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520 E Park Ave Technical - Building
TECHNICAL Permit Address za E PcLr k Aue Project description 5{-, PvnArews \US ss'ks-i-eck L;NAnc Date the permit was finaled L Number of technical pages 5Z' PO �i 30 6 11G 5 )eCt fi° ca o Yes 1 1 1 1 1 0 ST. ANDREWS HOUSE ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY Port Angeles, Washington HUD #127-43091 SPECIFICATIONS CA+ CHILLESS 'NIELSEN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS PC Owner Episcopal Retirement Homes of Western Washington Specifications for ST ANDREWS HOUSE Assisted Living Facility Located In Port Angeles, Washington Set No. CHILLESS NIELSEN ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS, pc Portland, Oregon 97204 April 30 1996 HUD PROJECT NO 127 -43091 Owner Episcopal Retirement Homes of Western Washington By Title. Architect: Chilless Nielsen Associates, Architects P.0 By Title: Contractor W G. Clark Construction Company By Title: Bonding Company Stanley T Scott Company By Title: Date: Date Date* Date. ST ANDREWS HOUSE ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON TITLEPAGE SIGNATURE SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS OWNER CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT GENERAL CONDITIONS SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT (HUD -2554) U.S DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WAGE CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK SECTION 01040 PROJECT COORDINATION SECTION 01090 DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS SECTION 01310 SCHEDULES REPORTS PAYMENTS SECTION 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES SECTION 01400 QUALITY CONTROL SERVICES SECTION 01505 TEMPORARY FACILITIES SECTION 01631 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSE -OUT SECTION 01900 SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS DIVISION 2 SITE WORK SECTION 02010 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION SECTION 02110 SITE CLEARING SECTION 02200 EARTHWORK SECTION 02611 CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING SECTION 02612 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING SECTION 02630 CONCRETE PAVING AND SIDEWALKS SECTION 02700 IRRIGATION SECTION 02713 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SECTION 02722 SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAINS SECTION 02853 PARKING BUMPERS SECTION 02950 LANDSCAPING DIVISION 3 CONCRETE SECTION 03300 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE SECTION 03325 CEMENTITIOUS UNDERLAYMENT 4/30/96 DIVISION 4 MASONRY DIVISION 5 METALS SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS DIVISION 6 WOOD AND PLASTICS SECTION 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY SECTION 06170 PREFABRICATED STRUCTURAL WOOD SECTION 06180 GLUE LAMINATED TIMBER SECTION 06193 PREFABRICATED WOOD TRUSSES SECTION 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY SECTION 06400 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK DIVISION 7 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 07160 DAMPROOFING SECTION 07200 INSULATION SECTION 07310 COMPOSITION SHINGLES SECTION 07467 VINYL SIDING SECTION 07600 FLASHING AND SHEET METAL SECTION 07900 SEALANTS DIVISION 8 DOORS WINDOWS SECTION 08110 METAL DOORS FRAMES SECTION 08200 WOOD DOORS AND FRAMES SECTION 08305 ACCESS DOORS SECTION 08410 ALUMINUM ENTRANCES STOREFRONTS SECTION 08630 VINYL WINDOWS SECTION 08700 FINISH HARDWARE SECTION 08800 GLASS AND GLAZING DIVISION 9 FINISHES SECTION 09250 GYPSUM DRYWALL SECTION 09300 CERAMIC TILE SECTION 09510 SUSPENDED ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS SECTION 09650 RESILIENT SHEET FLOORING SECTION 09680 CARPETING SECTION 09900 PAINTING DIVISION 10 SPECIALTIES SECTION 10200 LOUVERS SECTION 10300 FIREPLACES AND FLUES SECTION 10400 IDENTIFYING DEVICES SECTION 10500 LOCKERS SECTION 10520 FIRE FIGHTING DEVICES SECTION 10550 POSTAL SPECIALTIES SECTION 10800 TOILET ACCESSORIES SECTION 10916 SHELVING SYSTEMS DIVISION 11 EQUIPMENT SECTION 11400 FOOD SERVICES EQUIPMENT SECTION 11450 RESIDENTIAL EQUIPMENT SECTION 11500 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT DIVISION 12 FURNISHINGS SECTION 12320 MANUFACTURED FURNITURE SECTION 12390 KITCHEN CABINETS AND COUNTERTOPS SECTION 12500 WINDOW TREATMENT SECTION 12670 ENTRANCE MATS DIVISION 13 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION DIVISION 14 CONVEYING SYSTEMS SECTION 14200 PASSENGER ELEVATORS DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL SECTION 15010 BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 15050 BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS SECTION 15250 MECHANICAL INSULATION SECTION 15330 FIRE PROTECTION SPRINKLER SYSTEM SECTION 15400 PLUMBING SECTION 15500 HVAC SECTION 15950 CONTROLS SECTION 15990 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING DIVISION 16 ELECTRICAL SECTION 16010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 16050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS SECTION 16400 SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION SECTION 16500 LIGHTING SECTION 16721 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SECTION 16740 TELEPHONE/DATA RACEWAY SYSTEM SECTION 16745 RADIO PAGING SYSTEM SECTION 16750 NURSE CALL SYSTEM SECTION 16906 OCCUPANCY SENSORS SECTION 16915 LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEMS Instructions to Bidders CN 95 -04 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1 1 The General Contractor for this project will be W G. Clark Construction Co. 408 Aurora Ave. N. Seattle WA 98109 PH(206) 624 -5244 FX(206) 682 -7126. 1.2 The Work consists of the furnishing of all labor materials, services, equipment and appliances required for the fabrication, delivery and erection of all items of Work. 1.3 All construction shall conform to HUD Manual 4910.1 "Minimum Property Standards for Housing' 1994 Edition. 1 4 All construction shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, as amended by local /State authorities. However in cases where local codes permit lower standards than HUD Manual 4910 1 the HUD "Minimum Property Standards For Housing" shall apply 2. CODES AND STANDARDS 2.1 All work performed shall conform with the local authorities or the State of Washington except as directed above. 2.1 1 General Construction Work Shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, Volumes 1 and 2, in the edition currently in use by the City of Port Angeles, Washington. General construction shall also be in compliance with all applicable national, State, and local fire codes and any other State or local ordinances which apply to this work. 2.1.2 Mechanical Work Shall be in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code, the Uniform Mechanical Code, "M.P.S." and all State and County ordinances which apply to this work. 2.1.3 All Electrical Work Shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code, State Electrical Code, "M P.S' and any local ordinances which apply to this work. Comply with all Federal, State, and Municipal safety laws including, but not limited to the Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standards (OSHA) 3 SAFEGUARDS 31 Erect necessary safeguards and signs required to protect workmen and public from accident or injury on, about, or adjacent to premises where work is being performed. Comply with all building codes and ordinances having jurisdiction over the project. 4 EXAMINATION OF SITE 4 1 Prior to the submittal of Bids, the Contractor shall make, and will be deemed to have made, a thorough examination of the site of the work and all conditions existing thereon, and will have correlated his observations with the requirements of the Construction Documents. 5 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Instrct 1 51 Before submitting Bids, the contractor shall carefully examine the complete Contract Documents, including the Drawings and Specifications, and shall bring any discrepancies to the attention of the Architect. 6 CONDITIONS OF THE WORK 61 The Contractor shall inform himself fully of the conditions relating to construction of the project and the employment of labor thereon. Failure to do so will not relieve the Contractor of his obligation to furnish all material and labor necessary to carry out the provisions of the Contract. 7 WAGE RATES 71 This contract is subject to the Davis, Bacon Act, Amendments and additions thereto relating to minimum wages. NO WORKMAN. LABORER OR MECHANIC EMPLOYED IN THE PERFORMANCE OF ANY PART OF THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE PAID LESS THAN THE PREVAILING RATE OF WAGE as determined by the United States Department of Labor Use the schedule of prevailing wage rates for the locality or localities where this contract will be performed. 8. LAWS AND REGULATIONS Instructions to Bidders CN 95 -04 8.1 The Contractor's attention is directed to the fact that all applicable State laws, Municipal ordinances and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over the construction of the project shall apply to the Contract throughout and they will be deemed to be included in the Contract the same as if written therein in full. 9 INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 91 If the contractor requires further information of interpretation of the Contract Documents (Drawings and Project Manual) he shall request such data in writing. 10 ADDENDA 10 1 Answers to all questions, inquiries or requests for additional information will be issued in the form of an Addenda, and copies of each Addendum will be issued to the Contractor Also the Contractor may during the bidding period, be advised by Addendum of additions to deletions from, or changes in the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Architect, the Owner and HUD will not be responsible for the authenticity or correctness of oral interpretations of the Contract Documents or for information obtained in any other manner than through the media of Addenda. Receipt of each Addendum shall be acknowledged by the Contractor in his proposals and each Addendum shall be considered a part of the contract Documents. Failure to acknowledge receipt of any Addenda issued may invalidate the bid as incomplete. 11 CONSTRUCTION COST BREAKDOWN 11 1 Cost Breakdown: Costs shall be submitted in duplicate on forms furnished by HUD All blanks in cost breakdown form must be completed and each form must be dated and witnessed. 11.2 Permits /Fees. Permit fees and utility hook -up fees will be paid for by the Owner Instrct 2 12. POWER OF ATTORNEY Instructions to Bidders CN 95 -04 11.3 Qualification of Contractor: The Contractor in submitting a proposal, thereby represents that he us fully qualified, properly licensed, staffed and equipped to properly perform the work in accordance with all applicable laws and local ordinances having jurisdiction. 12.1 Attorneys -in -fact who sign bid bonds or contract bonds must file with each bond a certified and effectively dated copy of their powers of attorney 13. SUBSTITUTIONS 13 1 Substitutions shall be subject to all of the requirements of the Supplementary General Conditions bound in with the Specifications, particularly paragraphs 3.41.3, 3.41 4 3 41.5 of Article 3 CONTRACTOR. 13.2 Should the Contractor wish to propose a manufacturer whose product differs in some way from the requirements of the Contract Documents, such proposal shall be done through the substitution process described in the above mentioned paragraphs. 13.3 When only one product or manufacturer is stated in the Specifications, that is the basis of the Contract and no substitutions will be considered. END OF SECTION Instrct 3 1 AGREEMENT END OF SECTION Owner Contractor Agreement CN 95-04 1 1 HUD Agreement #92442 (latest edition) Agreement between Owner and Contractor This Agreement is incorporated in these documents by direct reference. 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1 1 AIA Document A201 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction (latest edition) shall be the General Conditions Between the Owner and the Contractor A copy of these General Conditions follow 2. SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS l END OF SECTION Section GC General Conditions CN 95 -04 2.1 Refer to Section SGC Supplementary General Conditions for ammendments to these General Conditions. GC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 4 H E A M E R IC A N I N S T I T U T E O F A R C H I T E C T S AIA Document A201 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL. CONSEQUENCE'S, CONSUL7A77ON WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT 70 ITS MODIFICATION Copyright 1911 1915,1918 1925 1937 1951 195 New York Avenue, N W Washington, D C. 2000 permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws 1987 EDITION TABLE OF ARTICLES This document has been approved and e ssociated General Contractors of America. AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF TILE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA® ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCI IITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE NW WASIIINCTON 0 20006 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 8 TIME 2 OWNER 9 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 3 CONTRACTOR 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 4 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 11 INSURANCE AND BONDS 5 SUBCONTRACTORS 12 UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 6 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY 13 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 7 CHANGES IN THE WORK 14 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT 0 1976, ©1987 by The American Institute of Architects, 1 735 c t Aerial herein or substantial quotation of its provisions without written cs and will be subject to legal prosecutions. A201 -1987 1 The provision contained in these Supplemental General Conditions shall delete, modify and supplement the provisions contained in the General conditions, AIA Document A -201 1987 edition. ARTICLE 15 MODIFICATIONS OF GENERAL CONDITIONS 15.1 INFORMATION AND SERVICES REQUIRED OF OWNER 15.1 1 To Paragraph 2.2.2 add the following. The Owner will establish existing lot lines, restriction, and bench marks shown on the drawings. The Contractor shall establish and maintain all other lines, levels and bench marks necessary for the execution of the work. Employ a competent surveyor to lay out the work and be responsible for the accuracy of same. 15.1.2 Add the following for Subparagraph 2.2.5 For this project the Contractor will be furnished, free of charge, 20 copies of Drawings and Specifications. Additional copies of Drawings, Specifications and Contract Documents will be available from the Architect at the cost of reproduction. 15.2 LABOR AND MATERIALS 15.2.1 To paragraph 3 41 add the following new Subparagraphs. Section SGC Supplementary General Conditions CN 95-04 3 4 1.2 Products are generally specified by ASTM or other reference standard, and /or by manufacturer's name and model number or trade name. When specified only by reference standard, the Contractor may select any product meeting this standard, by any manufacturer When several products or manufacturers are specified as being equally acceptable, the Contractor has the option of using any product and manufacturer combination listed but may not substitute others except as provided in paragraph 3.4 1.3 below When only one product and manufacturer is specified, this is the basis of the contract, without substitution or exception. 3 41.3 After the contract has been executed, the Owner and Architect will consider a formal request for the substitution of products in place of those specified, under the following conditions. 1 The request is accompanied by complete data on the proposed substitution substantiating compliance with the Contract Documents including product identification and description, performance and test data, references and samples where applicable, and an itemized comparison of the proposed substitution with the product specified with data relating to Contract time schedule, design and artistic effect where applicable, and its relationship to any separate contracts. 2. The request is accompanied by accurate cost data on the proposed substitution in comparison with the product specified, whether or not modification of the contract sum is to be a consideration. 3 41 4 By making requests for substitutions based on paragraph 3.4 1.3 above when forwarded by the Contractor to the Architect, the Contractor' 1 Represents that he has personally investigated the proposed substitute product and determined that it is equal or superior in all respects to that specified 2. Represents that the Contractor will provide the same guarantee for the substitution that he would for that specified. Section SGC Supplementary General Conditions CN 95-04 Certifies that the cost data presented is complete and includes all related costs under this Contract, but excludes costs under any separate contracts and the Architect's redesign costs, and that he waives all claims for additional costs related to the substitution which subsequently become apparent; and that he waives all claims for additional costs related to the substitution which subsequently become apparent; and 4 Will coordinate the installation of the accepted substitute, making such changes as may be required for the work to be completed in all respects. 3.4 1.5 Substitutions will not be considered if 1 They are indicated or implied on Shop Drawings, Products Data, or Sample submissions without the formal request in paragraph 3 41.3 above or 2. For their implementation they require a substantial revision of the Contract documents or work of the Owner or separate contractors in order to accommodate their use. 3 They are requested because specified materials were not ordered with sufficient lead time to insure no delay in the work. 15.3 PERMITS, FEES AND NOTICES 15.3 1 To paragraph 3.7 1 add the following The Owner will pay for all building permits, inspection fees and testing as required by the Contract Documents or by controlling jurisdictions. Soils testing during construction shall be provided and paid for by the Owner 15.4 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES 15.41 To paragraph 3.10 1 add the following The Contractor shall prepare and submit form HUD -5372, Construction Progress Schedule to HUD for acceptance a minimum of 15 days prior to HUD's pre construction conference. 15.5 DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES AT THE SITE. 15.51 To paragraph 3.11 1 add the following new subparagraphs. 3.11 1 1 The contractor will be provided with a set of plans and specs marked "HUD as -built set' at the HUD pre construction conference. The set marked "HUD as -built set" will be maintained and used by the contractor to record all construction changes, modifications, materials, selections, etc. Upon completion of the project construction and prior to release of 10% retainage, the contractor shall return the "HUD as -built set" of plans and specs to the HUD Representative as part of 'substantial completion" requirements. The "HUD as -built set" is in addition to any other as -built or record documents required by the owner architect, or others. 3 11 1.2 The contractor is required to provide a topographic land survey map and surveyor's report (HUD 92457) completed by a licensed land surveyor as part of substantial completion and project close -out. The survey map and report shall be completed in accordance with the instructions on Form HUD -92457 HUD Handbook 44601 REV 1 paragraph 2 -7 B.3. and construction contract(s) Form HUD- 92442/HUD- 92442 -A, Article 5.0 The contractor shall provide a progress survey map which will show the project to be entirely within the property and that it will not encroach upon any easement or right -of -way or the land of others and that it is wholly within building setback lines, as part of applications for payment. The contractor shall provide an updated final property survey map and report for HUD's final endorsement (minimum SGC 2 Section SGC Supplementary General Conditions CN 95-04 5 copies) dated less than 30 days of acceptable to HUD 15.6 ACCESS TO THE WORK 15.6 1 To paragraph 3 16.1 add the following The contractor shall provide HUD with access to the work. 15.7 ARCHITECTS ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 15.7 1 To paragraph 4.2.5 add the following Requests for payment shall be prepared and submitted using form HUD-924.48. 15.7.2 To paragraph 4.2.8 add the following final endorsement. Survey maps and reports shall be On -site change orders shall be prepared utilizing Form HUD -92437 Off-site changes in the work must be requested by letter or other form acceptable to HUD (riot Form HUD 92437) Requests for payment of change orders for off-site work shall be submitted utilizing Form HUD -92464 'Request for Approval of Advance of Escrow Funds' 15.7.3 To paragraph 4.2.9 add the following new subparagraph 4.2.9 1 The date of substantial completion shall be the date the HUD Representative signs the final HUD -5379, provided that the trip report is subsequently endorsed by HUD Substantial completion includes all contract requirements including but not limited to surveys, as- builts, operations /maintenance manuals, warranties, change orders, et. 15.8 CLAIMS AND DISPUTES 15.8.1 To paragraph 4.3.7 add the following new subparagraph. 4.3 71 Requests for payment of changes shall be in the form required by HUD and Acceptable to HUD (see 15.6 1 and 15.6.2 above) 15.8.2 To paragraph 4.3.8 Add the following new subparagraph. Claims for additional time shall be submitted as a single separate item on Form HUD -92437 (see 15.6.1 and 15.6.2 above) 15.9 AWARD OF SUBCONTRACTS AND OTHER CONTRACTS FOR PURPOSE OF THE WORK 15.9 1 To paragraph 5.2.1 add the following Also submit copies to HUD 15 10 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVES 15.10 1 To paragraph 71.2 add the following new subparagraph: 71.2.1 Proposed changes shall be fir t discussed among the architect, contractor owner and HUD Representative. The HUD Representative will make a preliminary determination of technical acceptability prior to approval by owner and HUD Changes may be effected only with the prior written approval of HUD under such conditions as HUD may establish SGC 3 To paragraph 7.3 1 add the following Section SGC Supplementary General Conditions CN 95 -04 All change orders must be analyzed the findings reviewed and accepted by HUD prior to the requested construction change being adopted, included in or incorporated into the construction, including architects' field orders. HUD has the right to interpret the contract documents and determine compliance therewith. 15.11 MINOR CHANGES IN THE WORK 15.11 1 To paragraph 7 41 add the following subparagraph: 7 41 1 Minor changes in the work will be issued in the form prescribed by HUD after analysis and review 15.12 DEFINITIONS 15.12.1 To paragraph 8.1.2 add the following The contractor shall provide written notification to HUD stating the actual date of commencement of the work. 15.12.2 Change 8.1.3 to read as follows 8.1.3 The date of substantial completion is the date established by HUD in accordance with paragraph 9.8. 15 13 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME 15.13 1 To paragraph 8.3 1 add the following subparagraph. 8.31 1 Any contract time extension must be analyzed and the findings reviewed and accepted by HUD 15.14 SCHEDULE OF VALUES 15.14 1 To paragraph 9.2.1 add the following The schedule or values shall be prepared on Form FHA -2328. 15 15 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 15.151 To paragraph 9.3 1 add the following Applications for payment shall be prepared on Form HUD 92448. Add the following clause to subparagraph 9.3.1 9.3.1.A Prior to Substantial Completion, progress payments will be made not more than once per month in an amount equal to 90% of the work completed, and 90% of the materials and equipment not incorporated in the work but delivered and suitably stored at the site or off-site as documented in the Application for Payment, less in each case the aggregate of payments previously made The retained amount shall not be paid until after the construction is substantially complete. 15.15.2 Delete paragraph 9.31 1 and replace with the following SGC 4 9.3 11 Applications for payment on account of changes in the work which have been properly authorized shall be submitted on Form HUD -92464 15.15.3 To paragraph 9.3.2 add the following subparagraph: Section SGC Supplementary General Conditions CN 95 -04 Payment for materials stored off-site shall be stored in compliance with applicable HUD requirements. 15.16 CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT 15.161 To paragraph 9.4 1 add the following subparagraph: 9 41 1 Certificates for payment shall be as required by HUD utilizing HUD forms. HUD 92448, 'Contractor's Requisition' shall be prepared ;by the contractor and signed by the contractor architect and HUD Representative. The HUD -92448 shall be submitted to HUD in quadruplicate by the owner /sponsor as prescribed by HUD All requests for payment must be analyzed and the findings reviewed and accepted by HUD prior to payment. 1517 DECISIONS TO WITHHOLD CERTIFICATION 15.171 Add the following paragraph 9.5.3 Payment will be withheld for any change from the contract documents which has mot been accepted by HUD An additional amount will be withheld to cover the cost of any repair or replacement necessary to bring the work into compliance with the contract documents. 15 18 FAILURE OF PAYMENT 15.18 1 To paragraph 9 71 add the following subparagraph: 9 71 1 Requests for payment shall be acceptable to HUD prior to owners payment to the contractor 15 19 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 15.191 To paragraph 9.8.2 make the following change The Architect and HUD Representative will jointly make an inspection to determine whether the work or designated portion thereof is substantially complete. 15.19.2 To paragraph 9.8.2 add the following subparagraph. FHA Form No 2485, 'Permission to Occupy- Project Mortgages' shall be prepared (original and four copies) and submitted to HUD with copies of the local authorities certificates of occupancy attached. The architect and HUD Representative will make an inspection to determine whether the units listed on FHA Form NO 2485 or portions thereof are acceptable for occupancy If the project or portion thereof is accepted for occupancy the form FHA No. 2485 will be endorsed by HUD 15.20 FINAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT 15.20 1 To paragraph 910 1 add the following subparagraph. 910 1 1 Final completion and final payment must be reviewed and accepted by HUD 15.21 CONTRACTORS'S LIABILITY INSURANCE SGC 5 15.21 1 Subparagraph 11 1.2, amend as follows. Section SGC Supplementary General Conditions CN 95 -04 The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained, as a minimum, the insurance required hereunder and evidence of such insurance has been submitted to and approved by the Owner The submittal of said evidence to the Owner shall not relieve or decrease the liability of the Contractor hereunder 1) Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance As required by statute. 2) Commercial General Liability Insurance ISO Form CG 00 01 (10/93) or equivalent, Occurrence Policy with a) Limits of not less than 1 General Aggregate $2,000,000 2. Products- Comp /OPS Aggregate $2,000,000 3. Personal and Advertising Injury $1,000,000 4 Each Occurrence $1,000,000 5 Fire Damage (any one fire) $50,000 6 Medical Expense (any one person) $5,000 b) Endorsements attached thereto including the following or their equivalent 1 ISO Form CG 25 01 (11/85) Amendment of Limits of Insurance (Designated Project or Premises) describing the subject Contract and specifying the limits as shown above. 2. IS Form CG 20 10 (10/93), Additional Insured Owner Lessees, or Contractors (Form B) naming the Owner as an additional insured and containing the following statement "This Endorsement Also Constitutes Primary coverage In The Event Of Any Occurrence, Claim, Or In The Event Of Any Occurrence, Claim, Or Suit' 3) Automobile Liability Insurance, with a) Limits of not less than $1,000 000 Combined Single Limit per accident. b) Coverage applying to Any Auto c) Coverage for Non -owned and Hired Autos. 4) Certificate of Insurance, on ACORD 25 -S (3/93) Form, or equivalent, shall be filed with the Owner identifying a) Owner as defined in the Construction Agreement, as Certificate Holder and Additional Insured. b) Endorsements, as listed above (Note If forms other than ISO forms are used, copies of the non -ISO forms are to be attached to this Certificate c) Project as defined in the Construction Agreement. d) Cancellation clause of the Certificate amended to read. "Should any of the above described policies be canceled before the expiration thereof the issuing company will mail 30 days written notice to the certificate holder named to the left" e) Insurance Companies Providing Coverage All companies listed must be rated "A Class V' or better in the A. M Best Company Key Rating Guide Property Casualty current edition f) The Name Address, And Telephone Number Of The "Producer' The certificate to bear an original signature of the Authorized Representative of the Producer Facsimile or mechanically reproduced signatures will not be accepted. 15.22 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOARD 15.22.1 Substitute the following for subparagraph 11 41 SGC 6 Section SGC Supplementary General Conditions CN 95 -04 11 41 The Contractor shall, on or prior to the effective date of Contract, furnish the Owner with a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond in penal sums equal to the amount of the Contract Price, conditioned upon the performance by the Contractor of all undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreement of the contract documents, and upon the prompt payment by the contractor to all persons supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work provided by the Contract Documents. Such Bonds shall be executed by the Contractor and a corporate bonding company licensed to transact such business in the state in which the work is to be preformed. The expense of these Bonds shall be borne by the Contractor If at any time a surety on any such Bond is declared bankrupt or loses its right to do business in the state in which the work is to be performed, the Contractor shall within 10 days after notice from the Owner to do so, substitute an acceptable Bond or (Bonds) in such form and sum and signed by such other surety or sureties as may be satisfactory to the Owner The premiums on such Bond shall be paid by the Contractor No further payment shall be deemed due nor shall be made until the new surety or sureties shall have furnished an acceptable Bond to the Owner ARTICLE 16 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 16.1 PROTECTION OF LIVES AND PROPERTY 161 1 The Contractor alone shall be responsible for the safety efficiency and adequacy of its plant, appliances and methods and for any damage which may result from their failure or their improper construction, maintenance or operations. END OF SECTION SGC 7 Supplementary Conditions of the Contract for Construction Article 1 Labor Standards Instructions Whenever only FHA mortgage insurance is involved, use paragraph (A) and (C) of Article 1 Labor Standards. Whenever any direct form of assistance (Section 8. Section 202, direct loans, grants etc.) is involved, use paragraphs (A) and (B) and (C) of Article 1 Labor Standards. Applicability The Project or Program to which the construction work covered by this contract pertains is being assisted or insured by the United States of Amer ice and the following Federal Labor Standards Provisions are included in this Contract or related instrument pursuant to the provisions applicable to such Federal assistance or insurance. A. 1. (I) Minimum Wages. All laborers and mechanics employed or work- ing upon the site of the work (or under the United States Housing Act of 1937 or under the Housing Act of 1949 in the construction or development of the project), will be paid unconditionally and not less often than once a week, and without subsequent deduction or rebate on any account (except such payroll deductions as are permitted by regulations issued by the Secretary of Libor under the Copeland Act (29 CFR Part 3), the full amount of wages and bona fide fringe benefit's (or cash equivalents thereof) due at time of payment computed at rates not less than those contained in the wage determination of the Secretary of Labor which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, regardless of any contractual relationship which may be alleged to exist between the contractor and such laborers and me- chanics. Contributions made or costs reasonably anticipated for bona fide fringe benefits under Section 1(bX2) of the Davis -Bacon Act on behalf of laborers or mechanics are considered wages paid to such laborers or mechanics, subject to the provisions of 29 CFR 5.5(aX1)(rv); also, regular contributions made or costs incurred for more than a weekly period (but not less often than quarterly) under plans, funds, or programs, which cover the particular weekly period, are deemed to be constructively made or incurred during such weekly period. Such laborers and mechanics shall be paid the appropriate wage rate and fringe benefits on the wage determination for the classification of work actually performed, without regard to skill, except as provided in 29 CFR Part 5.5(a)(4). Laborers or mechanics performing work in more than one classification may be compensated at the rate specified for each classifica- tion for the time actually worked therein: Provided, That the employer's pay- roll records accurately set forth the time spent in each classification in which work is performed. The wage determination (including any additional classification and wage rates conformed under 29 CFR Part 5.5(aX1)(ii) and the Davis -Bacon poster (WH -1321) shall be posted at all times by the con- tractor and its subcontractors at the site of the work in a prominent and accessible place where it can be easily seen by the workers. (ti)(a) Any class of laborers or mechanics which is not listed in the wage determination and which is to be employed under the contract shall be classified in conformance with the wage determination. HUD shall approve an additional classification and wage rate and fringe benefits therefore only when the following criteria have been met (1) The work to be performed by the classification requested is not performed by a classification in the wage determination; and (2) The classification is utilized in the area by the construction industry, and (3) The proposed wage rate, including any bona fide fringe bene- fits, bears a reasonable relationship to the wage rates contained in the wage determination. Replaces FHA -2554 Which is Obsolete U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development fl� air (b) If the contractor and the laborers and mechanics to be employed in the classification (if known), or their representatives, and HUD or its designee agree on the classification and wage rate (including the amount designated for fringe benefits where appropriate), a report of the action taken shall be sent by HUD or its designee to the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration. U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C. 20210. The Administrator, or an authorized representative, will approve, modify, or disapprove every additional classifi- cation action within 30 days of receipt and so advise HUD or its designee or will notify HUD or its designee within the 30 -day period that additions I time is necessary: (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB control number 1215- 0140.) (c) In the event the contractor, the laborers or mechanics to be employed in the classification or their representatives, and HUD or its designee do not agree on the proposed classification and wage rate (including the amount designated for fringe benefits, where appropriate), HUD or its designee shall refer the questions, including the views of all interested parties and the recommendation of HUD or its designee, to the Administrator for determination. The Administrator, or an authorized repre- sentative, will issued determination within 30 days of receipt and so advise HUD or its designee or will notify HUD or its designee within the 30 -day period that additional time is necessary. (Approved by the Office of Man- agement and Budget under OMB Control Number 1215- 0140.) (d) The wage rate (including fringe benefits where appropriate) determined pursuant to subparagraphs A.1. (ii)(b) or (c) of this paragraph, shall be paid to all workers performing work in the classification under this contract from the first day on which work is performed in the classification. (Ili) Whenever the minimum wage rate prescribed in the contract for a class of laborers or mechanics includes a fringe benefit which is not expressed as an hourly rate, the contractor shall either pay the benefit as stated in the wage determination or shall pay another bona fide fringe benefit or an hourly cash equivalent thereof. (iv) If the contractor does not make payments to a trustee or other third person, the contractor may consider as part of the wages of any laborer or mechanic the amount of any costs reasonably anticipated in providing bona fide fringe benefits under a plan or program, Provided, That the Secretary of Labor has found, upon the written request of the contractor, that the applicable standards of the Davis -Bacon Act have been met. The Secretary of labor may require the contractor to set aside in a separate account assets for the meeting of obligations under the plan or program. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB Control Number 1215 0140.) (2) Withholding. HUD or its designee shall upon its own action or upon written request of an authorized representative of the Department of Labor withhold or cause to be withheld from the contractor under this contract or any other Federal contract with the same prime contractor, or any other Federally- assisted contract subject to Davis -Bacon prevailing wage requirements, which is held by the same prime contractor so much of the accrued payments or advances as may be considered necessary to pay laborers and mechanics, including apprentices, trainees and helpers, employed by the contractor or any subcontractor the full amount of wages required by the contract In the event of failure to pay any laborer or mechanic, including any apprentice, trainee or helper, employed or working on the site of the work (or under the United States Housing Act of 1937 or under the Housing Act of 1949 in the construction or development of the project), all or part of the wages required by the contract, HUD or its desig- nee may, after written notice to the contractor, sponsor, applicant, or owner HUD (2 HB4571 1 Rev take such action as may be necessary to cause the suspension of any further payment, advance, or guarantee of funds until such violations have ceased. HUD or its designee may after written notice to the contractor dis- burse such amounts withheld for and on account of the contractor or sub- contractor to the respective employees to whom they are due. The Comp- troller General shall make such disbursements in the case of direct Davis -Bacon Act contracts. 3. (f) Payrolls and basic records. Payrolls and basic records relating thereto shall be maintained by the contractor during the course of the work and preserved for a period of three years thereafter for all laborers and mechanics working at the site of the work (or under the United States Housing Act of 1937 or under the Housing Act of 1949, in the construction or development of the project). Such records shall contain the name, address, and social security number of each such worker, his or her cor rect classification, hourly rates of wages paid (including rates of contribu- tions or costs anticipated for bona fide fringe benefits or cash equivalents thereof of the types described in Section 1(bX2XB) of the Davis -Bacon Act), daily and weekly number of hours worked, deductions made and actual wages paid. Whenever the Secretary of Labor has found under 29 CFR 5.5 (ax1Xiv) that the wages of any laborer or mechanic include the amount of any costs reasonably anticipated in providing benefits under a plan or pro- gram described in Section 1(b)(2XB) of the Davis -Bacon Act, the contractor shall maintain records which show that the commitment to provide such benefits is enforceable, that the plan or program is financially responsible, and that the plan or program has been communicated in writing to the laborers or mechanics affected, and records which show the costs antici- pated or the actual cost incurred in providing such benefits. Contractors employing apprentices or trainees under approved programs shall maintain written evidence of the registration of apprenticeship programs and certifi- cation of trainee programs, the registration of the apprentices and trainees, and the ratios and wage rates prescribed in the applicable programs. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB Control Numbers 1215 -0140 and 1215- 0017.) (ii)(a) The contractor shall submit weekly for each week in which any contract work is performed a copy of all payrolls to HUD or its designee if the agency is a party to the contract, but if the agency is not such a party the contractor will submit the payrolls to the applicant sponsor, or owner as the case may be, for transmission to HUD or its designee. The payrolls submitted shall set out accurately and completely all of the information required to be maintained under 29 CFR Part 5.5(aX3)(i). This information may be submitted in any form desired. Optional Form WH -347 is available for this purpose and may be purchased from the Superintendent of Docu- ments (Federal Stock Number 029 005- 00014 -1), U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The prime contractor is responsible for the submission of copies of payrolls by all subcontractors. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB Control Number 1215- 0149.) (b) Each payroll submitted shall be accompanied by a "Statement of Compliance, signed by the contractor or subcontractor or his or her agent who pays or supervises the payment of the persons employed under the contract and shall certify the following: (1) That the payroll for the payroll period contains the information required to be maintained under 29 CFR Part 5.5 (aX3)(i) and that such information is correct and complete; (2) That each laborer or mechanic (including each helper apprentice, and trainee) employed on the contract during the payroll period has been paid the full weekly wages earned, without rebate, either directly or indirectly, and that no deductions have been made either directly or indi- rectly from the full wages earned, other than permissable deductions as set forth in 29 CFR Part 3; (3) That each laborer or mechanic has been paid not less than the applicable wage rates and fringe benefits or cash equivalents for the classification of work performed, as specified in the applicable wage determination incorporated into the contract (c) The weekly submission of a properly executed certification set forth on the reverse side of Optional Form WH -347 shall satisfy the requirement for submission of the 'Statement of Compliance' required by paragraph A.3.(ixb) of this section. (d) The falsification of any of the above certifications may subject the contractor or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution under Section 1001 of Title 18 and Section 231 of Title 31 of the United States Code. (di) The contractor or subcontractor shall make the records required under paragraph A.3.(i) of this section available for inspection, copying, or transcription by authorized representatives of HUD or its designee or the Department of Labor, and shall permit such representatives to interview employees during working hours on the job. If the contractor or subcon- tractor fails to submit the required records or to make them available, HUD or its designee may after written notice to the contractor, sponsor appli- cant, or owner take such action as may be necessary to cause the sus- pension of any further payment advance, or guarantee of funds. Further- more, failure to submit the required records upon request or to make such records available may be grounds for debarment action pursuant to 29 CFR Part 5.12. 4. (i) Apprentices and Trainees. Apprentices. Apprentices will be per mitted to work at less than the predetermined rate for the work they per formed when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program registered with the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, or with a State Apprenticeship Agency recognized by the Bureau, or it a person is employed in his or her first 90 days of probationary employment as an apprentice in such an apprenticeship program, who is not individually registered in the program, but who has been certified by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training or a State Apprenticeship Agency (where appropriate) to be eligible for probationary employment as an apprentice. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen on the job site in any craft classification shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor as to the entire work force under the registered program. Any worker listed on a payroll at an apprentice wage rate, who is not registered or otherwise employed as stated above, shall be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determination for the classification of work actually performed. In addition, any apprentice performing work on the job site in excess of the ratio permitted under the registered program shall be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determi- nation for the work actually performed. Where a contractor is performing construction on a project in a locality other than that in which its program is registered, the ratios and wage rates (expressed in percentages of the jour neyman's hourly rate) specified in the contractor's or subcontractor's regis- tered program shall be observed. Every apprentice must be paid at not less than the rate specified in the registered program for the apprentice's level of progress, expressed as a percentage of the journeymen hourly rate specified in the applicable wage determination. Apprentices shall be paid fringe benefits in accordance with the provisions of the apprenticeship program. If the apprenticeship program does not specify fringe benefits, apprentices must be paid the full amount of fringe benefits listed on the wage determination for the applicable classification. If the Administrator determines that a different practice prevails for the applicable apprentice classification, fringes shall be paid in accordance with that determination. In the event the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, or a State Appren- ticeship Agency recognized by the Bureau, withdraws approval of an apprenticeship program, the contractor will no longer be permitted to utilize apprentices at less than the applicable predetermined rate for the work performed until an acceptable program is approved. rr Trainees. Except as provided in 29 CFR 5.16, trainees will not be permitted to work at less than the predetermined rate for the work per formed unless they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a program which has received prior approval, evidenced by formal certifi- cation by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Admini- stration. The ratio of trainees to journeymen on the job site shall not be greater than permitted under the plan approved by the Employment and Training Administration. Every trainee must be paid at not less than the rate specified in the approved program for the trainees level of progress, expressed as a percentage of the journeyman's hourly rate specified in the applicable wage determination. Trainees shall be paid fringe benefits in accordance with the provisions of the trainee program. If the trainee pro- gram does not mention fringe benefits, trainees shall be paid the full amount of fringe benefits listed on the wage determination unless the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division determines that there is an apprenticeship program associated with the corresponding journeyman wage rate on the wage determination which provides for less than full fringe benefits for apprentices. Any employee listed on the payroll at a trainee rate who is not registered and participating in a training plan approved by the Employment and Training Administration shall be paid not HUD 255412 -84) less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determination for the classification of work actually performed. In addition, any trainee performing work on the job site in excess of the ratio permitted under the registered program shall be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determination for the work actually performed. In the event the Employment and Training Administration withdraws approval of a training program, the contractor will no longer be permitted to utilize trainees at less than the applicable predetermined rate for the work performed until an acceptable program is approved. (iii) Equal employment opportunity. The utilization of apprentices, trainees and journeymen under this part shall be in conformity with the equal employment opportunity requirements of Executive Order 11246, as amended, and 29 CFR Part 30. 5. Compliance with Copeland Act requirements. The contractor shall comply with the requirements of 29 CFR Part 3 which are incorporated by reference in this contract. 6. Subcontracts. The contractor or subcontractor will insert in any sub- contracts the clauses contained in 29 CFR 5.5(a) (1) through (10) and such other clauses as HUD or its designee may by appropriate instructions require, and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses in any lower tier subcontracts. The prime contractor shall be responsible for the compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier subcon- tractor with all the contract clauses in 29 CFR Part 5.5. 7 Contract termination; debarment A breach of the contract clauses in 29 CFR 5.5 may be grounds for termination of the contract, and for debar- ment as a contractor and a subcontractor as provided in 29 CFR 5.12. 8. Compliance with Davis -Bacon and Related Act Requirements. MI rul- ings and interpretations of the Davis -Bacon and Related Acts contained in 29 CFR Parts 1 3, and 5 are herein incorporated by reference in this contract 9. Disputes concerning labor standards. Disputes arising out of the labor standards provisions of this contract shall not be subject to the general disputes clause of this contract Such disputes shall be resolved in accor dance with the procedures of the'Department of Labor set forth in 29 CFR Parts 5, 6, and 7 Disputes within the meaning of this clause include dis- putes between the contractor (or any of its subcontractors) and HUD or its designee, the U.S. Department of Labor, or the employees or their representatives. 10. (i) Certification of Eligibility. By entering into this contract, the con- tractor certifies that neither it (nor he or she) nor any person or firm who has an interest in the contractor's firm is a person or firm ineligible to be awarded Government contracts by virtue of Section 3(a) of the Davis Bacon Act or 29 CFR 5.12(a)(1) or to be awarded HUD contracts or partici- pate in HUD programs pursuant to 24 CFR Part 24. (ii) No part of this contract shall be subcontracted to any person or firm ineligible for award of a Government contract by virtue of Section 3(a) of the Davis -Bacon Act or 29 CFR 5.12(aX1) or to be awarded HUD con- tracts or participate in HUD programs pursuant to 24 CFR Part 24. (iii) The penalty for making false statements is prescribed in the U.S. Criminal Code, 18 U.S.C. 1001 Additionally U.S. Criminal Code, Section 1010, Title 18, U.S.C. 'Federal Housing Administration transactions' pro- vides in part 'Whoever for the purpose of. influencing in any way the action of such Administration. makes, utters or publishes any statement knowing the same to be false. shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. B. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act. As used in this para- graph, the terms 'laborers' and 'mechanics' include watchmen and guards. (1) Overtime requirements. No contractor or subcontractor contracting for any part of the contract work which may require or involve the employ- ment of laborers or mechanics shall require or permit any such laborer or mechanic in any workweek in which he or she is employed on such work to work imurcesarzgzsighteo=emaeszeitieecemitaper in excess of forty hours in such workweek unless such laborer or mechanic receives com- pensation at a rate not less than one and one -half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty hours in such workweek (2) Violation; liability for unpaid wages; liquidated damages. In the event of any violation of the clause set forth in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, the contractor and any subcontractor responsible therefor shall be liable for the unpaid wages. In addition. such'contractor and subcon- tractor shall be liable to the United States (in the case of work done under contract for the District of Columbia or a territory, to such District or to such territory), for liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be com- puted with respect to each individual laborer or mechanic, including watchmen and guards, employed in violation of the clause set forth in sub- paragraph (1) of this paragraph, in the sum of $10 for each calendar day on which such individual was required or permitted to work loverreeswerfseiget 4th in excess of the standard workweek of forty hours without pay- ment of the overtime wages required by the clause set forth in subpara- graph (1) of this paragraph. (3) Withholding for unpaid wages and liquidated damages. HUD or its designee shall upon its own action or upon written request of an autho- rized representative of the Department of Labor withhold or cause to be withheld, from any moneys payable on account of work performed by the contractor or subcontractor under any such contract or any other Federal contract with the same prime contractor, or any other Federally-assisted contract subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, which is held by the same prime contractor such sums as may be deter- mined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such contractor or sub- contractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as provided in the clause set forth in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph. (4) Subcontracts. The contractor or subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the clauses set forth in subparagraph (1) through (4) of this paragraph and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses in any lower tier subcontracts. The prime contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier subcontrac- tor with the clauses set forth in subparagraphs (1) through (4) of this paragraph. C. The Contractor will be required to execute FHA Form No. 2403 -A, Contractor's Prevailing Wage Certificate, as a condition precedent to in- surance by the Federal Housing Administration of that certain mortgage loan, or an advance thereof, made or to be made by the mortgagee in con- nection with the construction of the project Article 2 Equal Employment Opportunity The applicant hereby agrees that it will incorporate or cause to be incorpo- rated into any contract for construction work, or modification thereof, as defined in the regulations of the Secretary of Labor at 41 CFR Chapter 60, which is paid for in whole or in part with funds obtained from the Federal Government or borrowed on the credit of the Federal Government pursuant to a grant contract, loan insurance, or guarantee, or undertaken pursuant to any Federal program involving such grant contract loan, insurance, or guarantee, the following equal opportunity clause: During the performance of this contract the Contractor agrees as follows: A. The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or appli- cant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color religion, sex or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: Employment, upgrading, demo- tion, or transfer recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment notices to be provided setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. B. The Contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color religion, sex, or national origin. C. The Contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other con- tract or understanding a notice to be provided advising the said labor union or workers representatives of the Contractor's commitments hereunder, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment D. The Contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965 and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor E. The Contractor will furnish at information and reports required by HUD -2554 (2-84) Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by rules, regulations. and orders of the Secretary of labor or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books, records, and accounts by the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regula- tions, and orders. F In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimi- nation clauses of this contract or with any of the said rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further govern- ment contracts or federally assisted construction contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regu- lations or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. G. The Contractor will include the portion of the sentence immediately preceding paragraph A and the provisions of paragraphs A through G in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor The Contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development or the Secretary of Labor may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance. Provided however, that in the event the Contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development or the Secretary of Labor, the Contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. H. The applicant further agrees that it will be bound by the above equal opportunity clause with respect to its own employment practices when it participates in federally assisted construction work Provided. That if the applicant so participating is a State or local government the above equal opportunity clause is not applicable to any agency, instrumentality or sub- division of such government which does not participate in work on or under the contract I. The applicant agrees that it will assist and cooperate actively with the adminstering agency and the Secretary of Labor in obtaining the com- pliance of contractors and subcontractors with the equal opportunity clause and the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor that it will furnish the administering agency and the Secretary of Labor such information as they may require for the supervision of such compliance, and that it will otherwise assist the administering agency in the discharge of the agency's primary responsibility for securing compliance. J. The applicant further agrees that it will refrain from entering into any contract or contract modification subject to Executive Order 11246 of Sep- tember 24. 1965, with a contractor debarred from, or who has not demon- strated eligibility for Government contracts and federally assisted construc tion contracts pursuant to the Executive order and will carry out such sanctions and penalties for violation of the equal opportunity clause as may be imposed upon contractors and subcontractors by the administering agency or the Secretary of Labor pursuant to Part II, Subpart D of the Executive order. In addition, the applicant agrees that if it fails or refuses to comply with these undertakings, the administering agency may take any or all of the following actions: Cancel, terminate, or suspend in whole or in part this grant (contract loan, insurance, guarantee); refrain from extending any further assistance to the applicant under the program with respect to which the failure or refund occurred until satisfactory assurance of future compliance has been received from such applicant and refer the case to the Department of Justice for appropriate legal proceedings. Article 3 Equal Opportunity for Businesses and Lower Income Persons Located Within the Project Area (Applicable to Section 236 projects, where the estimated replacement cost of the project as determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Devel- opment exceeds $500,000 and to all projects, including Section 236 regardless of estimated replacement cost, receiving rent supplement assistance under Title 1, Section 101 of the Housing and Urban Develop- ment Act of 1965) A. The work to be performed under this contract is on a project assisted under a program providing direct Federal financial assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and is subject to the requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u. Section 3 requires that to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for training and employment be given lower income residents of the unit of local government or the metropolitan area (or nonmetropolitan county) as determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in which the projects located and contracts for work in connection with the project be awarded to business concerns which are located in, or owned in substantial part by persons residing in the same metropolitan area (or nonmetropolitan county) as the project Article 4 Health and Safety A. No laborer or mechanic shall be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to his health and safety as determined under construction safety and health standards promulgated by the Secretary of Labor by regulation. B. The Contractor shall comply with all regulations issued by the Secre- tary of Labor pursuant to Title 29 Part 1926 (formerly part 1518) and failure to comply may result in imposition of sanctions pursuant to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (Public Law 91 -54, 83 Stat 96). C. The Contractor shall include the provisions of this Article in every subcontract so that such provisions will be binding on each subcontractor The Contractor shall take such action with respect to any subcontract as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development of the Secretary of Labor shall direct as a means of enforcing such provisions. HUD -2554 (2-84) HUD HOUSING 1 1 TEL 206 -220 -5�0h May 30 yb 11 No uu_) F u_ General Decision Number WA960020 Superseded General Decision No WA950020 State Washington Construction Type RESIDENTIAL County(ies) CLALLAM JEFFERSON MASON RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS (consisting of singe family homes and apartments up to and including 4 stories) Modification Number Publication Date 0 02/15/1996 WA960020 Page 1 COUNTY(ies) CLALLAM JEFFERSON MASON SUWA4010A 02/01/1982 CARPENTERS CEMENT MASONS ELECTRICIANS LABORERS PAINTERS PLUMBERS ROOFERS SHEET METAL WORKERS SOFT FLOOR LAYERS TRUCK DRIVERS Rates 11 96 9 89 8 05 7 49 11 59 11 73 12 50 12 24 13 58 7 50 Fringes 3 +1 13 2 '75 WELDERS Rece._ve rate prescribed for craft perform_ng cperaton to which welding is incidental Un_l_sted class_fications needed for work not included the scope of the classificatons 1_sted mad oe added after award o ^?y as prov,ded in the labor standards contract cla..ses (29 CFR 5 5(a) (v) In the _ist,-g above, the "SU" designation means that rates isted under t:at_ identifier do not reflect collect_ve barganed wage and fringe benefit rates Other des_gnat_ors ndcate unions w:ose rates have been determ_:ed tc ce prevailing WA960020 END OF GENERAL DECISION Page 2 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 PROJECT Section 01010 Summary of Work CN 95-04 1.2.1 The name of the project is St. Andrews House, Assisted Living Facility Port Angeles, Washington. This is the name of the project as shown on all contract documents. The project includes but is not limited to 1 Cleaning of existing low vegetation and trees, benching the sloping site and filling and re- grading areas to be occupied by the building and parking lot. 2. Relocation of existing utility lines through the site. 3 Construction of on -site storm drainage system and site utilities. 4 Construction of a two-story building containing 40 living units, a dining room and kitchen, administrative offices, maintenance areas and other related common areas. 5. Construction of parking lot, an acces lane and receiving areas. 6 Construction of landscaping within the building site area. 1.3 COORDINATION 1.3.1 Coordination of the entire work is a part of the scope of the work of this bid package. Coordination includes but is not limited to: Preparation of general coordination drawings /diagrams /schedules, and control of site utilization; from the beginning of activity through the project close -out and warranty periods. 2. PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) 3 EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 01010 -1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION 1.2.1 The types of minimum requirements for procedural and performance work of a general nature include but are not necessarily limited to the following categories: 1 Coordination and meetings. 2. Administrative/supervisory personnel. 3 Surveys and Records. 4 Limitations for use of site. 5 Tradesmen and workmanship standards. 6 General installation provisions. 7 Cutting and patching. 8. Cleaning and protection. 1.3 COORDINATION AND MEETINGS Section 01040 Project Coordination CN 95-04 1.31 General: Prepare and distribute to each entity performing work at project site, a written memorandum of instructions on required coordination activities, including required notices, reports and attendance at meetings. Prepare similar memorandum for separate contractors where interfacing of work is required. 1.3.2 Coordination Drawings. Where work by separate entities requires off-site fabrication of products and materials which must be accurately interfaced and closely intermeshed to produce required results, prepared coordination drawings to indicate how the work shown by separate shop drawings will be interfaced, intermeshed, and sequenced for installation. Comply with submittals requirements of "Submittals" in Technical Specifications sections. 1 4 ADMINISTRATIVE/SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL 1 41 General. In addition to a General Superintendent and other administrative and supervisory personnel required for performance of the work, provide specific coordinating personnel as specified herein. 1 4.2 Project Manager Provide a Project Manager who is readily available to service the project promptly including but not limited to value engineering, costing, coordination with Architect and Owner's Project Coordinator approval and processing of submittals, who is experienced in mechanical and electrical work, and who is hereby authorized to act as the general coordinator of interfaces between the work of subcontractors. For purpose of this provision, Interface" is defined to include the scheduling and sequencing of work, cutting and patching, tolerances, 01040 -1 cleaning, selections for compatibility preparation of coordination drawings, inspections, tests, and temporary facilities and services. 1.5 SURVEYS AND RECORDS 1.5.1 General: Working from lines and levels established by property survey and as shown in relation to the work establish and maintain bench marks and other dependable markers to set lines and levels for the work at each story of construction and elsewhere on site as needed to properly locate each element of entire project. Calculate and measure required dimensions as shown (within recognized tolerances if not otherwise indicated) do not scale drawings to determine dimensions. Advise tradesmen performing the work of marked lines and levels provided for their use in layout of work. 1.5.2 Surveyor Engage a Land Surveyor or a Professional Engineer experienced and specializing in land survey work, who is registered in State where project is located, to perform services specified in this article. 1.5.3 Survey Procedures. Verify layout information shown on drawings, in relation to property survey and existing bench marks, before proceeding with layout of actual work. As work proceeds, check every major element for line, level and plumb (where applicable) and maintain an accurate surveyor's log or record book of such checks, available for Architect's or Engineer's reference at reasonable times. Record deviations from required lines and levels, and advise Architect or Engineer promptly upon detection of deviations exceeding indicated or recognized tolerances. Record deviations which are accepted (not corrected) on record drawings. 1.5.4 Final Property Survey (As- Built) Before substantial completion, prepare a final property survey showing significant features (real property) including underground items, that have resulted from construction of the project. Include on the survey a certification, signed by the Surveyor, to the effect that principal lines and levels of the project are accurately positioned as shown on the survey 1 Submit 5 blueline conies of final property survey 1.6 LIMITATIONS FOR USE OF SITE Section 01040 Project Coordination CN 95-04 1.6.1 General In addition to site utilization limitations and requirements shown on drawings, and indicated by other contract documents, administer allocation of available space equitably among entities needing access and space, so as to produce best overall efficiency in performance of total work of project. Schedule deliveries so as to minimize space and time requirements for storage of materials and equipment on site. Storage and staging of materials for preparation of installation shall be on a job site location and/or Contractor provided bonded warehouse, approved by the Owner or HUD 1 7 TRADESMEN AND WORKMANSHIP STANDARDS 1 71 General: Instigate and maintain procedures to ensure that tradesmen performing work at site are skilled and knowledgeable in methods and craftsmanship needed to produce required quality- levels for workmanship in completed work. Remove and replace work which does not comply with workmanship standards as specified and as recognized in the construction industry for applications indicated. Remove and replace other work damaged or deteriorated by faulty workmanship or its replacement. 1.8 GENERAL INSTALLATION PROVISIONS 01040 -2 Section 01040 Project Coordination CN 95-04 1.8.1 Pre Installation Conferences. Well in advance of installation of every major units of work which requires coordination and interfacing with other work, meet at project site with installers and representatives of manufacturers and fabricators who are involved in or affected by unit of work, and in its coordination or integration with other work which has preceded or will follow At each meeting review progress of other work which has preceded of will follow At each meeting review progress of other work and preparations for particular work under consideration, including requirements of contract documents, options, related change orders, purchases, deliveries, shop drawings, product data, quality control samples, possible conflicts, compatibility problems, time schedules, weather limitations, temporary facilities, space and access limitations, structural limitations, governing regulations, safety inspection and testing requirements, required performance results, recording requirements, and protection. Record significant discussions of each conference, and agreements and disagreements, along with final plan of action. Distribute record of meeting promptly to everyone concerned. 1.8.2 Installer's Inspection of Conditions. Require Installer of each major unit of work to inspect substrate to receive work, and conditions under which the work will be performed, and to report (in writing to Contractor) unsatisfactory conditions. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to Installer 1.8.3 Manufacturer Instructions. Where installations include manufactured products, comply with manufacturer's applicable instructions and recommendations for installation, to whatever extent these are more explicit or more stringent than applicable requirements indicated in contract documents. 1.8.4 Inspection Inspect each item of material or equipment immediately prior to installation, and reject damaged and defective items. 1.8.5 Attachments and Connections Provide attachment and connection devices and methods for securing work properly as it is installed true to line and level, and within recognized industry tolerances if not otherwise indicated. Allow for expansions and building movements. Provide uniform joint widths in exposed work, organized for best possible visual effect. Refer questionable visual -effect choices to Architect for final decision. 1.8.6 Measurement: Recheck measurements and dimensions of the work, as an integral step of starting each installation. 1.8.7 Environment Conditions. Install work during conditions of temperature, humidity exposure, forecasted weather and status of project completion which will ensure best possible results for each unit of work, in coordination with entire work. Isolate each unit of work from non compatible work, as required to prevent deterioration. 1.8.8 Closing In: Coordinate enclosure of work with required inspections and tests, so as to avoid necessity of uncovering work for that purpose 1.8.9 Mounting Heights. Except as otherwise indicated, mount individual units of work at industry- recognized standard mounting heights, for applications indicated. Refer questionable mounting height choices to Architect/Engineer for final decision. 1.9 CUTTING AND PATCHING 1.91 General: Do not cut- and -patch structural work in a manner resulting in reduction of load carrying capacity of load/deflection ratio; submit proposed cutting and patching to Architect/Engineer for structural approval before proceeding. Architect/Engineer or truss fabricators engineer shall approve any cutting and patching or framing connections in writing. Do not cut -and patch operational elements and safety related components in a manner resulting in reduction of capacities to perform in manner intended or resulting in decreased operational life, increased 01040 -3 Section 01040 Project Coordination CN 95-04 maintenance, or decreased safety Do not cut- and -patch work which is exposed on exterior or exposed in occupied spaces of building, in a manner resulting in reduction of visual qualities or resulting in substantial evidence of cut- and -patch work, both as judged solely by Architect. Remove and replace work judged by Architect to be cut- and patched in a visually unsatisfactory manner At the completion of framing, structural engineer and truss fabricator's engineer shall review structural framing for compliance with original intent of structure. 1.9.2 Materials: Except as otherwise indicated or approved by Architect/Engineer provide materials for cutting- and patching which will result in equal -or -better work than work being cut- and patched; in terms of performance characteristics and including visual effect where applicable. Use materials identical with original materials where feasible and where recognized that satisfactory results can be produced thereby 1.9.3 Temporary Support and Protection: Provide adequate temporary support for work to be cut, to prevent failure. Do not endanger other work. Provide adequate protection of other work during cutting- and patching, to prevent damage• and provide protection of the work from adverse weather exposure. 1.9.4 Cutting: Cut work by methods least likely to damage work to be retained and work adjoining. Where physical cutting action is required, cut work with sawing and grinding tools, not with hammering and chopping tools. Core drill openings through concrete work. 1.9.5 Restoration: Restore exposed finishes of patched areas; and, where necessary extend finish restoration onto retained work adjoining, in a manner which will eliminate evidence of patching. Where patch occurs in a smooth painted surface, extend final paint cover over entire unbroken surface containing patch, after patched area has received prime and base coats. 1.9.6 Payment for Costs 1 Cutting The mechanical and electrical subcontractors shall be responsible for the cost of all cutting required for performance of their work. The prime contractor shall be responsible for the cost of cutting for all trades except mechanical and electrical. 2. Patching: The prime contractor shall be responsible for the cost of patching required as a result of alterations, penetrations, and installations made by all trades. 3. III -timed or Defective Work: Costs caused by ill -timed or defective work, or work not conforming to Contract Documents, including costs for additional services of the Architect and Engineer shall be borne by party responsible to same. 1 10 CLEANING AND PROTECTION 1 10 1 General During handling and installation of work on project site clean and protect work in progress and adjoining work on a basis of perpetual maintenance. Apply suitable protective covering on newly installed work where reasonably required to ensure freedom from damage or deterioration at time of substantial completion otherwise, clean and perform maintenance on newly installed work as frequently as necessary through remainder of construction period. Adjust and lubricate operable components to ensure operability without damaging effects. 1 10.2 Limiting Exposures of Work: To extent possible through reasonable control and protection methods, supervise performance of work in a manner and by means which will ensure that none of the work whether completed or in progress, will be subjected to harmful, dangerous, 01040 -4 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I damaging, or otherwise deleterious exposures during construction period. Such exposures include (where applicable, but not by way of limitation) static loading, dynamic loading, internal pressures, external pressures, high or low temperatures, thermal shock, high or low humidity air contamination or pollution, water ice, solvents, chemicals, light, radiation, puncture, abrasion, heavy traffic, soiling, bacteria, insect infestation, combustion, electrical current, high speed operation, improper lubrication, unusual wear misuse, incompatible interface, destructive testing, misalignment, excessive weathering, unprotected storage, improper shipping/handling, theft and vandalism. 2. PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) 3 EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION Section 01040 Project Coordination CN 95-04 01040 -5 Section 01090 Definitions and Standards CN 95-04 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION 1.2.1 This Section includes the following. 1 Codes and Regulations 2. Definitions 3. Standards and Associations 1.3 VARIATIONS WITH CODES, REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS 1.3.1 Promptly submit written notice to Architect of any observed variations from Contract Documents for legal requirements. Appropriate Change Order modifications to the Contract Documents will be made to incorporate necessary changes. Contractor assumes responsibility for work contrary to such requirements if work proceeds without notice. 1 4 GOVERNING REGULATIONS AND AUTHORITIES 1 41 The procedure followed by the Architect/Engineer has been to contact governing authorities where necessary to obtain information needed for the purpose of preparing the Contract Documents, recognizing that such information may or may not be of significance in relation to the Contractor's responsibilities for performing the work. Contact governing authorities directly for necessary information and decisions having a bearing on the performance of the work. 1.5 CODES AND REGULATIONS 1.5.1 Contractor and Subcontractor Responsibility Comply with codes, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders and other legal requirements of public authorities which bear on performance of work. 1.6 DEFINITIONS 1.6.1 General Explanation: A substantial amount of specification language constitutes definitions for terms found in other contract documents, including the drawings which must be recognized as diagrammatic in nature and not completely descriptive of requirements indicated thereon. Certain terms used in the Contract Documents are defined generally in this article. Definitions and explanations of this section are not necessarily either complete or exclusive, but are general for the work to extent not stated more explicitly in another provision of the Contract Documents. 1.6.2 General Requirements. The provisions or requirements of Division 1 General Requirements apply to entire work of Contract and, where so indicated, to other elements of work which are included in the project. 1.6.3 Indicated The term "indicated" is a cross reference to details, notes or schedules on the drawings, to other paragraphs or schedules in the specifications, and to similar means of recording requirements in the Contract Documents. Where terms such as "shown" "noted" "scheduled" and "specified" are used in lieu of "indicated" it is for purpose of helping reader locate cross reference, and no limitation of location is intended except as specifically noted. 1.6 4 Directed, Requested, etc. Where not otherwise explained, terms such as "directed' "requested" "authorized" "selected" "approved" "required" "accepted" and "permitted" mean "directed by ArchitecVEngineer" "requested by Architect/Engineer" etc. However no such 01090 -1 Section 01090 Definitions and Standards CN 95-04 implied meaning will be interpreted to extend Architect's /Engineers responsibility into Contractors area of construction supervision. 1.6.5 Approve: The term shall mean "written approval" Architect's approval shall be understood to mean "no exception taken" Architect's checking and approval is only for general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents and in no way alters the Contractors obligations under the requirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor is responsible for dimensions, which shall be confirmed and correlated at the jobsite• for information that pertains solely to the fabrication process or to techniques of construction for coordination of the work of all trades, and for the satisfactory performance of his work. 1.6.6 Project Site: The extent of the project site may be considered as being identical with the legal description of the property The space available to the Contractor for performance of the work, either exclusively or in conjunction with others performing work as a part of the project is limited to the "project site" 1.6.7 Furnish: Except as otherwise defined in greater detail, term "furnish" is used to mean supply and deliver to project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly installation, etc., as applicable in each instance 1.6.8 Install: Except as otherwise defined in greater detail, term "install" is used to describe operations at project site including unloading, unpacking, assembly erection, placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning and similar operations, as applicable in each instance. 1.6.9 Provide Except as otherwise defined in greater detail, term "provide" means furnish and install, complete and ready for intended use, as applicable in each instance. 1.6.10 Installer The entity (person of firm) engaged by the Contractor or its subcontractor or sub subcontractor for the performance of a particular unit of work at the project site, including installation, erection, application and similar required operations. It is a general requirement that such entities (installers) be expert in operations they are engaged to perform. 1.6.11 Testing Laboratory An independent entity engaged to perform specific inspections of tests of the work, either at project site or elsewhere; and to report and (if required) interpret results of those inspections or tests. 1.6.12 Others. Except as otherwise defined in greater detail, term "others" means "other section of the Contract. 1.6.13 Street Improvement Work: Work performed in public right of way outside project site 1 7 INDUSTRY STANDARDS 1 71 General: Applicable standards of construction industry have same force and effect (and are made a part of Contract Documents by reference) as if copied directly into Contract Documents, or as if published copies were bound herewith. 1 7.2 Reference Standards. (Referenced directly in Contract Documents or by governing regulations) have precedence over non referenced standards which are recognized in industry applicability to work. 1 7.3 Non referenced Standards: Recognized in the construction industry are hereby defined, except as otherwise limited in Contract Documents, to have direct applicability to the work, and will be so enforced for performance of the work. 01090 -2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 4 Publication Dates. Except as otherwise indicated, where compliance with an industry standard is required, comply with standard in effect as of date of Contract Documents. 1 7.5 Copies of Standards. Provide where needed for proper performance of the work; obtain directly from publication sources, local associations or contractors. 1 7.6 Abbreviations and Names Where acronyms or abbreviations are used in specifications or other contract documents they are defined to mean the industry recognized name of trade association, standards generating organization, governing authority or other entity applicable to context of text provision. Refer to "Encyclopedia of Associations" published by Gale Research Co. available in large libraries. 1.8 SPECIFICATION EXPLANATIONS Section 01090 Definitions and Standards CN 95-04 1.8.1 Imperative Language Used generally in specifications. Except as otherwise indicated, requirements expressed imperatively are to be performed by Contractor For clarity of reading at certain locations, contrasting subjective language is used to describe responsibilities which must be fulfilled indirectly by Contractor or when so noted, by others. 1.8.2 Section Numbering* Used to facilitate cross references in Contract Documents. Sections are placed in Project Manual in numeric sequence however numbering sequence is not complete, and listing of sections at beginning of Project manual must be consulted to determine numbers and names of specification sections in the Contract Documents. 1.8.3 Page Numbering: Numbered independently for each section recorded in listing of sections (Index of Table of Contents) in Project Manual. Section number is shown with page number at bottom of each page, to facilitate location of text in Project Manual. 1.8.4 Project Identification Name and date of the Contract Documents are recorded at the beginning of the specifications. The date(s) may vary from drawings to specifications. If specifications are issued after the original contract documents have been issued the date issued will be recorded on each sheet. In case of conflict, the section with the latest date shall govern. 1.8.5 Content Because of methods by which this project specification has been produced, certain general characteristics of content, and conventions in use of language are explained as follows. 1 Specifying Methods: The techniques of methods of specifying to record requirements varies throughout text, and may include "prescriptive" "open generic descriptive" "compliance with standards" "performance" "proprietary" or a combination of these. The method used for specifying one unit of work has bearing on requirements for other units of work. 2. Overlapping and Conflicting Requirements. Where compliance with 2 or more industry standards or sets of requirements is specified, and overlapping of those different standards or requirements established different or conflicting minimum or levels of quality most stringent requirement (which is generally recognized to be also most costly) is intended and will be enforced, unless specifically detailed language written into the Contract Documents (not by way of reference to an industry standard) clearly indicated that a less stringent requirement is to be fulfilled. Refer apparently equal- but different requirements, and uncertainties as to which level of quality is more stringent, to Architect/Engineer for a decision before proceeding. Except for overlapping or conflicting requirements, where more than one set of requirements are specified for a particular unit of work, option is intended to be Contractor's regardless of whether specifically indicated as such. 01090 -3 Section 01090 Definitions and Standards CN 95-04 3 Minimum Quality/Quantity In every instance, quality level or quantity shown or specified is intended as minimum for the work to be performed or provided. Except as otherwise specifically indicated, actual work may either comply exactly with that minimum (within specified tolerances), or may exceed that minimum within reasonable limits. In complying with requirements, indicated numeric values are either minimums or maximums as noted or as appropriate for context of requirements. Refer instances of uncertainty to Architect/Engineer for decision before proceeding. 4 Specialists Assignments: In certain instances, specification text requires (or at least implies) that specific work be assigned to specialists or expert entities, who must be engaged for performance of those units of work. These must be recognized as special requirements over which Contractor has no choice or option. These assignments must not be confused with (and are not intended to interfere with) normal application of regulations, union jurisdictions and similar conventions. One purpose of such assignments is to establish which party or entity involved in a specific unit of work is recognized as "expert" for indicated construction processes or operations. Nevertheless, final responsibility for fulfillment of entire set of requirements remains with Contractor 5. Trades. Except as otherwise indicated, the use of titles such as "carpentry" in specification text, implies neither that the work must be performed by an accredited or unionized tradesman of the corresponding generic name (such as "carpenter"), nor that specified requirements apply exclusively to work by tradesmen of that corresponding generic name. 6 Language: The language of specifications and other Contract Documents is of the abbreviated type in certain instances, and implies words and meanings which will be appropriately interpreted. Actual work abbreviations of a self- explanatory nature have been included in the text. Specific abbreviations have been established, principally for lengthy technical terminology and primarily in conjunction with coordination of specification requirements with notations on drawings and in schedules. These are frequently defined in section at first instance of use. Trade association names and titles of general standards are frequently abbreviated. Singular words will be interpreted as plural and plural words will be interpreted as singular where applicable and where full context of the Contract Documents so indicates. 2. PRODUCTS, (Not Applicable) 3 EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 1 01090 -4 1 1 i 1 GENERAL. 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Suypplementary Conditions and other Division -1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 COORDINATION 1.2.1 Coordinate both the listing and timing of reports and other activities required by provisions of this and other sections, so as to provide consistency and logical coordination between the reports. Maintain coordination and correlation between separate reports by updating at monthly or shorter time intervals. Make appropriate distribution of each report and updated report to all parties involved in the work including the Architect/Engineer and Owner In particular provide close coordination of the progress schedule, schedule of values, listing of subcontracts, schedule of submittals, progress reports, and payment requests. 1.3 PROGRESS SCHEDULE. Section 01310 Schedules, Reports Payments CN 95 -04 1.3 1 Construction Progress Schedule The contractor shall prepare and submit form HUD -5372, Construction Progress Schedule to HUD for acceptance a minimum of 15 days prior to HUD's pre construction conference. This same form should also be submitted to the owner and architect. 1 4 PROGRESS MEETINGS. REPORTING. 1 4 1 General. Hold a general progress meeting each month with time coordinated with preparation of the payment request. Require each entity then involved in planning, coordination or performance of work to be properly represented at each meeting. Discuss whether each element of current work is ahead of schedule, on time, or behind schedule in relation with updated progress schedule. Determine how behind schedule work will be expedited and secure commitments from entities involved in doing so Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to ensure that current work and subsequent work will be completed within Contract Time. Review everything of significance which could affect progress of the work. 1 Initial Prooress Meeting: Schedule initial progress meeting, recognized as 'Pre Construction Meeting' for a date not more than 15 days after date of commencement of the work. Use it as an organizational meeting and review responsibilities and personnel assignments. 2. Schedule Updating: Immediately following each progress meeting, where revisions to progress schedule have been made or recognized revise progress schedule. Reissue revised schedule concurrently with report of each meeting. 1.5 PAYMENT REQUESTS 1.5.1 General Except as otherwise indicated, the progress payment cycle is to be regular Each application must be consistent with previous applications and payments. Certain applications for payment, such as the initial application, the application at substantial completion and the final payment application involve additional requirements 1.5.2 Payment Application Times The 'date' for each progress 'payment" is as indicated in Owner Contractor Agreement or if none is indicated therein, it is on or about the 25th day of each month. The period of construction work covered by each payment request is period indicated in Owner Contractor Agreement or if none is indicated therein, it is period ending 1 day prior to date for each progress payment, and starting day following end of preceding period 01310 1 1.5.3 Payment Aoolication Forms. HUD -92448 Section 01310 Schedules, Reports Payments CN 95 -04 1.5.4 Initial Payment ApplicatQ The principal administrative actions and submittals which must precede or coincide with submittal of contractors first payment application can be summarized as follows, but not necessarily by way of limitation Listing of subcontractors and principal suppliers and fabricators. Progress schedule (preliminary if not final) Schedule of payment application dates (preliminary if not final) Listing of Contractors staff assignments and principal consultants. Copies of acquired building permits and similar authorizations and licenses from governing authorities for current performance of the work. 1.5.5 Application at Time of Substantial Completion. Following issuance of Architect's or Engineer's final 'certificate of substantial completion' and also in part as applicable to prior certificates on portions of completed work as designated, a "special' payment application may be prepared and submitted by Contractor The principal administrative submittals which must precede or coincide with such special applications can be summarized as follows, but not necessarily by way of limitation. Occupancy permits and similar approvals or certifications by governing authorities and franchised services, assuring Owner's full access and use of completed work. Warranties, (guarantees) maintenance agreements and similar provisions of contract documents. Test/adjust/balance records, maintenance instructions, meter readings start-up performance reports, and similar change -over information germane to Owner's occupancy use, operation and maintenance of completed work. Final cleaning of the work. Advice to Owner on coordination of shifting insurance coverages, including proof of extended coverages as required Listing of Contractor's incomplete work, recognized as exceptions to Architect's /Engineer's certificate of substantial completion. 1.5.6 Final Payment Application The administrative actions and submittal which must precede or coincide with submittal of contractor's final payment application can be summarized as follows, but not necessarily by way of limitation Completion of project closeout requirements. Completion of items specified for completion beyond time of substantial completion (regardless of whether special payment application was previously made) Assurance satisfactory to Owner that unsettled claims will be settled and that work not actually completed and accepted will be completed without undue delay 01310 2 r I I I END OF SECTION I I t I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I Certified property survey 2. PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) 3 EXECUTION (Not Applicable) Section 01310 Schedules, Reports Payments CN 95 -04 Transmittal of required project construction records to Owner Including but not limited to the Maintenance Manuals and As -built Drawings. Proof satisfactory to Owner that taxes, fees and similar obligations of Contractor have been paid. Removal of temporary facilities, services, surplus materials, rubbish and similar elements. I Consent of surety for final payment. 1.5.7 Application Transmittal: Submit 5 executed copies of each payment application, one copy of which is completed with attachments. Transmit each copy with a transmittal form listing those attachments, and recording appropriate information related to application in a manner acceptable to Architect/Engineer Transmit to Architect/Engineer by means ensuring receipt within 24 hours. 01310 3 t 1 1 GENERAL 11 111 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division -1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF REOUIREMENTS Section 01340 Shop Drawings, Product Data Samples CN 95-04 1.2.1 General: This section specifies procedural requirements for non- administrative submittals including shop drawings, product data, samples and other miscellaneous work related submittals. Shop drawings, product data, samples and other work related submittals are required to amplify, expand and coordinate the information contained in the Contract Documents. Refer to other Division -1 sections and other contract documents for specifications on administrative, non work related submittals. Such submittals include, but are not limited to, the following items. Payment applications. Inspection and test reports. Progress reports. Listing of subcontractors. 1.2.2 Shoo Drawings are technical drawings and data that have been specially prepared for this project, including but not limited to the following items: Fabrication and installation drawings. Setting diagrams. Shopwork manufacturing instructions. Templates. Patterns. Coordination drawings (for use on -site) Schedules. Design mix formulas. Contractors engineering calculations. Standard information prepared without specific reference to a project is not shop drawings. 1.2.3 Product data includes standard printed information on manufactured products specially- prepared for this project, including but not limited to the following items. Manufacturers product specifications and installation instructions. Standard color charts. Catalog cuts. Roughing -in diagram and templates. Standard wiring diagrams. Printed performance curves. Operational range diagrams. Standard product operating and maintenance manuals. 1.2.4 Samples are physical examples of work, including but not limited to the following items. Partial sections of manufactured or fabricated work. Small cuts or containers of materials. Complete units of repetitively -used materials. considered to be that has not been 01340 1 Swatches showing color texture and pattern. Color range sets Units of work to be used for independent inspection and testing. 1.3 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Allow 8 working days for reprocessing each submittal. Section 01340 Shop Drawings, Product Data Samples CN 95-04 1.2.5 Mikcellanus submittals are work related, non- administrative submittals that do not fit in the three previous categories, including, but not limited to, the following Specially- prepared and standard printed warranties. Maintenance agreements. Workmanship bonds. Survey data and reports. Testing and certification reports. Record drawings. Field measurement data. Operating and maintenance manuals. Keys and other security protection devices. Maintenance tools and spare parts. Overrun stock. 1.3.1 General: Refer to the General Conditions for basic procedures for submittal handling 1.3.2 Coordination. coordinate the preparation and processing of submittals with the performance of the work. Coordinate each separate submittal with other submittals and related activities such as testing, purchasing, fabrication, delivery and similar activities that require sequential activity Coordinate the submittal of different units of interrelated work so that one submittal will not be delayed by the Architect/Engineer's need to review a related submittal. The Architect/Engineer reserves the right to withhold action on any submittal requiring coordination with other submittals until related submittals are forthcoming. 1.3.3 Sched lu ing: In each appropriate administrative submittal, such as the progress schedule, show the principal work related submittals and time requirements for coordination of submittal activity with related work. 1.3.4 Coordination of Submit) Timeg. Prepare and transmit each submittal to the Architect/Engineer sufficiently in advance of the scheduled performance of related work and other applicable activities. Transmit different kinds of submittals for the same unit of work so that processing will not be delayed by. the ArchitectEngineer's need to review submittals concurrently for coordination. 1 Review Time: Allow sufficient time so that the installation will not be delayed as a result of the time required to properly process submittals, including time for resubmittal, if necessary Advise the Architect/Engineer on each submittal, as to whether processing time is critical to the progress of the work, and if the work would be expedited if processing time could be shortened. Allow 15 working days for the Architect/Engineer's initial processing of each submittal. Allow a longer time period where processing must be delayed for coordination with subsequent submittals. The Architect/Engineer will advise the Contractor promptly when it is determined that a submittal being processed must be delayed for coordination. 01340 2 a 1 1 w t t 1 No extension of time will be authorized because of the Contractors failure to transmit submittals to the Architect/Engineer sufficiently in advance of the work. 1.3.5 Submittal Preparation: Mark each submittal with a permanent label for identification. Provide the following information on the label for proper processing and recording of action taken. Project name. Date. Name and address of Architect/Engineer Name and address of Contractor Name and address of supplier Name of manufacturer Number and title of appropriate specification section. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. Similar definitive information as necessary Provide a space on the label for the Contractors review and approval markings, and a space for the Architect/Engineer's "Action" marking. 1.3.6 Submitjl Transmiii Package each submittal appropriately for transmittal and handling. Transmit each submittal from the Contractor to the Architect/Engineer and to other destinations as indicated, by use of a transmittal form. Submittals received from sources other than the Contractor will be returned to the sender "without action" 1 Transmittal Form. AIA Document G810 or NEBS 239 or 240 Record relevant information and requests for data on the transmittal form. On the Transmittal form, or on a separate sheet attached to the form, record deviations from the requirements of the Contract Documents, if any including minor variations and limitations. 1 4 SPECIFIC SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Section 01340 Shop Drawings, Product Data Samples CN 95-04 1 41 General- Specific submittal requirements for individual units of work are specified in the applicable specification section Except as otherwise indicated in the individual specification sections, comply with the requirements specified herein for each type of sumbittal. Where it is necessary to provide intermediate submittals between the initial and final submittals, provide and process intermediate submittals in the same manner as for initial submittals. 1 4.2 p Drawinn Information required on shop drawings includes, dimensions, identification of specific products and materials which are included in the work, compliance with specified standards and notations of coordination requirements with other work. Provide special notation of dimensions that have been established by field measurement. Highlight, encircle or otherwise indicate deviations from the contract documents on the shop drawings. 1 4.2.1 Coordination Drawingl: Provide coordination drawings where required ;for the integration of the work, including work first shown in detail on shop drawings or product data. Show sequencing and relationship of separate units of work which must interface in a restricted manner to fit in the space provided, or function as indicated. Coordination drawings are considered shop drawings and must be definitive in nature. Do not permit shop drawing copies without an appropriate final "Action" marking by the Architect/Engineer to be used in connection with the work. 1 4.2.2 Pgparation: Submit newly prepared information, drawn to accurate scale on sheets not less than 8-1/2' x 11 except for actual pattern or template type drawings, the maximum sheet size 01340 3 Section 01340 Shop Drawings, Product Data Samples CN 95-04 shall not exceed 24 x 36" Indicate the name of the firm that prepared each shop drawing and provide appropriate project identification in the title block. Provide a space not less than 5" x 5" beside the title block for marking the record of the review process and the Architect/Engineer's "Action" marking. Do not reproduce contract documents or copy standard printed information as the basis of shop drawings. 1 4.2.3 aubmitl: Provide one correctable translucent reproducible print and one blue -line or black -line print. The reproducible print will be returned. The initial submittal is also the final submittal, except where the Architect/engineer observes that there is non compliance with the provisions of the contract documents and returns the submittal promptly to the contractor marked with the appropriate "Action" 1 4.3 Product Data. General information required specifically as product data includes manufacturer's standard printed recommendations for application and use, compliance with recognized standards of trade associations and testing agencies, and the application of their labels and seals (if any), special notation of dimensions which have been verified by way of field measurement, and special coordination requirements for interfacing the material, product or system with other work. 1 4.3.1 Preparation: collect required product data into a single submittal for each unit of work or system. Mark each copy to show which choices and options are applicable to the project. Where product data has been printed to include information on several similar products, some of which are not required for use on the project, or are not included in this submittal, mark the copies to show clearly that such information is not applicable. 1 4.3.2 Submittak Product data submittal is required for information and record and to determine that the products, materials and systems comply with the provisions of the contract documents. Therefore, the initial submittal is also the final submittal, except where the Architect/Engineer observes that there is non- compliance with the provisions of the contract documents and returns the submittal promptly to the Contractor marked with the appropriate "Action" 1 Submittal: Except as otherwise indicated in individual sections of these specifications, submit 3 copies of each required product data submittal, plus 2 additional copies where required for maintenance manuals. The Architect/Engineer will retain one copy and will return the other marked with "Action" and corrections or modifications as required. Do not submit product data or allow its use on the project, until compliance with the requirements of the contract documents has been confirmed by the Contractor 2. Final Distribution: Furnish copies of product data to subcontractors, suppliers, fabricators, manufacturers, installers, governing authorities and others as required for proper performance of the work. Show distribution on transmittal forms. 3 Installktion Copy Do not proceed with installation of materials, products and systems until a copy of product data applicable to the installation is in the possession of the installer Do not permit the use of unmarked copies of product data in connection with the performance of the work. 1 4 4 Samples Submit samples for the Architect/Engineer's visual review of general generic kind, color pattern, and texture, and for a final check of the coordination of these characteristics with other related elements of the work. Samples are also submitted for quality control comparison of these characteristics between the final sample submittal and the actual work as it is delivered and installed. 01340 4 t 1 1 1 Refer to individual work sections of these specifications for additional sample requirements, which may be intended for examination or testing of additional characteristics. Compliance with other required characteristics is the exclusive responsibility of the contractor such compliance is not considered in the Architect/Engineer's review and "Action" indication on sample submittals. Documentation required specifically for sample submittals includes a generic description of the sample, the sample source or the product name or manufacturer compliance with governing regulations and recognized standards. In addition, indicate limitations in terms of availability sizes, delivery time, and similar limiting characteristics. 1 4 41 Preparations: Where possible provide samples that are physically identical with the proposed material or product to be incorporated in the work; provide full scale, fully fabricated samples cured and finished in the manner specified. Where variations in color, pattern, or texture are inherent in the material or product represented by the sample, submit multiple units of the sample (not less than 3 units) which show the approximate limits of variations. Where samples are specified for the Architect/Engineer's selection of color texture or pattern, submit a full set of available choices for the material or product. Mount, display or package samples in the manner specified to facilitate the review of indicated qualities. Prepare samples to match the Architect/Engineer's sample where so indicated. 1 4 4.2 Submitig_I: At the Contractor's option, and depending upon the nature of the anticipated response from the Architect/Engineer the initial submittal of samples may be either a preliminary submittal or a final submittal. 1 Submit. Submit 3 sets of samples in the final submittal, one set will be returned. 2. Distribution of Samples. Maintain the final submittal sets of samples as returned by the Architect/Engineer at the project site, available for quality control comparisons throughout the course of performing the work. In addition, final submittal sets may be used to obtain final acceptance of the work associated with each set. Prepare and distribute additional sets of samples to subcontractors, suppliers, fabricators, manufacturers, installers, governing authorities, and others as required for proper performance of the work. Show final distribution on transmittal forms. 1 4.5 Miscellaneous Submittals Section 01340 Shop Drawings, Product Data Samples CN 95-04 1 4.5.1 Inspection ?nd Test Reports: Classify each inspection and test report as being either "shop drawings' or 'product data" depending on whether the report is specially prepared for the project, or a standard publication of workmanship control testing at the point of production. Process inspection and test reports accordingly 1 4.5.2 Warrant. Refer to section "Products and Substitutions" for specific general requirements on warranties, product bonds, workmanship bonds and maintenance agreements. In addition to copies desired for the Contractors use, furnish 2 executed copies of such warranties, bonds or agreements. Provide 2 additional copies where required for maintenance manuals. 1 4.5.3 Survev Data. Refer to section "Project Coordination' for specific general requirements on property surveys, field measurements, quantitative records of actual work, damage surveys and similar data required by the individual sections of these specifications. None of the specified copies will be returned. 1 Survey Copies. Furnish 2 copies of general survey data. Provide 5 copies of the final property survey 2. Records of Actual Work. Furnish 4 copies of records of actual work, two of which will be returned for inclusion in the record documents as specified in section "Project Closeout' 01340 5 1 4.5.4 Standards: Where submittal of a copy of standards is indicated, and except where copies of standards are specified as an integral part of a "Product Data" submittal, submit a single copy of standards for the Architect/Engineer's use. Where workmanship, whether at the project site or elsewhere is governed by a standard, furnish additional copies of the standard to fabricators, installers and others involved in the performance of the work. 1 4.5.5 Closeout Submi�l Refer to section "Project Closeout" and to individual sections of these specifications for specific submittal requirements of project closeout information, materials, tools, and similar items. 1 Ord Document: Furnish set of original documents as maintained on the project site. Along with original marked -up record drawings provide 2 photographic copies of marked -up drawings, which, at the Contractor's option, may be reduced to not less than half size. 2. Operating and Maintenance Dom. Furnish 2 bound copies of operating data and maintenance manuals. 3 Materials and Tools. Refer to individual sections of these specifications for required quantities of spare parts, extra and overrun stock, maintenance tools and devices, keys, and similar units to be submitted. 1 4.5.6 Genel Distribution. Provide additional distribution of submittals to subcontractors, suppliers, fabricators, installers, governing authorities and others as necessary for the proper performance of the work. Include such additional copies of submittals in the transmittal to the Architect/Engineer where the submittals are required to receive "Action" marking before final distribution. Record distributions on transmittal forms. 1.5 ARCHITECT /ENGINEER'S ACTION 1.5.1 General: Except for submittals for the record and similar purposes, where action and return on submittals is required or requested, the Architect/Engineer will review each submittal mark with appropriate "Action" and where possible return within 15 working days of receipt. Where the submittal must be held for coordination the Architect/Engineer will so advise the Contractor without delay 1.5 1 1 Final Unrestricted Relea g: Where the submittals are marked as follows, the work covered by the submittal may proceed provided it complies with the requirements of the contract documents acceptance of the work will depend upon that compliance. Marking: "No Exception Taken" Final- But Restricted Releam: When the submittals are marked as follows, the work covered by the submittal may proceed provided it complies with both the Architect's/Engineer's notations or corrections on the submittal and with the requirements of the contract documents, acceptance of the work will depend on that compliance. Marking "Review Exception Taken" Section 01340 Shop Drawings, Product Data Samples CN 95-04 Returned for Resubmitt When the submittal is marked as follows, do not proceed with the work covered by the submittal, including purchasing, fabrication, delivery or other activity Revise the submittal or prepare a new submittal in accordance with the Architect's/Engineer's notations stating the reasons for returning the submittal; resubmit the submittal without delay Repeat if necessary to obtain a different action marking. Do riot permit submittals with the following marking to be used at the project site, or elsewhere where work is in progress. 01340 6 1 i 1 1 M rkinq: 'Revise and Resubmit" Section 01340 Shop Drawings, Product Data Samples CN 95-04 1.5.1 4 Qther Action: Where the submittal is returned, marked with the Architect/Engineer's explanation, for special processing or other Contractor activity or is primarily for information or record purposes, the submittal will be marked as follows. 1 Marking: "Rejected" 2. PRODUCTS (not applicable). 3. EXECUTION (not applicable). END OF SECTION 01340 01340 7 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS 1.3 RESPONSIBILITIES 1.3 1 Owner Responsibilities. 1.3.2. Contractor's Responsibilities: SECTION 01400 QUALITY CONTROL SERVICES CN 95-04 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary conditions and other Division -1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2.1 General: Required inspection and testing services are intended to assist in the determination of probable compliance of the work with requirements specified or indicated. These required services do not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for compliance with these requirements or for compliance with requirements of the contract documents. 1.2.2 Definitions. The requirements of this section relate primarily to customized fabrication and installation procedures, not to the production of standard products. Quality control services include inspections and tests and related actions including reports, performed by independent agencies and governing authorities, as well as directly by the Contractor These services do not include Contract enforcement activities performed directly by the Architect or Engineer Specific quality control requirements for individual units of work are specified in the sections of these specifications that specify the individual element of the work. These requirements including inspections and tests, cover both production of standard products, and fabrication of customized work. These requirements also cover quality control of the installation procedures. Inspections, tests and related actions specified in this section and elsewhere in the contract documents are not intended to limit the Contractor's own quality control procedures which facilitate overall compliance with requirements of the contract documents. Requirements for the Contractor to provide quality control services as required by the Architect/Engineer the Owner governing authorities or other authorized entities are not limited by the provisions of this section 1 Except where they are specifically indicated as being the Contractors responsibility or where they are to be provided by another identified entity inspections, tests and similar quality control services specified to be performed by independent agencies and not directly by the Contractor are the Owner's responsibility Costs for these services are not included in the Contract Sum. The Owner will employ and pay for the services of an independent agency testing laboratory or other qualified firm to perform services which are the Owner's responsibility 1 Retesting any materials or work which failed to meet the specification requirements on the initial test. This shall include any additional testing made necessary by the Contractor's use of more than one source for any one material. The Contractor shall use the same testing lab being used by the Owner in all cases and reimburse the Owner the cost. 2. Testing or inspection of pre manufactured items (manufactured or fabricated off the site) to confirm compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 01400 1 3 Sam li ing and testina of all water lines. After disinfection and flushing of water lines, Contractor shall hire a Washington State DOH certified water bacteriological testing lab to both obtain water samples from the site and perform total colitorm test and standard plate test on each water sample taken Samples shall be obtained as follows. a. Relocated City of Port Angeles lines from both piping re- routing and extension to fire hydrant, take 2 samples per extension. b Testing lab shall determine that all chlorine (or other) disinfectant has been flushed from the entire system prior to obtaining water samples. Samples shall be taken on as many separate water lines as possible. Test results shall be sent directly to the Engineer Include any test results which do not comply with the State of Washington drinking water regulations or other potentially harmful qualities. 1.3.3 Responsibility for Associated Services. The Contractor is required to cooperate with the independent agencies performing required inspections, tests and similar services. Provide such auxiliary services as are reasonably requested. Notify the testing agency sufficiently in advance of operations to permit assignment of personnel. these auxiliary services include but are not necessarily limited to the following Providing access to the work. Taking samples or assistance with taking samples. Delivery of samples to test laboratories. Security and protection of samples and test equipment at the project. site. 1.3.4 Coordination The Contractor and each independent agency engaged to perform inspections, tests and similar services for the project shall coordinate the sequence of their activities so as to accommodate required services with a minimum of delay in the progress of the work. In addition the Contractor and each independent testing agency shall coordinate their work so as to avoid the necessity of removing and replacing work to accommodate inspections and tests. The contractor is responsible for scheduling times for inspections, tests, taking of samples and similar activities. 1 4 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.5 SUBMITTALS Section 01400 Inspections Tests CN 95-04 1 4 1 Qualification for Service Aaencies Except as otherwise indicated, engage inspection and test service agencies, including independent testing laboratories, which are prequalified as complying with 'Recommended Requirements for Independent Laboratory Qualification" by the American Council of Independent Laboratories, and which are recognized in the industry as specialized in the types of inspections and tests to be performed 1.5.1 General Refer to Division -1 section on 'Submittals' for the general requirements on submittals. Submit a certified written report of each inspection, test or similar service, directly to the Architect/Engineer in duplicate, unless the Contractor is responsible for the service. If the Contractor is responsible for the service, submit a certified written report of each inspection, test or similar service through the Contractor in duplicate. Submit additional copies of each written report directly to the governing authority when the authority so directs. 1.51 1 Report Data. Written reports of such inspection, test or similar service shall include, but not be limited to the following: 01400 2 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 Section 01400 Inspections Tests CN 95 -04 Name of testing agency or test laboratory Dates and locations of samples and tests or inspections. Names of individuals making the inspection or test. Designation of the work and test method. Complete inspection or test data. Test results. Interpretations of test results. Notation of significant ambient conditions at the time of sample- taking and testing. Comments or professional opinion as to whether inspected or tested work complies with requirements of the contract documents. Recommendations on retesting, if applicable. 2. PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) 3 EXECUTION 3 1 REPAIR AND PROTECTION. 3 1 1 General: Upon completion of inspection, testing, sample- taking and similar services performed on the work, repair damaged work and restore substrates and finishes to eliminate deficiencies, including deficiencies in the visual qualities of exposed finishes. Comply with the contract document requirements for "Cutting and Patching' Protect work exposed by or for quality control service activities, and protect repaired work. Repair and protection is the Contractor's responsibility regardless of the assignment of responsibility for inspection, testing or similar services. END OF SECTION 01400 3 T lea 2'- 8" OWNER CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT O EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 1 4. 4 0 DEVELOPMENT NAME 4' X 8' X 3/4" M D 0 Plywood 4' X 4' Wood posts FINANCING PROVIDED BY (Lending Agency) 5' -4" FOR RENTAL INFORMATION CONTACT• (Management Agency) Q 0 •^•+.nr .ra. .�w..a. rurav v r.NUnn+e+.w+nsi 1 COLOR KEY Background- Dark Grey White letters on blue Dark Grey Letters on white White letters on blue 11 11111 'a"' 111111 E M On r Mr N M *NI MIS IIIIII VIII Nis am 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE SECTION 01505 TEMPORARY FACILITIES CN 95 -04 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division -1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2.1 Definitions Specific administrative and procedural minimum actions are specified in this section, as extensions of provisions in General Conditions and other contract documents. These requirements have been included for special purposes as indicated. Nothing in this section is intended to limit types and amounts of temporary work required, and no omission from this section will be recognized as an indication by Architect or Engineer that such temporary activity is not required for successful completion of the work and compliance with requirements of contract documents. Provisions of this section are applicable to, but not by way of limitation, utility services,construction facilities, security /protection provisions, and support facilities. 1.3.1 General: In addition to compliance with governing regulations and rules /recommendations of franchised utility companies, comply with specific requirements indicated and with applicable local industry standards for construction work (published recommendations by local consensus 'building councils 1.3.2 Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFASI Comply with Applicable provisions of UFAS Standards, latest edition. 1.3.3 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Comply with applicable sections of Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. 1.3.4 NFPA Code Comply with NFPA Code 241 "Building Construction and Demolition Operations. 1.3.5 Conservation. In compliance with Owner's policy on energy /materials conservation install and operate temporary facilities and perform construction activities in manner which reasonably will be conservative and avoid waste of energy and materials including water 1 4 JOB CONDITIONS 1 41 General: Establish and initiate use of each temporary facility at time first reasonably required for proper performance of the work. Terminate use and remove facilities at earliest reasonable time, when no longer needed or when permanent facilities have, with authorized use, replaced the need. 1 4.2 Conditions of Use Install, operate, maintain and protect temporary facilities in a manner and at locations which will be safe, non hazardous, sanitary and protective of persons and property and free of deleterious effects. 2. PRODUCTS (Not Aoplicable‘ 3 EXECUTION 3 1 TEMPORARY UTILITY SERVICES 01505 1 3 1 1 The types of temporary construction facilities required include, but not by way of limitation, water distribution, drainage dewatering equipment, enclosure of work, heat, ventilation, electrical power distribution, lighting, hoisting facilities, stairs, ladders and roads. Provide facilities reasonably required to perform construction operations properly and adequately 3.2.2 Hea in Heat with self contained LP gas or fuel oil heaters, bearing UL, FM or other approval labels appropriate for application. Vent fuel burning heaters, and equip units with individual -space thermostatic controls. Use electric- resistance space heaters only where no other more energy efficient, type of heater is available and allowable. SECTION 01505 TEMPORARY FACILITIES CN 95-04 3.2.3 Electric?' Power Provide weatherproof, grounded, power distribution system sufficient to accommodate construction operations requiring power use of power tools, electrical heating, lighting and start-up testing of permanent electric powered equipment prior to its permanent connection to electrical system. Provide overload protection. Locate multiple outlets (not less than 4 -gang) spaced so that entire area of construction can be reached by power tools on a extension cord of 100' maximum length. 3.2.4 lighting Provide sufficient temporary lighting to ensure proper workmanship everywhere. by combined use of daylight, general lighting, and portable plug -in task lighting. Provide general lighting with local switching which will enable energy conservation during periods of varying activity (work -in- progress, traffic only security check, lock -up, etc.) 3.2.5 Access Provisions Provide ramps, stairs, ladders and similar temporary access elements as reasonably required to perform the work and facilitate its inspection during installation. Comply with reasonable requests of governing authorities performing inspections. When permanent stairs are available for access during construction, cover finished surfaces with sufficient protection to ensure freedom from damage and deterioration at time of substantial completion. 3.3 SECURITY /PROTECTIONS PROVISIONS 3.3.1 The types of temporary security and protection provisions required include, but not by way of limitation, fire protection, barricades, warning signs/lights, site enclosure fence, sidewalk bridges building enclosure /lockup, personnel security program (theft prevention) environmental protection, and similar provisions intended to minimize property losses, personal injuries and claims for damages at project site. Provide security /protection services and systems in coordination with activities and in a manner to achieve 24 -hour 7-day- per -week effectiveness. 3.3.2 Fire Extinguishers. Provide types, sizes, numbers and locations as would be reasonably effective in extinguishing fires during early stages, by personnel at project site. Provide Type A extinguishers at locations of low potential for either electrical or grease -oil- flammable liquids fires, provide Type ABC dry chemical extinguishers at other locations; comply with recommendations of NFPA no. 10. Post warning and quick instructions at each extinguisher location, and instruct personnel at project site, at time of their first arrival, on proper use of extinguishers and other available facilities at project site. Post local fire department call number on each telephone instrument at project site. 3.3.3 Site Enclosure Fence At Contractors option enclose project site, or portion thereof determined by Contractor to be sufficient to contain entire construction activity Provide chain -link steel fence of a height determined by Contractor to be sufficient to secure the construction activity Provide gates for both personnel and trucks, with locks held under strict security control 3.3.4 TEMPORARY SUPPORT FACILITIES 3 41 The types of temporary support facilities required include, but not by way of limitation field offices, storage sheds, fabrication sheds, sanitary facilities, drinking water first aid facilities, bulletin board, private and public telephones, clocks, thermometer project identification signs 01505 2 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I SECTION 01505 TEMPORARY FACILITIES CN 95 -04 clean -up facilities, waste disposal service, rodent/pest control and similar miscellaneous general services, all as may be reasonably required for proficient performance of the work and accommodation of personnel at the site including Owner's and Architect 's /Engineer's personnel. Discontinue and remove temporary support facilities, and make incidental similar use of permanent work of the project, only when and in manner authorized by Architect/Engineer and, if not otherwise indicated, immediately before time of substantial completion. Locate temporary support facilities for convenience of users, and for minimum interference with construction activities. 3 4.2 ContraQtor's Field Office: Provide adequate office space for field supervision personnel and incidental use by Architect's and HUD's personnel, suitably finished, furnished, equipped and conditioned. Include plan desk not less than 3' x 6' seating, and tack -board material for posting of notices, progress schedule and similar information. Provide shelf space adequate for storage of approved samples. 3 4.3 Sanity Facilities At Contractor's option, provide either piped (wet) toilet facilities or self contained toilet units of type acceptable to governing authorities, adequate (at all stages of construction) for use of personnel at project site 3 4 4 Drinkina Water Provide dispenser -type, electrical- power cooled drinking water units, either piped with potable water of supplied with bottled water adequate in number and locations for personnel at project site. Furnish paper cups and waste receptacles. 3 4.5 Project Identification Sian: The project sign shall be cut from a 4' x 8' x 3/4' sheet of exterior grade MDO plywood, on a supporting structure of 4 4 x 4 post, painted by a professional sign painter and installed in location designated. Exact design, text and colors shall be provided by the Architect, will include the name of the building, of the Owner any three emblems selected by the Owner the Architect's name, names of the Architect's principal consultants, and the Contractors name. The sign shall be placed at location shown on the drawings, or as directed by the Architect. END OF SECTION 01505 3 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division -1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS 1.2.1 Definitions Definitions used in this paragraph are not intended to negate the meaning of other terms used in the contact documents, including such terms as "specialties" "systems" "structure" "finished" "accessories" "furnishings" "special construction" and similar terms. Such terms are self- explanatory and have recognized meanings in the construction industry 1.2.1 1 "Products" are items purchased for incorporation in the Work, regardless of whether they were specifically purchased for the project or taken from the Contractors previously purchased stock. The term "product" as used herein includes the terms "material" "equipment" "system" and other terms of similar intent. 1 "Named Products" are products identified by use of the manufacturers name for a product, including such items as a make or model designation, as recorded in published product literature, of the latest issue as of the date of the contract documents. "Materials" are products that must be substantially cut, shaped, worked, mixed, finished, refined or otherwise fabricated, processed, or installed to form units of work. "Equipment is defined as a product with operational parts, regardless of whether motorized or manually operated, and in particular a product that requires service connections such as wiring or piping. 1.2.2 Substitutions. The Contractors requests for changes in the products, materials, equipment and methods of construction required by the contract documents are considered requests for "substitutions" and are subject to the requirements specified herein. The following are not considered as substitutions. 1 Revisions to the contract documents, where requested by the Owner Architect or Engineer are considered as "changes" not substitutions. 2. Substitutions requested during the bidding period, which have been accepted prior to the Contract Date, are included in the contract documents and are not subject to the requirements for substitutions as herein specified. 3 Specified Contractor options on products and construction methods included in the contract documents are choices available to the Contractor and are not subject to the requirements for substitutions as herein specified. 4 Except as otherwise provided in the contract documents, the Contractors determination of and compliance with governing regulations and orders as issued by governing authorities do not constitute "substitutions" and do not constitute a basis for change orders. 1.2.3 Standards: Refer to Division -1 section "Definitions and Standards" for the applicability of industry standards to the products specified for the project, and for the acronyms used in the text of the specification sections. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE. SECTION 01631 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS CN 95-04 01631 1 SECTION 01631 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS CN 95-04 1.3.1 aurce Limitations: To the fullest extent possible, provide products of the same generic kind, form a single source, for each unit of work. 1.3.2 Compatibility of Oiltions: Compatibility of products is a basic requirement of product selection. When the Contractor is given the option of selecting between two or more products for use on the project, the product selected must be compatible with other products previously selected, even if the products previously selected were also contractor options. The complete compatibility between the various choices available to the Contractor is not assured by the various requirements of the Contract documents, but must be provided by the Contractor 1.3.3 Warranty* Substitutions which deviate from normal construction standards will require an extended warranty provided by the General Contractor installers, and manufactures. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 General: Prepare a product listing schedule in a form acceptable to the Architect/Engineer Show names of the principal products required for the work, by generic name. Show proprietary product names and the name of the manufacturer for each item listed that is to be purchased and incorporated into Work. 1 41 1 Form: Prepare the product listing schedule with information on each item tabulated under the following scheduled column headings: Generic name as used in contract documents. Proprietary name, model number and similar product designation. Manufacturer's and supplier's name and city/state addresses. Related unit -of -work specification section number Installer's name and primary trade of workmen. Projected delivery date, or time span of delivery period. 1 4 1.2 aubmitl: Submit 3 copies of the product listing schedule within 30 days after the date of commencement of the Work. Provide a written explanation for omissions of data, and for known variations from contract requirements. At the 'Contractor's option, the initial submittal of the product listing schedule may be limited to product selections and product designations that must be established early in the Contract lime. Submit the completed product listing schedule within 60 days after commencement of the Work. 1 41.3 Archite/En in er's Ain: The Architect/Engineer will respond to the Contractor in writing within 15 working days of receipt of the product listing schedule. No response by the Architect/Engineer within the 15 working day time period constitutes no objection to the listed products or manufacturers, but does not constitute a waiver of the requirement that products comply with the requirements of the contract documents. The Architect/Engineer's response will include the following The Architect/Engineer's listing of unacceptable product selections, if any containing an explanation of the reasons for this action. A request for additional data necessary for the review and possible acceptance of the products and manufacturers listed. 01631 -2 SECTION 01631 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS CN 95-04 1 4.2 Substitution Request Submig6i: 1 4.2.1 Request for Sybstitutions. Submit 3 copies of each request for substitution. In each request identify the product or fabrication or installation method to be replaced by the substitution; include related specification section and drawing numbers, and complete documentation showing compliance with the requirements for substitutions. Include the following information, as appropriate, with each request. Provide complete product data, drawings and description of products, and fabrication and installation procedures. Provide samples where applicable or requested. Provide a detailed comparison of the significant qualities of the proposed substitution with those of the work originally specified. Significant qualities include elements such as size, weight, durability performance and visual effect where applicable. Provide complete coordination information. Include all changes required in other elements of the work to accommodate the substitution, including work performed by the Owner and separate Contractors. Provide a statement indicating the effect the substitution will have on the work schedule in comparison to the schedule without approval of the proposed substitution. Include information regarding the effect of the proposed substitution on the Contract Time. Provide complete cost information, including a proposal of the net change, if any in the Contract Sum. Provide certification by the Contractor to the effect that, in the Contractor's opinion, after thorough evaluation, the proposed substitution will result in work that in every significant respect is equal -to or better than the work required by the Contract documents, and that it will perform adequately in the application indicated. Include in this certification, the Contractor's waiver of rights to additional payment or time, which may subsequently be necessary because of the failure of the substitution to perform adequately 1 4.2.2 Change Order Form: Submit requests for substitutions in the form and in accordance with procedures required for change order proposals. 1 4.2.3 Archite VEn in er's Action. Within one week of receipt of the Contractor's request for substitution, the Architect/Engineer will request additional information or documentation as may be needed for evaluation of the request. Within 15 working days of receipt of the request, or within 8 working days of receipt of the requested additional information or documentation, whichever is later the Architect/Engineer will notify the Contractor of either later the Architect/Engineer will notify the Contractor of either the acceptance or rejection by the Architect/Engineer of the proposed substitution (HUD acceptance may be required) Acceptance will be in the form of a change or field order Rejection will include a statement giving reasons for the rejection. 1.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY. STORAGE. AND HANDLING: 1.5.1 General Deliver store, and handle products in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, using means and methods that will prevent damage, deterioration and loss, 01631 3 including theft. Control delivery schedules to minimize long -term storage at the site and to prevent overcrowding of construction spaces. In particular coordinate delivery and installation to ensure minimum holding or storage times for items known or recognized to be flammable, hazardous, easily damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft and other sources of loss. Deliver products to the site in the manufacturers sealed container or other packaging system, complete with labels and instructions for handling, storing, unpacking, protecting and installing. Store products at the site in a manner that will facilitate inspection and measurement of quantity or counting of units. Store heavy materials away from the project structure in a manner that will not endanger the supporting construction. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL PRODUCT COMPLIANCE SECTION 01631 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS CN 95-04 2.1 1 General: Requirements for individual products are indicated in the contract documents, compliance with these requirements is in itself a contract requirement. These requirements may be specified in any one of several different specifying methods, or in any combination of these methods. These methods include the following Descriptive. Performance. Compliance with Reference Standards. Compliance with codes, compliance with graphic details, allowances, and similar provisions of the contract documents also have a bearing on the selection process. 2.1.2 Procedures for Sel in Products. The Contractors options in selecting products are limited by requirements of the contract documents and governing regulations. They are not controlled by industry traditions or procedures experienced by the Contractor on previous construction projects. Required procedures include but are not limited to the following for the various indicated methods of specifying 2.1.3 Non Proprietary Specification Requirement. Where the specifications name products or manufacturers that are available and may be incorporated in the Work, but do not restrict the Contractor to the use of these products only the Contractor may at his option, use any available product that complies with contract requirements. 2.1 4 Descriptive Specification Requirementg. Where the specifications describe a product or assembly generically in detail, listing the exact characteristics required, but without use of a brand or trade name, provide products or assemblies that provide the characteristics indicated and otherwise comply with contract requirements. 2.1.5 Performance. Specification Requirements. Where the specifications require compliance with indicated performance requirements, provide products that comply with the specific performance requirements indicated, and that are recommended by the manufacturer for the application indicated. The manufacturers recommendations may be contained in published product literature, or by the manufacturers 'individual certification of performance. General overall performance of a product is implied where the product is specified for specific performance. 2.1 6 Compliance with Standards. Codes and Regulations. Where the specifications require only compliance with an imposed standard, code or regulation, the Contractor has the option of 01631 4 SECTION 01631 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS CN 95-04 selecting a product that complies with specification requirements, including the standards, codes and regulations. 2.1 7 Visual Sel i n: Except as otherwise indicated, where specified product requirements include the phrase .as selected form the manufacturers standard colors, patterns, textures. or similar phrases, the Contractor has the option of selecting the product and manufacturer,provided the selection complies with other specified requirements. The Architect is subsequently responsible for selecting the color pattern and texture from the product line selected by the Contractor 2.1.8 Producers Statement of Applicability Where individual specification sections indicate products that require a "Statement of Applicability" from the manufacturer or other producer, submit a written certified statement from the producer stating that the producer has reviewed the proposed application of the product on the project. This statement shall state that the producer agrees with or does not object to the Architect/Engineer's specification and the Contractor's selection of the product for use in the Work. The statement shall also state that the proposed application of the product on the project is suitable and proper 2.2 SUBSTITUTIONS 2.2.1 Conditions. The Contractors request for a substitution will be received and considered when extensive revisions to the contract documents are not required, when the proposed changes are in keeping with the general intent of the contract documents, when the requests are timely fully documented and properly submitted, and when one or more of the following conditions is satisfied, all as judged by the Architect/Engineer• otherwise the requests will be retumed without action except to record non compliance with these requirements. The Architect/Engineer will consider a request for substitution where the specified product or method cannot be provided within the Contract Time. However, the request will not be considered if the product or method cannot be provided as a result of the Contractor's failure to pursue the work promptly or to coordinate the various activities properly The Architect/Engineer will consider a request for substitution where the specified product or method cannot receive necessary approval by a goveming authority and the requested substitution can be approved. The Architect/Engineer will consider a request for substitution where a substantial advantage is offered the Owner in terms of cost, time, energy conservation or other considerations of merit, after deducting offsetting responsibilities the Owner may be required to bear These additional responsibilities may include such considerations as additional compensation to the Architect/Engineer for redesign and evaluation services, the increased cost of other work by the Owner or separate contractors, and similar considerations. The Architect/Engineer will consider a request for substitution when the specified product or method cannot be provided in a manner which is compatible with other materials of the work, and where the Contractor certifies that the substitution will overcome the incompatibility The Architect/Engineer will consider a request for substitution when the specified product or method cannot be properly coordinated with other materials in the work, and where the Contractor certifies that the proposed substitution can be properly coordinated. The Architect/Engineer will consider a request for substitution when the specified product or method cannot receive a warranty as required by the contract documents and where the contractor certifies that the proposed substitution can receive the required warranty 01631 5 2.2.2 Work Related Submil6. The Contractor's submittal of and the Architect/Engineer's acceptance of shop drawings, product data or samples which relate to work not complying with requirements of the contract documents, does not constitute an acceptable or valid request for a substitution, nor approval thereof 2.3 GENERAL PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 2.3.1 General. Provide products that comply with the requirements of the contract documents and that are undamaged and, unless otherwise indicated, unused at the time of installation. provide products that are complete with all accessories, trim, finish, safety guards and other devices and details needed for a complete installation and for the intended use and effect. 2.3.2 Nameplates. Except as otherwise indicated for required labels and operating data, do not permanently attach or imprint manufacturers or producers nameplates or trademarks on exposed surfaces of products which will be exposed to view either in occupied spaces or on the exterior of the completed project. Labels: Locate required product labels and stamps on a concealed surface or where required for observation after installation, on an accessible surface which, in occupied spaces, is not conspicuous. Eauipment Nameplates: Provide a permanent nameplate on each item of service connected or power-operated equipment. Locate the nameplate on an easily accessible surface which is inconspicuous in occupied spaces. The nameplate shall contain the following information and other essential operating data. 3 EXECUTION Name of manufacturer Name of product Model number Serial number Capacity Speed Ratings 3 1 INSTALLATION OF PRODUCTS SECTION 01631 PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS CN 95-04 31 1 General Except as otherwise indicated in individual sections of these specifications, comply with the manufacturers instructions and recommendations for installation of the products in the applications indicated. Anchor each product securely in place, accurately located and aligned with other work. Clean exposed surfaces and protect surfaces as necessary to ensure freedom from damage and deterioration at time of acceptance. END OF SECTION 01631 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT CN 95-04 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division -1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS. 1.2.1 Definitions: Project closeout is the term used to describe certain collective project requirements, indicating completion of the work that are to be fulfilled near the end of the Contract time in preparation for final payment to the Contractor and the normal termination of the Contract. Specific requirements for individual units of work are included in the appropriate sections in Divisions 2 through 16. Time of closeout is directly related to "Substantial Completion therefore, the time of closeout may be either a single time period for the entire Work or a series of time periods for individual elements of the Work that have been certified as substantially complete at different dates. This time variation, if any shall be applicable to the other provisions of this section. 1.3 PREREQUISITES TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. 1.3.1 General: Complete the following before requesting the Architect/Engineer's inspection for certification of substantial completion, either for the entire Work or for portions of the Work. List known exceptions in the request. In the progress payment request that coincides with, or is the first request following, the date substantial completion is claimed, show either 100% completion for the portion of the Work claimed as "substantially complete" or list incomplete items, the value of incomplete work, and reasons for the Work being incomplete. Include supporting documentation for completion as indicated in these contract documents. Advise Owner of pending insurance change -over requirements. Submit specific warranties, final certifications and similar documents. Obtain and submit releases enabling the Owner's full, unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and utilities. Include occupancy permits, operating certificates and similar releases. Deliver tools, spare parts, extra stock of material and similar physical items to the Owner Make the final change -over of locks and transmit the keys to the Owner Advise the Owner's personnel of the change -over in security provisions. Complete start-up testing of systems, and instruction of the Owner's operating and maintenance personnel. Discontinue or change over and remove temporary facilities and services from the project site along with construction tools and facilities, mock -ups and similar elements. Complete final cleaning up requirements, including touch -up painting of marred surfaces. 01700 1 Submit consent of surety If necessary the reinspection procedure will be repeated. SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT CN 95-04 Touch -up and otherwise repair and restore marred exposed finishes. 1.3.2 HUD Regpirement,, for Substantial Completion: The date of substantial completion shall be the date the HUD representative signs the final HUD -5379, provided that the trip report is subsequently endorsed by HUD 1.3.3 Inspection Procedure: Upon receipt of the Contractor's request for inspection, the Architect/Engineer will either proceed with inspection or advise the contractor of unfilled prerequisites. Following the initial inspection, the Architect/Engineer will either schedule the substantial completion inspection, or will advise the contractor of work which must be performed before the inspection will be conducted. The Architect/Engineer will repeat the inspection when requested and when assured that the Work has been substantially completed. Results of the completed inspection will form the "punch -list" for final acceptance. 1.3.4 The Contractor shall reimburse the Architect for time, mileage and other expenses for all reinspections required beyond first reinspection. 1 4 PREREQUISITES TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE. 1 4 General: Complete the following before requesting the Architect/Engineer's final inspection for certification of final acceptance, and final payment as required by the General Conditions. List known exceptions, if any in the request. Submit the final payment request with final releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted. Include certificates of insurance for products and completed operations where required. Submit an updated final statement, accounting for final additional changes to the Contract Sum. Submit a certified copy of the Architect/Engineer's final punch -list of itemized work to be completed or corrected, stating that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance and has been endorsed and dated by the Architect/Engineer Submit final meter readings for utilities, a measured record of stored fuel, and similar data either as of the date of substantial completion, or else when the Owner took possession of and responsibility for corresponding elements of the Work. Submit a final liquidated damages settlement statement, acceptable to the Owner Submit evidence of final, continuing insurance coverage complying with insurance requirements. 1 4.2 Reinspggtion Procedure. The Architect/Engineer will reinspect the Work upon receipt of the Contractor's notice that the work, including punch -list items resulting form earlier inspections, has been completed, except for those items whose completion has been delayed because of circumstances that are acceptable to the Architect/Engineer Upon completion of reinspection, the Architect/Engineer will either prepare a certificate of final acceptance, or will advise the Contractor of work that is incomplete or of obligations that have not been fulfilled, but are required for final acceptance 01700 2 1 1.5 RECORD DOCUMENT SUBMITTALS SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT CN 95-04 1 4.3 The contragtor shall reimburse the Architect for time, milage and other expenses for all reinspections required beyond first reinspection. 1.5.1 Generaj: Specific requirements for record documents are indicated in the individual sections of these specifications. Other requirements are indicated in the General Conditions. General submittal requirements are indicated in the various "submittals" sections. Do not use record documents for construction purposes; protect from deterioration and loss in a secure, fire resistive location; provide access to record documents for the Architect/Engineer's reference during normal working hours. 1.5.2 Record Drawing: Maintain a record set of blue or black line white- prints of contract drawings and shop drawings in a clean, undamaged condition. Mark -up the set of record documents to show the actual installation where the installed work vanes substantially form the work as originally shown. Mark whichever drawing is most capable of showing the actual "field" condition fully and accurately however where shop drawings are used for mark -up, record a cross reference at the corresponding location on the working drawings. Give particular attention to concealed work that would be difficult to measure and record at a later date. Mark record sets with red erasable pencil and where feasible, use other colors to distinguish between variations in separate categories of work. Mark -up new information which is known to be important to the Owner but for some reason was not shown on either contract drawings or shop drawings. Note related change -order numbers where applicable. Organize record drawing sheets into manageable sets, bind with durable paper cover sheets, and print suitable titles, dates and other identification on the cover of each set. 1.5.3 Record Specifications Maintain one complete copy of the Project Manual, including specifications and addenda, and one copy of other written construction documents such as change orders and similar modifications issued in printed form during construction. Mark these documents to show substantial variations in the actual work performed in comparison with the text of the specifications and modifications as issued. Give particular attention to substitutions, selection of options and similar information on work where it is concealed or cannot otherwise be readily discemed at a later date by direct observation. Note related record drawing information and product data, where applicable. Upon completion of the Work, submit record specifications to the Architect/Engineer for the Owner's records. 1.5.4 Record Product Data. Maintain three copies of each product data submittal. Mark these documents to show significant variations in the actual Work performed in comparison with the submitted information. Include both variations in the products as delivered to the site, and variations from the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for installation. Give particular attention to concealed products and portions of the Work which cannot otherwise be readily discerned at a later date by direct observation. Note related change orders and mark -up of record drawings and specifications. Upon completion of mark -up, submit complete set of record product data to the Architect/Engineer for the Owner's records. 01700 3 1.5.5 Record Sample Submit Immediately prior to the date or dates of substantial completion, the Contractor will meet at the site with the Architect/Engineer and the Owners personnel, if desired, to determine which, if any of the submitted samples that have been maintained by the Contractor during progress of the Work, are to be transmitted to the Owner for record purposes. Comply with delivery to the Owners sample storage area. 1.5.6 Miscellaneous Record Submittals. Refer to other sections of these specifications for requirements of miscellaneous record- keeping and submittals in connection with the actual performance of the Work. Immediately prior to the date or dates of substantial completion, complete miscellaneous records and place in good order properly identified and bound or filed, ready for continued use and reference. Submit to the Architect/Engineer for the Owner's records. 1.5.7 Maintenance Manuals. Provide two complete Manuals. Organize operating and maintenance data into suitable sets of manageable size. Bind data into individual binders properly identified and indexed. Bind each set of data in a heavy -duty 2 -inch, 3 -ring vinyl- covered binder with pocket folders for folded sheet information. Mark the appropriate identification on both front and spine of each binder Include the following types of information in operation and maintenance manuals: 2. PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) 3 EXECUTION 31 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES Emergency instructions. Spare parts listing. Copies of warranties. Wiring diagrams. Recommended "tum- around" cycles. Inspection procedures. Shop drawings and product data. As part of this instruction provide a detailed review of the following items. SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT CN 95-04 31 1 General Operating and Maintenance Ins rations. Arrange for each installer of operating equipment and other work that requires regular or continuing maintenance, to meet at the site with the Owner's personnel to provide necessary basic instruction in the proper operation and maintenance of the entire Work. Where installers are not experienced in the required procedures, include instruction by the manufacturer's representatives. Maintenance manuals Record documents Spare parts and materials Tools Lubricants Fuels Identification systems Control sequences Hazards Cleaning Warranties, bonds, maintenance agreements and similar continuing commitments. 01700 4 1 1 1 1 3.2 FINAL CLEANING. 1 1 3.2.1 General: Special cleaning requirements for specific units of Work are included in the appropriate sections of Divisions 2 through 16. General Cleaning during the regular progress of the Work is required by the General Conditions and is included under section "Temporary Facilities" 3.2.2 Cleaning: Provide final cleaning of the Work at the time indicated. Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit of work to the condition expected form a normal, commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with the manufacturer's instructions for operations. Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting the Architect/Engineer's inspection for certification of substantial completion. Remove labels which are not required as permanent labels. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT CN 95-04 As part of this instruction for operating equipment demonstrate the following procedures: Start-up Shut -down Emergency operations Noise and vibration adjustments Safety procedures Economy and efficiency adjustments Effective energy utilization Clean transparent materials, including mirrors and glass in doors and windows, to a polished condition. Remove putty and other substances which are noticeable as vision- obscuring materials. Replace chipped or broken glass and other damaged transparent materials. Clean exposed exterior and interior hard surfaced finishes to a dust -free condition, free of dust, stains, films and similar noticeable distracting substances. Restore reflective surfaces to their original reflective condition. Leave concrete floors broom clean. Vacuum carpeted surfaces. Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment clean. Remove excess lubrication and other substances. Clean plumbing fixtures to a sanitafy condition. Clean Tight fixtures and lamps. Clean the project site, including landscape development areas, of rubbish, litter and other foreign substances. Sweep paved areas to a broom clean condition remove stains, spills and other foreign deposits. Rake grounds that are neither paved nor planted, to a smooth even textured surface. 3.2.3 Pest Conte: Engage an experienced exterminator to make a final inspection of the project, and to rid the project of rodents, insects, and other pests. 3.2.4 Removal of Protection: Except as otherwise indicated or requested by the Architect/Engineer remove temporary protection devices and facilities which were installed during the course of the work to protect previously completed work during the remainder of the construction period. 3.2.5 Comojance Comply with safety standards and goveming regulations for cleaning operations. Do not burn waste materials at the site. Do not bury debris or excess materials the Owner's property Do not discharge volatile or other harmful or dangerous materials into drainage systems. Remove waste materials from the site and dispose of in a lawful manner 01700 5 END OF SECTION SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT CN 95-04 Where extra materials of value remaining after completion of associated work have become the Owners property dispose of these materials to the Owners best advantage as directed. 01700 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 St. Andrews House Assisted Living Facility Port Angeles, Washington DRAWING INDEX Civil Architectural 1 1 Kitchen 1 1 C1 Site Plan C2 Utility (Water Sewer, SD) C3 Profiles (Water Sewer SD) C4 Uplands Grading Paving C5 Lowlands Grading Paving, Paving Details C6 Details C7 Details C8 Details, Misc. Al 1 Site Plan, Project Information Al 1A Topographic Survey A1.2 Grading, Site Details A1.3 Enlarged Site Plan and Details A2.1 First Floor Plan A2.2 Second Floor Plan A2.3 Roof Plan A2.4 Rated Wall Locations A3 1 Exterior Elevations A4 1 Building Sections, Details A4.2 Wall Sections A4.3 Wall Types A5 1 Enlarged Plans Details A5.2 Enlarged Unit Plans A6 1 Interior Elevations A6.2 Interior Elevations A6.3 Interior Elevations A6 4 Interior Elevations A6.5 Interior Elevations A7 1 Reflected Ceiling Plan A8.1 Interior Details A8.2 Details A8.3 Door Window Details A8.4 Exterior Details A8.5 Porte Cochere Details A9 1 Door Window Schedules A10 1 Stair Elevator K1 Kitchen Plan Section 01900 Schedule of Drawings CN 95-04 Landsci Structural Mechanical Electrical Interiors Fire Sprinkler L1 Planting Plan L2 Irrigation Plan S1 Foundation First Floor Plan S2 Second Floor Framing Plan S3 Roof Framing Plan S4 Structural Details S5 Structural Details S6 Structural Details Notes P1 First Floor Plumbing Plan P2 Second Floor Plumbing Plan P3 Kitchen Laundry Plumbing Plan P4 Typical Units Plumbing Riser Diagram P5 Plumbing Riser Diagrams M1 First Floor HVAC Plan M2 Second Floor HVAC Plan M3 HVAC Details El Site Plan Electrical E2 Fist Floor Lighting Plan E3 Second Floor Lighting Plan E4 First Floor Power Plan E5 Second Floor Power Plan E6 Typical Unit Electrical Plans E7 Enlarged Plans Details Electrical E8 Schedules Details E9 Elec. Panel Sched. 11 Fireplace Elevations Sections 12 First Floor Floor Finish Plan 13 Second Floor Floor Finish Plan 1/4 Site Plan, Riser Detail, Cross Section 2/4 First Floor 3/4 Second Floor 4/4 Attic Section 01900 Schedule of Drawings CN 95 -04 END OF SECTION Section 01900 Schedule of Drawings CN 95 -04 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. Exploration of subsurface conditions of the site for this project has been made by 1.2.2 RELATED WORK Earthwork Section 02200 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 2. PRODUCTS Not Applicable 3 EXECUTION Not Applicable Northwest Territories, Inc. Port Angeles, Washington and Neil H. Twelker Associates, Inc. Seattle, Washington END OF SECTION Section 02010 Subsurface Investigation CN 95-04 The results of their investigations are summarized in their reports. Copies of these reports are included in this section of the specifications. Material in these documents is for information only The Owner Soils Engineer Structural Engineer Civil Engineer and Architect assume no responsibility for the accuracy of interpretations and conclusions drawn in or from information in the documents. Contractor is solely responsible for any conclusions he draws from the information in the documents. 1.3.1 Site Information: Data on indicated subsurface conditions are not intended as representations or warranties of accuracy or continuity between soil borings. It is expressly understood that neither Owner Architect nor their Consultants will be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn therefrom by Contractor Data is made available for convenience of Contractor Additional test borings and other exploratory operations may be made by Contractor at no cost to Owner 02010 -1 SOILS INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY St. Andrew's Episcopal Church 510 East Park Avenue Port Angeles, Washington Prepared For EPISCOPAL RETIREMENT HOMES OF WESTERN WASHINGTON Prepared By NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES, INC. 717 South Peabody Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 (360) 452 -8491 1 (800) 654 -5545 March, 1996 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL SOILS INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION St. Andrew's Episcopal Church This soils report was prepared at the request of David Steele, of Episcopal Retirement Homes of Western Washington, in accordance with our submitted scope of work and cost estimate The purpose of the report is to present the results of subsurface exploration conducted on December 20, 1995, including identification of earth materials underlying the project site and to make recommendations for development of the site based on conceptual plans prepared by Chilless Nielsen Associates, architects. The project site is located on the south side of East Park Avenue, immediately west of Olympic National Park property Single family residential houses are present on adjacent properties to the south and west. The central portion of the property is occupied by the St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and associated paved parking lot (see Exploration map, Figure 1) Areas of the property around the church grounds support second or third growth fir and deciduous trees. The church grounds, as well as much of the northern two- thirds of the property, are nearly level to gently sloping. A broad north facing natural slope is present in the southern portion of the property The slope trends roughly east west and is generally inclined at about 12 The north or lower portion appears to consist of a five- to ten -foot high cut slope that is inclined at about 2 horizontal to 1 vertical (50 An area about 50 feet in width extending along and adjacent to the south property line is relatively level but contains undrained depressions. The general drainage of this area is easterly In addition to the church building and a small outbuilding near the east property line, there are several buried utility lines crossing the property from north to south immediately east of the church building. 1 EXPLORATION Subsurface investigation of the project site was conducted on December 20, 1995 by Mr Blase Cylwik, Engineering Geologist, of Northwestern Territories, Inc. (NTI) A total of nine trenches were excavated by mechanical backhoe and logged to depths ranging from 7 to 16 feet below ground surfaces (see Exploration Map and Logs of Trenches) Each of the trenches were excavated in nearly north -south directions. Locations of the trenches were selected to provide general subsurface information representative of the eastern approximately two- thirds of the church property The exploratory trenches were backfilled with the original soils which were generally granular and free of debris. Trenching and backfilling were performed by R. J. Services of Port Angeles. Two soil samples were obtained of potential fill materials for future testing if requested. SUBSURFACE SOILS Subsurface conditions, as revealed by the exploratory trenches, varied primarily in regard to depth or thickness of zones of varying firmness or consistency The composition of materials, except in a few instances, did not vary greatly In general, surface soils consisting of soft to moderately soft sandy silt, ranging from a few to a maximum of 6.0 feet in depth, mantle the property These upper soils were generally very moist to wet and produced water seepage in most trenches. Soils beneath this upper zone were generally moderately firm to firm and more coarse in grain size consisting of silty sand containing 5% to 15% of scattered gravel and cobbles. Many of the rock fragments were granite in composition, suggesting glacial origin. The silty sand was very compact and of relatively low permeability Consequently, it was moist but not wet and did not produce seepage water in the trenches (See Log of Trenches) In general, the relatively soft upper soils were found to extend to greater depth in the elevated southern one -third of the property (Logs of Trenches 1 through 5) In this area, the softer soils ranged from 4 0 feet to about 7.5 feet in depth. In the northern, relatively lower area of the property, the softer soils ranged from 2.5 to about 4.0 feet in depth. Trench 3 revealed an anomalous, near vertical contact at about 7.5 feet in depth between silty sand containing gravel and cobbles on the north side and very fine, nearly clean sand on the south side. The contact appeared to trend easterly and was inclined steeply to the north. Thin, sandy to silty layers parallelled the contact surface in a zone one to two inches thick. The adjacent soils did not appear to be stratified. The contact appeared to be present on each trench wall. This information has been turned over to Neil Twelker and Associates for geotechnical analysis and is outside the scope of this report. 2 1 GENERAL GEOLOGY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 The area lies on the north flank or foothill area of the Olympic Mountains, an area which has been subject to a period of crustal uplift extending up to the present time. The uplift has been associated with crustal folding and faulting. The site and adjacent areas are underlain by glacial sediments deposited by glacial action and outwash streams during one or more periods of glacial recession which occurred over 10,000 years ago. The relatively firm silty sand deposits contoured below the softer surficial soils may pre -date the last glacial recession which began about 12,000 years ago. The depth of the glacial sediments underlying the area is unknown but may be more than 50 feet. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General In general, soil conditions are favorable for construction of conventional buildings utilizing continuous and spread- footings founded in firm soils below the upper soft to moderately soft soil zones Site Preparation All vegetation, surface soils, and any fill should be stripped from areas of proposed slabs or those to be paved for parking, driveways and parkways. These materials, when sufficiently dried and free of organic materials, may be used for compacted fill. Foundations The native, firm soils below about 3.5 feet in depth should provide good foundation and an allowable bearing soil- bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) in accordance with Uniform Building Code (UBC) Table No 29 -B. Structural Fill Structural fill is to be used in the over excavation of any perimeter basement footings, under slabs and for refilling clean -out of existing basement areas. Structural fill shall consist of a granular material with no more than 10% fines passing the No 200 sieve. The percentage passing the 200 sieve should be measured from that portion of the material passing the 3/4 -inch sieve. Native materials are suitable for use as compacted fill if free of organic debris. Structural or native fill should be placed only upon firm native soils and should be compacted in 8 3 to 12 inch lifts at or near the optimum moisture content as determined by the Modified Proctor Test (ASTM D1557) The subgrade should be inspected by a qualified engineer or inspector prior to placement of any structural fill. The structural fill should be compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by the Modified Proctor Test. Samples of the structural fill should be submitted to a soils laboratory for testing prior to the excavation and compaction work. Slabs on Grade The building floors may be constructed as slabs -on -grade atop a six -inch layer of structural fill. The subgrade should be compacted and must be in a firm, unyielding condition prior to placement of structural fill. The slab subgrade should be observed by a qualified engineer or inspector prior to placement of the structural fill. Any soft areas should be over- excavated, backfilled and compacted with structural fill. The structural fill should be tested for compaction prior to placement of the concrete slabs. In areas where moisture is undesirable, a vapor barrier should be placed beneath the slab Additionally, sand may be used in the fine grading process to provide uniform support for the slab and to minimize damage to the vapor barrier Drainaae Considerations It is anticipated that shallow or perched ground water could be encountered below depths of about two feet during and shortly after the rainfall season. If ground water is encountered, it should be drained away from the site by drainage ditches, or sump pumps interconnected with shallow connector trenches at the bottom of excavations. If possible, excavation work should be done during the summer to minimize ground water problems Site grading should be such that surface water is directed off the site. Water should not be allowed to stand in any area where foundations, slabs or pavements are to be constructed. Excavation and Slopes In no case should excavation slopes be greater than the limits specified in local, state and national safety regulations. Temporary vertical cuts up to a depth of four feet may be made in unsaturated soils. For temporary slopes having a depth greater than four feet, the cut should have an inclination no steeper than 1 1 (horizontal All permanent slopes should have a maximum inclination of 3 to 1 (horizontal:vertical) 4 Paving For light vehicle parking and access, we recommend two inches of Class B asphaltic concrete paving over four inches of crushed rock base (WSDOT 9- 03.9(3)) The subgrade should be compacted and must be in a firm, unyielding condition prior to placement of crushed rock. The subgrade should also be observed by a qualified engineer or inspector prior to placement of the crushed rock. Any soft areas should be over excavated, backfilled and compacted with structural fill. The crushed rock should be tested for compaction prior to placement of the asphalt surfacing. For heavy truck loading, we recommend three inches of Class B asphaltic concrete paving over six inches of crushed rock base. Crushed rock should be compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by the Modified Proctor Test (ASTM D1557) Utility Trenches The native sands may be used for utility trench backfill, provided they are not too wet. The soil should be placed and compacted at or near its optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D1557 If the native sands are too wet under paved areas, then structural fill should be placed in the upper 12 inches of the trench and compacted to 95 Seismic Considerations Seismic cosiderations are outside the scope of this soils report. They will be addressed in the geotechnical report prepared by Neil Twelker and Associates. LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Episcopal Retirement Homes of Western Washington. The recommendations in the report apply only to the property which was examined and they are not applicable to other areas. The investigation and recommendations contained in this report are based upon site conditions as they existed at the time of our exploration and assume that the soils encountered in the test pits are representative of the subsurface soils found elsewhere on the site. During construction, if subsurface conditions are discovered that are significantly different from those described in the report, NTI should be advised at once so we can review the conditions and reconsider our recommendations where necessary Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered on construction sites, especially when the topography has been altered years ago Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made to attain a properly constructed project. We recommend that a contingency be established in the project budget and schedule to cover unexpected conditions 5 The project was in the conceptual design stage when this report was prepared. We expect that further consultation regarding specific design elements will be necessary When the design has been finalized, we recommend that NTI be retained to review the final design drawings and specifications to see that our recommendations have been interpreted and implemented as intended. The scope of our services does not include geotechnical, seismic or construction safety considerations. Our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences or procedures except as specifically described in our report for consideration in design. We recommend that this report be included in the project contract documents for the information of the contractor Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering and geologic principles and practice This warranty is in lieu of all others, either expressed or implied. Blase Cylwik Engineering Geologist J R. Jerry Newlin, P E. Principal Engineer fc: EpsSoi12.Rpt dir JRN\Rpt 'i e -i 6 0 1 20 1 S 6 8 9 10 12 13 l0— 16 la 19 Job No 3.b .d/ e Pe 4f/ s F/•ld ibga• A. .tans .an.. of drills It.nd 0 Ztek flow-, 24/14,c 4.+ Dr .t. A. D•.p Sample Sunpl. Dlar. p• 61.1• an•1.• Alo Group Nu.nb. Depth L.agth -ka tur a q ISptnbo. vM s 5.04s's'LT TZEAicH FIELD LOG OF B-e-Lrro V 1,5,00/ 5'LT 4' r c 'to lip 6 Grand Soria:. Kole N.. RJ. taco Location TL.. Mart 7110. Stop D.• vision (G1ao.ICcatl.al S T y f /,(1 S.4OD 4 4Pu7 6r 4 Z j eN0 1( S FT O•n.tIo. ?LOT fLM't J D970 wow Tads /0.•1917 MEM MIND >Z— DM. Psrc.at Saad.sa -u.v Remark. s/cu> j 17 3 6 Job No Z '}1� igeiS 70Z Job IS000tion 71.34 C.ita. 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Levities Slat. wet TOSS Stop D.. rlptlm tO...lfeatlm) 2 30 O.e.tla. PLVr Pcs,* .c,J Water T.11. Mar /1- 2a �s P. C..t S..d411t -C1. R.mar6• h. r t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i t 1 t 1 1 1 0 1 J 6 1v� 20 10 1 1 1 2 10— It Job No Job F old tette A. rant .un• e1 d rut. nt 1 Z-T rt f ts G Hand 274'1 e L Y' y.„ Se .pl. S.tepl• 111 pe h.n.i•• 11 u.e.r I Depth L..gt!.1n.I tur t.ney Color \DO M6 ,bri, u1 V V •AtF 1 brk- F 1 40 ‘t r FIELD 1,O0 Oi ie4l -luee Delete; M. A. D-ep I Group Symbol t T 7 J Z iff 11e1. N., }.l. .N. Legation Terse Stan rust. step 7 331,0 c30'0 D.. elegies (Cls..1Qt atl..) Cravat Surface PLGT PLh 4IJ Water Sobs. Alter At 16 6/Zr 4 i 9r t cod 40 6„ 12 S xDa e s —io% ...SLT/ S4ND a Germ mew a.t. /2-z0 q� Percent I S.td-ttlt -Coy Restark. a ypan iQ000sia vM;Jpuy 4 s k 1 r JL 4 R" +ice ....111.10%e PARK AVE PARK AVENUE I roue 1 1/2 sass GIP m MIRK nm„ AQ»LT 1f 9j 1 I 4 r ��sirs�ort wn ib l 1 III V I 1 I 1 I 1 r ;,'l•' 1 III i 40 1 9 1 Approximate Exploratory �--0 Trench Location ,,.u1, NOTE Each trench was oriented nearly 1— N -S and were about I I 15 in length 1 1 r n II I i Episcopal Retirement Homes 220 W Mercer St. Seattle Washington 98119 Dear Mr Steele: Attn: David Steele Ne i I K Twelker and Associates, Inc Consulting Soils Engineers Re: Proposed Assisted Living Facility St. Andrews Episcopal Church Port Angeles, Washington Telephone: (206) 284 2410 610 Wheeler St. No. 404 Seattle, Washington 98109 April 29 1996 At your request we have reviewed the circumstances of the siting and founding of a proposed assisted living facility on the grounds of the St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, in Port Angeles, Washington. We present herewith a report of our findings conclusions and recommendations. Site Description The property is a more or less rectangular tract measuring some 300 east west by 200 feet north south, located to the south of the parking lot of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Port Angeles, Washington. The property which is currently undeveloped is gently sloping from south to north (declivity between 7 and 10 per cent) it is presently covered with scattered second growth evergreen trees and native brush. The properly is bounded on the south by private residential property on the north by the existing Episcopal church building and its appurtenances, which in turn front on Park Avenue. The project site lies between the headquarters building for the Olympia National Park (on the east) and the Port Angeles Senior High School (on the west) We observed that the southern margin of the property (which is bounded by four single family residences) appears to have been the scene of some disposal of excavated soil, with ponded water (from recent rainfall) in truck tire ruts. Soil exposures within the site are of slightly silty sand with some gravel. Soil conditions have been explored in December of 1995 by means of 9 test pits, as reported Episcopal Retirement Homes April 29. 1996 Paae_.2 by Northwestern Territories, Inc. January 1996. These extended to depths of as much as 16 feet, and encountered primarily granular soils of glaciofluvial origin. We understand that all of the test pits were oriented in a north -south direction (i.e. parallel with the fall line of the slope), and that they were approximately 15 feet in length. Groundwater was encountered in many of the test pits, principally in the interval between three and 5 feet, and was manifested by "slow seepage," but not by collapse of any of the test excavations. Proposed Construction We understand that the structure will have overall dimensions of 9 0 feet (north south) by 212 feet (east -west) with the long dimension parallel to, and 70 feet away from the south property line. Foundation preparation will take place on a bench excavated into the native soil formation. It appears at this writing that the excavated surface will extend throughout the entire building footprint, thereby obviating the need for structural fill. The building will be a two -story wood -frame structure with a slab -on -grade lower floor Conclusions and Recommendations On the basis of our review of the project circumstances, we draw the following principal conclusions. 1 The site is underlain by an assemblage of moderately dense soil units of glacio- fluvial origin. The gentle declivity of the site and the obvious competence of the glaciofluvial soil units are indicative of a stable site which may be relied upon for support of important structures, using spread footings placed at comparatively shallow depth beneath finished grade. 2. We recommend that spread foundations be designed for contact pressures of 2000 psf with a minimum footing width of 24 inches. 3. Adjustment of the soil structure will take place simultaneously with the application of foundation loading, with the result that post construction settlement of structures supported on the native soil units will be entirely negligible. 4 Walls which are to resist lateral earth pressures should be designed for active pressures exerted by an equivalent fluid having a density of 30 pcf 5. All below -grade spaces, including retaining walls, should be provided with permanent drainage consisting of filter wrapped perforated pipe in an envelope of free- draining material (preferably coarse washed sand) 6. Surface wad (roofs, driveways patios, etc.) should be collected and conducted to an approved discharge point. Under no circumstances should surface water be led into foundation drains dry wells, or infiltration pits. 7 Resistance to lateral Toads will be found primarily in base friction, which may be calculated from a coefficient of friction of 0.6 (ultimate) Although this figure is somewhat higher than the values recommended in many building codes it can be easily verified in the field as a realistic and conservative value. We point out that the ultimate coefficient of friction between two materials is a "fact" of nature which cannot be subject to administrative fiat. (Safety factors resulting from review of structures, on the other hand, Episcopal Retirement Homes April 29. 1996 Pane 3 are decreed by regulation or by custom.) We would be happy to demonstrate the validity of this parameter should anyone in the regulatory agency so desire. 8. Erosion protection measures in common use by reputable contractors throughout the Pacific Northwest will be sufficient to protect against erosion during the construction period. 9 Groundwater occurrences encountered in the site preparation work should be carefully tiled off to allow permanent maintenance -free drainage, preferably in a manner which can be checked visually throughout the life of the project. We anticipate, however that little or no groundwater will be encountered in site excavations performed during the summer months; the groundwater noted on the exploratory test pits (which were made in December of 1995) is interpreted to have been caused by local infiltration during the rainy season. 10. Aseismic Design Inasmuch as the project site lies within a region having a complicated geologic history with (undoubtedly) many hidden faults, and an earthquake history of such short duration as to be of little value in predicting the likelihood or location of future earthquakes we have recommended the use of the criteria presented in UBC Seismic Zone 4 Some question has arisen concerning the cause of a vertical contact in Test Pit No 3 (located in the southwest comer of the church property and described in a previous Northwestern Territories report) We have reviewed the circumstances of this occurrence and have concluded that the feature noted in Test Pit No. 3 is of depositional origin. We believe that this site, located as it is with the Headquarters Building of the Olympic National Park on one side, and the Port Angeles Senior High School on the other is as safe from the effects of major seismic activity as any structure in the Port Angeles area. 11 Construction Precautions Although it is anticipated that foundation preparation will take place entirely within the cut portion of the native soil units, the presence of unsuitable materials (particularly along the northerly edge of the building footprint) could result in the need for fill to restore the level of the subgrade. The following options are presented for guidance in dealing with this emergency a. Should the area be of limited extent, the simplest procedure would be to excavate firm soil and then restore the grade with washed pea gravel (a material which requires no compaction, and which will support not only the grade slab but the building foundations as well) This procedure would be found to be the suitable for any depth of fill; however it should be pointed out that pea gravel should not be used where subsequent excavation (as for utility lines) is a possibility because it will not stand on slopes in excess of 1 vertical to 1 5 horizontal. b. A broad area with a depth of say 2 or 3 feet, may be replaced with a compacted fill, using selected material from the excavation. Material to be used in structural fill should be as clean (i.e. free from silt or clay) as possible. The presence of gravel is of little importance. Structural fill should be placed in uniform lifts not exceeding 8 inches loose thickness, with each lift to be compacted as thoroughly and uniformly as possible, using either heavy earthmovers or loaded dump trucks. The degree of compaction sought is 95 per cent of maximum density as obtained by ASTM Compaction 1 Episcopal Reti ment Homes April 29. 1996 Paae 4 1 Test 1557 c. In the event that compacted fill is to be placed to a thickness of more than 3 feet over a wide area, we suggest that the material be selected and compacted as outlined in the foregoing paragraph, followed by the placing of a surcharge of 3 to 4 feet of soil from local excavation. After a period of three weeks the surcharge may be removed from the site. With the site having been preloaded, this portion of the site may be treated in the same manner as the part which has been prepared on firm native soil. We shall be pleased to furnish such information or advice as you or other members of the design /ownership team may have in completing the design of this structure, and to assist in the resolution of unforeseen difficulties at the time of construction. NHT:nt cc: Chilless /Nieslen Associates Northwestern Territories, Inc. Allen Moses EXPIRES 3 1 13 1 I q 9i 1 Very truly yours, NEIL H. 1WELKER AND ASSOC. INC. Neil H. Twelker Pres. 1 1 1 t 1 1 t t 1 1 1 t 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 The extent of site clearing work is shown on the drawings and includes, but is not limited to Vegetation 1.3 PROJECT CONDITIONS 1.3.1 Conditions existing at the time of inspection for bidding purposes will be maintained by the Owner in so far as possible. 1.3.2 The use of explosives will not be permitted. Section 02110 Site Clearing CN 95-07 1.3.3 Traffic' Conduct site clearing operations and removal of debris to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. Do not close or obstruct streets, sidewalks or other occupied or used facilities without permission from the authorities having jurisdiction. 1.3.4 Protection Ensure the safe passage of persons around the area of demolition. Provide temporary fences or barricades and conduct operations to prevent injury or damage to persons, adjacent buildings, structures or other property 1.3.5 Utility Services: Maintain existing utilities, indicated to remain, keep in service, and protect against damage during demolition operations. "Cap -Off' any utility piping encountered in strict accordance with the local utility and City of Port Angeles requirements. 2. PRODUCTS Not applicable 3. EXECUTION 3.1 SITE CLEARING 3 1 1 Remove grass and other vegetation or obstructions as indicated. (See Geotechnical Report). 3 1.2 Control air pollution caused by dust and dirt. Comply with government regulations. 31.3 Remove from the site debris, rubbish, and other materials resulting from demolition operations and dispose of legally 31 4 Buming of waste materials on site is not permitted. END OF SECTION 02110 -1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1.2 SCOPE 1 Stripping of topsoil and loose subsoils 2. Compaction of stripped areas prior to embankment 3 Importing fills and gravels to stabilize soft areas 4 Excavation of native soils of all types to lines and grades 5 Transporting, stockpiling, and embanking soils and fills, 6 Compaction of embankments and ballasts 7 Construction of base under concrete slabs, roads and parking, walks, paths 8 Plowing and harrowing native soil to reduce moisture by aeration 9 Placing and compacting gravel base embankments in building areas, 10 Shaping and grading earthwork to the required precision 11 Providing for drainage, temporary ballast to support equipment; 12. Planning the work for least disturbance and wetting of soils; 13 Disposing of unsuitable soils off-site 14 Importing approved fills for completion of embankments 15. Establishing and obtaining approval for spoils sites, 16 Planning operations for completion of the work during favorable weather 1.3 EARTHWORK 1 4 QUALITY ASSURANCE Section 02200 Earthwork CN 95 -04 1 1 1 All workmanship and materials shall conform to the "1994 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction' WSDOT /APWA, hereinafter referred to as the "Standard Specifications' Any references therein to the Architect' or to the "Engineer" shall be interpreted to mean the Owner (Episcopal Retirement Homes of Westem Washington) or their designated representative(s) 1.2.1 Under this Section all materials, necessary labor equipment, transportation and any other services required for construction and establishment of lines and grades shown in the plans. Work includes, but is not limited to 1.3 1 Earthwork: Earthwork shall consist of excavation for construction and site grading and creating stable embankments for buildings, walks, paths, landscaping areas, roads, parking areas and grading of transition areas. The lines and grades of the earthwork are indicated on the drawings. Earthwork shall also include subgrade and base for building slabs, subgrade for foundations, preparation of base and subgrade for all paved areas and subgrade for landscaped areas. 1.3.2 Definitions. 'Excavation' ,shall mean the removal of earth materials encountered to the depth and lines specified and indicated on the drawings and the subsequent removal and disposal of the materials removed. 1 41 Codes and Standards. All earthwork shall be carried out to the standards of workmanship and materials detailed in the 1994 Washington State Department of Transportation's, "Standard Specifications. Work required for the completion of the specified project shall be included in the Contractor's Base Bid. 1 4.2 Testing and Inspection of the Work. During the course of the earthwork, materials and workmanship shall be subject to testing and verification of conformance to specifications. 02200 1 Samples of all aggregates and fill materials to be used in embankments or ballasts shall be delivered to the Geotechnical Engineer for testing prior to any stockpiling or use of the material on the project. 1.5 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS Section 02200 Earthwork CN 95-04 1.5.1 Survey and Topography: A topographic and boundary survey of the project site was completed and is shown on the Civil Drawings. Survey elevations are accurate to within ±0.5 foot. The Owner is not responsible for changes in the site topography since the time of the survey The Contractor shall obtain surveys that are sufficient for the execution of the earthwork at his own expense. If additional marks for purposes of determinations are required, the Contractor shall provide them. In the event that the survey markers are disturbed or lost during the execution of the work, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, replace the marks. 1.5.2 Subsurface Conditions: Refer to Soils Investigation for Proposed Assisted Living Facility located in Section 02010 The soils report is included for the general information of the bidders only Neither the Owner the Architect nor the Engineer is responsible for variations in subsurface conditions at locations or depths other than those explored and reported upon. It shall be the bidder's responsibility to visit the site prior to bidding and satisfy himself regarding the conditions there. The Contractor's bid price for earthwork shall be deemed to include sufficient amounts for weather conditions at the site and all operations necessary including wasting of spoils and importing fills, for the proper completion of the work in the time schedule indicated. 1.6 PROTECTION 1.6.1 Barricade open excavations occurring as part of this work and post with warning lights. 1.6.2 Operate waming lights as recommended by authorities having jurisdiction. 1.6.3 Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. 1 6.4 Adequately protect all work and materials. Damage caused by the work or by exposure to weather shall be repaired to the original condition by methods approved by the Architect or Engineer 1.6.5 Carefully maintain bench marks, monuments and other referenced points. If disturbed or destroyed, replace as directed. 1.6.6 Protect persons and adjacent property from damage and discomfort caused by dust. Water as necessary to quell dust. 1.6.7 Barricade existing plantings to remain to keep all traffic away Exercise care to avoid damage to plants or roots. Keep plantings free of debris and waste 1.6.8 Provide wheel cleaning stations as necessary to prevent dirt from being carried onto public roads by cleaning wheels and undercarriage of trucks before leaving site. If roads are fouled, clean them. 1.6.9 Protect undisturbed portions of the site and adjacent property from water runoff erosion, and siltation. See Drawings. 1.6.10 During the project, protect Bayview Avenue, McKinley Street and Roosevelt Street so local traffic can proceed at all times in a safe manner without delays. 02200 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 EXCESS OR SHORTAGE OF EARTH 1 7 1 The Architect and Engineer have NOT set the grades so a cut and fill balance is likely to result. Actual quantities may vary due to topographic survey tolerances, the timing, sequence and manner in which the Contractor completes the work, the weather during the construction period and variations in the suitability of soils at the site. The sum payable for earthwork within the Base Bid shall be deemed to include an allowance for variation in actual quantity of earthwork. If a deficit of native soil for embankment should occur it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to import a suitable granular fill from off-site at his own cost. Alternately if an excess of soil is excavated, the Contractor shall remove it to an approved spoils area at his own cost. No additional payments for importation of fill or exporting unsuitable spoils will be allowed to balance cut and fill. 1.8 COMPACTION TEST PLOTS 1.8.1 The Geotechnical Engineer may order the construction of compaction test plots to test and calibrate compaction methods and to define the necessary level of compaction effort. 1.9 CONSTRUCTION ROADS AND WORKING BALLAST 1.9 1 The Contractor shall furnish and place, at his own expense, approved rock ballast to maintain access and to support equipment and hauling operations. Where practicable, roads and ballast shall coincide with parking or road areas shown on the Drawings. Such ballast as needed shall be deemed to be included in the Contractor's Base Bid and shall not be payable separately 1 10 CONTRACTOR'S GRADING AND EARTHWORK PLAN 1 10 1 Within seven (7) days of the award of Contract, the Contractor shall submit a written grading and earthwork plan to the Architect and Engineer and arrange and attend a meeting at the project site to present and discuss the grading and earthwork plan. The actual person(s) who will direct the earthwork on behalf of the Contractor shall attend the meeting and participate in the development of the grading and earthwork plan 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL 2.1 1 All materials to be used for backfill and embankments shall be free of debris, wood scrap material, vegetation, and organic or deleterious materials. 2.2 FILL AND EMBANKMENT MATERIALS Section 02200 Earthwork CN 95 -04 2.2.1 General Site Fill. Native soils used for embankments and fills shall not be excessively wet, rather the moisture content shall not exceed the optimum moisture content for compaction plus 3 To be used for fills native soils must meet the general requirements noted above. Native soils classified as CL, OL, CH and OH in accordance with ASTM D 2487 shall not be used as fills. Imported General Site Fill shall be classified as GP GM SP or SM by ASTM D 2487 Excessively dry fills shall not be used for fill materials without the addition of water 2.2.2 Gravel Base. A portion of the fills under structures buildings, roads and other paved areas shall be Gravel Base. Gravel Base shall conform to the Standard Specifications Sections 9 -03 10 Gravel Base shall have not more than 10% by weight passing the #200 sieve. 02200 3 2.3 RIP RAP 2.3.2 Rip rap shall conform to Section 8 -15 of the Standard Specifications. 2.4. STOCKPILING Section 02200 Earthwork CN 95-04 2.2.3 Crushed Rock. Base fills directly under concrete slabs, walks, and paths and as shown in the Drawings shall meet the product requirements of the Standard Specifications for Crushed Surfacing Top Course, Section 9- 03.9(3) 2.2.4 Imported Gravels. Aggregate materials that may be used for replacement of unsuitable subbase soils shall be imported sandy gravels approved by the Geotechnical Engineer Imported sandy gravels shall contain a low percentage of fines and shall be principally composed of a graded mixture of sound gravel. 2.2.5 Crushed Ouarry Spalls. If required for the project, Crushed Quarry Spalls shall be an 8 -inch minus mixture of blasted or crushed rock. Rock to be used as quarry spalls shall be dense and sound. 2.2.6 Pipe and Conduit Beddina, Imported rock -free sand imported pea gravel approved by the Geotechnical Engineer or materials conforming to the requirements of the Standard Specifications Section 9 -03.15 and 9 -03 16 shall be used for bedding throughout the project work. Bedding shall be placed and compacted as shown in the Drawings. Native soils shall not be used for bedding. 2.2.7 Drain Rock: Where required, drain rock for use in the storm water infiltaration facility shall conform to the specification for septic system drainfield washed gravel. 2.3 1 The work under this item consists of the performance of all work required to furnish and install rip rap, as shown in the Contract Drawings or as directed by the Engineer All work and materials required to complete this item is considered incidental to this item. 2.4 1 The Contractor may stockpile earth materials on -site or off -site to facilitate earthwork. Materials shall be entered into stockpiles for subsequent use on the project in a manner and as directed and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer Stockpiles and stockpiling shall be carried out as described in the Standard Specifications Sec. 3 -02. 3 EXECUTION OF THE WORK 31 GENERAL 3 1 1 Excavation is unclassified and includes excavation to the lines and grades indicated in the Drawings regardless of the character of the materials and/or obstructions encountered. 3 1.2 Unauthorized overexcavation consists of the removal of earth materials beyond the lines and grades without the specific direction of the Geotechnical Engineer Overexcavated areas shall be remedied by backfilling with Gravel Base and compacting in lifts not exceeding nine inches to the originally specified grade. Such backfill shall be compacted to 95% of the ASTM D1557 optimum density 3 1.3 At the conclusion of excavation, bearing surfaces are to be left undisturbed, level and true Allow ample space in excavations for formwork and allow 18 inches where perimeter drains and foundation drains occur 02200 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 3.3.1 Following stripping and compaction, the Geotechnical Engineer may order proof rolling of the site to identify excessively soft and unsuitable soil materials. 3.3.2 Soft areas that may be identified shall be removed to a depth of two feet and the unsuitable soils shall be removed and replaced to a depth of two feet with imported gravels Compaction shall be carried out in accordance with the workmanship standards of the Standard Specification Sec 2- 03.3(14)C Method B, or other method approved by the Geotechnical Engineer to achieve a stable and dense embankment that does not pump or rut under proof- rolling. If directed by the Geotechnical Engineer the Contractor shall provide Quarry SpaIls from time to time for replacement of soils in extremely unstable and/or deep unstable areas. 3.3.3 The following shall not be considered as "Replacement of Unsuitable Soils' 1 1 1 Section 02200 Earthwork CN 95 -04 3 1 4 All areas to receive footings shall be inspected by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to placing concrete or tieing reinforcing steel. The Contractor shall give the Architect/Engineer at least 24 hours prior notice of the requirement for a foundation inspection. 3 1.5 All site excavation shall conform to the standards of workmanship in the Standard Specifications Sections 2 -03 and 2 -10. 3 1 6 The Contractor shall have a general obligation to avoid reworking and wetting of any fine -grain soils at the site and to carry out the work in an efficient manner which is satisfactory to the Engineer Work shall be planned and carried out to minimize drainage problems and moisture problems. Drainage, bioswale ditches and/or temporary ditches may be required to facilitate construction. 3.1 7 During the entire course of the earthwork, the Contractor shall assist the Geotechnical Engineer in making determinations regarding the earthwork. Such assistance shall include, but not be limited to providing heavy wheeled equipment for proof- rolling, excavation of shallow test pits by backhoe and other assistance as may be required to make such determinations. 3 1.8 If dry weather and construction operations result in dust, the Architect may order reasonable measures to control dust and debris from construction operations both off and on the project site. Such measures paid for by the Contractor shall be included in the Base Bid. 3.2 STRIPPING OF TOP SOIL AND GRUBBING 3.2.1 Topsoil and loose loamy soils shall be removed where the site grade is to be altered and in areas where excavation or embankment is to be made within the boundaries of buildings, parking lots paths, walks and landscaped areas. 3.2.2 The Contractor shall remove, dispose of, and/or process topsoil off -site at his expense. It shall be the Contractor's obligation to obtain all permits, approvals and authorizations for disposal storage and/or off-site processing of stripped topsoil and loam materials. 3.2.3 Tree roots, stumps buried Togs and organic debris shall be grubbed from the project site soils in accordance with the workmanship and materials requirements of the Standard Specifications Sec. 2 -01 3.2.4 The stripped and grubbed surface shall be prepared for embankment by aeration and compaction of the soils in accordance with the Standard Specifications Sections 2 -03 and 2 -10 3.3 REPLACEMENT OF UNSUITABLE SOILS 1 Importing of ballast for temporary roads or equipment operating pads 02200 5 Section 02200 Earthwork CN 95 -04 2. Replacement of soil in areas that can be aerated and compacted to a stable condition by any of the methods described herein 3 Replacement of soils that have been unnecessarily worked up to a unstable condition by the Contractor's activities 4 Replacement of soils that are excessively wet due to the Contractor's failure to make reasonable provisions for drainage 5. Replacement of soil necessary to expedite the work due to the failure of the Contractor to effectively plan or manage the work for optimum weather operations. 3.3 4 Payment for replacement of unsuitable soils shall be deemed to be included in the Base Bid. Payment for excavation and embankment, related hauling, soil drying and aeration operations, stockpiling, compaction, and control of grades and construction operations shall also be deemed to be included in the Base Bid and shall not be payable separately 3.3.5 The Architect and Geotechnical Engineer shall make all determinations required by this section. 3 4 MASS EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT 3 4'1 Once the site has been stripped and prepared as required, mass excavation of earth materials may proceed. Mass excavation shall be carried out to the lines, grades and surfaces as shown in the Drawings. 3 4.2 Once topsoil is stripped, surfaces at the stripped existing grade to receive embankments shall be compacted to produce a firm, unyielding surface. Compaction shall be carried out in accordance with the workmanship and standards of Standard Specifications Section 2- 03.3(14)C Method B to achieve a stable and dense embankment that does not pump or rut under proof rolling 3 4.3 Embankment shall proceed to the lines and grades shown in the Drawings. Embankment shall be carried out in accordance with the Standard Specifications Section 2 -03 especially Section 2- 03.3(14)C Loose, wet native soils with a moisture content more than 3 percentage points above the optimum moisture content shall not be used for embankments. Wet native soils otherwise suitable as General Site Fill may be dried on -site and used in embankments when the moisture content reaches an acceptable value. Alternately the Contractor may decide to haul such materials to spoils with intent to import approved General Site Fill at his own expense if a cut -fill balance is not achieved. 3 4 4 Water shall be added to excessively dry native soils so it may be compacted at or near the optimum moisture content or water may be ordered for dust control. During the work, the Contractor shall modify his operations and the sequence of the work to allow time for aeration and drying of wet native soils to prepare them for embankment. 3 4.5 Embankments and excavations shall be brought to the lines and grades of the Drawings. The completed surfaces shall be within ±0 1 foot of the planned grades and lines and they shall be free from depressions and irregularities larger than 0 1 foot along a ten -foot straight -edge or stringline pulled any direction across the completed grade. 3 4 6 Payment for mass excavation and embankment shall be deemed to be included in the Base Bid Payment for excavation and embankment, related hauling, soil drying and aeration operations, stockpiling, compaction, and control of grades and construction operations shall also be deemed to be included in the Base Bid and shall not be payable separately 3.5 FILLS UNDER SLABS AND BUILDINGS 02200 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 Section 02200 Earthwork CN 95-04 3.5.1 Once excavated, the entire surface shall be compacted in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications Section 2- 03.3(14)C Aeration may also be necessary The Geotechnical Engineer may then order that the surface be proof rolled. Following the completion of any required soft soil replacement, the Contractor shall embank the building pad in accordance with the Standard Specifications, Sec 4 -04 Gravel Base and in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications Sec. 4 -04.3. Gravel base shall be compacted in lifts having a nominal thickness not greater than nine inches and shall meet the density requirement outlined in the Standard Specification. 3.6 ROAD AND PARKING AREA SUBBASE 3 6.1 Areas to support roads and parking areas shall be excavated and filled and soft areas replaced as indicated in Sections 3.01 A through D above. Once brought to the planned grade and lines within ±0 1 foot and not more than 0.1 feet deviation from a straightedge in 10 feet, the filled or excavated surface under roads and parking areas shall receive six (6) inches of compacted Gravel Base meeting the standards of workmanship and materials of the Standard Specifications Section 4 -02 and detail on sheet C3 of 5. The resulting final surface shall not vary more than ±0 05 foot from the planned grade, nor shall the surface deviate more than 3/8 inch from a ten -foot straight -edge or stringline 3.6.2 The entire surface of road and parking areas shall be inspected by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to placing of paving. 3 7 REPLACEMENT OF UNSUITABLE SOILS UNDER FOOTINGS AND OVEREXCAVATION 3 7 1 If unsuitable soils are found under footings, the Contractor shall remove the unsuitable materials to the depth indicated and replace the soil with Gravel Base meeting the specifications of the Standard Specifications Section 4.04 In the event that footing areas are overexcavated, the Contractor shall replace the overexcavated soils in the same manner outlined above. 3.8 PERIMETER AND RETAINING WALL BACKFILL 3.8.1 All retaining walls and the exterior of perimeter walls will be backfilled with clean, washed gravels that meet the specifications of the Standard Specifications Section 9-03 12(2) "Gravel Backfill for Walls. Compaction and placing shall be in accordance with the workmanship standards of the Standard Specifications Section 4 -02. 3.9 UTILITY EXCAVATION 3.9 1 The individual subcontractors responsible for each utility or system will be responsible for the trenching and backfilling as required to install their utilities, and fine grade and re- compact the prepared subgrade to 95% density at optimum moisture content. This is prior to the installation of other materials by other contractors. All suitable excavated materials from utilities installation may be used for backfll of trenches with the Geotechnical Engineers approval. Pipe bedding shall be imported 3.9.2 The Contractor shall determine location of underground utilities and perform work in a manner which will avoid possible damage. Hand excavate, as required. Any utilities, structures, or other facilities damaged due to work on this project shall be restored equal to their original condition at the Contractor's. expense. The Owner will furnish utility plans to the successful Contractor but assumes no liability of said materials. 3 10 STABILITY OF EXCAVATIONS 02200 7 3 10 1 Slope sides of excavations to comply with local codes and ordinances having jurisdiction. Shore and brace where sloping is not possible because of space restrictions or stability of material excavated. 3 10.2 Maintain sides and slopes of excavations in safe conditions until completion of backfilling. 311 DEWATERING 3 11 1 Prevent surface water and subsurface or ground water from flowing into excavations and from flooding project site and surrounding area. 3 11.2 Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Remove water to prevent softening of foundation bottoms, undercutting footings, and soil changes detrimental to stability of subgrades and foundations. Provide and maintain pumps, well points, sumps, suction and discharge lines, and other dewatering system components necessary to convey water away from excavations. 311.3 Establish and maintain temporary drainage ditches and other diversions outside excavation limits to convey rain water and water removed from excavations to collecting or runoff areas. Do not use trench excavations as temporary drainage ditches. After each day's excavation work, grade surface to drain and seal by rolling with smooth wheel roller 3 12 MATERIAL STORAGE 3 12.1 Stockpile 'satisfactory excavated materials' where approved by the Architect or Engineer until required for backfill or fill. Place grade and shape stockpiles for proper drainage. 3 12.2 Dispose of excess soil material and waste materials as herein specified. Locate and retain soil materials away from edge of excavations. 3 13 EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES Section 02200 Earthwork CN 95-04 3 13 1 Conform to elevations and dimensions shown within a tolerance of ±0 10 foot, and extending a sufficient distance from footings and foundations to permit placing and removal of concrete formwork, installation of services, other construction, and for inspection. 3 13.2 In excavating for footings and foundations, take care not to disturb bottom of excavation. Excavate by hand to final grade just before concrete reinforcement is placed Trim bottoms to required lines and grades to leave solid base to receive other work. 3 14 EXCAVATION FOR PAVEMENTS 3 141 Cut surface under pavements to comply with cross sections, elevations and grades as shown. 3.15 EXCAVATION FOR TRENCHES 3 151 Excavation for conduits and pipes shall be as shown on the Drawings. Excavations shall allow clearance for the specified bedding that shall be provided for all pipes and conduits. 3 15.2 Dig trenches to the uniform width for particular item to be installed, sufficiently wide to provide ample working room. Provide six -inch minimum clearance on both sides of pipe or conduit. 3 15.3 Excavate trenches to depth indicated or required. Carry depth of trenches for piping to establish indicated flow lines and invert elevations. Keep bottoms of trenches sufficiently below finish grade to avoid freeze -ups. 02200 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Section 02200 Earthwork CN 95 -04 3 15.4 Where rock is encountered, carry excavation six inches below required elevation and backfill with a six -inch layer of 3/8 inch minus crushed stone or pea gravel prior to installation of pipe. 3 15.5 Do not excavate beyond indicated depths. Hand excavate bottom cuts to accurate elevations and support pipe or conduit on bedding. 315.6 Grade bottoms of trenches as indicated, notching under pipe bells to provide solid bearing for entire body of pipe. 3 15 7 Do not backfill trenches until tests and inspections have been made and backfilling has been authorized by the Architect and Engineer Use care in backfilling to avoid damage or displacement of pipe systems. 3 16 COLD WEATHER PROTECTION 3 16.1 Protect excavation bottoms against freezing when atmospheric temperature is less than 35 Fahrenheit. 3 17 TRANSITION AREAS 3.171 Transition areas, slopes and grade adjustment areas shall be graded to a smooth, conforming surface to the satisfaction of the Architect and Engineer 4 COMPACTION 41 GENERAL 4 1 1 Compaction of soils and aggregate products shall be as specified in the referenced portion of the Standard Specifications and as noted below 4.2 COMPACTION OF GRAVEL BASE UNDER FOOTINGS 4.2.1 Gravel Base (select backfill) under footings shall be compacted to 95% of the ASTM D1557 density at optimum moisture content in lifts not exceeding 0 75 foot. 4.3 EARTH EMBANKMENTS AND FILLS 4.3 1 Compaction shall be in accordance with the Standard Specifications Section 2 -03 4 4 GROUND SURFACE PREPARATION 4 41 The ground surface at the stripped or excavated grade shall be compacted as specified in the Standard Specifications Section 2 -03 and Section 2- 03.3(14) 4.5 ROAD AND PARKING AREAS 4.5.1 Aggregates under roads and parking areas shall be compacted as specified in the Standard Specifications Sections 4 -02 and 4 -04 4.6 PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION 4.6.1 Place backfill and fill materials in layers not more than nine inches in loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment, and not more than four inches loose depth for material compacted by hand operated tampers. 02200 9 4.6.2. Before compaction, moisten or aerate each layer as necessary to provide optimum moisture content. Compact each layer to required percentage of maximum dry density for each area classification. Do not place backfill or fill material on surfaces that are muddy frozen, or contain frost or ice 4.6.3 Place backfill and fill materials evenly adjacent to structures, piping or conduit to required elevations. Take care to prevent wedging action of backfill against material uniformly around structure piping or conduit by carrying material uniformly around structure, piping or conduit to approximately the same elevation in each lift. 4.6.4 Placement of fill will be suspended during periods of unfavorable weather No fill is to be placed while the fill is frozen or thawing. When work is stopped by rain, the placement of fill will not resume until the Geotechnical Engineer determines that the moisture content is suitable for compactioe effort and that the previously placed fill has not been loosened. The Contractor will take appropriate measures during unfavorable weather to protect the fill already placed Measures that may be required include grading to provide temporary drainage of the fill. At the direction of the Geotechnical Engineer the Contractor will be responsible for the removal or reworking of fill that has softened to less than the required compaction. 5 GRADING 5.1 GENERAL 51 1 Uniformly grade areas within limits of grading under this Section, including adjacent transition areas. Smooth finished surface within specified tolerances, compact with uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are indicated, or between such points and existing grades. 5.2 GRADING OUTSIDE OF STRUCTURE BUILDING LINE 5.2.1 Grade areas adjacent to structure or building lines to drain away from structures and to prevent ponding. 5.2.2 Finish surfaces free from irregular surface changes, and as follows Section 02200 Earthwork CN 95-04 1 Walks Shape surface of areas under walks to line grade and cross section, with finish surface not more than 0.05 foot above or below required subgrade elevation. 2. Pavements Shape surfaces of areas under pavement to line grade and cross- section with finish surface not more than 0 05 feet above or below required subgrade elevation. 5.2.3 Grading surface of fill under building slabs and footings. Grade smooth and even, free of voids compacted as specified and to required elevation to tolerances noted herein. 5.3 COMPACTION 5.3.1 After grading, compact subgrade surfaces to the depth and indicated percentage of maximum or relative density for each area or material classification. 6. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 6 1 QUALITY CONTROL TESTING DURING CONSTRUCTION 61 1 Testing service shall inspect and approve subgrades and fill layers before further construction work is performed. 02200 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Section 02200 Earthwork CN 95-04 1 Perform field density tests in accordance with ASTM D 1556 (sand cone method) ASTM D2167 (rubber balloon method) ASTM D 2922 (nuclear density testing) or ASTM D 3017 (nuclear resistance testing) as applicable. 2. Footing subgrade: For each strata of soil on which footings will be placed, conduct at least one test to verify required design bearing capacities. Subsequent verification and approval of each footing subgrade may be based on a visual comparison or each subgrade with related tested strata, when acceptable to the Engineer Provide continuous inspection for all structural fill. Provide one density test for each 200 cubic yards of fill placed. 3 Paved areas and slab subgrade Make at least one field density test of subgrade for every 2,000 square feet of paved area or concrete slab, but in no case less than three tests. In each compacted fill layer make one field density test for every 300 cubic yards of fill placed. 4 Foundation and wall trench backfill: Take at least one field density test for each 300 lineal feet of trench backfill. 6.1.2. If in opinion of the Architect and Engineer based on testing service reports and inspection, subgrade or fills which have been placed are below specified density provide additional compaction and testing at no additional expense 7 MAINTENANCE 71 PROTECTION OF GRADED AREAS 7 1 1 Protect newly graded areas from traffic and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris. 71.2 Repair and re- establish grades in settled eroded, and rutted areas to specified tolerances. 7.2 RECONDITIONING COMPACTED AREAS 7.2.1 Where completed, compacted areas are disturbed by subsequent construction operations or adverse weather scarify surface re -shape and compact to required density prior to further construction. 7.3 SETTLING 7.3.1 Where settling is measurable or observable at excavated areas during general project warranty period, remove surface (pavement, lawn or other finish) add backfill material, compact, and replace surface treatment. Restore appearance, quality and condition of surface or finish to match adjacent work, and eliminate evidence of restoration to greatest extent possible 8 DISPOSAL OF EXCESS MATERIALS 81 GENERAL 8.1 1 The Contractor shall remove from the site and dispose of all excess earth materials from the project, including stripped topsoil, excess soils and unsuitable soils. In the disposal of such materials, the Contractor shall meet all the requirements of the Standard Specifications Section 2- 03.3(7) END OF SECTION 02200 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1 1 1 Asphalt paving as shown on the plans shall have crushed rock surfacing under the asphalt surfacing 1.2 WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications shall include but not be limited to 1.2.1 Furnishing and installing asphaltic concrete pavement, Section 02612. Fumishing and installing curbing, Section 02630 Furnishing and installing drain lines and culverts, Section 02722. 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIAL 2.1 1 Base course: See sheet C4 C5 of 8 for base course depths. 2.1.2 Surfacing, 1 The work under this item consists of the performance of all work required to place crushed surfacing as shown in the Contract Drawings or as directed by the Engineer All work and materials required to complete this item as part of a functioning system is considered incidental to this item. 2. Crushed surfacing shall conform to Section 4 -04 of the Standard Specifications. Thickness shown on plans is minimum. 2.2 STERILIZATION END OF SECTION 1 1 Section 02611 Crushed Rock Surfacing CN 95 -04 2.2.1 All areas shall be properly sterilized before crushed rock surfacing is installed, using 20 to 40 lbs. /1,000 square feet or 20 Ibs minimum of HyVar X by Dupont per 1000 square feet of surface area. Mix with water and apply by shower spray 3 EXECUTION 31 SPREADING 3 1 1 Use spreader box or other approved device Surface to be 2 inches thick after compaction. 3.2 COMPACTION 3.2.1 Compact area to receive crushed rock prior to receiving base course, after base course and after surfacing. Compact thoroughly by power roller weighing not less than 10 tons. Begin rolling at sides, continue toward center Roll until there is no movement of material ahead of roller 02611 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 All workmanship and materials shall conform to the '1994 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction' WSDOT /APWA, hereinafter referred to as the Standard Specifications' along with The Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction' WSDOT /APWA. 1 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification sections, apply to work of this Section. 1.2 SCOPE 1.2.1 Extent of asphalt concrete paving work is shown on drawings. 1.3 SUBMITTALS 1.31 Provide copies of materials certificates signed by material producer and Contractor certifying that each material item complies with, or exceeds, specified requirements. 1 4 STANDARD SPECIFICATION CODES AND STANDARDS Section 02612 Asphalt Concrete Paving CN 95-04 1 41 The Standard Specifications for Road Bridge and Municipal Construction of the Washington State Department of Transportation, Edition of 1994 and with local governing regulations if more stringent than herein specified. 1.5 GRADE CONTROL 1.51 Establish and maintain required lines and elevations. 1.6 WEATHER LIMITATIONS 1.6.1 Apply tack coat when ambient temperature is above 50 degrees F (10 degrees C), and when temperature has not been below 35 degrees F (1 degrees C) for 12 hours immediately prior to application. Do not apply when base is wet or contains an excess of moisture 1 6.2 Construct asphalt concrete surface course when atmospheric temperature is above 40 degrees F (4 degrees C) and when base is dry Base course may be placed when air temperature is above 30 degrees F -I degrees C) and rising. 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL 2.1 1 Shall conform to the Standard Specifications and the following 1 Base. Gravel base 2. Crushed surfacing* Top course. 3 Asphalt concrete Class B using AR -4000W asphalt. The work under this item consists of the performance of all work required to place Class 'B' asphalt concrete (AC) pavement 02612 1 4 Asphalt Treated Base (ATB) Section 02612 Asphalt Concrete Paving CN 95-04 as shown in the Contract Drawings. All work and materials required to complete this item as part of a functioning system is considered incidental to this item. The asphalt concrete pavement shall conform to Section 5 -04 of the Standard Specifications. Aggregates shall conform to the requirements of section 9 -03.8 (4) of the Standard Specifications. No paving shall occur until a project mix design has been obtained, per the requirements of Section 5 -04.3 (7)A of the Standard Specifications and amendments contained hereunder Thickness shown on plans is minimum. Existing bituminous and/or asphalt concrete paving to be joined, except where feathering is shown on the Plans or as directed, shall be cut back to a vertical plane to form a butt-joint with the new paving, and the cut off material removed. The cost of such cutting and removal will be considered incidental to construction. The asphalt concrete shall be placed by a self- propelled spreading and finishing machine as specified in Section 5 -04.3 (3) of the Standard specifications. Compaction rollers shall be a minimum of 10 tons in weight. Existing bituminous and/or asphalt concrete paving to be joined, except where feathering is shown on the Plans or as directed, shall be cut back to a vertical plane to form a butt-joint with the new paving, and the cut off material removed. The cost of such cutting and removal will be considered incidental to construction and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefore. The work under this item consists of the performance of all work required to place Asphalt Treated Base (ATB) as shown in the Contract Drawings or as directed by the Engineer All work and materials required to complete this item as part of a functioning system is considered incidental to this item. Asphalt Treated Base (ATB) shall conform to Section 4 -06 of the Standard Specifications. Aggregates shall conform to the requirements of Section 9 -03.6 of the Standard Specifications. No paving shall occur until a project mix design has been obtained, per the requirements of Section 5- 04.3(7)A of the Standard Specifications and amendments contained hereunder Thickness shown on plans is minimum. Existing bituminous and/or asphalt concrete paving to be joined, except where feathering is shown on the Plans or as directed, shall be cut back to a vertical plane to form a butt-joint with the new paving, and the cut off material removed. The cost of such cutting and removal will be considered incidental to construction and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefore. Asphalt Treated Base shall be placed by a self propelled spreading and finishing machine as specified in Section 5- 04.3(3) of the Standard specifications. Compaction rollers shall be a minimum of 10 tons in weight. 5 Herbicide treatment. Commercial chemical for weed control, registered by Environmental Protection Agency Provide granular liquid, or wettable powder form labeled for use below pavement, applied per manufacturer's recommendations. The first paragraph of Section 5 -04.3 (5)D of the Standard Specifications is revised to read. The Contractor shall apply one application of an approved soil residual herbicide Paving shall begin within 24 hours after application of the herbicide Any area that has 02612 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 not been paved within the time limit or that has been rained on, must be treated again at the Contractors expense. Application of the herbicide shall be a uniform spray in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 2.2 ROAD AND PARKING SURFACING 2.2.1 See Sheet C4 C5 of 8 for pavement section. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 3 1 1 Standard Specifications. 3.2 HERBICIDE TREATMENT Section 02612 Asphalt Concrete Paving CN 95-04 3.2.1 The Contractor shall apply soil sterilant to subgrade similar to U S. Borax "Monobar- Chlorate (Granular)' or approved, containing 30 percent sodium chlorate and 68 percent sodium metaborate, dry free flowing. 3.2.2 Apply soil sterilant in water solution over all subgrade areas to receive ballast or crushed rock base for asphalt pavement. Solution mix shall be 1 pound per gallon of water and spread on at rate of 2 gallons per 100 square feet. 3.3 BASE AND CRUSHED SURFACING 3.3.1 Standard Specifications. 3 4 ADJUSTMENT OF UTILITY FRAMES 3 41 Set all utility frames for lids and grates to finish grade prior to asphalt paving. Anchor frames in place with a ring of concrete to prevent them from being dislodged by paving operations. 3.5 ASPHALT CONCRETE 3.5.1 Standard Specifications. 3 6 PLACING MIX 3.6.1 General. Place asphalt concrete mixture on prepared surface, spread and strike -off Spread mixture at minimum temperature of 225 degrees F (107 degrees C) Place inaccessible and small areas by hand. Place each course to required grade cross section, and compacted thickness. 3.6.2 Paver placing Place in strips not Tess than 10' wide, unless otherwise acceptable to Architect. After first strip has been placed and rolled, place succeeding strips and extend rolling to overlap previous strips. Complete base course for a section before placing surface course. 3.6.3 Joints. Make joints between old and new pavements, or between successive days' work, to ensure continuous bond between adjoining work. Construct joints to have same texture, density and smoothness as other sections of asphalt concrete course. Clean contact surfaces and apply tack coat. 3 7 ROLLING 02612 3 3 7 1 General. 1 Begin rolling when mixture will bear roller weight without excessive displacement. 2. Compact mixture with hot hand tampers or vibrating plate compactors in areas inaccessible to rollers. 3 7.2 Breakdown rollino. Accomplish breakdown or initial rolling immediately following rolling of joints and outside edge Check surface after breakdown rolling, and repair displaced areas by loosening and filling, if required, with hot material. 3 7.3 Second rolling, Follow breakdown rolling as soon as possible, while mixture is hot. Continue second rolling until mixture has been thoroughly compacted. 3 7 4 Finish rollina. Perform finish rolling while mixture is still warm enough for removal of roller marks. Continue rolling until roller marks are eliminated and course has attained maximum density 3 7.5 Patching, Remove and replace paving areas mixed with foreign materials and defective areas. Cut -out such areas and fill with fresh, not asphalt concrete. Compact by rolling to maximum surface density and smoothness. 3 7.6 Protection. After final rolling, do not permit vehicular traffic on pavement until it has cooled and hardened. 3 7 7 Erect barricades. Protect paving from traffic until mixture has cooled enough not to become marked 3.8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Section 02612 Asphalt Concrete Paving CN 95 -04 3.8.1 General. Test in -place asphalt concrete courses for compliance with requirements for thickness and surface smoothness. Repair or remove and replace unacceptable paving as directed by Architect. 3.8.2 Thickness. In place compacted thickness will not be acceptable if exceeding following allowable variation from required thickness 1 Base course 1/2' plus or minus. 2. Surface course 1 /4' plus or minus. 3 Total thickness. Should not vary more than 1/8' total 4 The ninth line of the first paragraph of Section 5 -04.3 (9) of the Standard Specifications, is revised to read 5 Asphalt Concrete Class 'G' .0 125 foot. 3.8.3 Surface smoothness. Test finished surface of each asphalt concrete course for smoothness, using 1 0' straightedge applied parallel with, and at right angles to centerline of paved area. Surfaces will not be acceptable if exceeding the following tolerances for smoothness 1 Base course surface 1/4' 2. Wearing course surface. 3/16' except those areas placed by hand or Layton box pavers can be 1/4' (due to inaccessibility) 3 Crowned surfaces Test with crowned template centered and at right angle to crown. Maximum allowable variance from template 1 /4' 02612 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Check surface areas at intervals as directed by Architect. 3.8.4 Subarade and navina comDa tion test Covered hereinafter in this Section and in section headed 'Quality Control Services' Notify Architect and /or Inspector 24 hours prior to proceeding with compaction of subgrade, base and asphalt paving. Should compaction not meet specified requirements, recompact to assure compliance at no additional cost to Owner Original test costs will be paid for as covered in section headed "Quality Control Services" Costs for retesting of failing sections will be back charged to the contractor Compaction requirements for subgrade and base course shall be a minimum of 95% of ASTM D 1557 (D). Compaction requirements for asphaltic concrete shall be a minimum average compacted density of 92 of the maximum density as determined y WSDOT Test Method 705. Controlling compaction is the responsibility of the contractor Compaction tests will be taken, at the option of the Architect, during the paving operation or after the paving is completed. Compaction tests will be either by the Nuclear Method and/or Pavement Cores, at the option of the Architect. Section 5 -04.3 (10)B of the Standard Specifications is revised as follows. For asphalt concrete Classes 'B' and 'G' where paving is in the traffic lanes and the specified compacted course thickness is greater than 0 10 foot, the acceptable level of compaction shall be 92 percent (92 of the maximum density as determined by WSDOT Test Method 705. Nuclear gauge tests for compaction control during paving construction will be taken at the locations determined by the Engineer and which represent lots of approximately 400 tons of mix. In addition to the randomly selected locations for tests of the control lot, the Architect reserves the right to test any area which appears defective and to require further compaction areas that fall below acceptable density readings. At the option of the Architect, the Contractor shall construct a test section in accordance with instructions from the engineer The number of passes with an approved compaction train that will yield the maximum density in the test section shall be used on all succeeding paving. Pavement cores will be used to determine the actual in place thickness and density with the void content determined by comparison with Rice Vacuum Pycnometer density methods. Cores of the finished pavement to determine thickness and densities will be taken within 48 hours of placement of the mix. The Architect will select random locations for the cores. If additional cores are required to identify paving areas which have not met the prescribed minimum thickness or density then such additional coring expenses shall be reimbursed by the Contractor to the Owner at a rate of $50.00 per core. Paving areas not meeting the prescribed minimum thickness a density standard shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory material. At the option of the Architect non complying material may be accepted at a reduced price 3.9 PAVEMENT PAINTING Section 02612 Asphalt Concrete Paving CN 95-04 3.91 Work in this Section shall conform to WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, 1994 Edition. 3.9.2 Apply one coat of paint conforming to WSDOT Standard Specifications. Yellow paint shall be used for cross walks blue paint for handicapped parking and white for all others unless requesed otherwise by the Owner Paint shall be applied at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. 02612 5 Section 02612 Asphalt Concrete Paving CN 95 -04 3.9.3 Equipment All machines tools, and equipment used in performance of the work shall be approved and maintained in satisfactory operating condition. Hand operated push -type machines of a type commonly used for application of paint to pavement surfaces are acceptable Applicator machine shall be equipped with the necessary paint tanks and spraying nozzles, and shall be capable of applying paint uniformly at coverage specified. Sandblasting equipment shall be provided as required for cleaning surfaces to be painted. Hand operated spray guns shall be provided for use in areas where push -type machines cannot be used. 3.9.4 Paint: Paint shall be applied to clean, dry surfaces, and unless otherwise approved, only when air and pavement temperatures are above 40 degrees F and less than 95 degrees F Paint temperatures shall be maintained within these same limits. Paint shall be applied pneumatically with approved equipment at a rate of coverage specified. The Contractor shall provide guidelines and templates as necessary to control paint application. Special precautions shall be taken in marking numbers, letters and symbols. All edges of marking shall be sharply outlined, and work shall be straight and uniform. 3.9.5 Painted work shall be fully protected until dry END OF SECTION 02612 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 All workmanship and materials shall conform to the 1994 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction' WSDOT /APWA, hereinafter referred to as the Standard Specifications' along with "The Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction' WSDOT /APWA. 1 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification sections, apply to work of this Section. 1.2 SCOPE 1.2.1 Extent of asphalt concrete paving work is shown on drawings. 1.3 SUBMITTALS 1.3.1 Provide copies of materials certificates signed by material producer and Contractor certifying that each material item complies with, or exceeds, specified requirements. 1 4 STANDARD SPECIFICATION CODES AND STANDARDS 1 4 1 The Standard Specifications for Road Bridge and Municipal Construction of the Washington State Department of Transportation, Edition of 1994 and with local goveming regulations if more stringent than herein specified 1.5 GRADE CONTROL 1.5.1 Establish and maintain required lines and elevations. 1.6 WEATHER LIMITATIONS 1 6.1 Apply tack coat when ambient temperature is above 50 degrees F (10 degrees C) and when temperature has not been below 35 degrees F (1 degrees C) for 12 hours immediately prior to application. Do not apply when base is wet or contains an excess of moisture. 1.6.2 Construct asphalt concrete surface course when atmospheric temperature is above 40 degrees F (4 degrees C), and when base is dry Base course may be placed when air temperature is above 30 degrees F -I degrees C) and rising. 1 GENERAL 1 1 SECTION INCLUDES Section 02630 Concrete Paving and Sidewalks CN 95 -04 1 1 1 This Section of the Specifications covers the furnishing and placement of portiand cement concrete pavement, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. 1.2 TESTING LABORATORY 1.2.1 The Owner shall provide the services of an independent testing laboratory to obtain samples and perform tests. 1.3 SUBMITTALS 1 02630 1 1.3.1 The Contractor shall make the following submittals 1 Completer mix design 14 REFERENCES 1 41 Publications of the issues listed below but referred to thereafter by basic designation only form a part of this Specification to the extent indicated by references thereto. 1 4.2 American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), 1 C143 2. 1557 1 4.3 American Associates of State Hiahway nd Transmaation Official 1 TI21 1.5 RIGHT OF WAY 1.5.1 Work in road rights of way is to be done to the satisfaction of the applicable authorities. 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL 2.1 1 Products shall be selected by the Contractor subject to the acceptance of the Architect. 2.1.2 Cement Concrete Curb and/or Curb Gutter 1 4 4 1994 Standard Specifications for Road. Bridae. and Municipjl Construction. WSDOT /APWA and the WSDOT /APWA Standard Plans for Road. Bridae. and Municipal Construction. 1 The work under this item consists of the performance of all work required to place and form concrete curb and gutter as shown in the Contract Drawings. All work and materials required to complete this item as part of a functioning system is considered incidental to this item. 2. Concrete curbs and gutters shall conform to Section 8 -04 of the Standard Specifications. Weep holes shall be placed at thirty (30) foot staggered intervals in all curbs. 2.1.3 Cement Concrete Sidewalk Section 02630 Concrete Paving and Sidewalks CN 95-04 1 The work under this item consists of the performance of all work required to place and form concrete sidewalk as shown in the Contract Drawings. All work and materials required to complete this item as part of a functioning system is considered incidental to this item. 2. Cement concrete sidewalks shall conform to Section 8 -14 of the Standard Specifications 2.2 ROAD AND PARKING SURFACING 2.2.1 See Sheet C4 C5 of 8 for pavement section 02630 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.2.3 Welded wire fabric shall be placed at mid depth in all concrete paving. 3.2.4 Control joints with 1 1/2 inch deep at 3/16 inch premolded joint filler shall be placed at right angles to the line of walkway at 15 foot intervals. Install 3/16 inch full depth joint material at all curbs and building foundations. Walkways shall be divided into panels by scoring with a 1/4 inch radius edger at 5 foot intervals. Walkway edges shall be tooled with a 1/2 inch radius edger 3.2.5 Cement concrete pavement shall receive a light broom finish in a transverse direction to normal traffic to provide a no -slip finish. 3.2.6 Expansion joints with 3/ 16 inch by 8 inch deep joint filler shall be placed at right angles in sidewalk to the curb at 15 foot intervals. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 EXECUTION 31 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 3.2 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING Section 02630 Concrete Paving and Sidewalks CN 95 -04 3 1 1 Grading and subgrade preparation are specified in Section 02200 earthwork. Contractor shall follow referenced Standard Specifications or the Earthwork Section, whichever is the more stringent requirement. 31.2 Apply soil sterilizer over entire area to be paved. Sterilizer compound shall be one pound of sodium chlorate to two pounds of sodium borate to one gallon of water applied at a rate of one gallon per 100 square feet or a commercial solution of sodium chlorate and soluble borax applied at the rate of one pound of sodium chlorate per 100 square feet. 3.2.1 Concrete paving including lean concrete base, cement treated base, subgrade, forms, cement, aggregate admixtures, water proportioning, mixing equipment, joints, placement, finishing, surface texture, and curing shall conform to Division 3 CONCRETE. 3.2.2 All concrete for exterior placement shall have a minimum of 6 or 1 air content as measured at the time of placement in accordance with AASHTO T12 I 3.3 TESTS 3.3.1 Line and grade of subgrade and subsequent courses will be checked by the Owner for conformance to elevations and dimensions shown on the approved final design drawings and shall be within the tolerance of referenced Standard Specifications. 3.3.2 Compaction of subgrade and subsequent courses will be tested by Owner for conformance to minimum densities specified by the paving designer and referenced Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall repair all paving disturbed for density tests. 3.3.3 Slump samples shall be taken by the Contractor from each batch or ready -mix truck load as soon as possible after mixing and shall be tested under direction of the independent testing laboratory in accordance with ASTM C -143 Concrete that fails the slump test shall be removed from the site. 3.3 4 The Contractor shall take one sample from each 50 cubic yards of consecutively placed concrete for compressive testing by the Owner for conformance to the requirements of the referenced Standard Specifications. A minimum of four samples shall be taken daily 02630 3 Section 02630 Concrete Paving and Sidewalks CN 95 -04 3.3.5 Surface texture and smoothness including Surface Profile Index of completed paving will be tested by the Owner for conformance with referenced Standard Specifications. 3.3.6 Surface finish of completed sidewalks will be tested by the Owner and shall show no variation more than 1/4 inch from the lower edge of a 10 foot straight edge. 3.3 7 The Contractor shall core drill pavement for concrete thickness tests as called for in referenced Standard Specifications. Core drilled holes shall be filled with concrete. END OF SECTION 02630 4 1 GENERAL 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including Genereal and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specifications apply to the work of this section. 1 1.2 General Furnish and install one completely automatic irrigation system to provide adequate irrigation of all landscaping shown on plans and described in specifications complete and ready for operation. The work shall consist of providing and installing all material necessary* for a complete system including pipe, valves, fittings, heads automatic control equipment and all appurtenances related thereto Included shall be all labor for trenching, plumbing backfill, electrical adjustments, mechanical connections and other labor necessary for installation of a satisfactorily operating system. Whether mentioned or not, the intent is that the Contractor furnish a complete and operable system for the area as indicated on the drawings 102 GENERAL A. Plans and Details. Plans and details are diagrammatic; standard trade practices to be employed to insure economy of trenching and sleeving Exact location of lines and heads may be determined by Contractor to provide best possible water coverage Manufacturer's recommended head spacing shall be exceeded only with permission of Owner's representative B Verification: Before proceeding verify all locations and dimensions and report to the Owner's representative any deviation or conflicts between drawings, specifications and site conditions Extra work arising from failure to do so shall be at the Contractor's expense C Protection of Property Protect all work from damage and protect the Owner's and adjacent property from injury or loss arising from this Contract. 1 03 ORDINANCES CODES AND REGULATIONS A. General All local municipal and State laws, rules and regulations governing or relating to any of this work are hereby incorporated into and made part of these specifications and their provisions shall be carried out by the Contractor Anything contained in these specifications shall not be construed to conflict with above mentioned rules regulations or requirements. Where conflict may occur rules, regulations or requirements of the goveming code shall be adhered to However when these specifications and /or drawings call for or describe materials workmanship or construction of a better quality higher standard or larger size these specifications and /or drawings shall take precedence over the requirements of said rules regulations and codes. 1 04 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SECTION 02700 IRRIGATION 02700- 1 SECTION 02700 IRRIGATION A. General. Whenever any material is specified by name /number such specifications are for the purpose of facilitating a description of materials and establishing quality and shall be deemed and construed to be followed by the words "or approved equal" No substitutions will be permitted which have not been submitted for prior approval to Owner's Representative AD materials shall be new without flaws or defects and shall be the best of their class and kind. Furnish sufficient descriptive literature and /or samples for any material submitted as "equal" substitutes. All materials shall be guaranteed for a period of one year against material defects and workmanship B Workmanship All materials and equipment shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner The Owner or Owner's representative reserves the right to direct removal and replacement of any items which in their opinion do not present an orderly and neat or workmanlike appearance Such removal and replacement shall be done when directed in writing at Contractor's expense without additional cost to Owner 1 05 PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS A. In all cases where inspection of the irrigation system is required and /or where portions of the work are specified to be performed under direction and /or inspection of the Owner's representative the Contractor shall notify the Owner's representative 48 hours prior to the time when such inspection and /or direction is required. Re- excavation or alteration to system due to Contractor's failure to have the required inspection shall be performed at Contractor's expense 1 06 EXISTING UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES A. General Exact location of all existing utilities and structures and underground utilities, whether or not indicated on the drawings shall be determined by the Contractor Conduct work so as to prevent interruption of service or damage Contractor shall be responsible for repair of any utilities damaged in the course of his work. 1 07 RECORD DRAWINGS A General Owner will furnish Contractor with one set of prints showing all irrigation work required under this contract, for the purpose of having the Contractor record on these prints all changes made during actual installation of system. Immediately upon installation of any piping valves, wiring sprinkler heads etc. in locations other than shown on the original drawings, Contractor shall clearly indicate such changes on the drawings. This set of drawings to be submitted to the Owner upon acceptance of work. 02700- 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 108 WARRANTY PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPE 2 02 IRRIGATION HEADS SECTION 02700 IRRIGATION A. General It shall be the Contractors responsibility to insure and guarantee complete coverage of the areas shown on drawings. He shall also guarantee satisfactory operation of entire system and workmanship and restoration of the area. The entire system shall be guaranteed to be complete and free from defects for a period of one year from date of its acceptance, and he HEREBY AGREES to repair or replace any such defects occurring within that year at his expense. B Temporary Repairs: Owner may make temporary repairs as necessary during guarantee period. This action will not absolve Contractor of guarantee responsibilities. A. Pipe Sizes shall conform to those shown on drawings No substitutions of smaller pipe sizes will be permitted but substitutions of larger sizes may be used with approval of Owner's representative All damaged pipe or pipe rejected because of defects shall be removed from the site at the time of rejection. B Plastic Pipe Rigid unplasticized PVC Schedule 40 and Class 200 extruded from virgin parent material of size specified on drawings Pipe shall be homogeneous throughout and free from visible cracks holes foreign materials, blisters wrinkles and dents. C Plastic Pipe Fittings Schedule 40 molded fittings manufactured of same material as the pipe and suitable for solvent weld slip joint ring right seal, or screwed connection. Slip fittings socket taper shall be so sized that a dry unsoftened pipe end conforming to these special provisions can be inserted no more than halfway into the socket. Plastic saddle and flange fittings will not be permitted When connection is plastic to metal, Schedule 80 male adapters will be used. The male adapter shall be hand tightened plus one turn with a strap wrench. D Identification All pipes shall be continuously and permanently marked with the following information. manufacturer's name or trademark, size schedule and type of pipe working pressure at 73 degrees F and National Sanitation Foundation (N S F approval E. Delivery Plastic pipe shall be delivered to site in unbroken bundles or rolls, packaged in such a manner as to provide adequate protection for pipe ends, either threaded or plain. F Polyethylene Pipe Rainbird Swing Pipe or Toro Funny Pipe with proprietary fittings as detailed No splices are permitted G Sleeving Schedule 40 PVC (SDR 35 for all sleeves 6" diameter and larger) sizes as indicated on the drawings 02700- 3 A. General Irrigation heads shall be marked with the manufacturer's name and identification. SECTION 02700 IRRIGATION B. Heads. Irrigation heads, nozzles, bodies emitters, etc. as indicated on drawings. 2.03 VALVES A. Electric Master Valve Bemad or Superior #3100 26 VAC series electric solenoid operated valve normally closed B. Backflow Preventer Febco 805Y Double Check Valve, size per plan. C Manual Drain Valve Buckner 80 -M D Quick Coupler Valve Rainbird 44 -NP with corresponding valve key and swivel hose ell. E. Wye Strainer Bronze Wilkins PSBR 100 Series F Electric Zone Valves. Rainbird EFB- CP -PRS series electric solenoid operated valve size per valve key 2.04 CONTROLLER General The control system is intended to be and the Contractor is responsible for providing and installing a complete and functioning 6 station controller 2.05 CONTROL WIRE A. General No 14 single strand copper designed for 24 -50 volts UL approved, Type U F (Underground Feeder) Copper conductor must meet or exceed ASTM B -3 Specifications B Splice. 3M DBY direct bury watertight electrical splices. 2.06 BOXES A. General Valve boxes to be Jumbo Carson Valve Box's with bolt on covers sizes as indicated on drawings Provide extensions of same manufacture as box. B Main Assembly Utility Vault Co #25 -RA concrete vault with diamond plate pattern locking steel cover with extensions as required. 2.07 SOLVENT WELD COMPOUND A. Two step application using Weld -On P -70 purple primer and Weld -On 711 heavy bodied glue 2.0 OTHER MATERIALS 02700- 4 SECTION 02700 IRRIGATION A. All other materials not specifically described but required for a complete and proper irrigation system installation shall be new first quality of their respective kinds, and subject to the approval of the Owner or his representative PART 3 EXECUTION 3 01 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. General: Install to provide for expansion and contraction as recommended by manufacturer Cut plastic pipe with a hand saw in a manner so as to ensure a square cut. B. Excavation Trenches for irrigation lines shall be excavated to depth and width sufficient to permit proper handling and installation of pipe and fittings, or piping may be installed by any other method Contractor may desire if approved by Owner's representative and pipe manufacturer Trenches shall be straight and without abrupt grade changes. Trench bottoms shall be flat and free of debris over 1" in any dimension. C Depth. All minimum 12- inches cover over all lateral lines and 18- inches cover over main lines after finished grades are established. D Backfill. Backfilling shall be done when pipe is not in an expanded condition due to heat or pressure Cooling of the pipe can be accomplished by operating system for a short time before backfilling or by backfilling in the early part of the morning before heat of the day Backfill shall contain no lumps or rocks larger than 1 inch E. Compaction. Use hand operated plate type vibratory or other suitable hand tampers in areas not suitable for larger rollers or compactors. Compact initial backfill material surrounding pipes and conduit to 90 percent maximum density For pipes, conduits and sleeves under roads and slabs compact backfill as specified herein for other utilities under roads and slabs 02700- 5 3 02 SLEEVING AND CONDUIT SECTION 02700 IRRIGATION A. General Installed prior to installation of irrigation system. General Contractor shall take special care in coordinating required work of various trades B Install at minimum of 12" beyond the edge of pavement or structures being sleeved. Size to be 2" larger than the sum of the diameters of pipe and wire being carried in the sleeve 3 03 PIPING A. General. Install in a manner so as to provide for expansion and contraction as recommended by manufacturer Cut plastic pipe to ensure a square cut. Remove burrs at cut ends prior to installation. Solvent -weld or slip seal all plastic joints. Only solvent recommended by pipe manufacturer shall be used. Install all plastic pipe and fittings as shown and instructed by pipe manufacturer Contractor shall assume full responsibility for correct installation. Printing on pipe to be placed up B Joints All plastic to metal joints shall be made with plastic Schedule 80 male adapters. Care should be taken at solvent joints not to use an excess amount of solvent. Allow PVC joints to set at least 24 hours before pressure is applied to system. Use pre primer at joints. C. Precautions. Do not use excessive solvent. Allow PVC joints to set at least 24 hours before pressure is applied to system. Perform no gluing below 40° F or in rain D Place 14 gauge wire alongside laterals for detection Splice as specified. 3 04 WIRING A. General Install all electrical Control Wire and Conduit as shown on drawings and /or specified There shall be no splices of lead wire between valve and relays Tie wire bundles every 10 feet. B Connections at Controller Each control valve is connected to one station of controller and shall have wire sizes as shown or as specified A junction box is to be provided at controller location. Coordinate colors as follows. White common. Red: valve impulse Yellow Master Valve Detection Orange Fifth color run through each valve box to farthest valves as a spare C Underground splices shall be made with specified connectors All splices to be made in electrical junction boxes. D Extra Wiring Run 3 spare wires from controller along entire length of main line loop through each valve box to farthest valve 3 05 IRRIGATION HEADS 02700- 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A. General: Install all heads as detailed on drawings, adjusting location as necessary to achieve maximum coverage as intended. Heads adjacent to walks, walls or curbs and other paved areas shall be set 4- inches from edge of paving. Balance and adjust all nozzles after entire system is operable. B. Adjustment: All nozzles on stationary sprinklers or spray heads shall be tightened after installation. All sprinklers having an adjusting screw adjusting stem or adjusting friction collars shall be adjusted on a lateral line of circuit as required for proper arc, coverage radius diameter and /or gallonage discharge. 3 06 RISER ASSEMBLIES A. General: All swing joint assemblies shall be constructed as detailed. All necessary nipples and risers shall be lengths as required to adjust head to proper finish grade. Use bottom inlet of head only 3 07 VALVES A. General: Stake location of all valve boxes for approval prior to installation Install valve boxes square to nearest walk or curb Install as detailed on plans. Before installation, the supply line must be thoroughly flushed. Use valve box extensions as necessary to ensure that box extends completely below bottom of valve. 3 08 CONTROLLER A. General* Wall mount on south wall of Electrical room inside building as directed by Owner's Representative and in accordance with manufacturer's directions Provide all electrical hook -ups as required for safe operation of the system in conformance with all governing codes and regulations 3 09 FLUSHING AND TESTING SECTION 02700 IRRIGATION A. Flushing After all new irrigation piping and risers are in place and connected all necessary division work has been completed and prior to installation of irrigation heads, all control valves shall be opened sequentially and a full head of water used to flush out the system completely B Contractor will pretest all irrigation systems prior to final request for system testing. Request no test until confident work will pass C Pressure Test, Laterals. After flushing is complete pressure test with all tees installed and capped to static pressure System will pass test when it maintains less than 5% drop in a 15 minute time period. D Pressure Test, Main Line 100 psi for 30 minutes pump at low point in system, no more than 5 psi drop E. Coverage Contractor in the presence of Owner's representative shall perform a water coverage test to determine whether water coverage and operation of the system is adequate for planting If system is determined by Owner's representative to be 02700- 7 END OF SECTION SECTION 02700 IRRIGATION inadequate due to Contractor's poor workmanship or materials, it shall be replaced or repaired at Contractor's expense and test repeated until accepted. Dry spots or areas without sufficient overlap will not be acceptable. Excessive overspray on adjacent walks, parking area or building will not be acceptable. 02700- 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 The Standard Specifications for Road Bridge and Municipal Construction of the Washington State Department of Transportation, Edition of 1994 and with local goveming regulations if more stringent than herein specified. 1.5 GRADE CONTROL 1 GENERAL 1 1 1 WORK INCLUDED 1 1 1 The work under this item consists of the performance of all work required to furnish, install and test, and disinfect Ductile Iron Pipe (all sizes) PVC Pipe (all sizes) hydrants, service connections, valves and appurtenances as shown in the Contract Drawings or as directed by the Architect/Engineer All work and materials required to complete this item as part of a functioning system is considered incidental to this item. The reconstruction of existing facilities effected by the installation of the water main shall be incidental to this item. 1.2 REFERENCES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 4 STANDARD SPECIFICATION CODES AND STANDARDS 1.3 TESTS Section 02713 Water Distribution System CN 95 -04 1 1 1 All workmanship and materials shall conform to the '1994 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction' WSDOT /APWA, hereinafter referred to as the "Standard Specifications" along with "The Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction" WSDOT /APWA. 1 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification sections, apply to work of this Section. 1.2 SCOPE 1.2.1 Extent of asphalt concrete paving work is shown on drawings. 1.3 SUBMITTALS 1.3.1 Provide copies of materials certificates signed by material producer and Contractor certifying that each material item complies with, or exceeds, specified requirements. 1.2.1 All construction and installation work shall conform to applicable 1994 Standard Specifications and Standard Plans for road, Bridge and Municipal Construction prepared by WSDOT and the American Public Works Association (APWA) Washington State Chapter and according to the recommendations of the manufacturer of the material or equipment used and in compliance with applicable Federal, State, County and/or City regulations, requirements and standards, and specifications by the City of Port Angeles, Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act, and Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 Within the APWA Standard Specifications, references to measurement and payment shall be deleted and references to "Engineer" shall mean the Architect. Also, see General Notes and Other Notes on Civil Plans. 1.3.1 The water mains and appurtenances shall be hydrostatic tested in accordance with APWA Standard Specifications, Section 7 1 1.2( 11) 02713 1 1 4 MANUFACTURER'S DATA Section 02713 Water Distribution System CN 95-04 1 4 1 Submit manufacturer's standard drawings or catalog cuts of the following items, except where both are specified 1 Pipe and fittings 2. Joints and couplings, including gaskets for joints (submit both drawings and cuts for push -on joints). 3 Valves 4 Hydrants 5 Valve Boxes 1.5 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING OF MATERIALS 1.5.1 Delivery_gnd Storage. Inspect materials delivered to site for damage. Unload and store with minimum handling Store materials on site in enclosures or under protective covering. Store rubber gaskets under cover out of direct sunlight. Do not store materials directly on the ground. Keep inside of pipes and fittings free of dirt and debris. 1.5.2 Handling Handle pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants, and other accessories in such manner as to ensure delivery to the trench in sound undamaged condition Take special care to avoid injury to coatings and linings on pipe and fittings make satisfactory repairs if coatings or linings are damaged Carry pipe to the trench, do not drag it. Do not leave rubber gaskets that are not to be installed immediately out in the sunlight, but store under cover out of direct sunlight. 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES 2.1 1 Pipe. Pipe for mains shall be ductile iron pipe Class 50 with push -on joints conforming to APWA Standard Specification, Section 9- 30.1(1) or Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) AWWA C -900 Class 200 pipe with gasketed joints conforming to 9 -30 1(5) 2.1.2 Fitting Fittings for ductile iron pipe shall conform to APWA Standard Specifications, Section 9 -30.2( 1) 2.1.3 Restrained Joint nd Fittings. Tension joints, transition, reducing and flexible couplings and restrained flexible couplings shall conform to APWA Standard Specifications, Sections 9- 30.2(G) through 9- 30.2(S) 2.14 Valves. Gate Valve(s) shall conform to Sections 712 and 9- 303(1) of the Standard Specifications. Gate Valves shall be resilient seated and shall conform to AWWA C -500 and shall be iron body bronze mounted, double disc with bronze wedging device and 0-ring stuffing box 2.1.5 Valve Boxes and Mooing Assembly Valve boxes, valve marker posts, and connections and tapping sleeve and valve assembly shall conform to APWA Standard Specifications, Section 9 -30 2.1 6 Fire Hydrants. The work under this item consists of the performance of all work required to furnish and install fire hydrant assemblies tees, valves, leads, spools, fittings, risers, thrust blocks, adjustments and all other incidental items as shown in the Contract Drawings or as directed by the Architect/Engineer All work and materials required to complete this item as part of a functioning system is considered incidental to this item. Fire hydrant assemblies shall conform to Section 7 14 of the Standard Specifications and to City of Port Angeles Utility 02713 2 Section 02713 Water Distribution System CN 95 -04 Standards. Ductile iron water pipe used in fire hydrant assemblies and leads shall conform to Section 7 11 of the Standard Specifications. 2.1 7 Blow -off Assembly: Blow -off assemblies shall be in accordance with Construction Plan Detail and the APWA Standard Specifications. 2.1.8 Thrust Blocking Concrete thrust blocking shall be in accordance with Section 7 11.3(13) of the APWA Standard Specifications and as shown on the drawings. 2.1.9 Locator Toning) Wire and Buried Waminqund Identification Taipg 1 Locator Wire shall be 10 gauge insulated copper and be installed adjacent to the midline of the pipe. The locator wire shall be brought up to an accessible location three inches minimum from the lid of all valve boxes. Wire shall be continuous for the length of the trench. For any splices in the locator wire, use King Technologies, Inc. Model KING -6 Twist -On Waterproof Wire Connectors or equivalent (for two to three 10 -gauge wires). 2. Tape shall be polyethylene plastic tape manufactured specifically for warning and identification of buried utility lines. Tape shall be provided in rolls, 6 inches minimum width color coded for intended service and warning and identification imprinted in bold black letters continuously and repeatedly over entire tape length. Warning and identification shall be "CAUTION BURIED (Intended Service) LINE BELOW" or similar wording. Code and letter coloring shall be permanent, unaffected by moisture and other substances contained in trench backfill material. 2.2 BEDDING AND BACKFILL MATERIALS 2.2.1 Materials for foundations, bedding and backfill shall conform to APWA Standard Specifications, Section 9 -03.15 3 EXECUTION 3 1 TRENCH EXCAVATION FOUNDATION, BEDDING AND BACKFILL FOR WATER MAINS 3 1 1 Trench excavation, foundation, biding and backfill for mains and service connection shall be in accordance with Section 7 10 APWA Standard Specifications. 3.2 PIPE INSTALLATION TESTING AND DISINFECTION 3.2.1 Perform in accordance with Section 7 11 APWA Standard Specifications. 3.3 VALVES 3.3.1 Valves and valve marker posts shall be installed in accordance with Section 7 -12 of the Standard Specifications. 3 4 FIRE HYDRANTS 3 41 Fire Hydrants shall be installed in accordance with Section 7 14 APWA Standard Specifications. Fire Hydrants shall be of a center stem design. Fire Hydrant isolation valves shall be of a resilient seated wedge design. END OF SECTION 02713 3 1 GENERAL 11 DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 The work includes construction of sanitary sewer pipe lines and manholes and connection to existing sanitary sewer construction of storm drains, catch basins and appurtenances, and all excavation, bedding and backfill and for testing of the sanitary sewer and storm drain systems. 1.2 SHOP DRAWINGS /SUBMITTALS 1.2.1 Submit in accordance with the General Conditions and Section 01300 1.3 SUBMITTALS REQUIRED 1.3.1 Manufacturer's data. Submit manufacturer's standard drawings or catalog cuts of the following items 1 Fittings 2. Joints and couplings 3 Cast iron frames, covers and gratings Section 02722 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drains CN 95 -04 1.3.2 Certificates of conformance or compliance Submit manufacturers' certificates of conformance or compliance for each of the following materials which are specified to conform to publications referenced in Part 2 PRODUCTS 1 Pipe and fittings, including factory- applied linings 2. Pipe joint materials 3 Cast iron frames, covers and gratings 4 Precast concrete manhole sections 5 Precast concrete catch basins All tests required by each applicable referenced publication shall have been performed whether specified in that publication to be mandatory or otherwise. For tests which are not specified in the referenced publications to be performed at definite intervals during manufacture, the tests shall have been performed within three years of the date of submittal of certificates on the same type, class, grade, and size of material as is being provided for the project. 1.3.3 Certified test reports. Submit certified test reports for the following 1 Bedding materials 2. Foundation and imported backfill materials (when directed to be used) 14 REFERENCES 1 4 1 All construction and installation work shall conform to applicable 1994 Standard Specifications and Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction prepared by WSDOT and the American Public Works Association (APWA) Washington State Chapter and according to the recommendations of the manufacturer of the material or equipment used and in compliance with applicable Federal, State, County and /or City regulations, requirements and standards, including standards and specifications by the City of Port Angeles, Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act, and Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 Within the APWA Standard Specifications, references to measurement and payment shall be deleted and references to 'Engineer' shall mean the Architect. Also see General Notes and Other Notes on Civil Plans. 1.5 TESTING 02722 1 Section 02722 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drains CN 95 -04 1.5.1 All sanitary sewers and storm drains shall be tested in accordance with APWA Standard Specifications. 1.6 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING OF MATERIALS 1.6.1 DelivenLand storage. 1 Piping Inspect materials delivered to site for damage store with minimum of handling. Store materials on site in enclosures or under protective coverings. Store plastic piping and rubber gaskets under cover out of direct sunlight. Do not store materials directly on the ground. Keep inside of pipes and fittings free of dirt and debris. 2. Cement Store cement immediately upon receipt at site of work. Store bagged cement in a suitable waterproof structure made as air -tight as practicable, and with floors elevated above ground a sufficient distance to prevent absorption of moisture. Stack bags close together to reduce circulation of air but do not stack against outside walls arrange storage to permit easy access for inspection and identification of each shipment. 3 Brick, concrete masonry unit, and precast concrete manholes Handle brick, concrete masonry units, and precast manhole sections with care to avoid chipping and breakage store as directed. Protect masonry materials and precast concrete from contact with the earth and exposure to weather keep dry until used. Use of masonry or precast concrete containing frost will not be permitted. 4 Metal items (except concrete reinforcement) Check upon arrival; identify and segregate as to types, functions and sizes. Store in a manner affording easy accessibility and not causing excessive rusting or coating the grease or other objectionable materials. 5 Aggregates Store aggregates on areas covered with tightly laid wood plans, sheet metal, or other hard and clean material. 1 6.2 Handling Handle pipe fittings, and other accessories in such manner as to ensure delivery to the trench in sound undamaged condition. Take special care not to injure linings of pipe and fittings if lining is damaged, make satisfactory repairs. Carry pipe to trench; do not drag it. Do not leave rubber gaskets and plastic piping that are not to be installed immediately in the sunlight, but store under cover out of direct sunlight. 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE JOINTS AND FITTINGS 2.1 1 Sanitary sewer All PVC sewer pipe and fittings shall conform to and meet, the requirements of the latest ASTM Specification D3034 Pipe and fittings shall meet Standard Dimension Ratio 35 All sanitary sewer pipe shall be Class 150 All pipe shall be suitable for use as a gravity sewer conduit. Provision must be made for contraction and expansion at each joint with a rubber ring securely placed to prevent displacement. 2.1.2 Storm drains. Pipe for storm drains and culverts shall conform to the following as indicated on the drawings. 1 All PVC storm drain pipe and fittings shall conform to and meet the requirements of the latest ASTM Specification D3034 Pipe and fittings shall meet Standard Dimension Ratio 35 All pipe shall be Class 150 All pipe shall be suitable for use as a gravity sewer 02722 2 conduit. Provision must be made for contraction and expansion at each joint with a rubber ring, securely placed to prevent displacement. 2. All CMP storm drain pipe and fittings shall be 16 gauge corrugated Aluminum or Aluminized Steel pipe for mainline sewers as shown. All fittings shall be of like materials as pipe. All pipe shall be suitable for use as a gravity storm drain conduit. Provision must be made for contraction and expansion at each joint. 3 PERF (perforated) pipe shall be pre drilled PVC, ASTM 2729 or perforated corrugated polyethylene, ASTM F667 N -12, or equivalent as approved by Engineer 2.1.3 Fittings: All fittings and accessories shall be manufactured and finished by the pipe supplier 2.2 BEDDING MATERIALS 2.2.1 Bedding materials for rigid and flexible pipes shall conform to APWA Standard Specifications, Section 9 -03 15, Section 9 -03.16 or Section 9- 03.12(3). 2.3 IMPORTED FOUNDATION AND BACKFILL MATERIALS 2.3.1 Where shown, imported foundation and backfill materials shall conform with Section 9 -03 of the APWA Standard Specifications. 2.4 DRAIN ROCK 2.5 MANHOLES Section 02722 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drains CN 95 -04 2.4 1 Where shown, drain rock for use in ground water interception and curtain drain facilities shall conform to the specification for septic system drainfield washed gravel. 2.5.1 Manhole materials including reinforced concrete, steps, mortar brick, frames and covers, and precast manhole components shall be in accordance with APWA Standard Plans and Standard Specifications, Section 7 -05 Frames and covers shall be cast iron 2.6 CATCH BASINS AND INLETS 2.6.1 Catch basin and inlet materials shall conform to APWA Standard Plans and APWA Standard Specifications, Section 7 -05 2.7 BURIED WARNING AND IDENTIFICATION TAPE 2.71 Tape shall be polyethylene plastic tape manufactured specifically for waming and identification of buried utility lines. Tape shall be provided in rolls 6 inches minimum width imprinted in bold black letters continuously and repeatedly over entire tape length. Waming and identification shall be 'CAUTION BURIED (Intended Service) LINE BELOW or similar wording. Code and letter coloring shall be permanent, unaffected by moisture and other substances contained in trench backfill material. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 TRENCH EXCAVATION FOUNDATION, BEDDING AND BACKFILL 3 1 1 Trench excavation, foundation, bedding and backfill for sanitary sewers and storm drains shall be in accordance with Section 7 17 and Section 7 -04 of the APWA Standard Specifications 02722 3 Native material may be used for backfill as identified and limited by the project's Geotechnical Report. 3.2 PIPE INSTALLATION 3.2.1 Pipe laying, jointing and testing shall be in accordance with Section 7 17 and Section 7 -04 of the APWA Standard Specifications. 3.3 MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION 3.3.1 Manholes shall be constructed in accordance with the drawings, APWA Standard Plans and Section 7 -05 of the APWA Standard Specifications. 3 4 CATCH BASIN AND INLET CONSTRUCTION Section 02722 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drains CN 95 -04 3 41 Catch basins and inlets shall be constructed in accordance with the drawings, APWA Standard Plans and Section 7 -05 of the APWA Standard Specifications. END OF SECTION 02722 4 1 1 1.2.1 Scope of work. Provide precast concrete parking bumpers in the parking area, as shown on the drawings. r t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS Section 02853 Parking Bumpers CN 95-04 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.3 RELATED WORK 1.3.1 Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Section 02612 Cast -In -Place Concrete Section 03300 14 REFERENCES 1 41 ASTM A615 Deformed and Plain Billet Steel BVars for Concrete Reinforcement. 1 4.2 ASTM C33 Concrete Aggregates. 1 4.3 ASTM C150 Portland Cement. 1 4 4 ASTM C260 Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. 1.5 SUBMITTALS 1.5.1 Section 01340 Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples 1.5.2 Provide unit configuration, dimensions, concrete strength and reinforcement. Show how unit is to be secured in place 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 CONCRETE BUMPERS 2.1 1 Concrete unit bumpers to be 7 feet in length, and 9 inches at the base and 6 inches in height. They shall be slope faced on all sides with two dowel holes on the base to receive dowels to secure bumpers in place. 2.1.2 Concrete 5,000 PSI 28 days, Portland Cement HI /early strength, Color Gray 2.1.3 Reinforcing Minimum of 2 #3 reinforcing bars running the length of the unit. 2.1 4 Dowels. Provide a minimum of 2 1/2' steel dowels for each bumper to secure it in place Dowels to be galvanized with a pointed tip 2.1.5 Weight. Each bumper to weigh approximately 225 pounds. 2.1 6 Use rigid molds, constructed to maintain precast units uniform in shape, size and finish. Maintain consistent quality during manufacture 2.1 7 Cure units to develop concrete quality and to minimize appearance blemishes such as non uniformity staining, or surface cracking. 02853 1 2.1.8 Minor patching in plant is acceptable, providing appearance of units is not impaired. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION 3 1 1 Install units without damage to shape or finish. Replace or repair damaged units. 3 1.2 Install units to align with adjacent work. END OF SECTION Section 02853 Parking Bumpers CN 95 -04 3 1.3 Place units, securing in place with dowels. Bury one -half of the dowel in the pavement section. Dowels to be installed at 90 degrees to paving surface. The exposed dowel ends shall fill the sleeves in the unit bumpers to their full depth while allowing the bumpers to sit flush on the paved surface. 02853 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 a 1 f 1 r f 1 1 1 r 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. Section 02950 Landscaping 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.2 Provide all labor equipment and materials necessary for completion of landscaping shown on drawings or specified herein, including but not limited to installation of topsoil, seeding plant material, clean -up and maintenance through final acceptance. 1.2.3 Related Sections 1 Earthwork Section 2. Irrigation Section 1 3 QUALITY ASSURANCE Materials:Fumish plant materials in accordance with Washington State Grading Code for No 1 Grade well established and vigorous normal habit of growth, must be free from disease approved for quality size and variety upon delivery at site. Verify prior to bid date all sources of supply and insure availability of listed sizes species variety and quality Inspection Owner reserves the right to reject, through his agent, any or all plant material at any time until final inspection and acceptance Remove rejected plants immediately from site Measurements. Conform with size requirements indicated on drawings or specified hereinafter and with requirements of ANSI Z60 1 -1986 (American Standard for Nursery Stock) Protections and precautions The Contractor shall take necessary precaution to protect walks curbs pavement and building from damage No planting soil shall be mixed directly on paved surfaces. Locate all underground utilities prior to commencement of work. Any utilities curbs, pavements walk or structure damaged as a result of the Contractor's operations shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense Keep construction area open and free flowing at all times. Store materials on -site as directed by the Owner's Representative Remove and legally dispose of excess materials Erect necessary signs and barriers against pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Delivery' Protect plant material from wind, drought, unusual weather or vandalism. Protect seed from dehydration contamination, and heating during delivery storage and handling Deliver fertilizer and lime to the site in original unopened containers bearing manufacturer's chemical analysis, name trade name trademark, and indication of conformance to state and federal laws Instead of containers fertilizer and lime may be furnished in bulk with certificate indicating the above information Store seed lime and fertilizer in cool dry location away from contaminants. 02950- 1 14 Submittals. Manufacturer's Certificates of Conformance: 1 Seed 2 Fertilizer 3 Limestone 4 Topsoil 5 Peat 2 MATERIALS 2 1 PLANT MATERIAL Plant Names. Section 02950 Landscaping Plant Material Documentation 1 Within 30 days after award of General Contract, submit documentation that all specified plant materials have been ordered. 2. List suppliers names, addresses and phone number 3 List respective growing or storage locations with addresses. Storage 1 Protect plants and seeds from sun and drying wind 2 Keep seed lime and fertilizers in dry storage and away from contaminants. 3 Maintain and protect plant materials not to be planted within four (4) hours in a safe healthy and vigorous condition. 4 Do not store herbicides with any other landscape materials Guarantee All plant material shall be guaranteed by the Contractor for a period of one year from the date of final acceptance to be in healthy condition. 1 Inspections Make periodic inspections at no extra cost to Owner during guarantee period. Determine what changes if any should be made in Owner's maintenance program. 2 Replacement during warranty period Replace at no cost to Owner and as soon as weather conditions permit, dead plants and plants not in vigorous, thriving condition. Replacements to be of same species and to be subject to all indicated requirements Make replacements prior to expiration of guarantee period Codes and regulations. Comply with all applicable city county state and federal codes and regulations. General Plants to be nursery grown with size at least equal to size specified prior to pruning Do not prune prior to site delivery Measurements caliper branching, grading quality balling and burlapping per ANSI Z60 1 02950- 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 Plants are to be nursery grown unless otherwise specified herein. 2.2 TOPSOIL 2.3 BACKFILL MIX (PLANTING BACKFILL) Plant backfill soil shall be a mixture of 50% Topsoil and 50% native material 2.4 FERTILIZER Trees shrubs and groundcover Agriform planting tablets 20 -10 -5 21 gram size 2.5 LIMESTONE Section 02950 Landscaping Plant varieties shall be as specified in the plant list and be true to botanical name as listed in the latest edition of "Standardized Plant Names" as adopted by American Joint Committee of Horticultural Nomenclature. Plant Stock. 1 Be fresh well foliated, in prime condition when in leaf and exhibiting normal habit of growth. 2. Have all the leaders and buds intact, free of disease injury insects, insect eggs, larvae and indications of strawberry root weevil. 2 Be free of seeds weed roots, and other such contaminants. Container stock: Provide container stock plants which have grown in container in which delivered for a minimum of 6 months but not over 2 years. Do not handle container stock by tops stems or trunks. Rootbound not acceptable Balled and burlapped stock (B &B) Dug with firm natural balls of soil around roots ball diameter and depth sufficient to encompass fibrous and feeding roots. Wrap with burlap and bind with twine cord or wire mesh in accordance with ANSI Z60 1 Handle by ball only Take care to protect ball and plant. Cracked broken loose or dry- to -the- center balls will not be acceptable. Bare root stock (BR) Remove earth without injury to fibrous root system. Protect from drying by covering with damp sawdust or burlap until planted. Dried or shriveled stock not acceptable Pruning Do not prune before delivery Trees with bark sunscalds broken leaders, disfiguring knots or fresh cuts of limbs over 3/4 inch not completely•callused will be rejected Topsoil shall have a pH of between 5 5 and 7 0 and be free of any admixture of subsoil, 3/4 inch or larger diameter rocks roots plants, sticks or other extraneous material. Do not use topsoil while in a frozen or muddy condition. Thoroughly premix topsoil off site 1 Plant Beds and Planters A 3 -way mix consisting of 75% sand 15% loam and 10% composted manure to a six inch depth. 02950- 3 50% agricultural grade finely ground dolomitic limestone Kaiser AG -65 or approved equal, and 50% calcium carbonate limestone with gradation as follows. Min. 75% passing 100 -mesh sieve and 100 percent passing 20 -mesh sleeve 2.6 MULCH Use finely ground "Steerco" or as approved. Free of materials or chemicals injurious to plant growth. 2.6 PEAT Sphagnum or approved equal. 2.7 STAKING AND GUYING MATERIALS Staking material for trees is underground as shown on the drawings 2.8 ANTIDESSICANTS General: Wilt -pruf formula liquid 2.9 SEED Quality 1 State certified seed of the latest season s crop 2. Deliver in original sealed packages bearing producer's guaranteed analysis for percentages of mixtures purity germination, weed seed content, and inert material. 3 Seed labels are required to be in conformance with U S Dept. of Agriculture rules and regulations under Federal Seed Act 53 Stat. and applicable State seed laws. 4 All seed shall be blue tag or certified quality Seed Mixture 1 All lawn areas by weight) 100% Perennial Rye as follows. 33% Palmer 33% Prelude 34% Premier or Pennant 2 Seeding rate 5 kbs per 1 000 sq ft. 3 All seed minimum 98% pure and minimum 90% germination Section 02950 Landscaping 2.10 WOOD FIBER FOR HYDROSEEDING A. Commercially prepared wood fiber mulch specifically manufactured for hydroseeding. 211 TACKIFIER A. J -Tac or approved equal 02950- 4 1 1 1 1 i 3 EXECUTION 31 VERIFICATION Verify installation conditions as satisfactory to receive work of this section and have been approved by Landscape Architect. Do not begin until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Beginning work constitutes your acceptance of conditions as satisfactory Field Measurements Verify actual layout in relation to Drawings. Make adjustments as required by Landscape Architect, at no additional cost to the Owner 3.2 TOPSOIL Section 02950 Landscaping General: Prepare subgrade in all plant bed areas by scarifying to a depth of 6" and removing rocks and debris over 1" in diameter Subgrade soils should be free draining and without impervious soils or other materials harmful to plant growth. Place topsoil to 6" depth in all shrub areas or planting beds. All depths are after settling. 1 Place first 2" topsoil (loose and uncompacted) over scarified subgrade. If subgrade has become compacted re- scarify prior to installing topsoil. 2 Apply topsoil amendments uniformly over spread topsoil at rates specified Thoroughly incorporate amendments into topsoil by rototilling to a depth of 6' 3 Final 4 topsoil shall be placed within project site as directed by Landscape Architect. Finish grading Fine grade plant beds to lines and grades shown. Fine finish topsoil by raking smooth and even and removing extraneous matter 1 Establish finish grades in accordance with elevations shown on the Drawings. Spread pre -plant fertilizer and rake into the top two inches. 2 Rake float, drag, roll and perform all necessary operations to remove surface irregularities and to provide a firm, smooth surface with positive drainage Remove all rocks sticks and other debris 1 and larger 3 Finish grades after installation of topsoil or mulch shall be flush with adjacent surfaces unless otherwise specified or detailed 4 Finish grades must be inspected and approved by Landscape Architect prior to any planting or seeding. 5 Surface drainage shall be away from all building foundations and hardscape All holes, depressions, and rivulets shall be filled in and brought to a smooth grade All stocks branches, stones or debris on the surface shall be picked up and removed from the site 3 3 PLANT MATERIAL Location Prior to planting shrub beds shall be outlined on the ground and all tree locations staked for approval. Plant pit excavation. Use no mechanical digging machines except as indicated on drawing Make holes for planting with vertical sides Make pit 18 inches deep minimum or 6 02950- 5 Section 02950 Landscaping inches deeper than the depth of rootball whichever is deeper Make pit 12 inches minimum larger than rootball diameter as shown. Placement: Place at normal planting season, unless otherwise approved. Orient as directed for best appearance. Place trees first, and follow with shrubs. Set in center of pits, on approved topsoil backfill mix. Set plantings to bear same relationship with finish grade after settlement as they bore to natural grade. Hold firmly in position while backfill mixture is being placed to within 6 inches of finished grade Place backfill mixture carefully avoiding root damage and filling all voids. Compact fill by jetting to avoid air pockets Allow to soak away and continue adding more topsoil as required Stake as specified. 1 For container stock: Cut 2 sides with approved type cutter and remove container taking care to avoid any root damage. 2. For balled stock: Cut string and remove fasteners. Remove all burlap and wire baskets Trees 1 Excavate pits 12' deeper and twice the diameter of root ball. Dispose of excavated soil on project site as directed by Landscape Architect. Thoroughly scarify bottom of pits by shovel cutting to a depth of 12' Shovel cut sides to help root penetration. 2 Backfill bottom of tree pit (minimum 6 with native soil to such an elevation that when the tree is installed it will be at a proper finish grade with the nursery grown based of plant 2' higher than planted in nursery Compact backfill by hand methods and water to eliminate all voids. 3 4 HYDROSEEDING Hydroseed all areas indicated on plans to be hydroseeded. Hydroseeding equipment employed shall be as approved. Hydroseeding shall consist of a slurry composed of water seed fertilizer and mulch as follows Seed 220 lbs. /acre Wood fiber 1 000 lbs. /acre Tackifier 40 lbs. /acre All areas that are to receive hydroseeding shall have been graded smooth to finish grade as shown on drawings or specified herein Smooth out all holes ruts and hummocks not shown on drawings Take care to avoid damaging or covering surrounding hardscape and planted areas. Remove all such overspray 3 02 MULCH General Apply mulch evenly to all shrub and plant beds to a depth of 2' 3 03 CHEMICALS 02950- 6 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 3 4 CLEAN UP 3 5 PLANT ESTABLISHMENT AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE END OF SECTION Section 02950 Landscaping Application. 1 Equip hydraulic equipment for liquid application of chemicals with leak -proof tanks and positive agitation method Calibrate and meter equipment so that application of chemicals in specified amounts can be determined. Equip equipment with gauges and valves capable of maintaining constant application pressures 2. Apply all herbicides and other chemicals in accordance with EPA label restrictions and recommendations and federal and state laws. 3 Dispose of excess chemicals and containers in accordance with federal and state laws Remove from site all cans, surplus subsoil and debris resulting from planting and grading operations. Neatly dress and finish planted areas. Preliminary Inspection and Acceptance When the work specified herein has been completed an inspection will be made within seven (7) days of the contractor's written request. The Owner's Representative will generate a 'punch list' of items that will require revisions or further work to comply with the contract documents Preliminary acceptance of the landscaping will be given when items on the punch list have been completed to the satisfaction of the Owner's Representative Establishment Period and Maintenance The establishment period will commence on the date of Preliminary Acceptance and will extend until Final Acceptance of the entire project. Maintenance during this period to include: 1 Watering: Make necessary adjustments to controller schedule to accommodate seasonal changes Winterize irrigation system if required. 2 Fertilization. Apply fertilizer at manufacturers recommended rate to turf areas at 1 50-60 day intervals Should the establishment period extend to 12 months beyond the date of Preliminary Acceptance fertilize all trees shrubs and groundcover at the rates specified 3 Weeding Remove all weeds before they reach 6" or develop seeds from all shrub and groundcover beds 4 Plant Replacement: Remove and replace all dead and dying material Final Inspection and Acceptance Final inspection of the work in this section will be made at the time of the Final Inspection of the entire project. A final "punch list' will be issued Final Acceptance of the landscaping will be contingent upon Final Acceptance of the entire project. 02950- 7 r r i 1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Section 03300 Cast -In -Place Concrete CN 95-04 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Provide cast -in -place concrete, formwork and reinforcing as herein specified. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Concrete Codes Specifications and Standards; comply with the applicable provisions of the following codes, specifications and standards to the extent indicated by reference thereto 1 ACI "American Concrete Institute" 2. ASTM "American Society of Testing and Materials" 3 CS "Commercial Standard" Inspections and Testing: Owner will employ and pay for a testing laboratory to test concrete mixes during concrete placement per Section 01400. Scheduling: Contractor will notify Architect not Tess than 2 working days prior to all concrete pours and work requiring special inspection. 1.3.2 Reinforcing Comply with all applicable codes including the following except as herein modified: 1 ASTM Standard A 615 -82. 2. Uniform Building Code Chapter 26, 1994 Edition. 3. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, "Manual Standard Practice." 4 American Concrete Institute, ACI 318 "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete." Setting of reinforcing steel shall be done by workers with experience in the trade. Fabrication. Fabricate reinforcing bars to conform to required shapes and dimensions, with fabrication tolerances complying with ACI Detailing Manual 315 -80. In case of fabricating errors, do not re -bend or straighten reinforcement in a manner that will injure or weaken the material. Placement: See structural notes. 14 SUBMITTALS 03300 -1 1.5 COORDINATION AND SCHEDULING Section 03300 Cast -In -Place Concrete CN 95-04 1 41 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's product data, specifications with application and installation instructions for proprietary materials and items, including admixtures, bonding agents, chemical floor hardeners, and the like. 1 4.2 Design Mixes Submit proposed mixes for all concrete to allow ample time for approval. Make submittal in writing; submit copies to Architect, Engineer Testing Agency and City of Port Angeles Building Department. 1 4.3 Laboratory Test Reports. Submit laboratory test reports for concrete materials and mix design tests. 1 4 4 Delivery Tickets: Fumish copies of delivery tickets for each load of concrete delivered to site. Provide items of information as specified. 1 4.5 Shop Drawings: Show steel reinforcement shapes, sizes and installation notes. Fabrication shall not proceed without reviewed and approved drawings. 1.5.1 Obtain information and instructions for other trades and suppliers in ample time to schedule and coordinate the installation of items fumished by them to be embedded in concrete so provision for their work can be made without delaying the project. Do all cutting and patching made necessary for failure or delay in complying with these requirements, at no cost to Owner 1.5.2 Coordinate and verify all slab recesses for ramps, entry mats, warped surfaces, changes in elevation, freezer boxes and the like prior to placing concrete. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 CONCRETE MATERIALS 2.1 1 Only one brand of any one type of cement shall be used for exposed concrete surfaces. High Early- Strength Portland Cement may be used only with the written approval of the Structural Engineer 2.1.2 Portland Cement shall meet the requirements of ASTM C150 (Type I), low alkali. 2.1.3 High Early- Strength Portland Cement shall meet the requirements of ASTM C150 Type III 2.1 4 Water shall be potable. 2.1.5 Aggregate shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C33 except as amended herein. Coarse aggregate shall be well graded from fine to coarse within the prescribed limits. Maximum nominal coarse aggregate size shall be 1 -1/2" inch except for slabs on grade receiving carpet or no architectural finish. Provide aggregates from one source of supply to ensure uniformity in color size and shape. 2.1 6 Admixtures. Provide admixtures produced by established reputable manufacturers and use in compliance with manufacturers printed directions. Two or more admixtures may be used in the same concrete provided such admixtures are added separately during the batching sequence and provided further that the admixtures 03300- 2 a 1 1 1 1 l s i 1 1 1 t 1 used in that combination retain full efficiency and have no deleterious effect on the concrete or on the properties of each other 1 Air Entraining Admixture. ANSI /ASTM C260 2. Water Reducing Admixture* ANSI/ASTM C494 Master Builder's "Pozzolith" 344N and 122HE, or equal. 3. Calcium Chloride: Not permitted. 2.2 PROPORTIONING AND DESIGN OF CONCRETE MIXES 2.2.1 Minimum Compressive Strength. 1 See Structural Notes on Drawings. 2.2.2 Admixtures: Use amount of admixtures as recommended by manufacturer for climatic conditions prevailing at time of placing. Adjust quantities and types of admixtures as required to maintain quality control. 2.3 REINFORCEMENT 2.3.1 All reinforcement shall be new free from rust, mill scale, dirt, grease or other foreign matter and shall comply with the structural notes. 2.3.2 Reinforcing Bars. ASTM A615. Deformed and as follows. 1 Grade See notes on structural drawings. 2.3.3 Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A185 2.3.4 Tie Wire. ASTM A82, black annealed steel, 16 gauge minimum. 2.3.5 Sorts for Reinforcement: Provide all bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for spacing, supporting and fastening reinforcement in place. 2.4 FORM MATERIALS Section 03300 Cast -In -Place Concrete CN 95-04 2.41 Concrete surfaces to be exposed. Form surfaces that will be in contact with concrete shall be of material that will produce concrete surfaces equivalent in smoothness and appearance to that produced by new 4x8 ft. plywood panels. 2.4.2 Form Ties. Form ties shall be factory- fabricated, removable or snap -off metal ties of design that will not allow form deflection and will not spall concrete upon removal. 2.4.3 Form Coating: Forms for exposed surface shall be coated with form release agent before reinforcement is placed. 2.4 4 Sealing Wood Forms: Prior to coating with the above specified release agent, wood forms shall be sealed with a penetrating wood sealer 2.5 MISCELLANEOUS 2.5.1 Membrane forming curing compound shall be liquid resin base compound complying with ASTM C309 -74 Type I 03300- 3 2.5.2 Sealer for slab without applied finish shall be acrylic sealer 18% acrylic Sonnebom "Kure -N -Seal 2.5.3 Hardeners. For interior slabs where scheduled shall be Harcol redi -mixed (natural) by Sonnebom Building Products Division of Contech, Inc. 2.5.4 Non -Shrink Grout: Provide in areas indicated. Non -Shrink grout to be one of the following: Masterflow 928 by Master Builders Embeco by Master Builders Ferro lith by Sonnebom 2.5.5 All other concrete materials not specifically described, but required for a complete and proper installation, shall be new and of first quality 2.6 EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION JOINTS Section 03300 Cast -In -Place Concrete CN 95-04 2.6.1 Expansion -joint filler strips, premolded shall conform to requirements ASTM D1752 and shall be 3/8" thick unless otherwise indicated. 2.6.2 Joint sealer and backing rod (interior and exterior all joints) Shall be cold applied urethane joint sealer as manufactured by Grove Specialties, Burbank, Califomia. Two component polyurethane GS -1450 in addition use GS -14 primer where required and non- impregnated backing rod such as butyl, urethane or polyurethane. 3. EXECUTION 3.1 Concrete Mixing 31 1 General: Concrete may be mixed at batch plants or it may be transit mixed. Ready -Mix Concrete Comply with the requirements of ANSI/ASTM C94 and as herein specified. 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Owner will employ separate testing laboratory to perform field quality control testing. See Section 01400 Quality Control 3.3 PREPARATION 3.3.1 Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement by formwork, construction, or concrete placement operations. Locate and support reinforcing by metal chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers and hangers, as required. 3.3.2 Place reinforcement to obtain minimum coverage protection. Arrange, space, and securely tie bars and bar supports together with minimum 16 gauge wire to hold reinforcement accurately in position during concrete placement operations. Set wire ties so that twisted ends are directed away form exposed concrete surfaces. 3.3.3 Install welded wire fabric in as long lengths as practible. Lap adjoining pieces at least one full mesh and lace splices with 16 gauge wire. Do not make end laps midway between supporting beams, or directly over beams of continuous structures. Offset end laps in adjacent widths to prevent continuous laps. Place at mid -depth of slabs unless noted otherwise. 03300- 4 1 1 1 t t 1 1 t 1 i i 1 t 1 3.4 CONCRETE. PLACEMENT Section 03300 Cast -In -Place Concrete CN 95-04 3.3 4 Coordinate the installation of joint materials and moisture barriers with placement of forms and reinforcing steel. 3.3.5 Concrete Preplacement Inspection: Before placing concrete, inspect and complete formwork installation, reinforcing steel, pipe sleeves, anchor bolts, inserts, supports, ties and items to be embedded or cast -in. Notify other crafts involved in ample time to permit installation of their work; cooperate with other trades in setting such work, as required. 3.41 General Conform to ACI 304 and to ACI 604 for cold weather concreting and ACI 605 for hot weather concreting. Deposit concrete continuously or in layers of such thickness that no concrete will be placed on concrete which has hardened sufficiently to cause formation of seams or planes of weakness within the section. If a section cannot be placed continuously provide construction joints as herein specified. Deposit concrete as nearly as practicable to its final location to avoid segregation due to rehandling or flowing. Concrete shall not be subjected to any procedure which will cause segregation. Screed Concrete which is to receive other construction to proper level to avoid excessive skimming or grouting. Concrete which becomes non- plastic and unworkable, or does not meet required quality control limits or which has been contaminated be foreign materials shall not be used. Retempered concrete will not be accepted. Remove rejected concrete from project site. Take care to prevent leakage onto existing and previously poured exposed surfaces, and all other finished surfaces that are to be exposed. Hose off all such leakage immediately after pouring. 3 4.2 Concrete Conveying: Handle concrete from point of delivery and transfer to concrete conveying equipment and to locations of final deposit as rapidly as practicable by methods which will prevent segregation and Toss of concrete mix materials. 3 4.3 Placing Concrete into Forms: Deposit concrete in forms in horizontal layers not deeper than 24' and in a manner to avoid inclined construction joints. Where placement consists of several layers, place each layer while preceding layer is still plastic to avoid cold joints. Consolidate concrete placed in forms by mechanical vibrating equipment supplemented by hand spading, rodding or tamping. Vibration of forms and reinforcing shall not be permitted. Vibrators shall not be used to transport concrete inside forms. Vibrators shall not be inserted into lower layers of concrete that have begun to set. 3 4 4 Placing Concrete Slabs: Deposit and consolidate concrete slabs in continuous operation, within limits of construction joints, until placing of panel or section is completed. Consolidate concrete during placing operations using mechanical vibrating equipment, so that concrete is thoroughly worked around reinforcement and other embedded items and into comers. Bring slab surfaces to correct level with a straightedge and strike off Use bull floats or darbies to smooth surface, leaving it free of humps or hollows. Water shall not be sprinkled 03300- 5 3.5 JOINTS on .plastic surface. Slab surface shall not be disturbed prior to beginning finishing operations. Maintain reinforcing steel and/or mesh in proper position continuously during concrete placement operations. 3 4.5 Bonding: Roughen surfaces of set concrete at joints, except where bonding is obtained by use of concrete bonding agent, and clean surfaces of Iaitance, coatings, loose particles, and foreign matter Roughen surfaces to exposed bonded aggregate uniformly and to not leave Iaitance, loose particles of aggregate, or damaged concrete at surface. 3 4.6 Cold Weather Placing: Protect concrete work from physical damage or reduced strength which could be caused by frost, freezing actions, or ow temperatures, in compliance with the requirements of ACI 604 3 4 7 Hot Weather Placing When hot weather conditions exist that would seriously impair quality and strength of concrete, place concrete in compliance with ACI 605. 3.5.1 Construction and Control Joints. Locate and install construction and control joints, as shown on structural drawings. Locate construction joints, if required but not shown, only after review by Structural Engineer 1 Exposed Walls: 2. Slabs. See Architectural or Structural Drawings Section 03300 Cast -In -Place Concrete CN 95-04 3 Place construction joints perpendicular to main reinforcement. Continue reinforcement across construction joints. 3.6 FINISH OF FORMED SURFACES 3.6.1 Concealed Surfaces. Knock fins off and repair surface only as required tor application of covering materials and structural integrity 3.6.2 Exposed Surfaces. Concrete surfaces that are to be exposed to-view without any coatings shall not be repaired and patched without Contractor approval. Knock fins off to achieve flush surfaces and clean edges; patch imperfections to match adjacent surfaces in color and texture. Grind fins and projections smooth where directed. Finish tolerance 1/8" in 8' with no abrupt misalignments. Remove all grout leakage onto adjacent surfaces. Leave surfaces clean and smooth. 3.6.3 Related Unformed Surfaces. At tops of wall, horizontal offsets, and similar unformed surfaces occurring adjacent to formed surfaces, strike off smooth and finish with texture matching adjacent formed surfaces. Continue final surface treatment of formed surfaces uniformly across adjacent unformed surfaces, unless otherwise indicated. 3 7 SLAB FINISHES 3 71 Smooth Float Finish Apply smooth float finish to all slab surfaces to receive trowel finish and other finishes as hereinafter specified. 03300- 6 i I a t t t z 1 1 i i i a 1 1 r 1 Section 03300 Cast -In -Place Concrete CN 95-04 After screeding, consolidating, and leveling concrete slabs, do not work surface until ready for floating. Begin floating when surface water has disappeared or when concrete has stiffened sufficiently to permit operation of power- driven floats, or both. Consolidate surface with power -drive floats, or by handfloating if area is small or inaccessible to power units. Check and level surface plane to a tolerance not exceeding 1/8" in 12' when tested with a 12' straightedge placed on surface at not Tess than 2 different angles. Cut down high spots and fill low spots. Uniformly slope surfaces to drains. Immediately after leveling, refloat surface to uniform, smooth, granular texture. 3.7.3 Smooth Trowel Finish' Apply smooth trowel finish to slab surfaces to be exposed to view unless otherwise indicated, and slab surfaces to be covered with resilient flooring, paint carpet, or other thin -film finish coating system. After floating, begin first trowel finish operation using power -driven trowel. Begin final troweling when surface produces ringing sound as trowel is moved over surface. Consolidate concrete surface by final hand troweling operation, free of trowel marks, uniform in texture and appearance, and with surface plant tolerance not exceeding 1/8' in 12' when tested with a 12' straightedge. Grind smooth surface defects which would telegraph through applied floor covering system. 3.7 4 Non -Slip Broom Finish or Carpet Finish: Apply non -slip broom finish or carpet finish to exposed concrete platforms, steps, sidewalks, driveways, parking and ramp areas and elsewhere as shown on drawings. Immediately after trowel finishing, slightly roughen concrete surface by brooming in direction perpendicular to main traffic route. Coordinate final finish with Architect before application. 3.8 CONCRETE CURING AND PROTECTION 3.8.1 General: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperature, and maintain without drying at relatively constant temperature for period of time necessary for hydration of cement and proper hardening of concrete. Start initial curing as soon as free moisture has disappeared from concrete surface after placing and finishing. Weather permitting, keep continuously moist for not Tess than 72 hours. Begin final curing procedures immediately following initial curing and before concrete has dried. Continue final curing for at least 7 days and in accordance with ACI 301 procedures. Avoid rapid drying at end of final curing period. 3.8.2 Curing Methods. Perform curing of concrete by moist curing, by moisture retaining cover curing, liquid curing, or by combinations thereof, Contractor option. For curing, use only water that is free of impurities which could etch or discolor exposed, natural concrete surfaces. 1 Moisture Curing: Keep surface of concrete continuously wet by covering with water or continuous water -fog spray or covering concrete surface with absorptive cover thoroughly saturating cover with water and keeping absorptive cover continuously wet. 03300- 7 Section 03300 Cast -In -Place Concrete CN 95-04 2. Moisture -Cover Curing Cover concrete surfaces with moisture retaining cover for curing concrete, placed in the widest practicable width with sides and ends lapped at least 3" and sealed by water proofing tape or adhesive. 3 Liquid Membrane Curing: Apply membrane forming curing compound to damp concrete surfaces as soon as possible after final finishing operations are complete, but not later than 2 hours. Apply uniformly in continuous operation by power spray or rollers in accordance with manufacturer's directions. Recoat areas which are subjected to heavy rainfall within 3 hours after initial application. Maintain continuity of coating and repair damage to coat during curing period. Membrane curing compounds shall not be used on surfaces which are to be covered with coating material applied directly to concrete or with a covering material bonded to concrete. such as other concrete, liquid. floor hardener waterproofing, dampproofing, membrane roofing, flooring, painting, and other coatings and finish materials, unless otherwise acceptable to Architect. 3.8.3 Curing Unformed Surfaces. Initially cure unformed surfaces, such as slabs, floor topping, and other flat surfaces by moist curing, whenever possible. Final cure of unformed surfaces, unless otherwise indicated, shall be by methods specified above, as applicable. 3.8.4 Temperature of Concrete During Curing: When atmospheric temperature is 40 degrees F and below maintain concrete temperature between 50 degrees F and 70 degrees F continuously throughout curing period. When necessary make arrangements before concrete placing for heating, covering, insulation or housing as required to maintain specified temperature and moisture conditions continuously for the concrete curing period. Maintain concrete temperature as uniformly as possible, and protect from rapid atmospheric temperature changes. Avoid temperature changes in concrete which exceed 5 degrees F in any one hour and 50 degrees F in any 24 -hour period. 3.8.5 Protect From Mechanical Injury During curing period, protect concrete from damaging mechanical disturbances including load stresses, heavy shock, excessive vibration, and from damage caused by rain or flowing water Protect finished concrete surfaces from damage by subsequent construction operations. 3.9 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE ITEMS 3.9.1 Filling -in: Fill -in holes and openings left in concrete structures for passage of work by other trades, unless otherwise shown or directed, after work of other trades is in place. Mix, place and cure concrete as herein specified, to blend with in -place construction. Provide other miscellaneous concrete filling shown or required to complete the work. 3.9.2 Curbs. Provide monolithic finish to curbs by stripping forms while concrete is still green, and steel- troweling surfaces to a hard, dense finish with comers, intersections, and terminations slightly rounded. 3.9.3 Equipment Bases Provide machine and equipment bases as shown on drawings. Set anchor bolts for machines and equipment by template at correct elevations. 3 10 NON SHRINK GROUT 03300- 8 3 10 1 Prepare surfaces, mix, place and finish in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. 3 11 CONCRETE SURFACE REPAIRS 3 11 1 General: Repair and patch defective areas with cement mortar immediately after removal of forms, but only when directed by Architect. Use epoxy -based mortar for structural repairs, where directed by Architect. 311.2 Exposed Form Tie Holes. Remove form ties immediately after forms have been removed. 1 Fill tie holes with patching mortar prepared so that when dry it will match color and finish of surrounding concrete. 312 PROTECTION 3 12.1 Contractor to protect exposed concrete surfaces from damage. Damaged surfaces must be repaired similarly to defective surfaces. END OF SECTION Section 03300 Cast -In -Place Concrete CN 95-04 03300- 9 1 t 1 1 r i 1 1 t 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Work of this section includes all labor material, equipment and supervision necessary for and incidental to, providing and installing cementitious floor underlayment as shown on Drawings and/or described herein. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Installer Installation shall be by an experienced applicator approved by the manufacturer 1.3.2 Test Cubes. Aplicator shall take 1 set of test cubes for each 3,000 SF of underlayment. Test for density and compressive strength in accordance with ASTM C472. A copy of the test report shall be given to the architect. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Fumish manufacturer's material data and installation instructions. 1.5 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Section 03325 Cementitious Underlayment CN 95-04 1.5.1 Temperature Before, during, and after installation, building interior shall be maintained at a temperature. above 50 degrees F 1.5.2 Ventilation: Provide continuous heat and adequate mechanical ventilation to rapidly remove moisture from areas of installation until topping is dry 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 UNDERLAYMENT COMPOUND 2.1 1 Material: Dense gypsum cement mixed with washed masonry sand (1/16" or Tess in size) and potable water conforming to ASTM C 472 -79 2.1.2 Acceptable Products. 1 Gyp -crete 2000 Floor Underlayment by Maxxon Corporation. 2. Hacker Firm -fill high strength by Hacker Industries. 3 Rapid floor plus system by W R. Grace Co. 2.1.3 Compressive strength. 2,000 PSI minimum 2.1 4 Primer As recommended by manufacturer 3 EXECUTION 3 1 CONDITION OF SURFACE 03325 -1 31 1 Inspection Prior to installation, inspect area to receive floor topping to confirm suitability of subfloor materials and fastening. Report discrepancies to Contractor Do no work until deficiencies have been corrected. 3.1.2 Sealing To prevent leakage, fill all cracks and voids in subfloor with a quick setting drywall patching material. 3.1.3 Priming Spray one coat of primer over entire deck using one gallon of primer per 400 sq. ft. 3.2 APPLICATION Section 03325 Cementitious Underlayment CN 95-04 3.2.1 Scheduling: Schedule installation of floor topping as late as possible during construction and after installation of drywall materials. 3.2.2 Thickness: Install at 1 -inch thickness over subfloor spreading and screeding to a smooth surface. Place as continuously as possible until installation is complete so that no topping slurry is placed against topping which has achieved initial set, except at authorized joints. 3.2.3 Maintain top surface level to 1/8' in 10 feet. 3.3 CURING AND PROTECTION 3.31 Curing: Maintain proper environmental conditions continuously until floor topping is dry Consult manufacturer for dryness testing procedures. 3.3.2 Protection: After drying, place temporary wood planking over floor topping wherever it will be subjected to heavy wheeled or concentrated loads. 3.3.3 Patching At dips, humps and abrupt edges which would be noticeable through finish flooring, fill or sand as required to remove such defects. END OF SECTION 03325 -2 Section 05500 Metal Fabrications CN 95-04 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Scope of Work: Work of this Section includes all labor materials, equipment and supervision necessary for and incidental to, providing metal fabrications as shown on Drawings and described herein. 1.2.2 Definition: Metal fabrications include items made from iron and steel shapes, plates, bars, strips, tubes, pipes and castings which are not a part of structural steel or other metal systems specified elsewhere. 1.2.3 Types of work in this section include 1 Anchor bolts. 2. Rough hardware. 3. Miscellaneous framing and supports. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Compliance with standard and industry specifications. Comply with the applicable provisions of the following codes, specifications and standards to the extent indicated by reference thereto 1 "Specification for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings" of the American Institute of Steel Construction. 2. 'Code for Welding in Building Construction' of the American Welding Society 3 ASTM American Society of Testing Materials" 1.3.2 Qualifications of Welders. Use only certified welders for all welding performed in connection with the work of this section. 1.3.3 Inspections and Testing Owner will employ and pay for special inspection where called for on structural drawings and as per Building Department and U.B.0 requirements. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Submit shop drawings for fabrication and erection of miscellaneous metal fabrications. Include plans, elevations and details of sections and connections. Show anchorage and accessory items. Provide templates for anchor bolt installation by others. 1.5 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Protect metal items from damage during transportation and at the job site. Store at the site under cover on wood blocking or on suitable floors. After installation, protect all assemblies and products from damage during subsequent construction activities. Damaged work will be rejected and shall be replaced with new work. 05500 1 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 FERROUS METALS 2.1.2 Steel Plates, Shapes and Bars. ASTM A 36. 2.1.3 Steel Tubing: Steel tubing shall be new free from rust, and conforming to ASTM Specification A500 Grade B, FY= 46KSI. 2.2 FASTENERS 2.2.2 Botts and Nuts. Regular hexagon head type, ASTM A 307 Grade A. 2.2.3 Lag Bolts: Square head type, FS FF -B -561 2.2.4 Plain Washers Round, carbon steel, FS FF -W -92. 2.2.5 Masonry Anchorage Devices. Expansion shields, FS FF -S -325. 2.3 PAINT 2.4 FABRICATION, GENERAL Section 05500 Metal Fabrications CN 95-04 2.1 1 Metal Surfaces, General: For fabrication of miscellaneous metal work which will be exposed to view use only materials which are smooth and free of surface blemishes including pitting, seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names and roughness. All metal for exterior use or built into exterior walls shall be galvanized. 2.1 4 Steel Pipe: Steel pipe shall be new free from rust and conforming to ASTM Specification A501 FY35KSI 2.1.5 Concrete Inserts: Threaded or wedge type; galvanized ferrous castings, either malleable iron, ASTM A 47 or cast steel, ASTM A 27 Provide bolts, washers and shims as required, hot -dip galvanized, ASTM A 153. 2.2.1 General: Provide zinc coated fasteners for exterior use of where built into exterior walls. Select fasteners for the type, grade and class required. 2.3.1 Shop Primer for Ferrous Metal Manufacturer's or Fabricator's standard, fast curing, lead -free, "universal" primer selected for good resistance to normal atmospheric corrosion, for compatibility with finish paint systems indicated and for capability to provide a sound foundation for field applied topcoats despite prolonged exposure; complying with performance requirements of FS TT -P -645. 2.41 Workmanship: Use materials of size and thickness indicated or, 11 not indicated, as required to produce strength and durability in finished product for use intended. Work to dimensions indicated or accepted on shop drawings, using proven details of fabrication and support. Use type of materials shown or specified for various components of work. 1 For exgsed work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces and straight sharp edges. Ease exposed edges to a radius of approximately 1/32" unless otherwise shown. Form bent -metal comers to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or otherwise impairing work. 05500 2 Section 05500 Metal Fabrications CN 95-04 2. Weld comers and seams continuously complying with AWS recommendations. At exposed connections, grind exposed welds smooth and flush to match and blend with adjoining surfaces. 3 Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners wherever possible. Use exposed fasteners of type shown or if not shown, Phillips flathead (countersunk) screws or bolts. 4 Provide for 4nchor4gg of type indicated, coordinated with supporting structure. Fabricate and space anchoring devices to provide adequate support for intended use. 5. Cat. reinforce. drill and tap miscellaneous metal work as indicated to receive finish hardware and similar items. 6. Galvanizing: Provide a zinc coating for those items shown or specified to be galvanized, as follows. ASTM A 153 for galvanizing iron and steel hardware. ASTM A 123 for galvanizing rolled, pressed and forged steel shapes, plates, bars and strip 1/8' thick and heavier ASTM A 3$g for galvanizing assembled steel products. 7 Fabricate joints which will be exposed to weather in a manner to exclude water or provide weep holes where water may accumulate. 2.4.2 Shoo Painting: 1 Apply shop,primer to surfaces of metal fabrications except those which are galvanized or as indicated to be embedded in concrete or masonry unless otherwise indicated, and in compliance with requirements of SSPC -PA1 "Paint Application Specification No. 1 for shop painting. 2. Stripepaint all edges, comers, crevices, bolts, welds and sharp edges. 2.5 ROUGH HARDWARE 2.5.1 Furnish bent or otherwise custom fabricated bolts, plates, anchors, hangers, dowels and other miscellaneous steel and iron shapes as required for framing and supporting woodwork, and for anchoring and securing woodwork to concrete or other structures. Straight bolts and other stock rough hardware items are specified in Division -6 sections. 2.5.2 Fabricate items to sizes, shapes and dimensions required. Fumish malleable iron washers for heads and nuts which bear on wood structural connections; elsewhere, furnish steel washers. 2.6 MISCELLANEOUS FRAMING AND SUPPORTS 2.6.1 Provide miscellaneous steel framing and supports as required to complete work. 2.6.2 Fabricate miscellaneous units to sizes, shapes and profiles indicated or if not indicated, of required dimensions to receive adjacent other work to be retained by framing. Except as 05500 3 Section 05500 Metal Fabrications CN 95-04 otherwise shown, fabricate from structural steel shapes and plates and steel bars, of welded construction using mitered joints for field connection. Cut, drill and tap units to receive hardware and similar items. 2.6.3 Equip units with integrally welded anchors for casting into concrete or building into masonry Fumish inserts if units must be installed after concrete is placed. 2.6.4 Galvanize exterior miscellaneous frames and supports. 2.7 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 2.71 All miscellaneous metal fabrications and their related components are not necessarily individually described. Items not described shall be furnished and installed in accordance with the intent of the Drawings and Specifications and as required to properly complete the work. 3 EXECUTION 31 PREPARATION 31 1 Field Measurements. Take field measurements prior to preparation of shop drawings and fabrication, where possible. Do not delay job progress; allow for trimming and fitting where taking field measurements before fabrication might delay work. 31.2 Coordinate and furnish anchorages, setting drawings, diagrams, templates, instructions, and directions for installation of anchorages, such as concrete inserts, sleeves, anchor bolts and miscellaneous items having integral anchors, which are to be embedded in concrete or masonry construction. Coordinate delivery of such items to project site. 3.2 INSTALLATION 3.2.1 General 1 Eateninctio In -Place Construction. Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where necessary for securing miscellaneous metal fabrications to in -place construction; including, threaded fasteners for concrete and masonry inserts, toggle bolts, through -bolts, lag bolts, wood screws and other connectors as required. 2. Cuttina. Fitting and Placement: Perform cutting, drilling and fitting required for installation of miscellaneous metal fabrications. Set work accurately in location, alignment and elevation, plumb, level, true and free of rack, measured from established lines and levels. Provide temporary bracing of anchors in formwork for items which are to be built into concrete masonry or similar construction. 3 Fit exposed connections accurately together to form tight hairline joints. Weld connections which are not to be left as exposed joints, but cannot be shop welded because of shipping size limitations. Grind exposed joints smooth and touch -up shop paint coat. Do not weld, cut or abrade the surfaces of exterior units which have been hot -dip galvanized after fabrication, and are intended for bolted or screwed field connections. 4 Field Welding: Comply with AWS Code for procedures of manual shielded metal -arc welding, appearance and quality of welds made and methods used in correcting welding work. 05500 4 END OF SECTION Section 05500 Metal Fabrications CN 95 -04 1 1 1 1 1 1 t l 1 1 1 r i 1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Section 06100 Rough Carpentry CN 95-04 1.2.1 Rough carpentry includes carpentry work not specified as part of other sections and which is generally not exposed, except as otherwise indicated. Also included in this section are gypsum sheathing, building paper and rough hardware. 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED IN OTHER SECTIONS Cementitious Underlayment Section 03325 Glue Laminated Timber Section 06180 Prefabricated Structural Wood Section 06190 Prefabricated Wood Trusses Section 06193 Finish Carpentry Section 06200 Insulation Section 07200 Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 Resilient Flooring Section 09650 Carpeting Section 09680 1 4 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1 41 Grading Rules 1 Lumber West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau (WCLB) or Westem Wood Productions Association (WWPA). 2. Plywood: American Plywood Association (APA). 3 Grademark and/or trademark of association having jurisdiction must appear on each piece of material, except omit marking from surfaces to be exposed with transparent finish or without finish, or each shipment shall be accompanied by a certificate of inspection and grading. 14.2 Standards 1 Lumber Standards. Comply with PS 20 2. Plywood Standard: Comply with PS 1 1.5 PRODUCT HANDLING 1.5.1 Delivery and Storage: Keep materials dry at all time. Protect against exposure to weather and contact with damp or wet surfaces. Stack lumber and plywood, and provide air circulation within stacks. 1.6 JOB CONDITIONS 1.6.1 Coordination Fit carpentry work to other work; scribe and cope as required for accurate fit. Correlate location of furring, nailers, blocking, grounds and similar supports to allow proper 06100 -1 Section 06100 Rough Carpentry CN 95-04 attachment of other work. Coordinate with all other trades. Do all cutting and patching required to accommodate their work. 1.6.2 Verification Verify all dimensions shown on drawings by taking field measurements, proper fit and attachment of all parts is required. Before commencing work, check all surfaces, lines, levels and such other work as has been completed. Should there be any discrepancies, immediately report to General Contractor prior to doing work. In event of failure to do so, the Contractor shall be responsible for correction of any errors without additional cost to the Owner 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL 2.1 1 See structural notes on structural drawings. 2.2 PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT 2.2.1 Location: All wood cants, curbs, blocking, nailers, and similar members in connection with roofing, flashing, vapor barriers, and waterproofing, and all wood in contact with masonry or concrete to be pressure preservative treated. 2.2.2 Product: Water bome preservative; Ammonical Copper Arsenate (ACA), "Chemonite" per AWPA C1 and C2; or Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA), "Wolman" per AWPA L2 or L22; for above ground use. 2.3 MATERIALS 2.3.1 Lumber 2.3.2 Plywood 1 General: Nominal sizes are indicated, except as shown by detail dimensions. Provide dressed lumber S4S, unless otherwise indicated, seasoned, with 19% maximum moisture content at time of dressing. 2. Framing Lumber Graded and marked in species as indicated in Structural Drawings. 3. Miscellaneous Lumber• provide wood for support or attachment of other work including cant strips, bucks, nailers, blocking, furring, grounds, stripping and similar members. Provide lumber of sizes shown, or required, construction grade light framing size lumber of any species as required. 1 Plywood Sheathing. As noted on drawings. 2. Exposed Plywood: Backing boards for telephone and electrical panels shall be 3/4 -inch thick, APA A-C EXT fire retardant treated with UL label indicating treatment and flame spread rating of 25. 2.3.3 Gypsum Wall Sheathing: Provide type "X" gypsum board complying with ASTM C 79, 5/8' thick. Provide water repellent treated paper on face and back surfaces, and fire resistant, noncombustible core. 2.3 4 Fasteners and Anchorages 06100- 2 Section 06100 Rough Carpentry CN 95-04 1 General: Provide size, type, material, quantity, and finish as indicated and as recommended by applicable standards and codes, complying with applicable Federal specifications for nails, spikes, staples, screws, bolts, nuts, washers and anchoring devices. 2. Finishes: Where items are permanently exposed to weather in ground contact, or in area of high relative humidity provide fasteners and anchorages with a hot -dip zinc coating (ASTM A 153). Where items are temporarily exposed to weather or in an area of high relative humidity during construction, provide fasteners and anchorages with hot -dip zinc coating, cadmium plating, vinyl coating or prime painting to prevent staining of exposed finish work. Concealed work does not require coated fasteners and anchorages. 3 Bolts, Nuts and Washers. ASTM A -307 Hexagonal heads and nuts. Flat washers under all heads and nuts bearing on wood. 4 Nails and Spikes. Common only 5. Concrete Fasteners: Phillips "Red -Head Studs" "Wej -It' or power- driven fastenings using drive pins and threaded studs, "Ramset" or equal. 6 Framing Accessories. Provide all necessary framing clips, joist hangers, anchors, straps, and other connectors as indicated and as required to complete framing. Provide hangers at all "flush" framed conditions. Simpson, Bowman, Teco or equal. Size and type recommended by the manufacturer for each use including recommended nails. 2.3.5 Building Paper Asphalt saturated felt, non perforated, ASTM D226 D type building paper 3 EXECUTION 31 INSTALLATION 3.1 1 General: Comply with notes on Structural Drawings. Discard units of material with defects which might impair quality of work, and units which are too small to fabricate work with minimum joints or optimum joint arrangement. Set carpentry work to required levels and lines, with members plumb and true and accurately cut and fitted. Securely attach carpentry work to substrate by anchoring and fastening as shown and as required by recognized codes and standards for long and hard use. Countersink nail heads on exposed carpentry work. See Section 09900 for filling nail holes. Use common wire nails, except as otherwise indicated. Use finishing nails for finish work. Select fasteners of size that will not penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. make tight connections between members. Install fasteners without splitting of wood; predrill as required. 06100- 3 Countersink or recess bolt heads, nuts and other fasteners or anchorages where they will interfere with application of finishes. 3 1.2 Cutting, Drilling Notching section 06100 Rough Carpentry CN 95-04 Do all cutting and framing required to install work specified in other sections or fumished by others. Drilling and notching of framing must be per Chapter 23 of the Uniform Building code (UBC). 3.1.3 Wood Grounds, Nailers, Blocking, Backing and Curbs Provide wherever shown and where required for screeding, support or attachment of other work and all mechanical and electrical work. Form to shapes as shown and cut as required for true line and level of work to be attached. Coordinate location with other work involved and lay out framing to fit. Furr as shown or required to enclose mechanical and electrical work. Take care to isolate acoustically as necessary Attach to substrates as required to support applied loading. Countersink bolts and nuts flush with surfaces, unless otherwise shown. Build into masonry during installation of masonry work. Where possible, anchor to formwork before concrete placement. Install treated wood curbs as shown on drawings for all roof hatches, vents and other openings that penetrate roofs. Install treated wood nailers for flashings, roofing, copings, and related items. Coordinate with roofing contractor Curbs shall be height as shown on drawings. 3 1 4 Plywood and Plywood Sheathing General: Comply with recommendations of the American Plywood Association (APA) for the installation of plywood. Sheathing: Install as recommended by APA for spacing of supports or types of substrates involved in the work. Provide thickness shown. Draft Stops. Provide plywood in thicknesses and locations as shown. 3.1.5 Gypsum Wall Sheathing General: Provide gypsum board sheathing where shown. Fit boards tightly against each other and around openings. 4'x8' or Longer Sheathing. Apply sheathing with long dimensions horizontal. Abut ends of sheathing at center of supports, stagger end joints. Fasten securely to supports. Screw to each support in accordance with manufacturer's recommended spacing. See structural drawing for connections to all structural members. 31 6 Building Paper Install over gypsum sheathing at exterior walls. Shingle -lap in full rolls; no remnants or small pieces. Install 6" wide strip of paper "flashing" around all window door louver and vent openings under frame nailing flange. Lap horizontal joints 2" vertical joints 6" head lapping jambs, jambs lapping sills. 31 7 Stair Framing Cut notches to receive exact size of treads and risers shown, with no change in dimensions between landings. Provide stringers of size and number shown. Fasten all treads, risers and plywood landings with plywood panel adhesive as well as nails. 06100- 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 f 1 Install firestopping between studs along and in line with run of stringers and landing ledgers and other areas shown on drawings. (See Section 07200 for firestop materials.) 31.8 Pocket Door Rough Hardware. Install as per manufacturers instructions. END OF SECTION Section 06100 Rough Carpentry CN 95-04 06100- 5 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Section 06170 Prefabricated Structural Wood CN 95-04 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2.1 Work of this section includes all labor materials, equipment and supervision necessary for and incidental to, manufacture and delivery of prefabricated structural wood shown on Drawings and described herein. 1.2.2 Related Structural Wood work specified elsewhere 1 Installation is specified in Section 06100 2. Sub -floor sheathing is specified in Section 06100 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Standards. 1 Prefabricated Structural Wood: Design in accordance with NRB acceptance and within the provisions of the National Design Specification for wood 1984 2. Comply with UBC Standard 25.1737 3 Glue: Waterproof meeting the requirements of ASTM D- 2559 -76. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Product Data. Submit fabricator's technical data covering built-up laminated lumber plywood, fabrication process, handling and erection. 1 4.2 Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings showing sizes and dimensions of materials to be used, including spacings, required blocking panels, bearing anchorage details, and erection plans. Provide shop drawings which have been signed and stamped by a structural engineer licensed to practice in the state where the prefabricated structural wood is fabricated and the State of Washington. 1.5 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Store materials covered and off of the ground. 1.5.2 When moving members, take precaution to prevent damage to material. Discard damaged material. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 PREFABRICATED STRUCTURAL JOISTS 2.1 1 Acceptable Products. Trus -Joist "TJI Series" Joists. 06170 -1 2.1.2 Dimensions and sizes as indicated on the drawings with manufacturers pre -cut knock -out plugs in webs. 2.1.3 Provide blocking panels as required or in locations as shown on the drawings. 2.2 FABRICATION 2.2.1 Use adhesives designed for exterior applications and for the particular use. Mixing, storage, pot and working life, assembly time and temperature shall conform to manufacturer's recommendations. 2.2.2 Assemble components under controlled conditions using qualified workmen. 2.2.3 Provide any accessories required for a complete installation, such as cross bracing, temporary support, end closures, or shear panels. 3 EXECUTION 31 INSTALLATION 3 1 1 Installation is under Section 06100 END OF SECTION Section 06170 Prefabricated Structural Wood CN 95-04 06170 -2 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Section 06180 Glue Laminated Timber CN 95-04 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Work of this section includes all labor materials, equipment and supervision necessary for and incidental to, manufacture and delivery of glue laminated timber shown on Drawings and described herein. 1.2.2 Related Glue Laminated Timber work specified elsewhere 1 Installation is specified in Section 06100. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Standards 1 Furnish products conforming to Voluntary Product Standard PS 56-73, Structural Glued Laminated Timber 2. The design, fabrication, transportation, and erection of glue laminated members shall be in accordance with AITC standards. 3 The manufacturer shall be currently licensed by AITC and principal members shall bear the Institutes' Quality Mark. 4 'Standard Appearance Grades for Structural Glue Laminated Timber" AITC 117 14 SUBMITTALS 1 4 1 Shop drawings, including a framing diagram showing piece mark identification for each member 1 4.2 Furnish AITC Certificate of Conformance to Architect before delivery of material to site 1.5 DELIVERY STORAGE, HANDLING 1.5.1 Store materials covered and off the ground. 1.5.2 Take precautions while moving members to prevent the introduction of stresses exceeding those specified. Discard damaged material. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 LAMINATING COMBINATIONS 2.1 1 Stress Grade: As noted on Structural Drawings. 2.1.2 Intended for dry conditions of service. (Below 12% MC) in general. 2.1.3 Intended for wet conditions of service at entrance canopy 06180 -1 2.3.2 Fabricate beams to incorporate the degrees of camber indicated on drawings. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION 3 1 1 Installation is under Section 06100 END OF SECTION Section 06180 Glue Laminated Timber CN 95-04 2.2 APPEARANCE AND PROTECTION 2.2.1 Grade Industrial 2.2.2 Apply a coat of end sealer as soon as possible to the ends of members after trimming. 2.2.3 Coat surfaces with penetrating sealer 2.2.4 Ship members unwrapped. 2.3 FABRICATION 2.3.1 Fabricate in accordance with the approved shop drawings. Provide properly placed, and sized bolts, dress and shape as required for proper seating in fitted connections, or bearing plates. 06180- 2 1 1 i Section 06193 Prefabricated Wood Trusses CN 95-04 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Work of this section includes all labor, materials, equipment and supervision necessary for and incidental to, manufacture and delivery of prefabricated wood trusses shown on Drawings and described herein. 1.2.2 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE 1 Installation is specified in Section 06100 2. Roof sheathing is specified in Section 06100 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Standards: All -wood trusses shall comply with applicable requirements and recommendations of the following Truss Plate Institute (TPI) publications, as applicable: 1 "Design Specification for Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses." 2. "Design Specification for Metal Plate Connected Parallel Chord Wood Trusses" 3 "Commentary and Recommendations for Handling and Erecting Wood Trusses" 4 "Commentary and Recommendations for Bracing Wood Trusses." 5 "Quality Control Manual' 1.3.2 Wood -metal trusses shall comply by manufacturers submittal of the following evidence and the approval thereof by the Building Department of the City of Port Angeles, Washington. 1 Complete stress analysis of each truss size and test load date prepared under the supervision of a State of Washington registered Engineer all acceptable to the Architect and the City of Port Angeles Building Department. 2. Submit certificates from an independent testing company that all trusses delivered to the jobsite conform to approved shop drawings. Cost of test certificates to be borne by truss manufacturer 3 Alternate designs must provide for and include the same load capacities, deflection limitations, truss depths, duct clearances, truss anchor and load sharing bridging clips. 4 ICBO (UBC) recommendation of the complete roof joist unit. 1.3.3 Wood Structural Design Standard: Comply with applicable requirements of "National Design Specification for Wood Construction" published by N.F.P.A. 06193 -1 1.3.4 Connector Plate Manufacturer's Qualifications. Provide truss connector plates manufactured by a firm which is a member of TPI and which complies with TPI quality control procedures for manufacture of connector plates published in TPI "Quality Control Manual." 1.3.5 Manufacturer's Qualifications: Provide trusses by a firm which has a record of successfully fabricating trusses similar to type indicated and which participates in an approved quality control inspection program. 14 SUBMITTALS Section 06193 Prefabricated Wood Trusses CN 95-04 1 41 Product Data. Submit fabricator's technical data covering lumber metal plates, other metal components, hardware, fabrication process, handling and erection. 1 4.2 Shop Drawings. Submit shop drawings showing species, sizes and stress grades of lumber to be used, pitch, span, camber configuration and spacing for each type of truss required; type, size, material, finish, design value, and location of metal connector plates; bearing anchorage details, and erection plans. To the extent engineering design considerations are indicated as fabricator's responsibility (see structural drawings) submit design analysis and test reports indicating loading, section modulus, assumed allowable stress, stress diagrams and calculations, and similar information needed for analysis and to ensure that trusses comply with requirements. Provide shop drawings which have been signed and stamped by a structural engineer licensed to practice in the state where trusses are fabricated. 1.5 DELIVERY STORAGE, HANDLING 1.5.1 Handle and store trusses with care, and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and TPI recommendations to avoid damage from bending, overturning or other cause for which truss is not designed to resist or endure. 1.5.2 Time delivery and erection of trusses to avoid extended on -site storage and to avoid delaying work of other trades whose work must follow erection of trusses. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 METAL PLATE MANUFACTURERS 2.1 1 Manufacturer Subject to compliance with requirements, provide metal connector plates from one of the following 2.2 MATERIALS Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. Gang Nail Systems, Inc. Truss Connectors of America 2.2.1 Lumber Nominal size grade, and species at fabricator's option to comply with design requirements. 2.2.2 METAL CONNECTOR PLATES, FASTENERS AND ANCHORAGES 1 Connector Plates Metal complying with following requirements, unless otherwise indicated; not less than 0 036' thick, coated thickness. 06193- 2 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i END OF SECTION Section 06193 Prefabricated Wood Trusses CN 95-04 Galvanized Sheet Steel ASTM A 446, Grade A, Coating G60 Electrolytic Zinc Coated Steel Sheet: ASTM A 591 Coating Class C with minimum structural quality equivalent to ASTM A 446, Grade A. Stainless Steel: ASTM A 167 Type 304 with minimum structural quality equivalent to ASTM A 446, Grade A. 2. Fasteners and Anchorages Provide size, type, material and finish indicated, complying with applicable Federal Specifications for nails, screws, bolts, nuts and washers and anchoring devices. 2.3 FABRICATION 2.3.1 Fabricator's standard procedures complying with Quality Assurance requirements stated herein. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION 3 1 1 Installation is under Section 06100 06193- 3 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Section 06200 Finish Carpentry CN 95 -04 1.2.1 Scope of Work. Work of this section includes all labor materials, equipment and supervision necessary for and incidental to, completion of all finish carpentry work as shown on the drawings and described herein. 1.2.2 Definition Finish carpentry includes carpentry work which is exposed to view is non structural, and which is not specified as part of other sections. Types of finish carpentry work in this section include, but are not necessarily limited to the following Exterior wood soffits. Exterior running and standing trim. Installation of items furnished by other 1.2.3 Work installed under this Section but furnished by others includes but is not limited to 1 Metal Fabrications Section 05500 2. Architectural Millwork Section 06400 3 Metal Doors and Frames Section 08110 4 Wood Doors and Frames Section 08210 5 Access Doors Section 08305 6 Finish Hardware Section 08700 7 Louvers and Vents Section 10200 8 Fire Fighting Devices Section 10520 9 Toilet Accessories Section 10800 10 Shelving Systems Section 10916 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Grading Rules. 1 Softwood Lumber West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau (WCLB) or Western Wood Products Association (WWPA) 2. Plywood: American Plywood Association (APA) 3 Hardwood Lumber National Hardwood Lumber Association (NHLA) 1.3.2 STANDARDS 1 Softwood Lumber Standards. Comply with PS 20 and with applicable grading rules of the respective grading and inspecting agency for the species and product indicated. 06200 -1 14 141 2. Plywood Standard: Comply with PS 1 Section 06200 Finish Carpentry CN 95-04 3 Hardwood Lumber Standard Comply with National Hardwood Lumber Association (NHLA) rules. 1.3.4 Moisture Content. 4 Woodworking Standard Comply with Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) "Quality Standards' 5 Hardwood Plywood Standard: Comply with PS51 1.3.3 Factory Marks. Mark each piece of lumber and plywood with type, grade, mill and grading agency except omit marking from surfaces to be exposed with transparent finish, or without finish, and submit mill certificate that material has been inspected and graded in accordance with requirements. 1 Softwood Lumber Provide kiln -dried lumber having a moisture content from time of manufacture until time of installation not greater than values required by the applicable grading rules of the respective grading and inspecting agency for the species and product indicated, but not to exceed 12%. 2. Hardwood Lumber Provide kiln -dried lumber having a moisture content from time of manufacture until time of installation within the ranges required in the referenced woodworking standard, but not to exceed 12 PRODUCT DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING Protect finish carpentry materials during transit, delivery storage and handling to prevent damage, soiling and deterioration. 1 4.2 Finish carpentry materials shall not be delivered until painting, wet work, grinding and similar operations which could damage, soil or deteriorate woodwork have been completed in installation areas. If due to unforeseen circumstances, finish carpentry materials must be stored in other than installation areas, store only in areas meeting requirements specified for installation areas. 1.5 JOB CONDITIONS 1.5.1 Coordination Fit carpentry work to other work; scribe and cope as required for accurate fit. Correlate location of furring, nailers, blocking, grounds and similar supports to allow proper attachment of other work. coordinate with all other trades. Do all cutting and patching required to accommodate their work. 1.5.2 Conditioning: Installer shall advise Contractor of temperature and humidity requirements for finish carpentry installation areas. Finish carpentry shall not be installed until required temperature and relative humidity have been stabilized and will be maintained in installation areas. Maintain temperature and humidity in installation area as required to maintain moisture content of installed finish carpentry within a 1 0 percent tolerance of optimum moisture content, from date of installation through remainder of construction period. The fabricator of woodwork shall determine optimum moisture content and required temperature and humidity conditions. 06200- 2 1.5.3 Verification: Verify all dimensions shown on drawings by taking field measurements, proper fit and attachment of all parts is required. Before commencing work, check all surfaces, lines, levels and such other work as has been completed. Should there be any discrepancies, immediately report to architect prior to doing work. In event of failure to do so, the Contractor shall be responsible for correction of any errors without additional cost to the owner 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS 2.11 General Nominal sizes are indicated, except as shown by detailed dimensions. Provide dressed or worked and dressed lumber as applicable manufactured to the actual sizes as required by PS 20 or to actual sizes and pattern as shown, unless otherwise indicated. 2.1.2 Moisture Content. Provide kiln -dried (KD) lumber having a moisture content from time of manufacture until time of installation not greater than values required by the applicable grading rules of the respective grading and inspecting agency for the species and product indicated. 2.2 Exterior Finish Carpentry 2.2.1 Exterior plywood soffits and siding: Douglas Fir exterior grade, 3/8' for soffits. Provide premium APA (303 -OC) grade panels with shiplap edges. 2.2.2 Standing and Running Trim For Painted Finish. 1 Socomi Lam Fascia and trim material in sizes as required or as shown on drawings. Distributed by Disdero Lumber Co Portland, OR, PH(503) 239 -8888. 2.2.3 Specialty Paneling APA "MDO' Medium Density Overlay Plywood. Pattern: Smooth Exposure durability classification Exterior Thickness. 5/8 -inch in locations as shown on the drawings. 2.3 INTERIOR FINISH CARPENTRY (See Architectural Woodwork, Section 06400) 2.4 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS 2.41 Fasteners and Anchorages. Provide nails, screws and other anchoring devices of the type size material and finish required for application indicated to provide secure attachment, concealed where possible and complying with applicable Federal Specifications. Where finish carpentry is exposed on exterior or in areas of high relative humidity provide fasteners and anchorages with a hot dipped zinc coating (ASTM A 153). 2.4.2 Rods and Shelves (see drawings for locations) 1 Pole End Brackets. Stanley #7056 white 2. Shelf and Pole Supports Stanley #7040 white 3 Shelves See Section 06400 4 Wall supports. 1x4 Douglas Fir or Hem -Fir 'C" and better 5 Poles. 1 -3/8" diameter clear fir 3 EXECUTION Section 06200 Finish Carpentry CN 95 -04 06200- 3 3.1 PREPARATION 31 1 Conditioning: Condition wood materials to average prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas prior to installing. Section 06200 Finish Carpentry CN 95 -04 3 1.2 Prime Painting: Backprime lumber for painted finish exposed on the exterior or where indicated, to moisture and high relative humidities on the interior Comply with requirements of section on painting within Division 9 for primers and their application. 3.2 INSTALLATION 3.2.1 Selection Discard units of material which are unsound, warped, bowed, twisted, improperly treated, not adequately seasoned or too small to fabricate work with minimum of joints of optimum jointing arrangements, or which are of defective manufacture with respect to surfaces, sizes or patterns. 3.2.2 General" install the work plumb level, true and straight with no distortions. Shim as required using concealed shims. Install to a tolerance of 1/8' in 8' -0' for plumb and level countertops, and with 1/16' maximum offset in flush adjoining; 1/8' maximum offsets in revealed adjoining surfaces. Scribe and cut work to fit adjoining work, and refinish cut surfaces or repair damaged finish at cuts. 3.2.3 Standing and Running Trim. install with minimum number of joints possible using full length pieces (from maximum length of lumber available) to the greatest extent possible Stagger joints in adjacent and related members. Cope at returns, miter at corners, to produce tight fitting joints with full surface contact throughout length of joint. Use scarf joints for end -to -end joints. 1 Make exterior joints water resistant by careful fitting. 2. Apply flat grain lumber with bark side exposed to weather 3.2.4 Fastening: Anchor finish carpentry work to anchorage devices or blocking built -in or directly attached to substrates. Secure to grounds, stripping and blocking with countersunk, concealed fasteners and blind nailing as required for a complete installation. Except where prefinished matching fastener heads are required, use fine finishing nail for exposed nailings, countersunk and filled flush with finished surface and matching final finish where transparent finish is indicated. 3.2.5 Doors and Frames Install frames in accurate location, plumb and level. Anchor in accordance with Manufacturers directions, approved shop drawings and as detailed. Install doors fitted accurately to frames with uniform clearance, 1/8" maximum. Trim and fit factory- milled and finished doors as necessary to obtain specified installation tolerances. 3.2.6 Finish Hardware. 1 General Install all hardware specified in Section 08700 Installation by skilled mechanics Conform strictly to Manufacturers templates and directions. Adjust movable parts to operate perfectly at time of final acceptance. Make adjustments required during 1 year guarantee period. Replace all hardware which has been damaged by use when damage is caused by faulty installation. 06200- 4 3.2.7 Apartment closet shelving, rods and shelves and supports. 3.3 ADJUSTMENT CLEANING, FINISHING AND PROTECTION 3.3.3 Refer to Division 9 sections for final finishing of installed finish carpentry work. END OF SECTION Section 06200 Finish Carpentry CN 95-04 2. Mortising Make mortises accurately to exactly receive hardware. Depth of mortises such that hardware is flush with finish surface. 3 Fasteners: Drill appropriate size guide holes for all wood screws. Drill concrete for expansion shields and similar devices with powerdriven masonry drill, not star drills. 1 At closet shelving units, attach neatly to walls, recess fasteners, but do not fill holes. Align fasteners with each other No splintering allowed. 2. At closet rods and shelves, install wood wall supports with finish nails, set nails, ready for putty wood ready for painted finish by others per Section 09900 3.3.1 Repair damaged and defective finish carpentry work wherever possible to eliminate defects functionally and visually• where not possible to repair properly replace woodwork. Adjust joinery for uniform appearance. 3.3.2 Clean finish carpentry work on exposed and semi exposed surfaces. Touch -up shop applied finishes and field cuts to restore damaged or soiled areas. 3.3.4 Protection Installer of finish carpentry work shall advise contractor of final protection and maintained conditions necessary to ensure that work will be without damage or deterioration at time of acceptance 3.3.5 Do not allow closet poles to become soiled or paint spattered. They are to remain unfinished. 06200- 5 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Work of this Section includes all labor material, equipment and supervision necessary for and incidental to constructing and installing all architectural woodwork shown on drawings and/or described herein. 1 Standing and running trim including; a. Interior trim for exterior openings. b. Trim and moldings for interior openings. c. Plywood paneling. d. Wood Valances. e Column Trim and Wall Trim. 2. Casework. 3 Stair Railings and Corridor Railings 4 Plastic laminate countertops 5 Wood shelving 1.2.2 Related work specified elsewhere 1 Finish Carpentry specified in Section 06200 2. Wood Doors specified in Section 08200 Section 06400 Architectural Woodwork CN 95-04 3. Manufactured cabinet and casework of stock design specified in Section 12390 Kitchen Cabinets and Countertops. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 References comply with applicable requirements of Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards' published by the Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) except as otherwise indicated 14 SUBMITTALS 1 4 1 Shop Drawings Submit shop drawings of all casework showing location of each item, dimensioned plans and elevations, large scale details, attachment devices and other components. 1 4.2 Shop Drawings Submit shop drawings of all casework showing location of each item, dimensioned plans and elevations, large scale details, attachment devices and other components. 1 4.3 Samples Submit the following samples for each species and cut or pattern of architectural woodwork. 06400 1 1 Solid wood with or for transparent finish set of 3 pieces of each species, 6"x34 "x18" finished on one side and one edge. 2. Plywood or veneer with or for transparent finish 3 finished samples, 12" square for each species and cut. 3 Exposed cabinet hardware one unit of each type and finish. 1.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Protect woodwork during transit, delivery storage and handling to prevent damage, soiling and deterioration. 1.5.2 Do not deliver woodwork, until painting wet work, sanding and similar operations which could damage, soil or deteriorate woodwork have been completed in installation areas. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, woodwork must be stored in other than installation areas, store only in areas meeting requirements specified for installation areas. 1.6 JOB CONDITIONS 1 6.2 Maintain temperature and humidity in installation area as required to maintain moisture content of installed woodwork within a 1.0 percent tolerance of optimum moisture content, from date of installation through remainder of construction period The fabricator of woodwork shall determine optimum moisture content and required temperature and humidity condition. 1.6.1 Conditioning Installer shall advise Contractor of temperature and humidity requirements for woodwork installation areas. Do not install woodwork until required temperature and relative humidity have been stabilized and will be maintained in installation areas. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 BASIC MATERIALS AND FABRICATION METHODS Section 06400 Architectural Woodwork CN 95 -04 2.1 1 General Except as otherwise indicated, comply with following requirements for architectural woodwork not specifically indicated as prefabricated or prefinished standard products. 2.1.2 Wood Moisture Content: Provide kiln -dried (KD) lumber with an average moisture content range of 6% to 11% for interior work. Maintain temperature and relative humidity during fabrication, storage and finishing operations so that moisture content values for woodwork at time of installation do not exceed the following. 1 Interior Wood Finish 5% 10% 2.1.3 Interior Wood for Transparent Finish 1 Solid Wood Western Hemlock, custom grade in accordance with AWI quality for transparent finish. 2. Plywood White Birch 2.1 4 Interior Wood for Opaque Finish 1 Solid Wood. Any closed -grain hardwood complying with requirements for specified woodwork grade. 06400- 2 2. Plywood. Any closed -grain hardwood plywood with exterior glue complying with requirements for specified woodwork grade. 2.1 5 Plastic Laminate Comply with NEMA LD -3 for type thickness, color pattern and finish as indicated for each application, or if not indicated, as selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard products. 2.1 6 Quality Standards. For following types of architectural woodwork; comply with indicated standards as applicable' 1 Standing and Running Trim: AWI Section 300 2. Casework and Countertops AWI Section 400 3 Shelving AWI Section 600 2.1 7 Design and Construction Features. Comply with details shown for profile and construction of architectural woodwork; and, where not otherwise shown, comply with applicable Quality Standards, with alternate details at Fabricator's option. 2.1.8 Measurements: Before proceeding with fabrication of woodwork required to be fitted to other construction, obtain measurements and verify dimensions and shop drawing details as required for accurate fit. 2.2 INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 2.2.1 Standing and Running Trim. Section 06400 Architectural Woodwork CN 95-04 1 Standing and Running Trim for Transparent Finish: Western Hemlock graded and inspected by WWPA, "C and better" smooth finish. For special molding requirements see drawings. Special molding references are from Hillsboro Sash Door catalog. 2. Standing and Running Trim for Painted Finish Western Hemlock graded and inspected by WWPA 'C and better" smooth finish. For special Hemlock molding requirements, see drawings. Special molding references on drawings are from Hillsboro Sash Door catalog. 2.2.2 Wood Casework, Transparent Finish (See Drawings and Finish Schedules) 1 Grade Custom. 2.2.3 Plastic Laminate Finished Casework. (See drawings and finish schedules) 1 Grade: Premium. 2. Construction. Flush overlay 3 Exposed Surfaces Horizontal Surfaces. GP -50 (0.050) Vertical Surfaces GP -50 (0.050 4 Fabricate exposed edges of casework, with matching plastic laminate, except as otherwise indicated. 2.2.4 Stail Railings (Stair in Living Room #122) 06400- 3 1 Stair railings to be Hemlock, assembled from pieces as shown on the drawings. Stair railing to be supplied by McCoy Stair Millwork, 342 SE Caruthers Street, Portland, OR PH(503) 236 -0995. 2.2.5 Plastic Laminate Countertops. 2. Grade Premium Section 06400 Architectural Woodwork CN 95 -04 1 General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide separate plastic laminate countertops (installed on other casework or other support system as indicated) to comply with requirements for casework for plastic laminate finish. 3 Plastic Laminate Type: Fire -rated type, 0.50' thick; UL tested and labeled ratings of 25 for flame spread, 25 for fuel contributed and 100 for smoke developed when bonded to wood particle board Color as selected. 2.2.6 Wood Storage Shelving: 1 General: These requirements do not apply to shelving which is either integral with or indicated as 'casework' comply with casework requirements for those units of shelving. 2. Shelving material. Melamine faced H density chip board shelving in sizes as shown on the drawings. Color White, melamine faces and edges (note Shelving requires exposed edges only to be finished) 2.3 FINISH FOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 2.3 1 General The entire finish of architectural woodwork is work of this section, regardless of whether shop applied or applied after installation. 2.3.2 Shop Finishing The extent to which the final finish is applied on architectural woodwork at the shop or factory prior to delivery is Contractors option, except shop -apply at least prime /base coat to greatest extent possible prior to delivery 2.3.3 Preparations for Finishing Comply with AWI Quality Standards, Section 1500 for sanding, filling countersunk fasteners, back priming and similar preparations for finishing of architectural woodwork, as applicable to each unit of work. 2.3.4 Transparent Finish AWI Finish System No 3 Premium Grade, open grain finish. 1 Shop Application Stain and sealer to match approved sample. 2. Final Finish Sanding followed by 2 coats clear alkyd -urea conversion varnish, rubbed to medium sheen. 2.3.5 Opaque Finish AWI Finish System No. 8, Custom grade, closed grain finish. 1 Shop Application. Sealer 2. Final Finish Sanding followed by topcoat of semi -gloss opaque catalyzed vinyl coating, color selected by Architect. 2.4 HARDWARE AND ACCESSORY MATERIALS 06400- 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.4.3 Hardware Schedule. 3.2 INSTALLATION Section 06400 Architectural Woodwork CN 95 -04 2.41 General Provide hardware and accessory materials associated with architectural woodwork, except for units which are specified in other sections of these specifications. 2.4.2 Hardware Standards Except as otherwise indicated, comply with ANSI A 156.9 American National Standard for Cabinet Hardware 1 Shell Standards and Brackets. K &V in types, sizes and lengths as shown on the drawings. 2. Corridor Rail Brackets. #F3002 by McCoy Stair Millwork. 3 EXECUTION 31 PREPARATION 3 1 1 Condition woodwork to average prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas prior to installing. 3 1.2 Pre installation meeting Meet at project site prior to delivery of architectural woodwork and review coordination and environmental controls required for proper installation and ambient conditioning in areas to receive work. Include in meeting the Contractor Architect and other Owner Representatives (if any) installers of architectural woodwork, wet work such as plastering, other finishes, painting, mechanical work and electrical work; and firms or persons responsible for continued operation (whether temporary or permanent) of HVAC system as required to maintain temperature and humidity conditions. Proceed with woodwork installation only when everyone concerned agrees that required ambient conditions can be properly maintained. 3 1.3 Deliver concrete inerts and similar anchoring devices to be built into substrates, well in advance of time substrates are to be built. 3 1 4 Prior to installation of architectural woodwork, examine shop fabricated work for completion, and complete work as required, including back priming and removal of packing. 3.2.1 Install the work plumb, level true and straight with no distortions. Shim as required using concealed shims. Install to a tolerance of 1/8' in 8' -0' for plumb level (including countertops) and with a 1/16' maximum offset in flush adjoining surface, 1/8' maximum offsets in revealed adjoining surfaces. 3.2.2 Scribe and cut work to fit adjoining work, and refinish cut surfaces or repair damaged finish at cuts. 3.2.3 Standing and Running Trim Install with minimum number of joints possible, using full- length pieces (from maximum length of lumber available) to the greatest extent possible. Stagger joints in adjacent and related members. Cope at returns, miter at corners, and comply with Quality Standards for joinery 3.2.4 Anchor woodwork to anchors or blocking built -in or directly attached to substrates. Secure to grounds stripping and blocking with countersunk, concealed fasteners and blind nailing as required for a complete installation. Except where prefinished matching fasteners heads are 06400- 5 required, use fine finishing nails for exposed nailing, countersunk and filled flush with woodwork, and matching final finish where transparent finish is indicated. 3.2.5 Countertops Anchor securely to base units and other support systems as indicated 3.2.6 Wood Storage Shelving: complete the assembly of units and install in the areas indicated, including hardware and accessories as indicated. 3.3 ADJUSTMENT CLEANING, FINISHING AND PROTECTION 3.3.1 Repair damaged and defective woodwork wherever possible to eliminate defects functionally and visually• where not possible to repair properly replace woodwork. Adjust joinery for uniform appearance. 3.3.2 Clean hardware, lubricate and make final adjustments for proper operation. 3.3.3 Clean woodwork on exposed and semi exposed surfaces. Touchup shop applied finishes to restore damaged or soiled areas. 3.3 4 Complete the finishing work specified as work of this section, to whatever extent not completed at shop or prior to installation of woodwork. 3.3.5 Protection Installer of architectural woodwork shall advise contractor of procedures required to protect architectural woodwork during remainder of construction period to ensure that work will be without damage or deterioration at time of acceptance. END OF SECTION Section 06400 Architectural Woodwork CN 95 -04 06400- 6 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Work of this section includes all labor materials, equipment and supervision necessary for and incidental to, providing and applying cold- applied asphalt emulsion dampproofing where shown on Drawings and/or described herein. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 For each type of work, obtain primary materials from single manufacturer to greatest extent possible. Provide secondary materials only as recommended by manufacturer of primary materials 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's technical product data, installation instructions, and recommendations for each dampproofing material required. Include data substantiating that materials comply with requirements. 1.5 JOB CONDITIONS 1.51 Substrate Proceed with dampproofing work only after substrate construction and penetrating work have been completed. 1.5.2 Weather Proceed with dampproofing work only when weather conditions will permit work to be performed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 DAMPPROOFING MATERIALS 2.1 1 General Provide bituminuous dampproofing materials which comply with the following requirements, or provide other similar products which are certified in writing by manufacturer of primary dampproofing materials to be superior in performance for application indicated. 2.1.2 COLD APPLIED ASPHALT EMULSION DAMPPROOFING 1 Non- fibrated type liquid conforming to FS -SS -A -701 2. Manufacturer Section 07160 Damproofing CN 95-04 Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products of one of the following Celotex Corporation Certainteed Corporation Flintkote Div. /Genstar Corporation J. &P Petroleum Products, Inc. Karnak Chemical Corporation Koppers Company Inc. 07160 -1 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSPECTION 31 1 Examine substrate and conditions under which dampproofing work is to be performed and notify Contractor in writing of unsatisfactory conditions. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Installer 3.2 PREPARATION OF SUBSTRATE 3.2.1 Cleaning Clean substrate of projections and substances detrimental to work, comply with recommendations of prime materials manufacturer 3.2.2 Protection of Other Work Do not allow liquid and mastic compounds to enter and clog drains and conductors. Prevent spillage and migration onto other surfaces of work, by masking or otherwise protecting adjoining work. 3.3 INSTALLATION Sonneborne Bldg. Products Div. /Contech, Inc. Tremco Company 3.3 1 General. Comply with manufacturer's instructions, except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified, and except where project conditions require extra precautions or provisions to ensure satisfactory performance of work. 3.3.2 Application Except as otherwise indicated, and whether or not shown on Drawings, apply dampproofing to all exterior below grade surfaces of exterior underground walls in contact with earthwork or other backfill, in any situation where space of any kind is enclosed on opposite side Extend vertical dampproofing down walls from finished grade line to top of footing, extend over top of footing and turn down minimum of 6" over outside face of footing. Extend 12" onto intersecting walls, and footings but do not extend onto surfaces which will be exposed to view when project is completed. Apply dampproofing in two coats by brush or spray allowing the first coat to dry before applying second coat. Apply at a rate which will cover 75 sq. ft. per gallon (first coat) and 125 sq. ft. per gallon (second coat) END OF SECTION Section 07160 Damproofing CN 95 -04 07160 -2 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Provide all thermal, fire safing, fire stopping and general insulation shown on the plans or required except that specified in other sections. 1.2.2 Related Work Specified in Other Sections 1 Rough Carpentry Section 06100 2. Gypsum Drywall Section 15180 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Compliance with standard and industry specifications: Any published specifications of the manufacturer the America Society for Testing and Material (ATSM), or other published standard, shall comply with the requirements of the current specification or standard listed. In case of a conflict between the referenced specification and the project specifications, the project specifications shall govern, unless written approval is obtained from the Architect. 1.3.2 Fire and Insurance Ratings. Comply with fire resistance, flammability and insurance ratings indicated, and comply with governing regulations as interpreted by authorities. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Product Data. Submit manufacturers specifications and installation instructions for each type of insulation required. 1.5 Delivery Storage and Handling 1.5.1 Materials shall be delivered to job in manufacturer's original unopened containers with manufacturer's brand and name clearly marked thereon. If indoor storage is not available for storing of insulation materials, protect all materials by storing on raised platforms and covering with tarpaulins, plastic sheets, or other weatherproof coverings. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 FIRESAFING AND FIRESTOPPING Section 07200 Insulation CN 95-04 2.1 1 Mineral fiber blankets without backing size and thickness as required to maintain fire ratings. 2.2 UNDER -SLAB INSULATION AND INTERIOR FACE FOUNDATION WALLS IN CRAWL SPACE 2.2.1 Rigid, closed -cell, expanded polystyrene insulation board with integral high density skin; complying with FS -HH -I -523, Type II Class B, Min. 18 psi compressive strength; k value of 0.20 0.5% maximum water absorption manufacturer's standard widths and lengths, 1" thick unless noted otherwise in locations as shown on the drawings. 07200 -1 1 "Styrofoam" by Dow Chemical U.S.A. 2. Equal 2.3 MINERAL/GLASS FIBER BLANKET /BATT INSULATION 2.31 Inorganic fibers formed into flexible resilient blankets or semi -rigid resilient sheets; FS -HH -I -512; thickness and R values as listed on drawings, manufacturers standard lengths and widths as required to coordinate with spaces to be insulated. Provide Type II reflective vapor barrier faced units with integral nailing flanges unless shown otherwise. Kraft vapor barrier shall have a rating of 1 perm. 1 Certainteed 2. Johns Mansville 3 Owens- Coming Fiberglas 2.4 FIBER FILL INSULATION 2.41 Inorganic fiber insulation bagged for pneumatic or poured application, FS -HH -1 1030, thickness and R- values as shown on the drawings. 1 Certainteed 2. Owens Coming Fiberglas 3 Johns Mansville 2.5 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS Section 07200 Insulation CN 95-04 2.5.1 Adhesive for Bonding Insulation. Type recommended by insulation manufacturer and complying with fire- resistance requirements. 2.5.2 Vapor barrier where shown to be a Kraft faced barrier FS -25 with a 1 perm rating. 2.5.3 Mechanical Anchors. Type and size shown, or if not shown, as recommended by insulation manufacturer for type of application and condition of substrate. 3. EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION 3 1 1 General: Comply with manufacturer's instructions for particular conditions of installation in each case. If printed instructions are not available or do not apply to project conditions, consult manufacturers technical representative for specific recommendations before proceeding with work. All building surfaces that are barriers between heated and exterior space shall be insulated, and all voids around penetrations in such barrier surfaces shall be completely filled with insulation. Extend insulation full thickness as shown over entire area to be insulated. Cut and fit tightly around obstructions, and fill voids with insulation. Remove projections which interfere with placement. Apply a single layer of insulation of required thickness, unless otherwise shown or required to make up total thickness. 07200- 2 Section 07200 Insulation CN 95-04 3.1.2 Anchorage: Apply insulation units to substrate by method indicated, complying with manufacturers recommendations. If no specific method is indicated, bond units to substrate with adhesive or use mechanical anchorage to provide permanent placement and support of units. 31.3 Vapor Bafflers. Set vapor barriers faced units with vapor barriers to warm side of construction, except as otherwise shown. Do not obstruct ventilation spaces, except for firestopping. Tape joints and ruptures in vapor barriers, and seal each continuous area of insulation to surrounding construction to ensure vapor -tight installation. 3.1 4 Batt Insulation: Tightly fit between framing members, cut to fit between non- standard framing spaces and behind conduit, electrical outlet boxes, pipe and other obstructions in framing spaces. Install strictly per manufacturers recommendations. 3.1.5 Fiber Fill Insulation Place fiber fill insulation in accordance with manufacturers instructions. Completely fill intended spaces. Leave no gaps or voids. 3 1.6 General Firesafing and Firestopping: Install in voids around penetrations in fire rated wall, floor and roof assemblies. 31 7 Under Slab Insulation Apply under slab on grade at exterior wall line, 2'0" in width, or as shown, in any space that will be heated. 3.2 PROTECTION 3.2.1 Take precautions to protect all insulation, safing and firestopping, both during and after installation, from damage or dislodgment of any kind. END OF SECTION 07200- 3 1 1 1 1 1.6.1 Substrate Proceed with shingle work only after substrate construction and penetrating work have been completed. 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Work of this section includes furnishing and installing composition shingles at locations as shown on the drawings including all fasteners, flashings and accessories as required for a complete watertight assembly 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Comply with all applicable codes. 1.3.2 U.L. Listing. Provide labeled materials which have been tested and listed by U.L. for Class and Rating indicated for each shingle type required. 1.3.3 Specified Product Warranty Provide shingle manufacturer's warranty on installed work, agreeing to pay for repair or replacement of defective shingles as necessary to eliminate leaks. Period of warranty is 25 years from the date of substantial completion. 1.3 4 Flashing Guarantee See Section 07600 for guarantee for flashings installed as work of this Section. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Product Data. Submit technical product data, installation instructions and recommendations from shingle manufacturer including data that materials comply with requirements. 1 4.2 Samples. Submit full range of samples for color and texture selection. 1.5 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Deliver materials in manufacturer's unopened, labeled containers. Store materials to avoid water damage, and store rolled goods on end. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for job -site storage and protection. 1.6 JOB CONDITIONS Section 07310 Composition Shingles CN 95-04 Weather Conditions. Proceed with shingle work only when weather conditions are in compliance with manufacturer's recommendations and when substrate is completely dry 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 SHINGLES 2.1 1 Mineral- surfaced, self- sealing, square butt fiberglass based asphatt strip shingles, bearing U.L. Class "A and "Wind Resistant' label, weighing not less than 235 lbs. per square. Colors shall be as selected by Architect. 07310 -1 Shingles shall be by one of the following manufacturers: A. Malarky Dura -Seal (25 Yr., 3 tab shingles) B Genstar Firehalt (25 Yr 3 tab shingles) C Certainteed, XT -25 (25 Yr 3 tab shingles) 2.2 ACCESSORY MATERIALS section 07310 Composition Shingles CN 95-04 2.2.1 Asphalt- Saturated Roofing Felt: No. 15, unperforated organic felt, complying with ASTM D 226, 36" wide, approximate weight 18 lbs. /square. 2.2.2 Ice and water Dam Underlayment: Provide from the manufacturer of the shingles to be used. 2.2.3 Smooth Surface Roll Roofing: 50 lb. smooth surface asphalt roll roofing, 36" wide, complying with ASTM D 224, Type I. 2.2.4 Mineral- Surfaced Roll Roofing: Mineral surfaced No. 90 asphalt roll roofing, complying with ASTM D 249 and surfaced on weather side with mineral granules to match roofing shingles, and bearing U.L. Class "A" label. 2.2.5 Asphalt Plastic Cement. Fibrated asphalt cement complying with ASTM D 2822, designed for trowel application. 2.2.6 Nails. Aluminum or hot -dip galvanized 11 or 12 -gauge sharp pointed conventional roofing nails with barbed shanks, minimum 3/8' diameter head, and of sufficient length to penetrate minimum 3/4" into solid decking or to penetrate through plywood sheathing. 2.2.7 Metal Flashing: As specified in Section 07600 26 gauge prepainted galvanized sheet steel. Job -cut to sizes and configurations required. Color chosen by Architect from manufacturers standards. 3 EXECUTION 31 INSPECTION 3 1 1 Installer of shingles must examine substrate and conditions under which shingling work is to be performed and must notify Contractor in writing of unsatisfactory conditions. Do not proceed with shingling work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Installer 3.2 PREPARATION OF SUBSTRATE 3.2.1 Clean substrate of any projections and substances detrimental to shingling work. Cover knotholes or other minor voids in substrate with sheet metal flashing secured with roofing nails. 3.2.2 Coordinate installation of shingles with flashing and other adjoining work to ensure proper sequencing. Do not install shingle roofing until all vent stacks and other penetrations through roofing have been installed and are securely fastened against movement. 3.3 INSTALLATION 3.3.1 General Comply with instructions and recommendations of shingle manufacturer except to extent more stringent requirements are indicated. 07310- 2 3.3.2 SHINGLES Section 07310 Composition Shingles CN 95-04 1 Underlayment: Apply one layer felt horizontally over entire surface, lapping succeeding courses 2' minimum and fastening with sufficient nails to hold in place until shingle application. 2. Ice and Water Dam Underlayment: Apply in accordance with manufacturers directions, 3 feet wide at all eaves, roof edges, valleys and hips. 3 Shingles: Install starter strip of mineral surfaced roll roofing or inverted shingles with tabs removed; fasten shingles in manufacturers recommended pattern, including weather exposure and number of fasteners per shingle. Use horizontal and vertical chalk lines to ensure straight coursing. Secure each exposed shingle edge in place by applying asphalt cement under the exposed edges of the shingles and pushing into place against the shingle surface below cementing both surfaces securely together 4 Comply with installation details and recommendations of shingle manufacturer. and NRCA Steep Roofing Manual. 3.3.3 Flashing and Edge Protection: Install metal flashing, vent flashing and edge protection as shown and in compliance with details and recommendations of the NRCA Steep Roofing Manual. END OF SECTION 07310- 3 1 1 1 1 1 Section 07467 Vinyl Siding CN 95 -04 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Work of this section includes all labor materials, equipment and supervision necessary for and incidental to, providing and applying preformed and prefinished vinyl siding for walls with related flashings and accessory components where shown on the drawings and/or described herein. 1.3 RELATED WORK Section 06100 Rough Carpentry 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Submit siding and trim samples showing profile, size and color for approval prior to commencing work. 1 4.2 Submit manufacturer's installation instructions. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.5 1 Comply with the following codes. 1 Uniform Building Cope ICBO Report #4959 2. HUD FHA minimum property standards. 1 6 DELIVERY STORAGE HANDLING 1 6.1 Siding to be from one manufacturer 1 6.2 Siding to be packed in color coded boxes showing product line, lot number color and siding style. 1.6.3 Siding must be stored on a flat surface, elevated clear and dry Cover only with clear plastic. 17 WARRANTY 1 71 Provide manufacturer's written warranty 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS 1 Certainteed. 2. Wolverine 2.2 MATERIAL 2.2.1 Siding Extruded polyvinyl chloride type with integral color minimum 0.04 inches thick, without integral backing material; pattern as shown on drawings, color selected by Architect. 07467 1 3 4 FIELD INSPECTION Section 07467 Vinyl Siding CN 95-04 2.3 ACCESSORY COMPONENTS 2.3.1 Accessory Components Starter Strips, trim, inside corners, outside corners and drip caps of same material and finish as siding; ribbed for strength and rigidity 2.3.2 Nails and Staples Manufacturer's standard corrosion resistant type size and strength to securely and rigidly retain siding, soffits and accessory components in place. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSPECTION 31 1 Prior to commencing work, verify governing dimensions of building. 3 1.2 Examine substrate for flaws and defects. 3.2 PREPARATION 3.2.1 All substrate flaws and defects must be corrected prior to siding installation. Walls must be in plane and clear to receive siding. 3.3 INSTALLATION 3.3.1 Vinyl siding system must be installed in strict accordance with the 'Rigid Vinyl Siding Application Manual' published by The Vinyl Siding Institute of the Plastics Industry 3 41 Upon installation completion visually inspect for defective installation or manufacturing defects. Repair as necessary 3.5 CLEAN UP 3.5.1 When siding installation is complete, clean siding to remove all foreign debris and soiled areas. Remove all packaging and remaining material from job site. END OF SECTION 07467 2 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 This section includes flashing, sheetmetal items, roofing accessories, and building expansion joint materials for moisture protection as required for a complete weathertight system. Types of work specified in this section, and shown on drawings, include, but are not limited to the following: Metal flashing Scuppers and splash pans Miscellaneous sheetmetal accessories Gutters Miscellaneous sheetmetal items 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Installer A firm which can show proof of prior successful experience with the installation of metal flashing and sheetmetal of similar type and equivalent scope. 1.3.2 SMACNA "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" third edition, 1979 by SMACNA. Conform to the dimensions and profiles shown on plans and/or SMACNA referenced. 1.3.3 Guarantee. Furnish a written guarantee, signed by the General Contractor that all sheetmetal work is unconditionally guaranteed to be watertight and free of defects for a period of two (2) years. In addition provide manufacturer's twenty (20) year warranty on color coated materials. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Samples. Submit 8" square samples of each color of prefinished flashing as requested by Architect. Submit 12' long samples of prefabricated gutters and cap flashings. 1 4.2 Shop Drawings Submit shop drawings showing layout, joining, profiles, and anchorages of gutters, cap fleshings, and other flashings; layouts at 1/4" scale, details at 3" scale. 1.5 JOB CONDITIONS 1.5.1 Coordination. Coordinate work of this section with interfacing and adjoining work for proper sequencing of each installation. Ensure best possible weather resistance and durability of the work and protection of materials and finishes. Coordinate with all other trades. 1.6 PRODUCT HANDLING Section 07600 Flashing and Sheetmetal CN 95-04 1.5.2 Verification: Verify all dimensions shown on drawings by taking field measurements, proper fit and attachment of all parts is required. Before commencing work, check all surfaces, lines, levels and such other work as has been completed. Should there be any discrepancies, report immediately to Architect prior to doing work. In event of failure to do so, the Contractor shall be responsible for correction of any errors without additional cost to the Owner 07600 1 1.6.1 Storage Store materials in dry protected areas. Keep free of corrosion or other damage. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 FLASHING AND SHEETMETAL MATERIALS 2.1 1 General: Thicknesses not less than that specified below Use heavier gauges where called for on drawings. 2.1.2 Sheetmetal/Pre- Painted Steel: The following shall be used for all flashing, flashing retainers, coping, cap flashing, roof edge, scuppers, and other miscellaneous flashing: Commercial quality smooth, ASTM A446 Grade A, primed both sides with fluoropolymer coating, 1.0 mil total dry thickness, 26 gauge unless noted otherwise or called for by referenced standards or detail drawings. One color as selected by Architect from standard manufacturers colors. "Colorklad" by Vincent Brass Aluminum Co. 2.1.3 Surface Applied Reglets. Frye Springlok Type SM 2.1 4 Gutters Prefinished, 26 gauge galvanized steel. "F" style, 5" gutter unless shown otherwise. Manufacturer's standard color as selected by Architect. 2.1.5 Roof Drain Leaders. Prefinished, 26 gauge galvanized steel. Provide smooth rectangular lengths in sizes as shown on the drawings along with anchor straps, manufacturers standard color as selected by Architect. 2.1 6 Splash Pans. As applicable, in accordance with referenced Manual, Plate 35, with corrugated bottoms. Locations as shown on drawings. 2.1 7 Expansion Joint Materials: 1 At Vertical Applications. Latex modified asphalt impregnated high density polyurethane foam, "Emseal Precompressed, dimensions and compressibility as determined by the manufacturer for the applications indicated on the drawings. 2. Flexible Flashing: AFC() Flexi -Span or equal. Section 07600 Flashing and Sheetmetal CN 95-04 2.1.8 Roof Vents. At sloping roofs, galvanized steel equal to General Metalcraft HV2241 with 49 square inches free ventilating area and where shown on the drawings. 2.1.9 Ridge Vents. Where shown on drawings to be 'Ridge- Vent Hurricane Pak" by Air Vent, Inc. 4801 N Prospect Rd. Peoria Heights, IL 61614 Ph (800) 247 -8368. Provide connector plugs, end plugs, hold down straps and aluminum nails as required. Color to be as selected by Architect. 2.2 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS AND ACCESSORIES 2.2.1 Solder Steel; provide 50 -50 tin/lead solder ASTM B32 with rosin flux, type best suited to material to be soldered. 2.2.2 Fasteners. Same metal as flashing/sheetmetal or, other noncorrosive metal as recommended by sheet manufacturer Match finish of exposed heads with material being fastened. 2.2.3 Bituminous Coating FS TT -C-494 or SSPC Paint 12, solvent type bituminous mastic, nominally free of sulfur compounded for 15 -mil dry film thickness per coat. 07600 2 2.2.4 Sealant: Section 07600 Hashing and Sheetmetal CN 95-04 1 Mastic: Polyisobutylene; nonhardening, nonskinning, nondrying nonmigrating sealant. 2. Elastomeric: Generic type recommended by manufacturer of metal and fabricator of components being sealed; comply with FS TT -S -0027, TT -S- 00230, or TT -S- 001543. 2.2.5 Epoxy Seam Sealer 2 -part noncorrosive metal seam cementing compound, recommended by manufacturer for exterior /interior nonmoving joints including riveted joints. 2.2.6 Adhesives. Type recommended by flashing sheet manufacturer for waterproof/weather resistant seaming and adhesive application for flashing sheet. 2.2.7 Metal Accessories: Provide sheet metal clips, straps, anchoring devices and similar accessory units as required for installation of work, matching or compatible with material being installed, noncorrosive, size and gauge required for performance. 2.2.8 Strainers. Stainless steel mesh or fabricated units, with selvaged edges and noncorrosive fasteners 1/4' mesh, 14 gauge wire. Select materials for compatibility with gutters. 2.3 FABRICATED UNITS 2.3 1 Metal Fabrication 1 General. Shop fabricate work to greatest extent possible Allow for adjustments in the field for proper anchoring or joining to other items. Comply with details shown, and with applicable requirements of SMACNA "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" and other recognized industry practices. Fabricate for waterproof and weather resistant performance; with expansion provisions for running work, sufficient to permanently prevent leakage, damage or deterioration of the work. Form work to fit substrates. Comply with material manufacturer instructions and recommendations. Form exposed sheetmetal work without excessive oil- canning, warping, buckling and tool marks, true to line and levels as indicated, with exposed edges folded back to form hems. Cope or flange intersections to fit accurately 2. Seams. Fabricate nonmoving seams in sheetmetal with flat -lock seams. For metal other than aluminum, tin edges to be seamed, form seams, and solder 3 Expansion Provisions. Where lapped or bayonet -type expansion provisions in work cannot be used, or would not be sufficiently water /weatherproof, form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not less than 1" deep, filled with mastic sealant (concealed within joints). 4 Sealant Joints. Where movable, non expansion type joints are indicated or required for proper performance of work, form metal to provide for proper installation of elastomeric sealant, in compliance with industry standards. 5. Separations: Provide for separation of metal from noncompatible metal or corrosive substrates by coating concealed surfaces at locations of contact, with bituminous coating or other permanent separation as recommended by manufacturer /fabricator 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 07600 3 Section 07600 Flashing and Sheetmetal CN 95-04 3.1 1 General: Except as otherwise indicated, comply with manufacturer's installation instructions and recommendations, and with SMACNA "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual." Anchor units of work securely in place by methods indicated, providing for thermal expansion of metal units; conceal fasteners where possible, and set units true to line and level as indicated. Install work with laps, joints and seams which will be permanently watertight and weatherproof. Take care not to damage the integrity of adjacent roofing membrane. Protect galvanized and non ferrous metal surfaces from corrosion or galvanic action by application of heavy coating of bituminous paint or surfaces which will be in contact with concrete, masonry or dissimilar metals. 3.1.2 Underlayment: Where flashings and copings are to be installed directly on wood substrates, install a course of paper 3.1.3 Bedding Bed flanges of work in a thick coat of bituminous roofing cement where required for waterproof performance. 31 4 Counterflashing. Install either by snap -in seal arrangement, or by wedging in place for anchorage and fill with mastic or elastomeric sealant, as indicated and depending on degree of sealant exposure. 3 1.5 Strainer Guards Install beehive type strainer -guard at gutter outlets, removable for cleaning. 3 1.6 Expansion Joint Materials: Install per manufacturers instructions. 3.2 CLEANING 3.2.1 Clean exposed metal surfaces, removing substances which might cause corrosion of metal or deterioration of finishes. Follow manufacturers instructions. 3.3 PROTECTION 3.3.1 Installer shall advise Contractor of required procedures for surveillance and protection of flashings and sheetmetal work during construction, to ensure that work will be without damage or deterioration, other than natural weathering, at time of substantial completion. END OF SECTION 07600 4 1 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Section 07900 Sealants CN 95-04 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2.1 Provide and install all exterior and interior sealants and caulking required to exclude penetration of water light, or air or to visually close joints for an acceptable appearance whether shown on the drawings or not. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Qualifications of Installers: Must be thoroughly skilled and specially trained in the techniques of sealing, completely familiar with the published recommendations of the manufacturer of the sealant material being used. 1.3.2 Responsibility of Contractor It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to advise the Architect when, in the Contractor's opinion, a material specified is not compatible with its indicated location and/or use. When in the opinion of the Contractor or his subcontractor procedures are specified which are contrary to best trade practice for obtaining the desired quality he shall contact the Architect for the necessary modification or correction to the Specifications prior to submitting his bid. 14 SUBMITTALS 141 Submit manufacturer's product specifications, handling/installation/curing instructions, and performance tested data sheets for each product required. Submit colors available for selection by Architect. 1.5 JOB CONDITIONS 1.5.1 Do not proceed with installation of liquid sealants under unfavorable weather conditions. Install elastomeric sealants when temperature is in lower third of temperature range recommended by manufacturer for installation. 2. PRODUCTS, 2.1 GENERAL 2.1 1 Select materials for compatibility with joint surfaces and other indicated exposures, and except as otherwise indicated select modulus of elasticity and hardness or grade recommended by manufacturer for each application indicated. Where exposed to foot traffic, select materials of sufficient strength and hardness to withstand stiletto heel traffic without damage or deterioration of sealer system. 2.1.2 Colors shall be approximately the same as adjacent surfaces or adjacent joint materials, as selected by the Architect, unless otherwise noted. Colors will be selected from manufacturers standards. 2.2 MATERIALS 07900 -1 Section 07900 Sealants CN 95-04 2.2.1 Sealants. Tremco "Dymeric" and "THC- 900" Sonnebom "Sonolastic NP -2" and "Paving Joint Sealant' and Pecora "Dynatrol II" and Urexpan NR 201" All sealants shall be nonstaining. 2.2.2 Silicone Rubber Sealant: Provide manufacturer's standard non- modified, one part, silicone- rubber based, air curing, non -sag, non staining, fungus resistant, elastomeric sealant. Colors selected by Architect. 2.2.3 Caulking Compounds. Same as sealants in paragraph 1 above, except at interior of buildings, at caulk joints to be painted, use Acrylic Latex Caulk or equal. 2.2.4 Cleaners and Primers: Use Xylene, or materials recommended by manufacturer for leaning joints and for cleaning excess sealant from around joints. Use primers as recommended by manufacturers, on exceptions. 2.2.5 Back -up Material: Polyethylene foam or rubber gasketing rod recommended by sealant manufacturer Diameter 1/3 greater than width of joint where it is to be installed. Polystyrene foam not acceptable. Material shall be compatible with sealant and adjacent materials. 2.2.6 Bond Breaker Material For small areas where back -up rods cannot be accommodated provide polyethylene strip masking tape, polyethylene rope or other material approved by sealant or caulking manufacturer Polystyrene foam not acceptable. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS 3 1 1 Comply with manufacturer's printed instructions except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified, and except where manufacturer's technical representative directs otherwise. 3.2 INSPECTION 3.2.1 Examine subsurfaces to receive work and report in writing to Architect, any detrimental conditions. Failure to observe this injunction constitutes a waiver to any subsequent claims to the contrary and will make Contractor responsible for any corrections Architect may require. Commencement of work will be construed as acceptance of all subsurface. 3.3 JOINT PREPARATION 3.3.1 Clean joint surfaces immediately before installation of sealant or caulking compound. Remove dirt, insecure coatings, moisture and other substances which could interfere with bond of sealant or caulking compound. Etch concrete and masonry joint surfaces as recommended by sealant manufacturer Roughen vitreous and glazed joint surfaces as recommended by sealant manufacturer Prime or seal joint surfaces where recommended by sealant manufacturer Confine primer /sealer to areas of sealant bond; do not allow spillage or migration onto adjoining surfaces. 3 4 INSTALLATION 3 41 Size of Joints. As shown on drawings and called for in other Sections of the Specifications. Include in installation bond breakers, backer rods and sealant. Voids or gaps between ends of joint filler units shall not be acceptable. 07900 2 1 t 1 t s 1 3 4.2 Back -Up Where more than 3/4' deep, pack with back -up material to within 1/2" of surface. Where less than 1/2" deep, apply tape to bottom of joint to prevent adhesion of sealant to bottom of joint. 3 4.3 Sealing and Caulking Work: Follow manufacturer's directions for mixing and applying compound. Employ only proven installation techniques, which will ensure that sealants are deposited in uniform, continuous ribbons without gaps or air pockets, with complete "wetting" of joint bond surfaces equally on opposite sides; completely fill all joints, make finished surfaces smooth, free of wrinkles, sags, bubbles and voids. Shape joints slightly concave and slightly below adjoining surfaces with metal or plastic tool. Where horizontal joints are between a horizontal surface and vertical surface, fill joint to form a slight cove, so that joint will not trap moisture and dirt. Superficial pointing with skin bead not accepted. Backing and sealant or caulking installation must establish manufacturers recommended thickness to width ratio for maximum elastic stress resistance. Clean all exposed surfaces soiled during application; do not scratch or otherwise damage visible surfaces; leave surfaces neat, clean and smooth. 3 4 4 Spillage. Do not allow sealants or compounds to overflow from confines of joints, or to spill onto adjoining work, or to migrate into voids of exposed finishes. Clean adjoining surfaces by whatever means may be necessary to eliminate evidence of spillage. 3 4.5 Schedule Materials of this section shall be installed in the locations listed below and all other locations indicated, directed, or required. Where indicated or required, installation shall be run continuously around the entire area or assembly 1 Sealing Section 07900 Sealants CN 95-04 A. All exterior joints around windows, door frames, storefront and entry frames exterior and interior faces. B All exterior windows set nail fin in continuous bed of caulk. C All exterior joints around louvers and other metal framed openings and adjacent materials. D All visible joints around perimeter of hollow metal and wood door frames exterior and interior faces. E. All joints on exterior around lighting fixtures where contact surfaces are not adequately gasketed to exclude water F All control joints in masonry construction. G. All expansion joints in exterior concrete paving and between exterior building line and exterior ramps of paving. H All joints around penetrations of exterior walls, soffits, decks and other parts of the exterior envelope of the building. Set all exterior door thresholds in a bed of caulk. 2. Silicone Sealing Coordinate specific residential locations with details shown on drawings. Apply white sealant at joints of wall finishes with tubs and other surfaces. 07900- 3 Apply clear sealant at other areas where water tight joint is required such as around the bases of water closets. 3. Caulking: A. All gypsum board joints with other materials where a tight fit can not be made, as required, and as acceptable to Architect. B All fixtures, equipment, and the like where a tight fit has not been made. C See Section 09250 for acoustical caulking. 3.5 CURING AND PROTECTION 3.5.1 Cure sealants and caulking compounds in compliance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations, to obtain high early bond strength, internal cohesive strength and surface durability Advise Contractor of procedures required for cure and protection of joint sealers during construction period. END OF SECTION Section 07900 Sealants CN 95-04 07900- 4 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 r 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 11 111 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Section 08110 Metal Doors and Frames CN 95 -04 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2.1 The extent of hollow metal work is shown on the drawings and schedules, and includes doors and frames. 1.2.2 Related Work Specified Elsewhere. 1 Grouting Section 04100 2. Sealants. Section 07900 3. Hardware: Section 08700 4 Glazing Section 08800 5 Painting. Section 09900 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Provide standard steel doors and frames manufactured by a single firm specializing in the production of this type of work, unless otherwise acceptable to the architect. 1.3.2 Provide doors and frames complying with the Steel Door Institute "Recommended" Specifications for Standard Steel Doors and Frames (SDI 100) and as herein specified. 1 Products Provide standard steel doors and frames, manufactured by one of the following a. Amweld Building Products Div b. Ceco Corp. c. Curries d. Fenestra e Hol -o-met f Mesker Industries, Inc. g. Republic Steel Corp. h Steelcraft Mfg. Co. 1.3.3 Fire -rated Assemblies. Wherever a fire resistance classification is shown or scheduled for doors and frames, provide fire -rated doors investigated and tested as a fire door assembly complete with type of hardware to be used. Identify each fire door with U.L. labels, indicating applicable fire rating. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Shop Drawings. Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation. Include details of each frame type elevations of door design types, conditions at openings, details of construction, location and installation requirements of finish hardware and reinforcements, and details of joints and connections. Show anchorage and accessory items. 1 Provide schedule of doors and frames using same reference numbers for details and openings as those on the contract drawings. 1.5 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING 08110 -1 Section 08110 Metal Doors and Frames CN 95-04 1.5.1 Deliver store, and handle all metal doors and frames in a manner to prevent damage and deterioration. 1.5.2 Provide packaging such as cardboard or other containers, separators, banding, spreaders, and paper wrappings as required to completely protect all metal doors and frames during transportation and storage. 1.5.3 Store doors upright, in a protected dry area, at least one inch off the ground and with at least 1/4 inch air space between individual pieces, protect all prefinished and hardware surfaces as required. 1.5.4 Use all means necessary to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. 1.5.5 Replacements. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the acceptance of the Architect and at no additional cost to the Owner 1.6 JOB CONDITIONS 1.6.1 Installer must examine the substrate and conditions under which hollow metal doors and frames are to be installed and notify the contractor in writing of any conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the installer 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES (H.M.) 2.1 1 Steel Best quality open hearth, full cold rolled, stretcher leveled sheet steel, bonderized for all exposed surfaces. Standard commercial grades best suited for proposed non exposed items. Gauges referred to are US Standard gauges. All doors and frames shall be the product of one manufacturer Provide knock -down (K.D frames where indicated on drawings. 2.1.2 Manufacturer Fenestra, CEOC United Steel Fabricators, Steel Craft, HoI -O -Met, Republic or approved. 2.1.3 Doors. Full flush type, 1 -3/4" thick, interior doors #18 gauge steel, exterior doors #16 gauge steel, manufacturer's standard core. Provide glazing where shown on schedules. 2.1 4 Frames and Stops. #16 gauge steel for relite and interior door frames and double egress door frames. #14 gauge steel for exterior door frames and window frames. Fabricate standard 2" sections, widths as indicated or required. Miter and weld corners and reinforce at hinge and closer pins. Use no exposed screws or other fastenings unless mechanically necessary Glass stop fasteners countersunk flush Phillips head machine screws at 12" o.c. 2 per stop minimum, dimple stops to receive screws. Provide removable spreader at open bottom of all door frames. 2.1.5 Finish 1 Interior Frames and Doors. Baked on rust inhibitive primer on all surfaces. Primer to be standard used by accepted manufacturer 2. Exterior Frames and Doors Galvanized, chemically treated for paint adhesion, and shop primed with standard used by accepted manufacturer 2.1 6 Grout: Quick drying plaster or cement grout where shown on drawings- filling done prior to installation. 08110- 2 2.1 7 Anchors and Stiffeners 3. Jamb Anchors to Studs. Manufacturer's standard for metal studs. 2.1.8 Hardware Provisions 2. Reinforcement for Butts, Locksets and Pivots. 2.2.2 Manufacturer Timely Prefinished Door Frames, Rediframe. Section 08110 Metal Doors and Frames CN 95-04 1 General: One anchor and stiffener for each 24" of jamb height, not less than 4 per jamb, not more than 8" from top and bottom of frame. 2. Anchors to Masonry Walls: Adjustable type, crimped or bent metal, not less than 2- 1/2"x10" size. 4 Floor Anchors to Concrete and Steel: Clip angles, not lighter than 12 gauge, welded to bottom of each jamb. Provide holes in bottom leg to receive two floor anchors. Looseness between hole diameter and shank diameter of floor anchor not permitted. Fasteners to floor equivalent to 3/8" bolts. 5. Jamb Anchors to Concrete and Steel: Not less than 14 gauge steel, size and shape per manufacturer's standard. Fasten to each anchor point with countersunk 3/8" flat head machine screws set in inserts in concrete wall and tapped into steel. Fill heads of wall anchors flush with body putty and grind smooth. Solidly shim. 6. Head Anchors to All Materials. Provide one anchor (type as appropriate to material) at or near the center of head of frames for pairs of doors, door frames over 4' -0" wide. 7 Floor and Sill Anchors to All Materials: Provide one anchor (type as appropriate to material) at or near the center of bottom of frame for door and sidelite combinations. 1 General: Mortise reinforce and tap frames at factory for mortise hardware. Work to templates for all hardware. Reinforce for surface applied hardware. Drill for door silencers. Provide plaster guards at silencer and strike pockets. Conform to standards of hardware manufacturer except as modified herein; see drawings for active and nonactive doors in pairs. Doors Continuous 16 gauge edge channel, and 3/16" minimum reinforcing plates for hinges. Frames. 9 gauge x 10" reinforcing plates for hinges. 2.2 PREFABRICATED METAL FRAMES (P.M 2.2.1 General: Provide labeled knock -down prefabricated metal frames for wood doors at locations indicated on drawings. 20 minute, 1 hour and 1 -1/2 hour labels per UL or Wamock Hersey International. 2.2.3 Materials 22, 20 or 18 gauge, as required for label, cold rolled steel. Manufacture frames to receive all hardware as specified in Section 08700 reinforce at hinges and at corners. Coordinate frame sizes with door and wall thicknesses indicated on drawings. See door details. Furnish with mitered snap -on steel trim and all accessories required for complete installation. 08110- 3 3.2 INSTALLATION Section 08110 Metal Doors and Frames CN 95-04 2.2.4 Finish Manufacturer's standard applied baked -on enamel at frame, trim, and exposed accessories. In color as selected by Architect. 2.3 METAL CLAD DOORS (M.0 2.3.1 General The metal clad doors specified in this section are factory prepared, prehung doors. 1 -3/4" thick, 24 gauge galvanized steel treated for paint adhesion and primed with baked -on white primer filled with polyurethane foam with complete thermal barrier to meet FHA standards and local building codes, Type and sizae as scheduled. 2.3.2 Factory Glazing: Clear tempered insulating glass. 2.3.3 Frames. Manufacturer's standard treated wood frame, aluminum threshold. Size frames and thresholds to fit wall thicknesses indicated on drawing. See door details. All frames primed. 2.3.4 Hinges. Three 4" x 4" hinges per door, manufacture's standaqrd, non ferrous at exterior doors, finish to match that specified for Finish Hardware in Section 08700 2.3.8 Manufacturer Peachtree Avanti Door System, Benchmark Insulated Entrance Doors, Ceco Energy System or Stanley Patio Door Systems. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSPECTION 31 1 Installer must examine substrate and conditions under which steel doors and frames are to be installed and must notify contractor in writing of any conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of work. Work shall not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Installer 3.2.1 Set frames perfectly plumb and square, brace as necessary to maintain alignment. Secure each angle knee to floor with two rigid anchors. Where irregularities occur in floor plane, shim frame at floor to insure that frame heads and jambs remain square and level. Proper alignment of frames shall be checked with a square template to assure not only that the jambs are plumb but also that the frame heads are square with the jambs. 3.2.2 Install doors, glazing and hardware as late as practicable without jeopardizing construction schedule. Touch -up any rusted or damaged areas of prime coat. Adjust all moving parts to operate perfectly Do not allow fire labels to be removed, damage, or painted over END OF SECTION 08110- 4 1 t 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 Section 08200 Wood Doors and Frames CN 95 -04 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Furnish all wood doors as required and as shown on the drawings. 1.2.2 Related Sections. 1 Rough Carpentry Section 06100 2. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 3 Metal Doors and Frames Section 08100 4 Finish Hardware Section 08700 5 Painting Section 09900 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Applicable Standards: Conform to Architectural Woodwork Institute, National Woodwork Manufacturer's Association United States Commercial Standards, Fir and Hemlock Door Association Industry Standard. 1.3.2 Fire -rated Wood Doors. Provide wood doors with fire resistance ratings indicated or required to comply with governing regulations and which are identical in materials and type of construction to those used in assemblies which have been tested in compliance with ASTM E 152 and are labeled and listed by a testing and inspection organization acceptable to authority having jurisdiction. 1.3.3 Manufacturer Obtain doors from a single manufacturer to ensure uniformity in quality of appearance and construction, unless otherwise indicated. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 4 1 Shop Drawings. Show all door types and dimensions. List all materials and grades. Submit door manufacturers product data, specifications and installation instructions for each type of wood door 1.5 GUARANTEE 1.5.1 All interior solid core and mineral core wood doors in the building shall be guaranteed against defects and warpage for a period of five years after date of substantial completion. Guarantee shall include repair or replacement and refinishing and rehanging costs. Interior hollow core doors shall be guaranteed for one year Stile and rail doors shall be guaranteed for two years. 1.6 PRODUCT DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING 1 61 Protect wood doors during transit, storage and handling to prevent damage, soiling and deterioration. Comply with the "On -Site Care' recommendations of NWMA pamphlet "Care and Finishing of Wood Doors' and with manufacturers instructions, and as otherwise indicated. 2. PRODUCTS 08200 -1 1 Faces. Natural Red Birch, rotary sliced veneer face. 2. Grade Premium 3 Core Construction: IHC (Institutional Hollow Core). Standard Honey Comb Hollow Core. 2.2.2 Solid Core Wood Doors END OF SECTION Section 08200 Wood Doors and Frames CN 95 -04 2.1 MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS 2:1 1 General: Provide wood doors complying with applicable requirements of referenced standards for kinds and types of doors indicated and as specified. 2.1.2 Face Panels. Manufacturer's standard 2- or 3 -ply face panels, unless otherwise indicated. 2.1.3 Exposed Surfaces. Provide kind shown or scheduled and as further specified. Provide same exposed surface material on both faces of each door unless otherwise indicated. 2.2 INTERIOR FLUSH WOOD DOORS 2.2.1 Hollow Core (Swing Type of Bi -Fold) 1 Faces Natural Red Birch, rotary sliced veneer face 2. Grade Premium 3 Core Construction: Standard laminated lumber core for all 20- minute rated doors. Standard mineral core for all doors requiring a rating exceeding 20 minutes. 4 Edge Guards Provide "SLM II" edge guards on pairs of 20- minute rated doors. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION 3 1 1 Installation specified under Section 06200 3 1.2 Install in accordance with requirements of NWMA standard door guarantee. 3.1.3 Clearances. 1 Allow maximum of 1/8' at head and jambs. 2. Allow maximum of 1/2' over floor covering surface except as noted in door schedule. 3 1 4 Apply hardware in accordance with hardware manufacturer's templates and instructions. 3 1.5 Use through bolts for surface mounted closers and similar hardware. 3.2 Adjust and Clean Adjust operable parts for correct function. Refinish or replace doors damaged during construction. 08200- 2 JUN 19 '96 16 38 CHILLESS NIELSEN 583 274 P634 CHILLESS NIELSEN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS Pc TEDD F .CHILL£55, AlA DONALD E. MEL9EN, ALA A auclalaL: IyALVIlL P GLENNOK AFA t P BOGEP MA 333 SW FIFTH AVENUE SUETE 201 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 M3)227-1151 fax: (503) 2744634 ?i /Tn A June 20, 1996 ADDENDUM #2 St. Andrew's Place Assisted Living Facility Port Angeles, Washington Note to plan holders: Please insert this addendum into your copy of the Project Contract Documents, The following additions and/or changes to the contract documents for the above mentioned project are issued by the architect and shall have the same force and effect as though part of the original issue. CHANGES TO %WOOS ADDENDUM Addenda #1 Changes to Soecifications Section 08,10 Alun{tum Entrances and Storefronts Subsection 2.1.6. Item #2 1 Add for Door 100A after Change all quantities." Changes to Drawings Sheet A1.2 Grading Plan 1 Delete Item #2. CHANGES TO THE, PECIFI TIONS TABLE QF CONTENTS 1 Delete Section 16906 OCCUPANCY SENSORS 2. Delete Section 16915 LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEMS INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Subsection 14 1 Add this subsection as follows. 14 BID IDATF 14.1 Contractor will receive aubeontrac:tor bi Q?T 1 7RQ Qn7 'nK V1-14 P 3 b, T1.. .4, i w1 .4 k Sheets M -1. M -2 and M -4 changes to read Sheets M M -2 and M-3. Mechanical. Item #4. Sheet M.1 di 1 Change serving-Conference 132 and Vestibule 100 to between Co erenc e 132 and Vule 100, ntil 4:00 PM, PDT on lul_y.2. 1946. 1QMnn V11 in 0 M NJ T(: 7T nut nc_n7_i,Tnr JUN 19 96 16 39 CHILLESS NIELSEN 563 274 8634 I' 4 S .c:rirsn 15 1 Add this subsection as follows: 15 ANTICIPATED START D ,AT Iry 15.1 Contractor 3nticioates that the construction start date will be September 2, 1996. Subcontractor bids shall reflect this start time. Subcontractors to euar. antee bids for sixty (60) dAys beyond September 2, 1996_ NORTHWEST TERRITORIES. INC. SOILS REPORT 1 Add the four (4) attached SIEVE ANALYSIS and the LOCATION MAP tc'the end of their soils report. Section 01040 PROIECT COORDINAILQN, Subsection 1.54 1 Add the following paragraph_ Anal property survevjhali be completed in accordance with Supplementary. agivral Conditions, subsection 15.5zuments and Samples at the site., 15.5.1 suboaragraah Section 03300 CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE Subsection 2.5.2 1 Add at the end of the sentence Sealer for s,s with an applied finish shall he an acrylic floor sealer such as "Floor Sealer" by Euclid. Before olacement of Sealer contractor is to verify comgatlbility of sealer with adhesives to be used placement of finish flvoring,.at?rtaIs. Section 03325 CEMENTITIOUS UNDERLAYMENT Subsection 2.1.4 1 Change 2.1.4 4$ follows: 2.1.4 5ubfloor Primer: M recommended by manufacturer, 2. Add 21 5 &Jaz /Sealer: As recommended by manufacturer for placement over dry cementitcous und>:rlavment. Note: Primer/Sealer selec d ix to b% compatible with adhesives to be used with floor materials to be in- stalled over this surface. Subsection 3.1.3 1 Add to the end or as recommended by manufacturer. Subsection 3.4 Add the following subsection: Preparation for Insta,lion of Glue Down Floor Goods 3.4.1 Priming: Prime all areas to receive Blue down floor goods in acc L• dance with manufactrers sne.cifications. Any floor areAtaPere the surface hen damaged or is dusting shkll be cleaned and primed ,r,e4a51110 of floor covering to be used. Use manufactur, rs recorn mended primer iadgup installation of floor goods. Where floor goods manufacturer reauires a special adhesive their reauirements supersede these recommendations., S r' on 06100 ROUCH CARPENTRY Subsec t ion 3.1,1 1 Add the following sentence to the end of the subsection: 92I L 2O9 902 ON X1d ISNO0 }1NV10 0 M Nd 29 i fIHZ 9B- O2 -N[lf .TLIN 19 '96 16 39 0- IILLESS NIELSEN 503 274 8634 P 5 MO d T of pneumatic nailingguns is acceptable provided they are approved for use by the UDC (Uniform 3uitdine Code) and that fasteners have allowable values comparable to the nailirrupecified in the Structural Not Subsection 3.14 1 in the fourth sentence change screw to nail. Section 10400 IDENTIFYINQDEVICES Suhsection 1.3 1 Delete tine 1:3.2. Section 11400 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT Sy;Ifgction 1.1 1 Replace wording in Item D and Item E. withtNO_T USED. Section 16750 NURSE CALI, SYSTEM 1 Note page 2 is blank. CHANGES TO THE DRAWINGS Cover Sheer Code Info. 1 Change &WI OK 28.161 sf to Actual OK 28,134 sf. e t C4 Parkinl of Paving Plan partial Plgn 1 Change 20" to 18' at parking area parallel to building in east•west direction. Sheet C5 Access Road Paving Plan) Ravine' Section Detail (Section A -A) 1 Delete notes 2" As h�ncrete Paving and 4" ASrhalt Treated Base (ATBI and replace with 3" Asphalt Concrete Paving. Sheet CS Miscellaneous Profiles and Details Reinforced Earth Wall for Rock Facing 1 Add to the end of the detail title AT I °CATIONS OF ()MK; ROCK WALLS 2. To note Filter Fabric add Tenser U) 1100. Sheet A4.2 Wall Sections Details 1/A4.2 and 2/A4.2 1 Delete double bottom plates. Detail 4/A4.2 fzterior W, ll Sec:tinn Q Entry 1 Below note 2x4 tririh add SEE SHEET A3.1 FOR LATTICE CONFIGURATION. ,5€ 2X4'5 HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY 2. Delete solitary note 5/B GYPSUM BOA and the accompanying arrow Sheet A6.4 Interior Elevations Liyjnt Room 12222/A6.4 1 Change detail call out 11/A8.4 to 8/A8.1 SIM. USE MCCOY FH.6010S RAIL AT THIS STAIR LOCATION. 9zll X 99 90? 'ON XJa lgiinn I1 M 1.1,1 2e 2T nut oG_na_inr JUN 19 96 26 40 CHILLESS NIELSEN 503 274 0534 p 6 Sheet A6,4 lorrior Elevations Conference 130 11 /A6.4 1 Change title designation from 30 to 13'2, Sheet A8.1 Door and Window Details C. Fu,t. AC Unit 5/A8.3, 1 Delete double bottom plate. 2. Change note from 51DIN( OVER tow MDO PLYWOOD. PAINTED (dVEf., Sheet A9.1 Schedules and Opening Tvpg Window Tye 1 Add to Notes for Window Types: fytuimym UValue for any vinyl window ism 4 Sljar Heat Gain coefficients to he 0.15p for all vinyl windows. 2Z ?fl Q?Ti Q gn? 'nKT u1-14 Door Schedule 1 Add SIM to head and jamb details for Door 6. 2. Add the designation g; to poors 700, 100A and I OB. 3 Change Door 114A width from 3-0 CO 3.6. 4. Change Door 114A frame type:from E to 10. 5. Change Door 116A frame type from E to B. 6. Change Door 130A frame ,type:from E to 8. Frame Tvv 1 Add frame type 'D' and change frame type 'E' per attached addenda drawing. Finish Sdatile Notes 1 From note #2 delete OR ARCHITECT APPROVED PLASTIC LAMINATE. 2. Change to M6 at the following tneations: 100, 101, 103,105, 106, 10$, 114, 119, 120, 122, 123, 125, 129, 132, 203, 205, 207, 208, 210 and 213, Sheet �cond Floor Fran-lineal:1 Shear Wall Schedule 1 To shear wall "A" description change ZRQVI TIES to PROVIDE SIMPSON CS150. 4 u ONC YIES fREFER;TO 4156 Second Floor Framing Plan I At all Locations noted Increase nailing to 10d 0 4 o.c add FOR FNTIRE .NTH OF SHEAR WALL. 2. Delete detail call outs for 11/55.. 3 Add detail call outs 10/55 Where joists are parallel to the supporting wall and at all plywood shear walls. 4. Acid detail call outs 13,154 where joists are perpendicular to supporting wall, 5 Change call'Out between grids 8 819 and H from 12/S4 to 1 ss. 6. Change all notes reading 18" TIC 16" cs/c to 18" TLI 55C 19.2" o /c. Sheer 5-4 Structural t) tails Det 1 Add 6" dimension for thickness astern wall 1 CUr1�1 mvuri'1 n M ii? nn 77 nrr r nn JUN 19 96 16 40 CHILLESS NIELSEN 503 274 8634 P 7 2l /G0 d Sheet P -1 First Floor Piumbinit, Plan Nag Sheet.4 P1 thru P5, 1 Provide General Note H on P1 to read: H. I f all water and ri, r a2 uipin_ though Til Structur S above corridor ceilings „ace. Coordinate oenctration and routin of a with Structural Engineer prior to any work. Sheet M First Fk r HVAC Plan First Floor Plan I-IVAC 1 Change grille designation for F-4 from SG to SR Sheet F First Float Lichtine Plan General Notes 1 In note #1 change 5R2 Ofir to LC C)rt :uoancv Delete Conduit and TI wire is required in E Occupancy. Shapt E «3 Second Floor Ligbsiut Plan general Notes 1 in note *1 Change SR.upancv no IC Occupancy Delete Conduit and THNN wjailasuired in E Occupancy, Sheet E -6 Tv icai Units Electric Plan Unit Tune 54/55 Electricel 6JF4 1 To detail dtle add UNIT 56 SIMILAR, Sheet F -7 Electrical Deta,auxf Schedules Lurninaire Schedule 1 Add Tvne "C3 SAME AS TYPE 'C" EXCEPT 3' Q" 2. For Type "P' fixture change Rose Citx, gl ctric Co. 204- 20-50 (ART555WH) to Globe Lichtirw Nova Luce Series 3. Add Tyke "U2": SAME AS TYPE "U1 Sheet -R glgatrical Symbol Leyend l)iaerlms Electrical vmbot Lest 1 Add DATA OUTLET e.et i2 First Floor Floor Finish Plan Ftoorine S 1 After the words FLOORING KEY add UNI ESS OTHERWISE. NOTED. CARPET IN COMMONS AREAS TO RE C:A-1 END OF ADDENDUM #2 API). PRQ an? Y1I1 x44 Igkinn Vluln n M Hi fic 7T nut no ry unn JUN 19 '96 16 40 CHILLESS NTELSEN 503 274 8634 CHILLESS (Z1ELSEN ARCHITECTS pc it ti ZI /90 d 9211 ?RA An? 'nu via PROJECT: JOE NO. ADDENDUM DATE: en ST AND W'9 PLACE 9504 N0. p 2 6.19 ..199 5 333 SW 0th Avenue SUITE 201 PORTLAND, OREGON 07204 (503) 227-1731 1 CY}.inn U \ill 7n n AA P 8 L _._n *NV Fil 4 tFILOOE II? JEC[fIEtD CIEIIfL I T T JUN 19 '96 16 41 CHILLESS NIELSEN 5 09 2 74 8534 P 9 G L.-cep S 4 1,t aP tl a r ?I /1(l rI Q ?T) ?CIO an7 nr,r vu .r a i r J Ai3Q'n HAN I nun es V\11 t Pr u JUN 19 '96 1 41 CHILLESS NIELSEN 503 274 8634 CHI-LESS NIELSEN ARCHITECTS pc ALUM —4 FRAME ,OR OPNG 'D' ZI/80 d A?t1 n9 Au rm YHa PROJECT: ST JOB NO. ADDENDUM NO DATE; y 'E' 033 SAY SLti Avenue SUITE 201 PORTLAND. OREGON 97204 .L.NL3REV5 PLACE -ALUM FRAME 00 3) 227-1751 I Chl(M vvuin n M P 1i 111 nr, 77 nni nn nn vnn r JUN 19 '95 16 42 CHILLESS NIELSEN 503 274 8634 P 11 SI NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES, INC. iiirargier ]SAS r `4 gu Remarks or Comments SIEVE MIMMS i ;.1.%; Sieve. *apt PAZ $eries Retained Retained us to 62 o y ,1 )0 12- 6 G /72,5"* /1 00 '1 4 Ad, 41 7T ion 1 n7T I 700 on7 'nkf V1-1.1 pROUCT COLOR: MATERIAL: TESTED BY AR .82 _7n. i7 ?6:46 20 iLS o�d 7tT Scut;{ P IA2OaY FOC ANGELES, WA 98362 gm) 452449 140346 554 Parent Passing Percent. Moisture S E Number 1 f CKlnn \1}11 -17'l n M WA QG 7T n14_1 AR- n -Nnr JUN 19 '96 16 42 CHILLESS NIELSEN 503 274 8634 P 12 l /Ot NORTHWESTERN TERRmTQRanS, INC_ fees 11 I ltd SWAM III Plasm Arri 5TH �TS t r' A�Mrw�Y/�`'Wj'l� •i e w "i• ATg. i' +rc:01620e+4 Rent arks or Comments Q7T) 720 an? To V1-.1 C1 "CLXF fir- Sl COMPACTOR, ADDRESS. MATER/At: e. 4 TESTED BY 40 p I 1 Mf__4l1Cmp11_ Sieve' Weight' "T •Percanx Pert Seri4 Retained Rctain d Passing Percent Moisture /e''z 4 6 •C3ci e q 2, B E Number .9/3 ¥3 7819 e 4o,/ 1 57 75 22 PI. G4 123' 7 D. 3O Stg. q5 20 ?ell 3 if 97 /15'.02. finA,0 641, 7 ZI 17 th.5h 'i ,a. 1 2 1, 17 14151.1 a. 112c2 4 9, r`-. 0 717 SOMH PEABoat PORT ANGELES. WA 99362 (2041 4 514491 1.7.634.5545 1 Cr1Jnn \I\TL1 1n n AA If r Ifs 1T n nr, n� rnn CATE: �o AQC JUN 19 56 16 43 CHILLESS NIELSEN 503 274 8634 P 13 NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES, INC. 717 Sdutri Peabody Street Port Angeies, W shingttn 98:3 (208)452 -8491 1 -800 -854 -5545 FAX X452 -8498 Sample No, a;. PROJECT. COARSE PORTION WEII3Ort IgerAINE,,D P, Imp t i l l ri 27 i t 7RA An? 'nm 'H a SIEVE ANALYSIS Cuarr- sr A.tiokeAas at rrly �F CONTRACTOR. MATERIAL,Xfppe TESTED EY: oa entzi.eituA FINE PORTION I 7 X suers I II DAY a I Si wIo-cr PASS, 1 1 1 l' 1 7 14 I io 1 1 1r.-. z 6 20, I v.2.: 3. I 60„... I 17'.q. 9,0 r�+ I I I 163.9 /o 0o II I 1 .3 C AI* n I I 444./ 2 1 I I P f 1 I 1 f'►aMmte 7257 SA. 3 9G J 92, Z. r;7 )02 j _,.,_319 44 I 1 /5,. s� +G o81 I i= {.5 r d Y3j !7 D I 16z. 4 Sz S X2,3 61.4 I it i 1AUnn NNI.11'1 M LT-1 IC 7T nut QA -n7 -rant SUM 19 '96 16 43 CHILLESS NIELSEN 503 274 8634 NTI SIEVE ANALYSIS Sample No. D A T E 40 7 (0 PROJECT. CMBNT 4 r cam, f c.Ro P.fri L et{V W CONTRACTOR, MATERIAL .59444_918 S 4 TESTED EY i m COARSE PORTION FINE P� RT1QN '!6 x SAMPLE MY DRY YVEJG 1T t TAINED PASS. 7z 1 1 I I f 4e"7 63 f.,11 g I i� /V x 9S j1 18 97 07- 11 elcor 1 (p a at 1a 90 54. 60. .1 ,'`4 1 t zoz,d1r 62- oa1 r f ;:,a 1 .9s z, Li 14 12 ADDRESS: f.J REMARKS: ?t /2t d NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES, INC. 717 south Peabody Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 (206)452.8491 1-800. 654-5545 FAX (206)452.8498 I I I I I I I I I t /42. (4 .4 P 14 'NW ji=4"mcommom=w 9 ?t) ?Rg 9f)? '0W Xbi1 1RNf);l N NH'11 Wd RG i f1F1-1 AR-n -Nn en+ CHILLESS NIELSEN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS pc TEDD F CHILLESS, AIA DONALD E. NIELSEN, AIA Associates: DANIEL P GLENNON, AIA GAIL P BOGER, AIA 333 SW FIFTH AVENUE SUITE 201 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204 (503) 227 1751 fax: (503) 274 -8634 June 13 1996 ADDENDUM #1 St. Andrew's Place Assisted Living Facility Port Angeles, Washington Note to plan holders: Please insert this addendum into your copy of the Project Contract Documents. The following additions and /or changes to the contract documents for the above mentioned project are issued by the architect and shall have the same force and effect as though part of the original issue. CHANGES TO THE SPECIFICATIONS Section 02722 SANITARY SEWER and STORM DRAINS Subsection 2.1.2 1 Add Item #1 of attached CIVIL FACILITIES sheet as subsection Section 08700 FINISH HARDWARE Replace this section in it's entirety. Section 08410 ALUMINUM ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS Subsection 2.1.6 1 Change all quantities for door 100 from 1 ea. to 2 ea. CHANGES TO THE DRAWINGS 2499 LD E. REGISTERED :LSEN STATE OF WASliiNG ON 3 Add Door114A 1 pr. Pivots Kawneer Offset 1 ea. Pull Kawneer CO -9 1 ea. Exit Device Von Duprin 99E0 1 ea. Closer LCN 4040 super smoothee 1 ea. Cylinder See Finish Hardware section 08700 2. Change all quantities except Cylinder from 1 ea. to 2 ea and the Pivot quantity from 1 pr to 2 pr. Section 12390 KITCHEN CABINETS AND COUNTERTOPS Subsection 2.9.1 1 Add All operable doors and drawers to have HEWI 548.110 #1, 4" CTC 3/8" diameter Nylon Pulls. white. Cover Sheet 1 Replace the LEGAL DESCRIPTION with the attached LEGAL DESCRIPTION dated 6/13/96. Sheet C2 Utility Plan. Sanit.. Water 1 Change Catch Basin #4 from a ape IP to a ape 2 catch basin. Add note. INSTALL WITH A POLLUTION CONTROL TEE ASSEMBLY. Sheet A1.2 Grading Plan 1 Add the attached information on Rock Walls. 2. To General Notes add the following: 4. SEE Sheets P 1. P 2 and P 5 1 Refer to attached addenda items per mechanical engineer Sheets M -1. M -2 and M -4 1 Refer to attached addenda items per mechanical engineer Sheets E 2, E -4, F 5, E -6, E 7, E -8 and E 9 1 Refer to attached addenda items per electrical engineer END OF ADDENDUM #1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION DATED 6/13/1996 ALL OF LOT 1 OF H. MAGUIRE'S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES, ACCORDING T PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 1 OF PLATS, PAGE 11 RECORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF $AID LOT 1 THENCE EAST 100 FEET THENCE SOUTH 140 FEET THENCE WEST 100 FEET THENCE NORTH 140 FEET T THE POINT OF BEGINNING, AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT 1 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1 THENCE WEST 100 FEET THENCE SOUTH 140 FEET THENCE EAST 100 FEET THENCE NORTH 140 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT 1 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1 THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 NORTH 88 23'02' WEST 100.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 1 SOUTH 4 00'56' WEST 140.00 FEET THENCE PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 SOUTH 88 23'02' EAST 35.28 FEET THENCE SOUTH 4 00'56' WEST 255.07 FEET THENCE NORTH 88 15'35' WEST 237.05 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1 THENCE ALONG SAID WEST LINE, NORTH 4 00'52' EAST 254.56 FEET TO A POINT LYING 140.00 FEET SOUTHERLY OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1 THENCE PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 SOUTH 88 23'02' EAST 100.00 FEET THENCE PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1 NORTH 4 00'52" EAST 140.00 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 THENCE SOUTH 88 23'02' EAST 101.80 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF BLOCK A OF H. MAGUIRE'S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 1 OF PLATS, PAGE 11 RECORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY WASHINGTON, LYING NORTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 8 OF SAID H. MAGUIRE'S ADDITION EXTENDED EAST AND SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 30 NORTH, RANGE 6 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN; EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF CLALLAM, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Or as indicated in hardware schedule. 2.2 SUBSTITUTIONS 2.2.1 Substitutions are subject to Architects written approval 2.3 MANUFACTURERS LISTED AND APPROVED Listed Stanley Schlage Lock Co. Corbin/Russwin Von Duprin BBW/Trimco Pemko BBW/Trimco BBW/Trimco Bommer Rixon BBW/Trimco Ives Stanley Other 0 2.4 HARDWARE LOCATIONS 3 EXECUTION 31 SUBMITTALS HW1 Door 1 3 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 1 ea 2) 690 Sprayed Statuary Bronze (closers mag holders) 3) 632 Bright Brass on Steel 4) SP313 Sprayed Dark Bronze 5) 600 Spray Primed Item Butt Hinges Locksets /latchsets Closers Exit Devices Stops Thresholds/Gaskets Kickplates Push/Pull Plates Spring Hinges Magnetic Holders Hospital Latch Flush bolts, Coordinators By -pass, Bi -fold Pocket Door Hardware As Listed 2.4 1 As recommended by A.S.A.H.0 B H.M.A. or D.H I. All measurements are from finish floor except top butt. 2.5 SILENCERS 2.5.1 Three silencers, Glynn Johnson 64 or 65 as applicable shall be supplied for each single door Pairs of doors shall have four 2.6 HARDWARE GROUPS Refer to door schedule and previously listed instructions for related information concerning following hardware groups. Spring hinges 4310 41/2 x 41/2 Lockset H110 LEV Viewer U698B4 Spring stop 061 Gasketing P55D x 17' A oroved McKinney Lawrence Brothers None LCN -1460 None Ives Reese, Pemko Tice Tice, Quality None None Glynn Johnson Glynn Johnson None 632 605 605 F3 Section 08700 Finish Hardware CN 95 -04 08700- 2 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Provide all finish hardware with suitable fastenings for complete work in accordance with drawings and specifications. Those quantities and locations listed in each instance are for the Contractor's convenience only and are not guaranteed. Items not specifically mentioned but necessary to complete the work shall be furnished, matching in quality and finish the items specified for similar locations. All similar items to be of one manufacturer 1.2.2 Related Work Metal Fabrications Section 05500 Metal Doors and Frames Section 08100 Wood Doors and Frames Section 08200 Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts Section 08410 6 Master Keys 2 Change Keys for each building door with cylinder 4 Change Keys for each entry door Section 08700 Finish Hardware CN 95-04 1.3 QUALITY CONTROL 1.3.1 Conform to requirements of local building code and Fire Marshall as pertains to work specified hereunder 1.3.2 Hardware to be installed on U/L doors or frames to be as approved by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. 1 4 KEYS AND KEYING 1 41 All keyed cylinders shall be subject to a masterkey system. Keys shall be supplied as follows 1 4.2 All keyed cylinders are to be construction keyed and all keys are to be stamped with key codes. 1 4.3 Send all GMK's, MK's and special keys via registered mail or by personal delivery to the Owner 1.5 KEY CABINET 1.5.1 Provide one key cabinet with capacity for all keys provided in this section plus 50% expansion. Type shall be Telkee deluxe complete with all accessories. Locate as directed by Architect. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 FINISHES 2.1 1 Hardware Finishes 1) 605 Bright Brass on Brass 08700 -1 ROCK WALL 1 DESCRIPTION A. ROCK WALLS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF QUARRY ROCK. ROCK WALLS SHALL PRESENT A SOLID ROCK FACE, CONSTRUCTED WITH WELL- ANCHORED ROCKS OF VARIOUS SIZES AND SHAPES. B. CONCRETE TRIMMING STRIPS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT THE BACK OF THE NEW ROCK WALLS TO PRO- VIDE CONCRETE ANCHOR FOR ROCK CHIPS WHICH MUST BE USED TO LEVEL THE TOP OF THE WALL IN ORDER TO PRESENT A NEAT APPEARANCE. 2. MATERIALS A. ROCK SHALL BE SOUND QUARRIED ROCK HAVING A WEIGHT OF NOT LESS THAN ONE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE (165) POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT (SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF NOT LESS THAN 2.65). THE ROCK SHALL BE DURABLE, FREE OF CRACKS, SEAMS AND OTHER NATURAL DEFECTS THAT WOULD TEND TO INCREASE ITS DETERIORATION FROM NATURAL CAUSES. B. THE ROCK AND SOURCE IS TO BE APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PLACEMENT C. FOR PURPOSES OF SIZING THE ROCK, THE TERM MAN -ROCK IS USED AND IS DEFINED AS FOLLOWS. ONE (1) MAN -ROCK 50 TO 200 LBS. 4 TO 1.5 CUBIC FEET TWO (2) MAN -ROCK 200 TO 600 LBS. 1.5 TO 4.6 CUBIC FEET THREE (3) MAN -ROCK 600 TO 1200 LBS. 4.6 TO 9.2 CUBIC FEET FOUR (4) MAN -ROCK 1200 TO 2200 LBS. 9.2 TO 16.9 CUBIC FEET FIVE (5) MAN -ROCK 2200 TO 4500 LBS. 16.9 TO 34.9 CUBIC FEET D. PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE SHALL CONFORM WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. E. BACK FILL MATERIAL FOR ROCK WALLS SHALL CONSIST OF ROCK CHIPS, TAKEN FROM THE QUARRY FROM WHICH THE ROCKS ARE OBTAINED THE CHIPS SHALL BE REASONABLY WELL GRADED AND HAVE A MAXIMUM SIZE OF THREE (3) INCHES. 3. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS A. THE STAKED AREA WHERE ROCK WALLS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED SHALL BE CLEARED, GRUBBED AND GRADED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. B. SUB -GRADE PREPARATION AND COMPACTION REQUIRED IN PREPARING A PROPER SUB -GRADE FOR ROCK WALLS SHALL CONFORM WITH THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS. C. THE WALL SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BY PLACING ROCKS WHEREBY ONE (1) ROCK IS IN CONTACT WITH TWO (2) OTHERS WITH A MINIMUM OF THREE (3) BEARING SURFACES PER ROCK. THERE SHALL BE A PROP ER DISTRIBUTION OF ROCK SIZES, AS INDICATED IN THE FOLLOWING TABLE: WALL HEIGHT BOTTOM SIZES TOP SIZES 0" TO 3' -6' 1 TO 2 MAN -ROCKS 1 TO 2 MAN -ROCKS 3' -6' TO 6 -6' 2 TO 3 MAN -ROCKS 1 TO 2 MAN -ROCKS 6 -6' TO 7' -0' 3 TO 4 MAN -ROCKS 2 TO 3 MAN -ROCKS D THE ROCK SHALL BE PLACED BY A COMBINATION OF MACHINE AND HAND METHODS, WITH ROCKS BE ING SELECTED TO PRODUCE A UNIFORM DENSE ROCK FACE. THE ROCKS SHALL BE KEYED IN PLACE AND BACK FILLED AROUND AND BEHIND WITH THE APPROVED BACK FILL MATERIAL. THE BACK FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE THOROUGHLY TAMPED BEFORE THE NEXT COURSE OF ROCK IS PLACED E. THE FINISHED ALIGNMENT OF THE FACE OF THE WALL SHALL BE STRAIGHT AND UNIFORM. THE TOP OF THE WALL SHALL MEET THE GRADE OF THE ABUTTING GROUND AND SHALL BE MADE UNIFORM BY UTI- LIZING SMALLER ROCK PLACED IN THE LOWER AREAS, UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. UNLESS OTHER- WISE SPECIFIED ROCK WALLS SHALL HAVE A UNIFORM BATTER OF THREE (3) INCHES PER FOOT HW2 HW3 HW4 HW5 HW6 HW7 HW8 HW9 Door 2 1 set Pocket door hardware 735/40 -3925R 1 ea Latch CD40 -4040 1 ea Pull 38B Doors 3 115A, 121B 1 set Sliding door hardware 40 -3060 2 ea Pulls 226 Doors 4 132A 1 set Bifold door hardware 40 -2290 series 2 ea Pulls 753 Door 100 All hardware by door and frame supplier except 605 605 Door 5 3 ea Butts 1900 632 1 ea Latchset Al OS Lev 2 3/4 BS 605 1 ea Spring stop 061 F3 2 ea Silencers 2 ea Cylinders 20 -001 (Verify with aluminum entrance manufacturer Door 100A All hardware by door and frame supplier except 2 ea Elect. E/D mod VR1550C- 00- 1- ED5800- 24VDC- 1 /2RHR x K157HM 2 ea Cylinders 20 -022 (Verify with aluminum entrance manufacturer 1 ea Power supply 1405 (latch retraction) 1 ea Keypad 1355 630 1 ea Push button 1320 -1 630 (locate at Recep. 103) Doors 107 117 3 ea Butts, FBB179 41/2 x 4 1/2 632 1 ea Privacy AL4OS SAT 2 3/4 BS 605 1 ea Closer DC3200 M54 M72 691 1 ea Wall stop WC9X BR 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Doors 102, 104 211 3 ea Butts, FBB179 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 632 1 ea Lockset AL53PD SAT 2 3/4 BS 605 1 ea Closer DC3200 M54 M72 691 1 ea Wall stop WC9X BR 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Section 08700 Finish Hardware CN 95 -04 08700- 3 HW10 HW11 HW12 HW13 HW15 HW16 Door 106 3 ea Butts CB1900 632 1 ea Lockset AL53PD SAT 2 3/4' BS (LHR act) 605 2 ea Flush bolts 458B 12' B3 1 ea Dustproof strike 487B x 489B BR 2 ea Spring stop 061 F3 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Door 108 3 ea Butts FBB179 41/2 x 4 1/2 632 1 ea Lockset D10S RHO 2 3/4' BS (RHR act) 605 1 ea Flush bolts 458B 12' 1 ea Cylinder 605 1 ea Dustproof strike 487B x 489B 2 ea Floor stop and holder F823X BR 1 ea Threshold 172A MS ES 2 ea Door bottom 315CN 1 Gasket PK55D x 20' 1 ea Astragal 357SP AMS Door 109 130 3 ea Butts FBB179 4 1/2 x 41/2 632 1 ea Exit device 9947L -F 605 1 ea Closer DC3200 M54 M72 691 1 ea Wall stop WC9X BR 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Door 110A, 1108 3 ea Butts FBB179 41/2 x 41/2 632 1 ea Hospital latch 1562E 2 3/4 BS 1 ea Deadbolt B660 2 3/4 BS 1 ea Closer DC2200/DC2210 M54 M72 M74 691 1 ea Magnetic holder FM998 24VDC 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' HW14 Not used Doors 111 113 118, 118A, 124 126 204 206 209 212 3 ea Spring hinges 4310 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 632 1 ea Lockset AL80PD SAT 2 3/4 BS x Knurled Lever 0/S 605 1 ea Wall stop WC9X BR 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Doors 115, 116 3 ea Butts FBB179 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 632 1 ea Lockset D53PD RHO 2 3/4' BS 605 1 ea Closer DC2200 M54 M72 605 1 ea Overhead stop 450 series (door 115) BR 1 ea Wall stop WC9X BR 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Section 08700 Finish Hardware CN 95 -04 08700- 4 HW17 HW18 HW19 HW20 HW21 HW22 Door 112 3 ea Butts FBB179 41/2 x 41/2 632 1 ea Lockset D80PD RHO 2 3/4 BS 605 1 ea Floor stop F8061X BR 3 ea Silencers Door 114 3 ea Butts FBB179 4 1/2 x 41/2 632 1 ea Hospital latch 1562 BR 1 ea Stop /Holder F823X 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Doors 109A, 130A 3 ea Butts FBB179 41 /2 x 4 1/2 632 1 ea Exit device 9947L F 605 1 ea Cylinder 20 -022 1 ea Pull 2952 1 ea Closer DC2210 M54 M72 605 1 ea Floor stop F121 X 1 ea Threshold 172A MS ES 1 ea Door bottom 315CN 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Door 115B 3 ea Butts FBB179 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 632 1 ea Latchset D70PD RHO 2 3/4' BS 605 1 ea Wall stop WC9X BR 3 ea Silencers Door 116A 3 ea Butts FBB179 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 632 1 ea Lockset AL80PD SAT 2 3/4 BS x Knurled Lever 0/5 605 2 ea Flush bolts 458B 12' 1 ea Dustproof strike 487B x 489B 2 ea Floor Stop F121 X BR 1 ea Threshold 170A MS ES 2 ea Door bottom 315CN 4 ea Silencers Door 121 3 ea Butts FBB179 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 632 1 ea Latchset D10S RHO 2 3/4' BS 605 1 ea Closer DC2200 M54 M72 691 1 ea Overhead stop 450 series BR 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Section 08700 Finish Hardware CN 95 -04 08700- 5 HW23 HW24 HW25 HW26 HW27 HW28 Door 121A 3 ea Butts FBB179 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 632 1 ea Lockset D10S RHO 2 3/4 BS 605 1 ea Cylinder 1 ea Floor stop F8063X BR 1 ea Threshold 172A MS ES 1 ea Door bottom 315CN 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Door 122 3 ea Butts FBB179 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 1 ea Lockset D10S RHO 2 3/4' BS 1 ea Cylinder 2 ea Flush bolts 458B 12' 1 ea Dustproof strike 487B x 489B 1 ea Threshold 172A MS ES 2 ea Door bottom 315CN 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' 1 ea Astragal 357SP AMS Door 123 208 3 ea Butts FBB179 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 2 ea Exit device ED5800A M54 (48 "x 85 "dr) 2 ea Closer DC3210 M54 M72 (act leaf) 2 ea Magnetic holder FM998 24VDC 1 ea Threshold 270A MS ES 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Astragal by door supplier 632 605 BR 632 Door 110 127 128 3 ea Butts FBB179 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 632 1 ea Lockset D70PD 605 1 ea Closer DC3200 M54 M72 691 1 ea Wall stop WC9X BR 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Door 200 3 ea Butts FBB179 41 /2 x 4 1/2 632 1 ea Latchset D10S RHO 2 3/4' BS 605 1 ea Closer DC3200 M54 M72 691 1 ea Wall stop WC9X BR 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Door 131 3 ea Butts FBB179 41 /2 x 4 1/2 632 1 ea Lockset D80PD RHO 2 3/4' BS 605 1 ea Closer DC3200 M54 M72 691 1 ea Overhead stop 450 series BR 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Section 08700 Finish Hardware CN 95 -04 08700- 6 HW29 HW30 HW31 HW32 Doors 200 214 3 ea Butts FBB179 41/2 x 4 1/2 632 1 ea Exit device 99L -F -BE 605 1 ea Closer DC2200 M54 M72 691 1 ea Wall stop WC9X BR 1 ea Threshold 272A x 36' 1 ea Gasketing PK55D x 17' Door 132 3 ea Butts FBB179 4 1/2 x 41/2 632 1 ea Lockset AL53PD SAT 2 3/4 BS 605 1 ea Closer DC2210 M54 M72 691 1 ea Overhead stop 450 series 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Door 131A 3 ea Butts CB1900 1 ea Lockset AL53PD SAT 2 3/4 BS (LHR act) 632 2 ea Flush bolts 358812' 605 1 ea Dustproof strike 487B x 489B BR 1 ea Closer DC3210 M54 M72 BR 1 Gasket PK55D x 17' Door 6 Exterior doors from living units All hardware and gasket by door and frame supplier except as follows. 1 ea Lockset S51 PD SAT 2 3/4BS 632 1 ea Spring stop 061 F3 3 1 1 Finish Hardware 1 Upon being awarded the finish hardware contract, the finish hardware supplier shall submit for approval, in six copies, a complete schedule of finish hardware required, and catalog cuts of all items in the hardware schedule 2. Schedules must be completely detailed in vertical form including all quantities stock numbers, finishes, and sizes. List hardware for each opening separately Schedules in horizontal or coded form are not acceptable 3 Format of Schedule Door 101 HW 1 One single door 101 corridor 100 from classroom 101 LHR 90 3'0x7'Ox1 3 /4WxHM20Min 1 1/2 pr Butts 1 Lockset 1 Closer 1 Kickplate CB1900 632 4 1/2 x 41/2 D53PD RHO 605 DC 2200 690 M54 M72 M74 37x 10x 34 605 Section 08700 Finish Hardware CN 95 -04 08700- 7 1 Wall Stop 3 Silencers 3.1.2 Templates 3 1.3 Keying Schedule 3.2 HANDLING 3 4 SUPPLIER W9 604 64 Section 08700 Finish Hardware CN 95 -04 4 Approval of the finish hardware schedule shall not relieve the hardware supplier of the responsibility of errors or omissions. 5 After the schedules have been approved, make any necessary corrections and send two revised copies to the Contractor for their use during construction. 1 After receipt of the approved finish hardware schedule, provide templates or template numbers as required in no more than ten (10) days. 1 After receipt of the approved finish hardware schedule, the hardware supplier shall prepare a keying schedule The keying schedule shall then be discussed with the Architect and or Owner of the project to insure all locksets are functionally correct and keying fulfills the desires of the project Owners. Copies of the proposed keying schedule shall be given to the Architect and or Owner with all corrections inserted into the proposed schedule. 2. As soon as possible after the key conference typed copies of the keying schedule shall be sent to the Architect and to the project Owners. 3.2.1 All hardware is to be furnished with proper fastening devices to coordinate with conditions of the work. 3.2.2 All hardware items to be packed in their original factory shipping cartons. 3.3 GENERAL CONTRACTOR 3.3.1 The General Contractor shall be responsible for proper installation and operation of hardware in locations specified. 3.3.2 The General Contractor shall protect all exposed hardware surfaces during the construction period from damage to products and finishes. 3.3.3 The General Contractor shall supply a room under lock and key to store all finish hardware until installation is made. 3 4 1 Finish hardware shall be supplied by a recognized hardware distributor who has been furnishing hardware in the same area as the project for a period not less than 5 years. 3 4.2 The distributors organization shall employ qualified consultants and locksmiths who are available at all reasonable times during the course of construction to meet with the Owner Architect, or Contractor for hardware or keying problems. 08700- 8 Section 08700 Finish Hardware CN 95 -04 3.4.3 The supplier shall maintain a stock and parts inventory of all items supplied for future service to the Owner END OF SECTION 08700- 9 ADDENDUM #1 CIVIL FACILITIES 1 STORM DRAINAGE YARD DRAINS Yard Drains shall be as follows a Grate NDS #1210, #1211, #1212 or #12125 12" square structural foam polyethylene grate with UV inhibitor Note coordinate with Architect regarding color /model b Riser NDS #1217 12" Extension with double openings Note this unit requires #1206, #1243 #1244, #1245 or #1246 universal outlet for each opening if used for inlet or outlet purposes c Base NDS #1200, #1203 or #1204 12" Base unit depending upon number of inlet and outlet openings Note this unit requires #1206, #1243 #1244, #1245 or #1246 universal outlet for each opening if used for inlet or outlet purposes All installation specification shall be identical to that for Catch Basins Refer to plan sheets Cl, C3 and C7 for location and profile and attached catalog copies for details 2 STORM DRAINAGE CATCH BASIN TYPE DESIGNATION Catch Basin Number Four (CB #4) located at the eastern portion of the parking lot shall be changed from a Type IP to be a Type II Catch Basin and be installed with a pollution control tee assembly Refer to plan sheets Cl, C3 and C7 for location, profile and details END OF ADDENDUM ##1 ST ANDREWS ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY Project No 96 -067 Page 1 Drawinos: Mechanical 1 Sheet P -1 a Add FS -1 in Assisted Bathing 128 to serve BT 1 and amend Note 19 to read "19 PROVIDE 3/4" 115F HOT WATER AND 3/4" COLD WATER DOWN IN WALL TO A RPBP 1 (TOTAL OF TWO) AND CONNECT TO BT -1 MOUNT BACKFLOW PREVENTERS ON WALL IN HOUSEKEEPING ROOM AT MAXIMUM OF 5' -0" AFF ABOVE SS-1 AND ROUTE AIR GAP DRAIN PIPING IN WALL TO SS -1 PIPING IS ILLUSTRATED DIAGRAMATICALLY ONLY PROVIDE ROUGH -IN FOR HAND -HELD SHOWER WAND, CONNECT TO ST -1 MIXING VALVE. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS AND SEE ARCHITECTURAL FOR EXACT LOCATION OF HAND -HELD SHOWER." 2. Sheet P -2 a Add associated piping for mixing valve as shown on PR -1 3. Sheet P -5 a Revise condensate trap Detail 5 /P5 as shown on PR -2 b Revise water heater Detail 6 /P5 as shown on PR -3. c. Revise Plumbing Fixture Schedule as shown on PR -4 and delete GT -1 4. Sheet M 1 a Provide E 1 in Assisted Bathing 128 and Housekeeping 127 b Delete all FSD's on E return air duct except for ones serving Conference 132 and Vestibule 100 Add Note 23 for return duct beyond last FSD to read "23 PROVIDE MINIMUM 26 GAUGE SHEETMETAL FOR RETURN DUCT WHEN CROSSING ONE -HOUR RATED ENCLOSURES." c Revise thermostat in Living Room 122 to Control E. d. Add 1 0 kW electric wall heater to Fire Sprinkler 116A and apply Note 5 this sheet ST ANDREWS ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY Project No 96 -067 Page 2 e. Add thermostat to west wall of Laundry 115 next to door to control TAC•Z serving Laundry 1 15 Revise note for TAC -Z to be Note 6 f Apply Notes 2 and 1 6 to wall vents at south exterior wall of Soiled 1 16 Note 2 applies to F.F-1 exhaust duct termination and Note 16 applies to 8 "0 EF -2 exhaust duct termination g FF-2 exhaust duct serving Laundry 115 to be 8 "e and termination of duct at exterior wall to should refer to Note 16 h Exterior wall louver at east wall of Kitchen 110 serving EF,Z and M4 should be sized at 36x8 Locate thermostat to Control f in Kitchen 110 at south wall next to SS -1, j. Change SR 1 in Kitchen 110 to 16x5 face and apply Note 24 to read "24 MOUNT $R -1 AT 7 -0" AFF PROVIDE OFFSET FOR 16x8 DUCT ABOVE CABINETS TO CONNECT DUCT TO SR-1 k Dishwasher hood exhaust fan should be EF -4, I Notes 1 9 and 20 should apply to grease exhaust duct in Kitchen 1 10 Notes should read "19 CONNECT GREASE DUCT TO GREASE EXHAUST HOOD TRANSITION DUCT TO FULL SIZE OF HOOD OPENING SEE KITCHEN EQUIPMENT DRAWINGS AND CUT -SHEET ROUTE 18x8 GREASE EXHAUST DUCT IN ONE -HOUR RATED ENCLOSURE FROM GREASE HOOD CONNECTION UP TO EF-3 ON ROOF PROVIDE CODE REQUIRED CLEARANCES AROUND DUCT, INSIDE ENCLOSURE. SLOPE DUCT AT A MINIMUM OF 1/4 INCH PER FOOT TOWARDS HOOD PROVIDE CLEANOUTS IN DUCT TRANSITIONS AND AS SHOWN 20 18x8 GREASE EXHAUST DUCT UP IN ONE -HOUR RATED SHAFT TO SECOND FLOOR PROVIDE CODE REQUIRED CLEARANCES AROUND bUCT INSIDE ENCLOSURE. TRANSITION DUCT TO FULL SIZE OF FAN OPENING PROVIDE CLEANOUTS IN DUCT TRANSITIONS SEE SHEET M2 FOR CONTINUATION m Apply Note 17 to TAC's in Dining 108 Revise Note 17 by deleting "PROVIDE WITH 50 CFM OUTSIDE AIR FOR UNIT IN ACTIVITY ROOM ONLY" ST ANDREWS ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY Project Nb 98 -067 n. Apply Note 21 to dishwasher hood exhaust. Note 21 to read S Sheet M -2 Page 3 "21 CONNECT 16x8 EXHAUST DUCT TO DISHWASHER HOOD COORDINATE WITH KITCHEN CONTRACTOR SLOPE EXHAUST DUCT BACK TO DISHWASHER HOOD AT 1/4 INCH PER FOOT MINIMUM ROUTE DUCT IN SOFFIT TO EE-A, TRANSITION DUCT TO FULL SIZE OF FAN OPENING ROUTE 16x8 EXHAUST DUCT FROM EF -5 TO EXTERIOR SIDE WALL EXHAUST LOUVER AS SHOWN o Revise the following notes 1 Replace "INTEGRAL" with "WALL" 8 Add 'PROVIDE ONE -HOUR BOX WHERE INSTALLED IN ONE -HOUR WALL" to end of note 6 Add AND LAUNDRY to last sentence 10 Add "PROVIDE RATED ENCLOSURE IN JOIST POCKET WHERE REQUIRED COORDINATE WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR to end of note 18 Revise note to read "ROUTE ALL EXHAUST DUCTS TO 10x8 DUCT RISER UP THROUGH CHASE TO ATTIC SPACE AND TERMINATE AT RIDGE VENT p Add thermostat to south wall of Office 104 next to door to Control E2 q Apply Note 25 to typical ,F.-L s in units Note 25 to read "25 24 HOUR TIME CLOCK BY ELECTRICAL IN UNIT CLOSET TO CONTROL BATHROOM EXHAUST FAN FOR UP TO 8 HOURS OF OPERATION PER DAY TO MEET WASHINGTON STATE INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE. COORDINATE WITH ELECTRICAL." a Apply note 16 to grease exhaust duct shaft on second floor Note 16 to read "16 18x8 GREASE EXHAUST DUCT IN RATED DUCT ENCLOSURE MINIMUM 3 INCH MAXIMUM 12 INCH AIR SPACE ALL AROUND DUCT b Apply Note 17 to typical Mrs in units. Note 17 to read "17 24 HOUR TIME CLOCK BY ELECTRICAL IN UNIT CLOSET TO CONTROL BATHROOM EXHAUST FAN FOR UP TO 8 HOURS OF OPERATION PER DAY TO MEET WASHINGTON STATE INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE COORDINATE WITH ELECTRICAL." ST ANDREWS ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY Project No 96 -067 Page 4 c Revise the following of s: Replace 'INTEGRAL" with "WALL" Add 'PROVIDE ONE -HOUR BOX WHERE INSTALLED IN ONE -HOUR WALL" to and of note 10 Replace with. "ROUTE TWO 2 INCH PVC PIPES FOR CONDENSING FURNACE COMBUSTION AIR INTAKE AND DISCHARGE IN ATTIC SPACE TO CONCENTRIC SIDEWALL VENT SEE DETAIL 5/M3 13 Add "IN RATED SHAFT" to end of first sentence Add "COORDINATE WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR" to end of note. 14. Revise to .AIR DUCTS FROM 18x18 GRAVITY RELIEF and revise last sentence to "SEE 3/M3 6 Sheet M3 a Revise combustion air vent Detail 3/M3 as shown on MR -1 b Revise concentric vent Detail 5/M3 as shown on MR -2 c Delete Detail 9 /M3 d Revise FF -1 of Equipment Schedule to read "75 CFM AT 0 250 IN T S P WITH GRILLE AND BACKDRAFT DAMPER MAX 1 5 SONES AT 0 10 IN T S.F WITH INTEGRAL FIRE DAMPER. GREENHECK SP -115 e Revise ,EF -3, of Equipment Schedule to 1500 CFM with VENTED CURB f Revise all furnaces of Equipment Schedule to be PROPANE -FIRED g Add the following outside air requirements to Equipment Schedule for each furnace /heat pump at 800 CFM OSA. F_Z 200 CFM OSA. F,.� 750 CFM OSA. E4 100% OSA iHP-1 400 CFM OSA. IHP -2 400 CFM OSA. LIP 3 400 CFM OSA. h. Add BDD- Backdraft Damper to Duct Legend ST ANDREWS ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY Project No 96 -067 Page 5 Electrical. 1 Sheet E2 a Dining 108 Provide two Type 'G2 luminaires for fireplace Locate fixture on both sides of fireplace b Corridor 123 Add Type 'D luminaire on north wall between Units 106 and 108 Connect luminaire to Circuit 5, Panel 1C2 c. Lobby 119 Delete two Type 'G' luminaires at east wall, adjacent to elevator room 2 Sheet E4 a Reception 103 Provide one telephone and one data outlet on east wall b Fire Sprinkler Room 116A. Provide one 1 KW electric wall heater inside room Verify exact location with Division 15 Add Note 11 to wall heater 3 Sheet E5 a Apartment Unit A4 -211 Delete nurse call switch in living room on east wall and add one nurse pull cord on west wall 4 Sheet E6 a Revise Note No 10 to read "PROVIDE IN WALL TIME SWITCH TO CONTROL EXHAUST FAN VERIFY EXACT LOCATION WITH ARCHITECTURAL. COORDINATE EXACT REQUIREMENTS WITH DIVISION 15 INTERMATIC #E1020 b Clarification to Note No 6 Add the following sentence to note "SEE DIVISION 15 DRAWINGS FOR EXACT LOCATION OF WALL HEATERS 5 Sheet E7 a. Luminaire Schedule clarification: Type 'R' fixture should read "SURFACE MOUNTED FLUORESCENT UNDER CABINET LUMINAIRE. ONE 15W T12 LAMP 3500K WITH A MINIMUM CRI OF 84 18 -1/2" LONG BY 5- 5/16" WIDE BY 1- 13/16" DEEP STEEL HOUSING 100 PERCENT LOW BRIGHTNESS ACRYLIC DIFFUSER. LITHONIA 2UC SERIES, ALCKO, DAYBRIGHT OR METALUX." b Add Type 'G2' luminaire to Luminaire Schedule. "TYPE 'G2' SAME AS TYPE G EXCEPT WALL WASH WITH ONE 26 WATT COMPACT FLUORESCENT ST ANDREWS ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY Project No. 96 -067 Page 6 c. Clarification Mechanical Equipment Connection Schedule Garbage grinder load should be 1HP 6 Sheet ES a Electrical Symbol Legend clarification 7 Sheet E9 1) Telephone outlet: ROUTE 3/4 INCH CONDUIT FROM OUTLET TO TELEPHONE TERMINAL BOARD 2) Data outlet: ROUTE 3/4 INCH CONDUIT FROM OUTLET TO TELEPHONE TERMINAL BOARD a Provide GFI circuit breaker for bather unit circuit. Panel 1A2, Circuit 34. 1 PARTIAL SECOND FLOOR PLAN i /8 =1 —0' I F WR LOBBY f"l 2 115 HWS 1 205 I 2 -1/2' CW 1 -1/2 140 HWS SEE 6/P5 FOR 4 140• HWR CONTINUATION. 1- 1� /4�LP 1 MECHANICAL WH -1-- L206_J 197 MBH I t �I' 1 f 1 L �-f I S i—$ 1 1 F0-3- r 2 1 l r n v -1 L r-- 2 titn I 3 T 3 OH ILLESS NIELSEN i ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 7119NS/iMMO.f[ 9117 701 POt9M0, OIMmH 17)71 101/ tST17t1 Mit SW DN[37 NR'Y� M9 V1n 4 OV ST ANDREWS HOUSE ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY non Aram it y1'IlA/tN.Tt7tt t1.t1101a o..M.l.. L5 IDS 110. 16067 SECOND FLOM MECHANICAL OOM war TRAP PIPING TO BE SAME SIZE AS PIPING CONNECTION AT UNIT FLOOR J ONDENSATE TRAP SCALE PLUG TYPICAL 5 MECHANICAL UNIT FULLSIZE VENT TO ATMOSPHERE (DO NOT PROVIDE AT IN TER NAL CONDENSATE TRAPS UNLESS REQUIRED U Y CODE MIN 2' MITI 3' ROUTE DOWN TO SS-1 OR FD- I TRAP SEAL SHALL BE 4 MIN NOTE. PROVIDE CONDENSATE TRAP AT EACH CONDENSATE DRAIN OUTLET ON HVAC -UNIT CHILLESS NIELSEN ASSOCIATES ARCH ITECfS )33 SWIM AMNIA WE Jul rang IMIOOfI -T- I wl /a, .usl MX AU I P40411 ST. ANDREWS HOUSE ASSISTED LIVING FACIU Y ►OerANGIUS WAHIIIGIGH CAA IiO0/INRN praSIOW IUA71M IT LAS /DS No. 96067 £DrWUSAII THAI DETAIL *ear SEE FLOOR PLANS FOR CONTINUATION Er--1 7 2 4 3/4" N 0. 2' 2"A r1 4 WATER HEATER 1YFI 3 2 v 11 -11C -I N. O. L NO 1 -1 /4 SEE 2/P3 0ir AND 3/P3. 1 -1/4 CL J /-1 -1/4 c i� 2" III -I f-) WATER HEATER WFI— Z N O. Ili 1-- I V >41 -1- -111 LJ FLUE BY SHEET METAL CONTRACTOR (TYP LP 2 ATER HEATER SCALE 0230 1 a ar 1 —I/2' WATER HE A TER WH —I I r SEE FLOOR PLANS FOR CONTINUA i 7t DI N 1 -1/2' ET -2 P -2 i l Vt-I J 140' HO f WATER SEE FLOOR PLANS FOR CONTINUATION N. O. FLOOR CLAVANIZEO SHEET METAL PAN WITH SIDE OUTLET. MANIFOLD DRAINS AND INDIRECT AT FD r TEMP ERATURE/ PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE (TYP 3) ROUTE FULL SIZE TO FLOOR DRAIN (g60 CHILLESS NIELSEN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS IC lit MOM AMNIA SIMI irl ro nwro. 01240H 117744 IOU Wi rsi FA S44 /1/N U4 fr. NFU* ST ANDREWS HOUSE ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY tan &WM'S NAYY! FJN OMV4I lAS veto. 96067 MURMUR ro ML UNIT PE-3 .A.,4 .au wus.aaaa. amaa.oron SYM PLUMBING FIXTURE SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION BT -I BATHER SILCRAFT 3750 WHIRLPOOL BATHER WITH PULSATING SHOWER WAND PROVIDE 2 1 -I /2 3/4 3/4 n IM -LINE VACUUM BREAKER BETWEEN MIXING VALVE AND SHOWER WAND 12OV/10 .ELECTRICAL r ,1 CONNECTION INDIRECT WASTE TO FS-1 1 �-v---- SII -1 SHOVER ONE PIECE FIBERGLASS HANDICAP SHOWER STALL WITH SOAP LEDGE ACROSS BACK WALL SEAMLESS EXTRA-- HEAVY -DUTY CONSTRUCT ON OF FIBERGLASS WITH STAIN- RESISTANT GEL COATING ANO SUPPORT PLATE LAMINATED [0 BOTTOM ANTI -SLIP FLOOR WRAPAROUND 1 -1/2 OIAMETER STAINLESS STEEL GRAB BAR MILES FIBERGLASS G -490 SHOWER VALVE CAST BRASS BODY C P ABS FACE PLATE AND LEVER TYPE HANDLE 1 PRESSURE BALANCE TYPE VALVE WITH TEMPERATURE STOP HAND SHOWER AND VACUUM BREAKER POTHERS P905 -7 -W REMARKS SHOA!_R THRESHOLD TO BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH FINISHED FLOOR COORDINATE INSTALLATION WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS SET TEMPERATURE STOP FOR 110 CONNECTION SIZE V CW HW I G 9 I -I GREASE INTERCEPTOR PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION 4 4" BOISE VAULT INC MODEL 1500 GALLON CAPACITY H25 LOAD Q REMARKS SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS TO LOCAL OFFICIALS HAVING JURISDICTION. FOR �.i-- APPROVAL PRIOR [0 PURCHASE ti�� 2 1 -1/2 1/2 1/2" ,JJJ CHILLESS NIELSEN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 1ti 3311W1U111 AW1111 SURF MI M411AIO1 01104C 1704 3x3/11/ U31 ST ANDREWS HOUSE ASSISTED LIVING FACI UIY 1041Ni en WAACcw DAM MOSIJIWOrl �te^I 3cv3axe n44Ymw CAS Ia N4 96067 tfVISU rlUMI4G MIXTURE 1W E E 4 MI6% 4WIM MAIN •011140•021Y1.rm4a COORDINATE SIZE AND LOCATION OF ROOF PEKE (RATIONS WI III GENERAL CON TRACTOR. ALL ROOFING AND CURB INSTALLATION WITH GENERAL CON TRACTOR. BIRD SCREEN 6XE,MII (1 /4" X 1 /4') MESH COUN TERFL ASHING LEVELING CURB FLASHING ROOFINC CEILINC WALL TWO 113x9 COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS UP TO VEN E FLOOR 2X'S AS REQUIRED. VERIFY HEIGHT PER LOCAL CODES. CANT STRIP I 3 COMBUSTION AIR VENT DETAIL H TS I NOTE SLOPED ROOF 12" MAX GRAVITY RELIEF VENT EXTEND DUCTS TO TOP OF CURB. LAG BOLTS (1 ON EACH SIDE) DUCT 'SIZES AS NOTED ON PLAN. TERMINATE WITH B IROSCREEN FRAMED IN 11.1TH S —LOCK OR ANGLES VEN 13 A CHULLESS NIELSEN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS NYMA Cam+ oc 1,11 SW IWIHS.V1OUt SUM MI Roue ouo:a rnfl sl) /w.uSR twc mt =T- ST ANDREWS HOUSE ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY .aar.HCU Et VE0a trait mutramwrytAl frASICKS avowal ID6 43. %067 OOMB JSDDON MR 11114T DETAIL SAW 0.0+E e 4 J 4 a 4 WALL 2 PVC COMB. AIR DISCHARGE PVC ENCLOSURE SCREWED TO WALL AND SEALED ALL AROUND 8 0Mfl'I SCREENED 2 "0 OPENING SEAL PIPE PENETRATIONS 2' PVC COMB AIR IN TAKE CONCENTRIC VENT DE TAIL N TS (FOR CONDENSING /PULSE FURNACE) CHILLESS NIELSEN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS pc Al ,wam,* SATE PI roPnAQ. o1127.017 IAN Sol /3:0•1711 INk w/ Ussu. WAS. gOe ST. ANDREWS HOUSE ASSISTED UVUNG FACILITY WIT ARCM/ 04E Wet9 OIPMNIR LAS 96067 c C M veiv WW1 WISE 11 V l R-2 weak t 'M 1 \IO.O ..a oaa.ar..mum.m.ow 11 111 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Work of this Section includes all labor materials, equipment and supervision necessary for and incidental to, fabricating and installing access doors shown on Drawings and described herein. The extent, location, and size of each type of access door required is shown on Drawings. 1.2.2 Related Work Rough Carpentry Section 06100 Prefabricated Wood Trusses Section 06193 Gypsum Drywall Section 09250 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Coordination. Furnish inserts and anchoring devices which must be built into other work for installation of access doors. Coordinate delivery with work to avoid delay 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Submit manufacturers technical data and installation instructions for each type of access door assembly including setting drawings, templates, instructions and directions for installation of anchorage devices. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS Subject to compliance with requirements, provide access doors by one of the following Milcor JL Industries KARP 2.2 MATERIALS AND FABRICATION Section 08305 Access Doors CN 95-04 2.2.1 General Furnish each access door assembly manufactured as an integral unit, complete with all parts and ready for installation. 2.2.2 Steel Access Doors and Frames Fabricate units of continuous welded steel construction, unless otherwise indicated. Grind welds smooth and flush with adjacent surfaces. Furnish attachment devices and fasteners of type required to secure access panels to types of support shown. 1 Frames. Fabricate from 16 -gage steel. 2. Flush Panel Doors. Fabricate as required for fire rating with concealed continuous piano hinge set to open 175 degrees. Finish with manufacturers factory applied prime paint. 3 Locking Devices: Provide one cylinder lock per access door and furnish 2 keys. 08305 -1 Section 08305 Access Doors CN 95-04 2.2.3 Where required because of location or fire rating of wall assembly (see wall types on drawings) provide U.L. rated doors and frames equal to the fire rating of the wall they will be installed within. 3. EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION 3.1 1 Comply with manufacturer's instructions for installation of access doors. 3 1.2 Coordinate installation with work of other trades. 31.3 Set frames accurately in position and securely attach to supports with face panels plumb or level in relation to adjacent finish surfaces. 3.2 ADJUST AND CLEAN 3.2.1 Adjust hardware and panels after installation for proper operation. 3.2.2 Remove and replace panels or frames which are warped, bowed or otherwise damaged. END OF SECTION 08305- 2 1 i 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Furnish and install all aluminum storefront frames complete with all required stops, fasteners, trim and other accessories for a complete functioning and weathertight installation. 1.2.2 Related Work Specified in Other Sections Sealants Section 07900 Finish Hardware Section 08700 Glass and Glazing Section 08800 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.5 Coordination: Coordinate work and scheduling with other trades. 14 SUBMITTALS Section 08410 Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts CN 95-04 1.3.1 Code Compliance It is the Contractor's responsibility to propose frame sections and fasteners of the proper strength to satisfy code requirements for wind loads, air infiltration and other performance characteristics. Where performance characteristics are not set by code, follow AAMA "Metal Curtain Wall, Window Storefront and Entrance Guide Specifications Manual." 1.3.2 Standards Comply with applicable provisions of "Metal Curtain Wall, Window Storefront, and Entrance Guide Specifications Manual" by AAMA. 1.3.3 Manufacturer Drawings are based on one manufacturer's standard aluminum entrance and storefront system. Another standard system of a similar and equivalent nature will be accepted when differences do not materially detract from design concept or intended performances, as judged by Architect. 1.3.4 Field Measurements. Take field measurements prior to preparation of shop drawings and fabrication, to ensure proper fitting of work. However proceed with fabrication and coordinate installation. Proper fit and attachment to adjoining work is required. 1.3.6 Delivery and Storage: Deliver and store materials in a protected area. Stack units to prevent warpage. Cover material as required to prevent dust accumulation and damage to finish. Replace damaged or defective items at no cost to Owner 141 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's specifications, standard details, and installation recommendations for components of aluminum entrances and storefronts required for project, including data that products have been tested and comply with performance requirements. Shop Drawings. Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of aluminum entrances and storefronts, including elevations, detail sections of typical composite members, anchorages, reinforcement, expansion provisions, and glazing. Identify each sealant to be used in each condition. 08410 -1 Samples. Submit control samples showing range of color of aluminum finish likely to be produced, on 12" long sections of extrusions. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS AND ACCESSORIES 2.1 1 Aluminum Members: Alloy and temper recommended by manufacturer for strength, corrosion resistance, and application of required finish; ASTM B 221 for extrusions, ASTM B 209 for sheet/plate 2.1.2 Manufacturer 2.1 6 1 Acceptable Manufacturers. Specification shows Kawneer Material Designation numbers. A. B C 2. Frames. Provide with integral stops and continuous felt weatherstripping. Frame section, stop, and accessory trim profiles per accepted shop drawings. Provide 2 "x4 -1/2" extruded tubular section, Kawneer "Trifab 451" To accommodate 1" insulated glass specified in Section 08800. 3 Doors. Kawneer "350 Wide Stile" Doors to accommodate 1/4" tempered glass specified in Section 08800 2.1.3 Finish Paint coating equal to or exceeding AAMA 605.2 specification for high performance coatings. Coating to be fluoropolymer finish. Color to match color of other window units in project. Provide a clear topcoat over paint application. 2.1 4 Glazing: Per Section 08800 2.1.5 Fasteners Aluminum, non magnetic stainless steel, or other materials warranted by manufacturer to be noncorrosive and compatible with aluminum components. Do not use exposed fasteners except where unavoidable for application of hardware. Match finish of adjoining metal. Hardware. Door 100 1 ea. Pivots 1 ea. Pulls 1 ea. Closer Door 100A 1 pr Pivots 1 ea. Pull 1 ea. Exit device 1 ea. Closer 1 ea. Cylinder Kawneer U.S. Aluminum Northrup Architectural Systems Kawneer Offset Kawneer CO-9 LCN 4040 super smoothee Kawneer Offset Kawneer CO-9 Von Duprin 99E0 LCN 4040 super smoothee See Finish Hardware Section 08700 Section 08410 Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts CN 95-04 08410- 2 2.2 FABRICATION 3.2 ADJUSTMENT CLEANING Section 08410 Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts CN 95-04 2.2.1 General: To greatest extent possible, complete fabrication, assembly finishing, hardware application, and other work before shipment to project site. Disassemble components only as necessary for shipment and installation. Do not drill and tap for surface- mounted hardware items until time of installation at project site. Complete cutting, fitting, forming, drilling, and grinding of metal work prior to cleaning, finishing, surface treatment, and application of finishes. Remove arrises from cut edges and ease edges and corners to radius of approximately 1/64" 2.2.2 Welding: Comply with AWS recommendations to avoid discoloration; grind exposed welds smooth and restore mechanical finish. 2.2.3 Reinforcing: Install reinforcing as necessary for performance requirements; separate dissimilar metals with bituminous paint or other separator which will prevent corrosion. 2.2.4 Continuity Maintain accurate relation of planes and angles, with hairline fit of contacting members. 2.2.5 Fasteners. Conceal fasteners wherever possible. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION 31 1 Comply with manufacturers instructions and recommendations for installation of aluminum entrances and storefronts. 31.2 Set units plumb, level, and true to line, without warp or rack of framing members, doors, and panels. Anchor securely in place, separating aluminum and other corrodible metal surfaces from sources of corrosion of electrolytic action at points of contact with other materials. 3 1.3 Drill and tap frames and apply surface mounted hardware items, complying with hardware manufacturers instructions and template requirements. Use concealed fasteners wherever possible. 3 1 4 Set sill members and other members in bed of compound or with joint fillers or gaskets to provide weathertight construction. Comply with requirements of Division 7 for compounds, fillers, and gaskets. 31.5 Refer to Section 08800 "Glass and Glazing" for installation of glass not preglazed by manufacturer 3.2.1 Adjust operating hardware to function properly without binding, and to provide tight fit at contact points and weatherstripping. 3.2.2 Clean completed system, inside and out, promptly after erection and installation of glass and sealant. Remove excess glazing and sealant compounds, dirt, and other substances from aluminum surfaces. Clean glass in coordination with General Contractor to best facilitate the final building cleanup. 08410- 3 3.2.3 Remove protective coating when completion of construction activities no longer requires its retention. 3.2.4 Institute protective measures and other precautions required to assure that aluminum storefronts will be without damage or deterioration at time of acceptance. END OF SECTION Section 08410 Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts CN 95-04 08410- 4 t t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Furnish and install vinyl windows, glazed with all stops and including sealants, hardware, weather stripping, fasteners and accessories for a complete functioning watertight installation. 1.2.2 Related Work Rough Carpentry Section 06100 Sealants Section 07900 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Code Compliance: It is the Contractor's responsibility to propose frame sections, fasteners and glass of proper strength to satisfy code requirements for wind loads, air and water infiltration and other performance characteristics. Where performance characteristics are not set by Code, follow Standard Specifications. 1.3.2 Performance Requirements. Section Ut36.J0 Vinyl Windows CN 95 -04 a. General: Provide vinyl window units that comply with performance requirements specified. b. Design Requirements: Comply with requirements indicated in AAMA/ANSI 101 -93. 14 SUBMITTALS Air Filtration Test ASTM E283 -91 Water Resistance Test ASTM E547 -86 Uniform Load Structural Test ASTM E330 -90 1.3.3 Manufacturer Provide vinyl windows produced by a single fabricator who is capable of showing prior successful production of units similar to those required. Each window shall bear certification label verifying the requirements of the applicable referenced standards. 1.3 4 Performance and Testing Except as otherwise indicated, comply with requirements for air infiltration, water infiltration and applicable loading tests specified in AAMA 101v -86. 141 Product Data. Submit manufacturers specifications, standard details, and installation recommendations for each type of window required. Include manufacturer's certified test report, indicating that each type of unit has been tested and complies with performance requirements. 1 4.2 Shop Drawings Submit shop drawings, including wall elevations, typical unit elevations, and full -size details of typical composite members and glazing details. Indicate sizes, thickness, construction, methods of assembly sticking, weather stripping, glazing operating hardware, and other necessary information. 08630 1 1 4.3 Samples: Architect reserves the right to require sample submittals which will show fabrication techniques and workmanship, hardware accessory designs and/or colors. 1.5 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Store under cover in well ventilated space. Do not expose to extreme changes of temperature and humidity Protect against damage and dampness. Replace defective and damaged windows at no expense to Owner 1.6 COORDINATION 1.6.1 Coordinate work and scheduling with all other trades affected by work in this section. 1 7 PRODUCT WARRANTY 1 71 See Section 08800 Glass and Glazing for warranty requirements for insulated glass units. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS 2.1 1 Manufacturer Vinyl windows are to be single hung or fixed windows and may be provided by one of the following. 2.1.2 Components. Insulate Model 3000 Northwest Aluminum Summit Series 2000 EPI Viking Section 08630 Vinyl Windows CN 95 -04 1 Frame and Sash Extrusions: Provide extruded, high impact resistant polyvinyl chloride (PVC) frame and sash members with multi- chamber design. Frame and sash corners mitered and welded with reinforcement as required in key locations. Extrusions shall be AAMA certified and tester per ASTM D 4726 -92. 2. Glazing Provide insulating units with nominal 1/2" airspace, exterior glazed, using closed cell foam glazing tape and applied PVC glazing bead. Limits shll conform to Sigma Class A Standards with Argon Gas fill. 3 Hardware /Fastners. Provide stainless steel, brass, or other non- corrosive materials and color coordinated exposed hardware compatible with vinyl window members and components of window units. 4 Screens: Equip operating vents with extruded aluminum baked enamel finish insect screens to match window units. 5. Finish White PVC Vinyl 6 Accessories As required for proper installation and function. 2.2 FABRICATION 2.2.1 General Provide manufacturer's standard fabrication and accessories which comply with indicated standards and are reglazable without dismantling of sash and panel framing. Include complete system for assembly of components and anchorage of window units. 08630 2 a 1 I t 1 t 1 1 r t 1 2.2.2 Coordination of Fabrication: Coordinate tolerances of window dimensions with exterior wall construction to insure proper fit of units. 2.2.3 Assembly Assemble components into complete weathertight units with metered and heat welded joints. All window units shall be constructed so as to drain moisture and condensation to the exterior 2.2.4 Weather- stripping: Provide operable panels with weather stripping as required to meet specified performance requirements. 2.2.5 Glazing Units to be preglazed. All glass to meet Port Angeles City code requirements for strength vs. wind load. 3. EXECUTION 31 Inspection: installer must examine substrates and conditions under which vinyl window units are to be installed and must notify Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of work. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Installer 3.2 INSTALLATION END OF SECTION Section 086 .30 Vinyl Windows CN 95 -04 3.2.1 Comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for installation of window units, hardware, accessories, and other components of work. 3.2.2 Set frame members in bed of compound or with joint fillers and gaskets complying with requirements of Section 07900 Sealants, for weathertight installation. 3.2.3 Set units plumb, level and true to line, without warp or rack of frames or panels. Provide proper support, and anchor frame securely 3.3 ADJUSTMENT AND CLEANING 3.3.1 Adjust operating panels and hardware to provide tight fit at contact points and at weather stripping, for smooth operation and weathertight closure. 3.3.2 Clean vinyl surfaces promptly after installation, exercising care to avoid damage to coatings. Clean glass surfaces after installation, complying with requirements of "Glass and Glazing" section for cleaning and maintenance. 3.3.3 Institute protection required through remainder of construction period, to ensure that window units will be without damage or deterioration at time of acceptance. 08630 3 a s t t 1 t t 1 f 1 1 1 t 1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS 12 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Provide all finish hardware with suitable fastenings for complete work in accordance with drawings and specifications. Those quantities and locations listed in each instance are for the Contractor's convenience only and are not guaranteed. Items not specifically mentioned but necessary to complete the work shall be furnished, matching in quality and finish the items specified for similar locations. All similar items to be of one manufacturer 1.2.2 Related Work 1.3 QUALITY CONTROL 1.3.1 Conform to requirements of local building code and Fire Marshall as pertains to work specified hereunder 1.3.2 Hardware to be installed on U/L doors or frames to be as approved by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. 1 4 KEYS AND KEYING 1 4 1 All keyed cylinders shall be subject to a masterkey system. Keys shall be supplied as follows. 1 4.2 All keyed cylinders are to be construction keyed and all keys are to be stamped with key codes. 1 4.3 Send all GMK's, MK's and special keys via registered mail or by personal delivery to the Owner 1.5 KEY CABINET 1.5.1 Provide one key cabinet with capacity for all keys provided in this section plus 50% expansion. Type shall be Telkee deluxe complete with all accessories. Locate as directed by Architect. 2. PRODUCTS, Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 Metal Doors and Frames Section 08100 Wood Doors and Frames Section 08200 Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts Section 08410 6 Master Keys 2 Change Keys for each building door with cylinder 4 Change Keys for each entry door Section ost00 Finish Hardware CN 95-04 08700 -1 2.1 2.1 1 2.5 FINISHES Hardware Finishes 1) 605 Bright Brass on Brass 2) 690 Sprayed Statuary Bronze (closers mag holders) 3) 632 Bright Brass on Steel 4) SP313 Sprayed Dark Bronze 5) 600 Spray Primed Or as indicated in hardware schedule. 2.2 SUBSTITUTIONS 2.2.1 Substitutions are subject to Architects written approval 2.3 MANUFACTURERS LISTED AND APPROVED Listed Item Stanley Butt Hinges Schlage Lock Co. Locksets /latchsets Corbin/Russwin Closers Corbin/Russwin Exit Devices BBW/Trimco Stops Pemko Thresholds/Gaskets BBW/Trimco Kickplates BBW/Trimco Push/Pull Plates Bommer Spring Hinges Rixon Magnetic Holders BBW/Trimco Hospital Latch Ives Flush bolts, Coordinators Stanley By -pass, Bi -fold Pocket Door Hardware Other As Listed 2.4 HARDWARE LOCATIONS 2.41 As recommended by A.S.A.H.0 B.H.M.A. or D.H.I. floor except top butt. SILENCERS 2.6 HARDWARE GROUPS 3. EXECUTION 31 SUBMITTALS HW1 Section Oa /00 Finish Hardware CN 95-04 Approved McKinney Lawrence Brothers None LCN -1460 Von Duprin Ives Reese, Pemko Tice Tice, Quality None None Glynn Johnson Glynn Johnson None All measurements are from finish 2.5.1 Three silencers, Glynn Johnson 64 or 65 as applicable shall be supplied for each single door Pairs of doors shall have four Refer to door schedule and previously listed instructions for related information concerning following hardware groups. 08700- 2 HW2 1 set Pocket door hardware 735/40 -3925R 1 ea Privacy Tri/BBW 1069L or 1 ea Latchset Tri/BBW 1069 HW3 1 set Sliding door hardware 40 -3060 2 ea Pulls 226 HW4 HW5 HW6 HW7 HW8 3 ea Spring hinges 4310 41/2 x 41/2 1 ea Lockset S210PD SAT 2 3/4BS 1 ea Viewer U698B4 1 ea Spring stop 061 F3 ft Gasket S44D 1 set Bifold door hardware 40 -2290 series 2 ea Pulls 753 Butts 1900 1 ea Latchset Al OS Lev 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Spring stop 061 F3 2 ea Silencers All hardware by door and frame supplier except: 2 ea Cylinders 20 -001 2 set Push/pull 2925 All hardware by door and frame supplier except: 2 ea Int. pivot M19 3/4 2 ea Electric pivot mod M19/1104 2 ea Exit device ED5800 M54 (36 "x 84 "dr) 2 ea Elect. E/D mod VR1550C -00- 1- ED5800- 24VDC- 1 /2RHR x K157HM /P' 2 ea Cylinders 20 -022 2 ea Pulls 2954 1 ea Power supply 1405 (latch retraction) 1 ea Keypad 1355 630 1 ea Push button 1320 -1 630 (locate at Recep. 103) Butts CB1900 1 ea Privacy AL4OS SAT 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Closer DC3200 M54 M72 section Ot3 /OO Finish Hardware CN 95-04 08700- 3 HW9 HW10 HW11 HW12 HW13 HW14 1 ea Wall stop WC9X ft Gasket S44D Butts CB1900 1 ea Lockset AL53PD SAT 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Closer DC3200 M54 M72 1 ea Wall stop WC9X ft Gasket S44D Butts CB1900 1 ea Lockset AL53PD SAT 2 3/4" BS (LHR act) 2 ea Flush bolts 458B 12" 1 ea Dustproof strike 487B x 489B 2 ea Wall stop WC9X ft Gasket S44D Butts CB1900 1 ea Lockset D53PD RHO 2 3/4" BS (RHR act) 2 ea Flush bolts 458B 12" 1 ea Dustproof strike 487B x 489B 1 ea Closer DC2200 M54 M72 (act leaf) 2 ea Floor stop and holder F823X 1 ea Threshold 172A MS ES 2 ea Door bottom 315CN ft Gasket S44D 1 ea Astragal 357SP AMS Butts CB1900 1 ea Exit device ED5200A N710 M54 (36" dr 1 ea Closer DC3200 M54 M72 1 ea Wall stop WC9X ft Gasket S44D Butts CB1900 1 ea Hospital latch 1562E 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Deadbolt B660 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Closer DC2200/DC2210 M54 M72 M74 1 ea Magnetic holder FM998 24VDC ft Gasket S44D Butts CB1900 1 ea Hospital latch 1580 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Deadbolt B660 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Closer DC2200 M54 M72 M74 1 ea Floor stop F8061 X Section 013/00 Finish Hardware CN 95-04 08700- 4 1 1 1 1 HW15 HW16 HW17 HW18 HW19 HW20 ft Gasket S44D 3 ea Spring hinges 4310 41/2 x 41/2 1 ea Lockset AL80PD SAT 2 3/4" BS x Knurled Lever 0/S 1 ea Wall stop WC9X ft Gasket S44D Butts CB1900 1 ea Lockset D53PD RHO 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Closer DC2200 MU M72 1 ea Overhead stop 450 series (door 115) 1 ea Kickplate 37X 16 x34 1 ea Wall stop WC9X ft Gasket S44D Butts 1900 1 ea Lockset D53PD RHO 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Floor stop F8061 X 3 ea Silencers Butts CB1900 1 ea Push plate 47E (4x16) 1 ea Pull plate 47E (4x16) x 2907 1 ea Closer DC2200 MU M72 1 ea Kickplate 37X 16 x34 1 ea Wall stop WC9X 1 ea Holder 872 ft Gasket S44D Butts CB1960 1 ea Exit device ED5200 MU (36" dr) LC 1 ea Cylinder 20 -022 1 ea Pull 2952 1 ea Closer DC2210 MU M72 1 ea Floor stop F121 X 1 ea Threshold 172A MS ES 1 ea Door bottom 315CN ft Gasket S440 Butts 1900 1 ea Latchset D10S RHO 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Wall stop WC9X 3 ea Silencers section O8/00 Finish Hardware CN 95-04 08700- 5 HW21 HW22 HW23 HW24 HW25 HW26 Butts CB1960 1 ea Lockset AL80PD SAT 2 3/4" BS x Knurled Lever 0/S 2 ea Flush bolts 458B 12 1 ea Dustproof strike 487B xA489B 1 ea Wall stop WC9X 1 ea Floor stop F8061 X 1 ea Threshold 170A MS ES 2 ea Door bottom 315CN 4 ea Silencers Butts CB1900 1 ea Latchset D10S RHO 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Closer DC2200 M54 M72 1 ea Overhead stop 450 series ft Gasket S44D Butts CB1900 1 ea Lockset D53PD RHO 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Closer DC2200 M54 M72 1 ea Floor stop F8063X 1 ea Threshold 172A MS ES 1 ea Door bottom 315CN ft Gasket S44D Butts CB1960 1 ea Lockset D53PD RHO 2 3/4" BS 2 ea Flush bolts 458B 12" 1 ea Dustproof strike 487B x 489B 1 ea Closer DC2200 M54 M72 (act leaf) 2 ea Floor stop and holder F823X 1 ea Threshold 172A MS ES 2 ea Door bottom 315CN ft Gasket S44D 1 ea Astragal 357SP AMS Butts CB1901 2 ea Exit device ED5800A M54 (48 "x 85 "dr) 2 ea Closer DC3210 M54 M72 (act leaf) 2 ea Masgnetic holder FM998 24VDC 1 ea Threshold 270A MS ES ft Gasket S44D Astragal by door supplier Section U>;3 /UU Finish Hardware CN 95-04 08700- 6 HW27 HW28 HW29 HW30 HW31 HW32 Butts CB1900 1 ea Lockset D53PD RHO 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Closer DC3200 M54 M72 1 ea Wall stop WC9X ft Gasket S44D Butts CB1900 1 ea Latchset D10S RHO 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Closer DC3200 M54 M72 1 ea Wall stop WC9X ft Gasket S44D Butts CB1900 1 ea Lockset D80PD RHO 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Closer DC3200 M54 M72 1 ea Overhead stop 450 series ft Gasket S44D Butts CB1960 1 ea Lockset AL80PD SAT 2 3/4" BS x Knurled Lever 0/S 2 ea Flush bolts 458B 12" 1 ea Dustproof strike 487B x 489B 1 ea Wall stop WC9X 1 ea Floor stop F8061 X 1 ea Threshold 170A MS ES 2 ea Door bottom 315CN 4 ea Silencers Butts CB1900 1 ea Lockset AL53PD SAT 2 3/4" BS 1 ea Closer DC3200 M54 M72 1 ea Overhead stop 450 series ft Gasket S44D Butts CB1900 1 ea Lockset AL53PD SAT 23/4" BS (LHR act) 2 ea Flush bolts 358B 12" 1 ea Dustproof strike 487B x 489B 1 ea Closer DC3210 M54 M72 2 ea Wall stop WC9X ft Gasket S44D Exterior doors from living units All hardware and gasket by door and Section 08 mu Finish Hardware CN 95-04 08700- 7 3.1 1 Finish Hardware 3. Format of Schedule Door 101 HW 1 One single door 101 corridor 100 from classroom 101 LHR 90 3'0 x 7'O x1 3/4W x HM 20 Min. 1 1/2 pr Butts CB1900 632 4 1/2 x 41/2 1 Lockset D53PD RHO 605 1 Closer DC 2200 690 M54 M72 M74 1 Kickplate 37x 10x 34 605 1 Wall Stop W9 604 3 Silencers 64 3.1.3 Keying Schedule 3.2 HANDLING frame supplier except as follows. 1 ea Lockset S210PD SAT 2 3/4BS 1 ea Spring stop 061F3 Section 08100 Finish Hardware CN 95-04 1 Upon being awarded the finish hardware contract, the finish hardware supplier shall submit for approval, in six copies, a complete schedule of finish hardware required, and catalog cuts of all items in the hardware schedule. 2. Schedules must be completely detailed in vertical form including all quantities, stock numbers, finishes, and sizes. List hardware for each opening separately Schedules in horizontal or coded form are not acceptable. 4 Approval of the finish hardware schedule shall not relieve the hardware supplier of the responsibility of errors or omissions. 5 After the schedules have been approved, make any necessary corrections and send two revised copies to the Contractor for their use during construction. 3.1.2 Templates 1 After receipt of the approved finish hardware schedule, provide templates or template numbers as required in no more than ten (10) days. 1 After receipt of the approved finish hardware schedule, the hardware supplier shall prepare a keying schedule. The keying schedule shall then be discussed with the Architect and or Owner of the project to insure all locksets are functionally correct and keying fulfills the desires of the project Owners. Copies of the proposed keying schedule shall be given to the Architect and or Owner with all corrections inserted into the proposed schedule. 2. As soon as possible after the key conference, typed copies of the keying schedule shall be sent to the Architect and to the project Owners. 08700- 8 1 t 1 1 1 t 3.4 SUPPLIER END OF SECTION Section 08700 Finish Hardware CN 95-04 3.2.1 All hardware is to be furnished with proper fastening devices to coordinate with conditions of the work. 3.2.2 All hardware items to be packed in their original factory shipping cartons. 3.3 GENERAL CONTRACTOR 3.3.1 The General Contractor shall be responsible for proper installation and operation of hardware in locations specified. 3.3.2 The General Contractor shall protect all exposed hardware surfaces during the construction period from damage to products and finishes. 3.3.3 The General Contractor shall supply a room under lock and key to store all finish hardware until installation is made. 3.41 Finish hardware shall be supplied by a recognized hardware distributor who has been furnishing hardware in the same area as the project for a period not less than 5 years. 3.4.2 The distributors organization shall employ qualified consultants and locksmiths who are available at all reasonable times during the course of construction to meet with the Owner Architect, or Contractor for hardware or keying problems. 3 4.3 The supplier shall maintain a stock and parts inventory of all items supplied for future service to the Owner 08700- 9 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Section 081300 Glass and Glazing CN 95-04 1.2.1 Furnish and install all glass and materials used to install all glass as indicated on drawings. Types of work in this section include glass and glazing for 1.2.2 RELATED WORK Aluminum and entry doors. Public bathroom vanity mirrors. Glass for pre -glazed vinyl windows, and residential medicine cabinets are specified in other sections. Sealants Section 07900 Metal Doors and Frames Section 08100 Aluminum Entrances and Storefronts Section 08410 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.31 Code Compliance Contractor responsible for determining glass thickness, bite and frame strength as required by Code to meet wind load and other performance requirements. Comply with Federal Register Consumer Product Safety Commission "Architectural Glazing Materials' Volume 42, No 4 6 January 77 and amendment. 1.3.2 Prime Glass Manufacturer One of the following for each type /color of glass: ASG Industries, Inc. Libbey Owens -Ford Company PPG Industries, Inc. C -E Glass Division, Combustion Engineering, Inc. 1.3.3 Applicable Standards: 1 Flat Glass Marketing Association, Glazing Sealing System Manual, "Glazing Manual." 2. American National Standards Institute (ANSI), A116.1 -60 Polysulfide -Base Sealing Compounds for Building Trade. 3 American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM C509 -70 Specification for Cellular Elastomeric Preformed Gasket and Sealing Material. ASTM D395 Test for Rubber Property Compression Set. 4 Sealant: Flat Glass Marketing Association, "Glazing Sealing Systems Manual." 5 Prime Glass. FS DD -G-451 08800- 1 2. Mirror Fasteners. Submit manufacturers data including installation procedures. 1.6 DELIVERY AND STORAGE Section 08800 Glass and Glazing CN 95-04 6. Heat treated Glass: FS DD -G -1403 7 Safety Glass: CPSC 16 CFR 1201 8. Mirror Glass. FS DD -G-451 1.3.4 Allowable Tolerances: Thicknesses of glass specified are nominal. Provide glass manufactured to. tolerances listed in FGMA Manual. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Product Data. 1 Glazing: Submit manufacturers technical data for each type of glass, including components and installation instructions, glazing compound and sealants. 1.5 JOB CONDITIONS 1.5.1 Pre Installation. Meet with Glazier and other trades affected by glass installation, prior to beginning of installation. Install sealants as recommended by manufacturer 1.5.2 Measurements Verify all glass dimensions by taking field measurements before any glass is shipped to job site wherever possible without delaying the work. 1.6.1 Deliver and store materials in protected areas. Protect glass, whether installed or not, against damage. Replace broken or defective glass at no cost to Owner 1.6.2 Deliver glazing compounds in unopened container with original labels thereon. 1 7 PRODUCT WARRANTY 1 71 Warranty on Hermetic Seals. Provide insulating glass manufacturer's written warranty agreeing to, within specified warranty period, replacement of units for insulating glass units which have defective hermetic seals. Warranty period is 5 years after date of substantial completion. 1 7.2 Mirrors. Provide a written 10 year warranty to replace all mirrors where silver oxidation occurs. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 GLASS PRODUCTS 2.1 1 Insulating Glass: All glass in exterior applications shall be insulating glass except at entry doors. 2.1.2 Float/Plate Glass. Type I, Quality 03, clear Thickness as required to meet code and glazing sizes. All glass clear Provide in all locations where other types of glass are not indicated. 2.1.3 Tempered Safety Glass 08800- 2 2. Perform all cutting before tempering glass. 2.2.2 Accessories Section 08800 Glass and Glazing CN 95-04 1 Provide prime glass, clear color which has been heat treated to strengthen glass in bending to not less than 4.5 times annealed strength. Thickness as required to meet code and glazing sizes. 3. Support each piece during tempering so that tong marks will be concealed in the glazing system where possible. 4 Tempered safety glass shall be installed where required by code and Federal law in doors and adjacent lights, in entrance doors and adjacent entrance sidelights, and as shown on drawings or scheduled. 5. Where tempered glass is also required to be insulating glass (all exterior applications of tempered glass except entry doors), both panels shall be tempered. 2.1 4 Mirror Glass. Type I, Class I Quality 02 clear float glass, full silver coating, copper coating and organic coating. Grind and polish all edges. Provide at all unit bathrooms over vanity in sizes shown on drawings, 1/4" thick. 2.1.5 Wire Glass Type III, Kind A, Form 1 Quality q11 square mesh, clear and polished both faces, 1/4' thick. Grind and polish all edges. Provide as required by code. 2.2 GLAZING SEALANTS AND COMPONENTS 2.2.1 General All glazing accessories shall be new first quality of their respective kinds, meeting FGMA standards, recommendations of the window and glass manufacturers. Provide materials from a single manufacturer for a complete system of each type of glazing method. Select materials and variations or modifications, carefully for compatibility with surfaces contacted in the installation. 1 Setting Blocks. Resilient neoprene blocks designed for setting glass; 70 to 90 Durometer hardness. Provide lead blocks where required by FGMA specifications. 2. Spacers. Resilient accessories designed for positioning glass in rabbets/closed cell neoprene conforming with requirements of ASTM C509, Grade 4 3 Clips. Provide non corrosive metal clips with rounded edges designed for contacting blocks, not glass. 4 Preformed Tapes Standard Products "Stanlock 400" Tremco "440" or approved. Non shrinking elastomeric tape 100% solids, compression range from 35% to 50 10 shore A durometer at time of installation and a maximum of 20 upon aging. Sizes and thicknesses as indicated or as required for conditions of installation. 5 Pre shimmed Tapes Standard Products "Stanlock 440S" Tremco "Poly -shim" or approved. Non shrinking elastomeric tape with continuous built-in shim; 100% solids, compression range from 35% to 50 10 Shore A durometer at time of installation and a 08800- 3 maximum of 20 upon aging, sizes and thicknesses as indicated or conditions of the installation. Section 06800 Glass and Glazing CN 95-04 as required for the 6. Glazing Sealants. See Section 07900. 7 Colors of exposed glazing components subject to Architect's review and acceptance. 2.3 MIRROR FASTENERS 2.3.1 Chrome plated, spring loaded, E -Z Mount, concealed mirror clips with screw attachment. Four per mirror minimum. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 STANDARDS AND PERFORMANCE 3.1 1 Watertight and airtight installation of each glass product is required. Each installation must withstand normal temperature changes, wind loading, impact loading, without failure including loss or breakage of glass, failure of sealants or gaskets to remain watertight and airtight, deterioration of glazing materials and other defects in the work. 31.2 Protect glass from edge damage during handling and installation, and subsequent operation of glazed components of the work. During installation, discard units with significant edge damage or other imperfections. 31.3 Glazing channel dimensions must provide for necessary bite on glass, minimum edge clearance, and adequate sealant thicknesses, with reasonable tolerances. Adjust as required by job conditions at time of installation. 3 1 4 Comply with combined recommendations and technical reports by manufacturers of glass and glazing products as used in each glazing channel, and with recommendations of Flat Glass Marketing Association "Glazing Manual, and "Glazing Sealing Systems Manual" except where more stringent requirements are indicated. 3 1.5 Install insulating glass units to comply with recommendations by Sealed Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association, except as otherwise specifically indicated or recommended by glass and sealant manufacturers. 31.6 Do no glazing when temperature is below 40 degrees F or when dust is present. Do no outside glazing in wet weather except under cover 3.2 PROTECTION AND CLEANING 3.2.1 Protect glass from breakage immediately upon installation, by use of crossed streamers attached to framing and held away from glass. Do not apply markers to surfaces of glass or mirrors. Remove nonpermanent labels and clean surfaces. Cure sealants for high early strength and durability 3.2.2 Do not use acid solution of water containing caustic soaps. Do not scratch glass or mirrors or disturb edges of glazing compounds and sealants with scrapers. 3.2.3 Remove and replace glass and mirrors which are broken, chipped, cracked, abraded or damaged in other ways during construction period, including natural causes, accidents and vandalism. 08800- 4 END OF SECTION Section 08800 Glass and Glazing CN 95-04 3.2.4 Wash and polish glass on both faces and mirrors before date scheduled for inspections to establish date of substantial completion. Comply with glass product manufacturers recommendations for final leaning. 08800- 5 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 This Section includes interior gypsum wallboard, trim, accessories, acoustical and sealant materials and finishing. 1.2.2 Related work specified in other Sections: Rough Carpentry Section 06100 Insulation Section 07200 Sealants Section 07900 Painting Section 09900 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Standards. Gypsum Board GA -216 by Gypsum Association. 1.3.2 Handbook: Conform to United States Gypsum "Gypsum Construction Handbook" latest edition except where more stringent requirements are called for by the building code or other manufacturer standards. 1.3.3 Fire Resistance Rating. Where gypsum drywall systems with fire resistance ratings are indicated or are required to comply with goveming regulations, provide materials and installations identical with applicable assemblies which have been tested and listed by recognized authorities, including UL. 1.3 4 Manufacturer Obtain gypsum board products from a single manufacturer The following are acceptable: National Gypsum Company United States Gypsum Company 1.3.5 Installer Qualifications Installer must be a specialist in this type of work, employing experienced personnel, and be able to show similar installations in good condition after five years' service. 1.3 6 Allowable Tolerances. 1/8" offsets between planes of board faces and 1/4" in 8' -0 for plumb, warp and bow 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Product Data: Submit manufacturers product specifications and installation instructions for each gypsum drywall component and accessories, including other data as may be required to show compliance with these specifications. 1 4.2 Submit spatter texture samples to Architect for his review and approval. 1.5 PRODUCT HANDLING Section 09250 Gypsum Drywall CN 95-04 09250 -1 Wallboard shall not be delivered to the building in which the application will be made until windows are glazed and exterior doors are in place. The wallboard shall be delivered in unbroken packages and shall be neatly piled away from sweating walls or other damp surfaces. When material delivery schedules require delivery of wallboard before the building for which the wallboard intended is prepared, weathertight protection shall be provided for the temporary storage of the wallboard. 1.6 JOB CONDITIONS 1.6.1 Environmental Conditions: Comply with referenced standards. 1.6.2 Coordination: Coordinate with all Trades whose work is affected by or concealed by gypsum wallboard. 1.6.3 Verification: Before commencing work, check all areas to be covered and verify that other work has been completed. Starting work implies acceptance of conditions and the Contractor shall be responsible for all required corrections without additional cost to the Owner 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 GYPSUM BOARD MATERIALS 2.1 1 Interior Gypsum Board: Regular type with tapered long edges. 2.1.2 Edge Profile: Special rounded or beveled edge. 2.1.3 Thickness. As shown on drawings. 2.1 4 Sheet Size. Maximum length available with which will minimize end joints. 2.1.5 Fire Resistance: Type "X" as required by code, unless otherwise indicated. 2.1.6 Water Resistant Type. In locations as shown on plans. 2.2 TRIM MATERIALS 2.2.1 General Provide manufacturer's standard trim accessories of types indicated for drywall work, formed of galvanized steel unless otherwise indicated, with either knurled and perforated or expanded flanges for nailing or stapling, or special paper covered flanges (Beadex or equal) for tape -on application, and beaded for concealment of flanges in joint compound. Provide comer beads, L -type edge trim- beads, U -type edge trim beads, and one -piece control joint beads. 2.3 JOINT MATERIALS Section 09250 Gypsum Drywall CN 95-04 2.3.1 General: ASTM C 475, type recommended by the manufacturer for the application indicated, except as otherwise noted. 2.3.2 Joint Tape. Perforated type. 2.3.3 Interior Joint Compound Ready -mixed vinyl -type for interior use. Two separate grades one specifically for bedding tapes and filling depressions, and one for topping and sanding. 09250- 2 Section 09250 Gypsum Drywall CN 95-04 2.4 ACOUSTICAL MATERIALS 2.41 Sealants. 1 Concealed. Mastic type; non shrinking, non drying, non- migrating and non- staining. 2. Exposed. Latex, acrylic, or acrylic -latex type; permanently elastic and paintable. 2.4.2 Sound Attenuation Blankets. FS HH -I -521 Type I semi -rigid mineral fiber blanket without membrane, Class 25 flame- spread, thicknesses as indicated. 2.4.3 Resilient Channels. ASTM C 645, 25 gauge, hat shaped. Provide manufacturer's special type designed to reduce sound transmission. 2.5 TEXTURE FINISH MATERIALS 2.5.1 Primer As recommended by manufacturer of texture finish. 2.5.2 Finish. Non asbestos type complying with OSHA standards. Light orange peel" texture at all exposed gypsum drywall surfaces. 2.6 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS 2.6.1 General. Provide auxiliary materials for gypsum drywall work of the type and grade recommended by the manufacturer of the gypsum board. 2.6.2 Gypsum Board Fasteners. Comply with GA -216. 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL 3 1 1 Pre Installation Conference: Meet at the project site with the installers of related work and review the coordination and sequencing of work to ensure that everything to be concealed by gypsum drywall has been accomplished, and that chases, access panels, openings, supplementary framing and blocking and similar provisions have been completed. Review acoustical installation procedures and requirements. 3 1.2 General Installation Locate exposed end -butt joints as far from center of walls and ceilings as possible, and stagger not less than 1 -0" in aftemate courses on board. Install exposed gypsum board with face side out. Do not install imperfect damaged or damp boards. Butt boards together for a light contact at edges and ends with not more than 1/16" open space between boards. Do not force into place. Locate either edge or end joints over supports, except in horizontal applications or where intermediate supports or gypsum board back- blocking is provided behind end joints. Position boards so that both tapered edge joints abut, and field -cut end joints abutting. Do not place tapered edges against cut edges or ends. Stagger vertical joints over different studs on opposite sides of partitions. 09250- 3 Section 09250 Gypsum Drywall CN 95-04 Cover both faces of stud partition framing with gypsum board in concealed spaces (above ceilings, etc.) as required by Code, and where indicated. Except where concealed applications are required or indicated for sound, fire, air or smoke ratings, coverage above ceilings is not required. Space fasteners in gypsum boards in accordance with referenced standards and manufacturer's recommendations, except as otherwise indicated. MI penetrations of walls to be firestopped must be closed with an approved incombustible material as required by Code. 3.1.3 ACOUSTICAL INSTALLATION General: Install sound attenuation blankets as indicated, prior to gypsum board. Provide behind any built -in fixtures, equipment, electrical boxes and the like. Install between piping and framing to fill all voids. Acoustical insulation must fill entirely any plumbing occupied stud space. Insulation must be as continuous as possible and without voids. Where sound -rated drywall work is indicated (STC rating), including all assemblies with acoustical batts, double -layer work, and work on resilient furring, seal the work at perimeters, control and expansion joints, openings and penetrations with a continuous bead of acoustical sealant including a bead at both faces of partitions. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for location of beads, and close off sound- flanking paths around or through the work; at electrical boxes, piping, built -in fixtures, equipment, and the like. Space fasteners in gypsum boards in accordance with referenced standards and manufacturers recommendations, except as otherwise indicated. Acceptance Acoustical installation must be accepted by the Architect. notify when ready for inspection. 3.2 GYPSUM DRYWALL APPLICATION 3.2.1 Single Layer Application Ceilings: Apply gypsum board prior to walVpartition board application to the greatest extent possible, except at walls where gypsum drywall extends to structure above Partitions/Walls. Apply gypsum board horizontally (long edge) use maximum length sheets possible to minimize end joints. 3.2.2 Double -Layer Application Ceilings: Install gypsum backing board for base layer and exposed gypsum board for face layer unless otherwise shown or required by code to maintain fire rating requirements. Partitions/Walls. Apply base layer vertically (parallel) and face layers vertically (parallel) with joints of base layer over support and face layer joints offset at least one stud spacing with base layer joints. Fastening: Fasten both base layers and face layers separately to supports. 09250- 4 3.3 INSTALLATION OF DRYWALL TRIM ACCESSORIES 3.3.1 General. Where feasible, use the same fasteners to anchor trim accessory flanges as required to fasten gypsum board to the supports. Otherwise, fasten flanges by nailing, stapling, or taping in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Install metal comer beads at extemal comers of drywall work. Install metal edge trim whenever edge of gypsum board would otherwise be exposed or semi exposed. Install metal edge trim wherever gypsum board butts a dissimilar material. Provide type with face flange to receive joint compound. Install L -type trim where work is tightly abutted to other work. Install U -type trim where edge is exposed, revealed, gasketed, or sealant filled. 3 4 INSTALLATION OF DRYWALL FINISHING 3 4 1 General. Apply treatment at gypsum board joints, flanges of trim accessories, penetrations, fastener heads, surface defects and elsewhere as required to prepare work for decoration. Prefill open joints and rounded or beveled edges, using type of compound recommended by manufacturer Apply joint tape at joints between gypsum boards, except where a trim accessory is indicated. Apply joint compound in as many coats as are necessary to provide a smooth, level surface, suitable for application of finish texture. Sand smooth between coats. 3 4.2 Water resistant Gypsum Board Treat joints and fasteners to comply with directions of water resistant joint compound manufacturer Treat fastener heads and embed tape as indicated above using water resistant joint compound but finish with 2 coats of joint compound used for regular gypsum board work. 3 4.3 Partial Finishing Tape and apply compound only as necessary to meet code at concealed drywall work which requires finishing only to achieve fire resistance rating, sound rating or to act as air or smoke barrier 3.5 TEXTURE FINISH 3.5.1 Surface Preparation and Primer Prepare and prime drywall and other surfaces in strict accordance with texture finish manufacturer's instructions. Apply primer to all surfaces to receive texture finish. 3.5.2 Finish Application Mix and apply finish to drywall in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions to produce a uniform texture. Remove any texture droppings or overspray from door frames, windows and other adjoining work. 3.6 PROTECTION OF WORK Section 09250 Gypsum Drywall CN 95-04 3.6.1 Protect work of other trades while performing work of this section. Clean spackle from all finished surfaces, leaving work ready for finishes by others. As work is completed in each 09250- 5 space, clean all rubbish, utensils and surplus materials from the space, leaving floors broom clean. 3.6.2 Patch gypsum board surfaces damaged during construction. END OF SECTION Section 09250 Gypsum Drywall CN 95 -04 09250- 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.2 Related Work Sealants Section 07900 Gypsum Drywall Section 09250 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Standards 144 1.5 1.5.1 Section 09300 Ceramic Tile CN 95 -04 1.2.1 The work done under this heading includes the furnishing of all labor material, equipment and services required for the installation of all floor tile, and wall tile indicated on the Drawings. 1 Tile Manufacturing Standard. TCA 1371 Furnish tile complying with Standard Grade requirements unless indicated otherwise. 2. Proprietary Materials Handle, store mix and apply proprietary setting and grouting materials in compliance with manufacturer's instructions. 14 SUBMITTALS Provide materials obtained from one source for each type and color of tile, grout and setting materials. 3 Installation Standards Tile Council of America, 'Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation' and ANSI Standards. Also recommendations of American Enka Company at acoustical floor installations. 1.3.2 Installer Qualifications. Installer must be experienced in this type of work and employ qualified personnel. 1 41 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's technical information and installation instructions for materials required, except bulk materials. Include certifications and other data to show compliance with these specifications. 1 4.2 Samples Submit samples for each type and color of tile required labeled to indicate exact location and application. Include all trim shapes and grout samples. 14.3 Certification Fumish Master Grade Certificate for each type of tile signed by manufacturer and installer Provide maintenance instructions for all tile types. PRODUCT HANDLING Deliver packaged materials and store in original containers with seals unbroken and labels intact until time of use, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 09300 1 1.6 JOB CONDITIONS 1 6.1 Maintain environmental conditions and protect work during and after installation in accordance with referenced standards and manufacturer's instructions. 1 7 COORDINATION AND VERIFICATION 1 71 Coordinate with all other trades whose work affects, is concealed by or penetrates through the tile installation. 1 7.2 Verify layout of tile at the site and coordinate with the Architect/Interior Designer on the extent of the work, size and location of cut tiles, patterns, and the like 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 FLOOR TILE AND WALL TILE 2.11 Manufacturer• 1 Pratt and Larson Tile Portland, OR (503) 231 -9464 2. See room elevations, details and tile selections on sheet 1 -1 of drawings. 2.2 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS 2.2.1 Mortars Mix in proportions indicated in referenced TCA methods, and comply with applicable ANSI standards. 2.2.2 Grout Epoxy grout. Colors as chosen by Architect from manufacturer's standards. 2.2.3 Epoxy Mortar Conform to ANSI A118.3. Section 09300 Ceramic Tile CN 95 -04 2.2.4 Fiberglass Reinforced Concrete Board 7/16" -thick concrete construction panel reinforced with glass fibers, pre -cured and manufactured for ceramic tile underlayment. Modular Inc. 'Wonderboard" or equal. Use with Wonderboard' or equal construction adhesive. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION STANDARDS 31 1 ANSI Standards. Comply with applicable requirements of the following, except as otherwise indicated. 1 ANSI A108.6 Tile installed with epoxy mortar and grout. 3 1.2 Manufacturer's Installation Standards Comply with manufacturer's instructions for mixing and installation of proprietary materials. 3.2 INSTALLATION GENERAL 3.2.1 Standards Installation shall be in strict accordance with referenced standards of ANSI and Tile Council of America, Inc. handbook, latest edition 09300 2 Section 09300 Ceramic Tile CN 95 -04 3.2.2 Preparation Installer must examine area and conditions under which ceramic tile is to be installed and must notify Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of work. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Installer 3.2.3 Jointing Surfaces shall be clean, free from grease dirt, dust, organic impurities or other deleterious materials such as curing compounds. Gypsum board walls shall be sealed with latex liquid using care to assure penetration into all cut edges and ends of boards. Substrates to receive thinset tile shall be checked for tolerance. Where tolerance exceeds 1 /8 -inch in 10 feet, high spots shall be removed and low areas shall be filled with latex underlayment. Tile shall not be installed until surfaces are in condition to produce installation within the specified surface tolerances. 1 Pattern Layout tile work and center tile fields in both directions on any surface unless shown otherwise. See elevations and details on Sheet 1 -1 Provide uniform joint widths, unless otherwise shown. 2. Sealants. Install sealant at field edges adjacent to dissimilar materials. Installation per Section 07900 Color as selected by Interior Designer 3.2.4 Coverage Extend tile work into recesses and under or behind equipment and fixtures, to form a complete covering without interruptions, except as otherwise shown. Terminate work neatly at obstructions, edges and comers without disrupting pattern or joint alignments. Accurately form intersections and retums. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without marring visible surfaces. Carefully grind cut edges of tile abutting trim, finish or built -in items for straight aligned joints. Fit tile closely to electrical outlets, piping, fixtures and other penetrations so that plates, collars, or covers overlap tile. 3.3 INSTALLATION METHODS 3.3 1 Portland Cement Mortar Bed Installations for Floors At Contractor's option ceramic tile set on plastic mortar bed per ANSI A108 1 or ceramic tile set on cured mortar bed per ANSI A108.5. 3.3.2 Thinset Installation 1 TCA Method F131 -95. Apply epoxy mortar bond coat, set tile grout. 3 4 CLEANING AND PROTECTION 3 4 1 Cleaning Upon completion of placement and grouting, clean all ceramic tile surfaces so that they are free of foreign matter Unglazed tile may be cleaned with acid solutions only when permitted by tile and grout manufacturer's printed instructions, but not sooner than 14 days after installation. Protect other surfaces from effects of acid cleaning. Flush surface with clean water before and after cleaning 3 4.2 Finished Tile Work. Leave finished installation clean and free of cracked, chipped, broken unbonded, or otherwise defective tile work. 09300 3 END OF SECTION Section 09300 Ceramic Tile CN 95 -04 3 4.3 Protection When recommended by tile manufacturer apply a protective coat of neutral protective cleaner to completed tile walls and floors. Protect installed tile work with Kraft paper or other heavy covering during construction period to prevent damage and wear Prohibit foot and wheel traffic from using tiled floors for at least 3 days after grouting is completed Areas subject to foot traffic and/orr rolling truck dollies or other equipment shall be further protected in addition to the above specified paper with continuous wood boards or plywood. Before final inspection, remove protective coverings and rinse neutral cleaner from tile surfaces. 09300 4 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Scope of Work. Work of this Section includes all labor materials, equipment and supervision necessary for and incidental to providing and installing acoustical ceilings as shown on Drawings and/or described herein. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.31 Installer Qualifications. Firm with not less than three years of successful experience in installation of acoustical ceilings similar to requirements for this project and which is acceptable to manufacturer of acoustical units, as shown by current written statement from manufacturer 1.3.2 Fire Performance Characteristics. Provide acoustical ceiling components that are identical to those tested for the following fire performance characteristics, according to ASTM test method indicated, by UL or other testing and inspecting agency 1 Surface Buming Characteristics As follows, tested per ASTM E 84 14 SUBMITTALS Flame Spread: 25 or less. Smoke Developed 50 or less. Section 09510 Suspended Acoustical Ceilings CN 95-04 1.3.3 Coordination of Work. Coordinate layout and installation of acoustical ceiling units and suspension system components with other work supported by or penetrating through, ceilings, including light fixtures, HVAC equipment, fire- suppression system components (if any) and partition system (if any) 1 41 Product Data. Manufacturer's product specifications and installation instructions for each acoustical ceiling material required, and for each suspension system, including certified laboratory test reports and other data as required to show compliance with these specifications. 1 4.2 Samples Set of 12 "x12' square samples for each acoustical unit required, showing full range of exposed color and texture to be expected in completed work. 1.5 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Deliver acoustical ceiling units to project site in original, unopened packages and store them in fully enclosed space where they will be protected against damage from moisture, direct sunlight, surface contamination or other causes. 1.5.2 Before installing acoustical ceiling units, permit them to reach room temperature and a stabilized moisture content. 1.5.3 Handle acoustical ceiling units carefully to avoid chipping edges or damaging units in any way 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS 09510- 1 1.6.1 Space Enclosure: Do not install interior acoustical ceilings until space enclosed and weatherproof, wet -work in space completed and nominally dry work above ceilings is complete and ambient conditions of temperature and humidity will be continuously maintained at values near those indicated for final occupancy 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 ACOUSTICAL CEILING UNITS GENERAL 2.1 1 Standard for Acoustical Ceiling Units. Provide manufacturer's standard units of configuration indicated which are prepared for mounting method designated and which comply with FS SS -S -118 requirements, including those indicated by reference to type, form, pattern, grade (NRC or NIC as applicable) Tight reflectance coefficient (LR) edge detail, and joint detail (if any) Mounting Method for Measuring NRC No 7 (mechanically mounted on special metal support) FS SS -S -118; or Type E-400 mounting as per ASTM C 795. 2.2 ACOUSTICAL PANELS 2.2.1 24'x48 "x5 /8' square edge lay -in ceiling tile "Armstrong" Vinyl faced fiberglass ceiling panels. Pattern Random fissured, non perforated. Flame Spread: 25 or Tess. 2.3 METAL SUSPENSION SYSTEMS, GENERAL Section 09510 Suspended Acoustical Ceilings CN 95-04 2.3 1 Standard for metal Suspension Systems. Provide metal suspension systems of type, structural classification and finish indicated which comply with applicable ASTM C 635 requirements. 2.3.2 Finishes and Colors Provide manufacturer's standard finish .for type of system indicated, unless otherwise required. For exposed suspension members and accessories with painted finish provide color indicated or if not otherwise indicated, as selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range of standard colors. Color to be white. 2.3.3 Attachment Devices: Size for 5 times design load indicated in ASTM C 635 Table 1 Direct Hung. 2.3 4 Hangar Wire Galvanized carbon steel wire, ASTM A 641 soft tamper prestretched, Class 1 coating sized so that stress at 3 -times hanger design load (ASTM C 635, Table 1 Direct Hung) will be less than yield stress of wire, but provide not less than 12 gage 2.3.5 Edge Moldings and Trim. Metal or extruded plastic of types and profiles indicated or if not indicated, provide manufacturer's standard molding for edges and penetrations of ceiling which fits with type of edge detail and suspension system indicated. 2.4 EXPOSED METAL DIRECT HUNG SUSPENSION SYSTEMS 2.4 1 Non -Fire -Rated Double Web Steel Suspension System. 1 Structural Classification. Intermediate -Duty System, exposed "r 2. Finish Painted White. 3 EXECUTION 31 PREPARATION 09510- 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 Coordination. Furnish layouts for inserts, clips, or other supports required to be installed by other trades for support of acoustical ceilings. 3 1.2 Measurement and Layout: Measure each ceiling area and establish layout of acoustical units to balance border widths at opposite edges of each ceiling. Avoid use of less- than -half width units at borders, and comply with reflected ceiling plans wherever possible. 3.2 INSTALLATION 3.2.2 Installation Section 09510 Suspended Acoustical Ceilings CN 95-04 3.2.1 General. Install materials in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions, and to comply with goveming regulations, fire resistance rating requirements as indicated, and industry standards applicable to work. 1 Hangers. Install suspension systems to comply with ASTM C 636, with hangers supported only from building structural members. Locate hangers not less than 6" from each end and spaced 4' -0" along each carrying channel or direct -hung runner unless otherwise indicated, leveling to tolerance of 1/8" in 12' -0' Secure wire hangers by looping and wire typing, either directly to structures or to inserts, eye- screws, or other devices which are secure and appropriate for substrate, and which will not deteriorate or fail with age or elevated temperatures. Install hangers plumb and free from contact with insulation or other objects within ceiling plenum which are not part of supporting structural or ceiling suspension system. Splay hangers only where required to miss obstructions and offset resulting horizontal force by bracing, countersplaying or other equally effective means. 2. Edge Moldings. Install edge moldings of type indicated at perimeter of acoustical ceiling area and at locations where necessary to conceal edges of acoustical units. Screw -attach moldings to substrate at intervals not over 16" o.c. and not more than 3' from ends leveling with ceiling suspension system to tolerance of 1/8" in 12' -0" Miter comers accurately and connect securely 3 Acoustical Tile Install acoustical tile in coordination with suspension system. Place splines or flanges of suspension system into kerfed edges so that every tile -to -tile joint is closed by double lap of material. Fit adjoining tile to form flush, tight joints. Scribe and cut for accurate fit at borders and around penetrating work. At borders rout edge of tiles to match other 3 edges before placement. Hold tile field in compression by inserting leaf -type spring steel spacers between tile and moldings, spaced at 12' o.c. 4 Light Fixtures, Provide hanger wires at all 4 comers of fixtures. 3.3 ADJUST AND CLEAN 3.3 1 Clean exposed surfaces of acoustical ceilings, including trim, edge moldings, and suspension members comply with manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and touch -up of minor finish damage. Remove and replace work which cannot be successfully cleaned and repaired to permanently eliminate evidence of damage. 09510- 3 3 4 EXTRA STOCK Section 09510 Suspended Acoustical Ceilings CN 95 -04 3 4 1 Deliver stock of maintenance material to Owner Furnish maintenance material matching products installed, packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with appropriate labels. 1 Acoustical Ceiling units. Furnish quantity of full size units equal to 2.0% of amount installed END OF SECTION 09510- 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Furnish and install all resilient flooring and base 1.2.2 Related Work Cast -In -Place Concrete Section 03300 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3 1 Manufacturer Provide each type of resilient flooring or base from a single manufacturer including recommended primers, adhesives, and sealants. 1.3.2 Installer Qualifications. Installer must be specialist in this type of work, employing experienced personnel, and be able to show similar installations in good condition after five years' service 1.3.3 Standards. Resilient Floor Covering Institute. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 4 1 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's technical data and installation instructions for each type of resilient flooring and base 1 4.2 Samples Submit one set of samples of each type color and finish of resilient flooring and base required, indicating full range of color and pattem variation. 1.5 JOB CONDITIONS Armstrong Pattem and color as selected (See Sheet 1 -2.) Section 09650 Resilient Sheet Flooring CN 95 -04 1.51 Maintain temperature in space to receive resilient flooring or base between 70 degrees F and 90 degrees F for not Tess than forty -eight (48) hours before, during and forty -eight (48) hours after installation. Maintain minimum temperature of 55 degrees F after curing period Ventilate space during application of adhesive 1.5.2 Moisture content of concrete slabs and gypsum underlayment, and environmental conditions must be within limits recommended by manufacturer of products being installed 1.6 DELIVERY AND STORAGE 1.6.1 Deliver materials in original unopened rolls with labels indicating brand names and quality Store and protect materials in accordance with manufacturer's directions and recommendations. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 VINYL FLOOR COVERING 2.1 1 Type I Armstrong. Pattern and color as selected. (See Sheet 1 -2.) 2.1.2 Type II 09650 1 Section 09650 Resilient Sheet Flooring CN 95 -04 2.1.3 Type III Forbo North America, Traction Floor Provide 6 -inch self coved base with metal cap in all rooms this flooring is used. Heat weld all joints in flooring and base. (See Sheet 1 -2 for finish and color 2.2 VINYL TILE 2.2.1 Armstrong 12 "x12" tiles, 3/32 -inch thick, pattern and color as selected. (See Sheet 1 -2.) 2.3 RUBBER BASE 2.3.1 Tarkett 'Expressions. Height 4 inches or 6 inches. Profile: Coved topset, for resilient flooring areas and straight toeless carpet base for carpet flooring areas. Roll form 1/8 -inch in thickness, Color As selected by Architect from standard palette 2.4 ADHESIVES FILLERS AND PRIMERS 2.41 Best grade as manufactured or recommended, by flooring and base manufacturers for each specific use. At gypsum underlayment, coordinate with gypsum underlayment manufacturer's recommendations. Waterproof type 2.5 REDUCERS 2.5.1 Vinyl of thickness to match abutting floor covering 1 -inch wide with tapered edge. 3 EXECUTION 31 GENERAL 31 1 Install flooring and base in accordance with manufacturer's specifications, and standards referenced herein. At locations where flooring is to be installed over poured gypsum floor underlayment, also follow recommendations of underlayment manufacturer 3.2 INSPECTION 3.2.1 Installer must examine areas and conditions under which resilient flooring and base is to be installed and must notify Contractor in writing o f conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of work. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected 3.3 PREPARATION 3.3.1 Clean surfaces to be covered, and inspect subfloor Start of installation indicates acceptance of conditions and full responsibility for completed work. 3.3.2 Use leveling compound as recommended by flooring manufacturer for filling small cracks and depressions in subfloors. 3.3.3 Perform bond and moisture tests on concrete slabs and gypsum floor underlayment to determine that surfaces are sufficiently cured, dried and ready to receive flooring. 3.3.4 Apply primer to concrete slabs and gypsum floor underlayment, if recommended by flooring manufacturer prior to application of adhesive Apply in compliance with manufacturer's direction 09650 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 INSTALLATION 3 41 Flooring. Install flooring using method indicated in strict compliance with manufacturer's recommendations. Extend flooring into toe spaces, door reveals, and into closets and similar openings. 3 4.2 Maintain reference markers, holes, or openings that are in place or plainly marked for future cutting by repeating on finish flooring as marked on subfloor Use chalk or other non permanent marking device. 3 4.3 Tightly cement flooring to subbase without open cracks, voids, raising and puckering at joints, telegraphing of adhesive spreader marks, or other surface imperfections. Hand roll flooring at perimeter of each covered area to assure adhesion. 3 4 4 Lay sheet flooring without seams, except that in rooms with both dimensions larger than 6' -0' lay flooring with as few seams as possible, placed as inconspicuously as possible. Match edges for color shading and pattern at seams in compliance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3 4.5 At carpet or ceramic tile installations, leave vinyl flooring edge centered under door for reducers installed by others. Provide reducers where vinyl floor covering terminates at concrete. 3 4 6 Rubber Base Minimize number of joints. Match edges at seams and double cut adjoining lengths. Tight butt joints, 1/64' tolerance. Ensure that upper edges are fully adhered. Press down so that bottom cove edge follows floor profile. Form external corners by coping and bending sufficient length around comer for anchorage. Form intemai corners by mitering. Scribe base accurately to abutting materials. Rubber base in toilet rooms shall be set in caulk at the base. 3.5 CLEANING AND PROTECTION Section 09650 Resilient Sheet Flooring CN 95 -04 3.5.1 Remove any excess adhesive or other surface blemishes, using neutral type cleaners as recommended by flooring manufacturer Protect installed flooring with heavy Kraft paper or other covering. After completion of project and just prior to final inspection of work, thoroughly clean all flooring per manufacturer's specifications and leave in like -new condition. 3.6 REPLACEMENT STOCK 3 6 1 After completion of work, deliver to project site replacement materials from same manufactured lot as materials installed, and as follows 1 Tile flooring Not less than one box for each 50 boxes or fraction thereof, for each type, size, and color installed 2. Sheet flooring Not less than 5 linear yards for each type, pattern, and color installed END OF SECTION 09650 3 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Rough Carpentry Section 06100 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE FRPT Rating 0.22 watts /sq. cm. Section 09680 Carpeting CN 95 -04 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2.1 Extent of each type of carpeting is indicated on the drawings, finish schedule and by specifications, and is defined to include carpet, and accessories. 1.2.2 RELATED WORK 1.3.1 Provide carpets complying with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Developments USE OF MATERIALS BULLETIN NO 44d, current edition and as herein specified. 1.3.2 Marking: All carpet to be imprinted on backside with a certification certifying compliance with applicable requirements of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Developments USE OF MATERIALS BULLETIN NO 44d, current edition. 1.3.3 Installer Qualifications. Firm with not less than 5 years of experience in installation of commercial carpeting of type quantity and installation methods similar to work of this section. 1.3 4 Manufacturer Qualifications. Mill with not Tess than 5 years of production experience with carpet similar to types specified in this section; and whose published product literature clearly indicates general compliance of products with requirements of this section. 1.3.5 General Terminology /Standard. Refer to current edition of 'Carpet Specifiers Handbook" by The Carpet and Rug Institute for definitions of terminology not otherwise defined herein, and for general recommendations which can be reasonably applied to types of carpeting work required 1.3 6 Flame /Smoke Resistance Standards Where ratings are indicated for carpet or for carpet- plus -pad installations, provide materials complying with ratings as indicated for the following test standards 1 Floor Radiant Panel Test: Test for burning under varying radiant energy levels ASTM E 648, with minimum average radiant flux ratings not less than the following 2. Smoke Density Test Test in radiant heat chamber with and without flame for density of smoke generated; ASTM E 662, or NFPA No. 258, also known as NBS Smoke Density Chamber Test. Smoke density not to exceed 450 1.3.7 Fade Resistance. Where a fade resistance factor is indicated for carpet or carpet materials provide materials which have been tested by AATCC Test Method 16E, for a maximum grey scale factor of 4 when tested for a period of 40 hours except as otherwise indicated. 1.3.8 Static Resistance. Provide yarn or yarn blend as indicated in carpet construction, and include provisions to comply with static resistance ratings as indicated, either by selection of yams 09680 1 known to be effective or by inclusion of small percentages of special anti- static yam known to be effective in achieving indicated static resistance Where rating is not otherwise indicated, provide 3.5 KV resistance for 20% R.H at 70 deg F (21 deg C) AATCC 134 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's complete technical product data for each type of carpet, cushion and accessory item required. 1 4.2 Samples Submit 18 "x24' samples of each color and type of carpet required. 1 4.3 Certification Submit manufacturer's certification stating that carpet materials fumished comply with specific requirements. Include manufacturer's certification that carpet complies with 'Use of Materials Bulletin UM -44d' published by U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is currently listed in HUD "Certified Products Directory' and is so identified by imprints on back of carpet. 1 4 4 Maintenance Data. Submit manufacturer's printed maintenance recommendations, including methods and frequency recommended for maintaining carpet in optimum conditions under anticipated traffic and use conditions. 1.5 EXTRA STOCK 1.5.1 Overrun Where carpet is supplied from custom run at mill, produce and deliver to project at least 2% overrun on calculated yardage. Provide required overrun exclusive of carpet needed for proper installation, waste and usable scraps 1.6 PRODUCT DELIVERY AND STORAGE 17 WARRANTY 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 CARPET 2.1 1 Carpet Fiber Used in Yarn Section 09680 Carpeting CN 95 -04 1.6.1 Deliver carpeting materials in original mill protective wrapping, with mill register numbers and tags attached. Store inside, in well ventilated area, protected from weather moisture and soiling 1 7 1 Provide special project warranty signed by Contractor Installer and Manufacturer (Carpet Mill) agreeing to repair or replace defective materials and workmanship of carpeting work during 2 -year warranty period following substantial completion. Attach copies of product warranties. 1 General Carpet to meet requirements for Type II facilities, Class 1 and Class 2 traffic levels, level loop, as defined in HUD UM44d. Fiber (filament) or fiber blend as follows 2. Hollow Soil- Hiding Nylon Manufacturer's standard deluste'red nylon fiber of standard denier with multiple hollow cores, bulked continuous filament (BCF) unless indicated as 'staple' 3 Multilobal Soil- Hiding Nylon* Manufacturer's standard nylon fiber of standard denier of multilobal cross section (not round or oval) bulked continuous filament (BCF) unless indicated as 'staple' 09680 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Section 09680 Carpeting CN 95 -04 4 Round Nylon Manufacturer's standard delustered round cross section nylon fiber of standard denier bulked continuous filament (BCF) unless indicated as 'staple' 5. Polypropylene (Olefin) Manufacturer's standard polypropylene indoor carpet fiber of approximately 15 denier bulked continuous filament (BCF) unless indicated as 'staple' 2.1.2 Carpet Color Pattern, Texture 1 General Match manufacturer's stock carpet(s) as designated for control/selection of color pattern and texture. 2. Color As selected by architect. One color will be selected for each carpet type. 3 Fade Resistance Laboratory tested or certified by manufacturer to be 4 for 40 hrs. AATCC 16E by American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists. 4 Dying Method Where synthetic fiber is indicated for carpet face yam, provide solution, skein or stock dyed material, as recommended by Mill to comply with requirements including appearance and best possible appearance retention. 2.1.3 Carpet Construction. 1 General. Fabricate carpet using manufacturer's standard process. 2. Carpet types (See Finish Schedule) Carpet A. Class 2; 28 oz. per sq. yd. for use in public areas. 3 Primary Backing Except as otherwise indicated, provide woven construction or sheet goods, of natural or synthetic fibers or non -woven sheets, as applicable to carpet construction indicated, and appropriate for service and exposures indicated. 4 Back Coating Liquid latex or polyurethane coating or manufacturer's similar equivalent coating as required for carpet stability and tuft bind as indicated. Unless otherwise indicated, provide tuft bind of not less than 8 lbs for looped pile ASTM D 1335. 5 Secondary Backing Provide 6.0 oz. per sq yd. woven jute carpet backing, or provide 3.5 oz. per sq. woven synthetic fiber carpet backing. Laminate to primary backing with latex or similar adhesive recommended by manufacturer• provide a bond strength of 2 lbs. per in. Fed. Test Method Standard No 191 6 Available Manufacturers Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering carpet which may be incorporated in the work include the following: (See Sheet 1 -2 for design group and color J &J Industries Mannington Designweave 2.2 CARPET ACCESSORIES 2.2.1 Sub -floor filler Tupe as recommended by carpet manufacturer 2.2.2 Carpet Reducer Strip See Section 09650 Resiliant Sheet Flooring. 09680 3 2.2.3 Installation Adhesive. Water resistant, non- staining type as recommended by carpet manufacturer and which complies with flammability requirements for installed carpet. 2.2.4 Seaming Cement. Hot -melt seaming adhesive or similar product recommended by carpet manufacturer for taping seams and buttering cut edges at backing to form secure seams and prevent pile loss at seams. 2.2.5 Miscellaneous Materials. As recommended by manufacturers of carpet, cushions and other carpeting products, and selected by Installer to meet project circumstance and requirements. 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PRE INSTALLATION 3 1 1 General: Before starting any work, installer shall inspect all surfaces to be carpeted. Installer shall notify Contractor in writing of any surfaces unsuitable to receive carpet. Beginning of work, or absence of written notification, shall be construed as acceptance of surfaces by Carpet Contractor After acceptance it shall be the responsibility of Carpet Contractor to correct any defects whatsoever affecting the work. Clear away debris and scrape up cementitious deposits from surfaces to receive carpeting vacuum clean immediately before installation Check that concrete surfaces are dry to a maximum moisture of 7 percent and that they exhibit negative alkalinity carbonization or dusting. Sequence carpeting with other work so as to minimize possibility of damage and soiling of carpet during remainder of construction period 3 1.2 Temperature Room temperature must be a 70 degrees three (3) days before installation and floor temperature must be at minimum of 60 degrees (3) days before installation. It shall be this Contractor's responsibility to arrange for the proper temperature 3.2 PREPARATION 3.2.2 Apply trowel, and float filler to leave smooth, flat, hard surface 3.2.3 Prohibit traffic until filler is cured. 3.2.4 Vacuum floor surface 3.3 INSTALLATION Section 09680 Carpeting CN 95-04 3.2.1 Remove sub -floor ridges and bumps. Fill low spots, cracks, joints, holes, and other defects with sub -floor filler 3.3.1 General. Comply with manufacturer's recommended procedures for installation and as indicated on reviewed shop drawings. Unsatisfactory installation resulting from work performed not in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations shall be the responsibility of the Carpet Contractor and may result in removal and relaying of carpet at the expense of the Contractor or Installer Particular attention must be paid to recommendations for application of floor cement adhesives, seam cement and cross joining Cut edges shall be trued and appropriately treated to form invisible and non raveling seams where exposed. All carpet shall be installed tight in length and width with no shading at seams. Where carpet meets raised or other hard surfaces, special care shall be required to make flush finished surface between two surfaces. All seams shall be perfectly flat and virtually invisible. Trim all real and false selvages for typical joints and seams Treat seams in accord with 09680 4 Section 09680 Carpeting CN 95-04 manufacturer's seaming techniques. Make all cuts face up and between loops so that a row of partially cut pile does not occur on any joint. Installed carpets shall be free of spots, dirt or soil, and shall be without tears, frayed or pulled loops. Extend carpet under open bottomed obstructions and under removable flanges and fumishings, and into alcoves and closets of each space. Provide accurate cut -outs where required, and bind cut edges properly where not concealed by protective edge guards or overlapping flanges. 3.3.2 Edges. Install carpet reducer strips at resilient flooring 3.3.3 Layout. Carpet shall be laid in largest practical widths to cover areas with minimum number of seams Cross and end seams shall be kept to an absolute minimum. No cross seams will be allowed perpendicular or diagonal to doorways or other high- traffic pivot points. Seams occurring at doors, parallel to doors, shall be centered directly under door fills allowed in doorways. All carpeting shall run in same direction throughout the project. Changes in dye Tots for common oven carpet (if necessary) shall only occur from floor to floor 3.3 4 Stairway Carpeting. Install at risers, treads and landings by secure method, recognized to be durable and safe for traffic. Conceal edges and avoid making seams in areas of high wear match adjoining carpet installation in every way possible. 3 4 CLEANING 3 4 1 The Contractor shall at all times keep the premises free from tracked -in dirt and accumulation of waste material or rubbish caused by carpet employees or work. Upon completion of the work, remove all tools surplus materials, and rubbish from and about the building and leave the premises clean. Vacuum clean all areas of the work in this contract. Any soiled spots or adhesive on the carpet shall be removed with the proper spot remover All loose pieces of face yarn must be removed with sharp scissors. All rubbish to be removed entirely from site; no burning on site permitted 3.5 PROTECTION 3.5.1 Protect all other construction and finish work, leave clean, free of defects and damage. END OF SECTION 09680 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Extent of painting work is shown on drawings and schedules, and herein specified. 1.2.2 The work includes paint and finishing of all interior and exterior exposed items and surfaces throughout project except as otherwise indicated. 1.2.3 Paint exposed surfaces whether or not colors are designated in "schedules', except where natural finish of material is specifically noted as a surface not to be painted. Where items or surfaces are not specifically mentioned, paint same as adjacent similar materials or areas. if color or finish is not designated, Architect will select these from standard colors available for materials systems specified. 1.3 RELATED WORK 1.3.1 Shop Primers and Finish Coats Review various sections of these specifications. Traffic Marking and Stiping Section 09910 1 4 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1 41 Subcontractor Qualifications. Must be experienced in this type of work, employing qualified personnel. 1 4.2 Applicable Standard Conform to Painting and Decorating Contractors of America and Northwest Drywall Association, Architectural Specifications manual (PDCA). 1.5 SUBMITTALS 1.5.1 Manufacturer's Literature The Contractor shall submit complete lists of all materials which he proposed to use in the work. Such lists shall be complete for each different finish system on each different type of surface. Submittal shall include description of material composition and manufacturers recommended use. It shall also include a description of application for each material and recommended related materials for each system of application. Provide adequate information to verify quality of materials proposed for use. Samples. Submit samples of each type of paint finish and color on 4 "x10" matboard. Label samples with project name, paint type, manufacturer number and code number from Architect's schedule. Resubmit samples as required until accepted. 1.6 MATERIALS AND AREAS NOT FINISHED Section 09900 Painting CN 95-04 1.6.1 Material Not Finished The following receive no finish under this section, except as noted. 1 Aluminum, brass, bronze, copper chrome plated metals, stainless steel, reinforcing steel, factory finished metal. 2. Plastic laminate surfacing and glass. 09900 1 3 Resilient base and flooring. Carpeting. 4 All concrete and masonry 1.6.2 Items and Areas Not Finished Under this Section section 09900 Painting CN 95-04 1 Materials and items having a complete factory finish unless noted otherwise; windows, prefinished millwork; pre painted louvers; aluminum storefronts; pre painted fleshings and sheet metal. 2. All interior plumbing, gas and fire protection piping, electrical conduit, ductwork, and supports for same, whether exposed or concealed, except as noted otherwise. 1 7 PRODUCT HANDLING AND STORAGE 1 71 Protection: Use all means necessary to protect the materials of this section before, during, and after installation and to protect the work and materials of all other trades. 1 7.2 Delivery of Materials. Deliver paint materials to the jobsite in sealed, original, labeled containers, each bearing manufacturer's name, type of paint, brand name, color designation, and instructions for mixing and/or reducing. 1 7.3 Storage of Materials: Adequate storage facilities are to be made available at the jobsite. Store paint materials at a minimum ambient temperature of 45 degrees F in a designated area that is well ventilated and heated. 1 7 4 Fire Hazard and Safety Take all necessary precautionary measures to prevent fire hazards and spontaneous combustion and conform to the requirements of applicable regulatory agencies. 1.8 MAINTENANCE 1.8.1 Leave one gallon of unopened paint of each type and color paint for maintenance purposes. Label for positive identification, store where directed. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL 2.1 1 Quality and Consistency All materials shall be highest quality of their respective kinds. Use exterior types for exterior work. Material systems shall be completely by one manufacturer for a specific surface, including primers, sealers, undercoats and all subsequent coats. 2.1.2 Manufacturers and Equal Products: Approved manufacturers and products equivalent to those specified shall be per Section 7 of the Architectural Specification Manual published by Specification Services, Painting and Decorating Contractors of America and Northwest Drywall Association. Manufacturers and products not appearing in this manual may be rejected as not meeting quality standards required herein. 2.1.3 Materials Not Specifically Noted: materials not specifically noted in the "Architectural Specification Manual" latest edition, and required for the work such as linseed oil, shellac, thinners or other materials required for the work, shall be of quality not less than required by applicable published Federal or State Specification Standards, and as manufactured by approved firms. 2.2 COLORS 09900 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.2.1 Finish Color Quality Paint finishes of even, uniform color and sheen, free from cloudy or mottled surfaces, will be required for finish surfaces. It is the Contractors responsibility to get uniform color true to approved samples in custom mixes. Surfaces shall be subject to rejection and repainting if color or sheen is not uniform or does not match approved samples. Number of coats specified are minimum and all colors must "cover" completely If a color does not cover subsurface, additional coats will be required. 2.2.2 Review of Paint Colors: Before painting, Contractor shall review location of colors with Architect. Architect reserves the right to make minor changes in extent of color areas and to change color of miscellaneous items. Contractor shall make all such changes as directed. 2.3 COATS AND MILLAGES 2.3.1 Coats. Number specified is minimum. Apply additional coats as required or directed to get even coverage of all surfaces. Where prime coats have been shop applied, additional prime coats are not required. Tint all coats as directed or required for identification. Millage. Thicknesses specified are dry film thickness (DFT) and are minimum acceptable. 2.4 MATERIALS AND FINISHES SCHEDULE Wood: M D 0 Plywood, wood trim and soffits. 2.4.2 System 3 Interior Stained Wood 1 Prime Coat Penetrating Stain 2. Second Coat: Satin Urethane Vamish 3 Third Coat: Satin Urethane Vamish 4 Location: Interior wood doors, railings and miscellaneous trim. 2.4.3 System 4 Interior Painted Wood. Semi -Gloss Alkyd Enamel (DFT 5.0 mils) 1 Prime Coat: Alkyd or latex primer 2. Second Coat: Enamel undercoat (tinted). Section 09900 Painting CN 95-04 2.41 System 1 Exterior Metals, Exterior Painted Wood, Interior Metals. Semi -Gloss Alkyd Enamel (DFT 5.0 mils). 1 Prime Coat: Zinc dust/zinc oxide metal primer on glavanized metals, rust inhibiting structural ferrous primer on non- galvanized metals, (Field primer coat not required where shop primed). Exterior alkyd primer on wood. 2. Second Coat: Exterior alkyd enamel, gloss. 3. Third Coat: Exterior alkyd enamel, 40% to 60% gloss range. 4 Location: Including but not limited to the following Metal: All exposed exterior and interior ferrous metals, galvanized and non- galvanized unless not to be finished. Included are metal doors and frames, residential electric panel covers, metal fabrications, HVAC rooftop units, frames and hoods, exterior chimney flues and caps, miscellaneous fasteners. 09900 3 3 Third Coat: Alkyd semi -gloss enamel. 4 Location: Interior wood doorframes, and casings. 2.4 4 System 5. Interior Gypsum Board. Latex Finish, Eggshell and Semi Gloss. 1 Prime Coat: Interior latex primer sealer 2. Second Coat: Interior acrylic latex enamel, eggshell for neutral colors, semi -gloss for accent colors. 3 Location: See Finish Schedule in drawings. 3 EXECUTION 3.1 WORKING CONDITIONS Section 09900 Painting CN 95-04 31 1 Weather Conditions. Do no exterior work on unprotected surfaces if it is raining or expected before applied paints can attain proper cure without damage thereto. Allow surfaces wet by rain or other moisture source to dry before proceeding with work, or continuation of previously started work. 31.2 Temperature: Except as noted hereinafter do no painting work when temperatures on the surface or in the air are below 40 degrees F for interior work and 50 degrees F for exterior work. 3 1.3 Lighting: Do not proceed with work without adequate lighting. 3 1 4 Ventilation Provide adequate continuous ventilation as required for the various specified materials used in the spaces scheduled, but in no case for a time less than that recommended by the paint manufacturer 3.2 PROTECTION 3.2.1 Provide dropcloths, barricades or other forms of protection necessary to safeguard work of other trades and as required to keep painting work free from damage. Post signs immediately following application of paint. Materials and surfaces not to be finished shall be left completely free of paint droppings. 3.2.2 Remove or protect all factory finished items or items and surfaces not to be finished. Remove or protect hardware, hardware accessories, plates, lighting fixtures and similar items placed prior to painting. Reposition items or remove protection upon completion of each space. Equipment adjacent to walls shall be disconnected by workmen skilled in these trades and moved to permit painting of wall surfaces; replace and connect after completion of painting. All items not removed shall be protected by covers securely taped in place. All covers and tape shall be removed after painting. 3.3 PREPARATION OF SURFACES 3.3.1 General: All surfaces shall be prepared per the PDCA Specification. Ease all sharp or rough comers, fill voids before proceeding. All surfaces clean, dry smooth and free from foreign substances. Application of first coat constitutes acceptance of surfaces. 3.3.2 Caulking and Filling: At painted areas, joints, cracks and holes shall be filled before finish painting. At stained wood surfaces, joints, cracks and holes shall be filled to match final finish, usually after stain has been applied. 09900 4 1 1 1 3.3.4 Shop Coated Metalwork: Thoroughly clean off all oil, grease, dirt and foreign matter Field connections, welds, soldered joints and burned and abraded portions shall be spot primed. 3.3.5 Galvanized Iron and Steel Clean with solvent or use commercial pre treatment solution as 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Section 09900 Painting CN 95-04 3.3.3 Uncoated Ferrous Metalwork: Clean uncoated metal surface. Completely remove rust, mill scale, welding scale, oil, grease and foreign matter required by manufacturer's instructions. 3.3.6 New Wood: Wipe clean, use cleaning agents as necessary to remove any foreign matter 3.3.7 Concrete Remove stains, clean and neutralize with solvents or use commercial pre treatment solution as required by manufacturer's instructions. 3.3.8 Gypsum Wallboard Thoroughly dry clean, free from grit, loose finishing compound and surface irregularities before applying paint. Repair minor cracks and holes and sandpaper smooth. 3.3.9 Other Surfaces. Conform to PDCA recommendations, or to manufacturer's literature. 3 4 MIXING AND THINNING 3 41 Mix and thin proprietory products in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed directions. Mix other products in accordance with standard practice. 3.5 APPLICATION 3.5.1 Application shall be by workers skilled in the application of each finish. Spread material evenly without runs, sags, thin spots and skips. Cut sharp lines against unpainted surfaces and other colors. Allow each coat to harden before applying second coat. Do all work with brush or roller unless noted otherwise. Finish surfaces uniform, free of streaks, blotches, blistering, crazing, cracking, other defects, or variations in surface reflectance or color 3.5.2 Manufacturer's Specifications: Conform to manufacturer's specifications, directions and recommendations for best results in use of each of their products for each condition. 3.5.3 Color of Coats. Tint prime coats if necessary to obtain uniform finish coats. Vary color slightly between all coats of paints and enamels to indicate coat applied. Final coats shall match samples. 3.6 JOB COMPLETION 3.6.1 Cleaning: Remove all paint splatters, spots, stains and other blemishes which are the result of work under this subcontract from all finished surfaces. Take care so as not to damage any finished surface. 3.6.2 Finish Standards. Detailed inspection of paint work will be made. Abraded, stained or otherwise disfigured portions shall be satisfactorily touched up or refinished as necessary Completely refinish the whole wall where refinishing is required. 3.6.3 Defective Work: Refinish without extra cost. Repair all work damaged during construction and leave in first class condition. Where uniform color and sheen of surface is not obtained, add additional coats as directed by Architect. END OF SECTION 09900 5 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 s r 1 1 1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Fumish and install all required louvers not included in Mechanical and Electrical subcontracts. Include all fasteners, accessories, sealants, etc. as required for complete installation. 1.2.2 Related Work Rough Carpentry Section 06100 Finish Carpentry Section 06200 Sealants Section 07900 Mechanical Division 15 Electrical Division 16 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE Section 10200 Louvers CN 95-04 1.3 1 Performance Requirements: Where indicated, provide louvers with AMCA certified ratings seal. 1.3.2 Standards. Comply with SMACNA Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" recommendations for fabrication, construction details and installation procedures, except as otherwise indicated. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's specifications, certified test data, where applicable and installation instructions for required products, including finishes. 1 4.2 Shop Drawings. Submit shop drawings for fabrication and erection of louver units and accessories. Include plans, elevations and details of sections and connections to adjoining work. Indicate materials, finishes, fasteners, joinery and other information to determine compliance with specified requirements. 1 4.3 Samples: Submit 2 samples each for each color for approval by Architect. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS 2.11 Manufacturers: A. Airolite B Green Heck C Ruskin 2.1.2 Louvers. Formed metal louvers, 4" deep, 45 degree straight blade, fabricated from 16 gauge galvanized steel. Provide louver shape as shown on drawings. Provide with 18 x 14 mesh stainless steel insect screen in standard folded frame. Provide holes and jamb 1 10200- 1 fasteners for mounting as shown in drawings. Baked on alkyd enamel factory finish in one custom color selected by Architect. 2.2 FABRICATION 3 EXECUTION 31 PREPARATION 3.2 INSTALLATION Section 10200 Louvers CN 95-04 2.2.1 Fabricate frames including integral sills to suit adjacent construction with adequate tolerances for installation including application of sealants in joints between louvers and adjoining work, where applicable. 2.2.2 Coordinate field measurements and shop drawings with fabrication and shop assembly to minimize field adjustments, splicing, mechanical joints and field assembly of units. Preassemble units in shop to greatest extent possible and disassemble only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation. 31 1 Coordinate setting drawings, diagrams, templates, instructions and directions for the installation of anchorages which are to be embedded in concrete or masonry construction. Coordinate the delivery of such items to the project site. 3.2.1 Locate and place louver units plumb, level and in proper alignment with adjacent work. Use concealed anchorages wherever possible. Exposed anchorages to match louver finish. Form tight joints with exposed connections accurately fitted together Provide reveals and openings for sealants and joint fillers, as indicated. Repair finishes damaged by cutting, welding, soldering and grinding operations required for fitting and jointing. Restore finishes so that there is no evidence of corrective work. Retum items which cannot be refinished in the field to the shop, make the required alterations, and refinish the entire unit, or provide new units, at Contractors option. Protect galvanized and non- ferrous metal surfaces from corrosion or galvanic action by application of heavy coating of bituminous paint on surfaces which will be in contact with concrete, masonry or dissimilar metals. Provide concealed gaskets, flashings, joint fillers, and insulations, and install as the work progresses to make the installations weathertight. END OF SECTION 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10200 -2 ,1 1 1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Fumish and install metal fireplaces complete with combustion fresh air system, metal flues with required supports, special connection sections, and cap section. Provide miscellaneous accessories, fittings and fasteners as required for a complete, functioning, code approved installation. 1.2.2 Related Work Rough Carpentry Section 06100 Painting Section 09900 (Exterior Flue and Cap) 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 14 SUBMITTALS 1.5 DELIVERY AND STORAGE Section 10300 Fireplaces and Flues CN 95 -04 1.3.1 All equipment UL or ICBO labeled as required. Entire installation must conform to City of Port Angeles requirements. All materials compatible and approved by fireplace manufacturer Installation per manufacturer's recommendations. Where specifications or drawings are in conflict with manufacturer's recommendations, do no work without notifying Architect. 1 41 Submit complete manufacturer's literature and shop drawings showing required clearances of fireplaces and flues to surrounding construction, fireplace locations, flue layouts with all parts and sections indicated, and other details specific to this project. Submit manufacturers standard product warranty 1.5.1 Deliver products to project site in manufacturers undamaged protective containers. Store in dry protected location. Factory painted surfaces shall be covered by protective wrapper 1.6 COORDINATION 1.6.1 Contractor shall coordinate with all other trades to properly locate all work required for installation. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURERS 2.1 1 Fireplace (1 required) Heat- N -Glo, Model "Pier -GDV' 42,000 BTU /HR with decorative brass trim, glass doors and fixed mesh screens. Provide logs, ignition and safety switch, high temperature limit switch and wall switch. 2.1.2 Flue and Accessories. Manufacturers standard insulated chimney system, sized appropriately for fireplace. Include flue sections of lengths necessary elbows, firestop spacers, locking bands, stabilizers, storm collars and all other accessories necessary for a complete installation. Provide Round Termination Cap on flue. 'DVK -01 D' 10300 -1 3 EXECUTION 31 GENERAL 3 1 1 Install fireplaces and flues per manufacturer's recommendations conforming to all local codes for clearance to combustibles, firestopping and other requirements. All parts plumb and level, all exposed surfaces clean and free of defects, entire installation in operating order ready for use. install over metal safety strip on combustible subfloors, half under firebox and half under hearth. 3.2 Flue Cap install per manufacturers recommendations and as shown on the drawings. END OF SECTION Section 10300 Fireplaces and Flues CN 95 -04 10300- 2 1 t r construction of the project has been started. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's product specification, performance data sheets and installation instructions. 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Furnish all labor materials, tools, equipment, and perform all work and services necessary for or incidental to the fumishing and installation, of all signs, identifying devices, and directory boards as shown on drawings and as specified, in accordance with provisions of the contract documents, and coordinated with work of all other trades. 1.2.2 Related Work Cast -In -Place Concrete Section 03100 Unit Masonry Section 04200 Metal Doors and Frames Section 08110 Wood Doors and Frames Section 08200 Glass and Glazing Section 08800 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.31 Install signage and related items in compliance with applicable requirements of goveming authorities having jurisdiction. 1.3.2 Manufacturer for required signage and other identifying devices will be selected after the 1 4.2 Submit samples of colors and fonts for Architects review 1 4.3 Submit shop drawings of sign layouts and directories showing in detail suggested mounting procedures as conditions require. 1.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Deliver and store protected from damage and loss until ready for installation. 2. MATERIALS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS FOR INTERIOR SIGNAGE 2.11 Manufacturers 1 Accent Signs 17400 SW Brookman Rd. Sherwood OR 97140 (503) 625 -6701 Section 10400 Identifying Devices CN 95 -04 10400- 1 2.1.2 Materials and Fabrication 1 Provide 40 resident apartment signs. Signs shall be 6' x 8' and constructed from matte finish overlay plexiglas (color as selected) laminated to 14' black plexiglas. Bevel edges. Apartment sign numbers to be 1 1/8" high characters, ADA, white material raised 1/32' Grade II braille to be engraved centered below number characters. Manufacturer to provide slider of same material for resident name. Provide adhesive backing for mounting. 2. Provide bathroom signs (2 required) 6" x 8' and constructed as in (1) above except provide a handicap pictorial on signs with ADA text and Grade II braille engraved and centered below text/picture, provide adhesive backing for mounting. 2.2 EXTERIOR SIGNAGE 2.2.1 Manufacturers 1 The Woodcarver 525 SE Pine Street Portland, OR (503) 239 -8950 2.2.2 Materials and Fabrication Section 10400 Identifying Devices CN 95-04 1 Provide double faced permanent project sign with post supports of size and shape and in location as shown on the drawings. Sign and supports to be constructed from clear all heart redwood. Fabricator to sandblast 2 sign laces to create sign relief Project name address and logo shall be shown on each face in letter style and size as approved by the Architect. Fabricator to finish sign with 2 colors of acrylic paint (colors as selected by Architect) in locations as directed by Architect. 2. Manufacturer of this sign is to install sign 3 Manufacturer of this sign is responsible for securing a permit from the city of Port Angeles to erect approved sign. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 Installation of identifying devices shall be in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. END OF SECTION 10400- 2 Section 10500 Lockers CN 95-04 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Fumish all equipment, tools, materials and accessories as necessary to install metal lockers specified herein. 1.3 SUBMITTALS 1.3.1 Shop Drawings. Show installation details for all conditions, hardware and accessory items. Provide plan layout showing lockers on curb. 1.3.2 Colors. Submit (2) two copies of manufacturer's standard color chart for color selection. 1 4 PRODUCT DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING 1 41 Protect factory finish. Store in original packing and stack in accordance with manufacturer's directions. Handle to prevent damage to product and it's finish. 2. PRODUCTS. 2.1 METAL LOCKERS 2.2.1 Metal lockers shall be triple tier 12" wide x 18' deep x 72" in height and shall be standard lockers without legs for mounting on a base. 1 All parts shall be of mild cold rolled steel. 2. Doors shall be minimum 18 -gage steel. Door frames shall be minimum 16 -gage steel and welded together 3 Provide standard latching device and built in grooved key lock. Locker keying system to be masterkeyed. Keys to be removable in unlocked position. Provide 2 keys for each lock. 4 Minimum two hinges per door 5. All bolts and nuts to be zinc plated. 6. Finish shall be baked enamel. 7 Provide number plates for each locker 8. Provide standard number of wall hooks. 9 Doors shall be louvered top and bottom for ventilation. 2.1.2 Metal lockers shall be Republic, Penco or Lyon. 3 EXECUTION 10500 -1 3 1 INSTALLATION END OF SECTION Section 10500 Lockers CN 95-04 3.1 1 Install metal lockers where indicated on the drawings in accordance with the manufacturer's directions anchoring lockers firmly in place with suitable fasteners as required by the job conditions. 10500- 2 1 1 1 y 1 1 1 1 Rough Carpentry Section 06100 Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 s t r 1 i GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 The work under this section shall consist of fumishing and installing all fire fighting devices and accessories required and necessary to complete the work indicated on the Drawings and described in the Specifications. 1.2.2 Related Work 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Manufacturer Provide portable fire extinguishers and accessories by one manufacturer Provide products by one of the following: J.L. Industries Larsen's Manufacturing Company Allenco 1.3.2 Portable Fire Extinguisher Standard: Provide new portable fire extinguishers which comply with N FPA #10 and are labeled by UL. 14 SUBMITTALS Section 10520 Fire Fighting Devices CN 95-04 1 41 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's technical data and installation instructions for all portable fire extinguishers required. For fire extinguisher cabinets include dimensions, and details showing mounting methods, relationships to surrounding construction, door hardware, cabinet type and materials, trim style and door construction, style and materials. 1.5 COORDINATION AND VERIFICATION 1.5.1 Verify locations and coordinate with other trades as required to avoid conflicts. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS 2.1 1 Fire Extinguishers. J.L. Industries, Cosmic 5E, or equal, ABC Dry Chemical, 5 Ib. 2A -10BC extinguisher 2.1.2 Fire Extinguisher Cabinet: J.L. Industries, "Pan Orama" No. 1037P42 or equal with a white epoxy coated steel door Extinguisher cabinet is to be recessed into the wall. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION 10520 -1 Section 10520 Fire Fighting Devices CN 95-04 3 1 1 Where extinguisher cabinet is recessed into a rated wall provide rating of wall to run behind extinguisher cabinet. Verify with controlling jurisdiction that condition as built for cabinet meets the requirements of the controlling jurisdiction's Building Department. 3 1.2 Install items included in this section in locations and at mounting heights indicated, or if not indicated, at heights to comply with applicable regulations of goveming authorities. 3 1.3 Securely fasten fire extinguisher cabinets to structure, square and plumb, to comply with manufacturer's instructions. Adjust all operating parts to function perfectly END OF SECTION 10520- 2 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 111 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS 1.5 SUBMITTALS Section 10550 Postal Specialties CN 95-04 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Fumish and install mail delivery boxes complete with all required trim as shown and as required for a complete job. 1.3 RELATED WORK Rough Carpentry Section 06100 1 4 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1 41 Manufacturer' Unless otherwise acceptable to Architect, fumish major components and accessories of postal specialties by one manufacturer Provide products of manufacturers which are approved by U.S. Postal Service. In addition to requirements of these specifications, comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for preparation of substrate, installation of anchors, and application of postal specialties units. 1 4.2 Requirements of Regulatory Agencies. Comply with U.S. Postal Service requirements for construction and installation of units serviced by U.S.P.S. carriers. 1.5.1 Product Data Submit manufacturer's technical data and installation instructions for postal specialties required. 1.5.2 Shop Drawings. Submit shop drawings for fabrication and erection of postal specialties. Include plans, elevations and large scale details. Show anchorages and accessory items. Provide location template drawings for items supported or anchored to permanent construction. 1.5.3 Samples. Provide color samples for selection by Architect. 1.6 JOB CONDITIONS 1.6.1 Coordination. Coordinate with all other trades to properly locate all work required for operation, installation and attachment. 1.6.2 Verification. Verify all field conditions and dimensions for proper fit and attachment. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS 2.1 1 General See drawings for placement of mailboxes and directories. Provide within same trim unless indicated otherwise. 10550 -1 2.1.2 Mail Delivery Boxes: Horizontal front loading type mail boxes "Auth Florence" 1400 series, model number (2) 1500-55. Other accepted manufacturers American Device, "Centurian" model number 2600 F5-50 and Salsbury Industries, model 3625 FL 1 Supply snap -on trim of matching finish. 2. Key each compartment differently Provide two(2) keys with each lock. Master door lock type as required by U.S. Postal Service. Master loading door lock shall be supplied and installed by the U.S. Postal Service. 3 Each compartment shall have 1/2 -inch high numbers permanently engraved on the face of the door Numbering to be furnished by owner upon submittal of shop drawings. 4 Mailbox manufacturer shall fumish aluminum type cardholders with pressure sensitive backing to accommodate 5/16 -inch by 2112 -inch cards. 5 Provide an integral mail letter drop. Size as shown on drawings. (6 mail box spaces in size) 6. Finish shall be anodized duranotic. 2.2 Key storage cabinet: American device, model K -159 for installation as directed by the architect: 3. EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION 3 1 1 Install units complying with manufacturer's instructions and final drawings. 3.1.2 Final acceptance will be contingent upon compliance with U.S. Postal Service requirements. END OF SECTION Section 10550 Postal Specialties CN 95-04 10550- 2 1 r t t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS Section 10800 Toilet Accessories CN 95-04 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 This Section includes the accessories in all bathrooms in apartment units and common areas. 1.2.2 Related Work 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3 1 Products Provide products of same manufacturer for each type of accessory unit and for units exposed in same areas, unless otherwise acceptable to Architect. 1.3.2 Manufacturer Provide each type of toilet accessory required as manufactured by Gamco or equal unless otherwise noted. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 4 1 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's technical data and installation instructions for each toilet accessory 14.2 Setting Drawings: Provide setting drawings, templates, instructions, and directions for installation of anchorage devices in other work. 1.5 COORDINATION Glass and Glazing (Mirrors) Section 08800 Rough Carpentry Section 06100 1.5.1 Coordinate accessory locations with other work to avoid interference and to assure proper operation and servicing of accessory units. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCESSORY SCHEDULE 2.1 1 The Accessory Schedule is based on materials as manufactured by 'Gamco unless shown otherwise. Medicine Cabinets are 'Leigh' Adjustable shower curtain rods are specified as 'Seachrome' Grab bars are'Safetek' Other approved manufacturers are Bobrick Franklin Brass Keystone McKinney Parker Miami Carrie 10800- 1 2.1.2 Dwelling Units 2.1 4 1 2. 3 4 5 1 Toilet Paper Dispenser 2. Medicine Cabinet 3 Robe Hook 4 Shower Rod 5 Grab BarsatWC 6. Grab bars at shower 7 Mirror 2.1.3 Toilet Room (Room #107 #117) 1 Paper Towel Dispenser Disposal 2. Soap Dispenser 3 Mirror 4 Toilet Paper Dispenser 5 Grab Bars 6 Robe Hook Assisted Bath (Room #28) Paper Towel Dispenser Disposal Soap Dispenser Mirror Toilet Paper Dispenser Grab Bars 6 Robe Hook 2.1.5 Beauty Room (Room #211) 1 Paper Towel Dispenser Disposal 2. Soap Dispenser 3 Mirror 2.2 FABRICATION 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION Section 10800 Toilet Accessories CN 95-04 (1) 212/430 LS (1) COV1224R (RORL) See Drawings. Face cover to be enameled to color as selected by Architect. (1) B 5153 (1) 501 C W /adjustable flange (2) 125S (Configuration Length Per Drawings) 1.25" diameter with round bracket covers. (See drawings for wrap around configuratin vertical bar See Section 08800 By Owner By Owner (1) C -24x36 (1) 212/430 LS (2) 1.25" diameter with round bracked covers (Configuration Length Per Drawings) (1) B5153 By Owner By Owner (1) C -24x36 (1) 212/430 LS (2) 1.25" diameter with round bracked covers (Configuration Length Per Drawings) (2) B5153 By Owner By Owner (1) C -48x36 2.2.1 Stamped names or labels on exposed faces of toilet accessory units are not permitted. Fabricate units with tight seams and joints, exposed edges rolled. Provide concealed anchorage wherever possible. 3 1 1 Installer must examine substrates, previously installed inserts and anchorages necessary for mounting of toilet accessories, and other conditions under which installation is to occur and must notify Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of work. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to installer 10800- 2 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 3.2 INSTALLATION Section 10800 Toilet Accessories CN 95-04 3.2.1 Install toilet accessory units in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, using fasteners which are appropriate to substrate and recommended by manufacturer of unit. Install units plumb and level, firmly anchored in locations indicated 3.3 ADJUSTMENT AND CLEANING 3.31 Adjust accessories for proper operation and verify that mechanisms function smoothly 3.3.2 Clean and polish all exposed surfaces after installation and removal of protective coatings. END OF SECTION 10800- 3 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Section 10916 Shelving Systems CN 95 -04 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2.1 This Section includes the shelving and storage drawer systems for all closets in the apartment units. 1.2.2 Related Work 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3 1 Products Provide products of same manufacturer for each type of accessory unit and for units exposed in same areas, unless otherwise acceptable to Architect. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's technical data and installation instructions for shelving system proposed. 1 4.2 Shop Drawings Provide shop drawings, templates, instructions, and directions for installation of anchorage devices in other work. 1.5 COORDINATION 1.5.1 Coordinate with other work to avoid interference and to assure proper installation. 1.6 WARRANTY 1.6.1 Provide a 10 -year warranty against defects in workmanship and materials under normal use when installed and maintained in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. 2. PRODUCTS 3 EXECUTION Rough Carpentry Section 06100 Gypsum Drywall Section 09250 2.1 Shelving and storage drawer systems shall be epoxy plastic coated, ventilated, steel rod shelving manufactured by Schulte Corporation or Closetmaid. 2.1 1 All metal shelves shall be fabricated of heavy gauge welded steel rod with deck rod spacing having maximum distance of 1 between centers. 2.1.2 Metal shall be cleaned and phosphated to insure a perfect bond of the epoxy plastic coating to the steel. This process is to provide a continuous coating on all surfaces. 2.1.3 Finish. Bright White Epoxy 21 4 Accessories Provide independent hanging rod with supports, end and intermediate support brackets, end caps and wall clips and anchors as required for a complete job 10916 -1 3 1 INSPECTION 3 1 1 Installer must examine conditions under which installation is to occur and must notify Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of work. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Installer 3.2 INSTALLATION 3.2.1 Install shelving and storage units in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, using fasteners which are appropriate to substrate and recommended by manufacturer Install units plumb and level, firmly anchored in locations indicated. 3.2.2 Provide intermediate support braces so that spans do not exceed 3' -6' on shelf and rod shelving. 3.3 ADJUSTMENT AND CLEANING 3.3.1 Adjust for proper use as necessary 3 1.2 Clean all exposed surfaces after installation and remove any protective coatings. END OF SECTION Section 10916 Shelving Systems CN 95 -04 10916 -2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. The Food Services plans and schedules are located on Sheet K 1 of the drawings. The Food Services Specifications showing the schedule of equipment, equipment details, and custom fabrication details is a separate manual supplied with each set of documents. These plans and specifications are to be incorporated into the work of this project and the cost of this work is to be included in the General Contractors cost of the work. 1.2.2 RELATED WORK Cast -In -Place Concrete Section 03300 Rough Carpentry Section 06100 Gypsum Drywall Section 09250 Painting Section 09900 Mechanical Division 15 Electrical Division 16 1.3 SUBMITTALS 1.3.1 Submit shop drawings and product data under provisions of Section 01340. 1 4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 1 41 Submit operation and maintenance data under provisions of Section 01700. 1 4.2 Include data on care of finished surfaces. 1.5 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING 1.51 Deliver and store products to /on site under provisions of Section 01600 1.6 WARRANTY 1.6.1 Provide warranty (Warranties) under provisions of Section 01700. 2. PRODUCTS (See Food Services plans and specifications.) 3 EXECUTION (See Food Services plans and specifications.) END OF SECTION Section 11400 Food Services Equipment CN 95-04 11400 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 food facilities development for S ANDREWS PACE ASSSTEJ =V =fdG FAQ_ __-1' PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON H.U.D NO 127 -43091 architect 1 N CHILLESS NIELSEN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 333 SW Fifth Avenue Suite 201 Portland, Oregon 97204 (503) 227 -1751 fax (503) 274 -8634 food facilities consultant DENNIS POLLMANN AND ASSOCIATES P 0 BOX 193 1889 WOODLAND TERRACE LAKE OSWEGO OREGON 97043 -6835 503 635 -5219 FAX 503 635 -8257 CONTENTS... SECTION DESCRIPTION U SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 11400 KITCHEN EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT, UTILITY CONNECTIONS AND NOTES EQUIPMENT DETAILS, MANUFACTURERS CUT SHEETS AND CUSTOM FABRICATION DETAILS KITCHEN EQUIPMENT PLAN AND DRAWING LEGEND no 1 REVISIONS date /Z /9 (o FlOkt. PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 WORK THIS SECTION A. Work includes furnishing and installing all food service equipment as indicated on drawings. B Provide all equipment as scheduled on drawings, listed in schedules and specified, fabricated or purchased. C. Provide location for breaker panel and convenient utility access through custom fabricated equipment for connections by Others as required. D Reuse Owner's existing equipment located on site. Disconnect, remove, and protect equipment from damage during the construction process. Reinstall equipment per remodel plan, verify utility connections and modify as indicated. E. Relocate Owner's existing equipment, not to be reused from Owner's existing equipment, not to be reused from construction area and store in Owner's selected location on site. F Work Furnished But Not Installed: 1.2 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Mechanical Division 15 B Electrical Division 16: SECTION 11400 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT ST ANDREWS PLACE ALC 1 The following items are furnished loose, in Original Equipment Manufacturer boxes, ready for installation by the appropriate trade only on equipment supplied under this Section. 2. Items under Division 15 are: Sink faucets, sink wastes with 1" minimum tail piece, rinse sprays, mixing faucets, aerators, solenoid valves, exposed chrome piping and components needed for mounting on unit such as street eles, solenoid valves and brackets. Quick disconnect devices for all mobile equipment. 3 Items under Division 16 are: Solenoid valves, aquastat timers, on/off switches, junction boxes, cover plates, control panels and components needed for mounting on unit such as brackets, threaded stems and lock nuts. Electrical cords and 90 degree angle male plugs for all mobile equipment. 1 Plumbing and ventilation work required in connection with food service equipment unless specifically called for in Part 2 Products, or Part 3- Execution, of this Section 11400. 2. Rough -in to points indicated on Mechanical drawings. 3 Final connecting from roughing -in point to various pieces of equipment requiring such connection. 4 All traps, grease traps, valves, stops, shut -offs, and fittings necessary 5 Necessary flues and/or vents of size and capacity 6. Reduced pressure positive backflow preventors. 1 Electrical work required in connection with food service equipment unless specifically called for in Part 2 Products, or Part 3 Execution, of this Section 11400. 2. Rough -in to points indicated on Electrical drawings. Page 1 1.3 SUBMITTALS 2. Rough -in to points indicated on Electrical drawings. 3 Final connecting from roughing -in point to various pieces of equipment requiring such connections. 4 Lines, switches, safety cutouts, fuse boxes, and other electrical controls, fittings and connections unless specifically called for in these specifications. A. Product Data. SECTION 11400 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT ST ANDREWS PLACE ALC 1 Product Data brochure to show manufacturer's specifications, diagrams and instructions for manner in which utility connections will be made. 2. Include manufacturer's specification sheets to be accompanied by typewritten or printed sheet listing item number items description, quantity manufacturer's name, address, model number and pertinent notes relative to items being furnished. B Shop Drawings: 14 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1 Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Elevation and Plan views to be 3/4 inch equals 1 inch scale. 2. Dimensional data specified left to right x front to back x height (or depth) when facing equipment from operator's side. 3 Clearly indicate materials, components, fasteners, hardware, equipment, finishes, method of installation and assembly supplementary support of bracing, controls and utilities rough -in. 4 Obtain reproducible copies of rough -in and connection drawings from Architect, review and modify as necessary for project conditions. Clearly note all changes and submit with shop drawings. 5 Show location and size of all blocking required for installation of equipment A. Qualification of fabricator/Installer 1 Fabricator /installer maintains personnel and facilities totally engaged in design, fabrication and provision of food service equipment of type and size specified on this project. 2. Installation of food service equipment performed only by personnel thoroughly familiar and trained to the manufacturer's recommended method of installation. 3 Provide at least one person who shall be thoroughly trained and experienced in the skills required, who shall be completely familiar with the requirements of this work and who shall personally direct all installation performed under this Section of these Specifications. B. Code and Regulatory Compliance: Regulations, References, and Standards: Comply with the following applicable codes and ordinances, regulations, references, specifications and standards, in effect thirty (30) days prior to bid due date: 1. American Gas Association (AGA). 2. American National Standard Institute (ANSI). 3 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Page 2 4 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). 5 American Society Testing and Materials (ASTM) 6. National Electrical Code (NEC). 7 National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA). 8. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 9 National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). 10. Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. (UL). 11. State of Oregon Health Codes, Chapter 333, Administrative Rules. C. Class 1 grease -laden vapor style, exhaust hoods to conform to National Fire Protection Association Inc. (NFPA) Standard 96, be recognized by Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA), International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), have and display full Underwriter's Laboratories (UL) compliance label. 1.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Product Control. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS 17 SUBSTITUTES 1.8 WARRANTY SECTION 11400 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT ST ANDREWS PLACE ALC 1 Do not deliver materials or assemblies to Site until installation spaces are ready to receive installation. 2. Wrap and crate finished components and assemblies at factory to prevent damage or marring of assemblies or surfaces during shipping and handling. 3 Deliver all equipment in one piece, when impractical deliver in largest sections and field assemble as continuous unit without obvious joints, by butt welding and through bolting. 4 Deliver all items with protective covering and protect work of other trades on project. 5 Cover and protect work from damage through times of construction until inspected and accepted. 6. Coordinate work with other trades, provide necessary layouts. Plumbing and electrical items furnished, but not installed, boxed and clearly identified for location and use. A Kitchen Equipment Contractor will be responsible for changes in rough -ins or utilities resulting from kitchen equipment deviations or substitutions. A. Substitutes apply to this Section only as indicated under Section 11400 Equipment Schedule and in the instruction to Bidders Section of the specifications documents. B. All substitute requests will be reviewed for quality comparisons to the specific item specified, appropriate to the project conditions and operational intent of the Owner A. Warrant the work of this Section, including refrigeration systems, for one year from date of Substantial Completion of Project against defect in materials and workmanship under normal use and service. B Repair or replace defective work at no additional cost to the Owner Page 3 D Owner's existing equipment will be retained in as is condition and protected from any construction damage. Warranty will not apply 1.9 OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Assemble and deliver, to the Owner, at the time of start-up, binders containing the following information, indexed and cataloged on each item of equipment. Provide binders in quantity as indicated under previous sections of these specifications. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS 2.2 MATERIALS 1 Service and maintenance literature from Manufacturer 2. Warranty certificates with copy of warranty card properly filled out 3 Manufacturer's service agency for authorized warranty work. 4 Workman's warranty and agent for all custom fabricated equipment. 5 Field Inspection report on all Class 1 hoods and fire protection systems from the Original Equipment Manufacturer certified representatives. A. Other manufacturers products of equal or greater quality than those specified in this Section may be used. Submit request for substitution approval before the bid in accordance with Section 01631 Product Substitutions. A. Metals in U.S standard gauges and material appropriate to condition: 1 Stainless steel type 304 with #4 finish on exposed surfaces and #2B for concealed surfaces. 2. Stainless steel tubing to be not less than 16 gauge finished to match stainless sheets per ASTM A 554 3 Galvanized steel in 14 gauge minimum per ASTMA 527 4 Galvannealed steel in 16 gauge minimum per ASTMA 525 prepared for final _coatings. B Cabinet Work: 1 Plywood of 3/4 inch thickness, soft wood, five ply veneer core construction, with grade markings A- B- INT -DFPA. Wood compositions panels prohibited. 2. Solid lumber selected for grade and quality required for use and service, kiln dried. 3 Plastic laminate to meet or exceed standards by National Electrical Manufacturer's Associates (NEMA LD3 -1988 or latest edition), general purpose and forming grade 1/16 inch thickness for all applications. C. Refrigeration: 1 SECTION 11400 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT ST ANDREWS PLACE ALC All refrigeration lines to be refrigerant grade A.C.R. or type "L" copper tubing soldered with silver solder and/or sil -fos (15 percent silver). 2. Insulate all lines with 1/2 inch thick flexible pipe insulation applied with adhesive. Provide insulating materials approved for use in return air plenum enclosure. Page 4 2.3 COMPONENTS 2.4 FABRICATION SECTION 11400 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT ST ANDREWS PLACE ALC 2. Insulate all lines with 1/2 inch thick flexible pipe insulation applied with adhesive. Provide insulating materials approved for use in return air plenum enclosure. 3 Refrigerant gases will be used that are appropriate to the applied temperature condition, meet applicable codes for use and are handled per the "Code of Good Practice for the Reduction of Emissions of Chlorofluorocarbons Report EUR 9509 EN. A. Hardware: Stainless steel or heavy duty chrome plated brass unless otherwise specified, studded securely to metal bodies, or welded, ground smooth and polished. Unless noted otherwise, include the following: 1 Flush pulls for metal drawers and doors, stainless steel flush type with deep, offset recessed grip and welded integrally to drawer or door, typical to Klein #12002. 2. Hinges. Heavy duty chrome plated brass or die stamped stainless steel concealed hospital type offset but hinges with concealed fasteners. 3 Drawer slides: Self closing, full- extension type, running on ball bearing nylon rollers, with a load capacity of not less than 100 pounds. Slides to be zinc plated and rigidly secured to fixtures. 4 Adjustable heavy duty foot inserts for round tubing in stainless steel finish typical to Standard -Keil #1012 1001 1144 for 1 5/8 inch round stainless steel tube. 5 Heavy duty leg sockets in stainless steel typical Standard -Keil #1020 0206 -1283 for 1 5/8 inch round stainless steel tube. 6. Casters to be by Jarvis Caster Group with fixed plate or swivel plate mounting, gray polyurethane wheels, "Posi -Loc" toe brake in sizes and load capacity indicated. 7 Quick disconnect, flexible connections for water and gas to be by Dormont Mfg. Co. 8. Electrical cords and male plugs will meet the power needs as specified by the equipment and be supplied with 90 degree angle plugs by Hubbell. A. Equipment to be fabricated in gauges as follows: 1 Tops, bottom shelves with connecting end splash, back splash or edges to be of 16 gauge stainless steel. 2. Sink bowls to be formed from 16 gauge stainless steel. 3 Wall shelves to be of 16 gauge stainless steel. 4 Counter backs, ends and drawer enclosures to be of 20 gauge stainless steel. B. Equipment to be constructed in a strong manner with reinforcing, bracing and welding for rigidity Top, exterior panels and doors to be of single sheet sizes as dimensions permit. 1 Tops and under shelves to be braced with 14 gauge galvanized iron "U" or hat channels. 2. Bolts, screws, nuts, washers to be same metal as items fastened. Where dissirni1 r metals are attached, fasteners will be of the higher grade metal. Spacing to insure suitable fastening and prevent material bulging. Rivets prohibited as fasteners. 3 Equipment surfaces fastened with concealed fasteners to framework or adjacent items. Accessible bolt threads to capped with acorn nut and lock washer Surface depressions from weld studs are unacceptable. Page 5 SECTION 11400 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT ST ANDREWS PLACE ALC C. Welding by A.W.S. Standards heliarc method with welding rod same composition as parts welded. Exposed joints continuously welded to appear as one piece construction. 1 Directionally grind and polish all welds to match factory finish, smooth, without depressions or metal discolorations. 2. Finished equipment gauge thickness will not vary more than five percent from U.S standard gauges. 3 Brake bends, sheared edges will not mar uniform appearance of the material, texture at bend or edge burrs polished to smooth uniform condition. D Cabinet Work: 1 Equipment to be constructed in a strong manner with reinforcing and bracing for strength. Flat surface construction of single panels as dimensions permit. 2. Joinery by dado, rabbet, tongue -and groove, splined, half lapped glued and nailed or tight joint fastened. 3 Polyvinyl or white liquid glue on all plywood and wood joints, securely clamped during curing process, joints wiped clean of excess glue. 4 Bond plastic laminate to surfaces and edges, subject to prolonged heat, by pressure and/or heat cure method utilizing a modified urea formaldehyde adhesive. Pressure sensitive contact adhesives used on all remaining plastic laminate surfaces. Adhesives approved by manufacturer of plastic laminate specified. 5 Plastic laminate edge banding to be overlapped by adjoining surface laminate. Vertical surface laminate applied before horizontal surface laminate 6. Trim all exposed plastic laminate edges with twenty-five degree bevel bit. Inside corners, or cut -outs, on continuous plastic laminate surface to have 1/8 inch minimum corner radius and smooth edges to eliminate stress cracking. 7 Single thickness plywood panels, integrally unsupported, to be backed with plastic laminate of equal thickness and similarity to face laminate. 8. Exposed plywood surfaces in cabinet interior to be covered with plastic laminate cabinet liner in color complimentary to exterior plastic laminate. 2.5 UTILITY SERVICE REQUIREMENTS A. Furnish equipment with access panels and utility channels to allow piping or wiring by Contractor Coordinate this work to meet utility service requirements. 1 Construct equipment to allow required utility connections to be made or disconnected without damaging or dismantling of equipment. 2. Electrical outlets, switches and receptacles to be mounted on fabricated equipment ready for wiring and final connections by Contractor 3 Special receptacles required to match cord and caps furnished on fabricated or buy out equipment will be provided by the Kitchen Equipment Contractor 4 Provide identification labels on all switches furnished with fabricated equipment. Engraved plates, white with black letters, overall size 1/2 inch x 2 inch will be bonded to equipment and secured with screws. B. Locate water inlets at least six inches above positive water level to prevent siphoning of liquids into water system, suitable check valves, vacuum breakers to be provided by the Kitchen Equipment Contractor for installation by Others. Reduced pressure positive back flow preventors when required by code authorities will be supplied under Division 15 Page 6 C. Equipment to operate without objectionable sound or vibrations, correction of objectionable conditions will be the subjective opinion of the Owner and will be performed at no additional cost. Modifications to provide efficient and stable operation of heated and motor operated equipment to be indicated on shop submittals. 2.6 REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS SECTION 11400 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT ST ANDREWS PLACE ALC A. Provide refrigeration systems as specified and as required to provide complete and satisfactory systems hooked up, tested and operational. B. Provide refrigerants approved for use under the EPA clean air act at time of installation. All systems will be charged with synthetic Lubricants congruous with both charged" refrigerant and future refrigerant mandated for change by EPA. C. Refrigerant type ARC drain and condenser water piping constructed of adequately supported Type 1 hard- drawn, seamless copper tubing with silver soldered joints. Insulate all refrigerant lines with 3/4 inch Armstrong Armaflex.insulation applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Provide a dehydrator, liquid line sight glass, shut -off valve, liquid line solenoid, thermostatic expansion valve, filters, separators at each evaporator, time clocks and other fittings and accessories as required on each system. D Refrigerant lines: Size and install in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and good practice as set forth in the ASHRAE Guide and Data Book. All work shall be done in a neat workmanlike manner 1 Run lines grouped and labeled with item serviced. 2. Support lines from building and walk -in box with seismic bracing to code. E. Wrap electric heater cable around blower coil condensate drains where temperatures are expected to be 34 degrees F or lower temperature. F Control the temperature for each unit by means of a thermostat wired to actuate a solenoid valve in the liquid line, with the compressor operation controlled by the low pressure switch. Adjust thermostats and low pressure controls to maintain the box temperatures indicated. G. Clean and dehydrate the entire system by maintaining a vacuum of 250 microns or lower for a period of five hours. Add the required operating charge of refrigerant and oil. 2.7 GENERAL APPEARANCE A. All fabricated items must retain an uniformity of overall appearance consistent with the quality level specified. B. All work to be corrected to the highest quality level if visual appearance indicates inconsistency in the skill level of fabrication. C. All defective work to be corrected at no additional cost to the Owner 2.8 EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE A. Refer to Equipment Schedule on Drawings for all equipment under this Section. Page 7 PART 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION A. Preparation: B Installation. A. Cleaning and Adjusting: SECTION 11400 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT ST ANDREWS PLACE ALC 1 Verify all dimensions with measurements in the field before fabrication. 2. Confirm passage of equipment to installation locations. Advise Architect of anticipated difficulties prior to site delivery of equipment 3 Verify rough -in location and capacity of utility service connections. 1 Install, assemble, level and complete work of this Section in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. 2. Insure that floor drains are accurately located to drain rough -in. 3 Install refrigeration units in locations indicated and in accordance with approved shop drawings and manufacturer's recommendations. 4 Cut holes, seal or trim for installation of plumbing, electrical by Contractor. 5 Install ceiling, wall or closure trim between equipment and building surfaces. 6. Seal recesses in top of curbs, seal joints and services through wall and ceilings to provide moisture and vapor seal using Dow Corning 100 silicone rubber, general purpose aluminum sealant. 7 Installation of walls -in box assemblies to be furnished only by the Original Manufacturer or manufacturer's approved agent. 3.2 CLEANING, TESTING, ADJUSTING AND DEMONSTRATING 1 Remove masking protection from stainless steel and other finished surfaces. 2. Adjust equipment doors to operate smoothly without binding. 3 Polish out, remove or replace damaged equipment surfaces. 4 Shut off equipment, controls and lock doors to prevent operation or access by unauthorized personnel. 5 Leave entire installation clean and free from defects at time of substantial completion. 6. Remove surplus materials, debris and tools from Site. B. Testing and Demonstrating New Equipment: 1. Test, clean and adjust equipment and apparatus installed to insure performance will meet the intent of these Specifications. 2. Operate refrigeration equipment over a continuous seventy-two hour period and test for full range of functions. 3 Adjust and retest any refrigeration equipment not meeting requirements. 4 Test all food service equipment to meet operational requirements. 5 Adjust and retest any equipment not meeting requirements. 6. Demonstrate, in the presence of the Owner and Food Facilities Consultant the operation, function and maintenance of each item of equipment. Page 8 SECTION 11400 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT ST ANDREWS PLACE ALC 7 Representatives from authorized service agencies, factory or Original Equipment Supplier will demonstrate initial start -up, operation, clean -up, preventative maintenance and safety procedures of their equipment. 8. Start-up and testing for ice making equipment to be performed by the Original Equipment Manufacturer's authorized service agency responsible for providing full service and warranty coverage. 9 Class 1 grease hoods and fire protection systems to be reviewed by Original Equipment Manufacturer authorized representative after substantial completion of installation by the Kitchen Equipment Contractor and General Contractor prior to start -up and final testing. All issues of installation hook -up and operational conditions will be addressed. Any conditions not meeting operational needs will be identified and reviewed with the Kitchen Equipment Contractor and/or General Contractor 10. Start-up, fmal testing, and demonstration of Class 1 grease hoods and fire protection systems to be accomplished by the Original Equipment Manufacturer authorized representative prior to start-up and demonstrations of any cooking equipment this hood. A field inspection report will be provided as a part of the Owner's equipment manual and submitted to the General Contractor and the local fire marshal when required by code. END OF SECTION 11400 Page 9 SCHEDULE OF EQU PMENT... 0 SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT AND UTILITY CONNECTIONS ARE SHOWN ON DRAWING K1 UT L TY CONNECT ON NOTES... REFER TO ROUGH IN DRAWINGS AND SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT UTILITY CONNECTION NOTES All rough in and final connections are by General Contractor GENERAL NOTES. 1 The KEC is not responsible for utility rough —in or final connection of any equipment supplied under this section. This work will be provided by the gppropnate trade under the GC. 2. All conections ore shown as they occur on the equipment specified. 3 Connections shown in the schedule ore for one unit, multiply by quantity to obtain totol. 4 Existing equipment must hove utility connections verified with information on manufactures data plate. 5 Refer to manufactures fabrication drwg for complete details. ELECTRICAL NOTES. 6 When equipment connection is shown as JB, electrical contractor shall connect to JB furnished on equipment. 7 When CB is indicated KEC will provide properly sized panel mounted on equipment ready for final connection and hook up by GC. 8 All circuits require ground wire run to electncol pone) 9 Provide neutral wire for all high voltage single and three phase electrical service. 11 Install all electrical receptacles with ground contact in down position. 10 G" indicates general use DR provide for a maximum of 5 ampere service. NEMA 5 -15R MECHANICAL NOTES. 12 Provide stop valves on all supplies ot point of rough in. 13 Service line from point of rough in to equipment will not be smaller than size of connection shown in schedule. 14 Piping to be connected to fixtures by couplings or unions and volved to allow disconnection of fixture without interruption of kitchen system 15 Water pressure for total kitchen will not exceed 60 psi. Regulate incoming water service if required. SPECIAL NOTES, PROVIDE ONLY WHEN INDICATED 16 Electrical circuit size shown is recommended by OEM and is not the equipment load 17 Run electric service from microswitch ot damper on exhaust duct collar to magnetic starter for hood fon[s]. 18 Provide shunt trip breaker activated by control circuit from exhaust hood extinguishing system. 19 Provide electric operated gas solenoid valve activated by control circuit from exhaust hood fire extinguishing system. 20 Provide isolated ground and dedicated circuit run uninerupted to main electrical panel use Hubbel IG 5262 receptacle 21 Provide reduced pressure positive backflow preventer RP device, on potable water supply ahead of equipment connection UT L TY CONNECT ON LEGEND... REFER TO ROUGH IN DRAWINGS AND SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT UTIL IY CONNECTION LEGEND All rough in and final connections are by General Contractor CODE I DEFINITION ESC ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CONDUIT SR DR V KW HP AMP 0 JB PI CB IW W CW HW RL SS RS FD FNLD HUBD FS SW GC KEC BOE AFF FWF SINGLE RECEPTACLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE VOLTS KILOWATTS HORSEPOWER AMPERES PHASE JUNCTION BOX PLUG IN CONNECTION CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEL INDIRECT WASTE, AIR GAP WASTE, TIGHT CONNECTION COLD WATER HOT WATER, 140 DEG. F MIN. 1 GAS, NATURAL REFRIGERATION UNE STEAM SUPPLY STEAM RETURN FLOOR DRAIN FUNNEL DRAIN HUB DRAIN FLOOR SINK, MIN. Er XI "X6"D. SPRINKLER SYSTEM SUPPLY GENERAL CONTRACTOR KITCHEN EQUIPMENT CONTRACTOR BUILT ON EQUIPMENT BY KEC ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR FINISHED WALL FACE I SYMBOLS EXPLANATION IT' stub conduit AFT as indicated,branch to JB or receptacle on equipment. run conduit in wall to JB AFF as Indicated, branch to JB or receptacle on equipment. stub conduit out floor mount receptacle AFF as indicated. run conduit in wall provide receptacle AFF as indicated. v O I o stub pipe AFF as indicated. Note 12. run pipe m wall and out wall face AFF as indicated. Note 12. v c equipment with electncal cord and cap, provide SR or DR as shown. type of dram in floor as indicated. provide full or half grate as. shown. BLOCK OUT AND GROUT SET ALL FLOOR SINKS FLUSH WITH CONCRETE FLOOR see Note 24 EQU PMENT DETA LS... THE FOLLOWING SECTION CONSISTS OF MANUFACTURERS EQUIPMENT CUT SHEETS AND CUSTOM FABRICATION DETAILS ON ALL EQUIPMENT SHOWN ON DRAWING K1 AND IN SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT PROVIDE EQUIPMENT ACCORDING TO THE REQUIREMENTS UNDER SECTION A, FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS CSI SECTION 11400 FINAL APPROVAL OF ALL EQUIPMENT WILL BE PROVIDED AS PART OF THE SUBMITTAL PROCESS FOR FABRICATION DRAWINGS AND MANUFACTURERS EQUIPMENT SELECTIONS COORDINATE ALL ITEMS WITH ARCHITECTURAL DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS PROJECT THE FOLLOWING PAGES ARE NUMBERED OR TAGGED IN THIS MANNER INDICATES AN ITEM OF KITCHEN EQUIPMENT LISTED ON THE SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT O INDICATES MISC DETAILS OR CODE INFORMATION FOR MORE THAN ONE SPECIFIC ITEM TOP SET GRATE I_ 1Y S0 FS SECTION TOP SET GRATE INSET GRATE 12 SQ `I FS SECTION INSET GRATE DRAIN PRIMER ASSEMBLY FS WITH TOP SET GRATE MUST BE SET WITH GRATE SURFACE FLUSH AND LEVEL WITH FINISHED PORCELAIN FINISHED SINK FLOOR. --I BEHIVE. UFT -OUT STRAINER WASTE CONNECT AS REQUIRED 71 WITH TRAP AND PRIMER. NOTE. USE THIS UNIT ONLY WITH QUARRY TILE, CERAMIC TILE OR MUD SET FLOOR FINISH MATERIALS FS WITH INSET GRATE MUST BE SET WITH SINK RIM FLUSH AND LEVEL WITH FINISHED CONCRETE FLOOR. //1 STAINLESS SINK BEHIVE, UFT -OUT STRAINER WASTE CONNECT AS REQUIRED WITH TRAP AND PRIMER. NOTE USE THIS STYLE UNIT WITH VCT, SHEET GOODS, OR OTHER STYLE THIN FLOOR MATERIALS. NOTE. SURFACE MOUNT ASSEMBLY AND RUN SUPPLY AND PRIMER UNES INSIDE WALL PLUMBING DETAILS Dennis Ala Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS NTS DRAIN PRIMER BODY AND MANIFOLD SUPPLY UNES TO FS, FD AND FNLD WITH WALL TRIM PLATES. NTS 1/2' CW SUPPLY FOR DRAIN PRIMERS WITH WALL TRIM PLATE. NTS TO WORK PATH I TO BLDG. WALL 3/4 00000D0 N HOODOO 0000000 1' MIN ALL SIDES IW FS PLAN IW FS SECTION FS GRATE COVER, OPEN, HALF QR FULL AS SHOWN ON ROUGH IN PLAN. IW INDIRECT WASTE, CENTER ON FS AND 1/4 OF THE WAY ACROSS FS OPENING. ALLOW 1' MIN. CLEAR BETWEEN INTERIOR OF SINK AND EDGE OF IW. MULTIPLE IW, PROVIDE MANIFOLD TO COMMON DISCHARGE OR ARRANGE IN CLUSTER WITH 1' MIN. CLEAR TO FS. NTS SUPPORT IW LINE FROM BLDG. WALL OR EQUIPMENT IN A RIGID MANOR, DO NOT ATTACH TO OR ANCHOR TO FLOOR. PROVIDE A MINIMUN OF ONE 90 DEG L BETWEEN SINK CONNECT AND DISCHARGE AT FLOOR SINK. 45 DEG. ANGLE CUT ON IW 1' ABOVE RIM OF FS. PROVIDE STAMPED STAINLESS STEEL ASSEMBLY FOR THIS CONDITION, USE SMITH OR EQUAL NTS BLO Off 11 CAMPETE FLOOR MR r =TM OP ALL FLOM SUM MIR 9.018 N5 PGWED. REFER TO SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT, UTILITY CONNECTIONS, LEGEND, NOTES AND MECHANICAL ROUGH IN PLAN FOR LOCATIONS AND SIZE. ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. code design N N 3/4" N 1/2" 45 DEG EDGE A ■I 0 N I 1/2" EDGE S CLEAR TO LEG OR CABINET VARIES WITH 3/4" RADIUS X PITCH OF ISO DEG ROLL DRAIN BOARD EDGE DEA _S CUSTOM FABRICATION alia Dennis Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS i 0 45 DEG 3/4" CLEAR TO .}'L LEG OR 1/2" 45 DEG EDGE M CABINET SEAL TO WALL z I. O N Q 1- PROVIDE "Z" CLIP 5AGKSFLASH preliminary design ITEM SHOWN WILL BE SUPPLIED BY OWNER OR OWNERS OPERATOR AS A PURCHASED OR PURVEYOR FURNISHED ITEM. ALL UTILITY ROUGH IN NEEDS WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE GC AS A PART OF THIS CONTRACT Zczi MEM 'U" CHANNEL I N I 550RGI LEG SOCKET STANDARD –KE I L 1018- 0206 -1285 15/8" X I6GA 55 TUBE LEG AND STRE C.HER, TYP N COVE 4 WELDED JOINT ADJUSTABLE FOOT STANDARD –KEIL I0I0 -0801 -1144 LEG W/ STRETCHER I LEG TYPICAL TO LEG W/ STRETCHER 15 /8 X16GA 55 TUBE LEG, STRETCHER WITH 4" X 4" X I06A WALL PLATE WALL �N _iX BLKG COVE BASE BY GC BY GC LEG W/ WALL PLATE EQL PMEN- LO CUSTOM FABRICATIO\ Ala Dennis Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS x Q 1 O 1 I LEG W/ SHELF LEG TYPICAL TO LEG W/ STRETCHER NO STRETCHER REOID FOR LEGS LESS THAN 12" HIGH SHORT LEG NOTE LEG TYPICAL TO LEG W/ STRETCriER BOTH LEGS TYP FRONT 2' -0" 31 LEG 1 A E DGE N I DO NOT PIN LEGS TO FLOOR. 2 ALL LEGS REQUIRE STRETCHER OR UNDERSHELF UNLESS HEIGHT 15 LESS THAN 12" 3 LEG SOCKET AND LEVELERS WILL BE SUBMITTED TO CONSULTANT FOR APPROVAL IF OTHER THAN SHOWN. ASSEMB_ ES preliminary design ITEM SHOWN WILL BE SUPPLIED BY OWNER OR OWNERS OPERATOR AS A PURCHASED OR PURVEYOR FURNISHED ITEM ALL UTILITY ROUGH IN NEEDS WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE GC AS A PART OF THIS CONTRACT DESCRIPTION D -Y s 'T o RAE 4 ffet_ve- MANUFACTURER... AMU) COOP ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER UTILITY REQUIREMENTS... NATURAL GAS ELECTRICAL 0 OTHER AS INDICATED ACCESSORIES 0 PROPANE rr BTU /HR PRESSURE VOLTAGE PHASE LOAD QUANTITY Lo r MODEL NUMBER Anil C.00 I wtze ''t4ELVIt�C MFGRS DESCRIPTION zuo, -F' o' csi EjusRED PiPOu4 tome- .-v (t& s Srety) MANUFACTURES STANDARD OTHER AS INDICATED LYotr R 'eLtIN PURCHASE Dennis Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS J manufactured item ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EOUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. NONE PROJECT ITEM NO r f -171Z/ 6TOMACIe PURCHASE Ada Dennas Pollmann and Assocaates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS NTS N oT�s.. A Lt'/ (D PeR PttkK, ovtP As canuu d uS SYsrrM uJ I m APP .ot PeoutPE oue LA 136L HoLPe FOR W- I S" of 4,HELP Letrzffii Fog Iust uL,r1oJ owueg. 5• e1-V ES manufactured ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EOUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. J item PROJECT ITEM NO a 1 AMCO' 11 WIRE SHELVING 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 See AMCO tug catalog far casters and other accessories. X Spacing intervals of post notches 2' on center A Spacing interval as illustrated 22' Al Shelf clearance 20 (always 1% less than A) B Outside length of shelf 47'!. (always '1. less than nominal) 81 Clearance between posts 45'!, (always 2'!, less than nominal) C Outside width of shelf 18'!, (always 'I, more than nominal) C1 Width clearance between posts 15%. (always 2 less than nominal) Z Minimum clearance from bottom post notch to floor 1 Y. To qualify for National Sanitation Foundation approval. the bottom shelf should be installed in the fifth post notch from the floor which provides 6' clearance. This is not necessary for mobile units which should have the bottom shell placed in the lowest possible position. For maximum strength of both stationary and mobile units. always use at least 3 shelves. WIRE SHELVES L E N G T H W I D T H W E I G H T CU FT Cat. No. in mm in mm lbs. kgs. awn Al224 23'4 610 12'4 305 61/2 3.0 .25 Al230' 29'/, 760 12'/, 305 7'12 3.4 .33 Al236' 35'/, 915 12'4 305 9 41 40 Al242' 41'/, 1065 12'/, 305 10 4.5 45 Al248' 47'4 1220 12'/, 305 12 5.4 .53 Al260' 59'/, 1525 12'4 305 14 6.4 .65 Al272' 71'/, 1830 12'/, 305 15'/2 7.0 .83 A1824' 23'/, 610 18'4 455 8 3.6 .38 A1830' 29'4 760 18'/, 455 9' 4.3 48 A1836' 35'/, 915 18'4 455 11 5.0 .58 A1842' 41'4 1065 18'/, 455 13 5.9 .68 A1848' 47'/, 1220 18'/, 455 15 6.8 78 A1854 53'/, 1370 18'/, 455 161 7.5 .88 A1860' 59'4 1525 18'/, 455 18 8.2 .95 A1872' 71'/, 1830 18'/, 455 21'4 9.7 115 A2124• 23'/, 610 21'4 535 9' 4.1 45 A2130' 29'/, 760 21'4 535 10'h 4.8 .55 A2136' 35'4 915 21'4 535 12 5.4 .68 A2142' 41 V, 1065 21'4 535 15 6.8 78 A2148' 47'/, 1220 21'/, 535 17 7 7 .88 A2154• 53'/, 1370 21'4 535 19'h 8.8 .98 A2160' 59'/, 1525 21'4 535 20' 9.3 111 A2172' 71'4 1830 21'4 535 24 10.9 1.33 A2424' 23'4 610 24'4 610 10 4.5 .50 A2430' 29'4 760 24'/, 610 12 5.4 .63 A2436' 35'/, 915 24'/, 610 13 6.1 75 A2442 41'!, 1065 24'/, 610 16'h 7.5 .88 A2448' 47'!, 1220 24'4 610 18' 8.4 1.00 Al244 53'4, 1370 24 610 21 9.5 113 A2460' 59 7, 1525 24'/, 610 23 10.6 1.28 A2472' 71'4 1830 24'/, 610 27 12.2 1.53 AMCO 11 POSTS AMCO 11 POSTS HEIGHT WEIGHT CUFT HEIGHT WEIGHT Cat. No. in mm lbs. kgs. each Cat. No. in mm lbs. kgs. FOR STATIONARY UNITS FOR MOBILE UNITS P08 8 200 1 5 P54 54 1370 4 1 8 .09 PC54 54 1370 4 1.8 P64 64 1625 41/2 2.0 10 PC64 64 1625 4'h 2.0 P72 72 1830 5 2.3 12 PC72 72 1830 5 2.3 P84 84 2130 51/2 2 5 14 PC84 84 2130 5 2 5 CU FT each 09 10 12 14 '10901 North Kilpatrick Avenue, Chicago Illinois 60651 Phone: 312 379 -2100 Toll Free: 1- 800 621 -4023 Amcoa is a registered traoemark of Amco Corporation AIISS291 ©AmCO Corporation SPECIFICATIONS AMCO 11 WIRE SHELVES 01 rigid form Construction of all A. For zinc- protoxy plated shelves see 8. For chrome plated shelves finishes C For Polygard coated shelves D. For stainless steel shelves Shelves to have *8 162) gauge crossw spaced 1 on centers with cross- braces '1 3125") minimum of 6' on centers and running perpendicular to crosswires Cross- braces welded at each end inside '1, leg of channel •1 x 1 y x 090' thick with legs of channel pointed in to center of shelf A square tapered 17/ nigh steel collar is to be welded at each corner Additionally a suitable number '1, (.3125) rebrace wires are welded to the under side of 18' 21 and 24' wide shelves in lengths of 54' and longer All contact points are welded. FINISHES A. ZINC- PROTOXY plating quality wire and steel. Electro-Zinc plated with a single -dip chromate post treatment after welding. Surfaces are additionally protected against rusting with PROTOXY a transparent, colorless, hard baked. non -toxic epoxy B. CHROME PLATED: plating quality wire and steel. Plated after welding, chrome over nickel under- cut. C. POLYGARD COATED: cold rolled wire and steel. Electro-Zinc plated with a single -dip chromate post treatment after welding. Covered with a hard baked blue plastic resin coating after plating. Minimum coating thickness to be .01 0. STAINLESS STEEL type 304 cold drawn annealed brite-finish stainless steel and wire. Eiectro-polished after welding. POSTS of rigid form construction of all A. For zinc protoxy plated posts see B. For chrome plated posts finishes C. For Polygard coated posts D. For stainless steel posts Posts are .065' Mick 1 0.0 square tubes notched every 2' on each corners of the posts. A nylon post cap is installed on the top of the post. Installed on the bottom of each stationary post is a nylon housing for a steel leveler '1, -16 x 1'/. The leveler has a '1. hex head and a' /4 threadless shoulder to eliminate deposits of mop strands or broom fibers. POST FINISHES A. ZINC-PROTOXY plating quality cold rolled steel tubing. Electro-Zinc plated with a single dip chromate post treatment after fabrication. Surfaces are additionally protected against rusting with PROTOXY a transparent. colorless. hard-baked. non -toxic epoxy 8. CHROME PLATED: plating quality cold rolled steel. Plated after fabrication. chrome over nickel undercoat. C. POLYGARD COATED: plating quality cold rolled steel. Electro-Zinc plated with a singledip chromate post treatment after fabrication. Covered with a hard baked blue plastic resin coating after plating. STAINLESS STEEL type 304 cold drawn annealed brite- finish stainless steel and wire. Electro- polished after fabrication. 0. METHOD OF ASSEMBLY Four nylon tapered collets are packed with each shell. The collet may be installed onto any notched Position on the post. Posts are installed in- to the tapered shelf collars which mate with the tapered nylon collet to securely seat the shelf onto the post withOut the need for special tools FAX 312 379-5183 Tel 1991 PROJECT ITEM NO MODEL NUMBER iooi 1 acg-ex (sp'.tA0 MFGRS DESCRIPTION '4c.e TioN __Fc.norArmep, 1-o1.1 woe Re TbR ii612 Gtr I fireie-f O2 Amy �r�c� ss std.. c.un�+ ovum_ Fl Ill RcU s l N1 s AcTE) J1 siafCl.119s not g;$ 5 UTILITY REQUIREMENTS DESCRIPTION QUANTITY (water -tNU) MANUFACTURER... TpAULs1 /4 co. tjic. ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER... NATURAL GAS rt ELECTRICAL 0 OTHER AS INDICATED PROPANE ACCESSORIES MANUFACTURES STANDARD OTHER AS INDICATED 4 r wor-4) egg wrr sry AsH €c.r PURCHASE hennas Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS BTU /HR PRESSURE VOLTAGE I l e PHASE 1 LOAD S 0 AMP* 1 Ai NONE manufactured item ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. PROJECT ITEM NO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Protect: Model Specified: "G- Express" Refrigerators /self- contained Single Section (Formerly Model GHT 1.32 WUT) Model poor Hinging 010000 Hall Right 010001 Hall Len 010010 Full Right 010011 Full Leh Standard Features Energy Saving Defogger Control Exterior LCD Digital Thermometer 3 Adjustable Coated Steel Shelves Per Section Supported on Shelf Studs Self -Closing Doors with Stay Open Feature at 120° Cam Lift Glide Hinges Guaranteed for Life Automatically Activated Interior Lighting Magnetic Door Gaskets Horizontal Work Flow Door Handle Guaranteed tor Lite Hot Gas Condensate Evaporator Ptasticized Fin Coil R -22 Refrigerant Cord Set Attached G30000 (Shown With Half Doors) AVAILABLE MODELS Two Section (Formerly Mode( GHT 2 -32 NUT) Model Door 020000 Han 020001 Hall 020002 Han 020003 Hall G20010 Full 020011 Full 020012 Full -)320013 Full Hardware, Insulation and Construction Doors are equipped with exclusive. guaranteed for life. cam lift gravity- action, self- closing metal glide hinges with stay-open feature at 120° and are readily removable. Exclusive, guaranteed for life. work flow door handle is mounted horizontally over recess in door Doors include removable plug cylinder lock and vinyl magnetic gasket for positive seal. Interior of cabinet includes lights automatically activated by switch concealed within door hinges. Caoinet is equipped with anti-condensate heaters located around the door openings. Defogging Control. depending upon operational conditions. allows 'On"/"Off operation. Cabinet body e insulated with 100% foamed -in -place polyurethane foam. Exterior cabinet top, back and bottom are of heavy gauge galvalume. Refrigeration System Refngeration components are readily accessible behind removable top louver rails. Temperature is uniformly maintained by a.unique air circulation system within the food zone. Quantity Hinging Len -Rgm Right -Leh Right -Right Left-Lek Left-Right Right-Len Right-Right Leh -Leh Specifications Refrigerant lbw, in self contained models, is governed by a capillary flow restrictor Inside temperature is governed by an adjustable pre -set control. An automatic con- densate disposal is provided with selcontained models. A recess channel is included at back to facilitate running of drain lines and/or power lines to the bottom of cabinet should either be required. Shelving Standard interior arrangement consists of 3 heavy -duty coated steel wire shelves per section. Shelves are adjustable and supported on shelf studs (see optional accessories section). 115-1-60 Voltage (fox other voltage, consult factory) Heavy Duty Legs Stainless Steel Breaker Strips High Humidity Coil Locks Optional Accessories Five Year Compressor Warranty and One or Two Year ServiceA.abor Warranty Available Single Section Accessory Kits 3 Shelves with Pins 4 Pair 01 Tray Slides o e(4 Tray Slides (equips full section) C 4 Pair Universal Tray Slides O 4 Casters (2 with brakers, 2 without brakes) Item is One, Two and Three Section Models CABINET INTERIOR/EXTERIOR SPECIFICATIONS Exterior cabinet front, including doors, urea of stainless steel. Anodized aluminum sides with gafvalume top, bottom and back. Interior cabinet top, bottom, sides and back of anodized aluminum. Exterior LCD Digital Thermometer. Adjustable, heavy duty, legs 6' high. Three Section (Formerly Model GHT 3-32 NUT) Model Door Hinging G30000 Hall G30001 Hatt 030002 Hall G30003 Half 030310 Full 030011 Full G30012 Full G30013 Full Left -Right-Right Leh- Leh -Right Right -Right-Right Left Leh Right -Right Leh Leh -Right Right -light -Right Left- Left -Leh O• Underwriters Approved by Unde Laboratories. Inc., and the National Sannanon Foundation. 1Wo Section Accessory Kits 0 3 Shelves with Pins CI 4 Pair et Tray Slides C 04 Tray Slides (equips full section) C 4 Casters (2 with brakes. 2 without brakes) 0 4 Pair Universal Tray Slides Three Section Accessory Kits L 3 Shelves with Pins (left or right sections) 0 3 Shelves with Pins (center section only) C 4 Pair 01 Tray Slides 0 04 Tray Slides (equips full section) 4 Casters (2 with brakes. 2 without brakes) 0 4 Pair Universal Tray Slides C Remote Reach -In Traulsen Traulsen Co.. Inc NEW YORK Cc': Pox.: NY .'3H, ■22 920 2- LOS ANGELES 33:' s 5.' ve-nor' Cal 'o' a 90C &•.2t3 550- 2' 2., =•Fax •2'3! 585 :23 TEXAS '72' S_:a 3' n5:on Texas 7€C 649-5215 *Fax 9' 5-? PROJECT ITEM NO i Project: Quantity: Model Specified: "G- Express" Refrigerators seuf- cantalned The following characteristics appt) i aI Wow. (Weight data applies to models 4 tared.) �I •G- EXPRESS' MODELS DIMENSIONAL DATA 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION Net Capacity (cu. ft.) 24.2 46.0 69.1 Length overall (in.) 29% 52% 7834. Depth overall (in.) 34 3 3 Depth over body (in.) 32 32 32 Depth with door open 90° (in.) 57 564 5646 Clear door width (in.) 21% 20'34e 2 Clear halfdoor height (in.) 27% 273 27% Clear full-door height (in.) 57% 57% 57%4 Height overall on 6' legs (in.) 83 83 83'/E Number of shelves (total) 3 6 9 Shelf Area (sq. h.) 13.5 25.6 39.2 ELECTRICAL DATA Voltage 115/6011 115/6011 115/1180 Feed. Wires (with ground) 3 3 3 Total amperes 8.0 8.5 8.8 Energy Consumption Kwh/day 3.9 14.7 NA REFRIGERATION DATA Compressor H.P. (Refrigerator) 'h BTU/HR. (Refrigerator) 2600 2600 3600 SHIPPING DATA (Domestic Crated) Length Crated (in.) 35 63 91 Depth Crated (in.) 43 43 43 Height— Crated (in.) 83' 83 83% Volume— Crated (cu. ft.) 74 133 191 Net Wt. Lbs. (uncrated) 305 470 640 Gross Wit. Lbs. (crated) 395 610 820 'Basra an 90•F RnovFnr and 20•F w -vmor. Continued produa improvement may mamba dedication dtngee ailttwt notice. Sectio 7 -1 12192 342 OVER .••flAE THREE SECTION 342 o.ER M'1NIRE Coro PAN StDE VIEW (FULL DOORS) a.l —r• wimp. LRKs 71 :a 32 Sr �I� 1 OUTLET 502 1 0:O r COMO (VAR (REACH IN SIDE VIEW (b4 DOORS) sal hem 464 TERN/MAL !OA I a7 /1 POWER SuRRLr CO /IOM l I 1 1 I i ri 27 32 �N 1 1 WWI LINOS TWO SECTION 62 DRAIN NOTE When ordering please specify Voltage. hinging. door size. Options wane For fast eider entry: Fax (1) 800.785'877 PROJECT Part No. 31041716-00 Traulsen Traulsen Co. Inc NEW YORK C c:_ LOS ANGELES TEXAS 93% ss 774 •a 117 BS: ITEM NO C4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER... T A cgAzo ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER O V A MODEL NUMBER c 12o t t ''G•exP Ss(srpc.tAL) MFGRS DESCRIPTION 51t4(4LE 5E TIOK) C,F c J JM6p, L014 noon. Fee ze 1-1(M4 EP L eFr, W trH ccisrorvi urez1orz STINIOLESS 9reu. 4RuM XJM fiNiSti. Rlt2N(S M RwS A c-T Ptr -F cLI PS 4 srAiJoeiRPs UTILITY REQUIREMENTS QUANTITY 1 BTU /HR PRESSURE ELECTRICAL VOLTAGE 11 PHASE 0 OTHER AS INDICATED LOAD (4.8 Afi PS 0 NATURAL GAS 0 PROPANE NONE ACCESSORIES MANUFACTURES STANDARD OTHER AS INDICATED T1rlo (2 P) nc g6 urge de 4s f eLF CLIPS. Fcigml5ti g CAL. T 4M fit' 136TWEEN ITS .S Z PURCHASE Dennis Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS manufactured ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. item PROJECT ITEM NO 41) Project: Model Specified: "G- Express" Free'Zers Self- Contained One, Two and Three Section Models CABINET INTERIOR/EXTERIOR SPECIFICATIONS MODEL G12010 MODEL G22010 MODEL G31000 (Shown With Half Doors) Hardware, insulation and Construction Doors are equipped with exclusive, guaranteed for life. cam lift gravity-action. self dosing metal glide hinges with stay-open feature at 120° and are readily removable. Exclusive, guaranteed for life, work flow door handle is mounted horizontally over recess in door. Doors include removable plug cylinder lock and vinyl magnetic gasket for positive seal. Interior of cabinet includes lights automatically activated by switch concealed within door hinges. Cabinet is equipped with anti-condensate heaters located around the door openings. Defogging Control, depending upon operational conditions. allows "On7Off' operation. Cabinet body a insulated with 100% foamed in place polyurethane foam. Exterior cabinet top, back and bottom are of heavy gauge gaivalume. Refrigeration System Refrigeration components are readily accessible behind removable top lower rails. Temporal= is uniformly maintained by a unique air circulation system within the food zone. Standard Features Energy Saving Defogger Control Exterior LCD Digital Thermometer 3 Adµitabie Coated Steel Shelves Per Section. Supported on Shelf Studs Se1RClosing Doors with Stay Open Feature at 120° Cam Lilt Gide Hinges—Guaranteed for Life Automatically Activated Interior Lighting Snap4n Magnetic Door Gaskets HorQOnfal Wort Row Door Handle Guaranteed for Life Hot Gas Condensate Evaporator Cad Set Attached (except 3 section models) R502 Refrigerants Quantity: GI Exterior cabinet front. including doors, ma of stainless steel. Anodized aluminum sides with galvalume top, bottom and back. Interior cabinet top, bottom, sides and back of anodized aluminum. Exterior LCD Digital Thermometer. Adjustable, heavy duty, all 6' high. AVAILABLE MODELS Single Seaton (Fonneny Model GLT 132 WUT) Models Door Hinges G12000 G12001 G12010 012011 Haft Half Full Full Specifications 0 115 -1d0 Voltage (for her voltage, consult factory) Duty Legs Optional Accessories F rye Year Compressor Warranty and One or Two Year Service/labor Warranty Available Rentot&ReacMn Single Section Aeceaawy Kits 3 Shelves with Pins 4 Pair #1 Tray Slides 44 Tray Slides (equips full section) 4 Pair Universal Tray Slides Right Left Right Left W` Item N Two Section (Farmety Model GLT 232 NUT) Thse Section (Formerly Model GLT 332 NUT) Models Door Hinging Model Door Hinging G22000 Half Left Right G31000 Half Left- Right -tight 622001 Halt Right-Left G31001 Halt Laft-Left-Right 022002 Half Right -Right G31002 Half Right -Right-Right G22003 Half Left-Leh 631003 Haft Left-Left-Left 622010 Full Left-Right 031010 Full Left-Right-Right 622011 Full Right 631011 Fua Lef6Left -Right G22012 FuII Right -tight 031012 Full Right.Righl•Right 622013 Full Left-Left 031013 Full left- Lah1ef Refrigerant flow, in self contained models, is governed by a capillary flow restrictor Inside temperature is governed by an adjustable pre-set control. An automatic con- densate disposal is provided with self-contained models. A recess channel is included at back to feditate running of drain lines and/or power lines to the bottom of cabinet should either be required. Shelving Standard interior arrangement consists of 3 heavy-duty coated steel wire shelves per section. Shelves are adjustable and supported on shelf studs (see optional accessories section). Approved by Untlenwiters Latorebriea. Inc. and me National Sunhat*, Fwrdatim. 4 Casters (2 with brakers, 2 without brakes) Moo Section Accessory Kits 3 Shelves with Pins 4 Pair #1 Tray Slides O 04 Tray Sides (equips full section) O 4 Casters (2 with brakes. 2 without brakes) 4 Pair Universal Tray Sides Three Section Accessory Kits 3 Shelves with Pins (left or right sections) O 3 Shelves with Pins (center section only) O 4 Pair #1 Tray Slides 04 Tray Slides (equips full section) 4 Casters (2 with brakes, PR0 .IECT 4 Pair Universal Tray Slk Traulsen Traulsen 8 Co Inc NEW YORK LOS ANGELES TEXAS i 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C)k f S 346 OVE R N'WARE Section 7 -2 Protect: Model Specified: 12192 G- Express" Freezers /Self- Containea The following characteristics apply to all models listed below. (Weight data applies to models es kdated.) Ty-EXPRESS FREEZER MODELS DIMENSIONAL DATA 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION Net Capacity (cu. ft.) 24.2 46.0 69.1 Length overall (n.) Depth overall (in.) Depth over body (M.) Depth with door open 90a (in.) Clear door width (in.) Clear half-door height (in.) Clear full door height (in.) Height overall on 6' legs (m.)' Number of shelves (total) Shelf Area (sq. ft.) ELECTRICAL. DATA Voltage Feed Wires (with ground) Total amperes Energy Consumption Kwh/day REFRIGERATION DATA Compressor H.P. (Freezer) BTU/HR. (Freezer) 1890 SHIPPING DATA (Domestic Crated) Length—Crated (in.) 35 Depth— Crated (in.) 43 Height Crated (in.) Volume Crated (cu. ft.) Net Wt. Lbs. (uncrated) Gross Wt. Lbs. (crated) Actual nava over cam Von n Mw Sara on 9P am4rn an. 47 a Continued produa im, may CONO. EVAP. TWO SECTION 115/6011 3 10.0 122 29 34'3' 32 57 21% 27% 57%/4 83% 3 135 83% 74 345 435 76 r 6 20, x 52'4 763;e 34'34e 34 32 32 5644 563 20'346 20'34. 27% 27% 57% 57% 83 83' 6 9 25.6 39.2 115180/1 208/115/1/60 3 4 14.8 12.8 1.0 3630 4420 63 91 43 43 83% 83% 133 191 555 675 695 855 without notice. why: -r REFRIG. LINES CONO EVARR r 3• OVER N'WARE r5 REACH IN J DRAIN TERNINAL FOR POWER SUPPLY 23=- CONNECTION /4 I j L. —L 27 32 Part No. 370.417D•0 27J 278 2' —17 28 f` 34I6 OVER IPWAR 1 LIGHT OUTLET BOX/ FOR POWER SUPPLY cOteacTI0N5 Item N 77 6 SIDE VIEW (Vs DOORS) 5 28 ORA IN COND EVA PAN DRAIN sT 48 d TERMINAL FOR POWER SUPPLY CONNECTION ...Jr �1 1— 3y, 124 58% 65 774 834 2!8 X4 8 `REFR/G. LINES REFRIG. LINES 27 3 ONE SECTION Traulsen Traulsen Co_ Inc. NEW YORK LOS ANGELES a_ o E- TEXAS S s 2 27 32 S6i 5 PROJECT ITEM NO I DESCRIPTION QUANTITY _g MANUFACTURER... Tiutat.So.i co. U 1 ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER... gi NONE MODEL NUMBER "cg (sP AL) MFGRS DESCRIPTION 4Niat.e /i et ca,r wix_2 Pone et c tar. SJ cE2 LEP WU �Fc M W (ALC.Tom tN1tn2 ��r�CFSS SC u in F I )i RilWat N1 RS Acinaltdr s LF PS et2roJalgt, S UTILITY REQUIREMENTS... NATURAL GAS 0 PROPANE P i ELECTRICAL 0 OTHER AS INDICATED STU /HR PRESSURE VOLTAGE 11 PHASE 1 LOAD 8 O AO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACCESSORIES MANUFACTURES STANDARD 1 OTHER AS INDICATED 1 Lcir S rf r uJ TN tt 1 2) i PURCHASE manufactured item PROJECT Dennis Pollmann ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU ITEM NO PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. 1 and Associates SUBMITTAL APPROVAL. MUST BE IS PURCHASED. FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT 4) 1 1 DESCRIPTION 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 MANUFACTURER cs. TLs. ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER IN NONE MODEL NUMBER 220l I '`CI-6x s5(9(TO'; MFGRS DESCRIPTION pougC.E 5er. SEC F CAutJ &EP, LV1/416 Fg Zeg. ti H R4 L WITH GL4STOM Illrt eelo2 c✓T7°ttI%LE 9 1..4RWiMIIUUM f9N5l. 8112 J(SH Rim ADZ i TE SH Et..FC -1 PS 4 STAPPARPS UTILITY REQUIREMENTS... 0 NATURAL GAS ELECTRICAL 0 OTHER AS INDICATED PROPANE ACCESSORIES 35 MANUFACTURES STANDARD OTHER AS INDICATED 1 re g. (4.1eng6 ustRe 4tlei.V €S 4sHEL.F GC.IPs• Ft-1141151i V .tic.AL T2JM di,r4cP aErW J nrm.S Z *r3 PURCHASE I)enna.s Pollmann and Assocaates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS BTU /HR PRESSURE VOLTAGE 11 PHASE QUANTITY teti LOAD 14.8 Aiv1 PS manufactured item ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST 8E COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. PROJECT ITEM NO 5) Project: Model Specified: "G- Express" Freezers /self- contained MODEL 612010 (Shown With Half Doors) MODEL G22010 Two Section Model G22000 G22001 G22002 G22003 G22010 G22011 MODEL 631000 G22012 022013 Hardware, Insulation and Construction Doors are equipped with exclusive. guaranteed for life, cam lift gravity-action. self- closing metal glide hinges with stay-open feature at 120° and are readily removable. Exclusive, guaranteed for life. work flow door handle is mounted horizontally over recess in door Doors include removable plug cylinder lock and vinyl magnetic gasket for positive seal. Interior of cabinet includes lights automatically activated by switch Jed within door hinges. Cabinet is equipped with anti-condensate heaters located around the door openings. Defogging Control, depending upon operational conditions, allows 'On "/"Off' operation. Cabinet body is insulated with 100% foamed -in -place polyurethane foam. Exterior cabinet top, back and bottom are of heavy gauge galvalume. Refrigeration System Refrigeration components are readily accessible behind removable top louver rails. Temperature is uniformly maintained by a unique air circulation system within the food zone. Standard Features Energy Saving Defogger Control Exterior LCD Digital Thermometer 3 Adjustable Coated Steel Shelves Per Section Supported on Shelf Studs Self- Closing Doors with Stay Open Feature at 120° Cam Lift Glide Hinges Guaranteed for Life Automatically Activated Interior Lighting Snap -In Magnetic Door Gaskets Horizontal Work Flow Door Handle Guaranteed for Life Ha Gas Condensate Evaporator Cord Set Attached (except 3 section models) R502 Refrigerants Ouantity One, Two and Three Section Models CABINET INTERIOR/EXTERIOR SPECIFICATIONS Exterior cabinet front, including doors, tats of stainless steel. Anodized aluminum sides with galvalume top, bottom and back. Interior cabinet top. bottom, sides and back of anodized aluminum. Exterior LCD Digital Thermometer. Adjustable, heavy duty, all 6' high. AVAILABLE MODELS Single Section (Formerly Model GLT 1-32 WUT) Model a Door Hinging G12000 012001 012010 012011 Half Half Full Full Specifications Right Len Right Len (Formerly Model GLT 2-32 NUT) Door Hinging Half Half Half Half Full Full Full Full Left-Right Right -Len Right Leh -Len Left-Right Right -Len skelf Right-Right Left-Left 115.1.60 Voltage (for other voltage, consult factory) Heavy Duty Legs Locks O Accessories Five Year Compressor Warranty and One or Two Year Service/Labor Warranty Available C Remote/Reach -In Single Section Accessory Kits C 3 Shelves with Pins 4 Pair 41 Tray Slides 04 Tray Slides (equips full section) O 4 Pair Universal Tray Slides Item Three Section Formery Model GLT 3.32 NUT) Model l Door Hinging 031000 Half Len -Right -Right 631001 Half Len Len Right 031002 Half Right- Right -Right G31003 Half Len -Len -Len 031010 Fun Left-Right-Right G31011 Full Len- Len -Right G31012, Full Right-Right-Right G31013 Full Len Len -Len Refrigerant flow, in self contained models, is governed by a capillary flow restrictor Inside temperature is governed by an adjustable pre-set control. An automatic con- densate disposal is provided with self-contained models. A channel is included at back to facilitate running of drain lines and/or power lines to the bottom of cabinet should either be required. Shelving Standard interior arrangement consists of 3 heavy-duty coated steel wire shelves per section. Shelves are adjustable and supported on shelf studs (see optional a o;..ies section). CDS Approved by LinderwMefs Laboratories. Mc. and the National Sanitation Foundation. G 4 Casters (2 with brakers. 2 without brakes) Two Section Accessory Kits C 3 Shelves with Pins C 4 Pair el Tray Slides C 04 Tray Slides (equips full section) O 4 Casters (2 with brakes. 2 without brakes) C 4 Pair Universal Tray Slides Three Section Accessory Kits O 3 Shelves with Pins pen or right sections) C 3 Shelves with Pins (center section only) C 4 Pair Al Tray Slides 04 Tray Slides (equips? 4 Casters (2 with brake PROJECT C 4 Pair Universal Tray 5 ITEM NO Traulsen Traulsen 3, Co.. Inc NEW YORK c2 .e Cc ?,e Pox: NY 1135E 1800) 825 E22C Fax c 2 .E• '322 LOS ANGELES 33.:' Le s c'. ncn. Cai.'c-1.a. 90058 (2'3, 2' 2 3 Fa 2 TEXAS 721 S ,,sa^ C' .e A• ng:on. Texas 76010. (817) 649 5215 ca.% (8 E 0'82 (5 34 /6 OVER N'WARE Section 7 -2 12/92 Protect: Model Specified: "G- Express" Freezers /self- containea The following characteristics apply to MI modals (Weight data applies to modele as Indicated.) •G- EXPRESS' FREEZER MOOELS DIMENSIONAL DATA 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION Net Capacity (cu. ft.) 24.2 460 69.1 Length overall (in.) 29% 52% 7634e Depth overall (in.) 3 34'34. 34'x. Depth over body (in.) 32 32 32 Depth with door open 90° (in.) 57 5634 544 Clear door width (in.) 21% 20'34. 20 Clear half-door height (in.) 27% 27% 27% Clear full-door hegM (in.) 57% 57 57% Height overall on 6" legs (in.)• 83 83 83% Number of shelves (total) 3 6 9 Shelf Area (sq. ft.) 115 25.6 39.2 ELECTRICAL DATA Voltage 115/6011 115/60/1 2081115/1/60 Feed Wires (with ground) 3 3 4 Total amperes 10.0 14.8 12.8 Energy Consumption Kwh/clay 12.2 Compressor H. REFRIGERATION DATA CONE £VAP /I Compressor H.P. (Freezer) 5/, 1.0 TERMINAL FOR POWER SUPPLY BTU/HR. (Freezer) 1890 3630 4420 N. h -2344 I CONNEC SHIPPING DATA (Domestic Crated) t 1 14 Length —Crated (in.) 35 63 91 e 1— Depth— Crated (in.) 43 43 43 3 4 I O j i 2 7 32 H Crated (in.) 83'6 83'/2 83+,4 OVER N•WARE Volume Crated (Cu. ft.) 74 133 191 Net Wt. Lbs. (uncrated) 345 555 675 r 56; Gross Wt. Lbs. (crated) 435 695 855 IS 206 �I r `R£FRIO. LINES MuL 149th crow cQ'C N' Same 90• 7 OHM aft 20" F mom." Connnued produa improvement may necessrtale spaces:Nix charges wlthaA nouoe. CONE. EVAP. TWO SECTION 76 6 ,201—J 1 e i 0 L 1 REFR/G. L Ouantity' Item REACH IN TERMINAL FOR POWER SUPPLY CONNECTION 27 32 56 Part No. 710. 41717.00 278 27e 28 L 16147 2 58% 65 774 834 THREE SECTION 342 OVER CONE EVA pAN N'WARE DRAIN OUTLET BOX FOR POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS 3%, 12 4 SIDE VIEW (V2 DOORS) 52 ORR IN 48 re- 29 ONE SECTION Traulsen Traulsen Co.. Inc. NEW YORK 114-C2 15 A.eve Cc eye Pc ".Y 1 1358 :035- 82•8220 LOS ANGELES 3301 Lee s 81.c 1.ew ^c^ Ca `c'^ a 22058 12t3; 50 5 '2 TEXAS 1721 Susan prve.A ctcn Teas "SC ?•:c'7i'3495275• Fax= a 6 27 32 S PROJECT ITEM NO �I i( i DESCRIPTION QUANTITY �.x l+PrUGr r-ow (64-.As r) 1 MANUFACTURER... PAG(PIG �i�INLC'fi ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER )34 NONE MODEL NUMBER veurntArfc..• sus MFGRS DESCRIPTION 15Acz sH€tF s -F Type I 1 ..X1+ *r tioo• WITH QL 1 MP Li f. F )AP P1S6eivv3LS. FUIL MEPA 90 comp Atuc.- ALL 1 4 s sreEL Pie w% gc.Y UTILITY REQUIREMENTS BTU /HR NATURAL GAS 0 PROPANE PRESSURE 0 ELECTRICAL Iffj VOLTAGE PHASE LOAD 20HR'1? IJOTF IQ) 1$ GEM 18 0o FPM 0 ujC 1 OTHER AS INDICATED _64 x tb EXttA -.Sr P( ACCESSORIES MANUFACTURES STANDARD OTHER AS INDICATED PQOV1176 PUSH t AJZI -i t[ OP PAIL! SW►rt 1{ .s 5A PPLA- Sty LE GJ, Z ASE P(LT e S PA tGIZOScu l CC N 00 Rge vampoz. w trft Mi-tcr GONTAc.T01? i tr '7 To e FPrcTotel t1J -er' (M t}noo f3oPY. g TO RigNISti 1 56. VAIL PANEL MOIY► 'M' OF GOVE $Pe TO gorroivi dF ticov 3019.1 Its Za Gft MPPr€ tAL J PURCHASE manufactured item 1 elliPennzs Pollmann ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT ITEM NO PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. and 44sso c2 a tes SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE IS PURCHASED. <(0> FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IIIIII I MI r— MI i all OM M 0 FILTERS IJL cLAEOPMm CREWE MITRE are o rl2o 2a map J l o 4 !PACER' J r- 10EWNT DUCT EIrPLY DUCT Ldral PLAN VIEW J I I I SLY Oro REMOVABLE" GREASE CUP t gee i MONT VIEW WAS A TYPE I HOOD NOTES 1100D (A) OW (CI IDAILIon ORWMT 0.1.IIIEt FLIER VELLCCITY EIPPLY °WRY 11000 MODEL ',TACTIC N117ER HOOD 11000 11000 CPR. COLLAR DUCT AREA NNEU Cr)t AUR PRE n 1 �aA LENITH LLM°TH IA. are VELOCITY MO. FT) FILTERS COLLAR aM C FJ6 WNT AR 1111 (H) (71) (W (Frtt (FPM) Ills 72 1 24" 1 me" 1 ism 1 mr11 V®^ 1 'Bra 1 2.79 I 982 1 NIFt) 1 MR I .78° I I I I I I I I I I I 13 DAMPER SWITCH 11::.,, CJ}�NNflI. OUILT•IN %EILATED WALL PANEL I e.TFR.E TYF'E GREASE 19CTRACTC em REMY/T. LE GREASE CUP ?To WALL. p 604 L t rug. 44 Wtt MULLET DUCT CCtLAIR IOU FIRE DAMPER fi r OIDE !MOTION VIEW 24• 24 4 L 1011D 10 K R W Li ALL -VE1DO LW21RIlXTRH ALL J1(R AMD TEND TO IC (DDWG DOM L M APPPOVp1 NJIM1TICMLY 1T(NAYDA fUED PIPE FWC TLPPPESS= SYSTEM SIMLL. K DOTAILD OYER THE MADE AREA PROVIDED UIER SE'ARATE MOOT DY A LTC EWE 31PPRESSIEI COITRACT07. (FACTORY MULLED) S. MAIM DOLTS OWL RIPE TINNED I® V4' PER FRIT 0 LINEAL EDEN AMD ACCESSULE a »WRS RWL 0 PROVIDED AT All 90• °JOYS 1.10 0- V lmt SPACDG 4 TYPE J OGWOT IOW Alm OI,CR 10 HAVE A MUDOI CLEMPTCE FRd MUUMUU SURFACES EF 47 LEAST 0. S IYPE I DRAW CUTLETS 10 IC 1001.11 O' M' AJWE 7m OF ROT' SURFACE 1.4) 14.0 fPlll ANY MJODDIO AW DUALS 1lE DWI= AND MEW ER SYS1M S TWO. K CDNECTED RY AM ELECTRIC& OOEEDIDIO wool ALL ELECTRICAL CM 01703) 7. MUTT TOD CREASE FILTERS MO UDR FUME! 10 K 1R. LISTCII COIS1RICTUH IF 00W0ST SYSTEM IOW AND DOLTS ID COMM Tf IIPA A% IM CH M. A TIC EECTRIC)& COTRACTER TH L WC AIL APPLRAAC CDEECTIE)S MI PRIDER O'OAT101 IT AL SYS1E70. J ANSEL FIRE SYSTEM eE I DETAILED ED TILED 0011 O EXHAUST DUCT PRE DAMPER MANUAL ON/OFF SWITCH MICRO SWITCH MOE COLLAR MELD &IRMMO AO REQUIRED BY E.0. DY EC. LI 2.2 IRE CAMPER CONTROL 1Z, 1 443RP .ME go. U. MEMA NOV ER.A% ORR MAR, ONE 1w-w na (l l N►stu UL LJ1TOA PILE eem421132 a2S JCAL &ALES Dan °TARR name (SOS) 211.066 PAX 221.020 n DAM EXHAUST PAN PLEC. STARTER OR EXHAUST PAM 061FECT10 4 BY ELECTRICAL CONTACTOR ALA. AL)Peet. R-Ac.' 41 �//E'.NIT/MA_ T. (c PROJECT ITEM NO (69 DESCRIPTION... QUANTITY fir2e I�1CUISHINC �YsTEM MANUFACTURER... hut.. ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER... i!( NONE MODEL NUMBER g- jo' MFGRS DESCRIPTION tz- toz Wer tam tc prr2F s t s r n co v Pc.Frt- 4 c AISTA-t.c.ED 4 u s ty Co. VoU t DE- s_s. riNNtc evCtl F e rJET w tTH (4) E-Lezx ctiosKelles it scl" 1e.k UTILITY REQUIREMENTS 0 NATURAL GAS ELECTRICAL 0 OTHER AS INDICATED 0 PROPANE ACCESSORIES OTHER AS INDICATED i p e4 iipF =ale S ClIstifIEF w m i e L. EGT' how" o PE N 614s .n5Leiocstp VII c VE_ PURCHASE Dennis Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS BTU /HR PRESSURE VOLTAGE PHASE LOAD 20 AMP Uo'rE Igo MANUFACTURES STANDARD manufactured ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 item PROJECT ITEM NO 7) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CABLE CONDUIT AND WIRE ROPE CONNECTION TO HOOD MANUAL RESET RELAY FOR GAS SOLENOID VALVE SUPPLIED BY SYSTEM MFGR, INSTALLED BY GC ESC TO TANK CABINET AND GA5 SOLENOID HOOD FAN ON/OFF SWITCH BY HOOD MFGR. INSTALLED BY GC ESC —1°. TO HOOD FAN MAG STARTER. DENNIS POLLMANN AND ASSOCIATES FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS 0 O FURNISHED BY SYSTEM MFGR. COMPLETE AND INSTALLED WITH CABLE CONDUIT AND WIRE ROPE CONNECTIONS ALL OTHER CONNECTIONS BY GC AFIRE EXTIN60 SH LNG CUSTOM FABRICATION 6" HIGH 5.5 TRIM CLOSURE TO BLDG CLG BY KEG cr -0" CLG HGT 20 AMP 115V /10 ESC TO ELECTRICAL CONTACTOR IN TANK CABINET RUN ESC TO SHUNT TRIP BREAKER, GAS SOLENOID VALVE AND RESET RELAY NOTES IS 8 Iq. ANSUL R -IO2 WET FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM TANK CABINET SURFACE MTD FIRE PULL, WIRE ROPE AND CABLE CONDUIT SURFACE MOUNTED* TYPICAL CONNECTIONS FOR FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM AND GLASS I EXHAUST HOOD SCALE 1 /2u 1' -0' sYSTMM preliminary THIS SCHEMATIC SKETCH SETS THE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS OF THE ITEM DEPICTED. STANDARD SHOP PRACTICES AND VERIFICATION OF ALL DIMENSIONS WILL BE SUBMITTED ON FABRICATION DRAWING FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION. design PROJECT ITEM NO (7) DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ZAUC SRI K ror 419ou A LE use MANUFACTURER. Flo t-P ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER SIR c�. 2Z9. �T Z2L -a�c� r MFGRS DESCRIPTION c,H ttLet Aee. Rat e wtni 4 oeeu i3u,gpere Fcoir) 4 lior 'tars e su e Zs" 61atu. -T Two c-tieP 512 VieL3S e:mg, P -Ue rZ 15 12 UTILITY REQUIREMENTS ‘JEI NATURAL GAS 0 PROPANE El ELECTRICAL 0 OTHER AS INDICATED BTU /HR PRESSURE VOLTAGE PHASE LOAD Ooo NONE ACCESSORIES 1X1 MANUFACTURES STANDARD noire OTHER AS INDICATED e S CJL GATb ff"`��� cu 9 Riff Foe elhs t WP Ic/TPP PURCHASE Dennis Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS manufactured ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. item PROJECT ITEM NO 64) Heavy duty cast iron top grates easily removed for cleaning. (12 3/4" x 11 1 /8"). CHSSR -6. 229-FT34L SHOWN WITH HIGH SHELF Heavy duty non clogging cast iron. lift-off burners. Rated 26,000 BTU's. 68" RANGE DOUBLE OVEN GAS OPERATED Modern S/S Bullnose ST S/S Manifold Cover 13hCr.. Heavy Duty Cast Iron Grates One piece Cast Iron Venturi All welded heavy steel frame construction S/S Griddle Splashes 26,000 BTU Removable Burner With 19 to 1 Turndown Ratio Key Features Chef sized 29" Ovens have 100% safety pilots for automatic lighting. 29" wide X 22" deep x 13" high. Porcelain oven bottom. rib design and porcelainized door liner Heavy duty Hot Tops and Half Hot Tops with finned bottom for maximum Griddles shall have continuous, 3" high. 14 ga. Stainless Steel back and heat transfer and strength. side splashes. Automatic lighting for every burner Extra thick, SAG -proof fiberglass insulation. Aluminized drip trays under complete cooking surface. Double wall High Shelf for more efficient operation. Oven controlled by a Heavy Duty AGA listed modulating thermostat. Range constructed for ease of cleaning, operation and maintenance. a Positive spring balanced Door Sanitary adjustable 6" legs. I PROJECT ITEM NO WOLF RANGE COMPANY P.O. Box 7050, Compton, S n, California 9024 a 90240-7050 P.O. Box 7050, Compton, Clifoia 90240 -70550 II (310) 637 -3737• FAX (310) 637 7931 (800) 366 -W01 SPECIFICATIONS Oh OTHER SIDE 1170.8] 67 1/4" 171/2' 51 1,4 0 1 (130.8] O @t: e0 co t4.1$ 3c1_ 449 al e o 0 IL L SPECIFICATIONS c OPEN BURNERS w /OVENS MODEL CHR -12 -229 or CHSSR 12.229 10 OPEN BURNERS, 11 "FT w /OVENS MODEL CHR -10- 229 -FT11 L or CHSSR -10- 229 -FT11 L LIP 76? 12.6Al2 OPEN BURNERS, 22 "FT w /OVENS ODEL CHR -8- 229 -FT22L or CHSSR -8- 229 -FT22L Specifications Cooking Height. including adjustable legs, shall be 37' Range built of heavy gauge steel securely fastened and welded together Black epoxy powder coat finish standard. #4 S/S finish available. A 3/4" gas pipe inlet shall be through the right rear of unit. Griddle plates shall be 1/2" thick. 22" deep cooking surface, highly polished steel. 3/4" and 1 are available and may be ordered in 11 22' 34" 45" 56" 67" widths (45" griddles are 3/4" thk. 56" 67' are 1 thk. std.). Griddle shall have 3 -3/8" (spatula width) S/S gutter with large drain hole. Ranges shall have AGA, CGA and NSF certification. Top cooking arrangements: Left or right hand Fry Tops, Hot Tops. Half Hot Tops and Open Burners to suit individual needs. Large capacity aluminized grease can easily removed for cleaning. Leveling bolts are provided at rear corners of Fry Top Griddles. Each oven is equipped with one heavy duty plated, wire oven rack. Extra racks are available. Extra heavy duty cool to the touch. high heat resistant, red knobs are standard. Black knobs are available. CHSSR Models: S/S front and 5 1/2' Stub Back standard equipment. 68" Challenger Restaurant Range Series 44 1/2" x _32 3/4 i (83.21 g 1/2"1" I [24.1] 29 3/4" [75.6) 2 ?51/2 [7.0) 64.8 TOP OF 1 DEEP- iQO�° KINCi STUB RISER 1 --"9/4" GAS PIPE INL 29 7/e" [75.91 28 1/4" (71.8] Top Arrangements 57112' [146.0] 35 1/2" [63.5) !X6"(15.2 /1/2"( 9.1] Range Height (Hi•Shelt) 57 t2 (149.9 cm) Cooking Height 37' (93 9 cm) 59" Approx: Shipping Wt. 846 1bs. [149.9] CHALLENGER DIMENSIONS Range Wdth Range Depth Cooking Top Depth Range Height (Stub) CHALLENGER BURNER RATINGS Open Top 26.000 BTU'S Hot -Top 22.000 BTU's Hall-Hot-Top Fry-Top 29' Oven Comb. Broiler Grill 67 t /4' (170.8 cm) 32-3/4" (83.2 cm) 25.112 (64 8 cm) 41 12 (105.4 cm) 11.000 BTU's 20.000 BTU's 30.000 BTU's 10.000 BTUs PEN BURNERS, 56 "FT w /OVENS MODEL CHR =2- 229-FT56L or CHSSR -2. 229 -FT56L PEN BURNERS, 6HHT w /OVENS MODEL CHR -6- 229 -6HHT or CHSSR -6- 229 -6HHT OPEN BURNERS, 3HT w /OVENS MODEL CHR -6- 229 -3HTL or HSSR -6- 229 -3HTL Optional Features Stainless Steel stub back in place of Hi- Shelf. Stainless Steel Hi- Shelves and body ends available. Griddle section available with, thermostatically controlled burners. Work surfaces are 16 ga. S /S. Available in 11 22" 34" and 45" widths. 5" swivel ballbearing casters available. Choice of two 29" ovens or one 29" oven with storage compartment. Convection ovens are available in all ranges with 29' ovens. Installation Requirements Properly balanced ventilation must be provided for efficient operation. Gas line connecting to range must be 3/4" I.D. or larger If flexible connectors ar used, the inside diameter must be the same as the 3/4" iron pipe. For proper combustion, install equipment on adjustable legs or casters provided with unit. On curb or platform allow 3 1/2" from front overhang. (see diagram) Leveling Bolts are required for curb installation. Specify when ordering. 1 cu11B wsruUria+ PROJECT ITEM NO A GAS PRESSURE REGULATOR MUST BE INSTALLED WHEN APPLIANCE IS CONNECTED TO GAS SUPPLY 5" W.C. Natural Gas. 10' W.C. Propane Gas. Specify type of gas when ordering and attitude if over 2,000 feet. NOTE: IN LINE WTTH FT'S POLICY TO CONTINUALLY IMPROVE ITS PRODUCT WOLF RANGE COMPANY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE MATERIALS AND SPECIFICATIONS WITHOUT NOTICE. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTE A NOTE B PIPING TO BE FLUSH WITH EQUIP END FRONT ELEVATION CONNECTIONS 081895 °000 oo E 45 DEG "L" TO EQUIP 45 DEG "L" FROM ROUGH IN LOCATION ON BLDG DENNIS POLLMANN AND ASSOCIATES FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS PIPING TO BE FLUSH WITH EQUIP END TOP VIEW 2 CLEAR /-BLDG WALL NOTE BLDG WALL NOTE C NOTE A NOTE B u u \I REAR ELEVATION END ELEVATION NOTES NOTE A GAS REGULATOR BY KEG INSTALLED BY GC PROVIDE I/4" GAS TAPS FOR PRESSURE CHECK ON EACH SIDE OF REGULATOR. NOTE 5 GA5 SHUT OFF LEVER OR WRENCH STYLE, WITH UNION TO EQUIPMENT PIPING NOTE C PROVIDE ALL CLOSE COUPLE FITTINGS TO MAINTAIN MINIMUM CLEAR. TO WALL NOTED ALL ROUGH IN AND FINIAL CONNECTIONS BY PLUMBER UNDER GC AS PART OF DIVISION 15 SEE SPECIFICATIONS SCHEMATICAL CONNECTIONS SHOWN, VERIFY WITH CODES AND LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY FOR NATURAL GAS GAS PIPING TO BE SIZED AS REQUIRED FOR EQUIPMENT NEEDS J preliminary design THIS SCHEMATIC SKETCH SETS THE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS OF THE ITEM DEPICTED STANDARD SHOP PRACTICES AND VERIFICATION OF ALL DIMENSIONS WILL BE SUBMITTED ON FABRICATION DRAWING FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION 1 PRO,JECT IITEM NO if.5) 9 I E 2 -A" 4, 2 L7�! �Av 4.. r- I-E `/A T 10N I. -21.d' 1 F1UI% 1 J �IID y I ips=1 1 !NOTES 1 Et- VATtOIN) FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS 4 1.. 1011 C RCItIRt NTS cp i 2 1, 4b"aIAY PuARR.2^ 'J NTS $A5E GA13INI;'r'.. CUSTOM FABRICATION Dennzs Pollmann and Assocaales 4ME i �'J ELEVArto1J r E L E T 1 O N _i A Vets" 21-o" 2!-O" b" ��Ie F(u.E R t' 1 1,21-o" TIM it I w --_J AMA, i �oPHS TL u1A14. t• ILOYA 4. 1 I 1 I TyPIG/\L MIND SE-GT'ION 2ETAiI-S NTS 1 NoTeS. A. FINISHED FLoO- To RUN TO$t -Pc, WALL AT PASe aFFSET >✓ov& pNASe THQu air UWE BASe FLOOR P•Y ea•c. COMPONENT HAMPUJA2e tHP THFRrnc- 1 IC- PI g PAN INSETS 2E1►1OVA5tE 'TWO (2)2o "X20" u "i', °He (1) 20 7A" X IO "D opFSer 4 F1 Jt.It 13P1 AT PS LootTIOAl P. FULL, 4�Z. caczAPe LAMOJATFD P1,.A.6T1G oN ALL SURFAdS5 Col o� SELKTION f5Y ARCH 1rEGT preliminary design PROJECT ITEM NO THIS SCHEYAIIC SKETCH SETS THE DESIGN REOUIREYENTS Of THE 1101 DEPICTED. STAIOAR0 SHOP PRACTICES AND VERIFICATION OF ALL DIMENSIONS WILL BE SUMMED ON FABRICATKIN DRAWING FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION. NM OM MI MI MN MI MI I O r• 3 MI UM NM MI OM MI MI I OM 1111 1.11 MI L 1 4140 2!a" lo tt4" R. At 0rRbWT r� R -eV ATI OM A A *C SW4F E LEVATI oN WALL CABINET CUSTOM FABRICATION Ada Denn2s Pollmann and Assocaales FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS 7 Nrs lo *CA EQUAL, pooFs ^o'MAX ■17TH 41, PTS ELe VPITI ON ilL4' lane AT 45 I v R r l O TWO SAL TOTAL 7 1. 40 11 gEE TYPICAL END SECTION PerAt t AC f neat* WORK sore ice NT's N Ts t 2Lg imms wnl.c 1 —a =a-4k N N AT 4y NoTE-5• A FULL tfORz c/a/Ny.6 c/a/NP LAM VAMP PutMTI ON ALL 5U I2FALE5,. zt oR Set G TtoN $N AectiI rec. r preliminary design THIS SCFEYATIC SKETCH SETS THE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Of THE ITEM DEPICTED. STANDARO SHOP PRACTICES AND VERWICATIOH Of ALL DIMENSIONS WILL RE SURMTTTEO ON FABRICATION DRAWING TOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION. PROJECT ITEM NO O WALL BLKG BY GC, TYP K d 255 d 239 ST, NDARDS AND BK S TYP ALLOW FOR TRIM AT L I 2'' LOW_ `c STANDARDS EU 0 HINGES 5EI F CLOSING 4" HIRE PULLS `fll e CN L /P ALL SURFACE NOTE C HORZ. PULLS 4 GC TO PROVIDE 9 Q1 FINISHED FLOOR 11/2" O AND COVE BASE IN OFFS r -ir I a 1 FS BASE CO BY GC TYP O SECTION THRU SINK (5) SCALE NTS L DENNIS POLLMANN AND ASSOCIATES FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS .D it WALL BLKG BY GG I TYP 1 .1.- 1 1 I I r 1' -4 2' -b ALLOW FOR TRIM AT SPLASH a \HORZ. PULLS L/P ALL SURFAC ES 0 SECTION Kd /255d 239 STANDARDS AND BK S TYP 24 LONG STA NDARDS EUF 0 HINGES t 5EI F CLOSING J 4' HIRE PULLS DRWR PAN INSERTS 20" X 20" (V BASE COVE BY GC TYP THRU DRAWERS SCALE NTS WALL BLKG BY GC TYP $ASE 4 WAL..L,. GAb) TYP END SEGTiON DeTiNiLS CUSTOM FABRICATION 1 I' -4" KiV 255 d 231 L STANDARDS AND BKTS TYP 24' LONG STANDARDS 1 MO HINGES COSING I� SELF 4" WIRE L PULLS i ALLOW FOR TRIM AT SPLASH '9 L/P ALL SURFACES a\ ADJ. SHELF n TYP ALL L HORZ. FULLS f LONG STANDARDS Q m I/2' so BASE COVE BY GC, TYP Q SECTION TYPICAL BASE d WALL CABINET SCALE NTS NOTE. A. DRAWER INSERTS TO BE COMPONENT HARDWARE HEAVY DUTY THERMOPLAS "IC DRWR PANS, 20' X 20" IN 5' AND 10" DEPTHS. PROVIDE HARDWOOD DRWR FRAME5 ON SIDE MOUNT 50 CAPACITY FULL EXTENSION SLIDES. B DOOR HINGES TO BE HEAVY DUTY THREE KNUCKLE EURO STYLE HINGES. PROVIDE ONE SATIN CHROME WIRE PULL AND ONE MAGNETIC CATCH PER DOOR. C PROVIDE APRON IN FRONT OF SINK BOWL TO MATCH SINK DEPTH. THIS SCHENAII( ,n(I74 SUS THE DESIGN R(OUiR(NfIIT` 01 'Hf HEM DEPICTED. ,IAPIDARD SITUP PRA( Al AND vipIfI(AIIOrI Of Alt OIMEN;ION° ARP 9l iUBNITIEO ON FABRICATION DIAL IlI f A PRIOR If. Af TUAI 'N'.1RNL 1ION. preliminary design PRO.:EC ITEM NO 9 IO NM MI INN DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER... ADvtirme pOdD 5egvg.e eguiP. ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER t7- MFGRS DESCRIPTION Pace Saw .oP -W .t= IZIM 6tiJK Wirt-1 2,0 X I "x t2" n Sr&JF UTILITY REQUIREMENTS... NATURAL GAS 0 PROPANE ELECTRICAL OTHER AS INDICATED I Zllt'+J 46w 'L 1 Sul BTU /HR PRESSURE VOLTAGE PHASE LOAD QUANTITY 0 NONE ACCESSORIES OTHER AS INDICATED 4Th J" -1 L. I1 A'o loin -42x71 Pao Ae v r &i I R W 2 REQ I c7 a i 4 1312c c- It 12 'eCK wtr'2 FPTUGET u.) f 19,-1 A €tzAro2• PURCHASE Dennis ald Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS MANUFACTURES STANDARD ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. PROJECT ITEM NO op 1•r r manufactured item 1 ;t1 AvAILABLE WITH 6-199 -i NON- SPLASH AERATOR LESS TIP IS MALE THD FOR AERATOR 1 l FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS T 1 S BRASS AND BRONZE WORKS ING TRAVELERS REST SOUTH CAROLINA Dennis Pollmann and Associates OTHER LENGTH NOZZLES AVAI LABLE SEE PLATE NO' B-400A NOZZLE ROTATES 360 AVAILABLE WITH 4• NPT TAILPIECES (SPECIFY) NOTE I. REMOVABLE SEATS IN FAUCET 2.AVAILABLE WITH 2 LONG SHANKS, IF DESIRED. TO ORDER ADD XS TO MODEL N0. EXAMPLE B 1110 XS a ErNOTO rr 1. AA r I ►,II1 n_IIIn B-1112 /0" .6;~ I 4/////1 WORK8OARD FAUCET DECK MOUNTED FAUCET IS FULLY OPEN INLESS THAN ti TURN OF NANOL: 8-1110 6 'h 0 1 2. 4 TOP VIEW v To OPEN DATE PL ATE N0. 10/1/79 8 1110 422EP SANK PAU.e PURCHASE manufactured ITEM INDICATED WILL SE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. item PROJECT ITEM NO 1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION 4-bT 13aVegiV?E Sri 4 MANUFACTURER... R.02klEYar ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER... MODEL NUMBER MFGRS DESCRIPTION CoPFt2euiela ultig _fiar w,ra mr UTILITY REQUIREMENTS... 0 NATURAL. GAS PROPANE ELECTRICAL la OTHER AS INDICATED BIZ" ACCESSORIES OTHER AS INDICATED PURCHASE S W Dennis Pollmann and Associates F000 FACILITIES CONSULTANTS BTU /HR PRESSURE VOLTAGE PHASE LOAD QUANTITY o/?;$ I c25 3a A\Vtt'. txsTe tCo 0 NONE El MANUFACTURES STANDARD manufactured item ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. PROJECT ITEM NO 0) DESCRIPTION H hN22 S it0f MA MUFACTURER Ai) Fool o1 top\4 tur 1 ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER 171 -1- to MFGRS DESCRIPTION stu*c.e &u1L Dt2n' -►J s7yc.e S-t R'Ltt�1 IV Ulf ITi-i Le" x L4" x(0` "t7 TFIpWL_ UTILITY REQUIREMENTS... NATURAL GAS ELECTRICAL :4 OTHER AS INDICATED ACCESSORIES... El PROPANE tils"w PURCHASE Dennis Pollmann and Assocaates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS BTU /HR PRESSURE VOLTAGE PHASE LOAD QUANTITY 0 NONE MANUFACTURES STANDARD OTHER AS INDICATED STAM9Al 1F'I L. I 0 t0 2SI pan 15.6over MAI O T 5—U41 g 41/l6u (yr p t r°Y9 --1 tar-Rim K- 13-W -4" W tSr PPcrtoN KRIVttLFS. manufactured ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. ITEM NO IMF WM- item PROJECT .43) I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INDEX! D C.w' OR H••\ FITS-MO AU S T OCEE pp LEV H J) 4'O C r.y SEE BELOW MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS VIS i S BRASS AND BRONZE moms INC. TRAVELERS REST SOUTH CAROLINA AVAIL AISLE M►TN B-I99-1 NON- SPLAS74 AERATOR GOOSENECK ROTATE 5 360' 1 9 ESS TIP 15 MALE THD. FOR AERATOR t 2 s MAY. S INK TOF MODEL NO.B- WH- 4 HANDLE SEE NOTE B -1140 FAUCET 15 FULLY OPEN IN LESS THAN YZ TURH OF HANDLE L2y+ NOTES AVAILABLE WITH y4 MIT TAILPIECES. IQ R EM OVA BLE SEATS IN FAUCET B -1141 BODY IS G /2 X 2 AT SINK TOP 8 1142 800T 15 10 1 2 x 2'AT SINK TOP O3 ALSO AVAILABLE WITH RIGID (NON-SWIVEL3 GOOSENECK, PLATE NO.8.400B 8'1141, 8-1142 AVAILABLE WITH 2 LDNG SHANKS TO ORDER ADD XS TO MODEL NO EXAMPLE 8 NE GK. MODEL NO B -II41 FAuCET &40T SHOWN) SAME AS B-1140 EXCEPT FAUCET BODY ON 4' '/c INLETS ARE I "LGNG. TOP VIEW 1 WORKBOARD FAUCET DECK M OUNTED W GOOSENECK FLATS NO K I 10 1 B-I140 HAND SINK FAUc.&T PURCHASE manufactured Dennas Pollmann and Associates ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. 2' item PROJECT ITEM NO 4 r 4 If lir 4 OWNER PURVEYOR a ia Dennis Pollmann and Assoczaks FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS WALL 140oirreD LI&IT A3+5Ve ALL (-MOP SIMXs; a SMITARY PteRemsee. slime op WASH) NciToN VieALlt; PeRt iifsW17 WAStilkkn StW n 50PIP Pl4FeMSeg. ITN SHOWN WILL 8 SUPPLIED BY OWNER OR OWNERS OPERATOR AS PURCHASED OR PURVEYOR FURNISHED ITEM ALL UTILITY ROLIol IN NEEDS WILL 8E PROVIDED BY HE k,L. A A PART OF THIS Curs, PACT r i 1 tqure... Fiztmpep• cusweg. o owmer-s 7: clio.P1-ileizp_Litirm- 1011J Ace_or-PINC2 aPPI S ANITARY TOMIA50AP p•IppmeR preliminary selection PROJECT ITEM NO zi•) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTE A. NoTc -N htir FbutsH oFF T IN pASe Ptr FLooQ Sion �2° Ta. it- X IZ" W \PE W pow G LTe Pb urTUJ f'OP PS 11J I TWO •4oAL. )tlTHS 'h" S.s PINS io c.ot» ToP TO pal Fog. P-eh ovp DP e-utr W2 $1%5 1 c oFFSE'r 'ODE IG1GK e50TH ,lDtr i P sir oc)r 4 FRertsge Pow (Teti 1(0 I FreerAge ea- ►T&w\ 17 F PO. DJ r 1 tip ALL ScakFPiceS Ncle E DErisl L rtu15Hep FJJP ee TY? ea- fe-rzor» DeTA I L M I'S 1 PLr! NC Gouty T ER 1 CUSTOM FABRICATION preliminary design 1 PROJECT 1 Pennis Pollmann ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU ITEM NO 1 and Asso c2 a tes SUB ITTALSAPPROVAL PROCESS. S BE FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. 4 1 igeR j r) t O GoCTEJz oFFsEr g pise- Pr Fs UTILITY GouNecnoN yrt.�e -u� ENP o N rift2: DETAIL PI-A'" N G Ccrg. CUSTOM FABRICATION hennas Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS tc 17 'wKtre Psnc elmu(a Fit PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. zrw-N 0 PYSG -P cr�vE NTS preliminary design PROJECT ITEM NO ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU K 5) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f DESCRIPTION... .hor moot, (kJet-C.. MANUFACTURER... \A/ELL rvw& cQ ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER... MODEL NUMBER Ivior -too Dtsl MFGRS DESCRIPTION Wow-AR DQoP-IN S TYLI PaugL WELL FoD &uARr4ER UTILITY REQUIREMENTS... NATURAL GAS ELECTRICAL OTHER AS INDICATED l I. ACCESSORIES PROPANE PURCHASE Dennis Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS BTU /HR PRESSURE VOLTAGE 208 PHASE 1 cts LOAD L. QUANTITY p,; -".L4 MANUFACTURES STANDARD OTHER Al INDICATED __E J'Pe �.�Lv 2 AINS Lve Att E~XTpIii ep VALVE- HAMOLE manufactured item ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. NONE Specifications Commercial fabrication heavy -duty modular foockwarmer designed for installation into a metal counter fixture. Unit to be completely pre fabricated from the factory and to include wiring and plumbing. Unit to be able to accommodate a standard 12 x 20 inch #200 pan up to 6 inches deep in each module seciion and to be suitable for wet or dry operation. MOD -100. MOD- 1000.<MOD -200 and MOD -2000 to be available in single phase only All other models to be available in single or three phase. (Wattage vanes by model see electrical specification chart). Body to be enclosed in aluminized steel Unit to be furnished with stainless steel mounting frame witn 'Wellslok, separate front mounted control panel and sealing gasket. Each warmer section to 1"iberglas insulation surrounding all four sides and bottom. )_d,Z:ita{y:A iening with drain MOD -200: MOD -2000 M00- MOD -3000 MOD -3 MO MOD -4000 MO MINIM (2) 12" x 20 openings (2) 12" x 20' openings with individual drains ,:k y c 20" ooenin.s (3) ndividual drains ral ected 12" x 20" openings with to manifold (4) 12"x20 "o o 4) 12 to manifold openings with individual drains as with drain connected (5) 12 "x2 openings with individual drains Me• (5) ..enin.s with drain connected to manifolo Each warmer section to be controlled by an individual infinite control witn a positive -off position and a red signal light to indicate a power on condition. Unit to have upper temperature limit thermostat which prevents accidental overheating. Control knobs to be enclosed in a one piece. die- stamped. front mounted control panel in accordance with the drawings provided. The flexible conduit from the junction box to the unit to be 24 inches in length (except the MOD -100 anc MOD -1000 which shall be 36 inches in length). A terminal block shall be provided for field connection to the main power supply. MOD -1000. MOD -2000. MOD -3000 M00 -4000 and MOD-5000 shall have an individual copper drain with FPT convections at front of warmer. MOD- 3000M. MOD -4000M and MOD -500DM shall be supplied wan a 1" diameter drain manifold to allow for a single drain connec tion at the-right front corner The manifold shall have a 1" FPT fitting for cram connection. It shall be sucotied with a 1" (unassembled) gate valve and close nipple to control the manifold drain. This product to be Underwriters Laooratones. Inc and Canadian Standards Association listed anc "eel the standards of the National Sanilation Founcat on 4 One year warranty against delecs covers parts anc tabor Product Information Modu ar Warmers (MOD 300) Item Accessories: Dram Valve Assembly with Remote Handle. 20385 (For '0" Models only one required per drain) Temperature Settings: Weights (MO0 -100 1000) Installed Shipping Weights (MOD 200 2000) Installed Shipping Weights (MO0 300 3000) Installed Shipping Weights Installed Shipping Weights Installed Shipping Weights Installed Shipping Weights Installed Shipping Weights Installed Shipping Warmer to be Wells: Model Lbs. 19 21 Lbs. 41 51 Lbs. 59 73 (MOD 3000M) Lbs. 64 78 (MOD-400 4000M) Lbs. 78 95 (MJD- 4000M) Lbs. 81 98 (MOD 500 5000) Lbs. 84 105 (MOD S000M) Lbs. 97 118 Voltage MOD -100 120(M00.100 M00 -1000 1000 ONLY) MOD -200 208/240 MOD -2000 MOD -300 MOD -3000 MOD -3000M MOD -400 MOD -4000 MOD -400DM M0D -500 MOD -5000 MOD.500DM Of f/Lo to Hi KG 9 10 KG 19 23 KG 27 33 KG 29 35 KG 35 43 KG 37 44 KG 38 48 KG 44 55 Phase Singe Three o Ea" 3 T O 0 0 PROJECT T ITEM NO The MOD -100 and MOD -200 model Warmers are also a CO) with thermostats Please see MOD -100T M00.100T0 MOD 2007 MOD.200TO specification sheet 1 'Mee -!ee- MOD-200D (with Drain) 2 IN 55 MM 7 IN 195 M 14.0 IN 355 MM 29 750 MM MIN. 50 M 23 IN 593 MM 14.0 IN 353 MM Cut -Out Details MIN. y0 MM 2$ 723 MM TOP CUT -OUT 9 IN 12451414 3.0IN 127/61:410._ 125 MM 2 33 FRONT PANEL CUT -OUT 454 Mt 1 /2 INCH F.P.T. —GASK FLANGE Installation Instruction To Fabricate: (For metal fixtures only) (1) Layout cutout dimensions on countertop and front apron. (2) Layout and fabricate control panel holes in counter apron using box as template. (3) Cutout holes (Note; "Stiffening' around perimeter of countertop cutout not normally required.) (4) Unit shall be accessible for servicing from the bottom. To Install: IMPORTANT Do NOT disconnect lead wires" from master Control Panel with making installation. (1) On appliances supplied with Master Control Panel. tilt and pass Control Panel and electrical box through countertop cutout then through apron cutout. Lower Modular Section into countertop cutout and position. RECOMMENDATION: Before final seating of Modular Section to countertop. apply a bead of Dow- Coming Silastic RTV891 Adhesive to underside of gasket supplies on mounting flange. (2) From underneath, insert screwdriver into 'slots' in Wellslok Frame and twist 'ears" outwaro (clockwise) as required to secure flange tightly to countertop. (3) Mount Control Box to apron cutout as shown in drawing. (4) Mount Master Control Panel onto electrical box using screws supplied. To Plumb: (1) A drain manifold complete with valve is supplied on all Model "DM" units. Location Of valve handle is at the discretion of the fabricator (see drawing). (2) Connect 1 drain connection to suitable drain line. To Wire: (1) Final connection is aecompllshed by bringing proper power supply leads (see "wiring requirments") through knockout to terminal block supplied within the Maste intro, Panel..Check nameplate for voltage and phase. Electrical Specifications TOTAL WATTS MOOEL 1400.100' 12 09 12 1001 1400.2001 —119 2.41 —1 -1— 1— 9 2 n 100 1400.30= 1 2.61 36 771 7.71 77 6 6 66 1351 M00.400 1 36 1 46 112111 77 1301130 661 1 1631200 M00-500 1 1 1 60 13.111121112 1701130 130 1 2301250 120V 203 240V Wells Manufacturing Company 2 Erik Circle. P.O. Box 280 Verdi. NV 89439 (702) 345-0444 FAX. 702-345-0569 TOLL -FREE FAX. 800- 356 -5142. for orders only. 19P PHs Van fach Cc Master Control Panel (All Models) ORYI :OLD 3.0 1 Nw '.7,— IMPORTANT: WOW AMLMNCI SO MO SOT, THE RUM CONT1106 NMNL MP CRAM MAW= AR6 LOCKED TO THE FRONT Of THE FIXTURE NOMINAL AMPS PER LINE THREE PHASE L1I111.3 LI1.21L3 2011V 240V Pr nh.e n U S A ReH. No 1 SINGLE PHASE 1 120V 200V 240V PROJECT ITEM NO NTS (TM i* FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS PI,.ATE 5 NE Lf CUSTOM FABRICATION dila Dennis Pollmann and Associates t I II 4' k M e.p e <<eec x tx LOt46 MOuuT1NG fiat? °54- J To Mewl ewl t pgaitVe Sc.I2�s� l N 1 cauNTEg. Et4D �3e,�T'lOt�1 urn j preliminary design ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. PROJECT ITEM NO C�7> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION �7 W AS Ecz. MANUFACTURER ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER N -ewer MODEL NUMBER 5 D- 21ZA MFGRS DESCRIPTION Moe s F PlV}SJ1/41 h 1:W)r- W elm -Tgj L rgu HT UTILITY REQUIREMENTS NATURAL GAS ELECTRICAL PROPANE OTHER AS INDICATED LOAD 1( 1 1"P X1_60 F UJ nth iT M *5 2" Ikl ACCESSORIES MANUFACTURES STANDARD OTHER AS INDICATED ATUTO EI LL 1 KIT )__9bo R. C.Yel F' Sal tic.-0 Poore t t,: 2 c.,ocx. e L -LIFT wog. D MILO S? tS GK 5 Pis F OL.c.o '2 A *I P -17ow Qe-G g�c.A4 l 3oz �2 1 eAa to- Z66 srLUt s PURCHASE Dermas Pollmann and Assocaates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS 5t NCI LE QUANTITY NONE L u it r: BTU /HR PRESSURE Zs it VOLTAGE GCl$ PHASE hu 7(4H ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EOUIPMENT IS PURCHASED 12PtC S manufactured item PROJECT ITEM NO _8 SD2 -RA Stero's compact and flexible single tank, high temperature door type warewasher Powerful Cleaning Action Produces 53 racks of clean ware per hour. Revolving upper and lower wash arms direct 185 gallons of recirculated water over the ware per minute, providing for a thorough wash and rinse. High temperature 180 degree sanitizing rinse also enables the ware to dry quickly 'Mash and rinse cycles can be by- passed with manual controls to handle hard to clean ware. Compact and Flexible Design Fit in a 25 inch space. Racks can easily be loaded from any direction because Steros exclusive cantilever door does not require front corner posts. The SD -2RA can be converted to a corner machine quickly and easily Wrap- around handle is easily accessible from three sides. Standard Safety Features Door safety switch will not allow the machine to run unless the door is fully closed Standard Equipment Engineered for the End User Type 304 18 -8, #4 stainless steel tank and hood. Stainless steel frame and legs. Enclosed adjustable stainless steel feet. Stainless steel strainer pans filter wash and rinse water. 1 HP drip -proof motor has overload protection, extended stainless steel shaft, sealed ball bearings and manual reset buttons. Complete internal plumbing and wiring. Miscellaneous Options Electric, gas. steam injector or steam coil tank heat. Automatic fill. The Stero Company 3200 Lakeville Highway Petaluma, CA 94954 Toll Free 800 762 7600 Kit #55 a pre plumbed and installed plumbing kit which includes a pressure regulating valve, pressure gauge and a shock arrester. •Stainless steel front panel. lie Door cycle switch. Door interlock. Electro -lift door mechanism, which automatically opens the door without operator assistance at the end of each cycle to speed drying. PROJECT ITEM NO 6) I NSF e) 1 5/8"K 6" VENT 0.D. 61 A.F.F 6" RECOMMENDED CLEARANCE FROM COMBUSTABLE WALL 5" RECOM. TO WALL 3 1/2' MINIMUM 75 7/2 25 1/8 TANK I.D. 57 1/4 2 1/2 5 7/4 J\ 1 TABLE UP I ----25 1/8--1 (TYP) TANK I.D. DOOR IN RAISED POSITION 7 1/2 NOMINAL MACHINE HEIGHT X0 TABLE HEIGHT 34 +1 DM I2 NPT (F) 9 1 2 1 &2 ,-DIE STAMPING EXTENDS 1_/2" ALL 3 SIDES 1 &2 L 3 CORNER OPERATION 3 1/2" RECOM. 3 MIN. CLEAR. o.o I E M 1 I ELEC. REO. I1 FEEDER SIZED FOR WASH PUMP MOTOR 1NP F DA 21 ELEC. REO. 1 FEEDER SIZED FOR TANK HEAT -KW SS 11/2" NPT (F)I STEAM SUPPLY 15- 0HEAI CONSUMPTION O 20 PSI I SR I 1 /2 NPT (F) I STEAM RETURN: NPT (F)I NATURAL GAS SUPPLY- CONSUMPTION 22.000 BTU N(7 1 1/2" VG 1 NOTED I VENT GAS FLUE. 7 5 /8 T0 ATMOSPHERE .0 61" A.F.F VENT STANDARD 208V./230V./480v -PH. AVAILABLE The Stero Company 3200 Lakeville Hwy Peraluma. CA 94954 TE, 4 (707) 762.0071 TELE-FAX (707) 762 5036 TOLL FREE (800) 762 7600 CLEAR. WITH DOOR OPEN 1 SD2 -RA 2 5 D 1 DEE D De l �OT TD E /TO rr A N (Itt 7 2 y 21 1/2 1/2 25 .0. J STRAIGHT TABLE MAY BE 1 1/2J /2J USED ON BOTH SIDES FOR STRAIGHT THRU OPERATION �30 TABLE ROLL SUGGESTED TABLE WIDTH. SIZE TO FIT OVERALL 34 LEARANCE YOUR APPLICATION 1 &2 x-12 DRAIN. MACHINE WASTE. I WH I3 /4" NPT (F)I WATER SUPPLY- FINAL RINSE S CONSUMPTION SUR T 92 GPM. FILL, 2-J L EE 61 .3 PROJECT ITEM NO RE Capacity Rating (Mechanical) Floor Space Motor Horsepower Tank Capacity (Gallons) Pump Capacity (Gal. per Min.) Heating Equipment Rinse Water Consumed Maximum Gallons per Hour Rate of Rinse Flow Gal. per Min. Racks Furnished Size Recommended ao! Booster Size Rise Exhaust C.F.M. Shipping Weight Crate Size Crate Size Model AbbrevlaHon Index O Type of Machine SA Plate Combination Silverware 20' 20" Electric Steam (With 15 PSI Min.) Load End Unload End UL MODEL NO. Racks per Hour Cony. Speed Dishes per Hour Glasses per Hour Length Between Tables Scrapper Motor Wash Tank Motor Rinse Tank Motor Conveyor Motor Scrapper Wash Rinse Scrapper Wash Rinse Stearn Injectors Steam Coils Gas Burners BTU (Nat.) Electric (Wash) Electric (Rinse) At 201b. Flow Press. At 20Ib. Flow Press. Approximate Approximate Cubic Feet Approximate S- sC- cs- Scrapper. Comer machine with scrapper. Chemically sanitized and recirculated final rinse. Glass Washer SGW SGW -2D 37 37 1000 1000 1800 1800 1/3 1/3 1 1 1 I% 40 40 2KW 2KW 65 65 1 20 20 2KW (optional) CSA— Chlorine injection final rinse. SCSA— scrapper and chlorine injection final rinse. Ps— Power scrapper. D— Blower dryer. Single Tank 20" Rack 1 20 20 2KW (optional) Door Machines Low -Temp Door SC-20.1A SC -20-2A 37 74 1000 2000 1800 3600 25' 44" 3/ I 11/4 (2 @3% ea.) 2 2 68 68 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 63 N.A. 20x20 250 250 300 42 42 66 1 36 42 48 36 42 48 36x42 76 1 4 4 136 136 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 112 N.A. 20 20 500 109 36 6976 N if Hi -Temp SD-2RA 53 1350 2400 25 14 185 151b.1 hr. 151b./ hr. 22000 5KW 92 10 4 20 20 I5 KW Canoov 480 66 35 x 45 76 PROJECT ITEM NO r z 6ko AFF f; 416 ENO secnoN VAFbr. 4IOd=• CUSTOM FABRICATION Ala IJennas Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS Eu s boocffrr tilltt&' T /tT rxtcr Dc r cnu-A2 Q AT AcH TIC EfT To BL.txa WRU= 4 A IL cF&t 12 o'ieYL t TAM# b�T 2 u OQeu t(csUPt 12.o a &.E SAPFLE Rau. t-tooQ LadCTK t 1 luPPoeT To .51 1.1W-41 BOLT WLTN f ctik Z i"o45 °N 3 StPES preliminary design ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EOUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. 1 I l re xt6clik 5S, TuBe CA ko "Aeale S Epcge ou ptzAtt goAt2a RACK. 1 CUSTOM FABRICATION Dennis a ia Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS N 7: (I P e u To WALL $C13GKIIX1 QK- %1Votz -tom D'TAIL I4 6A 56. MP Bi.T4 ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. gA p►us ALL GO kits V END'3crLoJ NITS preliminary design PROJECT ITEM NO (20) Tb (Ten )1 CUSTOM FABRICATION Dennis Pollmann and Associates FOOD. FACILITIES CONSULTANTS r t1111 iAcc 5 Ere-) T. 2 a4c �L.AIV 14T 171i�TY b1SH TAspLE 41 Narc A %cc 171r pi4 jAispc.6 Go1MPON €T DFTA 1L5 Fag ALL I t eIMS �TNPRtzP Fi to PET '5 ;RAt Le6 A4c,€1rlgt.IE'S 4 €19e4 srNK preliminary design ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. r v i.7- '0 O lj,� 11■ •N1i •■'l• ■■I■ 2r7� ��i =iii• =•i= ii UIN1!�rf1c ••11111 i■ /.-rte e Qum Mit r :16. r MUM -1111■■! _"'Mg I■■ ■H rotil gm, •■■R 4• -4. 1 I WV, IF -r PEP*- toll —r 1 .rte ■rq ,r r Li CUSTOM FABRICATION DENNIS POLLMANN AND ASSOCIATES FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS I�� Ep ECE r :�Ih7K Y� s A y H S TRIRLOSE l Y .F Et 4. AGK. Ode BAR 2 "L0NG jtrA TO .Stub FOIE SNAP•OFP EACK6CJIVE y X a3 r F X 20 "LONIa Q iWEi..P INTO TA64 I b aTY d sH tPSL COMJT preliminary design THIS SCHEMATIC SKETCH SETS THE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS OF•THE ITEM DEPICTED. STANDARD SHOP PRACTICES AND VERIFICATION OF ALL DIMENSIONS WILL BE SUBMITTED ON FABRICATION DRAWING FOR APPROVAL PRICZ TO ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Rim sPt2AV MANUFACTURER 1210 Ps,15 ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER .1. MODEL NUMBER 13- 133/ 15- 109 MFGRS DESCRIPTION $ArGK PC.P1SH WEE r2 tzlose tr UTILITY REQUIREMENTS NATURAL GAS PROPANE ELECTRICAL t S OTHER AS INDICATED V. HW 4CW ACCESSORIES... MANUFACTURES STANDARD OTHER AS INDIC TED �V b� e (OA �A� �r _LOp 2" rp M J=oc .Mur nouJri 4tliT'It 'g- t AS'D 17 0% PAW ...FT PURCHASE hennas Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS BTU /HR PRESSURE VOLTAGE PHASE LOAD 1 manufactured item ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. NONE PROJECT ITEM NO 22) Pti?.ow1DE `r%t& DLLOWINU 15 a -RtN LIMIT $-1 *4' ADP-ON FAUc-eT Y MALE-4 LCC.alLIT MouurtN g•lo9 1NA1.4_ 15 r -4 SINK TOP B -109 WALL BRACKET (SEE RATE NO. B 10 4) SHOULD BE USED TO SUPPORT RISER PIPE. (SPECIFY) 12' LESS TIP IS MALE THO. FOR AERATOR MODEL. NO.$ -156 ADD- ON- FAUCET WITH 12 NOZZLE Dennis i p Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS 1 PR -RI SE UNIT TgS i S BRASS ANO BRONZE wORNS INC TR REST SOLON CAROLINA a NPT HALE .nl 6J -L:. I ff4 BASE FAUCET of LESS THAN 1TURN B 113 SHowN OF LEVER 4 (CAN BE ANY MODEL) HANDLE OPENS FAUCET LEVER HANDLE CONTROLS WATER OW oFT TNRU NOZZLE ONLY PRESSURE IS ALWAYS IN RISER PIPE.(CONTRoLLED BY BASE FAUCET). 44 B B STANDARD IS ♦A CAW BE ANY L[NGTN 5IIUET 13.t 1 FLEXIBLE STAINLESS STEEL NOSE WITH RUBBER INTERIOR a PIPE -121F- MAX. SPRING W.f si 1 T \3 N 2a FEMP7 ALE ADJUS FROM WALL OR T, To 8i ./C SINK BACK 8-109 WALL BRACKET ORDERED T SEPARATELY SEE PLATE NO.6.104 MODELN(LB 133 PE -RIN5 UNIT NE Spy AY PURCHASE manufactured ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EOUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. FAUCET IS FULLY OPENIN LESS THAN TURN OF HANDLES I/ &133 BALL CHECKS BUILT IN TO PREVENT CROSS FLOW OF WATER pTE. ALSO AVAILABLE WITH NPT MALE t LOCKNUTS ON FAUCET IN PLACE OF FEMALE INLETS. SEE PLATE 8-410 1 item DESCRIPTION QUANTITY F A& j 10O MANUFACTURER... s! Eg6n2g. COMMETZOAL O(VVS1 ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER NONE MODEL NUMBER 4S-too-Ca MFGRS DESCRIPTION iiehv* PCITY nurtuuaus ore1W100 do LI-Ere nitalatep w ASr& UTILITY REQUIREMENTS... El NATURAL GAS 0 PROPANE jst ELECTRICAL DI OTHER AS INDICATED 1 /2 ON 4 Ye w PURCHASE Dennis Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS BTU /HR PRESSURE VOLTAGE 2 8 PHASE LOAD I H P ACCESSORIES ►_4 MANUFACTURES STANDARD OTHER AS INDICATED Pt N Pr l,F6 PUSH &tap) O J /OFD' SW 1 rcpt 40 L.. EM a rn LVE 4 Puvutk4rAr TIME baA'j REtPit aii 1" s 152A4 E5 45 c PAT-!p V AC-uW11 agEaKE R manufactured item ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. PROJECT ITEM NO PROJECT 1�■ IN- SINK- ERATOR GRIND CHAMBER MOUNTING MOTOR CUTTING ELEMENTS MAIN BEARINGS MOTOR SEALS FINISH BASE DISPOSER/ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS O 115 volts, 1 phase, 8.8 amps 0 208 volts, 3 phase, 2.2 amps 208 volts, 1 phase, 3.3 amps 0 230 volts, 3 phase, 3.0 amps 0 230 volts, 1 phase, 4 4 amps 460 volts, 3 phase, 1.5 amps DISPOSER MOUNTING ASSEMBLIES* O #5 Sink Flange Mounting Assemblies for 3 -1 /2" -4" sink opening #6 Collar Adapter for welding into trough with 6 -5/8" opening, includes splash baffle #7 Collar Adapter for welding ,nto sink opening with 6 -5/8" opening, includes splash baffle and stopper For additional information see disposer mounting section in catalog. ELECTRICAL CONTROLS* O Manual Switch O Manual Reverse Switch agnetic Starter ith stop /start button 1 H.P heavy -duty disposer is designed for continuous operation in restaurants. hotels. hospitals and cafeterias. Food waste includ- ing steak bones is quickly and efficiently re- moved with this labor-saving, self-cleaning, environmentally sound disposer. SPECIFICATIONS Corrosion Resistant Stainless Steel 3/4" rubber mounting above grind chamber isolates sound and eliminates vibration. Mounting is enclosed in chrome plated covers for sanitation and appearance. 1 HP Induction Motor totally enclosed to provide protection against outside moisture. Controlled power air flow cools motor for efficiency and longer life. Stationary and rotating shredding elements made from cast nickel chrome alloy for long life and corrosion resistance, designed for reverse action grinding. Double- tapered Timken roller bearings provide a shock absorbing cushion. Triple lip seal protects motor from water damage. Second- ary spring loaded oil seal provides double protection against water and loss of grease. All Stainless Steel and Chrome plated. Paint -free for lasting sanitation. T 0 CC -101 Control Centers CC -202 Control Centers For additional information see electrical control section in catalog. IN- SINK ERATOR COMMERCIAL DIVISION DIVISION OF EMERSON ELECTRIC COMPANY 4700 21st STREET RACINE, WISCONSIN 53406 TEL. 414 554 -5432 1- 800 -558 -5712 FAX. 414 554 -8917 ITEM NO 1111. SS 100 SELECT BOWL SIZE O 12" Sink Bowl Assembly with one adjustable water nozzle 15" Sink Bowl Assembly with one adjustable water nozzle 18" Sink Bowl Assembly with two adjustable water nozzles SELECT BOWL TYPE O Type A Sink Bowl Assembly Type B Sink Bowl Assembly Type C Sink Bowl Assembly WATER CONTROLS O Solenoid Valve O Syphon Breaker 467 low Control Valve ime Delay Relay PRII PROJECT ITEM NO FORM K23) Recommended Installation P. -P. Connect Directly to Waste Line and not through grease trap. Plumbing Fittings, Electrical Wiring and Pipe not included. Installation should be made in accordance with local codes. MODEL SS -100 -5 Illustrated 3 -3/8 19 -1/8 TO 19 -3/4 DIMENSIONS VARY r WITH TYPE OF SINK USED 1-4 -7/8-1 6 13/16 EXTERNAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 1 1/2 -14 N.P T. WATER INLET 10-7/16' TO 9 -13/16 17' 6 -3/8 -1 -1/2 BOWL SINKS 12' 15' 18' ADAPTORSI No. 6 No. 7 No. 5 DIMENSIONS X Flange 0.D Y Flange 1.0 Z— Diameter of Work Table Hole X Y Z 13'/3 12" 12'/3 16 15' 15 19'13 18' 18'/4 X Y Z 7 6 6' 9 7 FITS STANDARD SINK OPENING -31/2 —.4" HEIGHT 6'/3 6'/, 6'/3 HEIGHT 1 2'!, 2 IN- SINK ERATOR COMMERCIAL DIVISION DIVISION OF EMERSON ELECTRIC COMPANY 4700 21st STREET RACINE. WISCONSIN 53406 TEL. 414 554 -5432 1- 800 558 -5712 FAX: 414 554 -8917 1 H P COMMERCIAL DISPOSER SAMPLE SPECIFICATION ITEM NO DISPOSER Quantity One required (1) Manufacturer IN- SINK ERATOR Commercial Division, Racine, WI Model: SS 100- 15B/CC101 Electrical Requirements: volts/ phase Install in Item HAFEM PRINT PROJECT ITEM NO 23) MAW II-16 I i 1 t C c core Pttoin sl hoPh1zP FA{3 NT P A1L j roe. L.e(z he-- ser'1$u ES NOTE. A. THR eF 3 20 X Z4 i peep sl NK. wk.S us tTH v" P101 D €raS i TWo (z T45 r312P5Ss g -*L3I t...f'1'S I Ttfil C3) STAPPt D Ke1c- 1724- to14 -1 000 For y 1-eve R O' PAW us A SPS "'IT ti ►�E *KT CL•EPr hiz.E7 FMK- Al SE TM" i I sc.p* ribose vf12►py c R.11M kiev }r /e rscf rteiciltr 2Lc I! p4p fiR TO ue ►a •LePtO DISH TP 81,.E PDT P I OK.- CUSTOM FABRICATION ennZS Pollmann ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU and Associates SUBMITTAL P MUST. S BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS 4 "i f CZOGOr SS u. SV.10 Set}1ND t'rFN1 IS FRL v 1 TtSP of BASF TO 130 T rom 6F t+oc p J preliminary design PROJECT ITEM NO X 2 4 1/ T 13 BRASS AND WW1 NOM PC TRAVELERS REST 301" CAROUP AVAILABLE WITH 84994 NON SPLASH AERATOR ,11 LESS TIP IS MALE THREAD RIR AERATOR DIA. 41 0114 N 1 N FT FEMALE 1 INLETS eta WALL oR SINK BACK SINK MIXING FAUCET INK FALIGeT* PURCHASE el iPennzs Pollmann and Assocaates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS OTHER LENGTH NOZZLES AVAILABLE SEE PLATE NO. 8- 400A,8,C ADJUSAB E FROM if T 8 'C/C WITH SWING NOZZLE B -230 SEE NDTt NOTE. O SEE PLATE. B -410 FOR ALTERNATE SUPPLY CONNECTIONS ALSO AVAILABLE WITH 8- 1 B-WH-6' WRIST ACTION HANDLES O ALSO AVAILABLE WITH MODEL NO. 840 SOAP DISH (SOAP DISH ATTACHES AT POINT• SHOWN ON NOZZLE) MOM NO. B-231 SINK MIXING FAUCET WITH 1Z' NOZZLE M[VISEe PLATE NO. 10 /I /79 8-230 UQP,.1 UNtr uwrn{ Y." 14 PT MALE 1- c calr t i000ntza 4 s s manufactured ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. 1 item PROJECT ITEM NO (20 DESC IPTION P• 2': NATURAL GAS 0 ELECTRICAL 0 OTHER AS INDICATED ACCESSORIES �1�aLVES MANUFACTURER... ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER 0 NONE MODEL NUMBER Mpp•A• FLEx/GAuT1c.EVE2 MFGRS DESCRIPTION WR�� ltaouurEn ^Nrit.f-vF2 ({�..dl1.Kq w ge*! EPOcY FINISH UTILITY REQUIREMENTS 0 PROPANE OTHER AS INDICATED MX IA48 lag W O VY IJT1 NCB euui'eP W 51411J -see PURCHASE Ilenna.s Pollmann and Assocaates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS ETU /HR PRESSURE VOLTAGE PHASE LOAD QUANTITY MANUFACTURES STANDARD gV �s(o c e e� r e0 s, J o S S oue 4'MX2148Ag. e.F PeTAIL I manufactured ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EOUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 item PROJECT ITEM NO 4 0) 1 1 1 PeTAtL Mrs Nore 4Lo "1.. x *L(.0" ti x t(4i 5.5 UDit.c. "Wm. 5otio Ta Sc.Pc% WALL 44 M6WJT Veg i%AL SdovNoPit2,DS Neg. Neg. SK(0 �J P/PAN SHaI.VeS CUSTOM FABRICATION Dennis Pollmann and ,4ssocaates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS note A 3 6 t e 173 a c........ .1 o ON (TEM ZS L rrnezzoo knw ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. tu it J 11/4----*.- •c. tt>P 6F 8Ac 5 t K E''r.AS4f u J preliminary design LIN but THs 4 Ohre (Lr £v V 1- J6-' 61300\ 2 Loa \WAl..t,. 5E(ELF CUSTOM FABRICATION dda Dennis Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS r wALL CRP s'GTION 3TS Et 4r' g e.cF AN•... O d PEN MNI D GE c .LOS D A ND spLAst{ EkSD Pe.TmL tknyi preliminary design PROJECT ITEM NO ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I DESCRIPTION i�1�c FMVee'AC7F- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MANUFACTURER... ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER MFGRS DESCRIPTION UTILITY REQUIREMENTS 0 NATURAL GAS 0 PROPANE ELECTRICAL 0 OTHER AS INDICATED ACCESSORIES... OTHER AS INDICATED FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS OWNER PURVEYOR Dennas Pollmann and Associates QUANTITY 1 .s\ BTU /HR PRESSURE VOLTAGE 1 1 1, PHASE 1 LOAD A p MAX MANUFACTURES STANDARD ITEM SHOWN WILL BE SUPPLIED BY OWNER OR OWNERS OPERATOR A A PURCHASED OR PURVEYOR FURNISHED ITEM ALL UTILITY ROUGH IN NEEDS WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE GC AS A PART OF THIS CONTRACT 0 NONE preliminary selection PROJECT ITEM NO I DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 1 1 M Ic.F-oWELVF I 1 MANUFACTURER ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER 0 NONE MODEL NUMBER MFGRS DESCRIPTION 1 1 UTILITY REQUIREMENTS BTU /HR NATURAL GAS 0 PROPANE PRESSURE 1 ELECTRICAL VOLTAGE II PHASE l75 1 OTHER AS INDICATED 4 LOAD 20 AMP IovTF 1 44 See DOTE *4 1 ACCESSORIES... 0 MANUFACTURES STANDARD V Neer+ 42. FbLACi-' OUTC.ET tatto OTHER AS INDICATED uEM6 Go4R6p2Arnu• 1 1 OW \ER PURVEYOR preliminary selection 1 Ada I)ennzs Pollmann PRO.iE�T ITEM SHOWN WILL BE SUPPLIED ITEM NO BY OWNER OR OWNERS OPERATOR AS and Assoc2ates A PURCHASED OR PURVEYOR FURNISHED FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS ITEM ALL UTILITY ROUGH IN NEEDS WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE GC AS A PART OF THIS 9 1 CONTRACT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION Mtya 12. MANUFACTURER ltaetser ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER \t' 4eN Lip MFGRS DESCRIPTION txe2 UTILITY REQUIREMENTS a NATURAL GAS ELECTRICAL 0 OTHER AS INDICATED ACCESSORIES... OTHER AS INDICATED PROPANE OWNER PURVEYOR dila Dennis Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS QUANTITY 1 0 NONE BTU /HR PRESSURE VOLTAGE I PHASE �t LOAD l H P NOTE 4 MANUFACTURES STANDARD preliminary selection PROJECT ITEM SHOWN WILL BE SUPPLIED ITEM NO BY OWNER OR OWNERS OPERATOR AS A PURCHASED OR PURVEYOR FURNISHED 00) ITEM ALL UTILITY ROUGH IN NEEDS WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE GC AS A PART OF THIS CONTRACT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 1 1 _FooD 1 1 MANUFACTURER DEW 0513Al2.• 240ge P etc. ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER 0 NONE MODEL NUMBER Fgp���rrey../pt266e MFGRS DESCRIPTION 1 1 UTILITY REQUIREMENTS BTU /HR 0 NATURAL GAS PROPANE PRESSURE 1 ELECTRICAL VOLTAGE IIS PHASE vh I 1 OTHER AS INDICATED LOAD V2Eir more- 4 1 ACCESSORIES... 0 MANUFACTURES STANDARD 1 OTHER AS INDICATED I OWNER PURVEYOR hennas Pollmann and Assocaales FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS 1 1 preliminary selection PROJEG ITEM SHOWN WILL BE SUPPLIED ITEM NO I BY OWNER OR OWNERS OPERATOR AS A PURCHASED OR PURVEYOR FURNISHED ITEM ALL UTILITY ROUGH IN NEEDS WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE GC AS A PART OF THIS CONTRACT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY I J 6E m MANUFACTURER... o ant ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER Uc. -10H -A -P MFGRS DESCRIPTION 9 tF coiurPt/met), HALF c45E 11 A t t2 coo UTILITY REQUIREMENTS... 0 NATURAL GAS 0 PROPANE /.4 ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES Z MANUFACTURES STANDARD OTHER AS INDICATED ___EgNIP-CEP fl1Ft S 41 w 10 1152 ELc.IVZ, C rrL� �4e w P ecEMENr r 4 off ?a Fccia e. us I O c .f4 PURCHASE OTHER AS INDICATED 'ZtAcN Dennis i p Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS BTU /H R PRESSURE VOLTAGE �7 PHASE t 4S LOAD 9, Ares 3/4 w ,ig NONE manufactured ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. item PROJECT ITEM NO P Ice 0 Mati Model UC 20 Cube !maker Undercounter Cube Icemaker... production of up to 215 lbs. of Ice per day with 1OO /b. Self- Contained Storage Bin. Options: Halt -Cube Freezing Plate Ordering Information: t�:M Yodel 70`F Air Number 9Q'F Water X-20F•A.V 1rG20wA4 UC-2OF•wr 1rc.2014W.V 210 210 215 215 U.. MO IMAM mod anpedlr %WM III Met M Cube Fun Hd Full H eft Condenieng Wit AY Air MaM Water fie wee SIM 11077 0■ Mlepel Wen Ceee }enerOL Undercounter Cube Icemaker Model UC -20 Up to 215 Lbs. Production Full or half size cubes choose the ske best suited to your application. Only 24 inches wide yet it produces up to 215 lbs. of ice per day with 100 lbs. of storage capacity. Air or water cooled condenser select the system which meets your needs. dvin!r c.K.s Ice Making Mechanism: To has Vs H.P. hetwy duty. hermetically sealed commissar and t expansion vane refrigerant control. Vertical freezing plate ire making mechanism to be easily mcessble Jo service. To be designed to lane posrlive reieese of ales tram freezing plate leo storage lei+. To be eraifped wr'pt methodical bin am0ol to tun off icemekar when roe storage capacity is reached. To have a 3 year parte warranty. To have e S year labor warranty on all components. To have a 5 yea warranty on clrber evaporator and r ompnaaor. See be- 04fe9c *airway statement for ccrplote opals. Wave Ildnanum Cam* Fus e Nelght s• Voltage px.r.aerletln d•und1 Mrpeehy• 9t>e. tbhl0.ren1 1 11911011 3 93 15 T c 174 Meson 3 93 15 Eversion 177 11590'1 3 5.7 15 Valve 174 11M90a 3 11.7 15 Caned 177 A *.ca Canon" PROJECT ITEM NO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2) Undercounter Cube kemaker, Model UC -20 ke ProdacHat Chart Ponds Per 24 Haws burl W a°'dc"°at 70•F condition 90' n1 146• to RapY1111a 1111 p ad IarpdsLar Mar asp Ow Iwo /0404 111 .d 9031is. 922495. 70' 1 02 1 501 150.06 90° Cost c north pox anion is based on 1001025 as Os swap cost of hater pat Water 00' gear n Corny, Oobrada Consul yaw L y carpsy b 0r r yotrarea. moms *NI d- Rom o..w wow RY atm 1 Owe "dm -d wares, lie l a 4 w taw Air Model Number U2020 •Rr��..�raarwraaoq•pe�� rwM ward INN MpTs= s d .e to. -a Dimensions (Inches) Plumbing, Eledrical Connections Diagram LC-20 24' 20 142 172 105 170 200 210 142 170' 106 155 100 206 165 160 211 33 23 1 A 24• FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW Ice Matic. P.O. Bat 39487 Denver, CO 80239 -0487 303(371 -3737 FAX 30.3171 -6296 ff At Oa- Frar dtender Arh- Font acmnth% Ai Crcdaoon Pattern (Ai Oxdsd Moddg) pme° w a.as° hated Wei =sr 11M: I l e r UC 50 .P I 11.0 I ta.0 1 51. UCi20F •W P 7.6 12.5 5023 Ooet a1AI ova 1e based on$1$S113554 a: IM aMlgna cost d a Hama h Dina. C brads Consult pir Wily oomph/ kr Ms rats hyavhum AI Web trY254eOr ••PowtrM1d ■..d► 17'h J —2ais' taxi I Ile• 044.14:4.2 ELECTRICAL 32 ORA IN L4• FPT RN CRAIN FPT 4 '/w la w REAR VIEW t LAS A MICR Company ets He/Cubs r /s• /.'x71. 14 F o� Fidll Cubs r/4• x r /.'x rA' ICEMAKER WATER N 3 11 fELIALE PIPE I 26 j WATER CONDENSER WATER OUT WA ER OOZED UNITS ONLY SPY 9• (DENSER —WATER IN WATER COOLED UNITS ONLY W. wawa w Apt b oaks i W! 7 Oft Hwy (tEM K I tier A 11 cave t7arm L. lVa It 20 C/A 5.5 Galk5t CDoC. e°'+.IP To $'-P WALL 'm WALE. PtiotEe.To CUSTOM FABRICATION Dennas Pollmann and Assoc2ates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS Mitt D 1 1 1 "M nJ preliminary design ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. PROJECT ITEM NO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PlNI4Itt1 FitMlifrefiD and Associates and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS A. by P r f l G G ti tNA 4 91 .1 COIZA&e CUSTOM FABRICATION Dermas Pollmann a m e 1 IteM Ofirpe cr. oI ANT 4 e►s.P r f PLhN PfT?41 i Pores. A F LL Lpt►miohrev P �o�.z taupe (Nev. 5 /4 1, FLY c.8 LIST i C-T1O LJ Alva 'ifif .ve5 a0 K410 Z39 /Z�9 ltteu e foe- 5Trsilu BPS preliminary design PROJECT ITEM NO ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. DESCRIPTION 13005 rem epsre MANUFACTURER HArco ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER MFGRS DESCRIPTION E 46 TEMP g tse New !GI UTILITY REQUIREMENTS PURCHASE El PROPANE Dennis Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS QUANTITY 1 0 NONE Ficosre2_ ticr WA Etz, BTU /HR PRESSURE 0 NATURAL GAS t if ELECTRICAL VOLTAGE 4 PHASE OTHER AS INDICATED LOAD KW *4" x 14o FA-I w 6 /4"1.1),1 A "x t 80 Flt -i tov actr 11.4 ge ACCESSORIES tzi MANUFACTURES STANDARD OTHER AS INDICATEDU l w lr ti ?t Lo r (4r. manufactured ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT 15 PURCHASED J item PROJECT ITEM NO 3 1 1 1 1 r 1 R 1 r 1 1 1 Model S -18 (Patented) The Hatco Imperial booster water heater combines quality construction and rugged dependability to provide up to 600 GPH (2300 LPH) of sanitizing rinse water. Dishes and flatware air dry instantly to save time, space and money. Storage capacity is 16 gallons (60 liters). ALL MODELS INCLUDE: Basic heater, Castonee tank with 10 year warranty, tempera- i ture/pressure relief valve, pressure reducing valve, two temperature/pressure gauges, high temperature limit control and a low water cut -off to prevent element bumout due to low water condition. Hatco booster heaters are factory pre- plumbed and pre -wired with calibrated immersion thermostats and high temperature limit switch. Service area is accessible from the front to permit easy installation, even next to other equipment. A stainless steel front panel and silver gray hammertone body is standard on all Imperial models. For LOW -TEMP dishmachines, specify 140°F (60°C.) thermostat setting. See Hatco Selector Chart for sizing to most dishwashers. ACCESSORIES All Stainless Steel Body and Base Adjustable Stainless Steel Legs (6• to 51 (15 to 20 cm) Shock Absorber to reduce water hammer Pilot Light and On -Off Switch VOLTAGE Available in 208, 240 and 480 volts. Export voltages available, consult factory. LOW WATER CUT-OFF (LWCO) The Hatco LWCO feature on booster heaters eliminates the chance of element burnout in the event the tank is only partly filled while unit is on. ELECTRIC BOOSTER WATER HEATERS H r (5 cm)- I« i N.' (2 em) NPT TEE i' (2 cm) NPT NIPPLE FOR 140' F (60' C.) WATER 1S(7' F (82' C.) INLET INSTALL DRAIN OUTLET VALVE OTHER ENO. a 23' (58 em( (2 cm) NPT -r Coupling for Temperature/ Pressures Relief Valve u ~9 m (25 ern) 4.: HATCO BOOSTER HEATER FEATURES Fiberglass insulation to minimize e Metal sheathed heating heat loss. elements. Easy access to controls by removing front cover. Power connection through enclosed panel. Over current circuit protection (when required). Cj Factory pre -set thermostats. 2' (5 em) 23' (60 Cm( 12 c SIDE VIEW REAR VIEW Working pressure of tanks, 150 psi (1034 kPs) tested at 300 psi (2089 kPa). SPECIFICATIONS T 4- (locm) r ELECTRICAL CONNECTION FROM SIOE OR BELOW CASTONEe lined tank with 10 year limited warranty. Energy cut -off (ECO) safety power shutoff. C Heat trap prevents hot water loss. to Low water cut -off to prevent element burnout. (15 cm) Cutaway view of Imperial Booster Model KW 40° F. (22° C.) Rise 170° F. (39° C.) Rise S -6' 6 1 60 gph 227 Iph) 34 gph 129 Iph) S -7' 7 1 70 gph 265 (ph) L 40 gph 151 (ph) 200 lbs. 91 kg) S -9' 1 9 I 90 gph 341 Iph)j 52 gph 197 Iph) 1 200 lbs. 91 kg) S -12 12 120 gph 454 Iph) 69 gph 261 Iph) 200 lbs. 91 kg) S-13_. 13.5 135 gph 511 Iph) j 77 gph 292 Iph) 1 200 lbs. 91 kg) S -15 ~15 151 gph 572 Iph) 86 gph 326 Iph) 200 lbs. 91 kg) S -17. 17 2 1 173 gph 655 Iph) 99 gph 375 Iph) 200 lbs. 91 kg) S -18§ 18 t 81 gph 685 Iph) 103 gph 390 Iph) 200 lbs. 91 kg) 2 4 S -24 7 241 gph 9121ph) L 138 gph 522 Iph) 214 lbs. 97 kg) S -27 27 271 gph (1026 Iph) I 155 gph 587 Iph) 1 214 lbs. 97 kg) S -30 30 301 gph (1139 Iph) 172 gph 651 Iph) 1 214 lbs. 97 kg) S -36 36 1 361 gph (1367 Iph) i 206 gph 780 Iph) 214 lbs. 97 kg) S -39 39 391 gph (1480 (ph) 2'24 gph 848 Iph) 214 lbs. 97 kg) S -40 X40.5 407 gph (1541 1ph)_ 232 gph 878 (ph) 224 lbs. (102 kg) S -45• 45 1 452 gph (1711 Iph) 258 gph 977 (ph) 1 224 lbs. (102 kg) S -54. 1 54 542 gph (2052 Iph) 310 gph (1174 (ph) S -58• 58.5 1 588 gph (2226 (ph) 335 gph (1268 Iph) Ship. Wt. 200 lbs. 91 kg) 224 lbs. (102 kg) 224 lbs. (102 kg) Only 6.7 9KW Models can be field converted to single or three phase (open delta on 3 phase). Larger branch circuit required than for balanced 3 phase of equal KW (Balanced 3 phase available consult factory.) .17.2KW models available in 208v 3 phase only. §t 8KW models not available in 208v 3 phase. Not available in 208v single phase. 277v single phase available, consult factory IMPORTANT. When ordering specify Model Number Wattage. Voltage, Phase and Accessories. PROJECT ITEM NO 0 22 750 578 mm E ECO #2717 SUPERCEOES HC1 -343 F PLUMBING INSTALLATION *OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 3/4 GATE OR BALL VALVE PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE WITH HIGH PRESSURE BY -PASS SET AT 20 -30 PSI (1 4 -2 1 kg/cm HOT WATER INLET NO CHECK VALVE UP- STREAM *TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE GAUGE THIS PRINT A 8 INLET ELECTICAL KNOCK -OUT TOP VIEW FRONT 3/4 N P T INLET TEE IOIM 1 A 8 C1 0 1E I F 1 G 1 H 1 J K I L 1 IINCHES123 1/2 9 3/4 2 1 11/1611 7/813 1/2131 3/8122 1/1614 16 14 MIN 1 1mm 1604 248 511246 148 1114 4797 4579 110211521102 MIN 1 3/4 UNION DRAIN VALVE IS NOT TO BE REPROOUCED WITHOUT 3/4 N P T COUPLING FOR TEMPERATURE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE INSTALLATION INFORMATION FOR BOOSTER WATER HEATER IMPERIAL MODEL 0 O L 3/4 N P T OUTLET NIPPLE SIDE VIEW TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE ---TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE GAUGE SENSING BULB MUST BE IN WATER STREAM 1_\ DRAI 3/4 PERMISSION OF THE HATCO CORP DIMENSIONS NEAR DRAIN PER LOCAL CODE SHOCK ABSORBER =FOR WATER HAMMER LOCATE HERE WHEN NEEDED 180 °F (82 °C HOT WATER 0 RINSE HEADER OF DISHWASHER HATCO CORP DRAIN J.R. DECKEO FILES I I UNION J H 0 MILWAUKEE WIS DATE 5 -9 -90 PROJECT ITEM NO HS1 -18 /35\ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i f 1 s 1 1 1 1 s I 1 1 1 1 1 1�OTC S ee ITELI s te, 410 pox Em p SST 10 s NN ID TY PI\ L- PerA I LS. FF 3 4'-PP1 P 144e 1 t€ MS 9 84 lo JP 1 7 N '-0 1-0 A eriX1AL Lbo�s SL1pu TOTAL II L.. .‘76c41, $Prse $gEAK GOUN'TE CUSTOM FABRICATION ala Perms Pollmann and Assoc2ates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS I.) WALL GasMJEts, steeArc a2ePhc 1 preliminary design PROJECT ITEM NO *1 ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EQUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. 1 -I s Gn ufte Thictc� �N� OIl9� TYP -MG? Wow. 1 SEttt.. Ru. cater \,Ji+.11110Q -1 Al- GAItoIN @T CUSTOM FABRICATION Dennis Pollmann and Associates FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS vouoce poog 16? te poog. LAWE1e 1 tCc a. to PC.Ao(Z P T iTet S 9 skit. W rrN FULL Hbf.2. C*RADF LRrnn hrF LP 4 TLc Dt� WoT GAstuer u L) os Veer aessP Nore�. A MOP 41Ktg. $y metes. d F Kr AU. r.,RB►i e r 1Prett ri oOS a mil. ewe $POSE giw That (Lt GAB G Novi P ��c�i s �Mot' u �Di -.e S preliminary design ITEM INDICATED WILL BE VERIFIED THRU PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROCESS. SUBMITTAL APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE EOUIPMENT IS PURCHASED. PROJECT ITEM NO O8> 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 TEM TO BE SUPPLIED BY OTHERS, AS INDICATED... OWNER /PURVEYOR O ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK OR CASE WORK. X OTHER. Pth4toN 1p NIC r 1 r 1 r 1 1 t 1 ebta.v e.e 14 K. NOT IN SECTION 11400 DENNIS POLLMANN AND ASSOCIATES FOOD FACILITIES CONSULTANTS THIS SCHEMATIC SKETCH SETS THE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS OF THE ITEM DEPICTED. STANDARD SHOP PRACTICES AND VERIFICATION OF ALL DIMENSIONS WILL BE SUBMITTED ON FABRICATION DRAWING FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION. open design PROJECT ITEM NO 0?) 1 SEE K TCHEN AND SERV NG AREA PLAN r f DRAWING KEY, KITCHEN EQUIPMENT PLAN O EQUIPMENT ITEM NUMBER, SEE SCHEDULE FOR DESCRIPTION. 1 4, 1 1 •I EQUIPMENT OUTLINE TO SCALE LENGTH X WIDTH DOTTED LINE ITEMS UNDER COUNTER TOP DASH PLUS TWO DOTS ITEM IS ABOVE THE COUNTER TOP OR OVER EQUIPMENT. SHELF HOOD, ETC. SINK DETAIL, DOUBLE UNE BACK AND /OR END SPLASH. i-1 ROTARY LEVER WASTE. GARBAGE GRINDER, CONE ASSEMBLY MOUNTED IN TABLE TOP WITH ON /OFF SWITCH RINSE SPRAY EQUIPMENT OUTUNE WITH DOOR SWING. DOOR SWING CLEARANCE INDICATED. STORAGE SHELVING, SHELF OUTLINE TO SCALE LENGTH X WIDTH WITH POSTS SHOWN. 72' HIGH. DUNNAGE RACK, OUTLINE TO SCALE LENTH X WIDTH 12' HIGH. POT /PAN RACK, OUTUNE TO SCALE LENGTH X WIDTH 60' HIGH. DOTTED ARROW SHAPE MOBILE UNIT SOLID OUTUNE INDICATES ASSIGNED LOCATION. DOTTED ARROW SHAPE AND DOTTED OUTLINE INDICATES MOBILE UNIT LOCATION NOT ASSIGNED. CORNER LOCATION FOR LOCKING CASTERS IF REQUIRED. TYPICAL ON ALL MOBILE UNITS. WALK -IN BOX INSULATED WALL PANELS. THE FOLLOWING "K" DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN REDUCED THEY ARE PROVIDED FOR REFERENCE ONLY SEE FULL SCALE DRAWINGS FOR PROJECT NEEDS 062793 C C KP KITGHGN GQUIPMeNT PLAN 01110 16141 19 6 R ALL 101110 9•Z•5 95 146 00 619615 409 2. 156 748•00 919 01901 04 mxto 91011 MGGHANIGAL ROUEN IN PLAN KITCHEN G QUIPMGNT x94.9 WALE 94 •0• fit SCHEDULE OF EQUIPMENT AND UTILITY CONNECTIONS a 1140140• K04KY e pp p ga 5 b a6wtDl 4 6 3 0 if 9 i a6N•6 Ht@704 459 tl A *0OMMIAT06 911006* 1 1414*1 raw 11 AM Olm0000o057M04 mom, M MMX44 10'_1110 04510•5! 64 0019900 'wlu 311127 ma. vac 190 14740 Mu 16 X X A i vitun. Mgt MP* 40011HIN 1.270-6061- M 1ClA 16 X IIp110o,iLL_1] i 706 16 ,1 19 X RAr[ 961 le X 091 M9tA X voommOp 20 X MLR 961 71 X OIWY 0154 TA0.t Am *4911 7044 77 X 4 4444 OM 29 )t 44644 WPM 7i X ciiiil agi mare 76 X. Ptlr /UN _26 k Par/PAN Star 71 i0 X', MLL 9ll7 H X Ni. etvM96t um 29 1 X 4 •S0a wve "A X melt IISS X 1 *40040061 MA .WA 00 (1Rt11 40m011 IM u6 ?i rwi 273111100 um motile !i a]Oitat IfrCR NOT19110*) 20015 4 A 71 owl MIMEO, OXIM AMA M_ .4454 t t6mW 34111_ 11I Y0vv19N( 1 I T T m0j411tlR1mere 10. P4901981900009011 !R Pa160Po01lo(5 004114'..0804 Min in toffenndt010IRU M Q.rr G1GD9 NOt0A 1001410 .419016 0 'MX 90 Rah 607 0/ 4AMIRCMI MO 4w1N40001. 08491404 POI 410(67 MINA 970 4/90604409 MaK6 ROW MOM 40111117110* /4/016 uO IMMIX laKe r 60 •40' 6 •b' 6•P %1 0 II I II I tl �L I I•�I I v 161 Elm N 1111 L 1 '9 ro• r•1• r 160 I 04974 481916 5 s. PT "9 11094000* 4000 19* 40904.54 1 1094 41 i 161 t d IN7R4 It 047.4 /941 160049/6 I d a i 16 1 0749/0 n'w.6 3•C4ei&ALM 2706 M d 1- ..1401114.16 1141 0 h-iR 419099 Mat 0.00 Mt yr VP 1 07 .1"1 Ttl 04 MOD. OM 00 l IV V!• 1/r lir i yr. 4 001 Mom, al 10649 VFW/ TO IMMO 044919911900 00 170 0049 f716 [M 4••10 0.1 Of KW 206/6 f 11 GLGGTRIGAL R01/6H IN PLAN KfTGHGN EQUIPMENT' 6004.1 a 6) lir 'vs' I? 1 02' 7 4-1 am 40 0149114 Mw. 110416 H 15:0 I Wo 4409471 1 IA 1.047e 4Na 46910 N601 6 1 00P0 4 40 100 601001 7,y '2947 R10 403 1190 ram LOGk GOO! 04' 4-I •M 00.e00/06,01.1 10119901 4- 11tl1916 4-1 111008 QS 0.0614149. re 47901 4 PI TO OR 01.0076 Mal /0r 11901 L4' 114 6--1 6N•6 160 cow mar -1 molt N 0R066.040.0 .Y• CHILLESS NIELSEN ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 117 fW 14TH AVOMJO 9.409 101 090011AN0. OM OON 603 PA10 6014 77*4414 51' ANDREW'S PLACE ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY PORT 41601 HUD. t 12743091 N l OMWN 19 400 16.19 106 .0 01 .54• KITCHEN PLAN, EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE AND UTILITY ROUGH IN PLANS war 41431..05.4m•v1 /0.1 .04 .44+m it NM MI NO MI fat OM Oa NW Ow elk NI AIM lag MI ON MB 1 I t t 1 t I t 1 1 GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Section 11450 Residential Equipment CN 95 -04 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 The residential equipment required in this project is indicated on the drawings and includes the following. Refrigerators Microwave ovens 1.2.2 Related Work Cabinets and Countertops Section 12390 Plumbing Division 15 Electrical Division 16 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Provide residential equipment which complies with standards and which bears U.L. labels and D 0 E. energy efficiency labels. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 4 1 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for each type of residential equipment. Submit operating and maintenance instructions for each item of residential equipment. 1 4.2 Schedule Submit schedule of residential equipment, using same room designations shown on drawings. 1.5 DELIVERY AND STORAGE 1.5.1 Deliver products to project site in manufacturer's undamaged protective containers, after spaces to receive them have been fully enclosed. 1.6 WARRANTY 1.6.1 Submit manufacturer's standard written warranty for each item with each unit of residential equipment. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 COLORS 2.1 1 Appliance colors will be white. 2.2 RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES /EQUIPMENT 2.2.1 General All product models and numbers are from manufacturer's latest catalogs unless noted otherwise. 11450 -1 2.2.2 Refrigerator /Freezer (In resident apartments) Whirlpool MDL EL05CCXW W /Reversible door Color White Refrigerator /Freezer (Medical #131 and Activity #121) Whirlpool MDL EL05CCXW Color White 2.2.3 Microwave ovens Samsung compact series MW2000 U (In Residents Apartments) to be hung from cabinet above with 4 screws through washers. 2.2.4 Slide -in Electric Range (Activity #121) General Electric MDL# JBF25GS, KW Rating 240V 10.8 Color White Note Hotpoint, Whirlpool, Kelvinator also approved. 2.2.5 Range Hood (Activity #121) General Electric MDL# JV3225. Color White Note Broan also approved. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION 3 1 1 General. Comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. 3 1.2 Built -in Equipment: Securely anchor units to supporting cabinetry or countertops with concealed fasteners. Verify that clearances are adequate for proper functioning and rough openings are completely concealed. 3 1.3 Freestanding Equipment Place units in final locations after finishes have been completed in each area. Verify that clearances are adequate for proper operation of equipment. 3 1 4 Utilities. Refer to Division 15 and 16 for plumbing and electrical requirements. 3.2 ADJUSTMENT AND CLEANING 3.2.1 Testing Test each item of residential equipment to verify proper operation Make necessary adjustments. 3.2.2 Accessories. Verify that accessory items required have been furnished. 3.2.3 Cleaning Remove packing material from residential equipment items and leave units in clean condition, ready for operation. END OF SECTION Section 11450 Residential Equipment CN 95 -04 11450- 2 1 t 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 t t f i t 1 t 1 f Section 11500 Laundry Equipment CN 95 -04 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 The laundry equipment required in this project is indicated on the drawings and includes the following. Washer Dryer 1.2.2 Related Work Plumbing Division 15 Electrical Division 16 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Provide laundry equipment which complies with standards and which bears U.L. labels and D O.E. energy efficiency labels. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for each type of laundry equipment. Submit operating and maintenance instructions for each item of laundry equipment. 1.5 DELIVERY AND STORAGE 1.5.1 Deliver products to project site in manufacturer's undamaged protective containers, after spaces to receive them have been fully enclosed. 1.6 WARRANTY 1.6.1 Submit manufacturer's standard written warranty for each item with each unit of laundry equipment. 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 LAUNDRY ROOM 2.1 1 Washer "General Electric' Model #WWA 8600R. 115V 60 hertz. Note Hotpoint, Whirlpool, Magic Chef, Kelvinator Amana also approved. Number 4 required Color white 2.1.2 Dryer 'General Electric' Model'DDE 8200R 120/240V 3 wire, 5600W 24A. Note Hotpoint, Whirlpool, Magic Chef Kelvinator Amana also approved. 11500- 1 Number 4 required. Color white 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION 3 1 1 General. Comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. 3 1.2 .Freestanding Equipment: Place units in final locations after finishes have been completed in each area. Verify that clearances are adequate for proper operation of equipment. 3 1.3 Equipment must be securely bolted to floor in accordance with manufacturers requirements. 31 4 Utilities. Refer to Division 15 and 16 for plumbing and electrical requirements. 3.2 ADJUSTMENT AND CLEANING 3.2.1 Testing: Test each item of laundry equipment to verify proper operation. Make necessary adjustments. 3.2.2 Accessories. Verify that accessory items required have been furnished 3.2.3 Cleaning: Remove packing material from laundry equipment items and leave units in clean condition, ready for operation. END OF SECTION Section 11500 Laundry Equipment CN 95-04 11500- 2 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t t 1 1 1 1 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Section 12320 Manufactured Fumiture CN 95 -04 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2.1 Fumish all labor materials, tools, equipment, and perform all work and services necessary for or incidental to the furnishing and installation, of all manufactured furniture shown on drawings and as specified, herein. 1.2.2 Related Work Section 06200 Section 06400 Section 09250 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE Finish Carpentry Architectural Woodwork Gypsum Drywall 1.3.1 Install manufactured furniture in compliance with applicable requirements of goveming authorities having jurisdiction. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's product specification, performance data sheets and installation instructions. 1 4.2 Submit samples of standard finishes and woods. 1 4.3 Submit shop drawings of furniture layouts. 1.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Deliver and store protected from damage and loss until ready for installation. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURER 2.1 1 Dania Kirkland, WA (206) 823 -9160 2.2 REQUIRED UNITS 2.2.1 Five (5) 76.25' H. Double Bookcase x 43.25' wide x 12.5" deep (W02 110-13) 2.2.2 One (1) 76.25' H Corner Bookcase x 26' wide x 12.5' deep (W02 90- 13 /CNR) 2.2.2 Two (2) 76.25' H. Convex Corner Bookcase x 12.5' wide x 12.5" deep (W02 90- 13 /CVX) 2.3 Finish Teak 3 EXECUTION 1 12320 1 31 INSTALLATION 3 1 1 Manufactured fumiture to be shipped to site in shipping cartons. 3 1.2 Furniture to be assembled in accordance with manufacturer's directions. END OF SECTION Section 12320 Manufactured Furniture CN 95 -04 12320 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 The work in this Section includes cabinets and countertops in all apartment unit kitchens, unit bathrooms, staff rooms and other common areas with cabinets and countertops not specified in Section 06400 Architectural Woodwork, or Section 11400 Food Services Equipment. Provide all required trim, fasteners, backsplashes and other accessories as required for a complete installation. Note the cabinet work in the main kitchen is shown and specified under Section 11400 Food Services Equipment. 1.2.2 Related Work Finish Carpentry Section 06200 Resilient Flooring and Base Section 09650 Toilet Accessories Section 10800 Food Services Equipment Section 11400 Residential Equipment Section 11450 Mechanical Division 15 Electrical Division 16 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3 1 Kitchen Cabinet Standard: ANSI A161 1 1.3.2 Countertop Standard ANSI A161.2 14 SUBMITTALS Section 12390 Kitchen Cabinets and Countertops CN 95 -04 1 NKCA Certification. Where indicated, provide kitchen cabinets with National Kitchen Cabinet Association (nkca) "Certified Cabinet' seal affixed in a semi concealed location of each unit, evidencing compliance with above standard 1.3.3 Field Measurements Verify sizes and shapes of countertops prior to fabrication by field measurements taken after base cabinets are installed. 1 41 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's technical product data and installation instructions indicating materials, hardware, and finishes used in fabrication of kitchen cabinets, as required to show compliance with specifications. 1 4.2 Shop Drawings Submit shop drawings showing location and size of each type of cabinet and countertops, accessories, materials, finishes, hardware types and locations, fillers, etc. Include fully dimensioned plans and elevations and indicate details of anchorage to countertop and to walls. 1 4.3 Samples Submit fully finished samples of following items required for kitchen cabinets 1 Veneered Plywood with transparent finish 12' square, for each finish, species and cut. 2. High pressure plastic laminate, manufacturer's standard colors and finish. 12390 -1 3 Plywood or Particleboard with painted or printed finish, 1 finished sample, 12' square for each type of finish and color 4 Exposed hardware, one unit of each type and finish 1.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING Section 12390 Kitchen Cabinets and Countertops CN 95 -04 1.5.1 Protect cabinets and countertops during transit, delivery storage and handling to prevent damage, soiling and deterioration. 1.5.2 Do not deliver cabinets and countertops until painting, wet work, grinding and similar operations, which could be performed before installation of kitchen cabinets, have been completed in installation areas. Store kitchen cabinets and countertops in installation areas or if that is impracticable, in areas similar with ambient conditions. 1.6 JOB CONDITIONS 1.6.1 Conditioning Comply with cabinet manufacture's recommendations for temperature and humidity requirements in cabinet installation areas. Do not install cabinets and countertops until required temperature and relative humidity have been stabilized and will be maintained in installation areas. 1 6.2 Maintain temperature and humidity in installation areas as required to maintain moisture content of installed cabinet work within a tolerance range of the optimum moisture content acceptable to cabinet manufacturer from date of installation through remainder of construction period. 2.1 DEFINITIONS 2.1 1 Exposed portions of cabinets include all surfaces including edges visible when doors and drawers are closed. Also included are visible surfaces and visible edges of shelves in open cabinets or behind glass doors and underside of bottoms of cabinets over 4 -0' over floor 2.1.2 Semi exposed portions of cabinets include surfaces behind opaque doors and drawer fronts including shelves, dividers, interior faces of cabinets ends, backs, tops and bottoms, drawer sides backs and bottoms, and back face of doors. Also included are underside of bottoms of cabinets between 2' -0' and 4 -0' from floor and flat tops 5' -9' or more above floor 2.1.3 Concealed portions of cabinets include sleepers, web frames, dust panels and other surfaces not normally visible after installation, including underside of bottoms of cabinets less than 2' -0' above floor 2.2 BASIC MATERIALS 2.1.2 Particleboard ANSI A208.1 mat formed particleboard Grade 1 -M -2 with minimum density of 40 lbs. per cu. ft. internal bond of 60 psi and minimum screwholding capacity of 225 lbs. on faces and 200 lbs. on edges. 2.2.2 Plywood AC Ext. APA 2.2:3 High Pressure Plastic Laminate NEMA LD -3, of thickness, type and grade designation indicated in colors or patterns and finishes as indicated, or if not indicated, as selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard selections. 2.2.4 Hardwood plywood PS 51 (proposed ANSI A99 1) Good Grade (1) or better of thickness, species, cut and core construction indicated 12390- 2 r i J t I 1 1 1 1 1 Section 12390 Kitchen Cabinets and Countertops CN 95 -04 2.2.5 Hardwood Lumber Clear dry sound, and free of defects selected from First Grade lumber (NHLA) of species indicated. 2.2.6 Hardboard: ANSI A135.4 Class 1 tempered. 2.2.7 Decorative boards Low pressure melamine plastic laminate composite panels complying with NEMA LQ 1 of thickness and type indicated in colors or patterns and finishes indicated, or if not indicated, as selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard choices. 2.2.8 Medium Density Fiberboard: ANSI A208.2, of thickness indicated. 2.3 WOOD CABINETS TRANSPARENT FINISH 2.3.1 Exposed Materials. Do not juxtapose materials noticeably dissimilar in color grain, figure and natural color markings. 1 Solid lumber Selected for compatible grain and color of the following species. Natural Birch Northern Hard Maple Red or White Oak Pine Ash Cherry 2. Plywood Face Veneer Same species as exposed lumber unless otherwise indicated, selected for grain and color compatible with exposed solid lumber no defects. Edgeband exposed edges with solid wood of same species as face veneer 2.3.2 Semi Exposed Materials. 1 Solid Lumber Dry sound, selected to eliminate appearance defects, of any species of hardwood or softwood with color and grain characteristics similar to exposed portions. 2. Plywood: Species to match color and grain of exposed members, with particleboard core or veneer core as standard with manufacturer unless otherwise indicated. 3 Concealed Members Solid lumber plywood, particleboard hardboard, as indicated. 2.3.3 Face Construction 1 Face Frame: Provide base, wall and full height units (if any) with solid hardwood lumber 3/4 thick, face frames of cabinets exposed around drawer fronts and doors. a. Drawer fronts and doors. Surface applied b Door Construction: Lumber core plywood, 5 ply with hardwood face veneers and crossbanding. c. Drawer Fronts Same construction as door or where standard with manufacturer solid or glued -up lumber not Tess than 1/2" thick. 2.4 PLASTIC LAMINATE CABINETS 2.4 1 Exposed Surfacing Material of Doors, Drawer Fronts, Fixed Panels, Toeboards and Ends High pressure plastic laminate, 0.028' thick, General Purpose Type (GP -28) 12390- 3 2.4.2 Semi Exposed Surfacing Material and Doors. High pressure plastic laminate, 0.020' thick, Cabinet Liner Type (CL -20) in color or pattern and finish matching interior of cabinets, unless otherwise indicated. 2.4.3 Remaining Semi Exposed Materials. Decorative boards, General Purpose Type conforming to NEMA LO-1 with decorative faces patterns or colors and finish indicated, or if not indicated, selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard choices. 2.4 4 Concealed Materials. Any sound, dry solid lumber plywood or particleboard or combination thereof• without defects affecting strength, utility or stability On concealed surfaces of portions constructed f decorative boards, provide decorative or cabinet liner laminate backing (light -duty type) 2.4.5 Core Material for Plastic Laminates: Particleboard 2.4.6 Treatment of Exposed and Semi Exposed Edges. Edge doors and drawer fronts with plastic laminate of same material as exposed faces. Edge top of drawer body with high impact plastic tee edging. Edge remaining portions of cabinets with high pressure plastic laminate not less than 0.028' thick matching adjoining plastic laminate in colors or patterns and finish, unless otherwise indicated 2.5 STYLE OF FACE CONSTRUCTION 2.5.1 Flush Overlay Style Provide base wall and full height units (if any) with drawer fronts, doors and fixed panels (if any) overlaying and concealing face frames of cabinet body unless otherwise indicated. 2.6 CABINET CONSTRUCTION 2.6.1 Face Frames. Not Tess than 3/4' x 1 1/2' solid hardwood lumber rail and tiles with glued mortise and tenon joints. 2.6.2 Exposed Ends Not Tess than 1/2" thick, medium density particleboard core with exterior veneer to match door and drawer fronts, and minimum 4 -mil laminate on interior surfaces. Connect to stile with pressure -glued tongue and plow joint, and supplemented by concealed mechanical fasteners. 2.6.3 Unexposed Ends Not less than 1/2' thick, medium density particleboard with minimum 4 -mil prefinished laminate on interior surfaces. Attach to front frame in same manner as exposed ends 2.6.4 Back, Top and Bottom Rails Not less than 3/4 x 3' solid lumber machined to interlock with end panels, and rabbeted to receive to and bottom panels, with back rails secured under pressure with glue and mechanical devices. 2.6.5 Shelving Not less than 5/8' thick particleboard core plywood 1/2' thick medium density particleboard prefinished with minimum 4 -mil laminate on top, bottom and exposed (front) edge 2.6.6 Wall Cabinet Construction Section 12390 Kitchen Cabinets and Countertops CN 95 -04 1 Tops and Bottoms Not less than 1/2' thick particleboard or 3/8' thick hardwood plywood, fully supported by and secured in, rabbeted in end panels front frame and back rail. 12390- 4 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Section 12390 Kitchen Cabinets and Countertops CN 95 -04 2. Backs. Not less than 1/8' hardboard or 3/16' plywood fastened machined rear edge of ends and to top and bottom hanger rails. 2.6.7 Base Cabinet Construction 1 Front Frame Drawer Rails. Not Tess than 1 x 1 1/4" lumber mortised and fastened into face frame. 2. Bottoms. Not Tess than 1/2' thick particleboard with 4 -mil vinyl laminate finish or 3/8' thick, 5 -ply veneer core plywood secured and fully supported rabbets in end panels, front frame and back to bottom rail. 3 Back Panels. Not less than 1/8' thick hardboard fastened to machined surface prefinished with 4 -mil vinyl laminate. 4 Toe Boards. Not less than 5/8' particleboard core attached between end panels and extended from bottom panel to floor 5. Corner Blocks. Glued and fastened in each of 4 top comers to maintain cabinet squareness and rigidity 2.6.8 Drawer Construction 1 Drawer Body Not Tess than 3/8' thick finished particleboard or lumber subfront, back and sides. Provide box -type construction with subfront and back rabbeted into sides and secured with glue and mechanical fasteners. Exposed fronts fastened to subfront with mounting screws from interior of body Drawer bottom of not less than 1/4 thick hardboard, set into rabbets in back, sides and front. 2. Drawer Suspension Minimum 50 Ib. capacity twin track, side mounted drawer glide suspension with nylon rollers, self closing feature and positive stop. 2.7 COUNTERTOPS 2.7 1 Exposed Surfacing Material. High pressure plastic laminate 0.050' thick, General Purpose Type (GP50) except 0 042' thick, Postforming Type (PF42) where postformed countertop configuration is indicated. 2.7.2 Substrate (Core) for Exposed Surfacing Material 3/4" EXT Plywood. 2.7.3 Countertop Configuration: Provide countertops with the following front styles (nose), cove and backsplash style, unless otherwise indicated. 1 Front Style Self -edge. 2. Backsplash Style B (Square edge without scribe) 2.7 4 Countertop Thickness As indicated, or if not indicated, not less than 1 1/2' unless otherwise indicated, with substrate (core) not less than 3/4' thick. 2.8 TRANSPARENT FINISH FOR KITCHEN CABINETS 2.8.1 Shop Finishing Finish kitchen cabinets at shop or factory to the greatest extent possible. Defer any final touch -up, cleaning and polishing until after delivery and installation. Apply finish in a properly equipped temperature controlled spray room free from circulating dust, dirt, sawdust, and other foreign material. 12390- 5 2.8.2 Preparation for Finishing Carefully and smoothly machine sand parallel with grain, exposed and semi exposed surfaces to remove machine marks and scratches. Remove sanding residue and other foreign material. 2.8.3 Finishing Materials. Manufacturer's standard products selected to comply with performance requirements in referenced kitchen cabinet standard. 2.9 CABINET HARDWARE. Section 12390 Kitchen Cabinets and Countertops CN 95 -04 2.91 General: Provide manufacturer's standard hardware unit of type, size and finish indicated, complying with ANSI A156.9, of type material, size and finish indicated, or if not indicated, as selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard choices. 2.10 ACCESSORIES 2.10 1 General Provide manufacturer's standard accessories of type indicated. 2.10.2 Sliding Cutting Board: Removable unit for installation under 4 -1/2' high drawer in base unit. 2.11 FABRICATION 2.11 1 Fabricate wood kitchen cabinets to dimensions and profiles and details indicated. 2.11.2 Assemble units in shop in as large components as practicable minimized field cutting and jointing. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION 3 1 1 Install cabinets plumb level, true and straight with no distortions. Shim is required using concealed shims. Where wood kitchen cabinets abut other finished work, scribe and cut for accurate fit. Provide filler strips, scribe strips and mouldings as indicated or required and in finish to match cabinet face. 3 1.2 Anchor cabinets securely in place with concealed (when doors and drawers are closed) fasteners, anchored into structural support members of wall construction. Comply with manufacturer's instructions for support of units. 3 1.3 Attach countertops securely to base units. Spline and glue joints in countertops provide concealed mechanical clamping of joint. Provide cutouts for fixtures and appliances as indicated drill pilot holes at comers before making cutouts. Smooth cut edges and coat with waterproof coating or adhesive. 31 4 Complete hardware installation and adjust doors and drawers for proper operation. 3.2 CLEANING AND PROTECTION 3.2.1 Repair or remove and replace defective work as directed upon completion of installation. 3.2.2 Clean exposed and semi exposed surfaces, touch -up finish as required. Remove and refinish damaged or soiled areas. 3.2.3 Protection. Advise Contractor of finial protection and maintained conditions necessary to ensure that work will be without damage or deterioration at time of acceptance. 12390- 6 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 END OF SECTION Section 12390 Kitchen Cabinets and Countertops CN 95 -04 12390- 7 1 r 1 1.2.1 Fumish and install blinds at all windows in the building except the main entrance door and other exit doors to the exterior 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.2 Related Work Aluminum Windows Section 08520 Gypsum Drywall Section 09250 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE Section 12500 Window Treatment CN 95-04 1.3.1 Manufacturer Blinds and accessories shall be by one manufacturer Provide products from one of the following Levolor Kirsch 14 SUBMITTALS 1 41 Product Data. Submit manufacturers technical data and installation instructions for all blinds required. 1 4.2 Submit duplicate samples of all blind materials, colors and pattems. 1.5 COORDINATION AND VERIFICATION 1.5.1 Inspect existing conditions prior to installation and notify General Contractor in writing, with a copy to Architect, of any condition which would prevent satisfactory installations. Failure to do so holds Contractor responsible for any corrections Architect may require. 1.5.2 Coordinate with all other trades whose work relates to blinds for placing all required blocking, subframing, backing furring, etc. to insure proper locations. 1.5.3 Verify all dimensions shown on drawings by taking field measurements. Proper fit and attachment of all parts is required. 1.6 DELIVERY AND STORAGE 1.6.1 Deliver and store materials in dry protected areas. Keep free of stain, corrosion, or other damage. Replace any damaged material or parts at no cost to owner 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIAL 2.1 1 The blinds shall have one inch wide horizontal slats supported by braided ladders. All hardware shall be enclosed in a metal head. All operating hardware shall be machine clinched to head to 12500 1 assure perfect alignment. It shall be possible to tilt the slats to any horizontal angle by turning the transparent wand. Wands shall be of length as selected by Architect. 2.1.2 Slat supports shall be braided of polyester yam the vertical component of which shall be not less than .045 inch diameter nor greater than .068 inch diameter for maximum strength and flexibility with minimum stretch. Braiding shall be accurate to hold slats equally spaced parallel, straight and to assure proper tilt control and adequate overlap of slats. There shall be 28 rungs per 2 feet of ladder equally spaced at 788 inch intervals. Distance between ladders shall not exceed 21 inches. The horizontal component, or rungs, shall consist of not less than four cables interbraided with the vertical components. Aluminum slats shall be virgin aluminum alloyed for maximum strength, flexibility and resistance to intemal and external corrosion. The slats shall be 25 mm wide (.984 inch) plus .003 inch or minus .000 inch. They shall be .010 inch thick before painting, plus or minus .005 inch. After painting thickness shall be .011 inch plus or minus .005 inch. 2.1.3 The head shall be .025 inch thick tomized steel "U" shaped. The bottom rail shall be .031 inch thick tomized steel. Both head and bottom rail shall have plastic type coating cured at high temperature and shall be formed after coating. 2.1 4 Lift cord shall be of adequate diameter braided of high strength synthetic fibers. 2.1.5 Color As selected by Architect. 3 EXECUTION 31 INSTALLATION END OF SECTION Section 12500 Window Treatment CN 95-04 31 1 Installation: install all work plumb, true and as indicated on drawings. Provide anchors, fastenings and any other supporting items necessary to support work. Install per the manufacturer's recommended installation instructions. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12500- 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1.2.1 Work of this section includes all labor materials, equipment and supervision necessary for and incidental to, manufacturing and installing entrance mats as shown on drawings and described herein. 1.3 SUBMITTALS 1.3 1 Product Data. Submit manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for each type of entrance mat. Include methods of installation for each type of substrate Samples. Submit samples for each type and color of exposed entrance mat and accessories required Provide 12' square samples of mat materials. 14 SEQUENCING /SCHEDULING 1 4 1 General: Except as otherwise indicated herein, sequencing or scheduling for performance of work of this section in relation with other work is Contractor's option. 1 4.2 Delay installation of mats and other finish flooring units until near time of substantial completion for project. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS 2.1 1 Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products which may be incorporated in the work include the following: 1 Tufton Llt. 'Coral Plus Extra' Distributed by Pacific Mat Company Seattle WA (206) 282 -3770 2.2 MATERIALS AND FABRICATION 2.2.1 General Provide colors /patterns/profiles of materials, as indicated on drawings or by this specification or where not indicated, as selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard colors /patterns/profiles. Shop fabricate units of entrance mat work to greatest extent possible, in sizes as indicated. Where not otherwise indicated, provide single unit for each mat installation, but do not exceed manufacturer's maximum size recommendation for units intended for removal and cleaning. Where joints in mats are necessary space symmetrically and away from normal traffic lanes. Miter corner joints in framing elements, with hairline joints, or provide prefabricated comer units without joints. Where possible, verify sizes by field measurement prior to shop fabrication. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION Section 12670 Entrance Mats CN 95-04 12670 1 END OF SECTION Section 12670 Entrance Mats CN 95 -04 31 1 Install entrance mat to comply with manufacturer's instructions, at locations indicated and with top of mats in proper relationship to one another and to adjoining finished flooring. Set mat tops at proper height for most effective cleaning action, coordinate top of mat surfaces with doors that swing across mats to provide adequate under -door clearance. 12670- 2 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Section 14200 Passenger Elevators CN 95-04 1 GENERAL 1 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1 1 1 Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2.1 The work required under this section consists of the complete fumishing and installation of two (2) oil hydraulic passenger elevators. All work shall be performed in a workmanlike manner and is to include all work and material in accordance with the drawings and as specified herein. In all cases where a device or part of the equipment is herein referred to in the singular number it is intended that such reference shall apply to as many such devices as are required to complete the installation of both elevators. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.3.1 Compliance with Standard and Industry Specifications 1 All work shall be performed in accordance with the latest revised edition of the American National Standard Safety Code for Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Moving Walks (ANSI -17), Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the National Electric Code, The Uniform Building Code, Chapters 11 30 and/or such state and local codes as may be applicable. 14 SUBMITTALS 1 4 1 Shop Drawings 1 The Elevator Subcontractor shall prepare drawings showing the general arrangement and Toads of the elevator equipment. Show excavation requirements for jack. These drawings shall be approved by the Contractor and the hoistway size determined before proceeding with fabrication and installation of elevators. 2. Shop drawings shall be submitted to the appropriate Washington State agency to obtain their approval concurrent to submittal to Architect for his review 1.5 PAINTING 1.5.1 All exposed metal work fumished in these specifications, except as otherwise specified, shall be properly painted by the Contractor after installation. 1.6 PERMITS TAXES AND LICENSES 1.6.1 All applicable sales and use taxes, permit fees and licenses, shall be paid for by the Contractor 17 STORAGE 1 71 A dry and protected area must be provided for storage of material an equipment. 1.8 MAINTENANCE AND GUARANTEES 1.8.1 Maintenance Service. The Contractor and his Elevator Subcontractor shall fumish maintenance and call -back service on each elevator after it is completed and placed in operation by the Owner for a period of twelve (12) months. This service shall consist of 14200 1 examinations of the equipment, adjustments, lubrication, cleaning, supplies and parts to keep the equipment in proper operation, except such adjustments, parts or repairs made necessary by abuse, misuse or any other causes beyond the control of the Contractor All work shall be done by trained employees. 1.8.2 Warranty The Contractor and his Elevator Subcontractor shall warrant the equipment installed by him under these specifications against defects in materials and workmanship and shall correct any defects not due to ordinary wear or tear or improper use or care which may develop within one year from the date the building is completed and accepted. 1.9 RELATED WORK 1.9.1 The following related work shall be performed by the Contractor 1.9.2 A legal hoistway properly framed and enclosed, and including a pit of proper depth, provided with drains, lights, access doors, and waterproofing, as required. Suitable machine room, adequate for the elevator equipment, including floors, foundations, lighting, ventilation and heat to maintain the room at a temperature of 50 degrees F minimum to 100 degrees F maximum. 1.9.3 Adequate supports and foundations to carry the loads of all equipment, including supports for guide rail .brackets and machine beams or overhead sheaves (If fumished). If adjacent hoistways are utilized, divider beams at suitable points shall be provided for guide rail bracket support. 1.9 4 Suitable connections from the power mains to each controller including necessary circuit breakers and fused mainline disconnect switches. 1.9.5 Outlets in the Machine Room for lighting in the car Electric power for testing and adjusting, of the same characteristics as the permanent supply 1.9 6 Cutting of walls, floors, etc. and removal of such obstructions as may be necessary for proper installation of the elevator Setting of anchors and sleeves. Pockets or blockouts for signal fixtures. 1.9 7 All painting, part of which is specified in this section. Section 14200 Passenger Elevators CN 95 -04 1.9.8 Provide temporary enclosures or other protection from open hoistways during the time the elevator is being installed. 1.9.9 Proper trenching and backfilling for any underground piping or conduit. 1.910 Contractor shall fumish and maintain proper barricades according to current 0.S.H.A. and or state or local standards. 2. MATERIALS 2.1 OUTLINE OF EQUIPMENT 2.1 1 Type of Equipment: Oil hydraulic passenger elevator by one of the following manufacturers. A. Dover Elevators B Montgomery Elevator Company C Otis D Schindler Elevator Corp E. US Elevator 14200 2 2.1.2 Quantity* One (1) 2.1.3 Control: A.0 2.1 4 Speed: 120 FPM UP /150 FPM DOWN 2.1.5 Power Supply Three phase/60 cycle. 2.1.6 Machine Location: Verify 2.1 7 Operation Simplex selective collective with two way leveling, WYE delta start, fireman service switch. 2.1.8 Schedule of Elevators Elev Contract Clear Travel Stops Openings Doors No. Load Inside Dim 1 2 2500 6'-8 "x 10' 8-1/8" 2 2- in line 3' -6" x 4 3" 7' -0" single speed side opening 2.1.9 Hoistway Doors. 1 1/2 hr fire rating. Exterior Door Finish. Factory baked enamel Exterior Entrance Finish Factory baked enamel 2.1 10 Door Operation: Single Slide (See plans for direction.) 2.1 11 Elevator Cab Specifications A. Cab doors and side panels. B Floor C Walls. D Ceiling Finish #4 Satin Stainless Steel. Glu -down carpet see Section 09680 Carpeting. Wall Panels. Plastic Laminate. Handrails. Style: 1 1/2' cylindrical stainless steel #4 at rear wall. Protective Wall Pads. Provide for Side and Rear Walls Section 14200 Passenger Elevators CN 95-04 14200 3 Section 14200 Passenger Elevators CN 95-04 Drop ceiling at 7-4" with fluorescent lighting. E. ADA (American Disabilities Act) and UFAS (Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards: Elevators as supplied and installed must meet ADA and UFAS requirements. 2.1 12 Signals. Illuminated car and hall pushbuttons, alarm bell, emergency lighting, car position indicator car direction indicator with audible signal (1 up, 2 down) in car strike jamb. 2.1 13 Jack Holes. The jack holes, casings and waterproof seals are to be provided by the elevator subcontractor 2.1 14 Special Features. Ram protection, phone box and wiring, unit valve, continuous duty motor (minimum 80 starts per hour), sill angles, special low oil feature, gate valve, dual photocell door protection, braille on all faceplates. 2.2 PLUNGER AND CYLINDER 2.2.1 The plunger and cylinder shall be mounted under the center of the car platform. The length of the plunger shall be sufficient to lift the car the required amount of floor travel plus normal overtravel. The design characteristics shall be such to withstand a working test pressure of 400 PSI and the structural strength shall be sufficient to lift the weight of the elevator as well as the elevator load with legal margin of safety as determined by applicable elevator codes. the assembly shall be installed true and plumb. 2.3 AUTOMATIC TWO- DIRECTION LEVELING 2.3.1 The elevator shall be provided with a self leveling feature that will automatically level the car to the floor landing. When the elevator is traveling in the up direction and approaches a landing, it shall level to the floor in the up direction. When the elevator is traveling in the down direction and approaches a landing, it shall level to the floor in the down direction. An anti -creep device shall also be provided, arranged to relevel the elevator to the floor landing if it should creep down from any floor beyond a predetermined distance. 2.4 POWER UNIT 2.41 A completely integral pumping unit shall be incorporated in a cabinet type power unit including the motor pump, valves, oil reservoir controller and other related items. This unit shall be designed for vibration -free operation. The unit shall be factory- adjusted and tested before shipment to the jobsite. The testing procedure shall include actual job type conditions of load, speed and etc. 2.4.2 The pump shall be specially designed for all hydraulic operation and shall be of the positive displacement type 2.4.3 The 'Up Start" system shall be adjustable and designed to initiate start of the motor pump and shall control the acceleration smoothly and evenly 2.4 4 The down start system shall be adjustable and designed to initiate the stop of the elevator and shall control the deceleration of the elevator smoothly and evenly 2.4.5 The power unit shall have a shut -off valve which will isolate the oil reservoir to enable servicing of the pump hydraulic assembly 2.4.6 A suitable muffler designed to withstand the high pressures shall be installed in the power unit. 14200 4 2.5 SELECTIVE COLLECTIVE OPERATION Section 14200 Passenger Elevators CN 95-04 2.5.1 The momentary pressing on one or more car buttons shall send the car to designated landings in order in which the landings are reached by car irrespective of the sequence in which the buttons are pressed. During this operation the car shall also answer calls from the landings which are in the prevailing direction of travel and each landing shall be canceled when answered. 2.5.2 With the momentary pressing of a hall button above car the car shall start up and answer any up calls as they are reached by car irrespective of the sequence in which buttons are pressed. Car shall not stop at floors where down buttons only are pressed. Similarly the car shall start down to answer calls below the car and shall not stop where up calls only are registered. When traveling up, the car shall reverse at the highest call and proceed to answer calls below it. Similarly when traveling down, the car shall reverse at the lowest call and answer calls above it. 2.5.3 Should both an up and a down call be registered at an intermediate landing, only the call corresponding to the direction in which the car is traveling shall be cancelled upon the stopping of the car at that landing. 2.5 4 Operation of elevator under fire or other emergency conditions. 1 Key operated switch: Provide a key operated switch at the main floor closest to grade level and at an alternate floor The key shall be removable in the "on" or "off" positions. When the switch is in the "on" position, elevator shall retum non -stop to the main floor or to altemate floor and the doors will open and remain open. .2. Sensing devices: Heat and smoke or products of combustion sensing devices shall be installed in accordance with NFPA No. 72D in each elevator lobby at each floor The activation of a sensing device in any elevator lobby shall cause all cars to retum non -stop to the main floor or alternate floor The key operated switch at the main or alternate floor when tumed to the By -pass position shall restore normal service independent of the sensing devices. Sensing devices and wiring from sensing devices to elevator hoistway shall be fumished and installed under Division 16. Control circuits and wiring for sensing devices from hoistway to elevator controller will be fumished by Elevator Contractor 3 Key operated switch in car Provide a three position (off, on and by -pass) key operated switch in car operating panel, effective only when the floor key operated switch (previously described) is in the "on" position or when a sensor has been activated and the car has retumed to the main or alternate floor The key shall be removable only in the "off" position. When in the "on" position, it shall place the elevator on emergency service The switch shall be maintained in the "by- pass" position by constant pressure. In this position it shall by -pass the car door contact and hoistway door interlocks and permit travel only toward the main or alternate floor 4 The operation of the elevators on emergency service shall be as follows. A. An elevator will be operable only by a person in the elevator B Elevators will not respond to elevator corridor calls. C The opening of doors shall be by continuous pressure on "open" buttons. If the button is released prior to the doors reaching the fully open position, the doors 14200 5 2.6 CAR OPERATING STATION 2.7 HALL PUSHBUTTON STATIONS 2.8 CAR POSITION INDICATOR 2.9 TELEPHONE CABINET 2.10 PHOTO -EYE PROTECTION 3 EXECUTION 31 INSPECTION Hoistway size and plumbness Sill support area and packets Section 14200 Passenger Elevators CN 95-04 shall automatically reclose. Open doors shall be closed by either registration of a car call or by pressure on "Door Close" button. 2.6.1 A flush mounted operating panel shall be mounted in each car and shall contain the devices required for the specified operation. The car operating station shall contain the floor designations, emergency stop switch, emergency alarm button light switch and any other switches that may be required. The buttons and devices shall be of the easy readability type and the floor designation buttons shall become illuminated when pressed and shall stay illuminated until the floor call is answered. 2.71 (1) riser of landing pushbutton stations shall be provided. Each intermediate station shall consist of two illuminated pushbuttons, one for the up direction and the other for the down direction. Each terminal station shall contain an illuminated pushbutton. The buttons shall be illuminated to indicate that a call has been registered at that floor for the indicated direction and stay illuminated until the call is answered by the elevator 2.8.1 An electric position indicator shall be provided in each car Indicator will consist of a finished face plate with numerals, behind each of which shall be a small shielded Tight bulb, so arranged that as the car travels through the hoistway its position shall be indicated by the illumination of the numeral corresponding to the landing at which the car is stopped or passing. 2.91 Furnish in each car a telephone cabinet complete with traveling cable. The telephone 'instrument shall be fumished and installed by the elevator contractor 2.10 1 An electronic passenger sensing device of the photo type shall project across the entrance to prevent the car and hoistway doors from closing if a passenger of object interrupts the light ray 2.10.2 When a stop is made the door shall remain in the open position for a predetermined interval unless the closing is initiated by interruption and re- establishment of the light ray by registration of a car call, or pushing the door close button. 2.10.3 The doors shall be prevented from closing as long as either light ray is interrupted or the mechanical safety edge is activated. If the doors are closing and either the light ray or the mechanical safety device is activated the doors will stop and re -open. After an adjustable length of time, the doors will proceed to close. 31 1 Prior to beginning the installation of elevator equipment, examine the hoistway and machine room area and verify that no irregularities exist that would affect quality or execution of work as specified. Particularly Note 14200 6 C1 Section 14200 Passenger Elevators CN 95-04 Support areas for brackets, beams, etc. 3.1.2 Do not proceed with installation until previous work conforms to project requirements. 3.2 GENERAL 3.2.1 Install in accordance with accepted manufacturer's directions and ANSI A 171 3.2.2 Excavation for Jack. Drill exczvation in each elevator pit to accommodate installation of plunger cylinder unit; comply with applicable requirements of Division -2 "Excavation" sections. Install casings with waterproof seals at pit floor and with waterproof, high pressure seals at pit floor and with waterproof, high- pressure seal at bottom of casings. 3.2.3 Install plunger cylinder units. plumb and accurately centered for elevator car position and travel; anchor securely in place. 3.2.4 Welded Construction Provide welded connections for installatino of elevator work where bolted connections are not required for subsequent removal or for normal operation, adjustment, inspection, maintenance and replacement of wom parts. Comply with AWS standards for workmanship and for qualifications of welding operators. 3.2.5 Coordination: Coordinate elevator work with work of other trades, for proper time and sequence to avoid construction delays. Use benchmarks, lines and levels designated by Contractor to ensure dimensional coordination of the work. 3.2.6 Sounds Isolation: Mount rotating and vibrating elevator eqiupment and components on vibration absorption mounts, designed to effectively prevent transmission of vibrations to structure, and shaft thereby eliminate sources of noise from elevator system. 3.2.7 Install piping without routing underground, where possible; where not possible, cover underground piping with permanent protective wrapping before backfilling. 32.8 Lubricate operating parts of systems, including ropes, if any as recommended by manufacturers. 3.2.9 Alignment: Coordinate installatin of hoistway entrances with installation of elevator guide rails, for accurate alignment of entrances with cars. Where possible, delay final adjustment of sills and doors until car is operable in shaft. Reduce clearances to minimum, safe, workable dimension at each landing. 3.2.10 Leveling Tolerance. 1/2" up or down, regardless of bad and direction of travel. 3.2.11 Grout Sills: with non staining non -shrink grout. Set units accurately aligned with and slightly above finished floor at landings. 3.2.12 Install machine room equipment with clearances complying with National Electrical Code, ANSI 3.2.13 Install items so that they may be removed by portable hoists or other means for easy maintenance. 3.3 FIELD PAINTING. Clean and field -paint the following with one coat of machinery enamel. 3.3.1 Machine Room Equipment: 14200 7 3 4 ADJUSTMENTS Section 14200 Passenger Elevators CN 95-04 Hoistway and car equipment and metal work installed as part of this work which does not have a special architectural finish and which is exposed to switches for each elevator 3 41 Adjust motors, valves, brakes, controllers, leveling switches, limit switches, stopping switches, door operators, interlocks, and safety devices to achieve required performance levels. 3 4.2 Align guide rails vertically within a tolerance of 1/16" in 100 ft. Secure joints without gaps and file any irregularities to a smooth surface. 3 4.3 Balance car to equalize pressure of guide shoes on rails. 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 3.5.1 Provide all personnel, equipment and instruments required for inspection and testing. 3.5.2 Have acceptance inspection required by regulatory agencies. 3.5.3 In addition to inspections and test required by regulatory agencies, perform applicable inspections and tests contained in Part 1 and Part II of ANSI A17.2 with written certificate to Owner 3.5.4 Final acceptance of the entire installation shall be made only after all field quality control inspections and tests are complete, all submittals and certificates have been received, and the Architect is satisfied that the following have been satisfactorily completed' 1 Workmanship and equipment comply with specification. 2. Contract speed, capacity and floor -to -floor performance comply with specification. (Provide weights for test). 3. Verification of satisfactory performance A. Starting, accelerating, running. B Decelerating, leveling, stopping. C Door operation. 3.6 CLEANUP 3.6.1 Keep work areas orderly and free from debris during progress or project. 3.6.2 Remove all loose materials and filing resulting from this work from hoistway surfaces. 3.6.3 Clean machine room floor of dirt, oil, and grease. END OF SECTION 14200 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 SUMMARY Section 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirements CN 95 -04 1 1 1 Work Included The work included in this Section applies to all Division 15 work to provide all materials, labor tools, permits and incidentals to provide and make ready for the Owner's use the Heating Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Plumbing and Fire Protection Systems for the proposed project. 1 1 2 Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1 The content of this Section applies to all Division 15 specifications. 2 The requirements of this Section are a minimum for each Division 15 Section, unless otherwise stated in each Section, in which case that Section s requirements shall take precedence 1 2 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1 2 1 Where any of the Contract Documents are at variance with the applicable Codes governing the work, the Code requirements shall take precedence, and include any cost necessary to meet these in the bid price 1 2 2 Mechanical Plans 1 The Mechanical Plans are intended to be diagrammatic and are based on one manufacturer's equipment. They are not intended to show every item in its exact dimensions or all the details of the equipment or proposed systems layout Verify the actual dimensions of the systems (i e ducts and piping) and equipment proposed to assure that the systems and equipment will fit in the available space 2 Installation of all mechanical systems shall be within the limitations imposed by the architectural structural and electrical requirements Provide adequate space for manufacturer s recommended maintenance and Code required clearances 1 2 3 Guarantees Guarantee all equipment, materials, and quality of work including labor and materials for corrective measures, for a period of one year beginning with the date of acceptance of the project in writing Special warranties will be called for under some sections of Products Provide a minimum four year warranties on all refrigerant compressors Provide warranties in writing, and include written copies of the factory warranties with expiration dates on items of equipment where the warranty date might differ from the acceptance date, such as four year warranty of refrigerant systems No warranty shall start before the date of acceptance in writing by the Engineer 15010 1 1 2 4 Substitutions Section 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirements CN 95 -04 1 Where materials or equipment are specified by name of manufacturer such specification shall be deemed to be used for purposes of establishing a standard of quality for that particular item Materials or equipment shall conform to the Specifications and Drawings in all respects Modification to equipment to conform to the Specifications or Drawings is required if the listed manufacturer cannot meet the requirements with a regularly cataloged item Inclusion of a manufacturer's name as acceptable to provide specific equipment does not indicate that the manufacturer's standard catalogued components will perform as required, or that they will fit in the allocated physical space for the equipment. It is the Contractor's responsibility to verify that the equipment which is proposed to be provided will fit in the allocated physical space, with all required manufacturers and Code required clearances. 2 Equipment submitted for substitution shall meet all Contract Document requirements including quality established by brand specified Indicate all deviations or non compliances by an attached letter explaining a proposed change Acceptance of submitted material does not grant deviation from Contract requirements. Additional expense resulting by Contractor's decision to use substitute materials must be included in Bid Sum and shall include all costs by other affected crafts. 3 Material description takes precedence over catalog number listed Verify with manufacturer correctness of catalog number against material description and accessories. 4 Variations in Equipment. If approved mechanical equipment of other manufacturer requires modification or additions to other work shown on Drawings, arrange for and pay all costs of such changes at no additional cost to Owner 5 Or Approved Where equipment make is listed, followed by the phrase or approved, this shall require the submittal of the proposed make prior to bidding for review and approval by the Engineer 1 3 SUBMITTALS 1 3 1 Procedures. Where a substitution of equipment requires any redesign, prepare all redesign and new Drawings required thereof 1 3 2 Submittals. 1 Where an item submitted is designated by number or symbol on Drawings, show this number or symbol 2 Check product data for space requirements and conformance with Specification and mark corrections and approval on all Product Data prior to submittal to Engineer 3 Submittals processed by Engineer are not Change Orders. 4 If deviations, discrepancies or conflicts between Submittals and Specifications are discovered whether prior to or after Submittals are processed by Engineer Design Drawings and Specifications shall control and shall be followed 15010 2 Section 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirements CN 95 -04 5 Coordination of mechanical equipment and electrical service to that equipment is solely the responsibility of the Contractor The Engineer's review of submittals which indicates incorrect electrical service does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of providing the current electrical characteristics at no additional cost to Owner 1 3 3 Record Drawings: Provide Record Drawings which show dimensions, locations and depth of all piping plugged outlets, ductwork and other equipment. No backfilling of trenches will be permitted until Record Drawings are up -to -date Reference depth of sewers from a permanent benchmark. Reference dimensions from building structural features, such as bearing walls or columns 1 3 4 Visiting Premises: 1 Contractor before submitting his Bid on work, must visit site and familiarize himself with all visible existing conditions. No additional allowance will be granted due to lack of information of visible existing conditions. 2 The submission of a bid will be considered an acknowledgment on part of Bidder of his visitation to the site 1 4 PERMITS CODES AND LAWS 1 4 1 As a minimum requirement, unless otherwise specified, all work shall be in accordance with the following rules and regulations and any applicable laws. 1 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 2 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 3 Codes as published by the International Conference of Building Officials. 1 Uniform Building Code 2 Uniform Fire Code 3 Uniform Mechanical Code 4 Uniform Plumbing Code 5 Related Supplements and Standards 4 State of Washington and local jurisdictional requirements. 1 4 2 Where any of the Code requirements are at variance with the Drawings and Specifications, the Code requirements shall be met as a minimum requirement, and include any cost necessary to meet these in the Contract 1 4 3 Permits and Inspections Unless otherwise distinctly hereinafter specified apply and pay for all necessary permits and inspections required by any public authority having jurisdiction 1 5 TEMPORARY HEATING 1 5 1 Temporary heating for facility during construction phase shall not be supplied by the permanent system installed under these Specifications. 15010 3 1 5 2 Exception Section 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirements CN 95 -04 1 Extend product warranties to account for construction use Furnish certified document stating such extended warranties. 2 Obtain letter of approval from the Owner stating that they understand equipment expected life may be shortened due to severe usage 3 Pressure clean all coils and vacuum clean all ductwork prior to occupancy 1 6 COORDINATION DOCUMENTS 1 6 1 The Mechanical -Contractor shall prepare and submit coordinated layout drawings, prior to any construction to coordinate the installation and location of all HVAC equipment, ductwork, grilles, diffusers, piping fire sprinklers, lights, and electrical services The Drawings shall be composite drawings showing all services on a single sheet. The Drawings shall be keyed to the structural column identification system and shall be progressively numbered Prior to completion of the Drawings, the Contractor shall coordinate the proposed installation with the architectural and structural requirements, and all other trades (including Plumbing Fire Protection, Electrical, Ceiling Suspension, and Tile Systems) and provide reasonable maintenance access requirements. 1 6 2 The Drawings shall be prepared as follows 1 The contractor shall prepare drawings to an accurate scale of 1/8 inch 1 -0" or larger on mylar sheets or AutoCad Drawings are to be same size as contract drawings and shall indicate location, size and elevation above finished floor or all HVAC equipment, ductwork, and piping Plans shall also indicate proposed ceiling grid and lighting layout as shown on electrical plans and reflected ceiling plans. 2 The contractor shall review and revise as necessary all section cuts in the contract drawings after verification of field conditions. 3 The contractor shall indicate all plumbing lines including fittings, hangers, access panels, valves, and bottom of pipe elevations above finished floor 4 Piping that must be graded shall have right -of way over more flexible items 5 Plans are to incorporate all Addenda items and change orders. 6 Distribute plans to all trade and provide additional coordination as needed 1 6 3 Advise the Architect, in the event a conflict occurs in the location or connection of equipment. Bear all costs resulting from failure to properly coordinate the installation or failure to advise the Architect of conflict 1 6 4 Verify in field exact size location, invert, and clearances regarding all existing material equipment and apparatus, and advise the Architect of any discrepancies between that indicated on the drawings and that existing in the field prior to any installation related thereto 1 6 5 Final coordination drawings with all appropriate information added are to be submitted as record drawings at completion of project 15010 4 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 ASBESTOS 2.1 1 Do not use products containing asbestos. 2 2 EQUIPMENT 2 2 1 Provide products in current production Section 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirements CN 95 -04 2 2 2 Provide product, materials and accessories as required for a complete system ready for Owner's use 2 3 LABELING 2 3 1 All electrical equipment and items consisting primarily of electrical components shall bear a label of a testing laboratory such as Underwriters Laboratory (UL) 2 3 2 Where such testing and labeling service is available for other products, such as fire dampers, boilers, etc the equipment shall bear such a label 3 EXECUTION 31 ACCESSIBILITY 3 1 1 Install equipment having components requiring access (such as drain pans, drains, fire dampers, control dampers, control operators, valves, motors, drives, etc.) so that they may be serviced reset, replaced or recalibrated etc. by service people with normal service tools and equipment. Notify the Engineer in writing and a decision requested if any equipment or components are shown in such a position that the above cannot be accomplished 3 2 NOISE AND VIBRATION 3 2 1 Install vibration isolators, flexible connectors, expansion joints, and any measures required to prevent noise and vibration from being transmitted to occupied areas. Select equipment to operate within the NC design level for the particular type of installation in relation to its location 3 2 2 After installation, make proper adjustments to reduce noise and vibration to acceptable levels as defined by the Engineer 3 3 SEISMIC CONTROL 3 3 1 Provide per Section 15050 3 4 REVIEW BY ENGINEER 3 4 1 Notify the Engineer at the following stages of construction so that the Engineer may at his option visit the site for review and construction observation 1 When ductwork installation starts. 15010 5 2 When installation starts for each different major type of equipment. 3 When ceiling installation is started 3 4 2 Should the Contractor fail to notify the Engineer at the times prescribed above, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility and cost to make ductwork accessible, expose any concealed lines, or demonstrate the acceptability of any part of the system Any extra cost caused by the removal of such work shall be borne by the Contractor 3 5 ELECTRICAL INTERLOCKS 3 5 1 Where equipment motors are to be electrically interlocked with other equipment for simultaneous operation, utilize mechanical equipment wiring diagrams to coordinate with the electrical systems so that proper wiring of the equipment involved is affected 4 When any lines or ducts are to be permanently concealed by construction or insulation systems. 5 When balancing and testing is started 3 6 EQUIPMENT SELECTION AND SERVICEABILITY Section 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirements CN 95 -04 3 6 1 Locate and install equipment so that it may be serviced Demonstrate that there is room to remove all coils, burners, tube bundles, filters, pumps and motors, electrical equipment, and similar items 3 6 2 Replace or reposition equipment at no additional cost to the Owner which is too large or located incorrectly to permit servicing 3 6 3 Where piping or control diagrams or sequencing differ from the recommended piping arrangement of the equipment manufacturer and will directly affect the equipment performance, submit the manufacturer's recommendations in writing to the Engineer for approval, prior to purchasing the equipment involved The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining such recommendations from the manufacturers in order to effect correct and satisfactory operation of the equipment at the capacities and temperatures indicated 3 6 4 It is the Contractor's responsibility to maintain design intent where equipment other than as shown in the Contract Documents is provided Where equipment requires piping arrangement, control diagrams, or sequencing different from that indicated in the Contract Documents, provide electrical motors, wiring, controls, or any other required electrical components at no additional cost to the Owner 3 6 5 The Contract Documents are based on one manufacturer's equipment. Where Contract Documents indicate equipment characteristics or sub components which determine equipment characteristics (i.e sound power levels, inherent pressure versus flow rate curves, non overloading flow curves, vibration levels and frequencies, etc) maintain these intended equipment characteristics in the final installation. The Engineer shall review components and methods prior to their installation 15010 6 3 6 6 The components and systems indicated on the Contract Documents provide space noise levels below those maximums listed below Maintain these intended noise levels in the final installation Area NC Level Offices 35 Storage Areas 40 Mechanical Spaces 45 All Other Spaces 35 3 7 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING 3 7 1 Deliver store and handle materials and equipment in a manner to prevent damage and deterioration. Store in original container which identifies manufacturer's name, brand and model number Do not store indoor equipment outdoors unless provided with a waterproof protective cover 3 7 2 Replacement. In event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary 3 8 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING 3 9 DEMONSTRATION 3 9 3 Operations and Maintenance Data Section 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirements CN 95 -04 3 8 1 Adjust controls for proper operation Adjust regulators, etc. Open and close shutoff and control valves several times to ensure tight glands. Flush piping thoroughly after testing prior to connecting equipment or fixtures Clean fixtures and adjust faucets and valves. 3 9 1 Upon completion of work and adjustment of all equipment, test systems to demonstrate to Owner's Representative and Engineer that all equipment furnished and installed or connected under provisions of these Specifications functions mechanically in the manner required 3 9 2 Manufacturer's Field Services: Furnish services of a qualified person for a period of not less than one day at a time approved by Owner to instruct maintenance personnel, correct any defects or deficiencies, and demonstrate to satisfaction of Owner that the entire system is operating in a satisfactory manner and complies with all requirements of any other trades or Contractors that may be required to complete work. Complete instruction and demonstration prior to final job site observations. Submit written verification of compliance from Owner's Representative to Engineer 1 At time of system demonstration deliver to Owner's Representative two bound copies (3 -ring binder type) of Operation and Maintenance Manuals containing following materials. 1 Catalog description of each item of equipment actually installed on job 15010 7 2 Instructions for operation and maintenance of Mechanical Systems composed of operating instructions, maintenance instructions and manufacturer's literature as follows: 1 Maintenance Schedule Chart: Provide an 8-1/2 inch by 11 inch typewritten list of each item of installed equipment requiring inspection, lubrication or service, describing and scheduling performance of such maintenance. .2 Manufacturer's Literature Provide copies of manufacturer's instructions for operation and maintenance of all mechanical equipment, including replacement parts list with name and address of nearest distributor Mark each copy with equipment identification label as listed in Equipment Schedule, i.e AC -5, EF -10 etc.3 10CLEAN -UP 3 10 1 Upon completion of installation, thoroughly clean all exposed portions of equipment, removing all temporary labels and traces of foreign substances. Throughout work, remove all construction debris and surplus materials accumulated by this work 3 11 INSTALLATION 3 11 1 Adhere to manufacturer's recommended installation instructions. 3 11 2 Install equipment as described herein END OF SECTION Section 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirements CN 95 -04 15010 8 1 GENERAL 1 1 SUBMITTALS 1 1 1 Provide Product Data for following 1 Valves. .2 Pipe Hangers and Supports 3 Access Panels 1 2 QUALITY CONTROL Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods CN 95 -04 1 2 1 Manufacturer's Inspection. Inspect flanges, fittings and field applied welds in accordance with manufacturer's standard written quality control procedure in accordance with the following techniques 1 Visual Method Comply with MSS SP -55 except as otherwise indicated 2 Radiographic (X -Ray) Method Employ wherever recommended or required for pressurized piping systems. 1 2 2 Welding Qualification Qualify welding procedures, welders and operators in accordance with ANSI B31 1 Paragraph 127 5 for shop and project site welding of piping work. 2 PRODUCTS 2 1 PRODUCT STANDARDS 2 1 1 References to product Specifications for materials are listed according to accepted base Standards. All materials shall meet latest approved versions of these Standards 2 1 2 Section 15400 delineates where the materials listed below are approved for use 2 2 PIPING MATERIALS 2 2 1 Cast Iron Drainage Waste and Vent Pipe 1 Service weight Hub and Spigot cast iron pipe and fittings conforming to ANSI A11252 2 No -Hub cast iron pipe conforming to ANSI A112 5.2 or cast iron pipe with compression type gasket fittings. 2 2 2 Ductile Iron Pipe Ductile iron Class 52 with mechanical joints, mortar Tined ANSI /AWA C151 Ductile iron fittings conforming to ANSI /AWWA CIIO and ANSI B16 1 2 2 3 Steel Pipe Schedule 40 pipe black or galvanized, ASTM A53 1 Screwed Fittings Black or galvanized to match pipe 2 Welded Fittings Pipe size 2 inch and smaller ANSI B16 11 socket type forged steel welding ells tees and couplings Not butt joints. 15050 1 2 2 4 Plastic Pipe 3 Welded Size 2 1/2 Inch and Larger Wrought steel butt welding fittings. Comply with ANSI B16.9 and ASTM A234 Use fittings for branch connections except weldolets or Watson Stillman Teelets made of forged steel may be used on 2 1/2 inch and larger mains 2 2 5 Copper Tube 1 ABS Drainage Pipe Pipe and fittings shall conform to ASTM D2661 for dimensions and tolerances for pipe, fitting sockets and laying lengths. Label products with the UPC shield Solvent cement shall comply with ASTM D2235 1 Hard drawn copper Types K, L and M conforming to ANSI H23 1 Wrought copper solder joint fittings conforming to ANSI B16 22. 2 Mechanically Formed Tee Connections Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods CN 95 -04 1 Form mechanically extracted collars in a continuous operation consisting of drilling a pilot hole and drawing out the tube surface to form a collar having a height of not less than three times the thickness of the tube wall Fully adjustable collaring device to ensure proper tolerance and complete uniformity of the joint 2 Notch the branch to conform with the inner curve of the branch .tube and dimpled to ensure penetration of the branch tube into the collar is of sufficient depth or brazing and that the branch tube does not obstruct the flow in the main line tube. 3 Braze all joints in accordance with the Copper Development Association Copper Tube Handbook using BV -cup series filler metal Note Soft soldered joints will not be permitted 4 List all mechanically formed branch collars by the National Plumbing Code B 0 C.A. I.A.P M 0 S B.0 C HUD V.A. U S Army Corps of Engineers, and Underwriters Laboratory 5 Base size of allowable mechanically formed tee connections upon the following 1/2 the IPS of the main piping being connected to, except IPS Tess than 1 inch PIPE SIZES 3 inch 2 1/2 inch 2 inch 1 1/2 inch 1 1/4 inch 1 inch MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BRANCH 1 1 /2 inch IPS 1 1/4 inch IPS 1 inch IPS 3/4 inch IPS 1/2 inch IPS 1/2 inch IPS Allow no mechanically formed tee connections for IPS Tess than 1 inch, use copper solder joint fittings 15050 2 2 5 6 Grooved Piping 2 3 3 Gate Valves Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods CN 95 -04 1 Coupling Housing Coupling segments cast of malleable iron as described in ASTM A47 or ductile iron as described in ASTM A536 2 Description The coupling shall be of the grooved mechanical type which engages grooved or shouldered pipe ends, encasing an elastomeric gasket which bridges the pipe ends to create the seal. The coupling shall be cast in two or more parts secured together during assembly by nuts and bolts as specified The coupling shall permit a degree of angular pipe deflection, contraction and expansion as specified in the manufacturer's latest literature .3 Gaskets Material Elastomers shall have properties as designated by ASTM D2000 Gasket shall be of the mechanical grooved coupling design, pressure responsive so that internal water pressure serves to increase the seal s water tightness. Gasket shall be EPDM Grade E' with green color code identification and conform to ASTM 2000 designation 3BA615A14B13 for water services from minus 30F to 230F 4 Bolts and Nuts: 1 Materials: Bolts and nuts shall be heat treated carbon steel conforming to ASTM A183 minimum tensile strength 110,000 PSI 2 Description Assemble the coupling segments with two or more oval neck track bolts, tighten the nuts to assure firm metal -to -metal contact of the coupling bolt pads. 5 Grooved Fittings Construct of materials to match couplings and be pressure rated for services intended 6 Fittings, Couplings, Etc. Rate for working pressure as required for intended service with a minimum acceptable rating of 150 PSI 2 3 VALVES 231 General All valves of a given type of one manufacturer Manufacturer's name and number listed are intended to indicate type and quality 2 3 2 Manufacturers. Apollo Jenkins, Kennedy Fairbanks, Powell, Walworth, Crane, Hammond Milwaukee Nibco Stockham Grinnell Red /White (commercial grade) Lunkenheimer or approved 1 2 Inch and Smaller Bronze body Model T 113 or S -113 2 2 1/2 Inch and Larger Iron body Model F -619 125 PSI working pressure, non rising stem Nibco 125 PSI working pressure, non rising stem Nibco 15050 3 2 3 4 Ball Valves (2 Inch and Smaller) 2 Domestic Water Two -piece construction, solder ends, bronze body full port, 400 PSI WOG working pressure Watts Model B -6081 Apollo approved 2 3 5 Propane Shutoff Valves. 1 2 Inch and Smaller. Ball valves. UL- listed, two -piece construction, threaded, bronze body conventional port, 250 PSI WOG working pressure 2 3 6 Check Valves. Bronze body 125 PSI working pressure horizontal swing regrinding Y- pattern renewable disc Nibco T413 =B or S- 413 -B. 2 3 7 Balancing Valves 2 Manufacturer Bell Gossett, Illinois, Armstrong, Wheatley Taco or approved 2 3 8 Butterfly Valves 1 Select lug type valves 2 3 9 Propane Pressure Regulators Vented or non vented as required by local Code. Maxitrol Equimeter or approved 2 3 10 Pressure and Temperature Relief Valves Bronze body ASME /AGA rated Sized to meet BTUH and Code requirements Manual lever operator ANSI listed Stainless steel or thermal bond coated thermostat tube Watts, Cash -Acme or approved 2 4 UNIONS Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods CN 95 -04 1 Propane UL- listed two -piece construction, threaded, bronze body conventional port, 250 PSI WOG working pressure. Watts Model B- 6000 -UL. 2 2 1/2 Inch and Larger- 100 -125 PSI rated all bronze or iron body /bronze trimmed plug cock type square head or tee /lever handle operation AGA or UL listed Hays, Lunkenheimer Stockham McDonald /Mueller Watts 1 Bronze with a machined orifice flow restriction internal 0-rings, rated working pressure of at least 300 PSIG flow setting- indicating pointer and calibrated nameplate, and pressure readout port with integral check valve on each side of the orifice 2 6 Inch and Smaller. 150 PSI, cast iron body extended neck, aluminum bronze disc, reinforced resilient EDPM seat, manual lever and lock Nibco D -2000 or Victaulic 700 for mechanical coupling fittings 3 8 Inch and Larger. 150 PSI cast iron body extended neck, aluminum bronze disc, reinforced resilient EDPM seat, gear operator Nibco D- 2000 -5 or Victaulic 701 for mechanical coupling fittings 2 4 1 Steel Pipe Union 150 PSI malleable iron, brass to iron seat, ground joint, black or galvanized to match pipe 15050 4 2 5 PIPE SLEEVES Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods CN 95 -04 2 4 2 Copper Pipe Union 200 PSI working pressure Bronze body solder ends Pipes 2 inch and under use ground joint, pipes 2 1/2 inch and larger use flanged face. 2 4 3 Insulating Unions 250 PSI working pressure Pipe ends and material to match piping Electric current below 1 percent of galvanic current Gasket material as recommended by manufacturer Epco or approved 2 5 1 Minimum 20 gauge galvanized steel in concrete, 18 gauge in all other construction Provide 1/2 inch clearance around pipe or insulation Provide UL- approved fire -rated assemblies /caulking as required 3M or approved 2 6 ESCUTCHEONS 2 6 1 Brass material, chrome plated finish Size sufficient to cover all pipe openings through wall floor or ceiling Set screw or spring to secure to pipe. Mechanical Contractor to coordinate all opening sizes with General Contractor 2 7 PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS 2 7 1 General Michigan numbers are indicated for type and quality Comparable products manufactured by Globe Elcen B -Line, Kindorf Kinline, Unistrut, Grinnell, Super Strut, Tolco PHD or approved 2 7 2 Pipe Hangers Size 2 Inch and Smaller Adjustable swivel ring hanger UL- listed Michigan 100 or 101 2 7 3 Pipe Hangers Size 2 1/2 Inch and Larger Adjustable clevis type, UL- listed Michigan 400 2 7 4 Riser Clamps Steel UL- listed Michigan 510 or 511 Copper coated Michigan 368 2 7 5 Plumbers Tape Not permitted as pipe hangers or pipe straps. 2 8 ELECTRIC MOTORS 2 8 1 General Motors shall meet NEMA Standards and suitable for service and location shown or required Dripproof induction type motors with ball bearings unless otherwise specified and suitable for voltage variations of plus or minus 10 percent of rated voltage Motors to be premium efficiency type 2 8 2 Protection Motors without built -in protection shall have separate thermal overload devices with low- voltage release or lock -out as required Hermetically sealed motors shall have quick trip devices. Provide built -in thermal overload protection in motors not otherwise protected by external devices 2 8 3 Rating Rate motors for continuous duty under full load Horsepower rating without service factor for specified load Voltage rating as shown on Drawings. 2 8 4 Manufacturer Wagner Reliance, Marathon, Louis Allis, U S Motors, Westinghouse, General Electric, Century or approved Each motor shall have manufacturer's identifying nameplate permanently attached 15050 5 2 9 STARTERS Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods CN 95 -04 2 9 1 Furnish for single -phase motors a manual across the -line starting switch having toggle- operated switch pilot running light and built -in thermal overload device with heating element rated not more than 115 percent motor full load current indicated on name plate of motor to be protected Surface mount starters Provide NEMA -1 enclosure Allen Bradley Bulletin 600' or comparable manufactured by Square -D General Electric, Furnas, Westinghouse or approved 2 9 2 Where interlock of single phase motors with other equipment is indicated on Drawings or specified furnish an enclosed magnetic across the -line starter with thermal overload and low voltage protection Allen Bradley "Bulletin 709" or comparable manufactured by those listed in previous paragraph 2 9 3 Furnish for 3 -phase motors an enclosed combination type magnetic across the -line starter with thermal overload and low voltage protection and "Start-Stop push button, except where automatic control is indicated on Drawings or specified Allen Bradley "Bulletin 709' or comparable manufactured by those listed in first paragraph 2 9 4 All starters for three phase motors shall have overload protection in each of the three legs, with external manual reset 2 9 5 Where automatic control of 3 -phase motors is noted on Drawings, or specified, furnish starters with Hand -Off -Auto selector switch Allen Bradley Bulletin 709 Form 3 or comparable manufactured by those listed in first paragraph 2 9 6 Unless indicated on Drawings or specified otherwise furnish motor starters with a neon pilot light Neon lights are required for all exhaust fan switches. 2 9 7 Equip all 3 -phase magnetic starters with integral 120 volt transformer and coil for control circuit. 2 9 8 Equip all starters with auxiliary contacts as necessary to perform the control functions of associated equipment. 2 9 9 All motor starters for equipment not installed in Division 16 Motor Control Center' to be provided and installed by Mechanical Contractor 210 DISCONNECTS 2 10 1 Provided by Division 16 unless otherwise specified 2 11 ACCESS PANELS 2 11 1 Provide flush- mounting access panels as required for service of fire dampers, cleanouts, valves, etc. and other items requiring maintenance or inspection. Where access panels are located in fire -rated assemblies of building rate access panels accordingly 2 11 2 Manufacturer Milcor Karp Elmdor In -Ryko Acudor or approved Provide two keys for each set of locks provided 15050 6 1 Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods CN 95 -04 2 12 WELDING MATERIALS 1 2 12 1 Comply with Section 2 -C of ASME Boiler Code as applicable 3 EXECUTION 3 1 PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS 31 1 Run all piping parallel to building structure and support it sufficiently to prevent sagging Provide pipe support structure as detailed on Drawings Verify building construction type with Architectural Drawings 3 1 2 Route piping in general locations indicated on Drawings. Coordinate with and offset around piping ducts, conduit and equipment as necessary Install to conserve headroom and interfere as little as possible with use of available space. Group piping at common elevations wherever possible Slope piping and arrange for drainage at low point. 3 1 3 Support all piping independently from structure so that its weight is not carried by equipment which it serves Piping may not be supported from non bearing interior wall partitions 3 1 4 Conceal piping above ceiling and within furring and walls unless otherwise indicated Provide clearance for proper installation of insulation and for access to pipes, valves, and equipment as required When piping is installed in exterior walls, always install piping on inside (warm side) of wall insulation Verify that wall insulation is properly installed and piping is fully insulated 3 1 5 Pipe Sleeves 1 Lay out work in advance of pouring concrete and furnish and set sleeves necessary to complete work 2 Floor Sleeves Provide sleeves on pipes passing through concrete or masonry construction Extend sleeve one inch above finished floor Caulk all pipes passing through floor with nonshrinking grout or approved caulking compound Provide 'Link seal sleeve sealing system where indicated on Drawings Caulk /seal all piping and ducts passing through fire -rated building assemblies with UL- approved fire -rated assemblies or caulk. Provide fire -rated assemblies /caulking per local authority having jurisdiction requirements I 3 Wall Sleeves Provide sleeves on pipes passing through concrete or masonry construction Provide sleeve flush with finished face of wall Caulk all pipes passing through walls with nonshrinking caulking compound Caulk /seal all piping and ducts passing through fire -rated building assemblies with UL- approved fire -rated assemblies I or caulk Provide fire -rated assemblies /caulking per local authority having jurisdiction requirements. 1 15050 7 Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods CN 95 -04 4 Beam Sleeves. Coordinate with all trades for locations of pipe sleeves in reinforced concrete beams. See Structural Drawings and Specifications for specific sleeve location limitations. Plumbing Drawings are diagrammatic. Contractor may have to offset piping to meet these limitations. Pipe sleeve locations must be indicated on reinforced concrete shop drawings See Section 01450 Contractor will not be eligible for extra costs associated with failure to coordinate any sleeve locations prior to concrete shop drawing submittal 31 6 Steel Beam Penetrations. Coordinate with all trades for location of steel beam penetrations Penetrations must be indicated on structural steel shop drawings. See Section 01450 Field cutting of beams not allowed without written approval of structural engineer Contractor will not be eligible for extra costs associated with failure to coordinate beam penetrations prior to steel shop drawing submittal 3 1 7 Screwed joints shall have pipe ends reamed dope or tape applied to male threads only with exception of brass to brass joints -which are made with Teflon tape only 3 1 8 Installation conforms with applicable Codes and Industry Standards. 3 1 9 Install uninsulated piping so that unrestrained direct contact with the structure or other system installations is avoided Where contact with or passage through building or structural features cannot be avoided firmly anchor piping to or isolated from, the structure to prevent noise transmission and occurrence of physical damage Install piping to be insulated with adequate clearance around piping to allow for placement of full thickness insulating material 3 1 10 Cast Iron Soil Pipe Conform with State Plumbing Code and Standards, Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute recommendations and applicable adopted Code Amendments 3 1 11 Soldered Copper Tubing 1 Remove burrs from and clean outer surface of tube ends and inner surface of fittings Apply flux as recommended by manufacturer Solder all domestic hot and cold water and condensate pipe within building above grade with 95 percent tin and 5 percent antimony Allstate Silver Bearing Solder 430 or other approved solder alloys which do not contain lead or cadmium 2 Braze all other copper pressure piping underground including water service with Phos -0' or Silfos -5 Remove bonnets and non metallic seats on all valves and cool body with damp cloth while soldering or brazing Remove excess flux from completed joints in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and Code Standards 3 Pressurized Service 1 Unless otherwise indicated Wrought Copper /Bronze Solder Joint Fittings complying with ANSI B16 22 2 Copper Tube Unions Standard products as recommended by the manufacturer for use in the service Rated at 150 percent design operating pressure 15050 8 3 1 14 Welded Joints 3 Mechanically Formed Tee Connections. Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods CN 95 -04 1 Form mechanically extracted collars in a continuous operation consisting of drilling a pilot hole and drawing out the tube surface to form a collar having a height of not Tess than three times the thickness of the tube wall Fully adjustable collaring device to ensure roper tolerance and complete uniformity of the joint 2 Notch the branch to conform with the inner curve of the run tube and dimpled to ensure penetration of the branch tube into the collar is of sufficient depth for brazing and that the branch tube does not obstruct the flow in the main line tube 3 Braze all joints in accordance with the Copper Development Association Copper Tube Handbook using B -cup series filler metal Note Soft Soldered joints will not be permitted 3 1 12 DWV Service 1 Cast Copper Solder Joint Drainage Fittings. ANSI B16 23 3 1 13 Flanged Joints 1 Flange bolts shall conform to ASTM A307 Grade A, with hexagon heads and hexagon nuts 2 For screwed flanges, screw pipe into flanges within 1/8 inch of face of the flange 3 Ring type gaskets for pipe flanges, 1/16 inch or 1/8 inch thick, of material composition suitable for service intended factory cut for flange size Gaskets shall be Garlock Packing Company Garlock No 22 Crane Company Schuller or approved Gaskets shall extend full available diameter inside bolt holes Gaskets containing asbestos not approved 1 Perform welding either by means of gas welding (Oxy- Acetylene) process, or by manual metallic shielded arc process Certified welders. 2 Electrodes for welding conforms to ASTM A233 and one of the following classes E6010 E6011 E6016 and E6020 3 Gas welding rods conforms to ASTM A251 GA -60 4 NOTE All pipe line welding conforms to Chapter 4 Section IV "welding of Pipe Joints USAS 831 1 Code for Pressure Piping and applicable portion of ASME Boiler Construction Code Section IX, in accordance with the latest acceptable practice applicable to the particular system service 15050 9 3 1 15 Expansion and Flexibility Install all work with due regard for expansion and contraction to prevent damage to the piping, ductwork, equipment and the building and its contents. Provide piping offsets, loops, approved type expansion joints, anchors or other means to control pipe movement and to minimize pipe forces.3 1 16Underground Steel Piping Corrosion Protection Factory wrap all uninsulated underground steel piping systems with protective coating composed of a coal -tar saturated wrapping tape over a 20 mil thick coal tar epoxy coating equivalent to "Republic X -Tru -Coat" Wrap joints spirally with a minimum overlap of one -half tape width. Extend wrap not less than 3 inches above grade. 3 1 17 Corrosion Control 3 2 PIPE JOINTS 3 3 VALVES Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods CN 95 -04 1 Install all piping with corrosion control in mind Protect underground piping by cathodic protection mag anodes or impressed direct current. Equip cathodic protection wells, when provided with monitoring gauges, install mag anodes so that leads may be tested Install gauges in easily accessible places (such as meter vault) Design cathodic protection systems and provide by qualified firms. Shield or ground sprinkler piping and all other piping parallel to a high voltage electrical power line to a mag anode 2 Install all hot water heating vessels with dielectric fittings on both supply and discharge sides of hot water tanks 3 2 1 Copper- Brazed Make brazed joints for copper tubing and fittings with Code approved brazing filler alloys meeting ASTM and AWS Standards and listings. Filler alloys of BCuP classification (e g Phos -O' or Fos copper') may not be used to make joints between copper tubing and cast brass or bronze fittings. Filler alloys containing cadmium are not approved for use in potable water piping Installations shall conform to accepted published procedures, such as UPC IS 3 -75 standards and C D.A. Publications. Use of steel wool for cleaning tube and fittings is prohibited 3 2 2 Copper Soldered Make soldered joints for copper tubing and fittings with Code approved solder alloys meeting ASTM and ANSI Standards and listings. Solder- paste -flux combination fillers are not approved Installations shall conform to accepted published procedures, such as UPC IS 375 IS 21 -80 Standards and C.D.A. Publications. Use of steel wool for cleaning tube and fittings is prohibited 3 3 1 Install valves on each side of all equipment and where shown on Drawings Full size of pipe unless otherwise indicated 3 3 2 Install valves in groups with all parts easily accessible Install valve stems in a horizontal or upright position and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations 3 4 PIPE UNIONS 3 4 1 Standard Unions Install where indicated on Drawings and on each side of all pieces of equipment to permit easy removal of equipment 3 4 2 Dielectric Unions Locate in piping system where two dissimilar metals come in contact. 15050 10 35 ESCUTCHEONS 3 5 1 Install on all exposed pipes passing through walls or floors, and on fixture stops and waste connections to wall except not required in Stockrooms 3 6 PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS 3 6 1 General Install adjustable hangers on all pipes, complete with adjusters, swivels, rods, etc. 3 6 2 On hot pipe lines where expansion and contraction occurs, provide swivel joint at top or bottom of hanger rod 3 6 3 Provide hanger within three feet of all changes in direction 3 6 4 Branches six feet or longer shall have separate hanger 3 6 5 Hanger Spacing Pipe Cast Iron Pipe Steel Pipe 3/4 inch and Smaller Steel Pipe 1 Inch and Larger Copper Tubing 1 1/2 Inch and Smaller Copper Tubing 2 Inch and Larger ABS Pipe 3 6 6 Hanger Rod Sizes Pipe Sizes 1/2 Inch to 2 Inch 2 1/2 Inch to 3 Inch 4 Inch to 5 Inch 6 Inch and Larger 8 Inch 3 7 CUTTING AND PATCHING Rod Sizes 3/8 Inch 1/2 Inch 5/8 Inch 3/4 Inch 7/8 Inch 3 7 1 Cutting and patching performed by the General Contractor and included in his bid shall include but not be limited to 1 Sawcutting of existing concrete and /or masonry walls 2 Sawcutting of existing roof deck 3 Patching concrete floors 4 Casework countertop openings. 3 7 2 Butting and patching performed by the Mechanical Contractor and included in his bid shall include but not be limited to 1 Sawcutting and trenching new and existing concrete floors 2 Cutting and patching of and /or. plaster /partitions. Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods CN 95 -04 At each joint and at Intervals not to exceed 8 Feet 17 Feet 110 Feet 16 Feet 110 Feet 14 Feet 15050 11 3 Cutting and trimming openings in case work for installation or connection of plumbing fixtures. Countertop openings for sinks shall be cut by the casework supplier 4 Cutting and patching of finish ceilings 3 7 3 Cutting and patching shall be performed by skilled craftsmen in the trade of the work to be performed Holes which are cut oversize in completion work shall be filled back in Refinishing shall match existing adjacent finish and shall be acceptable to the Architect 3 7 4 When masonry or concrete construction must be penetrated, furnish and install a steel pipe sleeve in opening and grout in place in a neat manner Leave grout surface to match existing finish Provide escutcheons. If sleeves are not provided, core drill all penetrations. 3 7 5 Locate all concealed utilities to eliminate any possible service interruption or damage. 3 7 6 No extra will be allowed for lack of proper coordination 3 8 PIPING AND EQUIPMENT REMOVAL 3 8 1 Piping and equipment removed as salvage by the Owner to remain property of the Owner 3 8 2 Comply with Division 2 Section 02070 Demolition 3 8 3 Remove as shown on the drawings, piping and ductwork to be reused where shown Excess piping ductwork and equipment removed (and not identified by the Owner as salvage) shall be disposed of by the Mechanical Contractor and removed from the premises. 3 9 ACCESSIBILITY Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods CN 95 -04 3 9 1 Installation of valves gauges and equipment conveniently and accessibly located with reference to finished building for repairs, removal and service 310 EQUIPMENT. IDENTIFICATION 3 10 1 Each new piece of HVAC equipment, including air conditioning units, furnaces, VAV boxes, exhaust fans, and transfer fans shall have following 1 A permanently attached identification plate, listing manufacturer's name capacities, sizes and characteristics. 2 An identification nameplate with marking as listed in Equipment Nameplate Schedule on Drawings 1 Provide engraved nameplates with 1/4 inch high white letters on black background Bake -Lite, Seton -Ply or approved 2 Secure nameplate to equipment with combination of commercial adhesive plus brass face screws (two screws per tag) 3 Locate on exterior of equipment casing at eye level (or within 6 inches of top of unit for equipment Tess than 6 -0' high) and on same side of unit which shows manufacturer's name tag Coordinate exact location with other trades to avoid conflicts with electrical disconnect boxes, etc 15050 12 311 1 General Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods CN 95 -04 4 Install nameplates after final reflective roof coating has been applied (where applicable) 3 11 EARTHQUAKE RESTRAINT 1 All earthquake resistant designs for mechanical equipment, such as air handling units, water heaters, blowers, motors, ductwork, mechanical and plumbing piping, shall conform to the regulations of the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 23, Section 2336 2 The restraints which are used to prevent disruption of the function of the piece of equipment because of the application of the horizontal force shall be such that the forces are carried to the frame of the structure in such a way that the frame will not be deflected when the apparatus is attached to a mounting base and equipment pad, or to the structure in the normal way utilizing the attachments provided Secure equipment piping, ductwork, etc to withstand a force in any direction equal to the value shown in Table 231 3 Contractor shall retain a licensed structural engineer to provide shop drawings of seismic bracing for ductwork /equipment /hot water heaters. Engineer to design and provide stamped shop drawings for all equipment, ductwork, hot water heaters and piping seismic bracing Submit shop drawings along with equipment submittals. 3 11 2 Piping and Ductwork 1 As approved by the local code authority the document "Seismic Restraints Manual Guidelines for Mechanical Systems as published by SMACNA may be used as a guide 2 Secure all HVAC and Plumbing piping bracing at every fourth hanger transversely and every eighth hanger longitudinally 3 No sway bracing is required for pipes that are installed on very short hangers (12 inch or less) 4 As approved by the Code authority a bracing system as manufactured by Superstrut, Mason or Pipe Shields Inc or approved may be used 311 3 Equipment 1 Provide a means to prohibit excessive motion of all mechanical equipment during an earthquake 2 Provide all mechanical equipment, both hanging and base mounted, with mounting connection points of sufficient strength to resist lateral seismic forces equal to 0 5 of equipment operating weight 15050 13 312 PAINTING 3 12 1 Ferrous Metal After completion of mechanical work, thoroughly clean and paint all exposed supports constructed of ferrous metal surfaces in Mechanical Rooms, such as hangers, hanger rods, equipment stands, etc. with one coat of black asphalt varnish or black enamel suitable for hot surfaces 3 12 2 Machinery- Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods CN 95 -04 1 In a Mechanical Room, on the roof or other exposed areas, machinery and equipment not painted with enamel shall receive two coats of primer and one coat of rust -proof enamel colors as selected by the Architect. 2 See individual equipment Specifications for other painting 3 12 3 Structural Steel Repair damage to structural steel finishes or the finishes of other materials damaged by cutting, welding or patching to match original 3 12 4 Piping Clean primer coat and paint exposed piping on the roof or at other exterior locations with two coats paints suitable for metallic surfaces and exterior exposures. Color selected by Architect. 3 13 ACCESS PANELS 3 13 1 Install ceiling and /or wall access panels to provide access to all concealed valves, fans, motors, shock arresters, fire dampers, terminal units, coils and all other mechanical items needing service Access panels are not all shown on the Drawings and are Contractor's responsibility to provide as specified herein All locations /sizes of access panels will be coordinated with Architect prior to work 3 14 FIRESTOPPING PENETRATIONS IN FIRE -RATED WALL /FLOOR ASSEMBLIES 3 14 1 Contractors shall provide proper sizing when providing sleeves or core drilled holes to accommodate the penetration All voids between sleeve or core drilled hole and pipe passing through shall be firestopped to meet the requirements of ASTM E814 in accordance with Section 07270 Firestopping END OF SECTION 15050 14 1 Section 15250 1 Mechanical Insulation CN 95 -04 1 GENERAL 1 1 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1 1 1 Qualification of Workmen Use proficient journeyman insulators and supervisors in the execution of this portion of the work to ensure proper and adequate installation of insulation throughout 1 1 2 Compliance with Specifications 1 Whenever required during progress of the work, furnish proof acceptable to the Owner that items installed equal or exceed all requirements specified for this work 2 In the event such proof is not available, or is not acceptable to the Owner the Owner may require the Contractor to remove the item or items and replace with material meeting the specified requirements and to repair all damage caused in the removal and replacement, all at no additional cost to the Owner 1 2 SUBMITTALS 1 2 1 Product Data Before insulating materials are delivered to the job site, submit complete data showing insulation materials proposed to be furnished and installed 1 3 PRODUCT HANDLING 1 3 1 Protection Use all means necessary to protect insulation materials before, during and after installation I 1 3 2 Replacements. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary I 1 4 FIRE HAZARD CLASSIFICATION 1 4 1 Maximum fire hazard classification of the composite insulation construction as installed shall be not more than a flame spread of 25 fuel contributed of 50 and smoke developed 1 of 50 1 4 2 Test pipe insulation in accordance with the requirements of UL Pipe and Equipment 1 Coverings R5583 400 8 15 1 4 3 Test duct insulation in accordance with ASTM E84 and bear the UL label 2 PRODUCTS 21 MANUFACTURERS 2 1 1 Certainteed Owens Corning Schuller PPG, Knauf Armstrong Imcoa or approved 1 1 15250 1 2 2 MATERIAL 2 2 1 Fiberglass Sectional Pipe Insulation: Thermal conductivity of 0.24 (BTU *in) /hr *sq ft. *deg F) at 75F mean temperature Minimum density of 1 5 pounds per cubic foot. Jacketed with white vapor barrier laminated of aluminum foil and white Kraft paper reinforced with glass fiber strands. Jacket shall have factory applied self sealing lap 2 2 2 Duct Lining Acoustical duct liner with thermal conductivity of 0 26 (BTU *in) hr *sq ft *deg F) at 75F mean temperature Minimum density of 1 5 pounds per cubic foot Based on a No. 6 mounting in accordance with Test Method ASTM C423, liner shall have sound absorption coefficients as follows Thickness Inches 1 Section 15250 Mechanical Insulation CN 95 -04 Sound Absorption Coefficients at Frequencies of 125 1 250 1 500 1000 1 2000 1 4000 1 NRC 018 1 054 1 058 080 1 0.86 1 083 1 070 2 2 3 Duct Wrap Fiberglass duct insulation with thermal conductivity of 0 23 (BTU *in) hr *sq ft *deg F) at 75F mean temperature Minimum density of 1 5 pounds per cubic foot. Factory applied flame retardant foil reinforced Kraft vapor barrier facing 2 2 4 Handicapped Lavatory Insulation Kit: P- traps, hot water and cold water insulating guards Molded closed -cell vinyl with nylon fasteners, paintable Thermal conductivity. K 1 17 (BTU *in) /hr *sq ft. *deg F) at 75F mean temperature Handi -Lav -Guard by Truebro Inc. Pro Wrap by McGuire, Trap Wrap by Brocar Inc. or approved Provide accessories as required for complete installation White 2 2 5 Plastic Pipe Insulation Flexible unicellular polyolefin foam insulation complying to ASTM C534, ASTM E84 (25/50) UL 723 (25/50) Thermal conductivity of 0.24 BTU *in) (hr *sq ft *deg F) at 75F Pre -slit longitudinal seam Amoca or approved 2 2 6 Elastomeric Pipe Insulation 1 -inch thick, flexible elastomeric closed cell pipe insulation Thermal conductivity of 0 27 BTU *in) /(hr *sq.ft. *deg F) at 75C, 2 -inch thick on pipe below grade Armstrong AP' or approved 2 2 7 Pipe Fitting Insulation Covers PVC performed molded insulation covers Zeston or approved 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSULATION THICKNESS 3 1 1 General Duct insulation thickness to be minimum specified or as required to meet State Energy Code Most stringent shall govern 3 1 2 Domestic Cold Water Pipe and Condensate Pipe Cover with 1/2 inch fiberglass sectional pipe covering or foam plastic pipe insulation, except individual branch pipe serving individual fixtures in guestrooms 3 1 3 Domestic Hot Water Pipe Cover with 1 inch fiberglass sectional pipe covering or foam plastic pipe insulation, except individual branch pipe serving individual fixtures in guestrooms 15250 2 3 1 4 Ductwork Inside Building Insulation Envelope Section 15250 Mechanical Insulation CN 95 -04 1 Duct Liner Line supply and return air ducts within 20 feet of air handling equipment or until 4 feet past first elbow whichever is longer and line all exposed ductwork with 1 inch duct liner to provide a total thermal resistance of at least 4 2 2 Duct Wrap Cover supply ducts with 1 1/2 inch duct wrap except where specified or noted on the drawings for ducts to be lined or where fiberglass ductboard is used Duct wrap not allowed in mechanical rooms or where duct is exposed Total thermal resistance to be at least 3.3 3 Line diffuser register and grille duct boots with 1 inch duct liner 4 Outside Air Intake Ducts 1 Exposed Ducts Install 1 1/2 inch duct liner to provide a total thermal resistance of at least R -4 2 2 Concealed Ducts: Install 2 inch duct wrap to provide a total thermal resistance of at least R -4.2 3 1 5 Ductwork Outside Building Insulation Envelope /Unheated Attic Spaces Above Insulation 1 Duct Liner Line supply and return air ducts within 20 ft. of air handling equipment or until 4 feet past first elbow whichever is longer with 2 1/2 inch duct liner to provide an installed total thermal resistance of at least R -7 .2 Duct Wrap Cover supply and return air ducts with 3-1/2 inch duct wrap except where specified or noted on drawings for ducts to be Tined or where fiberglass ductboard is used Total thermal resistance of duct wrap or ductboard to be R -7 minimum Duct wrap not allowed on duct exposed to outside conditions. 3 1 6 Refrigeration Pipe Insulate suction piping with 1 inch flexible, preformed elastomeric insulation 3 2 INSTALLATION 3 2 1 Installation continuous through walls, floors, partitions except where noted otherwise 3 2 2 Fiberglass Sectional Pipe Insulation Apply insulation to pipe and seal with self sealing lap Use self sealing butt strips to seal butt joints Insulate all fittings, valves and unions with single or multiple layers of insulation and cover to match pipe or use preformed PVC molded insulation covers 15250 3 3 2 3 Duct Liners. Install mat finish surface on air stream side Secure insulation to cleaned sheet metal duct with a continuous 100 percent coat of adhesive For widths over 20 inches, additionally secure the liner with mechanical fasteners 15 inches on center Accurately cut liner and thoroughly coat ends with adhesive Butt joints tightly Top and bottom sections of insulation shall overlap sides. Keep duct liner clean and free from dust. At completion of project, vacuum duct liner if it is dirty or dusty Cut studs off near washers Do not use small pieces. If insulation is installed without horizontal, longitudinal, and end joints butted together installation will be rejected and work removed and replaced with work that conforms to this specification.3.2 4Duct Wrap Cover supply air ducts except ducts internally Tined Wrap tightly with all circumferential joints butted and longitudinal joints overlapped minimum of two inches. Adhere insulation with four inch strips of insulating bending adhesive at eight inches on center On ducts over 24 inches wide additionally secure insulation with suitable mechanical fasteners at 18 inches on center Circumferential and longitudinal joints stapled with flare staples on six inch centers and covered with three inch wide foil reinforced tape 3 2 5 Handicapped Lavatories Install lavatory insulation kit Section 15250 Mechanical Insulation CN 95 -04 3 2 6 Where piping is exposed on roof cover insulation with aluminum jacket. Seal watertight jacket per manufacturer's recommendations. 3 2 7 Plastic Pipe Insulation Slip insulation on the pipe prior to connection Butt joints sealed with manufacturer's adhesive Insulate fitting with miter -cut pieces Cover all insulation exposed to the weather and undergrade with two coats of finish as recommended by manufacturer 3 2 8 Flexible Elastomeric Tubing Slip insulation over piping or if piping is already installed it should be slit and snapped over the piping All joints and butt ends must be adhered with 520 adhesive 3 2 9 Calcium Silicate Pipe Insulation Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Seal canvas jacket tight to insulation at lap joints. Continuous insulation over pipe, fittings and all supports or hangers. No holidays or gaps permitted 3 2 10 Fiberglass Flexible Board Fiberglass insulating flexible boards with thermal conductivity of 0.230 BTU *in) /(hr *sq ft *deg F) at 75F mean temperature Minimum density of 3 00 pounds per square foot. Field applied canvas jacket 3 2 11 Insulation Shields: Provide full size diameter hangers and shields (18 gauge minimum) for all cold piping Hot piping hangers may penetrate insulation to contact pipe directly END OF SECTION 15250 4 1 1 1 1 1 t t 1 1 1 t r 1 1 Section 15330 Fire Protection Sprinkler System CN 95-04 1 GENERAL 1 1 WORK INCLUDED 1 1 1 Provide the following. 1 Wet -pipe sprinkler system. 2. Dry pipe sprinkler system in areas subject to freezing where required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 3 Private fire service main, including connection to existing utility and piping to the inlet connection inside the building. Provide required valves, backflow preventer and appurtenances. 4 Kitchen range hood sprinkler system connection (hood sprinkler system by others). 1 1.2 Provide tamper flow and pressure switches. Coordinate location and type of tamper flow and pressure switches with Fire Alarm System. 1 1.3 Provide all costs for electrical connections and wiring as required for a complete and operable system. Includes, but is not limited to, air compressors, sump pumps, fire pumps, jockey pumps, pump controllers, etc. Coordinate with Electrical and Fire Alarm Systems. 1 1 4 Refer to Plumbing sheets for additional information relating to the Fire Sprinkler System. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.2.1 Qualifications: Company specializing in sprinkler systems of similar type and scope with a minimum three years experience. 1.2.2 Regulatory Requirements. Codes Provide system per the requirements of the following, except as specifically modified herein. Apply edition as enforced by AHJ unless otherwise stated. Comply with State Amendments. 1 Uniform Building Code as adopted by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 2. Uniform Fire Code as adopted by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 3 Uniform Building Code and UBC No. 38 -1 Installation of Sprinkler Sv tems. 4 NFPA 13, (1991 Edition) Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. 5 Uniform Fire Code and UBC Appendix III -C "Testing Automatic Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems' 6 Listed Components. Provide components UL listed and FM approved, except as modified herein Definitions 1 Code. Where this Specification refers to "Code" it shall indicate any or all of the above listed Codes as applicable to that reference. 15330 1 2. AHJ Authority Having Jurisdiction indicates all reviewing authorities, including the local Fire Marshal, the Owner's Insurance Underwriters, Owner's Representative, and any other reviewing entity whose approval is required to obtain systems acceptance. 1.3 SUBMITTALS 1.3.1 Submit the following for review Include in Operations Maintenance Manual. Section 15330 Fire Protection Sprinkler System CN 95-04 1 Hydraulic calculations, detailed pipe layout, hangers and supports, components and accessories to the Engineer Shop Drawings, product data and hydraulic calculations to the Fire Marshal and the Owner's insurance underwriter for approval to Engineer with all submittals. 2. Project Record Documents indicating record conditions (one paper sepia, two prints). 3 Test Reports. Underground and above ground piping hydrostatic test, water supply flow test, Code required acceptance tests. Manufacturers operation and maintenance data. Include written maintenance data on components of system, servicing requirements, and Record Drawings. 1 4 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE 1 41 Provide temporary inlet and outlet caps. Maintain caps in place until installation. 1.5 EXTRA STOCK 1.5.1 Provide extra sprinkler heads per Code, provide suitable wrenches for each head type, and metal storage cabinet in location designated. 1.6 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1.6.1 General 1 Provide coverage for the entire building. 2. Design Parameters. a. Building Area. Living Units and Corridors Occupancy Classification' Residential Density' 4 sprinklers per manufacturers listing for hydraulically most remote design area per NFPA 13. Area per sprinkler 400 square feet maximum Inside hose allowance: 0 gpm Outside hose allowance' 100 gpm b. Building area. Common Areas and Attic. Occupancy classification: Light Density 0.10 gpm per square feet over a 1500 square hydraulically most remote design area per NFPA #13 Area per sprinkler 400 square feet maximum Inside hose allowance: 0 gpm Outside hose allowance 100 gpm c. Building area. Kitchen service and Storage Areas Occupancy classification: Ordinary group 1 15330 2 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 f 1 7 FLOW TEST 1.8 GUARANTEE 2.2 SPECIALTIES 2.2.1 General Section 15330 Fire Protection Sprinkler System CN 95 -04 Density .015 gpm per square foot over a 1500 square foot hydraulically most remote design area per NFPA #13 Area per sprinkler 400 square feet maximum Inside hose allowance: 0 gpm Outside hose allowance: 100 gpm d. Sprinkler system design shall include a cushion between system demand point and available water supplies. 1 71 Flow 2854 gpm at a residual pressure of 85 PSIG Static pressure 100 PSIG Location: 514 E. Park, Hydrant 63 -1 on high pressure systems Date: unknown Information provided by Port Angeles Fire Department Note Elevation gradient from test hydrant to project site is estimated to be plus 40 feet. 1.8.1 The contractor shall guarantee all systems against defective equipment, materials and workmanship for a period of one year after Owner's acceptance. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE AND FITTINGS 2.1 1 General Provide per AHJ requirements, and as a minimum per below 2.1.2 Materials Domestic manufacture. 1 Buried Piping: Ductile iron Class 52, AWWA C151 with flanged or mechanical joint fittings, or PVC SDR -18, AWWA C -900 2. Above ground inside building piping a. Threaded pipe: ASTM A53, ASTM A135 or ASTM A795, minimum CRR of 1.00 per UL or Factory Mutual approval. b Non threaded pipe ASTM A53, ASTM A135 or ASTM A795, wall thickness greater than Schedule 5 (Schedule 5 not approved). Mechanical couplings, flanged, or welded fittings. c. Mechanical coupling FM approved Vicaulic, Gruvelock. d. Plastic pipe. ASTM 1784 ASTM F437 and ATM F-493 CPVC piping products UL or Factory Mutual approved. 1 Fire Department Connection: Wall mounted, ductile iron; brass finish; thread size to suite fire department hardware; two way threaded dust cap and chain of same material and finish, 3/4 inch automatic drip connected to drain; marked "Sprinkler Fire 15330 3 6. Automatic Ball Drip Valve Grinnell F789 Section 15330 Fire Protection Sprinkler System CN 95-04 Department Connection' located within 50 feet of hydrant. Coordinate location with local authority 2. Waterflow Detector Vane -type with SPDT switches and adjustable time delay (0 to 75 seconds) Grinnell VSR -F Viking VSR -F Potter VSR -SF 3 Tamper Switches. Provide to mount on applicable valve (OS &Y) gate, butterfly or PIV), with SPDT switch(es) to match requirements of fire alarm system. 4 Backflow prevention device Two check valves in series with OS &Y gate valves at each end. Provide detector if required by local utility Entire assembly must be UL listed, FM approved, and approved for use by the Washington Department of Health for fire protection service as a unit. Manufacturer Wilkins, Hersey Viking. Locate inside building in sprinkler riser room. 5. Low Pressure Alarm Switch. Coordinate electrical requirements with fire alarm system. Grinnell PS40 -1 Viking A -1 7 Sectional Control Test/Drain Unit: ASTM A53 pipe, with inspector's test valve, sectional drain valve, sectional isolation valve with tamper switch, restriction union with corrosion resistant orifice equal to sprinkler orifice, sight flow connection and waterflow detector Grinnell F360/361/362. 8. Inspector's Test Connection G/J Sure Test. 9 Pressure Switch: Coordinate electrical requirements with fire alarm system. Potter PS10 Viking A -1 Reliable J54 2.3 SPRINKLER HEADS 2.3.1 General 1 Finished Areas. Glass bulb, recessed pendent with white painted finish, with white painted escutcheon. 2. Non Finished Areas. Glass -bulb with brass finish. 3 Swing check: Iron body rubber and bronze faced checks. Nibco F- 908 -W /B. 4 Water check: Iron body rubber seat, sprinkler actuated, Nibco W -900 -W 5. Butterfly Valves: Ductile iron body Nibco WD3510 -4 2.5 SYSTEM ALARM VALVES 2.5.1 Wet System Riser Provide a control valve with tamper switch, waterflow indicator gauges and test and drain assembly 2.5.2 Dry Pipe Valve Differential type. Provide with all trim as recommended by the manufacturer for variable pressure service, including air maintenance device, electric low pressure alarm switch, priming valves and test, main drain and pressure gauges. Provide accelerator when system volume exceeds 500 gallons. Provide air compressor sized per sprinkler dry pipe valve manufacture's recommendations to fill system and to maintain system pressure as required per Code. Manufacter Reliable Model D Dry Pipe Valve 15330 4 1 1 t 1 t 1 1 1 e 1 Section 15330 Fire Protection Sprinkler System CN 95-04 3 EXECUTION 31 INSTALLATION 3.1 1 Coordinate the work of this section with other trades. Provide adequate space for installation. 3.1.2 General 1 Provide post indicator on buried shutoff valves. 2. Provide listed backflow assembly at sprinkler system water source connection. Coordinate with local utility conform to their installation requirements. 3 Fire Department Connection: Locate with sufficient clearance from walls, obstructions, or adjacent Siamese connectors to allow full swing of fire department wrench handle. 4 Install pipe runs to minimize obstruction to other work. 5. Install piping in concealed spaces above finished ceilings. 6 Apply strippable tape or paper cover to ensure sprinklers do not receive field paint finish. Remove upon completion of painting. 7 Provide seismic restraints per Code. As a minimum, provide a 4 -way earthquake bracing at the riser and at each change or direction of the main, and 2 -way bracing at 40 feet on center along the main. Hangers may be used as bracing as described in NFPA #13. 8. Risers. Provide two inches of clearance all around the fire main through the foundation wall and floor Pack annular space with mineral wool and silicone sealant. Provide bell and spigot rodded pipe assemblies for the connection between the underground fire main, and the riser including the last horizontal connection, and all vertical connections to the first connection on the riser Coat rods for corrosion resistance, or use stainless steel. 9 Flush entire piping system of foreign matter 10 Route water supply flow test connections to a location which can accept the flow under wide -open flow and pressure for a sufficient time to assure a proper test, and which will not cause damage, including to landscaping. 11 Coordinate location and electrical requirements of air compressor with general and electrical contractors. 12. Provide dry pendent sprinkler heads on pendent drops from dry piping. 3.2 SYSTEM TESTS 3.2.1 Test entire system per Code and AHJ. Provide, arrange, and pay for all testing required by Code or AHJ in order to obtain complete and final acceptance. Tests shall be witnessed by AHJ and engineer Notify AHJ and engineer two weeks prior to test. 3.3 FIELD SERVICES 15330 5 END OF SECTION Section 15330 Fire Protection Sprinkler System CN 95 -04 3.3.1 Instruct the Owner in the operation of the sprinkler system, including main valve position (open or closed) recognition, system draining, system testing, dry pipe valve reset and the relation to the fire alarm system. 15330 6 1 GENERAL 1 1 EQUIPMENT SUBMITTALS 1 1 1 Provide Product Data for following equipment 1 Plumbing Fixtures and Trim 2 Plumbing Specialties and Equipment. 3 Water Heaters 2 PRODUCTS 2 1 PIPING (See Section 15050 for detailed descriptions of following materials) 2 1 1 Soil Waste Vent, and Drainage Piping Section 15400 Plumbing CN 95 -04 1 Underground Piping ABS drainage pipe and fittings with solvent cemented joints. Exception All waste pipe from fixtures connected to grease interceptor grease interceptor waste and vent piping disposal waste branch underground shall be service weight or no -hub cast iron soil pipe and fittings joined with Code approved couplings unless otherwise noted on Drawings. 2 Above Ground Piping ABS drainage pipe and fittings with solvent cemented joints. Exception All waste piping from fixtures connected to grease interceptor and disposal branch waste piping shall be service weight no -hub cast iron soil pipe and fittings joined with Code approved couplings unless otherwise noted on Drawings. All waste and vent piping which is installed within fire -rated walls, assemblies, etc. shall be service weight or no -hub cast iron soil pipe and fittings with Code- approved couplings unless otherwise noted on Drawings. 2 1 2 Domestic Water Piping 1 Above Ground Type L copper tubing with soldered joints. Mechanically formed tees with brazed joints 1 Approved Fillers. 1 Pressure Range 81 PSI -150 PSI and Temperatures 151 200 degrees. 95/5 tin antimony or silver- bearing solders such as Allstate "430" Harris Stay Brite 5 or 8 2 Use appropriate flux per manufacturer's recommendations. Use of corrosive fluxes is prohibited 2 Below Ground Type K copper tubing with brazed joints 1 Approved Fillers Phos -0' Silfos 5" Aircosil 15" "Braze 450(DE)" Use appropriate flux per manufacturer's recommendations. 15400 1 2 1 3 Primer Piping 2 2 2 Types 2 Below Ground 2 1 5 Gas Piping 2 2 PLUMBING FIXTURES Section 15400 Plumbing CN 95 -04 1 Above Ground Type L hard -drawn copper tubing with wrought sweat fittings and soldered joints 1 Branches: Type "L soft annealed copper tubing with wrought sweat fittings and brazed joints 2 1 4 Condensate Drain Piping Type M hard drawn copper tubing and drainage pattern fittings Type DWV' copper approved for 1 1/4 inches and larger sizes. 1 Above Ground 1 Schedule 40 black steel pipe and black malleable iron fittings. 2 Paint all piping exposed to weather with two coats of Rustoleum 2 Below Ground Schedule 40 black steel pipe with welded fittings. Protect against corrosion by using one of following methods. 1 Approved epoxy coating per local gas utility standards, with field- epoxied joints. 2 Wrapped with two lapped layers of 10 mil plastic tape or one lapped layer of 20 mil tape Scotchwrap or approved in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 2 1 6 Gas Regulator Vent Piping Schedule 40 black steel pipe with black malleable iron fittings. Paint all piping exposed to weather with two coats of Rustoleum 2 2 1 General Provide new plumbing fixtures of type herein specified and of quantity shown with all similar fixtures of one manufacturer Refer to Fixture Schedule on Drawings 1 Fixtures. Complete with fittings, supports, fastening devices, faucets, valves, traps, stops and appurtenances required White fixtures unless noted otherwise, and guaranteed not to craze, discolor or scale 2 Exposed Fixture Waste and Water Piping and Tubing In All Service Areas. Chrome plated with chrome plated brass escutcheons and stop valves 1 China Fixtures American Standard Kohler Eljer Universal Rundle or approved 2 Floor Sinks, Floor Drains. Zurn, J R. Smith Wade or approved (plastic components not allowed) 3 Stainless Steel Sinks- Elkay Just, or approved 15400 2 4 Mop Service Basin 1 Molded Resin Fiat, Mustee or approved 5 Hose Bibbs J R. Smith, Woodford Wade, Zurn, Chicago or approved 6 Flush Valves Sloan, Zurn or approved 7 Faucet Fittings. Chicago Faucet, Moen, Delta, Symmons, T &S Brass or approved 8 Water Closet Seats. Bemis, Beneke, Church, Olsonite or approved 9 Shower Stalls, Pre -Fab Fiber -Fab, Aqua Glass, Mustee, Hytee or approved 2 3 PLUMBING TRIM 2 3 1 Traps Provide traps on all fixtures except fixtures with integral traps. Exposed traps chromium plated cast brass or 17 gauge chromium plated brass tubing 2 3 2 Supplies and Stops: First quality chrome plated American Standard, McGuire, Kohler Chicago Faucet, Speedway Brasscraft, Eastman or approved 2 4 PLUMBING SPECIALTIES Section 15400 Plumbing CN 95 -04 2 4 1 Trap Primers. Trap seal primer valve with integral automatic anti syphon protection. Code approval required Wade, Zurn, J R Smith, P P P or approved 2 4 2 Relief Valve ASME Code approved pressure and temperature relief valve Run full -size pipe to floor drain, or as noted otherwise Cash -Acme, Watts or approved 2 4 3 Shock Absorbers Precharged bellows or sealed piston type manufactured to meet PDI WH -201 and ASSE 1010 Standards J R. Smith, P P P Wade, Watts, Zurn or approved 2 4 4 Thermometers. 3 inch diameter bi -metal dial thermometer with stainless steel case, white dial black numbers with 4 inch stainless steel stem and brass separable socket. Provide back or bottom connections as required OF to 200F range Weiss Model 3BMS, Trerice, Palmer Ashcroft, Weksler or approved 2 4 5 Water Filter Wound -type micronic filter with disposable cartridge, Cuno or approved Provide one additional set of cartridges for each filter 2 4 6 Pressure Gauge Single- pointer gauge with 0 -125 PSI range, 10 PSI intervals and 1 PSI intermediate graduations Aluminum dial with 1 percent accuracy and low bottom connections for wall mounting Weiss, Weksler Ashcroft, U S Gauge Weksler or approved 2 4 7 Backflow Preventers 1 General Provide shutoff valve and unions upstream and downstream of all backflow preventers Provide bronze Y strainer upstream of all backflow preventers. Note Backflow preventers model numbers, and installation to meet requirements of all governing authorities and purveyor 15400 3 2 5 3 Types Section 15400 Plumbing CN 95 -04 2 Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker Watts Model 288A with Watts 777S 'Y' strainer Febco, Wilkins or approved 3 Pressure Vacuum Breaker Watts Model 800MCQT with 777S 'Y' strainer Febco, Wilkins, Conbraco, or approved 4 Double Check Backflow Preventer Watts Model 007QT Series with strainer Febco Wilkins, Conbraco or approved 5 Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer Watts Model 009QT Series with strainer Febco, Conbraco, or approved Note: For hot water applications of 140F or greater provide backflow preventer with stainless steel seats. Watts Model 909QT -HW Febco, Conbraco, or approved 2 4 8 Pressure Reducing Valve. Bronze body construction, stainless steel strainer screen, thermal expansion bypass with renewable stainless steel seat and high temperature resisting diaphragm Watts, Febco Wilkins, or approved 2 5 PLUMBING CLEANOUTS 2 5 1 General Locate cleanouts as shown on Drawings and as required by Local Code Cleanouts same size as pipe except that greater than 4 inches will not be required Plastic components not allowed except unless specifically noted 2 5 2 Manufacturer J R. Smith, Zurn, Wade or approved J R. Smith numbers used as a basis of selection 1 Tile Floor Cleanouts J R Smith 4023 -U with round heavy -duty nickel bronze top taper thread ABS plug and vandalproof screws 2 Carpeted Floor Cleanout: J R. Smith 4023 -U -X with round heavy -duty nickel bronze top taper thread ABS plug carpet clamping device and vandalproof screws. 3 Concrete Floor Cleanout (General) J R Smith 4023 with round heavy -duty nickel bronze top, taper thread and ABS plug 4 Concrete Floor Cleanout: Same as for 'General locations, Item 3 above, except J R. Smith 4100 for heavy load traffic. 5 Wall Cleanout: J R. Smith 4472 -U countersunk bronze taper thread plug, stainless steel shallow cover and vandalproof screws. 6 Outside Area Walks and Drives J R Smith 4023 -U with round heavy -duty nickel bronze top taper thread, ABS plug and top secured with vandalproof screws. Install in 18 inch by 18 inch by 6 -inch deep concrete pad flush with grade 15400 4 2 6 WATER HEATING EQUIPMENT 2 6 2 Water Heaters. Section 15400 Plumbing CN 95 -04 2 6 1 General Water heaters shall meet current Energy Efficiency Code requirements and be provided with anode rod corrosion protection, internal glass lining insulated steel jacket with baked enamel finish and pressure temperature relief valve to match tank working pressure Rate water heaters at 150 PSIG working pressure. Refer to Schedule on Drawings for capacity and model 1 Manufacturers: A. 0 Smith, Ace Buehler Bradford- White, Lochinvar Rheem Ruud State or approved .2 Gas Propane fired type complete with hi -limit temperature control device, gas pressure regulator aluminized steel burner and draft diverter AGA certified unit Provide automatic flue damper and intermittent electronic ignition for 100 MBH and larger heaters 2 6 3 Recirculation Pump Domestic hot water recirculation pump with bronze body or all stainless steel construction, of in -line centrifugal design. Bell Gossett, Taco, Armstrong Thrush Grundfos, Paco or approved See Schedule on Drawings for capacity 2 7 FLOOR DRAINS 2 7 1 Coated Cast iron body double drainage flange with weep holes, primer connection, flashing clamp device adjustable strainer J R. Smith, Wade Zurn, or approved See Drawings for types 2 8 ACCESS COVERS 2 8 1 Furnish and install access covers where required in ceilings and walls to service shock arrestors and shutoff valves. 2 9 VALVES 2 9 1 General Provide Valves on branch pipe connection to mains, and at connections to equipment where indicated All valves accessible and fully equal in size to piping 2 9 2 Support Support all valves where necessary 2 9 3 See Section 15050 where types and manufacturers of valves are required 2 10 HOSE BIBB 2 10 1 Cast brass heavy duty hydrant, polished brass face, brass operating parts, renewable seat, hose outlet, vacuum breaker and removable "T' handle Wade Zurn, J R. Smith. See Schedule for types 15400 5 3 EXECUTION 3 1 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL 3 1 1 General Perform all necessary excavation and backfill required for installation of mechanical work. Repair all piping or other work damaged by Contractor's operations at Contractor's expense 3 1 2 Water. Keep all excavations free of standing water Reexcavate and fill back excavations damaged or softened by water or frost to original level with sand crushed rock or other approved material by Contractor at no expense to Owner 3 1 3 Tests During progress of work for compacted fill Owner reserves right to request compaction tests made under direction of a testing laboratory 3 1 4 Trench Excavation Excavate trenches to necessary depth and width, removing rocks, unstable soil (muck, peat, etc.) roots and stumps. Excavation material is classified as base fill" and native Base fill excavation material consisting of placed crushed rock may be used as backfill above Pipe zone Remove and dispose off site native excavation material at Contractor's expense Adequate width of trench for proper installation of piping or conduit 3 1 5 Support Foundations. Section 15400 Plumbing CN 95 -04 1 Foundations. Excavate trenches located in unstable ground areas below elevation required for installation of piping to a depth which is determined by Architect as appropriate for conditions encountered Place and compact approved foundation material in excavation up to Bedding Zone" Dewatering placement, compaction and disposal of excavated materials shall conform to requirements contained in other sections of Specifications and /or drawings. 2 Over Excavations Where trench excavation exceeds required depths, provide, place and compact suitable bedding material to proper grade or elevation at no additional cost to Owner 3 Foundation Material Where native material has been removed place and compact necessary foundation material to form a base for replacement of required thickness of bedding material 1 CLASS A 1 CLASS B MATERIAL PASSING IMIN IMAX. IMIN IMAX. 3/4 Inch Square Opening 127 147 10 11 4 Bedding Material Full bed all site piping on sand or crushed rock. Place a minimum 4 -inch deep layer of sand or crushed rock on leveled trench bottom for this purpose Remove all bedding to necessary depth for piping bells and couplings to maintain contact of pipe on bedding for its entire length Provide additional bedding in excessively wet, unstable, or solid rock trench bottom conditions as required to provide a firm foundation 15400 6 31 6 Backfilling 3 3 3 Vent Piping Section 15400 Plumbing CN 95 -04 1 Following installation and successful completion of required tests, backfill piping in lifts 3 3 PIPE INSTALLATION 1 In pipe zone place backfill material and compact in lifts not to exceed 6 inches in depth to a height of 12 inches above top of pipe. Place backfill material to obtain contact with entire periphery of pipe, without disturbing or displacing pipe .2 Place and compact backfill above "pipe zone" in layers not to exceed 12 inches in depth 2 Backfill Material 1 Backfill Material in Pipe Zone 3/4 inch minus crushed rock or sand 2 Crushed rock, fill sand or other backfill material approved elsewhere in Specifications may be used above pipe zone 3 1 7 Compaction of Trench Backfill Where compaction of trench backfill material is required use one of following methods or combination thereof. (1) Mechanical tamper (2) vibratory compactor or (3) other approved methods appropriate to conditions encountered Engineer shall have right to change methods and limits to better accommodate field conditions Compaction sufficient to attain 95 percent of maximum density at optimum moisture content unless noted otherwise on Drawings or elsewhere in Specifications Water puddling or washing is prohibited 3 2 CUTTING, PATCHING REPAIRING 3 2 1 Perform cutting patching and repairing required for the proper installation and completion of the work specified in each division, including plastering masonry work, concrete work, carpentry work and painting by skilled workers in these respective trades. 3 3 1 Seismic Restraint Brace all mechanical piping and plumbing equipment against lateral movement as detailed in document Seismic Restraint Manual Guidelines for Mechanical Systems as published by SMACNA. 3 3 2 Sanitary Waste and Storm Drain Piping Slope at uniform grade of 1/4 inch per foot unless noted otherwise Make changes in size with reducing and wye fittings. Run exposed piping parallel or perpendicular to building structure 1 General Horizontal runs free of drops and sloped to drainage system 15400 7 2 Vents through -Roof (VTRs) Section 15400 Plumbing CN 95 -04 1 Provide 2 1/2 pound lead flashing with counterflashing at vent penetrations through roof See Detail on Architectural Drawings. Wherever vents run up near or inside of exterior walls, offset pipe at underside of roof deck to obtain minimum 5 foot clearance between parapet and roof penetration. Provide Code required clearances between vent through -roof and HVAC equipment on roof VTR counterflashings shall have a manufactured rolled return bend with minimum 1 inch overlap crimping by hand -tools will not be allowed On single ply vinyl or plastic type roofs, provide fleshings as required by roof installer and manufacturer On raised rib steel roofs, provide fleshings as required by roof installer and manufacturer 1 Install per requirements of UPC Section 506(f) 3 3 4 Gas Piping 1 General Provide shutoff valves, pressure regulators and unions at all connections to gas -fired equipment Provide dirt legs at all low points 3 3 5 Water Piping 2 Piping Through Roof. Coordinate exact location with roof structure and roof mounted equipment Provide two and one -half pound lead flashing with counterflashing at roof penetration 3 Main Shutoff Valve at Secondary Pressure Regulator. Provide Owner with a wrench for shutting off main valve at secondary pressure regulator coordinate with local propane purveyor Paint main shutoff valve and wrench with two coats bright yellow enamel paint. 1 Group piping installations and valves where possible to obtain maximum practical use of available space 2 Locations of valves, unions, drains and other components shall also be arranged to provide for ease of cleaning operation, repair or service Access panels shall also be sized and located to provide both acceptable proximity and working space for such devices 3 Provide valves and shock arrestors where required by Code and where otherwise indicated in Specifications and on Drawings. 4 Provide protection plates for piping installed in wood stud walls and other building sub structures as required by Code 5 Wherever piping is installed in exterior walls, route on warm side of insulation and as close to inside wall finish as possible See Detail on Drawings. 6 Provide low point drains and /or shutoff valves as required by local authority having jurisdiction Provide all valve boxes, access panels, etc for complete installation. 3 3 6 Condensate Drain Piping at HVAC- Units. Trap condensate drain for all HVAC- units. 15400 8 Section 15400 Plumbing CN 95 -04 3 3 7 Rough -in Piping Provide temporary caps and /or plugs at all piping shown on Drawings to be roughed -in for future connections by others. 3 3 8 Hose Bibb Piping Provide each hose bibb with an individual accessible shutoff valve (ball type) Locate where shown on Drawings 3 3 9 Limitations Do not run piping within confines of electrical rooms, elevator shafts or elevator equipment except those pipes specifically serving only such rooms. 3 4 PIPE TEST 3 4 1 Notify Engineer and local Plumbing Inspector two days before tests. 3 4 2 Drainage, Waste and Vent Piping Test in accordance with governing Plumbing Code 3 4 3 Water Piping Eliminate air from system Fill and test at 125 PSIG or minimum 1 1/2 times static pressure at connection to serving utility main for a period of two hours with no loss in pressure 3 4 4 Gas Piping Cap all openings and test with compressed air or nitrogen Systems to maintain test pressure of 100 PSIG for a period of four hours with no leaks or pressure loss. Use only non -toxic soap and water or commercially- approved leak detector liquids for leak detection Testing mediums and apparatus required to be oil free 3 4 5 Send all test results to Engineer for review and approval 3 5 CHLORINATION 3 5 1 General Upon completion of all tests and necessary replacements, thoroughly flush and disinfect all domestic water piping 3 5 2 Method After thoroughly flushing system with water to remove sediment, fill system with a solution containing 50 parts per million of chlorine or as required by Code After four hours retention, drain reflush and return system to service 3 5 3 Certification Provide copy of domestic water chlorination certificate in each O &M Manual 3 6 PLUMBING FIXTURE S INSTALLATION 3 6 1 Fixtures. 1 Set and connect to soil waste vent and water piping in neat, finished and uniform manner Connections shall be equal height, plumb and set at right angles to floor wall or both unless otherwise required or specified 2 Seal fixtures mounted on floors and walls at abutting joints with approved sealant compounds as directed by Architect 3 For tank type toilets provide with handle at wide portion of stall 3 6 2 Fixture Locations As shown on Architectural Drawings 15400 9 3 6 3 Stops Stops installed in each supply pipe at each fixture accessibly located with stops of loose key type Concealed stops to be screwdriver or loose key type with wall escutcheons 3 6 4 Fixture Supports. 1 Support all wall -hung water closets, urinals and lavatories on heavy -duty, concealed, commercial grade chair carriers mounted to floor structure. Refer to Plumbing Fixture Connection Schedule on drawings. 2 Support other fixtures mounted on stud partitions on heavy concealed wall brackets bolted to a 1/4 inch thick by 5 inch high steel plate anchored firmly to studs with bolts (or welded to metal studs) Plate shall extend one stud each way beyond fixture mounting point width 3 6 5 Flush Valves: Provide drop -ear' ells or couplings in wall at water supply outlets to all flush valves, anchor firmly to structure At handicap fixtures, face handle to wide portion of stall 3 6 6 After fixtures are set in place and secured to walls, caulk all around between fixtures and wall with white silicone caulking compound, Dow Corning 780 General Electric Construction Sealant, or approved 3 6 7 Set all countertop lavatories and stainless steel sink rims in waterproof sealant made for application 3 6 8 Adjust self closing faucets to provide minimum of 10 seconds of waterflow and maximum of 15 seconds 3 6 9 After fixture installation is complete, cover and protect rims, fronts and all exposed parts until completion of construction phase Plumbing Contractor shall be responsible for all damage to fixtures and shall assume all related fixture repair or replacement costs. 3 9 10 At handicap water closets, face flush valve handle to the wide portion of stall 3 7 FLOOR DRAIN AND PRIMER PIPING INSTALLATION 3 7 1 Install floor drain grate flush with finished floor except where noted otherwise Section 15400 Plumbing CN 95 -04 3 7 2 Prime all drains which experience intermittent use Refer to Drawings and coordinate location with Architect Coordinate with local authority having jurisdiction for exact requirements 3 7 3 All Areas PPP -type trap priming valve See Detail on Drawings for exact piping requirements for priming valve /piping location and installation, no exceptions. Do not install primer valves above ceiling If installed in wall provide access panel and coordinate exact panel location with Architect 15400 10 3 8 SHOCK ABSORBERS 3 9 BACKFLOW PREVENTERS 3 10 OWNER- FURNISHED EQUIPMENT 3 10 3 Refer to Plumbing Fixture Connection Schedule on Drawings Section 15400 Plumbing CN 95 -04 3 8 1 For a battery of three or more flush valve operated fixtures, locate shock absorbers in supply pipe in accordance with recommendations of Plumbing and Drainage Institute PDI -WH2O1 Install ahead of all solenoid- operated valves. Determine size of absorber by fixture unit value of fixture supplied, using PDI symbols to designate sizes. Provide access panel for each shock absorber 3 9 1 Submit product cut sheets to local authority having jurisdiction for approval prior to purchase 3 9 2 Install as close to wall as possible with clearances for access and maintenance as required by authority having jurisdiction 3 9 3 Coordinate exact location of installation and type of backflow device serving a particular piece of equipment with authority having jurisdiction and Architect prior to purchase and installation 3 9 4 Provide wall /floor brackets that are of fully welded hot dipped galvanized construction fabricated to meet field conditions. Mount backflow preventor to brackets using cadmium plated U type bolts and nuts 3 9 5 Contact: Contact local water district /backflow specialist and request backflow installation literature. Install all backflow devices per UPC and local water district /backflow specialist requirements 3 9 6 Route waste piping from air gap waste fitting concealed within walls to point of air gap termination at indirect waste interceptor 3 10 1 Some equipment is to be furnished under another Contract and is indicated as such on Drawings Mechanical Contractor shall rough -in for such equipment, receive, uncrate install and connect all plumbing equipment, faucets, and fixtures as furnished by others. Mechanical Contractor shall furnish and install all stops, traps, strainers, backflow preventers, valves and other appurtenances not furnished by others in order to provide a complete operating system Obtain list of such equipment from General Contractor 3 10 2 Comply with paragraph on PLUMBING FIXTURES INSTALLATION, this Section for installation procedures. 3 10 4 Review kitchen consultant drawings and provide any additional mechanical /plumbing items required 15400 11 3 11 FIRESTOPPING PENETRATIONS IN FIRE -RATED WALL /FLOOR ASSEMBLIES END OF SECTION Section 15400 Plumbing CN 95 -04 3 11 1 Contractors shall provide proper sizing when providing sleeves or core drilled holes to accommodate the penetration All voids between sleeve or core drilled hole and pipe passing through, shall be firestopped to meet the requirements of ASTM E814 in accordance with Section 07270 Firestopping 15400 12 1 GENERAL 1 1 SUBMITTALS 1 1 1 Provide Shop Drawings for the following equipment: 1 Exhaust Fans. 2 Diffusers and Grilles. 3 Air Conditioning units 4 Wall Heaters. 5 Heat Pumps. 6 Furnaces 7 Make -Up -Air Units. 8 Flue 9 Fire Dampers, Smoke Dampers, Fire /Smoke Dampers. 10 Condensing Units Section 15500 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning CN 95 -04 1 1 2 For Zone 3 or Greater Seismic Requirements: For all roof mounted or hung from structure equipment, equipment manufacturer to provide, as a Shop Drawing submittal, all details, devices, etc required for appropriate equipment mounting All details and drawings to be stamped by a registered structural engineer in the State of Washington 1 2 SUMMARY 1 2 1 Work includes but is not limited to the following major items. 1 All air distribution, heating cooling ventilation and exhaust systems. 2 Equipment used for distribution of air including fans, motors, controls, control wiring filters, ductwork, air supply outlets, air return or exhaust inlets. 3 Sleeves, hangers, fleshings, counterflashing and weatherproofing for mechanical equipment. 4 Combustion air and flues for all gas -fired equipment including gas water heaters 5 Fire dampers, sleeves, frames, smoke /fire dampers, and all control devices 1 3 AIR DISTRIBUTION DUCT SYSTEM 1 3 1 General All ductwork, including collars, register boxes, fire dampers, exhaust fans, ventilation louvers, roof vents and screens, as well as all dampers and any other miscellaneous items not specifically mentioned but necessary for a complete installation Apply the latest Standards of SMACNA and /or ASHRAE with respect to sheet metal gauge and general construction for round and rectangular ducts. 15500 1 2 21 211 PRODUCTS EXHAUST FANS Section 15500 Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning CN 95 -04 Ceiling Exhaust Fan UL listed centrifugal fan with backdraft damper integral fire damper damper access and disconnect switch Complete with ceiling grille, vibration isolation, lined casing and overload protection Provide external wall or roof cap Acme, Broan, Carnes, Cook, Exitaire, Floaire, Greenheck, JennFann, Nutone, Penn or approved Provide one fan for each toilet room 2 1 2 Roof Exhaust Fans (For Grease Hoods Only) 1 Centrifugal roof type with bottom inlet and vertical discharge Backward inclined fan wheel Aluminum or fiberglass weatherproof housing Minimum 18 inch high extended steel curb with ventilating louvers. V -belt drive with adjustable sheave on motor Motor mounted out of airstream Pre lubricated steel ball bearings. Fan and motor vibration isolated Motor and drive isolated from exhaust airstream Disconnect switch in housing Aluminum non sparking wheel Provide magnetic starters on motors 1/2 HP and larger 2 UL -list entire fan /motor assembly for grease extraction 3 Manufacturers Acme Cook, Penn Greenheck, Carnes JennFan ILG Breidert, or approved 2 1 3 In -Line Centrifugal Fan UL- listed centrifugal belt- driven, in -line fan assembly with galvanized steel fan housing and square duct mounting collar Provide access to wheel shaft, bearings, motor and drive Fan wheel shall have aluminum backward inclined blades. Isolate motor and drive from airstream V -belt drive shall have adjustable sheave on motor Fan shall have mounted safety disconnect Acme, Ammerman Breidert, Carnes, Cook, Greenheck, ILG JennFan Penn, Trane or approved 2 1 4 Residential Range Hood Exhaust Fan UL- listed residential -type range hood assembly with integral centrifugal twin blower dual lights, and permanent grease filter for ducted application Color by Architect See Architectural drawings and elevations for size and type Broan, Nutone or approved 2 2 DIFFUSERS AND GRILLES 2 2 1 General Diffuser sizing based on air being introduced at 20F temperature differential and air being diffused at the 5 -foot level to a velocity not greater than 50 FPM Diffusers selected so as not to exceed the NC 33 curve when the volume damper is 50 percent open Manufacturer shall guarantee to meet the above performance factors or replace all diffusers where required 2 2 2 Manufacturers Agitair Air Devices, Air Concepts, Anemostat, Carnes, Conner Environmental Air Products, J &J Register Krueger Metal -Aire Nailor Price Co Titus, Tuttle Bailey or approved 2 2 3 Types See Schedule on Drawings 15500 2 2 3 DAMPERS 2 3 1 Volume Dampers. 1 General 2 3 2 Fire Dampers Section 15500 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning CN 95 -04 1 Provide in supply exhaust and return ducts to each individual runout duct to air inlet or outlet and in location where shown on Drawings. Construct of galvanized sheets not lighter than 18 gauge, reinforced to prevent vibration, equipped at both ends with brass bearing mounts and of sufficient length to provide a complete shutoff of duct. 2 Use 3/8 inch rod and locking quadrant hardware on all ducts serving multiple outlets and on sizes larger than 16 inch round Durodyne "Rapit" damper regulators approved only on duct drops 16 inches round and smaller serving a single outlet. Durodyne, Ventlock, Arrow United Industries, or approved .2 Operator Provide each damper with adjustment and locking quadrant device as manufactured by Young Regulator No 403 operator for accessible locations and No 315 with galvanized finish on 2 -screw ceiling plate for non accessible locations, Ventlock Durodyne or approved 3 Opposed Blade Type Install where shown on Drawings. Slide rod operated, controlled from outside of ducts and held in position by graduated quadrants which can be locked in any position Construct of same materials as ductwork in which they are installed Provide access to all adjusting mechanisms Construct of galvanized sheets not lighter than 18 gauge, reinforced to prevent vibration, equipped at both ends with brass bearing mounts and of sufficient length to provide a complete shutoff of duct. Durodyne, Empco Ruskin, Ventlock, Young Regulator or approved 1 Provide with sleeves where shown and as required in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet No 90 and local Code, complete with damper blades, fusible links, linkage and stops. UL -list dampers and have near 100 percent free area Advanced Air Air Balance, Inc. C &S Products, Cesco Dowco, Greenheck, Krueger Metal -Aire, Nailor Industries, National Controlled Air Phillips, Pottorff Prefco Price Co Ruskin, Safe -Air Tuttle Bailey Ultra -Safe, United Spiral or approved 2 For ceiling diffusers in fire -rated areas, provide a ceiling fire damper with radiation shield Rate fusible link at 165F Ruskin Model CFDR -5 or approved 15500 3 2 3 3 Fire /Smoke Dampers. Cesco Fire Barrier Model 75 Type S motorized fire dampers with motor 22 gauge roll from galvanized steel with a 120VAC motor for motorized operation. UL 165F fusible link. To be used in conjunction with approved smoke detectors. The fire dampers to be U S Standard for 1 1/2 hour listing Motors to be UL- listed Provide the thermal protection via the fusible link and when used with listed smoke detectors having normally closed circuit contacts, the electric operator functions. Damper to be normally closed Damper minimum leakage Class II Provide with manual reset. 350F temperature rating Damper shall fail closed when power is interrupted to actuator Provide automatic reset when power to actuator is restored and smoke is not detected Advanced Air Air Balance, Inc C &S Products, Cesco Dowco Greenheck, Krueger Metal -Aire, Nailor Industries, National Controlled Air Phillips, Pottorff, Prefco Price Co Ruskin, Safe -Air Tuttle Bailey, Ultra -Safe, United Spiral, or approved 2 4 DUCT SPECIALTIES 2 4 1 Standard Turn Vanes: Non adjustable 90 degree air turn with 26 gauge galvanized double wall steel blades and 24 gauge galvanized steel side rails. Vanes 2 1/2 inches on center H -E -P High Efficiency Profile as manufactured by Aero -Dyne Company Agitair Air Devices, Airsan, Anemostat, Carnes, Conner Environmental Air Products, J &J Krueger Price Co Titus or approved also approved for turning vanes are same approved manufacturers for grilles and diffusers. 2 4 2 Extractors Provide fixed position type, set at 22 1/2 degrees or adjustable type where specifically noted on Drawings, at all right angle supply branches as shown on Drawings, by same manufacturer as supply grilles. Each unit shall be same size as branch duct it serves Same manufacturer as grilles and registers. 2 5 DUCT CONSTRUCTION 2 5 1 Metal Ductwork Section 15500 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning CN 95 -04 1 Construction from galvanized steel sheet metal to conform to latest SMACNA Standards as required by operating conditions of system 1 All round sheet metal ductwork to be spiral wound type, in clean and unblemished condition 2 Provide duct insulation /acoustical duct liner of thickness and density as described in Section 15250 Insulation 3 Keep clean exterior surface of all ducts exposed to public view of all permanent markings 2 5 2 Grease Hood Exhaust Ductwork and Enclosure 1 Ductwork. Construct duct and plenums with less than four square feet in area of 16 gauge galvanized steel construct ducts greater than four square feet in area of 14 gauge galvanized steel All welded greasetight construction Slope duct toward hood 2 Enclosure Enclosure shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than 1 hour and be constructed of 2 1/2 inch -thick Pabco Super Firetemp -L calcium silicate fireproofing board or approved UL -list enclosure material and ICBO approved 15500 4 2 6 GAS FLUES 3 Ductwork Offsets and Cleanouts 2 7 ROOF VENTS 1 Provide offset in vertical exhaust duct riser wherever necessary in order for riser to fit through roof structure 2 Provide cleanout in each grease duct riser wherever offset greater than duct width has been installed (minimum 1 per each 5 foot offset) of following description 1 Size Minimum 12 inch by 12 inch 2 Provide hand operated latch 3 Greasetight construction Section 15500 Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning CN 95 -04 2 5 4 Flexible Ductwork. Spring steel helix with flame retardant cover 1 inch thick fiberglass insulation and seamless polyethylene vapor barrier jacket. UL 181 air duct, capable of 3 inch W G positive pressure and 0 5 inch W G negative pressure. Insulation shall meet fire and smoke hazard classification as described in Section 15250 Atco Clevaflex, Flexmaster Genflex, J P Lamborn Company Norflex, Thermaflex, or approved 2 5 5 Factory Fabricated Metal Round Ductwork Provide per Uniform Mechanical Code 10 -1 Class 0 Round sheetmetal spiral lock seam type. Fittings. Same construction as the duct. Duct sealer Specifically formulated for sealing field joints for round spiral lock -seam duct systems Manufacturer. United Sheet Metal Semco or approved 2 5 6 Laundry /Clothes Dryer Vent and Dishwasher Exhaust Duct: Aluminum sheet metal duct, gauge 24 or of approved material Duct shall be substantially airtight except for openings required for operation or maintenance Do not assemble duct with sheet metal screws or other devices that extend into the airstream Install vent in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. 2 6 1 Type B factory fabricated UL- listed, double -wall flue, with aluminum inner wall galvanized steel outer wall and 1/2 inch air space between unless noted otherwise. Provide twist -lock connectors, tall cone flashing storm collar and round birdproof /weatherproof top Ampco Ecco Industrial Chimney Metalbestos, Simpson, or approved 2 7 1 Provide outside air intake /exhaust vents with following characteristics. 1 Heavy gauge aluminum construction 2 Hood designed for roof mounted outside air intake/ exhaust. 3 Aluminum expanded metal birdscreen 4 Factory curb cap for curb mounting 2 7 2 Installation similar to roof mounted exhaust fans 2 7 3 Manufacturers Acme, Cook, Penn, Greenheck, Carnes, JennFan, ILG, Breidert, or approved 15500 5 2 8 DUCT JOINTS Section 15500 Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning CN 95 -04 2 8 1 For Sheet Metal Ducts In Concealed Locations Only (such as enclosed ceiling spaces) Joint Sealant Not Required in Ducts Exposed to Conditioned Space. 1 Ductmate System" by Ductmate Industries, Inc is approved for making transverse rectangular and round duct joints. Other Manufacturers: Ward Duct Connectors, Inc. Lockformer TDC, Mez, or approved .2 Joint Sealants. Hardcast "DT' woven fiber tape and "FTA- 20 /RTA -50" adhesive, no exceptions. 2 8 2 For Exposed Round Sheet Metal Ducts: Companion flanges are approved for use on ducts 24 inch diameter and larger Material shall be either galvanized steel or silver painted black iron 2 9 ACCESS DOORS IN DUCTWORK 2 9 1 Construct of same material as duct in which they are installed Air Balance Inc. Controlled Air Manufacturing Ductmate, Durodyne Pottorff Ruskin, Ventlock, or approved 2 10 AIR SYSTEM SPECIALTIES 2 10 1 Standard Flexible Connection Waterproof fire resistant canvas. Allow minimum 1 inch slack and 1/2 inch minimum between metal parts. Ventfab or approved 2 11 PROPANE GAS -FIRED PULSE COMBUSTION FURNACE 2 11 1 General Forced air propane gas -fired pulse combustion furnace, AGA certified as a gas heater with minimum efficiency of 93 percent AFUE piped and wired for single point connection Up -flow or horizontal discharge furnaces. The combustion chamber, tailpipe, exhaust decoupler and condensing coil shall all be welded into a single piece heat exchanger Construct the condensing coil portion of the heat exchange of stainless steel tubes with aluminum fins 2 11 2 Gas Train The gas train shall include a 24 volt redundant dual gas valve and main shutoff valve The dual design assures 100 percent shutoff of gas after each heating cycle The gas train shall also include a gas expansion tank, gas intake flapper valve and air intake flapper valve An intermittent igniter and spark -plug shall start combustion on each call from the thermostat. The combustion blower shall function as a purge blower only to operate at the beginning and ending only of each heat cycle Provide PVC piping for combustion air intake and exhaust. Extend piping with mufflers to a termination assembly at the roof Provide a fan and limit control and a blower cooling relay Provide a multi speed direct drive centrifugal blower Provide a terminal strip for low voltage control wiring and a second terminal strip for line voltage wiring of the furnace and line voltage accessories. Furnaces installed in the horizontal position require support kit. Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions for gas piping connections, exhaust air and combustion air intake pipe sizing and connections, condensate drip leg sizing and connections, duct connections, and furnace supports Provide with propane conversion kits for propane gas operation 15500 6 Section 15500 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning CN 95 -04 2 11 3 Cooling Coil Horizontal of vertical cased coil to fit furnace. Construct DX cooling coil with aluminum plated fins mechanically bonded to nonferrous tubing with all joints brazed Coil to have a factory installed refrigerant metering device, refrigerant line fittings which permit mechanical connections, condensate pans with primary and auxiliary drain connections on each 2 11 4 Fan Section. Forward- curved fan Fan motor shall have built -in overload protection Belt drive or multi -speed direct drive 2 11 5 Casing Welded angular frames supporting the major components as well as the panels. Make casing of zinc coated steel, finished with baked enamel 2 11 6 Filters Fiberglass, throwaway type, standard size and not Tess than 1 -inch thick. Maximum face velocity of 300 FPM 2 11 7 Manufacturer Carrier Day Night, Lennox, Rheem Trane, Ruud or approved 2 11 8 Provide with stainless steel heat exchangers for kitchen make -up air unit. Ruud or approved 2 12 ELECTRIC WALL HEATERS 2 12 1 General UL- listed recessed cabinet type electric wall heater Capacity as noted on Schedule Cabinet to be 20 gauge zinc- coated steel Exterior grille to be 16 gauge steel painted as directed by Architect. Fan to be propeller type, totally enclosed motor permanently lubricated Complete with tamperproof integral thermostat, disconnect thermal overload protection finned heating elements, power control relay Unit to be vandalproof Cadet, Markel Q -Mark, Singer or approved 2 13 SPLIT SYSTEM. HEAT PUMP 2 13 1 Indoor Air Handling Units. 1 General Draw through direct expansion horizontal and /or vertical air handling unit designed for heat pump application 2 Coils Copper with aluminum mechanically- bonded smooth -plate fins. 3 Fan Centrifugal double inlet, mounted on a common shaft, statically and dynamically balanced, and shall run on permanently lubricated bearings 4 Casing Galvanized steel Finish with baked enamel 5 Condensate drain pan internal to the unit 6 Filters. Disposable, 1 -inch thick 7 Heating Coils. Factory integral electrical 8 Manufacturer Carrier Day Night, Lennox, Rheem, Trane, York, Ruud or approved 15500 7 2 13 2 Outdoor Air Cooled Heat pump Units Section 15500 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning CN 95 -04 1 Coils 'Seamless copper tubes with copper or aluminum plate fins mechanically bonded to the tubes 2 Fans. Direct driven, propeller type, arranged for vertical discharge, with safety guards. Motors: Permanently lubricated, on vibration isolators. 3 Compressor Serviceable hermetic design with external spring isolators, automatically reversible oil pump, located in a section separated from condenser fans and coil Provide low ambient controls to 20F Provide 5 -year warranty 4 Controls High- and low- pressure cut -out switches, compressor overload devices, anti -short cycle controls which shall prevent compressor from restarting for approximately five minutes after shutoff Provide a transformer for control circuits. 5 Casing Galvanized steel, designed for outdoor installation Finished with baked enamel Provide openings for power and refrigerant connections. Panel. Removable to provide access for servicing 6 Connections for liquid line, suction line, and power supply 7 Manufacturer Carrier Day Night, Lennox, Rheem Ruud, Trane, or approved 214 LOUVERS 2 14 1 Provide and install stationery louver with built -in rain stop design Blades set at 45 degree on 4 inch centers, formed of 20 gauge galvanized steel Furnish with 1/2 inch mesh screen on inside face, duct collar and flanged face Screen to be installed in frame Prime coat finish Air Control Products, Airstream, American Warming and Ventilating, C &S Products, Carnes, Cesco Dowco Industrial Louvers, Louvers Dampers, Metal Form, Pottorff Prefco Ruskin United Metal Products, Vent Products, or approved 2 15 REFRIGERANT PIPING 2 15 1 Fabricate refrigerant piping of Type L hard drawn ACR' tubing that has been cleaned and capped for refrigeration service Fittings shall be wrought copper and installed with silver solder joints. Carefully clean the end of all pipe and the inside of all fittings before joining Use no acid in cleaning or as a flux in soldering joints. Bleed nitrogen through all piping while soldering 2 15 2 Furnish, size install, and insulate refrigerant pipe for the system as shown Submit shop drawings of piping system showing all traps, pipe sizes, and accessories Pipe sizes to be as recommended by unit manufacturer Submit line sizing calculations for review by Engineer 2 15 3 Provide replaceable core type liquid line filter dryer size for system capacity at 2 PSIG pressure drop per ARI 710 sight glass- moisture indicator 15500 8 2 15 5 Test piping to 150 PSI 2 16 CONDENSING UNITS 2 16 7 Low ambient control for operation down to 20F 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSPECTION Section 15500 Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning CN 95 -04 2 15 4 Install and insulate all refrigerant piping per unit manufacturer's latest published recommendations. Slope all lines to facilitate oil return to compressor Provide suction line traps per manufacturer's recommendations. Install refrigerant piping as shown except that modifications shall be made as recommended by the heat pump unit manufacturer Make such modifications at no cost to the Owner 2 15 6 After dehydration, introduce the manufacturer's recommended type and quantity of refrigerant into system through a filter /dryer 2 16 1 Heavy gauge galvanized steel cabinet. Baked -on outdoor enamel finish Heavy duty steel base channels Removable service access panels 2 16 2 Compressor Hermetically sealed with built -in protection from excessive current and temperatures Crankcase heater Compressor installed in the unit on resilient rubber mounts. Provide 5 -year warranty 2 16 3 Refrigerant System Suction and liquid lines stubbed outside the cabinet for sweat connections Non corrosive suction and liquid line service valves with gauge ports A thermometer well for checking refrigerant charge High capacity drier High pressure switch, manual reset, low pressure switch, automatic reset 2 16 4 Condenser Fan Direct drive fan. Vertical discharge Fan motor totally enclosed inherently protected and equipped with a rain shield Fan service access is accomplished by removal of fan guards. Corrosion resistant PVC (polyvinyl chloride) coated steel wire guard 2 16 5 Condenser Coil. Coil constructed of ripple -edge aluminum fins machine fitted to seamless tubes Coil factory tested under high pressure. Entire coil accessible for cleaning Non- corrosive PVC coated steel wire coil guard 2 16 6 Timed Off Control Furnished and factory installed Prevents compressor short- cycling Automatic reset control will shut the compressor off and hold it off for five minutes. 2 16 8 Refrigerant Piping Type M copper tubing with suction piping insulated with 1 inch foamed plastic insulation 2 16 9 Manufacturer Carrier Day Night, Lennox, Rheem, Trane York, Ruud, or approved 3 1 1 Examine areas and conditions under which split system units and furnaces are to be installed Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Installer 15500 9 3 2 DUCTWORK 3 2 1 Install all ductwork in strict conformance with SMACNA Standards and shall comply with UMC requirements 3 2 2 Erect all ductwork true to dimensions indicated, straight and smooth on inside with neatly finished joints lapped in direction of air travel Properly brace and reinforce all ducts with steel angles or members 3 2 3 Elbows Standard centerline radius shall equal 1 1/2 times width of duct. 3 2 4 Duct sizes shown on Drawings are net inside dimensions. 3 2 5 Access doors in ductwork shall be located as required for service of fire dampers, automatic dampers and other items requiring maintenance or inspection 3 2 6 Duct Hangers and Supports 3 2 7 Joints. 3 Standard Gray Duct Tape Not allowed 3 2 9 Flexible Duct Installation Section 15500 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning CN 95 -04 1 Hang rectangular sheet metal ducts with a cross sectional area of less than 7 square feet with galvanized strips of No 16 U.S S gauge steel one inch wide, and all larger ducts with steel angles and adjustable hanger rods similar to piping hangers Support at 8 -0 on center See Detail on Drawings 2 Anchor all ducts securely to building in such a manner as to prevent transmission of vibration to structure Do not connect duct hanger straps to roof deck. Do not support ducts from other ducts or piping 3 For round sheet metal ducts, provide duct support as detailed on Drawings. Verify type of building construction with General Contractor 4 Strap hangers installed flush with end of sheet metal duct run shall be attached to duct with sheet metal screws. 1 Seal all joints in sheet metal ducts in concealed locations (such as enclosed ceiling spaces) with Hardcast joint sealant system applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, or use Ductmate -type joints. 2 To Connect Sheet Metal Ductwork to Fiberglass Ductboard Use Hardcast only 3 2 8 Duct stiffeners shall not be installed on interior (air side) of unlined ductwork, install on exterior only or on interior of ductwork with duct liner 1 Provide round neck grilles /diffusers or square -to -round transitions No flex duct connections directly to square neck allowed 2 Flex duct allowed only for vertical drops to diffusers. Maximum offset angle from vertical shall be 30 degrees 3 Approved for use on supply ducts only not allowed for return or exhaust 15500 10 4 Minimum length two feet, maximum length five feet. 3 2 10 Paint inside surface of all bare ductwork which is visible through face of grilles with flat black paint for all ceilings 12 -0' and lower 3 2 11 Mounting for Sidewall Grilles and Registers. Section 15500 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning CN 95 -04 1 All mounting heights indicated on Drawings shall be from finish floor to lower edge of grille or register (exception if note on Drawings states for example "Down 6 inches this indicates measurement from ceiling to top edge of grille or register) 2 Install all sidewall return air grilles for "sight- tight" visibility at eye level (position blades to obscure visibility from floor level) 3.2 12 Gas Flues: Terminate at Code required distance above roof (with weatherproof top) unless required otherwise by Code. Where applicable, offset gas flues to obtain minimum 5 foot clearance between parapet and roof penetration 3 2 13 Transitions Where transitions are required in metal or fiberglass ductwork, horizontal and vertical angles forming transition shall not exceed 30- degrees. Provide supply and return air transitions at AC unit connections. Plenum connections not allowed at AC unit inlet and outlet 3 2 14 Grille and Exposed Duct Cleaning 1 After completion of ductwork installation, operate each fan system (excluding exhaust fans) for a minimum of 30 minutes prior to installation of ceiling grilles and diffusers After grilles and diffusers are installed clean out all accumulation of particles from grilles and diffusers prior to acceptance 2 Clean exterior surface of all ducts exposed to public view of chalk, pencil and pen marks, labels, sizing tags, dirt, dust, etc. so that upon completion of installation, ducts are left in clean and unblemished manufactured condition 3 2 15 Seismic Restraint All ductwork and HVAC equipment shall be braced against lateral movement as detailed in document Seismic Restraint Manual Guidelines for Mechanical Systems as published by SMACNA, latest Edition 3 2 16 Grease Hood Exhaust Duct Enclosure 1 General Grease ducts shall be enclosed in a continuous enclosure extending from ceiling penetration and up through roof into roof curb Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and per detail on Drawings 2 Cleanouts If cleanout openings in the enclosure walls are required, provide self closing fire doors rated in accordance with NFPA Codes. 3 Mounting Support Provide additional duct hangers and supports for horizontal and vertical ducts to adequately support the duct with attached duct enclosure Install according to the requirements of the governing Building and Mechanical Codes. Refer to detail on Architectural Drawings. 15500 11 3 2 17 Limitations. Do not run ductwork within confines of Electrical Rooms, except those ducts specifically serving only such rooms 3 3 INSTALLATION OF HEATING AND COOLING UNITS 3 3 1 General Install units in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions, plumb and level and firmly anchored in locations indicated Maintain manufacturer's recommended clearances. 3 3 2 Air Cooled Condensing Units. Connect refrigerant piping to unit, run piping so as not to interfere with access to unit. Install furnished field- mounted accessories. Verify manufacturer's requirements and provide accumulation when required due to length of refrigerant piping 3 4 TRAINING OF OWNER'S PERSONNEL 3 4 1 Provide services of manufacturer's technical representative for 16 hours to instruct owner's personnel in operation and maintenance Schedule training with Owner• provide at least a 7 -day notice to Architect and Engineer of training date 3 5 INSULATION 3 6 FILTERS Section 15500 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning CN 95 -04 3 5 1 Insulate refrigerant piping condensate drains, drip pans, and all other associated appurtenances 3 6 1 Install complete sets of filters before operation of the supply fans. Fans shall not be operated without filters installed Remove coils from units and clean if units are run without filters 3 6 2 Provide two sets of filter cartridges for each supply fan Clean filters to be installed prior to system balancing 3 7 FIRESTOPPING PENETRATIONS IN FIRE -RATED WALL /FLOOR ASSEMBLIES 3 7 1 Contractors shall provide proper sizing when providing sleeves or core drilled holes to accommodate the penetration All voids between sleeve or core drilled hole and pipe passing through shall be firestopped to meet the requirements of ASTM E814 in accordance with Section 07270, Firestopping END OF SECTION 15500 12 1 GENERAL 1 1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 Provide a system of low voltage electric controls. 1 1 2 Wiring Shall be as required for a complete operating control system per State and National Electrical Codes Provide necessary relays, transformers, fusing, switches and pilot lights. Interlocks and control power from nearest panel 2 PRODUCTS 2 1 ROOM THERMOSTATS 2 1 1 Thermostats shall be programmable low voltage type and provided with automatic changeover feature for both heating and cooling stages, seven day program with one occupied and one unoccupied period per day with three hour override. 2 1 2 Approved Models: Honeywell T7400A1004 with plastic opaque keyed locking guard 2 2 SMOKE DETECTORS 2 2 1 Provide duct smoke detectors which operate on the dual chamber ionization principle. The detectors shall either be a 115VAC self- contained or 24VDC fire alarm system powered 2 2 2 The detector shall employ sampling tubes which shall extend far enough into the duct to provide sufficient flow of air past the detector head 3 31 311 EXECUTION SEQUENCE OF OPERATION Section 15950 Controls CN 95 -04 Furnaces, heat pumps and Associated Condensing Units Fan shall operate continuously on occupied mode and shall cycle as needed during unoccupied mode Room thermostat shall activate cooling (associated condensing units) and heating accordingly to meet heating and cooling setpoints of space Interlock associated condensing units to furnaces, heat pumps, and room thermostats 3 1 2 Thru -the wall air conditioning units shall be controlled by adjustable integral thermostats on AC units Fan shall cycle on and off to maintain cooling setpoint. There shall be a minimum of 4 degree deadband between setpoint of AC unit and heating setpoint of wall heaters 3 1 3 Exhaust Fans. 1 EF 1 Ceiling exhaust fans shall be interlocked to toilet room lights such that fans operate when lights are turned on A time clock shall be provided by Electrical for each fan in each living unit which will be adjustable and allow the fan to run to up to 8 hours per day at different intervals Coordinate with Electrical 15950 1 2 EF -2 Elevator Equipment Room shall be supplied with and controlled via wall thermostat set at 90F 3 Smoking Room Exhaust Fan Shall run continuously during occupied hours. 4 Salon Exhaust Fan EF -2 Shall be interlocked to light switch in salon 5 Dishwasher hood exhaust fan to be controlled by a wall switch. 6 Kitchen hood exhaust fan to be controlled by a wall switch 3 1 4 Smoke /Fire Dampers: Combination smoke fire dampers shall be provided with an approved smoke detector to activate damper closure actuator and provided with extra set of contacts for connection to fire alarm system Reset for smoke dampers shall be automatic Interlock to fire alarm system by others 3 1 5 Make -Up Air Unit: Fan shall be interlocked to grease hood exhaust fan Heating and cooling (fan only 100 percent outside air) shall cycle to maintain a room temperature (adjustable) from room thermostat in kitchen Interlock to fire suppression sequence such that make -up air unit shuts off and grease exhaust fan continues to run upon surface fire under grease hood 3 1 6 Duct Smoke Detectors: Provide one in supply duct and one in return duct of systems with 2000 CFM or greater air delivery capacity Interlock to fire alarm system Unit shall shut off upon smoke detection END OF SECTION Section 15950 Controls CN 95 -04 15950 2 Section 15990 Testing Adjusting and Balancing CN 95 -04 1 GENERAL 1 1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 At the completion of the job, the testing and balancing of the air-distribution system shall be performed by an independent test and balance agency who specializes in this work. 1 2 REPORTS AND RECORDS 1 2 1 Submit three copies of complete balancing report on standard forms. Provide with each report a complete set of marked Balancing Drawings showing air opening numbers that correspond to the numbering system in the balancing logs. 1 3 BALANCING FIRMS 1 3 1 Firms desiring approval shall request approval from the Architect 10 days prior to bid 2 21 211 314 315 316 317 318 PRODUCTS TOOLS, EQUIPMENT INSTRUMENTS All instruments used by the balancing agency shall have been calibrated within a period of six months and proof of such calibration shall be submitted to Architect if requested The Mechanical Contractor shall furnish the balancing agency all ladders and scaffolds as necessary to make the adjustments 3 EXECUTION 3 1 TESTING PROCEDURES AIR SYSTEMS 3 1 1 Identify and list size type and manufacturer of all air handling equipment and air distribution devices Manufacturer's published ratings on all equipment shall be used to make required calculations 3 1 2 Make all changes in the pulleys, belts and dampers as required to obtain the design air quantities Where required new drives shall be furnished by the fan manufacturer or his representative 3 1 3 Test, adjust and record fan RPM to deliver within plus 5 percent of air quantity specified All test holes shall be plugged After all air flow measurements have been made, mark final position of balancing damper Record nameplate data and actual running amperes for each fan motor Test and record system static pressure, suction and discharge Test and adjust system for design outside air and return air Test and record entering and leaving air drybulb temperature for the heating cycle of each fan system a) 15990 1 Section 15990 Testing, Adjusting and Balancing CN 95 -04 3 1 9 Test and record entering and leaving air drybulb and wetbulb temperatures for the cooling cycle of each fan system 3 1 10 Test, adjust and record each supply zone diffuser grille and register to within 5 percent of design requirements Each grille, diffuser and register shall be identified as marked on the balancing drawings. END OF SECTION 15990 2 1 GENERAL 1 1 DEFINITIONS SECTION 16010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS CN 95 -04 1 1 1 Where the words "furnish" "provide" "install" appear in this Division, or a manufacturer is indicated with item or product catalog number listed, install and furnish the item complete and operating for the purpose or function intended, unless noted otherwise 1 1 2 All references to power system voltages are RMS per definition in NEC 100 1 2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 1 Design Requirements. Electrical systems required for this work includes all labor materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete installation of electrical work shown on Drawings, specified herein or required for a complete operable facility and not specifically described in other Sections of these Specifications Among the items required are 1 Service and distribution equipment shown on Drawings 2 Feeders to subdistribution and branch circuit panels, HVAC equipment, elevator equipment and specific equipment as indicated on Drawings 3 Branch circuit wiring from the branch circuit panels for lighting receptacles, junction boxes, motors, signal systems and other indicated circuits wiring 4 Luminaires, control switches, receptacles, relays, supports and other accessory items 5 Wiring and final power connections for motors installed for heating, cooling and ventilation 6 Raceway systems for special systems, provide cable or conductors only as indicated 7 Fire Alarm and other systems, complete as indicated on the Drawings 1 3 SUBMITTALS 1.3 1 Materials Substitutions 1 Submit requests for material substitutions to the Architect in compliance with Contract Document requirements. Concurrently submit two additional copies directly to the Architect's Consulting Electrical Engineer 2 Indicate any deviation or noncompliance by an attached letter explaining a proposed change Approval of submitted material does not grant deviation from the Contract requirements. Include in Bid Sum additional expense resulting from the Contractor's decision to use substitute materials including all costs by other affected crafts 1 3 2 Product Data Submit in accordance with Instructions to Bidders Attach items of like nature to one substitution form 16010 -1 1.3 3 Shop Drawings 1 Submit in accordance with Division 1 Include physical and electrical characteristics, i e dimensions, materials, voltage, phase, etc of all new equipment. Include installation wiring diagrams for each special system and communication system 2 If deviations, discrepancies or conflicts between Shop Drawings and the Drawings and Specifications are discovered either prior to or after Shop Drawing Submittals are processed by Architect, Drawings and Specifications take precedence .3 Shop Drawing Submittals processed by Architect are not Change Orders The purpose of Shop Drawings is to demonstrate an understanding of the design concept. 1.3 5 Project Record Documents. 1 On completion of work, deliver to Architect one set of accurately marked reproducible drawings Show all change and variations from Drawings and exact routes of all feeders, service conduits and location of all conduits stubbed out for future continuation with definite dimensions and burial depths 2 Drawing's and lettering, neat, clean and legible 3 Order and pay for required reproducibles Original tracings, for purpose of producing Record Drawings, provided by Architect at start of project. 4 Maintain one "work" set on project site at all times Work set subject to inspection by Architect during construction 1.3 6 Operation and Maintenance Data 1 Submit the following prior to final acceptance and request for final payment for Division 16 work, in conformance with the Project Closeout requirements of the General Provisions 1 Record Drawings 2 Operation and Maintenance Manuals SECTION 16010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS CN 95 -04 2 Provide four complete sets of Operation and Maintenance Manuals including but not limited to the following 1 Schematic diagrams, installation wiring diagrams and instructions and Operation and Maintenance Manuals for all communications, special systems, signalling and control systems and equipment. 2 Complete luminaire cuts including lamps furnished for all luminaires 3 Shop Drawings and Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manuals for all power distribution and control equipment including service and distribution equipment, branch panels, etc 4 Copies of certificates of code authority acceptance, and test data and other special guarantees, warranties, etc. specified elsewhere herein and /or indicated on the Drawings. 16010 -2 SECTION 16010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS CN 95 -04 .3 Assemble each set in standard hardback, 3 -ring binders. Do not exceed binder fill of 50 percent; i e 1 -inch thickness of paper in 2 inch binder Use tabular dividers to organize the materials in the same order as this Specification Mark each divider according to (sub)section number and name 1 4 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING 1 4 1 Acceptance at site 1 Do not use scratched, marred or deformed materials .2 Do not use luminaires, material or equipment in wet cartons or boxes, stored in or exposed to rain, water dust, dirt or snow 1 5 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING 1 5 1 Cooperation with Other Crafts. 1 Cooperate with other crafts and contracts as needed for the proper execution of the work. 2 Prior to the installation of equipment, verify the requirements indicated in Division .16 with the actual electrical requirements and characteristics of the equipment supplied Read and understand the requirements of Divisions 0 1 11 13 and 15 which affect the installation of work in this Division .3 Obtain wiring or schematic diagrams for confirmation and connections Bring deviations to the attention of the Architect. 4 Examine the Drawings of all other trades or crafts to avoid conflicts Resolve conflicts with the Architect prior to installation 1 5 2 Safety Refer to Section 00700 General Conditions 1 6 WARRANTY 1 6 1 General Warranty. Comply with the provisions of Section 01700 Contract Closeout. 2 PRODUCTS 21 MANUFACTURERS 2 1 1 General Like items from one manufacturer i e luminaire types, switches, receptacles, breakers, panels, etc 16010 -3 2 2 MATERIALS 2.2 1 Provide electrical materials of the type and quality indicated, or approved new listed by the Underwriters' Laboratories, bearing their label wherever standards have been established and label service is regularly furnished by them Indicated brand names and catalog numbers are used to establish standards of performance and quality The description of materials listed herein governs in the event that catalog numbers do not correspond to the materials described herein. 2 3 ACCESSORIES 2.3 1 Special Features and Incidentals. SECTION 16010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS CN 95 -04 1 Include special features, finishes, description or requirements indicated in the Contract Documents for particular items or equipment, regardless of inclusion in the item s listed catalog number 2 Provide and install as part of the Contract work all incidentals not specifically mentioned herein or noted on the Drawings, but needed to complete the system or systems, in a safe and satisfactory working condition 2 4 FABRICATION 2 4 1 Shop /Factory Finishing Modify manufacturer's products at the factory to comply with the special requirements noted 3 EXECUTION 31 VERIFICATION 3 1 1 Verification of Conditions 1 Bidder is required to visit site of proposed construction Verify and inspect the existing site to determine the conditions that affect this work. 2 Include all costs in the bid price for the work and material required to comply with the Contract Documents, based on the actual existing conditions and the information indicated in the Contract Documents. 3 Failure to visit site and verify conditions affecting work of this Division does not relieve Contractor from the necessity of doing any and all work which is necessary to make all electrical installations and systems complete 3 1 2 Construction Documents 1 Electrical Drawings are diagrammatic with symbols representing electrical equipment, outlets and wiring 2 Electrical symbols indicating wiring and equipment, shown on the Drawings or specified in Division 16, are included in Division 16 work unless specifically noted otherwise 16010 -4 31.3 Clarification 3 3 1 Tests SECTION 16010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS CN 95 -04 3 Drawings indicate general directions and routes of feeders and service conductor systems Determine exact route and installation of electrical wiring and equipment with conditions of construction and acceptance of Architect. 4 Deviations from Drawings needed to make the .electrical installation conform to the work of other crafts are part of the Contract work. Obtain Architect approval prior to executing any deviations from Drawings 5 Examine the Mechanical, Structural and Grading and Landscape Drawings to avoid systems conflicts 6 Data given herein and shown on Electrical Drawings is as exact as could be secured but its absolute accuracy is not guaranteed. 1 Prior to submitting a bid, bring to the attention of the Architect any ambiguous, conflicting or unclear instructions Such items will be clarified by the Architect in Addendum form 2 In the event that time does not permit clarification prior to bid opening the Drawings govern in matters of quantity the Specification in matters of quality In event of conflict on the Drawings or in the Specifications, the greater quantity and the higher quality apply 3 Should the Electrical Documents indicate a condition conflicting with the governing codes and regulations, refrain from installing that portion of the work until clarified by the Architect. Remove and correctly install, as part of the Contract work, any work installed in violation of the governing codes 3 2 INSTALLATION 3 2 1 Codes and Permits 1 Comply with the latest rules and regulations of the codes of the state and local authorities having jurisdiction 2 Furnish all materials and labor required for compliance with these Rules and Regulations Items in excess of code requirements take precedence .3 Obtain and pay for all required permits, plan check charges and certificates Deliver Certificates of Acceptance from the Code Enforcing Authorities to Architect prior to request for final inspection and acceptance of work. 3 3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 1 Conduct tests of equipment and systems to demonstrate compliance with requirements specified in Division 16 16010 -5 2 Provide journey -level electrician with tools, meters, instruments and other test equipment. Remove and replace trims, covers, luminaires, etc and test materials, systems, methods and quality of work in the presence of the Architect for final review at completion of the work. .3 In the presence of the Architect, conduct thorough tests of all Special Systems and Communication Systems Emergency system tests, conform to NEC 700 3 3 2 Inspection Do not cover work prior to review by the Architect. 3 4 CLEANING 3 4 1 Tools and Materials. 1 Keep tools and materials in an orderly manner throughout the construction period 2 Upon completion of the work, remove all supplies, materials, tools, etc furnished by the Electrical Division 3 4 2 Dirt, Debris and Dust: 1 Remove dirt and debris of whatever nature caused by the execution of the electrical work. 2 Leave the entire electrical system installed under this Contract in clean, dust free and proper working order 3 4 3 Vacuum clean interiors of all new and modified electrical equipment enclosures 3 5 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL 3 5 1 Refer to Division 1 General Requirements 3 5 2 Perform all necessary excavation and backfill for the installation of electrical work and as indicated herein 3 5 3 For nonmetallic conduit and direct burial cables, place a minimum 3 -inch cover of sand or clean earth fill all around the cable or conduit on a leveled trench bottom Lay all steel conduit on a smooth level trench bottom, so that contact is made for its entire length Remove water from trench while electrical conduit is being laid 3 6 NOISE CONTROL SECTION 16010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS CN 95 -04 3 6 1 Do not place outlet boxes at opposite side of partitions back to back or use straight through boxes 3 6 2 Do not place contactors, transformers, starters and similar noise producing devices on walls which are common to occupied spaces unless specifically called for on the Drawings Where such devices must be mounted on walls common to occupied spaces mount or isolate in such a manner as to effectively prevent the transmission of their inherent noise to the occupied space 16010 -6 SECTION 16010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS CN 95 -04 3 6.3 Ballasts, contactors, starters, transformers and like equipment which are found to be noticeably noisier than other similar equipment on the project will be deemed defective and require replacement. 3 7 CONTINUITY OF SERVICE 3 7 1 No interruption of services to any part of existing facilities will be permitted without express permission in each instance from the Owner Obtain written permission from the Owner for any interruption of power lighting or signal circuits and systems 3 7 2 If overtime is necessary there will be no allowance made by Owner for extra expense for such overtime or shift work, due to maintaining continuity of service herein required 3 7.3 Organize work to minimize duration of power interruption END OF SECTION 16010 -7 1 GENERAL 1 1 SUMMARY 1 1 1 Section Includes 1 Raceways. 2 Wires, Cables and Connectors. 3 Outlet Boxes. 4 Devices and Plates. 5 Disconnect Switches. 6 Identification 1 2 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 1 3 SUPPORTING DEVICES 1 3 1 Safety factor of 4 required for every fastening device or support for electrical equipment installed Support to withstand four times weight of equipment it supports Bracing to comply with Seismic Zone 3 requirements SECTION 16050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS CN 95 -04 1 2 1 Connect equipment, whether furnished by Owner or other Divisions of the Contract, electrically complete 2 PRODUCTS 21 RACEWAYS 21 1 Conduits 1 Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit (GRC) Hot dip galvanized after thread cutting Manufacture in conformance with Federal Specification WWC -581 .(latest revision) and ANSI C80 1 2 Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC) Hot dip galvanized after thread cutting Manufacture in conformance with Federal Specification WWC -581 (latest revision) 3 Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT) Hot dip galvanized and chromate coated Manufacture in conformance with Federal Specification WWC -563 (latest revision) and ANSI C80 3 4 Flexible Conduit: Reduced wall flexible steel conduit. Hot dip galvanized Manufacture in conformance with Federal Specification WWC -566 (latest revision) 5 Flexible Conduit, PVC Coated Hot dip galvanized steel PVC chemical resistant jacket extruded to core up to 1 -inch trade size PVC chemical resistant jacket, tubed over core, up to 4 -inch trade size 6 PVC Class 40 heavy wall rigid PVC Rated for use with 90C conductors Manufacture in conformance with Federal Specification WC1094A and NEMA TC 2 16050 -1 2 1 2 Conduit Fittings. 3 Expansion /Deflection Fittings. 2 2 WIRES AND CABLES PHASE A B Neutral Ground 1 EMT Use 0 -Z Gedney Type TX. 2 GRC Use 0 -Z Gedney Type AX, DX and DXX. SECTION 16050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS CN 95 -04 1 Bushings. Insulated type for threaded Rigid and IMC conduit Thomas Betts 1222 Series or O -Z Gedney B Series Insulated grounding type for threaded Rigid and IMC conduit: 0 -Z Gedney BLG Series. 2 EMT Connectors and Couplings' Steel gland, Tomic, Breagle or 0 -Z Gedney 7000 ST Series, preinsulated type connectors Set screw type, zinc plated, steel Provide continuous ground wire with set screw connectors /couplings 2 2 1 Copper 600 volt rated throughout. Conductors 14AWG to 10AWG solid or stranded Conductors 8AWG and larger stranded Phase color to be consistent at all feeder terminations, A -B -C, top to bottom, left to right, front to back. Conductors 3AWG and larger minimum insulation rating of 75C Insulation types THWN, THHN or XHHW Color code conductors as follows 208V WYE 1240V DELTA 1480V Black Black I Brown Red 'Orange (High Leg) Orange Blue Blue 'Yellow White 'White 'White w /colored strip Green Green (Green 2 2 2 AC /MC Cable High strength galvanized steel or aluminum flexible armor Full length minimum size No 12 copper ground wire, THHN 90C conductors, full length tape marker Overall PVC or nylon cable tape. Short circuit throat insulators, mechanical compression termination Manufactured by Alflex, AFC, or Carol AC /MC cable allowed only for 20 amp branch circuits concealed in walls or ceiling 2.2 3 NMB Cable Annealed copper conductors 600V rated Minimum size No 12 with ground wire 90C rated PVC, nylon jacketed insulation 23 CONNECTORS 2.3 1 Copper Pads Drilled and tapped for multiple conductor terminals 2.3 2 Lugs Indent /compression type for use with stranded branch circuit or control conductors Manufactured by Anderson, Burndy Ilsco, or Thomas Betts 2.3 3 Solid Conductor Branch Circuits Spring connectors, wire nuts, for conductors No 18 through No 8AWG manufactured by Ideal, Scotch -Lock, or 3M 16050 -2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s 1 1 2 4 BOXES 2 4 1 General SECTION 16050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS CN 95 -04 1 Luminaire Outlet: 4 inch octagonal box, 1 1/2 inches deep with 3/8 inch luminaire stud if required. Provide raised covers on bracket outlets and on ceiling outlets 2 Device Outlet: Installation of one or two devices at common location, minimum 4 -inch square, minimum 1 1/2 inches deep Single or two gang flush device raised covers. Raco Series 681 and 686 or Bowers. .3 Multiple Devices. Three or more devices at common location Install one piece gang boxes with one piece device cover Install one device per gang Raco or Bowers 4 Masonry Boxes Outlets in concrete, Raco Series 690 or Bowers 5 Construction Within the E occupancy provide galvanized steel interior outlet wiring boxes, of the type, shape and size, including depth of box, to suit each respective location and installation, constructed with stamped knockouts in back and sides, and with threaded holes with screws for securing box covers or wiring devices 6 Construction Within the SR2 Occupancy Provide PVC or noryl interior outlet wiring boxes, of the type, shape and size, including depth of box and fire rating, to suit each respective location and installation, constructed with stamped knockouts in back and sides, and with threaded holes with screws for securing box covers or wiring devices, and with ground plate and screw 7 Accessories Provide outlet box accessories as required for each installation, including mounting brackets, wallboard hangers, extension rings, luminaire studs, cable clamps and metal straps for supporting outlet boxes, compatible with outlet boxes being used and meeting requirements of individual wiring situations 2 4 2 Weatherproof Outlet Boxes Provide corrosion resistant cast metal weatherproof outlet wiring boxes, of the type, shape and size, including depth of box, with threaded conduit ends, cast metal face plate with spring- hinged waterproof cap suitably configured for each application, including face plate gasket, blank plugs and corrosionproof fasteners Weatherproof boxes to be constructed to have smooth sides, gray finish Bell or Red Dot. 2 4 3 Junction and Pull Boxes Provide galvanized sheet steel junction and pull boxes, with screw -on covers, of the type shape and size, to suit each respective location and installation, with welded seams and equipped with steel nuts, bolts, screws and washers Circle AW or Hoffman 2 4 4 Box Extension Adapter Diecast aluminum construction Install over flush wall outlet boxes to permit flexible raceway extension to equipment. Bell 940 Series, Red Dot IHE4 Series 2 4 5 Conduit Fittings. Provide corrosion resistant punched -steel box knockout closures, conduit Iocknuts and plastic conduit bushings of the type and size to suit each respective use and installation 0 -Z Gedney or Thomas Betts. 16050 -3 2 5 3 Receptacles SECTION 16050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS CN 95 -04 2 4 6 Floor Boxes Single Gang Deep recessed or cast steel fully adjustable before and after concrete pour with all required components for complete activation Verify required components for application of service fittings, covers, monuments etc attached to floor boxes Hubbell, Walker or Steel City Activations 1 Flush Provide brass duplex or single signal cover hinged with set screw lock. Carpet or the finish ring 2 Monuments. Provide stainless steel monuments with power receptacle or data grommet as noted 2 4 7 Floor Boxes Multiple Gang Deep steel, fully adjustable before and after pour Equal to Walkerboy Omnibox multi- service floor box with carpet plates, device covers Verify color Partition for different power or signal applications Provide required power receptacle devices and signal grommets or receptacles as noted 2 4 8 Poke -Thru Fire rated for 4 hour dual service, flush brass cover and service fitting prewired Specification grade receptacle, voice /data jacks, Hubbell PT7 Series or approved 2 5 WIRING DEVICES 2 5 1 Wall Switches. 1 Characteristics. Toggle type, quiet acting, 20A, 120/277V UL listed for motor loads up to 80 percent of rated amperage. Arrow -Hart 1221 Leviton 1221 Pass Seymour 20ACI Bryant 4901 Hubbell 1221 Eagle 1201 2 Pilot Light Switches Lighted handle, toggle type, red unless noted otherwise, neon pilot Tamp Pilot Tamp energized when load is energized 20A/120V Hubbell Series 1221 -PL, 20A/208 -277V Hubbell Series 1221 -PLF Eagle 1201 PL 3 Key Switches. 20A/120 -277V black key guide Arrow -Hart 1991 -L, Pass Seymour 20ACI -L, Bryant 4901 -L, Hubbell 1221 -L, Eagle 1201L. 4 Finish Grey finish unless selected otherwise by the Architect. Provide Architect with optional colors for selection prior to ordering 5 Manufacturers. Hubbell, General Electric, Leviton, Pass Seymour Eagle 2 5 2 Wall Dimmers. Lutron NT Series compatible with type or load controlled (i e electronic ballast, low voltage luminaire, etc Finish to match wall switches .Size dimmers to accept connected Toad Do not cut fins Where dimmers are ganged together provide a single multi -gang coverplate 1 Finish Same exposed finish as switches Receptacles connected to emergency circuits, red finish, Hubbell SG63 -HR 2 Characteristics Straight parallel blade 20A, 125V 2 pole 3 wire grounding Arrow Hart 5352 Leviton 5352, Pass Seymour 5352, Bryant 5352, Hubbell 5352 Eagle 5362 16050 -4 SECTION 16050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS CN 95 -04 .3 Isolated Ground Receptacle Orange urea finish with isolated ground Hubbell IG -5362, Arrow -Hart IG -5362, Leviton, Pass Seymour Bryant, Eagle IG5362 4 Ground Fault Interrupter Feed through type, 20A, 125VAC, specification grade Hubbell GF- 5362GY Arrow -Hart GF -5342 5 Wet Locations. Weatherproof receptacles installed in wet locations, approved for location and use, Course -Hinds WLR Series. Equip utilization equipment connected to wet location receptacles with barrel type plug similar to Hubbell 5266 -C Provide continuous use cover with cover capable of closing over energized cord cap 2 5 4 Finish Plates. 18 percent chrome, 80 percent nickel, Type 302 stainless steel, satin finish, beveled metal. Provide telephone /signal system device plates, activated outlets to have coverplates to match modular jack. Hubbell S Series, Arrow -Hart, Leviton, Pass Seymour Bryant. 2 5 5 Surface Covers 1 Material Galvanized or cadmium plated steel, 1/2 inch raised industrial type with openings appropriate for device(s) installed in surface outlets 2 Cast Box and Extension Adaptors Aluminum, with gasket, blank. Single gang Bell 240 -ALF Two gang, Bell 236 -ALF 2 6 CIRCUIT AND MOTOR DISCONNECTS 2 6 1 Toggle Type Disconnect Switches 120 volts, single pole, 20A 1 HP maximum NEMA 1 enclosure for indoors and NEMA 3R enclosure for outdoors 2 6 2 Manual Motor Starters Quick -make, quick- break. Thermal overload protection Device labeled with maximum voltage, current and horsepower Square -D Class 2510 Siemens, General Electric, Cutler Hammer/Westinghouse, or Challenger Provide NEMA 1 enclosure for indoors and NEMA 3R enclosure for outdoors 2 6.3 Safety Switches. Heavy duty fused type, dual rated quick -make, quick -break with fuse rejection feature for use with Class R fuses only unless other fuse type is specifically noted Provide NEMA 1 enclosure for indoors and NEMA 3R enclosure for outdoors Switches clearly marked for maximum voltage, current and horsepower Equip enclosure with defeatable cover interlock. Switches rated for maximum available fault current. Manufactured by Challenger Cutler Hammer/Westinghouse, Square -D or Siemens 2 7 SUPPORTING DEVICES 2 7 1 Hangers Kindorf B- 905 -2A channel, H -119 -D washer C105 strap, 3/8 -inch rod with ceiling flange 2 7 2 Concrete Inserts Kindorf D -255 cast in concrete for support fasteners for loads up to 800 pounds 2 7 3 Pipe Straps. Two -hole galvanized or malleable iron 2 7 4 Luminaire Chain Campbell Chain 75031 90 -pound test with steel hooks 16050 -5 2 8 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION SECTION 16050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS CN 95 -04 2 8 1 Engraved Labels Melamine plastic laminate, white with black core, 1/16-inch thick, manufactured by Lamicoid Engravers standard letter style, minimum 3/16 -inch high letters, all capitals. Drill or punch labels for mechanical fastening except where adhesive mounting is necessary because of substrate Use self tapping stainless steel screws 2 8.2 Conductor Numbers Manufacturers standard vinyl -cloth self- adhesive cable and conductor markers of the wraparound type Preprinted black numbers on yellow field. Manufactured by Brady or approved 2 8 3 Branch Circuit Schedules. Provide branch circuit identification schedules, typewritten, clearly filled out, to identify load connected to each circuit and location of load Numbers to correspond to numbers assigned to each circuit breaker pole position 2 8 4 Underground Utilities Markers Inert polyethylene plastic ribbon, 6 inches wide by 4 0 mil thick. Safety Red for electric power distribution Safety Alert Orange for telephone, signal, data and cable TV Imprint over entire length of ribbon in permanent black letters, the system description, selected from manufacturer's standard legend which most accurately identifies the sub -grade system Manufactured by Allen Systems, Inc 2 8 5 Circuit Breaker Identification Provide permanent identification number in or on panelboard dead -front adjacent to each circuit breaker pole position 3 EXECUTION 3 1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 3 1 1 Verify electrical characteristics of equipment prior to installation of conduits and wiring for equipment. Coordinate HVAC voltage requirements with Mechanical Drawings prior to rough in 3 2 MOTOR BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING 3 2 1 Do not install electrical equipment or wiring on mechanical equipment without approval of Architect. 3 2 2 Provide moisture tight equipment wiring and switches in ducts or plenums used for environmental air 3 2.3 Connect motor starter branch circuits complete from panel to motor as required by code and manner herein described 3 2 4 Motor starter and control devices and wiring provided by other Divisions unless noted on Drawings 3 3 APPLIANCE /UTILIZATION EQUIPMENT 3 3 1 Provide appropriate cable and cord cap for final connection unless equipment is provided with same Verify special purpose outlet NEMA configuration and ampere rating with equipment supplier prior to ordering devices and coverplates 16050 -6 1 1 3 4 INSTALLATION 3 4 1 Conduit: SECTION 16050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS CN 95 -04 1 Conduit Joints Assemble conduits continuous and secure to boxes, panels, luminaires and equipment with fittings to maintain continuity Provide watertight joints where embedded in concrete, below grade or in damp locations Seal PVC conduit joints with solvent cement and metal conduit with metal thread primer All rigid conduit connections to be threaded, clean and tight (metal to metal) .2 Conduit Placement: Install continuous conduit and raceways for electrical power and signal systems wiring Exposed conduits are permitted in Mechanical Rooms or spaces where walls, ceilings and floors will not be covered with finished materials Where Documents permit exposed conduit install parallel or at right angles to building lines, tight to finished surfaces and neatly offset into boxes Do not install conduits or other electrical equipment in obvious passages, doorways, scuttles or crawl spaces which would impede or block the area passage s intended usage Do not install conduits on surface of building exterior on top of parapet walls, or across floors 3 Maximum Bends. Install code sized pull boxes to restrict maximum bends in a run of conduit to 270 degrees. Conduit bodies, condulets, not permitted in feeders 4 Conduit Terminations Provide conduits shown on Drawings which terminate without box, panel, cabinet or conduit fitting with not less than five full threads Bushings and metal washer type sealer between bushing and conduit end 5 Flexible Conduit: Install 12 -inch minimum slack loop on flexible metallic conduit and PVC coated flexible metallic conduit. 6 Conduit Size Size as indicated on Drawings Where size is not indicated, provide conduit in minimum code permitted size for THW conductors of quantity required for complete operation Minimum trade size 1/2 inch 7 Conduit Use Locations 1 Underground PVC 2 Cast -in -Place Concrete, Masonry Damp Locations and Subject to Mechanical Damage GRC or IMC 3 Dry Protected GRC, IMC, EMT 4 Sharp Bends and Elbows GRC, EMT use factory elbows 5 Install pull wire or nylon cord in empty raceways provided for other systems Secure wire or cord at each end 6 Elbow for Low Energy Signal Systems: Use long radius factory ells where linking sections of raceway for installation of signal cable 7 Motors, recessed luminaires and equipment connections subject to movement or vibration, use flexible metallic conduit. 16050 -7 8 Concealed Raceway System. Conceal raceway systems where possible Where not possible, route conduit parallel and perpendicular to building lines 9 Branch Circuits. Do not change the intent of the branch circuits or controls without Architect's approval. Homeruns for 20 amp branch circuits may be combined to a maximum of six conductors in a homerun Apply derating factors as required by NEC 310 increase conductor size as needed 10 Feeders Do not combine or change feeder runs. 11 Unless otherwise indicated, provide raceway systems for lighting power and Class 1 remote control and signaling circuits and Class 2 and 3 remote control signaling and communication circuits. 3 4 2 Sleeves and Chases Provide necessary rigid conduit sleeves, openings and chases where conduits or cables are required to pass through floors, ceiling or walls Maintain integrity of fire rated assemblies at penetrations of walls, ceilings or floors 3 4 3 Fire Wrap Provide .continuous one or three hour fire blanket where required by code or noted Provide wrap for fire pump feeders per NEC and NFPA. Use endothermic ceramic fiber blanket, UL listed with all required mounting apparatus as directed by system manufacturer Interam- Ceramic or approved 3 4 4 Foam Sealant: Foam sealant for use around conduit penetrations to prevent passage of smoke, fire, toxic gas or water Maintain seal before, during and after fire In and around conduit for thermal break at penetration of barrier between heated and unheated spaces Chase Technology Corporation CTC PR -855 Fire Foam, Thomas Betts 3 4 5 Wires and Cables. SECTION 16050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS CN 95 -04 8 Motors and equipment connections subject to movement or vibration and subjected to any of the following conditions, exterior location, moist or humid atmosphere, water spray oil or grease use PVC coated liquid tight flexible metallic conduit. 1 Conductor Installation Install conductors with care to avoid damage to insulation Do not apply greater tension on conductors than recommended by manufacturer during installation Use of pulling compounds is permitted Clean residue from exposed conductors and raceway entrances after conductor installation Do not use pulling compounds for installation of conductors connected to GFI circuit breakers or GFI receptacles 2 Conductor Size and Quantity Install no conductors smaller than 12AWG unless otherwise shown Provide all required conductors for a fully operable system .3 Provide dedicated neutrals (one neutral conductor for each phase conductor) in the following single phase circuits. 1 Dimmer controlled circuits 2 Isolated ground circuits. 3 Ground fault protected circuits where a GFI breaker is used in a panelboard 16050 -8 SECTION 16050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS CN 95 -04 4 Conductors in Cabinets Cable and tree all wires in panels and cabinets for power and control Use plastic ties in panels and cabinets. Tie and bundle feeder conductors in wireways of panelboards 3 4 7 Boxes 4 Other electronic equipment which producer a high level of harmonic distortion such as printers, plotters, copy machines, fax machines, etc 3 4 6 Connectors. Retighten lugs and connectors for conductors to equipment prior to substantial completion 1 Location Locate boxes and conduit bodies so as to ensure accessibility of electrical wiring 2 Round Boxes Avoid using round boxes where conduit must enter through side of box, which would result in a difficult and insecure connection with a Iocknut or bushing on the rounded surface 3 Anchoring Secure boxes rigidly to the substrate upon which they are being mounted, or solidly embed boxes in concrete or masonry 4 Special Application Provide weatherproof outlets for locations exposed to weather or moisture 5 Knockout Closures Provide knockout closures to cap unused knockout holes where blanks have been removed 6 Outlet System Provide electrical boxes and fittings as required for a complete installation Include but not be limited to outlet boxes, junction boxes, pull boxes, bushings, locknuts, and all other necessary components 7 Code Compliance Comply with NEC as applicable to construction and installation of electrical boxes and fittings and size boxes according to NEC 370 except as noted otherwise 8 Flush Outlets in Insulated Spaces. Maintain integrity of insulation and vapor barrier 9 Mount center of outlet boxes as required by The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) or noted on Drawings, the following distance above the floor. 3 4 8 Wiring Devices 1 Control Switches 48 inches 2 Receptacles 18 inches 3 Telephone Outlets 18 inches 4 Fire Alarm Pull Stations 48 inches 5 Fire Alarm Horns and Visual Indicators 80 inches 1 Wall Mounted Receptacles Install with long dimensions oriented vertically at centerline height shown on Drawings or specified herein 16050 -9 SECTION 16050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS CN 95 -04 2 Vertical Alignment: When more than one outlet is shown on the Drawings in close proximity to each other but at different elevations, align the outlets on a common vertical center line for best appearance Verify with the Architect. .3 Device Outlets at Counters. Install outlets above countertops with long dimension oriented horizontally 3 4 9 Provide all NEC required disconnect switches whether specifically shown on the Drawings or not. Provide disconnect switch at each motor location within 5 -0' unless otherwise noted Coordinate fuse ampere rating with installed equipment. Fuse ampere rating variance between original design information and installed equipment, size in accordance with Bussmann Fusetron 40C recommendations Do not provide fuses of lower ampere rating than motor starter thermal units. 3 4 10 Supporting Devices. 3 4 11 Electrical Identification 1 Verify mounting height of all luminaires or items prior to installation when heights are not indicated 2 Install vertical support members for equipment and luminaires, straight and parallel to building walls. Provide independent supports to structural member for electrical luminaires, materials, or equipment installed in or on ceiling walls or in void spaces and /or over furred or suspended ceilings .3 Do not use other crafts fastening devices as supporting means for electrical equipment materials or luminaires Do not use supports and /or fastening devices to support other than one particular item 4 Support conduits within 18 inches of outlets, boxes, panels, cabinets and deflections Maximum distance between supports not to exceed 8 -foot spacing 5 Securely suspend all junction boxes, pull boxes or other conduit terminating housings located above suspended ceiling from the floor above or roof structure to prevent sagging and swaying 6 Provide seismic bracing per UBC requirements for this building location 1 Graphics Coordinate names, abbreviations and designations used on the Drawings with equipment labels 2 Underground Utilities Markers Install continuous tape 6 -8 below finish grade for each exterior underground raceway 3 Conductor Identification Apply markers on each conductor for control, signaling and communications circuits 4 Install an engraved label on each major unit of electrical equipment, including but not limited to the following items Disconnect switches, relays, contactors, time switches, override switches, service disconnects, distribution switches branch circuit panelboards, and central or master unit of each electrical system including communication /signal systems 16050 -10 1 1 1 t 1 5 Install engraved branch panelboard identification labels on the inside of flush panels, visible when door is opened Install label on outside of surface panel 3 5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL SECTION 16050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS CN 95 -04 6 Install signs at locations indicated or where not otherwise indicated at location for best convenience of viewing without interference with operation and maintenance of equipment. 3 5 1 Wiring Device Tests Test wiring devices to ensure electrical continuity of grounding connections, and after energizing circuitry to demonstrate compliance with requirements Test receptacles for Tine to neutral, line to ground and neutral to ground faults Correct any defective wiring 3 5 2 Feeder Test: Test conductor insulation for conformity with 600V megger Minimum insulation resistance acceptable is 1 megohm for systems 600V and below Submit report to Architect /Engineer 3 6 FIRESTOPPING PENETRATIONS IN F1RE -RATED WALL /FLOOR ASSEMBLIES 3 6 1 Contractors shall provide proper sizing when providing sleeves or core drilled holes to accommodate their through penetration items. All voids between sleeve or core drilled hole and pipe passing through, shall be firestopped to meet the requirements of ASTM E814 in accordance with Section 07270 Firestopping END OF SECTION 16050 -11 1 GENERAL 1 1 SUMMARY 1 1 1 Section Includes 1 Metering Equipment. 2 Grounding 3 Main Distribution Panelboard 4 Branch Panelboards 5 Fuses and Circuit Breakers 6 Contactors. 7 Time Switches and Photoelectric Switches SECTION 16400 SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION CN 95 -04 1 1.2 Fees. Pay all fees levied by Serving Electric Utility to provide service to this project. Obtain fees from Serving Electric Utility prior to submitting a bid 1 2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 1 Electrical Service 1 Utility Company Requirements Comply in every respect with requirements of Serving Electric Utility pertaining to equipment installed by Division 16 2 Service Lateral Raceways Provide service lateral raceways terminated at current transformer section of Main Distribution Panelboard 3 Metering Equipment Enclosures. Provide equipment physical size and internal support structure as required by Serving Electric Utility 4 Meter Bases Provide surface mounted or as required by Serving Electric Utility 5 Provide service lateral conductors where shown on Drawings 1 2 2 Grounding Design Requirements 1 Provide grounding and bonding of electrical service, circuits, equipment and special systems as required by code and indicated in the Contract Documents 2 Ground all metal raceway systems. 3 Bond all junction or pull boxes to feeder ground conductor or grounded metal raceway 4 Establish a building ground electrode (Uffer) in building concrete footing 5 Performance Requirements Supplement the grounded neutral of the secondary distribution system with an equipment grounding system to properly safeguard the equipment and personnel Install equipment grounding such that all metallic structures, enclosures, raceways, junction boxes, outlet boxes, cabinets, machine frames, portable equipment and other conductive items in close proximity with electrical circuits operate continuously at ground potential and provide a low impedance path for possible ground fault currents 16400 -1 1 2 3 Panelboard Design Requirements. SECTION 16400 SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION CN 95 -04 1 Provide integral current transformer compartment for installation of current transformers and termination of secondary service lateral conductors at Main Distribution Panelboard 2 Provide Main Distribution Panelboard with Integrated Equipment Short Circuit Rating greater than available fault current, as determined by Serving Electric Utility at the current transformer line terminals. .3 Minimum Branch Circuit Panelboard Integrated Equipment Short Circuit Rating, 10 000 RMS symmetrical amperes at service voltage less than 250VAC 4 All Field Replaceable Lugs Compression type, no set screw lugs allowed 5 Cable and tree conductors in panelboards with plastic ties 6 Provide all panels and circuit breakers UL Series rated 7 If series rating is used to provide required fault current interrupting capacity identify all equipment as required by NEC. 1.3 SUBMITTALS 1 3 '1 Submit product data for meter socket enclosure and meter socket. 1 3 2 Submit Shop Drawing of metering equipment enclosure, include with Main Distribution `Panelboard 1 3 3 Panelboard Shop Drawings Submit Shop Drawings of panelboard assemblies including dimensions of enclosures and flush trim covers Indicate top and bottom conduit entry areas 1 3 4 Overcurrent Protective Devices Product Data Provide instantaneous let through current curves and average melting time current curves for fuses supplied to project. Provide product data and time /current trip curves for circuit breakers supplied to project. 1.3 5 Submit product catalog cut sheets for contactors, time switches and photoelectric switches 2 PRODUCTS 21 EQUIPMENT 2 1 1 Meter Base Surface mounted meter socket enclosure Provide energy /demand and reactive energy /demand meters as required by Serving Electric Utility 2 1 2 Metering Equipment Enclosure. Construct as an integral part of the Main Distribution Panelboard 2 1 3 Ground Rods Characteristics Copperclad. steel 3/4 -inch diameter 10 feet long tapered point, chamfered top Manufactured by Weaver 16400 -2 2 1 4 Grounding Connectors. 1 Ground Rod to Horizontal Ground Conductor Burndy YGLR -C or Thomas Betts 2 1 6 Main Distribution Panelboard and Branch Panelboards Construction 5 Fusible Switches. SECTION 16400 SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION CN 95 -04 Hydraulic compression tool applied, Hydraulic compression tool applied 2 Ground Rod to Vertical Ground Conductor Burndy YGHP -C or Thomas Betts. .3 Exothermic Welding Process. Cadweld 2 1 5 Pipe Grounding Clamp. Mechanical ground connector with cable parallel or perpendicular to pipe Burndy GAR, O -Z Gedney Thomas Betts. 1 Siemens, Square -D Cutler Hammer/Westinghouse, Challenger General Electric, or approved 2 Standards Comply with requirements of UL 891 NEMA PB2 and NEC 384 in construction of Main Distribution Panelboard Provide short circuit current rating (Integrated Equipment Rating, IER) for panelboards Furnish panelboards with UL label 3 Main Distribution Panelboard Enclosure Free standing, dead front with front accessibility required Framework constructed of formed code gauge steel, rigidly welded and bolted together to support all cover plates bussing and component devices during shipment and installation bolt steel base channels to the frame to rigidly support the entire shipping section for moving on rollers and floor mounting Provide each section with individually removable top plate and open bottom to permit installation and termination of service and feeder raceways Provide full height barriers between sections. 4 Main Distribution Panelboard Bussing Plated copper or extruded aluminum plated by ALTAN 70 or 80 process Bus supports, connections and joints bolted together with hex -head bolts and Belleville washers Full length of panelboard ground bus, 50 percent of phase bus capacity 1 Provide fusible switches quick -make, quick -break with fuse rejection feature -for Class R fuses up to 600 amps and group mounted in panel -type construction 2 Provide switches of 30 -200 amperes with plug -on line side connections and built in fuse pullers (30 -100A units) .3 Provide each switch enclosed in a separate steel enclosure The enclosure will employ a hinged cover for access to the fuses which will be interlocked with the operating handle to prevent opening the cover when the switch is in the "ON position Construct this interlock so that it can be released with a standard electrician s tool for testing fuses without interrupting service SECTION 16400 SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION CN 95 -04 4 Provide the units with padlocking provisions in the OFF' position and the operating handle position giving positive switch position indication, i e red for "ON" black for "OFF" 6 Provide switches which pass industry standard I withstandability tests and fuse tests suitable for use as service equipment. 7 Branch Panelboard Enclosure Flush panelboards rated 400A or less provide maximum enclosure depth of 5 -3/4 inches. Paint all surfaces with medium light grey finish applied by electro- deposition process over an iron phosphate pretreatment or galvanized metal 8 Branch Panelboard Bussing Copper or aluminum bar with suitable electroplating (tin) for corrosion control at connection Provide ground bar to accommodate specified terminal Tugs Predrill bus for bolt -on type circuit breakers 9 Branch Panelboard Cover Front cover with hinged door flush lift latch and lock. Provide two keys per panel Key all branch circuit panelboards alike Paint all surfaces with medium light grey finish suitable for field painting to match wall finish Surface panels to have metal trim covers with no sharp edges or corners Surface panel enclosure finish to cover finish 2 1 7 Fuses Dual element, time delay current limiting, nonrenewable type, rejection feature L Class RK5, 1/10-600A Provide fuse pullers for complete range of fuses Manufactured by Bussmann, Gould Shawmut, Littelfuse, or approved 2 1 8 Molded Case Circuit Breakers. 1 One, two or three pole bolt on, single handle common trip, rated 15A -800A, 600VAC or 250VAC as indicated on Drawings 2 Overcenter toggle -type mechanism quick -make quick -break action Trip indication is by handle position 3 Calibrate for operation in 40C ambient temperature 4 15A 100A Breakers Permanent trip unit containing individual thermal and magnetic trip elements in each pole. 5 Greater than 100A Breakers Variable magnetic trip elements set by a single adjustment. Provide push -to -trip button on cover on breaker for mechanical tripping 6 Provide all circuit breakers series rated and when series combination ratings are applied, identify all equipment enclosures as required by NEC 110 -22 7 Manufacturers. General Electric, Square -D Siemens, Cutler Hammer/Westinghouse, or approved 2 1 9 Lighting Contactors. 1 Manufacturers Asco Square -D Cutler- Hammer /Westinghouse, General Electric Siemens, or approved 16400 -4 3 31 31 1 SECTION 16400 SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION CN 95 -04 with NEMA ICS2 211B, rated for 2 Approved per UL 508 Design in accordance application to 600V maximum .3 Electrically Held Contactor Coil Continuously rated and encapsulated 4 Mechanically Held Contactor Encapsulated latch and unlatch coils, coil clearing contacts. 5 Lighting Contactors. 1 Continuously rated 20 amperes per pole for all types of ballast and tungsten lighting and resistance loads, do not derate for use on high- inrush loads 2 Contacts. Double break, silver- cadmium -oxide Auxiliary arcing contacts not acceptable. Convertible Contacts, N 0 or N C Contact status, N 0 or N C clearly visible 6 Enclosures Provide NEMA enclosure suitable for location and use flush or surface mount as indicated on Drawings 2 1 10 Electronic Time Switches. Double pole, single throw. one N 0 contact, one N C contact. 24 hour digital Battery power source to provide minimum of three years of memory back up Eight event setpoints Provide enclosure with separate hinged door recessed or surface as indicated on Drawings Manufactured by Intermatic, Paragon, Tork, Sangamo or approved 2 1 11 Photoelectric Switches Hermetically sealed light sensitive element installed in diecast weatherproof enclosure Adjustable external light level slide Swivel adjustable enclosure 20VAC, 1800VA, connected for pilot duty unless otherwise indicated Manufactured by Paragon, Tork, Precision, or approved 2 1 12 Combination Starters 1 Heavy duty fused type, dual rated, quick -make, quick -break with fuse rejection feature for use with Class R fuses only unless other fuse type is specifically noted 2 Enclosures NEMA 1 indoors and NEMA 3R raintight outdoors. 3 Clearly mark switches for maximum voltage, current and horsepower 4 Provide coil voltage coordinated with control requirements 5 Provide thermal overload units sized to equipment nameplate rating 6 Provide one N C. and one N 0 auxiliary contacts 7 Provide prewired hand /off /auto switch and start button EXECUTION INSTALLATION Meter Bases Locate to provide acceptable access for meter reading and maintenance Locate to minimize risk of physical damage 3 1 2 Metering Equipment: Install current transformers supplied by Serving Electric Utility 16400 -5 3 1 4 Building Ground Electrode SECTION 16400 SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION CN 95 -04 3 1.3 Verify utility requirements prior to bidding and provide all associated work required by the local utility including but not limited to Service underground primary including conduit, pull cord excavation and backfill, underground pull vaults, pole risers, transformer pads, vaults, etc secondary service lateral including conduit, and conductors, grounding of transformers, service metering equipment. 1 Coordinate placement of ground rods and interconnecting conductor in base of building footing prior to placement of concrete 2 Install No 3/0 stranded bare copper conductor in base of perimeter footing 3 Lay out conductor to provide maximum exposure to earth in the perimeter footing Do not fold conductor 4 Bond to driven ground rods on 15 foot centers 5 Tap at center ground rod and extend ground electrode conductor to Main Distribution Panelboard Install ground electrode conductor extension in PVC conduit with steel ell for physical protection Stub up into Main Distribution Panelboard 3 1 5 Service Grounding Bond building ground electrode and water service pipe to Main Distribution Panelboard ground bus. Connect to water pipe on utility side of isolating fittings or meters 3 1 6 Raceway Grounding 1 Ground all metallic raceway systems Bond to ground terminal with code size jumper except where code size or larger grounding conductor is included with circuit, use grounding bushing with lay -in lug 2 Connect all metal raceways, which terminate within an enclosure but without mechanical connection to the enclosure, by grounding bushings and ground wire to the grounding bus 3 install ground bushings on all metallic raceway terminations in pull boxes panelboards and motor control centers for service and feeders. 4 Install ground bushings on all metallic raceway terminations in pull boxes, panelboards and motor control centers for circuits with overcurrent protection set at 60A and greater 5 Where equipment supply conductors are in flexible metallic conduit, install stranded copper equipment grounding conductor from outlet box to equipment frame 6 Install grounding conductor code size minimum unless noted on Drawings, in all nonmetallic raceway systems 3 1 7 Feeders and Branch Circuits Grounding 1 Install continuous copper ground conductors within the following circuits, feeders, circuits for computer systems and other circuits as indicated on the Drawings 16400 -6 1 1 a 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SECTION 16400 SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION CN 95 -04 .2 Where installed in a continuous solid metallic raceway system and larger sizes are not indicated on the Drawings, provide ground conductors for feeders and branch circuits sized in accordance with Table 250 -95 Provide copper conductor of size indicated for aluminum .3 Install isolated ground conductors for electrically sensitive equipment. Install isolated grounding conductors isolated from the equipment ground system except at the common ground connection at the service equipment. Provide isolated ground bus in panelboards isolated from the equipment ground system 3 1 8 Boxes, Cabinets, Enclosures and Panelboards Grounding Bond grounding conductors to enclosure with specified conductors and Tugs. Install Tugs only on thoroughly cleaned contact surfaces 3 1 9 Motors, Equipment and Appliance Grounding Install code size equipment grounding conductor from outlet box to (motor) equipment frame or manufacturer's designated ground terminal 3 1 10 Receptacle Grounding Connect ground terminal of receptacle to equipment ground system by No. 14 conductor bolted to outlet box except isolated grounds where noted Self grounding nature of receptacle devices does not eliminate conductor bolted to outlet box 3 1 11 Main Distribution Panelboard Install equipment in conformance with work space requirements of NEC 110 -16 Locate equipment in rooms or spaces dedicated to such equipment, NEC 384 -2 Coordinate with other Division of work 3 1 12 Branch Panelboards 1 Install Branch Panelboards surface or flush mounted in accessible locations as indicated on Drawings. Maintain or exceed minimum clearances required by code 2 Where flush panels are installed, verify available recessing depth and coordinate wall framing with other Divisions .3 Feeder conductors to enter directly in line with lug terminals wherever practicable Feeder conductors, except ground and neutral, not to exceed 45 degree deflection from raceway entry to feeder phase lugs 4 Paint panel cover and surface mounted enclosure (if surface allowed) to match finished wall color or finished spaces. 5 Where panels are installed flush, provide one spare conduit for each 4 connected conduits from panel to accessible space above and below the panel 3 1 13 Fuses. For each class and ampere rating of fuse installed provide the following quantities of spares for quantity of fuses installed. 1 1 24 2 25 -48 3 49 and above Provide 6 spare Provide 9 spare Provide 12 spare 16400 -7 31 14 Contactors. 1 Provide vibration isolation mounting pads for electrically held contactors installed within or on walls which are common to occupied spaces Isolate terminals and operating mechanisms from enclosure 2 Install contactors and relays to reduce noise such that it will not create a disturbance or distraction in the areas in which such equipment is _located 3 1 15 Control Devices. 1 Install time switches and other automatic control devices in accessible locations near the source of power or grouped at a common location in Mechanical Rooms or similar spaces 2 Install photoelectric control devices at such locations as necessary to be most effective Avoid locating photoelectric devices in or at locations where they can be influenced by other than natural Tight or under eaves Verify location of equipment with Architect. 3 1 16 Exterior Lighting Control. Control exterior lighting and interior atrium lighting using photoelectric switches to energize contactors controlling lighting circuits Time clocks used to deenergize lighting at any preset time if desired END OF SECTION SECTION 16400 SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION CN 95 -04 16400 -8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 SUMMARY 1 1 1 Section Includes 1 Luminaires and lampholders. 2 Lamps. 3 Ballasts. 4 Lighting poles. 5 Emergency lighting equipment. 1 2 SUBMITTALS 1 2 1 Shop Drawings, Record Drawings and Operating and Maintenance Manuals 1 2 2 Include electrical ratings, dimensions, mounting, material, required clearances, terminations, wiring and connection diagrams, photometric data, ballasts, diffusers, louvers, lamps and controls. 1 2.3 Submit manufacturer's data for each type of electronic ballasts 1 3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1 3 1 Regulatory Requirements 1 3 2 Warranty 1 Provide luminaires acceptable to the code authority for application and location as indicated 2 Comply with applicable ANSI standards pertaining to Tamp materials, lamp ballasts and transformers, and luminaires 3 Comply with applicable NEMA standards pertaining to lighting equipment. 4 Provide luminaires and lampholders which comply with UL standards and have been UL listed and labeled for location and use indicated 5 Comply with NEC 410 as applicable to installation and construction of luminaires 6 Comply with the fallout and retention requirements of UBC 52 for diffusers, baffles, louvers, etc 1 Ballast Manufacturer's Warranty 1 Not less than two years for magnetic type ballasts and five years for electronic type ballasts, based on date of manufacturer embossed on ballast, current with installation date 2 Warranty includes normal cost of labor for replacement of ballast. SECTION 16500 LIGHTING CN 95 -04 16500 -1 2 PRODUCTS 21 LUMINAIRES 2 1 1 Luminaires Refer to description and manufacturers in Luminaire Schedule 21 5 Finishes. 2 1 6 Light Transmitting Components. 1 Plastic diffusers, molded or extruded of 100 percent virgin acrylic 2 1 7 Fluorescent Luminaires SECTION 16500 LIGHTING CN 95 -04 2 Lamp Warranty Thirty days for incandescent, six months for compact fluorescent, twelve months for fluorescent and HID lamps 1 4 MAINTENANCE 1 4 1 Furnish two percent extra lens or louvers for each size and type of fluorescent luminaire 1 4 2 Furnish ten percent extra lamps for each size and type installed 1 4.3 Furnish five percent extra ballasts for each size and type 2 1 2 Where recessed luminaires are installed in cavities intended to be insulated, provide IC rated luminaires or other code approved installation 2 1 3 Luminaires installed under canopies, roof or open porches and similar damp or wet locations, UL labeled as suitable for damp or wet locations 2 1 4 Recessed Luminaires. Provide luminaire frame compatible with the ceiling material installed at the particular luminaire location Provide the proper trim, frame and modify the luminaire to fit the location and ceiling material 1 The manufacturer standard finish (unless otherwise indicated) over a corrosion resistant primer 2 Interior Light Reflecting Finishes White or specular finish with not less than 85 percent reflectances 3 Exterior Finishes. As indicated in the Luminaire Schedule or on the Drawings Refer cases of uncertain applicability to the Architect for resolution prior to release for fabrication 2 Prismatic acrylic, extruded, flat diffusers, 0 125 inch overall thickness unless otherwise noted 1 Provide all open lamp fluorescent luminaires without diffusers or guards with turret type, spring loaded sockets. 16500 -2 2 Provide special circuit disconnecting Tamp sockets for fluorescent luminaires with dimming ballasts 3 To facilitate multi -level Tamp switching, wire (amps within luminaire with the outermost lamp at both sides of the luminaire on the same ballast, the next inward pair on another ballast and so on to the innermost lamp (or pair of (amps) 4 Provide luminaires with an internal fuse to protect the electrical power supply from internal component failure. Provide each ballast with short- circuit protection 5 Provide wire Tamp guards on all exposed Tamp fluorescent luminaires 2 2 BALLASTS 2 2 1 Ballasts, General 1 Provide ballasts rated for specified lamps, i e T -8 rated ballasts where T -8 lamps specified 2 Thermal Protection Internal UL Class P with automatic reset. .3 Power Factors. Not less than 90 percent unless otherwise indicated 4 Sound Ratings. Rating A, except where not available as standard products from any manufacturer Provide the quietest ratings available 5 Input Voltage. Match branch circuit supply voltage, refer to Drawings 6 Provide number of ballasts in luminaire(s) to provide multi -level switching as indicated on Drawings 2 2 2 Fluorescent Electronic Ballasts. 1 Provide ballasts which meet the requirements of UL 935 and bear the appropriate UL label 2 Electrical Characteristics 1 Provide electronic ballasts which withstand input power line transients as defined in ANSI C62 41 Category A and IEEE 587 The ballasts tolerate a line voltage variation of plus or minus 10 percent. 2 Power Factor 95 percent or higher SECTION 16500 LIGHTING CN 95 -04 .3 Lamp Crest Factor 1 7 or Tess for rapid start ballasts and 1 85 or less for instant start ballasts 4 Total Harmonic Distortion Not to exceed to 10 percent of the input current. 5 Comply with FCC rules and regulations Part 18, Class A concerning the generation of both electromagnetic interference and radio frequency interference 16500 -3 2 2 4 HID Ballasts 6 Provide relative light output equal to electromagnetic ballasts in a 2 -light lensed luminaire using energy saving ballasts and energy saving lamps The average ballast factor (BF) is,a minimum of 0 88 4 Performance Characteristics 1 Input Wattage. Not to exceed 85 percent of the value for their energy efficient core and coil counterparts 2 Start and operate lamps at 50F and energy savings lamps at 60F Ballast case temperature is 25C rise above a 40C ambient. .3 Provide constant light output throughout minimum input voltage variations of plus or minus 20 percent from nominal 120V or 277V 5 Manufacturer Advance RCN /VCN Series, Motorola MTI or approved 2 2.3 Fluorescent Dimming Ballasts 1 Dimming range 100 percent to 10 percent. 2 Power factor greater than 95 percent. 3 THD less than 10 percent. 4 No visible lamp flicker 5 Manufacturer Lutron ECO -10 Series 1 Provide minus 20F minimum starting temperature SECTION 16500 LIGHTING CN 95 -04 2 Constant wattage multi -tap autotransformer (CWA) types equal to Advance 73B Series except, high leakage- reactance high power factor (HX -HPF) equal to Advance 72C Series acceptable for up to 100W high pressure sodium lamp 3 Provide ballasts for luminaires installed indoors, and where otherwise indicated encapsulated core and coil type or otherwise specifically designed by the manufacturer for quiet operation 2 3 LAMPS 2 3 1 Provide lamps for all luminaires. 2 3 2 HID Lamps. 1 Where lamps are used in open luminaires, equip mercury vapor and metal halide luminaires with an integral approved shield or self- extinguishing lamps 2 Lamps, coated or clear as recommended by the luminaire manufacturer to provide for maximum luminaire efficiency in the Iuminaire used Provide color improved mercury or metal halide lamps for indoor areas 3 For interior use, all metal halide lamps installed in a common area of the building are of the same manufacturer's production run Color discontinuities after initial burn in" are unacceptable 16500 -4 2.3.3 Fluorescent Lamps. 2 5 LIGHTING POLES 3 EXECUTION 31 COORDINATION 4 HID Lamp Types as Specified in Luminaire Schedule General Electric, Osram /Sylvania, Philips, Venture SECTION 16500 LIGHTING CN 95 -04 1 Unless otherwise noted, 3500K minimum C R 180 length and wattage as noted in Luminaire Schedule. General Electric, Osram /Sylvania, Philips 2 Compact Fluorescent Lamps. Quad Tube, 3500K Unless. otherwise noted .3 Provide fluorescent lamps by the same manufacturer General Electric, Osram /Sylvania, Philips 2 3 4 Incandescent: 130V Rated. General Electric, Osram /Sylvania, Philips 2 4 EMERGENCY FLUORESCENT LAMP POWER SUPPLY 2 4 1 Manufacturers Bodine, Iota 2 4 2 Description Self- contained lead calcium battery- operated power supply for operating one T8, or compact fluorescent lamp for a minimum output of 90 minutes 2 5 1 Provide exterior light poles with concrete bases and which are structurally supportive of pole under design loading 2 5 2 Provide exterior poles clean and scratch free with base bolt covers to match pole and luminaire finish 2 5 3 Provide poles and pole bases rated for a minimum of 100 MPH unless otherwise noted wind EPA loading for the quantity and type of luminaire it supports with a 1 3 gust factor 2 5 4 Provide poles with gasketed handholes, stainless steel tamper resistant hardware and ground lugs. 3 1 1 Verification of Conditions. Verify ceiling construction, recessing depth and other construction details prior to release of luminaire for shipment. Refer cases of uncertain applicability to the Architect for resolution prior to release of luminaires for shipment. 3 1 2 Provide all lighting indicated on the Drawings with a luminaire of the type designated and appropriate for the location Where outlet symbols appear on the Drawings without a type designation provide a luminaire the same as those used in similar or like locations 16500 -5 3 2 INSTALLATION 3 2 1 Install luminaire of types indicated where shown and at indicated heights, in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and with recognized industry practices, to ensure that luminaires comply with requirements and serve intended purposes 3 2 2 Align, mount and level the luminaires uniformly Use ball hangers for suspended stem mounted luminaires Install luminaire poles plumb and straight. Install luminaire poles plumb and straight. 3 2.3 Avoid interference with and provide clearance for equipment. Where the indicated locations for the luminaires conflict with the locations for equipment, change the locations for the luminaire by the minimum distance necessary as directed by the Architect. 3 2 4 Suspended Luminaires Mounting heights indicate the clearances between the bottom of the luminaire and the finished floors. 3 2 5 Luminaire Supports 3 2 6 Wiring SECTION 16500 LIGHTING CN 95 -04 1 Support Luminaires Anchor supports to the structural slab or to structural members within a partition or above a suspended ceiling. 2 Maintain the luminaire positions after cleaning and relamping 3 Support the luminaires without causing the ceiling or partition to deflect 4 Provide concrete footings for pole mounted lighting units and bollard lights at locations shown on Site Plan Drawings Provide concrete footings as shown on Drawings or as recommended by the manufacturer if not shown on the Drawings Minimum base height in automobile areas is 30 inches 5 Provide recessed fluorescent luminaires with two support wires as outlined in the UBC. 6 Comply with Section 16050 1 Recessed luminaires to be installed using flexible metallic conduit with luminaire conductors to the branch circuit conductors in a nearby accessible junction box over the ceiling Junction box fastened to a building structural member within six feet of the luminaire 2 Install luminaires for lift-out and removal from ceiling pattern without disconnecting conductors or defacing the ceiling materials. 3 Flexible connections where permitted to exposed luminaires, neat and straight, without excess slack, attached to the support device 4 Install junction box, flexible conduit and high temperature insulated conductors for through wiring of recessed luminaires 16500 -6 3 3 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING SECTION 16500 LIGHTING CN 95 -04 3 3 1 Focus and adjust the floodlights, spotlights and other adjustable luminaires, with the Architect, at such time of day or night as required 3 3 2 Align luminaires and clean lenses and diffusers at completion of Work. 3.3 3 Clean paint splatters, dirt, fingerprints, and debris from installed luminaires 3.3 4 Touch up luminaire and pole finish at completion of work. 3 3 5 Relamp luminaires which have failed lamps at completion of work. END OF SECTION 16500 -7 1 GENERAL 1 1 SUMMARY 1 1 1 Section Includes 1 Fire Alarm System Operation 2 Fire Alarm Equipment. .3 Fire Alarm Wiring 1 Section 16010 Basic Electrical Requirements 2 Section 16050, Basic Materials and Methods SECTION 16721 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CN 95 -04 1 1 2 Furnish and install an integrated, proprietary monitoring and control system for a complete Fire Alarm System as described herein. The system includes processing units, local data panels and peripheral alarm devices and outputs for specified control functions 1 1 3 System includes, but not be limited to, all controls, power supplies, signal initiating and sounding devices, modules, batteries, relays, conduit, annunciators, remote site signal transmitters, wiring and all other equipment necessary for a complete and operating system 1 1 4 Contact governing authorities prior to bid and provide all required fire alarm devices and components as directed by governing codes as interpreted by governing authorities even if devices are not indicated on Drawings 1 1 5 Provide all devices shown on the Drawings in addition to all code required devices 1 1 6 Related Work. 1 2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 1 Requirements of Regulatory Agencies 1 Installation subject to inspection and approval of federal, state and local authorities 2 Provide equipment listed by NFPA 71 72A, B, C, D and UL 864 and 1076 requirements and is UL listed and FM approved by the Washington State Fire Marshal 1 2 2 Reference Standards 1 NFPA 72 2 NEC 3 UBC 1991 4 Underwriters Laboratory listed 5 NFPA 90A. 6 NFPA 101 1994 Edition 7 UL UOJZ Listing 1 3 SUBMITTALS 1 3 1 Submit Shop Drawings and product data in accordance with Section 16010 16721 1 2 2 FUNCTIONS SECTION 16721 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CN 95 -04 1 3 2 Indicate system components, size of components and location. 1.3 3 Submit manufacturer's installation instructions 1 3 4 Submit manufacturer's descriptive literature, operating instructions and maintenance and repair data 1 3 5 Submit complete device and wiring diagrams on architectural sheets at original drawing scales with indication of device type and physical location battery calculations, and component description to the local fire authorities having jurisdiction for approval, prior to construction 1 3 6 Submit, prior to final acceptance, a letter confirming that all inspections have been completed and the system is installed and functioning in accordance with the Specifications Include manufacturer representative s certification of installation 2 PRODUCTS 21 MANUFACTURERS 2 1 1 Furnish all equipment specified in this Section by one manufacturer Pyrotronics Notifier FCI Edwards, or Simplex. 2 2 1 System Supervision Provide electrically supervised Class A system, with supervised alarm initiating and alarm signalling circuits. Occurrence of single ground or open condition in initiating or signaling circuit places circuit in "trouble" mode Component or power supply failure places system in "trouble" mode Occurrence of single ground or open condition on alarm initiating circuit or on signalling circuit does not disable that circuit or control panel from transmitting alarm" 2 2 2 Public Area Alarm Sequence of Operation Activation of manual or automatic indicating device causes system to enter alarm which includes the following operations 1 Sound and display local fire alarm signaling devices Transmit evacuation signal if a second alarm occurs on the same zone 2 Transmit signal to remote station equipment, i e. local fire department or Owner's selected vendor Provide necessary connections and transmission equipment. 3 Indicate location of alarm zone on fire alarm control and annunciator panels 4 Transmit signal, by zone, to building smoke removal system 5 Transmit signal to building mechanical systems to initiate shutdown of fans and damper operations 6 Transmit signal to release door hold open devices 7 Transmit signals to building elevator control panel to initiate elevator recall 16721 2 8 Transmit signal to building security system SECTION 16721 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CN 95 -04 2 2.3 Dwelling Unit Alarm Sequence of Operation Activation of automatic indicating device in Dwelling Unit causes system to enter trouble, which includes the following operations 1 Sound audible device in the dwelling unit. .2 Indicate location of alarm zone on fire alarm control and annunciator panel .3 Sound audible and light an indicating LED at the control panel as an emergency 4 Light an indicating lamp at the dwelling unit door (See 16750 1 2 1 2) 5 Light an indicating Tamp on the device initiating the alarm 6 Provide a separate emergency acknowledge button on the control panel 7 Activate full system alarm if trouble is not acknowledged after a predetermined amount of time or if multiple dwelling unit troubles are initiated simultaneously 2 2 4 Alarm Reset: Key accessible reset function resets alarm system out of alarm if alarm initiating circuits have cleared 2 2 5 Trouble Sequence of Operation. System trouble, including grounding or open circuit of supervised circuit, or power or system failure, or fire sprinkler tamper activation causes system to enter "trouble" mode including the following operations. 1 Visual and audible trouble alarm by zone at control panel 2 Visual and audible trouble alarm at annunciator panels. 3 Provide manual "acknowledge function at control panel to silence audible trouble alarm, visual alarm remains displayed until initiating trouble is cleared 4 Transmit "trouble" signal to remote station equipment. 2 2 6 Lamp Test: Manual "lamp test" function causes alarm and trouble indication at each zone at fire alarm control panel Provide "lamp test' function at each annunciator panel 2 2 7 Drill Sequence of Operation 1 Manual Drill Function Alarm Mode Operation 1 Sound and display local fire alarm signalling devices 2 Indicate location of alarm zone on fire alarm control panel and on remote annunciators .3 Notify remote station monitoring 2 Provide keyed drill and reset switch at a location as directed by the Architect. 16721 3 SECTION 16721 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CN 95 -04 2 2 8 Zoning Provide zoning as shown on the Drawings and required by codes, minimum 8 zone Provide a minimum of two spare zones Where the Drawings show no zoning schedule, follow schedule concept as listed below 2.3 MATERIALS 1 Each building floor is an independent zone 2 Each building wing is an independent zone. 3 Kitchen is an independent zone. 4 Each fire sprinkler flow switch is an independent zone 5 Each duct detector is an independent zone 6 Elevator shaft detectors is an independent zone. 7 Mechanical /Electrical Room is an independent zone 2 3 1 Control Panel 1 Provide the control panel dead front, modular complete with power supply in this Specification, standby battery trickle charger ground fault supervision and full facility to add four additional modules Incorporate each system function in the control panel module mounted in a NEMA 1 enclosure assembly and interconnected by plug -in power and supervisory jacks. 2 Each circuit includes individual supervisory and alarm function and is be so arranged that a fault condition in any circuit will not affect the proper operation of any other circuits Zone functions are modular plug -in devices, with no more than 2 circuits per module There is one supervised zone circuit for each annunciation point. .3 Provide supplementary relay modules for control of all external devices (elevator recall, door release, etc and remote system status indication) and for providing alarm signals to external equipment requiring fire alarm signals Provide provision for interfacing to the building control system 4 Provide the system microprocessor based and of modular design The control panel contains, but not be limited to 1 Initiation circuits. 2 Alarm indicating appliance circuits 3 Supervised Annunciator Circuits 4 Local energy shunt master box, or reverse polarity remote station connection .5 Form C alarm contacts (2 amp) 6 Form C trouble contacts (2 amp) 7 Earth ground fault supervision circuit. 8 Combination MOV /gas discharge transient suppression circuit per signal circuit 9 Automatic battery charger 10 Manual disconnect switch per zone 11 Battery meters voltmeter and ammeter 12 Brownout Supervision of AC power 13 All other components as required by local codes and product descriptions or functions shown on the Drawings and /or described in these Specifications 2.3 2 Power Supply. Provide power supply within control panel adequate to serve control panel modules, remote detectors, remote annunciators, door holders, smoke dampers, relays, alarm signaling devices, and other connected devices 16721 -4 SECTION 16721 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CN 95 -04 2 3 3 Remote Site Signal Transmitter (Auto Dialer) Electrically supervised, capable of transmitting alarm and trouble signals over telephone lines to remote station receiver Signal transmitter interfaces fully with receiver station of local fire department or owners selected vendor Verify requirements and provide call sequence and message as directed by the Owner Sescoa 5100, Silent Knight 5104 or approved 2.3 4 Auxiliary Relays Provide sufficient SPDT auxiliary relay contacts for each detection zone to provide accessary functions as described, required by codes for equipment shown on the Electrical, Mechanical and Architectural Drawings. 2.3 5 Auxiliary switches: Provide auxiliary equipment control switches, trouble acknowledge switches, drill and silence switches with labeled status indicating lights for each switch 2 4 INITIATING DEVICES 2 4 1 Manual Stations Semi -flush polycarbonate double or single action as directed, with auxiliary contacts, color as elected by the architect. Stations d� not allow closure without keyed reset. Glass break only where specifically noted Glass break stations allow testing without breaking glass, provide spare glass. Similar to Notifier LGN /LRG Series 2 4 2 Rate of Rise Heat Detectors Off white detector responding to 15 degree temperature rise per minute and to 130 or 190 degree fixed temperature as noted on the Drawings or required by space use Auxiliary contacts rated for three amperes at 120 volts AC 2 4 3 Ionization Detector Dual chamber 360 degree smoke entry visual latching operation indicator insect screen, field adjustable sensitivity test switch, tamper resistant, solid state voltage regulation, integral 135 degree rate compensating thermal element, auxiliary relay contacts. 2 4 4 Duct Mounted Smoke Detectors. Ionization or photoelectric as directed auxiliary relay contacts rated at 5• amperes each at 120 volts AC. "Normal /reset /test' switch, duct sampling tubes extending width of duct, visual indication of detector actuation, two or four wire operation direct housing mount (remote mount were direct mount is not possible) Detector powered from control panel, power on indicator light. Detector rated for air velocity and temperature of duct. Verify quantities, locations, and requirements with Mechanical Drawings prior to bidding 2 4 5 Remote Switches Provide remote control and test switches for system or equipment testing or control accompanied by english language labeled indicator lamps 2 4 6 Water Flow Switches Match pipe size, adjustable time delay mechanism between paddle and alarm contacts. Verify requirements, locations, and quantities with sprinkler design Water flow switches are provided by Mechanical, wired by Electrical, unless specifically noted otherwise 2 4 7 Tamper Switches Sprinkler valve supervisory switches, verify requirements, locations, and quantities with sprinkler design prior to bidding Tamper switches are provided by Mechanical, wired by Electrical, unless specifically noted otherwise on Drawings 2 4 8 Wire Guards. Seven inch diameter chrome steel round guard Provide where detectors subject to abuse, where noted on the Drawings, and where required by code 16721 5 2 5 ANNUNCIATORS 2 4 9 Detector Bases. Non addressable bases 2 or 4 wire as required by system or as directed Compatible with twist lock smoke or heat detection devices 2 5 1. Standard remote Annunciator LED current limited flush or surface mount as directed, zone capacity as required by zone schedule. Red alarm and yellow trouble light, lamp test switch, alarm and trouble buzzer buzzer silenced LED actuated by buzzer silence switch, English language identification on annunciator by zone name, i e "Second Floor Smoke Detectors" not "Zone 1" Drill, alarm key activation and reset switch Minimum size 12 inch by 12 inch with UV stabilized lexan or equal face plate, back box, and signal modules Self- contained suitable for wet location where located exterior 2 6 BATTERIES AND CHARGING SYSTEM 2 6 1 Loss of normal and emergency power automatically cause the system to transfer to battery power Indicate battery power operation by a yellow lamp and audible annunciation at the control panel, with sequential pulse signal Upon return of the system power unit recharges batteries to full capacity and maintain battery on float charge 2 6 2 Provide storage batteries of sufficient capacity to operate the fire alarm system under normal supervisory condition for 72 hours and operate alarm signals for 15 minutes at any time during the 72 hour period Provide trickle charge adequate capacity to maintain the battery fully charged with automatic rate charge Provide batteries, sealed gel cell type Place batteries in a separate, locking cabinet manufactured for the purpose Do not install cabinets or equipment below the battery cabinet. Do not locate cabinets in ceiling space 2 7 DOOR HOLDERS AND RECALL SECTION 16721 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CN 95 -04 2 7 1 Magnetic door holders, automatic door closer with integral smoke detector roll -down fire doors and elevator recall Verify requirements and quantities prior to bidding 1 All magnetic door holding devices, provide and install automatic door closer and roll down type fire doors by door hardware supplier Division 16 provides all power and control conduit, wiring, boxes and terminations to power all devices and interface all devices to fire alarm system 2 Hold door open until signaled by relay module in the fire alarm control panel When actuated, the device will release door to close All doors release automatically on power failure 3 Provide fire alarm system wiring to all door closers and connect smoke detector to the respective alarm initiating zone 4 Provide elevator recall, smoke detection with auxiliary contacts and connection to elevator equipment and fire alarm control panel where required on the Drawings or by the authorities. 5 Provide smoke damper /hatch and control /monitoring Provide all required detectors, relays, wiring, etc. Verify requirements, locations and quantities with Mechanical prior to bidding 16721 -6 2 8 INDICATING DEVICES SECTION 16721 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CN 95 -04 2.8 1 Strobes and Horns Provide quantities and locate to provide minimum sound level of 15 dBA above building ambient in all areas Rate strobes and horns between minimum 81 dBA and maximum 100 dBA at 10 feet in an anechoic chamber on an A- weighted scale Provide all interior horns and strobes with ADA approved strobe At exterior locations provide minimum 8 inch diameter strobe. Strobe and horn locations shown on the Drawings are to be provided in addition to those required to meet minimum code requirements. Evaluate building architectural and acoustical characteristics and provide, in addition to devices shown, all required devices to satisfy all local and state /federal minimum audibility requirements. Provide device layout on full scale Architectural Drawings showing code approved horn /strobe layout during the submittal phase Provide tests in the presence of the local fire authority and the architect, to prove strobe /horn quantities and locations meet minimum requirements. Provide and install additional strobes /horns required as a result of these tests without additional costs 2 8 2 Flasher Strobes. White diffusers, red letters, ADA and UL 1971 approved, flush frame, flash rate per local codes. Synchronize strobes as required by ADA to prevent seizure reactions 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION 3 1 1 Obtain approval of system design from fire authority prior to installation Do not begin installation without approval from the authority having jurisdiction 3 1.2 Fire alarm conductor terminations in control panel and annunciator panels on terminal strips with separate point for each conductor number All such strips identified as shown in wiring diagram attached to inside of door of control panel Connect wiring neatly to terminal strips. Connect clip with nylon cable straps or lace with just cord Set up termination of cabling so that sections of the system may be isolated or shorted out for servicing 3 1 3 From fire alarm control panel, make connection to motor control centers and related equipment as required for fan system control 3 2 WIRING 3 2 1 In accordance with manufacturer's instructions and as required by authorities, provide all wiring, conduit and outlet boxes required for the erection of a complete system as described herein, as shown on the Drawings, and as required by governing authorities 3.2 2 Provide all wiring to meet the requirements of all national, state and local electrical codes Provide color coded wiring as recommended and specified by the manufacturer minimum size number 14 All wires tagged at all junction points and be tested free from grounds or crossed between conductors Over all junction boxes labeled and exact position and label noted on the Record Drawings 16721 7 3.2.3 Provide all final connections between equipment and the wiring system approved by a representative of the manufacturer 3.3 SYSTEM VERIFICATION' SECTION 1 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CN 95 -04 3 3 1 Upon completion of the installation, subject the system to operational tests and when all necessary corrections have been accomplished, advise the Architect who will schedule a final inspection test with the Owner Ensure the connections to the fire alarm system have been in service for at least 10 days prior to the final inspection Furnish all instruments, labor and materials required for the tests and a qualified technician to conduct the tests Correct any deficiencies found at no cost and system retested as necessary prior to final acceptance Tests include the following 1 An operation of each signal initiating device (all smoke detectors, heat detectors, pull stations, doors, process and facilities control sequences) 2 An operation of each indicating device (alarm horn and alarm Tamp) 3 Operation of all features of the system under normal operation 4 Operation of all supervisory features of the system 5 Operation of all features of the systems on standby power with primary power off 6 Documentation by download of control panel memory 3 3 2 Upon completion of the installation of fire alarm equipment, provide to the Architect a signed, written statement substantially in the form as follows The undersigned having been engaged as the Electrical Contractor on the facility confirms that the fire alarm equipment was installed in accordance with the Drawings, Specifications, wiring diagrams, instructions, directions provided by the manufacturer and requirements of the governing authorities" 3 4 EQUIPMENT DEMONSTRATION AND PERSONNEL TRAINING 3 4 1 At the direction of the Architect the equipment supplier of the system will provide factory trained representative to demonstrate the operation of the fire alarm system equipment and to instruct the Owner in its operation Provide names and date of instruction prior to final acceptance 3 5 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS 3 5 1 Provide three sets of manuals to the Architect prior to final acceptance Provide manuals containing professional developed Record Drawings, battery type and battery calculations, spare parts list, operating procedures, trouble shooting guide, program printout, data file on disk and a one year warranty agreement including parts and labor Warranty period begins upon the date of final acceptance END OF SECTION 16721 -8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL 1 1 SUMMARY 1 1 1 Work Included Telephone /Data Raceway System 1 1 2 Related Work: Section 16050, Basic Materials and Methods 1 2 REFERENCES 1 2 1 ANSI /EIA/TIA -569, Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces. 1.2.2 ANSI /EIA/TIA -607, Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications 1.3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1.3 1 Performance Requirements. Provide an empty ANSI /EIA/TIA -569 compliant raceway system for the building telephone /data system wiring as indicated on the Drawings and as specified herein 2 PRODUCTS 21 EQUIPMENT SECTION 16740 TELEPHONE /DATA RACEWAY SYSTEM CN 95 -04 1 4 SUBMITTALS 1 4 1 Closeout Submittals 1 Submit product data and shop drawings in accordance with Section 01340 2 Modify product data and shop drawings to reflect construction modifications 2 1 1 Furnish and install all plywood terminal boards, sized as shown on Drawings Plywood is to be 3/4 -inch fire retardant, finished with two coats of fire retardant enamel, white or ANSI grey Hold plywood up two inches above finished floor 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION 3 1 1 Install electrical work in telephone equipment rooms as shown on Drawings and coordinate with the telephone company and Owner's Representative 3 1 2 Install plastic- jacketed pull lines printed with accurate sequential footage in all empty conduits 16740 -1 SECTION 16740 TELEPHONE /DATA RACEWAY SYSTEM CN 95 -04 3 1 3 Provide copper grounding bus bars and listed copper conductors at each terminal board, bonded through to the main equipment room and to the building ground grid, per ANSI /EIA/TIA -607 3 1 4 Bush all conduits and sleeves END OF SECTION 16740 -2 GENERAL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 2 PRODUCTS 21 MATERIALS 2 2 Transmitter Local /remote flexible base station with modem paging encoder Output power as required Motorola People Finder Plus SECTION 16745 RADIO PAGING SYSTEM CN 95 -04 Contractor to provide and install a complete digital Radio Paging System with sufficient transmitting power to provide radio communication to all receivers on the property The system shall operate on an approved frequency available in the area of broadcast and the Contractor shall obtain all permits, licenses and approvals prior to installation System shall be compatible with nurse call system 2 3 Antenna Motorola TDE6270A omnidirectional 2 4 Coaxial Cable. 1 /2 -inch LDF foam heliax. 2 5 Receivers Motorola keynote voice and numeric, belt carried, four required 2 6 Nickel Cadmium Battery Charger Compatible with receivers, four required 2 7 Aceptable Manufacturers. Honeywell, ADT and Sonitrol 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION 3 2 All equipment to be installed in a neat, workmanlike manner according to all State, Federal and local Codes and requirements and according to manufacturer's recommendations 3.3 Verify power requirement with equipment supplier Provide 20 Amp circuit as required 3 4 Call station at main entry to report to radio paging system as well as front desk station Manufacturers. Honeywell, ADT and Sonitrol END OF SECTION 16745 -1 1 GENERAL 1 1 SUMMARY 1 1 1 Section Includes Nurse station desk console, terminal. cabinets and call initiation devices for a complete and operating audio /visual Nurse Call System 1 1 2 Related Sections 1 Section 16050 Basic Materials and Methods .2 Section 16721 Fire Alarm System 1.2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 1 Performance Requirements SECTION 16750 NURSE CALL SYSTEM CN 95 -04 1 Furnish and install a complete and operating Nurse Call System as shown on the Drawings and described herein 2 The operation of any room station energizes the appropriate annunciator lamp and audible signal of the appropriate pod Nurse Station desk console In addition, install a corridor Tamp above the door indicating the room requesting the call Corridor Tamp also to indicate room smoke detector activation Operations of room station will also signal wireless pagers to identity room signal originates from 3 An auxiliary relay in the associated pod Nurse Call System control and terminal cabinet signals the local Fire Alarm Basic Transponder that a call in a specific pod and floor has been initiated 1 3 SUBMITTALS 1 3 1 Product Data Required for each equipment item and initiating device 1.3 2 Shop Drawings 1 Floor Plans indicating location of all equipment items and initiation devices 2 Schematic Block Diagram identifying all equipment items, initiation devices and related signal systems with wiring requirements between equipment, devices and systems clearly identified 1 3 3 Manufacturer's Instructions Comply with manufacturers written instructions for site preparation and equipment installation 1 3 4 Manufacturer's Field Report: 1 Provide authorized manufacturer's representative examination' and test of the complete system prior to Owner acceptance 2 Provide authorized manufacturer's representative signed and dated field report outlining test procedures, observed performance, defects, corrective measures and results of corrective measures 16750 -1 SECTION 16750 NURSE CALL SYSTEM CN 95 -04 16750 -2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1 4 1 Qualifications Provide system installer capable of installing and testing similar types of systems and show proof of being actively engaged in the business of installing and maintaining such systems for five years. 1 4 2 Regulatory Requirements 1 NEC 725, Remote Control, Signaling Circuits 2 Applicable local codes .3 Manufacturer's Wiring Diagrams 2 PRODUCTS 21 MANUFACTURERS 2 1 1 System Executone, Rauland, Dukane, Bogen or approved 2 2 ANNUNCIATOR 2 2 4 Unit to be desk mounted assembly 1 Normal patient call 2 Duty calls. 3 Emergency call 4 Bath call 5 Patient priority call 2 2 7 Rauland NCS3010 control station, or approved substitute SECTION 16750 NURSE CALL SYSTEM CN 95 -04 2 2 1 Microprocessor controlled desk type Control Station with audio visual call registration Touch switches for direct access of minimum 100 stations for immediate two -way communication A handset permits confidential conversations The control station has a reset button to permit termination of a call originated at the control station without hanging -up the handset. Single touchpoint initiation 2 2 2 Combination station selector buttons and call indicators, in -use indicator patient call register indicator one talk listen switch, one incoming volume control and one reset button Display calls, staff follow page, priority push to talk and conceal buttons, integral handset. 2 2 3 CaII announcement tone and call register indicator circuits are hard wired functions independent of the CPU 2 2 5 The power supply shall be a Class 2 power source and shall be of sufficient capacity to operate system properly 24 volts 2 2 6 The control station shall be capable of indicating the following levels of priority 16750 -3 2 3 INITIATING STATIONS 2.3 1 The bath stations shall be flush mounted pull cord type Bath stations to be waterproof The stations shall be furnished with a six foot cord -set and shall be mounted on a stainless steel device plate marked "Pull for Help" Station shall include cancel" call button Rauland PC113 or approved 2 3.2 Recessed single bed station for use with remote call origination cordset. Provides two -way voice communication with the nurse or attendant at the control station Removal of cordset or patient control unit originates nurse call cancelable only at patient station One call cancellation button and one Bi -color LED red indicating call placed, green indicating monitor Pushbutton with speaker to be Rauland SS300 Pull chord to be Rauland PCS113 Three gang adaptor plate to be Rauland CL7593 2 4 VISUAL ROOM ALARM 2 4 1 The corridor Tamp shall be with a translucent plastic cover mounted on a stainless steel plate to fit a standard double gang plaster ring The cover shall be removable for lamp replacement without the use of mounting screws The plate shall have one lamp Solid white Tight indicates nurse call, flashing white light indicates emergency cat/ Rauiand CL4092, Jeron 8805 or approved 2 5 DUTY STATION SECTION 16750 NURSE CALL SYSTEM CN 95 -04 2 5 1 Wall recessed duty station for use with call origination facility and two -way voice communication between utility area and the control station Provides visual and audio indication of calls in system 1 1/2 inch microphone /speaker 2 5 2 One nurse call button and indicator one red combination call cancellation button and privacy indicator and one patient call indicator Tone signals announce incoming calls Repeating tone signals announce unanswered calls Interrupted tone signals indicate emergency calls 2 5 3 Rauland SS300 or approved substitute 2 6 WIRELESS PAGER 2 6 1 See Section 16745 2 6 2 Wireless radio pager to interface with nurse call system 2 6 3 Interface module with power supply Rauland NCS6014 or approved substitute 2 7 CABLE 2 7 1 6/C Three No 18AWG and three No 22AWG 2 7 2 3/C Three No 18AWG and three No 22AWG as noted on Drawings 2 8 SMOKE DETECTORS 2 8 1 See Section 16721 Detectors shall be compatible with nurse call system 16750 -4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 9 DOOR CONTACTS SECTION 16750 NURSE CALL SYSTEM CN 95 -04 2 9 1 Connect relays as a series loop and monitor them as an addressable security monitoring port. 3 EXECUTION 3 1 INSTALLATION 3 1 1 Install equipment at locations shown on Drawings 3 2 DEMONSTRATION 3 2 1 Staff Instruction At a time selected by Owner provide operation instruction and maintenance instruction for staff personnel END OF SECTION 16750 -5