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240 W Front St Technical Plan Check Corrections 02-16-09 e-mailed - Building
TECHNICAL Permit Og Address c7 ilk ":5( f Project description R 1 of Pfd C yOrYlniSrC-i a i+ o n ge4-nod e� Date the permit was finaled CoO i ssu-a 3 /s( io Number of technical pages aV) C ^ec,k cotr )64-d z- t6^ 09 e- meekla�l `fa Sm (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf california OFFICE LOCATIONS STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS plan check corrections PORT ANGELES FAMILY MEDICAL CLINIC 240 W FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98363 2006 IBC /ASCE7 -05 by 365 ERICKSEN AVE NE #328 BAINBRIDGE ISLAND WA 98110 206 780 -6822 629 STATE STREET #228 SANTA BARBARA CA 93101 805-452 -8152 G.'F F ,I R it V Ulf :E sui r 100 UA50 -UBLE C; E34 805 -15, 5152 MAIL DELIVERIES nbse associates 321 HIGH SCHOOL ROAD NE STE. D -3 PMB 216 BAINBRIDGE ISLAND WA 98110 O 206 780 6822 C 206 300 2346 F 206 780 6683 F 208 693 3667 bart @nbse.com civil structural engineers 2 -16 -2009 I EXR RES2f>-2011 idaho washington oregon Page 1 ji 1l (2/23%2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2_17 2009.pdf Page 3 ark -ra. Y v� y;• s �F; ;mss_ =.ia Vii' ni�[i11 0rda7 C:1 ia T�.atf.s 11 Please clarify what pages of the calculations show the wind and seismic loads indicated on the sketch on page 40 of calculations. Also clarify the load at the interior shear wall location for wind in the north /south direction on sheet 41 2. Please clarify how lateral loads are transferred back into Grid Line B for the second story floor area extending out south of Grid Line B It should be noted that section B /S302 doesn't show blocking between the joists. 13. Please clarify how lateral loads are transferred between shear walls along Grid Line B at the roof and the second floor It appears that the beams are acting as a drag /y struts. How are they connected to the ends of the shear walls to provide transfer of lateral loads? 16. Holdowns appear to missing from the plans for shear wall #4 #5, and #6, #15. 17 Shear walls #16 and #17 appear to have loads in excess of the shears wall called out on plans. 18. Shear wall #16 holdowns do not have required capacity for load in calculations. Please note that Simpson 2009 -2010 book used as reference. 19 Shear wall #17 calculations show special holdowns which do not appear to be shown on plans (the HDU -8 holdowns shown do not appear to have adequate capacity). Please note that foundation and holdown anchor bolt calculations shall be provided for required load. 14 Please clarify how second floor lateral loads are resisted at elevator end of second floor walkway Grid Line C. /15. Please clarify shear wall design printouts. There appear to be shear walls that have heights that do not match the heights of the walls on the plans or other shear walls along the same line. Examples are shear walls #4 #5 and #6 although this occurs in other locations on the plans. It may be that I do not understand your methodology but please clarify 20. Shear wall #22 appears to have loads in excess of shear wall called out on the plans. The calculations show special holdowns which do not appear to be shown on plans (the HDU -5 holdowns shown do not appear to have adequate capacity). Please note that foundation and holdown anchor bolt calculation shall be provided for required load. ��l P6 C p t' PG 7.# 132/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC Correction-s-2 17 2009.pdf Feb 19 09 12 55p Nbse 18052381601 P 3 Page 3 •:Y, Family Medicine 1 21 Please clarify how lateral loads are transferred into the top of the interior shear walls. 1 22. Engineer shall specify holdown anchor bolts on plans for clarification. 7on"7' y 23. Clarify how holdown loads at shear wall #12 are transferred to the foundation. It i 1 appears that this wall sits over a beam so what holds the ends of the beam down J and transfers the load into the foundation. o 24 Shear wall calculations indicate requirement for D.F #1 studs at holdown locations while structural notes call for studs to be stud grade, please clarify 0 25. Please clarify sill connection in shear wall schedule for walls #2 and #3 where schedule calls for 16d when a 3x for 4x sill is required per the remarks. 26. How are interior partitions being laterally supported for required lateral loads of IBC. 1 1607 13? C:i'f 0, r�)d 27 Structural engineer shall review and approve sprinkler system drawings for compliance with structural provisions. Engineer shall verify that sprinkler system collateral load used in design of building conforms to the actual loads of the sprinkler system. Engineer shall review and approve sprinkler system prior to framing r,F inspection. 28. Please provide calculations to justify use of existing purlins with additional load of sprinkler piping as discussed in item #27 above. 29 Foundation plans appears to show dowels from existing concrete slab to new slab and /or grade beam at Grid Line Ba but nothing appears to be called out, please clarify 30 Please identify joist and beam hangers used in the floor framing in the area of the stairway There appears to be beam and joist hangers which are not specified. 31 Clarify floor framing between the stairway /elevator to the main second floor area. Is the one LVL beam hanging off the other one or are they being supported by the existing slab along the stairway wall? 32. Please clarify framing and bracing details for parapet framing mechanical area shown on Sheet S301 and S302. There appears to be discrepancies between the sections. Are the studs running down along the joists to provide lateral stability? It is not clear from the plan what is occurring in this area. 33. There appears to be louvers being i frames on the building exterior as s structural calculations and details fo not appear to even be detailed on t instal and conn ho n^ on the arc these items. e architec cted to the existing rigid ectural plans. Please provide should be noted that these do al plans. Page 4 ir(2/23/2009) Jamei tierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Feb 1 9 09 12 55p LOAD TABLES ROOFING FRAMING PLYWOOD MECHANICAL INSULATION CEILING MISCELLANEOUS D+L FLOORING FRAMING PARTMON PLYWOOD MECHANICAL INSULATION CEIUNG MISCELLANEOUS ROOF LOADS D+L LOADING free DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD(SNOW) FLOOR LOADS HEW 111.2SQUIg DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD Hbse WEIGHT 6.0 3.0 3.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 1.0 WEIGHT 3.0 3.0 20.0 3.0 1.0 0.5 2.0 0.5 4- .1111■■■ 33.0 41-- 50.0 100 cf.. ASSY DEAD LOA 1 8 0 5 238 1 0 1 PROJECT FMPA SEISMIC FING FRAMING PLYWOOD MECHANICAL INSULATION CEILING MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR PARTITION EXTERIOR PARTITION SEISMIC DEAD LOAD DEAD LQAD FOR SEISMIC ITEM FLOORING FRAMING PARTITION PLYWOOD MECHANICAL INSULATION CEILING MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR PARTITION EXTERIOR PARTITION D+L *II° 04‘19,St-.0 ,‘(7 tp f 0-#0 1.("OVJGerW(° 30 g(it IA&V $1 t o v p, ,11 ritioue,40d7 ho v r it-v;to 04)il df DEAD LOAD 04114RO 14. toils 0.5 0.5 2.0 1.0 4.0 8.0 28.0 4 WEIGHT 3.0 3.0 10.0 3.0 1.0 0.5 2.0 0.5 6.0 10.0 39.0 .4-- P 4 Page 5 II 11p/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf� _Page 611 Feb 19 09 12 55p Nbse nbse associates civil structural engineers office 365 Erickson Ave. NE 8328 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Soo. .2' S3r •d ii gar_ C L. 10 For 4- man deliveries: 321 High School Rd. NE PMB 215 Ste 53 Banbridge Island. WA 98110 0: 206-780-6822 F 206 780 -6683 C: 206- 300 -2346 ba rt@nbse.com califomia Mr W F Hennessey M D 240 Front Street Port Angeles, WA 98363 18052381601 P 5 Bart Needham, SE February 16, 2009 Project: FMPA 240 W Front St. Port Angeles, WA 98363 existing building analysis Dear Mr Hennessey' This letter will address the structural issues regarding the existing building at the new clinic location on Front Street. Currently pending, the City of Port Angeles maintains that the new occupancy of the structure constitutes a change in use, as determined during the plancheck process for this project, as outlined in the 2006 IBC It is prudent to address these issues and keep the project moving forward. I recommend the following as this wall loosely agreed to in our meeting on Thursday February 12th, at the offices of the City of Port Angeles: 1 We have voluntarily upgraded the existing building by removing the existing masonry infill block walls adding chevron type bracing for north -south lateral loads strengthening the roof by adding rod bracing 2. Continue permitted work with the foundation shell, until the entire issue with the City of Port Angeles comes to a satisfactory conclusion. 3 Provide an analysis of the building based on the AISC 9th Edition in lieu of the requirments of AISC 360. This should satisfy the majority of the requirments for the building 4 Provide and examination of the existing welds of the existing building to determine if any repairs are warranted I aniticipate this will help bring this to a satisfying conclusion. If there are any questions or comments, please call 206 780 -6822. washington oregon Idaho IL(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 f7 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 12 56p LOAD TABLES ROOFING FRAMING metal deck MECHANICAL INSULATION CEILING MISCELLANEOUS ROOF LOADS Nbse OH LOADING 'TEN IIFJGHT 4.0 4.0 2.0 1,0 2.0 0.0 1.0 DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD(SNOW) D+L 44.0 SEISMIC DEAD LOAD MATERIAL WEIGHTS (where used) 8' CONCRETE BLOCK 2X4 I6 2X6 16" y mo vA.1 2)-_• 3 D X 20 Co PROJECT FIAPA (mdsriep aep) MEAD LOAD FOR SEISMIC /TEM ROOFING FRAMING metal deck MECHANICAL INSULATION CEILING MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR PARTITION/WALL EXTERIOR PAR7ITION/WALL 96 PSF 5 PSF OF FLOOR AREA e PSF OF FLOOR AREA 18052381601 P 6 WEIGHT 4.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 CO,/ 3.0 F.0 23.0 Pe- 6 Page 711 11(2/23/2009) James _Liierly 240w,front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Page 8 Feb 19 09 12 56p Nbse Bart PROJECT Needham CLIENT JOB NO.. DATE Wind Analysis for Low -rise Building, Based on ASCE 7-05 IBC 20061 CBC 2007 INPUT DATA Exposure category (B. C D) d Importance factor, pg 77 (0.87 1.0 or 1.15) I 1.00 Basic wind speed (IBC Tab 1609.3.1 Vro) V 100 mph Topographic factor (Sec., pg 265 45) K 1 Building height to eave h 26 It Building height to ridge Building length Building width Effective area of components DESIGN SUMMARY Max horizontal force normal to building length, L, face 47.58 lops Max horizontal force normal to building length, B, face 9.27 kips Max total horizontal torsional load 552.19 ft -kips Max total uoward force 37.11 kips ANALYSIS Velocity pressure qh= 0.00258 KhKriK4 24.65 psi L where: q velocity pressure at mean roof height, h. (Eq. 6.15, page 27) K velocity pressure exposure coefficient evaluated at height, h, (Tab. 6-3, Case 1,pg 79) 1.13 Kd wind directionality factor. (Tab. 6-4, for building. page 80) 0.86 h mean roof height 26.00 ft Design pressures for MWFRS p qh 1IG Cpr) -(G C )1 where: p pressure in appropriate zone. (Eq. 6-18, page 28). G C product of gust effect factor and external pressure coefficient, see table below. (Fig. 6-10, page 53 8 54) G C r product of gust effect factor and internal pressure coetficlent.(Fig. 6-5, Enclosed Building, page 47) 0.18 or .0.18 a width of edge strips, Fig 6-10, note 9, page 54, MAX[ MIN(0.1 B, 0.4h), 0.048,31 3.00 ft Net Pressures (osf), Basic Load Cases Net Pressures (psi), Torsional Load Cases I Roof angle 0 0.00 I Roof angle 0 0.00 I I Roof angle 0 0.00 I Societe I I Net Pressure whh with I Surface I Net Pressure with I G Co- I (aGC I (GCpt) I GCpi I(•GC,i) GCai) I I Net Pressure I GC" I(aGCp,)I (acv,) IT 0.40 1.35 3.56 2T -0.69 5.34 3.13 3T -0.37 -3.37 117 4T -0.29 -2.88 -0.67 I Roof angle 0 0.00 I Surface Net Pressure with I I(TGCr )I I 1T 0.40 1.35 3.56 2T -0.69 -5.34 -3.13 3T -0.37 -3.37 -1.17 4T -0.29 -2.88 -0.67 2 3 4 1E 2E 3E 4E 5 6 h 26 ft L 105 ft B 18 ft A 10 ft 0.40 5.40 14.24 0.40 5.40 14.24 -0.69 -21.35 -12.52 -0.69 -21,35 -12.52 -0.37 13.50 -4.66 -0.37 -13.50 -4.66 -0.29 11.54 -2.70 -0.29 11.54 -2.70 0.61 10.55 19.39 0.61 10.55 19.39 1.07 30.68 -21.85 1.07 -30.68 -21.85 -0.53 17 43 -8.59 -0.53 -17 43 -8.59 -0.43 -14.97 -6.14 -0.43 -14.97 -6.14 -0.45 -15.46 -6.63 -0.45 -15.46 -6.63 -0.45 -15.46 -6.63 -0.45 -15.46 -6.63 Transv se Direction Longitudinal Direction Basic Load Cases 18052381601 P 7 PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY. j e i Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction Torsional Load Cases P6. IL(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Feb 19 09 12 56p Nbse 18052381601 p 8 Basic Load Cases In Transverse Direction Area I Pressum(kl with I Surface (ft) (GCei) I 1 2574 13.90 36.64 2 891 -19.03 11 15 3 891 -12.03 -4.16 4 2574 -29.69 -6.95 1E 156 1.65 3.02 2E 54 -1.66 -1.18 3E 54 -0.94 -0.46 4E 156 -2.34 -0.96 I Ve I+ rt. I -33.65 I -16.95 110 psf min I Horlz. I 27.30 27.30 I Sec. Vert. 18.90 -18.90 Design pressures for components and cladding p= gh[(GCp) (G 00)) where: p pressure on component. (Eq. 6-22, pg 28) Pmin 10 psf (Sec. 6.1.42, p9 21) G C, external pressure coefficient, see table below. (Fig. 6-t t, page 55-58) Comp. Cladding Pressure lest) Basic Load Cases in Longitudinal Direction I Surface I Pressure (kl with I (fe) I +GC I Cep,) I 1 312 1.68 4.44 2 630 -13.45 -7.89 3 630 -8.50 -2.94 4 312 3,60 -0.84 1E 156 1.65 3.02 2E 315 -9.66 -6.88 3E 315 5,49 -2.71 4E 156 -2.34 -0.96 9.27 I I Vert. 1 37.11 -20.1 I 10 psfmi 4.68 I Sec.6. I Vert. -18.90 I 18-90 Walls Zone l I Zeee 2 Zone 3 I Zone 4 I Zone 5 Positive I Np,1ive I Positive I NpWve Poeluve I Nspoev, Positive I W rOic. I Positive I Nenmie. 11.78 f -28.96 1 11.78 I -48.60 11.78 I -73.14 26.51 I -28.72 I 26.51 I -35.35 Torsional Load Cases in Transverse Direction Torsional Load Cases in Longitudinal Direction Area Pressure Oil with I Tersmn Ift-k) Area I Pressure k wRh I Torsron ft( k) Surface 1e) (+Ge -GC I (+GC,,)I (-GC, Surface (ft) I +GCei) GC,,) I (+GC,.)1 (-GC 1 1209 6.53 17.21 162 426 1 78 0.42 1.11 1 2 2 419 -8.94 5.24 0 0 2 315 -6.73 3.94 0 0 3 419 5.65 1.95 0 0 3 315 -4.25 -147 0 0 4 1209 13.95 3.26 345 81 4 78 -0.90 -0.21 1 0 1E 156 1.65 3.02 82 150 1E 156 1.65 3.02 10 18 2E 54 1.66 -118 0 0 2E 315 -9.66 -6.88 0 0 3E 54 -0.94 -0.46 0 0 3E 315 -5.49 -2.71 0 D 4E 156 -2.34 -0.96 116 47 4E 156 -2.34 -0.96 14 6 IT 1365 1.84 4.86 -48 128 IT 234 0.32 0.83 1 -4 2T 473 -2.52 -1.48 0 0 2T 630 -3.36 -1.97 0 0 37 473 -1.59 -0.55 0 0 3T 630 -2.13 -0.73 0 0 47 1365 3.94 -0.92 -103 -24 4T 234 -0.67 -0.16 3 1 Total Horiz. Torsional Load, WI 552 I 552 Total Horiz Torsional Load, M I 21.4 I 21.4 5 8 1,8 3` 3 z '.3 3: ',S Roof Roof I Moony Zone I I Zonc2 Zone 3 Zone4 I Zone 5 Area (n') ce, I GC, I GC,. I -cc, 43c, I -GC, I GC, I CC, I of I -GC, I Come, I 10 I 0.30 I -1.00 I 0,30 I -1.80 0.30 I -2.80 I 0.90 I -0.99 I 0.90 I 1.26 (Walls reduced 10 Fig. 6-1 to note 5.) g 1023/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 pdf Page 101 Building length Building width Effective area of components DESIGN SUMMARY Max horizontal force normal to building length, L, face Max horizontal force normal to building length, B, face Max total horizontal torsional load Max total uoward force ANALYSIS Velocity pressure q 0.00256 23.28 psf whore: q velocity pressure at mean roof height, It (Eq. 6-15, page 27) Kh velocity pressure exposure coefficient evaluated at height, h, (Tab. 6-3, Case t.pg 79) Ka wind directionality factor. (Tab. 6-4, for building, page 80) h mean roof height Oesian pressures for MWFRS p gh l(G C HG Cpi where: p pressure in appropriate zone. (Eq. 6-18, page 28). G C product of gust effect factor and external pressure coefficient see table below. (Fig. 6-10, page 53 54) G C product of gust effect factor and internal pressure coefficient.(Fig. 6-5, Enclosed Building, page 47) 0.18 or -0.18 a width of edge strips, Fig 6-10, note 9, page 54, MAXI MtN(0.1 B, 0.4h). 0.048,3] 7.60 ft Net Pressures (psf), Basic Load Cases I Roof angle 0 5.71 I Surface G C I Net Pressure with I p +GC (GCpl) 1 1 0.41 527 13.65 2 -0.69 -20.26 -11.87 3 -0.38 12.93 -4.55 4 -0.30 -11.10 -2.72 1E 0.62 10.22 18.80 2E 1.07 -29.10 -20.72 3E -0.54 -16.71 -8.33 4E 0.44 14.43 6.05 5 -0.45 -14.67 -6.29 6 -0.45 14.67 -6.29 GCpr 0.40 -0.69 -0.37 -0.29 0.61 -1.07 -0.53 -0.43 -0.45 -0.45 Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction Basic Load Cases L 105 ft B 120 ft A 10 ft Roof angle 0 0.00 I 1 Net Pressure with I I (.'GC„,) -GCpi) 5.12 -20.26 -12.81 -10.94 10.01 -29.10 -16.53 -14.20 -14.67 -14.67 13.50 -11.87 -4.42 -2.56 18.39 -20.72 -8.15 -5.82 -6.29 -6.29 Net Pressures (psf), Torsional Load Cases I Roof angle 9 5.71 I Surface Net Pressure with I 00 (+GC p1 )I(-GC p .)1 17 0.41 1.32 3.41 2T -0.69 -5.06 -2.97 3T -0.38 -323 -1.14 47 -0.30 -2.77 -0.68 Roof angle 0 0.00 Surface I Net Pressure with G I( .Gcp,)1(-GI IT 0.40 1.28 3.38 27 -0.69 -5.06 -2.97 3T -0.37 -3.20 1.11 4T -0.29 -2.74 -0.64 E 24.43 kips 38.71 kips 563.47 ft -kips 220.57 !dos Rif CREWE COR rA 1.07 0.85 1920 ft Or 2r e pfdCrrxl Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction Torsional Load Cases PG 1 I; (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.01 Feb 19 09 12 5'7p Nbse 18052381601 p 10 Basic Load Cases in Transverse Direction Are I Pressure 0d with I Surface I I GC I -GC,') I 1 1437 7.57 19.61 2 5415 109.69 -64.30 3 5415 -70.00 -24.61 4 1437 -15.94 3.90 1E 243 2.49 4.52 2E 917 -26.68 -18.99 3E 917 -15.31 -7.63 4E 243 3.51 -1.47 I Vert. I I 220.57 114.96 I 1 10 Se pst mi I Horiz. I 23.10 23.10 c s 1.4 t Vert. 126.00 126.00 Torsional Load Cases in Transverse Direction Area I Pressure (k)with I Torsion(Rac) I Surfac (ft) I +GC *GCoi)1 1 597 3.14 8.14 71 183 2 2249 -45.55 -26.71 -102 -60 3 2249 -29.08 10.22 65 23 4 597 -6.62 1.62 149 36 1E 243 2.49 4.52 112 203 2E 917 -26.68 18.99 -119 -85 3E 917 15.31 7.63 68 34 4E 243 3.51 -147 158 66 17 840 1.11 2.87 -29 -75 2T 3166 16.03 -9.40 42 25 3T 3166 10.23 3.60 -27 -9 4T 84D -2.33 -0.57 -61 -15 Total Horiz. Torsional Load, Mr I 326 I 326 I Design pressures for components and eladdina p= gh[(GCp) (GCp)] where. p e pressure on component. (Eq. 6-22, pg 28) p 10 psi (Sec., pg 21) G C external pressure coefficient. see table below. (Fig. 6-11, page 55 Basic Load Cases in Longitudinal Direction Surface Are I Pressure (k1 with I On I +GC I (MCP I 1 2025 10.37 27.35 2 5529 112.01 -65.66 3 5529 -70.81 -24.46 4 2025 -22.16 -5.19 1E 255 2.55 4.69 2E 802 -23.34 16.62 3E 802 13.26 -6.54 4E 255 -3.62 1.48 38.71 Vert -218.32 I 1112.71 10 psf min I Hord. I 22.80 I 22.80 I Sec. 614.1 Vert. 126.00 126.00 Torsional Load Cases in Longitudinal Direction Surface I Aria I Pressure (k) wnh I Torsion (ft k) I (ft') +GCpt) I +GCpi)I I 1 885 4.53 11.95 98 258 2 4727 95.76 56.14 250 147 3 4727 -60.54 -20.91 -158 55 4 885 -9.69 -2.27 209 49 1E 255 2.55 4.69 133 245 2E 802 43.34 16.62 61 43 3E 602 -13.26 -6.54 35 17 4E 255 -3.62 -148 189 78 17 1140 1.46 3.85 -41 109 2T 5529 -28.00 -16.41 -146 -86 3T 5529 17.70 -6.12 92 32 4T 1140 -3.12 -0.73 -89 -21 I Total Horiz. Torsional Load, Mr I 563.5 I 563.5 Walls 2 2 Roof Roof I Meetly I Zone I Zone2 I Zone3 Zone I Zone Amalfi) I ea 1 -cc. I ac. I ec I cc. I -cc I cc, I -cc, i cc, I -GC. I Como. I 10 I 0.30 I 1.00 I 0.30 I -1.80 I 0.30 I -2.80 I 0.90 I -0.99 I 0.90 I -1.26 (Walls reduced 10 Fig. 6-11A note 5.) Comp. Cladding I Zone 1 I Zane 2 I Zone 3 I Zone 4 I Zone5 Pressu I Positive I Merin. I Positive I ieean,. I Positive I N.endve I rerwe I N I Positive I Merely. 1 P I 11.18 I -27.47 1 11.18 I -46.10 I 11.18 I -69.38 I 25.15 I -27.24 I 25.15 I 33.53 PG Page 11 IJ (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 12 57p nbse associates STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Nbse ewe way PMB 194 Belle .WA 980D4 (425) 418-8502 629 Stele Street #230 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 452-8152 321 High School Rd. NE #216 Balnbndge Island, WA 98110 (206) 780-5333 JOB TITLE: SUBJECT. JOB NO. 18052381601 p 11 SHEET NO. DESIGNER: DATE: Page 1.211 1[(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Page 1311 Feb 19 09 12 58p Nbse I Re, 560100 User: KW-0605631, ye 56.1 25-06 -2002 (c)1963 -2002 ENERCALC Eng! oaring Sonware Description FLOOR BEAM FB -1 I General Information i Section Name Prllm: 5.25x11.875 Beam Width 5.250 in Beam Depth 11.875 in Member Type GluLam Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Point Loads Dead Load y 4 1,800.0lbs J Ibs Live Load 2,600.0 lbs lbs .distance 4.000 ft 0.000 ft Summary Span= 9.50ft. Beam Width 5.250in x Depth 11.875in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 2,164.89 psi Fb 2,900.00 psi Deflections Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length/Deft Camber using 1.5 D.L. Center Left Right 1.000 Pin -Pin 22.26 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 300.00 #/ft #/ft #,ft 0.747 1 22.3 k -ft 29.8 k -ft at 4.028 ft at 9.500 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 29.82 fv 160.86 psi Fv 290.00 psi Dead Load��� Y Total Load -0.074 in 4.636 ft 1,537 4 Defl 0.111 in 0.000 in 0.000 in General Timber Beam Center Span 9.50 .Lu Left Cantilever ft .Lu Right Cantilever ft .Lu Truss Joist MacMillan, Parallam 2.0E Fb Base Allow 2,900.0 psi Fv Allow 290.0 psi Fc Allow 650.0 psi E 2,000.0 ksi lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft -0.227 in 4.636 ft 502.01 Title Dsgnr- Description Scope Reactions. Left DL Right DL 18052381601 LL 800.00 #/ft LL #/ft LL #/ft Maximum Shear Allowable Shear Camber. 2.47 k 2.18 k Left Cantilever. Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever. Deflection .LengthlDefl 1.5 Job Date: 3:15PM, 17 FEB 09 Page 1 c i Umpe pe.ecw,Celculeti a Left Right Left Center Right Max Max 0.000 in 0.0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 10.0 k 18.1 k 7.77 k 7.08 k 0.000 in 0.111 in 0.000 in 7.77k 7.08 k p 12 0.0 Ibs lbs 0.000 ft Beam Design OK Dead Load Total Load 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.0 0.0 0.000 in (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Page 1411 Feb 19 09 12 59p Nbse Rw: 060100 Use KW-C605631, Ver 5.6.1, 25-00-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineer ng Softare General Timber Beam Description roof beam R13-2 I General Information Section Name 5.125x16.5 Beam Width 5.125 in Beam Depth Member Type Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Deflections Center Span. Deflection .Location length/Deft Camber using 1.5 Center a Left Right Center Left Support Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv. Allowable Bearing Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction 16.500 in GluLam 1.150 Pin-Pin -0.516 in 12 875 ft 599.3 D.L. Dell 0.773 in 0.000 in 0.000 In Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 20.711 Le Cv 0.949 Rb 0.000 ft 0.000 Max Moment 37.30 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Left Support 7.79 k 35.638 in2 218.50 psi 5.79 k 5.79 k Sax Cl Title Dsgrir• Description Scope i Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL 180.00 #/ft LL 270.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft 18052381601 Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir 24F V8 Fb Base Allow 2,400.0 psi Fv Allow 190.0 psi Fc Allow 560.0 psi E 1,800.0 ksi 25.75 ft .Lu ft .Lu ft .Lu Summary 11 Span=25.75ft, Beam Width 5.125in x Depth 16.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.735 1 Maximum Moment 37.3 k-ft Maximum Shear 1.5 Allowable 50.8 k-ft Allowable Max. Positive Moment 37.30k-ft at 12.875 ft Shear Left Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k-ft at 25.750 ft Right Max Left Support 0.00 k-ft Camber Left Max Right Support 0.00 k-ft Center Max. M allow 50.76 Reactions. Right tb 1,924.63 psi fv 92.08 psi Left DL 2.32 k Max Fb 2,619.53 psi Fv 218.50 psi Right DL 2.32 k Max Dead Loag Total Load Left Cantilever. Dead Load Total Load 1.289 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in 12.875 ft .Length/Defl 0.0 0.0 239.72 Right Cantilever. Deflection .Length/Defl 232.547 in3 Area 84.563 in2 0.000 Slot Redd Allowable ft) 170.86 in3 2,619.53 psi 0.00 in3 2,619.53 psi 0.00 in3 2,619.53 psi Right Support 7 79 k 35.638 in2 218.50 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd 2.019 in 2.019 in 0.000 in 0.0 7.8 k 18.5 k p 13 Job Date: 2:33PM, 17 FEB 09 Page 1 clec5511mpa pe.evr.Celculatio 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Beam Design OK 5.79 k 5.79 k 0.000 in 0.773 in 0.000 in 5.79 k 5.79 k 0.000 in 0.0 /3 W2723/2009) Janeifie front street FiC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Page 1511 Feb 19 09 12 59p Nbse I Description roof beam RB-2 (a) General Information Section Name 5.125x18.0 Center Span Beam Width 5.125 in Left Cantilever Beam Depth 18.000 in Right Cantilever Member Type GluLam Douglas Fir, 24F Fb Base Allow Load Dur Factor 1.150 Fv Allow Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Fc Allow E Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL 320.00 4/ft LL Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL Right Cantilever DL 4/ft LL Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow lb 2,161 73 psi Fb 2,594.33 psi Deflection .Location length/Defl Camber using 1.5 Center Left Right Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 20.711 Cv 0.940 Center Left Support Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction I Deflections Center Span. Dead Load Le Rb 49.85 k-ft -0.734 in 13.000 ft 425.2 D.L Den 1 101 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.00 k-ft 7.67 k 7.67 k 0.833 1 49.9 k-ft 59.8 k at 13.000 ft at 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 59.83 fv 110.75 psi Fv 218.50 psi Title Dsgnr: Description Scope V8 Summary Span= 26.00ft, Beam Width 5.125in x Depth 18.in, Ends are Pin Reactions. Left DL Right DL 0.000 It Sax 276.750 in3 0.000 Cl 0.000 Max Moment Sax Redd 49.85 k-ft 230.60 in3 0.00 k-ft 0.00 in3 0.00 k-ft 0.00 in3 Left Support Right Support 10.22 k 10.22 k 46.757 in2 46.757 in2 218.50 psi 218.50 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd 18052381601 4/ft Maximum Shear Allowable Shear* Camber: 4.16 k 4.16 k L Area 92.250 in2 Allowable fb 2,594.33 psi 2,594.33 psi 2,594.33 psi 74O. 1.5 10.2 k 20.2 k Left 7.67k Right 7.67 k Left 0.000 in Center 1 101 in Right 0.000 in Max 7.67k Max 7.67 k 2.672 in 2.672 in 0.000 in p 14 Job Date: 2:55PM, 17 FEB 09 Re 560100 Page User KW-06115631, Ver 5.6.1, 25-Oct-2002 General Timber Beam (01883-2002 ENERCALC Engineer nu Softwa ciec551frnpa pa.e.r.Calculations 26.00 ft .Lu 0.00 ft ft .Lu 0.00 ft ft .Lu 0.00 ft 2,400.0 psi K 190.0 psi 5 560.0 psi 1,800.0s Pi ki v........ 1 'SI 270.00 itt I •0/1-_ 0 o 4 s SAA Beam Design OK Total Load Left Cantilever. Dead Load Total Load 1.353 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in 13.000 ft .Length/Defl 0.0 0.0 230 59 4: Igh D t e Canti o le n ver. 0.0 0.0 4 I 7 0.000 in )ND 2X8@ 16' 16d @16' 2X4 @16' 5/8' DIA. X 3' MIN. EMBED ANCHOR BOLT 32' (ALT THREADED ROD) ITEMS NOT SHOWN OR NOTED SAME AS DETAIL(' S501 DETAIL R 2' (E) CONC WALL TO DRILL 5/8' DIA. THREADED ROD IN 3' DEEP HOLE 32' COL. FOR BENT BEYOND (E) CONC PILE BEYOND SCALE. 3!4' =1 0' 5/8' DIA. X3' A ANCHOR BOL (ALT THREAD DET, SILL PLAT 1 C) CL LINE OF FINISH PLATE FOR -ROD BRgCING BEYOND 2 ROWS #8 TEK SCREW 16' (OR SHOT PINS 145' DIA.) STEEL FRAMING DETAILS (E) ROOF PURLINS TO REMAIN SIMP DTC ANCHOR EA. STUD TO PLATE SEE ARCH. DRAWINGS FOR FINISH SCALE. 3/4 1 -0' (E) PURLINS INSULATION TO REMAIN nb4 associ civil S 321 H11 SUITE BAINBI 206 F•206 F•208 C•206 ban 11J2/23/20 Jarn Lierly 240 ii street Fit corrections 2 17 2009.pdf 1v5t3r 44.• 4%;S: 4, lltrW env. 4,14: UM& u T F <!,-1 m 0 c o Ca —14riZA .4.17,4ipc= ....1 tt .,7W'$' rtfr -.14: „„,„„,....---ArtN 71.**04P% -..pg ?s 11111 111111=i1 .17.7.1 7 rt-i"M" :^....‘04 ...•,:d:Pcn ..k-1,.• ..g. '•I -6 'f'" ii.;::..j.■. ">......i....4..... let, s Or.. r •Si e i. 1. :C17.1;s,-,....4.i.., .2 ■2‘..ii‹, -2"'"' Sn..i.aiils...k ....17.1.-ii.....--,,..: tt 7 4 1 ?4-4. 71', '1' L 'if I. "e 7 1'r;t:ii '-'•';4` ':t';', ..t... ../V•I'i-Z;-,?er 7 I e•l:' i'i' m_i :::/...-4.!MI 11,.. 'III 544 i'lir'47, tf T:.•-•• •;,:4 4 1 i'i.,7" Z CO -10 I 0 0 5 xj 7J 0 CI I M X 0 N. v.txt„ t t .rrs 4rAitgt4:0- e -.1 a 7-1 z m m z m 0 0 Erl CL 841 0 r9. "70: t 41*-1:14em+440-,-. r1;ti ..1111:10414 Ak.'.7-.!;.1.'11. 1 i;51•YIYA: "IX■ Pid-e-1-81 (2723/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 Feb 19 09 01 09p Nbse 04) -03 >zw _,Qc°73 -I 0 co C 0 CJI -n w m (1) O n 73 rn u) -n C 7 2 0 I o 18052381601 I t i X ceP m c 77 E 0 z 0 -1 0. 0 "0 0 -10 •""k rrl X ''"e P Feel Tipag 191 Feb 19 09 01 09p Nbse PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO Single Fastener in Tension and Shear Near an Edge INPUT DATA DESIGN SUMMARY CONCRETE STRENGTH f 2.5 ksi SPECIFIED STRENGTH OF FASTENER f, 30 ksi (The strength of most fastening likely to be controlled by the embedment strength rath than the steel strength, so it usually economical to use ASTM A307 Grade A fastener. FACTORED DESIGN TENSION LOAD N. 0.01 k FACTORED DESIGN SHEAR LOAD V„ 0.4 k EFFECTIVE EMBEDMENT DEPTH h 3 In FASTENER DIAMETER d 0.625 in FASTENER HEAD TYPE 3 Hex (1= Square, 2 =Heavy Square, 3=Hex, 4 =Heavy He 5 =Hardened Washers DIST BETWEEN THE FASTENER AND E 2 in ANALYSIS EFFECTIVE AREA OF FASTENER BEARING AREA OF HEAD CHECK FASTENER TENSILE STRENGTH �N =ibnAc (0.8f„} where 0 0.9 CHECK CONCRETE BREAKOUT STRENGTH ONE= g(160c A Am Ae 4.882 k 0.3c J ON a AN tVtV 3N b (9h� s 0 7+ 1.512.f I ilr3 h j l 7 2.815 k N where 4t 0.75 rya term 15 1.0 for location where concrete cracking is likely to occur. CHECK PULLOUT STRENGTH ON OtV, (Abgf) 6.810 k N„ where 4 0.75 W4 term is 1.0 for location where concrete craddng is likely to occur. CHECK SIDE -FACE BLOWOUT STRENGTH (Since 0.4hef this type of failure mode is applicable.) 8.086 k N„ N„ 2.815 K DATE (2723/2009) James Lierl t 240 front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Page 18052381601 p 4 PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY 4$q [THE FASTENER DESIGN IS ADEQUATE.) 0.226 in 0.454 In (or determined from manufactures s catalogs.) where 0 0.75 DETERMINE DESIGN TENSILE STRENGTH ON min(ON 'ON ON,. >ON4 CHECK FASTENER SHEAR STRENGTH QSV qln0.6A,„ f 3.661 k V. where 4, 0.9 CHECK CONCRETE BREAKOUT STRENGTH FOR SHEAR LOAD 1 OVcb AV W6W7Vb Ay WW2 7Sd A CIS 0 .890 k V„ Av where 4, 0.75 W7 term is 1.0 for location where concrete cracking is likely to occur. AWA, and Wa terms are 1.0 for single shear fastener not influenced by more than one free edge. 1 term is load bearing length of the anchor for shear not to exceed 8d. c 1.5h l j 11(2723/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Page 21 E� Feb 19 09 01 10p Nbse CHECK PRYOUT STRENGTH FOR SHEAR LOAD 0.3c �V �k v AN„ (94) k�p (qh 07+ 1-517.f, v3 J "hi) f 5.629 k V wher 0.75 Ws term is 1.0 for location where concrete cracking is likely to occur. kcu 2.0 for h 2.5 DETERMINE DESIGN TENSILE STRENGTH soV mmn (Ov Ova, 6v,) CHECK TENSION AND SHEAR INTERACTION Since N„ 020 N„ and V 0.2 V„ the full tension design strength is permitted. The interaction equation must be used Nv Y. 0.45 1.2 ON bV Summary of Dimensional Properties of Fasteners Effective Fastener Gross Area of Diameter Area of Threaded (In) Fastener Fastener (in in 1 0.250 I 114 I 0.049 I 0.032 0.375 I 3/8 I 0.110 I 0.078 0.500 I 1/2 I 0.196 I 0.142 0.625 5/8 I 0.307 I 0.226 0.750 I 314 I 0.442 I 0.334 0.875 I 7/8 I 0.601 I 0.462 1.000 I 1 I 0.785 I 0.606 1.125 1 118 1 0.994 I 0.763 1.250 1 114 I 1.227 I 0.969 1 375 1 318 I 1.485 I 1.160 1.500 I .1 112 I 1.767 I 1.410 1.750 1 314 I 2.405 I 1.900 2.000 I 2 I 3.142 I 2.500 0.890 K Bea ng Area of Heads, Nuts, and Washers (AO (in Heavy He Heavy I Hardened Square Hex I Washers 0.142 0.201 I 0.117 0.167 0.258 0.280 0.362 I 0.164 0299 0.408 0.464 0.569 I 0.291 0.467 0.690 0.693 0.822 I 0.454 0.671 1.046 0.824 1.121 I 0.854 0.911 1.252 1.121 1.465 I 0.891 1.188 1.804 1.465 1.855 I 1.163 1.501 2.356 1.854 2.291 I 1.472 1.851 2.982 2.288 2.773 I 1.817 2.237 3.682 2.769 3.300 I 2.199 2.659 4.455 3.295 3.873 I 2.617 3.118 5.301 I 4.144 6.541 5.318 7.903 Square 18052381601 P 5 if N N ai (0 0 0 Nt IM IN I IcamI I a i 0 IN IN 1y j0 (E) CONC Iv WALL TO a REMAIN a 2 L 2 u) a� i a E m rn 3C3 E @32' COL. 44 IT NC. BEYOND 2 X 8 16' A35 EA. STUD TO PLATE 16d 16' 5/8' DIA. X 3' MIN. EMBED ANCHOR BOLT 32' (ALT THREADED ROD) 0 r■ 0 N o DETAIL Ts I :_711 m SILL PLATES 2X PRESSURE TREATED CURB WIDTH MATCH (E) CONC BELOW (N) CONC CURB DRILL 5/8' DIA. X 5' THREADED ROD f IN 3' DEEP HOLE 32' 2 J�(E) STEEL COL. FOR BENT BEYOND SCALE. 3/4' =1 -0' (E) CONC PILE BEYOND L RE` MAI 15 SHE SHEI 0 3X, DI 4X.MIN. NAILER 5/8" DIA. THREADED' END WELDED STUD ell 48' (E) STEEL FRAME TO REMAIN (N) W12 X 30 (N) L 4X4X318 X 6" LONG, EA. END Z tvb 2 ROWS #8 TEK SCREW 16" (OR SHOT PINS 145" DIA.) 1 (E) ROOF PURLINS TO REMAIN (N) 2X8 CONT SIMP H2.5 EA. STUD TO PLATE SIMP L70 ANCHOR EA. STUD TO PLATE ,N, .--__SEE ARCH. DRAWINGS FOR FINISH 2XEl©16" STEEL FRAMING DETAILS 3 SCALE. 3/4 1' -0" LINE OF FINIS SHOWN DASI- (2/23%2009) James Lie 240 w front street PC corrections 2 172009.pdf a.........Page 24 j Feb 19 09 01 10p Nbse Re 560100 User: KW- 0605631,yer 5.61,25 -0c1 -2002 Steel Beam Design (c)1983 -2002 ENERCALC Engineer ng Software Description WIND GIRT I General Information Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements 11 Steel Section W12X30 Fy 50.00ksi Pinned- Pinned Load Duration Factor 1.00 Bm Wt. Added to Loads Elastic Modulus 29,000.0 ksi Ii ST Act Together Center Span Left Cant. Right Cant Lu Unbraced Length Distributed Loads DL LL ST 0.200 Start Location End Location 20.000 S u mmary Using: W12X30 section, Span End Fixity Pinned- Pinned, Lu Moment fb Bending Stress lb /Fb Shear fv Shear Strew fv /Fv Force Stress Summary Max. M Max. M Max. M Left Max. M Right #1 #2 #3 Maximum 11 49 k -ft 20.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 20.00 ft 20.00ft, Fy 50.0ksi 20.00ft, LDF 1.00D Actual Allowable 11 493 k -ft 37.365 k -ft 3.575 ksi 11.624 ksi 0.308 1 2.299 k 64.168 k 0.716 ksi 20.000 ksi 0.036 1 Shear Left 2.30 k Shear Right 2.30 k Center Defl. -0.120 in Left Cant Dee 0.000in Right Cant Defl 0.000 in .Query Deft 0.000 ft 0.000 Reaction Left 2.30 0.30 Reaction Rt 2.30 0.30 Fa calc'd per Eq. E2 -2, K'Llr Cc I Beam, Major Axis, UrT (510,000 Cb Fy) ".5 Fb per Eq, F1 -7 I Beam, Major Axis, Fb per Eq. F1-8, Fb 12.000 Cb Af (I dl Section Properties W12X30 Depth 12.340 in y,.�.. Width 6.520in Web Thick 0.260 in Flange Thickness 0.440 in Area 8.79 in2 -0.016 0.000 0.000 Weight kor I -yy S -ic( S -yy 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Title Dsgnr• Description Scope 18052381601 #4 #5 -0.120 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.30 2.30 29.86 #/ft 238.00 in4 20.30 1n4 38.574 in3 6.227 in3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 s Beam OK Short Term Load Case Governs Stress Max. Deflection Length/DL Deft Length/(DL +LL Defl) Job Date: 11:29AM, 17 FEB 09 Page 1 1 .1ec55Umpe pa ecwCalculali i kl ft ft/ft k/ft ft ft c These columns are Dead Live Load placed as noted DL LL LL +ST LL LL+ST Only CD Center fa Center (8) Cants raa Cants 1 49 11 49 k -ft k -ft k -ft k -ft 0.30 2.30 k 0.30 2.30 k 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in ID 8 -0.120 in 15,411.7 1 2,001.9 1 k k r -xx 5.203 in r -yy 1.520 in Rt 1.730 in fen (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240w front PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf PAtif Ilil r. aal Mrarritil, 4A-411111— ittittftMaitt 'zzqi ...ty,, .;.;:•,:l i'l WW1'''. -'4.„.M 11 .6 r r,lififittilitififlillijUlf ,_:a,,....;..,:r_Ridill144.1.407.4"C*512 k, m k ERIA_ 7 44 lffitii t .i.. ..mr.76'all.isA.01.h.■ WI ilio 41404,y444444444„,„. i f '„,..i .-,VciV.,,,. 11,,,, 77.-p7mIlms iLi luplzazyualaunzu.n.nrril...434.1111-1.unibf•Ty m...'11-■.zra-;iiihirk; qj'Aitirty7r:::4,-.!...ii..;_zuumarii.V__rn..z.2 0 U- en Z 0 Cr re 2 ^D W W LI w z er..eo.kgkccedV.1i. Page 2511 1;;Ettfeititt 0 0- LINE OF FINISH PLATE FOR ROD BRACING BEYOND 2 ROWS #8 TEK SCREW 16' (OR SHOT PINS 145' DIA.) (E) ROOF PURLINS TO REMAIN STEEL FRAMING DETAILS SIMP DTC ANCHOR EA. STUD TO PLATE SEE ARCH. DRAWINGS FOR FINISH (N)2X8 @16' SCALE. 3/4 1 -0' (E) PURLINS INSULATION TO REMAIN nb asso civil 321 F SUIT! BAIN 206 F•20 F 20 C: 2 0 bai INS N� O I d a L a 0 a) 0 a) a L LINE OF FINISH SHOWN DASHED (E) 1/2' DIA. BOLT TO REMAIN EA. ANGLE (E) BEAM TO REMAIN 2 ROWS #8 TEK SCREW 16' (OR SHOT PINS 145 DIA.) (N) 1/2' SHEATHING 1.7/. ////771 (E) PURLINS INSULATION TO REMAIN SIMP DTC ANCHOR EA. STUD TO PLATE (N) 2X8 16' STEEL FRAMING DETAILS (E) 1/2' DIA. BOLT TO REMAIN EA. ANGLE (E) ANGLE (2 x 2 x 1/4) TO REMAIN (APPROX. 10FT OC) (APPROX. 8 10 ALONG BENT LENGTH) SCALE. 3/4 1 -0' F C: bI G L L 4 h C C L s L C L e i L RE MAI (2/23/2009) James Lierly w front street PC'Oo Feb 19 09 01 lip Mbse 227 Bellevue Wei NE P MB 194 Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 418-8502 18052381601 p 12 629 Slate Street JOB TITLE: SHEET NO. #230 Sante Barbara. CA93101 (805) 452-8152 SUBJECT DESIGNER: 321 High School Rd. NE associates #215 JOB NO. DATE: STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Baled** Island, WA 98110 (206) 780-5333 nbse 1 1 1 I 1 t--i 1 1 H f '1 I i-'- r' e i i 1 1 ie.0 -1- °I$L''..- tee.' 4 r-s )441-11 i I 1 1 I i 1 1 1 I I -1-- 4 T I 1 i 1 j 4--- 1 T i --1•- I r 1 7 T i f I 1 i '___H. 1- i --I- 7 1 1 r 7 1 I J„..__,L,, -1 1 L iTI 1 7 T -7 1 -1 I 1 '4 7 1 i 1 1 717 1 1 1- 1 1 --,---r Er- -1- st--i...1 -1 if.41.--4"---1_"4 i' I i t 1 7 17 H 1 I g 7 1 7 1 1 1 I -4- r 1 1 1 -1. 1 1 1 I t,:41.-- 1, I 7----,...,.; 1 _i_L 1 .7.1 .--‘r Ty I iH rds 1 7 1 i 1 2 _It,. r I i 11 I I I 9--,:t 1 0 -,4 i _i X 1 I i "7--...;,...., 2 I -i'''', -P, ,c... I r --4-.. -I 1 V 1 1 r ,07. ,1 -iFf 7-- r r 4 'r• --1 i ll r; i 1 1 '_47.--2',I T 7 7 1 i 71 i? --7- L- 7 ...r.' -...41...,.. 1 r-- I i i 1 17 I- 1 1 1-11- 1 1 1 1 'Lo EA/1 3 .„..._i i 1:::„., ..:_r._,__ i 1 h I 1 1_ 1 j i 1 L i t 1 49- t t --1 I- -1 =;_Y t 5.9.1 0,t461-- L i 1 E L it.,h6 1 T 1-1-1- 1----, .T- 1 -1 I 1 ,D p.F3ctt T .F I t r 4121 k I j i :47 P 'go 1 I 11- 1 l r 11 1; .1 i 1 .1. 1 I j i_r I 1 .1 I Page 28. I 1 1 _i 1 1 1, ep 45 -14 04 1 -t i c- 1 1 4r,; (=4- 1 1 1411 H I -4- 1 1 i A„.. 1 4. 3i "tti I I 7 I 1 r 614 17C 4. "1 11 4 4 --1----;.;-1,-,- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. k,.. 1 1 1 7 T I I i I .f--.4 1 1 i _It• a) 6, 1,,..#-.t 1% .ol, 1 r r ,.....-.i y• ,rir 1 1•" 1 i- 1 i I 1 t i G 1 4 0 i 3 te: i LI fi I F i I i 1 i .4. i ifi:c..4.(, r------7., 7 I _L. i Haft( 2 29 1[(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Page 291! Feb 19 09 01 12p Nbse nbse associates STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS PMB 194 Bellevue, WA 96004 (425) 416-6502 629 Stale Se et 9230 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (605) 452 -8152 321 High School Ad. NE #216 Bainbridge Island. WA 98110 (206) 760.5333 r 1 i C 1 I i t I I I I I 1 II I I I! X Go i4r,D I I T!r.+.:Ly II JOB TITLE. SUBJECT JOB NO. 18052381601 p 13 SHEET NO. DESIGNER: DATE: 11 i i k I I] II (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Page 3011 Feb 19 09 01 13p Nbse nbse associates STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS PEW 194 Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 418.8502 629 State Slr et 0230 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 452 -8152 321 High School Rd. NE 8216 Bainbridge Island. WA98110 (206) 780-5333 Ili I I i' i II 1' in 11j I. II, JOB TITLE: SUBJECT JOB NO. 18052381601 p 14 Ii I ,7 ,ye` I I 1 P,9 Pr6 k I, i j 4564/.�Ei G �J iC�00 1 0 —OD SHEET NO. DESIGNER: DATE. 1 j _i ro:4117 Ii (2 %23%2009)James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009pdf Feb 19 09 01 19p Nbse a Q m 0 a C X O1d1A1% LI. XZ/lE n. 8 —a ONO �or i 18052381601 1 040 ,t7Z 0 Sl; 11 7/8 N LI X w z cr JOISTS @16' NUM NI ON i --t.. 3111=211111111 P/ l- 0Z #t tt N I I I p 1 Page 31 (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 217 2009.pdf Page 3-21 1..lerw 240 \N Feb 19 09 streeff5t corrections 2 11_4_99- vez NO 660:„,,,a,wovoi j e i rr E N G L o\ TT 1 D 0-533 k V 1 A 7 I I- 4,Sr/ k ttrzvoe j A k 1'1 1: 1:\ A,.' A \\:;'\-:.\\\\\‘i' V k• \v_." 1 A- -LA-1 1 1 1 i -I--- 771 t I 1 I. _A 1 .1_,.." 0 0 1 A \rick A A 4 ','5, .\li\- !I --,-e--'-,\ -7-4 711 4 ,r)_ P'1 le- 'A, C A 1 C T ;A: .174`\ 1 A k k A A, 1 I 2, 4: i• A b L.. e2 ..1 I\ f Cl Pt i ffS 1 1 i 3\ hilt(A. t 0 :1 1 4,4,02. 7 -t 1 9 ,\\z(p.S\,40riec. t t t ril 1/ t '0 ,:',5A 0 oigalt 1 t 1 /1 sr- '1'4, A ‘,2, ,,01 2:11- -1 ■6-*.,A i.-: I V I I A i ‘k i 1 .\,i.1./-12 P47‘ V 0 1- ikTf '2 1 I 41* F, t j1,,I4-A k,„ I 1: ,TA 05, 1' C /7 s 1 T, II ip\ 1 tr k 1- 1 1 1 k t ybse •A p, A A 1 6 0 5 3 9 6 1 3 9 4 t•. A :Tr I I ELEVATOR I MACHINE I I STAIR 1 al1 FRE-1 HE RADIOLOGY I RISER 16%8" f71/ III I 1111111 I MIDI +WHEEL I MID e' I CHAIR I ELEVATOR I I EXAM CONS 1 3 ANAGER 204 Ed a H/C WC C TING ,14_ p liEl BRIDGE ABOI 3/A604 4 RECEPTIOJI 11A4 .2 1374 4. A Vs= r 111 T -14 2/A605 17-o• t& rm°N ao 2-• 3 tit /o.‘ v, HALL EMI 5 TIERS 1671 D a Ni Ni C n ro 3 cr CD I cn co (T) o CD o, 1* a Lfl D 2 Cr CT) CD -1 0 0 0 (6 O Cn Ni Ni •••1 a. 1L(223/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 01 22p Nbse 18052381601 P 5 sw11 Shear Wall Design CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: vde.NnND 200 plf for wind vda SEISMIC 0 plf,fo seismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' Wp, 200 plf,for dead 0 plf,fo live I =d DIMENSIONS: L 18 ft 10.5 ft L 18 ft n 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0.6d, 1 mod, 2=10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pos. b 2 Wl DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 12 In O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS Ii 48 in O.C. C 1.6 CF= 110 in h 6 in DATE THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L1„) MAX(v vnr R some 0.00 k THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NDS 2001 Page 85) S 48 in Techincal References: 1 'National Design Specification. NDS' 2001 Edition. AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams:'Structuiral Engmeenng Reference Manuar Professional Publications In 2001 PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY i 1 1 1 1 I 11 1 1 V.. ho F HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 0.40 k T 0.40 k (USE PHD25D MPSON HO N) EDGE STD FORCES: 2S: F O. k EDGE STUUD: 2 2"x 6” DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH No. 1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT A SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.46 in f ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.6 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE 200 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23 -114-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Common Panel Grade Penetration thickness I Boundary All Edges Nail Cm) (in) I 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 I I Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d 11 518 I 15132 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 Note: The Indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a 1 UBC note1 of the table. THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: I I v Wag Seismic Overturning Resisting Salty Net Uplift (PIT) I at mid -story Obs) I Moments (ft -Ibs) I Moments (R -Ibs) I Factors (ibs) I SEISMIC' 0 I 302 I 1588 I Loft I 46008 I 0.9 T, 0 I Riot 46008 I 0.9 T,, w I 0 T, I WIND I 200 I I 37800 I Right I 46008 I 2/3 T„= I 3 THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 3 Bend ba +ASka +ANaJ.r0 +AChod.,¢� 8 vah vah 0 75he a 0.461 in 1L. Gt L. Whore: v 200 pIF 1,,,= 18 ft E= 1.7E+06 psi A= 16.50 in h 11 ft G= 9.0E+04 psi t= 0.298 e 0.037 d,= 0.15 in v. L h [Z 25 (Sec. 1633.2.6) C,= 0.30 A= 16.5 in' F 804 psi f,= 141 psi Holddown SIMPSON O 4' Page 35j (2%23%2009) James Lierly, 240 _w front street PCcorrections 11'2 pdf SW12 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15132 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 4 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 112 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 30 in O.C. CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi DATE THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3, ASO MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 8 vah 3 Vbh hda A 1.ne.,g +&She +A Nod ,ra' +Ached ¢e rro= G I 0.75he„+ L. L Techincal Re:_. 1 'National Design Specification, NOS' 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams: "Structuiral Engineering Reference Manual" Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 Feb 19 09 01 22p Nbse 18052381601 P 6 PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: vim, WIND 250 pif,for Wind 'I V SE1 0 pl ,tor seism' W GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' j[w 150 pinta deft load 1 1 1 1 'MLL= 0 plf,fo load DIMENSIONS. L„= 6.67 Y h 10.5 L 9 ft h,= 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 ac Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15J32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d, 1=8d, 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h B m 1, Lw HOLD-DOWN FORCES: T1 2.75 k Te 3.06 k (USE PHp2S053 SIM V HOLD-DOWN) EDG STRUT FORCES: F= 0.. k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x 6' DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.68 in ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 1.6 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v, 337 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 4 In THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER BC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTabie 23114-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Comma Pc ctratiur Thickness Boundary All Edges Nail (in) Cm 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d I 15/8 I 15/ I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 I Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC note1 of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE. F (L -L„J MAX( v min. Oovo,,,osuo) 0.58 k (Oo 2.5 (Sec. 16332.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NOS 2001 Page 85) S 30 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: I v Wall Seismic Overturning Resisting Safty Net Uplift Holddown 1 (pit) I at mid -story (Ibs) I Moments (ft-Ibs) I 1 Moments (Rats) Factors I (Ibs) SIMPSON SEISMIC 0 112 II 588 Left I 7944 1 0.9 I T I 0 I I Meta I 4798 I 0.9 I T I 0 y o WIND 250 23625 I Leff I 7944 I 2/3 I T, I 2748 �pl 1 Rip}it 1 4798 I 2/3 I T I 3062 Q 0.676 in Where: v 337 pif L., 7 ft E= 1.7E +08 ps A= 16.50 In h 11 ft G= 9.0E+04 psi t 0.298 in e, 0.037 in d, 0.15 in CD. 1.6 CP 0.30 A 16.5 in CF 1.10 F 804 psi f, 143 psi h Page.361 (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Feb 19 09 01 22p Hbse 18052381601 P 7 SW13 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: v ww0 530 Via sasaic 0 GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' wOL 125 wLL 0 DIMENSIONS. L„= 6.67 It h 10.5 ft L 9 ft h 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 c= Sheathing and Single-Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0 =6d. 1 =8d, 2 =10d) 2 10dd SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS (d 2 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 12 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 In DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 14 in O.C. piflor wind plf,for is c plf,for d load plf,fo live loa 6 DATE in HOLD-DOWN FORCES: T 6.82 k T 7.08 k (USE HDO8 SD53 SIMPSON HOLD-DOWN) DRAG STRUT FORCES. F 123 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' a 5' DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.84 In ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 1.6 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE y 715 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 2 In THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23-11.1.1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Orade Common Pc Maim Thickness Boundary A9 Edge Nab (in) (in) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 Sheathing and Single Floor I 10d I 15/8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 1 770 I Nate: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L•L MAX(v, Ocvaa, seisee) 123 k THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.1l E, NDS 2001 Page 85) S 14 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: v,,, Wall Seismic Overturning (pit) I at mid-story 01x) 1 Moments (ft.lbs) SEISMIC 0 112 I 588 WIND I 530 I 50085 CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi CD= 1.6 C 1.10 Techincal References: 1 tational Design Specification, IDS' 2001 Edition, AFGAP ANC, 200 2. Alan Williams:'Slructuiral Engineering Reference Manual' Profess al Publications, Inc, 2001 PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY i i( l I 1 1 1 5 5 v« Resisting Safty Net Uplift Hdddoes Moments (ft-lbs) I Factors fibs) SIMPSON Left I 6931 1 0.9 I T, I 0 Right I 43113 I 0.9 I T.= I 0 yak Left 1 6931 I 2/3 I T I 6816 O a f Right 1 4310 I 2/3 I T.= 1 7078 'r THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SOUP Page SW -17) 8 vah 3 veh hd A Ase.dn e I Ash,a. +AN., Am..a 1' o= 0.75he„ 0.843 in FAL., Gt L. Where: v 715 plf L„= 7 ft E= 1.7E+06 psi A 16.50 h 11 ft G= 9,0E +04 psi t 0.298 e„= 0.037 in d,= 0.15 in Lw Cp= 0.30 A= 16.5 m F 804 psi 259 00 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) -1=i4675:71 (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Feb 19 09 01 23p Nbse SW14 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: vma wwo 315 plf,for cam vise sosMlc 0 plr� r se mlc GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF wOL 150 plf, WL 0 pllfo live#ad DIMENSIONS: L,,,= 11 10.5 ft L 18 ft 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15,32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (1: 1=8d, 2=10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h 6 in DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15132 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 3 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 12 in O.C. FIELD, 5/Sin DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 20 in O.C. DATE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: 3,63 k T 4.78 k DRAG STRUT FORCES: F= 2.21 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x 6" DOUGLAS RR -LARCH No. 1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIG SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.65 in THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L-L„) MAX( vW. WHe Ocvm, seismic) 2.21 k THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8 DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NOS 2001, Page 85) S 20 in THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 8vbh3 h a e $r ,dtig+ As,o +eK 410 ACh"d >I ry= EA L. G +0.75h¢„+ Lw CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi CD= 1.6 CF= 1.10 18052381601 P 8 1 F PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY 1.. v w 1 ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 1.0 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 515 pt, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 3 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23-11 -I-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nall Spacing Panel Grade Common Penetrados Thickness Someday All Edges Nail (in) (in) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 I Sheathing and Single Floor I 10d I 15/8 I 15/32 I, 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 I Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: I v isa Wall Seismic I Overturning Resisting Salty Net Uplift Halddown (elf) I at mid -story (Ibs) I Moments 01 (elf) I Moments (ft -Ibs) I Factors I (Ibs) I SIMPSON SEISMIC 0 I 185 I 970 Left 29382 I 0.9 I Ti I 0 I Wahl 10482 I 0.9 I T I 0 WIND 315 59535 Left 29382 I 2/3 I Tr= I 3632 I Rip)ht 10482 I 2/3 I Ts I 4777 I Q Techincal References: 1. "National Design Specification, NOS' 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams: "Struchriral Engineering Reference ManuaF Professional Publications In 2001. O 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) 0.652 in Where: v 515 pt L,.= 11 ft E= 1.7E+06 psi A= 16.50 in h 11 ft G= 9.0E+04 psi t= 0.298 In e 0.037 d,= 0.15 in v. Lw C 0.30 A 16.5 in F 804 psi f. 245 1 SIMPSON HOLD-DOWN) h A 31 Page 38 (2323/2009) James LierI 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf .naK a YLrtsL �:v ^�pL} Panel Grade THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L-L„) MAX( v6R veep Dove.. ulnae) 0.00 k (Clo THE MAX SPACING OF 518' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NDS 2001, Page 85) S 30 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: I v 6 Wall Seismic Overturning (pill I at mid -story (Ibs) Moments (ft-16s) SEISMICI 0 I 65 292 WIND I 350 I 14175 THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SOUP Page SW -17) 3 ABr.dbg +AS,,,, Anar ,l,+ Acs., .pre +Gt 0.75he d a' 0.683 in EA L» L. Where CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi v 350 plf A= 16.50 in' t 0.298 Co C 1.10 Resisting I r Safty Moments (ft- Ibs) Factors Left I 3260 I 0.9 1 Itiitld I 3260 I 0.9 I Left I 3260 I 213 I (tight I 3260 I 213 I L.= 5 ft h 9 ft 0.037 in Techincal References: 1 'National Design Specification, NDS 2001 Edition, AFSAP AWC, 2001 2. Alan Williams: "Structural Engineering Reference Manual' Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. hX"�' �43� -.oaf sr-srt `•r v i Aim: MrC I a ai,ictrah 1rv a Common Penetr tior Tluckns I Boundary Sr All Edges Nail (in) (in I 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 I Sheathing nd Single -Floor I 10d 11 578 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a I UBC note1 of the table. Net Uplift (Ibs) T,= r 0 T s I 0 I 2667 T„ I 2667 E 1.7E +06 psi G 9.0E +04 psi d,= 0.15 in Cp= 0.40 A= 16.5 in F 1051 psi f.= 117 1 (Sec. 1633.2.6) Holddovn SIMPSON e PG fe Page 3911 IL(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Page 40j Feb 19 09 01 23p Nbse SW16 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: Vy WIND 480 pif,for wind Vda SEISMIC 0 plf,forseis GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' L 150 plffor dea cad L 0 pif, r liv oed DIMENSIONS: L,„= 14 h 10.5 ft L 18 h 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 In COMMON NAIL SIZE ((=6d, 1=8d, 2=10d) 2 113d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h 6 DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15(32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS tg 2 in O.C. BOUNDARY 8 ALL EDGES 12 in O.C. FIELD, 518 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS a 16 in O.C. CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 km C 1.6 C 1.10 18052381601 DATE THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3, ASO MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 3 Vbh Ad. Li 3 ?El hg +Linear+ LiNr4 Ache.: .>a= vs' EAL,. Gl 0 75he„+ L. Techincal References: 1 'National Design Specification, NOS" 2001 EC Won, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams:'Structuinil Engineering Reference Mantle Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY 0.660 in Where: v 617 pif L„ 14 ft E 1.7E +06 psi A= 16.50 in` h 11 ft G= 9.0E +04 pal t 0.298 in e 0.037 d, 0.15 In Lw THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23 -11 -1-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Peneualior Thickness Boundary All Edges Nail (in) (in) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d I 1 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC note1 of the table. Cp= 0.30 A= 16.5 in' F 804 psi I 267 psi p 10 w I 1 I I I I I I I IJ h v THE HOLD-DOWN FORCES: I v I Wall Seismic I Overturning Resisting I Salty I Net Uplift I Holddown I (plf) I at mid -story (Ibs) I Moments (ftabs) I Moments (ft-Ibs) I Factors (Ibs) SIMPSON SEISMIC 0 235 1235 IF(t I 32532 I 0.9 I T, I 0 Right I 21732 I 0.9 I T. I 0 5 0" WIND I 480 I I 90720 Left I 32532 I 2/31 T, I 4931 Lbofir I 21732 I 2/3 I T. I 5445 R HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 4.93 k T 5.45 k (11SE PHD6SDS3 SIMPSON HOLD -DOWN) DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 1.92 k EDGE STUD: 2 2" x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No.1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.66 In ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.8 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v. 617 pif, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 2 In h THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L-L„) MAX( WIND OoVm. snU,nc 1.92 k (O 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8 DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NOS 2001, Page 85) S 16 in `L(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Page 4121 Feb 19 09 01 24p Nbse 18052381601 p 11 SW17 Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: Vde WINO seisMIC 0 Pit fd GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF w13,_ 150 plf,tor dead w 0 plt,for live d DIMENSIONS: L„= 14 ft 10.5 ft L 18 ft h 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE ((Wd, 1 =8d. 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h 6 in DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 12 in O.C. FIELD, 5 /Bin DIA x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS Q 48 in O.C. THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: v., Wall Seismic (olt) at mid -story (Ibs) SEISMIC' 0 I 235 WIND I 75 CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. C 1.6 75 p CF= 1.10 DATE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 0.00 k Tn 0.00 DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 0.30 k EDGE STUD: 2 2" x 6' DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: 0 0.44 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23- II -1 -1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Penetratia Thickness Boundary All Edges F Techincal References: 1. National Design Specification, NOS" 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams: "Stmduiral Engineering Reference Manual' Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY ;1 l I 1 L_i (HOLD -DOWN NOT REQUIRED) ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L E 0.8 2 (5 isfa iorF] THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 96 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max Nail Spacing 6 in h Nail (in) (in) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 I I Sheathing and Single -Floor 1 10d 1 1 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE. F (L -L„) MAX( vy.wrn, DovewsesMC) 0.30 k (D 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8" DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NDS 2001, Page 85 S 48 in Resisting Overturning i Softy 1 Net Uplift Imoiddown Moments (ft-Ibs) I I Moments (ft -Ibs) Factors I (Ibs) 1SWPSON 1235 Left I 32532 I 0.9 I T I 0 I C? I Right I 21732 I 0.9 T= I 0 I e? 14175 I` Left I 32532 I 2/3 T I 0 I �O I Right I 21732 I 2/3 I T I 0 IQ THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3. ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 8vnh A= A, dins+ Aska +Anadi1� +ACand splice .at, EA Gt 0 75h ea L. 0.444 in Lw Where: v 96 elf L„ 14 ft E 1.7E +06 psi A 16.50 in` h 11 ft G 9.0E +04 psi f 0.298 in e„ 0.037 In d. 0.15 in Cp 0.30 A 16.5 in' F 804 psi f 101 psi ISM ista_:argl (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240w front streefPCcorrections 2 17 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 01 24p Nbse SW18 Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: vae wino 100 plf,for wind Vdn, SEISMIC 0 plfJor seismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF wpl 250 pilfer dead I wLL 0 plf,for live 1 DIMENSIONS. L„= 24 ft h 10.5 ft L 40 ft h 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15132 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d,1 =8d, 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 112 in O.C. FIEL 5/8 In DIA. x 10 In LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 in O.C. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L -L,,) MAX( via wino. Oavth. some THE MAX SPACING OF 518" DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.115, NDS 2001 Page 85) S 48 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. C 1.6 CE= 1.10 18052381601 DATE PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY L w I I I I I v.. T. HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 0.00 k T 0.00 k f (HOLD -DOWN NOT REQUIRED) DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 1.60 k EDGE STUD 2 2" x 6' DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.42 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 1 UBCTable 2341 -I-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nall Spacing Panel Grade Commen Pencfratior Thickness Boundary Al Edges Nail (m) (m) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d i 15/8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 3 A= Aa. a= x+ Asta+ ANd. 7,w lv+ AC aOrerv= E G t 0.75he„ +hLa° 0.425 in Where: vb 167 pit L„= 24 ft E= 1.7E +06 psi A 16.50 in h 11 ft G= 9.0E +04 psi t= 0298 a 0.037 d,. 0.15 in C 0.30 A 16.5 in F 804 psi f, 336 psi Techincal References: 1. 'National Design Specification, NOT 2001 Edition, AF&AP ANC, 2061 2. Alan Williams: "Sbuctuiral Engineering Reference Mannar Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. v. Lw p 12 THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES. (Oft I at mid story (Ibs) I Moments (ft Ibs) I MomeResisting (R bs) I Factors I Net b Uplift I s Holddawn SON SEISMIC 0 403 2117 Left I 224192 I 0.9 I TL= I 0 I c p RMIU I 64192 I 0.9 I T I 0 I .9 WIND 100 4200() Left I 224192 I 2/3 I T I 0 I �p`' 1 Right I 64192 I 2/3 I Ts I 0 I Q h T. ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L/B 0.4 C 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 167 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in 1.60 k (D 2.5 (Sec. 16332.6) Page 42 L(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Page 43JI Feb 19 09 01 25p Nbse SW19 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: Vde WIND 100 plf,for wind vde. SEIS 0 p11Jar seismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' v'fEl 250 pE.fo gad load L 0 Of r live load DIMENSIONS: L„= 16 fi h 105 L 40 ft h.= 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 c= Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d. 1=8d. 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 61n O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES/12 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 42 in O.C. HOLD-DOWN FORCES. T 0.00 k T 3.84 k DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 2.40 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x 6' DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No.1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.49 In THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23 -8-1-1 Mn. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Comma Penebador Thicknes. Boundary AS Edgar THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW 17) s A 4 =ra +ASha ANN/ Cif, 1sChad adke dp EAL +G 0. 7 5he L Where: 250 pif A= 16.50 in' t= 0.298 in h 6 L 16 ft h 11 ft e„= 0.037 in 18052381601 DATE Techincal References: 1. 'National Design Specification, NOS' 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001 2. Alan Williams: "Structuhal Engineering Reference Manual” Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. w 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.7 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 250 pit, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY L v. Lw p 13 0.53 SIMPSON HOLD -DOWN) h Na0 liie) (m) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 I Sheathing and Single Floor I 10d I 15/8 I 15/32 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 I Note: The Indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC natal of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L -L) MAX( v va m. Oovd.. sasru;) 2.40 k (Qo 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NDS 2001 Page 85) S 42 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: I v I Wall Seismic I Overturning I Resisting I Sally Net Uplift Holddown (p8) at mid -story Ohs) Moments (gas) Moments (ft-lbs) Factors fibs) I SIMPSON SEISMIC 0 269 1411 Loft I 210752 I 0.9 I T, I 0 Right I -29248 I 0.9 I To I 1733 1 y ob WIND I 100 I I 42000 I Left I 210752 I 2/3 I T. I 0 I �pK I Right I -29248 I 2/3 I T. I 3844 Q 0.493 In E 1.7E+06 psi G 9.0E+04 psi d, 0.15 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi C 1.6 Cp= 0.30 A= 16.5 in E 1700 ksi Cr 1 10 F 804 psi 4 479 psi 223/209 James Lierl 40 w streetP 00 0 2 ...Y._ C corrections 2 17 2009 pdf _...a.. ._._.rt.P_._. Page 44 i1 Feb 19 09 01 25p Nbse SW20 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: vde wlno 100 plf,for wind yea SEISMIC/ 0 ptf,tor seisms GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF WO 250 pd,for dead 0 pit.for live laa DIMENSIONS. L..,= 13 ft J 10.5 ft L 35 ft h 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15132 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0 6d, 1 =8d, 2=10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 h DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 12 In O.C. FIELD, 5/8 In DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS (g 38 in O.C. THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: vd Wag Seismic Overtuming (PI0 at mid -story (Ibs) I Moments (ft -Ibs) SEISMICI 0 218 1147 I WIND 1 100 36750 6 in 18052381601 DATE HOLD -DOWN FORCES. T 0.00 k T 4.48 k DRAG STRUT FORCES. F 2.20 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: 4 0.52 in 1 4 I I I PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L I B 0.8 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 269 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23 Min. Min, Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Penetration Thickness Boundary AB Edge Nail fin) (m) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 I Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d 1 578 I 15/32 I 310 I .460 I 600 I 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC note1 of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE. F (L -L,.) MAX(v D seismic) 2.20 k (Oo 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8" DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E. NDS 2001, Page 85) S 38 in Resisting Sally Net Uplift Haddam, Moments (ft -Ibs) I Factors (Ibs) I SIMPSON Left I 160223 I OS I T I 0 I Right I 32277 I OS I T I 2323 I 5 0 0 Lcfl I 160223 I 2/3 I T, I 0 O Right I 32277 I 2/3 I T. I 4482 1 a THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) Svah vytl A =eaemr„R Ask„ ANe0eiw Aci.id Or, d�_ 0.7 5 he h d 0525 in E AL,r Gt L,. Where: v 269 plf L„= 13 ft E= 1.7E +06 psi A= 16.50 in` h 11 It G= 9.0E+04 psi t= 0.298 in e„= 0.037 in d, 0.15 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi CD= 1.6 C 1 10 Techincal References: 1 'National Design Specification, NDS' 2001 Edition, AFBAP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams: 'Structuiral Engineering Reference Manual' Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. V, L. C. 0.30 A= 16.5 n F 804 psi f, 459” p 14 I hd F SIMPSON HOLD -DOWN) h r a ILP?/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Page 4511 Feb 19 09 01 26p Nbse 18052381601 p 15 SW21 Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: vy w/ND ye. SEISMIC GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF* woL THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: felt) SEISMIC' 0 WIND I 100 CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 150D psi E 1700 ksi PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO 403 w DIMENSIONS: L„,= 24 105 ft L 35 ft 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d, 1=8d, 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pee, b 2 h 8 In DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 12 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in DIA x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 In O.C. Wall Seismic at mid -store fibs) C 1.6 C 1.10 00 plf,lor wind 0 plf,for seismic 250 p11,fer dead load 0 plf,f live I Overturning Moments (ft -Ibs) 2117 36750 DATE THE DRAG STRUT FORCE. F (L -L„,) MAX( V u mart1). C sas 1 10 k THE MAX SPACING OF 518' DA ANCHOR BOLT (fab.11 E, NDS 2001, Page 85) S 48 THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 814173 e ABerdrta �S==. ON =,1 dr Acm=s r� EAL». +G 0.75he„+ L' F Where: v 146 plf L„= 24 ft E. 1.7E +06 psi A= 16,50 in h 11 ft G 9.0E+04 psi t= 0.298 in e 0.037 in d,= 0.15 in Techincal References: 1. 'National Design Specification, NDS' 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams:'Stnxiuiral Engineering Reference Manuar Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY L w v.. 0.416 in Lw HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 0.00 k TR= 0.00 k (HOLD -DOWN NOT REQUIRED) DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 1.10 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.42 In ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.4 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE vp 146 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 1 UBCTable 23 -I1-1-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing I Pant Grade Common Penetradot Thickness Boundary All Edges Nail (in) (in) 6 1 4 I 3 I 2 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d 1 15/8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 1 770 I Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. Resisting Salty Not Uplift I Holddown Moments (ft-Ibs) Factors fibs) SIMPSON Left I 177317 0.9 1 T. I 0 Right I 81067 0.9 I T. I 0 y o b La I 177317 2/3 I T 1 0 T p` t. Right I 81067 2/3 I T. I 0 I C 0.30 A= 16.5 in' F 804 psi 270 psi Cl 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) IL(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 01 30p Nbse DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES/12 in O.C. FIELD. 518 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 in O.C. HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T.= 0.04 k T 0.79 k DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 0.57 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.48 In ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.9 2 THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L1„) MAX) v, Oovm. ssuwc) 057 k THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NDS 2001 Page 85) S 48 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi C 1.6 Cr= 1.10 Tochincal References: 1 'National Design Specification, NDS" 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams:'Stmctuiral Engineering Reference Man al' Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 18052381601 p 2 {J{/ PROJECT PAGE DESIGN BY S JOB NO DATE EVIEW BY Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: vim, wiNp 95 plf,for wind Vde SEISMIC= 0 plf,forseism' v/ GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF• wOL 125 plf for dea/loa I 1 �I I w 0 p6,fo load v.. DIMENSIONS: L„= 12 ft 10.5 ft /V F L= 18 it h,= 0 ft 0P PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 r= Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 In COMMON NAIL SIZE (1°6d, 1 =8d, 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 "v. EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h 6 in T. 1 T. I. Lw THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) gvah; v 075he„+ 0.482 in A La, ah Ls>:o LN r ,rq Acs d d� ry L Gt L. M �z SE PHD2 -SDS3 SIMPSON HOLD -DOWN) j oiE orJ V THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v, 143 pif, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23-11-I -1 Min. Min, I Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Pcnctratior Thickness Boundary All Edges Nail (n) (in) I 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 I I Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d 11 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 1 460 I 600 1 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC note' of the table. (Or 25 (Sec. 1633.2.6) THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: I v d Wall Seismic Overturning Resisting Salty Net Uplift Holddovn (010 I at mid -stow Obsl Moments Ot Ibs) 1 I Moments (Mbs) Factors I Obs) I SIMPSON SEISMIC 0 202 I I I 1058 L I 26298 I 0.9 1 T 1 0 Right I 12798 I 0.9 I T I 0 WIND 95 1 17955 Left I 26298 1 2/3 I T I 35 •Z` IIII Right I 12798 I 2/3 I T I 785 Q Whore: v, 143 plf L„ 12 ft E 1.7E +06 psi A= 16.50 in h 11 ft G= 9.0E +04 psi t 0298 in e„= 0.037 in d 0.15 in C,= 0.30 A= 16.5 in F 804 psi f, 112 psi ul Page 47.11 B2/23/200 James Lierly_ 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Page 481! Feb 19 09 01 30p Nbse SW22 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: Vas WIND 100 plf wind Vita SEISMIC plf,fer seismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' WDL 50 plf,for dead W 0 p8fo live I DIMENSIONS: L„ 26 ft 10.5 ft L 35 ft 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 1) 1 Sheathing and Single-Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS a 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0 =6d, 1 =8d, 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pes, b 2 in h 6 in DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY 8 ALL EDGES 112 In O.C. FIELD, 5 /B,n DW x 10 In LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 in O.C. DATE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: 11 0.00 k T 0.00 k (HOLD -DOWN NOT REQUIRED) DRAG STRUT FORCES. F 0.90 k EDGE STUD: 2 2" x 6' DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH No 1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.41 in ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.4 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 135 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.11 UBCTable 2341-I-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Pond Grade Common Peneaatio, Thickness Boundary at All Edges Nab (in) (M) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d I 1 518 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE. F (L4.) MAX( v O seisa,n) 0.90 k THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8" DW ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NDS 2001, Page 85) S 48 in THE HOLD-DOWN FORCES: I v ot Wall Seismic (pit) at mid -story (Ibs) I SEISMIC' 0 WIND 100 437 18052381601 P 3 F THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3. ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 8vsh Vsh A= Aa.a..8 Asl=o. +ANod t)p �C/eat a ep EAL. GI +0.75he„ hit L.. Teehlnal References: 1. 'National Design Specification, NDS” 2001 Edition. AF&AP AWC, 2001 2. Alan Williams: "Stiuetulral Engineering Reference Manuar Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY L w v.. Os 2S (Sec. 16332.6) Overturning Resisting I Safty Net Uplift Holddown Moments (ft -bs) I I Moments (R -Ibs) I Factors (Ibs) SIMPSON 2293 I Left I 181517 I 0.9 I T, I 0 Riehr I 102767 I 0.9 I T I 0 43 36750 I Left I 181517 I 2/3 I T, I 0 Kati I Rigid I 102767 I 213 I Ts I 0 1 Q 0.406 in Where: v 135 pit L. 26 ft E 1.7E +06 psi A= 16.50 h 11 ft G= 9.0E +04 psi t= 0.298 e„= 0.037 d,= 0.15 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi C 1.6 C 0.30 A= 16.5 E 1700 ksi C 1.10 F 804 psi 1 254 psi L( James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 217 2009.pdf p+µ Page 491) Feb 19 09 01 30p Nbse PROJECT CLIENT SW2 JOB NO. Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: Yd. NANO 145 plfJorwind Vd a, sE16MIC 0 pif fo seismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' W0 125 plf,for dead load w 0 plflor live load DIMENSIONS: L,,,= 11 ft 10.5 ft L= 18 ft h,= 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing nd Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d, 1 =8d, 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h 6 In DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15132 SHEATHING Wm 10d COMMON NAILS at 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 112 in O.C. FIELD. 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 44 in O.C. HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 0.96 k T 1.91 k DRAG STRUT FORCES. F 1.02 k EDGE STUD: 2 2" x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No 1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: G 0.53 in THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 7 o e &�;8 +esker +eNad ecba spire rp= 8veh +14hh +0.75he„ +hit' EA L. Gt Lw Where: vp 237 Of A 16.50 in t= 0298 in DATE L 11 ft h 11 ft ea 0.037 in 18052381601 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 11 v" he F PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY L P 4 h (USE D2-SDS3 SIMPSON HOLD-DOWN) ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 1.0 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 237 p11, I Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nall Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23- 11 -1-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Penclratior Thickness Boundary All Edge f Nail (in) (in) 6 I 4 1 3 I 2 I I Sheathing and Single -Floor 1 10d 11 5/8 I 15/32 310 1 460 1 600 I 770 1 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L -L,,) MAX(v O scow 1.02 k (O 2.5 (Sec. 16332.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NDS 2001 Page 85) S 44 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES. I I v Wall Seismic Overturning Resisting Salty I Net Uplift Holddown (pIt) I at mid-story (Ibs) I I Moments (ft -Ibs) I Moments (1l -Ibs) I Factors fibs) SIMPSoN I SEISMIC 0 I 185 970 Left I 25332 I 0.9 I T I 0 I 12ipJi1 I 9582 I 0.9 I T„ 10 5 0 WIND I 145 I I 27405 I Left I 25332 I 2(3 I T I 956 �p�' R rxhl I 9582 I 2/3 I T. I 1911 Q Technical References: 1 'National Design Specification, NDS' 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001 2. Alan Williams:'Structuiral Engineering Reference Manual' Professional Publications Inc, 2001. 0.535 in E 1.7E +06 psi G 9.0E +04 psi d,= 0.15 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi C 1.6 C, 0.30 A 16.5 In E 1700 ksi CF 1.10 F 804 psi f.= 145 psi "bey (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 W front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 odf Feb 19 09 01 300 Nbse SW3 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: v 383 pifforwind Vda SEISMIC 0 pll,for seismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF" WCL 125 plf,far dead load WLL 0 ptffor live load DIMENSIONS: L.= 11 ft h 10.5 ft L 18 ft h,= 0 ft \j/Of PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d, 1 =8d. 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h 6 in DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS Q 2 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 12 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 16 in O.C. DATE 18052381601 HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 5.05 k T 6.00 k DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 2.68 k EDGE STUD: 2 2" X 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No.1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.70 In THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES. I I v I W BII Seismic I Ov (plf) at mid -story Obis) Moments (ft -Ibs) SEISMIC! 0 I 185 I 970 I WIND I 383 1 72387 THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3, ASO MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 3 A ABe,d3, +eShaf+ 6, Nod art+ Chad pike db BVbh V6h 0 75h h d �L,. GI w I) 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 v hp T., Where: v, 627 plf L...= 11 ft E 1.7E +06 psi A 16.50 In` h 11 ft G 9.0E +04 psi t= 0.298 in 0.037 in d 0.15 in Techincal References: 1. "National Design Specification, NDS' 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams: "Structuiral E.,:, Reference Manual Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY L P 5 h 0.699 in SIMPSON HOW-DOWN) ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L 1 B 1.0 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v, 627 pif, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 2 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23- II -I.1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Penetratio Thickness Boundary All Edges Nail (in) (in) 6 1 4 I 3 I 2 I Sheathing and Single-Floor I 10d 1 1 5/8 15/32 I 310 I 460 I- 600 1 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a USC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F OA.) MAX( WINO, Dovdr, SEISMIC) 2.68 k (fl, 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8" DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E. NDS 2001, Page 85) S 16 in Resisting Salty Net Uplift Holddown MomeMS(ft-lbs) I Factors (Ibs) ISIMPSONI Loft I 953 I 0.9 I T, I 0 I Right I 9582 I 0.9 I T0 I 0 I 43 Left I 25332 I 2/3 1 Ti I 5045 k Q O M Right I 9582 I 2/3 I TR I 6000 I� CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi C 1.6 Co p 0.30 A= 16.5 in' E 1700 ksi C 1.10 F 804 psi f,, 269 psi (22372009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Page 51 Feb 19 09 01 31p Nbse Title Block Line I You can changes this area using the 'Settings' menu item and then using the Printing Title Block" selection. Title Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design Lic. KW- 06005631 Description OWSSA Material Properties Analysis Method Allowable Stress Design Load Combination 2006 IBC ASCE 7-05 Wood Species Wood Grade Beam Bracing Fb Tension Fb Compr Fc Pr11 Fc Perp Fe Ft Seam is Fully Braced against lateral torsion buckang lLevel Truss Joist Paraflarn PSL 20E DOS 0.850 1 7.0x11.875 2,466.14psi 2,9O0.O0psi +D 2520ft Span* I D Load Combination Span Max Downward Defl Location in Span Ai: Title Dsgnr. Project Desc. Project Notes 18052381601 Printed' 18 5E13 2038, 8 55W Rte. G1DoatmenLs and Seltings\Debre DuIN1.4y f came tlIENERCALC Dab FdesNeaaer ec6 ENERCALC, INC.1963.2006, Ver. 6.021, N:20684 License Owner BART NEEDHAM, SE Cc c.ula oe: IBC 2003 CSC 207 20'2 .\ICS 2,900.0 psi E Modulus of Elasticity 2,900.0 psi Ebend -xx 2,000.0ksi 2,900..Dpsi Eminbend xx 2,0D0 -Oksi 75D.Dpsi 290.0 psi 2- 025.0psi Density 32.210pcf 7.0x11.875, Span 18.0 ft Applied Loads_ Load for Span Number 1 'Uniform L o a d D D.D80 101, Tributary Width =1.0 ft Pant Load D= 160kp2.5Dft DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this span fb Actual FB Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward L +Lr +S Deflection 0.030 in Max Upward L +Lr +S Deflection 0.000 in Live Load Deflection Ratio 0 <360 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.772 in Max Upward Total Deflection 9.000 in Total Deflection Ratio 279 Maximum Forces Sr for toad Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios segment Length Span# M V Le7t 02,32 n144 r s2ri ZS S i l5V 0844 n mrih 13548 4 r3 750 e .a Overall Maximum Deflections Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. Defl Location in Span Load Combination D ,d 72 =kV Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations Unfactored Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span Tv Actual Fv Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span where maximum occurs p 6 Job It Design OK 0.844 1 7.0x11.875 244.78 psi 290.00 psi ry 0.000ft Span 1 Summary of Moment Values Summary of Shear Values Mactual fb- design Fb -alb; Vactual fv.design Fv-allow .3'•$" 2 55.,4 So.r 2,455 r4 2 :v 23800b Max. Upward Defl 1155 1355 Max. Defl Location in Span LdrdD': 202 Location in Span D.' 3 _::4 2-t' 2923) 2510 I; (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Feb 19 09 01 31p Nbse SW4 'Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF. w 125 plf for dead load WLL 0 piftor live load DIMENSIONS: L„= 12 ft h 10.5 ft L 18 ft h 0 ft i1/4, 1A PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single-Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d, 1=13d, 2 -10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS as EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h 6 in DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 103 COMMON NAILS (gr 3 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 112 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in D1A. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 20 in O.C. ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.9 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 503 plf, THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.11 UBCTable 23 II I- Min. Min. Pend Grade Common Penctratior Thickness Nall (m) (in) 6 Sheathing and Single-Floor I 10d I 1 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity THE HOLD DOWN FORCES: I v I Wall Seismic 1 I (pit) at mid -story fibs) SEISMIC! 0 I 202 WIND I 335 I I Where: v 503 plf A 16.50 in t= 0.298 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. Md. WIND' VON SEISMIC C 1.6 Cc— 1.10 335 plffer wind 0 ad,farseismi Overturning Moments (ft Ibs) 1058 63315 1 Ie6 I Right Left I Right 1 L.,, 12 ft h 11 ft e„ 0.037 in DATE 18052381801 HOLD -DOWN FORCES: Tt 3.82 it Tx DRAG STRUT FORCES: F= 2.01 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x 6' DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: 0 0.63 in Blocked Nail Spacing Boundary All Edges 1 4 1 3 1 2 I 460 I 600 I 770 factor per IBC note a I UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L -L) MAX(va; w e d Davao, n 2.01 k D 2.5 (Sec 16332.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 5, NUS 2001 Page 85) S 20 in Resisting Moments (Ras) 26298 12796 26298 12798 I Safty Factors 1 0.9 I I 09 I I 2n I 2/3 I THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3, ASO MANUALSUUP Page SW -17) 3 A AwnrIng sr�a. ONaa,ta Ocrord d. $veh V6h 0.75he 0.633 in EAL,, Gt L. C 0.30 A= 16.5 in' F 804 psi 4. 226 psi Techincal References: 1 National Design Specification, NOS' 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams:'Structuiral Engineering Reference Manual' Professional Publications, In 2001 PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I l 1 1 F E= 1.7E+06 psi G 9.0E+04 psi d,= 0.15 L. P 7 a I Tr, 4.57 k (USE PHD5SOS3 SIMPSON HOLD•DOW N) 2 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 3 in Net Uplift Holddown (163) 1 SIMPSON 1, I 0 g T 1 0 1 6v Tr 1 3815 s py Ta I 4565 Q D2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Page 531 41.a4 s n• L� iflr stx )iviv r tcalm y aai�� y�.' 1 1 Nn.� .2. t,] 11. elf '1 i, YI l V1/Ft'1'p �(x Y �VPYp 1 tl6`GFF YiF K lYr iYiBMPKI37ii' Siww w sst w u .Hu.ri.... t c s .R i t .'.i},t v ilh f. r n j Pal,E.ai n. t I1S r.. V e ]w1i x t. s+Y Ct F tltt: klU AL }llNNil l�u g} }}jgi} fttitt a ntuT Nrfu� T THE MAX SPACING OF 518' DIA A NCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E,DS 200'1, Page 85) THE HOLD-DOWN FORCES: I cam SEISMICI 0 WIND 50 CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 tai I Wall Seismic at mid -story (Ibs) 302 Where: v 50 plf A= 16.50 in' t= 0298 in Co= 1.6 Cp 1 .10 Overturning Moments (ft -Ibs) 1588 9450 to t Right I I Left I RiAA I Resisting Moments (ft4bs) 33858 33858 33858 33858 THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 8vah3 A Benre8 +dskar+ Oxae .dv+ OC62rd ,Eric d vb h hd 0.75he„+ E4L„ Gf L. L„ 18 ft h 11 ft e„= 0.037 in Cp= 0.30 F 804 psi Techincal References: 1 'National Design Specification, NOS' 2001 Edition, AFBAP AWC, 2001 2. Alan Williams: 'Structuiral Engineering Reference Manual' Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 le t ittIvul t 1Nr Jl+7i�C'iis KH «y itff ihtiir tevMl'Ye TM. 1111N111llUwtuuu) uuuuumill Safty Factors I 0 -9 I I 0.9 I 2/3 I I 213 I Net Uplift (Ibs) T, i 0 Te I 0 T, I 0 T. I 0 0.399 in E 1.7E+06 psi G 9.0E+04 psi d, 0.15 In A= 16.5 in' f, 73 psi Holddesn SIMPSON ![(2/23/2009) James Lie' 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 01 32p Nbse SW6 Shear Wall Design LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF" DIMENSIONS: 1� L PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) SEISMIC 25 WIND I 5 CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO INPUT DATA L Vda WIND Vda SEISMIC Wry 185 Where: v 91 Of A 16.50 in` t= 0.298 War= MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d, 1 =8d, 2 =10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: v I Wall Seismic (p10 1 at mid -story (Ibs) 5 25 150 0 10.5 plt ,for wind plf,fer sets plffor load plf,for I load ft 11 ft 40 ft R 0 ft 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor 15132 2 10d 0.5 2 in h DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 1 Ed COMMON NAILS ft 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 12 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 In DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 in O.C. Overturning Moments (ft-Ibs) 11470 2100 Left Right Left Right L_= 11 ft h 11 ft e, 0.037 18052381601 P 9 DATE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 0.00 k T 5.05 k DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 1.81 k EDGE STUD: 2 7' x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: o 0.47 In THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23-11-I -1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Peneaatior Thickmcss I Boundary All Edges THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F MAX( Ye, WINO. Do sesMlc) 1.81 k THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' CIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NDS 2001, Page 85) S 48 in Resisting Moments (11-Ibs) 125082 -48918 125082 -48918 Techincal References: 1. 'National Design Specification, NDS* 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams:'Structuiral Engineering Reference Manual' Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY N t f 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 v.. T, I v. f Lw 0 4,6 D I 4 0 N ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO LIB 1.0 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE vp 91 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spec ng 6 Nail Cm) (in) I 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 1 Sheathing and Single Floor I 10d 1 1 5/8 I 1502 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 I Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. tls 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) Salty Net Up di Hdddcwn Factors Otis) SIMPSON 0.9 I T 1 0 0.9 I Ts I 5045 4) 2/3 I T I 0 I 7 2/3 I Ta= 1 3156 I`f THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 8vah vah hd A A�„a,, Asi.. A ,J .i Acb ate. iw EAL,. Gt 0.75he L 0.473 in E 1.7E +06 psi G 9.0E +04 psi d, 0.15 in Co- 1.6 C,= 0.30 A= 16.5 in C 1.10 F 804 psi f, 376 psi T T. in h (064-503 Page 54 (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street 00 corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 01 32p Nbse SW7 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: Val, WIND 0 plf,f, wind h'da, SEISMIC 25 plf ml GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' Apt, 125 or d bad W 0 plf,for load DIMENSIONS: L„= 8.33 ft h 10.5 ft L= 40 ft h,= 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 r= Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15f32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d, 1 =8d, 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pes, b 2 in h DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 an O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 1 12 in O.C. Na 518 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 in O.C. DATE in HOLD-DOWN FORCES: T 0.00 k T 7.34 k DRAG STRUT FORCES. F 1.98 k EDGE STUD: 2 2" x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: 4 0.53 In Where: v 120 plf L„= 8 ft E= 1.7E+06 psi A= 16.50 In` h 11 ft G= 9.0E+04 psi t= 0.298 in e,= 0.037 in d,= 0.15 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 km C 1.6 C 1.10 Techincal References: 1 "National Design Specification, NOS' 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001 2. Alan Williams: "Structuiral Engineering Reference Manuar Professlonal Publications, Inc, 2001 18052381601 PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY L p 10 1 l l I. I I I I I v'.. ho V Lw I. N DS c N) ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 1.3 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 120 pH, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nall Spacing 6 in h THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER BC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23.11 -1-1 Mi Min. I Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Comma Peaetratior TTiictncro I Boundary All Edges Nail (in) (in) I 6 1 4 I 3 I 2 I Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d 11 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 I Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE. F (L -L„) MAX( v W5D. 4vu., SEISMIC) 1.98 k (Oo 25 (Sec. 1633.2.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NDS 2001, Page 85) S 48 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: I v,,,, Wall Seismic Overturning Resisting Salty Net Uplift Hdddown (pI0 I at mid story (has) I Moments (ft Ibs) I I Moments (ft -Ibs) I Factors (Ibs) SIMPSON II` Left I 102914 I 0.9 I T I 0 SEISMIC I 25 140 I 11235 I °J IIII I Right I 55435 I 0.9 I T I 7338 5 0 Loft I 102914 I 2/3 I 7, I 0 1 ]1] WIND 0 0 Right I 55436 I 213 I T0 I 4437 1' THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) gvbh vbh hd. L. A +Am..,+ A NY al{v+ Acl,�,a Ow d EA Gt 0.75he.+ L0. 0.532 in Op= 0.30 A= 165 in F 804 psi f, 415 psi Page 55 i1 1(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Feb 19 09 01 33p Nbse 18052381601 p 11 SW8 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: yd., y5Np Vac SETS� GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF `11L DIMENSIONS: L,,,= 27 h L 50 PANEL GRADE 0 or 1) 1 MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS COMMON NAIL SIZE (06d, 1 =8d, 2=10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ks 0 50 250 0 10.5 ft hp= 0 ft Sheathing and Single-Floor 15/32 in 2 10d 0.5 2 in to 6 in DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS Vj) 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY 8 ALL EDGES 12 in O.C. FIELD, 518 in DIA. a 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 in O.C. ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.4 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 93 pH, DATE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 0.00 k T 0.00 k (HOLD-DOWN NOT REQUIRED DRAG STRUT FORCES: F= 1.15 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x 6 DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No.1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: D 0.39 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.11 UBCTable 23- il-I -1 Min. Min Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Comma Peneuatior Thickness I Boundary lit AS Edge THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) gv ah 3 vah hd A °t1B.+rin +ASha +G :1q +Acrp„r plc ,rm= G( 0.75he L. EAL. F 2 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in Nail (in) (in) I 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 I Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d I 1 5(8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 11 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a I UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L -1.,.) IMAM v,, NI NO Oovm. SEISMIC 1.15 k (L] 1 (Sec. 1633 2 6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NDS 2001, Page 85) S 48 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: v Wall Seismic Overturning Resisting Salty Not Uplift Hoiddown (pif) I at mid-story fibs) I Moments (ft -Ito) I I Moments (ft -Ibs) I Factors I (Ibs) SIMPSON SEISMIC 50 454 28631 Lsft I 343118 I 0.9 I T,= I 0 Rigid I 55618 I 0.9 I T I 0 4 WIND 0 0 E Loft 343118 I 2/3 I T,= I 0 �O I I Rican 55618 I 2/3 I Tn I 0 Where: v 93 pit L„ 27 ft E 1.7E+06 psi A= 16,50 in` h 11 ft G= 9.0E+04 psi t= 0.298 in e 0.037 in d,= 0.15 ,n C. 1.6 Cp= 0.30 A= 16.5 in CF= 1.10 F 804 psi f, 417 psi Technical References: 1 'National Design Specification, NW' 2001 Edition, AFBAP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Willlams:'Structuirel Engineering Reference Manual' Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY L w 0.387 in V. hp Page 5611 1[(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 01 33p Nbse PROJECT CLIENT SW9 JOB NO. Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: voa %AND 0 pif,for wind Vdlo SEISM 25 pilfer ��o GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' YID 250 pif,f load W 0 plf for load DIMENSIONS: L,.= 13 10.5 R L= 50 ft n,= 0 R NIP PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 4= Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15)32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0- 6d,1=8d, 2=103) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h 6 in DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15132 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 In O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 112 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 in O.C. HOLD-DOWN FORCES. T 0.00 k T 1029 k DRAG STRUT FORCES. F 231 k EDGE STUD: 2 2" x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No.1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: 0.45 In Where: 'lb 96 Of A 16.50 in t 0.298 L 13 ft h 11 R 0.037 rn 18052381601 DATE I l l 1 1; F PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3. ASO MANUAL SUUP Page SW 17) 8v1,h3 vbh hd, A =�sa.e, Asrrr, AChord fie. r�_ 0.75 h e„ 0.453 LAL. Gt L. Techincal References: 1 'National Design Specification, NDS' 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams 'Structural Engineering Reference Manual' Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 v. he E 1.7E +06 psi G 9.0E +04 psi d, 0.15 in v. Lw CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi Cp. 1.6 Cp= 0.30 A= 16.5 in E= 1700 ksi C,= 110 F 804 psi 778 psi p 12 ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L 1 B 0.8 .e 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 96 p11, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: I vo, Wall Seismic Overturning Resisting Net Uplift Hoiddown (pit) I at mid-story (Ibs) I Moments (R -Ibs) I Moments (R -Ibs) I Factors Sa(ty I fibs) SIMPSON SEISMIC! 25 I 218 I 14272 tads I 319598 I 0.9 I T, I O Ripbt I 142902 I 0.9 I T, 1 10991 C, WIND I 0 I I 0 Lett I 319598 I 2/3 I T, I 0 co Right I 142902 2/3 I T. I 7328 h T. THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTabie 23- It-I -1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Pcoetratior Thickness I Boundary AS Edges Nail (in) (in) I 6I 4 I 3 I 2 I Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d 11 5/8 I 15132 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 I Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC note1 of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L -L,,.) MAX( vm, wao. Oovda. swim) 2.31 k (t:1 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 50 DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E. NOS 2001 Page 85) S 48 in FG Page 571 E(2!23 %2009) James Lierly 240 w front Street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Feb 19 09 01 34p Nbse 18052381601 p 13 i�� PROJECT PAGE CLIENT S yy 7 0 JOB NO. DATE REVIEW BY Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA r LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: vde wrRio 0 plf,forwind Yds. seismic 25 War seismic W GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF 250 patio dead load L_ 1 1 1 1 0 plf,Ior live load j v h, DIMENSIONS: L,,,= 28 fl h 10.5 ft F L 50 ft h 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 se Sheathing and Single-Floe MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15132 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0= 6d,1 =6d,2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 h 8 T i DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15132 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS at 6 O.C. BOUNDARY 8 ALL EDGES 112 in O.C. FIELD, 518 in DIA. x 10 In LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 in O.C. HOLD -DOWN FORCES. 0.00 k Ta 0.00 k DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 1.38 k EDGE STUD: 2 2" 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No.1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.37 in THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L-L"J MAX( v veeo. nova+. roc) 1.38 k THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8" DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NOS 2001, Page 85) S 48 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: v Walt Seismic Overturning (p9) I at mid -story ()bs) I Moments (ftabs) SEISMIC 25 I 470 15595 WIND 1 0 I 0 CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi CD. 1.6 C 1.10 Nail (in) Gal 6 I 4 1 3 I 2 I 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d 11 518 1 15132 I 310 i 460 I 600 I 770 1 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC note1 of the table. Resisting SSalty 1 Net Uplift I- bkldown Moments (ft -Ibs) I Factors 1 (Ibs) I SIMPSON Left I 345428 J 0.9 I T I 0 Right 1 70428 1 0.9 I T I 0 5 Lsdl I 345428 1 213 1 T,= I 0 0 O ti Right I 70428 I 2/3 I T I 0 Q THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) Svah vnh hd A AB.,Lh Ash., Oxad aln+ A0.4 sir. d>p EAGw 4 Gt +0 75hee+ L. 0.366 in Where: v.= 45 plf L„= 28 ft E= 1.7E +06 psi A= 16.50 in h 11 ft G 9.0E +04 psi t= 0.298 in e„= 0.037 d,= 0.15 in C.= 0.30 A= 16.5 n F 804 psi f.= 391 psi Technical Refers es: 1. "National Design Specification, NOS" 2001 Edition, AFBAP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams: "Structuiral Engineering Reference Manual" Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 (HOLD -DOWN NOT REQUIRE Noft ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.4 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE 5.= 45 p8, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 1 UBCTable 23-11 -1 -1 Min. Mi Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Penesatior Thickness boundary Mi Edges (D 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) IL(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Feb 19 09 01 34p Nbse Title Block Line 1 You can changes this area using the 'Settings' menu item and then using the 'Printing Title Block" selection. Title Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design Lic. KW- 06005631 License Owner BART NEEDHAM, SE Description .OtIEGA CALL 2 Material Properties Analysis Method Allowable Stress Design Load Combination 2006 IBC ASCE 7 -05 Fb Tension Fb Compr Fc Pill Fc Perp Fv Ft Beam Bracing Beam is Foully Braced against ilateral- torsion budding Wood Species Wood Grade level Truss 9oisf Paralfarn PSL 2.11E 14 00 3 a %4 J. ^v 018 �8) Applied loads Load for Span Number 1 tindormLoad D= 0.1350tkfft. Tributary Width =1.Dtt ;Pomttmd D= 9.18Dk 15,b.Dfi DESdGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio 0.884 1 Section used for this span 5.25x14.0 fb Actual 2,562.40psi FB Allowable 2.901/0Dpsi Load Combination +D Location of maximum on span 51:911 Span where maximum occurs Span #1 Maximum Deflection Max Downward L +Lr+S Deflection 11000 in Max Upward L +Lr +S Deflection 0.000 in Live Load Deflection Ratio 0 <240 0101351 Title Dsgnr Project Desc. Project Notes 5.25x14.0, Span 15.0 ft ,tAwannt n Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span iv Actual Fv Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span where maximum occurs Max Downward Total Deflection 11507 in Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Total Deflection Ratio 354 Maximum Forces Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Segment Length Span M V Eirmt 50 fl 1a r6• =Jh12d t r 1511 .r' 0.147 Overall Maximum Deflections Urrfacfa>ed Loads Load Combination Span Max. Dell Location in Span Load Combination L ea c •a Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. Downward Deft Location in .ranted: 18 FEB 2069. 5.5451 Fie: C1Docunrnls and Sett gslDebra Ibfy1Mr Documenis4ENERCALC Data Flesldeaver.ec6 ENERCALC, INC. 1963-2008, Ver. 6.0.21, N:20064 Summary of Moment Values Mactual fb- design Fb -allow Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. t. 240 2 05 2501.4 2,15019 25324C 2:0:945 18052381601 Caiculacicnn. poi 13C 21305 CEC J07 2005 DS 2,900.0psi E Modulus of Elasticity 2;900.0 psi Fend -xx 2000 Oksi 2,90110 psi Eminbend xx 2.000.0ksi 750-Dpsi 290.Opsi 2,025.0 psi Density 3221Opcf Max. Upward Defl p 14 Job Design OK 0.447 1 525x14.0 129.73 psi 290.00 psi +0 'Sparc; 1 Summary of Shear Values Vactual fv- design Fe -allow .=:5 17'x..• or91: 3'v 123.7 9r DD 03'. 1E.. 10:010 Max Dell Location in Span Locatbn in Span 'c.1 /€.67 Page 5911 l',(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections, 17rv2009„pdf Page 60j1 Summary Span 18.00ft, Width= 12.00in Depth 18.00in Maximum Moment Mu 113.41 k -ft Allowable Moment Mn•phi 107.54 k -ft Maximum Deflection Maximum Shear Vu 19.87 k Max Reaction Left Allowable Shear Vn'phi 61.64 k Max Reaction Right Shear Stirrups. Stirrup Area Section 0.440 in2 Region 0.000 3.000 6.000 9.000 12.000 15.000 Max. Spacing 7.500 7.500 7.500 7.500 7.500 7.500 Max Vu 19.867 18.978 17 423 9.452 9.452 11.008 I Bending Shear Force Summary Bending. MtePhi Mu, Eq. 9 -1 Mu, Eq. 9-2 ttp Center 107.54 k -ft 21 44 k -ft 113.41 k -ft Left End 107.54k-ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft Right End 107.54 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft Shear. VrePhi Vu, Eq. 9 -1 Vu, Eq. 9 -2 g Left End 61.64k 4.12 k 19.87 k 62 Right End 61.64k 4.08 k 11.90 k Deflection Deflections.. Onward Downward DL [Bm Wt] 0.0000 in at 0.0000 ft 0.0412 in at 9.0000ft DL+ LL+ [Bm WI] 0.0000 in at 0.0000 ft -0.0477 in at 9.0000ft DL LL ST [Bm Wt] 0.0000 in at 0.0000 ft -0.5380 in at 8.3520ft Reactions. E0 Left Right DL [Bm Wt]] 2.857 k 2.857 k DL LL [Bm Wt] 3.307 k 3.307 k DL LL ST [Bm Wt] 14.641 k 8.974 k 0.5380 in 14.64 k 8.97 k 18.000 if 7.500 in 11.897 k Mu, Eq. 9-3 105.15 k ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft Vu, Eq. 94 18.09 k 10.13 k {(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009_pdf Page 611 Feb 19 09 01 43p Nbse L R, 5501C0 Us Kw- 03C5a.1. V r 5 1, 72 icylvoz-zar 0 rip ^,-g Sete, Description TYPICAL CONC GRADE BEAM Section Analysis Evaluate Moment Capacity. Center X Neutral Axis 2705 in a beta Xneutral 2.299 in Compression in Concrete 70.357 k Sum (Steel comp. forces) 35.419 k Tension In Reinforcing 105.500 k Find Max As for Ductile Failure.. X- Balanced 8.878 in Xmax Xbal 0.75 6.658 In a-max beta Xbal 7.546 in Compression in Concrete 173.179 k Sum [Steel Comp Forces] 101 112 k Total Compressive Force 274.291 k AS Max Tot Force Fy 4.572 in2 Actual Tension As 1.760 OK Additional Deflection Calcs Neutral Axis !gross icracked Elastic Modulus Fr 7.5 I' c".5 Z:Cracldng Z:cracking 175 No Good! Eff. Flange Width ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 89-2 DL ACI 9-1 8 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 8 9-2 ST .seismic ST 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 4.610 in 5,832.00 in4 2,268.10 in4 3,122.0 ksi 410.792 psi 201 481 ksi 12.00 in ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor Tale Dsgnr: Description Scope 18052381601 Left End 2.705 in 2.299 in 70.357 k 35.419 k 105.800 k 8.878 in 6.658 in 7.546 In 173.179 k 101 112 k 274.291 k 4.572 in2 0.000 OK Met Ms:Max DL LL R1 (Ms:DL +LL)/Mcr Ms:Max DL +LL+ST R2 (Ms:DL +LL +ST)/Mcr Leff. Ms(DL +LL) Leff. Ms(DL +LL +ST) Job Date: 11 34AM, 18 FEB 09 Right End 2.705 in 2.299 in 70.357 k 35.419 k 105.600 k 8.8776 in 6.658 In 7.546 in 173.179 k 101 112 k 274.291 k 4.572 in2 0.000 OK 22.18 k -ft 80.68 k -ft 0.275 81.23 k -ft 0273 2,342.176 in4 2,34(1.681 1n4 p 1 ec55Smp mo.c. Page 2 G]Ic 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7 "1 4" Factor 1 400 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 '0.9" Factor 0.900 1.300 N Q w N L V PLAN a_ 0 w 0 m m LL ALL OTHERS SCALE 1/8" SHEATH ENTIRE EXTERIOR OF WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION WITH SHEATHING THAT MATCHES THICKNESS SHOWN ON SCHEDULE. THIS SHEATHING IS IN ADDITION TO THAT SHOWN ON THE SCHEDULE. IOU 06 ALL LOCATIONS. DO NOT BLOCK EDGES. 2. FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CONCRETE (FOC), FACE OF BLOCK (FOB). ND FACE OF PLYWOOD. THE FACE OF PLYWOOD SHALL EQUAL THE FACE 0 BLOCK OR CONCRETE. 3. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR SAAB SLOPES, DEPRESSIONS, CURBS. l FLOOR DRAWS. 4. O-R" TOP OF CONCRETE SLAB ELEVATION, OP OF PAD ELEVATION •-0 -0 5 REINFORCE ALL CONT FOOTINGS WITH 2.SS TOP, 245 ROTT. 04 VERT. 032' UNO B ALL SLEEVES THROUGH FOUNDATION WALLS AND UNDER FOOT12 SHAL BE INSTA LED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE 7. NO SLEEVING OF ANY FOOTING OR GRADE BEAM IS ALLOWED UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DETAILED HER EN OR UNLESS APPROVED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENG W EER. B. THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER HAS NO CONTROL OR RESPONSIBLITY DESIGN OR USE OF TEMPORARY SHORNG. FORMING, UNDERPNNNG OR SCAFFOLDING REQUIRED TO ERECT THIS PRO I. BACKPLLING OF RETAINING WALL CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION BELOW GRACE MAY BE DONE ONLY AFTER. UCH CON ACTION HAS EEN IN RACE DAYS. 10. STUD WALLS SHALL FRAMED CONTINUOUSLY FULL HEIGHT FROM CONCRETE TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF OR FLOOR FRAMING. PLATFORM FRAMING IS NOT ALLOWED, PARTICULARLY FOR GABLE RADON TRUSS END WALL 11. INTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE FASTENED TO CONCRETE WITH .145 DIA. SHOT HAS WITH A ABNIMUM OF 112" EMBEDMENT. THIS IS FOR HON- STRUCTURAL PARTITIONS, AND DOES NOT APPLY TO SHEAR PANELS OR OTHER DES CTUR LWALLS 12. THE BOTTOM OF FOOTINGS ARE SHOWN ON THE FOUNDATION PLAN. VERI ELEVATIONS WITH THE SOILS REPORT OR ENGINEER, AND COMPACTION, IOR TO PLACING FOOTINGS FOOTINGS SHALL BEAR ON THE DEEPER OF THE DEPTH SHOWN ON PLAN, THE DEPTH REQUIRED BY A SOILS REPORT OR ENGINEER OR 12` INTO UNDISTURBED NATN MATERIAL COMPACTION SHALL FOLLOW ASTM 01557. IT. UNO, DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE FACE OF PLYWOOD. UNO. THE FACE OP PLYWOOD OR SHEATHNG IS EQUAL TO THE FACE OF CONCRETE. 14. UNLESS NOTED N THE PLANS CR DETAILS, ALL FOOTNGS SHALL BE REINFORCED WITH 245 TOP AND 245 BOTTOM. INSTALL AOS VERTICAL WITH A STANDARD HOOK AT 32 SEE FOUNDATION PLAN S DETAILS. 15. WHERE NAILING AND SILL CONNECTION FOR SHEAR PANELSIS NOT SHOWN OR NOTED. PROVIDE NAILING MO SILL CONNECTION AS INDICATED BY PANEL MARK 1 N THE SHEAR PANEL SCHEDUL 10. DO NOT PENETRATE THE SKIN OF THE WALL SHEATHING WITH THE NAIL HEAD. C RKN TO CALLING FOR I PECTKNH, ND RETIGHTENED PRIOR COVERNG RCLOSING N. It SHEATHING MAY BE PLACED ON EITHER SIDE OF WALL 19. WA STU RECEIVING HOLDOWN ANCHORS S EDGE NAIUNG SH F01 20. INSTALL HOLDOWNS IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2009 -207D SIMPSON HOLD .LOG. (E) RETAINING WALL TO REMAIN. +39' AFF TYP 1' Cr P 20 K P 25 K II LEAD IF REO'O II BY CONTRACTOR PILE LOADING APPROXIMATE PANEL LENGTH DESIGNATION FOUNDATION OR FLOOR DESIGNATION et ROOF IS TO VERIFY THE ACTUAL SHEAR PANEL LENGTH W RH THE WALL LENGTH SHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. HOLOOWNS OD O Y WHERE SHOWN ON THE FOUNDATION FLAN NOT NECESSARILY A SHEAR PANEL LOCATIONS. NSTALLED LENGTH SHALL BE WITHIN 10% OF OVERALL SH EAR PANEL LENGTH. SHEET NOTES SUBMIT FIRE SPRINKLER SHO DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL a U U Cl) G_w C W Ct ce 02 o (3 c w Z (6 0 M u LU I- U CC u_ EN O. REVISIONS/SUBMITTAL MARKI ITEM I PERMIT A DATE 5101 10-12-2008 (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Page 6311 Feb 19 09 01 43p Nbse 629 State Street JOB TITLE: SHEET NO. 9230 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 nbse 321 High School Rd. NE (B05)452-8152 SUBJECT DESIGNER: associates #2(6 JOB NO DATE: Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS (206)760.5333 1 I I I- I 1 i l c 1 I 1 1 .I 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 Oikec,, 1 /r r 7- A•4007,- -(5.311 ,lOo) i_ I I i 1 i I 1 1_ A/1 1 1 5'2 6 E d iff 1 1 11 ,e I .1 I 0 M 4 tft71 1011 11 Al t° 14 1 1 1 1 t i. I 1 i _I_ i• b•1.- 1 1 I 1 F, 1.-: is 1 1 i 1 I i 1 1 H ii: 1. 'osiii4: r 2_2: Y z 1 4 14 0 l is,0 44 I I I PUB 194 SeIioo WA 98004 (425) 418-8502 18052381601 P 3 i 1 .g? 2 ,s/ 1 6-w4 1 Ii 1 3 I 1. h i i 4 i .2.1a i LI I 0 4. i_7 0 x 6. 9L. a_ 19--1 Q o Cl t Y) m: w C 0 V to J a) E O 1 N 0 m co c 2 X 3501 co 4X 4 C CR fE 24 X 24 CONCRE GRADE 8EAM DOWEL. q 36' IN 5f i DIA• TO (E) 1` EPDXY X.6' HOLE IN 2 PAR iC: PLACE ONC. REWF PILE CAP AROUN (2/23%2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 01 44p nbse O o r fi r; NO 91 SiSIor/ s ti 7 A i d 11 778 PSL FLU V v S50 OLIM A (0 O d S 11 N W 0 1 A 1n N SIM vrmp ^jc0� N 18052381601 ti a 1 mmmx 0-4 /11 73 T I 1 31/2X11 1 LLVL FLUSF 10d Ng 3 X L_. I o v ir► I 0 co I olO r '`m Y8 P ;L FLUSH \N I 7 X 111 FLUSH 1.0 .O 3'12X'I'L1 Y� LVL FLUSH tad 4 T X 7 X 11 718 PSI. FL USH 7 X 11 715 PSI. FLUSH P 5 Page 65 La/23/2009) James Lie4 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 Of Page 1 OFFICE LOCATIONS 365 ERICKSEN AVE NE #328 BAINBRIDGE ISLAND WA 98110 206-780-6822 629 STATF STREET 4228 SANTA 3ARBARA, CA 93101 805-452-8152 CPT' 1ri PA Pc _1 IC -4. -8' MAIL DELIVERIES califomia STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS plan check corrections PORT ANGELES FAMILY MEDICAL CLINIC 240 W FRONT STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98363 2006 I BC/ASCE7-05 by bart@nbse.com nbse 321 HIGH SCHOOL ROAD NE STE. D-3 PMB 216 BAINBRIDGE ISLAND WA 98110 O 206 780 6822 C 206 300 2346 F 206 780 6683 F 208 693 3667 associates ci vii structural engineers 2-16-2009 I EXR RES2-6-2011 I idaho washington oregon !I (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Feb 19 09 12 54p Nbse 18052381601 E.N O v ASSOCIATES I t CORPORATE D FEB 1 0 2009 CITY OF FORT ?ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION FAMILY MEDICINE BUILDING PORT ANGELES, WA SECOND STRUCTURAL PLANCHECK January 23, 2009 Notes: The designer is to address each item of the plancheck notes in his or her letter of response. The designer is also to place a "cloud' around all changes so that compliance may be verified. Notes that are preceded by an asterisk are general comments that require no change to plans: 3. Revise plans and calculations as necessary for wind load of 100 mph, Exposure D There are conflicts within the calculations with some portions of calculations using 90 mph, Exposure "D" while other portions appear to us 105 ph, Exposure 'D" 5. It appears one of the roof beams, RB -2, has a span of at least 26' rather than the 25' span shown in the calculations. Please revise plans and calculations as necessary 6. Please specify edge distance requirements on for sill anchors on Detail 6/S501 and specify anchors to be used. 7 Please clarify material used for infill walls between existing steel frames. Some details appear to use steel studs while others use wood studs, See Detail 6/S501 and Detail 1/S503. There also appears to be discrepancies between sections on architectural plans and structural plans for these infill walls. 8. Please clarify connection of new infilled exterior walls to existing steel frames and new HSS framing at eave as well as connection at sill. Provide calculations to justify p 1 '1 tV1L:�iVC,1NYtHllNu .LAND.SURVEYING, 301 East 6th Street, Suite I Port Angeles,Washington 98362 (360) 417-0501 Fax (360) 417 -0514 E -mail: xenovic @olympus.net J o exiirAtAf 1 As noted in previous plan review the minimum roof snow load is 25 psf per City of Port Angeles Requirements. No reduction of this minimum is allowed. Please revis engineering and plans as necessary this applies to both the analysis of the existing building and the addition. 2. The change in occupancy of this building requires building to conform to structural j provisions of 2006 I.B.C. per Section 3403. Provided justification for use of AISC 9` Edition rather than current addition AISC 360 -05. Also provide justification for use o ACI 318 -02 rather than ACI 318 -05 in the design. x-- 5 6."31-6 rrr' 4 Floor beam #1 appears to have a point load from above which is not addressed in calculations. Please review and revise plans and calculations as necessary L Page 211 K2%2372009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf X exis any icioi uvui f, _.Y_._ c,A:8: 1. 11 Please clarify what pages of the calculations show the wind and seismic loads indicated on the sketch on page 40 of calculations. Also clarify the load at the interior shear wall location for wind in the north /south direction on sheet 41 2. Please clarify how lateral loads are transferred back into Grid Line B for the second story floor area extending out south of Grid Line B It should be noted that section B /S302 doesn't show blocking between the joists. 13. Please clarify how lateral loads are transferred between shear walls along Grid Line B at the roof and the second floor It appears that the beams are acting as a drag struts. How are they connected to the ends of the shear walls to provide transfer of lateral loads? w '�1e -�s` ^.`y'S�C:ei%+it."•`~ -:$ii- -.iii -r �_r r- =iii33 I�G `taR'T"v o= j 3'cF�:L`�i:::Y•iN .�F. 14 Please clarify how second floor lateral loads are resisted at elevator end of second floor walkway Grid Line C. 115. Please clarify shear wall design printouts. There appear to be shear walls that have heights that do not match the heights of the walls on the plans or other shear walls along the same line. Examples are shear walls #4 #5 and #6 although this occurs in other locations on the plans. It may be that I do not understand your methodology but please clarify 16. Holdowns appear to missing from the plans for shear wall #4 #5 and #6, #15. 17 Shear walls #16 and #17 appear to have loads in excess of the shears wall called out on plans. 18. Shear wall #16 holdowns do not have required capacity for load in calculations. Please note that Simpson 2009 -2010 book used as reference. 19. Shear wall #17 calculations show special holdowns which do not appear to be shown on plans (the HDU -8 holdowns shown do not appear to have adequate capacity). Please note that foundation and holdown anchor bolt calculations shall be provided for required load. 20. Shear wall #22 appears to have loads in excess of shear wall called out on the plans. The calculations show special holdowns which do not appear to be shown on plans (the HDU -5 holdowns shown do not appear to have adequate capacity). Please note that foundation and holdown anchor bolt calculations shall be provided for required 41 PG. f's. 1 its load. l t, c Page 311 [(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Feb 19 09 12 55p Nbse 18052381601 Page 3 Family Medicine 1 O." Please clarify how lateral loads are transferred into the top of the interio shear walls. 1 22. Engineer shall specify holdown anchor bolts on plans for clarification. p d --,23. Clarify how holdown loads at shear wall #12 are transferred to the foundation It I appears that this wall sits over a beam so what holds the ends of the beam down J and transfers the load into the foundation. 24 Shear wall calculations indicate requirement for D.F #1 studs at holdown locations while structural notes call for studs to be stud grade, please clarify 0 25. Please clarify sill connection in shear wall schedule for walls #2 and #3 where schedule calls for 16d when a 3x for 4x sill is required per the remarks. 26. How are interior partitions being laterally supported for required lateral loads of IBC V 1607 13? if w 04 Q c, 4. t 4AJ41G 27 Structural engineer shall review and approve sprinkler system drawings for compliance with structural provisions. Engineer shall verify that sprinkler system 7 collateral load used in design of building conforms to the actual loads of the sprinkler system. Engineer shall review and approve sprinkler system prior to framing A, 6. Cr inspection. Na 28. Please provide calculations to justify use of existing purlins with additional load of sprinkler piping as discussed in item #27 above. 29 Foundation plans appears to show dowels from existing concrete slab to new slab and/or grade beam at Grid Line Ba but nothing appears to be called out, please clarify 30 Please identify joist and beam hangers used in the floor framing in the area of the stairway There appears to be beam and joist hangers which are not specified. 31 Clarify floor framing between the stairway /elevator to the main second floor area. Is the one LVL beam hanging off the other one or are they being supported by the existing slab along the stairway wall? 32. Please clarify framing and bracing details for parapet framing mechanical area shown on Sheet S301 and S302. There appears to be discrepancies between the sections. Are the studs running down along the joists to provide lateral stability? It is not clear from the plan what is occurring in this area. 33. There appears to be louvers being i frames on the building exterior as s structural calculations and details fo not appear to even be detailed on t instal and cone: ho non the arc these items e architec cted to the existing rigid ectural plans. Please provide should be noted that these do dal plans. aZ f l�'G 3 P 3 I1 (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17`2009 pdf Feb 19 09 12 55p LOAD TABLES ROOFING FRAMING PLYWOOD MECHANICAL INSULATION CEILING MISCELLANEOUS D+L FLOORING FRAMING PARTITION PLYWOOD MECHANICAL INSULATION CEILING MISCELLANEOUS ROOF LOADS 1 4 1-LOADING ITEM DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD(SNOW) FLOOR LOADS 11 ITEM DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD D +L Hbse WEIGHT 8.0 3.0 3.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 1.0 33.0 r 50.0 18052381601 PROJECT FMPA DEAD LOA SEISMIC FING FRAMING PLYWOOD MECHANICAL INSULATION CEILING MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR PARTITION EXTERIOR PARTITION SEISMIC DEAD LOAD 9FAD LOAD FOR SEISMIC WEIGHT ITEM WEIGHT 3.0 FLOORING 3.0 3.0 FRAMING 3.0 20.0 PARTITION 10.0 3.0 PLYWOOD 3.0 1.0 MECHANICAL 1.0 0.5 INSULATION 0.5 2.0 CEILING 2.0 0.5 MISCELLANEOUS 0.5 INTERIOR PARTITION 8.0 EXTERIOR PARTITION 10.0 DEAD LOAD P 4 0 41410 5 f� IS I W aG 3.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 1.0 4.0 8.0 28.0 4-- 39.0 .4- /4v5 Page 5 1j I( (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 172009 pdf Page 6_11 Feb 19 09 12 55p nbse associates civil structural engineers ones 365 Ericksen Ave. NE #328 Bainbridge Island, wA 98110 sne. -2' 0 Sr' :a c: C 1.1 20 roF 4 0: 206-780 -6822 F 206 780-6683 C: 206-300-2346 bart@nbse.com califomia mall deliveries: 321 High School Rd. NE PMB216 Ste D3 Ba nbddge Island, WA 98110 Mr W F Hennessey M D 240 Front Street Port Angeles, WA 98363 Dear Mr Hennessey' This letter will address the structural issues regarding the existing building at the new clinic location on Front Street. Currently pending, the City of Port Angeles maintains that the new occupancy of the structure constitutes a change in use, as determined during the plancheck process for this project, as outlined in the 2006 IBC It is prudent to address these issues and keep the project moving forward. I recommend the following as this wall loosely agreed to in our meeting on Thursday February 12th, at the offices of the City of Port Angeles: 1 We have voluntarily upgraded the existing building by' removing the existing masonry infill block walls adding chevron type bracing for north -south lateral loads strengthening the roof by adding rod bracing 2. Continue permitted work with the foundation shell, until the entire issue with the City of Port Angeles comes to a satisfactory conclusion. 3 Provide an analysis of the building based on the AISC 9th Edition in lieu of the requirments of AISC 360 This should satisfy the majority of the requirments for the building. 4 Provide and examination of the existing welds of the existing building to determine if any repairs are warranted I aniticipate this will help bring this to a satisfying conclusion. If there are any questions or comments, please call 206 780 -6822. Nbse 18052381601 P 5 Bart Needham, SE February 16, 2009 Project: FMPA 240 W Front St. Port Angeles, WA 98363 existing building analysis washington Oregon Idaho 11(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 12 56p Nbse 18052381601 PROJECT FIAPA *dating Mg) LOAD TABLES ROOFING FRAMING metal deck MECHANICAL INSULATION CEILING MISCELLANEOUS ROOF LOADS R±LLOADINO ITEM DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD(SNOW) 30x 20 Co MATERIAL WEIGHTS (where used) 8" CONCRETE BLOCK 2X4 16 2X6 16" *EIGHT 4.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 DEAD LOAD FOR RF16AC ITEM ROOFING FRAMING metal deck MECHANICAL INSULATION CEILING MISCELLANEOUS INTERIOR PARTTTIONNAALL EXTERIOR PARTTTIONNHAL, Qed ISO SEISMIC DEAD LOAD 23.0 U� L �p ere,ci 96 PSF 5 PSF OF FLOOR AREA 6 PSF OF FLOOR AREA wow 4.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 P 6 Pe Paqe 71i Ir(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Page 811 Feb 19 09 12 56p Nbse i- Bart PROJECT PAGE Needham CLIENT DESIGN BY JOB NO.. DATE REVIEW BY Wind Analysis for Low -rise Building, Based on ASCE 7-05 IBC 2006 I CBC 2007 INPUT DATA Exposure category (B. C D) d Importance factor, pg 77 (0.87 1.0 or 1.15) I 1.00 Basic wind speed (IBC Tab 1609.3.1 V V 100 mph Topographic factor (Sec, pg 26 a 45) Ka 1 Building height to gave h, 26 ft Building height to ridge Building length Building width Effective area of components DESIGN SUMMARY Max horizontal force normal to building length, L, face 47.58 kips Max horizontal force normal to building length, B, face 9.27 kips Max total horizontal torsional load 552.19 ft-kips Max total uoward force 37.11 kips ANALYSIS Velocity pressure 45. 0.00256 Kh K K, V I 24.55 psf c where: q velocity pressure at mean roof height, h. (Eq. 6-15, page 27) K,, velocity pressure exposure coefficient evaluated at height, h, (Tab. 6-3. Case 1,pg 79) K. wind directionality factor. (Tab. 6-4, for building, page 80) h mean roof height Oeslan pressures for MWFRS p=gnt(G CwH GC, )I where: p pressure in appropriate zone. (Eq. 6-18, page 28). G C product of gust effect factor and external pressure coefficient, see table below. (Fig. 6-10, page 53 8 54) G C product of gust effect factor and internal pressure coelficienL(Fig. 6-5, Enclosed Building, page 47) 0.18 or -0.18 a width of edge strips, Fig 6-10, note 9, page 54, MAX[ MIN(0.1 B, 0.4h), 0.048,3] 3.00 ft Net Pressures (pat), Basic Load Cases Net Pressures (psf), Torsional Load Cases I Roof angle 0 0.00 I Rod angle 0 0.00 I I Roof angle 0 0.00 Surface I I Net Pressure with I I Net Pressure wall I Surface I I Net Pressure with G c9n I +GC (GC°i) I GCDr I('GC°i) I GC°r (UGC °,)I (C -G 1 0.40 5.40 14.24 0.40 5.40 14.24 IT 0.40 1.35 3.56 2 -0.69 -21.35 -12.52 -0 -69 -21.35 -12.52 2T -0.69 -5.34 -3.13 3 -0.37 13.50 -4.66 -0.37 13.50 -4.66 3T -0.37 3.37 117 4 -0.29 11.54 -2.70 -0.29 11.54 -2.70 4T -0.29 -2.88 -0.67 16 0.61 10.55 19.39 0.61 10.55 19.39 I Roof annte 0 0.00 I 2E 1.07 30.68 -21.85 1.07 -30.68 -21.85 0 C I Net Pressure with I 3E -0.53 -17 43 -0 Surface .59 -0.53 -17 43 -8.59 I r I (+GC I 4E -0.43 -14.97 -6.14 -0.43 -14.97 -6.14 5 -0.45 -15.46 -6.63 -0.45 -15.46 -6.63 6 -0.45 -15.46 -6.63 -0.45 -15.46 -6.63 ourP RErE:E„ cd3ER E Transv se Direction Longitudinal Direction Basic Load Cases h 26 ft L 105 ft B 18 ft A 10 ft 3r A 3 WIRE.. CORNER 131SC1 ON Rim uw 18052381601 P 7 I B 1.13 0.86 26.00 ft 1T 0.40 1.35 3.56 2T -0.69 -5.34 -3.13 3T -0.37 -0.37 -1.17 4T -029 -2.88 -0.67 Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction Torsional Load Cases P6. ([(2/23%2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Feb 19 09 12 56p Nbse 18052381601 P 8 Basic Load Cases In Transverse Direction I Area I Pressure k) wets I Surface (re) I (Col) I (C) I 1 2574 13.90 36.64 2 891 -19.03 11 15 3 891 12.03 -4.16 4 2574 -29.69 -6.95 1E 156 1.65 3.02 2E 54 -1.66 118 3E 54 -0.94 -0.46 4E 156 -2.34 -0.96 E I Vert. i -33.65 I 16.95 I 1 10 psI mi I Hertz. I 27.30 I 27.30 Sec. Vert. 18.90 -18.90 Torsional Load Cases in Transverse Direction Area I Pressure n0 with I Torsion IR-kl 1 Surface CO I (+GCpi) I(+GC0)1 GC, I 1 1209 6.53 17.21 162 426 2 419 -8.94 5.24 0 0 3 419 5.65 1.95 0 0 4 1209 -13.95 3.26 345 81 18 156 1.65 3.02 82 150 2E 54 1.66 -118 0 0 3E 54 -0.94 -0.46 0 0 4E 156 -2.34 -0.96 116 47 IT 1365 1.84 4.86 -48 -126 21 473 -2.52 -1.48 0 0 31 473 -1.59 -0.55 0 0 4T 1365 3.94 -0.92 103 -24 I Total Hors. Torsional Load, WIT I 552 1 552 1 Design erasures for components and cladding, p= 9h[(GCp) (GC,,)1 where: p pressure on component. (Eq. 6.22, pg 28) pmin 10 pat (Sec., p9 21) G C external pressure coefficient. see table below. (Fig. 6 page 55 Basic Load Cases in Longitudinal Direction Surface I Area I Pressure (k) with I (ft') I GCor) I 1 312 1.68 4.44 2 630 -13.45 -7.89 3 630 -8.50 -2.94 4 312 3.60 -0.84 1E 156 1.65 3.02 2E 315 -966 -6.88 3E 315 -5.49 -2.71 4E 156 -2.34 -0.96 Hartz. I Vert. I 9.27 37-11 I -20.1 I I Sec. I Vert. I 184.68 .90 I -18.90 I Torsional Load Cases in Longitudinal Direction I Surface I Area I Pressure (k)with I Torsion 15 k1 I Uf') I +GCoo) I -GC (+GCoi)I (I) I 1 78 0.42 1.11 1 2 2 315 5.73 -3.94 0 0 3 315 -4.25 -147 0 0 4 78 -0.90 -0.21 1 0 1E 158 1.65 3.02 10 18 2E 315 -9.66 -6.88 0 0 3E 315 -5.49 -2.71 0 0 4E 156 -2.34 -0.96 14 6 IT 234 0.32 0.83 1 -4 2T 630 -3.36 -1.97 0 0 3T 630 -2.13 -0.73 0 0 4T 234 -0.67 -0.16 -3 1 Total Hor¢ Torsional Load. Mr I 21.4 I 21.4 I Walls 5 Z I a 6 6 a 666, I 3~r'.TY;s�3 Roof Roof I Effective I Zone 1 I Zone2 I Zone 3 I Zone I Zone 5 Alva (GI I GC. I -GC, I GC, 1 -GC, I GC. I -0. I GC. I- GC. I r1. I -GC. I Como. I 10 I 0,30 I -1.00 I 0.30 I -1.80 I 0.30 I -2.80 I 0.90 I -0.99 I 0.90 I 1.26 (Walls reduced 10 Fig. 6-1)A note 5.) Comp. Gadding Zone 1 I Zone 2 I Zone 3 I Zane 4 I Zone 5 Pressure r..e.. I ^.peke. I Poskiv. I Pero.. I pace.. I Malady. I Paean, I ^.pale. 1 Positive I N.priv. (Pef) 11.78 f -28.96 i 11.78 I -48.60 I 11.78 I -73.14 i 26.51 I -25.72 I 26.51 I 35.35 Page 9 11(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 pdf Page 1011 Building length Building width Effective area of components DESIGN SUMMARY Max horizontal force normal to building length, L, face Max horizontal force normal to building length, B, face Max total horizontal torsional load Max total upward force ANALYSIS Velocity pressure q 0.00256 Kh K t Ka V 23.28 pst where: qh velocity pressure at mean roof height, h. (Eq. 6-15, page 27) Kh velocity pressure exposure coefficient evaluated at height. h, (Tab, 6 Case 1.pg 79) 1.07 Ka wind directionality factor. (Tab. 6-4, for building, page 80) 0.86 Is mean roof height 19.00 ft [lesion pressures for MWFRS p qh [(G C (G Co where: p pressure in appropriate zone. (Eq. 6-18, page 28). G C product of gust effect factor and external pressure coefficient, sea table below. (Fig. 6-10, page 53 54) G C product of gust effect factor and internal pressure coetficient.(Fig. 6.5, Enclosed Building, page 47) 0.18 or -0.18 a width of edge strips, Fig 6-10, note 9, page 54, MAX( MIN(0.1 B, 0.4h), 0.048,3] 7.60 ft Net Pressures (psf), Basic Load Cases Net Pressures test), Torsional Load Cases I Roof angle 0 5.71 I Roof angle 0 0.00 I Roof angle 6 5.71 I Surface I I Net Pressure with I I Net Pressure with Surface I Net Pressure with I O CVr I (+G;,) I (�Cxi) 1 OC°r I(+GCci) OC°r I(+GC°i) 1 0.41 527 13.65 0.40 5.12 13.50 17 0.41 1.32 3.41 2 -0.69 -20.26 11.87 -0.69 -20.26 11.87 2T -0.69 -5.06 -2.97 3 -0.38 -12.93 -4.55 -0.37 12.81 -4.42 3T -0.38 3.23 1.14 4 -0.30 11.10 -2.72 -0.29 -10.94 -2.56 4T -0.30 -2.77 -0.68 1 E 0.62 10.22 18.60 0.61 10.01 18.39 I Roof angle 0 0.00 2E 1.07 -29.10 -20.72 -1.07 -29.10 -20.72 Surface I Net Pressure with 3E -0.54 -16.71 -8.33 -0.53 -16.53 -8.15 G C° I (+GC°i )I GC5,) 4E 0.44 14.43 6.05 -0.43 -14.20 -5.82 5 -0.45 -14.87 -6.29 -0.45 -14.67 -6.29 6 -0.45 -14.67 -6.29 -0.45 -14.67 -6.29 .a7i y. r4.k.77•t'e+3'fl Lf, -:etit L 105 ft B 120 ft A 10 ft Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction Basic Load Cases 24.43 kips 38.71 kips 563.47 ft -kips 220.57 kiss IT 0.40 1.28 3.38 2T -0.69 5.06 -2.97 3T -0.37 -3.20 -1.11 4T -0.29 -2.74 -0.64 Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction Torsional Load Cases PG I1 (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Pa Re 11 Feb 19 09 12 57p Nbse 18052381601 p 10 Basic Load Cases in Transverse Direction Basic Load Cases in Longitudinal Direction I Surface I Are I Pressure rkl with I I( +GCai) I i I Surface I Area I Pressure 00 wiS I (ft') I( +GCp,) I 1 1437 7.57 19.61 1 2025 10.37 27.35 2 5415 109.69 -64.30 2 5529 112.01 -65.66 3 5415 -70.00 -24.61 3 5529 -70.81 -24.46 4 1437 -15.94 3.90 4 2025 -22.16 -5.19 1E 243 2.49 4.52 16 255 2.55 4.69 2E 917 -26.68 -18.99 2E 802 -23.34 16.62 3E 917 -15.31 -7.63 3E 802 13.26 6.54 4E 243 -3.51 -1.47 f 46 255 -3.62 1.48 38.71 Vert. I- 220.57 I-114.96 I E I Von. I- 8.32 -112.71 I fst mi I Horiz. I 23.10 I 23.10 I 110 psl mr I Horiz. I 22.80 22.80 sec, 0 p a 1.4.1 Vert. 126.00 126.00 Sec. 8.1.4 Vert. 126.00 126.00 Torsional Load Cases in Transverse Direction Surtac Area 1 Pressureilwith I Torsion(ft (ft) I +GCr,) GCor) +GCor)I GC, 1 597 3.14 8.14 71 183 2 2249 -45.56 -26.71 -102 -60 3 2249 -29.08 10.22 65 23 4 597 -6.62 1.62 149 36 1 243 2.49 4.52 112 203 2E 917 -26.68 -18.99 119 -85 3E 917 15.31 7.63 68 34 4E 243 -3.51 147 158 66 IT 840 1.11 2.87 -29 -75 2T 3166 16.03 -9.40 42 25 37 3166 10.23 -3.60 -27 -9 4T 840 -2.33 -0.57 -61 -15 Total Hartz. Torsional Load, Mr I 326 I 326 Design pressures for components and cladding p qn((G C (G Cp)) where. p pressure on component. (Eq. 6-22, pg 28) p a 10 ps1(Sec., pg 21) G C, external pressure coefficient see table below. (Fig. 6-11, page 55-58) Torsional Load Cases in Longitudinal Direction I sudace I Area I Pressor (k1 with I Torsion eft I (ft) I (+GCs,) GC,,)I( +GC,,,)I 1 88.5 4.53 11.95 98 258 2 4727 95.76 56.14 250 147 3 4727 -60.54 -20.91 158 55 4 885 -9.69 -2.27 209 49 19 255 2.55 4.69 133 245 2E 802 -23.34 16.62 61 43 3E 802 -13.26 -6.54 -35 -17 4E 255 -3.62 -148 189 78 17 1140 1.46 3.85 -41 109 27 5529 -28.00 -16.41 -146 -86 37 5529 17.70 -6.12 92 32 4T 1140 -3.12 0.73 -89 -21 I Total Hartz. Torsional Load, Mr I 063.5 I 563.5 Walls ai 2 z r 3~ i �r �S Roof Roof I I Weedy Zone1 I Zone2 Zone 2 Zone I Zones I Area (ft') I CC. I -0C. 1 cc. 1 -cc cc, I -c0. I cc. I -cc. 1 cc, I -cc. I 1 Corns. I 10 I 0,30 I 1.00 I 0.30 I -1.80 0.30 I -2.80 I 0.90 I -0.99 I 0.90 I 1.26 1 (Walls reduced 10 FIg. 6-11A note 5.) Comp. 8 Cladding Zone1 I Zone 2 Zone 3 I Zone 4 I Zone5 I Pressu Posee.e I Nevem I P.wwe I sewn. Peat.. I n.oedne I Positive 1 NNW!. I ro.ei.e I aegmw. I 1 psf) 11.18 I -27.47 1 11.18 I -46.10 11.18 I -69.38 I 25.15 I -27.24 1 25.15 I 33.53 I (2/23/2009) James_Lierly _240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Feb 19 09 12 57p nbse associates STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Nbse 04118 way PMB 194 Belle WA 98004 (425) 418-8502 629 Stale Steel #230 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805)452 -8152 321 High School Ha. NE #216 Bainbridge Island, WA 99113 (226)780 -5333 JOB TITLE. SUBJECT JOB NO, 18052381601 SHEET NO. DESIGNER: DATE. p 11 Page 12 r(2/28/2 esLierly w froh't*str 'PtCo 2 17 2609 Feb 19 09 12 58p Nbse Scope Re 560100 User: KW-0605631, Ve 5.6 I, 25-0c1-2002 General Timber Beam (c)1963-2002 ENERGALC Engineering Softwar Description FLOOR BEAM FB-1 I General Information Title Dsgnr Description 18052381601 p 12 Job Date: 3:15PM, 17 FEB 09 Page 1 lec65Urnpa pa ecw Calculations Section Name PrIlm: 5.25x11.875 Center Span 9.50 ft .Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 5.250 in Left Cantilever ft .Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 11.875 in Right Cantilever ft .Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Glulam Truss Joist MacMillan, Parallam 2.0E Fb Base Allow 2,900.0 psi Load Our Factor 1.000 Fv Allow 290.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Fc Allow 650.0 psi E 2,000.0 ksi Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL 300.00 #/ft LL 800.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL Illft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL *Mt Point Loads 15ei71C61 ii:,s lbs' lbs lbs Live Load 2,600.0 lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs .distance 4.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft tummary Span= 9.50ft, Beam Width 5.250in x Depth 11.875in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.747 1 Maximum Moment 22.3 k-ft Maximum Shear 1.5 10.0 k Allowable 29.8 k-ft Allowable 18.1 k Max. Positive Moment 22.26 k-ft at 4.028 ft Shear: Left 7.77 k Max. Negative Moment 0.00 k-ft at 9.500 ft Right 7.08 k Max Left Support 0.00 k-ft Camber Left 0.000in Max Right Support 0.00 k-ft Center 0.111 in Max. M allow 29.82 Reactions. Right 0.000 in fb 2,164.89 psi fv 160.86 psi Left DL 2.47 k Max 7.77k Fb 2,900.00 psi Fv 290.00 psi Right DL 2.18 k Max 7.08 k Deflections Center Span. Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever. Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.074 in -0.227 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in .Location 4.636 ft 4.636 ft .length/Deft 0.0 0.0 .Length/Defl 1,537 4 502.01 Right Cantilever. Camber using 1.5 D.L. Deft) Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in Center 0.111 in length/Deft 0.0 0.0 Left 0.000 in Right 0.000 in Beam Design OK 7023/2009) James Lierly 240 w,front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Page 14:1 Feb 19 09 12 59p Nbse Re: 660100 Use. KW-0605631, Ver 5.6.1, 25-00-2002 General Timber Beam (c)1503-2002 ENERCALC Engineer ng SofNia Description roof beam RB-2 General Information Section Name 5.125x16.5 Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL 180.00 #/ft LL 270.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 1,924.63 psi Fb 2,619.53 psi Deflections Center Span. Dead Loaq Deflection -0.516 in .Location 12.875 ft .Length/Defl 599.3 Camber (using 1.5 D.L. Deft) Center 0.773 in Left 0.000 in Right 0.000 in Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Stress Cates Bending Analysis Ck 20.711 Le Cv 0.949 Rb Center Left Support Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction 5.125 in 16.500 in GluLam 1.150 Pin-Pin Summary Span= 25.75ft, Beam Width 5.125in x Depth 16.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.735 1 37.3 k-ft 50.8 k-ft 37.30 k-ft at 0.00 k-ft at 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 50.76 fv 92.08 psi Fv 218.50 psi 0.000 ft 0.000 Max Moment 37.30 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Left Support 7.79 k 35.638 in2 218.50 psi 5.79 k 5.79 k Sax Cl Center Span 25.75 ft .Lu Left Cantilever ft .Lu Right Cantilever ft .Lu Douglas Fir, 24F V8 Fb Base Allow 2,400.0 psi Fv Allow 190.0 psi Fc Allow 560.0 psi E 1,800.0 ksi 12.875 ft 25.750 ft Scope Reactions. Left DL Right DL Title Dsgnr Description -----Fitzt_8;;:r---- Dead Load Total Load 1.289 in Deflection .0.000 in 0.000 in 12.875 ft .Length/Deft 0.0 0.0 239.72 Right Cantilever. Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in length/Deft 0.0 0.0 232.547 in3 0.000 Sax Rend 170.86 in3 0.00 in3 0.00 in3 Right Support 7 79 k 35.638 in2 218.50 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd 18052381601 Maximum Shear 1.5 Allowable Shear Left Right Camber st Left Center Right 2.32 k Max 2.32 k Max Area 84.563 in2 Allowable fb 2,619.53 psi 2,619.53 psi 2,619.53 psi 2.019 in 2.019 in Job Date: 2:33PM, 17 FEB 09 k6" Page 1 r alec551Irnpa pa.ecw.Celculetio 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Beam Design OK 7.8 k 18.5 k 5.79 k 5 79 k 0.000 in 0.773 in 0.000 in 5.79 k 5.79 k p 13 ji 3 1 PC 17 Page 15 Feb 19 09 12 59p Nbse General Information i Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL 320.00 4/ft LL. Left Cantilever DL 4/ft LL Right Cantilever DL 4/ft LL Section Name 5.125x18.0 Beam Width 5.125 in Beam Depth 18.000 in Member Type GluLam Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Summary Span= 26.00ft, Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max ig Left Support Max ft Right Support Max. M allow tb 2,161.73 psi Pb 2,594.33 psi Deflections Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length/Defl Camber using 1.5 D.L. Deft) Center kg Left Right Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 20.711 Le Cv 0.940 Rb Center Left Support Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction 1 150 Pin-Pin 1 101 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 It 0.000 Max Moment 49.85 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Left Support 10.22 k 46.757 in2 218.50 psi 7.67 k 7.67 k Sxx Cl Title Dsgnr Description Scope User KW-0605631. Ver 5.6.1, 25-Oct-2002 General Timber Beam (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineer ng Sofiya e Description roof beam RB-2 (a) 5.125in x Depth 18.in, Ends are Pin-Pin 0.833 1 49.9 k-ft 59.8 k-ft 49.85 k-ft at 13.000 ft 0.00 k-ft at 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-11 59.83 Reactions. fv 110.75 psi Left DL Fv 218.50 psi Right DL 18052381601 Job Date: 2:55PM, 17 FEB 09 Center Span 26.00 ft .Lu 0.00 ft Left Cantilever ft .Lu 0.00 ft Right Cantilever ft .Lu 0.00 ft Douglas Fir, 24F V8 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E Maximum Shear Allowable Shear Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever. -0.734 in 1.353 in Deflection 13.000 ft 13.000 ft .Length/Defl 425.2 230.59 %441:1RighciteCflaenctitiolenver 4 17 4/ft Camber: 4.16 k 4.16 k 276.750 in3 Area 92.250 in2 0.000 Sxx Read Allowable lb 230.60 in3 2,594.33 psi 0.00 in3 2,594.33 psi 0.00 in3 2,594.33 psi Right Support 10.22 k 46.757 in2 218.50 psi Bearing Length Req'd 2.672 in Bearing Length Req'd 2.672 in p 14 Page atec551fmpa pa acw:Calculetims 1.5 10.2 k 20.2 k Left 7.67 k Right 7.67 k Left 0.000in f§ Center 1 101in Right 0.000in Max 7.67 Max 7.67 k Dead Load ToTii Load 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.0 0.0 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.0 0.0 2,400.0 psi 190.0 psi K O 560.0 psi 1,800.0 ksi 401 1C 5/0 Beam Design OK 'm o! N+ 0 'U L L rU. i at 0; .J� Cl), ,E: co .o! :CC !M 2X8 @16' o N7' 16d @16' a )ND 5/8' DIA. X 3' MIN EMBED ANCHOR BOLT 32' (ALT THREADED ROD) 2X4 @16' i ITEMS NOT SHOWN OR NOTED SAME AS DETAIL DETAIL 2' N I (E) CONC WALL TO —j- R I DRILL 5/8' DIA. THREADED ROD IN 3' DEEP HOLE 32' COL. FOR BENT BEYOND (E) CONC PILE BEYOND SCALE. 3/4' =1 -0' 5/8' DIA. X 3' I1 ANCHOR BOL (ALT THREAD DET SILL PLAT ‘4_3 CI) ID Ifl z G- U) 0 0 a) 0 C7) ID U- LINE OF FINISH PLATE FOR ROD BRACING BEYOND 2 ROWS #8 TEK SCREW 16' (OR SHOT PINS 145' DIA.) N r SEE ARCH. DRAWINGS STEEL FRAMING DETAILS (E) ROOF PURLINS TO REMAIN SIMP DTC ANCHOR EA. STUD TO PLATE FOR FINISH SCALE. 3/4 1 -0' (E) PURLINS INSULATION TO REMAIN nb ass= civil 321 HII SUITE BAINI31 206 F*206 P208 C bani 1! (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Page 18 t...,*.. fr t t 41: 47 rt z WO-1, r 17:f. tr.^AT s, trare6mear.zi: 11.;;;,=:,. ..rft :VI: t-t-rittfP'.. A•j_Z- ZNI .-7715•4 71. P5 .tt 4 Tiff 1 F m o 0 z m P 5: 1 C4 r z H H0 7J X iT C4 0 I M 0 7:1 m o N X a F-1 m m ocd> Z m H 0 0 a -0 n X m 0 Ca) F4Pkt 1 Ma fb /7 1!(2/23/2009) James Lie r 240 w front street PCcorrectioris2 17 2009.pdf Page 19 Feb 19 09 01 09p Nbse 18052381601 P 3 0 17 0) IN) 0 C m m 4 0 Co J r ii 11 m cn 'I n CI) X X Ms 73 m 0)13 ii K x p3 z 0 II —i szo 0 Z X 73 0 —1 2 m G s gzh 40 6 ft'? IL(212312009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Page 2011 Feb 19 09 01 09p Nbse PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO Single Fastener in Tension and Shear Near an Edge INPUT DATA DESIGN SUMMARY CONCRETE STRENGTH t 2.5 ksi SPECIFIED STRENGTH OF FASTENER f, 30 ksi (The strength of most fastening likely to be controlled by the embedment strength rath than the steel strength, so at usually oconmmcal to use ASTM A307 Grade A fastener. FACTORED DESIGN TENSION LOAD N. 0.01 k FACTORED DESIGN SHEAR LOAD V 0.4 k EFFECTIVE EMBEDMENT DEPTH h 3 In J FASTENER DIAMETER d 0.625 in FASTENER HEAD TYPE 3 Hex (1=Square, 2 =Heavy Square. 3 =Hex, 4 =Heavy Hex, 5=Hardened Washers DIST BETWEEN THE FASTENER AND E c 2 in ANALYSIS EFFECTIVE AREA OF FASTENER A 0.226 in' BEARING AREA OF HEAD A0 0.454 in (or determined from manufactures's catalogs.) CHECK FASTENER TENSILE STRENGTH �N A 4.882 k N„ where 41 0.9 CHECK CONCRETE BREAKOUT STRENGTH 0.3c AN ON,b A Vi2V'3Nb 0 r h:) 0 7+ 1 gr l f t 2.815 k N, where 41 0.75 ty term Is 1.0 for location where concrete cracking Is likely to occur. CHECK PULLOUT STRENGTH 4 0Vv4 (A5 f) 6.810 k N. where tb 0.75 V4 term is 1.0 for location where concrete cracking is likely to occur. CHECK SIDE -F ACE BLOWOUT STRENGTH (Since 0.4hef this type of failure mode is applicable.) N O(160c Ab. 8.086 k N„ where 0 0.75 DETERMINE DESIGN TENSILE STRENGTH ON min (ON 'ON a, ON,. >OM) 2.815 K CHECK FASTENER SHEAR STRENGTH g5V On 3.661 k V. where 0 0.9 CHECK CONCRETE BREAKOUT STRENGTH FOR SHEAR LOAD Av Av NO2 7 (I l yv V.b Avo V e l V rVa= Av w 6w, d VJJ where DATE 0.890 k V 0.75 to term is 1.0 for location where concrete cracking is likely to occur. A0Ar, and We terms are 1.0 for single shear faste er not influenced by more than one free edge. term is load bearing length of the anchor for shear not to exceed 8d. 18052381601 p 4 PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY 4$q [THE FASTENER DESIGN IS ADEQUATE.] c 1.50 &V9 IF (2/ James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf T Page 21 Feb 19 09 01 10p Mbse CHECK PRYOUT STRENGTH FOR SHEAR LOAD 0.3c ¢V, =T k 2 V3Na k�p 9 h (0 7+ 1.5h, W3 (24Zh`f AN. f I 5.829 k V„ where 0.75 Ws term is 1.0 for location where concrete cracking is likely to occur. k 2.0 for h, r >25 DETERMINE DESIGN TENSILE STRENGTH 9 nun (f OVA �V 1,) Nv V 0.45 l.2 ON OV 0.890 K CHECK TENSION AND SHEAR INTERACTION Since N„ 0. N„ and V 0. V„ the full tension design strength is permitted. The interaction equation must be used Summary of Dimensional Properties of Fasteners Effective Fastener Gross Are of Diameter Area of Threaded (In) Fastener Fastener I Square (in) 0250 1/4 0.049 0.032 I 0.142 0.375 3/8 0.110 0.078 0.280 0.500 1/2 0.196 0.142 I 0.464 0.625 5/8 0.307 0228 I 0.693 0.750 314 0.442 0.334 I 0.824 0.875 7/8 0.601 0.462 1.121 1.000 1 0.785 0.606 1.465 1.125 1 118 0.994 0.763 1.854 1.250 1 114 1.227 0.969 2.288 1.375 13/8 1.485 1.160 2.769 1.500 1 112 1.767 1.410 3.295 1.750 1314 2.405 1.900 2.000 2 3.142 2.500 Beanng Area of Heads, Nuts, and Washers (AD) (in Heavy He Heavy I Hardened Square Hex Washers 0.201 0.117 0.167 I 0.258 0.362 0.164 0.299 1 0.408 0.569 0.291 0.467 I 0.690 0.822 0.454 0.671 1.046 1.121 0.654 0.911 1.252 1.465 0.891 1.188 1.804 1.855 1.163 1.501 2.356 2.291 1.472 1.851 2.982 2.773 1.817 2.237 3.682 3.300 2.199 2.659 4.455 3.873 2.617 3.118 5.301 4.144 6.541 5.316 7.903 18052381601 P 5 410f-F,, (Goad) )4C3E @32' CD Q L COL. Ak IT NC BEYOND 5/8' DIA. X 3' MIN EMBED ANCHOR BOLT 32' (ALT THREADED ROD) DETAIL 2 X 8 16' A35 EA. STUD TO PLATE 16d 16' (E) CONC WALL TO REMAIN CURB WIDTH MATCH (E) CONC BELOW (N) CONC CURB DRILL 5/8' DIA. X 5' THREADED ROD IN 3' DEEP HOLE 32' (E) STEEL COL. FOR BENT BEYOND SILL PLATES 2X PRESSURE TREATED SCALE. 3/4' =1 -0' (E) CONC PILE BEYOND L RE` MAI �nn A SHE SHE! N 0- 3X, OR 4X MIN. NAILER 5/8" DIA. THREADED END WELDED STUD 48' 114V (E) STEEL FRAME TO REMAIN (N) W12 X 30 (N) L 4X4X3/8 X 6" LONG, EA. END 2 ROWS #8 TEK SCREW 16" (OR SHOT PINS 145" DIA.) (E) ROOF 8 PURLINS TO REMAIN (N) 2X8 CONT SIMP H2.5 EA. STUD TO PLATE SIMP L70 ANCHOR EA. STUD TO PLATE SEE ARCH. DRAWINGS FOR FINISH (N) 2X 80 16" STEEL FRAMING DETAILS SCALE. 3/4 1' -0" 3 LINE OF FINIS SHOWN DASI- IL( ?!23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Page 2411 Feb 19 09 01 10p Nbse Rev. 560100 User. KW- C605631. ver 5.61. 25.0e1 -2002 Steel Beam Design (0)1983 -2002 ENERCALC Engineer ng Software Description WIND GIRT General Information Steel Section W12X30 Center Span Left Cant. Right Cant Lu Unbraced Length I Distributed Loads DL LL ST 0.200 Start Location End Location 20.000 i Summary Using: W12X30 section, Span End Fixity Pinned Pinned, Lu Moment fb Bending Stress fbIFb Shear fv Shear Strew fv I Fv I Force Stress Summary Max. M Max. M Max. M Left Max. M Right Shear Left 2.30 k 0.30 Shear Right 2.30 k 0.30 Center Defl. Left Cant Deft Right Cant Defl •Query Deft Reaction Left Reaction Rt #1 20.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 20.00 ft 2 3 4 20.00ft, Fy 50.0ksi 20.00ft, LDF 1.000 Actual Allowable 11 493 k -ft 37.365 k -ft 3.575 ksi 11.624 ksi 0.308 1 2.299 k 64.168 k 0.716 ksi 20.000 ksi 0.036 1 DL Maximum Only 11 49 k -ft 1 49 -0.120 in 0.000 in 0.000 in Web Thick 0.260 in Flange Thickness 0.440 in Area 8.79 in2 Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements 1' Fy v.,:..- w.- m_.c�50.00ksi Pinned- Pinned Load Duration Factor 1.00 Bm Wt. Added to Loads Elastic Modulus 29,000.0 ksi LL ST Act Together -0.016 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ft 0.000 0.000 2.30 0.30 2.30 0.30 Fa calc'd per Eq. E2 -2, K'L/r Cc I Beam, Major Axis, UrT (510,000 Cb Fy)".5 Fb per Eq. F1 -7 I Beam, Major Axis, Fb per Eq. F1 -8, Fb 12.000 Cb At (I dl Section Properties W12X30 Depth 12.340 in Weight Width 6.520in I -)ox t S-xx S-yy Title Dsgnr. Description Scope 18052381601 These columns are Dead Live Load placed as noted LL LL +ST LL LL+ST Ca) Center 49 Center 11 Cents la Cants 11 49 k -ft k -ft k -ft k -ft 2.30 k 2.30 k -0.120 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.30 2.30 29.86 #/ft 238.00 in4 20.30 In4 38.574 in3 6.227 in3 #5 #6 #7 Beam OK Short Term Load Case Governs Stress Max Deflection Length/DL Dell LengUU(DL +LL Defl) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 r -yy Rt 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in k k P 8 Job Date: 11:29AM, 17 FEB 09 g Page 1 1 ,\ec55 Imps pa ecw.Celwlehons J j k/ft k/ft k!ft ft ft -0.120 in 15,411 7 1 2,001.9 1 5.203 in 1.520 in 1 730 in 1L(2/2312009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf ttt• ,.n.,;..N.ww,n;;;;;;;;.• vdttag i'fl c ITA &Ka 3ARR ;;;!'''L 1 z. cal swExtm•--.. "P" 0 .6 I.- O z 0 CC ce 2 w W CL Aws.nzawatauiroJamax1T.i.iala. cn 0 0 D W Z I— u) 0 5 I 0 0- 0 w z 0 i 5 :1 D CC 0- a_ H 1 7 2 0 a_ ci) w CC iii i-- ce w 0 co u_ co LU z Page 251! 0. Cl•-- Aks LINE OF FINISH PLATE FOR ROD BRACING BEYOND 2 ROWS #8TEK SCREW @16' (OR SHOT PINS 145' STEEL FRAMING DETAILS (E) ROOF PURLINS TO REMAIN SQMP DIG ANCHOR EA. STUD TO PLATE SEE ARCH. DRAWINGS FOR FINISH SCALE. 3/4 1 -0' (E) PURLINS INSULATION TO REMAIN nt asso 321 I. SUM BAIN oom F2 0 F30 C: 2 0 LINE OF FINISH SHOWN DASHED (E) 1/2' DIA. BOLT TO REMAIN EA. ANGLE (E) BEAM TO REMAIN 2 ROWS #8 TEK SCREW 16' (OR SHOT PINS 145' DIA.) (N) 1/2' SHEATHING (E) PURLINS INSULATION TO REMAIN /7///777 77 SIMP DTC ANCHOR EA. STUD TO PLATE (N) 2X8 16' STEEL FRAMING DETAILS (E) 1/2' DIA. BOLT TO REMAIN EA. ANGLE (E) ANGLE (2 x 2 x 1/4) TO REMAIN (APPROX. 10FT OC) (APPROX. 8 10 ALONG BENT LENGTH) SCALE. 3/4 1 -0' (2) F C: b' C L L i c I- C C L L C L L RE' MAI It James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdt Feb 19 09 01 lip nbse Nbse 629 State Street 4230 JOB TITLE: Santa Bartle.. CA 93101 (805) 452-8152 SUBJECT' 321 High School Rd. NE associates site DATE: STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 JOB NO. (206) 780-5333 l 1 .'1 i,' '1'1' '1 '1'1 '111 1 4 t 1 1 1 i itern ',4 4,) 442... 4 r 1 iji,- -1- i. i i [it I I 1, -i---T- I E r 1 I 74 s-',;z'h I I Fr I I 1 1 1- k i t iii 1 1 1 f -4 7-=;FTF 7.111 1 1 t r 1 --i- ‘41 1-7- 7- -1-117-rl 1 r T I- T T ,1 1-1 I i i 1 -I- ----1- 'i--'- F 1 i 1 F 1 .--4-- ,..--1 7 1 1 1 f 4-7.. i i I 1-1_ i t r i ll 1 1.---r. ,H I, -r il ,i_.... -r- 1 T i 1 7 1 T -1' '-{--..T 1 i I 1 H 1 1 t TT I 1 I! r _i_ 1 1 i .F.-- i -7 1 t .1..-1 I I 4_,'-_-.4. I 1 i 11 E. i";-;-,,„ 4 E 7 A _;_i.,,_ 1 ,d- 1 l-, 1 u -l- -f ri0 1 -±-7 1 i 1 ..I L I- 1 1 1 f?,; 7- r 1 1 1--- ‘-m--, -I- f 10 f 227 Bellevue Way NE PMB 194 Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 418-8502 10 ,a1,1174 4 r 21 I 10 .6-A/1 4 I j 1 1 i 4---- r_ :57 I. I ,,H 7•' i .__1 .-1. i r i.:-.■ T f Er -1 I 1 L 1 7 I I 1, .4--E 2 H r 1 1 1 1 -Hr 1 4222 1 i i 1 r--1 71 I I 1 1 't 1 i I -s i1 1 I c •4 4 1 1 1- --i---L- i---- 3— --,---3--3---..-. 1 7 1 I 0_ t _3746/PEx 0 t o T --1- I '-u'-' 1 1 'r •tti 1- 42icrnt'xiS 4 ...77 -71- r i i —1—•--- 4 1 -4- 1 -1 I 1 7 7 1- /I T T T I 1- .i T 11 77 -T-1- T Ej 5 41 1- 1 --1 "44 -,-1 T 1 18052381601 SHEET NO. DESIGNER: p 12 .,_4. Tr, 1 1 --7- i 1 r., •1• i 1 1 r 1 r .7 .7H -2,--.„...-i-6 e '-'-ilkt 1 i 1 '1 I 1 L II' I I r o; 1 y 1/_dip■ lc E 1 1 -r...4. et r T 1 i 1* 1-- 1 r -r-7 1 r 7 i 3 1 i 3 1 I 0' i 3 I I i i :3 1 I I 1 I I 1 3 1 3 2- i 4- fe t /ti T ft. 1 -1- _L—' I I i 7 1--. --IE.:- s,./di _i.___ 1 1 I L T i l 1 'ii■—' I Hi' I Page 2811 223%2009 James Lerly 240 a w front street PC correction 2 17 2009 pd Feb 19 09 01 12p nbse associates STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Nbse PMB194 Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 416-6502 629 State Str et 4230 Santa What CA93101 (805) 452-8152 321 High Sthool Rd. NE #216 Banbridge Island, WA 96110 (208) 780.5333 1 i i i t 4 T I JOB TITLE: SUBJECT JOB NO. 180523816 i I 1 SHEET NO. DESIGNER: DATE: 1 1 I p 13 11 P _Page 29;� (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 20091,pdf Feb 19 09 01 13p nbse associates STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Nbse PMB 194 Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 418-8502 629 Stale Sir et 4230 Santa Barber CA 93101 (805) 452 -8152 321 High School Rd. NE #216 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 (206) 760-5333 JOB TITLE: SUBJECT JOB NO. 18052381601 SHEET NO. DESIGNER: DATE: p 14 1L(2/23/2009) James 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 01 19p Nbse 4 T m 0 t X MA 1A1 W ce 117/8' JOISTS Q16' RI Appliitat xi Im i l l -P Illd 7Sd 8IL 14 X S �M= Emir aim Nom r i MI� W 4 r.� a1 I v J U N J W m a N S D a LL !i 2 Q D IF, aj U iZWoQ 2WWmai 14X ME 18052381601 pp4i �,4TDP• N N .tie SI; p 1 Page 31!! r(2/23/2009) LIerty frOrit effect PC correction's 2 17 2009.pcif Page 32-il ori a-31-61ii-Ciei-Ay 24o Wiront Jreet c Feb Is 09 01 20P rib se slieEl weer-o'N""E s uwEcr t:ASII_GENET.------- FiTittr 60229: 1),tearbaStt elcx 93101 j°:31:0LE:-------- 6: 1 HO School Fid. NE k t, I 1809z 38160 1 nbs s 1 soc‘a esGt I I 1 1- k I t '4..,..ok I 'I, I L 7 7 1 ":1 11. l i." —I 'r t j I p I k 1 k p a. 5 k _1.0 IF.6 i 4.4-- 7,00 ,\-/-1 r---' 1 k I A il; 5 41 A 7 p.. it;k 314 I .7 ....-r, 1 1 14 ,l- 1 A AP i I -1 1 A 1 V S A A A k 1 1 iZoole4 ,....est e I I I.:, 1 4 •-,7 V9 ,$)(11\ 1 le.' .i: t Q1,4 c ,le. '..0 4 1 1 1F-2. i/( t t p 14 1 I ir• L v P 1 1 4*4 1 1 I )C./ 4. ,rH 1.0 Y 1(\ .-.),(\iff 4. 1 v.7 2,4 Ill r)\ /P■ 7 A p /OH 1 1 1 IC 4 444 f A.- A, tt,1( K,4400, Ali IL /IA fi• .4 NOE 1111111 11111111 1=1 AM, 1:17 0 :7 L 13 7 CONS 4 a i h C .1 te El .1 ,110 as WEI LAB 1261 R 4) COPaA ANAGER HALLI in 1 lI 41 .!T). 264. mcouOHT MOVE ar' AI 1167 1 hERS 11 11111 17.0 RADIOLOGY F. 4 b I S AIR 1 R e i; ELEVATOR MACHINE b 11 RISER EXAM 1 16•-ir 11020 ELEVATOR I l ies I 13 -6' 10 I/A01 4 )11111 ly 4 b' H/C WC (X C7 MNG 44 EMI le, I LINE BRIDGE ABOVE 41116 3/A604 RECEPT1011 3 BEI ao 21 3 LEBOTOMY 2 40EV 5.2 r T 1 3Zr 34 G 2/A605 r ‘lif Bra 44E3 VT ExAm BEI 11 k rw 13 /D V. 49 0 HALL 1121 if T 41 --i,■ y k g tr. F P lee Ilk —1 40. ,ILA REF Dn." 17111111"! La' I V 9 I 7- 6 fe.00e a MEWS WC IiI 4\3 co: leo 3 cn 1 7! -0 1 11 1) 1C), CV 1 O 10 1 CD Cn CD' 1L(2/23/2009) James Lierly _240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 01 22p Nbse 18052381601 P 5 SW11 Shear Waif Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: v�, 200 plf for vend Voe SEISMIC 0 plf,for seismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF vim f 200 plf,for dead 0 pu live 'd w DIMENSIONS: L.= 18 ft 10.5 ft L 18 ft e 0 It PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Co Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d, 1=8d, 2=10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h 6 DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15132 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS i 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 112 In O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 in O.C. DATE in T,I PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY v. 1 l i I I i l l l V„ Lw T HOLD-DOWN FORCES. T 0.40 k T 0.40 k (USE PHD2SD MPSON HO N) EE STD FORCES: F= 000 k f EDGE STUUD: 2 2 2" x B" DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH No. 1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: 0 0.46 In ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.6 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE 200 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 2341 +1 Mi Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Penetrant); Yhicbeas I Boundary nR Edges THE HOW-DOWN FORCES. I v., Wall Seismic (pl0 I at mid -story (lbs) SEISMIC' 0 WIND I 200 302 Nail (in) fin) I 6 I 4 I 3 1 2 I I Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d 11 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 I Note: The'Indlcated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L-1„) MAX(vd, vnto> Room, seswc) 0.00 k (D 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8" DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NOS 2001, Page 85) S 48 in Overturning Resisting Safty Net Uplift Hoiddowrr Moments (ft -Ibs) I Moments (fl -Ibs) Factors Obs) I SIMPSON 1588 I Left i 46008 0.9 I T I 0 1 49 Rig l 46008 I 0.9 T. I 0 I Left I 46008 I 2/3 I T I 396 I p`L 37800 I 1641 l 46008 I 2/3 I T. I 396 I THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 3 hd A 6.13e„uiga ASr io 1Nad ,rv+ Ocmnd ..air d o EAL. Gl 0 75he„ a 0.461 L. Where: Vp= 201) pit' L„= 18 ft E= 1.7E +06 psi A= 16.50 in` h 11 ft G= 9.0E+04 psi t= 0.298 e„= 0.037 In d,= 0.15 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi Co= 1.6 CF 110 C 0.30 A 16.5 in' F 804 psi f, 141 psi Techincal References: 1 "National Design Specification, NDS" 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001 2. Alan Williams: "Structuiral Engineering Reference Mannar Professional Publications Inc, 2001 h Page 35 E) 2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 Of Feb 19 09 01 22p Nbse SWI2 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: vim WND 250 plf,for wind via sD c 0 plf.for se smic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' Du 150 plfto d load WLL 0 pif,fo load DIMENSIONS: L 6.67 h a 10.5 0 L 9 ft h, PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 m Sheathing and Single -Floor 10d V MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS COMMON NAIL SIZE (0 =6d, 1 =8d, 2 =10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pa, b ft 15/32 2 0.5 2 in h 8 in DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15132 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS Q 4 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 112 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 30 in O.C. DATE 18052381601 P 6 I I I v. PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY L Lw T. HOLD-DOWN FORCES. T 2.75 k TR 3.06 k (USE PHDDD 222 -SDS3 SIM�J HOLD -DOWN) EDG STRUT FORCES: F 0.. 1 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x 6' DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.68 in ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L! B 1.6 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v.= 337 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 4 In THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 2311 -1-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Ca Pc ceatior Thickness Boundary All Edges Nail (in) (in) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d I 1 518 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 I Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC note1 of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE. F (L -L MAX(v L)ovd oyte 0.56 k (D 2S (Sec. 16332.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NDS 2001, Page 85) S 30 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: v I Wall Seismic (plf) I at mid -story IIbsl SEISMIC/ 0 I 112 WIND 250 I Overturning Resisting Safty Net Uplift Hdddown Moments (ft-lbs) I I Moments (R4b s) I Factors I (Ibs) I SIMPSON 588 Left I 7944 I 0.9 I T I 0 Right I 4798 I 0.9 I Ts I 0 I 4) 23625 Loft I 7944 I 2/3 I T I 2748 I 40: I Right 1 4798 I 2/3 I Ts I 3062 1' THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 8vah vah An., Y rg 551= ONo.Iy, Chad rylic ,ice= +075he EA Gt L. 0.676 in Where: v 337 plf L,,,= 7 ft E= 1.7E +06 psi A= 16.50 In` h 11 It G= 9.0E+04 psi t 0.298 in ca 0.037 in d, 0.15 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi CD 1.6 C 0.30 A 165 1n E 1700 ksl Cs 1.10 F 804 ps f, 143 psi Techincal References: 1 'National Design Specification. NDS• 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams:'Structuiral Engineering Reference Manner Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 h (2%23 %2009) James Lierly 240, w,front street PC c orrections2 17 2009.pdf Feb 19 09 01 22p Nbse 18052381601 p 7 SW13 Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: v wwa 530 plf,for wind Vde SEISMIC 0 pf,for iss GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' WOL 125 pf,fo dPSd load DIMENSIONS: L„= 6.67 ft h 10.5 ft L= 9 ft h 0 It PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 on Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (O=6d, 1 =6d, 2 =1Od) 2 1Od SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15(32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 2 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 12 in O.C. FIELD, 5(8 In DIA x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS ifft 14 in O.C. e THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: v Wall Seismic I Overturning (pit) I at mid-story fits) 1 Moments (ft -Ibs) SEISMIC 0 I 112 I 588 II WIND I 530 I I 50085 CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO WLL Cp. 1.6 C 1 10 0 pf,for live Iou in Ti 6 DATE in THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 8 vah' A =Aa.a:, +Asrca. +A,v,�.lo'+ 4I do= +O75he L T f. Techlnca( References: 1 :atonal Design Specification, 105' 2001 Edition, AF&AP AL 200 2. Alan Williams: •Sfructuiral Engineering Reference Manual' Profess al Publications, Inc, 2001 PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY I I I I l 1 J I I v im ou 0.843 in Where: v 715 pit L,. 7 ft E= 1.7E+06 psi A 16.50 m' h 11 ft G 9.0E +04 psi t= 0.298 e,= 0.037 in d,= 0.15 in v, Lw HOLD -DOWN FORCES. T 6.82 k T. 7.08 k f (USE HDO8SDS3 SIMPSON HOLD-DOWN) DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 123 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x 6' DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.84 In ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO LIB 1.6 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v.= 715 plf, 1 S(de Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 2 In THE SHEAR CAPACMES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 236 -1-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Penetrariot Thickness Boundary All Edge Neil (in) (in) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 I 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor .1 1Od I 1 5/8 I 15132 I 310 I 460 600 I 770 I Note The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L -L,)) MAX( vehe. WM. O0v6a, SEISM/e) 123 k (Oa 2.5 (Sec. 16332.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NOS 2001 Page 85) S 14 in Resisting Safty Net Uplift Hoiddown Moments (ft-lbs) Factors (Ibs) I SIMPSON Left I 6931 I 0.9 I T, I 0 Right 4310 I 0.9 I T. 1 0 0 Left I 6931 I 213 I T I 6816 Right I 4310 I 2/3 I T. I 7078 'r C.= 0.30 A= 16.5 In F 804 psi f,= 259 psi h iL(2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Page 38 j Feb 19 09 01 23p Nbse SW14 Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: yd.. WIND 315 plf,for win r GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF: w 150 plf, 1 Vde SEISMIC 0 plfjor se' mic 1 1 1 1 1�� WL 0 pUJo Ii yr DIMENSIONS: L 11 tt 10.5 ft F L 18 ft 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single-Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE ((1=6d, 1=8d, 2=10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 v. EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pas, b 2 in h 6 in T. DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 3 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 112 O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 20 in O.C. HOLD -DOWN FORCES. 3.63 k T 4.78 k DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 2.21 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x 6" DOUGLAS F1R -LARCH No.1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGH SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.65 in ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L/ B 1.0 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 515 off, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 3 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 2311 -1.1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Comma Ponclnfior Thicknw Boundary AS Edges Nail (in) (in) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 I I Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d 11 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 I Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a 1 UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L-L) MAX( vd,,wno. Davin, selselc) 221 k (O 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8" DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NDS 2001, Page 65) S 20 in THE HOLD-DOWN FORCES: I v ita Wan Seismic (pl0 1 at mid -story Obs) SEISMIC 0 WIND 315 CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. 185 Overturning Moments (ft-bs) 970 59535 18052381601 DATE THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 43, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) gvbh A =AP.ndd AShn Arre,lp +&tsni d EAL. 075 e Techincal References: 1. "National Design Specification, NDS" 2001 Edition, AFBAP AWC, 2001 2. Alan Williams: "Structuiral Engineering Reference Manual" Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY Lw Where: v 515 ptf L,,, 11 ft E 1.7E+06 psi A 16.50 in Is 11 ft G 9.0E+04 psi I 0.298 In e 0.037 d 0.15 in 0.652 in P 8 1 SIMPSON HOLD -DOWN) Resisting Sally Net Uplift Holddown Moments (ft-Ibs) I Factors 1 Obs) SIMPSON Left I 29382 I 0.9 TI I 0 }UAW 10482 I 0.9 I T. I 0 Lan I 29382 I 2/3 I T,= I 3632 Z cf Right I 10482 I 2/3 I T. I 4777 q C 1.6 C 0.30 A= 16.5 in' Co. 1.10 F 804 psi f, 245 psi 2/23/2009 J "m -L .1._.._._�m...:.. ames ierly 240 w front street PC Correction 2 2009 pdf "A ;Gt. fggkgglial "a, -"xis I r+ti"�' w'+... 3 a M- +�.r --'i s S.,ri.Sa a• �X•',vr �i:+ rxxj «�'s� ve4a t, br !ht{stA9 ss rP f n v 'i'- Pi''.?`'�°ai�.:e 3 'gy ,eJ x x �r?' m v .vr... fi n. z- lctm-` war. uw.-wtii7'iv 'ts 3 lla Common PeneaaSo�jTluckn�as Boundary& AB Edges ...t< �...c.,, r Nail (in) I (inn 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 I i Sheathing nd Single -Floor I 10d I 1 518 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. Panel Grade THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L-I-„) MAX(v Dava,, snsmc) 0.00 k (Do 1 (Sec. 1633.2.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 518" DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NDS 2001, Page 85) S 30 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: v 1 Wall Seismic (alt) 1 at mid -story fibs) SEISMICI 0 I WIND I 350 THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW-17) 8vnh3 v hd a 4 =4e Shror +Armr,I4,+ a� EAL. Gt +U.75he„+ L.. Where: v 350 plf L. 5 ft A 1650 ire h 9 ft t= 0.298 in 0.037 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi 65 Overturning Resisting Safty Ne tU 9 I I 9 ftY Uplift Holddovn Moments (ft-Ibs) Moments (ft -Ibs) 1 Factors (Is) SMPSON Left I 3260 I 09 I T, I 0 292 Slide I 3260 I 09 I T. I 0 O Left I 3260 I 2/3 I T I 2667 I 0" 14175 I Right I 3260 I 2/3 I TR I 2667 1 0.683 in E 1.7E +06 psi G 9.0E +04 psi d, 0.15 in C 1.6 Cp= 0.40 A= 16.5 in CF 1 10 F 1051 psi f 117 psi Techincal References: 1 "National Design Specification, NUS" 2001 Edition, AFBAP AWC, 2001 2. Alan Williams: "Stn cturral Engineering Reference Manual' Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. e m fiir�tie. 132/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 Feb 19 09 01 23p Nbse SW16 Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: Vag, WIND 480 plffo wind Vde SEISMIC 0 Offer sees GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' L 150 pIfJOf dea pad LL 0 plf, r liv oad DIMENSIONS. L= 14 h 10.5 It L 18 h= 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single-Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 In COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d, 1=8d, 2=10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h 6 DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15132 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 2 O.C. BOUNDARY 8 ALL EDGES 112 in O.C. FIELD, 518 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 16 in O.C. ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v THE SHEAR CAPACf11E5 PER BC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTabie 23-fl -F Min. Min. Common Penelratim Tluclmcss Nail (in) (in) 6 Sheathing and Single -Floor I 104 I 1 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity Panel Grade THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L -L,,.) MAX(v wND Devsa. smarm THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.1 tE, NOS 2001, Page 85) THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: I (plf) I atmdlss Seismic ibs) SEISMICI WIND I 480 CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 km PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO 235 Whe v 617 plf A= 16.50 in t= 0.298 in C 1.6 c,= 1.10 LIB 0.8 C 617 plf, 1 Overturning Momerds (ft -Ibs) 1235 90720 Lett I Wahl 1 Left I kisht L 14 h 11 en 0.037 DATE In ft ft 18052381601 Resisting Moments (ft-Ibs) 32532 21732 32532 21732 THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 3 0 &Bean re QNoO ,r Chard Ow am Lv 2122 0.75he hde LW Cp= 0.30 F 804 psi w 4 1 1 I i l I I I I l Techincal References: 1 "National Design Specification, NOS” 2001 Edit: AFEAP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams: "Stntctuiral Engineering Reference Manual Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY u -s V. h, HOLD-DOWN FORCES: T 4.93 k T 5.45 k `a (ll$E PHD6SDS3 SIMPSON HOLD -DOWN) DRAG STRUT FORCES. F 1.92 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No.1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.66 In 2 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 2 in Blocked Nail Spacing Boundary All Edge 1 4 1 3 1 2 I 460 I 600 770 I factor per IBC note a UBC natal of the table. 1.92 k (CI 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) S 16 in Net Uplift I Hak:Mown (Ibs) 1 SIMPSON T. 1 0 T I 0 y 0� Sally Factors 0.9 0.9 2/3 1 T, I 4931 2/3 1 T 1 5445 Q 0,660 in E 1.7E+06 psi G 9.0E +04 pal d, 0.15 In A 16.5 in' f, 267 psi p 10 T. 11 h 1566e -4011 IL(2/23/2009) James Liarly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 01 24p Nbse SW17 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: va. WINO 75 P vda. S EISMIC 0 pl.f 4 ismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF wri 150 plf,for deed w,, 0 plf,for live I DIMENSIONS. 1, 14 ft 10.5 ft L 18 It N= 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0 1 =8d, 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h 6 in DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 104 COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 12 in O.C. FIELD. 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 in O.C. HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 0.00 k Tn 0.00 k r (HOLD -DOWN NOT REQUIRED) DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 0.30 k EDGE STUD: 2 2" x 6 DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH No. 1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.44 in ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.8 2 [S. sfa tohj THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 96 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTeble 23 -11-1 -1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Sparing Panel Grade Common Penetrada Thickness Boundary All Edges Nail (in) (in) 6 I 4 I 3 1 2 I Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d 11 5,8 I 15132 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 I Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L L„) MAX( ve.,yam. novm.senMc) 0.30 it (D 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8" DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NDS 2001, Page 85 S 48 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES. I v,,„ Walt Seismic (Pa J I at mid-story (Ibs) SEISMIC' 0 235 WIND' 75 CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi DATE THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) Svah vr hd A Aa.,,dio +As,0 AM./ ,1p &M,d viace r�, L +Gt +0.75he. L. C 1.6 C 1.10 18052381601 Techincal References: 1. 'National Design Specification, NDS" 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams: "Structuiral Engineering Reference Manual" Professional Publications, Inc. 2001. PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY Imo_ i FT-1 —Li F Overturning Resisting Safty 1 Net Uplift Holddnwn Moments (ft-Ibs) I Moments (ft-lbs) Factors I (Ihs) sIMPSON 1235 Left I 32532 I 0.9 I TL= I o I c p Right I 21732 I 0.9 I Tr, A I 0 I e. 14175 Left I 32532 I 2/3 I T, I 0 I -O I Right I 21732 I 2/3 I TR. I 0 I 0.444 in L., Where: v 96 plf L„ 14 ft E 1.7E +06 psi A= 16.50 in h 11 ft G= 9.0E +04 pal t 0.298 in e„ 0.037 in d. 0.15 In p 11 C 0.30 A 16.5 in F 804 psi c 101 psi ISZ.isf arrj h Page 41 i) ((2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2,17 2009.pdf Page 4211 Feb 19 09 01 24p Nbse SW18 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: v wINO 100 Vda. SEISMIC 0 GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF wa 250 vrLL DIMENSIONS. L= 24 ft h 10.5 L 40 ft h 0 PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15132 In COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d, 1 mod, 2=10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs. b Otter wind plf for seismic pilfer dead I 0 plffor live to ft ft 2 10d 0.5 2 In h 6 DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15132 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 112 in O.C. FIELD 5/8 In DIA. x 10 In LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 in O.C. DATE HOLD-DOWN FORCES: T 0.00 k T 0.00 k DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 1.60 k EDGE STUD: 2 2" x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No.1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.42 in ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.4 THE v 167 pit, THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 I UBCTable 2341-1-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Carman Penetration Thickness Boundary All Edges Nail Cm) Cm) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d I 15/8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE. F (L -1.. MAX(vs.wnm, L]ovd, seavrc) 1.60 THE MAX SPACING OF 516" DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 5, NDS 2001 Page 85) S 48 THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: SEISMIC' WIND va I (pi t 0 100 Wall Seismic at mid-story (ibs) 403 Overturning Moments (ft -Ibs) 2117 42000 I Left !bait I Left Ride THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SOUP Page SW -17) A= Oa =r< +Ash- +ANx,ry +Acaaa d�= 8v6h3 L +G +0.75he„+ Lw Where: v 167 pH A= 16.50 in t= 0.298 CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi Co CF L 24 ft h 11 ft 0.037 1.6 C 0.30 1.10 F 804 psi Techincal Rek._.......,: 1. "National Design Specification NDS" 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams: "Sbuctuiral Engineering Reference Manuar Publications, Inc, 2001 18052381601 p 12 �IIIIII` 1111111�IIIIIII `IIIIII`IIIIII�IIIIIII�-Illlllf ill` V. L 'N (HOLD -DOWN NOT REQUIRED) Resisting Sally I Net Uplift Moments (It -Ibs) Factors fibs) 224192 I 0.9 I T I 0 64192 0.9 I T I 0 224192 I 2/3 I T I 0 64192 I 2/3 I T I 0 0.425 in E 1.7E +06 psi G 9.0E +04 psi d,= 0.15 in PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY V. L. A= 16.5 in' f�= 336 psi T. 2 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in Hdddown SIMPSON I 5� hp h I k Ds 2.5 (Sec. 16332.6) in I, (223%20041,Tames, Lierly 240 front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf, Feb 19 09 01 25p Nbse 18052381601 p 13 SW19 Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. 100 pl(,forwind vda SEISM 0 pll,for seism, GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF v 250 plf.f cad load LL 0 plf live load DIMENSIONS: L 16 f h 10.5 L 40 ft h 0 It PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: vdn WIND 10d COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d, 1.8d, 2 =10d) 2 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15132 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 112 in O.C. FIELD. 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 42 in O.C. DATE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 0.00 k Ts 3.84 k DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 2.40 k EDGE STUD: 2 2" x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.49 In ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.7 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE vp= 250 plf. 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 2341 -1-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Penehalior Thickne Boundary Al Edge Nat (in) (m) 6 1 4 1 3 I 2 I Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d 11 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 Note: The Indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE. F (L -L„,) MAX( vmvaNa O 2.40 k THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8" DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NDS 2001 Page 85) S 42 in F THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: yin Wall Seismic Overturning Resisting Salty Net Uplift Holtldavn (p1) I at mid -story (lb I Moments (ftabs) I Moments {ft -Ibs) Factors I (Ibs) SIMPSON SEISMIC' 0 I 269 I 1411 Left I 210752 0.9 I T, I 0 Right I -29248 0.9 I T. I 1733 y WIND I 100 III I 42000 1<fl I 210752 2/3 T I 0 .2 Ririe I 29248 2/3 I T. I 3844 Q THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 8 veh 3 vbh hd A ABe,.rhx +Asks Nall .Iy, OcI°,a ,de sly EAL„ Gt +0.75he L.. 0.493 in Where: v 250 Of L,. 16 ft E 1.7E+06 psi A= 16.50 in` h 11 ft G= 9.0E +04 psi t 0.298 in e„= 0A37 in (1 0.15 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi C 1.6 Cr= 110 C.= 0.30 A 16.5 n F 804 psi f 479 psi Techincal References: 1. 'National Design Specification, NDS" 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001 2. Alan Williams: "Structuiral Engineering Reference Manual" Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY w l I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v- v, Lw DS3 SIMPSON HOLD-DOWN) h (Ro 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) (2%42009) James _240,w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Page 44 if Feb 19 09 01 25p Nbse SW20 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: Yd. v4no 100 plf,for wind von, SEISMIC 0 plf,for seismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF. Wp 250 plffor deed 0 pl(.1or live Ion DIMENSIONS. L„ 13 ft u 10.5 ft L 35 ft h 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 e= Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 In COMMON NAIL SIZE (D=6d, 1 =8d, 2=10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 h 6 In CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS (i 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 112 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 In DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 38 in 0.C, THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: vd I Wall Seismic Overturning (PI at mid-stow (Ibs) Moments (ft-Ibs) SEISMIC 0 I 218 1147 WIND 100 I 36750 DATE THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW 17) 18052381601 HOLD -DOWN FORCES. T 0.00 k Ta= 4.48 k DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 220 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A D.52 in 8 vb/1 yb tl d Q &niiR Asirar Amor OCrnnr .spike Sic EA L,r Gt 0 75h L THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F L- L,) MAX( Yak wen. Ouv@,,SE15Mic) 220 k THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NOS 2001, Page 85) S 38 in F Techincal References: 1. "National Design Specification, NDS' 2001 Edition, AFBAP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams: 'Structuiral Engineering Reference Mannar Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY L T v. Lw THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 f UBCTable 23 -11 -1-1 Mn. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Penetratioi Thickness Boundary it All Edge Neil (in) (in) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 I Sheathing and Single-Floor I 10d I 1 516 I 15)32 I 310 I .460 I 600 I 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. 0.525 in Where: v 269 p8 L,,, 13 ft E 1.7E+06 psi A= 16.50 in` h 11 It G= 9.0E+04 psi t= 0298 in e„= 0.037 in (I, 0.15 in p 14 -r 3 SIMPSON HOLD -DOWN) ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L 1 B 0.8 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v, 269 pit, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in h (Do 2.5 (See. 16332.6) Resisting Salty Net Uplift tidddown Moments (ftabs) I Factors (Ibs) I SIMPSON Left I 160223 I 09 I 11 I 0 I Rivht I 32277 I 0.9 I T. i 2323 5 Left I 160223 I 2/3 I T, I 0 p Ritlt I -32277 I 2/3 I T. I 4482 I Q1 Co= 1.6 C 0.30 A= 16.5 in' C 110 F 804 psi f,= 459 psi r2� (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w tront street PC-corrections 2 17 2009.pdr Feb 19 09 01 26p Nbse SW21 Shear Wall Design CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: V4 WIND 00 pII,for wind vas saw= 0 plf,tar seismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' WDL 250 plt,for dead load w 0 pff, fees DIMENSIONS: L,,,= 24 10.5 ft L 35 R 0 R PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single-Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15132 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d,1=8d, 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b= 2 h 6 In DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 12 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in DIA x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 In O.C. HOLD-DOWN FORCES: T 0.00 k T 0.00 k DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 1.10 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x 6' DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: 5 0.42 In Co= 1.6 C 1.10 18052381601 p 15 DATE Technical References: 1. 'National Design Specification, NOS' 2001 Edition, AF&AP, AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams: 'St uctuiral Engineering Reference Manuar Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY w I l I i l��l r 1 F Where: v,= 146 plf L„= 24 ft E= 1.7E +06 psi A= 16.50 in h 11 ft G= 9.0E+04 psi t 0.298 in en 0.037 in d, 0,15 in v. Lw (HOLD -DOWN NOT REQUIRED) ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.4 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 146 pR, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 231FI -1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Comma Panet ation Thickness Boundary AD Edges Nail (in) (in) 6 1 4 I 3 1 2 a Sheathing and Single-Floor I IOd I 1 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 Note: The Indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notes of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE. F (L -L„) MAX(v Oovm. sosac) 1 10 k (Oa 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5B' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (fab.11E, NOS 2001 Page 85) S 48 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: v Wall Seismic I Overturning I Resisting I Sally Net Uplift I SIMPSON Holddown (alt) I at mid -story fibs) Moments (ft -Ibs) I Moments (R -Ibs) Factors (Ibs) sEISMIGI 0 i 403 I 2117 i Leh i 177317 1 0.9 I T, I 0 Riga 81067 i 0.9 i T I I) 5 WIND I 100 I I 36750 Left Right I 177317 1 2/3 1 T, I 0 p`I' I I 81067 I 2/3 I Ts I 0 i THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 3 Mo +eN ee SVbh h +0.75he 0.416 in o= eae d: a As E4L„ Gt L. C 0.30 A= 16.5 in F 804 psi f, 270 psi Page 40 ,co cu I fj I NSULT :9 r -77.411r0/A801 1,k1 .14/2CoWC51:_ CONFERENCE 1 ra;._\1/4 /7 2 Gpi it 11_ /2 /0 1201 1/A410 Nipir 10T-r 12061 PULL Dd. GAIVI 26-3' 11 OFF140 1 1 4 EiEP I 1 litt 2 OR M Wi 11.i' 1 m Ash .!T .g a M 11111111 CI STAIR 2 111111 t 11 111 ,S0, I OPEN TO 114.0W 2W-C' 2W- CON BELOW 6 Dia LIGHT -wALL 44 j €74 1 i *1 3 °1 44[1 a 7 /coo3 tr f snow 2 34' 4: 4 (23/ ames iy 240 w f2/2009 J ro 47 ._._.W. Liernt street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Pa1) Feb 19 09 01 30p Nbse SW1 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: v WIND 95 plf,for wind Vas, SEISMIC 0 plf,for seismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' WOL 125 plf,for d w 0 plf,fo DIMENSIONS: L 12 ft 10.5 ft V L L= 18 ft h.= 0 ft N PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 r_ Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15132 In COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d, 1 =8d, 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h 6 DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 12 in O.C. FIELD, 5/6 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS Q48 in O.C. J, HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 0.04 k T 0.79 k DRAG STRUT FORCES. F 0.57 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.48 In ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L 6 0.9 2 THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (LL,.) MAX( vaa. WIND. nova,. SEISMIC THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NDS 2001 Page 85) S 48 in 18052381601 PAGE DESIGN BY DATE REVIEW BY I 1 1 1 1 v.. hc� F T. I T p 2 V. T. V Lw SE PHD2-SDS3 SIMPSON HOLD -DOWN) Fl e a tE W THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 143 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23- 11-I -1 Min. Min. I Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Patetratior Thickness I Boundary All Edges Nail Cm) (in) 1 6 l 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d 11 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 1 460 I 600 I 770 I Note: The Indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. •0.57 k G o 2.5 (Bee. 1633.2.6) THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: I v a Wall Seismic Overturning Salty Net Uplift Haldeown (p10 I at mid-story fibs) Moments (R ibs) I I Moments (ft -Ibs) FaMO s fibs) SIMPSON I Left I SEISMIC 0 26296 I 0.9 I T I 0 I 202 1056 I Right I 12798 0.9 I TR I 0 WIND 9s 17955 t. ii I 26298 I 2) I Ti 1 35 �oA' I I I Right I 12798 I 2/3 I T I 785 Q THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) vie ACha.a 3 A Aa.a..8 ASt= ANa,r d< rso Fah G 0 75he L. 0.482 in L> Where: v.= 143 plf L„= 12 It E 1.7E +06 psi A= 16.50 in` h 11 ft G= 9.0E +04 psi t 0.298 in e 0.037 In d,= 0.15 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi CD= 1.6 CF 1.10 C 0.30 A= 16.5 in' F 804 psi f, 112 psi Techincal 1 'National Design Specification, NOS' 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams:'Structuiral Engineering Reference Man al' Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 h (f;'4'7 2%23/2009 Jam es Lierl 240 w front s tye r_...._ PC correctio 2 1 7 Feb 19 09 01 30p Nbse 18052381601 P 3 SW22 Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF: PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO Yd. WIND Vda. SEISMIC WDL )'/L1 DIMENSIONS: L„= 26 ft L 35 ft PANEL GRADE (0 1) 1 MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d,1 =8d. 2 =10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 100 0 ft Sheathing and Single -Floor 15/32 In 2 10d 0.5 2 in h 6 in DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS t) 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY 8 ALL EDGES/121n O.C. FIELD, 5/B in DIA. x 10 In LONG ANCHOR BOLTS a 48 in O.C. DATE L y plffor wind I plf far seism w 50 plf,for dead lo I I t 11 l I I I )I 0 plffo live 10.5 ft HOLD -DOWN FORCES: TL 0.00 k T 0.00 k (HOLD -DOWN NOT REQUIRED) DRAG STRUT FORCES. F 0.90 k EDGE STUD: 2 2" x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No 1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.41 in ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.4 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 135 ptf, 1 side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 2311 -I-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Oracle Common Peneuatior Thickness Boundary All Edges Nail (in) (in) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 Sheathing and Single -Floor 1 10d I 1 5/8 1 15/32 I 310 1 460 I 600 I 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notes of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE. F (L -L) MAX( v Oova Isbbc) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NDS 2001 Page 85) S 48 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES. I v Wall Seismic Overturning (PIt) I at mid -story (Ibs) I Moments (ft-lbs) SEISMIC 0 I 437 I 2293 I WIND 100 I I 36750 F PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY (L90 k (Qo 25 (Sec. 16332.6) Resisting Safty Net Uplift Moments (ft -Ibs) I Factors 1 (ibs) Left I 181517 I 0.9 I T I 0 Righr I 102767 I 0.9 I T, I 0 Leff I 181517 I 2/3 I T, I 0 Right I 102767 I 2/3 I To I 0 THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 8v,173 A a "'4=a +Asl>ea ANa4 ,IV+ AChard Sidle ie 0.75he veh h d a 0.406 in EAL,. Gf L. Whe v 135 plf L„= 26 ft E= 1.7E +06 psi A 16.50 h 11 ft G 9.0E+04 psi t 0.298 e 0.037 d, 0.15 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi C 1.6 C 1.10 Co= 0.30 A= 16.5 in F 804 psi 7 254 ps Techineal References: 1. "National Design Specification, NDS 2001 Edition, AFBAP, AWC, 2001 2. Alan Williams: "Structulral Engineering Reference Manual” Professional Publications. Inc, 2001. Holddown SIMPSON O� Z O 11P-0416-1 (f (2 23/2009) James Lierly 240- w'front street V PCcorrections 2 2009,pdf Ti** 40] Feb 19 09 01 30p Nbse PROJECT CLIENT SW2 JOB NO. Shear Wall Design DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15132 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 112 in O.C. FIELD, 518 In DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 44 in O.C. THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: v Wall Seismic Overturning (pli) I at mid -story (Ibs) I Moments (ft -Ibs) SEISMIC' 0 I 185 I 970 WIND I 145 I I 27405 CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi DATE INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM Node WIND 145 plt,for wind Vda, SEISMIC 0 Offer seismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF W 125 plf,for dead load W 0 plf.fo live load DIMENSIONS. L„ 11 ft 10.5 ft L 18 ft h.= 0 ft y PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15132 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d, 1=8d, 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 h= 6 in 18052381601 HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 0.96 k T.= 1.91 k DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 1.02 k EDGE STUD: 2 7' x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1, CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: C 0.53 in THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3. ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) =Ae.m:, +Ash O/,d .F +Act,".d re =EA Gt +0.75he Lw L F PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY L P 4 (USE D2SDS3 SIMPSON HOLD ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L1B= 1.0 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 237 pIt. 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23 -114 -1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Pceeaatioi Thielmess Boundary An Edge Nail (in) (in) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d I 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 I Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L-L„) MAX(v O sEwix:) 1.02 k (Q 2.5 (Sec. 16332.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NDS 2001, Page 85) S 44 in I Resisting Softy Net Uplift Holddown Moments (1t -Ibs) I Factors I tlbs) SIMPSON Left I 25332 I 0.9 T= I 0 I cP Right I 9582 I 0.9 I T. I 0 I Leis I 25332 I 2/3 I T, I 956 I o ti I RiStit I 9582 I 2/3 I T I 1911 1 Where: V 237 plf L„,= 11 ft E 1.7E +06 psi A 16.50 in` h 11 ft G 9.0E +04 psi t 0298 in e,= 0.037 in d,= 0.15 in 0535 in C 1.6 C.= 0.30 A= 16.5 In CF 1.10 F 804 psi Ir.= 145 Techincal References: 1 "National Design Specification, NDS" 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001 2. Alan Williams: "Structuirel Engineering Reference Manual' Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. 2%23!2009 J. v_ _.�__w............ )w wa'mes perl 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 01 30p Nbse 18052381601 P 5 ��l PROJECT SW3 CLIENT JOB NO Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: vd,e two 383 plf,for wind vde szasuic 0 plf,for seismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF wp 125 plf,for dead load eiLL 0 plf,for live load DIMENSIONS. L 11 ft h 10.5 ft L 18 ft h 0 ft NM' PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15132 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0 1 =8d. 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS OS EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pas, b 2 h= 6 in DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON HAILS tg 2 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 112 Q.C. FIELD, 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 15 in O.C. HOLD -DOWN FORCES. T 5.05 k T 6.00 k DRAG STRUT FORCES. F 2.66 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No.1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.70 In ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 1.0 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 627 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 2 in) THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER 1130 Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23-0 -I-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Penetrator Thickness Boundary Sr All Edges Nall (in) (in) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 Sheathing and Single -Floor 1 lad 1 1 5/8 I 15/32 1 310 1 460 1 600 1 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC note1 of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE. F (L -L,,,) MAX(vd,wpm. Dove.. sersinc) 2.68 k (O 2S (Sec. 16332.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 516" DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NOS 2001, Page 85) S 16 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES. I v. I Wall Seismic pIll at mid-story (Ibs) SEISMIC! 0 I 185 I WIND 383 THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3. ASD MANUAL SOUP Page SW -17) a= Aae,ans OSre. A CIcd dk db Where: v 627 plf L„ 11 ft E a 1.7E +06 psi A 16.50 in h 11 ft G 9.0E +04 psi t= 0.298 in 0.037 in d, 015 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi C 1.6 C 1.10 DATE Overturning 1 I Resisting Salty Net Uplift Hotddown Moments (ft -Ibs) I Moments (ft-Ibs) I Factors I (Ibs) I SIMPSON 1 Left 970 I 75457 1 0.9 1 T, I 0 1 Right I 9582 I 0.9 I r, I a y o b 72387 I Left I 25332 1 2/3 I T I 5045 d 1 Right I 9582 I 2/3 I T I 6000 8 vbh 3 vah +0 75h¢„.f hd' FAL„ Gt L. F Cp 0.30 A= 16.5 in F 804 psi 269 psi Techincal References: 1. "National Design Specification, NOS' 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001 2. Alan Williams: Structuiral Engineenng Reference Mannar Professional Publications, Inc 2001. PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY L w I{{ I I I I I I I I v— had 0.699 in SIMPSON HOLD -DOWN) n 11(2/23/2009) James_Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Feb 19 09 01 31p Nbse Title Block Use 1 You can changes this area using the 'Settings' menu item and then using the 'Printing Title Block" selection. Title Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design Lic. KW- 06005631 Description OTEGACALC Material Properties Analysis Method Allowable Stress Design Load Combination 2006 IBC ASCE 7-05 Fb Tension Fb Comp( Fc Pril Fc Perp Fv Ft Beam Bracing Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-:,. budding Wood Species Wood Grade a level Truss Joist Paraflarn PSI_ 20E D115) Applied Loads Load for Span Number 1 U *'domn Load D 0.080 kfii, Tributary Width =1.0 R PLtinttoad D= 1513 (o125071 DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Berating Stress Ratio Section used for this span fb Actual FB Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward L +Lr +S Deflection Max Upward L +Lr +S Deflection Live Load Deflection Ratio Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection Total Deflection Ratio 0.850 1 7.0x19.875 2,466.l4psi 2,900.00psi +D 2.520ft Span /I 11 0.090 in 0.000 in 0 <360 0.772 in 0:000 in 279 Title Dsgnr. Project Desc. Project Notes 18052381601 Pdnled 18 FEB 2085, BEEN: File: ClnawmenLs and SdtinpslDebra Dulrywy DuamienhiENERCALG Dab Ftesie ENERCALC, INC. l983 -2008, Ver. 6.021, 1.120084 License Owner BART NEEDHAM, SE DM.OBI 7.0x11.875, Span 18.0 ft Maximum Forces Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Segment Length Span# M V Lerfh =15? +ni`�:1 P..:514 '323' 2,456. .4 to ----tu 1 0340 9,�144 n 2,469.1$ ,472.4_ Overall Maximum Deflections Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max. Dell Location in Span Load Combination D C ,y 1 1. 722 Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span :Max L,._.....,.: Deft Location In Span Cc'culatiors pe: 13C 2003 CSC 207 20 ,4DS 2,900.0 psi E Modulus of Elasticity 2,9130.0 psi Ebend -xx 2000.Dksi 2,900.1/psi Eminbend >x 2,OD0.0ksi 750:0 psi 2901/psi 202S.Dpsi Density 32.210pdf P 6 Job Service loads entered Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span fv Actual Fv Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span where maximum occurs Summary of Moment Values Mactual fb -desgn Fb -allow 0.844 1 7.0x11.875 244 -78 psi 290.00 psi 0.0OOft Span 1 Summary of Shear Values Vacual fv- design Fv-allow 1345 13ti.. 1355 Max Upward Deft Location in Span reno 00.0 Design OK 244 :44 244" 290.02 150_ 150513 Max Deft Location in Span Page 51 11 (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Page 52J1 Feb 19 09 01 31p Nbse SW4 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: vda WIND 335 plf,for wind Vale SEISMIC 0 Off.' swami GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' WOL 125 piffor dead toad WLL 0 plf for live load DIMENSIONS: L„= 12 ft h 10.5 ft L 18 ft h.= 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d, 1=Bd, 2.10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h 6 in DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 3 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 112 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in 01k x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 20 in O.C. HOLD -DOWN FORCES: TL 3.82 k T 4.57 It (USE PHD5SDS3 SIMPSON HOLD -DOWN) DRAG STRUT FORCES: F. 2.01 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x 6" DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH No.1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: 0 0.63 In ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.9 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v.= 503 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 3 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 1 UBCTable 23 -I14-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Penebatior T iclowes Boundary at All Edges Nail (m) lm) 6 1 4 I 3 I 2 1 I Sheathing and Single-Floor 1 10d 11 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 1 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC note1 of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L -L) MAX( Yee w s Davila sesuw) 2.01 k (Oo 2.5 (Sec. 16332.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NDS 2001 Page 65) S 20 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES. vd, 1 Wall Seismic (plf) 1 at mid -story fibs) SEISMICI 0 WIND I 335 THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 43, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 8vph3 hh +0.75he hd A AB.ad.i Oskar Alva =fm AClnod 4r. fo EALw Gt L. Where: vp= 503 plf L-„= 12 It E= 1.7E+06 psi A= 16.50 in h 11 ft G= 9.0E+04 psi t= 0.298 in e„= 0.037 in d,= 0.15 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi 202 C 1.6 C 1.10 Overturning Moments (ft -Ibs) 1058 63315 DATE Techinral References: 1 'National Design Specification, NDS' 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams: "Stnrctuiral Engineering Reference Manual Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 18052381601 PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY W M I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 Vr hp T, 1 V. TR V Resisting Salty I Net Uplift iolddwm I Moments (ft -Ibs) Factors (Ibs) SIMPSON Left I 26298 I 0.9 1 T, 1 0 1 Ripjit I 12798 I 0$ I T. 1 0 y 0 y Left 1 26298 I 213 1 T, 1 3815 1 .p Right 1 12798 I 213 I T. 1 4565 Q 0.633 in Lw P 7 C. 0.30 A= 16.5 in F 804 psi f 228 psi (2/2372009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf d1tl+i. K It Lifiikl i z�$ 3sc v'3x� rt kkF ft? 1 iaa�rx S asvusrnattl it t y� ra5l sie q. tv ;=IL ni{tnr p e,wey ?N nv� .i f3.i15.53_d'.EJkk? p r PAN 4 to <tc ,`FLvtt s 4 4la linVa !ball! tila uWWW. m1uu Bahr! »•y THE MAX SPACING OF 518' DIA ANCHOR 800 (fab.11 E,1DS 2001 Page 85) THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: V. Wall Seismic Overhrrnin Resisting Sa Net U iR lio ddown v 9 9 RY PI (pi0 I at mid -story fibs) Moments (R -Ibs) I Moments (RJbs) I Factors I fibs) SIMPSON SEISMIC I 0 302 1568 Left I 33858 I 0.9 I T, I 0 I Wit I 33858 I 0.9 1 Te 1 0 I WIND 50 9450 Loft 1 33858 I 2/3 i T, 1 0 a p p I Right 1 33858 I 213 1 T, 1 0 Q THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3, ASP MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) Sv,,h7 vb hh 0.75he hd 0.399 in Li Bending Lsk°, Nail ,r Ocr=� +r+� db EAL,. Gt L. Where: v 50 Of A= 16.50 in` t= 0.298 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 Icsi C 1.6 Cr= 1.10 L, 18 ft E 1.7E+06 psi h 11 It G= 9.0E +04 psi e,= 0.037 in d,= 0.15 in C 0.30 F 804 psi Techincal References: 1 'National Design Specification, NOV 2001 Edition, AFBAP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williiams:'Structuiral Engineering Reference Manuel' Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 �ll •�l�l Yt�!}Ft"i'tlt}ESEkk4k }lFk�lkF 11 1 ;a�u +4V f+f twl \R. max err 4r 4 =iII 1 u(uu11n ,.IIu�a Loa 46' 417 A= 16.5 in 73 psi Page 53ji ['327:2 James rl 240 w front street corrections pC ec Lie Y ons 2 17 2009 Of Feb 19 09 01 32p Nbse SW6 Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO Vde WIND Vde SEISMIC GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF w, DIMENSIONS: L.,,= 11 ft L 40 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: h' Wall Seismic (MO I at mid -story (Ibs) SEISMIC' WIND' 25 1135 5 Where: v 91 plf A 16.50 in 1= 0.298 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi W, C C 5 25 150 0 10.5 plt ,toe wind plf,for seis is pif,for load plf,for I load ft 0 ft 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 COMMON NAIL SIZE 0=6d, 1.8d, 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 112 in O.C. FIELD. 5/8 In DIA x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS Q 48 in O.C. HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 0.00 k T 5.05 k DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 1.81 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.47 In L /B= 1.0 91 pry, 1 THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 I UBCTable 23-114 Min. Min Panel Grade Common Penaraties Thickness Nail (in) (in) I 6 I Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d 11 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L.L„) MAX( v., main Dave,, seseic) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NDS 2001, Page 85) Overturning Moments (ft -Ibs) 11470 2100 THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Secifon 4.3, ASO MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) A A 1 3 a AS.Mer AN./ Achod *t. dr, 8vbh3 Vbh 0.75he,. h d e EAR,,. Gt L. Lw h Be I I Left I Rixht I Lc1i I Right I in 11 ft 11 ft 0.037 1.8 C 0.30 1.10 F 804 psi 18052381601 P 9 DATE 1.61 k S 48 in Resisting Moments (ft -Ibs) 125082 -48918 125082 -48918 N i I i I I II Techlncal References: 1 'National Design Specification, NDS* 2001 Edition, AFBAP AWC, 2001 2. Alan Williams:'Structuiral Engineenng Reference Manual' Professional Publications. Inc 2001 PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY v hr V. Iw T. 42 115 D I D N) 2 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in 1. Blocked Nail Spacing Boundary All Edge 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 I 460 I 600 I 770 I factor per IBC note at UBC notel of the table. Safi)/ Factors 0.9 0.9 2/3 2/3 h OR 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) Net Uplift I Holddovn Obs) SMPSON T I 0 To I 5045 .3) T I 0 a C T, I 3156 Q` 0.473 in E 1.7E +06 psi G 9.0E +04 psi d,= 0.15 in A= 16.5 in 376 psi iscse3 ;(2 %23%2009) James'Lierly 240 w front'street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf ry M ry T Page 55;1 Feb 19 09 01 32p Nbse SW7 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: vela WIND 0 Off wind Vea, SEISMIC 25 pII mic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' war_ 125 a d/ad load W 0 plfdor 're load DIMENSIONS: I.,= 8.33 ft h 10.5 ft L= 40 ft h,= 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d, 1 =8d, 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pes, b 2 in h DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 8 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 1 12 In O.C. FIEL 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS Q48 in O.C. Where: R,bh 18052381601 DATE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 0.00 k Ta 7.34 k DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 1.98 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' x6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No 1 CON11NUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.53 In THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) Techincal References: 1. "National Design Specification, NOS" 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001, 2. Alan Williams: "Structuiral Engineering Reference Mannar Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY L p 10 w 1} I ti V.. ha F T V. r i. Lw N DS SJM,SC -ii D 11 ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 1.3 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 120 p11, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nall Spacing re 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 23064.11 UBCTable 23- Il-I -1 Mi Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Peaetratior Thickness 1 Bo All Edges Nail (in) (in) I 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 I Sheathing and Single Floor I 10d 11 5!8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 1 60D I 770 I Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a U BC note1 of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L -L„) MAX( vm,WIND Oovu.. seselc) 1.98 k (00 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 518' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NDS 2001, Page 85) S 48 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: Wall Seismic Overturning Resisting Softy Net Uplift Hottlda+m (pit) I at mid -story (INS) Moments (ft -Ibs) I Moments (It -Ibs) Factors (Ibs) i SIMPSON SEISMIC 25 140 11235 T-e0 I 102914 I 0.9 I T, 0 Right -55436 I 0.9 I Ts I 7338 y WINO I 0 I I 0 Left I 102914 I 2/3 I T I 0 'Wit I -55436 I 2/3 I T I 4437 4 Aa d. +ASMr Axe.I0+Acrna 4. +a— 0.532 in LAL„ Gt L V b 120 plf L,= 8 ft E= 1.7E+06 psi A 16.50 in` h 11 ft G 9.0E+04 psi t= 0.298 in el 0.037 in d,= 0.15 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi C 1.6 C.= 0.30 A 16.5 in E 1700 tel Cr 1.10 F 804 pm f 415 psi T. 1[12/2312009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Page 5611 Feb 19 09 01 33p Nbse 18052381601 p 11 SW8 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: Vd NAND 0 pll,for d van, SETS 50 p Or IC GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF 250 plf,tor d load I.L 0 p1(for load DIMENSIONS: L„= 27 h 10.5 ft L= 50 ft h 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single-Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0 1 =8d, 2.10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in h 6 DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15132 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES 12 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 in O.C. DATE in F PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY L W v- hpl I V. I T, HOLD-DOWN FORCES: T 0.00 k T 0.00 k (HOLD -DOWN NOT REQUIRED DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 1.15 k EDGE STUD: 2 2' 6' DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No.1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.39 in THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F a (L- 1.,.,) MAX(v O seise c) 1.15 k THE MAX SPACING OF 518' OIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NDS 2001, Page 85) S 48 in THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) Hvsh3 vhhh 0.75he„ A Aer>r/ing Si A° AN d sip+ AChonl :fir EA L. Gt L. Where: v 93 pH L.,,.= 27 ft 1.7E+06 psi A= 16,50 in h 11 ft G= 9.0E+04 psi t= 0.298 in e,= 0.037 in d.= 0.15 in CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 ps E 1700 ksi C 1.6 CF= 110 C F 0.30 A= 16.5 in F 804 psi fp 417 Techincal References: 1. 'National Design Specification, NDS' 2001 Edition, AFBAP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams: "Structural Engineering Reference Manual" Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 0.387 in l 1 1l ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B a 0.4 a 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 93 pif, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.11 UBCTable 238.1.1 Min. Mi Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Penetrator Thiclmess I Boundary dt All Edges Nail (in) (in) I 6 1 4 1 3 1. 2 1 Sheathing and Single -Floor 1 10d 11 5/8 I 15/32 1 310 1 460 I 600 I 770 I Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC note1 of the table. (Clo 1 (Sec. 1633.2.6) THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES. v. Wall Seismic Overturning Resisting I Salty Net Uplift Hoiddown (pil) I at mid -story (Ibs) Moments (ft-Ibs) Moments (11-lbs) 1 Factors (Ibs) SIMPSON SEISMIC' 50 i 454 I 28631 Right 55 Lsft 343616 118 I 0 0.9 I T I 0 1 9 I T I 0 WIND I I 0 0 Loft 343118 l 2/3 I T, I 0 Right 55618 I 2/3 I T 1 0 (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 iv front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Page 671,11 Feb 19 09 01 33p Nbse PROJECT SW9 JOB NO. Shear Wall Design INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: vda W uo vao sesu GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF WD CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E= 1700 ksi It h 0 pilfer wind 25 plf.for seismic 250 plfJor r ed load DATE w 0 plf,for load DIMENSIONS: L. 13 105 ft L 50 PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 m Sheathing and Single Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0= 6d,1 =8d, 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pcs, b 2 in It 6 in o ft NA DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY ALL EDGES /12 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 in O.C. HOLD -DOWN FORCES. T 0.00 It T 10.99 k DRAG STRUT FORCES. F 231 It EDGE STUD: 2 2' x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No.1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: i2 0.45 In THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: (Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) 8vah3 vbh hd A ABendsm Ash.a Am a alp+ Aches 'prim rip +0.75hen EAL,. Gt L,. 18052381601 p 12 F THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER BC Table 2306.4.11 UBCTable 23 -IN-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing le Panel (ha Common Pcnetratior Ttiiclmesa I Boundary All Edges Nail (m) (in) I 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 l Sheathing and Single-Floor I 10d I 1 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 1 460 1 600 1 770 I Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC note1 of the table. THE HOW -DOWN FORCES: I v Wall Seismic Overturning Resisting Salty Net Uplift Haiddo+m (plry I at mid swry fIbs) I Moments (R -Ibs) I I Moments (R -Its) I Factors I fibs) SIMPSON SEISMIC 25 216 14272 L I 319598 I 0.9 I T, 1 0 I I Right I 142902 1 0.9 I T. 1 10991 WIND I 0 I I 0 Right 1 14 2902 I I Ta= 1 7328 40 Where: v 96 pIt L„= 13 R E= 1.7E +06 psi A 16.50 in` It 11 R G 9.0E +04 psi t 0.298 in 0.037 d 0.15 C 1.6 Cp= 0.30 A= 16.5 in Cr= 1.10 F 804 psi tc= 778 psi Techincal References: 1 "National Design Specification, NOS' 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams: "Structuiral Engineering Reference Manual' Professional Publications, Inc, 2001. PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY L w 0.453 in Lw i h ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.8 .e 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 96 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L L„) MAX( van, vmm. aovd.. SEISM 2.31 It (Do 2.5 (Sec. 1633 2 6) THE MAX SPACING OF 518' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NDS 2001 Page 85) S 48 in t. 11 (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Page 5811 Feb 19 09 01 34p Nbse 18052381601 p 13 SW10 Shear Wall Design PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO. INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: V WIND 0 plf,for wind Van S snuc 25 plf,for seismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF- "V" 250 plf,for dead load 0 pEfor live load DIMENSIONS: L„= 28 10.5 ft L 50 ft h.= 0 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) 1 Sheathing and Single-Floc MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 15/32 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d,1 =Bd, 2 =10d) 2 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS 0.5 EDGE STUD SECTION 2 pes, b 2 in h 6 DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15132 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS i 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY 8 ALL EDGES 112 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 in O.C. CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 list Where: v 45 pIt A= 16.50 in` t= 0.298 in ler DATE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 0.00 k T 0.00 k DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 1.38 k EDGE STUD: 2 2" x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No 1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 037 in 1.,„=. 28 ft h 11 ft 0.037 in I" �1 1 �1 I I 1 1 h„ I F' PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY v. Lw (HOLD -DOWN NOT REQUIRE ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.4 2 THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 45 pC, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER BC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23- II -1 -1 Min. Mi I Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Peneaatior Thickness Boundary An Edges NO Cerj I 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d I 1 5/8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L-L MAX( v nova,, uses:) 1.38 k (D 2.5 (Sec. 16332.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11E, NOS 2001, Page 85) S 48 in THE HOW-DOWN FORCES: 1I v., Wall Seismic Overturning Resisting Salty Net Uplift Hokkbvm i (pit) I at mid -story fibs) Moments (ftabs) I I Moments (ft-Ibs) Factors fibs) SIMPSON I SEISMIC111111 25 I 470 I 15595 Left I 345426 I 0.9 T I 0 Right I 70428 I 0.8 I T I 0 ce Left I 345428 I 2/3 I T I 0 p `1' WIND o 0 Riau I 70428 I 2/3 I Ta= I 0 Q4 THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) gveh' v hd O Laening AShear ANad sip AChe d vitt 447 Gt 4- 0.75he„ LW 0.366 in EAL„ Co= 1.6 C 0.30 A= 16.5 in C 1,10 F 804 psi f,= 391 psi Technical References: 1.' National Design Specification, NDS" 2001 Edition, AFBAP AWC, 2001. 2. Alan Williams: "Structuiral Engineering Reference Manual' Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 E 1.7E +06 psi G 9.0E +04 psi d, 0.15 in h Feb 19 09 01 34p Nbse Title Block Line 1 You can changes this area using the 'Settings' menu item and then using the *Printing Title Block' selection. Title Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design Description MEGA CALC2 Material Properties Analysis Method Allowable Stress Design Load Combination 2006 IBC ASCE 7-05 Wood Species Wood Grade level MISS Joist Paraltam PSt_ 2:DE Beam Bracing Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsion buckling Apprred Loads Load for Span Number 1 t3ndorm Lead D 0.135D Vb. Tributary Width =1,D ft :Point load D= a1eDk fa. &.0ft DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this span fb Actual FB Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span where maximum occurs Matinaurm Deflection Max Downward L +Lr +S Deflection Max Upward L +Lr +S Deflection Live Load Deflection Ratio Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection Total Deflection Ratio 0.8841 5.25x14.0 2,562.40psi 2,900.0flpsi B.D'DDft Span I D.000 in 0.000 in 0 <240 0.507 in O.ODD in 354 Maximum Forces Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Segment Length Span M V 3• «L «H ,std 1 L-rrt 15115 Overall Maximum Deflections Load Combination ;mum Defteclions for Load Load Combination L„r 019 15) .ir?• J.u-f. Unfactored Loads 010.1351 Title Dsgnr Project Desc. Project Notes Fb Tension Fb Compr Fc PEI! Fc Perp Fe Ft 5.25x14.0, Span 15.0 ft Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span fir Actual Fv Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span it where maximum occurs Summary of moment Values Mactual fb- design Fb -allow t..562.4C LSS21 Span Max. Dell Location in Span Load Combination '.'577,4 Combinations Unfactored Loads Span Max. Downward Ceti Location in Span f Mu,4 12 I (2/23/2009) James Lierjy 2 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf 18052381601 .nnled: 18 FEB 2069 4.5441 Fife C:IDaunmts and Se@ngslWbra OWfywh' DowmennslENERCALC Data Flesldearer.ec6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983.2008, Ver. 6.0.21, N:20084 Lic. KW- 06005631 License Owner BART NEEDHAM, SE Calcjladons per t3C 2005, CSC 307 2035 ^S 2,900.0 psi E Modulus of Elasticity 2,91301.0 psi Ebend -xx 2,DD0=Dksi 2.9DD_Dpsi Eminbend xx 2,000.Oksi 75110 psi 29010 psi 2,025-0 psi Density 32210pcf Service loads entered Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Summary of Shear Values Vactual N -design Fe -allow .:u Max. Upward Cefl Location in Span p 14 Job Design OK 0.447 1 525x!4.0 1.29.73 psi 290.00psi 0 000 Span 4 1 1257° ZIT s0 12 :9555 12 Max..' Dell Location in Span aratt :OK Page 59 (2/23/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 2009.pdf Summary Span 15 OOft, Width= 12.00in Depth 18 00in Maximum Moment Mu 11141 k -ft Allowable Moment Mn'phi 107.54 k -ft Maximum Defection -0.5380 in Maximum Shear Vu 19.87 k Max Reaction Left 14.64 k Allowable Shear Vn'phi 61.64 k Max Reaction Right 8.97 k Shear Stirrups. Stirrup Area ig Section 0.440 in2 Region 0.000 3.000 6.000 9.000 12.000 15.000 18.000 ft Max. Spacing 7.500 7.500 7.500 7.500 7.500 7.500 7.500 in May Vu 19.867 18.978 17 423 9.452 9.452 11.008 11.897 k I Bending Shear Force Summary Bending. Mn`Phi Mu, Eq. 9 -1 Mu, Eq. 9-2 Mu, Eq. 93 Center 107.54 k -ft 21.44 k -ft 113.41 k -ft 105.15 k -ft Left End 107.54k -ft 0 -00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft i@ Right End 107.54 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft Shear. Vn'Phi Vu, Eq. 9 -1 Vu, Eq. 9-2 Vu, Eq. 9-3 tg Lett End 61.64k 4.12 k 19.87 k 18.09 k Right End 61.64k 4.08k 11.90k 10.13k I Deflection Deflections.. Upward Downward DL +[Bm Wl] 0.0000 in at 06000 ft 0.0412 in at 9.0000ft DL LL [Bm Wt] 0.0000 in at 0.0000 ft -0.0477 in at 9.0000 ft DL +LL +ST +[Bm Wt] 0.0000 in at 0.0000 ft -0.5380 in at 8.3520 ft Reactions. 611 Left Right DL [Bm Wt]] 2.857 k 2.857 k DL LL [Bm Wt] 1307 k 3.307 k DL +LL +ST +]Bm Wt] 14.641 k 8.974k Page 601 1[(2723/2009) James Lierly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 01 43p Nbse 18052381601 P 1 L Re -5 01CJ US KW -05 1.._:5._.1,. ^:.y OO2 loll 03 -200" EIJERCALC Er -g 5:.t:v,.^ Description TYPICAL CONC GRADE BEAM ACI 9 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 8 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 9-2 ST .seismic ST 1.400 1.700 1.700 1100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor T Dsgnr: Description Scope Job# Date: 11.34AM. 18 FEB 09 Section Analysis Evaluate Moment Capacity. Center Left End Right End X Neutral Axis 2.705 in 2.705 in 2.705 in a beta Xneutral 2.299 in 2.299 in 2.299 in Compression in Concrete 70.357 k 70.357 k 70.357 k Sum [Steel comp. forces) 35.419 k 35.419 k 35.419 k Tension In Reinforcing 105600 k 105.600 k 105.600 k Find Max As for Ductile Failure.. X- Balanced 8.878 in 8.878 in 8.8776 in Xmax Xbal 0.75 6.658 in 6.658 in 6.658 in a-max beta Xbal 7.546 in 7.546 in 7.546 in Compression in Concrete 173.179 k 173.179 k 173.179 k Sum [Steel Comp Forces] 101.112 k 101 112 k 101 112 k Total Compressive Force 274.291 k 274.291 k 274.291 k AS Max Tot Force Fy 4.572 in2 4.572 in2 4.572 in2 Actual Tension As 1.760 OK 0.000 OK 0.000 OK I Additional Deflection Calcs Neutral Axis 4.610 in Mcr 22.18 k-ft !gross 5,832.00 in4 Ms:Max DL LL 80.68 k -ft !cracked 2,268.10 in4 R1 (Ms:DL +LL)IMcr 0.275 Elastic Modulus 3,122.0 ksi Ms:Max DL +LL +ST 81.23 k -ft Fr 7.5 rc".5 410.792 psi R2 (Ms:DL +LL +ST)/Mcr 0.273 Z:Cracking 201 481 ksi Leff. Ms(DL +LL) 2,342.176 in4 Z:cracking 175 No Good! Leff. Ms(DL +LL +ST) 2,340.681 1n4 Elf. Flange Width 12.00 in I ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7'1 4' Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9' Factor 1.300 Page 2 lct` ;F. Fo.ec. 1 400 0.900 N a S V PLAN ALL OTHERS Q Cl, 0 Cr) 0 CT) .o W `CBI (E) RETAINING WALL TO REMAIN. +39' AFF TYP SCALE 1/8" 1' 0 P 20 K P 25 K II LEAD IF REQ'0 II BY CONTRACTOR PILE LOADING APPROXIMATE PANEL LENGTH DESIGNATION FOUNDATION OR FLOOR DESIGNATION ROOF IS TO VERIFY THE ACTUAL SHEAR PANEL LENGTH WITH THE WALL LENGTH SHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. HOLOOWNS RED'D ONLY WHERE SHOWN ON THE FOUNDATION PLAN, NOT NECESSARILY A ALL SHEAR PANEL LOCATIONS. INSTALLED LENGTH SHALL BE WITHIN 10% OF OVERALL SHEAR PANEL LENGTH. SHEET NOTES HEATH ENTIRE EXTERIOR OF WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION WITH SHEATHING THAT MATCHES THICKNESS SHOWN ON SCHEDULE. THIS SHEARING IS N ADDITION TO THAT SHOWN ON THE SCHEDULE. IDS Or ALL LOCATIONS. DO NOT BLOCK EDGES. 2 FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CONCRETE (FOC). FACE OF BLOCK (FOB), AND FACE OF PLYWOOD. THE FACE OF PLYWOOD SHALL EQUAL THE FACE OF BLOCK OR CONCRETE. J. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWNGB FOR SLAB SLOPES, DEPRESSIONS, CURBS, B FLOOR DRAWS. 4. 0-0' TOP OF OCNCRETE SLAB ELEVATION. TOP OF PAD ELEVATION A' -0' 5 REINFORCE ALL 0314T FOOTINGS WITH 2.85 TOP, 2.11.5 BOTT. 04VER OJT UM) B. ALL SLEEVES THROUGH FOUNDATION WALLS AND UNDER FOOTINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE 7. NO SLEEVING OF ANY FOOTING OR GRADE BEAM IS ALLOWED UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DETAILED HEREIN OR UNLESS APPROVED OY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER B. THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER HAS NO CONTROL OR RESPONSIBILITY DESION OR USE OF TEMPORARY SHORING, FORMI UNDERPINNING OR SCAFFOLDING REQUIRED TO ERECT THIS PROJECT 0. BACKRLLING OF RETAINING WALL CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION BELOW GRACE MAY BE DONE ONLY AFTER. U DH CONS RUCTION HAS BEEN IN PLACE DAYS. 10. STUD WALLS SHALL FRAMED CONTINUOUSLY FULL HEIGHT FROM CONCRETE TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF OR FLOOR FRAMING. PLATFORM FRAMING ISNOT ALLOWED, PARTICULARLY FOR GABLE END OR TRUSS EN D WALLS. 11. INTERIOR WALLS SHALL BE FASTENED TO CONCRETE WITH .145 DIA. SHOT S WITH A MINIMUM OF VP EMBEDMENT THIS IS FOR NON-STRUCTURAL PARTITIONS, AND DOES NOT APPLY TO SHEAR PANELS OR OTHER STRUCTURAL WALLS. 12 THE BOTTOM OF FOOTINGS ARE SHOWN CN THE FOUNDATION PLAN. VERIFY ELEVATIONS WITH THE SOILS REPORT OR ENGINEER, AND COMPACTION, PRIOR TO PLACING MOINES. FOOTINGS SHALL BEAR ON THE DEEPER OF' THE D EPTH SHORN! ON PLAN. THE DEPTH REOUI BY A SOILS REPORT OR ENGINEER. OR 12 INTO UNDISTURBED NATM MATERIAL COMPACTION SHALL FOLLOW ASTM D1667. I5. UNO, DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE FACE OF PLYWOOD. UNO. THE FACE OP PLYWOOD CR SHEATHING IS EQUAL TO THE MC OF CONCRETE. 14. U LESS NOTED IN THE PLANS OR DETAILS, ALL FOOTINGS SHALL BE REINFORCED WITH 2-85 TOP AND 2HI5 BOTTOM. INSTALL A OS VERTICAL WITH A STANDARD HOOK AT 52 SEE FOUNDATION PLAN 8 DETAILS. 15. WHERE NAILER; AND SILL CONNECTION FOR SHEAR PANELSIS NOT SHOWN OR NOTED, PROVIDE NAILING AND SILL CONNECTION AS INDICATED BY PANEL MARK 1 N THE SHEAR PANEL SCHEDUL 18. DO NOT PENETRATE THE SKIN OF THE WALL SHEATHING WITH THE NAIL HEAD. 17 SAC MGR CALLING FOR ECT ION, REMiITENED PRIOR COVERNG OR CLOSING N. II SHEATHING MAY BE PLACED ON EITHER SIDE OF WALL 18 WALL STU RECEIVIN HOLOOYLN ANCHORS 8 EDGE NAIUNG SN FRI 20. INSTALL HOLCOWNS N ACCORDANCE WITH 2020 .2010 SIMPSON HOLD .LOG SUBMIT FIRE SPRINKLER SHO DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL s 1. V U 0 P. cUJ w I LLI f CA U U co L11 H 2 I- Lu g Z JD w¢ CD F- o L 04 a.. REVIS$ONSISUBMPTTAL MARKS ITEM DATE I PERMIT 10-12-2008 I sx[n niu James Lie r _._t. 17 2 23 2009 erly 240 w front street PC corrections 2 1 2009 pdf Feb 19 09 01 43p PMB 194 Bellev WA98004 (425) 418-8502 629 State Street 8230 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (605) 452 -8152 321 High School Rd. NE associates #216 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Beinbndge Island, WA 98110 (206) 7805333 nbse I ii a Z S 2 ;26)LAZ Ii Nbse JOB TITLE. SUBJECT. JOB NO. 18052381601 P 3 I I I I i QO I .r a- i f•. 3? -g 17 I IL SHEET NO. DESIGNER: DATE: Page 63 4• V AO. GRADE BEAM 5 �p1 osr mi r qJ� �b *29..9 0 0 5 NoU ...E 6EA y! 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ILP,3/2009) James Liedy_240 w front street PC corrections 2 17 2009.pdf Ofi z41 14111:,s; ;4:14t; r.N.ne NT 41 00 11 :;k4 .1 IL:1 1 Ili cf..f 41 410 It .4 Tii 1 1.1 tv5talt 11, tflPfErVittefthr 141 111' trt9:1TW1 1111 1111.114. fift IMO Exilt .4 1 t 4 ,14, 114 4,,,A., ch II nr1 '1'11f1 4. WI_ t ,114.11 r Vi t44' lifilft 14' .4j:, 1, gdnet.d1htsuoultkkitittld aggr44 NGELES so X ogs r 0 n 3 't7fXrtff 1 11-T 1 :411 A.F.A.01 j,__. ,,,,._swainntst■ INREVACeas+PtWan..F.4 d6r1 1,,,,..Zig a/ --44- ,....a.11 itganamisinimmorituffikk4144401 r ,:,1 ,,,siti Ji.ott-.. ,,..„.,,_,,,..,—Tt•-•:2--- .14.Fikei.4:-,11•:‘,-_,..0..•mtwz-g4;_-=0".41.6111U=irwow----Azat. ..r,Tiagia,,,,,r•-=:-,.;:5,-,,,--, .......-2, ;;,...,..‘-tx.-7-7,-177.76"7-77"--.1-7:18-442117P-rcir'wor4411—r: of. :7:737411,0MMTtzliwg -----100,.. -7-7 "--L—m -1 ilinifaimet i t:.t,... 1 47 r -'1‘..4a. T 02., Iii! r `...7 ..V. .?0 Wa i...0 e riot* c ir .,...,i.: 7...'a.:6 m.a.1.49orprirdist..laik: page, 67_11 m a c 0- D 0 0) 0 m tL SHEATHING Yom' =INC 3 FLASH 3 ROOF 0 m m m N U, 0 CO )LT WALL B 16' L TE CONN. EDULE /2 SHEATHING 3 -16d TOP ROOF EDGE NAILING LSLCONT 3-16d BOTTOM 0 A 1/2' DIA. BOLT 48' 0 x 0 re 0 LSLCONT RIM u 8-9' MIN. HHDQ11 CONSULT 117/8 BCI 60 JOISTS OR SIMILAR 2X6 @16' 5'-0" MIN MECHANICAL UNITS 51/4X14PSL OR SEE PLAN FOR SIZE SILL PLATE CONN. SEE SCHEDULE LSL CONT. RIM SIMP 'IT' HANGERS (SHOWN DASHED) AT FLUSH CONDTION LINt Uh VAHAPt I ROOF EDGE NAILING BEAM, SEE LSL BLOCKING DIA. BLOCKING O PLAN HOLE 2 -2X CONT TOP i� MAX. PLATES, LAP SPLICE 48" 3-16d A. SIDE EA. SPLICE, OR MST 60 2X6 @16" 3-18d TOP ROOF SEE ARCH. 3 -16d BOTTOM A35 EA. BLOCK TO PLATE 1/2 SHEATHING LL J W LEVEL 2 U' R £c/ 1F.g 9/ t /ONAL I EXPIRES 2-6-2009 I 12 16 -2008 nbse c associates CI II 321 NI OHSCHOOL ROAD SUITE D•2 PME 218 /AINERIDOE ISL., WA 98112 288 780 8822 P206 780 6883 P208 693 3867 0:206 300 2346 bart nbse.com