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TECHNICAL Permit 0 q- X Address H° E S-I- 5 Project description E kwlna k l o-.1 (corn 'Ae)( Date the permit was finaled 5 to Number of technical pages 3 I I I I I I I I .I WI WI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 wA OR RCE CON POE 000 CL POR 000 COM WA ES I so coN 0v I co TOR 1 MOK I 000 OV TST NO NO NO I NO NO NO NO NO NO EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE LOA COO I PDX LOA 1 ROM 1 1 1 5 A 5 5 55 60 5 I I N I N I N 1 1 IN I 360 1 IN I P60 IN IR s EWM 1 5 1 1 75 1 II TOR I I I I I I I I IC IL 5 5 IK OWN to IN 0 5 I 00 v ID I 15 El I IL I IC G500 /5K 2G- 0 0 32 0 SP TO E r0 M WA I V I I L ONE HOUR RATED WALL 2 LAYERS OF 5/5' FIRE RATED GYPSUM SCREWED AND STAGGERED SEAMS N 6' IL ION 1120I 27 O 0 m KITCHEN PLAN SCALE I /2 0' I I TI KITCHEN 122 3 YWO WA L 55 ST E THIN E 0 TO PL 000 H L SCREWS A ASTENER TO DE U FOR THIS 5 ATIO WILL DE MCKEL ACED AS MINIMUM. NOTE IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH SLID CONTRACTOR TO VERFY THE LOCATIONS OF PROPOSED UTILITIES WITH ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT OF RECORD PRIOR TO NY NSTALLATION OF SAID UTILITIE I WATER, POWER, MECHANICAL). REFER TO EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION PROV DEO DY KITCHEN EQUIPMENT CONTRACTOR. 1' OF W000 D r 6 IOR WA L EEL NH NG TO WOOD A RON ION I II ROUGH w U 0 F- un NG- 2 J Fr'? 0 -i/ 0 j 111 SCU LLER) r PROPOSED POWER ST P OR PONY ALL 8 H 0T TO PONY LOCATED THEIR STATIONS 10 I I I I I I~3 30 30 r 31 31 I I I i f I I J j 0 H 1- Z J W <0 —J w Q 2 L 1� E J w W V W Z W 0 w Z Q O uJ W SCALE. HORIZ. VERT DATE DESIGNED BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY DRAWN BY 02 ES. I /2' r 0' 11/20/2009 L.S SHEET NUMBER K 1 OF 9 REVISION R E V 6 5 /B" A AOGE AMS HOUR W 000 UM i 11 22 1/2' WALK IN COOLER CEIL NG ONST NION BY on, RS FLOOR SINK PEP ENGINEER OF RECORD 90) EMI AU U IT MFG AWINGS Er 5 OR SIZE NO I EIGHTS O, II I I 0 hl 6b HWA AU M ME BI 22 -1/2 221/2" 42 -1/2 u u 19' 33" 231 20' TO IB' 5I N 4 L05 FP I /3 1 1 �6a 5 n A. V SE MF AWIN SHE 5F 5 WE IO- MIN FRJI VKOP 1,055 OR AIR IN LE]5 TION FO INS X ROOF MAXIMUM ARA TWE U5 NG COVE BASE 221/2' WR P TO EX F MINMlA4 15" 16 WE 'a E NGINEE R TO COAST OCT NGA P L I o I 22 1/2 II ,47-0 I GAB /UJ THESE PLANS VE BEEN LICENSED TO THE CUSTOMER FOR USE IN THE CONSTRUCTIOR OF ONE KITCHEN ONLY ND NAT SUBJECT TO THE CONDITOt5 OF LICENSE ACCEPTED BY THE CUSTOMER USE OF AtY PA T OE THE PLAN.. A IX PARTY HER THAN THE CUSTOMER TRICTL/ PROHIBITED ExCEPT 0 OA BY OLYIF REST URA EOUI 9Et THE C STONIER ID ARTIES ECES ARY TO ASSET TH CUSTOMER TH C RUCTIO1 OF HE E N/HA HER T GE CE TE CO JTRACTOR 5 SUB-CONTRACTORS JUR SDICT 0/S ENGWEERS S ACHITECTI THE PLAN NOT BE RE -USED OR COPIED IN WHOLE OR N PART WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM OL> iPIE RESTALAANT EQUIPMENT WHCH RETA NS THE COP, WRITES TO G OWNERSHM OF THE P NS UNAUTHORIZED USE OR COP (NG OF THESE PLANS OR THE DESIGN THEY DEPICT NOES UPON THE RIGHT OL/MPIC RESTAURA IT EOUIPMENT TfON R 0 VG CON BY 07 000 ME NO5 Er 4 ZE WE 10 O MIN FROM PROP 1INE, OK AIK WETS T YPCAL 16' 5 0 MINIMUM 5 A CLOS Yc PROPOS POWER TOP OR PONY W LL Y OTHER/ TO BE LOCATED AT BOTH STATIOP" FOR EME SECTION B B SCALE I 72' -I' -0' H L 25 L IN UG U III AU5 U T MFG AWINGS Er 5 OR SIZE N EIGH 5 �I I� L I 1 U 22 -1/2' 42 22 1/2' f sl L 15 I 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.0 0=0I e b E ECT 26 Ge MIN UM r 6 EMFE E M J J K, }I, IR L .f K D i I .F /R 5 ASH SECTION A A SCALE I72' -I' -0' n MIN FROm PROP 1INF5 OK AIR INLETS I AIP TGINPFPG17 '5'E MFGORAWINGB T 5 WE 21 lin 1 I i GA 26 Ga MlN CU ME OLYMPIC A_5 AN MFG. AWINGS Er5 FOR 5/2 WEIGHTS I I JI L l COT L' GALV 26 0a MINIMUM 9 p 16 6 2' 6 6 3 3 /16 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT 360.582.1050 51 Dryke Road P 0 Box 3461 Sequim Wa 98382 A EX UST 00 $E FG AWINGS 21 5H 4 OR 5ZE WEIGH II I H„ 19 f 20 13 t T 10 O MIN FROM PROP LINES AIK 1.11 TYPICAL 2 9/16 TO O MIN FROM PROP LINES cm 19 TYP CAL 15 "x GA WE 10'- 0 MN FROM PROP. LINES OR AIR Lb TYPCAL AL R5 AND r E IWU 0 BEY NIMUM WR EXTEN COWS D£ 00 Gs LOT WH CF CI G T OOF 5 EM MA MAXIMUM NCE TWE ✓O T FO US OUCT ROOF AM S TO WA 22 -1/2' 22 -1/2 22 -1/2' Itl 22 -1/2 IJ u L ELWHA KLALLAM HERITAGE CENTER SECTION A A SECTION B B IS r I M PORT O MY I I 0 1 0 MIS FROM G„MO„slr LEI u u L OSI/RF PANELS IN FOR TON 0 B B THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN LICENSED TO THE CUSTOMER FOR JSE IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE K TCHEN ONL1 AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF LICENSE ACCEPTED BY THE CUSTOMER, USE OF ANY PART OF THE PLANS BY ANY PART' OTHER THAN THE CUSTOMER 15 STRICTL PROWBITED EXCEPT ON LOAN BY OLYMPIC RESTAURA IT EOLPMENT THE CUSTOMER AND PARTIES NECESSARY TO A 5 T THE CUSTOMER r THE CO JST UCT I OF T E ELWHA HER TRUE CENTER CONTR CTORS SUB-CONTRACTORS JURISDICTION COUNTERS U ARCHITECTI THE PLANS A NOT BE RE -USED OR COPIED. N WHOLE OR I.1 PART WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM OLYMPIC RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT W ICH RETAN THE COPY WRITES TO N OWNERSWP OF PLANS UNAUTHORIZED USE OR COPYING OF THESE PLANS OR THE DESIGN THEY DEPICT. INFRINGES UPON THE RIGHTS OLY EPIC RESTAURANT EOUIPMENT. ONE HOUR RATED WALL 2 LAYERS OF 5/e FIRE RATED GYPSUM SCREWED AND TAP D .0 STA66ERE SEAMS 1 0 o m IB �ol I SEE ENGINEERS CALE'S AND DRAWINGS FOR EME E E SEE Fa.. OR W H T5 FOR SIZ WEI HT ME SECTION C C SCALE. I/2' -I' -0' MIN. FROM PROPOSED FRAMING PLAN SCALE' 1/0.1' -0• IM Km GENERAL NOTES. 1O. DUCT ENCLOSURE TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY OTHER WITH A I I HOUR NON COMBUSTIBLE RE RATED AS SHOWN UL BUILDING MATER ALS RECTFIORY 3Q EXHATS RNNNOIZO W 1/A NUST CH DUC E FOOT U TO G AR DS THE NTA E AU ST ILL HOOD. SLOPE N 6 NCHES NIM TO 12 INCHES MAXIMUM IR SPACE BETWE AUST DUCT AND HE NCLOSURE. O TYPE HOOD AND DUCT JOINTS AND SEAMS TO BE EXTE AL GREASE TIGHT WELDS CURB PS TO BE WELDED STEEL. Ol F E SUPPRESSION S YS T TO BE NST LLED BY OTHER UNDER SEPARATE P ERM I CLASS ONE SYSTEMS OLYMPIC 0D FOR CLASS ONE SYSTEMS 1 J2 OR K2 CLEAN OUT RS SHALL BE PLACED IN THE EXHA UST DUCT AT EVERY CHANGE IN DIRECTION. HOOD F N SHALL BE ELECT ICA INTERCONNECTED WITH MAKEUP AIR UNIT O AKEUP UNIT TO SUPPLY 80 RETURN AIR NON TEMPER TWO UN M E EQUIRED BASED ON SI E CON ITIONS Eli MECHANICAL EXHAUST EQUIPMENT BEING SUPPORTED BY THE EXISTING ROOF SYSTEM HAS A TOTAL WEIGHT OF LESS THAN 000 LBS. 10 0 MIN FROM PROP LINES uA INCLIS TAP CAL 1: 1 1 1 T RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT 360.582.1050 51 Dryke Road P 0 Box 3461 Sequim Wa 98382 5 AML CLOSER TYI 0 OISHWASH P EXHAUST J ELWHA KLALLAM HERITAGE CENTER SECTION C C GENERAL HOOD NOTES HOOD INFORMATION HOOD MODEL NO. 2 HOOD HOOD NO. 1 2 3 5424 ND -2 -PSP -F 5424 ND -2 -PSP -F 4224 VHB -G SS SS HOOD OPTIONS HDDD OPTION NO. LENGTH 8' 6.00' 8' 6.00' 3' 6.00' MAX. COOKING TEMP 600 Deg 600 Deg 700 Deg INFORMATION FilTFR(S) TYPE !QTY Baffle with Handle Baffle Ith Handle 2338 2338 525 HEIGHT 5 I 16 I 20' 5 I 16 20' I I FIELD WRAPPER 18.00' High 2 (FIELD WRAPPER 18.00' High PERFORATED SUPPLY PLENUM(S) HOOD POS, LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT NO. WIDTH LENG ETL LISTING DESCRIPTION BLOCK THE CAPTIVE AIRE MODEL ND ND2 HAS BEEN E.T.L. TESTED, LISTED, AND APPROVED TO EXHAUST A MINIMUM OF 200 CFM PER LINEAR FOOT OVER 600 DEGREE COOKING EQUIPMENT DEG. I I C FM/FT I 1' -IA' I 16' I19. 78'1 1 EG I' B. !C FM /FTI 3' -16' I 16' !19' -7..1 1' (PERFORMANCE ND ND2 (WITH AX. AVG. COOKING SURFACE TEMPERATURE DEG COOKING SURFACES 450 DEG.- OVENS, STEAMERS, KETTLES, OPEN- BURNER RANGES GRIDDLES, AND FRYERS 600 DEG. -GAS CHARBROILERS ELECTRIC CHARBROILERS, AND WOKS 700 DEG- MESOUITE GRILLS 1 CHARCOAL CH BROILERS GAS CONVEYOR CHARBROILERS I wSUPPLY CFM /FT CONSULT EXHAUST PLENUM TOTAL I RISER(S) EXH. CFHIWIDTHILENG. DIA. I CFM 10' 22" 2338 10' 9' LENGTH QTY 3 3 0 F nt, Left F nt, Right I I F nt I 114' I 16 1 6 I 10' 28' I 1 1 1 1 10' 28' 2 1 F nt I 102' I 16" 1 6 110' 28' 1 1 1 I 1 10' 28' 22' 9' IMODEL. ND ND2 (WITH W/O PSP) DEG. !CFM /FT I 13' -1 A' I IN' 1„.7d I' MIN. EXHAUST CONFIGURATION CFM /FT 2338 525 ISAT(S) TYPE Sc In Compoct Flu Sc In Compact Flu RISER(S) DIA. CFM S.P 1052 I 0.167' 1052 I 0.167" 1052 I 0.167' 1052 I 0.167' ETL RATINGS (PER UL 710) FILE 3054804 -001 MAX VERT VERT. MIN. MAX LE FON CLEARANCE CLEARANCE MA EXH. MAU. LENGTH R I WIDTH WIDTH SIDE 1 FRONT 1 (WIT (W /O TEMP. CFM /FT rFM /FT RANGE RISER RANGE INCH OVERHANG OVFOUnOF. ,,,w'r\ itrulci B I A. I 11•_n9• I II 5 -a9 A. I A' I 11' -4R' I 115 A' I A. I7._nA' I II s _nP APPROVED FILTER TYPES. ALUM. BAFFLE, SS BAFFLE, HE SS BAFFLE, SPARK ARRESTOR BAFFLE, CAPTRATE (2 STAGE), AND NV CARTRIDGE W/0 PSP) SUGGESTED SUPPLY CFM /FT. VIA FRONT SU PLY PLEN WALL HDDD 15(1 I 1 2 PIECE ISLAND BALK TO BACK WALL HOODS I 300 240 WALL HOOD I 200 I 0 PIECE ISLAND BACK TO BACK WALL HOODS I 400 I WALL HOOD I 250 I 2 HELL ISLAND BACK TO BACK WALL HOODS I 500 FACTORY REPRESENTIVE IF HIGHER VALUES ARE REQUIRED 160 320 200 400 SUPPLY PLENUM I I RISER(S TOTAL HOOD CONSTRUCTION I 430 SS IWhe Expo ed 0.558' I I 430 SS IWhe Expo ed 0.068' I I I 304 SS I 100% S.P !SUP CFM! WIDTH' LENG. DIA. CFM S.P 0.558' NO I NO I 2104 2104 WIRE I GUARD LOCATION Left TYPE FIRE UTILITY CABINES) SYSTEM 1 F_ SIZE I MODEL A 321110KT ND 2 Series with PSP Accessory Specification The ND -2 hood tth PSP ry ape ating opy hood syste ated fo all type of oking equipm nt. The hood shalt ho the shape red perfo spe ified dr ngs Co str ctlo shall be type 430 sto ale steel ith k3 04 polish whe xpo ed. Individual apo nt str ctlo shall be Bete mined by the ufactu ETL, and NSF Co str cti shall be dependent the str ctu al appli ati to dlstorti red othe defects All Joints red pe etrotio of the hood do to the lo ute st perinete that di cts red aptu gr -lade apo red xha st ga shall ha liquid -tight ntin xte al eld In rdo with NEPA 96. Hood shall be all type ith fully elded 10 gauge hanging ngle Co hanging ngle ha .625 1,500 slot pr -pu ched at the f ctory allowing hanging ods to be ed fo qu ck red afe Installati Hanging od red ct Is pr vided by red Installed by othe Ventllato shall be fu nlshed with U.L. cla sifted nlu baffle fllte Applied in red qu ntity equired by ntltato The filte Atoll xtend the full length of the hood red the fille po els shall of be tha 6 In width. The hood ufactu shall Apply replete mpute ge ated ubnittal dr ngs Including hood cti view(s) red hood pia view<s). The He wings st be ailoble to the ngln chltect red fo their In str ctio ope atio red (Ante Exho st duct olio to be 4' high with l' flange Duct siz CFM red static pr equir nts shall be sho dr wings Stott pr equir nts shall be pr cis red ate air elocity red olu Info atio shall be ate within 1 -ft In nts along the length of the ntllato U.L. nde ent light f'xtu nd globe shall be Installed red pr ed to ju ctl bo The light fixtu shall be stalled with of 4'0' spacing me red ollo up to 100 att standard light bulb. The hood shall ho A double all ulated fr nt to dim ate nde otlo red Igidity The In ulnti shall ho fie al odulu of 475 EI, et UL 181 equ nts red be rda Ith NFPA 90A red 90B. An integral fr nt baffle to die ct gr lade apo to rd the xha st filte bank. A built -in wiring cha pr vided fa utlets red electrical ntrols the hood fn red shall of pe etrate the optu equ xte al cho ay. Lo elocity ake up air (up to 907.) pr vided thr ugh fr nt red side pie (PSP ry). A oble gr up f sy cle Wing. The hood shoo be ETL Listed 'Exho st Hood Without Exha st Donpe NSF Listed red built rda with NFPA 96. The hood shall be listed f 450'F oking rfa at 150 CFM /ft, 600'F oking rfo at 200 CFM /ft, red 700'F oking rf at 250 CFM /ft. HOOD CUNFIG. END END TO LEFT ALONE RIGHT ALONE ALONE ALONE 1 Light 1 F ROW SWITCHES I FIRE HOOD SYSTEM W EIGHT QUANTITY I LOCATION !PIPING Outside NO NO NO 54 30' 16,10' I 531 LB S LBS 134 LBS 3.00' r Q Y Ouk Seal F (Lock Vssher( t32' Utility CCBbi o� 10.00' 0.00' 12.00' U.L. LI Sc In Compa Flu nt Bulb C 8.00' 1 /2' Nk Seel Glut or e32 roro2 FIELD CUT EXHAUST RISER j HANGING ANGLE 16 SS BAFFLE WITH HANDLES AND HOOK 3' INTERNAL STANDOFF IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT /OWNER TO ENSURE THAT THE HOOD CLEARANCE FROM LIMITED COMBUSTIBLE AND COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. d ca st L J E Rix s u 10.00' 57.00' 3' 6.00"No ./8' 6.00'OD GREASE DRAIN WITH REMOVABLE CUP Pesktorce ieiger tine 0 t to Pa KI IW 'NV HIF 28.00' PLAN VIFW Hood #1 8' 6.00 LONG 5424N0-2 -PSP -F C 21.00' P/ l 25.00' T C 54.00' EQUIPMENT BY OTHERS SECTION VIEW MODE!. 5424ND -2 -PSP -F U. Listed Sc In Comp° Flu I J Field Co 10' 22' Exho st C_ JRIs 01.00' 'l' 6.00'No ./8' 6.00'OD 48.0' MAX Bulb PI AN VFW Hood 42 8' 6 LONG 5424ND -2 -PSP -F SCREW IN COMPACT FLUORESCENT BULB, STANDARD INCANDESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE 28.00' FIELD WRAPPER 18.00' HIGH (SEE HOOD OPTIONS TABLE) ATTACHING PLATES SUPPLY RISER WITH 275 V0LUME DAMPER 23.5'/. OPEN STAINLESS 6' 24.00 NOM. 80.00' FFF TYP C 10, 00' 26.00' STEEL PERFORATED PANEL 3.00' 5410' 16. ID' REVISIONS 1 DI of DI of C LL Q) -N C 0) 0 CS t Q 5- 0) d '5 cr 0) LLJ DATE: 10/23/2009 DWO.A: Hood 1 1038490 DRAWN B Y: SCALE. Not To Scale HOOD SHEET NO. 4 of 9 Appr ed Noted Appr ed with NO Ex eptlo Tote Reels red Re ubnit SIGNATURE to Title FIELD CUT EXHAUST RISER HANGING ANGLE IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT /OWNER TO ENSURE THAT THE HOOD CLEARANCE FROM LIMITED COMBUSTIBLE AND COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE Dote 12.00' l DRAIN FULL PERIMETER GUTTER EQUIPMENT BY OTHERS SECTION VIEW MODEL 4224VHB —C 24.00' NOM, 00.00' AFF TYP 105 DO' 42.00' REVISIONS 6, DI I LU I of I 1 I II 1 ii Il I II ii ij II F� i I yl. y:' i Ex i, L J V. z D a I` i ll I —3' 6.00'NO ./3' 6.00"OD 1 N PLAN VIEW Hood #3 3 600 LONG 4224VHB —G a ID VHB —G Series Specification The VHB -G rle heot /c ode ate hood Is single oU nt hood ed in -gr opplicotio fo the al of heat, apo etc Hood shall he the slz shape red perfo spe if the dr wings Co str ctio sholl be type 304 stainle steel ith #3 #4 polish whe xpo ed. Hood shall ha full perinete gutte with 1/2' OD Bolt thr ad dr ctio Hood shall be all slond type with fully elded 10 gouge honging ngle Co hanging ogle ha .625 1.500 slot pr -pu ched at the factory allowing hanging ods to be ed fo quick red of instollatlo Hanging od red ctio Is pr vided by red Installed by othe The hood of ctu shall upply replete ubnittal dr wings Including hood ctio vie s(s) cal hood pia view(s). The dr mgs st be ode allable to the ngin chitect cal fo their in str ctio ope atlo red alnte Exho st duct olla to be 4' high with I' flange Duct slz CFM and static pr equlrenents shall be sho the dr clogs Hood shall be ognized by NSF Ut,lliV11014 .1[ DATE: 10/23/2009 DWO.tk Hood -2- 1038490 DRAWN BY: 3 E 3 Q Si (/1 SCALE: Not To Scale HOOD SHEET NO. 5 of 9 EXHAUST FAN INFORMATION FAN UNIT FAN UNIT MODEL MODEL TAG CFM S.P RPM H.P 0 VOLT FLA WEIGHT (LBS.) NO. 2 4 HEATER /MTIA FAN INFORMATION FAN UNIT NO. 3 1 11 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 FAN UNIT NO. 2 3 I1 I1 I1 FAN UNIT TAG NCAI6FA NCA16FA DU25HFA FAN UNIT MODEL BLOWER HOUSING TAG CFM S.P RPM H.P 0 VOLT FLA WEIGHT (LBS.> A2- D.500 -G15 GAS FIRED MAKE UP AIR UNIT(S) FAN OUTPUT UNIT INPUT BTUs BTUs TEMP RISE NO. 3 I 268672 1 247178 I 55 deg F 7 In 14 Natu al FAN OPTIONS FAN UNIT OPTION (Qty De .1 NO. 115 -BDD Lampe 1 SCR -11 Bird Sc FAN ACCESSORIES YES YES EXHAUST Gr Bo Gr Bo Inlet Pr Gouge 0 -35' 1 1 AC Interlock Relay 24VAC Coll I Lo F' Start Ma ifold Pr NCAI6FA NCA16FA DU25HFA Gauge 5 to 15' 82 -0,500 Motorized Backdraft Danpe f A2 -0 Ho ng REQUIRED INPUT GAS PRESSURE SUPPLY GREASE GRAVITY WALL SIDE GRAVITY MOTORIZED WALL CUP DAMPER MOUNT DISCHARGE DAMPER DAMPER MOUNT 18 3/4' 8 5/8' 2338 0.750 2338 0.750 525 0.400 YES BLOWER DISCHARGE— -16 FLEX CONDUIT FOR FIELD WIRING 877 0.750 3 877 0.750 3 1058 0.250 1 GAS TYPE 208 208 115 FAN #3 A2 D.500 015 HEATER I. DIRECT GAS FIRED HEATED MAKE UP AIR UNIT WITH 15' BLOWER 2, INTAKE HOOD WITH EZ FILTERS 3. DOWN DISCHARGE AIR FLOW RIGHT LEFT 4, GAS PRESSURE GAUGE, 0 -35' 2.5' DIAMETER, 1/4' THREAD SIZE 5. COOLING INTERLOCK RELAY 24VAC COIL. 120V CONTACTS, LOCKS OUT BURNER CIRCUIT WHEN AC IS ENERGIZED 6. LOW FIRE START ALLOWS THE BURNER CIRCUIT TO ENERGIZE WHEN THE MODULATION CONTROL IS IN A LOW FIRE POSITION. 7 GAS PRESSURE GAUGE, 5 TO +15 INCHES WC. 2.5' DIAMETER, 1/4' THREAD SIZE 8. MOTORIZED BACK DRAFT DAMPER 22,75' X 24' FOR SIZE 2 STANDARD g MODULAR DIRECT FIRED HEATERS W /EXTENDED SHAFT STANDARD GALVANIZED CONSTRUCTION, 3/4' REAR FLANGE, LF120S ACTUATOR INCLUDED 2.7 .7 4 4208 0.650 I 977 1 3.000 I 3 208 AIRFLOW 4— 153.10 153.10 56.70 827.28 I SUPPLY SIDE HEATER INFORMATION■ FAN #1 Nf A16F FYUAI lc1 Fat 33 3/4 WINTER TEMPERATURE 20 °F TEMP RISE 55'F OUTPUT BTUs AT ALTITUDE OF 0.0 ft. 247178 INPUT BTUs AT ALTITUDE OF 0.0 ft. 268672 39 3/8 DUCTWORK BETWEEN EXHAUST RISER ON HOOD AND FAN (BY OTHERS) LIFTING LUG 0 3 3/4' F F A TURFS! ROOF MOUNTED FANS RESTAURANT MODEL UL762 MCA SOUND AND AIR CERTIFIED WIRING FROM MOTOR TO DISCONNECT SWITCH WEATHERPROOF DISCONNECT HIGH HEAT OPERATION 300'F (149'C> GREASE CLASSIFICATION TESTING NORMAL TEMPERATURE TEST EXHAUST FAN MUST OPERATE CONTINUOUSLY WHILE EXHAUSTING AIR AT 300 (149 UNTIL ALL FAD PARTS HAVE REACHED THERMAL EQUILIBRIUM, AND WITHOUT ANY DETERIORATING EFFECTS TO THE FAN WHICH WOULD CAUSE UNSAFE OPERATION. ABNORMAL FLARE -UP TEST EXHAUST FAN MUST OPERATE CONTINUOUSLY WHILE EXHAUSTING BURNING GREASE VAPORS AT 600 1316'C) FOR A PERIOD OF 15 MINUTES WITHOUT THE FAN BECOMING DAMAGED TO A Y EXTENT THAT COULD CAUSE AN UNSAFE CONDITION, OPTIONS GREASE BOX FAN 44 011290FA FXHAIIST FAN 25 1/ 25 1/2 2 37 3/8' L 12 1/8-1 IL 36 3/4' FAN AP NCAIAFA FXHAIICT FAN 18 1/2 33 FEATURES! ROOF MOUNTED FANS UL705 VARIABLE SPEED CONTROL INTERNAL WIRING WEATHERPROOF DISCONNECT THERI AL OVERLOAD PROTECTION (SINGLE PHASE) TTIONS 115 -BDD DAMPER SCR -11 BIRD SCREEN 40 1/8' AIRFLOW ik SERVICE DISCONNECT SWITCH BLOWER /MOTOR ACCESS DOOR 39 3/C DUCTWORK BETWEEN EXHAUST RISER ON HOOD AND FAN (BY OTHERS) REASE DRAIN 23 1/2 �16 l/2 -19 /2 39 24 28 135 7/8' 42 1 /8' DIRECT FIRED MODULE 39 9/16 -1' NPT -7 13/16 .G a FFA TURF S. ROOF MOUNTED FANS RESTAURANT MODEL UL762 AMCA SOUND AND AIR CERTIFIED WIRING FROM MOTOR TO DISCONNECT SWITCH WEATHERPROOF DISCONNECT HIGH HEAT OPERATION 300 (149'C) GREASE CLASSIFICATION TESTING NORMAL TEMPERATURE TEST EXHAUST FAN MUST OPERATE CONTINUOUSLY WHILE EXHAUSTING AIR AT 300'F (149'C) UNTIL ALL FAN PARTS HAVE REACHED THERMAL EQUILIBRIUM, AND WITHOUT ANY DETERIORATING EFFECTS TO THE FAN WHICH WOULD CAUSE UNSAFE OPERATION. ABNORMAL FLARE -UP TEST EXHAUST FAN MUST OPERATE CONTINUOUSLY WHILE EXHAUSTING BURNING GREASE VAPORS AT 600'F (316 FOR A PERIOD OF 15 MINUTES WITHOUT THE FAN BECOMING DAMAGED TO ANY EXTENT THAT COULD CAUSE AN UNSAFE CONDITION. OPTIONS GREASE BOX AIRFLOW V S) REVISIONS Q 3 0 Cu DATE: 10/23/2009 DWG.tk Fan 5- 1038490 DRAWN BY SCALE: Not T Scale FAN SHEET NO. 6 of 9 Direct Fired Heater Wiring 7 8 If 11 13 14 15 1E 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 DRAWING NUMBER DF1038490 3 SW -01 BK 2 BK 3 4 BK i 3 aGR 7a- 4 2 S 5 OL -01 95, BY 200 BK RK CB- 01 BK TR -01 WH P" 01 PS 14,12 1 BK C ND kK i N C OR 6H NC 27 HK RE 10 wM -o 24 VAC F Coli o F Interlock' T -nl A2 Al I JOB NAME Elwha Heritage Center Final I JOB NUMBER 1038490 b cl (LINE 4 7 c OR 1,7 14 od E 2c 30 G Y 8iS8 Y BK K 40 Sc RR 7� 510 00 0 FSC -01 FR -U1 01 0 RD o c BK 030 TS -05 ST -01 OL -0l Li T1 Ti x BK L TE T2 BK GR I P11[13 T3 BK 1 MT -Ol MT -02 BK 1 /1 c RE lU C 1 O P, Ia10 FD 1, TS -02 C NC BK �"OR TR -03 L1L- Sx B1L SF ARK PLUG LOW FIRE START AMPLIFIER 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 5 b 7 0, 0 0 0 0 GY WH TR -02 BR 1 24 BL VA 01 BR 15 WH TR -04 YW 24 BL VA-02 0 8 MA -01 0 BL OW I D VA-03 WH WH WH WH WH I DATE 10/23/2009 MODEL A D 500 -G15 in =tailed fntinr, Moto iztd Back Dr oft Di ]per Di ch rge T 'p. Co tr of 24V AC IntP lock Relay Lnnnpnoi it I dentifirntinn Lobel lle-x, intinn I oLation CB 01 Ci cuit b esker :tamp. [3] FR -01 Fla od FCC F' ESC MA -01 Modulotng isplif split PS -01 Lao Air flu itcf PS-02 0141 Ar -floir S, itch MINIMUM CIRCUIT AMPACITY 13.03 NOTES DENOTES FIELD WIRING DENOTES INTERNAL WIRING [16] [11 14] [19] MT -01 Supply ohs [2] MT -02 Donpo of [5] -W 03 SL -01 Supply otr vertoad [037] S3 S1 ST -01 Supply rto, it to [27['7[9] RE 10 AC Into lock Relay [10][17] rW -01 Mai disco, ct itch [2] °W 03 Do ape d li it itch [4] TR -01 Po t, ■f 201k u12] TR -02 Po t, 'f 20 11121 TR -03 Igriti tr afo [14] TR -04 Fo tr sf c0v [17] TS -02 High to li it itch [In] TS -03 Irtoke tt -tit [10] TS -05 Discharge Ai [21] VA 01 Pilot go alv [13] VA -02 Mr go olv [18] VA -03 Moduluti g go DI [20] Motor Info Supply. HF 3 VOLTS 3 phis 208 V FLA 9,5 LONTACTOR 100- K12D10M OVERLOAD 193 -KC10 TERMINALS S4 AND S6 USED ON AF SERIES ACTUATORS TERMINAL 11 PROVIDES COOLING CONNECTION WIRE COI OR YW YELLOW RD RED SR GREEN WH WHITE BR BROWN GY GRAY PK PINK OR ORANGE PR PURPLE Installation Wiring DRAWING NUMBER 821038490 -3 Gal -flex conduit (in unit) 120 V 1 PH Factory wiring See above details Gal -flex conduit (in unit) Disconnect Disconnect Switch Switch Fustone Custone upplied upplied nog f ring from building building power or pr po or pre BK WH GR panel control BK RD GR wired ontrot pa Power Connection I JOB NAME El vha Heritage Center Final I JOB NUMBER 240 V 1 PH. Factory 7 wiring 1038490 208/460/600 V 3 PH. Gal -flex conduit (in unit) C usto upplied ng f on building po pr BK BK BK GR ed ntrol pa el 1/ Disconnect Switch Factory wiring IC REVISIONS 1 mr ,o I DATE 10/23/2009 AI Al I MODEL A2 D.500 G15 I installed Ilntinnc Cnrnoonent Identifirntion Lobel Dasrri tr7 ion I nrntinn N_Ui WIRE CHI OR BK BLACK YW YELLOW BL BLUE GR GREEN BR BROWN GY GRAY OR ORANGE PR PURPLE RD RED PK PINK WH WHITE J 3 Er Co DATE: 10/23/2009 DWGAA H, rater Wiring -8- 103841 0 DRAWN BY SCALE: Not To Scale HEATERWIRING SHEET NO. 7 of 9 R A E ELECTRICAL PACKAGES NO. TAG PACKAGE it LOCATION 321110KT Utility Cab et Left SWITCHES LOCATION I Utility Cabinet Left QUANTITY I Light Hood 4 1 1 F ROOFTOP STARTERS OPTION Exha st On Fir F On /Off The statically,Llghts ut fir FANS CONTROLLED TYPE I 0 I H.P VOLT' FLA Exho st 3 Exho st Supply 3 3 0.750 0.750 3.000 208 208 208 57 2.7 9.5 ELECTRICAL PREWIRE PACKAGE I JOB NAME Elwha Heritage Center Frnoi DATE DRAMA, NUMBER 321110KT I JOB NUMBER 1038490 CONTROL INPUT 120VAC H1 -LINE, N1= NEUTRAL 15A BKR DO NOT WIRE TO SHUNT TRIP BREAKER 2 Al ST -1 OL 1 18 1 0 15 E' OP.A 96 ,95 51 04 DS Delay S 2 L 3 TIMER (30 mw) OR AST -A2 g0925 4 5 6 R1 -1 xii N C� 0 7 NO T -.m OL -3 tW A1A_ 96,,9E 10 11 13 14 16 17 18 INPUT F L1 E', 3 WIRE I2 E, 3 PHASE___ L3 cl\ 19 20 21 INPUT L4 C 3 WIRE L5 2� PHASE C 23 24 H1 01 FS 0 LN o Ni WH 4 (Fan Switch Shown Installed) LIGHTS OUT IN FIRE CONDITION. 3 PHASE 208V ST -1 OL -1 LI, TI Tl L2 T\\ L3, T3 T3 PHASE 208V ST -3 OL -3 LI T1 T1 T \T" Ls T3. 3 PHASE 208V ST -2 OL -2 L1, T LZ, 42 I T_2 L3, TT 3 WH WH WH BK DS -U1 TI -04 Rog A2 WH •BK MS -1NC BK K1 �JumPer p C1 r C_ 1 AR1C; NO �TR1C� BK RL LIGHT INPUT 120VAC H2 H5 =LINE, N2 N5= NEUTRAL 15A BKR 15 LS 01 RI -2 Jumper H2 BR B ��I p LS 61 BK WH W 61 p N2 CF DRAWN BY 3 Phase W/ 2 Exhaust Fans, 1 Supply Fan, Exhaust in Fire Lights out in Fire Fan On /Off Thermostatically Controlled (One Stat Per Exhaust Riser) COMPONENT PARTS LIST L OF90PIPTQ I OCATION C —x Contacto ST Starte OL Overload F5 —x Fa Switch (Lighted) LS —x Light Switch (1400W ma L Hood Light(s) MS —x °Switch (An ul /PyroChem) Rx Relay DPDT 34.110.0146.0 IDS— Duct Thermostat 1E289 -85 (Se Note 1) I0-04 Off Delay Time R77— FSB3HU23 SPARE FIRE PRY CONTACTS SPARE RELAY CONTACTS USED WHEN FIRE SYSTEM DISCHARGES TO SHUT DOWN SHUNT TRIP, EQUIPMENT OR PROVIDE SIGNALS. MGM NO Rx RR AY SOCKET STYLE "COON" C NO 4 3 NO —BL RO NC 2 1 NC —PR COIL 8 I e s 10/23/2009 NOTES TERMINAL FOR FIELD WIRING TO BUILDING ORE PANEL, DRY CONTACTS FOR SIGNAL ONLY ITR: Tripped, AS Armed, C Comm. I Rn MS R N MS -x Mi °Switch C —RD NO —BK NC —BR Motor Type PH Volt HP FLA BREAKER Exh -1 Exh 3 208 0.75 2 7 20 Amp Sup -3 Sup 3 208 3 9 5 Amp Exh -2 Exh 3 208 0.75 2.7 15 Amp DENOTES FIELD WIRING DENOTES INTERNAL WIRING WIRE COLOR BK BLACK YW YELLOW BL BLUE GY GRAY BR BROWN PR PURPLE OR ORANGE OR /BL ORANGE /BLUE (STRIPE) RD RED BL /RD BLUE /RED (STRIPE) WH WHITE RD /GN RED /GREEN (STRIPE) UKAWING SHOWN DE- ENERGIZED NOTE. IF WALL MOUNT PREWIRE, OR FIELD INSTALLED FIRE SYSTEM MICROSWITCH, THE TERMINALS SHOWING rACTORY WIRING MUST BE FIELD WIRED 12 x 18 x 6 Box NOTE 1 DUCT THERMOSTATS FIELD WIRED WHEN RISERS SHIPPED LOOSE IF MULTIPLE THERMOSTATS, THEY ARE WIRED IN PARALLEL WITH DS -01 I� REVISIONS Al arx.IP„a~ I aA,t Al I Al I Al I c DRAWN BY DATE 10/23/2009 DWO.A# ECP 9- 1038490 SCALE: Not T Scale ECP SHEET NO. 8 of 9 01 CONTROL PANEL INSTALLATION DRAWING NUMBER 321110KT HOOD TO CONTROL PANEL 6 RED PILOT FAN SWITCH BL 7 OR WH 8 LIGHT SWITCH BK 9 10 11 FIRE SYSTEM MICROSWITCH WIRING TO CONTROL PANEL 12 13 14 15 17 23 24 BR HOOD LIGHTS: ANSUL OR PYROCHEM MS -1 FIRE SYSTEM MICROSWITCH BUILDING FIRE PANEL MS -2 18 FAN 19 BREAKER PANEL, 20 SEE DRAWING 21 MOTOR E TABLE FOR 22 BREAKER SIZING BR BK RD BR BK RD BK WH 1 AR1 N TRI I CS HAR21 (TR21 C2 H L1 H 1 L2 I- 1 L3 1-- H L4 i N11 7 JOB NAME Elwha Heritage Center Final DATE I JOB NUMBEP 1038490 1 B I GN WH BK BL WH OR 5 Light switch and fan switch mounted on the face of the hood and control panel mounted separately then field wir to the control panel as shown. FIELD WIRED SWITCHES TO CONTROL PANEL CONNECTIONS 1 Al IN CONTROL PANEL B (No Lights out in F"r�l f or LS (Lights out in fi 120VAC SHUNT TRIP BREAKER WIRING TO CONTROL PANEL CONTROL PANEL NEUTRAL WH �F STARTER STARTER 1 PHASE 115 VOLT 1 Ll 1 —I CONTACTOR i L2 1 iFN2 CONTACTOR CONTROL PANEL ---GROUND 1 12I LIGHT SWITCH 1 HI 1 PILOT NI FA i Al 1 SWITCH SHUNT NOTE. IF NO FIRE SYSTEM ON HOOD JUMPER Cl AND AR1 FAN WIRING TO CONTROL 16 PANEL 3 PHASE 208/460/575 VOLT 1 PHASE 208/230 VOLT B (No Lights out in Fit or LS (Lights out in fire) TO FAN #1 TO FAN #2 y TO FAN #1 -1 TO FAN #2 i TO FAN #1 1 TO FAN #2 POWER FEED FOR CONTROLS AND LIGHTINI: BREAKER PANEL CONTROL 120V 15A BREAKS LIGHT 120V 15A BREAKS DUCT STAT FOR CONTROL PANEL FAN SWITCH OVERRIDII MICRO– SWITCHES WIRING WHEN MULTIPLE FIRE SYSTEMS CONNECTED TO ONE ELECTRICAL PANEL (3 SHOWN HERE) NORMALLY CLOSED FS #1 I [NORMALLY OPEN COMMON NORMALLY CLOSED FS I NORMALLY OPEN COMMON NORMALLY CLOSED FS I [NORMALLY OPEN I COMMON ELECTRIC GAS VALVE WITH RESET REL :Y ELECTRIC GAS VALVE (INSTALLED BY PLUMBER) MANUAL CONTROL PANEL RESET RELAY V {HO 4 o- -AR11 DRAWN BY BC BL BR OR RD WH GN BK DS RD 10/23/2009 CONTROL PANEL I H21 i N2 I -iDSII 1 H1 I CONTROL PANEL HARD -1 HI I NIOTF ;{TRII DENOTES FIELD WIRING DENOTES INTERNAL WIRING WIRE COLOR BLACK YW YELLOW BLUE GY GRAY BROWN PR PURPLE ORANGE OR /BL ORANGE /BLUE RED (STRIPE) WHITE BL /RD BLUE /RED GREEN (STRIPE) RD /GN RED /GREEN (STRIPE) I' REVISIONS A! m_,�arimi i Al I AI I 01 I E Cu (/1 DATE: 10/23/2009 DWG ECP 10- 1038490 DRAWN BY: SCALE: Not To Scol ECP TRANSMITTAL TO Jim Lierly City of Port Angeles PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone: (360) 417 -4816 Fax: (360) 417 -4711 DATE. December 7, 2009 PROJECT Elwha Klallam Heritage Center Job 2007 -0004 ISSUED FOR. VIA. CC File michael @gentryarchitecture.com carol @gentryarchitecture.com www.gentryarchitecture.com A PROFESSIONAL LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY We are Transmitting: Herewith Bid Estimate Mail Fax REMARKS: For your reference. n Under Separate Cover Construction Record Couner By Hand Quantity Identification 1 I Kitchen Submittals from Olympic Restaurant Equipment RECEWED DEC 0 8 2009 CITY OF PORT ANGESGES BUILDING DIVISION Approval Review Overnight GENTRY ARCHITECTURE COLLABORATIVE MICHAEL T GENTRY AIA 115 E RAILROAD AVE. SUITE 308 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 O 360 457 7550 F 360 457.2929 Description Binder OLYMPIC RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT 51 Dryke Rd. Sequim, WA 98382 Phone: 360 -582 -1050 Fax 360- 683 -3455 mfo a ,olvmnicrestauranteuuinment.com www olympicrestaurantequipment.com *09-\LL\ Lt° 1 E 5i S ELWHA HERITAGE CENTER KITCHEN RECEgVED DEC 0 8 2009 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION J) eT. 4 SHELVES Size POLYLBRITE CHROME W" x L Model No. Model No 18 x 24 18246Z 18246C 18 x 30 183062 18306C 18 x 36 18366Z 18366C 18 x 42 184262 18426C 18 x 48 184862 18486C 18 x 54 18546Z 18546C 18 x 60 186062 18606C 18 x 72 18726Z 18726C 21 x 24 212462 21246C 21 x 30 21306Z 21306C 21 x 36 21366Z 21366C 21 x 42 21426Z 21426C 21 x 48 214862 21486C 21 x 54 21546Z 21546C 21 x 60 21606Z 21606C 21 x 72 21726Z 21726C 24 x 24 242462 24246C 24 x 30 243062 24306C 24 x 36 243662 24366C 24 x 42 24426Z 24426C 24 x 48 4 244862 24486C 24 x 54 245462 24546C 24 x 60 246062 24606C 24 x 72 24726Z 24726C 63 "H JVE7 ELO1 Model No. 24246N 24306N 24366N 24426N 24486N 24546N 24606N 24726N STARTER SHELVING UNITS 242472 243072 24367Z 244272 24487Z 245472 246072 247272 NOTE: FOR 5 SHELF UNITS PLEASE CONSULT YOUR NEXEL PRICE LIST Nexel Industries Inc_ Starter Unit consists of 4 posts, 4 shelves and plastic shelf clips in the height and shelf size indicated. Select from 4 shelf or 5 shelf units in choice of finishes: Poly -Z- Brite, Chrome or Nexelon. SHELF DIVIDERS 4 SHELVES POLYIBRITE CHROME DOCUMENT UTILITY BASKET HOLDER Hooks onto wire shelf in any location. Chrome finish. 123/a" x 2' x 8 I Model No. Model No. Model No LEDGES 24247C 24307C 24367C 24427C 24487C 24547C 24607C 24727C 74 "H AH .JVDCELOAL Model No. 24247N 24307N 24367N 24427N 24487N4 24547N 24607N 24727N Installs easily without the use of bolts, nuts or clips. Attaches at any point along shelf. 8" high. Chrome finish. 14 18 21 24 30 36 Nexelwire corn Size" Model No. I 14 18 21 24 30 36 AD814C AD818C AD821C AD824C AD834C AD830C Organizes files and manuals. Open mesh design provides high visibility. Chrome finish. 17 x 7 x 10' Model No. I ASW177 Snaps onto perimeter of shelf providing 4 'H retaining ledge. If higher ledge is required, stack for 8' 12' etc. Chrome finish. Size' Model No. Size" Model No. AL414C AL418C AL421 C AL424C AL430C AL436C 42 AL442C 48 AL448C 54 AL454C 60 AL460C 72 AL472C 4 SHELVES 86 "11 POLYL'BRIIE CHROME JVEXELOAL Model No. Model No. Model No. 18246N 182472 18247C 18247N 18248Z 18248C 18248N 18306N 183072 18307C 18307N 183082 18308C 18308N 18366N 183672 183670 18367N 183682 18368C 18368N 18426N 184272 18427C 18427N 184282 18428C 18428N 18486N 184872 18487C 18487N 18488Z 18488C 18488N 18546N 18547Z 18547C 18547N 18548Z 18548C 18548N 18606N 186072 18607C 18607N 18608Z 18608C 18608N 18726N 18727Z 18727C 18727N 18728Z 18728C 18728N 21246N 212472 21247C 21247N 21248Z 21248C 2124814 21306N 213072 21307C 21307N 21308Z 21308C 21308N 21366N 213672 21367C 21367N 21368Z 21368C 21368N 21426N 214272 21427C 21427N 21428Z 21428C 21428N 21486N 214872 21487C 21487N 21488Z 21488C 21488N 21546N 215472 21547C 21547N 21548Z 21548C 21548N 21606N 216072 21607C 21607N 21608Z 21608C 21608N 21726N 21727Z 21727C 21727N 21728Z 21728C 21728N 24248Z 24248C 24248N 24308Z 24308C 24308N. 24368Z 24368C 2436814 24428Z 24428C 24428N 244882 24488C 24488N 24548Z 24548C 24548N 24608Z 24608C 24608N 24728Z 24728C 24728N 'Elwha0eritage1enter Olylnpic'Restaurat t Equipirzent Page: 1.'_h Nexit Add On Unit consists of 2 posts 4 shelves, plastic shelf clips and two S- hooks for each shelf ;BOOM FOR SET -UP r ss AT RIGHT ANGLES 4414RTEii <1 .1j1U1T'` ,HOOK; S 24 x 24 24 x 30 x3 24 x 42 ADO-ON SHELVING UNITS S -HOOK I Model No. I AS FOR SET -UP IN A STRAIGHT LINE FOR SET -UP IN A COMBINATION 4 SHELVES Size POLYL-BRI1E CHROME W' x L Model No. Model No. 63 "H ./VF ELOA Model No. 18 x 24 A18246Z A18246C A18246N A18247Z A18247C A18247N Al 8248Z A18248C A18248N 18x 30 A18306Z A18306C A18306N A183072 A18307C A18307N A18308Z A18308C A18308N 18 x 36 A18366Z A18366C A18366N A18367Z A18367C A18367N A183682 A18368C A18368N 18 x42 A18426Z A18426C A18426N A18427Z A18427C A18427N A18428Z A18428C A18428N 18 x48 A184862 A18486C Al 8486N A184872 A18487C A18487N A18488Z A18488C A18488N 18 x 54 A18546Z A18546C A18546N A18547Z A18547C A18547N A185482 A18548C A18548N 18 x 60 A186062 A18606C A18606N A186072 A18607C A18607N A18608Z A18608C A18608N 18 x 72 A18726Z A18726C A18726N A187272 A18727C A18727N A18728Z A18728C A18728N 21x24 A21246Z A21246C A21246N A212472 A21247C A21247N A21248Z A21248C A21248N 21 x 30 A21306Z A21306C A21306N A21307Z A21307C A21307N A21308Z A21308C A21308N 21 x 36 A21366Z A21366C A21366N A21367Z A21367C A21367N A21368Z A21368C A21368N 21 x 42 A21426Z A21426C A21426N A21427Z A21427C A21427N A21428Z A21428C A21428N 21 x 48 A21486Z A21486C A21486N A21487Z A21487C A21487N A21488Z A21488C A21488N 21 x 54 A21546Z A21546C A21546N A215472 A21547C A21547N A21548Z A21548C A21548N 21 x 60 A21606Z A21606C A21606N A21607Z A21607C A21607N A21608Z A21608C A21608N 21x 72 A217262 A21726C A21726N A217272 A21727C A21727N A21728Z A21728C A21728N A24246Z A24246C A24246N A24247Z A24247C A24247N A24248Z A24248C A24248N A24306Z A24306C A24306N A243072 A24307C A24307N. A24308Z A24308C A24308N A24366Z A24366C A24366N A24367Z A24367C A24367111 A24368Z A24368C A24368N A244262 A24426C A24426N A24427Z A24427C A24427N A24428Z A24428C A24428N 24 x 48 A24486Z A24486C A24486N A24487Z A24487C A24487N A244882 A24488C A24488N 24 x 54 A24546Z A24546C A24546N A245472 A24547C A24547N A24548Z A24548C A24548N 24 x 60 A24606Z A24606C A24606N A24607Z A24607C A24607N A24608Z A24608C A24608N 24 x 72 A24726Z A24726C A24726N A24727Z A24727C A24727N A24728Z A24728C A24728N NOTE: FOR 5 SHELF UNITS PLEASE CONSULT YOUR NEXEL PRICE LIST STARTER UNIT Model No. 18366Z ADD ON_ UNIT Model No. Al 8366Z 4 SHELVES 74 "H 4 SHELVES 86 "H POIY-IBRAE CHROME .f%J FIlIA/ POLIFEBFtJTE CHROME JVOCEUIAL Model No. Model No. Model No. Model No. Model No. Model No. Food Service Health Care Industrial Commercial :EPi'h 1eritage Center Olyinpic Restaurarit>Equipinent page: `TA.1` 4 SHELVES Size POLYL•BRITE CHROME W' x L Model No. Model No. 63 "H VEX ELOt Model No. 18 x 24 182462 18246C 18246N 18247Z 18247C 18247N 18 x30 18306Z 18306C 18306N 18307Z 18307C 18307N 18 x 36 18366Z 18366C 18366N 18367Z 18367C 18367N 18 x 42 18426Z 18426C 18426N 18427Z 18427C 18427N 18 x 48 18486Z 18486C 18486N 18487Z 18487C 18487N 18 x 54 18546Z 18546C 18546N 18547Z 18547C 18547N 18 x 60 18606Z 18606C 18606N 18607Z 18607C 18607N 18 x 72 18726Z 18726C 18726N 18727Z 18727C 18727N 21 x 24 21246Z 21246C 21246N 21247Z 21247C 21247N 21 x 30 21306Z 21306C 21306N 213072 213070 21307N 21 x 36 21366Z 21366C 21366N 21367Z 21367C 21367N 21 x 42 21426Z 21426C 21426N 21427Z 21427C 21427N 21 x 48 21486Z 21486C 21486N 21487Z 21487C 21487N 21 x 54 215462 21546C 21546N 21547Z 21547C 21547N 21 x 60 21606Z 21606C 21606N 21607Z 21607C 21607N 21 x 72 217262 21726C 21726N 21727Z 21727C 21727N 24 x 24 24246Z 24246C 24246N 24247Z 24247C 24247N 24 x 30 24306Z 24306C 24306N 24307Z 24307C 24307N 24 x 36 24366Z 24366C 24366N 243672 24367C 24367N 24 x 42 24426Z 24426C 24426N 24427Z 24427C 24427N 24 x 48 24486Z 24486C 24486N 24487Z 24487C 24487N 24 x 54 24546Z 24546C 24546N 24547Z 24547C 24547N 24606Z 24606C 24606N 24607Z 24607C 2469,7N 24726Z 24726C 24726N 24727Z 24727C 1 p24727141 NOTE: FOR 5 SHELF UNITS PLEASE CONSLLT YOUR NEXEL PRICE LIST Nexel Industries Inc_ STARTER SHELVING UNITS Starter Unit consists of 4 posts, 4 shelves and plastic shelf clips in the height and shelf size indicated. Select from 4 shelf or 5 shelf units in choice of finishes: Poly -Z- Brite, Chrome or Nexelon. Hooks onto wire shelf in any location. Chrome finish. 12 x 2" x 8 /e' HOLDER SHELF DIVIDERS Installs easily without the use of bolts, nuts or clips. Attaches at any point along shelf. 8" high. Chrome finish. Size" Model No. 14 AD814C 18 AD818C 21 AD821C 24 AD824C 30 AD834C 36 AD830C DOCUMENT UTILITY BASKET Nexelwire com Organizes files and manuals. Open mesh design provides high visibility. Chrome finish. 17 X 7 X 10' Model No. I ASW177 Snaps onto perimeter of shelf providing 4 "H retaining ledge. If higher ledge is required, stack for 8" 12' etc. Chrome finish. Size" Model No. Size" Model No. 14 18 21 24 30 36 4 SHELVES 74 "H 4 SHELVES 86 "H POLYL CHROME JtfE ELOP1r POLYL•BRJTE CHROME JVEKEDAL Model No. Model No. Model No. Model No. Model No. Model No. 18248Z 183082 18368Z 18428Z 184882 18548Z 18608Z 187282 21248Z 21308Z 21368Z 214282 21488Z 215482 21608Z 21728Z 24248Z 24308Z 24368Z 244282 24488Z 24548Z 24608Z 24728Z AL414C AL418C AL421C AL424C AL430C AL436C 18248C 183080 18368C 184280 18488C 18548C 18608C 18728C 21248C 21308C 21368C 21428C 21488C 21548C 21608C 21728C 24248C 24308C 24368C 24428C 24488C 24548C 24608C 247280 42 AL442C 48 AL448C 54 AL454C 60 AL460C 72 AL472C Ei ha °Heritage. Center Q1ylnpic ;Restaurarit'Egiiipment- Page: 1$ 1 18248N 18308N 18368N 18428N 18488N 18548N 18608N 18728N 21248N 21308N 21368N 21428N 21488N 21548N 21608N 21728N 24248N 24308N 24368N 24428N 24488N 24548N 24608N 24728N Size W" x L 24 x 48 24 v 14 x60/ 24 x 72 exel 244862 24546Z 24606Z 24726Z 4 SHELVES 63 "H .POLYIBRI7E CHROME JVIEXELCU11. POLFEBRI E Model No. Model No. Model No. Model No. 24486C 24546C 24606C 24726C 24486N 24546N 24606N 24726N 24487Z 24547Z 24607Z 24727Z NOTE: FOR 5 SHELF UNITS PLEASE CONSULT YOUR NEXEL PRICE LIST Nexel Industries Inc. STARTER SHELVING UNITS Starter Unit consists of 4 posts, 4 shelves and plastic shelf clips in the height and shelf size indicated. Select from 4 shelf or 5 shelf units in choice of finishes: Poly -Z- Brite, Chrome or Nexelon. DOCUMENT UTILITY BASKET HOLDER Hooks onto wire shelf in any location. Chrome finish. 12 x 2" x 8 /a I Model No. i AH I LEDGES 24487C 24547C 24607C 24727C g Y P 14 40ip Elwlia'Henta e� Ol�.m "cR:estaurarit E gutpmenf 4 SHELVES 74 "H 4 SHELVES 86 "H CHROME JVOLON POLYI CHROME J'J x LOA. Model No. Model No. Model No. Model No. Model No. 18 x 24 18246Z 18246C 18246N 18247Z 18247C 18247N 182482 18248C 18248N 18 x 30 18306Z 18306C 18306N 18307Z 18307C 18307N 18308Z 18308C 18308N 18 x 36 18366Z 18366C 18366N 18367Z 18367C 18367N 18368Z 18368C 18368N 18 x 42 18426Z 18426C 18426N 18427Z 18427C 18427N 18428Z 18428C 18428N 18 x 48 18486Z 18486C 18486N 18487Z 18487C 18487N 18488Z 18488C 18488N 18 x 54 18546Z 18546C 18546N 18547Z 18547C 18547N 18548Z 18548C 18548N 18 x 60 18606Z 18606C 18606N 18607Z 18607C 18607N 18608Z 18608C 18608N 18 x 72 18726Z 18726C 18726N 18727Z 18727C 18727N 18728Z 18728C 18728N 21 x 24 21246Z 21246C 21246N 212477 21247C 21247N 21248Z 21248C 21248N 21 x 30 21306Z 21306C 21306N 21307Z 21307C 21307N 21308Z 21308C 21308N 21 x 36 21366Z 21366C 21366N 21367Z 21367C 21367N 21368Z 21368C 21368N 21 x 42 21426Z 21426C 21426N 214272 21427C 21427N 21428Z 21428C 21428N 21 x 48 21486Z 21486C 21486N 21487Z 21487C 21487N 21488Z 21488C 21488N 21 x 54 21546Z 21546C 21546N 21547Z 21547C 21547N 215482 21548C 21548N 21 x 60 21606Z 21606C 21606N 216077 21607C 21607N 216082 21608C 21608N 21 x 72 21726Z 21726C 21726N 21727Z 21727C 21727N 21728Z 21728C 21728N 24 x 24 24246Z 24246C 24246N 24247Z 24247C 24247N 24248Z 24248C 24248N 24 x 30 24306Z 24306C 24306N 24307Z 24307C 24307N 24308Z 24308C 24308N 24 x 36 243662 24366C 24366N 24367Z 24367C 24367N 24368Z 24368C 24368N 24 x 42 244262 24426C 24426N 24427Z 24427C 24427N 24428Z 24428C 24428N 24487N 24547N 124607NII 24727N Size" Model No. 14 AL414C 18 AL418C 21 AL421C 24 AL424C 30 AL430C 36 AL436C Nexelwire corn SHELF DIVIDERS Installs easily without the use of bolts, nuts or clips. Attaches at any point along shelf. 8" high. Chrome finish. Size" Model No. 14 AD814C 18 AD818C 21 AD821C 24 AD824C 30 AD834C 36 AD830C Organizes files and manuals. Open mesh design provides high visibility Chrome finish. 17 x 7 x 10' Model No. I ASW177I Snaps onto perimeter of shelf providing 4'H retaining ledge. If higher ledge is required, stack for 8' 12' etc. Chrome finish. Size" Model No. 42 AL442C 48 AL448C 54 AL454C 60 AL460C 72 AL472C 244882 24488C 24488N 24548Z 24548C 24548N 24608Z 24608C 24608N 24728Z 24728C 24728N ag 'I C =;1 18 x 24 18 x 30 18 x 36 18 x 42 18 x 48 18 x 54 18 x 60 18x72 21 x 24 21 x 30 21 x 36 21 x 42 21 x 48 21 x 54 21 x 60 21 x 72 24 x 24 24 x g0 124x3F1 24 x 42 24 x 48 24 x 54 24 x 60 24 x 72 INDUSTRIES 4 SHELVES 63 "H Size POLYCBRIIE CHROME JV LQN W' x L Model No. Model No Model No. 18246Z 18306Z 18366Z 18426Z 18486Z 18546Z 186062 18726Z 21246Z 21306Z 21366Z 21426Z 21486Z 21546Z 216062 217262 242462 243062 24366Z 24426Z 24486Z 24546Z 24606Z 24726Z 18246C 18306C 18366C 18426C 18486C 18546C 18606C 18726C 21246C 21306C 21366C 21426C 21486C 21546C 21606C 21726C 24246C 24306C 24366C 24426C 24486C 24546C 24606C 24726C 18246N 18306N 18366N 18426N 18486N 18546N 18606N 18726N 21246N 21306N 21366N 21426N 21486N 21546N 21606N 21726N 24246N 24306N 24366N 24426N 24486N 24546N 24606N 24726N STARTER SHELVING UNITS Model No. 18247Z 18307Z 18367Z 18427Z 184872 185472 18607Z 187272 21247Z 213072 21367Z 214272 214872 21547Z 21607Z 217272 24247Z 24307Z 24367Z 244272 24487Z 24547Z 24607Z 24727Z NOTE: FOR 5 SHELF UNITS PLEASE CONSULT YOUR NEXEL PRICE LIST Nexel Industries Inc. Starter Unit consists of 4 posts, 4 shelves and plastic shelf dips in the height and shelf size indicated. Select from 4 shelf or 5 shelf units in choice of finishes: Poly -Z- Brite, Chrome or Nexelon. DOCUMENT UTILITY BASKET HOLDER Hooks onto wire shelf in any location. Chrome finish. 12 x 2" x 8 /a' 4 SHELVES 74 "H POLY7BRIIE CHROME JVID ELOAL Model No. Model No. 18247C 18307C 18367C 18427C 18487C 18547C 18607C 18727C 21247C 21307C 21367C 21427C 21487C 21547C 21607C 21727C 24247C 24307C 124367C! 24427C 24487C 24547C 24607C 24727C 18247N 18307N 18367N 18427N 18487N 18547N 18607N 18727N 21247N 21307N 21367N 21427N 21487N 21547N 21607N 21727N 24247N 24307N 24367N 24427N 24487N 24547N 24607N 24727N SHELF DIVIDERS Installs easily without the use of bolts, nuts or clips. Attaches at any point along shelf. 8" high. Chrome finish. Size° Model No. 14 AD814C 18 21 24 30 36 Nexelwire com AD818C AD821C AD824C AD834C AD830C Organizes files and manuals. Open mesh design provides high visibility Chrome finish. 17 x 7 2 10' I Model No. I ASW177 Snaps onto perimeter of shelf providing 4 "H retaining ledge. If higher ledge is required, stack for 8' 12' etc. Chrome finish. Size Model No. 14 AL414C 18 AL418C 21 AL421C 24 AL424C 30 AL430C 36 AL436C Size' Model No. 42 AL442C 48 AL448C 54 AL454C 60 AL460C 72 AL472C 4SHELVES 86 "H POLYLBR/1E CHROME JyoCErON Model No. Model No. Model No. 18248Z 18308Z 18368Z 18428Z 184882 185482 186082 18728Z 21248Z 21308Z 213682 21428Z 21488Z 21548Z 216082 217282 24248Z 24308Z 24368Z 24428Z 24488Z 24548Z 246082 24728Z 18248C 18308C 18368C 18428C 18488C 18548C 18608C 18728C 21248C 21308C 21368C 21428C 21488C 21548C 21608C 21728C 24248C 24308C 24368C 24428C 24488C 24548C 24608C 24728C E1whasiHeiitage'Center O1ympic Restaurant:Equipment :Pagp::2 i 18248N 18308N 18368N 18428N 18488N 18548N 18608N 18728N 21248N 21308N 21368N 21428N 21488N 21548N 21608N 21728N 24248N 24308N 24368N 24428N 24488N 24548N 24608N 24728N Size W" x L 24 x 48 24x54_ '24x601 24 x 72 O 4 SHELVES POLYLBRI/E CHROME Model No. Model No. 63 "H _IVEKEZDAL Model No. NOTE: FOR 5 SHELF UNITS PLEASE CONSL LT YOUR NEXEL PRICE LIST STARTER SHELVING UNITS Starter Unit consists of 4 posts, 4 shelves and plastic shelf clips in the height and shelf size indicated. Select from 4 shelf or 5 shelf units in choice of finishes: Poly -Z- Brite, Chrome or Nexelon. DOCUMENT UTILITY BASKET HOLDER Hooks onto wire shelf in any location. Chrome finish. 12 x 2" x 83/4 LEDGES 4 SHELVES 74 "H .POLY CHROME N J" LQN Model No. Model No. Model No. 18 x 24 182462 18246C 18246N 18247Z 18247C 18247N 18 x 30 18306Z 18306C 18306N 18307Z 18307C 18307N 18 x 36 18366Z 18366C 18366N 183672 18367C 18367N 18 x 42 18426Z 18426C 18426N 18427Z 18427C 18427N 18 x 48 18486Z 18486C 18486N 184872 18487C 18487N 18 x 54 185462 18546C 18546N 18547Z 18547C 18547N 18 x 60 18606Z 18606C 18606N 186072 18607C 18607N 18 x 72 18726Z 18726C 18726N 18727Z 187270 18727N 21 x 24 21246Z 21246C 21246N 212472 21247C 21247N 21 x 30 21306Z 21306C 21306N 213072 21307C 21307N 21 x 36 21366Z 21366C 21366N 21367Z 21367C 21367N 21 x 42 21426Z 21426C 21426N 21427Z 21427C 21427N 21 x 48 21486Z 21486C 21486N 21487Z 21487C 21487N 21 x 54 21546Z 21546C 21546N 21547Z 21547C 21547N 21 x 60 21606Z 21606C 21606N 21607Z 21607C 21607N 21 x 72 217262 21726C 21726N 21727Z 21727C 21727N 24 x 24 24246Z 24246C 24246N 24247Z 24247C 24247N 24 x 30 24306Z 24306C 24306N 243072 24307C 24307N 24 x 36 24366Z 243660 24366N 24367Z 24367C 24367N 24 x 42 24426Z 24426C 24426N 244272 24427C 24427N 24486Z 24486C 24486N 24487Z 24487C 24487N 24546Z 24546C 24546N 24547Z 24547C 24547N 24606Z 24606C 24606N 24607Z 24607 24607N 24726Z 24726C 24726N 24727Z 2 27C 24727N SHELF DIVIDERS Installs easily without the use of bolts, nuts or clips. Attaches at any point along shelf. 8" high. Chrome finish. Nexel Industries Inc. 1 Nexelwire cam Size" Model No. 14 AD814C 18 AD818C 21 AD821C 24 AD824C 30 AD834C 36 AD830C Organizes files and manuals. Open mesh design provides high visibility. Chrome finish. 17 x 7'/2' x 10' 14 18 21 24 30 36 <°r 1 Model No. 1 ASW177 Snaps onto perimeter of shelf providing 4 "H retaining ledge. If higher ledge is required, stack for 8' 12' etc. Chrome finish. Size Model No. Size Model No. AL414C AL418C AL421C AL424C AL430C AL436C 42 48 54 60 72 4 SHELVES 86 "H POLYL CHROME .NEATLOAL Model No. Model No. Model No. 18248Z 18248C 18248N 18308Z 18308C 18308N 18368Z 18368C 18368N 184282 18428C 18428N 18488Z 18488C 18488N 18548Z 18548C 18548N 18608Z 18608C 18608N 18728Z 18728C 18728N 21248Z 21248C 21248N 21308Z 213080 21308N 21368Z 21368C 21368N 21428Z 21428C 21428N 21488Z 21488C 21488N 21548Z 21548C 21548N 21608Z 21608C 21608N 217282 21728C 21728N 24248Z 24248C 24248N 24308Z 24308C 24308N 24368Z 24368C 24368N 24428Z 24428C 24428N 244882 24488C 24488N 24548Z 24548C 24548N 24608Z 24608C 24608N 24728Z 247280 24728N Ewha Herita e 0.w ha g Center Olympic: °Restaurants Equipment Page: 2A AL442C AL448C AL454C AL460C AL472C 4 SHELVES 63 "H Size POLYLBRI1E CHROME JVEXELOAL W x L Model No. Model No. Model No. 18 x24 18246Z 18246C 18246N 182472 18247C 18 x 30 18306Z 18306C 18306N 183072 18307C 18 x 36 18366Z 18366C 18366N 18367Z 18367C 18 x 42 18426Z 18426C 18426N 18427Z 18427C 18 x 48 18486Z 18486C 18486N 18487Z 18487C 18 x 54 18546Z 18546C 18546N 185472 18547C 18 x60 18606Z 18606C 18606N 18607Z 18607C 18x72 187262 18726C 18726N 187272 18727C 21 x 24 21246Z 21246C 21246N 212472 21247C 21 21306Z 21306C 21306N 21307Z 21307C 21 x 36 21366Z 21366C 21366N 21367Z 21367C 21 x 42 21426Z 21426C 21426N 21427Z 21427C 21 x 48 21486Z 21486C 21486N 21487Z 21487C 21 x 54 21546Z 21546C 21546N 215472 21547C 21 x 60 21606Z 21606C 21606N 216072 21607C 21 x 72 21726Z 21726C 21726N 21727Z 21727C 24 x 24 24246Z 24246C 24246N 24247Z 24247C 24 x 30 24306Z 24306C 24306N 243072 24307C 24 x 36i 24366Z 24366C 24366N 243672 II24367c 24 42 24426Z 24426C 24426N 24427Z 24427C 24 x 48 24486Z 24486C 24486N 24487Z 24487C 24 x 54 245462 24546C 24546N 24547Z 24547C 24 x 60 24606Z 24606C 24606N 24607Z 24607C 24 x 72 247262 24726C 24726N 24727Z 24727C NOTE: FOR 5 SHELF UNITS PLEASE CONSULT YOUR NEXEL PRICE LIST STARTER SHELVING UNITS DOCUMENT HOLDER Hooks onto wire shelf in any location. Chrome finish. 12 x 2" x 8 /e' I Model No. LEDGES 4 SHELVES 74 "H POLL LBRIIE CHROME JVOCEIOAI Model No. Model No. Model No. Nexel Industries Inc. I Nexelwire.com •Etwha Heritage-Center =O1yriipie kestauran0quip"tnent 18247N 18307N 18367N 18427N 18487N 18547N 18607N 18727N 21247N 21307N 21367N 21427N 21487N 21547N 21607N 21727N 24247N 24307N 24367N 24427N 24487N 24547N 24607N 24727N 14 18 21 24 30 36 18248Z 183082 18368Z 18428Z 18488Z 18548Z 18608Z 18728Z 21248Z 21308Z 21368Z 21428Z 214882 21548Z 21608Z 217282 24248Z 24308Z 24368Z 244282 24488Z 24548Z 24608Z 24728Z AL414C AL418C AL421C AL424C AL430C AL436C 18248C 18308C 18368C 18428C 18488C 18548C 18608C 18728C 21248C 21308C 21368C 21428C 21488C 21548C 21608C 21728C 24248C 24308C 24368C 24428C 24488C 24548C 24608C 24728C Starter Unit consists of 4 posts, 4 shelves and plastic shelf clips in the height and shelf size indicated. Select from 4 shelf or 5 shelf units in choice of finishes: Poly -Z- Brite, Chrome or Nexelon. SHELF DIVIDERS Installs easily without the use of bolts, nuts or clips. Attaches at any point along shell. 8" high. Chrome finish. Size" Model No. 14 AD814C 18 AD818C 21 AD821C 24 A0824C 30 AD834C 36 A0830C UTILITY BASKET Organizes files and manuals. Open mesh design provides high visibility. Chrome finish. 17 x 7 x 10' i Model No. I ASW177 Snaps onto perimeter of shelf providing 4`H retaining ledge. If higher ledge is required, stack for 8' 12' etc. Chrome finish. Size' Model No. Size° Model No. I 42 48 54 60 72 4 SHELVES 86 "H POLY 7E CHROME _AIEKELOAL Model No. Model No. Model No. Page: _3 =1: AL442C AL448C AL454C AL460C AL472C 18248N 18308N 18368N 18428N 18488N 18548N 18608N 18728N 21248N 21308N 21368N 21428N 21488N 21548N 21608N 21728N 24248N 24308N 24368N 24428N 24488N 24548N 24608N 24728N SLANT SHELVES i Size" Model No. l 18 x 36 SS1836C 18 x 48 SS1848C 24 x 36 SS2436C 24 x 48 SS2448C MERCHANDISERS DISPLAYS Nexel Slant Shelf Merchandisers and Displays allow maximum visibility and accessibility Product restocking is fast and easy Rear load/front pick assures first in, first out product rotation. Angled shelves allow gravity feed. 400 lb. Capacity shelves adjust on one -inch increments. 5' Polyurethane casters offer mobility Optional Dividers keep products from falling off shelf and provide lanes for products. Chrome finish. DIVIDERS Size' Model No. 18 I SS18 24 SS24 POST Size' Model No. i 54 P54C 63 P63C 74 P74C SLANT SHELF 18 117 24 24 MERCHANDISERS CONSIST OF 4 SLANT SHELVES, 4 POSTS, 1 STANDARD SHELF AND 1 THREE SIDED FRAME 54' HIGH 63' HIGH rCASTERSI Size' Model No. I Size' Model No. I I Type Model No. 18 x 36 18365SSC 18 x 36 18366SSC 5" Polyurethane 18 x 48 18485SSC 18 x 48 18486SSC 2 with brake CA5SB 24 x 36 24365SSC 24 x 36 24366SSC 5" Rubber 24 x 48 24485SSC 24 x 48 24486SSC 2 with brake CA5SBR,j PYRAMID MERCHANDISER I Model No. I PM14C Slant Shelving cross section E B C D E 4.25 9.00 12.5 16.66 5.50 13.00 17.5 22.66 Four Tier Pyramid Merchandiser is an attractive way to display your company's products. Unit consists of four chrome shelf sizes, one of each: 14' x 30' 18' x 36' 24' x 42' 30' x 48' (12) 14 Posts and (4) 6 Posts Black Nylon Twin Casters, 2 swivel, 2 with brake makes the unit mobile. Chrome Finish. I' Food Service Health Care Industrial Commercial Elwtia:.Heritage Center' OlympcRestaurarit'Equipment' Page: 34 Kro- Model HS -9 Model HS -5 Model HS -7 :E11Vha°Heritage Geiiter Model HS -1 Model HS -4 Model HS -6 krowne Metal Corporation 257 Verona Ave Newark, New Jersey 07104 02/05 www.krowne.com sales @krowne.com Model: Item Project: Model HS -10 Approved By Quantity Fabrication One piece 304 series stainless steel. All seams tig welded and polished. Bowl• Deep drawn with stamped rim on 17' models to prevent spillage. Wall Mounting Bracket: Offset design for added strength Faucet: 4 OC faucet supplied (wall or deck). Drain Stai Steel. Drain with Overflow. Stainless Steel with plastic overflow tube and inlet. Plumbing. 1/2' IPS hot and cold water 1 1/2 IPS drain outlet. Phone. 800 631 -0442 FAX 973 485 -1424 .0Iyfripi cRestaurant=Equipment Page: 44 2.1 Model I -1 f i is 16 -1/4' L 111/ 4" I. LL, l s 1_6._ I! °j 14' i ce 15' 10' 1 L 14— 8.5/8" 11.19 Options H -109 H -100 H -102 H -103 I- 9-3/4' —I 17 HS -9 HS-4 HS -7 17' ,4" 71 12 lbs. Item 14 lbs. 30 lbs. !Plumbing Requirements Install 36' Working Height 1/2' Faucet Supply 12° from Floor 1 1/2" Drain Line 23 1/4' from Floor I 17 -1 /4 "f 111 -3/4" I 1 15" 10' 1-I check box(es) for required option(s) Faucet Upgrade 1 1/2' IPS Chrome Plated P Trap Wrist Handle Faucet Wrist Handle Kit Quantity HS-1 gr HS -8 17 14)-1 4 12 ■11) Krown e Metal Corporation 257 Verona Ave Newark, New Jersey 07104 02/05 www.krowne.com sales @krowne B 2 tL' 8" ILI I-10 I 12 lbs. 15 lbs. 35 lbs. l- -i- r 4 -1/4' 7 -1/4" 11 e -s/9' Elwha°He itag Center Restaiirant Egizipinei t 24° Project: 4" H -104 Wall Mount Soap Dispenser El H Wall Mounted Towel Dispenser N17 H -106 One Side Splash (specify side) El H-107 Two Side Splashes ID H-108 Stainless Steel Skirt El H-110 Side Support Brackets Appro i ed By Due to our commitment to continued product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. p HS -2 i —n 1 I 15" tl l —I HS -6 r 14� ii t l 1 0 I L l D rat., 63ro I H t 8' 10' 31/2 I, 1- 6 -5/9" H 10 18 -,/2" 2 Phone 800 -631 -0442 FAX 973 485 -1424 14 lbs. 8" J 6 a" l I IPS 11 lbs. I- 8-5/8'- Page: 4 19 lbs. 5/. 36 [914.4] i I. I vi I I m I I v I I I t CORNERS TO BE Sc LID 18 GA. [1.2] 430 #4 j WELDED AND POLIbHED S/S CONSTRUCTION TO A MATCHING FINISH PLAN VIEW 1 1/2 [38.1] FRONT ELEVATION 1 1/2 [38.1] r r 2 EACH EWMS -14-BF ACKETS BRACKETS TO SHIP LOOSE 5C E3-&o- K ALL RAW EDGES TO BE GROUND SMOOTH AND BE FREE FROM SHARP EDGES AND BURRS END VIEW NOTE: 1. ALL VISIBLE WELDS TO BE GROUND SMOOTH AND POLISHED TO A MATCHING FINISH. 2. ALL NON VISIBLE WELDS TO BE GROUND SMOOTH AND PAINTED WITH F.I. APPROVED PAINT 3. ALL EDGES TO BE SMOOTH FREE FROM BURRS 4. ALL FABRICATION TECHNIQUES AND COMPONENTS TO BE APPROVED BY F.I. PRIOR TO FABRICATION 5. ALL TUBS TO BE DIE STAMPED MIN. 1/4" TO INSURE PROPER DRAINAGE, ALL DRAIN HOLES TO BE RECESSED A MINIMUM OF 1/8" [3.18] 6. ALL TUBS AND ADJOINING DRAIN BOARDS ARE TO DIPPED A MINIMUM OF 1/4" [6.35] TO INSURE PROPER DRAINAGE (DRAIN BOARD SIDE ONLY) 9" BACKSPLASH SEE DETAIL S1 RAISED ROLLED EDGE AT FRONT AND ENDS SEE DETAIL S2 GALV. LEG SOCKETS 20 [508] SEE DETAIL S3 01 -5/8 [041.28] 16 GA. [1.5] GALV LEG STOCK r7 PLASTIC BULLET FEET TO BE INSERT STYLE W/ MIN. OF 15 1/2 [393.7] I- 1" [25.4] OF ADJUSTABILITY 18 GA. [1.2] 304 #4 S/S J CONSTRUCTED TOP TUBS TUBS AND ADJOINING DRAIN BOARDS TO BE DIPPED TO INSURE PROPER DRAINAGE SEE DETAIL S4 18 [4572] 72 1/2 [1841.5] 03 1/2 [088.9] E3citoxAa- L---1$- I r 8 [203.2] 01 TYPICAL 2X I 24 1/2 [622.3] I DIE STAMP TUB AND DIMPLE DRAIN HOLE SEE DETAIL S5 f If ,r H R3/4 [R19.05] TYPICAL AT CO ALL TUB 666JJJ [406.4] 16 [406.4] -16 [406.4] SINK BODY VERTICALS co 2 [50.8] t 2 [50.8] N 47 1/2 [1206.5] jF 10/09 kro- 38' (965mm) Elwlia <Ierifage Center C U1 15' (381 mm) 8' (203.2mm) 12 3/8' (314.2mm) Front View Finer Hook 8" Center Wall Mount Pre -Rinse with Add On Faucet Model 17 -109W Item Project 12' (304.8mm) 7 5/81 (193.67mm) O,Wp,1 ;Restaiirant`Equipinent Quantity QUICK CONNECT Side View 4 -1/2' (114.3mm) FEATURES. 1/4 TURN HIGH PERFORMANCE CERAMIC CARTRIDGE VALVES WITH BUILT IN BACK FLOW PREVENTORS HEAVY DUTY FLANGES WITH ECCENTRIC FITTINGS FOR QUICK INSTALLATIONS MOUNTING KIT INCLUDED (1/2' NPT x 1 1/2' MALE NIPPLES WITH LOCK NUTS) PRE ASSEMBLED AT FACTORY TO CUT INSTALLATION TIME 44 HEAVY DUTY STAINLESS CLAD FLEXIBLE HOSE. TESTED TO 400 PSI WALL BRACKET AND ADD -ON FAUCET WITH 12' SPOUT INCLUDED FULL REPLACEMENT PARTS AVAILABLE 1 YEAR WARRANTY SPECS 8' ON CENTER WALL MOUNT WITH 1/2' NPT FEMALE INLETS ROUGH IN TWO 7/8' ROUND HOLES ON 8' CENTERS WATER SAVER SPRAY HEAD 1.5 GPM 60 PSI FLOW RATE COMPLIES WITH EPACT 2005 3/8' NPT x 18' RISER PIPE WITH HOOK. PRE ASSEMBLED TO BASE AT FACTORY TEMP RANGE 40 °F TO 180 °F SHIPPING WEIGHT 15 LBS i, 6' (152.4mm) I Wall Bracket 2' (50.8mm) 2 -1/2' (63.5mm) Approy By K 4 Due:to our commitment to continued product improvement. rowne Metal Corporation specifications are subject to change without notice. 100 Haul Road Wayne New Jersey 07470 Phone 800 -631 -0442 www.krowne.com FAX 973 872 -1129 'f Page: t .1 2 Dormont Dormont offers a full line of grease interceptors for installation on cooking/prep sinks, pot, pan scullery sinks and dishwasher applications. Dormont offers a variety of interceptor configura- tions including: on -floor, recessed with without extension and recessed with access housing. Dormont grease interceptors are available with no -hub or threaded connections. Make Dormont your source for grease interceptors. WD Series 11� FLOW CONTROL CI I ail ND -E Series AIR INTAKE 11 FLOW CONTROL TEE WD -AH Series Grease Interceptors r AIR INTAKE FLOW CONTROL TEE Design Operation Grease interceptors are designed to prevent greasy substances from entering plumbing systems, septic fields and wastewater treatment facilities, where they are difficult to process and can create a number of environmental problems. Grease interceptors are commonly specified in restaurant kitchens and food handling or processing areas to keep drainage systems free of problematic grease accumulations. Grease interceptors work by collecting all lighter than -water substances, such as grease, inside the interceptor. This is accomplished through the use of a flow restrictor on the inlet side of the interceptor, which slows incoming effluent and redirects it through baffling inside the interceptor. This slowing and baffling process allows lighter than -water substances to accumulate inside the interceptor above the static water line. Design criteria is determined by plumbing code and typically follows the guidelines set forth by �I the Plumbing Drainage Institute (PDI), which tests and rates interceptors. The accepted industry and PDI standard (PDI -G101) is to maintain 90% separation efficiency, up to the rated grease retention capacity (in lbs.). Material Characteristics Epoxy Coated Steel Interceptor body standard 11 ga. CR steel, with oven cured, acid resistant baked gray epoxy coating, inside and out. Lid is epoxy coated %a skid -proof checker plate steel, gasketted, and secured with Allen head center bolt(s). All stainless steel construction may be specified for high sanitary applications. Flow Restrictor WD Series Interceptors are supplied with an external cast iron flow restrictor. All other interceptor models are designed with a built -in stainless steel flow restrictor plate, located just inside the inlet. DRAW -OFF HOSE r AIR INTAKE OUTSIDE WAIL BOLT-ON EXTENSION VENT t L a WASTE VENT VENT C Secured Non -slip Cover Neoprene Gasket Static Water Level Dormont SPECIFICATION Dormont WD Series PDI Certified recessed or floor mounted epoxy coated steel grease interceptor with gasketted solid steel cover, hex head center bolt(s), removable baffle assembly, deep seal trap with cleanout, no hub connections (standard), and external cast iron flow control fitting Baked Epoxy Coated Body 3/8 "(10) Air Space Locking Device 1 1 One -piece j Removable I Baffle DxE WD Series Note: *Optional Threaded Inlet And Outlet (includes Threaded Flow Control) Clean-out I Plug t B PDI Certified Grease Interceptors Air Relief By -pass No-hub (Mi) F Inlet I J Outlet Integral Deep Seal Trap 1 Fixed Sediment Baffle I. f interceptor Flow" Grease G.:....:.., .1 :..:D E; Height WD-4 4 8 2 "(51) 7 3/4'(197) 3- 1/4'(83) 16'(406) 10 "(254) 11 '(279) WD -7 7 14 2 "(51) 8 -1/2 "(216) 3 -1/2' (89) 18 "(457) 13 "(330) 12 "(305) WD -10 10 20 2 "(51) 8 -1/2 "(216) 3- 1/2 "(89) 213/4'(552) 14'(356) 12 "(305) WD -15 15 30 2 "(51) 10 -1/2' (267) 3 -1/2' (89) 22 "(559) 15 "(381) 14'(356) WD -20 20 40 3'(76) 111/2 "(292) 3- 1/2 "(89) 24'(610) 15- 3/4'(400) 15 "(381) WD -25 25 50 3'(76) 12 "(305) 4 -1/2 "(114) 26'(660) 16 -1/2 "(419) 16- 1/2'(419) 0 1,15 7 35 70 3'(76) 14'(356) 5 "(127) 30 "(762) 18 "(457) 19 "(483) D-50 50 100 4 '(102) 16'(406) 5 -1/2 "(140) 32 "(813) 22 "(559) 21 1/2 "(546) 15919991:29991 REGISTERED ,APMO \1M 3 16+ to :ji '4 MODELS DDT-36` DDT-48' t)(3T-80 ODT-72 DDT-B4* ODT-96 diameter LENGTH 36 STANDARD SIZES (in.) *Please replace with 1.. or 'Fr for left or right sale of dish machine. STANDARD SOLED DIRITABLg (STRAIGHT) FEATURES: TOP BOWL, are constsucted 016 gauge 304 atairiltiSS steel. PRE BOWL SIZE: 20-114" X 201/4" X 6' 13ACKSPLAS171. 10" tali, from the aeck, with a r:return at 45 and 3/4 cliO•up to the walt. 1 hole for pre-rinse faucet punched in deck at-1-114" LEGS are 1-5/8" diameter galvanized steel with stainless steel log sockets and 1" adjustable plastic feet. SPEC-LINE SERIES: TOP BOWL 14 gauge 304' stainless steel. BACKSPLASH. 10 lad, from the deck, with a-r return at 45" and 3/4" olp-up to the wall. 1 hole for pre-nnse faucet punched in deck at 1.1/4" diameter LEGS: 1-518 darneter stainless steel legs with adjustable stainless steel feet and WEIGHT Add 26%-to weight show-n. To order Spec-Line series, write SL at the start of the model number 1 WIDTH HEIGHT 1 1 so I 30 44-314 12 1 84 I i i gg I CUSTOM SIZES AVAILABLE! El4aiHeittago (.enter Olympic Re0aurkp2ttquiptnent Ne:'7 Page 69 -4r 1> 4 left e_bh+ SPECIFICATIONS 44-3/4' DDT LEFT SHOWN MODELS DDT-36 DDT- DOT-84' 00T-96* 20 20-1/4* FRONT TOP 5t/4 J_ 4 6 21 3/4" 34" To order Spec-Line series, write SL at the start o1 the model number (Specifications Subject To Change) Elwha Heritage Center ,Olyini*AeStaiitailt tquipmpht r 2- 12-5/8 1-5/8 LEGS—J WiADJUSTABLE BULLET FEET DATE. MODEL NO: PROJECT STANDARD SOILED DISHTABLE (STRAIGHT) SIDE INC. 42' 91 S144.1.1.-CEM 1 sausess.3 fArr 51:6-53...-14 Viebvte: Ittv.,;nws s)0 i5 ■14 UP Page 7() 10-3/4' a— I, Cr DIMENSIONS (in.) LENGTH I. WIDTH )APPROX. WT (LBS.)1 36 i 50 I 48 1 so .--I 60 1 75 72 30 1 85 84 i 105 06 I 115 7 PROJECT- in erator- FOODSERVICE SPECIFICATIONS SS -50 115/208 -230V 60 Hz, 1 Ph, 8.4/4.0/4.2 amps, UL 1/2 H.P 208- 230/460V 60 Hz, 3 Ph, 2.0/2.2/1 1 amps, UL 115/208 -230V 60 Hz, 1 Ph, 10.0/4.2/5.0 amps, UL 208- 230/460V 60 Hz, 3 Ph, 2.5/3.0/1.5 amps, UL 115/208 -230V 60 Hz. 1 Ph, 10.4/4.3/5.0 amps, CSA 208- 230/460V 60 Hz, 3 Ph, 2.5/3.0/1.5 amps, CSA 115/208 -230V 60 Hz, 1 Ph, 11.6/5.1/5.7 amps, UL 208- 230/460V 60 Hz, 3 Ph, 2.2/3.0/1.5 amps, UL 115/208 -230V 60 Hz, 1 Ph, 11.6/5.1/5.7 amps, CSA SS -75 1.1 3/4 H.P Ss -100 1H.P ELECTRICAL CONTROLS AS -101 Control Center CC -101 Control Center Aqua Saver' (Auto- Reversing) (Auto- Reversing) 4700 21st STREET 1 !RACINE, WI 53406 erator TEL. 800-845-8345 FOODSERVICE FAX. 262 554 -3620 www.insinkerator.com InSinkErator is a division of Emerson Electric Co. Elw.,ha Heritage Center Grind Chamber Corrosion Resistant Stainless Steel Mounting: 3/4 (19.1 mm) rubber mounting above grinding chamber isolates sound and eliminates vibration. Mounting is enclosed in chrome plated covers for sanitation and appearance. Motor 1/2 1 1/4 HP Induction Motor 1725 RPM, totally enclosed to provide protection against outside moisture. Controlled power air flow cools motor for efficiency and longer life. Built -in thermal overload protection. Cutting Elements: Stationary and rotating shredding elements made from cast nickel chrome alloy for long life and corrosion resistance, designed for reverse action grinding. Main Bearings: Double- tapered Timken roller bearings provide a shock absorbing cushion. Motor Seals: Triple lip seal protects motor from water damage. Secondary spring loaded oil seal provides double protection against water and loss of grease. Finish. All Stainless Steel and Chrome plated. Paint -free for lasting sanitation. Warranty 1 year full warranty from date of installation. A Disposer Package Includes: 1 Mounting /Bowl Assembly, 1 Electrical Control, 1 Syphon Breaker 1 Solenoid Valve, and 1 Flow Control Valve. The standard Flow Control Valve will be sent with the unit unless the optional valve is specified. MODEL HORSEPOWER /ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS CC -202 Control Center (Auto- Reversing) ITEM NO N O Manual Reverse Switch (Dual Direction) 120 VIA 1/2 1 -1/4 H.P. DISPOSER MODELS Heavy -duty disposer designed for continuous operation in restaurants, hotels, hospitals and cafeterias. Food waste including steak bones is quickly and efficiently removed with this labor- saving, self cleaning, environmentally sound disposer 115/208 -230V 60 Hz, 1 Ph, 8.4/4.0/4.2 amps, CSA 208- 230/460V 60 Hz, 3 Ph, 2.0/2.2/1 1 amps, CSA 115/230V 50 Hz, 3 Ph, 7.7/3.7 amps 230/460V 50 Hz, 3 Ph, 2.7/1 4 amps 380V 50 Hz, 3 Ph, 1 1 amps 208- 230/460V 60 Hz, 3 Ph, 2.2/3.0/1.5 amps, CSA 120/208 -240V 60 Hz, 1 Ph, 11.6/5.1/5.7 amps, NOM 100/200 -230V 50/60 Hz, 1 Ph, 10.4/5.2/5.4 amps SS 125 115/208 -230V 60 Hz, 1 Ph, 12.8/5.9/6.6 amps, UL 115/208 -230V 60 Hz, 1 Ph, 12.8/5.9/6.6 amps, CSA 1 -1/4 H.P 208- 230/460V 60 Hz, 3 Ph, 2.6/3.3/1.9 amps, UL 208- 230/460V 60 Hz, 3 Ph, 2.6/3.3/1.9 amps, CSA NOTE All amp ratings denote amp draw during a grind load. Our products appear on The KCL CADalog CD -ROM based CAD Foodservice Symbol Library. More information is available from. Kochman Consultants, Ltd. at www.kcicad.com. Olyiiipic Rstaurant ,0iptrietif Page: Manual Switch (Single Direction) SP° NOM A°' ,",4FEN' `J The Emerson logo is a trademark and a service mark EMERSON of Eme son Electric Co. Appliance Solutions InSinkErator ©2008 Printed in USA Form No. F307- 09D -45 -02 DISPOSER MOUNTING ASSEMBLIES (choose one) .3wl Mounts Type A Sink Bowl Assembly Includes bowl, water nozzle(s), bowl cover splash baffle Type B Sink Bowl Assembly Includes bowl, water nozzle(s), silver guard, splash baffle Type C Sink Bowl Assembly Includes bowl, water nozzle(s), splash baffle Sink Bowl Assembly Size 12' (304.8 mm) with one adjustable water nozzle 15' (381.0 mm) with one adjustable water nozzle 18' (457.2 mm) with two adjustable water nozzles DIMENSIONS Bowl= Sinks 12" (304.8 mm) 15' (381 mm) 18" (457.2 mm) Adaptors X No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 fiSj a IMPORTANT Use dimension chart below for adaptor height in place of InSinkErator bowl sink height when mounting directly to a sink. Flange O.D. X' 13-1/2' (342.9 mm) 16-1/2' (419.1 mm) 19-1/2" (495.3 mm) SINK Fits Standard Sink Opening: 3 -1/2' 4' (88.9 mm 101.6 mm) 7 13/16' (198.4 mm) 9-1/8" (231.8 mm) NOTE Adaptors are available upon request for all competitor sink bowls or cones. Please have sink bowl /cone type with the necessary dimensions when ordering adaptors. RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION Work Table Hole Y 12-1/4' (311.2 mm) 15-1/4 (3874 mm) 18-1/4 (463.6 mm) Y 6 -7/8' (174.6 mm) 7 7/8' (200.0 mm) DISPOSER Flanged. Z 12" (304.8 mm) 15' (381.0 mm) 18' (457.2 mm) ;Height 6 -1/2" (165.1 mm) 6 -1/2" (165.1 mm) 6 -1/2' (165.1 mm) Height 2 -3/4' (69.9 mm) 6 -5/8' 1 3/16' (168.3 mm) (30.2 mm) 7 5/8' 2 -1/16' (193.7 mm) (52.4 mm) r_ SYPHON BREAKER WATER INLET I CONNECTION I (OPTIONAL) CONTROL CENTER YLIO SOLENOID VALVE EL FLOW VALVE CONTROL L l� L' INCOMING ELECTRICAL SUPPLY Eiwfi H C enter:,: 1 YOit ii 4 0 4 4 1 0 11 'E pm Collar Mounts N1 #5 Sink Flange Mounting Assemblies for 3 -1/2' 4 (88.9 mm 101.6 mm) sink opening (support legs are recommended) en #6 Collar Adaptor for welding into trough, provides u�' 6 -5/8' (168.3 mm) opening, includes splash baffle #7 Collar Adaptor for welding into sink, provides 6 -5/8' (168.3 mm) opening, includes splash baffle and stopper SHUT-OFF (NOT SUPPLIED) VALVE COLD WATER SUPPLY InSinkErator BOWL SINK li 3-3/8" (85.7 mm) 17' (123.8 mm) (431.5 mm) 1 I 6 -3/8 "I I (161.9 min) 6- 13/16 ---j F (38.1 1/2' (173.0 mm) mm) _4-7/8'_I EXTERNAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS RECOMMENDED WATER USAGE Standard ,Optional 3 GPM (11 4 LPM) 3 GPM (11 4 LPM) 5 GPM 3 GPM (18.9 LPM) (11 4 LPM) 5 GPM 3 GPM (18.9 LPM) (11 4 LPM) For additional information, see Foodservice Product Information Binder SS -50 SS -75 SS -100 SS -125 x Y Z 6 -5/8' (168.3 mm) ir r P age 6 -1/2' (165.1 mm) ,zL N.PT WATER INLET 7- 11/16' (195.3 mm) N/A N/A PROJECT In erator FOODSERVICE 4700 21st STREET RACINE, WI 53406 TEL. 600-845 -8345 FAX: 262 -554 -3620 www.insinkerator.com InSinkErator is a division of Emerson Electnc Co. In erator FOODSERVICE entage ,Center DISPOSER MOUNTINGS V No. 5 Sink Flange Mounting Assembly 3 1 /2 4 Sink Opening No Welding Required ITEM NO Short No. 5 Sink Flange Mounting Assembly 3 1 /2 4 Sink Opening No Welding Required 2 1 /2 Shorter for limited space under sink No. 6 Collar Adaptor For welding into stainless troughs Permanently installed splash baffle Includes mounting adaptor for mounting disposer Inside dimension collar 6 5 /a No. 7 Collar Adaptor For welding into stainless sinks Includes stopper and removable splash baffle Includes mounting adaptor for mounting disposer Inside dimension collar 6 5 /s ISO E 0 NAFEM O Equip Our products appear on The KCL CADalog CD -ROM based CAD Foodservice Symbol Library. More information is available from Kochman Consultants, Ltd. at www.kcicad.com. The Emerson logo is a trademark and a EMERSON_ service mark of Emerson Electric Co. Appliance Solutions InSinkErator Printed in USA Form No. Fl 82- 06E -19 -02 40: TA .3;n4 1 riSira PROJECT In erator FOODSERVICE (1 4700 21st STREET RACINE, WI 53406 TEL. 800 -845 -8345 FAX: 262 554 -3620 www.insinkerator.com InSinkErator is a division of Emerson Electric Co. In erator FOODSERVICE 1 aH 'Elw}ia Heritage''Ceriter' ACCESSORIES !so 1 INAFFJVI itra,0,t,* uipmenf ITEM NO. ADJUSTABLE SUPPORT LEGS Sold in sets of two legs Two support legs can be added to small or medium size disposers for r added stability Three support legs are included with all large disposers Recommended when using the following disposer mounting adapters: 11378A, 11378B, 11378C 11599H, 11599K, 11599N P/N 11757C FLANGE FOOT Provides secure floor mounting option for commercial disposers Use anywhere extra stability or security is a concern Flange foot is sold individually and includes one set screw Order two feet for medium size units and three feet for large units P/N 14394 THROAT GUARD Throat Guard mounts at the throat opening of the disposer Keeps hands safely away from disposer grind chamber Cannot be removed while disposer is installed on sink or trough Fits any disposer with a standard 6 throat opening Includes gasket and mounting bolts P/N 13620 TAMPER -PROOF CONTROL PANEL SCREWS Replaces standard closure screws on disposer control panels Eliminates unauthorized entry into control panel for safety and security For use with CC -101 CC -202, AS -101 WX 101 and PR -101 disposer control panels Includes four control panel replacement screws and matching wrench P/N 13946 MAGNETIC SILVER SAVER Mounts to any trough system To order specify part# 13983 One Trough Magnetic Silver Saver approximately 18 inches from disposer hole is recommended. Additional magnets along length of trough are.optional. Our products appear on The KCL CADalog CD -ROM based CAD Foodservice Symbol Library. More information is available from Kochman Consultants, Ltd. at www.kcicad.com. The Emerson logo is a trademark and a EMERSON_ service mark of Emerson Electric Co. Appliance Solutions InSinkErator Printed in USA Form No. F306 -06E 19 -02 Page:7A-4., PROJECT ITEM NO In erator• FOODSERVICE SPECIFICATIONS 3 Button switch with FWD /STOP /REV Stainless steel construction NEMA 4 water tight enclosure Manual reverse allows increased cutting element life and reduces jams Magnetic starter /provides automatic shut -off in case of power interruption Operates on line voltage VOLTAGE /PHASE AVAILABILITY Model V MRS -6 MRS -7 MRS -8 MRS -9 Voltage /Hz 120V 50/60 Hz 208 -240V 50/60 Hz 208 -240V 50/60 Hz 380 -460V 50/60 Hz RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION In SIN 1 erator FOODSERVICE DISPOSER WATER INLET NECTIO (OPTION L) InSinkErator is a division of Emerson Electric Co. CONTROL CENTER MODEL MRS .Phase 1 Ph 1 Ph 3 Ph 3 Ph SYPHON REAKER 4700 21st STREET RACINE, WI 53406 TEL. 800 -845 -8345 FAX. 262 554 -3620 www.insinkerator.com Disposer Models SS -50 to SS -200 SS -50 to SS -200 SS -50 to SS -300 SS -50 to SS -750 CONTROL CENTER SOLENOID VALVE IV' FLOW CONTROL 0 0 0 VALVE SHUT -OFF VALVE (NOT SUPPLIED( \y D WATER OMY RICAL SUP C OUS LISTED 150 9001 DIMENSIONS 1® 1 NAFEM 6 -3/4' (171.5 mm) 4 1/2' (114.3 mm) 0 l� erator FOODSERVICE MRS 0 8-1/2' (215.9 mm) 9' (228.6 mm) The Emerson logo is a trademark and a service mark of Emerson Electric Co Our products appear on The KCL CADalog CD -ROM based CAD Foodservice Symbol Library. More information is available from Kochman Consultants, Ltd. at www.kcicad.com. 5 -1/4' (133.4 mm) 5 -7/8' (149.2 mm) EMERSON Appliance Solutions InSinkErator ©2008 Printed in USA Form No. F361- 08K -45 -02 Corner Model Top mounted control box is water tight and includes a rack counter, extended washidelimer switch and easy to read temperature gauges. Industrial wash tank and optional booster heaters are designed for years of trouble free service. Nri 4 it tha U.S.A. E1wha lentage CenterY co. External scrap tray maintains clean wash water and prevents debris from clogging the drain. Unique pull-pin design allows wash arms to be easily removed for cleaning. FEATURES: ri CMAa180 High Temperature Single. Rack Dishwasher 60 racks 240 covers per hour Economical to operate. Uses only .96. gallons of water per cycle. Automatic soil purging system. Filters wash water and traps plate debris into an external tray Tray can be easily removed for dumping contents. f/ All stainless steel construction offers durable performance and years of. trouble free operation. Built -in chemical resistant industrial 5kW heater and optional 12kW booster heater are proven to be more durable than commercial style heaters. Unique spray arm system features upper and lower stainless steel wash arms with reinforced end caps. Specially designed pull -pins allow wash arms to be easily removed for cleaning. Top mounted control box is water tight and includes a rack counter extended wash/defter switch and easy to read temperature gauges. Auto start/stop makes operation safe and easy Field convertible for a wide range of applications. Energy Star approved, ASK r, s;itrr f hi4 H;;`rS lAH 4,1 GMA Dishmachines 12700 Knott Street Garden Grove. GA 92841 800 -854 -6417 714- 898 -8781 Fax: 714- 895 -2141 www.cmadistimachines.com CMA rasenex the r to modify scr,6„Atons dr discontinue modals Mow pnw rQtl Caton Olyriipic 'RestaurantEqupment' A iRm i MA Inc 1' Y■ High Temperature Single Rack Dishwasher WARNING: Plumbing connections must be made by a qualified service company who will comply with all available Federal, State, and Local Health, Plumbing and Safety codes. 5 Mtn 231/2h 4-1 f2' Electrical Hoek I/1) J 4-114' Off TMeTop r.e 25 -1/2' ""3 1 9-3/4 L 5' Min 25' I lirrrrr�r Top View 180S H 1 9 -3/4' Specifications: MODEL CMA -180 WATER CONSUMPTION PER RACK PER HOUR OPERATING CYCLE WASH TIME SEC. RINSE TIME SEC, TOTAL CYCLE OPERATING CAPACITY RACKS PER HOUR 60 WASH TANK CAPACITY B GAL. PUMP CAPACITY 52 GPM WATER REOUIREMENTS WITHOUT BOOSTER HEATER e1WITH BOOSTER HEATER WATER INLET' DRAIN CONNECTION RINSE PRESSURE SET OPERATING IEMPERATUAE WASH -'F (MIN) RINSE -'F (MIN) CMA -1BOS Straight CMA -1BOSB Straight with booster CMA -180C Corner CMA -1800B Corner with booster Top View 180C USA 96 GAL 52 GPH 49 12 61 180°F 140°F 3 314' 2' 20 ±5Dr1 155°F-16 180°F -195 °F Water Inlet 3 Ott The Top A METRIC 49 12 61 60 (30.3 LI 1197 LPN') (68 °C -71°C) IWC-90°C) Front View SHIPPING WEIGHT WITHOUT BOOSTER WITH BOOSTER E1whaIlei-itage Center Olyxiipic lRestaurarit quipment Exhaust Fan Time Control Built -in 12kW booster heater CMA -180 Conversion Kit Corner to Straight CMA -180 Conversion Kit Straight to Corner Alternative electrical available for export Dual power supply connections 11 -1/2' Drain WASH PUMP MOTOR HP (3.6 L) DIMENSIONS (197 11 DEPTH WIDTH HEIGHT STANDARD TABLE HEIGHT MAX CLEARANCE FOR DISHES DRAIN CONNECTION 10FF FLOORI STANDARD DISHRACK DIMENSIONS ELECTRICAL RATING VOLTS WITHOUT BOOSTER 208 240 208 240 V WIT H BOOSTER 1 708 240 706 240 CMA-1 80 25' (63 Sap) 25 1 /2' (SScm) 59' -60' (150- 152cm) 34' (86,3cm) 171+2' (44amf 11 -112' 12 1;7 (29 -32cm1 1 1 19-314' X 1944' (5OX50cmt PHASE AMPS 1 28 1 30 3 19 3 21 4 1 71 1 80 3 45 50 Summery Specifications: Model CMA -180 The model CMA -180 single tank, high temperature dishwasher Is designed for years of trouble free service, producing sparkling results while conserving energy, water and chemicals This machine is available with an optional built in booster heater, assuring a continuous supply of 180 °F hot water, and Is easily field convertible for either corner or straight installation- Unique soil purging system filters wash water and plate debris into an external tray. The CMA -180 is NSF UL, CUL and CE approved_ Constructed entirely of stainless steel. Available Models Available Options: Stainless steel dishtables 2 minute cycle Lett View USA METRIC 1 1 332# (151kg) 3754 {170kg) L''•:IClil'i S1RF( CMA Dlshmachines 12700 Knott Street Garden Grove, CA 92841 •8004354 -6417 714- 898 -8781 Fax: 714- 895 -2141 www.cmadishmachines.com CMA mserres th' E;r#rt he rmodiiy rpsacikaliomo or disecreinee rosttais ...effect poor nceiIcnUm. Printed rn the U.S A a 2018 CMA, In; Page: :82 VHB Heat Condensate Vent Hoods Features Be erns I 01,11 PaL. Ontie Specificatio 01n fs. 1Ff Descsiolle ■It a Al rm, Up: II of stc applionno CapthmAire's VHS Hood is an exhaust only unit to be used over equipment not producing grease laden vapors. n opri .qpc. A fly J k It of I ha Co Unction ra rat VI I' 11■7.• The hood shell be constructed to Meted. 151 Docunte tb %St 0,11 all 1,01 c &CortIncetto dl I Port orrnance Data I VHS Specifications 01 is' hey- Sectio at Mew VIM Single Wall Sadie Were MAN.a NIUE Single Wall Section Nee/ 1 Sectio at Mew VHB Single Wall with Cutler Sectio Mew Outler Sect. New ION.. MOLE DU -HFA CENTRIFUGAL UPBLAST DIRECT DRIVE FANS Air Volume. 41 3489 cfm Maximum SP 2.48' wg. standard air density FEATURES BENEFITS ir e- fiftimprInIii Commercial Kitchen Ventilation model LO bUa5tiVn 5V /(ph3se, Completely enclosed drive compartment protects motor from airborne contaminants. Forced fresh air through the motor compartment cools motor and ensures long motor life. Variable Speed Control on Single Phase Units Only (VFDs required to adjust speed for 3 phase versions) Non overloading backward inclined wheels, blades and inlets fabricated from 3003 -H14 aluminum. All sizes can be wall mounted. Quick release latches allow for easy access to motor compartment. (Size 12 larger) Standard emergency disconnect switch. (Size 12 larger) OPTIONS Gravity Damper (UL705 Only) Motorized Damper (UL705 Only) Wall Mount Sleeve. Roof Curb (Vented and Non Vented) Grease Collection Box. (Size 12 larger) Bird Screen. (UL705 Only) Base Hinging Kit or Hinged Sub Base. (for NFPA96 compliance) Combination package that includes a supply fan mounted on the same roof curb (800) 965-0420 CERTIFICATIONS CaptiveAire certifies that Model DU10HFA thru DU85HFA shown herein are licensed to bear the AMCA seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 211 and Publication 311 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Rating Program. Models DU1 OHFA thru DU85HFA are ETL Listed under file number 3049729 -002 and comply with UL705 (electrical) Standards and CSA Std C22.2, No 113. Models DU12HFA thru DU85HFA are ETL Listed under file number 3049729 -001 and comply with UL762 Standards. (800) 965 -0420 CAC. CtH'a t;.4v4k1F•.:441. L:G. Catalog #109C July 2004 ALL EDGES TO BE SMOOTH FREE OF BURRS WELD OUTSIDE OF CORNER GRIND SMOOTH POLISH TO A MATCHING FINISH. EXTERIOR CORNER TO HAVE ALL COLOR REMOVED HAVE MATCHING FINISH. INTERIOR CORNER TO BE FREE OF ANY RUFF AREAS FROM WELDING. 18 GA. [1.2] S/S WALL BRACT ATTACHED TO SLANT BY MEANS OF 3 EA FUSE STUDS W/ STUD CAPS Elwha H 2 316 [55.04] TALL TURN UP BACK 18 GA. [1.2] 304 #4 S/S CONSTRUCTION 2 [50.80] TALL 90° TURN UP SIDES FRONT CORNERS TO BE WELDED ON THE OUTSIDE GRIND SMOOTH POLISH TO A MATCHING FINISH. INTERIOR TO HAVE ALL COLOR REMOVED POLISHED TO A MATCHING FINISH. INTERIOR TO BE FREE OF ANY RUFF AREAS CAUSED BY WELDING. MITERED FRONT EDGE 45° 0112 [38.10] ROLLED EDGE 2 [50.80] TALL 90° 221/2 [571.38] --112 [38.1] 2 316 [55.04] °Olym0. 1t,Ostaur"ant Equipment SEE SLANT 21 FLAT PATTERN DRAWING FOR LAYOUT DETAILS 65° SECTION DETAIL Sole: N.TS. S nT- L-l2 0 IL) N Page:9 2 [50.8] Ei wha Heriiage 212 [63.5] STUD LOCATION or— n N n s N o o 03 u u N r N N 3 t I RI 15/16 [R49.91] UI 3/4 [19.05] l— GL ROLL NOTCH N o o n J 3/4 [19.05] m N 0 0 o 1316 [20.86] m z n CAL MITERED ROIL 2 [50.8] ro C ro 0 f� N 0 uA 2 3/4 [69.85] N m N 1 w N J U nz m0 ri U 0 co -J m0 N� r�N W Q ro N N ro J 1j2 [12.7] N 1[25.4] 0 1/2 [12.7] 1 [25.4] 19 7/16 [493.33] SLANT RACX BRACKET RIGHT SIDE SHOWN LEFT SIDE TO BE A MIRROR IMAGE 1 ER. RIGHT AND 1 EA. LEFT REQUIRED 1716[36.13] Olympic Restaurant Equipment Page: 9=2= N co n o p N I0 El 0 LI u 0 N ri ri v i€f-t- to ,,Chct ETwha ionAgg=Center MODELS CDT-24 CDT-36 CDT-48 CDT 8011 CDT -72 CDT-84 CDT -96 SPEC -LINE SERIES: TOP 14 gauge 304 stainless steel. Qlyiripic; Restatirant`Equipiiient; STANDARD CLEAN DISHTABLE (STRAIGHT) FEATURES: TOP is constricted of 16 gauge 304 stainless steel. BACKSPLASH: 10" tall, from the deck with a 2" return at 45` and 314" clip -up to the wall. LEGS are 1 -518" diameter galvanized steel with stainless steel leg sockets and 1" adjustable plastic feet. BACKSPLASH: 10" tall, from the deck, with a 2" return at 45° and 314" clip -up to the wall. LEGS: 1-5/8" dlamster:stalnless steel legs with adjustable stainless steel feet and bracing. WEIGHT Add 26% to weight shown To order Spec -Line series, write SL at the star of the model number, STANDARD SIZES (In.) LENGTH j WIDTH 1 HEIGHT 24 36 48 60 30 44-314 72 84 96 CUSTOM SIZES AVAILABLE! Page 63 `Pa ge: $FTcTFTQNTIONS 30 44-3/4" WM Ail Perm Page 64 CDT-LEFT SHOWN MODELS CDT-24 CDT 36 figT1 4 C T-60A PT-R CDT-84 CDT-% TOP L 1-1/2- ROLLED EDGE J INC.. 96 DATE: MODEL NO: PROJECT 21-3/4" FRONT SIDE 34* 1-5/8- LEGS--- Vs/ADJUSTABLE BULLET FEET To order Spec-Line series. write SL at the stan of the model number DIMENSIONS (in.) LENGTH WIDTH 24 36 48 60 30 72 84 (Speciftcations Subject To Change) 0 01Y 1 440440iit 4 *OrOPV' STANDARD CLEAN DISHTABLE (STRAIGHT) i f 104hr L APPROX WT (LBS.) 40 50 65 75 85 105 115 WA Mai M.5310808 600-7264533 Fu 5 weosac hax!Aremsuocr-ti f..nae st.gasspintptt arz Int it ha v e X I I' ro braca+ foi plca3e, citspiscli SQ Model HS -9 r Model HS -2 Model HS -5 Model HS -7 Model HS -1 Model HS -4 Model HS -6 Krowne Corporation 257 Verona Ave Newark, New Jersey 07104 02/05 www.krowne.com sales @krowne.com Model Item #V Project: Model HS -10 Approved By Quantity• Drain with Overflow Stainless Steel with plastic overflow tube and inlet. Plumbing 1/2' IPS hot and cold water 1 1/2' IPS drain outlet. Phone 800 -631 -0442 FAX 973 485 -1424 Fabrication One piece 304 series stainless steel. All seams tig welded and polished. Bowl Deep drawn with stamped rim on 17' models to prevent spillage. Wall Mounting Bracket: Offset design for added strength. Faucet: 4 OC faucet supplied (wall or deck). Drain Stainless Steel. 000.4 °center Olyia pic*estaurantEquipment Page_ I'I 2.1 Krowne Model 1/7 r-12" 12, LL, l 1 5 L u HS -7 17' 4 2' 2' Options H -109 H -100 H -102 H -103 HS -9 HS -4 8" 18 -112' I 6 a. I 1 I 6" 8 -5/8'' 12 lbs. Item 14 lbs. 30 lbs. Plumbing Requirements Install 36' Working Height 1/2" Faucet Supply 12" from Floor 1 1/2° Drain Line 23 1/4' from Floor 17.1/4"L 1 check box(es) for required option(s) Faucet Upgrade 1 1/2' IPS Chrome Plated P -Trap Wrist Handle Faucet Wrist Handle Kit 12" L- 9- 3/4 —I 9 0" ml1 2" LL II 5" r /2 5l �5 "-1 15" 10' I L I i 6" I(r own Metal Corporation 257 Verona Ave. Newark, New Jersey 07104 02/05 www.krowne.com sales@krowne.com Quantity HS-1 HS -5 8 HS -8 a H -104 H -105 1a H -106 H -107 H -108 H -110 I--10' 12 lbs. 15 lbs. 35 lbs. Approved By Project: 1-- 1714" I I I ml11n 15' 10" tL I 10' I LLI I 15' 18 t I 2° L racl I t ib' 10' -1/2 M 6 1 8• I l 20' t 1 2- 1-14' 8 -5/8" HS -2 HS 10 Wall Mount Soap Dispenser Wall Mounted Towel Dispenser One Side Splash (specify side) Two Side Splashes Stainless Steel Skirt Side Support Brackets 8 18-� /2• L, _14 LI I 6 I- 8-5/9 HS -6 tL Due to our commitment to continued product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. Phone 800 -631 -0442 FAX 973 485 -1424 14 lbs. 11 lbs. 'lwha'Heritage center Qlyinpic_Restaurant Equipment Page: I1 j Z' 19 lbs. 18.512 6 ITLL T 18 GA. [1.2] 430 #4 7 S/S CONSTRUCTION r 1 1/2 [38.1] I F I EQUAL 72 [1828.8] 1 I I I II 1 1 I II PLAN VIEW n FRONT ELEVATION EQUAL SSP EW MS -L -x 1 i 1 f 1 ti CORNERS TO BE SOLID WELDED AND POLISHED TO A MATCHING FINISH r 1 1/2 [38.1] I 3 EACH EWMS -14- BRACKETS BRACKETS TO SHIP LOOSE ALL RAW EDGES TO BE GROUND SMOOTH AND BE FREE FROM SHARP EDGES AND BURRS END VIEW I NOTE: 1. ALL VISIBLE WELDS TO BE GROUND SMOOTH AND POLISHED TO A MATCHING FINISH. 2. ALL NON VISIBLE WELDS TO BE GROUND SMOOTH AND PAINTED WITH F1. APPROVED PAINT 3. ALL EDGES TO BE SMOOTH FREE FROM BURRS 4. ALL FABRICATION TECHNIQUES AND COMPONENT' TO BE APPROVED BY F.I. PRIOR TO FABRICATION 5. ALL TUBS TO BE DIE-STAMPED MIN. 1/4" TO INSURE PROPER DRAINAGE, ALL DRAIN HOLES TO BE RECESSED A MINIMUM OF 1/8" [3.18] 6. ALL TUBS AND ADJOINING DRAIN BOARDS ARE TO DIPPED A MINIMUM OF 1/4" [635] TO INSURE PROPER DRAINAGE (DRAIN BOARD SIDE ONLY) 9 "BACKSPLASH SEE DETAIL S1 20 [508] GALV LEG SOCIQ:TS SEE DETAIL S3 RAISED ROLLED EDGE 4 AT FRONT AND ENDS SEE DETAIL S2 01 -5/8 [041.28] 16 GA. [1.5] GALV LEG STOOL a PLASTIC BULLET FEET TO BE INERT STYLE W/ MIN. OF 15 1/2 [393.7] 1" [25.4] OF ADJUSTABILITY 18 GA. [1.2] 304 #4S/S CONSTRUCTED TOP AND TUBS TUBS AND ADJOINING DRAIN BOARDS TO BE DIPPED TO INSURE PROPER DRAINAGE SEE DETAIL S4 --18 [457.2] -i ---18 [457.2] N 01 1/8 [028.6] TYPICAL 2X N N 70 [1778] 03 1/2 [088.9] 55P E9C IR -A r 8 [203.2] 0 DIE STAMP TUB AND DIMPLE DRAIN HOLE SEE DETAIL S5 U u R3/4 [R19.05] TYPICAL AT bJ ALL TUB CORNERS AND --16 [406.4] 16 [406.4] SINK BODY VERTICALS 2 [50.8] 29 1/2 [749.3] 31 [787 4] r .1 I 01/09 Elwha O 8' (203.2mm) 12 3/8" (314.2mm) MODEL NO. 12 -806 12 -808 12 -810 \412 -812 12 -814 12 -816 12 -818 12 -824 eritage;eenter n; }Y A 6' 8' 10' 12' 14 16' 18' 24 B 1 7/8' 1 7/8' 2 1/8' 2 5/8' 3' 4 5' 5' O C 4 3/8' 4 3/8' 4 5/8' 5 1/8' 5 1/2' 6 1/2' 7 1/2' 7 1/2' Krowne Metal Corporation 100 Haul Road Wayne New Jersey 07470 www.krowne.com 8" Center Wall Mount Faucet Model Item Project Front View double jointed spouts Quantity 3' (76.2mm) Gooseneck Spouts MODEL NO. D E 12 -801 6' 5 1/2' 12 -802 8 1/2' 7' Side View FEATURES. MOUNTING FLANGES WITH ECCENTRIC FITTINGS FOR QUICK INSTALLATIONS HEAVY DUTY SPOUT WITH DOUBLE 0-RING CONSTRUCTION WITH WELDED SHOULDER FOR DURABILITY HIGH PRECISION MACHINING AND POLISHED NICKEL CHROMIUM FINISH COLOR CODED HANDLES OPTIONAL WRIST BLADE HANDLES AVAILABLE FULL REPLACEMENT PARTS AVAILABLE SPECS. 8' ON CENTER WALL MOUNT WITH 1/2' NPT FEMALE INLETS ROUGH IN TWO 7/8' ROUND HOLES ON 8' CENTERS SHIPPING WEIGHT 4 LBS Olympic R;estaurant�Equipmerif.- 1 4 -1/2' (114.3mm) 2 1/4 1 (57 15mm) F 9 1/2' 12 3/8' Approved By Due to our commitment to continued product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. Phone 800 631 -0442 FAX 973 872 -1129 1 3/4 I 45mm) 4 SHELVES 63 "H Size POLY CHROME JVEXELCAL W' x L Model No. Model No. Model No. 18 x 24 18246Z 18246C 18 x 30 18306Z 18306C 18 x 36 18366Z 18366C 18 x 42 18426Z 18426C 18 48 184862 18486C 18 x 54 18546Z 18546C 18 x 60 18606Z 18606C 18 x 72 18726Z 18726C 21 x 24 21246Z 21246C 21 x 30 21306Z 21306C 21 x 36 21366Z 21366C 21 x 42 21426Z 21426C 21 x 48 21486Z 21486C 21 x 54 21546Z 21546C 21 x 60 21606Z 21606C 21 x 72 21726Z 21726C 24 x 24 24246Z 24246C 24 x 30 24306Z 24306C 24 x 36 24366Z 24366C 24 x 42 244262 24426C 24 x 48 24486Z 24486C 24 x 54 24546Z 24546C 124 x 60j 24606Z 24606C 24 x 72 24726Z 24726C 24486N 24546N 24606N 24726N NOTE: FOR 5 SHELF UNITS PLEASE CONSULT YOUR NEXEL PRICE LIST STARTER SHELVING UNITS 24487Z 24547Z 24607Z 24727Z Nexel Industries Inc Starter Unit consists of 4 posts, 4 shelves and plastic shelf clips in the height and shelf size indicated. Select from 4 shelf or 5 shelf units in choice of finishes: Poly -Z- Brite, Chrome or Nexelon. DOCUMENT UTILITY BASKET HOLDER Hooks onto wire shelf in any location. Chrome finish. 12 x 2" x 8 Model No. SHELF DIVIDERS Ali LEDGES 4 SHELVES POLT BRAE CHROM Model No. Model No 24487C 24547C 24607C{ 24727C 74 "H E JVEYELON.. Model No. Installs easily without the use of bolts, nuts or clips. Attaches at any point along shelf. 8" high. Chrome finish. Size' Model No. 14 AD814C 18 21 24 30 36 Nexelwire.com AD818C AD821C AD824C AD834C AD830C Organizes files and manuals. Open mesh design provides high visibility. Chrome finish. 17 x 7 x 10' I Model No. I ASW177 Snaps onto perimeter of shelf providing 4 "H retaining ledge. If higher ledge is required, stack for 8' 12' etc. Chrome finish. Size" Model No. Size' Model No. 14 18 21 24 30 36 AL414C AL418C AL421C AL424C AL430C AL436C 42 48 54 60 72 AL442C AL448C AL454C AL460C AL472C 4 SHELVES 86 "H POLYLBRJIE CHROME JVIECELOAL Model No. Model No. Model No. 18246N 18247Z 18247C 18247N 18248Z 18248C 18248N 18306N 18307Z 18307C 18307N 18308Z 18308C 18308N 18366N 183672 18367C 18367N 18368Z 18368C 18368N 18426N 184272 18427C 18427N 18428Z 18428C 18428N 18486N 184872 184870 18487N 184882 18488C 18488N 18546N 18547Z 18547C 18547N 18548Z 18548C 16548N 18606N 186072 18607C 18607N 18608Z 18608C 18608N 18726N 18727Z 18727C 18727N 18728Z 18728C 18728N 21246N 21247Z 21247C 21247N 21248Z 21248C 21248N 21306N 21307Z 21307C 21307N 21308Z 21308C 21308N 21366N 21367Z 21367C 21367N 21368Z 21368C 21368N 21426N 21427Z 21427C 21427N 21428Z 21428C 21428N 21486N 21487Z 21487C 21487N 21488Z 21488C 21488N 21546N 215472 21547C 21547N 21548Z 21548C 21548N 21606N 21607Z 21607C 21607N 21608Z 21608C 21608N 21726N 21727Z 21727C 21727N 21728Z 21728C 21728N 24246N 24247Z 24247C 24247N 24248Z 24248C 24248N 24306N 24307Z 24307C 24307N 24308Z 24308C 24308N 24366N 24367Z 24367C 24367N 24368Z 24368C 24368N 24426N 244272 24427C 24427N 24428Z 24428C 24428N 24487N 24488Z 24488C 24488N 24547N 245482 24548C 24548N 24607N 24608Z 24608C 24608N 24727N 24728Z 24728C 2472814 El v a.. ritage,Cel ter .Olympic .Restaurant Equipment_ Page::i4 `L V U L C A N E N D U R A N C E S E R I E S VULCA Model G6OSS -6GB shown with optional casters SPECIFICATIONS 60' wide gas restaurant range, Vulcan Model No. G6OSS -6GB Fully MIG welded aluminized steel frame for added durability. Stainless steel front, sides, backriser high shelf and 6' adjustable legs. Extra deep crumb tray with welded corners. Six 32,000 BTU /hr cast burners with lift -off burner heads. Individual pilot for each burner 24 wide manual griddle broiler 30 000 BTU /hr Heavy duty cast grates, easy lift -off 12' x 12 1/2' in the front and 12' x 14 1/2' in the back to better accommodate stock pots or large pans. Grates have a built in aeration bowl for greater efficiency. Burner knobs are cool to the touch, high temperature material. Two ovens. 35 000 BTU /hr standard bakers depth ovens with porcelain oven bottom sides and door panel, measures 26 1/2'd x 26 3/8 "w x 14 "h. Oven thermostat adjusts from 250 °F to 500 °F with a low setting. Each oven is supplied with two racks, two rack guide sets, and four rack positions. Oven doors are heavy duty with an integrated door hinge /spring mechanism requiring no adjustment. 1 rear gas connection and pressure regulator Total input 292,000 BTU /hr Exterior Dimensions. 35 3/8 "d x 60 "w x 58 "h on 6' adjustable legs F -37367 (06/09) iE1wHa,.Herifage C enter G6 60" GAS RESTAURANT RANGE 6 OPEN BURNERS AND 24" GRIDDLE BROILER Olym qp ptiierit' Item G6OSS -6GB G6OCC -6GB G6OSC -6GB G6OSB -6GB G6OCB -6GB STANDARD FEATURES Fully MIG welded frame Stainless steel front, sides, backriser lift -off high shelf 6' Stainless steel adjustable legs 32,000 BTU /hr open top burners with lift -off heads Individual pilot for each burner Heavy duty cast grates, easy lift -off 12' x 12 1/2" in front and 12' x 14 1/2' in the rear Extra deep pull out crumb tray with welded corners 35 000 BTU /hr baker's depth standard oven cavity Full size sheet pans fit side -to -side or front -to -back Oven thermostat adjusts from 250 °F to 500 °F Heavy duty cool touch oven door handle Two oven racks and four rack positions for each oven 24' manual griddle broiler 30 000 BTU /hr 4' wide front grease trough Stainless steel cabinet base in lieu of oven 35,000 BTU /hr Snorkler convection oven in place of standard oven 26'd x 26 1/8"w x 13 7/8 "h (115v 1 phase blower motor 4 amp 6' cord and plug) includes three oven racks One year limited parts and labor warranty OPTIONAL FEATURES (Factory Installed) Rapid clean system stainless steel clean -out basin, quick disconnect burners, gas shut -off valve Front mounted gas shut -off valve turns off top burner pilots 6' stainless steel stub back Reinforced high shelf for mounting salamander broiler Hot top section in lieu of one open burner ACCESSORIES (Packaged Sold Separately) Extra oven rack Extra rack guides (set of two) Casters (set of six) Flanged feet (set of six) Reinforced high shelf for mounting salamander broiler V JLu fl Vulcan Wolf Range a division of ITW Food Equipment Group LLC P O Box 696 Louisville, KY 40201 Toll free: 1 800 814 2028 Local 502 778 2791 Quote Order Fax: 1 800 444 0602 C.S.I. Section 11420 2 Standard Ovens 2 Convection Ovens 1 Standard Oven 1 Convection Oven 1 Standard Oven Storage Base 1 Convection Oven Storage Base Page: 1 -1 VULCAfl INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1 A pressure regulator sized for this unit is included. Natural gas 5.0' W.0 propane gas 10 0' W.0 2. Gas line connecting to range must be 1 or larger If flexible connectors are used, the inside diameter must be 1 or larger 3. An adequate ventilation system is required for commercial cooking equipment. Information may be obtained by writing to the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy MA 02269, www NFPA.org. When writing refer to NFPA No. 96. 4 These units are manufactured for installation in accordance with ANSZ223.1A (latest edition), National Fuel Gas Code. Copies may be obtained from The American Gas Association, 400 N Capitol St. NW, Washington, DC 20001 www.AGA.org. 241/3" CQNF G (RATIO 9 +came,. x.�x,�n� k'< Ni f G6OSS -6GB G60CC -6GB G6OSC -6GB I G6OSB -6GB I G6OCB -6GB Op' RIG INOWerbl F-37387 (05/09) Eh i a Hen' age t enter 297/8" 12 34" tp 1 222/3° 293/4" V U L C A N E N D U R A N C E S E R I E S 60" GAS RESTAURANT RANGE 6 OPEN BURNERS AND 24" GRIDDLE BROILER 6 Burners 24' Griddle- Broiler 2 Standard Ovens 6 Burners 24' Griddle Broiler 2 Convection Ovens 5 Clearances Combustible Standard Oven Non combustible Convection Oven Non combustible 60" 5 omet 6.e 6 Burners 24" Griddle Broiler 1 Standard Oven 1 Convection Oven I 6 Burners 24' Griddle Broiler 1 Std. Oven Storage Base (right side) 6 Burners 24' Griddle Broiler 1 Cony. Oven Storage Base (right side) ymptc` Restaurant iE quipment 6. For proper combustion, install equipment on adjustable legs or casters provided with unit. 7 For proper combustion, install equipment on adjustable legs or casters provided with unit. NOTE: In line with its policy to continually improve its product, Vulcan reserves the right to change materials and specifications without notice. Specify type of gas when ordering Specify altitude when above 2,000 feet. TA. L IAN 292,000 292,000 292,000 257 000 257 000 Rear 6' 0' 0' Min.4' 0' 6" MIN J 8 "MAX This appliance is manufactured for commercial use only and is not intended for home use. Page: l' 58" 1025/465 1145 519 1085/492 1020 508 1055 579 vuLcan Vulcan Wolf Range a division of ITW Food Equipment Group LLC P O Box 696 Louisville, KY 40201 Toll -free: 1- 800 814 -2028 Local' 502 778 -2791 Quote Order Fax: 1- 800 444 -0602 Sides 10' 5atet Syste Configuration DELUXE KIT BASIC KIT HOSE ASSEMBLY DELUXE KIT BASIC KIT HOSE ASSEMBLY DELUXE KIT BASIC KIT HOSE ASSEMBLY DELUXE KIT BASIC KIT HOSE ASSEMBLY Part 1650BPQ 1675BPQ 16100BP0 16125BP0 'Comp° ISO orrno us 9001:2000 Inside Dia. 1/2' 3/4 Gas Connectors Specifier Sheet Deluxe Installation Kits Hose Assemblies with SnapFastTM OD Product Part Numbers Order Using Part Numbers Listed Below Inside Dia. 24' 1650KIT24 1/2' 1650BPOR24 1650BPQ24 1675K1T24 3/4' 1675BPOR24 1675BPQ24 16100KIT24 1' 16100BP1R24 16100BP024 16125KIT24 1 -1/4' 16125BPQR24 16125BPQ24 12' 98,000 260,000 425,000 783,000 36' 1650KIT36 1650BPQR36 1650BPQ36 1675KR36 1675BPQR36 1675BPQ36 16100KIT36 16100BPQR36 16100BPQ36 16125K1T36 16125BPQR36 16125BPQ36 BTU Flow Capacity (Flow rating BTU 0.64 SR GR. 0.5 inch WC pressure drop) 24' 87,000 232,000 414,000 699,000 Approvals Certifications NSF International Criteria C-2, Special Equipment and /or Devices ANSI Z21.69 CSA 6.16 Connectors for Moveable Gas Appliances ANSI Z21.41 CSA 6.9 Quick -Disconnect Devices For Use With Gas Fuel Meets requirements of ANSI Z223.1 NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code Refer to catalog page 23 for additional approvals certifications and Dormont gas connector limited lifetime warranty SnapFast is not for use in temperatures less than 32 °F LENGTH 48' 1650KIT48 1650BPQR48 1650BPO48 1 1675KIT48 1675BPQR48 1675BPQ48 16100KIT48 16100BPQR48 16100BPO48 16125KIT48 16125BPQR48 16125BPQ48 36' 77,000 218,000 379,000 615,000 LENGTH ei- tage 6titer 48' 68,000 180,000 334,000 541,000 DEMAND THE DIFFERENCE.! 60' 1650KIT60 1650BPQR60 1650BPQ60 1675K1T60 1675BPQR60 1675BPQ60 16100KIT60 16100BPQR60 16100BPQ60 16125KIT60 16125BPOR60 16125BPQ60 60' 60,000 158,000 294,000 476,000 72' 1650KIT72 1650BPQR72 1650BPQ72 1675KIT72 1675BPQR72 1675BP072 16100KIT72 161008PQR72 16100BP072 16125KIT72 16125BP0R72 16125BPQ72 72' 55,000 139,000 279,000 419,000 1- 800 DORMONT aE www.dormont.com echnical Drawing Gas Supply End Stainless Steel Braid Stainless Steel Tubing Antimicrobial PVC Coating Stress Guard Rotation Technology SnapFast Quick Disconnect Equipment End Dormont Qly "iipccRe°staurantEquipment, Page:'1' dig! SiiqtArst Features Specifications THE DORMONT BLIIE HOSE. Tubing Annealed, 304 stainless steel (ASTM A240) Braiding Multi-strand, 304 stainless steel wire Coating Antimicrobial (patent #6342,815) PVC, melts at 350 °F coating will not hold a flame; blue color indicates braided connector End Fittings .Carbon steel; zinc and yellow dichromate coating Stress Guard 360 °rotation of end fittings at both ends before and after installation (patent pending) THE SNAPFAST ONE- HANDED QUICK-DISCONNECT 0D: Quick -Disconnect .Brass body, carbon steel threaded end fittings, and aluminum collar Thermal Shut -off Polymer insert in OD melts when internal temperatures exceed 350° F to shut off gas flow DELUXE KITS INCLUDE: Elbow Malleable iron 2 included Restraining Cable PVC coated, carbon steel, multi-strand cable Valve 100% full port, brass gas ball valve BASIC KITS INCLUDE: The Dormont Blue Hose and restraining cable and hardware required for caster mounted installations TIIF -2BSD EFFICIENT REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Turbo Air's solid door freezers are designed with oversized and balanced (CFC Free R -404A) refrigeration systems. These include efficient evaporators and condensers for faster freezing and greater efficiency. Swing Model Door CU./FT i TUF -28SD1 1 7 r 48S D'.° 2 32` TUF-6OSD 2 16 :E_lwha Exceptional Quality 2 Years. Parts and Labor Warranty STAINLESS. STEEL LOUVER Built to withstand food acids and stains, stainless steel louvers ensure even distribution of cold a it throughout the interior of the unit. STAINLESS STEEL CABINET CONSTRUCTION The Turbo Air Super Deluxe model boasts a stainless steel interior and exterior (except the back). It guarantees the utmost in cleanliness and long product life. The Super Deluxe can add a touch of style to the most refined setting. HIGH- DENSITY POLYURETHANE INSULATION The entire cabinet structure and solid doors are formed -In -place using high density, CFC free polyurethane insulation. Incandescent Interior Lighting #of Shelves 1 2 FEATURES BENEFITS= HP AMPS 113 53 1/2 83 1/2 9.0 Super Deluxe Series STURDY CLEAN STAINLESS SHELVING Shelves are the most important part of cleanliness as they come in direct contact with food. After a while, PVC coated wire shelves may peel, rust and lead to unsanitary conditions. Only the Turbo Air Super Deluxe series uniquely provides stainless shelving. ERGONOMICALLY DESIGNED DOOR Customers' fatigue fades away with easy grip handles and doors that open effortlessly. These features along with self closing doors make this the ultimate choice in customer convenience. ABS sheet door liners resist water condensation with thermal efficiency. MAGNETIC DOOR GASKET Magnetic door gaskets are of one piece construction, removable without tools for ease of cleaning and replacement. HOT GAS CONDENSATE SYSTEM Through Turbo Air's creative innovation, the condensate system surfaces have been specially treated to resist corrosion. This not only increases efficiency without the risk refrigerant leakage from corrosion, but also prevents the overflow of condensate water. FREEZER HOLDS -5'F 10'F FOR THE BEST IN FROZEN. FOOD PRESERVATION Crated Weight L D H 168 271/2 x 30 x 301/3 ;265 '4820 ac>30at30i/ 287 601/4x30x30113 Height does not indude 6 for caster height ‘Ql <Resta r ant Equip ,Page: 6. MODEL Exterior Dimension(14NH) Cubic Feet Compressor (HP) Shelves Wet VVeight Voltage CDPOU Amp Lamp Cord Length Plug-in *Design and specifications subject to change without notice. WARRANTY 2 Years Labor and ,Parts Warranty .Addbthinal 3 Years Warranty on Compressor 001a1Pritage:Ontet 1 TUF-28SOi 27inx38x3Chea 7 1/3 lea 1501bs G1151/ 601-tz 53 A 25W 9.2 ft. NEMA 5-15P 30 SIDE VIEW 278 23.6 24 TUF-28SD PLAN VIEW TUF 482/9x30x307/3 12 1/2 2 ea 2211bs 151/ 60Hz 83 A 25W 92 ft. NEW 5-15P Lt LI I I TUF-60SD 60m4x30x301/3 16 1/2 2e 2621bs ©115V /60F+2 9.0 A 25W 9.2 ft. NEMA 5-15p c SELF-CONTAINED SYSTEM SWIVELCASTERS LEGS AVAILABLE-FOR ALL MODELS .(OPTION) REMOTE CABINETS AND CONDENSING UNITS AVAILABLE FOR ALL MODELS. LISTED gegtOtaiittipiilthejlt TUF-6OSD SPECIFICATIONS 482 44.4 19.9 4.8. 19.9 23.9 11 23,9 0.4 44.7 TUF-ASSO PLAN VIEW 60.2 55 25.9 4.8. 25.9 11 56.5 TUF-60SD PLAN VIEW a!"'s (1P) 1509001 EMINESI (unit inch) Page: 162, FOOD EQUIPMENT "Exceeding your expectations" ModelI6000A- 2,Iwith 66091 SL 66089 Q c® NEMCO Food Equipment, Ltd 301 Meuse Argonne Hicksville, Ohio 43526 800 782.6761 419.542.7751 419.542.6690, fax www.nemcofoodequip.com Printed 1/07 Printed in U.S.A. mo w. Elwha:I-Ientage (enter t Item No. Quantity Keep plated foods at optimum serving temperatures while maintaining their appetizing appearance with NEMCO's complete line of infrared bulb warmers. Each unit is perfect for holding baked foods, such as rolls, breads and desserts, as well as your most popular fried favorites and side dishes like chicken fingers, poppers, French fries and more. Or use them for steamed and broiled foods too Like all NEMCO equipment, these bulb warmers are designed to fit any kind of commercial space and size requirements, with portable freestanding and permanent hanging- fixture designs available. All models feature an attractive, classic reflector hood design that blends easily with any interior style. Plus, you can order your own custom configuration with the option to specify color or chrome finish. The standard bulb package includes a set of clear 250 -watt infrared bulbs. Red 250 -watt infrared bulbs and white, shatter resistant 250 -watt infrared bulbs are also available. Standard Features Sturdy steel frame and aluminum hoods with powder coat or chrome finish 120 -volt unit that plugs into a 15 -amp outlet A 6 -foot cord Durable, scratch resistant finish that is easy to clean One -year parts and labor warranty Infrared Bulb Warmers 'A' Page: T CD 0 Countertop Bulb Warmers (Model 6000A-2 shown) Specifications 14' 24 Ceiling-Mount Units (Model 6002 shown) Specifications 77 II -o1yiAki0:040tovtgiiipoioit 19 Unit Model Description Volts Watts Adjustment WxDxH Weight 6000A-1 Single bulb 120 250 6' 14 rx19 6.50 lbs t64 00A-2i Two bulb 120 500 6' 14 'xl 9 8.00 lbs 00A-2B Two bulb, 120 250 6' 14'x19 8.00 lbs black finish 6000A-2C Two bulb, 120 250 6 14 'xl 9 8.00 lbs chrome finish 6000A-3 Three bulb 120 750 6' 14'x29 x26 10 00 lbs Optional Accessories Model Description 66089 Pan and screen set 66091 Tray for 6000A-1 6000A-2 66195 Tray for 6000A-3 Unit Model Description Volts Watts Width Length Weight 6002 Single bulb 120 250 6 diameter 6 cord 2.00 lbs 6003 Single bulb 120 250 6 diameter 4 tube 2.50 lbs 9 '6' 1,1 ••;Z' 68 VULCA LG500 Shown SPECIFICATIONS: 65 70 lb capacity free standing model gas fryer Vulcan -Hart Model No LG500 Stainless steel front and door Set of four 6' nickel plated steel legs adjustable to 7' Stainless steel fry tank with five heat exchanger tubes and a 'V' shaped large cold zone 1 full port ball type drain valve Twin fry baskets with plastic coated handles. 150 000 BTU /hr input. Behind the door snap action millivolt thermostat control adjusts from 200° to 400 °F Overall dimensions: 21 'w x 30 d x 36 CSA design certified. NSF listed. SPECIFY TYPE OF GAS WHEN ORDERING. Natural Gas Propane Gas SPECIFYALTITUDE. Natural Gas for above 2000 ft Propane Gas for above 3500 ft. F -32940 (4 -08) LG500 STANDARD FEATURES Item FREE STANDING ECONOMY GAS FRYER VULCAN -HART COMPANY P 0 BOX 696, LOUISVILLE, KY 40201 TEL.1- 800 814 -2028 502 778 2791 QUOTE ORDER FAX. 1-800-444-0602 C.S.I. Section 11420 Stainless steel fry tank, 65 70 lb. capacity Large cold zone area. 1 full port ball type drain valve. Stainless steel front and door G90 high grade galvanized non corrosive finish sides and back. Door liner for added stability Set of four nickel plated legs adjustable to 7' Twin fry baskets with plastic coated handles. 150,000 BTU /hr input. Behind the door snap action millivolt thermostat control ad- justs from 200° to 400 °F with standing pilot. Millivolt System Requires no electric hook -up. Hi -limit shut -off protector shuts off gas combination valve and standing pilot. Built in flue deflector Nickel plated tube rack. Earth magnet to secure closed door Easily removable stainless steel basket hanger for cleaning. Vulcan -Hart (Vulcan) warrants the LG500 Gas Fryer to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 1 year from the date of original installation. Stainless steel fry tank will be warranted for 1 year If tank is found to have a leak and is verified by an authorized service agency the entire LG500 fryer will be replaced. Replace- ment fryer will be warranted for the balance of the original warranty ACCESSORIES 1p Casters 6' adjustable to 7' 2 locking, 2 non locking Stainless steel tank cover Grease protector strips. Single large basket 18 x 13 d x 5 Set of twin baskets 9 x 13 d x 6 "h. Set of tri- baskets 5 x 11 d x 4 /2'h. FRYMATE VX21 add -on FrymateTM Dump Station. Flexible gas hose with quick disconnect. VULCAI1 IMPORTANT 1 A combination valve with pressure regulator is provided with this unit. Natural Gas 4.0' (102 mm) W C Propane Gas 10.0' (279 mm) W C 2. An adequate ventilation system is required for Commercial Cooking Equipment. Information may be obtained by writing to the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy MA 02269 When writing refer to NFPA No. 96. 3. All models require a 6' (152 mm) clearance at both sides and rear adjacent to combustible construction. 4 All models require a 16' (407 mm) minimum clearance to adjacent open top burner units. 5. This appliance is manufactured for commercial installation only and is not intended for home use. SERVICE CONNECTIONS. 1 /2 (13 mm) rear gas connection (single units) F- 32940(4 -08) 21 000 [5331 I \%1 U I 1 1..0 1 17 980 [4571 47 125 [11971 46 250 [11751 r LG500 FREE STANDING GAS FRYER 10 000 [254] 36 250 [921] 11 500 [291 6 000 ,[1527 [1"30] 19.500 I� �I I� 4 4 500 J U 30 125 [765] 17 470 [4441 13 750 [349] [495] 4 875 [124] 7 500 [1 91] 2 625 [67] OVERALL WORKING TANK FRY COMP APPROX. MODEL WIDTH DEPTH HEIGHT HEIGHT SIZE BTU /HR. CAPACITY SHP WT LG500 I 21 I 3014 I 47I/8 I 3614 1 19'/2 x 14 I 150,000 I 65 70 lbs. 1 275 lbs./125 kg NOTE In line with its policy to continually improve its products, Vulcan -Hart Company reserves the right to change materials and specifications without notice VULCAN -HART COMPANY P 0 BOX 696, LOUISVILLE, KY 40201, TEL. 1- 800 814 -2028 502 778 -2791 QUOTE ORDER FAX.1- 800 444 -0602 Primed On Recycled Paper orgiont ti 5atety System Configuration DELUXE KIT BASIC KIT HOSE ASSEMBLY DELUXE KIT BASIC KIT HOSE ASSEMBLY DELUXE KIT BASIC KIT HOSE ASSEMBLY DELUXE KIT BASIC KIT HOSE ASSEMBLY Part 1650BPQ 1675BPQ 16100BPQ 16125BPQ 'COmpo nt" Ito 9001 2000 Inside Dia. 1/2' 3/4' 1 1 -1/4' E1wba�Hei7tage :Geriter Gas Connectors Specifier Sheet Deluxe Installation Kits Hose Assemblies with SnapFastTM 00 Product Part Numbers Order Using Part Numbers Listed Below Inside Dia. 24' 1650KIT24 1/2' 1650BPOR24 1650BPQ24 1675KIT24 3/4' 1675BPQR24 1675BPQ24 16100KIT24 1 16100BP0R24 16100BPQ24 161251(IT24 1 -1/4 16125BPQR24 16125BPQ24 12' 98,000 260,000 425,000 783,000 36' 1650KIT36 1650BPOR36 1650BPQ36 1675101 1675BPQR36 1675BPQ36 161001(IT36 16100BPQR36 16100BPQ36 16125KIT36 16125BPQR36 16125BPQ36 24' 87,000 232,000 414,000 699,000 Approvals Certifications NSF International Criteria C-2, Special Equipment and /or Devices ANSI Z21.69 CSA 6.16 Connectors for Moveable Gas Appliances ANSI Z21.41 CSA 6.9 Quick -Disconnect Devices For Use With Gas Fuel Meets requirements of ANSI Z223.1 NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code Refer to catalog page 23 for additional approvals certifications and Dormant gas connector limited lifetime warranty SnapFast is not for use in temperatures less than 32 °F LENGTH 48' 1650K1T48 1650BPQR48 1650BPQ48 1675KIT481 1675E1E11348 1675BPQ48 16100KIT48 16100BPQR48 16100BPQ48 16125KIT48 16125BPQR48 16125BPO48 BTU Flow Capacity (Flow rating BTU 0.64 SR GR. 0.5 inch WC pressure drop) 36' 77,000 218,000 379,000 615,000 LENGTH 48' 68,000 180,000 334,000 541,000 Features Specifications THE DORMONT BLUE HOSE. Annealed, 304 stainless steel (ASTM A240) .Multi-strand, 304 stainless steel wire Antimicrobial (patent #6,742,815) PVC, melts at 350 °F coating will not hold a flame; blue color indicates braided connector End Fittings Carbon steel; zinc and yellow dichromate coating Stress Guard 360 °rotation of end fittings at both ends before and after installation (patent pending) THE SNAPFAST ONE- HANDED QUICK -DISCONNECT OD: Tubing Braiding Coating Quick -Disconnect Thermal Shut -off 60' 1650KIT60 1650BPOR60 1650BPQ60 1675KIT60 1675BPQR60 1675BPQ60 16100KIT60 16100BPQR60 16100BPQ60 16125KfT60 16125BPQR60 16125BPO60 60' 60,000 158,000 294,000 476,000 DELUXE KITS INCLUDE- Elbow Restraining Cable Valve BASIC KITS INCLUDE: caster mounted installations DEMAND THE DIFFERENCE! Olympic;Restauiant'I quipment% 72' 1650KIT72 1650BPQR72 16506P072 1675KIT72 16758POR72 1675BPQ72 16100KIT72 16100BPQR72 16100BPQ72 16125KIT72 16125BPQR72 16125BPQ72 72' 55,000 139,000 279,000 419,000 1 800 DORMONT www.dormont.com echnical Drawing Gas Supply End Stainless Steel Braid Stainless Steel Tubing Antimicrobial PVC Coating Stress Guard Rotation Technology SnapFast Quick Disconnect Equipment End .sue, st .Brass body, carbon steel threaded end fittings, and aluminum collar Polymer insert in no melts when internal temperatures exceed 350° F to shut off gas flow Malleable iron 2 included PVC coated, carbon steel, multi-strand cable 100% full port, brass gas ball valve The Dormont Blue Hose and restraining cable and hardware required for D Vage:1 ,w� Supreme F 000 SERVICE EQUIPMENT Spec Sheet No. TR -13 o HF -2G -NAT o HF -3G -NAT o HF -4G -NAT o HF -5G -NAT Stainlreq Steel Well o HF -2G- NAT -SS o HF -3G- NAT -SS o HF-4G- NAT -SS o HF -5G- NAT -SS Specifications HF -2G -LP o HF -3G -LP o HF -4G -LP o HF -5G -LP Models o HF- 2G -LP -SS o HF- 3G -LP -SS o HF- 4G -LP -SS o HF- 5G -LP -SS i Accessories. V Portable Kit -LP Only (5 "casters, 2 locking push handle) Add Prefix P- o Solid tray Shelf Models TTS -(2 -5) o Tubular Tray Rail Models TTR -(2 -5) o Dish Shelf Add On(mount under tray shelf)- Models TDS -(2 -5) o Stainless End Shelf Model BES -2 o Double or Single Overshelf Models TOS -(2 -5) STOS -(2 -5) o Buffet Shelf Model TBS -(2 -5) o Serving Shelf Model TSS -(2 -5) o Aluminum Spillage Pans Model SP -A o Stainless Steel Spillage Pans Model SP -S TOP 20 gauge #302 stainless steel with die stamped pan openings. (11 875' x 20 062'9 BODY- 22 gauge #430 stainless steel LEGS. 18 gauge #302 stainless steel with fully adjustable non marking tip UNDERSHELF 22 gauge #430 stainless steel. CUTTING BOARD 1 thick white thermoplastic. CUTTING BOARD BRACKETS 16 gauge #302 stainless steel LINING 8' deep 22 gauge gals steel or 302 stainless steel lining (optional w/ -SS suffix) Supreme Metal vaik. ritage ,Center Job Name Job Name Item Item Features 3500 BTU'S per burner Stainless steel undershelf standard Control knobs with high, medium, and low settings Pilot indicator openings Fiberglass insulation between each compartment 3125 Trotters Parkway Alpharetta, GA 30004 www suprememetal corn HF -4G -NAT Shown. :Olyinpic:Restaurant:Equipmerit Page: 414 Freight Class 85 Toll Free 800 645 -2526 770 740 -6000 Fax: 770 740 -6010 wrimi ra- rethe eta' •;alf"" HF-3G-NAT 4.-StAktmt 34.125" 14 CONTROL KNOB Model HF-5G-NAT 6.5' HF-3G-LP 3125 Trotters Parkway Alpharetta, GA 30004 www suprememetal corn E1whitellentage5Ce 22.625" 1rt,. 7.5' SECTIONAL VIEW Length 1..14 B 47 78 HOLES FOR OPTIONAL PUSH it. HANDLE (LP MODEL) D 77 3/4 i ti,t—pv4.ttvrtvtz t 'w it,totttrtt,t: tat 47 78 1 HF-5G-LP 1 1 D 77 3/4 U 79W9. 5 Toll Free 800-645-2526 770-740-6000 Fax: 770-740-6010 A 1/2' GAS CONNECTION AT REGULATOR 4"W C. FOR NAT GAS /10" W C. FOR LP GAS 11, A I Ir n n r 11 CONTROL KNOBS ELEVATION VIEW All dimensions are the same for the stainless steel wells option. I of Wells 'Cubic Feet I Weight Witakte Tgallfir-ar2W* ,tr ,,.04,4tttmmtr&a4 VIE 5 I 66.94 I 170 J Lotgmici 1igP r ,Aft4Wie. c 0 3 41.32 I 120 66.94 I 170 0674.0 §tQoPgoiptriom 2.25' (IC 22.625" 8" 11 ETA1L .F BURNER SET—UP BURNER JET PIL T LIGHT C NTR •1_ RN B We reserve the right to modify specifications in line with our policy of continuous product improvement. 0 Supreme Metal 2006. SuptemeMetal T40: 04- 5atet System Deluxe Installation Kits Hose Assemblies with Snap Fast"' QD Product Part Numbers Order Using Part Numbers Listed Below Configuration DELUXE KIT BASIC KIT HOSE ASSEMBLY DELUXE KIT BASIC KIT HOSE ASSEMBLY DELUXE KIT BASIC KIT HOSE ASSEMBLY DELUXE KIT BASIC KIT HOSE ASSEMBLY Part 1650BPQ 1675BPQ 16100BPQ 16125BPQ Compon SP- 9001:2000 1W44:44eritage Center Gas Connectors Specifier Sheet Inside Dia. 24' 1650KIT24 1/2' 1650BPOR24 1650BPQ24 1675KIT24 3/4' 1675BPQR24 1675BP024 16100KIT24 1 16100BPQR24 16100BP024 161251(1T24 1 -1/4' 16125BPQR24 16125BP024 Inside Dia. 1/2' 3/4' 1-1/4' 12' 98,000 260,000 425,000 783,000 36' 16501(1736 1650BPQR36 1650BPQ36 1675KIT36 1675BP0R36 1675BP036 16100KIT36 16100BPQR36 16100BPQ36 16125KIT36 16125BPQR36 16125BPQ36 BTU Flow Capacity (Flow rating BTU 0.64 SP. GR. 0.5 inch WC pressure drop) 24' 87,000 232,000 414,000 699,000 Os ANSI Z21.41 CSA 6.9 Quick -Disconnect Devices For Use With Gas Fuel Meets requirements of ANSI Z223.1 NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code SnapFast is not for use in temperatures less than 32 °F LENGTH 48' 1650K1T48 1650BPQR48 1650BPQ48 1 KIT48 1675BPOR48 1675BPO48 16100KIT48 16100BPQR48 16100BPQ48 16125K1T48 16125BPQR48 16125BPQ48 36' 77,000 218,000 379,000 615,000 Approvals S Certifications NSF International Criteria C-2, Special Equipment and /or Devices ANSI Z21.69 CSA 6.16 Connectors for Moveable Gas Appliances Refer to catalog page 23 for additional approvals certifications and Dormant gas connector limited lifetime warranty LENGTH 48' 68,000 180,000 334,000 541.000 Quick -Disconnect Thermal Shut -off DEMAND THE DIFFERENCE! 60' 1650KIT60 1650BP0R60 1650BPQ60 1675KIT60 1675BPQR60 1675BP060 16100KIT60 16100BPQR60 16100BPQ60 16125K1T60 16125BPQR60 161258P060 60' 60,000 158,000 294,000 476,000 DELUXE KITS INCLUDE: Elbow Restraining Cable Valve 72' 1650K0T72 1650BPQR72 1650BPQ72 1675KIT72 1675BPQR72 1675BPQ72 16100KIT72 16100BPQR72 16100BP072 16125KIT72 16125BPQR72 16125BPQ72 72' 55,000 139,000 279,000 419,000 .Malleable iron 2 included .PVC coated, carbon steel, multi strand cable 100% full port, brass gas hall valve 1 800 DORMONT echnical Drawing Gas Supply End Stainless Steel Braid Stainless Steel Tubing Antimicrobial PVC Coating Stress Guard Rotation Technology SnapFast Quick Disconnect Equipment End gPRESS L GYARD XQlympic Restaurant Equipment :Page Features S Specifications THE DORMONT BLUE HOSE: Tubing Annealed, 304 stainless steel (ASTM A240) Braiding .Multi-strand, 304 stainless steel wire Coating Antimicrobial (patent #6,742,815) PVC, melts at 350 °F coating will not hold a flame; blue color indicates braided connector End Fittings .Carbon steel; zinc and yellow dichromate coating Stress Guard 360° rotation of end fittings at both ends before and after installation (patent pending) THE SNAPFAST ONE HANDED QUICK DISCONNECT OD: .Brass body, carbon steel threaded end fittings, and aluminum collar .Polymer insert in OD melts when internal temperatures exceed 350° F to shut off gas flow BASIC KITS INCLUDE. The Dormant Blue Hose and restraining cable and hardware required for caster mounted installations •oi mont 1iw "moo I www.darmont.eom F-32433 (03-08) SPECIFICATIONS "E1wfia, Heritage>Genter VULCA Model VC4GD CSA design certified. NSF listed. SPECIFY TYPE OF GAS WHEN ORDERING. SPECIFY ALTITUDE WHEN ABOVE 2,000 FT Single section gas convection oven, Vulcan -Hart Model No. (VC4GD) (VC4GC). Stainless steel front, sides and top. Painted legs. Independently operated stainless steel doors with double pane windows. Non -sag insulation applied to the top, rear sides, bottom and doors. Porcelain enamel on steel oven interior measures 29 "w x 22 d x 20 "h. Two interior oven lights. Five nickel plated oven racks measure 28 x 20 Eleven position nickel plated rack guides with positive rack stops. One 44 000 BTU /hr burner Electronic spark igniter Furnished with a two speed /2 H.P oven blower -motor Oven cool switch for rapid cool down. 120 volt, 60 Hz, 1 ph power supply required. 6' cord and plug. 9 amps total draw Exterior dimensions: 40 "w x 42 d x 56 on 25 legs. Depth measurement includes door handles. VC4G SERIES SINGLE DECK GAS CONVECTION OVENS STANDARD FEATURES OPTIONS ACCESSORIES VULCAN -HART COMPANY P 0 BOX 696, LOUISVILLE, KY 40201 TEL. 1- 800 814 -2028 502 778 -2791 QUOTE ORDER FAX. 1- 800 444 -0602 Qi "ic Restaprant`ufj?',; ty Item C.S.I. Section 11420 VC4GD Solid state temperature controls adjust from 150° to 500 °F 60 minute timer with audible alarm. VC4GC Computer controls with digital time and temperature readouts. 99 -hour timer with audible alarm. Roast and Hold cycle. Six preset menu selections. Shelf I D programming. Stainless steel front, sides and top. Painted legs. Independently operated stainless steel doors with double pane windows. 44 000 BTU /hr burner IN Electronic spark igniter 1 /2 H.P two speed oven blower -motor 120/60/1 with 6' cord and plug. 9 amps. Oven cool switch for rapid cool down. Porcelain enamel on steel oven interior Five nickel plated oven racks with eleven rack positions. 3 /4 rear gas connection with combination gas pressure regulator and safety solenoid system. One year limited parts and labor warranty Stainless steel legs. Casters. Five hour timer in place of 60 minute timer (Model VC4GD). Roast Hold control (Model VC4GD). Stainless steel open stand with storage rack. Second year extended limited parts and labor warranty Stainless steel rear enclosure. Extra oven rack(s). Rack hanger Stainless steel drip pan. Flexible gas hose with quick disconnect and restraining device. Consult price book for available sizes. Down draft flue diverter for direct vent connection. Stacking kit. :04o: 04 9-1' VULCAfl IMPORTANT 1 A combination gas pressure regulator and safety solenoid system is included in this unit. Natural gas is 3.5' W C. Propane gas is 10.0' W C. 2. An adequate ventilation system is required for commercial cooking equipment. Information may be obtained by writing to the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy MA 02289. When writing, refer to NFPA No. 96. —2 .50 FI 4 .1 N3,4 NPT I 64) P, 29.00 (737) 40.00 (1016) s t Cr DEPTH (INCLUDES MODEL NO. WIDTH HANDLES) 1500 (381) 31.00 (787) 25 75 (654) VC4G I 40' I 42 I 56.75 (1441) VC4G SERIES SINGLE DECK GAS CONVECTION OVENS 3. These units are manufactured for installation in accordance with ANSZ223.1 (latest edition), National Fuel Gas Code. Copies may be obtained from American Gas Association Inc. Accredited Standards Committee Z223, 400 N. Capitol St. NW Washington, DC 20001 or the Secretary Standards Council, NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy MA 02169- 7471 4 Clearances: Combustible Non combustible Rear 2' 2' Right Side 4 4 Left Side 1 0' 5. This appliance is manufactured for commercial installation only and is not intended for home use. 30 75 I F 20 00 (508) (781) 39 00 (990) 22.125 (562)1, 26.50 (673) —1 a -a 6.50 (165) BTU /HR. TOTAL HEIGHT PER OVEN BTU /HR. ELECTRICAL 56 I 44 000 I 44 000 I x120/60/1 f 3 /4 NPT 120V UNITS ONLY APPROX. SHP WT LBS.I KG 497 I 225 NOTE. In line with its policy to continually improve its products, Vulcan -Hart Company reserves the right to change materials and specifications without notice. VULCAN -HART COMPANY P 0 BOX 696, LOUISVILLE, KY 40201 TEL. 1- 800 814 -2028 502 778 -2791 QUOTE ORDER FAX 1- 800 444 -0602 F -32433 (03 -08) E1wlia Hetztage ,.enter Ny mmg estautant Equipment. 'Page: 'x•9=2 Recycled Paper irmon Seen" Deluxe Installation Kits Hose Assemblies with SnapFastTM QD Product Part Numbers Order Using Part Numbers Listed Below Configuration DELUXE KIT BASIC KR HOSE ASSEMBLY DELUXE KIT BASIC KIT HOSE ASSEMBLY DELUXE KIT BASIC KIT HOSE ASSEMBLY DELUXE KIT BASIC KIT HOSE ASSEMBLY Part 1650BPQ 1675BPQ 161008P0 16125BPQ Approvals Certifications •ton pon A anu1'a ctui7ng Inside Dia. 24' 1650KIT24 1/2' 1650BPQR24 16506PQ24 1675KIT24 3/4' 1675BPQR24 1675BP024 16100KIT24 1 16100BPQR24 16100BPQ24 16125KIT24 1 -1/4' 16125BPQR24 16125BPQ24 Inside Dia. 1/2' 3/4 1 -1/4' NSF International Criteria C-2, Special Equipment and /or Devices ANSI Z21.69 CSA 6.16 Connectors for Moveable Gas Appliances ANSI 221.41 CSA 6.9 Quick Disconnect Devices For Use With Gas Fuel Meets requirements of ANSI Z223.1 NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code Refer to catalog page 23 for additional approvals certifications and Dormont gas connector limited lifetime warranty SnapFast is not for use in temperatures less than 32 °F Elwlia qut`* Gas Connectors Specifier Sheet 12' 98,000 260,000 425,000 783,000 36' 1650KIT36 1650BPQR36 1650BPQ36 1675KIT36 1675BPQR36 1675BP036 16100KIT36 16100BPQR36 16100BPQ36 16125KII36 16125BPQR36 16125BPQ36 24' 87,000 232,000 414,000 699,000 av' t-- od',ei ;1'GS' LENGTH 48' 1650KIT48 1650BPQR48 1650BPQ48 1675KIT48 r 1675BPQR48 1675BPQ48 16100KIT48 16100BPQR48 16100BPQ48 16125KIT48 16125BPQR48 16125BPQ48 36' 77,000 218,000 379,000 615,000 LENGTH Quick -Disconnect Thermal Shut -off 48' 68,000 180,000 334,000 541,000 DEMAND THE DIFFERENCE' 60' 1650KIT60 1650BPQR60 1650BPQ60 1675K1T60 1675BPQR60 1675BP060 16100KIT60 16100BPQR60 16100BPQ60 16125KIT60 16125BP0R60 16125BPQ60 60' 60,000 158,000 294,000 476,000 DELUXE KITS INCLUDE Elbow Restraining Cable Valve Qlyinpi Equiptnenf 72' 1650K1T72 1650BPQR72 1650BPQ72 1675KIT72 1675BPOR72 1675BPQ72 16100KIT72 16100BPQR72 16100BP072 16125KIT72 16125BPQR72 16125BPQ72 BTU Flow Capacity (Flow rating BTU 0.64 SP. GR. 0.5 inch WC pressure drop) 72' 55,000 139,000 279,000 419,000 1 800 DORMONT www.dormont.cam echnical Drawing Gas Supply End Stainless Steel Braid Stainless Steel Tubing Antimicrobial PVC Coating Stress Guard Rotation Technology SnapFast Quick Disconnect Equipment End .Malleable iron 2 included .PVC coated, carbon steel, multi-strand cable 100% full port, brass gas ball valve Dormont Tao: 9A dig Sia /l/ir Features Specifications THE OORMONT BLUE HOSE: Tubing .Annealed, 304 stainless steel (ASTM A240) Braiding .Multi-strand, 304 stainless steel wire Coating .Antimicrobial (patent #6,742,815) PVC, melts at 350 °F coating will not hold a flame; blue color indicates braided connector End Fittings .Carbon steel; zinc and yellow dichromate coating Stress Guard 360° rotation of end fittings at both ends before and after installation (patent pending) THE SNAPFAST ONE- HANDED QUICK -DISCONNECT 00: .Brass body, carbon steel threaded end fittings, and aluminum collar .Polymer insert in OD mehs when internal temperatures exceed 350° F to shut off gas flow BASIC KITS INCLUDE. The Dormont Blue Hose and restraining cable and hardware required for caster mounted installations Southern PRIDE 40 5/8' Southern PRIDE COOKING CAPACITIES FOR THE SC 200 Pork Butt (7 lb) 30 pieces St. Louis Ribs (2.75 lb) 25 pieces w /Optional Rib Racks 65 pieces Chicken (3 lb 40 pieces Brisket (12 lb 15 pieces Spare Ribs (3 5 lb 20 pieces 7 1 /4' 1 it Front View 25 3/8" Top View 25 3/8' SPECIFICATIONS MODEL SC- 200 -SM CT L T 1= •4 1/4r- b 5 3/8' Southern Pride Distributing, L.L 5003 Meadowland Pk www.southern- pnde.com Sales 800 -851 -8180 210 lb total 69 lb total 179 lb total 120 lb total 180 lb total 70 lb total 55 3/4' S 3/8' n 33 Side View SC 200 -SM Electrical Requirementstl20 /2081or 120/240 volts AC, 60 hertz,l phase, 30 amp, wire connection. Control. Digital Roast and Hold Construction 18 ga. Stainless Steel Liner 22 ga. Stainless Steel Exterior Chipbox• Uses any wood chips or charcoal Dimensions- 55 3/4 tall 25 3/8' wide, 33' deep Shell Dimensions: 40 5/8' tall. 25 3/8' wide. 33 deep Food Racks. Five food racks 18' x 26' 16.25 Sy Ft. of Cooking Surface 5' Rack Spacing. Air Circulation Low Velocity Convection Fan Temperature Range- 140 -325 degrees F Shipping Weight: 375 lbs. Approvals. UL, ULC NSF .1 �1 °5 "S N Venting- Must be installed under a vent hood. Contact local code officials and a commercial kitchen ventilation contractor prior to installation C Phone 618 -997 9348 Marion. Illinois 62959 -5892 Fax 618-993 5960 sales ii sopride corn service @sopride.com parts n sopride corn Service 800 -437 2679 Service Fax 618 -993 -0378 E1w1ia letitage Centei Olympic,Resta wpment °Pa e•2 R. 1/311 )7 ND-2 WI PSP Accessory Exhaust Hood with Make-Up Air Features Benefits Oil. 11(4 00- 000004, Pr Et 1 le 00411, Ca o0000 0 0 De .1 111 0, was' ExpE uO A Oa 0011,1 0717 DeSV Rd, 11e :He 400 0w' It alt 1•11.1 F. v.. Her plepl 00 62 0010100 FE' nIE 10 /1 01 (1 tUe 4. 1 Ma 7 FrpecEnt,1 Do eS E-1 i00ieho IE r ando 00 0, F1:, tO Plc (40 •kiu Options Specifications P e ge,,I -Viol Cool '1401 ,111 -'4, Wax No notion F &est hp cl Ille uply' Fr, remP r P 'EV 'Er Re- en•-•• de 10040 f Drcepl iOn 0r, 41: Epic 11 1111, CaptiveAfre's ER Listed ND-2 Exhaust Hood efficiently meets the challenges of most cooking applications. The perforated supply plenum accessory (POP) provides up to 90% make-up air 11, 111.0410 pEr eilleps !IFNI 00. .pt, Description DA .4 I rwe Or =ore ilF cell I I,' Ile 11,, '1F 3111 ppJ AlEPDP.Don 1' .x0 1 mO 044 tusua Dew,' ch■ PortorinanCe Data I ,10.2 with P50 Accessory Soecilications ass tical 45(42i-AND-2.--psp-r 115 1 ',D0 11- uty cdp1P ayy C 0,0010 wrIr 'ConstuctIon t leual slili o Veda! AU cla ri 1 cOth AA, AlincS. ?A maws 11,1 CA ',TA e roll 1 1 exp., put .00- ,404 cht 11:: Mn itai r shell r 000 At OIL he pee, on the sltu O r bial,pn 1 hop M emm .jeer ,44 0 enE 0, 01001 00 01 F•Ex-ledo s mc ex1r—Fl; D000. p• 1 q x-D, n DEP 041a mg effie 0,10 1 1 01 Pd riPe 430 D cis PEI ex,. Fes 10011*- 04, sufaIn1 (reP11 0414 nO tadu umdenspeon' Ft ell: 11000 12.1100 old n ptionalEtp. epd -Ebe0,401 fige Pia Eke Rex, MAlc On 0 041 0/00 to pg:ru 4Es ol aOl 1 El xl tie tone MK DE 410000: caldesee Ole 1114E4 1: Pier] DJ PEaEl hIlb. cep nO flaw, Eel At rileSS 115 p row FPI On Aix 1h• ril l ',ha all 100 154w,' nclE equ "rile mai cleac 014 I EEL trla fit" Pa.pc' F11 1 D,'PEDFF cp0041 _Dsr cO tm k(Itk CartfficatIons II 50000 0, CIL 011111 1/la 4, 00100104 14. 100 000 TO 153.11E00 tha11 le Est .Pelp'em 10- 0000' Pled DeeumentatIon lAo cnni OP 4 dr 'be N11.1 II, 11 pl 1/1 Pp, 012 pF ce, I S WIN 4i, Tar maw EP1 be F cne An1 F 010 dm ve 0 ,0000 ;Der 1m, Pulp 1400 1, 'nor cceiED xicn NIP 00,0 one. Sectional View 141-2 with PSP S40 5R Volume D.P. 235.. Porforebol P 0001 0 rat ,Rei4e. ZfoWs _on as „c,n ,,,ro aiucpuleP,ad J.1.11,1 11111•1111•1111■11111MIIIIM■21= .01 101111 Ilyl 0111 p 'IR TIP 10. lr 17:710 ZOJ 0 9. 3 0.3 a 110 FM Pr 0 00 P wpm, `1 of •IP3 00*01011 11j .12 ,41 lop u PAutp App 0011 111111 1.• 100 pl 1l 111010 pm Pic 111 Val I[C *1 "IN 101 1 14 SP P 010411 041 AS./ ,11; 0011 -.1 111 1111111 syqauaa q saintraj sued Iseeldn lefinjuluao OAUJ 1J VI-VON Pertormance eoo 075, 5Op 075 P<O08, iona sa,.11 PfP: Ppm ba.014 meth oda Nola Fan Submittal A a 111111111111111111111 Ostrrr.= LIAM COMMERCIAL VENT .4fON E rrr Order 990123 Elwha Heritage Center Heat )Fan #2 A2- D.500 -G15 I 827 lbs. /76 curb) Direct Gas Fired Heated Make Up Air Unit with 15' Blower Supply Motor. Model 003180S3EF56Z -40PP 3 HP 3 Phs, 208 V 9.5 FLA, ODP (Open Drip Proof) Supply Motor Pulleys: Part Type Blower Pulley Motor Pulley Burner. Min Output BTU 18,333 BTU /Hr Max Output BTU 550,000 BTU /Hr Size. 12' long Gas Type Natural BTU Input 268672 BTU Min Circuit Ampacity Unit Voltage OW 1 1 Browning 2BK65H 2VP42 x 7/8 Installation Information. Gas Inlet Pressure 7 in. w c. 3 phs 208 V Turns Out 2.5 Supply Performance: Volume 4208 cfm RPM 1004 TS 3943 ft/min Max. Recommended RPM 1400 SP 0 837' w g. (0.650' Ext. 0.1481 Int. 0 039' Opt.) BHP 2 714 Altitude 0' Winter Temp 20 °F Output 247178 Temp Rise 55 °F 14 in. w c. Insurance No Insurance Requirement (ANSI) 13 03 amps Construction Features: Construction Features Housing constructed of heavy duty G90 galvanized steel Forward curved centrifugal blower wheel Vibration isolation Adjustable drive assemblies Adjustable motor mount Ball bearing motors Heavy duty pre lubricated bearings rated for 200,000 hours of operation Static resistant belts Service doors on both sides Horizontal down discharge Large intake area ensures low pressure drop across unit Spring loaded profile plates automatically adjust for any airflow no manual setting required! Weatherproof safety disconnect switch Modular design provides design flexibility Fully insulated casing Blower. 15' forward curved, centrifugal blower Permanently lubricated ball bearings. Galvanized finish. 1 x 25' Shaft. 2000 -7500 CFM. 1800 max. RPM Used in heated and non heated supply fans. Temp Control: Maxitrol 14 40 -80 °F Discharge Temp Control Intake: Sloped Foam Filtered Intake for Size #2 Modular Heater 26.813 Wide X 53 625 Long X 31 313 High. Includes 2 Foam EZ Kleen Metal Mesh Filters. Filters: 3x EZ Kleen Non -Woven Polyester Metal Mesh Filter 20 "x 25 "x 2 Used for heater and supply fan intakes. 23 layers of expanded aluminum and one layer of non- woven polyester (3426) Selected Options: Cooling Interlock Relay 24VAC Coil. 120V Contacts. Locks out burner circuit when AC is energized. Gas Pressure Gauge, 0 -35' 2.5' Diameter 1/4 Thread Size Gas Pressure Gauge, -5 to +15 Inches Wc. 2.5' Diameter 1/4 Thread Size Motorized Back Draft Damper 22.75' X 24 for Size 2 Standard Modular Direct Fired Heaters w /Extended Shaft, Standard Galvanized Construction, 3/4 Rear Flange, LF120S Actuator Included Page 1 of 3 http. /appl captiveaire com/Order/ Fans /Submittal.aspx ?did= 778535 &jfid= 1209495 7/8/2009 Nola Fan Submittal .CUR OUTO WALL.. 315 pa 4 t :18' 75 SCHARGE FLEX 'CONDUIT bi OPENING FOR FIELD WIRING 1 DISCONNECT 8w1itH 1 DIRECT FIRED -MODULE BLOWER/ CONTROL/ MOTOR VALVE 3675 ACCESS ACCESS j— DOOR, q P°9FZ 781,2S 42 812 1 in CURB --T- AS INLET "20 79 53 625 SLOPED FILTER INTAl<E AIRFLOW 1 Page 2 of 3 http.//appl captiveaire com/Order/Fans/Submittal.aspx?jid=778535&ifid=1209495 7/8/2009 Nola Fan Submittal 4: FM, ;8 #3,7 1004 :1 4;. 1 Q1"' it 75 *.3 °f Pleasez Note. that'hese,guryes:+vero '6dJusted forjob>$ped ic'teraiperatiure,and altitude. 2:000 1.750 1.56 1.250 SP L000 0.750 0.500 L f 1200. .Rn4 0 250 0.000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 OEM 5000 5500 6000 Page 3 of 3 http. /appl captiveaire com/ Order Fans /Submittal.aspx ?did= 778535 &ifid= 1209495 7/8/2009 lEa EMS Energy Management System Mt agave.: a IT rars dem ERIS).F tad ula A ad a) I 1g L. arav KIT Valle The [MO dila a 1hr Iltb. ;allh. eh. hal to Dry On RSV: Urn s Eli a Tah ado .3.1 pV afill3nr. Mnfil ET E1L lasted. 121, be ht -00 a ed le OM 505. dal C.,, t in MA E72 mt h it nit lj No all be in dvat Ed IV Ito Or note dry al t dh Constructi it' or We ;iii el In mace It 'iii all 'ado adb had 6 El -Lk Id 0 tin On rIfo bah 1 Ill by I, 41111 la 1, ol Al Features Benefits :1 apadaka anaLm tha at Otto Iii cal, O tt 115 ha. Re rhhh, Ti al tad, shall in, THE I VT arl 1 ata FT .11 h dl at Dada Mt c1. lily 41,h ALP c Ur arla Fr 0' Variable fee nem) [Inv.. 'Tv venv a 0 jh 01: il al cdtta athe -ay. al la .ahia.hal Tba Sea, bat .hal It .11. :1 It Sr Spe Meade dfiri rr III el, I inn —11400: to r Pr 1001000 Ili' 0 It notO (ME Mn Pees lei I Pt tin hid ndr Tempe Switch Ad The Energy Management Systems (EMS) are FL Listed and designed to modulate effectively to reduce exhaust and supply airflow rates while capturing and containing all heat and smoke generated by cooking appliances. 'F PPV: ntr tilt oily, la 0:00 p 0e eh °akin fiL gr WOn tha In a0, temmatia tO, .0 d s gn le lo panda Timer 0 0a v11 rnida eltla When tIc corn ad a tries awed! ;al 1.701 lot paar no Wfifinn t Terminal Blanks als 'to in -ball ati. In hAs claelhal by the Iben I, shut da I Mon 3 fi. lac; ty pc-har iha eal. fifirir. 1.1r DeserIptio Vat I. Add attar ,phir. -sba.11 Val ddrb 111 rr Spc Orr IV adjr, fibre r131.1r verb 'in, -fa t li m dbot all al ala all h^ II: 'AppycatIon errlrun nit Inside View. III Onanol n ote tell a ra .10 Sectional View EMS Typical EMS Installation ttennnesexe %arm Rae. uwani F.; ivo no wow Typical EMS Wall Mounted 7orirpwabe Tr Wall With w" Sceswa '4" John BOOS Sinop 1887 FEATURES. 1 3/4 Thick Hard Rock Maple Top top style 'SC' flat top w/ 4' Coved Riser Back and Both Ends Maple top is finished with penetrating oil with optional natural clear Varnique Finish Stainless Steel Base and Bracing Type 300 stainless steel with 3 polish, satin finish Adjustable bullet feet Shipped Standard Welded Set -Up Optional drawers, casters pot racks, etc. available All models are approved by the National Sanitation Foundation CONSTRUCTION. Base Stainless Steel Bases are TIG welded Exposed welds are polished to match adjacent surface. MATERIAL. Top Laminated Hard Rock Maple Drawer Panels 22 gauge Unit: Front Drawer Pulls 14 gauge Reinforced with 1 1/2' Square O.D tubing *All type 300 stainless steel. 3 polish satin finish Bracing. 1 1/4' Round O.D 18 gauge type 300 tubular stainless steel 3 polish, satin finish Legs. 1 5/8' Round 0 D 16 gauge type 300 tubular stainless steel 3 polish, satin finish Gussets. Stainless Steel Feet: 1 adjustable stainless steel bullet feet E1whaHaritage =Ce11ter "BT3S" Maple Top Work Tables w/ 1 3/4 thick Hard Rock Maple Top w/ 3- Drawer Tier Unit w/ Stainless Steel Base John Boos Co 315 South First Street Effingham IL 62401 Phone 217 347 7701 Fax: 217 347 7705 Email. sales @johnboos.com Web -site www johnboos.com 'Olympic Restauzapt Equiphe it OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES CD NSF Listed when ordered w/ Vertical Coved Corners DRAWER LOCK CASTERS OVERSHELVES POT RACK VERTICAL COVER CORNER 1 -3/4" Maple Top w/ 4' Coved Riser Back Both 30' WIDE IQty BT3S01 BT3S02 BT3S03 BT3S03A BT3SO4 1 3/4' thick Rock Hard Maple 'SC' flat top W/ 4' Coved Riser Back and Both Ends 3- Drawer Tier Unit `MODEL IQty 1 1 A I 1 P,age::22 C -15 12 L I I I 3/4 H.M. 4 COVED) RISERS Shipped Welded Set -Up Units 7 ft. and larger are furnished with six legs. All dimensions are typical. Tolerance +1- .500' Elwlia Heritage C,enfer DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS 351/4 1 314' Flat Top w/ 4' Coved Riser Back Both Ends 48 I BT3S01 I 165 60 I BT3S02 190 72 I BT3S03 I 215 84 I BT3S03A I 241 96 I BT3SO4 I 267 John Boos Es Co 315 South First Effingham, IL 62401 Phone: 217 347 7701 Fax: 217 347 7705 Email: sales @johnboos.com Web -site: www.johnboos.com Olympio*Olialkosit Equipment% L u John BOO sv x 1887 March 2009 John Boos is constantly engaged in a program of improving products and therefore reserves the right to change specification without prior notice C -16 Page: =2' NA NA niyihpia MIXER STANDS Wt11:1 AND WITHOUT UTENSIL TREE FEATURES: TOP 16 GAUGE 304 STAINLESS STEEl. CON- STRUCTION BASE: 18 GAUGE STAINLESS STEEL UNDERSHELF OR 18 GAUGE GALVANIZED UNDERSHELF LEGS: 1-8/8" DIAMETER LEGS EITHER GALVANIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL WITH ADJUSTABLE F't UTENSIL TREE: 1-5/8 DIAMETER STAINLESS STEEL OR GALVANIZED TUBE WITH THREE HANGING PRONGS STANDARD SIZES (iM) 1 WIDTH STS MODELS STG MODELS I 'LENGTH HEIGHT MS24S24-STS MS24S24STG 24 24 1 MS-24S30 MS24S30STG 1 30 1 UTMS24524-STS I UTMS24S24-STG 24 UTMS24S30-STS 1 UTMS24S3CLSTG 30 14130S30-STS I Nal MS30830-STG I 30 24 30 M$30536-STS MS30S36-STG 1 36 UTMS30S30-STS UTMS30S30-ST.0 1 30 UTMS30S36-STS 1 UTMS30S36-STG 1 36 Page 55 SPECIFICATIONS 72" L 21" cr 24 30 fr Page 56 E104 tage C enter WIDTH STS MODELS M524524 -STS MS24S30 -STS UTMS24524 -STS UTMS24S30STS MS30S30 -STS MS30S36 -STS UTMS30S30 -STS UTMS30S36•STS INC "1 r MS24S24 -STG MS24S30 UTMS24S24 -STG UTMS24S30•STG \jM S30S30 -STG r A4330636-STG UTMS30330 -STG UTMS30S3&STC DATE: MODEL NO: PROJECT MIXER STANDS WITH AND WTTHOUT'.UTENSIL TREE Yr 24 30 24 30 30 36 30 36 24" DIMENSIONS (in.) STG, MODELS i LENGTH (Specifications Subrect To Change) TOP FRONT A 17 17 17 17 20 20 20 20 C. Sxbr.e eYA 99202 XIS13-J60b E00-72 -0553 Fi 503.5,15. 1 +93 W titer: hcp 0 s,A;nc■i -a a7.. c gspn SIDE 9 f WT. U j n ps. 15 21 15 21 21 27 45 55 50 60 45 55 21 _..t .50 27 60 caster Ese+ 'Olyiripi0- 0:60uraut tOpmerit Model PM20 )NSF c�llr us Features Approved By. Date 'Elwl eriOr e =Center Berke) Models PM10 and PM20 planetary mixers are heavy -dut precision crafted, versatile machines. These all- purpose mixers use a powerful, planetary mixing action to thoroughly blend, mix and aerate all Ingredients with consistent and predictable results. The wide- faced, hardened alloy steel helical gears deliver energy at pre- selected fixed speeds. Models are available in 10 and 20- quart sizes with a selection of optional bowls to provide additional capacity and flexibility. Each mixer comes standard with a stainless steel bowl, spiral dough hook, batter beater and wire whip. The heavy -duty, stainless steel, wire front bowl guard opens easily for adding ingredients. The bowl guard interlock prevents the mixer from running if guard is opened or the bowl is lowered. The units feature moisture resistant switches and No-Volt Release. The PM20 has a 15- minute timer that automati- cally shuts off the machine in any speed after the predetermined time has elapsed. Accessories VSPH #12 Taper Hub Vegetable Shredder /Plate Holder FCMC #12 Taper Hub Meat Grinder Bowl Dolly Reduction Set (PM20 only) Item Models PM10/PM20 Planetary Mixers PM10 10 Qt. Table Model PM20 20 Qt. Model Standard Features Model PM10 20 -Qt. Mixer with 3- speed, 1/2 HP (continuous duty), totally enclosed, and permanently lubricated, thermally protected motor furnished in 115/60/1 6 amp, AC, ETL listed Model PM20 20 -Qt. Mixer with 3- speed, 3/4 HP (continuous duty), totally enclosed, and permanently lubricated, thermally protected motor furnished in 115/60/1 8.5 amp, AC, ETL listed; also available in 220/60/1 and 220/50/1 Wide- faced, hardened alloy steel, helical gears fully sealed in lubricant with heavy -duly ball bearings and clutch combine for highly dependable, quiet operation 3 Pre selected, fixed speeds Manual bowl lift is lever operated, interlocked and self locking in top position 15- minute timer for continuous or timed operation, automatically shuts off the machine in any speed after the pre determined time has elapsed on PM20 only #12 Taper hub on the PM20 for use with any #12 size attachments; #8 taper hub on the PM10 Flat Batter Beater, Wire Whip and Spiral Dough Hook Bowl Guard with interlock prevents the mixer from running if guard is opened No Volt Release prevents activation of the mixer in the event of a power interruption; operator must restart the mixer Highly reliable, moisture resistant stop and start switches Cast base construction; finish is silver metallic epoxy powder coat enamel for easy cleaning Attached 6 -foot, flexible, 3 -wire cord and plug for grounded receptacle Options 220/60/1 AC, ETL listed (PM20 only) 220/50/1 AC, ETL listed (PM20 only) Berke) Company 4406 Technology Drive South Bend, IN 46628 -9700 574 232 -8222 800- 348 -0251 FAX 888-888-2838 www.berkel.com Form #SPC25 -1103N Olympic 'Restaurant: >Eguiprinenty Page: "2:44 co A A N N C X i a a) a 0 ,Ber�eI'�ic: Model No. Bowl Capacity PM10 10 -Qfs (10.5 Lifers) PM20 I 20 -Qts (21 Liters) Motor Electrical Speed Range Beater Hub PM10 3 -speed 115/60/1 1/2 HP PM20 3 -speed 115/60/1 3/4 HP Product Dimensions Width A 14' (360 mm) 15' (380 mm) Specifications Design: Heavy -duty, all purpose mixers use a powerful, planetary mixing action to thoroughly blend, mix and aerate all ingredients with consistent and predictable results. Motor/Electrical: Model PM10 10 -Qt. Mixer with 3- speed, 1/2 HP (continuous duty), totally enclosed, and permanently lubricated, thermally protected motor• furnished in 115/60/1 6 amp, AC ETL listed. Model PM20 20 -Qt. Mixer with 3- speed, 3/4 HP (continuous duty), totally enclosed, and permanently lubricated, thermally protected motor furnished in 115/60/1 8.5 amp, AC, ETL listed. Also available in 220/60/1 ETL listed. Finish/construction: Cast base finished in metallic silver, epoxy powder coat enamel for easy cleaning. Transmission: Wide faced, hardened alloy steel, helical gears fully sealed in transmission lubricant with heavy -duty ball bearings and clutch combine for highly dependable, quiet operation. Speeds: 3 Pre selected, fixed speeds. Bowl Guard: Bowl Guard with interlock prevents the mixer from running if guard is opened. Power Hub: #12 Taper hub for use with any optional #12 size attachment on the PM20. A #8 taper hub on the PM10. Controls: Highly reliable, moisture resistant switches, provide for continuous operation and on the PM20, a 15- minute timer automatically shuts off the machine in any speed after the pre- determined time has elapsed. Form #SPC25 1103N Models PM10/PM20 Planetary Mixers C Depth B 18' (460 mm) 22" (560 mm) B Height C 24' (610 mm) 32' (815 mm) Weight Box Dimensions Net Ship Width Depth Height 40 -143 97 -344 74 lbs. 83 lbs. 19' 19' 29" (34 kg.) (38 kg.) (485 mm) (485 mm) (740 mm) 46 -155 106 -357 225 lbs. 250 lbs. 22' 22" 38' (102 kg.) (113 kg.) (560 mm) (560 mm) (965 mm) A Models PM10 /PM20 No Release: Prevents activation of the mixer in the event of a power interruption; operator must restart the mixer. Standard Equipment: The mixing unit with one stainless steel bowl, bowl guard, flat batter beater, wire whip and spiral dough hook. Bowl Lift: Manual bowl lift is lever operated and self locking in top position, Cord and Plug: Attached 6 -foot flexible 3 -wire cord and plug for grounded receptacle. Warranty- All parts, service and travel coverage for one year, exclusive of wear items. As we continually strive to improve our products, specifications are necessarily subject to change without notice. Berkel Company 4406 Technology Drive South Bend, IN 46628 -9700 574 232 -8222 800- 348 -0251 FAX 888 888 -2838 www.berkel.com 2003 Berkel Company Litho in U.S.A. E1wha Heritage Center O'lympila Restaurax t gttipment` Page: `24 -2 ELKAY u_ c" mcdet OD. SLR Spec -Line Series Work Table, 48" long, 30" wide, 14/304 stainless steel top with 4" backsplash, adjustable 18 gauge galvanized undershelf, (4) galvanized legs with adjustable plastic feet, NSF W miSrt2►3 15 x2D x SIICis sir-96 drgWet, Z. per un tt Dbi SS overshe.ff Iz" w x yr L. l8 SS 18" v\doiv, h2,18h+ atode, (`-1) S 195 rubber i ftens S 00i a l entage Center I MODEL TMS-2 -10-36 TMS -2 -10.48 TMS-2 -1060 I TMS=2 -10-72 I TMS-2 -10-84 TMS- 2-10 -96 TMS -2 -10 -108 TMS-2-10-120 TMS 2.12 -36 riTMS-2-12-48 TMS -2 -12.60 TMS- 2 -12 -72 TMS-2 -12484 TMS- 2 -12 -96 TMS -2 -12 -106 TMS -2 -12 -120 TMS- 2 -14 -38 TMS -2 -14-48 TMS -2 -14-60 TMS- 2 -14 -72 TMS-2-14-84 TMS- 2 -14 -96 TMS -2- 14-108 TMS -2. 14-120 LENGTH 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 �ty� JwF, FEATURES: CONSTRUCTED of 18 gauge 304 stainless steel with lip down at the front and both sides, INCLUDES: Stainless steel legs. Working height is 30" above table MOUNTING: Rubber expanding inserts supplied for mounting shelf to table. Ali visible welds are ground and polished to no. 4 finish. STANDARD SIZES (in.) WIDTH I MODEL TMS-2 -18-36 TMS =2 -16-48 TMS-2-16-60 TMS -2- 16,-72 TA/IS -2 -16-84 TMS -2 -16.96 TMS-2-16-108 TMS =2 -16 -120 TMS -2 -18-36 TMS -2 -1818 TMS -2 -18-60 TMS -2 -18-72 TMS -2 -18=84 TMS-2-18-96 TMS -2 -18 -108 TMS -2- 18-120 10 12 14 mpicRestaurant "Equipment. DOUBLE TIER TABLE MOUNTED SHELVES LENGTH I WIDTH 38 f 48 60 72 84 96' 108 120 36 48 60 72 18 84 96 108 120 16 CUSTOM SIZES AVAILABLE! Page 87 ,Page :x25 L SPECIFICATIONS w E t 12" NOTE. Shelves over 84' have 6 legs, MODEL LENGTH WIDTH TARS- 2 -10 -36 36 TMS -2 -10-48 48 TMS 2.10 =60 60 TMS- 2 -10 -72 72 TMS•210 -84 84 TMS 2.10.96 7MS-2- 10-108 108 TMS 2-10-120. 120 4 TMS-2 12 -36 l 36 TMS- 2 -12 -48 48 TMS-2-12-60 1 60 TMS- 2 -12 -72 72 TMs -2 -12-84 I 04 TMS- 2 -12 -96 96 TMS -2 -12 -148'1 108 TMS -2 -12 -120 TMS- 2 -14 -36 TMS -2 -14-48 i TMS -2 -14-60 TMS- 2 -14 -72 TMS -2 -14-84 TMS 2-14 -96 TMS-2- 14-108 TMS -2 -14 -120 *ilia He i,fa =cent Top L FRONT 1 20 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 1 -51$" S/S LEGS —I t L 10 12 14 DATE: MODEL, NOS PROJECT 019,mg c Restaut-arir Poi.p*i DOUBLE TiER TABLE MOUNTED SHELVES DIMENSIONS (in.) x 1 j_ MODEL i .LENGTH I WIDTH. y i rru c l 1 34 1 TMS- 2 -18 -36 4 36 1 t 37 38 TMS -2 -16-48 48 t 4 43 1: TMS -2 -1680 60 1 45 55 1 4 TMS4-16-72 72 16 58 59 I I TMS -2- 16-84 1 lut ,62 64 1 TMS 2-16 -96 1 96 67 66 I TMS -2- 16-108 108 71 72 •I TMS -2- 16.1201. 120 75 35 1 TMS -2 •18-36 36 38 39 I TMS- 208 -48 I 48 42 44 1 TMS-2 -18-60 i 60 46 56• 1 TARS =2 -18-72 i 72 18 1 59 60 1 TMS- 2-18 -84 i 84 t 68 65 1 TMS-2 -18-96 96 69 1 7MS 2-18 -108 108 j 72 73 1 TMS -2 -18-120 12.0 76 36 I 40 44 57 1 61 I 86 1 70 I 74 I (Specifications Subject To Charge) .t to 421 Freya. 5$Ur a Wn 43202 r533-0E08 $300 far 519.535.1433 .ren..sere nmrwwww.s3ax net E;nx, ssasspin;.-net Page 88 ;Page:452 1"01t=36S 2 1TST -48S 1ST** TST 72SD Elwla °Heritage Genitor EFFICIENT REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Turbo Air's solid door refrigerators are designed with oversized and balanced (CFC Free R -134A) refrigeration systems. These include efficient evaporators and condensers for faster cooling and greater efficiency. COLD AIR COMPARTMENT Our innovative "Cold Air Compartment' maintains temperature evenly for each pan to preserve fresh food longer. In addition, the compartment isolates pans from the reach -in area to prevent food spillage. STAINLESS STEEL CABINET CONSTRUCTION The Turbo Air Super Deluxe model boasts a stainless steel interior and exterior (except the back). It guarantees the utmost in cleanliness and long product life. The Super Deluxe can add a touch of style to the most refined setting. HIGH-DENSITY POLYURETHANE INSULATION The entire cabinet structure and solid doors are formed -in -place using high density, CFC free polyurethane insulation. MAGNETIC DOOR GASKET Magnetic door gaskets are of one piece construction, removable without tools for ease of cleaning and replacement. Insulated Pan Cover Swing #of #of #of Model Door CU./H. Shelves Pans Hood TST 28SD 1 FEATURES I BENEFITS= 7 I 8 1 13 6.6 11 2 :lO 1. 1/3 66 2 12 2 12 1 1/3 6.5 2 1 6 2 16: 1 1/1: :89 3 19 3 18 2 1/2 QlytoPic:Etestauiant ti:PP#Ient Su er Deluxe Series Saudwi Exceptional Quality 2 Years Parts and Labor Warranty STURDY CLEAN STAINLESS SHELVING Shelves are the most important part of cleanliness as they come in direct contact with food. After a while, PVC coated wire shelves may peel, rust and lead to unsanitary conditions. Only the Turbo Air Super Deluxe series uniquely provides stainless shelving. ERGONOMICALLY DESIGNED DOOR Customers' fatigue fades away with easy grip handles and doors that open effortlessly. These features along with self closing doors make this the ultimate choice In customer convenience. ABS sheet door liners resist water condensation with thermal efficiency. CONVENIENT CUTTING BOARD SIDE RAIL The new side rail cutting board bracket makes it easy to secure and remove the cutting board and it accepts different sizes too (max. 1 /2" thickness) HOT GAS CONDENSATE SYSTEM Through Turbo Air's creative innovation, the condensate system surfaces have been specially treated to resist corrosion. This not only increases efficiency without the risk of refrigerant leakage from corrosion, but also prevents the overflow of condensate water. IN REFRIGERATOR, HOLDS 33°F 39 FOR THE BEST IN FOOD PRESERVATION Crated HP AMPS Weight L D H 198 271/2 x 30 x 371/2 :210 ;361/3;X3Oc 37x12 243 482/9x 30x 371/2 3$1 601/4x 3013717z 419 722/3x 30 x 37112 "Height does not include 6' for caster height. Page: 210,:L MODEL Exterior Dimension(bAcH) Cubic Feet Compressor (HP) Shelves Net Weight Voltage ()Nag"' Amp Cord Length Plug #of Pans 'Design and specilications subject to change without notice. WARRANTY 2 Years Labor and Parbi Warranty Additional 3 Years Warranty on Compressor TST PLAN VIEW 9.7 20.4 134 7 29.5 SIDE VIEW Owlia*rii4ge'CeAter TST-285D TST36SD FT-48SDI TST-605D 271/2x30x371/2 361/3x30x371/2 482/9x30x371/z 601/000x37v2 7 11 12 16 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/2 1 ea 2 ea 2 ea 2 ea 1701bs 1871bs 24393s 2841bs 0115V 60Hz 0115V/ 6011z 0115V/60Hz 0115V/ 60Hz 66A 6.6A 65A 8.9A 9.2 ft. 92 ft. 9.2ft. 9.2 ft. NEMA 5-15P NEMA 5-15P NEMA 5-15P NE/OAS-15p Bea 10 ea 12 ea 16ea tri 36 33.52 13 1342 4. 13.42 31.68 TST-38SD PLAN VIEW TST-4EISD PLAN VIEW N. U 1.41 OlYnwid140tattOnt T %M` r,j ST=72SD SPECIFICATIONS TST-72SD 722r3x30x371/z 19 1/2 lea 3441bs 1115V/6OUz 9,9 A 9.2 ft. NEMA 5-15P 113 ea 36.2 a 72.7 69.9 2.3 19.6 4.8 19.5 68.3 SELF-CONTAINED SYSTEM 5" SWIVEL CASTERS LEGS AVAILABLE FOR ALL MODELS (OPTION) STANDARD 1/6 SIZE, 4' DEEP CONDIMENT PANS LNCLUDED REMOTE CABINETS AND CONDENSING UNITS AVAILABLE FOR ALL MODELS. 36.2 15(3900 1 TST.60SD PLAN VIEW TST-72S0 PLAN VIEW ts 19.6 (unit inch) .11.4 Cl Page: 264 --Model Vid-th \Length He+dght Veight -vstas-3 1.28 23 5 36 28 L 25 NI-SOS-4 12 8 48 23 5 T SOS-4R 12 8 23 5 482 35 28 2 2 TSCIS5 12 8 60 j31. -T. 23 SOS-6 12 8 72 \-V SOS-6R 12 8 72 6 23 5 35 -L NOR -LAKE INCORPORATED 727 Second Street PO Box 248 Hudson Wisconsin 54016 FAST -TRA K TM WALK-INS Coolers, Freezers and Combination Cooler /Freezers STANDARD FEATURES Available in Unlimited lengt Availabl in idths of 6' 7', 8 9' 10' 11 12' Height 7'7" and 8'7' combination with floor freezers and less floor coolers with 4 -3/8' foam sealers Indoor or outdoor models Remote Refrigeration Systems Temperatures: 38 F 35 °F 10 °F Full 4' thick panels foamed -in -place with HFC -134a polyurethane insulation which is CFC and HCFC free 26 gauge corrosion resistant stucco embossed temper passed coated steel on all surfaces except interior floor. Smooth aluminum interior floor (on models with floor) Floorless models supplied with NSF listed vinyl sealers 26' 30' or 36" wide, self closing doors with Fast -Trak' frame Deadbolt locking handle with independent key /padlock feature and inside safety release Two heavy duty cam -lift hinges per door, top hinge field adjustable with locking set screw Spring actuated door closer Magnetic gasket Digital thermometer Floor double sweep gasket Perimeter door heater wire Vapor -proof light Switch and pilot light NSF UL flame spread 25 on all panels; UL and CSA electrical listing on door sections UL and CSA electrical listing on refrigeration systems City of New York (MEA) listed City of Houston listed LA County listed 800 955 -5253 715- 386 -2323 800 388 -5253 PARTS 715 386 -6149 FAX www.norlake.com NORLAKE In Stock for 5 DAY SHIPMENT California State listed Oregon State listed USDA accepted Registered by UL to ISO 9001:2000 Fifteen year panel warranty 18 month labor warranty One year parts warranty OPTIONAL FEATURES Outdoor membrane roof systems Door rain hoods Interior and /or exterior 30' high stainless steel door kick plates Exterior ramp for floor models Interior ramps (30' 36" wide) for floor models Leak detector /alarm (may be a requirement in some areas) Extra vapor -proof lights (shipped loose) Secure Guard' Lock.high security locking system Strip curtains (shipped loose) Non -skid floor strips (shipped loose) Shelving systems 1 -3/8" tile and grout screed for floorless applications Nor -Lake, Inc. Registered to ISO 9001:2000 File No. A3204 :E1wfia:Heritage Center Olympic Restaurant Egitiptnent Page: SPECIFICATION GUIDE =1 SP.ECIFICATI.O.NS Fast'Trak° :walk ins are ybuilt of .modular panels and are .insulated with77foamed=in- pl "ace 14,F434a -polyurethane{..insulation, which is CFC and ^H free'.- Eachpanel=is °`designed -to :ensure ;ease' of :installation; T,'.;long;termk'reliability and'high insulating;effi ciency: A. .Ali:panels are manufactured =with'vnale;,and• female mating rails: to ensure:proper.align- Tent ;during installation. The ,polyurethane insulation wraps :around the _return, bend; metal:seams. on both sections. 'to -create. a. lightweight panel of exceptional strength and All panels are_ a. fullsfour -inches ;thick, and provide a .ing value. B. The foarned place•cam locking, fasteners ensure an airtight seal for maximum energy efficiency. C: Fast -Trak panel gaskets.arou rid theouter perimeter..of the panel are.continuous,fwith- put cuts -or .breaks at c orners. The Nor Lake patented gasket design. ;provides a. foamed =in -place gasket :00' an -integral '.part .of panel. Gaskets carinot :fall pull off 'during shipment or installation. D. Panels: lock together tightly -to. assure an energy efficient walk -in. :E. Edge caps for ends of floor and ceiling pan- els are foamed -in -place rather than -over lapped or mechanically fastened: Edge caps cannot come lodSe, and they stay in place through. the life of the walk -in. F Panel Finishes: Interior and exterior complete, -to be. 26 gauge corrosion resistant stucco embossed temper passed coated steel. 'Models sup plied with a floor will include a.smooth'alu- minum interior floor surface. Insulation Panels to be four (4) inches.:thick, metal .clad and foamed -in -place with: HFC =134a polyurethane insulation which is CFC -and- HCFC free. �w Elwha Heiitage‘Cetite k 3' 4 ,5'�f 6' etc. 3'4,5 6' etc. A. D. FAST- TRAK WALK -INS AVAILABLE IN BOTH SINGLE COMPARTMENT WALK -INS OR COOLER /FREEZER COMBINATIONS Note: The Walk -in Door Can Be Located On Any Wall. Boxes Available In Unlimited Lengths (In One Foot l Ma) COOLER ROOM FREEZER ROOM 5 L 3' 4 .5' 6' etc. r B. E. C. F. Olympic tief4TTlept Page: 2 Note: The Partition Door Must Open Into The 35 Deg Compartment VAPOR PROOF LIGHT FIXTURE .riTri,, 7 1 Xt8 DEADBOLT LOCKING HANDLE SPRING ACTUATED DOOR CLOSER DOORS FEATURE A STEPPED PROFILE DESIGN NL 9800 deadbolt locking handle with independent key/padlock feature and inside safety release. FLOORLESS MODELS ARE SUPPLIED WITH A PATENTED VINYL FLOOR SEALER. DOOR I'_:1eOr:-.seotiOns,,rrianijfabtLired at NeriLake, ere: faCtOry,- assure prOpe r i ';'perfor: manse and alignMenL All stepped ,prefileAtesign that serves rier_to airflow ,Which results In-Lan',0ergYeffi'• .oienti-deorsySterh. Each ,Fast-Trak7 -cohiciartment fa. equipped with a 2 30' or 80," Wide,-x high door The door .10,-selfLclosing-, flUsh Mounted, -infiling and constricted to-incqr porat heavy duty Molded' ABS' ,breaker Whichislpernianently Doors; 'are aVaiiable- with !right' or -hinges r: and friclude-IWO,,camAifChingea, tcip hinge Aield locking set screw magnetic 'gasket; double SiweeP7-, gasket, aeiliated---doer closer -NL '9800' dead- locking handle ',With :independent- key/Padloek feature and in'side. Safety release. The doors are-prehung, "a- four '"rzs:7017e_frarrie'panel Which ts with replaceable perimeter-heater wire, magnetic stainless steel 2 1/2' digitaCthermome- ter, 'vapor-proof fight fixture- and 'switch with, exterior pilot -indibator-lignt: 'The door section is completely pre-Wired within concealed conduit inside the- door frame panel. 115/80/1 .electrical is field- wired: to a, junction box which is surface mounted' on the interior frame above the vapor proof 'light.fixture. Hinges and dooi mounted to 1/2'. synthetic insulated tapping plates. Each door:section is complete Vvith.a heavy-gauge galvanized steerheated threshold. FLOOR CONSTRUCTION Floor panels .(when 'supplied) are similar in construction to the wall panel* except they are-made to withstand uniformly distributed floor loads of hp to 800 pounds' per Square foot. The interior floor metal is' prhoothalu- mintim. Floorless models, are with epaterit- bb'.vinyl;Jlopr sealer to-stop conductivity at floor level. This unique sealer sits .flat on existingfloorsand'fits tightly against the-inte- rior/exterior wall panels. The walk-in, wall' .panel is supported' on the Shoulder of the sealer so the foam edge is free of com- presSing weight, The vinyl floor sealer is NSF listed. 'Olympic g4st,41:ifaqt Equipment Page::27-4 4,4.1 TECHNICAL Permit# OQ -IZ4\ Address y o E Project description E' i wka K l ‘.Aex (a_ yn Date the permit was finaled 5 -lo Number of technical pages 3 EXTERIOR DOOR INTERIOR HATER WIRE THRESHOLD SWEEP GASKET 3 /a'_ NMI D S/S COVE MOLDING D D BR AKER OF MINIMUM. 1 1/2' REDWOOD, 1 2' 40 ACQ PRESSURE TREATED OR 2" SLAB FOAM INSULATION PARTITION WALL D 59.\N ZNY.°1 V,74.?, r As_ 3 D WALK --1K VINYL WALL PANEL FLOOR SEALERS TILE AND GROUT D D D D VAPOR BARRIER: 6 MIL POLYETHYLENE OR 0 LBS. ASPHALT FELT OR HOT ASPHALT VI \YL FLOOR SEALERS O\ TOP OF A\ WIT TILE A \J GROUT (BEFORE WAL D NOR -LAKE, INC CUSTOMER McDONALD S DESCRIPTION FLOOR DETAIL SIZE. FINISHED FLOOR MUST BE TRANSIT LEVEL F SMOOTH f 4 CONCRETE FLOOR D D 6 4 FOAM INSULATION MINIMUM AGED R —VALUE TO BE 5.0 PER INCH. D D MIN. 4 CONCRETE SUB —SLAB DETAIL 013G DRAWN 9/5/95 REVISED 10/15/08 I\SULATED FLOOR <-I\ I \STALLATIO I FL /PN VIEW APP BY egfr I DATE 10/15/08 SC NTS /1 IDRN BY CEILING MOUNTED SYSTEMS Removable Hot:Gas Vaporizer Pan beir st.Time dock Located in'CortrorBca General Installation Instructions Flex Heater Bracket To Remove Heater Drain- Healer and Evaper'aior Heater Lead- Wires.Terrnrrate at Juricti Bbx 'brain Pan'Braoket,tOust be.Rernoverl Tq'Servrce'Drain Pan and Healer 4 Houeing is: Removade bS7 Extracting Screw Uriit- Mounting Bracket Bolta-are Not'Tightened So That- Evaporator. Cowl and Unit kMounling Rack Cari Adjust- To.CeilingSectdan For Positive Seal -Cold Control: Location rTight:Gasket Seal.to- Walk -In- eilirg.rs-Crdical This section has the general instructions for installing the ceiling mounted Capsule PakTM Refrigeration System. Before proceeding, please also see the following sections on mounting 'Outdoor Systems Utilizing a Membrane Roofing Material" or "Remote Systems with Curb and Electric Vaporizer" if applicable Note Due to the weight of these systems, it is highly recommended that proper lifting equipment, such as a fork truck, be utilized during installation Also be sure to allow for sufficient airflow around the condenser A minimum clearance of two feet is required for proper unit operation If multiple units are located in the same area, be sure they do not exhaust hot air flows into one another 1 Mount eyebolts to the base of the refrigeration system through the holes that were used to lag the base to the shipping crate. Note The holes can be drilled out to a larger diameter if required for eyebolts that are available 2. Insert chains or cables from an overhead lifting source through the eyebolts and carefully raise the entire refrigeration system to the top of the Kold Locker TM walk -in. 3 Position the unit cooler section of the Capsule PakTM over the hole in the walk -in ceiling section. 4 Align the tabs on the side of the unit cooler section with the predrilled holes in the ceiling section Before proceeding to the next step the cowl cover should be removed. Look inside the unit cooler section and be sure the air divider in the ceiling section lines up with the black gasket divider in the unit cooler Simply bending the ceiling section divider slightly forward or backward may be required This will prevent any short cycling of discharge and return air 5 Fasten the unit cooler section down to the ceiling using the provided drive screws, which can be found in the small cloth bag. CAUTION! This must be done to prevent the entire refrigeration system from moving during operation. Note On smaller refrigeration systems you may elect to install the system on the ceiling section while the section is still on the floor CAUTION! Make sure to fasten down the system to the ceiling panel. The ceiling section and the refrigeration system may then be erected together in the normal sequence of assembly as shown in the Kold Locker walk -in installation instructions. This method is not practical and should not be used with larger systems of 1 horsepower or above such as a model CPF100 or CPF150 6 After the system is in place make sure that the bolts fastening the condensing unit section to the evaporator section are loose enough so that the two sections can adjust to the ceiling surfaces. Note On large systems, 1 horsepower and above, the units are placed on a rack assembly and do not have these bolts connecting the two sections together No adjustment is necessary Note Some motor compressors are openly spring mounted to absorb vibration Be sure that these bolts are loosened to permit the compressor to float freely on the springs. A reminder label is applied to systems where this procedure applies. 7 All systems require a permanent connection to an electrical service and a connection at the junction box located within the condensing unit housing Refer to the serial tag for all pertinent electrical data. These systems must be connected to a power supply disconnect switch and wired according to local and national electric codes. No plumbing drain is required under normal conditions, since a built -in hot gas vaporizer dissipates the condensate moisture automatically Outdoor Systems Utilizing a Membrane Roofing Material 1 After the walk -in is completely assembled place the curb face down on top of the ceiling sections aligning the opening with the gasket on the curb To insure proper opening alignment, mark the outside portion of the curb on the ceiling sections with a marking pencil. 2. Remove the paper from the gasket and position the curb gasket side down on the pencil line Press down firmly Note Movement of the curb is very difficult after the gasket adheres to the ceiling section Refer to Figure 3. Cutout Line Figure 4 -Nail or Staple Opening Walk In Membrane Roofing Walk -In Curb Alignment Marks Ceiling Sections i I V Figure 3 Figure 5 Capsule Pak With flood Opening Walk -In r Membrane Roofing 2 3 Lay the membrane roofing material over the walk -in ceiling sections and curb leaving a six inch overhang on all four sides of the walk -in. Using an utility knife cut a hole in the membrane roof approximately 1 1/2' in from the edge of the opening (The resulting hole in the membrane will be smaller than the ceiling opening) Fold the 1 1/2' membrane flaps into the opening, notching the membrane around the locators and divider Use either staples roofing nails sheet metal screws caulk, glue etc. to fasten the membrane roofing material to the inside edge of the curb frame Refer to Figure 4 4 Set the Capsule PakTM Refrigeration System over the opening in the curb Remove the enclosure from 5 the condensing unit portion of the system and drill two 9/16' holes through the system base membrane roof material curb, and the foamed ceiling section The holes should be located on opposite sides of the unit. Insert one 1/2" threaded nylon rod into each hole and place one washer and nut on the condensing unit end of the threaded nylon rod Place a second washer and nut on the inside of the walk -in and tighten securely Replace the enclosure and attach the outdoor hood with the drive screws provided Refer to Figure 5. The nylon rods, washers, and nuts are provided. Fold Membrane Remote Systems with Curb and Electric Vaporizer 1 After the walk -in is completely assembled place the curb face down on top of the ceiling sections, aligning the opening with the gasket on the curb To insure proper opening alignment, mark the outside portion of the curb on the ceiling sections with a marking pencil 2. Remove the paper from the gasket and position the curb gasket side down, on the pencil line Press down firmly Note Movement of the curb is very difficult after the gasket adheres to the ceiling section Refer to Figure 8 4 Note the location of the condensate drain line coming from the evaporator Locate the electric vaporizer so the condensate will run into it. Refer to Figure 9 If the vaporizer cannot be located at the drain line use the supplied plastic tubing, copper elbow and hose clamp(s) as required to extend the drain line Cut the plastic tubing to length as required 5 Provide power to the electric vaporizer per local and national electric codes 6 Ceiling Topside- 7-Membrane Roofing 3.1 i 25" Trim- Figure 6 Figure 7 5 Fold all four corners of the membrane roofing material over the walk -in corners as shown in Figure 6. 6 Attach the trim and door hood by using the provided hex head sheet metal screws. All pieces should be held down 3 -1/8' from the ceiling top as shown in Figure 7 Insure the trim and membrane roof material cover the joint between the ceiling and wall panels. Note The trim may have to be cut to fit. 7 Trim off all excess membrane roofing material on the bottom of the aluminum trim using a utility knife. Note In outdoor installations, the condensate should be plumbed to the nearest drain Check local building codes Outside drain lines must also be wrapped with a suitable heater wire if they are ever subjected to below freezing temperatures. 3 Set the Capsule PakTM evaporator over the opening in the curb I I I. I i 1 �I I 1 1�, Walk -In '../1"- i Figure 8 Remote Capsule -Pak Evaporator Curb Condensate r� r Drain Line 4 Electric Vaporizer Curb Vaporizer Power Cord Alignment Marks �ts Ceiling Sections 1 Figure 9 OPERATION STANDARD TEMPERATURE (COOLER) SYSTEMS The automatic air defrost Capsule PakTM Refrigeration System for coolers is a basic, unitized refrigeration system. The system is designed to provide normal storage temperatures in a Kold Locker Walk -in with a minimum of effort during initial installation. The system consists of a complete condensing unit, an evaporator coil a method for controlling the temperature and a time switch for setting off cycle' defrost. The time switch used to control the defrost cycle has been factory preset. However please refer to the following instructions on the operation of the time switch if an adjustment is ever needed All cooler systems from Nor -Lake are provided with an electronic 24 hour dial time clock. Note The cooler time clock is factory set for a 15 minute defrost every 3 hours. Important: It is the installing contractor's responsibility to check the operation upon start-up and make necessary temperature control or thermal expansion valve adjustments as required for proper operation. Note Capsule PakTM Refrigeration Systems that are designed for outdoor installation will be fitted with electric crankcase heaters electrically heated condensate drain tubes, automatic head pressure control valve, and the "pump -down cycle Programming The 24 -hour dial has quarter -hour divisions and AM /PM indications. The time switch is programmed by pushing the captive trippers to the outer ring position for the entire period that the load is to be turned "on' i.e. fifteen minutes for each tripper on the 24 -hour dial When the tripper is pushed to the inside the switch is in the 'off' position (It is not recommended for the cooler to have defrosts lonaer than 15 minutes.) Note For 220V 50Hz models, in which the model number ends with ACE' or 'CE' a programmable control is used in place of the time switch This unit is used to control the temperature and the defrost settings. Please see the separate instructions that are included on the operation of this control. Defrost Cycle (Cooler System) The purpose of the defrost cycle is to allow time for any frost formed on the evaporator to melt and clear from the surface The time clock stops the condensing unit. During this time, the evaporator fans continue to run blowing 35 -38 °F air over the fins This process will warm the evaporator above 32 °F After 15 minutes, the condensing unit should restart. LOW TEMPERATURE (FREEZER) SYSTEMS The low temperature automatic electric defrost Capsule PakTM Refrigeration System is the most dependable, readily understood equipment available It employs a basic refrigeration system with electric elements to provide heat for defrosting. Important. It is the installing contractor's responsibility to check the operation upon start-up and make necessary temperature control or thermal expansion valve adjustments as required for proper operation Note Capsule PakTM Refrigeration Systems that are designed for outdoor installation will be fitted with electric crankcase heaters, electrically heated condensate drain tubes automatic head pressure control valve and the 'pump -down cycle Note If you purchased a CPX150DC or CPX151 DC extra low temperature system, please also refer to the instructions under 'Extra Low Temperature Systems as all of the following operations may not pertain 8 Time clock adjustments. Setting the correct time of day To set the correct time of day simply rotate the small inner dial counterclockwise until the correct time of day on the large dial is opposite the 'time indicator Number of defrosts per day The timer is factory set to defrost the evaporator four times a day If more defrosts are required, remove a knurled slotted screw from the holder insert the screw into the time slot on the large dial where a defrost is desired and tighten Defrost length adjustment On the small, upper dial there is a pointer that is used to set a 100% fail -safe feature The fail -safe of the timer is factory set at 30 minutes. The function of this device is to terminate the defrost if a system malfunction occurs during defrost. WARNING No adjustment of this device should ever be necessary Lengthening the fail -safe time will not lengthen the defrost cycle. Defrost Cycle (Freezer System Only) Under low temperature conditions the air being forced through the evaporator coil is well below freezing at all times even during each compressor 'off cycle Therefore, a source of heat must be supplied to melt the accumulated frost. To achieve a complete defrost, electric heater elements are attached to the evaporator coil and to the drain pan An electric time switch initiates a predetermined number of regular defrost periods per day When a defrost period occurs the time switch stops the evaporator fan(s) and the condensing unit, and energizes the electric heaters in the evaporator coil and in the drain pan beneath it. Note For 220V 50Hz models, in which the model number ends with ACE" or 'CE" and CPX150DC or CPX151DC systems, a programmable control is used in place of the time switch. This unit is used to control the temperature and the defrost settings Please see the separate instructions that are included on the operation of this control 9 �/40 1 tT Fail Sale Poin o ',YAP" Time Set t-.� o{ Knob rr l i j rST� GAUL ION -RIS OF 1 t"C MOCK Time of any pointer orscox., POO. A, PAW MOP- WAVE icafr.POVt r t_ eT TABLE PEA WE- AVE) MN APE AAP MM. IMO VA PlACC NSOtATOR BEFORE- APPLYING POWER Slotted Knurled —Knobs Indicate Defrost Times Defrost Cycle Termination As the defrost cycle progresses and the frost accumulation melts from the fins of the evaporator coil, the temperature of the finned surfaces of the evaporator coil will rise proportionately with the removal of the frost. When this temperature reaches about 50 °F a point where the evaporator coil should be completely free of frost, a defrost termination thermostat attached to the evaporator coil will energize a solenoid coil in the defrost time switch which will revert the system to the cooling cycle The fan(s) in the evaporator housing will not start, however until the fan delay cycle has expired. See the 'Fan Delay' below Fan Delay When a defrost cycle is terminated through the action of the defrost termination thermostat as described in the section 'Defrost Cycle Termination the electric defrost heaters are de- energized the compressor starts, and evaporation resumes in the coil The evaporator fan(s) however will not start until the evaporator coil temperature is reduced to about +20 °F Once this temperature is reached the fan delay switch action of the defrost termination thermostat energizes the evaporator fan(s) and they begin operating. The fan delay feature is an important part of defrosting If the fan(s) was permitted to start immediately following a defrost period the heat that accumulated in the evaporator housing would be circulated throughout the walk -in raising the temperature considerably In addition any droplets of moisture that remained clinging to the fins of the evaporator coil would be blown into the storage space The fan delay feature provides for a short refrigeration cycle WITHOUT the evaporator fan(s) to prevent these conditions Note During the initial startup of a Capsule Pak TM Refrigeration System on warm Kold LockerTM Walk -in the evaporator fan(s) will not start until the evaporator coil reaches and maintains +20 °F Further the evaporator fans may cycle on and off' several times until the evaporator coil reaches and maintains +20 °F Refrigeration Controller All Capsule Pak T"^ Refrigeration Systems up to and including 100 series designed for indoor installations, are equipped with conventional temperature thermostats that sense the 'cut -in" and cut -out' temperatures of the return air to the evaporator coil These thermostats are adjustable and require a turn of the dial to change the interior storage temperature Note The control can be reached through the interior louver for adjustment, with a 6' long shaft flat blade screwdriver Make adjustments in small increments until the desired temperature is reached. All low temperature 150 series refrigeration systems for indoor and outdoor installation employ a 'pump -down cycle' which permits the compressor to pump most of the refrigerant from the evaporator into its receiver after each on cycle In this application the refrigeration controller regulates the operation of a solenoid valve in the liquid line A low- pressure control is installed in the low side of the system that shuts down the compressor due to low pressure, which results when the solenoid valve closes the liquid line. The temperature thermostat is adjustable and requires a turn of the dial to change the interior storage temperature. Note For 220V 50Hz models in which the model number ends with ACE' or "CE' and CPX150DC or CPX151 DC systems, a programmable control is used in place of the time switch This unit is used to control the temperature and defrost settings Please see the separate instructions that are included on the operation of this control. Drain Tube Heater All low temperature ceiling mounted Capsule PakTM Refrigeration Systems employ a low wattage, electric heater strip This heater is spirally wound around the condensate drain tube that extends from the drain pan below the evaporator coil to the evaporator section housing wall This heater is energized continually to provide positive discharge of the condensate moisture to the hot gas vaporizer The heater and drain tube are covered with an insulated tape EXTRA LOW TEMPERATURE SYSTEMS CPX150DC CPX151 DC These units are equipped with a 'Hot Gas By -Pass defrost system. Defrosting of the evaporator coil and evaporator drain pan is accomplished by pumping hot refrigerant gas directly into the drain pan defrost loop and the evaporator coil bypassing the condenser A programmable control is used in place of a time switch in these models to control the temperature and the defrost settings The programmable control can be found mounted to the control box under the condensing unit cover The control is preset at the factory for the operating temperature and the number of defrosts. Please see the separate instructions that are included on the operation of this control. 10 MAINTENANCE WARNING When servicing any Capsule PakTM Refrigeration System or performing any maintenance procedure, always disconnect the main power supply The condensing unit, condensate vaporizer and the control box on low temperature models are all accessible by removing the grills or louvers on the condensing unit housing. The evaporator coil section is accessible by unlatching and removing the evaporator section housing cover For access to the fan blade(s) and for oiling the fan motor on some models, remove the louver on the walk -in ceiling. Cleaning the Condenser The efficiency of the condensing unit, to a great extent, depends upon the passage of air freely through the condenser For this reason the condensing unit should be as clean as possible at all times and should always have an unrestricted supply of air Cleaning the condenser should be done at a minimum of every 3 months. A wire brush should be used to loosen the accumulation of dust and dirt particles that have attached to the fins of the condenser Once this accomplished a vacuum cleaner can be used to remove the loosened particles. If compressed air is used to clean the condenser the air should be directed through the condenser from the fan motor side. Wipe away any accumulated dust from the compressor motor and related parts. Lubrication The evaporator fan motor(s) on ceiling mounted systems 100 series and larger should be oiled with a good grade of S.A.E. #20 oil every six months. Evaporator fan motors on ceiling mounted systems less than 100 series and on the ceiling mounted CPX100 model do not require additional oiling. Evaporator Drain Pan Removal Ceiling Mounted Models Remove the drain pan retainer that is located near the end of the drain pan opposite the drain tube It is secured by a thumbscrew Release the drain tube stub from the drain discharge tube and remove the pan On freezer models, a drain pan heater is secured to the drain pan bottom by short brackets. Only a slight effort is required to release the heater element from the brackets. When replacing the drain pan, make sure that the drain pan stub is properly connected to the drain discharge tube. When replacing the drain pan the drain tube must be siliconed to prevent water leakage Hot Gas Vaporizer Pan Condensate from the evaporator pan is discharged into a hot gas vaporizer pan which is located in the condensing unit housing Here the hot discharge gas from the compressor elevates the temperature of the water and it vaporizes into the atmosphere This pan should be cleaned periodically to remove solids that remain after the moisture is evaporated. Nor -Lake Incorporated 727 Second Street P O Box 248 Hudson Wisconsin 54016 800 388 -5253 Parts /Service 11 Condenser Direct the Air Blast From this Direction 800 388 -5253 Parts /Service 800 955 -5253 Sales 715- 386 -2323 715 386 -6149 FAX Wain Identity -rc 'McGee, Kim <kmcgee@norlake.com> ro. Ann Lembcke <ann@olympicrestaurantequipment.com> <anne_sales@olypen.com> ient: Monday October 19 2009 10:33 AM >ub Air sae NL0905195JK-A Elwah WALK-IN INSTALLATION SITE SELECTION, BASE PR: SITE SELECTION, BASE PREPARATION. LEVELING THE FLOOR WALK•IN COOLER OR FREEZER WITH A FLOOR One of the most important considerations in the erection of a walk-in cooler or freeze, the surface upon which the walk-in will rest. As with any structure, a firm and level fo achieve a perfect end result. If the surface is not perfectly level and smooth, approprii to provide the proper bctse. The positive action of self-dosing doors, proper door gas condensate removal all depend directly upon the level and pl umb I um_ installation of all panels. If the walk-in is to be installed next to an existing building 1, make sure that a MINIMUM Of 1 REMAINS BETWEEN THE WALK-IN AND THE BUILDING WALL(S) to allow for irregularities of the building wall(s) and to permit a Free flow of air between the two surfaces. im McGee ales Specialist Team Leader or-Lake, Inc. 00-955-5253 x 4541 15-377 2224 direct fax mccieeCanorlake.com isit us at www.norlake.com fo v us found in this incoming message. 'hecked by AVG www.avg.com Page 1 of 2 11/20/2009 MALFUNCTION Compressor will not start no hum Compressor will not start hums but trips on overload protector Compressor starts and runs, but short cycles on overload protector Compressor operates long or continuously Compressor runs fine but short cycles Starting capacitor open, shorted or blown Relay defective or burned out Refrigerated space too warm Standard temperature system freezes the product Objectionable noise Water overflowing from evaporator drain pan or condensate vaporizer pan MAINTENANCE SERVICE AND ANALYSIS GUIDE REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS ALL MODELS POSSIBLE CAUSE 1 Unplugged or power off 2. Fuse blown or removed 3. Overload tripped 4 Control stuck open 5. Wiring incorrect 1 Improperly wired 2. Low voltage to unit 3. Starting capacitor defective 4 Relay failing to close 1 Low voltage to unit 2. Overload defective 3. Excessive head pressure 4 Compressor hot warm ambient conditions 1 Short of refrigerant 2. Control contact stuck 3. Evaporator coil iced 4 Restriction in refrigeration system 5. Dirty condenser 1 Overload protector 2. Cold control 3. Overcharge 4 Air in system 5. Undercharge 1 Relay contacts stuck 2. Low voltage to unit 3. Improper relay 1 Incorrect relay 2. Voltage too high or too low 1 Control setting too high 2. Refrigerant overcharge 3 Dirty condenser 4 Evaporator coil iced 5. Not operating 6. Air flow to condenser or evaporator blocked 7 Warm ambient conditions 1 Control setting is too low 2. Control points stuck 1 Fan blade hitting fan shroud 2. Tubing rattle 3 Vibrating fan blade 4 Condenser fan motor rattles 5. General vibration 6. Worn fan motor bearings 1 Air leak between Capsule PakTM and walk -in panel. 2. Drain line from evaporator drain pan to condensate vaporizer is blocked with foreign material. 3. Drain line from evaporator drain pan to condensate vaporizer is blocked with ice. 4 Walk -in operating in high humidity environment (heavy door usage) SOLUTION 1 Plug in service cord or turn on power 2. Replace fuse 3 Determine reasons and correct 4 Repair or replace 5. Check wiring against the diagram 1 Check wiring against the diagram 2. Determine reason and correct 3 Determine reason and replace 4 Determine reason, correct or replace 1 Determine reason and correct 2. Check current, replace overload protector 3 Check ventilation or restriction in refrigeration system 4 Check refrigerant charge, fix leak if necessary 1 Fix leak, add charge 2. Repair or replace 3. Determine cause, defrost manually 4 Determine location and remove restriction 5. Clean condenser 1 Check wiring diagram 2. Differential too close widen 3. Reduce charge 4 Purge and recharge 5 Fix leak, add refrigerant 1 Clean contacts or replace relay 2. Determine reason and correct 3. Replace 1 Check and replace 2. Determine reason and correct 1 Reset control 2. Purge refrigerant 3. Clean condenser 4 Determine reason and defrost 5. Determine reason, replace if necessary 6. Remove obstruction for free air flow no storage on top of walk -in 7 Ambient conditions should be 90° or less 1 Reset the control 2. Replace the control 1 Reform or cut away small section of shroud 2. Locate and reform 3. Replace fan blade 4 Check motor bracket mounting, tighten 5. Compressor suspension bolts not loosened on applicable models loosen them 6. Replace fan motor 1 Check that Capsule Pakn' is properly set in panel opening. 2. Clean blockage from inside of drain line. 3 Check that drain line heater (on freezers) is working and repair or replace as required. 4 Plumb drain line from evaporator to floor drain or replace high gas vaporizer with electric vaporizer Consult factory for further information. Nor -Lake, Inc. PO Box 248 Hudson, WI 54016 800 388 -5253 Service 715 386 -2323 Sales 715 386 -6149 FAX 12 (1) Nor -Lake FAST TRAK Walk -In Cooler /Freezer Combination (2 compartments) 18' 0' long, 8' 0' wide, 7' 7' high. This full size Nor -Lake walk -in contains 890 internal cubic feet to assure maximum storage capacity Compare to other quotes which may be nominal dimensions which can result in reduced storage space. (1) CPF100DC -A Refrigeration system (1) CPB100DC -A Refrigeration system Refrigeration is "sized" for holding product only that is; our calculation is based on product entering at the same temperature as the desired temperature of this walk -in. If you feel that this is insufficient, please advise. (1) 100 TO 125 Series Optional Five Year Extended Compressor Warranty (1) 18 Month Labor /Service Warranty (1) 100 TO 125 Series Optional Five Year Extended Compressor Warranty (1) 18 Month Labor /Service Warranty (1) Standard 15 year Walk -in Panel Warranty (1) Standard 1 year Replacement Parts Warranty TOTAL WARRANTY PRICE FREIGHT INSTALLATION GRAND TOTAL QUOTATION PRICE Notes Clarifications: Approximate Total Shipping Weight (Ibs) 2,933 Nor -Lake manufactures with environmentally friendly HFC134A polyurethane foam insulation. Prices protected from increase for 45 days from date of quotation. Prices void if purchase order signed quote or print, and release for production are received later than 45 days from date of quotation. All shipments FOB Hudson, WI Based on the ship to address of this product, state sales tax maybe applicable If applicable sales tax will be added to the Nor Lake invoice Acceptance of an order based on this quotation is subject to credit approval Please reference this Quotation Number on all correspondence Quotation (1) 30' X 78' Walk -In Door right -hand swing Includes door closer cam lift hinges (one spring loaded) NL9800 deadbolt key /padlock handle with inside release, magnetic gasket, heater wire, double sweep gasket, vapor proof light and NL508 combination digital thermometer and switch w /pilot light. (1) 30' Fast -Trak Interior Ramp #123116 (Allow 10 Days For Shipment) (1) 30' X 78' Walk -In Door right -hand swing Includes door closer cam lift hinges (one spring loaded) NL9800 deadbolt key /padlock handle with inside release, magnetic gasket, heater wire double sweep gasket, vapor proof light and NL508 combination digital thermometer and switch w /pilot light. (2) 3' x 3' x 9' 7' Angle Trim Strips 26 Gauge Corrosion Resistant Stucco Embossed Coated Steel (1) Set of Standard Closure Panels 2' high x 21 long 26 Gauge Corrosion Resistant Stucco Embossed Coated Steel Construction Approvals. NSF Approved, UL Electrical and UL Flame Spread -25 in accordance with ASTME 84 To comply with the US Energy Independence Security Act of 2007 all walk -in doors opening into the ambient (indoors or outdoors) are required to have a method for minimizing infiltration when the doors are open. All Nor -Lake walk -in doors will include a spring hinge to comply with this standard by 1 1 -09 however to further minimize infiltration, Nor Lake recommends the use of a strip curtain or strip door for all exterior doors. (1) CPF100DC -A 10° F Operation, Capsule -Pak Refrigeration System, Indoor Ceiling Mount Low Temperature, Defros Timer, R -404a Refrigerant /230- 1- 601Electrical Which Meets CEC Requirements. System Overall Size Is 36.5 Inches Wide, 59 Inches Long and 21.25 Inches High. 8 3 Total System AMPS 10.2 Minimum Circuit AMPS 15 Maximum Fuse Size. Defrost AMPS are 8.9 system capacity 3515 BTU's /hour at 90 0 °F ambient temperature. Calculated load for Freezer 10 °F) is 2896 BTU's /hour calculated from 90 degree ambient temperature and normal usage All calculations are based on data supplied by ASHRAE publications. (1) CPB100DC -A 35° F Operation, Capsule -Pak Refrigeration System, Indoor Ceiling Mount High Temperature 'Off Cycle' Timer R -404a Refrigerant,V08 /230- 1- 60(Electrical Which Meets CEC Requirements. System Overall Size Is 34.5 Inches Wide 59 Inches Long and 21.25 Inches High. 12 Total System AMPS 14 4 Minimum Circuit AMPS 20 Maximum Fuse Size. system capacity 7382 BTU's /hour at 90 0 °F ambient temperature Calculated load for Cooler (35 °F) is 6477 BTU's /hour calculated from 90 degree ambient temperature and heavy usage All calculations are based on data supplied by ASHRAE publications. (1) 100 TO 125 Series Optional Five Year Extended Compressor Warranty (1) 18 Month Labor /Service Warranty (1) 100 TO 125 Series Optional Five Year Extended Compressor Warranty (1) 18 Month tabor/Service Warranty Refrigeration is sized" for holding product only that is, our calculation is based on product entering at the same temperature as the desired temperature of this walk -in. If you feel that this is insufficient, please advise Quotation is subject to change upon receipt of detailed specifications and /or refrigeration load information Elwha HeritageCeriter; I WIDTH BG MODELS WT24S36 -8G WT24S48 -BG W724$80 -8G 24 WT24S72 -BG WT24S84 =8G WT24S96 -8G WT24S 108-BG WT24S120.8G WT30$36 -BG WT30S48 -BG WT30S60 -BG WT30S72 -BG 30 WT30S84 -13G WT30596 -BG WT30S 10 &8G WT3DS120 -BG WT36S36•BG WT36S48.8G WT36S60 -BG 36 WT36S72 -BG WT36S84 -BG WT36S96 -BG WT36S10 &8G WT36S120 -BG UNITS 84 AND LONGER AP.£ FURNISHED WI711 (6I LEGS V Lt CUSTOM SIZES AVAILABLE! W S t ✓m Olympic Res taurant=E,quipment STANDARD BACKSPLASH WORK TABLES WITH UNDERSHELF BG FEATURES: TOP 8 BACKSPLASH: 16 GAUGE 304 STAINLESS. STEEL LEGS. STAINLESS STEEL LEG SOCKETS. ;1-618 DIAMETER GALVANIZED STEEL LEGS WITH 1 ADJUSTABLE PLASTIC FEET UNDERSHELF` 18 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL WITH QUICK CORNERS BS FEATURES: TOP BACKSPLASH: 16 GAUGE STAINLESS STEEL LEGS: STAINLESS STEEL LEG SOCKETS, 1 -8 DIAMETER STAINLESS STEEL. LEGS WITH t' ADJUSTABLE METAL FEET UNDERSHELP 18 GAUGE STAINLESS STEEL WITH QUICK CORNERS SPEC -LINE SERIES. TOP. 14 GAUGE 304 STAINLESS STEEL WEIGHT ADD 28% TO WEIGHT SHOWN To order Spec -Line series. write SL al the slap of the stock number STANDARD SIZES (in.) BS MODELS j LENGTH HEIGHT WT24S36 -13S 36 WT24S48 -BS 48 WT24S60=6S 60 WT24S72•BS 72 WT24S84 -BS 84 WT24S96 -BS 96 WT24S108.88 108 WT24S120 -BS 120 WT30S36 -BS 36 WT30S4 8-BS 48 WT30S60 -BS 60 WT30S72-$S 72 WT30S84 -BS l 84 WT30S96 -BS 1 96 WT30S1068S 1 108 WT30S120-BS 120 WT36S36 -8S 36 WT36S481S 1 48 WT36S60 -8S 60 WT36S72 -8S 72 WT36384 -8S 84 WT36S96 -BS 96 WT36S108 -BS 108 WT368120 -BS 120 40 Page 41 ;Page: 2 SPECIFICATI ©NS TOP L. 36' 24 30 42! Fr Page 42 FRONT 718 GA. UNDERSNELF To order Spec -Line series. write SL at the WIDTH i SG MODELS WT24S36 -BG WT24S48 -BG WT24S60 -BG WT24S72 -BG WT24S84 -BG WT24S96 -13G lArT24S108 -SG WT24S120 -BG WT30S36 -BG WT30648 -BG WT30S60 -BG WT30S72 -BG WT30S84 -BG WT30S96 -BG W730S108 -BG W T30S120 -BG WT36S36 -8G WT36848-BG WT36S60 -BG 36 WT36S72 -BG WT 36564-13G WT36S95 SG WT36S108 BG WT3SS120 -8G 4 r 4 DATE: MODEL NO: PROJECT start of the stock number DIMENSIONS {in.) BS MODELS WT24S36 -BS WT24S46 -Bs WT24S60 -BS WT24S72-SS WT24S84 -BS WT24S96 -BS WT24S108 -BS 1hT24S 120-BS WT30S36 -BS WT30S48 -BS WT30S60-BS WT30S72 -BS WT30S84 -BS WT30S96 -BS WT303108 -BS WT30S120 -BS WT36S36 -BS WT38S48-BS WT36S60 -BS WT36S72 -BS WT36S84 -BS WT36S96 -BS WT36S 108 -BS WT36S120 -BS i t V 313 ab-x (Specificalirins Subject To Change) STANDARD BACKSPLASH WORK TABLES WITH UNDERSHELF 1314r i 1 -5t8 LEGS WIAD.L BULLET FEET LENGTH 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 SIDE .Soe!rane 922222 SC?Zza$a8'20-72'W- 5O1 3 !49) 1e:&:e:!r9Jmw.srpm. net Eraa. c J APPROX. WT (tbs.) 65 75 F 90 100 125 140 55 165 70 85 105 120 145 160 .75 190 75 95 110 ,35 160 80 200 220 E1wha onto- -OlympiecRtestaurarit'Equipinent Slicers ssaDLn TOP MOUNT KNIFE SHARPENER Sharpener won't get lost or dropped, aligns consistently to the knife and provides single step for easy maintenance. Swings away from food contact area when not in use. SLICE THICKNESS ADJUSTMENT Precise slice thickness adjustment let you slice from tissue thin to 9/16' 7/16 "thick. HARD CHROMED, HOLLOW GROUND KNIFE w}ia I en "tage .Geiiier Economy "Slicers FEATURES BENEFITS= 1 /3 "HP KNIFE MOTOR ANODIZED ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION Powerful 1 /3HP knife motor assures peak performance when slicing the toughest products. SAFETY KNIFE COVER ERGONOMIC STYLE CHUTE HANDLE Comfortable and stable ergonomic style grip on the METAL PLATE PROTECTS UNDERSIDE OF SLICER chute handle provides easy glide manual operation. FAN COOLED, PERMANENTLY LUBRICATED BALL BEARING MOTOR EASY TO CLEAN SURFACES FOR A HEALTHIER WORK ENVIRONMENT POWERFUL, YET COMPACT EASY TO REMOVE SLICE DEFLECTOR Oly..riipic;Restaurant=Equipn fl k< :Page: CGER IN_ I FE) •L' '1/4‘; Pi: int a, MODEL 0 m 0 z Width Depth Height Motor Cut Thickness Diameter of Knife NetWeight Shipping Weight 1 11 1 18 6' GS-10LD GS-1OLD GS:I2LD hS-121 WARRANTY 1.Year Labor and Parts Warranty 18.5' 11.1' 14.6" 24.8" 20.9" 18.5" I 1/3 HP-1 P1 Max slice thidow.ss Max slick thickness Max slice thickness 7/16115rnmi thick 7116115mm) thick 9/16115min)thidt 10" 32 lbs 12" 541bs 381bs Wtbs and specifications subject to change without notice. mate arvg 20 9" 23.7 18.0* 17.4" 1 7 58 It 64 Itts 24 8" GS-12LD 'Otyit S-12E SPECIFICATIONS 18' ien 23 7' CO (unit inch) GS-12E Page: INDUSTRIES INC. Alwila1 STARTER SHELVING UNITS Starter Unit consists of 4 posts, 4 shelves and plastic shelf clips in the height and shelf size indicated. Select from 4 shelf or 5 shelf units in choice of finishes: Poly-Z-Brite, Chrome or Nexelon. HOLDER DOCUMENT UTILITY BASKET Hooks onto wire shell in any location. Chrome finish. 12 x 2" x 8 I Model No. I AH I Installs easily without the use of bolts, nuts or clips. Attaches at any point along shelf. 8" high. Chrome finish. SHELF DIVIDERS Organizes files and manuals. Open mesh design provides high visibility Chrome finish. 17 x 7 x 10° Nexel Industries Inc. 1 Nexelwire com Size" Model No. 14 AD814C 18 AD818C 21 AD821C 24 AD824C 30 AD834C 36 AD830C I Model No. I ASW177 I Snaps onto perimeter of shelf providing 4"H retaining ledge. If higher ledge is required, stack for 8' 12" etc. Chrome finish. Size' Model No. Size' Model No. 14 AL414C 42 AL442C 18 AL418C 48 AL448C 21 AL421C 54 AL454C 24 AL424C 60 AL460C 30 AL430C 72 AL472C 36 AL436C 4 SHELVES 63"H 4 SHELVES 74"H 4 SHELVES 86H Size POLVIBRIIE CHROME JVEKE7CIAL .POLVEBRHE CHROME JVIDCELON_ POLYIBRITE CHROME .AIEVELOAL W" x L Model No. Model No. Model No. Model No. Model No. Model No. Model No. Model No. Model No. 18 x 24 182462 18246C 18246N 182472 18247C 18247N 18248Z 18248C 18248N 18 x 30 18306Z 18306C 18306N 18307Z 18307C 18307N 18308Z 18308C 18308N 18 x 36 18366Z 18366C 18366N 183672 18367C 18367N 18368Z 18368C 18368N 18 x 42 18426Z 18426C 18426N 18427Z 18427C 18427N 18428Z 18428C 18428N 18 5 48 184862 18486C 18486N 18487Z 18487C 18487N 184882 18488C 18488N 18 x 54 185462 18546C 18546N 185472 18547C 18547N 18548Z 18548C 18548N 18 x 60 18606Z 18606C 18606N 18607Z 18607C 18607N 18608Z 18608C 18608N 18 x 72 18726Z 18726C 18726N 187272 18727C 18727N 18728Z 18726C 18728N 21 x 24 212462 21246C 21246N 212472 21247C 21247N 21248Z 21248C 21248N 21 x 30 21306Z 21306C 21306N 213072 21307C 21307N 21308Z 21308C 21308N 21 x 36 21366Z 21366C 21366N 21367Z 21367C 21367N 21368Z 21368C 21368N 21 x 42 21426Z 21426C 21426N 21427Z 21427C 21427N 214282 21428C 21428N 21 x 48 21486Z 21486C 21486N 21487Z 21487C 21487N 21488Z 21488C 21488N 21 x 54 21546Z 21546C 21546N 21547Z 21547C 21547N 21548Z 21548C 21548N 21 x 60 21606Z 21606C 21606N 21607Z 21607C 21607N 21608Z 21608C 21608N 21 x 72 21726Z 21726C 21726N 21727Z 21727C 21727N 217282 21728C 21728N 24 x 24 24246Z 24246C 24246N 24247Z 24247C 24247N 24248Z 24248C 24248N 24 x 30 24306Z 24306C 24306N 24307Z 24307C 24307N 24308Z 24308C 24308N 24 x 36 24366Z 24366C 24366N 24367Z 24367C 24367N 24368Z 24368C 24368N 24 x 42 24426Z 24426C 24426N 24427Z 24427C 24427N 24428Z 24428C 24428N 24 x 48 24486Z 24486C 24486N 24487Z 24487C 24487N 24488Z 24488C 24488N 24 x 54 245467 24546C 24546N 24547Z 24547C 24547N 24548Z 24548C 24548N 24 x 60 24606Z 24606C 24606N 24607Z 24607C 24607N 24608Z 24608C 24608N )24x /2i 24726Z 24726C 24726N 24727Z 24727C 24727N 24728Z 124728C§1 24728N NOTE: FOR 5 SHELF UNITS PLEASE CONSULT YOUR NEXEL PRICE LIST Size W" x L 18 x 24 18 x 30 18 x 36 18 x 42 18 x 48 18 x 54 18 x 60 18 x 72 21 x 24 21 x 30 21 x 36 21 x 42 21 x 48 21 x 54 21 x 60 21 x 72 24 x 24 24 x 30 24 x 36 24 x 42 )24 24 x 54 24 x 60 24 x 72 INDUSTRIES INC./ 4 SHELVES POLYLBRIIE CHROME Model No. Model No 18246Z 18306Z 18366Z 18426Z 18486Z 185462 18606Z 18726Z 212462 21306Z 21366Z 21426Z 21486Z 21546Z 21606Z 21726Z 24246Z 24306Z 24366Z 24426Z 24486Z 245462 24606Z 24726Z 18246C 18306C 18366C 18426C 18486C 18546C 18606C 18726C 21246C 21306C 21366C 21426C 21486C 21546C 21606C 21726C 24246C 24306C 24366C 24426C 24486C 24546C 24606C 24726C 63 "H JVEVELON Model No. 18246N 18306N 18366N 18426N 18486N 18546N 18606N 18726N 21246N 21306N 21366N 21426N 21486N 21546N 21606N 21726N 24246N 24306N 24366N 24426N 24486N 24546N 24606N 24726N 182472 18307Z 18367Z 18427Z 18487Z 18547Z 18607Z 187272 21247Z 21307Z 213672 21427Z 214872 21547Z 216072 21727Z 24247Z 243072 24367Z 24427Z 24487Z 24547Z 246072 24727Z NOTE: FOR 5 SHELF UNITS PLEASE CONSULT YOUR NEXEL PRICE LIST STARTER SHELVING UNITS Nexel Industries Inc. Starter Unit consists of 4 posts, 4 shelves and plastic shelf clips in the height and shelf size indicated. Select from 4 shelf or 5 shelf units in choice of finishes: Poly -Z- Brite, Chrome or Nexelon. Hooks onto wire shelf in any location. Chrome finish. 12 x 2" x 8 /8' I Model No. I AH 4 SHELVES POLYMBRIIE CHROM Model No. Model No HOLDER LEDGES 18247C 18307C 18367C 18427C 18487C 18547C 18607C 18727C 21247C 21307C 21367C 21427C 21487C 21547C 21607C 21727C 24247C 24307C 24367C 24427C 24487C 24547C 24607C 24727C :;El w.44 0 eritag e c ent er 013,14ic`Re$t4u044 uipment 74 "H E JIIECE 214 Model No. 18247N 18307N 18367N 18427N 18487N 18547N 18607N 18727N 21247N 21307N 21367N 21427N 21487N 2154714 21607N 21727N 24247/4 24307N 24367N 24427N 24487N 24547N 24607N 24727N Nexelwire com SHELF DIVIDERS Installs easily without the use of bolts, nuts or clips. Attaches at any point along shelf. 8° high. Chrome finish. DOCUMENT UTILITY BASKET Organizes files and manuals. Open mesh design provides high visibility. Chrome finish. 17 x7 e x 10' 18248Z 18308Z 18368Z 18428Z 18488Z 185482 18608Z 18728Z 21248Z 21308Z 21368Z 21428Z 21488Z 21548Z 21608Z 217282 24248Z 243082 24368Z 244282 24488Z 24548Z 24608Z 24728Z Size" Model No. 14 AD814C 18 AD818C 21 AD821C 24 AD824C 30 AD834C 36 AD830C Model No. I ASW177 1 Snaps onto perimeter of shelf providing 4°H retaining ledge. If higher ledge is required, stack for 8" 12" etc. Chrome finish. Size" Model No. 14 AL414C 18 AL418C 21 AL421C 24 AL424C 30 AL430C 36 AL436C 4 SHELVES 86 "H POLY:WRIIE CHROME JVEXELCIAL Model No. Model No. Model No. 18248C 18308C 18368C 18428C 18488C 18548C 18608C 18728C 21248C 21308C 21368C 21428C 21488C 21548C 21608C 21728C 24248C 24308C 24368C 24428CTs 24488C5 2 24608C 24728C Size' Model No. 42 AL442C 48 AL448C 54 AL454C 60 AL460C 72 AL472C t Pag e: 3l 18248N 18308N 18368N 18428N 18488N 18548N 1860814 1872814 21248N 21308N 2136814 21428N 21488N 21548N 21608N 21728N 2424814 24308N 24368N 2442814 24488N 24548N 24608N 24728N Olympic Restaurant Equipment Inc. Anne Lembcke 51 Dryke Rd PO Box 3461 Sequim, WA 98382 Phone (360) 582 1050 Fax: (360) 683 -3455 Item Qty ELWHA Heritage Center Acceptance Printed Name To: Project: ELWHA Heritage Center Job Reference No. 40879 Project code: 40879 OUOTE GOOD UNTIL DEC. 31 2009 ESTIMATE ONLY Pricing good for items as quoted. Unless otherwise specified all items are built per S.S.P INC. standard manufacturing details specifications Alteration to the original quote, missing, or omitted information pertaining to fabrication will result in re -quote Please take a moment and review ORDER MUST SHIP WITHIN 60 DAYS OF RECEIPT OF PURCHASE ORDER TO HOLD PRICING Description ea CORNER GUARD SSP Inc Model No CG -120 Corner guards, 16 gauge 304 stainless steel, 3' x 3' x 120' Ionq Extended Total for Item No. 1 Merchandise Total Project Grand Total: 315 00 Quote INC Date 10/1/2009 From SSP Inc. Matt Swanson 421 N Freya Spokane, WA 99202 Phone: (509) 533 -0808 Sell Each Sell Total SSP Inc. Page 1 of 1 Original Message From (McGee Kiftt To Ann Lembcke Sent: Thursday October 01 2009 1055 AM Subject: RE. Elwha Heritage Center Anne Here is the info for the stainless cove base. PRODUCT NUMBER. 132346 DESCRIPTION 96' VIN SLR COVE MOULDING 22SS per 96" long piece PRODUCT NUMBER. 097551 DESCRIPTION ADHESIVE SIKAFLEX 221 ALUM GRY need tube for every 3 pieces of above Thanks, Kim os John Boos Co Warranty The only warranty, expressed Or itinitied,-is a one year gitaraittee against defect in worionanshiplind material. This warranty does not apply to damages which may result from negle,c1, accidental or intentional damage, damage or wear to any tOviYtitilechanisin, and"tiat, of product, unauthorized repair, exposure to extremes in temperature and hinnidity, and alteration of Anse of the prOdUct. Wood:products ordered tunfinished' do not come with a Warranty. Repairs or replacement under this limited warranty will be made through an authorized John Boos Co. distributor,-ifpossible,the same dealer/distributor from'which the product was purchased:Should the dealer or factory repfesentadve find return of the product to the factory necessary, aRpaCkinglind shipping:costs will bethe responsibility of the customer. Ifa dealer/distributor is notavailableixontact the Customer Service Depatunent at JOhn Boos Co: 315 S First Street, 62401 for the narneind location cif the nearest authorized distributor. Factory obligadoitimder this waroutty,-is limited,- at the option ofJohn 'Boos Co to repair or replacement of the product (or bne of equal type and quality if thepoduet is no longer available); within 90 days after-receiPt of written recOrtunendation from the dealer, provided none of the above exceptions *evident. JohoBoos &Co. shall not behable for any loss or damage arsng from use, or:for consequentiatdatnagei. This warranty gives certain legal rights and there may be other rights that Vary from state to state. Mho Dom Oa 313 S. 1s, Si .PO. Boa 605 Effingham, IL Empi Pkone (217) 5174701 FM 0100) 4334667 044111 salatgjoAinhooncona Wen rias iintrociptpxbocr,Dan Warranty Home Products Applications Spec Sheets Literature Sales Service Agents Contact Us Literature Warranty Warranty Berkel Company "Berkel warrants to the Buyer of new equipment that said equipment, when installed in accordance with our instructions and subjected to normal use, is free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of sale 1.2,3 BERKEL SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Berkel's obligation and liability under this warranty is expressly limited to repairing or replacing equipment that proves to be defective in material or workmanship within the applicable warranty period Berkel or a Designated Berkel Service Location will perform all repairs pursuant to this warranty Berkel expressly excludes responsibility for incidental or consequential damages to buyer or any third party including without limitation damages arising from personal injuries, lost profits, loss of business opportunity loss of property economic losses or statutory or exemplary damages whether in negligence warranty, strict liability or otherwise This warranty does not apply to periodic maintenance of equipment including but not limited to lubrication replacement of worn blades knives stones knobs, accessories, and miscellaneous expendable supply items and other adjustments required due to installation set -up or normal wear These warranties are given only to the first purchaser from a Berkel Authorized Channel of Distribution No warranty is given to subsequent transferees The foregoing warranty provisions are a complete and exclusive statement of the warranty between the buyer and seller Berkel neither assumes nor authorizes any persons to assume any other obligation or liability connection with said equipment. This warranty supersedes any and all prior warranties to the subject hereof 1 Model 180 slicers carry a 90 -day warranty Home Spec Sheets Product Brochure Company History Company Profile Contact Sitemap 2002 2009 Berkel Company All rights reserved. Berkel Company trades under the trademark Berkel in the United States and Canada. Web Site Design in South Bend Indiana by BKR Studio Page 1 of 1 ttp. /www berkelcompany com /details.cfm ?id =62 11/20/2009 Insinkerator As described in the specification sheet the SS- 75 has a (1) year full warranty from date of installation. Nemco As stated in the manufacturers specification sheet the 6000A -2 will have a (1) year parts and labor warranty Product Warranty NEXEL INDUSTRIES, INC warrants that all Nexel products will be free from defects in material and manufacture at time of shipment. We guarantee to replace any item that is found to be defective for up to one (1) year from date of shipment provided that it has been properly used All Nexel shelves and posts are manufactured to NSF standard 2 specifications Load Capacities For Shelving (Pounds Per Shelf) �w�, A described inth cattalo ielWin x Sy' s tems n Load capacities are deemed to be equally distributed NEXELON Lifetime against rust and corrosion in wet or dry applications Lifetime warranty against rust. Deep Blue Metallic Epoxy Finish Protected by Nexgard, and anti microbial agent that prevents the growth of bacteria, mold and mildew POLY Z BRITE Ten years against rust and corrosion in wet or dry applications. Features a true Powder Epoxy over Zinc Chromate plating The look of chrome yet handles temperature and moisture better EP SERIES Three years against rust and corrosion in wet or dry applications Nexel shelves and posts must be cleaned with mild detergents only The use of any abrasive materials and stiff brushes, or scrapers to clean the product, will void the warranty Any physical damage rupturing the coating or sustained exposure to corrosive substances and vapors may void the warranty Shelves and posts must be used continuously within a tempreture range from 20 0 F to +120 °F 29°C to +49 °C) to be covered under the warranty In the event of a warranty claim, a Nexel representative will examine the product, and determine replace or repair disposition However Nexel retains the right to require all products, to be returned prepaid to Port Washington, NY for inspection. Returns including disassembly and subsequent reassembly are the responsibility of the owner of initial installation All replacements are shipped FOB, nearest Nexel distribution facility All warranties are made for the benefit of the original owner under normal usage, There are no other warranties expressed or warranty which exceeds those stated above Effective April 2003 Supercedes any previous warranty statements 11 Harbor Park Drive, Port Washington, NY 11050 Phone 516 -484 5225,800- 245 -6682 Fax 516 625 -0084 Inexelinfo @nexelwire.coml CHROME One year in dry storage application and usage A Brilliant Chrome Finish for that High -Tech look. Use where appearance and durability is a major factor Perfect for displays and dry storage 1. reset the rh sh ip .:e cai net: ',..hon our se the rnost fdent. Ve 1 foc. cssomer rcui if cossible 2, Unless sps all c; cers shipped be "Reich: CcEezt" 3. Al! "Drop Shipments v:11 be shipped Prepaid Warranty Information Terms and Conditions (SHORT FORM) All previous prices and discounts are hereby withdrawn. or'ces FC, fazor5. 1% disco..nt-le days. ret 30 days. sue:!.icat'o'Is and CASCOU'ITS J I chance witho,:t notice Pr ces .is here'n :o pc ric,.. Federal Exdse Hunicipal, or c;? use ta. Idol resoor.sib'e for env damage i1hje in the hands of a carrier, (Tor any damage ard loso Wilde in tlans,t, We claim aqinst carrier prompfy. .14ercharictse s ooed. ooen account .hose funishirg satistacic creog cis unless otlie: sta a: e for 30 da .acce/L'ance Returns: A 35% to 40%. handl rg charge v.1 be applied to all authorized reTurns A 40'0 o 4573 1 charge app.y to all L.•;Jfru retsns Actual restocl,ino, charges to be cleterrined uoon returi aric rsoectio.,1 c! merchorK:,se. Limited 5-year Sink Bowi Warranty for ail units zonta drawn sink bowis SG t,st. General Shipping Information PREPAY ADD FREIGHT CHARGES Estimated freight charges added to an invoice itt include a nominal adMinistrative charge per freight bill. SupremeMetal 5 Year Limited Sink Bowl Warranty E:ardar one ear rnuoifacturers wa;rarmi othsr ur, Gide: s for spe.olal i.eiris ale not subject to cancer-at:on ...,Ithour our p lor wrt- tan consent Our permissio must offa efrr defeai.e 17ercna, 5 e.j ned, Irccang fre.ght press ma; ce ccitcted and sivpped crepaid. On etirri shipments SZ'iLtcr: here orders h3'..e been col redly fired S. :A.: and are no: refecic Inccmir.g :reight cr e.coress charges rnLwt be ptepa men be .55 less a leas. handling cha and less v.rhate,'e; evoense i rtecessar,. to, out c„cods ir saleable cordition. tle are no-: E e for dera.,;s zelivery ch are bevord cur controI such as f, c.r-'s n ra ispo-tat ori 1. y C: ,:encres of similar. craracter. Ag o sub aczecta at out ofice of ori:e I,st does r cc nr ofe.r to seg. Manufacturer v.,arrants that the DEEP DR/WIN sink bowls of this unit when used for normal commercial purposes shall be free Pram leaks resulting from defective material 01' workmanship only in accordance with the following terms and conditions: Te orlon::: use an+ Eli of Sale must sub 2. Claims made to manu'actrer 30 days of osco/e.; cf defect 3. Subject to mar inspection 4. tiai'uiaOurer T3 reoa:e cnn tree 01 5. 3-::13c..fTe....' 4! o.?.a.r•e.-..r unt, 6 Delezthe rits necessary be ire ?nt by shbaer for .r,specoo, Replacement ..nr.s. 3 necessar, fie:g'it manufacturer. 7. l'4AJF.G'JFIERS '117ED TO DEEP DP.AWII v 5 FOF; 0014105. aP, E.LiSr,ESS LDSS CP 6E5UL 0103.1 30150171 7 33 OF, 0133 AAY CriAKSS 3353.4750 10 RE140;. 03 DEFECTIvE iNS OF 335EL475335337 9. Only catal1 g o-oduct units are (..y.e e d r this .,.„arranty ecoiude> equipment or S moo fled fp; r... IS FOP. 0 34LE. hei.tinD re. GENERAL NOTE: Warranty Charge will appear on all invoices for seamless drawn sinks at S6.00 list per unit If warranty is declined unit will not be, considered for warranty work. Under no circumstances will unit be warranteed if Limited Bowl Warrany has been deducted or has not been paid ori', original invoice. VOID IF. 3. Lir.t oeen from usei, 2 Unit lowered i2; person other roari tensed plimber 01 not :r Iooal 3. U:tit is a:erect or -no:I.I,ed 0 51015. 4. lin'. has any accessories parts atf.xed 19 or.irs witch are not recommended or rwraileo by manufacurer. 5. Unit is staled ou :he confr.e United Stat USE OF .31-IEI4oSA S 3 EiETECIENTS '."tT T HE WV U T EP UPECT;C:IS 1 01 F:ECO:.1V3I.I1JED 5033 755 071 S14443E55 STEEL 1 7 7 S CrILCRIIIE or any 00L031315 p::ducrei 7. This .valrantv may be. rescinded by manufacture withofl ono; notice. 8. This srr he evck:sive v. oroi,ded by The o a is r .1 au of all other ...a lant:es exoresse.d or Impved, int Iiidtric, warran:y rie:chapta.....ilty and ffir.es. ix a oar,ic...1a pxoos r 1 e 5 1 1 1115t n e ;n 4 ra t- .preTsiletal. remeMetai condtanity engaged in a program o improving our prOCII4C6* 511ere SupremeMetal 770-74W .0 Quality food service equipment since 1929 suprenle; 1 PRICES. All previous prices are currently withdrawn. ACCEPTANCE. lithe terms and conditions herein (the `Terms and Conditions differ in any way from the terms and conditions of Buyer's order, or if these Terms and Conditions are construed as an acceptance or confirmation acting as an acceptance, then the Seller's acceptance is EXPRESSLY CONDITIONED ON BUYER'S ACCEPTANCE OF AND AGREEMENT TO ANY TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH HEREIN, THAT ARE DIFFERENT FROM OR ADDITIONAL TO THOSE IN BUYER'S ORDER. In addition, this writing shall constitute notice of objection to any terms and conditions in Buyer's order that differ from,'or are in addition to, the Terms and Conditions herein. If the Terms and Conditions herein are construed as an offer, acceptance of such offer is EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH HEREIN. In any event, Buyer's acceptance of goods from Seller shall constitute Buyer's acceptance of and agreement to the Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions shall not be supplemented or modified except as agreed to in writing and signed by Seller. 3. EXPRESS WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS A. Warranty. Subject to the conditions and exclusions set forth below, Seller warrants to Buyer (i) that Seller holds and will pass marketable title to the goods sold hereunder and (ii) that the goods sold hereunder will be free from defects in materials and workmanship (subject to tolerances and variances permitted by the trade hereunder) for a period of one (1) year from the date of tender of delivery to'Buyer. B. Conditions and Exclusions. The express warranty set forth above (the 'Warranty is subject to the following conditions and exclusions: (i) Buyer shall not assign its rights u: ,r the Warranty and any attempt by Buyer to assign such rights shall render the Warranty, but not any disclaimers or limitations, void, and 1! goods shall be sold AS IS, (ii) all goods shall be carefully inspected by Buyer upon receipt, be installed b; persons who are trained and c !ivied professionals with respect to such illations, and be installed, used, repaired maintained by Buyer in accordance with all :cable meal laws, codes and regulations; (:il goods covered by the Warranty shall be v tnanted in connection with original is illation onty. 4. DISCL:- MER OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES. SELLEri +LAKE. 110 WARRANTIES EXCEPT AS EXI MY SET F )RTH ABOVE. SELLER .L AS At hllD ALL WARRANTIES IMPLIED BY W USAGE OF TRADE COURSE OF DEALING OR 0 iiSE OF 'ERFORMANCE INCLUDING, BUT NO ;ITED T 1 i IE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ME 'ITABE. AND FITNESS FOR A PA!' I! AR PU( 'OSE OR USE. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 5. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY. Buyer acknowledges that the following limitations of Seller's liability are fair and reasonable and shall apply to any act or omission hereunder, as well as to any breach of contract of which these Terms and Conditions form a part. A. Disclaimer of Damages. SELLER AND ITS EMPLOYEES, AGENTS AND FRANCHISES WILL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER INDIRECT OR SPECIAL DAMAGES SUFFERED BY BUYER, ANY OF ITS EMPLOYEES, AGENTS OR ANY OTHER PERSON, WHETHER ARISING UNDER CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY. Such damages include, but are not limited to, loss of profits, loss of use of the goods, damage to property, and claims of.third parties. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on the duration of an implied warranty, such that the above limitations may not apply to you, and you may have other legal rights which vary from state to state. B. Notice and Time of Claims. Buyer agrees (i) to check and inspect all products against shipping papers and for damage or shortage upon receipt of goods at destination; (ii) that any claim for loss, damage in transit, or other cause visible upon inspection shall be made within five (5) days of receipt; (iii) that the parties expressly waive the statute of limitations and that any legal proceeding for any cause of action arising from or relating to this contract shall be waived unless commenced within two (2) years after the accrual of such cause of action. 6. ATTORNEY'S FEES. Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller for any costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by Seller as a result of any or default by Buyer of its obligations hereunder. 7 TERMS. Net 30 Days for those firms furnishing satisfactory credit reference. Interest on accounts overdue more than thirty (30) days will be charged at a rate of 2% per month or the highest rate permitted by law, whichever is lower (the 'Overdue Rate 8. QUOTATIONS. Unless otherwise.stated, quotations are for 90 day acceptance. 9. MINIMUM ORDER. $25:00 Net. 10. SHIPPING TERMS. The method of shipment and carrier shall be determined by Seller unless Buyer shall have specified a method of shipment and carrier (more) than ten (10) days prior to sched, bled shipment. Title and all risks of loss or damage shall pass to Buyer upon delivery to carrier We are not responsible for any delays in delivery which are beyond our control such as fires. strikes, delays in transportation or any similar contingencies. We reserve the right to ship via carriers that in our opinion are the most efficient. Where possible, customer s routing will be followed. All orders shipped prepaid will have a nominal administration charge per freight bill. 11 RETURNS. Custom and modified equipment are not returnable. Return authorization must be requested within 90 days. No returns are to be made to Seller without first o n:'ung a return authorization. No returns will be accepted or credited without such prior authorization and returns may be subject to a restocking charge of 25% of the purchase price plus transportation charges. 12. SHORTAGE. Krowne must be notified in writing within 5 days of receipt of sn::went. 13. TAXES. Buyer will pay when uuc any and all taxes, tariffs, fees and assessments or any other similar charges imposed upon this contract, the goods covered hereby or the delivery, installation, use or resale thereof. If Buyer fails to pay any such amount when due, Seller may elect to pay it and Buyer shall promptly reinww ;e Seller for such payment, together with 1 'st at the Overdue Rate. 14. GOVERNING LAW. This agreement, and all matters arising hereunder, shall be interpreted and resolved in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey without giving eflect to conflict of law of principles and excluding the United Nations Convention on the Internalirn !P of Goods. Buyer and Seller submit to tonal juris- diction of the state and leder ourts of the State of New Jersey and agree Ufa' b; h courts will have jurisdiction over them a 'rnection with any matter relating to or arising b this agreement. Service of process may be m, by registered or certified mail, return receipt r nsted, to the last known address of the p r 1 served. Process may also be served by ar Jai means and Seller may bring an ac,wn iect to any such matter in another jur ;r' 15. PRINTS AND DRAWINGS. .!I submitted with orders will be sizes and any errors arising the responsibility of the P. returns 10 cancei, 11000 your specification; and drawings pted a:- correct 'he same will be 0 are no .;nt 011111 to 16. PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT C our commitment to continued improvement, specifications are subjecr fit 'r. 10)11) ,rr1 notice 17 MISCE! 1 4 NEOUi' II any o and C u 'ions 1 'clar by a tour of col ineffective only to the r: it un00101ueabifity rib out enters: ability 011110) enfor' a! riity of the 011101 ,r The headings used herein convent r0.e of reference Condi All p ar n' going 'ins on ceabte 11 00 f s: '1 illegality or ,n+ validity and h'lil and Cup .bons. ,r rm; '1 42 all "oil Free 800 631 0442 s les@krowne com Fax 973 872 1 q w r 0 m jf C DISHMACHINES Equipment Dealers One -Year Parts and Labor Limited Warranty CMA s warranty applies to all equipment that has been unaltered, properly installed, and maintained in accordance with national and local codes, and in accordance with CMA installation guides and instruction manuals when installed within the United States. CMA products are Warranted to the Original purchaser only• to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one (1) year from the date of original installation, but not to exceed Fifteen (15) months from the date of shipment from the factory This warranty does not apply to equipment damaged, altered or abused, or modified by an unauthorized or unapproved service agency or with missing or altered serial nameplates or damages resulting from fire, flood, water burglary or acts of God. CMA agrees to repair or replace defective parts at their discretion, due to flaws in materials or workmanship during the warranty period. AU part(s) will ship Via UPS regular GROUND Labor to repair or replace defective parts shalt be warranted when performed by a CMA authorized approved service agency Any repair work by persons other than a CMA authorized service agent is the sole responsibility of the customer Labor coverage is limited to regular business hours and tabor rates. CMA will not pay overtime, premiums, or emergency service charges without prior authorization from CMA. This includes the use of genuine CMA factory specified replacement parts, purchased directly from CMA or an authorized parts distributor or service agency The use of generic replacement parts will void this warranty certification. Travel Limitations. CMA limits travel time to two (2) hours round -trip and mileage to one hundred (100) miles total. CMA will not pay for travel time and mileage that exceeds this or any fees such as those for toll roads, bridge tolls air boat, or ferry travel without prior authorization. Items not covered This warranty does not cover damages resulting from shipping, handling or abuse. Items not covered may include; water valve kits vacuum breaker kits adjustments to timers cams or thermostats, cleaning wash /rinse -arms strainers, or the replacement of wearable items (such 3s dish /glasswasher curtains, peristaltic squeeze tubes, drain balls, door guides, gaskets, o- rings, seals or bearings) switches damaged from abuse, adjustments or calibration of any part(s) faults due to lack of regular preventive maintenance, or cleaning of any intemal part(s), poor results due to: use of an improper type of detergent (for non commercial type applications) and excessive, or inadequate water temperature(s) or pressure conditions or incorrect use. Excessive lime, mineral, or alkali buildup due to hard water conditions (in excess of 6 grains of hardness) All plastic items are excluded from this warranty Improper installation and /or connections made at installation void any warranty CMA Dishmachines (800) 854 -6417 (714) 898 -8781 Fax (714) 895 -2141 12700 Knott Street Garden Grove CA. 92841 Warranty Registration Form In order to activate this warranty this form MUST be completed and returned to CMA Dishmachines at the address shown above. The Warranty Registration Form must be accompanied by a dated proof of purchase and installation, within (30) days of purchase or installation. In the event this registration form is not completed and returned, No WARRANTY will be granted or paid under the terms of this WARRANTY MODEL NUMBER SERIAL NUMBER DATE INSTALLED OWNER NAM AND ADDRESS -ZIP CODE PHONE DEALER NAME ANO ADDRESS ZIP CODE PHONE COMMENTS Rev 2 0 12/08 RANGES Heavy Duty Heavy Duty Ranges (Gas) Expando Ranges (Gas). Spreaders Backguards and Shelves. Heavy Duty Gas Range Match Fryer Frymate (Gas) Char Broilers (Gas) Salamander Broilers (Gas) Cheesemelters (Gas) Infrared Ceramic Broilers Heavy Duty Ranges (Electric). Expando Ranges (Electric) Salamander Broilers (Electric) Double Deck High Shelves Single Deck Broilers (Electric) Spreaders Heavy Duty Signature Series Sectional Ranges (Gas) Salamander Broilers Cheesemelters Radiant Broilers Refrigerated Bases Signature Series Expandos 4 6, 7 8 9 9 10 10 7 70 11 .11 11 13 14 14 15 .15 14 17 18 18 19 19 .20 Spreaders. Risers and High Shelves Medium Duty Medium Duty Gas Ranges Salamander Broilers (Gas) Medium Duty Ranges (Electric). Salamander Broiler (Electric) OVENS Convection SG Series (Gas) VC Series (Gas /Electric) GC0 Half Size (Gas) ECO Series (Electric) Cook Hold, Low Temperature Vulcan -Hart warrants its new products) to be free from detects in material 8. and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of original installation. This warranty is subject to the following conditions and limitations. 1. This warranty is Limited to product(s) sold by Vulcan -Hart to the original user in the continental United States. 2. Original installation must occur within three years of date of manufacture and proof of the installation date must be provided to Vulcan -Hart. 3. The liability of Vulcan -Hart is limited to the repair or replacement of any part found to be defective. 4. Vulcan -Hart will bear normal labor charges incurred in the repair 9 or replacement of a warranted piece of equipment within 50 miles (80 kilometers) of an authorized service agency. Time and travel charges in excess of 50 miles (80 kilometers) will be the responsibility of the person or firm requesting the service. 10. 5. This warranty does not apply t0 any product(s) which have not been installed in accordance with the directions published in the appropri- ate installation and operation manuals. 6. Vulcan -Hart will bear no responsibility or liability for any product(s) which have been mishandled, abused, misapplied, misused, sub- jected to harsh chemical action or poor water quality, field modified by unauthorized personnel, damaged by flood, fire or other acts of God, or which have altered or missing serial numbers. 7 Adjustments such as calibrations, leveling, tightening of fasteners or utility connections normally associated with original installation are the responsibility of installer and not that of Vulcan -Hart. TERMS: Vulcan -Hart payment terms are 1% 10 days. net 30 days from date 01 INVOICE. A cash discount will not apply to shipping charges. C.0.0. payment or sight draft billing. All orders are subject to approval by Vulcan -Hart. PRICES: A I prices EASTERN ZONE F.O.B. Baltimore. MD Covington, KY, Kansas City, MO WESTERN ZONE F.O.B. Albuquerque. NM, Salt Lake City. UT (Call Vulcan -Hart for geographic boundanes.) Prices do not include any municipal, state or sales tax. 00 ns thi list ar available only at time of shipment. Accessory items can be ordered at any time from cur nt published equipment price lists. or from any Vulcan Parts Depot. Accessory exceptions are flue tsars and convection oven stands. Order as you would standard equipment. Index .23 .25 .26 .27 28-36 .30 .31 .32 .35 .35 76 STEAM EQUIPMENT 36-55 Steam Sizing Charts 38 -41 ScaleBlockerTM Water Filtration System 42 Pressureless Convection Steamers Boiler Base Steamers Pressure Steamers 2/3 Jacketed Stationary Tilting 43 45 47 49 Vulcan Original Equipment Warranty CHECK THAT ORDERS ARE COMPLETE DO THEY INCLUDE: 1. Type of gas nd /or specific electric cnaractenstics (voltage. Phase and hertz). 2. Name rid address of end -user istailabon of known). 3. Position of ns that are to be battened together (left to right facing equipment). A sketch 15 preferable. 4 Optional equipment and /or accessories. 5. Type of fi ish. 6. Specify snipping date (month, day year). SHIPMENTS: Upon acceptance of the merchandise by the car ter title passes to the purchaser and the Vulca .Hart equipment travels at the nsk of the pu chase Vutc'on 20 Common Faucets for Kettles 21 Braising Pans Common Faucets for Braising Pans FRYERS Fryers. GR Series (Gas) Frymate Dump Station, KleenScreen Filtration System Mobile Filters for Filter Ready Fryers. HOLDING TRANSPORT Food Holding and Transport Cabinets Institutional Series Cabinets Banquet Delivery Carts Drawer Warmers Cook Hold Ovens, Low Temperature F.315061Frev 03/031 Exceptions to the one year part warranty period are as listed: Stainless steel fry tanks on models EF3. EF4 and GHF91 will be warranted for five years. Stainless steel fry tanks on models GR35, GR45, GR65, GR85, ER50, ER85 and GPC12 will be warranted for ten years. Refrigeration appliance compressors Five years limited. Steam equipment supplied with ScaleBlockerry water filtration system (see separate warranty statement). Pressure steam boilers Five years prorated. Rubber seals, light bulbs and gaskets 90 days from installation. Labor, travel and mileage will be covered during the first year only. Original purchased replacement parts manufactured by Vulcan -Hart will be warranted for 90 days from the parts invoice date. Exceptions are stainless steel fry tanks, refrigeration appliance compressors and pressure steam boilers which will be warranted as Stated in item 8. This warranty is for parts cost only, does not include freight or labor charges. This states the exclusive remedy against Vulcan -Hart relating to the product(s), whether in contract or in tort or under any other Legal theory. and whether arising out of warranties, representations. instructions, installations or defects from any cause. Vulcan -Hart shall not be liable, under any legal theory. for loss of use, revenue or profit, or for substitute use or performance, or for incidental, indirect, or special or consequential damages or for any other Toss of cost of similar type. 11. THIS WARRANTY AND THE LIABILITIES SET FORTH HEREIN ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OF THEIR LIABILITIES AND WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED .T0 IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND CONSTITUTES THE ONLY WARRANTY OF VULCAN HART WITH RESPECT TO THE PROOUCT(S). .52 .54 .55 56-65 .59 .60 61 .64 PASTA COOKERS .65 GRIDDLES 66-69 Heavy Duty (Gas Electric) .68 Medium Duty (Gas) .69 BROILERS 70-73 Char Broilers (Gas) 71 Cheesemelters (Gas Infrared Electric) 73 74-76 74 74 75 75 76 RETURN POLICY. Vulcan products cannot be returned with- out prior write factory authorization The restocking charge is 20% plus any costs to recondition the equipment. No returns accepted alter 90 days from date of invoice. Returns for recta must be freight prepaid. Orders cancelled or changed after pro- ducti has started are subject to a charge Of up to 20%. My special merchandise built to a buyer s specifications will be subject to a 50% mi imum cancellation charge. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. VULCAN -HART 3600 North Point Blvd Baltimore. MD 21222 Customer Ser ice: 1466-988-5226 Call 1- 866- 9VULCAN (1- 866 -988 -5226) Visit www VulcanHart.cnm 77 �.rt hzvy� Pncto ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY (CONSULT FACTORY FOR DETAILS) 90 DAY LABOR WARRANTY (PRE AUTHORIZED) Southern Pride guarantees all new equipment of its manufacture to be free of defects in material and factory workmanship for a period of one year provided that the equipment is installed in the Continental United States, Alaska, or Hawaii and operated according to the Owner's Manual while located at the original address of installation, the warranty registration card has been completed and returned to the factory within fifteen (15) days after installation and a start-up has been preformed by an authorized service agent. Southern Pride s obligation under this warranty is limited to one of the following options with the option applicable to be selected by Southern Pride at the sole discretion of Southern Pride. 1 Owner to return part, freight PREPAID Southern Pride is to repair at own expense if defective, and ship part back to owner freight collect. 2. Southern Pride to furnish replacement part, freight collect, without requesting return of the defective part. 3 Southern Pride to furnish replacement part, freight collect, in exchange for return of the defective part, freight collect. Under certain circumstances Southern Pride will reimburse owner for limited labor costs in replacing parts during a period of not more than ninety (90) days after installation, (provided that work is prior authorized and confirmed by Southern Pride's Service Manager Because Southern Pride does not and cannot control the owner's installation, use and maintenance of equipment manufactured by Southern Pride this warranty does not cover any equipment installed improperly• any equipment calibrated afterstart-up and acceptance; any component disassembled in the field; damaged due to improper cleaning, i.e. burner (hosing or `watering down machines will cause electrical failures not covered by warranty), blown fuses, light bulbs, gaskets,electric elements and accessory components not installed or manufactured by Southern Pride. Shipping damage mustbe reported to the earner and is not covered under this warranty Southern Pride will not be liable for damage as a result of improper installation, misuse, abuse, alteration of original design, incorrect voltage, unauthorized service, or breakage of fragile items, Southern Pride will not be liable for any loss or consequential damage or expense accruing directly or indirectly from the use of equipment covered by this warranty including any production or product losses or other damages which may occur as a result of equipment malfunction or failure. This warranty does not cover cooking performance, which is a function of food types, textures, temperatures and other variables chosen by the owner and over which Southern Pride has no control. The effect of corrosion, fire and normal wear on the equipment or component parts is not covered by this warranty This warranty does not apply to damage caused by accident or to damage caused by the negligence of the owner and the employees of the owner or to damaged caused by lightning generated electrical current or any other Act of God whatsoever This warranty does not apply to any equipment bearing a serial number which has been tampered with or altered. This warranty is exclusive and is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranty or merchantability or fitness for particular purpose each of which is hereby expressly disclaimed, the remedies described above are exclusive and in no event shall Southern Pride be liable for special, consequential or incidental damages for the breach or delay in performance of warranty TERMS AND CONDITIONS For purposes of definition and interpretation, the terns 'Seller as used herein refers to Southern Pride and the term `Buyer' refers to the originator of a specific purchase order to Southern Pride Possession of a price list does not necessarily constitute an offer to sell by Southern Pride. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice All items will be invoiced at prices in effect at time of shipment. Equipment prices do not include federal, state, city or local taxes which may apply and all sales are subject thereto No order whether written or oral, shall result in a contact, unless it is accepted and acknowledged in writing by Seller at Seller's office in Marion, Illinois Shipping weights are approximate and all prices are quoted F 0 B Marion. Illinois. All common carrier' shipped S\ iexxi Pndz equipment shall be domestic crated, all others shall be uncrated and subject to delivery charge per zone chart. Any equipment held for shipment upon Buyer's request beyond the delivery date specified on original purchase order will be due and payable within terms and will result in storage charges. Delivery estimates are figured from date written orders are received and accepted by Seller Seller will meet Buyer's delivery request as nearly as possible, but does not guarantee shipment nor delivery on any particular date. Seller reserves right to ship merchandise via any responsible carrier Seller's responsibility ceases upon acceptance by carrier Buyer is expected to examine contents of shipments and immediately report any damage to carrier authorities. Payment terms shall be 30% deposit with order balance prior to delivery unless otherwise agreed in writing by Seller Returns of any merchandise may not be made without Seller's written approval, prior to return. Seller shall impose a 20% restocking charge for handling of any returns. All cancellations must be in writing. Cancellations are also subject to a 20% fee 10 Revised 1/31/07 D S a r lic EIC�C �Cr U0�1�KE STANDARD WARRANTIES 15 YEAR ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT PANEL WARRANTY NOR LAKE FINELINET "t FOAM WALK IN ROOM PANELS WARRANTY COVERAGE. Nor Lake. Incorporated extends the following warranty to the original purchaser /user whtch shall be deemed to mean the individual or company for whom the warranted product(s) was originally installed. It neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume, any obligation other than that covered by this warranty and applies only within the continental boundaries of the United States of America. its territories and possessions. and Canada. Nor -Lake warrants this product to be free from defects in material or workmanship under normal use and service. In the event of failure, the obligation of Nor Lake under this warranty shall be limited to repairing or replacing with a Tike panel. at Nor Lake s option, FO.B Hudson, WI, any original equipment panel of the warranted original equipment product which proves defective, and which Nor -Lake s examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to be thus defective, and which cannot he placed hack into operation in the field with normal service efforts. A replacement panel installed as a result of this warranty is not subsequently covered by this warranty Nor -Lake reserves the right to require the return. collect freight. of any defective panel A Nor -Lake provided authorization number is required before the return of any panel. The warranty is in force for fifteen (15) years from date of installation, hut not longer than fifteen (15) years six (6) months from Nor -Lake invoice date. Any claim for defects occurring between fifteen (15) years and fifteen (15) years six (6) months from Nor -Lake invoice date must furnish proof that installation date did occur within six (6) months of Nor Lake invoice date WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS. Nor Lake s obligation on non Nor Lake manufactured items shall be limited only to the extent of the warranty extended by the respective manufacturers of said products. Tins warranty does not apply to the panel finish. This warranty does not apply to equipment which has been subject to removal from original installation site. dismantled and rebuilt. or subject to any accident, alterations by unauthorized service, negligence abuse. misuse or improper installation. This warranty does not include any labor or mileage harges for replacement or repair of detective panels. ONE YEAR ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT PARTS WARRANTY ALL NOR LAKE COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION PRODUCTS WARRANTY COVERAGE Nor Lake, incorporated extends the following warranty to the original purchaser /user which shall be deemed to mean the individual or company for whom the warranted product(s) was originally installed. It neither assumes. nor authorizes any person to assume, any obligation other than that covered by this warranty and applies only wtthtn the continental boundaries of the United States of America, its territories and possessions, and Canada. Nor -Lake warrants this product to be free from defects in material or workmanship under normal use and service. In the event of failure. the obligation of Nor Lake under this warranty shall be limited to repairing or replacing with a like part, at Nor -Lakes option. FO.B Hudson. WI any original equipment part of the warranted original equipment product which proves defective, and which Nor -Lake s examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to be thus defective. and which cannot he placed back into operation in the field with normal service eltorts. A replacement part installed as a result of this warranty is not subsequently covered by this warranty Nor Lake reserves the right to require the return. collect freight. of any defective part A Nor Lake provided authorization number is required before the return of any parts or equipment. Should purchaser elect to obtain a replacement for the defective part iokally in lieu of purchasing the part directly from Nor Lake, Nor -Lake s financial obligation will be limited to a reimbursement consistent with the purchaser s/user s then current purchase price for the defective pan acquired from Nor Lake, Incorporated The warranty is in force for one (1) year from date of installation, but not longer than one (1) year six (6) months from Nor -Lake invoice date Any clam for defects occurring between one (1) year and one (1) year six (6) months from Nor Lake invoice date must furnish proof that installation did occur within six (6) months of Nor Lake invoice date WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS. This warranty does not apply to equipment which has been subject to removal from original installation te, dismantled and rebuilt. or subject to any accident, alterations by unauthorized service, negligence. abuse. misuse, or improper r9 ,stallation. This warranty does not include any labor or mileage charges for replacement or repair of defective parts. This warranty does not include replacement of any expendable items such as refrigerants, oils, titters, or driers. j LO 2(05 Nor -Lake, Inc 2/05 089604 7lf�rJ�rJ�c1�rJ�rJ�rJ�r. J��P�Pr�rJ�rJrJ�rJ�rJ�rJ�rJ��r�r�r��. l�r�i�r.. l�r. J�r�rJ�fJ��. lr. J�r�rJ�rJ�rJrJrJ�rJ�r .Pr��Pr�r�cl�r�cnrJ�rl�cPcl1 CI S a C CI WARRANTY COVERAGE. Nor -Lake, incorporated extends the following warranty to the original purchaser /user which shall be deemed to rr mean the individual or company for whom the warranted product(s) was originally installed. It neither assumes. nor authorizes any person to assume. any obligation other than that covered by this warranty and applies only within the continental boundaries of the United States of America, its territories and possessions, and Canada. Nor -Lake warrants this replacement part to be free from detects in material or workmanship under normal use and service. in the event of failure. the obligation of Nor -Lake under this warranty shall be limited to repairing or replacing with a like part, at Nor -Lake s option. F.O.B. Hudson, WI, the replacement pan only of the warranted product which proves defective. and which Nor Lake s examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to be thus defective, and which cannot be placed back into operation in the field with normal service efforts. A replacement pan installed as a result of this warranty is not subsequently covered by this warranty Nor Lake reserves the right to require the return, collect freight, of any defective part A Nor -Lake provided authorization number is required before the return of any parts or equipment. Should purchaser elect to obtain a replacement for the defective part locally in lieu of purchasing the part directly from Nor -Lake, Nor -Lake s financial obligation will be limited to reimbursement consistent with the original purchaser s /user s then current purchase pace for the defective part acquired from Nor Lake, incorporated. The warranty is in force for ninety (90) days from date of installation, but not longer than one hundred twenty (120) days from Nor -Lake invoice date. Any claim for defects occurring between ninety (90) days and one hundred twenty days (120) from Nor -Lake invoice date must furnish proof that installation date did occur within thirty (30) days of Nor Lake invoice date. WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS. This warranty does not apply to equipment which has been subject to removal from original installation site, dismantled and rebuilt. or subject to any accident, alterations by unauthorized service, negligence. abuse, misuse, or improper installation. This warranty does not include any labor or mileage charges for replacement or repair of defective pans. This warranty does not include replacement of any expendable items such as refrigerants, oils. filters or driers. 9 NINETY DAY REPLACEMENT PARTS WARRANTY ALL NOR LAKE COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION PRODUCTS EIGHTEEN MONTH LABOR/SERVICE WARRANTY NOR -LAKE COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION PRODUCTS WARRANTY COVERAGE Nor -Lake. Incorporated extends the following warranty to the original purchaser /user, which shall be deemed to mean the individual or company for whom the warranted product(s) was originally installed. It neither assumes, nor authonzes any person to assume, any obligation other than that covered by this warranty and applies only within the continental boundaries of the United States of America, its territories and possessions. and Canada it -Lake warrants this product to be free from defects in material or workmanship under normal use and service. In the event of failure, the ligation of Nor Lake under this warranty shall be limited to the reasonable labor cost. on a straight time basis, to repair the warranted product which proves defective. No overtime labor costs or travel time will be paid under this warranty The warranty is in force for one (1) year six (6) months from date of installation, but not longer than two (2) years from Nor Lake invoice date Any claim for defects occurring between one (1) year six (6) months and two (2) years from date of Nor -Lake invoice must furnish proof that installation date did occur within six (6) months of Nor -Lake invoice date WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS. Excluded from coverage under this warranty are charges for original installation, start-up and control adjustments. This warranty does not apply to equipment which has been subject to removal from original site, dismantled and rebuilt. or subject to any accident, alterations by unauthorized service negligence abuse misuse or improper installation. This warranty does not apply to remote refrigeration systems requiring electrical inter wiring or refrigerant piping provided by others. IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT EACH OF THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH HEREIN ARE EXCLUSIVE AND iN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE FOR EACH OF THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH HEREIN, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER SHALL NOR -LAKE BE LIABLE TO PURCHASER FOR LOSS OF USE, REVENUE OR PROFIT OR FOR ANY OTHER INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSSES INVOLVING FOOD SPOILAGE OR PRODUCT LOSS. ALL WARRANTY CLAIMS MUST BE RECEIVED BY NOR LAKE WiTHiN 30 DAYS OF EQUIPMENT FAILURE. w wL Standex ALL WARRANTY CLAIMS MUST INCLUDE NOR LAKE EQUIPMENT MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBERS NOR LAKE INCORPORATED P.O BOX 248, HUDSON WI 54016 Service Department 800 388 5253 Email service@norlake.com �PcJ�� P[J�r�[PrJ[1�r�[Pc Pr�[�r�� Jet l�cP�Pr�r�r�rJ�r.1r�L l�cPrJ�>�[ nr�[ nr��P� I�cPr�rlfJ�r�� l��[J�rJLfrJ�cP[J�r�[ f rJi 0 S 0 V0��4KE OPTIONAL WARRANTIES FIVE YEAR ORIGINAL COMPRESSOR WARRANTN NOR LAKE REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS WARRANTY COVERAGE Nor Lake, Incorporated extends the following warranty to the original purchaser /user which shall be deemed to mean the individual or company for whom the warranted product(s) was originally installed. It neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume, any obligation other than that covered by this warranty and applies only within the continental boundaries of the United States of America, its territories and possessions. and Canada. This optional warranty is in lieu of any other applicable standard warranty 3 Nor -Lake warrants this product to be free from defects in material or workmanship under normal use and service. in the event of failure, the obligation of Nor Lake under this warranty shall be limited to repairing or replacing with a like compressor at Nor -Lake s option, FO.B Hudson, Wi, the original equipment compressor only from the warranted original equipment product which proves defective. and which Nor Lake s examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to he thus defective. and which cannot be placed hack into operation in the field with norrnal service efforts. 9 A replacement compressor installed as a result of this warranty is not subsequently covered by this warranty Nor -Lake reserves the right to require the return, collect freight. of any defective part A Nor Lake provided authorization number is required before the return of any parts or equipment. Should purchaser elect to obtain a replacement for the defective compressor locally in lieu of purchasing the part directly from Nor -Lake, Nor Lake s financial obligation will be limited to a reimbursement consistent with the purchaser s /user s then current wholesale price for the defective compressor acquired from Nor Lake. Incorporated minus any applicable salvage value. The warranty is in tierce for five (5) years from date of installation, but not longer than five (5) years six (6) months from Nor Lake invoice date. Any claim for defects occurring between five (5) years and live (5) years six (6) months from Lake invoice date must furnish proof that ,I installation date did occur within six (6) months ot Nor Lake invoice date WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS. This warranty does not apply to equipment which has been subject to removal from original installation site, smantled and rebuilt. or subject to any accident, alterations by unauthorized service negligence. abuse, misuse. or improper installation. This rranty does not include any labor or mileage charges for replacement or repair ot defective parts. This warranty does not include replacement of any expendable items such as refrigerants, oils. filters or driers. 3 FIVE YEAR REPLACEMENT COMPRESSOR WARRANTY NOR LAKE REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS WARRANTY COVERAGE. Nor Lake, Incorporated extends the following warranty to the original purchaser /user which shall be deemed to mean the individual or company for whom the warranted product(s) was originally installed. It neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume, any obligation other than that covered by this warranty and applies only within the continental boundanes of the United States of America. its territories and possessions, and Canada. This optional warranty is m Iheu of any other applicable standard warranty Nor -Lake warrants this product to be free from detects in material or workmanship under normal use and service. in the event of failure, the obligation of Nor Lake under this warranty shall he limited to repairing or replacing with a like compressor at Nor-Lake s option. FO.B Hudson. WI, the first replacement compressor only from the warranted original equipment product which proves defective. and which Nor Lake s examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to he thus defective. and which cannot be placed hack into operation nn the field with normal service efforts. A replacement compressor installed as a result of this warranty is not subsequently covered by this warranty Nor Lake reserves the right to require the return. collect freight, of any detective part. A Nor -lake provided authorization number is required before the return of any parts or equipment. Should purchaser elect to obtain a replacement tor the defective compressor locally in lieu of purchasing the part directly from Nor Lake, Nor Lake s financial obligation will be limited to a reimbursement consistent with the purchaser s /user s then current wholesale price for the defective compressor acqutred from Nor -Lake Incorporated minus any applicable salvage value The warranty is in force for five (5) years from date of installation. but not longer than live (5) years one (1) month from Nor Lake invoice date Any claim for detects occurring between five (5) years and five (5) years one (1) month from Nor Lake invoice date must furnish proof that installation did occur within one (1) month of Nor Lake invoice date ARRANTY EXCLUSIONS. This warranty does not apply to equipment which has been subject to removal from original installation site, mantled and rebuilt, or subject to any accident alterations by unauthorized service. negligence, abuse. misuse, or improper installation. This ananty does not include any labor or mileage charges for replacement or repair of defective parts. This warranty does not include replacement of any expendable items such as refrigerants oils lifters or driers O Nor Lake, Inc 2005 2/05 089605 nJCJ�L�CJf�CPL�CPi.PC�C�L PLJLPC�CPCJC�CJ�CPf.JC PCPL� C�LPLPC�LI�LPCJC�L�CJC�CPCJC nC�LI�CPC�C�C�r�C.PC�C �CPf 7 c CHANGES MADE TO WARRANTY COMMENCED ON 11/01/2007 rrarety Claims claims for parts or labor must be made directly through Turbo Air. claims should include :model number of the unit the serial number of the cabinet proof of purch d: all pertinent information supporting the alleged defect q lifease of compressor replacement under warranty, either compreisor or _7i with above listed information. Failure to comply with warranty policies will result in voiding claims. One Year Parts Labor Warranty... Turbo Air warrants all new refrigerated components,the cabinet and all parts,to be free from defects in materia under normal and proper use and maintenance service as specified by Turbo Air and upon proper installati and St accordance with the instruction packet supplied with each Turbo Air unit.Turbo Airs obligation under this warranty Is 6 mite to a period of one (1) year from the date of original installation or 15 months after shipment date from Turbo AftWhic hever occurs fir Any part, covered under this warranty, that are by Turbo Air to have been defective within one (1) year of original installati' (15) months after shipment date from manufacturer, whichever occurs first, is limited to the repair or replacement, includin labor s charges, of defective parts or assemblies.The labor warranty shall include standard straight time labor charges only and teal travel time, as determined by Turbo Air. Additional Four Year Compressor Warranty... In addition to the one (1) year warranty stated adove,Turbo Air warrants its hermetically sealed compressor to be free from defects in both material and workmanship under normal and proper use and maintenance service for a period of four (4) additional years from' the date of original installation, but not to exceed five (5) years and three (3) months after shipment from the manufacturer Compressor determined by Turbo Air to have been defective within this extended period will, at Turbo Air's discretion, be either repair or replaced with a compressor or compressor parts of similar design and capacity. The four (4) year extended compressor warranty applies only to hermetically sealed parts of the compressor and does not apply to an 9 other parts or components, including, but not Limited to, cabinet, paint finish, temperature control, refrigerant, metering device, driers: `j� motor starting equipment, fan assembly or and other electrical components, etcetera. ,.-404A 134A Compressor Warranty... )The four -year compressor warranty detailed above will be void if the following procedure is not carefully adhered to: i1.This system contains R404A or R134A refrigerant and polyol ester lubricant.The polyol ester lubricant has rapid moisture absorbing qualities. 2 Drier replacement is very important and must be changed when a system is opened for servicing. A620 copper drier or better is highly recommended. 3 Micron level vacuums must be achieved to insure low moisture levels in the system. 500 microns or lower must be obtained. 4 .When compressor is grounded, suction drier and 620 drier or better must be replaced. 5 Compressor must be obtained through Turbo Air, unless otherwise specified in writing, through Turbo Air's warranty department. What is Not Covered by this Warranty... Turbo Air's sole obligation under this warranty is limited to either repair or replacement of parts, subject to the additional limitations below.This warranty neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume obligations other than those expressly covered by this warranty; NO CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.TURBO AIR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ECONOMIC LOSS; PROFIT LOSS; OR SPECIAL, INDIRECT,OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSSES,OR DAMAGES ARISING FROM FOOD OR PRODUCT SPOILAGE REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THEY RESULT FROM REFRIGERATION FAILURE. WARRANTY IS NOT TRANSFERABLE.This warranty is not ?;u assignable and applies only in favor of the original purchaser user to whom delivered. ANY SUCH ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER SHALL VOID THE WARRANTIES HEREIN AND SHALL VOID ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR LABOR COVERAGE FOR COMPONENT FAILURE OR OTHER THE WARRANTY PACKET PROVIDED WITH THE UNIT. ALTERATION, NEGLECT, ABUSE, MISUSE, ACCIDENT, DAMAGE DURING TRANSIT OR INSTALLATION, FIRE, FOOD, ACTS OF GOD.Turbo Air is not responsible for the repair or replacement of any parts that Turbo Air determines have been subjected after the date of manufacture to alteration, neglect, abuse, misuse, accident, damage during transit or installation, fire, flood,or act of GOD. IMPROPER ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS.TURBO AIR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF FAILED OR DAMAGED COMPONENTS RESULTING FROM ELECTRICAL POWER FAILURE,THE USE OF EXTENSION CORDS, LOW VOLTAGE, OR VOLTAGE DROPS TO THE UNIT. NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE:THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, EXCEPT THE ONE 1) YEAR PARTS LABOR WARRANTY ANDTHE ADDITIONAL FOUR (4) YEAR COMPRESSOR WARRANTY AS DESCRIBED ABOVE.THESE WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTY AND MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, -WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACE HEREOF. !u U.S. and Canada:This warranty does not apply to, and Turbo Air is not responsible for, any warranty claims made on products old or used outside the continent of the United States and Canada. r 1=1 KAY 421 N Freya, Spokane, WA 99202 Phone (509) 533 -0808 (800) 726 -0553 Fax (509) 535 -1493 WARRANTY SSP, Inc warrants all manufactured products to be free from defect, under normal use and care, in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from date of shipment of equipment to the original purchaser The obligaton of SSP, Inc under the warranty shall be limited to repairing or replacing, FOB factory, any part which SSP, Inc upon examination, determines to be defective SSP, Inc shall not be liable under the warranty herein contained to bear any cost or expense for the installation or removal of any part or the transportation of said part to SSP, Inc for repair or exchange The warranty herein contained shall not apply to any damage or defects caused by or arising from accident, misapplication, abuse, misuse, neglect, alteration, act of vandalism, flood, and /or fire SSP, Inc does not assume the responsibility hereunder for any damage or defects incurred during the transportation of this equipment and any part thereof Nothing herein contained shall render SSP, Inc liable for damage to or from food or any other items contained in this equipment or any other part thereof. This warranty is in hew of all other warranties, expressed or implied, and of all other obligations or liabilities on the part of SSP, Inc SSP, Inc neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it, any obligation or liability in connection with the sale of this equipment or any part thereof. Report No 3054804 -001 Captive -Aire Systems, Inc Exhaust hood without exhaust damper General Photo 1 shows an overall view of the Exhaust hood without exhaust damper for commercial cookmg equipment enclosure, which is representative of all models except where mdicated. Note Reference Illustration numbers 1 and 5 for unit dimensions. General Reauirements And Definitions CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. Exhaust hood without exhaust damper Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. Installation. All hoods may be mstalled m wall or island cookmg configurations. These exhaust hoods are intended for use m accordance with the Standard of the National Fire Protection Association for the Installation of Equipment for the Removal of Smoke and Grease Laden Vapors from Commercial Cookmg Equipment, NFPA No 96 INSULATION. (OPTIONAL) External. Classified Industnal felt manufactured by U S Gypsum having a 41b /ft density Issued. 11/03/04 PHOTO NO. 1 Internal. Insulation, when used m the supply plenums of these hoods, shall be either Classified for Surface Burning Characteristics with a Flame Spread Index of 25 or less or Listed Class 1 air duct. The msulation can be mounted within the supply plenum of the hood where it will not be exposed to cookmg vapors. The insulation may be additionally secured to the hood using mechanical fastening. Insulation is to be designated Owens Cornmg Type 475 FRK or equivalent listed component. Alternate Type EI -475 SL manufactured by Knauf Fiberglass Alternate Manville Micro -Aire Type 475 manufactured by Johns Manville Corp Alternate V612 -FR manufactured by Gaska Tape Inc CLEARANCE REDUCTION METHODS. The hood may be mstalled with a 0 mch clearance to combustible matenals if constructed m one of the followmg methods. 1 mch layer of msulation of type mdicated m Insulation Section of this report or approved Kitchen Exhaust Duct Insulation. 1 inch msulated backsplash 3 inch un- msulated airspace Back Return (BR) supply plenum These ratmgs apply to the top, ends, back and front of the exhaust hood. Fire Barrier Duct Wra p 15A Duct Wrap Fire Protection Systems for Commercial Kitchen Grease and Chemical Exhaust Fume Ducts ps Sfrk O,s+ t, Product Unit Size C li�1 US C BATTS ANDBUN6ETS FOR USE W FI6 PESLSTME DUCT ASSEM$LIES SEE UL DIRECTORY OF PRODUCTS Product Data CERTIFIED CANADA AND MECC1DRRY UL FPf 3M Fire Barrier Roll 11.5 in.x 24 in. x 20 ft. Duct Wrap 15A (38mm x 60,9cm x 609 cm) 3M Fire Barrier 11 Roll 11.5 in. x 48 in. x 20 ft. Duct Wrap 15A (38mm x 121 cm x 609 cm) DUCT WRAP MATERIALS FOR USE Il TIHWGH- PENEIRAIION FWESIOP SYSTEMS SEE UL DIRECTORY OF PRODUCTS CERTIFIED FOR CA ■AOA AND UL FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTOR 9059 1. Product Description 3MTM Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A is a fire resistant wrap consisting of a patented inorganic blanket encapsulated with a scrim reinforced foil. It is used to fire rate com- mercial kitchen grease ducts and is a proven alternative to 1 or 2 hour fire resistant rated shaft enclosures. This mold resistant* non absestos wrap contains a safer fiber construction* and installs easily because of its high flexibilty and strength. 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A is a single layer fire resistant wrap that has passed the UL1978 test which simulates a grease duct fire. With its excellent insulating capabilities, it is an ideal choice for tight spaces because it protects combustible construc tions at zero clearance throughout the entire enclosure system. 3M Fire Barrier 1000 N /S, 1003 S/L and 2000+ Silicone Sealants used in combination 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A provide an effective firestop when the duct penetrates fire rated walls and floors. Features One layer wrap for grease ducts rated as a shaft alter native per UL 1978 Zero clearance to combustible throughout the entire enclosure system for congested spaces High flexibility for installation ease Foil encapsulated with unique center overlap seam for blanket protection, less dust, and high wrap strength Widest range of penetration seal systems Stitched edges Safer fiber construction* Mold resistant in accordance with ASTM C1338 -00 *Has been demonstrated to be soluble in the lungs according to EU guidelines 67/548/EWG, Note Q for bio persistence. *Standard Test Method for Determining Fungi Resistance of Insulation Materials and Facings 2. Applications 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A is an ideal fire resistive enclosure for commercial kitchen grease ducts. It is a proven performance alternative to a 1 or 2 hour fire resistant rated shaft enclosures and provides zero clearance to combustible construction throughout the entire enclosure system. 3M Fire Barrier 1000 N /S, 1003 S/L or 2000+ Silicone Sealant is used in combina- tion with 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A to firestop the duct when the duct penetrates fire rated floors and walls. 3. Availability Units/ Wt./ ctn. ctn. 1 1 53 lbs. 24 kg 1 1 106 lbs. 48 kg SBCCI Compliance Report 2132A NFPA 96 Complies with Complies with Compliant International Standard 1996 Editio Mechanical Code Mechanical Code 4. Typical Physical Properties Blanket Color gray /green Weight: 1.38 lbs. /sq. ft. (6.73 kg /sq. m) 5. Performance 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A has been tested in accordance with the following: ASTM C 411 ASTM C 1338 ASTM C 518 ASTM E 136 ASTM E 84 ASTM E 814 ASTM E 119 UL 1978 (Sections 12 13) Surface Burning Characteristics (ASTM E 84) Foil Encapsulated Blanket: Flame Spread: 0 Smoke Developed: 0 Blanket: Flame Spread: 0 Smoke Developed: 0 Thermal Conductivity Temperature °F °C) 500 (260) 1000 (537) 1500 (815) 1800 (982) btu-in./(hr •ft 0.417 0.922 1.69 2.27 For technical data and properties of 3M Fire Barrier 1000 N /S, 1003 S/L and 2000+ Silicone Sealants see separate product data sheets available from your 3M representative or go to www.3m.com /firestop. Grease Duct Listings Fire closure Sy tem Resistive Rating IZlmega oin a D esign r Duct System Through Penetration System 1 or 2 hours 1 layer of 3M Fire Barrier GD 532 F 15A FS 557 W Duct Wrap 15A 3 in. GD 538 F 15A FS 558 F (76 mm) perimeter and GD 547 F 15A FS 559 W longitudinal overlaps GD 548 F 15A FS 560 F GD 549 F 15A FS 561 F GD 556 F 15A FS 562 W GD 557 F 15A FS 563 W FS 578 F FS 579 W Fire Resistive Rating Chemical Exhaust Fume Duct Listings Enclosure System I Omega Point Lab Chemical Duct System Through Penetration System 1 or 2 hours 1 layer of 3M Fire Barrier CFD500F 15A FS 557 W 15A Duct Wrap 15A 3 in. CFD501 F 15A FS 558 F 15A (76 mm) perimeter and FS 559 W 15A longitudinal overlaps FS 560 F 15A FS 561 F 15A FS 562 W 15A FS 563 W 15A FS 578 F 15A FS 579 F 15A Product Approvals Product Approvals ICC ES Compliance Legacy Report 2161 ICC ES Compliance Legacy Report 2132A New York City MEA, 147 -01 -M California State Fire Marshall; 2440 -0941 110 Code Compliance 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A complies with requirements of the following codes. NFPA 96 1998 Edition 1997 Standard Mechanical Code 1998/2000 International Mechanical Code 1999 BOCA National Building Code 1999 Standard Building Code This is only a partial list of code compliance. For the latest code and approval information go to www 3m.com /firestop or speak to your authorized 3M distributor or sales representative at (800) 328 -1687 6. Installation Techniques 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A system should be installed in accordance with the following installation instructions. Material and Equipment 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A blanket, 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) thick, 24 in. (60 cm) or 48 in (121 cm) wide, 20 ft. (609 cm) standard length. The 48 in. (121 cm) wide blanket helps to minimize waste Aluminum foil tape. Minimum 3/4 in (19 mm) wide filament tape. Carbon steel or stainless steel banding material, minimum 1/2 in. (12,7 mm) wide minimum 0 015 in (0 38 mm) thick, with steel banding clips. Hand banding tensioner crimping tool, and banding cutter Minimum 12 gauge copper- coated steel insulation pins; galvanized steel or stainless speed clips, minimum 1 1/2 in (38 mm) square or 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) dia. round, or equivalent sized insulated cup -head pins capacitor discharge stud gun. Access door hardware four galvanized steel thread rods, 1/4 in. (6 mm) diameter by 4 -1/2 in. to 5 in. long (114 mm to 127 mm) with 1/4 in. (6 mm) wing nuts and 1/4 in (6 mm) washers: 4 in. (102 mm) long steel hollow tubing to fit threaded rods. Minimum 4 0 Ib. (1,8 kg) density mineral wool or scrap pieces of 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A. 3M Fire Barrier 1000 N /S, 1003 S/L or 2000+ Silicone Sealant. Storage: The 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A and 3M Fire Barrier 1000 N /S, 1003 S/L and 2000+ Silicone Sealants must be stored in a dry warehouse environment. Pallets should not be stacked. Preparatory Work: 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A is installed with common tools, such as knives, banders and capacitor discharge guns for applying insulation pins. In order to install the duct firestop system, the surfaces of all the openings and penetrating items need to be clean, dry, frost free and free of dust. Method: To minimize waste, 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A material should be rolled out tautly before measuring. General instructions for installing the 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A include a one -layer wrap construction applied directly to the duct. The 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A blanket is wrapped around the perimeter of the duct and is cut to a length to overlap itself not less than 3 in. (76 mm). The overlap made by adjacent blankets forms the `longitudinal' overlap. Aluminum foil tape is used to seal all cut edges of the blanket and any tears in the foil scrim. There are three (3) approved installation techniques for installing the 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A (See Figure 1): 1. Telescoping 3 in. (76 mm) Overlap Wrap With the telescoping overlap wrap method, each blanket overlaps one adjacent blanket, and each blanket has one edge exposed and one edge covered by the next blanket as shown in Figure 1 The visible edges of the perimeter overlaps all point in the same direction. 2. Checkerboard 3 in. (76 mm) Overlap Wrap With the 3 in. (76 mm) checkerboard overlap wrap method, blankets with both edges exposed alternate with blankets with covered edges, as shown in Figure 1 The visible edges of the perimeter overlaps alternate their directions and appear on every other blanket. 3. Butt Joint With Collar With the butt joint and collar method adjacent blankets are butted tightly together and 6 in. (152 mm) wide collar of 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap is centered over the joint, overlapping each blanket by 3 in. (76 mm) minimum as shown in Figure 1 In all three overlap techniques the perimeter overlap can occur at any location on the duct. The blanket is mechanically attached to the duct by steel banding or by welded insulation pins and clips for all three installation methods listed above For Banding Only (See Figure 1) Filament tape can be used to temporarily hold the blan- ket in place until the banding is applied. The steel banding is applied around the duct 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) from each edge of the blanket, and maximum 10 -1/2 in (26,7 cm) centers. The banding is placed around the material and tightened so as to sufficiently hold the 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A in place against the duct, compressing the foil but not cutting the foil. Additional Pinning to Prevent Sagging of the Wrap: For Ducts 24 in. (60 cm) and larger in width, additional pins are needed to support the blanket on the bottom horizontal surface and on the outside face of a vertical duct run Space pins a maximum of 10 -1/2 in. (26 7 cm) apart in the direction of the blanket width, and a maximum of 12 in. (30 cm) apart in the direction of the blanket length. Refer to paragraph below for more information on Mechanical Fastening with Pins. For Mechanical Fastening with Pins Only Insulation pins are welded to the duct in the centers of the overlaps a minimum of 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) from each edge of the blanket, and spaced a maximum of 10 -1/2 in. (26 7 cm) on center along perimeter overlap, and a maximum of 10 -1/2 in. (26 7 mm) on center along longitudinal overlaps. The blanket is impaled over the pins and held in place by galvanized speed clips. Insulation pins that extend beyond the blanket wrap shall be turned down to eliminate sharp points. Insulated cup -head pins can be used at the same spacing requirements of the insulation pins. NOTE. Support hangar systems do not need to be wrapped provided the hangar rods are at least a minimum of 3/8 in. (9 53 mm) diameter and spaced a maximum of 60 in. (152 cm) on center along the length of the duct. Use a minimum 2 in x 2 in x 1/4 in. (50 mm x 50 mm x 6,35 mm) steel angle steel support channel or SMACNA equivalent support system. Access Door Installation (See Figure 2) Four galvanized steel threaded rods, 1/4 in diameter (6,35 mm) by 4 -1/2 in. to 5 in. long (114 mm to 127 mm) are welded to the duct at the corners of the door opening. Four steel tubes, each 3 in (76 mm) long, are placed over the rods to act as protection for the 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A when fastening the door Four insulation pins are welded to the door panel for installation of the blanket. One layer of 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A is cut approximately the same size as the access panel and impaled over the insula- tion pins on the panel It is essential that this layer fit Figure 1 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A Commercial Kitchen Grease Duct Systems 1 or 2 Hour Shaft Alternative Zero Clearance to Combustibles Telescoping Wrap Technique With Banding For Ducts 24 inches (60,9 cm) or Less 1 I One Layer 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A 2. 1 Steel Banding 1/2 in. (13 mm) Wide Min. Typical 3. 1 3 in. (76 mm) Min. Longitudinal Overlap 4 13 in. (76 mm) Min. Perimeter Overlap System integrity is limited by quality of installation. tightly against the wrap surrounding the access door opening with no through openings. A second layer of 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A is cut so as to overlap the first layer by a minimum of 1 in. (25,4 mm) The second layer is impaled over the pins and both layers are locked in place with galvanized speed clips. Pins that extend beyond the outer layer of 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A shall be turned down to avoid sharp points on the door The insulated door panel is placed over the threaded rods and held in place with washers and wing nuts. The details are shown in Figure 2. Penetrations (See Figure 3) When the duct penetrates a fire rated wall, ceiling or floor an approved firestop system must be employed. Figure 3 illustrates a typical condition. To firestop the wrapped duct, follow the installation parameters detailed in the following Omega Point Laboratories, Inc. systems: FS 557 W FS 558 F FS 559 W FS 560 F FS 561 F FS 562 W FS 563 W FS 578 F FS 579 W Other Applications More details on the installation of the product can be found in the 3M Product Data and Installation Instruction Manual (98- 0400 5054 -8) 7. Maintenance No maintenance is required when installed in accordance with the 3M Installation Instructions. Once installed, if any section of the 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A is damaged so that the blanket is damaged, Telescoping Overlap Wrap Option Cross Sectional View 3' (76 mm) 1 -1/2' (38 mm) 6' (152 3' (76 mm) 1 -1/2 (38 mm) (53,3 cm) Typ Checkerboard Overlap Wrap Option Cross Sectional View 3 (76 mm), 3" (76 mm) 1 -1/2 (38 my) f- l 1 -1/2 (38 mm) 1— 21 (53,3 cm) Typ. 1 Butt Joint With Collar Option Cross Sectional View mm) 3' (76 mm) 1 -1/2' (38 mm) 1 -1/2 (38 mm) the following procedures will apply The damaged section should be removed by cutting the steel banding or removing the clips holding it in place. A new section of the same dimension should be cut from a roll of 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A, either 24 in. (60,9 cm) or 48 in. (121 cm) wide. The new section should be placed and fitted ensuring the same overlap that existed previously. The steel banding should be placed around the material and tensioned so as to sufficiently hold the 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A in place. Figure 2 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A Commercial Kitchen Grease Duct Systems 1 or 2 Hour Access Door System 1 1 Access Hole 2. 1 1/4 in. (6 mm) Dia. All Threaded Rods 3. 1 Access Cover 16 Gauge 4 1 Insulation Pins Welded 5. I First Layer 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A Cut Same Size As Cover 6. I Second Layer 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A with 1 in. (25mm) Overlap On All Sides 7 1 Speed Clips 8. 1 Aluminum Tape Covering All Exposed Edges 9 1 Spool Pieces For Threaded Rods 10 I 1/4 in. (6mm) Diameter Wing Nuts System integrity is limited by quality of installation. Building Safety Solutions Department 3M Center 223 -2S -24 St. Paul. MN 55144 -1000 Phone 800 -328 -1687 Fax 888 -362 2737 www 3m.com /firestop If the blanket has not been damaged but the foil has ripped, seal the rips with aluminum foil tape. 8. Purchase Information 3M Fire Barrier products are available through a network of nationwide distributors. For information on where to buy go to www.3m.com /firestop. 9. Safe Handling Information Consult Material Safety Data Sheet prior to handling and disposing of 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A. Figure 3 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A Commercial Kitchen Grease Duct Systems 1 or 2 Hour Through Penetration Systems 4 -1/2 inch (11,4 cm) Concrete Floor or WaII r J 1 I Floor /Ceiling or Wall Assembly 2. Duct 3A. 1 One Layer 3M Fire Barrier Duct Wrap 15A 3B 1 Banding or Pinning 3C. 1 Packing Material 3D. 3M Fire Barrier 1000 N /S, 1003 S/L or 2000+ Silicone Sealant For Wall Assembly Apply Sealant To Both Sides of Wall System integrity is limited by quality of installation. Printed in U.S.A. 3 (76 mm) Warranty and Limited Remedy. This product will be free from defects in material and manufacture for a period of ninety (90) days from' date of purchase. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR MERCHANTIBILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of application. If this 3M product is proved to be defective within the warranty period stated above, your exclusive remedy and 3M's sole obligation shall be, at 3M's option, to replace or repair the 3M product or refund the purchase price of the product. Limitation of Liability. Except where prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damages arising from the use of this 3M prod- uct, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal theory asserted, including warranty, contract, negligence or strict liability. Bolger 6080547 3M 2006 98- 0400 5066 -2 (Aug. 2006)