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240 W Front St Technical Plan Check Corrections 03-23-09 - Building
Permit Address c9 S4- Project description Rom' I �eiv�e� o P A C 1 )1 )Inl'erC 1 CL1 A keArnod eJ Date the permit was finaled Cc'FO Number of technical pages TECHNICAL P an CA‘ecK Cb V reci ohs )1 pct 3 -23 -0, 5s iSSUeEQ 3/8/l0 OFFICE LOCATIONS 365 ERICKSEN AVE NE #328 BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WA 98110 206 780 -6822 629 STATE STREET #228 SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 805 452 -8152 205 FAIRVIEW LANE SUITE 100 PASO ROBLES CA 93446 805 452 -8152 MAIL DELIVERIES STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS plan check corrections 240 W FRONT STREET 0Z-61Z PORT ANGELES, WA 98363 aL, 0 2006 ABC /ASCE7 -05 dkivve, by Cam \A it Renate bart@nbse.com nose 321 HIGH SCHOOL ROAD, NE STE D -3 PMB 216 BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WA 98110 O 206 780 6822 C 206 300 2346 F 206 780 6683 F 208 693 3667 associates civil &structural engineers 3 -23 -2009 california idaho washington orego i 1 1 7 11.1P 7 F 206-780-6683 F• 208-693-3667 C: 206-300-2346 bartnnbse.com nbse associates civil structural engineers offices: 629 State Street 4230 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 05 Fatme 52- w L ane 205 Mr William Hennessey 0: 805-452-8152 Paso Robles, CA 93446 Famil Medical Port Angeles 365 Ertl sen Ave. NE #32a t 303 8 Street Bainixdgelsland,WA 99 Port Angeles, WA 98363 0: 206 780 -6822 mall deliveries: 205FalniesLane #100 Paso Robles, CA 93446 Dear Bill. Very truly yours, I EXPIRES 2-6 -2011 Bart Needham, CE, 3E March 10, 2009 I am in receipt of the attached regarding the condition existing building for the above project. My opinion and concluding thoughts are as follows: 1 The building is rather old. As such, there are items in the condition assessment that are attributable to old age. I do not believe there are any items however, based on the report and conditions that I have observed that should prevent the building from performing adequately for this project. 2. I concur with the report regarding the welding for the structure. The welding that I observed appeared to be in good condition. 3 1 concur with the report that the bolting for the steel and the anchor bolts appear to be in good condition. 4 1 concur with the report that the bracing for the flanges of the girders where omitted should be intalled. This can be handled as a field item. These items can be fabricated to match the existing brace elements. 5 Straightening of flanges will need to be evaluated on an as needed basis. Flanges should be straightened only in compression zones. My overall opinion of the building is that its condition is adequate to support the loads for which you intend it to be used. The welding and bolting report is adequate for keeping you apprised about the conditions of the structure. I anticipate this letter will help in bringing this portion of the project to a fruitful conclusion. If there are any thoughts or concerns, please let me know i Feb 19 09 12 55p nbse 0: 206-780-6822 P 206 780-6683 C: 206-300-2346 bart @nbse.com associates civil structural office: 365 Erickson Ave. NE 111328 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 29 Stiee. -2J0 Santa Barbara CA 931 1 2) 3. Le 00 P:t,o Rob! C:; "4- marl a darlvaslas: 321 High School Rd. NE MB 216 Ste D3 Bainbridge Island. WA 98110 engin eers Nbse Mr W F Hennessey, M D 240 Front Street Port Angeles, WA 98363 18052381601 P 5 Bart Needham, SE February 16, 2009 Project: FMPA 240 W Front St. Port Angeles, WA 98363 existing building analysis Dear Mr Hennessey This letter will address the structural issues regarding the existing building at the new clinic location on Front Street. Currently pending, the City of Port Angeles maintains that the new occupancy of the structure constitutes a change in use, as determined during the plancheck process for this project, as outlined in the 2006 IBC It is prudent to address these issues and keep the project moving forward. I recommend the following, as this wall loosely agreed to in our meeting on Thursday, February 12th, at the offices of the City of Port Angeles: 1 We have voluntarily upgraded the existing building by removing the existing masonry infill block walls adding chevron type bracing for north -south lateral loads strengthening the roof by adding rod bracing 2. Continue permitted work with the foundation shell, until the entire issue with the City of Port Angeles comes to a satisfactory conclusion 3 Provide an analysis of the building based on the AISC 9th Edition in lieu of the requirments of AISC 360 This should satisfy the majority of the requirments for the building 4 Provide and examination of the existing welds of the existing building to determine if any repairs are warranted I aniticipate this will help bring this to a satisfying conclusion. If there are any questions or comments, please call 206- 780 -6822. califomia Washington oregon idan02" WIS DATE 2117109 NO. 8253 WELDING INSPECTION SERVICES PROJECT Amuiatory Health Center Inspection, NOE, Testing P 0. BOX 1044 SUQUAMISH, WASHINGTON 98392 LOCATION 240 W Front Port Angeles, WA (360) 697 -1771 CONTRACTOR Drury OWNER FAX (360) 697 7316 WEATHER Clear TEMP 39 F 0830hrs TO PRESENT AT SITE Drury Construction Drury Construction Company, Inc. Building OHlcial•C1ty of Port Angeles PERMIT NO. (to be provided) Drury Construction Job No. 0821 SPECIAL VISUAL WELDING AND BOLTING INSPECTION, EXISTING BUILDING Requested by Drury Construction for third party, independent, special welding and bolting inspection of older existing pre engineered building. Arrived at the site 0830 hours. Contractor provided lift for inspection. Inspection within Grid Lines 1- 4xB -H. Inspected seven main frames, splice connections, fillet and groove welds, bolted splice connections, column anchor bolt connections, haunch connections. Findings: 1 Generally, the fabricated and welded steel frame members appear to conform to AWS Dl 1 Structural Steel Code and AISC. Welds inspected for size, contour and defects open to surface. 2. The column bases are a bolted connection with twin 4x6x3/8 angles bolted to column webs with eight 3 /4 diameter bolts and four 1" diameter anchor bolts. 3 Anchor bolt and frame splice bolted connections all appear to be tight with connection faces tight together. 4 Noted. GL C lower frame flange bent at one location, marked, GL D lower flange bent at one location, marked and approximately 2" hole flame cut in member web (GL Dx l Flanges should be straightened per AWS D1 1 and AISC. RFI, engineering decision whether flame cut hole should be repaired or is OK as is. Also, several of the frame flange braces (at ceiling level) appear to be missing, loose or not attached at one end. Engineering RFI should be obtained to verify required frame member flange bracing. 5 Limitations: This inspection is limited because there are no specifications for the existing building. Inspector cannot verify the filler metal and processes used for welding fabrication. Also, the type and grade of connection bolts cannot be verified. Bolts do not have contemporary markings. AWS QC I KENNETH A. HAVENS 9306 CW l Ken Havens, Senior inspector, AWSICWI, ASNT III SIGNE From "Tracy Gudgel" <tracy @zenovlc.net> To <bart @nbse.com "Peter O' Connor" poconnor @oconnorarchitects.com <robepstein @olypen.com <whennessey @fmpa.net> CC: <jherly @cityofpa.us> "'Nathan West" <Nwest @cityofpa.us> Subject: RE. Family Medicine Date; Wednesday March 18. 2009 8.21 41 AM Hi Bart, I have a few issues to clarify and then we should be done with the review Here they are: m but would not comp y w 106. Tracy Gudgel, P E. From: bart@nbse.com [mailto:bart@nbse.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 1.28 PM To: Tracy Gudgel; 'Peter O'Connor' Cc: jlierly@cityofpa.us; 'Nathan West' it res.onse to ite Page 1 of 3 1 The welding inspection report recommends that the bent flanges be straitened. Please provide protocol for this repair 2. In Item #4 of the welding inspection report there is reference to a 2" flame cut hole in the web member Please address this issue and any required repairs. 3 In item #7 of my last review I asked that the base plate connection for Frame on S201 be clarified. How i new base plate attached to the concrete? In your response you discuss the new curb but do not specify the anchorage of the new base plate of the frame (see plate detail in lower left corner of your response) to .e existing concrete. z •1 1 y with BC Once a satisfactory sponse has been provide by your office for my approval and then revised wet stamped plans and details have een submitted to the City all outstanding issues from a structural standpoint will be complete and unless the are other outstanding issues from the City of Port Angeles a complete permit may be issued for this project. I have reviewed your response letter in regar the existing building analysis and find it acceptable from my standpoint. ,See 99 0-71-r 71- 16 5 6 X 12 OR 51//4X11 7/8 PSL OPENING 2 SHEATHING WALK CONST 1RM LOCATION 'VATION 49 CONT 6' -0" -#9 CONT AP 6' -O" 4 301 #4 ©12" ATTAIN AS MUCH LENGTH AS POSSIBLE THIS SIDE HOLE IN COL. WEB PASS 4 BAR THROUGH (1 HOLE TOP 1 HOLE BOTTOM 3/4" MAX. DIA.) I\ 51 �(E} COL. TO REMAIN N (E) FOOTING CAP TO REMAIN 3/4" THICK PATE (E) FOOTING CAP TO REMAIN 'i 8- /4 X 8" EMBED A3 7 THREADED D IN 2 PART EPDXY F I ELEVATE TOP OF (E) CONK WHERE OCCURS 2- F �1- �e ELEV TIO From "Tracy Gudgel" <tracy @zenovic.net> To. <bart@nbse.com "'Peter O'Connor poconnor @oconnorarch1tects.com <robepstein @olypen.com> <whennessey @fmpa.net> CC <jlierly @cityofpa.us>, "'Nathan West <Nwest@cityofpa.us> Subject: RE. Family Medicine Date: Wednesday March 18 2009 8.21 41. AM Hi Bart, I have a few issues to clarify and then we should be done with the review Here they are: 1 The welding inspection report recommends that the bent flanges be straitened. Please provide protocol for this repair 2. In Item #4 of the welding inspection report there is reference to a 2" flame cut hole in the web member Please address this issue and any required repairs. 3 In item #7 of my last review I asked that the base plate connection for Frame on S201 be clarified How is new base plate attached to the concrete? In your response you discuss the new curb but do not specify the anchorage of the new base plate of the frame (see plate detail in lower left corner of your response) to n• co ncre 4 In regards to the epoxy specified in your response to item #6 The USP epoxy appears to comply wit masonry requirements of IBC 2006 but would not comply with concrete anchorage requirements of IBC 2006 Once a satisfactory response as been provide by your office for my approval and then revised wet st ed plans and details have been ubmitted to the City all outstanding issues from a structural staj►► t ill be complete and unless there e other outstanding issues from the City of Port Angeles a c mg>�t r it maybe issued for this project. ,R .rf I have reviewed your resp nse letter in reg standpoint. Tracy Gudgel, P E. From bart@nbse.com [mailto:bart@nbse.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 1.28 PM To: Tracy Gudgel, 'Peter O'Connor' Cc: jlierly @cityofpa.us, 'Nathan West' °J 2 Page 1 of 3 0 CP xisting mg al i d d a ceptable from my c• 03151 Concrete Anchoring (continued) ESR 1799 03/01/08 ESR -1917 09/01/07 ESR 1955 08/01/08 ESR 1967 12101/05 ESR -1970 10/01/08 ESR-2042 02/01/08 ESR -2138 05/01/08 ESR -2184 01/01/08 ESR -2249 04/01/07 ESR -2251 01/01/07 ESR -2254 05/01/07 ESR -2269 11/01/08 ESR -2272 09/01/08 12/01/08 11/01/07 11/01/08 01/01/08 08/01/08 09/01/08 12/01/08 12/01/08 ESR -2579 04/01/08 ESR -2690 06/01/08 ESR -2691 11/01/08 ESR -2713 09/01/08 ESR -2818 12/01/08 ESR -2427 ESR -2461 ESR -2502 ESR -2526 ER -2614 09/01/06 ER -4601 07101101 ER -5217 ESR -2577 ESR -2708 02/01 /07 10/01/08 10/01/08 03210 Reinforcing ER -3967 03/01/08 January 2009 ITW Ramset Hilti. Inc ITW Ramset Hilti Inc. USP Structural Connectors Max USA Corporation Simpson Strong -Tie Co. Inc. Hilti, Inc. Powers Fasteners, Inc. Max Company Ltd. ITW Red Head ITW Brands CYW, Inc. /Chun Yu Works (U S.A.) Inc. dba Western States Fastening System Building Materials Distributions, Inc. Fastena! Company Reix Co LP Hilti, Inc. Powers Fasteners, Inc. Hilti Inc. Hilti, Inc. Hilti, Inc. ITW Red Head ITW Brands MKT Metall Kunststoff- Technik Powers Fasteners, Inc. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. Powers Fasteners Inc. ITW Ramset ITW Ramset Fischerwerke GmbH Co. KG Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. Powers Fasteners Inc. 03153 Concrete Shear Stud Anchors and Connectors Nelson Stud Welding Inc. Stud Welding Associates, Inc. Nelson Stud Welding, Inc. Tru -Weld Division TFP Corporation Suncoast Post Tension, Ltd. Steel (continued on next page) ERICO Inc Ramset Power driven Fasteners, Power Point Fasteners, Angle Clip Fasteners Hilti Kwik Bolt TZ Carbon and Stainless Steel Anchors in Concrete Ramset T3 Power Driven Fasteners HIT HY 150 MAX Adhesive Anchor Systems DUC Undercut Anchors Max USA Corporation Power Driven Fasteners Power Driven Fasteners Hilti Low Velocity Powder Actuated Ceiling Clip Assemblies Powers Trak -It C4 Sill Plate Fasteners ITW Red Head Trubolt Carbon Steel Wedge Anchors in Concrete Power Bull Wedge Anchors Hilti Low Velocity X -U and X -U 15 Universal Powder Driven Fasteners Powers Snake+ Anchors in Cracked and Uncracked Concrete Hilti Kwik Bolt 3 (KB3) Concrete Anchors HIT -RE 500-SD Adhesive Anchors in Concrete Exterior or Perimeter Sill and Interior Plate Anchorages ITW Red Head Trubolt Wedge Anchors for Cracked and Uncracked Concrete MKT SRS TZ Carbon Steel Anchors in Concrete Powers Power -Stud+ SD2 Anchors in Cracked and Uncracked Concrete SET -XP Epoxy Adhesive Anchors for Cracked and Uncracked Concrete Powers Wedge -Bolt+ Screw Anchors in Cracked and Uncracked Concrete Trakfast Fasteners Exterior /Perimeter Sill and Interior Plate Fasteners Fischerwerke FH II Carbon Steel Metric Heavy Duty Sleeve Anchor for Anchoring in Cracked and Uncracked Concrete Titen HD Screw Anchors for Cracked and Uncracked Concrete Powers Power -Stud+ SD1 Expansion Anchors for Cracked and Uncracked Concrete Nelson Shear Connector Studs Shear Connector Studs and Deformed Bar Anchors Nelson Deformed Bar Anchor Studs Tru -Weld Shear Connector Studs Suncoast Stud Reinforcement System Reinforcing Steel Couplers and Splices ICC -ES Evaluation Report Index 03150 Concrete ER -5935 12/01/03 ER -6157 07/01/03 ESR 1515 02/01108 03151 Concrete ER-4285 11/01/98 ER-4320 12/01/98 ER -4945 12/01/98 ER -5000 01/01/07 ER -5321 09/01/04 ER -5330 10/01/03 ER -5560 09/01/00 ER -5791 07/01/03 ER -6149 06/01/05 ESR 1011 03/01/08 6 12/01/04 03/01/08 ES 09/01/04 ESR 1530 07/01/07 ESR 1531 12/01/04 ESR 1545 03/01/08 ESR 1546 03/01/08 ESR 1663 01/01/09 ESR -1746 11/01/08 ESR 1752 09/01/08 ESR 1771 08/01/08 January 2009 Accessories (continued) KC Metal Products, Inc. Powers Fasteners, Inc. Kryton International Inc Anchoring (continued on next page) ITW Ramset/Red Head MKT /Gunnebo Fastening, LLC Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. Unitex BASF Construction Chemicals Conspec Dayton Superior Edoco Euclid Chemical Company Greenstreak Group Sika Canada, Inc. Symons US Mix Products Co. W R. Meadows, Inc. Wej -lt Fastening System United Steel Products Comp Powers Fasteners, Inc. ITW Ramset/Red Head Simpson Strong -Tie Compan' Inc. fischerwerke Artur Fischer G •H Co. KG DESA Specialty, LLC Simpson Strong -Tie Co Inc. ITW Red Head Hilti, Inc. AMS LLC Blue Point Fastening, Inc. Powers Fasteners, Inc. Hilo, Inc. Hilti, Inc. Hilti Inc. Composite Technologies Corporation Hilti, Inc. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. ICC -ES Evaluation Report Index Metal Anchor Downs, Joist Hangers and Straps Power Trak -It Fasteners for Concrete, Masonry and Steel Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) ITW Ramset/Red Head Epcon System Ceramic 6 Epoxy Anchors Liquid Roc 300 Capsule Liquid Roc 300 Pump, Liquid Roc 300 Twin Tube, Liquid Roc 500 Low Odor and Liquid Roc 500 Fast Set Epoxy Anchorig Systems Simpson Strong -Tie Epoxy Tie Anchoring Systems with Epoxy lie ET ETR and ETF Anchoring Adhesive Pro -Poxy 300 and Pro -Poxy 300 Fast Epoxy Adhesive Anchors (-ere O Pld'i. r o e o s a STB and STBL Anchor Bolt Series e Powers Powder actuated Fasteners, Ceiling Clip Assemblies and Sill Plate Anchorage Epcon A7 Adhesive Anchors and Maxima 7 Capsule Anchors Acrylic Tie and Acrylic -Tie FAST -PAC Adhesive Anchor Systems Fischer FIS V 360 S Injection Adhesive Anchor System Remington Low velocity Power driven Fasteners Titen HD Screw Anchors ITW Red Head Epcon G5 Adhesive Anchoring System in Concrete Kwik Bolt 3 Concrete and Masonry Anchors Blue Point Powder Actuated Fasteners Powers Power -Fast Epoxy Adhesive Anchoring System Hilo HSL -3 Carbon Steel Metric Heavy Duty Concrete Anchors In Concrete Hilti HDA Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel Undercut Anchors for Cracked and Uncracked Concrete Hilti Low velocity Power driven Fasteners THERMOMASS MC and MS Fiber Reinforced Composite Wythe Connectors for Integrally Insulated Wall Panels Low Velocity Power -Driven Track Fasteners Strong -Bolt Wedge Anchor for Cracked and Uncracked Concrete 8 From "Tracy Gudgei" <tracy @zenov►c.net> To: <bart @nbse.com "'Peter O' Connor' poconnor @oconnorarchitects.com> <robepstein olypen .com <whennessey @fmpa.net> CC: <jlierly @cityofpa.us>, "'Nathan West <Nwest @cityofpa.us> Subject: RE Family Medicine Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009 8:21 41 AM Hi Bart, I have a few issues to clarify and then we should be done with the review Here they are: itroi rre)..cH e O e welding ins report recommends that the bent flanges be straitened. Please provide protocol for n Ttem #4 of the welding inspection report there is reference to a 2" flame cut hole in the web member Please address this issue and any required repairs. In item #7 of my last review I asked that the base plate connection for Frame on S201 be clarified. How new base plate attached to the concrete? In your response you discuss the new curb but do not specify the anchorage of the new base plate of the frame (see plate detail in lower left corner of your response) to e existing concrete. 1 r response to i g y with c s o I 6 but would not comp y w BC Once a satisfactory sponse has been provide by your office for my approval and then revised wet stamped plans and details have peen submitted to the City all outstanding issues from a structural standpoint will be complete and unless the are other outstanding issues from the City of Port Angeles a complete permit may be issued for this project. I have reviewed your response letter in regar. the existing building analysis and find it acceptable from my standpoint. Tracy Gudgei, P E. From: bart@nbse.com [mailto:bart@nbse.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 1.28 PM To: Tracy Gudgei; 'Peter O'Connor' Cc: jlierly @cityofpa.us; 'Nathan West' F s+ 1 Page 1 of 3 9 LEVA T /OM JG SCALE. 3/4 1 -0" 5/8" DIA. WELDED STUD 18' (N) 1!2" SHEATHING l TEMPERATURE MONITORING 1 TEMPERATURE CRAYONS 2. PYROMETER 3. INFRARED 9 MIN. 1.UNrlKM WELDED STUD CENTERED ON 2 -2X PLATE (N) 2X8 18" STEEL AM! DETAILS ELEVATION 800 1000 TEMP AS RE 'D TO ADJUST F GE TO 1200 MAX. 900 1 1 00 I 1 900 1000 4B" (NTS)`'I 'L V/ PLAN VIEW TOLERANCES 'L'1100 HEATING MAY BE FLAME INDUCED. SCALE. 314 =1 MUST BE WITHIN TOLERAICE 1 7- BELOW TEMPERAT LIMITS MAX. TEMP 1200 DEG. F 8X8 POST TO SLAB BELOW E. W e w rn c t U V `I W O w co O u al 1- CO Z J Q dQ N REVISIONS/SUBMITTAL MARK! ITEM DATE PERMIT 12 1D 2008 2 -22 -2009 amenThit z v� FRAMING DETAILS REPAIR (E) BENT F NGE S 50°3 StE: 3/4 1 -0" 0 i (E) APPROX. 2' DIA. FIELD BURN HOLE TO REMAIN (E) WEB GIRDER TO REMAIN FRAMING DETAILS REPAIR (E) °LE SCALE. 3/4 1 -0' 2' 1/4V4 (N) 4 DIA. X .332" HSS -P CENTER OVER (E) HOLE 3; 11 N 1/41/ (E) STEEL FRAME TO REMAIN From "Tracy Cudgel" <tracy @zenovic.net> To: <bart@nbse.com "Peter O' Connor" poconnor @oconnorarchitects.com> CC: <jlierly @cityofpa.us "'Nathan West <Nwest @cityofpa.us> Subject: Family Medicine Date: Tuesday March 10, 2009 9 47 AM Bart, I have reviewed the revised calculations and details submitted to me via emails in regards to the infill walls and issues related to the existing metal building. The following issues must still be addressed. 1 It appears that the studs are to be installed full height (balloon framed) and in previous calculations it is noted that the interior walls do not brace the infill walls therefore plans shall be revised to show full height studs, including architectural details and sections. 2. Your latest calculations on the infill walls emailed to me on 2/20/09 show a Z(perpendicular) value of 930# per ASD please verify this number I do not believe this number is correct for load perpendicular to grain with a 1 Yz thick plate attached to concrete. 3. Since the 1 Y," edge distance is minimum edge distance from edge of plate to center of bolt this dimension shall be shown on the details for the bolt to sill connection. 4 Please provide calculations to justify connection at top of infill walls to W12x30 or to HSS8x8x3 /8" Provide calculations for both alternate connections specified for plate to beam, shot pins or tek screws. 5 This office has asked on several occasions for calculations to justify existing angle iron bracing on south wall J shown on Detail 2/S503 but has never received anything except for a note to see the same detail. Provide calculations to justify 6. Please specify type of epoxy to be used for epoxy anchors. Please note that epoxy to be used in structural applications shall meet requirements of 2006 IBC and have ICC Evaluation Report stating that it complies. 7 Plans for Frame on S201 do not indicate base plate connection to existing concrete. Please clarify J Please note that the issue of the existing metal building and whether it is a change in occupancy thus requiring analysis per current code has not yet been determined and additional information may be necessary Thanks, Tracy Gudgel, P.E. Zenovic Associates, Inc. Page 1 of 1 1 It appears that the studs are to be installed full height (balloon framed) and in previous calculations it is noted that the interior walls do not brace the infill walls therefore plans shall be revised to show full height studs, including architectural details and sections. Q IEI GUTTERS 7RDINATE L PIUS AND VON STRINGS CT WALL BON r --(E) STEEL FRAME (N) GOWN EXISTING FOOTING AT FCANTI T10N WALL (NI GRAYS. (E) GRADE El RETAN ING WALL a vARIE3 LEVEL isx 2 Your latest calculations on the infill walls emailed to me on 2/20/09 show a Z(perpendicular) value of 930# per ASD please verify this number I do not believe this number is correct for load perpendicular to grain with a 1 thick plate attached to concrete. 629 State Street A. #230, JOB TITLE- tti:1' ..t t,:" p 'Saiita Barbara. CA 93101 1 10:::: :■1 'Oil' 321114 School Rd NE t (805) 452-8152 n Q' 02,6. SUBJECT a s s o c at els:,..11. ,.1. 1.,,..,, Beinblidde Istand. WA 98110 JOB D. STRUCrT;URAL.,;ItENG.I.NEERS (206) 780-8822 4*. ,•.0 .i"!. -I -4 P i 4.-.1.'-1::'-'• ._4_. i ......,,,p,_. .4.... i 4. I -iii ill. 1 .....i_LI_•-• 1" 1 1t i ,1.1 i i .4. 591 1 :10 .11 ---i-•$--i•-4-- •-i-, i 1 f... 1 4.. I ir i IN .4---4,--i-• 4; --#4 II, '•:I". 'It 11 1 ,i, 1. .1. 4 --..1,- .c.• 0 454 1- I -l !L i s I i 1 .....1 1 I 'te=... I IZ! e. comt-1 i,., ;I r i 1 .I 1 I; 4. .A.Ii.-.. .t. .i.•:-.4 -i-••-:- 4-4, F -t• i 4- J _4. IL 1)!SP. .4 --t- i i .1 t__ 1_1. 4-- :I i _14_ ---It ..i.,...li.3..1_.4.,... ,..i. i ,i_ 1.---4. 4 -,--t-i•-!- t ,t.' •1 I. r7 i -_,1 i -1:1° q /1-1 Al iiii 1 i ---i--. ..I..-i- *I t i 1 i F i' r f '1 .i 1 1 LP YI _„1. .1-_ i 4 .....J_ L... I i.. .4 .t-. -4 T i -...•--t---• i •-4. 4- 4_,_•••_:_ -63 i .e 1 1 1-__ J__.! t i•:;, 0 _4. i...... ._.1. _i-.......1r1 .-i--,.-4 I .1, I :II! ---r- .4- L .1 i ii ---o- o .Thi' i i 1 .1. •-•1-,-1.• _i_. 1 1 f fi. ----,--t q 11 --t -H 1 4--N-4 i 1, 1- 4.- ---t ----t- --•---1; 1 .4 r J 1, _.._1_,.. 1 ---t- 1. i. i i I 4 .-,4- •-•,•.i---..- ..1. i i 1 1-1-1- !i• •4 '1Iii 1-• 4-1-- .I •f- 1 I I i i t 1 1.1 I I t i .-t--i--!---rm --q-4 4- f!!_;.,..i. ,I. I r•_. I i.. .:2.1•_.i. I "f• i 1"-- 1' +-21. .1 4" 0 5 I. r i I .1.. i 4_. r _t...._.: I i 1 i .L ..14. 1 1 Y it! T. 1 •i•• i i 1----- I- 0 -.........57.• I •..t.'"•-•-• ,,_i_ 1 1 I IDIPI! i I r i 1 1 1 ..v..t.i, .1. .4..;_ .I_. ii, .1.__.....1, r .i. 414' 41y, i -4-- .1!,_ 1. 11 r 7-- .1 ._j_1 __I .4. .i i .1- -1. "--•'1-•''''. 'I. I. I j_. .I. .J. .1 I 1 i 1-1 in."1 •••1 1 227.Bellevue Way NE FMB 194 WA 98004 (425) 418-8502 II; 6-41 g rbvl Ic- -7 SHEET NO. DESIGNER: DATE: 1. :6/A1 6 .1.1 4- .Z I C ON tor. :Rj,S yij NATIONAL DESIGNiSPECIFICATIONsFOR WOODICONSTRUCTION 4n 04 R fable 11E BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values (Z) for Single Shear (two member) Connections3 for sawn lumber or SCL to concrete m c m ii U c W D U t in. 6.0 and greater Thickness 13 4 2 Z Z Z Z in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. '1/2 590 340 590 340 550 310 5/8 860 420 850 410 810 350 1-1/2 3/4 1200 460 1190 450 1130 370 likhli 58 4D 011 740 iii ;x49∎51 13iSD`' t;' 410 W'.t tin 1 800 r ,ur 4 50 6 l...,.. i.;,� 4 i 1 'tl�� 1760.tt !F i�1530 560`Li1Ni,tii 440 u� 'N'±i1i 2j1 it}(P, ,640j,1WV380 FillAtr,6301i1ft;4P350'si1it);1fr580Rji'gliO3 518 910 490 900 480 840 400 1 -3/4 3/4 1230 540 1220 530 1160 430 718 1630 580 1610 570 1540 470 NON* lisi20901f6T lRi ;li630i`i,T02080.0i?ii::.'610la 61;1..1820766 ?510 1fitt 1 /2 I ir*!730 ii,1 '410'i;1.i1lt73o,1!'lfl 11ft409 1 4 .0 7000 5/6 1070 540 1060 530 980 480 2 -12 3/4 1400 710 1380 700 1290 620 7/8 1790 830 1770 810 1660 680 ri igi ii6bF 00 I113iliii221O15110880 r;fa: 2ot10r: 730 4 t 1/2's r 9730; pir 4 l 620 70 Iii 73951,T 470 'i1r 1,700; g j430 5/8. f 4 ,�b1140 ,i 1..4Diitt�u _r, 810 E_{ .4,1090.; 41..1 5 5 0 3-1/2 3/4 1650 780 1640 770 1540 680 7/8 2100 960 2070 950 1910 870 1 2550 1190 2520 1180 2340 1020 1. Tabulated lateral design values (Z) for bolted connections shall be multiplied by all 10.3.1). 2. Tabulated lateral design values (Z) are for 'full diameter' bolts (see Appendix L) with 3. Tabulated lateral design values (Z) are based on dowel bearing strength (F of 7,500 psi 4. Six inch anchor embedment assumed. 6.0 and greater Thickness to 0 Zn Z in. In. lbs. lbs. 1/2 770 480 5/8 1070 660 1-1/2 3/4 1450 890 4;5� 7/S� :I :''ts 9890:iit .8960 .1a1t ?,2410ik. °.•1020 Zfe1f2N; a *,.a..63g'1, :u 519 5/8 1160 680 1 -3/4 3/4 1530 900 7/8 1970 1120 tettr1f `.#n3N8 r3ii'.igl 90 5/8 1290 780 2-1/2 3/4 1840 1000 7/8 2290 1240 ?i2800i;=ili520 14t "�a1/24,1?' 0 6305 590 5/8 4. s 1290 t 1ss880 3-1/2 3/4 186 1190 7/8 2540 1410 1 3310 1670 E 4, L J a LL ri r R v m o 0 i 0 r 0= 0 (9 C C7 'L A 0 (7 6 e in 2 11 Z1 4 2 4 Z 4 2 1 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 680 410 650 380 640 380 620 360 970 580 930 le 530 920 520 890 470 1330 660 1270 590 yiii'2250 iJ1 ",a x 770 1 2N 709 �;;$�1680 1., .i1ta1740111114 X4301? }tY,ilH1r100400 1030 600 980 5 1390 770 1330 680 1800 840 1730 740 290703 1te890 rir. ;22.107i74;179Q t1ii }lli tri 520 rti'"li },77.Pr11110.470 1230 670 1180 610 1630 850 1540 800 2050 1080 1940 1020 i 2530 s;F 1280 4,7iT2410i' rsfif1.130 79 0lq' 1j ':540 +i,r, °:770rl.1 tf 510 W'4i,�1230b 3'81Q x1200 T't1 730 1770 980 1720 900 2410 1190 2320 1100 2970 1420 2800 1330 m g._en, I; U N 4 n rn E a E E v, M A a& 1 0 a W 2 ai m 0 C 0 c 2. (9Wto AMERICAN FOREST PAPER ASSOCIATION AMERICAN FOREST PAPER ASSOCIATION C ti z 0 0 1260 560 1230 520 l 1P 1680 "2'�'` 600 si+ S6$On "k n 2060,' i,E .`2 650 3 :�r`J1930ii :7600 ,W`' jifi90 ,x x x3 j; 3 :070 7; 970 550 940 530 1310 660 1270 600 1720 700 1680 640 sls2200t1, ,„:i7.75 ;777: 215U::a:�. ir,k5760'lail. '917 50 4,`'440 1170 610 11 570 1520 780 1460 750 1920 1000 1860 920 '2390}7 f 1080, 2310...._ _,;1000' K' t1.760Rv2 °500 l 750 h'r'4 �4 u 1100 W8720 i nil k 670 1720 880 1680 8 3 0 2290 1070 2200 1020 2770 1300 2660 1260 Z Z,, Z Z lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. 540 290 530 290 800 330 780 320 1120 360 1100 350 xk 1330 p -390 T r r, 1280.,E 370 I ri 1520 uw.: t420 148U.� 410 a 580 ri„5' 10 ow 4 560” 310 ,830 380 810 370 1140 420 1120 410 1520 460 1490 430 mim,000rokiif,,340 -ire6t680 x, 340 960 470 940 460 1270 600 1240 580 1640 6 16 610 r a 72060'rFilil a,i}67oo 2030 X —V680, 411690ji: 410 ,r 16907 r4�i i r 7( ",1 r 5 30 1510 670 1470 660 1880 850 1840 820 2310 980 2260 950 applicable adjustment factors (see Table bending yield strength (F of 45,000 psi. for concrete with minimum f 2,500 psi. 3 Since the 1 W edge distance is minimum edge distance from edge of plate to center of bolt this dimension shall be shown on the details for the bolt to sill connection 2X816" A35 EA BTUO TO PLATE 16d r1 16" 2X4 @16' 518" DIA. X 3" MIN. EMBED ANCHOR BOLT 8" (ALT THREADED ROD) I a'!.1 ?i AM1! 0.1,P J11.1:.11'Ih1,l11MM•.'I! et, ,'l.x O�.I.r.•1 !.tlll I"Cr''.: .:r; I l 11 si ...:u•u:• IQa1 n.r. r.z,•: IItIh =III (E) CONC. WALL TO --J REMAIN ANCHOR BOLT SPACING 8" WITHIN 10 FT OF END OF WALLS ANCHOR BOLT SPACING 16" BALANCE OF LOCATIONS. CURB WIDTH MATCH (E) CONC. :.111111 DRILL 518" DIA. X 9" THREADED ROD IN 6" DEEP HOLE BENT BEYOND DETAIL SILL PLATES: 2X PRESSURE TREATED DOUG FIR SCALE: 3!4 =1'4' (E) CONC. PILE BEYOND 4 Please provide calculations to justify connection at top of infill walls to W12x30 or to HSS8x8x3/8" Provide calculations for both alternate connections specified for plate to beam, shot pins or tek screws. eL /M f /J &4Te 5to u SV---6- 47/ 04 I s s e7 MIN \14-1,.05 "O(' Rt) e01, lea 00 G t 'fig `PLATE FOR :ROD BRACING BEYOND\ (2) HL33 EA. STUD TO PLATE (1) EA. SIDE CIS o L)w 1 yine @16' s 0o ado (_fitg° V �c,L m 1/2 DIA. A307 BOLT HL THRU STUD /Q *E 5/8' DIA. END WELDED STUDS (E) ROOF PURLINS TO REMAIN -2X8 CONT PLATES 112' DIA. X 3" LAG EA. HOR LEG. 'I SEE ARCH DRAWINGS FOR FINISH (N)2X8 @16' 57 STEEL FRAMING DETAILS SCALE. 3/4 1 -0' r 1 associates I EXPIRES 2 -6 -20I l I 2 -22 -2009 civil 8 structural •ngin•srs 321 HIGHSCHOOL ROAD SUITE D -3 PMB 216 BAINBRIDGE ISL., WA 98110 206 780 6822 r r -r •n 5 This office has asked on several occasions for calculations to justify existing angle iron bracing on south wall shown on Detail 2/S503 but has never received anything except for a note to see the same detail. Provide calculations to justify LINE OF FINISH SHOWN DASHED a Om w co> (E) BEAM TO REMAIN REAM (E) HOLE I I BOLT 314 DIA. A307 I �t I 4■4/ I I 2 -2X6 CONT PLATE (E) PURLINS INSULATION TO REMAIN REAM (E) HOLE INSTALL 314 DIA. A307 BOLT REMOVE (E) r /1 1/2" DIA. BOLT N _R EMOVE (E) 1/2" DIA. BOLT (E) ANGLE (2 x 2 x 1/4) TO REMAIN APPROX. 10FT OC) (APPROX. B 10 ALONG SENT LENGTH) (2) SIMP DTC ANCHOR EA. SIDE EA.STUD TO PLATE 1" MIN. CONFIRM WELDED STUD sir WELDED DIA. CENTERED ON L WE STUD I 2 -2X PLATE JI 16" I 6 1 0 ,4 i (N)2X8 foiez J 641 y THIN 6 i le Zo e cr a. 0- kttt c (p `fr4 EEL DETAILS a 144 tl irict. w- '210 L? 4 -I°r6 j &g vo ro r� 11 6 Please specify type of epoxy to be used for epoxy anchors. Please note that epoxy to be used in structural applications shall meet requirements of 2006 IBC and have ICC Evaluation Report stating that it complies. M 12" Q� OXY THAT MAY BE USED ON THIS PROJECT I MANUFACTURER PROD= I )SORT NO. I CODE I ESR 2583 I ICC POWER SIMPSON STRONG -TIE .2 rPOY IU ESR 2508 I ICC I USp STRUCTURAL CONN. AOFCSIVE EPDXY I \SR 1702 I ICC I I I THE EPDXY USED MUST BE CARTRIDGE TYPE BILK EPDXY IS NOT ALLOWED 4X PTDF SILL PL WHERE OCCURS (4X6) MIN. 1• DIA. 1B' UNO. TOP OF CONCRETE OR MASONRY (2000 PSI) EMBED 6' U.N.O. ON DETAILS REBAR OR ALL THREAD ROD CLEAN OIL FREE DRILL HOLE 1/8' LARDER THAN ANCHOR CLEAN WITH NYLON BRUSH AND COMPRESSED AIR PLACE APPROPRIATE AMOUNT OF EPDXY IN BOTTOM OF MA TRRUU R TO ONS SEE NOTE ABOVE FOR EPDXY NOTE THIS DETAIL MAY NOT C. BE USED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OMISSIONS 1' DU1. UNLESS APPROVED IN AT 18' UNO I C S STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. NOTE HOLE SIZE VARIES BETWEEN MANUFACTURERS. VERIFY HOLE SIZE EPDXY ANCHOR DETAIL ORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL) SCALE: 31411•.0' D S GA 2X, 3 HI Gl4 A r .t 1.• j. .1...,: 1. i so 4. ''''"it iu s I r 7,- 73:•.. .7 77 p ---4i lit Ur= L 12" 7 Plans for Frame on S201 do not indicate base plate connection to existing concrete. Please clarify 314" THICK PLATE 5 1 ATTAIN AS MUCH LENGTH AS POSSIBLE THIS SIDE 2' (E) BASE a COL. (E) BELO V i 1 5" 4' 4" 4 COL. TO REMAIN 3/4" THICK P ii .t. 4 0 4. 0 v (E) FOOTING CAP TO REMAIN if �n�% PROJECT j? S V if CLIENT 1' 'i ,1 11:111111' I I ,+.1;14 `.I ..i. JOB NO I� ;Ili )I (1,111 Iia 1'.11 :';I DATE Shear Designi1111111111i1{ 11111111 11111111111111111 !;liili$1111i111i1 11111111 {!illCfl!Il1SL':ill'Illilll''!. INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: Vdp, wiND ;i 1 plf,for wind Vda. sEISuIC li ii 25 ij i plf,for seismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF' w0,. ,plf,for dead toad Wu. x'11 1' 1 11 0 j plf,for live load DIMENSIONS: 1,,,= I; 9.67 ft h 1.. 'iift L :40 I i,, r., hp= 0 1 ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) ��1 ft Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS ij .15/32; in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0=6d,1 =8d, 2 =10d) 1 4 I`• 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS .1 1, EDGE STUD SECTION 1li;l; {2.I111;111pcs, b S)' '2 Iii' in h in DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY 8 ALL EDGES 12 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in DIA. x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 in O.C. F� PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY y L w 11 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 V., ho HOLD -DOWN FORCES: T 0.00 k TR 5.62 k (USE PHD6 -SDS3 SIMPSON HOLD -DOWN) DRAG STRUT FORCES: F 1.90 k EDGE STUD: 2 2" x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No. 1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.50 in ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 1 1 2 (Satisfactory) THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 103 plf, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23 -Il-I -1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Penetratkn Thickness Boundary All Edges Nail (m) (in) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 Sheathing and Single -Floor I 10d I 1 5/8 1 15/32 1 310 1 460 I 600 I 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L -L MAX( via, t]avm, se,SUIC) 1.90 k 00 2.5 (Sec. 1633,2.6) THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NDS 2001 Page 85) S 48 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES: I v, I Wall Seismic I Overturning I Resisting I Salty I Net Uplift I Hoiddown (plf) at mid story fibs) Moments (ft Ibs} I Moments (ft -Ibs) Factors (ibs) SEISMIC I 25 I 162 11353 Lett I 103927 I 0.9 I T, 0 Right I -47723 I 0.9 I T. I 5616 cff WIND 0 0 Left I 103927 I 2/3 I T i t 0 Right I -47723 I 2/3 I T. 3290 THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW-17) 8vbh vbh A &,IIj,g AS/ear ONod W AChord splice d(o &4LW Gt 0 75he„ hd L w Where: vb 103 pit L 10 ft A 16.50 in' h 11 ft t= 0.298 in e 0.037 In 0.498 in E 1.7E+06 psi G 9.0E +04 psi d, 0.15 in V. Lw h CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F. 1500 psi Co 1.6 Cp 0.30 A 16.5 in E 1700 ksi Cp 1 10 F. 804 psi i 361 psi (Satisfactory) Techincal References: 1 'National Design Specification, NDS" 2001 Edition, AFBAP, AWC, 2001 211.11 2. Alan Williams: Stntctuiral Engineering Reference Manuar Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 (11-) SW9 PROJECT W ii jiili i, ;ljl,l;r i! �(i i,. PAGE CLIENT i`'li,! i. 1'�i iii�ie DESIGN BY JOB NO. II., E 1 t .,II{l DATE REVIEW BY Shea rllWa11 :IDetighlC1111111111!111111111111l 1111111 .!Ili'li;: :X;;;ilL'ill ill' INPUT DATA LATERAL FORCE ON DIAPHRAGM: vda w1ND iii. :I0;1I1;11, plf,for wind vde, SEISMIC is i ciA lill pn for seismic GRAVITY LOADS ON THE ROOF w t' 2501!1t plf,for dea�l{oad w a.- I :1.1 :0: ('11 plf,for li P113 id; l DIMENSIONS: L I. fl 1. 10 5'#141; ft u❑ `I IP L I:.I 13 ft h O.., t, ft PANEL GRADE (0 or 1) it >,b!;�111; Sheathing and Single -Floor MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS 154 in COMMON NAIL SIZE (0 6d,1 =8d, 2 =10d) i 12 10d SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRAMING MEMBERS !Ir.; 7.5 I •1 1 EDGE STUD SECTION pcs, b r,., 21 In h 1 1!r.011!”. in DESIGN SUMMARY BLOCKED 15/32 SHEATHING WITH 10d COMMON NAILS (di 6 in O.C. BOUNDARY AU. EDGES 12 in O.C. FIELD, 5/8 in DIA x 10 in LONG ANCHOR BOLTS 48 In O.C. F V.- L w v. T, Lw HOLD -DOWN FORCES. T 0.00 k TR 0.00 k (HOLD -DOWN NOT REQUIRED) DRAG STRUT FORCES. F 0.00 k EDGE STUD: 2 2" x 6" DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH No.1 CONTINUOUS FULL HEIGHT Q ��i SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: A 0.45 in p V ANALYSIS THE MAX SHEAR WALL DIMENSION RATIO L B 0.8 2 [Satisfactory) THE UNIT SHEAR FORCE v 100 pff, 1 Side Diaphragm Required, the Max. Nail Spacing 6 in THE SHEAR CAPACITIES PER IBC Table 2306.4.1 UBCTable 23 -11-1-1 Min. Min. Blocked Nail Spacing Panel Grade Common Penerati Ttrickness Boundary All Edges Nail (in) (in) 6 I 4 I 3 I 2 Sheathing and Single -Floor 1 10d I 15/8 I 15/32 I 310 I 460 I 600 I 770 Note: The indicated shear numbers have reduced by specific gravity factor per IBC note a UBC notel of the table. THE DRAG STRUT FORCE: F (L MAX( va,, yam, Deft maw 0.00 k THE MAX SPACING OF 5/8' DIA ANCHOR BOLT (Tab.11 E, NDS 2001 Page 85) S 48 in THE HOLD -DOWN FORCES. v Wall Seismic Overturning oiddcwn (P14n I at mid story (Ibs)� Moments (ft-lbs) I Moments (ft-Ibs) 1 Factors I Resisting Net Uplift Salty (Ibs) SIMPSON SEISMIC 100 218 14797 Leis 28223 1 0.9 I T, I 0 Right I 28223 0.9 I Te I 0 9 WIND 0 0 I 28223 2/3 1 T I 0 Rigiu I 28223 2/3 1 T 1 0 q THE MAXIMUM SHEAR WALL DEFLECTION: Section 4.3, ASD MANUAL SUUP Page SW -17) h dh A A &„a.. As /war+ AN./ ,r¢ Acna,a ,pike 'to EAL„ U! 0. 75he L,. CHECK EDGE STUD CAPACITY F 1500 psi E 1700 ksi CD 1.6 Cr= 110 Techincal References: 1 "National Design Specification, NOS' 2001 Edition, AF&AP AWC, 2001 2. Alan Williams: "Structuiral Engineering Reference Manual" Professional Publications, Inc, 2001 2.5 (Sec. 1633.2.6) 0.454 in Where: v 100 pIt L 13 ft E 1.7E +06 psi A 18.50 in` h 11 ft G= 9.0E +04 psi t= 0.298 in e„= 0.037 in d,= 0.15 in C.= 0.30 A= 16.5 in Fe 804 psi fo 100 [Satisfactory) h 2� RS MOO 111111k 111111F IMISP SIMP E S50 40 114K 11 110 P HHDO1 END EA. BEAM BOLT THRU WALL R COL. OR FAB. SIMILAR a I 5114X111t10081 11 EA EA. 1 M OLT THRU WALL WOR COL l• w 0 (T S50 I r----: N I I I I .1 _le _L-. Ell I I I I TT22 IA. BOLT ALL STUD L TO BLOCK OR TYP 41.0C. S 11 6 1/4 X 11 7/8 PSL I NS PRI /6 e 6 I Il i1I7/5" JOISTS 47616' d I 1 I1 A trItt t3 1 I III 1 I 3/4 T&G FLOOR SHEAT TO FRAMING OR USE C MANUFACTURER BLICG JOIST MANUFACTURER NAILING: so tie 10d@ 4 10d err 1002) 6' G WHERE OCCURS DASHED CURS TAIL 3/4' 1 -0 2 ROWS 5/8' DIA. BOLTS 18" 80 FT -LBS TORQUE SCALE: 3/4' =1' -0' TYPICAL JO /ST FRAMING MSTI72 V A 9 7X14PSL OR SEE PLAN I I KERF SHEATHING BEAM, WRAP BEAM WITH STRAP FULLY NAILED 1 -1/4' LSL WITH A35 CLIPS 32' I: I J_t 'J=1' i?I 2X STUDS 0 -2X STUDS 0 16' BEAM, SEE P FLOOR FRAMING DETAIL 3/4 1 -0 ITEMS NOT SHOWN OR NOTED, SAME AS DETAIL SIMP ST6224 ACROSS POST \v/ I n MSTI72 ING 3/4 1-0 EA BLOCK TO PLATE BEAM, WHERE OCCURING SEE FRAMING PLAN TYPICAL JOIST PARALLEL TO WALL 3/4 1-0 CONT SILL PLATE, SEE SHEAR PANEL SCHED. FOR NAILING 1 1/4 LSL I WITH A35 CLIPS@32" BEAM, WHERE OCCURING SEE FRAMING PLAN ITEM E (OT SHOWN OR NOTED, SAME DETAILr2 50 TYPId 4L JOIST PERP TO WALL t■1 SHEAR PANEL EDGE NAILING SHEAR PANEL EDGE NAILING 2X STUDS ®16" 3/4 1-0 3 2X STUDS 18" SHEAR PANEL EDGE NAILINC 2X STUDS 0 18" PLANCHECK COMMENTS RESPONSE 27 FAMILY MEDICINE BUILDING PORT ANGELES, WA FIRST STRUCTURAL PLANCHECK July 23, 2008 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS 9 -2 -2008 Notes: The designer is to address each item of the plancheck notes in his or her letter of response. The designer is also to place a "cloud" around all changes so that compliance may be verified. Notes that are preceded by an asterisk are general comments that require no change to plans: 1 Minimum roof snow load is 25 psf per City of Port Angeles Requirements. No reduction of this minimum is allowed. Please revise engineering and plans as necessary okay 2 The change in occupancy of this building requires building to conform to structural provisions of 2006 I B.0 per Section 3403 Provide complete lateral and vertical design of the building, including existing steel framed building to remain and upgrade steel framing as necessary to conform to current codes. this issue needs to be resolved with the city and the architect, a suggestion is to follow the IEBC 2006 for the existing structure, most jurisdictions have found this the most pragmatic approach. Also, I have heard several ancillary comments that the "occupancy" or "use" for this structure affects the loading. 1 think to be clear, the loading changes with the conformance to current codes. 1 have attached an analysis of the steel bents analyzed as OMRF, 2006 IBC, for your review 3 General notes discuss wind load of 90 mph Exposure B on Sheet S003 105 mph, Exposure "D" on Sheet S001 and 120 mph, Exposure "D" in calculations. Please clarify what wind speed was used in the design and reflect this load on the plans Please note that minimum design wind speed is 100 mph, Exposure `D' per City of Port Angeles requirements for this site. v= 100mph and exposure D will be used 4 Provide complete lateral calculations for the building; summarize wind and seismic loading to allow verification of which forces govern design for lateral stability okay Page 1 of 20 5 Hardiframe detail appears to be generic in detail and is missing information. Provide details specific for the job and call out plate nailing, etc. which is referenced in the details but by hardiframe but not called out by the engineer hardy frames have now been omitted. 6. How are interior partitions being laterally supported for required lateral loads of IBC 1607 13? the single story partitions are supported by the ceiling for the project. all framing is receiving gypsum wall board which will act as a diaphragm 7 It appears there are beams missing along grid line B which are necessary to support the second story See updated plans. 8 It appears there is a header missing from the plans along Grid Line Ba where it intersects with Grid 2 The opening exceeds the standard header table plan. See updated plans 9 Structural sections do not appear to be complete Please provide complete structural plans and details. See updated plans 10 Shear wall schedules on Sheets S101 and S102 have different allowable shear loads, please clarify This has been updated, see revised schedules. 11 How are lateral loads from second story transferred to foundation at Grid Line C I think you are referring to loads in the E -W direction The floor that extends into the existing building is a cantilevered diaphragm, and since the hardy frames are removed, steel columns are cantilevering out of the grade beams to provide lateral support in the E -W direction. 12. How are lateral loads transferred to foundation at Grid Line 3 at shear wall #3? There appears to be nothing below this shear wall to transfer loads to the foundation? I do not believe there is a shear wall here, we are showing a grade beam below the shear wall we have now .1 think we could use the slab with no grade beam anyway right may be a value item later on. 13 How are lateral loads transferred to foundation at Grid Line 1A? 2� Page 2 of 20 2, There should be a grade beam at the perimeter otherwise with anchor bolts Aren't there anchor bolts on all the sills .perhaps I don't understand the questions. 14 How are lateral loads transferred to foundation at mechanical room shown on Sheet S104? There is a shear wall at all sides of this room .see updated. if not on the previous submittal 15 Provide analysis of existing steel frames being used to support floor framing shown in B/S201 Also refer to Item #2 above. Also clarify how the floor framing is laterally supported by the existing structure. The existing steel frames are not being used to support the framing I think you mean laterally We are not using the steel frames to support the floor structure laterally As a general statement. .the existing building does not contribute to the support of the new construction .the project was specifically laid out that way .It is not clear how the notion arises that the existing steel frame building is providing lateral support for the new construction. The large mass of the existing concrete block has been removed for purposes of reducing the lateral load as well as safety reasons. New braced frames have been added, as well as rod bracing in the roof. This was all done on a voluntary basis to improve the overall safety of the project I have fielded several ancillary questions from different people about the project regarding the existing building and the new building. The two lateral systems are separate. .and we have attempted to make the existing steel frame safer by reducing the mass of the building and adding more lateral support. 16 Provide detail for plate embedded in CMU wall to support PSL beam at end of elevator shaft. See updated plans. 17 Please clarify note "HDU 8 ea. End ea. wall bolt through beam' on Sheet S102 near Grid Line la. Is there two walls? If so how do they both hit beam. Also it appears there may be conflict with connection to Hardiframe in this area. The hardy frame system has been removed yes, there are two beams, see updated framing plan, note has been clarified. 18. There appears to be a conflict between structural plan sheets for Detail A/S201 which appears to be located in different bays on various sheets. Please revise plans as necessary This has been updated, see revised framing plans. 3° Page 3 of 20 3 19 Please clearly indicate location of new 8" screw piles on the plans. The current plans do not clearly indicate the location of the new piles. This should now be clear 20 Roof framing plan on Sheet S103 shows HSS8x8x1 /2 beams at eave while W14x90 beams are called out on sheet S104 Please clarify HSS 8X8X3/8 are now shown 21 Structural engineer shall review and approve sprinkler system drawings for compliance with structural provisions. Engineer shall verify that 2 psf collateral load used in design of building conforms to the actual loads of the sprinkler system. Engineer shall review and approve sprinkler system prior to framing inspection. Yes, this will be done, l have not encountered a sprinkler system which weighs more than 2 psf 22 Please clarify connection of new infilled exterior walls to existing steel frames. There appears to be no design or connection details for these walls. Provide calculations to justify This is attached. 23 Foundation plans appears to show dowels from existing concrete slab to new slab and /or grade beam at Grid Line Ba but nothing appears to be called out, please clarify This has been clarified, see updated plans. 24 Do shear walls #3 shown on the foundation plan have holdowns at the ends of the walls? There are none shown and calculations are not clear Holdowns are generally used only where shown on plan 25 Please identify joist and beam hangers to be used on the wood framing members on the plans. There appears to be beam and joist hangers which are not specified. This has been shown 26. Please clarify framing and bracing details for mechanical area shown on Sheet S301 Are the 4 x 6 running down along the joists? Is this being used to provide lateral bracing for the screen around the mechanical area? It is not clear from the plan what is occurring in this area. This has been clarified, yes the cantilever from the bottom and top chord of the 4 3) trusses. Page 4 of 20 27 There appears to be louvers being installed and connected to the existing rigid frames on the building exterior as shown on the architectural plans. Please provide structural calculations and details for these items. This is non structural but calculations are attached. 28 Provide geotechnical report for the project for review and approval. This will be attached to the corrections. 29 Plans and calculations do not appear to be complete. Additional plan review comments may be necessary due to the incomplete nature of the plans and calculations. Yes. *30 Special inspections and structural observation required on this project per IBC Chapter 1700 and as noted on the Structural Plans. Inspection and observation program shall be submitted to the building official for review and approval prior to issuance of the building permit. Is S004 adequate for this project 3 Page 5 of 20 5 EXTERIOR METAL STUDS 33 Page 6 of 20 (P Bart PROJECT CLIENT Needham, SE JOB NO Wall Stud Design Based on AISI 2001 ICBO ER -4943P INPUT DATA DESIGN SUMMARY SECTION SPACING WALL HEIGHT SERVICE GRAVITY LOAD SERVICE LATERAL LOAD SERVICE PARAPET LOAD ECCENTRICITY CHECK FLEXURAL CAPACITY (AISI C3.1) M 41.84 in -kips stud (h+h_ Pe Where x h +h 2h /t„ CHECK SHEAR CAPACITY (AISI C3.2) V /f DATE. Prl 800S162.54 16 in o.c e I .E 50 ksi h= 16 ft h 0 ft P= 20 lbs /ft w- 35 psf w 45 psf e 0 in DEFLECTION LIMITATION 1 h /240 (0 =No. 1= h /240. 2= h /360, 3= h /180, 4= h /120) ANALYSIS SECTION PROPERTIES OF EACH METAL STUD (SSMA page 7 8) thk 0.0566 in F 50 ksi I 5.736 in M /f2b 41.84 in -kips t It 8 in Wt 2.28 113/ft S 1.397 in V„/f2„= 2006 lbs A 0.67 in r, 2.927 in T 0.539 in x -0.932 in J 0.000715 in C 2.509 ine CHECK MAX WEB DEPTH -TO- THICKNESS RATIO (AISI B1.2) t (thk) 141.34 200 (Satisfactory] 8.00 ft .t! r Pet 1 �lr h S 215' /7 S 1 333 ft o.c. spacing as gaven. M lV2 l p S 0,00 in -kips stud 2 V h w- S V 373 lbs stud V h w- S 0 lbs stud V 0.75 MAX( V1 V2 V3) 280 lbs stud M (Satisfactory] 17.92 in -kips stud M 0.75 MAX(M1 M2) 13.44 in -kips stud, (0.75 for wind /seismic, from AISI App. A4 1.2, typical) 2006 lbs stud V (Satisfactory] �h +h p) 21 V 1 Pe Where 1 (h +h,) vv 2h T S 373 -Ibs stud S CHECK CAPACITY COMBINED BENDING SHEAR AT ROOF /FLOOR SECTION (AISI C3.3.1) )24( ovvJ N2 0.0195 1.0 (Satisfactory] Where M 0.00 In -kips stud, (0.75 included) V 280 lbs stud, (0.75 included) V /O 2006 lbs stud, from SSMA page 7 8. M 41.84 in-kips stud, from SSMA page 7 8. PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY w, pif /ft) Shear Moment THE DESIGN IS ADEQUATE. VS 3 Shear Moment Page 7 of 20 CHECK CAPACITY COMBINED AXIAL LOAD BENDING (AISI C5.2.1) S S2bCIn" 0.37 1.0 [Satisfactory] PI? 114,1a Where M 13.44 in-kips stud. (0.75 included) P 0.22 kips stud P 4.84 kips stud M 41.84 in -kips stud C 1 0 n Prx 2 45.30 kips stud K xLx) a =1 O 0.991 1' Ex CHECK DEFLECTION S2/j1/ 0.00 0.5 I S] `T 1 0.14 if Vn 0.6 II 0.1396 1.3 [Satisfactory] l Mrr t I' rr 0.7 CHECK COMPRESSION CAPACITY WITH, AT LEAST ONE FLANGE THROUGH-FASTENED TO SHEATHING (AISI C4 6) P 4.84 kips stud P [Satisfactory] Where S2 1.8 P C AE 29500 8 72 kips stud C. (0.79 x 0.54) 0.946 C; =(1 17ui +0.93)= 0.996 C. u (2.5b 1.63d) 22.8 13.810 E 29500 ksi (AISI pg 18) P 0.22 kips stud (included wall weight, 18psf.) S(n 0.41 in h 1240 0.80 in [Satisfactory] 384E/ xx NOTE 1 STUD FLANGES SHALL BE FASTENED TO SHEATHING AT EACH SIDE OF WALL BEFORE VERTICAL LOAD ADDED. 2. THE LATERAL LOADS MAY BE REDUCED BY 0.75 PER AISI APPENDIX A.4 1.2 Technical References: 1 AISI STANDARD 2001 Edition. American Iron and Steel Institute. 2. SSiv1A, Product Technical Information, ICBO ER -4943P Steel Stud Manufactures Association, 2001 (cont'd) Page 8 of 20 gr. BRACED FRAME CHECK V. Page 9 of 20 PROJECT PAGE CLIENT DESIGN BY JOB NO. DATE REVIEW BY Seismic Design for Special Concentrically Braced Frames Based on IBC 06 AISC 341.05 INPUT DATA DESIGN SUMMARY BRACE SECTION (Tube or Pipe) HSS8X8X1!2 Tube A rmin t h BRACE AXIAL LOAD AT SERVICE LEVEL D 0 kips 13.50 3.04 0 47 8.00 L 0 kips BRACE AXIAL LOAD AT HORIZ. SEISMIC O= 28 kips. (ASCE 7 -05 SEISMIC PARAMETER Sc 0.785 (ASCE 7 -05 11 4 4) UNBRACED LENGTH OF THE BRACE L 18 ft REDUNDANCY FACTOR p 1.33 (ASCE 7.05 12.3 4) LENGTH OF END BRACE TO JUNCTION L 12 in REQUIRED CONNECTION 3/4 in Gusset Plate with 2 in Length, s leg 114 in Fillet Weld. Cover Plate 3/4 x 7 at Each Sides.) added stiffener plate N W p i 1 j \s2\,/ T I oit= 0.044E /F h /t= 0.64 (E /F °.5 Where E 29000 ksi Fy 46 ksi stiffener plate each side CHECK LIMITING WIDTH THICKNESS RATIO FOR COMPRESSION ELEMENT LOCAL BUCKLING (AISC 341-05 Tab. 1-8-1) 36.46 for Pipe Actual [Satisfactory] 16.07 for Tube (AISC 360.05, B4.2.d) CHECK LIMITING SLENDERNESS RATIO FOR V OR INVERTED -V CONFIGURATIONS (AISC 341-05 Sec. 13.2a) 4.0 (E F) 100.4 K c r 71.0 [Satisfactory] Where K 1.0 DETERMINE FACTORED DESIGN LOADS (IBC 06 1605.2 ASCE 7-05 P 0.9D pO 0.2S -37.24 kips (Tension) P 1 20 L r oD E 0.2S 37.24 kips (Compression, Governs) CHECK DESIGN STRENGTH IN COMPRESSION (AISC 360 -05 E3) +cAeF 398.23 kips Pu Where 4) 0,9 F s' E (K_ r)' 56.802 ksi i.� (Kt r) (Fy E) 2.83 [Satisfactory] (0.658(Fyl: e) F0f 0.877 F DETERMINE CONNECTION DESIGN FORCE (AISC 341-05 Sec. 13.3a) MIN(R Preea) 37.24 kips (Tension) Where Ry 1 4 (AISC 341-05 Tab. I -6 -1) Pr,ea 37.24 kips, (the max force, indicated by analysis, that can be transferred to the brace by the system.) DETERMINE BEST FILLET WELD SIZE (AISC 360 -05 Sec.J2.2b) W 'N 4 WI.= (Satisfactory] w 1/4 in 0.1875 in 0.3125 in 32.78 kis, for i. s 4.71 N/A kis, for i. 4 71 3? Page 10 of 20 l DETERMINE REQUIRED WELD LENGTH (AMC 360-05 Sec.J2.4) L P [(4) F (0.707 w)) 37.24/1(4) 0.75 (0.6x70)(0.707x114)] USE CHECK SHEAR RUPTURE CAPACITY OF SLOTED BRACE (AISC 360-05 Sec.J4.2) ¢P ¢(0.6F 97.09 kips Put Where 0.75 [Satisfactory] 58 ksi (AISC 13th Tab.2 -3) Fu DETERMINE REQUIRED THICKNESS OF GUSSET PLATE (AISC 360-05 Tab. J2.4) t 3/4 in CHECK SHEAR RUPTURE CAPACITY OF GUSSET PLATE (AISC 360-05 Sec.J4.2) ¢P ¢(0.6F 78.30 kips Where 0.75 F 58 ksi (A36 Steel) A 2tgL =2x3/4x2= CHECK GUSSET BLOCK SHEAR CAPACITY (AISC 360-05 J4.3) •R ¢(0.6F ¢F A 4 t L 4 x 0.465 x 2 78.30 ¢FyAgt P 37.24 [Satisfactory] 3.72 3.00 CHECK GUSSET TENSION YIELDING CAPACITY (AISC 360-05 02 a) ¢tPn ¢tFyLwtg 347.94 kips Put Where ¢t 0.9 [Satisfactory] Fy 50 ksi (plate value) L 0 +2 tan30 10.309 in CHECK SHEAR LAG FRACTURE OF BRACE (AISC 360 -05 0.2 b) ¢P F A 275.93 kips Where 0.75 F 58 ksi (AISC 13th Tab.2-3) x Region HSS Cover Plate 3 h 8 3.00 for Tube (HSS Spectification 2.1-4) D 2.55 for Pipe (HSS Spectification 2.1 3) U MIN( 1 x L 0.9) -0.50 ,(AISC 360 -05 Tab D3.1 A A 2 (t 1/8) t A U A -6.34 Try Cover Plate 3/4 1818 Ba 7 x 3.00 4.38 0.5 A 6.34 5.25 11.59 12.69 in` in` x 19.03 22.97 42.00 Thus, (I'Pn F A 818.32 kips Where F 58 ksi (plate value) 1.67 in 2 in in P [Satisfactory] in at Each Sides. (ccnt'd) GUSSET COMPRESSION CAPACITY (AISC 341-05 13.3c) ¢cPn 251.79 kips 1 1 Put Where 0.9 [Satisfactory] K 1.2 (SEAOC Vol.3 page 40) r =t /(12) 0.22 in K L r 200 [Satisfactory] 7k (K2 r (F E) 2.762 F 64.701 ksi (AISC 360-05 Sec.E3) F 36.183 ksi (AISC 360-05 Sec.E3) x 42.00/11.59= 3.62 U MIN( 1 x L 0.9 -0.81 Ar 12.69 10.50 23.19 A. U A 18.81 in Techincal References: 1 AISC 341 -05: "Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings" American Institute of Steel Constriction Ncv 16, 2005. 3. AISC 360-05: "Specification for Structural Steel Buildings American Institute of Steel Construction, March 9, 2005. 3. SEAOC '2000 IBC Structural/Seismic Design Manual Volume 3" International Code Council, 2003. 3g Page 11 of 20 SUNSHADE CHECK Page 12 of 20 I x y pr tAeti 5 114 X 11 7/8 PSL an WELD HORIZONTALS TO VERTS. SEE ARCH FOR EXTENT OF SCREEN STEEL HSS 3X3X3/8/ I I 511/4 X 11 7/8 PSL SCREEN FRAMING ELEVATION 1/8 1 -0 BEAR POST IN FRAMED WALL. FRAMING EIEVA TION CAP 8 EE A SEAL HE ELD, HSS 3 X 3 X 3/8 H. (E) COL. BENT SECTION r I 7X14 PS 11 KtUUIKtU CORNER HORIZ. MEMBERS TO MATCH 3X3 TUBES TYP 'ii FOOTING WELD HORIZONTALS TO VERTS. SEE ARCH \.,_36" DIA. X 48" DEEP FOR EXTENT OF SCREEN 4 #8 VERT #4 TIES STEEL 12' A I j S 3X3X3/8 SCREEN FRAMING ELEVATION 1/8 1-0 4 I Rey 560100 user: KW- 0605831, Ver Steel Beam Design (c)1993.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description sunshade beams simple spans simple supports between verticals I General Information Steel Section HSS3X3X3 /8 Center Span 5.00 ft Left Cant. 0.00 ft Right Cant 0.00 ft Lu Unbraced Length 0.00 ft Distributed Loads DL LL ST Start Location End Location Summary #1 0.800 0.800 5.000 I Moment fb Bending Stress fb Fb Shear Iv Shear Stress fv Fv I Force Stress Summary Max. M Max. M Max. M ift Left Max. M Right Shear Left Shear Right Center Deft. Left Cant Deft Right Cant Dell Query Defl Reaction Left Reaction Rt Fa calc'd per Eq. E2 -1 I Section Properties Depth Width Web Thick Flange Thickness Area Maximum 5.04 k -ft 4.03 k 4.03 k -0.207 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 ft #2 4.03 4.03 K'L/r Cc HSS3X3X3 /8 3.000 in 3.000in 0.349 in 0.349 in 3.39In2 4.029 k 1.924 ksi 0.096 1 Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements 71 Fy 50.00 ksi Pinned Pinned Load Duration Factor 1.00 Bm Wt. Added to Loads Elastic Modulus 29,000.0 ksi LL ST Act Together #3 #4 Scope Using: HSS3X3X3 /8 section, Span 5.00ft, Fy 50.0ksi End Fixity Pinned Pinned, Lu 0.00ft, LDF 1.000 Actual Allowable 5.036 k -ft 6.930 k -ft 23.981 ksi 33.000 ksi 0.727 1 Weight l -xx I S -xx S 20.940 k Title Dsgnr Description 20.000 ksi c<- These columns are Dead Live Load placed as noted DL LL LL +ST LL LL +ST Only Center rib Center rib Cants rib Cants 2.54 5.04 k -ft k -ft k -ft k -ft 2.03 4.03 k 2.03 4.03 k -0.104 -0.207 -0.207 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 2.03 4.03 4.03 k 2.03 4.03 4.03 k 11.51 #/ft 3.78 in4 3.78 in4 2.520 in3 2.520 in3 #5 Max. Deflection Length /DL Defl Length /(DL +LL Defl) r -xx r -yy Rt #5 Job Date: 11 17AM. 5 SEP 08 Page 1 c:lec551fmpa pa.ecw:Calculations. #7 k/ft k/ft k/ft ft ft Beam OK Static Load Case Governs Stress -0.207 in 576.4 1 290.2 1 1.056 in 1.056 in 0.000 in Page 14 of 20 1 Y� 7� EXISTING STEEL FRAME CHECK g Page 15 of 20 Bart Needham Seismic Analysis Based on IBC INPUT DATA Typical floor height h Typical floor weight w Number of floors n Importance factor (ASCE 11.5 1) I Building location Zip Code Site class (A, B, C, 0 E. F) The coefficient (ASCE Tab 12.8 -2) C, The coefficient(ASCE Tab. 12.2.1) R Level Level Floor to floor No. Name Height ft 1 Roof 16.06 Ground h W PROJECT` CLIENT JOB NO DATE 06!CBC 07 (Equivalent Lateral -Force Procedure, ASCE 7 -05 12.8) 16.0 ft 250 k Height h ft 16.0 0.0 16 ft 260 k 1 1 (IBC Tab.1604.5) 98363 D (If no soil report. use 0) 0.02 4 VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF LATERAL FORCES Weight W k 250 4.000 k 1.00 (Sc_ 12.8 pg 120) 5.1v 4,000 wxhx C„„ F k 49.1 1.000 DESIGN SUMMARY Total base shear V 0.20 W (SD) 0.14 W (ASD) Seismic design category Latitude: 48.116 Longitude: 123.511 Ss 111.982 %g S 1 178 9 S. 46.438 %g S,, 0 734 g S 0.785 g So. 0.489 g Lateral force (8> each level V O M. k k -ft 49 x 0.75 (ASCE Tab 12.8 2) T C,(h 0 16 Sec. (ASCE 785 F Me p#w 2.- 4. ?g &0v1900-&J',, PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY F, 1.052 F 1.516 49 k. (SD) 35 k, (ASO) D Diaohraam force IF TM; F k k k 49.1 250 49 4 N 21g p 'W 9 /A E 1A e i'2dC 0 ^J U Se c77OAJ Di rFrs �N #,1J y 5 5 Page 16 of 20 PROJECT CLIENT JOB NO.. DATE Seismic Design for Intermediate /Ordinary Moment Resisting Frames Based on AISC Seismic INPUT DATA DESIGN SUMMARY COLUMN SECTION BEAM SECTION STRUCTURAL STEEL YIELD STRESS THE FACTOR AXIAL LOAD ON THE COLUMN BEAM LENGTH BETWEEN COL. CENTERS AVERAGE STORY HEIGHT OF ABOVE BELOW (Continuity column stiffeners 1.8125 x 6 5/16" fillet weld to web CP to flanges. A doubler plate is required with thickness of 2 in. ANALYSIS THE SEISMIC DESIGN FACTOR COMPARISON FRAME TYPE SMRF IMRF OMRF W12X106 A d t bf tf S 31.2 12.9 0.61 12.20 0.99 145 W40X278 A d t. bf tf SK 81.8 40 2 1.02 12.00 1.81 1020 cPn.st PcFcr A Where Oc K= R 8 6 4 0.85 0.75 I tst (2b t 12 A 2 bsttst 25(t rst= (I /A)' Pust Ryt Fyb bit tft ST 3 3 3 1460.9 kips Fy Pu L= h= Cd 5 1/2 5 5 3 1/2 5 333 48 in' 2.64 in 1172.9 kips 98 ksi 30 kips 102 ft 21 ft L/d 7 PcPn st I r 933 5,47 I r 20500 15.83 CHECK BEAM LOCAL BUCKLING LIMITATION (AISC Seismic 02 Tab. 1 -8 -1) bf (2t1 3.31 0.3 (E F 8.51 [Satisfactory) 52 (F for AISC Seismic 97 Tab.1 -9 -1] Where Es 29000 ksi h t 33.55 2.45 (E F 69.54 418 (F for FEMA Sec.] CHECK COLUMN LOCAL BUCKING LIMITATION (AISC Seismic 02 Tab. I -8 -1) bf/ (2t1) 6.16 0.3 (E F 8.51 [Satisfactory) 52 (F for AISC Seismic 97 Tab. I -9 -1) 3.14(E /F (1 1 54 Pu/ebPy) h /t 15.93 520 /(F 1.54P for AISC Se 1 12(E /F P MAX[ 191 (F y y (2.33- P 253 [Satisfactory) Where ctb 0.9 Py F CHECK CONTINUITY PLATE REQUIREMENT ((AISC Seismic 02 Sec. 10.5. AISC Seismic 97 Sec. ter MIN{ b 6 0.411.8b ter (FytRyt) (FybRyb)) 2.00 in (The continuity plates tst ttf for interior connection. or (to /2) for exterior connection 1.8i bst 6 in 1 79 (Es Fys1) tst 92.08 [Satisfactory) hst d 2k K h r 200 i 0.031 F„ 35.99 F751 36 [Satisfactory) PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY LRFD r Z5 k 3.11 164 1.59 r 2 k 2.o2 1190 2.99 1 P. Wu ttitii 10.3. FEMA Sec. actual 'Cl required.) in.USE 1 81 in. (1 -13/ib in in. (LRFD Sec. K1. [Satisfactory] The best fillet weld size (LRFD Sec.J2.2b) tv 5/16 in Wuxi 0.1875 in y+rw 0.4375 in [Satisfactory] The required weld length between A36 continuity plates and column web (FEMA =ig 3 -6) L y 0 61 51LnstF y q F (0.707 w)] (1.8125 x 6.7) x 361 [(2) 0.75 (0.6x70)(0.707x5/16)] 13.36 in Where Lnet d• 2(k 1.5) 6.7 (Use complete joint penetration groove welds between continuity plates column flanges.) 85.05 for P 0.125 ismic 97 Tab. 1 -9 -1] N/A for P 0.125 (F for AISC Seismic 97 Tab. I.9 -1) 1123.2 kips 9.72 (LRFD B2) [Satisfactory) (LRFD E2-4. Pg 6 -47) ksi (LRFD Sec.E2. Pg 6-47) ,ups. plate yield stress. (14 Wage 17 of 2) 7-? CHECK PANEL ZONE THICKNESS REQUIREMENT (FEMA Sec., No additional requirement for RISC Seismic.) New MAX (It,12) 6.41 in t t C N4„ (h db) (0.9 (0.6) F Rtc do (db t(b) h) 6.41 in Where C Sb (Cpr Zp) 0.75 C 1 15 (FEMA Sec. R 1.5 (RISC Seismic Tab. I-6-1) Sb= 21b /db= 1020 in2 lb 1 20500 in' M Nb C Zb 12317 ft -kips Nb 2 (if double side connection of beams, input 2) t2= (d +w (db- 24( +d. 2k)/90= 0.51 in Since t,, 0.61 in tRegD a doubler plate is required with thickness of 2 in. o o- Plug welds o o to doubler —r-- w Techlncal References: 1. FEMA 350: "Recommended Seismic Design Criteria for New Steel Moment -frame Buildings SAC Joint Venture. 2000. 2. Alan Williams: "Seismic and Wind Forces. Structural Design Examples" International Code Council. 2003. 3. SEAOC: "2000 IBC Structural/Seismic Design Manual Volume 3" International Code Council. 2003. 4 AISC. "Manual of Steel construction. LRFD. 2th" American Institute of Steel Construction. 1996. 5. AMC. "Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings'. American Institute of Steel Construction. May 1. 2002. (cont'd) J. 6 C Page 18 of 20 l F MISC ITEMS I t s Page 19 of 20 1? Rev. 580100 User: KW-0605631, Ver -2002 (c)1983.2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description cantilevered beam General Information Steel Section Center Span Left Cant. Right Cant Lu Unbraced Length Distributed Loads #1 DL 0.800 LL 0.800 ST Start Location End Location 8.000 Summary Force Stress Summary MCI0X28.5 1.00 ft 0.00 ft 7.00 ft 7.00 ft Title Dsgnr• Description Scope Steel Beam Design Job Date: 11'07AM. 5 SEP 08 Page 1 c: pa.ecw:Celculations Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD Fy 50.00ksi Pinned Pinned Load Duration Factor 1.00 Bm Wt. Added to Loads Elastic Modulus 29,000.0 ksi LL ST Act Together #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 k/ft k/ft k/ft ft ft Using: MC10X28.5 section, Span 1.00ft, Fy 50.0ksi, Left Cant. 0.00ft, Right Cant. 7.00ft End Fixity Pinned Pinned, Lu 7.00ft, LDF 1.000 Actual Allowable Moment 39.897 k -ft 63.500 k -ft fb Bending Stress 18.849 ksi 30.000 ksi fb Fb 0.628 1 Shear 40.311 k 85.000 k fv Shear Stress 9 485 ksi 20.000 ksi fv Fv 0.474 1 Beam OK Static Load Case Governs Stress Max. Deflection Length /DL Defl Length/(DL +LL Den) These columns are Dead Live Load placed as noted DL LL LL +ST LL LL +ST Maximum OnN ft Center kb Center_ 0 Cants al Cants Max. M 39.90 k -ft k -ft Max. M 20.30 -20.30 -39.90 k-ft Max. M Left k -ft Max. M Right -20.30 -20.30 -39.90 k -ft Shear Left 39.48 k 19.88 19.48 39.48 k Shear Right 40.31 k 20.71 21 11 40.31 k Center Deft. 0.001 in 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 in Left Cant Defl 0.000in 0.000 0.000 (moo 0.000 0.000 in Right Cant Deft 0.273 in -0.139 -0.137 -0.137 -0.273 -0.273 in Query Dell 0.000 ft 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reaction Left -39.48 19.88 19 48 19.48 -39.48 -39.48 k Reaction Rt 52.11 26.51 26.91 26.91 51 71 51 71 k Fa calc'd per Eq. E2 -2, K /r Cc I Beam, Major Axis, Fb per Eq. F1 -8 Fb 12,000 Cb .Af (1 d) Section Properties MCI0X28.5 Depth 10.000 in Weight 28.43 /ft r -xx Width 3.950in I -xx 127.00 in4 r -yy Web Thick 0.425 in I -yy 11 40 in4 Flange Thickness 0.575 in S -xx 25.400 in3 Area 8.37 in2 S -yy 4.028 in3 0.273 in 1,211 7 1 616.2 1 3.895 in 1167 in e fr Page 20 of 20 2e) nbse associates STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 227 Bellevue Way NE PMB 194 Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 418-8502 629 State Street #230 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 452-8152 321 High School Rd. NE #216 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 (206) 780-6822 JOB TITLE. SUBJECT JOB NO. CAP !Cali ei- 1,4 c o eQr.16*-d,r ki s m errx7' 1361.414/ y- 40' 6.5s SHEET NO. DESIGNER: DATE. /404 4 abtfRoe.Q. 7,t,1/4" 4'411 #.14- .40 IDAPX MCI 74 nbse associates STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 148 ote A.) aS 227 Bellevue Way NE PMB 194 Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 418-8502 629 State Street #230 JOB TITLE. Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 452-8152 321 High School Rd. NE SUBJECT #216 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 JOB NO. (206) 780-6822 SHEET NO. DESIGNER: DATE. L7)1. re- Vele?" ZdestOs 04/4 d 6 2 0 Pt" 6k-i's 400 te ade tx) 114 ic-P-77. PAAP NO nbse associates STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS e4e- 4..4e toie.14-449 IA) 7 o otre9 1.11 7 Al- 1 ro 13v 60.-A.”kroitn ;PP -4eic-v 4: e 227 Bellevue Way NE PMB 194 Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 418-8502 629 State Street #230 JOB TITLE. Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 452-8152 321 High School Rd. NE SUBJECT #216 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 JOB NO. (206) 780-6822 SHEET NO. DESIGNER: DATE. 4 07-) 11 '"zicalOr" ir 4 F tdo-rriA4 4 fi-f—Q.4 4 ".1- 44/440f-.42-k DA13 run 1 227 Bellevue Way NE PMB 194 Bellevue, WA 98004 4 r (425) 418-8502 629 State Street #230 JOB TITLE. Santa Barbara, CA 93101 nbse 321 High School Rd. NE (805) 452-8152 SUBJECT associates #216 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 JOB NO. (206) 780-6822 1 1 1 1 .4- VoAyfot 4! 0 SHEET NO. DESIGNER: DATE. (p....tce..aroes 2 4 #41-7V-441. ‘o 4.0 Vac, 4 5 1 40 ‘or: -4. 5 /Au S 40r13 Zicit .670:■V /41 S. 7 DA( Kin V 030 a /0 2 511/404-r CHECK PRYOUT STRENGTH FOR SHEAR LOAD AN AN 0 7+ 0.3c C �V�p k Aro yi kcp 9 ho� I.Sh� w' 11, 11 32.736 k V [Satisfactory] where 4) 0.75 V3 term is 1.0 for location where concrete cracking is likely to occur k 2.0 for h 2.5 in. DETERMINE DESIGN TENSILE STRENGTH OVn= min(oVs ,9Vcb ,Oricp) Summary of Dimensional Properties of Fasteners Effective Gross Area of Area of Threaded 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 1.000 1 125 1.250 1.375 1.500 1.750 2.000 Fastener Diameter (in) 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 Fastener in') 0.049 0.110 0.196 0.307 0.442 0.601 0.785 0.994 1.227 1 485 1 767 2.405 3.142 Fastener OW) 0.032 0.078 0.142 0.226 0.334 0.462 0.606 0.763 0.969 1 160 1 410 1.900 2.500 1790 K (Cont'd) Bearing Area of Heads, Nuts, and Washers (A) (in') Heavy Heavy Hardened Square Hex Square Hex Washers 0.142 0.201 0.117 0.167 0.258 0.280 0.362 0.164 0.299 0.408 0.464 0.569 0.291 0.467 0.690 0.693 0.822 0.454 0.671 1.046 0.824 1 121 0.654 0.911 1.252 Techincal Reference: 1 121 1 465 0.891 1 188 1.804 1 Ronald Cook, "Strength Design 1 465 1.855 1 163 1.501 2.356 of Anchorage to Concrete, PCA, 1.854 2.291 1 472 1.851 2.982 1999. 2.288 2.773 1.817 2.237 3.682 2.769 3.300 2.199 2.659 4 455 3.295 3.873 2.617 3.118 5.301 4144 6.541 5.316 7.903 8 r PROJECT CLIENT f: JOB NO DATE Capacitv:�o'f�8olt§a,iri f3earin�it` Connection rBased;onAiSG- ASD,�Bth?Edition INPUT DATA DESIGN SUMMARY BOLT DIAMETER :O 75 in (3/4 in) BOLT MATERIAL (A307 A325, A490) ASTM A490 HOLE TYPE (STD NSL, OVS, SSL, LSL STD STD Standard round holes (d 1/16 NSL Long or short slotted hole normal to load direction OVS Oversize round holes SSL Short slotted holes holes LSL Long slotted holes LOADING (S= single shear,S double shear) CONNECTION TYPE (SC, N, X) SC Slip critical connection N Bearing -type connection with threads included in the shear plane X Bearing -type connection with threads excluded from the shear plane PLATE THICKNESS t1 0:75 in PLATE MATERIAL (A36. A441 -46. A472-50A514-90) ASTM A36 NUMBER OF ROWS r =te 2 NUMBER OF BOLTS ROW BOLT SPACING EDGE DISTANCE S e in in ANALYSIS MIN.THICKNESS OF SIDE PLATES t2 0.375 in PLATE WIDTH D 13.00 in Pallowable S I I I I e PAGE DESIGN BY REVIEW BY I I 0 177 kips PLATE YIELD STRENGTH F 36.0 kips PLATE TENSILE STRENGTI• F„ 58.0 kips Bolt 4 kips bolt P (kips) CHECK MIDDLE PLATE FOR SHEAR 0.750 17 70 177 CHECK MIDDLE PLATE FOR BEARING DUE TO BOLT SPACING 0.750 32.60 326 34) 1.54) CHECK MIDDLE PLATE FOR BEARING DUE TO EDGE DISTANCE 2.25 1 13 0.750 52.2 522 CHECK MIDDLE PLATE FOR TENSION 0.6 F A 211 0.5 F U A 188 =gov 188 8� PROJECT PAGE CLIENT DESIGN BY JOB NO DATE REVIEW BY Web Tapered Design; Sasedon ,AISGASD9th,,Appendiz'F," INPUT DATA DESIGN SUMMARY STEEL YIELD STRESS Fy 36 ksi LEFT COLUMN DIMENSIONS b f 10 in v rf 0.5 in r 0.375 in d1= 12 in d 2 55 in H1= 16 ft RIGHT COLUMN DIMENSIONS b f= 10 in rf 0.5 in r 0.375 in d3 12 in d4 .55 in H2 16: ft LEFT BEAM DIMENSIONS bf= 10 in rf 0.5 in r 0.375 in d 5 -34 in d6= 42 in L1= 50 ft RIGHT BEAM DIMENSIONS bf= 10 in ANALYSIS DETERMINE REACTIONS R 1 -41.2 kips R2 42.9 kips R3 48.2 kips R4 45 1 kips R 5 48.2 kips R6 1 1 kips where 4 f tf bf -4 To= trbf +d,ty, /6 rf 0.5 in r 0.375 in d5 34 in d7= 42 in L 2= 50 ft R, R DETERMINE ALLOWABLE FLEXURAL STRESS (APP F7 4 pg 5 -103) 2 1 0 F F for Fb /3 F by 3 613 814+F »•7, B.JF4. +Fw for Fb I F J L, y MIN[(d do) I do 0.268 Lid 6.0) Pr =(tt d0ty,3 6)/12 1 11 12000 rT Ar Fs hsLdo /A h 1 O 0 0230y Ldo T 170000 Ai I' wy 2 II L, 0 UNBRACED LENGTH PURLIN SPACING L h oy 5 ft UNBRACED LENGTH AT BOTTOM FLANGE L hho 10 ft d, w II7 RIDGE HEIGHT H 24 ft GRAVITY LOAD 0.88 kips ft for wind uplift) LATERAL LOAD F 7 kips to left direction) BEAM STIFFENER SPACING a 10 ft COLUMN STIFFENER SPACING acol 5 ft (Diaphragm is not bracing member L is different with r in F1.3 pg 5 -47) w w IIIIIII RS IlI11l1IL11II R, REt R3 L 1 75 h =1 0+ O (303357 B 1 0 +0.25 Jy �ii r r Length 7 ATo 'To TTo Ks K F F B Fb,, Left Col 14.4 3.58 5.75 42 2.69 2.68 1 11 10.77 33.30 1 19 20.54 Right Col 14.4 3.58 5.75 42 2.69 2.68 1 11 10.77 33.30 1 19 20.54 L. Bm 48.4 0.24 713 42 2.42 1 11 1.00 26.51 273.84 1.56 21.60 48.4 0.24 713 42 2.42 115 1.01 12.74 68.21 1.56 21.60 R. Bm 48.4 0.24 7 13 42 2.42 1 11 1.00 26.51 273.84 1.56 21.60 48.4 0.24 713 42 2.42 115 1.01 12.74 68.21 1.56 21.60 DETERMINE ALLOWABLE SHEAR STRESS (F4, pg 5-49) 104F for hit .5380 F• where h =d 2t1 F =5C F' <04F 2.89 I a h h /t„„ 380/F K,, C„ Fb., Left Col 10.0 54.00 144 63 6.15 0.37 4.62 Right Col 10.0 54.00 144 63 6.15 0.37 4.62 Left Bm 5.0 41.00 109 63 7.21 0.75 9.39 Right Bm 5.0 41.00 109 63 7.21 0.75 9.39 DETERMINE ALLOWABLE COMPRESSIVE STRESS (APP F7.3, pg 5 -102) 2 1 0 S FY ZCc where K (effective length factor by an analysis) for S <C S= K /r 5 3S S3 °Y 3 8C 8Co 12s2E for S >Cc 235 Left Col Right Col Left Bm Right Bm CHECK EACH SECTION CAPACITIES for hit >380 F,. I d0 dL t bf rw Af Left Col 12 55 0 5 10 0.375 5 Right Col 12 55 0.5 10 0.375 5 Left Bm 34 42 0.5 10 0.375 5 Right Bm 34 42 0.5 10 0.375 5 4 0 5.34 for a /h51 0 (a /h) k„ 5.34+ C /2rr2E F Y E 29000 ksi 1 K. C I, A rox S F 14 4 2.0 126 234 14.50 4 02 86.23 14.65 14 4 2.0 126 234 14.50 4 02 86.23 14.65 48.4 2.5 126 2673 22.75 10 84 134.03 8.31 48 4 2.5 126 2673 22.75 10.84 134 03 8.31 45000k„ Fy(h /tw) 4 O for a /h >1 0 CV 190 k,. (a /h) hitw \J (contd) for C for c,>0 8 Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 39 42 41 26 12 5769 6725 6236 2304 414 d (in) 12 26 41 55 39 37 34 37 1(in 4 414 2304 6236 12762 5769 4902 4118 4902 A, (in 4.50 9 88 15.25 20.63 14 75 13 75 12.75 13.75 14 75 15 75 15.25 9.88 4.50 N (kips) 42.9 42.9 42.9 42.9 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2 48.2 45 1 45.1 45 1 VV (kips) -41 17 -41 17 -41 17 -41 17 25.52 12.20 1 12 14 44 -27 76 -41.09 48 17 48.17 48 17 M (ti -k) 0 0 171.5 343 1 514.6 112.6 44.6 0.0 10 6 180.4 573 1 513.8 256 9 0 0 f (ksi) 2.96 2.16 170 140 195 2.03 2.12 2.03 1.95 187 179 2.27 311 F (ksi) 14.65 14.65 14 65 14 65 8.31 8 31 8 31 8.31 8.31 8.31 14.65 14 65 14 65 f (ksi) 9.15 417 2.70 2.00 173 0.89 0.09 1.05 188 2.61 3.16 4.88 10.70 F (ksi) 4 62 4 62 4.62 4 62 9 39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 4.62 4.62 4.62 f (ksi) 0.00 11 76 13.42 13.31 4 60 2.00 0 00 0 48 7.38 21 47 20.10 17.61 0 00 F b (ksil 20.54 20.54 20 54 20 54 21 60 21 60 21 60 21 60 21 60 21 60 20 54 20.54 20 54 8� CHECK COMBINED FLEXURE AND AXIAL FORCE (APP F7 4, pg 5 -104) f a f b) ff fb for a° 0 15 F ay Fby Fay f a0 Cm fbl F ay 1 a0 FbY f Larger of Fey for 0 15 F ay fa0 fblbl 0 6F Fby I i 8 fel Fay Fby Fe, Cm (fa fo Left Col 2.96 13 31 14 65 20.54 20.08 0.88 0.87 Right Col 3 11 20 10 14 65 20 54 20 08 0 87 1.23 Left Bm 2.12 13.31 8.31 21.60 8.31 0.81 0.92 Right Bm 2.12 21 47 8 31 21 60 8.31 0 81 1.33 Techincal Reference: 1 RISC "Manual of Steel construction 9th American Institute of Steel Construction, 1990 1.3 (cont'd) SS