HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.251 Original ContractJanuary 14, 1991 Mr. John Maxwell Economic and Engineering Services, Inc. P.O. Box 976 626 Columbia St. NW, Suite 2 -A Olympia, Wa. 98507 Dear John: Enclosed is the executed copy for your files of the letter of Agreement with the City to provide a cost of service study for our solid waste operation. Very yours; Ja «I Pi tis, P.E. Dir -c •r of Public Works 321 E FIFTH P 0 BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 PHONE (206) 457 -0411 cc: City Clerk, 2nd original of Agreement CITY OF PORT ANGELES FILE Mr. Jack Pittis City of Port Angeles PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Subject: City of Port Angeles Solid Waste Rate Evaluation Letter Contract Dear Jack: This letter contract is submitted to finalize the agreement between Economic and Engineering Services, Inc., (EES) to provide consulting services to the City of Port Angeles in review of City solid waste rates. It is understood that this evaluation will assess impacts of known changes in capital and oper- ating expenses on the existing rate structure, both with and without costs associated with a proposed recycling program for the city. In July, 1990, the City developed and prepared solid waste rates based upon available information. Subsequently, refined data has been made available which could affect the adequacy of the existing rates. EES is being asked to assist the City assess impacts to existing rates, given the new data. It will be the City's responsibility to provide current information regarding the solid waste utility's financial data to further analysis. All information regarding solid waste projections by class of customer will also be provided by the City. In addition, the City will provide estimates of all capital and operating expenses associated with the continued operation and eventual closure of the facility, and will provide EES with all revenue and expense information anticipated with the proposed solid waste recycling contract. Based on this understanding, the following Scope of Work is proposed: 1- Revenue Requirements CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS FYI. DIRECTOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR CITY ENGINEER SOUD WASTE SEWER/WATER STREET BUILDING E ECONOMIC AND ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Task Task Activities ACTN. COPY (CONC. 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 Olympia, WA Bellevue, WA PD Box 976 6��o��mbia St NW 2 -A P O Box 976 626 Columbia St NW Suite 2 -A Olympia, Washington 98507 (206) 352 -5090 FAX (206) 357 -6573 January 10, 1991 Vancouver, BC File 70190 Portland, OR Washington, DC RECEIVED CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS EES will prepare a source and application of funds analysis comparing the revenues and expenses anticipated by the City during the next 5 -year planning horizon. EES will structure the analysis using a Lotus 123 software program which, upon completion of the project, will be provided to the City for their future use. Data furnished by the City will be input regarding revenues as well as operating and capital expenditures during this period. Overall surplus or Mr. Jack Pittis January 10, 1991 Page 2 2 Cost of Service Evaluation Work Activities 3 Policy Review 4 Rate Design 5 Recycling Program Evaluation deficiencies of revenues at current rate levels will be established. EES will evaluate revised revenue requirement impacts on the allocation and Cost of Service methodology previously used by the City. Solid waste generating data by class of customers, as provided by the City, will be used in this allocation. Improvements in Cost of Service methodology will be recommended by EES. EES will review the following policies and their potential impact on either the Cost of Service or solid waste rate structure: o Free landfill dumping directly by City citizens o Free Christmas tree pickup service by City o Free collection of yard waste in the spring o Basis for appropriate landfill tipping charges for tires and appliances o Pickup and disposal of senior citizen and handicapped customer solid waste upon request EES will survey practices of several similarly sized solid waste utilities in the State of Washington and advise the City. Any influence on Cost of Service and rate design will be incorporated into final recommendations within the EES report. Based upon the results of items 1- 3 above, the existing rate structure will be reviewed and improvements recommended if necessary. The Revenue Requirements and Cost of Service will be revised to include the expense of implementing a recycling program for the City. Source and Application of Fund Analysis results from Task 1 will be revised. A review of the benefits and impacts of the recycling program to commercial accounts will be analyzed as a part of this task. The overall rate impact will be estimated. Mr. Jack Pittis January 10, 1991 Page 3 Budget The above work will be performed for a fee not to exceed $4,000 without prior authorization of the City. Schedule EES is prepared to proceed immediately, upon receipt of information requested from the City of Port Angeles, to prepare the Source and Application Analysis. We understand the City wishes to have the draft results of the above analysis for all tasks completed by January 31. A draft letter report will be sent to the City for review, appropriate comments will be incorporated, and a final letter result will be submitted to the City within 5 working days of receipt of the City's review comments. We appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance to the City. If you find this letter contract to be in order, please sign both attached copies and return one for our files. Sincerely, Al 1'1464 John M. Maxwell, P.E. Vice President JMM:aa:9 Enclosure cc: Tom Gould Approved By: City of Port Angeles Date t /y/ c f AF -a. 11 A. 61 40.0 YC 14269/t vT Economic and Engineering Services Inc, Date 9 �LO /b ,Jgci U