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115 E Railroad Ave Technical - Building
TECHNICAL Permit 07 7 Address (1 5 L R rvaj A Project description EK-(evA uppe �hd� .a Date the permit was finaled 5 7 11 Number of technical pages Tc$ MLCC-802-2 PRINTED IN U.S.A. ks1 W' em etter ge7F P4 WID pr: DATE --G37 SUBJECT L=A/AD_,/ iEll angeles, wa 98362 360.452.6116 fax 360.45 n i t@lindarch.com www.lindarch.com t I E i APR 24 2007 ITV OF PORT ANGELES ..lept. of Community Development Fiz.g /:#4-12>c vi 43A I/C L.Je-_ re W1-1 LE_ Ti4e- P e4.4.41 Car et et ttt ,rte a Att7-- 0(3` i'6d 7f peo(f e L ,E L �`�-r' /oar i� t y 115 t 4v e_ r pr" i% L/K berf ✓G'�, ed Ge ey. ?z; .1- Al [e, U4 P8 3(2. -e-f C444 y 7 ems; p c IN, 7 k✓ r AN9 !e g44 5'4313 3 /5 z-- x°78 3 —17 -08 La o' b" 4e fc tr� 1�iA r t W I k' 0G rm /di ''P ©d .al tee- Ste, /sgrlc .0 j If I f `�c.1.y J e c a .c I o( Mc ec n t 6 34 Riy Xzgt_GJA rls l%rr �r a h Z2f-b t 5r,r.K YZ;c/ /77 ,if M /6 3 'fr 2 1 "fr x1O b O "w 7,4> V= za p a 2_3:00 10 arc, i 4 It )L d(f j L a o 1i l 9 /�1 1 3 fs f 21 7- 4)6 r g D701E /3ov plf 7ec t ,tf 1'1 u z ce z yac r�5, .S`( 6) e)` 9O��e A- 3S 9( i) /0 1/ 0 0 06 Z ke Y f /od Z7 7 2 L 1' f 9 1 d,O3f U /?i/. %N 4� (7/ L� 3 1'f gt V F oe ii,c/ t 43 s'Aori 01_4 t,r7;re v., /I RI7d, x g 7-A7r if Id 14f LL.`<75 3 0 PI-- Ls 7 .r c r e LI 7 9 ovtoL t C.-d t4d.0 cep.'" r 1-t /9 4-1 vt d c-c, 2 6 4 i .,4>c cm. ee9 r e g-. A roo r7v 1� X J Z l/ C.�e -�•2 S S i74 /d7 EP 7-g I,, LG- /�do tJ Sao p1f vr, I/ 0g C,e fU, T Cod L' vie( C rlent.eir (.03,te Vere- Fite r V g Co 44/ 1g 4,r pi drs 'V* Pe/ lb 4 zy'/- i•-• •5/4/,'IY /1 X (if) x e, yo -7 ,e 8 i 1�^ Rio „9 --0 lw.P a i t t; 1 X 111)(1_4 o ,A/ i5 ;s U o oh h! i 1 L aa t r o l l LI o(' peGeons h Y d -i ts' b l a/4 7'Oe (t q .L t 4 c r .....5 1 3! 1 '07 To z-- )7' k k 5T" r� ;&r 4 id' 7 4-1 0= C' alcc r� esLry/ ylu. 6 V NEW 20" TJI /35X JOIST w/ MIT352O HANGER5 of GWPCRETE TOPPING TO MATCH EXTG I T4G PO TO MATCH EXTG EXISTING GLU -LAM EXTG 6 x 24 GLIB CROSS- .SEAM FLOOIR FIRAt'lING DETAIL TOP OF SHEATHING MATCH EXISTING EXISTING 5x5 TS COL w/ EXTG BEAM SUPPORT "BRACKETS 1 1 1 SCALE 1 1' -0" STDETO92.DLUG 4 EXISTING ENTRY NEW WALLS NEW OPENING TO HALLWAY 11' -I" I 5I -5" 1 NEUJ RETAIL Cx= 1OoSF (2)206C TEMP b l 0 1 Z NEW DOORS @$ACfLip NEW WALLS Zi TO BOTTOM OF EXTG TRUSSES NEW RETAIL C 02 SF MEN 3010 WOMEN NEW DOORS IN EXTG STOREFRONT II' -6" Sfh SEE SHE FOR FLO FRAMING NEW RETAIL Cx =S &SSF 4' T A-4.0 R IN -FILL 'F'LAN 4 NEW 2x8 STUB WALLS NOTCH STUDS AROUND BRACE RODS REP' OVE EXT. WALLS -S EXTG ENTRY -NEW WALL REvISED GROSS 1,31 SF f Go D REL. E EXT 4 WIN�OWS ALIGN' NEW WALL w/ EXtG MULLION .-F i Ii SEE SHEET A -4.0 FOR FLOOR IN -FILL FRAMING FLAN REVISED GROSS 1,5 S SF EXTG DOOR] JJ NEW WALL G 943 SF RELOCATE EXTG DOORS REMOVE EXTG WALL REMOVE EXTG DOOR ri TO END OF HALL REMOVE EXTG STAIRS NEW DOOR EXT DOO EXTG WON JAI I -I� REMOVE EXISTING t 2x10 FRAMING THIS AREA 7 J`: /A EXISTING 6 x 22%, GLB EXISTING 20° TJI /35X JOIST m 19.2' 0/C EXISTING CMU WALL AREA OF FLOOR IN -FILL E XTSTING (2) 20" TJI /35X JOIST w o 20' -0" EXISTING 6 x 221', GLB EXISTING 20' TJI/35X JOIST 0 152" 0/C (2) 20' TJI /35X JOIST MATCH EXISTING FLOOR SHEATHING: Ike" TiG 2 -4 -I PLYWOOD NAIL w/ IOd COMMON w 6 0/C r J AT ALL SHEET EDGES 1 m ,N /IOWw10' O/C AT ALL INTERMEDIATE FRAMING i1 0 (TYPICAL) x N E S EXISTING 6 x 22 GLIB E STING 2c TJI /35X JOIST IA2' 0/C 20' -0" 4 717 EXISTING (2) 20' TJI /35X JOIST 1 1' EXISTING .6 x 22ti- 19 7 o 20' -O" EXISTING 20' TJI /35X JOIST 19.2" 0/C AREA OF FLOOR IN -FILL GLB EXISTING (2) 20" TJI /35X JOIST A/ w F0; -7 p ill 4 y fy e Ca /u H `u r e f ,.vim. y a l f ra et. vg? REMOVE EXTG STAIRS 1 1 20' -0" a I X I w .o MIT 3520 JOIST HANGERS EACN END (TYPICAL) -for g ea f EXISTING 20" TJI /35X JOIST 192' 0/C Fg 4,? ),4 z.-., v421-0 1.-1;-2 tJ c (lvro,''`f f c MEZZANINE F 118„ 1,,0„ AMI NG PLAN e 5 1-1P-R, q io x1- Ji -P\I \t n ot (3 i 4 i 'oVA2 (JOY ti i Y i. 1 I 1\ 00 11 G 1 0)e- G /*.I6i1( Piv ✓G '7 4, I 4 It n'('W Gf VA* &T i r -AX-AlAie: Deu• 1 ti WftiV\19 0-k10' \00.°Alpo op aim X260 r GYr 3 z tet::3 (3y ALTE S LANDI G Post Angeles wash 5 w/o/09w, (The following apply unless shown otherwise on the plans). 1 ALL MATERIALS, WORKMANSHIP, DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE DRAWINGS SPECIFICATIONS. AND THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (198b tDII1UN) .2 STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SHALL BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR BIDDING AND. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SH (:"L VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS FOR COMPATIBILITY AND SHALL NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 3 CONTRACTOR SHALL. VERIFY ALL EXISTING DIMENSIONS, MEMBER SIZES AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY WORK ALL DIMENSIONS pF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS ARE INTENDED AS GUIDELINES ONLY AND MUST BE VERIFIED 4 DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS BEFORE COMMENCING ANY DEMOLITION SHORING SHALL BE INSTALLED ,LO, SUPPORT EXISTING CONSTRUCTION AS REQUIRED AND IN A MANNER SUITABLE TO THE WORK SEQUENCES 5 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY BRACING FOR THE STRUCTURE AND STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS UNTIL ALL FINAL CONNECTIONS HAVE BBt COMPLETED'IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS 6 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND THE METHODS TECHNIQUES SEQUENCES OR PROCEDURES REQUIRED I PERFORM.HIS WORK 7 CONTRACTOR- INITIATED CHANGES SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE ARCHITECT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER FUR APPROVAL PRIOR' FABRICATION OR CONSTRUCTION CHANGES SHOWN ON SHOP DRAWINGS ONLY WILL NOT SATISFY THIS REQUIREMENT .r 8 DRAWINGS INDICATE GENERAL AND TYPICAL DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION WHERE CONDITIONS ARE NOT SPECIFICALLY INDICATED BUT ARE SIMILAR CHARACTER TO DETAILS SHOWN SIMILAR DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE USED SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY 4., ARCHITECT AND THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 9. INSPECTION STRUCTURAL STEEL FABRICATION. AND ERECTION (INCLUDING FIELD WELDING) SHALL BE SUPERVISED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECT I4 730 OF iTE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AND THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS BY A QUALIFIED TESTING AGENCY DESIGNATED BY THE ARCHITECT ARCHITECT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH COPIES OF ALL INSPECTION REPORTS AND TEST RESULTS 10 SHOP DRAWINGS FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL GLUED LAMINATED: MEMBERS AND 'PLYWOOD WEB JOISTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ARCHITECA(IR STRUCTURAL ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO FABRICATION OF THESE ITEMS w4 11 ENGINEER OF 'RECORD SHALL REVIEW SHOP DRAWINGS FOR DESIGN INTENT ONLY DIMENSIONS AND QUANTITIES ARE NOT GUARANTEED. HE ENGINEER OF RECORD THEREFORE MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR DRAWINGS FOR COMPONENTS DESIGNED PRIMARILY BYO 'OTHERS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE COMPONENT DESIGNER PRIOR TO CURSORY REVIEW BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD FOR LOADS IMPOSED ON THE BASIC STRUCTURE THE COMPONENT DESIGNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CODE CONFORMANCE AND ALL NECESSARY CONNECTIONS NOT SPECIFICALLY CAL-Cp OUT ON ARCHITECTURAL OR STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL INDICATE MAGNITUDE AND DIRECTION OF ALL LOADS IMPOSED' ON 'BASIC STRUCTURE SUBMISSIONS SHALL INCLUDE A REPRODUCIBLE AND A COPY 'REPRODUCIBLE WILL BE REVIEWED AND RETURNED SHOP DRAWINGS MUST BE REVIEWED AND STAMPED BY CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO REVIEW BY ENGINEER 12 CONCRETE SHALL ATTAIN A 28 -DAY STRENGTH OF f 2000 PSI AND MIX SHALL NOT CONTAIN LESS THAN 5-1/2 SACKS OF CEMENT PER CUBIC YA,(j AND SNACL BE PROPORTIONED TO PRODUCE A SLUMP OF 5" OR LESS 00 13 NON ,SHRINK GROUT SHALL BE FURNISHED BY AN APPROVED MANUFACTURER AND SHALL BE MIXED AND PLACED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED RECOMMENDATIONS GROUT STRENGTH SHALL BE AT LEAST EQUAL TO THE MATERIAL UN WHICH IT IS PLACED (2000. PSI MINIMUM) 14 STRUCTURAL STEEL, INCLUDING PLATES AND ROLLED SHAPES:, SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A36 Fy 36 KS1 ANCHOR BOLTS AND CONNECTI.UN A.I,,T5. N ..r�. SHALL CONFORM TU ASTM A301 1 5 ALL WELDING SHALL BE I N CONFORMANCE W I T H A I S C AND A.W S STANDARDS AND SHALL BE PERFORMED' BY W A B 0 CERTIFIED WELDERS USING •r/U XX ELECYRODES ONLY PREQUALIFIED WELDS (AS DEFINED BY A W S SHALL BE USED 16 GLUED LAMINATED MEMBERS SHALL BE FABRICATED IN CONFORMANCE WITH U B C STANDARDS NO 25 -10 AND 25 -11 EACH MEMBER SHALL BEAR AN 1 IDENTIFICATION MARK AND SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN A I T C CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE ALL SIMPLE SPAN BEAMS SliALL BE DOUGLAS FIR COMBINATION 24F -V3 Fb 2 400 PSI Fv 165 PSI ALL CANTILEVERED BEAMS SHALL BE DOUGLAS FIR COMBINATION 24F -V, Fb 1.2400 PSI F 16S PSI CAMBER ALL GLULAM BEAMS TO 2,000' RADIUS UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS 17 FRAMING LUMBER SHALL BE GRADED AND MARKED IN CONFORMANCE W I T H W C L B STANDARD GRADING RULES. FOR WEST COAST LUMBER NO I, LATEST EDITION FURNISH TO THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM STANDARDS JOISTS. (INCLUDING 2x6 A,D LARGER MEMBERS HEM -FIR NO I OR DOUGLAS FIR NO 2 MINIMUM BASIC. DESIGN STRESS fb 1200 PSI USED AS STUDS AND PLATES) BEAMS' AND STRINGERS (INCLUDING 4x AND DOUGLAS FIR NU 1 MINIMUM BASIC DESIGN STRESS. fb.= 1 350 PSI LARGER MEMBERS) POSTS AND TIMBERS DOUGLAS FIR NO 1 MINIMUM BASIC DESIGN STRESS fc 1 000 PSI STUDS, PLATES MISCELLANEOUS LIGHT FRAMING DOUGLAS FIR OR HEM -FIR STANDARD GRADE 18 PREFABRICATED PLYWOOD, WEB JOISTS SHALL BE DESIGNED BY THE MANUFACTURER FOR THE SPANS AND. CONDITIONS. SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTTLTED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED SPECIFICATIONS ALL NECESSARY BRIDGING BLOCKING BLOCKING PANELS STIFFENERS ETC SHALL BE DETAILED AND FURNISHED BY THE MANUFACTURER SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS AND DESIGN CALCULATIONS TO THE ARCHITECT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO FABRICATION DESIGN SUBMITTALS SHALL BEAR THE STAMP AND SIGNATURE OF A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER STATE OF WASHINGTON PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY BRIDGING SHALL BE INSTALLE() Its CONFORMANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS (SEE ALSO NOTE 11 ABOVE DESIGN SHOWN, ON PLANS IS BASED ON JOISTS MANUFACTURED BY THE TRUS -JOIST CORPORATION ALTERNATE PLYWOOD WEB JOIST MANUFACTURERS MAY. BE USED SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE ARCHITECT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER ALTERNATE JOIST HANGERS AND OTH..R HARDWARE h MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR ITEMS SHOWN PROVIDED THEY HAVE I C B 0 APPROVAL FOR EQUAL OR GREATER LOAD CAPACITIES ALL JOIST HANGER. AND OTHER HARDWARE SHALL BE COMPATIBLE IN SIZE WITH PLYWOOD WEB JOIST PROVIDED 19 PLYWOOD SHEATHING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH U 8 C STANDARD NO 25 -9. SEE PLANS FOR THICKNESS PANEL IDENTIFICATION INDEX AND NAILING REQUIREMENTS 20 ALL WOOD PLATES IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR MASONRY SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED WITH AN APPROVED PRESERVATIVE PROVIDE 2 LAYERS OF ASPHALT IMPREGNATED BUILDING PAPER 'BETWEEN UNTREATED LEDGERS BLOCKING ETC AND CONCRETE OR MASONRY 21 NOTATIONS ON DRAWINGS RELATING TO FRAMING CLIPS JOIST HANGERS AND OTHER CONNECTING DEVICES' REFER TO CATALOG NUMBERS OF CONNUCIORS'MANUFACIURED BY THE SIMPSON STRONG -TIE COMPANY SAN LEANDRO CALIFORNIA EQUIVALENT DEVICES. BY OTHER MANUFACTURERS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED PROVIDED THEY HAVE I C B 0 APPROVAL FOR EQUAL OR GREATER LOAD CAPACITIES 22 DESIGN CRITERIA MEZZANINE LIVE LOAD (RETAIL) 75 PSF STAIR AND CORRIDOR, LIVE .LOAD- 100 PSF' WIND 80 MPH EXPOSURE B EARTHQUAKE Zone 3 K 1 33 *PILE CAPACITY 30 TON 45 TON DRIVEN TIMBER PILES *REFERENCE ORIGINAL STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS (SHEET S -2) BY McDONALD McLAREN HAMMOND DATED JUNE 1 1985 23 WOOD FRAMING NOTES- THE FOLLOWING APPLY UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PLANS a ALL WOOD UM FRAMING DETAILS NOT SHOWN OTHERWISE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE MINIMUM STANDARDS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE MINIM NAILING UNLESS UTHERWISE NOTED SHALL CONFORM TO TABLE 25 -Q OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE COORDINATE THE SIZE AND LOCATION OF ALL OPENINGS WITH MECHANICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS PROVIDE WASHERS UNDER THE HEADS AND NUTS OF ALL BOLTS AND LAG SCREWS. BEARING ON WOOD b WALL FRAMING ALL STUD WALLS SHOWN AND NOT OTHERWISE NOTED SHALL BE 2 x 4 STUDS 16 o c TWO STUDS MINIMUM SHALL BE PROVIDED. AT THE END OF ALL WALLS AND AT EACH SIDE OF ALL OPENINGS TWO 2 x 8 HEADERS SHALL BE PROVIDED OVER ALL OPENINGS NOT OTHERWISE NOTED SOLID BLOCKING FOR WOOD COLUMNS SHALL BE PROVIDED THROUGH FLOORS TO SUPPORTS BELOW PROVIDE CONTINUOUS SOLID BLOCKING AT. MID HEIGHT OF ALL STUD WALLS OVER 8 IN HEIGHT c FLOOR FRAMING PROVIDE DOUBLE JOISTS UNDER ALL PARALLEL PARTITIONS AND AROUND ALL OPENINGS IN FLOORS OR ROOFS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED PROVIDE BRIDGING 8 o c AND SOLID BLOCKING AT ALL BEARING POINTS COORDINATE THE SIZE AND LOCATION OF ALL OPENINGS n WITH. ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL DRAWINGS TOENAIL JOISTS TO SUPPORTS WITH TWO 16d NATLS ATTACH TIMBER JOISTS TO FLUSH HEADERS OR BEAMS WITH SIMPSON U SERIES METAL,' JOIST HANGERS TO SUIT JOIST SIZE NAIL ALL MULTI 'JOIST BEAMS TOGETHER WITH 16d SPIKES 12' o c. STAGGERED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS PLYWOOD FLOOR SHEATHING SHALL BE LAID UP WITH GRAIN PERPENDICULAR TO SUPPORTS ALL FLOOR SHEATHING EDGES SHALL HAVE APPROVED TONGUE- AND- GROOVE JOINTS OR SHALL BE SUPPORTED WITH SOLID BLOCKING TOENAIL BLOCKING. TO SUPPORTS WITH 16d 12' o c 'UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED e TECHNICAL Permit O7- Li 82- Address Ili E Rai r, Vie, \Nest s� irwa I,Wd■n j ihse- ec44ons Project description Rev, s? S il l s Liu& I 1<w 4 n+ po ra,l, S out po a rkl w a.k<c.o Cb>i Irb rr-oSe,c_.440h Date the permit was finaled- 2 z aq Number of technical pages 3� wai 44 b)hl c1 .SP e' t 40,7 a/ J ,F, 1� as a a QM 11 I1 it �9 J Q A A s y yi )vm AJ-((ld'i 5AA 45 41:4 10 1 -2 if G` °a `y �t 1 1 1 i1 i:i J e/ 4 )-pi a q e a .o PTV, o of 2 PL L 0 5G S L stpa a-4 ,pf 07 (a 1. 5 p0 A rarrau 556 ?T, 1 Z 4 /.1. M' P f 6 /Tf 1265 f kl wall most f a d. Q o s (7 t c$ 6°x I c y icy°' fr/ 6 X/N p T 9 V 13 3 5 /6 7 3 44,o �36� /6 )2 i n3 LL 6D (-0= /sa/1+ �L= fD 61 8 t l,. !o r '1 Z 3 I-% 1°2 INevi b i I t I H FS GCS e /'C. /0 Z�'. i Z, /n 3 b/f c: 4 7 C r0 af, i.G r L; .l?% -e ci-e-✓ el e ms 0•vt G 12 %g x 7' 14._ p L15c. X) f 0 euarw�''" e, //1/f;z-r Y /4,i t ._3 or -eve be.-ft n n N,e-r W„et wau Fee.. �`en" SJFUIr /e1 for ✓h B3 X /3' 6 12 c hi Xt3l 6i J' `AV V fY/ rvf ;rile venff /1/ ri /a 75-0 /1 )2/8 1215 Lb,6 7 sq ZD O✓ to c9 e0 .ff 0 0,11- f �B /6 DL 3 a so 44. r r i i, r i i t r r iJ Q/ ")5- 2iap t 5 775 7OC7 zX rI 1 4 I =i-%1 ,7 'r c -I !f` 3a /af 1 ;33 as g33 4r zv 4 7 1 4 7 1 7 1 4 70/5 3 /gA- j6 6L11 3 /g h I0z G` i 60 is x' 5 5 3)-2.--.)( 2-1 E /1/ O L_ tL= 3 ,9 v 7 /V V •�r� k e66 375 Iv 0 r %e9 t 1- .fi G p^ d G d ti 1 ��y`'` lr" �3 e1 r /z,/ 4A 6 1 .4/4002 rq Cr a n a.K. E r__ G W 83' 3 g X 13 z G L� 6 /0 XI GGL fe -ac 5S -L. /2 r Q�wt pc a vit 6 11_5e_ d 6 f� t /pfd( up —r C :6" L� 4.-x I /l /%f X i '4M4 li` 16( /77 G P e! W� v 1. AC f 0 aC, 7?OO ri 70c2 z5 or e I-ee( t4,s 5/'r,eon( l 0 9 4,2 v° l C L 1 nj r I Vez 44 A /1. 7 /e X l� 7 1 1 i '2 J) Lvir i 1 5 s/t 0 %Z (It) al j/ oO (9 -s i 91 e 1 �v l+ 0 -c sJ 6_4 h fir L �G e re/ er e' Nd a I i k_ e Gl$ 0 -I I o p el 0 Beet (14 S %x r y G6� I Vita f 2 x 15...2 4te 6?5; sio75) o 11I itl X1TGLA Tv cG(l A r B X 7 17 7-&-Le -re f D 1 /fG{S.l )-5// I �o tt �t "74 t9 do°, 7 D 4 I- 2-) rlZ 6-113 .t �T coos kecteu e It Tit t r .10-44 di'? (f `ino� e rc, Cy d rt ea u k 41, 7 New 7 6X.‘ I Gwt v o� 6s1u N f° /l 6x6 take os ��c?s� o F /4 r 12 ee t mi y4 �i h T air✓ kfv /9-e -G 8 et? 7 �l�"� a G .Ga't d�4Gk 6,4 v1P PI e iPu s 7s e.•t Jl ie G wit eti y E? 441 fl Eke", 1's2 Cro Peek fl e q r E pa..4d lee i p %rf l�D S t X/2 ,t9�c 'd f d 70 /x. o7r L ��9w 6eas,.c k.t 7 l eas to e t t" for WIS Welding Inspection Services P O. Box 1044 Suquamish, WA 98392 (360) 697 1771 FAX (360) 697 -7316 WELDER, WELDING OPERATOR OR TACK WELDER QL.ALIFICATION TEST RECORD Type of Welder Welder Name Jerem} R. Shields Welding Procedure Specification No. B -U 2a Rev Prequali fled Variables Proeess/Type Electrode (single or multiple) Current /Polarity Position Weld Progression Backing (YES or NO) Material /Spec. Base Metal Thicknes (Plate) Groove Filet Thickness: (Pipe /tube) Groove Fillet Diameter (Pipe) Groove Fillet Filler Metal Spec. No. Class F -No. Gas /Flux Type Other Qualified Slot, Plug Welds, Unlimited PJP Fillets Side 3G Side 3G Type Appearance N/A Fracture Test Root Penetration Inspected by Kenneth A. Havens Manufacturer or Contractor Peninsula College d 6t7£iL91 SMAW Single DCEP 3G 4G Vertical Un Yes A36 I00 -1.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Organization Welding Inspection Services We, the undersigned, certify that the statements in this record are accordance with the requirements of section 4 of ANSI /AWS D1 A51 E7018 F -4 N/A Record Actual Values Used in Qualification to Visual Inspection Acceptable YES or NO Yes Guided Bend Test Results Result I Type Acceptable I Side 4G Acceptable I Side 4G Fillet Test Results Fillet Size Macrotech Test 1 umber Identification No. 9936 Date 12/17/08 A36 8222 5 12/17/08 SMAW I Single Qualification Range F H V OH All Positions I Vertical Up Back Gouging or Backing Required All Steels Listed Table 3 1 1/8 Unlimited I All Backing /Back Gouging All Over 24' Dia. I All I Over 24 Dia. Over 24 Dia. I All All F -4 Lower Result Acceptable Acceptable f A t KENRIFTH A NAtlFFl9 9306901 correct and that the test welds were prepared, I 2006 Structural Welding Code Steel. ye v) Authorized By Jerarnie O'Dell Date 12,17/08 ded, and tested in 617£17 d61. Z L 60 LO Hof wis Welding Inspection Services P 0. Box 1044 Suquamish, WA 98392 (360) 697 1771 FAX (360) 697 -7316 WELDER, WELDING OPERATOR OR TACK WELDER QUALIFICATION TEST RECORD Type of Welder Welder Name Jeremy R. Shields Identification No. Welding Procedure Specification No B -U 2a Rev Prequalified Date Variables Process/Type FCAW -G FCAW -S, FCAW -G Electrode (single or multiple) Single I Single Current/Polarity DCEP I IF H V OH Position 3G 4G I All Positions Weld Progression Vertical Up I Vertical Up Back Gouging or Backing (YES or NO) Yes Backing Required Material /Spec. A36 to A36 All Steels Base Metal Listed Table 3 1 Thickness: (Plate) Groove 1 00 to 1 00 Unlimited Fillet N/A I Unlimited Th:clatess. (Pipe /tube) Backing/Back Gouging Groove N/A All Over 24' Dia. Fillet N/A I All Diameter (Pipe) N/A I Over 24 Dia. Groove N/A I Over 24 Dia. Fillet N/A I All Filler Metal Spec. No. AWS A5.20 All A5.20 A5.29 Class E71T 1 Wires F -No. N/A Gas/Flux Type Argon CO2 Mix Single or Mix Gas Other Qualified Slot, Plug Welds, Unlimited PJP Fillets Tyne Visual Inspection Acceptable YES or NO Yes Guided Bend Test Results Result I Tyne Acceptable I Side 4G Side 3G Side 3G Acceptable I Side 4G Fillet Test Results Appearance N/A Fillet Size Fracture Test Root Penetration Macrotech Kenneth A. Havetl� '�i` Welding inspection Services Inspected by Organization Z' d 6t7£7L9t709£ Record Actual Values Used in Qualification Qualification Range l KEWJFrk 4 uA1 /U2 N. 93060091 r Test Number 8224 1 Date 12/17/08 1 Vd I l 9936 12/17/08 617£17 09£ Result Acceptable Acceptable We, the undersigned, certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared, welded, and tested in accordance with the requirements of section 4 of ANSI/AWS DI 1 2006 Structural Welding Code- Steel. (ye r) Manufacturer or Contractor PENINSULA COLLEGE Authorized By Jerarnie O'Dell Date 12i17'08 d6L ZI. 60 LO ue` MOWER IMAM 2404 *02 MU 6 Alt /Cad COO CAB NEW STAIRWAY PLAN SCALE: V4' RECEIVED OCT 30 2008 —N a 1 6212 616v•460 1- o7 12,4167240 6112.0443 POW 46 =UM 16 2004 422404 CITY.OF.PQRT ANGELES 'BUILDING DIVISION POW 410 Jac. 24 tea 144461126 3- zo PO44072 CCL 164211 CCOC KW Iola 76 CO. 04 1646 La. CO. PC.20.23 T6 CCI. 6La 1 2 WILD,* 10476 Ca. CCM 6ik Ice6T04 6. 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N N b I If rvi8 X!� v 4r .6 /-e v,, Wa /r,,ve y 5-erg wig 1 T5 COL REMOVE EXTG STAIRS AND LANDING v/ C 4/' �v 1,6 ",1 O i NI- i v if EXTG r TECHNICAL Permit fz Address I t 5 Roi Wacl. Avu-t Project description mproV d rn-n+s ir 11ne Aitornet Gown; Lanaiv I oo r Date the permit was finaled Number of technical pages 0-30- °I G 5 -e-c; i o ns WSEC APPROVED To the best of my knowledge and ability these plans show compliance with the requirements of the 1994 WSEC as initialed below- /ve g iz20 'Mechanical Lighting %yufy/ 170594023 /J -4 f� SPE Signature Reg.# Date ,,i-Ikbli 06 SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL TENANT IMPROVEMENTS FOR: THE ATTORNEY GENERAL LANDING MALL THIRD FLOOR PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DIVISION OF PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT 4 The LINKLETTER Associates 1324 East First Street Port Angeles, Wa. 98362 360 457 -4819 7 2.3 The bonds shall be dated on or after the date of the Contract. 7 2.4 The Bidder shall require the attorney -in -fact who executes the required bonds on behalf of the surety to affix thereto a certified and current copy of the power of attorney ARTICLE 8 FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR 8.1 FORM TO BE USED 8 1 1 Unless otherwise required in the Bidding Documents, the Agreement for the Work will be written on AIA Document A101 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor Where the Basis of Payment Is a Stipulated Sum. MA DOCUMENT A701 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS FOURTH EDITION MA COPYRIGHT 11327 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1733 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 200064292. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright Iaers and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced ender lice number 197003006 and can be 'produced without violation until 1/22/97 Electronic Document Service A701_1 0R7 i ptandard Form of Agreement Between "Dwner and Contractor where the basis IV payment is a Stipulated Sum dA Document A101 Electronic Format A GREEMENT l ade as of the lineteen Hundred and I TWEEN the Owner and address) d the Contractor• ame and address) The Project is 1 ame and location) k e Architect is Name and address) I day of in the year of I THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION AUTHENTICATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFTED AIA II CUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USING AIA DOCUMENT D401 1987 Edition of AIA Document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction is adopted in this document by reference. Do not use with other general conditions unless this document is modified. This document has been approved and endorsed by The 1 sociated General Contractors of America. pyright 1913, 1918, 1925, 1937 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967 1974, 1977 copyright 1987 by the American Institute of Architects, 1735 New York Avenue, N.W Washington, D.C. 20006 -5292. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its 3 ovisions without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will be subject to legal prosecution. t DOCUMENT At01 OWNER•CONTRACTOL AGREEMENT TWELFTH EDITION AIA COPYRIGHT 1927 TH8 AMERICAN INSTITUTE Of ARCHITECTS. 1725 NEW YORK ■VENUE. N.W WASHINGTON. D.C. 20006 -5292. WARNINO: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright tars and is subject to te5►l prosecutiss. This document was electronically -duccd node license number 197002006 and can be reproduced without violation until 1/22/97 Electronic Document Service A101 -1987 1 The Owner and Contractor agree as set forth below ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement, other documents listed in this Agreement and Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement; these form the Contract, and are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. An enumeration of the Contract Documents, other than Modifications, appears in Article 9 ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT The Contractor shall execute the entire Work described in the Contract Documents, except to the extent specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others, or as follows: ARTICLE 3 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 3.1 The date of commencement is the date from which the Contract Time of Paragraph 3.2 is measured, and shall be the date of this Agreement, as first written above, unless a different date is stated below or provision is made for the date to be fixed in a notice to proceed issued by the Owner (Insert the date of commencement, if it differs from the date of this Agreement, or, if applicable, state that the date will be fixed in a notice to proceed.) Unless the date of commencement is established by a notice to proceed issued by the Owner the Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing not less than five days before commencing the Work to permit the timely filing of mortgages, mechanic's liens and other security interests. 3.2 The Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work not later than (Insert the calendar date or number -of calendar days after the date of commencement. Also insert any requirements for earlier Substantial Completion of certain portions of the Work, if not stated elsewhere in the Contract Documents.) subject to adjustments of this Contract Time as provided in the Contract Documents. (Insert provisions, if any, for liquidated damages relating to failure to complete on time.) AIA DOCUMENT A101 OWNER•CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT TWELFTH EDITION AIA COPYRIGHT 1917 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W WASHINGTON. D.C. 200064292. WARNING: U IIceued photocopying violates U.S. copyright lawn and is subject to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced under Ii ease umber 197003006 and eao be reproduced without violation until 1/22/97 4.1 The Owner shall pay the Contractor in current funds for the Contractor's performance of the Contract the Contract Sum of Dollars subject to additions and deductions as provided in the Contract Documents. 4.2 The Contract Sum is based upon the following alternates, if any which are described in the Contract Documents and are hereby accepted by the Owner (State the numbers or other identification of accepted alternates. If decisions on other alternates are to be made by the Owner subsequent to the execution of this Agreement, attach a schedule of such other alternates showing the amount for each and the date until which that amount is valid.) 4.3 Unit prices, if any are as follows. ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT SUM ARTICLE 5 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 5.1 Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment issued by the Architect, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as provided below and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 5.2 The period covered by each Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of the month, or as follows 5.3 Provided an Application for Payment is received by the Architect not later than the day of a month, the Owner shall make payment to the Contractor not later than the day of the month. If an Application for Payment is received by the Architect after the application date fixed above, payment shall be made by the Owner not later than days after the Architect receives the Application for Payment. 5 4 Each Application for Payment shall be based upon the Schedule of Values submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Schedule of Values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portions of the Work and be prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Architect may require. This schedule, unless objected to by the Architect, shall be used as a basis for reviewing the Contractor's Applications for Payment. 5.5 Applications for Payment shall indicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment. 5.6 Subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be computed as follows 5.6 1 Take that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to completed Work as determined by multiplying the percentage completion of each portion of the Work by the share of the total Contract Sum allocated to that portion of the Work in the Schedule of Values, less retainage of percent Pending final determination of cost to the Owner of changes in the Work, amounts not in dispute may be included as provided in Subparagraph 7 3 7 of the General Conditions even though the Contract Sum has not yet been adjusted by Change AIA DOCUMENT A101 OWNER•CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT TWELFTH EDITION AIA COPYRIGHT 1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OP ARCHITECTS, 1733 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W WASHINGTON. D.C. 30006.3293. WARNING: Unlicensed ph pying violates U.S. copyright laws sad is subject to legal prosecution. Tbis document was electronically produced under license Dumber /97003006 and can be reproduced without violation until 1/22/97. Order 5.6.2 Add that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site for subsequent incorporation in the completed construction (or if approved in advance by the Owner suitably stored off the site at a location agreed upon in writing), less retainage of percent 6 /0); 5.6.3 Subtract the aggregate of previous payments made by the Owner and 5.6.4 Subtract amounts, if any for which the Architect has withheld or nullified a Certificate for Payment as provided in Paragraph 9 5 of the General Conditions. 5.7 The progress payment amount determined in accordance with Paragraph 5 6 shall be further modified under the following circumstances: 5.7 1 Add, upon Substantial Completion of the Work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to percent of the Contract Sum, less such amounts as the Architect shall determine for incomplete Work and unsettled claims; and 5.7.2 Add if final completion of the Work is thereafter materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor any additional amounts payable in accordance with Subparagraph 9 10 3 of the General Conditions. 5.8 Reduction or limitation of retainage, if any shall be as follows. (If it is intended, prior to Substantial Completion of the entire Work, to reduce or limit the retainage resulting from the percentages inserted in Subparagraphs 5 6.1 and 5 6.1 above, and this is not explained elsewhere in the Contract Documents, insert here provisions for such reduction or limitation.) ARTICLE 6 FINAL PAYMENT Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be made by the Owner to the Contractor when (1) the Contract has been fully performed by the Contractor except for the Contractor's responsibility to correct nonconforming Work as provided in Subparagraph 12.2.2 of the General Conditions and to satisfy other requirements, if any which necessarily survive final payment; and (2) a final Certificate for Payment has been issued by the Architect; such final payment shall be made by the Owner not more than 30 days after the issuance of the Architect's final Certificate for Payment, or as follows: ARTICLE 7 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7 1 Where reference is made in this Agreement to a provision of the General Conditions or another Contract Document, the reference refers to that provision as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract Documents. 7.2 Payments due and unpaid under the Contract shall bear interest from the date payment is due at the rate stated below or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Project is located. (Insert rate of interest agreed upon, if any.) (Usury laws and requirements under the Federal Truth in Lending Act, similar state and local consumer credit laws and other regulations at the Owner's and Contractor': principal places of business. the location of the Project and elsewhere may affect the validity of this provision. Legal advice should be obtained with respect to deletions or modifications, and also regarding requirements such as written disclosures or waivers.) A/A DOCUMENT A101 OWNER•CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT TWELFTH EDITION AIA COPYRIGHT 1907 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1775 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W WASHINGTON. D.C. 20006 -5292. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright lame and is subject to legal presecutio.. This document was electronically produced under license number /97005006 and can be reproduced without violation until 1/22/97. Electronic Document Service A101 19R7 4 7.3 Other provisions ARTICLE 8 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION 8 1 The Contract may be terminated by the Owner or the Contractor as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. 8.2 The Work may be suspended by the Owner as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. ARTICLE 9 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 9 1 The Contract Documents, except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, are enumerated as follows 9 1 1 The Agreement is this executed Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor AIA Document A101 1987 Edition. 9.1.2 The General Conditions are the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, AIA Document A201 1987 Edition. 9.1.3 The Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract are those contained in the Project Manual dated and are as follows: Document Title Pages 9.1.4 The Specifications are those contained in the Project Manual dated as in Subparagraph 9 1.3 and are as follows: (Either list the Specifications here or refer to an exhibit attached to this Agreement.) Section Title Pages 9 1 5 The Drawings are as follows, and are dated unless a different date is shown below. (Either list the Drawings here or refer to an exhibit attached to this Agreement.) Number Title Date 9 1 6 The addenda, if any are as follows: Number Date Pages AIA DOCUMENT A101 OWNER- CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT TWELFTH EDITION MA COPYRIGHT 1997 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1733 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W WASHJNOTON. D.C. 20006 -3292. WARNINO: Unlicensed photocopying violates UA. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. ?Ids document wee a ectrosieaJIy produced under license number 197003006 and can be reproduced without violation until 1/22/97. Electronic Document Service A101 -1987 5 Portions of addenda relating to bidding requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding requirements are also enumerated in this Article 9 9 1 7 Other documents, if any forming part of the Contract Documents are as follows (List here any additional documents which are intended to form part of the Contract Documents. The General Conditions provide that bidding requirements such as advertisement or invitation to bid, Instructions to Bidders, sample forms and the Contractor's bid are not part of the Contract Documents unless enumerated in this Agreement. They should be listed here only if intended to be part of the Contract Documents.) This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year first written above and is executed in at least three original copies of which one is to be delivered to the Contractor one to the Architect for use in the administration of the Contract, and the remainder to the Owner OWNER CONTRACTOR (Signature) (Signature) (Printed name and title) (Printed name and title) AIA DOCUMENT A101 OWNER- CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT TWELFTH EDITION MA COPYRIGHT 1917 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OP ARCHITECTS. 173$ NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W WASHINGTON. D.C. 20006 -9292. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright tams and is subject to legal prosecution. Thu document was electronics/0 produced odes li ease number 197003006 and can be reproduced without violation until 1/22/97. Electronic Document Service A101 1987 00 120 SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1 Add the following to the 1987 Edition of the Instructions to Bidders AIA Document No. A7O1 a. Article 3 Bidding Documents 1) Paragraph 3.3 Substitutions a) Add to Paragraph 3.3.3 as follows. Should any proposed product substitution require any re- design work, by the Architect or his consultants, to accommodate the substitute product, costs for such re- design work shall be included in the Bid amount and shall be paid to the Architect at his usual rates for the time expended in the required re- design work. 2) Paragraph 3 4 Addenda: a) In Paragraph 3 4.3 first sentence, change words "four days" to read "three days" b Article 5, Disqualification of Bidders. 1) The Owner at his discretion may determine that a bidder is not responsible and reject his proposal for any of the following reasons. a) More than one proposal on the same project from a bidder under the same or different names. b) Evidence of collusion with any other bidder or bidders. c) If a bidder is not qualified for the work involved or to the extent of his bid. d) Unsatisfactory performance record, judged from the standpoint of conduct of work, workmanship, or progress as shown by past or current work for the Owner e) Uncompleted work, whether for the Owner or otherwise, which might hinder or prevent the prompt completion of the work bid upon. f) Failure to pay or settle bills for labor or materials on any former or current contracts. g) Any other inability financial or otherwise, to perform the work. h) A bidder is not licensed and authorized to do business in the State of Washington. i) For any other reasons deemed proper as determined from a pre -award survey of bidder's capability to perform. c. Article 7, Performance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond: 1) Paragraph 71, Bond Requirements a) Add to Subparagraph 71.1. Performance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond will be required by the Owner prior to execution of the Agreement, in the amounts and in form as set forth in Section 22 of the General Conditions. Costs therefore shall be included in the Base Bid. Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/3 d. Article 8 Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor 1) The Form of Agreement shall be AlA Document A101,1957 Edition. e. Article 9 Supplementary Conditions. 1) At Paragraphs 91, 9.2, and 9.3 as follows. 91 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Covered under Section 01 110 9.2 RETAINAGE Covered under Section 00 500 9.3 TIME OF COMPLETION Covered under Section 01 110 September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/4 Division 00 Bidding Information END OF SECTION 00 120 00 :00 BID FORMS The LINKLETTER Associates 1324 East First Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457 -4819 Port of Port Angeles Tenant Improvement Project Landing Mall, 3rd Floor Having carefully examined the Project Manual and the Drawings, as well as the premises and conditions affecting the work, the Undersigned states he has the means to complete the work and proposes to furnish all labor and materials and to perform all work required by and in strict accordance with the above -named documents for the following sums: 1. Base Bid: a. For the Base Bid as defined in the Project Manual, the following sum of 2. Alternates: a. Additive Alternate No. 1 1) The Undersigned propose to perform the substitution called for in Section 01 032 with the following addition /deduction to the Base Bid: Deduct: Add: Dollars Dollars Dollars 3 Sales Tax: a. None of the above bid prices shall include State Sales Tax. Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/5 4 lime of Completion. a. The Undersigned agrees if awarded the Contract, to substantially complete the work thereunder after date of written notice to proceed in accordance with the Project Manual, Section 01 110 Final Completion shall be no later than 14 days after the date of Substantial Completion. 5. Liquidated Damages: a. Refer to the Summary of Work. Section 01 110 6. Contract Bond: a. If the Undersigned i5 notified of the acceptance of this bid within 30 days after the time set for opening bids, he agrees to execute a contract for the above sums, and to furnish performance, payment and maintenance bonds as required by the Project Manual. 7 Bid Guarantee: a. The Undersigned further agrees that the check or bid bond accompanying this bid shall be left in escrow with the Owner that its amount of penal sum is the measure of damages which the Owner will sustain by the failure of the Undersigned to execute said agreement and bonds: and that if the Undersigned fails to deliver the said documents within 7 days after written notice of the award of the contract to him, then the check shall become the property of the Owner or the bid shall remain in full effect. If this bid is not accepted within 30 days after the time set for opening bids, or if the Undersigned delivers said contract and bonds, then the check shall be returned or the bid bond shall become void. 8 6cAda11da: a. Receipt of Addenda numbered is hereby acknowledged, and all costs of the work therefore have been included in the Form of Proposal. Bidder Street Address: City, State, Zip: Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/6 Telephone: By. 1 State of Washington Contractor 5 License No. Contractor's License Expiration Date: Give State of Incorporation: Affix Corporate Seal: BID DATE. END OF SECTION 00 300 Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications OOR 00 400 00 4'0 S )PPLEMENTS TO BID FORMS STATEMENT OF PROPOSED SUDCONTRACTORS MA,JOR MATERIAL SUPPLIERS Name Address Description of Work/Material END OF SECTION 00 400 Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications nnia 00 S00 FORM OF AGREEMENT 1 Contents, a. See accompanying sample American Institute of Architects, AIA Document A101, "Standard form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor" 1987 Edition, Pages 1 through 6 This Document is for sample use only Refer to Section 00100 "Instructions to Bidders." END OF SECTION 00 500 Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/9 00 700 GENERAL CONDITIONS Table of Contents SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS SECTION 2. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SECTION 3. DISCREPANCIES IN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SECTION 4 OWNERSHIP OF DRAWINGS SECTION 5. COPIES FURNISHED SECTION 6. SURVEYS BUILDING LAYOUT SITE EXAMINATION SECTION 7 TEMPORARY OR TRIAL USAGE OF ANY MECHANICAL DEVICES SECTION 8 TESTING SECTION 9 MEASUREMENTS SECTION 10 INSPECTION OF WORK SECTION 11. SUPERVISION CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES SECTION 12 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY SECTION 13. ARCHITECTS STATUS SECTION 14 ARCHITECT'S DECISIONS SECTION 15. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES SECTION 16. SUBCONTRACTORS SECTION 17 CONDEMNATION OF WORK SECTION 18. CORRECTION OF WORK SECTION 19. DELAYS AND EXTENSION OF TIME SECTION 20 OWNER'S RIGHT TO DO WORK SECTION 21. PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE SECTION 22. CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE BONDS SECTION 23. PROPERTY INSURANCE SECTION 24 ROYALTIES PATENTS SECTION 25. INDEMNIFICATION SECTION 26. SEPARATE CONTRACTS SECTION 27 ASSIGNMENT SECTION 28 OWNER'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT SECTION 29 CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT SECTION 30 EMERGENCIES SECTION 31. CLAIMS DISPUTES SECTION 32. RESOLUTION OF CLAIMS DISPUTES SECTION 33. ARBITRATION Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/10 GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS; 1 OWNER The Owner is the person identified as such in the agreement. The term "Owner" means the "Owner or Owners authorized representative. 2. ARCHITECT The Architect is the person or organization, a licensed Architect or Engineer so designated in the Agreement, hereinafter referred to as "Architect" 3. CONTRACTOR The Contractor is the person or organization identified as such in the Agreement and is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as is singular in number and masculine in gender The term "Contractor" means General Contractor or his authorized representative. 4 SUBCONTRACTOR The person, firm, or corporation supplying direct or indirect labor and /or materials at the site of the Project and under separate contract or agreement with the Contractor 5. THE WORK The Work includes all labor necessary to produce the construction required by the Contract Documents and all materials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in such construction. 6. THE PROJECT The Project i5 the total construction designed by the Architect of which the Work performed under the Contract Documents may be the whole or a part. 7 WRITTEN NOTICE Written Notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to the individual or member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it was intended or if delivered at or sent through the United States Mail, to the last business address known to him who gives the notice. SECTION 2. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS; 1. The Contract Documents consist of the Agreement, the Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary, and other Conditions), the Drawings, the Specifications, all Addenda issued prior to execution of the Contract, and all Modifications thereto. A Modification may be made only after execution of the contract. A Modification is: a. A written amendment to the Contract signed by both parties, A Change Order c. A written interpretation issued by the Architect, or d. A written order for a minor change in the Work issued by the Architect pursuant to Section 01 025. 2. The Contract The Contract Documents form the Contract. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes all Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/11 prior negotiations representations, or agreements, either written or oral, including the Bidding Documents The Contract may be amended or modified only by a Modification as defined in Section 2, Paragraph 1 above. 3. The Contract Documents are complementary and what is required by any one shall be as binding as if required by all. The intention of the Contract Documents is to include all labor materials, equipment, and other items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work. 4 Words which have well known technical or trade meanings are used herein in accordance with such recognized meanings. 5. Within Contract Documents, there shall be the following precedence: a. Addenda or modifications of any nature, to the Drawings and Specifications, take precedence over the original. Specifications take precedence over Drawings. c. Within the Working Drawings, the larger scale takes precedence over smaller figured dimensions over scaled, and noted materials over graphic indications. SECTION 3. DISCREPANCIES IN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: 1. Should any question arise regarding the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall request interpretation and clarification from the Architect before proceeding. In the absence of such request and authorization, the Contractor proceeds at his own risk. SECTION 4. OWNERSHIP OF DRAWINGS: 1 Drawings, Specifications, and copies thereof which are furnished to the Contractor are instruments of the Architect's service through which the Work to be executed by the Contractor is described. They are not to be used on other work and are to be returned to the Architect if so requested except for one copy which may be retained by the Contractor as a part of the contract Documents. SECTION 5. COPIES FURNISHED: 1. The Owner shall furnish, free of charge, to the Contractor all copies of Drawings and Specifications reasonably necessary for the execution of the Work. The Contractor shall keep in good order on the Project one copy of Drawings, Addenda, and Specification which shall be readily available to the Architect, the Owner and their Representatives. SECTION 6. SURVEYS BUILDING LAYOUT SITE EXAMINATION: 1. The Owner will be responsible for establishment of lot lines and bench marks. 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for Division 00 Bidding Information September, 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/12 a. Laying out the Work hereunder on the building site, b The proper observance of property lines and set back requirements, c. The location and layout of buildings as noted in the Drawings with respect to the position of the property and elevation in relation to the grade, d. If the site conditions indicated in the Contract Documents differ materially from those the Contractor encounters in the performance of the Work, the Contractor shall, within ten clays and before such conditions are disturbed, notify the Architect in writing of 1) Differing subsurface or latent conditions, or 2) Unknown physical conditions or conditions of an unusual nature at the site, differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inhering in work of the character provided for in this Contract. 3 The Architect shall promptly investigate the reported differing condition. If he finds such conditions do materially so differ and cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor s cost of or the time required for performance of any part of the Work under this Contract, whether or not changed as a result of such conditions, the Owner shall cause an equitable adjustment to be made and modify the Contract in writing. SECTION 7. TEMPORARY OR TRIAL USAGE OF ANY MECHANICAL DEVICES: 1. Temporary or trial usage by the Owner of mechanical devices, machinery, apparatus, equipment, or other work or materials supplied under this Contract prior to written acceptance by the Architect, shall not be construed as evidence of the Owner's acceptance. SECTION R TESTING: 1. The Owner and /or the Architect reserve the right to have tests made when deemed necessary 2. Tests not specified as part of a trade section shall be paid for by the Owner 3. Should tests reveal a failure of the Work to meet the contract requirements, subsequent tests, related to the failure, shall be paid for by the Contractor 4 Tests shall be made in accordance with recognized standards by a competent, independent testing laboratory 5. Any materials found defective or not in conformity with the Contract Documents shall be promptly replaced or repaired at the expense of the Contractor Division 00 Bidding Information September, 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/13 6 Samples required for testing shall be furnished by the Contractor and selected as directed by the Architect. SECTION 9. MEASUREMENTS; 1 Before ordering any materials or doing any work, the Contractor shall verify all measurements to properly size or fit the Work. No extra charge or compensation will be allowed by the Owner resulting from the Contractor's failure to comply with this requirement. SECTION 10. INSPECTION OF WORK, 1 The Architect or the Authorized Representative of the Owner shall at all times during its progress have full access to all phases of the Work. Contractor shall provide adequate means to facilitate inspection by the Architect. SECTION 11. SUPERVISION CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES; 1. The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work, using his best skill and attention. He shall be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the Work under the Contract. SECTION 12. OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY, 1. The Owner shall, at the request of the Contractor, prior to execution of the Agreement and promptly from time to time thereafter furnish to the Contractor reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the Owner's obligations under the Contract. SECTION 13. ARCHITECT'S STATUS; 1 The Architect shall be the Owner representative during the construction period. a. The Architect will make frequent visits to the site to familiarize himself with the progress and quality of the Work and to determine if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. He will be required to make on -site inspections to check the quality and quantity of the Work. During such visits and on the basis of his observations while at the site, he will keep the Owner informed of the progress of the Work, will endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the work of the Contractor, and he may condemn work as failing to conform to the Contract Documents. He shall have the authority to act on behalf of the Owner only to the extent expressly provided in his agreement with the Owner which shall be shown to the Contractor upon request. He shall have authority to stop the work, with Division D0 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/14 concurrence of the Owner whenever such stoppage may be necessary in his reasonable opinion to insure the proper execution of the Contract. c. The Architect shall be in the first instance the interpreter of the conditions of the contract and the judge of its performance. He shall use his powers under the Contract to enforce its faithful performance by the Contractor The Architect will review shop drawings and samples. The Architect will prepare Change Orders and will have authority to order minor changes in the Work. The Architect will conduct inspections to determine the dates of substantial completion and final completion, will receive and review written guarantees and related documents required by the Contract and assembled by the Contractor, and will issue a final Certificate for Payment. In case of the termination of the employment of the Architect the Owner shall appoint an Architect against whom the Contractor makes no reasonable objection, whose status under the Contract shall be that of the former Architect in all respects. SECTION 14. ARCHITECT'S DECISIONS; 1 The Architects decisions in matters relating to artistic effect will be final if consistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. SECTION 15. CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 12 and 27, the contractor is fully responsible for the Project and all materials and work connected therewith until the Owner has accepted the completed Project in writing. The Contractor shall replace or repair at his own expense any materials or work damaged or stolen, regardless of whether he has received payment for the work or materials from the Owner 2. By executing the Contract, the Contractor represents that he has visited the site, familiarized himself with the local conditions under which the Work is to be performed, and correlated his observances with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 3. The Contractor shall employ a competent superintendent who shall be in attendance at the Project site during the process of the Work. The superintendent shall be satisfactory to the Architect and shall not be changed except with the consent of the Architect unless the superintendent proves to be unsatisfactory to the Contractor and ceases to be in his employ The superintendent shall represent the Contractor and all communications given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor Important communication will be confirmed in writing. Other communication will be so confirmed on written request in each case. 4 Contractor shall designate a responsible member of his organization at the site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents. This person shall be the contractor's Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/15 superintendent unless otherwise designated in writing by the contractor to the Owner and the Architect. 5 Contractor shall forward all communications to the Owner through the Architect. 6 As part of the Bid, the Contractor shall furnish to the Architect and Owner a list of the proposed subcontractors who will be working on the Project. Within forty -eight (48) hours thereafter the Architect or Owner will notify the Contractor in writing if any of the listed subcontractors are unacceptable. Failure by the Architect or Owner to give such notice within the forty -eight hour period shall constitute acceptance. 7 The Contractor shall not contract with any subcontractor or any person or organization proposed for portions of the Work designated in the Contract Documents who has been rejected by the Owner or the Architect. The Contractor will not be required to contract with any subcontractor or person or organization against whom he has a reasonable objection. 8 If the Owner or the Architect refuses to accept any subcontractor or person or organization on a list submitted by the Contractor in response to the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall submit an acceptable substitute and an equitable adjustment will be made in the Contract sum by Change Order if made necessary by reason of such substitution. However no increase in the Contract sum shall be allowed for any such substitution unless the Contractor has acted promptly and responsively in submitting for acceptance any list of names as required by the Contract Documents. 9 If the Owner or the Architect requires a change of any proposed subcontractor or person or organization previously accepted by them, the Contract sum shall be increased or decreased by the difference in cost occasioned by such change and an appropriate Change order shall be issued. 1 The Contractor shall not make any substitution for any subcontractor or person or organization who has been accepted by the Owner and the Architect unless the substitution is acceptable to the Owner and the Architect. 11 All damage or loss to any property caused in whole or in part by the Contractor any subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner 12. Contractor shall be solely responsible for initiating and supervising all safety programs including, but not limited to a. All persons on the site including the general public, b All conditions specified in Division 01, and Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications nnilR c. All conditions required by codes and /or governmental regulations including WISHA. SECTION 16. SUBCONTRACTORS; 1. The Contractor's responsibility for this Project includes the work of all subcontractors and materialmen including those recommended or approved by the Owner or its Representatives. The Contractor shall be held responsible to the Owner for proper completion and guarantee of all workmanship and materials under subcontracts and for the acts and omissions of his subcontractors or their employees. Any warranties required in such work shall be obtained by the Contractor in favor of the Owner and delivered to the Owner It is expressly understood and agreed that there is no contractual relationship between the Owner and any subcontractor and under no circumstances shall the Owner be responsible for the non performance or financial failure of any subcontractor or any effects therefrom. 2. The Contractor shall require each subcontractor to agree a. To be bound by terms of the contract Documents as far as applicable to his work, To assume toward the contractor the same obligations the contractor has assumed toward the Owner including the prompt payment of his employees and materialmen affected by this work, c. To submit his applications for payment to the Contractor in time to permit the Contractor to make timely application to the Owner d. To execute claim or lien releases or lien waivers as requested by the Contractor and e. To make all claims for extra work done or for extensions of time to the Contractor in the same manner the Contractor is to make this type of claim to Owner 3. The Contractor agrees in his relationship with the subcontractors a. To bind himself to the subcontractors by all the obligations that the Owner assumes to the Contractor and To pay the subcontractors promptly upon receipt of payment from the Owner that portion of the funds received as represents the subcontractor's portion of the Work completed to the Contractor's satisfaction for which payment was made by the Owner SECTION 17. CONDEMNATION OF WORK. 1. The Owner and /or the Architect shall have the right to condemn and require removal of the following at the Contractor's expense a. Any portion of the Work done under this Contract which does not meet the requirements of the Contract Documents either in substance or installation. Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/17 Any portions of the Work damaged or rendered unsuitable through installation or resulting from failure to exercise proper protection as outlined in Division 01 of the Specification. SECTION 1a. CORRECTION OF WORK. 1 The Contractor shall promptly correct any work that fails to conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents where such failure to conform appears during the progress of the Work, and shall remedy any defects due to faulty materials, equipment, or workmanship which appear within a period of one year from the Date of Substantial Completion of the Contract or within such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall pay all costs of correcting faulty work, including additional Architect's fees when incurred. SECTION 19. DELAYS AND EXTENSION OF TIME. 1 All time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract. 2. If the Contractor is delayed at any time in the progress of the work because of changes ordered in the work, labor disputes, inclement weather unusual delay in transportation, or any other causes beyond the Contractor's control, which the Owner may determine justifies the delay, then the Contract Time shall be extended by Change Order for such reasonable time as the Owner may determine. a. All claims for extension of time shall be made in writing to the Architect. 1) Claims for delay due to inclement weather shall be made by the 10th of the month following the month of the delay 2) Other claims shall be made no more than twenty days after the commencement of the delay 3) Claims made beyond these time limits shall be null and void. Requests for extension of time shall be fully documented by including copies of daily logs, letters, shipping orders, delivery tickets, and other supporting information. c. In case of a continuing cause of delay only one claim is necessary SECTION 20. OWNER'S RIGHT TO DO WORK. 1. If the Contractor defaults or neglects to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents or fails to perform any provision of the Contract, the Owner may, seven days after providing written notice to the Contractor and without prejudice to any other remedy he may have, make good such deficiencies. In such case, an appropriate Change Order will be issued deducting from the payments then or thereafter due the Contractor the cost of correcting such deficiencies including the cost of the Architect's additional services made necessary by such default, neglect, or failure. The Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/18 Architect must concur with both such action and the amount charged to the Contractor If the payments then or thereafter due the Contractor are not sufficient to cover such amount, Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner SECTION 21. PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE. 1 Occupancy by the Owner shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of existing claims on behalf of the Owner or Contractor against each other 2. If the project consists of more than one building, and one of the buildings is to be occupied, the Owner, prior to occupancy of the building, shall secure permanent property insurance on the building to be occupied and the Contractor shall obtain necessary Certificate of Occupancy 3. Occupancy by the Owner prior to project acceptance does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to maintain all Contractor's liability insurance and bonds required of the contractor under the contract until the entire project is completed and accepted by the Owner SECTION 2 CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE BONDS; 1. The Contractor shall not commence work under this Contract until he has obtained, as a minimum, the insurance required hereunder and evidence of such insurance has been submitted to the Owner The submittal of said evidence to the Owner shall not relieve or decrease the liability of the Contractor hereunder The cost of all such insurance shall be the obligation of the Contractor a. Worker's Compensation Employers' Liability Insurance 1) As required by statute. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance 1) General Liability, including Completed Operations and Broad Form Property Damage Liability Insurance a) Limits $500,000 Combined Single Limit per occurrence 2) Blanket Contractual Liability Insurance a) Limits $500,000 Combined Single Limit per occurrence 3) The Owner shall be added as an additional interest insured. c. Automobile Liability Insurance 1) Liability Limits (Bodily Injury and Property Damage) covering any automobile a)$500,000 any one accident or loss. 2. The Owner shall be named as an additional insured. 3. In addition, furnish umbrella coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/19 4 A Certificate of Insurance shall be furnished by the Contractor as evidence of insurance. All companies issuing this certificate and listed thereon must be rated a Er Class X or better in the A.M Best Company Key Rating Guide Property Casualty Current Edition. The policy or policies shall not be canceled, nor shall any of the coverage s certified be terminated, nor the limits certified be reduced, until thirty (30) days after written notice, declaring such intent, has been received by the Owner 5. Performance Bond and Labor Material P Bond; The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner a Performance Bond and a Labor Material Payment Bond. Each bond shall be in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract Sum and be security for all obligations arising thereunder a. Bond Forms to be used 1) AIA Document A312 shall be the exclusive Payment and Performance Bond Form acceptable to the Owner b. Performance bonds and labor and material payment bonds will only be accepted when issued by surety companies holding valid Certificates of Authority under Section 6 13, Title 6 of the United States Code as acceptable sureties on Federal Bonds and as acceptable reinsurance companies. c. Should the Contract price exceed the authorization shown in the current revision of Circular #570 as issued by the United States Treasury (also known as the Treasury List), certificates of reinsurance, together with cut through endorsements, issued by companies also acting within their Treasury limit shall accompany the performance and labor material payment bonds. d. The surety company shall be licensed in the state or other area in which the Contract is to be performed. e. All bonds shall be accompanied by a certified copy of the power of attorney stating the authority of the attorney -in -fact executing the bonds on behalf of the surety company f The Owner reserves the right to reject any bond with or without cause. g. The cost of such bonds shall be the obligation of the Contractor SECTION 23. PROPERTY INSURANCE, 1. The Contractor shall purchase and maintain property insurance upon the entire Work at the site to 115 percent of the full insurable value thereof Such insurance shall be in a company or companies licensed to do business in the State in which the project is located and against which the Owner has no reasonable objection. This insurance shall include the interest of the Owner the Contractor the subcontractors, and sub subcontractors in the Work and shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and shall include "all risk" insurance for physical loss or damage including, without duplication of coverage, theft, vandalism, and malicious mischief If not covered under all risk insurance or otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall effect and maintain similar property insurance on portions of the work stored off the Site or in transit when such portions of the Work are to be included in an Application for payment. Include cost for Property Insurance in the Base Bid. Division 00 Bidding Information MASTER Commercial Specifications September 1993 00/20 SECTION 24. ROYALTIF lie_ PATENTS: 1. The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees. The Contractor shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent rights and shall save the Owner harmless from loss on account thereof SECTION 2S. INDEMNIFICATION, 1. In addition to obtaining insurance coverage as required above, the Contractor shall indemnify and save the Owner the Architect, and their agents and employees harmless from and against any and all liability, demands, causes of action, or claims thereof, whether well- founded or otherwise, including the cost of defending the same, for bodily injury to any person whosoever (including the employees of the Owner or the Architect) or damage to property of any person in the course of construction as a result of the Contractor the subcontracts or materialmen, their agents or employees. 2. In addition to the foregoing, the Contractor shall be liable to defend the Owner in any lawsuit filed by any subcontractor or materialmen as a result of the building project which is the subject matter of this Contract. 3. No subcontractor shall relieve the Contractor of any of his liability or obligation under the Contract. The Contractor agrees that he is fully responsible to the Owner for acts or omissions of his subcontractors and their materialmen and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by them. 4 The obligations of the Contractor under this Section shall not extend to the liability of the Architect, the Architect's consultants, and agents and employees of any of them arising out of (1) the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, Change Orders, designs or specifications, or (2) the giving of or the failure to give directions or instruction by the Architect, the Architect's consultants, and agents and employees of any of them provided such giving or failure to give is the primary cause of the injury or damage. SECTION 26. SEPARATE CONTRACTS; 1. The Owner reserves the right to award other contracts in connection with other portions of the Project under these or similar Conditions of the contract. 2. When separate contracts are awarded for different portions of the Project, the Contractor in the Contract Documents in each case shall be the Contractor who signs each separate contract. Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/21 Vein 3. The Contractor shall afford other contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and equipment and the execution their work, and shall properly connect and coordinate his work with theirs. 4 If any part of the Contractor Work depends for proper execution or results upon the work of any other separate contractor the Contractor shall inspect and promptly report to the Architect any apparent discrepancies or defects in such work that render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. Failure of the Contractor so to inspect and report shall constitute an acceptance of the work of the other contractors as fit and proper to receive his work, except as to defects which may develop in the other separate contractor's work after the execution of the Contractor's Work. 5 Should the Contractor cause damage to the work or property of any separate contractor on the Project, the Contractor shall, upon due notice, settle with such other contractor by agreement if he will so settle. SECTION 27. ASSIGNMENT, 1. Contractor shall not assign or sublet this Contract or any part thereof or any monies clue him thereunder without prior written consent of the Owner SECTION 28. nWN ER'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT, 1. Contractor shall give Owner at least 20 day's written notice before filing any petition for bankruptcy. In the event that Contractor files any petition, without first giving the above required notice, this shall constitute a material breach of the Contract; and this Contract will automatically become null and void without any further action on the part of either party, as of the time the intent to file the petition was formed. 2. Should the Contractor make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if he should persistently or repeatedly refuse or fail, except in cases for which extension of time is granted, to apply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials to properly prosecute the Work, or if he should fail to make prompt payment to the subcontractors or materialmen for accepted material or Tabor or persistently disregard laws, ordinances, or instruction of the Architect and the Owner or otherwise be guilty of substantial violation of any provision of the Contract, then the Owner may, without any prejudice to any other right or remedy and after giving the Contractor five (5) day's written notice, terminate employment of the Contractor and take possession of the premises and all materials, tools, and appliances thereon, and finish the Work by whatever method the Owner deems expedient. In such case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract price exceeds the expense of finishing the Work, including compensation for additional administrative services, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor If Division 00 Bidding Information September, 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/22 such expense shall exceed the unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner SECTION 29. CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO 5TOP WORK OR TERMINATE CONTRACT. 1 If the Work should be stopped under an order of any court, or other public authority for a period of thirty (30) days, or if the Architect should fail without proper cause to issue a Certificate of Payment within twenty -one (21) days of the request for such Certification, or the Owner shall fail to pay such Certification within twenty -one (21) days of its issuance, then the Contractor may, on seven (7) days written notice to the Owner and the Architect, terminate this Contract and recover from the Owner the percentages of the Contract price represented by the Work completed as of the date of termination together with any loss sustained on plant and materials which can be established. SECTION 30. EMERGENCIES; 1. In case of an emergency endangering life or threatening the safety of the structure or of adjoining property, the Contractor may, without waiting for specific authorization from the Architect or Owner act at his own discretion to safeguard life or property Compensation and time shall be allowed the Contractor for such emergency work, the amount of both to be determined between the Contractor the Architect, and the Owner by agreement. 2. The Contractor shall make a full written report of such emergency action to the Architect within five days after the event. SECTION 31_ CI AIMS AND DISPUTES; 1 A claim is a demand or assertion by one of the parties seeking, as a matter of right, adjustment or interpretation of contract terms payment of money, extension of time or other relief with respect to the terms of the Contract. The term "Claim" also includes other disputes and matters in question between the Owner and contractor arising our of or relating to the Contract. Claims must be made by written notice. The responsibility to substantiate claims shall rest with the party making the Claim. 2. Claims, including those alleging an error or omission by the Architect, shall be referred initially to the Architect for action. A decision by the Architect, shall be required as a condition precedent to arbitration or litigation of a Claim between the contractor and Owner as to all such matters arising prior to the date final payment is due, regardless of (1) whether such matters relate to execution and progress of the Work or (2) the extent to which the work has been completed. The decision by the Architect in response to a Claim shall not be a condition precedent to arbitration or litigation in the event (1) the position of Architect is vacant, (2) the Architect has not received evidence or has failed to render a decision within agreed time limits, (3) the Architect has failed to take Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/23 1 I r action required within 30 days after the Claim is made, (4) 45 days have passed after the Claim has been referred to the Architect or (5) the Claim relates to a mechanic's lien. 3 Claims by either party must be made within 21 days after occurrence of the event giving rise to such Claim or within 21 days after the claimant first.recognizes the condition giving rise to the Claim, whichever is later Claims must be made by written notice. An additional claim made after the initial claim has been implemented by Change Order will not be considered unless submitted in a timely manner 4 Pending final resolution of a claim including arbitration, unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Contractor shall proceed diligently with performance of the contract and the Owner shall continue to make payments in accordance with the Contract Documents. 5 The making of final payment shall constitute a waiver of claims by the Owner except those arising from: a. liens, Claims, security interests or encumbrances arising out of the contract and unsettles; 17. failure of the Work to comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents; or a. terms of special warranties required by the Contract Documents. 6. If conditions are encountered at the site which are (1) subsurface or otherwise concealed physical conditions which differ materially from those indicated in the Contract Documents or (2) unknown physical condition of an unusual nature, which differ materially from those ordinarily found to exist and generally recognized as inherent in construction activities of the character provided for in the Contract Documents, then notice by the observing party shall be given to the other party promptly before conditions are disturbed and in no event later than 21 days after first observance of the conditions. The Architect will promptly investigate such conditions and, if they differ materially and cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor's cost of or time required for performance of any part of the Work, will recommend an equitable adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time, or both. If the Architect determines that the conditions at the site are not materially different from those indicated in the Contract Documents and that no change in the terms of the Contract is justified, the Architect shall so notify the Owner and Contractor in writing, stating the reasons. Claims by either party in opposition to such determination must be made within 21 days after the Architect has given notice of the decision. If the Owner and contractor cannot agree on an adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract time, the adjustment shall be referred to the Architect for initial determination, subject to further proceedings. 7 If the contractor wishes to make Claim for an increase in the Contract Sum, written notice as provided herein shall be given before proceeding to execute the Work. Prior Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 i MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/24 Y notice is not required for Claims relating to an emergency endangering life or property. If the Contractor believes additional cost is involved for reasons including but not limited to (1) a written interpretation from the Architect (2) an order by the Owner to stop the work where the Contractor was not at fault, (3) a written order for a minor change in the work issued by the Architect, (4) failure of payment by the Owner (5) termination of the Contract by the Owner (6) Owner's suspension or (7) other reasonable grounds, Claim shall be filed in accordance with the procedure established herein. If the Contractor wishes to make Claim for an increase in the Contract time, written notice as provided herein shall be given. The Contractor's Claim shall include an estimate of cost and of probable effect of delay on progress of the Work. In the case of a continuing delay only one claim is necessary a. If adverse weather conditions are the basis for a Claim for additional time, such claim shall be documented by date substantiating that weather conditions were abnormal for the period of time and could not have been reasonably anticipated and that weather conditions had an adverse effect on the scheduled construction. 9. If either party to the Contract suffers injury or damage to person or property because of an act or omission of the other party of any of the other party's employees or agent, or of others for whose acts such party is legally liable, written notice of such injury or damage, whether or not insured, shall be given to the other party within a reasonable time not exceeding 21 days after first observance. The notice shall provide sufficient detail to enable the other party to investigate the matter if a Claim for additional cost or time related to this claim is to be asserted. SECTION 32. RESOLUTION OF CLAIMS AND DISPUTES. 1. The Architect will review Claims and take one or more of the following preliminary actions within ten days of receipt of a Claim: a. request additional supporting data from the claimant, b submit a schedule to the parties indicating when the Architect expects to take action, c. reject the Claim in whole or in part, stating reasons for rejection, d. recommend approval of the Claim by the other party or e. suggest a compromise. The Architect may also but is not obligated to, notify the surety, if any, of the nature and amount of the Claim. 2. If a claim has been resolved, the Architect will prepare or obtain appropriate documentation. 3. If a Claim has not been resolved, the party making the Claim shall, within ten days after the Architects preliminary response, take one or more of the following actions: Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/25 Aid a. submit additional supporting data requested by the Architect, modify the initial Claim, or c. notify the Architect that the initial Claim stands. 4 If a Claim has not been resolved after consideration of the foregoing and of further evidence presented by the parties or requested by the Architect, the Architect will notify the parties in writing that the Architect's decision will be made within seven days, which decision shall be final and binding on the parties but subject to arbitration. Upon expiration of such time period, the Architect will render to the parties the Architect's written decision relative to the Claim, including any change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time or both. If there is a surety and there appears to be a possibility of a Contractor's default, the Architect may, but is not obligated to, notify the surety and request the surety's assistance in resolving the controversy SECTION 33. ARBITRATION; 1. Any controversy or Claim arising out of or related to the Contract, or the breach thereof shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator or arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof except controversies or Claims relating to aesthetic effect and except those waived as provided for in Section 31, Subparagraph 5. Such controversies or Claims upon which the Architect has given notice and rendered a decision as provided in Section 31, Subparagraph 4 shall be subject to arbitration upon written demand of either party Arbitration may be commenced when 45 days have passed after a Claim has been referred to the Architect as provided in Section 31, Subparagraph 3 and no decision has been rendered. 2. Claims between the Owner and Contractor not resolved under Section 32, Subparagraph 4 shall, if subject to arbitration under Subparagraph 1, be decided by arbitration in accordance with the construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association currently in effect, unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. Notice of demand for arbitration shall be filed in writing with the other party to the Agreement between the Owner and Contractor and with the American Arbitration Association, and a copy shall be filed with the Architect. 3 During arbitration proceedings, the Owner and Contractor shall comply with Section 31, Subparagraph 4 4 Demand for arbitration of any Claim may not be made until the earlier of a. the date on which the Architect has rendered a final written decision on the Claim, the tenth day after the parties have presented evidence to the Architect or have been given reasonable opportunity to do so, if the Architect has not rendered a final written decision by that date, or Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/26 c. any of the five events described in Section 31, Subparagraph 2. 5. When a written decision of the Architect states that: a. the decision is final but subject to arbitration and b a demand for arbitration of a Claim covered by such decision must be made within 30 days after the date on which the party making the demand received the final written decision, then failure to demand arbitration within said 30 days' period shall result in the Architect's decision becoming final and binding upon the Owner and Contractor If the Architect renders a decision after arbitration proceedings have been initiated, such decision may be entered as evidence, but shall not supersede arbitration proceedings unless the decision is acceptable to all parties concerned. 6 A demand for arbitration shall be made within the time limits specified in Subparagraph 5 as applicable, and in other cases within a reasonable time after the Claim has arisen, and in no event shall it be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such Claim would be barred by the applicable statute of limitation. 7 No arbitration arising out of or relating to the Contract Documents shall include, by consolidation or joined or in any other manner, the Architect, the Architect's employees or consultants, except by written consent containing specific reference to the Agreement and signed by the Architect, Owner Contractor and any other person or entity sought to be joined. No arbitration shall include, by consolidation or joined or in any other manner parties other than the Owner Contractor a separate contractor and other persons substantially involved in a common question of fact or law whose presence is required if complete relief is to be accorded in arbitration. No person or entity other than the Owner Contractor or a separate contractor shall be included as an original third party or additional third party to an arbitration whose interest or responsibility is insubstantial. Consent to arbitration involving an additional person or entity shall not constitute consent to arbitration of a dispute not described therein or with a person or entity not named or described therein. The foregoing agreement to arbitrate and other agreement to arbitrate with an additional person or entity duly consented to by parties to the Agreement shall be specifically enforceable under applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof A party who files a notice of demand for arbitration must assert in the demand all Claims then known to that party on which arbitration is permitted to be demanded. When a party fails to include a Claim through oversight, inadvertence or excusable neglect or when a Claim has matured or been acquired subsequently the arbitrator or arbitrators may permit amendment. Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00 /Y7 9 The award rendered by the arbitrator or arbitrators shall be final, and judgment by be entered upon it in accordance with applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof END OF SECTION 00 700 Division 00 Bidding Information September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 00/28 DIVISION 01 GENERAL RFcflJIREMENTS Q1 000 GENERAL 1 Conditions. a. General and Supplementary Conditions and other contractual documents apply to each Division of Specifications. b. Provisions contained in this Division apply to each Division of the Specifications. 2. Workmen: a. Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his workmen and shall not employ on the Work any unfit person or anyone riot skilled in the work assigned to him. 3. Taxes: a. Except as contained in the Supplementary Conditions, sales, use, payroll, unemployment, old age pension, and surtax applicable to this Project shall be paid by Contractor with the exception of sales or use tax on materials furnished by Owner Taxes and assessments on real property comprising the site of this Project shall be paid by Owner 4 Manufacturer's Directions: a. Following Manufacturer's directions unless otherwise indicated in Contract Documents. 5 Project Design Personnel: a. Designer Structural Engineer c. Civil Engineer Mechanical Engineer e. Electrical Engineer f Landscape Architect: The LINKLETTER Associates END OF SECTION 01 000 Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/1 01 010 SUMMARY OF THE WORK 01 011 work covered by contract documents 1. Unless otherwise provided, Contractor shall provide at his expense all materials, labor equipment, tools transportation, and utilities, including cost of connection, necessary for successful completion of Project. 01 012 organization and format of project manual 1 Division and paragraph numbers, as listed in the "Table of Contents" of the Project Manual and the items of work included under the headings generally conform with the "Master Format" of the Construction Specification Institute. Numbering of paragraphs and divisions is merely for convenience and identification and may not me consecutive: the Contractor shall check his copies of the Contract Documents with the specification index and drawing index to be sure that they are complete. Trade headings are used in the specifications for convenience only The Architect is not bound to define the limits of any subcontractors. 2. These specifications are of the abbreviated or "streamlined" type, and frequently include incomplete sentence. Words such as "shall" "shall be" "the Contractor shall" and similar mandatory phrases are noted on the drawings. Phrases following a heading for material or item of equipment and listing required features or characteristics of the item shall be construed as meaning, "The item shall be. or "The item shall include. and the Contractor shall provide all items, articles, materials, and operations listed; including all labor material, equipment and incidentals required for satisfactory installation and completion of the work. 3 The following terms are used in the Contract Documents and are defined as follows: a. The terms "approved" and "for approval" mean "approved by the Architect" and "for the Architect's approval" b The term "coordinate" means "satisfactorily combine the work of all trades for a complete and operation installation" c. The term "selected" means "selected by the Architect: and is not necessarily limited to a manufacturer's standard line of colors, finishes, or details. d. The term "provide" means "furnish and install" e. The term "directed" means "as directed by the Architect" f Where the terms, "or approved" or "or approved equal" are used, the Architect is the sole judge of the quality and suitability of the proposed substitution. 01 013 work by separate contract 1 Owner shall provide under separate contract items noted below in addition to items noted on Drawings. Electrical rough -in, embedded attachment items, blocking and Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/2 backing shall be provided by Contractor Contractor shall coordinate all work with Owner contracted suppliers /installers. a. b c. d. e. END OF SECTION 01 010 Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/3 01 020 ALLOWANCES GENERAL 1. Allowances are monies provided the Owner under the construction contract for Owner selected items. The Owner may select materials from any supplier and submit invoices to Contractor for inclusion in allowance amounts. Allowances shall 17e considered subcontract amounts. Deletion of any allowance item shall be accompanied by an 10% profit and overhead amount. Balances of allowances not used shall be remitted to Owner with a corresponding 10% to cover overhead and profit. Additions or increases in allowance amounts shall have a corresponding 10% added. 2. Allowances are for materials only, all work required for installation shall be included in Base Bid unless noted otherwise. END OF SECTION 01 020 Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/4 C2.103() BASE BIDS AND ALTERNATES Q1031 GFNFRAL 1 intent: a. It is the intent of the Owner to award a Contract for the construction of the Project complete as shown and indicated. In order to allow the maximum amount of construction within a fixed budget, the Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to accept only the Base Bid, and any or all alternates. 2. Description of base bids: a. Includes all labor materials, services and incidentals necessary for completion of the Project as shown and indicated, except materials, construction, equipment and labor included in the alternates and those furnished by the Owner or others. b Washington State and local sales taxes shall not be included in the Base Bid. c. Each Bidder Shall include with his proposal, in spaces provided therefore in the Form of Proposal, alternate proposals for adding or changing materials or construction to the Base Bid. The alternate proposal figure shall indicate the difference in price, or the amount to be added to or deducted from the Base Bid for the complete construction or installation of the work included in each alternate bid. Each alternate bid shall include costs of all adjustments in the work of all trades made necessary by such alternate construction. Acceptance of alternate bids with respect to award of the Contract shall be within the funds available for the Work and in any order as the Owner and Architect may choose as enumerated below d. Time Limitations of Alternates. The prices stated in the Proposal for Alternate Bids shall remain in effect until thirty (30) calendar days after the signing of the contract. The Owner shall have the right to reinstate at the bid price, any alternate not originally incorporated in the contract if the Owner so notifies the successful bidder within the time frame indicated above in writing. e. Washington State and local sales taxes shall not be included in the Alternate Bids. 01 03? general construction work alternates 1 The following alternate bids are included: Alternate 1: Addition of a Heat Pump HVAC System Alternate 2: Alternate 3: END OF SECTION 01 030 Division 01 General Requirements (AlA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/5 01 040 COORDINATION 01 041 REQUIRED PROVISIONS 1 Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted herein and the Contract shall be read and enforced as though it were included herein, and if through mistake or otherwise any such provision is not inserted, or is not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either party the Contract shall forthwith be physically amended to make such insertion or correction. 2. The following items are hereby inserted in the Contract in addition to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 01 042 INSTRUCTIONS 1. All instructions will be given to the Contractor or to his authorized agent, by the Architect for distribution to subcontractors or tradesmen on the work; in like manner all communication from subcontractors and tradesmen on the work to the Architect will be given through the Contractor no subcontractors or tradesmen shall contact the Owner or Architect to discuss the work, except as the Contractor and Architect may arrange. 01 043 COORDINATION WITH OTHER TRADES 1. All Contractors shall diligently comply with the following requirements: a. Cooperate in planning and layout of the work well in advance of operations. b. Inform other contractors of requirements at proper time to prevent delay or revisions. c. Be informed on the requirements of other contractors and check own work for conflicts with the work of other contractors. d. Insure delivery of materials and performance of work on coordinated schedule with other contractors. 01 044 CUTTING PATCHING 1. Contractor shall coordinate all cutting, fitting, or patching of work that may be required to make the several parts of the Work come together properly and fit it too receive or to be received by other portions of his own work or that of subcontractors or installing materialmen as shown or reasonably implied by Contract Documents for completed structure. Also, make or have made proper and sufficient repair or closure as Architect may direct. 2. Do not endanger any work by cutting, digging, etc. and do not cut or alter work of any Section without prior consent of Architect. END OF SECTION 01040 Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/6 01 050 FIELD ENGINEERING 1 Reference Point: a. All locations and elevations noted in the Contract Documents are based on surveyed data. Before starting work, locate all reference points for setting and establishing finish elevations and lines and as required for proper placement of the work at each level as work progresses. Employ the services of a licensed land surveyor acceptable to the Architect, to perform such work. Carefully maintain and protect new and existing monuments, bench marks and other reference points; if disturbed or destroyed, replace as directed at no additional cost to the Owner The cost of performing the work under this paragraph shall be borne by the Contractor Establish working lines and level, locate and layout by instrumentation. 1) Site improvements, including paving, stakes for grading, fill and topsoil placement, utility locations, slope and invert elevations. 2) Grid or axis for building. 5) Building foundation, column locations and ground floor (key floor) elevation. END OF SECTION 01050 Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/7 Q1 060 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 01 061 Codes. regulations. permits ordinances 1 Contractor shall obtain and pay cost of permits anti licenses necessary for completion of this Work. Sewer water and electrical tap fees /permits shall be paid by Owner 2. Contractor and others working under his jurisdiction shall perform all work in compliance with laws regulations and ordinances of any kind required by governmental authority or other agency having jurisdiction over this Work. 3. If Contractor observes that Contract Documents are in variance with any laws, regulations, and ordinances, he shall notify Architect and shall riot proceed unless necessary changes required for compliances with said laws, regulations, and ordinances have been effected as provided in General and Supplementary Conditions. Contractor shall be fully responsible for any work knowingly performed contrary to said laws, regulations, and ordinances and shall fully indemnify Owner against loss and bear all costs and penalties arising there from Permanent easements necessary for completion of this Work shall be procured and paid for by Owner 4 Contractor shall secure certificates of occupancy that may be required by authorities having jurisdiction over the Work. He shall deliver these certificates to Architect prior to execution of Certificate of Substantial Completion. 5. Except for permits and fees which are the responsibility of the Contractor as specified above, the Owner shall secure and pay for necessary approvals, easements assessments and charges required for construction, use or occupancy of permanent structures or for permanent changes in existing facilities END OF SECTION 01060 Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/8 01 0 3O REFERENCED STANDARDS Q1 0O1 CONFORMITY TO STANDARDS 1 Throughout the Contract Documents, reference is made to codes and standards which establish qualities and types of workmanship and materials, and which establish methods for testing and reporting on the pertinent characteristics. 2. Where materials or workmanship are required by these Contract Documents to meet or exceed the specifically named code or standard, it is the Contractor's responsibility to provide materials and workmanship which meet or exceed the specifically named code or standard. 3. It is also the Contractor's responsibility, when so required by the Contract Document or by written request from the Architect, to deliver to the Architect all required proof that the materials or workmanship, or both, meet or exceed the requirements of the specifically named code or standard. Such proof shall be in the form requested in writing by the Architect, and generally will be required to be copies of a certified report of tests conducted by a testing agency approved for that purpose by the Architect. 01 092 abbreviations 1. Reference in the technical divisions of these specifications to standard data of the following organizations shall bean the latest edition at the date noted on the specification book, unless otherwise noted. The Contractor shall conform with said standard requirements when reference is made thereto as if the data were repeated verbatim in the specifications, except where standard data are supplemented and modified by the specifications. 2. Standard data of the following organizations are referenced in the specifications, and the organization names are abbreviated as noted. AAN: American Association of Nurserymen ACI: American Concrete Institute AGA. American Gas Association AIA. American Institute of Architects AIMA. Acoustical and Insulating Materials Association AISC. American Institute of Steel Construction AISI: American Iron and Steel Institute AMCA. Air Moving and Conditioning Association ANSI: American National Standards Institute APA. American Plywood Association APWA. American Public Works Association ARID. Asphalt Roofing Industry Bureau ASME. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/9 ASTM American Society for Testing Materials AWI: Architectural Woodwork Institute AWS• American Welding Society AWWA. American Water Works Association CFR. Code of Federal Regulations CRS!: Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute CS. Commercial Standard of the U.S. Department of Commerce C51: Construction Specifications Institute F5: Federal Specification FGMA. Flat Glass Marketing Association IEEE: Institute of Electrical Electronic Engineers IPCEA. Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association MLA. Meal Lath Association NAAMM. National Association of Architectural Metal Mfgs. NBGQA. National Building Granite Quarries Association NEMA. National Electrical Manufacturer's Association NFPA. National Fire Protection Association NWMA. National Woodwork Manufacturers Association P5: Product Standard of U.S. Dept., of Commerce SDI: Steel Door Institute SMACNA. Sheet Metal Air Conditioning Contractors National Association SSPC. Steel Structures Painting Council TCA. Tile Council of America USG. Uniform Building Code of International Conference of Building Officials UL. Underwriter's Laboratories UMC. Uniform Mechanical Code UPC. Uniform Plumbing Code WWPA. Western Wood Products Association END OF SECTION 01090 Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01 /10 01 100 S PECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES 01 110 time of completion liquidated damages 1 The work of this contract shall be commenced on a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed and shall be completed within (45) calendar work days. 2. For each calendar clay after the date fixed for completion that the work remains uncompleted, the contractor shall pay the Owner the sum of $250.00 as fixed, agreed, liquidated damages, but riot as a penalty 3. The Contractor does hereby authorize the Owner to deduct such liquidated damages from amount clue, or to become due, the Contractor The Contractor further agrees that any such deduction shall not in any degree release him from further obligation and liabilities in regard to the fulfillment of the entire contract. 4 It is further agreed that time is of the essence of each and every portion of this contract and of the specifications wherein a definite and certain length of time is fixed for the performance of any act whatsoever and where under the contract an additional time is allowed for the completion of any work, the new time limit fixed by such extension shall be of the essence of this contract. Provided, that the Contractor shall not be charged with liquidated damage or any excess cost when the delay in completion of the work is due: a. To any preference, priority of allocation order duly issued by the government. To unforeseeable cause beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including but not restricted to acts of God, or of the public enemy, acts of the Owner acts of another Contractor in the performance of a contract with the Owner fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes and unusually sever weather and c. To any delays of Subcontractors occasioned by any of the causes specified in subsections land 2 of this article. 5. Provided, further that the Contractor shall, within seven (7) clays from the beginning of such delay notify the Owner per Article 8 of the General Conditions. 01 115 p rocedural outline for starting work 1 Re Prior to Starting Work: a. Pre Construction Conference 1) Prior to commencing work, the Owner Architect and Contractor shall meet at a time and place set by the Owner to discuss the Project Schedule, storage of materials and any other special requirements that concern the project. A draft Project Schedule shall be presented to the Owner and Architect seven (7) calendar days prior to the conference and the final Project Schedule shall be submitted within thirty (30) calendar Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/11 days following the conference. Conditions mutually agreed upon at this conference may be incorporated into this contract. 2) Equipment and Materials It is the Contractors responsibility to be certain that all equipment and materials selected by him, or for him by his subcontractors or material suppliers, conform exactly to the requirements of the drawings and specifications. The approval of a manufacturer's name by the Architect does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for providing materials and equipment which comply with the Contract Documents. b Contractor's receipt of the executed contract is not to be considered as authorized to begin work. At the conclusion of the pre construction conference, the Owner will issue to the Contractor a written Notice to Proceed. 01 120 Equipment and stockpile locations 1 Stockpile materials and equipment only on approved areas of the site. Submit list of stockpile sites for approval before material is delivered. Stockpile areas shall not endanger or inhibit the public users of the site, outside the work area, in any way 01 125 Restoration of work 1. The contractor shall restore to the Architect's satisfaction all areas disturbed by the construction process. All ingress or egress points that are disturbed will have to be regraded, resodded, etc. to restore them to original condition. 2. Protect all existing trees and fencing on site from potential Contractor damage above and below grade. If unavoidable damage occurs, notify Architect immediately and a decision will be rendered as to how the Contractor i5 to replace or repair the damage at the Contractor's expense. 01 130 Acceleration of work 1 If in the judgment of Architect or Owner it becomes necessary at any time to accelerate the Work or a portion thereof Contractor when ordered or directed by Architect or Owner shall deploy the workmen in such portions of the Project where directed to enable others to properly engage and carry on their work. a. If circumstances require that the entire Work or a portion thereof be completed at a date earlier than contract completion date as adjusted by change orders, Contractor when ordered or directed by Owner or Architect, shall increase his forces, equipment, hours of work, and /or number of shifts and shall expedite delivery of materials to meet the altered completion date or dates ordered or directed. Any increase in cost to Contractor in compliance with such orders will be adjusted in accordance with the Work. Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/12 If in the judgement of Architect or Owner the Work is behind schedule and rate of placement of work is inadequate to regain scheduled progress so as to insure timely completion of the Work or a separable portion thereof Contractor when 50 informed by Architect or Owner shall immediately take action to increase rate of work placement. This shall be accomplished by any one or a combination of the following or other suitable measures 1) An increase in working forces, 2) An increase in equipment or tools, 3) An increase in hours of work or number of shifts, 4) Expediting delivery of materials. Contractor shall, within ten (10) calendar days after being so informed, notify Architect of specific measures taken and /or planned to increase rate of progress together with an estimate of when scheduled progress will be regained. Should the plan of action be deemed inadequate by Architect or Owner Contractor will take additional steps or make adjustments as necessary to his plan of action until it meets with Architect's or Owner's approval. Acceleration of work will continue until Scheduled progress is regained. Scheduled progress shall be established from the latest revised approved progress schedule for the job Timely completion will be understood as contract completion date as revised by all time extensions granted at the time acceleration is undertaken. Contractor shall not be entitled to additional compensation for additional effort he applies to the Work under the terms of this sub- paragraph. c. Any directive or order to accelerate the work will be in writing. Any directive or order terminating accelerated work will be in writing. 01 Suspension of work by owner 1. The Owner may order all or any part of the work suspended for such period as he deems proper because of unsuitable weather and such other conditions beyond the control of the Contractor that prevents satisfactory and timely performance of the work, or because of the failure of the Contractor that prevents satisfactory and timely performance of the work, or because of the failure of the Contractor to perform any provisions of the contract or order given by him. The Contractor shall not suspend work unless ordered or authorized to do 50 by the Owner and he shall immediately comply with such an order by the Owner to do so. 2. Suspension of work by the Owner shall not be grounds for any claim by the Contractor for damages. The periods of suspension because of unsuitable weather and such other conditions beyond the control of the Contractor that prevent satisfactory and timely performance of the work shall be allowed as non working days unless the Owner concludes that the Contractor could have performed the suspended work if he had diligently prosecuted the work prior to such suspension. The non working days allowed shall be such number of working days, or parts thereof as the Owner shall determine where completion of the entire project has been delayed by such suspension. Any suspension due to the failure of the Contractor to carry out orders or perform work, Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/13 shall not be grounds for allowance of time but shall be counted as working days and not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility assigned under the contract. 01 140 Work on adjoining owner property 1 Where portions of the work are indicated to be performed on property adjoining the site, conform to Owner regulations if more rigid than those herein. Contractor shall obtain required permits. Owner will pay for permits as appropriate. 01 150 building permit set 1 The Contractor shall keep the building permit set of drawings at the job during construction, in good condition. Just prior to final acceptance, the Contractor shall deliver to the Architect the approved set of plans. END OF SECTION 01100 Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/14 01 200 PROJECT MEETINGS 01 209 Pre- contract meeting 1 The Architect will hold a pre contract meeting, at which the successful Mechanical and Electrical Contractor (s) shall be represented. At this meeting the scope of work, design considerations, construction schedules and other items pertinent to the completion of the project will be discussed. 01 210 Preconstruction conference 1. A preconstruction conference between Architect, Owner's representative, and Contractor shall be held at the site prior to commencement of the Work for the purpose of resolving current problems, further orienting Contractor to requirements of the Contract Documents, informing Contractor of Architect's responsibility to Owner for inspection, and working out with Contractor a general schedule of inspection. 01 220 Progress meetings 1. Periodic job site meetings will be held by the Architect to insure all activities are being coordinated properly on the project and to assist in staying on schedule. Status of submittals, changes, progress payments, and other matters will be reviewed. Contractor shall attend such meetings and shall require subcontractors to attend as necessary 2. Meetings will be held on Thursdays at a prearranged location and will commence two weeks after the start of construction. END OF SECTION 01 200 Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/15 01 300 SUBMITTALS 1 Deliver submittals to the Architect unless indicated otherwise. Accompany each submittal with a letter of transmittal indicating: a. Title of Project b Name of Contractor c. Title of Submittal 01310 PROGRESS SCHEDULE 1. Related Documents: a. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division -1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 2. Description of work: a. This section includes Contractor's project time scheduling requirements and reporting of construction progress with the use of critical path method (CPM) schedules. 3. Schedule: a. The Contractor shall submit, within thirty (30) days after notice to proceed, a time scaled critical path method (CPM) network schedule diagram of the project for the entire construction period. 17 The Contractor is responsible for the creating, updating, and revising of all schedules and the execution of the plan described by the schedule. c. The initial schedule shall be submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and reviewed by the Architect as appropriate for meeting the scheduling requirements of the Contract. d. The Construction Schedule shall: 1) Be an "Activity" type CPM schedule clearly identifying the activity and time required for the activity 2) Be plotted to a calendar day based horizontal time scale. 3) Clearly display the specific start and completion date of every activity in the schedule (basing the plotting of the CPM schedule on a time scaled calendar shown at the top of the schedule will fulfill the requirement), and the critical path of activities. 4) Show a logical sequence of the work to be accomplished. 5) Show the order and interdependence of the Contractor's planned activities. 6) Have as many activities as practical broken down such that no individual CPM activity element is for a duration greater than twenty (20) calendar days. 7) Identify phases or major areas of construction of the CPM schedule by logically grouping activities and indicating phase or area in large print. Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/16 8) Indicate any required actions of Owner or Architect effecting progress or completion date 9) Be updated by the Contractor as required to stay current with job progress and the relationship to the final completion date. 10) Clearly display the precedence of submittal schedule activities i.e. the nodal point on the construction schedule by which a particular submittal review fabrication and delivery must be accomplished. e. Scheduling Update Requirements 1) Monthly updated for the purpose of indicating progress of the work shall consist of a vertical time line superimposed on the time scaled calendar based CPM schedule (schedule which has been reviewed by and is still considered by the Architect as appropriate for meeting the scheduling requirements of the Contract) intersecting the calendar on the reporting date and passing vertically down through the schedule intersecting the individual work activities under construction or consideration at the point representing percent of completion for each individual activity (i.e. Activity 50% complete, bisect the arrow with the time line). f Schedule Revision Requirements 1) When in opinion of the Architect or the Contractor the Contractor's work progress i5 generally not conforming to the representations of the schedules so such a degree as to significantly reduce the effectiveness of the schedules as a management tool, the Contractor shall revise his Schedules. The revised schedule shall shown actual as -built progress for all executed activities and shall show the scheduling of all future activities. The revised schedules shall be submitted to the Architect as appropriate for meeting the scheduling requirements of the Contract. g. Distribution 1) Following initial submittal to and response by Architect, print and distribute progress schedule to Architect, Owner principal subcontractors and suppliers or fabricators, and others with a need to know the schedule. Post copies in project meeting rooms and field office. Distribute and post subsequent updated issues to same entities, when revisions are made; except delete entities from distribution when they have completed assigned work and are no longer involved in performance of scheduled work. h. Procedure During Construction The Contractor and Architect shall analyze actual construction progress monthly If during the course of the work, changes are of such nature as to cause re- sequencing or re- scheduling of events from that originally shown, the Contractor will submit updated and revised CPM reflecting the actual progress of the work. Should the Contractor fail to meet the scheduled dates shown, they will be expected to increase the work force, and required to bring the actual completion dates of the activities into conformance with the reviewed schedule. Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/17 01 315 SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE 1 Contractor shall, within twenty (20) calendar clays after receipt of Notice to Proceed, furnish a submittal schedule listing all items that will be furnished for review to Owner and Architect. a. This schedule shall include, among other things, shop drawings, Manufacturer's literature, certificates of compliance, materials samples materials colors, guarantees, etc. b Schedule shall indicate type of item, contract requirement reference, Contractor's scheduled dates for submitting the items, and projected need dates for review by Architect. If resubmittal is required, and additional fifteen (15) days will be allowed for after receipt. Contractor shall revise and /or up -date this schedule as appropriate and submit it with each payment estimate until all items have been submitted and reviewed. c. Submittal schedule shall be coordinated with progress schedule for all the Work. Contractor shall revise and /or up -date the schedule to insure consistency with the progress schedule as it may be revised and /or up- dated. Such revised submittal schedules shall be promptly provided. d. Furnishing of the submittal schedule or revision thereto shall not be interpreted as relieving Contractor of his obligation to comply with all the Specification requirements for items on the schedule. 2. Contractor shall notify Architect 24 hours minimum in advance of performing any work which would cover or otherwise make it difficult to inspect any structural, plumbing, mechanical, or electrical work. Should any of said work be covered without proper notification having been given Architect, Contractor shall uncover that work for inspection at his own expense. Contractor shall schedule the work so that an inspection team may observe and inspect a maximum part to the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work in operating condition, before it is covered up. This formal "overhead" inspection team will furnish a list of items that must be completed to satisfaction of Architect before the work is covered over Contractor shall notify Architect when he is ready for the overhead inspection. 01 320 PROGRESS REPORTS 1 Contractor shall prepare daily reports of his operations and forward then to Architect on at least a weekly basis. The daily report will contain at least the following information: a. Weather conditions, b. Manpower on the job in each trade, c. Major items of equipment on the job d. A brief summary of work accomplished that day, e. Materials, equipment, or Owner- furnished items arriving or leaving site, f Significant events, g. Any tests made and their result if known, Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/18 h. Any oral instructions received, Visitors to the job 2. Contractor shall maintain a file of copies of all daily reports on the site and make it available to Architect or Owner upon request. 01 340 SHOP DRAWINGS. PRODUCT DATA SAMPLES 1 Definitions: a. Shop drawings are drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, performance charts, brochures, and other data which are prepared by Contractor or any subcontractor manufacturer supplier or distributor Shop drawings illustrate some portion of the Work and confirm dimensions and conformance to Contract Documents. b Samples are physical examples furnished by Contractor to illustrate materials, equipment, color or workmanship and to assist in the establishment of standards by which the Work will be judged. 2. Procedure. a. Contractor shall review and designate (stamp) his approval and submit to Architect, with reasonable promptness and in orderly sequence, all shop drawings and samples required by the Contract Documents. 1) Shop drawings and samples not required by the Contract Documents but requested by Contractor or supplied by those under contract to him need not be submitted to Architect for approval unless specifically requested. These shop drawings shall meet all specified shop drawing requirements except those relating to submission to Architect. b Shop drawings and samples shall be properly identified as specified or as Architect may require. C. Contractor shall reject shop drawings not in conformance with the Contract Documents. Shop drawings shall be complete and detailed. If reviewed by Architect, each copy of the shop drawings will be identified as having received such approval by being so stamped and dated. If reviewed "with exception" or "as noted" by architect is so identified, stamped, and dated, Contractor shall comply with notations shown. If such qualified review is shown or if the shop drawings are not reviewed by Architect or if resubmission is so directed, Contractor shall make any corrections required or indicated by Architect at Contractor's expense. 1) Any shop drawing or correction indicated on a shop drawing which does not conform to the Contract Documents shall be submitted as a change order and approved, as required under Section 21, paragraph e, of the General Conditions, prior to performing the changed work. 2) Number of copies of shop drawings and other submittals required will be established at the Pre- construction Conference if more than three are required. Contractor shall bear cost of reproducing copies of shop Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/19 6. Review a 01 37r) SCHEDULE OF VALUES drawings required by all concerned. In lieu of prints, a sepia may be required 3. By approving shop drawings and samples, Contractor thereby represents that he has determined and verified all field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, catalog numbers, and similar data, or will do so, and that he has checked and coordinated each shop drawing and sample with requirements of the Work and of the Contract Documents. 4 No work requiring a shop drawing or sample submission shall be commenced until submission has been approved by Architect. 5. Where specified or required, Contractor shall submit samples to Architect together with specification material, affidavits, and other documentation as may be required by Architect. It is Contractor's specific responsibility to ascertain that samples submitted have been checked and approved by him. Cost of samples, together with transportation, delivery, and any other costs shall be borne by Contractor Samples shall be submitted in duplicate and one of each sample shall be retained in the office of the Architect until completion of the Project. Where samples are specifically required to be submitted for approval, no work involving the sampled materials shall proceed until written approval has been obtained from Architect. by Architect: Review of shop drawings by Architect shall not be construed as a complete check but will indicate only that the general method of construction and detailing is satisfactory. Review of such drawings will not relieve Contractor of responsibility for any error which may exist in the submittals. 7 Certificate of Compliance: a. As a means of quality control for the project, the submission of affidavits certifying compliance with these specifications or with standard specifications are required by the technical specifications. 1. A schedule of dollar values shall be submitted to Architect and Owner not less than twenty (20) days prior to first request for payment and shall be submitted on Owner's standard payment request form. This breakdown shall follow the trade Divisions of the Specification and each item thereunder shall include its pro rata part of overhead and profit so the sum of the items will equal the contract price. Breakdown will correspond exactly to items of work in the progress schedule including work of subcontractors. END OF SECTION 01300 Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/20 01 400 QUALITY CONTROLS 01 410 TESTING AND LABORATORY SERVICES 1 General: a. Special inspection and laboratory services, when obtained by the Owner are solely an assurance that Contract Documents provisions are met. Where results of Owner procured tests and inspections are made available to the Contractor, the Owner does so as a convenience only, and in no way is this act to be construed as relieving the Contractor of his obligations to provide materials and workmanship in accordance with the specifications. 2. Costs: a. The Owner will engage and pay professional inspection and laboratory personnel for the inspection and testing of certain parts of the Work as listed hereinafter or as may be directed. This paragraph shall not relieve the Contractor from liability for any testing, approval or inspection, including the Architect's additional service made necessary by such activity where the initial testing, approval or inspection has not shown that the work meets the standards required by the Contract. 3. Authority of Inspectors. a. Inspectors have full authority to see that work is performed in accordance with specifications and the directions of the Architect. In the event that unforeseen circumstances or conditions develop which he deems hazardous to the safety of personnel or property, he may stop the work and make an immediate report to the Architect. 4 Contractor Responsibility a. Lay out and plan Work so that parts of the work requiring special inspection and laboratory testing are available to such personnel and that times are allowed for their inspection and evaluation. Notify Owner and Architect at least 48 hours before inspection will be required. c. Access: Furnish access and arrange for inspection and testing personnel to have free access to the parts of the Work for which they nave evaluation responsibility Furnish records and drawings or data as may be required by testing and inspection personnel for the performance of their duties. d. Defective Work: Remove and replace or remedy to bring into conformance with the contract documents any materials and work found to be defective by testing and inspection personnel at no additional cost to the Owner If defective work is discovered by testing and inspection personnel, the Contractor shall bear all associated costs of additional required testing and architectural services. 5. Submittals: Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September, 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/21 a. Reports. Address 1 copy to Contractor address 1 copy to Architect; address 1 copy to the structural engineer and address 1 copy to the Owner Laboratory Reports In all reports include description of weather or climatic conditions pertinent to the report, date and time, identification of portion of work covered by report, name of inspectors or testers, and analysis of cause in case of failure. c. Site Reports: Submit Inspection at Site" reports; include pertinent data on weather condition of work, and evaluation, consolidation methods, and finishes. 6 Dutin of Inspectors and Testing Services: a. General 1) Inspection and testing services will be engaged for the checking and testing of the following phases of the Work. Sitework and Utilities 1) Compaction of Fill: Test fill after compaction for required densities; verify bearing capacity of all bearing surfaces. c. Earthwork 1) Excavation for Footings: Inspect excavations for conformance with specified depth of excavation' verify bearing capacity of all excavated bearing surfaces d. Concrete Work 1) Formwork: Inspect erected forms for adequacy of structural design, bracing, shoring and rigidity, for location, design and seal of form joints and ties. Continuous inspections during form removal, shoring and re- shoring operations. 2) Standard reinforcing Steel and Embedded Items: Check reinforcing bars and fabric in place prior to placing of any concrete; verify conditions of surfaces for bond integrity with concrete, locations and sizes of all items to be embedded, and anchorage for prevention of displacement. 3) Structural Concrete: Make tests of water /cement ratio by weight; check batch consistency made slump tests for each pour per ASTM 0143; furnish continuous inspection during placement, form removal, repair and patching, and curing of concrete. Make and cure at least 3 test cylinders of each strength of concrete for each 150 cubic yards placed, or for each day's pour whichever is the greater Verify floor and plaza elevations and screeds, consolidation methods and finishes. 4) Precast, Prestressed Concrete: Check reinforcing steel, types and placement at plant of fabrication; inspect placement of items embedded in the concrete. Inspect all erection and anchoring devices at plant of fabrication and at site. Check all precast units for trueness of line and accuracy of profile; and approve each shipment of precast members from plant to site. e. Metal Work 1) Structural Steel; Inspect, at plant during fabrication; continuous inspection at site during erection; testing and inspection during all Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/22 welding, bolting, or riveting operations for conformance with Contract Documents f Glued Laminated Lumber Check lumber grades and species, moisturecontent, preparation for gluing, glue mixing, spreading and clamping at plant; check appearance, size, length, connections and erection at site. 7 Exceptions. a. Concrete mixing plants and plants producing fabricated concrete, steel and wood products which have been previously certified by the Building Official are not subject to plant inspection, unless specifically required; however test cylinders are required for all concrete. 8 Duties of Laboratory a. Submit reports promptly Test and obtain certifications for tests of structural components as described hereinbefore. 01 420 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1 Familiarity with Pertinent Codes and Standards: In procuring all items used in this Work, it is the Contractors responsibility to verify the detailed requirements of the specifically named codes and standards and to verify that the items procured for use in this Work meet or exceed the specified requirements. 2. Rejection of Non Complying Items: The architect reserves the right to reject items incorporated into the Work which fail to meet the specified minimum requirements. The Architect further reserves the right, and without prejudice to other recourse the Architect may take, to accept non complying items subject to an adjustment in the Contract Amount as approved by the Architect and the Owner 3. The Architect and /or Owner reserve the right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to specifications at any time. The Contractor shall furnish samples upon request. Rejected materials shalt be immediately removed from the site at Contractor's expense. Cost of testing of materials not meeting specifications shall be paid by the Contractor END OF SECTION 01400 Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/23 01 500 C •J I► :►P a I► :I 01 510 TEMPORARY UTILITIES 01 511 Temporary electricity 1 Contractor shall provide and pay for all construction power 2. Temporary electrical system shall comply with local codes an conditions. 01 512 Temporary lighting 1. Contractor shall provide and pay for all lighting. 01 513 Temporary heating. cooling and ventilating 1 Contractor shall provide and maintain, at his own expense, all temporary heating including all fuel and required attendance necessary to protect and dry all work during cold weather Specific heating requirements include, but are not limited to: a. Veneer Plaster Uniform temperature of 55 deg. F minimum for a week before application of plaster during plastering operations, and until plaster is dry Distribute heat evenly throughout building. Gypsum Wallboard 55 deg. F minimum day and night during entire joint treatment operation and until execution of Certificate of Substantial Completion. c. Ceramic Tile 50 deg. F during preparation of mortar bed, laying of tile, and for 72 hours after completion of tile work. d. Acoustical Tile 70 deg. F minimum during setting of tile. e. Wood Flooring 70 deg. F minimum where material is stored prior to installation, for one week prior to installation, continuously during installation, and one week after application of final coat of floor finish. f Resilient Flooring 70 deg. F minimum during application. g. Carpeting 60 deg. F minimum and 95 deg. F maximum for 7 days prior to laying of carpet and continuously during installation. h. Painting 55 deg. F minimum during painting operations and until dry 2. Temporary heat shall be provided as soon as condition of the building warrants. After such time no salimanders or open fires will be permitted. 3 When temporary heating is no longer required or as soon as the permanent heating system may be used, Contractor shall dismantle the temporary heating system and shall at his own expense (including cost of fuel) operate the permanent heating system, assuming all responsibility and risk thereof 01 514 Temporary telephone Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/24 1 Contractor shall install a job telephone at his own expense Local calls shall be paid for by Contractor Long distance and toil calls shall be paid for by party making -the call. 01 515 Temporary water 1 Contractor shall provide and pay for all water for building purposes which is required by all trades 2. Contractor shall make temporary connections and provide piping, hoses nozzles, and other accessories required during construction, if necessary 3. Upon completion, or before if directed, disconnect temporary equipment and remove from site. 01 516 Temporary sanitary facilities 1 Contractor shall provide and maintain a sanitary temporary toilet. 2. As soon as condition of Work will allow the temporary toilet shall be located within the building. 3. Where possible, this temporary toilet shall be connected to sewer 4 Temporary outside toilet shall be removed at the completion of the job 01 5251 CONSTRUCTION AIDS 01 527 Scaffolding. pla tforms. etc, 1 Contractor or his subcontractors shall furnish and maintain all equipment such as temporary stairs, ladders ramps, platforms, scaffolds, hoists, runways, derricks, chutes, elevators, etc. as required for proper execution of the work. 2. All apparatus, equipment, and construction shall meet all requirements of the Labor Law safety regulations and other State or local laws applicable thereto. 3. As soon as possible, permanent stair framing shall be erected. Contractor shall provide framing with temporary treads, handrails, and shaft protection. 01530 BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES 01 534 Temporary enclosures Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/25 1 Contractor shall provide temporary weathertight enclosures for all exterior openings as soon as walls and roof are built so as to protect all work from the weather 01540 SECURITY 01 543 3racing. shoring. and sheathing 1 Contractor shall provide all shoring, bracing, and sheathing as required for safety and for proper execution of the work and have same removed if required when the Work is completed. 01544 Persons 1 Contractor shall provide installation and maintenance of necessary precautions to protect all persons on the site, including members of the general public, from injury or harm, including but not limited to: a. Posting of appropriate warning signs in hazardous areas. Providing guardrails, barricades of adequate heights, together with warning lights around obstructions, pits, trenches, or similar areas in on -site or adjacent streets, roads, sidewalks, or on the site of structure itself All such guardrails around openings in floors or roofs shall be at least 3' -6" in height. c. When use or storage of explosives or other hazardous materials or equipment in necessary for the execution of the work, Contractor shall exercise the utmost care and shall carry on such activities under the supervision of properly qualified personnel. 01 545 Weather 1 Contractor shall at all times provide protection against weather (rain, winds, storms, frost, or heat) so as to maintain all work, materials, apparatus, and fixtures free from injury or damage. At the end of the day's work, all new work likely to be damaged shall be covered. 2. During cold weather Contractor shall protect all work from damage. If low temperatures make it impossible to continue operations safely in spite of cold weather precautions, Contractor shall cease work and so notify Architect. 01 547 Temporary fire protection 1. Contractor shall provide and maintain in working order two Standard UL Labeled ABC all purpose 10 lb fire extinguishers. These extinguishers shall not be incorporated into the final Project. Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September, 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/26 5 Lettering a. Design Standards. All signs shall conform to the following requirements- 1) Type: All lettering shall be of the "Optima" modified Latin typeface, in sizes shown in exhibit "A" 2) Colors- Letting colors will be submitted to the Owner for approval. 3) Symbols- Use only those symbols shown. 4) Layout Sign layout shall be submitted to Architect for approval before execution of sign. EXECUTION 1 All Project Signs and Construction Signs shall conform to the following. a. Sign Panel: All cuts and edges shall be square and clean and all defects patched before painting. b Image: Symbol or type may be screened or hand painted. No screen patterning, paint build -up, bleed- through or drips and runs will be allowed. c. Hand -made patterns must be carefully cut and true to the symbols provided therein. Only clear crisp sign painting is acceptable. Hand painted typeograph shall be true to the font design. d. Posts: All sign posts shall be embedded in earth and braced as indicated. All signs 4' x f3' and larger shall have compacted gravel around each post. 2 590 FIELD OFFICES AND SHEDS 2 591 Office 1 Contractor shall at all times provide and maintain a weathertight office for use by Contractor Architect, and Subcontractors. This building shall be property of Contractor and shall be removed when directed. 2. This office shall be heated when needed and provided with doors and locks, tables, benches electric lights, and racks for drawings. 01582 Sheds 1 Contractor Shall provide and maintain on the premises, neat, weather -tight storage sheds for storage of all materials which might be damaged or affected by weather or moisture. These sheds shall have wood floors raised above the ground. Sheds shall be property of Contractor or subcontractor and shall be removed at completion of the Work. Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/30 01 593 First aid facilities 1 In accordance with the requirements of 296 -24 WAC, furnish personnel trained in first aid and certified as approved by Washington Department of Labor and Industries. Provide first aid kits on site; types and quantities in accordance with requirements of 196 -24 -065 WAC. END OF SECTION 01 500 Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/31 01 600 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 1 Materials incorporated into Project shall be new of specified duality and furnished in sufficient quantity to facilitate proper and speedy execution of the Work. 2. Contractor shall, if required, furnish evidence of the quality of any materials. 3. Materials not meeting requirements of the Contract Documents shall be removed from Project by Contractor without expense to Owner 4 No asbestos or products containing asbestos have been knowingly specified for this Project. Notify the Architect immediately if- a. Materials containing asbestos are brought to the site for inclusion in the Work. b Asbestos materials are encountered in any existing structures upon which work is being performed. 01 610 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING 1. Materials shall be delivered to the site in original packaging with labels and trademarks intact, and such labels and trademarks shall remain intact until used. 01 620 STORAGE AND PROTECTION 1. Contractor shall confine his apparatus, storage of materials, and operations of his workmen to limits indicated by law ordinances, and permits and shall arrange and maintain parking of vehicles and storage of materials in an orderly manner leaving all walks, driveways, roads, and entrances, unencumbered. 2. All equipment on site shall be protected from physical damage and from the elements by measured satisfactory to Architect. All rotating equipment shall be rotated four turns once each week during construction. 01 PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 1 Contractor's Responsibility a. Contractor's responsibility to be certain that all materials selected by him, or for him by his subcontractors or material suppliers, conform with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The approval of a manufacturer's name by the Architect does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for providing material and equipment which comply with the Contract Documents. It is frequently necessary to design the structure and finish around, and to specify items to accommodate, one manufacturer's product including mechanical and electrical items or equipment. In the event the Contractor receives approval to provide another manufacturer's product or assembly, it shall be understood that any modifications necessary to the proper installation and function of the Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/32 substituted items shall be made by the contractor at no additional cost to Owner The Contractor shall bear the additional cost required for necessary detailing to accommodate the change. Changes made to accommodate approved but not specified items shall be approved by the Architect prior to construction. c. All redesign costs resulting from substitutions shall be borne by Contractor and shall be paid to Architect before final Certificate for Payment will be issued. 2. Substitutions and approval before receipt of bids. a. Whenever a material, article, or piece of equipment is identified on the drawings or in the specifications by reference to manufacturer's name, trademark, model, or catalog number only such specific items may be used except as hereinafter provided. b When the term "or approved" is employed, any items or material not specifically named by manufacturer's name shall be subject to the Architects's approval. Written requests for approval shall be submitted by bidders to the Architect at least 10 days prior to the receiving of bids. Requests received after that time will not be considered. c. Requests for approval shall clearly describe the product for which approval is asked. The specific application shall be accompanied by samples, record of performance, certified copies of tests by impartial and recognized laboratories, and engineering data. Approval of all items and materials will be given only by written addendum sent to all Bidders. d. Bidders may submit with his proposal a letter under separate cover listing substitutions of his choice that he is willing to guarantee. However his bid shall be based on the specified items. This letter shall identify the product or products the manufacturer of each, and shall state the amount to be added to or deducted from his bid in the event the substitution is accepted. The separate proposal will not be used for the purpose of determining the successful Bidder These proposed substitutions do not require the prior approval of the Architect. e. Proposals for changes in structure, design, or function will not be considered. 3 Substitutions After Award of Contract: a. In general, the equipment and materials selected by the Architect are considered to be those best suited for this project, and substitutions will be considered after execution of the Contract only under the following conditions: 1) That the equipment or materials proposed for substitutions are equal to, or superior in construction, efficiency, and utility to the equipment or material specified, and that equipment or material specified cannot be delivered to the job in time to complete the work in proper sequence of work by other subcontractors due to conditions beyond to control of the Contractor 2) To receive consideration, requests for substitutions must be accompanied by documentary proof of equality, engineering data, difference in price, and time of delivery in the form of certified quotations Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/33 from suppliers of both specified and proposed equipment, showing prices and date of ordering. In case of difference in price, the Owner shall receive all benefit of the difference in cost involved in any substitutions as shown by the certified quotations The Contract will be altered by change order to credit Owner with any savings obtained. No substitutions involving additional cost to the Owner will be approved. 3) When the Architect approves a substitution, it is with the understanding that the Contractor guarantees the substituted item to be equal to, or better than the one specified. Division 01 General Requirements (AlA) September 1993 01/34 MASTER Commercial Specifications 2 67)1 5ubstitution request form TO. PROJECT We hereby submit for consideration, the following product instead of specified item for above project: Section: Proposed Substitution: Specified Item: Attach complete technical data, including laboratory tests and samples, as applicable. Detailed comparison of the significant qualities (size, weight, durability, performance and similar characteristics, and including visual effect where applicable) for the proposed substitution in comparison with the original requirements. List completely installation changes and changes to Drawings and Specifications required by proposal. Fill in Blanks Below. A. Does substitution require change in Drawing dimensions? Will Undersigned pay for resulting building design changes including engineering and detailing costs? C. What effect does substitution have on other trades? D Differences between proposed substitution and specified item? Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/35 E. Manufacturers guarantees of proposed and specified items are: Same Different (explain in attachment) F Name and address of 3 similar projects on which product was used, and date of installation: G Contract completion date is Same Different (explain on attachment) Undersigned attests function and duality equivalent or superior to specified item and waives his rights to additional payment and time which may subsequently be necessitated by failure of the substitution to perform adequately, and for the required work to make corrections thereof Submitted by Signature Firm Address Date Telephone Remarks Date MASTER Commercial Specifications For Use by Architect: Accepted_Accepted as Noted_ Not Accepted Received Too Late e END OF SECTION 1600 Division 01 General Requirements (AlA) September 1993 01/36 01 700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 1 Sco e: a At or near completion of construction of the project certain items or work and submittals as specified elsewhere, are required prior to the Owners acceptance and final payment for the project which include, but are not limited to the following. 01 710 FINAL CLEANING 1. Interior surfaces. a. After all trades have completed their work and just before final acceptance and occupancy by the Owner thoroughly clean all interior surfaces of the project; vacuum floors walls and ceilings, clean air ducts, replace filters hand dust all shelves, counters, and cabinets, clean finish floors and floor covering and wax; wash and polish all mirror and metal trim or fittings, clean toilet and plumbing fixtures; clean lighting fixtures and electrical equipment, include washing and polishing lenses inside and out; wash and polish all exposed stainless steel surfaces and wash and polish all glass and glazing, both sides. 2. Exterior,Surfaces: a. Remove construction equipment and temporary facilities from premises; clean and disinfect areas occupied by sanitary conveniences; remove temporary connection to services and restore to "original" condition. Remove all construction debris and excess materials. 01 715 PREFINAL. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. FINAL INSPECTIONS. OCCUPANCY 1 Upon Contractors request, Architect (and his consultants as appropriate) will make a prefinal inspection and furnish to Contractor a list of items to be corrected by Contractor Upon correction of these items, Architect will arrange a substantial completion inspection to include Owner and User representatives at which time Architect will furnish final list of items to be corrected. At the substantial completion inspection, unless building is rejected, Owner Architect, and Contractor will execute a Certificate of Substantial Completion which states the dates for user occupancy, commencement of warranties, final completion inspection, and for voiding the liquidated damages requirement contained in Section 01 110 2. Final Completion Inspection will ensure that all deficiencies noted at the substantial completion inspection have been corrected according to terms of the substantial completion certificate. When all items have been corrected, Architect will issue a certificate authorizing final payment. If all items have not been corrected as agreed. Owner may elect to complete the Work under provisions of General and Supplementary Conditions. Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/37 3 Neither the final payment nor the remaining. retained percentage shall become due until the Contractor submits to the Owner (1) an affidavit that all payrolls bills for materials and equipment, and other indebtedness connected with the work for which the Owner or his property might in any way be responsible, have been paid or otherwise satisfied, due to final payment and (2) if required by the Owner other data establishing payment or satisfaction of all such obligations such as receipts, releases and waivers of liens arising out of the Contract to extend and in such form as may be designated by the Owner If a subcontractor refuses to furnish a release or waiver required by the Owner the Contractor may furnish a bond satisfactory to the Owner to indemnify him against any such lien. If any such lien remains unsatisfied after all payments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all moneys that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging such lien, including all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. 01 720 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 1 Contractor shall deliver to Architect prior to substantial completion inspection: a. Accurate "as built" drawings and letters of the work if the work is constructed in any way at variance to that shown on Contract Documents Certificates of inspection and of occupancy that may be required by authorities having jurisdiction over the Work. c. Construction photographs that may be required by Owner 01730 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 1. Before execution of the Certificate of Substantial Completion, Contractor shall furnish the operating instructions and maintenance manuals as called for in the Contract Documents. 2. Operating Instructions. Provide an operation instruction period for Owner s representatives and personnel following completion and initial operation of equipment and systems; instruction shall be given by manufacturer's authorized personnel, Contractors' and Subcontractors' foremen, or superintendents for the trades involved. 01 740 WARRANTIES AND BONDS 1 When written guarantees beyond one year after substantial completion are required of any section of the Work, Contractor shall secure such guarantees and /or warranties properly addressed and in favor of Owner These documents shall be delivered to Architect upon substantial completion of Contractor's work and prior to execution of Certificate of Substantial Completion. 2. Delivery of guarantees and warranties shall not relieve Contractor from any obligation assumed under any other provision of this contract. Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 01/38 MASTER Commercial Specifications 3 Nothing herein intends nor implies that guarantees and /or warranties shall apply to work abused or neglected by Owner 01 750 CORRECTION OF WORK DURING GUARANTEE PERIOD. 1 Corrections. a. Where items on the Architect's "Punch List" have not been corrected prior to expiration of the specified guaranteed period, it shall nevertheless be the responsibility of the Contractor to permanently correct said items after the specified guarantee period, and the Contract shall not be fully performed until such permanent corrections are made. 2. Guarantee Period: a. All corrective work performed by the Contractor in remedying defective work during the guarantee period following the Owner's acceptance of the project shall be subject to the same guarantee requirements of the original work for a period as specified from the date of completion of the corrective work. 3. Delivery of guarantees and warranties Shall not relieve Contractor from any obligation assumed under any other provisions of his contract. 4 Nothing herein intends or implies that guarantees and /or warranties shall apply to work abused or neglected by Owner END OF SECTION 01700 Division 01 General Requirements (AIA) September 1993 MASTER Commercial Specifications 01/39 PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Selective Demolition: SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION 1. Selective demolition of interior partitions, systems, and building components designated to be removed. 2. Selective demolition of exterior facade, structures, and components designated to be removed. 3 Protection of portions of building adjacent to or affected by selective demolition. 4 Removal of abandoned utilities and wiring systems 5. Notification to Owner of schedule of shut -off of utilities which serve occupied spaces. 6 Polution control during selective demolition, including noise control. 7 Removal and legal disposal of materials. Asbestos and hazardous materials demolition or removal work is not part of this contract. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit for approval selective demolition schedule, including schedule and methods for capping utilities to be abandoned and maintaining existing utility service. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with governing codes and regulations Use experienced workers. 1.04 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Immediate areas of work will not be occupied during selective demolition. Adjacent areas may be occupied by the public, including children. PART 2 PRODUCTS Not Applicable To This Section PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 DEMOLITION DEMOLITION 02050 1 A. Do not damage building elements and improvements indicated to remain. Items of salvage value, not included on schedule of salvage items to be returned to Owner shall be removed from structure. Storage or sale of items at project site i5 prohibited. B Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, drives or other occupied or used spaces or facilities without the written permission of the Owner and the authorities having jurisdiction. Do not interrupt utilities serving occupied or used facilities without the written permission of the Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. If necessary provide temporary utilities. C. Cease operations if public safety or remaining structures are endangered. Perform temporary corrective measures until operations can be continued properly D Provide adequate protection against accidental trespassing Secure project after work hours. 3.02 SCHEDULE A. Items for Protection During Demolition and Construction: 1. Adjacent hallways and carpeted areas. B Items to be Salvaged for Delivery to Owner 1. Metal door frames doors, hardware 2. Light fixtures not to be reused. 3. Baseboard Electric Heaters D Utilities Requiring Interruption, Capping, or Removal. 1. Electric. 2. Heat. END OF SECTION DEMOLITION 02050 2 1 PART 1 GENERAL A. Submit for approval shop drawings, product data, engineering certification of deflection criteria. I 1 1 2.01 MATERIALS I SECTION 05400 COLD FORMED METAL FRAMING 1.01 SUMMARY A. Provide cold- formed metal framing units. 1. Interior non load bearing steel -stud walls. 1.02 SUBMITTALS 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers which have been in satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B Standards: AISI, Specification for Design of Cold- Formed Steel Structural Members. C. Studs installed at 16' O.C. C. Fabrication Tolerances. 1/8" in 10' D Erection Tolerances: 1/16" PART 2 PRODUCTS A. Cold- Formed Metal Framing Materials. 1. Wall Framing: C- shaped load- bearing steel studs. 2. Joist Framing: C- shaped load- bearing steel joists. 3. Units 18 gage (.0358 inch): ASTM A 446, yield point 37,000 psi. 4 Finish: Galvanized, ASTM A 525 G60 COLD FORMED METAL FRAMING 05400 -1 B Framing Accessories 1 Supplementary framing 2. Bracing, bridging, and solid blocking 3 We stiffeners 4 Gusset plates 5. Deflection track and vertical side clips. 6. Stud kickers and girts. 7 Joist hangers and end closures. 8 Reinforcement plates. 9 Anchors, clips and fasteners. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install materials and systems in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and approved submittals. Install materials and systems in proper relation with adjacent construction. Coordinate with work of other sections. Comply with rectuirements of ASTM C 1007 for installation of steel studs and accessories and Metal Lath /Steel Framing Association Lightweight Steel Framing Systems Manual. C. Restore damaged components. Protect work from damage. END OF SECTION COLD- FORMED METAL FRAMING 05400 2 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS SECTION 06402 INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Provide interior architectural woodwork: 1 Standing and running trim and rails. 2. Casework and countertops. 3. Wood paneling and wainscots. 4 Door frames and jambs 5. Shelving and closet specialties. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals are not required for this section. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Particleboard. NPA 8 compliance. 2. Medium Density Fiberboard: NPA 9 compliance. 3. Hardwood Plywood: HPMA FE compliance. INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06402 1 A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers which have been in satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturer instructions. B Standards. Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) "Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards." C. Standards. Woodwork Institute of California (WIC) "Manual of Millwork." D Preservative Treatment: Non pressure method, exterior type, NWWDA 1.5 4 E. Formaldehyde Emission Levels: A. Interior Standing and Running Trim and Rails 1 Species for Transparent Finish: Rift sawn red oak. 2. Species for Opaque Finish. White pine or sugar pine. 3. Grade: Premium. B Interior Wood Casework: 1. Species for Transparent Finish. Plain sawn /sliced natural birch. 2. Species for Opaque Finish: Closed grain hardwood. 3. Grade: Premium. 4 Face Style: Flush overlay Flush. 5. Frame Fabrication: Face frame. O. Grain Matching: Vertical 7 Veneer Matching In Panel Face: Running. C. Interior Plastic Laminate Clad Casework: 1 Laminate: High pressure decorative laminate, NEMA LD -3 2. Grade: Custom. 3. Face Style: Reveal overlay 4 Frame Fabrication: Face frame D Casework Hardware and Auxiliary Materials: 1 Hardware Standard. ANSI /BHMA A156.9 2. Hardware Finish and Base Metal: Satin stainless steel or chromium plated steel. E. Interior Plastic Laminate Clad Countertops 1. Laminate: High pressure decorative laminate, NEMA LD -3. 2. Grade: Premium. 3. Core: Plywood. 4 Edge: Lumber F Interior Frames and Jambs. 1. Species for Transparent Finish: Rift sawn red oak. 2. Species for Opaque Finish: Any closed -grain hardwood or finger jointed pine. 3. Grade: Premium. INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06402 2 G Shelving and Closet Specialties: 1 1 .r 1. Shelving. 12' deep 3/4 thick self -edged Plywood. 2. Closet Rods. Wood. H. Auxiliary Materials. 1 Screws FS FF S -111 2. Nails FS FF N 105 3. Anchors. Type required for secure anchorage. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION fit. INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06402 3 A. Provide work to sizes, shapes, and profiles indicated. Install work to comply with quality standards referenced. Conceal fasteners to the greatest extent practical. Back prime work and install plumb level and straight with tight joints; scribe work to B. Install materials and systems in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and approved submittals. Install materials and systems in proper relation with adjacent construction. Coordinate with work of other sections. C. Comply with manufacturer's requirements for cutting, handling, fastening and working treated materials D Repair minor damage, clean and protect. END OF SECTION SECTION 07270 FIRESTOPPING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Provide firestopping at the following locations. 1. Penetrations through fire resistance -rated walls and partitions. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit for approval product data, test reports. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers which have been in satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B Fire Performance: ASTM E 119 ASTM E 814 and local regulations. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Through- Penetration Firestop Systems. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide systems designed for use required, of one or more of the following types: 1. Endothermic, latex sealant and compounds. 2. Intumescent latex sealant, putty and wrap strips. 3. Job -mixed vinyl compound. 4 Mortar 5. Pillows /bags. 6. Silicone foams and sealants. B Fire- Resistive Elastomeric Joint Sealants: 1. Single- component, neutral- curing, silicone sealant. 2. Multi- component, nonsag, urethane sealant. FIRESTOPPING 07270 1 3 Single- component, nonsag, urethane sealant. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Review extent of work with authorities having jurisdiction and obtain approval of installation thicknesses and methods. B Sectuence work to avoid need for removal of firestopping by work of other trades. C. Comply with manufacturers' instructions and recommendations. Securely anchor insulation with safing clips. Install firestops without gaps or voids. P Protect, inspect and repair work until final acceptance. END OF SECTION FIRESTOPPING 07270 2 SECTION 08111 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Provide steel doors and frames. 1 Exterior steel doors and frames 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit for approval samples, shop drawings, product data. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers which have been satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced installers Deliver handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturers instructions. B Standards: ANSI /SDI -100 Recommended Specifications for Standard Steel Doors and Frames. C. Performance Standards 1 Fire -Rated Assemblies NFPA 80 and acceptable testing agency listing. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Manufacturers. Amweld Building Products, Ceco Door Products, Curries Co. Meeker Door Steelcraft or approved equal. B Steel Doors 1. Door Type: Standard steel doors with hollow or composite construction. 2. Interior Doors: ANSI /SDI -100 Grade II, heavy -duty, minimum 18 gage (.0358 inch) cold rolled steel, 1-3/4 inches thick. 3. Finish: Factory primed and field painted. STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES 08111 1 C. Steel Frames PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION F Touch -up damaged coatings and leave ready to receive finish painting. END OF SECTION STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES 08111 2 1 Interior Frames. Knockdown, 16 gage (.0598 inch) sheet steel, mitered or coped corners. 2. Accessories. Door silencers, closers, smoke gaskets, and plaster guards 3. Finish: Factory primed and field painted. A. Fabricate work to be rigid, neat and free from seams, defects, dents, warp buckle, and exposed fasteners. Install doors and frames in compliance with SDI -100 NFPA 80 and rectuirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Provide thermally improved doors with maximum U -value of 0.24 BTU/hr./sot. ft. degree F (ASTM C 236) for all exterior doors and elsewhere as noted. C. Provide acoustically improved doors with minimum SIC of 33 (ASTM E 90 and ASTM E 413) where indicated. D Hardware: Prepare doors and frames to receive hardware on final schedule. Provide for 3 silencers on single door frames. E. Shop Finish: Clean, treat and prime paint all work with rust inhibiting primer comparable with finish paint specified in Division 9 section. Provide asphalt emulsion sound deadening coating on concealed frame interiors C. Fitting and Finish 1 Fitting Factory prefit and premachined doors. 2. Factory Finish. Transparent factory finish, catalyzed lacquer PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Comply with NWMA LS 1A and specified quality standard. Prefit doors to frames. Premachine doors for hardware listed on final schedules. Factory bevel doors. B Install doors with not more than 1/8" clearance at top and sides, 1/4" at bottom. Comply with NFPA SO for rated assemblies. C. Shop Finish. Sand and provide first coat of finish system specified in painting section. Wrap and protect. D Adjust, clean, and protect. END OF SECTION FLUSH WOOD DOORS 08211 2 rhal SECTION 05212 STILE AND RAIL WOOD DOORS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Provide stile and rail wood doors 1. Interior stile and rail doors 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit for approval samples, shop drawings, product data, warranty 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers which have been in satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturer s instructions. B Quality Standards for Stile and Rail Doors: NWWDA I.S. 6 C. Quality Standards for Custom Stile and Rail Wood Doors. AWI Architectural Quality Standards D Fire Rated Stile and Rail Wood Doors. Meeting ASTM E 152 requirements. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Manufacturers. Simpson Doors Buffelen Manufacturing or approved equal. B Exterior Stock Stile and Rail Doors 1. Quality Standard: NWWDA 1.5 6. 2. Design Group. French or casement type, 1-3/5 inch thick. 3. Panel Configuration: Raised panels. 4. Glazing: Single pane tempered glass. 5. Glazing Color Clear glass. STILE AND RAIL WOOD DOORS 08212 1 6 Finish. Transparent finish on plain sawn /Douglas Fir faces. C. Interior Stock Stile and Rail Doors. 1 Quality Standard. NWWDA 1.5 6 2. Design Group. French type, 1 3/8 inch thick. 3. Panel Configuration: Flat panels. 4 Glazing Single pane glass. 5. Glazing Color Clear glass 6. Finish. Transparent finish on quarter sawn /sliced Douglas Fir faces. D Finish: 1. Factory Finish: Transparent factory finish, catalyzed lacquer PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Comply with NWWDA 1.5 1A and specified quality standard. Profit doors to frames. Premachine doors for hardware listed on final schedules. Factory bevel doors. B. Install doors with not more than 1/8" clearance at top and sides, 1/4" at bottom. Comply with NFPA 80 for rated assemblies. C. Shop Finish: Sand and provide first coat of finish system specified in painting section. Wrap and protect. D Adjust, clean, and protect. END OF SECTION STILE AND RAIL WOOD DOORS 08212 2 SECTION 08510 STEEL WINDOWS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Provide steel windows. 1 Individual units set in wall construction. 1.02 SUBMITTALS 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Submit for approval samples, shop drawings, product data, warranty, test reports, maintenance data. A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers which have been in satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturer instructions. B Testing: Window performance. C. Performance: Comply with Steel Window Institute for grade of window required. 1. Light commercial: Standard intermediate grade. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Manufacturers Kawneer or approved equal. B Steel Windows 3. Glazing. Single pane wire glass. 4 Glazing Color Clear glass. 5. Steel Window Members: Hot- rolled new billet steel. 6. Trim Members: Extruded aluminum, formed sheet aluminum or stainless steel. 7 Anchors, Clips, and Window Accessories: Stainless steel, galvanized steel or STEEL WINDOWS 08510 1 bronze 8 Finish. Shop prime for site finish. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install materials and systems in accordance with manufacturer instructions and approved submittals Install materials and systems in proper relation with adjacent construction and with uniform appearance. Coordinate with work of other sections. B Restore damaged finishes and test for proper operation. Clean and protect work from damage. END OF SECTION STEEL WINDOWS 08510 -2 PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. ,Provide wood windows: 1 Individual units. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit for approval samples, shop drawings, product data, mock -ups, warranty, test reports, maintenance data. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE SECTION 08610 WOOD WINDOWS A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers which have been in satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Testing: Window performance. C. Performance: Comply with NWWDA 1.5. 2 for grade of window required. 1 Light Commercial: Grade 40 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Manufacturers: Andersen, Caradco, Malta, Marvin, Pella, Weather Shield or approved equal. B Wood Windows. 1. Window Type: Prime coated wood windows. 2. Window Operation: Fixed windows. 3. Window Grade: Grade 40, commercial NWWDA 1.5.2. 4 Glazing: Single pane tempered glass. WOOD WINDOWS 08610 1 5 Glazing Color Clear glass S Glazing Pattern Single pane per sash [with snap -on trim]. 7 Wood Window Members Kiln -dried clear Douglas Fir lumber Interior Wood Finish. Factory finished. 9 Anchors, Clips and Window Accessories. Aluminum, nonmagnetic stainless steel, or galvanized steel. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install materials and systems in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and approved submittals. Install materials and systems in proper relation with adjacent construction and with uniform appearance. Coordinate with work of other sections. B Restore damaged finishes and test for proper operation. Clean and protect work from damage. END OF SECTION WOOD WINDOWS 08610 2 Door Type A. Storefront Basic Hardware All doors shall receive not less than 1 -1/2 p hinges, 1 stop, and 3 silencers (except if smoke seal or weather stnpping provided), in addition to the itABDWARE GROUP requirements listed below. B. Hollow Metal C. Wood D Acoustic operable panels E. Acoustic accordion partition F Accordion partition G Roll -up Security Gate H. Wood Bi -fold Lock Type 1 Automatic opener—Provide after hours locking as required. Door opens with infrared sensors or electric push pads. Manual emergency egress. 2. Card key Inside always unlocked, outside entry by key unless unlocked from outside by key 3 Cypher Inside always unlocked, outside combination key *4 Classroom Inside always unlocked, outside entry by key unless unlocked from outside by key S Passage latchset—Both sides always unlocked A• or 4M� 6 Privacy inside push- button: outside entry by special key 7 Vestibule Inside always unlocked; outside entry by key unless unlocked from inside 8. Storeroom Inside always unlocked, outside entry by key only 9 Push/pull plates (6 "x20" plate with 1 diameter x 10" long pullbar) Division 8 Doors Windows Hardware Group A. Existing Hardware B Basic Hardware C. Closer D Closer Kickplates E. Closer Ball bearing hinges F Closer Relight G Closer Kickplates. Ball- bearing hinges H. Closer Kickplates. Relight I Closer Kickplates, Relight. Ball- bearing hinges .1 Closer Ball- bearing hinges. Relight K. Kickplates L. Kickplates, Ball bearing hinges i M. Kickplates, Ball beartng hinges. Relight N Kickplates, Relight P Ball bearing hinges Q Relight. Ball- bearing hinges R. Relight S. Special hardware T Sound gasket weather stripping DPD January 1996 Page 19 SECTION 08800 GLAZING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Provide glazing at the following locations. 1. Interior windows and glazed openings. 2. Doors. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals not required for this section. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers which have been in satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B Testing: Glazing performance. 1.04 WARRANTY A. Glass Warranties. 1. Tempered Glass: Manufacturer's 5 year warranty PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Manufacturers. AFG Industries, Cardinal, Libby Owens Ford, Viracon or approved equal. B Glass. 1. Laminated Glass Units: Polyvinyl butyral interlayer GLAZING 08800 1 D Glazing Accessories 1 Elastomeric glazing sealants 2. Preformed glazing tapes. 3. Glazing gaskets 4 Setting blocks, spacers, and compressible filler rods PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Inspect framing and report unsatisfactory conditions in writing. Comply with FGMA "Glazing Manual" and manufacturers instructions and recommendations. Use manufacturer's recommended spacers, blocks, primers, sealers, gaskets and accessories C. Install glass with uniformity of pattern, draw bow and roller marks. 3.02 SCHEDULE A. Glazing Schedule: 1. Wood Windows: 5118 inch (16 mm) thick tempered unit, clear glass.] 2. Doors: Tempered glass END OF SECTION GLAZING 08800 2 D Install sealants to provide complete wetting and bond and to create a substantial wash away from glass. E. Remove and replace damaged glass and glazing. Wash, polish and protect all glass supplied under this section. PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Provide gypsum board assemblies: B Gypsum Board Attachment: 1.02 SUBMITTALS 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE SECTION 09250 GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 1 Interior walls, partitions and ceilings. 2. Steel framing systems to receive gypsum board. 3. Insulation and vapor barrier systems in gypsum board assemblies. 4 Remodeling at existing gypsum board construction. 1. Gypsum board screw attached to steel framing and furring. 2. Gypsum board nail attached to wood framing and furring. A. Submit for approval product data; mock -up of typical partition for approval of materials and level of finish, full height by 8 feet long. A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers which have been in satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturer instructions. B Tolerances: Not more than 1/16 inch difference in true plane at joints between adjacent boards before finishing. After finishing, joints shall be not be visible. Not more than 1/8 inch in 10 feet deviation from true plane, plumb level and proper relation to adjacent surfaces in finished work. C. Fire Resistance for Fire -Rated Assemblies: ASTM E 119 D Performance: Fire, structural, and seismic performance meeting requirements of building code and local authorities. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Manufacturers of Gypsum Board: Domtar Gypsum, Georgia-Pacific Corp National Gypsum Co. United States Gypsum Co. or approved equal. B Manufacturers of Steel Framing and Furring. Dale Industries Dietrich Industries, Marino Ware, National Gypsum Co. Unimast or approved equal. C. Manufacturers of Grid and Suspension Systems Armstrong World Industries, Chicago Metallic, USG Interiors or approved equal. D Gypsum Board: 1 Gypsum Wallboard: ASTM C 36 regular and fire -rated types as required, 5/8 inch typical thickness. 2. Water Resistant Gypsum Backing Board: ASTM C 630 regular and fire -rated types as required, 5/8 inch typical thickness. 3. Joint Treatment: ASTM C 475 and ASTM C 840 3 -coat system, paper or fiberglass tape. E. Trim Accessories: 1. Material: Metal or plastic trim. 2. Types: Cornerbead, edge trim, and control joints. F Steel Framing for Walls and Partitions: 1 Steel Studs and Runners: ASTM C 645 22 gage (.0276 inch) steel studs, 3 -5/8 inch typical depth with manufacturer's standard corrosion resistant coating. 2. Furring Channels: ASTM C 645, 20 gage (.0329 inch) with manufacturer's standard corrosion resistant coating. 3 Auxiliary Framing Components: Furring brackets, resilient furring channels, Z- furring members and non corrosive fasteners. G Steel Framing for Suspended and Furred Ceilings. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09250 2 1 Furring Channels: ASTM C 645 standard channels with manufacturers standard corrosion resistant coating. 2. Accessories: Hangers and inserts. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H. Auxiliary Materials. 1 Gypsum board screws, ASTM C 1002. 2. Gypsum board nails, ASTM C 514 3 Fastening adhesive. 4 Concealed acoustical sealant. 5 Mineral fiber sound attenuation blankets. 6 Mineral fiber thermal insulation. 7 Polyethylene vapor retarder 6 mils. D. Polystyrene aggregated finish for ceilings. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install steel framing in compliance with ASTM C 754 Install with tolerances necessary to produce substrate for gypsum board assemblies with tolerances specified. Include blocking for items such as railings, grab bars, casework, toilet accessories and similar items. Install wood framing in compliance with Section 06100 Rough Carpentry Install with Fl tolerances necessary to produce substrate for gypsum board assemblies with tolerances specified. Include blocking for items such as railings, grab bars, casework, toilet accessories and similar items. C. Install gypsum board assemblies in compliance with ASTM C 840 and GA 216, Recommended Specifications for the Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board. Install gypsum board assemblies true, plumb level and in proper relation to adjacent surfaces. Provide continuous vapor retarder at exterior walls. D Provide fire -rated systems where indicated and where required by authorities having jurisdiction. E. Install boards vertically Do not allow butt -to -butt joints and joints that do not fall over framing members. F Where new partitions meet existing construction, remove existing cornerbeads to provide a smooth transition. G Provide insulation full height and thickness in partitions at conference rooms, toilet rooms, between different occupancies, and where required. H. Provide acoustical sealant at both faces at top and bottom runner tracks, wall perimeters, openings, expansion and control joints. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09250 3 Install trim and 3 -coat joint treatment in strict compliance with manufacturers instructions and recommendations Joint treatment is required at all fasteners and edges between boards Fill all surface defects Sand between and after joint treatment coatings and leave ready for finish painting or wall treatment. END OF SECTION GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 09250 4 I I I I t I I I I 1 1 I Auxiliary Materials. 1. Edge strips and terminations. 1 3 EXECUTION I INSTALLATION Comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations Install in proper relation to adjacent work. t Prepare surfaces by cleaning, leveling and priming as required. Test adhesive for bond before general installation. Level to 1/8" in 10' tolerance. I Tile flooring Install tile with tight joints and with one -way pattern. Layout to prevent less than 1/2 tile units. I sheet flooring: Install sheets with tight joints and pattern in adjoining areas running in the same direction. Layout to minimize seams as practical. f Clean, polish, and protect. END OF SECTION RESILIENT FLOORING 09650 2 J SECTION 15400 PLUMBING PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Provide plumbing systems including supply, waste and vent systems for 1. Service sinks. Provide water supply and distribution system sized for domestic, irrigation, and sprinkler systems. C. Provide sewerage and drainage systems, specialties, and accessories. Modify, relocate and extend existing service to accommodate new work. Remove existing systems and piping no longer required. E. Coordinate location of plumbing systems to avoid interference with location of structure and other building systems. F Po not cut structural elements without prior written approval. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit for approval product data, fixture cuts operating and maintenance data and record documents. B Submit signed and sealed shop drawings for review and as required for building permit. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers which have been in satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B Arrangement of systems indicated on the drawings is diagrammatic, and indicates the minimum requirements for plumbing work. Site conditions shall determine the actual arrangement of runs, bends, offsets, and similar items. Take field measurements before fabrication. Be responsible for accuracy of dimensions and layout. Overhead piping shall be laid out to obtain maximum head room. PLUMBING 15400 1 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE SECTION 15500 HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Provide commercial mechanical systems including. 1 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning systems. 2. Fans, sheet metal work, registers, grilles and diffusers 3. Temperature controls. 4 Testing, adjusting and balancing. B The HVAC system designer shall be a licensed mechanical engineer and shall provide plans and specifications for the installation of the HVAC system to meet state specifications. The designer shall certify that the final design has met the intent of the mechanical and electrical design specifications of DPP and shall, upon completion shall submit a written certificate to PM that the HVAC has been installed in the building in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. C. Coordinate with Owner's room uses to provide adequate system for all contract areas. D Coordinate location of mechanical systems to avoid interference with location of other systems, including piping and lighting fixtures. E. Do not cut structural elements without prior written approval. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit for approval product data, operating and maintenance data, balancing reports and record documents. B Submit signed and sealed shop drawings for review and as required for building permit. A. Comply with governing codes and regulations. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers which have been in satisfactory use in similar service for three years. Use experienced installers. Deliver handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturers instructions. HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING 15500 1 5 Arrangement of systems indicated on the drawings is diagrammatic, and indicates the minimum requirements for mechanical work. Site conditions shall determine the actual arrangement of systems Take field measurements before fabrication. De responsible for accuracy of dimensions and layout. Overhead ductwork shall be laid out to obtain maximum head room C. Provide systems designed to ASHRAE Standard 62 1989 (Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality), Ventilation and Indoor Quality Code (WAC 51 -13), and Washington State Energy Code (WAC 51 -11). 1 Loads: a) The occupancies for areas below shall have at least the following minimum loads. 1 person 1 computer /100 s f 1 person/ 30 s f 1 person/ 8 s f 2 tons (nominal) 1.2 watts /s f min offices and open office area lobby areas, conference rooms waiting areas, staff lunch room equipment and data rooms lighting in new construction P The Cooling design shall include a minimum electrical load of 5 watts per square foot SOMA construction E. The Heating system shall be designed to bring a building up to 75 degrees Fahrenheit within two (2) hours at lowest winter design temperature without light, people, and equipment loads. F All HVAC systems shall be sized for a minimum capacity of 120% of design calculated load to accommodate future growth. Minimum acceptable capacity shall be 35 5TUh per square foot for cooling, and 75 5TUh per square foot for heating, unless approved otherwise by PPP G The ventilation system shall be of adequate capacity to provide twelve (12) air changes per hour in janitor closets, conference, training and staff lunch rooms. All areas Shall have a minimum of 1 CFM per square foot continuous air circulation. Outside air quantities shall be based on ASHRAE 62 -1989 standard, and shall be not less than CFM per person at full occupancy H. The HVAC system shall provide full ducted supply and fully ducted air returns (minimum in all areas except electrical, janitor's rooms and copy /work rooms. These rooms shall receive supply only and be exhausted separately to exterior of the building to prevent air from being recirculated to other rooms. Rigid fibrous glass ductboard shall not be used for supply or return duct systems. System shall provide outside air ducted directly to the air handling units or other approved means of supplying the minimum outside air requirements at all times during occupancy. The heating system shall maintain an inside temperature in comfort zone of 70 degrees Fahrenheit during normal working hours (7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and have a non occupied setback of 60 HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING 15500 2 degrees Fahrenheit. The system shall contain heating coils if necessary to ensure a minimum coil discharge air temperature of 65 degrees F during heating cycle and shall be designed for temperature variations no greater than 2 degrees within any zone. J The ratio of supply and exhaust air shall be such that the building shall be under slight at outside air may be gradually reduced to an absolute minimum of 20 CFM per person in the most extreme temperatures and gradually increased to the maximum of 100 outside air The average air filtration efficiency shall not be less than 30 by NBS discoloration test method using atmospheric dust. The sound level from operation of the systems in any of the areas served shall not exceed 40 dbs: this shall include sound level from all exhaust fans. K. Provide average 1,000 square foot zones throughout the building Provide each zone with separate temperature controls and temperature sensors. Lessor /Contractor to verify cooling loads with project time before completing design, that submit drawings showing zone and thermostat locations to DPD for review before beginning construction L. Adequate controls shall be provided to ensure satisfactory temperature control under the varying load conditions in each zone. The controls shall not be located above office equipment such as photocopiers printers etc. The automatic controls shall efficiently control the air temperature in all parts of the building and in each zone. The controls shall be completely automatic, 24 -hour 7 -day programmable with override switch for easy off -hours operation. Provide commercial electronic, programmable, lockout thermostats, or monitored Energy Management System within the leased space. M. Provide building exhaust system separate from the return air system. Serve coffee bars, photocopiers and as shown. Fan motor to be roof installed, or DPD approved. System /fans to be automatically controlled by automatic 7 -day timer or as approved by DPP All exhaust to be ducted to outside of building away from air intakes. N The quantity of supply diffusers and return air grilles shall be sufficient to provide even -air distribution throughout the zone. The shall be located in response to the final space plan /work station layout to minimize air blowing directly on individual work stations, but in all cases each supply diffuser shall be a serving area not to exceed 250 s.f and each return air grille shall have a serving area not exceeding 500 s.f Provide appropriately sized diffusers, Carnes series SK, Anemostat series E, Krueger series 1400 or equal. Diffusers to have sound ratings at design air flows of below NC 27 Each diffuser shall have a dedicated and accessible duct mounted volume damper Perforated grilles on supply diffusers not acceptable. 0 Provide ceiling mounted exhaust fans in telephone and data systems rooms if applicable. They should be separately ducted to exterior of building and controlled by a wall mounted thermostat in the room being vented. The capacity of the exhaust fan to be as required to maintain a temperature of 80 degrees F or less in the space. Venting into the attic space or the space above acoustical exposed -grid ceiling is not acceptable. Exhaust fans used for cooling apply to rooms having light cooling loads of 800 BTUs or less. Provide a separate cooling system for rooms with larger HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING 15500 3 cooling loads. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Piping: Schedule 40 seamless black steel, ASTM A 53 Grade A, Schedule 40 PVC with solvent joints as applicable to class of service required and applicable regulations. 5 Valves: Provide valves required by service intended including gate, globe, check, and ball valves. Provide valves by Kennedy, Crane, Nibco or approved equal. C. Hangers and supports. Comply with ANSI 5311 D Convectors. Copper tubes with aluminum fins 16 gauge steel front and top panels by Trane, Airtherm or approved equal. E. Components: Automatic air vents, thermometers, pressure gauges, expansion joints, regulating valves, air separators, expansion tanks, and pumps as required. G Sheet metal work and accessories: Comply with SMACNA Duct Manual and Sheet Metal Construction for Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems. H. Fans and air handling units. Designed for service intended by Carrier Trane, Penn Ventilator or approved equal. I. Grilles and registers Units with approved face and frame design, gaskets, and baked enamel finish by Agitair Titus or approved equal. FART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install materials and systems in accordance with manufacturers instructions and approved submittals. Install materials in proper relation with adjacent construction and with uniform appearance for exposed work. Coordinate with work of other sections. Comply with applicable regulations and building code requirements. Provide proper clearances for servicing. 13 Install ductwork in accordance with SMACNA recommendations. Seal duct seams with sealer Provide splitters and balancing dampers. Provide fire dampers and automatic smoke and fire dampers where required. Provide flexible connectors and inlet and discharge connections. Clean before testing and balancing. HEATING VENTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING 15500 4 C. Insulate piping and ductwork. Provide vapor barrier on insulated piping operating below SO degrees F D Conceal piping and ductwork to the greatest extent practical. E. Center ceiling mounted elements in center of ceiling tiles as applicable. H. Maintain indicated fire ratings of walls partitions, ceilings and floors at penetrations. Seal with firestopping to maintain fire rating I. Clearly label and tag all components. J Test and balance all systems for proper operation K. Restore damaged finishes. Clean and protect work from damage. L. Instruct Owner personnel in proper operation of systems END OF SECTION HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING 15500 5 PART 1 GENERAL 101 SUMMARY A. Provide electrical systems including: SECTION 16000 ELECTRICAL 1. Power telephone, cable, and data outlets and wiring a.) Provide a maximum of six (6) duplex standard power receptacles per circuit. 2. Lighting, interior and exterior 3. Exit lighting. 4 Emergency lighting 7 Fire alarm system. 8 Fire and smoke detector system 9 Sound system. 10 Telephone systems. 11. Cable TV system. B Modify relocate and extend existing service to accommodate new work. Relamp existing fixtures consistent with building standards. Remove existing systems and wiring which are abandoned. C. Maintain fire alarm system in operation during construction. D Coordinate with Owner room uses to provide adequate system for all contract areas. E. Coordinate location of ductwork and fire protection systems to avoid interference with location of designated lighting fixture locations. F Coordinate schedule of telephone and data outlet completion with Owner communications requirements and installer as applicable. G Do not cut structural elements without prior written approval. H. The following definitions shall be utilized as a common ground for the explanation of electrical symbols. 1. Standard Receptacle 2. Dedicated Receptacle 3. Isolated Ground Receptacle 4 Isolated Dedicated Receptacle ELECTRICAL 16000 1 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit for approval circuit diagrams product data, operating and maintenance data, record documents 5 Submit signed and sealed shop drawings for review and as required for building permit. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide products of acceptable manufacturers which have been in satisfactory use in similar service for three years Use experienced installers Deliver handle, and store materials in accordance with manufacturers instructions B Arrangement of systems indicated on the drawings is diagrammatic, and indicates the minimum requirements for electrical work. Site conditions shall determine the actual arrangement of conduits, boxes, and similar items. Take field measurements before fabrication. Be responsible for accuracy of dimensions and layout. C. Comply with the National Electrical Code and applicable local regulations. 1.04 LIGHTING A. Provide lighting fixtures in all locations shown on the drawings. Energy consumption for lighting must comply with State of Washington and other applicable local energy codes. 5 Fixtures to be connected with six feet (6-0 of flex conduit to allow repositioning in ceiling grid to provide required illumination at desks. Locate fixtures as required for individual desk locations. 1.05 FIXTURES A. Provide high efficiency energy saving type recessed fluorescent fixtures with parabolic lenses having a cell size from 2' x2' to 6' x 6" square cells energy saving ballasts, and energy-saving tri phosphorous lamps with a 3500 degree K( rating. 1.06 LIGHTING LEVELS A. Provide a minimum of 50 foot candles illumination at waiting rooms and storage areas. B Hallways to have a minimum of 20 foot candles. C. Provide a minimum of 55 foot candles illumination at desk level locations. Coordinate light fixture locations with cubicle layout in open office areas. ELECTRICAL 16000 2 1.07 COMPUTER ISOLATED POWER SYSTEM A. Where required as a tenant improvement and shown on DPD drawings, provide isolated 120 -volt power circuits with separate insulated ground wire throughout to separate ground but is main panel. Identify with orange receptacle and identify in panel box. Group isolated power circuits together or provide separate panel box. Provide one (1) circuit for four (4) isolated duplex receptacles maximum. 1) Provide proper power to all computer equipment do not overload circuits 2) Calculations for the number of workstations are based on the following. 1 personal computer (CPU) 1 monitor 2.70 amps ,95 amps 3.65 amps A 2OA circuit design load is 80 or 16 amps. 16A +3.65 4.38±. =4 Computers Dot matrix printers should be plugged into the regular standard power receptacle. Laser printers should be plugged into isolated ground receptacles. Laser printers should have circuits verified for electrical load. It is recommended that they have their own dedicated isolated ground. The loads are: Dot matrix 1.00 amps Laser 7.60 amps These loads shall be verified by the electrical information plate on the computer or by referencing its manual. 1.07 TELEPHONE AND DATA SYSTEMS A. Contractor to coordinate with, and provide site access to, the State Department of Information Services and with the telephone /data vendors and /or contractors. Coordinate in the placement of all rough -in requirements and all State- supplied equipment that is required for a proper functioning telephone system within the project schedule. B Provide rough -in system as required for complete standard installation of equipment, cable, and accessories. Provide 1" conduit to ceiling access where ELECTRICAL 16000 3 required for wail outlets, J-box and cover plate. Conduit to have 90 degree long sweeping bands at ceiling access spaces. J box and conduit required only where location is in walls or partitions. C. Do nut located the electrical panel adjacent to, or on a common wall with the telephone and data systems Provide 314 plywood backing as required for mounting telephone equipment. Provide (2) 12OV dedicated outlets on one dedicated 20 -amp circuit for telephone equipment, location a required by the State Department of Information Services. Provide 4 dia conduit sleeves through ceiling to telephone and data system areas. 1.08 SWITCHING A. Switch each room separately Switching to conform to WAC 51 11, including multi- level switching Switching from main office areas to be efficient and effective to accommodate space use by employees at night and weekends. Provide three -way switching as required or shown on the DPD drawings Proposals for alternative light switching methods such as programmable switching will be considered by PPP PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Conduit. Rigid galvanized metal conduit, intermediate metallic conduit, flexible metal conduit, and rigid nonmetallic conduit as required. B Boxes: Provide galvanized steel outlet, junction and pull boxes sized to meet requirements of National Electrical Code. Provide outlet boxes for 48 volt emergency lights with blank covers painted yellow C. Conductors and wiring: 600 volt insulation type THWN or THHN copper wiring for branch circuits Conductors AWG No. 12 shall be solid. Conductors AWG No. 10 and larger stranded. Minimum conductor size AWG No. 12. Green ground conductor in all raceways. Other sizes as required by service intended. D Wiring devices Receptacles lighting switches, ground fault receptacles, dimmers, and coverpiates as required. E. Panelboards as required by National Electrical Code. F Fixtures: Fluorescent fixtures with ETL /CBM approved high power factor with quiet energy saving rapid -start ballasts. Provide wattmiser lamps and acrylic prismatic lenses. ELECTRICAL 16000 4 G Residential fixtures including ventilating fan operating off a switch with time PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install materials and systems in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and approved submittals. Install materials in proper relation with adjacent construction and with uniform appearance for exposed work. Coordinate with work of other sections. Provide proper clearances for servicing. B Comply with National Electrical Code and building code requirements. Maintain continuity of circuits required to supply new or existing equipment in service. C. Conceal conduit to the greatest extent practical. D Center ceiling- mounted elements in center of ceiling tiles as applicable. E. install light switches at uniform height above finished floor Locate switches within rooms at strike side of door unless noted otherwise. F Install thermostats centered at uniform height above finished floor G Gang -mount multiple switching locations. Mount multiple types of controls as close together as possible and in -line with each other I. Group multiple junction boxes, telephone and electrical outlets together on wall not more than 6" apart. Avoid back -to -back box locations J. Mount electrical, data, and telephone outlets vertically at uniform height above finished floor unless noted otherwise. K. Maintain indicated fire ratings of walls, partitions, ceilings and floors at penetrations. Seal with firestopping to maintain fire rating. L. Test all systems for proper operation. Label circuits in electrical panels. M. Restore damaged finishes. Clean and protect work from damage. N. Instruct Owners personnel in proper operation of systems. END OF SECTION ELECTRICAL 16000 5 Consulting Engineers 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 900 Seattle. Washington 98101 (206) 622 -5822 Fax (206) 622 -8130 ptowo LinrevcN 57 4-AN0/1,16,i location PaRT ,4N&Et. U/A- en. r p-Y cF P AN(9Et E5 S TraucT UP--,-L A r 1 6 U L A O N S Consulting Engineers 1201 Third Avenue. Suite 900 Seattle, Washington 98101 (206) 622 -5822 Fax (206) 622-8130 W W S iv•r /c r Sf /S", (--°4Dr, V a1 GS w r 16 a -.5 0/ix- de5i ya e'✓ i'; e ke der, 5 h wH.e e Z= 0 7 o v CS 0 l9- t.t/% Q /u4 O/ IS CZ0 e. 1.44e S 0 a 5 (35 a s(30) /7_00) 75 /b L /NGQLdi S7' t.A/✓pi location P °ZT 14N1,6t,ES i w44- e /.v fro, T H- no 8- /4-Tg, /04 a/ Co, 9f r, 7 2- ;lv,.,s,. 13 l 4 g7 c Code iS 7,Ale 9 Q✓ Pri„ k' Ca.? 4 ti P or. y icy der, o �0 •t °l S bite*/ 04, '1L e 3) .5sf,„_, /e b v, w.•/e 5-4,/o 0 f rya l o�iA— 1.4,ce/1 GC/ l- /N (2 /y pt. YwckuV 16 64 MffaL 1 N& 7/t vCSFt 04'o gt,iaK /.,1cC W4t.tr l7) 9 2c' D /6 oc X rt. Two oo 'P 574 s, r/p//v(.? 6 "MR A t /NSUL. si Gr/ by /0 f/6EQ6440 1,k) IL St/1 P6wo610 LT MFcr/, /5P/1/.wcc fa loo no. 96367 0-NO o)(/ 6 0- 41- )(750450 4- 4 S7 Consulting Engineers 1201 Third Avenue. 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Washington 98101 (206) 622-5822 Fax (206) 622 -8130 �la/ plf l- /A/COcN CT 1.-App/A/ location 1 ,4.10/& 01,,) c anent r 7 4 1 Lvs-D ON 3 H D-i 4-L (WINO) 42579 f 1C (64- 2 1 k ,s ou f r 4 6QSe B� -9fe' 1 cc, /9 c +4.9 pPr UR z, f4iL° 25 46 7Dp> 5 Cj�io,, ff (i1"5) 2 a l Z7'` ale C62» e 14 h�fi•_e 'f a p g"- 44./.s� 6200 �J/ M /,h p e p14.cc ex's 7" /z CO.r w 1A 54" cnx r-,aF. boo/ ,L7,2,1 Li !7 Z YL d ON v'✓E /l�C 4 40/ (z) ZX 6 Sf.,�I -,C e5c6 Px1S7) 2 57+"e4 /wi 0, -•1n. 7 u e Z P fr Y A... •-Y►vw 770 P /-P cy r, 1 7(0 f1 new' Co 6 5- #4 2 �I2 60)c w /I4.1 0 1530/1/ /5 o o +e sole %1 co? w /la 7 oc.. 2%L' DC- shoat no oT lob na 1(?67 Consulting Engineers 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 900 Seattle, Washington 98101 (206) 622 -5822 Fax (206) 622 -8130 ST- /T Y i/ a! cU tie 9, t A� f 1 •-CP cocoa 1- 0 g-N G 4, rp /NC7 ybyT ANI DES wA cum! c a do J, ,4 ST vpfr4 h 5 r .ti.Pvs�v w o de Z0 a (xi 2:7 !C l.44J t yb P W fi r• 1 3 (o, /s&N( bew J G �fr.ar� w9 Il (0 2 24 its 1 3(. .w1 f3 b s v f rrr. f(}r✓. 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