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5.287 Original Contract
I 5' c37 CrN aff04 1 Set Number: 115_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Project Number: 91075.02 Bid Date: March 31, 1992 1 1 1 1 1 VERN BURTON MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTER City of Port Angeles, Washington LINDBERG ARCHITECTS 319 South Peabody. Suite B, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone (206) 452-6116 Facsimile (206) 457-7064 1 comfoRmw cor4 y4 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INVITATION TO BID Construction of Building Improvements Sealed bids will be received until 2:30 PM, Tuesday, March 31, 1992 and will be opened and read at the office of the Port Angeles City Clerk, Port Angeles City Hall, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. The project to be bid includes labor and materials for additions to and remodeling of the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center with restrooms, meeting rooms and offices, as described in the instructions to bidders and the construction documents, which may be obtained at the office of Lindberg Architects, 319 South Peabody Street, Suite B, Port Angeles, Washington 98362 for a non- refundable fee of $25.00 per set, plus $5.00 to cover postage, if mailed. All bids must be on the form provided and must be accompanied by a bid deposit in the form of a surety bond, postal money order or cashier's check for a sum of not less than 5% of the amount of the bid. The City of Port Angeles reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities in the bidding process. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Minority and women owned businesses shall be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation, shall not be discriminated against on the grounds of sex, race, color, age, national origin or handicap in consideration of an award of any contract or subcontract, and shall be actively solicited for participation in this project by direct mailing of the invitation to bid to such businesses as have contacted the City for such notification. Further, all bidders are directed to solicit and consider minority and women owned businesses as potential subcontractors and material suppliers for this project. Bidders should direct any questions to Lindberg Architects, 319 South Peabody Street, Suite B, Port Angeles, Washington 98362, (206) 452 -6116. PUBLISH: Peninsula Daily News March 9 and 15, 1992 Daily Journal of Commerce Publish Twice VBMC.BID D I V I S I O N 0 0 B I D D I N G I N F O R M A T I O N 00 100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Examination of Site and Conditions: a. The bidder is required to examine carefully the site of the proposed work, the proposal, plans and specifications and contract forms before submitting a proposal. It is mutually agreed that submission of a bid shall be considered prima facie evidence that the bidder has made such examination and is satisfied as to the conditions to be encountered in performing the work as scheduled, or as at any time altered as stipulated in the General Conditions of the hereinafter mentioned Standard Specifications; and as to the character, quality and quantities of work to be performed and material to be furnished, and as to the requirements of the plans, specifications, supplemental specifications, special provisions, contract, and addenda thereto. b. No statement made by any officer, agent or employee of the City of Port Angeles and /or the Architect in relation to the physical conditions pertaining to the site of the work will be binding on the City of Port Angeles and /or the Architect. c. The failure or omission of any bidder to examine any form, instrument or document shall in no way relieve any bidder from any obligation in respect to this bid. 2. Proposal Sums: a. The sum of money shown on the proposal covering all work included in base bid contract documents, together with any addenda thereto and /or for unit prices called for, or for any alternates called for, shall include all items of labor, material, equipment, overhead and compensation to complete all of the work under each particular heading. 3. Laws and Regulations: a. The bidder is assumed to be familiar with all Federal, State, County, and Municipal laws, regulations, and ordinances, which in any manner affect those or have jurisdiction over those engaged or employed in the work or the materials or equipment used in the proposed construction, or which in any way affect the conduct of the work, and no pleas of misunderstanding will be considered on account of ignorance thereof. If the bidder, or contractor, shall discover any provision in the plans, specifications, or contract which is contrary to or inconsistent with any law or regulation, he shall forthwith report it to the Architect in writing. 4. Bid and Performance: a. All bids must be accompanied by a bid deposit in the form of a Surety Bond of a Surety company licensed to Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 1 do business in Clallam County, Postal Money Order, or Cashier's Check in the amount equal to 5% of the amount of the base bid plus alternates proposed as evidence of good faith. In the event of failure of the successful bidder to enter into the contract and to furnish specified bonds within 10 days after notice of award of bid, exclusive of the day of notice, the amount of the bid deposit will be forfeited to the City of Port Angles as liquidated damages. b. The Owner reserves the right to hold the bid guarantees of all bidders until the successful bidder has entered into the contract and furnished the required bonds, or for a period of 60 days, whichever is the shorter time. c. A 100% performance bond and labor and material payment bond furnished by a surety acceptable to the City of Port Angeles will be required of the successful bidder. 5. Addenda and Interpretations: a. No interpretation of the meaning of the plans, specifications or other pre -bid documents will be made to any bidder orally. b. Every request for such interpretation should be addressed to the Architect, and to be given consideration must be received at least five (5) days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. Any and all such interpretations and any supplemental instruction will be in the form of written addenda to the specifications which, if issued, will be mailed not later than three (3) days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. Failure of any bidder to receive such addenda shall not release the bidder from any obligation under his bid as submitted. All addenda so issued shall become part of the contract documents. 6. Filling in Proposal Forms: a. The bidder shall submit his proposal on the forms enclosed. All blank spaces for bid prices must be filled in, either in ink or typewritten, in both words and figures. Each bid shall be accompanied by Bid Guarantee, Non Collusion Certificate, Certificate of Non Segregated Facilities, Statement of Bidder's Qualifications, Statement of Proposed Subcontractors, and Contractor's Declaration of Option for Management of Statutory Retained Percentage. If the proposal is made by a partnership, it shall contain the names of each partner and shall be sighed in the firm name, followed by the signature of the person signing. If the proposal is made by a corporation, it shall be signed by the name of the corporation, followed by the written signature of the officer signing, and the printed or typewritten designation of the office he holds in the corporation. The address of the bidder shall be typed or printed on the proposal. Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 2 r 7. Submission of Proposal: a. Each proposal provided loose leaf in the specifications shall be completely sealed intact in a separate package, properly addressed to the Port Angeles City Clerk, Port Angeles City Hall, P. 0. Box 1150, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362, with the name of the bidder and the project written on the outside of the package. b. Bids will be received at the time and place stated in the advertisement for bids. The foreword to the specifications provides that a fee or deposit for plans and specifications will be required from each bidder. c The Owner, the City of Port Angeles, reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. 8. Prohibition of Alterations: a. Except as otherwise provided herein, proposals which are incomplete, or which are conditioned in any way, or which contain erasures, alterations, or items not called for in the proposal, or which are not in conformity to the law, may be rejected. b. The proposal form invites bids on definite plans and specifications. Only the amounts and information asked for on the proposal form furnished will be considered as the bid. Each bidder shall bid upon the work exactly as specified and as provided in the proposal form. c No oral or telephonic proposals or modifications will be considered. d. Any bidder may modify his bid by telegraphic communication at any time prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids, provided such telegraphic communication is received by the City Clerk Prior to the closing time, and provided further, the City Clerk is satisfied that a written confirmation of the telegraphic modification over the signature of the bidder is postmarked prior to the closing time. The telegraphic communication should not reveal the bid price but should provide the addition or subtraction or other modifications so that the final prices or terms will not be known by the Owner until the sealed bid is opened. If written confirmation is not received within two (2) working days from the closing time, no consideration will be given to the telegraphic modification. 9. Withdrawal of Proposal: a. At any time prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of proposals, any bidder may withdraw his proposal, either personally or by telegraphic or written request. After the scheduled closing time for the receipt of proposals or before the award of the contract, no bidder will be permitted to withdraw his proposal unless said award is delayed for a period exceeding sixty (60) days. Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 3 10. Method of Award Lowest Responsible Bidder: a. It is the intent of the Owner to award the Contract to a qualified Contractor submitting the lowest bid within the funds available for work included in the Base Bid and any or all alternates selected in any order enumerated in Section 01 030. 11. Execution of Contract: a. The successful bidder will be required within ten days after receiving a notice of award and properly prepared contract documents, to execute said contract. Simultaneously with his delivery of the executed contract, the Contractor shall furnish surety bond or bonds, as required by these specifications, as surety for faithful performance of this contract and for the payment of all persons performing labor on the project under this contract and furnishing materials in connection with this contract, as specified in the General Conditions included herein, and the surety on such bond or bonds shall be duly authorized by a surety company satisfactory to the City. Before signing of the contract, the Contractor will be required to furnish a certificate showing satisfactory proof of carriage of the required insurance. 12. Contract Documents: a. The construction contract shall be executed upon AIA A101 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor. b. Additional forms used in the prosecution of the work shall be but not limited to: 1) Change Order City Resolution 7 -91 2) Application and Certificate for Payment AIA G722 Copies of the above forms are available upon request from the Architect. 13. Contracts and Performance Bonds: a. Signatures 1) Proprietorship: Execution by the contractor shall be in the correct name. If a sole proprietorship (even though the words "and Company" appear), the person shall name himself as owner. Example: John Doe dba /John Doe Company. 2) Partnership: If the contractor is a partnership the managing partner shall sign, describing himself as such. 3) Corporation: If the contractor is a corporation, a signature for the corporation by the president or his equivalent and by the secretary or his equivalent, describing themselves as such, plus imprint of the seal, will be required. If the corporation has a resolution or copy of by -laws authorizing some other signature, the resolution or copy of the by -laws shall be with the offer. Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 4 Where contract requires a performance bond, the persons signing for the corporation must sign both the contract agreement and bond, describing themselves as such on both documents. The seal for the bonding company is required on the performance bond. b. Attorney -In -Fact- 1) The surety shall be bound by an attorney -in -fact, resident in Clallam County preferable, but certainly in the State of Washington. 2) The seal of the bonding company is required on all performance bonds. 14. Title 82 RCW: a. Before payment by the contractor of any taxes to the Department of Revenue for or on account of any materials or work involved in this contract, the parties shall determine the amount which may be claimed due under the provisions of Title 82 R.C.W. and such sum shall be withheld by the City from the contract price to be paid by the City directly to said Department if found to be due by final determination of the courts of the State of Washington. b. Base Bid and Alternate bids shall not include any Washington State and Local sales taxes. 15. Completeness of Documents: a. The bidder shall verify that all documents supplied by the Owner, and upon which the bidder is basing his bid, are full and complete with no missing pages, sheets, or unintentional blank spaces. Submittal of a bid indicates the bidder has verified he has obtained all Owner supplied bidding documents. No claim for additional work due to missing bid information will be allowed. 16. Substitutions and Approval Prior to Receipt of Bids: a. Bids must be based upon the specific articles and materials named in the Contract Documents, or their approved equals and be in accordance with Section 01 630, Substitutions and Product Options. b. During the bidding period, written requests for approval of substitutions by prime bidders will be considered if received in the Architect's office not later than five (5) days prior to the scheduled date of bid opening. Such requests shall be accompanied by complete descriptions, technical data, and documentary evidence that the proposed substitution is equal to, or better than, those articles or materials specified. The Architect reserves the right to request that samples be submitted and satisfactory demonstrations be made for the proposed substitutions prior to approval. c. Approval of proposed substitutions will be made by addenda, mailed to all bidders. Proposed substitutions not so listed shall be considered having been rejected. Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 5 r 17. Termination Prior to Contract Signing: a. The bidders are advised that the City reserves the right to choose not to award the contract up to the time the City signs the contract document, including after the Notice of Award has been issued. Such termination shall occur if in the best interests of the City, including, but not limited to, the continuation of or commencement of legal action with respect to any applicable permits for this project. In submitting the bid, the bidder agrees such termination will not result in any claims or causes of action for costs or damages by the bidder against the City. 18. Qualifications of bidding: a. The Contractor covenants that he is registered and licensed as required by the laws of the State of Washington The Owner may take such investigations as he deems necessary to determine the ability of the bidder to perform the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the Owner all such information and data for this purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such bidder fails to satisfy the Owner that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligation of the contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. b. The Owner at his discretion may determine that a bidder is not responsible and reject his proposal for any of the following reasons. 1) More than one proposal on the same project from a bidder under the same or different names. 2) Evidence of collusion with any other bidder, or bidders. 3) If a bidder is not qualified for the work involved or to the extent of his bid. 4) Unsatisfactory performance record, judged from the standpoint of conduct of work, workmanship, or progress as shown by past or current work for the Owner 5) Uncompleted work, whether for the Owner or otherwise, which might hinder or prevent the prompt completion of the work bid upon. 6) Failure to pay or settle bills for labor or materials on any former or current contracts. 7) Any other inability, financial or otherwise, to perform the work. 8) A bidder is not licensed and authorized to do business in the State of Washington. 9) For any other reasons deemed proper as determined form a pre -award survey of bidder's capability to perform. Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 6 19. Supplementary Conditions: a. 9.1 Liquidated Damages- Covered under Section 01 110. b. 9.2 Retainage- Covered under Section 00 800. c. 9.3 Time of Completion- Covered under Section 01 110. 20. Resident Employees: a. The Contractor or Subcontractor shall employ ninety five percent (95 or more bona fide Washington resident as employees where more than forty (40) persons are employed, and ninety percent (90 or more bona fide Washington residents as employees where forty (40) or less persons are employed, except that any Contractor, or Subcontractor may employ not more than five (5) persons without regard to the residency requirements stated herein in the performance of any such contract; PROVIDED, that the state of the residence of the Contractor of Subcontractor provides reciprocal rights to Washington Contractors or Subcontractors. The Contractor shall pay the prevailing wages for the specific type of construction as determined by the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries in the city or county where the work is being performed. The term "resident as used in this section, shall mean any person who has been a bond fide resident of the State of Washington for a period of ninety (90) days prior to such employment; PROVIDED, that in contracts involving the expenditure of Federal or State aid funds this section shall not be enforced in such manner to conflict with or be contrary to honorably discharged soldiers, sailors and marine, or prohibiting as unlawful and other discrimination among the citizens of the United States. 21. Hours of Labor: a. All work under this Contract shall be performed pursuant to public policy of the State of Washington, as set forth in Chapter 49.28, revised Code of Washington, as amended requiring that public work be performed in work days of not more than eight (8) hours each, except in extraordinary emergency. The provisions of said Chapter 49.28 R.C.W. as amended, are by reference incorporated and made a part hereof. Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 49.28.050 and 40.28.060 R.C.W. the Owner may cancel the Agreement in case the work is not performed in accordance with said policy. 22. Discrimination: a. Discrimination in all phases of employment is prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights At of 1964, Presidential Executive Order 11246, as amended by Executive Order 11375, the Washington State Law Against Discrimination, Chapter 49.60 R.C.W., and by Gubernatorial Executive Orders 66 -1 and 70 -01, among other laws and regulations. END OF SECTION 01 100 Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 7 r 00 130 PRE -BID SITE INSPECTION Bidders shall attend a mandatory pre -bid site inspection with the Architect and Owner's Representative, to be held at the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center. Representatives from all interested firms will meet and be directed on a tour of the affected facility. Bidders will be notified by mail of the date and time. Minutes from this meeting will be issued as addenda and will become a part of the Contract Documents. r END OF SECTION 00 130 Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 8 1 00 200 PREVAILING WAGE RATES See accompanying Department of Labor and Industries prevailing wage rate listing Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 9 r WAC 296 127 -011 states, in part: STATE OF WASHINGTON N O T I C E T O A L L P U B L I C A G E N C I E S Please note that RCW 39.12.030 states, in part: "The specifications for every contract.... shall contain a provision stating the hourly minimum rate of wage, not less than the prevailing rate of wage, which may be paid to laborers, workmen or mechanics in each trade or occupation required for such public work..." DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES 1 FEB 19 1992 ESAC DIVISION TELEPHONE (206) 753 -4019 "PO BOX 44540, OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98504 -454D "Awarding agencies must include a schedule of the applicable published prevailing wage rates in the contract documents for each contract. Contractors must include a schedule of the applicable published prevailing wage rates in their contracts with each one of their subcontractors." i'n-FATE Attached are the Prevailing Wage Rates for all trades in your county that are employed in the performance of Public Work. These wages are classified in alphabetical order by trade name and related occupations. The codes defining prevailing benefit and overtime provisions are defined by number in a Code Key that is attached as an addendum to the enclosed wage publication. All numerical classification codes have been removed from this publication in favor of the trade and occupation titles. These numerical classification codes will not be used by the department until further notice. Subcontractors receive the listing of appropriate prevailing wage rates from the general contractors who receive them from the awarding agencies. Please publish the attached document, in whole or in part, with your contract specifications and also with the contracts themselves, in accordance with RCW 39.12.030. You may reproduce all or any part of the attached document as needed for the purpose of inclusion in your bid documents and contracts. These wages will remain in effect from March 4, 1992 to September 2, 1992. Please contact the Prevailing Wage section of the Department of Labor and Industries at (206) 753 -4019 if you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance. ESAC DIVISION TELEPHONE (206) 753 -4019 406 LEGION WAY SE, OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98504 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES CLALLAM COUNTY EFFECTIVE 03 -04 -92 (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CLASSIFICATION AT BENEFITS CODE CODE ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, CERTIFIED Certified Asbestos Abatement Worker 16.98 3.60 1M 50 BOILERMAKERS Boilermaker 21.97 5.91 1R 5N BRICKLAYERS AND MARBLE MASONS All Classifications 20.72 3.78 18 5A BUILDING SERVICE EMPLOYEES Janitor 6.29 0.36 18 5U 8H Traveling Waxer,Shaapooer 6.68 0.36 18 5U 8H Window Cleaners 9.95 0.36 18 5U 8H CABINET MAKERS Cabinet Maker In Shop CARPENTERS Carpenter Drywall Applicator Creosoted Material Floor Finisher Floor Layer Floor Sander Sawfiter Shingler Accousticat,Worker Piledriver Stationary Woodworking Toots Millwright 13.12 0.00 1 19.79 3.75 1M 50 19.79 3.75 1M 50 19.89 3.75 1M 50 19.92 3.75 1M 5D 19.92 3.75 1M 5D 19.92 3.75 1M 50 19.92 3.75 1M 50 19.92 3.75 1M 50 19.95 3.75 1M 50 19.79 3.75 1M 50 19.79 3.75 1M 50 20.29 3.75 1M 50 CEMENT MASONS CEMENT MASON 20.36 4.20 10 50 PATCHING AND PAVING 20.36 4.20 10 50 CURING 20.36 4.20 10 5D CURB AND GUTTER 20.36 4.20 10 50 SIDEWALKS 20.36 4.20 10 50 SEALING COMPOUND 20.36 4.20 10 50 UNDERLAYMENT 20:61 4.20 10 50 MASTIC, EPDXY, PLASTIC 20.61 4.20 10 50 CONCRETE SAW 20.61 4.20 10 50 POWER TOOLS AND GRINDERS 20.61 4.20 10 50 SANDBLASTING 20.61 4.20 10 50 FINISH COLORED CONCRETE 20.61 4.20 10 50 GUNITE NOZZLE PERSON 20.61 4.20 10 50 TUNNEL WORKERS 20.61 4.20 10 50 TROWEL MACHINE ON COLORED 21.86 4.20 10 50 SLABS, COMPOSITION OR KALMAN FLOORS C01MUNICATION TECHNICIANS Communication Technician 12.07 0.00 1 Electronic Technician 12.07 0.00 1 (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TINE HOLIDAY NOTE CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE DIVERS AND TENDERS Tenders 21.49 3.75 1M 50 Assistant Tenders 19.99 3.75 1M 50 Divers 0 to 50 it 48.98 3.75 1M 5D 88 DREDGE WORKERS Assistant Engineer Assistant Mate Deckhand Boatman Engineer Welder Leverman Mate Oiler Crane Maintenance DRYWALL FINISHERS Drywall Taper ELECTRICAL FIXTURE MAINTENANCE WORKERS Journey Level **ELECTRICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL CABLE SPLICER CONSTRUCTION STOCK PERSON ELECTRICIANS MOTOR SHOP Craftsperson Journey Level ELECTRICIANS POAERLINE CONSTRUCTION Cable Splicer Grou dnan Head Groundman Heavy Line Equip. Man Jackhammerman Journeyman Lineman Line Equipment Man Pole Sprayer Powderman Welder Certified **ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS MECHANIC IN CHARGE/UNDER 5 TEARS MECHANIC IN CHARGE /OVER 5 YEARS MECHANIC/UNDER 5 YEARS MECHANIC /OVER 5 YEARS CONSTRUCTOR/UNDER 5 YEARS CONSTRUCTOR /OVER 5 YEARS PROBATIONARY CONSTRUCTOR FENCE ERECTORS AND FENCE LABORERS Fence Erector Fence Laborer FLAGGERS Flagger WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES EFFECTIVE 03 -04 -92 2 CLALLANN COUNTY In addition to the hourly wage and fringe benefits, the following depth premiums apply to depths of fifty feet or more Over 50' to 100' 21.00 per foot for each foot over 50 feet Over 100' to 175' S2.25 per foot for each foot over 100 feet Over 175' to 250' S5.50 per foot for each foot over 175 feet Over 250' Divers may name their own price, provided it is no less than the scale listed for 250 feet 19.21 4.71 1 5D 18.87 4.71 1 50 19.21 4.71 1 50 19.26 4.71 1 50 19.63 4.71 1 5D 19.21 4.71 1 50 18.87 4.71 1 50 19.26 4.71 1 50 18.77 4.71 1 5D 20.57 3.01 1 8.00 1.37 1J 5A 21.60 5.00 1J 23.76 5.06 1J 11.55 2.95 1J 13.95 1.42 2A 13.29 1.40 2A 21.68 5.26 13.90 3.99 14.78 4.02 19.59 5.19 14.78 4.02 19.59 5.19 16.89 4.09 19.59 5.19 14.78 4.02 19.59 5.19 24.41 7.57 4A 24.41 8.06 4A 21.70 7.41 4A 21.70 7.85 4A 15.19 7.02 4A 15.19 7.33 4A 10.85 0.00 4A 13.80 0.00 1 11.60 0.00 1 12.30 3.60 1M 6H 611 6H 6C 6C 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 50 CLASSIFICATION GLAZIERS Journeymen GREENHOUSE ERECTORS Greenhouse Erector IRONWORKERS Alt Classifications WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES EFFECTIVE 03 -04 -92 au COUNTY (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE 14.53 0.00 1 8.00 0.00 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DISPOSAL Equipment Operator 11.00 2.75 1 Materiel Worker 10.10 2.75 1 Truck Driver 11.39 3.11 1 Welder Mechanic 10.90 2.75 1 HEAT AID FROST INSULATORS (ASBESTOS WORKERS) Mechanic 22.74 4.09 4A 5C HEATING EQUIPMENT MECHANICS Journeyman 16.04 2.41 1J 5A IIDUSTRIAL ENGINE MECHANICS Industrial Engine Mech. 12.86 2.79 1 INDUSTRIAL VACUUM POWER CLEANER Journey -level 7.90 1.17 1 INLAID BOATMEN Operator 17.59 2.96 1K 50 Engineer- Deckhand 16.81 2.96 1K 50 Deckhand 15.19 2.96 1K 50 INSPECTION, CLEANING, SEALING OF SEWER AND WATER SYSTEMS Technician 6.25 0.00 1 Cleaner Operator, Foamer Operator 8.25 1.48 1 TV Truck Operator 8.75 1.78 1 Grout Truck Operator 9.50 1.98 1 Head Operator 10.50 2.28 1 INSULATION APPLICATORS Journeyman 16.58 0.00 1 19.56 6.86 1B 1 5A **MINERS Asphalt Raker 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Ballast Regulator Machine 16.98 3.60 1M 50 Batch Weighman 12.30 3.60 1M 50 Cession Worker 17.82 3.6(0 1M 50 Carpenter Tender 16.98 3.60 1M 50 Cement Dumper /Paving 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Cement Finisher Tender 16.98 3.60 1N 50 Chipping Gun 16.98 3.60 1M 50 Chuck Tender 16.98 3.60 1M 50 Clean -up Laborer 16.98 3.60 1M 50 Concrete form Stripper 16.98 3.60 1M 50 Concrete Saw Operator 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Crusher Feeder 12.30 3.60 1M 50 Curing Concrete 16.98 3.60 1M 50 Demolition Wrecking and Moving 16.98 3.60 1M 50 (including charred materials) Diver 17.82 3.60 1M 50 Drill Operator (Hydraulic, Diamond, Air Trac) 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Epoxy Technician 16.98 3.60 1M 50 Faller /Bucker -Chain Saw 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Final Detail Cleanup 9.98 3.60 111 50 Gabion Basket Builder 16.98 3.60 1M 50 General Laborer 16.98 3.60 1M 50 Grade Checker and Transit Man 17.46 3.60 114 50 Grinders 16.98 3.60 114 50 CLASSIFICATION LABORERS UTILITIES CONSTRUCTION (SEE LABORERS) LATHERS Journeyman MACHINISTS (HYDROELECTRIC SITE WORK) Machinist PAINTERS Brush and Roll Painter Spray Painter PLASTERERS Journeyman WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES EFFECTIVE 03 -04 -92 CLALLAM COUNTY (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE High Scaler 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Hod Carrier /Mortarman 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Jackhammer 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Miner 17.82 3.60 1M 50 Nozzleman Concrete Pump, Green Cutter when 17.46 3.60 1M 50 using high pressure air and water on concrete and rock, sandblast, Gunite, Shotcrete, Water Blaster Pavement Breaker 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Picot Car 12.30 3.60 1m 50 Pipe Reliner (not insert type) 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Pipelayer and Caulker 17.46 3.60 IM 50 Pot Tender 16.98 3.60 1M 50 Powderman 17.82 3.60 1M 50 Powderman Helper 16.98 3.60 1M 50 Railroad Spike Puller (power) 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Re-Timbermen 17.82 3.60 1M 50 Spreader (Concrete) 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Spreader Clary Power or Similar Types 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Stake Hopper 16.98 3.60 1M 50 Tamper (Multiple and Self Propelled) 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Tapper and Similar Electric, Air and Gas 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Toolroom Man (at job site) 16.98 3.60 1M 50 Topman Tallman 16.98 3.60 1N 50 Trackliner (Power) 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Tugger Operator 16.98 3.60 1M 50 Vibrating Screed (air, Gas, or Electric 16.98 3.60 1M 50 Vibrator 17.46 3.60 1M 50 Well -Point Person 17.46 3.60 1M 50 LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION Irrigation Equipment Installers 10.62 3.25 1R 5A Irrigation 8 Landscape Equipment Operators 11.50 3.95 1R 5A Landscaping or Planting Laborers 7.65 0.00 1 Lawn Sprinkler Installers 10.62 3.25 1R 5A LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Journey Level 7.65 0.00 1 19.81 3.75 1J 16.84 0.00 1 12.80 0.00 1 13.30 0.00 1 19.28 5.10 1R 5A 5A METAL FABRICATORS (IN SHOP) LABORER 9.00 2.29 1 5m 8F LIGHT TRUCK DRIVER 11.08 2.29 1 5M 8F TOOL ROOM ATTENDANT 11.08 2.29 1 5M 8F BOILERMAKER SPECIALIST 11.08 2.29 1 5M 8F TRUCK DRIVER (OVER 20,000 LBS) 12.47 2.29 1 5M 8F WELDER /BURNER 12.47 2.29 1 5M 8F ADVANCED BOILERMAKER SPECIALIST 12.47 2.29 1 5M 8F JOURNEY LEVEL WELDER 13.85 2.29 1 5m 8F JOURNEY LEVEL BOILERMAKER 13.85 2.29 1 5M 8F LAYEROUT 14.54 2.29 1 5M 8F CLASSIFICATION PLAYGROUND AND PARK EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS Park Equipment lnstatter Playground Equipment Installer PLUMBERS AND PIPEFITTERS All Classifications 7.65 0.00 1 7.65 0.00 1 20.50 10.5 17 5A POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS A-Frame Crane over 10 ton 19.45 4.71 IN 50 A-Frame Crane, 10 tons and under 17.35 4.71 114 50 Assistant Engineers (Oilers) 17.35 4.71 1N 5D Backhoe 60 HP under 19.45 4.71 IN 50 Backhoe 60 HP over 19.81 4.71 1N 50 Backhoe 3 yds under 19.81 4.71 1N 50 Backhoes over 3 yards to 6 yards 20.25 4.71 1N 50 Belt Loaders Elevating Type 19.45 4.71 111 50 Bobcat 17.35 4.71 111 50 Brooms 17.35 4.71 1N 50 Bump Cutter 19.81 4.71 IN 5D Cableways 20.25 4.71 IN 50 Chipper 19.81 4.71 IN 50 Compressors 17.35 4.71 IN 50 Concrete Batch Plant 19.81 4.71 IN 50 Concrete Pumps 19.45 4.71 iN 50 Conveyors 19.45 4.71 IN 50 Crane 100 Tons and Over or 20.75 4.71 IN 50 200 Ft. Boom including Jib and over Crane 45 Tons through 99 tons or 20.25 4.71 10 50 150 Ft. of Boom Crane Overhead, Bridge Type (45 99 tons) 20.25 4.71 IN 5D Crane Overhead, Bridge Type 100 T. and Over 20.75 4.71 1N 50 Crane Overhead, Bridge Type (20 44 tons) 19.81 4.71 1N 50 Cranes 20 44 tons 19.81 4.71 1N 50 Cranes through 19 tons 19.45 4.71 1N 50 Crushers 19.81 4.71 1N 50 Curb Extruder 19.81 4.71 1N 50 Derrick, Building 20.25 4.71 1N 50 Dozers, 0 -9 trader 19.45 4.71 1N 50 Drilling Machine 19.81 4.71 IN 5D Equipment Service Engineer`(Oiler) 19.45 4.71 114 50 Finishing Machine 19.81 4.71 IN 50 Fork Lifts 19.45 4.71 111 50 Gradechecker and Stakem n 17.35 4.71 IN 5D Hoists, Air Tuggers, 19.45 4,71 IN 50 Hydralifts /Boom Trucks 10 tons and under 17.35 4.71 1N 50 Hydralifts/ Boom Trucks over 10 tons 19.45 4.71 IN 50 Loaders, 8 yds over 20.75 4.71 IN 50 Loaders, Overhead 6 yards up to 8 yards 20.25 4.71 IN 50 Loaders, Overhead under 6 yards 19.81 4.71 IN 50 Locomotives, All 19.81 4.71 1N 50 Mechanics, All (Welders) 19.81 4.71 IN 5D Mixers, Asphalt Plant 19.81 4.71 1N 50 Motor Patrol Grader Non finishing 19.45 4.71 1N 50 Motor Patrol Grader Finishing 19.81 4.71 IN 50 Mucking Machine, Mole, 20.25 4.71 1N 50 Tunnel Drill and/or Shield Oil Distributors, Blowers, etc. 17.35 4.71 1N 50 Oiler Driver on Truck Crane 19.45 4.71 IN 50 Pavement Breaker 17.35 4.71 1N 5D Permanent Shaft -type Elevator or Mentift 17.35 4.71 IN 50 Piledriver 19.81 4.71 IN 50 Plant Loader (Asphalt) 19.81 4.71 1N 50 Posthote Digger, Mechanical 17.35 4.71 144 50 Power Plant 17.35 4.71 1N 50 Pump Truck Mounted 19.81 4.71 1N 50 Concrete Pump with Boom Attachment Pumps, Water 17.35 4.71 1N 50 Quad 9 and Similar, 0 -10 and 10 -41 20.25 4.71 IN 50 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES EFFECTIVE 03 -04 -92 5 CLALLAH4 COWRY (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TINE HOLIDAY NOTE RATE BENEFITS CCOE CODE CODE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CLASSIFICATION POWER LINE CLEARANCE TREE TRIMMERS Chipperman Spray Man Tree Trimmer Tree Trimmer Groundman Journey-level in Charge REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITI0N1NG MECHANIC All Classifications WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES EFFECTIVE 03 -04 -92 6 CLALLAN COUNTY (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) NoURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TINE HOLIDAY NOTE RATE BENEFITS CODE [ODE CmE Remote Control Operator 20.25 4.71 1N 50 Roltagon 20.25 4.71 1N 5D Roller, Other than Plant Road Nix 17.35 4.71 1N 50 Rollers, Ptantmix or 19.45 4.71 1N 50 Multitift Materials Composition Materials Roto -Mill Pavement 19.81 4.71 1N 5D Saws, Concrete 19.45 4.71 1N 50 Scrapers Carry All 19.45 4.71 1N 50 Scrapers, Concrete 19.45 4.71 1" 5D Scrapers, Self propelled 45 yards and over 20.25 4.71 111 50 Scrapers, Self-propelled under 45 yards 19.81 4.71 1N 50 Screed Man 19.81 4.71 1N 50 Shotcrete Gunite 17.35 4.71 1N 50 Shovels and Attachments, 6 yards over 20.75 4.71 1N 50 Shovels 3 yds under 19.81 4.71 IN 50 Shovels over 3 yards to 6 yards 20.25 4.71 1N 5D Slipfonm Pavers 20.25 4.71 1N 50 Spreaders, Blew Knox 19.45 4.71 1N 50 Sub- grader Trimmer 19.81 4.71 1N 50 Tower Crane 20.75 4.71 1N 50 Tractors 60 HP under 19.45 4.71 1N 50 Tractors over 60 HP 19.81 4.71 1N 50 Transporters, Alt Track or Truck Type 20.25 4.71 1N 50 Trenching Machines 19.45 4.71 114 50 Wheel Tractors, Farmatt Type 17.35 4.71 111 50 YoYo Dozer 19.81 4.71 IN 50 POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS UTILITIES CONSTRUCTION All Classifications 19.85 0.00 1 12.90 3.50 4A 5A 12.90 3.50 4A 5A 16.12 4.31 4A 5A 11.30 3.45 4A 5A 18.67 4.40 4A 5A 19.62 8.42 4A 5A I RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION Res. Carpenters 11.85 3.50 40 Res. Communication Tech. 12.07 0.00 40 Res. Drywall Tapers 18.95 0.00 40 Res. Etectricians 14.70 2.32 40 Res. Electronic Tech. 12.07 0.00 40 Res. Glaziers 10.72 0.00 40 Res. Insulation Appl. 11.00 2.96 40 Res. Laborers 8.44 0.00 40 Res. Painters 10.00 0.00 40 Res. Plumbers 13.22 3.89 40 Res. Refrigeration Mech. 10.90 3.54 40 Res. Sheet Metal Mech. 13.55 2.70 40 Res. Air Cond. Mech. 10.90 3.54 40 ROOFERS AND WATERPROOFERS Journey Level Using Bituminous Materials SHEET METAL WORKERS Sheet Metal Mechanic SIGN HANGERS All Classifications SIGN MAKERS AND INSTALLERS (ELECTRICAL) Journey Level Stock Person 19.60 3.40 1R 22.60 3.40 1R 22.51 4.86 4A 12.15 0.00 1 17.29 2.00 1 8.65 1.74 1 5A 5A CLASSIFICATION SOFT FLOOR LAYERS Journeyman SOLAR CONTROLS FOR WINDOWS All Classifications SPRINKLER FITTERS FIRE PREVENTION Journeyman STAGE RIGGING MECHANICS Mechanic SURVEYORS Chain Person 9.35 0.00 1 Instrument Person (Junior Engineer) 11.40 0.00 1 Party Chief 13.40 0.00 1 TELEPHONE LIME CONSTRUCTION OUTSIDE Cable Splicer Telephone Lineman Special Apparatus Installer I Special Apparatus Installer II 16.78 2.25 18 5A Installer Repairman 16.36 2.24 18 5A Telephone Equipment Operator Heavy 17.19 2.27 18 5A Telephone Equipment Operator Light 15.79 2.22 18 5A Journeyman Telephone Lineman 15.79 2.22 18 5A Hole Digger, Groundman 8.40 2.00 18 5A Tree Trimmer Telephone Line 15.79 2.22 18 5A Pole Sprayer• 15.79 2.22 18 5A T.V. System Technician 14.01 2.17 18 5A T.V. Technician 12.32 2.12 18 5A T.V. Lineman 11.32 2.09 1B 5A T.V. Groundman 7.85 1.99 18 5A TERRAZZO WORKERS AND TILE SETTERS All Classifications 20.55 3.78 18 5A TILE. MARBLE AND TERRAZZO FINISHERS Journeyman TRAFFIC CONTROL STRIPERS Journeyman WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES EFFECTIVE 03 04 92 CL/ALLAIC COUITY (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TINE HOLIDAY NOTE RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE 10.88 0.00 1 9.95 0.36 18 50 20.90 5.33 IF 5I 10.50 2.73 1 17.19 2.27 18 5A 17.19 2.27 18 5A 16.38 3.78 18 5A 18.14 2.47 1K 84 TRUCK DRIVERS A -Frame or Hydralift Trucks or Similar 19.31 4.29 1M 50 Buggymobile and Similar 19.00 4.29 1M 5D Bulk Cement Tanker 19.16 4.29 1M 5D Bull Lifts, or Similar 19.18 4.29 1M 50 Equipment (Not Warehousing) Bull Lifts, or Similar 18.83 4.29 1M 50 Equipment (Warehousing) Bus or Employee Haul 18.83 4.29 1M 50 Dumpster 0 05 yards 18.73 4.29 1M 50 Dumpster Over 5- 12 yds 18.95 4.29 1M 50 Dumpster Over 12 16yds 19.36 4.29 1M 50 Dumpster Over 16 20yds 19.41 4.29 1M 50 Dumpster Over 20 30yds 19.58 4.29 1M 50 Dumpster Over 30 40yds 19.74 4.29 1M 50 Dumpster Over 40 55yds 19.90 4.29 1M 50 (Fifteen cents (S.15) per hour increase for each 10 Yard increment over 55 Yards.) Escort Driver /Pilot Car 13.67 4.29 1M 50 Explosive Truck (Field Mix) and Similar 19.05 4.29 1M 50 Flatbed Truck Dual Rear Axle 18.94 4.29 1M 50 Flatbed Truck Single Rear Axle 16.92 4.29 1M 50 8H (SEE BENEFIT CODE RO=Y) DOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE Fuel Truck, Grease Truck, Greaser, Battery 18.83 4.29 1M 50 and/or Tire Service Man Hyster (Hauling Bulk Loose Aggregates) 19.00 4.29 1M 5D Leverman and Loaders at 18.73 4.29 1M 50 Bunkers and Batch Plants Lowbed and Heavy Duty Trailer: Under 50 T 19.05 4.29 IN 50 Lowbed and Heavy Duty Trailer: 50 100 T 19.33 4.29 1M 50 Lowbed and Heavy Duty Trailer: Over 100 T 19.49 4.29 1M 50 Mechanic 19.17 4.29 1M 50 Mechanic Helper 18.58 4.29 1M 5D Oil Distributor Driver (Road) 19.16 4.29 1M 5D Oil /Transport Tanker 16.54 4.29 1M 50 Pick -Up Truck 16.92 4.29 1M 50 Pickup Sweeper 16.92 4.29 1M 50 Scissors Truck 18.83 4.29 IN 50 Slurry Truck 19.05 4.29 1M 50 Sno -go and Similar 19.05 4.29 1M 5D Straddle Carrier (Ross, Hyster, and Similar) 19.00 4.29 1M 50 Swamper 18.73 4.29 1M 5D Team Driver 18.78 4.29 1M 50 Tractor, Small Rubber -Tired 18.83 4.29 1M 5D Transit-Mix 0 4.5 yds 19.04 4.29 1M 50 Transit-Mix Over 4.5 -6yd 19.21 4.29 1M 5D Transit-Mix Over 6 8yd 19.37 4.29 1M 50 Transit-Mix Over 8 -10yd 19.53 4.29 1M 50 Transit-Mix Over 10-12yd 19.70 4.29 IN 50 Transit-Mix Over 12-16yd 19.86 4.29 1M 50 Transit-Mix Over 16 -20yd 20.02 4.29 114 50 Transit Mix Over 20 yds 20.18 4.29 1M 50 Vacuum Truck 18.83 4.29 1M 50 Warehouseman Checkers 18.73 4.29 114 5D Water Wagon Tank Truck: Up to 1600 gat 18.63 4.29 1M 50 Water Wagon Tank Truck: 1600 3000 gal 19.00 4.29 1M 50, Water Wagon Tank Truck: Over 3000 gal 19.16 4.29 1M 50 Winch Truck: Dual Rear Axle 19.05 4.29 1M 5D Winch Truck: Single Rear Axle 18.83 4.29 1M 50 Wrecker, Tow Truck, and Similar 18.83 4.29 1M 50 WELL DRILLERS Irrigation Pump Installers Oiler Well Driller WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES EFFECTIVE 03 -04 -92 CLALLAK' COUNTY 11.60 0.00 1 9.45 0.00 1 11.60 0.00 1 BENEFIT CODE KEY EFFECTIVE 03-04-92 F** OVERTIME CODES 1. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL ALSO BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. C. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. D. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. E. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS), SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL ALSO BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. F. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. G. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. H. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR HOLIDAY PAY. I. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE ANO ONE -HALF TINES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. J. THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. K. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. L. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT AS A MAKEUP DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAIO AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR HOLIDAY PAY. M. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER CONDITIONS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. N. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. 0. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT FOR MAKEUP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. P. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. 0. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT FOR MAKE-UP DAYS DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER) AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS, SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. 1 R. ALL HOURS WORKED OW SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. S. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE PLUS HEALTH AND WELFARE AND VACATION. T. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. FOR ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK AND FOR ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS, THE HEALTH, WELFARE 8 DENTAL, AND VACATION BENEFITS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE. PENSION AND TRAINING SHALL BE PAID AT THE REGULAR HOURLY RATE. U. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. V. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT THE PREVAILING HOURLY RATE OF WAGE IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY. W. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS MAY BE WORKED AS A MAKE -UP DAY AT THE PREVAILING HOURLY RATE OF WAGE (NO OVERTIME) WHEN WORK IS LOST DUE TO ANY REASON BEYOND THE EMPLOYER'S CONTROL. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. X. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE PLUS OWE AND OWE -HALF TIMES THE VACATION, HEALTH, WELFARE AND DENTAL BENEFITS. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE PLUS TWO TIMES THE VACATION, HEALTH, WELFARE AND DENTAL BENEFITS. Y. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. WHERE CONDITIONS REQUIRE WORK TO BE DONE ON SATURDAY, THE WORK WEEK MAY BE TUESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY. Z. THE FIRST EIGHT HOURS ON THE FIRST SHIFT ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL OTHER HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. 2. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. THE FIRST SIX (6) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF SIX (6) HOURS ON SATURDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT WHEN WORKED AS A MAKE-UP DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, PLUS HOLIDAY PAY (IF ELIGIBLE). C. THE FIRST TEN HOURS WORKED OM SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF ELEVEN HOURS PER DAY, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN HOURS ON SATURDAYS, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. D. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR STRAIGHT-TIME PAY FOR HOLIDAYS. E. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS OR HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS OR ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. F. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF FIVE (5) DAYS SHAL ALSO BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. OVERTIME FOR OVER FIVE (5) DAYS MAY BE WORKED A STRAIGHT TIME BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT IN WRITING. 2 HOLIDAY CODES 4. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. 5. A. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). B. HOLIDAYS: NEW TEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). C. HOLIDAYS: NEW TEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). D. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). E. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DAY (8). F. HOLIDAYS: NEW TEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). G. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). H. HOLIDAYS: NEW TEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS (6). I. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6). J. HOLIDAYS: NEW TEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, DECEMBER 24TH, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND DECEMBER 31ST (9). K. HOLIDAYS: NEW TEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND A DAY OF THE EMPLOYEE'S CHOICE (7). L. HOLIDAYS: NEW TEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). M. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). N. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS' DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). O. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW TEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6). P. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). O. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6). R. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW TEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). 3 S. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAT, MEMORIAL DAT, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6). HOLIDAYS WORKED ON AN EMPLOYEE'S REGULARLY ESTABLISHED WORKDAYS SHALL BE COMPENSATED AT TWO ANO ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. HOLIDAYS WORKED ON AN EMPLOYEE'S REGULAR DAIS OFF SHALL BE COMPENSATED AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. PART -TIME EMPLOYEES WORKING ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE COMPENSATED AT ONE ANO ONE -HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. T. PAID HOLIDAYS: SEVEN (7) PAID HOLIDAYS. U. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAT, THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAT, AND A DAY OF THE EMPLOYEES CHOICE (7). V. PAID HOLIDAYS: SIX (6) PAID HOLIDAYS. W. PAID HOLIDAYS: NINE (9) PAID HOLIDAYS. X. HOLIDAYS: AFTER 520 HOURS NEW TEAR'S DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY. AFTER 2080 HOURS NEW TEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAT, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAT, CHRISTMAS DAY ANO A FLOATING HOLIDAY (8). Y. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY FOLLOWING THANKSGIVING DAT, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). Z. PAID HOLIDAYS: EIGHT (8) PAID HOLIDAYS. 6. A. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, THE DAY BEFORE OR THE DAY AFTER NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAT, INDEPENDENCE DAT, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAT, AND THE DAY BEFORE OR THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY (10). B. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAT, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, CHRISTMAS DAT, AND THE DAY BEFORE NEW TEAR'S DAY (9). C. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, NEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAT (9). D. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY ANO THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY (2). PAID HOLIDAYS: MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY ANO CHRISTMAS DAY (5). E. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEARS DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, LAST MONDAY IN NAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAT AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). F. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEARS DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, ARMISTICE DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). G. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEARS DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY. PAID HOLIDAYS: PRESIDENT'S DAY. N. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAT, THE DAT AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). NOTE CODES 8. A. ALL CLASSIFICATIONS, INCLUDING ALL APPRENTICES, REPORTING TO AN EMPLOYER'S DESIGNATED JOB HEADQUARTERS AND WORKING A MINIMUM OF FOUR (4) HOURS IN ANY ONE (1) DAY SHALL RECEIVE A PER DIEN ALLOWANCE OF TWENTY -FOUR DOLLARS (S24.00) IN ADDITION TO THE HOURLY WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS. B. THE WAGE RATES AND DEPTH PREMIUMS ARE FOR SURFACE SUPPLIED DIVERS AND SCUBA DIVERS. THE STANDBY RATE OF PAY FOR DIVERS SHALL BE ONE -HALF TIMES THE DIVERS RATE OF PAT. C. ONE (1) WEEK VACATION AFTER ONE (1) YEAR OF SERVICE. PART TIME EMPLOYEES (WORKING 20 HOURS OR LESS PER WEEK) ARE NOT ENTITLED TO RECEIVE ANY FRINGE BENEFITS. 4 D. E. ALL CLASSIFICATIONS, INCLUDING ALL APPRENTICES, REPORTING TO AN EMPLOYER'S DESIGNATED JOB HEADQUARTERS AND WORKING A MINIMUM OF FOUR (4) HOURS IN ANY ONE (1) DAY SHALL RECEIVE A PER DIEM ALLOWANCE OF TWENTY -FOUR DOLLARS (S24.00) IN ADDITION TO THE PREVAILING HOURLY RATE OF WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS. F. FIVE (5) DAYS VACATION AFTER ONE YEAR OF SERVICE. TEN (10) DAYS VACATION AFTER THREE YEARS OF SERVICE. G. $.25 PER HOUR VACATION AFTER ONE YEAR OF SERVICE. S.50 PER HOUR VACATION AFTER TWO YEARS OF SERVICE. H. TWO (2) WEEKS VACATION AFTER ONE (1) YEAR OF SERVICE. PART TIME EMPLOYEES (WORKING 20 HOURS OR LESS PER WEEK) ARE NOT ENTITLED TO RECEIVE ANY FRINGE BENEFITS. I. APPRENTICES BELOW 80X RECEIVE A PENSION CONTRIBUTION IN THE AMOUNT OF S.75. APPRENTICES 80X AND ABOVE RECEIVE A PENSION CONTRIBUTION IN THE AMOUNT OF 51.55. J. NO WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED ON LABOR DAY OR CHRISTMAS DAY EXCEPT WHEN LIFE OR PROPERTY IS IN IMMINENT DANGER. SHOULD ANY OF THESE HOLIDAYS FALL ON SUNDAY, THE FOLLOWING MONDAY SHALL BE CONSIDERED A LEGAL HOLIDAY. K. VETERANS DAY AND THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING ARE OPTIONAL HOLIDAYS AND ARE PAID AT ONE AND ONE -HALF TIMES THE REGULAR RATE OF PAY ONLY WHEN WORKED. L. FIVE (5) DAYS VACATION PER YEAR. NOTE: PART TIME EMPLOYEES (WORKING 20 HOURS OR LESS PER WEEK) ARE NOT ENTITLED TO RECEIVE ANY FRINGE BENEFITS. M. FIVE (5) DAYS VACATION AFTER ONE YEAR OF SERVICE, TEN (10) DAYS VACATION AFTER TWO YEARS OF SERVICE. NOTE: PART TIME EMPLOYEES (WORKING 20 HOURS OR LESS PER WEEK) ARE NOT ENTITLED TO RECEIVE ANY FRINGE BENEFITS. N. MARBLE MASONS AND GRANITE MASONS RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL 51.00 PER HOUR. 0. FIVE (5) DAYS VACATION AFTER ONE (1) YEAR. P. Q. FIVE (5) DAYS VACATION PER YEAR. PART TINE EMPLOYEES (WORKING 20 HOURS OR LESS PER WEEK) ARE NOT ENTITLED TO RECEIVE ANY FRINGE BENEFITS. R. FIVE (5) DAYS VACATION PER YEAR. S. ONE WEEK VACATION AFTER ONE YEAR OF SERVICE. TWO WEEKS VACATION AFTER THREE YEARS OF SERVICE. THREE WEEKS VACATION AFTER NINE YEARS OF SERVICE. T. TWO WEEKS VACATION FOR ONE TO THREE YEARS OF SERVICE. FOUR WEEKS VACATION FOR THREE TO SIX YEARS OF SERVICE. SIX WEEKS VACATION FOR SIX OR MORE YEARS OF SERVICE. 5 April 10, 1992 Dear Mr. Pittis: Sincerely, PRIMO CONSTRUCTION, INC. Primo Construction. Inc. feels we should notify the City of Port Angeles that we consider not signing the proposal for the above referenced project a minor irregularity. PRIMO CONSTRUCTION, INC. arles R. Parrish CRP/abd VIX 296 CARLSBORG ROAD SEQUIM, WA 98382 (206) 683-5447 FAX: (206) 683-6475 (WYOFcORTAG FUPLK:VVO FF i iw5ire o FricoNc. 1 I c EPI )7Y DIRECTOR Mr. Jack Pittis Director of Public Works ii.: 4 ENGINT_ER 1 1 1 0 .t.u'gE City of Port Angeles SIR/ViATER 1 I P.O. Box 1150 s:q.ET 1 1 Port Angeles, WA 98382 BUILDIN i I I Re: Vern Burton Memorial Community Center RenovfMion J It was our intent to sign the proposal, bid the job competitively, and complete the work in a timely manner. It was an inadvertent clerical error that caused the signature omission. We consider the fact that we ordered a bid bond. filled out the proposal completely, signed all sheets except the proposal. sealed the envelope, delivered the bid before the time for opening and bid the job competitively. conclusive evidence that our intent was to sign the proposal. nr7/rif70 r 1 APR 0 L. C O'A ITY OF PTANGLLt: rUBLIC 00 300 BID FORMS Renovations to Vern Burton Memorial Community Center Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Port Angeles 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 The bidder, in compliance with your invitation for Bids for the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center, Port Angeles, Washington, having examined the specifications, drawings, related documents and the site of the proposed Work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the work of the proposed project including the availability of material and labor, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, and incidentals, and to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, at the prices stated below. These prices are to cover all expenses incurred in performing the Work required under the Contract Documents, of which this proposal is a part. Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract immediately upon receipt of written notice to proceed and to fully complete work as described in Contract Documents, within time allotment as described in Section 01 110. 1. Base Bid a. For the Base Bid as defined in the Project Manual, the following sum of: f II E /JD Pfp van T 7 us JO six /+U zp.. 2 I�wJc O iv% 1,0 a r s ca,3 00, 0 6 2. Alternate Bids Undersigned proposes to perform additions or substitutions to the Base Bids called for in the following alternates, in accordance with Section 01 030. Alternate No and Title Amount Alt. #3 Walk to parking area. 1 44 6 170 0 Alt. #4 Re- roofing of meeting room03`I j area. 0 ilk 0 7_‘ OO Alt. #1 New windows in existing recreation offices. Alt. #2 Finishing restrooms in multi purpose room. Alt. #5 East Wing public address system. Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 10 Alt. #6 Acoustical treatment of multi purpose room. Alt. #7 Floor level acoustical treatment in multi purpose room. Alt. #8 Storage rooms at north entry. Alt. #9 Sound System. Alt. #10 Building Sign. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION AMOUNT AFTER ALTERNATES: 7. Bid Security: a. The bid security is attached in the sum of 9 3),14.0, 00 11,S50,Q° a 490 a Lic, so 3. Overhead Profit: a. The undersigned agrees that all of the above named Base Bid and Alternate Bids include all Contractor's overhead and profit or fee. 4. Sales Tax: a. None of the above bid prices shall include State and /or Local Sales Tax. 5. Right of Resection: a. Bidder agrees that the Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in the bidding. Bidder agrees that any or all Alternates may be taken in any order. 6. Procedure: a. The undersigned agrees that if he is notified of the acceptance of this bid within 60 days of the date set for opening bids, or any time thereafter before this bid is withdrawn, he will execute a Contract for the above work, for a compensation computed form the sums stipulated in the Form of Bid, in the standard form of agreement noted in the specifications and to furnish insurance, performance and payment bonds as stipulated in Section 01 030. FIVE PERCENT Dollars FIVE PERCENT b. The Undersigned agrees that the bid security accompanying this bid shall be left in escrow with the Owner, that the amount of the bid security is the measure of damages which the Owner will sustain by the failure of the Undersigned to execute the contract within 10 days after written notice of the award of the contract to him, the amount of the bid security shall be paid to the Owner. If this bid is not accepted within 60 days after the time set for opening bids, or Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 11 if the Undersigned delivers said contract and bonds as instructed, then the bid security shall be returned to the bidder or become void. 8. Addenda: a. Receipt of Addenda numbered 1 throughout 2 is hereby acknowledged, and all costs of the work therefore have been included in the Form of Proposal. Bidder: Primo Construction, Inc. Street Add re s s: 296 Carlsbora Road Telephone and City: Seauim. WA 206- 683 -5447 BY: Charles R. Parrish State of Washington Contractor's License No PRTMOCT1 Contractor's License Expiration Date: 08/20/92 Give State of Incorporation: Washingtnn If bidder is a partnership, give full names of all partners. If bidder is a corporation, Affix Corporate Seal: END OF SECTION 00 300 Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE, SUN PRAIRIE, WISCONSIN POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That the PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY. a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, does hereby make, constitute and appoint GERALDINE C. STEWART of SEATTLE, WASHINGTON its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact to make. execute. seal and deliver for and on its behalf, and as its act and deed ANY AND ALL BONDS AND UNDERTAKINGS OF SURETYSHIP and to bind the PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY and sealed and attested by one other of such officers. and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said Attorney(s) -in -Fact may do in pursuance hereof. This Power of Attorney is granted under and by authority of Article VII of the By -Laws of PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY which became effective September 21, 1981, which provisions are now in full force and effect, reading as follows: ARTICLE VII EXECUTION OF BONDS AND UNDERTAKINGS 1. The Board of Directors. the President the Chairman of the Board. any Senior Vice President. any Vice President or Assistant Vice President or other officer designated by the Board of Directors shall have power and authority to (a) appoint Attorneys -in -Fact and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company. bonds and undertakings. recogn.zances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof. and (b) to remove any such Attorney -in -Fact at any time and revoke the power and authority given to him. 2. Attorneys-on-Fact shall have power and authority, subject to the terms and limitations of the power of attorney issued to them, to execute and deliver on behalf of the Company, bonds and undertakings. recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof. The corporate seal is not necessary for the validity of any bonds and undertakings, recogmzances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof. 3. Attorneys -in -Fact shall have power and authonty to execute affidavits required to be attached to bonds. recogmzances. contracts of indemnity or other conditional or obligatory undertakings and they shall also have power and authority to certify the financial statement of the Company and to copies of the By -Laws of the Company or any article or section thereof. This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting held on the 29th day of March. 1982. at which a quorum was present and said Resolution has not been amended or repealed: BOP -1431 1/82 "Resolved. that the signatures of such directors and officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certificate beanng such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached." IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to bQ *igned by its Vice President. and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed. this 14th day of January 19 STATE OF Washington COUNTY OF King On this 14th day of January to me known to be the Vice President of the PLANET INSURANCE instrument and affixed the seal of said corporation thereto, and that A set forth therein, are still in full force. My Commission Expires: May 15 94 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company this PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY G (L: Vice President ,19 91 .personallyappeared Lawrence W. Carlstrom and acknowledged that he executed and attested the foregoing 1, 2, and 3 of the By -laws of said Company, and the Resolution. Notary Public in and for the State cf Washin4(tjon Residing at Tacoma I. Keith A. Poling Assistant Secretary of the PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY.. do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by said PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY, which is still in full force and effect. Assistant Secretary Keith A. Poling 19 92 PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY Bond No. BID BOND APPROVED BY THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS A.I.A. DOCUMENT NO. A -310 (FEB. 1970 ED.) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we PRIMO CONSTRUCTION, INC. as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and the PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY of Madison, Wisconsin, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF PORT ANGELES as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of *FIVE PERCENT (5 OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT BID Dollars 5% for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for Signed and sealed this 7TH BDP -2305 Ed. 1/82 (Witness) HEAD OFFICE, MADISON, WISCONSIN VERN BURTON MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTER OF PORT ANGELES, WA NOW, THEREFORE., if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material fur- nished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. day of APRIL By: 'PRIMO ,COfIATRUCTION, IN (Principal) (Title) PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY By N/A A.D. 19 92 414.&44w/'( >ii .t Geraldine C. Stewart, Attorney -in -Fact 1 00 410 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF CLALLAM NON- COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT CHARLES R. PARRISH being duly sworn, on oath, says that the bid herewith submitted is a genuine and not a sham or collusive bid, or made in the interest, or on behalf of any person not therein named; and (s)he further says that the said bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any bidder on the above work or supplies to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding; and that said bidder has not in a any manner sought by collusion to secure to HIM self an advantage over any other bidder or bidders. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1992 THIS FORM MUST ACCOMPANY EACH BID WITHOUT ALTERATION. Division 00 Bidding Information AW eleilif; Contractor 6th day of April Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. Residing at Seauim. Washington My Comm. Exp 4/6/92 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 15 March, 1992 .0A r ,'4 jeti4 e' S C i r. 0: 1 1 1 1 00 420 CERTIFICATION OF NON- SEGREGATED FACILITIES The Bidder certifies that he does not maintain or provide for his employees any segregated facilities at any of his establishments, and that he does not permit his employees to perform their services at any location, under his control, where segregated facilities are maintained. The bidder certifies further that he will not maintain or provide for his employees any segregated facilities at any of his establishments, and that he will not permit his employees to perform their services at any location under his control where segregated facilities are maintained. The bidder agrees that a breach of this certification will be a violation of the Equal Opportunity clause in any contract resulting from acceptance of this bid. As used in this certification the term "segregated facilities" means any waiting rooms, work areas, restrooms and washrooms, restaurants and other eating areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment area, transportation, and housing facilities provided for employees which are segregated by explicit directions or are in fact segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin, because of habit, local custom, or otherwise. The bidder agrees that (except where he has obtained identical certification from proposed subcontractors for specific time periods) he will obtain identical certifications from proposed subcontractors prior to the award of subcontracts exceeding $10,000 which are exempt form the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause, and that he will retain such certifications in his files. Note: Date: Anril 06 1 9 92 Official Address 296 Carlsborg Rd. President Street Address Title The penalty for making false statements in offers is prescribed in 18 U.S.C. 1001 Primp Construe Name of Bidder Charles R. Parrish By Name of Project Sequim, WA 98382 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center City, State, Zip THIS FORM MUST ACCOMPANY EACH BID WITHOUT ALTERATION. Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 16 0 00 430 STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS Each Bidder submitting a proposal on work included in these specifications shall prepare and submit as part of his bid, the data requested in the following schedule: 1. Name of Bidder: Primo Construction, Inc. 2. Business Address: 3. How many years has said bidder been engaged in the contracting business under the present firm name: 13 years 4. Contracts now in hand (Gross Amount) 200,000.00 5 General character of work performed by said company: General Contractors 6. List of more important project constructed by said company, including approximate costs and dates. See attached. 7. List of company's major equipment: See attached. Prim Construction, Tnr._ Name of Bidder Charles R. Parrish By 296 Carlsborg Road Sequim, WA 98382 8 Bank References Northwestern National Bank 9 Department of Labor and Industries Firm No.: 040332 40 10. Department of Revenue Registration:601 029 898 President Title April 06, 1992 Date THIS FORM MUST ACCOMPANY EACH BID WITHOUT ALTERATION. Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PRIMO CONSTRUCTION, INC., 296 CARLSBORG RD., SEGUIM WA 98382 (206) 683-5447 FAX (206) 683-6475 Primo Construction. Inc. began doing business in November 1979. The current Officers of the Corporation are: President. Chuck Parrish: Vice- President. Greg Parrish: Secretary/Treasurer. Jim Bartee. Primo Construction has extensive exoerience in all asoects of construction. including but not limited to concrete structures. road building. excavation and remodeling of wood structures. custom home building along with commercial office construction. Primo crews do our excavation. site work. grading, sewer, water and oower lines. foundations. structural concrete. flatwork framing and finish caroentrv. Coordination of trades on orojects. management of progress and scheduling are therefore simplified. Please feel free to contact us for a free estimate or bid at any time. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GENERAL CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS 1980 SR101 Seauim WCL to Marshall Road. Contract #1493 Washington State Department of Transportation Brown Road Improvement SR101 to Fir Street 40.457.00 UABP# 8 -2- 826(1) City of Seauim 1982 Concrete Structures. Contract# 80 -132W Clearwater Honor Camp Sewage Treatment. Washington State Department of Transportation Lakeside Industries DOT# 2389. Federal Aid M- 7616(1) Washington State Department of Transportation 1985 Jones Washington Stevedorina Warehouse General Contractor: Primo Olympic Memorial Hospital Conference Room. Steve Vorus General Contractor: Primo Port of Port Angeles Hiller, Flatwork Bill Conely 5th Avenue Retirement Center. Flatwork Sub Contractor Citv of Seauim. 5th Avenue Improvement UAB No. 84 -1 General Contractor: Primo Construction framing and sidina) 112.000.00 25.000.00 Concrete Structures. Discovery Bay 16.025.00 Yacht Raauet Club 14.441.00 1983 Contract LID 304 Smith Street Improvement 60,000.00 Department of Public Works. City of Kent Lake Crescent Hiohwav BNP 11 -1(1) 51.105.00 Federal Hiohwav Administration 1984 Lake Crescent Hiohwav Project# ONP 11 -1(2) 80,000.00 U.S. Deoartment of Transportation, Federal Hiohwav Administration 98.500.00 56.000.00 100,000.00 23,000.00 295.000.00 Burger Kino (sitework, concrete work. 40.000.00 1986 City Hall for the city of Port Angeles Concrete work for slabs. walls. sidewalks. and curbs. Peninsula College Daycare. General Contractor Tim Haley Architect 1988 First Federal Savinas Loan. Main Branch Zeigler Construction General Contractor Bill Lindberg Architect Subcontractor 100,000.00 Lake Crescent Solduc Hot Springs Road 20.000.00 Sidewalks and curbs Race Street Roadwork 29 Grading. curbs and sidewalks 1987 Packwood Median Guard Barrier for W.S.D.O.T. 90.000.00 Subcontracted from Bruch and Bruch Dr. Steward Medical Clinic. 250.000.00 General Contractors Tim Haley Architect Osbera Construction 120.000.00 Subcontractor for curbs and sidewalks 100.000.00 Mrs. and Mrs. Gordon Sandison. New Residence 260.000.00 Bill Lindberg. Architect Primo. General Contractor 1989 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick. New Residence 250.000.00 Bill Lindberg, Architect Primo. General Contractor Mr. and Mrs. Nils Lingvall. New Residence 190.000.00 Bill Lindberg. Architect Primo. General Contractor Angeles Plumbing Warehouse/Office 60.000.00 Bill Lindberg, Architect Primo~ General Contractor Sunland Development Corp. 60.000.00 Sitework. Drainage. Sewer. Water, Roadbuilding Primo General Contractor Dr. and Mrs. Robert Witham, New Residence 260.000.00 Bill Lindberg. Architect Primo. General Contractor Thurman Suoolv, N.T.I.. Parking Lot Drainage 40,000.0() Primo Construction Inc. General Contractor 1990 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Barnier. Remodel Primo. General Contractor City of Port Angeles Corp. Yard Shop P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles. Wa. 98362 Bill Lindberg, Architect 319 So. Peabody Port Angeles. Wa. 98362 452-6116 Attn: Bill Lindberg General Contractor: Primo Construction Sunland Development Corp. Site Develooement Primo General Contractor Primo Construction. Inc.. Priest Residence Bill Lindberg. Architect Primo. General Contractor Hood Canal Bridge Toll Booth Removal and Administration Building Remodel Washington State Department of Transportation General Contractor: Lakeside Industries Inc. P.O. Box 728 Port AngeIes, Wa. 98362 206-452-7803 Attn: George Peabody Sub Contractor: Primo Construction Inc. Demolition of Existing Toll Booth Structures, and Remodeling of Building Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Avery. New Residence Bill Lindberg, Architect Primo. General Contractor Citv of Seouim TIB 90-2 5th Avenue South Road Improvement General Contractor: Lakeside Industries Inc. P.O. Box 728 Port Angeles. Wa. 98362 206-452-7803 Attn: George Peabody Sub Contractor Primo Construction Dirt work. Storm imorovements. Water. curbs and Sidewalks 20.000.00 45.000.00 60,000.00 250.000.00 49.000.00 195.000.00 138.000.00 1990 City of Seauim TIB 90-1 86.165.00 5th Avenue North Road Improvement General Contractor Lakeside Industries P.O. Box 728 Port Angeles. Wa. 98362 206-452-7803 Attn: George Peabody Sub Contractor Primo Construction Inc. Sewer Line. Water Line. Storm Line. Structure Ex.. Gravel Base. Curbs. Sidewalks. Grading. Irrigation Channelization. Grevwolf Elementary School General Contractors: Beacon Construction Engineering. P.O. Box 5128 Bellingham. Wa. 98227 206-733-6433 Attn: Don -Rasmusen Sub Contractor: Primo Construction Water and Sewer Systems to service School. Birch Bay Resort Foundation and curbs General Contractor: Osberg Construction P.O. Box 33368 Seattle. Wa. 98133-0368 206-364-4293 Attn: Don Dbst Sub Contractors: Primo Construction Garry Oaks Estate. Phase I Owners: Monty and Marlene Davis 189 Williamson Rd. Seauim. Wa. 98382 General Contractor: Primo Construction Inc. Site work. storm system. sewer system. water system. curbs and sidewalks. paving for a develooement within the city of Sequim. 136.000.00 125.000.00 360.000.00 1990 Sherwood Manor Phase III. Site Development 130.000.00 Owner: Bill Littlejohn 550 Hendrickson Rd. Seouim. Wa. 98382 General Contractor: Primo Construction Inc. Site work. storm system. sewer system. water system. curbs and sidewalks. oaving for a developement within the city of Seouim. Dungeness River to Still/Blake Rd. Contract 3804 SR101. Washington State Department of Transportation General Contractor: Lakeside Industries P.O. Box 728 Port Angeles. Wa. 98362 206-452-7803 Attn: George Peabody Subcontractor: Olympic Electric. 4230 Tumwater Port Angeles, Wa. 98362 206-457-5303 Attn: Bill Burkhardt Subcontractor: Primo Construction Inc.: orovided sawcutting and ditching for sianal channelization. Port of Port Angeles. Fairchild International Airport. AIP3-53-0047-07 P.O. Box 1350 Port Angeles. Wa. 98362 206-457-8527 Attn: Bill Connelly General Contractor: Olympic Electric Inc. 4230 Tumwater Port Angeles. Wa. 98362 206-457-5303 Attn: Bill Burkhardt Subcontractor: Primo Construction Inc. Provided ditching. and backfill and structures. 98.000.00 35.000.00 1991 P.B.s Corner. ClaIIam Bay 750.000.0O Architect: Lindberg and Assoc 319 So Peabody Port Amgeles.Wa. 98362 206-452-6116 Attn: Bill Lindberg. Owners: Frank Owen/ Bill Cook 206-457-7363 General Contractor: Primo Construction Inc. Project: 14.000 Sq.Ft. Mini Mall with site Improvements and Tenant Improvements. Marine Dr. Water Line City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles. Wa. 98362 206-457-0411 Attn: Ron Johnson General Contractor: Primo Construction Inc. Project: Hwv Crossing with 10" water line. wet tap~ and valves. 5th and Peabody Signal Channelization City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles. Wa. 98362 206-457-0411 Attn: Ron Johnson General Contractor: Olympic Electric 4230 Tumwater Port Angeles. Wa. 98362 206-457-5303 Attn: Bill Burkhardt Sub Contractor: Primo Construction Inc. Drainage. Ditching. Saw cutting. Curbs, Sidewalks. Grading Patching. 20.111.00 35.000.00 1991 Ernst Store On site/Off site curbs General Contractor: Seton Construction 4640 Discovery Road Port Townsend. Wa. 98368 206-385-0213 Attn: Bruce Seton Subcontractor: Primo Construction Inc. Grading and curbing for Ernst Store. A New Exposition Building for Clallam Co Fairgrounds Clallam County Parks. Recreation and Fair Owner: Clallam County 223 East Fourth Street Port Angeles. Wa. 98362 Architect: Lindberg Architects 319 South Peabody. Suite B Port Angeles. Wa. 98362 206-452-6116 Attn: Bill Lindberg General Contractor: Primo Construction Inc. 5000 sa.ft. exposistion building inc. sitework. drainage, building, etc. complete. Garry Oaks Estates Phase II Owners: Monty and Marlene Davis 189 Williamson Rd. Seouim Wa. 98382 206-683-2344 General Contractor: Primo Construction Inc Site work. sewer line. Man Holes. water line inc. fire hydrants. Power ditch. structrue ex. grawel base. grading storm drainage. Paving Prep. curb and gutter sidewalks. 140,000.00 167.864.00 270.000.00 76 CHEVROLET FLATBED 79 CHEVROLET FLATBED 74 DODGE VAN 72 CHEVROLET DUMP 70 MACK DUMP 70 FORD DUMP 78 GMC 1 TON VAN 67 FORD CARPENTRY VAN 67 CHEVY SHOP TRUCK 67 FORD 1 TON 68 GMC DUMP 50 GMC. WATER TRUCK 80 CHEVY SHOP TRUCK 80 MACK DUMP VEHICLE EQUIPMENT LIST 450C JOHN DEERE CAT 555 FORD BACKHOE JCB 1550 BACKHOE JCB SITEMASTER BACKHOE KOBELCO EXCAVATOR MODEL 601A GRADER VIBRATING ROLLER STEEL DRUM ROLLER 3 AXLE YELLOW FORM TRAILER 2 AXLE GRADER TRAILER 2 AXLE SAW VAN 90 TRAILMAX TILT TRAILER 3 AXLE WHITE EQUIP TRAILER AIR COMPRESSOR FORKLIFT 72 REDA TRAVEL TRAILER FRUEH VAN /JOB SHACK EDCO CONCRETE SAW LASER LEVEL ALL BLACKTOP EQUIPMENT FOR SMALL BACKHOE JOBS ALL EQUIPMENT FORMS FOR CURB GUTTER. SIDEWALKS. AND BUILDINGS 00 440 STATEMENT OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS MAJOR MATERIAL SUPPLIERS Name Address 141‘) PIAIA SGT I1TS Pkikoptc S VIII (PJ J L IIU Dw'L co. v t e Description of Work /Material THIS FORM MUST ACCOMPANY EACH BID WITHOUT ALTERATION. c Pus 1- 1,V, SoU JD Is7, O21Uit1L t iiicouknoti Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 18 Signed Date Date `G Signed Date 00 450 CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Contractor's Declaration of Option for Management of Statutory Retained Percentage 1. I hereby elect to have the retained percentage of this contract held in a fund by the Owner until 30 days following final acceptance of work. 2 I hereby agree to have the Owner deposit the retained percentage of this Contract in an interest bearing account in a bank, mutual saving bank, or savings and loan association, not subject to withdrawal until after final a ptance of th- w. k or until agreed to by both parties; v'ded that t on such account shall be paid to the cto Signed 1 1/6/a 3 I hereby elect to have the Owner invest the retained percentage of this contract from time to time as such retained percentage accrues and in accordance with Chapter 60.28 RCW I hereby designate as the repository for the escrow of said funds. I hereby further agree to be fully responsible for payment of all costs or fees incurred as a result of placing said retained percentage in escrow and investing it AS AUTHORIZED BY STATUTE. The Owner shall not be liable in any way for any costs or fees in connection therewith. THIS FORM MUST ACCOMPANY EACH BID WITHOUT ALTERATION. END OF SECTION 00 400 Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 19 00 500 FORM OF AGREEMENT 1. Contents: a. See accompanying sample American Institute of Architects, AIA Document A1O1 "Standard form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor", 1087 Edition, Pages 1 through 8 b. This Document is for sample use only. Refer to Section 00 100. "Instructions to Bidders." END OF SECTION 00 500 Division 00 Bidding Information March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 00/ 20 •7 <H E AGREEMENT The Architect is: (Name and address) made as of the Nineteen Hundred and BETWEEN the Owner: (Name and address) and the Contractor: (Name and address) The Project is: (Name and location) A M E R I C A N I N S T I T U T E AIA Document A101 day of The:w,O and Contractor agree as set forth below. O F A R C H I T E C T S Copyright 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, ©1987 by The Amcri"ean institute of Archi- tects, 1735 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. Reproduction of thc material hcrcin substantial quotation of its provisions without written permission of the AIA violates thc copyright laws of the United States anti will be subject to legal prosecution. AIA DOCUMENT A101 OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT TWELFTH EDITION AIA• ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 Al 01 -1987 1 standard Form of Agreement"Between Owner and Contractor where the basis of payment >is.a STIPULATED S 1V1: 1987 EDITIOR j THIS DOCUM1/4 HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS E >NCOURAGED WITH RESPE 0a ;TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. The 1987 Edition of 410.;Document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, is adopted in Ibis document by eference. Do not use with of g eneral conditions unless tbis document is modified. This document has b e a pproved and end©,Ociiby The Associated General Contractors of America. in the year of A M E R I G A N I N S T L T U T E AGREEMENT Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor made as of the Nineteen Hundred and BETWEEN the Owner: (Name and address) and the Contractor: (Name and address) The Project is: (Name and location) The Architect is: (Name and address) AIA Document A101 where the basis of payment is a STIPULATED SUM 1987 EDITION THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. The 1987 Edition of AIA Document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, is adopted in ibis document by reference. Do not use with otber general conditions unless this document is modified. This document has been approved and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America. 3 day of Ninety -two City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Primo Construction 296 Carlsborg Road Sequim, WA 98382 Lindberg Architects 319 South Peabody, Suite B Port Angeles, WA 98362 The Owner and Contractor agree as set forth below. Renovation to the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center Copyright 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977, ©1987 by The American Institute of Archi- tects, 1735 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provisions without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will be subject to legal prosecution. MA DOCUMENT A101 OWNER CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT TWELFTH EDITION AIA• 01987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 e4 O F A R C H I T EC TS in the year of A101.1987 1 ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement, other documents listed In this Agreement and Modifications Issued after execution of this Agreement; these form the Contract, and are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. An enumeration of the Contract Documents, other than Modifications, appears in Article 9. ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT The Contractor shall execute the entire Work described in the Contract Documents, except to the extent specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others, or as follows: Renovation and Addition to the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center and the surrounding site and utilities as described in the specifications ARTICLE 3 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 3.1 The date of commencement is the date from which the Contract Time of Paragraph 3.2 is measured, and shall be the date of this Agreement, as first written above, unless a different date Is stated below or provision is made for the date to be fixed In a notice to proceed Issued by the Owner. (Insert the date of commencement, if it differs from the date of Ibis Agreement or, if applicable, state tbat the date will be fixed in a notice to proceed.) Date will be fixed by Notice to Proceed Unless the date of commencement Ls established by a notice to pr---J issued by the Owner, the Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing not less than five days before commencing the Work to permit the timely filing of mortgages, mechanic's liens and other security interests. 3.2 The Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work not later than (Insert the calendar date or number of calendar days after tbe date of commencement. Also insert any requirements for earlier Substantial Completion of cer- tain portions of the Work, If not stated elsewhere in tbe Contract Documents Gym Enhancement period July 31, 1992 Total Construction period August 31, 1992 subject to adjustments of this Contract Time as provided In the Contract Documents. (Insert provisions, if any, for liquidated damages relating to failure to complete on time) For each calendar day that any portion of the work is not substantially completed beyond the specified time for substantial completion, the Owner may withhold from the monies owing the Contractor the sum of Two Hundred Fifty dollars ($250.00) for gym enhancement and One Hundred Fifty dollars ($150.00) for balance of work as fixed and agreed liquidated damages, but not as a penalty. AIA DOCUMENT A101 OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT TWELFTH EDITION AIA• ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 A101 -1987 2 ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT SUM 4.1 The Owner shall pay the Contractor In current funds for the Contractor's performance of the Contract the Contract Sum of Five Hundred Thirty -four Thousand Five Hundred Eighty -two and 00 /00 Dollars (5 5�a� 582 00 subject to a do an ucuons as provided in the Con tract T idcumcnTs. 4.2 The Contract Sum Is based upon the following alternates, if any, which are described in the Contract Documents and are hereby accepted by the Owner: (Stole the numbers or otber identification of accepted alternates If decisions on otber alternates are to be made by the Owner subsequent to the execution of Ibis Agreement, attach a scbedule of sucb otber alternates sbowing the amount for eacb and the date until wblcb tbat amount is valid.) Base Bid Alternate 1 Alternate 3 Alternate 4 Total Amount 4.3 Unit prices, if any, are as follows: $523,640.00 2,611.00 4,497.00 3,834.00 $534,582.00 AXA DOCUMENT A101 OWNER CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT TWELFTH EDITION AIA• 01987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 Alt. 1: Remove existing windows in existing Parks Recreation office and provide new as detailed. Alt. 3: Provide walk to east parking area, additional lawn seeding as required by disturbance of existing planting, and light bollards as detailed. Alt. 4: Re -roof existing built -up roof as shown on roof plan with elastomeric sheel membrane. Provide new ga. galvanized flashing and copings as required. Paint flashings as directed by Architect. A101 -198 3 ARTICLE 5 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 5.1 Based upon Applicadonsfor Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment issued by the Architect, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as provided blow and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 5.2 The period covered by each Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of the month, or as follows: The period shall be one calendar month ending on the twenty -third (23rd) day of the month. Refer to Article 5.8 for other provisions regarding progress payments. 5.3 Provided an Application for Payment Is received by the Architect not later than the last day day of a month, the Owner shall nuke payment to the Contractor not later than the 30 day of chef o 11 ow 1 nq month. If an Application for Payment Ls received by the Architect after the application date fixed above, payment shall be mad' by the Owner not later than Forty -f i ve days after the Architect receives the Application for Payment. 5.4 Each Application for Payment shall be based upon the Schedule of Values submitted by the Contractor In accordance with the Contract Documents. The Schedule of Values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the v2r1ous portions of the Work and be prepared In such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Architect may require. This Schedule, unless objected to by the Architect, shall be used as a basis for reviewing the- Contractor's Applications for Payment. 5.5 Applications for Payment shall indicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment. 5.6 Subject to the provlslons of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be computed as follows: 5.6.1 Take that ponlon of the Contract Sum properly allocable to completed Work as determined by multiplying the percentage completion of each portion of the Work by the share of the total Cootract.Stup allocated to that portion of the Work in the Schedule of Values, less rctainage five percent 5 Pending final determination of cost to the Owner of changes in the Work, amounts not in dispute may be Included 25 provided in Subparagraph 7.3.7 of the General Conditions even though the Contract Sum has not yet been adjusted by Change Order; 5.6.2 Add that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site for subsequent Incorporation in the completed construction (or, if approved in advance by the Owner, suitably stored off the site at a location agreed upon in writing), less retalnage five percent 5 5.6.3 Subtract the aggregate of previous payments made by the Owner; and 5.6.4 Subtract amounts, If any, for which the Architect has withheld or nullified a Centflcate for Payment as provided In Para- graph 9.5 of the General Conditions. 5.7 The progress payment amount determined In accordance with Paragraph 5.6 shall be further modified under the following circumstances: 5.7.1 Add, upon Substantial Completion of the Work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to n i nety -f percent 95 of the Contract Sum, less sucfi iffhounts as the Architect shall determine for incomplete Work and unsettled claims; and 5.7.2 Add, if Mal completion of the Work Is thereafter materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, any additional amounts payable In accordance with Subparagraph 9.10.3 of the General Conditions. 5.8 Reduction or limitation of retalnage, If any, shall be as follows: (1/ U is intended. prior to Substantial Completion of the entire Work. to reduce or limit the retalnage resulting Jrurx the percentages Inserted in Subpara- arapbs 5.6.1 and 5.6.2 above and ibis is not explained elsowbere in the Contract Documents. Insert here provisions for such reduction or limitation.) Accompanying the second application for payment and all subsequent applications the Contractor shall submit signed lien waivers from all applicable subcontractors and equipment or material suppliers. Progress payments shall not be approved without executed lien waivers submitted. AIA DOCUMENT A101 OWNER CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT TWELFTH EDITION AIA 01987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 A101 -1987 4 07 221 riclid insulation d. Store materials on clean, raised platforms or pallets with weather protective covering. e. Provide continuous protection of materials against wetting and moisture absorption. 3. Coordination: a. Verify requirements of approved roofing manufacturer. Insulation used may not be of any hindrance to elastomeric roofing product. GENERAL 1. Section 07 220 applies to this Section. PRODUCTS 1. Foam Insulation Board: a. Meet requirements specified in Federal Specifications HH -I -1972 /Gen., HH -I- 1972/1,2. b. Approved Manufacturer 1) ThermalGlas AGS, by thermal systems, Inc., Huntington Beach, CA. 2) Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. 2. "R" Factor of 11 minimum. 3. Size: 4'x8'x1 -1/2" thick. EXECUTION 1. Cut to size required for roof size and slope as indicated on Drawings. 2. Mechanically fasten insulation to deck with (1) plate, and (1) screw at top and bottom. Use only corrosion resistant fasteners. Do not penetrate underside of decking. 3. Install per manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Remove excess materials from site. Do not let debris accumulate on site. r END OF SECTION 07 200 Division 07 Section 07 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 200/ 3 07 500 MEMBRANE ROOFING (ALTERNATE BID) GENERAL 1. Division 07 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Execution: a. Notify Architect in writing five days prior to commencing work. b. Before final acceptance of roof and prior to installation of interior finishes, test roof for leaks by flooding with hose to satisfaction of Architect. 07 530 MECHANICALLY ATTACHED ELASTOMERIC SHEET ROOFING GENERAL 1. Division 07 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To- 1) Mechanically fastened elastomeric sheet roofing. 2) Base flashings and accessories. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Rough Carpentry specified in Section 06 100. 2) Metal Flashings specified in Section 07 600. 3. Quality Assurance: a. Applicator Qualifications 1) The applicator shall be experienced with mechanically fastened single -ply materials, substrate preparation and methods of application. 2) The applicator shall be trained by and approved by manufacturer for installation of elastic sheet roofing system. 3) Sheet metal work to be performed as a subcontract under the roofing contract; no exceptions. 4. Submittals: a. Submit manufacturer's installation instructions and specifications to the Architect. b. Submit items to manufacturer as required for their program in a timely manner. 5. Product Delivery and Storage: a. Materials shall be delivered to the job-site in new, dry, unopened and well- marked containers which clearly show the name of the Division 07 Section 07 500 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 500/ 1 r 07 400 PREFORMED ROOFING CLADDING /SIDING GENERAL 1. Division 07 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Guarantee: a. Provide Manufacturer's written 20 year guarantee for steel finishes. 07 420 PREFINISHED METAL ROOFING GENERAL 1. Scope a. Includes but not limited to 1) Furnish and install steel roof panels, flat stock, and custom trim shapes as detailed on Drawings and as conditions warrant. b. Related work specified elsewhere 1) Flashing and sheet metal specified in Section 07 600. 2. Shop Drawings: a. Submit layout shop drawings indicating mounting and connection details, conditions of mating of work by others. b. See Section 01 340 PRODUCTS 1 Standards: a. Steel gauge: 24 gauge unless noted otherwise. b. Steel grade: ASTM A -446, Grade A, HDG G -90 steel. c. Minimum yield strength: 40,000 psi. d. Exterior finish: Polyvinylidene fluoride with a minimum 70% kynar resin, 1 mil dry film thickness. Color as selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard colors. e. Interior finish: .5 mil baked on polyester paint. Off -white color. f. Accessories 1) Top, base and corner trim. 2) Closure, shapes. 3) Neoprene gasketed, steel fasteners with snap on plastic cover tabs (color to match metal). 4) Brake formed trim. 5) Sealant. 2. Approved Manufacturer: a. AEP /SPAN "snap seam" x 12" nominal widths Kynar 500 prefinished roofing panels. b. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. Division 07 Section 07 400 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 400/ 1 EXECUTION 1. 3. Color: a. Match existing, subject to Architect's approval. Construction: a. All lines straight, true and plumb. Edges and corners to conform to approved shop drawings. Exposed fasteners not permitted. Transverse seams will not be permitted. 2. Installation: a. In conformance with manufacturer's recommendations and approved shop drawings. 3 Touch up: a. Repair all scratches and /or scars as required and touch up paint with matching paint color. 4. Clean up: a. Touch up all marred surfaces. Leave clean, free of grease or oil. All shapes to conform to approved shop drawings. END OF SECTION 07 400 Division 07 Section 07 400 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 400/ 2 t 07 500 MEMBRANE ROOFING (ALTERNATE BID) GENERAL 1. Division 07 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Execution: a. Notify Architect in writing five days prior to commencing work. b. Before final acceptance of roof and prior to installation of interior finishes, test roof for leaks by flooding with hose to satisfaction of Architect. 07 530 MECHANICALLY ATTACHED ELASTOMERIC SHEET ROOFING GENERAL 1. Division 07 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To- 1) Mechanically fastened elastomeric sheet roofing. 2) Base flashings and accessories. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Rough Carpentry specified in Section 06 100. 2) Metal Flashings specified in Section 07 600. 3. Quality Assurance: a. Applicator Qualifications 1) The applicator shall be experienced with mechanically fastened single -ply materials, substrate preparation and methods of application. 2) The applicator shall be trained by and approved by manufacturer for installation of elastic sheet roofing system. 3) Sheet metal work to be performed as a subcontract under the roofing contract; no exceptions. 4. Submittals: a. Submit manufacturer's installation instructions and specifications to the Architect. b. Submit items to manufacturer as required for their program in a timely manner. 5. Product Delivery and Storage: a. Materials shall be delivered to the job -site in new, dry, unopened and well- marked containers which clearly show the name of the Division 07 Section 07 500 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 500/ 1 manufacturer, product name, appropriate warnings, storage conditions, lot numbers, and usage instructions. b. Maintain items in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. c. Adhesives, primer, and caulks as indicated are extremely flammable and /or toxic. Use precautions indicated on cans or carton labels. d. Handling Materials 1) Sheeting rolls shall not be bent excessively in lifting or in other handling. Rolls which have been bent excessively and where the backer is broken, shall be removed from the job -site. 2) Sheeting shall not be exposed to plasticizing oils, solvents, concentrated acids, or alkalis. 6. Environmental Conditions: a. The ambient temperature shall be a minimum of 40 deg F and rising, while installing the elastic sheet roofing. b. No installation work shall be performed during rainy or inclement weather. 7. Protection: a. Elastic sheet metal roofing flashings, and insulation shall be mechanically fastened, and sealed in a watertight manner on the same day they are installed. b. At the end of each working day, the incomplete installation shall be sealed along the edges to prevent water from entering the roof system. c. Application workmen shall wear clean, soft rubber -soled shoes for any application work where they may be walking on the in -place roofing membrane. Precautions shall be taken to protect the membrane and to maintain a clean, bright appearance. 8. Pre installation Conference: a. Contractor shall convene a pre- construction conference prior to commencing work of this section. b. Required attendance shall include Contractor, Roofing Subcontractor, Roofing Manufacturer's Representative, Sheet Metal Subcontractor, Owner, and Architect. Division 07 Section 07 500 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 500/ 2 9. Work Start Notice: a. Notify Architect 24 hours before starting work and when starting again after required work postponement. 10. Warranty: a. Base Bid 1) Provide standard manufacturer's 10 year warranty direct to Owner from Manufacturer. b. Additive Alternate 1) Provide extended manufacturer's 15 year warranty direct to Owner from Manufacturer. PRODUCTS 1. Approved Manufacturers: a. Hi -Tuff Roofing System by J.P. Stevens, Northampton, MA. b. Burkeline Roofing by Burke Rubber Co. c. Equal as approved by Architect prior to Bidding. See Section 01 630. 2. Materials: a. All materials shall be furnished by roofing system manufacturer or approved by roofing manufacturer as compatible to system. The completed roofing system shall meet requirements for U.L. Class B for fire exposure and Factory Mutual I -90 for uplift. 1) Membrane: Membrane shall be .045" minimum overall thickness. 2) Flashings: Flashings shall be same as membrane except as noted. 3) Bonding Adhesive: As furnished by manufacturer for flashings. 4) Seam Sealant: As furnished by manufacturer. 5) Primer: As furnished by manufacturer. 6) Sealants: As furnished by manufacturer. 7) Mechanical Fasteners: As furnished by manufacturer r 3. Underlavment: a. Fire resistive underlayment (if required) 1) Provide a multi purpose non -woven glass fiber with a non flammability factor of UL 94 V -0. 2) Install per manufacturer's instructions, with full coverage under roof membrane. 3) Product in place, per proper installation shall give combustible deck assembly and elastomeric roofing system a UL Class B Rating. Division 07 Section 07 500 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 500/ 3 EXECUTION 1. b. Approved Manufacturers 1) Manninglass 1200, as manufactured by Manning Paper Co., Troy, NY. 2) Approved equal prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. Preparation: a. Roofing Contractor shall examine substrate and conditions under which roofing work is to be performed and shall notify the Architect immediately of unsatisfactory conditions. Do not proceed with roofing work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to installer, manufacturer, and Architect. b. Condition on existing decks and roof surfaces: Provide surfaces free from projections, depression, projecting nailheads, loose scale, sand, curling compounds, grease, oil paint, asphalt and other foreign deposits. Construction work on the deck shall be completed. c. Beginning installation means acceptance of substrate by roofing contractor. d. Field Measurements 1) The applicator shall have the sole responsibility for the accuracy of all measurements, and for the estimate of material quantities required and necessary to satisfy the requirements of the Specifications and the Drawings. e. Sheeting Installation 1) General: Roofing assemblies shall be installed strictly according to the manufacturer's written recommendations. 2) Membrane is to be attached with screws, fasteners, and plates in wood deck. Type, size, and length as recommended by the roofing manufacturer. Drill pilot holes in masonry as required. 3) Membrane to be laid out in approved pattern starting at low point, position the membrane square with the roof and provide sufficient material to facilitate flashing. 4) Screws and plates shall be placed per manufacturer's recommendations and meeting conditions hereinbefore. 5) Install second and succeeding rolls of sheeting in same manner. 6) Membrane shall be overlapped and welded per manufacturer's written instructions. 7) Check and repair seams at the completion of each day. Division 07 Section 07 500 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 500/ 4 2. Flashing Installation: a. Parapets, perimeters, curbs, vents, drains, and other details shall be flashed in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions, details and as supplemented with the Drawings. 3. Cricket Installation: a. Apply crickets and tapered insulation as shown on the drawings, and in accordance with both the roofing and insulation manufacturer's instructions and shop drawings. 4. Final Inspection Conference: a. Final Inspection and Approval: Required in attendance at the final inspection conference shall be the Contractor, manufacturer's representative, Architect, and Owner. Review and approval or rejection of the Work will be provided at that time by all parties verbally with written notice of acceptance or rejection to follow within 3 days. 5. Adiustina and Cleaning: a. Repair of Deficiencies 1) Installation or details noted as deficient during Final Inspection must be repaired and corrected by the applicator, and made ready for re- inspection within 5 working days of verbal rejection at Final Inspection Conference. b. Clean -up 1) Immediately upon completion of all work as specified, the roof membrane and flashing surfaces shall be cleaned of any debris, construction dirt, footprints, or other flaws in appearance. The final finished surfaces shall be in a clean, bright and white membrane. 2) Clean all roof drains, scuppers, conductor heads or downspouts as required. END OF SECTION 07 500 Division 07 Section 07 500 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 500/ 5 07 600 FLASHING SHEET METAL GENERAL 1. Division 07 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Coordination: a. Cooperate with related Sections during shop drawing and erection stage. 3. Products: a. Screws, Bolts, Nails, Accessory Fasteners 1) Of strength and type consistent with function. 4. Execution: a. Form accurately to details. b. Profiles, bends, and intersections shall be even and true to line. c. Allow sufficient tolerance for expansion and contraction. d Leave metals clean and free of defects, stains, and damaged finish. e. Insulate work to prevent electrolytic action. 5. Submittals: a. Submit samples for gutters and flashings to Architect for approval. 07 620 SHEET METAL FLASHING TRIM 07 621 prefinished flashing counterflashing GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Flashing and counterflashing not specified to be of other material. 2 Warranty: a. 20 year minimum. PRODUCTS 1. 24 ga. steel conforming to ASTM -A -446, Grade A or higher. 2 Finish: a. Polyvinylidene Fluoride (Kynar 500). b. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. EXECUTION 1. Install with small, watertight seams. 2. Slope to provide positive drainage. 3. Fold exposed edges 1/2 inch to provide stiffness. Division 07 Section 07 600 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 600/ 1 4. Provide sufficient hold -down clips to insure true alignment and security against wind. 5. Provide 4 inch minimum overlap. 6. Refer to drawings for fabrication details. r END OF SECTION 07 600 Division 07 Section 07 600 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 600/ 2 07 700 ROOF SPECIALTIES ACCESSORIES GENERAL 1. Division 07 GENERAL applies to this Section. 07 723 gravity ventilators GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing roof ventilators not connected to ductwork. b Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation specified in Section 06 100. 2) Roof vents connected to ductwork specified in Section 15 871. PRODUCTS 1. Approved Manufacturers Models: a. Tiered Type THE extruded aluminum ventilator by Loren Cook Company, Springfield, MO b. Louvered Penthouse Model MPH by Jenn -Air Industries Inc, Indianapolis, IN c. Louvered Penthouse Model WRH by Greenheck Fan Corporation, Schofield, WI d. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. EXECUTION 1. Install in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. 07 727 pipe flashing GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes 1) Installing pipe flashing on existing roof vents or new vent extensions. b. Related work specified elsewhere 1) Demolition specified in Section 02 050. PRODUCTS 1. Approved Manufacturer: a. "Poly Two" by Specialty Products Company. b. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. 2. Size: a. 1 1/2 2 3 4 or as required to conform to existing conditions. EXECUTION 1. Field verify sizes and quantities required. 2. Install per manufacturer's recommendations. END OF SECTION 07 700 Division 07 Section 07 700 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 700/ 1 07 900 JOINT SEALERS GENERAL 1. Division 07 GENERAL applies to this Section. 07 920 SEALERS CAULKING GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish and install sealants as specified below for types and usage and as shown on Drawings. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Caulking thresholds at aluminum entries specified in Division 08. 2. Furnish certificate from Manufacturer showing compliance with specified standards. 3 Product Storage: a. Handle to prevent inclusion of foreign matter, damage by water, or breakage. b. Deliver and keep in original containers until ready for use. c. Do not use damaged or deteriorated materials. d. Store in a cool place, but never under 40 Deg F PRODUCTS 1 Type of Application: a. Exterior joints and cracks around windows, aluminum entrances, door frames, columns, louvers, wall penetrations, connections, and other joints necessary to seal off building from outside air and moisture. Meet requirements of 1) ASTM C 920, Type M, Grade NS, Class 25,or 2) ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, or 3) Fed Spec TT- S- 00227e, Class B, Type I. b Inside jambs and heads of exterior door frames, both sides of interior hollow metal door frames, and inside perimeters of windows. Meet requirements of 1) ASTM C 920 -79, Type M, Grade NS, Class 25, or 2) ASTM C 920 -79, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, or 3) Fed Spec TT- S- 00227E, Class B, Type I. 2. Color a. Where sealant is not to be painted and is exposed to view, color match to background, as close as possible, with manufacturer's standard colors. r Division 07 Section 07 900 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 900/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EXECUTION 1. 3. Cleaners Primers: a. As recommended by Manufacturer. 4. Backing: a. Flexible polyethylene rod equal to Ethafoam or Mincel. 5. Bond Breaker: a. As required for proper application and function. ASTM C 962, "Standard Guide for Use of Elastomeric Joint Sealants together with Manufacturer's directions apply to preparation and application of sealants. 2. Preparation of Surfaces: a. Surfaces shall be clean, dry, and free of dust, oil, grease, dew, or frost. b. Do not apply caulking to painted surfaces. Remove old paint surfaces and old caulking material. c. Prime very porous surfaces. d. Clean and prime surfaces receiving caulking before caulking in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. Furnish Manufacturer's latest instructions if required. 3. Mixing. a. Mix in exact proportions as recommended by Manufacturer. b. Do not thin. c. Secure perfect blend by thorough, slow mixing. d. Mix five minutes mechanically (one gallon units), or ten minutes by hand. e. Do not mix in direct sunlight. 4. Application of Backing: a. Polyurethane for open joints be at least 1 -1/2 times width of open joint and of thickness to give solid backing. b. Backing shall fill up joint so depth of joint is at least one -half its width for joints from 1/2 inch to one inch. 5. Application: a. Apply with a hand caulking gun. Use gun nozzles of proper size to fit joints. b. Completely fill control joints inside walks with caulking material. Do not use backing material. c. Minimum adhering surface shall be at 1/2 inch. Division 07 Section 07 900 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 900/ 2 d. Width to depth 1) For joints up to 1/2 inch wide, depth of sealant shall be 1/4 inch. 2) For joints from 1/2 to one inch wide, depth of sealant shall be one -half of width. 3) For joints over one inch, maintain depth of sealant at 1/2 inch. 4) Consult sealant supplier for unusual requirements. e. Seal joint when it is in normal condition, not contracted or expanded. f. Use masking tape to protect surrounding surfaces, and remove immediately after drawing bead, with inner edge drawn away first to eliminate feather edging. g After gunning, tool with a putty knife of a suitable size. Tool may be moistened with solvent to avoid sticking. h. Do not apply caulking at temperatures under 50 deg F. i Caulk opening perimeters unless indicated otherwise. 6. Clean -up: a Clean adjacent materials which have been soiled immediately (before setting) with solvents as recommended by Manufacturer. END OF SECTION 07 900 Division 07 Section 07 900 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 900/ 3 ,..:`:s- :a�....._... _tea-. ;,?Gt,i r.-.. `,'s•_,�v.c:' D I V I S I O N 0 8 D O O R S W I N D O W S GENERAL 1. General Conditions and Division 01 apply to this Division. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish labor, material, and equipment necessary for completion of specified work unless indicated or noted otherwise. 08 100 METAL DOORS FRAMES GENERAL 1. Division 08 GENERAL applies to this Section. 08 111 steel hollow metal doors GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Hollow metal doors where detailed. 2) Furnishing and installing Metal Vent Grilles. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation specified in Section 06 200. 2) Door Hardware specified in Section 08 700. 3) Glazing specified in Section 08 800. PRODUCTS 1. Doors: a. Grade 1, Model 1 as specified in Steel Door Institute Bulletin SDI 100 -83. 2. Finish: a. Use either of following systems 1) Before assembly, clean metal according to Fed Spec TT- C -490b, then prime surfaces with one shop coat. After assembly, apply one baked -on primary coat. 2) Galvanize at exterior applications or subjected to high humidity. 3. Labeling: a. Label each door as conforming to above required standards. 4. Insulation: a. Exterior doors to heated spaces to have thermal rating equal to or better than solid core wood door. Division 08 Section 08 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Center 08 100/ 1 5. Construction: a. Mortise and reinforce doors for hinges and locks. b. Reinforce doors for closers and other surface applied hardware. c. Drill and tap on job. d. Seams along vertical edges of door need not be filled. 6. Fire Doors: a. Doors designated as 3/4 hour or greater labeled doors shall carry appropriate UL label on door and frame. b. Construct UL fire doors and frames to meet UL's specific approval according to current procedure for door rating involved, Procedure No. R -3791 and R -3821 as listed by UL. c. Double doors shall have overlapping rolled steel astragal. 7. Approved Manufacturers: a. Any current member of Steel Door Institute. 08 112 hollow metal frames 2. Shop Drawinqs: a. See Section 01 340. PRODUCTS 1. Sheet Steel: a. 16 gauge cold rolled furniture steel. GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing hollow metal frames. 2) Furnishing hollow metal fire rated frames. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Frames for aluminum entries specified in Section 08 400. 2) Installation specified in Division 06. 2 Finish: a. Use one of following systems 1) Prime surfaces with rust inhibiting primer. 2) Galvanize at exterior applications or subjected to high humidity. 3. Anchors: a. 14 US gauge meeting UL requirements for door rating involved. See Drawings for masonry wall anchors. Type used shall not interfere with vertical reinforcing steel. Division 08 Section 08 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Center 08 100/ 2 08 200 WOOD PLASTIC DOORS GENERAL 1. Division 08 GENERAL applies to this Section. 08 211 flush wood doors GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing doors with openings as necessary. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation specified in Section 06 200. 2) Finish Hardware specified in Section 08 700. 3) Finishing specified in Section 09 932. 2 Quality Assurance: a. Conform to Industry Standard ANSI /NWMA IS 1 -80 and additional requirements given below. b. All doors shall have the manufacturer's name permanently affixed between the top of the door and the top hinge location. 3. Shop Drawings: a. See Section 01 340. 4. Product Delivery, Storage. Handling: a. Store flat on a level surface in a dry, well ventilated building. Cover to keep clean but allow air circulation. b. Handle with clean gloves and do not drag doors across one another or across other surfaces. c. Do not subject doors to abnormal heat, dryness, or humidity. d. Deliver in clean truck and, in wet weather, under cover. e. Deliver to building site after plaster, cement, and taping compound are dry. 5 Coordination: a. Coordinate with Sections 08 111 and 08 700 for proper positioning and type of hardware. 6. Warranty: a. Provided by the National Woodwork Manufacturer's Association, Chicago, Illinois (latest edition revision). PRODUCTS 1. Five Ply Doors: a. Type (Premium Grade) 1) Regular Doors AWI Spec Symbol PC -5, Flush. Division 08 Section 08 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 200/ 1 2) Fire -Rated Doors AWI Spec Symbol FD 1/3, FD 1/2, FD 3/4, FD 1, or FD 1 1/2 as required by Contract Documents. b Core Material 1) Regular Doors a) 1 -3/4 inch doors shall have 28 to 32 lb Density cores meeting requirements of ANSI A 208.1 Mat Formed Wood Particle Board, Grade 1 -L -1. 2) Fire -Rated Doors a) Mineral as standard with approved Manufacturer. c. Veneer 1) Rotary cut Birch, meeting requirements of ANSI /HPMA HP 1983 "A" Face or AWI Grade I, 1/50 inch thick minimum solid wood. 2) So called "two -ply" veneers are not acceptable. d. Approved Manufacturers 1) Algoma Hardwoods Inc, Algoma, WI 2) Buell Door Company, P.O. Box 26306, Dallas TX 75226 3) Eggers Hardwood Products Corp, Neenah, WI 4) Weyerhaeuser, Marshfield, WI r END OF SECTION 08 200 Division 08 Section 08 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 200/ 2 08 300 SPECIAL DOORS 08 330 COILING DOORS 08 334 coiling counter doors GENERAL 1. Division 08 GENERAL applies to this Section. GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing pass through door at locations shown on Drawings. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Preparation of opening specified in Division 02 or 06 as required. 2) Performance of installation specified in Section 06 200. 3) Field finishing specified in Section 09 900. 2. Code Compliance: a. Door shall be manufactured and installed in conformance with UL listed procedures, and bear a minimum label as noted on Door Schedule. PRODUCTS 1 Curtain: a. Cold formed, primed galvanized steel, 24 gauge minimum. 2. Counterbalance: a. Helical torsion spring counterbalance with involute shaped springs for curtain attachment. 3. Tracks: a. Face mounted, primed galvanized steel. Ball- bearing rollers 4. Finish: a. Primed. 5. Operation: a. Manual push -up. 6. Automatic Closing: a. Automatic closing shall be controlled by interlock of fire alarm system. Rate of descent shall be governor controlled. 7. Approved Manufacturers: a. Atlas Door CO, Edison, NJ b. Crawford Door Co, Century, FL c. Kinear Corp., Columbus, OH Division 08 Section 08 300 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 300/ 1 d. Martin Doors, Salt Lake City, UT e. Overhead Door Corp.. Dallas, TX f. Raynor Manufacturing Co. Dixon. IL g. Windsor Door Co Inc., Little Rock, AR h. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. EXECUTION 1. Install in accordance with Manufacturer's written instructions. 2. Conform to code requirements for fire resistive construction. END OF SECTION 08 300 Division 08 Section 08 300 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 300/ 2 08 400 ENTRANCES STOREFRONTS GENERAL 1. Division 08 GENERAL applies to this Section. I 08 410 ALUMINUM ENTRANCES RANGES STOREFRONTS I GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing and installing aluminum doors I and window sections. b. and Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Glass and glazing specified in Section I 08 800 2) Hardware specified in Division 08 700. 3) Caulking frame perimeter specified in Section 07 900 II 2. Protection: a. Protect surface from damage until Substantial I Completion. Repair or replace damaged materials at no cost to Owner. 3. Shop Drawings: I a. See Section 01 340. 4. Guarantee: I a. Guarantee doors are secure from unauthorized entry under normal use when locked. I PRODUCTS 1. Manually Operated Doors: a. Aluminum 1) 6063 T5 aluminum alloy (ASTM B 221 -83, "Specifications for Aluminum -Alloy I Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Shapes Tubes alloy GS 10A -T5) b. Stiles Top Rails II 1) 3 -1/2" x 1 -3/4" x 0.125" thick c. Bottom Rail 1) 6 -1/2" x 1 -3/4" x 0.125" thick I d. Construction 1) Manufacturer's standard. e. Glazing Stops 1) Snap -in type with neoprene bulb -type I glazing. Units shall be glazed from exterior side. f. Weatherstripping g. 1) Manufacturer's standard. Finish 1) Kynar 500, color as selected by Architect from complete color selection. 1 h. Approved Manufacturers 1) US Aluminum 2) Kawneer Company Inc, Norcross, GA I 3) PPG Industries, Pittsburgh, PA Division 08 Section 08 400 March, 1992 1 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 400/ 1 EXECUTION 1. 4) Tubelite Architectural Products, Reed City, MI t 3. Double Glazed Frames: a. Standard 1) US Aluminum 1" insulated offset glazing system. b. Aluminum 1) 6063 -T5 aluminum alloy. c. Sealer Tape 1) 3M d. Fasteners 1) Aluminum or nonmagnetic stainless steel. Concealed fastenings cadmium or zinc plated steel. e Finish 1) Kynar 500, color as selected by Architect from complete color selection. f. Caulking 1) For threshold only. g Approved Manufacturers 1) Match Doors 4. Fabrication: a. Construction shall meet Manufacturer's recommendations. Joints shall be tightly closed. b. Adequately reinforce to hold pivots and closers. Erection: a. Threshold shall be set in full bed of mastic, caulked and made watertight. b. Thresholds shall be accurately fitted. c. Use sealer tape to prevent electrolytic action. d Follow Manufacturer's recommendations for erection. e Set plumb, square, level in correct alignment, and securely anchored. f. Adjust doors for perfect operation after glazing entry. g Refer to Drawings for mullion placement and construction details. END OF SECTION 08 400 Division 08 Section 08 400 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 400/ 2 08 700 HARDWARE GENERAL 1. Division 08 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Work under this section includes the complete finish hardware requirements for the project. Quantities listed are for the contractor's convenience only and are not guaranteed. Items not specifically mentioned but necessary to complete the work shall be furnished, matching the items specified in quality and finish. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Submittals specified in Section 01 600. 2) Installation of hardware specified in Section 06 200. 3. Quality Control: a. Supplier 1) Finish hardware shall be supplied by a factory authorized builder's hardware distributor for products as specified, or approved and who has been furnishing hardware in the same area as the project for a period of not less than two years. The supplier's organization shall include a member of the American Society of Architectural Hardware Consultants who is available at all reasonable times during the course of work to meet with the Owner, Architect or Contractor for project hardware consultation. b. Codes 1) All finish hardware shall comply with applicable local and /or current building codes. 2) Hardware for fire -rated openings shall also be in compliance with all fire building codes applicable to the district in which the building is located. Provide only hardware which has been tested and listed by UL for the types and sizes of doors required and which complies with the requirements of the door and door frame labels. 3. Submittals: a. Submit one (1) copy of manufacturer's data for each item of finish hardware with one hardware schedule submitted. Division 08 Section 08 700 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 700/ 1 .s`5ryc__J�•#ry� s.c�.....c4..,;, b. At the earliest possible date, submit three (3) copies of the finish hardware schedule, organized into "hardware Sets" and indicating complete designation of every item required for each door opening. c. Submit a keying schedule in accordance with the instructions from the Architect. d. After the schedules have been approved by the architect, submit two (2) copies of the corrected schedules to the contractor for use and distribution. Schedules to include copies of manufacturer's data for each item of finish hardware supplied. e. Furnish approved hardware schedule and templates for each fabricator of doors, frames and other work to be factory prepared for the installation of hardware. Upon request, check the shop drawings of such other work to confirm that adequate provisions will be made for the proper installation of hardware. 4. Product Handling and Storage: a. Packaging 1) Each item or package is to be separately tagged with identification related to the final hardware schedule. Basic installation instructions shall be included in the packages. b. Storage 1) The General Contractor shall provide a locked room at the jobsite for the storage of the hardware. 5. Guarantee: a. Finish hardware shall carry a limited warranty against defects in material, workmanship and operation for a period of one year, backed by a factory warranty of the hardware manufacturer, except the door closers shall have a five year warranty. 6. Keying: a. Keying will be as directed by the Architect and /or Owner. b. During construction, all cylinders shall be construction masterkeyed. Provide Contractor with (6) copies of this key. Upon completion of the building, it shall be the Hardware Suppliers responsibility to instruct the Owner on the method of change over to permanent keying. Division 08 Section 08 700 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 700/ 2 c. Furnish 4 Masterkeys 3 Keys each KD Lock, 6 keys each KA Group 25 Key Blanks of Keyway used on this project Stamp: "DO NOT DUPLICATE" on key bow of all keys and blanks. 7. Finish: a. Exposed surfaces of all hardware shall be dull chrome (626 -652), unless noted otherwise. b. Closers shall be sprayed to match adjacent hardware. PRODUCTS 1 Butts: a. Manufacturer Listed Hager b. Acceptable Substitutions McKinney, Stanley c. Sizes 1) 1 -3/4" exterior and vestibule doors 5.0 x 4.5 2) 1 -3/4" interior doors up to and including 36" 4.5 x 4.5 3) 1 -3/4" interior doors over 36" 5.0 x 4 5 Butt sizes are to be modified if door trim interferes with the fullest possible degree of opening for doors. d. Quantity 1 -1/2 pair up to and including 90" in height. For doors over 90" in height supply one additional butt for each additional 30" in height, or fraction thereof. e. For unusual size or weight doors, furnish type, size and quantity recommended by the butt manufacturer. f. All exterior and interior reverse bevel locked doors to have nonremovable pins (NRP set screw in barrel). 2. Locks: a. Manufacturer Listed Schalge b. Acceptable Substitutions Russwin, Corbin c. Design (See lock trim below) d. Provide curved lip strikes of minimum length to project trim with wrought boxes. 3. Lock Trim and Storefront Pulls: a. Manufacturer Listed Hewi b. Acceptable Substitutions Normbau c. Design As listed in hardware groups. d. Provide all necessary fasteners for proper and secure installation. Provide owner with one (1) set of tools (special alien wrenches, etc.) for future adjustments. Division 08 Section 08 700 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 700/ 3 4. Door Closers: a. Manufacturer Listed Dorma b. Acceptable Substitutions None c. Size as recommended by manufacturer. d. Provide the proper feet to suit the conditions and the proper length arm to allow fullest degree of opening for doors. e Provide drop plates where required. f. Contractor shall install all the screws required for the foot g Provide special closer mounting as required where interference with weatherstrip or sound sea occurs. h. DOOR CLOSER BRACKETS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHOUT NOTCHING DOOR SEAL. 5. Exit Devices: a. Manufacturer Listed Von Duprin b. Acceptable Substitution Monarch, Precision c. Glass Bead Fillers shall be supplied for Panic Hardware where interference with glass light frame occurs. 6. Push Pulls: a. Manufacturer Listed Rockwood b. Acceptable Substitutions BBW, Quality, Trimco c. Push Plates and Pull Plates shall be mounted with oval head screws of matching finish. d. Do not mount pull plates through push plates. 7 Kick. Mop and Armor Plates: a. Manufacturer Listed Rockwood b. Acceptable Substitutions BBW, Quality, Trimco c. Material shall be .050 minimum thickness stainless steel. d. Plates shall be mounted with trusshead screws of matching finish. e Sizes All plates shall be furnished with width 2" less than door width except pairs of doors without mullions shall be 1" less than door width. The height shall be as specified in the detailed hardware list. f. Where door seal, sound seal or weatherstrip is installed on the jamb stop adjust width for proper clearance. g Where kick plate width will interfere with installation of other hardware adjust width for proper clearance. h. Furnish mop plates as indicated, except at rooms with carpeted floors. Division 08 Section 08 700 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 700/ 4 8. Stops and Holders: a. Manufacturer Listed Rockwood b. Acceptable Substitutions BBW, Quality, Trimco c. There shall be stops to protect all walls, cabinet work or hardware operation. Wall Stops shall be used wherever possible, unless otherwise called for in the hardware types Where floor stops are used they shall be installed no farther than 8" from the latch edge of the door. 9. Floor Closers: a. Manufacturer Listed Rixson b. Acceptable Substitutions Door -O -Matic c. Furnish cement boxes for all floor closers. d. Furnish proper length spindles to suit finish floor conditions. 10. Weatherstrip an Thresholds: a. Manufacturer Listed Pemko b. Acceptable Substitutions Reese c. Where it occurs weatherstrip shall be applied to both sides of a mullion. d. All 20 minute doors shall have PK55D door seal, except where sound seals are specified. e. DOOR CLOSERS SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO ALLOW CLOSING AND LATCHING OF THE DOOR WITHOUT SLAMMING. 11. Door Silencers: a. Manufacturer Listed Rockwood b. Acceptable Substitutions BBW, Glynn Johnson, Quality c. Quantity Furnish three (3) for each single door frame and four (4) for each double door frame at all non -rated interior openings. d. Type 64 for metal frame and 65 for wood frame. 12. Manual Flush Bolts and Dust -proof Strikes: a. Manufacturer Listed Rockwood b. Acceptable Substitutions BBW, Quality, Trimco Bolts shall be installed top and bottom inactive leaf of pair of doors. Dust -proof strike Mounted in floor or threshold to accept bolt at bottom of inactive leaf. Supply 12" standard length for doors up to 84" in height. Doors over 84" will have top rod extension to place center line of bolt no more than 72" from floor. 13. Automatic Flush Bolts and Related Products (Dust -proof Strikes, Coordinator, Brackets, etc.) a. Manufacturer Listed Rockwood Division 08 Section 08 700 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 700/ 5 08 710 HARDWARE SCHEDULE b. Acceptable Substitutions Door Controla, Quality, Trimco c. Furnish proper brackets and/or special tamplating to suit soffit conditions where required due to closer mounting at coordinators. d. Furnish carry bars at all pairs of doors where both leaves have operating hardware, i.e.; mortise and vertical rood exit devices. GENERAL 1. See list of Hardware Groups on the following attached pages. 2. Refer to Door Schedule and Specifications for related information concerning the Hardware Groups. END OF SECTION 08 700 Division 08 Section 08 700 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 700/ 6 HW -I FLOOR CLOSERS INT. PIVOT CYLINDER EXIT DEVICE EXIT DEVICE O. H. STOP DOOR PULLS THRESHOLD WEATHERSTRIP NOTE: OVERLAPPING H W -2 BUTTS LOCK LEVERS CYL COLAR CLOSER WALL STOP KICK PLATES SOUND SEALS AUTO DR. BOTTOM H W -3 BUTTS LATCH LEVERS CLOSER KICK PL. MOP PL. WALL STOP H W -4 BUTTS CYLINDER EXIT DEVICE EXIT DEVICE CLOSER KICK PL. WALL STOP MAG. DR. HOLDERS HW -5 BUTTS LOCKSET LEVERS CYL COLAR T -TURN CLOSER KICK PL. WALL STOP PH27 -105 SHO M -19 20-001 3547TL LESS 337DT 3547E0 GJ100AS 40 -2021 X 6.1 MTG. 15 -276A BY DOOR MFR ASTRAGAL MUST NOT BE USED. BB1279 L9070P LESS TRIM 115.23L23 USS 306 ZUS TS83 -U1 X WHITE COVER PLATE 403 12" (OMIT SCREW HOLES WHERE PLATE COVERS ADB) 319CR 434AR BB1279 L9010 LESS TRIM 115.23L23 USS TS83 -U1 X WHII'h COVER PLATE 12" 6" 403 BB1168 20 -022 9827L -F X 03 LEVER 9827EO -F TS83 -U1PA X WHITE COVER PLATE 12" 403 FM998 BB1279 L9050P LESS TRIM 115.23L23 USS 306 ZUS 306 RUSS TS83 -U1PA X WHII "h COVER PLATE 12" 403 r JwCv3C}�}r:A iJYx1 4�• .c H W -6 BUTTS BB1279 LOCKSET L9050P LESS TRIM LEVERS 115.23L23 USS CYL COLAR 306 ZUS T -TURN 306 RUSS WALL STOP 403 HW -7 HW-8 BUTTS BB1279 LATCHSET L9010 LESS TRIM LEVERS 115.23L23 USS WALL STOP 403 BUTTS BB1279 LOCKSET L9080P LESS TRIM LEVERS 115.23L23 USS CYL COLAR 306 ZUS WALL STOP 403 HW-9 BUTTS BB1279 DEADLOCK B 160P LATCH 596 X 2 -3/4" B.S. CLOSER TS83 -U1 X WHITE COVER PLATE ARMOR PL. 34" MOP PL. 6" O.H. STOP 55 -033 HW -10 BUTTS BB1191 CYLINDER 20 -022 EXIT DEVICE 98 -L CLOSER TS83 -U2DS W S TP. 290AS DR. BOTTOM 315CN THRESHOLD 172A OR AS DETAILED RAIN DRIP 346A HW -11 BUTTS BB1279 EXIT DEVICE 98 -L X BE CLOSER TS83 -U1PA WALL STOP 403 MAG. DR. HOLDER FM998 HW -12 BUTTS EXIT DEVICES CLOSER DOOR PULLS SECURITY ASTRAGAL WSTP. DR. BOTTOM THRESHOLD RAIN DRIP HW -13 BUTTS LOCK LEVERS CYL COLAR CLOSER KICK PLATES SOUND SEALS AUTO DR. BOTTOM HW -14 BUTTS DEADLOCK CYL COLAR T -TURN WALL STOP FLUSH BOLTS DUST PR. STRIKE HW -15 BUTTS CYLINDER EXIT DEVICE EXIT DEVICE CLOSER DOOR PULLS KICK PLATES SECURITY ASTRAGAL WSTP. DR. BOTTOM THRESHOLD RAIN DRIP BB1199 3547EO TS83 -U2DS 40 -2021 X 6.1 MTG. 378C86 290AS 315CN 2005AS OR AS DETAILED 346A BB1279 L9070P LESS TRIM 115.23L23 USS 306 ZUS TS83 -U1DS X WHITE COVER PLATE 12" (OMIT SCREW HOLES WHERE PLATE COVERS ADB) 319CR 434AR BB1279 L9460P 306 ZUS 306 RUSS 403 555 571 BB1199 20 -001 9827 -TL 9827EO TS83 -U2DS 40 -2021 X 6.1 MTG. 12" 378C86 290AS 315CN 2005AS OR AS DETAILED 346A HW -16 BUTTS BB1279 LOCK L9050P LESS TRIM LEVERS 115.23L23 USS CYL COLAR 306 ZUS T -TURN 306 RUSS CLOSER TS83 -U1PA X WW I COVER PLATE SOUND SEALS 319CR AUTO DR. BOTTOM 434AR HW -17 BUTTS CANE BOLTS BB1199 NRP X SPANNER SCREWS CD 1009 08 800 GLAZING GENERAL 1. Division 08 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes 1) Furnishing and installing glazing in entrances and storefronts and single glazed windows as required. 2) Quality of glazing used in windows with insulated glazing. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Neoprene glazing beads for entrances, window walls, and windows are specified with frames. 2) Final cleaning of glass specified in Division 01. 3) Furnishing and installing of glazing used in windows with insulated glazing specified in Section 08 520. r 3. Glass Standards: a. Glazing shall meet applicable requirements of Federal Consumer Product Safety Standard 16CFR1201. b. Except where glass exceeds 5'6" in width, cut clear glass so any wave will run horizontally when glazed. c. Do not install glass having broken or chipped edges. 4. Manufacturer's Labels: a. Labels showing strength, grade, thickness, type, and quality are required on each piece of glass. 5. Products: a. Glazing compound shall be type recommended by Window Manufacturer for specified function. 6. Execution: a. Order glass in sufficient time to prevent delay in the work. However, contact Architect before ordering to determine if there have been changes in design. b. Metal Frames Glaze in neoprene supplied with frames. c. Glaze other glass with a glazing compound in a manner which will leave glass free of rattles, and with waves running horizontally. Division 08 Section 08 800 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 800/ 1 08 810 FLAT. TRANSPARENT CLEAR GLASS 08 811 standard alass GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes 1) Quality of glazing used in windows. 2) Furnishing and installing of single glazing used in entrances and storefronts above door height. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Furnishing and installing of window glazing specified in Section 08 520. PRODUCTS 1. Meet requirements of ASTM C 1036 -85, "Standard Specification For Flat Glass a. Type I, Class I Clear. 1) Quality a) Glazing Select 2) Thickness a) 0.115 inch minimum (Double Strength). b) 0.25 inch minimum in storefronts above door height. 08 832 wire class GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes but not limited to 1) Interior door lites where scheduled. 2) Interior glazing as shown on Drawings. PRODUCTS 1. Glass specified in this paragraph shall meet requirements of Fed Spec DD -G451d with following classifications according to use a. Type II rolled flat, 1/4 inch, wired glass. 1) Class 1, Style A, Form 1. a) Quality q8 Glazing. b) Mesh M2 or M3, UL listed. EXECUTION 1. Install in glass stops in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. 08 840 08 842 GENERAL HEAT TREATED FLAT GLASS fully tempered alass 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing and installing glass in entry doors and adjacent sidelights below door height. Division 08 Section 08 800 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 800/ 2 ,K d <,ud.fa-- PRODUCTS 1. Meet requirements of ASTM C 1048 -85, "Standard Specification For Heat Treated Flat Glass Kind HS, Kind FT Coated and Uncoated Glass a. Kind FT b. Quality 1) q3 Glazing select. c. Thickness 1) 1/4 inch. d. Class 1) Class 1 Clear 2) Class 2 Tinted Heat Absorbing Light- Absorbing. 3) Combination of above two as indicated. EXECUTION 1. See Section 08 800 General. 08 850 INSULATING GLASS GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish and install insulating glass in entrances and storefronts where shown on Drawings. PRODUCTS 1. Meet requirements specified under 08 811 or 08 842, and the following: a. Unit Thickness 1 inch maximum. b. Type Seal Metal -to -glass bond and separated by 1/2 inch dehydrated air space. 2. Approved Manufacturers: a. Members of Sealed Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association (SIGMA). EXECUTION 1. Sash shall be square and true in plane before installation. 2. Glass stop clearance 1/8 inch. 3. Frame clearance 1/8 inch. 4. Use nonhardening sealants. 5. Use neoprene blocks and spacers on all units with face stops. 6. Locate blocks 1/4 of width of glass in from each end. 7. Use a full bed of glazing material on bottom of sash. 8. Trim and slope glazing material from glass to outside stop for water drainage. Division 08 Section 08 800 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 800/ 3 9. Do not cover glass with paper, paint, or other materials. Such coverings act as a heat trap and may contribute to glass failure due to thermal stresses caused by increased uneven temperatures. END OF SECTION 08 800 Division 08 Section 08 800 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 800/ 4 D I V I S I O N 0 9 F I N I S H E S GENERAL 1. General Conditions and Division 01 apply to this Division. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish labor, materials, and equipment necessary for completion of work unless indicated or noted otherwise. 09 100 METAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS GENERAL 1. Division 09 GENERAL applies to this Section. 09 130 ACOUSTICAL SUSPENSION SYSTEM GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Provide acoustical suspension system to receive acoustical tile. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Light fixtures in ceilings specified in Division 16. 2. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: a. Meet seismic bracing requirements of UBC Standard 47 -18 or equivalent governing standard for the location. PRODUCTS 1. Systems shall meet requirements of ASTM C 635 -83, "Specification for Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile Lay -In Panel Ceilings intermediate duty, electro- galvanized. a. Exposed surfaces shall be finished with factory- applied white baked enamel. b. Main T- Runners Cross T- Splines 1) Fabricated of 0.020 inch thick minimum cold rolled electro- galvanized steel. 2) Main runners and cross T's shall have one inch exposed face. c. Hanger Wire 1) 12 gauge cold rolled electro- galvanized steel. d. Edge Molding 1) Channel section of 0.020 inch thick cold rolled electro galvanized steel. e. Hold -down Clips 1) As required by UL to prevent lifting of panels under unusual draft con_diti_ons. f. Approved Manufacturers 1) Chicago Metallic Corporation, Chicago, IL Division 09 Section 09 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 100/ 1 EXECUTION 1. 2) Donn Corp, Westlake, OH 3) National Rolling Mills Inc, Malvern, PA 4) Any approved Acoustic Tile Manufacturer Installation shall meet requirements of ASTM C 636 -76 (1981), "Recommended Practice for Installation of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile Lay -In Panels 2 Pay particular attention to required hanger wire placement and fixture protection. Individual component deflection not to exceed 1/360 of span. 3. Do not attach suspension system to adjustable folding partition headers. r END OF SECTION 09 100 Division 09 Section 09 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 100/ 2 D I V I S I O N 0 8 D O O R S W I N D O W S GENERAL 1. General Conditions and Division 01 apply to this Division. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish labor, material, and equipment necessary for completion of specified work unless indicated or noted otherwise. 08 100 METAL DOORS FRAMES GENERAL 1. Division 08 GENERAL applies to this Section. 08 111 steel hollow metal doors GENERAL 1 Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Hollow metal doors where detailed. 2) Furnishing and installing Metal Vent Grilles. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation specified in Section 06 200. 2) Door Hardware specified in Section 08 700. 3) Glazing specified in Section 08 800. PRODUCTS 1. Doors: a. Grade 1, Model 1 as specified in Steel Door Institute Bulletin SDI 100 -83. 2. Finish a. Use either of following systems 1) Before assembly, clean metal according to Fed Spec TT- C -490b, then prime surfaces with one shop coat. After assembly, apply one baked -on primary coat. 2) Galvanize at exterior applications or subjected to high humidity. 3. Labeling: a. Label each door as conforming to above required standards. 4. Insulation: a. Exterior doors to heated spaces to have thermal rating equal to or better than solid core wood door. r Division 08 Section 08 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Center 08 100/ 1 5. Construction: a. Mortise and reinforce doors for hinges and locks. b. Reinforce doors for closers and other surface applied hardware. c. Drill and tap on job. d. Seams along vertical edges of door need not be filled. 6. Fire Doors. a. Doors designated as 3/4 hour or greater labeled doors shall carry appropriate UL label on door and frame. b. Construct UL fire doors and frames to meet UL's specific approval according to current procedure for door rating involved, Procedure No. R -3791 and R -3821 as listed by UL. c Double doors shall have overlapping rolled steel astragal. 7 Approved Manufacturers a. Any current member of Steel Door Institute. 08 112 hollow metal frames GENERAL 1 Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing hollow metal frames. 2) Furnishing hollow metal fire rated frames. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Frames for aluminum entries specified in Section 08 400. 2) Installation specified in Division 06. 2. Shop Drawings: a. See Section 01 340. PRODUCTS 1. Sheet Steel: a. 16 gauge cold rolled furniture steel. 2. Finish: a. Use one of following systems 1) Prime surfaces with rust inhibiting primer. 2) Galvanize at exterior applications or subjected to high humidity. 3. Anchors: a. 14 US gauge meeting UL requirements for door rating involved. See Drawings for masonry wall anchors. Type used shall not interfere with vertical reinforcing steel. Division 08 Section 08 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Center 08 100/ 2 EXECUTION 1. r 4 Approved Manufacturers: a. Any current member of the Steel Door Institute. b. Atlanta Metal Products, Long Island, NY c. Forderer Hollow Metal Products, San Francisco, CA d. Hol -O -Met Manufacturing Corporation, Mesa, AZ e. Stiles Custom Metal, Ceres, CA 5. Fabrication: a. General Requirements 1) Provide frame form as detailed. 2) Frames shall be welded units. a) Provide temporary spreader on each welded frame. 3) Check with finish hardware schedule. 4) Provide Manufacturer's gauge label for each item. b. Make breaks, arises, and angles uniform, straight, and true. Accurately fit corners. c. Do not extend hinge cut out full width of door unless fill strip is inserted, weld filled, and ground smooth so no seam appears on back face plate. d. Provide mortar guards at strikes and hinges. e. Punch frame for door silencer. f. Provide a minimum of six jamb anchors and two floor anchors per pre installed frame. Frames installed after wall construction shall have a minimum of eight jamb anchors with each frame leg being anchored near bottom of frame. Anchors to meet wall conditions. Instructions to Installers: a. Erect frames plumb, true, and square. b. Stuff frames shown to be insulated with insulation of type specified in Section 07 200. END OF SECTION 08 100 Division 08 Section 08 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Center 08 100/ 3 09 250 GYPSUM BOARD GENERAL 1. Division 09 GENERAL applies to this Section. 09 260 gypsum wallboard GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Interior surfaces as shown on Drawings. 2. Job Conditions: a Environmental Requirements 1) Temperature shall be 55 deg F minimum day and night during entire joint operation and until building is occupied. See Section 01 513. 2) Provide ventilation to eliminate excessive moisture. 3) Avoid hot air drafts which will cause too rapid drying. 2 Metal Accessories: a. 26 gauge steel, electrolytic galvanized zinc- coated, treated for maximum cement and paint adhesion. Surfaces to receive bedding cement shall be knurled for maximum bonding. 1) Corner Beads a) 1 -1/8 inch leg minimum. 2) Casing a) Channel type. 3) Control Joints a) USG #093 4) Furring Channels a) 25 gauge galvanized USG DWC 3 Joint Compound Reinforcing: a. Best recommended by Wallboard Manufacturer. PRODUCTS 1 GvPSUm Board: a. Meet requirements of ASTM C 36 -84a, "Specification for Gypsum Wallboard Type X, UL one -hour rated. b. 5/8 inch thick tapered edge Face paper suitable for painting. c. Use water resistant type conforming to requirements of ASTM C 630 -84a, "Specification for Water Resistant Gypsum Wallboard in contact with exterior door and window frames, and on walls in Serving Area, Restrooms, Custodial Rooms, Boiler Room, and Font Room. 4. Bugle Head Screws: a. Meet requirements of ASTM C 1002 -83, "Steel Drill Screws for Application of Gypsum Board" Division 09 Section 09 250 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 250/ 1 (Tvpe S) 5/8" Single Layer 1" 3/8" Double Layer 1 -1/8" 1/2" Double Layer 1 -3/8" 5/8" Double Layer 1 -5/8" EXECUTION 1. Division 09 Section 09 250 1) Type G For fastening gypsum board to gypsum board. 2) Type S For fastening gypsum board to steel framing members. 3) Type W For fastening gypsum board to wood members. Metal (Tvpe W) 1 -3/8" 1 -1/2" 1 -3/4" 2" (Tv Pe G) None Nominal size Required Wood Gypsum Laminate Fastening: a. Apply from center of wallboard towards ends and edges. b. Do not apply screws closer than 3/8 inch to ends or edges. c. Space screws not over 12 inches o.c. d. Adjust power screw driver to set heads in 1/32 inch dimple. e Do not break face paper. If face is accidentally broken, apply second screw 2 inches away. f. Screws on adjacent ends or edges should be opposite each other. g Drive screws with shank perpendicular to face of board. 2. Single Laver Application: a. Apply ceilings first. (Use minimum of two men) b. Use board of size to give minimum number of joints. c. Apply board at right angles to support. Shim to level. d. Stagger end joints. End joints shall occur over framing members or be back blocked with 2 "x4 e Butt edges in moderate contact. Do not force in place. f. Leave facings true with joint, finishing flush, vertical work plumb, and ceiling surfaces level. g Scribe work closely. Keep joints as far from openings as possible. If joints occur near an opening, apply wallboard so vertical joints are centered over openings. No vertical joints shall occur within 8 inches of external corners or openings. March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 250/ 2 h. After installation, pound on walls and ceilings to detect loose screws. Push on board adjacent to fasteners to detect movement. Tighten loose screws. 3. Double Laver Application: a. Apply base layer parallel to studs and attach with appropriate specified screws 8 inches o.c. at edges and 12 inches o.c in field. b. Apply face layer with joints staggered in relationship to base and occurring over studs Use combination of adhesive and screws to meet Manufacturer's specifications for fire -rated construction. c. Caulk perimeter in offices, etc, for sound attenuation. 4. Metal Trim: a. Corner Beads 1) Apply with wallboard nails spaced 6 inches apart maximum. 2) Using metal bead as a screed, cover both flanges with point compound about 3 to 4 inches wide. Topping or finishing compound is not recommended for first application. Allow 12 to 24 hours or more to dry. 3) Sand lightly if necessary. Apply second coat of joint or topping compound feathering edges 2 to 3 inches beyond preceding coat. b. Windows Doors 1) Apply metal edge over gypsum board where it abuts exterior metal window or door frames. Hold metal trim back from metal window or door frames 1/8 inch to allow for caulking by Division 07. c. Trim 1) Apply in accordance with Manufacturer's instructions. d. If partitions have an exposed free end, apply wide angle tape. 1 5. Taping: a. Buttering Joints 1) Check screws by drawing finishing knife across surface. Drive home protruding screws, leaving a dimple in wallboard. 2) With broad steel finishing knife, butter joint compound into channel formed by tapered edges of board. Fill channel fully and evenly. Avoid heavy fills. 1 Division 09 Section 09 250 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 250/ 3 b. Embedding Tape 1) Center tape reinforcement and press it down into fresh joint compound. Hold knife at approximately 45 deg angle to board and draw along joint with sufficient pressure to remove excess compound. Leave sufficient compound under tape for proper bond but not over 1/64 inch under feathered edge. 2) Do not use topping or finishing compound for embedding tape. c. Covering Tape 1) When tape is embedded, apply skim coat of joint compound immediately after embedding to reduce possibility of edge wrinkling or curling, or edge cracking 2) Allow to dry twelve hours. d. Spotting Screw Heads 1) Apply first coat of compound over screw heads immediately prior to or after embedding tape. Use pressure on knife to finish compound level with wall surface. 2) Spot screw heads in similar manner during second coat application of compound. 3) During application of third coat over points, sand screw heads lightly and apply third finishing coats. "Durite" Screenbak sanding cloth, 320 or 220 grit, is recommended for best results. Allow compound over screw heads to completely dry. 4) Light sanding may be necessary before decoration. e Second Coat Application 1) After embedding and covering coat is completely dry, 24 hours under good drying conditions, apply second coat feathered approximately 1 -1/2 inches beyond edges of first coat. Allow to dry. f. Third Coat Application 1) After second coat is dry, sand lightly. Apply thin "finishing" coat to joints. Feather joint edges 2 inches minimum beyond second coat. Sand lightly when dry. g End Joints 1) Treat butt or end joints the same as tapered joints. 2) Fill joint with compound to a -point slightly above surface of boards to allow for shrinkage in drying. Division 09 Section 09 250 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 250/ 4 3) Apply additional compound along each side of joint and embed tape as described for tapered joints. Apply covering, second, and third coats in same manner as tapered points. 4) Feather finishing coats of compound wider (approximately 24 inches) as there is no taper in which to embed tape. h. Finishing Inside Corners 1) Fold tape along center crease. Butter both sides of corner with point compound and apply tape. 2) Apply second and third coats of compound (one side at a time) in same manner used to finish flat joints. i. Standards 1) Leave drywall surfaces sanded smooth, free of defects, waves, etc, ready to receive painting. 2) Finish all joints as specified above regardless of type of final finish. 6 Cleaning: a. Remove from site all debris connected with this work. 09 275 gypsum board finish GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Textured walls and ceilings where shown on Drawings. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Priming and final painting specified in Section 09 900 PRODUCTS 1. Skip troweling equal to U S Gypsum "Monterrey" or "orangd- peel" texture, or other texturing method and style approved by Architect. EXECUTION 1. 2. Provide control sample for Architect. After gypsum board is primed, apply ceiling texture in accordance with Manufacturer's direction and closely match sample accepted by Architect. END OF SECTION 09 250 Division 09 Section 09 250 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 250/ 5 09 300 TILE GENERAL 1. Division 09 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. References: a. Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation; Tile Council of America, Inc. (TCA) 1989. Qualification data for firms and persons specified to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include list of completed projects with project names, addresses, and names of Architects and Owners. 3. Quality Assurance: a. Source of Materials 1) Provide materials obtained from one source for each type and color of tile, grout, and setting materials. b. Installer 1) Firm with successful experience in work similar in scope to the work of this project. 4. Delivery, Storage. and Handling: a. Comply with ANSI A137.1 for labeling sealed tile packages. Deliver and store packaged materials in original containers with seals unbroken and labels intact until time of use. Prevent damage or contamination to materials by water, freezing, foreign matter, or other causes. 5. Proiect Conditions: a. Maintain environmental conditions and protect work during and after installation to comply with referenced standards and manufacturer's printed recommendations. Vent temporary heaters to exterior to prevent damage to tile work form carbon dioxide buildup. Maintain temperatures at not less than 50 degrees F in tiled areas during installation and for 7 days after completion unless higher temperatures are required by referenced installation standard or manufacturer's instructions. 6. Maintenance: a. Extra Materials 1) Furnish not less than 2 percent maintenance stock for each type, color, pattern, and size of tile product installed. 2) Deliver stock of maintenance materials to the owner. Furnish maintenance materials from same lot as material Division 09 Section 09 300 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 300/ 1 09 310 CERAMIC TILE installed, and enclosed in protective packaging with appropriate identifying labels. GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To- 1) Complete ceramic tile installation as described on the Drawings. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) 09 392 Interior Floor Tile, Thin Bed 2 References: a. Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation; Tile Council of America, Inc. (TCA) 1989. Qualification data for firms and persons specified to demonstrate their capabilities and experience Include list of completed projects with project names, addresses, and names of Architects and Owners 3 Quality Assurance a. Source of Materials 1) Provide materials obtained from one source for each type and color of tile, grout, and setting materials. b. Installer 1) Firm with successful experience in work similar in scope to the work of this project. 4. Delivery. Storage. and Handling: a. Comply with ANSI A137.1 for labeling sealed tile packages. Deliver and store packaged materials in original containers with seals unbroken and labels intact until time of use. Prevent damage or contamination to materials by water, freezing, foreign matter, or other causes. 5. Proiect Conditions: a. Maintain environmental conditions and protect work during and after installation to comply with referenced standards and manufacturer's printed recommendations. Vent temporary heaters to exterior to prevent damage to tile work form carbon dioxide buildup. Maintain temperatures at not less than 50 degrees F in tiled areas during installation and for 7 days after completion unless higher temperatures are required by referenced installation standard or manufacturer's instructions. Division 09 Section 09 300 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 300/ 2 EXECUTION 1. 6. Maintenance: a. Extra Materials 1) Furnish not less than 1 percent maintenance stock for each type, color, pattern, and size of tile product installed. 2) Deliver stock of maintenance materials to the owner. Furnish maintenance materials from same lot as material installed, and enclosed in protective packaging with appropriate identifying labels. r PRODUCTS 1. General Materials: a. ANSI Standard for Ceramic Tile: Comply with ANSI A137.1. "American National Standard Specifications for Ceramic tile." unless otherwise indicated. Furnish tile complying with "Standard Grade" requirements unless otherwise indicated. ANSI Standard for tile Installation Materials: Comply with ANSI standard referenced with products and materials indicated for setting and grouting. b. Colors, Textures, and Patterns 1) For tile, grout, and other products requiring selection of colors, surface textures, or other appearance characteristics, provide products as scheduled on drawings. c. Factory Blending 1) Blend tile in factory and package accordingly so that tile units taken from one package will show the same range in colors as those taken from other packages and will match approved samples. Examination: a. Examine surfaces to receive tile work, with installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of installed tile. Do not proceed with tile work until surfaces and conditions comply with requirements indicated in referenced tile installation standard. 2. Preparation: a. Blending 1) For tile exhibiting color variations within the ranges selected, verify that tile has been blended in factory and packaged accordingly so that tile units taken from one package will show the same range in colors as those taken from Division 09 Section 09 300 March, 19,92 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 300/ 3 other packages and will match approved samples. If not factory blended, either return to manufacturer or blend tiles at project site before installing. b. Field Applied Temporary Protective Coating 1) Where indicated under tile type or needed to prevent adhesion or staining of exposed tile surfaces by grout, precoat exposed tile surfaces with a continuous film of temporary protective coating, taking care not to coat unexposed tile surfaces 3 Installation (general): a. ANSI tile Installation Standard Comply with applicable parts of ANSI A108 series of tile installation standards included under "American National Standard Specifications for the Installation of Ceramic Tile" for the type of setting and grouting materials and methods indicated. b. TCA Installation Guidelines: TCA "Handbook for Ceramic tile Installation comply with TCA installation methods indicated, or if not otherwise indicated, as applicable to installation conditions shown Extend tile work into recesses and under or behind equipment and fixtures, to form a complete covering without interruptions Terminate work neatly at obstructions, edges, and corners without disrupting pattern or joint alignment. Accurately form intersections and returns. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without matting visible surfaces. Carefully grind cut edges of tile abutting trim, finish, or built -in items for straight, aligned joints. Fix tile closely to electrical outlets, piping, fixtures, and other penetrations so that plates, collars, or covers overlap tile. c. Joint patterns 1) Lay tile joints in grid pattern as shown on Drawings. Align joints when adjoining tiles on base, walls, and trim are same size. Lay out tile work and center tile fields in both directions in each space or on each wall area. Adjust to minimize tile cutting. Provide uniform joint widths, unless otherwise shown. 4. Mixing Mortar and Grout: a. Mix mortar and grout to comply with requirements of referenced standards and manufacturers, to produce mortar and grout of Division 09 Section 09 300 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 300/ 4 09 392 interior floor tile. thin bed uniform quality with optimum performance characteristics for application indicated. GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To- 1) Interior floor tile in as described on Drawings. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Section 09 300 applies to this Section. 5. Cleaning and Protection: a. Cleaning 1) Upon completion of placement and grouting, clean all ceramic tile surfaces so they are free of foreign matter. Remove latex portland cement grout residue from tile as soon as possible. Remove temporary protective coating by method recommended by coating manufacturer that is acceptable to tile and grout manufacturer. Apply tile filler to clean, dry tile in compliance with filler manufacturer's directions. Repeat application as necessary to obtain uniform color in appearance of both tile and grout. b. Finished Tile Work 1) Leave finished installation clean and free of cracked, chipped, broken, unbonded, or otherwise defective tile work. c. Protection 1) When recommended by tile manufacturer, apply a protective coat of neutral protective cleaner to completed tile work. Protect installed tile work with kraft paper or other heavy covering during construction period to prevent staining, damage, and wear. Before final inspection, remove protective coverings and rinse neutral cleaner from tile surfaces. PRODUCTS 1 Setting Materials: a. Latex Portland Cement Mortar: ANSI A118.4, compositions as follows: 1) Prepackaged dry mortar mix incorporating dry polymer additive in the form as a re- emulsifiable powder to which only water is added at project site. b. Approved manufacturers 1) American Olean Tile Company. 2) Boiardi Products Corporation. Division 09 Section 09 300 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 300/ 5 3) Bostik Construction Products Division /Emhart Corporation. 4) Custom Building Products, Inc. 5) C -Cure Chemical Company, Inc. 6) Mapei Corporation. 7) Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. 2. Grouting Materials: a. Latex Portland Cement Grout: Comply with ANSI A118.6 for the following composition: 1) Prepackaged dry grout mix incorporating dry polymer additive in the form of a re- emulsifiable powder to which only water is added at project site. b. Approved Manufacturers 1) Custom Building Products 2) Mapei Corporation. 3) Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. 3. Tile: a. 12 "x12" Atlantis II Polished porcelain ceramic tiles. 4. Color: a. As selected by Architect from manufacturer's complete color line. r EXECUTION 1. Application a. Conform to ANSI A108.5 for tile, ANSI A108.10 for grout, and TCA Assembly F113 -89. 2. Installation: a. Install expansion and contraction joints in locations shown on Drawings per TCA E3171 -89. Coordinate with Architect. 3. Protection: a. Protect floors from foot traffic for at least 48 hours and general traffic for at least 72 hours after installation. Prohibit heavy traffic on floors for at least 7 days after installation. END OF SECTION 09 300 Division 09 Section 09 300 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 300/ 6 09 500 ACOUSTICAL TREATMENTS GENERAL 1. Division 09 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Maintenance Materials: a. Provide Owner with 16 sq ft of tile for future use. 3. Product Storage: a. Store materials where protected from moisture and damage. b. Use no soiled, scratched, or broken material in the Work. 4. Environmental Conditions: a. Temperature at time of setting tile shall be 70 deg F minimum. See Section 01 513. 5. Coordination: a. Coordinate with other Sections involved. 6. Execution: a. Preparation 1) Inspect for defects in backing and support which are not acceptable to produce a first class job. Do not apply material until defects are corrected. 2) Materials shall be dry and clean at time of application. b. Installation 1) Work shall be in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations insofar as they are concerned with Contract Documents. Lay out tile symmetrically about center lines of room unless shown otherwise by Drawings. 3) Leave tile in true plane with straight, even joints. 4) Locate fixtures symmetrically in room insofar as possible (unless shown otherwise). Locate fixtures within tile spaces or centerline on tile joints. Keep method of locating fixtures as consistent as possible throughout building. Fixture location method within each room shall always be consistent. c. Adjustment Cleaning 1) "Touch -up" minor abraded surfaces. 2) Remove from site all debris connected with work of this Section. 3) Remove and replace discolored tile to match adjacent tile. Division 09 Section 09 500 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 500/ 1 4 09 510 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 09 513 tile suspended Remove and replace damaged or out -of -level tile at no cost to Owner. GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish and install tile for suspended ceilings. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Suspension System specified in Section 09 100. PRODUCTS 1 Tile: a. Mineral Fiber Lay -in Panels for UL time -rated assemblies. b. Finish 1) Architect to select color from manufacturer's complete color line. c. Rating 1) Meet applicable UL fire resistance classification design for one hour rating in corridors. d. Pattern 1) 12 "x12" 4 panel layout on 2x2 tile. Fissured with teqular edge. e. Thickness 1) 5/8 inch minimum. f. NRC Range 1) .55 to .65 minimum g. Approved Manufacturers 1) Armstrong World Industries Co, Lancaster, PA 2) Celotex Corp, Tampa, FL 3) Manville Corp, Denver, CO 4) National Gypsum Co, Buffalo, NY 5) U S Gypsum, Chicago, IL 6) Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. EXECUTION 1. Install lay -in panels in accordance with Manufacturer's instructions. 09 530 ACOUSTICAL INSULATION. BARRIERS WALL TREATMENTS GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing acoustical insulation and systems where required in Contract Documents. Division 09 Section 09 500 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 500/ 2 b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation specified in Division 06. PRODUCTS 1. Fiberglass Insulation: a. Provide unfaced in R -11 or R -19 as required by Contract Documents. b. Approved Manufacturers 1) U S Gypsum Company, Chicago, IL 2) Owens- Corning Fiberglass Corp, Toledo, OH 3) Manville Corp, Denver, CO 4) Equals as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. 2. Acoustical Sealant: a. Non hardening, non bleeding, and non drying resilient water based caulk. b. Approved Manufacturers 1) Acoustical Sealant by U S. Gypsum Company. 2) Acoustical Sealant BA -98 by Pecora Corp. 3) Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. 3. Penetration Foam: a. "3 -6548 RTV" silicone foam as manufactured by Dow Corning. b. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. 4. Fiberglass Sill Sealer: a. 1" thick x 6" wide, low density fiberglass as manufactured by Owens Corning Fiberglass. b. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. 5. Resilient Channels: a. RC -1 as manufactured by U.S. Gypsum Corp. b. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. EXECUTION 1. General: a. Fabricate as indicated on Drawings. b. Wood or metal members to be properly secured in place; straight true and plumb. 2. Acoustical Walls: a. Walls detailed for acoustical performance are to be constructed to be completely sealed airtight. b Electrical boxes are to be sealed with caulking to not let air pass through the back or side openings. Electrical boxes shall not Division 09 Section 09 500 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 500/ 3 be placed back to back in a wall. Minimum offset between electrical boxes to be 18" in partition walls between adjacent rooms. c. Caulk each layer of gypsum wallboard along each untaped edge around entire perimeter with acoustical sealant to seal airtight. When two layers of gypsum wallboard are used, stagger all joints between first layer and second layer. The second gypsum wallboard layer is to be attached to the first gypsum wallboard layer with screws and adhesive. On walls taller than 10', apply one gypsum wallboard layer horizontally, and second gypsum wallboard vertically. The order of vertical horizontal layering to be determined by Contractor When resilient channels are specified, apply per manufacturer's directions, and with top of channel toward the gypsum wallboard 3. Penetrations: a. Penetrations of acoustical walls or floors by piping, conduit, or ductwork larger than 1 -1/2" diameter, shall be made by providing a sheet metal 18 gauge sleeve covering the entire inside perimeter of a 1" oversized wall or ceiling cut (does not apply to concrete block). This sleeve shall be plastered to the wall, ceiling, or floor to ensure an airtight seal. b. Penetrations smaller than 1 -1/2" in diameter do not require the metal sleeving, but shall be sealed airtight with acoustical caulk or RTV foam. c. Where acoustical double walls are penetrated, a separate sleeve shall be cut and fit to each side of the wall (allow no sleeve connection between walls). Fill penetration gap between the penetrating duct and the sleeve with RTV foam as specified under above. 09 532 ACOUSTICAL WALL PANELS GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing acoustical wall panels in multi purpose room as described on drawings. a. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation specified in Section 06 200. r Division 09 Section 09 500 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 500/ 4 PRODUCTS 1. Wall panel cores shall consist of 1" thick 4 lb per cubic foot density rigid fiverglass board, with .065 thick perforated co- polymer face sheet foumulated to be flexible enough to return to a flat condition after heavy impact. 2. Sizes as shown on Drawings. Standard maximum size is nominal 4'x10'. Panels to be manufactured to field dimensions verified by installing contractor. 3. Mounting shall be my manufacturer provided mechanical clips. 4. All panel components shall have a class "A" Flame spread rating of 25 or less per ASTM E -84. 5. Panels shall have a minimum noise reduction coefficient of (N.R.C.) of .80, in accordance with ASTM test procedures #C -423 Type A mounting. 09 545 SPECIAL CEILING FINISHES GENERAL 1. Division 09 GENERAL applies to this Section. 09 548 acoustical ceiling texture GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To- 1) Providing acoustical texture on ceiling of multi purpose room. 2. Submittals: a. See Section 01 630. PRODUCTS 1 Material: a. K -13 "FC" Acoustical Treatment 2. Color: a. Light Grey 3. Thickness: a. 3/4 inch minimum 4. Approved Manufacturer's: a. International Cellulose Corporation, Houston, TX b. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. Division 09 Section 09 500 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 500/ 5 EXECUTION 1. The acoustical contractor shall examine all surfaces and report all unsatisfactory conditions in writing to the General Contractor and Architect. The work shall not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3. Surface Preparation: a. Surfaces to receive sprayed acoustical material shall be inspected prior to application to determine if priming /sealing is required to insure bonding and /or to prevent discolorization caused by substrate bleed through. Prime accordingly. 4. Coordinate all work with other trades whose work may be affected or have an effect on the installation of the sprayed acoustical material. r 2. Provide masking, drop cloths or other satisfactory coverings for all materials /surfaces which are not to receive sprayed acoustical material so as to prevent damage from overspray. END OF SECTION 09 500 Division 09 Section 09 500 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 500/ 6 09 550 WOOD FLOORING GENERAL 1. Division 09 GENERAL applies to this Section. 09 596 SANDING FLOORS EXECUTION 1. 09 597 FINISHING FLOORS GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Refinishing flooring as required form demolition work. r Sanding Order: a. Make sure floor is free of moisture. b. Sand with heavy, power driven type sander. Use dust accumulator on machine. c. Sweep floors clean. d. Traverse cuts in both directions going with grain of wood. Advance only one board at a time on fine cuts, slower on coarse. e Sand with #2 -1/2 or #2 grit sandpaper. f. Make sure floor is sanded level before sanding with medium grit sandpaper. g Sand with #1/2 grit sandpaper. h. Sand with #1/0 grit sandpaper. i. Sand edges with #1/2 grit spinner paper. j. Disk sand with #2/0 disking paper. k. Scrape corners and other areas not reached by machine. GENERAL 1. Protection: a. Keep floor free of traffic for 48 hours minimum after application of final coat and allow no social or athletic activities for one week. PRODUCTS 1. Approved Manufacturers: No substitutes. a. "Absolute Gymnasium Type Finish By Absolute Coatings Inc, Bronx, NY b. "Champion Gymnasium Finish" or "Cure -O- Thane" by Magee Industries Inc, Des Plaines, IL c. "Dura Seal Gymthane Finish by Dura Seal Division of Minwax Company Inc, Montvale, NJ d. "Gold Medalist Wood Gymnasium Finish" by Hillyard Chemical Company, St Joseph, MO e "Seal -O -San Gym Finish" or "Triple XXX Seal -O -San" by Huntington Labs. Inc, Huntington, IN f. "Super Pinnacle Urethane Gym Finish by Federal International Chemicals, Wheeling, IL Division 09 Section 09 550 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 550/ 1 EXECUTION 1. Cleaning and finishing shall be according to Gym Finish Manufacturer's directions. 2. Allow for adequate ventilation to insure proper curing. r END OF SECTION 09 550 Division 09 Section 09 550 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 550/ 2 09 650 RESILIENT FLOORINGS GENERAL 1. Division 09 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Storage Protection: a. Store materials so as to avoid soiling and damage. b. Store materials at not less than 70 deg F for at least 24 hours before using. See Section 01 513 3. Do not apply in temperatures below 70 deg F. See Section 01 513. 4. Execution: a. Inspect surfaces for conditions not suitable for first class installation. Remedy cracks and minor irregularities in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. Do not start work until defects are corrected. Start of work by this trade constitutes acceptance of substrate. b. Apply concrete slab primer if recommended by resilient flooring manufacturer prior to application of adhesive. Apply in compliance with manufacturer's recommendations. c. Install flooring in manner to produce smooth, even finished surfaces tightly jointed and accurately aligned in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. 1) Fit neatly against projections, piping, electrical service outlets, etc. 2) Leave flooring level, free from buckles, cracks, and projecting edges. 3) Extend resilient flooring into toe spaces, door reveals, and in closets and similar openings. 4) Lay flooring from center marks established with principal walls, discounting minor offsets, so that tile at opposite edges of room are of equal width. Adjust as necessary to avoid use of cut widths less than 3" at room perimeter. Lay flooring square to room axis and as directed by Architect. 5) Provide resilient edgestrips at all unprotected edges of flooring, unless noted otherwise. c. Inspect floors, make necessary adjustments within one month after mechanical heat or other heat has been supplied continuously in finished areas. Division 09 Section 09 650 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 650/ 1 09 665 RESILIENT SHEET FLOORING GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing and installing sheet flooring and integral cove base where indicated on Drawings. GENERAL 2. Submittals: a. Submit samples to Architect for approval prior to commencing work. See Section 01 630. PRODUCTS 1 Flooring: a. Colors 1) To be selected by Architect. b. Approved Manufacturer Style 1) Mannington commercial "Fine Fields" 2 Adhesive: a. Water- resistant type. Best grade in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Corner Edge Trim: a. As recommended by Sheet Vinyl Manufacturer. EXECUTION 1. See Section 09 650 General. 2. Install in accordance with Manufacturer's written instructions for a warranted direct glue application. 09 678 RESILIENT BASE ACCESSORIES Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish and install molded rubber products as described in Contract Documents. 2. Protection: a. Keep traffic away until adhesive has set. 3. Submittals: a. Submit samples to Architect for approval. See Section 01 630. PRODUCTS 1. Rubber Material: a. Homogeneous, first quality rubber compound, free of foreign materials, properly vulcanized, free from objectionable odors, blisters, cracks, and other defects affecting appearance or serviceability of rubber and shall not contain fabric. Division 09 Section 09 650 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 650/ 2 b. Color pigments used shall be highly fade resistant, insoluble in water, and resistant to light, alkali and other cleaning agents. c Colors as selected by Architect. 2. Base: a. Molded or Extruded /Vulcanized rubber. b. Size 1/8" x 4 c. Use preformed external corners, butt joint interior corners. d. Style 1) Use straight base at all areas. e. Approved Manufacturers 1) Burke Flooring Products, San Jose, CA 2) Flexco, Tuscumbia, AL 3) Johnsonite Flooring Products Div, Middlefield, OH 4) Roppe Rubber Corporation, Fostoria, OH. 3. Adhesive: a. Best for work as recommended by Manufacturer. EXECUTION 1. Surface to receive rubber shall be sound, clean, free from foreign matter, tightly nailed, and dry. 2. Installation: a. Fit rubber tightly. Use fillers where necessary. b. Secure rubber with Manufacturer's approved adhesive. Cement base substantially to vertical surfaces including cabinet work base. c. Line up top and bottom lines of base throughout. d. Roll rubber until firm bond has been established. t END OF SECTION 09 650 Division 09 Section 09 650 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 650/ 3 09 680 CARPET GENERAL 1. Division 09 GENERAL applies to this Section. 09 686 SHEET CARPET. DIRECT GLUE DOWN GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Labor, materials, and equipment necessary for complete, finished carpet installation. 2. Environmental Requirements: a. Temperature shall be 60 deg F minimum and 95 deg F maximum for seven days prior to installation of carpet and continuously during installation. See Section 01 513. 3. Requirements of Reaulatory Agencies: a. Carpet specified meets Class I (0 -25) flame spread requirements when tested in accordance with ASTM E 84 -84, "Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials 4. Installer Qualification: a. Carpet layer shall be skilled mechanic who has served full two -year apprenticeship and installs carpet as a full time profession. 5. Submittals: a. Submit samples showing colors and patterns available to Architect for selection. See Section 01 340. 6. Guarantee: a. Provide one year free service for correcting conditions resulting from faulty workmanship. Faulty workmanship shall include but not be limited to 1) Open seams 2) Over compressed (humped) seams 3) Frayed seams 4) Air bubbles or wrinkles 5) Failure to neatly butt to walls and around door frames. PRODUCTS 1. Carpet: a. Style 1) Aspects b. Manufacturer 1) Mannington Commercial c. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. r Division 09 Section 09 680 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 680/ 1 EXECUTION 1. 2. Glue -Down Carpet Accessories: a. Adhesive 1) 41 -3100 by Roberts Consolidated Industries, City of Industry, CA. 2) Multi- purpose Adhesive #356 by W W Henry Company, Huntington Park, CA b. Plastic Trim Strips 1) Resilient vinyl as manufactured by Mercer Plastic Co. 2) Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. 3. Floor Patching Compound: a. Ardex K -15 by Ardex Inc, Coraopolis (Pittsburgh), PA b. Webpatch by Durabond PRofessional Products Company c. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. Notify Architect in writing if base is not acceptable. Do not lay carpet over unsuitable surface. 2. Installation: a. Seaming 1) Lengthwise in Corridors in order to minimize cross seams. 2) Lay other rooms parallel to respective Corridors and still permit best use of available carpet. b. Restrict use of small pieces of carpet to complete job with carpet available to small rooms other than offices. Laving of Glue -Down Carpet: a. Seal concrete with a sealer recommended by Carpet Manufacturer and compatible with adhesive. Damp mop area of application. b. Trim selvedge and two rows of pile from longitudinal edges. c. Cut two pieces of carpet to length plus trim and lay in place forming seam by method recommended by Carpet Manufacturer. Snap a chalk line to mark seam location. d. Turn each piece back approximately 3 feet from seam and spread adhesive uniformly for 2 feet each side of chalk line. e. Unroll one piece of carpet into adhesive. Roll out air bubbles towards seam. Unroll second piece toward seam and work cut edge into adhesive to pick up sufficient adhesive to "butter" seam. Roll out air bubbles in second piece toward seam. Division 09 Section 09 680 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 680/ 2 f. Roll up uncemented portion of first piece toward seam. Apply adhesive and unroll carpet into adhesive. Roll out air bubbles away from seam. Do likewise with second piece but omit adhesive for 2 feet from uncemented edge where next seam will occur. Cut off excess carpet. g. Cut next length of carpet and lay in place. Repeat installation procedure. h. Use seam adhesive along trimmed edges of seamed area. i. At columns and other penetrations, cut carpet with maximum possible overage. Position seams made by these cuts first. j. Use carpet bars at exposed edges. 4. Salvage: a. Usable pieces of carpet left over from installation are property of Owner. Roll neatly and store in one location in building. Remove scraps and trimmings from site. END OF SECTION 09 680 Division 09 Section 09 680 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 680/ 3 09 900 PAINTING GENERAL 1. Division 09 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) All painting as required by Contract Documents. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Painting mechanical equipment specified in Division 15 3. Product Delivery Storage: a. Deliver specified products in original containers with seals unbroken and labels intact. b. Store materials in single place. c. Keep storage area clean and rectify damage thereto. Maintain storage area temperature at 55 deg F minimum 4. Environmental Conditions: a. Perform painting operations at temperature conditions recommended by Manufacturer for each operation. See Section 01 513. 5. Protection: a. Remove all oily rags and waste from building each night. Take every precaution to avoid danger of fire. b Protect finish work and adjacent materials during painting. 6. Products: a. Linseed oil, shellac, turpentine, and other painting materials shall be pure, of highest quality, and bear identifying labels on containers. b. Tinting color shall be best grade of type recommended by Manufacturer of paint or stain used on job. c. Approved Manufacturers 1) Benjamin Moore, Montvale, NJ 2) Fuller O'Brien, South San Francisco, CA 3) Parker Paints, Tacoma, WA 4) PPG Industries, Pittsburgh, PA 5) Pratt Lambert, Buffalo, NY 6) The Sherwin Williams Company, Cleveland, OH d. For the purpose of this specification, Parker Paints has been listed as the guide. Other approved manufactures shall submit documention with submittals to assure conformance with products specified. Division 09 Section 09 900 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 900/ 1 r 7. Execution: a. Preparation 1) Examine Contract Documents for painting requirements of other trades. Become familiar with their painting provisions and the painting of finish surfaces left unfinished by the requirements of other Sections. 2) Surfaces to be painted shall be clean and free of loose dirt. Clean and dust surfaces before painting or finishing. 3) Wash metal surfaces with mineral spirits to remove dirt and grease before applying materials. Where rust or scale is present, use wire brush or sandpaper to clean before painting. Clean shop coats of paint that have become marred and touch up with proper type primer. 4) Treat galvanized metal and zinc surfaces as specified and in accordance with Manufacturer's directions before applying first paint coat. 5) Sand smooth, woodwork to be finished with enamel, stain, or finish varnish Clean surfaces before proceeding with first coat application. 6) Fill holes and cracks in surfaces to receive paint or stain. 7) Back and endprime all exterior wood or wood other wood subjected to moisture. b. Workmanship 1) Carefully follow Specifications and color schedule, painting complete all surfaces to be painted. 2) Spread materials smoothly and evenly. 3) Do no exterior painting while surface is damp, unless recommended by Manufacturer, nor during rainy or frosty weather. Interior surfaces shall be dry before painting. 4) Putty nail holes in wood after first coat using natural colored type to match wood finish. Bring putty flush with adjoining surfaces. 5) Finished work shall be uniform, of approved color, smooth, and free from runs, sags, defective brushing, rolling, clogging, and excessive flooding. 6) Read color schedule for rooms before priming walls. Tint priming coat and undercoat to approximate shade of final coat. 7) Touch up suction spots after application of first coat. Division 09 Section 09 900 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 900/ 2 8) Use fine sandpaper between coats to produce even, smooth surfaces. 9) Paint shall be thoroughly dry before applying succeeding coats. 10) Make edges of paint adjoining other materials or colors clean, sharp, and without overlapping. c. Protecting Other Surfaces Good painting practice excludes splattering, dripping or painting any surfaces not intended to be painted. These items will not be spelled out in detail but special attention must be paid to the following 1) Do not paint finish copper, bronze, chromium plate, nickel, stainless steel, anodized aluminum, or monel metal except as explicitly specified. 2) The cones of ceiling speakers must be kept completely free of paint. Metal grilles over ceiling speakers must be masked -off, if the ceiling is being spray painted. If it is required that these grilles be painted, it shall be carefully done with brush or roller after the spray painting is complete d. Adjustment Cleaning 1) At completion of job, touch up work to match specified finish Repaint areas damaged during construction to specified finish at no cost to Owner. 2) Upon completion of the work, remove paint spots from floors, walls, glass, or other surfaces and leave work clean, orderly, and in acceptable condition Remove debris caused by work of this Section from premises. 09 901 EXTERIOR OPAQUE FINISHES 09 903 paint on plain iron steel GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Steel doors and frames 2. Design Criteria: a. Systems specified are in addition to prime coats provided by other Sections. PRODUCTS 1. Flat: a. Parker Paints 1) First Coat 1677 Anti Rust Primer 2) Second Coat 19XX Overall Exterior Latex Division 09 Section 09 900 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 900/ 3 2. Gloss: a. Parker Paints 1) First Coat 1677 Anti Rust Primer 2) Second Coat 1XXX Gloss Marathon Enamel EXECUTION 1. See appropriate paragraphs of Section 09 900 09 904 paint on exterior galvanized iron GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Painting exposed exterior galvanized metal. PRODUCTS 1. Flat: a. Parker Paints 1) First Coat G -31 Galv -A -Grip Primer 2) Second Coat 19XXX Overall Exterior Latex EXECUTION 1. EXECUTION 1. 2 Gloss or Semi Gloss: a. Parker Paints 1) First Coat G -31 Galv -A -Grip Primer 2) Second Coat 1XXX (42XX Semi- Gloss) Gloss Marathon Alkyd Enamel See applicable paragraphs of Section 09 900. a. Treat galvanized metal and zinc surfaces prior to applying first coat of paint. b. Prime surface. c. Apply finish coats. 09 905 paint on exterior masonry or concrete PRODUCTS 1. Flat: a. First Second Coats 1) Parker Paints 19XX Overall Exterior Latex See applicable paragraphs of Section 09 900. a. Except for steam cured products, cement type surfaces shall cure from 30 to 90 days in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations before painting. b. Application 1) On highly porous surfaces when weather is exceptionally hot and dry, it may be desirable to dampen surface before applying first coat of an emulsion paint. 2) Completely cover voids in masonry block but do not fill. 3) Roll after spraying if necessary to eliminate p1nholing. r Division 09 Section 09 900 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 900/ 4 09 906 paint on exterior wood PRODUCTS 1. Flat: a. Parker 1) First Coat 2) Second Coat 2. Semi Gloss: a. Parker 1) First Coat 2) Second Coat EXECUTION 1. See appropriate paragraphs in Section 09 900. 09 910 EXTERIOR TRANSPARENT FINISHES 09 911 stains GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Staining new, open grain woods. PRODUCTS 1. Approved Systems: a. Parker Paints 1) Two Coats Semi- transparent to match existing City Hall. EXECUTION 1. See appropriate Sections in General 09 900. 09 915 INTERIOR OPAQUE FINISHES 09 917 painted interior masonry walls PRODUCTS 1. Semi Gloss: a. Parker Paints 1) First Coat 2347 Parker Block Filler 2) Second Coat 38XX Wall Glo Latex Semi Gloss EXECUTION 1. See appropriate paragraphs in General Section 09 900. 09 918 paint on interior drywall PRODUCTS 1. Rest Rooms. Custodial Rooms and Kitchen: a. Pittsburgh Paints 1) First Coat Pitt -Glaze Pigmented Sealer 2) Second Coat Pitt -Glaze High Solids Acrylic Epoxy 2. Other Interior Drywall: a. Parker Paints t Division 09 Section 09 900 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 900/ 5 EXECUTION 1. 3. Primer Only: a. On wall and ceiling surfaces designated on Drawings to receive textured finish, or vinyl wall covering, apply one coat of drywall primer from a specified Paint Manufacturer or from Texture Manufacturer. See appropriate paragraphs of Section 09 900 General. a. Apply primer only with roller. 09 919 paint on interior metal 1) First Coat 1843 PVA Primer (Under Texture) 2) Second Coat 38XX Wall Glo Latex Satin GENERAL 1. Design Criteria: a. Systems specified below are in addition to prime coat furnished by other Sections. PRODUCTS 1. Gloss: a. Parker Paints 1) First Coat 1677 Anti -Rust Primer 2) Second Coat 1XXX Marathon Gloss Alkyd Enamel EXECUTION 1. See appropriate paragraphs of Section 09 900. 09 920 paint on interior wood GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Painting woodwork not requiring transparent finish. PRODUCTS 1 Semi Gloss: a. Parker Paints 1) First Coat 1700 Oil Undercoat 2) Second Coat 1XXX Marathon Semi -Gloss Alkyd Enamel EXECUTION 1. See appropriate paragraphs of Section 09 900. 09 930 INTERIOR TRANSPARENT FINISHES 09 932 lacquer on interior doors PRODUCTS 1. Approved Systems: a. Parker Paints 1) First Coat Sanding Sealer 2) Second Third Coats Clear Lacquer Division 09 Section 09 900 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 900/ 6 EXECUTION 1. r See appropriate paragraphs of Section 09 900 General. a. Finishing of Doors 1) Surfaces shall be clean and dry. 2) Sand lightly with 3/0 or 5/0 sandpaper and clean before applying finish. Sand again between coats. 3) Make certain surfaces are dry before applying next coat. 4) Apply finish as soon as door is fitted Top and bottom edges shall receive at least two coats of sealer after door has been fitted ready to hang. Finish and refinish doors with no hardware applied to doors. 5) Avoid finishing too soon after a rain or damp weather and during periods of higher than average humidity. Allow ample time for wood to dry before applying finish. END OF SECTION 09 900 Division 09 Section 09 900 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 900/ 7 D I V I S I O N 1 0 S P E C I A L T I E S GENERAL 1. General Conditions and Division 01 apply to this Division. 10 100 TACKBOARDS 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish materials, labor, and equipment for completion of work unless indicated or noted otherwise. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Required blocking in framed walls specified in Section 06 100. 3. Product Storage: a. Store materials where advised by Contractor to avoid hindering work of other Sections and to avoid damage or soiling of materials. GENERAL 1. Division 10 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing of tackboards, and specified hardware. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation specified in Section 06 200. 3 Shop Drawings: a. See Section 01 340. Guarantee: a. Manufacturer shall provide Owner with letter certifying Contract Documents have been complied with and a guarantee against faulty workmanship and materials for five years. PRODUCTS 1. Tackboard: a. 1/4 inch burlap reinforced natural cork faced with 25 oz minimum cloth supported vinyl meeting requirements of Fed Spec CCC -W -408 Type 2 and UL rated for 25 flame spread minimum. b. Color as selected by Architect. c. Backing 1) C -D grade plugged and touch sanded plywood or particle board, back primed. 2. Trim: a. Extruded aluminum with a satin etched and anodized finish 6063 -T5 Alloy. Division 10 Section 10 100 March, 1991 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 10 100/ 1 1) Extrusions shall match thickness of units without wedging. 2) Color as selected by Architect. 3) Round all sharp edges. 3. Approved Manufacturers: a. A -1 School Equipment Inc, Santa Fe Springs, CA. b. Claridge Products and Equipment Inc, San Leandro, CA. c. Greensteel Inc, Dixonville, PA. d. Lemco Corporation, Salt Lake City, UT. e. Nelson -Adams Company, Burlingame, CA. 4. Fabrication: a. Prefabricate units at factory and ship to jobsite in one piece complete with mounting attachments suitable for wall conditions. Units shall be of first quality and lamination done by approved standards of industry. Furnish printed cleaning instructions with each shipment. EXECUTION 1. Install in accordance with Manufacturer's printed instructions. r END OF SECTION 10 100 Division 10 Section 10 100 March, 1991 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 10 100/ 2 10 150 COMPARTMENTS CUBICLES 10 152 plastic laminate compartment and cubicles GENERAL 1. Division 10 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes but not limited to 1) Furnish and install material. 2) Floor mounted, overhead braced plastic laminate toilet partitions and urinal screens. 3. Shop Drawings: a. See Section 01 340. PRODUCTS 1. Toilet Miscellaneous Partitions: Floor mounted, overhead braced, except as noted otherwise. a. Panels 1) Wood Particle Board: a) Composed of wood chips made with waterproof resin binders. b) 3 ply, 45 ib. density. c) Sanded faces. 2) Plastic Laminate: a) General purpose type conforming to FS L -p -508. b) 1/16 inch thick c) Colors selected by Architect from stock colors. 3) Adhesive Thermo setting plastic resin glue type, moisture resistant type. b. Headrails 1) 1x1 -5/8 inch polished chrome ,plated heavy cast non ferrous metal with cast socket type wall brackets. c. Pilaster Shoes 1) ASTM A167, Type 302 stainless steel, No. 4 finish. 2) 3 inches high, with adjustable screw jacks. d. Attachments, Screws and Bolts 1) Stainless steel, theftproof type. 2) Heavy duty extruded aluminum brackets or stainless steel. e. Hardware 1) Chrome plated non ferrous or stainless steel cast pivot hinges; gravity type, adjustable for door close positioning; bottom hinge finished flush with door bottom. 2) Nylon bearings. Division 10 Section 10 150 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 10 150/ 1 r 3) Sliding door bolt, meeting Washington State Handicapped requirements;door strike and keeper with rubber bumper. 4) Cast alloy chrome plated coat hook and bumper. f. Urinal Screens 1) Same construction as panels above, floor mounted. 2) Width shall be as noted on Drawings. 2. Fabrication: a. Fabricate partitions by applying plastic laminate finish to faces and edges of core materials using adhesive and pressure bonding. Seal edges of cut -outs. b. Partition panels and Doors: 7/8 inch thick. c. Pilasters: 1 -1/4 inch. d. Reinforce pilaster with steel plate sandwiched in particle board. e. Raise and bevel cormers and edges. 3. Approved Manufacturers: a. Bobrick, "Series 1042." b. Ampco Products, Inc., "Designer Series c. Mid South, Type B. d. National Partitions, Inc. e. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 632. EXECUTION 1. Verify correct location of built -in framing,anchorage, and bracing, where required. 2. Install partitions secure, plumb and square. 3. Provide 1/2 inch space between wall and panels and between wall and end pilasters. 4. Attach panel brackets securely to walls using appropriate anchor devices. 5. Attach panels and pilasters to bracket with through bolts and nuts with tamperproof heads. Locate headrail joints at pilaster center lines. 6. Provide for adjustment of floor variations with screw jack through steel saddles intergral with pilaster. Conceal floor fastenings with stainless steel shoes. 7. Equip each door with hinges, one door latch, and one coat hook and bumper. 8. Install door strike keeper with door bumper on each pilaster in alignment with door latch. Division 10 Section 10 150 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 10 150/ 2 9. Adjust and align hardware to uniform clearance at vertical edges of doors not exceeding 3/16 inch. 10. Adjust hinges to locate doors in partial open position when unlatched, except that out -swing doors thall return to closed position. 11. Repairing of defects in plastic laminate surfaces at jobsite not permitted; provide new parts at no additional expense to Owner. END OF SECTION 10 150 Division 10 Section 10 150 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 10 150/ 3 10 520 FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALTIES GENERAL 1. Division 10 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Extinguishers with cabinets 3. Coordinate with Sections involved for proper wall openings. PRODUCTS 1. Fire Extinguishers: a. Units shall be ten pound dry powder ABC stored pressurized type equipped with pressure gauge and which does not need recharging except after use. b. Instructions for repairs, maintenance, and recharging shall be attached. c. Unit shall be tested and approved by UL and have a minimum 2A10B:C UL rating for rooms 121 127 and 40B:C UL rating for room 118. UL rating shall appear on extinguisher labels and be attached to and a part of fire extinguisher units. 2. Fire Extinguisher Cabinets: a. Cabinets shall be two piece type and have steel tubs in shop prime finish with return trim, aluminum doors. Supply each cabinet with one fire extinguisher specified above. b. Approved Models for Loggia 121 Prefunction 127 1) Larsen AL 2409 -R1 vertical duo 2) Modern Metal Products Model 102 -R1 vertical duo 3) Potter Roemer Model 7040 -DV c. Approved Models for Kitchen 1) Larsen AL 2409 sm vertical duo 2) Modern Metal Products Model 102SM -5 vertical duo. 3) Potter Roemer Model 7044 -DV EXECUTION 1. Securely mount cabinets and hangers plumb with wall surfaces. 2 Trim for cabinets shall be neat in appearance. END OF SECTION 10 520 Division 10 Section 10 520 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 10 520/ 1 10 650 OPERABLE WALLS GENERAL 1. Division 10 GENERAL applies to this Section. 10 655 ACCORDION FOLDING PARTITIONS GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing and installing of folding partitions and adjustable headers. 2. Shop Drawings: a. See Section 01 340. PRODUCTS 1. Colors Patterns: a. As selected by Architect from standard colors. EXECUTION 1. 2. Supply folding sound partitions with sweep strips which contact header and finish floor continuously across opening with 1/8 to 1/4 inch distortion. 3. Partitions shall be easily operated by one person. 4. Construction: a. Two parallel walls of panels, independently suspended with no inner frame or connections except at the leadpost. b. Interior surfaces of both walls shall be completely covered with a continuous blanket of 2 lb. density foil -back fiberglass secured to each panel with spring clips. c. Acoustical performance shall be a minimum STC of 48. 5. Approved Manufacturer Model Numbers: a. Won -Door Corporation, Salt Lake City, UT 1) "Dura- Sound" Series b. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. Cleaning: a. At completion of work of this Section, clean building of trash associated with work of this Section and dispose of on site as directed by General Contractor. END OF SECTION 10 650 Division 10 Section 10 650 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 10 650/ 1 10 800 TOILET BATHROOM ACCESSORIES GENERAL 1. Division 10 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish items listed below for each rest room complete with proper attaching devices except grab bars to be furnished only where shown on Drawings. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation specified in Section 06 200. 3. Submittals: a. Submit schedule showing items used, location where installed, and conformance with Contract Documents. b. See Section 01 340. r PRODUCTS 1. Approved Manufacturers: a. American Specialties, Inc Yonkers, NY 10701 b. Bobrick Washroom Equipment Inc, North Hollywood, CA c. Bradley Corp, Mount Laurel, NJ d. General Accessory Manufacturing Co. 10203 Corkwood, Suite 111, Dallas, TX 75238 e. McKinney Manufacturing Co, Scranton, PA 2. Approved Models: a. Toilet Tissue Dispensers For bathrooms 110 111; 119 123 1) ASI Model 0263 -1 w/ 0266 hood 2) Bobrick Model B6699 3) Bradley Model 5402 b. Towel Dispensers For bathrooms 110 111 1) ASI Model 0457 SR2 2) Bobrick Model 3634 3) Bradley Model 244 -10 For bathrooms 119 123 1) ASI Model 0457 2) Bobrick Model B -359 3) Bradley Model 2441 c. Towel Disposal For bathroom 110 1) ASI Model 0453 SR2 2) Bobrick Model B -3656 P 3) Bradley Model 315 -35 -10 For bathrooms 111, 119, 123 1) ASI Model 0453 2) Bobrick Model 6 -365 P 3) Bradley Model 315 -35 Division 10 Seciton 10 800 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 10 800/ 1 EXECUTION 1. d. Soap Dispensers One at each lavatory. For bathrooms 110, 111, 119, and 123 1) ASI Model 0328 2) Bobrick Model B -822 3) Bradley Model 6304 e. Seat Cover Dispenser One at each stall. 1) ASI Model 0477 SM 2) Bobrick Model B -221 3) Bradley Model 583 f. Mirrors Glass without channel frame. Size as shown on Drawings. g Grab Bars at Handicapped Stall Type as shown on Drawings 1) ASI Model 3200 2) Bobrick Model B -550 3) Bradley Series 8122 Install items in accordance with Manufacturer's instructions. Provide mounting devices proper for base structure 2. Where possible, mount like items in adjoining compartments back -to -back on same partition. 3. Locate as shown on Drawings if location is indicated or as specified below. a. Toilet Tissue Dispenser 1) One at each water closet. b. Towel Dispensers Soap Dispensers 1) One each at every location where lavatory or group of lavatories is found. END OF SECTION 10 800 Division 10 Seciton 10 800 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 10 800/ 2 D I V I S I O N 1 5 M E C H A N I C A L 15 010 GENERAL MECHANICAL PROVISIONS GENERAL 1. Description: a. General Information: 1) The other Contract Documents complement the requirements of this section. 2) Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. 2. Work Included: a. Include all labor, material, equipment, transportation and services to furnish and install complete mechanical systems and alterations as shown on the drawings and herein specified. The work includes, but is not limited to: 1) All plumbing work. 2) Connection to all utilities. 3) Ventilation. 4) Heating and Air Conditioning. 5) Insulation. 6) Temperature controls. 3. Submittals: a. Contractor shall submit for review, one sepia and one print of any shop drawings and six copies of literature, and equipment list within 30 days after contract is let. Include control diagrams. b. Submit prior to fabrication or delivery. c. Submit complete, at one time. Partial submittals will not be considered. d. Catalog sheets shall be complete and the item or model to be used shall be clearly marked. Note on the submittal the equipment mark from the contract document. e. List substitute items separately and so identified. f. Form: Submittals shall be in booklet form. The data shall be arranged and indexed under basic categories. A typewritten index shall be included with dividers and identifying tabs between sections and references to sections of the specifications. 4. Handlina: a. Deliver packaged materials in unbroken packages, manufacturer's label thereon; do not open packages or remove labels until Architect inspects and approves. 5. Construction Schedule: a. Refer to Section 01310, Para. 1.06. SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 15010/ 1 PRODUCTS 1. Materials: a. All materials shall be new and best of their kind. They shall be U.S. made and bear the U.L. label where possible. b. All products shall be new and in use at least 3 calendar years and shall have a factory office or authorized representative within 100 road miles of the site who have represented the product for at least 3 calendar years. Products specified by name and /or number are exempt from this provision and products that are a later or new model of ones that meet these provisions are also exempt from these provisions. EXECUTION 1. SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS UERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 2. Substitutions: a. In all cases in this specification where an article is followed by the words "or acceptable to Architect the Architect is the sole judge of the quality of the proposed substitution. b. When the Architect accepts a substitution, the acceptance is given with the understanding that the Contractor guarantees the article or material substituted to be equal to or better in every respect than the article or material specified. The Contractor shall also assume complete responsibility that the article or material will fit the job as far as space, access and servicing requirements. c. Where several materials are specified by name for one use, select for use any of those so specified. d. Whenever item or class of material is specified exclusively by detail specification, trade name, manufacturer's name or by catalog reference, use only such item, unless written acceptance is given for substitution prior to bid. Submit written requests at least 10 days prior to bid opening. e. Make no substitutions for materials, articles or process required under contract unless written acceptance is obtained. See the General Requirements. Drawinas: a. The mechanical drawings are generally diagrammatic. Complete details of the building which affect the mechanical installation may not be shown. For additional details, the Contractor is referred to the Architectural, Structural, Civil, Landscaping and Electrical drawings. 15010/ 2 2. Codes. Ordinances and Permits: a. All work shall comply with all applicable codes and ordinances. Take out and pay for all inspection fees and permits. Compliance with codes and ordinances shall be at the Contractor's expense. Include all connection fees in Bid. 3. Measurements: a. Verify all measurements at the job site. Locate all equipment and fixtures on the centers of walls, openings, spaces, etc. Check all piping, ducts, etc. to clear openings. 4. Testing: a. Test all piping before backfilling or covering. The Architect or a representative is to be present at all tests. Notify Architect at least 48 hours before an expected test. See also Section 15060 8. b. Water Piping: Test all water piping systems at 125 psi water pressure and hold for four (4) hours. Test in sections before covering. Test entire system when completely installed. Repair any defects shown by test and retest until entirely tight. c. Waste and Sewer Piping: Test all waste, sewer and vent piping by filling with water to roof. Hold for four hours. Test in sections as work progresses. Repair any defects shown by test and retest until entirely tight. 5. Cleaning Up and Housekeeping: a. Leave all equipment clean and ready for use. b. Remove all labels, paint, plaster, etc., from fixtures, equipment and piping. c. At final completion, remove all rubbish and waste resulting from the work from the site. d. On a periodic basis, remove all piping, duct scraps, etc., from working areas and site so that an orderly construction may continue. 6. Operatina Instructions and Maintenance Manuals: a. Provide per Section 01300. 7. Record Drawinas: a. Provide per Section 01300. 8. Penetration of Rated Construciton: a. Provide firestopping around all ducts and piping passing through rated construction. 9. Cutting and Patchina: a. Do all cutting and patching required for the work. Cutting of structural members shall be done with Architect's approval. Patching shall match the surrounding area. SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 15010/ 3 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS UERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 10. Interference: a. The Mechanical Contractor's attention is called to the restricted space for installation of mechanical systems. Offsets, rerouting and coordination will be required to fit all elements in available space and the Mechanical Contractor shall include provisions for such in his bid. b. Ductwork and light fixtures take precedence over piping and all piping shall be routed to clear these. c. Ductwork shall be installed as required to clear light fixtures. Provide offsets, V or sleeves as required. 11. Workmanship: a. All work shall be installed in accordance with best trade practice. Any substandard workmanship shall be removed and replaced at no extra cost to the Owner. 12. Site Work: a. Do all excavation required for the work. Backfill per requirements of Architectural Specs. Do all required. Remove surplus earth from site. b. Do all cutting and patching required for the work. Cutting of structural members shall be done only with the Architect's approval. Patching shall match the surrounding area. c. Visit site and note all conditions affecting the work before submitting a bid. Include all charges from Utility Companies in bid. 13. Electrical Equipment and Wirina: a. Scope: 1) Motors, starters, electrical equipment, and control equipment shall be provided for all equipment provided and /or installed by the Mechanical Contractor. 2) All motors and controls provided by the Mechanical Contractor shall be wired by the Mechanical Contractor from an outlet or switch near the equipment which is provided under the Electrical Contractor. 3) All electrical equipment and wiring shall conform to the "Electrical" section of the specifications. b. Motors: 1) Motors shall be 120 volt, 1 phase, 208 volt, 3 phase or 480 volt, 3 phase for 60 cycle operation. See plans. 2) Motor controls shall consist of a magnetic across the -line starter for motors with "run- off auto" button for all 30 motors. Provide Westinghouse or equal MS switch 15010/ 4 14. Operating Instructions and Maintenance: a. Mechanical Equipment Maintenance Manuals: 1) The Mechanical Contractor shall prepare maintenance manuals for the servicing of all equipment installed as a part of the construction contract. 2) The information contained in the manuals shall be grouped in an orderly arrangement under basic categories; i.e., Ventilation Equipment, Heating Equipment, Plumbing, and Temperature Control, as a minimum. 3) The manuals shall have a typewritten index and divider sheets between categories with identifying tabs. 4) The information contained in the manuals shall include the operating and maintenance information and parts lists furnished by the manufacturer, together with supplementary drawings, when necessary, to show system operation and indicate operating, servicing and maintenance points. 15. As -Built Drawinas: a. Provide the Architect with as -built drawings. As -built drawings shall be new, reproducible and shall show the measured locations of all concerned portions of the work and shall show all changes the Contractor has made. 16. Identification and Labeling: a. All control equipment shall be labeled as to service and voltage with a 1/8" 5 -ply lamacoid nameplate with 1/4" white letters on a black background. b. All equipment on roof shall be labeled with an engraved copper nameplate riveted to equipment. c. All equipment within building shall be labeled with painted on stencils 2" high. d. Provide labels and arrows at 20' on center on all water piping. 17. Underground -Type Plastic Line Marker: a. Manufacturer's standard permanent, bright burial service, not less than 6" wide x 4 mils thick. Provide tape with printing which most accurately indicates type of service of buried pipe. SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS UERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 1 i_ r =i :7 for all 10 motors. Motor controllers shall be provided and installed by Mechanical Contractor. 5) Data incorporated into manuals shall be neat, clean copies. Drawings shall be accordion folded. 15010/ 5 18. Access Panels: a. Provide Milcor or equal access panels in ceiling, walls, etc., as required for access to work installed by Mechanical Contractor. 19. Racks. Stands Supports: a. Provide racks, stands supports for all equipment supplied in Division 15. Sizes shall be such that equipment is adequately supported. SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS WERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER END OF SECTION 15010 15010/ 6 -.7- 15 011 SPECIAL PROVISIONS GENERAL 1. Description: a. General Information: 1) The other Contract Documents complement the requirements of this section. 2) Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. 2. Definitions: a. "Furnish" means supply and deliver to the job site. b. "Install" means build into the work, ready to use in a complete finished and operable system. c. "Accepted or Acceptance" means written acceptance by the Owner or "Owner's agent d. "Work" or "Project" means the entire scope of work required by the Contract Documents. e. "Substantial completion" shall mean that the entire project (or readily definable portion thereof if so designated in the contract documents) is acceptable to code enforcement authorities and to the extent required by such authorities, has been inspected and approved by such authorities, and is suitable for occupancy by the owner or occupant for the purpose intended. f. "Provide" means furnish and install for a complete finished and operable system. 3. Certification: a. By submitting a bid on the mechanical system, the mechanical subcontractor acknowledges and /or certifies the following: 1) That he has carefully examined all the drawings and Specifications (including but not limited to architectural, site, utility, structural and electrical drawings and specifications); that he fully understands the drawings and specifications; that he fully understands the Contract requirements and has determined to his satisfaction that the drawings and Specifications are adequate to complete the mechanical system; and that he can provide a complete finished and operable system in accordance with the intent of the contract documents. 2) That he has had a reasonable opportunity to discover any ambiguities in the Specifications and drawings or questions with regard to the contract documents and such ambiguities have been brought to the attention of the architect /engineer in writing prior to submitting the bid. SECTION 15011 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER SECTION 15011 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ,VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 3) That he has reviewed the project progress schedule with the General contractor, fully understands the schedule, and he has verified, prior to submitting a bid, availability of all necessary labor and materials including supervision and office backup, and can comply with the schedule requirements. 4) That there may be changes to the scope of work and that he understands that any proposal submitted for performance of additional work over and above that required by the basic contract will include all costs to the contractor associated with such change including but not limited to labor, materials, subcontracts, equipment, taxes, fees, schedule impact, loss of efficiency, supervision, overhead and profit. 5) That the contract requires him to coordinate his work with that of all other trades and that the responsibility for coordination includes the rerouting, offsets, etc., to fit work in the structure in a manner that is compatible with the work of other trades in the same area. 6) That the routing of the elements of the mechanical system included in the plans is schematic only and that offsets and rerouting probably will be required in installation, and labor and materials have been included for such in his bid. 7) That he has consulted with all affected Utilities and included in his bid all labor and materials to meet all requirements which may be imposed by each utility and has also included in his bid all costs and fees to be paid to such utilities, including temporary services and temporary and permanent connections unless specifically excluded in basic contract Documents. 8) That he understands the submittals of material and equipment to the Architect is for the purpose of establishing what the contractor is supplying for the project. Any review undertaken by the Architect does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to furnish and install all materials and equipment required for his work in the project nor does such review relieve the contractor of his 15011/ 2 PRODUCTS Not used. EXECUTION Not used. SECTION 15011 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER responsibility for coordination with contractors, subcontractors or designers to ensure that such materials and equipment will fit and be suitable for the purpose intended. 9) The contractor agrees to receive the prices set forth in his bid as full compensation for furnishing all the materials and labor which may be required in the prosecution and completion of all work required under the contract documents, and in all respects to complete the contract work to the satisfaction of the Architect. END OF SECTION 15011 15011/ 3 15 060 PIPE, TUBE FITTINGS GENERAL 1. Description: a. General Information: 1) The other Contract Documents complement the requirements of this section. 2) Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. 2. Quality Assurance: a. Brazing: Certify procedures, brazers, and operators in accordance with ANSI B31.5. 3. Submittals: a. Submit manufacturer's product data, specifications, and installation instructions for each type of pipe, tube and fitting. b. Submit reports as required for brazing certifications. PRODUCTS 1. Piping Materials: a. Galvanized Seamless Steel Pipe: ASTM A53, or Al20. b. Copper Tube: ASTM B88. c. DWV Copper Tube: ASTM B 306. d. Hubless Cast -Iron Soil Pipe: CISPI 301, with coupling assembly, CISPI 310. e. Hub and Spigot Cast -Iron Soil Pipe: ASTM A74. 2. Pipe /Tube Fittings: a. Cast -Iron Flanged Fittings: ANSI B16.1. b. Cast -Iron Threaded Fittings: ANSI B16.4. c. Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings: ANSI B16.3; galvanized for galvanized piping systems. d. Malleable Iron Threaded Unions: ANSI B16.39. e. Threaded Pipe Plugs: ANSI B16.14. f. Cast -Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings: ANSI B16.12. g. Pipe Nipples: Same piping material as connecting piping; Schedule 80 for 1 -1/2" unthreaded length with pipe sizes less than 1- 1/4"; no close nipples allowed. h. Wrought- Copper Solder -Joint Fittings: ANSI B16.22. i. Cast Copper Solder -Joint Drainage Fittings: ANSI B16.23. j. Wrought- Copper Solder -Joint Drainage Fittings: ANSI B16.29. k. Copper -Tube Unions: ANSI B16.15. 1. Rubber Gasket Joints: ANSI A21.11; AWWA C111. m. Hubless Cast -Iron Soil Pipe Fittings: CISPI 301. n. Hub -and Spigot Cast -Iron Pipe Fittings: ASTM A74. 3. Miscellaneous Piping Materials /Products: SECTION 15060 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 15060/ 1 EXECUTION 1. a. Soldering Materials: Provide one of the following for each service: 1) Tin -Lead Solder: ASTM B32, Grade 50A; for drainage piping. 2) Tin Antimony Solder: ASTM B32, Grade 95TA; for pressure piping. b. Piping Connectors for Dissimilar Non Pressure Pipe: Elastomeric annular ring insert, or elastomeric flexible coupling secured at each end with stainless steel clamps, sized for exact fit to pipe ends and subject to approval by plumbing code. General: a. Install pipe, tube and fittings in accordance with recognized industry practices which will achieve permanently leakproof piping systems, capable of performing each indicated service without piping failure. Install each run with minimum joints and couplings, but with adequate and accessible unions for disassembly and maintenance replacement of valves and equipment. Reduce sizes (where indicated or required) by use of reducing fittings. Align piping accurately at connections, with 1/16" misalignment tolerance. 2. Thread Pipe: a. Thread pipe in accordance with ANSI B2.1. Apply pipe joint compound or pipe joint tape (Teflon) on male threads and tighten joint to leave not more than 3 threads exposed. 3. Solder Joints: a. Comply with applicable provisions of "Copper Tube Handbook" by CDA. 4. Flanaed Joints: a. Match flanges within piping system, and at connections with valves and equipment. Clean flange faces and install gaskets. Tighten bolts to provide uniform compression of gaskets. 5. Hubless Cast -Iron Joints: a. Comply with CISPI 310. 6. Cleanina, Flushina, and Insbectina: a. General: Clean exterior surfaces of installed piping systems of superfluous materials, and prepare for application of specified coatings (if any). Flush out piping systems with clean water before proceeding with required tests. Inspect each run of each system for completion of joints, supports, and accessory items. 1) Inspect pressure piping in accordance with procedures of ANSI B31. SECTION 15060 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 15060/ 2 SECTION 15060 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 2) Disinfect water mains and water service piping in accordance with AWWA C601. See also sterilization paragraph in Section 15401. 7. Pioinct Tests: a. General: Provide equipment for testing, test before insulation is installed, remove control devices before testing. See Section 15010 4. b. Repair piping systems section which fail test, by disassembly and re- installation, using new materials to overcome leakage. Do not use chemicals, stop -leak compounds, mastics, or other temporary repair methods. c. Drain test water from piping systems after testing and repair work has been completed. END OF SECTION 15060 15060/ 3 15 080 PIPING SPECIALTIES. GENERAL 1. Description: a. General Information: 1) The other Contract Documents complement the requirements of this section. 2) Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. 2. Submittals: a. Submit manufacturer's technical product data, assembly -type shop drawings, and maintenance data. PRODUCTS 1. General: a. Provide factory- fabricated piping specialties recommended by manufacturer for use in service indicated. Provide piping specialties of types and pressure ratings indicated for each service, or if not indicated, provide proper selection as determined by Installer to comply with installation requirements. Provide sizes as indicated, and connections, which properly mate with pipe, tube, and equipment connections. Where more than one type is indicated, selection is Installer's option. 2. Pipe Escutcheons: a. Provide pipe escutcheons with inside diameter closely fitting pipe outside diameter, or outside of pipe insulation where pipe is insulated. Select outside diameter of escutcheon to completely cover pipe penetration hole in floors, walls or ceilings; and pipe sleeve extension, if any. Furnish pipe escutcheons with nickel or chrome finish for occupied areas, prime paint finish for unoccupied areas. 1) Install pipe escutcheons on each pipe penetration thru floors, walls, partitions, and ceilings where penetration is exposed to view; and on exterior of building. Secure escutcheon to pipe or insulation so escutcheon covers penetration hole, and is flush with adjoining surface. 3. Vandal -Proof Vent Caps: a. Provide cast -iron vandal -proof caps and vent through roof at composition roof, full size of vent pipe. 1) Manufacturer: Josam, Smith, Wade or Zurn, for vent cap and vent through roof. SECTION 15080 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS TERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 15080/ 1 EXECUTION 1. 4. Dielectric Unions: a. Provide standard products recommended by manufacturer for use in service indicated, which effectively isolate ferrous from non- ferrous piping (electrical conductance), prevent galvanic action, and stop corrosion. 1) Manufacturer: Atlas Products, Capital Mfg., Eclipse, Epco, FMC, McNally, PSI Industries, or Stockham. 5. Pipe Sleeves: a. Provide pipe sleeves of one of the following: 1) Sheet Metal: Fabricate from galvanized sheet metal; round tube closed with snaplock joint, welded spiral seams, or welded longitudinal joint. Fabricate from the following gages: 3" and smaller, 20 ga; 4" to 6 16 ga; over 6 14 ga. 2) Steel -Pipe: Fabricate from Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe; remove burrs. 3) Iron -Pipe: Fabricate from cast -iron or ductile -iron pipe; remove burrs. SECTION 15080 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER Installation: a. Install vandal -proof vent caps on each vent pipe passing through roof, and elsewhere as indicated. Locate base of vent cap 6" above roof surface, or higher where required by Code. Coordinate vent thru roof locations to avoid valleys and ridges in roof. Install leak tight. b. Install dielectric unions at each piping joint between ferrous and non ferrous piping. Comply with manufacturer installation instructions. c. Install pipe sleeves of types indicated where piping passes through walls, floors, ceilings, and roofs. END OF SECTION 15080 15080/ 2 15 090 SUPPORTS. ANCHORS. AND SEALS GENERAL 1. Describtion: a. General Information: 1) The other Contract Documents complement the requirements of this section. 2) Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. 2. Standards: a. MSS Standard Compliance: Comply with the following: 1) Provide pipe hangers and supports of which materials, design, and manufacture comply with MSS SP -58. 2) Select and apply pipe hangers and supports, complying with MSS SP -69. 3) Fabricate and install pipe hangers and supports complying with MSS SP -89. 4) Terminology used in this section is defined in MSS SP -90. 3. Submittals: a. Submit catalog cuts, specifications, installation instructions, and dimensioned drawings for each type of support, anchor and seal. 4. General: a. Except as otherwise indicated, provide factory fabricated pipe hangers and supports complying with MSS SP -58, of one of the following MSS types listed, selected by Installer to suit piping systems, in accordance with MSS SP -69 and manufacturer's published product information. Use only one type by one manufacturer for each piping service. Select size of hangers and supports to exactly fit around piping insulation with saddle or shield for insulated piping. Provide copper plated hangers and supports for copper piping systems. PRODUCTS 1. Hanaer -Rod Attachments: a. Steel Turnbuckles: MSS Type 13. b. Steel Clevises: MSS Type 14. 2. Flashing Materials: a. Furnish flashings for each penetration of mechanical systems through roof or waterproof membranes to installer responsible for installation of flashings, as specified in Division -7 sections. Installation; not work of this section. SECTION 15090 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 15090/ 1 EXECUTION 1. SECTION 15090 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 1) Flashing shall be compatible with composition roof system to provide a leak tight installation. See Section 15080 2.04 for vent thru roof flashing. Installation: a. Install building attachments at required locations within concrete or on structural steel for proper piping support. Space attachments within maximum piping span length indicated in MSS SP -69. Install additional supports at concentrated loads, including valves, flanges, guides, strainers, expansion joints and at changes in direction of piping. END OF SECTION 15090 15090/ 2 15 100 VALVES GENERAL 1. Description: a. General Information: 1) The other Contract Documents complement the requirements of this section. 2) Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. PRODUCTS 1. General: a. Provide factory- fabricated valves recommended by manufacturer for use in service indicated. Provide valves of types and pressure ratings indicated; provide proper selection as determined by Installer to comply with installation requirements. Provide sizes as indicated, and connections which properly mate with pipe, tube, and equipment connections. Where more than one type is indicated, selection is Installer's option. EXECUTION 1. 2. Submittals: a. Submit manufacturer's technical product data, assembly -type shop drawings, and maintenance data. 2. Gate Valve: a. Select valves designed for repacking under pressure when fully opened, equipped with packing suitable for intended service. Select valves designed so back seating protects packing and stem threads from fluid when valve is fully opened, and equipped with gland follower. Comply with the following standards: 1) Cast -Iron Valves: MSS SP -70. 2) Bronze Valves: MSS SP -80. 3) Steel Valves: ANSI B16.34. 4) Manufacturer: Crane, Fairbanks, Hammond, Jenkins, Milwaukee, NIBCO, Powell, Stockham, or Walworth. SECTION 15100 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER Installation: a. Install valves where required for proper operation of piping and equipment, including valves in branch lines where necessary to isolate sections of piping. Locate valves so as to be accessible and so that separate support can be provided when necessary. b. For size 2" and smaller, provide ball valves for section and shutoff valves. For size greater than 2" use butterfly or gate valves. END OF SECTION 15100 15100/ 1 15 250 MECHANICAL INSULATION GENERAL 1. Description: a. General Information: 1) The other Contract Documents complement the requirements of this section. 2) Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. 2. Flame /Smoke Ratings: a. Provide composite mechanical insulation (insulation, jackets, coverings, sealer, mastics and adhesives) with flame spread index at 25 or less, and smoke developed index of 50 or less,. as tested by ASTM E84 (NFPA 225) method. 3. Submittals: a. Submit manufacturer's technical product data, installation data, maintenance data and certifications for each type of required insulation. 4. Energy Code: a. All ductwork and piping shall be insulated at a minimum to the Washington State Energy Code requirements, and as herein specified. PRODUCTS 1. Materials: a. Fiberglass Pipe Insulation: FS HH -I -558, Form D, Type III, Class 12. b. Fiberglass Pipe Fitting Insulation: FS HH -I- 558, Form E, Class 16. c. Fiberglass Duct Insulation: FS HH -I -558, Form B, Type I, Class 6. d. Fiberglass Duct Liner (Soundlining): FS HH -I- 545, Form B, Type L. e. Staples, Bands, Wires and Cement: As recommended by insulation manufacturer for applications indicated. f. Adhesives, Sealers, and Protective Finishes: As recommended by insulation manufacturer for applications indicated. g. Vapor Barrier Material: FS HH -B -100, Type 1 paper- backed aluminum foil, strength and permeability rating equivalent to adjoining insulation jacketing. 2. Manufacturers: a. One of the following: 1) CertainTeed Corp., Knauf Fiber Class, Manville Corp., Owens Corning Fiberglass Corp. Section 15 250 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 15250/ 1 3. Plumbina Piping System Insulation: a. Omit insulation on exposed plumbing fixture run outs, (except at handicapped fixtures) from face of wall or floor to fixture; on unions, flanges, strainers, flexible connections, and expansion joints. 1) Insulate the following cold plumbing piping systems: a. Domestic cold water piping. 2) Insulate the above with the following insulation: a. Fiberglass, 1" thick exposed, 1/2" thick concealed. 3) Insulate the following hot water piping systems: a. Domestic hot water piping. 4) Insulate the above with the following insulation: a. Fiberglass: 1" thick for pipe sizes up to and including 2" with all service jacket. Section 15 250 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER END OF SECTION 15250 15250/ 2 15 401 DOMESTIC WATER PIPING GENERAL 1. Description: a. General Information: 1) The other Contract Documents complement the requirements of this section. 2) Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. 2. Compliance: a. Comply with applicable Plumbing Code Standards pertaining to materials, products, and installation of domestic water piping. 3. Submittals: a. Submit manufacturer's technical product data, assembly -type shop drawings, and maintenance data. PRODUCTS 1. General: a. Basic piping materials and products required for work of this section, are specified in Division -15 Basic Materials and Methods sections. 2. Pipe, Tube and Fittings: a. Domestic Water Piping: 1) Copper Tube: Type -L hard -drawn temper; wrought- copper fittings; soldered joints with 95 -5 solder. EXECUTION 1. Piping Runouts to Fixtures: a. Provide hot and cold water piping runouts to fixtures of sizes indicated, but in no case smaller than that required by Uniform Plumbing Code. Provide 16" air cushion at each fixture in full size of pipe. Provide shut -off on each waterline at each fixture. 2. Water Hammer Arrestors: a. Provide water hammer arrestor at far ends of hot and cold water mains and at dead ends of branch piping. SECTION 15401 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER END OF SECTION 15401 15401/ 1 15 405 SOIL. WASTE VENT PIPING SYSTEM GENERAL 1. Description: a. General Information: 1) The other Contract Documents complement the requirements of this section. 2) Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. 2. Standards: a. Plumbing Code Compliance: Comply with applicable Plumbing Code Standards pertaining to materials, products, and installation of drainage piping and equipment. b. PDI Compliance: Comply with applicable PDI Standards pertaining to produces and installation of soil and waste piping systems. c. Submittals: Submit manufacturer's technical product data, assembly -type shop drawings, and maintenance data. d. Work under this section shall be installed in accordance with the applicable provisions of: 1) ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials. 2) APWA Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction, American Public Works Association, 1981 edition as referenced herein. 3) WISHA Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act. 4) AASHO American Association of State Highway Officials "Standard Specifications for Highway Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing." 5) WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation standard plans and specifications for road, bridge and municipal construction. PRODUCTS 1. General: a. Basic piping materials and products required for this section, are specified in Division 15 Pipe, Tube Fittings section. Provide products of types, sizes, ratings, and characteristics indicated, which comply with manufacturer's standard materials, design, and construction in accordance with published product information; provide proper quantity of piping and equipment as required for complete installation. SECTION 15405 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1ERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 15405/ 1 T Y 2. Pipes. Tubes Fittings: a. Provide one of the following selections at Installer's option: 1) Copper Tube: Type DWV, cast bronze, solder -joint drainage pattern fittings, solder joints. 2) Cast -Iron Hub and Spigot Soil Pipe: Service weight, cast iron hub and spigot soil pipe fittings with compression gaskets. 3) Cast -Iron Hubless Soil Pipe: Service weight cast -iron hubless soil pipe fittings; hubless joints. 4) Galvanized Steel Pipe: Schedule 40, Class 125 galvanized cast -iron, drainage pattern fittings, screwed joints. b. Underground Building Drain Piping: 1) Cast -iron hub and spigot soil pipe fittings, compression. 2) Cast -Iron Hubless Soil Pipe: Service weight; cast -iron hubless soil pipe fittings; hubless joints. c. Supports, Anchors and Seals: Provide factory fabricated hangers, supports and anchors complying with MSS SP -69. Install, complying with MSS SP -89. d. Drainage Piping Products: 1) Cleanout Plugs: Cast bronze or brass, threads complying with ANSI B2.1, countersunk head. Install in cleanouts as indicated and as required by Plumbing Code. e. Floor Cleanouts: Cast -iron body and frame; adjustable round top as follows: 1) Nickel- Bronze Top: Pattern to suit adjacent floor finish. Install in occupied areas. 2) Cast -Iron Top: Pattern to suit adjacent floor finish. Install in unoccupied areas. f. Wall Cleanouts: Cast -iron body adaptable to pipe with cleanout plug, stainless steel round cover and screw. g Vent Flashings: For built -up roofs, provide 4- pound seamless lead roof flashing, minimum of 30" round with conical steel reinforcing boot. h. Vent Flashing Sleeves: For built -up roofs, provide cast -iron caulking type roof coupling for cast -iron stacks, cast -iron threaded type roof coupling for steel stacks, and cast bronze stack flashing sleeve for copper tubing. Install on stacks over vent flashings. Drainage Piping Products Manufacturer: Josam, Smith, Wade or Zurn. SECTION 15405 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 15405/ 2 EXECUTION 1. j SECTION 15405 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER Floor Drains: 1) D -1: Provide Duco Cast -Iron body and flashing collar with protector cap and nickel bronze adjustable strainer head with secured square hole, vandal -proof grate, trap primer connection. Outlet as sized on drawings, round top. 2) Manufacturer: J.R. Smith 2005 -A -U -P or Josam, Wade or Zurn. General: a. Equipment Connections: Provide soil and waste piping runouts to plumbing fixtures and drains, with approved trap, or sizes indicted; but in no case smaller than required by Plumbing Code. b. Piping Tests: 1) Test soil and waste piping system in accordance with requirements of National Standard Plumbing Code. c. Coordinate with soil and waste piping as necessary to interface floor drains with drainage piping systems. d. Install floor drains in accordance with written manufacturer's instructions, at low points of surface areas to be drained, or as indicated. Set tops of drains flush with finished floor. Coordinate with architectural drawings. e. Install drain flashing collar or flange so that no leakage occurs between drain and adjoining flooring. Maintain integrity of waterproof membranes, where penetrated. 2. Sewer Lines: a. Installation: Install underground building drains as indicated and in accordance with Plumbing Code. Lay underground building drains beginning at low point of systems, true to grades and alignment indicated with unbroken continuity of invert. END OF SECTION 15405 15405/ 3 15 410 PLUMBING GENERAL 1. Description: a. General Information: 1) The other Contract Documents complement the requirements of this section. 2) Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. EXECUTION 1. 2. Work Included: a. Provide and install all plumbing fixtures and equipment specified herein and indicated on the drawings. 3. Submittals: a. Submit manufacturer's technical product data, assembly -type shop drawings and maintenance data. PRODUCTS 1. Plumbing Fixtures: a. Provide all plumbing fixtures indicated on drawings and specified on Plumbing Schedule. American Standard or equal units of- Kohler, Elkay, Haws or Halsey Taylor are acceptable. (Use Chicago faucets only (no substitute) where specified). SECTION 15410 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER Fixtures: a. Fixtures shall be installed where shown on plans, complete with traps, valves, stops and all fittings. All fixtures shall be firmly anchored against movements. Locate in center of area allowed. Fixtures shall be installed complete with all fittings and numbers shall include the fittings as if they were completely listed and specified with each fixture. Provide caulking between wall and fixture on all wall hung fixtures. Provide 18" air cushion on hot and cold water supply pipes at each fixture. b. See architectural plans for mounting heights of all fixtures. c. Locate water closet support face plate against studs. END OF SECTION 15410 15410/ 1 15 700 HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING EOUIPMENT GENERAL 1. Description: a. General Information: 1) The other Contract Documents complement the requirements of this section. 2) Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. 2. Work Included: a. Provide and install all heating equipment specified herein and indicated on the drawings. PRODUCTS 1. Packaaed Heat Pumps: a. General: Provide complete; in accordance with manufacturer's details, size and capacity as indicated on the plans. b. Cabinet and Chassis: Unit casing shall be constructed of zinc coated, heavy gauge, galvanized steel. All components shall be mounted in a weather resistant steel cabinet with a painted exterior. Cabinet construction shall allow for all maintenance on one side of the unit. The indoor air section shall be completely insulated with fire resistant, permanent, odorless glass fiber material. c. Economizer: The assembly includes: fully modulating 0 -100% motor and dampers barometric relief, minimum position setting, preset linkage, wiring harness with plug, and fixed dry bulb. The barometric relief damper shall be gravity closing and prohibit entrance of outside air during the equipment "off" cycle. Solid state enthalpy and differential enthalpy control shall be provided. SECTION 15700 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS �I ERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER d. Filter: 1) The filter shall be of the one piece, total air type handling the total volume of the unit on complete recirculation, complete outdoor air or a mixture of both. 2) Each unit shall be fitted with an American Air Filter renewable type filter consisting of a permanent frame filled with Amerglas disposable media. e. Other requirements as specified on Mechanical Equipment Schedule. 2. Exhaust Fans: a. Units shall be direct drive axial roof fans. Heavy guage aluminum housing with weather baffle at the top of air shaft. Fan wheel shall be balanced and selected to provide quiet performance. 15700/ 1 EXECUTION 1. SECTION 15700 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1ERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER b. Other requirements as specified on Mechanical Equipment Schedule. General: a. Equipment shall be installed per details on drawings and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. b. All equipment shall be tested for proper operation and left in operating order. c. Provide new filters at project completion. Also provide one extra set for future use. END OF SECTION 15700 15700/ 2 15 870 OUTLETS, INLETS AND DUCTWORK GENERAL 1. Description: a. General Information: 1) The other Contract Documents complement the requirements of this section. 2) Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. 2. Compliance: a. ADC Compliance: Test and rate registers, grilles, and diffusers in accordance with ADC Equipment Test Code 1062R4, provide Certified Ratings Seal on each unit. b. AMCA Compliance: Test and rate louvers, dampers, and shutters in accordance with AMCA Standard 500, provide Certified Ratings Seal on each unit. c. Comply with all pertinent codes and regulations, recommendations of Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Associations, Inc. (SMACNA). 3. Submittals: a. Submit manufacturer's technical product data, assembly -type shop drawings, and maintenance data. PRODUCTS 1. Ceiling Air Diffusers: a. General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide manufacturer's standard ceiling air diffusers with fire dampers; of size, shape, capacity and type indicated; constructed of materials and components indicated; and as required for complete installation. b. Ceiling Compatibility: Provide diffusers with border styles that are compatible with adjacent ceiling systems, and that are specifically manufactured to fit into ceiling module with accurate fit and adequate support. Refer to general construction drawings and specifications for types of ceiling systems which will contain each type of ceiling air diffuser. c. Types: Provide ceiling diffusers of type, capacity, and with accessories and finishes as specified and scheduled on Drawings. 1) Manufacturers: One of the following: a. Anemostat Products Div., Dynamics Corp. of America. b. Barber Coleman Company. c. J &J. SECTION 15870 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS TERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 15870/ 1 EXECUTION 1. SECTION 15870 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER d. Environmental Elements Corp., Titus Products Div. e. Krueger Mfg. Co. f. Tuttle Bailey Div., Interpace Corp. g. Carnes 2. Reaisters and Grilles: a. General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide manufacturer's standard wall registers and grilles of size, shape, capacity and type indicated; constructed of materials and components as indicated, and as required for complete installation. b. Types: Provide wall or ceiling registers and grilles of type, capacity, and with accessories and finishes as scheduled on drawing. c. Manufacturers: One of the following: 1) Anemostat Products Div., Dynamics Corp. of America. 2) Krueger Mfg. Company. 3) J &J. 4) Carnes 3. Sheet Metal a. Fabricate all sheet metal work of galvanized iron in accordance with the following U.S. gages: Maximum Diameter of Round Duct or Maximum Dimension of Side of Minimum Rectanaular Duct in Inches US Gaae Up to 12 26 13 to 30 24 b. Duct Fabrication: 1. Construct and design in accordance with the latest edition of the ASHRAE Guide and SMACNA Standards. 2. Seal all joints and seams of ductwork air tight with Scotch brand pressure sensitive tape or duct sealer. 3. Crimp flat duct surfaces diagonally or bead regardless of size. 4. Make duct transitions with a slope of not more than 15 degrees with the air stream. 5. Turning Vanes: Make turns with a throat radius of not less than the duct width, or use turning vanes. Installation: a. General: Install outlets and inlets in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and in accordance with recognized industry practices to insure that products serve intended functions. 15870/ 2 SECTION 15870 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER b. Coordinate with other work, including ductwork and duct accessories, as necessary to interface installation of outlets and inlets with other work. c. Unless otherwise indicated, locate units in center of acoustical ceiling modules. END OF SECTION 15870 15870/ 3 15 900 TEMPERATURE CONTROLS GENERAL 1. Description: a. General Information: 1) The other Contract Documents complement the requirements of this section. 2) Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. 2. Work Included: a. Include all labor, material, equipment, transportation and services to furnish and install complete temperature control system to perform control functions specified herein. PRODUCTS 1. General: a. Contractor shall provide all materials necessary for operation of the system as specified. All components shall be by one manufacturer. b. Provide all motorized valves and operators, motorized dampers and operators, clocks, relays, conduit, wiring, etc., required including wiring for thermostats. EXECUTION 1. Installation: a. All conduit and wiring shall be run concealed in finished spaces. Wall mounted thermostats shall be 5' -0" above finished floor. Install all materials as required for complete system. 2. Testing and Adiustment: a. Upon completion of installation, all temperature control equipment and systems shall be calibrated, set and tested under operating service by the supervising personnel. 3. Seauence of Operation: a. Night thermostats cycle units on and off to maintain minimum space temperature one per zone. O.A. dampers closed. SECTION 15900 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER END OF SECTION 15900 15900/ 4 D I V I S I O N 1 6 E L E C T R I C A L GENERAL 1. Comply with general provisions of the Contract, including General, Supplementary, and other Conditions, and with Division 1 Specification Sections. 16 010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REOUIREMENTS r GENERAL 1. Scope: a. The requirements of this Section apply to all the Work of Division 16. b. Provide a complete working installation with all equipment called for in proper operating condition. Documents do not undertake to show or list every item to be provided. When an item not shown or specified is clearly necessary for proper operation of equipment shown or specified, provide an item which will allow the system to function properly at no increase in Contract Sum. 2. Work Included: Include all labor, materials, equipment, transportation and services to furnish and install complete electrical system including: a. Complete system of feeders in conduit to transformer and branch circuit panels as indicated. b. Branch circuit panels for power and lighting as indicated. c. Complete branch circuit wiring system for motors, receptacles, junction boxes, lighting, etc. d. All wall switches, receptacles, etc., as shown on drawings. e. All lighting fixtures complete as shown. f. Wiring up to safety switches for heating and ventilating equipment installed by others. g. Final connections to Owner supplied equipment. h. Complete fire alarm system in conduit for East wing. Connect to existing fire alarm panel. i. Partial conduit systems for CATV, Telephone data systems stubbed into accessible areas. k. New lighting system for Gymnasium with bi -level lighting control. 3. Submittals: a. Submittals shall be in accordance with requirements of Section 01340 and as specified. b. Forward all submittals to the Architect, together, at one time. Individual or incomplete submittals are not acceptable. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 16/ 1 SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 16/ 2 c. Organize submittals in same sequence as they appear in Specification Sections. d. Identify each submittal item by reference to Specification Section paragraph in which item is specified, or Drawing and Detail number. e. Identify each item by manufacturer, brand, trade name, number, size, rating, or whatever other data is necessary to properly identify and review materials and equipment. Words "as specified" are not sufficient identification. f. Submit prior to fabrication or delivery. g. List substitute items separately and so identified. 4. Shop Drawings: a. Show physical arrangement, construction details, finishes, materials used in fabrication, provisions for conduit entrance, access requirements for installation and maintenance, physical size, electrical characteristics, foundation and support details, and weights. b. Catalog cuts and published materials may be included to supplement Shop Drawings. a 5. Contract Closeout Submittals: a. Provide full size copies of "Record" drawings complete, including one -line diagrams. b. Operation and Maintenance: 1) Subsequent to final completion, and testing operations, instruct Owner's authorized representatives in operation, adjustment, and maintenance of electrical systems. 2) Before Owner's personnel assume operation of systems, submit operating and maintenance instructions, manuals, parts lists on electrical system, its component parts, including all equipment which requires, or for which the manufacturer recommends, maintenance in a specified manner. Data sheets shall show complete internal electrical wiring, ratings, and characteristics, catalog data on component parts whether furnished by equipment manufacturer or others, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of source of supply for parts subject to wear or electrical failure, and description of operating, test, adjustment, and maintenance procedures. 6. Oualitv Assurance: r a. Regulatory Requirements: 1) Nothing in the Drawings or Specifications shall be construed to permit Work not conforming to applicable laws, ordinances, rules or regulations. 2) When Drawings or Specifications exceed requirements of applicable laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations, comply with documents establishing the more stringent requirements. 7. Delivery, Storaae and Handling: a. Ship equipment in its original package to prevent damage or entrance of foreign matter. Perform all handling and shipping in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Provide protective coverings during construction. b. Identify materials and equipment delivered to the Site to permit check against approved materials list, and reviewed submittals. 8. Proiect Conditions: a. Rough -in locations for equipment furnished under other Divisions and for equipment furnished by Owner are approximate only. Obtain exact rough -in locations from the following sources: 1) From Shop Drawings for Contractor provided equipment. 2) From Architect for Owner furnished, Contractor installed equipment. 3) From existing equipment where such equipment is relocated under this Contract. PRODUCTS 1. Materials: a. Materials and Equipment General Requirements: 1) All items of materials in each category of equipment shall be of one manufacturer. 2) Groups of items having same or similar function shall be by single manufacturer to facilitate maintenance and service. 3) Compatible with space allocated. Modifications necessary to adjust items to space limitations shall be at Contractor's expense. 4) Conform with conditions shown and specified. Coordinate with other trades for best possible assembly of completed Work. 5) Installed fully operating without objectionable noise or vibration. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 16/ 3 EXECUTION 1. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER r b. Access Doors: Furnish under this Division where shown, required by regulatory agencies, and for access to all concealed electrical items requiring access. Access doors shall be in accordance with requirements of Section 08300. Doors in this Division, Section 08300, and Division 16 shall be from the same manufacturer for identical appearance and keying. Furnish fire rated doors where required. Deliver access doors for installation under Section 08300. Mark each access door to accurately establish its location. c. Materials and Substitutions: 1) All materials shall be UL labeled where labeling service is normally available. 2) In all cases in this specification where an article is followed by the words "or approved equal the Architect is the sole judge of the quality of the proposed substitution. 3) See Division 1 Sections for additional requirements. Installation: a. Electrical drawings are generally diagram- matic. Complete details of the building which affect the electrical installation may not be shown. For additional details, the Contractor is referred to the General, Structural and Mechanical drawings. b. Follow manufacturer's directions in all cases where manufacturers of articles used furnish directions covering points not shown or specified. c. Accurately set and level equipment with supports neatly placed and properly fastened. No allowance of any kind will be made for negligence on the part of the Contractor to foresee means of bringing in and installing equipment in position inside the building. d. Conduit Systems: 1) Work into complete integrated arrangement with like elements. Make Work neat and finished appearing. 2) Run concealed, except where shown otherwise. Where exposed run parallel with walls or structural elements with vertical runs plumb, horizontal runs level; groups racked together neatly with bends parallel and uniformly spaced. e. Outlets: 1) It shall be the responsibility of this Contractor to study the General and Mechanical drawings and specifications and confer with the various trades involved to 16/ 4 SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER r the end that there is no conflict between the electrical outlets and any work of other trades. The following must be checked before installing any work: a. The exact outlet location. b. The location of furred ceilings. c. All door swings. d. All millwork and millwork details. e. All windows and other openings. f. The exact location of all Owner furnished fixtures and equipment. 2) Outlet locations shown are approximate unless dimensioned and the contractor shall verify exact location before installation. The Owner reserves the right to make reasonable changes in outlet location without additional expense. 3) The Contractor shall include in his bid 10 additional receptacles to be installed as directed. Assume 3 wire in 30 feet of 3/4" conduit. f. Discrepancies: Where discrepancies occur between plans and specifications, the Architect will determine which takes precedence. The Contractor shall include in his bid the more expensive way to do the work. g. Blockouts and Bucks: Electrical Contractor shall provide all blockouts and bucks in openings as required for his work. Place in construction as work progresses. Staff project on a regular basis to assure this will progress properly. h. Inserts, Anchors and Racks: 1) Provide hangers, supports, anchors and chases as required for installation of Electrical Work. 2) Placement: Place inserts and anchors in construction as work progresses. Do not interfere with reinforcing rods. Place in forms as rods are being placed. 3) Racks: Contractor shall provide all racks, stands, and supports for his equipment and work as required. Rack and supports shall be steel angle or channel cut to fit neatly and welded or bolted into a sturdy fit. i. Excavating and Backfilling: In accordance with requirements of Section 02200. Provide all necessary shoring, sheeting, and pumping as part of Work of this Division. j. Concrete: In accordance with requirements of Division 3. k. Interface with other products: 1) For purposes of clarity and legibility, Drawings are essentially diagrammatic to the extent that many offsets, bends, 16/ 5 SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER r special fittings, and exact locations of items are not indicated, unless specifically dimensioned. 2) Exact routing of wiring, and locations of outlets, panels, and other items shall be governed by structural conditions or obstructions. Contractor shall make use of data in Contract Documents. In addition, Architect reserves right, at no increase in Contract Sum, to make any reasonable change in location of electrical items exposed at ceilings or on partitions to group them in orderly relationships or to increase their utility. Verify requirements in this regard prior to roughing -in. 3) Take dimensions, location of doors, partitions, and similar features from Architectural Drawings. Verify at the Site under this Division. Consult Architectural Drawings for exact location of outlets, and other items to center with architectural features. Coordinate location of all ceiling mounted items with Section 09120. 1. Visit Site: Before submitting a bid, the Contractor shall visit the site and note all conditions affecting the work. No extra payments resulting from failure of contractor to observe existing conditions will be allowed. Include all labor, materials and costs in bid. 2. Field Oualitv Control: a. Test panels, and circuits for grounds, and shorts with mains disconnected from feeders, branch circuits connected, and circuit breakers closed, all fixtures in place, permanently connected, grounding jumper to neutral lifted, with all wall switches closed. 3. Cleaninci: a. Properly prepare Work under this Division to be finished painted under Section 09900. b. The Electrical Contractor shall periodically remove from the site all debris and rubbish accumulating as a result of the electrical installation. Upon completion of the project, he shall dispose of all debris and rubbish and shall leave manholes and electrical equipment rooms broom clean. The interiors of all cabinets, pull boxes and equipment enclosures shall be free of any debris. Clean all light fixtures, devices and coverplates. See also Section 1 Project Closeout. 16/ 6 4. Eauioment Identification: a. Properly identify panelboards, circuit breakers in panelboards, disconnect switches, starters, and other apparatus used for operation or control of circuits, appliances or equipment. b. Directories: Each distribution and lighting panel shall be equipped with a typewritten directory accurately indicating rooms and /or equipment being served. This includes the main switchboard. All main disconnects in switchboard shall be noted Main Disconnect #1, etc. by means of engraved lamacoid nameplates. c. Circuit Colors: On branch circuits, use shall be made of black red blue -white colors. Emergency circuits shall be identified in red throughout. Where wires of different systems junction in a common box, each cable shall be grouped with its own system and identified, using tags or identification strips. On all 3 phase systems, each phase shall be identified at all terminals using code markers. d. Control Stations: All control stations controlling remote equipment shall be marked to identify the device being controlled and its voltage. e. Panels: All light and power panels, motor starters, remote control stations, etc., shall be identified with engraved lamacoid nameplates fastened to the equipment with escutcheon pins. Nameplates shall be 1/8" 5 -ply lamacoid with 1/4" white letters on a black background. Labels shall state what item is and voltage where applicable. 5. General Tests: a. During the course of construction, the Electrical Contractor shall conduct the following tests on the electrical installation: 1) The ground system shall be tested. 2) All motors shall be checked for proper rotation. b. Upon completion of the project, the Electrical Contractor shall measure load balance on all panels and reconnect loads as may be necessary to obtain a reasonable balance of load on phases to 10% of mean load. 6. Cutting and Patching: a. Do all cutting and patching required for the work. Cutting of structural members shall be done with Architect's approval. Patching shall match the surrounding area. See Section 01045, Cutting Patching. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 16/ 7 GENERAL 1. Comply with general provisions of the Contract, including General, supplementary, and other Conditions, and with Division 1 Specification Sections. 7. Codes, Ordinances and Permits: a. Contractor shall familiarize himself with all requirements as to permits, fees, codes, inspections and approvals. He shall obtain all permits, licenses, arrangements for work at his own expense. All work shall be performed in strict accordance with NEC, National Electrical Safety Code, State of Washington Electrical Code and all other applicable local codes and ordinances. 16 050 SPECIAL PROVISIONS r 2. Definitions: a. "Furnish" means supply and deliver to the job site. b. "Install" means build into the work, ready to use in a complete finished and operable system. c. "Approved or Approval" means written approval by the Owner or Owner's agent. d. "Work" or "Project" means the entire scope of work required by the Contract Documents. e. "Substantial Completion" shall mean that the entire project (or readily definable portion thereof if so designated in the contract documents) is acceptable to code enforcement authorities and to the extent required by such authorities, has been inspected and approved by such authorities, and is suitable for occupancy by the Owner or occupant for the purpose intended. f. "Provide" means furnish and install for a complete finished and operable system. 3. Certification: By submitting a bid on the electrical system, the electrical subcontractor acknowledges and /or certifies the following: a. That he has carefully examined all the drawings and Specifications (including but not limited to architectural, site, utility, structural and mechanical drawings and specifications); that he fully understands the Contract requirements and has determined to his satisfaction that the drawings and Specifications are adequate to complete the electrical system; that he fully understands the drawings and Specifications and that he can provide a complete finished and operable system in accordance with the intent of the contract documents. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 16/ 8 SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER r b. That he has had a reasonable opportunity to discover any ambiguities in the Specifications and drawings or questions with regard to the contract documents and such ambiguities have been brought to the attention of the architect /engineer in writing prior to submitting the bid. c. That he has reviewed the project progress schedule with the General Contractor, fully understands the schedule, and he has verified, prior to submitting a bid availability of all necessary labor and materials including supervision and office backup, and can comply with the schedule requirement. d. That there may be changes to the scope of work and that he understands that any proposal submitted for performance of additional work over and above that required by the basic Contact will include all costs but not limited to labor, materials, subcontracts, equipment, taxes, fees, schedule impact, loss of efficiency, supervision, overhead and profit. e. That the contract requires him to coordinate his work with that of all other trades and that the responsibility for coordination includes the rerouting, offsets, etc., to fit work in the structure in a manner that is compatible with the work of other trades in the same area. f. That the routing of the elements of the electrical system included in the plans is schematic only and that offsets and rerouting probably will be required in installation, and labor and materials have been included for such in his bid. g. That he has consulted with all affected utilities and included in his bid all labor and materials to meet all requirements which may be imposed by such utility and has also included in his bid all costs and fees to be paid to such utilities, including temporary services and temporary and permanent connections unless specifically excluded in basic Contract Documents. h. That he understands that submittals of material and equipment to the Architect Engineer is for the purpose of establishing what the Contractor is supplying for the project. Any review undertaken by the Architect- Engineer does not relieve the Contractor of its responsibility to furnish and install all materials and equipment required for its work in the project nor does such review relieve the contractor of his responsibility for coordination with contractors, subcontractors or designers to ensure that such materials and equipment will fit and be suitable for the purpose intended. 16/ 9 SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER i. The contractor agrees to receive the prices set forth in its bid as full compensation for furnishing all the materials and labor which may be required in the prosecution and completion of all work required under the contract documents, and in all respects to complete the contact work to the satisfaction of the Architect Engineer. The Electrical Subcontractor shall submit with his bid evidence of Consent Surety and the costs to furnish performance and payment bonds as specified in the Electrical Subcontractor Bid Schedule Section 00330. END OF SECTION 16 050 16/ 10 16 110 RACEWAY GENERAL 1. Summary: a. Comply with general provisions of the Contract, including General, supplementary, and other Conditions, and with Division 1 Specification Sections. 2. Compliance: a. NEMA Compliance: Comply with applicable requirements of NEMA Standards pertaining to raceways. b. UL Compliance and Labeling: Comply with applicable provisions of UL safety standards pertaining to electrical raceway systems; and provide products and components which have been UL- listed and labeled. c. NEC Compliance: Comply with NEC as applicable to construction and installation of raceway systems. PRODUCTS 1. Metal Conduit and Tubing: a. General: Provide metal conduit, tubing and fittings of types, grades, sizes and weights (wall thicknesses) for each service indicated. Where types and grades are not indicated, provide proper selection determined by Installer to fulfill with applicable portions of NEC for raceways. b. Rigid Steel Conduit: FS WW -C -0581 and ANSI C80.1. c. Intermediate Steel Conduit: FS WW -C -581. d. Rigid Metal conduit Fittings: FS -W -F -408. 1) Use Type 1 fittings for raintight connections. 2) Use Type 2 fittings for concrete tight connections. e. Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT): FS WW -C -563 and ANSI C80.3. f. EMT Fittings: FS W -F -408. 1) Use compression type fittings. g. Flexible Metal Conduit: FS WW -C -566. 1) Type 2: Zinc coated steel. h. Flexible Metal Conduit Fittings: FS W -F -406, Type 1, Class 1, and Style A. i. Liquid -Tight Flexible Metal Conduit: Provide liquid- tight, flexible metal conduit; construct of single strip, flexible, continuous, interlocked and double- wrapped steel; galvanized inside and outside; coat with liquid -tight jacket of flexible polyvinyl chloride (PVC) j. Liquid -Tight Flexible Metal Conduit Fittings: FS -W -F -406 Type 1, class 3, Style G. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFCATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER EXECUTION 1. 2. Wireways: a. General: Provide electrical raceways of types, grades, sizes, weights (wall thicknesses), number of channels for each type service indicated. Provide complete assembly of raceway including, but not necessarily limited to, couplings, offsets, elbows, expansion joints, adapters, holddown straps, end caps, and other components and accessories as needed for complete system. Where types and grades are not indicated, provide proper selection as determined by Installer to fulfill wiring requirements, and comply with applicable provisions of NEC for electrical raceways. b. Surface Metal Raceways: Provide and construct surface metal raceways of sizes and channels indicated; in compliance with FS W -C -582; construct of galvanized steel with snap -on covers, with 1/8" mounting screw knockouts in base approximately 8" o.c. Provide fittings and outlets indicated which match the mate with raceway. Finish with manufacturer's standard prime coating suitable for painting. Wiremold or approved. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFCATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER r k. Non Metallic Conduit: 1) Electrical Plastic Conduit (EPC): NEMA Stds. Pub No. TC 2, Type 3, Schedule 40 PVC, for direct burial and normal above- ground duty. 2) PVC Conduit and Tubing Fittings: NEMA Stds. Pub No. TC 3, match to conduit /tubing type and material. Use steel elbows at slab penetrations and for conduit larger than 1 1. Conduit, Tubing and Duct Accessories: Provide conduit, tubing and duct accessories of types, sizes, and materials, complying with manufacturer's published product information, which mate and match conduit and tubing. m. Minimum conduit size is 3/4" except run to switch or last outlet on a circuit. Installation: a. Install electrical raceways as indicated, in compliance with manufacturer's written instructions, and applicable requirements of NEC and NECA's "Standard of Installation b. Level and square raceway runs, and install at proper elevations /heights. c. Install flexible conduit for motor connections, and for other electrical equipment connections where subject to movement and vibration. d. Use PVC and EPC conduit only in ground. All elbows shall be rigid steel. 16/ 12 16 120 WIRES AND CABLES r GENERAL 1. Summary: a. General: Comply with general provisions of the Contract, including General, supplementary, and other Conditions, and with Division 1 Specification Sections. 2. Compliance: a. UL Compliance and Labeling: Comply with applicable UL safety standards pertaining to wires /cables and connectors; provide products which are UL listed and labeled. b. NEC Compliance: Comply with NEC as applicable to construction and installation of cables, wires and connectors. c. ASTM Compliance: Comply with ASTM B 3 pertaining to conductor materials. Provide copper conductors with conductivity of not less than 90% at 20 deg. C (68 deg. F.). PRODUCTS 1. Wire: a. Secondary conductors shall be solid or stranded copper NEC 600 volt insulation unless otherwise indicated or required. Conductors used in high temperature locations shall have insulation types required by Code. Wire size #8 AWG and larger shall be stranded minimum wire size and shall be #12 AWG. Motor control wiring may be #14 AWG, if not indicated otherwise on the drawings. Marking of conductors shall be in accordance with Code requirements. Unmarked cable or wire shall be delivered to the job site in unbroken containers. b. Provide wires of types, ratings, materials and sizes as indicated for each service. 1) Type THWN or THW: For dry and wet locations, 75 deg. C (167 deg. F) max operating temp. 2) Type THHW or THHN: For dry locations, 90 deg. C (194 deg. F) max operating temp. 3) Type XHHW: For dry locations, 90 deg. (194 deg. F) max operating temp. c. Connectors: Provide factory- fabricated metal connectors for splicing wiring. Provide proper selection as determined by installer to comply with installation requirements and NEC standards. Use "wirenuts" for size 10 and smaller and pressure connectors for size 8 and larger. EXECUTION 1. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFCATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER Installation: a. Install cables, wires and wiring connectors in accordance with recognized industry installation practices. Comply with applicable portions of NEC and NEMA standards and with NECA's "Standard of Installation." 16/ 13 SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFCATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER b. Coordinate with other work including electrical raceway and equipment installation work, as necessary to interface installation of wires /cables with other work. c. Prior to energization, test cable and wire for continuity of circuitry, insulation resistance and for short circuits. Correct malfunctions when detected. 2. Wiring Methods: a. Contractor shall provide branch circuit wiring for lighting, power and other single phase applications using multi -wire with common neutrals in a manner consistent with the type of service furnished to the project. The circuit numbers indicated on the plan are intended as a guide for proper connection of circuits at panels. However, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to see that the circuiting work fulfills the following conditions: 1) Loads on panel busses shall be balanced on phases as evenly as possible. 2) No neutral conductor shall be common to more than one circuit conductor connected to the same phase leg of the supply system. 3) All light fixtures shall be switched except for automatic controls and certain emergency fixtures. 4) No wire smaller than No. 12 AWG shall be used for lighting or power wiring, except where specifically indicated on the drawings. Home runs may be combined in one conduit provided all connections are in accordance with National and Local Electrical Code requirements and the maximum unbalanced current in the neutral does not exceed the capacity of the conductor. The neutral wire branch feeder shall have the same current carrying capacity as the outside wires. 5) The building wiring system shall be color coded as follows: Phase A Black Phase B Red Phase C Blue, Neutral White 6) Solderless pressure connectors shall be used. 7) Home runs and circuit wiring shall be as follows: Length of Run Home Run Circuit to Panel: Wire Size: Wire Size: 0' to 50' 51' to 100' 101' to 150' #12 AWG #10 AWG 8 AWG #12 AWG #12 AWG #12 AWG r 16/ 14 3. Equipment Connections: a. Contractor shall make complete, all electrical connections to equipment supplied by others. Provide conduit, wire and disconnects up to all mechanical equipment, and connect. 16 135 ELECTRICAL BOXES AND FITTINGS GENERAL 1. Summary: a. Comply with general provisions of the Contract, including General, supplementary, and other conditions, and with Division 1 Specification Sections. 2. Compliance: a. NEC Compliance: Comply with NEC as applicable to construction and installation of electrical wiring boxes and fittings. b. UL Compliance: Comply with UL Std Nos. 50, 514 and 886. Provide electrical boxes and fittings which are UL listed and labeled. PRODUCTS 1. Interior Outlet Boxes: a. Provide galvanized flat rolled sheet steel interior outlet wiring boxes, of types, shapes and sizes, including box depths, to suit each respective location and installation; construct with stamped knockouts in back and sides, and with threaded screw holes with corrosion resistant screws for securing box covers and wiring devices. 2. Interior Outlet Box Accessories: a. Provide outlet box accessories as required for each installation, including mounting brackets, wallboards hangers, extension rings, fixture studs, cable clamps and metal straps for supporting outlet boxes, which are compatible with outlet boxes being used and fulfilling requirements of individual wiring situations. Choice of accessories is Installer's option. 3. Weatherproof Outlet Boxes: a. Provide corrosion resistant cast -metal weatherproof outlet wiring boxes, of types, shapes and sizes, including depth of boxes, with threaded conduit ends, cast -metal face plates with spring- hinged waterproof caps suitably configured for each application, including face plate gaskets and corrosion resistant fasteners. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFCATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 16/ 15 EXECUTION 1. 4. Conduit Bodies: a. Provide galvanized cast -metal conduit bodies, of types, shapes and sizes to suit respective locations and installation, construct with threaded conduit entrance -ends, removable covers, and corrosion resistant screws. 5. Bushinas, Knockout Closures and Locknuts: a. Provide corrosion resistant punched -steel box knockout closures, with conduit locknuts and malleable iron conduit bushings, and offset connectors; of types and sizes to suit respective uses and installation. 16 140 WIRING DEVICES MISCELLANEOUS EOUIPMENT SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFCATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER Installation: a. Install electrical boxes and fittings as indicated, in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and with recognized industry practices. b. Coordinate installation of electrical boxes and fittings with wire /cable and raceway installation work. c. Provide weatherproof outlets for interior and exterior locations exposed to weather or moisture. d. Install boxes and conduit bodies in those locations to ensure ready accessibility of electrical wiring. e. Fasten boxes rigidly to substrates or structural surfaces or solidly embed electrical boxes in concrete or masonry. f. Provide grounding connections, sufficiently tight to assure permanent and effective grounds, where indicated for installed electrical boxes. GENERAL 1. Summary: a. Comply with general provisions of the Contract, including General, Supplementary, and other Conditions, and with Division 1 Specification Sections. 2. Compliance: a. UL Compliance and Labeling: Comply with UL 20, 498 and 943 and provide electrical wiring devices which have been UL listed and labeled. b. NEC Compliance: Comply with NEC as applicable to construction and installation of electrical wiring devices. c. NEMA Compliance: Comply with NEMA standards for general and specific- purpose wiring devices. 16/ 16 PRODUCTS 1. Receptacles: a. Heavy -duty Duplex: Provide heavy -duty duplex receptacles, 2 -pole, 3 -wire grounding, 20- amperes, 125- volts, with metal plaster ears, back wiring, NEMA configuration 5 -20R unless otherwise indicated, specification grade. Provide 208V where noted on plans with matching cap. b. Ground -Fault Interrupter: Provide general -duty duplex receptacles, ground -fault circuit interrupters, feed -thru type, capable of protecting connected downstream receptacles on single circuit, grounding type UL -rated Class A, Group 1, 20- amperes rating, 120- volts, 60 Hz; with solid -site groundfault sensing and signaling; with 5 milliamperes ground -fault trip level; equip with NEMA configuration 5- 20R. c. 30 AMP receptacles provide specification grade, 30 AMP 125 -volts straight blade, NEMA 5 -30R configuration. 2. Switches: a. Snap: Provide general -duty flush single -pole toggle switches, 15- amperes, 120/277 volts AC, with mounting yoke insulated from mechanism, equip with plaster ears, switch handle, and side -wired screw terminals. Use heavy duty where load exceeds 12 amperes. Provide key switches where indicated with 10 spare keys to owner. Specification grade. 3. Wirina Device Accessories: a. Wall Plates: Provide single- switch and duplex outlet wall plates for single, duplex and combination wiring devices for types, sizes and with ganging and cutouts as indicated. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFCATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER b. Duplex Snap: Provide general -duty duplex flush 3 -way AC quiet switches, 15- amperes, 120/277 volts, with mounting yoke insulated from mechanism, equip with plaster ears, switch handles, side -wire screw terminals, with break off tab features, which permits wiring for separate or common feed. c. Fluorescent Lamp Dimmers: Provide single -pole, semi conductor modular type AC dimmers for fluorescent fixtures; with 60 Hz, wattage and voltage as indicated and with electromagnetic filters to reduce noise and interference to minimum. Construct with continuously adjustable trim potentiometer for adjustment of low and dimming; and with anodized heat sinks. Provide 5" length wire connecting leads. Lutron Nova "T" Star Series. 16/ 17 EXECUTION 1. 16 160 PANELBOARDS SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFCATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER Construct with metal screws for securing plates to devices; screw heads colored to match finish of plates; plates colored to match wiring devices to which attached. Plates shall be metal at all locations with color to be selected by Architect. Installation: a. Install wiring devices as indicated, in compliance with manufacturer's written instructions, applicable requirements of NEC and NECA's "Standard of Installation b. Install wiring devices only in electrical boxes which are clean; free from excess building materials, dirt, and debris. c. Install galvanized steel wall plates in unfinished spaces. d. Delay installation of wiring devices until wiring work is completed. e. Delay installation of wall plates until after painting work is completed. f. Verify locations of miscellaneous equipment with Architect prior to installation. GENERAL 1. Summary: a. Comply with general provisions of the Contract, including General, Supplementary, ad other Conditions, and with Division 1 Specification Sections. 2. Compliance: a. UL Compliance and Labeling: Comply with UL Stds No. 50, 67, 869 and 1053. Provide panelboards which have been UL listed and labeled, and with additional UL markings indicating special usage, where panelboards are constructed for that purpose. b. NEC and NEMA Compliances: Comply with NEC and NEMA Stds pub No. 250, No. PB 1, No. PB1.1. PRODUCTS 1. Manufacturer: a. Provide panelboards of one of the following (for each type of panelboard and enclosure): 1. I.T.E. 2. General Electric. 3. Square D., Co. 4. Westinghouse Electric Corp. 2. General: a. Except as otherwise indicated, provide electrical panelboards, enclosures and auxiliary components, of types sizes and ratings indicated, which comply with manufacturer's standard materials, design and 16/ 18 EXECUTION 1. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFCATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER construction in accordance with published product information; equip with number of unit panelboard devices as required for complete installation. Where more than one type of component meets indicated requirements, selection is Installer's option. Where types, sizes or ratings are not otherwise indicated for an application, comply with NEC, UL and established industry standards. Panelboards must fit available space. 3. Power Liahtina Panelboards: a. Provide dead -front safety type power distribution panelboards as indicated, with panelboard switching and protective devices in quantities, ratings, types and with arrangement shown; with anti -turn solderless pressure type main lug connectors approved for copper conductors. Construct unit for connecting feeder at top of panel. Equip with aluminum or copper bus bars, and full -size neutral bus; provide suitable lugs on neutral bus for outgoing feeders requiring neutral connections. Provide bolt -on molded -case main and branch circuit breaker types for each circuit as indicated, with toggle handles that indicate when tripped. Where multiple pole breakers are indicated, provide with common trip so overload on one pole will trip all poles simultaneously. Provide a bare uninsulated grounding bar suitable for bolting to enclosure. Provide panelboards fabricated by same manufacturer as enclosures, and which fit properly with enclosures. 4. Panelboard Enclosures: a. Provide galvanized sheet steel cabinet -type enclosures, in sizes and NEMA types indicated, code -gage, minimum 16 gage thickness. Construct with multiple knockouts and wiring gutters. Provide fronts with adjustable indicating trim clamps, and doors with flush locks and keys, with all panelboard enclosures keyed alike with concealed door hinges and door swing as indicated. Equip with interior circuit directory frame and card with clear plastic covering. Provide baked gray enamel finish over rust inhibitor. Design enclosure for recessed or surface mounting as required. Provide enclosure fabricated by same manufacturer as panelboards and which fit properly with panelboards to be enclosed. Provide skirts to floor and ceiling for surface mounted panels. Panelboard Installation: a. Install panelboards as indicated, in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and requirements of NEC and NECA's "Standard of Installation 16/ 19 16 180 OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES GENERAL 1. Summary: a. Comply with general provisions of the Contract, including General, Supplementary, and other Conditions, and with Division 1 Specification Sections. b. Anchor panelboards tightly to walls and structural surfaces, ensuring that they are mechanically secure and permanently affixed. c. Provide electrical connections within enclosures. d. Fill out panelboard circuit directory card upon completion of installation work. Entries typewritten. e. Neatly group and tag conductors terminating in panelboards. 2. Compliance: a. NEC Compliance: Comply with NEC requirements pertaining to overcurrent protective devices. b. UL Compliance: Comply with UL 489, "Molded Case Circuit Breakers and Circuit- Breaker Enclosures and UL 198D, "High- Interrupting- Capacity Class K Fuses Provide overcurrent protective devices which are UL- listed and labeled. PRODUCTS 1. Manufacturers: a. Provide circuit breaker type devices by same manufacturer as panelboard manufacturer. b. Fuses shall be Bussman. r 2. Circuit Breakers: a. General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide circuit breakers and auxiliary components, of types, sizes ratings and electrical characteristics, which comply with manufacturer's standard design, materials, components, and construction in accordance with published product information and as required for complete installation. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFCATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER b. Molded -Case Circuit Breakers: Provide factory assembled, molded -case circuit breakers of frame size indicated; rated 600 volts, 60 Hz, symmetrical amperes interrupting ratings as indicated. Provide breakers with permanent thermal and instantaneous magnetic trips in each pole and with fault current limiting protection, ampere ratings as indicated. Construct with overcenter, trip -free toggle type operating handle trip indication. 16/ 20 EXECUTION 1. 3. Fuses: a. General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide fuses of types, sizes, ratings, and average time /current and peak let- through current characteristics indicated, which comply with manufacturer's standard design, materials, and construction in accordance with published product information and with industry standards and configuration. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFCATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER Construct breakers for mounting and operating in any physical position and operating in an ambient temperature of 40 deg. C. Provide breakers with mechanical screw type removable connector lugs, AL /CU rated. Breakers shall be bolt on type. b. Feeder and Branch Disconnects: Provide UL Class RK1 dual element, time delay, low -peak LPN -RK fuses rated 240V, 60 Hz, with 200,000 RMS symmetrical interrupting current rating. Installation: a. Install overcurrent protective devices as indicated, in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and with recognized industry practices. Comply with NEC and NEMA standards for installation of overcurrent protective devices. b. Fasten circuit breakers without causing mechanical stresses, twisting or misalignment being exerted by clamps, supports or cabling. c. Inspect circuit breaker operating mechanisms for malfunctioning and, where necessary, adjust units for free mechanical movement. d. Test devices for continuity of circuitry and for short circuits, prior to energization of overcurrent protective devices. Where possible, correct malfunctioning units at site, then retest to demonstrate compliance otherwise remove and replace with new units and proceed with retesting. END OF SECTION 16 180 16/ 21 16 450 GROUNDING SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER r GENERAL 1. Summary: a. Comply with general provisions of the Contract, including General, supplementary, and other Conditions, and with Division 1 Specification Sections. 2. Compliance: a. NEC Compliance: Comply with requirements of NEC Article 250, pertaining to electrical grounding systems. b. UL Compliance: Comply with applicable requirements of UL Standards No. 467 and 869 pertaining to electrical grounding and bonding. Provide grounding products which are UL listed and labeled. c. Submittals: Submit shop layout drawings of grounding systems and accessories including but not limited to, ground wiring, ground rods, and plate electrodes. PRODUCTS 1. Materials and Components: a. General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide electrical grounding systems indicated; with assembly of materials, including but not limited to, cables /wires, connectors, terminals (solderless lugs), grounding rods /electrodes and plate electrodes, bonding jumper braid, and additional accessories needed for complete installation. Where more than one type unit meets indicated requirements, selection is Installer's option. Where materials or components are not indicated, provide products to comply with NEC, UL, IEEE, and established industry standards for applications indicated. b. Conductors: Provide electrical grounding conductors for grounding connections matching power supply wiring materials and sized according to NEC. c. Bonding Plates, Connectors, Terminals and Clamps: Provide electrical bonding plates, connectors, terminals, lugs and clamps as recommended by bonding plate, connector, terminal and clamp manufacturers for indicated applications. d. Ground Rods and Plates: Solid Copper, 5/8" dia. x 10'. e. Electrical Grounding Connection Accessories: Provide electrical insulating tape, heat shrinkable insulating tubing, welding materials, bonding straps, as recommended by accessories manufacturers for type service indicated. 16/ 23 EXECUTION 1. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER r Installation: a. Install electrical grounding systems in accordance with applicable portions of NEC, with NECA's "Standard of Installation and in accordance with recognized industry practices to ensure that products comply with requirements and serve intended functions. b. Coordinate with other electrical work as necessary to interface installation of electrical grounding system with other work. c. Install bonding jumper with ground clamps on water meter piping to electrically bypass water meters. d. Install clamp -on connectors only thoroughly cleaned contact surfaces, to ensure electrical conductivity and circuit integrity. e. Upon completion of installation of electrical grounding systems, test ground resistance with ground resistance tester. Where tests show resistance to ground is over 3 ohms, take appropriate action to reduce resistance to 3 ohms, or less, by driving additional ground rods and /or by chemically treating soil encircling ground rod; then retest to demonstrate compliance. END OF SECTION 16 450 16/ 24 16 500 LIGHTING GENERAL 1. Summary: a. Comply with general provisions of the Contract, including General, supplementary, and other Conditions, and with Division 1 Specification Sections. 2. Compliance: a. ANSI Compliance: Comply with applicable ANSI Standards pertaining to lamp materials, lamp ballasts and transformers, and interior lighting fixtures. b. UL Labels: Provide interior lighting fixtures which have been UL- listed and labeled. c. NFPA Compliance: Comply with National Electrical Code (NFPA No. 70) as applicable to installation and construction of interior lighting fixtures. 3. Submittals: a. Provide submittals on all fixtures and accessories. PRODUCTS 1. Manufacturers: a. Provide fixtures as indicated on the fixture schedule on the drawings. 2. Liahtina Fixtures: a. General: Provide interior lighting fixtures, of sizes, types and ratings indicated; comprised of, but not necessarily limited to, the following components: lamps, lampholders, reflectors, ballasts, starters and wiring. The Contractor shall provide a light fixture for all shown on drawings. If type not indicated it shall be typical as directed. b. Ballasts: 1) Electronic: Electronic type to be U.L. labeled, non PCB RFI limited, high power factor type Class P, Class A sound rating. As manufactured by Advance, E.B.T. Magnetek or Valmont. 2) Dimming type shall be for two lamps rapid start, high power factor, 60 Hz, U.L. labeled as manufactured by Valmont, Universal or Advance. See fixture schedule for fixtures requiring dimming capability. 3. Lamps: a. See Light Fixture Schedule Notes. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 16/ 25 EXECUTION 1. SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER r 4. Fixture Reauirements: a. Comply with additional fixture requirements contained in Lighting Fixture Schedule as shown on drawings. Provide (2) additional lenses and (10) additional lamps of each type used to store for future replacement. 5. Liahtina Controls: a. Photoelectric Relays: Unless shown otherwise on the drawings, security lighting circuits indicated for the exterior of the building shall be controlled by Precision Multiple, Model T -18, SPST photo electric relays, rated 1800 VA. Furnish voltage as indicated on drawings. Install in type "FS" condulets. b. Time Switches: Unless shown otherwise on the drawings, time switches shall be Tork, or approved equal, U.L. labeled, Astronomical Dial single throw with flushlocking enclosures similar to electric panels. Time switches shall be rated at 40 amperes per pole and shall have minimum 12 -hour spring reserve power. Furnish voltage as indicated on the drawings. c. See lighting plan notes and Light Fixture Schedule notes for gym lighting control system. Installation: a. Install interior lighting fixtures at locations and heights as indicated; in accordance with lighting fixture manufacturer's written instructions and with recognized industry practices. Comply with NEMA, NEC and NECA's "Standard of Installation" pertaining to installation of interior lighting fixtures. b. Fasten fixtures securely to indicated structural support members of building; and check to ensure that solid pendant fixtures are plumb. c. Clean fixtures of dirt and debris upon completion of installation. d. Provide earthquake support for all fixtures as required by NEC, UBC and other codes. e. Provide appropriately rated fire resistive enclosure for all fixtures installed in fire rated ceilings. Refer to architectural plans for fixture locations. f. Set and program time switches and adjust all photo electric relays and occupancy sensors as directed by the Owner. END OF SECTION 16 500 16/ 26 r 16 720 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM GENERAL 1. Summary: I a. Comply with general provisions of the Contract, including General, supplementary, and other I Conditions, and with Division 1 Specification Sections. 2. Work Included: I a. Provide and install a complete, electrically supervised, non coded, closed circuit fire alarm system as descried herein and as shown on I the plans. Connect to existing fire alarm control panel and annunciator. PRODUCTS 1. All components of the entire system shall be listed, 1 labeled or approved for its application as fire alarm equipment by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. 2. Provide Products as specified. 1 a. Ionization Smoke Detector and Pyrotronics D1 -3 I and Base DB -35. b. Pull Station Notifier BNG -1R. c. Horn /Strobe Notifier MA -SS -ZU series. Strobe I shall emit 75 -100 candela. d. Wiring shall be 18 ga. TFN for initiating signals and 14 ga. THHN for indicting signals. EXECUTION 1. The system shall be a continuous alarm sounding 1 system with individual zone annunciation of both alarm and trouble complete with manual stations, I horns, smoke detectors, heat detectors and all necessary components to make a complete and workable system as shown on the plans and as described in these specifications. 1 2. Shop drawings and wiring diagrams shall be prepared by the manufacturer and submitted to the architect's I representative for approval prior to installation in the building. Drawings shall be approved by Local Fire Marshall prior to submission to Architect. 111 3. All equipment shall be installed under the supervision of factory trained, full time employees of the manufacturer. I 4. Run all wiring in conduit. All conduit including that below grade shall be metal unless shielded I wiring is installed. 5. At the conclusion of the installation the system shall be tested in the presence of the Local Fire I Marshal and Engineer. Provide written approval of the system operation from the Fire Marshall. 1 SECTION 16 I ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 16/ 28 6. Demonstrate all aspects of Operation and Maintenance to Owners personnel. Provide manual listing all replaceable components and manufacturers contact. 7. Mount horn strobes at +80" AFF maximum. END OF SECTION 16 720 16/ 29 SECTION 16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 16 760 CABLE TV. TELEPHONE AND DATA SYSTEMS GENERAL 1. Summary: a. Comply with general provisions of the Contract, including General, supplementary, and other Conditions, and with Division 1 Specification Sections. 2. Work Included: a. Provide a partial conduit system for Cable TV, telephone and data system. b. Provide blank coverplates. Cabling, jacks, and cable terminations to be performed under separate contract. PRODUCTS 1. Conform to requirements of Section 16110, Raceway, and Section 16140, Wiring Devices and Accessories. EXECUTION 1. Conform to requirements of Section 16110, Raceway. SECTION 16 2. Conduits shall be stubbed into nearest accessible area with pull lines left in place for future cabling installation. END OF SECTION 16 700 r Invitation To Bid: Change bid date to April 7, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center NEW BID DATE: April 7, 1992 ADDENDUM NUMBER ONE This Addendum is issued for the purpose of Addition Clarification and /or Revision to the Drawings and Specifications, and now becomes a part of the Contract Documents. Bidders shall notify all Sub bidders of receipt of this Addendum. SPECIFICATIONS 01 030 BASE BIDS AND ALTERNATES 01 031 GENERAL Alternate Number 6: Clarification Note: Paint the ceiling area originally covered with acoustical spray on insulation as described in the Base Bid. 04 150 MASONRY ACCESSORIES 04 160 horizontal ioint reinforcing GENERAL 2. Change "UBC seismic zone" to 3. 06 100 ROUGH CARPENTRY 06 118 tongue and groove decking PRODUCTS 1 a. Change to read "2x6 and 3x6 douglas fir #1 tongue and groove decking." 08 800 GLAZING Add attached Specification Section 08 831. 09 510 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 09 513 tile suspended PRODUCTS 1. d .1) Change to 24" x 24" non directional fissured ceiling tile, similar to Armstrong "Cortega 09 680 CARPET 09 686 SHEET CARPET. DIRECT GLUE DOWN PRODUCTS 2.a.1) Change #356" to "#251" ADDENDUM NO. 1 March 23, 1992 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS o 319 South Peabody, Suite B o Port Angeles, WA 98362 09 800 SPECIAL COATINGS 09 810 abrasion resistant coatings Add attached Specification Section. 12 670 ENTRANCE MATS Add attached Specification Section. 13 375 AUDIO AND VIDEO SYSTEMS Add attached Specification Section. 15 500 FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM Add attached Specification Section DRAWINGS SHEET C.2 Site Plan Refer to attached Addendum Drawing Number 1 for sanitary sewer profile. Refer to Addendum Drawing No. 2 for Sidewalk Alternate No. 3. Refer to Revised Sheet C.2 for Civil Drawing Changes. SHEET Al .3 Demolition Photos Photo #5- North Entry Recreation Offices Change note from "Louver to Remain" to "New glazing in existing openings- see Alternate Number 1, and Addendum Drawing Number 1. SHEET A2.1 Floor Plan Add Fire Extinguisher and Cabinet as specified in Section 10 520 in Kitchen 118, and Reception 102. Locate as directed by Architect in field. Relocate Trash Enclosure per Addendum Drawing No. 3. SHEET A2.2 Enlarged Floor Plan Relocate Trash Enclosure per Addendum Drawing No. 3 Refer to Addendum Drawing 4 for Alternate Bid No. 1. SHEET A3.1 Door Types- Refer to Addendum Drawing No. 5 for Typical Wood Door Frame Elevation. Door Schedule Door 32: Change size from "4' -0" x 4' -0" to "2' -6" x 4' -0" PAIR". ADDENDUM NO. 1 March 23, 1992 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS o 319 South Peabody, Suite B o Port Angeles, WA 98362 Room Finish Schedule Women's Restroom: Change floor material from "concrete" to "vinyl". SHEET A5.3 Detail 16/A5.3 Clarification Note: Refer to Detail 5/A5.3 for lower 6 -3/4 x 15 G L B. connection. SHEET A7.1 Roof Plan Clarification Note: Roof vents indicated on Drawing are all "new" work. SHEET A8.1 Detail 6/A8.1- Change "6" rubber cove base" to "Coved vinyl base." Multi- Purpose Room Elevation 10/A8.1- Change "New one way glazing" to "New tempered Glazing." SHEET A9.2 Detail 1/A9.2- Clarification Note: Lettering on sign shall be pressure sensitive vinyl. Logo and lettering style will be as directed by Architect at time of sign fabrication. SHEET A9.3 Details 5 and 12/A9.3- Clarification Note: Leg of 1/8" steel plate covering exterior of brick veneer shall be 4" wide. SHEET A9.5 Detail 8/A9.5- Change 4" x 8" x 1" brick paver" to 4" x 8" x 1 -1/2" brick paver. Details 13 and 14/A9.5- Change "1" insulated tempered one way glazing" to "1" insulated tempered glazing. Glazing shall be capable of withstanding direct hit from basketball, without shattering. SHEET S.1 Foundation Plan Change Detail 12/A9.1 cut at footing at new Parks and Rec. Offices to 11/A9.1 Change Detail 3/A9.1 cut at 3'x 3'x 12" wide footing at north of Lobby to 12/A9.1. SHEET M2.1 Floor Plan -HVAC- Add fire dampers at existing duct penetration through existing 2 hr. wall at east end of Multi- purpose Room. ADDENDUM NO. 1 March 23, 1992 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS o 319 South Peabody, Suite B o Port Angeles, WA 98362 r SHEET E.1 Electrical Power Plan Add smoke detectors in Restrooms 110, and 111, and at Reception 102 interlocked into coiling door. SHEET AS.1 Sound Systems Refer to Addendum Drawing No. 6 for Sound System Layout. APPROVED SUBSTITUTIONS SECTION 07 500 Elastomeric Sheet Roofing Haartz Mason Hypalon Roof System SECTION 08 834 Coiling Counter Doors Cookson Type FD10 -1 SECTION 15 080 and 15 405 Vent Caps. Drains. Cleanouts, Etc. Jonespec Company END OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 ADDENDUM NO. 1 March 23, 1992 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS o 319 South Peabody, Suite B o Port Angeles, WA 98362 r 08 831 patterned glass GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Quality of patterned glass used in windows. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Furnishing and installing of pattern glass in windows specified in Section 08 520. PRODUCTS 1. Meet requirements of ASTM C 1036 -85, "Standard Specification For Flat Glass Type II, Class I Translucent, Form 3. a. Quality 1) Glazing Quality q8. b. Thickness Designation 1) DS, 0.110 inch minimum a) Pattern D.S. Ground or equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. END OF SECTION 08 831 r Division 08 Section 08 831 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 08 831/ 1 09 800 SPECIAL COATINGS 09 810 abrasion resistant coatings GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To- 1) Providing "Zolatone" finish on areas described on Drawings. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Gypsum Wallboard specified in Section 09 250. 2) Painting specified in Section 09 900. 2. Quality Assurance: a. Job Mock -Up- 1) Minimum 1 sample room application of specified coating systems on each type of surface. 2) Upon approval by Architect, mock -ups shall serve as standard for the work. 3) Approved mock -ups may be used as part of finish work. b. Applicator 1) Applicator shall certify in writing that technicians utilized for work of this section have been trained by manufacturer. Applicator shall included in his certification that specialized equipment as required by manufacturer will be used for work of this Section. 3. Submittals: a. Color samples 1) 2 swatches of each color b. Manufacturer's literature 1) Descriptive data and recommendations for mixing, application and curing. c. Refer to Section 01 300 for additional requirements. 4. Delivery. Storage Handling: a. Deliver materials in sealed containers with manufacturer's labels intact. b. Store materials in protected area at a temperature not less than 50 F. 5. Job Conditions: a. Apply coating under the following prevailing conditions, only: 1) Air and surface temperatures not below 50 F. 2) Prevent wide variation of temperature which may result in condensation on freshly coated surfaces. b. Protect surfaces not to be coated. Division 09 Section 09 800 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 800/ 1 c. Areas shall be broom clean free of excessive dust. d. Provide adequate illumination to insure proper coverage and pattern. PRODUCTS 1. Materials: a. Zolatone Process, 43 -Line, Semi Gloss Epoxy Finish. b. Primer 1) Zo -Cryl Sealer 92 c. Second Coat 1) Zolatone 43 -Line EXECUTION 1. 2. Approved Manufacturer: a. Zolatone Process Inc., Los Angeles, CA. b Equal as approved by Architect prior to Bidding. See Section 01 630. Inspection: a. Examine surfaces to be coated and report any conditions that would adversely affect the appearance or performance of the coating system that cannot otherwise be put in an acceptable condition by specified surface preparation. b. Do not proceed with application until base surface is approved by Architect. 2. Surface Preparation: a. General 1) Prior to all surface preparation and application operations, completely mask, remove, or otherwise protect all hardware, accessories, plates, lighting fixtures, and similar items in contact with coated surfaces, but not scheduled to receive finish. 2) Before applying special coating, thoroughly clean all surfaces involved. Schedule all cleaning so that dust and other contaminants from the cleaning process do not fall on wet, newly coated surfaces. 3) All surfaces shall be clean, dry, and adequately protected from dampness. Surfaces shall be smooth, even and true to place, and free form any foreign material which will adversely affect adhesion or appearance of applied coating. b. Preparation for Drywall 1) Before coating is applied, surfaces shall be tested for moisture. No coating shall be applied when moisture content of substrate exceeds 12% except as my be r Division 09 Section 09 800 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 800/ 2 required by the manufacturer of the coating materials used. 2) Provide recommended priming for all surfaces to receive finish. 3) Sand and reprime all abrasions and damage spots in the surface of the prime coat before proceeding with subsequent finish coat. 2. Application: a. Follow manufacturer's recommendations and instructions carefully. b. Apply using two -step, pressure differential spray technique, with variable control to assure uniform distribution and 100% continuous coverage. c. All materials shall be applied under adequate illumination, evenly spread and smoothly applied, free from runs, sags, holidays, lap marks, air bubbles and pin holes to assure a smooth finish. d. Suction or hot spots shall be reprimed prior to applying Zolatone. 3. Inspection: a. Request acceptance of each coat before applying succeeding coats. b. Touch up and repair all work deemed unsatisfactory to Architect. 4. Cleaning: a. Remove paint spatters from all surrounding work, repair damage to other surfaces, remove debris from site and leave work area clean. END OF SECTION 09 800 Division 09 Section 09 800 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 09 800/ 3 D I V I S I O N 1 2 F U R N I S H I N G S GENERAL 1. General Conditions and Division 01 apply to this Division. 12 670 ENTRANCE MATS GENERAL 1. Division 12 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Entrance mat work as indicated by drawings and by provisions of this section. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Section 03 300 applies to this section. 3. Quality Assurance: a. Except as otherwise indicated, provide entrance mats and accessories by a single manufacturer for the entire project. 4. Submittals: a. Submit manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for each type of entrance mat. Include methods of installation for each type of substrate. b. Submit samples for each type and color of exposed entrance mat, frames and accessories required. Provide 12" square samples of mat materials and 12" lengths of frame members. c. Submit manufacturer's printed instructions for cleaning, drying, maintaining and rehandling of removable entrance mat units. PRODUCTS 1. General: a. Provide colors /patterns /profiles of materials, including metals and metal finishes, as indicated on drawings or by this specification or, where not indicated, as selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard colors /patterns /profiles. b. Shop fabricate units of entrance mat work to greatest extent possible, in sizes as indicated. Where not otherwise indicated, provide single unit for each mat installation, but do not exceed manufacturer's maximum size recommendation for units intended for removal and cleaning. Where joints in mats are necessary, space symmetrically and away form normal traffic lanes. Miter corner joints in framing r Division 12 Section 12 670 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 12 670/ EXECUTION 1. elements, with hairline joints, or provide prefabricated corner units without joints. Verify sizes by field measurement prior to shop fabrication. 2. Entrance Mat Frames: a. Provide manufacturer's standard design, of size and style to mate and insert type and adjacent finish floor construction, for permanent recessed installation in subfloor; complete with corner pins or reinforcing, and installation of frame and anchorages. b. Provide frames of extruded 6063 -T5 alloy aluminum. Coat surface of frame which will contact cementitious material with zinc chromate paint or manufacturer's standard protective coating. c. Provide frame members in single lengths. 3. Rubber -Tire Mats: a. Provide manufacturer's standard units of nylon fibers permanently fused to cord reinforced rubber. Install to form single piece mats, 3/8" thick. 4. Desiqn: a. 12 "x12" checkerboard pattern. Submit pattern layout diagram for Architect approval prior to fabrication. 5. Manufacturer: a. R.C. Musson Rubber Co.; Akron, OH b. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. 6. Color: a. Blue Install recessed frames and entrance mats to comply with manufacturer's instructions, at locations indicated and with top of frames and mats in proper relationship to one another and to adjoining finished flooring. Set mat tops at proper height for most effective cleaning action; coordinate top of mat surfaces with doors that swing across mats, to provide underdoor clearance. 2. Where frame is embedded in grout, provide necessary shims, spacers and anchorages for proper location and secure attachment. END OF SECTION 12 670 Division 12 Section 12 670 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 12 670/ D I V I S I O N 1 3 S P E C I A L C O N S T R U C T I O N GENERAL 1. General Conditions and Division 01 apply to this division. 13 376 SOUND SYSTEM GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Included But Not Limited To Furnish and install as shown on plans and as hereafter specified, complete systems including conduit, outlet boxes, wiring, master equipment, microphones, speakers, etc., all fully operational. r 2. The intent of these specifications is to provide a comlete and satisfactorily operating system for the pick -up, amplification and reporiduction of voice and /or music. As only a complete and operable system will be acceptable, all equipment required, whether or not enumerated herein or shown on the plans, shall be supplied as part of the contract. 3. All equipment described herein shall be the standard products of manufacturers of established reputation and experience, who shall have produced similar apparatus for a period of at least fifteen (15) years and who shall be able to refer to five (5) similar installations now rendereing satisfactory service. 4. All equipment to be supplied under this section and as hereinafter specified shall be 100% solid state in design. Tube type equipment of any type whatsoever shall not be acceptable. Alternate and or equal equipment submitted must meet all functional and operational requirements as well as desing specifications as hereinafter outlined in order to be approved. 5. Substitutions: a. Submit 5 days prior to bid date the following information in quadruplicate: 1) A complete list of the material the contractor wishes to substitute showing the specified product as opposed to the proposed substitute with related manufacturer's technical specification sheet. 2) In addition to the specification sheets, a brief explanation as to why substitution is being requested. 3) Complete scaled drawings as required showing the relationship of the proposed Division 13 Section 13 376 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 13 376/ 1 substitute as opposed to the specified item 4) The substituting supplier is responsible for all cost incurred for larger or additional conduits, additional power, or other such items that may have to be changed on the general plans due to his substitution. Approval of the substitution, by the Architect, does not dissolve the supplier's responsibility to provide for these requirements. 5) If the specifying engineer finds the above to be in proper order and deems the proposed substitute as an equal to that specified, an addendum will be issued stating areas acceptable to be substituted. 6. The installing sound contractor shall at the time of bid hold a valid license for Electronic Installation as per NSCA. Cable installer is responsible for identification of all cables. 7. Functions: a. Provide three (3) independent sound systems operating simultaneously without crosstalk or electronic interference. b. The three systems will be identified as A, B, and C on Drawings. c. Provide rack and rack space for all Electronic Components and termination of all wiring for all three systems. d. Provide ability to combine the three independent sound systems into one operating system. e. System A will be the major effort with audio coverage from an overhead distributed system of speaker systems. Provisions shall be made for up to six (6) microphones from different areas as shown in diagram. These shall be level controled from the termination area for three banks of speakers. Equipment and base specs for System A shown under A component specifications. f. System B as described on plan will be second effort. It will provide audio coverage to a distributed ceiling system in the three conference rooms and audio coverage to an east wing courtyard area. Outdoor weatherproof materials will be required. Provisions for microphones, video, shall be provided for the conference rooms. Equipment and base specs for system B shown under B component specifications. Division 13 Section 13 376 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 13 376/ 2 r g System C as described on plan will be third effort. It will provide audio /paging coverage to rest rooms, hallways, passageways, and lobbys. These shall be a distributed ceiling system and so marked on the plan. Paging provision will be provided from office area, so marked on plan. Equipment and base specifications for system C shown under C component specifications. PRODUCTS 1. A Component Specifications: a. Speakers shall be CSS- 50- TR740 -J.W. Davis 2 /way speaker systems with 70.7 volt application. 1) Freq. response 40- 20,000 Hz 5DB 2) 70.7 volt 3) Power Rating 50 watts 4) Dispersion 130 degrees or more to 4 Khz 5) Sensitiity 92 DB 6) Woofer 8" 1 v.c. 16oz. mag. 7) Tweeter Piezo b. TOA RX31C7V control console (mono). Eight channel mixing console. 1) 48 v DC phantom Power 2) Mic /line selector switches c. TOA EQ 910A graphic equalier d. TOA -932 Monitor Panel e TOA 924 240 Watt power amplifyer f. EFX Sabine Feedback Exterminator g Pioneer CTM 530 Audio Cassette Recorder and Play Deck h. Pioneer PDM430 Compact Disc Player 2. 8 Component Specifications: a. Speakers shall be Soundolier 8" round speaker FD7OW -P78 -8 with metal mounting rings. b. Existing Speaker columns, property of V.B. Complex. c. Amplifier System shall be existing Amp /Preamp of the V.B. Complex 3. C Component Specifications: a. Speakers shall be Soundolier 8" round speaker FD7OW -P78 -8 with metal mounting rings. b. TOA BG -10 paging and background music amplifier. c. J.W. Davis DM -1 paging microphone and stand. 1) Voice quality freq. 2) Press to talk handle 3) Lo -Freq. output 4. Common Equipment: a. Floor standing rack (grey) 1) Shall be constructed of 16ga CRS and of completely welded construction. Division 13 Section 13 376 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 13 376/ 3 r Mounting rails shall be 11 ga CRS and topped for 10 -3z screws. 2) Front and rear doors shall include locks and handles. b. Microphones 1) Two microphones shall be SM58 Lo -Imp. Cardoid cells. 2) Four microphones shall be SM57 Lo -Imp. Cardoid cells. c. Microphone Stands 1) Black MS11E Atlas floor stands. 2) Black PB -1E Atlas stand boom. d. Microphone Cable (portable) 1) Two 50 ft. black samll flexible Canaral 2 conduction sheilded Lo- Impedance. cables with XL series connectors each end. Male Female. 2) Three 100 ft. black small flexible Canaral 2 cond shielded Lo -Imp. cables with XL series connectores each end. Male Female. e. Speaker Cables and Microphone Cable 1) Wire shall be CL -2 color coded type by West Penn, 16 gauge stranded copper in a vinyl clad gray #CL3245. 2) Microphone cable shall be 2 conductor shielded 20 gauge stranded and color coded in gray vinyl wrap. CL -2 approved #CL3293 West Pen. f. Rack Mount Brackets 1) These shall be TOA RK Mt brackets, standard 19" size. 2) There shall be four Soundolier General Purpose Shelves #SH19 -3 for non rackable components. g Microphone /Speaker /Video plates 1) 3 gang box Soundolier #303 Beige matching plates as follows a) S- 502 -13C b) S -301 2) There shall be four sets for System A, one set for System B as shown on plan. h. Level controls 1) There shall be four Russound 70 bolt alternators for Control of level of A system speakers. These controls will be in A.V. Control Room shown on plan. Three controls will be for "A" system, one for Alternate "B" system as shown. 2) "A" controls will handle three speaker systems as follows: a) A -1, A -6, A -7 on plan b) A -2, A -5, A -8 on plan c) A -3, A -4, A -9 on plan 3) "B" control shown on plan Division 13 Section 13 376 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 13 376/ 4 r EXECUTION 1. General Installation: a. The contractor shall supply sturdy and accurate metal bracings for speaker systems in System A. These shall be revised to allow systems to be parallel to floor regardless of ceiling curve. They shall be in place prior to ceiling treatment. b. The contractor shall supply and install all wiring, conduit, terminal strips and other materials as required. c. Only workmen skilled in their particular portion of this installation may be used. All cables shall be neatly formed, laced and labeled with Brady labels and a chart shall be presented to the owner, as part of the Operating and Service Instructions, upon completion showing the designation of all cables and conductors both incoming and outgoing. d. Installation shall be made by the Contractor and authorized personnel of the contractor or subcontractor. All work shall be performed in a thorough and workmanlike manner, in accordance with the best accepted practices of the Electronics Industry. All equipment shall bear the approval of Underwriters Laboratories when suych label service is furnished by UL. e. Two copies of "As- Built" drawings showing installation wiring diagram and schematic of all equipment shall be submitted to the Architect for approval upon completion. Operating and Maintenance Manuals shall be included. f. A complete set of reproducible as- builts, showing installed wiring and color coding and wire tag notations for exact locations of all installed equipment, specific interconnections between all equipment and internal wiring of the equipment shall be delivered to the Owner upon completion of the system. g Complete, simple, comprehensive, step -by- step, testing instructions giving recommended and required testing frequency of all equipment, methods for testing each individual piece of equipment, and a complete trouble- shooting manual explaining what might be wrong if a certain malfunction occurs shall be delivered to Owner upon completion. h. Maintenance instructions shall be complete, easy to read, understandable, and shall proide the following information: 1) A complete list of all equipment and components with information as to the Division 13 Section 13 376 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 13 376/ 5 r address adnd telephone number of bothe the manufacturer and local supplier of each item. 2) User operating instructions shall be provided prominently displayed on the cabinet front or on a separate sheet located next to the control unit. Division 13 Section 13 376 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 13 376/ 6 2. Testing: a. The following is an outline of the final testing procedure to be used: 1) If, during final testing, a system does not appear to be functioning properly, special tests may be performed on any item of equipment to determine if that item meets the pertinent specifications. In case the need for adjustments becomes evident the contractor's work shall include, but shall not be limited to, reorientation of the components, furnish and install necessary matching networks, etc., if in the judgement of the architect these adjustments are required. 2) Prior to requesting final inspection and testing of the system (s), initial tests and adjustments shall be performed by the sound contractor. These costs will be included in his bid and he shall furnish all equipment necessary and perform all work required to determine or modify the performance of an electronic system in accordance with the specifications. 3. Operating Instruction. Warranty. and Service: a. The Contractor shall provide a qualified representative to instruct the Owner or his representative in the operation of the system. b. The contractor shall warranty the system for a period of one year from the date of acceptance by the Owner. Emergency repair to or replacement of manufacturer provided equipment for the system shall be accomplished by this contractor at no additional cost to the Owner, as long as such repair or replacement occurs during the warranty period and is directoy or indirectly caused by faulty workmanship or defect of material installed. END OF SECTION 13 376 15 500 FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM GENERAL 1. Description: a. General Information: 1) The other Contract Documents complement the requirements of this section. 2) Requirements of Division 0 and Division 1 apply to the work of this section. 2. Scope: a. Modify the existing sprinkler system; design, furnish and install a complete system, including all accessories necessary to comply with all requirements of the latest edition of the following codes: NFPA 13 "Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems Uniform Building Code and any codes and standards required by the authorities having jurisdiction. b. In areas subjected to freezing temperature, an antifreeze system shall be installed with approval by local authorities having jurisdiction. 3. Submittals: a. Submit shop drawings for approval prior to permit application. PRODUCTS 1. General: a. Approvals: All fire protection products and accessories shall be approved by Factory Mutual or UL listed for fire protection. 2. Pipe and Fittincs: a. Aboveground: 2" and smaller: Schedule 40 black steel pipe with cast iron screwed fittings. 2 -1/2" and larger: Schedule 10 or Schedule 40 black steel pipe with roll groove Victaulic or equal couplings. 3. Escutcheons: a. General: Flanged steel, hinged, with set screw, nickel plated finish. 4. Sprinkler Heads: a. Solder -type recessed sprinkler, 1/2" orifice, pendent deflector, temperature rating as required and approved by authorities having jurisdiction. SECTION 15500 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 15500/ 1 EXECUTION 1. SECTION 15500 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER Coordination: a. Coordinate work to the end that there is no conflict between location of sprinkler piping and heads and electric fixtures, piping, ducts, etc. Sprinkler piping and head locations shall not limit or prohibit access to mechanical or electrical accessories requiring maintenance access. 2. Layout: a. General: All areas of the building are to be fully sprinklered including any areas above ceilings or any voids required to formally meet the requirements of the applicable codes and standards and the authorities having jurisdiction. b. Design Coordination: Coordinate the location, type, and quantity of heads and the type of coverage with the architectural reflected ceiling plan and the requirements of the authorities having jurisdiction. Locate piping in such a manner that it will not interfere with lights, structure, etc. Changes in layout to meet the requirements of the applicable codes and standards and authorities having jurisdiction shall be made without additional cost to the Owner. c. Sprinkler Head Locations: Where sprinkler heads are installed in acoustical ceiling tiles, they shall be centered in the tile (plus or minus 2 inches), unless indicated otherwise on the architectural reflected ceiling plans. Sprinkler head locations are indicated on the architectural reflected ceiling plans only in the areas of aesthetic importance. If head locations indicated do not comply with the applicable codes and standards or requirements of the authorities having jurisdiction revise the locations and obtain approval from the architect prior to formal submittal. 3. Method of supporting and attachment of new piping shall be approved by the architect prior to installation. 4. Upon completion of each portion of the installation, piping shall be flushed in a method acceptable to the Owner's Representative. 15500/ 2 r 5. Test Method: Test piping system in accordance with NFPA 13 requirements. 6. Flushing and testing of the system shall be conducted in the presence of the Owner's Representative. SECTION 15500 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS VERN BURTON MEMORIAL CENTER 15500/ 3 r Sb O Sc5 5b A t t S .-2 s VN 15 XX g t t VII N d 3��5 941(77.5 rrW °10 c j 7 OV 7-2■0 C735,000 J ).5/Xg ty�J 9N t73a17 o v,Alano X= (iirvi 2d Ord gS S1�� a p j 1V N3 1 tyg vv' �1 �'/18 N7�/1 a91N3� I' ‘.i. cy S q:) cn N t s 4 0 a a) 4 0 -0 Z a u1 0 4 al N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 co at 0 Q Q, n 4 /limn 111 u z ADDENDUM NO. 1 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS o 319 South Peabody, Suite B 0 et La 0 ADDENDUM DRAWING NO. 2 March 23, 1992 o Port Angeles, WA 98362 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ALTERNATE NO. 1 i4 NEW WIRE GLAZING IN EXISTING METAL FRAMES Dishwashing ADDENDUM NO. 1 ]7' r 'T T 7" T 1 K T SLOPE ir811 PLF. 4 IL -4I NEW DOUBLE WYTI4E BRICK SCREEN WALL ADDENDUM DRAWING NO. 3 March 23, 1992 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS o 319 South Peabody, Suite B o Port Angeles, WA 98362 AL1 NEW OPE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i T 3' -IN VERIFY NOTE: DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY VERIFY ALL ACTUAL DIMENSIONS IN FIELD REMOVE EXISTING WINDOWS AND WOOD STOPS FLASH AS REQUIRED AND PROVIDE NEW I" INSULATED GLAZING IN ALUMINUM STOREFRONT EXTRUSIONS I 3' -II° VERR-Y 0 NEW DOOR AND METAL FRAME -SEE DOOR SCHEDULE 15 NEW T ,Spy ENCLdgUI4E- SEE FLLOC' 2 PLANS NEW GLAZING AT EXISTING PARKS AND RECREATION OFFICES ■■u■■■■■•■■■u ■■Iiu■■i■u■ MEI MI NMI 111••1111111111111111•11111111111 I r' 1 r" 11 1 ALTERNATE NO. 1 3' 41• VERIFY REMOVE GLAZING FROM EXISTING METAL FRAMES AND PROVIDE NEW SINGLE LITE IL OBSCURE GLAZING -PAINT FRAME AT TIME OF DISASSEMBLY "MOVE EXISTING WINDOWS AND WOOD STOPS -FLASH AS REQUIRED AND PROVIDE NEW OBSCURE I" INSULATED GLAZING IN ALUMINUM STOREFRONT FRAME SCALE: 1 4" 1' -0' ADDENDUM NO. 1 March 23, 1992 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS o 319 South Peabody, Suite B o Port Angeles, WA 98362 ADDENDUM DRAWING NO. 4 1/4" R,455SET CASIN \/C CHAMFER CASING BACK e 1-4EAD DETAIL DOOR 5EE SCHEDULE TYPICAL DOOR TRIM 1/2" 1' -0" ADDENDUM DRAWING NO. 5 ADDENDUM NO. 1 March 23, 1992 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS o 319 South Peabody, Suite B o Port Angeles, WA 98362 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t r r,Crr ADDENDUM NO. 1 1 0 fr:: "22 i f, :20 I t I i i 1 r-' 7 7 777 7:77,7,,,,f2-_, C)--- G I A r.7 t vit.; 1 r t i l PM TrI i E A I I I I X Ne I I I __---4---____ „A I I I r L: 7 F' J K P'...5E. I 2 rvisRomCk4E i l 11 jVICM°Aa45 CAl2" CROPHONE CARLE I FC'scFz1 E t i I AL L di 0 N '19 ADDENDUM DRAWING March 23, 1992 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS o 319 South Peabody, Suite B o Port Angeles, WA 98362 I I ,2 --4--- N s s\ A 1 X ELPCI I 1 4 ..-571 'z'-•. J r 1 ,A, ;A] 1 1 1 %,1,%, %";'j'A>2,'"-'/A' 1 I '71/: ;,-1 2 z A,: -1- k i I -1 i I :,..';'1: '7::--,1 E;; >:/.;;2:,;;; Aii i r rs-s 1 I 1 I z/' /,',/,7; 7 ',A,,Y,i,5,- ii :,.,1, ,,A,/, 1 /2 4, _r 41, -.7, r241 .57, ,,i 1 7, 7,„,-,---.4.--,,,7-,-,,,,, 7_1 .7`Z/,_,,,-„z z_< 4 .......7. 4,- 42 .r i 1 L 7 ALTERNATE SIDS ALTiRNATE NO. 5 DELETE EAST LUNG FUEL1C ADDRESS SYSTEM (STEM 4 C) ALTERNATE NO. 9 DELETE ET1ITIRE SOUND SYSTEM FIROM CONTRACT. SCALE, VW P weft ...111:140 U C i A tr K6F- -Y- 5Y4TEM A 5Y5TEM 5 -5Y5TEM C ,,(Th. SOUND SYSTEMS MIIIMIN 511 IN MOW...so This Addendum is issued for the purpose of Addition, Clarification, and /or Revision to the Drawings and Specifications, and now becomes a part of the Contract Documents. Bidders shall notify all Sub bidders of receipt of this Addendum. 01 030 BASE BIDS AND ALTERNATES 01 031 GENERAL Alternate Number 5: Change "Add" to "Delete Vern Burton Memorial Community Center BID DATE: April 7, 1992 ADDENDUM NUMBER TWO SPECIFICATIONS Alternate Number 10: Change "Provide" to "Delete 03 350 SPECIAL CONCRETE FINISHES 03 354 exposed aggregate concrete EXECUTION 3. Change "50/50" to read "1:4". 09 545 SPECIAL CEILING FINISHES 09 548 acoustical ceiling texture PRODUCTS 1 a. Change K -13 "FC" to K -13 PRODUCTS 3.a. Change to 3 inch thickness. 13 376 SOUND SYSTEM PRODUCTS 4.c.1) Provide (6) six floor stands. PRODUCTS 4.c.2) Provide (1) one stand boom. PRODUCTS 4.e. Change Model Number specified to #CL3225 16 050 SPECIAL PROVISIONS GENERAL 3.i. Omit requirement of Performance and Payment Bonds required from Electrical Contractor. ADDENDUM NO. 2 April 2, 1992 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS o 319 South Peabody, Suite B o Port Angeles, WA 98362 DRAWINGS SHEET A4.1 East and South Elevations Vertical mullions shall run continuous through aluminum feature band. Refer to Addendum Drawings 1 through 6 for additional detailing of storefront conditions. SHEET A5.3 General Change all references to "teflon pads" to pressure treated plywood, or painted steel plates at Contractors option. Detail 5/A5.3- Add 4" round shear plates at 6 -3/4" x 15" G. L. B. Detail 16/A5.3- Clarification Note: Connection of 6 -3/4" x 15" G.L. B is similar to 5/A5.3. SHEET A9.3 Details 19 and 20/A9.3- Refer to Addendum Drawings 1, and 2 for new detailing of these conditions. Detail 16/A9.3- Refer to Addendum Drawing 4 for new detailing of this condition. Refer to Addendum Drawings 5 and 6 for additional detailing of corner mullion condition. SHEET A9.5 Detail 12/A9.5- Refer to Addendum Drawing 3 for new detailing of this condition. SHEET S.1 Clarification Note: All new interior slabs shall be 5" concrete slabs with #4 bars at 18" o.c. All exterior slabs and walks shall be 4" concrete with 6x6 10/10 W.W.F. SHEET S.2 Change Detail A /S.2 shown with straight pocket beam connection to Detail B /S.2. SHEET S.3 Detail A/S 3- Clarification Note: 3/8" plywood is existing. SHEET M1.1 Refer to attached plumbing fixture schedule. ADDENDUM NO. 2 April 2, 1992 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS o 319 South Peabody, Suite B o Port Angeles, WA 98362 SHEET M1.2 Floor Plan- PLUMBING Refer to attached Addendum Drawing No. 7 for addition of floor drains in new restrooms. SHEET M2.1 Floor Plan -HVAC- Provide fire dampers of all penetrations through 1 hour rated corridor. SHEET E.1 Electrical Power Plan Add smoke detectors in Restrooms 110, and 111, and at Reception 102 interlocked into coiling door. SECTION 08 834 Coilina Counter Doors Cornell Iron Works SECTION 10 150 Compartments and Cubicles Ironwood Manufacturing SECTION 15 870 Exhaust Fans Coo k APPROVED SUBSTITUTIONS LIGHTING PACKAGE Package as submitted and approved by Hargis Engineers submitted by Pacific Lighting Systems. Attachments: Pre -Bid Conference Minutes Plumbing Fixture Schedule Addendum Drawings 1 -7 END OF ADDENDUM NO. 2 ADDENDUM NO. 2 April 2, 1992 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS o 319 South Peabody, Suite B o Port Angeles, WA 98362 Attendance: City Of Port Angeles Lindberg Architects Straits Electric Anderson Electric Philip Norvick, Inc. Lincoln Industries Mark Construction Primo Construction Hoch Construction Morrison Construction The Paint Store W.B. Dennis Company Angeles Plumbing Bill's Plumbing Korsmo Construction Glass Services Company Norse, Inc. Angeles Millwork R.C. Zeigler Company Lugo Construction Custom Painting Vern Burton Memorial Community Center PRE -BID CONFERENCE /WALK -THRU MINUTES 1. After sign in sheet was completed by all parties, the walk -thru was started. 2. Discussion was raised as to the extent of the "Work Area The Contractor will provide fencing from the walk into City Hall, to the East Parking Lot, to the sidewalk on Fourth Street. 3. All lawn areas disturbed by the construction process will be resodded at the Contractors expense. 4. The property insurance required for this project will also cover earthquakes. 5 "M C Finish" as noted on the Room Finish Schedule implies "Multi-Color Finish" (Zolatone). 6. Reference to a "City Approved Landfill means either the City Landfill, or other means as to which the City of Port Angeles will be held harmless for possible environmental impact. Dump sites must be approved prior to demolition work commencing. Contractor shall pay for all dumping charges. 7. The Parks and Recreation offices will be relocated to a 12' x 30' trailer equipped with their relocated phone system, electricity, heat, and windows. This trailer will be located on the east side of City Hall, west of the Hospice located on Peabody Street. The Contractor will be responsible for providing all the temporary utilities this trailer requires. Moving of office equipment, ADDENDUM NO. 2 April 2, 1992 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS o 319 South Peabody, Suite B o Port Angeles, WA 98362 8. Sprinkler system shutdown will be done on a daily schedule as required for progress of the work Coordinate all shut down times with Bruce Becker of the Port Angeles Fire Department. The system shall be operational as long as possible, and shall be operational prior to leaving for the day. 9 The existing ventilation system and radiator in the Locker Area shall be removed. 10. The Contractor may use a rubber -tired scissor lift as required for the work in the Multi- Purpose Room at the Contractors risk of harming the existing flooring and finishes. 11. Alternates were clarified, and Alternates 5 and 10 were changed as described on Addendum Number 2. 12. Fourth Street will be available adjacent to V B M C C as required for delivery and staging. Permits for this will be provided by the City upon request of the Contractor. ADDENDUM NO. 2 April 2, 1992 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS o 319 South Peabody, Suite B o Port Angeles, WA 98362 etc. will be accomplished by the Parks and Recreation Department. END OF PRE -BID CONFERENCE MINUTES P -1 P -1 DF -1 FD -1 P L U M B I N G F I X T U R E S C H E D U L E New Restrooms- Wall Hung Toilets Kohler Kingston K- 4430ET vitreous china, 3 gallon flush, elongated bowl, siphon jet action, top spud. K -666c extra heavy plastic seat with open front and check hinge. Sloan Royal 110 flush valve. Back Check angle stop with protective cap. J.R. Smith compact carrier. Existing Restrooms- Tank Type Toilets Kohler K -3536 EB tank type, vitreous china, 3.5 gallon flush, elongated bowl, siphon jet flushing. K -666C extra heavy plastic seat with open front and check hinge. P -2 All Restrooms- Urinals Kohler Bardon K- 4960 -T, vitreous china, washout action, Sloan Royal 186 flush valve. Back check angle supply with stop. J.R. Smith carrier. P -3 All Restrooms Lavatories Kohler Pennington, vitreous china, self rimming. K -2195, Symmons S -60 -G. Loose key angle supply with stop, 1 -1/4" tailpiece, with p -trap and clean -out plug, supplies (Chicago 1029). Multi- Purpose Room- Drinking Fountains Haws Model 1107, wall mounted, stainless steel., polished chrome plated bubbler and self closing push bar valve, 1/2" IPS screwdriver stop, and 1 -1/2" IPS trap. Model 6700 mounting plate. New Restrooms and Kitchen Floor Drains J.R. Smith, figure 2010 -B, square top heel -proof grate. END OF PLUMBING FIXTURE SCHEDULE ADDENDUM NO. 2 April 2, 1992 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS o 319 South Peabody, Suite B o Port Angeles, WA 98362 Co N ADDENDUM DRAWING *1 r19 BAND a STOREFRONT 1 1 49 7 3_, ri d 3 1 ADDENDUM NUMBER TWO VERN BURTON MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTER P' INSU _ATED GLAZING PRE FINISHED ALUMINUM STOREFRONT PRE -F NISHED ALUMINUM INFILL PANEL WITH RIGID INSUL ,Z,TION SANDWICHED BETWEEN CONTINUOUS VERTICAL MULLL ION BEYOND WDW2.DWG PRE FINISHED ALUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM PRE -FIN ALUM INPILL PANEL WITH RIGID INSULATION SANDWICHED BETWEEN 24 GAUGE PRE -FIN. FLASHING SET SILL AND FLASHING IN BED OF CAULK EXISTING ROOF DECK r2o STOREFRONT TO ROOF g 3 1' -0" RF ADDENDUM DRAWING #2 ADDENDUM NUMBER TUJO VERN BURTON MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTER 1" INSULATED TEMP. GLAZING IN PRE FINISHED ALUMINUM EXTRUSION H PRESSURE TREATED SILL PLATES TO a CONC W/ EXP. ANCHORS 4 CONCRETE SLAB a a a r12 STOREFRONT SILL g 3"_1'_QIt ADDENDUM DRAWING *3 6 -1/4" ADDENDUM NUMBER TWO VERN BURTON MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTER 1/4" SHIM SPACE PRE -FIN ALUM FLASH INCx TO MATCH STOREFRONT BY STOREFRONT CONTRACTOR. a WDWI.DWCx EXPOSED TOUNGUE AND GROOVE DECKING CAULK "U c USI.N S IN BE OF M A IC 1" 1 GLAZ GLU -LAIM PASSES Tl4 ALUM INU CORN MULL ION LATE 9 3 ADDENDUM DRAWING *4 ADDENDUM NUMBER TWO VERN BURTON MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTER APL IED WOOD STOPS (FAINT) C9U1 {TERS INK SCRE 4 PLUG 11_01i WDW3_DWG SHED MULLION BEYOND NOTCH -4 CORNER MULLION FOR BEAM RAKE SIMILAR n& STOREFRONT e E AvE GLU -LAM RAFTER RUNS THRU CORNER MULL ION -NOTCH AS REQ'D PRE FINISHED ALUMINUM STOREFRONT UJ/ 1" INSULATED GLAZING FLASHING UNDER BEAM -SEE SECTION ADDENDUM DRAWING RAFTER thru CORNER MULLION p ,s3 3 Q UJD uJ9.D uJG ADDENDUM NUMBER TUJO VERN BURTON MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTER A93 T.S. COLUMN UND€R SEAM TOUGUE AND GROOVE DECKING GLU -LAM RAFTER RUNS THRU CORNER MULL ION -NOTCH AS REQ'D PRE FINISHED ALUMINUM STOREFRONT UJ/ 1" INSULATED GLAZING I N S I D E T.S. COLUMN INSIDE OF CORNER MULLION \1 GLAZING BEYOND FLASHING ON BED OP MASTIC OUTSIDE PRE -FAB/ PRE- FINISHED ALUMINUM "U" CHANNEL r6 RAFTER thru CORNER MULLION ION k 311 11 Q11 ADDENDUM DRAW INGo ADDENDUM NUMBER TWO VERN BURTON MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTER WDUJIO.DLJG 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l DD�� CENTER A NUMBER TWO COMMUNITY ADDENDUM BURTON �MpR1AL VEaN BU 01 050 FIELD ENGINEERING 1. Reference Point: a. All locations and elevations noted in the Contract Documents are based on surveyed data. Before starting work, locate all reference points for setting and establishing finish elevations and lines and as required for proper placement of the work at each level as work progresses. Employ the services of a licensed land surveyor acceptable to the Architect, to perform such work. Carefully maintain and protect new and existing monuments, bench marks and other reference points; if disturbed or destroyed, replace as directed at no additional cost to the Owner. The cost of performing the work under this paragraph shall be borne by the Contractor. b. Establish working lines and level, locate and layout by instrumentation. 1) Site improvements, stakes for grading, fill and topsoil placement, utility locations, slope and invert elevations. 2) Building foundation, column locations and ground floor (key floor) elevation. END OF SECTION 01 050 Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 7 01 060 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 01 061 codes. regulations. permits ordinances 1. Owner shall obtain and pay cost of permits and licenses necessary for completion of this Work. 2. Contractor and others working under his jurisdiction shall perform all work in compliance with laws, regulations, and ordinances of any kind required by governmental authority or other agency having jurisdiction over this Work. 3 If Contractor observes that Contract Documents are in variance with any laws, regulations, and ordinances, he shall notify Architect and shall not proceed unless necessary changes required for compliances with said laws, regulations, and ordinances have been effected as provided in General and Supplementary Conditions. Contractor shall be fully responsible for any work knowingly performed contrary to said laws, regulations, and ordinances and shall fully indemnify Owner against loss and bear all costs and penalties arising there from. Permanent easements necessary for completion of this Work shall be procured and paid for by Owner. 4. Contractor shall secure certificates of occupancy that may be required by authorities having jurisdiction over the Work. He shall deliver these certificates to Architect prior to execution of Certificate of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 01 060 Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 090 REFERENCED STANDARDS 01 091 CONFORMITY TO STANDARDS 01 092 abbreviations AAN: ACI: AGA: AIA: AIMA: AISC: AISI: AMCA: ANSI: APA: APWA: ARIB: ASME: ASTM: 1. Throughout the Contract Documents, reference is made to codes and standards which establish qualities and types of workmanship and materials, and which establish methods for testing and reporting on the pertinent characteristics. 2. Where materials or workmanship are required by these Contract Documents to meet or exceed the specifically named code or standard, it is the Contractor's responsibility to provide materials and workmanship which meet or exceed the specifically named code or standard 3 It is also the Contractor's responsibility, when so required by the Contract Document or by written request from the Architect, to deliver to the Architect all required proof that the materials or workmanship, or both, meet or exceed the requirements of the specifically named code or standard. Such proof shall be in the form requested in writing by the Architect, and generally will be required to be copies of a certified report of tests conducted by a testing agency approved for that purpose by the Architect. 1. Reference in the technical divisions of these specifications to standard data of the following organizations shall bean the latest edition at the date noted on the specification book, unless otherwise noted. The Contractor shall conform with said standard requirements when reference is made thereto as if the data were repeated verbatim in the specifications, except where standard data are supplemented and modified by the specifications. 2. Standard data of the following organizations are referenced in the specifications, and the organization names are abbreviated as noted. American Association of Nurserymen American Concrete Institute American Gas Association American Institute of Architects Acoustical and Insulating Materials Association American Institute of Steel Construction American Iron and Steel Institute Air Moving and Conditioning Association American National Standards Institute American Plywood Association American Public Works Association Asphalt Roofing Industry Bureau American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society for Testing Materials Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community.Center 01/ 9 AWI: AWS: AWWA: CFR: CRSI: CS: Architectural Woodwork Institute American Welding Society American Water Works Association Code of Federal Regulations Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Commercial Standard of the U.S. Department of Commerce CSI: Construction Specifications Institute FS: Federal Specification FGMA: Flat Glass Marketing Association IEEE. Institute of Electrical Electronic Engineers IPCEA: Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association MLA: Meal Lath Association NAAMM: National Association of Architectural Metal Mfgs. NBGQA: National Building Granite Quarries Association NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturer's Association NFPA: National Fire Protection Association NWMA: National Woodwork Manufacturers Association PS: Product Standard of U.S. Dept., of Commerce SDI Steel Door Institute SMACNA. Sheet Metal Air Conditioning Contractors National Association SSPC: Steel Structures Painting Council TCA: Tile Council of America UBC: Uniform Building Code of International Conference of Building Officials UL: Underwriter's Laboratories UMC: Uniform Mechanical Code UPC: Uniform Plumbing Code WWPA: Western Wood Products Association END OF SECTION 01 090 Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 10 01 100 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES 01 110 time of completion liquidated damaaes 1. The work of this contract shall be commenced on a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed and shall be completed in two parts. a. Multi- purpose Room work shall be completed within 86 calendar days from the date of commencement, but no later than July 31, 1992. b. Balance of work shall be completed within 116 calendar days from date of commencement, but no later than August 31, 1992. 2. For each calendar day after the date fixed for completion that the work remains uncompleted, the contractor shall pay the Owner the sum of $250.00 for 1.a) above and $150.00 for 1.b) above as fixed, agreed, liquidated damages, but not as a penalty. 3 The Contractor does hereby authorize the Owner to deduct such liquidated damages from amount due, or to become due, the Contractor. The Contractor further agrees that any such deduction shall not in any degree release him from further obligation and liabilities in regard to the fulfillment of the entire contract. 4. It is further agreed that time is of the essence of each and every portion of this contract and of the specifications wherein a definite and certain length of time is fixed for the performance of any act whatsoever; and where under the contract an additional time is allowed for the completion of any work, the new time limit fixed by such extension shall be of the essence of this contract. Provided, that the Contractor shall not be charged with liquidated damage or any excess cost when the delay in completion of the work is due: a. To any preference, priority of allocation order duly issued by the government. b. To unforeseeable cause beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including but not restricted to acts of God, or of the public enemy, acts of the Owner, acts of another Contractor in the performance of a contract with the Owner, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes and unusually sever weather; and c. To any delays of Subcontractors occasioned by any of the causes specified in subsections a and b of this article. 5. Provided, further, that the Contractor shall, within seven (7) days from the beginning of such delay, notify the Owner per Article 8 of the General Conditions. Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 11 01 115 Procedural outline for starting work 1. Requirements Prior to Starting Work: a. Pre Construction Conference 1) Prior to commencing work, the Owner, Architect and Contractor shall meet at a time and place set by the Owner to discuss the Project Schedule, storage of materials and any other special requirements that concern the project. A draft Project Schedule shall be presented to the Owner and Architect seven (7) calendar days prior to the conference and the final Project Schedule shall be submitted within thirty (30) calendar days following the conference. Conditions mutually agreed upon at this conference may be incorporated into this contract. 2) Equipment and Materials It is the Contractor's responsibility to be certain that all equipment and materials selected by him, or for him by his subcontractors or material suppliers, conform exactly to the requirements of the drawings and specifications. The approval of a manufacturer's name by the Architect does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for providing materials and equipment which comply with the Contract Documents. b. Contractor's receipt of the executed contract is not to be considered as authorized to begin work. At the conclusion of the pre construction conference, the Owner will issue to the Contractor a written Notice to Proceed. 01 120 equipment and stockpile locations 01 125 restoration of work 1 Stockpile materials and equipment only on approved areas of the site. Submit list of stockpile sites for approval before material is delivered. Stockpile areas shall not endanger or inhibit the public users of the site, outside the work area, in any way. These locations will be disussed at a pre -bid site inspection. 1. The contractor shall restore to the Architect's satisfaction all areas disturbed by the construction process. All ingress or egress points that are disturbed will have to be regraded, resodded, etc., to restore them to original condition. 2 Protect all existing trees, etc. on site from potential Contractor damage above and below grade. If unavoidable damage occurs, notify Architect immediately and a decision will be rendered as to how the Contractor is to replace or repair the damage at the Contractor's expense. Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 12 01 130 acceleration of work 1. If, in judgment of Architect or Owner, it becomes necessary at any time to accelerate the Work or a portion thereof, Contractor, when ordered or directed by Architect or Owner, shall deploy the workmen in such portions of the Project where directed to enable others to properly engage and carry on their work. a. If circumstances require that the entire Work or a portion thereof be completed at a date earlier than contract completion date as adjusted by change orders, Contractor, when ordered or directed by Owner or Architect, shall increase his forces, equipment, hours of work, and /or number of shifts and shall expedite delivery of materials to meet the altered completion date or dates ordered or directed. Any increase in cost to Contractor in compliance with such orders will be adjusted in accordance with the Work. b. If, in judgement of Architect or Owner, the Work is behind schedule and rate of placement of work is inadequate to regain scheduled progress so as to insure timely completion of the Work or a separable portion thereof, Contractor, when so informed by Architect or Owner, shall immediately take action to increase rate of work placement. This shall be accomplished by any one or a combination of the following or other suitable measures 1) An increase in working forces, 2) An increase in equipment or tools, 3) An increase in hours of work or number of shifts, 4) Expediting delivery of materials. Contractor shall, within ten (10) calendar days after being so informed, notify Architect of specific measures taken and /or planned to increase rate of progress together with an estimate of when scheduled progress will be regained. Should the plan of action be deemed inadequate by Architect or Owner, Contractor will take additional steps or make adjustments as necessary to his plan of action until it meets with Architect's or Owner's approval. Acceleration of work will continue until scheduled progress is regained. Scheduled progress shall be established from the latest revised approved progress schedule for the job. Timely completion will be understood as contract completion date as revised by all time extensions granted at the time acceleration is undertaken. Contractor shall not be entitled to additional compensation for additional effort he applies to the Work under the terms of this sub paragraph. c. Any directive or order to accelerate the work will be in writing. Any directive or order terminating accelerated work will be in writing. Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 13 01 135 suspension of work by owner 01 140 work on adioininq owner property 01 150 building permit set 1. The Owner may order all or any part of the work suspended for such period as he deems proper because of unsuitable weather and such other conditions beyond the control of the Contractor that prevents satisfactory and timely performance of the work, or because of the failure of the Contractor that prevents satisfactory and timely performance of the work, or because of the failure of the Contractor to perform any provisions of the contract or order given by him. The Contractor shall not suspend work unless ordered or authorized to do so by the Owner and he shall immediately comply with such an order by the Owner to do so. 2 Suspension of work by the Owner shall not be grounds for any claim by the Contractor for damages. The periods of suspension because of unsuitable weather and such other conditions beyond the control of the Contractor that prevent satisfactory and timely performance of the work shall be allowed as non working days unless the Owner concludes that the Contractor could have performed the suspended work if he had diligently prosecuted the work prior to such suspension The non working days allowed shall be such number of working days, or parts thereof, as the Owner shall determine where completion of the entire project has been delayed by such suspension. Any suspension due to the failure of the Contractor to carry out orders or perform work, shall not be grounds for allowance of time but shall be counted as working days and not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility assigned under the contract. 1. Where portions of the work are indicated to be performed on property adjoining the site, conform to Owner regulations if more rigid than those herein. Owner will obtain permits as appropriate. 1. The Contractor shall keep the building permit set of drawings at the job during construction, in good condition. Just prior to final acceptance, the Contractor shall deliver to the Architect the approved set of plans. END OF SECTION 01 100 Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 14 01 200 PROJECT MEETINGS 01 210 preconstruction conference 01 220 progress meetings END OF SECTION 01 200 1. A preconstruction conference between Architect, Owner's Representative, and Contractor shall be held at the site prior to commencement of the Work for the purpose of resolving current problems, further orienting Contractor to requirements of the Contract Documents, informing Contractor of Architect's responsibility to Owner for inspection, and working out with Contractor a general schedule of inspection. 1. Periodic job site meetings will be held by the Architect and Owner's Representative to insure all activities are being coordinated properly on the project and to assist in staying on schedule. Status of submittals, changes, progress payments, and other matters will be reviewed. Contractor shall attend such meetings and shall require subcontractors to attend as deemed necessary by the Architect. Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 15 01 300 SUBMITTALS 1. Deliver submittals to the Architect unless indicated otherwise. Accompany each submittal with a letter of transmittal indicating: a. Title of Project b. Name of Contractor c. Title of Submittal 01 310 PROGRESS SCHEDULE 1 Related Documents: a. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division -1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 2. Description of work: a. This section includes Contractor's project time scheduling requirements and reporting of construction progress with the use of critical path method (CPM) schedules. 3. Schedule: a The Contractor shall submit, within ten (10) days after notice to proceed, a time scaled critical path method (CPM) network schedule diagram of the project for the entire construction period. b The Contractor is responsible for the creating, updating, and revising of all schedules and the execution of the plan described by the schedule. c. The initial schedule shall be submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and reviewed by the Architect as appropriate for meeting the scheduling requirements of the Contract. d. The Construction Schedule shall: 1) Be an "Activity" type CPM schedule clearly identifying the activity and time required for the activity. 2) Be plotted to a calendar day based horizontal time scale. 3) Clearly display the specific start and completion date of every activity in the schedule (basing the plotting of the CPM schedule on a time scaled calendar shown at the top of the schedule will fulfill the requirement), and the critical path of activities. 4) Show a logical sequence of the work to be accomplished. 5) Show the order and interdependence of the Contractor's planned activities. 6) Have as many activities as practical broken down such that no individual CPM activity element is Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 16 e sa' �brr?{ for a duration greater than ten (10) calendar days. 7) Identify phases or major areas of construction of the CPM schedule by logically grouping activities and indicating phase or area in large print. 8) Indicate any required actions of Owner or Architect effecting progress or completion date. 9) Be updated by the Contractor as required to stay current with job progress and the relationship to the final completion date. 10) Clearly display the precedence of submittal schedule activities, i.e., the nodal point on the construction schedule by which a particular submittal review fabrication and delivery must be accomplished. e. Scheduling Update Requirements 1) Monthly updated for the purpose of indicating progress of the work shall consist of a vertical time line superimposed on the time scaled calendar based CPM schedule (schedule which has been reviewed by and is still considered by the Architect as appropriate for meeting the scheduling requirements of the Contract) intersecting the calendar on the reporting date and passing vertically down through the schedule intersecting the individual work activities under construction or consideration at the point representing percent of completion for each individual activity (i.e., Activity 50% complete, bisect the arrow with the time line). f. Schedule Revision Requirements 1) When in opinion of the Architect or the Contractor, the Contractor's work progress is generally not conforming to the representations of the schedules so such a degree as to significantly reduce the effectiveness of the schedules as a management tool, the Contractor shall revise his schedules. The revised schedule shall shown actual as -built progress for all executed activities and shall show the scheduling of all future activities. The revised schedules shall be submitted to the Architect as appropriate for meeting the scheduling requirements of the Contract. g Distribution 1) Following initial submittal to and response by Architect, print and distribute progress schedule to Architect, Owner, principal subcontractors and suppliers or fabricators, and others with a need to know the schedule. Post copies in project meeting rooms and field office. Distribute and post subsequent updated issues to same entities, Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 17 when revisions are made; except delete entities from distribution when they have completed assigned work and are no longer involved in performance of scheduled work. h. Procedure During Construction The Contractor and Architect shall analyze actual construction progress monthly. If, during the course of the work, changes are of such nature as to cause re- sequencing or re- scheduling of events from that originally shown, the Contractor will submit updated and revised CPM reflecting the actual progress of the work. Should the Contractor fail to meet the scheduled dates shown, they will be expected to increase the work force, and required to bring the actual completion dates of the activities into conformance with the reviewed schedule. 01 315 SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE 1. Contractor shall, within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed, furnish a submittal schedule listing all items that will be furnished for review to Owner and Architect. a. This schedule shall include, among other things, shop drawings, Manufacturer's literature, certificates of compliance, materials samples, materials colors, guarantees, etc. b Schedule shall indicate type of item, contract requirement reference, Contractor's scheduled dates for submitting the items, and projected need dates for review by Architect If resubmittal is required, and additional five (5) days will be allowed for after receipt Contractor shall revise and /or up -date this schedule as appropriate and submit it with each payment estimate until all items have been submitted and reviewed. c. Submittal schedule shall be coordinated with progress schedule for all the Work. Contractor shall revise and /or up -date the schedule to insure consistency with the progress schedule as it may be revised and /or up- dated. Such revised submittal schedules shall be promptly provided. d Furnishing of the submittal schedule or revision thereto shall not be interpreted as relieving Contractor of his obligation to comply with all the Specification requirements for items on the schedule. 2 Contractor shall notify Architect 24 hours minimum in advance of performing any work which would cover or otherwise make it difficult to inspect any structural, plumbing, mechanical, or electrical work. Should any of said work be covered without proper notification having been given Architect, Contractor shall uncover that work for inspection at his own expense Contractor shall schedule Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 18 the work so that an inspection team may observe and inspect a maximum part to the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work in operating condition, before it is covered up. This formal "overhead" inspection team will furnish a list of items that must be completed to satisfaction of Architect before the work is covered over. Contractor shall notify Architect when he is ready for the overhead inspection. 01 340 SHOP DRAWINGS. PRODUCT DATA. SAMPLES 1. Definitions: a. Shop drawings are drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, performance charts, brochures, and other data which are prepared by Contractor or any subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier, or distributor. Shop drawings illustrate some portion of the Work and confirm dimensions and conformance to Contract Documents. b. Samples are physical examples furnished by Contractor to illustrate materials, equipment, color, or workmanship and to assist in the establishment of standards by which the Work will be judged. 2. Procedure: a. Contractor shall review and designate (stamp) his approval and submit to Architect, with reasonable promptness and in orderly sequence, all shop drawings and samples required by the Contract Documents. 1) Shop drawings and samples not required by the Contract Documents but requested by Contractor or supplied by those under contract to him need not be submitted to Architect for approval unless specifically requested. These shop drawings shall meet all specified shop drawing requirements except those relating to submission to Architect. b. Shop drawings and samples shall be properly identified as specified or as Architect may require. c. Contractor shall reject shop drawings not in conformance with the Contract Documents. d. Shop drawings shall be complete and detailed. If reviewed by Architect, each copy of the shop drawings will be identified as having received such approval by being so stamped and dated. If reviewed "with exception" or "as noted" by architect is so identified, stamped, and dated, Contractor shall comply with notations shown. If such qualified review is shown or if the shop drawings are not reviewed by Architect or if resubmission is so directed, Contractor shall make any corrections required or indicated by Architect at Contractor's expense. 1) Any shop drawing or correction indicated on a shop drawing which does not conform to the Contract Documents shall be submitted as a change order and Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 19 2 01 370 SCHEDULE OF VALUES 6. Review by Architect: a. Review of shop drawings by Architect shall not be construed as a complete check but will indicate only that the general method of construction and detailing is satisfactory. Review of such drawings will not relieve Contractor of responsibility for any error which may exist in the submittals. 7. Certificate of Compliance: a. As a means of quality control for the project, the submission of affidavits certifying compliance with these specifications or with standard specifications are required by the technical specifications. approved, as required under Section 21, paragraph e, of the General Conditions, prior to performing the changed work. Number of copies of shop drawings and other submittals required will be established at the Pre construction Conference if more than three are required. Contractor shall bear cost of reproducing copies of shop drawings required by all concerned. In lieu of prints, a sepia may be required. 3. By approving shop drawings and samples, Contractor thereby represents that he has determined and verified all field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, catalog numbers, and similar data, or will do so, and that he has checked and coordinated each shop drawing and sample with requirements of the Work and of the Contract Documents. 4. No work requiring a shop drawing or sample submission shall be commenced until submission has been approved by Architect. 5. Where specified or required, Contractor shall submit samples to Architect together with specification material, affidavits, and other documentation as may be required by Architect. It is Contractor's specific responsibility to ascertain that samples submitted have been checked and approved by him. Cost of samples, together with transportation, delivery, and any other costs shall be borne by Contractor. Samples shall be submitted in duplicate and one of each sample shall be retained in the office of the Architect until completion of the Project. Where samples are specifically required to be submitted for approval, no work involving the sampled materials shall proceed until written approval has been obtained from Architect. 1. A schedule of dollar values shall be submitted to Architect and Owner not less than twenty (20) days prior to first Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 20 request for payment and shall be submitted on Owner's standard payment request form. This breakdown shall follow the trade Divisions of the Specification and each item thereunder shall include its pro rata part of overhead and profit so the sum of the items will equal the contract price. Breakdown will correspond exactly to items of work in the progress schedule including work of subcontractors. END OF SECTION 01 300 Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 21 01 400 QUALITY CONTROLS 01 410 TESTING AND LABORATORY SERVICES 1. General: a. Special inspection and laboratory services, when obtained by the Owner, are solely an assurance that Contract Documents provisions are met. Where results of Owner procured tests and inspections are made available to the Contractor, the Owner does so as a convenience only, and in no way is this act to be construed as relieving the Contractor of his obligations to provide materials and workmanship in accordance with the specifications. 2. Costs: a. The Owner will engage and pay professional inspection and laboratory personnel for the inspection and testing of certain parts of the Work as listed hereinafter or as may be directed. This paragraph shall not relieve the Contractor from liability for any testing, approval or inspection, including the Architect's additional service made necessary by such activity where the initial testing, approval or inspection has not shown that the work meets the standards required by the Contract. 3. Authority of Inspectors: a Inspectors have full authority to see that work is performed in accordance with specifications and the directions of the Architect. In the event that unforeseen circumstances or conditions develop which he deems hazardous to the safety of personnel or property, he may stop the work and make an immediate report to the Architect. 4. Contractor's Responsibility: a. Lay out and plan Work so that parts of the work requiring special inspection and laboratory testing are available to such personnel and that times are allowed for their inspection and evaluation. b. Notify Owner and Architect at least 48 hours before inspection will be required. c. Access: Furnish access and arrange for inspection and testing personnel to have free access to the parts of the Work for which they nave evaluation responsibility. Furnish records and drawings or data as may be required by testing and inspection personnel for the performance of their duties. d. Defective Work: Remove and replace or remedy to bring into conformance with the contract documents any materials and work found to be defective by testing and inspection personnel at no additional cost to the Owner. If defective work is discovered by testing and inspection personnel, the Contractor shall bear all Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 22 associated costs of additional required testing and architectural services. 5. Submittals: a. Reports: Address 1 copy to Contractor; address 1 copy to Architect; address 1 copy to the structural engineer; and address 1 copy to the Owner. b. Laboratory Reports: In all reports include description of weather or climatic conditions pertinent to the report, date and time, identification of portion of work covered by report, name of inspectors or testers, and analysis of cause in case of failure. c. Site Reports: Submit Inspection at Site" reports; include pertinent data on weather, condition of work, and evaluation, consolidation methods, and finishes. 6. Duties of Inspectors and Testing Services: a. General 1) Inspection and testing services will be engaged for the checking and testing of the following phases of the Work. b. Sitework and Utilities 1) Compaction of Fill: Test fill after compaction for required densities; verify bearing capacity of all bearing surfaces. c Concrete Work 1) Structural Concrete: Make tests of water /cement ratio by weight; check batch consistency; made slump tests for each pour per ASTM C143; furnish continuous inspection during placement, form removal, repair and patching, and curing of concrete. Make and cure at least 3 test cylinders of each strength of concrete for each 150 cubic yards placed, or for each day's pour, whichever is the greater. 7. Duties of Laboratory: a. Submit reports promptly. Test and obtain certifications for tests of structural components as described hereinbefore. 01 420 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Familiarity with Pertinent Codes and Standards: In procuring all items used in this Work, it is the Contractor's responsibility to verify the detailed requirements of the specifically named codes and standards and to verify that the items procured for use in this Work meet or exceed the specified requirements. 2 Rejection of Non- Complying Items: The architect reserves the right to reject items incorporated into the Work which fail to meet the specified minimum requirements. The Architect further reserves the right, and without prejudice Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 23 to other recourse the Architect may take, to accept non complying items subject to an adjustment in the Contract Amount as approved by the Architect and the Owner. 3 The Architect and /or Owner reserve the right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to specifications at any time. The Contractor shall furnish samples upon request. Rejected materials shall be immediately removed from the site at Contractor's expense. Cost of testing of materials not meeting specifications shall be paid by the Contractor END OF SECTION 01 400 Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 24 01 500 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01 510 TEMPORARY UTILITIES 01 511 temporary electricity 1. Contractor may receive temporary power from existing facility. 01 512 temporary lighting 1. Contractor shall provide and pay for all lighting. 01 513 temporary heating. coolina and ventilating 1. Contractor shall provide and maintain, at his own expense, all temporary heating including all fuel and required attendance necessary to protect and dry all work during cold weather. Specific heating requirements include, but are not limited to: a. Gypsum Wallboard 55 deg. F minimum day and night during entire joint treatment operation and until execution of Certificate of Substantial Completion. b. Ceramic Tile 50 deg F during preparation of mortar bed, laying of tile, and for 72 hours after completion of tile work. c. Acoustical Tile 70 deg. F minimum during setting of tile d. Wood Flooring 70 deg. F minimum where material is stored prior to installation, for one week prior to installation, continuously during installation, and one week after application of final coat of floor finish. e. Resilient Flooring 70 deg. F minimum during application. f. Carpeting 60 deg. F minimum and 95 deg. F maximum for 7 days prior to laying of carpet and continuously _during installation. g Painting 55 deg. F minimum during painting operations and until dry. 2. Temporary heat shall be provided as soon as condition of the building warrants. After such time no salimanders or open fires will be permitted. 3. When temporary heating is no longer required or as soon as the permanent heating system may be used, Contractor shall dismantle the temporary heating system and shall at his own expense (including cost of fuel) operate the permanent heating system, assuming all responsibility and risk thereof. Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 25 01 514 temporary telephone 1. Contractor shall install and maintain a job telephone at his own expense. 01 515 temporary water 1. Contractor may receive water for building purposes which is required by all trades from existing facility. 2 Contractor shall make temporary connections and provide piping, hoses, nozzles, and other accessories required during construction, if necessary. 01 516 temporary sanitary facilities 1. Contractor shall provide and maintain a sanitary temporary toilet within fenced construction area. 2. Temporary outside toilet shall be removed at the completion of the job 01 525 CONSTRUCTION AIDS 01 527 scaffolding. platforms. etc. 1. Contractor or his subcontractors shall furnish and maintain all equipment such as temporary stairs, ladders, ramps, platforms, scaffolds, hoists, runways, derricks, chutes, elevators, etc., as required for proper execution of the work. 2. All apparatus, equipment, and construction shall meet all requirements of the Labor Law, safety regulations, and other State or local laws applicable thereto. 3. As soon as possible, permanent stair framing shall be erected. Contractor shall provide framing with temporary treads, handrails, and shaft protection. 01 530 BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES 01 533 tree and plant protection 1. Prior to commencing site work, erect and maintain protective fencing around existing trees and vegetation identified by Architect. 2. Individual trees shall have protective fencing erected beyond drip line and to satisfaction of Architect. 3. Groups of trees and other vegetation shall have protective fencing erected around entire group to satisfaction of Architect. t Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 26 4. Areas within protective fencing shall remain undisturbed and shall not be used for any purpose. 5. Vegetation that has died or has been damaged beyond repair shall be removed and replaced by Contractor to satisfaction of Architect. 01 534 temporary enclosures 1. Contractor shall provide temporary weathertight enclosures for all exterior openings as soon as walls and roof are built so as to protect all work from the weather. 01 540 SECURITY 01 542 snow and ice 1 Contractor shall remove all snow and ice as may be required for the proper protection and prosecution of the work. 01 543 bracina. shoring, and sheathing 1. Contractor shall provide all shoring, bracing, and sheathing as required for safety and for proper execution of the work and have same removed if required when the Work is completed. 01 544 persons 1. Contractor shall provide installation and maintenance of fencing anfd other necessary precautions to protect all persons on the site, including members of the general public, from injury or harm, including but not limited to: a. Posting of appropriate warning signs in hazardous areas. b. Providing guardrails, barricades of adequate heights, _together with warning lights around obstructions, pits, trenches, or similar areas in on -site or adjacent streets, roads, sidewalks, or on the site of structure itself. All such guardrails around openings in floors or roofs shall be at least 3' -6" in height. c. No storage of explosives or other hazardous materials or equipment necessary for the execution of the work shall be stored on -site unless approved by the Owner. 01 545 weather 1. Contractor shall at all times provide protection against weather (rain, winds, storms, frost, or heat) so as to maintain all work, materials, apparatus, and fixtures free from injury or damage. At the end of the day's work, all new work likely to be damaged shall be covered. 2. During cold weather, Contractor shall protect all work from damage. If low temperatures make it impossible to continue Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 27 operations safely in spite of cold weather precautions, Contractor shall cease work and so notify Architect. 01 547 temporary fire protection 1. Contractor shall provide and maintain in working order two Standard UL Labeled ABC all purpose 10 lb. fire extinguishers. These extinguishers shall not be incorporated into the final Project. 2. Fires shall not be built on the premises. 01 548 adiacent property 1 Contractor shall provide all necessary protection for adjacent property and lateral support thereof. 01 549 work area 1. Contractor shall confine operations and storage to work areas. Work areas for all work shall be as shown on the drawings and described at pre -bid conference. In those locations where existing vegetation or improvements are to remain, the Contractor must work around the material. Entire construction area shall be fenced under direction of Architect and Owner's Representative. 01 560 TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01 561 construction cleaning 1. Contractor shall keep premises broom clean during progress of the Work. 2. Remove waste materials and rubbish caused by employees, subcontractors, and installing materialmen. 3. Prior to and during process of painting and varnishing, clear area where such work is in progress of all debris, rubbish, and building materials which may cause dust. Sweep floors as required and take all possible steps to keep area dust free. 01 568 surface water control 1. Contractor shall at all times protect the excavation, trenches, and building from damage from rain water, spring water, ground water, backing up of drains or sewers, and all other water, and: a. Provide pumps and equipment and enclosures necessary for such protection. b. Construct and maintain necessary temporary drainage and do pumping necessary to keep site free of water. Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 28 2. Cost of water control shall be borne by Contractor. Owner may, if promptly notified of adverse underground water conditions, negotiate reasonable financial relief for Contractor where such conditions could not have been reasonably determined from Soils Engineer's Report or by commonly known local conditions. 01 569 dust control 1. When construction occurs during dry weather periods, dust resulting from construction shall be minimized through use of good operational techniques, such as watering of exposed areas. 01 570 NOISE CONTROL 1. Intent: a. The purpose of this specification is to keep the level of construction noise inside adjacent buildings and /or rooms from exceeding a DBE 55 curve (with windows closed) during all occupied hours. The Contractor may meet this criterion by erecting barriers between equipment on job and such interior areas or by providing equipment noise attenuators. Outdoor Vehicle and Internal Combustion Engine Noise: Noise level of each piece of equipment shall not be greater than 86 DBA at a distance of 50 feet as measured under noisiest operating conditions. 2 Rubber -tired equipment will be used whenever possible instead of equipment with metal tracks. Mufflers for stationary engines shall be hospital area quality of silencing. 3. Limited Hours of Use: Noise producing vehicles and equipment audible within the building is subject to approval of the Owner. 4. Air Compressors: Equip with silencing packages. Electric driven preferred. 5. General: Any equipment that can be electrically driven instead of gas or diesel is preferred. If noise levels on any gear cannot be reasonably be brought down to criteria, either that gear will not be allowed on the job or use times will have to be scheduled subject to approval of the Owner. Conformance to this specification shall be included in the Contract price and no compensation will be allowed for special equipment, overtime, etc., that may be required. Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 29 01 580 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION AND SIGNS GENERAL 1. Division 01 General applies to this section. 2. Scope: a. All signs used by the Contractor on the site shall conform to the requirements of this section. The Contractor shall supply the following types of signs as indicate by the Architect and shall conform to the specifications given herein. 3. Prohibitions: a. The following may not be used by the Contractor on site: 1) Separate Contractor's, subcontractor's or supplier's signs or advertisements. 2) Signs which flash, blink, rotate or otherwise draw unusual attention (except there required by safety regulations) 3) Company or agency logos. 4. Approvals: a. All signs shall be approved for patterns and colors by the Architect as follows: 1) Notify Architect at least 48 hours before all patterns are finished. Architect will visit sign shop to review and give approvals before fabrication. 2) Provide samples of all plywood, paint colors, symbols and design patterns. PRODUCTS 1. All Project Signs and Construction Signs shall be fabricated from the following materials: 2 Plywood Face: a. High density overlay type, with overlay .012" thick each side, 45% resin content by dry weight, and minimum weight of 60 pounds /thousand sq. ft. of surface. 3/4" nominal plywood thickness shall be provided. 3. Paint: a. Exterior, gloss, alkyd enamel to meet Federal Spec. TT -E -489. Provide 2 coats on all sign faces, backs and edges and one coat on all posts. 4. Wood Posts: a. Douglas Fir, S4S, with design stress of 1400 psi fb minimum. Paint the entire post before embedding in earth. Provide posts in sizes and depths of embedment as indicated. All signs will be reviewed with the Architect for location and nature of mounting details. Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 30 EXECUTION 1. 0 e 3t E 5. Lettering: a. Design Standards: All signs shall conform to the following requirements 1) Type: All lettering shall be of the "Optima" modified Latin typeface, in sizes shown in exhibit "A 2) Symbols- Use only those symbols shown. 3) Layout- Sign layout shall be submitted to Architect for approval before execution of sign. All Project Signs and Construction Signs shall conform to the following. a. Sign Panel: All cuts and edges shall be square and clean and all defects patched before painting. b. Image: Symbol or type may be screened or hand painted. No screen patterning, paint build -up, bleed- through or drips and runs will be allowed. c. Hand -made patterns must be carefully cut and true to the symbols provided therein. Only clear, crisp sign painting is acceptable. Hand- painted typeograph shall be true to the font design. d. Posts: All sign posts shall be embedded in earth and braced as indicated. All signs 4' x 8' and larger shall have compacted gravel around each post. 2. Exhibit A: 1 z1 TFsL. }JO. 5T1Ztx rUf�L M GN. l;L r G i V I- L EtiJCoINE�R �olh -1 t� ENI�iN�� AI��1-- tIT�'Gr CNaME) CNI (t.J +4 3 (1-1441.=;) l f 3' Io �2 fJ SGT N1, e 1 I' 3- l oz 1. U xTr✓fzlU� �`�`NOO17 POUNT 0 'J (2) wavt FE:7 Z. USa. L'1T 4H oFF- y�1+11T e& UHt, Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 31 01 590 FIELD OFFICES AND SHEDS 01 591 offices 1. Contractor shall at all times provide and maintain a weathertight office for use by Contractor, Architect, and Subcontractors. This building shall be property of Contractor and shall be removed when directed. 2. This office shall be heated when needed and provided with doors and locks, tables, benches, electric lights, and racks for drawings. 3. Location of all field offices and sheds to be approved by Architect and Owner's Representative. 01 592 sheds 1. Contractor shall provide and maintain on the premises, neat, weather -tight storage sheds for storage of all materials which might be damaged or affected by weather or moisture. These sheds shall have wood floors raised above the ground. Sheds shall be property of Contractor or subcontractor and shall be removed at completion of the Work. 01 593 first aid facilities: 1. In accordance with the requirements of 296 -24 WAC; furnish personnel trained in first aid and certified as approved by Washington Department of Labor and Industries Provide first aid kits on site; types and quantities in accordance with requirements of 196 -24 -065 WAC. END OF SECTION 01 500 r Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 32 01 600 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 1. Materials incorporated into Project shall be new, of specified quality, and furnished in sufficient quantity to facilitate proper and speedy execution of the Work. 2. Contractor shall, if required, furnish evidence of the quality of any materials. 3 Materials not meeting requirements of the Contract Documents shall be removed from Project by Contractor without expense to Owner. 4 No asbestos or products containing asbestos have been knowingly specified for this Project. Notify the Architect immediately if- a. Materials containing asbestos are brought to the site for inclusion in the Work. b. Asbestos materials are encountered in any existing structures upon which work is being performed. 01 610 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING 1. Materials shall be delivered to the site in original packaging with labels and trademarks intact, and such labels and trademarks shall remain intact until used. 01 620 STORAGE AND PROTECTION 1. Contractor shall confine his apparatus, storage of materials, and operations of his workmen to limits indicated by law, ordinances, and permits and shall arrange and maintain parking of vehicles and storage of materials in an orderly manner leaving all walks, driveways, roads, and entrances, unencumbered. 2. All equipment on site shall be protected from physical damage and from the elements by measured satisfactory to Architect. All rotating equipment shall be rotated four turns once each week during construction. 01 630 PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS 1. Contractor's Responsibility: a. Contractor's responsibility to be certain that all materials selected by him, or for him by his subcontractors or material suppliers, conform with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The approval of a manufacturer's name by the Architect does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for providing material and equipment which comply with the Contract Documents. r Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 33 b It is frequently necessary to design the structure and finish around, and to specify items to accommodate, one manufacturer's product including mechanical and electrical items or equipment. In the event the Contractor receives approval to provide another manufacturer's product or assembly, it shall be understood that any modifications necessary to the proper installation and function of the substituted items shall be made by the contractor at no additional cost to Owner. The Contractor shall bear the additional cost required for necessary detailing to accommodate the change. Changes made to accommodate approved but not specified items shall be approved by the Architect prior to construction. c. All redesign costs resulting from substitutions shall be borne by Contractor, and shall be paid to Architect before final Certificate for Payment will be issued. 2. Substitutions and approval before receipt of bids: a. Whenever a material, article, or piece of equipment is identified on the drawings or in the specifications by reference to manufacturer's name, trademark, model, or catalog number, only such specific items may be used except as hereinafter provided. b. When the term "or approved" is employed, any items or material not specifically named by manufacturer's name shall be subject to the Architects's approval. Written requests for approval shall be submitted by bidders to the Architect at least 10 days prior to the receiving of bids. Requests received after that time will not be considered. c. Requests for approval shall clearly describe the product for which approval is asked. The specific application shall be accompanied by samples, record of performance, certified copies of tests by impartial and recognized laboratories, and engineering data Approval of all items and materials will be given only by written addendum sent to all Bidders. d Bidders may submit with his proposal a letter under separate cover listing substitutions of his choice that he is willing to guarantee. However, his bid shall be based on the specified items. This letter shall identify the product or products, the manufacturer of each, and shall state the amount to be added to or deducted from his bid in the event the substitution is accepted. The separate proposal will not be used for the purpose of determining the successful Bidder. These proposed substitutions do not require the prior approval of the Architect. e. Proposals for changes in structure, design, or function will not be considered. Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 34 r 3. Substitutions After Award of Contract: a. In general, the equipment and materials selected by the Architect are considered to be those best suited for this project, and substitutions will be considered after execution of the Contract only under the following conditions: 1) That the equipment or materials proposed for substitutions are equal to, or superior in construction, efficiency, and utility to the equipment or material specified, and that equipment or material specified cannot be delivered to the job in time to complete the work in proper sequence of work by other subcontractors due to conditions beyond to control of the Contractor. 2) To receive consideration, requests for substitutions must be accompanied by documentary proof of equality, engineering data, difference in price, and time of delivery in the form of certified quotations from suppliers of both specified and proposed equipment, showing prices and date of ordering. In case of difference in price, the Owner shall receive all benefit of the difference in cost involved in any substitutions as shown by the certified quotations. The Contract will be altered by change order to credit Owner with any savings obtained. No substitutions involving additional cost to the Owner will be approved. 3) When the Architect approves a substitution, it is with the understanding that the Contractor guarantees the substituted item to be equal to, or better than the one specified. Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 35 1 1 1 1 1 1 Detailed comparison of the significant qualities (size, weight, durability, performance and similar characteristics, and including visual effect where applicable) for the proposed substitution in comparison with the original requirements. List completely installation changes and changes to Drawings and 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 631 TO: PROJECT: substitution request form We hereby submit for consideration, the following product instead of specified item for above project. Section: Specified Item: Proposed Substitution: Attach complete technical data, including laboratory tests and samples, as applicable. Specifications required by proposal. Fill in Blanks Below: A. Does substitution require change in Drawing dimensions? B. Will Undersigned pay for resulting building design changes including engineering and detailing costs? C. What effect does substitution have on other trades? D Differences between proposed substitution and specified item? E Manufacturer's guarantees of proposed and specified items are Same Different (explain in attachment) F Name and address of 3 similar projects on which product was used, and date of installation: Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 36 G. Contract completion date is: Same Different (explain on attachment) Undersigned attests function and quality equivalent or superior to specified item and waives his rights to additional payment and time which may subsequently be necessitated by failure of the substitution to perform adequately, and for the required work to make corrections thereof. Submitted by: Signature Firm Address Date Remarks Telephone For Use by Architect: Accepted Accepted as Noted Not Accepted Received Too Late_ By Date END OF SECTION 01 600 Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 37 1 01 700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 1. Scope: a. At or near completion of construction of the project, certain items, or work and submittals as specified elsewhere, are required prior to the Owner's acceptance and final payment for the project which include, but are not limited to, the following: 01 710 FINAL CLEANING 1. Interior surfaces: a. After all trades have completed their work and just before final acceptance and occupancy by the Owner, thoroughly clean all interior surfaces of the project; vacuum floors, walls and ceilings; clean air ducts; replace filters; hand dust all shelves, counters, and cabinets; clean finish floors and floor covering and wax; wash and polish all mirror and metal trim or fittings; clean toilet and plumbing fixtures; clean lighting fixtures and electrical equipment, include washing and polishing lenses inside and out; wash and polish all exposed stainless steel surfaces and wash and polish all glass and glazing, both sides. 2. Exterior Surfaces: a. Remove construction equipment and temporary facilities from premises; clean and disinfect areas occupied by sanitary conveniences; remove temporary connection to services and restore to "original" condition. Remove all construction debris and excess materials. 01 715 PREFINAL. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. FINAL INSPECTIONS. OCCUPANCY 1. Upon Contractor's request, Architect (and his consultants as appropriate) will make a prefinal inspection and furnish to Contractor a list of items to be corrected by Contractor. Upon correction of these items, Architect will arrange a substantial completion inspection to include Owner and User representatives at which time Architect will furnish final list of items to be corrected. At the substantial completion inspection, unless building is rejected, Owner, Architect, and Contractor will execute a Certificate of Substantial Completion which states the dates for user occupancy, commencement of warranties, final completion inspection, and for voiding the liquidated damages requirement contained in Section 01 110. Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 38 r 2. Final Completion Inspection will ensure that all deficiencies noted at the substantial completion inspection have been corrected according to terms of the substantial completion certificate. When all items have been corrected, Architect will issue a certificate authorizing final payment. If all items have not been corrected as agreed, Owner may elect to complete the Work under provisions of General and Supplementary Conditions. 3 Neither the final payment nor the remaining retained percentage shall become due until the Contractor submits to the Owner (1) an affidavit that all payrolls, bills for materials and equipment, and other indebtedness connected with the work for which the Owner or his property might in any way be responsible, have been paid or otherwise satisfied, due to final payment and (2) if required by the Owner, other data establishing payment or satisfaction of all such obligations such as receipts, releases and waivers of liens arising out of the Contract to extend and in such form as may be designated by the Owner. If a subcontractor refuses to furnish a release or waiver required by the Owner, the Contractor may furnish a bond satisfactory to the Owner to indemnify him against any such lien. If any such lien remains unsatisfied after all payments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all moneys that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging such lien, including all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. 01 720 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 1. Contractor shall deliver to Architect prior to substantial completion inspection: a. Accurate "as built" drawings and letters of the work if the work is constructed in any way at variance to that shown on Contract Documents. b. Certificates of inspection and of occupancy that may be required by authorities having jurisdiction over the Work. c Construction photographs that may be required by Owner. 01 730 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 1. Before execution of the Certificate of Substantial Completion, Contractor shall furnish the operating instructions and maintenance manuals as called for in the Contract Documents. 2. Operating Instructions: Provide an operation instruction period for Owner's representatives and personnel following completion and initial operation of equipment and systems; instruction shall be given by manufacturer's authorized personnel, Contractors' and Subcontractors' foremen, or superintendents for the trades involved. Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 39 01 740 WARRANTIES AND BONDS 1. When written guarantees beyond one year after substantial completion are required of any section of the Work, Contractor shall secure such guarantees and /or warranties properly addressed and in favor of Owner. These documents shall be delivered to Architect upon substantial completion of Contractor's work and prior to execution of Certificate of Substantial Completion 2. Delivery of guarantees and warranties shall not relieve Contractor from any obligation assumed under any other provision of this contract. 3. Nothing herein intends nor implies that guarantees and /or warranties shall apply to work abused or neglected by Owner. 01 750 CORRECTION OF WORK DURING GUARANTEE PERIOD: 1. Corrections: a. Where items on the Architect's "Punch List" have not been corrected prior to expiration of the specified guaranteed period, it shall nevertheless be the responsibility of the Contractor to permanently correct said items after the specified guarantee period, and the Contract shall not be fully performed until such permanent corrections are made. 2 Guarantee Period: a. All corrective work performed by the Contractor in remedying defective work during the guarantee period following the Owner's acceptance of the project shall be subject to the same guarantee requirements of the original work for a period as specified from the date of completion of the corrective work. 3. Delivery of guarantees and warranties shall not relieve Contractor from any obligation assumed under any other provisions of his contract. 4. Nothing herein intends or implies that guarantees and /or warranties shall apply to work abused or neglected by Owner. END OF SECTION 01 700 r Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 40 D I V I S I O N 0 2 S I T E W O R K GENERAL 1. General Conditions and Division 01 apply to this Division. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Provide labor, materials, and equipment necessary for completion of work unless noted otherwise 02 050 DEMOLITION GENERAL 1. Division 02 GENERAL applies to this Section. 02 070 demolition for remodeling GENERAL 1. Scope. a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Perform demolition and removal of portions of the building shown on Drawings. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Carpentry specified in Section 06100 2) Mechanical demolition specified in Section 15000 3} Electrical demolition specified in Section 16000 2. Submittals: a. Permits and notices authorizing demolition b. Demolition procedures and operational sequence for review and acceptance by the Architect. -3. Protection: a. Do not interfere with use of building. Maintain free and safe passage to and from. b. Cease operations and notify Architect immediately if safety of structure appears to be endangered. Do not resume operations until safety is restored. c. Provide, erect, and maintain barricades, lighting, and guardrails as required by applicable regulatory advisory to protect occupants of building, workers, and public. d. Protect and maintain electrical conduits, pipe, wires, and fixtures that are to remain. e Protect existing building from damage during re- roofing work, allowing no leaks. Repair damage at no cost to the Owner. PRODUCTS 1. Materials: a. Unless noted otherwise, maintain possession of materials being removed or demolished. Division 02 Section 02 050 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 02 050/ 1 EXECUTION 1. b. Carefully remove, store and protect for re- installation materials and /or equipment indicated on Drawings. c. Carefully remove existing original undamaged brick in areas shown on drawings Remove mortar and store on -site of reuse as required for masonry restoration, as well as construction of new garbage enclosure. Preparation: a. During removal of existing roofing, provide proper protection from falling objects over entrances and parking areas which are to be kept open during normal working hours. b Carry out demolition work to cause as little inconvenience to adjacent occupied building as possible. c Locate guardrails around open areas to protect worker and general public. Post clearly visible warning signs. 2. Demolition: a. General 1) Demolish in an orderly and careful manner as required to accommodate work. 2) Perform demolition in accordance with applicable authorities having jurisdiction. 3) Keep street, sidewalks, and parking lot clean, and swept daily. 4) Carefully remove, disassemble, or dismantle, as required, and store in approved location at site, items shown on Drawings to be reused in completed work. 5) Remove loose materials caused by or remaining from demolition work. 6) Repair all demolition performed in excess of that required, at no cost to Owner. 7) Remove demolished materials, tools and equipment from site upon completion of work. Leave site in condition acceptable to Architect. b. Roofing 1) Remove roofing from entire roof area affected, including underlayment, in an orderly and careful manner as required to accommodate new work. Protect existing surfaces. 2) Remove no more roofing than can be covered with new roofing in one day or before rain or other moisture producing weather can be expected. Division 02 Section 02 050 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 02 050/ 2 3) Remove no more flashings and counterflashings as roofing work proceeds, and, in no case, remove no more metal than can be protected by new roofing work in one day or before rain is expected. Allow no rain or other moisture into building. Remove existing sheet metal as required for new work. 4) Remove exhaust fans and vents. Replace equipment in working order in manner to prevent leaks. 5) If dry rot is discovered in any wood decks, immediately call same to Architect's attention who will determine how much should be removed and replaced with new. END OF SECTION 02 050 Division 02 Section 02 050 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 02 050/ 3 02 100 SITE PREPARATION 02 117 grubbing 02 118 stripping topsoil ��c ..tea.. :"".+xa::.N.- <z:._:,... :3,:- r........ rss«s .a. ^..;:Y.za:r. �.•..rs «.+.ii- •r -s.... GENERAL 1. Division 02 applies to this Section. 2. Existing Conditions: a. Examine site to determine type of problems to be encountered. 3. Care of Plants to Remain on Site: a. Trees 1) Protect tops, trunks, and roots of existing trees on site which are intended to remain. Do not use heavy equipment within branch spread. Interfering branches may be removed only with the permission of the Architect. b. Other Plants 1) Protect shrubs, plants, and other features which are to remain c. When existing grade around plants is lower than new finish grade, perform regrading by hand. 4. Provide all construction staking unless noted otherwise. GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Excavation and disposal of stumps, roots, and buried debris. EXECUTION 1. Use equipment suitable for the work. 2. Grub out stumps and roots to not less than 12 inches below original ground surface. 3. Dispose of cleared and grubbed material off site within two (2) days of excavation. GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Stripping and storing of topsoil. EXECUTION 1. Use equipment suitable for the work. 2. Carefully strip topsoil to depth of 12 inches and store on site for later use. END OF SECTION 02 100 Division 02 Section 02 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 02 100/ 1 _.s.,- ...,,s.< —yo-... s�4: xx. �f.�.<..._,.. ..mu S rt... x.,_..... ,._._.v_..___a......c:: .y_<. 02 200 EARTHWORK GENERAL 1. Division 02 GENERAL applies to this Section. 02 210 GRADING 02 211 rough grading GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) All work to prepare site for construction. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Structure excavation trenching specified in Section 02 220. 2) Backfilling compacting specified in Section 02 222. EXECUTION 1. 2. Allowable Tolerances a. Maximum variation from indicated grades shall be 1/10 of one foot. Preparation: a. Carefully examine site with Architect prior to beginning of work to preplan procedures for making cuts, placing fills, and other necessary work. b. Before making cuts, determine areas needing fill and organize to most efficiently place fill. 2. Before making cuts, remove topsoil not already removed by Section 02 118 over areas to be cut and filled and stockpile in suitable area. Compaction of fills shall be as specified in Section 02 222. 4. Make proper allowance for final finishes of parking lot and planting areas as outlined in Sections 02 500 and 02 212 respectively. Finished rough grade prior to placing topsoil is a. Seeded Lawn Areas 6 -1/2" below top of walk or curb. b. Shrub or Ground Cover Areas (within 10 feet of building) 19 -1/2" below top of walk or curb. Finish grade of soil is top of sod dirt after sod has been laid. 5. If soft spots, water, or other unusual excavating conditions are encountered, stop work and notify Architect. 6. All excavated material shall be removed from site within two (2) days of excavation. Division 02 Section 02 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 02 200/ 1 02 212 finish aradina GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing and spreading of topsoil over lawn and planting areas. 2) Fine grading required because of tolerances allowed in Section 02 211. Do not commence work of this Section until these tolerances are met. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) One inch of humus material, to be applied over finish grading, specified in Section 02 920. 2) Stripping and storing of existing topsoil specified in Section 02 118. PRODUCTS 1. Topsoil: a. Good, loose, friable sandy loam, clean and free from toxic minerals, noxious weeds, and other objectionable materials. EXECUTION 1. 2. Quality Assurance: a. Obtain approval from Architect of topsoil to be used prior to placing any topsoil. b. Soil determined to be questionable by Architect shall have qualified commercial soil test obtained and paid for by Contractor. c. If accepted by Architect prior to bid, topsoil stockpiled on site may be used for landscape topsoil. During preliminary grading, dig out weeds from planting areas by their roots and remove from site. 2. Use equipment suitable for the work. r• 3. Remove from site rocks larger than 1 -1/2 inches in size and foreign matter such as building rubble, wire, cans, sticks, concrete, etc., before placing topsoil. 4. Redistribute topsoil stored on site and provide additional soil required to bring surface to within 2 -1/2 inches of finish grades shown on Drawings. a. Lawn and ground cover planting areas shall receive a minimum of 4 inches of topsoil. b. Areas within 10 feet of building where Drawings indicate planting of trees, sh -rubs, or ground covers shall have 18 inches of topsoil. Division 02 Section 02 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 02 200/ 2 5. Slope grade away from building for 12 feet minimum from walls at slope of 1/2 inch per ft. minimum unless otherwise noted. High point of finish grade at building foundation shall be 6 inches minimum below finish floor level. 6. Direct surface drainage in manner indicated on Drawings by molding surface to facilitate natural run -off of water. Fill low spots and pockets with topsoil and grade to drain properly. 02 220 EXCAVATING. BACKFILLING. COMPACTING 02 221 excavatina GENERAL 1. Scone: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Project excavation and trenching except as specified in Section 02 200 GENERAL. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Topsoil stripping specified in Section 02 118. 2) Rough grading specified in Section 02 211. 3) Excavating, backfilling, and compacting inside and outside of building required for electrical and mechanical work shall be responsibility of respective Section doing work unless arranged differently by Contractor. PRODUCTS 1. Debris and material not necessary for Project are property of Contractor. However, if material necessary for Project is hauled away, replace with equal or better kind as specified in Section 02 222. EXECUTION 1. 2. Job Conditions: a. If existing utility lines are encountered, have local utility agencies relocate, direct relocation or protection, or protect as required. 2. Equipment: a. Suitable for the work. Carefully examine site and available information to determine type soil to be encountered. Discuss problems with Architect before proceeding with work. 2. Excavate as necessary for proper placement and forming of footings and foundations. Division 02 Section 02 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 02 200/ 3 02 222 backfillinq compacting GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Performance of backfilling and compacting except as specified in Section 02 200 GENERAL. 2) Procedure and quality for backfilling and compacting performed on Project unless specifically specified otherwise. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Structure excavation trenching specified in Section 02 220. 2) Top 18 inches of backfill in landscape planting areas, other than lawn areas, within 10 feet of building specified in Section 02 212. PRODUCTS EXECUTION 1. 3. Excavation Carried Deeper Than Required: a. Under Footings Fill with concrete specified for footings. b. Under Slabs Use thoroughly compacted earth, crushed rock, or gravel as outlined in Section 02 222. 4 If rock, water, or other unusual excavating conditions are encountered, stop work and notify Architect. 2. Protection: a. Damage to dampproofing, moisture barrier, waterproofing, or other portions of the Work due to work of this Section shall be repaired by original installer at no additional cost to Owner. Backfill material shall be free from debris, stones over 6 inches diameter, frozen materials, brick, lime, and concrete. a. Site material, if approved by Architect. b. Borrowed fill shall conform to AASHTO Spec M -145, A -1 -A, A -1 -B, A -2 -4, or A -2 -5 granular, nonplastic material. 1) Contact local State Road Commission for location of pits containing specified materials. Preparation: a. Before backfilling, locate on record set of Drawings utility and service lines to be covered. b. Do not backfill until utilities involved have been tested and approved by Architect. c. Do not backfill until instructed by Architect. Division 02 Section 02 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 02 200/ 4 1 d Take into account landscaping and finished grades. r 2. Backfillinq: a. Slope grade away from building as specified in Section 02 212. b. Hand backfill when close to building or where damage to building might result. c. Do not use puddling to consolidate fill areas. 3. Compaction of Backfills: a. Fills Under Slabs, Walks, Parking Surfaces, Around Foundation Walls 1) Place backfill in 8 inch layers, dampen (do not soak), and mechanically tamp to 90% minimum of maximum density as established by ASTM D 1557 -78, "Tests for Moisture Density Relations of Soils Soil- Aggregate Mixtures Using 10 Pound Rarnmer and 18 Inch Drop." b. Backfill under footings is not allowed unless footings are designed to be placed on engineered fill. 1) Place other fills in 12 inch layers and mechanically tamp. 4 If site material will not compact to specified density or it is suspected that it will not, remove and replace with material specified in PRODUCT section above. 02 280 SOILS TREATMENT 02 283 vegetation control GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Sterilization to prevent seed germination and plant growth under sidewalks, and in other areas if indicated on Drawings. 2. Protection: a. Take necessary precautions to protect adjoining property and areas designated for planting on building site. PRODUCTS 1. Any commercial sterilant containing sodium chlorate, borate, or arsenate which has been proven effective under local conditions and is acceptable under state and local codes. EXECUTION 1 Apply in accordance with Manufacturer's Division 02 Section 02 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 02 200/ 5 directions. END OF SECTION 02 200 r Division 02 Section 02 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 02 200/ 6 02 700 SEWERAGE DRAINAGE GENERAL 1. Division 02 applies to this Section. EXECUTION 1. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To- 1) Sewer and drainage systems outside of building. 3. Reference Standards: a. WSDOT 7 -04 applies to this Section. 02 720 STORM SEWAGE SYSTEMS Excavation and backfill shall be as specified in Section 02 200 with the following additional requirements a. Runs shall be as close as possible to those shown on Drawings. b. Excavate to required depth. c Grade to obtain fall required. d Bottom of trenches shall be hard. Tamp as required. e. Remove debris from trench prior to laying pipe. f. Do not cut trenches near footings without consulting Architect. g. Backfill only after pipe lines have been tested, inspected, and approved Notify Architect prior to testing. h. Remove excess earth from site. i. Bury outside pipe 12 inches minimum below frost line or 18 inches minimum below finish grade, whichever is deeper. 2. Provide all construction staking, unless noted otherwise. r GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To- 1) Furnish and install storm drainage piping from point of water collection to terminating point. PRODUCTS 1. Pipe: a. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) conforming to ASTM D -3034 SDR 35. 02 730 SANITARY SEWAGE SYSTEMS GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To- 1) Furnish and install sanitary sewage Division 02 Section 02 700 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 02 700/ 1 system complete as shown on Drawings. Begin sewer pipe within 5 feet of point at which it enters building and connect to serving sewer system. PRODUCTS 1. Piping: a. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) conforming to ASTM D -3034 SDR 35 r END OF SECTION 02 700 Division 02 Section 02 700 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 02 700/ 2 1 D I V I S I O N 1 0 3 C O N C R E T E GENERAL 1. General Conditions and Division 01 apply to this Division. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish labor, materials, and equipment necessary for completion of work unless indicated or noted otherwise. 2) Application or installation of concrete accessories. 3) Furnishing of concrete accessories if so arranged by Contractor. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Furnishing and installing of masonry columns and bond beams confined in hollow masonry units specified in Division 04 unless arranged differently by Contractor. 2) Furnishing of items to be embedded in concrete specified in Section involved. 3) Furnishing and installing of mechanical and electrical devices including boxes, conduits, pipes, hangers, inserts, and other work to be embedded in concrete work prior to pouring specified in Divisions 15 16 unless arranged differently by Contractor. c. Furnished by Others but Installed by this Section 1) Inserts, bolts, boxes, templates, and fastening devices for other work, including those for bases only for Mechanical and Electrical, shall be provided by Section involved. 3. Quality Assurance: a. ACI Standards shall govern concrete work except where specified differently. b. See Section 01 400 for testing. 03 050 CONCRETE PROCEDURES 03 051 cold weather concretina procedures GENERAL 1. Cold Weather Requirements: a. No frozen materials shall be used. b. Forms, reinforcement, and fillers shall be free from frost. Pour no concrete on frozen ground. c For temperatures below 40 deg. F, maintain concrete at between 60 to 80 deg. F when Division 03- Section 03 050 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 03 050/ 1 pouring, and 50 deg. F minimum for five days if regular concrete, or at 50 deg. F for three days if high early strength concrete, or longer if determined necessary by Architect. d. Housing, covering, or other protection shall remain in place for 24 hours after heat is discontinued. e. Use of calcium chloride is forbidden. 03 052 hot weather concreting procedures GENERAL 1. Hot Weather Requirements: a. Maximum concrete temperature allowed is 90 deg. F in hot weather. b. Cool aggregate and subgrade by sprinkling. c. Avoid cement over 140 deg. F. d. Use cold mixing water. END OF SECTION 03 050 r Division 03- Section 03 050 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 03 050/ 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 03 100 CONCRETE FORMWORK GENERAL 1. Sections 03 000 06 000 apply to this Section. EXECUTION 1. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Labor, materials and equipment necessary for complete construction of required formwork ready for pouring of concrete. 2) Materials and equipment necessary to strip and dispose of formwork. 3) Design, construction, and safety of formwork. PRODUCTS 1. Forms: a. Wood, metal, or plastic as arranged by Contractor. Forming material shall be compatible with finish requirements for concrete to be left exposed or to receive decorative finish. b. Release agents used shall be compatible with finish requirements. 2. Screeds Cold Joint Forms: a. Burke adjustable screed supports as manufactured by The Burke Company, San Mateo, CA b. Burke Keyed Kold Joint as manufactured by The Burke Company, San Mateo, CA c. 'Permaban' Screed Rail as manufactured by The Burke Company, San Mateo, CA d. "Keyed Kold Joint" by Keeled Inc., Belmont, CA e. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630 Forms: a. Conform to shape, lines, and dimensions called for on Drawings and concrete tolerances specified in Section 03 300. b. Be sufficiently tight to prevent leakage. c. Be properly braced and tied. d. Provide temporary cleanouts at base of tall forms to facilitate cleaning and inspection. e. Make proper form adjustments before, during, and after concreting. f. Unless new, clean forms of loose concrete and other debris from previous concreting and repair to proper condition. 2. Accessories: a. Furnish beveled 2 "x4" (nominal) keys for continuous footings. Division 03 Section 03 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 03 100/ 1 b. Provide for installation of inserts, templates, fastening devices, and other accessories to be set in concrete prior to placing. 3. Curing Time: a. Removal of forms can usually be accomplished in twelve to 24 hours. If temperature is below 50 deg. F or if concrete (stairs, beams, etc.) depends on forms for structural support, leave forms intact for sufficient period for concrete to reach adequate strength. END OF SECTION 03 100 Division 03 Section 03 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 03 100/ 2 03 190 GRANULAR BASE GENERAL 1. Division 03 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Gravel under slabs on grade. 2) Road base under sidewalks PRODUCTS 1. Granular Base: a. Under Slabs On Grade 1) 1/4 to one inch gravel or crushed rock. b. Under Sidewalks 1) Road Base type gravel or crushed rock, graded as follows Sieve by Weight Passing 1" 100 3/4" 85 100 #4 45 60 #10 30 50 #200 5 10 (nonplastic) EXECUTION 1. Place four inches minimum of granular base over compacted subbase, level, and compact thoroughly. END OF SECTION 03 190 Division 03 Section 03 190 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 03 190/ 1 03 200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT GENERAL 1. Division 03 GENERAL applies to this Section. 03 210 CONCRETE REINFORCING STEEL GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing, bending, and installing reinforcing. 2. Quality Assurance: a. Fabricate and place reinforcing steel according to latest edition of ACI "Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures" and details on Drawings. 3. Submittals: a. Shop Drawings 1) See Section 01 340. b. Provide mill certificate upon Architect's request. 4. Product Delivery Storage: a. Reinforcing steel shall be free of rust, scale, or other coating at time of delivery and placing. b. Properly protect rebar on site after delivery. PRODUCTS 1. Rebars shall have grade identification marks and conform to ASTM A 615 -84a, "Specifications for Deformed Plain Billet -Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcing Grade 40 minimum. a. Bars shall be deformed type. b. Bars shall be free of scale or other bond reducing coatings. EXECUTION 1. Bend bars cold. 2. Accurately place and support with chairs, bar supports, spacers, or hangers as recommended by ACI detailing manual except slabs on grade work. Support bars in slabs on grade and footings with plain concrete blocks (no wood or wire). 3. Dowel vertical reinforcement in columns or walls into footing or structure below with rebar of same size and spacing required above. 4. Securely anchor and tie reinforcing bars and dowels prior to placing concrete. Division 03 Section 03 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 03 200/ 1 5. Concrete Protection For Reinforcement: Provide following minimum concrete cover for reinforcement (ACI 318 -83, Section 7.7) a. Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth -3 inches 1) Exterior Slabs on Grade- 3 inches 2) Interior Slabs on Grade- No Reinforcing b. Concrete Exposed to Earth or Weather 1) #6 LargerBars 2 inches 2) #5 Smaller Bars 1 -1/2 inches c Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground 1) Slabs, Walls Joists #14 and 18 Bars- 1 -1/2 inches #11 bars and smaller 3/4 inches 2) Beams and Columns Primary Reinforcement, Ties, Stirrups Spirals- 1 -1/2 inches 6. Avoid splices of reinforcing bars at points of maximum stress. Lap bars as follows a. Compression splices 30 bar diameters minimum. b. Tension splices 40 bar diameters minimum. c. No splice shall be less than 12 inches. 7. Steel reinforcing bars shall run continuous through cold joints. 03 220 WELDED WIRE FABRIC GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing materials for use in reinforcing slabs other than interior slabs -on- grade. PRODUCTS 1. Welded steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement meeting requirements of ASTM A 185 -85, "Specification for Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement a. Style 6 x 6 W1.4 x W1.4. END OF SECTION 03 200 Division 03 Section 03 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 03 200/ 2 03 250 CONCRETE ACCESSORIES GENERAL 1. Division 03 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing of concrete accessories. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Application or installation of concrete accessories specified in Section 03 300. 03 251 expansion contraction ioints GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Expansion joints in concrete. PRODUCTS 1. Fiber Expansion Joints: a. Manufactured commercial type meeting requirements of ASTM D 1751 -83, "Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving Structural Construction (Nonextruding) Resilient Bituminous Type b. 1/2 inch thick unless indicated differently on Drawings. c. Approved Manufacturers 1) "Sealtight" by W R Meadows Inc., Elgin, IL 2) "Fiber Expansion Joint" by The Burke Company, San Mateo, CA 3) Equal as approved by Architect prior to bid. See Section 01 630. END OF SECTION 03 250 Division 03 Section 03 250 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 03 250/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 03 300 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE GENERAL 1. Division 03 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing and installing all concrete work unless noted otherwise in the Contract Documents. 2) Placing concrete accessories. 3) Placing under -slab laminated vapor retarders, where shown on Drawings. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Furnishing of under -slab laminated vapor retarder specified in Section 07 190. 3. Quality Assurance: a. Delivery Tickets 1) Require mix plant to furnish delivery ticket for each batch of concrete. Keep delivery tickets at jobsite for use of Owner or his representatives. Tickets shall show following- a) Name of ready -mix batch plant b) Serial number c) Date and truck number d) Name of Contractor e) Name and location of job f) Specific class or designation of concrete in conformance with that employed in job specification g) Amount of concrete h) Time loaded i) Type, name, and amount of admixtures used j) Amount of cement k) Total water content 1) Water added by receiver of concrete with his initials b. Allowable Tolerances 1) Variation from plumb a) 0 to 10 feet 1/4" maximum b) 20 feet or more 3/8" maximum 2) Variation in thickness 1/4" to 1/2" standard, 5% for footings 3) Variation in grade a) 0 to 10 feet 1/4" standard, 1/8" for floor slabs b) 10 to 20 feet 3/8" standard, 1/4" for floor slabs c) 40 feet or more 3/4" standard, 3/8" for floor slabs Division 03 Section 03 300 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 03 300/ 1 4) Variation in plan a) 0 to 20 feet 1/2" b) 40 feet or more 3/4" standard, plus 1/2" for footings. 5) Variation in eccentricity 2% for footings 6) Variation in openings a) Size plus 1/8" b) Location 1/4" 7) Variation in stairs landings a) Consecutive steps (1) Treads 1/8" (2) Risers 1/16" b) Flight of stairs (1) Treads 1/4" (2) Risers 1/8" c. Placing Rate 1) In order to avoid overloading of forms and ties, observe following rate of filling per hour for various air temperatures Temperature 40 deg. F 50 deg. F 60 deg. F 70 deg. F Rate of Fill Per Hour 2' 3' 4' 5' d. Rainy Weather Protect concrete which has not received its initial set to avoid excess water in mix. e. Notify Architect 24 hours minimum prior to placing concrete. 4. Products: a. Mixer 1) Approved AGC Type or ready -mix equipment conforming to requirements of ASTM C 94 -84, "Specification for Ready -Mixed Concrete b. Portland Cement 1) Meet requirements of ASTM C 150 -85, "Specifications for Portland Cement c. Coarse Aggregates 1) Meet requirements of ASTM C 33 -85, "Specification for Concrete Aggregates 2) Aggregate for lightweight concrete shall meet requirements of ASTM C 330 -85, "Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete 3) Aggregate shall be uniformly graded as follows a) Flat Work Size #67 (3/4 inch to #4 or 3/4 maximum to 1/4 inch minimum). Division 03 Section 03 300 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 03 300/ 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b) All Other Size #57 (One inch maximum to 1/4 inch minimum). d. Fine Aggregates 1) Meet requirements of ASTM C 33 -85, "Specification for Concrete Aggregates e. Water 1) Clean, potable. f. Admixtures 1) Except for air entraining agents specified below, use of admixtures is forbidden without written approval of Owner. a) Do not use calcium chloride or fly ash and related materials. g. Air Entraining Agents 1) Meet requirements of ASTM C 260 -77, "Specification for Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete except those containing chlorides may not be used. 5. Execution: a. Mixing of Concrete 1) Mix a minimum of one minute 2) Increase mixing time 15 seconds for each additional yard of concrete or fraction thereof in excess of one cubic yard. 3) Addition of Water to Concrete a) Avoid use of excessive water. If water is added on the job, do not exceed specified slump and run mixer for 30 revolutions at eight to twelve RPM. b. Finish 1) Refer to drawings for additional or more detailed finish requirements. 2) Rubbed a) Exposed foundation walls and retaining walls shall receive rubbed finish. 3) Steel Trowel Finish a) Interior flatwork. 4) Broom Finish a) Exterior flatwork, stairs, curbs, and gutter. Remove edger marks. c. Control Joints 1) Refer to drawings. 03 311 normal weight structural concrete GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing and placing 3000 psi concrete in following locations a) Foundations and Walls b) Exterior Walks and Slabs Division 03 Section 03 300 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center March, 1992 03 300/ 3 100. EXECUTION 1. 2) Furnishing and placing of 2500 psi concrete in following locations a) Footings b) All other concrete not specified elsewhere. PRODUCTS 1. Materials shall be as specified under Section 03 2. Proportions: a. 2500 psi Concrete 1) Min. weight cement per cubic yard concrete 517 lbs. 2) Air Entrainment (plus or minus 1/2 3% 3) Slump 4 inches maximum. b. 3000 psi Concrete 1) Min. weight cement per cubic yard concrete 587 lbs. 2) Air Entrainment (plus -or -minus 1/2 a) Exterior Flatwork 5% b) All Other 3% 3) Slump 3 inches maximum. Inserts, bolts, boxes, templates, pipes, conduits, and other accessories shall be installed by appropriate Section and inspected prior to pouring. See Section 03 000. 2. Remove water and debris from space to be poured. 3. Placing: a. Place as soon after mixing as possible. b. Deposit as nearly as possible in final position. c. Do not use contaminated, deteriorated, or retempered concrete. d. Placing of concrete shall be continuous until a panel or section is complete. e. Thoroughly work in concrete around reinforcing bars. f. Do not embed aluminum in concrete. g. Compact concrete in forms by vibrating and other means where required. h. Avoid accumulation of hardened concrete. i. Locate construction joints where shown on Drawings to least impair strength of completed structure. Construction joints in foundation walls shall not occur within 6 feet of corner and be keyed, and have continuous plastic waterstop incorporated into pours. 4. Bonding Fresh and Hardened Concrete: a. Retighten forms. Division 03 Section 03 300 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 03 300/ 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b. Roughen surfaces. c. Clean off foreign matter and laitance. d. Wet but do not saturate. e. Slush with neat cement grout. f. Proceed with new concrete pour. 5. Curing: a. Keep concrete moist seven days minimum for regular concrete and three days for high early strength. b. See Section 03 370 for curing compounds. 6. Grouting Anchor Bolts and Plates: a. Grout solid leaving no voids. See Section 03 600 for materials. 7. Special Requirements: a. Footings 1) Bear 12 inches minimum into undisturbed earth or on mechanically compacted engineered fill. Step footings at one to 1.5 ratio unless detailed otherwise. Exterior wall footing shall bear 18 inches minimum below finish grades. 2) Level finish footing top and leave rough. 3) Set in beveled keyway on continuous footings. 4) Where joints are required, bulkhead, key horizontally, and dowel with two #5 rebars, 4 feet long. b. Foundations Walls 1) Leave steel projecting where required for floor tie. c. Interior Slabs On Grade 1) If vapor barriers are specified, cover with 1/2 inch of sand prior to pouring concrete. d Exterior Walks, Slabs, Formed Curbs 1) Slope to drain. 2) Dusting with cement not permitted. 8 Finishina: a. Rubbed Finish 1) Immediately after removing forms from foundation walls or retaining walls, remove joints, marks, bellies, projections, loose materials, and cut back metal ties from surfaces to be exposed. 2) Point up voids with cement mortar, 1:2 mix, and rub exposed surface with carborundum to smooth, even surface. Division 03 Section 03 300 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 03 300/ 5 b. Steel Trowel Finishes 1) Float and steel trowel interior slabs after concrete has set enough to avoid bringing water and fines to surface. a) If power troweling is used, get approval of finish from Architect. c. Sandblast 1) Sandblast column bases and concrete bollards to uniform finish. Submit sample to architect for approval. 03 350 SPECIAL CONCRETE FINISHES 03 354 exposed aggregate concrete GENERAL 1. Division 03 General, and Section 03 311 applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes but not limited to 1) Providing exposed aggregate concrete slabs in areas shown on drawings. b. Related work specified Elsewhere 1) Normal weight structural concrete specified in Section 03 311. PRODUCTS 1. 3/8" bank run aggregate meeting requirements of ASTM C 33 -85, "Specification for Concrete Aggregates Provide clean with no foreign materials, etc. 2. Sealer: a. Fabrikem's "Fabrishield" Silane /Siloxane sealer. b. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. EXECUTION 1. Provide 3,000 psi concrete mix as specified in section 03 311 using above specified aggregate only. Finish per 03 311 "Steel Trowelled Finishes 2. After initial set, power float and retarding, wash surface with water and broom to uniformly expose aggregate. 3. After minimum seven day cure, prior to sealing, acid wash with 50/50 muriatic acid and water. Pressure wash remaining residue off concrete. 4. Sealer: a. Apply uniform spray coat of sealer- hardener and allow to dry. Conform to manufacturer's written recommendations. Division 03 Section 03 300 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center March, 1992 03 300/ 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 II END OF SECTION 03 300 1 1 4. Closeout recauirements: a. Apply 1 additional coat of sealer prior to acceptance of the project. Division 03 Section 03 300 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 03 300/ 7 03 370 CONCRETE CURING GENERAL 1. Division 03 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing and applying to interior and exterior slabs and flatwork. PRODUCTS 1. Sodium silicate based compound providing waterproofing, curing, hardening, dustproofing, and sealing of substrate. 2. Approved Manufacturers a. Acuricon as manufactured by Anti -Hydro Waterproofing Co., Newark, NJ b. Ashford Formula by Curecrete Chemical Co., Orem, UT c. Cenco Seal 301 by Century Concrete Chemicals, Lehi, UT d. RadCon 7 by Radcon Marketing Inc., Phoenix, AZ e. Res -X sodium silicate curing compound by The Burke Company, San Mateo, CA f. Sonosil by Sonneborn Building Products, Minneapolis, MN EXECUTION 1. Apply in accordance with Manufacturer's instructions. END OF SECTION 03 370 Division 03 Section 03 370 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 03 370/ 1 03 600 GROUT GENERAL 1. Division 03 GENERAL applies to this Section. 03 603 nonmetallic grout GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Grout for securing anchor bolts and hardware in concrete and masonry. PRODUCTS 1. Commercial nonshrink grout conforming to Department of Army Corps of Engineers CE 204.01 CRDC -621 -8 and tested in accordance with ASTM C 827 -82, "Test for Early Volume Change of Cementitious Mixtures and ASTM C 157 -80, "Test for Length Change of Hardened Cement Mortar Concrete 2. Approved Manufacturers: a. Axpandcrete by Anti -Hydro Waterproofing Company, Newark, NJ b. Nalco NonShrink Grout by Hallemite Div, Montvale, NJ c. Embeco 636 premixed grout, by Master Builders Company Division of American Marietta Company, Cleveland, OH d. Ferrolith GNC Grout by Sonneborn Building Products, Minneapolis, MN e. Five Star Grout by U. S. Grout Corp., Fairfield, CT f. Burke Non Ferrous, Non Shrink Grout by The Burke Company, San Mateo, CA g. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. END OF SECTION 03 600 Division 03 Section 03 600 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 03 600/ 1 NM MI OM N MI MO NM MI IIIIII NM NM IIIII OM OM I MI f, 1 GENERAL 1. General Conditions and Division 01 apply to this Division. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D I V I S I O N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 4 M A S O N R Y 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Provide labor, materials, and equipment necessary for completion of work unless indicated or noted otherwise. b. Furnished By Others But Installed By This Division 1) Bolts and steel embedded in masonry specified in Section 05 127. 2) Joint sealers specified in Section 07 900. d. Furnished by Others But Warranted by This Section 1) Water repellant Coatings specified in Section 07 175. 3. Submittals: a. Product Data 1) Submit manufacturer's product data for each type of masonry unit, accessory, and other manufactured products, including certifications that each type complies with specified requirements. b. Verification Samples 1) Submit full -size sample panels of materials as follows, including in each sample no fewer that 4 units exhibiting the full range of color and texture variation to be expected in finished work. 4. Cold Weather Requirements: a. Cold weather, as referred to in this Section, is four hours below 40 deg F in a 24 hour period. b. Do not lay masonry when temperature is below 40 deg F unless authorized by Architect. c. Keep materials free of ice and snow. d. Heat water and sand 140 deg F maximum if temperature is below 40 deg F. e Temperature of mortar shall be between 70 and 120 deg F when used. f. Heat hollow masonry units to 40 deg F when temperature is below 10 deg F and solid masonry to 40 deg F when temperature is below 0 deg F. g Do not lay masonry on frozen material. Cover work at end of each work day with tarpaulins if temperature is 25 to 40 deg F. If Division 04 Section 04 000 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 04 000/ 1 temperature is below 25 deg F, protect with heaters. Maintain temperature around masonry to 40 deg F minimum for 48 hours if type I, 24 hours id Type III, or longer if required. 5. Quality Assurance: a. Source Control 1) Obtain exposed masonry units from one manufacturer, with texture and color uniform or of a uniform blend acceptable to the Architect. 6 Delivery. Storage. and Handling a. Deliver, handle, and store masonry units by means which will prevent mechanical damage and deterioration due to moisture, temperature changes, and corrosion. b. Provide protection which will limit moisture absorption of concrete masonry units to the maximum percentage specified for Type I units for the average relative humidity at the project site, as reported by the nearest National Weather Service station. c. Store cementitious materials off the ground and protected from moisture. d. Store aggregate in a manner which will preserve grading characteristics. e Store masonry accessories to prevent corrosion, dirt accumulation, and other deterioration. 7. Proiect Conditions: a. Protection of Work 1) During construction, cover tops of exterior walls with waterproof sheet material at end of each day. Cover partially completed masonry construction when work is not in progress. 2) Extend cover a minimum of 24 inches down on both sides, securing firmly in place. 3) Immediately remove mortar, soil, and other such materials from exposed masonry faces to prevent staining. 4) Protect wall bases from rain splashed mud and from mortar splatter by means of coverings spread on ground and over wall surfaces. 5) Protect sills, ledges, and projections from droppings of mortar. Division 04 Section 04 000 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 04 000/ 2 1 8. Coordination: a. Coordinate work with other trades. b. Make cuts proper size to accommodate work of other trades. c. Verify rough -in dimensions for items to be built into walls. 9. General Execution: a. Step back unfinished work for joining with new work. Use toothing only with Architect's approval. b. Do not tool until mortar has taken initial set. c. Reinforcing shall be free of material that may destroy bond. d. Use mortar within two hours of initial mixing. Discard mortar that has begun to set. 10. Repair and Pointing: a. Remove and replace masonry units which are loose, chipped, broken, stained, or otherwise damaged, or if units do not match adjoining units as intended. Provide new units to match adjoining units, and install in fresh mortar or grout pointed to eliminate evidence of replacement. Division 04 Section 04 000 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 04 000/ 3 END OF SECTION 04 000 04 075 MASONRY REINFORCING STEEL GENERAL 1. Division 04 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited to 1) Furnishing materials and bending only. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation specified in Section 04 200. 3. Design Criteria: a. Fabricate reinforcing steel according to 1988 UBC Chapter 24 and as detailed on Drawings. 4. Product Delivery Storage: a. Reinforcing steel shall be free of rust, scale, or other coating at time of delivery and placing. b. Properly protect rebar on site after delivery. PRODUCTS 1. Rebars shall have grade identification marks and meet requirements of ASTM A 615, Grade 40 minimum. a. All but No. 2 bars shall be deformed type. EXECUTION 1. Place as detailed on Drawings. 2. Bend bars cold. 3. Dowel vertical reinforcement in colums or walls into footing or structure below with rebar of same size and spacing required above. 4. Securely anchor and tie reinforcing bars and dowels prior to placing brick. 5. Avoid splices of reinforcing bars at points of maximum stress. Lap bars as follows a. Compression splices 30 bar diameters minimum b. Tension splices 40 bar diameters minimum. c. No splice shall be less than 12 inches. Division 04 Section 04 075 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center END OF SECTION 04 075 March, 1992 04 075/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 END OF SECTION 04 100 1 1 04 100 MORTAR GROUT GENERAL 1. Division 04 GENERAL applies to this Section. 04 110 masonry mortar PRODUCTS 1. Use of premixed mortar is not allowed. 2. Portland Cement: a. Meet requirements of ASTM C 150, Type I. Type III may be substituted during cold weather construction 3 Hydrated Lime: a. Meet requirements of ASTM C 207, Type S. 4. Aggregate for Mortar: a. Natural or manufactured sand meeting requirements of ASTM C 144. 5. Accelerating admixtures not allowed. Conform to Section 04 000 GENERAL. 04 120 masonry grout PRODUCTS 1. Portland Cement: a. Meet requirements of ASTM C 150, Type I. Type III may be substituted during cold weather construction. 2. Hydrated Lime: a. Meet requirements of ASTM C 207, Type S. 3 Aggregate: a Meet requirements of ASTM C 404 04 122 masonry cement PRODUCTS 1. Conform to ATM C 91 -83A. Division 04 Section 04 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 04 100/ 1 04 150 MASONRY ACCESSORIES GENERAL 1. Division 04 GENERAL applies to this Section. 04 160 horizontal ioint reinforcing GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing of materials b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation specified in Section 04 200. 2. Reauirements of Regulatory Agencies: a. Horizontal joint reinforcing shall meet requirements of UBC seismic zone B. PRODUCTS 1. Double or Single Wvthe Masonry Walls: a. Reinforcing shall conform to ASTM A 82. b. Design 1) Truss Type for single wythe walls under 6 inches and double wythe walls nine inches or under. c Size 1) 2 inches less than nominal thickness of wall. d. Rod size 1) Side rods 9 gauge 2) Cross rods 9 gauge (unless noted otherwise) e. Cross Rods 1) Cross rods which serve as metal ties in exterior cavity and other multi -wythe walls shall be galvanized and drip crimped. f. Corners Tee Sections 1) Prefabricated of material and design similar to main reinforcement. g. Approved Manufacturers 1) AA Wire Products Company, Chicago, IL 2) Dur -O -Wal Inc, Northbrook, IL 3) Carter Waters Corporation, Kansas City, MO 4) Hohmann Barnard Inc, Haupauge, NY 5) Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. 04 170 anchor tie systems GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing ties for veneering masonry on walls. 2) Furnishing brick to brick connections. 3) Furnishing dovetail anchors and slots. Division 04 Section 04 150 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 04 150/ 1 b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation of other items specified in Section 04 200. PRODUCTS 1. Masonry to Masonry Ties: a. Construction Materials Division, Birmingham, AL 1) Type 501 'Z' anchors b. Heckman Building Products, Chicago, IL 1) No. 250 'Z' cavity tie 2 "x6 "x2" c. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. 2. Dovetail Anchors: a. AA Wire Products Co, Chicago, IL 1) Anchor Slots AA100 2) Corrugated Anchors AA202 16 gauge 3) Triangular Anchors AA200 b. Construction Materials Division, Birmingham, AL 1) Anchor Slots 24 ga galvanized 2) Corrugated Anchors 101 3 -1/3 16 gauge galvanized 3) Triangular Anchors Dovetail Triangles c. Heckman Building Products, Chicago, IL 1) Anchor Slots No. 100 24 gauge galvanized 2) Corrugated Anchors No, 106 16 gauge galvanized 3) Triangular Anchors No. 103 d. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. See Section 01 630. END OF SECTION 04 150 Division 04 Section 04 150 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 04 150/ 2 04 200 UNIT MASONRY GENERAL 1. Division 04 GENERAL applies to this Section. PRODUCTS 1. Use Type "S" mortar for all masonry above grade, as specified in Section 04 100. Use type "M" mortar for masonry below grade. EXECUTION 1. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish and install unit masonry work including mortar and masonry grout. 2) Installation of reinforcing steel. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Furnishing of reinforcing steel specified in Section 04 075. 2) Flashing specified in Section 07 600. 3) Water Repellant coatings specified in Section 07 175. 04 210 BRICK MASONRY 04 212 building brick Cut openings for electrical devices using cover plates no larger than can be covered by a standard size plate. Replace unit masonry in which larger than necessary openings are cut rather than patch openings with mortar, or other material. 2. Reinforcing Steel: a. Hold vertical reinforcing in place every 32 inches. b. Splice 40 bar diameters minimum. c. Place reinforcing and dowels before pouring grout. d. Dowel vertical reinforcing bars out of structure below with bars of same size and spacing. e. Place horizontal bars in 8 inch deep bond beam units at top of wall and at 48 inches o.c. between. Continue bond beam units and reinforcement uninterrupted around corners and across wall intersections. f. Place special vertical bars of same size as normal vertical reinforcement at corners and jambs of openings and recesses where bond beams are interrupted and at beam bearing locations not otherwise detailed. GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish and install any new brick and mortar required for construction of trash enclosure. Division 04 Section 04 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 04 200/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EXECUTION 1. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Mortar specified in Section 04 100. 2) Demolition specified in Section 02 050 2. Quality Control: a. All brick for Project shall be fired in same run. b. Brick shall be true to size and shape. c. No warped brick permitted. d. No cut brick smaller that 4 inches permitted. PRODUCTS 1. Brick: a. No change orders or allowances will be accepted by Owner for color, pattern, etc, after contract is awarded. b. Meet requirements of ASTM C 216 -85a, "Specification for Facing Brick (Solid Masonry Made form Clay or Shale) Grade SW, Type FBX. c. Brick shall be cleanable using standard method specified in Section 04 000 when using specified mortar. d. Size match existing reclaimed brick. e. Texture match existing. f. Color match existing. g. Use special shaped brick and wall caps where detailed on Drawings. 2 Dampproofina: a. Thoroclear 777. No substitutions permitted. Layout: a. Running bond except where noted otherwise. Select brick so there is uniform distribution of hues. b. Use solid brick where brick coursing would otherwise show cores. 2 Joints: a. Tool concave. When tooling joints, squeeze mortar back into joint. b. 1/2 inch maximum and 3/8 inch minimum. 3. Laving: a. Wet each brick to saturation. Lay brick when surface is dry. Brick absorption when laid should not exceed 0.025 oz /sq inch maximum. b. Shove brick into place in full mortar bed, do not lay. c. Completely fill horizontal and vertical points. Do not furrow bed joints. d. Slush mortar into space between brick veneer and sheathing, or install mortar spot bedding at ties so mortar completely encapsulates veneer anchor ties. Division 04 Section 04 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 04 200/ 2 1) Install sash cord to form weep hole and pull through. 2) Do not allow mortar to plug weep holes. 4. Grout at Double Brick Wvthe Wall: a. Grout for pouring shall be of fluid consistency. b. Conform to requirements of ASTM C 476 -80, "Specifications for Grout for Reinforced and Non Reinforced Masonry c. F'c 2000 psi minimum at 28 days. 5. Dampproofinq: a. Apply with low pressure spray, at 60 sq ft per gal. b. Apply first coat when wall surface is dry and cleaning is complete. Apply only when rain is not expected to occur within two hours minimum after application. c. Apply second coat when wall is thoroughly dry. 6. Treat exposed ends of cut brick with non yellowing silicone similar to "Web- Seal" or "Web- Cone 7. Additional Requirements: a. Refer to Sections 04 100 and 04 150. 04 214 brick pavers GENERAL' 1. Scope a. Includes but Not Limited To 1) Furnish and install decorative brick pavers at courtyard and sidewalks as shown on Drawings. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 2) Concrete specified in Section 03 300. 2. Quality Control: a All pavers for project shall be fired in same run. b Pavers shall be true to size and shape. c. No warped pavers permitted. PRODUCTS 1. Pavers: a. Mutual Materials "Versa- tile" 1 "x4 "x8" pavers. b. Color 1) Match existing brick as closely as possible, subject to Architects approval. Division 04 Section 04 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 04 200/ 3 I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I EXECUTION 1 Set in full bed of Type "N" mortar with 1/2" joints filled with mortar. 2. Tool all joints concave. END OF SECTION 04 200 Division 04 Section 04 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 04 200/ 4 04 500 MASONRY RESTORATION GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To- 1) Repairing all brick disturbed by construction process on interior and exterior of east wing. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Removal of existing original brick for garbage enclosure specified in Section 02 070. EXECUTION 1. Brick Replacement and Repair: a. Where existing brick is cracked from exposure to the elements or broken from impact on corners, or otherwise damaged, carefully remove brick from areas shown on Drawings. Save original bricks that are undamaged. b. Remove the existing mortar from undamaged original brick and re- install them using matching color type "n" mortar. c. Use new facebrick only when there is insufficient original brick available. d. In replaced brick areas, tool mortar joints to match the adjacent original mortar contour. Division 04 Section 04 500 Master Commercial Specification END OF SECTION 04 500 June, 1991 04 500/1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 D I V I S I O N 0 5 M E T A L S GENERAL 1. General Conditions and Division 01 apply to this Division. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Provide labor, materials, and equipment necessary for completion of work indicated in Drawings or Specifications. 05 100 STRUCTURAL METAL FRAMING GENERAL 1. Division 05 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Reference Standards: a. Fabrication and Erection 1) AISC "Specification for Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Building" as amended to date shall serve as a minimum standard. Erection includes setting, aligning, and bracing as necessary. b. Welding meet requirements of 1) AWS D.1.1 -80 Structural Welding Code Steel Gas Welding 2) AWS D.1.3 -78 Specifications for Welding Sheet Steel in Structures. 3. Shop Drawings: a. See Section 01 340. PRODUCTS 1. Structural Steel: a. Meet requirements of ASTM A 36 -84a, "Specification for Structural Steel 2. Arc welding Electrodes: a. AWS Iron and Steel Arc Welding electrodes, applicable type to meet current AISC Specifications. 3. Primer: a. Plain Iron or Steel, meet requirements of Fed Spec TT- P -645A except primer on unexposed surfaces may be fabricator's standard shop coat. 4 Bolts: a. Bolts for steel -to- steel, structural connections, including those for bolting steel members to steel plates or channels embedded in concrete shall conform with requirements of ASTM A 325 -84, "Specification For High- Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints Division 05- Section 05 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 05 100/ 1 r 5. Fabrication Manufacture a. Priming 1) Thoroughly clean structural steel and give one prime coat of material specified above well worked into metal joints and open spaces except where encased in concrete. Do not prime at temperatures below 45 deg F. Protect machine finished surfaces against corrosion. Clean field welds, grind serious abrasions, and apply field prime touch -up. 05 120 STRUCTURAL STEEL GENERAL 1. Division 05 GENERAL and Section 05 100 GENERAL apply to this Section. 05 121 beams columns GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish and install beams and columns as shown on Drawings. PRODUCTS 1. W, S, HP, C, or TEE shapes in horizontal or vertical application, together with angles, plates, etc, as shown on Drawings. EXECUTION 1. Conform to Drawings, Schedules, and Section 05 100 General. 05 124 tubular steel GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Structural tubing shown on Drawings. PRODUCTS 1. Unless shown differently on Drawings, Materials shall conform with the following: a. Shaped Structural Tubing shall meet requirements of ASTM A 500 -84, "Standard Specification for Cold- Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes Grade B. 05 126 lintels GENERAL 1. Meet requirements of Section 05 100. 05 127 bolts steel embedded in concrete or masonry GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes Division 05- Section 05 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 05 100/ 2 1) Anchors, plates, channels, angles, bolts, etc. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation specified in Section 06 100 PRODUCTS 1. As specified in Section 05 100 General 2. Fabricate and install according to approved details and instructions of Section fabricating work to be connected. END OF SECTION 05 100 Division 05- Section 05 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 05 100/ 3 05 550 MISCELLANEOUS METAL GENERAL 1. Division 05 GENERAL applies to this Section 05 555 metal brackets for lavatory counters GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish metal brackets necessary to support vanities in Rest Rooms. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation specified in Section 06 200. PRODUCTS 1. See Section 05 100. 2. Fabrication: a. Fabricate as detailed. b. Grind exposed welds smooth. c. Shop prime metal surfaces. 05 563 beam connections GENERAL 1 Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish glu -lam connections which are to be welded to metal or embedded in masonry or concrete. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation specified in Section 06 100. PRODUCTS 1 See Section 05 100 GENERAL. 2 Coordinate sizes with Section 06 170. Division 05 Section 05 550 Master Commercial Specifications END OF SECTION 05 550 June, 1991 05 550/ 1 ti T D I V I S I O N 0 6 W O O D A N D P L A S T I C S GENERAL 1. General Conditions and Division 01 apply to this Division. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish labor, materials, and equipment necessary for completion of work unless indicated or noted otherwise. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Refer to Structural Notes on Drawings. 3. Grading: a. Lumber 1) In accordance with PS 20 -70, ANSI A 199.1 -1974, and National Grading Rules for softwood dimension lumber and bearing grade stamp of WWPA, SPIB, or other association recognized by the American Lumber Standards Committee b. Plywood 1) Grading shall be in accordance with PS 1 -83 /ANSI A199.1 except where APA Performance Rated units are specified. Every sheet shall bear appropriate APA grade stamp. 4. Grade Marking: a. Identify species of lumber, plywood, and structural glu -lam lumber by grade mark or Certificate of Inspection issued by approved lumber grading or inspection bureau or agency listed above. b For exposed lumber apply grade stamps to ends or back of each piece, or omit grade stamps entirely and issue certificate of grade compliance from inspection agency in lieu of grade stamp. 5. Seasoning: a. Lumber 2 inches or less in nominal thickness shall not exceed 19% in moisture content at time of fabrication and installation and be stamped "S- DRY "K -D or "MC15 b. Plywood shall not exceed 18% moisture content when fabricated nor more than 19% when installed. 6. Lumber shall be S4S. 7. Product Delivery. Storage. Handling: a. Protect lumber and plywood and keep under cover in transit and at jobsite. Division 06 Section 06 050 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 050/ 1 06 050 FASTENERS SUPPORTS b. Do not deliver material unduly long before it is required. c Store on level racks and keep free of ground to avoid warping. Stack to insure proper ventilation and drainage. 8. Execution. a. Frame, anchor, tie, and brace members or parts to develop strength and rigidity necessary for purposes for which they are used. b Preparation, fabrication, and installation of wood members as well as glues and mechanical devices for fastening them shall conform to good engineering practices. GENERAL 1. Division 06 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Connectors 2) Construction Mastics 3) Rough hardware not specified in other Sections. b Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Bolts embedded in concrete or masonry. 2) Miscellaneous metal specified in Section 05 550. PRODUCTS 1. Bolts, Wood Screws, Steel Joist Hangers, Expansion Bolts a. Standard type and make for job requirements Refer to Drawings and structural notes. 2. Strap Anchors: a. 12 gauge x 1 -1/4 inch wide, punched for nailing at 9 inches o.c. 3. Construction Mastics: a. Meet requirements of American Plywood Association Specification AFG -01 and be Phenol Resorcinol type when used on pressure treated wood products. 4. Approved Manufacturers: a. Hangers 1) Simpson Strong -Tie Co., San Leandro, CA 2) Silver Metal Products Inc., Livermore, CA EXECUTION 1. Install as instructed, required, and according to best practice Division 06 Section 06 050 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 050/ 2 2. Secure one Manufacturer approved spike in each hole that bears on framing member, or in accordance with Manufacturer's instructions to achieve maximum holding strength. END OF SECTION 06 050 Division 06 Section 06 050 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 050/ 3 r -ms +FTC ^...�ac+•'.S Y..e 06 100 ROUGH CARPENTRY GENERAL 1. Division 06 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish and Install a) Framing b) Sheathing c) Miscellaneous 06 100. d) Heavy Timber Construction 2) Work Installed But Furnished By Others a) Metal Fabrications not noted otherwise b Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Furnishing of Metal Fabrications specified in Section 05 500. 2) Vapor retarder specified in Section 07 150. PRODUCTS 1 Dimension Lumber: a. Bearing Walls Shear Walls 1) Douglas Fir #2 or better. b. Interior Non- Bearing 2" x 4" or 2" x 6" Partitions (other than shear walls) Douglas Fir (WWPA), Std or Better, or equal as approved by Architect prior to bid. c Dimension lumber shall be clearly grade marked. 2 Boards: (Including furring and bridging) a. Adequate for intended use. 3 Posts. Beams Timbers: a 5" x 5" larger #1 or better Douglas Fir. 06 110 WOOD FRAMING 06 112 wall framing PRODUCTS 1. Wood: a. Conform with Section 06 100 General except as specified below. b. Pressure Treated Wood See Section 06 300. c. Posts Beams 1) #1 Douglas Fir or better. 2. Bolts: a. Meet requirements of ASTM A 307, "Specifications for Carbon Steel Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners size as indicated below unless Drawings show otherwise. Division 06 Section 06 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 100/ 1 1 EXECUTION 1. 3. Nails: a. Box or Common. Walls: a. Openings 1) Double studs. b. Corners Partition Intersections 1) Triple studs. c. Top Plates In Bearing Partitions 1) Doubled and lapped. Stagger joints at least 4 feet. d. Headers 1) See details. e. Ends Of Stud Wall To Masonry 1) Connect with 1/2 inch machine bolts maximum 48 inches o.c. and at least three in height of wall. f. Firestops 1) Spaces in wall over 10 feet high, at ceiling and floor levels, and stairs. g Spacing 1) 16 inches on center at exterior and bearing walls. 2) 24 inches on center at non bearing interior partitions. 2. Wood in Contact with Concrete or Masonry: a. Use pressure treated wood as specified 06 300. b. Set true and level to provide full bearing. Use mortar for leveling if leveling is required. See Section 04 100. c. Bolt sill to concrete as follows unless otherwise noted on Drawings. Minimum embedment of 7 inches. 1) Exterior walls and bearing walls a) 5/8 "x12" bolt, 32 inches o.c. 2) Interior nonbearing partitions a) 1/2 "x10" bolt, 4 feet o.c. or powder actuated fasteners at 24 inches o.c., Hilti or equal. 3. Posts Beams: a. Frame wood columns and posts to true end bearings. b. Extend posts or columns down to supports of such design as to hold them securely in position. c. Securely fasten column at top to beam or girder. Division 06 Section 06 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 100/ 2 06 113 roof ceiling framing d. Beams Girders 1) Stagger individual members of each beam or girder so over any one support, no more than half the members will have a joint. In all cases, however, joints shall occur over supports. 2) Stagger -nail built -up members 9 inches o.c. or bolt, if shown on Drawings. Set with crown edge up with full bearing at ends and intermediate supports. 3) Lay hard burned brick or steel bearing plates at wall making a true level bearing. Allow 1/2 inch air space around sides and ends. 4) Wood shims are not acceptable under ends. 5) Do not notch unless approved by Architect. 4. Nail As Follows: a. Stud to plate End nail, two 16d. b. Stud to plate Toe nail, three 16d or four 8d. c. Top plates Spiked together, 16d, 24 inches o.c. d. Top plates Laps and intersections, two 16d. e. Continuousioob brace to stud Two 8d. f. Two inch cut -in bracing to stud Two 16d. g. Corner studs and angles 16d, 24 inches o.c. GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Roof and ceiling foists. 2) Roof Rafters. 3) Ledger and wall plates. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Furnishing of glu -lam beams specified in Section 06 182. 2) Installing of glu -lam beams specified in Section 06 143. PRODUCTS 1. Wood: a. Conform with table in Section 06 100 General. b. Ledger and wall plates 1) #1 Douglas Fir 2. Nails: a. 16d box or common. b. Use Manufacturer's recommended spikes on framing anchors. Division 06 Section 06 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 100/ 3 1 EXECUTION 1. Place with crown side up at 16 inches o.c. unless noted otherwise or used with a cantilever. 06 115 SHEATHING 2. Block and bridge as necessary and as shown. See Sections 06 126 and 127. 3. Special Requirements: a. Roof Ceiling Joists 1) Lap joists 4 inches minimum and secure with code approved framing anchors. b. Roof Rafters 1) Cut level at wall plate and provide at least 2 -1/2 inches bearing where applicable. Spike securely to plate with three 16d nails. 2) Provide for bracing at bearing partitions. GENERAL 1 Products: a. This specification is written for APA Performance Rated Plywood. Waferboard, Composite board, and Oriented Strand Board (but not Structural Particle- board) are accepted as equals providing specified span ratings are met. 1) In all cases, thickness shown is minimum regardless of span rating. Material used for same purpose shall be of same thickness. b. General Use Sheathing (including subflooring) 1) Exposure 1. 3/8 inch 24/0 15/32 inch 32/16 1/2 inch 32/16 19/32 inch 40/20 5/8 inch 40/20 23/32 inch 48/24 3/4 inch 48/24 c. Nails 1) Up to 19/32" panel 8d box or common. 2) 19/32" and thicker panel 10d box or common. d. Underlayment 1) 15/32" minimum underlayment grade waferboard. 3 Execution: a Nail heads shall be flush with, but not penetrate, plywood surface. Division 06 Section 06 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 100/ 4 r 06 116 plywood wall sheathing GENERAL 1 Scope a Includes But Not Limited To 1) All wall sheathing r _:.s.:;.: PRODUCTS 1 Plywood: a. 15/32 inch thick minimum, complying with table above. 2 Nails. a. As specified in 06 115 General. EXECUTION 1 Panel edges shall bear on framing members and butt along their center lines Back block panel edges which do not bear on framing members with 2 inch nominal framing. 06 117 plywood roof sheathing 2 Place nails not less than 3/8 inch in from edge and 6 inches o.c. along intermediate supports and along panel edge unless shown otherwise on drawings Use 10d common nails. 3. Stagger panel end joints PRODUCTS 1 Plywood. a 3/8" and 1/2" thick complying with table above. 2 Nails a As specified in 06 115 GENERAL. EXECUTION 1 Piacing a Lay face grain at right angles to supports except where plywood diaphragm must be continuous to shear walls. b. Stagger points. 2. Nailing: (Unless noted otherwise on Drawings.) a Place nails at least 3/8 inch in from edge. b Nail 6 inches o.c. along supported edges. c Nail 12 inches o.c. on intermediate supports. d. Nail 4 inches o.c. at diaphragm boundary. 3 Screws: a Install top layers 1/2" plywood over rigid insulation to deck with 3" type "W" bugle screws. 4. Protect sheathing from moisture until roofing is installed. Division 06 Section 06 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 100/ 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 06 118 tongue and grove decking 06 125 MISCELLANEOUS 06 126 bridging PRODUCTS 1. Decking: a. 2x6 douglas fir #1 tongue grove decking. 2. Nails: a. As specified in Section 06 113. EXECUTION 1. Install at right angles to supports 2. Do not allow nails to protrude decking. 3. Align all decking and miter as required for tight fit. GENERAL 1 Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Bridging between joists and rafters as shown on Drawings. PRODUCTS 1. 1" x 3" #2 Douglas Fir or equal. 2. Nails: a. 8d box or common. EXECUTION 1. Provide between joists every 8'0" maximum. Nail each end with two 8d nails. 06 127 blocking GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Solid blocking as necessary or detailed. 2) Backing (nailers) for attaching moldings, trim, base, chair rails, hardware, equipment, accessories, or plumbing. PRODUCTS 1. Wood: a. Conform with Table in Section 06 100 General. 2. Nails: a. 16d box or common. EXECUTION 1. Provide miscellaneous blocking and framing as shown and as required for support of facing materials, fixtures, specialty items, and trim. Division 06 Section 06 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 100/ 6 06 129 wood furring 2. Provide continuous horizontal blocking row at mid height of walls or partitions over 8 feet high, using 2- inch -thick members of same width as wall or partition studs. GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish and install furring where required. PRODUCTS 1. Wood: a. Dimensions as shown on Drawings Utility or better. 2. Nails: a Size and type to fit substrate and secure furring firmly. EXECUTION 1. Installation: a. On Wood or Steel 1) Nail or screw as required to secure firmly. b On Concrete or Masonry 1) Back up furring strips with 15 lb felt strip. 2) Nail at 12 inches o.c. maximum. END OF SECTION 06 100 Division 06 Section 06 100 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 100/ 7 06 140 HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION GENERAL 1. Division 06 GENERAL applies to this Section. 06 143 installation of qlu -lam beams GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Installation of glu -lam beams and hardware. EXECUTION 1. Install work in accordance with Fabricators instructions and Glu -Lam Erection Safety Practices. 2. Adequately support and brace work until tied into building structure to insure against collapse due to wind or other forces. 3. Maintain protection of beams until roofing has been installed. 4 Do not install stained or marred beams. END OF SECTION 06 140 Division 06 Section 06 140 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 04 140/ 1 06 170 PREFABRICATED STRUCTURAL WOOD GENERAL 1. Division 06 GENERAL applies to this Section. 06 180 GLU -LAM CONSTRUCTION 06 182 qlu -lam beams GENERAL 1 Scope. a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish complete glu -lam beams, hardware, and steel shapes except those embedded in or bolted to masonry or concrete or welded to structural steel. b Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation specified in Section 06 143. 2) Steel shapes embedded in or bolted to masonry or concrete or welded to structural steel specified in Section 05 563. 2. Quality Assurance: a. Fabricator shall be licensed by American or Canadian Institute of Timber Construction. b. Fabricate in accordance with ANSI /AITC A 190.1 -1983 and bear AITC or CITC quality mark 3. Shop Drawings: a. Provide in quadruplicate as outlined in Section 01 340. b. Furnish copy of licensing certificate from AITC or CITC. 4. Product Protection Handling: a. Seal beam faces with penetrating sealer. b Treat beam ends with wood preservative. c. Wrap members separately with heavy water repellent cover. Protect against damage in transit. d. Store and handle to insure maintenance of appearance. PRODUCTS 1. Wood: a. Douglas Fir b. Stress Grade 1) Fb 2400 psi Fc perpendicular 600 psi Fc (columns) 1550 psi Fvx 165 psi E 1,600,000 psi r Division 06 Section 06 170 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 170/ 1 2) Glu -lam beams for cantilevers, continuous spans, and columns shall have an Fb value for compression zone equal to Fb value specified for tension zone (balanced combination). c. Moisture content 12% maximum for straight, 10% maximum for curved. d. Appearance Architectural. 2. Glue: a. Exterior type with mold inhibitor. 3. Hardware Steel Shapes: a. Conform to requirements of Section 05 100 General, and Drawings. END OF SECTION 06 170 Division 06 Section 06 170 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 170/ 2 r 06 200 FINISH CARPENTRY GENERAL 1 Division 06 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes but not limited to installation of following items unless arranged for otherwise 1) Architectural Woodwork 2) Wood doors including grilles 3) Hollow Metal Doors and Fire Doors 4) Hollow Metal Frames 5) Windows 6) Building Specialties specified in Division 10. 7) Finish Hardware specified in Division 08. 8) Acoustical panels 9) Miscellaneous as specified elsewhere 3 Execution: a. Work shall be made in accordance with measurements taken on the job. b. Scribe, miter, and join accurately and neatly to conform to details. c. Exposed surfaces shall be machine sanded, ready for finishing. d. Allow for free movement of panels. e. Countersink nails f. Glue shall be waterproof and of best quality. g. Back prime work to be installed against concrete or masonry or subjected to moisture. h. Architectural Woodwork 1) Install plumb, level, and square in manner and quality consistent with AWI Custom Grade requirements. 06 205 miscellaneous trim molding GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Trim not specified elsewhere. 06 206 exterior wood fascia PRODUCTS 1 Softwood: a. Mixed grain hemlock or high pressure particle board to receive painted finish. GENERAL 1 Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish and install fascia, rake boards, frieze boards and trim as described in Contract Documents. Division 06 Section 06 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Center 06 200/ 1 PRODUCTS 1 Wood: a. Fascias 1) Clear Cedar S4S, K -D 2. Nails: a. Galvanized or aluminum, casing type. 3 Back Prime: a. Cuprinol #20 Wood Preservative or exterior stain as specified in section 09 900. EXECUTION 1 Wood: a. Fascia, Rake Boards, and Frieze Boards 1) Miter boards and trim 2) Rigidly secure, nail as necessary. 3) Use care to prevent hammer head or nail set markings. 4) Secure fascia in straight, true, level line without buckles, sags, splittings, ragged edges, tool marks, or other defects. 5) Back prime prior to installation. 06 208 wood siding GENERAL 1 Section 06 200 GENERAL applies to this Section. PRODUCTS 2 Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To- 1) Providing wood siding at exterior of building. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Vapor retarders specified in Section 07 190. Tongue and Groove Siding: a. 1x4 tongue groove clear cedar siding to match city hall. 2. Backprime: a. Cuprinol #20 wood preservative or exterior stain as specified in Section 09 900. EXECUTION 1. Refer to 06 200. 06 210 doors metal frames GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Storing and installing of wood and metal doors. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Furnishing of doors specified in Division 08. Division 06 Section 06 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Center 06 200/ 2 r EXECUTION 1. 2) Finishing of doors specified in Section 09 900. 2 Product Storage Handling: a. Wood Doors 1) Do not have doors delivered to building site until after plaster, cement, and taping compound are dry. If doors are to be stored at jobsite for more than one week, seal top and bottom edges. 2) Store flat on a level surface in a dry, well ventilated building. Cover to keep clean but allow air circulation. 3) Handle with clean gloves and do not drag doors across one another or across other surfaces. 4) Do not subject doors to abnormal heat, dryness, or humidity or sudden changes therein Condition doors to average prevailing humidity of locality before hanging. Wood Doors: a. Install with 3/16 inch clearance between door and frame Form a square frame with jambs and stops. b Install door according to Manufacturer recommendations. When finished, doors shall not bind, stick, or be mounted so as to cause future hardware difficulties. c Do not impair utility or structural strength of door in fitting of door, applying hardware, or cutting and altering door louvers, panels, or other special details. d Read Hardware Manufacturer's instructions prior to mounting hardware and follow as closely as possible. e. Use hardware templates furnished by Manufacturer when mounting hardware. f. Set hinges flush with edge surface. Be sure that hinges are set in a straight line to prevent distortion. Use three hinges per door on doors 7 feet in height or less and four hinges per door on doors over 7 feet in height. g Mount door latches high in strike plate opening so when door later settles, latch will not bind. h. Mount closers on stop side of door (Parallel Arm) where possible 2. Metal Doors: a. As specified for wood doors above except fire door installation shall meet code requirements. Division 06 Section 06 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Center 06 200/ 3 06 212 hardware installation GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Installation of finish hardware. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Hardware specified in Section 08 700. EXECUTION 1. Preparation: a. Provide solid blocking for all wall stops and bumpers. b. Fasteners: Check all conditions and use fastening devices as needed to secure or anchor all hardware as per manufacturer's published templates. Self tapping sheet metal screws are not acceptable. All closers and exit devices on wood doors shall be thru bolted. The contractor shall be responsible for drilling wood or metal with the recommended hole sizes. 2 Installation: a. The General Contractor shall be responsible for proper installation and operation of hardware in locations specified. Door closers shall be installed and adjusted to close and latch the door without slamming. b. The Contractor shall protect exposed hardware surfaces during the construction period from damage to products and finishes. c. Mounting Heights: Mount units at heights recommended in "Recommended Locations for Builders Hardware for BHMA" except as otherwise indicated. d. Install each hardware item in compliance with manufacturer's instructions. e. Whenever cutting and fitting are required to install hardware on surfaces which will be painted or finished at a later time, install each item completely and then remove and store in a secure place. After completion of the finishes, reinstall each item. f. Do not install surface mounted items unless finishes is completed on the substrate. e. Adjust and check each operating item of hardware and each door to insure proper operation or function of every unit. Replace units which cannot be adjusted to operate freely and smoothly. 3. Adjustment: a. Whenever hardware installation is made more than one month prior to acceptance or occupancy, make a final check and adjustment of all hardware items Division 06 Section 06 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Center 06 200/ 4 r t during the week prior to acceptance or occupancy. Clean and lubricate operating items necessary to restore proper function and finish of hardware and doors. Adjust door control devices to compensate for final operation for heating and ventilating equipment. b. Instruct owners personnel in proper adjustment and maintenance of hardware and hardware finishes. END OF SECTION 06 200 Division 06 Section 06 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Center 06 200/ 5 06 300 WOOD TREATMENT GENERAL 1. Division 06 GENERAL applies to this Section. 06 310 PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT GENERAL 1. Treat lumber or plywood in contact with concrete or masonry, or specified above for pressure treatment, in accordance with LP 2 -80 and dried after treatment. a. Lumber grade and species shall be as specified for the particular use. b. Identify treated lumber as to name of treater, preservative used, and retention in lbs. /cu. ft. c. Season after treatment to moisture content required for nontreated material. PRODUCTS 1 #2 Douglas Fir or better (no Hem -Fir permitted.) END OF SECTION 06 300 Division 06 Section 06 300 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 300/ 1 06 400 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK GENERAL 1. Division 06 GENERAL applies to this Section. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Fabrication and delivery to site of millwork specified below. 2) Installation of cabinet hinges catches, drawer tray guides, adjustable shelf standards, and surface bolts. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation of architectural woodwork hardware not itemized above specified in Section 06 200. 2) Furring and blocking members specified in Section 06 100. 3 Reference Standards: a. Applicable standards of AWI "Quality Standards and Guide Specifications" apply to this Section as if written in this Project Manual unless noted otherwise. b. AWI "Custom" grade except as otherwise indicated shall be base quality requirement. 4. Submittals: a. Submit shop Drawings. b. Submit samples of wood specie which is to receive a transparent finish, if requested by Architect. c. Submit manufacturer's literature of specialty items not manufactured by Architectural Woodwork firm, if requested by Architect. 5 Product Delivery Storage: a. Assemble work at mill and deliver ready for erection insofar as possible. b. Protect millwork from moisture and damage while in transit to jobsite. Unload and store in a place where it will be protected from moisture and damage and convenient to use. 6. Execution: a. Fabricate work in accordance with measurements taken on jobsite. b. Install hardware in accordance with Manufacturer's directions. c. Leave operating hardware operating smoothly and quietly. Division 06 Section 06 400 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 400/ 1 I d. Adjustment Cleaning 1) In addition to AWI requirements, exposed finished surfaces of millwork shall have damaged surface or defects removed or repaired to match adjacent similar undamaged surface as directed by Architect. 06 410 ARCHITECTURAL CABINETS GENERAL 1 Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To- 1) Cabinet hardware. 2) Plastic laminate clad cabinets. 3) Plastic laminate clad tops. 2 References: a. ANSI A208.1 Wood Particleboard. b ANSI /BHMA A156.9 American National Standard for Cabinet Hardware; Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association. c. ANSI /BHMA A156.18 American National Standard for Materials and Finishes; Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association. d. Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards, Guide Specifications and Quality Certification Program; Architectural Woodwork Institute. e. NEMA LD 3 High- Pressure Decorative Laminates; National Electrical Manufacturers Association. 3. Submittals: a. Shop Drawings 1) Dimensioned plans and elevations and large scale details, showing location of each item, identifying components used, and indicating method of attachment. b. Plastic Laminate 1) Samples for verification: standard manufacturer chips of each type, pattern, and color. c. Low- Pressure Decorative Laminate Panel Products 1) Samples for verification: standard manufacturer chips of each type, pattern, and color. d. Cabinet Hardware 1) Product data. 2) One sample of each type. e. Quality Assurance Submittals 1) Fabricator qualifications. Division 06 Section 06 400 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 400/ 2 r 4. Quality Assurance: a. Standard for Materials and Workmanship: Comply with applicable requirements of "Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards," published by Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) (hereinafter referred to as "woodworking standard Where contract documents indicate requirements that conflict with or augment the woodworking standard, comply with the conflicting or augmenting requirements. b. Grades as indicated on Drawings. c. Standard for Factory Finishing 1) Comply with Section 01500, "Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards." Where contract documents indicate requirements that conflict with or augment the woodworking standard, comply with the conflicting or augmenting requirements. d. Fabricator Qualifications 1) Fabricator approved by the Architect. All work of this section shall be fabricated by a single firm. e. Installer Qualifications 1) Fabricator shall install his own work. f. Preinstallation Meeting 1) Meet at project site, prior to delivery of fabricated items, to review coordination and environmental controls required for proper installation and ambient conditions in areas to receive work. Require attendance by the contractor, installers of this work, installers of wet work such as plastering, installers of finishes and mechanical and electrical work, and those responsible for continued operation (temporary or permanent) of systems required to maintain temperature and humidity conditions. Proceed with installation only when agreement is reached that required ambient conditions can be maintained. 5. Delivery. Storage. And Handling: a. Do not deliver products until ambient conditions required can be and are maintained. Do not deliver woodwork until wet work, painting, grinding, and similar operations in storage and installation areas which could damage, soil, or deteriorate wood work have been completed. Protect woodwork during transit, delivery, storage, and handling to prevent damage, soiling, and Division 06 Section 06 400 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 400/ 3 1 1 1 1 deterioration. Store products only in areas where ambient conditions required can be and are maintained. 6. Proiect Conditions: a. Obtain field measurements and verify dimensions before fabricating woodwork. PRODUCTS 1 AWI Grading: a. Premium grade. 2. Typical Cabinet Construction: a. Style: Inset. b. Panel products for opaque finish: 1) Acceptable types: Particleboard. 2) Panel thickness: 3/4 inch 3) Finish: High pressure plastic laminate. 4) Interior finish: Low pressure decorative laminate. 5) Plastic laminate thickness: Grade GP50 on horizontal surfaces, GP20 on vertical. 6) Exposed edges: High pressure plastic laminate. 7) Semiexposed edges: High- pressure plastic laminate. c. Conceal all fasteners. 3 Wood Materials: a. Lumber 1) Species and grade as specified in woodworking standard, unless otherwise indicated. b. Moisture content at time of fabrication 1) As specified in woodworking standard. c Provide lumber dressed on all exposed faces, unless otherwise indicated. d. Do not use twisted, warped, bowed, or otherwise defective lumber. e. Sizes indicated are nominal, unless otherwise indicated. f. Do not mark or color lumber, except where such marking will be concealed in finish work. g. Plywood 1) Types, grades, and cores as specified in the woodworking standard, except as otherwise specified in this section. h. Particleboard 1) ANSI A208.1, 1 -M -2 or 2 -M -2, or better. 4. High Pressure Decorative Laminate: a. NEMA LD 3. Grades and thicknesses as indicated. Division 06 Section 06 400 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 400/ 4 EXECUTION 1. b. Approved Manufacturers 1) Formica Corporation. 2) Laminart, Inc. 3) Wilsonart 4) Pionite 5. Low- Pressure Decorative Laminate Panel Products: a. Panel products of type indicated, with decorative surfaces complying with NEMA LD 3, Grade GP 20. b. Approved Manufacturers 1) Pickering Products 2) Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding. 6. Miscellaneous Materials: a. Fasteners 1) Type, size, material, and finish as required for each use. 7. Cabinet Hardware: a. Finishes on exposed hardware 1) Hewi #5 Grey. b. Concealed hardware 1) Manufacturer's standard finish, complying with applicable product class of ANSI /BHMA A156.9. c. Hinge Type 1) Julius Blum, self closing d. Pull Type 1) Hewi, Normbau. e. Drawer Slides 1) Acu ri de f. Locks 1) 5 -pin tumbler, dead bolt. g. Cabinet- Mounted Adjustable Shelf Supports 1) Recessed, drilled standards with removable plated steel pins. h. Hardware Quantities 1) Hinges- Two per door up to 36 inches high; three per door over 36 inches high. 2) Pulls- One per door, drawer. 3) Catches- One per door. 4) Drawer slides, side mounted- Two per drawer. General Fabrication: a. Fabricate to dimensions, profiles, and details indicated. To greatest extent possible, complete fabrication and assembly before shipment to site. r Division 06 Section 06 400 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 400/ 5 b. Disassemble components only as necessary for shipment and installation. Precut openings for applied fixtures and fitting, where possible. c. Predrill mountings for applied hardware, where possible. 2. Factory Finishina: a. Factory Finish- As specified for individual item. b. Apply entire finish in shop, to greatest extent possible; final touch -up cleaning and polishing may be performed after installation. c. Prepare for finishing in accordance with the woodworking standard. 3. Installation• a. Condition woodwork to humidity and temperature in installation area prior to installing. Verify that blocking and backings have been installed at appropriate locations for anchorage. b. Examine shop- fabricated work for completion, complete work as required, and remove packing. c. Make joints neatly, with uniform appearance. d. Install woodwork plumb, level, true, and straight, with no distortions. Install with no variation in flushness of adjoining surfaces. e. Shim as required, using concealed shims. f. Refinish cut surfaces and repair finish at cuts. g. Anchor woodwork to anchors or blocking built in or directly attached to substrates. h. Use anchorage methods indicated; where anchorage method is not indicated, use only concealed fasteners or blind nailing except where impossible. i. Repair damaged and defective woodwork to eliminate visual and functional defects; where repair is not possible, replace woodwork. j Touch up shop applied finishes where damaged or soiled. 4. Adjustment: a. Install so doors operate smoothly and are accurately aligned. b. Install so drawers operate smoothly and are accurately aligned. c. Complete hardware installation. d. Anchor tops securely. Division 06 Section 06 400 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 400/ 6 e. Install tops plumb and level, within 1/8 inch in 8 feet. f. Adjust and lubricate cabinet hardware for smooth operation 5 Cleaning: a. Clean exposed and semiexposed surfaces. 6 Protection: a. Protect woodwork from damage and maintain environmental conditions required. END OF SECTION 06 400 Division 06 Section 06 400 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 06 400/ 7 D I V I S I O N 0 7 T H E R M A L M O I S T U R E P R O T E C T I O N GENERAL 1. General Conditions and Division 01 apply to this Division. 2. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish labor, materials, and equipment necessary for completion of work unless indicated or noted otherwise. 07 190 VAPOR AIR RETARDERS GENERAL 1. Division 07 GENERAL applies to this Section 07 192 laminated vapor retarders GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing for installation under interior slabs on grade. b Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Installation specified in Section 03 300. PRODUCTS 1. Comply with Fed Spec UU- B -790a and VA and FHA minimum property standards as Vapor Barrier under concrete slabs. 2. Approved Manufacturers: a. Moistop, 96 inches wide by Fortifiber Corp, Los Angeles, CA b. Damproof XX by Nicolet of California Inc, Hollister, CA c. Plybar Plus II by Glas -Kraft Inc, Slatersville, RI EXECUTION 1. Do not install vapor barrier until gravel base has been leveled and compacted. 2 Joints Penetrations: a. Lap joints 6 inches minimum. b. Apply liberal coating of hot or cold mastic or plastic cement, as approved by Vapor Barrier Manufacturer to seal joints. c. Seal vapor barrier around pipes, conduits, etc., which penetrate slab. d. Seal tears and punctures prior to placing concrete. t Division 07 Section 07 190 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 190/ 1 07 196 air retarders GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnishing and installing air retarders on the exterior side of exterior wall sheathing. PRODUCTS 1 Approved Manufacturers: a. Tyvek Housewrap by DuPont Company, Wilmington, DE EXECUTION 1. Install in accordance with Manufacturer's instructions over exterior wall sheathing. Seal penetrations through air infiltration barrier immediately prior to installation of finish material. 2 Tape all joints with manufacturer approved tape. 3 At completion of air infiltration barrier installation, inspect exposed air infiltration barrier for holes, tears, and punctures and repair damaged areas. Barrier is to be air tight and free from holes, tears, and punctures. END OF SECTION 07 190 r Division 07 Section 07 190 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 190/ 2 GENERAL 1. Division 07 GENERAL applies to this Section. 07 200 INSULATION EXECUTION 1. 2. Protection: a. Do not cover recessed light fixtures with insulation. b. Cut out insulation to provide a minimum of 6 inch clearance around recessed lighting fixtures. 07 210 BUILDING INSULATION GENERAL 1. Insulation shall be manufactured and installed in compliance with UBC or other applicable building codes. 07 211 unfaced batt blanket insulation GENERAL 1 Scope a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Insulation used in exterior framed walls and ceilings. b Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Acoustical Insulation specified in Section 09 530. 2) Vapor barrier specified in Section 07 193. 2. Order insulation by "R" factor rather than "U" factor, rating, or thickness. PRODUCTS 1 "Friction -Fit" unfaced batts, either 16" or 24" wide according to framing spacing. 2. "R" Factor of 38 in ceilings in accordance with Fed Spec HH- I -521e. 3. "R" Factor of 19 in exterior walls. 4. Approved Manufacturers: a. Certain.teed Corp, Valley Forge, PA b. Manville Corp Fiberglass, Denver, CO c. Owens- Corning Fiberglass Corp, Toledo, OH d. Pabco, Houston, TX e. U S Gypsum "Thermafiber Chicago, IL f. Western Fiberglass, Inc, Salt Lake City, UT g. Equal as approved by Architect prior to bidding See Section 01 630. Install in accordance with Manufacturer's directions and the following: a. Leave no gaps in insulation envelope. Division 07 Section 07 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 200/ 1 b. Install insulation between jambs framing, behind plumbing wiring and in similar places. c. Fit ends of batts snug against top and bottom plates d. Where insulation is not enclosed by structure or drywall, support in place with wire at 16" o.c. or other suitable material as approved by Architect. 07 212 BOARD INSULATION 07 213 Polvstvrene board insulation GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But Not Limited To 1) Furnish and install on interior side of concrete floor slabs. PRODUCTS 1 Above or Below Grade Installation: a. Meet requirements of ASTM C 578 -85, Preformed, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation. Type IV. 1) Approved Manufacturers Types IV a) Amofoam CM, Amoco Foam Products Co b) Foamular 250, UC Industries c) Styrofoam SM, Dow Chemical Co EXECUTION 1. Install in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Refer to Drawings for detailed requirements. 07 220 ROOF DECK INSULATION GENERAL 1. Scope: a. Includes But not Limited To- 1) Furnishing and installing insulation over roof deck where indicated on Drawings. b. Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1) Prefinished Metal Roofing specified in Section 07 420. 2. Product Handling. Storage and Delivery: a. Deliver materials in manufacturer's original unopened containers with labels intact and legible. b. Deliver materials in sufficient quantities to allow continuity of work. c. Select and operate material handling equipment so new construction and applied roofing is not damaged. Division 07 Section 07 200 March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 07 200/ 2 ARTICLE FINAL PAYMENT Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be made by the Owner to the Contractor when (1) the Contract has been fully performed by the Contractor except for the Contractor's responsibility to correct nonconforming Work as provided in Subparagraph 12.2.2 of the General Conditions and to satisfy other requirements, if any, which necessarily survive fugal payment; and (2) a final Certificate for Payment has been issued by the Architect; such final payment shall be made by the Owner not more than 30 days after the issuance of the Architect's final Certificate for Payment, or as follows: ARTICLE 7 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7.1 Where reference Is made in this Agreement to a provision of the General Conditions or another Contract Document, the ref- erence refers to that provision as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract Documents. 7.2 Payments due and unpaid under the Contract shall bear Interest from the date payment Is due at the rate stated below, or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Project is located. (Insert rate of interest agreed upon, if any.) (Usury laws and requirements under the Federal Truth in Lending Act, similar state and local consumer credit laws and other regulations at the Owner's and Contractor's principal places of business, the location of the Protect and elsewhere may affect the validity of Ibis provision. Legal advice should be obtained with respect to deletions or modifications, and also regarding requirements such as written disclosures or waivers.) 7.3 Other provisions: Arbitration as described in Section 4.5 of the General Conditions may only occur upon mutual consent of Contractor and Owner. ARTICLE 8 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION 8.1 The Contract may be terminated by the Owner or the Contractor as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. 8.2 The Work may be suspended by the Owner as provided In Article 14 of the General Conditions. AlA DOCUMENT A101 OWNER CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT TWELFTH EDITION AlA• 01987 THE AMERICAN INSTIT1ITLOrARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 A101 -1987 5 ARTICLE 9 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 9.1 The Contract Documents, except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, are enumerated as follows: 9.1.1 The Agreement is this executed Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, AIA Document A101, 1987 Edition. 9.1.2 The General Conditions are the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, AIA Document A201, 1987 Edition. 9.1.3 ThekgivlgRarmtzg}( and other Conditions of the Contract are those contained in the Project Manual dated March 31, 1992 General Requirements and are as follows: Document Title Project Manual Vern Burton Memorial Community Center AlA DOCUMENT A101 OWNER CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT TWELFTH EDmON AMA• ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W., WASHINGTON. D.C. 20006 Pages Section 00 500 Section 00 800 Sections 01 000 through 01 700 9.1.4 The Specifications are those contained in the Project Manual dated as in Subparagraph 9.1.3, and are as follows: (Either list the Specifications here or refer to an exhibit attached to Ibis Agreement.) Section Title Pages Project Manual /Specifications Vern Burton Memorial Division 02 through 16 Community Center A101 -198 6 1 I I I I I I I I I I Number Date Pages Addendum Number 1 March 23, 1992 4 Addendum Number 2 April 2, 1992 13 I 1 I I t I 1 9.1.5 The Drawings are as follows, and are dated unless a different date Is shown below: (Either list the Drawings here or refer to an exhibit attached to Ibis Agreement.) Number Title The Drawings as prepared by Lindberg Architects for: March 9, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 9.1.6 The Addenda, if any, are as follows: Portions of Addenda relating to bidding requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding requirements arc also enumerated in this Article 9. ALA DOCUMENT A101 OWNER CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT TWELFTH EDITION AIA° ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 Date A101 -1987 7 I.■ 9.1.7 Other documents, if any, forming part of the Contract Documents are as follows: (List here any additional documents wbicb are intended to form part of the Contract Documents The General Conditions provide that bidding requirements such as advertisement or invitation to bid, instructions to Bidders, sample forms and the Contractor's bid are not part of the Contract Documents unless enumerated in this Agreement. They should be listed here only if intended to be part of the Contract Documents.) This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year first written above and is executed in at least three original copies of which one is to be delivered to the Contractor, one to the Architect for use in the administration of the Contract, and the remainder to the Owner. OWNER ,C1tJ Port figeles ure) fin( (Printed name and title) t /71a7 (Printed name and title) ALA DOCUMENT A101 OWNER CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT TWELFTH EDITION AIA• ©1987 THE AMERICAN INS Ill u I t OFARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 -1 4�GES f2 rA w �p A101 -1987 8 T 'H E A M E R I C A N I N S T I T U T E O F A R C H I T E C T S AIA Document A201 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES, CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED 87TH RESPECT TO ITS MODIFICATION 1987 EDITION TABLE OF ARTICLES 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 8. TIME 2. OWNER 9 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 3. CONTRACTOR 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 4. ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 11. INSURANCE AND BONDS 5. SUBCONTRACTORS 12. UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 6. CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY 13. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 14. TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE 7. CHANGES IN THE WORK CONTRACT This document has been approved and endorsed by the Associated Genera] Contractors of America Copyright 1911, 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1966 1967, 1970, 1976, ©198 by The American Institute of Architects. l New York Avenue, N W Washington, D C 20006 Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provisions Is ithout w mien permission of the AlA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will he subject to legal prosecutions AlA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRI (.i ION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA° 01987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON. D C 20006 A201 -1987 1 Acceptance of Nonconforming Work 966,99 3,12.3 Acceptance of Work 966,9.8.2,993,9101,9103 Access to Work 3.16, 6 2 1, 12 1 Accident Prevention 423,10 Acts and Omissions 3.2.1,32.2,332,3128,318,423,432, 4.3.9, 8.3 1, 10.1.4, 10.2.5, 13.4 2, 13.7, 14 1 A d d e n d a 1 11, 3 11 Additional Cost, Claims for 436,4.37,439,611,103 Additional Inspections and Testing.. 4.2.6,982, 12.2.1, 13 5 Additional Time, Claims for 4 3 6, 4 3 8, 4 3 9, 8 3 2 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 3 3 3, 4, 9 4, 9 5 Advertisement or Invitation to B Aesthetic Effect Allowances All risk Insurance Applications for Payment 9.8.3, Approvals 2 4, 3 3 3, 3.5, Arbitration Architect Architect, Definition of 4 1 1 Architect, Extent of Authority 2 4, 3 12.6, 4 2, 4 3 2, 4 3 6, 4.4, 5.2, 63, 712, 7.21, 7.3.6, 74, 92, 931, 9.4,95,96.3,9.82,983,9 101,9103, 12 1, 122.1, 135 1, 1352, 142.2, 1424 Architect, Limitations of Authority and Responsibility 333,3 12 8, 312.11, 412,4.21 ,422,4.2.3,4.26,427,4210,4212, 4.213, 4.3 2, 5 2 1, 7.4, 9.4 2, 9 6 4, 9 6 6 Architect's Additional Services and Expenses 24,982, 11 31.1, 1221, 122.4, 1352, 1353, 1424 Architect's Administration of the Contract 4.2, 4 3 6, 437, 4.4, 9 4, 95 Architect's Approvals 2.4, 3 5.1, 3,10 2, 3,12 6, 3,12 8, 3 18 3, 4 2' Architect's Authority to Reject Work 35 1, 4 2 6, 12 1 2, 12 2 1 Architect's Copyright 13 Architect's Decisions 42.6,42 7, 4 2 1 1, 4 2.12, 4 2 13, 432, 436 ,441,444,45,63,736,738,813,831, 92,94,951,982,9.91, 1012, 135.2, 1422, 1424 Architect's Inspections 4 2 2, 4 2.9, 4 3 6, 9 4 2, 9 8 2, 992, 9101, 135 Architect's Instructions 426,427,4.28,437,74 1, 12 1, 13 5 2 Architect's Interpretations 42 11, 4 2 12, 4 3 7 Architect's On -Site Observations 4 2 2, 4 2 5, 4 3 6, 9 4 2, 951,9101,135 Architect's Project Representative 4 2 10 Architect's Relationship with Contractor 1 1 2, 3 2 I, 3 2 2, 333.351, 373, 311,3128,31211,316,318,423,4 426,4212,52,6.22,734,982, 1137, 121,135 Architect's Relationship with Subcontractors 1 1 2, 4 2 3, 4 2 4, 426,96.3,964, 1137 Architect's Representations 9 4 2, 9 5 1, 9 10 1 Architect's Site Visits 4 2.2, 4 2 5, 4 2 9, 4 3 6, 9 4 2, 9 5 1, 982,992,9101, 135 Asbestos 10 I Attorneys' Fees 3.181,9102,1014 Award of Separate Contracts 6 1 I Award of Subcontracts and Other Contracts for Portions of the Work 5.2 Basic Definitions 1,1 Bidding Requirements 1 1 1,1 1 7, 5 2 1, 1 'i 1 Boiler and Machinery Insurance 11.3.2 Bonds, Lien 9 10 2 Bonds, Performance and Payment 7 3 6 4, 9 10 3, 1 1 3 9, 1 1 4 2 A201 -1987 id. 111 4213,451 3.8 1131.1 42.5,7.37,9.2,9.3,94,95 1,963, 910.1,9 10 3, 9.10.4, 1'1 1 3, 14 2 4 3.102,3 12.4through3 128,3 183, 4.2.7, 9.3.2, 11.3.1 4, 13.4.2, 13 5 4 1.4,4.3.2,4.34,444,4.5, 831, 10.1 2, 1139, 11 310 4.1 INDEX Building Permit 371 Capitalization 1.4 Certificate of Substantial Completion 982 Certificates for Payment 4 2.5, 4.2.9, 9 3,3, 9.4,9 5, 9 6 1, 9.6.6, 9.7.1, 98.3, 910.1, 9.10.3, 137, 14113, 1424 Certificates of Inspection, Testing or Approval 3.12 11, 13 5 4 Certificates of Insurance 932,9 10 2, 1 1 1 3 Change Orders 111,241,3824,311,42.8,433,523, 71, 11312, 11.34, 11 39, 12 12 Change Orders, Definition of 7 2 1 Changes 7.1 CHANGES IN THE WORK 311,4,28,7,8.3.1,9,311,1013 Claim, Definition of 4.3.1 Claims and Disputes 4.3,44,4.5,625,832, 93.12,933,9104.1014 Claims and Timely Assertion of Claims 4.5.6 Claims for Additional Cost 436,4.3.7,43.9,611,103 Claims for Additional Time 4.3 6, 4.3.8, 4 3 9, 8 3 2 Claims for Concealed or Unknown Conditions 4.3.6 Claims for Damages...3.18, 4 3 9, 6 1 1, 6 2.5, 8.3 2, 9 5 1 2, 10 1 4 Claims Subject to Arbitration 4 3.2, 4 4 4, 4.5 1 Cleaning Up 3.15,63 Commencement of Statutory Limitation Period 13.7 Commencement of the Work, Conditions Relating to 2 1 2, 2.21,3.2 .1,322,3.71,3101,3.126,437,521, 6.22,812,8.22,92, 11.13, 1136, 1141 Commencement of the Work, Definition of 8 1 2 Communications Facilitating Contract Administration 3.9 1, 4.2 4, 5 2 1 Completion, Conditions Relating to 3.11,3 15, 4.2 2, 4 2 9, 43.2,942,98,991,910, 113.5, 1222 1371 COMPLETION, PAYMENTS AND 9 Completion, Substantial 429,4352,81 1, 8 1 3, 8 2 3, 9.8, 991, 1222, 137 Compliance with Laws 1 3, 3.6, 3 7, 3.13, 4.1 1, 10 2 2, 11 1, 11.3, 131, 1351, 1352, 136, 14 11, 14213 Concealed or Unknown Conditions 436 Conditions of the Contract 1 1 1, 1 1 7 61 1 Consent, Written 1.3 1, 3.12 8, 3 14 2. 4 1 2, 434,4.55 ,932,98.2,991,910.2,910.3,1012, 1013, 11.31, 11314, 11 3 11, 132, 1342 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 1 1 4, 6 Construction Change Directive, Definition of 731 Construction Change Directives 1 1 1, 4 2 8, 7 1, 7.3, 9 3 1 1 310 613 Construction Schedules, Contractor's Contingent Assignment of Subcontracts Continuing Contract Performance Contract, Definition of CONTRACT, TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE 5.4 4.3.4 1 1 2 4. 37,5411,14 Contract Administration 3-33,4,94,95 Contract Award and Execution, Conditions Relating to 3 7 1, 3 10, 52, 92, 11 1 3, 11 36, 11 4 1 Contract Documents, The 1.1, 1 2, 7 Contract Documents, Copies Furnished and Use of 1 3, 2 2 5, 5 3 Contract Documents, Definition of I I I Contract Performance During Arbitration 434,453 Contract Sum 38.4 3 6, 4 3 7, 4 4 4, 5 2 3, 613,72,73,9.1,97, 113,1, 1224, 123, 1424 Contract Sum, Definition of 9.1 Contract Time 436,43.8,444,72 1 3, 3. 821,831,97, 121 I Contract Time, Definition of 8.1.1 AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NE' YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 CONTRACTOR Contractor. Definition of Contractor's Bid 3 3.1,6 111 3.10, 6 1 3 39,318,423, 1111, 14211 11.1 Contractor's Construction Schedules Contractor's Employees 3 3 2, 3 4 2, 3 8 1, 426,8.12, 102, 103, Contractor's Liability Insurance Contractor's Relationship with Separate Contractors and Owner's Forces 2 2 6, 3 12 5, 3 14 2, 4 2 4, 6, 12 2 5 Contractor's Relationship with Subcontractors 1 2 4, 3 3 2, 3 18 1, 3 18 2, 5 2, 5 3, 5 4, 9 6 2, 1137, 1138, 14212 Contractor s Relationship with the Architect 1 2, 3 2 1, 3 2 2, 3 3 3, 3 5 1, 3 7 3, 3 11, 3 12 8 3 16, 3 18, 4 2 3, 4 2 4, 4 2 6, 4 2 12, 5 2, 6 2 2, 7 3 4, 9 8.2, 11 37, 121, 135 Contractor's Representations 1 2 2,3 5 1,3 12'7, 6 2 2, 8 2 1, 9.3.3 Contractor's Responsibility for Those Performing the Work 3 3 2, 3 18, 4 2 3, 10 Contractor's Review of Contract Documents 1 2 2, 3 2. 3 7 3 Contractor's Right to Stop the Work 9.7 Contractor's Right to Terminate the Contract 14 1 Contractor s Submittals 3 10, 3 1 1, 3 12, 4 2 7. 5 2 1, 5 2 3, 736,92,93 1,982,991,9102, 9 10 3, 10.1 2, 1 1 4 2, 1 1 4 3 Contractor's Superintendent 3 9, 10 2 6 Contractor s Supervision and Construction Procedures 1 2 4, 3 3, 3 4, 4 2 3, 8 2 2, 8 2 3, 10 Contractual Liability Insurance 11 1 1 7, 11 2 1 Coordination and Correlation 1 2 2, 1 2 4 3 3 1, 310,3127,613,621 Copies Furnished of Drawings and Specifications 1 3, 2 2 5, 3 11 Correction of Work 2 3. 2 4, 4 2 1.9 8 2, 991.12 Cos Definition of 5 6, 1-4 3 5 C oss 2 4, 3 2 1,574,38 2. 3 15 436, 5 5 2 3, 6 1 1 62 3, 6 3, 7 3 3 3, 7 3 6, 7 3 7 9 7 98 11 3 1 2, 11313,1134,11 59,121,12 12 13 5, 14 Cutting and Patching 3.14, 6 2 6 Damage to Construction of Owner or Separate Contractors 3 14.2, 624,9515, 10212, 1025, 103. 11 1, 113, 1225 Damage to the Work 3 1 4 2. 9 9 1. 10 2 1 2 10 2 5, 10 3 1 1 Damages. Claims for 5 18 4 3 9, 6 1 1, 6 2 5. 8 3 2,9 5 1 2, 10 1 4 Damages for DeLI\ 6 1 1.8 3 3.9 5 1 6 9' Date of Cornmenccmcnt of the \'ork. Definition of 8 1 2 Date of Substantial Completion, Definition of 8 1 3 Das Definition of 8 I 4 Decisions of the Architect 4 2 6. 4 2 4 2 11 4 2 12 4 2 15, 45 2.4 36,4 41 4 4 4.4 5.63 36 38,81 5,831,9 94,951,982 991 101 2 1552 1422 1424 Decisions to Withhold Certification 9.5, 9 I. 1 15 Defective or Nonconforming Work acceptance. Rejection and Correction of 2 5, 2 4. 5 5 1 4 2 1, 2 6.4 55,95 991, 10 25 12, 13 1 5 Defects. ork, Definition of 5 5 1 Definitions 1 1, 2 1 1, 3 1, 3 5 1 5 12 1, 5 12 2 5 12 5 4 I I. 4 3 1, 5 I, 6 1 2, 7 2 I, 7 3 1 7 3 6, 8 1 9 I 9 8 1 Delays and Extensions of Time 4 3 1, 4 3 8 1.4 5 8 2, 61 1,623, 31,73 739, 8 I.8.3, 1(1 I. 14 1 1 4 Disputes 414, 43, 44,45,6; Documents and Samples at the Site 3 11 Drawings, Definition of 1 1 5 Drawings and Specifications, Use and Ownership of 1 1 1, 1 3, 225,3 1155 Duty to Review Contract Documents and Field Conditions 5 2 Effective Date of Insurance 8 2 2, 11 1 2 Emergencies 4 3 7, 10.3 Employees, Contractor's 3 3 2, 3 4 2, 3 8 1, 3 9, 3 18 1, 3 18 2, 4 2 3, 4 2 6, 8 1 2, 102, 103, 111 1, 1421 Equipment, Labor, ,Materials and 1 1 3. 1 1 6, 3 4, 3 5 1, 3.82, 3 12 3, 312 II, 313,3151,427, 621 36,932,933, 113, 1224, 14 Execution and Progress of the Work 1 1 3, 12 3, 3 2, 3 4 I, 351,422.423,43 3 739,82 83,95.991 102. 142, 143 Execution, Correlation and Intent of the Contract Documents 1.2, 3 7 1 Extensions of Time 4 3 1, 4 3 8 2 1 3, 8 3, 10 3 1 Failure of Payment by Contractor 9 5 1 3, 14 2 1 2 Failure of Payment by OR ner 4 3 9 7, 14 1 3 Faulty Work (See Defective or Nonconforming \\ork) Final Completion and Final Payment 2 1 4 2 9 4 3 2, 4 35,9.10, 11 1 2 11 1 5 11 55 123 1 13 Financial Arrangements, Owner s Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance INSURANCE AND BONDS Insurance Companies, Consent to Partial )c. c up inc Insurance Companies, Settlement vs 5th Intent of the Contract Documents AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CON1RAC1 FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA® ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D.0 20(5)6 2 21 11 3 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1 Governing Law 13.1 Guarantees (See Warranty and arranucs) Hazardous Materials 10 1 1(1 2 Identification of Contract Document, 1 2 I Identification of Subcontractors and Suppliers 5 2 1 Indemnification 3 17, 3.18, 9 10 2, 10 1 4 1 1 5 1 2 I 1 3 Information and Services Required of the Owner 2 1 2 2.2, 434,61 3,614.626 952,961 96 985 99 910 5, 10 1 4, 11 2 11 5 135 1 135 2 Injury or Damage to Person or Property 4.3.9 Inspections 5 33 5 5 4 5 4 2 2 4 2 6 4 456 9 -4 2 9 99 91111 155 Instructions to Bidders I I 1 Instructions to the Contractor 5 8 1 4 2 8 5 2 1 1 2 1, 1 5 5 2 Insurance 439 61 1, 564 952 98 0 9 1 9 10 2 11 Insurance, Boiler and Machinery 11.3.2 Insurance, Contractor's Liability 11.1 Insurance, Effective Date of 8 2 2 1 1 1 2 Insurance, Loss of Use 1 1 5 5 Insurance, Owner's Liability 11.2 Insurance, Property 1(1 2 5 1 1.3 Insurance, Stored Materials 0 5 2 11 2 1 4 1 1 )01 11 511 11 1U 1 2 5 5 12 4 2 6 4 2 4 2 12 4 2 I i 4 13.6 8 14 i 5 4 S 0 4 5 1 45 -{1 4.5.7 Labor and Materials, Equipment 1 l 5 I I o 3.4, 3 5 1 5 8 2 3 1 2 2 5 1 2 5 5 12 5 1 2 1 1 5 13 5 1 5 1 42 1 56 95 0 95 5 12_ I4 Labor Disputes 8 5 I Laws and Regulations 1 3 5 6. 5 7, 3 1 5 4 1 1 4 5 5. 4 5 991, 1022, Il 1, II 5, 131, 154 1351 1352. 156 Liens 2 1 2,4 3 2, 4 5 5 1 8 2 9 5 5 9 1(42 Limitation on Consolidation or Joinder 4.5.5 Limitations, Statutes of 0 5 4 2 12 2 6 15 Limitation', of Authority 5 5 1 4 1 2 4 2 1 423,4 4 2 10, 5 2 2 5 24 4. 11 510 Interest Interpretation 1 2 5 1 4 1.5, 4 1 1 5 1 5 1 0 1 2 Interpretations. Written 2 11 4 2 12 Joinder and Consolidation of CI.iin>s Regina c1 Judgment on Final Award A201 -1987 3 Limitations of Liability 2.3, 3 2.1, 3 5 1, 3 7.3, 3.12 8, 3 12 11, 3.17, 3 18,4.26,4 .27,42.12,62.2,94.2,96.4,9.104, 10 1.4, 10 2.5, 11.1 2, 11.2.1, 11.3 7, 1342, 1352 Limitations of Time, General 2 2 1, 2 2 4, 3 2 1, 3 7 3, 3 8 2, 3.10, 3.12.5, 3 15 1, 4 2.1, 4.2 7, 4.2 11, 4.3 2, 4 3.3, 4 3 4,4 3.6, 4 3.9, 4.5 4.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.3, 6.2 4, 7.3 4, 7 4, 8 2, 9 5, 9 6.2, 9 8, 9.9, 9.10, 11 1 3, 11 3 1, 11 3 2, 11 3 5, 11.3.6, 12.2.1, 1222, 13.5, 137 Limitations of Time, Specific 2.1.2, 2 2.1, 2 4, 3 10, 3 11, 3 15 1, 4.2.1, 4 2 11, 4.3, 4.4, 4 5, 5 3, 5.4, 7.3 5, 7 3 9, 8 2, 9 2, 9.3 1, 9 3 3, 9.4 1, 9 6.1, 9 7, 9.8.2, 9 10 2, 11.1 3, 11 3 6, 11.3.10, 11311, 1222, 122.4, 122.6, 137, 14 Loss of Use Insurance 11.3.3 Material Suppliers 1 3.1, 3 12 1, 4 2 4, 4 2 6, 5 2 1, 9 3.1, 9 3.1 2, 9.3.3, 9 4.2, 9 6.5, 9 10 4 Materials, Hazardous 10 1, 10 2 4 Materials, Labor, Equipment and 1.1 3, 1 1 6, 3 4, 3 5.1, 3.8 2, 3 12.2, 3 12.3, 3.12 7, 3.12.11, 3.13, 3.15.1, 4.2.7, 6 2.1, 7.3 6, 9 3 2, 9.3.3, 12.2.4, 14 Means, Methods, Techniques, Sequences and Procedures of Construction 3 3 I, 4 2 3, 4 2 7, 9 4 2 Minor Changes in the Work 1.1.1 4 2 8, 4.3.7, 7 1, 7.4 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 13 Modifications, Definition of 1.1.1 Modifications to the Contract 1.1.1, 1 1.2, 3.7 3, 3.11, 4.1.2, 4 2.1, 5.2.3, 7, 8.3 1, 9.7 Mutual Responsibility 6.2 Nonconforming Work, Acceptance of 12.3 Nonconforming Work, Rejection and Correction of 2.3 1, 4 3 5, 9 5 2, 9 8.2, 12, 13 7.1.3 Notice 2 3, 2 4, 3.2 1, 3.2.2, 3 7 3, 3 7.4, 3.9, 3 12 8, 3129, 317, 43,444,45,521,53,541.1,822,94 9 5 1, 9 6 1, 9.7, 9 10, 1012, 1026, 11 1 11 3, 1222, 12.2.4, 133, 1351, 1352, 14 Notice, Written 2 3, 2 4, 3.9, 3.12 8, 3 12 9, 4 3, 4 4 4, 4 5, 5 2 1, 5 3, 5.4 1.1, 8 2.2, 9 4.1, 9.5 1, 9 7, 9.10, 10 1 2, 10 2 6, 1 1 1.3, 11 3, 12.2.2, 12.2.4, 13.3, 13 5 2, 14 Notice of Testing and Inspections 13 5 1, 13 5 2 Notice to Proceed 8 2 2 Notices, Permits, Fees and Observations, Architect's On -Site Observations, Contractor's Occupancy On -Site Inspections by the Architect On -Site Observations by the Architect Orders, Written Owner's Right to Clean Up 4 A201 -1987 223,3.7,3 13,736.4, 1022 4 2.2, 4 2.5, 436,942,951,9.101, 135 122,322 966,9.81,99, 11.3.11 422,4.29,436, 9.4.2, 9 8 2, 9 9 2, 9.10 1 422,425,436, 9.42,951,9101, 135 2.3,39,437,7,822,1139,121, 12.2,1352,14.31 2 OWNER Owner, Definition of 2.1 Owner, Information and Services Required of the 2 1 2, 2.2, 4 3 4, 6, 9, 10 1.4, 11 2, 11 3, 13 5.1, 14 I 1 5, 14 1 3 Owner's Authority 3.8 1, 4.1 3, 4.2 9, 5.2 1, 5 2 4, 5 4 1, 7 3 1, 8 2 2, 9.3.1, 9 3 2, 114 I, 12.24, 13.5.2, 142, 14.3.1 2 2.1, 14.1 1 5 Owner's Financial Capability Owner's Liability Insurance Owner's Loss of Use Insurance Owner's Relationship with Subcontractors 1.1.2, 521,541,964 Owner's Right to Carry Out the Work 2.4, 12.2 4, 14 2.2 2 6.3 11.2 1133 Owner's Right to Perform Construction and to Award Separate Contracts 6.1 Owner's Right to Stop the Work 2.3, 4 3 7 Owner's Right to Suspend the Work 14 3 Owner's Right to Terminate the Contract 14.2 Ownership and Use of Architect's Drawings, Specifications and Other Documents 1 1 1,1.3, 2 2 5, 5 3 Partial Occupancy or Use 9 6 6, 9.9, 11 3 11 Patching, Cutting and 3.14, 6.2 6 Patents, Royalties and 3.17 Payment, Applications for 4 2 5, 9 2, 9.3, 9 4, 951,983,9101,9103,9104, 1424 Payment, Certificates for 4 2 5, 4 2 9, 9 3 3, 9.4, 9 5, 9 6 1, 9 6 6, 9 7.1, 9.8 3, 9 10 1, 9 10 3, 137, 141 1.3, 1424 Payment, Failure of 4 3 7, 9 5 1 3, 9.7, 9 10 2, 14 1 1 3, 14.2 1 2 Payment, Final 4 2 I 4 2 9, 4 3 2, 4.3 5, 9 10, 11 1.2, 11.1.3, 1 1 3 5, 12 3.1 Payment Bond, Performance Bond and, 9 10 3, 11.3 9, 11.4 Payments, Progress 4 3 4, 9.3, 9 6, 983,9103, 136, 1423 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 9, 14 Payments to Subcontractors 5 4 2, 9 5 1 3, 9 6 2, 9 6 3, 9.6 4, 11 38, 14212 PCB 10 1 Performance Bond and Payment Bond 7 3 6.4, 9 103, 11.3.9, 11 4 Permits, Fees and Notices 2 2 3, 3.7, 3 13, 7 3.6 4, 10.2 2 PERSONS AND PROPERTY, PROTECTION OF 10 10.1 3 122 3 11,3.12, 427 422,434,8.2 434,93, 9.6, 9 8 3, 9 10 3, 136, 1423 Polychlorinated Biphenyl Product Data, Definition of Product Data and Samples, Shop Drawings Progress and Completion Progress Payments Project, Definition of the Project Manual, Definition of the Project Manuals Project Representatives Property Insurance PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10 Regulations and Laws 13, 3 6, 3 7, 3 13, 4 1 1, 4 5 5, 45.7, 1022, 11 1, 113, 131, 134, 1351, 1352, 136, 14 Rejection of Work Releases of Waivers and Liens 3 5 1, 4 2 6, 12 2 9 10 2 Representations 1 2 2, 3 5 1, 3 l2 7, 622,821,933,942,951,982,9101 211,311,39, 41 1,421,4210,51 1,512, 1321 Resolution of Claims and Disputes 4.4, 4 5 Responsibility for Those Performing the Work 3 3 2, 4 10 Retainage 931,962,983,991,9102,9103 Review of Contract Documents and Field Conditions by Contractor 1 2 2, 3.2, 3.7 3, 3 12 7 Review of Contractor's Submittals by Owner and Architect 3 10 1, 3 10 2, 3 11, 3 12, 4.2 7, 4 2 9 5 2 1, 523, 92, 9.82 Review of Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples by Contractor 3 12 5 Rights and Remedies 1 1 2, 2 3, 2 4, 3 5 3 31 4 2 6, 4 3 6, 4 5, 5 3, 6 1, 6.3, 7 3 1, 8.3 I, 9 5 1, 9 7, 10 2.5, 103, 1222, 122 13.4, 14 Royalties and Patents 3.17 Representatives 1.1.4 1.1.7 225 4210 10 2 5, 11.3 AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA® ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 Rules and Notices for Arbitration 4.5.2 Safety of Persons and Property 10.2 Safety Precautions and Programs 4 2 3, 4 2 7, 10.1 Samples, Definition of 3 12 3 Samples, Shop Drawings, Product Data and 3 1 1, 3.12, 4 2 7 Samples at the Site, Documents and 3.11 Schedule of Values 9.2, 9 3 1 Schedules, Construction 3 10 Separate Contracts and Contractors 1 1 4, 3 14 2, 4 2 4, 455,6, 113 1212, 1225 Shop Drawings, Definition of 3 12 I Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples 3 1 1, 3.12, 4 2 7 Site, Use of 3.13, 6 1 1, 6 2 1 Site inspections 1 2 2, 3 3 4, 4 2 2, 4 2 9, 4 3 6, 9 8 2, 9 10 1, 13 5 Site Visits, Architect's 4 2 2, 4 2 5, 4 2 9, 4 3 6, 942,951,982,992,9101; 135 Special Inspections and Testing 4 2 6, 12 2 1, 13 5 Specifications, Definition of the 1.1.6 Specifications, The Statutes of Limitations Stopping the \C'ork Stored Materials Subcontractor Definition of SUBCONTRACTORS Subcontractors, Work bl 1 1 1 1.1.6, 1 1 7, 1 2 4,1 3,3 I I 4 5 4 2, 12 2 6, 13 7 23.437,97,101 2, 103, l41 621, 932, 102I2,11 314,1224 511 5 1 423.53,54 Subcontractual Relations 5.3, 5 4 9 3 1 2, 9 6 2, 963,96.4 1021, 113 1138 1411 1421 2.14 42 Submittals 1 3, 3 2 3, 3 10, 3 1 1, 3 12, 4 2 5 2 1, 5 2 3 36,92,931,98 101 2 II 13 Subrogation, Waivers of 6 I I, 11 3 5,11.3.7 Substantial Completion 4 2 9.4 3 5 2.8 1 1, 8 1 3, 8 2 3, 9.8, 9 9 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 7 Substantial Completion Definition of 9 8 I 'substitution of subcontractors 5 2 3 5 2 4 Substitution of the Architect -4 1 3 Substitutions of Materials 3 5 1 Sub-subcontractor. Definition of 5 12 Subsurface Conditions 4 3 6 Successors and Assigns 13.2 Superintendent 3.9, 10 2 6 Supervision and Construction Procedures 1 4 3.3, 3 4 4 23 434 61 3 62-i 1 3 34 82 831,10 12 1 -t burets 44 1 4 44 54I 2 9 10 2 9 103 14 2 Surets Consent of 9 9 1.9 10 2 9 10 3 Sursess 222, 3183 Suspension by the Owner for Convenience 14.3 Suspension of the Work 43 7, 5 4 2, I -i 11 4 14 3 Suspension or Termination of the Contract 4 3 5 4 1 I 1.4 Taxes 3.6, 3 Termination by the Contractor 14.1 Termination by the Owner for Cause 5 4 1 1 14,2 Termination of the Architect -t 1 3 Termination of the Contractor 14 2 2 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT 14 Tests and Inspections 3 3 3 4 2 6, 4 2 9, 9 4 2, 1 2 2 1.13.5 TIME 8 Time, Delays and Extensions of 4 3 8, 2 1. 8.3 Time Limits, Specific 2 1 2, 2 2 1 2 4, 3 10.3 1 1 3 15 I 4 2 1, 4 2 11, 4 3, 4 4, 4 5, 5 3, 5 4, 7 3 5, 7 3 9, 8 2 92 931 9 3 3 9 4 1 9 6 1 9 7 9 8 2 9 10 2, 1 1 13, 11 30 11 3 10 11 311 1222, 1224, 1220 13 14 Time Limits on Claims 4 3 2, 4.3.3, 4 3 6, 4 3 9 4 5 Tide to Work 9 3 2 9 3 3 UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 12 Uncovering of Work 12.1 Unforeseen Conditions 4 3 6, 8 3 I 10 I Unit Prices 1 4 3 3 2 Use of Documents I I I, 1 3, 2 2 5 3 12 5 3 Use of Site 3.13, 6 1 1 6 2 1 Values, Schedule of 9.2, 9 3 1 Waiver of Claims: Final Payment 4.3.5, 4 5 1 9 10 3 aiver of Claims by the Architect 14 4 2 Waiver of Claims bs the Contractor 9 10 4 1 I 3 13 -i 2 Waiver of Claims bs the Owner 4 3 5 4 5 1 9 9 3 9 10 3. 11.3 3, 1135 11 3 13 arver of Liens 9 I n 2 Waivers of Subrogation 6 I 1 1 1 3 5 I 1 3 Warranty and Warranties 3 5, 4 2 9 I 3 5 3 9 3 3. 9 8 2, 9 9 1 1''' 1i 13 either Delays 4 3 8 2 When Arbitration May Be Demanded 4.5.4 \C ork, Definition of I 1 4 ntten Consent I 3 1, 3 12 8 3 14 2 -i 1 2 4 3 4 455 93? 982.991 910 3 10 2- 10 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 4> rittcn Interpretations 4 2 I I 4 2 12 i Written Notice 2 2 43931283129 4 3 4 45.521 53 54 1 1 822 94 1.951 9 910 101 2 1 0 2 6 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 4 13.3, 135 2 14 ntten Orders 2 3 3 9 4 3 8 2 2, 11 39, 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 5 2 14 3 1 AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA® ©1987 THE AMERICAN INS1 ITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 A201 -1987 5 6 A201 -1987 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION ARTICLE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 BASIC DEFINITIONS 1.1.1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of the Agreement between Owner and Contractor (hereinafter the Agreement), Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, addenda issued prior to execution of the Contract, other documents listed in the Agreement and Modifications issued after execution of the Contract. A Modifi- cation is (1) a written amendment to the Contract signed by both parties, (2) a Change Order, (3) a Construction Change Directive or (4) a written order for a minor change in the Work issued by the Architect Unless specifically enumerated in the Agreement, the Contract Documents do not include other documents such as bidding requirements (advertisement or invitation to bid, Instructions to Bidders, sample forms, the Contractor's bid or portions of addenda relating to bidding requirements) 1.1.2 THE CONTRACT The Contract Documents form the Contract for Construction. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral The Con- tract may be amended or modified only by a Modification. The Contract Documents shall not be construed to create a contrac- tual relationship of any kind (1) between the Architect and Con- tractor, (2) between the Owner and a Subcontractor or Sub subcontractor or (3) between any persons or entities other than the Owner and Contractor The Architect shall, however, be entitled to performance and enforcement of obligations under the Contract intended to facilitate performance of the Architect's duties. 1.1.3 THE WORK The term "Work" means the construction and services required by the Contract Documents, whether completed or partially completed, and includes all other labor, materials, equipment and services provided or to be provided by the Contractor to fulfill the Contractor's obligations The Work may constitute the whole or a part of the Project 1.1.4 THE PROJECT The Project is the total construction of which the Work per- formed under the Contract Documents may be the whole or a part and which may Include construction by the Owner or by separate contractors. 1.1.5 THE DRAWINGS The Drawings are the graphic and pictorial portions of the Con- tract Documents, wherever located and whenever issued, showing the design, location and dimensions of the Work, generally including plans, elevations, sections, details, sched- ules and diagrams. 1.1.6 THE SPECIFICATIONS The Specifications are that portion of the Contract Documents consisting of the written requirements for materials, equip- ment, construction systems, standards and workmanship for the Work, and performance of related services. 1.1.7 THE PROJECT MANUAL The Project Manual is the volume usually assembled for the Work which may include the bidding requirements, sample forms, Conditions of the Contract and Specifications. 1.2 EXECUTION, CORRELATION AND INTENT 1.2.1 The Contract Documents shall be signed by the Owner and Contractor as provided in the Agreement. If either the Owner or Contractor or both do not sign all the Contract Documents, the Architect shall identify such unsigned Docu- ments upon request. 1.2.2 Execution of the Contract by the Contractor is a repre- sentation that the Contractor has visited the site, become famil- iar with local conditions under which the Work is to be per- formed and correlated personal observations with require- ments of the Contract Documents. 1.2.3 The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the Contractor. The Contract Documents are comple- mentary, and what is required by one shall be as binding as if required by all; performance by the Contractor shall be required only to the extent consistent with the Contract Docu- ments and reasonably inferable from them as being necessary to produce the intended results 1.2.4 Organization of the Specifications into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings shall not control the Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or in establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade. 1.2.5 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, words which have well -known technical or construction indus- try meanings are used in the Contract Documents in accord- ance with such recognized meanings 1.3 OWNERSHIP AND USE OF ARCHITECT'S DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS 1.3.1 The Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect are instruments of the Architect's service through which the Work to be executed by the Con- tractor is described. The Contractor may retain one contract record set. Neither the Contractor nor any Subcontractor, Sub subcontractor or material or equipment supplier shall own or claim a copyright in the Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect, and unless otherwise indicated the Architect shall be deemed the author of them and will retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, in addition to the copyright All copies of them, except the Contractor's record set, shall be returned or suitably accounted for to the Architect, on request, upon completion of the Work The Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect, and copies thereof furnished to the Contrac- tor, are for use solely with respect to this Project They are not to be used by the Contractor or any Subcontractor, Sub subcontractor or material or equipment supplier on other proj- ects or for additions to this Project outside the scope of the MA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA° 01987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 J Work without the specific written consent of the Owner and Architect The Contractor, Subcontractors, Sub subcontractors and material or equipment suppliers are granted a limited license to use and reproduce applicable portions of the Draw- ings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect appropriate to and for use in the execution of their Work under the Contract Documents All copies made under this license shall bear the statutory copyright notice, if any, shown on the Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Architect. Submittal or distribution to meet official regulatory requirements or for other purposes in con- nection with this Protect is not to be construed as publication in derogation of the Architect's copyright or other reserved rights. 1.4 CAPITALIZATION 1.4.1 Terms capitalized in these General Conditions include those which are (I) specifically defined, (2) the titles of num- bered articles and identified references to Paragraphs, Subpara- graphs and Clauses in the document or (3) the titles of other documents published by the American Institute of Architects 1.5 INTERPRETATION 1.5.1 In the interest of brevity the Contract Documents fre- quently omit modifying words such as "all" and "any" and arti- cles such as "the" and "an," but the fact that a modifier or an article is absent from one statement and appears in another is not intended to affect the interpretation of either statement ARTICLE 2 OWNER 2.1 DEFINITION 2.1.1 The Owner is the person or entity Identified as such in the Agreement and is referred to throughout the Contract 1)c>ctc ents as It singular in number The term 'Ow ner" means the 0%. tier or the Ow ners authorized represent.inc 2.1.2 i he Ott ner upon reasonable w nuen request shall furnish to the (.ontr.tctot in tt ruing information st hich n necessar\ and relevant for the Contractor to evaluate, gne notice of or entor(e mech.uuc s hen tight, Such information shall include a correct statement of the record legal tide to the propertt on tt hie h the Protect is located usualls referred to .N the site, .Ind the Ott nets interest therein .a the time 01 e\eumon of the \greement .Ind. tt thin tit e days after any change Information of such change in title recorded or unrecorded 2.2 INFORMATION AND SERVICES REQUIRED OF THE OWNER 2.2.1 I he Ott ner shall at the request of the Contractor prior to c \Ccuuon 01 the Agreement and promptly from time 10 time 1here.ctter furnish to the Co ntractor reasonable et>dence than financial arrangements hat been 111.1de to fulfill the Owner obligations under the Contract /Awe (tide's crab reasonable et 'dente were /in utsh(!(1 oft request /n'tor to the eXeattiutI 0/ !hr I,I; the /)ros /)scare cu>tlraclor u'ot((d 1101 lie 'Writ; to etectilt• the rfj{)cement or to continence the II u)k J 2.2.2 The Owner shall furnish surf eys describing physical charaetenstcs, legal limitations and utility locations for the site of the Pioiect, .Ind .1 legal description of the site 2.2.3 Except for permits and fees w hich are the responsibility of the Contractor under the Contract Documents. the Owner shall secure and pay for necessary approvals, easements, assess- 3.1 DEFINITION ARTICLE 3 CONTRACTOR 3.1.1 The is the person or entity identified as such in the Agreement and is referred to throughout the ontrdct Documents as 11 singular in number The term Contractor" means the Contractor or the Contractor's authorized represent:lut e AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAI. CONDITION~ OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRI,CI ION 101 R 11 F.NI II 1D1110 AIA° ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITE( TS, 17i5 NEW YORK AVENUE. V W WAS111NG'1 ON. D 1001g, ments and charges required for construction, use or occupancy of permanent structures or for permanent changes in existing facilities 2.2.4 Information or services under the Owner's control shall be furnished by the Owner with reasonable promptness to avoid delay in orderly progress of the Work 2.2.5 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor will be furnished, free of charge, such copies of Drawings and Protect Manuals as are reasonably necessary for execution of the Work 2.2.6 The foregoing are in addition to other dunes and respon- sibihnes of the Owner enumerated herein and especially those in respect to Article 6 (Construction by Owner or by Separate Contractors), Article 9 (Payments and Completion) and Article I 1 (Insurance and Bonds) 2.3 OWNER'S RIGHT TO STOP THE WORK 2.3.1 If the Contractor fails to correct Work which is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents as required by Paragraph 12 2 or persistently falls to carry out Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Owner, by written order signed personally or by an agent specifically so empowered by the Owner in wring, may order the Contrac- tor to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated, however, the right of the Owner to stop the Work shall not give rise to a duty on the part of the Owner to exercise this right for the benefit of the Con- tractor or any other person or entity, except to the extent required by Subparagraph 6 1 3 2.4 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CARRY OUT THE WORK 2.4.1 If the Contractor defaults or neglects to carry out the ork in accordance with the Contract Documents and fails is ithin a seven -da■ period sifter receipt of w ritten notice from the Ow tier to commence and continue correction of such default or neglect with diligence and promptness, the Ott ner man alter such seven-das period gi' e the Contractor .1 second tt r>tten notice to correct such deficiencies within a second set en -das period If the Contractor ts ithin such second set (0- tin period alter receipt o1 such second notice tails to com- mence ,Ind continue to correct .ins deficiencies, the Owner man tt ithout prepudlce to other remedies the Ow ner 111.1\ bane. comet such deficiencies in such case an appri)pnate h,tnge Order shall he issued deducting from pas merits then or thete,ltter due the Contr.1(0Ir the cost of correcting such defi- eiUm(ics m(1uding co111pcns.ui<m for the architect s additional err Ices .Incl c spcnses made net essar■ hs such default, neglect iti failure such .11 hs the Owner and amounts charged to the Caintiactur are both subieec to pm ol .tpprotal of the rchr 13,(.1 it pat merits then or thereafter due the Contractor .Ire 1)4)1 1t311it3301 i) 13)5 CI such .u»ounts the Contra( tor shill pan the thtteicnce to the Ott ner A201 -1987 7 3.2 REVIEW OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND FIELD CONDITIONS BY CONTRACTOR 3.2.1 The Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents with each other and with information furnished by the Owner pursuant to Subparagraph 2.2.2 and shall at once report to the Architect errors, inconsistencies or omissions discovered. The Contractor shall not be liable to the Owner or Architect for damage resulting from errors, inconsis- tencies or omissions in the Contract Documents unless the Contractor recognized such error, inconsistency or omission and knowingly failed to report it to the Architect. If the Con- tractor performs any construction activity knowing it involves a recognized error, inconsistency or omission in the Contract Documents without such notice to the Architect, the Contrac- tor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such perfor- mance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the attributable costs for correction 3.2.2 The Contractor shall take field measurements and verify field conditions and shall carefully compare such field mea- surements and conditions and other information known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing activities. Errors, inconsistencies or omissions discovered shall be reported to the Architect at once 3.2.3 The Contractor shall perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents and submittals approved pur- suant to Paragraph 3.12. 3.3 SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES 3.3.1 The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work, using the Contractor's best skill and attention. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for and have control over construc- tion means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the Work under the Con- tract, unless Contract Documents give other specific instruc- tions concerning these matters 3.3.2 The Contractor shall be responsible to the Owner for acts and omissions of the Contractor's employees, Subcontractors and their agents and employees, and other persons performing portions of the Work under a contract with the Contractor 3.3.3 The Contractor shall not be relieved of obligations to per- form the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents either by activities or duties of the Architect in the Architect's administration of the Contract, or by tests, inspections or approvals required or performed by persons other than the Contractor. 3.3.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for inspection of por- tions of Work already performed under this Contract to deter- mine that such portions are in proper condition to receive sub- sequent Work 3.4 LABOR AND MATERIALS 3.4.1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall provide and pay for labor, materials, equip- ment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, water, heat, utilities, transportation, and other facilities and services necessary for proper execution and completion of the Work, whether temporary or permanent and whether or not incorpo- rated or to be incorporated in the Work 3.4.2 The Contractor shall enforce strict discipline and good order among the Contractor's employees and other persons carrying out the Contract The Contractor shall not permit employment of unfit persons or persons not skilled in tasks assigned to them. 8 A201 -1987 3.5 WARRANTY 3.5.1 The Contractor warrants to the Owner and Architect that materials and equipment furnished under the Contract will be of good quality and new unless otherwise required or permit- ted by the Contract Documents, that the Work will be free from defects not inherent in the quality required or permitted, and that the Work will conform with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Work not conforming to these require- ments, including substitutions not properly approved and authorized, may be considered defective The Contractor's warranty excludes remedy for damage or defect caused by abuse, modifications not executed by the Contractor, improper or insufficient maintenance, improper operation, or normal wear and tear under normal usage If required by the Architect, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment. 3.6 TAXES 3.6.1 The Contractor shall pay sales, consumer, use and similar taxes for the Work or portions thereof provided by the Con- tractor which are legally enacted when bids are received or negotiations concluded, whether or not yet effective or merely scheduled to go into effect. 3.7 PERMITS, FEES AND NOTICES 3.7.1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall secure and pay for the building permit and other permits and governmental fees, licenses and inspections necessary for proper execution and completion of the Work which are customarily secured after execution of the Contract and which are legally required when bids are received or nego- tiations concluded. 3.7.2 The Contractor shall comply with and give notices required by laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of public authorities bearing on performance of the Work. 3.7.3 It is not the Contractor's responsibility to ascertain that the Contract Documents are in accordance with applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, building codes, and rules and regula- tions. However, if the Contractor observes that portions of the Contract Documents are at variance therewith, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Architect and Owner in writing, and necessary changes shall be accomplished by appropriate Modification. 3.7.4 If the Contractor performs Work knowing it to be con- trary to laws, statutes, ordinances, building codes, and rules and regulations without such notice to the Architect and Owner, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for such Work and shall bear the attributable costs 3.8 ALLOWANCES 3.8.1 The Contractor shall include in the Contract Sum all allowances stated in the Contract Documents Items covered by allowances shall be supplied for such amounts and by such persons or entities as the Owner may direct, but the Contractor shall not be required to employ persons or entities against which the Contractor makes reasonable objection 3.8.2 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents: .1 materials and equipment under an allowance shall be selected promptly by the Owner to avoid delay in the Work, .2 allowances shall cover the cost to the Contractor of materials and equipment delivered at the site and all required taxes, less applicable trade discounts, AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIAO ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 .3 Contractor's costs for unloading and handling at the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, profit and other expenses contemplated for stated allowance amounts shall be included in the Contract Sum and not in the allowances, .4 whenever costs are more than or less than allowances, the Contract Sum shall be adjusted accordingly by Change Order The amount of the Change Order shall reflect (I) the difference between actual costs and the allowances under Clause 3 8 2 2 and (2) changes in Contractor's costs under Clause 3 8 2 3 3.9 SUPERINTENDENT 3.9.1 The Contractor shall employ a competent superinten- dent and necessary assistants who shall be in attendance at the Project site during performance of the Work The superinten- dent shall represent the Contractor, and communications given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the Con- tractor Important communications shall be confirmed in writ- ing Other communications shall be similarly confirmed on written request in each case 3.10 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES 3.10.1 The Contractor, promptly after being awarded the Con- tract, shall prepare and submit for the Owner's and Architect's information a Contractor's construction schedule for the Work The schedule shall not exceed time limits current under the Contract Documents, shall be revised at appropriate intervals as required by the conditions of the Work and Project, shall be related to the entire Project to the extent required by the Con- tract Documents, and shall provide for expeditious and practi- cable execution of the Work 3.10.2 The Contractor shall prepare and keep current, for the Architect's approval, a schedule of submittals which is coordi- nated with the Contractor's construction schedule and allows the Architect reasonable time to review submittals 3.10.3 The Contractor shall conform to the most recent schedules 3.11 DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES AT THE SITE 3.11.1 The Contractor shall maintain at the site for the Owner one record copy of the Drawings, Specifications, addenda, Change Orders and other Modifications, in good order and marked currently to record changes and selections made during construction, and in addition approved Shop Drawings, Prod- uct Data, Samples and similar required submittals These shall be available to the Architect and shall be delivered to the Archi- tect for submittal to the Owner upon completion of the Work 3.12 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 3.12.1 Shop Drawings are drawings, diagrams, schedules and other data specially prepared for the \X ork by the Contractor or a Subcontractor, Sub subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor to illustrate some portion of the Wolk 3.12.2 Product Data are illustrations, standard schedules, per- formance charts, instructions, brochures, diagrams and other information furnished by the Contractor to illustrate materials or equipment for some portion of the Work 3.12.3 Samples are physical examples which illustrate materials, equipment or workmanship and establish standards b} which the Work will be judged 3.12.4 Shop Drawings, Product Data. Samples and similar sub- mittals are not Contract Documents The purpose of their sub- mittal is to demonstrate for those portions of the Work for which submittals are required the way the Contractor proposes to conform to the information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. Review by the Architect is subject to the limitations of Subparagraph 4 2 7 3.12.5 The Contractor shall review, approve and submit to the Architect Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples and similar submittals required by the Contract Documents with reason- able promptness and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the Work or in the activities of the Owner or of separate con- tractors. Submittals made by the Contractor which are not required by the Contract Documents may be returned without action AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA 1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. N W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 3.12.6 The Contractor shall perform no portion of the Work requiring submittal and review of Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples or similar submittals until the respective submit- tal has been approved by the Architect Such Work shall be in accordance with approved submittals 3.12.7 By approving and submitting Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples and similar submittals, the Contractor represents that the Contractor has determined and verified materials, field measurements and field construction criteria related thereto, or will do so, and has checked and coordinated the information contained within such submittals with the requirements of the Work and of the Contract Documents 3.12.8 The Contractor shall not be relieved of responsibility for deviations from requirements of the Contract Documents by the Architect's approval of Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples or similar submittals unless the Contractor has specifically informed the Architect in writing of such deviation at the time of submittal and the Architect has given written approval to the specific deviation The Contractor shall not be relieved of responsibility for errors or omissions in Shop Draw- ings, Product Data, Samples or similar submittals by the Archi- tect's approval thereof 3.12.9 The Contractor shall direct specific attention, in writing or on resubmitted Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples or similar submittals, to revisions other than those requested by the Architect on previous submittals 3.12.10 Informational submittals upon which the Architect is not expected to take responsive action may be so identified in the Contract Documents 3.12.11 When professional certification of performance criteria of materials, systems or equipment is required by the Contract Documents, the Architect shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness of such calculations and certifi- cations 3.13 USE OF SITE 3.13.1 The Contractor shall confine operations at the site to areas permitted by law, ordinances, permits and the Contract Documents and shall not unreasonably encumber the site with materials or equipment 3.14 CUTTING AND PATCHING 3.14.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for cutting, fitting or patching required to complete the Work or to make its parts fit together properly 3.14.2 The Contractor shall not damage or endanger a portion of the Work or fully or partially completed construction of the Owner or separate contractors by cutting, patching or other- wise altering such construction, or by excavation The Contrac- tor shall not cut or otherwise alter such construction by the A201 -1987 9 Owner or a separate contractor except with written consent of the Owner and of such separate contractor; such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Contractor shall not unrea- sonably withhold from the Owner or a separate contractor the Contractor's consent to cutting or otherwise altering the Work. 3.15 CLEANING UP 3.15.1 The Contractor shall keep the premises and surround- ing area free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by operations under the Contract. At completion of the Work the Contractor shall remove from and about the Project waste materials, rubbish, the Contractor's tools, construction equipment, machinery and surplus materials 3.15.2 If the Contractor fails to clean up as provided in the Contract Documents, the Owner may do so and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Contractor 3.16 ACCESS TO WORK 3.16.1 The Contractor shall provide the Owner and Architect access to the Work in preparation and progress wherever located. 3.17 ROYALTIES AND PATENTS 3.17.1 The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees The Contractor shall defend sults or claims for infringement of patent rights and shall hold the Owner and Architect harmless from loss on account thereof, but shall not be responsible for such defense or loss when a particular design, process or prod- uct of a particular manufacturer or manufacturers is required by the Contract Documents. However, if the Contractor has rea- son to believe that the required design, process or product is an infringement of a patent, the Contractor shall be responsible for such loss unless such information is promptly furnished to the Architect 3.18 INDEMNIFICATION 3.18.1 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner, Architect, Archi- tect's consultants, and agents and employees of any of them from and against claims, damages, losses and expenses, includ- ing but not limited to attorneys' fees, arising out of or resulting from performance of the Work, provided that such claim, dam- age, loss or expense is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible prop- erty (other than the Work itself) including loss of use resulting therefrom, but only to the extent caused in whole or in part by negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor, a Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, regardless of whether or not such claim, damage, loss or expense is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder Such obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce other rights or obligations of indemnity which would otherwise exist as to a party or person described in this Paragraph 3 18 3.18.2 In claims against any person or entity indemnified under this Paragraph 3 18 by an employee of the Contractor, a Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, the indemnifica- tion obligation under this Paragraph 3.18 shall not be limited by a limitation on amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Contractor or a Subcontractor under workers' or workmen's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts 3.18.3 The obligations of the Contractor under this Paragraph 3 18 shall not extend to the liability of the Architect, the Archi- 10 A201 -1 987 tect's consultants, and agents and employees of any of them arising out of (1) the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, Change Orders, designs or specifica- tions, or (2) the giving of or the failure to give directions or instructions by the Architect, the Architect's consultants, and agents and employees of any of them provided such giving or failure to give is the primary cause of the injury or damage ARTICLE 4 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 4.1 ARCHITECT 4.1.1 The Architect is the person lawfully licensed to practice architecture or an entity lawfully practicing architecture iden- tified as such in the Agreement and is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number. The term "Architect" means the Architect or the Architect's authorized representative. 4.1.2 Duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority 'of the Architect as set forth in the Contract Documents shall not be restricted, modified or extended without written consent of the Owner, Contractor and Architect Consent shall not be unrea- sonably withheld 4.1.3 In case of termination of employment of the Architect, the Owner shall appoint an architect against whom the Con- tractor makes no reasonable objection and whose status under the Contract Documents shall be that of the former architect. 4.1.4 Disputes arising under Subparagraphs 4.1.2 and 4 1 3 shall be subject to arbitration. 4.2 ARCHITECT'S ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 4.2.1 The Architect will provide administration of the Contract as described in the Contract Documents, and will be the Owner's representative (1) during construction, (2) until final payment is due and (3) with the Owner's concurrence. from time to time during the correction period described in Para- graph 12.2. The Architect will advise and consult with the Owner. The Architect will have authority to act on behalf of the Owner only to the extent provided in the Contract Documents, unless otherwise modified by written instrument in accordance with other provisions of the Contract. 4.2.2 The Architect will visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the completed Work and to determine in general if the Work is being performed in a manner indicat- ing that the Work, when completed, will be in accordance with the Contract Documents. However, the Architect will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on -site inspections to check quality or quantity of the Work. On the basis of on- site observations as an architect, the Architect will keep the Owner informed of progress of the Work, and will endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the Work 4.2.3 The Architect will not have control over or charge of and will not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work, since these are solely the Contractor's responsibility as provided in Paragraph 3 3 The Architect will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents The Architect will not have control over or charge of and will not be responsible for acts or omissions of the Con- AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA® ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 l tractor, Subcontractors, or their agents or employees, or of any other persons performing portions of the Work 4.2.4 Communications Facilitating Contract Administra- tion. Except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents or when direct communications have been specially autho- rized, the Owner and Contractor shall endeavor to communi- cate through the Architect. Communications by and with the Architect's consultants shall be through the Architect. Commu- nications by and with Subcontractors and material suppliers shall be through the Contractor. Communications by and with separate contractors shall be through the Owner 4.2.5 Based on the Architect's observations and evaluations of the Contractor's Applications for Payment, the Architect will review and certify the amounts due the Contractor and will issue Certificates for Payment in such amounts 4.2.6 The Architect will have authority to reject Work which does not conform to the Contract Documents Whenever the Architect considers it necessary or advisable for implementa- tion of the intent of the Contract Documents, the Architect will have authority to require additional inspection or testing of the Work in accordance with Subparagraphs 13 5 2 and 13 5 3, whether or not such Work is fabricated, installed or completed However, neither this authority of the Architect nor a decision made in good faith either to exercise or not to exercise such authority shall give rise to a duty or responsibility of the Archi- tect to the Contractor, Subcontractors, material and equipment suppliers, their agents or employees, or other persons perform- ing portions of the Work 4.2.7 The Architect will review and approve or take other appropriate action upon the Contractor's submittals such as Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, but only for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Docu- ments. The Architect's action will be taken with such reason- able promptness as to cause no delay in the Work or in the activities of the Owner, Contractor or separate contractors, while allowing sufficient time in the Architect's professional judgment to permit adequate review Review of such submittals is not conducted for the purpose of determining the accuracy and completeness of other details such as dimensions and quantities, or for substantiating instructions for installation or performance of equipment or systems, all of which remain the responsibility of the Contractor as required by the Contract Documents. The Architect's review of the Contractors submit- tals shall not relieve the Contractor of the obligations under Paragraphs 3 3. 3.5 and 3 12 The Architect's rec ie■ shall not constitute approval of safety precautions or, unless otherwise specifically stated by the Architect, of any construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures The Architect's approval of a specific item shall not indicate approc al of an assembly of which the item is a component 4.2.8 The Architect will prepare Change Orders and Construc- tion Change Directives, and may authorize minor changes in the Work as provided in Paragraph 7A 4.2.9 The Architect will conduct inspections to determine the date or dates of Substantial Completion and the date of fin-al completion, will receive and forward to the Ow ner for the Owner's review and records written warranties and related documents required by the Contract and assembled by the Contractor, and will issue a final Certificate for Pa) ment upon compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents 4.2.10 If the Owner and Architect agree, the Architect will pro- vide one or more project representatives to assist in carrying AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE ONTRAC1 MR CONS I RUCi ION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA° ©1987 THE AMERICAN 1NSTiTUTE OFARCHiTECTS 1755 NEW YORK AVFN1 F. N W WASiIINGTON, D C 2(101X, out the Architect's responsibilities at the site. The duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of such project representatives shall be as set forth in an exhibit to be Incorpo- rated in the Contract Documents 4.2.11 The Architect will interpret and decide matters concern- ing performance under and requirements of the Contract Documents on written request of either the Owner or Contrac- tor. The Architect's response to such requests will be made with reasonable promptness and within any time limits agreed upon If no agreement is made concerning the time within which interpretations required of the Architect shall be fur- nished in compliance with this Paragraph 4 -2, then delay shall not be recognized on account of failure by the Architect to fur- nish such interpretations until 15 days after written request is made for them 4.2.12 Interpretations and decisions of the Architect will be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents and will be in writing or in the form of drawings When making such interpretations and decisions, the Architect will endeavor to secure faithful performance by both Owner and Contractor, will not show partiality to either and will not be liable for results of interpretations or decisions so rendered in good faith 4.2.13 The Architect's decisions on matters relating to aesthetic effect will be final if consistent with the intent expressed in the Contract Documents 4.3 CLAIMS AND DISPUTES 4.3.1 Definition. A Claim is a demand or assertion by one of the parties seeking. as a matter of right, adjustment or Interpre- tation of Contract terms, payment of money, extension of time or other relief with respect to the terms of the Contract The term "Claim" also includes other disputes and matters in ques- tion between the Owner and Contractor arising out of or relat- ing to the Contract Claims must he made he written notice The responsibilitc to substantiate Claims shall rest w ith the part making the Claim 4.3.2 Decision of Architect. Claims including those alleging an error or omission by the Architect, shall he referred initial) to the Architect for action as provided in Paragraph -i -4 A deci- sion by the Architect, as provided in Subparagraph -t -t -I shall he required as a condition precedent to arbitration or litigation of a Claim between the Contractor and Owner as to all such matters arising prior to the date final pa■ ment i. due regardless of (I) whether such matters relate to execution and progress of the Work or (2) the extent to c. hich the Work has been com- pleted The decision be the Architect in response to a Claim shall not he a condition precedent to arbitration or litigation in the et ent (1) the position of Architect is c avant, (2) the Architect has not received cs idence or has failed to render a decision ithin agreed time limits, (3) the Architect has failed to take action required under Subparagraph -t 4 -t w ithin 30 d.ac s after the Claim is made. (4) 45 days have passed after the Cl.uni has been referred to the Architect or (5) the Claim relates to a mechanic's lien 4.3.3 Time Limits on Claims. Claims by either part) must he made within 21 days after occurrence of the event giving rise to such Claim or within 21 days after the claimant first recognizes the condition giving rise to the Claim, whichever is later Cl-aims must he made by written notice An additional Claim made after the initial Claim has been implemented by Change Ordcr V% ill not he considered unless submitted in a timely manner A201 -1987 11 4.3.4 Continuing Contract Performance. Pending final reso- lution of a Claim including arbitration, unless otherwise agreed in writing the Contractor shall proceed diligently with perfor- mance of the Contract and the Owner shall continue to make payments in accordance with the Contract Documents 4.3.5 Waiver of Claims: Final Payment. The making of final payment shall constitute a waiver of Claims by the Owner except those arising from: .1 liens, Claims, security interests or encumbrances ans- ing out of the Contract and unsettled; .2 failure of the Work to comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents; or .3 terms of special warranties required by the Contract Documents. 4.3.6 Claims for Concealed or Unknown Conditions. If con- ditions are encountered at the site which are (1) subsurface or otherwise concealed physical conditions which differ materi- ally from those indicated in the Contract Documents or (2) unknown physical conditions of an unusual nature, which dif- fer materially from those ordinarily found to exist and generally recognized as inherent in construction activities of the character provided for in the Contract Documents, then notice by the observing party shall be given to the other party promptly before conditions are disturbed and in no event later than 21 days after first observance of the conditions The Archi- tect will promptly investigate such conditions and, if they differ materially and cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor's cost of, or time required for, performance of any part of the Work, will recommend an equitable adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time, or both. If the Architect determines that the conditions at the site are not materially different from those indicated in the Contract Documents and that no change in the terms of the Contract is justified, the Architect shall so notify the Owner and Contractor in writing, stating the reasons Claims by either party in opposition to such determination must be made within 21 days after the Architect has given notice of the decision If the Owner and Contractor cannot agree on an adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time, the adjustment shall be referred to the Architect for initial deter- mination, subject to further proceedings pursuant to Paragraph 44 4.3.7 Claims for Additional Cost. If the Contractor wishes to make Claim for an increase in the Contract Sum, written notice as provided herein shall be given before proceeding to execute the Work Prior notice is not required for Claims relating to an emergency endangering life or property arising under Para- graph 10 3. If the Contractor believes additional cost is involved for reasons including but not limited to (1) a written interpretation from the Architect, (2) an order by the Owner to stop the Work where the Contractor was not at fault, (3) a writ- ten order for a minor change in the Work issued by the Archi- tect, (4) failure of payment by the Owner, (5) termination of the Contract by the Owner, (6) Owner's suspension or (7) other reasonable grounds, Claim shall be filed in accordance with the procedure established herein 4.3.8 Claims for Additional Time If the Contractor wishes to make Claim for an increase in the Contract Time, written notice as provided herein shall be given The Contractor's Claim shall include an estimate of cost and of probable effect of delay on progress of the Work In the case of a continuing delay only one Claim is necessary If adverse weather conditions are the basis for a Claim for additional time, such Claim shall be documented by data substantiating that weather conditions were abnormal for the period of time and could not have been reasonably anticipated, and that weather conditions had an adverse effect on the scheduled construction. 4.3.9 Injury or Damage to Person or Property. If either party to the Contract suffers injury or damage to person or property because of an act or omission of the other party, of any of the other party's employees or agents, or of others for whose acts such party is legally liable, written notice of such injury or damage, whether or not insured, shall be given to the other party within a reasonable time not exceeding 21 days after first observance The notice shall provide sufficient detail to enable the other party to investigate the matter. If a Claim for addi- tional cost or time related to this Claim is to be asserted, it shall be filed as provided in Subparagraphs 4.3 7 or 4.3.8. 4.4 RESOLUTION OF CLAIMS AND DISPUTES 4.4.1 The Architect will review Claims and take one or more of the following preliminary actions within ten days of receipt of a Claim- (1) request additional supporting data from the claimant, (2) submit a schedule to the parties indicating when the Archi- tect expects to take action, (3) reject the Claim in whole or in part, stating reasons for rejection, (4) recommend approval of the Claim by the other parry or (5) suggest a compromise. The Architect may also, but is not obligated to, notify the surety, if any, of the nature and amount of the Claim. 4.4.2 If a Claim has been resolved, the Architect will prepare or obtain appropriate documentation 4.4.3 If a Claim has not been resolved, the party making the Claim shall, within ten days after the Architect's preliminary response, take one or more of the following actions: (1) submit additional supporting data requested by the Architect, (2) modify the initial Claim or (3) notify the Architect that the initial Claim stands 4.4.4 If a Claim has not been resolved after consideration of the foregoing and of further evidence presented by the parties or requested by the Architect, the Architect will notify the parties in writing that the Architect's decision will be made within seven days, which decision shall be final and binding on the parties but subject to arbitration Upon expiration of such time period, the Architect will render to the parties the Architect's written decision relative to the Claim, including any change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time or both. If there is a surety and there appears to be a possibility of a Contractor's default, the Architect may, but is not obligated to, notify the surety and request the surety's assistance in resolving the controversy. 4.5 ARBITRATION 4.5.1 Controversies and Claims Subject to Arbitration. Any controversy or Claim arising out of or related to the Contract, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accor- dance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator or arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof, except controversies or Claims relating to aesthetic effect and except those waived as provided for in Subparagraph 4.3 5. Such controversies or Claims upon which the Architect has given notice and rendered a decision as provided in Subparagraph 4.4 4 shall be subject to arbitration upon written demand of either party Arbitration may be commenced when 45 days have passed after a Claim has been referred to the Architect as provided in Paragraph 4 3 and no decision has been rendered MA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION 12 A201 -1987 AIA° ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 4.5.2 Rules and Notices for Arbitration. Claims between the Owner and Contractor not resolved under Paragraph 4 4 shall, if subject to arbitration under Subparagraph 4 5 1, be decided by arbitration in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association cur- rently in effect, unless the parties mutually agree otherwise Notice of demand for arbitration shall be filed in wnting with the other party to the Agreement between the Owner and Con- tractor and with the American Arbitration Association, and a copy shall be filed with the Architect 4.5.3 Contract Performance During Arbitration. During arbi- tration proceedings, the Owner and Contractor shall comply with Subparagraph 4.3 4. 4.5.4 When Arbitration May Be Demanded. Demand for arbi- tration of any Claim may not be made until the earlier of (1) the date on which the Architect has rendered a final written deci- sion on the Claim, (2) the tenth day after the parties have pre- sented evidence to the Architect or have been given reasonable opportunity to do so, if the Architect has not rendered a final written decision by that date, or (3) any of the five events described in Subparagraph 4 3.2 When a written decision of the Architect states that (1) the decision is final but subject to arbitration and (2) a demand for arbitration of a Claim covered by such decision must be made within 30 days after the date on which the party making the demand receives the final written decision, then failure to demand arbitration within said 30 days' period shall result in the Architect's decision becoming final and binding upon the Owner and Contractor If the Architect renders a decision after arbitration proceedings have been initiated, such decision may be entered as evidence, but shall not supersede arbitration pro- ceedings unless the decision is acceptable to all parties concerned A demand for arbitration shall be made within the time limits specified in Subparagraphs 4 5 1 and 4 5 4 and Clause 4 5 4 1 as applicable, and in other cases within a reasonable time after the Claim has arisen, and in no event shall it be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such Claim would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations as determined pursuant to Paragraph 13 7 4.5.5 Limitation on Consolidation or Joinder. No arbitration arising out of or relating to the Contract Documents shall include, by consolidation or joinder or in any other manner, the Architect, the Architect's employees or consultants, except by written consent containing specific reference to the Agree- ment and signed by the Architect, Owner, Contractor and any other person or entity sought to be joined No arbitration shall include, by consolidation or joinder or in any other manner, parties other than the Owner, Contractor, a separate contrac- tor as described in Article 6 and other persons substantially involved in a common question of fact or law whose presence is required if complete relief is to be accorded in arbitration No person or entity other than the Owner, Contractor or a separate contractor as described in Article 6 shall be included as an orig- inal third party or additional third party to an arbitration whose interest or responsibility is insubstantial Consent to arbitration involving an additional person or entity shall not constitute consent to arbitration of a dispute not described therein or with a person or entity not named or described therein The fore- going agreement to arbitrate and other agreements to arbitrate with an additional person or entity duly consented to by parties to the Agreement shall be specifically enforceable under appli- cable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof 5.1 DEFINITIONS AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCT ION FOURTEENTH EDI LION AI/0 ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 4.5.6 Claims and Timely Assertion of Claims. A party who files a notice of demand for arbitration must assert in the demand all Claims then known to that party on which arbitra- tion is permitted to be demanded When a party falls to include a Claim through oversight, inadvertence or excusable neglect, or when a Claim has matured or been acquired subsequently, the arbitrator or arbitrators may permit amendment 4.5.7 Judgment on Final Award. The award rendered by the arbitrator or arbitrators shall be final, and judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof ARTICLE 5 SUBCONTRACTORS 5.1.1 A Subcontractor is a person or entity who has a direct contract with the Contractor to perform a portion of the Work at the site The term "Subcontractor" is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number and means a Subcontractor or an authorized representative of the Subcon- tractor The term "Subcontractor" does not include a separate contractor or subcontractors of a separate contractor 5.1.2 A Sub subcontractor is a person or entity who has a direct or indirect contract with a Subcontractor to perform a portion of the Work at the site The term "Sub- subcontractor' is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number and means a Sub subcontractor or an authorized representative of the Sub subcontractor 5.2 AWARD OF SUBCONTRACTS AND OTHER CONTRACTS FOR PORTIONS OF THE WORK 5.2.1 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents or the bidding requirements, the Contractor, as soon as prac- ticable after award of the Contract, shall furnish in writing to the Owner through the Architect the names of persons or enti- ties (including those who are to furnish materials or equipment fabricated to a special design) proposed for each principal por- tion of the Work The Architect will promptly reply to the Con- tractor in writing stating whether or not the Owner or the Architect, after due investigation, has reasonable objection to any such proposed person or entity Failure of the Owner or Architect to reply promptly shall constitute notice of no reason- able objection 5.2.2 The Contractor shall not contract with a proposed per- son or entity to whom the Owner or Architect has made rea- sonable_ and timely objection The Contractor shall not be required to contract with anyone to whom the Contractor has made reasonable objection 5.2.3 If the Owner or Architect has reasonable objection to a person or entity proposed by the Contractor, the Contractor shall propose another to whom the Owner or Architect has no reasonable objection The Contract Sum shall be increased or decreased by the difference in cost occasioned by such change and an appropriate Change Order shall be issued However, no increase in the Contract Sum shall be allowed for such change unless the Contractor has acted promptly and responsively in submitting names as required 5.2.4 The Contractor shall not change a Subcontractor, person or entity previously selected if the Owner or Architect makes reasonable objection to such change A201 -1987 13 5.3 SUBCONTRACTUAL RELATIONS 5.3.1 By appropriate agreement, written where legally required for validity, the Contractor shall require each Subcontractor, to the extent of the Work to be performed by the Subcontractor, to be bound to the Contractor by terms of the Contract Docu- ments, and to assume toward the Contractor all the obligations and responsibilities which the Contractor, by these Docu- ments, assumes toward the Owner and Architect. Each subcon- tract agreement shall preserve and protect the rights of the Owner and Architect under the Contract Documents with respect to the Work to be performed by the Subcontractor so that subcontracting thereof will not prejudice such rights, and shall allow to the Subcontractor, unless specifically provided otherwise in the subcontract agreement, the benefit of all rights, remedies and redress against the Contractor that the Contractor, by the Contract Documents, has against the Owner. Where appropriate, the Contractor shall require each Subcontractor to enter into similar agreements with Sub -sub- contractors. The Contractor shall make available to each pro- posed Subcontractor, prior to the execution of the subcontract agreement, copies of the Contract Documents to which the Subcontractor will be bound, and, upon written request of the Subcontractor, identify to the Subcontractor terms and condi- tions of the proposed subcontract agreement which may be at variance with the Contract Documents. Subcontractors shall similarly make copies of applicable portions of such documents available to their respective proposed Sub subcontractors 5.4 CONTINGENT ASSIGNMENT OF SUBCONTRACTS 5.4.1 Each subcontract agreement for a portion of the Work is assigned by the Contractor to the Owner provided that: .1 assignment is effective only after termination of the Contract by the Owner for cause pursuant to Para- graph 14 2 and only for those subcontract agreements which the Owner accepts by notifying the Subcon- tractor in writing, and .2 assignment is subject to the prior rights of the surety, if any, obligated under bond relating to the Contract 5.4.2 If the Work has been suspended for more than 30 days, the Subcontractor's compensation shall be equitably adjusted. 14 A201 -1987 ARTICLE 6 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS 6.1 OWNER'S RIGHT TO PERFORM CONSTRUCTION AND TO AWARD SEPARATE CONTRACTS 6.1.1 The Owner reserves the right to perform construction or operations related to the Project with the Owner's own forces, and to award separate contracts in connection with other por- tions of the Project or other construction or operations on the site under Conditions of the Contract identical or substantially similar to these including those portions related to insurance and waiver of subrogation If the Contractor claims that delay or additional cost is involved because of such action by the Owner, the Contractor shall make such Claim as provided else- where in the Contract Documents 6.1.2 When separate contracts are awarded for different por- tions of the Project or other construction or operations on the site, the term "Contractor" in the Contract Documents in each case shall mean the Contractor who executes each separate Owner- Contractor Agreement 6.1.3 The Owner shall provide for coordination of the activi- ties of the Owner's own forces and of each separate contractor with the Work of the Contractor, who shall cooperate with them The Contractor shall participate with other separate con- tractors and the Owner in reviewing their construction sched- ules when directed to do so. The Contractor shall make any revisions to the construction schedule and Contract Sum deemed necessary after a joint review and mutual agreement. The construction schedules shall then constitute the schedules to be used by the Contractor, separate contractors and the Owner until subsequently revised. 6.1.4 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, when the Owner performs construction or operations related to the Project with the Owner's own forces, the Owner shall be deemed to be subject to the same obligations and to have the same rights which apply to the Contractor under the Condi- tions of the Contract, including, without excluding others, those stated in Article 3, this Article 6 and Articles 10, 11 and 12. 6.2 MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY 6.2.1 The Contractor shall afford the Owner and separate con- tractors reasonable opportunity for introduction and storage of their materials and equipment and performance of their activi- ties and shall connect and coordinate the Contractor's con- struction and operations with theirs as required by the Contract Documents 6.2.2 If part of the Contractor's Work depends for proper execution or results upon construction or operations by the Owner or a separate contractor, the Contractor shall, prior to proceeding with that portion of the Work, promptly report to the Architect apparent discrepancies or defects in such other construction that would render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. Failure of the Contractor so to report shall constitute an acknowledgment that the Owner's or sepa- rate contractors' completed or partially completed construction is fit and proper to receive the Contractor's Work, except as to defects not then reasonably discoverable. 6.2.3 Costs caused by delays or by improperly timed activities or defective construction shall be borne by the party responsi- ble therefor. 6.2.4 The Contractor shall promptly remedy damage wrong- fully caused by the Contractor to completed or partially com- pleted construction or to property of the Owner or separate contractors as provided in Subparagraph 10.2.5. 6.2.5 Claims and other disputes and matters in question between the Contractor and a separate contractor shall be sub- ject to the provisions of Paragraph 4 3 provided the separate contractor has reciprocal obligations 6.2.6 The Owner and each separate contractor shall have the same responsibilities for cutting and patching as are described for the Contractor in Paragraph 3.14. 6.3 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CLEAN UP 6.3.1 If a dispute arises among the Contractor, separate con- tractors and the Owner as to the responsibility under their respective contracts for maintaining the premises and surround- ing area free from waste materials and rubbish as described in Paragraph 3 15, the Owner may clean up and allocate the cost among those responsible as the Architect determines to be just. AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIAm ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 L ARTICLE 7 CHANGES IN THE WORK 7.1 CHANGES 7.1.1 Changes in the Work may be accomplished after execu- tion of the Contract, and without invalidating the Contract, by Change Order, Construction Change Directive or order for a minor change in the Work, subject to the limitations stated in this Article 7 and elsewhere in the Contract Documents 7.1.2 A Change Order shall be based upon agreement among the Owner, Contractor and Architect, a Construction Change Directive requires agreement by the Owner and Architect and may or may not be agreed to by the Contractor, an order for a minor change in the Work may be issued by the Architect alone 7.1.3 Changes in the Work shall be performed under appli- cable provisions of the Contract Documents, and the Contrac- tor shall proceed promptly, unless otherwise provided in the Change Order, Construction Change Directive or order for a minor change in the Work 7.1.4 If unit prices are stated in the Contract Documents or subsequently agreed upon, and if quantities originally con- templated are so changed in a proposed Change Order or Con- struction Change Directive that application of such unit prices to quantities of Work proposed will cause substantial inequity to the Owner or Contractor, the applicable unit prices shall be equitably adjusted 7.2 CHANGE ORDERS 7.2.1 A Change Order is a written instrument prepared by the Architect and signed by the Owner, Contractor and Architect, stating their agreement upon all of the following .1 a change in the Work, .2 the amount of the adjustment in the Contract Sum, if any, and .3 the extent of the adjustment in the Contract Time, if any 7.2.2 Methods used in determining adjustments to the Contract Sum may include those listed in Subparagraph 7 3 3 7.3 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVES 7.3.1 A Construction Change Directive is a written order pre- pared by the Architect and signed by the Owner and Architect, directing a change in the Work and stating a proposed basis for adjustment, if any, in the Contract Sum or Contract Time, or both The Owner may by Construction Change Directive, without invalidating the Contract, order changes in the Work within the general scope of the Contract consisting of addi- tions, deletions or other revisions, the Contract Sum and Con- tract Time being adjusted accordingly 7.3.2 A Construction Change Directive shall be used in the absence of total agreement on the terms of a Change Order 7.3.3 If the Construction Change Directive provides for an adjustment to the Contract Sum, the adjustment shall be based on one of the following methods .1 mutual acceptance of a lump sum properly itemized and supported by sufficient substantiating data to per- mit evaluation, .2 unit prices stated in the Contract Documents or sub- sequently agreed upon, .3 cost to be determined in a manner agreed upon by the parties and a mutually acceptable fixed or percent- age fee, or .4 as provided in Subparagraph 7 3 6 7.3.4 Upon receipt of a Construction Change Directive, the Contractor shall promptly proceed with the change in the Work involved and advise the Architect of the Contractor's agreement or disagreement with the method, if any, provided in the Construction Change Directive for determining the pro- posed adjustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time 7.3.5 A Construction Change Directive signed by the Contrac- tor indicates the agreement of the Contractor therewith, includ- ing adjustment in Contract Sum and Contract Time or the method for determining them Such agreement shall be effec- tive immediately and shall be recorded as a Change Order 7.3.6 If the Contractor does not respond promptly or disagrees with the method for adjustment in the Contract Sum, the method and the adjustment shall be determined by the Archi- tect on the basis of reasonable expenditures and savings of those performing the Work attributable to the change, includ- ing, in case of an increase in the Contract Sum, a reasonable allowance for overhead and profit In such case, and also under Clause 7 3 3 3, the Contractor shall keep and present, in such form as the Architect may prescribe, an itemized accounting together with appropriate supporting data Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, costs for the purposes of this Subparagraph 7 3 6 shall be limited to the following .1 costs of labor, including social security, old age and unemployment Insurance, fringe benefits required by agreement or custom, and workers' or workmen's compensation insurance, .2 costs of materials, supplies and equipment, includ- ing cost of transportation, whether incorporated or consumed, .3 rental costs of machiner and equipment, exclusive of hand tools, whether rented from the Contractor or others, .4 costs of premiums for all bonds and Insurance, permit fees, and sales, use or similar taxes related to the Work, and .5 additional costs of supervision and field office person- nel directly attributable to the change 7.3.7 Pending final determination of cost to the Owner, amounts not in dispute may he included in Applications for Payment The amount of credit to be allowed by the Contrac- tor to the Os ner for a deletion or change which results in a net decrease in the Contract Sum shall be actual net cost as con- firmed by the Architect When both additions and credits covering related Work or substitutions are Involved in a change, the allowance for overhead and profit shall be figured on the basis of net increase, if any, with respect to that change 7.3.8 If the Owner and Contractor do not agree a ith the adjustment in Contract Time or the method for determining it, the adjustment or the method shall be referred to the Architect for determination 7.3.9 When the Owner and Contractor agree with the deter- mination made by the Architect concerning the adjustments in the Contract Sum and Contract Time, or otherwise reach agree- ment upon the adjustments, such agreement shall be effective immediately and shall be recorded by preparation and execu- tion of an appropriate Change Order AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDIT ION AIA® ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 A201 -1987 15 7.4 MINOR CHANGES IN THE WORK 7.4.1 The Architect will have authority to order minor changes in the Work not involving adjustment in the Contract Sum or extension of the Contract Time and not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract Documents Such changes shall be effected by written order and shall be binding on the Owner and Contractor. The Contractor shall carry out such written orders promptly. 16 A201 -1987 ARTICLE 8 TIME 8.1 DEFINITIONS 8.1.1 Unless otherwise provided, Contract Time is the period of time, including authorized adjustments, allotted in the Con- tract Documents for Substantial Completion of the Work 8.1.2 The date of commencement of the Work is the date established in the Agreement The date shall not be postponed by the failure to act of the Contractor or of persons or entities for whom the Contractor is responsible 8.1.3 The date of Substantial Completion is the date certified by the Architect in accordance with Paragraph 9.8. 8.1.4 The term "day" as used in the Contract Documents shall mean calendar day unless otherwise specifically defined 8.2 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION 8.2.1 Time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract. By executing the Agreement the Con- tractor confirms that the Contract Time is a reasonable period for performing the Work. 8.2.2 The Contractor shall not knowingly, except by agree- ment or instruction of the Owner in writing, prematurely com- mence operations on the site or elsewhere prior to the effective date of insurance required by Article 11 to be furnished by the Contractor. The date of commencement of the Work shall not be changed by the effective date of such insurance Unless the date of commencement is established by a notice to proceed given by the Owner, the Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing not less than five days or other agreed period before commencing the Work to permit the timely filing of mortgages, mechanic's liens and other security interests 8.2.3 The Contractor shall proceed expeditiously with ade- quate forces and shall achieve Substantial Completion within the Contract Time. 8.3 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME 8.3.1 If the Contractor is delayed at any time in progress of the Work by an act or neglect of the Owner or Architect, or of an employee of either, or of a separate contractor employed by the Owner, or by changes ordered in the Work, or by labor disputes, fire, unusual delay in deliveries, unavoidable casualties or other causes beyond the Contractor's control, or by delay authorized by the Owner pending arbitration, or by other causes which the Architect determines may justify delay, then the Contract Time shall be extended by Change Order for such reasonable time as the Architect may determine 8.3.2 Claims relating to time shall be made in accordance with applicable provisions of Paragraph 4 i. 8.3.3 This Paragraph 8 3 does not preclude recovery of dam- ages for delay by either party under other provisions of the Contract Documents ARTICLE 9 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 9.1 CONTRACT SUM 9.1.1 The Contract Sum is stated in the Agreement and, includ- ing authorized adjustments, is the total amount payable by the Owner to the Contractor for performance of the Work under the Contract Documents 9.2 SCHEDULE OF VALUES 9.2.1 Before the first Application for Payment, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect a schedule of values allocated to various portions of the Work, prepared in such form and sup- ported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Architect may require. This schedule, unless objected to by the Architect, shall be used as a basis for reviewing the Contractor's Applica- tions for Payment. 9.3 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 9.3.1 At least ten days before the date established for each progress payment, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect an itemized Application for Payment for operations completed in accordance with the schedule of values Such application shall be notarized, if required, and supported by such data substantiating the Contractor's right to payment as the Owner or Architect may require, such as copies of requisitions from Subcontractors and material suppliers, and reflecting retainage if provided for elsewhere in the Contract Documents Such applications may include requests for payment on account of changes in the Work which have been properly authorized by Construction Change Directives but not yet included in Change Orders Such applications may not include requests for pay- ment of amounts the Contractor does not intend to pay to a Subcontractor or material supplier because of a dispute or other reason 9.3.2 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, payments shall be made on account of materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site for subsequent incor- poration in the Work. If approved in advance by the Owner, payment may similarly be made for materials and equipment suitably stored off the site at a location agreed upon in writing Payment for materials and equipment stored on or off the site shall be conditioned upon compliance by the Contractor with procedures satisfactory to the Owner to establish the Owner's title to such materials and equipment or otherwise protect the Owner's interest, and shall include applicable insurance, storage and transportation to the site for such materials and equipment stored off the site 9.3.3 The Contractor warrants that title to all Work covered by an Application for Payment will pass to the Owner no later than the time of payment The Contractor further warrants that upon submittal of an Application for Payment all Work for which Certificates for Payment have been previously issued and payments received from the Owner shall, to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief, be free and clear of liens, claims, security interests or encumbrances in favor of the Contractor, Subcontractors, material suppliers, or other persons or entities making a claim by reason of having provided labor, materials and equipment relating to the Woi k 9.4 CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT 9.4.1 The Architect will, within seven days after receipt of the Contractor's Application foi Payment, either issue to the MA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONS1 RUC1ION eOURTtENTH EDITION AIA° ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 I I A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Owner a Certificate for Payment, with a copy to the Contrac- tor, for such amount as the Architect determines is properly due, or notify the Contractor and Owner in writing of the Architect's reasons for withholding certification in whole or in part as provided in Subparagraph 9 5 1. 9.4.2 The issuance of a Certificate for Payment will constitute a representation by the Architect to the Owner, based on the Architect's observations at the site and the data comprising the Application for Payment, that the Work has progressed to the point indicated and that, to the best of the Architect's knowl- edge, information and belief, quality of the Work is in accor- dance with the Contract Documents The foregoing representa- tions are subject to an evaluation of the Work for conformance with the Contract Documents upon Substantial Completion, to results of subsequent tests and inspections, to minor deviations from the Contract Documents correctable prior to completion and to specific qualifications expressed by the Architect The issuance of a Certificate for Payment will further constitute a representation that the Contractor is entitled to payment in the amount certified However, the issuance of a Certificate for Pay- ment will not be a representation that the Architect has (1) made exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work, (2) reviewed construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, (3) reviewed copies of requisitions received from Subcontractors and material suppliers and other data requested by the Owner to substantiate the Contractor's right to payment or (4) made examination to ascertain how or for what purpose the Contrac- tor has used money previously paid on account of the Contract Sum 9.5 DECISIONS TO WITHHOLD CERTIFICATION 9.5.1 The Architect may decide not to certify payment and may withhold a Certificate for Payment in whole or in part, to the extent reasonably necessary to protect the Owner, if in the Architect's opinion the representations to the Owner required by Subparagraph 9 4 2 cannot be made If the Architect is unable to certify payment in the amount of the Application, the Architect will notify the Contractor and Owner as provided in Subparagraph 9 4 1 If the Contractor and Architect cannot agree on a revised amount, the Architect will promptly issue a Certificate for Payment for the amount fora hich the Architect is able to make such representations to the Owner The Archi- tect may also decide not to certify payment or, because of subsequently discovered evidence or subsequent observations, may nullify the whole or a part of a Certificate for Payment previously issued, to such extent as may be necessary in the Architect's opinion to protect the Owner from loss because of .1 defective Work not remedied, .2 third party claims filed or reasonable evidence indicat- ing probable filing of such claims, .3 failure of the Contractor to make payments prop- erly to Subcontractors or for labor, materials or equipment, .4 reasonable evidence that the Work cannot be com- pleted for the unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, 5 damage to the Owner or another contractor, 6 reasonable evidence that the Work will not be com- pleted within the Contract Time, and that the unpaid balance would not be adequate to cover actual or liquidated damages for the anticipated delay, or .7 persistent failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents 9.8.2 When the Contractor considers that the Work, or a por- tion thereof which the Owner agrees to accept separately, is substantially complete, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Architect a comprehensive list of items to be completed or corrected The Contractor shall proceed promptly to com- plete and correct items on the list Failure to include an item on such list does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to complete all Work in accordance with the Contract Docu- ments. Upon receipt of the Contractor's list, the Architect will make an inspection to determine whether the Work or desig- AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA® ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 9.5.2 When the above reasons for withholding certification are removed, certification will be made for amounts previously withheld 9.6 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 9.6.1 After the Architect has issued a Certificate for Payment, the Owner shall make payment in the manner and within the time provided in the Contract Documents, and shall so notify the Architect 9.6.2 The Contractor shall promptly pay each Subcontractor, upon receipt of payment from the Owner, out of the amount paid to the Contractor on account of such Subcontractor's por- tion of the Work, the amount to which said Subcontractor is entitled, reflecting percentages actually retained from payments to the Contractor on account of such Subcontractor's portion of the Work The Contractor shall, by appropriate agreement with each Subcontractor, require each Subcontractor to make payments to Sub subcontractors in similar manner 9.6.3 The Architect will, on request, furnish to a Subcontrac- tor, if practicable, information regarding percentages of com- pletion or amounts applied for by the Contractor and action taken thereon by the Architect and Owner on account of por- tions of the Work done by such Subcontractor 9.6.4 Neither the Owner nor Architect shall have an obligation to pay or to see to the payment of money to a Subcontractor except as may otherwise be required by law 9.6.5 Payment to material suppliers shall be treated in a manner similar to that provided in Subparagraphs 9 6 2, 9 6 3 and 9 6 4 9.6.6 A Certificate for Payment, a progress payment, or partial or entire use or occupancy of the Project by the Owner shall not constitute acceptance of Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents 9.7 FAILURE OF PAYMENT 9.7.1 If the Architect does not issue a Certificate for Payment, through no fault of the Contractor, within seven days after receipt of the Contractor's Application for Payment, or if the Owner does not pay the Contractor within seven days after the date established in the Contract Documents the amount cer- tified by the Architect or awarded by arbitration, then the Con- tractor may, upon seven additional days' written notice to the Owner and Architect, stop the Work until payment of the amount owing has been received The Contract Time shall be extended appropriately and the Contract Sum shall be increased by the amount of the Contractor's reasonable costs of shut -down, delay and start -up, which shall be accomplished as provided in Article 7. 9.8 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 9.8.1 Substantial Completion is the stage in the progress of the Work when the Work or designated portion thereof is suffi- ciently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents so the Owner can occupy or utilize the Work for its Intended use A201 -1987 17 Hated portion thereof is substantially complete If the Architect's inspection discloses any item, whether or not included on the Contractor's list, which is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contrac- tor shall, before issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Com- pletion, complete or correct such item upon notification by the Architect. The Contractor shall then submit a request for another inspection by the Architect to determine Substantial Completion When the Work or designated portion thereof is substantially complete, the Architect will prepare a Certificate of Substantial Completion which shall establish the date of Sub- stantial Completion, shall establish responsibilities of the Owner and Contractor for security, maintenance, heat, utilities, damage to the Work and insurance, and shall fix the time within which the Contractor shall finish all items on the list accompanying the Certificate. Warranties required by the Con- tract Documents shall commence on the date of Substantial Completion of the Work or designated portion thereof unless otherwise provided in the Certificate of Substantial Comple- tion. The Certificate of Substantial Completion shall be sub- mitted to the Owner and Contractor for their written accep- tance of responsibilities assigned to them in such Certificate 9.8.3 Upon Substantial Completion of the Work or designated portion thereof and upon application by the Contractor and certification by the Architect, the Owner shall make payment, reflecting adjustment in retainage, if any, for such Work or por- tion thereof as provided in the Contract Documents 9.9 PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE 9.9.1 The Owner may occupy or use any completed or par- tially completed portion of the Work at any stage when such portion is designated by separate agreement with the Contrac- tor, provided such occupancy or use is consented to by the insurer as required under Subparagraph 11.3.11 and authorized by public authorities having jurisdiction over the Work. Such partial occupancy or use may commence whether or not the portion is substantially complete, provided the Owner and Contractor have accepted in writing the responsibilities assigned to each of them for payments, retainage if any, secu- rity, maintenance, heat, utilities, damage to the Work and insur- ance, and have agreed in writing concerning the period for cor- rection of the Work and commencement of warranties required by the Contract Documents When the Contractor considers a portion substantially complete, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a list to the Architect as provided under Subparagraph 9.8 2 Consent of the Contractor to partial occu- pancy or use shall not be unreasonably withheld. The stage of the progress of the Work shall be determined by written agree- ment between the Owner and Contractor or, if no agreement is reached, by decision of the Architect 9.9.2 Immediately prior to such partial occupancy or use, the Owner, Contractor and Architect shall jointly inspect the area to be occupied or portion of the Work to be used in order to determine and record the condition of the Work 9.9.3 Unless otherwise agreed upon, partial occupancy or use of a portion or portions of the Work shall not constitute accep- tance of Work not complying vvith the requirements of the Contract Documents 9.10 FINAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT 9.10.1 Upon receipt of written notice that the Work is ready for final inspection and acceptance and upon receipt of a final Application for Payment, the Architect will promptly make 18 A201 1987 such inspection and, when the Architect finds the Work accept- able under the Contract Documents and the Contract fully per- formed, the Architect will promptly issue a final Certificate for Payment stating that to the best of the Architect's knowledge, information and belief, and on the basis of the Architect's observations and inspections, the Work has been completed in accordance with terms and conditions of the Contract Docu- ments and that the entire balance found to be due the Contrac- tor and noted in said final Certificate is due and payable. The Architect's final Certificate for Payment will constitute a further representation that conditions listed in Subparagraph 9 10.2 as precedent to the Contractor's being entitled to final payment have been fulfilled. 9.10.2 Neither final payment nor any remaining retained percentage shall become due until the Contractor submits to the Architect (1) an affidavit that payrolls, bills for materials and equipment, and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which the Owner or the Owner's property might be responsible or encumbered (less amounts withheld by Owner) have been paid or otherwise satisfied, (2) a certificate evidenc- ing that insurance required by the Contract Documents to remain in force after final payment is currently in effect and will not be cancelled or allowed to expire until at least 30 days' prior written notice has been given to the Owner, (3) a wntten statement that the Contractor knows of no substantial reason that the insurance will not be renewable to cover the period required by the Contract Documents, (4) consent of surety, if any, to final payment and (5), if required by the Owner, other data establishing payment or satisfaction of obligations, such as receipts, releases and waivers of liens, claims, security interests or encumbrances arising out of the Contract, to the extent and in such form as may be designated by the Owner If a Subcon- tractor refuses to furnish a release or waiver required by the Owner, the Contractor may furnish a bond satisfactory to the Owner to indemnify the Owner against such lien. If such lien remains unsatisfied after payments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all money that the Owner may be compelled to pay in discharging such lien, including all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees 9.10.3 If, after Substantial Completion of the Work, final com- pletion thereof is materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor or by issuance of Change Orders affecting final completion, and the Architect so confirms, the Owner shall, upon application by the Contractor and certification by the Architect, and without terminating the Contract, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted If the remaining balance for Work not fully com- pleted or corrected is less than retainage stipulated in the Con- tract Documents, and if bonds have been furnished, the written consent of surety to payment of the balance due for that por- tion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall be submit- ted by the Contractor to the Architect prior to certification of such payment Such payment shall be made under terms and conditions governing final payment, except that it shall not constitute a waiver of claims The making of final payment shall constitute a waiver of claims by the Owner as provided in Sub- paragraph 4.3 5 9.10.4 Acceptance of final payment by the Contractor, a Sub- contractor or material supplier shall constitute a waiver of claims by that payee except those previously made in writing and identified by that payee as unsettled at the time of final Application for Payment Such waivers shall be in addition to the waiver described in Subparagraph 4 3 5 AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA° ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 I i I ARTICLE 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS 10.1.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, main- taining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the performance of the Contract 10.1.2 In the event the Contractor encounters on the site material reasonably believed to be asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) which has not been rendered harmless, the Contractor shall immediately stop Work in the area affected and report the condition to the Owner and Architect in writing The Work in the affected area shall not thereafter be resumed except by written agreement of the Owner and Contractor if in fact the material is asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and has not been rendered harmless The Work in the affected area shall be resumed in the absence of asbestos or polychlori- nated biphenyl (PCB), or when it has been rendered harmless, by written agreement of the Owner and Contractor, or in accordance with final determination by the Architect on which arbitration has not been demanded, or by arbitration under Article 4 10.1.3 The Contractor shall not be required pursuant to Article 7 to perform without consent any Work relating to asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) 10.1.4 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor, Architect, Archi- tect's consultants and agents and employees of any of them from and against claims, damages, losses and expenses, includ- ing but not limited to attorneys' fees, arising out of or resulting from performance of the Work in the affected area if in fact the material is asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and has not been rendered harmless, provided that such claim, damage, loss or expense is attributable to bodily injur} sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself) including loss of use resulting therefrom, but only to the extent caused in whole or in part by negligent acts or omissions of the Owner, anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Owner or anyone for whose acts the Owner may be liable, regardless of whether or not such claim, damage, loss or expense is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. Such obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce other rights or obligations of indemnity which would otherwise exist as to a party or person described in this Subparagraph 10 1 4 10.2 SAFETY OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10.2.1 The Contractor shall take reasonable precautions for safety of, and shall provide reasonable protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to .1 employees on the Work and other persons who may be affected thereby, .2 the Work and materials and equipment to be incorpo- rated therein, whether in storage on or off the site, under care, custody or control of the Contractor or the Contractor's Subcontractors or Sub- subcontrac- tors, and .3 other property at the site or adjacent thereto, such as trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures and utilities not designated for removal, relo- cation or replacement in the course of construction 10.2.2 The Contractor shall give notices and comply with applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of public authorities bearing on safety of persons or property or their protection from damage, injury or loss 10.2.3 The Contractor shall erect and maintain, as required by existing conditions and performance of the Contract, reason- able safeguards for safety and protection, including posting danger signs and other warnings against hazards, promulgating safety regulations and notifying owners and users of adjacent sites and utilities 10.2.4 When use or storage of explosives or other hazardous materials or equipment or unusual methods are necessary for execution of the Work, the Contractor shall exercise utmost care and carry on such activities under supervision of properly qualified personnel 10.2.5 The Contractor shall promptly remedy damage and loss (other than damage or loss insured under property insurance required by the Contract Documents) to property referred to in Clauses 10 2 12 and 10 2 1 3 caused in whole or in part by the Contractor, a Subcontractor, a Sub subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts they may be liable and for which the Contractor is responsible under Clauses 10 2 1 2 and 10 2 1 3, except damage or loss attributable to acts or omissions of the Owner or Architect or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them, or by anyone for whose acts either of them ma be liable, and not attributable to the fault or negligence of the Contractor The foregoing obligations of the Contractor are in addition to the Contractor's obligations under Paragraph 3 18 10.2.6 The Contractor shall designate a responsible member of the Contractor's organization at the site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents This person shall be the Contractor's superintendent unless otherwise designated by the Contractor in writing to the Owner and Architect 10.2.7 The Contractor shall not load or permit an part of the construction or site to be loaded so as to endanger its safer'. 10.3 EMERGENCIES 10.3.1 In an emergency affecting safety of persons or property. the Contractor shall act, at the Contractor's discretion, to pre- vent threatened damage, injury or loss Additional compensa- tion or extension of time claimed by the Contractor on account of an emergency shall be determined as provided in Paragraph 4 3 and Article 7 ARTICLE 11 INSURANCE AND BONDS 11.1 CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE 11.1.1 The Contractor shall purchase from and maintain in a company or companies lawfully authorized to do business in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located such insurance as will protect the Contractor from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from the Contractor's operations under the Contract and for which the Contractor may be legally liable, whether such operations be by the Contractor or by a Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed b■ any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA® ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 .1 claims under workers' or workmen's compensation. disability benefit and other similar employee benefit acts which are applicable to the Work to be performed, A201 -1987 19 .2 claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupa- tional sickness or disease, or death of the Contractor's employees; .3 claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than the Con- tractor's employees; .4 claims for damages insured by usual personal injury liability coverage which are sustained (1) by a person as a result of an offense directly or indirectly related to employment of such person by the Contractor, or (2) by another person; .5 claims for damages, other than to the Work itself, because of injury to or destruction of tangible prop- erty, including loss of use resulting therefrom; .6 claims for damages because of bodily injury, death of a person or property damage arising out of owner- ship, maintenance or use of a motor vehicle; and .7 claims involving contractual liability insurance appli- cable to the Contractor's obligations under Paragraph 3.I8 11.1.2 The insurance required by Subparagraph 11.1.1 shall be written for not less than limits of liability specified in the Con- tract Documents or required by law, whichever coverage is greater. Coverages, whether written on an occurrence or claims -made basis, shall be maintained without interruption from date of commencement of the Work until dare of final payment and termination of any coverage required to be main- tained after final payment 11.1.3 Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the Owner shall be filed with the Owner prior to commencement of the Work. These Certificates and the insurance policies required by this Paragraph 11.1 shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under the policies will not be cancelled or allowed to expire until at least 30 days' prior written notice has been given to the Owner If any of the foregoing insurance coverages are required to remain in force after final payment and are reason- ably available, an additional certificate evidencing continuation of such coverage shall be submitted with the final Application for Payment as required by Subparagraph 9.10.2. Information concerning reduction of coverage shall be furnished by the Contractor with reasonable promptness in accordance with the Contractor's information and belief 11.2 OWNER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE 11.2.1 The Owner shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining the Owner's usual liability insurance. Optionally, the Owner may purchase and maintain other insurance for self protection against claims which may arise from operations under the Contract The Contractor shall not be responsible for purchasing and maintaining this optional Owner's liability insurance unless specifically required by the Contract Documents 11.3 PROPERTY INSURANCE 11.3.1 Unless otherwise provided, the Owner shall purchase and maintain, in a company or companies lawfully authorized to do business in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located, property insurance in the amount of the Initial Con- tract Sum as well as subsequent modifications thereto for the entire Work at the site on a replacement cost basis without vol- untary deductibles. Such property insurance shall be main- tained, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents or otherwise agreed in writing by all persons and entities who are beneficiaries of such insurance, until final payment has been made as provided in Paragraph 9 10 or until no person or entity 20 A201 -1987 other than the Owner has an insurable interest in the property required by this Paragraph 11 3 to be covered, whichever is earlier. This insurance shall include interests of the Owner, the Contractor, Subcontractors and Sub subcontractors in the Work Property insurance shall be on an all -risk policy form and shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and physical loss or damage including, without duplication of coverage, theft, vandalism, malicious mischief, collapse, false work, temporary buildings and debris removal including demolition occasioned by enforcement of any applicable legal requirements, and shall cover reasonable compensation for Architect's services and expenses required as a result of such Insured loss Coverage for other perils shall not be required unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If the Owner does not intend to purchase such prop- erty insurance required by the Contract and with all of the coverages in the amount described above, the Owner shall so inform the Contractor in writing prior to commencement of the Work. The Contractor may then effect insurance which will protect the interests of the Contractor, Subcontractors and Sub subcontractors in the Work, and by appropriate Change Order the cost thereof shall be charged to the Owner. If the Contrac- tor is damaged by the failure or neglect of the Owner to pur- chase or maintain insurance as described above, without so notifying the Contractor, then the Owner shall bear all reason- able costs properly attributable thereto. If the property insurance requires minimum deducti- bles and such deductibles are identified in the Contract Docu- ments, the Contractor shall pay costs not covered because of such deductibles. If the Owner or insurer increases the required minimum deductibles above the amounts so identified or if the Owner elects to purchase this insurance with voluntary deduc- tible amounts, the Owner shall be responsible for payment of the additional costs not covered because of such increased or voluntary deductibles. If deductibles are not identified in the Contract Documents, the Owner shall pay costs not covered because of deductibles Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Docu- ments, this property insurance shall cover portions of the Work stored off the site after written approval of the Owner at the value established in the approval, and also portions of the Work in transit 11.3.2 Boiler and Machinery Insurance. The Owner shall purchase and maintain boiler and machinery insurance required by the Contract Documents or by law, which shall specifically cover such insured objects during installation and until final acceptance by the Owner; this insurance shall include interests of the Owner, Contractor, Subcontractors and Sub subcontractors in the Work, and the Owner and Contractor shall be named insureds 11.3.3 Loss of Use Insurance. The Owner, at the Owner's option, may purchase and maintain such insurance as will Insure the Owner against loss of use of the Owner's property due to fire or other hazards, however caused The Owner waives all rights of action against the Contractor for loss of use of the Owner's property, including consequential losses due to fire or other hazards however caused 11.3.4 If the Contractor requests in wnting that insurance for risks other than those described herein or for other special haz- ards be included in the property insurance policy, the Owner shall, if possible, include such insurance, and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Contractor by appropriate Change Order. AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION A(A® ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W., WASHINGTON, D C 20006 11.3.5 If during the Project construction period the Owner insures properties, real or personal or both, adjoining or adja- cent to the site by property insurance under policies separate from those insuring the Project, or if after final payment prop- erty insurance is to be provided on the completed Project through a policy or policies other than those insuring the Proj- ect during the construction period, the Owner shall waive all rights in accordance with the terms of Subparagraph 11 3 7 for damages caused by fire or other perils covered by this separate property insurance All separate policies shall provide this waiver of subrogation by endorsement or otherwise 11.3.6 Before an exposure to loss may occur, the Owner shall file with the Contractor a copy of each policy that includes insurance coverages required by this Paragraph 11 3 Each policy shall contain all generally applicable conditions, defini- tions, exclusions and endorsements related to this Project. Each policy shall contain a provision that the policy will not be cancelled or allowed to expire until at least 30 days' prior writ- ten notice has been given to the Contractor 11.3.7 Waivers of Subrogation. The Owner and Contractor waive all rights against (1) each other and any of their subcon- tractors, sub subcontractors, agents and employees, each of the other, and (2) the Architect, Architect's consultants, separate contractors described in Article 6, if any, and any of their sub- contractors, sub subcontractors, agents and employees, for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by property insurance obtained pursuant to this Paragraph 11 3 or other property insurance applicable to the Work, except such rights as they have to proceeds of such insurance held by the Owner as fiduciary The Owner or Contractor, as appropriate, shall require of the Architect, Architect's consultants, separate contractors described in Article 6, if any, and the subcontrac- tors, sub subcontractors, agents and employees of any of them, by appropriate agreements, written where legally required for validity, similar waivers each in favor of other parties enum- erated herein The policies shall provide such waivers of subro- gation by endorsement or otherwise. A waiver of subrogation shall be effective as to a person or entity even though that per- son or entity would otherwise have a duty of indemnification, contractual or otherwise, did not pay the insurance premium directly or indirectly, and whether or not the person or entity had an insurable interest in the property damaged 11.3.8 A loss insured under Owner's property insurance shall be adjusted by the Owner as fiduciary and made payable to the Owner as fiduciary for the insureds, as their interests may appear, subject to requirements of any applicable mortgagee clause and of Subparagraph 11 3.10 The Contractor shall pay Subcontractors their just shares of insurance proceeds received by the Contractor, and by appropriate agreements, written where legally required for validity, shall require Subcontractors to make payments to their Sub subcontractors in similar manner. 11.3.9 If required in writing by a party in interest, the Owner as fiduciary shall, upon occurrence of an insured loss, give bond for proper performance of the Owner's duties The cost of required bonds shall be charged against proceeds received as fiduciary The Owner shall deposit in a separate account pro- ceeds so received, which the Owner shall distribute in accor- dance with such agreement as the parties in interest may reach, or in accordance with an arbitration award in which case the procedure shall be as provided in Paragraph 4.5 If after such loss no other special agreement is made, replacement of dam- aged property shall be covered by appropriate Change Order 11.3.10 The Owner as fiduciary shall have power to adjust and settle a loss with insurers unless one of the parties in interest shall object in writing within five days after occurrence of loss to the Owner's exercise of this power, if such objection be made, arbitrators shall be chosen as provided in Paragraph 4 5 The Owner as fiduciary shall, in that case, make settlement with insurers in accordance with directions of such arbitrators. If distribution of insurance proceeds by arbitration is required, the arbitrators will direct such distribution. 11.3.11 Partial occupancy or use in accordance with Paragraph 9 9 shall not commence until the insurance company or com- panies providing property insurance have consented to such partial occupancy or use by endorsement or otherwise The Owner and the Contractor shall take reasonable steps to obtain consent of the insurance company or companies and shall, without mutual written consent, take no action with respect to partial occupancy or use that would cause cancellation, lapse or reduction of insurance 11.4 PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND 11.4.1 The Owner shall have the right to require the Contrac- tor to furnish bonds covering faithful performance of the Con- tract and payment of obligations arising thereunder as stipu- lated in bidding requirements or specifically required in the Contract Documents on the date of execution of the Contract 11.4.2 Upon the request of any person or entity appearing to be a potential beneficiary of bonds covering payment of obliga- tions arising under the Contract, the Contractor shall promptly furnish a copy of the bonds or shall permit a copy to be made ARTICLE 12 UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 12.1 UNCOVERING OF WORK 12.1.1 If a portion of the Work is covered contrary to the Architect's request or to requirements specifically expressed in the Contract Documents, it must, if required in writing by the Architect, be uncovered for the Architect's observation and be replaced at the Contractor's expense without change in the Contract Time. 12.1.2 If a portion of the Work has been covered which the Architect has not specifically requested to observe prior to its being covered, the Architect may request to see such Work and it shall be uncovered by the Contractor If such Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, costs of uncover- ing and replacement shall, by appropriate Change Order, be charged to the Owner If such Work is not in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall pay such costs unless the condition was caused by the Owner or a separate contractor in which event the Owner shall be responsible for payment of such costs 12.2 CORRECTION OF WORK 12.2.1 The Contractor shall promptly correct Work rejected by the Architect or failing to conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents, whether observed before or after Substantial Completion and whether or not fabricated, installed or completed The Contractor shall bear costs of correcting such rejected Work, including additional testing and inspec- tions and compensation for the Architect's services and expenses made necessary thereby 12.2.2 If, within one year after the date of Substantial Comple- tion of the Work or designated portion thereof, or after the date AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA° ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D C 20006 A201 -1987 21 for commencement of warranties established under Sub- paragraph 9.9.1, or by terms of an applicable special warranty required by the Contract Documents, any of the Work is found to be not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall correct it promptly after receipt of written notice from the Owner to do so unless the Owner has previously given the Contractor a written accep- tance of such condition This period of one year shall be extended with respect to portions of Work first performed after Substantial Completion by the period of time between Substan- tial Completion and the actual performance of the Work This obligation under this Subparagraph 12 2 2 shall survive accep- tance of the Work under the Contract and termination of the Contract The Owner shall give such notice promptly after dis- covery of the condition 12.2.3 The Contractor shall remove from the site portions of the Work which are not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents and are neither corrected by the Contractor nor accepted b} the Owner 12.2.4 If the Contractor fails to correct nonconforming Work within a reasonable time, the Owner may correct it in accor- dance with Paragraph 2 4 If the Contractor does not proceed with correction of such nonconforming Work within a reason- able time fixed by written notice from the Architect, the Owner may remove it and store the salvable materials or equipment at the Contractor's expense If the Contractor does not pay costs of such removal and storage within ten days after written notice, the Owner may upon ten additional days' written notice sell such materials and equipment at auction or at private sale and shall account for the proceeds thereof, after deducting costs and damages that should have been borne by the Con- tractor, including compensation for the Architect's services and expenses made necessary thereby. If such proceeds of sale do not cover costs which the Contractor should have borne, the Contract Sum shall be reduced by the deficiency. If payments then or thereafter due the Contractor are not sufficient to cover such amount, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner 12.2.5 The Contractor shall bear the cost of correcting destroyed or damaged construction, whether completed or partially completed, of the Owner or separate contractors caused by the Contractor's correction or removal of Work which is not in accordance with the requirements of the Con- tract Documents. 12.2.6 Nothing contained in this Paragraph 12.2 shall be con- strued to establish a period of limitation with respect to other obligations which the Contractor might have under the Con- tract Documents. Establishment of the time period of one year as described in Subparagraph 12 2 2 relates only to the specific obligation of the Contractor to correct the Work, and has no relationship to t`ie time within which the obligation to comply with the Contract Documents may be sought to be enforced, nor to the time within which proceedings may be commenced to establish the Contractor's liability with respect to the Con- tractor's obligations other than specifically to correct the Work. 12.3 ACCEPTANCE OF NONCONFORMING WORK 12.3.1 If the Owner prefers to accept Work which is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Owner may do so instead of requiring its removal and cor- rection, in which case the Contract Sum will he reduced as appropriate and equitable Such adjustment shall be effected whether or not final payment has been made 22 A201 -1987 13.3 WRITTEN NOTICE ARTICLE 13 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 13.1 GOVERNING LAW 13.1.1 The Contract shall be governed by the law of the place where the Project is located 13.2 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 13.2.1 The Owner and Contractor respectively bind them- selves, their partners, successors, assigns and legal representa- tives to the other party hereto and to partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives of such other party in respect to covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Con- tract Documents Neither party to the Contract shall assign the Contract as a whole without written consent of the other If either party attempts to make such an assignment without such consent, that party shall nevertheless remain legally responsible for all obligations under the Contract 13.3.1 Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to the Individual or a member of the firm or entity or to an officer of the corporation for which it was intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail to the last business address knot. n to the party giving notice. 13.4 RIGHTS AND REMEDIES 13.4.1 Duties and obligations imposed by the Contract Docu- ments and rights and remedies available thereunder shall be in addition to acid not a limitation of duties, obligations, rights and remedies othery ise imposed or available by law 13.4.2 No action or failure to act by the Owner, Architect or Contractor shall constitute a waiver of a right or duty afforded them under the Contract, nor shall such action or failure to act constitute approval of or acquiescence in a breach thereunder, except as may be specifically agreed in writing. 13.5 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS 13.5.1 Tests, inspections and approvals of portions of the Work required by the Contract Documents or by laws, ordi- nances, rules, regulations or orders of public authorities having jurisdiction shall be made at an appropriate time. Unless other wise provided, the Contractor shall make arrangements for such tests, inspections and approvals with an independent test- ing laboratory or entity acceptable to the Owner, or with the appropriate public authority, and shall bear all related costs of tests, inspections and approvals. The Contractor shall give the Architect timely notice of when and where tests and inspec- tions are to be made so the Architect may observe such proce- dures The Owner shalt bear costs of tests, inspections or approvals which do not become requirements until after bids are received or negotiations concluded 13.5.2 If the Architect, Owner or public authorities having jurisdiction determine that portions of the Work require addi- tional testing, inspection or approval not included under Sub- paragraph 13 5 I, the Architect will, upon written authorization from the Owner, instruct the Contractor to make arrangements for such additional testing, inspection or approval by an entity acceptable to the Owner, and the Contractor shall give timely notice to the Architect of when and where tests and inspections are to be made so the Architect may obser\ e such procedures AM DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOLRTEENTH EDITION AIAt C 1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENLE, N \C' WASHINGTON. D C 20006 The Owner shall bear such costs except as provided in Sub- paragraph 13 5 3. 13.5.3 If such procedures for testing, inspection or approval under Subparagraphs 13 5 1 and 13 5 2 reveal failure of the portions of the Work to comply with requirements established by the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall bear all costs made necessary by such failure including those of repeated procedures and compensation for the Architect's services and expenses 13.5.4 Required certificates of testing, inspection or approval shall, unless otherwise required by the Contract Documents, be secured by the Contractor and promptly delivered to the Architect 13.5.5 If the Architect is to observe tests, inspections or approvals required by the Contract Documents, the Architect will do so promptly and, where practicable, at the normal place of testing 13.5.6 Tests or inspections conducted pursuant to the Con- tract Documents shall be made promptly to avoid unreasonable delay in the Work 13.6 INTEREST 13.6.1 Payments due and unpaid under the Contract Docu- ments shall bear interest from the date payment is due at such rate as the parties may agree upon in writing or, in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Project is located 13.7 COMMENCEMENT OF STATUTORY LIMITATION PERIOD 13.7.1 As between the Owner and Contractor .1 Before Substantial Completion. As to acts or failures to act occurring prior to the relevant date of Substan- tial Completion, any applicable statute of limitations shall commence to run and any alleged cause of action shall be deemed to have accrued in any and all events not later than such date of Substantial Completion, .2 Between Substantial Completion and Final Certifi- cate for Payment. As to acts or failures to act occur- ring subsequent to the relevant date of Substantial Completion and prior to issuance of the final Certifi- cate for Payment, any applicable statute of limitations shall commence to run and any alleged cause of action shall be deemed to have accrued in an and all events not later than the date of issuance of the final Certificate for Payment, and .3 After Final Certificate for Payment. As to acts or failures to act occurring after the relevant date of issu- ance of the final Certificate for Payment, any appli- cable statute of limitations shall commence to run and any alleged cause of action shall be deemed to have accrued in any and all events not later than the date of any act or failure to act by the Contractor pursuant to any warranty provided under Paragraph 3 5, the date of any correction of the Work or failure to correct the Woik by the Contractor under Paragraph 12 2, or the date of actual commission of any other act or failure to perform any duty of obligation by the Contractor or Owner, whiches er occurs last ARTICLE 14 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CON rRACT FOR CONS1 RUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA® ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUT r. OF ARCHITECTS 1'35 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON, D 20006 14.1 TERMINATION BY THE CONTRACTOR 14.1.1 The Contractor may terminate the Contract if the Work is stopped for a period of 30 days through no act or fault of the Contractor or a Subcontractor, Sub subcontractor or their agents or employees or any other persons performing portions of the Work under contract with the Contractor, for any of the following reasons .1 issuance of an order of a court or other public author- ity having jurisdiction, .2 an act of government, such as a declaration of national emergency, making material unavailable, .3 because the Architect has not issued a Certificate for Payment and has not notified the Contractor of the reason for withholding certification as provided in Subparagraph 9 4 1, or because the Owner has not made payment on a Certificate for Payment within the time stated in the Contract Documents, .4 if repeated suspensions, delays or interruptions by the Owner as described in Paragraph 14 3 constitute in the aggregate more than 100 percent of the total num- ber of days scheduled for completion, or 120 days in any 365 -day period, whichever is less, or .5 the Owner has failed to furnish to the Contractor promptly, upon the Contractor's request, reasonable evidence as required by Subparagraph 2.2 1. 14.1.2 If one of the above reasons exists, the Contractor may, upon seven additional days' written notice to the Owner and Architect, terminate the Contract and recover from the Owner payment for Work executed and for proven loss with respect to materials, equipment, tools. and construction equipment and machinery, including reasonable overhead, profit and damages 14.1.3 If the Work is stopped for a period of 60 days through no act or fault of the Contractor or a Subcontractor or their agents or employees or any other persons performing portions of the Work under contract n ith the Contractor because the Owner has persistently failed to fulfill the Owner's obligations under the Contract Documents with respect to matters impor- tant to the progress of the \t'ork, the Contractor may, upon seven additional days' written notice to the Owner and the Architect, terminate the Contract and recover from the Owner as provided in Subparagraph 1-i 1 2 14.2 TERMINATION BY THE OWNER FOR CAUSE 14.2.1 The Owner may terminate the Contract if the Contractor .1 persistently or repeatedly refuses or fails to supply enough properly skilled workers or proper materials, .2 fails to make payment to Subcontractors for materials or labor in accordance w ith the respective agreements between the Contractor and the Subcontractors, .3 persistently disregards laws, ordinances, or rules, reg- ulations or orders of a public authority having juris- diction, or .4 otherwise is guilty of substantial breach of a provision of the Contract Documents 14.2.2 When any of the abo■ e reasons exist, the Owner, upon certification by the Architect that sufficient cause exists to jus- A201 -1987 23 ufy such action, may without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Owner and after giving the Contractor and the Contractor's surety, if any, seven days' written notice, termi- nate employment of the Contractor and may, subject to any prior rights of the surety. .1 take possession of the site and of all materials, equip- ment, tools, and construction equipment and machin- ery thereon owned by the Contractor; .2 accept assignment of subcontracts pursuant to Para- graph 5.4; and .3 finish the Work by whatever reasonable method the Owner may deem expedient. 14.2.3 When the Owner terminates the Contract for one of the reasons stated in Subparagraph 14.2.1, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive further payment until the Work is finished 14.2.4 If the unpaid balance of the Contract Sum exceeds costs of finishing the Work, including compensation for the Archi- tect's services and expenses made necessary thereby, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such costs exceed the unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the 24 A201 1987 Owner. The amount to be paid to the Contractor or Owner, as the case may be, shall be certified by the Architect, upon appli- cation, and this obligation for payment shall survive termina- tion of the Contract. 14.3 SUSPENSION BY THE OWNER FOR CONVENIENCE 14.3.1 The Owner may, without cause, order the Contractor in writing to suspend, delay or interrupt the Work in whole or in part for such period of time as the Owner may determine. 14.3.2 An adjustment shall be made for increases in the cost of performance of the Contract, including profit on the increased cost of performance, caused by suspension, delay or interrup- tion. No adjustment shall be made to the extent. .1 that performance is, was or would have been so sus- pended, delayed or interrupted by another cause for which the Contractor is responsible; or .2 that an equitable adjustment is made or denied under another provision of this Contract. 14.3.3 Adjustments made in the cost of performance may have a mutually agreed fixed or 'percentage fee AIA DOCUMENT A201 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOURTEENTH EDITION AIA ©1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W WASHINGTON. D C. 20006 3/87 00 800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS 1 Supplementary conditions: The following supplements modify, change, delete from, or add to the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction: AIA Document A201, 1987 edition. Where any article of the General Conditions is modified or any paragraph or subparagraph thereof is modified or deleted by these Supplementary Conditions, the unaltered provisions of that article, paragraph and subparagraph shall remain in effect. 1.1 BASIC DEFINITIONS 1.1.1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARTICLE 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Omit the portion of the last sentence reading, "Unless specifically enumerated in the Agreement.." 1.2 EXECUTION, CORRELATION AND INTENT Add the following subparagraph 1.2.6: 1.2.6 Numbering of trade Divisions of these Specifications and items of work included in each Division and Section, conforms to the CSI Manual of Practice, as issued by the Construction Specifications Institute. Divisions and Sections included are listed in "Table of Contents Prior to bidding, the Contractor shall check his copies of the Project Manual with the Table of Contents bound therein to be sure that they are complete. ARTICLE 3 CONTRACTOR 3.2 REVIEW OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND FIELD CONDITIONS BY CONTRACTOR Between the words recognized" and "such add "or should have recognized Between the words "recognized" and "error add "or recognizable". 3.4 LABOR AND MATERIALS Add the following Subparagraphs 3.4.3, 3.4.4, and 3.4.5: 3.4.3 The Contractor shall submit with his bid, Section 00 440, "Statement of Proposed Subcontractors and Major Material Suppliers 3.4.4 The Architect will promptly reply in writing to the Contractor stating whether the Owner, after due investigation, has reasonable objection to any such proposal. If adequate data on any proposed manufacturer or installer is not available, the Architect may state that action will be deferred until the Contractor provides further Section 00 800 Supplementary Conditions City of Port Angeles Vern Burton Memorial Community Center March, 1992 1 data. Failure of the Owner to reply promptly shall constitute notice of no reasonable objection. Failure to object to a manufacturer shall not constitute a waiver of any of the requirements of the Contract Documents, and all products furnished by the listed manufacturer must conform to such requirements. 3.4.5 After the Contract has been executed, any substitutions of Subcontractors /Suppliers must be reviewed and approved by the Architects. 3.6 TAXES Taxes to be paid include those imposed by Federal, State, City, and City governments excepting only real estate taxes on the property, and such taxes as applicable shall be included in the proposal sums. The Owner will pay sales taxes to the Contractor proportionally with each periodic and final payment request in addition to the amount allowed on the payment certificate and Contractor shall pay such taxes to the authority as required by law. 3.7 PERMITS, FEES AND NOTICES Delete section 3.7.1 in its entirelky and substitute the following: 3.7.1 Owner will pay for and secure all necessary permits required for the project. 3.8 ALLOWANCES 4.1 ARCHITECT Add the following Subparagraph 3.6.1 .1 Delete from paragraph 3.7.4 the following: performs work knowing it to be... and replace with "...knows or should know that work to be performed is..." Delete from paragraph 4.8.1 the following but the Contractor will not be required to employ persons or entities against which the Contractor makes reasonable objection." 3.10 CONTRACTORS CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES Add the following subparagraphs 3.10.4 and 3.10.5: 3.10.4 The Contractor and all Subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers shall schedule submittals, materials, deliveries, and installations to conform with the Contractor's progress schedule, and provisions to this effect shall be included in all subcontracts. 3.10.5 Refer to Section 01 300 for further requirements. ARTICLE 4 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 4.1.3 Delete portion reading "...against whom the Contractor makes no reasonable objection and...." Section 00 800 Supplementary Conditions City of Port Angeles Vern Burton Memorial Community Center March, 1992 2 0 1 Add the following Subparagraph 4.1.5: 4.1 .5 The Architect is not bound to define the limits of any subcontract, and will not enter into disputes between the Contractor and his employees, including subcontractors. 4.3 CLAIMS AND DISPUTES 4.3.5 Delete subparagraph in its entirety. ARTICLE 5 SUBCONTRACTORS 5.2 AWARD OF SUBCONTRACTS AND OTHER CONTRACTS FOR PORTIONS OF THE WORK Add the following Subparagraphs and 5.2.2 Delete the last sentence reading "The Contractor shall not be required to contract with anyone to whom the Contractor has made reasonable objection." ARTICLE 6 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTS 6.2 MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY Delete paragraph 6.2.5 in its entirety and substitute the following: 6.2.5 "Should the Contractor wrongfully cause damage to the work or property of any separate contractor, the Contractor shall upon due notice promptly attempt to settle with such other contractor by agreement, or otherwise to resolve the dispute. If such separate contractor sues against the Owner on account of any damage alleged to have been caused by the Contractor, the Owner shall notify the Contractor who shall defend such proceedings, and if any judgement or award against the Owner arises therefrom the Contractor shall pay or satisfy it and shall reimburse the Owner for all costs which the Owner has incurred." ARTICLE 7 CHANGES IN THE WORK 7.3 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVES 7.3.6 In the first sentence, delete the words "a reasonable allowance for overhead and profit" and substitute an allowance for overhead and profit in accordance with the schedule set forth in Subparagraph 7.3.10 below." 7.3.9 Add to end of last sentence "per procedure of City Resolution 7 -91 Add the following Subparagraph 7.3.10: 7.3.10 In Subparagraph 7.3.6 the allowance for overhead and profit combined, included in the total cost to the Owner, shall be based on the following schedule: Section 00 800 Supplementary Conditions City of Port Angeles Vern Burton Memorial Community Center March, 1992 3 .1 for the Contractor, for any Work performed by the Contractor's own forces, 10 percent of the cost. .2 For the Contractor, for Work performed by his Subcontractor, 10 percent of the amount due the Subcontractor. .3 For each Subcontractor or Sub subcontractor involved, for any Work performed by that Contractor's own forces, 10 percent of the cost. 4 For each Subcontractor, for Work performed by his Sub subcontractors, 10 percent of the amount due the Sub subcontractor 5 Cost to which overhead and profit is to be applied shall be determined in accordance with Subparagraph 12.1.4. 6 In order to facilitate checking of quotation for extras or credits, all proposals, except those so minor that their propriety can be seen by inspection, shall be accompanied by a complete itemization of costs including labor, materials and Subcontracts. Labor and materials shall be itemized in the manner prescribed above. Where major cost items are Subcontracts, they shall be itemized also. In no case will a change be approved without such itemization ARTICLE 9 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 9.3 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT Add the following paragraphs 9.3.4, 9.3.5, and 9.3.6: 9.3.4 At the time of submitting monthly estimate, the Contractor shall submit a written certification that the work is on or behind schedule. If behind schedule, the Contractor shall state the number of days and the cause of delay. 9.3.5 The Contractor shall request that two certified copies of wage rate approvals be sent to the business office of the Owner at the address noted elsewhere in the Specifications. Payment cannot be released by the Owner until the affidavit is received. Each voucher claim submitted by the Contractor for payment shall state that prevailing wages have been paid in accordance with pre -filed statements of intent with the Department of Labor and Industries. 9.3.6 Once each calendar month, the Owner will make partial payment to the Contractor on the basis of a duly certified approved estimate of the work performed during the preceding calendar month. In accordance with RCW 60.28.010 and RCW 60.28.070 both as amended by Chapter 151 of the Extraordinary Session of the Legislature, plus any later amendments, a sum equal to 5% of all amounts of such estimate shall be retained. After the award of a contract for public improvements, or work for which retained percentages are required to be reserved under the provisions of RCW 60.28 as amended by Senate Bill Number 154 as passed during the 2nd Extraordinary Session of the Legislature, 1970, plus any later amendments, Owner shall require the Contractor to exercise, in writing, one of the options listed below. .1 Retained percentage will be retained in a fund by the public body until thirty days following the final acceptance of said improvements or work as 'completed; or .2 Placed in escrow with a bank or trust company until thirty days following the final acceptance of said improvements or work as completed. Section 00 800 Supplementary Conditions City of Port Angeles Vern Burton Memorial Community Center March, 1992 4 .3 Initial election is to be accomplished on form approved by Owner, or Agency, as applicable. 9.4 CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT Change 7 days to 15 days wherever it occurs. 9.5 DECISIONS TO WITHHOLD CERTIFICATION Add the following item to Subparagraph 9.5.1: .8 Failure to present affidavit pertaining to wages paid as required by the contract documents. 9.6 PROGRESS PAYMENTS Add the following Paragraph 9.6.7, and Subparagraphs,,, ., 9.6.7 ESCROW AGREEMENT When the Contractor elects to place amounts reserved in escrow, the Contractor and Owner shall jointly select a bank or trust company as the escrow agent. The Owner, the Contractor, and the escrow agent shall then execute an Escrow Agreement on form approved by the Owner. A copy of the completed Escrow Agreement shall be provided the escrow agent, the Contractor, the Owner, and Fiscal Officer of the Agency. .1 Investment of Funds in Escrow Upon receipt of an invoice voucher requesting a progress payment, the Owner will issue, in addition to the warrant or check for the regular progress payment, a warrant or check made payable jointly to the bank or trust company and the Contractor, in an amount equal to the amount retained on each voucher. This warrant will then by forwarded to the escrow agent who will negotiate the warrant and invest the proceeds as required by the Contractor and approved by the escrow agent and the Owner. A list of acceptable bonds or securities shall be attached to the Escrow Agreement. When interest on such investments accrues and is paid, it must be forwarded to the Contractor. .2 Investments Authorized The following is a list of bonds, or other securities approved by the Agency: .1 Bills, certificates, notes or bonds of the United States. .2 Other obligations of the United States or its agencies. .3 Obligations of any corporation wholly owned by the government of the United States. .4 Indebtedness of the Federal National Mortgage Association. .5 Time deposits in commercial banks. .6 No further approval is necessary if any of these bonds or securities are selected by the Contractor. .7 Other bonds or securities may be approved by the Owner provided that the Contractor has the staff assistance and expertise which will permit him to exercise sound judgement in assessing the probable safety and liquidity of such investments. In no event will the Owner approve Section 00 800 Supplementary Conditions City of Port Angeles Vern Burton Memorial Community Center March, 1992 5 investments in stock of any company, association, or corporation. In all cases, the investments selected must mature on or prior to the date set for completion of the contract, including extensions thereof. .3 Upon final acceptance of a contract, and the expiration of the 30 day period thereafter, and after receipt of certificates from the Department of Revenue, Department of Labor and Industries and the Department of Employment Security, and satisfactory evidence is available to insure that taxes and fees due, or to become due, by these agencies are discharged, and the claims of material suppliers and laborers who have filed their claims together with a sum sufficient to defray the cost of foreclosing the liens of such claims, and to pay attorney's fees, have been paid, the Fiscal Officer of the Agency will pay to the Contractor the fund retained in escrow, or issue instructions to the Owner and escrow agent authorizing the release to the Contractor of the securities and bonds held in escrow. .4 If such taxes have not been discharged, or the claims, expenses and fees have not been paid, the Fiscal Officer of the Agency shall: .1 Pay such taxes and fees from the funds retained and issue a warrant for the remaining balance payable to the City Treasurer and the Owner. Upon receipt, the Owner shall deduct such liens, expenses and fees that have been filed and pay the remainder, if any, to the Contractor. Disposition of amounts held by the Owner to settle liens, expenses and fees will be disposed of in accordance with the advice of legal council. .2 Order the securities and bonds held in escrow to be converted to money, and returned to the retainage fund held by the Fiscal Officer of the Agency, who shall dispose of such funds in accordance with Subparagraph above. .5 Escrow agent will not make any payment from a retained percentage fund or release any retained percentage escrow account to any person, until instructions to do so have been received from the Fiscal Officer of the Agency. 9.7 FAILURE OF PAYMENT 9.7.1 Change "seven days" to "fifteen days in all places where it occurs. 9.9 PARTIAL OCCUPANCY OR USE Add the following subsections 9.9.4, 9.9.5, 9.9.6: 9.9.4 Occupancy by the Owner shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of existing claims on behalf of the Owner or Contractor against each other. 9.9.5 Occupancy by the Owner prior to project acceptance does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to maintain all Contractor's liability insurance and bonds required of the Contractor under the contract until the entire project is completed and accepted by the Owner. 9.10 FINAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT Add the following Subparagraph 9.10.1 .1 Section 00 800 Supplementary Conditions March, 1992 City of Port Angeles Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 6 9.10.3 9.10.4 10.1.2 10.1.4 .1 Warranties required by the Contract Documents shall commence on the Date of Final Completion of the Work. Add the following Subparagraph .1 At the conclusion of the project, the Contractor and his subcontractors shall submit affidavits of wages paid to the Department of Labor and Industries for Certification by the Director. Affidavits shall be submitted on S.F. 9843, "Affidavits of Wages Paid or a similarly constructed form. Final payment on the contract will be withheld until receipt by the Owner of certification by the Director that the prevailing wage requirements of the law have been satisfied. Delete the following from the end of the Subparagraph, "...except that it shall not Subparagraph 4.3.5." Delete the last sentence reading "Such waivers... .Subparagraph 4.3.5." ARTICLE 10 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Delete the following from the final sentence, "on which arbitration... under Article 4." Replace "Such obligation shall not be.... described in this Subparagraph 10.1.4._" with "The Owners responsibilities hereunder are contingent upon the Owner having knowledge of the presence of asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), and that knowledge is not communicated to the Contractor, Architect, Architects Consultants or their agents and employees." ARTICLE 11 INSURANCE 11.1 CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE In the first line following the word "maintain insert the words "in a company or companies licensed to do business in the State in which the Project is located and include costs therefor in the Base Bid." 2 Omit semicolon on third line and add "including Contingent Employers Liability (Stop Gap);" .6 Add "Include coverages for Owned Automobiles, Non -Owned Automobiles and Hired Cars." Add the following Subparagraph 11 .1 .1 .8: 8 Blanket Contractual Liability; Add the following Subparagraph 11 .1 .2.1 Section 00 800 Supplementary Conditions City of Port Angeles Vern Burton Memorial Community Center March, 1992 7 .1 The insurance required by Subparagraph 11.1.1 shall be written on an occurrence basis, for not less than the following, or greater if required by law: 1 Worker's Compensations: a) State Statutory b) Employer's Liability $250.000/500.000 2. ComprehensiveGeneral Liability (including Premises- Operations; Independent Contractor's Protective; Products and Completed Operations; Broad Form Property Damage) a) Bodily Injury: $250.000 Each Occurrence $500.000 Annual Aggregate b) Property Damage: $250.000 Each Occurrence $500.000 Annual Aggregate c) Products and Completed Operations to be maintained for two years after final payment. d) Property Damage Liability Insurance shall provide X, C and U coverages. 3. Contractual Liability: a) Bodily Injury: $500.000 Each Occurrence b) Property Damage: $250.000 $500.000 4. Personal Injury, with Employment Exclusion $500.000 5. Comprehensive Automobile Liability: a) Bodily Injury: $250.000 $500.000 b) Property Damage: $500.000 Each Occurrence Annual Aggregate Deleted: Annual Aggregate Each Person Each Occurrence Each Occurrence 6. The Owner shall be named as an additional insured. 7. In addition, furnish umbrella coverage in an amount notless than $1,000,000.00. 8. Bodily injury coverages above shall include death. Add the following Subparagraph 11 .1 .4.1 .1 The Contractor shall furnish one copy each of Certificates of Insurance herein required for each copy of the agreement which shall specifically set forth evidence of all coverage required by Subparagraphs 11.1.1, 11.1.2 and 11 .1 .3. The form of the certificates shall be AIA Document G705. The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner copies of any endorsements that are subsequently issued amending coverage or limits. 11.2 OWNERS LIABILITY INSURANCE 11.2.1 Delete first sentence 11.3 PROPERTY INSURANCE Delete Subparagraph 11 .3.1 in its entirety and substitute the following: Section 00 800 Supplementary Conditions City of Port Angeles Vern Burton Memorial Community Center March, 1992 8 T 11.3.1 The Contractor shall purchase and maintain property insurance upon the entire Work at the site to 115 percent of the full insurable value thereof. Such insurance shall be in a company or companies licensed to do business in the State in which the project is located and against which the Owner has no reasonable objection This insurance shall include the interests of the Owner, the Contractor, the Subcontractors, and Sub Subcontractors in the Work and shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and shall include "all risk" insurance for physical loss or damage including, without duplication of coverage, theft, vandalism, and malicious mischief. If not covered under all risk insurance or otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall effect and maintain similar property insurance on portions of the Work stored off the Site or in transit when such portions of the work are to be included in an Application for payment under Subparagraph 9.3.2. Include costs for Property Insurance in the Base Bid. 11.3.3 11.3.7 11.3.8 11.3.9 Add the following Subparagraph .1 If by terms of this insurance any mandatory deductibles are required, or if the Contractor should elect, with the concurrence of the Owner, to increase the mandatory deductible amounts or purchase this insurance with voluntary deductible amounts, the Contractor shall be responsible for payment of the amount of the deductible in the event of a paid claim. Add the following sentence to the end of paragraph: "This paragraph shall not be construed to bar an insurers right of subrogation." Delete Subparagraph 11 .3.6in its entirety and substitute the following 11 .3.6 The Contractor shall file two certified copies of all policies with the Owner before exposure to loss can occur. If the Owner is damaged by the failure of the Contractor to maintain such insurance and to so notify the Owner, then the Contractor shall bear all reasonable costs properly attributable thereto. Delete subparagraph in its entirety. Replace "Owner" with "Contractor" wherever it occurs. Replace "Owner" with "COntractor wherever it occurs. Delete the word "arbitration Delete the portion of sentence reading "...in which case the Paragraph 4.5." 11.3.10 Omit Subparagraph in its entirety. 11.4 PERFORMANCE BOND PAYMENT BOND Delete subparagraph 11 .4.1 in its entirety and substitute the following 11.4.1 Contractor shall secure, include costs therefor in the bid, and pay for performance and labor and material payment, and maintenance bonds issued by a bonding company licensed to transact business in the State of Washington, in Statutory Form. Other bond forms will not be acceptable. Liability under each of the bonds shall be: Section 00 800 Supplementary Conditions City of Port Angeles Vern Burton Memorial Community Center March, 1992 9 100% of contract sum plus sales tax for 1) performance, 2) labor and material payment, and 3) for maintenance for defective work during the specified maintenance periods. 13.9 PREVAILING WAGES ARTICLE 13 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 13.3.7 COMMENCEMENT OF STATUTORY LIMITATION PERIOD Omit Section in its entirety. Add Sections 13.8, 13.9, 13.10, and 13.11 as follows: 13.8 HOURS OF LABOR 13.8.1 All work under this contract shall be performed pursuant to public policy of the State of Washington, as set forth in Chapter 49.28, Revised Code of Washington, as amended, requiring that public work be performed in work days not more than eight hours each, except in extraordinary emergency. The provisions of said Chapter 49.28 RCW as amended, are by reference incorporated and made a part hereof. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 49.28.050 and 49.28.060 RCW, the Owner may cancel the agreement in case the work is not performed in accordance with the said policy. 13.9.1 Before commencement of work on a public works contract, each Contractor and subcontractor shall file with the Owner and with the Department of Labor and Industries a Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages (S.F. No. L. I. 700 -29) including fringe benefits; to be followed at the conclusion of the contract, before release of the retained percentage, with the submission of an Affidavit of Wages Paid (S.F. No. 9843) for certification by the Director, Department of Labor and Industries, in accordance with RCW 39.12.040. 13.9.2 Upon approval and return of S.F. No. L.I. 700 -29 and S.F. ano. 9843 by the Department of Labor and Industries, one copy shall be transmitted to the City agency or department funding the project. 13.9.3 Statements of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages forwarded to the State agency or department shall be accompanied by a listing of each Contractor, and all their subcontractors. Each such listing shall be identified with the State project number 13.9.4 In accordance with RCW 39.12.040, the retained percentage withheld on a public works contract cannot be paid until there is on file an Affidavit of Wages Paid, properly certified by the Department of Labor and Industries, for the Contractor and each of his subcontractors. 13.9.5 Contractors are responsible for obtaining and filing affidavits of their subcontractors. Filing cost to be paid by Contractor. 13.9.6 Refer to Section 00 200 for List i n g of Prevailing Wage Rages. Section 00 800 Supplementary Conditions City of Port Angeles Vern Burton Memorial Community Center March, 1992 10 a lb 13.10 OFFSHORE ITEMS 13.10.1 In compliance with RCW 39.25, furnish the Owner a certified statement setting forth the nature and source of Offshore Items in excess of $2,500 which have been utilized under each prime contract in the performance of the work. "Offshore Items" are those items procured from sources beyond the territorial boundaries of the United States including Alaska and Hawaii. This certified statement is mandatory and shall be received before final payment is made on the contract. 13.11 PREVENTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION PRESERVATION OF PUBLIC NATURAL RESOURCES 13.11.1 Pursuant to Chapter 62, Laws of 1973, 1st Ex. Session those provisions of federal, state and local statutes, ordinances, and regulations dealing with the prevention of environmental pollution and the preservation of public natural resources that affect, or are affected by, the herein described project are, to the extent they are reasonably obtainable, as follows: RCW 43.21.030; RCW 90.58.140; RCW 90.58.320; and RCW 70.94.152. Conform with the provisions thereof. 13.11.2 Copies of the text of said laws are available in the offices of the City Attorney and the Contractor's Attorney for examination by contractors prior to bidding on the work as to the requirements of such referenced laws in effect at the time of opening bids. ARTICLE 14 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF CONTRACT 14.2 TERMINATION BY THE OWNER FOR CAUSE .1 Delete the words "persistently or repeatedly" .3 Delete the word "persistently". ARTICLE 15 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION 1 .pecifvina Aaencv: a. Washington State Human Rights Commission. 2 General Application: a. Discrimination in all phases of employment is prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Presidential Executive Order 11375, the Washington State Law Against Discrimination, Chapter 49.60 RCW, and by Gubernatorial Executive Orders 66 -1 and 70-01, among other laws and regulations. These special requirements establish minimum requirements for affirmative action and are intended to define and implement the basic non discrimination provisions of these specifications. Sections 1.04, and 1.05 hereinafter are equally acceptable to the Owner as methods of complying with affirmative action requirements. Alternate affirmative action programs will not be responsive to these specifications. Failure to comply with these requirements may constitute grounds for application of contract default remedies as set forth in Section 1.09, hereinafter. b. For the purpose of this Contract, the following definitions shall apply: Section 00 800 Supplementary Conditions City of Port Angeles Vern Burton Memorial Community Center March, 1992 11 a. h 1) Minority: Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and Native American /American Indian or Alaskan Native. 2) Asians: A person with origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands. This area includes, for example, China, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Republic, and Samoa. 3) Black: A person with origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa who is also not of Hispanic origin. 4) Hispanic: A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South American or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. 5) Native American /American Indian or Alaskan Native: A person with origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition. 6) "Minority business enterprise" means a business which is owned and controlled by one or more minority persons. a) For purposes of this definition, the non minority owner or operator, in whole or in part, of a business engaged in the same or similar type of business activity as the minority business enterprises. 7) "Women's business enterprise" means a business which is owned and controlled by one or more women residing in the United States or its territories. For purpose of this definition, the male owner or owners in a women's business enterprise may not be the owner or operator, in whole or in part, of a business engaged in the same or similar type of business activity as the women's business enterprise. 8) "Owned and controlled," for purposes of determining whether a business is a minority business enterprise or combination women's and minority business enterprise, means that the minorities, women, or combination of both, as the context requires, shall possess: a) Ownership of greater than 50 percent of the business, and b) Control over management, interest in capital, and interest in profit or loss commensurate with the percentage of ownership on which the claim of status is based; and c) A real and continuing interest in the business. 3. Contractors Agreement: a. During the performance of this Contract, the Contractor agrees as follows: 1) The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or the presence of any physical, sensory or mental handicap, nor shall the Contractor commit any of the other unfair practices defined in RCW 49.60, the Washington State Law Against Discrimination. 2) The Contractor will, in all solicitation or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor state that all qualified applicants will be considered for employment, without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or the presence of any physical, sensory, or mental disability. Section 00 800 Supplementary Conditions City of Port Angeles Vern Burton Memorial Community Center March, 1992 12 I 0 r 3) The Contractor will send to each labor union, employment agency, or representative of workers with which the Contractor has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or I understanding, a notice advising the labor union, employment agency, or worker's representative of the contractor's commitments under this contract and RCW 49.60, the Washington I 4) State Law Against Discrimination. The Contractor will permit access to its books, records and accounts, and to its premises by the Owner or the Washington State Human Rights Commission for the purpose of investigation I to ascertain compliance with these specifications. 5) The Contractor will include the provisions of clauses, 1) through 4) above in every Subcontract or purchase order, so that such I provisions will be binding upon each Subcontractor or vendor. 4. Multi- Employer Program Compliance: a. Contractor and Subcontractor(s) may participate in multi- employer 111 programs for the training and /or employment of minority workers in a craft or crafts. b. All multi- employer programs must be submitted to the Washington State Human Rights Commission for comment and approval. The program must also be approved by the Owner. A plan previously approved need not be resubmitted unless the affirmative action requirements and /or I goals have been changed. Approval of a multi- employer program may be withdrawn at such time as the Owner or the Washington State Human Rights Commission determines that the program is not successfully training and /or employing minority workers in a craft or crafts, or for 11 any other deficiency in the program. Upon receipt of notice of withdrawal of approval of a multi- employer program by the Owner or the Washington State Human Rights Commission, the Contractor must thereafter comply with the provisions of Section 1.04 of these specifications. If it is determined by the Owner or the Human Rights Commission that the Contractor or Subcontractor(s) has not complied I with the requirements imposed by the multi employer program to provide training and employment opportunities on his /her projects for minority workers, the Contractor or Subcontractor(s) after notice by the Owner or the Washington State Human Rights Commission must I thereafter comply with the provisions of Section 1.04 of these specifications. c. The provisions of Section 1 .04 shall be affected by this section only I where an approved multi- employer program is established and is actively participated in by the Contractor or Subcontractor(s) 5. Minority and Women Business Enterprise Utilization: I a. If the Contractor shall use any Subcontractor for any work performed under this contract, or for providing materials, supplies, services, or equipment for use in any work performed under this contract, he /she will take affirmative action to insure that qualified minority and women -owned business enterprises have an equal opportunity to negotiate bids as prospective subcontractors. b. The Contractor shall maintain documentation showing what efforts he /she has made to contact minority and women -owned business enterprises and encourage them to negotiate bids, as well as the results of those contacts. Such documentation shall be made available to the 1 Owner or the Washington State Human Rights Commission upon request. I Section 00 800 Supplementary Conditions March, 1992 City of Port Angeles Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 13 r c. Documentation shall be presented to the Owner to verify on the part of the Contractor good faith efforts to solicit and procure Minority Sub-Contractors. 6. Compliance Meetings a. The Contractor and Owner or the Owner's designated compliance agent shall hold a conference at such time as the Owner shall deem it necessary to discuss affirmative action with regard to equal employment opportunity. Review will be made of reports (Section 1.06) and evidence of good faith efforts (Section 1.04, B.) to determine the compliance and affirmative action status of the Contractor. 7. Sanctions: a. Failure of the Contractor to comply with the requirements set forth in these "Special Requirements for Affirmative Action" may result in the application of one, or all, of the following sanctions: 1) Progress payment requests will not be honored until steps, agreed upon by the Owner and Contractor, have been taken. 2) The contract may be canceled or terminated. 3) The contract may be suspended, in whole or in part, until such time as the Contractor is determined to be in compliance by the Owner or the Owner's designated compliance agent. 4) The Contractor may be declared ineligible for further state funded contracts for construction projects. 5) Contract Award may be withdrawn and other bidders considered prior to signing the Contract in the event good faith has not been shown on the part of the apparent low bidder END OF SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Section 00 800 Supplementary Conditions City of Port Angeles Vern Burton Memorial Community Center March, 1992 14 It. TO: Primo Construction, Inc. 296 Carlsborg Road Sequim, WA 98382 PROJECT Description: Vern Burton Memorial Community Center Enhancements The OWNER has considered the BID submitted by you for the above described WORK in response to its Advertisement for Bids dated March 31, 1992. tax. You are required by the Information for Bidders to execute the Agreement and furnish the required CONTRACTOR's Performance BOND, Payment BOND and certificates of insurance within ten (10) calendar days from the date of this Notice to you. If you fail to execute said Agreement and to furnish said BONDS within ten (10) days from the date of this Notice, said OWNER will be entitled to consider all you rights arising out of the OWNER'S acceptance of your BID as abandoned and as a forfeiture of your BID BOND. The OWNER will be entitled to such other rights as may be granted by law. cc: City Clerk You are hereby notified that your BID has been accepted for items in the amount of $534,582.00 plus sales You are required to return an acknowledged copy of this NOTICE OF AWARD to the OWNER. Dated this 22nd day of April, 1992. Please return original to the City of Port Angeles. CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE OF AWARD By Title Primo NOT CITY OFT 1 'TGELES tor of Public Works ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the above NOTICE OF AWARD is hereby acknowledged this 5 day of A't/W 19/2. PRIMO C STRUCTION, INC. By Title P 'P le k T71 1a PRODUCER IURLEY ATKINS STEWART 1800 NINTH AVE #1500 SEATTLE WA 98101 INSURED PRIMO CONSTRUCTION INC 296 CARLSBORG RD SEQUIN', WA 98382 COVERAGES, CO -TR p I GENERAL LIABILITY K COMMERCIAL GENERALLIABILIT' CLAIMS MAD4 X JOCCUR. x OWNER'S &CONTRACTOR'S PROT. WA STOP GAP X AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY X X X OTH. TYPE OF INSURANCE EXCESS LIABILITY OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY INSURNET 25.ST7190) CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER 01CC9767991 01CC9767991 CITY OF PORT ANGELES P.O. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98382 COMPANY LETTER COMPANY LETTER COMPANY LETTER COMPANY LETTER COMPANY LETTER ISSUE DATE (MM /DD/YY) n 05/11/92 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW A AMERICAN STATES INSUR. B C D E AUTHORIZED REPF CEP 02133 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATIOR DATE (MM /DD/YY DATE (MM /DD/YY 08/20/91 08/20/92 08/20/91 08/20/92 IGENERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS- COMP /OP AGG. PERSONAL &ADV INJURY EACH OCCURRENCE 'FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) IMED EXP (Any one person) COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT BODILY INJURY (Per person) BODILY INJURY (Per acc dent) PROPERTY DAMAGE EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE I STATUTORY LIMITS EACH ACCIDENT DISEASE POLICY LIMIT LIMITS IDISEASE- EACH EMPLOYEE S DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS /LOCATIONS/VEHICLES /SPECIAL ITEMS .2E: VERN BURTON MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTER PHE CERTIFICATE HOLDER SHALL BE NAMED ADDITIONAL INSURED BUT ONLY WITH RESPECT 20 OPERATIONS PERFORMED BY THE NAMED INSURED ON THIS PROJECT. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 0 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. Is Is Is Is S S S S S IS E S Is S INSURNET; INC. 1990 2.000.00 1,000.00 1,000,00 1,000,00 50.00 5.00 1,000,00D PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND PLANET INSUJRANCE COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That PRIMO CONSTRUCTION, INC. 296 Carlsborg Road, Sequim, WA. 98382 HEAD OFFICE, MADISON, WISCONSIN ,as Principal and PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY, a Wisconsin corporation, having its principal office and place of business in Madison, Wisconsin, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA. 98362 as Obligee, in the sum of FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY SIX THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY NINE AND 39/1 00 Dollars 576,279.39 1, for the payment whereof Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed and Sealed this 11 t day of May WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract dated with the Obligee for RENOVATION TO THE VERN BURTON MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTER which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if the Principal shall faithfully perform the Contract according to its terms and conditions and shall promptly make payment to all claimants as hereinafter defined, for all labor and material supplied in the prosecution of the work provided for in the Contract, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect, subject, however to the following conditions. 1. A claimant is defined as one having a direct contract with the Principal or with a subcontractor of the Principal for labor, material, or both, supplied in the prosecution of the work provided for in the Contract. 2 Subject to the priority of the Obligee, every claimant, as herein defined, who has not been paid in full before the expiration of ninety (90) days after the date on which the last of such claimant's work or labor were done or performed, or materials were supplied by such claimant, shall have a direct right of action under his bond. 3. No suit or action shall be commenced hereunder by any claimant (a) Unless claimant, other than one having a direct contract with the Principal, shall have given written notice to any two of the following the Principal, the Obligee or the Surety, within ninety (90) days after such claimant did or performed the last of the work or supplied the last of the material for which said claim is made, stating with sub- stantial accuracy the amount claimed and the name of the party to whom the materials were supplied, or for whom the work or labor was done or performed. Such notice shall be served by mailing the same by registered mail or certified mail, postage prepaid, in an envelope addressed to the Principal, Obligee or Surety, at any place where an office is regularly maintained for the transaction of business or served in any manner in which legal process may be served in the state in which the Contract is located but such service need not be made by a public officer (b) After the expiration of one 1 year(s) following the date on which Principal ceased work on the Contract. If this limitation is prohibited by any law controlling the construction hereof, such limitation shall be deemed to be amended so as to be equal to the minimum period of limitation permitted by such law. 4. In any suit or action by a claimant, as herein defined, Principal shall be made a party to such suit or action, and shall be served with process commencing the same if Principal can with reasonable diligence be found 5. The Surety's aggregate liability hereunder shall in no event exceed the amount set forth above. Witness BDP -2314 2/82 PRIMO By: By TRUCTION, INC Ada PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY Mary A. Dobbs, Bond No. P 2501257 Principal 1992 Attorney -in -Fact PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE, SUN PRAIRIE, WISCONSIN POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, does hereby make, constitute and appoint MARY A. DOBBS OF SEATTLE, WASHINGTON its true and lawful Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, and as its act and deed ANY AND ALL BONDS AND UNDERTAKINGS OF SURETYSHIP and to bind the PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY and sealed and attested by one other of such officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said Attorney(s)-in-Fact may do in pursuance hereof. This Power of Attorney is granted under and by authority of Article VII of the By -Laws of PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY which became effective September 21, 1981, which provisions are now in full force and effect reading as follows: ARTICLE VII EXECUTION OF BONDS AND UNDERTAKINGS 1. The Board of Directors, the President, the Chairman of the Board, any Senior Vice President. any Vice President or Assistant Vice President or other officer designated by the Board of Directors shall have power and authority to (a) appoint Attorneys -in -Fact and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and (b) to remove any such Attorney -in -Fact at any time and revoke the power and authority given to him. 2. Attorneys -in -Fact shall have power and authority, subject to the terms and limitations of the power of attorney issued to them, to execute and deliver on behalf of the Company, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof The corporate seal is not necessary for the validity of any bonds and undertakings. recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof 3. Attorneys -in -Fact shall have power and authority to execute affidavits required to be attached to bonds. recognizances, contracts of indemnity or other conditional or obligatory undertakings and they shall also have power and authority to certify the financial statement of the Company and to copies of the By -Laws of the Company or any article or section thereof. This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting held on the 29th day of March. 1982. at which a quorum was present and said Resolution has not been amended or repealed: On this "Resolved, that the signatures of such directors and officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice President, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, this 14th day of January 1991 STATE OF Washington COUNTY OF May 15 BOP-1431 1/82 King 14th to me known to be the Vice President of the PLANET INSURANCE C instrument and affixed the seal of said corporation thereto, and that AMU set forth therein, are still in full force. My Commission Expires day of January 19 91 .personally appeared Lawrence W. Carlstrom PLANET IN RANCE CO NY ce President IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company this 1 1 Assistant Secretary d acknowledged that he executed and attested the foregoing 2, and 3 of the By-Laws of said Company, and the Resolution. i .19 94 Notary Public in and for the Stat of Washi on Residing at Tacoma I, Keith A. Poling Assistant Secretary of the PLANET INSURANCE COMPANY„ do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by said PLANET IN COMPANY. which is still in full force and effect. Keith A. Poling V 19 92 D I V I S I O N D 1 G E N E R A L R E Q U I R E M E N T S 01 000 GENERAL 1. Conditions: a. General and Supplementary Conditions and other contractual documents apply to each Division of Specifications. b. Provisions contained in this Division apply to each Division of the Specifications. 2. Workmen: a. Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his workmen and shall not employ on the Work any unfit person or anyone not skilled in the work assigned to him. 3. Taxes: a. Except as contained in the Supplementary Conditions, sales, use, payroll, unemployment, old age pension, and surtax applicable to this Project shall be paid by Contractor with the exception of sales or use tax on materials furnished by Owner. b. Taxes and assessments on real property comprising the site of this Project shall be paid by Owner. 4. Manufacturer's Directions: a. Following Manufacturer's directions unless otherwise indicated in Contract Documents. END OF SECTION 01 000 Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 1 01 010 SUMMARY OF THE WORK 01 011 work covered by contract documents 1. Unless otherwise provided, Contractor shall provide at his expense all materials, labor, equipment, tools, transportation, and utilities, including cost of connection, necessary for successful completion of Project. 01 012 organization and format of project manual 1. Division and paragraph numbers, as listed in the "Table of Contents" of the Project Manual and the items of work included under the headings generally conform with the "Master Format" of the Construction Specification Institute. Numbering of paragraphs and divisions is merely for convenience and identification and may not me consecutive: the Contractor shall check his copies of the Contract Documents with the specification index and drawing index to be sure that they are complete. Trade headings are used in the specifications for convenience only. The Architect is not bound to define the limits of any subcontractors. 2. These specifications are of the abbreviated or "streamlined" type, and frequently include incomplete sentence. Words such as "shall "shall be "the Contractor shall" and similar mandatory phrases are noted on the drawings. Phrases following a heading for material or item of equipment and listing required features or characteristics of the item shall be construed as meaning, "The item shall be... or "The item shall include... and the Contractor shall provide all items, articles, materials, and operations listed; including all labor, material, equipment and incidentals required for satisfactory installation and completion of the work. 3. The following terms are used in the Contract Documents and are defined as follows: a. The terms "approved" and "for approval" mean "approved by the Architect" and "for the Architect's approval b. The term "coordinate" means "satisfactorily combine the work of all trades for a complete and operation installation c. The term "selected" means "selected by the Architect: and is not necessarily limited to a manufacturer's standard line of colors, finishes, or details. d. The term "provide" means "furnish and install e. The term "directed" means "as directed by the Architect f. Where the terms, "or approved" or "or approved equal" are used, the Architect is the sole judge of the quality and suitability of the proposed substitution. Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 2 01 013 work by separate contract 1. Owner shall provide under separate contract items noted below, in addition to items noted on Drawings. Electrical rough -in, embedded attachment items, blocking and backing shall be provided by Contractor. Contractor shall coordinate all work with Owner contracted suppliers /installers. a. Kitchen Equipment b. Data and communication systems (items shown on electrical by contractor) c. Landscaping (other than seeded areas required by demolition) d. Furnishings e. Tackboards and chalkboards f. Interior identifying devices END OF SECTION 01 010 Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 3 01 031 GENERAL 01 030 BASE BIDS AND ALTERNATES 01 032 general construction work alternates 1. The following alternate bids are included: Alternate 1: Remove existing windows in existing Parks Recreation office and provide new as detailed. 1. Intent: a. It is the intent of the Owner to award a Contract for the construction of the Project complete as shown and indicated. In order to allow the maximum amount of construction within a fixed budget, the Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to accept only the Base Bid, and any or all alternates. 2. Description of base bids: a. Includes all labor, materials, services and incidentals necessary for completion of the Project as shown and indicated, except materials, construction, equipment and labor included in the alternates and those furnished by the Owner or others. b. Washington State and local sales taxes shall not be included in the Base Bid. c. Each Bidder shall include with his proposal, in spaces provided therefore in the Form of Proposal, alternate proposals for adding or changing materials or construction to the Base Bid The alternate proposal figure shall indicate the difference in price, or the amount to be added to or deducted from the Base Bid for the complete construction or installation of the work included in each alternate bid. Each alternate bid shall include costs of all adjustments in the work of all trades made necessary by such alternate construction, Acceptance of alternate bids with respect to award of the Contract shall be within the funds available for the Work and in any order as the Owner and Architect may choose as enumerated below. d. Time Limitations of Alternates. The prices stated in the Proposal for Alternate Bids shall remain in effect _until sixty (60) calendar days after the signing of the contract. The Owner shall have the right to reinstate at the bid price, any alternate not originally incorporated in the contract if the Owner so notifies the successful bidder within the time frame indicated above in writing. e. Washington State and local sales taxes shall not be included in the Alternate Bids. Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 4 Alternate 2: In restrooms 119 123, provide walls, wall finishes except wainscot and rough -in only of plumbing fixtures. Alternate 3: Provide walk to east parking area, additional lawn seeding as required by disturbance of existing planting, and light bollards as detailed. Alternate 4: Re -roof existing built -up roof as shown on roof plan with elastomeric sheet membrane. Provide new 24 ga. galvanized flashing and copings as required. Alternate 5: Add east wing sound system. Alternate 6: Delete acoustical ceiling treatment in multi- purpose room. Paint instead. Alternate 7: Delete surface mounted acoustic wall panels. Paint instead Alternate 8: Delete new storage rooms 120 122. Side entire north wall being disturbed with same siding as detailed for storage rooms. Alternate 9: Omit entire sound system from base bid. Alternate 10: Provide new building sign as detailed. END OF SECTION 01 030 Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 5 01 040 COORDINATION 01 041 REQUIRED PROVISIONS 1 Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted herein and the Contract shall be read and enforced as though it were included herein, and if through mistake or otherwise any such provision is not inserted, or is not correctly inserted, then upon the application of either party the Contract shall forthwith be physically amended to make such insertion or correction 2 The following items are hereby inserted in the Contract in addition to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 01 042 INSTRUCTIONS 1. All instructions will be given to the Contractor, or to his authorized agent, by the Architect for distribution to subcontractors or tradesmen on the work; in like manner all communication from subcontractors and tradesmen on the work to the Architect will be given through the Contractor; no subcontractors or tradesmen shall contact the Owner or Architect to discuss the work, except as the Contractor and Architect may arrange. 01 043 COORDINATION WITH OTHER TRADES 1 All Contractors shall diligently comply with the following requirements: a. Cooperate in planning and layout of the work well in advance of operations. b. Inform other contractors of requirements at proper time to prevent delay or revisions. c. Be informed on the requirements of other contractors and check own work for conflicts with the work of other _contractors. d. Insure delivery of materials and performance of work on coordinated schedule with other contractors. 01 044 CUTTING PATCHING 1. Contractor shall coordinate all cutting, fitting, or patching of work that may be required to make the several parts of the Work come together properly and fit it too receive or to be received by other portions of his own work or that of subcontractors or installing materialmen as shown or reasonably implied by Contract Documents for completed structure. Also, make or have made proper and sufficient repair or closure as Architect may direct. 2 Do not endanger any work by cutting, digging, etc., and do not cut or alter work of any Section without prior consent of Architect. END OF SECTION 01 040 Division 01 General Requirements March, 1992 Vern Burton Memorial Community Center 01/ 6