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1714 E 1st St Technical - Building
TEC .HN .ICAL Permit # S - Address /7 14 j s+ Project description c cu I&A S A-v6 de9L ev sip Si�vvs Date the permit was finaled 2AZ /0�j Number of technical pages �a Qapc�r�� G�goc�c�c��o��9 Or�c�o • . • CONSULTING ENGINEERS/.CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL DESIGN yr CALCULATIONS E. OF 'ciT\'QF•PORTAlylb`LES—Cahstrubtion Pfans The Issuance of this permit based upon these plans,specifi. cations and other data.shall not prevent the:building official from thereafter requiring the correction,of errors in said plrns specifications and other.data, or from.preventing RUDDELL AUTO•MALL building operations being carried'on thereunder when in SIGN FOUNDATION violation of all codes and ordinances of this jurisdiction. 110 Golf Course Road tlPProval Date _ gY Port,Angeles,WA..98362 FOR .pCsoie✓ , ,,� e S c 'NATIONAL SIGN CORPORATION 1255 Westlake Avenue Norther r Seattle,,WA 98109 v -REI Job No.08044 '_ tiS o$ April 2008 1519 West Valley Highway North/Suite 101 Post Office Box 836/Auburn WA 98071 253-833-77.7.6 Fax 253-939-2168 I�(���''('n�''(`''�'"' �uac �q D� � ��+-R���,� MAS s���Uto�>,� CONSULTING ENGINEER&CML AND STR U R1RAL SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY p DATE 1519 West Valley Highway Nodh/Suite 101/Auburn,WA 98001 Post Office Box 836/Aubum,WA 98071 CHECKED BY DATE 253-833-7T76 Fax 253-939-2168 SCALE - AgB�`On� 1 Ica,—(v It ! f u rI lo ii II t � tt tt It t � �s co i Awm- : 1 6 1YP � i nP ._ — �� . i '- _ � �� � ( ' •� ��� THIS SIGN FOUNDATION ANALYSIS IS cLp- BASED ON SOIL LATER.°ii.BEARING PRESSURES TAKEN FROM TABLE 18042 !/ OF THE 2006 IBC AND SOIL TYPES BASED ON THE CLA LAM COUNTY SOIL SURVEY IF SITE CONDITIONS DIFFER FROM THESE ASSUMPTIONS,TEE ENGINEER MUST BE NOTIFIED SO THAT THE ANALYSIS MAY BE UPDATED TO /L J f �_ 3RC�.R_ MEET ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS. ill!✓ / � 1 l!'�lf'� � _ RUPERT ENGINEERING,RIC. Job Na 08044 1519 West Vater►Highway North,Aub urn,WA 98M 417=08 PROJECT NAME: RUDDELL AUTO MALL siGN FouNDAnoN 110 Goff Course Road,Port Angeles,WA 98362 SCOPE OF WORK Dcternmre the calwm and fooft requirernerits for the sign sultpd to static wind loading per the 2005 International BmWi ng Code and ASCE 7415. AO sign material and connections to column by others. DESIGN CRITERIA. Basic Wind Speed: V= 100 MPH ASCE 7-05 FIGURE 6-1 Exposure Category C ASCE 7-05 Section Wind Importance Factor_ Iw= 0.87 ASCE 7-05 TABLE 6-1 Total Height of Sign: 30 FT Nominal Height of Atmospheric BoundM Payer Z8= 900 FT ASCE 7-05 TABLE 6-2 Power Law 6gwrarrt a= 9.5 ASCE 7-05 TABLE 6-2 Exposum Constant z®= 15 FT ASCE 7-05 TABLE 6-2 Tutbrdence FAcMr: C= 02 ASCE 7-05 TABLE 6-2 Integral Length Scale t= 500 FT ASCE 7-0STABLE 6-2 Factor: Integral Lerigth Scale Exponent = 020 ASCE T-05 TABLE 6-2 Mean Hourly Wind Exponent ate= 0.15 ASCE 7-45 TABLE 6-2 Mean Hourly Wmd Factor_ bm= 0.65 ASCE 7-02 TABLE 6-2 Period Caeftiett Ci= 0.02 ASCE 7-05 Table 12.8-2 Period CoeEficient x= 0.75 ASCE 7-05Teble 12.8 2 Appra*nate Fundamental Period: Te= 026 SEC ASCE 7-05 Egn.12.8-7 DESIGN LOADS: Tbp Sign: Height 8.00 FT Width: 18.00 FT Point of Wind goad Applicattn: 26.00 FT Sign Area Ate,= 144.0 Ff? Veleraiv Pressure: qb=4.OI)'1KJCAV% Exposm Coefficient Kh= 0.98 ASCE 7-05 TABLE 6-3,NOTE 2 Ka= 1.0 ASCE 7-05 SECTION 6.5.72&FIGURE 64 Kd= 0.85 ASCE 7-05 TABLE 6-4 (th= 18.6 L&Tq, Gust Factor G=0.925(1 F1.7gnf,Q)1(t+1.7g.(� Intensly of Turbulence: 9.= 0221 go= 3.40 ASCE 7-05 Secifu n a,= 3.40 ASCE 7-05 Section Equivalent heWd of stncchue: 18.0 ASCE 7-05 Section Background REQ Q= 0" Lr�= 442.9 Rigid Gust Factor_ G= 0-889 Clearance Ratio: HeightsulHeight w= 0257 ASCE 7-05 Figure 6-20 Aspect Ratio: Wd#Vj{ergtd.,„= 2250 ASCE 7-05 Frgwe 6-20 Net Force Coefficient Cr= 1.8 ASCE 7-05 Figure 6-20 Design Wind Force F=ghGCrAr= 4284.1 LB Overfiuning lltlument 11+1387 LB-FT ASCE 7-05 Figure 6-20 RUPERT ENGINEERIAIGt 84C. Job Na O814 1519 West Valley Highway North,Aubum,WA 98001 417r2M Bottom Sign: Height 6 FT Width: 13.67 FT Point of Wind Load Application: 17.5 FT Height of Top of Sign Above Grade: 20.5 FT Aim= 82.02 FT' Velocity Pressure: q„=0.00256K,&K^ Exposure Coefficient Kh= 0.907 ASCE 7-05 TABLE 6-3,NOTE 2 KA= f ASCE 7-05 SECTION 6.5.72 8 FIGURE 6-4 Kd= 0.85 ASCE 7-05 TABLE 6-4 C&= 172 LBIM Gust Factor: G=0.925(1+1.7gofZQQj1(1+1-7g W Intensity of Tures- = 0.228 go= 340 ASCE 7-05 Section &= 3.40 ASCE 7-05 Section Equivalent height of structure: Z—= 15 ASCE 7-05 Section Background Response: Q= 0.941 L=.= 4271 Rigid Gast Factor G= 0.894 Clearance Ratio HetghtV jWgfrt,,d= 0.667 ASCE 7-05 Figure 6-20 Aspect Raft W HWghk%„= 2278 ASCE 7-05 Figure 6-20 Net Force Coefficient G= 1.62 ASCE 7-05 Figure 6-20 Design Wird Force: F=q„GC = 2039.1 LB Overturning Moment 35685 LB-FT ASCE 7-W Figure 6.20 Columns. Number of Columns 2 Column Type(TS or Pipe): HSS Section Size: 12"x12"x112" Column/Cladding Width: 18.0 IN Horizontal Projection: 18.0 IN Centroid of Column: 7.25 FT Height of Column Above Grade: 14.5 FT Total of Column Areas: 43.5 FTZ 1: 1= 457 IN' Modulus of Elasticity: E= 29000 KSI Stiffness: k= 1472.56 K'I eNr Velocity Pressure: q6=0A025 Y4Q(.VZ1„ Exposure Coefficient Kb= 0.849 ASCE 7-05 TABLE 63,NOTE 2 Kzj= 1 ASCE 7-05 FIGURE 6-4 Kd= 0.85 ASCE 7-05 TABLE 6-4 q,,= 16.1 LB/FT' Gust Facto G=0.92$(1+1?gQLM(t+1.7g W Intensely of Turbuknce: 1�= 0221 90= 3.40 ASCE 7-05 Section 6..5.8.1 g,= 3.40 ASCE 7-05 Semon Equivalent height of structure: z6= 18 ASCE 7-05 Section Background Rem Q= 0.944 L..= 4429 Rigid Gust Factor_ G= 0.896 Clearance Raba Heightv,llieFght e 1.000 ASCE 7-05 Figure 6-20 Aspect Ratio: Wcdfh.%i,MeigM,w,= 0.103 ASCE 7-05 Figure 6-20 Net Force Coefficient G= 1.70 ASCE 7-05 Figure 6-20 Design Wind Force: F=qGCA= IWAA LB Overturning Moment 8490 LB•Fr ASCE 7-05 Fcgme 6-20 TOTAL OVERTURNING MOMENT- 155552 LB-FT TOTAL WIND FORCE. 7388 LB HEIGHT OF RESULTANT FORCE: 21_06 FT RUPERr ENG94EERtN%INC. Job NCL 08W 1519 Wiest VWW W%hvray North,Aubum,WA 98001 4lTP1008 STEEL COLUMN DESIGN: AISC Section: ASTM A 500,Grade B F,= 46 KSI Second Moment of Area I= 457 IW S= 76.2 IN' Fh=0.66'Fy 4/3= Fb= 40.48 KSI M(lase) 77781 I&FT,each column fs= 1225 KSI < 40.48 KSI OK Deflection atTop S= 2-18 IN Deflection Ratio=Height/ 165 > 150 OK Torsion Design: ASCE 7-02,Figure 6-20,Note 3,Case B Applied Torque= T= 23854 LB-FT Outside Diameter= r,,,,= 4.68 IN Torsion Constant= 3= 728 110 Maoamum Shear Stress= T.= 1.84 KSI < 40.48 KSI OK FOUNDATION DESIGN: Neral Bearing Pressure: 150 PSFIFT IBC TABLE 18042 Constrained Depth of Footing: Cited FooWrrg-Yes or No? CONSTRAINED: cf=4.25"/(S3b)) Combined Footing? No Shape of Footing: Rectangular Length: 4.00 FT Long Dimension Parallel with Sign N/dth: 4.50 FT b= 6.02 FT Allowable Lateral Pressure: St= 489.8 PSF Ss= 1489-5 PSF A=2-34-FI(Sr`b)= A= 293 Nonconstraured Depth of Footing: d= 9.80 FT 40 pi PE M _ 41M 1 zz ?S�t��(z!"' _ �2`�q�C ►�6 ,Z tVIpF-z (r40` tis) 3 2 14210 N2 1 02`= y 53 ; N1 Loads BLC 1 , LATERAL - WIND Results for LC 1 , LATERA-WIND Rupert Engineering Ruddeli Auto Mail Sign Adam Pau! Apr 7 2008 at 2.08 PM 08044 Ruddeli Auto Mail Sign.(2008.04.0' Company Rupert Engineering Apr 7,2008 Designer Adam Paul 2:08 PM Job Number 08044 Ruddell Auto Mail Sign Checked By- Global yGlobal Display Sections for Member Calcs 3 Max:lratertial SeetiorisIbr-Member.Ca€cs. . .:99. Include Shear Deformation Yes Indude W in :.._. Area Load Mesh(in-2) 144 M e-Tolerance.in 2 P-Delta Analysis Tolerance 10.50% Vertical_Axis.. Hot Rolled Steel Code AISC-ASD 9th Cold ForMed.Stee€:Code ;. . ISI 99: NDS Wood Code NDS 91.ASD NDS:Tere rn _. . Concrete Code ACI 1999 Number of Shear Regions 14 R ion cin ;Increment, in Biaxial Column Method Enact In ration Parrhe:Beta Fador PCA=.. :..- -65- ... , - Concrete Stress Block Rectangular Use Cracked:Sections :Yes Bad Framing Warnings No Unused doe Warnings Hot Rolled Steel Section Sets Label ShaDenLcM List Tvoe Material QggIM Rules A rin2l LW rm4lizz fin4l J tn4 HR1 PIPE 8.0 I Tube Column I A500 46 Typical 8.399 E 72.489 72.4891144.978 (—HR2: .. = PIPE.4.0 : . .Tube Column-.I A500-46 T-yp_l 1 3:174 .'I- 7-233. `t. ?:233 V-14.465 - Member Primary Data Label l Joint J Joint K Jomt RoIaWdeol Sectiong3hwe Desion List Tvne Material Desion Rules M1 N1 I I I HSS12X12x8 Pie IColumn A500 46 TvDical M2._.. .: . .. N2._ N3_ PIPE 5:0 .: Pie Column A36 T icaE . Joint Reactions LC Joint Label X Iki Y M Z MI MX -ft MY fk-ffl MZ -ft 1 N1 -2.77 0 1 0 0 0 58.046 Totals: . :0 1 COG(ft): NC NC I NC Joint Coordinates and Temperatures Label Xfffi Yffn Z Tg=18 Detach From Dia h... N1 0 0 a 0 N2 a :21:25 . o _. o:- N3 0 30 1 0 0 Joint Deflections LC Joint Label X 1-1111 Y m Z m X Rotationra YRot@fonW ZRotafionLragQ 1 N1 0 0 0 0 0 0 :1 . .: _.N2.. .. 1-161 0 0 0 0. -7.088e=3 1 N3 2.42 0 0 1 0 0 -1.302e-2 RISA-3D Version 5.0 [\t%..t_IL.1Ruddell Auto Mall Sign_(2008.04.07).National Sign Corporation.r3d) Page 1 Company Rupert Engineering Apr 7,2008 Designer Adam Paul 208 PM Job Number 08044 Ruddeti Auto Mail Sign Checked By- Load Combinations Desubtion Solve PDefta SRSS BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor BLG Factor BLC Factor BLC a r LATERA-tM- IYes 1 1 .75 Member Section Forces LC Mernber Labet Sec Axiaftl vsh@kM Z$IWOM T M -#t z-zMomentfk-ffl 1 Mi 1 0 2.77 1 0 00 58.046 2 0 .. ... 2.371 0 .0'..... . 0 . --29:958. . 3 0 1.607 0 E 0 0 7.631 1 0' 1:607. . 0 . .. .. :.. :.0. 0 7:63.1 2 0 1.607 0 0 0 .602 3 0. . . . 0.... -. 0 0..... ...: 0 -0 ... ..^ 15AMMED �� c�� -� 605 use, (L 7 Z►, 00 RISA-31)Version 5.0 [\t\..IL.X..\Ruddell Auto Mall Sign.(2008.04.07).National Sign Corporation.r3d] Page 2 RuddeN Auto Mail '� k.'- Y � 1 � j j-+•t"�.'M1i Y,,,-,�"�-t 5{+�if±�,'{t,f�� f °, -d ���f"� - �� '=mss -s � _'� �E��t'�'[ •tr VIM rIA Sod Map-Claltarn County Area,Washington (Ruddell Auto Mall) 47MOO 470170 469750 46M 469890 45MO 47UM 1 w OR M 317E } ..-' .-F,v#� _.q3 +a:s�� _ `ate�-�ev-}Cs��::�«. _s _ FOR- ME' mgo IRIN MA, vr P'- AM, 17197W 4450 469820 4490 4480 470100 470170 a Oz w Fed A 11 m WO BID mo UMA Natural Resources Web soil Survey 2-0 4172008 cormermfon Service National Cooperative Soil Survey page 1 of 3 Ruddell Auto Mail Engineering Propertle"laliam County Area,Washington Report---Engineering Properties Engl'neering properties CW iOM County A.rel#,We hingkon Map unitsymbo)end'eoii IpUBDA:� ture C1as�IfiCation Fragments, P®tGpntage paseln®slave riumffar= l Iquld Plast{�Ity 91mit. Index name epth ex1Jn191ed 'AA9HTQ` >10' 3.10: 4 10 40. 10q Inches inoht In Pct Pct Pot 12—Clallam gravelly sandy loam,0 to 15 percent slopes I U. Clallam 0.10 Gravelly sandy Warn Sm A-1 A-2 0 0.10 70.90 60.75 40-60 15.35 15-25 NP-6 FA�f 10-28 Very gravelly sandy loam, GM,GP- A-1 0 0-15 35-55 2546 16-35 6.26 20-30 NP•b very gravelly loam GM 28-60 Very gravelly sandy loam, GM,GP- A-1 0 0-16 35-55 2646 15-35 6-25 20-30 NP-5 very gravelly loam GM 223–Hoypus gravelly sandy loam,0 to 15 percent slopes Hoypus 0.3 Gravelly sandy loam SM A-1 A-2 0 0 60-80 60.75 30-50 16.30 0-14 NP 3-10 Gravelly sandy loam,very GM,SM A-1 0 0-16 55-e540-56 2540 15.25 0.14 NP gravelly loamy sand, gravelly loamy sand _ �.. . 10.31 Very gravely loamy sand, GP-GM, A-1 0 0-6 35-56 26-45 16-40 5-16 0-14 NP very gravelly fine sand, GM very gravelly sand 31.45 Very gravelly loamy sand, SP SP' A-1 0 0-10 40-60 25-50 16.30 0.16 0-14 NP very gravelly sand, SM, extremely gravelly sand GP, GP-GM 46.60 Gravelly sand,very SM,$P- A-1 0 0-15 50-80 40-70 20.40 5-15 0-14 NP gravelly sand SM, GM, Sw- 5M, GP-GM us D Web Soil Survey 2.0 41712008 Natural Resources Page 3 of 4 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey STRUCTURAL NOTES 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS All materials and construction shall conform to the drawings, these notes, and any specifications for this project. During the construction period, the Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of the construction project, including all excavation procedures. The Contractor shall provide adequate lagging,shoring, bracing,guys and protection of adjacent property, structures,streets, and utilities in accordance with all national, state,and local safety ordinances. All information shown on the drawings relative to existing conditions is given as the best present knowledge, but without guarantee of accuracy When=actual conditions conflict with the drawings they shall be reported to the Engineer so that the proper revisions may be made. Modification of design drag details shall not be made without written approval of the Engineer Provide vertical support and lateral bracing for electrical and mechanical equipment per the applicable code requirements_ DIVISION 1 -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01412 BUILDING CODES Intemational Building Code(IBC)2006 Edition. Washington State Building Code (Washington Administrative Code(WAC) Chapter 51-30) 01415 DESIGN LOADS AND CRITERIA WIND- Basic Wind Spud: 100 mph Exposure: C Importance Factor(Iw): 0.87 FOUNDATION: Soil Passive Pressure: 150 PCF 01455 TESTING AND INSPECTION All special inspection and testing shall comply with IBC Sections 1701, 1703, 1704 and other applicable building code sections and are in addition to the inspections made by the Building Oficial under Section 109 Special inspections are required for the following-work: Earthwork: During excavation, grading, and filling Construction of drilled piles or caissons Concrete: Placement of reinforcing steel,concrete placement and taking of concrete cylinders,where inspection is required by Section 03300 Placement of angor bolts,where noted on plans Installation of adhesive anchors Field Welding: Reinforcing steel Structural and miscellaneous steel Installation of high-strength bolts Speeial°inspec tors-and�tesfing laborstories-shall_be.PROVIDED BY THE--OWNER. The, rt;ontractar shall`eoordmate spec ial:ins ons-ps well as standard buimg inspections with the construction schedule and is responsible for facilitating access to areas to be inspected. Special inspectors and testing laboratories shall be approved by the Building Official, and shall be certified by the Washington.Association of Building Officials_(WABO), if_required.bythe:Building.Official_ The special inspector shall observe the work for conformance with the design drawings and specifications. The special inspector shall furnish inspection reports to the Building Official and the Engineer All discrepancies shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Contractor for correction,and also to the Building Official and the Engineer The special inspector shall submit a final signed report stating whether the inspected work was in conformance with the design drawings and specifications and the applicable provisions of the building code. Special inspections per IBC Section 1703.7 are required unless fabricator is approved per Section 1704.2. DIVISION 2-SITEWORiC 02315 EXCAVATION AND FILL All footings shall bear on undisturbed ground or structural fill and shalt be a minimum of 18 inches below grade unless noted otherwise on the drawings. Foundation excavations shall be examined and approved by the Engineer—or a testing laboratory approved by the owner—and the Building Official prior to the placement of any reinforcing steel or concrete. Material for filling and backfilling shall consist of the excavated material and/or imported borrow and shall be free of organic material, construction debris, cobbles, or other debris. Fill and backfill shall be deposited in layers not to exceed 8 inches thick for heavy equipment and 4"thick for hand operated equipment The fill shall be properly moistened to approximate optimum requirements and thoroughly rolled or compacted with approved equipment in such a manner and extent as th produce a relative compaction of 95%of maximum dry density for optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D 1557 Each lift shall be tested for compliance with compaction requirements by an approved laboratory See Section 014555. Hand tampers shall weigh at least 50 lbs. each and shall have a face area not in excess of 64 square inches. Hand tamper may be operated either manually or mechanically and shall be used only where larger power driven compaction equipment cannot be used. DIVISION 3-CONCRETE 03210 REINFORCING STEEL Concrete reinfoncing steel shall be deformed bars conforming to ASTM A 615, Grade 60 (or A 615M-96a, Grade 420), made from new billets. Reinforcing to be welded shall be Grade 60(Grade 420)with a Carbon Equivalent(CE)of 0.55 or fess, or ASTM A 706(or A 706M-96b). Do not use epoxy-coated nenforcing unless noted. Bars marked with metric sizes as shown below conforming to the metric specifications and grades shown above may be substituted for the bars shown on the drawings. Bar spacing, embedment and lap length, reinforcing cover, bends,and hooks remain the same. Fabrication and placement of reinforcing in concrete shall conform to IBC section 1907 Lap all reinforcing bars at all splices, comers, and intersecting walls per table below (unless noted otherwise): Concrete Strength(PSI) 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 Top Other Top Other Top Other Top Other Top Other #3 (#10) 27 21 22 17 19 15 17 13 15 12 #4(#13) 35 27 29 22 25 19 22 17 20 16 #5 (#16) 44 34 36 28 31 24 28 22 25 20 #6 (#19) 53 41 43 33 37 29 34 26 31 24 97 (#22) 77 59 63 48 55 42 49 38 45 34 #8 (#25) 87 67 72 55 63 48 56 43 55 43 #9 (#29) 98 76 81 62 71 54 63 49 57 44 Use'TOP"reinforcing values for horizontal bars with more than 12"of concrete below them in the casting position. Lap lengths(in inches)are based on normal weight concrete (in PSI) and a minimum 2 db spacing and 1 db cover(per ACI 318-05).The sizes shown (#xx) are the corresponding metric bar sizes. Minimum cover over reinforcement, unless noted otherwise: Concrete placed on earth: 3 inches Concrete exposed to earth or weather 2 inches Other conditions(UNO): 1-112 inches Reinforcing steel welding shag be performed by WABO certified welders and shall conform to IBC Sections 1901.2 and 1903.5.2(AWS Welding Code D1 4-98 with modifications). Reinforcing shall be securely tied in position prior to concrete placenment. Reinforcing shall be supported on chairs or stab bolsters(With distribution plates if required) or concrete dob"res prior to concrete placement. Support spacing shall not exceed 10 feet in each direction. 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE All cast-in-place concrete shall meet the following requirements: Quality of concrete shag be determined by IBC Section 19 Minimum 28 day compressive strength shall be 2,500 PSI unless noted otherwise on the drawings or these notes_ Use 5-112 94 LB sacks per yard of Type I cement with 6.6 gallons of water per sack of cement or submit mix design to the Engineer for review See Section 01330. Slump shag be 4 inches plus or minus 1 inch. Use Type I-A cement Where air entrainment is required. All methods and materials per IBC Chapter 19. Water-reducing admixtures conforming to ASTM C 150 may be incorporated in the concrete design mixes and be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, subject to Engineer's approval. An air-entraining agent conforming to ASTM C 150 shaft be used in all concrete mixes for slabs and other f iatwork to be exposed to weather The amount of entrained air shall be 5%plus or minus 1%by volume. One percent maximum calcium chloride or other water-soluble chloride ion admixtures conforming to ASTM C 12181C may be used in concrete not exposed to the weather or in unreinforc ed concrete. Other types of accelerating admixtures may also be used. Al! admixtures shag conform to ASTM C 618 Type C or F Special inspection and testing is required for all reinforced concrete except for foundation concrete with a designated compressive strength not ming 2500 PSI and nonstructural slabs on grade. For each class of concrete where testing is required,the special inspector shag take not less than one set of three cylinders for each day of concrete placement;or for each pour, or not less than one set for each 150 cubic yards of concrete, or not less than one set for each 5,000 square feet of surface area for slabs or walls. Anchor bolts, dowels, and other embedded items shall be securely tied in position prior to concrete placement. Do not add water at site. Maximum drop during placement is three feet. Consolidate concrete with a mechanical vibrator as required_ All exposed surfaces shall receive a steel trowel finish unless noted otherwise. Do not dust surfaces with dry cement to remove water Concrete shall be maintained in a moist condition for a minimum of five days after placement or sealed with a curing compound applied in two coats at right angles. Follow manufacturer's application instructions and do not exceed recommended coverage. Keyed construction joints shall be used in all cases except slabs on grade_All construction joints shall be thoroughly cleaned and all laitance shall be removed. All vertical joints shall be thoroughly wetted and slushed with a coat of neat cement immediately before placing new concrete. Pipes other than electrical conduits shall not be embedded in structural concrete except where specifically approved. Do not embed aluminum conduits and sleeves in concrete. 03605 NON-SHRINK GROUT Non-shrink grout shall have a minimum compressive strength of 5,000 PSI. Use non- metallic type in exposed conditions. install per manufacturer's recommended procedure. DIVISION 5-METALS 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL Materials, fabrication and erection of structural steel shall conform to IBC Chapter 22 and the AISC 360-05 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings. Paint all structural steel exposed to weather unless noted otherwise on drawings. Material specifications, unless noted otherwise: Structural shapes: ASTM A 36 Bars and plates: ASTM A 36 Pipe: ASTM A 500, Grade B, Standard Weight Structural tubing/HSS: ASTM A 500, Grade B Bolts: ASTM A 307 High-Strength Bolts: ASTM A 325,where noted Nuts: ASTM A 563 Washers: ASTM F 436 Filler metal: E70XX Substitution of other materials requires approval of the Engineer Galvanizing of structural shapes and fabricated parts shall be done in accordance with ASTM A 123, after fabrication. Galvanizing of threaded parts, bolts, nuts, and washers shall be done in accordance with ASTM A 153. Welding shall be performed only by WABO certified welders and shall conform to AWS D1 1 and AISC specifications_ E7UT-4 weld material is not pemtfited. Minimum fillet weld size shall be 3/16"unless noted otherwise. Field welds shall have special inspection per IBC section 1704.3.1 Reinforcing steel welding to structural steel shall conform to IBC Standard 19-1 (AWS Welding Code D1 4-98 with modifications). Provide 3/4"diameter air relief holes @ 12"OC each way in the horizontal surfaces of Ak- all embedded bearing pubes and angles over 6"in width,when they are above the 40 bottom of the concrete member in the casting position. TECHNICAL _e �naleA 02 -,2-09 'es�� b�tld �n9 � -�or Pam'"'°bile sales 5� PG9es Aft Wudlta 47MI HEATING & COOLING, INC. 302 Kemp Street Port Angeles, WA. 98362 360-452-9813 Fax 360-452-5177 Ruddell Hyundai■ HVAC Equipment Spec ■ 4101 - 1,51( ook Ll e S- S- RECEIVED KFEB 2008 1 A CITY OF PORT ANGELES I Z ���� BUILDING DIVISION l Table of Contents Section 1 Heat Pump Section 2 Air Handler Section 3 Thermostat Section 4 Economizer ComfortTM 13 Series Heat Pump with . o Refrigerant 1-1/2 To 5 Nominal Tons (Sizes 18 To .0 Turn to the Experts. Product Data INDUSTRY LEADING ' ` . FEATURES / BENEFITS Efficiency 4 ''' ' • 13 SEER/10.1 10.8 EER/7 7 8.3 HSPF(Nominal) _, • Microtube Technology- refrigeration system �fe *-x ws;' �' "_; -' • Indoor air quality accessories available AN Sound • Sound level as low as 74 dBA tT Comfort } � � � � • System supports Thermidistat' or standard thermostat .' ����� 1 controls Reliability j, a • Puron® refrigerant - environmentally sound, won't deplete the ozone layer and low lifetime service cost. • Front-seating service valves V ..,.�..a.,,�<- K • Scroll compressor • Internal pressure relief valve Piron- • Internal thermal overload `^.F • High pressure switch • Loss of charge switch • Filter drier Carrier's heat pumps with Puron°refrigerant provide a collection • Balanced refrigeration system for maximum reliability of features unmatched by any other family of equipment. The Durability 25HCA3 has been designed utilizing Carrier's Puron refrigerant. WeatherArmor- protection package. The environmentally sound refrigerant allows consumers to make a responsible decision in the protection of the earth's ozone layer. • Solid,durable sheet metal construction As an Energy Star® Partner, Carrier Corporation has determined • Steel louver coil guard that this product meets the Energy Star© guidelines for energy • Ceramic coated cabinet screws efficiency Refer to the combination ratings in the Product Data • for system combinations that meet Energy Star®guidelines. Baked-on,complete coverage, powder paint Applications • Longline - up to 250 ft. total equivalent length, up to 200 ft. condenser above evaporator, or up to 80 ft. evaporator above condenser (See Longline Guide for more information.) • Low ambient(down to-20 F)with accessory kit Warranty Single-Phase • 10 year limited compressor warranty • 5 year limited parts warranty Three-Phase • 5 year limited compressor warranty 0 1 year limited parts warranty MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATURE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 N N A A AIN N N N AIN AN A/N N N 2 5 H C A 3 3 6 A 0 0 3 1 Product Product Tier Major SEER Cooling Variations Open Open Voltage Minor Series Family Series Capacity Series 3=208/230-1 25=HP H=RES HP C=Comfort A=Puron 3=13 SEER A=Standard O=Not O=Not 5=208/230-3 0,1 2 Defined Defined 6=460-3 Iso soot:z000 /.... .... .. . PuronQM1 c o L us the nmentallya ndrefigera REGISTERED ARI SlandaM 210&40 Unitary Hen Pampa This product has been designed and manufactured to meet Energy Star®cdtena for energy efficiency when matched with appropriate coil components. However,proper refrigerant charge and proper air flow are critical to achieve rated capacity and efficiency. Installation of this product should follow all manufacturing refrigerant charging and air flow instructions. Failure to confirm proper charge and air flow may reduce energy efficiency and shorten equipment life. STANDARD FEATURES Feature 18 24 30 36 42 48 60 Puron Refrigerant X X X X X X X 13 SEER X X X X X X X Scroll Compressor X X X X X X X Louvered Coil Guard X X X X X X X Field Installed Filter Drier X X X X X X X Front Seating Service Valves X X X X X X X Internal Pressure Relief Valve X X X X X X X Internal Thermal Overload X X X X X X X Long Line capability X X X X X X X Low Ambient capability with Kit X X X X X X X Suction Line Accumulator X X X X X X X High Pressure Switch X X X X X X X Loss of Charge Switch X X X X X X X 2 PHYSICAL DATA UNIT SIZE SERIES 16-31 24-30 1 30-31 1 30-51 36-31,51,61 42-30,50,60 48-30,50,60 60-30,50,60 Operating Weight(lb) 174 183 200 1 226 203 263 283 299 Shipping Weight(lb) 201 210 229 1 258 241 295 313 331 Compressor Type Scroll Refrigerant Puron®(R-410A) Control TXV(Puron Hard Shutoff) Charge(lb) 6.4 5.9 8.2 1 7.6 1 74 1 8.4 11 75 12.35 Cond Fan Propeller Type,Direct Drive Air Discharge Vertical Air Qty(CFM) 2614 2614 2614 2614 3472 3810 4046 4046 Motor HP 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/8 1/5 1/4 1/4 Motor RPM 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 Cond Coil Face Area(Sq ft) 15.09 15.09 21.56 25.87 20.12 25.15 20.12 22.63 Fins per In. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Rows 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Circuits 5 5 5 6 1 6 6 8 8 Valve Connect(In.)ID Vapor 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8 Liquid 3/8 Refrigerant Tubes*(In.)OD Vapor(0-80 Ft Tube 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 Length) Liquid(0-80 Ft Tube 3/8 Length) *For tubing sets between 80 and 200 ft.(24.38 and 60.96 m)horizontal or 20 ft.(6.09 m)vertical differential,consult the Longline Guideline. Note: See unit Installation Instruction for proper installation. VAPOR LINE SIZING AND COOLING CAPACITY LOSS PURON 1-STAGE HEAT PUMP APPLICATIONS LONG LINE APPLICATION An application is considered separation is 200 ft.(60.96 m)when outdoor unit is above indoor 'Long line' when the total equivalent tubing length exceeds 80 unit, and 80 ft. (24.38 m) when the outdoor unit is below the ft. (24.38 m)or when there is more than 20 ft.(6.09 m)vertical indoor unit. Refer to Accessory Usage Guideline below for separation between indoor and outdoor units.These applications required accessories. See Longline Application Guideline for require additional accessories and system modifications for required piping and system modifications.Also,refer to the table reliable system operation. The maximum allowable total below for the acceptable vapor tube diameters based on the total equivalent length is 250 ft. (76.2 m). The maximum vertical length to minimize the cooling capacity loss. Cooling Capacity Loss(%) Acceptable Total Equivalent Line Length ft.(m) Unit Nominal Size vapor Line (Btuh) Diameters Standard Application Long Line Application Requires Accessories (In.)OD 25 50 80 80+ 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 (7.62) (15.24) (24.38) (24.38+) (30.48) (38.10) (45.72) (53.34) (60.96) (68.58) (76.2) 18,000 1/2 1 2 3 ,.. {,m ,n 6s 4 H 1-Stage Puron HP 5/8 0 0 1 'I.:It- .-> 'v ; ;�1, r; 24,000 5/8 0 1 1 i -2fa" 3t M 1-Stage Puron HP 3/4 0 0 0 41- : �).: :' , 1 2,. 30,000 5/8 1 2 3 " (rai_* 1-Stage Puron 3/4 0 0 1l HP 7/8 0 0 0 (t' fls ; �.,, . ;3 . ani; .p " . ^, 36,000 5/8 1 2 4 1-Stage Puron 3/4 0 0 16� HP 7/8 0 0 0 '2.�< 2y M 42,000 3/4 0 1 2 4 4 5. 6 6 1-Stage Puron HP 7/8 0 0 1 1- A. .. �s;.;" 2 2: �2 48,000 3/4 0 1 2 >. s•r, ..:. .f5 51 16 7 I-Stage Puron , HP 7/8 0 0 1 '' t' �. e2. 2. 3 3, 4 60,000 3/4 1 2 4 4;' 5.° 6 T 9 ,;10: 1.1$.. b 12 1-Stage Puron 7/8 0 1 2 2 2`" .3 4' 4 -5 5 fi HP 1-1/8 0 0 0 &>0 1 1° 2 Standard engt =80 24.3 m or less total egwva ent length �I, s"�ii�C1.s�T atea,�alo�i ;i e. o. ea.�r �q!y,.�...,s.,hca „r�eeam, vr� „�n r , PP.�, ,_,n'Gutr' etlr�es• . F•w'. , , ..-.;q rApplications�in3his;area ma'y have:heig�itaestric(�ions•.that,�imit;a�lowa,•eaotal�equiva-en�engYh,:when°outdoor unit is pbefow,indoor unifSee 3 ACCESSORIES 36-31, 36-31, 36-31, 42-30, 42-30, 42-30, 48-30, 48-30, 48-30, 60-30, 60-30, 60-30 ORDER DESCRIPTION 18-31 24-30 30-31 30-31 , NUMBER 51,61 61,81 51,81 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,60 50,60 50,60 50,60 50,60 50,60 KAACH1201AAA CRANKCASE HTR X X S S S S KAACH1301AAA CRANKCASE HTR X S S KAACH1401AAA CRANKCASE HTR X X X X X X KAACH1501AAA CRANKCASE HTR X KAAFT0101AAA FREEZE THERMOSTAT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X KSAHS1701AAA HARD START X X X X X X X (CAP/RELAY) KHAIR0101AAA ISOLATION RELAY X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X KSALA0301410 LOW AMBIENT PSW X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X HC34GE239 MOTOR FANX BALL BEARING HC34GE242 MOTOR FAN X X X BALL BEARING HC38GE228 MOTOR FAN X X BALL BEARING HC40GE228 MOTOR FAN X X X X X X BALL BEARING KSALA0601AAA MOTORMASTER230V X X X X X X X X X X X X KSALA0701AAA MOTORMASTER 460V X X X X KHAOT0201SEC OUTDOOR X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X THERMOSTAT KHAOT0301 FST OUTDOOR X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X THERMOSTAT KHALSO401LLS SOLENOID VALVE X X X X X X X X X X X I X X X X X KHASS0601 AAA* SNOW STAND X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X KAACS0201 PTC START ASSIST PTC X X X X X X X KSASF0101AAA SUPPORT FEET X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X KAATD0101TDR TIME DELAY X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X KSATX0201 PUR TXV PURON HSO X X X X KSATX0301 PUR TXV PURON HSO X X X X X X KSATX0401PUR TXV PURON HSO X X X KSATX0501 PUR TXV PURON HSO X X X x=Accessory S=Standard Sold in 6 pk.quantities Obtain through RCD. ACCESSORY THERMOSTATS THERMOSTAT/SUBBASE PKG. DESCRIPTION Thermidistat' Control—Non–Programmable/Programmable Thermostat with TSTATCCPRH01–B* Humidity Control(For use in Dual Fuel,AC,HP and 2S applications.Includes Out- door Air Temperature Sensor.) TSTATCCPHH01–B* HybridHeat- (Dual Fuel)Thermostat—Auto Changeover,7–Day Programmable, °F/°C,Includes Outdoor Sensor(TSTATXXSEN01–B) TSTATCCPHP01–B Thermostat—Auto Changeover,7–Day Programmable,°F/°C,2–Stage Heat, 1–Stage Cool TSTATCCNHP01–C Thermostat—Auto Changeover,Non–Programmable,°F/°C 2–Stage Heat, 1–Stage Cool TSTATCCSHPOt Standard Programmable Thermostat—Manual Changeover,5-2 Day Program- mable,°F/°C,1–Stage Heat/1–Stage Cool TSTATCCBHP01 –B Builder's Thermostat—Heat Pump,Non–Programmable,°F/°C 2–Stage Heat, 1–Stage Cool,Manual Changeover TSTATXXSEN01–B** Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor TSTATXXNBP01 Backplate for Non–Programmable Thermostat TSTATXXPBP01 Backplate for Programmable Thermostat and Thermidistat' Control TSTATXXSBP01 Backplate for Standard Programmable Thermostat TSTATXXBBP01 Backplate for Builder's Thermostat TSTATXXCNV10t Thermostat Conversion Kit(4 to 5 Wire)—10 Pack TC–PHP-01 I Comfort Series Programmable HP Stat TC–NHP-01 I Comfort Series Non–programmable HP Stat * Do not use in zoning heat pump applications. Outdoor temperature sensor is an accessory for all Carrier electronic thermostats,except the non–programmable air conditioner version and builders thermostats.It allows the temperature at a remote location(outdoors)to be displayed on the thermostat.The outdoor air temperature sensor must be used with the HybridHeat' (dual fuel)thermostat. t Thermostat conversion kit is a 24–vac accessory that can turn a 4–wire thermostat application into a 5–wire application.This kit can also be used to replace a broken thermostat wire,or add an extra wire when needed. The outdoor air temperature sensor is included with the Thermidistat Control and HybridHeat' (dual fuel)thermostat. 4 ACCESSORY USAGE GUIDELINE REQUIRED FOR REQUIRED FOR REQUIRED FOR LOW-AMBIENT COOLING LONG LINE SEA COAST ACCESSORY APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS* APPLICATIONS (Below 55°F/12.8°C) (Over 80 Ft./24.38 m) (Within 2 miles/3.22 km) Accumulator Standard Standard Standard Ball Bearing Fan Motor Yest No No Compressor Start Assist Capacitor and Relay Yest Yes No Crankcase Heater Yest Yes No Evaporator Freeze Thermostat Yest No No Isolation Relay Yest No No Liquid Line Solenoid Valve or Hard Shut-Off Yest See Long-Line Yes TXV Application Guideline Motor MasterO Control or Yest No No Low-ambient Pressure Switch Support Feet Recommended No Recommended * For tubing line sets between 80 and 200 ft.(24.38 and 60.96 m) and/or 20 ft.(6.09 m)vertical differential,refer to Residential Split—System Longline Application Guideline. t Required for Low—Ambient Controller MotorMaster®Control only. Hard Shut—Off TXV is standard on new Carrier evaporator coils and fan coils. Accessory Description and Usage (Listed Alphabetically) 1.Ball-Bearing Fan Motor 6. Isolation Relay A fan motor with ball bearings which permits speed reduction An SPDT relay which switches the low-ambient controller out of while maintaining bearing lubrication. the outdoor fan motor circuit when the heat pump switches to Usage Guideline: heating mode. Required on all units when using MotorMaster® Usage Guideline: 2.Compressor Start Assist-Capacitor and Relay Required in all heat pumps where low ambient kit has Start capacitor and relay gives a 'hard' boost to compressor been added. motor at each start up. 7 Liquid Line Solenoid Valve(LLS) Usage Guideline: An electrically operated shutoff valve which stops and starts Required for reciprocating compressors in the refrigerant liquid flow in response to compressor operation. It is following to be installed at the outdoor unit to control refrigerant off cycle applications: migration in the heating mode. Long line Usage Guideline: Low ambient cooling An LLS is required in all long line heat pump applications to control refrigerant off cycle migration in Hard shut off expansion valve on indoor coil the heating mode.See Long Line Guideline. Liquid line solenoid on indoor coil 8.Low Ambient Pressure Switch Kit Required for single-phase scroll compressors in the A long life pressure switch which is mounted to outdoor unit following applications: service valve. It is designed to cycle the outdoor fan motor in Long line order to maintain head pressure within normal operating limits. Low ambient cooling The control will maintain working head pressure at low-ambient Suggested for all compressors in areas with a history of temperatures down to 0°F when properly installed. low voltage problems. Usage Guideline: 3.Compressor Start Assist—PTC Type A Low-Ambient Pressure Switch or MotorMaster© Solid state electrical device which gives a 'soft' boost to the Low-Ambient Controller must be used when cooling compressor at each start-up. operation is used at outdoor temperatures below 55 F Usage Guideline: (12.8°C). Suggested in installations with marginal power supply 9 MotorMaster®Low-Ambient Controller 4.Crankcase Heater A fan-speed control device activated by a temperature sensor, designed to control condenser fan motor speed in response to the An electric resistance heater which mounts to the base of the saturated, condensing temperature during operation in cooling compressor to keep the lubricant warm during off cycles. mode only For outdoor temperatures down to 20°F( 28.9°C), Improves compressor lubrication on restart and minimizes the it maintains condensing temperature at 100°F±10°F(37.8 C chance of liquid slugging. 6.5°C). Usage Guideline: Usage Guideline: Required in low ambient cooling applications. A MotorMaster® Low Ambient Controller or Required in long line applications. Low-Ambient Pressure Switch must be used when Suggested in all commercial applications. cooling operation is used at outdoor temperatures S.Evaporator Freeze Thermostat below 55°F(12.8 C). An SPST temperature-actuated switch that stops unit operation Suggested for all commercial applications. when evaporator reaches freeze-up conditions. Usage Guideline: Required when low ambient kit has been added. 5 Accessory Description and Usage (Listed Alphabetically) - CONTINUED 10.Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor 14.Sound Hood Designed for use with Carrier Thermostats listed in this Wraparound sound reducing cover for the compressor. Reduces publication. This device enables the thermostat to display the the sound level by about 2 dBA. outdoor temperature. This device also is required to enable Usage Guideline: special thermostat features such as auxiliary heat lock out. Suggested when unit is installed closer than 15 ft. Usage Guideline: (4.577 m)to quiet areas,bedrooms,etc. Suggested for all Carrier thermostats listed in this Suggested when unit is installed between two houses publication. less than 10 ft.(3.05 m) apart. 11.Outdoor Thermostat 15.Thermostatic Expansion Valve(TXV)Bi-Flow An SPDT temperature-actuated switch which turns on A modulating flow-control valve which meters refrigerant liquid supplemental electric heaters when outdoor air temperature drops flow rate into the evaporator in response to the superheat of the below a user-selected set point. refrigerant gas leaving the evaporator. Usage Guideline: Usage Guideline: Electric supplemental heat applications in non variable Accessory required to meet ARI rating and system reliability where indoor not equipped. speed indoor units when electric heat staging is desired. Required in all heat pump applications designed with 12.Secondary Outdoor Thermostat Puron refrigerant. An SPDT temperature-actuated switch which turns on 16.Time-Delay Relay third-stage of supplemental electric heaters when outdoor air An SPST delay relay which briefly continues operation of indoor temperature drops below the second stage set point. blower motor to provide additional cooling after the compressor Usage Guideline: cycles off. Outdoor thermostat applications where electric heater is Note: Most indoor unit controls include this feature. For those that do not,use the guideline below capable of 3-stage operation. Usage Guideline: 13.Snow Stand Accessory required to meet ARI rating,where indoor Coated wire rack which supports unit 18 in. (457.2 mm)above not equipped. mounting pad to allow for drainage from unit base. Usage Guideline: Suggested in the following applications: Heat pump installations in heavy snowfall areas. Heat pump installations in snow drift locations. Heat pump installations in areas of prolonged subfreezing temperatures. All commercial installations. 6 ELECTRICAL DATA MIN MIN MAX MAX MAX UNIT SIZE V/PH OPER VOLTS* COMPR FAN MCA WIRE WIRE LENGTH LENGTH FUSE* SIZEt SIZEt (FT)* (FT)* or BRK MAX MIN LRA RLA FLA 60 C 75 C 60 C____775 C AMPS 18-31 48 9.0 0.75 12 14 14 66 62 20 24-30 58.3 12.8 0.7 16.7 14 14 47 45 25 30-31 77 16.0 0.75 20.8 12 12 60 57 30 36-31 208/230/1 253 197 79 171 0.9 22.3 12 12 56 53 35 42-30 109 19.9 1.2 26 10 10 77 73 40 48-30 117 27.3 1.2 35.4 8 8 88 84 50 60-30 134 26.3 1.2 34.1 8 8 91 87 50 30-51 71 10.8 0.7 14.2 14 14 64 61 20 36-51 73 11.5 0.9 15.3 12 12 94 90 25 42-50 208/230/3 253 197 88 13.5 1.2 18.0 10 10 128 122 30 48-50 83.1 17.2 1.2 22.7 8 10 158 97 35 60-50 1 110 17.0 1.2 22.5 8 10 160 98 35 36-61 38 5.2 0.5 7.0 14 14 260 1 247 10 42-60 46 71 0.5 9.3 14 14 196 186 15 48-60 460/3 506 414 41 7.5 0.6 10.0 14 14 182 173 15 60-60 1 52 7.8 0.6 10.3 14 14 177 168 15 * Permissible limits of the voltage range at which the unit will operate satisfactorily t If wire is applied at ambient greater than 30°C,consult table 310-16 of the NEC(ANSI/NEPA 70) The ampacity of non-metallic-sheathed cable(NM), trade name ROMEX,shall be that of 60°C conditions,per the NEC(ANSI/NEPA 70)Article 336-26.If other than uncoated(no-plated),60 or 75°C insulation,copper wire(solid wire for 10 AWG or smaller,stranded wire for larger than 10 AWG)is used,consult applicable tables of the NEC(ANSI/NFPA 70). t Length shown is as measured 1 way along wire path between unit and service panel for voltage drop not to exceed 2 Time-Delay fuse. FLA - Full Load Amps LRA - Locked Rotor Amps MCA- Minimum Circuit Amps RLA - Rated Load Amps NOTE:Control circuit is 24-V on all units and requires external power source. Copper wire must be used from service disconnect to unit. All motors/compressors contain internal overload protection. Complies with 2001 requirements of ASHRAE Standards 90.1 SOUND POWER STANDARD TYPICAL OCTAVE BAND SPECTRUM(dB,without tone adjustment) UNIT SIZE RATING (dBA) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 18-31 73 58.5 62.5 670 67.5 65.5 62.5 53.5 24-30 72 54.5 63.0 66.5 66.0 64.0 60.5 51.5 30-31 73 570 63.5 68.0 69.0 65.0 61.0 52.5 30-51 72 53.0 60.5 66.0 67.5 64.5 61.5 53.0 36-31 70 54.5 62.0 63.5 64.5 63.0 60.0 51.5 36-51,61 73 57.0 63.5 68.0 69.0 65.0 61.0 52.5 42-30,50,60 73 55.0 60.0 64.0 67.5 61.5 60.0 55.0 42-30,50,60 73 55.0 60.0 64.0 67.5 61.5 60.0 55.0 48-30,50,60 74 57.5 64.5 67.5 69.5 66.5 61 0 53.0 60-30,50,60 74 53.5 63.0 67.5 70.0 63.5 60.0 55.5 CHARGING SUBCOOLING (TXV-TYPE EXPANSION DEVICE) UNIT SIZE-SERIES REQUIRED SUBCOOLING(°F) HEATING PISTON SIZE 18-31 10(5.6) 42 24-30 12(6.7) 46 30-31 12(6.7) 55 30-31,51 11 (6.1) 55 36-31,51,61 10(5.6) 57 42-30,50,60 11 (6.1) 61 48-30,50,60 11 (6.1) 61 60-30,50,60 12(6.7) 76 7 DIMENSIONS ELECTRICAL OPERATING SHFM sHpm UW SERIES CHARACTERISTICSK3116' B C D E F G H J K L M N P WEIGHT WEIGHT DIN�NNSIONS x W x 25HCA318 1 % 0 0 0 28 15/16 3 314 518' 6 9/16' 24 11116' 9 1/8' 1 1/8' 3 13/16' 2 13/16' 112' 14 14 3/4' 14 1741 2D14 32 3/8' X 35 112' X 32 9/16 25HCA324 0 X 0 0 0 28 15/16 3 314 518' 6 9/16 24 11116' 9 1/8' 1 1/8" 3 13/16 2 13/16 1/2' 15 518' 16 3/4' 14 1/2' 1831 2101 32 318" X 35 112" X 32 9/16 25HCA330 0 X 0 X 0 45 15/16 3 314 314 6 9/16 24 11116' 9 1/8' 1 1/8' 3 13/16' 2 13/16' 1/2' 20 114 17 318' 18 314' 226# 258# 32 3/8'X 35 1/2' X 49 9/16 25HCA330 1 X 0 0 0 39 1/8' 3 314 3/4 6 9/16 24 11116' 9 1/8' 1 1/8' 3 13116 2 13/16 1/2' 16 1/2' 15 112' 11 2064 235# 32 318'% 35 112 %42 314' 25RCA336 0 X 0 X X 45 15116 3 314 314 6 9/16 24 11116" 9 118' 1 1/8' 3 13/16' 2 13/16 1/2' 17 14 3/4' 20 318' 2311 2631 32 3/8' X 35 112' X 49 9/16 25HCA336 I X 0 X X 35' 32 5116 3 311 3/4 6 9116 28 7116' 9 1/8' 1 1/8" 3 13/16 1 2 13/16 1/2' 16 1 16 112' 13 112' 2034 2411 36 1/8' X 39 5116 X 35 15/16 25NCA 3/2 0 X 0 X % 35' 39 1/8' 3 118' 7/8' 6 9/16 28 1116 9 118' 1 1/8' 3 13/16 2 15/I6 5/8' 11 114 19 1/8' 15 314' 2631 295# 36 1/8' X 39 5/16' X 42 3/4 25HCA 348 0 X 0 X % 35' 32 5/16 3 ll8' 718' 6 9/16 28 1116 9 118' 1 1/8' 3 13!16 2 15/16 5/B' 19' 19' 1/ 1/2' 2831 313# 36 1/8' % 39 5116' X 35 15/16 25HCA360 0 X 0 X X 35' 39 118' 3 7/8' 7/8' 6 9/16' 28 7/16' 9 1/8' 1 118' 3 13116 2 15/16 5/8' 19' 19' 19' 2993 3311 36 1/8' % 39 5116 % d2 lld O O p tptQ� NOTES. b b 4�X X YES 1 ALLOW 30'CLEARANCE TO SERVICE SIDE OF UNIT, 0 NO 48'ABOVE UNIT, 6'ON ONE SIDE, 12.ON REMAINING SIDE. C-4 A m AND 24' BETWEEN UNITS FOR PROPER AIRFLOW N N 2 MINIMUM OUTDOOR OPERATING AMBIENT IN COOLING NODE IS 55'F MAX. 125'F 3. SERIES DESIGNATION IS THE 13TH POSITION OF THE UNIT MODEL NUMBER 4 CENTER OF GRAVITY A S0. M AIR AlR IN DISCHARGE AIR DISCHARGE G 00 f I 0 FIELD CONT SUPPLY CONN. AIA IN T -� B 07/8' HOLE F FIELD POWER SUPPLY CONN. $17/88 HOLE WITH AIR IN 118 KNOCKOUT o 318' �UT � N LIQUID LINE CONN P C 3 1/2' J E OD VAPOR LINE CONN. L H AIA IN K MNI" 03/8' TIEDOWN KNOCKOUTS UNR SIZE MOUNTING PAD 12) PLACES DBIIFAISIONS 26' X 26' 18-1,24,30,36 31 1/2' X 31 112' 36-1,42,48,60 35' X 35' 25HCA3 BALANCE POINT WORKSHEET 80 23.4 25HCA360A FX4CNB060 70 20.5 z60� 17.6 W25HCA348A _ FX4CNF048 0 25HCA342A Lu 50 FX4CNF042 14.6 25HCA336A WH FX4CNF036 Ca Z 25HCA330A 40 FX 11 117 Y Z Uoo 00000l000e< Q (N a _ V30 25HCA324A 8,8 0 FX4CNF024 W j25HCA318A X4CNF018 5.920 - - - - - - - 2.91p BASED ON INDOOR ENT AIR AT 70°F AND AT RATED CFM p-10 (-23) 0 (17 78) 10 (-12.22) 20 (-6 67) 30 (-1 11) 40 (4 44) 50 (10) 60 (15 56) 70 (21 11) 80 (26 67) OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE, OF (°C) COMBINATION RATINGS ARI Standard Ratings Unit Size- Cooling Cooling Heating Series Indoor Model Capacity Factory Standard SEER High Temp Low Temp Furnace Model Enhance Rating TDR EER EE H H HSPF Capacity COP Capacity COP *FY4ANF018 17,100 TDR&TXV 13.00 10.50 18,000 3.36 10,900 2.24 7.7 FE4ANF002 17,700 TDR&TXV 14.50 12.00 17,200 3.64 10,500 2.48 8.2 FFlENP018 17,100 TDR&TXV 13.00 10.50 18,000 3.38 10,900 2.26 77 FF1ENP024 17,400 TDR&TXV 13.20 10.70 17,900 3.44 10,900 2.28 77 FV4BNF002 17,700 TDR&TXV 14.50 12.00 17,200 3.64 10,500 2.48 8.2 FX4CNF018 17,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 17,600 3.60 10,500 2.38 8.0 FX4CNF024 17,700 TDR&TXV 15.00 12.00 17,400 3.66 10,500 2.42 8.1 FY4ANF024 17,200 TDR&TXV 13.00 10.50 17,900 3.38 11,000 2.26 7.7 tan CAP**1814A* 17,000 TDR&TXV 1 14.50 111.70 1 17,100 13.34 1 10,200 1 2.30 1 77 1 58CV(A,X)070-12 CAP**1814A* 17,000 1 TXV 13.00 110.50 1 18,000 1 3.32 1 10,900 1 2.24 1 77 CAP**2414A* 17,300 1 TDR&TXV 1 14.50 1 111.70 1 17,300 1 3.50 1 10,300 1 2.36 1 7.8 1 58CV(A,X)070-12 CAP**2414A* 17,400 1 TXV 1 1 13.00 110.80 1 18,000 1 3.48 1 11,000 1 2.30 7.7 CAP**2417A 1 17,400 JTDR&TXV 15.00 1 112.00 1 17,200 3.54 w 10,300 2.38 7.8 1 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**2417A* 17,300 1 TDR&TXV 1 14.50 1 111.70 1 17,300 1 3.52 1 10,300 1 2.36 7.9 1 58MVB060-14 CAP**2417A* 17,400 TXV 13.00 10.80 18,000 3.48 11,000 2.30 77 ,..». ... . .... .. . .. «,».. �.,...... A. ... . ,.:u .. .. � is .,. ... ... CNPF*2418A* 17,400 TXV 13.00 10.80 18,000 3.54 11,000 2.30 7.8 018-B CNPH*2417A* 17,300 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 17,200 3.54 10,300 2.38 7.8 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*2417A 17,400 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 17,200 3.58 10,300 2.38 7.9 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*2417A** 17,300 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 17,300 3.56 10,300 2.38 7.9 58MVB040-14 CNPH*2417A* 17,300 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 17,300 3.58 10,300 2.38 7.9 58MVB060-14 CNPH*2417A* 17,400 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 17,300 3.58 10,300 2.38 7.9 58MVB080-14 CNPH*2417A* 17,400 TXV 1 13.00 10.80 18,000 3.54 11,000 2.30 7.8 _ _ ., .., =w.., r u«,ds......ene..e<. .m• _,,.. '?.... ... .,. ,.• , .. _.'L.= ..t...... .. .... .i... ... ne.. a ,. ..<,. .,r. u. ..,t..,rn_..• CNPV*1814A* 17,000 TDR&TXV 1 14.50 Ill70 1 17,100 1 3.48 1 10,300 1 2.34 1 77 1 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPV*1814A* 17,000 1 TXV 1 1 13.00 110.80 1 18,000 1 3.48 1 10,900 2.28 1 77 CNPV*2414A** 17,300 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 17,300 3.54 10,300 2.38 7.8 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPV*2414A** 17,400 TXV 1 13.00 110.80 1 18,000 1 3.54 1 11,000 1 2.30 1 7.8 CNPV*2417A** x 17,400 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 17,200 3.60 10,300 2.38 7.9 5" V(A,X)090-16 CNPV*2417A** 17,300 TDR&TXV 14.50 111.70 17,300 3.56 1 10,300 1 2.38 7.9 1 58MVB060-14 CNPV*2417A** 17,400 TXV 1 13.00 110.80 1 18,000 1 3.54 1 11,000 2.30 7.8 CSPH*2412A** 17,300 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 17,200 3.56 10,300 2.38 7.9 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*2412A** 17,400 TDR&TXV 15.00 12.00 17,200 3.58 10,300 2.38 7.9 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*2412A** 17,300 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 17,300 3.58 10,300 2.38 7.9 58MVB040-14 CSPH*2412A** 17,300 TDR&TXV 15.00 12.00 17,300 3.58 10,300 2.38 7.9 58MVB060-14 CSPH*2412A** 17,300 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 17,300 3.58 10,400 2.38 7.9 58MVB080-14 CSPH*2412A** 17,400 TXV 13.00 10.80 17,800 3.50 11,000 2.32 7.8 *FY4ANF024 22,600 TDR&TXV 13.00 10.5 24,000 3.54 15,000 2.48 8.2 FE4ANF002 23,200 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 23,200 3.78 14,300 2.64 8.5 FE4ANF003 23,400 TDR&TXV 15.00 12.00 23,000 3.76 14,200 2.66 8.5 FF1 ENP024 22,800 TDR&TXV 13.00 10.70 24,000 3.56 15,200 2.46 8.2 FFlENP030 22,800 TDR&TXV 13.00 10.40 24,200 3.56 15,100 2.48 8.0 FV4BNF002 23,200 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 23,200 3.80 14,400 2.66 8.5 FV4BNF003 23,400 TDR&TXV 14.50 12.00 23,000 3.78 14,300 2.66 8.5 FX4CNF024 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 23,800 3.72 14,600 2.60 8.3 FX4CNF030 23,400 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 23,600 3.84 14,600 2.66 8.5 FY4ANF030 23,000 TDR&TXV 13.20 10.60 24,000 3.64 15,100 2.52 8.4 CAP**2414A 22,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.62 14,300 2.58 8.3 58CV(A,X)070-12 024-A CAP**2414A* 22,800 TXV 13.00 110.50 1 24,400 1 3.60 15,100 1 2.50 1 8.3 CAP**2417A* 22,800 TDR&TXV 1 14.50 1 111.70 1 23,400 1 3.66 1 14,300 2.60 1 8.4 1 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**2417A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.50 1 Ill70 1 23,400 1 3.64 14,300 1 2.58 1 8.4 1 58MVB060-14 CAP**2417A** 22,800 TXV 1 13.00 110.50 1 24,400 1 3.60 15,100 1 2.50 8.3 a, . . CAP**3014A** 23,000 TDR&1XV 14.50 1170 23,000 3.64 14,400 2.60 8.4 58CV(A,X)070-12 CAP**3014A** 23,000 1 TXV 1 1 13.00 110.60 1 23,400 3.56 15,200 2.52 8.3 CAP**3017A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 1 23,000 3.68 14,300 2.62 8.5 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP *3017A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 111.70 1 23,000 1 3.68 1 14,300 2.62 8.5 58MVB060-14 CAP**3017A** 23,000 TXV 1 13.00 110.60 1 23,400 1 3.56 1 15,200 2.52 8.3 CNPF*2418A** 22,800 TXV 1 13.00 110.50 1 24,400 1 3.68 1 15,200 1 2.52 1 8.5 See notes on pg.17 10 COMBINATION RATINGS CONTINUED ARI Standard Ratings Unit Size- Cooling Cooling Heating Series Indoor Model Capacity High Temp Low Temp P Y Factory En- Standard SEER EER E E H H HSPF Furnace Model hance Rating TDR Capacity COP Capacity COP CNPH*2417A** 22,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.68 14,400 2.58 8.4 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*2417A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.60 23,400 3.72 14,400 2.62 8.5 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*2417A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.70 14,400 2.60 8.5 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*2417A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.70 14,400 2.60 8.5 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*2417A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.72 14,400 2.60 8.5 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*2417A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 1 23,400 3.70 1 14,400 2.60 8.5 58MVB040-14 CNPH*2417A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.70 14,400 2.60 8.5 58MVB060-14 CNPH*2417A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.70 14,400 2.60 8.5 58MVB0SO-14 CNPH*2417A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.70 14,400 2.60 8.5 58MVB080-20 CNPH*2417A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.72 14,400 2.60 8.5 58MVB100-20 CNPH*2417A** 22,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.66 14,400 2.58 8.4 58MVB120-20 CNPH*2417A** 22,800 TXV 13.00 10.50 24,400 3.68 15,200 1 2.52 8.5 CNPH*3017A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 23,000 3.66 14,300 2.60 8.5 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*3017A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 23,000 3.70 14,300 2.62 8.5 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*3017A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 23,000 3.70 14,400 2.62 8.5 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*3017A** 23,200 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 23,000 3.70 14,400 2.62 8.5 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*3017A** 23,200 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 23,000 3.70 14,300 2.64 8.5 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*3017A** 23,000 1 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 23,000 3.68 14,400 2.62 8.5 58MVB040-14 CNPH*3017A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 23,000 3.68 14,300 2.62 8.5 58MVB060-14 CNPH*3017A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 23,000 3.68 14,400 2.62 8.7 58MVBOBO-14 CNPH*3017A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 23,000 3.68 14,400 2.62 8.5 58MVBOBO-20 CNPH*3017A** 23,200 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 23,000 3.70 14,400 2.62 8.5 58MVB100-20 CNPH*3017A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 23,000 3.66 14,300 2.60 8.5 58MVB120-20 CNPH*3017A** 23,000 TXV 13.00 10.60 23,400 3.56 15,200 2.52 8.3 -CNPV*2414A** 22,600 sTDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.68 14,400 2.58 8.4 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPV*2414A** 22,800 TXV 13.00 10.50 24,400 3.68 M14,400 2.52 6.5 CNPV*2417A**6 •22,800 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.50 23,400 3.72 2.62 8.5 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPV*2417A*' 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.70 2.60 8.5 58MV8060-14 CNPV'2417A** 22,800 TXV 13.00 10.50 24,400 3.68 2.52 8.5 024-A .,, ,w, . - . - ..,. CNPV*3014A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 23,000 3.66 2.60 8.4 58CV(A,X)070-12 PV*3014A** 23,000 TXV 13.00 10.60 23,400 3.56 2.52 8.3 CN 017A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 23,000 1 3.70 14,300 2.62 8.5 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPV*3017A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 23,000 3.68 14,300 2.62 8.5 58MVB060-14 CNPV*3017A** 23,000 TXV 13.00 10.60 23,400 3.56 15,200 2.52 8.3 CSPH*2412A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.50 - 11.60 23,400 3.70 14,400 2.60 8.5 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*2412A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 23,400 3.74 14,400 2.62 8.6 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*2412A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.72 14,500 2.60 8.5 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH*2412A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 23,400 3.74 14,500 2.60 8.6 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*2412A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.50 11 70 23,400 3.74 14,400 2.62 8.6 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*2412A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.72 14,500 2.60 8.5 58MV6040-14 CSPH*2412A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 23,400 3.72 14,400 2.60 8.5 58MVB060-14 CSPH*2412A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.74 14,500 2.60 8.5 58MVBOBO-14 CSPH*2412A`* 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.60 23,400 3.72 14,400 2.60 8.5 58MVBO80-20 CSPH*2412A** 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 23,400 3.74 14,500 2.62 8.6 58MV6100-20 CSPH`2412A`* 22,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 23,400 3.70 14,400 2.58 8.5 58MVB120-20 CSPH*2412A** 22,800 TXV 13.00 10.60 24,200 3.68 15,200 2.54 8.5 CSPH*3012A** rv4 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 11 70 22,800 h 3.64 14,400 _ 2.60 8.4 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*3012A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 22,800 3.68 14,400 2.62 8.5 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*3012A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 22,800 3.68 14,400 2.62 8.5 58CV(A,X)l10-20 CSPH*3012A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 22,800 3.68 14,400 2.62 8.5 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*3012A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 22,800 3.68 14,400 2.62 8.5 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*3012A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 22,800 3.66 14,400 2.60 8.5 58MVB040-14 CSPH*3012A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1 11.70 1 22,800 3.66 14,400 2.60 8.5 58MV8060-14 CSPH*3012A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 22,800 3.66 14,400 2.60 8.5 58MVB080-14 CSPH*3012A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 11 70 22,800 3.66 14,400 2.60 8.5 58MVBOBO-20 CSPH*3012A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 22,800 3.68 14,400 2.62 1 8.5 58MVB100-20 CSPH*3012A** 23,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 22,800 3.64 14,400 2.60 1 8.4 58MVB120-20 CSPH*3012A** 23,000 TXV 13.00 10.60 23,200 3.56 15,200 2.52 8.3 *FY4ANF030 30,000 TDR&TXV 13.00 10.8 30,000 3.46 18,700 2.38 8.0 FE4AN(B,F)O03 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 12.00 29,800 3.56 17,800 2.48 8.2 FE4ANF002 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 1 30,000 3.56 18,000 2.48 8.2 FF1ENP030 29,800 TDR&TXV 13.00 10.80 30,000 3.40 18,600 2.36 77 FF1ENP036 30,000 TDR&TXV 13.00 10.80 30,000 3.48 18,700 2.38 8.0 030-B FV4BN(B,F)003 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 12.00 29,800 3.56 17,800 2.48 8.2 FV48NF002 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.56 18,000 2.48 8.2 FX4CN(B,F)036 30,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 30,000 3.60 18,400 2.46 8.2 FX4CNF030 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.60 18,300 2.46 8.2 FY4ANF036 30,000. TDR&TXV 13.00 10.70 30,000 3.46 18,800 2.38 1 8.0 -gee notes on pg.fT- 11 COMBINATION RATINGS CONTINUED ARI Standard Ratings Unit Size- Cooling Cooling Heating Series Indoor Model Capacity High Temp Low Temp P Y Factory En- Standard SEER EER HSPF Furnace Model hance Rating TDR E E H H Capacity COP Capacity COP r. CAP**3014A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 1 14.00 11.56 30,000 3.44 18,000 2.42 8.0 58CV(A,X)070-12 CAP**3014A** 30,000 TXV 1 13.00 10.80 30,000 3.46 18,800 2.38 8.0 ,... .....?............. ......:'gin,.':�i. .• .... ...._-sws....:._,.._..,.�._�-., a .a. .a.,.-.. .. ...,e.x. .. ,a CAP**3017A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.46 17,800 2.44 8.0 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP*'3017A'* 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.44 17,900 2.42 8.0 58MVB060-14 CAP*'3017A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.44 17,900 2.42 8.0 58UVB060-14 CAP**3017A** 30,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 30,000 3.46 18,800 2.38 8.0 CAP*'3614A** 30,000�* TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 1 3.46 18,000 1 2.42 1 8.0 58CV(A,X)070-12 CAP''3614A** 30,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 1 30,000 1 3.50 18,800 1 2.40 1 8.0 CAP**3617A** 3,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.50 A 17,800 2.46 8.0 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**3617A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.46 17,900 2.44 8.0 58MVB060-14 CA 30,000 TD 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.46 17,900 2.44 B.0 581JV8060-14 CAP**3617A** 30,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 30,000 3.50 18,800 2.40 8.0 CAP'*3621 A'* 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.52 17,900 2.46 8.0 58CV(A,X)110-20 CAP**3621A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.50 17,900 2.46 8.0 58MVB080-14 CAP**3621A*' 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.48 17,900 2.44 8.0 58MVB080-20 CAP**3621A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.50 17,900 2.46 8.0 58MVB100-20 CAP**3621A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.50 17,900 2.46 8.0 58UVB080-14 CAP**3621A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.48 17,900 2.44 8.0 58UVB080-20 CAP**3621A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.50 17,900 2.46 8.0 58UVB100-20 CAP**3621A** 30,000 TXV 13,00 10.80 30,000 3.5018,800 2.40 8.0 CNPF*3618A** 30,000 TXV 1 13.00 10.80 30,000 3.48 18,800 2.38 8.0 CNPH*3017A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.46 18,000 2.42 8.0 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*3017A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.48 17,900 2.44 8.0 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH'3017A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.48 17,900 2.44 8.0 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*3017A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.48 17,900 2.46 8.0 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*3017A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.50 17,900 2.46 8.0 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*3017A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.44 17,900 2.42 8.0 58MVB040-14 CNPH*3017A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.44 17,900 2.42 8.0 58MVB060-14 CNPH'3017A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 1 14.00 1 11.50 1 30,000 3.46 18,000 2.44 8.0 1 58MVB080-14 CNPH*3017A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 1 30,000 3.46 17,900 2.42 8.0 58MVB080-20 CNPH*3017A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.46 17,900 2.44 8.0 58MVB100-20 030-B CNPH*3017A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.46 17,900 2.44 8.0 58MVB120-20 CNPH*3017A** 30,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 30,000 3.48 18,800 2.38 8.0 CNPH*3617A'* 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.46 18,000 2.42 8.0 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*3617A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.48 17,900 2.44 8.0 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*3617A*` 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.48 17,900 2.44 8.0 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*3617A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.48 17,900 2.46 8.0 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*3617A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.50 17,900 2.46 8.0 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*3617A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.44 17,900 2.42 8.0 58MVB040-14 CNPH*3617A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.44 17,900 2.42 8.0 58MVB060-14 CNPH*3617A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.46 18,000 1 2.44 1 8.0 58MVB080-14 CNPH'3617A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.46 17,900 2.42 8.0 58MVB080-20 CNPH*3617A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.46 17,900 2.44 8.0 58MVB100-20 CNPH*3617A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.46 17,900 2.44 8.0 58MVB120-20 CNPH*3617A** 30,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 30,000 3.48 18,800 2.38 8.0 C14PV*3014A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 1 13.50 11.20 30,000 3.44 18,000 2.42 8.0 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPV*3014A** 30,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 30,000 3.48 18,800 2.38 8.0 CNPV*3017A** 30,000 1 TDR&TXV 114.00 1 11.50 1 29,800 1 3.48 17,900 1 2.44 1 8.0 1 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPV'3017A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.44 17,900 2.42 8.0 58MVB060-14 CNPV*3017A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.44 17,900 2.42 8.0 "UVI3 14 CNPV*3017A** 30,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 30,000 3.48 18,800 2.38 8.0 CNPV*3617A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 a 11.50 29,800 X3.48 17,900 2.44 8.0 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPV*3617A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.44 17,900 2.42 8.0 58MVB060-14 CNPV*3617A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.44 17,900 2.42 8.0 58UVB060-14 CNPV*3617A** 30,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 30,000 3.48 18,800 2.38 8.0 CNPV*3621A*' 30,000 TDR&TXV 1400 11.50 29,800 3.48 17,900NT 244 8.0 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPV*3621A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.46 18,000 2.44 8.0 58MVB080-14 CNPV*3621A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.46 17,900 2.44 8.0 58MVB080-20 CNPV*3621A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.46 17,900 2.44 8.0 58MVB100-20 CNPV*3621A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.46 18,000 2.44 8.0 58UVB080-14 CNPV*3621A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.46 17,900 2.44 8.0 58UVB080-20 CNPV*3621 A`* 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.46 17,900 2.44 8.0 58UVB100-20 CNPV*3621A*' 30,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 30,000 3.48 18,800 2.38 8.0 See notes on pg.17 12 COMBINATION RATINGS CONTINUED ARI Standard Ratings Cooling Heating Unit Size- Cooling Series Indoor Model Capacity Factory En- Stan- SEER High Temp Low Temp Furnace Model dard TDR EER E H H HSPF hence Rating Capacity E COP Capacity COP CSPH*3012A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.46 18,000 2.42 8.0 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*3012A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.48 17,900 2.44 8.0 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*3012A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.50 18,000 2.44 8.0 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH*3012A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.50 17,900 2.46 8.0 585V(A,X)135-22 CSPH*3012A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 1 30,000 3.50 17,900 2.46 8.0 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*3012A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.46 18,000 2.42 8.0 58MVB040-14 CSPH*3012A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.46 18,000 2.42 8.0 58MVB060-14 CSPH*3012A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.46 18,000 2.42 8.0 58MVBOBO-14 CSPH*3012A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.46 18,000 2.44 8.0 58MVB080-20 CSPH*3012A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,0003.48 18,000 2.44 8.0 58MVB100-20 CSPH*3012A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 29,800 3.46 17,900 2.44 8.0 58MVB120-20 CSPH*3012A** 30,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 30,000 1 3.50 18,800 2.40 8.0 030-B CSPH*3612A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.60 18,100 2.48 8.2 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*3612A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 12.00 30,000 3.62 18,000 2.50 8.2 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*3612A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 12.00 30,000 3.64 18,000 2.50 8.2 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH*3612A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 12.00 30,000 3.64 18,000 2.50 8.2 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*3612A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 12.00 30,000 3.64 17,900 2.52 8.2 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*3612A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.58 18,000 2.46 8.2 58MVB040-14 CSPH*3612A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.58 18,000 2.48 8.2 58MVB060-14 CSPH*3612A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.60 18,100 2.48 8.2 58MVB080-14 CSPH*3612A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 30,000 3.60 18,000 2.48 8.2 58MVBOBO-20 CSPH*3612A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 12.00 30,000 3.62 18,000 2.50 8.2 56MVB100-20 CSPH*3612A** 30,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 12.00 30,000 3.58 18,000 2.48 8.2 56MVB120-20 CSPH*3612A** 30,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 30,000 3.64 18,900 2.44 8.2 *FY4ANF036 33,800 TDR&TXV 13.00 10.5 35,600 3.54 21,800 2.44 7.9 FE4AN(B,F)003 34,200 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 34,400 3.68 20,800 2.58 8.1 FE4ANF002 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,600 3.64 21,000 2.54 8.0 FFIENP036 33,800 TDR&TXV 13.00 10.50 35,400 3.52 21,800 2.44 7.8 FV4BN(B,F)003 34,200 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 34,400 3.6820,800 2.58 8.1 FV4BNF002 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,600 3.64 21,000 2.54 8.0 FX4CN(B,F)036 34,400 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 35,000 3.72 21,200 2.56 8.2 FX4CN(B,F)042 35,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.76 21,400 2.60 8.3 FY4ANF042 34,400 TDR&TXV 13.00 10.80 34,800 3.60 22,000 2.50 8.0 CAP**3614A** 33,600 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 34,600 3.54 21,000 2.50 7.9 58CV(A,X)070-12 CAP**3614A** 33,600 TXV 13.00 10.80 35,200 3.52 21,600 2.46 7.8 CAP**3617A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 1 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.60 20,800 2.54 8.0 58 090-16 CAP**3617A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.58 20,800 2.52 7.9 58MVB060-14 CAP**3617A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.56 20,800 2.52 7.9 58UV8060-14 CAP**3617A** 33,800 TXV 13.00 10.80 35,400 3.56 21,800 2.46 7.9 CAP**3621A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.80 34,400 3.64 20,800 2.56 8.0 58CV(A,X)110-20 CAP**3621A** 33,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.56 20,800 2.50 7.9 58MVB080-14 CAP**3621A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.60 20,800 2.54 8.0 58MVB080-20 CAP**3621A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.60 20,800 2.54 8.0 58MVB100-20 CAP**3621A** 33,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.56 20,800 2.50 7.9 5SUVB0BO-14 CAP**3621A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.60 20,800 2.54 8.0 5SUVB080-20 CAP**3621A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.60 20,800 2.54 8.0 58UVB100-20 036-B CAP**3621A**7 33,800 TXV 13.00 10.80 1 35,400 1 3.56 1 21,800 2.46 7.9 CAP**4221A** 34,200 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.68 20,800 2.58 8.1 58CV(A,X)110-20 CAP**4221A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.60 21,000 2.52 8.0 58MVBOBO-14 CAP**4221A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.64 20,800 2.56 8.1 58MVB080-20 CAP**4221A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.66 20,800 2.56 8.1 58MVB100-20 CAP**4221A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.60 21,000 2.52 8.0 58UVB080-14 CAP**4221A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.64 20,800 2.56 8.1 58UVB080-20 CAP**4221A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.66 20,800 2.56 8.1 58UVB100-20 CAP**4221A** 34,200 TXV 13.00 10.80 35,400 3.60 1 21,800 2.48 8.0 CAP**4224A** 34,200 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 34,200 3.70 20,800 2.58 8.2 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**4224A** 34,200 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 34,200 3.72 20,600 2.60 8.2 58CV(A,X)155-22 CAP**4224A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.62 20,800 2.54 8.0 58MVB040-14 CAP**4224A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,200 3.66 20,800 2.56 8.1 58MV8120-20 CAP**4224A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,200 3.66 20,800 2.56 8.1 58UVB120-20 CAP**4224A** 34,200 TXV 13.00 10.80 35,400 3.60 21,800 2.48 8.0 .. .. . .. CNPF*3618A** 33,800 TXV 13.00 10.80 35,400 3.56 1 21,800 2.46 7.9 CNPH*3617A** 33,600 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 34,400 3.52 21,000 2.50 7.8 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*3617A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.56 20,800 2.52 7.9 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*3617A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.58 20,800 2.52 7.9 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*3617A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.58 20,800 2.54 7.9 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*3617A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,200 3.60 20,800 2.54 8.0 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*3617A** 33,600 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 34,400 3.50 21,000 2.48 7.8 58MVB040-14 bee notes on pg.I 7 13 COMBINATION RATINGS CONTINUED ARI Standard Ratings Unit Size- Cooling Cooling Heating Series Indoor Model tY Factory En-Capacity Stan- High Temp Low Temp Furnace Model P dard SEER EER E E H H HSPF Nance RatingTDR Capacity COP Capacity COP CNPH*3617A** 33,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.54 20,800 2.52 7.9 58MVB060-14 CNPH*3617A** 33,400 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 34,400 3.50 21,000 2.48 7.8 58MVB080-14 CNPH*3617A** 33,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.54 20,800 2.50 7.9 58MVB08D-20 CNPH*3617A** 33,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.56 20,800 2.52 7.9 58MV6100-20 CNPH*3617A** 33,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.54 20,800 2.52 7.9 58MVB120-20 CNPH*3617A** 33,800 TXV 13.00 Ni0.80 35,400 3.54 21,800 2.46 7.9 ter.. .'e CNPH*4221A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,600 3.64 21,000 2.54 8.0 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*4221A** 34,200 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.66 20,800 2.56 8.1 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*4221A** 34,200 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.68 20,800 2.58 8.1 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*4221A** 34,200 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.68 20,800 2.58 8.1 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*4221A** 34,200 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 34,400 3.72 20,800 2.60 8.2 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*4221A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,600 3.62 21,000 2.52 8.0 58MVB040-14 CNPH*4221A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.64 20,800 2.56 8.1 58MVB060-14 CNPH*4221A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 1 11.50 34,600 1 3.60 1 21,000 2.52 1 8.0 58MVB080-14 CNPH*4221A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.64 21,000 2.54 1 8.1 58MVB080-20 CNPH*4221A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.66 20,800 2.56 8.1 58MVB100-20 CNPH*4221A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.66 20,800 2.56 8.1 581VIV13120-20 CNPH*4221A** 34,200 TXV 13.00 10.80 35,400 3.62 21,800 2.50 8.0 6NPV*3617A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.56 20,800 2.52 7.9 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPV*3617A** 33,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.54 20,600 2.52 7.9 58MVB060-14 CNPV*3617A** 33,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.54 20,600 2.52 7.9 5SUVB060-14 CNPV*3617A** 33,800 TXV 13.00 10.80 35,400 3.56 21,800 2.46 7.9 CNPV*3621A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.58 20,800 2.54 7.9 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPV*3621A** 33,400 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 34,400 3.50 21,000 2.48 7.8 58MVB080-14 CNPV*3621A** 33,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.54 20,800 2.52 7.9 58MVB080-20 CNPV*3621A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.56 20,800 2.52 7.9 58MVB100-20 CNPV*3621A** 33,400 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 34,400 3.50 21,000 2.48 7.8 58UVB080-14 CNPV*3621A** 33,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.54 20,800 2.52 7.9 58UVB080-20 CNPV*3621A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.56 20,800 2.52 7.9 58UVB100-20 CNPV*3621A** 33,800 TXV 13.001 10.80 35,400 3.56 21,800 2.46 7.9 036-Bi... d >. . CNPV*4221A** 34,200 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.68 20,800 2.58 8.1 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPV*4221A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,600 3.60 21,000 2.52 8.0 58MVB080-14 CNPV*4221A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,600 3.64 21,000 2.54 8.1 58MVB080-20 CNPV*4221A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.66 20,800 2.56 8.1 58MVB100-20 CNPV*4221A** 33,800 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,600 3.60 21,000 2.52 8.0 5SUVB080-14 CNPV*4221A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,600 3.64 21,000 2.54 8.1 58UVB080-20 CNPV*4221A** 34,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.66 20,800 2.56 8.1 58UVB100-20 CNPV*4221A** 34,200 TXV 1 1 13.00 1 10.80 1 35,400 1 3.62 1 21,800 1 2.50 8.0 CSPH*3612A** 34,400 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,600 3.70 21,000 2.56 8.2 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*3612A** 34,600 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 34,400 3.74 21,000 2.60 8.2 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*3612A** 34,600 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 34,400 3.76 21,000 2.60 8.3 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH*3612A** 34,600 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 34,400 3.76 20,800 2.60 8.3 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*3612A** 34,600 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 34,200 3.78 20,800 2.62 8.3 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*3612A** 34,400 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,600 3.68 21,000 2.56 8.1 58MVB040-14 CSPH*3612A** 34,400 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.72 21,000 2.58 8.2 58MVB060-14 CSPH*3612A** 34,400 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,600 1 3.68 1 21,000 1 2.56 8.1 1 58MVB080-14 CSPH*3612A** 34,400 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.72 21,000 2.58 8.2 58MV8080-20 CSPH*3612A** 34,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.72 21,000 2.58 8.2 58MVB100-20 CSPH*3612A** 34,400 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.72 21,000 2.58 8.2 58MV6120-20 CSPH*3612A** 34,600 TXV 13.20 11.00 35,200 3.68 22,000 2.52 8.1 CSPH*4212A** 34,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.74 21,000 2.58 8.2 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*4212A** 34,800 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 34,200 3.78 21,000 2.62 8.3 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*4212A** 34,800 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 34,200 3.80 21,000 2.62 8.3 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH*4212A** 34,800 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 34,200 3.80 21,000 2.62 8.4 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*4212A** 35,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 34,000 3.82 20,800 2.64 8.4 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*4212A** 34,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,400 3.72 21,000 2.58 8.2 58MVB040-14 CSPH*4212A** 34,600 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 34,200 3.76 21,000 2.60 8.3 58MV8060-14 CSPH*4212A** 34,600 TDR&TXV 1 14.00 1 11.50 34,400 3.70 21,000 2.58 8.2 58MVB080-14 CSPH*4212A** 34,600 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 34,200 3.74 21,000 2.60 8.3 58MV8080-20 CSPH*4212A** 34,800 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 34,200 3.76 21,000 2.60 8.3 58MV6100-20 CSPH*4212A** 34,600 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 34,200 3.76 21,000 2.60 8.3 58MVB120-20 CSPH*4212A** 34,800 TXV 13.20 11.00 34,800 3.70 22,000 2054 8.2 *FY4ANF042 40,500 TDR&TXV 13.00 10.40 42,000 3.54 26,400 2.46 8.1 FE4ANB006 42,500 TDR&TXV 15.00 12.40 39,500 3.68 25,800 2.56 8.4 042-A FE4ANF003 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 41,000 3.42 25,600 2.40 7.9 FE4ANF005 42,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 12.10 40,500 3.64 25,800 2.50 8.3 FV4BNB006 42,500 TDR&TXV 15.00 12.40 39,500 1 3.68 25,800 2.56 8.4 FV4BNF003 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 41,000 1 3.42 25,600 2.40 7.9 ee notes on pg.17 14 COMBINATION RATINGS CONTINUED ARI Standard Ratings Cooling Heating Unit Size- Cooling Series Indoor Model Capacity Factory Standard SEER High Temp Low Temp Furnace Model Enhance Rating TDR EER E E H H HSPF Capacity COP Capacity COP FV46NF005 42,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 12.10 40,500 3.64 25,800 2.50 8.3 FX4CN(B,F)042 41,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.20 42,000 3.70 25,800 2.56 8.4 FX4CN(B,F)048 42,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 40,000 3.76 25,800 2.668.7 FY4ANF048 41,500 TDR&TXV 13.20 10.60 41,000 3.56 26,600 2.50 8.2 YCAP**4221A* 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.20 41,000 3.50 25,200 2.52 8.1 58CV(A,X)110-20 CAP**4221A* 39,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 10.90 41,500 3.42 25,400 2.46 7.9 58MVB080-14 CAP**4221A 40,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.00 41,500 3.46 25,200 2.48 8.0 58MVB080-20 CAP**4221A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 41,000 3.48 25,200 2.50 8.0 58MVB100-20 CAP**4221A** 40,000 TXV 13.00 10.40 42,500 3.50 26,200 2.46 8.0 , a _. CAP**4224A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11 40 41,000 3.54 25,000 2.54 8.2 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**4224A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 41,000 3.52 25,000 2.54 8.2 58CV(A,X)155-22 CAP**4224A** 39,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.00 41,000 3.44 25,200 2.48 8.0 58MVB040-14 CAP**4224A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.20 41,000 3.48 25,200 2.50 8.0 58MVB120-20 CAP**4224A** 40,000 TXV 13.00 10.40 42,500 3.50 26,200 2.46 8.0 CAP**4817A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 114039,500 3.68 25,400 2.58 8.4 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**4817A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.30 39,500 3.64 25,600 2.56 8.4 58MVB060-14 CAP**4817A** 40,500 TXV 13.00 110.70 40,000 3.64 26,400 2.54 8.4 CAP**4821A** 41,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 a 1140 41,000 3.68 25,400 2.58 8.4 58CV(A,X)110-20 CAP**4821A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 13.501140 41,500 3.58 25,600 2.52 8.2 58MV8080-14 CAP**4821A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 41,000 3.62 25,400 2.54 8.3 58MVB080-20 CAP**4821A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 1 111.30 1 41,000 3.64 25,400 2.56 8.4 58MVB100-20 CAP**4821A** 41,000 TXV 1 13.00 110.60 1 42,000 3.62 26,400 2.52 8.3 CAP**4824A** 41,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 111.60 1 41,000 1 3.70 1 25,200 1 2.60 1 8.5 1 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**4824A** 41,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 111.60 1 41,000 1 3.70 1 25,200 1 2.60 8.5 1 58CV(A,X)155-22 CAP**4824A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 1110 41,000 3.60 25,400 2.52 8.3 58MVB040-14 CAP**4824A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 41,000 3.64 25,200 2.56 8.4 S6MVB120-20 CAP**4824A** 41,000 TXV 13.00 110.60 1 42,000 1 3.62 1 26,400 1 2.52 8.3 CNPF*4818A** 40,500 TXV 13.00 10.50 42,000 3.58 26,400 2.48 8.2 ,. . CNPH*4221A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 1110 41,500 3.48 25,200 w2.50 8.0 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*4221A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 41,000 3.52 25,000 2.54 8.2 58CV(A,X)090-16 042-A CNPH*4221A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 41,000 3.56 25,000 2.56 8.2 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*4221A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.60 41,000 3.58 25,000 2.56 8.2 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*4221A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.60 41,000 3.58 24,800 2.56 8.2 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*4221A** 39,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 41,000 3.48 25,200 2.50 8.0 58MVB040-14 CNPH*4221A** 39,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.30 41,000 3.50 25,200 2.52 8.1 58MVB060-14 CNPH*4221A** 39,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 Ill10 41,000 3.48 25,200 2.50 8.0 58MVB080-14 CNPH*4221A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 111.20 41,000 3.50 25,200 2.52 8.1 58MVB080-20 CNPH*4221A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 41,000 3.54 25,000 2.54 8.2 58MVB100-20 CNPH*4221A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 41,000 3.52 25,000 2.54 8.2 58MVB120-20 CNPH*4221A** 40,000 TXV 13.00 10.40 42,500 3.50 26,200 2.46 8.0 CNPH*4821A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 11 10 41,000 3.60 25,600 2.52 8.3 58CV(A,X)070 R12 CNPH*4821A** 41,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 41,000 3.66 25,200 2.58 8.4 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*4821A** 41,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 41,000 3.68 25,400 2.58 8.4 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*4821A** 41,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.60 41,000 3.70 25,200 2.60 8.5 58 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*4821A** 41,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 41,000 3.70 25,200 2.60 8.5 CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*4821A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 41,500 3.60 25,400 2.52 8.2 58MVB040-14 CNPH*4821A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.30 41,500 3.62 25,400 2.56 8.3 58MVB060-14 CNPH*4821A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 1110 41,500 3.58 25,400 2.52 8.2 58MVB0BO-14 CNPH*4821A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.20 41,000 3.62 25,400 2.54 8.3 58MVB080-20 CNPH*4821A** 41,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 41,000 3.66 25,400 2.56 8.4 58MVB100-20 CNPH*4821A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 74.00 1140 41,000 3.64 25,200 2.56 8.3 58MVB120-20 CNPH*4821A** 41,000 TXV 1 1 13.00 110.60 1 42,000 1 3.64 1 26,400 1 2.52 1 8.3 CNPV*4221A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.50 41,000 3.56 25,000 a!2.54 56 8.2 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPV*4221A** 39,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 1110 41,000 3.48 25,200 50 8.0 58MVB080-14 CNPV*4221A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.20 41,000 3.50 25,200 52 8.1 58MVB080-20 CNPV*4221A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 41,000 3.54 25,000 8.1 58MVB100-20 CNPV*4221A** 40,000 TXV 13.00 10.40 42,500 3.50 26,200 46 8.0 CNPV*4821A** 41,000 TDR&TXV 14.00w 11.50 1 41,000 3.68 25,400 2.58 8.4 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPV*4821A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 Ill10 1 41,500 1 3.58 1 25,400 2.52 8.2 58MVBOBO-14 CNPV*4821A** 40,500 TDR&T5V 14.0011.20 41,000 3.62 25,400 2.54 8.3 58MV6080-20 CNPV*4821A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 41,000 3.66 25,400 2.56 8.4 58MVB100-20 CNPV*4821A** 41,000 TXV 1 13.00 110.60 1 42,000 3.64 26,400 2.52 8.3 CNPV*4824A** 41,000 TDR&TXVA 14.50 111.60 1 41,000 1 3.70 1 25,200 1 2.60 8.5 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPV*4824A** 47,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 111.60 1 41,000 1 3.70 1 25,200 1 2.60 8.5 1 58CV(A,X)155-22 See notes on pg.17 15 COMBINATION RATINGS CONTINUED ARI Standard Ratings Unit Size- Cooling Cooling Heating Series Indoor Model Capacity Factory Standard SEER High Temp Low Temp Furnace Model Enhance Rating TDR EER E E H H HSPF Capacity COP �25,400 acity COP CNPV*4824A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 41,000 3.60 2.52 8.2 58MVB040-14 CNPV*4824A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 41,000 3.64 ,200 2.56 8.3 58MV6120-20 CNPV*4824A** 41,000 TXV 13.00 10.60 42,000 3.64 26,400 2.52 8.3 6SPH*4212A** 39,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 k 1110 41,500 3.60 25,600 1 2.52 8.2 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*4212A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 41,000 3.66 25,400 1 2.56 8.4 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*4212A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 41,000 3.66 25,400 2.58 8.4 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH*4212A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.50 41,000 3.70 25,200 2.60 8.4 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*4212A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.60 41,000 3.68 25,200 2.60 8.4 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*4212A** 39,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 1110 41,500 3.58 25,600 2.52 8.2 58MVB040-14 CSPH*4212A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.30 41,500 3.62 25,400 2.54 8.3 58MVB060-14 CSPH*4212A** 39,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 1 1110 41,500 3.58 25,600 2.52 8.2 58MVB080-14 CSPH*4212A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.20 41,500 3.62 25,600 2.54 8.3 58MVB080-20 CSPH*4212A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.30 41,000 3.64 25,400 2.56 8.3 58MVB100-20 CSPH*4212A** 40,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 41,000 3.62 25,400 2.56 8.3 58MVB120-20 042-A CSPH*4212A** 40,000 TXV 13.00 10.70 42,500 3.66 26,400 2.52 8.3 CSPH*4B12A* 40,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 1110 41,000 3.64 25,600 2.54 8.3 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*4812A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 41,000 3.70 25,400 2.58 8.4 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*4812A* 41,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 41,000 3.70 25,400 2.58 8.5 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH*4812A* 41,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.60 41,000 3.74 25,400 2.60 8.5 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*4812A** 41,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.60 41,000 3.72 25,200 2.60 8.5 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*4812A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 41,500 3.62 25,600 2.52 8.3 58MVB040-14 CSPH*4812A* 40,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.30 41,000 3.66 25,400 2.56 8.4 58MVB060-14 CSPH*4812A* 40,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 1110 41,500 3.62 25,600 2.52 8.3 58MV6080-14 CSPH*4812A 40,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.30 41,000 3.66 25,600 2.56 8.4 58MVB080-20 CSPH*4812A** 40,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.30 41,000 3.68 25,400 2.56 8.4 58MVB100-20 CSPH*4812A* 40,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 1140 41,000 3.68 25,400 2.56 8.4 58MV6120-20 CSPH*4812A* 41,000 TXV 13.00 10.70 41,000 3.68 26,400 2.52 8.4 *FY4ANF048 46,500 TDR&TXV 13.00 10.8 48,500 3.60 30,800 2.58 8.3 FE4AN8006 48,000 TDR&TXV 15.50 12.50 46,000 3.86 29,400 2.78 8.8 FE4ANF005 47,000 TDR&TXV 15.00 12.20 47,500 3.78 29,400 2.72 8.6 FV413NB006 48,000 TDR&TXV 15.50 12.50 46,000 3.86 29,400 2.78 8.8 FV4BNF005 47,000 TDR&TXV 15.00 12.20 47,500 3.78 29,400 2.72 8.6 FX4CN(B,F)048 47,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 47,500 3.78 30,000 2.70 8.6 FX4CN(B,F)060 48,000 TDR&TXV 15.00 12.00 44,000 3.74 1 30,000 2.76 8.7 FY4AN6060 47,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.00 45,000 3.52 30,800 2.62 8.4 CAP**4817A** 45,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 111.50 1 47,500 3.70 1 29,800 2.62 8.4 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**4817A** 45,000 TXV 13.00 110.80 48,000 3.66 30,200 2.60 8.4 ��R< r»p•.aj;.».. r�- f�.>.$„ .." rti-w�> ,«. .f,. .,1, fc.`x&�\'.,.,.. •� sro ..,1,. .. CAP**4821A** 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 48,000 3.68 29,600 2.62 8.4 58CV(A,X)110-20 CAP**4821A** 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 48,500 3.62 29,800 2.58 8.3 58MVBOBO-20 CAP**4821A** 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 48,000 3.64 29,600 2.60 8.3 58MVB100-20 CAP**4821A** 46,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 49,000 3.68 307400 2.60 8.4 CAP**4824A** 45,500 TDR&TXV 1 14.50 1 111.70 1 48,000 1 3.70 1 29,400 12.64 8.5 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**4824A** 46,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.50 48,000 3.74 29,400 2.66 8.5 58CV(A,X)155-22 CAP**4824A** 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 48,000 3.64 29,600 2.60 8.3 58MVB120-20 CAP**4824A** 46,000 1 TXV 1 1 13.00 110.80 1 49,000 1 3.68 1 30,400 1 2.60 1 8.4 048-A CAP**6021.A* .>,..1 * 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 1 11170 1 46,500 1 3.6868 29,600 1 2.66 1 8.5 1 58CV(A,X)110-20 CAP**6021A** 46,500 TDR&TXV I 14.50 11.70 47,000 3.64 29,800 2.62 8.4 58MVB080-20 CAP**6021A** 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 47,000 3.66 29,600 2.64 8.4 58MVB100-20 CAP**6021A** 47,000 1 TXV 1 1 13.00 110.80 1 44,500 1 3.50 1 30,600 1 2.62 1 8.3 CAP**6024A** 47,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1 1170 47,000 3.70 29,600 2.68 8.5 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**6024A** 47,000 TDR&TXV 15.00 12.00 46,500 3.72 29,400 2.68 8.6 58CV(A,X)155-22 CAP**6024A** 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 47,000 3.64 29,600 2.64 8.4 58MVB120-20 CAP**6024A** 47,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 45,000 3.52 30,400 2.66 8.3 CNPF*4818A** 45,000 TXV 1 13.00 116.8o 48,500 1 3.50 30,000 1 2.54 1 8.1 CNPH*4821A** 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 48,000 3.62 29,600 2.60 8.3 1 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*4821A** 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 48,000 3.64 29,600 2.62 8.4 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*4821A** 46,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 48,000 3.68 29,400 2.64 8.4 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*4821A** 46,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 48,000 3.70 29,400 2.66 8.5 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*4821A** 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 48,500 3.60 29,600 2.60 8.3 58MVB080-20 CNPH*4821A** 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 48,000 3.62 29,600 2.60 8.3 58MVB100-20 CNPH*4821A** 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 48,000 3.62 29,600 2.60 8.3 58MVB120-20 CNPH*4821A** 46,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 49,000 3.68 30,400 2.60 8.4 .. ,m.. ..>r.. ...... .. ... ......... .....: <.. .. ,. ,, .,,. ...<. ., >.,...-s,as .. ...,. ... .,. .. .. .s. ,. .. CNPH*6024A** 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 Ill70 1 47,000 1 3.68 1 29,600 1 2.64 1 8.4 1 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*6024A** 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 111.70 1 47,000 1 3.70 1 29,600 1 2.66 1 8.5 1 58CV(A,X)110-20 See notes on pg.17 16 COMBINATION RATINGS CONTINUED ARI Standard Ratings Unit Size- Cooling Cooling Heating Series Indoor Model Capacity Factory Standard SEERHigh Temp Low Temp Furnace Model Enhance Rating TDR EER EE H H HSPF Capacity COP Capacity COP CNPH*6024A** 46,500 TDR&TXV 15.00 12.00 47,000 3.74 29,400 2.68 8.5 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*6024A** 47,000 TDR&TXV 15.00 12.00 46,500 3.76 29,4002.68 6.6 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*6024A** 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 47,000 3.66 29,800 2.62 8.4 58MVB080-20 CNPH*6024A** 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 47,000 3.68 29,600 2.64 8.4 58MVB100-20 CNPH*6024A** 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 47,000 3.68 29,600 2.64 8.4 58MVB120-20 CNPH*6024A** 47,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 45,000 3.66 30,600 2.62 8.5 CNPV*4821A** 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 1 111.50 1 48,000 1 3.64 29,600 2.62 8.4 58 110-20 CNPV*4821A** 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 48,500 3.60 29,600 2.60 8.3 58MVB080-20 CNPV*4821A** 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 48,000 3.62 29,600 2.60 8.3 58MVB100-20 CNPV*4821A** 46,000 TXV 1 13.00 110.80 1 49,000 1 3.68 130,400 2.60 8.4 CNPV*4824A** 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 1�1�170 48,000 3.68 29,400 2.64 8.4 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPV*4824A** 46,000 TDR&TXV 14.50 48,000 3.70 29,400 2.66 8.5 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPV*4824A** 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 48,000 3.62 29,600 2.60 8.3 58MVB120-20 CNPV*4824A** 46,000 TXV 13.00 49,000 3.68 30,400 2.60 8.4 CNPV*6024A* 46,500 TDR&TXV 1 15.00 1 112.00 1 47,000 1 3.74 1 29,400 1 2.68 8.5 1 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPV*6024A 47,000 TDR&TXV 15.00 112.00 1 46,500 1 3.76 1 29,400 1 2.68 1 8.6 1 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPV*6024A 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 11170 1 47,000 1 3.68 1 29,600 1 2.64 1 8.4 1 58MVB120-20 048-A CNPV*6024A* 47,000 TXV 1 13.00 110.80 1 45,000 3.66 30,600 2.62 8.5 CSPH*4812A 45,500W TDR&TXV 14.00 _11.50 48,000 3.68 29,800 2.62 8.4 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*4812A* 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 48,000 3.70 29,600 2.62 8.4 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH*4812A* 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 48,000 3.72 29,600 2.64 8.5 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*4812A* 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 48,000 3.76 29,400 2.66 8.6 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*4812A* 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 48,500 3.66 29,800 2.60 8.4 58MVB080-20 CSPH*4812A* 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 48,000 3.68 29,800 2.62 8.4 58MVB100-20 CSPH*4812A* 45,500 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 48,000 3.66 29,600 2.62 8.4 58MV6120-20 CSPH*4812A* 46,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 49,000 3.72 30,600 1 2.62 8.5 CSPH*6012A 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 47,000 3.74 29,600 2.66 8.5 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*6012A* 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 46,500 3.76 29,600 2.68 8.6 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH*6012A* 46,500 TDR&TXV 15.00 12.00 46,500 3.78 29,600 2.70 8.6 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*6012A* 46,500 TDR&TXV 15.00 12.00 46,500 3.80 29,400 2.70 8.7 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*6012A 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 1170 47,000 3.70 29,800 2.64 8.5 58MVB080-20 CSPH*6012A* 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 47,000 3.72 29,800 2.66 8.5 58MVB100-20 CSPH*6012A* 46,500 TDR&TXV 14.50 11.70 47,000 3.72 29,600 2.66 8.5 58MVB120-20 CSPH*6012A* 47,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 45,000 3.68 30,600 2.64 1 8.5 *FY4ANB060 59,500 TDR&TXV 13.00 110.80 60,000 3.62 38,500 2.56 8.0 FE4AN13006 60,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 58,500 3.74 36,200 2.68 8.2 FV4BNB006 60,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 58,500 3.74 36,200 2.68 8.2 FX4CN(B,F)060 60,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 12.00 58,500 3.74 36,200 2.68 8.3 CAP**6021A** 58,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 56,500 3.48 36,000 2.52 7.8 58CV(A,X)110-20 CAP**6021A** 59,000 TXV 13.00 10.80 58,000 3.48 36,400 2.52 7.8 CAP**6024A** 59,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.50 57,500 3.50 35,800 2.54 7.8 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**6024A** 59,000 TDR111.50 57,500 3.54 35,800 2.56 7.9 58CV(A,X)155-22 CAP**6024A** 60,000 TXV 1 13.00 110.80 1 59,000 1 3.60 1 37,000 1 2.54 1 8.0 060-A CNPH*6024A** 58,500 TDR&TXV 1 3.50 11.20 57,500 3.46 36,000 2.52 7.7 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*6024A** 58,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 57,000 3.48 35,800 2.54 7.8 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*6024A** 59,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 57,000 3.52 35,800 2.56 7.8 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*6024A** 59,500 TXV 13.00 10.80 58,500 3.54 37,600 2.60 8.0 CNPV*6%4A** 58,500 TDR&TXV 13.50 11.20 57,000 3.48 35,800 2.54 7.8 SBCV(A,9135-22 CNPV*6024A** 59,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 57,000 3.52 35,800 2.56 7.8 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPV*6024A** 59,500 TXV 13.00 110.80 1 58,500 J 3.54 1 36,800 1 2.54 1 7.9 CSPH*6012A** 59,000 TDR&TXV 13.50 1 111.20157,500 3.52 1 36,000 2.54 7.8 1 58CV(A,X)110-20� CSPH*6012A** 59,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 57,500 3.56 35,800 2.56 7.9 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*6012A** 59,000 TDR&TXV 14.00 11.50 57,500 3.58 35,800 2.58 7.9 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*6012A** 60,000 TXV 13.00 110.80 1 59,000 3.62 37,000 2.56 8.0 *Ratings are net values reflecting the effects of circulating fan heat.Supplemental electric heat is not included.Ratings are based on: Cooling Standard:80*F(27°C)db 671F(19°C)wb indoor entering air temperature and 95°F(35°C)db air entering outdoor unit. High-Temp Heating Standard:701F(21°C)db indoor entering air temperature and 47°F(8°C)db 43'F(6°C)wb air entering outdoor unit. Low-Temp Heating Standard:70°F(21°C)db indoor entering air temperature and 17°F(x9°C)db 15°F(:10°C)wb air entering outdoor unit. SEER-Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio COP-Coefficient of Performance TDR-Time-Delay Relay HSPF-Heating Seasonal Performance Factor EER-Energy Efficiency Ratio 17 DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES# EVAPORATOR AIR CONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES *F('C) 75(23.9) 85(29.4) 95(35) 105(40.6) 11S(46.1) 12S(51.7) Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capa ity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total CFM EWB System System System Total Sens# SKyy*m Total Sens# SI(W*m Total Sens# Kate Total I Se s# KW* Total Sens# KW* Total Sens# Kyy* 18 72 20.64 10.54 1.23 19.61 10.14 1.39 t 8.55 Outdoor 9.74 1.56 ' 1747 Indoor 9.33 1.76 16.33 8.90 1.97 15.1 1 8.45 2.22 67 18.78 13.08 1.25 17.82 12.66 1 40 16.83 12.24 1.58 15.83 11.82 1.77 14.77 11.38 1.99 13.63 10.91 2.24 525 6311 17 40 12.62 1.26 16.51 12.21 1 42 15.58 11.79 1.59 14.63 11.36 1.79 13.63 10.91 2.01 12.56 10.44 2.25 62 17.05 15.58 1.26 16.18 15.14 142 15.29 14.69 1.59 14.39 14.21 1.79 13.52 13.52 2.01 12.66 12.66 2.25 57 16.48 16.48 1.27 15.79 15.79 142 15.07 15.07 1.60 14.32 14.32 1.79 13.52 13.52 2.01 12.66 12.66 2.25 72 21.01 11.02 1.25 19.93 10.62 1 41 18.83 10.20 1.59 17.71 9.79 1.78 16.54 9.36 2.00 15.27 8.90 2.24 67 19.12 13.88 1.27 18.12 13.46 1 43 1710 13.03 1.60 16.05 12.60 1.80 14.96 12.15 2.02 13.79 11.68 2.26 600 63tt 17.74 13.38 1.29 16.80 12.96 1 1 44 15.84 12.53 1.62 14.85 1 12.09 1.81 1 13.82 11.63 2.04 12.72 11 15 2.28 62 1742 16.67 1.29 16.53 16.19 1 45 15.64 15.64 1.62 14.84 14.84 1.81 14.00 14.00 2.03 13.09 13.09 2.27 57 1714 1714 1.29 16.40 16.40 145 15.64 15.64 1.62 14.84 14.84 1.81 14.00 14.00 2.03 13.09 13.09 2.27 72 21.28 1147 1.28 20.17 11.06 144 19.03 10.64 1.61 17.88 10.23 1.81 16.68 9.80 2.03 15.38 9.33 2.27 67 19.38 14.65 1.30 18.34 14.22 146 17.29 13.79 1.63 16.22 13.35 1.83 15.10 12.89 2.05 13.91 12.39 2.29 675 63tt 17.99 14.10 1.31 17.02 13.67 147 16.03 13.23 1.65 15.02 12.78 1.84 13.96 12.31 2.06 12.83 11.81 2.31 62 17.74 17.61 1.31 16.91 16.91 147 15.10 16.10 1.64 15.27 15.27 1.84 14.39 14.39 2.06 13.44 13.44 2.30 57 17.69 17.69 1.31 16.91 16.91 147 16.10 16.10 1.64 15.27 15.27 1.84 14.39 14.39 2.06 13.44 13.44 2.30 Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Furnace Model Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Furnace Model *FY4ANF018 1.00 1.00 CAP**1814A* 0.99 0.89 58CV(A,X)070-12 FE4ANF002 1.04 0.91 CAP**2414A* 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)070-12 FFl ENP018 1.00 1.00 CNPH*2417A* 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)070-12 FFl ENP024 1.02 1.00 CNPV*1814A* 0.99 0.89 58CV(A,X)070-12 FV4BNF002 1.04 0.91 CNPV*2414A* 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)070-12 FX4CNF018 1.02 0.92 CSPH*2412A* 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)070-12 W FX4CNF024 1.04 0.91 GAP**2417A* 1.02 0.89 58CV(A,X)090-16 FY4ANF024 1.01 1.01 CNPH*2417A* 1.02 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**1814A* 0.99 0.99 CNPV*2417A* 1.02 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**2414A* 1.02 0.99 CSPH*2412A* 1.02 0.89 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**2417A* 1.02 0.99 CNPH*2417A* 1.01 0.91 58MVB040-14 CNPF*2418A* 1.02 0.99 CSPH*2412A* 1.01 0.91 58MVB040-14 CNPH*2417A* 1.02 0.99 CAP**2417A* 1.01 0.91 58MVB060-14 CNPV*1814A* 0.99 0.97 CNPH*2417A* 1.01 0.91 58MVB060-14 CNPV*2414A* 1.02 0.99 CNPV*2417A* 1.01 0.91 58MVB060-14 CNPV*2417A* 1.02 0.99 CSPH*2412A* 1.01 0.89 58MVB060-14 CSPH*2412A* 1.02 0.99 CNPH*2417A* 1.02 0.91 58MVB080-14 CSPH*2412A* 1.01 0.91 58MVE080-14 See note on pg.24 DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES# CONTINUED EVAPORATOR AIR CONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES 'F('C) 76(23.9) 85(29.4) 95(35) 105(40.6) 115(46.1) 125(51.7) Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total CFM EWB System System System System System System Total Se s# KW Total Sens# Kyy TOapl Sens# KW* Total Se s# Kyy* Total Sens# KW* Total Sens# Kyp• 72 26.97 13.80 1.66 25.72 13.32 1.86 24.41 Outdoor ••12.87 2.09 23.03 12.29 2.34 21.54 11.73 2.61 19.91 11 13 2.91 67 24.65 1715 1.66 23.49 16.65 1.86 22.26 16.12 2.09 20.97 15.57 2.34 19.59 15.00 2.62 16.09 14.38 2.92 700 63tt 22.94 16.60 1.66 21.84 16.09 1.86 20.68 15.56 2.09 19.46 15.01 2.34 18.16 14.43 2.62 16.76 13.81 2.92 62 22.50 20.46 1.66 2142 19.93 1.86 20.30 19.36 2.09 19.14 18.75 2.34 17.96 17.96 2.62 16.82 16.82 2.92 57 21.73 21.73 1.66 20.87 20.87 1.86 19.96 19.96 2.09 19.00 19.00 2.34 17.96 17.96 2.62 16.82 16.82 2.92 72 2742 14.42 1.69 26.13 13.93 1.90 24.76 13.42 2.12 24.27 13.23 2.06 21.80 12.33 2.65 20.12 11.72 2.94 67 25.09 18.20 1.69 23.8B 17.68 1.90 22.60 1715 2.12 21.27 16.60 2.37 19.84 16.01 2.65 18.29 15.38 2.95 Boo 63tt 23.37 17.58 1.69 22.22 17.07 1.90 21.02 16.52 2.13 19.76 15.96 2.38 18.41 15.37 2.65 16.96 14.73 2.95 62 22.96 21.88 1.69 21.86 21.30 1.90 20.72 20.69 2.13 19.67 19.67 2.38 18.57 18.57 2.65 17.37 17.37 2.95 57 22.57 22.57 1.69 21.66 21.66 1.90 20.70 20.70 2.13 19.67 19.67 2.38 18.57 18.57 2.65 17.37 17.37 2.95 72 27.75 15.01 1.73 26.42 14.51 1.93 26.10 14.39 1.86 24.55 13.82 2.09 22.87 13.22 2.36 20.25 12.28 2.98 67 25.40 19.19 1.73 24.16 18.68 1.93 22.85 18.13 2.16 21.48 17.57 2.41 20.02 16.97 2.69 18.43 16.31 2.98 900 63tt 23.68 18.52 1.73 22.50 17.99 1.93 21.26 1744 2.16 19.97 16.87 2.41 18.59 16.26 2.69 1711 15.60 2.99 62 23.36 23.12 1.73 22.32 22.31 1.93 21.30 21.30 2.16 20.23 20.23 2.41 19.07 19.07 2.69 17.81 17.81 2.99 57 23.27 23.27 1.73 22.31 22.31 1.93 1 21.30 21.30 2.16 20.23 20.23 2.41 19.07 19.07 2.69 17.81 17.81 2.99 Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Furnace Model Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Furnace Model Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Furnace Model *FY4ANF024 1.00 1.00 CNPV*2414A* 1.00 0.91 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*2412A* 1.01 0.92 58MVB040-14 FE4ANF002 1.03 0.92 CNPV*3014A* 1.02 0.91 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*3012A* 1.02 0.91 58MVB040-14 FE4ANF003 1.04 0.91 CSPH*2412A* 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)070-12 CAP**2417A* 1.01 0.91 58MVBOBO-14 FFIENP024 1.01 0.99 CSPH*3012A* 1.02 0.91 58CV(A,X)070-12 CAP**3017A* 1.02 0.91 58MVB060-14 FFl ENP030 1.01 1.02 CAP**2417A* 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*2417A* 1.01 0.92 58MVB060-14 FV4BNF002 1.03 0.92 CAP**3017A* 1.02 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*3017A* 1.02 0.91 58MVB060-14 .-+ FV4BNF003 1.04 0.91 CNPH*2417A* 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPV*2417A* 1.01 0.92 58MVB060-14 %0 FX4CNF024 1.02 0.94 CNPH*3017A* 1.02 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPV*3017A* 1.02 0.91 58MVB060-14 FX4CNF030 1.04 0.93 CNPV*2417A* 1.01 0.92 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*2412A* 1.01 0.91 58MVB060-14 FY4ANF030 1.02 1.01 CNPV*3017A* 1.02 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*3012A* 1.02 0.91 58MVB060-14 CAP**2414A* 1.01 1.01 CSPH*2412A* 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*2417A* 1.01 0.92 58MVB080-14 CAP**2417A* 1.01 1.01 CSPH*3012A* 1.02 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*3017A* 1.02 0.91 58MVBOBO-14 CAP**3014A* 1.02 1.01 CNPH*2417A* 1.01 0.92 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CSPH*2412A* 1.01 0.92 58MVBOBO-14 CAP**3017A* 1.02 1.01 CNPH*3017A* 1.02 0.91 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CSPH*3012A* 1.02 0.91 58MVB080-14 LNPF*2418A* 1.01 1.01 CSPH*2412A* 1.01 0.92 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CNPH*2417A* 1.01 0.92 58MVB080-20 CNPH*2417A* 1.01 1.01 CSPH*3012A* 1.02 0.91 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CNPH*3017A* 1.02 0.91 SBMVB080-20 CNPH*3017A• §021.01 CNPH*2417A* 1.01 0.92 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*2412A* 1.01 0.91 58MVBOBO-20 CNPV*2414A 1.01 CNPH*3017A* 1.03 0.92 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*3012A* 1.02 0.91 58MVBOBO-20 CNPV*2417A* 1.01 CSPH*2412A* 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*2417A* 1.01 0.92 58MVB100-20 CNPV*3014A* 1.01 CSPH*3012A* 1.02 0.91 58CV(A,X)l 35-22 CNPH*3017A* 1.03 0.92 58MVBIOO-20 CNPV*3017A* 1.01 CNPH*2417A* 1.01 0.92 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*2412A* 1.01 0.91 58MVBIOO-20 CSPH*2412A* 1.00 CNPH*3017A* 1.03 0.92 58CV(A,X)l 55-22 CSPH*3012A* 1.02 0.91 SBMVBIOO-20 CSPH*3012A* 1.01 CSPH*2412A* 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*2417A* 1.00 0.91 58MVB120-20 CAP**2414A* 1.0 1 0.91 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*3012A* 1.02 0.91 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*3017A* 1.02 0.91 58MVB120-20 CAP**3014A* 1.02 0.91 SBCV(A.X)070-12 CNPH*2417A* 1.01 0.92 58MVB040-14 CSPH*2412A* 1.01 0.92 58MV6120-20 CNPH*2417A* 1.00 0.91 SBCV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*3017A* 1.02 0.91 58MVB040-14 CSPH*3012A* 1.02 0.91 58MVB120-20 CNPH*3017A* 1.02 0.91 58CV(A,X)070-12 See note on pg.24 DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES# CONTINUED EVAPORATOR AIR CONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES 'F('C) 7S(23.9) 85(29.4) 95(35) 105(40.6) 115(46.1) 126(51.7) Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total CFM EWB System System Total Sens# SKW'm Total Sens$ SKW*m Total Sens# KW*m Total Se ns# SK em Total Sens# KW* Total Sens# KW -31 Indoor Section 72 35.79 17.64 2.16 127.51 T27.51 2.44 '32.29 Outdoor 16.30 2.74 ' '30.43 15.61 3.07 28.40 14.86 3.43 26.15 14.05 3.82 67 32.75 21.77 2.16 1 2.43 29.54 20.42 2.73 27.82 19.70 3.07 25.96 18.94 3.43 23.92 18.12 3.83 875 63tt 30.50 21 10 2.15 4 2.43 27.50 19.74 2.73 25.89 19.02 3.07 24.15 18.26 3.43 22.26 1745 3.83 62 29.92 25.87 2.15 2.43 26.99 24.45 2.73 25.43 23.67 3.06 23.79 22.80 3.43 22.14 22.14 3.83 57 28.64 28.64 2.15 1 2.42 26.31 26.31 2.73 25.04 25.04 3.07 23.66 23.66 3.43 22.14 22.14 3.83 72 36.41 18.38 2.21 2 2.48 32.77 17.03 2.78 30.84 16.33 3.12 28.73 15.57 3.48 26.40 14.75 3.87 67 33.35 23.03 2.20 6 2.48 30.00 21.65 2.78 28.22 20.92 3.11 26.27 20.15 3.47 24.17 19.31 3.87 1000 63tt 31.09 22.29 2.20 29.56 21.61 2.47 27.96 20.90 2.78 26.27 20.17 3.11 24.47 1 19.39 3.47 22.52 18.55 3.87 62 30.53 27.59 2.20 29.06 26.85 2.47 27.52 26.05 2.77 25.93 25.93 3.11 24.45 24.45 3.48 22.82 22.82 3.87 57 29.74 29.74 2.20 28.54 28.54 2.47 27.26 27.26 2.77 25.91 25.91 3.11 24.45 24.45 3.48 22.83 22.83 3.87 72 36.88 19.09 2.25 35.06 18.43 2.53 33.12 17.73 2.83 31.13 17.01 3.16 28.96 16.25 3.52 26.56 15.42 3.91 67 33.80 24.25 2.25 32.12 23.56 2.52 30.34 22.85 2.82 28.49 22.10 3.16 26.51 21.31 3.52 24.34 20.44 3.91 1125 63tt 31.54 23.44 2.24 29.96 22.75 2.52 28.30 22.03 2.82 26.56 21.28 3.15 24.71 20.48 3.52 22.71 19.60 3.92 62 31.05 j 29.15 2.24 29.55 28.32 2.52 28.04 28.04 2.82 26.61 26.61 3.15 25.08 25.08 3.52 23.36 23.36 3.92 57 30.66 30.66 2.24 1 29.39 29.39 2.52 28.04 28.04 1 2.82 26.62 26.62 1 3.15 25.08 25.08 3.52 23.37 23.37 3.92 Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Furna Model Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Furnace Model Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Furnace Model *FY4ANF030 1.00 1.00 CNPH*3017A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*3017A•* 1.00 0.94 58MVB080-14 FE4AN(B,F)003 1.00 0.90 CNPH*3617A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*3617A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB080-14 FE4ANF002 1.00 0.94 CNPV*3017A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPV*3621A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB0BO-14 FFIENP030 0.99 0.99 CNPV*3617A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*3012A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB080-14 N FFlENP036 1.00 1.00 CSPH*3012A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*3612A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB080-14 O FV48N(B,F)003 1.00 0.90 CSPH*3612A*• 1.00 0.90 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**3621A•* 1.00 0.94 58MVB080-20 FV4BNF002 1.00 0.94 CAP**3621A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*3017A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB080-20 FX4CN(B,F)036 1.00 0.96 CNPH*3017A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*3617A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB0BO-20 FX4CNF030 1.00 0.94 CNPH*3617A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPV*3621A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB080-20 FY4ANF036 1.00 1.01 CNPV*3621A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH*3012A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB080-20 CAP**3014A** 1.00 1.00 CSPH*3012A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH*3612A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB080-20 CAP**3017A** 1.00 1.00 CSPH*3612A** 1.00 0.90 58CV(A,X)110-20 CAP**3621A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB100-20 CAP**3614A** 1.00 1.00 CNPH*3017A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*3017A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB100-20 CAP**3617A** 1.00 1.00 CNPH*3617A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*3617A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB100-20 CAP**3621A** 1.00 1.00 CSPH*3012A*• 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPV*3621A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB100-20 LNPF*3618A** 1.00 1.00 CSPH*3612A** 1.00 0.90 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*3012A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB100-20 CNPH*3017A** 1.00 1.00 CNPH*3017A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*3612A** 1.00 0.90 58MVB100-20 CNPH*3617A** 1.00 1.00 CNPH*3617A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*3017A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB120-20 CNPV*3014A** 1.00 1.00 CSPH*3012A** 1.00 0.94 56CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*3617A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB120-20 CNPV*3017A** 1.00 1.00 CSPH*3612A** 1.00 0.90 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*3012A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB120-20 CNPV*3617A** 1.00 1.00 CNPH*3017A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB040-14 CSPH*3612A** 1.00 0.90 58MVB120-20 CNPV*3621A•* 1.00 1.00 CNPH*3617A** 1.00 0.94 58MV13040-14 CAP**3017A** 1.00 0.94 58UVB060-14 CSPH*3012A** 1.00 1.00 CSPH*3012A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB040-14 CAP**3617A** 1.00 0.94 58UVB060-14 CSPH*3612A** 1.00 1.00 CSPH*3612A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB040-14 CNPV*3017A** 1.00 0.94 5SUVB060-14 CAP**3014A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)070-12 CAP**3017A*• 1.00 0.94 58MVB060-14 CNPV*3617A** 1.00 0.94 58UVB060-14 CAP•*3614A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)070-12 CAP**3617A*• 1.00 0.94 SBMVBO60-14 CAP**3621A** 1.00 0.94 58UVB080-14 CNPH*3017A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*3017A** 1.00 0.94 58MV8060-14 CNPV*3621A** 1.00 0.94 58UVB080-14 CNPH*3617A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*3617A*• 1.00 0.94 58MVB060-14 CAP**3621A** 1.00 0.94 58UVB080-20 CNPV*3014A** 1.00 0.96 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPV*3017A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB060-14 CNPV*3621A** 1.00 0.94 58UVB080-20 CSPH*3012A** 1.00 0.94 SBCV(A,X)070-12 CNPV*3617A•* 1.00 0.94 58MVB060-14 CAP**3621A** 1.00 0.94 5OUVB100-20 CSPH*3612A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*3012A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB060-14 CNPV*3621A** 1.00 0.94 SBUV8100-20 CAP**3017A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*3612A** 1.00 0.94 BO 14 CNPH*3017A** 1.00 0.94 58UVB120-20 CAP**3617A** 0.10 0.09 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**3621A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB080-14 See note on pg.24 DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES# CONTINUED EVAPORATOR AIR CONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES 'F('C) 75(23.9) 85(29.4) 95(35) 105(40.6) 115(46.1) 125(51.7) Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capaeity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total CFM EWB System System System System Total Sens# SKW*m Total Sens# SK stem Total Sens: KW Total Sens# KW Total Sens# KW* Total Sens# Kµr* 72 40.40 20.45 2.52 38.54 19.75 2.80 36.56 Outdoor 19.01 3.12 34.48 18.26 3.46 32.22 M72 3.83 29.71 16.54 4.24 67 36.96 25.67 2.51 35.23 24.94 2.80 33.39 24.19 3.11 3145 23.40 3.45 29.35 3.83 27.05 21.63 4.23 1050 63tt 34.44 24.83 2.51 32.80 24.10 2.79 31.07 23.34 3.10 29.24 22.53 3.45 27.26 3.82 25.10 20.74 4.22 62 33.82 30.80 2.51 32.24 30.00 2.79 30.59 29.14 3.10 28.87 28.87 3.45 27.24 3.82 25.46 25.46 4.22 57 33.00 33.00 2.51 31.70 31.70 2.79 30.32 30.32 3.10 28.85 28.85 3.45 27.25 3.82 25.47 25.47 4.22 72 40.96 21.34 2.58 39.04 20.63 2.87 36.99 19.89 3.18 34.85 19.12 3.52 32.51 3.90 29.93 17.39 4.30 67 37.50 27.20 2.58 35.70 26.46 2.86 33.80 25.70 3.17 31.80 24.89 3.51 29.64 3.89 27.27 23.06 4.29 1200 63tt 34.96 26.27 2.57 33.27 25.52 2.85 31 47 24.74 3.17 29.58 23.92 3.51 27.55 3.88 25.34 22.07 4.28 62 34.45 32.77 2.57 32.87 32.61 2.85 31.30 31.30 3.17 29.75 29.75 3.51 28.06 28.06 3.88 26.18 26.18 4.29 57 34.14 34.14 2.57 32.77 32.77 2.85 31.31 31.31 3.17 29.75 29.75 3.51 28.06 28.06 3.88 26.18 26.18 4.29 72 41.39 22.20 2.64 39.41 21 49 2.93 37.31 20.74 3.24 35.10 19.96 3.58 32.71 19.13 3.96 30.06 18.21 4.36 67 37.90 28.69 2.64 36.05 27.94 2.92 34.10 2715 3.23 32.05 26.32 3.58 29.84 25.42 3.95 2743 24.41 4.35 1350 63tt 35.36 27.66 2.63 33.61 26.90 2.92 31.77 26.10 3.23 29.84 25.25 3.57 27.76 24.33 3.94 25.51 23.30 4.34 62 35.07 35.07 2.63 33.63 33.63 2.92 32.10 32.10 3.23 30.47 30.47 3.57 28.70 28.70 3.95 26.73 26.73 4.35 57 35.07 35.07 2.63 33.63 33.63 1 2.92 32.10 32.10 3.23 30.48 30.48 3.57 28.71 28.71 3.95 26.73 26.73 4.35 Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Fu ace Model Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Furnace Model Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Furnace Model *FY4ANF036 1.00 1.00 CNPH*3617A** 1.00 0.91 SBCV(A,X)I 10-20 CAP**3621A** 1.00 0.91 58MVB080-20 FE4AN(B,F)003 1.01 0.91 CNPH*4221A** 1.01 0.92 58CV(A,X)l 16-20 CAP**4221A** 1.01 0.92 58MVB080-20 FE4ANF002 1.00 0.91 CNPV*3621A** 1.00 0.91 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CNPH*3617A** 0.99 0.91 58MV8080-20 FFIENP036 1.00 1.00 CNPV*4221A** 1.01 0.92 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CNPH*4221A** 1.01 0.92 58MVB080-20 FV4BN(B,F)003 1.01 0.91 CSPH*3612A** 1.02 0.92 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPV*3621A** 0.99 0.91 58MVB080-20 FV4BNF002 1.00 0.91 CSPH*4212A** 1.03 0.92 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CNPV*4221A** 1.01 0.92 58MVBOBO-20 .N- FX4CN(B,F)036 1.02 0.93 CAP**4224A** 1.01 0.91 SBCV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*3612A** 1.02 0.93 58MVB080-20 FX4CN(B,F)042 1.04 0.95 CNPH*3617A** 1.00 0.91 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*4212A** 1.02 0.93 58MVB080-20 FY4ANF042 1.02 0.99 CNPH*4221A** 1.01 0.92 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**3621A** 1.00 0.91 58MV8100-20 CAP**3614A** 0.99 0.97 CSPH*3612A** 1.02 0.92 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**4221A** 1.01 0.92 58MVB100-20 CAP**3617A** 1.00 0.97 CSPH*4212A** 1.03 0.92 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*3617A** 0.99 0.91 58MVB100-20 CAP**3621A** 1.00 0.97 CAP**4224A** 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*4221A** 1.01 0.92 58MVB100-20 CAP**4221A** 1.01 0.98 CNPH*3617A** 1.00 0.91 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPV*3621A** 1.00 0.91 58MVB100-20 CAP**4224A** 1.01 0.98 CNPH*4221A** 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPV*4221A** 1.01 0.92 58MVB100-20 CNPF*361BA** 1.00 0.97 CSPH*3612A** 1.02 0.92 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*3612A** 1.02 0.93 58MVB100-20 CNPH*3617A** 1.00 0.97 CSPH*4212A** 1.04 0.93 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*4212A** 1.03 0.92 SBMVB100-20 CNPH*4221A** 1.01 0.98 CAP**4224A** 1.01 0.92 58MVB040-14 CAP**4224A** 1.01 0.92 58MVB120-20 CNPV•3617A** 1.00 0.97 CNPH*3617A** 0.99 0.93 58MVB040-14 CNPH*3617A** 0.99 0.91 58MVB120-20 CNPV*3621A** 1.00 0.97 CNPH*4221A** 1.01 0.92 58MVB040-14 CNPH*4221A** 1.01 0.92 58MVB120-20 CNPV*4221A** 1.01 0.98 CSPH*3612A** 1.02 0.93 58MVB040-14 CSPH*3612A** 1.02 0.93 58MVB120-20 CSPH*3612A** 1.02 0.98 CSPH*4212A** 1.02 0.93 58MVB040-14 CSPH*4212A** 1.02 0.92 58MVB120-20 CSPH*4212A** 1.03 0.98 CAP**3617A** 1.00 0.91 58MVB060-14 CNPV*3617A** 0.99 0.91 58UVB060-14 CAP**3614A** 0.99 0.93 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*3617A** 0.99 0.91 58MVB060-14 CAP**3621A** 0.99 0.91 58UVB080-14 CNPH*3617A** 0.99 0.93 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*4221A** 1.01 0.92 58MVB060-14 CAP**4221A** 1.00 0.91 58UVB080-14 CNPH*4221A** 1.01 0.92 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPV*3617A** 0.99 0.91 58MVB060-14 CNPV*3621A** 0.99 0.93 58UVB080-14 CSPH*3612A** 1.02 0.93 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*3612A** 1.02 0.93 58MVB060-14 CNPV*4221A** 1.00 0.91 58UVB080-14 CSPH*4212A** 1.02 0.93 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*4212A** 1.02 0.92 58MVB060-14 CAP**3621A** 1.00 0.91 58UVB080-20 CAP**3617A** 1.00 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**3621A** 0.99 0.91 58MVB080-14 CAP**4221A** 1.01 0.92 58UVB080-20 CNPH*3617A•* 1.00 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**4221A** 1.00 0.91 58MVB080-14 CNPV*3621A** 0.99 0.91 58UVB080-20 CNPH*4221A** 1.01 0.92 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*3617A** 0.99 0.93 58MVB080-14 CNPV*4221A** 1.01 0.92 58UVB080-20 GNPV*3617A** 1.00 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*4221A** 1.00 0.91 58MVB080-14 CAP**3621A** 1.00 0.91 58UVB100-20 CSPH*3612A** 1.02 0.92 SBCV(A,X)090-16 CNPV*3621A** 0.99 0.93 SBMVBO80-14 CAP**4221A** 1.01 0.92 58UVB100-20 CSPH*4212A** 1.03 0.92 SBCV(A,X)090-16 CNPV*4221A** 1.00 0.91 ::K 1.03 CNPV*3621A** 1.00 0.91 58UVB100-20 CAP**3621A** 1.01 0.90 SBCV(A,X)110-20 CSPH*3612A** 1.02 0.93 58MVB080-14 CNPV*4221A** 1.01 0.92 58UVB100-20 CAP**4221A** 1.01 0.92 1 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH*4212A** 1.02 0.93 58MVB080-14 CAP**4224A** 1.01 0.92 58UVB120-20 See note on pg.24 DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES# CONTINUED EVAPORATOR AIR CONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES 'F('C) 7S(23.9) 85(29.4) 95(3s) 105(40.6) 115(46.1) 125(51.7) Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capa ity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total CFM EWB System System System System System System Total Sens Kyy* Total Sens# Kyy+ Total Sens# KW* Total Sens# Kyy* Total Sens# KW** Total Senc# KW* 72 48.26 24.63 3.08 46.00 M24.79 3.41 43.63 Outdoor 22.84 3.77 41.15 21.90 4.17 38.47 20.90 4.61 35.49 19.80 5.09 67 44.21 30.69 3.06 42.14 3.39 39.96 28.86 3.76 37.67 27.90 4.16 35.20 26.87 4.60 32.50 25.76 5.08 1225 63tt 41.23 29.75 3.05 39.29 3.38 37.24 27.91 3.75 35.09 26.94 4.15 32.79 25.91 4.60 30.28 24.80 5.08 62 40.45 36.69 3.05 38.56 3.38 36.58 34.74 3.74 34.53 33.66 4.15 32.38 32.38 4.60 30.32 30.32 5.08 57 39.05 39.05 3.04 37.54 3.37 35.93 35.93 3.74 34.22 34.22 4.15 32.37 32.37 4.60 30.32 30.32 5.08 72 48.98 25.68 3.16 46.64 3.48 44.18 23.87 3.84 41.64 22.93 4.25 38.84 21.90 4.60 35.77 20.79 5.16 67 44.93 32.50 3.14 42.77 3.47 40.50 30.64 3.83 38.12 29.66 4.23 35.57 28.61 4.68 32.78 2746 5.16 1400 63tt 41.93 31 44 3.13 39.91 . 3.45 37.78 29.58 3.82 1 35.55 28.58 4.23 33.17 27.53 4.67 30.58 26.38 5.16 62 41.22 39.13 3.12 39.28 38.11 3.45 37.28 36.95 3.82 35.34 35.34 4.22 33.37 33.37 4.67 3119 3119 5.16 57 40.48 40.48 3.12 38.87 38.87 3.45 3716 3716 3.82 35.34 35.34 4.22 33.38 33.38 4.67 3119 3119 5.16 72 49.51 26.67 3.23 4710 25.77 3.56 44.56 24.84 3.92 41.96 23.89 4.32 39.08 22.86 4.76 35.93 21.74 5.23 67 45.43 34.21 3.21 43.21 33.29 3.54 40.87 32.32 3.90 38.43 31.32 4.31 35.82 30.25 4.75 32.96 29.06 5.23 1575 63tt 42.44 33.06 3.20 40.35 32.13 3.53 38.16 3115 3.89 35.87 30.14 4.30 33.43 29.06 4.74 30.78 27.86 5.23 62 41.88 41.27 3.20 39.96 39.96 3.53 38.15 38.15 3.89 36.24 36.24 4.30 34.17 34.17 4.74 31.87 31.87 5.23 57 41.65 41.65 3.20 39.96 39.96 3.53 38.15 38.15 3.89 36.24 36.24 4.30 34.18 1 34.18 4.74 31.87 31.87 5.23 Cooling Indoor Model Cape ity Power Furnace Model Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Furna Model Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Furnace Model *FY4ANF042 1.00 1.00 CAP**4821A** 1.01 0.92 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CSPH*4812A** 1.00 0.92 58MVB060-14 FE4ANB006 1.05 0.88 CNPH*4221A** 0.99 0.89 58CV(A,X)110-20 CAP**4221A** 0.98 0.93 58MVB080-14 FE4ANF003 0.99 0.89 CNPH*4821A** 1.01 0.92 SBCV(A,X)110-20 CAP**4821A** 1.00 0.91 SBMVB080-14 FE4ANF005 1.04 0.89 CNPV*4221A** 0.99 0.89 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*4221A** 0.98 0.91 58MVB080-14 FV4BNB006 1.05 0.88 CNPV*4821A** 1.01 0.92 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*4821A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB080-14 FV4BNF003 0.99 0.89 CSPH*4212A** 0.99 0.90 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPV*4221A** 0.98 0.91 58MVB080-14 N FV4BNF005 1.04 0.89 CSPH*4812A** 1.01 0.92 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPV*4821A** 1.00 0.94 58MVB080-14 N FX4CN(B,F)042 1.02 0.95 CAP**4224A** 0.99 0.90 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*4212A** 0.98 0.91 58MVB080-14 FX4CN(B,F)048 1.05 0.93 CAP**4824A** 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*4812A** 1.00 0.94 58MVBOBO-14 FY4ANF048 1.02 1.01 CNPH*4221A** 0.99 0.89 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**4221A** 0.99 0.93 58MVBOBO-20 CAP**4221A** 0.99 0.99 CNPH*4821A** 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**4821A** 1.00 0.93 58MVB080-20 CAP**4224A** 0.99 0.99 CNPV*4824A** 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*4221A** 0.99 0.92 58MVB080-20 CAP**4817A** 1.00 0.97 CSPH*4212A** 0.99 0.89 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*4821A** 1.00 0.93 58MVB080-20 CAP**4821A** 1.01 0.99 CSPH*4812A** 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPV*4221A** 0.99 0.92 58MVB080-20 CAP**4824A** 1.01 0.99 CAP**4224A** 0.99 0.89 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPV*4821A** 1.00 0.93 58MVB080-20 CNPF*4818A** 1.00 0.99 CAP**4824A** 1.01 0.91 SBCV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*4212A** 0.99 0.92 58MVB080-20 CNPH*4221A** 0.99 0.99 CNPH*4221A** 0.99 0.89 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*4812A** 1.00 0.92 58MVB080-20 CNPH*4821A** 1.01 0.99 CNPH*4821A** 1.01 0.90 58CV(A,X)155-22 CAP**4221A** 0.99 0.92 58MVB100-20 CNPV*4221A** 0.99 0.99 CNPV*4824A** 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)155-22 CAP**4821A** 1.00 0.92 58MVB100-20 CNPV*4821A** 1.01 0.99 CSPH*4212A** 0.99 0.89 SBCV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*4221A** 0.99 0.90 58MVBIOO-20 CNPV*4824A** 1.01 0.99 CSPH*4812A** 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*4821A** 1.01 0.92 58MVBIOO-20 CSPH*4212A** 0.99 0.96 CAP**4224A** 0.98 0.92 58MVB040-14 CNPV*4221A** 0.99 0.90 58MVBIOO-20 CSPH*4812A** 1.01 0.98 CAP**4824A** 1.00 0.94 SBMVB040-14 CNPV*4821A** 1.00 0.91 58MVBIOO-20 CNPH*4221A** 0.99 0.93 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*4221A** 0.98 0.91 58MVB040-14 CSPH*4212A** 0.99 0.91 58MVBIOO-20 CNPH*4821A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*4821A** 1.00 0.93 58MVB040-14 CSPH*4812A** 1.00 0.92 58MVB100-20 CSPH*4212A** 0.98 0.91 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPV*4824A** 1.00 0.93 58MVB040-14 CAP**4224A** 0.99 0.92 58MVB120-20 CSPH*4812A** 1.00 0.94 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*4212A** 0.98 0.91 58MVB040-14 CAP**4824A** 1.00 0.91 58MVB120-20 CAP**4817A** 0.99 0.90 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*4812A** 1.00 0.93 58MVB040-14 CNPH*4221A** 0.99 0.90 58MVB120-20 CNPH*4221A** 0.99 0.90 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**4817A** 0.99 0.91 58MVB060-14 CNPH*4821A** 1.00 0.91SBMVB120-20 CNPH*4821A** 1.01 0.92 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*4221A** 0.98 0.90 58MVB060-14 CNPV*4824A** 1.00 0.91 58MVB120-20 CSPH*4212A** 0.99 0.90 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*4821A** 1.00 0.92 58MVB060-14 CSPH*4212A** 0.99 0.90 58MVB120-20 CSPH*4B12A** 1.00 0.91 X)090-16 CSPH*4212A** 0.99 0.91 58MVB060-14 CSPH*4812A** 1.00 0.91 58MVB120-20 CAP**4221 A** 0.99 0.92 SBCV(A,X)110-20 See note on pg.24 DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES# CONTINUED CONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES 'F('C) EVAPORATOR AIR 7S(23.9) 8S(29.4) 95(35) 105(40.6) 115(46.1) 125(51.7) Capa ity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Cape ity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Total Sens# KW* Total Sens# KW* Total Sens# KW. Total Sens# KW* CFM EWB System System System System System System Total Sens# KW* Total Sens# KW 72 55.40 28.31 3.28 52.85 27.32 3.64 50.16 26.29 4.04 ' 47.32• ,25.21 4.48 44.24 24.07 4.96 40.83 22.81 5.48 67 50.66 35.30 3.27 48.32 34.30 3.63 45.85 33.24 4.03 43.23 32.13 4.47 40.39 30.96 4.95 37.28 29.68 5.48 1400 63t} 4716 34.17 3.27 44.97 33.16 3.63 42.65 32.10 4.03 40.18 30.98 4.47 37.54 29.81 4.95 34.64 28.52 5.47 62 46.25 42.22 3.27 44.12 4116 3.63 41.87 40.03 4.03 39.52 38.79 4.47 3713 3713 4.95 34.77 34.77 5.47 57 44.75 44.75 3.27 1 43.04 43.04 3.63 41.21 41.21 4.03 39.26 39.26 4.47 3713 3713 4.95 34.77 34.77 5.47 72 56.26 M5.1 3.36 53.63 28.56 3.72 50.81 27.50 4.12 47.87 26.42 4.56 44.68 25.26 5.04 4116 23.99 5.56 67 51.50 3.36 49.07 36.42 3.72 46.50 35.35 4.12 43.77 34.22 4.56 40.83 33.02 5.04 37.62 31.70 5.56 1600 63}} 47.98 3.35 45.70 35.15 3.71 43.28 34.07 4.11 40.73 32.94 4.55 37.99 31.73 5.03 35.00 30.41 5.56 62 4716 3.35 44.97 43.96 3.71 42.69 42.69 4.11 40.59 40.59 4.55 38.33 38.33 5.03 35.82 35.82 5.56 57 46.44 3.35 44.61 44.61 3.71 42.67 42.67 4.11 40.5940.59 4.55 38.34 38.34 5.03 35.83 35.83 5.56 72 56.87 3.45 54.16 29.72 3.81 51.25 28.65 4.20 48.26 27.57 4.64 44.97 26.39 5.12 41.36 25.11 5.64 67 52.10 39.48 3.44 _ 49.59 38.45 3.80 46.94 37.35 4.20 44.13 36.19 4.64 4113 34.96 5.12 37.84 33.60 5.64 1600 63}} 48.58 38.09 3.44 46.22 37.05 3.80 43.74 35.94 4.20 4111 34.78 4.64 38.30 33.54 5.12 35.25 32.17 5.64 62 47.96 47.60 3.44 45.90 45.90 3.80 43.85 43.85 4.20 41.66 41.66 4.64 39.30 39.30 5.12 36.65 36.65 5.64 57 47.82 47.82 3.44 45.90 45.90 3.80 43.86 43.86 4.20 41.67 41.67 4.64 39.30 39.30 5.12 36.65 36.65 5.64 Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Furnace Model Cooling Indoor ModelR0.98 Power Furnace Model Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Furnace Model *FY4ANF048 1.00 1.00 CSPH*4812A* 0.92 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*6012A* 1.00 0.90 58CV(A,X)155-22 FE4ANB006 1.03 0.89 CSPH*6012A* 0.92 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP-4821A- 0.98 0.92 58MV6080-20 FE4ANF005 1.01 0.89 CAP**4821A* 0.92 58CV(A,X)110-20 CAP**6021A* 1.00 0.92 58MVB080-20 FV4BNB006 1.03 0.89 CAP**6021A* 0.92 SBCV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*4821A* 0.98 0.92 58MVBOBO-20 FV4BNF005 1.01 0.89 CNPH*4821A* 0.92 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*6024A* 1.00 0.94 58MVB080-20 FX4CN(B,F)048 1.02 0.94 CNPH*6024A* 0.92 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CNPV*4821A* 0.98 0.92 58MVB080-20 lJ FX4CN(B,F)060 1.03 0.93 CNPV*4821A* 0.98 0.92 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CSPH*4812A• 0.98 0.92 1 SBMVBOBO-20 w FY4ANBO60 1.02 1.00 CSPH*4812A* 0.98 0.92 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CSPH*6012A* 1.00 0.92 58MVBOOO-20 CAP**4817A* 0.97 1 0.97 CSPH*6012A* 1.00 0.92 58CV(A,X)110-20 CAP**4821A* 0.98 0.92 58MVE3100-20 CAP**4821A* 0.99 0.99 CAP**4824A* 0.98 0.90 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**6021A* 1.00 0.92 58MVB100-20 CAP**4824A* 0.99 0.99 CAP**6024A* 1.01 0.93 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*4821A* 0.98 0.92 58MVB100-20 CAP•*6021A* 1.01 1.01 CNPH*4821A* 0.99 0.91 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*6024A* 1.00 0.92 58MVBIOO-20 CAP**6024A* 1.01 1.01 CNPH*6024A* 1.00 0.90 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPV*4821A* 0.98 0.92 58MVB100-20 LNPF*4818A* 0.97 0.97 CNPV*4824A* 0.98 0.90 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*4812A* 0.98 0.92 58MVBIOO-20 CNPH*4821A* 0.99 0.99 CNPV*6024A* 1.00 1 0.90 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*6012A* 1.00 0.92 58MVB100-20 CNPH*6024A* 1.01 1.01 CSPH*4812A* 0.98 0.90 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**4824A* 0.98 0.92 1 58MVB120-20 CNPV*4821A* 0.99 0.99 CSPH*6012A* 1.00 0.90 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**6024A* 1.00 0.92 58MVB120-20 CNPV*4824A* 0.99 0.99 CAP**4824A* 0.99 0.93 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*4821A* 0.98 0.92 58MVB120-20 CNPV*6024A* 1.01 1.01 CAP**6024A* 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*6024A* 1.00 0.92 56MVB120-20 CSPH*4812A* 0.99 0.99 CNPH*4821A* 0.99 0.91 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPV*4824A* 0.98 0.92 58MVB120-20 CSPH*6012A* 1.01 1.01 CNPH*6024A* 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPV*6024A* 1.00 0.92 58MVB120-20 CAP**4817A* 0.97 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPV*4824A* 0.99 0.93 SSCV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*4812A• 0.98 0.92 58MV8120-20 CNPH*4821A* 0.98 0.92 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPV*6024A* 1.01 0.91 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*6012A* 1.00 0.92 58MVB120-20 CNPH*6024A* 1.00 0.92 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*4812A* 0.98 0.90 58CV(A,X)155-22 See note on pg.24 DETAILED COOLING CAPACITIES# CONTINUED CONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES 'F('C) EVAPORATOR AIR 75(23.9) 85(29.4) 95(35) 1 105(40.6) 115(46.1) 125(51.7) Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Tolal Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Caps ity MBtuh Total Total Sens# KW Total Sens# KW* Total Sens# KW* Total Sens$ KW* CFM EWB System System System System System System Total Sens# KW Total Sens# KW -30 Indoor Section 72 71.08 36.09 4.41 67.69 34.77 4.86 '64.09 Outdoor 33.39 5.36 ,60.33 31.96 1 5.90 56.30 30.45 6.50. 51.84 28.81 7 14 67 65.19 45.05 4.36 62.05 43.69 4.81 58.73 E44.89 5.30 55.30 40.82 5.85 51.61 39.29 6.44 47.57 37.62 7.09 1750 63tt 60.79 43.67 4.31 57.85 42.31 4.76 54.78 5.26 51.57 39.45 5.81 48.15 37.91 6.40 44.41 36.26 7.05 62 59.61 53.90 4.30 56.75 52.49 4.75 53.77 5.25 50.69 49.41 5.80 47.50 47.50 6.40 45.90 45.90 6.36 57 5748 5748 4.28 55.20 55.20 4.74 52.79 5.24 50.24 50.24 5.79 4749 47 49 6.40 44.42 44.42 7.06 72 72.12 37.62 4.54 68.55 36.26 4.99 64.87 5.48 60.98 33.44 6.03 56.80 31.91 6.62 52.19 30.25 7.26 67 66.24 47.72 4.48 62.96 46.34 4.93 59.50 5.43 55.93 43.42 5.97 52.11 41.85 6.57 47.93 40.14 7.21 2000 63tt 61.83 46.19 4.44 58.77 44.80 4.89 55.56 43.36 5.38 52.22 41.88 5.93 48.67 40.31 6.53 44.80 38.60 718 62 60.73 57.58 4.43 57.79 56.05 4.88 54.77 54.33 5.38 51.88 51.88 5.93 48.94 48.94 6.53 47.37 47.37 6.51 57 59.63 59.63 4.42 5718 5718 4.87 54.60 54.60 5.38 51.89 51.89 5.93 48.94 48.94 6.53 45.66 45.66 719 72 72.83 39.05 4.66 69.16 37.69 5.11 65.40 36.31 5.61 61.39 34.85 6.15 57 10 33.30 6.74 52.35 31.61 7.37 67 66.96 50.26 4.61 63.58 48.86 5.06 60.01 47.39 5.55 56.35 45.89 6.09 52.43 44.28 6.69 48.14 42.52 7.33 2250 63tt 62.58 48.57 4.56 59.40 47 16 5.01 56.09 45.69 5.51 52.66 44.18 6.05 49.01 42.56 6.65 45.05 40.80 7.30 62 61.68 60.83 4.56 58.79 58.79 5.01 56.05 56.05 5.51 53.19 53.19 6.06 50.08 50.08 6.66 46.62 46.62 7.31 57 61.37 61.37 4.55 58.79 58.79 5.01 56.06 56.06 5.51 53.19 53.19 6.06 50.08 50.08 6.66 46.62 46.62 7.31 Cooling Indoor Model Capacity Power Furnace Model *FY4ANB060 1.00 1.00 FE4ANB006 1.01 0.95 FV4BNBo06 1.01 0.95 FX4CN(B, 060 1.01 0.91 CAP•*6021A** 0.99 0.99 CAP**6024A** 1.01 1.01 N CNPH*6024A** 1.00 1.00 A CNPV*6024A** 1.00 1.00 CSPH*6012A*• 1.01 1.01 CAP**6021A** 0.97 0.94 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*6024A** 0.98 0.95 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH*6012A** 0.99 0.96 58CV(A,X)110-20 CAP**6024A** 0.99 0.93 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*6024A** 0.98 0.95 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPV*6024A** 0.98 0.95 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*6012A** 0.99MO.9 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**6024A** 0.9958CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*6024A** 0.9958CV(A,X)155-22 CNPV*6024A** 0.9958CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*6012A** 0.9958CV(A,X)155-22 t Total and sensible capacities are net capacities.Blower motor heat has been subtracted. t Sensible capacities shown are based on 80°F(27°C)entering air at the indoor coil.For sensible capacities at other than 80°F(27°C) deduct 835 Btuh (245 kW)per 1000 CFM(480 US)of indoor coil air for each degree below 80°F(27°C),or add 835 Btuh(245 kW)per 1000 CFM(480 US)of indoor coil air per degree above 80°F(27°C) #Detailed cooling capacities are based on indoor and outdoor unit at the same elevation per ARI standard 210/240-94.If additional tubing length and/or indoor unit is located above outdoor unit,a slight variation in capacity may occur. System kw is total of indoor and outdoor unit kilowatts. ft At TVA rating indoor condition(75°F edb/63°F ewb).All other indoor air temperatures are at 80°F edb. NOTE:When the required data falls between the published data,interpolation may be performed.Extrapolation is not an acceptable practice. EWB-Entering Wet Bulb HEAT PUMP HEATING PERFORMANCE INDOOR AIR OUTDOOR COIL ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES-F('C) -3(-19.4) 7(-13.9) 17(-8.3) 27(-2.8) 37(2.8) 47(8.3) 57(13.9) 67(19.4) Capairy MBtuh Total Capacity MB[uh Tolal Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Cepa ity MBtuh Total Cape iry MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Cepe iry MBtuh Total EDB CFM System System System System System System System System Total Integ' KWt Total Integ* Kyyt Total Integ' KWt Total tnteg' Kyyt Total Integ' Ky�rt Total Integ* Ky�rt Total Integ' Kyyt Total Integ* Ky�t 525 6.43 5.92 1.23 8.38 7.70 1.28 10.46 9.53 1.33 12.69 1127 1.38 15.19 13.83 144 17.98 17.98 1 1.52 20.66 20.66 1.59 23.20 2320 1.67 05 600 6.59 6.05 1.25 8.56 7.871.29 10.68 9.74 1.33 12.92 1148 1.37 15.51 14.11 1.43 18.25 1825 149 20.72 20.72 1.55 23.20 23.20 1.61 675 6.74 620 1.27 8.72 8.01 1.31 10.85 9.89 1.34 13.13 11.66 1.38 15.74 14.33 1.43 18.51 18.51 148 20.74 20.74 1.53 23.06 23.06 1.58 525 6.09 5.60 127 8.12 746 1.33 10.19 9.29 1.39 12.41 11.02 1 44 14.88 13.54 1.51 17.65 17.65 1.50 20.42 20.42 1.67 22.95 22.95 1.75 70 600 6.25 5.75 1.29 8.28 7.61 1.35 10.39 9.47 1.39 12.63 1122 1.44 15.15 13.79 1.50 18.00 18.00 1.57 20.51 20.51 1.63 23.03 23.03 1.70 675 6.40 5.89 1.31 8.44 7.75 1.36 10.56 9.63 140 12.63 1129 1.44 15.39 14.01 1.50 18.16 18.16 1.55 20.56 20.56 1.60 22.95 22.95 1.66 525 5.73 5.27 1.32 7.79 716 1.39 9.90 9.03 145 12.14 10.78 1.51 14.56 13.25 1.58 17.32 17.32 1.67 20.17 20.17 1.76 22.69 22.69 1.84 75 600 5.89 5.42 1.34 7.97 7.32 1.40 10.10 921 1.46 12.36 10.97 1.51 1 14.84 13.50 1.57 17.64 17.64 1.65 20.35 20.35 1.71 22.82 22.82 1.79 675 6.04 5.55 1.36 8.13 747 1.42 1028 9.37 1.47 12.55 11.15 1.51 15.07 13.71 1.57 17.88 17.88 1.63 20.38 20.38 1.68 22.80 22.80 1.75 Heating Indo Model Cape ity Powe Fuma Model 'FY4ANF018 1.00 1.00 FE4ANF002 0.96 0.88 FF1 ENP018 1.00 1.00 FFlENP024 0.99 0.97 FV4BNF002 0.96 0.88 FX4CNF018 0.98 0.92 FX4CNF024 0.97 0.89 FY4ANF024 0.99 0.99 CAP"1814A' 1.00 1.01 CAP-2414A' 1.00 0.97 CAP-2417A' 1.00 0.97 CNPF'2418A' 1.00 0.95 IJ CNPH'2417A' 1.00 0.95 CNPV'1814A' 1.00 0.97 CNPV'2414A' 1.00 0.95 CNPV'2417A' 1.00 0.95 CSPH'2412A' 0.99 0.95 CAP"1814A' 0.95 0.96 58CV(A,X)070-12 CAP"2414A' 0.96 0.92 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH'2417A' 0.95 0.91 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPV'1814A' 0.95 0.92 58CV(AX)070-12 CNPV'2414A' 0.96 0.91 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH'2412A' 0.96 0.91 58CV(A,X)070-12 CAP"2417A' 0.96 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH'2417A' 0.96 0.90 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPV'2417A' 0.96 0.90 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH'2412A' 0.96 0.90 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH'2417A' 0.96 0.91 58MVB040-14 CSPH'2412A' 0.96 0.91 58MVB040-14 CAP"2417A' 0.96 0.92 58MVB060-14 CNPH'2417A' 0.96 0.91 58MV6060-14 CNPV'2417A' 0.96 0.91 58MVB060-14 CSPH'2412A' 0.96 0.91 58MVB060-14 CNPH'2417A' 0.96 0.90 58MVB080-14 CSPH'2412A' 0.96 0.90 58MV8080-14 See note on pg.31 HEAT PUMP HEATING PERFORMANCE CONTINUED INDOOR AIR OUTDOOR COIL ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES'F('C) -3(-19.4) 17(-8.3) 27(-2.8) 37(2.8) 47(8.3) 57(13.9) 67(19.4) Cepaclry MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Cepa iry MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capeciry MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capeciry MBtuh Ictal Capaeiry MBtuh Total EDB CFM System System System System System System System System Total Integ• KWt To[al Integ* KWt Total In[eg• Kyyt Total Integ* Kyyt Total Integ• Ky/t Total Integ• Cyt Total Integ• Kyyt Total Integ• IOWt r700 9.58 8.82 1.52 11.98 11.01 1.59 14.58 13.29 1.66 17.51 15.56 1.75 20.82 18.94 1.86 2420 2420 1.96 2714 2714 2.06 30.15 30.15 2.17 65 9.77 B.99 1.54 12.19 11.20 1.60 14.81 13.51 1.66 17.80 15.81 1.74 2114 19.24 1.84 24.17 24.17 1.91 26.94 26.94 2.00 29.50 29.60 2.09 9.94 9.15 1.56 12.37 11.37 1.61 15.03 13.70 1.67 18.06 16.04 1.74 2140 19.47 1.83 24.07 24.07 1.69 26.59 26.59 1.97 28.87 28.87 2.03 9.29 8.54 1.59 11.70 10.75 1.67 14.30 13.04 1.74 17.18 1526 1.84 20.47 18.63 1.95 23.95 23.95 2.06 26.95 26.95 2.17 30.01 30.01 229 70 9.48 8.72 1.61 11.91 10.94 1.67 14.53 1325 1.74 1746 15.51 1.82 20.79 18.92 1.93 24.00 24.00 2.01 26.83 26.83 2.11 29.61 29.61 2.20 9.65 8.87 1.63 12.09 1111 1.69 14.73 13.43 1.75 17.71 15.73 1.83 21.06 19.16 1.92 23.97 23.97 1.99 26.60 26.60 2.07 29.03 29.03 2.15 8.96 824 1.67 11.40 10.48 1.75 14.02 12.78 1.83 16.85 14.97 1.93 20.14 18.33 2.05 23.63 23.63 2.17 28.71 26.71 228 29.80 29.80 2.41 75 9.15 8.42 1.68 11.61 10.67 1.75 1425 12.88 7.83 1713 1521 1.91 20.44 18.60 2.03 23.84 23.84 2.12 26.68 26.68 2.22 29.54 29.54 2.32 900 9.33 8.58 1.70 11.80 10.84 1.77 14.45 13.17 1.63 17.37 15.43 1,91 20.71 78.84 2.02 23.82 23.82 2.09 26.53 26.53 2.18 29.10 1 28.10 227 Heating IndoHeating Indo Heating Indo Model Capa ity Powe Fu Model Model Cape ity Powe Fu Model Model Cap.ity Powe Fu Model *FY4ANF024 1.00 1.00 CNPV•2414A* 0.98 0.94 58CV(A.X)070-12 CSPH*3012A* 0.95 0.92 58MVB040-14 FE4ANF002 0.97 0.91 CNPV•3014A* 0.96 0.93 58CV(A,X)070-12 CAP••2417A• 0.98 0.95 58MVBOBO-14 FE4ANF003 0.96 0.90 CSPH•2412A• 0.98 0.93 SSCV(A.X)070-12 CAP•*3017A• 0.96 0.92 58MVB060-14 FFI ENP024 1.00 1.00 CSPH•3012A* 0.95 0.92 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*2417A* 098 0.94 SBMV8060-14 FFI ENP030 1.01 1.00 CAP*•2417A* 0.98 0.94 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH•3017A* 0.96 0.92 1 58MVB060-14 FV48NF002 0.97 0.90 GAP*•3017A* 0.96 0.92 58CV(AX)090-16 CNPV•2417A* 0.98 0.94 58MVB060-14 FV4BNF003 0.96 0.90 CNPH•2417A* 0.98 0.93 58CV(AX)090-16 CNPV*3017A* 0.96 0.92 58MVB060-14 FX4CNF024 0.99 0.94 CNPH•3017A* 0.96 0.92 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*2412A• 0.98 0.93 58MVB060-14 FX4CNF030 0.98 0.91 CNPV•2417A• 0.98 0.93 SBCV(A,X)090-16 CSPH•3012A* 095 0.92 58MVB060-14 FY4ANF030 1.00 0.97 CNPV•3017A* 0.96 0.92 SSCV(A,X)090-16 CNPH•2417A* 0.98 0.93 58MVBOBO-14 CAP**2414A* 1.02 1.00 CSPH•2412A* 0.98 0.92 SBCV(A,X)090-16 CNPH•3017A• 0.96 0.92 58MVBOBO-14 N CAP*•2417A• 1.02 1.00 CSPH*3012A• 0.95 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH•2412A* 0.98 0.93 58MVBOBO-14 CAP-3014A• 098 0.97 CNPH*2417A* 0.98 0.93 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CSPH*3012A• 0.95 0.92 58MVBOBO-14 CAP-3017A• 0.98 0.97 CNPH•3017A• 0.96 0.92 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CNPH*2417A* 0.98 0.93 58MVBOBO-20 CNPF*2418A* 1.02 0.98 CSPH•2412A• 0.98 0.93 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH•3017A* 0.96 0.92 58MVBOBO-20 CNPH•2417A* 1.02 0.98 CSPH*3012A• 0.95 0.92 SBCV(A,X)l 10-20 CSPH*2412A* 0.98 0.93 58MVB080-20 CNPH*3017A* 098 0.97 CNPH•2417A* 0.98 093 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*3012A• 0.95 0.92 58MVBOSO-20 CNPV*2414A* 1.02 0.98 CNPH•3017A* 0.96 0.92 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH•2417A* 0.98 0.93 58MVB100-20 CNPV*2417A• 1.02 0.98 CSPH•2412A* 0.98 0.92 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH•3017A• 0.96 0.92 SBMVB100-20 CNPV*3014A* 098 0.97 CSPH•3012A• 0.95 0.91 5BCV(A,X)135-22 CSPH•2412A• 0.98 0.92 58MVB100-20 CNPV•3017A* 098 0.97 CNPH*2417A• 0.98 0.93 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*3012A* 095 0.91 58MVB100-20 CSPH•2412A• 1.01 0.97 CNPH•3017A* 0.96 0.92 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH•2417A* 0.98 0.94 58MVB120-20 CSPH*3012A• 0.97 0.96 CSPH*2412A* 0.98 0.92 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*3017A* 0.96 0.93 58MVB120-20 CAP•*2414A• 0.98 0.96 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*3012A* 0.95 0.91 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*2412A* 0.98 0.93 56MVB120-20 CAP•*3014A* 096 0.93 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*2417A* 0.90 0.93 58MVB040-14 CSPH•3012A• 0.95 0.92 58MVB120-20 CNPH*2417A• 0.98 0.94 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*3017A* 0.96 0.92 58MVB040-14 See note on pg.31 CNPH•3017A• 0.96 0.93 SSCV(A,X)070-12 CSPH•2412A* 0.98 0.93 58MVB040-14 HEAT PUMP HEATING PERFORMANCE CONTINUED OUTDOOR COIL ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES-F('C) INDOOR AIR -3(-19.4) 7(-13.9) 17(-8.3) 27(-2.8) 37(2.8) 47(8.3) 57(13.9) 87(19.4) Capacity MBtuh To[al Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Cap.ity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Te+�l Capec(ty MBtuh Total EDB CFM System System System System System System System System Total Inte9' KWt Total Inte9* KWi Total Inte9* KWt Total Integ* Ky�rt Total Integ* Kyyt Total In[eg* Kyyt Total Integ` Kyyt Total Integ* KWt 875 12.02 11.06 1.89 M14.71 13.85 1.97 18.33 16.72 2.07 ' 21.82 19.38 2.18 25.66 23.35 2.31 29.99 29.99 2.47 34.77 34.77 2.64 39.32 39.32 2.79 65 1000 1226 11.28 1.90 14.09 1.98 18.61 16.97 2.06 22.12 19.64 2.16 26.04 23.69 2.26 30.47 30.47 2.42 35.11 35.11 2.55 39.58 39.58 2.69 1 IiS 12.47 11.47 1.92 14.30 1.99 18.86 1719 2.07 22.38 19.88 2.15 26.41 24.04 226 30.87 30.87 2.39 3528 35.28 2.49 39.69 39.69 2.63 875 11.62 10.69 1.98 13.52 2.08 17.98 16.40 2.18 27 49 19.08 230 2525 22.98 2.43 29.55 29.55 2.60 34.31 34.31 2.79 38.81 38.81 2.94 70 1000 11.85 10.91 2.00 13.76 2.08 18.26 16.65 2.17 21.79 19.35 2.28 25.64 23.33 2.40 30.00 30.00 2.55 34.70 34.70 2.69 39.17 39.17 2.83 1125 12.07 1110 2.02 73.97 2.10 18.51 76.88 2.18 22.05 19.59 227 25.97 23.63 2.38 30.39 30.39 2.52 34.94 34.94 2.63 39.35 39.35 2.77 875 71.18 1029 2.07 13.16 2.18 17.61 18.06 229 2113 18.77 2.42 24.86 22.82 2.56 29.13 29.13 2.74 33.84 33.84 2.95 38.33 38.33 3.09 75 1000 1142 10.51 2.09 14.58 13.40 2.19 17.90 16.32 229 2144 19.04 2.40 2523 22.95 2.52 29.56 29.56 2.68 3425 3425 2.84 38.72 38.72 2.98 1725 11.64 10.70 2.12 14.82 13.61 2.20 18.15 16.55 2,29 21.72 1929 2.39 25.55 2325 2.50 29.93 29.93 2.65 34.55 34.55 2.78 3!1.96 38.86 2.81 Healing Indo Model Capa ity Powe Fu Model Heating Indo Model Capacity Powe Fu Model Heating Indo Model Cape ity Powe Fu Model *FY4ANF030 1.00 1.00 CNPH*3017A* 0.99 0.99 SBCV(A,X)090-16 CNPH'3017A* 1.00 1.00 58MVB0BO-14 FE4AN(B,F)003 0.99 0.96 CNPH*3617A* 099 0.99 SBCV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*3617A' 1.00 1.00 58MVB0BO-14 FE4ANF002 1.00 0.97 GNPV`3017A` 0.99 0.99 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPV*3621A* 1.00 1.00 58MVB0BO-14 FFIENP030 1.00 1.01 CNPV'3617A* 0.99 0.99 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*3012A* 1.00 1.00 58MVB0BO-14 FFIENP036 1.00 0.99 CSPH*3012A' 0.99 0.99 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*3612A* 1.00 0.96 58MVBOBO-14 FV4BN(B,F)003 0.99 0.96 CSPH*3612A' 1.00 0.96 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**3621A' 0.99 0.98 58MV8080-20 FV4BNF002 1.00 0.97 CAP*'3621A* 099 0.98 SBCV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*3017A' 1.00 1.00 58MVBOBO-20 FX4GN(B,F)036 1.00 0.96 CNPH*3077A* 0.99 0.98 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*3617A* 1.00 1.00 SBMVBO80-20 FX4CNF030 1.00 0.96 CNPH*3617A* 099 0.98 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPV*3621A* 0.99 0.99 58MVB080-20 FY4ANF036 1.00 1.00 CNPV*3621A* 0.99 0.98 SBCV(A,X)l 10-20 CSPH*3012A' 1.00 1.00 58MVB0BO-20 CAP"3014A* 1.00 1.00 CSPH'3012A* 1.00 0.99 58GV(A,X)l 10-20 CSPH*3612A' 1.00 0.96 58MVB080-20 GAP*'3017A* 1.00 1.00 CSPH'3612A* 1.00 0.95 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CAP**3621A* 0.99 0.90 58MV8100-20 N CAP-3614A' 1.00 0.99 CNPH*3017A' 099 0.98 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*3017A` 0.99 0.99 SBMVBIOO-20 J CAP'*3617A* 1.00 0.99 CNPH*3617A' 0.99 0.98 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*3617A* 0.99 0.99 58MVB100-20 CAP"3621A* 1.00 0.99 CSPH*3012A* 1.00 0.99 58GV(A,X)135-22 CNPV*3621A' 0.99 0.99 58MV8100-20 CNPF*3618A' 1.00 0.99 CSPH*3612A* 1.00 0.95 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*3012A' 1.00 0.99 58MVB100-20 CNPH'3017A* 1.00 0.99 CNPH*3017A* 0.99 1 0.98 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH'3612A* 1.00 0.96 58MVB100-20 CNPH*3617A* 1.00 0.99 CNPH*3617A* 0.99 0.98 SBCV(A,X)155-22 CNPH'3017A* 0.99 1.00 SBMVB120-20 CNPV*3014A* 1.00 0.99 CSPH*3012A' 1.00 0.99 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH'3617A' 0.99 1.00 58MVB120-20 CNPV*3017A* 1.00 0.99 CSPH*3612A' 1.00 0.95 SBCV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*3012A' 099 0.99 58MVB120-20 CNPV'3617A* 1.00 0.99 CNPH*3017A* 1.00 1.00 58MVB040-14 CSPH*3612A' 1.00 0.96 58MVB120-20 CNPV*3621A' 1.00 0.99 CNPH*3617A' 1.00 1.00 50MVB040-14 CAP**3017A* 0.99 1.00 58UVB060-14 CSPH'3012A* 1.00 0.99 CSPH*3012A* 1.00 1.00 58MVB040-14 CAP**3817A* 0.99 0.99 58UVB060-14 GSPH'3612A* 1.00 0.95 CSPH*3612A* 1.00 0.97 SBMVB040-14 CNPV*3017A* 0.99 1.00 58UVB060-14 GAP**3014A* 1.00 1.01 SBCV(A,X)070-12 CAP**3017A* 099 1.00 58MVB060-14 CNPV*3617A* 0.99 1.00 58UVB060-14 CAP*'3614A* 1.00 1.00 58CV(A,X)070-12 GAP*'3617A* 0.99 0.99 58MVB060-14 CAP**3621A* 1.00 0.99 58UVBOBO-14 CNPH*3017A' 1.00 1.00 58GV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*3017A* 0.99 1.00 58MVB060-14 CNPV*3621A' 1.00 1.00 58UVB080-14 CNPH*3617A* 1.00 1.00 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH'3617A* 0.99 1.00 58MVB060-14 CAP**3621A* 0.99 0.98 58UVB080-20 GNPV'3014A* 1.00 1.01 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPV*3017A* 099 1.00 58MVBOBO-14 CNPV*3621A* 0.99 0.99 58UVB080-20 CSPH*3012A' 1.00 1.00 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPV*3617A' 0.99 1.00 58MVB060-14 CAP**3621A` 0.99 0.98 58UVBIOO-20 CSPH`3612A* 1.00 0.98 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*3012A' 1.00 1.00 58MVB0SO-14 CNPV*3521A* 0.99 0.99 SBW6100-20 GAP*`3017A* 0.99 0.99 58CV(A,X)090-16 GSPH'3612A' 1.00 0.97 58MVB060-14 See note On pg.31 GAP**3617A* 0.99 0.98 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**3621A* 1.00 0.99 58MVB080-14 HEAT PUMP HEATING PERFORMANCE CONTINUED OUTDOOR COIL ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES'F('C) INDOOR AIR -3(-19.4) 7(-13.9) 17(-8.3) 27(-2.8) 37(2.8) 47(8.3) 67(13.9) 67(19.4) Cap.ity MBluh Total Cape ity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Cape ity MBtuh Total Caps ity MBtuh Total EDB CFM System System System System System System System Syatem Total Inte Total Inte Total Integ* Cwt Total Wag* KWt Total Integ" Kwt Total Integ` KWt Total Inte9' KWi Total Inte9* KWT 9' KWT 9' KWT 1050 14.39 13.24 2.21 18.06 16.60 2.32 21.96 20.02 2.43 26.08 23.17 2.56 30.79 28.02 1 2.71 35.73 35.73 2.85 40.33 [40.08 3.00 45.07 45.07 3.17 65 1200 14.71 13.53 2.25 18.40 16.91 2.34 22.34 20.36 2.44 26.49 23.53 2.56 3126 28.45 2.70 35.98 35.98 2.81 40.39 2.94 44.90 44.90 3.09 1350 14.99 13.79 2.29 16.71 1719 2.38 22.66 20.66 2.47 26.86 23.85 2.57 31.69 28.84 2.70 36.10 36.10 2.80 40.33 2.92 44.58 44.58 3.04 1050 13.84 12.73 2.30 17.57 16.15 2.42 21.50 19.60 2.54 25.64 22.78 2.67 30.17 2746 2.83 35.32 35.32 2.99 39.94 3.15 44.64 44.64 3.32 70 1200 14.16 13.02 2.33 17.92 16.46 2.44 21.87 19.94 2.55 26.04 23.13 2.67 30.67 27.91 2.82 35.60 35.50 2.95 40.07 3.09 44.62 44.62 3.24 1350 14.45 13.29 2.37 18.22 16.75 2.48 22.20 20.24 2.58 26.40 23.45 2.69 3112 28.32 2.82 35.80 35.80 2.93 40.08 3.06 44.43 44.43 3.191050 13.24 12.18 238 17.03 15.65 2.52 21.00 19.15 2.65 25.18 22.35 2.79 29.65 26.98 2.95 34.80 34.80 3.14 39.50 329 44.18 44.18 3.4875 1200 13.56 1247 2.42 17.38 15.98 2.54 21.38 19.49 2.66 25.59 22.73 2.79 30.13 2742 2.94 3527 3527 3.09 39.71 323 44.27 4427 3.391350 13.85 1274 246 17.70 16.26 2.58 21.72 19.80 2.69 25.94 23.04 2.81 30.55 27.80 2.95 35.47 35.47 3.07 39.79 320 44.18 44.18 3.34 Heating Indo Heating Indo Heating Indo Model Capa ity Powe Fu Model Model Capacity Powe Futn Model Model Cape ity Powe Fu Model "FY4ANF036 1.00 1.00 CNPH"4221A' 0.97 0.93 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH•3617A` 0.97 0.97 58MVB0BO-20 FE4AN(B,F)003 0.97 0.93 CNPV•3621A* 0.97 0.96 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*4221A" 0.97 0.94 58MVB0BO-20 FE4ANF002 0.97 0.95 CNPV*4221A* 0.97 0.93 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPV*3621A• 0.97 0.97 58MVBOBO-20 FFIENP036 0.99 1.00 CSPH*3612A" 0.97 0.91 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPV*4221A* 0.97 0.95 58MVB0BO-20 FV4BN(B,F)003 0.97 0.93 CSPH'4212A' 0.96 0.90 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CSPH'3612A* 0.97 0.92 58MVB0BO-20 FV4BNF002 0.97 0.95 CAP••4224A* 0.96 0.92 1 SBCV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*4212A" 0.96 0.91 58MVB080-20 FX4CN(B,F)036 0.98 0.94 CNPH•3617A* 0.97 0.96 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**3621A' 0.97 0.95 SBMVBIOD-20 FX4CN(B,F)042 0.97 0.91 CNPH*4221A• 0.97 0.93 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**4221A• 0.97 0.94 58MVB100-20 FY4ANF042 0.98 0.96 CSPH'3612A• 0.97 0.91 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH•3617A` 0.97 0.98 58MVBIOO-20 CAP**3614A" 0.99 1.00 CSPH'4212A• 0.96 0.90 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*4221A* 0.97 0.94 58MVB100-20 CAP*`3617A* 0.99 0.99 CAP*'4224A* 0.96 0.91 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPV•3621A* 0.97 0.96 58MVB100-20 N CAP•*3821A* 0.99 0.99 CNPH'3617A* 0.96 0.95 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPV*4221A* 0.97 0.94 58MV5100-20 00 CAP"4221A' 0.99 0.98 CNPH`4221A` 0.97 0.92 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH'3612A• 0.97 0.92 58MVB100-20 CAP•*4224A" 0.99 0.98 CSPH*3612A• 0.96 1 0.90 SBCV(A,X)155-22 CSPH'4212A" 0.96 0.91 58MVBIOO-20 CNPF*3618A' 0.99 0.99 CSPH*4212A' 0.96 0.89 58CV(A,X)155-22 CAP`*4224A' 0.96 0.93 58MVB120-20 CNPH*3617A* 0.99 0.99 CAP**4224A* 0.97 0.94 58MVB040-14 CNPH*3617A* 0.97 0.97 58MVB120-20 CNPH'4221A' 0.99 0.97 CNPH`3617A* 0.97 0.98 58MV8040-14 CNPH*4221A• 0.97 0.94 58MVB120-20 CNPV•3617A• 0.99 0.99 CNPH*4221A* 0.97 0.95 58MV8040-14 CSPH'3612A• 0.97 0.92 58MV13120-20 CNPV•3621A* 0.99 0.99 CSPH*3612A• 0.97 0.94 SBMVB040-14 CSPH*4212A" 0.96 0.91 58MVB120-20 CNPV`4221A` 0.99 0.97 CSPH'4212A` 0.97 0.92 58MV8040-14 CAP-3617A• 0.97 0.96 58LNB060-14 CSPH'3612A* 0.99 0.95 CAP*`3617A` 0.97 0.96 58MVB060-14 CNPV*3617A* 0.97 0.97 5SUVB060-14 CSPH'4212A• 0.98 0.94 CNPH'3617A' 0.97 0.97 58MVBOGO-14 CAP•*3621A" 0.97 0.96 5SUVBOBO-14 CAP**3614A' 0.97 0.97 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH•4221A• 0.97 0.94 58MVB060-14 CAP*'4221A* 0.97 0.95 58UVB080-14 CNPH*3617A' 0.97 0.97 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPV'3617A* 0.97 0.97 58MVB060-14 CNPV'3621A* 0.97 0.98 58UVI3080-14 CNPH*4221A* 0.97 0.95 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*3612A` 0.97 0.92 58MVB060-14 CNPV*4221A' 0.97 0.96 58UVB080-14 CSPH•3612A* 0.97 0.93 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH'4212A* 0.96 0.91 58MVB060-14 CAP'*3621A* 0.97 0.95 58UVBOBO-20 CSPH*4212A• 0.97 0.92 58CV(A,X)070-12 CAP*'3621A' 0.97 0.96 58MVB080-14 CAP**4221A* 0.97 0.94 58UVBOBO-20 CAP*'3617A• 0.97 0.95 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP`*4221A* 0.97 0.95 SBMVB080-14 CNPV*3621A' 0.97 0.97 58UVB080-20 CNPH'3617A* 0.97 0.96 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*3617A* 0.97 0.98 58MVB080-14 CNPV*4221A* 0.97 0.95 58UVBOBO-20 CNPH*4221A* 0.97 0.93 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH*4221A' 0.97 0.96 58MVBOBO-14 CAP**3621A* 0.97 0.95 58UVBIOO-20 CNPV'3617A• 0.97 0.86 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPV*3621A* 0.97 0.98 SSMVB0BO-14 CAP--4221A• 0.97 0.94 58UVBIOO-20 CSPH"3612A* 0.97 0.92 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPV*4221A* 0.97 0.96 SBMVB080-14 CNPV'3621A* 0.97 0.96 58UVBIOO-20 CSPH"4212A* 0.96 0.90 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*3612A" 0.97 0.94 58MVB080-14 CNPV*4221A* 0.97 0.94 58UVBIOO-20 CAP••3621A' 0.97 0.94 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH•4212A* 0.97 0.92 58MVB080-14 CAP**4224A• 0.96 0.93 58UVB120-20 CAP**4221A* 0.97 0.93 58CV(A,X)110-20 CAP`*3621A' 0.97 0.95 58MVBOBO-20 See note on pg.31 CNPH*3617A• 0.97 0.96 SBCV(A,X)11U-20 CAP"4221A* 0.97 0.94 58MVB080-20 HEAT PUMP HEATING PERFORMANCE CONTINUED OUTDOOR COIL ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES-F(-C) INDOOR AIR -3(-19.4) 7(-13.9) 17(-8.3) 27(-2.8) 37(2.8) 47(8.3) 57(13.9) 67(19.4) Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Cape ity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Cap.ity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total EDB CFMS ystem System System System System System System System Total Integ' KWt Total Integ* KWt Total Integ• KWt Total Integ• KWt Total Integ• KWt Total Integ• KWt Total Integ• Kyr} Total Integ* KWt x. 1225 17.53 16.13 2.72 21,61 19.85 2.83 1 26.00 23.71 2.95 30.74 27.30 3.08 3621 32.95 326 42.09 42.09 343 47.60 47.60 3.60 53.07 53.07 3.79 65 1400 17.88 16.45 2.75 21.99 20.20 2.85 26.39 24.06 2.96 3120 27.71 3.08 36.75 33.44 3.25 42.44 42.44 3.38 47.57 47.57 3.53 52.73 52.73 3.69 1575 18.21 16.75 2.80 22.32 20.51 2.89 26.75 24.39 2.99 31.61 28.08 3.10 3722 33.87 325 42.50 42.50 3.36 47.37 47.37 3.49 52.15 52.15 3.63 1225 17.05 15.69 2.84 21.17 19.45 2.96 25.58 23.32 3.09 3029 26.90 323 35.68 32.47 3.42 41.58 41.58 3.60 4711 4711 3.77 52.52 52.62 3.98 L7O1400 1740 16,01 2.88 21.52 19.78 2.99 25.97 23.68 3.10 30.69 2726 3.23 3621 32.96 3.40 42.00 42.00 3.55 47.24 47.24 3.70 52.50 52.50 3.87 1575 17.74 16.32 2.92 21.86 20.11 3.02 26.32 24.00 3.12 3111 27.63 3.24 36.68 33.38 3.40 42.19 42.19 3.52 4715 4715 3.66 52.04 52.04 3.81 1225 16.54 15.21 2.96 20.69 19.02 3.09 25.13 22.91 3.23 29.85 26.51 3.39 35.03 31.88 3.57 41.04 41.04 3.78 46.60 46.60 3.95 52.13 52.13 4,17 1400 16.89 15.54 3.00 21.08 19.37 3.12 25.53 2328 324 3029 26.90 3.38 35.58 32.38 3.55 41.57 41.57 3.72 46.84 46.84 3.88 52.10 52.10 4.06 1575 1721 15.83 3.05 2141 19.67 3.16 25.90 23.62 327 30.67 2724 3.40 36.15 32.90 3.56 41.81 41.81 3.69 46.84 46.84 3.84 51.83 51.83 3.89 Heating Indo Heating Indoor Heating Indo Model Caps ity, Powe Fu Model Model Cape ity Powe Fu Model Model Cape ity, Power Fu Model *FY4ANF042 1.00 1.00 CAP-4821A- 0.98 0.94 SBCV(A,X)110-20 CAP-4221A• 0.99 1.02 58MVBOBO-14 FE4ANB006 0.94 0.90 CNPH*4221A* 0.98 0.97 58CV(A,X)110-20 CAP*•4821A* 0.99 0.97 58MVB080-14 FE4ANF003 0.98 1.01 CNPH*4821A* 0.98 0.94 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*4221A' 0.98 0.99 58MVB080-14 FE4ANF005 0.96 0.93 CNPV*4221A* 098 0.97 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH'4821A* 0.99 0.97 58MVB080-14 FV4BNB006 0.94 0.90 CNPV*4821A* 0.98 0.94 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPV'4221A' 098 0.99 58MVBOBO-14 FV4BNF003 0.98 1.01 CSPH`4212A* 0.98 0.94 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPV*4821A* 099 0.97 SSMV6080-14 FV4BNF005 096 0.93 CSPH*4812A* 098 0.93 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH`4212A• 0.99 0.98 58MVB080-14 FX4CN(B,F)042 1.00 0.98 GAP•*4224A* 0.98 0.98 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH*4812A' 0.99 0.97 58MVB0SO-14 FX4CN(B,F)048 095 0.89 CAP•*4824A' 0.98 0.93 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP**4221A* 0.99 1.01 58MVBOBO-20 FY4ANF048 0.98 0.97 CNPH*4221A* 0.98 0.97 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP•*4821A• 098 0.95 5BMVB0SO-20 CAP''4221A* 1.01 1.02 CNPH*4821A• 0.98 0.93 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH`4221A` 098 0.99 58MVBOBO-20 CAP-•4224A• 1.01 1.02 CNPV*4824A* 0.98 0.93 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*4821A• 0.98 0.95 58MVBDBO-20 N CAP-4817A• 0.95 0.93 CSPH*4212A* 0.98 0.93 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPV*4221A* 098 0.99 58MVB080-20 CAP-•4821A• 1.00 0.98 CSPH*4812A* 0.98 0.92 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPV*4821A* 0.98 0.95 58MVB080-20 CAP•*4824A• 1,00 0.98 CAP••4224A* 0.98 0.98 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*4212A• 099 0.97 58MVB0BO-20 CNPF•4818A* 1.00 0.99 CAP**4824A• 0.98 0.93 SBCV(A,X)155-22 CSPH*4812A' 0.98 0.94 58MVB0SO-20 CNPH*4221A* 1.01 1.02 CNPH*4221A* 0.98 0.97 58CV(A,X)155-22 CAP-4221A' 0.98 0.99 58MVB100-20 GNPH*4821A* 1.00 0.97 CNPH'4821A' 098 0.93 58CV(A,X)155-22 CAP•*4821A' 0.98 0.95 58MVB100-20 GNPV*4221A* 1.01 1.02 CNPV*4824A* 0.98 0.93 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH•4221A* 0.98 0.98 SBMVBIOO-20 CNPV•4821A* 1.00 0.97 CSPH'4212A* 0.98 0.94 SSCV(A,X)155-22 CNPH*4821A• 0.98 0.95 58MVB100-20 CNPV'4824A* 1.00 0.97 CSPH*4812A* 0.98 0.93 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPV*4221A* 098 0.98 58MV20-20 CSPH•4212A* 1.01 0.98 CAP•'4224A• 0.98 1.01 58MVB040-14 CNPV*4821A• 098 0.95 58MVB100-20 CSPH*4812A* 0.98 0.94 CAP*`4824A• 0.98 0.96 58MVB040-14 CSPH*4212A* 098 0.95 58MV8100-20 CNPH*4221A* 0.99 1.01 SSCV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*4221A* 0.98 0.99 SSMVB040-14 CSPH*4812A• 098 0.94 58MVB100-20 CNPH*4821A' 0.98 0.96 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPH*4821A* 0.99 0.97 58MVB040-14 CAP•*4224A• 098 0.99 58MVB120-20 CSPH*4212A* 0.99 0.97 58CV(A,X)070-12 CNPV*4824A* 0.98 0.96 58MVB040-14 CAP**4824A' 0.98 0.95 58MVB120-20 CSPH*4812A* 0.98 0.95 58CV(A,X)070-12 CSPH*4212A* 0.99 0.97 58MVB040-14 CNPH*4221A• 098 0.98 58MVB120-20 CAP'*4817A• 0.94 0.91 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH*4812A* 0.99 0.96 58MVB040-14 CNPH*4821A* 0.98 0.95 SBMVB120-20 CNPH*4221A* 0.98 0.98 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP'*4817A• 0.94 0.91 SBMVB060-14 CNPV*4824A* 098 0.95 58MVB120-20 rCNPH*4821A* 0.98 0.94 58CV(A,X)090-18 CNPH*4221A` 0.98 0.99 58MVB060-14 CSPH*4212A• 0.98 0.95 58MVB120-20 PH*4212A• 0.98 0.95 58CV(A,X)090-16 CNPH'4821A• 0.99 0.96 58MVB0BO-14 CSPH'4B12A• 0.98 0.94 SBMV8120-20 PH'4812A• 0.98 0.9358CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH`4212A• 0.99 0.97 SBMVBO60-14 See note On pg.31 P**4221A* 098 0.98 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH*4812A• 0.98 0.94 58MV8060-14 HEAT PUMP HEATING PERFORMANCE CONTINUED OUTDOOR COIL ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES-F('C) INDOOR AIR -3(-19.4) 7(-13.9) 17(-8.3) 27(-2.8) 37(2.8) 47(8.3) 57(13.9) 67(19.4) Capacity MBtuh Total Cepa iry,MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Cepa iry MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Cape ity MBtuh Total Cap,ity MBtuh Total EDB CFM System System System System System System System System Total Inte9' KWi Total Inte9' KWt Total Integ' Kyy1 Tatal Integ• KWt Tetal Integ` KWT Total Integ• KW1 Total Integ` KW} Total Integ* KWt 11 1400 21.02 t3 _ 25.66 23.58 3.27 30.63 27.92 3.39 36.31 3225 3.55 42.60 38.76 3.70 48,84 48.84 3.87 54.32 54.32 4.05 56.50 56.50 4.10 65 1600 21.41 26.07 23.95 3.30 31.08 28.34 3,41 36.82 32.70 3.55 43.01 39.14 3.68 48.80 48.80 3.84 51 13 5113 3.89 52.63 52.63 3.91 1600 27.77 5 26.44 24.30 3.35 31.50 28.72 3.45 3727 33.10 3.5843.11 39.23 3.89 47.24 47.24 3.79 48.28 48.28 3.80 49.37 49.37 3.81 1400 20.52 9 25.21 23.16 3.42 30.19 27.53 3.55 35.74 31.74 3.71 41.99 3821 3.90 r4111;65 48.41 4.06 54.98 54.98 4.29 57.35 57.35 4.34 70 1600 20.92 3 25.62 23.55 3.45 30.62 27.92 3.57 36.31 3225 3.72 42.58 38.75 3.85 48.50 4.02 52.26 52.26 4.12 53.93 53.93 4.15 1800 21.28 9 26.01 23.90 3.49 31.03 2829 3.60 36.75 32.64 3.74 42.83 36.98 3.86 48.16 4.01 49.40 49.40 4.02 50.74 50.74 4.04 14001 .98 2 24.76 22.75 3.57 29.75 2712 3.72 35.19 3125 3.88 41.42 37.59 4.0848.00 4.26 54.51 54.51 4.49 58.18 58.18 4.60 75 1600 20.37 18.74 3.47 25.14 23.10 3.60 30.19 27.53 3.73 35.69 31.70 3.88 42.07 38.22 4.0448.14 427 53.06 53.06 4.36 54.85 54.85 4.40 1800 20.76 19.70 3.53 25.53 23.46 3.64 30.60 27.90 3.77 36.15 32.11 3.90 42.46 38.64 4.0448.15 420 50.73 50.73 4.26 52.17 52.17 428 Heating Indo Heating Indo Heating Indo Model Cap.ity, Powe Fu Model Model Cape ity Powe Fu Model Model Caps ity Powe Fu Model `FY4ANF048 1.00 1.00 CSPH•4812A• 0.99 0.97 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH•6012A• 0.96 0.91 58CV(A,X)155-22 FE4ANB006 0.95 0.89 CSPH*6012A• 0.97 0.94 58CV(A,X)090-16 CAP**4821A• 1.00 0,99 58MVB080-20 FE4ANF005 098 0.94 CAP**4821A* 0.99 0.97 SBCV(A,X)l 10-20 CAP**6021A• 0.97 0.96 58MVB080-20 FV4BNB006 0.95 0.89 CAP••6021A• 0.96 0.94 SBCV(A,X)l 10-20 CNPH*4821A• 1.00 1.00 58MVB0BO-20 FV4BNF005 0.98 0.94 CNPH*4821A' 0.99 0.98 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPH*6024A• 0.97 0.95 58MVB080-20 FX4CN(B,F)048 0.98 0.94 CNPH*6024A` 0.97 0.94 58CV(A,X)110-20 CNPV•4821 A• 7.00 1.00 58MV6080-20 FX4CN(B,F)060 0.91 0.87 CNPV•4821A* 0.99 0.98 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH•4812A* 1.00 0.99 58MVB080-20 FY4ANB060 0.93 0.95 CSPH•4812A• 0.99 0.96 58CV(A,X)110-20 CSPH•6012A* 097 094 58MVB080-20 CAP--4817A• 099 0.97 CSPH*6012A• 095 0.92 58CV(A,X)l 10-20 CAP-4821A• 0.99 0.98 58MVBIOO-20 CAP*•4821A• 7.01 0.99 CAP•*4824A• 0.99 0.96 SBCV(A,X)135-22 GAP*•5021A• 0.97 0.96 58MVBICO-20 CAP-4824A- 1.01 0.99 CAP•*6024A* 0.97 094 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH*4821A• 0.99 0.98 58MVB100-20 W CAP*•6021A* 0.92 094 CNPH*4821A• 0.99 097 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPH•6024A• 0.97 0.95 58MVB100-20 O CAP**6024A* 0.93 095 CNPH•6024A* 0.97 0.94 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPV•4821A• 0.99 0.98 58MVB100-20 CNPF•4818A* 1.00 1.03 CNPV•4824A* 0.99 0.97 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH•4812A• 0.99 0.97 58MVB100-20 CNPH*4821A* 1.01 0.99 CNPV•6024A* 0.97 0.94 58CV(A,X)135-22 CSPH•6012A* 0.97 0.94 58MVB100-20 CNPH•6024A* 0.93 091 CSPH•48/2A• 0.99 0.96 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP••4824A* 0.99 0.98 SBMVB120-20 CNPV•4821A* 1.01 0.99 CSPH•6012A• 0.96 0.91 SBCV(A,X)135-22 CAP•*6024A* 0.97 0.96 58MVB120-20 CNPV*4824A* 1.01 0.99 CAP••4824A• 0.99 0.96 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH-4821 A* 0.99 0.99 58MVB120-20 CNPV•6024A* 0.93 0.91 CAP*•6024A` 0.96 0.93 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPH•6024A* 0.97 0.95 SBMVB120-20 CSPH•4812A* 1.01 0.98 CNPH*4821A• 0.99 0.95 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPV*4B24A• 0.99 0.99 58MVB120-20 CSPH'6012A• 0.93 091 CNPH*6024A* 0.96 092 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPV*6024A• 097 0.95 58MVB120-20 CAP••4B17A• 0.98 0.96 SBCV(A,X)090-i6 C, PV 0.99 096 58CV(A,X)755-22 CSPH*4812A' 0.99 097 SBMVB120-20 CNPH'4821 A` 0.99 098 SBCV(A,X)090-16 CNPV'6024A' 0.96 0.92 SBCV(A,X)155-22 CSPH•6012A* 0.97 0.94 58MVB120-20 CNPH*6024A• 0.97 0.95 58CV(A,X)090-16 CSPH•4812A• 0.99 095 SBCV(A,X)155-22 See note on pg.31 HEAT PUMP HEATING PERFORMANCE CONTINUED OUTDOOR COIL ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES-F('C) INDOOR AIR -3(-19.4) 7(-13.9) 17(-8.3) 27(-2.8) 37(2.8) 47(8.3) 67(13.9) 67(19.4) Cap. ity MBtuh Total Cape ity MBtuh Tote[ Cap. ity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total Capacity MBtuh Total EDB CFM System System System System System System System System Total In[eg' KW Total In[eg' KWY Total Integ' KW} Total Integ' KW} Tot.[ Integ' KWt Total Integ• KW} Total Integ• KW} Total In[eg' KW} lam= ZIQ 1750 25.07 23.07 3.86 30.90 28.40 4.00 3717 33.89 4.16 43.81 36.91 4.34 5111 46.51 4.54 59.85 59.85 4.79 68.95 68.95 5.02 78.00 78.00 5.31 65 2000 25.62 23.57 3.93 31.49 28.94 4.06 37.79 34.45 4.20 44.47 39.50 4.36 51.96 47.28 4.54 60.88 60.88 4.74 69.47 69.47 4.95 78.33 78.33 520 2250 26.13 24.04 4.01 32.03 29.44 4.13 38.34 34.96 4.26 45.07 40.03 4.40 52.72 47.97 4.57 6149 6149 4.73 69.75 69.75 4.92 77.76 77.76 5.13 1750 24.34 22.40 4.03 30.22 27.77 4.19 36.54 33.32 4.36 43.21 3B.37 4.55 50.41 45.87 4.76 58.98 58.98 5.03 68.13 68.13 526 77.06 77.06 5.56 70 2000 24.89 22.90 4.10 30.80 28.30 4.24 3717 33.89 4.40 43.87 38.96 4.57 51.17 46.57 4.75 60.00 60.00 4.97 68.71 68.71 5.18 77.50 77.50 5.44 2250 25.40 23.37 4.18 31.34 28.80 4.31 37.72 34.39 4.45 44.46 39.49 4.60 51.85 4719 4.77 60.72 60.72 4.95 69.06 1 69.06 5.15 77.77 77.77 5.39 1750 23.57 21.68 421 29.50 2711 4.38 35.86 32.70 4.57 42.56 37.80 4.77 49.72 4525 4.99 57.81 57.81 526 5728 1 6728 5.51 76.15 76.15 5.82 E 2000 24.12 22.19 4.29 30.09 27.65 4.44 36.50 33.28 4.60 4324 38.40 4.78 50.48 45.93 4.98 58.94 58.94 :::!:2:1::P7.93 67.93 5.43 76.69 76.69 5.70 2250 24.63 22.66 4.37 30.63 28.15 4.51 37.07 33.80 4.66 43.83 38.93 4.82 51.15 46.54 5.00 59.80 59.80 .198.35 68.35 5.40 76.95 76.95 5.64 Heating Indo Heating Indo Model Capacity Powe Fu Model Model Cape ity Powe Fu Model 'FY4ANB060 1.00 1.00 CAP-6021A- 094 0.98 58CV(A,X)110-20 FE4ANB006 D.98 0.95 CNPH'6024A' 096 1.00 58CV(AX)110-20 FV4BNB006 0.98 0.94 CSPH'6012A• 0.96 0.98 58CV(A,X)110-20 FX4CN(B,F)060 0.98 0.94 CAP-6024A- 0.96 0.99 58CV(A,X)135-22 CAP"6021A• 0.97 1.00 CNPH'6024A' 0.95 0.99 SBCV(A,X)135-22 CAP'-6024A` 0.98 0.99 CNPV'6024A' 0.95 0.99 58CV(AX)135-22 CNPH'6024A' 0.98 0.99 CSPH`6012A• 0.96 0.98 58CV(A,X)135-22 CNPV-6024A- 0.98 0.99 CAP-6024A. 0.96 0.98 58CV(A,X)155-22 CSPH'6012A' 0.98 0.98 CNPH•6024A` 0.95 0.98 58CV(A,X)155-22 CNPV'6024A- 0.95 0.98 56CV(A,x)155-22 CSPH•6012A• 096 0.97 58CV(AX)155-22 NOTE:When the required data falls between the published data,interpolation may be performed.Extrapolation is not an acceptable practice. The Btuh heating capacity values shown are net integrated values from which the defrost effect has been subtracted.The Btuh heating from supplement heaters should be added to those values to obtain total system capacity. t The kW values include the compressor,outdoor fan motor,and indoor blower motor.The kW from supplement heaters should be added to these values to obtain total system kilowatts. EDB-Entering Dry Bulb GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS AIR-COOLED,SPLIT-SYSTEM HEAT PUMP 25HCA3 GENERAL 1-1/2 TO 5 NOMINAL TONS System Description Fans Outdoor mounted, air-cooled, split-system heat pump unit — Condenser fan will be direct-drive propeller type, suitable for ground or rooftop installation. Unit consists of a discharging air upward. hermetic compressor, an air-cooled coil, propeller-type — Condenser fan motors will be totally enclosed,1 phase condenser fan, and a control box. Unit will discharge supply air type with class B insulation and permanently lubricated upward as shown on contract drawings. Unit will be used in a bearings. refrigeration circuit to match up to a packaged fan coil or coil — Shafts will be corrosion resistant. unit. Quality Assurance Fan blades will be statically and dynamically balanced. — Condenser fan openings will be equipped with steel — Unit will be rated in accordance with the latest edition wire safety guards. of ARI Standard 240 Compressor — Unit will be certified for capacity and efficiency and listed in the latest ARI directory — Compressor will be hermetically sealed. — Unit construction will comply with latest edition of — Compressor will be mounted on rubber vibration ANSI/ASHRAE and with NEC. isolators. — Unit will be constructed in accordance with UL Condenser Coil standards and will carry the UL label of approval.Unit — Condenser coil will be air cooled. will have C UL approval. — Coil will be constructed of aluminum fins mechanically — Unit cabinet will be capable of withstanding Federal bonded to copper tubes which are then cleaned, Test Method Standard No. 141 (Method 6061)500-hr dehydrated,and sealed. salt spray test. Refrigeration Components — Air-cooled condenser coils are pressure tested and the outdoor unit is leak tested — Refrigeration circuit components will include liquid line shutoff valve with sweat connections, — Unit constructed in IS09001 approved facility vapor-line shutoff valve with sweat connections, Delivery, Storage, and Handling system charge of Puron® (R-410A) refrigerant, POE Unit will be shipped as single package only and is compressor oil,accumulator,and reversing valve. stored and handled per unit manufacturer's Operating Characteristics recommendations. — The capacity of the unit will meet or exceed Warranty (for inclusion by specifying engineer) Btuh at a suction temperature of FPC. The — U.S.and Canada only power consumption at full load will not exceed PRODUCTS kW — Combination of the unit and the evaporator or fan coil Equipment unit will have a total net cooling capacity of — Factory assembled,single piece,air-cooled heat pump Btuh or greater at conditions of CFM entering unit. Contained within the unit enclosure is all factory air temperature at the evaporator at F wet bulb wiring, piping, controls,compressor, refrigerant charge and F/°C dry bulb, and air entering the unit at Puron° (R-410A), and special features required prior °F/°C. to field start up — The system will have a SEER of Btuh/watt or Unit Cabinet greater at DOE conditions. Unit cabinet will be constructed of galvanized steel, Electrical Requirements bonderized,and coated with a powder coat paint. — Nominal unit electrical characteristics will be v single phase, 60 hz. The unit will be capable of satisfactory operation within voltage limits of v to v — Nominal unit electrical characteristics will be v three phase, 60 hz. The unit will be capable of satisfactory operation within voltage limits of v to v — Unit electrical power will be single point connection. — Control circuit will be 24v Special Features Refer to section of this literature identifying accessories and descriptions for specific features and available enhancements. Copyright 2007 Carrier Corp. 7310 W.Morris St. Indianapolis,IN 46231 Printed in U.S.A. Edition Date:09/07 Catalog No.25HCA3-3PD Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue,or change at any time,specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. Replaces: 25HCA3-2PD 32 FY4A, FA4C Base Series Fan Coil �a 7rr!7e�r i Sizes 1 1/2 — 5 Ton (018 Thru 060) Turn to the Exper& Product Data ipigil Z.2 ; AIR HANDLER TECHNOLOGY 4_7 AT ITS FINEST The FY4A and FA4C direct-expansion fan coils are designed to Ale, 4k cover a wide range of air handling requirements.They are compact fand ready to fit where needed, in the basement, crawlspace, attic, ot— --W' utility room,or closet.The unique cabinet design of these fan coils meet new stringent regulations for cabinet air leakage, a requirement of 2%cabinet leakage rate when tested at 1.0 inches of static pressure. The FY4A and FA4C units are shipped with a factory-installed .4- hard-shutoff thermostatic expansion valve(TXV)metering device with an internal check valve for reverse flow bi-pass capability All 14 14" z W units come with solid state fan controls, I in.thick insulation with g" t R value of 4.2,super-quiet multispeed motors,and fully-wettable coils. Units can accommodate factory- or field installed heaters from 3 to 30 kW The FY4A design is a residential new construction (RNC) model A available for use with Puron'D the environmentally sound refrigerant.It comes with or without factory installed disconnects. It has a pre-painted (gray) galvanized insulated steel casing, *4 2-speed PSC motor in the 018 through 036 sizes, and 3-speed A, 1%, PSC motors in the 042 through 060 sizes.ArmorCoat provides a tin plating of the indoor coil's copper hairpins. This creates a barrier between the corrosion-causing elements and the Ogcoil.g A� The FA4C has all the samequality features as the FY4A,but is for k; 30" use with R 22 refrigerant. 4, -A 4 00' 4 W W Alt, 7, Ae *Z 4� STANDARD FEATURES Grooved copper tubing Lanced sine-wave aluminum fin Fully-wettable coil High-impact thermoplastic condensate pan Primary and secondary drain connections with brass inserts Multipoise design for maximum versatility Unique cabinet design that meets new stringent regulations for air leakage.Meets requirements of a 2%cabinet leakage rate when tested at 1.0 inches of static pressure. Field-installed heater packages from 3-30 kW(fused,circuit breaker,or non-fused) Control board with built-in,replaceable 5-amp blade-type auto fuse 2-speed motor in 018 through 036 sizes 3-speed motor in 042 through 060 sizes Cooling controls Time-delay relay(TDR) Pre-painted galvanized steel cabinet(gray) High-density super thick R-4.2 insulation Newly-improved filter rack area-filter door insulation added for an improved air seal Sweat connections Inspection plate for cleaning A-coil design HUD approved for manufactured housing 40-VA,208/230v transformer All models listed with UL(U.S.and Canada)and ARI ADDITIONAL FEATURES FY4A Puron®refrigerant factory installed thermostatic expansion valves(TXV) Factory-installed heaters available ArmorCoat- coil protection available FA4C R 22 refrigerant factory-installed thermostatic expansion valves(TXV) 018-060 sizes available with or without factory-installed disconnect Factory installed heaters available 2 MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATURE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-9 10-12 F A 4 C N F 018 000 Product Type Position Series Electrical Cabinet/ Capacity Heating Insulation Size F— Fan Coil A — Base,R-22 4 — Multipoise C N —208/230v, B — Modular 018 — 18,000 TOO — ArmorCoat' Y — Base,Puron®Refrigerant 1ph-6OHz C — Factory 024 — 24,000 000 — No Heat Disconnects 030 — 30,000 005 — 5kW F — Single piece 036 — 36,000 008 — 8kW 042 — 42,000 010 — 1OkW 048 — 48,000 015 — 15k 060 — 60,000 Iso 9001:2000 Puron. I �,n f I c o L us Qmi tro pMnmmeMelty w,w ot�pe,eni REGISTERED ARI Stnm7aM 2707P.SC ARI Sl ntlud 110?10 'J'Aniy All COMI o UnHvey Hari Pump. CERTIFICATION APPLIES ONLY WHEN THE COMPLETE SYSTEM IS LISTED WITH ARI ArmorCoat 3 ills.. 7132 21.L.s POIoRI TAG[ POSTS mIItING lt'DIA A0 OR LW WILING[ co9rRa WINING 133 is, TOP VIEW 77 NOTE: 1 IF 1 IO' 3[IIES DESIGNATION 15 IRE 112 POSITION B Or VY11 PRODUCT NEWER 2 ONIl[i A11 ]' ISIt{• 1 C ast 10 I IFUHNIECE W LOCAL tIF UNIT CONNECTION SIZES IL(WF01fFICn IE"r10N IV SOCTIO 10 31t I.D.fIEAi 11Et A1C JIG't 11"OIL AGE IA .0.'5 IT.NODULA lON[R CONIIIOL. 071 1 030 3l 1.0.SYEA fON xlGx"OIL AGC 1 ELIC RIC NEAI(R SGT` SNFAT ILIER T( PONII■131X6 UN111 Illi XAVE ACC[5 AYCI 0.te 712 ID.%1W r0.OIA. D. PPOSITC SIDE IND PIECE OA3_G I GWEAT FOR LOS 1OL AGC CAYIYIL CONTROL YIRING UID ID.GVIEA OPTIONAL rIILD CONVERT 0 TE: NI6N1 SIDE R[TURN WINING IYIFI All (SLOP[1011 1111 OXL 1 OIL [fs A NF I 1[ FIT 1IIG IOVIO LINE COYY[[r10 To"LINE ' E IOUID LIN[ AY[L CONNECTION COVYECIION •A SUCTION LIKE CON T10 71 �{ Wys H ® • ' ® I 1�1 � YDD B YI11 SUCtiO TINE 1 I CONNECT ION �• __ 17 11 ' — — — — — O 7l � — y FIBER ACCESS I OPEN OPEN[ AIEI AC[FSS PAYFI CONriG r011 19 131 6 'i 7 F7• �D SLOPE OCCAnoNS TAILS SLOPE COILS RIGHT SIDE VIEW rot PFLON OR MRII. DONNrION 011 NWT(. IYL[i All LET APPLICATIONS RIGxT'PLICATIONS IYL[r AIR YD FRONT VIEWA COILS SNONI nix COIL DETAILS SECTION WNNFION APPLICATIONS LOCATINS FOR LOS ON Vont. PPLICAnoY A05355 DIMENSIONS UNIT COIL A 9 C D E Ht J SIZE TYPE in mm in mm in mm FY,FA in mm in mm in mm in mm 018 Slope 42-11/16 1084 14-5/16 364 12-7/16 316 12-5/16 313 10-7/16 265 — — 12 305 024,030 Slope 47-11/16 1211.5 17-5/8 448 15-3/4 400 15-5/8 397 15-3/8 391 — — 17 432 036 Slope 53-7/16 1357 21-1/8 537 19-1/4 489 19-1/8 486 19-3/16 487 — — 19 483 042 A 49-5/8 1260.5 21-1/8 537 19-1/4 489 19-1/8 486 15-3/8 391 — — — — 048 A 53-7/16 1357 21-1/8 537 19-1/4 489 19-1/8 486 19-1/2 495 — — — — 060 A 59-3/16 1503 24-11/16 627 22-3/4 577 22-11/16 576 25-1/4 642 34-1/16 685 — — t Applicable to modular units only. SIOPF CQT1 SDN NI © CFS F G , SEGO SE[ DRA ti 17 SC[NDA I o INAA 1 L i � — 0 S18• , 1 51 2 [ES a A F 00 NFLOW HORIZ LEFT UPFLOW (FIELD CONVERTED) HORIZ RIGHT (AS SHIPPED) (AS SHIPPED) (FIELD CONVERTED) 10C ,E l.D DED IN D r E ACA ADINEI IN B N E AR YID ' , DIA 12oN G]M RE BE EIEL 11Dor 1 CES Al. 1 S 1 � //-EC SEC A LA O O O L O p © O AF 0 5/ I 7l DOWNFLOW it HORIZ RIGHT II HORIZ. LEFT UPFLOW (FIELD CONVERTED) (FIELD CONVERTED) (AS SHIPPED) (AS SHIPPED) A COIL A05356 DIMENSIONS (CONT) UNIT SIZE COIL TYPE F G FY,FA In mm in mm 018 Slope 18-1/8 460 18-5/8 473 024 030 Slope 23-1/8 587 23-5/8 600 036 Slope 26-15/16 684 27-1/2 699 042 A 23-7/16 593 23-1/8 587 048 A 27-1/4 692 26-15/16 684 060 A 32-15/16 837 132-5/8 829 PHYSICAL DATA FACTORY NOMINAL DIMENSIONS ODS CATALOG INSTALLED COOLING SHIPPING ORDERING NO. HEAT CAPACITY WEIGHT (kW) (BTUH) Height Width Depth FY4ANF018(T,0)00 — 42-11/16' 14-5/16' 22-1/16' 1001b FY4ANF018005 5 18,000 1084mm 363mm 560mm 45 kg FY4ANF018008 8 FY4ANF024(T,0)00 — 47-11/16' 17-5/8' 22-1/16' 1171b FY4ANF024005 5 24,000 1211mm 447mm 560mm 53 kg FY4ANF024010 10 FY4ANF030(T,0)00 — 47-11/16' 17-5/8' 22-1/16' 1201b FY4ANF030008 8 30,000 1211 mm 447mm 560mm 54 kg FY4ANF030010 10 FY4ANF036(T,0)00 — 53-7/16' 21-1/8' 22-1/16' 1441b FY4ANF036010 10 36,000 1357mm 536mm 560mm 65 kg FY4ANF036015 15 FY4ANF042(T,0)00 — 49-5/8' 21-1/8' 22-1/16' 1501b FY4ANF042010 10 42,000 1260mm 536mm 560mm 68 kg FY4ANF042015 15 FY4ANF048(T,0)00 — 53-7/16' 21-1/8' 22-1/16' 1701b FY4ANF048010 10 48,000 1357mm 536mm 560mm 77 kg FY4ANF048015 15 FY4ANB060(T,0)00 — FY4ANB060010 10 60,000 59-3mm/16' 24-11/16' 2560mm' 1 0 kg FY4AN6060015 15 1503mm 627mm 560mm 90 kg 6th digit: B—Modular cabinet,C—Disconnect,F—Single piece cabinet 10th digit: 0—Standard copper coil,T—ArmorCoat"' FACTORY NOMINAL DIMENSIONS ODS CATALOG INSTALLED COOLING SHIPPING ORDERING NO. HEAT CAPACITY Height Width Depth WEIGHT kW BTUH FA4CNF018000 — FA4CNF018005 42-11/16' 14-5/16' 22-1/16' 1001b FA4CNC018005 5 18,000 1084mm 363mm 560mm 45 kg FA4CNF018008 8 FA4CNF024000 — FA4CNF024005 5 24,000 47-11/16' 17-5/8' 22-1/16' 1171b FA4CNCO24005 1211 mm 447mm 560mm 53 kg FA4CNF024010 10 FA4CNF030000 — FA4CNF030008 47-11/16' 17-5/8' 22-1/16' 1201b FA4CNC030008 8 30,000 1211 mm 447mm 560mm 54 kg FA4CNF030010 10 FA4CNF036000 — FA4CNF036010 53-7/16" 21-1/8' 22-1/16' 1441b FA4CNC036010 10 36,000 1357mm 536mm 560mm 65 kg FA4CNF036015 15 FA4CNF042000 — FA4CNF042010 49-5/8' 21-1/8' 22-1/16' 1501b FA4CNC042010 10 42,000 1260mm 536mm 560mm 68 kg FA4CNF042015 15 FA4CNF048000 — FA4CNF048010 10 48,000 53-7/16' 21-1/8' 22-1/16' 1701b FA4CNC048010 1357mm 536mm 560mm 77 kg FA4CNF048015 15 FA4CNB060000 — FA4CNB060010 10 60,000 59-3/16' 24-11/16' 22-1/16' 1981b FA4CNC060010 1503mm 627mm 560mm 90 kg FA4CNB060015 15 6th digit: B—Modular cabinet,C—Disconnect,F—Single piece cabinet 6 SPECIFICATIONS MODEL FY4A 018 024 030 036 042 048 060 OIL'S uron®Refrigerant TXV—factory installed herd—shutoff,bi—flow type for heat pump application etering Device XV Size 2 ton 3 ton 4 ton lows/Fins Per In. 3/14.5 ace Area(Sq.Ft.) 2.23 2.97 3.46 4 45 5.93 7 42 onfiguration Slope A ANS FM(Nominal) 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 J_2000 otorType PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC otor Hp 1/6 1/4 1/4 1/3 1/2 3/4 3/4 ,ILTER�,_.....,..._ ..,........,... ,,. ,,...__,_......�..:..„-fir,..#.,. ....... ,.n.. _ ...._.,.. .='t:._ �_. 21-1/2'/546 mm X 13'/330 mm 16-3/8'/417 mm 19-7/8'/505 mm 23-5/16'/585 mm ABINET;:CONFIGURATION„ORTIONSi . •;,fes,'..' 1—piece 1—piece ece 1—piece 1—piece 1—piece Modular 'Filter must be field—supplied for FY4A units. MODEL FA4C 018 024 030 036 042 048 060 —22 Refrigerant TXV—factory installed hard—shutoff,bi—flow type for heat pump application etering Device XV SIZE 3 ton 5t on 6 ton lows/Fins Per In. 3/14.5 ace Area(Sq.Ft.) 2.23 2.97 1 3.46 1 445 5.93 742 onfiguration Slope A A . FM(Nominal) 600 1 800 1 1000 1200 1400 1600 2000 otor Type PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC Actor Hp 1/6 1/4 1/4 1/3 1/2 3/4 3/4 21—1/2'/546 mm X 13”/330 mm 16-3/8"/417 mm 19-7/8'/505 mm 123-5/16'/585 mm ABINET.CQNF.IGURATI9NAPTIONS ; 1—piece 1—piece t—piece 1—piece 1—piece 1—piece Modular ''Filter must be field—supplied for FA4C units. PERFORMANCE DATA AIRFLOW PERFORMANCE (CFM) MODEL&SIZE BLOWER TOTAL EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE SPEED 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 FY4A,FA4C High „ ;81,6 .795 753 • ' 690'_, 607 504 018 Low 633 620 588 538 468 380 FY4A,FA4C High -'1<055: ,A 90,` °, 926, 860 793 724 024 Low ; 934" ' 878 818 754 686 614 FY4A,FA4C High 1070 1032 978 908 822 721 030 Low 910 888 849 791 715 621 FY4A,FA4C High 1352 1316 1273 1223 1167 1103 036 Low 1137 1112 1081 1043 998 946 `1720 „` 1,fi68;, i6Q2 1521 ia2s 1316 FY4A,FA4C High 042 Medium 1576 1540 1488 1421 1338 1239 Low 1388 1367 1330 1278 1209 1124 FY4A,FA4C High X1.902,, ..1 J._''1924. A 1743 1659 1571 1479 048 Medium 1,830; 1763 1690 1611 1527 1436 Low 1625 1584 1531 1465 1387 1296 FY4A,FA4C High ,2128 :2050 _ 1965 1875 1778 1674 060 Medium 1959 1898 1829 1750 1663 1566 Low 1748 1709 1659 1598 1 1525 1442 —Shading—Airflow outside 450 cfm/ton. NOTES: 1 Airflow based upon dry coil at 230v with factory—approved filter and electric heater(2 element heater sizes 18 thru 36,3 element heater sizes 42 thru 60) Airflow at 208 volts is approximately 10%lower. 2. To avoid potential for condensate blowing out of drain pan prior to making drain trap: Return static pressure must be less than 0.40 in.wc. Horizontal applications of 042—060 sizes must have supply static greater than 0.20 in.wc. 3. Airflow above 400 cfm/ton on 048-060 size could result in condensate blowing off coil or splashing out of drain pan. 7 PERFORMANCE DATA (cont) GROSS COOLING CAPACITIES (mbh) - PURONO REFRIGERANT UNIT INDOOR COIL SATURATED TEMPERATURE LEAVING EVAPORATOR ff/°C) SIZE AIR 35/2 40/4 45/7 50/10 55/13 CFM EWB TC SHC BF TC SHC BF TC SHC BF TC SHC BF TC SHC BF 72/22 40 20 0.00 36 18 0.00 32 16 0.00 27 14 0.02 21 11 0.02 525 67/19 33 20 0.02 29 18 0.02 24 16 0.03 20 14 0.03 14 12 0.03 62/17 26 21 0.03 22 18 0.03 18 16 0.03 14 14 0.08 12 12 0.22 FY4A 72/22 44 22 0.00 40 20 0.00 35 17 0.01 30 15 0.02 24 13 0.03 018 600 67/19 36 22 0.03 32 20 0.03 27 18 0.03 22 15 0.04 16 13 0.04 62/17 29 23 0.04 25 21 0.04 20 18 0.04 16 16 0.10 13 13 0.24 72/22 48 24 0.00 43 22 0.00 38 19 0.02 32 17 0.03 26 14 0.04 675 67/19 40 25 0.04 35 22 0.04 29 20 0.04 24 17 0.04 17 14 0.05 62/17 32 25 0.05 27 23 0.05 22 20 0.05 17 17 0.11 15 15 0.26 72/22 51 25 0.00 46 23 0.00 40 20 0.02 34 17 0.03 27 15 0.03F- 700 67/19 42 26 0.04 37 23 0.04 31 20 0.04 25 18 0.04 18 15 0.04 62/17 34 26 0.04 28 24 0.04 23 21 0.05 18 18 0.10 15 15 0.25 FY4A 72/22 56 28 0.00 51 25 0.00 44 22 0.03 37 19 0.04 30 16 0.05 024 800 67/19 46 29 0.05 40 26 0.05 34 23 0.05 27 20 0.05 20 17 0.06 62/17 1 37 1 29 0.06 31 26 0.06 25 23 0.06 20 20 0.13 17 17 0.27 72/22 61 30 0.00 55 27 0.01 48 24 0.04 40 21 0.05 32 18 0.06 900 67/19 50 31 0.06 44 28 0.06 37 25 0.06 29 21 0.06 21 18 0.07 62/17 40 32 0.07 34 29 0.07 27 25 0.07 22 22 0.15 18 18 0.29 72/22 61 30 0.01 55 27 0.00 48 24 0.02 41 21 0.03 33 18 0.03 875 67/19 50 31 0.04 44 28 0.04 37 25 0.04 30 21 0.04 22 18 0.05 62/17 41 32 0.04 34 29 0.04 28 25 0.05 22 22 0.11 18 18 0.25 FY4A 72/22 68 33 0.00 61 30 0.00 53 27 0.03 45 23 0.04 36 19 0.05 030 1000 67/19 56 34 0.05 49 31 0.05 41 27 0.05 33 24 0.05 24 20 0.06 62/17 45 1 35 0.06 38 32 0.06 30 28 0.06 24 24 0.13 20 20 0.27 72/22 73 36 0.00 66 33 0.02 58 29 0.04 48 25 1 0.05 39 21 0.06 1125 67/19 60 38 0.06 53 34 1 0.06 45 30 0.06 36 26 0.06 26 1 22 0.07 62/17 49 39 0.07 41 35 0.07 33 31 0.08 27 27 0.16 23 23 0.29 72/22 79 39 0.00 71 35 0.00 62 31 0.02 52 27 0.03 42 23 0.04 1050 67/19 65 40 0.04 57 36 0.04 48 32 0.04 38 28 0.04 28 23 0.05 62/17 52 41 0.05 44 37 0.05 36 33 0.05 28 28 0.11 24 24 0.26 FY4A 72/22 87 43 0.00 78 39 0.00 68 34 0.03 57 30 0.04 46 25 0.05 036 1200 67/19 72 44 0.05 63 40 0.05 53 35 0.06 42 31 0.06 31 26 0.06 62/17 58 46 0.06 49 41 0.06 39 36 0.07 31 31 0.14 26 26 0.28 72/22 95 47 0.00 85 42 0.02 74 37 0.05 62 32 0.06 50 28 0.06 1350 67/19 78 49 0.06 68 44 0.06 57 39 0.07 46 34 0.07 33 29 0.07 62/17 63 50 0.07 53 45 0.07 43 40 0.08 35 35 016 29 29 0.30 72/22 93 46 0.00 83 41 0.00 73 37 0.01 62 32 0.03 49 27 0.03 1225 67/19 76 47 0.03 67 42 0.03 57 37 0.04 45 32 0.04 33 27 0.04 62/17 61 48 0.04 52 43 0.04 42 38 0.04 33 33 0.10 28 28 0.24 FY4A 72/22 102 51 0.00 92 46 0.00 80 40 0.02 68 35 0.04 54 30 0.04 042 1400 67/19 84 52 0.04 74 47 0.04 62 42 0.05 50 36 0.05 36 31 0.05 62/17 68 53 0.05 57 48 0.05 46 43 0.06 37 37 0.12 31 31 0.26 72/22 111 55 0.00 100 50 0.01 87 44 0.04 74 38 0.05 59 32 0.05 1575 67/19 92 57 0.05 80 51 0.06 68 46 0.06 54 40 0.06 39 34 0.06 62/17 74 59 0.06 62 53 0.06 50 47 0.07 41 41 0.14 34 34 0.28 72/22 109 54 0.00 98 49 0.00 86 43 0.00 73 37 0.02 58 31 0.02 1400 67/19 90 55 0.02 79 49 0.02 67 44 0.03 53 38 0.03 39 1 32 0.03 62/17 72 56 0.03 61 50 0.03 49 44 0.03 38 38 0.08 32 32 0.22 FY4A 72/22 121 60 0.00 109 54 0.00 95 48 0.01 81 41 0.02 65 35 0.03 048 1600 67/19 100 61 0.03 87 55 0.03 74 49 0.03 59 42 0.04 43 36 0.04 62/17 80 63 0.04 68 56 0.04 55 50 0.04 43 43 0.10 36 36 0.24 72/22 132 65 0.00 119 59 0.00 104 52 0.02 88 45 0.03 70 38 0.04 1800 67/19 109 67 0.04 95 61 0.04 81 54 0.04 64 47 0.04 47 39 0.05 62/17 88 69 0.05 74 62 0.05 60 55 0.05 48 48 0.11 40 40 0.26 72/22 132 65 0.00 119 59 0.00 104 52 0.00 89 45 0.01 71 38 0.02 1600 67/19 108 67 0.02 95 60 0.02$96 53 0.02 65 46 0.02 48 39 0.02 62/17 87 68 0.02 74 61 0.0254 0.03 47 47 0.06 39 39 0.21 72/22 141 70 0.00 127 63 0.0056 0.00 95 48 0.02 76 41 0.02 FY4A 1750 67/19 116 72 0.02 102 64 0.0257 0.03 70 49 0.03 51 42 0.03 060 62/17 94 73 0.03 80 66 0.0358 0.03 50 50 0.08 42 42 0.22 72/22 156 77 0.01 141 70 0.0062 0.01 105 54 0.02 84 46 0.03 2000 67/19 129 80 0.03 113 72 0.0364 0.03 77 55 0.04 57 47 0.04 62/17 104 82 0.04 88 1 73 0.04 1 71 1 65 0.04 57 57 0.10 48 48 0.24 See Notes following table. 8 PERFORMANCE DATA (cont) GROSS COOLING CAPACITIES (mbh) - R-22 UNIT INDOOR COIL SATURATED TEMPERATURE LEAVING EVAPORATOR(°F/°C) SIZE AIR 35/2 40/4 45/7 50/10 55/13 CFM EWB TC SHC BF TC SHC BF TC SHC BF TC SHC j BF TC SHC BF 72/22 38 19 0.00 35 17 0.00 30 15 0.01 26 13 0.02 21 11 0.02 525 67/19 32 20 0.02 28 18 0.02 24 16 0.03 19 14 0.03 13 12 0.03 62/17 26 20 0.03 22 18 0.03 18 16 0.04 14 14 0.11 12 12 0.26 FA4C 72/22 42 21 0.00 38 19 0.00 33 17 0.02 28 15 0.02 23 13 0.03 018 600 67/19 35 22 0.03 30 20 0.03 26 18 0.03 21 15 0.03 15 13 0.04 62/17 28 22 0.04 24 20 0.04 19 18 0.05 16 16 0.13 13 13 0.28 72/22 45 22 0.00 41 20 0.02 36 18 0.03 30 16 0.03 24 14 0.04 675 67/19 37 24 0.04 33 21 0.04 28 19 0.04 22 17 0.04 16 14 0.05 62/17 30 25 0.05 26 22 0.05 21 20 0.06 17 17 0.15 14 14 0.30 72/22 49 24 0.00 44 22 0.00 38 19 0.02 32 17 0.03 26 14 0.03 700 67/19 40 25 0.04 35 23 0.04 30 20 0.04 23 17 0.04 16 14 0.05 62/17 32 26 0.04 27 23 0.04 22 21 0.05 18 18 0.14 15 15 0.29 72/22 53 26 0.00 48 24 0.02 42 21 0.04 35 18 0.04 28 16 0.05 FA4C 800 67/19 44 27 0.05 38 25 0.05 32 22 0.05 26 19 0.05 18 16 0.06 024 62/17 35 29 0.05 30 26 0.06 24 23 0.07 20 20 0.17 16 16 0.31 72/22 57 28 0.00 51 26 0.03 45 23 0.05 38 20 0.05 30 17 0.06 900 67/19 47 30 0.06 41 27 0.06 35 24 0.06 28 21 0.06 20 18 0.08 62/17 38 31 0.07 32 28 0.07 26 25 0.08 22 22 0.19 18 18 0.33 72/22 62 30 0.00 55 27 0.01 48 24 0.02 41 21 0.03 32 18 0.04 875 67/19 51 32 0.04 44 28 0.04 37 25 0.04 29 22 0.04 20 18 0.05 62/17 41 33 0.04 34 29 0.05 27 26 0.06 22 22 0.15 18 18 0.30 FA4C 72/22 67 33 0.00 60 30 0.02 52 27 0.04 44 23 0.04 35 20 0.05 030 1000 67/19 55 35 0.05 48 31 0.05 41 28 0.05 32 24 0.05 22 20 0.07 62/17 44 36 0.06 38 33 0.06 30 29 0.07 25 25 0.18 20 20 0.32 72/22 72 36 0.01 65 32 0.04 57 29 0.05 47 25 0.05 38 22 0.06 1125 67/19 60 38 0.06 52 34 0.06 44 30 0.06 35 27 0.07 24 22 0.08 62/17 48 39 0.07 1 41 36 0.07 33 32 0.09 27 27 0.20 23 23 0.34 72/22 72 36 0.00 65 32 0.01 57 29 0.03 48 25 0.03 38 21 0.04 1050 67119 59 37 0.04 52 34 1 0.04 44 30 0.04 34 26 0.04 24 21 0.06 62/17 48 39 0.05 40 35 0.05 32 31 0.06 26 26 0.16 22 22 0.31 FA4C 72/22 79 39 0.00 71 35 0.03 62 31 0.04 52 27 0.05 41 23 0.05 036 1200 67/19 65 41 0.05 57 37 0.05 1 48 33 0.06 38 29 0.06 26 24 0.07 62/17 52 43 0.06 44 39 0.06 36 34 0.08 29 29 0.18 24 24 0.33 72/22 85 42 0.01 76 38 0.04 66 34 0.05 56 30 0.06 45 25 0.06 1350 67/19 70 45 0.06 1 61 40 0.06 51 36 0.07 41 31 0.07 29 26 0.09 62/17 56 46 0.07 1 48 42 0.07 39 38 0.09 32 32 0.20 27 27 0.34 72/22 85 42 0.00 77 38 0.01 67 34 0.02 57 30 0.03 46 25 0.03 1225 67/19 70 44 0.03 62 40 0.03 52 36 0.04 42 31 0.04 30 26 0.04 62/17 57 46 0.04 48 42 0.04K43 37 0.05 32 32 0.14 27 27 0.28 FA4C 72/22 92 46 0.00 83 42 0.02 37 0.03 62 33 0.04 50 28 0.04 042 1400 67/19 76 48 0.04 67 44 0.04 39 0.05 46 35 0.05 33 29 0.06 62/17 62 51 0.05 53 46 0.05 41 0.06 36 36 0 16 30 30 0.30 72/22 99 49 0.01 89 45 0.03 40 0.04 67 36 0.05 53 30 0.05 1575 67/19 82 52 0.05 72 48 0.0543 0.06 49 38 0.06 36 32 0.07 62/17 67 55 0.06 57 50 0.06 45 0.08 39 39 0.18 33 33 0.32 72/22 89 44 0.00 81 40 0.00 72 36 0.01 61 1 32 0.02 50 28 0.02 1400 67/19 74 47 0.02 66 43 0.02 56 38 0.03 46 34 0.03 34 29 0.03 62/17 60 49 0.03 52 45 0.03 43 40 0.04 35 35 0.11 29 29 0.26 FA4C 72/22 96 48 0.00 87 44 0.01 78 40 0.02 67 35 0.03 54 30 0.03 048 1600 67/19 80 51 0.03 71 47 0.03 61 42 0.03 50 37 0.03 37 32 0.04 62/17 65 54 0.04 56 49 0.04 47 45 0.05 39 39 0.14 33 33 0.28 72/22 103 51 0.01 94 47 0.02 83 43 0.03 72 38 0.03 58 33 0.04 1800 67/19 86 55 0.04 76 51 0.04 66 46 0.04 53 41 0.04 40 36 0.05 62/17 70 59 0.04 60 54 0.05 50 49 0.06 43 43 0.16 36 36 0.29 72/22 118 58 0.00 107 53 0.00 94 48 0.01 81 42 0.01 66 36 0.01 1600 67/19 98 61 0.02 86 55 0.02 74 50 0.02 60 44 0.02 43 37 0.03 62/17 79 63 0.02 68 58 0.02 55 52 0.03 45 45 0.10 37 37 0.25 FA4C 72/22 125 62 0.00 113 56 0.00 100 51 0.01 86 45 0.02 69 38 0.02 060 1750 67/19 103 65 0.02 92 59 0.02 78 53 0.03 64 47 0.03 46 40 0.03 62/17 84 68 0.03 72 62 0.03 59 56 0.04 48 48 0.11 40 40 0.26 72/22 135 1 67 0.00 123 62 0.01 109 56 0.02 93 49 0.03 76 42 0.03 2000 6-7/1-9 113 1 71 0.03 100 65 0.03 85 59 0.03 69 52 0.03 51 45 0.04 -62/1-7 92 75 0.04 79 69 0.04 65 62 0.05 54 54 j 0.13 45 45 0.27 See Notes following table. 9 PERFORMANCE DATA(cont) NOTES: CFM Cubic Ft.per Minute EWB Entering Wet Bulb(°F) LWB Leaving Wet Bulb(°F) TC Gross Cooling Capacity 1000 Btuh SHC Gross Sensible Capacity 1000 Btuh BF Bypass Factor MBH 1000 Btuh 1 Contact manufacturer for cooling capacities at conditions other than SHC CORRECTION FACTOR shown in table. 2. Formulas: ENTERING AIR DRY-BULB TEMPERATURE(°F) Leaving db= entering db-sensible heat cao. 1.09 x CFM BYPASS 79 78 77 76 75 Under 75 Leaving wb=wb corresponding to enthalpy of air leaving coil(hlwb) FACTOR 81 82 83 84 85 Over 85 htvb=h.b-total capacity(Btuh) 4.5 x CFM Correction Factor where ham, = enthalpy of air entering coil. Direct interpolation is 0.10 .098 1.96 2.94 3.92 4.91 Use permissible.Do not extrapolate. 0.20 0.87 1.74 2.62 3.49 4.36- for ula 3. SHC is based on 80°F db temperature of air entering coil. Below shown 80°F db,subtract(Correction Factor x CFM)from SHC. Above 80°F 0.30 0.76 1.53 2.29 3.05 3.82 below db,add(Correction Factor x CFM)to SHC. 4. Bypass Factor=0 indicates no psychometric solution.Use bypass factor of next lower EWB for approximation. Interpolation is permissible. Correction Factor=1.09 x(1 -BF)x(db-80) MINIMUM CFM AND MOTOR SPEED SELECTION FAN COIL SIZES HEATER kW FY,FA 3 5 8 9 10 15 18 20 24 30 018 525 525 525 - 600* - - - - - 024 700 700 700 - 700 775* - - - - 030 - 875 875 - 875 875 - 1060* - - 036 - 1050 970 970 970 920 - 1040 - - 042 - - 1225 1225 1225 1225 1225 1225 - - 048 - - 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 060 - - 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1 1750 *Indicates medium speed(blue). All other motor speeds at low tap. AIR DELIVERY PERFORMANCE CORRECTION COMPONENT PRESSURE DROP (in. wc) AT INDICATED AIRFLOW (DRY-TO-WET COIL) FY,FA CFM SIZE 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 018 0.034 0.049 0.063 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 024 0.016 0.027 0.038 0.049 0.059 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 030 -- -- -- 0.049 0.059 0.070 0.080 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 036 -- -- -- -- -- 0.055 0.064 0.073 0.081 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 042 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.049 0.056 0.063 0.070 -- -- -- -- -- 048 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.038 0.043 0.049 0.054 0.059 -- -- 060 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10.027 0.031 0.035 0.039 0.043 FIELD-INSTALLED ACCESSORY FILTER STATIC PRESSURE DROP (in. wc) UNIT SIZE CFM FY,FA 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 018 0.020 0.044 0.075 - - - - - - 024 030 - 0.022 0.048 0.072 0.100 - - - - 036,042,048 - - - 0.051 0.070 0.092 0.120 0.152 - 060 - - - - - - 0.086 0.105 0.130 ELECTRIC HEATER STATIC PRESSURE DROP (in. wc) 018-036 042-060 HEATER EXTERNAL STATIC HEATER EXTERNAL STATIC ELEMENTS kW PRESSURE ELEMENTS kW PRESSURE CORRECTION CORRECTION 0 0 +.02 0 0 +.04 1 3,5 +.01 2 8,10 +.02 2 8,10 0 3 9,15 10 3 9,15 -.02 4 20 -02 4 20 -.04 6 18,24,30 -10 The airflow performance data was developed using fan coils with 10-kW electric heaters(2 elements)in the 018 through 036 size units and 15-kW heaters (3 elements)in the 042 through 060 size units.For fan coils with heaters of a different number of elements,the external available static at a given CFM from the curve may be corrected by adding or subtracting available external static pressure as indicated above. 10 PERFORMANCE DATA (cont) ACCESSORY ELECTRIC HEATERS HEATER kW @ VOLTS/ STAGES(kW INTERNAL FAN COIL SIZE HEATING CAP.** PART NO. 240V PH OPERATING) CIRCUIT USED WITH @ 230V PROTECTION KFCEH0401 NO3 3 230/1 3 None 018-024 9,400 KFCEHO501 N05 5 230/1 5 None 018-060 15,700 KFCEHO801N08 8 230/1 8 None 018-060 25,100 KFCEH0901N10 10 230/1 10 None 018-060 31400 KFCEH3201 F20 20 230/1 5,20 Fuse$ 030-060 62,800 KFCEH1601315 15 230/3 5,15 None 036-060 47 100 KFCEH2O01318 18 230/3 6,12,18 None 042-060 56,500 KFCEH3401 F24 24 230/3* 8,16,24 Fuse 048,060 78,300 KFCEH3501 F30 30 230/3* 10,20,30 Fuse 048,060 94 100 KFCEH2401C05 5 230/1 5 Circuit Breaker 018-060 15,700 KFCEH2501C08 8 230/1 8 Circuit Breaker 018-060 25,100 KFCEH2601C10 10 230/1 10 Circuit Breaker 018-060 31 400 KFCEH3301C20 20 230/1 5,20 Circuit Breaker 030-060 62,800 KFCEH2901N09 9 230/1t 3,9 None 036-060 28,200 KFCEH3001 F15 15 230/1 5.15 Fuse$ 024-060 47 100 KFCEH3101C15 15 230/1 5,15 Circuit Breaker 024-060 47 100 Field convertible to 1 phase. t Field convertible to 3 phase. $ Single point wiring kit required for these heaters in Canada. Blower motor heat not included. ESTIMATED SOUND POWER LEVEL(dBA) UNIT SIZE CONDITIONS OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY* FY,FA CFM Ext Static 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Pressure 018 600 0.25 64.7 60.7 56.7 53.7 517 49.7 45.7 024 800 0.25 66.0 62.0 58.0 55.0 53.0 51.0 47.0 030 1000 0.25 67.0 63.0 59.0 56.0 54.0 52.0 48.0 036 1200 0.25 67.8 63.8 59.8 56.8 54.8 52.8 48.8 042 1400 0.25 68.4 644 60.4 57 4 55.4 53.4 49.4 048 1600 0.25 69.0 65.0 61.0 58.0 56.0 540 50.0 060 2000 0.25 70.0 66.0 62.0 59.0 57.0 55.0 510 Est.sound power levels have been derived using the method described in the 1987 ASHRAE HVAC Systems&Applications Handbook,Chap.52,p.52.7 ELECTRICAL DATA FOR UNITS WITH FACTORY-INSTALLED HEATERS SINGLE CIRCUIT DUAL CIRCUIT MTR MTR HEAT PACK MAX HTR MAX HTRMAX MODEL NO HP FLA INSTALLED HTR MCA OVERCUR AMPS MCA OVERCUR AMPS MCA OVERCUR AMPS PROTECT PROTECT PROTECT L1/L2 L1/L2 L1/L2 L3/L4 L3/L4 L3/L4 FY4AN8060010 3/4 5.2 MKFCEH0901N10 36.2/40.0 51.8/56.5 50/60 - - - - - - FY4ANB060015 3/4 5.2 MKFCEH1501F15 54.2/59.9 74.3/814 80/80 36.2/40.0 51.8/56.5 60/60 18.1/20.0 22.6/25.0 25/25 FY4ANF018005 1/6 1.8 MKFCEH0501N05 18.1/20.0 24.9/27.3 25/30 - - - - - - FY4ANF018008 1/6 1.8 MKFCEHO801N08 28.9/32.0 38.4/42.3 40/45 - - - - - - FY4ANF024005 1/4 1.8 MKFCEH0501N05 18.1/20.0 24.9/27.3 25/30 - - - - - - FY4ANF024010 1/4 1.8 MKFCEH0901N10 36.2/40.0 47.5/52.3 50/60 - - - - - - FY4ANF030008 1/4 1.5 MKFCEHO801N08 28.9/32.0 38.0/41.9 40/45 - - - - - - FY4ANF030010 1/4 1.5 MKFCEH0901N10 36.2/40.0 471/51.9 50/60 - - - - - - FY4ANF036010 1/3 2.4 MKFCEH0901N10 36.2/40.0 48.3/53.0 50/60 - - - - - - FY4ANF036015 1/3 2.4 MKFCEH 1501 F1 5- 54.2/59.9 70.8/77.9 80/80 36.2/40.0 48.3/53.0 50/60 18.1/20.0 22.6/25.0 25/25 FY4ANF042010 1/2 2.9 MKFCEH0901N10 36.2/40.0 48.9/53.6 50/60 - - - - - - FY4ANF042015 1/2 2.9 MKFCEH1501F15 54.2/59.9 714/78.5 80/80 36.2/40.0 48.9/53.6 50/60 18.1/20.0 122.6/25.0 25/25 FY4ANF048010 3/4 4.3 MKFCEH0901N10 36.2/40.0 50.6/55.4 50/60 - - - - I - - FY4ANF048015 3/4 4.3 MKFCEH1501F15 54.2/59.9 73.1/80.3 80/80 36.2/40.0 50.6/55.4 60/60 18.1/20.0 22.6/25.0 25/25 NOTE:All units 208/230,single-phase,60 Hz MCA-Minimum Circuit Amps FLA-Full Load Amps 11 PERFORMANCE DATA (cont) ELECTRICAL DATA FOR UNITS WITH FACTORY-INSTALLED HEATERS (cont) SINGLE CIRCUIT DUAL CIRCUIT MTR MTR HEAT PACK MAX HTR MAX HTR MAX MODEL NO HP FLA INSTALLED HTR MCA OVERCUR AMPS MCA OVERCUR AMPS MCA OVERCUR AMPS PROTECT PROTECT PROTECT L1/L2 L1/L2 L7/L2 L3/L4 L3/L4 L3/L4 FA4CNB060010 3/4 5.2 MKFCEH0901N10 36.2/40.0 51.8/56.5 50/60 - - - - - - FA4CNB060015 3/4 5.2 MKFCEH1501F15 54.2/59.9 74.3/814 80/80 36.2/40.0 51.8/56.5 60/60 18.1/20.0 22.6/25.0 25/25 FA4CNC018005 1/6 1.8 MKFCEH0501N05 18.1/20.0 24.9/27.3 25/30 - - - - - - FA4CNCO24005 1/4 1.8 MKFCEH0501N05 18.1/20.0 24.9/27.3 25/30 - - - - - - FA4CNC030008 1/4 1.5 MKFCEH0801N08 28.9/32.0 38.0/41.9 40/45 - - - - - - FA4CNC036010 1/3 2.4 MKFCEH0901N10 36.2/40.0 48.3/53.0 50/60 - - - - - - FA4CNC042010 1/2 2.9 MKFCEH0901N10 36.2/40.0 48.9/53.6 50/60 - - - - - - FA4CNC048010 3/4 4.3 MKFCEH0901N10 36.2/40.0 50.6/55.4 50/60 - - - - - - FA4CNC060010 3/4 5.2 MKFCEH0901N10 36.2/40.0 51.8/56.5 50/60 - - - - - - FA4CNF018005 1/6 1.8 MKFCEH0501N05 18.1/20.0 24.9/27.3 25/30 - - - - - - FA4CNF018008 1/6 1.8 MKFCEH0801N08 28.9/32.0 38.4/42.3 40/45 - - - - - - FA4CNF024005 1/4 1.8 MKFCEH0501N05 18.1/20.0 24.9/27.3 25/30 - - - - - - FA4CNF024010 1/4 1.8 MKFCEHO901N10 36.2/40.0 47.5/52.3 50/60 - - - - - - FA4CNF030008 1/4 1.5 MKFCEHO801N08 28.9/32.0 38.0/41.9 40/45 - - - - - - FA4CNF030010 1/4 1.5 MKFCEH0901N10 36.2/40.0 471/51.9 50/60 - - - - - - FA4CNF036010 1/3 2.4 MKFCEH0901N10 36.2/40.0 48.3/53.0 50/60 - - - - - - FA4CNF036015 1/3 2.4 MKFCEH1501F15 54.2/59.9 70.8/77.9 80/80 36.2/40.0 48.3/53.0 50/60 18.1/20.0 22.6/25.0 25/25 FA4CNF042010 1/2 2.9 MKFCEH0901N10 36.2/40.0 48.9/53.6 50/60 - - - - - - FA4CNF042015 1/2 2.9 MKFCEH1501F15 54.2/59.9 714/78.5 80/80 36.2/40.0 48.9/53.6 50/60 18.1/20.0 22.6/25.0 25/25 FA4CNF048010 3/4 4.3 MKFCEH0901N10 36.2/40.0 50.6/55.4 50/60 - - - - - - FA4CNF048015 3/4 4.3 MKFCEH1501F15 54.2/59.9 73.1/80.3 80/80 36.2/40.0 50.6/55.4 60/60 18.1/20.0 22.6/25.0 25/25 NOTE:All units 208/230,single-phase,60 Hz MCA-Minimum Circuit Amps FLA-Full Load Amps ELECTRICAL DATA FOR UNITS WITHOUT FACTORY-INSTALLED HEATERS MODEL NO MTR MTR MAX MCA OVERCUR MIN WIRE MODEL NO MTR MTR MAX MIN WIRE MCA OVERCUR HP FLA PROTECT SIZE AWG* HP FLA PROTECT SIZE AWG* FY4ANB060T00 FA4CNB060000 3/4 5.2 6.5 15 14 FY4ANB060000 3/4 5.2 6.5 15 14 FA4CNF018000 1/6 1.8 2.3 15 14 FY4ANF018T00 FA4CNF024000 1/4 1.8 2.3 15 14 FY4ANF018000 1/6 1.8 2.3 15 14 FA4CNF030000 1/4 1.5 1.9 15 14 FY4ANF024T00 FA4CNF036020 1/3 2.4 3.0 15 14 FY4ANF024000 1/4 1.8 2.3 15 14 FA4CNF042000 1/2 2.9 3.6 15 14 FY4ANF030T00 FA4CNF048000 3/4 4.3 5.4 15 14 1/4 1.5 1.9 15 14 FY4ANF030000 FY4ANF036T00 1/3 2.4 3.0 15 14 FY4ANF036000 FY4ANF042T00 1/2 29 3.6 15 14 FY4ANF042000 FY4ANF048T00 3/4 4.3 5.4 15 14 FY4ANF048000 Use copper wire only.Use 75°C only in this application. When using non-metallic(NM)sheathed cable,wire size required should be based on that of 60°C conductors,instead of wire sizes shown in table above per NEC Article 336-26. NOTES:If branch circuit wire length exceeds 100 ft.(30m) consult NEC 215-2 to determine maximum wire length.Use 2%voltage drop. All units 208/230,single-phase,60 Hz. FLA-Full Load Amps FACTORY-INSTALLED HEATER OPTIONS* MODEL 018 024 030 036 042 048 060 FA4CN(F,B) 5,8 5,10 8,10 10,15 10,15 10,15 10.15 FA4CNC 5 5 8 10 10 10 10 FY4AN(F,B) 5,8 5,10 8,10 10,15 10,15 10,15 10,15 * For field-installed heater/fan coil combinations,see Electric Heater Internal Protection below. 6th digit: B-Modular cabinet,C-Disconnect,F-Single piece cabinet ELECTRIC HEATER INTERNAL PROTECTION* HEATER KW PHASE FUSE QTY/SIZE CKT BKR QTY/SIZEt 3 1 - - 5 1 - 1/60 8 1 - 1/60 10 1 - 1/60 15 1 2/30-2/60 2/60 20 1 4/60 2/60 24 1/3 1 6/60 - 30 1/3 6/60 - 9 1/3 - - 15 3 - - 18 3 - - 5- 8- 10-kW factory-installed heat has no internal protection.15-kW factory-installed heat is internally protected with fuses. t Circuit breakers are 2 pole. 12 ACCESSORY ELECTRIC HEATER ELECTRICAL DATA BRANCH CIRCUIT P HEATER AMP5 INTERNAL 2M230V MN AmpacXy Min Win SL-(AWG) Min Gnd Win SI. Ma Fusa/Ckt BkrAmpc Ma Win Length HEATER kW H CIRCUIT a230V' 208/230V} 5230V 208/230V 200/2"V(R)* PART NO. 5 PROTEC- D-I ChcWt Dual ClrcWt Dual ChcuX Dual CI-ft D-1 CI-11, Dual ClrcuB E TION 51ngb Slagle Single Singh Sirgla Shrgb ClrsWl L7,12 L],LO Cirouk LI,12 L3,L4 C'mWt L/L2 IJ,LA C'MWt Lt,L2 L3.L4 ClreuX L1,L2 l],La CIn:uX LI,L2 L3,L4 KFCEH040IND 2.3 Nora 10.9/12.0 - - 15.9/1 - - 12/12 - - 12/12 - - 2012 - - 07/ea - - KFCEHOS 1N0 5 38 Nona 120 - - 0/28 - - 10/1 - - 0/10 - - 30/3 - - 00/80 - - KFCEH0501N0 5 Nana 18.120.0 - - 31.2/33.5 - - BIB - - 10/10 - - 3$135 - - a5/85 - - KFCEH2401C051 5 Ckt Bkr 18.120.0 - - 28.0/28 - - 10/10 - - 10/10 - - 30130 - - 80108 - - KFCEH2401C052 3.8 Ckt Bkr 120 - - 121335 - - BIB - - 0/1 - - 35135 - - 85/88 - - KFCEH0001ND0 0.0 Nona 28.8/32.0 - - 44.7/485 - - BIB - - 0/10 - - 45/50 - - 59180 - - KFCEN2501CM 0.0 Ckt Bkr 28.9/32.0 - - 44.71485 - - BIB - - 0/10 - - 45/50 - - 59/8g - - KFCEH2901N09 8.8 1 Nona 32.8/30.0 - - 49.5/53.5 - - BIB - - 10/10 - - 50/80 - - 54187 - - KFCEH2901N0 9 0. 3 Nana 18.820.8 - - 32.0/34S - - B/8 - - 10/10 - - 35/35 - - 83/85 - - KFCEHO OIN10 75 1 Norte 382140.0 - - 53.8/SBS - - 0/0 - - 0/1 - - 00100 - - 78/8 - - KFCEH2a 1C1 75 Ckt Bkr 30.2140.0 - - 53.8/585 - - a/0 - - 10110 - - 00100 - - 78/80 - - KFCEH3001F1 15 .3 1 Fuse 543/59.9 30.2/40.0 120 1 78.3/83.4 53.8158.5 22.725.0 414 e/8 10/10 BIB j 0/10 10/10 80/90 00180 25/25 00/B 78/00 j 75/76 KFCEK3101CI 15 1 Ckl Bkr - 302140.0 120 - 53.8/58.5 22.7/25.0 - BIB 10/10 - 10/1 10/10 - 80/00 25125 - 78180 76176 KFCEHI 01315 Nona 31.31342 - - 477/51 - - 8/8 - - 10/10 - - 50100 - - 50/90 - - KFCEH2O 18 Nona 37.0/415 - - 55.5/00.4 - - B/e - - 0/8 - - 0/70 - - 70/77 - - KFCEH3 1F2 20 Fu 72.3/78.9 302140. 02/40.0 B8A1108. 53.8/58.5 45.3/50.0 32 B/6 8/8 BIB 10110 0/1 0/1 D/BO 50/50 55/108 MIN 59/59 KFCEH3 IC2 15.0 Ckt Bkr - 302/40.0 302/40.0 - 53.8/58.5 45.3/50.0 - 6/6 8/8 - 0/1 10/10 - 80/80 50150 - 78/80 59/58 24 18.0 Fu 50.1/55 - - 712177.8 - - 414 - - 8/B - - 80/80 - - 86/95 - - KPCEH3401F24}} Fu 5.7/95.5 - - 10.011 - - 1// - - B/0 - - 25/150 30 225 Fu 02.8/692 - - 88.8/95.0 - - 3/3 - - BIB KFCEH3 1F301} 30 225 - FIELD MULTIPOINT WIRING OF 24-AND 30-kW SINGLE PHASE P MAX FUSE/CKT BKR kW H HEATER AMPS MIN AMPACITY MIN WIRE SIZE(AWG) MIN GND AMPS MAX WIRE LENGTH HEATER PART A 208/230V 208/230V4 208/230Vt WIRE SIZE 208/230VS208/230V(FT)* NO. S 208/230V 240V 208V E L1,L2 L3,L4 LS,L6 L1,L2 L3,L4 L6,t8 �1,Lt2U,U LS,LB L1,L2 L3,L4 L5,LS L1,L2 L3,LA 15,L8 KFCEH3401 F24tt 24 18.0 1 28.9/32.0 28.9/32.0 28.9/32.0 44.7/48.5 362/40.0 362/40.0 8/8 10/10 45/50 40/40 40/40 59/60 73/73 73173 KFCEH3501 F30tt 30 22.5 1 362/40.0 352/40.0 362/40.0 53.8/58.5 45.3150.0 45.3/50.0 8/8 10/10 60/60 50/50 50/50 78/80 59159 59/SB Includes blower motor amps of largest fan coil used with heater. t Copper wire must be used.If other than uncoated(non-plated) 75oC ambient,copper wire(solid wire for 10 AWG and smaller,stranded wire for larger than 10 AWG)is used,consult applicable tables of the National Electric Code(ANSI/NFPA 70). t Length shown is as measured 1 way along wire path between unit and service panel for a voltage drop not to exceed 2% Field convertible to 3 phase. tt Field convertible to 1 phase,single or multiple supply circuit. NOTES: 1 For fan coil sizes 018-036. 2. For fan coil sizes 042-060. 3. Single circuit application of F15 and F20 heaters requires single-point wiring kit accessory. ACCESSORIES ITEM ACCESSORY PART NO.* FAN COIL SIZE USED WITH 1 Disconnect Kit KFADK0201 DSC Cooling controls and heaters 3-through 10-kW KFACB0101CFB 018 2. Downflow Base Kit KFACB0201 CFB 024,030 KFACB0301CFB 036,042,048 KFAC60401 CFB 060 3. Downflow Conversion Kit KFADCO201 SLP Slope Coil Units--018,024 030,036 KFADC0401ACL A-Coil Units-042,048,060 4. Single-Point Wiring Kit KFASP0101 SPK Only with 15-and 20-kW Fused Heaters KFAFK0112SML 018 5. Filter Kit(12 Pack) KFAFK0212MED 024 030 KFAFK0312LRG 036,042,048 KFAFK0412XXL 060 6. PVC Condensate Trap Kit(50 pack) KFAET0150ETK All 7 Air Cleaner 240-volt Conversion Kit KEAVCO201240 All 8. Downflow/Horizontal Conversion Gasket Kit KFAHDO101SLP All 9. Horizontal Water Management Kit(25 pack) KFAHCO125AAA All Factory authorized and listed,field—installed. ACCESSORY KITS DESCRIPTION SUGGESTED AND REQUIRED USE. 1 Disconnect Kit The kit is used to disconnect electrical power to the fan coil so service or maintenance may be performed safely SUGGESTED USE.Units for 3-through 10-kW electric resistance heaters and cooling controls. 2. Downflow Base Kit This kit is designed to provide a 1-in. minimum clearance between unit discharge plenum,ductwork, and combustible materials. It also provides a gap-free seal with the floor. REQUIRED USE.This kit must be used whenever fan coils are used in downflow applications. 3. Downflow Conversion Kit Fan coils are shipped from the factory for upflow or horizontal-left applications.Downflow conversion kits provide proper condensate water drainage and support for the coil when used in downflow applications.Separate kits are available for slope coils and A-coils. REQUIRED USE.This kit must be used whenever fan coils are used in downflow applications. 4 Single Point Wiring Kit The single point wiring kit acts as a jumper between Ll and L3 lugs,and between the L2 and L4 lugs.This allows the installer to run two heavy-gauge,high-voltage wires into the fan coil rather than 4 light-gauge,high-voltage wires. SUGGESTED USE. Fan coils with 15-and 20-kW fused heaters only 5 Filter Kit(12 pack) The kit consists of 12 fan coil framed filters. These filters collect large dust particles from the return air entering the fan coil and prevents them from collecting on the coil. This process helps to keep the coil clean, which increases heat transfer and, in turn,the efficiency of the system. SUGGESTED USE.To replace filters in fan coils. REQUIRED USE.All units unless a filter grille is used. 6. Condensate Drain Trap Kit This kit consists of 50 PVC condensate traps.Each trap is pre-formed and ready for field installation.This deep trap helps the system make and hold proper condensate flow even during blower initiation. SUGGESTED USE.All fan coils. 7 Air Cleaner 240-volt Conversion Kit The AIRA electronic air cleaner comes ready for 115-v operation. REQUIRED USE.This kit is required when running 240-volt circuit to air cleaner. 8. Downflow/Horizontal Conversion Gasket Kit This kit provides the proper gasketing of units when applied in either a downflow or horizontal application. REQUIRED USE.Fan coils in either downflow or horizontal applications. 9 Horizontal Applications- Water Management Kit This kit provides proper installation of fan coils under conditions of high static pressure and high relative humidity SUGGESTED USE. All fan coils. Copyright 2007 Carrier Corp. 7310 W.Morris St. Indianapolis,IN 46231 Printed in U.S.A, Edition Date: 06/07 Catalog No:FA4C-5PD Manufacturer reserves the right to change,at any time,specifications and designs without notice and without obligations. Repan FA4C-4PD 14 Product TSTAT Data HEATING&COOLING Thermostats ThermidistatTM Control THERMIDISTAT INDUSTRY LEADING DELUXE NON-PROGRAMMABLE TEMPERATURE PLUS HUMIDITY CONTROL THERMOSTATS V:7 -V:3 72O PREMIUM PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS STANDARD NON-PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS i -7 ll'i A L�urlm r, 0 DELUXE PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS it OO 7q L`17811 @ LM BUILDERS STANDARD PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS NON-PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 1?00� -lq 0 A 1:0 1 DE 0 IL V AUT IL "M k ILJ 0 00Vn, Copyright 2003 Carrier Corporation TSTAT-6PD The Carrier electronic thermostat PREMIUM PROGRAMMABLE overriding program schedule product line consists of programmable CONTROL FEATURES. Outdoor temperature sensing and non-programmable air conditioner O heat pump,and 2-speed models a Modes include OFF COOL,HEAT (Optional) ) programmable dual fuel model,and a AUTO and EHEAT(emergency Copy function for ease of programmable/non-programmable heat on heat pump models only) programming ThermidistatTm Control Carrier also Fan modes include ON and AUTO Auxiliary heat lock-out(Heat pump offers builder's and standard Equipment ON indicators and dual fuel models using outdoor programmable thermostats in both air Auto changeover available on all sensor) conditioner and heat pump models models(can be disabled) Fan activation--automatic fan with These units feature non-mercury based electronic controls built into a subtle, Liquid Crystal Display that displays heat(Optional for packaged units) slim plastic enclosure.They require no current room temperature at all Residential installations eligible for battery back-up times,and desired temperature/ financing through Retail Credit programming prompts upon Program FEATURES/BENEFITS demand Room temperature sensor offset THERMIDISTAT CONTROL Backlighting for LCD upon demand allows installer to deliberately The Thermidistat Control and include Large,soft rubber pushbuttons with offset indoor room temperature to the above features plus tactile action accommodate homeowner's needs. One model for heating/cooling Non-volatile memory to retain Battery Free Humidity display setting during a power outage Humidify output for direct control Two set points, 1 for heating and 1 DELUXE PROGRAMMABLE of humidifier settings for cooling CONTROL FEATURES. Dehumidify output for variable Clean filter indicator(Time limit Modes include OFF COOL,HEAT speed blowers adjustable) AUTO and EHEAT(emergency Vacation mode controls temperature Auxiliary heat indicator(Heat pump heat on heat pump models only) and humidity while home is models only) Fan modes include ON and AUTO unoccupied Five minute compressor timeguard Equipment ON indicators Non-programmable set-up option English/Metric(°F/°C)selection Auto changeover available on all Super Comfort Heat mode—when (Installer adjustable) models(can be disabled) applied with 40FKA or FK4C Anticipator adjustment controls Liquid Crystal Display that displays Comfort Heat Package sensitivity cycles per hour current room temperature at all Dual Fuel Compatible Seven day programming,with 4 times,and desired temperature/ Battery Free time periods per day programming prompts upon Hold function for temporarily demand Model number nomenclature T STAT cc N AC 01 —B Series AC — Air Conditioning HP — Heat Pump Quantity 2S — Two Speed/Two Stage DF — Dual Fuel RH — Relative Humidity(Thermidistat Control) LH — Light Commerical Humidity S1 — Slim Line 1 day B—Builder's Model S7 — Slim Line 7 day S—Standard Programmable F1 — Flush Mount 1 day P—Programmable F7 — Flush Mount 7 day N—Non-Programmable CO— Cooling only R—Wireless Receiver HO— Heating only 2W — 2 Wire A/C and H/P BO — A/C&H/P No Program CC—Carrier Brand B1 — A/C&H/P 1 day 85 — A/C&H/P 5 day&2 day B7 — A/C&H/P 7 day EC — Reciever Thermostat RF — Wireless Sensor Q5 — 5+2 day Single Stage Heat&Cool Q As an ENERGY STAR�+ Partner, O — Single Stage Heat&Cool Carrier Corporation has determined that the programmable thermostats and programmable Thermidistat Control meet the ENERGY STAR© guidelines for energy efficiency 2 Backlighting for LCD configurable Available in 1 Day Programmable Equipment ON indicators for always on operation configurations(Model# Auto changeover available on all Large,soft rubber pushbuttons with TSTATCCPB 101 models(can be disabled) tactile action Liquid Crystal Display that displays Non-volatile memory to retain DELUXE NOW current room temperature at all setting during a power outage PROGRAMMABLE CONTROL times, and desired temperature/ Two set points, I for heating and 1 FEATURES programming prompts upon for cooling Modes include OFF COOL,HEAT demand Clean filter indicator(Time limit AUTO and EHEAT(emergency Backlighting for LCD configurable adjustable) for always on operation Auxiliary heat indicator(Heat pump heat on heat pump models only)Fan modes include ON and AUTO Large,soft rubber pushbuttons with models only) tactile action Equipment ON indicators Five minute compressor timeguard Auto changeover available on all Non-volatile memory to retain English/Metric(°F/°C) selection models(can be disabled) setting during a power outage (Installer adjustable) Liquid Crystal Display that displays Two set points, 1 for heating and I Anticipator adjustment controls for cooling sensitivity cycles per hour current room temperature at all Clean filter indicator(Time limit Seven day programming, with 4 times,and desired temperature/ adjustable) time periods per day programming prompts upon demand Auxiliary heat indicator(Heat pump Hold function for temporarily models only) overriding program schedule Backlighting for LCD upon demand Five minute compressor timeguard Large,soft rubber pushbuttons with Outdoor temperature sensing tactile action English/Metric(°F/°C)selection (Optional) (Installer adjustable) Copy function for ease of Non-volatile memory to retain setting during a power outage Anticipator adjustment controls programming sensitivity cycles per hour Auxiliary heat lock-out(Heat pump Two set points, 1 for heating and 1 Outdoor temperature sensing and dual fuel models using outdoor for cooling (Optional on all models except non- sensor) Clean filter indicator(Time limit programmable AC) Fan activation- automatic fan with adjustable) Auxiliary heat lock-out(Heat pump heat(Optional for packaged units) Auxiliary heatindicator(Heatpump models only) and dual fuel models using outdoor Residential installations eligible for sensor) financing through Retail Credit Five minute compressor timeguard d Fan activation--automatic fan with Program English/Metric adjustable) ( F/ C)selection heat(Optional for packaged units) (Installer adjustable) Battery Free Residential installations eligible for Room temperature sensor offset Anticipator adjustment controls sensitivity cycles per hour financing through Retail Credit allows installer to deliberately Program Outdoor temperature sensing offset indoor room temperature to (Optional on all models except non- Room temperature sensor offset accommodate homeowner s needs. programmable AC) allows installer to deliberately Available in I Day Programmable offset indoor room temperature to configurations(Model# Auxiliary heat lock (Heat pump accommodate homeowner's needs. TSTATCCPS 101 or and dual fuel models s using outdoor Battery Free TSTATCCPF101 sensor) Fan activation--automatic fan with BUILDERS NON- STANDARD PROGRAMMABLE heat(Optional for packaged units) PROGRAMMABLE CONTROL CONTROL FEATURES Residential installations eligible for financing through Retail Credit FEATURES Rubber push buttons with tactile Program Rubber push buttons with tactile action Room temperature sensor offset action Modes include HEAT OFF and allows installer to deliberately Modes include HEAT OFF and COOL offset indoor room temperature to COOL Fan modes include AUTO and ON accommodate homeowner's needs. Fan modes include AUTO and ON Manual changeover Battery Free Manual changeover Battery free Battery free Mercury free STANDARD NOW Mercury free English/Metric selection PROGRAMMABLE CONTROL English/Metric selection Temperature sensor offsets FEATURES Temperature sensor offsets Large display Modes include OFF COOL,HEAT Large display Battery Free AUTO and EHEAT(emergency Power Stealing option available on Power Stealing option available on heat on heat pump models only) AC models only AC models only Fan modes include ON and AUTO 3 Dimensions Wireless Receiver 'w 1 3A' 72 � 72 HEA O 72 p FA O 325'4�B' 4 3A. 4.75' o POWER p 0 MM Mfl LL � 4.75 0 •3.75' 748' 01 I� �1 1.75' 7 U* Wireless Sensor Thermidistat Control Premium Programmable Thermsotat Controls 2.75'-0.I @= 350 .25' ff ❑ poG{ri O O O 1 0 L wi 5.50 U— .37 18• 5.54 Deluxe Programmable Thermostat Controls aos V� 3- 35 3/4 i TF[ IL3'h' FO7�7 ® OO If tj 5 h _I O Oo : Standard Programmable Thermostat Controls 3�• ,s' 1 3� 72 ® ® ❑ o LIU 72 4 1/4' Deluxe Non-Programmable Thermostat Controls Standard Non-Programmable Thermostat Control Builder's Model Thermostat Control 4 Product data information Physical Characteristics Premium,Deluxe, Standard Programmable,Deluxe,Standard Non-Programmable Dimensions See drawing Appearance Plastic,eggshell color textured Builder's/Standard Programmable Models. Dimensions. See drawing Appearance: Plastic,designer white,textured,white,grey rubber push buttons Electrical Characteristics Premium, Deluxe, Standard Programmable Deluxe,Standard Non-Programmable. Input Volts/Amps. 24vac,5 VA Builder's/Standard Programmable Models: Input Volts/Amps 24vac, 1 VA Environmental Requirements Operating Temperature/Relative Humidity- 32°F(0°C)to 104°F(400C),95%rh non-condensing Storage Temperature/Relative Humidity-–40°F(-40°C)to 134°F(56°C) 95%rh non-condensing Program Specifications Premium,Deluxe Programmable Models. Temperature set point range. 40°F(4°C)to 90°F(32°C) Separate heat and cool set points Auto changeover—can be disabled Clean filter reminder installer adjustable Permanent memory Programming days 7 day Programming periods 4—Wake,Day Eve, Sleep Hold function Copy previous day function Humidity display and control (Thermidistat Control only) Equipment On indicator(Thermidistat Control only) Vacation Programming Standard Programmable Models. Temperature set point range: 50°F(10°C)to 90°F(32°C) Manual changeover Non-volatile memory Fahrenheit or Celsius selectable Power stealing option on AC model only Selectable fan ON or OFF with auxiliary heating(HP model) Five minute compressor timeguard Four cycles per hour maximum Auxiliary heat LED on heat pump models 5 &2 day programming Deluxe,Standard, Builder s Non-Programmable Models Temperature set point range:40°F(4°C)to 90°F(32°C) Separate heat and cool set points Auto changeover—can be disabled Clean filter reminder- installer adjustable Permanent memory Equipment On indicator Wiring Requirements Power 24vac nominal 18-to 30-vac,50/60 Hz Wiring- Standard 18 to 22 gage. 5 Description THERMIDISTAT CONTROL PART NO. DESCRIPTION Thermidistat Control—Non-Programmable/Programmable Thermostat with Humidity Control. (For use in Dual Fuel, TSTATCCPRH01-B AC,HP and 2S applications. Includes Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor.) PREMIUM PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS PART NO. DESCRIPTION TSTATCCPRF01 Thermostat,Auto Changeover,7-Day Programmable,°F/°C,Wireless Transmitter with range up to 500 ft. TSTATCCREC01 Wireless Receiver TSTATCCPAC01-B Thermostat,Auto Changeover,7-Day Programmable,°F/°C,1 Stage Heat/1 Stage Cool TSTATCCPHP01-B Thermostat,Auto Changeover,7-Day Programmable,°F/°C,2 Stage Heat/1-Stage Cool Thermostat,Auto Changeover,7-Day Programmable,°F/°C,2-Stage Heat/2-Stage Cool in AC Mode, TSTATCCP2S01-B 3-Stage Heat/2-Stage Cool in HP Mode TSTATCCPDF01-B Dual Fuel Thermostat,Outdoor Temperature Sensor included DELUXE PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS PART NO. DESCRIPTION TSTATCCPS101 Thermostat,Auto Changeover,single Day programmable,Slimline Style TSTATCCPS701 Thermostat,Auto Changeover,7-day programmable,Slimline Style TSTATCCPF101 Thermostat,Auto Changeover,single day programmable,Flushmount style TSTATCCPF701 Thermostat,Auto Changeover,7-day programmable,Flushmount style TSTACCPQ501 Thermostat,Auto Changeover,7-day prog,Slimline Style STANDARD PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS PART NO. DESCRIPTION TSTATCCSAC01 Thermostat,Manual Changeover,5-2 Day Programmable,°F/°C,1-Stage Heat/1 Stage Cool TSTATCCSHP01 Thermostat,Manual Changeover,5-2 Day Programmable,°F/°C,2-Stage Heat/1 Stage Cool TSTATCCP6101 Thermostat,Programmable,F/°C,simple 1 day programmable,T2 style TSTATCCPB501 Thermostat,5+2 day programmable,Super T2 style,F/°C TSTATCCP2W01 Thermostat,Programmable,2-wire,7-day program schedule,Copy,Vacation,Super T2 style DELUXE NON-PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS PART NO. DESCRIPTION TSTATCCNAC01-B Thermostat,Auto Changeover,Non-Programmable,°F/°C,1 Stage HeaV1 Stage Cool TSTATCCNHP01-B Thermostat,Auto Changeover,Non-Programmable,°F/°C,2 Stage Heat/1-Stage Cool STANDARD NON-PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS PART NO. DESCRIPTION TSTATCCNB001 Thermostat,Non-programmable,FPC,1-Stage Heat/1-Stage Cool,T2 style TSTATCCN2W01 Thermostat,Non-programmable,2-Wire,heat only or cool only,F/°C,T2 style TSTATCCN0001 Thermostat,Auto Changeover,N-P°F/C° 1-Stage Heat/1 Stage Cool,battery or 5 wire BUILDERS NON-PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS PART NO. DESCRIPTION TSTATCCBAC01-B Thermostat,Manual Changeover,Non-Programmable,°F/°C,1-Stage Heat/1 Stage Cool TSTATCCBHP01-B Thermostat,Manual Changeover,Non-Programmable,°F/°C,2-Stage Heat/1 Stage Cool 6 Thermostat accessories PART NO. DESCRIPTION TSTATXXSEN01-B* Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor TSTATXXNBP01 t Backplate for Non-Programmable Thermostat TSTATXXPBP01 t Backplate for Programmable Thermostat and Thermidistat Control TSTATXXBBP01t Backplate for Builder's Model Thermostat TSTATXXSBP01 t I Backplate for Standard Programmable Thermostat TSTATXXCNV10* Thermostat Conversion Kit(4 to 5 Wire)—10 Pack * Outdoor temperature sensor is an accessory for all Carrier electronic thermostats,except the non-programmable air conditioner version and builder's and Standard Programmable model thermostats.It allows the temperature at a remote location(outdoors)to be displayed on the thermostat. The outdoor air temperature sensor must be used with the dual fuel thermostat. The outdoor air temperature sensor is included with the Thermidistat Control and dual fuel thermostat. t This plate is designed to cover surrounding wall area located behind thermostat. t Thermostat conversion kit is a 24-vac accessory that can turn a 4-wire thermostat application into a 5-wire application.This kit can also be used to replace a broken thermostat wire,or add an extra wire when needed.Do not use this kit with the AC model of the Builder's or Standard Programmable thermostat. 7 Operational information Five-minute compressor timeguard This timer prevents the compressor from starting unless it has been off for at least 5 minutes.It can be defeated for 1 cycle by simultaneously pressing the FAN mode button and INCREASE TEMPERATURE(UP)button. Heat/Cool set points(desired temperature) A minimum difference of 2 is enforced between heating and cooling desired temperatures.This is done by allowing one setting to `push the other to maintain this difference.(Thermidistat Control is adjustable.)Builder's thermostats are controlled by a single set point. Equipment on indicators(Non-Programmable models) When cooling equipment is ON a COOL ON icon is displayed above the room temperature display When heating equipment is ON a HEAT ON icon is displayed above the room temperature display Equipment on indicators(Thermidistat Control) When cooling equipment is ON a COOL icon preceded by a small triangle is displayed below the cool set point.While cooling equipment turn on is delayed by a staging or cycle timer the triangle and the word COOL will flash.The same is true for the HEAT icon and its preceding triangle located under the heat set point.The 2 triangles are also used to indicate the state of the humidify and dehumidify outputs. See next section. Humidify/dehumidify output on indicators(Thermidistat Control) Within humidity select screen(selected by Humidity button and indicated by `hu' or dhu' on clock display),the triangle under humidity set point will be on while humidify output is on.The triangle under dehumidify set point will be on while dehumidify output is active(turned off because this output is reverse logic) Auto changeover When auto changeover mode is selected, a change from heat to cool (or vice versa)will not occur until an opposite mode demand has existed for 20 minutes.If set point is changed,the 20 minute requirement is deleted.Auto changeover mode can be disabled.Builder-s and Standard Programmable thermostats are manual changeover. Emergency heat mode When thermostat is controlling a heat pump and emergency heat is selected,all Y signals are locked out,and W becomes energized upon a call for heat. Smart Recovery(Programmable models) With Smart Recovery selected,transition out of setback begins a fixed time period before selected recovery time and gradually adjusts room temperature so that the desired temperature will be achieved at selected recovery time. Room Temperature Offset(All models) Room temperature may be deliberately offset by up to 5°F in either direction. Maximum On/Off Deadband Maximum sensed temperature difference between ON and OFF is 0.8°F for Builder's thermostats and 0 6°F for all other models. Carrier Copyright 2003 Carrier Corporation Indianapolis,IN 46231 4-03 A United Technologies Company Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue,or change at any time,specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. Book I 1 1 4 Page 8 Catalog No.02TS-TA6 Printed in U.S.A. PC 101 Form TSTAT-6PD Tab ImiscImisc Replaces:TSTAT 5PD FFO!RMCN0. Part Number:Generet purpose mixing box .0825-0200 52-3P DATE: 8199 SUBMITTED TO STANDARD FEATURES: OPTIONAL COMPANY 1' 1.51b density Internal Insulation. Fully moduialing or 3 position control system. DRAWN BY: ,n�� S DRAWN Color-keyed,Industrial paint finish Barometric rallef dampers. JOBEQUIPMENT. Low leak damper package. NOTES: Use on units up to 2,000 CFM 2 112- typ MicroMetl's General purpose mixing box is T nip• designed for residential and commerical appli- cations where varied amounts of recirculated air mixed with outside air is required.The mixing box is designed so that dampers and duct openings may be repositioned in the field to suit 12• the application.Constructed of heavy gauge, 15• m galvanized steel, completely assembled and finished in a color-keyed, industrial paint finish, �• this mixing box is versatile and economical. 17'� 2f3• Motor bracket for optional control system. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF MICRO METL CORPORATION AND IS DELIVERED UPON THE EXPRESS CONDITION THAT THE CdHTENTS WILL NOT BE DISCLOSED OR USED W I[THOUT MICRO MMS WRRTEN CONSENT• MICROMETL3a19ROOSEVELT AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS,IN46218 1 7-X822-MICROMETLWEST202SOUTHI9THST. SPARKS.NV89431 1-800-88"632 rl-I E HNI L C CA I ev,Mit - 1`; II Mdress 17I E ISS s� pro jecf Desr►ph on �u Q II au 1-0 -<�cIcs CS(.0V.wIV,)Aty -Dti �►nc..l ed �-� 12(� 1 fNiav�c�.e � SEASONS ENG/NEER/NG, INC. 13601452-3023 619 S. Chase St., Port Ange%s, WA 98362 Stormwater Management Plan and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for a New Sales Office for Ruddell Auto Mall "14t4 For- Ruddell Auto Mall g, PET 110 S. Golf Course Road � y Port Angeles, WA 98362 ' 257 Date November 21, 2007 exriAts 10-M uJ Location 1714 E First Street, Port Angeles, Washington s Introduction The New Sales Office for Ruddell Auto Mall is the redevelopment of the former Port Angeles Lanes Bowling Alley in Port Angeles, Washington. A 14,400 square foot bowling alley building and a 1450 square foot Automotive Shop building have been recently demolished. Proposed construction includes a new 3000 square foot auto sales office, re-grading and paving of the demolished building areas, new concrete sidewalks and driveway ramp, and connection to existing utilities. The Stormwater Plan has been prepared to comply with the requirements of the Department of Ecology (D O.E.) 2005 Stormwater Manual and the City of Port Angeles. Existing Site Description The site of the New Sales Office for Ruddell Auto Mall is located at 1714 East First Street at the corner of First Street and Penn Street in Port Angeles, Washington. The existing development consisted of a 14,400 square foot bowling alley and a 1450 square foot automotive shop with a 10 acre asphalt parking lot. The buildings have been recently demolished to make way for the redevelopment. Stormwater runoff from the existing parking area sheet flows toward the streets on the north and west sides. A shallow ditch along the south side of the property directs offsite runoff toward Penn Street to the west. The site is bordered to the southeast by the existing Ruddell Auto Mall. An existing driveway to the Auto Mall parallels the east boundary of the property Stormwater from the Auto Mall is directed down a narrow biofiltration swale that runs parallel to the driveway A storm sewer and catch basins in First Street collect stormwater from the street and the neighboring developments. The soils in the area are classified as Clallam Gravelly Sandy Loam by the Soil Survey of Clallam County Area, Washington. This type of soil is moderately well drained soil on hills formed in compact glacial till. Subsoils are typically layers of gravelly sandy loam down to compact glacial till at a depth of 20 to 40 inches. Permeability is moderate to the till layer but very slow through it, creating a perched water table during the rainy season. Runoff is medium and the hazard of water erosion is slight. 2 Proposed Construction Activities Proposed construction includes a new 3000 square foot auto sales office, re-grading and paving of the demolished building areas, new concrete sidewalks along First and Penn Streets, a new driveway entrance from Penn Street, and connection to existing utilities. A new driveway between the site and the existing auto mall to the southeast is proposed. The existing driveway will be reconfigured as parking area. The existing driveway from First Street will remain. Approximately 6500 square feet of new impervious surfaces will be created. Approximately '/2 an acre of existing building and parking areas will be re- graded and repaved. The existing strip of grass between the parking area and the street will be landscaped with a combination of grasspave vegetated vehicle display areas, low shrubs, and some trees. Stormwater Detention for the building will be constructed using a 24"diameter detention pipe with outlet control in a type 2 catch basin. Redevelopment Criteria The Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington identifies several thresholds of redevelopment activity and dictates different compliance requirements. All redevelopment must prepare a Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. If 2000 square feet or more of new impervious surfaces are created, the redevelopment must also comply with minimum requirements#1 through#5 of the Manual. Redevelopment shall comply with all minimum requirements of the Manual if 5000 square feet or more of new impervious surfaces are created and the valuation of the redevelopment exceeds 50% of the value of the existing development. This redevelopment proposes over 5000 square feet of new impervious surfaces. Using RS Means Quick Cost Estimator,the average replacement cost of the recently demolished bowling alley is $1,318,244, and the average replacement cost of the lube shop is $232,633, for a total replacement value of$1,550,877 Also using RS Means Quick Cost Estimator, the construction cost of the new Auto Sales Office is $624,759, which is 40% of the replacement value of the existing development. Since the valuation of the redevelopment is less than 50% of the existing development, minimum requirements #1 through#5 of the stormwater manual are required to be complied with. See the print outs from the RS Means Quick Cost Estimator included in Appendix B for further valuation data. Best Management Practices will be used to limit the impact of this redevelopment. A stormwater site plan has been prepared. Existing catch basin inlets will be protected during construction. New parking areas will be stabilized after grading with gravel base, and other exposed soils will be stabilized by covering right after grading with straw mulch or plastic sheeting. Silt fencing will be used to help contain sediment. After final grading, the site will be re-vegetated by reseeding and mulching exposed soils. Catch basin filter inserts and oil separator tees are proposed for new catch basins. Stormwater detention will be provided for the new building. The existing bio-filtration swale is proposed to be reconstructed to improve its effectiveness. 3 Minimum Requirements 1 through 5 of the 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington are applicable and are addressed as follows Minimum Requirement#1 Preparation of Stormwater Site Plans. This report, combined with the site construction plans comprises the Stormwater Site Plan. Minimum Requirement#2 Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Element #1 Delineate Clearing and Easement Limits To protect adjacent properties and to reduce the area of soil exposed to construction, the limits of construction will be clearly marked before land-disturbing activities begin. Trees that are to be preserved, as well as all sensitive areas and their buffers, shall be clearly delineated, both in the field and on the plans. In general, natural vegetation and native topsoil shall be retained in an undisturbed state to the maximum extent possible. The BMPs relevant to marking the clearing limits that will be applied for this project include • Silt Fence (BMP C233) • Construction Fence (BMP C 103) The site is already fenced with temporary construction fence Erect silt fence below the proposed construction site prior to excavation. Element #2 Establish a construction Access Route: Construction access or activities occurring on unpaved areas shall be minimized, yet where necessary, access points shall be stabilized to minimize the tracking of sediment onto public roads, and wheel washing, street sweeping, and street cleaning shall be employed to prevent sediment from entering state waters. All wash wastewater shall be controlled on site. The specific BMPs related to establishing construction access that will be used on this project include • Stabilized Construction Entrance (BMP C105) Construction access will be across from the existing paved access to Penn Street or First Street. Element #3 Controlling Flow Rates. In order to protect the properties and waterways downstream of the project site, stormwater discharges from the site will be controlled during construction by routing runoff through existing stormwater systems and phasing construction to occur during the dry season as much as possible. Stormwater detention will be constructed to control runoff from the new building. Filter strips constructed of grasspave porous pavement will help attenuate flow rates as well as provide stormwater treatment. Element #4 Install Sediment Control BMPs All stormwater runoff from disturbed areas shall pass through an appropriate sediment removal BMP before leaving the construction site. The specific BMPs to be used for controlling sediment on this project include • Storm Drain Inlet Protection (BMP C220) • Silt Fence (BMP C233) Silt fence will be constructed concurrent with the start of excavation. Storm drains will be protected with catch basin filters. 4 Element #5 Stabilize soils. Exposed and unworked soils shall be stabilized with the application of effective BMPs to prevent erosion throughout the life of the project. The specific BMPs for soil stabilization that shall be used on this project include • Temporary and Permanent Seeding (BMP C120) • Mulching (BMP C 12 1) • Plastic Covering (BMP C123) Exposed and unused soils shall be covered within 2 days between October 31 and March 31 and within 7 days between April 1 and October 30 Use plastic sheeting or straw mulch on cleared areas and stockpiles. Place gravel base on road, driveway, and parking areas soon after clearing and subgrade preparation. In general, cut and fill slopes will be stabilized as soon as possible and soil stockpiles will be temporarily covered with plastic sheeting. All stockpiled soils shall be stabilized from erosion,protected with sediment trapping measures, and where possible, be located away from storm drain inlets, waterways, and drainage channels. Element #6 Protect slopes All cut and fill slopes will be designed, constructed, and protected in a manner than minimizes erosion. The following specific BMPs will be used to protect slopes for this project: • Temporary and Permanent Seeding (BMP C 120) Cut and fill slopes should be roughened by tracking up and down with machinery to create horizontal grooves to catch seed and rainfall, and reduce runoff. Slopes should be seeded as soon as possible after grading. Element # 7 Protect Drain inlets. All storm drain inlets and culverts made operable during construction shall be protected to prevent unfiltered or untreated water from entering the drainage conveyance system. However, the first priority is to keep all access roads clean of sediment and keep street wash water separate from entering storm drains until treatment can be provided. Storm Drain Inlet Protection(BMP C220) will be implemented for all drainage inlets and culverts that could potentially be impacted by sediment-laden runoff on and near the project site. The following inlet protection measures will be applied on this project: • Storm Drain Inlet Protection(BMP C220) Element #S Stabilize channels and outlets Where site runoff is to be conveyed in channels, or discharged to a stream or some other natural drainage point, efforts will be taken to prevent downstream erosion. In this case, no new channels or natural drainage points are proposed. Element #9 Control Pollutants All pollutants, including waste materials and demolition debris, that occur onsite shall be handled and disposed of in a manner that does not cause contamination of stormwater Good housekeeping and preventative measures will be taken to ensure that the site will be kept clean, well organized, and free of debris. If required, BMPs to be implemented to control specific sources of pollutants are discussed below Vehicles, construction equipment, and/or petroleum product storage/dispensing. ' All vehicles, equipment, and petroleum product storage/dispensing areas will be inspected regularly to detect any leaks or spills, and to identify maintenance needs to prevent leaks or spills. 5 • On-site fueling tanks and petroleum product storage containers shall include secondary containment. • Spill prevention measures, such as drip pans, will be used when conducting maintenance and repair of vehicles or equipment. In order to perform emergency repairs on site, temporary plastic will be placed beneath and, if raining, over the vehicle. • Contaminated surfaces shall be cleaned immediately following any discharge or spill incident. Concrete and grout. • Process water and slurry resulting from concrete work will be prevented from entering the waters of the State by implementing Concrete Handling measures (BMP C 15 1) All pollutants that occur on-site during construction shall be contained in a manner that does not cause contamination of the stormwater The contractor shall maintain good housekeeping practices such as clean equipment, free of leaks, designated concrete washout area, and having oil soaking rags on site. Element#10 Control Dewatering Dewatering is not anticipated as part of this construction project. Element#11 Maintain BMP"s All temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control BMPs shall be maintained and repaired as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. Maintenance and repair shall be conducted in accordance with each particular BMP's specifications. All temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs shall be removed within 30 days after the final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary BMPs are no longer needed. Trapped sediment shall be removed or stabilized on site Disturbed soil resulting from removal of BMPs or vegetation shall be permanently stabilized. Straw mulchiniz• mulched areas shall be checked periodically, especially following severe storms. Additional straw shall be added and damaged areas shall be repaired as necessary Seeded areas seeded areas shall be inspected for failure and reseeded as necessary A follow-up survey shall be made after one year and areas shall be reseeded as necessary Construction access the construction entrance and exit shall be maintained in a condition that prevents tracking of mud onto the public rights-of-way Periodic top dressing with two-inch stone, as conditions demand, shall be made. All materials spilled, dropped, washed, or tracked from vehicles onto roadways or into storm drains shall be removed immediately 6 Element#12 Manage the Project Erosion and sediment control BMPs for this project have been designed based on the following principles. • Minimize the extent and duration of the area exposed. ■ Keep runoff velocities low • Retain sediment on site. ■ Thoroughly monitor site and maintain all ESC measures. In addition, project management will incorporate the key components listed below- As this project site is located west of the Cascade Mountain Crest, the project will be managed according to the following key project components Phasing of Construction ■ The construction project is being phased to the extent practicable in order to prevent soil erosion, and,to the maximum extent possible, the transport of sediment from the site during construction. ■ Revegetation of exposed areas and maintenance of that vegetation shall be an integral part of the clearing activities during each phase of construction, per the Scheduling BMP (C 162) Seasonal Work Limitations • From October 1 through April 30, clearing, grading, and other soil disturbing activities shall only be permitted if shown to the satisfaction of the local permitting authority that silt-laden runoff will be prevented from leaving the site Inspection and Monitoring • All BMPs shall be inspected, maintained, and repaired as needed to assure continued performance of their intended function. Site inspections shall be conducted by a person who is knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control. ■ Whenever inspection and/or monitoring reveals that the BMPs identified in this SWPPP are inadequate, due to the actual discharge of or potential to discharge a significant amount of any pollutant, appropriate BMPs or design changes shall be implemented as soon as possible Maintaining an Updated Construction SWPPP ■ This SWPPP shall be retained on-site or within reasonable access to the site. ■ The SWPPP shall be modified whenever there is a change in the design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site that has, or could have, a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to waters of the state ■ The SWPPP shall be modified if, during inspections or investigations conducted by the owner/operator, or the applicable local or state regulatory authority, it is determined that the SWPPP is ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants in stormwater discharges from the site. The SWPPP shall be modified as necessary to include additional or modified BMPs designed to correct problems identified Minimum Requirement#3 Source Control of Pollution. Pollution sources during construction will be controlled as noted above, as part of Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention. Ultra Drain-Guard Oil and Sediment Filters and oil separator tees are proposed for parking lot catch basins. Catch basin inserts need to be checked at least every six months and replaced when needed. If the amount of sediment and debris captured in the pouch has risen to a level one inch below the bypass ports, a change-out of the product is recommended. If the filter materials 7 become saturated with hydrocarbons, a change-out of the product is recommended. To determine if saturation has occurred, use a grate hook to lift one of the straps located on the top of the Ultra-DrainGuard up through the grate so that the Ultra-DrainGuard is pinned to the bottom of the grate. This allows the user to reach into the grate openings to feel the base fabric for saturation of hydrocarbons and also pull up and test the filters strips located inside the opening of the Ultra-DrainGuard's pouch. Minimum Requirement#4 Preservation of Natural Drainage Systems and Outfalls. Natural drainage patterns of the area have been largely eliminated from prior development. Currently, stormwater from the site flows overland to First Street and Penn Streets on the north and west side of the property The majority of the runoff from the property will continue to flow overland across the landscaping within the right of way Grasspave vegetated porous vehicle display areas are proposed for portions of the landscaping, which will also serve as filter strips and help treat stormwater from the parking area. New curbs and catch basins are proposed for portions of the redevelopment, which will be connected to the existing storm sewer in First Street. Minimum Requirement#5 On-Site Stormwater Management: The existing development is nearly 100% impervious surfacing, which severely limits the opportunities for infiltration or dispersion of stormwater runoff. To improve stormwater runoff characteristics from the site, roof runoff from the new sales office building is proposed to be detained in accordance with the flow control standards of the Stormwater Manual. Some runoff from the existing parking area will also be routed through the detention system. The Santa Barbara Urban hydrograph has been used to estimate predevelopment and post development runoff for a 24 hour storm of 2 year, 10 year, and 100 year recurrence intervals. The stormwater detention pipe was calculated to detain and release stormwater at the '/z existing rate for a 24 hour, 2 year storm, and at the existing rate for a 10 year and 100 year storm. Design Assumptions Pre-Development Land Use Impervious = 7500 square feet, CN=98 Forest= 3700 square feet, CN=70 Proposed Development Impervious Area= 11,200 square feet, CN=98 Design Storms. 2-yr/24-hr =2 00m/hr 10-yr/24-hr = 3 00m/hr 100-yr/24-hr =4 50m/hr 100 feet of 24"diameter detention pipe will be used. See attached spreadsheets of calculations included in Appendix A. 8 Appendix A. Stormwater Calculations 9 Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph SCS Type IA rainfall distribution uto" a Tax Pa.ce Prepared b 4 Seasons En ineerin aI am: .rave_ .? an Toarn e, ate: ovem er., 6mo.24 hr1.28 ain a mounts(inches) 2yr 24 hr 10yr 24 hr 100yr 24 hr re eve oment on t on lawn/landscape s roof/paving gravel i buu '98 forested Pery ous Sheet Flow Tc Impervious Avg. Ns 0.400 Sheet Flow Tc s(pe _ L( 0.011 CN= 70.00 slope(%) 8.00 Tc= 18.48 s (ft')0 2.00 - CN= 9.04 2 r-24hr S 4.29 slope(/o) Tc-- 1.04 2 r-24hr S= 0.20 Post evelopment Conaltion lawn/landscape 0. NS0.4 roof/paving gravel forested Pernous A Sheet Flow Tc Impervious Avg.Ns 0.275 Sheet Flow Tc L(ft.) Ns 0.011 CN= 78.00 L(ft.) slope(%) 8.00 Tc= 13.69 0 2.00 - CN= 1.04 2 r-24hr slope hr Tc= 1.04 S= 2.82 2yr-24hr etentton ape S= 0.20 diameter Length St Vol. Safety DesignVol. a ev ut et nice feet feet cu.ft. Factor cu.ft. ft. at orifice o Or orifices nice 100. 314 1.2 262 Size(in.) Q7 yr yr u et r ce max predev (cfs)= 0.1103 0.1696 0.2577 a ev esign VU1 IF 0 T O Max Postdev.(cfs)= 0.1103 0.1696 0.2577 ft. at orifice orifices n�� Max Overflow(cfs)= 0.0514 0.1696 0,2577 Size(in.) %of predevelopment= 47138 100 Flow Control for Stream Protection adequate? YES a ev ut et r ce esign ol 9 of Oriice ft. at orifice orifices Size(in.) 178 Outlet Pipe Capacity Pipe Size R Min.Slope A n Q max Factor of in. ft. % sq.ft. 8 cfs Safety 0167 1 0.3491 0.011 1432 5.6 Summary- Detention Pipe Outlet Pipe Size(in.) g dia.(ft.) length(ft.) 2 100 Outlet Orifices elev.(ft.) #of orif. Dia.(in.) 0.00 1 0.5 elev.(ft.) #of orif. Dia.(in.) 1.50 1 1 elev.(ft.) #of orif. Dia.(in.) 1.85 1 1.50 Predevelcpinent Prepared by 4 Seasons Engineering New Sal.Offkm far Ruadelt Auto Mea Clellam Gravelly Sandy Loam type C TPN 063000.101305 pate November20,2007 8 mo.24 hour Rainfall 2 yr.24 hour Rainfall 10 yr.24 hour Rainfall 100 yr.24 hour Rainfall 1+.11100 enpR a.wo,. lmprrlur ft vlar naello.e 1A.nioe 1mprNOle .-=Mlun= TOW sIYIl4 OWY Mem.=Mian.1a_t TOW WRR4 Q..E1 Yea Mu.11.= - slaw- Mom.wa Mom.s4 TAW eeWs 0Wm fmMl Ar1r41m1 R.YY Rosa Meso Itl- Rudf -flsrlu - RUM Nnm - Rusa Rue'4r rID11W R.Ni Rusq Rose Ruga -----la.dl Rudl Rudl i6M Rusa isnel m we" Ams am Amo Dam am Amo Amo owed own. Mme oW SSW am 0.6200 o.W oW adooA M.m00 o01x oon0.0620 oW oW 0000 00000 SS.mw 0013 dols o.W 0.6200 o.W 06200 o:W °.moo 0.0000 M Am SAN DO oma oW AAm SSW OW ARAN owm SSW WS SSW oW OW 0000 O.W d0000 o.AAOSS a.m. aW AW oW a.W a000o e.Am 011 0 OW Amo INS oW 0.01 MDW Owed x AIN oms M6 am o.mo nen °000 SSW ommm ASW am am. SSW SSW am mom am am 0.°°°o m am OW MAW 0.01 SSW amm 00000 0010 .ASI mW am SAW SAW 0001 SSW12 amm N 0.001 oW 001 0.01 OM o.W oma OW 00000 amm oW 0000 SSW am° SSW oW 0.01 aOAAD 00000 o.Mx A.WA.o� 001 A.W SSW amn amm alms on 0000 .W O.Aa a°m 06200 00062omo+d m am4 SSW SSme Am Sm SSm SMA aW a gm3o awe .W am° SSW nam ora amm aa,S mom Sale alae° ° omx nml .m oma omT mem W Sm Ao mm W 620064 0000 mOmaoW0021000° . .W0.01o.WoWoammSSW SSWam° SS0.0100062anaSSomaADWomx oon0000 0620 SSmeam: alms00000 +a °oW OW mi ami °omi amlo o00n AS O.AN Om5 0- oAm SSW ADA I- 001 oma ammo OAN am O.W .W amt omi 0000 Amla SSmos amx am3m0 Mme am amn SSmn°male Ile 0mo amm amm a.W amsM I Omw mAwaoato.WAW . 06200ooSS,mANmo0001m� 0005SSW013 Ami 0001 00064 0020 i« oW SSmSSoW a+o au olY owl Y SAN SSW m nen SAW DW °moo mm nmol SSW on °000 °000 01"1 Om A- a- -'1 0 2 w+mam° On .m 0m Om75 GAN o n OW o.W SSW o 100tq+m o,4 0.01 SSmi 300 .W Amt oW oW aWn 3.0000 OW 000 AW 0000 0000 omx Am °max SS"x M 8:ia0620000 0°02 o.m o.m ad°ia oamo'Y' o8z'.i °002 000°000 °on°oS Moi gal o0�iin SAN SSme SS00 SSW 00+ 0m1 ora MW12 oma 010 DAN °000 AW oto oma nom 00050 Oma. 015S SSme SAN Oa4 OW 0°00 mm OAt amt -1 am. ..a IN 0.000 OON 01 AN, O.m1 ANN apmWe Me ame .W ams 0°00 am OmS aa07 Oen 03S 0000 026200 Ami Om O.m41 O.mtl IN aDa 0.000 an QW OW Om1 O.OD+ 0.001 am, Oml6 al 10 O.W SSW Mm3 am 0.001 SSAN Om64 0.015 tm ¢W AAm SS- 0°00 0.000 In am21 We 3Y A= 0.000 to OMi naN OSx ia SSW am oon 0000 AW oW 000 am oma 0Den +S nen 001 SSmx na06 Ams own MAm At 100 am .00. awe 0D0e Sm Nwi M. Oma Miro am am a o1 owed MOD 6 w0b owe oma am oW Om am Om 0.mm OAm. a+m SAW Oma amt am am own Obow 01 IN aim OmD am oma 0m AWN an am 0.200 O.W Cam 1x Om»00062 IN 0000 WAS Oma Com Oram 0000 °m Man Own Omn ¢+a 00000 Sada nm Som 0000 nam am Om5 OJ+a 0000 Om On At -0, Oam a- a+s am am 5) ale Ale own Om)t m CAN °000 Omer Oma Om ou Om 'Aw SSw.4 It- o SS+a am oW SSW omi AAS 'Al"dame 01 021 am mm 0.NO 01 0.0»0 atm am) AJw am nm 100 0.en SS.m2 06240 nems tin OW AM IN oma oW Mol am am SSme SAW 4.0 0.164 Mm0 0.01 0000 omi 0.001 o.mn Dome owe o2Y MAm oW Ira SSW SANT 0164 ami O'N 0.00 OW 02M oW den SAM OWN No am 0.00 13 mW SSW OW9 Mm am 0msz awe SSD B.in AAAA SSW 0.064 ow? omi Om atm 0t a364 Oma 0.00 n am. am, Mae am) am am Am 020 AM 0.00 o.Wt o.aM No SSW OW tx WAS 0000 DAM SAN MASS 0-°SSW nen .ted OW Om amx awe OW 11" 0110 a e- SSW SSW 31 of D1 ooze me SAM Mia 0000 Oma 24 Ow. oat M.WT 0014 w Sna owe 100 wnoo Am dna SSmi .Arad A00Y 0- 0200 °000 0000 003 owe awe omx°mete awe ASm .0030 Oma +e SSm. mm. Omen°mete omi 0464 SmSS SSnoo m 0024 0001 °men Moan 2S OW 0Am 1x SSW am °000 oaa awe amn 000000 M 2+z SSW nen 0 SSW SSW a1x 4124 ..me a'u SSW SSmw tin SSme ams SSwm own 0.1 n SAW ADW A.n1 am. am. 00000 oozed 200 Ami A.W 1e SS00 a- °ams OW OW nw75 00264 oaa SSW SSW awe am am. AAl ISS awl 020 SAW OW +n M.I on owm omx omx aim SSW 0.000 0.1x nom owe onw 003, zq Om AW 164 eW AW 001 o.W am 0000062 0.001 24 o.W SSW awe Mt 0000 oleo 47 0.001 dam nen Oma +1 a amn AWN CAM SS14o 0.W oW 0364 Dom am 0.o44i 0010 200 SS.W Omn to O.W OW OW OON OON nOm3 qmn 0364 OW O.W mm 01 0.0164 164 0.001 Qxl mW 0.000 210 Om»ODS1 OAR bit Oma OON 0.x3 O.Am O.we O.WI a0n6 x00 am MAO In dow m - Owe 0°00 a-0-1 Oxo SSW SSW IN 057 et A. aq] OW O.mA Oat 0-"I Om Dem Am 0 O 4+2 OAm aAm 0.004 A.ON4 275 am Sam 100 02.620 Om Om) 6006 0.m 00064 Aoe6 At A SSW SSW It Al Of 11 164 amt - SSA, a.W 030 a QmN OOtm am Pex am Om OM 3.000 O.en 0.017 "Na" 200 nw) 0.W N OW OW 0.m Owe SSW 0.0001 awed Om4 a m OW aW 142 amt nal+ Stn OtN amt a- ¢W 6- am 019 an QmN Om14 Om am OW SSW nt OW 0.W nSSAa ASSN 21 SSmA 0.000 oW SSW 0000 en omi ami 00110 omda nae 31: SSW SSW 164 ON 571 oma 0400 dale 0400 nen Oma one aw: non 0041 000000 omi Ami oW am 050! 0Wo am 00041 oN» 300 SSmA am SS 210 OW SW An SSm SSW MI Oma at AVO OW OW AM OA1a oma 00210 OWN am don MW SSW 112 .m oon 000«amn Don iq ora a- am, 0,5 owe amm 0 310 amn At Cam SSW 0.00 ." Ami Ami w.W1 MID 0000 am "' AW n Amo ml amt oma Oma ate a00 am AJC. am amt amn omx omi S.m AAm - -A SSW Sm6 oD6r am2o W Dam am0 OMI o.W am 0.00 A.W CW o+ 0414 awe SS'A 0000 SSW i1 oal4 0001 SSmi 00200 Dox 0562 mW 0000 0157 oon Aon 0.0x62 00062 amr au Amo Amo 01+1 mW Dox ANN SAWA 3e AmA am 2. AA" 0.00 IN AW awe 0111 M) M1 am A.W OW 21. 01 0011 Amu amu ooze omi 0.01 Oma OXI 0.en em Omn aQ64i ani MAS+ o.W 0.62620 0.641 o.W Dox 000000 000.4 3q o,M am am AW 0.01 IN SSW O.W own of 9 nme 0301 0W M.W alai ¢004 00+4 &0000 amid ams SAN SAM SSW qq2 0.m mm &6264 ANN An) ON' 0.01 OW 0000 A.W 0.000 A. 0.0544 364 OAom 01 u3N Oma am n OW SSW ",It M27 oma Au oW Om u An DI .0257 darn 0.en Mee am SSm. Orn Dom Dom man 0mY 06213 0000 0001 owl orn 0001 owl o4en A.ai1 xo OAON OM2 257 OW O.W tin OW OW 017 ora» oma MSR a.W am 0.257 ti 01 0Met Ow« aAn SAN dam tow AIGS AAM omi Oat .. SSW AS O.m OAw SO., ON, oaf Sam O.N10 aro ANN Ot one oW SSW Ix Oto 010 AW6 .1. 01 0.461 MOOD 0AoO 257 7 omi 0AM ow" Qom 3 A/1 mW aW a" 0 A ami oat 601°1 am I.M. OW 000 OAa Cat aaf now Qo6ta 300 'WAS one Om aim to oma 01.1 dl m aW MW AN, ami Oa64 owed Dom dim Om aW 0500 OATS an axle 0.'1 001 "" am OW Ase oat eW ewe omi ]1 SmN Jt] OW Om to Olu amm 0.&e °400 Oma SSW am O1 Ot 0.&N A- It AN °.574 OW 0.m Ism rami 0.m) Oa»AN+5 OW 101 013 OAN 0864 Qat aW ami 0.002 400 Amt 01 Offi SSW MW 164 mN .162 - anal 0.W OW aen OWT Al °mei °mel Owe a- am am meed awn SSmi OWt 0.002 SSW I« a.ma OW Qnt O.W ow 0.aW Qae 410 Om64 OW1 O3w 0.W MW 100 tt 1, 1, AMR SSm) 054 SSW OW SSRo Amo am Mmm SANS O 0 ale, OW O.W OW OOx 0.6x OnNS OWi Om 1.x1 SSA» Om ON0 OA6 OCD SS1eln ale 400 Om4 omi 0x0 OW woo IS,no Ow Owe amm ami Maw SSW SON 3" Oen Oen 0INS OAi12 0.m AM am am dem Om am M.NN 00500 oma 1.200 SSW OW INS SSm° am Amts orale SIO 0.&x omi Jir nen .DOD 010 Ots 016 Om'? Om14 Om) GAN OW aW OJN Mme oma Cmx5 OWN 0000 MAID OW SSW d» SAID CAN amt MOAN SSW 13S OW 0011 IN °Om MAN SASO SSm75 «0 Mme Awn AND MW owm 03S SAD 0020 owed Own Arid Ams Amo Om 0.49 009 am 0001 CNH am4 oil) 000 aAm O.Tx Om om2 onto Omw Oat 1010 Om M 157 OW 0000 tlx 0 A11 400 Mme amn ain Mm Om m OHO walla Omtn Awn ani, awl OW 000 .464 MA 0611 0014 Oa11 O 4 as 0001 Om n)n m ora °m+ ohne SSmi tAei ora+ Dae +1sT Om 06200 mala 1100 400 a0N x011 SS4N OW OW zed Om OSSm OW1 Om)1 SSm 0.7» SSW 000 oed1 Oa. ODed Came 005x6 0100 100 012 OON SAW o.W A- 1641 00010 °157 1- 121 aW A. 161 161 a- tom Oro 0051 O,m Osx SSW SSm Am am 000 SSmn 0066 Alm am SSW OW Oed1 100 aim tmx ama6 fez IS" am4 am I.W 1N IN x01 1SM !q IAA 11 On lex 1q zq Jn)OS]te 400 omi Om6 500 001 SSW dam MOR Am O0g1 OOm 00.4 0641 SSW SSW dem Sm Amt O.m] 1100 SSm 1m SSW amt Ie "S owm tMe 1Am to ami 'a 00.4 lm 100 'M a an OSn 400 Ole AOM Am Om SSW 0100 AN ora+ OWI Omx WAS a- am+ 0001 ATM aMe O.ON Mme amn am4 ]o0 006 .11 In 000 Om AAS 130 Oat 2086 257 On1 ten OW OW 0120 0204 W 101 011 elm Om OW A. W 01 ON. 004 ami 0061 Mm SSmt 1e Oen A.en OOIm AmSe OW 1000 ora Om 213 dao SSW ems 100 Om Ie OSp Dmt 5719 Om Om omx OtSn AO 164 AMi MW SS.W .- A. ANY 00020 ora) ;m am 0,1 am awe Aen 00161 amn OAN 411 Ami Om 1."I OW aW Cal a- SSW 2300 am Oen A9 SSm Am Amt 1]00 nal 01« ON6 OAm + Om Omq Ane omi m Ana SSm 031 dam 0.W ODIC CAW A.W W alar SS10 10]01 OW ADq Orate OWw OW ].164 0]q ODM Toe Ono OAn1 IW 000 SSmm oAll ONa wen 0000 OTA Mt A amn own At +0n am emi Ate amt omi Ao2m 0034 aen ISM ¢m aN ]ti Den awe 004 OWN mdq 2Ja 00M omi 075 0010 oil= dmf oma 6q MAN 0, 0Nl OW am 157 ami SSm+ 0'"dram lax nen O.m 0Om) O.W1 OmN Om6 SSffi 1.641 Atm Om IJtl awe 0.en 004 ADe6 OW x050 0.]64 Mme n Oma O® O.a1 awe em own O0 em 060 a.m SS1n O.1 W oma A.I tm nm Amt Smede W Am Swed Son SSW Ism 1. Am IN am AAS A- A- SNO 2Je a.412 .1 +ed M. OW amt m- 500 Aram W aN0 aW OW 0.464 At o+n own ON m' Am A- omi At owed SSM» ADS Aid 14 Ami IJ1 OOS SSen .Awe am dad 400 400 IN Sma SSW 0001 ANSI nm I,- 0751 AAm 0°00 MASS 1 IN AIN IY6 SSm AAm Dai wed A +All to Am .a+ 000, A .ala ASS+4 AAe 2620. 04 2.7 and 009 Ami oma NO owed m SSW OW 6216 matt 164 OMdo M tial AM. ora 011 al AOS)00161 OM 1AN 100 AW t«7 AAM SSW 004 0010 =` 2620 > am O.W " Amw Sdo Mined ora 001 mW 096 DI men Wed 0008 to 51 ora aid 001) am,SAN Oen tan 3) CON 457 men O.en ANot II .NO 216 i» ]14 001 Owe Ad 0015 W Omed q- aW aW OSx AMN OWN M. tY ams 0.m SSli6 wl AAT Oent noxi Som .571 1q SSW 464 awe SSR! 06206 amn 0.00 2300 041 019 tan Cox AAD ON Maw AA Owm )Y OW OAOa 064) AWN amm Mme 164 O.m1 OW Onn omi Om57 OAx1 Owe )Y im OW 1Am own Offi 004 ODIa OAIM Zen 015 SAN 23, mW 0Am amm Oa13 ASS Amee omi SSW SSW dem WAS O+a of 1n am AAM am a OWN am, dale iln 157 oW .001 00000 0.020 oaa aaa oW z.m OIN oW 2-,02 oW SSW oa+ 0 3 6x O 571 OiN SSW MW Oeed 01 nmol 164 Al 1St Awe SSW - owed 0062 Oen IN, tro OW 575 SSAm Oen 0624 OAen Dow 2020 OeN OA30 111 OW orad dmf amu sal Orap oat ..700 nen a- a» -1 .It 0057 A AW. x13 ¢en OW I- 002000 wed O.We 1020 to OW 1620 Own Awn 004 A= UZ 1 675 AW SII A.me aW 0013 00013 ON own Sm IN W OW 65ed AW OAm 010) 016 W. 1.29 Me O.AN 010 01 00219 owed owl AN 106 Am 1Am AN alai 0 .m9 OMee MW x.n4 GAN 01T talo Am am mow owe] W SSmiz MW 0.me 000 NAW 0'" SSW OW amn 0W41 am4 zed am ora 1" 0014 AMI Owe omx - ted It len Mw+ Am Oram amm Om x620 Dem x00 mW 000 amm Max M Awn SON a" 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0Am mai 001.2 0004 .mz OON a- IDq al ora+ 00021 GAM IAM 02300 Ome 1.640 Awl Owt DATA am« OAR 2Ee Offi DI 200 OIIR DAR SSNN Amu em SSmn OW Sit OW SSW el4 AW SSW OM]i Nlx M. x57 am) OW IAN m awls 3000 omx Imo wzm ams 1dN awl O.mt 0009 Cole ora all a- am, 2640 Amex OW OWN Mm M Omn wen Offi Am Amo nen AW Am Me 1x 01 13, nae ora 004 om4 ewe SAM, am 1" 357 Awa 711 owl owl OaN Ooam O61t 1001 Med, Ot tAn Om SSm A- a- 200 amorz OW Oex W SSW omx 0" AW oma 137 000 1me oat Dm 1.000 Ot 1- mM ora tm> .SS OAm .1R ON Am1 SSmn 6M OAM 2nN » awe 3.751 m ora O.mm Oa04 570 0"n 301 SSl.4 OW OW oat Am Om alma) 31 Amt 009 OW OW m am4 0@M omx 0AM Am It OW Tall 0t 0a+ AAM 00300 06R 2me A-N 01 1ST am Om a- dam TM own OW Amt OW OW AA° SSW am rax .131 01 191 Ana Om 1/ Ot amm A- awl 2- Sot SSW .100 Amt Dmf Am9 O.mn SSm im1 113 01 t.iN Am Om affil Om2 570 own AAe SSm Om Om ONs SSW Om O.Mx OMx 01 1302 O.m ora al own OOaO OOT! z@2 tq SSW .»A 1Mt O.m+ A-oAM3 Om a.W 019 awe 3001 omx ora ODOOt Oam 7q Omn OAa erz 001 oW Oar OW OW 436 Omx Om4 teal Om O.W 146 Ot OAS Oram AAM =A.4 0.15i O.W etS Owl Om/ 0038 Omm Sox 300 A.nl Oat Te9 ADR Om Oram 00902 M own ODa 0Am OAm OW den OW OW OWed Olx at 1357 amd Om] IN 00+4 00220 ANN Om2 26264 One OW lets ON$ 0mt 0=OD]m OW Sad awed 0 26264 OAR amt oAmt Oram Tem Mmn SSW SSA, SSW OW Ams CAa SSW Calx omx Ot 1Jo1 006 ora 1n Amo 01 0000 000262 SSm 2001 O.n. Cm Imo omi amt SSmn Son Om tad O.Ted SSI 2A1 am ODR a-Maw Tr0 OWI ami OeY OW oSSAO amt Om Om) aim Salm ami 1.400 Om O.m 64 omi Amt M OWN omi IN 0281 amt 1An OW1 ami awed 0.0015 Oen 1N dem aM5 2124 Oen 0.030 DANT M?4 100 AWT Om Ona OAw Aded .Am omi Ma A1» Ot 414 0061 omx Y Ot A+ Oal1 Om, AI 21 am amt 001 Dai 0.all Oma 00057 OAn IM Jn 01 the Sox AAS a- a- a- ora Cm2 ora OW awe OW QW OWN Om11 amt 1400 O.m Om +im Ot O.Wt Om1 0162 am, tx 021 01,1 met O.MT nm1 aWAS OAnd SSW 3Sr DAR ams xsia ams ADS OmN oa.4 Am OW1 omi Oen 0.,1 OW 71. 0") Om7 OWAS Dan Omt 1.41 Owe aAm ale 0011 01 at +» Ot IN am SSmi I= Al 01 GmM m.mN Yen 329 Oat .1 ]A, affi Oen 0001 Ona 010 DONT SAW 007 omi OA, 0TM ami ISM 0tm a1 A a «e on O,m nal 01 )4 175 to dam O.m1 101 m Owed Owed Awe 3zed O.m Com Oen 0.me OAee O.Oe1 No AON) AAi ASU Amt OW A. I Om 0007 w O t.NO 74 O.AM 20 I» +m IN ]ld Om1 1.00 ON? a A- owed Den led In Cat O.en DDS OOaY 00x9 NO Om57 omi mal SON OW ST64 0.AW 0000 010 471 On 0.00 M at 0175 100 x.200 Dan O.m 9n ON? am Sent SAN, en 310 Den 3001 0.me AAS owed O.m1 640 AON) SSmi Ode OW AW 741 0,) 000 m OWw At 1642 Om Am +in OW1 .." IN m 2571 ORO SSmi 100 am am eM64 amm SNS 3216 Ana 1M OAS OAS 0031 0001 we °Owl) Om) ale Om am a Om Om) amt amlA SSmi 16264 O.m OW 214 Al A,ill -'a Om1 n1 "A' SSmi 2.013 al al a- C- a= lJe1 SSMC et » OZ OW .Diel owed m ami OAW am aW OW 0.»e OW] Om Amt Om1. amt tam nab am S5 Oa» M Ami 23ed °316 ora 2.01 ami 0007 0051 0.0061 awe 3ApT Oma 1. In Oen am owed owed am o- Om anll aW OW A.TM Owl aAm 01 at A al 51) am Om 131 A Om» Ot75 m 23r6 Om SSwr iZ 0+ Om1 Om64 Om64 Oen i41x 011 Om6 tin nen Oen OOea Owl em 0"57 0."1 dam SSm am 7M omi Om 01+0 10 1600 omi 0.00 ee omi 0175 001" 001 234 AND O.ml 2464 at Cat 0mwSa�� SAM aen 3qe 0000 001 1106 SSW 0Am OWN Om1 AN aON aON 014 57001 OW Om wen OW 00005 010 1ffi Am Am Jw m 01 am 0164 =5 2'00 aJN Owl Om alma OW6 0020 nmN Om ].e1 014 01 alai OwY! O.m2 OmY amn W eAm6 OW AAm am4 SSW 0.162 OW Owe Amt Mm01 01 Ata am SSW 1021 O.alO men A SSm 2J22 357 ora 26264 Ot OD15 OD2R O.an 000 3..57 A om4 1]d0 Uwt 0Mm 00m O,N m0 DAA] Oma a- a- den am OON OON OWN ODm AMA Imp aaa Oma 9T 0I 0157 57 Me " OJ10 Omi IN 01 Ams MIQ 0=7 0023 3620 all Ot zed Can ora One o0xi SSS Ono OW "1 -Aw SSW Aie1 OON OW OWN 0-1 SS.WA Iced lot aW 1- Amo °009 N M. 2'62 OJsl SSm n aW5 Ams OwR A.aa 000 3ffi mffi 01 ]264 a- omx *amme SSmn nal SSW OW M. OW 01100 Amt Owe Owe DWT 00000 Al I" to Om] 1Je1 m At amn I" a1 2x1 SS N omi tx Ot MWS OwR omx Am awl IAS SSm4 Jti AAS 0022 A 01-1 3000 awe toe Aw Am Ami W Ona OmM SAN, Aed 0.4 SSmn - .000 Oma amm 0164 Ama x]57 0100 ADM +9 oMe ams 0624 AAea SAM SAM tm3 Amt 311° Am ami AA3ea Awed 6062 OW Om, m OW OW 011 oAa oAm am,OWi TAN elm a.W 3" Oma m OW9 OWN Das 2Jm 0.400 0.W led 01 am. OAR 0.0232 Awa alai .m amt 3.3ax am SAM OWN 0400 deo OON OW an omi SSW 629 am W A.mO 0.001 sale 0.157 OW 1.x1 MI men 0164 at tt 102 O.m1 In m Ow0 O.mR 0.m 3018 1.00 m ]364 O.wt O.m O.mq O.mq 900 O.ON OW W omi AW mel!{ oW 8.AM A-, 0=7 ewe 0 SSW .364 64 164 l«l Il SSmi tY oma OmR ¢mat ora 1641 NO om4 IN, omx ora awe 00.40 m am SSW 1.ax 0.ON 0-1 A= 0.Am OON OwM ODai en is Saw .4 01 164 1U 01 x.«x Dns omi n] m O.mR A.mR ora 300 Ito 001 atm DAM om2 0. 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O.m4 00 4 Own Ow20 1NA 00050 ODt48 CADDO OA000 GAIN INC 0.001 om4 1377 O.fA2 0...e 1'11 om4 014 0020 Do= 167 OwN Om44 Moos OAOOD OAM 700 0.91n om4 +344 0165 0.00A to 0.14 am 0X220 0X2 G 106.4 CAN oma GwO Is 0X202 773 0.0067 0.011 .405 IN 0.O05 164 0 at 0.0174 0.02021 105.0 OON 00141 0Do0 0000D aam 780 O067 Om 414 lM 0005 tm 017 M91 162.5 O.DODB 0.037 00000 0.0000 0..OIs 091 04057 .473 0101 0.003 1207 Of Oo, IV 1N9 OwON Own Down Do00 00220 NO .aw7 0 .V] 0200 Is CIS 12+8 0 amt urn 573 0.0085 ourN aOOw 0.0000 0.0214 MO 0157 Got .444 211 Owl 1220 0051 wall M. omn I.. am Om2+ OCOW OAOO QA309 N O O=7 001 .400 21 Dow 140 001 ai 0,0175 0.0175 163.1 0297 =0 ODOO ..0000 a02CA 830 0.057 Oal1 471 OS21 Is .153 00 0175 OAi1 814 OA060 0.0112 O.am 0.0000 0010 0.q OoNI` M .402 0228 OOB /205 Om 011 Do 75 two OWN am 0.0000 C.D000 0105 am 0=7 Di A94 0230 0OS 114 D1 00 0011 Own I'mo OWN O+w QA00) DOD 0.1N aw 0 005 OM1 +ADS 010 Dow 1286 amt Om1 Own /482 0.01186 0.0100 MOOD OOOD) 0.0165 an 0=1 as Aly 240 Dow 1205 amt Ot O.Mn 00175 474 QOOm QAOO O.O000 1ADOO COIN 1100 0=57 0011 1.90 J. am 1305 Oast am, Own as INA OWN oOst QO000 CAW) 0.0179 WD MOA 01 AN 0191 MODS 318 001 0.010 ODIN 0.0109 1403 0.0086 Owls Dow GOOD 00177 ON .OM1 AN 0254 OODs 1M CO 0.010 O.MM 0.0161 14443 ONN 0207 o.D000 0.0000 0.0171 MO OAw D1 12.3 0259 omm 1331 O 12+1 am oma? +444 W3050 - OAaDO ..DwO omm an 0005 amo 1365 0244 Cw5 .347 Dt O.mo oma GMN 10.] 0.0.4 Own awls (10000 0.0550 051 Ooh 01 Sn 0105 &OS +307 am0 0010 00163 oma 1433 0.0054 Own O.OftO DAWo omw BIO DOM 0wo IAN 273 0.006 137 01 0 0 0.mm 0al64 fag own Own Goals 00000 Cue 050 O.OW Ot 1.505 277 Caw 371 m 0 Is OM +42.11 O.Ow] 0.911 O.GOO 0.0000 0 113 900 0.06 am o tAGO 01112 a 1357 O O Om ODM 164 IQ A OWN own OCDW allo00 0.0561 em am amo cis 0287 Ooh /305 amo 00154 011 142.6 MOmI 00071 OwW o.ODGD Cow Aw 0.006 00, tm. on, Is O6 .405 o OmN MU l'o owca 0.m, ao00 Oaaw O.m64 OCD OAw IAN 0200 OGas 410 Dols, M- 143. COON O.w O.OwO O.D000 OMu low 0.006 00 865 0305 OON .473 010 Ota 0 113 IN 1, 00086 0.0071 owto ODOM 4464 1mD O.0. a" AN 0305 O.W4 1.41 0.w. 0008 urn 143 41 OOOI O.m65 0was 0.000 113 +000 0.04 Cls. .064 0.3W 0.004 - .o0. Caw O01n 1D 41 0Ows .0037 wCow OOOO tw IOM 0.061 0 O .Bn 0312 aW4 .450 Dam DOM .00523 0010 tN.a a1A2 0MW 0.0X20 ..0000 Otm toe OAa GACA AN 1.06 owe oOln 0A 25 1S9 OOmt 0X2012 CoOO OGDO Omn 1050 .DIM OOA IAN ON OOD4 265 0.06 a." 011 0011 use OAN2 DAa12 .0000 00000 Om0 1091 aW4 0.0X2 AN 0.314 O.aa 474 0OX2 00X2 amn 0.005 1308 OMw2 00012 0woo OAOO 0.0125 +144 0bo1 a." .704 0. OAD, at O.Om 0.005 Coln 00, +X2.7 0.0052 0.130 awoo o.D000 O.mn 1000 .AOI OODO 712 OOm O.OD4 .413 0.Ow DODO 0.0121 am" 132 OACA2 O.W12 OboW O.OD00 0.126 IND 0.001 Coe .730 0318 Mbo, .444 Ossa mom am" omn INA 0.0003 0OV DDOOD 0was omn 100 0.w, alto .in a- O.aw +X25 owe Caw 0123 omn 15.7 am= own OAODO 0,0000 own 10 MOD' owe .no 0344 Cam $13 D.am .DCA 00121 amn Ime DOOR 0.112 a- a- Oma 120 0031 ODOO 744 0.31 0.001 .521 Dow 0006 Own In INA Qaam MO42 0.001 DOOD0 010 IM OWI ODw .ra 014 011 1.38 Q91e BAN Gin 1n I30.7 0.0062 MWD MOOD GADOO Dw 140 0001 COCA .no 0.31 a- II] CAD, 0.009 am" Gin 1X28 0.0X22 about O.00W 0..000 2125 taw Ow4 .ON .765 0300 OAO, 1343 Gone COCA O.XI 0.0121 ISA 0002 QW12 O.00O OWN (1mn IN ODIN 0.00. .na 0364 0004 151 Ossa O.oS QOIn omn 130.7 ..Owt .DON 0.0000 OMM OMM IM 0401 ..00A - 1366 OOD4 286 Dow 10X2 0011 O.mn 1508 O.Ow2 1.141 000w 0.Dow OOfn IN 0.DQ4 O.ODO .ra 273 Mm, +0.N ow 0DOS In 011 IN. Go"' aW12 ...OGD C wO (1asn 19D 0004 0ow ON 373 000, Sn COCA 0Oe Own 011 1]9.7 Ow91 0- 00X20 ow00 omn 100 0,004 O.Ow Aa Out 01, 1351 am 02X2 omn awn 103 OAND OWN OU000 MAW DIM 110 0.004 aO9 we 0386 0.004 +An OXO awe omn Gin INA 0.0002 a.0ala OAOO D.WW omn +273 OW4 Coe +224 03X2 0.11 1.01 OOw I- am" as" 15.7 O.Ow] 1112 02.1 OAOW 011 1230 ODM CON +AO 0305 024 126 II ON Doe O+n Omn I., GO91 Is DOW Owl 0.0000 110 240 0001 026 A40 0307 a0a .46 am O.OB 0121 o+n ISA OOOQ 0.112 0.000 OwO OMM ITA a OA06 1.13. (1432 OOot I.Wf 0.000 0.00. am" 0121 130A Owsa 0.0012 0.000 GD000 0 m26 11 OW4 oow IAW 0.405 014 A32 Dow COCA 011 amn 1-7 0,0092 O-W is MOO GOO) 00120 121 0.bo4 0.16 .651 410 0.bo4 AMI 0.05 COCA 23 0," 15.8 O- OOut O.OW Owl 0.01n 1280 OA04 Dow an COD, +248 CAN O,0w 1n OAIn ISA ..050 OOD12 0.000. GO" 0010 Ino DOD4 O.O. .050 419 Obo4 .00s COCA OAOO 0+23 0.0123 130.7 ODOM 0.Dm0 010X2 0.0000 00,20 1300 0,301 Dow .em ..4n 0061 IAN OWN 00X2 Om. Got" IN. O.DOD2 OW12 OOOOD 00000 Om20 1310 0004 aws IA65 Oat 0004 s71 a," 0 00 omn 0.0123 IBA 0.0082 0.0012 MOM DO= QOfn 1320 .X201 Dow .901 0433 0004 673 0ON 0.00A Coln Got" 130.7 .Dam OWU MOOD O.OWa 00125 1330 OA04 0ON lm2 0.45 awl 1AW OAOB OAN OMM Own 15.7 OAOO2 GOOD 0Dow OAOO OMM 1q O001 OACA 1 A OAtl a- IAN OACA aw, Om21 Omn 1WA OAN2 aw12 OA500 OADOD Oasn 1300 .bol 0.10 1X211 0.448 O.o1 .tm 0.005 0.011 0011 am" ISA Dow 0000. O OW OOW Omn 191 WIN O.Ow ON aM9 Ow4 am OA09 OD121 00tH 15.7 0.050 0.033 0.0000 0.000 .0120 ]n 01, 0.003 1.844 041 O.OD4 Al71 a- owa OOtn Oaln 1X2.0 I- 0.112 0000 OAC) 10 1300 0004 0.005 1152 0.455 O.aa .737 Dow am 0.0121 0011 IN. 00X22 0.0042 0.0000 o- in IWO 0,004 Dow 1.091 0.481 0OD4 .n5 am olds 01n 0.01n 15.1 0002 0.0012 MOWO 00000 010 1400 O.ls4 QOCA +AN 0.N7 0286 743 GADO O.00A Gain Dom 1S.7 OAOI 0.00.33 GWW a.DOO 0120 410 OODI ..CCA Bn 0471 0.11 .n+ COCA Caw Om21 omn IWO 0062 IsW 0000 x1000 amn 1420 0004 COCA .ON 0.475 Goal .na 0035 D.ow 0.0121 OD121 1392 O.Om2 0.142 0.0000 O.p00D OA1n 4130 0Ot, 0ON 1501 0450 Qbo, .713 O.WS Doe MGin O.0123 130.7 GDo2 0.0012 11.0000 O.OWD own 141 OGot OAae 2.000 0.454 D.WI .774 O.O. Qom 123 1n 139.7 0002 OBOD DJ= Owas ODIM 1450 aOD MODO 2X20 0.161 0X20 .734 two 0wo a.Daw 0.0X20 312 a.=, 0000) 0000 DAM owl 1450 0 G 0.000 2.000 0.484 0000 .734 am 000 0000 MWIt 1355 0001 O.OWO Oo a,= DAND 473 Ow 0000 220 0.444 0.000 .774 OADD 0.050 DAls0 0,0020 312 Own OADO 0MOD .AOC Own +400 OA Om 2.000 0.454 0.000 .773 am O.DOD 0was 0.150 173.0 0.0056 0DODD 0.001 owls COCOA 1400 DOD Cow 2000 0.464 0.000 .734 0.000 awo 0.000) DOM 1213 00086 0.0000 0.0000 00000 MOOS 1500 .0DO 0.000 2.00 0.464 DOW .774 D.ODD COW O.o0DD ODDD2 1Mb OWN 00000 OAOW MODOD 0.0084 510 ow O.OW 2000 0.164 Owls .774 CAW a.- QA000 0201 116.1 oom! O.0aW OwW OWN ODOM 1320 OW (1X20 2.00. .41 0.000 .734 OAw MOW OAOD oobo 2. OwN O.00M D10W 0awo OWN ISMO 000 Oals 20) 040 amo .734 0.000 aM O.Olsa 0Do0 +w.t MOw2 0.0000 440000 OR DOO G INO DO CAO 2000 0486 0000 1.77 0.OW oODD o to oAbo tOCA Goals OGOOO OAOOD OOW D.WM +X20 0.w MOM 2.000 0.454 0.000 +.734 0aso 0.000 ).0000 owl 101 Ow91 &DOW 00000 0.0000 00OD f591 Ow owts two 0.464 OOO .734 Dow ow. 0WW O.00w W.1 oQOw owls 00000 0400 020a0 Postdevelopment 10 year Prepared by 4 Seasons EnglneerMg New Gain Oma"air IaeNNa Aum,all 10.1fts,Oravesy aunty Lam-type C TP/ 003000-101305 Date: November 20,2007 I pDle12 oAICeD Dean- 7rr Tau an" e.lrlrr Amon. Aram, amw1111O. A- a6lw d 7aW ar1.r own Sb" c'.'- pfd- Oka_ pima OIdDIIaa am.7 ff dkW u4aer9 1L94O stall Mro7 alnoe Meme Mt.t1G raver. rioter. latae �r. n,r tea nr 1.40 10 oOo4 Dal z om z MOOD VAN MAN Maw am Allow Calm 0.e amm sma Como a0om oma W D.NI am 0=4 a.AD ami oAw COOK, OCOM omID MOON, Mo MCCOO o4om AWN ANN Mmm am at ale a- DAV. ABOD MAO M.00A MAIN ommC AADn AOM) ammo M003, DOOw 40 Am ave VAN Dow VAN oma m.MD Mmm 0-1 OmW oAVW CAD) cam MOOD CO amt AI OA, DAN 000.0Oma 0m1 Owl Oman ODD) Done A-an OAM aAmO awn , N,AD0.012 0.072 MOOD am am awe Dow Durr WDOW oma ANN omm OADW amus m am omi 054 amo MAN Mme MAW 0.003 0D56 omm cam ON s Om s OWN amts So oma Man CA" MOOD omD OM2 oDo4 D.am COON am? 44 0.0019 0.wm o.MMpo DmN 00,19 r .ADI 117 0.+m MUCO 0.000 At MOOS MOMS 0.0076 OANO 640 Omn 0.0000 D.mm ONO 0.0023 1N 0.004 Call Ain can MMM on ams a m MIND oma 940 amm OADOD amm 00,00 CAM I. DAN, Ave 1. amo nom DmG nom Mme am. owme las &AIN 0000, own owm own IV Oma 0.016 in CAN am awe Dan CAN of P w) 162 o.a33 ANN o.aN oamO OAN3 120 Ulla 016 1, 0404 Oma OAI7 DAN O.AV0 1r 21 a6.e Came DAVN DwN MOON Move 1. MAN to ami am Oma Man am 147 MAI33 29.1 Omte owes ONm DON DCaM 1. 0oN +r MAD a.DO MAN ami &N,0 Alm noun ..) MAN+ at= smm MAIN amw 1N CAMS 21. a= am An am o Mma 0.018, calls a3 ow)o MCOW omm CAM oma IN DAN 0228 Case CAN con aOl 012 CAM ODI" 40A Oma omID MDm &OWO OAOIO IN ams 2. MAN DAN ata Mala 1 oval Ala ".1 came Own MANN .Na cases 1N a," 02" CAN am1) m 00 Own MAIN 071 Mm31 ANN 0.0000 DOW a.ON1 >m Aan Mer VAN CAN 31 Oma net am'. D.a05 MA MAIN, ANN OOOOD OaNO Ow4 210 CON, 01 03N 0Am am 1u 01 001 0mm amu N,.1 0.0057 AMN, MAOW Cm00 oma Mo 0007 AMC 318 MAN &COO IN 0. Dale omn Can+ r0. OAme m.aDo Alla. CAM amm 220 Cm7 amt 0310 Oma MAN 77 Am 0.m? Mm. Am. INA am M.00DO MOOOD &mm Om061 240 Ont O.w1 O3N am MOOD tr ODt Oale Gain owes to omm Do= cam Oma OAD64 250 Om? 0421 0281 OA00 DAN 272 Me At Own OOM? 1rA ANN MODDO MrOC OA0o0 MOON 2N, 0.7 0021 AAO VAN VAN 021, Am OOr Om. iQ. Mani Own Oaix saim amm 270 ANY 4021 O.1P am a.= NO amt A AWN, owes +W3 Own Dot0 Move DAM MAIN NOW7 D.m1 o4M MCD CNN o2N am 9 Nal9 MAIN 0 m IN 0=7 Am ones 0.= own IN Mar Mala o.ue ono MDo ¢Po 0aw non Maul own 'Cl. amm om. aDao ANN own 200 Dow Van 003 VAN am 0312 .422 am MMM Oma tem.+ Dow DIM Ames omO 04233 310 07219 Mme eta DOD 0.000 OWI ¢N,2 amt QW17 MD3N 1721 O.DOr Malls OmOOD OAom QONt 2N, onex Dale MDQ o.DOD Mnoo 41.7 Man oAm Aw60 oma 1M2 Am" oDt56 CAM allow 0=1 MA MDaez nae ase) am MOOD Mme CAW 0122 oar MOW 161.1 Goal amr CID" 0=00 CWT W ON" Mme MAN VAN MAN 0,402 Cm2 oma D.G4 Ames Ila Came Main amm OWN 0.03"No amr oa20 AN Mom oam o.4P CAW Dale 0.Nu MO.e 103 &Amt ol" amr Mean Dow 3ls O.Am Dan O.A0 MAW 0721 Mae amt 0N,7 OM14 saw T DAVID! MAIN Malo MACOO 00171 3M mom MAN Men Om aam Mat M427 =7 Am w AC W 1"A cow am. am. CNN, WGCI ODD OAIr OAP 0.75 MACY am Von oman 7 MMile amt 1913 oma Oalr Omw cam Oval r VO amCan 0.7M &+ am Oen OW Cal MAIN ami +n0, a.Oml O.mr MAIN own Owr ant owes AMC aN; CAW 0.50 0427 0(27 0.0421 0.0415 1Wa ARM am n Mala MODOO amw ones olu 0.an Oma A 0 am owl DAN Dan om0.007 +97A CAM Gain Oma CAODD DOW QO m. Dan Oen Dan CAN DAN a.= Oma Mar OM37 2WA OWN Main 0170 MAIN CMM 4r AM34 Map MAW 0 m .032 0007 an DOW Me 0.0001 am" 212 Ox01 am 0179 92 MOOD) &axe 440 ale NDN olT NAM O.mt A.- MON Mali Om10 0.042 PI. MON' Vala Own MND Oma 1N, Ne nam -1 Mme01 am OA62 MON amt Mom n7 MmN amas Gan &N,ID 0.mm 450 a. 140 lml CDN CMI Deet One 0.099 tea+ Omn 2,2 O-0m4 OMr 00191 000110 DON 102 QMS4 112 1256 atm (LOW 1072 atm In 24o1 I= 3142 Cam Oalr p.am tall Ian 4, 0.407 omi +328 1. Map IN Gn ON a. tarCm3 3142 OWV4 air 0=1 1182 INS m) 0A nae ae4 rD 187 amt In 0A.mn 130 2r.6 name amr A=I MAIID 0.014 Wo atm aGDa 179. 0204 m 212 saw oma Cm, Ipea 0/42 oma Obla 0.1201 0.o1N tAVe Gent m3e CAN 41 pyla 1261 Alla non amt air .ta 4AVm Am, .-I a- ANN 620 Au OMO 191 MM, 0.7 in, OAn MAN ).0419 OOMA CAM Omr 0.0211 &rm Om+ 6r MON" Man 1") MMC 001 317 VAP DAN ANN Mals 31 CDN OOIr am ADN CIDIr W Omm OAM IIm OPS OA im`3 MAX GAN 0015MNr 307 M.m91 C4a0 04211 DAN M%14 No 0.m" am +Ar 274 a in aaa am Came am17 =4 O.mN a.t" a0S21 amo0 amt sm CNN MANAte 020 0.0 13r Mme MAX MAe6 CMN 2r9 ON" Ames ca1, Ona amt On, s, 0.026 tea amone Do 1021 ams am ... amt t92S DAD" MCI. COnm 1 am Moe+ Sr CAM MAN ler 211 Mm3 A Y aaa alae &AND amt0 2x72 O W Mair 0.0231 D.mN 04611 SOD OANe Man law OT4 0u472 Oma amCame Am" tna 00721 amr 0=1 small owl ms ON MoMan .m 0237 3 1.4 s Dale Dain OMOO Dane 234 own Am se 0=1 OWN ami sic OMr QCts 70 0380 +an DAX MOP MON, 0.015 20.9 ANN 0.010 0.=31 *.Dow 0.0411 820 0.00" 0.me 7. 0304 m +951 Mas Man .WCO cons IDA 0.0,1 ODI" 0.a31 Milano a.Nt r0 &CON, C.om tat 3n 0014 S. Man Mme aom aoas 2ma 0DO1 Oia am, DAVID an NO AN7 NAP 1Me MV` 0.014 1001 can MOX Dane Came Q AMOCO Mm" MaP DODO) evil Goo MOOM C.a1 .60 0.- a, +AX 0m1 amt &0231 OWN 240.+ aOm O+T own O.DDO own O" 00072 MOP 721 14 iAlt ..@1 0.1 Cat/ a- .1 .AON AIN MMM amAV MM07 ON oma a.= 1392 4X Iae om1 Mail 00333 ami ODA 00093 tse 4025 4mN CNN els oma ODP IN O.a) 0 2 1.r O.m1 OMI Mm33 ODVM 2132 aNaD Ot" am r OAOOD Mae" 0.r &Dn 0.022 I0.. 0.102 Mau 711 OA2 0.3321 0.0233 MOMS 1052 &0092 Main Mmn QmN Dow IID Dmn am 1657 Qal 0012 .m amt 0.02+ Om33 Own t"A Maar 0173 0 1N 0.mw Main 710 awn 0.022 1.on 472 A 753 am eat a,= emit toxo 0.0002 Mea fa DAVID OMD m own M= 20W Mem ,M amt Dmf NDN, OmU INA DAVM OAC) SI Oma Nm79 m own am "o 0.497 .7r ..ml Qat MGT MWD 1"2 Mml 01 C3 92 alN all= 0A 740 Dain a.= 2AM ove els amt amt a= DADS 184,, 0.On1 AIN .mW oma Came 720 OAv2 Mat t.Ne O.m+ +0.MO.m1 amt Dm. M- QOm 182 am, oma own in MDOn MAP 2.7 0931 Al tan Mme 042+ OA3. )0333 In, am 1r ones ANN MDA) 720 AD67 0m7 108 ow VAN .7Y Al .017 owed amts eta CAM At" Main amW CAVI No ODN) m SI 0eN m N a IAAt Omam? +n) oAau 0.01r o4047O.mw owes 790 0=7 am7 x t. .461 DAN .11 am, MOM awn 170.6 MOD" 0156 0.0000 ODOM ave 600 MAr7 m 2.1N Mall Ot 1.920, 0417 04204 owestn. Mmm air 0.0417 O.OMW owes819 Dow 2172 MA 4 om a IAC Am awl own MA AOOI amr VAN) own amo) 820 Man 21r ON, Ol Iva M, OWN oma 172.0 MAN 01. MAOW 0.0000 owe OM a.=? 2207 Cm amo an 01Mw4 0A1e4 fns 0=1 57 MAND COCOA M0247 am MANY Ot 2204 0e Ot tar 0 Mal) DaiN Moles no a" 0101 .1-030=91Came Oai 850 Man? ..017 241 Man AMA Ali 0.01 OA17 ADDS, am's In. .OWI amu Do= COCOA 4047 ar MAN) am? 2256 Oma able 233. am? amt Owe' Ow" tno Dore 010 lawn am's A= am aNe7 0.01 2275 a" 0.01 2017 00l Ot OA24 0.0X1 N,9 ONm mN AAAI) Oma Mata ND COT 0 22r MAN Cola 258 0.A+ DAX, MOM, Ind 0.051 Omm Came oma Aar am AND 2307 MAN DO, 072 00 1s Own Dam N,.4 MOrt .1. ONOD omni Oa0 No Dow tan OA76 Don 2404 Om Own oma 172.1 AWm OalW 8mm OAND 042' N,0 DAN2.V7OA84 0009 11 0 5 016 x1222 Mail? ins AOD" MN DOW Omm Oma MAN,on Ow23r Cam ONO Au MAN OAt DOW OAPs n Own 156 OAN,M MOA O.me 930 OAN Al 1167 703 0 w IN 0016 4me AM32 CAM, not MOON .1. MAVN WOO, one mo A'an OMS 2319 712 oan 10OMa 00 OMR 04232 74 ear 0.0,63 OWN ANN oaia WO CAN 01 230) am Mor to AM Male DOR Amw in7 .ONO amMAAVM ones Omit NO Van am$ 241 An+ .10 1" D Dow 0.o= +no OWN IN CAM DAN MONS on 4me Ot I.Q7 )t OMA 21. Da2A2 042749 Ino .ONO A, ODON, ANN, ave, 9, VAN DAIS 2AQ MMI at 2213 OMR OAm 71 OmW Dmls DAMN Do= ami an am m 207 O2, 21e a0 O1 MOP2 &403 oDOBO A Oam ODNA 0.020 +0N, CAN AMC 472 0.7. Oto 220 DDt5 ams OMT O.OM2 7+A Oar olm ANN MOD CAM Imo MAN Al 2.1" 0.m MON 22" 0.012 Ot 01, 00220 Ira owes M47 MAIN OmOD OAX) 1020 CAN 0012 xmO 0.7, 0.008 2P1 Cm2 amt Oma omol 474 MON) 0.014 am= 0AND Oa I IOM Mm AI 3.904 ain 4me 2272 012 Amt at" .1 1"2 omr MDNI ao0a0 M.N 0.0241 n0. 0001 A 2AN amt am 2.P1 Am O012 Oma am r 102.7 cam Oma) OAON, ANO MOZM 1040 anal amt 2ml am OAOO 23w W 001 In ame7 1.4 am" MCI Own CADDO 0.0722 10733 O.N,1 Ot tent CAN341 OM2 Cali Om" AICs 1"2 0.0"D "1 4"CO am4mN 'm CAD. .1 2.668 Obi CA" I3X .1 N,2 01" 401" 1560 0.om" 330125 OWNOOWO CAD1J wall M.N1 Cmz lase ONS 0.05 2.417 Calx Oal" omr tae DAN] ODuI a.N,m Omm Oat, IOW Am OM2 20," Men am tim m] Mali 410 ma 1.4 C.mT Om. 0.0000 DAN O,wm 1N, MAOI Call 2- 0.817 Mme 2319 OAn 0412 Moir MAI" Ira a m? amt$ 0.Na00 owes CAM 0.001 M 240 MAN, am1374 0012 OMt -140 Ot" 51 Oma Mal" at" saw omr I" om4 2.10 Mme Man 2302 Matt ami am r Oma lrA Oar Cain .AVN mN,N Om" In CAN Ott IAN an Van lir a01 M02 0.01" Ola Iwo A.m" Nai A107 OAWO CN r Im am OMS 2m) Oar ..a0, 410 AD t 01 =a to1400 DID= am w C.000A OAAW Atm IN MOI Oa 2831 one O.ON 2449 ODS amr Ola tai am" mm VAN) DAVID Mmes lir .m1 0012 2021 MAN MON 2.81 Au Oma Oma 1.4 MAIN 0.0 ODOR VAN, amr to amt MM2 '" Cam .AN 2.- .12 AMC am r lee CDN .103 ..ON, Cameamomr I- amt 001 240" 912 Mese tae OM2 140 410, tea Om" Oma ODMS Came am. IN 0401 ami 2.733 MAN VAN 4" MA12 1" t" 18.6 owes D+w 0nn DON 0.T 1200 Owl At 772 N MAX MA2.a2 am Al AND m" 141.1 MAIN OM ODON, DmN, Awl 210 Mom 2M am7 MAN 2+01 &.2 .m2 0ol" own 18.1 DON 0. CON) 0.0000 Dale? 1220 Dom a, 2.7W a- ODMS 185 A 0012 Om" Dal. la3 Mmes Maim OAC) O mD AN, Ills omD Mail 740 Mae) .me A17 At O.m" Ota 102 MAIN MCI m amw 0.ON omr 240 ami 0012 "m Dal 0.A" xR9 Vale .1" 1.2 MANS Dain DADN, amm amm +x60 MON m 2.N, NDN Dow 2.41 012 41, a.m. Nei OODw 01m VAN, aAND M.ma tm MAN 01 x.74 A. Vale 2- .1 CDD amm I. +u0. C- OMa MemoID Came AVOal07 m Am Mm2 3.7" a- O,an I'm amt Coll M. .1" 1.2 Done amm V.000O DACN, .1" Inn Cam .1 zees ones am Zan Al mm2 Oma Dal" 102 Ow" .10 MAIN COCOA Ala 1X0 &194 .1 2x20 law Ole Zan Ot 00 2 amr Malty 182 VANE amm ales amm MAI" Un MAN, MM2 2022 411 Nle 2Am Obl2 4. "in Allies 1.2 OLD" aDin amo, CMN Oma 310 0.004 &M 2'e iMe Man 813 0.012 12 Mala Cotes tai amm 0.0102 Do= 04000 amr 13M Amt lase 1.027 0.016 2926 001 Au Main ODIN 142 OWN "Al01 MAN MONO Oma 13" am29N IAN 0.0MS 207 0 .11 Mn &M tat 0Dow Om m DAVID OMN am" 1m0 OM1 0 2R, 1404 080 SAID m ODa ODI, WOO tet VAN, .1N, Came Ones OM, am 1350 a 0.012 taw 10,] D.ae2."1 0.012 Oli 401" Main lei MN" omm MwaN DAN am? 13" a m Dmi 1- ill Man en a1 0 Cm, MAIN lag Moo" DIM amID OAM00 oma 1. om4 V1 -1. lar Man 26" 4072 -1 -1. Ot" In, moose A. OmN 01D00 Am 1X0 awes 2AN A. Man 241) OM l Own Ala Om, 1413 OAOm OMN MANN Oram ODI, 13r .N,4 Zan law Own x.lm AM 012 also 41. 1- onesOlw arm OA000 Vale? NOD CAm 2- tan ODMS 2.702 Dl Main 0 m 102 MOON al. MAwDa Do= MAIN to Mame 2.94 ,IOD an 2.N,1D.m1 ODIN am, 1.2 Do= AmN, MAIN Ovoo ODIC 420 am On 12 A. 27. .1 M. 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(360) 452 3023 CHECKED: 619 S Chase St Port Angeles, WA 98362 SHEET OF Appendix B. 17 RSMeans Page 1 of 1 ti RSMeans QuickCost Estimator Project Title: Port Angeles Lanes Model: Bowling Alley Construction: Concrete Block/Steel Roof Deck Location: TACOMA,WA Stories: 1 M. Story Height(11): 14 Floor Area(s.f.): 14 400 Data Release: 2007 Costs are derived from a building model with basic components.Scope differences and Wage Rate: Union market conditions can cause costs to vary significantly Basement: Not included F st Ranges Low Med High al: $891,900 $991,000 $1,238,750 Contractors Overhead&Profit: $222,975 $247,750 $309,688 Architectural Fees: $71,545 $79,494 $99,368 Total Building Cost: $1,186,420 $1,318,244 $1,647,805 Do You Need a More Comprehensive Estimate With Current Cost Data and Your Own Detailed ProJect Specifications? Access the Custom Cost Estimator a paid subscription service, to reference a comprehensive library of square foot models updated and localized for the United States to create a customized online estimate specific to your individual projectl All from RSMeans,The Industry Sourcel [click here to view a sample report] Important note:These costs are not exact and are intended only as a preliminary guide to possible project cost.Actual project cost may vary greatly depending on many factors.RSMeans uses diligence in preparing the information contained here. RSMeans does not make any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy correctness, value,sufficiency or completeness of the data or resulting project cost estimates. RSMeans shall have no liability for any loss,expense or damage arising out of or in connection with the information contained herein. http.//Www.rsmeans.com/estimator/qce/qce_result.asp?pmame=Port+Angeles+Lanes&pr 10/18/2007 RSMeans Page 1 of 1 w RSMeans QuickCost Estimator Project Title: Lube Shop Model: Garage,Service Station Construction: Face Brick with Concrete Block Back-up/Wood Truss Location: TACOMA,WA Stories: 1 Story Height(11): 12 Floor Area(s.f.): 1 450 - y Data Release: 2007 Costs are derived from a building model with basic components.Scope differences and Wage Rate: Union market conditions can cause costs to vary significantly. Basement: Not included Cost Ranges Low Med High Total: $152,550 $169,500 $211,875 Contractor's Overhead&Profit: $38,138 $42,375 $52,969 Architectural Fees: $18,682 $20,758 $25,947 Total Building Cost: $209,369 $232,633 $290,791 Do You Need a More Comprehensive Estimate With Current Cost_Data and Your Own Detailed Project Specifications? Access the Custom Cost Estimator a paid subscription service, to reference a comprehensive library of square foot models updated and localized for the United States to create a customized online estimate specific to your individual project! All from RSMeans,The Industry Sourcel [click here to view a sample report] Important note:These costs are not exact and are intended only as a preliminary guide to possible project cost.Actual project cost may vary greatly depending on many factors.RSMeans uses diligence in preparing the information contained here. RSMeans does not make any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy correctness, value,sufficiency or completeness of the data or resulting project cost estimates. RSMeans shall have no liability for any loss,expense or damage arising out of or in _ —connection with the information contained herein. http.//www.rsmeans.com/estimator/qce/gce_result.asp?prname=Lube+Shop&prod ect=30 10/18/2007 RSMeans Page 1 of 1 RSMeans QuickCost Estimator Project Title: RUDDELL AUTO NEW SALES OFFICE Model: Garage,Auto Sales Construction: E.I.F.S.on Concrete Block/Steel Frame Location: TACOMA,WA Stories: 1 Story Height(I,f.): 14 No Floor Area(s.f.): 3,000 Data Release: 2007 Costs are derived from a building model with basic components.Scope differences and market conditions can cause costs to vary Wage Rate: Union significantly Basement: Not included Cost Ranges Low Med High Total: $417,600 $464,000 $580,000 Contractor's Overhead&Profit: $104,400 $116,000 $145,000 Architectural Fees: $40,283 $44,759 $55,949 Total Building Cost: $562,283 $624,759 $780,949 Do You Need a More Comprehensive Estimate With Current Cost Data and Your Own Detailed Project Specifications? Access the Custom Cost Estimator a paid subscription service, to reference a comprehensive library of square foot models updated and localized for the United States to create a customized online estimate specific to your individual project! All from RSMeans,The Industry Sourcel [click here to view a sample report] Important note:These costs are not exact and are intended only as a preliminary guide to possible project cost.Actual project cost may vary greatly depending on many factors.RSMeans uses diligence in preparing the information contained here, RSMeans does not make any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy,correctness, value,sufficiency or completeness of the data or resulting project cost estimates. RSMeans shall have no liability for any loss,expense or damage arising out of or in connection with the information contained herein. R.A r Products:Bookstore Cost Data Costwork_.s Online Reference Books Seminars DemoSo_.urce Insurance Online Tools:QuickCost Estimator CustomCost_EstimatorProject Reporting Construction Dictionary Links Services:Business Solutions Trade Sales RSMeans:Contact Us About-Us 02006 Reed Business Information Use of RSMeans.com is subject to its Terms and Conditions of Use and Updated Privacy Policy http://www.rsmeans.com/estimator/qce/qce result.asp?prname=RUDDELL+AUTO+NE. 10/30/2007 N 50 CM (19.7") SPECIFICATIONS 16.7 CM (6.6") 25 CM (9.8") UNIT SIZE — 50 CM X 50 CM X 2.5 CM (20" X 20" X 1") AVAILABLE IN 9 STANDARD ROLL SIZES UNIT WEIGHT — 510 GRAMS (18 OZ. 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