ft As 13 32ft HDFc 232.23 lb Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL D: Wind loads per foot: Wall Length Percent full height sheathing Check Wind Force Check Seismic. Rf 15 psf 40-ft 12 ft 2 Seismic Force Ed C Ld Overturning Moment on 6ft Wall. Ld 6 ft OTM vd Ld Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting. Rf 6•(15 psf) 2 ft Ld W4 154 031bft Distance between shear wall L1 12ft W Rf Wa+ Fl W 132001b 7V W Shear Wall Summary: Wind force Seismic Force vd 65.29lbft Ed 48 19lbft I 6ft 6ft W•= Rf +Wa +Fl W 734 41b Ld DLRM W DLRM 2203.2 lbft Wa 6 (10 psf) 2Pt Ld .Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFd HDFd 161 651b Ld Base Plate Nailina SDacina (2001 NDS Table 11N1 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH) W4E 181.93 Ibft 1 Ld (6 9.5 14) ft Ld 29.5 ft I Wa 10•psf 40-ft IS ft Fl 15 psf 40•ft 12 ft Ed 48 191bft 1 Plate Height: Pt 8 1 ft OTM 3173 08Ibft ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 EN ZN CD EN 162.26 lb Z'N Per Nail B vd B 2 49ft B.P. Nailing Spacing B 2 49ft 16d @12' oc. Fl 6•(12 psf) I ft Ld A.B. Spacing As 16 91f 5/8' A.B 72' o.c. W2 127 491bft 1 Max Opening Height Oft, Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 vdd Ldd W2E 2a 'LI a (L1 2a) W2 (LI 2a) vd L1 2L1 vd 65.29 lbft 1 C Ld 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Anchor Bolt SDacina (2001 NDS Table 11E1 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. A 830•lb CD 1.33 ZB A ZB As As 16 91 ft vd HDFd 161 651b 1819- 2A,100MPH.Adendom mcd 8/26/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN ZB 1 103 91b Per Bolt Holdown Force Holdown Types No Holdown Req'd Cascade Residential Design, Inc 1C2 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL E. Wind loads per foot: W2 127 491b ft 1 Distance between shear wall. L1 22 ft Wall Length Le (8 4) ft Percent full height sheathing Check Wind Force ve 7 V W, Seismic Force E C Le Overturning Moment on 4ft Wall. L 4 ft OTM ve•L Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting. W Rf +Wa +FI W= 10081b L DLRM W DLRM 20161b ft 2 4-1oldown Force Net Uplift: ZN 122 lb CD 1 33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N B ve B 0 42 ft 4ft 4ft E 180.38lbft 1 Shear Wall Summary: Wind force Seismic Force B.P. Nailing Spacing P ft ve 387 441b ft 1 E 180.381b ft I 4_ 16d 4 o.c PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH Wg 114.21b ft 1 W5E 143.2 lb ft 1 L2 26-ft 1 vee•Lee W5E• 2 a W5. L1 (2 a W2 L2 ,L1, 2 LI 2 C Le Check Seismic. 11 Rf 15 psf 44 ft 25 ft Wa 10 psf 44•ft 15 ft Fl 15psf 28ft 25 ft 2 l 2 W, Rf Wa Fl W 20100 lb Plate Height: Pt 8 1 ft OTM 12553lbft Rf .6 (15 psf) 14•ft L Wa 6 (10•psf)2Pt L Fl 6 (12psf) 4ft L Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail Max Opening Height Oft, Therefore per IBC Table 2305 3 7 2 A, 830 lb ZB As ve A.B. Spacing As 2.85 ft 5/8' A.B. 32' o.c As =2.85ft ve 387 441b ft 1 OTM DLRM HDFe HDFe 2634.25 lb HDFeI HDFe HDFee HDFeI 5696 45 lb L Base Plate Nailina Soacina (2001 NDS Table 11N) Anchor Bolt Soacina (2001 NDS Table 11E) 16d Common Nails 1 1/2' Plate Thickness 518' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. Holdown Force HDFe 2634.25 lb HDFeI 5696 45 lb 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer' TRUC NGUYEN C 1 00 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 4 0 C Wind Capacity 494 plf Seismic Capacity 353 plf CD 1.33 ZB A CD ZB 1103 9 lb Per Bolt Holdown Types Simpson STHD8RJ Simpson PHD6 Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Fel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL F. Wind loads per foot: W2 127 491b ft 1 Distance between shear wall LI 18.ft Wall Length Lf (11.5 4) ft Percent full height sheathing' Check Wind Force Check Seismic. Rf 15 psf 44•ft ft 2 W Rf Wa Fl W 20640 lb 7VW Seismic Force Ef Co Lf Overturning Moment on 4ft Wall. Lf DLRM W 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFf HDFf 1529.21 lb L Base Plate Nailing Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11N) 16d Common Nails 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. ZN 122 lb Z'N B vf B =072ft Shear Wall Summary: vf 4ft 4ft PROJECT PIan.1819/2 c100 MPH) W2E= 160.391bft 1 L2 8 ft 1 2 a 2 vff. Lff W2B- W2' Ll, 2L1 Wa 10-psf 44•ft 15 ft Fl 15psf 28ft 26 ft 2 DLRM 1137 61b ft C Lf Ef= 14341bft Plate Height: Pt 8 1 ft OTM 7254 441b ft CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail Wind force Seismic Force B.P. Nailing Spacing vf 22391bft 1 Ef= 143 41bft 1 B =072ft 16d 8' o.c (L1 4 a L2 Max Opening Height Oft, Therefore per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 2 Lf 4 ft OTM vf Lf Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting. Rf 6 (15 psf) 0 ft Lf Wa 6 (10•psf)Pt Lf Fl 6 (12psf) 13ft L1• W Rf \Va Fl W 568 81b Anchor Bolt Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11E) 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness A 830 lb ZB As vf A.B. Spacing As 4.93 ft 5/8' A.B. 60' o c As 4 93 ft of 223 91b ft 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN 1/2' GWB Blocked BOTH SIDES w/ 5d Cooler Nails 4 0 C Wind Capacity 300 plf Seismic Capacity 150 plf HDFf 1529.21 lb C 1 00 CD 1.33 ZB A CD ZB 1103.91b Per Bolt Holdown Force Holdown Types Simpson MSTC48B3 Page 2 3 Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 1'02 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL G. Wind loads per foot: Distance between shear wall LI 20ft Wall Length Percent full height sheathing Check Wind Force Check Seismic. 20 Rf 15 psf 48 ft ft 2 W, Rf Wa Fl W 96001b Seismic Force E g C Lg Overturnina Moment on 48ft Wall: L 48 ft OTM vg L Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting. Rf•= .6(15psf)2ftL W Rf Wa Fl L DLRM W Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFg L B 7.53 ft W4 154 03 lb ft Lg (48) ft L1 a (L1 2a) W4E 2a W4 (L1 2a) LI 2L1 vg 7VW 48ft 48ft DLRM 83635.2 lb ft HDFg –1414 08 lb ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N B E W4E 181 93Ibft 1 C Lg Wa 10•psf 48 ft 5 ft Wa 6 (10•psf) Pt L W 3484 81b Base Plate Nailina Soacina (2001 NDS Table 11N) 16d Common Nails 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. 16d @16' oc PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH1 I E 21.541b ft I Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft OTM 15759.32 lb ft Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail Shear Wall Summary: Wind force Seismic Force B.P. Nailing Spacing vg 36 08 lb ft E 21.541b ft 1 Bp 7.53 ft Max Opening Height Oft, Therefore per IBC Table 2305 3 7 2 Fl• =15psf0ft— 2 Fl 6 (12 psf) 0 ft L Anchor Bolt Snacina (2001 NDS Table 11E1 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. A 830 lb CD 1.33 ZB A CD ZB As As 51.25 ft E A.B. Spacina As 51.25 ft 5/8' A.B 72' o c 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN vg 36 08 Ib ft 1 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf C 1 00 ZB= 110391b Per Bolt Holdown Force Holdown Types No Holdown Req'd HDFg –1414 08 lb Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL H. Garage Portal Frame Wind loads per foot: \V5 114.2 lb ft I Distance between shear wall. L1 22 ft Portal Frame Length Lh (1.88 1 88) ft W2B•2 a L1 a (L1 2 a) W2-(L1 2 a) Check wind force vh L1 2 L1 vh 434.58 lb ft 1 Lh Check Seismic. Rf 15 psf 20•ft 22 ft Wa 10-psf 20-ft 5 ft W,.= Rf Wa W 4300113 7VWZ 1 Seismic Force Eh Eh 123 161b ft Lh Restraint Panel Height 10ft Maximum Restraint Panel Width 1 88ft Minimum Allowable Shear per Panel 860 lb Shear per Panel (Lh-vh) V1-1'= 2 See APA Technical Topic TT 100 A Portal Frame with Hold Downs for Wall Bracing or Engineered Aoolications' (Emphasis Added) SEE PORTAL FRAME CONSTRUCTION DETAIL ON STRUCTURAL SHEETS FOR FRAMING NAILING, AND HOLDOWNS AT EACH GARAGE PORTAL FRAME PANEL PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH) W5E 143.21b ft 1 Vh= 817021b O K. 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL I. Wind loads per foot: W2 127 491b ft I Distance between shear wall. L1 12 ft Wall Length Lt (6) ft Percent full height sheathing Check Wind Force Check Seismic: Rf 15 psf 44•ft 24 ft 2 j W Rf Wa Fl W 19560 lb 7VW Seismic Force Ei C Li Overturnina Moment on 4ft Wall. Li DLRM W 2 OTM DLRM HDFi ZN 122 lb Z'N B p Vi vt_ Holdown Force Net Uplift: B O.^_8ft 6ft 6ft PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH Wg= 114.2lbft I L2 12 ft 1 2 a 2 L1 vgg•Lgg W5E• L1 W5• C Li Wa 10•psf 44•ft 15 ft Fl l5psf Li• =6ft OTM viLiPt Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting. Rf 6 (15 psf) 2 ft Li Wa 6 (10•psf)2Pt Li W•= Rf +Wa +Fl W= 7344Ib DLRM 2203.2 lb ft HDFi 4355 38 lb Ei 351 081bft I Li Base Plate Nailina Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11N) 16d Common Nails 1 1/2' Plate Thickness Plate Height: Pt 8 1 ft OTM 28335 471b ft CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail Shear Wall Summary: Wind force Seismic Force B.P. Nailina Spacing B =0.28ft vi 583 03 Ibft Ei 351 081bft 1 16d 3 o.c (2 a Ll "4 28ft ft 2 Fl 6 (12psf) 1 ft Li Max Opening Height Oft, Therefore per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 L2 W2.- 2 HDFt1 HDFi HDFgg HDFi1 4842.85 lb Anchor Bolt Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11E) 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness A 830 lb ZB As vt A.B. Spacing As= 1 89ft 5/8' A.B. 22' o.c. W5E 143.2Ib ft 1 CD 1.33 As 1.89 ft vt 583 03lbft I 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 8/31/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN ZB 4 CD C 1 00 7/16' Sheathing wI 8d nails 3 0 C. Wind Capacity 638 plf Seismic Capacity 456 plf ZB 1 103 9lb Per Bolt Holdown Force Holdown Types STHDI4RJ or PHD6 HDFi 4355 38 lb HDFiI 4842.85 lb Simpson PHD6 Page 2 COMMON TRUSSES 24 OC PER SPECS. TTP EN I. J M. IOW I) A :RIDGE 612 lor/1 r t. ko. t W.- E4c r AI .0 u II II 011111111111 612 RIDGE •=1•■1 612 to A% Arig, A' 4 r 410 GIRDER MR2. MONO TRUSSES 24' 0.C. AS PER MFG. SPECS. TYP 612 1=6- GABLE/END TIRll5.5 ROOF FRAMINGB_AN —2 6 RAFTERS 24' 0.C. MFR. con-1m TR-155ES 24' OL. AS PER MFG, SPECS. TYP Zi 7 ,8 GIRDEPiTRISS 612 MR COMM TRUSSES 24' 0.C. AS PER MFG. SPECS. TYP MFR. COMMON TRI5SE5 24' OZ. AS PER MFG. SPECS. TYP 0 1 I III 7 0 612 Ma- II 111 1 TX Ito /4 111 GABLE D TRUSS ~ook•le 00"A �a N W v^ ~L~ g»[ 'v v_i, i. k V ~�l k y �4 741.2.1 \\___A_ 1 /�~r�-- \~1�%k `w" '--f- H0�T ,v -�-`x +~/w l. 4q l� L� r C 4m� \�Q 9� 7"� T l~��w L _�-i LFT 'e-'1 7 �L. ��1r���� 7!� Y\ �T� T Y�\ \-----i- \u/0� ur a -4-_-` V -F- ,`*l'' n��� p6ID� s� r� c��� I� Rev- 580003 User KW- 0605873 Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec 2003 is 1983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description BEAM #1 G eneral Information Section Name 4x10 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 3.500 in 9.250 in Sawn 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf Full Length Uniform Loads s. •r r eel Center DL 225 00 /ft Left Cantilever DL /ft Right Cantilever DL /ft Summary a.., Span= 6 OOft, Beam Width 3 500in x Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 657 05 psi Fb 1.242.00 psi LDeflections Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 Center Left Right 2.73 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 5.17 ft/ Fv Dead Load -0 018 in 3 000 ft 3,925.8 D.L. Defl 0 028 in 0.000 in 0 000 in 62.80 psi 207 00 psi -0 048 in 3 000 ft 1,501 69 LL LL LL Title Dsgnr- Description Scope General Timber Beam Code Ref' 2001 NDS, 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined Center Span 6.00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow 900 0 psi Fv Allow 180 0 psi Fc Allow 625 0 psi E 1 600 0 ksi Depth 9.25in. Ends are Pin -Pin 0 529 1 2.7 k -ft 5.2 k -ft at 3.000 ft at 6.000 ft Reactions. Left DL Right DL 375 00 #/ft /ft /ft 0 70 k 0 70 k Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection Length /Defl Lu Lu .Lu Maximum Shear *1 5 Allowable Shear Job Date: 4 40PM 23 JUN 05 Page 1 1819- 2- 100MPH.ecw:Calculations 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0 00 ft Beam Design OK 2.0 k 6.7 k Left 1 82 k Right 1 82 k Camber Left 0 000 in Center 0 028in Right 0 000 in Max 1.82 k Max 1 82 k il4F., mom: '7" .r. ;,=ems Total Load Left Cantilever Dead Load Total 0 000 in 0.000 in 00 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 Rev 580003 User KW- 0605573, Ver 5.8.0 1 -Dec 2003 1ct1983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description BEAM #2 General. information Section Name 6x10 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL 5.500 in 9 500 in Sawn 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf Summary Span= 8.00ft, Beam Width 5 500in x Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 919 97 psi Fb 1 006.25 psi LDeflections Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 D. Center Left Right Dead Load -0.055 in 4 000 ft 1 745 9 L. Defl 0 082 in 0.000 in 0 000 in 6.34 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 0 00 6.94 fv Fv 293 00 /ft #/ft #/ft Depth 9 5in, Ends are Pin -Pin 0 914 1 6.3 k -ft 6.9 k -ft at 4 000 ft at 8.000 ft k -ft k -ft 73 56 psi 195.50 psi Total Load -0 143 in 4 000 ft 671.24 LL LL LL Title Dsgnr Description Scope General Timber Beam Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E Reactions Left DL Right DL 8.00 ft ft ft 875 0 psi 1700psi 625.0 psi 1,300 0 ksi 488.00 /ft /ft /ft .Lu Lu Lu Maximum Shear *1 5 Allowable Shear Left Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Deft Job Date 4 40PM, 23 JUN 05 Page 1 1819- 2- 100MPH.ecw:Calculations 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0 00 ft Beam Design OK 38 k 10.2 k Left 3 17 k Right 3 17 k Camber Left 0 000in Center 0 082 in Right 0 000 in 1.22 k 1.22 k Max 3.17 k Max 3 17 k Dead Load 0.000 in 00 Total Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 Rev 580003 User KW- 0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec 2003 (c)1983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description BEAM #3 [General Information Section Name 6x8 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Center Span. Deflection Location .Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 D. Center Left Right 5.500 in 7.500 in Sawn 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf Full Length Uniform Loads h ',4 *'55J, Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Summary ,1 Span= 6.00ft. Beam Width 5.500in x Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 177 31 psi Fb 776.25 psi LDeflections Dead Load -0 010 in 3.000 ft 7,577 4 L. Defl 0 014 in 0 000 in 0 000 in 0 76 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 3.34 fv Fv 60 00 /ft /ft /ft Depth 7 5in, Ends are Pin -Pin 0.228 1 0.8 k -ft 3.3 k -ft at 3 000 ft at 0 000 ft 14 63 psi 161 00 psi Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Hem Fir No.2 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E Total Load -0.023 in 3.000 ft 3,101 93 Reactions. Left DL Right DL Title Dsgnr Description Scope General Timber Beam Job Date. 4 40PM 23 JUN 05 Page 1 if 1819- 2- 100MPH.ecw:Calculations :s Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined I 6.00 ft ft ft 675 0 psi 140 0 psi 405.0 psi 1 100.0 ksi LL 100 00 /ft LL /ft LL /ft Left Cantilever Deflection .Length /Deft Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl .Lu .Lu .Lu 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0.00 ft Beam Design OK 0.6 k 66 k Left 0.51 k Right 0 51 k Camber Left 0 000 in Center 0 014 in Right 0 000 in Maximum Shear 1 5 Allowable Shear 0.21 k 0.21 k Max 0 51 k Max 0.51 k Dead Load Total Load 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 Description LGeneral Information Section Name 4x12 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density !lull Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Summary Max. M allow fb 462.32 psi Fb 1 138 50 psi Deflections Center Span. Deflection Location Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 Center Left Right BEAM#4- GARAGE DOOR HEADER 3.500 in 11.250 in Sawn 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf Span= 16.00ft, Beam Width 3.500in x Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support 411 Dead Load -0 086 in 8.000 ft 2,224 9 D.L. Defl 0129 in 0 000 in 0 000 in r 30 00 /ft /ft /ft Total Load -0 197 in 8.000 ft 973.37 LL LL LL Title Dsgnr Description Scope Rev 580003 L User KW- 0605873 Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec 2003 General Timber Beam u1983 2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined i. Center Span 16.00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 900 0 psi 1800 psi 625 0 psi 1 600 0 ksi 50 00 #/ft /ft /ft Depth 11.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin 0 406 1 2.8 k ft Maximum Shear 1 5 7 0 k -ft Allowable 2.84 k -ft at 8.000 ft Shear Left 0 00 k -ft at 16.000 ft Right 0 00 k -ft Camber Left 0 00 k -ft Center 7 00 Right Reactions. fv 24 06 psi Left DL 0 31 k Max Fv 207 00 psi Right DL 0 31 k Max Left Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl .Lu .Lu .Lu Dead Load 0 000 in 00 Job Date 4 40PM. 23 JUN 05 0 000 in 00 Page 1 1819 -2 100MPH.ecw:Calculations 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0 00 ft Beam Design OK 09 k 8.2 k 0 71 k 0 71 k 0 000 in 0 129in 0 000 in 0 71 k 0 71 k Total Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 lig lyzo-go-vt. 114 TJI 1+0 RR JSTS Lb OL. AS PER PFG. SPECS. TYP TJI 110 FLR JETS IS OL. AS PER MFG. SPECS. TYP k TJI 1( FLR JETS IS OL. AS PER MFG. SPECS. TYP 4 xi0 UDR FLOOR FRAMING el.AN p aNgi p ©Q aP1,o J 3 4 rt CAscArE Residential Design, Inc. Job Name JV c 17 J °7 �r Ott 4 f' Location Technical Representative A ,.4 /t L h 1 Job Number Sheet 1 By f A..- 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 253.284.3170 253.284.31'83 fax email: cascade@ix.netcom.com of Date CAS CADE Residential Design, Inc. .L iLa) w \AY Job Name Location I %IV t .AiiLd. Technical Representative 12_ t 4fld o «/2 L J 41 PQ/ 12 20 11'e i 4 I 2 2 711.4.1 111 q /7 4 d. 16 J2 k- c 2 +60 e 2 11 i /a 466' 4( isle V) bF 9 42 4 1 i Job N umb err Sheet 3 3/4 By I i�L 102 South 26th Si Tacoma, ANA 984C2 253.284.3 170 253.284 183 fa- email: cascade©ix.netcom.com 11,V4, x lea LVL of Date A i v f General Information Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable i Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor 1 000 Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Wood Density 32.500pcf Summary .Max Left Support Max Right Suppor Max. M aiiow fb Fb '72,02 psi 2.600 00 psi 5.29 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k ft 17.8 fv Fv Deflections Center Span. Deflection Location Length/Defl Camber using 1.5 D.L. Defl Center 0.203 in Left 0 000 in Right 0.000 in 0.297 1 5.3 k -ft 178 kft at 8 000 ft at 0.000 ft 42.02 psi 285 00 ps: Z156/.5, riWEZ Dead Load Total Load -0 136 in -0.263 in 8.000 ft 8 000 ft 1 415.2 730 65 Reactions. Left DL Right DL Title Dsgnr Description Scope I Re'v 580003 user Kw- 060587', Ver 5.8.0,1-Dec 2003 General Timber Beam Ltci1n83 2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software iZ s: "0 •l s; .,i,.28'' ,w. Description A. BEAM OVER FAMILY ROOM Fb Base Allow 2,600 0 psi Fv Allow .85.0 psi Fc Allow 750.0 psi E 1 900 0 ksi Full Length Uniform Loads T s;:.ev a,:aµ^ 25 .4. ..w dwzrs: vw?;• <k us. ^::•:d ;.n;. <ve..r P,mv'•.... Center DL 76.00 #/ft LI 80 00 /f• Left Cantilever DL #ift LL Right Cantilever DL /ft LL Lam. ,7 <.P Jr, Span= 16.00ft Beam Width 3.500in x Depth 11 875in, Ends are Pin -Pin Maximum Shear *1 5 Allowable Shear 0 68 k 0.68 k Left Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Dell #/ft Job Date 1 43PM. 26 AUG 05 Page 1 r� 1819- 2- 100MPH.ecw:Catculations Code Ref 2001 NOS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined Srinidmrar.a u:rs;: ...s <.ry:mraali=- F ..........r<- -a,� 27Ma.42,..mr "iRrr..=a, a' °mss: ei.U., F,,,s:.a..z -A.' u1"u.. }ai ,4,..Iim< 4i, n rf' sw'n;., Section Name MicroLam 3.5x11.875 Center Span 16 00 ft Lu 0 00 ft Beam Width 3 500 in Lef' Cantilever ft .Lu 0 00 ft Beam Depth 11.875 in Right Cantilever ft Lu 0 00 ft Member Type Manuf /So.Pine Truss Joist MacMillan, MicroLam 1 9 E 0 000 in 00 Beam Design OK 1 7 k 11 8 k Left 1 32 k Rignt 1.32 k Camber Left 0 000 in Center 0.203 in Right 0 000 in Max 1 32 k Max 1 32 k Dead Load Tota Loa 0.000 in 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 in 00 a Rev 580003 User KW- 0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec 2003 (01983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description Section Name Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density [Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Point Loads Dead Load 1 323.0 lbs Live Load lbs .distance 4 000 ft 1 000 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf B SUPPORT BEAM A lbs lbs 0 000 ft 122.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft General Timber Beam �xzrzwzFr ;a: du.: c r :rl�:o s i cwaz 4 "%.as. General Information Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined gy m r MicroLam. 3.5x11.875 Center Span 18.00 ft .Lu 0.00 ft 3 500 in Left Cantilever ft .Lu 0 00 ft 11.875 in Right Cantilever ft .Lu 0.00 ft Manuf /So.Pine Truss Joist MacMillan, MicroLam 1 9 E Fb Base Allow 2 600 0 psi Fv Allow Fe Allow E lbs lbs 0000 ft LL LL LL Title Dsgnr• Description Scope lbs lbs 0 000 ft 285.0 psi 750 0 psi 1 900 0 ksi 90 00 /ft #/ft #/ft lbs lbs 0 000 ft Job Date• 1 43PM, 26 AUG 05 Page 1 k 1819- 2- 100MPH.ecw:Calculations lbs lbs 0 000 ft Summary Span= 18.00ft, Beam Width 3.500in x Depth 11.875in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.662 1 Maximum Moment 11.8 k -ft Maximum Shear *1 5 4.2 k Allowable 17.8 k -ft Allowable 11.8 k Max. Positive Moment 11 81 k -ft at 7 704 ft Shear Left 3.02 k Max. Negative Moment 0 00 k -ft at 18.000 ft Right 2.29 k Max Left Support 0 00 k -ft Camber. Left 0 000 in Max Right Support 0 00 k -ft Center 0 783in Max. M allow 17.82 Reactions. Right 0 000 in fb 1 722.41 psi fv 101 57 psi Left DL 2.21 k Fb 2,600 00 psi Fv 285 00 psi Right DL 1 48 k Deflections Max 3.02 k Max 2.29 k lbs lbs 0 000 ft Beam Design OK Center Span. Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever Dead Load Total Load r '044 A4..,...." Deflection -0.522 in -0 751 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in .Location 8.568 ft 8.712 ft .Length /Defl 0.0 0 0 .Length /Deft 413.8 287 74 Right Cantilever Camber using t5 D.L. Defl) Deflection 0 000 in 0 000 in Center 0 783 in Length /Defl 0 0 0 0 Left 0.000 in Right 0 000 in 3 Yk 1 g ';#4 a eke rh Ri ins TJ- Beam(TM) 6 10 Serial Number. 7003013791 User 2 11/9/2004 11:01.33 AM Page 1 Engine Version: 1 10.3 LOADS. Analysis is for a Joist Member Primary Load Group Residential SUPPORTS. 1 Stud wall 2 Stud wall DESIGN CONTROLS. Shear (Ibs) Vertical Reaction (Ibs) Moment (Ft -Lbs) Live Load Defl (in) Total Load Defl (in) TJPro Input Bearing Width Length 3.50' 2.25' 3.50' 2.25' PROJECT INFORMATION. PLAN 1819/2 Copyright o 2003 by Trus Joist a Weyerhaeuser Bu nes TJI' and TJ Beame are registered trademarks of Trus Joist I Joist Pro' and TJ Pro" are trademarks of Trus Joist BEAM 5 UPPER FLOOR JOIST 11 7/8" TJ I® 210 16" o/c THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED 0 e Living Areas (psf): 40.0 Live at 100 duration, 12.0 Dead Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Live/Dead/Uplift/Total 480 144 0 624 480/144/0/624 -See TJ SPECIFIER'S BUILDERS GUIDE for detail(s): A3: Rim Board Maximum Design Control Control 610 -604 1655 Passed (36 610 610 1110 Passed (55 2680 2680 3620 Passed (74 0.363 0 440 Passed (L/581) 0 472 0.879 Passed (U447) 35 35 Passed 18' Other A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 1 1/4' x 11 7/8' 0.8E TJ- Strand Rim Board® A3 Rim Board 1 Ply 1 1/4' x 11 7/8' 0.8E TJ- Strand Rim Board® Location Rt. end Span 1 under Floor loading Bearing 2 under Floor loading MID Span 1 under Floor loading MID Span 1 under Floor loading MID Span 1 under Floor loading Span 1 2 Product Diagram is Conceptual. Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL:L /480 TL:U240). Deflection analysis is based on composite action with single layer of 19/32' Panels (20' Span Rating) GLUED NAILED wood decking. Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 2' 8' o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability TJ -Pro RATING SYSTEM The TJ -Pro Rating System value provides additional floor performance information and is based on a GLUED NAILED 19/32' Panels (20' Span Rating) decking. The controlling span is supported by walls. Additional considerations for this rating include: Ceiling None A structural analysis of the deck has not been performed by the program Comparison Value. 1.39 ADDITIONAL NOTES. IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus Joist (TJ). TJ warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be ccomplished in accordance with TJ product design criteria and code accepted design values. The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJ technical representative for product availability THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code UBC analyzing the TJ Distribution product listed above. OPERATOR INFORMATION. TRUC NGUYEN Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th Street Tacoma WA 98402 Phone (253) 284-3170 Fax (253) 284-3183 tnguyen @cascaderd.com 3 '-tr3 Rev 580003 User KW- 06058 Ver 5.8.0 1 -Dec 2003 General Timber Beam Page 1 (01983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software 1 19 2 100MPH.ecw:Calculations Description General Information Section Name 4x10 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density L uII Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Summary Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow 4 49 fb Fb [Deflections Span= 5.00ft, Beam Width 3 500in x Depth 9.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin 868.02 psi 1 080 00 psi Center Span. Deflection .Location Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 Center Left Right BEAM #6 3.500 in 9.250 in Sawn 1 000 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf 0.00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft Total Load Left Cantilever -0.044 in Deflection 2.500 ft .Length /Deft 1 364 06 Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Deft Dead Load -0 016 in 2.500 ft 3 749.4 D.L. Defl 0 024 in 0 000 in 0 000 in 3.61 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 413.00 /ft /ft /ft 0.804 1 3.6 k -ft 4.5 k -ft at 2.500 ft at 5.000 ft fv 93 14 psi Fv 180 00 psi LL LL LL Reactions Left DL Right DL Title Dsgnr Description Scope Code Ref' 2001 NDS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined v Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 5.00 ft ft ft 900 0 psi 180 0 psi 625.0 psi 1 600 0 ksi 735.00 #/ft /ft #/ft .Lu Lu .Lu Dead Load 0 000 in 00 Job Date. 4 40PM 23 JUN 05 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0 00 ft Beam Design OK Maximum Shear *1 5 3 0 k Allowable 5 8 k Shear Left 2.89 k Right 2.89 k Camber Left 0.000 in Center 0 024 in Right 0 000 in 105 k Max 2.89k 1 05 k Max 2.89 k Total Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 Title Dsgnr• Description Scope Rev 580003 User KW-0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1-Dec 2003 General Timber Beam 1c11983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software r., ud.. •.xw >:ruv Description BEAM #7 General Information Section Name 4x10 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density [full Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Summary Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 514.24 psi Fb 1 080 00 psi LDeflections Center Span. Deflection .Location Length /Deft Camber using 1.5 Center Left Right 3.500 in 9.250 in Sawn 1 000 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf Dead Load -0 009 in 3.000 ft 7,909.2 D.L. Defl 0014 in 0 000 in 0 000 in 108.00 /ft /ft /ft 0 476 1 2.1 k -ft 4 5 k -ft 2.14 k -ft at 3 000 ft 0 00 k -ft at 0 000 ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 4 49 fv 49 15 psi Fv 180 00 psi Code Ref 2001 NDS, 2003 Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E LL LL LL �Ef Span= 6 OOft, Beam Width 3.500in x Depth 9.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin Reactions. Left DL Right DL IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined I 600ft ft ft 900 0 psi 180 0 psi 625 0 psi 1 600 0 ksi 360 00 /ft /ft #/ft .Lu .Lu Lu Job Date 4 40PM. 23 JUN 05 Page 1 1819- 2 -100M PH.ecw:Calculations 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0 00 ft Beam Design OK Maximum Shear *1 5 1 6 k Allowable 5 8 k Shear Left 1 43 k Right 1 43 k Camber Left 0 000in Center 0 014 in Right 0.000 in 0 35 k Max 1 43 k 0.35 k Max 1 43 k Total Load Left Cantilever Dead Load Total Load -0 038 in Deflection 0 000 in 0 000 in 3.000 ft Length /Defl 0 0 0 0 1 918.73 Right Cantilever Deflection 0 000 in 0 000 in Length /Deft 0 0 0 0 3� Rev 580003 User KW- 0605873 Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec 2003 ici1983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description BEAM #8 L General Information fb Fb L Deflections .._[w: iy .f}v <w5 'A:ta.Y F.• =.?<bL .t.+6]'K> f .Ymo' Section Name Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor 1 000 Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Wood Density 32.500 pcf MicroLam 1 75x11.25 1 750 in 11.250 in Manuf /So.Pine !Full Length Uniform Loads ,P. cif= Center DL 108.00 /ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft Right Cantilever DL /ft Summary Span= 9 OOft, Beam Width 1 Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow 1 555 01 psi 2,600 00 psi Center Span. Deflection Location Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 Center Left Right Dead Load -0 042 in 4 500 ft 2,566.9 D.L. Defl 0 063 in 0 000 in 0 000 in General Timber Beam Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined r 4 'Y;a?'." as, a Sv: "3"k s xmn Center Span 9 00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Truss Joist MacMillan, MicroLam 1 9 E Fb Base Allow 2,600 0 psi Fv Allow 285.0 psi Fc Allow 750 0 psi E 1 900 0 ksi 750in x Depth 11.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin 0.598 1 4 8 k -ft 8.0 k -ft 4 78 k -ft at 4 500 ft 0 00 k -ft at 9 000 ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 8.00 Reactions. fv 128.29 psi Left DL Fv 285.00 psi Right DL Total Load -0 177 in 4.500 ft 610 94 LL LL LL Title Dsgnr• Description Scope 360 00 /ft /ft /ft .Lu Lu .Lu Maximum Shear *1 5 Allowable Shear 051 k 0.51 k Left Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Dead Load 0 000 in 00 Job Date. 4 40PM. 23 JUN 05 Page 1 1819- 2- 100MPH.ecw:Calculations Y' 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0 00 ft Beam Design OK 2.5 k 56 k Left 2.13 k Right 2.13 k Camber Left 0.000 in Center 0 063 in Right 0.000 in Max 2.13 k Max 2 13 k Total Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 Rev 580003 User KW- 0605873, ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec 2003 (c)1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description BEAM #9 j General Information Section Name Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor 1 000 Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Wood Density 32.500pcf Full Length Uniform Loads DL DL DL Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Summary Span= 12.00ft, Beam Width 3.500in x Depth 11.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.595 1 Maximum Moment 9 5 k -ft Allowable 16.0 k -ft Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 1,547.37 psi Fb 2 600 00 psi LDeflections Center Span. Deflection Location Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 Center Left Right MicroLam 3.5x11.25 3 500 in 11.250 in Manuf /So.Pine 9.52 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 16.00 fv Fv Dead Load -0 076 in 6.000 ft 1,889 5 D.L. Defl 0 114 in 0.000 in 0 000 in 120 00 /ft /ft /ft General Timber Beam 102.51 psi 285 00 psi Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined 2..'e?'bs se. T°'s'3'Yi z Center Span 12.00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Truss Joist MacMillan, MicroLam 1 9 E Fb Base Allow 2,600 0 psi Fv Allow 285 0 psi Fc Allow 750 0 psi E 1 900 0 ksi LL LL LL at 6.000 ft at 0 000 ft Reactions. Left DL Right DL Title Dsgnr Description Scope 400 00 /ft /ft /ft .Lu .Lu .Lu Maximum Shear *1 5 4 0 k Allowable 11.2 k Shear Left 3 17 k Right 3 17 k Camber Left 0 000 in Center 0 114 in Right 0 000 in 0 77 k Max 3 17 k 0 77 k Max 3 17 k Total Load Left Cantilever Dead Load -0.313 in Deflection 0 000 in 6.000 ft .Length /Defl 0 0 460 47 Right Cantilever Deflection 0 000 in .Length /Defl 0 0 Job Date 4 40PM, 23 JUN 05 Page 1 1819- 2- 100MPH.ecw-Calculations 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0 00 ft Beam Design OK Total Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 Rev 580003 User KW- 0605 ^73, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec 2003 (c)1983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description BEAM#1 0 General Information Section Name 4x10 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Full Length Uniform Loads 3-v v. W; Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever DL DL DL 3.500 in 9.250 in Sawn 1 000 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf S ummary Span= 6.00ft, Beam Width 3 500in x Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 661 38 psi Fb 1 080 00 psi L Deflections Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 D. Center Left Right Dead Load -0 016 in 3000ft 4,530.3 L. Defl 0 024 in 0 000 in 0 000 in 2.75 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 4 49 fv Fv 194 00 #/ft LL /ft LL /ft LL 63.22 psi 18000 psi Total Load -0 048 in 3 000 ft 1 491 86 Reactions. Left DL Right DL Title Dsgnr Description Scope General Timber Beam Center Span 6.00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow 900 0 psi Fv Allow 180.0 psi Fc Allow 625 0 psi E 1 600 0 ksi Depth 9.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin 0 612 1 2.8 k -ft 4 5 k -ft at 3 000 ft at 6.000 ft 410.00 /ft /ft /ft Maximum Shear *1 5 Allowable Shear 0 60 k 0 60 k Left t': Zr Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Lu .Lu .Lu Job Date. 4 40PM, 23 JUN 05 Page 1 1819-2- 100MPH.ecw Calculations Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined I 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0 00 ft Beam Design OK 2.0 k 58 k Left 1.83 k Right 1 83 k Camber Left 0 000 in Center 0 024 in Right 0 000in Max 1.83 k Max 1 83 k bead Load Total Load 0 000 in 0 000 in 0.0 0 0 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 za SAL21.05412E 4 LONG 6 -0' 14(, PeaC 2A" f a A) 2.0' CANTILEVER 9 BARRIER TYP 0 I _J t( 9 111 A P 24' 24' 10' CCNC. PIER 111 C566 POST ANCHOR 31/ PT. 6 6 POST 6 -0' W X 1' SCREENED FON VENTS 29 REOT3 LjJ f L BAllatiCEAS 4' CCNC SLAB C94 4' CCAIP FILL TYP SLOPE FT TOWARD DOORS 4, -3' RD. 20.0' FOUNDATION FRAMING PLAN BLOCK OUT FOR MECkULORK AA* CASCADE Residential Design, Inc. )__d_t)L, V I r \al_ tesT )LL -4 ..1, o, li 1 1 i 1 1 Oci 44 0 1,±E4-4 1 I 1 1 1 i Job Name Location t4 46 I V2.. 1 :Z b G) L 2toe+ Technical Representative PL.4.1. tq /2 „4:1 eWT kio FLA t\1 4 Nie, k-F Job Number Sheet k-kk By i C2 coat.; `.ia St Tacoma, 253.284.3170 2.51 S A. email: .zascade(1)1> net.:onc fl 1 .1-- j-- 1 of Date A t 1 t 61— g4;.,4 mbe r'' Bu 137 91 TJ- Beam(TM) 6.10 Senal Nu 9 1/2' TJ I®110 16 o/c Number' 7003013791 AM Pagel EngmeVerso :1 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN LOADS. Analysis is for a Joist Member Primary Load Group Residential Living Areas (psf): 40.0 Live at 100 duration, 12.0 Dead SUPPORTS. 1 Stud wall 2 Stud wall Input Width 3.50' 3.50' See TJ SPECIFIER'S Shear (Ibs) Vertical Reaction (Ibs) Moment (Ft -Lbs) Live Load Defl (in) Total Load Defl (in) TJPro Bearing Length 2.25' 2.25' DESIGN CONTROLS. Maximum 436 436 1372 CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED El Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Live/Dead/Uplift/Total 347/104/0/451 347 /104/0/451 BUILDERS GUIDE for detail(s): A3: Rim Board Design Control Control -430 1220 Passed (35 436 1018 Passed (43 1372 2380 Passed (58 0 189 0.315 Passed (L/798) 0.246 0.629 Passed (L/614) 40 35 Passed BEAM 11 MAIN FLOOR JOIST 13" Other A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 1 1/4' x 9 1/2' 0.8E TJ- Strand Rim Board® A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 1 1/4' x 9 1/2' 0.8E TJ- Strand Rim Board® Location Rt. end Span 1 under Floor loading Bearing 2 under Floor loading MID Span 1 under Floor loading MID Span 1 under Floor loading MID Span 1 under Floor loading Span 1 Product Diagram is Conceptual. Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL:L/480 TL:L /240). Deflection analysis is based on composite action with single layer of 19/32' Panels (20' Span Rating) GLUED NAILED wood decking. Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 2' 8' o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability TJ Pro RATING SYSTEM The TJ -Pro Rating System value provides additional floor performance information and is based on a GLUED NAILED 19/32' Panels (20' Span Rating) decking. The controlling span is supported by walls. Additional considerations for this rating include. Ceiling None. A structural analysis of the deck has not been performed by the program. Comparison Value: 1.22 ADDITIONAL NOTES. JMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus Joist (TJ). TJ warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with TJ product design criteria and code accepted design values. The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJ technical representative for product availability THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code UBC analyzing the TJ Distribution product listed above. PROJECT INFORMATION. PLAN 1819/2 Copyright E 2003 by Trus Joist a Weyerhaeu er Busine TTI` and TJ Beam° are registered trademarks of Trus Joist I Joist' Pro' and TJ Pro are trademarks of Trus Joist OPERATOR INFORMATION: TRUC NGUYEN Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th Street Tacoma, WA 98402 Phone (253) 284-3170 Fax (253) 284 -3183 tnguyen @cascaderd.com Description General Information Summary Deflections Section Name Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Center Span. Deflection Location .Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 Center Left Right BEAM #11 -MAIN FLOOR JOIST 2x10 1 500 in 9.250 in Sawn Loads 1 000 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf LFuII Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Span= 13.00ft. Beam Width 1.500in x Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 842.98 psi Fb 935 00 psi Dead Load -0 096 in 6.500 ft 1 632.0 D.L. Defi 0 143 in 0.000 in 0 000 in 16 00 /ft /ft /ft Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Hem Fir No.2 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E Total Load -0 355 in 6.500 ft 438 93 ;ma._ LL LL LL Title Dsgnr• Description Scope Rev 580003 User KW-0605873 ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec 2003 General Timber Beam fCM983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined .t .r 13.00 ft .Lu 0 00 ft ft Lu 0 00 ft ft Lu 0 00 ft 850 0 psi 1500psi 405.0 psi 1 300 0 ksi tl 52.00 #/ft /ft #/ft Depth 9.25in. Ends are Pin -Pin 0 902 1 1.5 k -ft Maximum Shear *1 5 1 7 k -ft Allowable 1.50 k -ft at 6.500 ft Shear 0 00 k -ft at 0 000 ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 1 67 Reactions. fv 44.39 psi Left DL 0 12 k Fv 150 00 psi Right DL 0 12 k Left Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection Length /Deft Job Date 4 40PM, 23 JUN 05 Page 1 1819- 2- 100MPH.ecw:Cal culations Beam Design OK 06 k 2.1 k Left 0 46 k Right 0 46 k Camber Left 0 000 in Center 0 143 in Right 0 000 in Max 0 46 k Max 0 46 k bead Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 Total Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 Rev 580003 User KW- 0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec 2003 (01983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description BEAM #12 -NONE BEARING WALL ABOVE General Information Section Name 4x10 Beam Width 3.500 in Beam Depth 9.250 in Member Type Sawn Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor 1 000 Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Wood Density 32.500pcf Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Summary ,d.. Span= 8.00ft, Beam Width 3 500in x Depth 9.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.846 1 Maximum Moment 3 8 k -ft Allowable 4.5 k -ft Max. Positive Moment 3 80 k -ft at 4 000 ft Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k -ft at 8.000 ft Max Left Support Max Right Support 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 4 49 Max. M allow fb 914.21 psi fv Fb 1 080 00 psi Fv LDeflections Center Span. Dead Load Deflection -0 029 in .Location 4 000 ft Length /Defl 3,336 7 Camber using 1.5 D.L. Defl Center 0.043 in Left 0 000 in Right 7 0 000 in General Timber Beam 71 17 psi 180 00 psi Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined w Center Span 8.00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow 900.0 psi Fv Allow 180 0 psi Fc Allow 625 0 psi E 1 600.0 ksi 108.00 /ft LL /ft LL /ft LL Total Load -0 119 in 4 000 ft 809.46 Reactions. Left DL Right DL Title Dsgnr• Description Scope 360 00 /ft #/ft /ft Maximum Shear *1 5 Allowable Shear Left Right Camber Left Center Right 0 46 k 0 46 k Left Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Lu .Lu .Lu Max Max Job Date: 4 40PM. 23 JUN 05 Dead Load 0 000 in 00 0.000 in 00 Page 1 1 ^19- 2-100MPH.ecw:Calculations 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0 00 ft Beam Design OK 2.3 k 58 k 1.90 k 1.90 k 0 000 in 0 043 in 0 000 in 1 90 k 1.90 k Total Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 Rev 580003 User KW- 0605873 ver 5.8.0 1 -Dec 2003 General Timber Beam Ic11983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description BEAM #13 WITH BEARING WALL ABOVE General Information Section Name 4x10 Beam Width 3.500 in Beam Depth 9.250 in Member Type Sawn Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor 1 000 Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Wood Density 32.500 pcf LFull Length Uniform Loads ;tom Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Summary Span= 3.50ft, Beam Width 3 500in x Depth 9.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 443 74 psi Fb 1 080 00 psi Deflections Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 Center Left Right Dead Load -0 003 in 1 750 ft 13 305.5 D.L. Defi 0 005 in 0.000 in 0 000 in 338.00 #/ft /ft #/ft 0.411 1 1.8 k -ft 4 5 k -ft 1 85 k -ft at 1 750 ft 0 00 k -ft at 0 000 ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 4 49 fv 54 73 psi Fv 180 00 psi LL LL LL Reactions. Left DL Right DL Title Dsgnr Description Scope Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 3.50 ft ft ft 900 0 psi 180 0 psi 625.0 psi 1 600.0 ksi 860 00 /ft /ft /ft 0.60 k 0 60 k Total Load Left Cantilever -0 011 in Deflection 1 750 ft Length /Defl 3,811 89 Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Lu Lu .Lu Maximum Shear *1 5 Allowable Shear 1 8 k 58 k Left 2.11 k Right 2 11 k Camber Left 0 000 in Center 0 005in Right 0 000 in Max 2.11 k Max 2.11 k Dead Load 0 000 in 00 Job Date: 4 40PM, 23 JUN 05 Page 1 1819 -2 100MPH.ecw:Calculations 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 Beam Design OK Total Load 0 000 in 00 F 575 psi CD 1 CFb 1 CM 1 Ct 1 CL 1 CF 1 E' 1100000 psi F' c F CD CFc F' c 575 psi 6x6 HF #2 Wood Post Properties Kf 1 0.6 for unbraced nailed Axial Load Capacity built up posts 0 75 for bolted) Slenderness Ratio (SL) h 5.5.m Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 Maximum Load For 6x6 HF #2 Wood Post H SL C 0.8 KCE 0.3 KCE' E' FCE FCE 1061 psi SL F' Cp F' 2 1 FCE 1 FCE FCE F'c F'c F'c Kf 2C 2C C Maximum Load For 3 -2x6 HF #2 Built up Wood Post Axial Load Capacity Slenderness Ratio (SL) F' F' 921psi F' 491 psi P max F' A Pmax F' A PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH) psi psf plf psf ft 144 t 5.5 in A• =th A= 30.3in th 3 1= 763in 12 S•= 12 S= 277in h C =085 lb plf ft H 8 083-ft Pmax 14841 lb (Maximum post Capacity) psi psf plf psf ft 144 F 1300•psi CD 1 CFb 1 CM 1 C 1 C 1 CF 1 1 E' 1300000 psi 3 -2x6 HF #2 Built Up Post Properties F c Fe CD CFc F' c 1430 psi Kf 1 (Kf 0.6 for unbraced nailed built up posts 0 75 for bolted) h 5.5-in t• =3 (1.5) in SL C 0 8 KCE 0.3 2 A =t A 24 8 in KCE E' FCE FCE 1254 psi t h 4 SL 1 1 62.4 in 12 2 FCE FCE FCE 12 1 I S• S= 22.7in F' c F' c F c h Cp 2C 2C C Kf Cp =064 Pmax 22791 lb (Maximum post Capacity) 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN lb plf ft H 8 083-ft r Cascade Residential Design, Inc. M 02 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 Maximum Load For 2 -2x6 HF #2 Built up Wood Post Maximum Load For 4x4 HF #2 F 1300 -psi E' 1300000 psi F' c Fc CD CFc Axial Load Capacity Slenderness Ratio (SL) SL h FCE F 1300•psi CD 1 CFb 1 CM 1 Ct 1 CL 1 CF 1 1 E' 1300000 psi 2 2x6 HF #2 Built Up Post Properties F' c F CD CF F' c 1430 psi Axial Load Capacity Slenderness Ratio (SL) H SL h FCE 1'CE-E' SL KCE'E' SL C =08 C• =08 2 FCE FCE FCE S 11 S 15 1 in 1+ 1+ h F'c F'c F' Cp 2 C -N, 2 C C Kf C 0 64 F' Cp F c F' 921 psi CD I KCE 0.3 FCE 1254 psi KCE 0.3 CFb F' c 1495 psi FCE 508 psi F' Cp F c F' 466 psi PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH Pmax P A psf psi plf psf ft lb plf ft H 8 083 -ft 144 1.5 CM 1 C 1 CL 1 CF 1 15 Ci 0 85 4x4 HF #2 Wood Post Properties K 1 h 5.5 in t (2) 1.5•in A• t h 1 h 3.5-in t 3.5 in Kf 1 (Kf 0 6 for unbraced nailed built up posts 0 75 for bolted) th 3 1.= 1= 12.5m 12 psf psi plf psf ft lb plf ft H 8 083•ft 144 12 2 FCE FCE FCE S 1 S 7 1 in 1 1 h F' c F' c F c Cp 2C 2C C kt Cp =0.31 A= 16.5 in 1= 416in Pmax 15194 lb (Maximum post Capacity) A t h A 12.3 in (Kf 0 6 for unbraced nailed built up posts 0 75 for bolted) Pma., F'c A Pmax 5704 lb (Maximum post Capacity) 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN y F' Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 Axial Load Capacity Slenderness Ratio (SL) SL C• =08 h KCE E FCE SL F' c 1430 psi KCE 0.3 FCE 508 psi F' Cp F c F' 463 psi Pmax F' A Maximum Load For 2 -2x4 HF #2 Built up Wood Post Axial Load Capacity Slenderness Ratio (SL) SL• H C =08 KCE• =0.3 KCE F FCE C SL FCE 508 psi 7 2 FCE FCE r CE 1+ 1+ FCE F'c F'c Kf 2C 2C C F' 463 psi Pmax Pc A PROJECT PIan.1819/2 (100 MPH) Maximum Load For 3 -2x4 HF #2 Built up Wood Post psf 44 plf psf ft lb plf ft H 8 083 ft F 1300•psi CD 1 CFb 1 CM 1 Ct 1 CL 1 CF 1 1 E' 1300000 psi 3 2x4 HF #2 Built Up Post Properties F' c Fc CD CFc Kf 1 (K f 0.6 for unbraced nailed built up posts 0 75 for bolted) h 3.5 in t•= 31.5 in A =th A= 158in th 3 I•= I= 161in 12 12 3 FCE FCE F CE S S 9.2 in 1 1 h F'c F'c F'c Cp 2 C 2 C C Kt C 0.32 Pmax 7298 lb (Maximum post Capacity) psf p s i plf psf ft 144 F 1300-psi CD 1 CFb 1 CM 1 Ct l CL 1 CF 1 F 1300000 psi 2 2x4 HF #2 Built Up Post Properties F' c Fc CD CFc F' c 1430 psi Kf 1 (K f 0 6 for unbraced nailed built up posts 0 75 for bolted) h 3.5 in t (2) 1.5-in A =t A= 10.5in 3 1 t h 1= 107in 12 S•= 2 S =61in h C 0. Pmax 4865 lb (Maximum post Capacity) 1819- 2A,100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer TRUC NGUYEN lb plf ft H 8 083-ft The City of Port Angeles Building inspections Dept. Upon reviewing the single- famil3 residential plans submitted for permit, the following are some of the items that will need to be taken in to consideration. 1 Foundation Footing The minimum size of a footing in Seismic zone D2 are as follows. (1 Story 12" W/ 6" min. thick) (2 story 15" W/ 7" nun. thick) (3 story 23" W/ 8" nun. thick) (Load bearing value of soil 1,500 (psf). With 2 4 bars horizontal continuous 3" off the bottom of footing. The minimum specified compressive strength of concrete in basement walls, foundation walls, exterior walls and other vertical concrete work exposed to weather in moderate weathering table R402.2 of the IRC is 30001bs with a min. of 5% air entrained, but not more that 7% Foundations in seismic categories D2 that exceed 50' -0" in either direction are required to have a continuous footing per section R403.1.2 including support of an interior braced wall line. Locating and marking the property boundary is required for a footing inspection. Tables in chapter 4 of the IRC. Will be applied for soils that are heavy in moisture (hydraulic) in nature or foundation wall over 5' -0" in height. Verify site conditions and unbalanced back fill at time of application. Foundations Drains are required as per section R 405.1 (see exception for soil classification) 2- Foundation walls Vertical steel in foundation walls as of July 1 2004 Vertical bar reqd to be 3 #4 bar with a hook and tied to the footing steel in place at 4' -0" 0 C. at footing inspection. One #4 bar horizontal within the top 12 "of the wall. anchor bolt with a 3" x 3" x 1 steel washer is required at 6' -0 "OC for a 1 story and 4' -0 "OC for a 2 story, along and within 12" of each end the pressure treated sill plate. Crawl space ventilation is required at (1') s.f. of vent per (150') s.f. of area per sec. R408.2. 2003 IRC. 6 mill black poly is required in crawl space as a below grade moisture barrier per section R406.3.2 2003 IRC. Finish grade shall be a 6" slope away from foundation within 10' -0" of the foundation wall measured horizontally as per sec. R406.3 2003 IRC. 3- Framing. All connections from a pier to a post and beam are required to have positive connection per code. In addition any connectors/ fasteners in contact with treaded wood are req'd to be hot dipped zinc /galv (See manufacture details.) All floor joist are required to be blocked with 2x material at the beam support. 7/16" OSB sheathing is required to be nailed to pressure treated sill plate and bottom plate or sole plate of wall. (or other approved hold down s). Attic ventilation is required at (1') s.f. of vent per (150') s.f. Of area with an allowable 50% of ventilation can be located in the upper portion of the ridge if applicable per 2003 IRC. Truss design and calculations are required upon submitting an application, lateral connections are required to end walls where truss rafters are perpendicular to end walls. A truss /rafter tie shall be required to prevent uplift per code. 4- Braced Wall Lines. In Seismic category D2 exterior and interior braced wall lines cannot exceed 25' -0" Wall bracing must start within 8' -0" of a transverse wall or a designed collector Standard wall bracing methods are required as per section R602.10.3 of the 2003 IRC. If the wall bracing methods cannot be met, then refer to "Alternate Braced wall panel" Section 602.10.6 of the 2003 IRC. If any of the aforementioned methods cannot be met, engineering design will be required for the "SHEAR WALL" design. Section R602.10.9 for interior braced wall line support for 1 and 2 story buildings require a continuous footing supporting a braced wall Iine, interior and exterior not to exceed 50' -0 "intervals. 5- Egress. Rooms used for sleeping are required to have one window with 5.7'S.F of openable space and a sill height of not more the 44 above finished floor for emergency escape per 2003 IRC. 6- Energy and Air Quality Insulation, Heating, Air conditioning, Lighting, Windows and Appliances to meet 2003 WSEC VIAQ New single family structures are required to have a whole house exhaust fan with a 24hr timer per table 3 -1, 3-2, 3 -3 of the 2003 VIAQ Mechanical fresh air intake (FAT) is required to have a 24 hr timer or windows in all bedrooms and living, dining area may have intake ports for fresh air per 2003 VIAQ if zone heat is applicable. 7- Dry Wall. (Gypsum wall board) 5/8" type "X" sheets rock is required in the accessible usable space under stairs and on ceiling of a garage only if a habitable area is located above the garage. The rating of the sheet rock nail pattern must be visible to the inspector Nail pattern for all sheet rock 'A" and 5 /8" to be 8" on center and 12" OC if drywall screws are used. Per table 702.3.5 of the 2003 IRC. Interior braced wall panels are to be inspected prior to tape, bed and texture. Moisture resistant wallboard is required around w /c. A cementuous backer board is required for tiled areas at tub and showers. Vapor barrier is required. A perm rated paint may be substituted for a poly vapor barrier on the warm in winter side. 8- Plumbing. Water heaters are required to have two approved seismic straps in the upper and lower 1 /3` of the tank per UPC. T &P valve to be 3/4" I.D and directed to the exterior and turned 90 degree downward not less that 6" 12" above finish grade. Water heater s are required to have a 26 ga. Pan of other approved drain pan with a' drain line from pan to exterior Impact protection for w/h and mechanical equip are required to resist 6,000Ibs impact if located in the garage area. All DWV are req'd. to be tested under water pressure per 2003 UPC or air test (consult manufacture recommendations for air test) Min. test pressure in Residential LPG is 30 lbs. 9- Smoke detectors. shall be located in each sleeping room and in the hall leading to each sleeping area. One smoke detector is required at the top of each stairs, and at least one smoke detector is required on every floor level. Smoke detectors must be within 6" to 12 "from the ceiling if mounted on wall. Smoke detector shall not be less than 36" from any air return. Power supply for smoke detectors shall be from the main house supply that is not switched and required to be battery back up. Smoke detectors to be inter- connected so that if one smoke detector alarm will start a chain reaction to all other smoke detectors as per code. 10- Maximum building height allowable is 30' -0" based on an average grade plain per 2003 IRC. Property pins shall be located and marked for a footing inspection to verify zoning set back requirements. 11 Safety glazed tempered glass required within 24" of any doorway edge, along with other requirements as per 2003 IRC. 12- All water, sewer, gas, electrical, drywells, downspouts and footing drains are required to be inspected before cover This letter is not intended to cover all items required by the City of Port Angeles, but is to serve as a guide to help you understand frequently asked questions, "ALL WORK IS SUBJECT TO MELD APPROVAL" 4/05.