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5.312 Original Contract
CONDITIONAL GIFT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Harlan P. McNutt, M.D., is the legal owner of a certain 1926 American LaFrance Fire Engine Type 41 Triple Combina- tion, Registration Number 5638, commonly known as "Old Engine Number One". Said vehicle was the first motorized fire engine owned by the City of Port Angeles, Washington; and WHEREAS, Dr. McNutt wishes to give said fire engine to the City of Port Angeles upon the following conditions: 1. That the antique fire engine be totally restored in a timely manner, and 2. That the City agrees to retain and display the restored antique fire engine for the citizens of Port Angeles, and 3. That the antique fire engine be made accessible to Dr. McNutt for his use on special occasions; and WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles wishes to accept the gift from Dr. McNutt upon the conditions placed upon the gift by Dr. McNutt. NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Port Angeles agrees to accept from Dr. McNutt the 1926 American LaFrance Fire Engine, Registration Number 5638. The City further agrees that said fire engine shall be restored in a timely fashion and retained by the City for display for the citizens of Port Angeles. The City further agrees to make the fire engine accessible to Dr. McNutt for his use on special occasions. Should the City fail to fulfill the conditions above, the fire engine shall revert back to grantor or his designee. ARLAN P. McNUTT, M.D. ENG 1 AGT 1 THE CITY •ORT ANGELES MA ORP ATTEST: a. 3l2_, Approved by City Council March 2, 1993 _/.4catv 03/01/93 VEHICLE 'TITLE APPLICATION/REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE b1C /PL'1' ISSUE-DATE TAB -NO HEG -EXY VALUE: CODE /YH L)EPHE MO -HEG MO -GW'1' 20' /0HC 01/84 00/00/00 125 26 1 POWER 113E MOI) -YR MAKE SERIES /BODY VIN OR SERIAL -NO RES -CC) INC /UNINC (U H/C 26 AMLA 4FLHEEX 3743 05 1 _SCL.WT SEAT'S GW'T GWT -EXP FLEET EQUIP PHEV -NLT NHEV- TITLE-NU S'1' HC20' /0 7615500914 WA COMMENT: IJSE 'L'AX WAIVED (D) MILEAGE h: REGISTERED OWNER LEGAL OWNER CITY OF PORT ANGELES P 0 BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES 1 (.k:'11NY THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREON 1S ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. S 1 GNAIJHE OF REGISTERED OWNER (S) SUB 'CH BE AND SWORN TO BEFORE FILING 3.00 EXCISE TAX CHECK SUBAGENT OTHER 1.25 CASH 4.25 LOCAL OP'T'ION USE TAX TOTAL FEES 4.25 VALJ DA'I'i ON CODE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING WA 98362 DO NOT DFS T r'oy THIS 13 OUR_ VA LB) REGISTRATION THIS X SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED OWNER(S) DAY OF co 19 q3 03050102.93060030193003' /024811. TRANSFER STATE OF WASHINGTON VEHICLE T'I'LE APPLICATION /REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE RPT 11): A',I'ITNH -1. THIS DOCUMENT 1S NOT PROOF OF OWNERSHIP CUSTOMER'S COPY 7.0' /OHC Any person who shall knowingly make any false statement of a material fact on this document shall be guilty of a felony which is punishable by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars or imprisonment tor not more than ten years or by both such fine and imprisonment (RCN!! 46.12.210). This Registration Certificate oh'tne Fee Permit rutt carried'In The vehicle or vessel fo Which it was issued, on the operator in the case of ORV and Snowmobile Permits, or if the vehicle is a trailer, in the towing unit and must be signed by the registered, owner(s). CN AMGE OF/ADDRESS: In the event of a change in mailing address the registered owner must forward the vehicle license plate number or vesse! registration number, their, name, and their new,.address to the Department pf, Licensing, ATTN: Technical Services Unit P.O. Box 9042, Olympia, Washington 98507 -9042. Address, changes may also be made directly at any local vehicle /vessel licensing office. Forms are available from the County Auditor, Subagent, or Drivers License Examining Office. I' ES BOOH =,,A T 0S RIOT PROOF OF LEGAL OWI '3ERSHlP )1 FaG° M USE ©ASS: Acceptance of reduced gross weight fees require the farmer to operate that vehicle solely for the transportation of farm or aquaculture produce and supplies as provided by RCW 46.16.090. The amdeu hereby tveneVers the hesaarr iii rights es paid for declared gross weight as Mom on We Norm. MigneWr© •o veneer Oross Vdetaht acenos MOTE: To transfer the G+css Weight Li the credit must be at least $15.00. I' SALE OF V NlOG. E: It is unlavtwf ui to sell Or transfer ownership of a motor vehicle to anyone under age 18 unless the buyer is on active duty as a member Of the armed forces or is emancipated., s mL, Taus EROOVriT OF SALEz The sealer will be personally liable unless the date of sale, license plate number (or vessel registration number), vehicle identification number (or vessel hull identification number), and purchaser's name and address is reported tc. the•Depa. rnent of Licensing within 5.days (not including Saturdaysr,•Sundays and State /Federal holidays) of sale. Seller should submit the Seller's Report of Sale form which is attached to most certificates of title, or Seiler's Report of Sale form may be obtained from a vehicle licensing agent or at a Driver License Examining office. FEDERAL OODOOCSE'i ER LAW: The Federal Truth in Mileage Act of 1986 'requires an odometer disclosure statement to be completed by the seller o each vehicle, unless,the vehicle is specifically exempt. An odometer disclosure statement-s not required for the following:, (1) Any vehicle with more than 16,000 pounds declared gross weight; (2) Any vehicle the is not self propelled (does ,not have a motor); (3) Any vehicle „1 Vryears old or older; (4) Any vehicle so!d from manufacturer to a Federal egency (5) Any vehicle transferred prior to first etF2oi eels. (Sales of new vehicles from manufacturers to dealers); or (6) Any off -road vehicles, including snowmobiles. ssr�6 ';UT IIS HOTi 1MOOi0 CP LEGAL OWINERSHIP° r TD- 420 -s01 MULTI-PURPOSE 'LUNG FORM (R/6/91)191 (TDVF) •'•�1,•. !Ill -1 1