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3501 W 18th St - Landfill Site Sea Wall Technical - Building
T CII�IC c\ a CP° 0-)c".\ ec° \o I Rto n-Po\ \.\k\t"j\e/(\P c);_\r).) )c'• nP oeS AL ViCk Washington Department of FISH and WILDLIFE Issue Date November 21, 2005 Project Expiration Date November 20, 2010 City of Port Angeles ATTENTION Glenn Cutter P.O Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 360- 417 4800() Fax. 360 417 -4542 Project Name Project Description PERMITTEE HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL RCW 77.55 100 Appeal pursuant to Chapter 34.05 RCW City of Port Angeles City Landfill Construct sheetpile and alternative armoring (assorted rock and sediment beach) shoreline protection for existing landfill PROVISIONS Control Number 103415 -1 FPA/Public Notice N/A Coastal 48 Devonshire Road Montesano, WA 98563 (360) 24.9-4628 AUTHORIZED AGENT OR CONTRACTOR Parametrix ATTENTION Bill Webb 5700 Kitsap Way Suite 202 Bremerton WA 98312 -2234 360 -850 -5303 Fax. 360 -479 -5961 1. Work below the ordinary high water line shall not occur from February 15 through July 15 of any year for the protection of migrating juvenile salmonids 2 NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENT The Area Habitat Biologist (AHB) listed below shall receive written notification (FAX or mail) from the person to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) is issued (permittee) or the agent/contractor no less than three working days prior to the start of construction activities The notification shall include the permittee's name, project location, starting date for work, and the control number for this HPA. 3 NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENT The Enforcement Sergeant listed below shall receive written notification (FAX or mail) from the person to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) is issued (permittee) or the agent/contractor no less than three working days prior to start of work, and again within seven days of completion of work to arrange for a compliance inspection The notification shall include the permittee's name, project location, starting date for work or completion date of work, and the control number for this HPA. 4 Stakes shall be located at MHHW and 0 0 ft., MLLW, and shall be spaced at 100 foot intervals, for the entire length of the project site Stakes shall not be disturbed and shall remain in place following construction 5 The waterward face of the soldier pile bulkhead shall be located 30 feet landward of MHHW 6 All manmade debris located located on the beach at and landward of 0 0 ft., MLLW, beach shall be removed and disposed of upland such that it does not enter waters of the•state. 7 Shoreline armoring material shall comply with the following sizes and specifications a Bedding Stone Page 1 of 6 N. Washington Department of FISH and WILDLIFE Issue Date November 21 2005 Project Expiration Date November 20, 2010 i Shall be composed of angular rock ranging in size from 4 7 inches to 15 inches in diameter The least dimension of any rock shall not be less than one -half (1/2) the greatest dimension ii. Shall be layed to a maximum depth of 1 foot, 6- inches, and shall extend a maximum of 20 feet from the waterward face of the H -pile bulkhead b Toe Armor i Shall be composed of angular rock ranging in size from 1,400 lips to 9,900 lbs. The greatest dimension shall be no greater than three (3) times the least dimension ii Shall extend a maximum of seven feet below MHHW and 20 -feet waterward from the waterward face of the soldier pile bulkhead The graded portion of the toe armor shall be be 1V 1 5H, with a vertical face c Back Beach Berm d Beach Nourishment: HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL RCW 77.55.100 Appeal pursuant to Chapter 34.05 RCW Control Number: 103415 -1 FPA/Public Notice N/A Coastal 48 Devonshire Road Montesano, WA 98563 (360) 249-4628 i Shall be composed of rounded (not angular) cobble gravel, washed, naturally occuring stone Grain size profile shall range from 1 -inch to 12- inches in diameter with 80 percent of the material between 3 and 8 inches in diameter ii Shall be placed ontop of toe armor from MHHW to a elevation 5 feet above MHHW for the first 10 feet waterward of the H -pile bulkhead Starting at and waterward 10 -feet from the H -pile bulkead the backberm material shall be graded to a 1V 1 5H slope. i Beach nounshment material shall be composed of sand gravel, washed, hard, durable, rounded, natually occurring granular material ii Beach nourishment material shall have a grain size profile between #200 to 3 -inch iii Shall be placed waterward of the backbeach berm to a maximum depth equal to the backbeach berm and shall extend waterward to the MHHW line to a final finished graded of 1V:4H slope e The City of Port Angeles shall submit a Maintenace and Operation (O &M) Plan for the long -term maintenance of the beach waterward of the soldier pile bulkhead by December 31, 2006 This O &M Plan shall ensure that the finished grade(s), and sediment material composition (noted in HPA provision number 6, a through e), shall be maintained for the life of the project. 8 The City of Port Angeles shall be required to re -new this HPA by November 20, 2010, by Page 2 of 6 Washington Department of FISH and WILDLIFE Issue Date November 21, 2005 Project Expiration Date November 20, 2010 HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL RCW 77.55.100 Appeal pursuant to Chapter 34.05 RCW Control Number 103415 -1 FPA/Public Notice N/A Coastal 48 Devonshire Road Montesano, WA 98563 (360) 249-4628 submitting a re- signed and dated Joint Aquatic Resource Permits Application (JARPA) form 9 All upland drainage tightlines shall be Incorporated Into the soldier pile bulkhead near beach grade to prevent erosion of the shoreline 10 Project activities shall not occur when the project area, including the work corridor (excluding the area occupied by a grounded barge), is inundated by tidal waters. 11 Use of equipment on the beach shall be held to a minimum, confined to a single access point, and limited to a 50 -foot work corridor waterward of the soldier pile bulkhead Construction materials shall not touch the beach outside this work comdor 12 Bed material, other than matenal excavated for base rocks, shall not be utilized for project construction or fills 13 Excavated materials containing silt, clay, or other fine grained soil shall not be stockpiled below the ordinary high water line 14 If stockpiling of sand, gravel, and other coarse excavated material is conducted below the ordinary high water line, it shall be placed within a 25 -foot work corridor waterward of the base rocks 15 If sand, gravel, and other coarse excavated material is to be temporarily placed where it will come into contact with tidal waters, this material shall be covered with filter fabric and adequately secured to prevent erosion and /or potential entrainment of fish 16 All excavated or stockpiled material shall be removed from the beach within 72 hours of bulkhead construction Upon removal of the excavated material, the beach shall immediately be returned to the preproject natural grade 17 Beach area depressions created during project activities shall be reshaped to preproject beach level upon project completion 18 All trenches, depressions, or holes created in the beach area shall be backfilled prior to inundation by tidal waters Trenches excavated for base rocks may remain open dunng construction However, fish shall be prevented from entering such trenches 19 Intertidal wetland vascular plants shall not be adversely impacted due to project activities (e.g equipment shall not operate, and other activities shall not occur in intertidal wetland vascular plants) If such vegetation is adversely impacted, it shall be replaced using proven methodology Page 3 of 6 Washington Department of FISH and WILDLIFE Issue Date November 21 2005 Project Expiration Date November 20, 2010 HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL RCW 77.55.100 Appeal pursuant to Chapter 34.05 RCW Control Number 103415 -1 FPA/Public Notice N/A Coastal 48 Devonshire Road Montesano, WA 98563 (360) 249 -4628 20 All natural habitat features on the beach larger than 12 inches in diameter, including trees, stumps, logs, and large rocks, shall be retained on the beach following construction These habitat features may be moved dunng construction if necessary 21 Project activities shall be conducted to minimize siltation of the beach area and bed. 22 If at any time, as a result of project activities, fish are observed in distress, a fish kill occurs, or water quality problems develop (including equipment leaks or spills), immediate notification shall be made to the Washington Department of Ecology at 1- 800 258 -5990, and to the Area Habitat Biologist listed below 23 All debris or deleterious material resulting from construction shall be removed from the beach area and bed and prevented from entering waters of the state 24 No petroleum products or other deleterious materials shall enter surface waters 25 No material shall be burned below the ordinary high water line. 26 Project activities shall not degrade water quality to the detriment of fish life PROJECT LOCATIONS Location #1 Port Angeles WORK START November 21, 2005 (WORK END November 20, 2010 WRIA. Waterbody: Tributary to: 18 9060 Wria 18 Marine Straits 1/4 SEC Section Township Range. Latitude: Longitude' County: S 1/2 36 31 N 07 W N 48 13297 W 123.51650 Clallam Location #1 Driving Directions 3501 W 18th Street Port Angeles, WA APPLY TO ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS This Hydraulic Project Approval pertains only to the provisions of the Washington State Fisheries and Wildlife Code, specifically RCW 77.55 (formerly RCW 77.57) Additional authorization from other public agencies may be necessary for this project. The person(s) to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval is issued is responsible for applying for and obtaining any additional authorization from other public agencies (local, state and/or federal) that may be necessary for this project. This Hydraulic Project Approval shall be available on the job site at all times and all its provisions followed by the person(s) to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval is issued and operator(s) performing the work. This Hydraulic Project Approval does not authorize trespass It is the responsibility of the permit holder to secure any landowner permissions or use authorizations as needed for the project. The person(s) to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval is issued and operator(s) performing the work may be held liable for any loss or damage to fish life or fish habitat that results from failure to comply with the provisions of this Hydraulic Project Approval Page 4 of 6 t Washington Department of FISH and WILDLIFE Issue Date November 21 2005 Project Expiration Date November 20, 2010 Failure to comply with the provisions of this Hydraulic Project Approval could result in a civil penalty of up to one hundred dollars per day or a gross misdemeanor charge, possibly punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. All Hydraulic Project Approvals issued pursuant to RCW 77 55 100 or 77.55.200 are subject to additional restrictions, conditions or revocation if the Department of Fish and Wildlife determines that new biological or physical information indicates the need for such action. The person(s) to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval is issued has the right pursuant to Chapter 34.04 RCW to appeal such decisions All Hydraulic Project Approvals issued pursuant to RCW 77.55.110 may be modified by the Department of Fish and Wildlife due to changed conditions after consultation with the person(s) to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval is issued PROVIDED HOWEVER, that such modifications shall be subject to appeal to the Hydraulic Appeals Board established in RCW 77.55 170 CHAPTER 77 55 RCW RE- CODIFIED Chapter 77 55 RCW was re- organized and re- codified by the 2005 Legislature in Second Substitute House Bill 1346 signed into law by Governor Gregoire as Chapter 146, Laws of 2005 Chapter 146 Laws of 2005 became effective July 24, 2005 The Code Reviser's Office is in the process of completing the re- codification and conversion of the bill into RCW The RCW referenced at the top of this HPA has been superseded by Chapter 146, Laws of 2005 Until the re- codification process has been completed, the following reflects the section(s) of Chapter 146, Laws of 2005 under which sections of former Chapter 77.55 RCW can now be found FORMER CHAPTER 146 TITLE 77 55 RCW LAWS of 2005 RCW 77.55.010 RCW 77.55 100 RCW 77.55 110 RCW 77.55 150 RCW 77 55.200 RCW 77 55.21G RCW 77.55.220 RCW 77.55.270 RCW 77 55.280 RCW 77.55.290 HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL RCW 77.55 100 Appeal pursuant to Chapter 34.05 RCW Sec 406 Sec. 101, 201, 301, 507, 508, 601, 605 Sec. 101,201 Sec 101, 303, 401 Sec. 501 Sec. 504 Sec. 101, 502 Sec. 101, 402 Sec 403 Sec. 505 APPEALS INFORMATION Control Number 103415 -1 FPA/Public Notice N/A Coastal 48 Devonshire Road Montesano, WA 98563 (360) 249 -4628 IF YOU WISH TO APPEAL THE ISSUANCE OR DENIAL OF, OR CONDITIONS PROVIDED IN A HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL, THERE ARE INFORMAL AND FORMAL APPEAL PROCESSES AVAILABLE. A. INFORMAL APPEALS (WAC 220 -110 -340) OF DEPARTMENT ACTIONS TAKEN PURSUANT TO RCW 77.55 100, 77.55 110, 77.55 140, 77 55 190, 77.55.200, and 77 55.290 A person who is aggrieved or adversely affected by the following Department actions may request an informal review of (A)The denial or issuance of a Hydraulic Project Approval, or the conditions or provisions made part of a Hydraulic Project Approval or (B)An order imposing civil penalties. A request for an INFORMAL REVIEW shall be in WRITING to the Department of Fish and Wildlife HPA Appeals Coordinator 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, Washington 98501 -1091 and shall be RECEIVED by the Department within 30 -days of the denial or issuance of a Hydraulic Project Approval or receipt of an order imposing civil penalties If agreed to by the aggrieved party, and the aggrieved party is the Hydraulic Project Approval applicant, resolution of the concerns will be facilitated through discussions with the Area Habitat Biologist and his/her supervisor If resolution is not reached, or the aggrieved party is not the Hydraulic Project Approval applicant, the Habitat Environmental Services Division Manager or his/her designee shall conduct a review and recommend a decision to the Director or his /her designee. If you are not satisfied with the results of this informal appeal, a formal appeal may be filed B FORMAL APPEALS (WAC 220 110 -350) OF DEPARTMENT ACTIONS TAKEN PURSUANT TO RCW 77 55 100 OR 77.55 140 A person who is aggrieved or adversely affected by the following Department actions may request a formal review of (A) The denial or issuance of a Hydraulic Project Approval, or the conditions or provisions made part of a Hydraulic Project Approval Page 5 of 6 Washington Department of FISH and WILDLIFE Issue Date November 21, 2005 Project Expiration Date November 20, 2010 HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL RCW 77.55.100 Appeal pursuant to Chapter 34.05 RCW ENFORCEMENT Sergeant Makoviney (31) P2 Control Number 103415 -1 FPA/Public Notice N/A Coastal 48 Devonshire Road Montesano, WA 98563 (360) 249 -4628 (B) An order imposing civil penalties, or (C) Any other agency action for which an adjudicative proceeding is required under the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 34.05 RCW A request for a FORMAL APPEAL shall be in WRITING to the Department of Fish and Wildlife HPA Appeals Coordinator, shall be plainly labeled as 'REQUEST FOR FORMAL APPEAL' and shall be RECEIVED DURING OFFICE HOURS by the Department at 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, Washington 98501 -1091 within 30 -days of the Department action that is being challenged The time period for requesting a formal appeal is suspended during consideration of a timely informal appeal. If there has been an informal appeal, the deadline for requesting a formal appeal shall be within 30 -days of the date of the Departments written decision in response to the informal appeal. C FORMAL APPEALS OF DEPARTMENT ACTIONS TAKEN PURSUANT TO RCW 77.55.110, 77 55.200, 77.55.230, or 77 55.290 A person who is aggrieved or adversely affected by the denial or issuance of a Hydraulic Project Approval, or the conditions or provisions made part of a Hydraulic Project Approval may request a formal appeal The request for FORMAL APPEAL shall be in WRITING to the Hydraulic Appeals Board per WAC 259-04 at Environmental Hearings Office 4224 Sixth Avenue SE, Building Two Rowe Six, Lacey, Washington 98504, telephone 360/459 -6327 D FORMAL APPEALS OF DEPARTMENT ACTIONS TAKEN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 43.21 L RCW A person who is aggrieved or adversely affected by the denial or issuance of a Hydraulic Project Approval, or the conditions or provisions made part of a Hydraulic Project Approval may request a formal appeal The FORMAL APPEAL shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 43.21L RCW and Chapter 199-08 WAC The request for FORMAL APPEAL shall be in WRITING to the Environmental and Land Use Hearings Board at Environmental Hearings Office, Environmental and Land Use Hearings Board 4224 Sixth Avenue SE, Building Two Rowe Six, P 0 Box 40903, Lacey, Washington 98504, telephone 360/459 -6327 E FAILURE TO APPEAL WITHIN THE REQUIRED TIME PERIODS RESULTS IN FORFEITURE OF ALL APPEAL RIGHTS IF THERE IS NO TIMELY REQUEST FOR AN APPEAL, THE DEPARTMENT ACTION SHALL BE FINAL AND UNAPPEALABLE David Molenaar 360 249 -1224 for Director Habitat Biologist WDFW CC Stephan Kalinowski, WDFW Bob Barnard, WDFW Mike McHenry, Elwha's Klallam Tribe, Port Angeles Hugh Shipman Ecology, Seattle Jeffery Stewart, Ecology, Lacey Sue Roberds, City of Port Angeles Department of Community Development Page 6 of 6 1 Parametrix Project Port Angeles Landfill Slope Stabilization Date 26 JUL 05 Project Number 255 -2191 013 05/04 Analysis By SWD Checked By JEF Objective Design of Soldier Pile Wall 1000lbf lbf lbf lbf kip Units ksi In kip 1000 lbf psf ft pcf ft 3 plf klf n Parameters Wall Height Above Drilled Shafts Pile Spacing Depth of Primary Drilled Shafts Depth of 2nd Drilled Shafts Primary Drilled Shaft Diameter Secondary Drilled Shaft Diameter Space Between Drilled Shafts Wall Panel Thickness Concrete Density Soil Properties Slope Angle above Wall Angle of Internal Friction Soil Resistance Factor 7/26/2005 9:40 AM 15.5 I 6 1 I 10 1 ID 36 iri I 48 iri D P D D 36.0 in IPN 5 iri lbf y 150 ft 113 0 deg' le 38 degl Ies 0.851 es 0 32.3 deg Calculations and Structural Plans Reviewed by Kamyar Nizkad of KPFF 25 JUL 05 206/622 5822 Soldier Pile Wa115 mcd Page 1 Parametrix Active Pressure Passive Pressure Water Table Location Water Density Water Pressure Factor Assumed Dry Density Assumed Buoyant Density K cos(0) K cos(p) WTb 7 fl Ibf y 624-3 ft 3 WT =(1- K "(solid 120 pci 'soil 'soild 'w cos(43) 4 (cos(p)) (cos(0)) K 0.24 cos(p) J (cos(p)) (cos(0)) cos J (cos(13)) (cos(0)) cos(p) V cos p 2 (cos( K 4 (Behind wall, distance above drilled shafts) Resulting Water Density y WT 47 6 Ibf ft 3 'soil 57 6 pcf 7/26/2005 9 AM Soldier Pile Wall5.mcd Page 2 Parametrix Seismic Design Parameters Seismic Use Group Use Group I Seismic Importance Factor I 1 1 Latitude /Longitude .atitude 48 1167, Longitude 123.43331 Method VISE Ground Motion From USGS CD Period 0.2 sec 1SS 112% I (Site Class C Soils, Per AMEC) Period 1 0 sec JS1 47% Acceleration Based Site Coefficient Velocity Based Site Coefficient Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration IF 1.( (Per AMEC) 1 31 SMS F SS SM1 F S SMS 1 1 g SM 0.6g 2 SDS SMS 3 SDS 0 7g 2 SD1 SM1 SD1 0.4g Seismic Design Category D, for Short Period Response D fort Second Response 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Soldier Pile Wall5.mcd Page 3 Parametrix Pile Properties (above caisson) Section Material Yield Strength Density Modulus of Elasticity Shear Modulus Depth or OD Web or Wall Thickness Flange Width, Width or OD Flange or Wall Thickness Fillet Radius Web Height Moment of Inertia Section Modulus Torsional Constant Warping Constant Radius of Gyration Area Weight A/24x 104 ■36 F 36 ks lbf y p i 0.2834 3 n E 29 10 psi L.:= 11200 ks (d 24 06 t 0 ir b 12 750 ir tf 0 750 ir rf.= 075 ir h• =d -2tf h 22.6 in lx 3100 in 21x S d 4 72 in C 35200 in r x 10 f ir 6 30.6 in WPf A y 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Soldier Pile Wall5.mcd ly 259 in S 258 in r y 2.91 irj W Pf 104 lbf Page 4 Parametrix Compact Limit Noncompact Limit Width Thickness Ratio Check Unbraced Length Extreme Fiber Moment For Doubly Symmetric I- Shapes M min(My, mcr) 65 TestCL F ksi TestCL 10.8 140 F Y —10 ksi Test NCL 27 5 T es t NCL b TestWTR tf TestWTR 17 0 TestC1 if TestWTR TestCL, 0 if TestWTR Test NCL 1 2)) TestC1 1 0 0= Compact 1= Noncompact 2= Exceeds Noncompact M F S Plastic Moment not applicable since noncompact section I Cb 1 1 (for cantilevers) TE M Cb Ely G J EE ly C M 2262 7 kip ft (for Lb >Lr) L b ti L M 773 1 kip ft M 773 1kip ft Bending Resistance Factor 01 0.90 I�b M 695.8 kip fl 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Soldier Pile Wa115.mcd Page 5 Parametnx Allowable Shear Stress TestV t w TestV 45 1 TestV 418 TestV 69 7 TestV 523 TestV 87.2 F F 1, ksi ksi TestV 132000•h t V 0.6 F h t V 0.6 F h tw V n3 TestVn TestVn V if (TestV TestVnl Vn1 if (TestV TestVn2 Vn2 if (TestV 260 V 0))) V 243.6 kip Shear Resistance Factor 0.90 ley V 219.3 kip 7/26/2005 9 AM Soldier Pile Wa115.mcd Page 6 Parametrlx Calculations 6 S 5 e NOTES- &neC" M C EARTH l ENNIRO1g1ENTAL. PIC. m 11335 N.E 122nd Way Suite 100 Kirkland, WA, U.SA, 98034 -8918 REGRADED SLOPE H 6H PSF PCF SEISMIC HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE PRESSURE 45 1 18 PCF ACTIVE PRESSURE SOLDIER PILE WALL (TYPICAL) 3. SEE REPORT TEXT FOR ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS. BEACH NOURISHMENT 250 PCF ALLOWABLE PASSIVE PRESSURE PORT ANGELES LANDFILL PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON ARMOR STONE 1 FOR SOLDIER PILE SPACING OF 8 FEET OR LESS, LAGGING SHOULD BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND 50% OF APPARENT EARTH PRESSURE. 2 2. PASSIVE PRESSURE HAS BEEN REDUCED BY A FACTOR OF 1.5 IN ORDER TO LIMIT DEFORMATION FOR SEISMIC DESIGN PASSIVE PRESSURE MAY BE INCREASED BY ONE -THIRD LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE DIAGRAM CANTILEVER FIGURE SOLDIER PILE WALL 8 7/26/2005 9 AM Soldier Pile Wall5.mcd Page 7 Parametrix Active Earth Pressure on Wall Panels Resulting Force per Foot of Wall Acting Height above Base of Wall Total Load per Pile Water Pressure on Wall Panels Pressure at Base of Panel Total Force Acting Height above Base of Wall Total Load per Pile Seismic Forces from Soil Total Force Acting Height above Base of Wall Total Load per Pile Paf ?solid K a Pa ?solid K a H P H H 2 H H ald 3 LC1 H al P s WTb H 2 Pw WTb Hw d 3 LC2 H P Equivalent Distributed Pressure on Wall Panel p y WT WT H Hsed 2 paf 28.5 pcf (equiv fluid pressure) p 442.5 psf (base of wall) H 3429 1 Ibf ft H a1d 5.2ft ILC1 20.6 kipl p 332.9 psf Hw 1165 1 Ibf ft H 2.3 ft ILC2 7 0 kipl lbf P 6 H ft H se H p se H lbf se 1441 5 ff H sed 7 8 ft LC3 H P ILC3 8.6kipi 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Soldier Pile Wa115.mcd Page 8 Parametrix Seismic Forces on Wall Panels (Eqiv Lateral Force Procedure) Seismic Base Shear Response Modification Factor 3J (ASCE Section 7 -02 S DS Seismic Response Coefficient C g (ASCE 7 02 Eq 9 5.5.2 1 1) R Structure Weight (portion above shafts) Base Shear Acting Height above Base of Wall Total Load per Pile C 0.25 I Base Shear will be distributed along height of wall evenly H Distributed Load dV s H Wave Pressure on Wall Panels Total Wave Force p 186000 Centroid Distance Above MHHW Id 6.24 fl Total Load per Pile LC5 p P A H yp kip W.= +HPN W =124 ft P s H C W (ASCE 7 02 Eq 1) H 308 H sd 2 LC4 H P dV 19.9 psf H =775 ft ILC4 1 Skip' 7 kip ILC5 76.5 kips 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Soldier Pile Wall5.mcd Page 9 Parametrix Hydrostatic Pressure on Wall Panels 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Sea Elevation (above MHHW) Sea Water Density Pressure at Base of Wall Resulting Force per Foot of Wall Acting Height above Base of Wall Total Load per Pile Vertical Forces (per primary drilled shaft) Primary Drilled Shafts Piles Wall Panels sw:= 116 ft -703f1 lbf ysw 0.037 3 in Psw Tsw WTsw Weight (each) W DS 4 D A l ds yc 4 D s 2 d s yv W DS 11 7 kip Weight (each) W A (H d y Weight (each) W P H PNt yc WT 4.6ft ysw 63 9 pcf psw 292.2 psf WT sw lbf H sw p sw 2 H 667 6 ft WT sw H swd 3 H swd 1.5 ft LC6 H P pLC6 4.0 kipl Wp =37kip W PN 5.8 kip Soldier Pile Wall5.mcd Page 10 Parametrix Total Vertical Load per each Primary and Secondary Drilled Shaft W Sum W DS W P WPN W Sum 21 3 kip Weight of Soil Removed W soil 4 D s 2 d s 3 'soild W soil 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Bearing Area Surface Area per Pile Skin Friction Required SF (assuming no end bearing) Allowable Bearing Pressure Allowable Skin Friction IT 2 BA DS 4 D s W Sum End Bearing Pressure BP (assuming no skin friction) BA SA D W Sum SA BP 30000 ps SF 300 ps 17 0 kip BA 7 1 ft 2 IBP 3007 ps SA 188.5 ft 2 �SF 113 psi (per AMEC) Both skin friction and end bearing are more than adequate to support vertical loading Soldier Pile Wall5.mcd Page 11 Parametrix Stress and Deflection in Pile Load Factor ILF 1 1 (Seismic) 1LF 1 1 (soil /water load) 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Maximum Moment In Pile (Soil Seismic Water behind Wall) Bending Stress Ratio Shear Stress Ratio Max Deflection in Pile S 0.20 in Deflection Ratio M eaP (LC1 H LF LC4 H LF LC2 H LF LC3 H sed LF M eaP 277 5 kip ft Maximum Shear in Pile (above caisson portion) V eaP (LC1 LF LC4 LF LC2 LF LC3 LF V eaP 54.6 kip M eaP Ratiob 013 Mn V eaP Ratio Ov Vn s LC1 H LC2 WT LC3 H LC4 H p 15EIx 15Elx 8EIx 8 EIx deflect H s p L/ 'deflect 953.0 I L/360 OK) 1Ratiob 0.40 I IRatio 0.25 I Soldier Pile Wall5.mcd Page 12 Parametrix 7/26/2005 9 AM Soil Resistance to Wave Pressure on Wall Assume soil provides uniform reaction along height of wall panel kip Average Wave Pressure Force p 1 2 7 ft Soil Resistance (per AMEC) P 250 pcf Depth required to balance applied wave pressure D 6.6 ft kip F Ppt wp H Fpf 12.8 f P (Dwp H OK) Soldier Pile Wa115.mcd Page 13 Parametrix Stress in Shafts /Soil Pressures Broms Method Assumptions and Notes Reference Drilled Pier Foundations by Woodward, Gardner, Greer, 1972 Assumes soil modulus varies linearly with depth This assumption is generally acceptable for all soil types except preconsolodated clay Parameters Lateral Load on Top of Drilled Shaft P ut V eaP Moment Load on Top of Drilled Shaft M u1 M eaP Drilled Shaft Concrete Strength Drilled Shaft Modulus of Elasticity Drilled Shaft Moment of Inertia Statical Moment of Area Allowable Moment in Pile Fixed Head? Soil Properties Soil Type Soil Modulus Undrained Shear Strength f 4000 psi I 57227 in 57000 psi E 3604996.5 psi Qy1 269 in M 1031 kip f kip n 68 ft 3 Ec lc n h S 0 psi 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Soldier Pile Wa115.mcd (Factored) (Factored) 0 Fixed 1 Free P 54.6 kip M 277 5 kip ft (for equivalent concrete area) (see Appendix) (factored) 0 Cohesionless (granular) 1 Cohesive (clay) Typical Values (nh) Relative Density Loose Medium Dense Dry or Moist 14 42 112 Submerged 8 28 68 T 7.32 ft (0 for granular soils) Page 14 Parametrix Calculation Design Method Required Length for Elastic Piers Load Point (acting height) Ultimate Lateral Resistance Rigid Piers 7/26/2005 9 AM P u2a1 Pier if(d 5.2 T 0 1) M u1 L P u1 L 3 d L° 2 L ds ft d elastic 2 T 3 0.5 D d K rsoil L d (Pier 1 0 d elastic 14 6 f1 L =51ft 0 Rigid 1 Elastic P u2a1 115.8 kip (cohesionless soil) P u2a2 1 5 Ysoil D d Kp P u2a2 435 8 kip (also fixed) P ula if(FH .0, m in P u2a1 P u2a2 P u2a1) P ula 115.8kip P u2b 9 s D (d 1.5. D s) P u2b 0.0 kip (cohesive soil, fixed) (cohesive soil free) L 2 d L 0.5 d P u2c d L 1 5 D 9 s D s P u2c 0.0 kip s p s Soldier Pile Wall5.mcd Page 15 Parametrix Elastic Piers Guess Value P u2d1 100 kip Given P u2d1 P u2d Find P u2d1) P u2d 92.3 kip Guess Value P u2e1 100 kip Given P 92.3 kip Put Allowable Lateral Load Ratio Ratiol P u2 M M P u2d1 L 0.54 ?soil D s Kp 2 M P u2e1 L 0.54 P u2e1 ?soil D s K p 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Soldier Pile Wa115.mcd P u2e Find P u2e1) P ule 158.Okip f =ifs =0,0ft, Pui +1.5D u i 9s Ratio 0.59 I (cohesionless, free) (cohesionless, fixed) f 0.0ft P u2f P u2d 92 kip (cohesive, free) L 1.5 D f 2M P ut P u2e 158.0 kip (cohesive fixed) g 15D +0.5f P u2x if (ST 0 if(FH 0 P ula Pu2a1� if (FH 0, P u2b P u2c)) P u2y if [(ST) 0 if (FH 0 P u2e Pu2d if (FH 0 P u2g P u2f)] P if (Pier 0 P u2x P u2y) (<1 0 OK) Page 16 Parametrlx Maximum Load in Shaft Index n 25 k 0 n 7/26/2005 9:40 AM d s xk xk n k zk T (elastic piles only) A -0.0063 (zk 0 1252 zk )3 0 7439 zk) 2 1 3761 (zk) 0.0377 Allowable Moment Ratio Ratlo B -0.0098 0 1219 0.4436 zk 2 0 1926 (zk) 0.9834 600 500 400 Mcl kip f t 300 M maxcl max M cl) M clk IAmk P T B m k M ull 200 100 I I I I 0 5 10 15 20 25 k Position along Shaft Index M maxcl M M maxcl 519 7kip fl Ratio 0.50 (<1 0 OK) Soldier Pile Wa115.mcd Page 17 Parametrix 7/26/2005 9 AM Allowable Soil Pressure i 1 8 BD '0.0' 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 2.0 3.0, Length to Diameter Ratio Load Point to Length Ratio Coef 'trunc(Ratio5 2 LB trunc(Ratio5) UB trunc(Ratio 1 LB trunc 2 10 LB if(Ratio 1 LB5 LB5b) UB if(Ratio5 1 UB5 UB5b) L Ratio d '0.4819 0.4049 0.3421 0.2854 0.2606 0.2406 0 1345 0.107 d Ratio4 i trunc Ratio5 10) 2 UB trunc 2 10 0.2 Coef '0.5451 0.3443 0.4954 0.6316 0 4235 0.2935 0.8137 0.5009 Ratio4 6 7 Ratio 0.25 LB 0.20 UB 0.40 LB 0.00 UB5b 1 00 LB 0.2 UB 0.4 Ceof 2.5236 -1 3952 2.6022 2.8992 2.5039 -2 1647 -4.557 3.3916, YValue Iookup(LB BD, Coef Ratio Iookup(LBS BD, Coef Ratio Iookup(LB BD, Ceof YValueL (18.9 Soldier Pile Wa115.mcd Page 18 Parametrix YValueU lookup(UB BD Coef Ratio4 lookup(UB BD, Coef Ratio4 lookup(UB BD, Ceof YValueU (15 9) YValueL YValueU Interpolated Value IV (Ratio5 LB YValueL LB5 UB5c Fixed Head Value Allowable Ultimate Lateral Load P if(FH 1 IV Kp Y soil D 53 FHV K soil D s IPuA (118.2 ki Allowable Lateral Load Ratio 7/26/2005 9:40 AM IV =(181) FHV 0.0314 Ratio4 1.0753 Ratio4 1 483 Ratio 1.4776 FHV 65.5 P ut Ratio P lRatio (0.46) 1 (<1 0 OK) 3) The design results in a conservative selection of the steel W- section and the composite steel /concrete portion with strength ratios at approximately 0 5 of the allowable The controlling aspect of the design is the geometry of the composite section It was desired that the neutral axis of the composite section run as near as possible to the shear studs or flange on the compression side such that composite action takes place See appendix for neutral axis calculation Soldier Pile Wa115.mcd Page 19 Parametrix YValueU lookup(UB BD, Coef Ratio Iookup(UB BD Coef Ratio lookup(UB BD Ceof YValueU (15 9 YValueL YValueu Interpolated Value IV (Ratio5 LB YValueL LB UB5c Fixed Head Value IV (18 1 FHV 0.0314 Ratio 1.0753 Ratio4 1 483 Ratio 1 4776 FHV 65.5 Allowable Ultimate Lateral Load PuA if(FH 1 IV Kp ysoil Ds FHV Kp ysoil D s 3 (118.2)kipl IP u A= Allowable Lateral Load Ratio P ut Ration PuA IRatio (0.46) I <1 0 OK) The design results in a conservative selection of the steel W section and the composite steel /concrete portion with strength ratios at approximately 0.5 of the allowable The controlling aspect of the design is the geometry of the composite section It was desired that the neutral axis of the composite section run as near as possible to the shear studs or flange on the compression side such that composite action takes place See appendix for neutral axis calculation 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Soldier Pile Wa1l5.mcd Page 19 Parametrix Design of Shear Studs (Tension flange only) Maximum Shear in Shaft Shear Stud Diameter Shear Stud Area Ultimate Strength of Stud Capacity of Single Shear Stud Top Flange (Shear Stud) Location Section Width at y1 Horizontal Shear at Top of Flange Shear Force Shear Stud Required Shear Stud Spacing P 54.6 kip (occurs at top of shaft) 3 D sc 4 A sc 4 A sc 0.442 in IF 60 ksl Q min (0.5 A f c E c A sc F u) Qn 26.5 kip D d y1 2 y1 6.0in D 2 2 b 2 4 y D s byi 26.8 in Will use 3/4' x 3" Studs @a 48" O.0 Max on Both Flange Centerlines Qy1 Put tyi i 9.6 psi l c b y1 F ss ti y1 ds b yi F ss 61 6 kip N ss Q s N ss 2.3 n SP ss ass SP 0 12 1 s ft 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Soldier Pile Wall5 mcd Page 20 Parametrix Design Check of Wall Panels' Wall Panel Thickness PN 5.0 in Wall Panel Width P 6.0ft Concrete Strength If 6000 PSI Maximum Linear Load on Bottom Strip of Wall Panel Active Earth Pressure on Wall Panels p 442.5 psf Water Pressure at Base of Panel p 332.9 psf Seismic Response Coefficient C 0.25 Force along strip pst rc PN t C s Seismic Soil Loading Pse 93 0 psf se p Active earth pressure and seismic soil loading will be reduced by half for soil bridging (per AMEC) Load Factor Total Linear Load (factored) Maximum Factored Bending Moment LF 1 0 (Seismic) LF 1 6 DL 949 plf Distance from Compression Face to Tension Reinforcement (soil /water load) DL LFe Pa p Pse p LF (1 ft) 2 2 DL P Mpmax 8 Mpmax 4.3 kip ft PN d 2 d 2.50 in (base of wall) pst 15.6 psf 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Soldier Pile Wa115.mcd Page 21 Parametrix Assumed Number of Reinforcing Bars per Foot of Length Assumed Bar Size 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Bar Diameter D barD Dbar in 8 Total Bar Area per Foot A bar 4 D barD N p Yield Strength of Reinforcing Depth of Compression Zone Lever Arm Distance Strength Reduction Factor Moment Capacity Moment Capacity Ratio Minimum Steel Required Ratio of Steel to Required Minimum f 60 ks f yr A bar a 0.85 f (1 ft) a LA d 2 0.9C M pallow b LA fyr Abar M pmax Ratio AS Min M pallow •J f psi f yr Np Abar (1 ft) PN Ratio AS Min N =1.5 D bar D barD 0.625 in A bar 0.460 a 0.451in LA 2.274 in M pallow 4 7 kip ft Ratio 0.91 (<1 0 OK) AS Min 0.00387 Ratio 2.97 >1 0 OK) (Increased to #6 9 0 C per KPFF recommendation due to corrosive environment) Soldier Pile Wa115 mcd Page 22 Parametrix Check of Shear on Panel Maximum Shear at Panel Edge V (bottom 1 ft strip factored) 2 Strength Reduction Factor Shear Strength $V 2 (I Jf Psi (I ft) d Check of Bearing on Panel Panel Geometry Total Deviation in Pile Separation Maximum Gap Between Flanges Minimum Gap Between Fillets Maximum Panel Width Panel Tolerance Panel Position Tolerance Nominal Panel Width Minimum Panel Width Minimum Bearing Width (bottom 1 ft strip factored) Strength Reduction Factor DL P p s v 0.90 (Vu pVn OK) A 2.00 ir Maximum Bearing at Panel Edge B V Gapfl P bf A Gapf P t -2 r W pMax G apf W pMax 68.00in T 0.25 in (plus /minus) Tpp 0.25 in (left or right) W pNom Gapf T p W pNom 67 75 in Gap 2Tp W pMin 67 50in W pMin -Gapf) W pMin B `N T 2 PP B 2.88in 0.65 Bearing Capacity 013 t B 0.85 f B (1 ft) (Bu OBn OK) 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Soldier Pile Wa115.mcd V 2.8kip 4V 4.2 (plus /minus) Gap 61 25 in Gapf 68.00in B 2.8 kip (1)12i 114.4 kip Page 23 Parametrix Temperature Steel Requirement ITS 0.001 Temperature Steel Bar Size I �I Assumed Number of Reinforcing Bars per Foot of Width IN 1 1 Bar Diameter D D barT in D 0.500in barDT 8 D barDT Total Bar Area per Foot AbarT 4 D barDT 2 N pT A barT 0 196 in Ratio of Required Temp Steel RatioTS AbarT RatioTS 1 82 TS [PN (1 ft)] Will use #4 0 12' O.C. Design of Wall Panel Lifting Hooks Assumed Minimum Number of Hooks Weight of Wall Panel Live Load Factor Load per Lifting Hook (factored) Lifting Hook Cross Section Area Strength Reduction Factor Tensile Strength Tensile Stress Ratio W p yc WpMax (H T PN W 5.5kip ILF 1 601 >1 0 OK) W Puh Np LF P uh 4 4kip h Ah 2 4 (0.50 in) Ah 0.393 in 14) 0.91 'Pnh A h f yr hip P uh Ratiol0 I )P nh 4P 21 2 kip IRatio10 0.21 (<1 0 OK) 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Soldier Pile Wa115 mcd Page 24 Parametrix Design Check of Pile Flanges Ratio of Allowable Bending Shear in Flange Shear in Flange (factored) Nominal Strength Shear Resistance Factor Ratio of Allowable Tension (Pa +pw +pse +dV) (1 ft) P Reaction on Flange FL rxn (factored) 2 FL =27kip It is assumed that flange will be loaded equally on both sides at the end of the flange Bending in Flange Flange Width b f 12.8 in (1 ft) t Moment of Inertia of Flange. FLI FL 0 42 in (1 ft section) 12 FLI Extreme Fiber Moment FL F tf Bending Resistance Factor 0.90 bf Bending Moment in Flange FL mom FL rxn 2 (factored) FL Ratio (cob FLMn) FL FL FL mom FLV 0.6 F tf (1 ft) (1) 0.90 FLV FL RatioV (ev FLVn) FL 20.2 kip in �b FLM 18.2 kip it FL mom 17 0 kip in FL Ratio 0 <1 0 OK) FLV 2.66 kip F LVn 194 4 kip FL RatioV 0.02 (<1 0 OK) (lowest 1 ft strip) FL 175.0 kip 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Soldier Pile Wa1l5.mcd Page 25 Parametrix Tension in Web Tension in Flange (factored) Nominal Strength Tension Resistance Factor Ratio of Allowable Tension FLT FL rxn 2 FLp F t (1 ft) e 0.90 FL FL RatioT (e FLp 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Soldier Pile Wa115.mcd FL 5.33 kip FLp 216.0 kip et FLp I94.4kip FL RatioT 0.03 <1 0 OK) Page 26 Parametrix Appendix A Neutral Axis Calculation B -AMEC Geotech Report 7/26/2005 9:40 AM Soldier Pile Wa115.mcd Page 27 Paraaretrix 0.44.&41 PROJECT P( BY Sw 5/vet Slk bit SUBJECT WAI4 f j t,,„ MAx BoNdim /114y. T4.01 ir,v' DATE 7 i( 2 0 S CHECKED 3Ff 90" 11, s'-4 20A F //4'-fl v (Q-C( Ft Ca.use5 'ItcYrn Ez. t/Se S JOB NO 755 7tqi 017; PHASE O TASK <D1 n cos 0 rz e Mt ptwe 1 F .e.14eA OCC S t4 0 fi E Vz vie (lIvf rz IAA '1 SHEET I OF DATE Parametrix eowalLfi PROJECT PA/-f SIoPe 5 .616*a4"lnri BY 5012 DATE ?Az )06 SUBJECT tdAtt T 'anel 1 l..onc florre PlaX 141 "x Shear elth 1 fr SeIG 'pie :f NV T SHEET 7 OF CHECKED ,F DATE V /17705 JOB NO 755-71 iq f"ot3 PHASE OS TASK 04 G"!(W x Ii. L (s, Vt 1 l50ee.V) 62 tb /44 -4'f z -1-tvi, ED 4i-4+11 Q tv W z r r 24 Ib- {'4,44 tom a /g /b44/44- (iv: (74 1 li 424 16/c4 •w 53 414 (A) ti 96g 16004 Parametr/x PROJECT P/ L. t✓ Slo il; ;r.4`fe BY .S w DATE 7 44 05 CHECKED Jet SUBJECT 1,44/ ?Pim l t(pIxtri�1n Lye JOB NO 7.1 2/q/ 4 (3 SHEET 3 OF DATE V1 14 05- PHASE os TASK 44' 134 Na tn CA &tit, 4 (d- A(2)(.0 )(A5+) (0,417,s-0,464)(60X0 6 $6,5 -1` As+ 60X0: 1 4l5t)8 "vc. '(O,RSX612 q alSM F c- QLa 41);. Sheixe Cct c 14 v t`al 'e) ,51,,* r 4,3 l S6S 70K w rit 44 5e 8' ©c Z '1T-�c (t- fiYet) 7(0,4)470;444 SAKI ,z K/4 06)(114 i /r- �f Ate) 012g 1 ,z r?1*C?K (1,6 )(z4 11,4174, )0 ((NAY 0+ Z9,8 k f a Sa r m, f ok 4, old a/i (A.g 006(21S o,z /7.{, (or?6): 25,E K""A Ash 40-/ 7 F Q C�i� Dic jib�lCZr�� 6a.r, 36> ZS,q y c T r e C9, c o,z (d4R /2.A'G'� 0) (6'176- Z s R )6bYco it 3 q1. k et,/ C4 (66xoacis) 0,7Tq'r,, 37,s> 36 dj ok win VSc li@ R "4,c, lbA limn) r 0(7 k /P+ 61.6 Y. q6£r 4/ 16 i hoaa) r5' 1 r5 S SYi .:1 c) k. 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 Y I o 2500 n o I LL 2000 1500 1000 500 Force Balance rl Compressive Tensile Neutral Axis Location O Compression Centroid A Tension Centriod N 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 Neutral Axis Position Concrete Encased W Section Steel Shape W24x104 Conc Dia 36 inA2 Neutral Axis Location 6.71 in d 24.06 in Allowable Factored Moment 1031 kip -ft tw 0.5 in Lever Arm Distance 18.2 in bf 12 75 in Eqivalent Conc Tens Area 169 inA2 tf 0 75 in Eqivalent Conc Comp Area 198 inA2 A 30.4 inA2 Moment of Inertia of Conc Shape 57,227 inA4 Fy 36 ksi Statical Moment of Area (Q) 268.5 in ^3 F'c 4 ksi Ec 3604997 psi Es 29000000 psi n 8.044 Steps 5000 Phi Factor 0.90 y1 (for Q calc) 5.97 in Parametrix, Inc. June 17, 2005 We understand the current design calls for constructing a retaining wall on the order of 10 to 15 feet high. The bluff will be excavated down to MHHW at the wall location, and then cut to a maximum slope of 1H:1V ascending behind the toe of the wall. Secant drilled shafts will be drilled at this elevation; 48 -inch shafts filled with lean mix concrete will alternate with 36 -inch shafts with steel W- section beams and structural concrete. Pre -cast concrete panels will be used for lagging in the upper portion of the wall. The retaining wall will be backfilled with free draining gravel to create a level backslope. Wall drainage will provided by a perforated pipe that will transmit the water to the ends of the walls. Weep holes were avoided due to potential damage from wave action. The surface of this level backslope will be armored for wave protection. The 1H:1V cut slope will be protected from erosion by placing an erosion control mat and revegetating. In front of the wall, a section of the beach and underlying native soils will be replaced with armor stone and beach nourishment material. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on our understanding of the currently proposed utilization of the project site, as derived from layout drawings, written information, and verbal information supplied to us. Consequently, if any changes are made in the currently proposed project, we may need to modify our conclusions and recommendations contained herein to reflect those changes. SITE CONDITIONS Subsurface Conditions Seismic Conditions amec 5 -91 M- 14330 -C Page 2 For a more detailed description of the site, please refer to our September 28, 2004 Summary Report. A brief summary of conditions is provided below. Our previous subsurface explorations revealed that the bluff consists of landfill refuse and native very dense, sandy gravel (Advance Outwash), while the beach consists of landfill debris and beach deposits of loose sandy gravel, underlain by native dense to very dense sandy gravel (Advance Outwash). Our test pits encountered groundwater below the beach at elevations of 3 to 5 feet, however we expect groundwater to fluctuate with tidal influences and variations in seasonal flow from upland areas. The soils beneath the wall consist of dense to very dense sandy gravel, known as Advance Outwash. Based on these soil conditions, in accordance with the 2003 International Building Code (IBC) Table 1615.1.1, we recommend using Site Class C for seismic design purposes. It should be noted that the soils are not likely to liquefy during an earthquake due to the density and shear strength of the soil. W: \_Projects \14000s \14330 Parametrix, Inc \14330 -C\Port Angeles Wall Report.doc Parametrix, Inc. June 17, 2005 Based on USGS mapping in 2002, the following maximum considered spectral response accelerations should be used to determine the design response spectrum: A value of 1.0 should be used for site coefficient F and 1.35 for site coefficient F y In order to develop seismic earth pressures for the retaining wall design, we converted the spectral acceleration for short periods to an effective peak acceleration for short periods that equaled 0.3g. A horizontal coefficient of 0.3g was input into the software program Goldnail and the slope was analyzed by limited equilibrium methods to determine the additional lateral pressure applied to the wall during the design seismic event. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed retaining wall appears to be a feasible and effective means of stabilizing the steep slope. Regrading of the upper slope along with surface treatment will prevent erosion, while the retaining wall at the toe of the slope will prevent wave action from undercutting the toe of the slope. It should be noted that slope failures are still possible above the retaining wall due to the steepness of the cut slope. For instance, slope failure could occur during the design seismic event. We would anticipate such slope failures to be shallow sloughing rather than deep- seated rotational movement. We offer the following design and construction recommendations concerning soldier piles and lagging, construction considerations, and erosion protection. Soldier Piles amec Spectral Acceleration for short periods (S 112% of gravity (1.12g) Spectral Acceleration for a 1- second period (S 47% of gravity (0.47g) 5 -91M- 14330 -C Page 3 Pile Embedment: All soldier piles should have sufficient embedment below the final excavation level to provide adequate "kick -out" resistance to horizontal loads. We recommend a minimum embedment of 10 feet below the excavation base (below the toe armor). However, deeper embedments will probably be needed to develop adequate passive resistance. Drillina Conditions: Based on our explorations, we predict that dense to very dense sandy gravel with cobbles and silt will be encountered in the soldier pile drill holes. This soil is interpreted to be Advance Outwash deposits. It should be noted that cobbles and boulders were encountered in our explorations, and that drilling with a limited- access hollow -stem auger met with refusal in these deposits. It should be realized that difficult drilling is expected and obstructions could exist at random locations within these deposits. Applied Loads: Soldier piles should be designed to resist the various applied loads, which can be classified as static pressures, surcharge pressures, seismic pressures, and hydrostatic pressures. Our recommended design pressures are presented graphically on the enclosed Lateral Earth Pressure Diagram (Figure 8) and are discussed in the following paragraphs. W:\_Projects \14000s \14330 Parametrix, Inc114330 -C \Port Angeles Wall Report.doc ame0 Parametrix, Inc. 5 -91M- 14330 -C June 17, 2005 Page 4 Static Pressures: Static lateral earth pressures are assumed to act over the entire height of each soldier pile. From the top of the pile downward to the bottom of the beach nourishment. This static pressure should be applied over the soldier pile spacing; below this level, the pressure need be applied over only one pile diameter. We recommend using the active earth pressure, modeled as an equivalent fluid unit weight, shown on Figure 8. Surcharae Pressures: Lateral earth pressures acting on the soldier piles should be increased to account for surcharge loads resulting from any traffic, construction equipment, material stockpiles, or structures located within a horizontal distance equal to the wall height. We do not expect surcharges near the top of the wall unless they are related to construction activities. Seismic Pressures: Lateral earth pressures acting on permanent soldier piles should be increased to account for seismic loadings, which are applied over the piles in a similar manner as the static pressures. Based on the IBC design seismic acceleration and a wall height of "H" feet, we recommend that the seismic loadings be modeled as the uniform horizontal pressure shown on Figure 8. Hydrostatic Pressures: We understand that groundwater could build up behind the wall to the elevation of the drain pipe. In order to provide an adequate fall to the drain outlets at the ends of the wall, the high point of the pipe must be placed above the toe of the wall. Figure 8 displays the hydrostatic pressure that should be added to the static pressure for design. Where adequate drainage is provided behind the wall, we expect that hydrostatic pressures will not develop. Resistina Forces: Lateral resistance can be computed by using an allowable passive earth pressure acting over the embedded depth of each soldier pile, as shown on Figure 8. We recommend ignoring any passive resistance within the beach nourishment due to the possibility of this material being washed away by wave action. The passive pressure should be applied over a lateral distance equal to the pile spacing or twice the pile diameter, whichever is less. Resisting Wave Forces: Wave forces acting on the face of the wall can be resisted by the retaining wall backfill passive pressure. An allowable passive pressure of 250 pcf may be used as an equivalent fluid weight, neglecting the upper two feet of the wall. Soldier Pile Vertical Resistance: In order to resist any vertical loads exerted on the pile, an allowable skin friction of 300 psf, and an allowable end bearing of 30,000 psf may be used. These values can be applied to the drilled shaft perimeter and area, respectively. Lagging We recommend that lagging be installed between all adjacent soldier piles to reduce the potential for soil failure, loss of ground, and hazardous working conditions. W: \_Projects\14000s \14330 Parametrix, Inc \14330- C1Port Angeles Wall Report.doc Parametrix, Inc. June 17, 2005 Laggina Materials: We recommend precast concrete lagging be utilized at the site. amec 5 -91 M- 14330 -C Page 5 Lateral Pressures: Due to soil arching effects, temporary lagging that spans 8 feet or less need be designed for only 25 percent of the lateral earth pressure previously recommended for soldier pile design. Permanent lagging, on the other hand, should be designed for 50 percent of this same lateral earth pressure. Backfillina: We understand that the existing slope will be excavated back to form a 1H:1V slope rising from the toe of the retaining wall. The wall will then be backfilled to create a level surface between the wall and the cut slope. We recommend backfilling the wall with an angular gravel, such as Shoulder Ballast or Quarry Spalls. This has several advantages, most importantly it provides good drainage behind the wall and the material has high shear strength, which reduces the earth pressure on the wall. Drainaae Systems: We recommend placing a rigid continuous horizontal perforated pipe within the wall backfill at the lowest feasible elevation. The pipe should be sloped to drain so that water is discharged beyond the retaining wall. We understand that the drain will discharge beyond the ends of the wall, and that weep holes will not be used because of potential wave damage. Construction Considerations Construction Seauencina: Excavation of the cut slope should occur first, followed by installation of the soldier piles. Excavation in front of the wall and backfill with toe armor should be complete prior to backfilling behind the wall. Beach nourishment can be placed concurrent with wall backfill. This sequence is intended to maintain temporary wall stability by avoiding unbalanced forces on the wall. Construction Monitorina: We recommend that an AMEC representative be retained to continuously monitor the excavations, installation of all soldier piles and backfill, in order to verify that suitable depths are reached and suitable soil conditions are encountered. This monitoring program would include observation and documentation of installation procedures, construction materials, drilling conditions, soil conditions, and pile installation. Erosion Protection Permanent Cut Slope: We understand the backslope area will be regarded, by removal of much of the refuse, to create a slope of 1H:1V (Horizontal:Vertical). We anticipate that a portion of the exposed cut will be in the native advance outwash sands and gravels. The central portion of the cut will likely expose more mixed soil and refuse. These soil /refuse materials have been observed to be stable (until undercut at the toe by wave action). Erosion Control Fabric: To protect the exposed soils and refuse from erosion and sloughing, we recommend covering the cut slope with staked erosion control fabric. For this application, we recommend using North American Green SC150 erosion control fabric, or an approved equivalent. This geofabric should be used in conjunction with a hydroseed, compost and tackifier mix, so that grass vegetation can be re- established within two years. The geofabric should be deployed, overlapped and staked in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. W:\_Projects\14000s \14330 Parametrix, Inc \14330 -C \Port Angeles Wall Report.doc Parametrix, Inc. June 17, 2005 CLOSURE The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based, in part, on previous subsurface explorations; therefore, if variations in the subsurface conditions are disclosed at a later time, we may need to modify this report to reflect those changes. AMEC is available to provide geotechnical monitoring, soils and concrete testing, and other services throughout construction. We appreciate the opportunity to be of continued service on this project. If you have any questions regarding this report or any aspects of the project, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, AMEC Earth Environmental, Inc. James S. Dransfield, P.E. Principal Distribution: Mr. Stephen Dorau, Parametrix, Inc. Todd D. Wentworth, P.E., L. Senior Engineer amect Enclosures: Figure 8 Lateral Earth Pressure Diagram Cantilever Soldier Pile Wall 5 -91 M- 14330 -C Page 6 W:\ \14330 Parametrix, Inc\14330-C Port Angeles Wall Report.doc Parametrix, Inc. June 17, 2005 DISTRIBUTION LIST Recipient dies 1. Parametrix, Inc. Stapled: 1331 Seventeenth Street, Suite 606 Facsimile: Denver, CO 80202 2. 3. 4. Attn: Mr. Stephen Dorau Phone: Fax: Attn: Phone: Fax: Attn: Phone: Fax: Attn: Phone: Fax: amec 5 -91 M- 14330 -C Page 7 Stapled: Facsimile: Stapled: Facsimile: Stapled: Facsimile: W: \_Projects \14000s \14330 Parametrix. Inc \14330 -C \Port Angeles Wall Report.doc m E 0 m n o) U, 0 0 N N 0 U 0 LJ CC w D J W w� w w> 0 NOTES: amec 0 z 0 AMEC EARTH 8 ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 11335 N.E. 122nd Way, Suite 100 Kirkland, WA, U.S.A. 98034 -6918 REGRADED SLOPE 6H PSF 45 PCF SEISMIC HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE PRESSURE 1 H PCF ACTIVE PRESSURE SOLDIER PILE WALL (TYPICAL) BEACH NOURISHMENT 250 PCF ALLOWABLE PASSIVE PRESSURE 1. FOR SOLDIER PILE SPACING OF 8 FEET OR LESS, LAGGING SHOULD BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND 50% OF APPARENT EARTH PRESSURE. PORT ANGELES LANDFILL PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON ARMOR STONE 2. PASSIVE PRESSURE HAS BEEN REDUCED BY A FACTOR OF 1.5 IN ORDER TO LIMIT DEFORMATION. FOR SEISMIC DESIGN, PASSIVE PRESSURE MAY BE INCREASED BY ONE THIRD. 3. SEE REPORT TEXT FOR ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE DIAGRAM CANTILEVER FIGURE SOLDIER PILE WALL 8