RELATING TO: Comprehensive Transportation Plan
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 1'7 day of( 1995, by
and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non charter coil city of a State of
Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY and ENTRANCO ENGINEERS, INC.
(hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to develop a comprehensive transportation plan, and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to engage the professional services and assistance of a qualified
consulting firm to perform the scope of work as detailed in Exhibit A, and
WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it is in full compliance with the statutes of the
State of Washington for professional registration and /or other applicable requirements, and
WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it has the background, experience, and ability
to perform the required work in accordance with the highest standards of the profession, and
WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it will provide qualified personnel and
appropriate facilities necessary to accomplish the work;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the terms, conditions,
covenants and agreements set forth below, the parties hereto agree as follows:
The scope of professional services to be performed and the results to be achieved by the
CONSULTANT shall be as detailed in the attached Exhibit A, and shall include all services and
material necessary to accomplish the work.
The CITY may review the CONSULTANT'S work product, and if it is not satisfactory, based on
the criteria set forth in Exhibit A, the CONSULTANT shall make such changes as may be
required by the CITY. Such changes shall not constitute "Extra Work" as related in Section XI
of this Agreement.
The CONSULTANT agrees that all services performed under this Agreement shall be in
accordance with the standards of the profession and in compliance with applicable federal, state
and local laws.
The Scope of Work may be amended upon written approval of both parties.
Upon completion of the work, all documents, exhibits, photographic negatives, or other
presentations of the work shall become the property of the CITY for use without restriction and
without representation as to suitability for reuse by any other party unless specifically verified or
adapted by the CONSULTANT.
Each party shall designate its representative in writing. The CONSULTANT'S representative
shall be subject to the approval of the CITY.
Entranco Ken Oswell, Project Manager
The CONSULTANT may begin work upon execution of this Agreement by both parties. The
work shall be completed in accordance with the schedule set forth in the attached Exhibit D.
The CITY shall pay the CONSULTANT as set forth in this section of the Agreement. Such
payment shall be full compensation for work performed, services rendered, and all labor,
materials, supplies, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work.
A. Payment shall be on the basis of the CONSULTANT'S cost for actual labor, overhead and
profit plus CONSULTANT'S direct non -salary reimbursable costs as set forth in the
attached Exhibits B and C, respectively.
1. Labor costs shall be based on the hourly rates shown in Exhibit B. Hourly rates
shall be based upon an individual's hourly wage, times the total number of hours
worked, times a multiplier of 2.97. The multiplier shall include overhead and
General clerical time shall be considered an overhead item, except where
specific work items are involved that require one -half hour or more
continued effort, in which case time will be charged on the basis of hours
2. The direct non -salary reimbursable costs are those directly incurred in fulfilling the
terms of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, travel, subsistence,
telephone, CADD computer, reproduction and printing, supplies and fees of
outside services and consultants. Ten percent (10 overhead and profit may be
added to direct non -salary reimbursable costs.
B. The CONSULTANT shall submit invoices to the CITY on a monthly basis. Invoices shall
detail the work, hours, employee name, and hourly rate; shall itemize with receipts and
invoices the non -salary direct costs; shall indicate the specific task or activity in the Scope
of Work to which the costs are related; and shall indicate the cumulative total for each
C. The CITY shall review the invoices and make payment for the percentage of the project
that has been completed less the amounts previously paid.
D. The CONSULTANT invoices are due and payable within 30 days of receipt. In the event
of a disputed billing, only the disputed portion will be withheld from payment.
E. Final payment for the balance due to the CONSULTANT will be made upon the
completion of the work and acceptance by the CITY.
F. Payment for "Extra Work" performed under Section XI of this Agreement shall be as
agreed to by the parties in writing.
Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties, the CONSULTANT'S total compensation
and reimbursement under this Agreement, including labor, direct non -salary reimbursable costs
and outside services, shall not exceed the maximum sum of $80,000.00.
Employees of the CONSULTANT, while engaged in the performance of any work or services
under this Agreement, shall be considered employees of the CONSULTANT only and not of the
CITY, and claims that may arise under the Workman's Compensation Act on behalf of said
employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by a third party as a consequence of
any negligent act or omission on the part of the CONSULTANT'S employees while so engaged,
on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein, shall be the sole obligation and
responsibility of the CONSULTANT.
In performing this Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall not employ or contract with any CITY
employee without the City's written consent.
The CONSULTANT shall comply with all applicable federal, state and CITY nondiscrimination
regulations and with the CITY'S Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action clause, which is set forth
in the attached Exhibit E.
A. The CONSULTANT shall not sublet or assign any of the work covered by this Agreement
without the written consent of the CITY.
B. The CONSULTANT will be using the firms submitted with its proposal as subcontractors.
Subcontractors other than those listed shall not be permitted without the written consent
of the CITY.
C. In all solicitation either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the
CONSULTANT for work to be performed pursuant to a subcontract, including
procurement of materials and equipment, each potential subconsultant or supplier shall be
notified by the CONSULTANT of Consultant's obligations under this Agreement,
including the nondiscrimination requirements.
Other than changes directed by the CITY as set forth in Section I above, either party may request
changes in the scope of work. Such changes shall not become part of this Agreement unless and
until mutually agreed upon and incorporated herein by written amendments to this Agreement
executed by both parties.
The CITY may desire to have the CONSULTANT perform work or render services in connection
with this project, in addition to the Scope of Work set forth in Exhibit A and minor revisions to
satisfactorily completed work. Such work shall be considered as "Extra Work" and shall be
addressed in a written supplement to this Agreement. The CITY shall not be responsible for
paying for such extra work unless and until the written supplement is executed by both parties.
A. The CITY may terminate this Agreement at any time upon not less than ten (10) days
written notice to the CONSULTANT. Written notice will be by certified mail sent to the
consultant's designated representative at the address provided by the CONSULTANT.
B. In the event this Agreement is terminated prior to the completion of the work, a final
payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT, which, when added to any payments
previously made, shall compensate the CONSULTANT for the percentage of work
C. In the event this Agreement is terminated prior to completion of the work, documents that
are the property of the CITY pursuant to Section III above, shall be delivered to and
received by the CITY prior to transmittal of final payment to the CONSULTANT.
The CONSULTANT shall defend, indemnify and hold the CITY, it officers, officials, employees
and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including
attorney fees, arising out of the Consultant's performance of this agreement except for injuries
and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City.
Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW
4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or
damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the CONSULTANT
and the CITY, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the CONSULTANT'S liability
hereunder shall be only to the extent of the CONSULTANT'S negligence. It is further
specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the
CONSULTANT'S waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the
purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The
provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
The CONSULTANT shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance
against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection
with the performance of the work hereunder by the CONSULTANT, its agents, representatives,
employees or subcontractors.
The CONSULTANT shall provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing:
1. Automobile Liability insurance with limits of $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident
for bodily injury and property damage; and,
2. Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits of
$1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for personal injury,
bodily injury and property damage. Coverage shall include but not be limited to: blanket
contractual; products /completed operations; broad form property damage; explosion, collapse and
underground (XCU) if applicable; and employer's liability; and,
3. Professional Liability insurance with limits of $1,000,000 limit per occurrence and in the
annual aggregate.
Any payment of deductible or self insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of the
The CITY shall be named as an additional insured on the Commercial General Liability insurance
policy, as respects work performed by or on behalf of the Consultant and a copy of the
endorsement naming the CITY as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of
Insurance. The CITY reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance
The CONSULTANT'S insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately
to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits
of the insurer's liability.
The CONSULTANT'S insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, and the CITY
shall be given thirty (30) days prior written notice of any cancellation, suspension or material
change in coverage.
This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of
Washington, and in the event of dispute the venue of any litigation brought hereunder shall be
Clallam County.
This Agreement, including its exhibits, constitutes the entire Agreement, supersedes all prior
written or oral understandings, and may only be changed by a written amendment executed by
both parties. The following exhibits are hereby made a part of this Agreement:
Exhibit A Scope of Work
Exhibit B Consultant Labor Costs
Exhibit C Non -salary Reimbursable Costs
Exhibit D Schedule for the Work
Exhibit E Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action /Facilities Nondiscrimination
In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year
first written above.
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January 6, 1995
Scope of Work
Consultant will provide technical assistance and support to assist the City in developing the
Transportation Service and Facilities Plan (TSFP). Consultant will work closely with City staff and the
City Council (hereafter "Council and the Advisory Committee. This process will also make use of
previous input from the public.
Consultant will facilitate a process of defining transportation needs and alternatives, outlining
consequences and benefits of alternatives, obtaining public input on issues, and providing assistance
to make decisions.
The study area for the TSFP is the Urban Growth Area Boundary as defined in the attached Figure 1.
1. Project Management and Coordination
a. Coordinate project effort closely with City staff. Communicate with City staff regularly via
telecon, fax, etc. Meet the Advisory Committee staff monthly to review issues and products.
as needed.
b. Coordinate and manage the work of subconsultants.
c. Make quality assurance contacts with City staff.
2. Public Involvement and Community Meetings
a. Assist City with presentations at up to four workshops with City officials.
b. Attend up to four meetings to coordinate with other agencies providing transportation facilities
within and adjacent to Port Angeles.
c. Summarize transportation comments received from the public during previous studies.
d. Conduct two Open houses to solicit public input and disperse information concerning needs,
alternatives, preliminary findings, and recommendations for the Transportation Element.
(1) Prepare one handout packet for each open- house.
(2) Prepare up to 10 presentation graphics for the open houses.
(3) Summarize public comments received at each open house.
3. Inventory Existing Transportation Elements and Data
Prepare an inventory of existing transportation facilities in the study area using information and
data from the City and other agencies providing transportation facilities. Conduct a field
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reconnaissance to confirm accuracy of collected data and identify missing data necessary for the
TSFP. Note: The budget for this project was developed assuming that Consultant will not need
to collect additional traffic counts or other traffic data —that all information necessary for
developing the TSFP is currently available in written form. If Consultant needs to gather
additional information, it will be considered Extra Work.
a. Collect information on the following from existing data:
Pedestrian and equestrian trail and bike facilities location and condition
Neighborhood street conditions and pedestrian facilities
Arterial street widths, number of lanes, edge and pedestrian facilities and general pavement
Intersection configurations and level of service information at signal controlled intersections
or intersections proposed for future signalization
Truck routes
b. Collect the following existing data and reports from Port Angeles and Clallam County:
Accident information on arterial streets
Count data on arterial streets
Clallam County transportation model
Transportation revenues and expenditures
Ferry usage
Airport usage
Materials for Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and Environmental Impact Statement
Six -year plans for the local agencies providing transportation facilities within and adjacent to
Port Angeles
EIS and plan documentation for specific transportation projects within and adjacent to Port
Recent EIS and Traffic Studies for developments proposed and under construction within
Port Angeles
Peninsula RTPO documents
Clallam County Comprehensive Plan and EIS
c. Prepare Technical Memorandum (No. 1) documenting the data collection and
reconnaissance completed for this task.
4. Develop Transportation Goals, Policies, and Standards
a. Develop transportation goals and policies using:
The City's Comprehensive Plan and documentation
Direction from the City
Input from the Advisory Committee
b. Recommend potential level of service standards.
c. Prepare Technical Memorandum (No. 2) documenting the recommended goals, policies, and
transportation service standards.
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5. Identify Existing Deficiencies
a. Using the data from the inventory and with direction from the City and the Advisory
Committee, define transportation issues and system deficiencies in the study area. These
deficiencies may range from the need for more trails to the need for more arterial circulation.
b. Prepare Technical Memorandum (No. 3) documenting the results of the deficiency analysis of
the transportation system.
6. Traffic Modeling
a. Define objectives of the model using the City's requirements and planned applications.
Possible objectives are: meet the concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act
(GMA), permit technical coordination with Clallam County and other jurisdictions, support
both short-term and long -term capital planning, and function as the technical basis for
concurrency management, impact fee calculation, and development application review.
b. Collect network data via a windshield survey of arterials in the study area, supplemented by
Clallam County's CRIS inventory and AutoCAD database. Link and intersection data will
consist of number of lanes, posted speed, functional class, and type of intersection control.
Receive directional peak hour count data from the City for all major arterials.
c. Define traffic analysis zones (TAZs) and estimate base year land use. Use Clallam
County TAZs. For each TAZ, estimate base year residential and commercial activity as a
basis for trip generation. Usually, the best variables for this purpose are single- and multi-
family households, retail employment, and non retail employment (sometimes further
disaggregated to office, manufacturing, etc.). It appears that the best source for residential
information will be Census data; for employment, it will probably be necessary to
disaggregate state estimates of county -wide totals to TAZs using commercial building square
footage from county assessor records.
d. Collect travel data. Information about work trip characteristics will be taken from 1990
Census data. If additional data on trip generation rates or average trip length is required,
these studies will be extra work.
e. Build network using Clallam County's digitized the arterial network on AutoCAD, or Census
TIGER files as a graphic layer in the TMODEL2 network editor. For each link, enter lanes,
posted speed, distance, functional class, capacity, and traffic count (if available); for each
intersection, enter type of control (including which legs are stop controlled) and entering
f. Build trip tables. For each trip purpose, estimate a base year afternoon peak hour trip table
from trip generation in each TAZ. Likely trip purposes would include home -based work and
college, home -based other (shopping, social recreational), non home based, and commercial
g. Refine model calibration. By comparing assigned link volumes with actual counts at the
corridor (screenline) and link level and adjusting the model's parameters and assumptions,
refine the model's accuracy.
h. Documentation. Prepare a Technical Memorandum (No. 4) documenting the travel model
assumptions, parameters, and procedures. Provide final versions of model files to the City.
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7. Identify Future Transportation Needs
a. Select Alternatives
Using input from the Advisory Committee, select alternative 2010 land use and transportation
strategies to test with the forecasting model developed under Task 6. Include the use of non-
motorized facilities in each alternative, the impacts of transportation demand management
(TDM) and transportation system management (TSM), and improved transit service.
Refine alternatives to respond to mobility issues, neighborhood transportation facilities, multi
modal transportation center, and corridor and access issues.
b. Corridor Improvements
Develop strategies such as access management, system management, and multi -modal
uses to improve transportation service in the SR 101 corridor. Present these strategies to
the Advisory Committee.
c. Corridor Development
Analyze the need and feasibility, and outline potential environmental issues of developing two
new corridors to improve transportation efficiency:
the Laurisden Boulevard corridor to add east -west capacity for truck and automobile
traffic through town.
a "Port Angeles Bypass" corridor that would allow through traffic on SR 101 to avoid
the most heavily used portions of the existing Port Angeles street network.
Document this analysis in a brief Technical Memorandum (No. 5) for review by the City and
Advisory Committee.
d. Activity Centers
Coordinate with current planning efforts for a multimodal center and convention center to
estimate the transportation facilities necessary to serve the centers. Recommend specific
vehicular and non motorized needs to enhance transit, automobile, bicycle and pedestrian
access to the centers.
e. Identify Major Capital Improvements Needed
(1) Define improvements for the six -year TIP and in 2010 that respond to the level of service
criteria, capacity, safety, mobility and circulation needs with manageable environmental
(2) Develop project sheets for addition to the Capital Facilities Plan. Project sheets will
include the project description, description of the need for the project, planning -level
estimates of costs, and approximate dates for implementation/construction.
f. Non Motorized Modes Development
(1) Identify the existing transportation networks for pedestrians, bicyclists, equestrians and
transit in the study area.
(2) Develop potential non motorized circulation plan for 2010 that links parks, schools, and
other pedestrian/equestrian /bicycle facilities using input from City staff, other agencies,
and the Advisory Committee.
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(3) Identify capital projects required as a result of this plan.
Work with the Advisory Committee to review neighborhood issues. Identify a uniform set of
strategies for dealing with these issues. Strategies can include policies such as subdivision
ordinances, capital projects such as neighborhood traffic diverters, capital programs such as
sidewalk construction and maintenance, and other programs such as neighborhood councils.
h. Project Review and Prioritization
Work with City to prioritize recommended improvements. Evaluate improvements using
criteria agreed on by the City; probable criteria are cost, feasibility, safety impact,
environmental impact, enhancement of mobility, and acceptance by the citizens. With City
staff, develop a preliminary prioritization, which will be reviewed and commented on by the
Advisory Committee.
i. Prepare a Technical Memorandum (No. 6) documenting future needs for the transportation
8. Funding, Revenue, and Impact Fees
a. Summarize the revenues currently used by the City for transportation capital projects. The
summary will include where the revenues originate, how they are spent, and what revenues
are anticipated in the future.
b. Develop a spreadsheet to assist in the estimation of project costs, which will be reviewed and
approved by the City.
c. Define both current and potential revenue sources not currently used by the City for
transportation capital projects, and project this amount for the six -year TIP and for 2010 to
identify revenue sources.
d. Identify the costs of correcting Level of Service deficiencies.
e. Test financial feasibility of growth- related improvements (concurrency test).
The City must demonstrate the financial feasibility of the list of growth- related improvements
identified above. At the planning level, this may require the development of additional
revenues or adjustment of the growth assumptions input to the deficiency analysis. Similarly,
if a growth- related deficiency cannot be corrected, or if the improvement it requires is beyond
the financial resources of the city, it may be necessary under the GMA to deny proposed
developments that contribute to the deficiency.
f. Recommend impact fee and concurrency management system prototypes.
g. Prepare a Technical Memorandum (No. 7) documenting the results of the funding analyses.
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The following documents, exhibits or other presentations for the services covered by this
Agreement shall be furnished by Consultant to City upon completion of the various phases of the
One camera ready copy of the following products:
1. One brief Technical Memorandum on each of the following topics:
a. Data collection and reconnaissance
b. Goals, policies and standards
c. Existing deficiencies
d. Traffic modeling
e. New corridors
f. Future transportation needs
g. Funding
These memoranda will be for information and discussion purposes. They will not be revised
as such, but their information and the comments received on them will be incorporated into
the Draft Transportation Service and Facilities Plan.
2. Draft, preliminary final, and final Transportation Service and Facilities Plan.
3. Up to 10 display graphics for open houses.
4. One handout packet, up to six pages, for each of two open houses.
City will provide the following items and services to Consultant that will facilitate the preparation
of the plans and studies within the limits of the project. Consultant is entitled to rely on the
accuracy and completeness of the data furnished by others, including but not limited to, survey
and traffic data.
1. Information on current and planned public works projects in the study area.
2. Existing traffic volumes, accident data, and applicable traffic studies within the project region.
3. Public comments previously received concerning transportation issues.
4. Timely reviews of all work at mutually agreed upon times and consolidation of all review
comments onto one review set prior to return to the Consultant.
5. Base map of study area in AutoCAD version 12 files, in format compatible with Consultant's
hardware /software. Any reformatting or reconfiguration or hardware /software purchase
necessary to make the supplied files compatible will be considered Extra Work.
6. Arrangements for the public meetings and open houses, including securing a meeting place
and all public announcements and notices.
7. Printing and distribution of all project reports /documentation, including items listed under C.,
8. Assist Consultant in collecting, and pay any fees /charges for, the information/data/reports
listed in task B.3.
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Liveiv'i'N't. .j, i a:1.i0 I F
93Edl078 DIvC
01/05/95 LABOR HOURS
a. Coordinate with City 12 12 4 12 40
b. Coordinate sub consultants 8 8 16
c. Quality assurance 2 2
a. City workshops
b. Agency meetings
c. Summarize comments
d. Open houses
e. Public involvement support
8 4
6 4
8 8
Qy sub-cam-Aare.
8 of 9
2 2 18
2 2 18
8 2 12
4 20
a. Existing field data 8 12 2 22
b. Existing reports 2 8 4 2 18
c. Technical Memo No. 1 2 2 8 4 4 2 22
a. Development goals and policies 2 18 18
b. Recommend standards 2 4 6
c. Technical Memo No. 2 2 4 8 2 2 18
a. Delineation 2 4 8 2 18
b. Technical Memo No. 3 2 4 4 2 2 2 16
a. Objectives 2 2 By sub consultant 4
b. Network data By su_ .....,../ltant 0
c. Traffic analysis zones By sub consultant 0
d. Travel data By sub -con ultsnt 0
e. Network configuration 2 2 By sub consultant 4
f. Trip tables By sub consultant 0
g. Refine calibration By sub consultant 0
h Technical Memo No. 4 2 2 By sub consultant 4 2 10
a. Select alternatives 4 4
b. Existing Coridor improvements 2 4 8 8 2 8 2 34
c. New corridors (Technical Memo No.5) 2 4 8 8 2 4 2 30
d. Activity centers 4 8 8 2 4 2 28
e. Capital improvements B 8 18
f. Non motorized 4 8 8 2 2 2 26
g. Neighborhoods 4 8 4_ 2 4 2 24
h. Project pnontization 2 8 8 2 2 2 24
t. Technical Memo No. 6 2 8 8 18
a. Current revenues 4 4 8
b. Cost spreadsheet 4 8 2 14
c. Revenue sources 4 4
d. Service deficiency costs 4 12 18
e. Concurrency 4 4 8
t. Impact fees 4 4 8
g. Technical Memo No. 7 2 4 4 8 4 2 24
TOTAL LABOR HOURS 60 118 120 136 22 62 44 0 562
HOURLY LABOR RATES 846.00 935.00 828.00 *25.00 818.00 817.00 *14.00 812.00
LABOR HOURS COST 82,760 84,130 53,360 83,400 8398 81,054 5818 80 816,716
Direct Non -Salary Costs 1 Study Model Total 1.65 OVERHEAD FACTOR 825,931
Subconsultants 0.32 FIXED FEE FACTOR 85,029
Pacific Rim 1WBE/DBE) 98,000 88,000
Osborn Pacific Group(WBE /DBE1 82,000 82,000 TOTAL SALARY COST 848,876
HT Associates 821.000 821,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 833,324
Reproduction *400 8100 *500
Communication 8114 8100 8214
Supplies $0 GRAND TOTAL *80,000 li
Miscellaneous expanses 10
Mailings and notices 80 DBE Participation 12.50%
Rate Pay Items
Ozalid prints 80
Xerox 8300 9300
Computer 8450 8450
Mileage 5400 8200 8600
Word processor 8280 8260 CITY OF PORT ANGELES
Total Expenses i 511,924 1 *21.400 *33,324 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AND FACILITIES PLAN
Task Deliverables
Technical Memoranda
Data Inventory
Goals, Policies, and Standards
Existing Deficiencies
Traffic Modeling
New Corridors
Transportation Needs
Transit Service
Funding and Revenue
Transportation Service and Facility Plan
Preliminary Final
Project Coordination
Meetings with City
Meetings with Advisory Committee
Public Involvement
Open House
Public Information
09/Cont 941pa_schedlmwpm5
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul I Aug
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WZI Agency Review. Schedule is based on two -week review periods by the City. Open Houses
Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action/Facilities Nondiscrimination
(The following clause is applicable unless, and to the extent that, this contract is exempt under the rules, regulations, and
relevant order of the Secretary of labor, mcluding 41 CFR, Ch. 60.)
During the performance of this contract, the Consultant agrees as follows:
a. The Consultant will not discruninate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color,
religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national
origin. The Consultant will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees
are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The
Consultant will take affirmative action to employ, advance in employment, and otherwise treat qualified special
disabled or Vietnam era veterans and handicapped individuals without discrimination based upon their
disability or veterans' status or physical or mental handicap in all employment actions. Such actions shall
include, but not be lunited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or
recruitment advertismg; layoff or ternunation; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for
trauung, including apprenticeship. The Consultant agrees to post m conspicuous places, available to
employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the local United States Department of
Labor Office setting forth the provisions of this Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action clause.
b. The Consultant will in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the
Consultant, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race,
color, religion, sex, physical or mental handicap, or national origin, and that the Consultant is under the legal
obligation to take affirmative action to employ, advance in employment, and otherwise treat qualified special
disabled or Vietnam era veterans and handicapped individuals without discrimination based upon their
disability or veterans' status or physical or mental handicap in all employment actions. All suitable
employment openings existing at contract award or occurring during contract performance will be listed at the
state employment source office in the locality where the opening occurs, provided that this listing requirement
shall not apply to openings that the Consultant mtends to fill from within its own organization or under a
customary and traditional employer -union hiring agreement.
c The Consultant will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective
bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the agency Contracting
Officer, advising the said labor union or workers' representative of the Consultant's commitments under this
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action clause, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places
available to employees and applicants for employment.
d. The Consultant will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of
the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of labor, including, but not limited to, the rules,
regulations and orders issued by the Secretary of labor under the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment
Assistance Act of 1972, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 793), as amended.
e The Consultant will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order No. 11246 of September
24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will
permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for
purposes of investigations to ascertam comphance with such rules, regulations and orders.
f The Consultant will not, on grounds of race, color, religion, sex, physical or mental handicap, or national
Exhibit E
1. Deny an individual any servces or other benefits provided under this agreement;
2. Provide any service(s) or other benefits to an individual which are different, or are provided in a
different manner from those provided to others under this agreement;
3. Subject an individual to segregation or separate treatment m any manner related to the receipt of any
service(s) or other benefits provided under this agreement;
4. Deny any individual an opportunity to participate in any program provided by this Agreement through
the provision of services or otherwise, or afford an opportunity to do which is different from that
afforded other under this Agreement. The Consultant, in determining (1) the types of services or other
benefits to be provided, or (2) the class of individuals to whom, or the situation m which, such
services or other benefits will be provided, or (3) the class of individuals to be afforded an opportunity
to participate m any services or other benefits, will not utilize criteria or methods of administration
which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination because of their race, color, sex,
religion, national origin, creek, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap.
g In the event of Consultant noncompliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of this contract or with any
of the said rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated or suspended, in whole or m
part, and the Consultant may be declared ineligible for further government contracts in accordance with
procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be
imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule,
regulation, or order of the Secretary of labor, or as otherwise provided by law.
f. The Consultant will include the provisions of paragraphs a through g in every subcontract unless exempted by
the rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor.