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1301 Marine Dr - Building
ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 Application Number 11- 00001174 Date 10/19/11 Application pin number 087070 REPORT SALES TAX Property Address 1301 MARINE DR ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06- 30- 00 -1 -9 -0090 -0000- on your excise tax form Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY to the City of Port Angeles Subdivision Name Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation 0 Application desc 50 amp sub panel and 4 circuitsa Owner Contractor DAISHOWA AMERICA CO LTD OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC PO BOX 271 4230 TUMWATER PORT ANGELES WA 983620044 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 457 -5303 6 12. Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit pin number 194845 Permit Fee 130.30 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 10/19/11 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 4/16/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 4.00 2.6000 ECH EL- BRANCH CIRCUIT W /FEEDER 10.40 1.00 119.9000 ECH EL -0 -200, SRV FEEDER 119.90 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 130.30 130.30 .00 .00 ctl Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 130.30 130.30 .00 .00 INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN )02 4 FINAL 2011-1111 COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G: \EXCHANGE \BUILDING 10/17/2011 15:59 FAX 360 452 3498 Olympic Electric Co. PA CITY INSPECT Q 001/001 i f 1i. 1 4 +tt RECEAVEri CTTY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION �Q1� Building Division/Electrical Inspections OCT 1 C, 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417- 4735 "Fax: (360) 417 -4711 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS Data: /l/7lff 1 2 Single Family Dwelling Multi Family or Commercial* jCommercial Addition /Alteration Remodel Repair` Plan Review May Be Required, Pee Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Job Address: /301 -rQ z./ ,Bulldng Square Foolega Description of above di r -r 7 Owner ln /J Cont actor Information Name: iJ ,-t P14 "Altr -/l Name: OLYMPIC ELECTRIC Melling Addreae; QOx /r4Q MellingAddreee: 4230 TUmwATER City: r, r,4. /c c Slate: I.Jrr Zip: a.t City. PORT ANGELES SIAIe: WA Zip: 99363 Phone:#s�7- 27 Fes: Phone:, 45.7 -5303 Fe* 452 -3499 License #1Esp. License #IEXp, OLYMPEC2 HIM Unit Charlie 9y Total (Qtv Multiplied bV Unit Charge) Servic&Feeder 200 Amp. 119.90 ._.1—_ li f W Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. 145.50 Servic&Feeder 401-400 Amp 204.60 Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp. 26220 Service/Feeder ore( 1000 Amp. 372.50 Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder 2.60 1� Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder 73.50 Each Additional Branch Circuit 2.60 Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. 92.70 Temp. Service/Feeder 201 400 Amp, 110.30 Temp. Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. 146.70 Temp. Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp 167.90 Portal to Portal Hourly 95.90 Sign/Oulline Lighting 88.20 Signal Ccarit /Limited brergfr I First 1500 Si -CatunercJal 95.90 Note: $5.00 for Inch additional 1500 si Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy -1 2 Fa nil* Dwelling 63.90 Signal Cirwiti Limited Em my Multi -Fancy Dwelling 63-90 Manufactured Home Connection 119.90 Renewable Electrical Enagy 51NA System' or Less $102.30 Thermostat 56.00 NEW CONSTRUCTION ONLY: First 1300 Square FL $110.30 Each Additional 500 Square FL or Portion of 35.20 Each Outbuilding or Detauhed Garage 73.50 Each &rimming Pool or Hot Tub 110.30 fir? Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement; I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical inelallatIon or alteration in emplanes with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296 -46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code a d Wily Speafrations and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner, Metrical coatraebr or electrical administrator. 0 Cash 0 Check 7. I$1 Credit Card X,..-- 7f7 Dead: /Z,2//7/ 01 anima Application Number 06 00000937 Date 8/30/06 Application pin number 839728 Property Address 1301 MARINE DR ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 1 9 0090 0000 Tenant nbr name PORT OF PORT ANGELES Application type description FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation 67793 Owner Contractor DAISHOWA AMERICA CO LTD PO BOX 271 PORT ANGELES WA 983620044 Special Notes and Comments 08/28/2006 11 03 AM KDUBUC Fire sprinkler plans approved for construction Fee summary CITY OF PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT 321 East 5t Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Charged Paid Credited KNIGHT FIRE PROTECTION INC 2509 WEST 19TH STREET PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 417 0505 Permit FIRE SPRINKLER COMM Additional desc Permit pin number 85563 Permit Fee 796 25 Plan Check Fee 517 56 Issue Date 8/30/06 Valuation 67793 Expiration Date 2/26/07 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 670 25 18 00 7 0000 THOU BL -50 001 100K (7 00 PER K) 126 00 Due Permit Fee Total 796 25 796 25 00 00 Plan Check Total 517 56 517 56 00 00 Grand Total 1313 81 1313 81 00 00 O> V' T)? %2■, This permit becomes null and void if work authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days afer the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested with 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of recognized standards, laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be compied T with whether specified herein or not. The granting of this permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the ;l rr'isions of any state or I law regulating the work specified in the permit. 4., Signature of Contra tor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if Owner is builder) Date 1 FIRE PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD Call 360 417 -4655 for fire inspections. Please provide a minimum 24 -hour notice It is unlawful to cover, insulate or conceal any work before inspected and accepted. Post permit in a conspicuous location. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS Inspection Type FIRE SPRINKLER Underground piping hydrostatically tested Underground piping flushed Interior piping hydrostatically tested Interior piping inspection Dry system air tested at 40 psi (24 hours) Sprinkler final FIRE ALARM Rough -in inspection Alarm final LP GAS Underground piping inspection /pressure test Above ground piping inspection/pressure test Tank (container) inspection Appliance inspection LP -gas final GENERAL COMMENTS Date Passed UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK (UST) ABANDONMENT Removal of flammable /combustible liquids Tank appropriately abandoned UST abandonment final PERMIT OTHER (specify) permit final og J5 -0/k)D AT JOB SITE Test #1 Piping pressure test Time initiated Test #2 Piping pressure test Time initiated Comments Completed by Contractor- 2/15/00 psi psi 1) System is required to be monitored. Additional Comments Contractor ftl Building Department Fire Department PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington 98362 (360) 417 -4650 FAX (360) 417 -4659 Fire Sprinkler System Plan Review Project Name Port of PA Truck Shop Address 1301 Marine Drive Installer• Knight Fire Protection Installer Telephone 417 -0505 Type of System. Closed, Dry 13 13 R 13 D Date 8.28.2006 PAFD Permit 06 -44 We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the requirements of the code All systems, including underground mains, shall be installed by a state licensed and certified company Systems shall be installed per the applicable NFPA Standard. All electrical components shall be compatible with the fire alarm system. All underground piping must be inspected and hydrostatically tested by the Port Angeles Fire Department PRIOR to being covered. A witnessed flush of the underground piping is required. A timed sprinkler flow test and alarm test are required. Before final acceptance of the system, an inspection will be conducted to ensure that the installation complies with the applicable NFPA Standard. Reviewed by Date T3.2% CX0 PLANNING USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST BE COMPLETE to be accepted for review If you have any questions, call (360) 417 -4815 Applicant or Agent: _),fie £1 dif Phone ‘417— 3i-i. Owner r2-T r Der AkiseLLS Phone Address P O Poi-, 135U City P a r 1 Zip i ..)3 L Architect/Engmeer vnii ha- leitetACtl Phone 4l ers2r Contractor n-(-- State License Exp Phone. Address. ?Ave 1(Sf M Cl" City. Perr 4 W4 Zip G1e.363 PROJECT ADDRESS. 1 U-(.- ZONING LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: Block: Subdivision. CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER. Credit Card Holder Name: Billing Address: City. Credit CardType VISA MC Exp. Date: TYPE OF WORK. SIZE/VALUATION Residential New Constr Re -roof Stove SF /SF ulti- family Addition Move Garage SF /SF [T Commercial Remodel Demolition Deck SF /SF Repair Sign Other TOTAL VALUATION t01 1 k BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT C©W1 0414 U.4 I r►rti print(„ I efs COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL. Occupancy Group Occupant Load. Construction Type: No of Stories: Lot Size: Existing Sq. Ft. Proposed Sq Ft. TOTAL Sq.Ft. 1-2o Existing lot coverage Proposed lot coverage Total lot coverage ESA/Wetland(s) Yes No SEPA Checldist required? Yes No Other BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. The Building Division can provide you with information on the application and plan submittal requirements if you have questions. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the apphcant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Buildmg Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordmator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the apphcant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section 107 4 of the Umform Building Code, current edition) No application can be extended more than once. FOR OFFICIAL USE NLY Date Rec. Permit #l '7: Date Approv Date Issued. APPROVALS PLAN BLDG DPWU FIRE. OTHER 1 hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know e same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are requir r ,rot th Cit 's, and f ust obtain such permits prior to work. T \FORMS\APPS\Buildingpermit.wpd Apphcant: Date: U,. PORT OF PORT ANGELES 338 W 1ST ST PORT ANGELES (360) 417 3434 Construction Type Occupancy Type CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 06 00000809 Application pin number 083241 Property Address 1301 MARINE DR ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 1 9 0090 0000 Tenant nbr name JOE CIARLO Application type description COMM REMODEL Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation 10000 Owner Contractor WA 983620044 OWNER Structure Information 000 000 TYPE V NON RATED GARAGES CARPORTS SHEDS Date 8/03/06 Permit BUILDING PERMIT COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit pin number 83394 Permit Fee 207 75 Plan Check Fee 135 04 Issue Date 8/03/06 Valuation 10000 Expiration Date 1/30/07 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension O BASE FEE 95 75 8 00 14 0000 THOU BL -2001 25K (14 PER K) 112 00 Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 207 75 207 75 00 00 Plan Check Total 135 04 135 04 00 00 i Other Fee Total 4 50 4 50 00 00 Grand Total 347 29 347 29 00 00 0 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I- hereby-certify that -I have -read -and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances goveming this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T• \Policies \1102_15 building paiEiniinspection record05.wpd [1/4/2005] �1 CALL 417 -4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES 1 NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR SLAB ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP /FURNACE /DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE PELLET CHIMNEY COMMERCIAL HOOD DUCTS MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'s PARKING /LIGHTING LANDSCAPING RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ ENGINEERING 417 -4807 FIRE 417 -4653 PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 BUILDING 417 -4815 1 BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FINAL FINAL SEPA. ESA. SHORELINE. DATE ACCEPTED BY. DATE ACCEPTED BY. FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES 1 NO 417 -4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW ENGINEERING I FIRE DEPT I PLANNING DEPT 1 BUILDING T \Policies \1102 15 building permit inspection record05 wpd [1/4/2005] I 6 A t 4 3v� R 2 4 Phone: 3 0 0 <7 3 c( 3 c{ Applicant or g n Owner i 021 7k�' z Address: 3 3� (,J �t /LS t Architect/Enngineeer. 5M-CeiN3.3 Contractor Address: PROJECT ADDRESS I3 TRGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER. TYPE OF WORK. o Residential New Constr. o Multi- family Addition Commercial a- Remodel Repair Sign BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF nix COM1VIERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL. Occupancy Group: No. of Stories: Lot Size: Total lot coverage PLANNING USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date Rec. Permit (/(O oq Fit out COMPLETELY and in INI,'. our application and site plan MUST BE 7 Approved COMPLETE to be accepted for review If you have any questions, call Date Issued: PERMITS (360) 417 -4815 FAX:(360)417 -4711 Phone. 360 f /7— 3 c/ 3c( 7 City Zt AN 6 d +6"G e et r L State Licens City /1'142/t'' /1,f Block: Re -roof Stove Move Garage Demolition Deck D Other PROJECT !fie t,J Existing Sq. Ft. ESA/Wetland(s): Yes No SEPA Checklist required? Yes No Other Subdivision. 06.3© 9 (X?? SIZE/VALUATION SF /SF SF /SF SF /SF TOTAL VALUATION I O L, r 0 bcJ4.4-f 6 [bog._ f )4 5 Zrp: 7r Phone: �O z/.Ca Z02 Exp. Phone: Zip ZONING Occupant Load: Construction Type. Proposed Sq. Ft. TOTAL Sq. Ft. APPROVALS PLAN BLDG DPWU FIRE. O'1 VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE. IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the buildmg permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section R105.3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code, 2003). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that its rgsponsibilry to determine what permits are required ,not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work T•1FOxlvis\B1dgPermitform.wpd Applicant 6 Date Cj& I 0 6 DESIGN OF TERMINAL #7 PORT OF PORT ANGELES MARINE DRIVE PORT ANGELES, WA 98382 OVER HEAD DOOR JUNE 2006 YQ a`1 occ) EXPIRES by 4 SEASONS ENGINEERING, INC 619 SOUTH CHASE STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 4SEAS0/VS ENGINEERING, INC Jim Lierly City of Port Angeles Building Official PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Subject: Scope of Engineering for Structural Design Frame for a New Overhead Door Port of Port Angeles, Terminal #7 Building Marine Drive Port Angeles, WA Parcel 06300 190090 (360) 452 -3023 Fax (360) 452-3047 619 S. Chase Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Enclosed is the structural design of the Frame for a New Overhead Door for the Terminal #7 Building. At this time, portions of this structure that have been reviewed by the engineer include 1 Lateral Forces 2. Beams and Headers 3. Foundation This review is limited to the affected building area only Please give me a call if you need any additional information Sincerely Donna J Petersen P.E. June 26, 2006 PORT OF PORT ANGELES MARINE DRIVE PORT ANGELES, WA 98382 'DESIGN CRITERIA SITE ELEVATION LESS THAN 625 FT SNOW LOAD 25 PSF WIND SPEED 80 MPH 3 SEC GUST V3S 100 MPH EXPOSURE D SEISMIC Ss =1.25, S1 =.50, Site Class E, Seismic Use Group I, Seismic Design Category=E SOIL BEARING 1500 PSF REFERENCES 1 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE 2003 2. RISA -2D RAPID INTERACTIVE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 2- DIMENSIONAL VERSION 5 5 2001 3 CONNECTORS FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION by SIMPSON STRONG -TIE 4. STEEL CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 8 EDITION 1980 5 MINIMUM DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES ASCE 7 -02. 6 NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION 2001 3 1 Ground snow load 25 PSF 2. Maximum soil bearing capacity 1500 PSF General Notes 3. Seismic, short period spectral acceleration Ss =1.25, 1 second spectral acceleration Si =.50, Site Class E, Seismic Use Group I, Seismic Design Category =E. 4. Wind, VFM 100 MPH, 3 second gust, Vag 120 MPH, Exposure 'D' 5. Contractor shall provide temporary bracing and shoring for the structure and structural components until all final connections have been completed in accordance with the plans. 6. Contractor shall be responsible for all the required safety precautions and methods, techniques, sequences or procedures required to perform his work. 7 Contractor initiated changes shall be submitted in writing to the structural engineer for approval prior to fabrication or construction. B. Drawings indicate general and typical details of construction, where conditions are not specifically indicated but are of similar character to details shown, similar details of construction shall be used. General Concrete Notes (The Following apply unless shown on the plans) 1 All materials and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of the drawings, specifications, and the 2003 International Building Code. t. No bars partially embedded in hardened concrete shall be field bent unless specifically so detailed or approved by the structural engineer Structural Steel Notes (The Following apply unless shown on the plans) Fabrication and erection of structural steel elements shall be in accordance with the AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges. Shop drawings shall be reviewed by the engineer for general conformance with the building plans, prior to fabrication. Structural steel wide flange beams and columns shall be ASTM A36 steel with a minimum yield stress of 36 ksi unless noted otherwise. Structural steel tubing shall be ASTM A500 -46 steel with a minimum yield stress of 46 ksi unless noted otherwise. Structural steel pipe shall be ASTM A53 Grade B with a minimum yield stress of 36 ksi unless noted otherwise. Steel plate, bar rod, angles shall be ASTM A36 steel with a minimum yield stress of 36 ksi unless noted otherwise. The design and fabrication of all welded connections shall be in accordance with the AISC Manual of Steel Construction. All welding shall be done by a certified welder in accordance with the Structural Welding Code of the American Welding Society All steel bolt connections shall be ASTM A325 bolts with nuts washers. Bolts shall be tightened to a 'snug tight' condition with all faces of attached material in full contact. All steel threaded rod connections shall be ASTM A307 bolts with nuts washers. Bolts shall be tightened to a 'snug tight' condition with all faces of attached material in full contact. 4 PORT OF PORT ANGELES MARINE DRIVE PORT ANGELES, WA 98382 BUILDING DESCRIPTION TOTAL VVI DTH LENGTH AVERAGE HEIGHT OF BUILDING 1/2 ROOF HEIGHT Z FEET Kz ASCE7, PG75 Kzt (1 +K1 +K2 +K3)2 Kd ASCE7, PG76 V qz 00256KzKztKdV21 Gf ASCE7, PG30 Cp WINDWARD WALL ASCE7, PG51 Cp WINDWARD ROOF Cp LEEWARD ROOF Cp LEEWARD WALL CPi Pz WINDWARD WALL Pz 1MNDWARD ROOF Pz LEEWARD ROOF Pz LEEWARD WALL WND PRESSURE, P CgCeQslw WINDWARD WALL WINDWARD ROOF LEEWARD ROOF LEEWARD WALL SNOW LOAD DEAD LOAD ZONE 1 GCp ZONE 2 GCp ZONE 3 GCp TRUSS UP WIND CALCULATIONS EXPOSURE D, PER ASCE 7 METHOD 2 HEIGHT BAY WIDTH LENGTH ROOF KNEE FT FT FT FT SLOPE 121 12 .0 72' 7 200 27 6 6.5 WALL AVE <15 19.5 27.61 ;1:03 1:08 4 r ;"1; °141 ZONE A CALCULATION 1 1 11 0.85 0.85 0.851 7.20 100 100 1001 3.00 0.87 0.87 0.871A= 1 7.20 19.50 20.45 2158 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.80 0.80 0.80 0:14 0:14 :0.57" :0:57 0'30: 10:30 0 0 0 13.261 13.90 PSF 13.90 2.57 10.46 5.50 25.00 10.00 ROOF GADDING UPLIFT PER ASCE7 PG59 EFFECTIVE AREA 1 4681 Pup 1 1 -0.81 17.265 1 -1.21 25.898 1 -21- 43.163 1 -95721 2.57 10.46 5.50 1h/L 1 0.11 UB 1 2.81 PRESSURE PER BAY PSF 166.84 1 l z- 4 5 L. -1"• 30.82 125.48 s 66.04 II 25 671 �_.i.- 276.92 120.00 5 7 e lc-i 91, 166.53bfl1 Loads. BLC 3, WL Solubon: En lope 4 Seasons Engineering Inc. TERMINAL 7 06 Pole Bdg 78W 19 5H 12S EXPD Donna J Petersen I June 16 2006 at 4 19 PM POLEBDG 78W 19.5H 12S EXPD 1 Company 4 Seasons Engineering Inc. Designer Donna J Petersen Job Number TERMINAL 7 06 Pole Bdg 78W, 19.5H, 12S, EXPD Envelope Joint Reactions Y flbl X flbl Joint lc lc Moment flb-ftl lc 1 2 1 i N1 I max I 3019.47 I 1 I 18640.897 1 1 I 1716.044 1 2 2 I :Min: ..;13 :..-1049624: -I 2' 6030448 I:: 2 .1 i.20981.048, I` .1.. 131 N2 I max I 0 111 0 111 0 I 1 I' 4 L "I' :thlh; i ''0',...,. 1 :f A3 I', 1 I :',0 I 1 5 1 N16 max 3019.47 I 1 16150.09 I 1 I 0 I 1 6 ;I dmin :5371:08: 1. I. T..3 .1 1.669 059 L. 2:i L. '0, ,-1 Ak 7 I Totals. I max 0 I 1 I 34790.987 1 1 I I 6` =I .1.—miK I 5787'.2f :1 12, :1. 7699507 .:1: 2 tC 4 1"- 7 I n. kn DCx I/ r L t +C; 1 Jr .ct: IQ 0 tAt (\‘,JC June 16 2006 4:21 PM Checked By P RISA-2D Version 65 [C \RISA PROJECTS\POLEBDG 78W 19 5H 12S EXPD B r2d] Page 1 Loads BLC 1 WL Re ufs fo LC 1. DL +SL 4 Seasons Engineering Inc. Donna J Petersen TERMINAL 7 06 `cci1pJl a LCD/ I G FU Pole Bdg 78W 19 5H 12S EXPD 60 0410.TL ,i7,0 June 16 2006 at 4 31 PM POLEBDG 78W 19.5H 12S EXPD a Company 4 Seasons Engineering Inc. Designer Donna J Petersen Job Number TERMINAL 7 06 Pole Bdg 78W, 19.5H, 12S, EXPD Envelope Joint Reactions Joint Ni N2 N5 Totals. X fibl 1 max 1 0 I max 1 1151.884 I max I 3041.831 2675 :771.; I max I 0 ;I. :min_. :3827.655. Y (Ib1 Ic Moment flb -ftl lc 1 0 11 1 0 11 0 `I� I :.1 0.. 1 2 I 18644.605 I 1 I 21129.29 1 1 1 3397.859 .T..._ 2 'I 586T645 `I ::.2$....1 1 16146.381 11 I 0 i 1 2 .4304.648= P 2 ,1 0 I`, 1 1 1 34790.987 I 1 I I 2 ..J :7699:507 I' 2. ,1_ I.- lc o '1_ 1.. June 16 2006 433 PM Checked By RISA -2D Version 6 5 [C \RISA PROJECTS \POLEBDG 78W 19 5H 12S EXPD C r2d] Page 2 10 Beam MI fa ft Shape W14X48 Material: A36 Gr.36 Length 21 ft I Joint: N1 J Joint: N2 LC 1 DL +SL Code Check: 0.981 (bending) Report Based On 97 Sections 26480 487 at 10 5 ft 26480 487 at 10 5 ft psi psi psi A r' 2690 5 at 0 ft 26905 at 10 5 ft 28250.25 at 10 5 ft Ib 1.204 at105ft AISC ASD 9th Ed. Code Check Max Bending Check 0.981 Max Shear Check 0.020 Location 10.5 ft Location 0 ft Equation H1 2 Max Defl Ratio L /209 Compact Fy 36000 psi In Plane Out Plane Fa 8572.237 psi Cm .85 Ft 21600 psi Lb 21 ft 21 ft Fb 27000 psi KL /r 131.986 42.967 Fv 14400 psi Sway No No Cb 1 75 L Comp Flange 5 ft Ib Ib -ft in V_1242-1 AL Beam MI Shape. W14X48 Material. A36 Gr.36 Length. 21 ft I Joint: N1 J Joint: N2 LC 1 DL +SL Code Check: 0.640 (bending) Report Based On 97 Sections fa 15198 101 at 10 5 ft ft 15198 101 at105ft psi V psi psi A k Ib 8736 5 at 0 ft -8736 5 at 21 ft 405 at 10 5 ft L Comp Flange 5 ft 89087.25 at 10 5 ft AISC ASD 9th Ed. Code Check Max Bending Check 0.640 Max Shear Check 0 129 Location 10.5 ft Location 0 ft Equation H1 -2 Max Defl Ratio L/622 Compact Fy 36000 psi Out Plane In Plane Fa 8572.237 psi Cm .85 Ft 21600 psi Lb 21 ft 21 ft Fb 23760 psi KL /r 131.986 42.967 Fv 14400 psi Sway No No Cb 1 Ib Ib -ft in 12, Loons sic 3, 4 Seasons Engineering Inc. Donna J Petersen PORT OF PORT ANGELE Pole Bdg 24W 8H 12S EXPC June 27 2006 at 4.22 PM POPA COLUMN.r2d Beam MI Shape. W12X26 Material A36 Gr.36 Length 18.333 ft I Joint: N2 J Joint: N1 LC 2• DL +WLR Code Check: 0 791 (bending) Report Based On 97 Sections 502.353 at 0 ft fa ft 18238 899 at 18 333 ft 18238 899 at 18 333 ft AISC ASD 9th Ed. Code Check Max Bending Check 0 791 Location 18.333 ft Equation H1 -2 Compact Fy Fa Ft Fb Fv Cb 36000 psi 6977.376 psi 21600 psi 23760 psi 14400 psi 1 75 psi psi psi Cm Lb KL /r Sway A D 3843 at 0 ft 4197 995 at 18 333 ft V 1338 at O ft 50746 527 at 18 333 ft 1 467 at 0 ft Max Shear Check 0.104 Location 18.333 ft Max Defl Ratio L/150 Out Plane 18.333 ft 146.295 No L Comp Flange 5 ft In Plane .85 18.333 ft 42.603 No lb lb lb-ft in Company 4 Seasons Engineering Inc. Designer Donna J. Petersen Job Number PORT OF PORT ANGELES TREMINAL 7 June 19, 2006 9 AM Checked By Envelope Joint Reactions Joint X flbl lc Y flbl lc Moment flb -ftl lc 1 1 1 N1 I max I 3820.831 15 I 9693 11 I 50746.527 12 I 1:.2 ,I :I min ..1 4:.1:97:995 1.. -:'2 :..1 3843 I 2 1 59645:845 1.._ 5 13 I Totals: I max 3820.831 15 I 9693 11 1 I it I' _,min 4:197:995 f 2` ::I 3843 1 2, I I I RISA -2D Version 6 5 [C• My Documents \MY FOLDERS \RISA PROJECTS \POPA COLUMN r2d] Page 2 22 Y I k Web flange Distance Area Depth Designation A d Thickness t Width Thickness T k it, t 2 b j t I In. In. In. In. i In. In. In. In. W 14x132 38.8 14.66 14% 0.645 5 /8 5 r 116 x120 35.3 14.48 14 0.590 9 /16 716 x109 32.0 14.32 14% 0.525 1 /2 1 /4 x 99 29.1 14.16 14 0.485 1/ 1/ x 90 26.5 14.02 14 0.440 7 /16 1 /4 W 14x 82 24.1 14.31 14 0.510 x 74 21.8 14.17 14 0.450 w 68 20.0 14.04 14 0.415 x 61 17.9 13.89 13 0.375 .W 14x 53 15.6 13.92. 13 0.370 x 48 14.1 13.79 13 0.340 x 43 12 :6 13.66 13/8 0.305 14x 38 11.2 14.10 14% 0.310 x 34 10.0 13.98 14 0.285 x 30 8.85 13.84 13 0.270 W SHAPES Dimensions 1 2 10.13 010% 0.855 7 /8 111 81 7 /16 1 410.070 10 /8 0.785 '/,6 1119 16 15 /16 10.035 10 0.720 3 /411 15 16 9.995 10 0.645 5 /8 11 1%6 15 /16 7 /16 1 /4 3/6 3/16. 14.725 14 1 :030 1 111/4 111/ 15/ 14.670 14% 0.940 15 /16 11 1% 15 /26 14.605 14% 0.860 7 /8 11 1 7 /e 14.565 14 0.780 3 /4 11 1/16 Vs 14.520 14 0.710 11 /16 11 1 1/4 3 4 3/16 8.060 8 0.660 11 /16 11. 1 15 /26 4/ 8.030 8 0.595 „IL, 11 1,,,( 3 /16 3/16 7.995 8 0.530 1 /2 11 15/16 74 W 14x 26 7.69 -13.91 13 0.255 1 /4 1 /8 5.025 5 0.420 7 /16 x 22 6.49 13.74 13 0.230 1 /4 5.000 5 0.335 5 /16 12 15 /16 9 /16 12 71e 9/16 W SHAPES Properties lk d X- -X T t Y k b, 1 23 Nom- Compact Section Elastic Properties Tor- Plastic final Crteria I Modulus Wt. rr d Axis X -X I Axis Y -Y Con Per F, d FY stant Z Aj I S r I I S r J Z r Lb. Ksi Ksi In. I In In. In. 1 In. In. In. ln. In. In. 132 7.1 22.1 4.05 0.97 1530 209 6.28 548 74.5 3.76 12.3 234 113 120 7.8 24.5 4.04 1.05 1380 190 6.24 495 67.5 3.74 9.37 212 102 109 8.5 58.6 27.3 4.02 1.14 1240 173 6.22 447 61.2 3.73 7.12 192 92.7 99 9.3 48.5 29.2 4.00 1.25 1110 157 6.17 402 55.2 3.71 5.37 173 83.6 90 10.2 40.4 31.9 3.99 1.36 999 143 6.14 362 49.9 3.70 4.06 157 75.6 82 5.9 28.1 2.74 1.65 882 123 6.05 148 29.3 2.48 5.08 139 44.8 74 6.4 31.5 2.72 1.79 796 112 6.04 134 26.6 2.48 3.88 126 40.6 68 7.0 33.8 57.7 2.71 1.94 723 103 6.01 121 24.2 2.46 3.02 115 36.9 61 7.7 37.0 48.1 2.70 2.15 640 92.2 5.98 107 21.5 2.45 2.20 102 32.8 53 6.1 37.6 46.7 2.15 2.62 541 77.8 5.89 57 7 14.3 1.92 1.94 87.1 22.0 48 6.7 40.6 40.2 2.13 2.89 485 70.3 5.85 51.4 12.8 1.91 1 78A� 7.17 3.22 428 62.7 5.82 45.2 11.3 1.89 1.05 69.6 17.3 5 /16 3/16 6.770 6 0.515 1 /2 12 11/16 5/ 38 6.6 45.5 31.9 1.77 4.04 385 54.6 5.87 26.7 7.88 1.55 0.80 61.5 12.1 5 /16 3116 6.745 6% 0.455 7 /is 12 1 5/8 34 7 4 49.1 27 4 1.76 4.56 340 48.6 5.83 23.3 6.91 1.53 0.57 54.6 10.6 1/ 1/6 6.730 6 0.385 3 /8 12 15/ 5/ 30 8.7 55.3 51.3 25.1 1.74 5.34 291 42.0 5.73 19.6 5.82 1.49 0.38 47.3. 8.99 26 6.0 54.5 22.2 1.28 6.59 245 35.3 5.65 8.91 3.54 1.08 0.36 40.2 5.54 22 7.5 59.7 18.5 1.25 8.20 199 29.0 5.54 7.00 2.80 1.04 0.21 33.2 4.39 d 1 Area Depth Designation A d In.? In. W SHAPES Dimensions Web Flange Distance Nom. Compact Section final Cr'teria Elastic Properties Tor- Plastic Thickness t Width Thickness Wt. sional Modulus T k k r rT d Axis X•X Axis Y•Y con- t� 2 b t/ i 1 F y d F y A I S r I S r scant Z� Z J In. In. 111. In. In. In. In. Lb. Ksi Ksi In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. W 12x336 98.8 16.82 16% 1.775 1 13.385 13% 2.955 2 9 3 1 x305 89.6 16.32 16% 1.625 1% 13 /16 13.235 13 2.705 2 9 3'/,6 1%6 x279 81.9 15.85 15% 1.530 1 3 /4 13.140 13 2.470 2 9 33/16 1% x252 74.1 15.41 15% 1.395 134 11/16 13.005 13 2.250 2 9 215 /16 15 /16 x230 67 7 15.05 15 1.285 1 11/16 12.895 12% 2.070 2 9 2 1 x210 61.8 14.71 14 1.180 1 12.790 12 1.900 1% 91/ 2% 11/ x190 55.8 14.38 14 1.060 1 9 /16 12.670 12% 1.735 1 9 2%6 1 .x170 50.0 14.03 14 0.960 15 /,6 1/2 12.570 12% 1.560 19 /16 9% 21/ 11% x152 44.7 13.71 13 0.870 1 /16 12.480 12 /2 1.400 1% 9 2 1 x136 39.9 13.41 13% 0.790 13 /16 1/26 12.400 12% 1.250 1 9 1 1 x120 35.3 13.12 13 0.710 11 /16 3 /8 12.320 12 1.105 1% 91,4 111/26 1 x106 31.2 12.89 12 0.610 5 /16 12.220 12 0.990 1 91/2 1 15 /16 x 96 28.2 12.71 12 0.550 9 /16 5 /16 12.160 12% 0.900 7 /8 9 1% 7 /6 x 87 25.6 12.53 12 0.515 1 /2 1 /4 12.125 12 0.810 1 %6 9 1 x 79 23.2 12.38 12 0.470 1 /2 1 /4 12.080 12 0.735 3 /4 9 12/16 7,4 x 72 21.1 12.25 12 0.430 1/16 1 /4 12.040 12 0.670 11 /16 9 1 7 /8 x 65 19.1 12.12 12 0.390 34 3 /15 12.000 12 0.605 5 /8 91/2 1 13 /36 W 12x 58 17.0 12.19 12 0.360 x 53 15.6 12.06 12 0.345 3 /8 3 /16 W 12x 50 14.7 12.19 12 0.370 3 /6 3 /16 x 45 13.2 12.06 12 0.335 5 /16 3 /16 x 40 11.8 11.94 12 0.295 5 /16 1/26 10.010 10 0.640 5/ 91/ 1% 13/16 34 3/16 9.995 10 0.575 9 /16 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 9 11/4 13 /16 8.080 8 0.640 5 4 9 1 13 /16 8.045 8 0.575 9 /16 9 1 13 /16 8.005 8 0.515 1 /2 9 1 3 /4 W SHAPES Properties AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION d X- -X T 336 2.3 9.5 3.71 0.43 4060 483 6.41 1190 177 3.47 243 603 274 305 2.4 10.0 3.67 0.46 3550 435 6.29 1050 159 3.42 185 537 244 279 2.7 10.4 3.64 0.49 3110 393 6.16 937 143 3.38 143 481 220 252 2.9 11.0 3.59 0.53 2720 353 6.06 828 127 3.34 108 428 196 230 3.1 11.7 3.56 0.56 2420 321 5.97 742 115 3.31 83.8 386 177 210 3.4 12.5 3.53 0.61 2140 292 5.89 664 104 3.28 64.7 348 159 190 3.7 13.6 3.50 0.65 1890 263 5.82 589 93.0 3.25 48.8 311 143 170 4.0 14.6 3.47 0.72 1650 235. 5.74 517 82.3 3.22 35.6 275 126 152 4.5 15.8 3.44 0.79 1430 209 5.66 454 72.8 3.19 25.8 243 111 136 5.0 17.0 3.41 0.87 1240 186 5.58 398 64.2 3.16 18.5 214 98.0 120 5.6 18.5 3.38 0.96 1070 163 5.51 345 56.0 3.13 12.9 186 85.4 106 6.2 21.1 3.36 1:07 933 145 5.47 301 49.3 3.11 9.13 164 75.1 96 6.8 23.1 3.34 1.16 833 131 5.44 270 44.4 3.09 6.86 147 67.5 87 7.5 24.3 3.32 1.28 740 118 5.38 241 39.7 3.07 5.10 132 60.4 79 8.2 62.6 26.3 3.31 1.39 662 107 5.34 216 35.8 3.05 3.84 119 54.3 72 9.0 52.3 28.5 3.29 1.52 597 97 4 5.31 195 32.4 3.04 2.93 108 49.2 65 9.9 43.0 31.1 3.28 1.67 533 87.9 5.28 174 29.1 3.02 2.18 96.8 44.1 58 7.8 33.9 57.6 2.72 1.90 475 78.0 5.28 107 21.4 2.51 2.10 86.4 32.5 53 8.7 55.9 35.0 54.1 2.71 2.10 425 70.6 5.23 95.8 19.2 2.48 1.58 77.9 29.1 50 6.3 32.9 60.9 2.17 2.36 394 64.7 5.18 56.3 13.9 1.96 1.78 72.4 21.4 45 7.0 36.0 51.0 2.15 2.61 350 58.1 5.15 50.0 12.4 1.94 1.31 64.7 19.0 40 7.8 40.5 40.3 2.14 2.90 310 51.9 5.13 44.1 11.0 1.93 0.95 57.5 16.8 W 12x 35 10.3 12.50 12 0.300 5 /16 3 /16 6.560 6 0.520 1 /2 10 1 9 /16 j 35 6.3 41.7 38.0 1.74 3.66 285 45.6 5.25 24.5 7 47 1.54 0.74 51.2 11.5 x 30 8.79 12.34 12 0.260 1 /4 1 4 6.520 6 0.440 7/16 101/2 15/ 1/2 30 7 4 47.5 29.3 1.73 4.30 238 38.6 5.21 20.3 6.24 1.52 0.46 43.1 9.5E x 26 7.65 12.22 12 0.230 1 /4 1 /8 6.490 6 0.380 3 4 10 3 /8 1 /2 26 8.5 57.9 53.1 23 1.72 4.95 204 33.4 5.17 17.3 5.34 1.51 0.3Q 37.2 8.1i W 2 2 6.48 12.31 12 0.260 1 /4 1 4 4.030 4 0.425 7/36 10 '4 1/2 22 4.7 47.3 29.5 1.02 7.19 156 25.4 4.91 4.66 2.31 0.847 0.29 29.3 3.6E x 19 5.57 12.16 12% 0.235 1 /4 1 4 4.005 4 0.350 3 /8 10 13 /16 1/2 19 5.7 51.7 24.7 1.00 8.67 130 21.3 4.82 3.76. 1.88 0.822 0.18. 24.7 2.9E 1 x 16 4.71 11.99 12 0.220 1/4 14 3.990 4 0.265 1 /4 10 3/ 1/2 16 7.5 54.5 22.2 0.96 11.3 103 17.1 4.67 2.82 1.41 0.773 0.10 20.1 2.2E x 14 4.16 11.91 11'4 0.200 3 /16 1 /8 3.970 4 0.225 1 /4 10 11 /16 1 /2 14 8.8 54.3 59.6 18.6 0.95 13,3 88.6 14.9 4.62 2.36 1.19 0.753 0.07 17 4 1.9E x k Size and Thickness In. L 9 x4 x' Weight k per Area Foot Lb. L 8 x8 x11/2 1 56.9 16.7 98.0 1 1% 51.0 15.0 89.0 2 /8 1 45.0 13.2 79.6 3 /4 1 38.9 11.4 69.7 1 32.7 9.61 59.4 ftei is 1/2 1 26.4 7.75 48.6 L 8 x6 xl 1 44.2 13.0 80.8 L 8 x4 xl 1 37 4 11.0 69.6 3 /4 1 28.7 8.44 54.9 rw', 1/2 1 19.6 5.75 38.5 3 4 1 33.8 9.94 63.4 ANGLES Equal legs and unequal legs Properties for designing AXIS X -X. 1 S r y 1 In! 1 In 3 1 M. In. 1 17.5 2.42 2.41 98.0 17.5 2.42 2.41 1.56 1.000 15.8 2.44 2.37 89.0 15.8 2.44. 2.37 1.56 1.000 14.0 2.45 2.32 79.6 14.0 2.45 2.32 1.57 '1.000 12.2 2.47 2.28 69.7 12.2 2.47 2.28 1.58 1.000 10.3 .2.49 2.23 59.4 10.3 2.49 2.23. 1.58 1.000 u" i5 8.36 2.50 2.19 48.6 8.36 2.50 2.19 1.59 1.000 15.1 2.49 11.7 2.53 2.65 38.8 2.56 30.7 AXIS Y -Y 11 S 1 r In. 1 In. 14.1 2.52 3.05 11.6 3.94 1.03 1.05 0.846 0.247 10.9 2.55 2.95 9.36 3.07 1.05 0.953 0.852 0.258 7 49 2.59 2.86 6.74 tc .rN7C. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION Tan a 8.92 1.73 1.65 1.28 0.543 6.92 1.76 1.56 1.29 0.551 Angles in shaded rows may not be readily available. Availability is subject to rolling accu- mulation and geographical location, and should be checked with material suppliers. 2.15 1.08 0.859 0.865 0.267 x4 x 3 /4 1 26.2 7.69 37.8 8.42 2.22 2.51 9.05 3.03 1.09 1.01 0.860 0.324 "4 v Q 1 2 1 17.9 5.25 26.7 5.81 2.25 2.42 6.53 2.12 1.11 0.917 0.872 0.335 2 /8 13.6 3.98 20.6 4.44 2.27 2.37 5.10 1.63 1.13 0.870 0.880 0.340 Size and Thickness In. 1 L6 x4 x 3/ 11/ 23.6 1 20.0 Aim liti4 1 /2 1 Ns L 6 x3 7 11.7 /16 2 %6 9.8 3 /a z 3 8 r 12.3 I16 1 "/16 10.3 ANGLES Equal legs and unequal legs Properties for designing Weight k Per Foot In. 1 Lb. 1 In. Area 6.94 5.86 1 I L 6 x6 xl 1 37 4 11.0 35.5 8.57 1 /8 1% 33.1 9.73 31.9 7.63 6 1 28.7 8.44 28.2 6.66 5 /8 1 24.2 7.11 24.2 5.66 NZ Fa taarata 1 /2 1 19.6 5.75 19,9 24.5 21.1 .16.6 4 2.87 10.9 2.73 AXIS X -X S I r I y I In. I In. I In. I 1.80 1.86 35.5 1.81 1.82 31.9 1.83 1.78 28.2 1.84 1.73 24.2 2i t 6.25 1.88 2.08 5.31 1.90 2.03 4.$3 Y:g1., 411 4.33 1.91 1.99 1.95 2.01 7.98 17.8 5.17 1.49 1.57 6.94 15.7 4.53 1.51 1.52 L 5 x5 x 1/2 1% 27.2 3 4 1 23.6 7.1 13:6 4.75 11.3 3.16 1.54 1.43 3.61 8.74 2.42 1.56 1.39 3.03 7 42 2.04 1.57 1.37 AXIS Y -Y I I S 1 r in-4 I 111.3 I In. 8.57 1.80 7.63 1.81 6.66 1.83 5.66 1.84 15.7 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 1 43 I Axis 7 -z x I r Tan 1 In. 1 In. a 1.86 1.17 1.82 1.17 1.78 1.17 1.73 1.18 Mt MI Too 1 1119 .18 1.000 1.64 1.19 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 14.9 4.36 15.4 3.53 1.88 1.64 15.4 3.53 1.88 421 8.68 2.97 1.12 1.08 0.860 0.428 7.52 2.54 1.13 1.03 0.864 0.435 1438 0.987 0.870 0.440 0;964 o. 13 0.941 0.817 0.446 3.42 12.9 3.24 1.94 2.04 3.34 1.23 0.988 0.787 0.767 0.350 2.85 1.04 0.996 0.763 0.772 0.352 17.8 5.17 1.49 1.57 0.973 1.000 4.53 1.51 1.52 0.975 1.000 9 8 1.54 1.43 4.983 1.000 3.: 8.74 2.42 1.56 1.39 0.990 1.000 7 42 2.04 1.57 1.37 0.994 1.000 Angles in shaded rows may not be readily available. Availability is subject to rolling accu- mulation and geographical location, and should be checked with material suppliers. b0L.45t, L IP) a 1), t-V. -e) tr\)(4. 7/ B A k.)6t)010..11 e 10 C: C 3 t5 4 ;4 Cj H F;)9 tv 110 4 b t-t tt 4SEASONS C erf il)e. 1 e I 2 V2. 11. 4 C.)L ENGINEERING, INC (360) 452 3023 619 5 Chase. St Port Angeles, WA 98362 rz, "2- -22 11 psi DATE I 1 Go SCALE DRAWN 8Y CHECKED SHEET 4:1 OF 2,C c!* T «'1, 0-A b0 VT 4°? a ?LATE N jfp max IM IP 221 8751 596501 161 8751 596501 141 8751 596501 epoxy in place bolts using set epoxy bolts dia emb A307 7 75 1 0.875 8 IA307 0.875 10.875 1 A307 0.875 13.125 A307 1 6.75 A307 1 9 IA307 1 12 IA307 1 1 15 A307 1.25 11.25 A307 1.25 15 A307 1.25 18.75 load 12290 12465 14480 16670 \c/ l`2.x2C- A. 3Ct IB min 16 38431 5.271 38431 9.861 38431 12.831 10020 15015 17810 20600 19260 24965 30670 adj 4" z2"x1(caY t‘ A te 51` L `D MZ l L.L. S" at-1 Ifp 16.001 14.001 14.001 !spacing 4" 0.601 0.89 0.611 0.89 0.711 0.89 0.811 0.89 !spacing 5" 0.651 0.89 0.581 0.89 0.691 0.89 0.801 0.89 !spacing 8" 0.621 0.9 0 701 0.9 0.791 0.9 Id 2881 6161 8021 ledge 201 141 121 Pmax 4" ladj 6" 'spacing 65631 0.701 0.891 7657 6754 0.711 0.891 7623 9150 0.771 0.891 9859 12017 0.831 0.891 12314 'spacing 5 "I 5752 0.801 0.891 7090 7751 0.671 0.891., ':...8953 10937 0.751 0.891 11888 14667 0 831 0.891 15217 !spacing 8 "1 10747 15728 21806 0.681 0.751 0.811 Z C7 (Force I# Bolts 21 357901 21 511291 21 596501 4 "IPmax 6" jadj 0.91 0.91 0.91 11787 16851 22358 U IP Icouumn d (column bf Im In 41 89481 12.221 6.491 5.19551 21 255641 12.221 6.491 2.19551 21 298251 12.221 6.491 1 19551 8" !spacing 4 "IPmax 8" 1 i 0.811 0.891 88601NG 0.811 0.891., :..Y 90131 OK „,.1 vr-- 0.841 0.891 107611NG 1 0.8611 0.891 127591 NG 1 'spacing 5 1 1 0.881 0.891 78481NG 0.761 0.89F„ '101561OK 0.811 0.891 128391 NG 0.851 0.891 155841NG !spacing 8 "I 1 0.741 0.91 128271 NG 0.791 0.91 176381NG 0.831 0.91 22910ING 2 I 2 Itp 5:4041 0.96706 4 4041 1.1524681 4.4041 1.314813 Feet 1 i 4.° J J i I i (�i t nr J ti `v t({/ t t l U ,E l i -rj I V i.' */k Vertical Datum NAVD 88 Horizontal Datum NAD 83/91 n Area Map 1 J 1 1. J This map is of ntended to be used as legal descripa This map/drawing is produced by the City of Port Angeles for its own use nd purposes. Any other use of this map/drawmgshall not be Me sponsibility of the City. CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 06 00000344 Date 4/17/06 Application pin number 277856 Property Address 1301 MARINE DR BLDG ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 0 1 1750 0000 Tenant nbr name PORT OF PORT ANGELES Application type description DEMOLITION Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation 500 Owner Port of Port Angeles 338 W 1st Street PORT ANGELES Permit DEMOLITION Additional desc Permit pin number 74781 Permit Fee 50 00 Issue Date Expiration Date 10/14/06 Qty Unit Charge Per WA 983620044 BASE FEE Contractor OWNER Plan Check Fee 00 Valuation 0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 50 00 50 00 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 50 00 50 00 00 00 Extension 50 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned fora period of 180 days after the work as commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law-•- construction or the performance of construction. cf (4a "_W Signature of Contractor pr 4uthorized Agent Date Sipapre of Owner (if er is ui r) Date T•\Policies \1102_15 building record05 wpd [1/4/20051 BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417 -4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES 1 NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR SLAB ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T -BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP FURNACE DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE PELLET CHIMNEY COMMERCIAL HOOD DUCTS MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'s PARKING /LIGHTING LANDSCAPING RESIDENTIAL I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I FINAL FINAL SEPA. ESA. SHORELINE. FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES 1 NO ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT 417 -4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ CONSTRUCTION R.W ENGINEERING 417 -4807 PW ENGINEERING FIRE 417 -4653 I 1 1 I FIRE DEPT PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 1 I I I PLANNING DEPT BUILDING 417 -4815 I 1 1 1 BUILDING 1' \Policies \1102 15 building permit inspection record05 wpd [1/4/20051 DATE ACCEPTED BY., DATE ACCEPTED BY., FOR OFFI�C USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date Rec.4 -7 0( Applicant or Agent: Phone: Owner IeT C� i i2E h atz_r S Phone: r nn Address: L) 1 ,S City_]/ T Zip 9R'3 6, a Architect/Engineer Phone: Contractor State License Exp Phone: City Zip PROJECT ADDRESS rl I JO p L �I l lrl t P r3'I a r r n e. Uv ZONING LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: Block: Subdivision. CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER. O l,_3 60 0 fa 0 9 Address: PLANNING USE ONLY Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST BE COMPLETE to be accepted for review If you have any questions, call PERMITS (360) 417 -4815 FAX(360)417 -4711 ESA/Wetland(s): Yes No SEPA Checklist required? Yes No Other Permit 0 6— 3 44. Date Approved. l7 04' Date Issued: 4 ii 04P TYPE OF WORK. SIZE/VALUATION Residential New Constr Re -roof Stove 2 Q SF /SF Multi family Addition Move Garage 46e)/0 SF /SF Commercial Remodel demolition Deck /AO') SF /SF Repair Sign Other TOTAL VALUATION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 1� f t\-1-1 A-r —Ht 6-- .hr t I let r Pic 0.-± TPQ.m nod =7 L,oau ()r91Qk wl( de'rie 9D+e`r ih .-I a.qcY' 7 \ter, Sed IA, I 1 l b E c am Ia_vi d. Tt I I, COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL. Occupancy Group: Occupant Load: Construction Type: No. of Stories: Lot Size: Existing Sq. Ft. Proposed Sq. Ft. TOTAL Sq. Ft. Total lot coverage APPROVALS. PLAN BLDG. DPWU FIRE. OTHER VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE. IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section R105.3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code, 2003). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required ,not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work. T'\FORMS\B1dgPermitform.wpd Applicant: r /;'iC��! Date: 7 �p Northwest Asbestos Consultants 406 Reed St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 360 -385 -0584 northwestasbestosconsultants cr eablespeed.corn Date 4/6/06 jab Location: Log Yard at Port of Port Angeles Contact; Port of Port Angeles P 0 Box 1350 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Subject Demolition inspector. Bob Witheridge AHERA Building inspector Management Planner WAMOA 0042 -05 Expires 10/12/06 ape of vvtsrk l) Good faith inspection for asbestos containing building materials. (AC 2.) Survey, sample and record suspect materials. 3) Report to Susan Bauer at Port of Port Angeles with results of testing by Clayton Services. 4) Copies for Port of Port Angeles, City of Port Angeles Permit Center Olympic Region Clean Air Agency and on site for demolition. /ertILrr %gpt rt The inspection started with a visual survey looking for Asbestos Containing Building Material (ACBM) Sample results are as follows. uiiding #3- MFG Samnle #l. Top layer of homogeneous floor vinyl with mastic White and tan. Sample #2. Middle layer of homogeneous floor vinyl with mastic. Tan and black. Sample #3, Bottom layer of homogeneous floor vinyl with mastic. Tan with white pebble pattern. Sample -t4. Ceiling tile Off white l trridixrg #-2- Electrical control hjtrl Sample #l_ Electrical panel room in north east corner of building. 9' X 9" ceiling tile Building Sari age lru.rldfrrg Building had no .suspect of asbestos containing building material (ACBM) Samples were sent to lab See results: ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE DATA Northwest Asbestos Consultants 406 Reed St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 360 385 -0584 northwestasbestosconsultants@a cablespeedcom To Clayton Services Date: 3/22/06 lob Location. Log Yard at Port of Port Angeles Contact Port of Port Angeles P.O Box 1350 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Building #1- 'MPG Sample, #1, Top layer of homogeneous floor vinyl with magic. White -.and. tart;. Sample #2. Middle layer of homogeneous floor vinyl with mastic. Tan and black. Sample #3. Bottom layer of homogeneous floor vinyl with mastic. Tan with white pebblee pattern. Sample 444 Ceiling tile 'Off white Buildirm #2 Electrical contra building Sample #1. Electrical_ panel roorn_.in north east corner of building. 9' X 9" ceiling tile. Buildine #3- Storage building Building lead no. suspect of asbestos containing building material• (_LCM) Inspector: Bob Witheridge AHERA Building Inspector Management Planner AML)A 0042-05 Expires 10/12/06 'Please e fl with test results when completed. See attachment. 'Thank you, Bob'Witherid ifM'1 1?U ?tt AU V g in r;, aaJaai Wu 41 Jim le meek WA 41e31 (2440 110-736* LAd; 41491.1 A No Asbestos Detected A.SBtt 9"1'aa MI jRCE. Vinyl/Massie. Top Layer cL ATION: BuBdlas i11, Log Yard, All Flow Ames MATERI Wide mime l4l ae whitetangp and make Arose beefing wlitby& lt3(di e sAmils 0. J ,AB N; 414911.113 VALBSM VlgyUML -'yep Layer LOCATION: Bu1ldtu j#i, Lag Yam All Floor Areas Maggleilalifirdainnt Mika brow* fvadpi y slot on **At spongy card o itr/1 Amur back* with palm maim MAMPl al: 3 JML 4149L2A MEM Vlnyl/Masde Mlddk Layer LOCATION: Bo MingaL Lae Yard. AN Meer Areas MAIERIALIZEMEDIRL Oldie wed ten Jl row assaultNO yellow mare SAMPLED BY COMPANY RECEIVED BY ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE DATA 1atVLAP t AB C7Otls 6101106e Accredited Laboratory 1 Ati t: Omelets a!near, LAYER 2Ji Anna= angra a TS Note tlwWafa straws rerificjr&Maul 4ABROLIUS UN= Amt thu eAea nr.ashArai►1r outuaL Log Priority: ?reject e Number ofSampiesl Co► t:Bob witheridge Pig: Client Nome: Northwest Asbestos Consultants Job Location: Port of Port Angeles, MFG Building LAYERED SAMPLE. NgSRAP end AHEM Maass require layers be analyzed and ranee sepsrstlely. SAMPLE 1 A LAYER 1 .Stj>r F1SF.ItA Online atm Ma Vet i au OTHER MATERIAL$ Fmct m BSEptt Fawn Vinyl Fdter Ind !binder .MATS nip& Binder Peen Vinyl Fslerand Biedv Mark Mutt DRAFT 41498 Regular B 3 T Ctateraaon tiNdl nominee kyv14.41P4,aoesleinepiw notty twaaraaw araamot gwrr 4Iliialpasemiyaar er a• eats A Aida raoibrardareawas,aib „ytwewfrtarallilaw 11r persouWraerre ems ow bed N ailEmsi area• lrwlanrem TaliaeRgwwis wa4' OrsilsbR1 Tam Wm. art/e um wrelre awirtaa,R wprs>u loymemra iteyyzaildl of leiwsayto in% YARN ChM. T h 1� rsOeraRLMItlWCTeR01�ia lYt Q l F Qumeilewet ak& AnwFeai s• ImpaOeek•fierat.0=11111 e AUaewwMdWMrerifirdam male SIN liai siYnam fir torlita;ionst oil lr yet Low 424064CMUe.*.,r* lsow* awl= /Am meal by Mt eK Bob Wittletldge DATE: 3/Z3/2006 ANALYZED BY Rachel Melgntn DATE: 4/4/2006 Noma we:d Asbestos C0114uttinta Jaimte Rent DATE: 3/2ti2006 10 to 40 20 K 5 40 m 20 LAYERED SAMPLE: NESHAP and ARERA regabilions r nsdre layer be analyzed aid repotted separately. LAYER 1 aim OTHER FRIERS Ce[leiole nt Ra Asbestos Petard Olaes Fiber 65 Job Location: E U A is A Ji' vER1TAS 4676 B Maid Web So. bulb 140 Sue%WA pap 761.T164 Client Name: Northwest Asbestos Consultants Port of Port Angeles, MFG Building PO /Job#• ,SAMPLE LAB 41498.2E SOURCE. Vinyl/Mastle Middle Layer LOCATION; Buildtag NI, Log Yard, All Floor Areas MATERIAL.DESCUra N: Tau and !}flack Wiwi on white spongy and gotwhkefibrous booking with yellow residue SOURCE; Vinyl/Mastic Bottom Layer LOCATION: Building #l, Log Yard, All Floor Areas bIATEBIAL DESCRWT1ON: Tan fibrous material with ydfow residue SAMPLE (3 LAB b; 41498.38 SOURCE: Vinyl/Mastie- Bottom Layer LOCATION: Building #1, Log Yard, All Floor Areas MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: Tan and white paced Wrqd on o5pvhlte fibrous bastAng with yellow reline SAMPLED BY COMPANY RECEIVED BY ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE DATA NVLAP LAB CODE #101106-0 Accredited Laboratory LAYER 2 1-AD if; 41498.3A ASBESTOS TYPE PERCENT yaotile 19 Bob Witheridge DATE: 3123/2006 Northwest Asbestos Consultants Jaimie Frank Nate: UeaNe to separate rola* for buifsitital analysts RES(LTS; Asbestos Contobitng Msteritt1(AM) OR 'X E T'Y`txE aquae PEiR 15 Now Unableto separate mid et orlad&cirtyalanaljrh Note: Unalte to separate Jbr braided anatpds DATE: 3/28/2006 Log Priority: Project Number of Samples: Contact Bob Witheridge Q_THER FIBERS Cellolase OTHER MATERIALS Filler 1R Binder Foam Vinyl Filter end Binder LAYERED SAMPLE: NESHAP and A11ERA regulations require layers be analyzed and reported separately. SAMPLE 3 LAYER 1 ICES OTHER FIBERS r Cellulose OTHER_ MATERIALS Filler Binder 1 LAYER 2 .`i"" OTHER FIBERS 1 Cellulose Asbestos Co fMsterirt''4CrW) #QRMa ClfuyOoti a 15 Quo MATERIALS Riker Binder Vinyl Fi1kr and Binder ANALYZED BY Rachel Melgoza DATE. 4/4/2006 DRAFT cages or S 41498 Regular B 900.75 mug S cl aoeawhy)0 YNVI.AP Aepediptlte .APdeeaWbdiemaeL by NVLAPorgorAa1. IIISmq. Ail boa =Ow ae Viyadc rOVdnpaddr ueElod 111W600/11442.020 Analyses roaan Om* hew ant mbnldmoi gmiiry ..,.ptaesba for vudkaim11e mot vanes impeded *No aro Owe on edition* viad Manor y yobs= alma vonlissiar br Point Cawing is iemob0. Tas Raab warted atateo* to Cr undo' 08mitmdby to diem lo MOW Thee won ofn ats node pout* be steed by MX tonelbeeononliwabab mot tot— J. 7tie Nowt don noe be toodtmdemapioitsabslyottot Group Samoa pnniedba Emir Reme Cbannai4AarolataideedddtbaEema Qae lea ine.m. imam:kve .12 gunmen e, maim nod Attiaply1Ute ambers. (bdin:W*44 Q.... ..03 A vans meant ofablator in daHnd etas b aw abaa round in tlameideono= Aebmbs amid in d, mama willbe reputes 'Dud Lew AibeamOinien,ay amazing 1 prom als steam II maxibyRM 96 10 40 15 20 96 15 96 68 96 10 4�0 35 40 BUREAU VEP1TAS a63se Malign! ww 9a sti.1 O Stade, wa 981 M Client Name: Northwest Asbestos Consultants Job Location: Port of Port Angeles, MFG Building a SAMPLE (,s I ABA: 41498,4 SOURCE. 9 "X9 *t Ceiling Tile LOCATION*, Building N2, Log Yard, Homogeneous to Building MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: LAYFREO Off-white paint on brown fibnws compressed material ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE DATA NVLAP LAB CODE R0I -0 Accredited Laboratory 4 Nate: LAYers Hailline012edibr AnAYsis No *hams Detected was TYPE PRRCHNT Priority: Project 0: Number otSamples: viol 3 L 41498 contact Bob Witheridge PO /Job#: OTHER FIBERS Contuse Regular B 900.75 5 110 OTHER MATERIALS Finer 8 Binder Paint SAMPLED BY Bob Witheridge DATE: 3/232006 ANALYZED BY Rachel Melgoza DATE: 4/4/2006 COMPANY Northwest Asbestos Consultants RECEIVED BY Jalmk Frank DATE. 3/28/2006 7taszbikinusaftralnaliglengliantaav Clayton is eeueditd by Nl.4 MVLAP Aocteditrim by NVlAP deo wet Edamaedmen:at by NVLAP wany ads' swastanwnegag. MI balk waplts eee asslyasd la aband nos,ritb eedhod ePAAO0/M442020 (Deoan►e tst2) Ambles aeawtbsdotd ibmisidi inter a d toIal<tmaeN o r s r pavans ttw vetficanan. The went 'Awl wood dhow mn bowl m aalbtaed woe by vabateatasii awdaanion byP oiwiCmatluub imams* Taw sods masted obis way isde sesdis abound brdaidiermtnr lbw mown drDate add moldy be mined tg11.N. therefor* aegadve sobs coma br promad Its ward dun sat benepeodwd amyl umm windy. OW: Dayton voo6 m:, PmY Raw C1nysaik Aselsisd Wm= QuaN•bw•At. klumbirive, t2 /Trstordlls Astledbesad AabopEeaitoabroit u• Qadlmhe•m Qii u1aA�r ftwee•wwwwerfiabwrom is *Mod la aeoabwabentoted taw dim mama ford mttit mimeo win ber ottede lmat Low AAOatmCawat .reyma�pioeandinae vats ky DRAFT 10 10 1 Warn 4:201e6 8 WgSdrotc0 WA Ix (206) Tsar%w Client Name: Northwest Asbestos Consultants Job Location: Port of Port Angeles, Electrical Control Building SAMPLE (1 LAB li: 41497.1 SOURCE: 9 "X9" Ceiling Tile LOCATION; Boiidios 1/2, Log Pend jtfATERIAL DFSGRIPTIO 4. LAYERED Tan and white polite on ram fibrous compressed nudeslal SAMPLED BY COMPANY RECEIVED BY ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE DATA NVLAP LAB CODE #1011060 Nom Accredited Laboratory ESSULTS tarn ff00190enlaot .rltadys'is NoAsbesios1 slssos gam Log Priority: Project A: Number of Samples: Contact:Bob Witheridge PO /Job#• OTHER FIBERS Cellulose Mineral Wool rages of t 41497 Regular 13 900.75 1 60 5 OTHER MATERIALS 9�a Filler Bander Paint Partite Bob Witheridge DATE: 3/23/2006 ANALYZED BY Rachel Melgoza DATE: 4/4/2006 Northwest Asbestos Consultants Jaimie Frank DATE. 3/28/2006 DRAFT T.n icitw orodAer NVLAP Aoonwed Si CarytmiavaraditdbyNnrrr vtAP Amodioaen4f WOW deem Wawa ludo:fmogSy !MAP a say other met. buIk seesplat stalgsdin roemdsoaidtststbod EPA/6o0lAM- 24628(Dcawnbe► 1982). Ata yws saasw.dactcd tbttsgb mkt odious Isboesay rinsfity migrant far vtasariwt lbopsmn vaI s rod taws us baud se reamed viwW adman by .dme laden .wa6wfon Onto, Ctostiss a indicate& Tall Mall apated seismal? totb .amplewbmttIdbytba deal tsMoms Thom 1.. of abeam could paddy ba wined b PLY. tbesdassesiaiva AMID caepbegrall11110d. 7Eurepat dad out t repoduced except in Malay, sib= Maws Owl Services P Dm Rater ClgrotiIR Mott: rld *oddities shs0ee Qoadipli.a.Q3. QutoieWva.1.2/Mood AMMO, our oatbottseis stmsQmRoarts, Z. QwrWOdvm. 03 A rawmpumpfatbaele. t. del lnedwartotwoM a !baud is Oil asstwiBbstttpaerds'11ss' Low Asbestos 0mgw. wzyurge =tithe PM= aks abeam a mesa* NM 10 10 1S aimmary of lnsction This survey .includes all areas of inspection with the report results from. Clayton Environmental Testing Labs. Building #1- MFG Sample #4. Samnie #2: Sample #3. Thank you, Bob Witheridge, E.F.M. Top layer of homogeneous floor vinyl with mastic White and tan. 15% chrysotile asbestos. Middle layer of homogeneous floor vinyl with mastic Tan and black. 15% chrysotile asbestos. Bottom layer of homogeneous floor vinyl with mastic. Tan with white pebble pattern. 17% chrysotile asbestos. Sample #4,, Ceiling tile. Off white No asbestos detected Approximately 400 sq ft. of ACBM to be removed. Building #2- Electrical control building Sample #1., Electrical panel room in -north east corner building. 9' X 9" ceiling tile. No asbestos detected Building #3- Storage building Building had -no suspect of asbestos containing building material (ACBM) All asbestos containing building materials with a reading of 1% or greater is to be removed by a certified abatement contractor which follows the rules of the EPA and governed by Olympic Region Clean Air Agency During building demolition or remodeling, it is possible that additional suspect asbestos containing building material (ACBM) may be found with in a wall, floor, ceiling or other areas not accessible at the time of the survey Should such suspect material be discovered an AHERA certified inspector will have to sample and test the material to prove it is of non- asbestos. Northwest Asbestos Consultants is not responsible for identification of hidden materials that are not identifiable with reasonable diligence After the facility is completely cleaned out a walk through and inspection is required by the original AHERA building inspector (NW Asbestos) after abatement, then a copy of the letter certifying that abatement has been completed needs to be received by the City of Port Angeles Permit Center and Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Bob A. Witheridge has satisfactorily completed 4 hours of refresher training as an Asbestos Bul ding. Inspector to tomplp With tbe timing requirement of TOCR TItte 31 40 CPA 763 (aTigaut) Certificate Number 1018144 Oct 12. 2005 Date(s) of Training Exam Score NA