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702 Del Guzzi Dr Technical - Building
TECHNICAL Permit OG Address 102 )-4 G uzZ -1 r Project description New Sinq xn� Re s i df:n ce Date the permit was finaled Number of technical pages 55 June 28, 2005 IJAERAIJ ANAIJYSIS BEAM CAJCA7ONS DQ-\ -9uz -7- 0 Co EXPIRES JUNE 5 2007 I IF THIS SIGNATURE IS NOT IN COLOR, DO NOT ACCEPT FOR PERMIT SUBMITTAL. PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A 2003 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE 100 MPH WIND EXPOSURE B SOIL SITE CLASS D SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D /D, 102 S 26 St Tacoma, WA 98402 Phone 253 284 -3170 Fax 253 284 -3183 Cat:scdds Ro4idontial Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel (253) 284 -3170 Fax (253) 284 -3183 DESIGN LOADS. ROOF DEAD LOADS ROOF LIVE LOADS FLOOR DEAD LOADS FLOOR LIVE LOADS STAIR LIVE LOADS 15 PSF Total 25 PSF (Snow) 12 PSF Total 40 PSF (Reducible) 100 PSF WOODS JOISTS OR RAFTERS 2X. BEAMS OR HEADERS 4X 6X OR LARGER LEDGERS AND TOP PLATES STUDS 2X4 OR 2X6 POSTS 4X4 4X6- 6X6- PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH GLUED LAMINATED (GLB) BEAM HEADER. Fb =2 400 PSI Fv =165 PSI Fc (Perp) =650 PSI E =1 800 000 PSI PARALLAM (PSL) 2 OE BEAM HEADER. Fb =2 900 PSI Fv =290 PSI Fc (Perp) =750 PSI E =2 000 000 PSI MICROLAM (LVL) 1 9E BEAM HEADER Fb =2 600 PSI Fv =285 PSI Fc (Perp) =750 PSI E =1 900 000 PSI WOOD TYPE -HF #2 -DF #2 -HF #2 -HF #2 -HF #2 -HF #2 -HF #2 TRUSSES. PREFABRICATED WOOD TRUSSES SHALL BE DESIGNED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ENGINEERED I- JOISTS IF AN ENGINEERED I -JOIST FLOOR FRAMING LAYOUT IS PROVIDED BY THE JOIST SUPPLIER, THAT JOIST 'LAYOUT SHALL SUPERSEDE THE JOIST LAYOUT INDICATED IN THE PLANS PROVIDE I -JOIST LAYOUT AND SPECS ON SITE FOR INSPECTION 1875R- 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen Page Cascadle Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 LATERAL ANALYSIS ON 2003 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE BY LOCAL JURISDICTION SEISMIC DESIGN. SEISMIC DESIGN BASED ON 2003 IBC CHAPTER 16 SECTION 1615 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING LIGHT FRAME CONSTRUCTION LESS THAN THREE STORIES IN HEIGHT (EXCLUDING BASEMENT) Seismic Design Data. -Site Class D (Assumed) Seismic Design Catrgory D1 /D2 IE 1 0 R• 65 S 1.25 Si 04 F 1 00 1 6 W w Equation 16 -38 Equation 16 -39 Equation 16 -40 Equation 16 -41 Equation 16 -56 Equation 16 -57 For Seismic Use Group I occupancy (Table 1604 5) Light Framed Wood Walls Shear Panels (Table 1617 6 2) Mapped Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration Short- Period (Assumed) Mapped Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration 1- Second Period (Assumed) Site Coefficient based on Site Class S (Table 1615 1 2(1)) Site Coefficient based on Site Class S (Table 1615 1 2(2)) Seismic Weight of Structure (Units LB Seismic Weight of Structure at Level x (LB Sms Ss F S S1 F SDS 3 Sms 2 SDI 3 Sm1 '1.2 SDS V V =0154 W F w Sm 1.25 Sm1 =064 SDS 0 83 SDI 0 43 PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH Seismic Base Shear 1.2 SDS F w Vertical Shear Distribution R (vertical component of earthquake ground motion taken as 0 for allowable stress design) Lateral forces will be distributed along lines of force /resistance Lines of force /resistance will be investigated for both wind and seismic lateral loads 1875R 2A 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax. (253) 284 -3183 WIND DESIGN USE ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE OF ASCE 7 -02 SECTION 6 5 3 ENCLOSED LOW -RISE BUILDING LESS THAN 60 FEET IN HEIGHT WIND EXPOSURE B 100 mph WIND SPEED Equation 6 -18 p= g (GC Mean Roof Height h 15 ft q 0 00256K Velocity Pressure Evaluated at mean Roof Height h (Equation 6 -15) GC External Pressure Coefficients per Figure 6 -10 GC Internal Pressure Coefficients per Figure 6 -5 K15 70 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients at z 15ft (Table 6 -3) K20 70 K25 70 K30 70 K40 76 PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients at 15ft z 20ft (Table 6 -3) Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients at 20ft z 25ft (Table 6 -3) Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients at 25ft z 30ft (Table 6 -3) Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficients at 30ft z 40ft (Table 6 -3) Topographic Factor Multipliers w/ L Oft, H Oft, and x Oft (Figure 6 -4) K1 0 K2 1 K3 15 1 K3.20 1 K3.25 1 Topographic Factor Coefficients (Figure 6 -4) K151 (1 KI K2-K3 15) K151 1 K201 I K1 K2 K3.20) K20t 1 K25t (1 K1 K2 K3.25) 2 K25t 1 K301 1 K1 K2 K3.30) K30t 1 K40t 1 K1 K2 K3 40) K401 I Kd•= 085 v•= 100 1 1 0 Wind Directionality Factor (Table 6 -4) Wind Speed per Hours (Figure 6 -1) Important Factor (Table 6 -1) K3.30 1 1875R 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen K340•= I Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel'. (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 Velocity Pressure (q Evaluated at Height z (Equation 6 -15) V GC 18 q 15 0 00256 K15 K151 Kd'v2 1 q 15 15.23 q20 0 00256 K20 Kd'v2 I q20 15.23 q25 0 00256 K25 K251 Kd 1 q25 15.23 q;o 0 00256 K30'K30t Kd v2 I q30 15.23 q40 0 00256 K40'K4ot Kd'v 1 q4o 16.54 Internal Pressure Coefficients (Figure 6 -5) For Lateral Design of Shear Wall System Internal Pressure Coefficients will cancel out for overall building and will therefore be ignored for this application External Pressure Coefficients w/ Roof Pitch 7/12 (30 degrees) to 12/12 (45 degrees) (Conservatively taken from Figure 6 -10) GCpt•1 .56 GC E 69 GCpt2 .21 GCpi2E._ .27 GCO3 43 GCp13E —.53 GC 37 GC 48 End Zone Coeffieicient a' (Figure 6 -10 Note 9) Least Horizontal Dimension x 55ft 10% of Least Horizontal Dimension 0 lx 5.5 ft or 40% of Mean Roof Height 0 4-h 6 ft whichever is smaller but not less than 4% of Least Horizontal Dimension or 3ft Therefore a 5.5ft PROJECT Plan 1875R12A (100 MPH1 0.04x 2.2 ft 1875R 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (2B3) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 Design Wind Pressures (Equation 6 -18) P15 1 q15 (GCpfl) psf P15.2'= q15 (GCp12)•psf P15.3 q 15 (GCp13)•psf PI5 4 q15 (GC014) psf P20 I g20'(GCp11) psf P20.2 g20 P20 3 g20'(GCpt3) psf P204'= g20'(GCpI4) psf P25 I g25 (GCp1 psf P25.2 g25 (GCp12) psf P25.3 q25 (GC psf P25 4 1125 (GC0 psf P30 1 1304GCpt'I) psf P30.2 g30.(GCp12) psf P30.3 g30'(GCp13) psf P30 4 g30.(GCp14) psf P40 1 g40'(GCp!'1) psf P40.2 g40 P40.3 g40'(GCO3) psf P40 4 (140 P151= 8 53 lbft 2 P15.2= 3 2 lbft 2 P15 6.55lbft 2 P154 P201= 8 531 bft 2 P20.2= 3 21 bft 2 P20.3 -6.55 lb ft 2 P20 4 -5.64 lb ft 2 1251= 8 P25.2 3.21b ft 2 P25.3 -6.55 lb ft 2 P254= 5 641 bft 2 P30 l 8.53lbft 2 P30.2 3.21b ft 2 P30.3 -6.55 lb ft 2 P304 -5 lbft 2 P40 1 9.26 lb ft 2 P40.2= 347 Ibft 2 P40.3 -7 11 lb ft 2 P40 4 -6 12 lb ft 2 PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH P15 IE 915 (GCpflE) psf P15.2E 915 (GCp12E)'psf P15.3E is (GCpt3E) psf PI5 4E 915 (GCp14E) psf P20 IL g20'(GCpf7E) psf P20.2E g2o.(GCpt2E) psf P20.3E g2o'(GCpt3E)•psf P20 4E g20.(GCp14E) psf 13 25 1E 1125 (GCpt7E)•psf P25.2E q25 (GCp12E) psf P25.3E 1125 (GCp13E) Psf P25 4E 1 125 (GCp14E) psf P30 IE g30'(GCpf1E) psf P30.2E 930'(GCpt2E) Psf P30.3E cup. (GCpt3E)•psf P30 4E g30'(GCpf4E) P40 IE g40'(GCprIE)'psf P40.2E g40.(GCp12E) psf P40.3E g40 P40 4E g4o.(GCpr4E) psf 1875R 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen PI5 1E= 1051Ibft 2 P15.2E 4 11 Ibft 2 P15 3E -8 071b ft 2 PI5 41:= -731lbft 2 P20112, 10511bft 2 P20.2E 4 1 l lb ft 2 P20.3E -8 07 Ib ft 2 P20 4E -7.31 lb ft 2 P25 1E 10.511b ft 2 P25.2E 4 11 lb ft 2 P25.3E -8 071b ft 2 2 P254E= 731 lbft P30 1E 10.51 Ibft 2 P30.2E 4 1 l lb ft 2 P30.3E -8 07 lb ft 2 P30 4E -7 311b ft 2 P40IE= 1141lbft2 P40.2E `147 lb ft 2 -8 7616 ft 2 P40 3E P404E=- 7.94Ibft Page i Al•Ie t4 F—oor 52_1 N;o_EpTA 1 LEFT ELEVATION E gQVATION 1 SCALE tox-ar SCALE ve=r-ge y TOP PL sue FL 4 RIGHT ELEVATION W/ GARAGE OPT. SCALE I E s 41 -0 1 tl A1 11.I11111 41111 I0IIi I 1111111111111111111 A1�111111111111111111 ,e111111111 1 I 1b 11 1111111h. 1111111111114 11111111111111111111\. 11111 I1111111I1111111h. 111111 111111111111111111 1111111111111111uu111u111111.11 %Y1. INIpm 1■ 11 i 1 11 p•1 Imo Pa X1111 ..d1111I -4 11.1! 801 ATTIC VENT TTP 5/4 IQ7 BAN, BD. TTP A COMPOSITION ROOFING 11 FRONT ELEVATION W/ OPT. SIDE LOAD GARAGE SCALE Ile •11-m1 Ls IW, III IlIk. ■/Ill 111111111. 1111 1111u11111 1b. 1 11111111I11h1•111.. I.IIIlIu111llllllli. 11UIlllIIlllllulllliI,, �JIIIl IlllIIlluIIIlIIlIIll.. IIII WlO. It Na ADHERED 5TONE VENEER FRONT ELEVATION TOP PL.. SUB FL APPRO)f GRADE [2110/0 SCALE Ia '.I' -ml 9 8 REVEL SIDING A k 5UB FL i i ATTIC VENT TTP E le MI. AMR .A1111111- 11111111 11.1111111111nnu.11IIlI1111111. 1 11 1111111111111 11111111.1111111111111 111111I111111111111uI111 11111111111111111111111. .dt11111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111. a I IIQ 1111111mmpuIII1q 11111111111g111111l11111111111I o, EU ©I IN =H a. EN ji IMMIX 1 UIU 1•••• fie ill 1111111 �.IIIIIIIII B 17 r5/4 10 BAND BD. TTP B� FRONT ELEVATION W/ OPT. 3RD CAR GARAGE OF T1) N C SCALE s 1$1•11 -0 nl' 11111. /111/111 =I 11111111 A11�11111111 111111lIIIlu gi lIuIIIPulI IuI11 1 1IillIuII�I1 .d11II11$II III NI NM U CRIC*CT COMPOSITION ROOFING ATTIC VENT TTP PPRO% GRADE 5/4 4 CORNER BD. TTP B' BEVEL SIDEr. 5/4 10 BAND BD. TTP LEFT ELEVATION W/ OPT. 3RD CAR GARAGE ap j a N D SCALE 1 410-0' D Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WIND SHEAR AT ROOF DIAPHRAGM (Sides). WIND SHEAR AT ROOF DIAPHRAGM (Sides). WIND SHEAR AT ROOF DIAPHRAGM (Front Rear) WIND SHEAR AT ROOF DIAPHRAGM (Front Rear). But not less than 10 psf over the projected vertical plane WI 169 991bft I W2 168.31 lb ft I PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH WIE 213.861bft 1 W2E 210.96Ibft I 1876R- 2A- 100MPH mod 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen WI (P 15 I P 15 4)' 10ft (P20.1 P20 4)' 2 ft WJL (P15 IE P15 4E) loft (P20 IE P20 4E) 2ft W2 I P15 4)'5ft (P20.2 P20.3) loft W2E (P15 IL PI5 4E)'5ft 0 P20.3E) IOft Page N 0 7, I c 2a MAIN FLOOR AN .2 14' L /E\ 1 2003 CASCADE RESIDENTIAL DESIGN, INC. U 0 0 !1 4%\c) 12, 2o k'"' Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St, Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 3183 WALL A. Wind loads per foot: Check Wind Force Check Seismic. Rf•= 15 psf 55ft 0 7V W Seismic Force E La Overturnina Moment on Wall: L DLRM W 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: Shear Wall Summary: Wind force Seismic Force va 142.841b ft I E 87 791b ft W1 169991bft I PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH Distance between shear wall. LI 38-ft Wall Length La„ (5.5 4 4 4 4 4) ft La„ 25.5 ft La 5.5 4 9l 5 ft La 23.28 ft Percent full height sheathing Oft 1 Max Opening Height Oft, Therefore C 1 00 4ft W Rf Wa W 18975 lb ZN 122 lb CD 133 Z'N ZN CD EN Bp B 1 14 ft va LI –a L 2a) WIL2a W1 (LI –2a) 2 va L 1 L va 142.84 lb ft I Wa= 10•psf55ft6ft DLRM 1876.8 lb ft LaW E 87 791b ft 1 Plate Height: Pt 9 I ft OTM 5199 49 lb ft L 4 ft OTM va L Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resistina. Rf 0 6(15 psf) 20•ft L Wa 0 6•(10•psf) Pt L W• =Rf +Wa W= 93841b OTM DLRM HDFa HDFa 830 67 lb L Base Plate Nailina Spacing (2001 NDS, Table 11N) 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Side Member Thickness. Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail B.P. Nailina Spacing B =Il4ft 16d 12' o.c. WIE= 213861 I A 830 lb ZB As va A.B. Spacing As 7 73 ft 5/8' A.B. 72' o.c per IBC Table 2305 3 7 2 1875R- 2A- 100MPH mcd, 6/28/2005' Designer Truc Nguyen. 7/16' Sheathing wl 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Anchor Bolt Spacina (2001 NOS. Table 11E1 5/8' Dia. Bolt, 1 1/2' Side Member Thickness CD 1.33 ZB A CD ZB 1103 91b Per Bolt As 7 73 ft Holdown Force Holdown Types No Holdown Req'd HDFa 830 671b Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL B. Wind loads per foot: Distance between shear wall. LI 22 ft Wall Length Lb, (10.5 4 5 12) ft Percent full height sheathing ft 2a 2\ L1 -4a L2 WIC �L1� W1 2L1 2 Lb„. Check Wind Force vb Check Seismic W1 169991bfl +38 Rf 15 psf 55 ft ft Wa 10•psf 55 ft 6 ft 2 W Rf Wa W 280501b Seismic Force 7VW Eb Lb W• =Rf +Wa Lb DLRM =W Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFb Lb W 938 41b DLRM 1876 8 lb ft PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH WEE= 213.86Ibft 1 L2 38ft Lb =31.5ft Lb 105 +4I 8 +5 +12 ft 9 Lb5= 3106ft 0/ 1 Max Opening Height Oft, Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 Eb =97.27lbft I Overturnina Moment on 4ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft Lb 4 ft OTM vb•Lb Pt OTM 6032.36lbft Shear Wall Dead Load Resistina. Rf 6 (15 psf) 20•ft Lb Wa 6 (10•psf)Pt Lb HDFb 1038 891b OUe'A:utxttna Moment on 5ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft OTM vb-Lb Pt OTM 7540 45 lb ft Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting. Rf 6 (15 psf) 20•ft Lb Wa 6 (10-psf) Pt Lb W• =Rf +Wa W= 11731b Lb W b DLRM 2932.5 lb ft Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM Lb 1 HDFb1 921 59lb vb= 165721bft I Exterior Walls 7/16' Sheathing 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity =242 plf Interior Walls 1/2' GWB Both Sides Unblocked w /5d Cooler nails @7' 0 C capacity =200 plf Seismic Cap =100 plf 1875R 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 ZN 122 lb CD 1 13 Z'N ZN CD ZN B =0981t B P vb Shear Wall Summary: PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail Wind force Seismic Force B.P. Nailing Spacing A.B. Spacing vb 16572lbft l b= 97.27lbft 1 B =098ft As =666ft 16d 12' o.c. 5/8' A.B 72' o c 518' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness A 830 lb ZB As vb As =666ft 1875R- 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen Base Plate Nailing Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11N) Anchor Bolt Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11E) 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2" Plate Thickness. CD 1.33 ZB A CD ZB 1101 9lb Per Bolt Holdown Force HDFb 1038 89 lb Holdown Types STHD8RJ Holdown Force Holdown Types HDFbI 921 591b No Holdown Req'd Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL C. Wind loads per foot: Distance between shear wall. LI 55 ft Wall Length Lc (5 6 6) ft Percent full height sheathing 18ft Check Wind Force Check Seismic Rf 15 psf 38 ft 5 ft W Rf Wa W 17955 lb 7V W Seismic Force E E 113 741b ft 1 Lc Overturnina Moment on 18ft Wall: Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft L 12 ft V C Lc Wa 10.psf 38 ft 6 ft OTM vc L Pt OTM 32444.32 lb ft Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting:, Rf 6 (15 psf) 2 ft L Wa .6 (10•psf) Pt L W• =Rf +Wa W= 871.21b L DLRM W DLRM 5227.21b ft Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFc L Overturnina Moment on 5ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft L 1 5 ft OTM vc L 1 Pt OTM 13518 461b ft Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting. Rf 6 (15 psf) 2 ft L Wa 6 (10•psf) Pt L W Rf Wa W 363 lb DLRM W Lc 11 DLRM 907.5 lb ft Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFcI 1 2522 19 lb Lc1 PROJECT Plan 1875R12A (100 MPH1 W2 168.31 lb ft I W2p 210.961bft I HDFc 2268 09 lb 1875R 2A 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen 0.67 Max Opening Height 2ft, Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7 2 W2E 2a LI a (LI 2a) W2 (L1 2a) L1 2L1 I ve 297 11 lb ft CONTROL 7116' Sheathing wl 8dnails 6 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St, Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 Wall C Cont.. Base Plate Nailing Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11N1 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Plate Thickness ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N 162.26 lb Z'N Per Nail Bp vc B 0.55 ft Shear Wall Summary: Wind force Seismic Force vc= 29711lbft 1 E 113741bft 1 PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH B.P. Nailina Spacing A.B. Soacinq Bp 0.55ft As =372ft 518' A.B. 42' o.c. 16d 6' o.c. Anchor Bolt Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11E) 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1/2' Plate Thickness. 18758- 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen A 830 lb CD 1 33 ZB A ZB 1103 91b Zg Per Bolt As• As 3 72 ft vc Holdown Force Holdown Types STHD8RJ HDFc 2268 091b Holdown Force Holdown Types STHDIORJ HDFcI 2522.191b Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL D. Wind loads per foot: Distance between shear wall: LI 55ft Wall Length Ld (15 7 25) ft Percent full height sheathing. Check Wind force Check Seismic: Rf 15 psf 60-ft 55 ft 2 Shear Wall Summary: vd= 107 47 lb ft 1 vd W Rf \Va W 28350 lb 7ft 7ft Wa 10•psf 60•ft•6 ft 7 V W Seismic Force E Ld Overturnina Moment on Wall. Ld 7 ft OTM vd Ld Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resistina. Rf 6(15 psf) 2 ft Ld Wa•= .6(10•psf)Pt W Rf Wa W 508.2 lb Ld DLRM W DLRM 1778.7 lb ft Holdown Force Net Uplift: Ed 64.961b ft 1 Ed= 64961bft 1 OTM DLRM HDFd Ld Base Plate Nailing Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11N) 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N 162.26 lb Z'N Per Nail B vd B 1.51 ft B 1.51 ft 16d 16' o.c. PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH W2 1.68 31 lb ft 1 W2E 210.96 lb ft I LI a (LI 2a) W2B•2a W2-(L1 2a) LI 2L1 Ld Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft OTM 6845.521b ft 1 Max Opening Height Oft, Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 HDFd 723.83 lb A 830 lb ZB As vd Anchor Bolt Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11E1 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. As 10.27 ft HDFd 723 83 lb 5/8' A.B. 72' o.c. vd= 107 471b ft 1 CONTROL As 10.27 ft 1875R 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 pif CD 1.33 ZB A CD ZB 1103 91b Per Bolt Wind force Seismic Force B.P. Nailing Spacina A.B. Spacing Holdown Force Holdown Types No Holdown Req'd Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL E. Wind loads per foot: Distance between shear wall L I 20•ft Wall Length Le (8 8.5) ft Percent full height sheathing' Check Wind Force Check Seismic: Rf 15 psf 22ft 20 ft Wa 10•psf 22 ft•6 ft 2 W Rf Wa W 4620 lb Seismic Force 7VW E Le 16.5ft 22ft Le Overturnina Moment on Wall. L 16.5 ft OTM ve•L Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting: Rf 6 (15 psf) 11 ft L Wa 6 (10•psf) Pt L W Rf Wa W 2534 41b L DLRM W DLRM 20908 8 lb ft 2 ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z Bp ye I Shear Wall Summary: Wind force Seismic Force ve= 124.23Ibft E 3015Ibft I PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH) WI= 169.99Ibft W1E= 213.861bft I WIE•2a LI a W1 (LI 2a) (LI 2a ve L1 2L1 ve 124.23lbft CONTROL E 3015Ibft Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft OTM 18652.63 lb ft OTM DLRM Holdown Force Net Uplift: HDFe HDFe –136 741b L Base Plate Nailing Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11N1 Anchor Bolt Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11E) 16d Common Nails 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. 5/8' Dia Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail B.P. Nailina Spacing Bp 131ft 16d 16' o.c. 0 75 Max Opening Height 2ft, Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 A 830 lb ZB As ve A.B. Spacing As =889ft 5/8' A.B. 72' o.c 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf CD 1.33 ZB A CD ZB 1103 91b Per Bolt As =889ft Holdown Force Holdown Types No Holdown Req'd HDFe –136 741b 1675R 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel. (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL F. Garage Portal Frame Wind loads per foot: Distance between shear wall. LI 22 ft Portal Frame Length Lf (1.375 1 375) ft W1 L1 .5 Check wind force vf Lf of 679.96 lb ft Check Seismic: Wa 10-psf 30•ft 5 ft W. Rf Wa W 3133.5 lb W1 169 991bft I WIE= 213.86Ibft 1 7VW Seismic Force Ef Lf Fl 12 psf 30•ft ft PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH), Ef 122.711b ft 1 Restraint Panel Height 8ft Maximum Restraint Panel Width 1ft -4in Minimum Allowable Shear per Panel 930 lb Shear per Panel Vt. (Lf vf) Vl• 934.94 lb 0 K. 2 See APA Technical Topic TT 100 A Portal Frame with Hold Downs for Wall Bracing or Engineered Applications' (Emphasis Added) SEE PORTAL FRAME CONSTRUCTION DETAIL ON STRUCTURAL SHEETS FOR FRAMING NAILING, AND HOLDOWNS AT EACH GARAGE PORTAL FRAME PANEL 1875R 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen Page 0 M. 1. f lit WL 14 r L MAIN FLooEB.AN OP T i o N 5 MT O- ET 2 Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL C- MASTER CLOSET OPTION B. Wind loads per foot: W2 168.31 lb ft 1 W2E 210 961b ft 1 Distance between shear wall Ll 55 ft Wall Length Lc (14 6 6.5) ft Percent full height sheathing 26.5ft Check Wind Force vc Check Seismic Rf 15 psf 38 ft 55 ft 2 W Rf Wa L DLRM =W Holdown Force Net Uplift: LI a (LI 2a) W2E•2a W2 (L1 2a) LI 2L1 Wa 10•psf 38 ft 6 ft W Rf Wa W 17955 lb 7V WZ 1 Seismic Force E E 85 84 lb ft C Lc Overturning Moment on 18ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft L 26 5 ft OTM vc•L Pt OTM 54073.86 lb ft Shear Wall Dead Load Resistina: Rf 6 (I5 psf) 2 ft L Wa .6 (10-psf) Pt L W 1923.9lb DLRM 25491.67 lb ft HDFc ZN 122 lb CD 1 33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N Bp VC Bp =072ft Shear Wall Summary: Wind force Seismic Force vc 224.23 lb ft 1 E 85.84Ib ft 1 38ft C Lc OTM DLRM L Base Plate Nailing Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11N) 16d Common Nails 1 1/2' Plate Thickness PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH1 Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail 0 7 Max Opening Height 5ft, Therefore HDFc 1078.57 lb A 830 lb ZB As vc B.P. Nailing Spacing A.B. Spacing Bp =0 72ft As =4.92ft 16d 8' o c. 5/8' A.B. 54 o.c. Anchor Bolt Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11E1 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1/2' Plate Thickness As 4 92 ft 1875R 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen per IBC Table 2305 3 7 2 C 0 85 vc 224.23 lb ft 1 CONTROL 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf CD 1.33 ZB A CD ZB 1103 91b Per Bolt Holdown Force Holdown Types. STHD8RJ HDFc 1078.57 lb Page N O> MAN FLOOR ft.kli S 1 If .3 C 3rck atzs KALE s %se r--io Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL D- 3rd Cars Garage Option C. Wind loads per foot: W2 168.31 lb ft I W2E 210.96 lb ft I Distance between shear wall L1 55ft Wall Length Ld (15 7) ft Percent full height sheathing* 22ft 26ft L1 a (L1 2a) W11 2a W1 (LI 2a) 2 L1 Check Wind Force vd L1 Ld 1 vd 232.23 lb ft CONTROL Check Seismic Rf 15 psf 32 ft -5 ft W Rf Wa W 15120 lb Seismic Force Ld 22ft vd 232.23 lb ft 7VW Ed Ld Ed= 74 011b ft I Wa 10•psf 32 ft 6 ft Ed 74 01 1b ft I Overturnina Moment on Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft OTM vd Ld• Pt OTM 46491 86 lb ft Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting. Rf 6 (15 psf) 2 ft Ld Wa 6 (10•psf) Pt Ld W Rf Wa W 1597.21b Ld W d DLRM 17569.2 lb ft 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFd Ld Base Plate Nailing Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11N1 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. ZN 122 lb CD 1 33 EN ZN CD Z'N 162.26 lb EN Per Nail B B p 0 7 ft vd B 07ft 16d 8' o.c. PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH). 0.85 Max Opening Height 2ft, Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 HDFd 1314 67 lb Anchor Bolt Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11E1 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness A 830 lb ZB As vd Shear Wall Summary: Wind force Seismic Force B.P. Nailina Spacina A.B. Spacing As 4 75 ft 5/8' A.B. 54 o.c 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf CD 1.33 ZB A CD As 4 75 ft 1875R 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen ZB= 1103 9Ib Per Bolt Holdown Force Holdown Types STHD8RJ HDFd 1314 671b Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Far (253) 284 -3183 WALL E (3rd Car Garage Option). WI 169991bft 1 GVIE= 213 86Ibft I Wind loads per foot: Distance between shear wall. Li 30.ft Wall Length Le (8 8.5) ft Percent full height sheathing: Check Wind Force Check Seismic. VC Rf 15 psf 22 ft 30 ft Wa 10•psf 22 ft 6 ft 2 W Rf Wa W, 6270 lb Le 7VW Seismic Force E Le Overturnina Moment on Wall. L 16.5 ft OTM ve•L Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting. Rf 6 (15 psf) 11 ft L Wa 6 (10•psf) Pt L W Rf Wa W 2534 41b L W e DLRM 20908.8 lb ft Holdown Force Net Uolift: 16.5ft 0 75 Max Opening Height 2ft, Therefore C 1 00 22ft Ll a (L1 2a) WIE•2a W1 (L1 2a) LI 2L1 ve 178 421bft CONTROL E 40.921b ft 1 Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft OTM 26789 66 lb ft OTM DLRM HDFe Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N B ve B =091ft Shear Wall Summary: Wind force Seismic Force B.P. Nailina Spacing ve= 178421bft I Ee= 40.921bft I Bp =09lft 16d 8' o.c. PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A f1 MPH), per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 HDFe 356 421b ZB As ve A.B. Spacing As 619ft 5/8' A.B. 72' o.c 1875R 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf L Base Plate Nailing Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11N) Anchor Bolt Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11E) 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. A 830 lb CD 1.33 ZB A CD ZB 1103 91b As =619ft Holdown Force HDFe 356 421b Per Bolt Holdown Types No Holdown Req'd Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL G -3rd Cars Garage Option C 'Wind loads per foot: W 1 169.99 lb ft Distance between shear wall Li 30•ft Wall Length Lg (22) ft Percent full height sheathing Check Wind Force vg Check Seismic: Rf 15 psf 22 ft 0 ft Wa 10•psf 22 ft 5 ft 2 W Rf Wa W 605016 7VW Seismic Force E E 29 621b ft Lg Overturning Moment on Wall. Plate Height: pt 9 ft L 22 ft OTM vg L Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting. Rf•= ,6(15 psf) 2ftL W =Rf Wa L DLRM W Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFg Bp =1.21ft Shear Wall Summary: Wind force vg 13381Ibft I 22ft 22ft W11i•2a L1 a (L1 2a) 1V1 (LI 2a) LI 2L1 Wa 6 (l0•psf) Pt L W 1584 lb DLRM 17424 lb ft HDFg 412.33 lb L Base Plate Nailing Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11N1 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Plate Thickness ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N B p vg Lg PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail WIG= 213861bft I 1 Max Opening Height Oft, Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 OTM 26495.27 lb ft Anchor Bolt Spacina (2001 NDS Table 11E1 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. A 830 lb ZB As vg 16d 16' o.c 5/8' A.B. 72' o.c. 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 Of CD 1.33 ZB A CD ZB 1103 91b Per Bolt As 8.25 ft vg 133.81 lb ft 1 1875R 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen. CONTROL Seismic Force B.P. Nailing Spacing A.B. Spacing, Holdown Force Holdown Types E 29 621 b ft 1 Bp 1.21 ft As 8.25 ft HDFg 412.33 lb No Holdown, Req'd Page e (\QudQ a9 •.1 371128 P r'°9 NV/1d NOO NIA 10-z. d 02 Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL E -Sides load Garage Option D: Wind loads per foot: WI 169.99 lb ft Distance between shear wall' Li 20.ft Wall Length Le (8 3) ft Percent full height sheathing. Check Wind Force Check Seismic. W, Rf Wa W 7695lb 3ft 3ft Rf 15 psf 27 ft ,0 ft Wa 10•psf 27 ft 6 ft 7 V W, Seismic Force E Le Overturning Moment on Wall. L 3 ft OTM ve• L Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resistina. Rf 6 (15 psf) 11 ft L Wa 6 (10•psf)Pt L W Rf Wa W 442.8 lb L e EiLRM W DLRM 664.2 lb ft 7 Holdown Force Net Uplift: ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N 13 p Ve B 0 87 ft Shear Wall Summary: Wind force Seismic Force. ve 186 34 lb ft E 75.341b ft Ll a (LI 2a) Wlr•2a W1 (LI 2a) ve LI 2L1 ve 186.34lbft 1 CONTROL Le E 75.341bft I Plate Height: Pt 8 1 ft OTM 4528 06 lb ft OTM DLRM HDFe L PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH Base Plate Nailing Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11N) Anchor Bolt Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11E) 16d Common Nails 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail W1E= 213 861bft 1 B.P. Nailina Spacing Bp 0.87 ft 16d 8' o.c 1 Max Opening Height Oft, Therefore C 1 00 per lBC Table 2305 3 7 2 HDFe 1287.95 lb A 830 lb ZB As ve A.B. Soacina As 5 92 ft 518' A.B. 72' o.c As 5.92 ft 1875R 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf CD 1.33 ZB A CD ZB 1103 91b Per Bolt Holdown Force Holdown Types HPAHD22 HDFe 1287.95 lb Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 3170 Fax: (253) 284 3183 .WALL F -Side Load Garage Option D. Wind loads per foot: W l 169.99 lb ft Distance between shear wall. Li 27 ft Wall Length •Lf (20) ft Percent full height sheathing Check Seismic. Rf 15 psf 20 ft 27 ft Wa 10•psf 20•ft 5 ft W Rf Wa W 50501b 7VWZ 1 Seismic Force Ef E f 27 191bft Lf Overturning Moment on Wall. Plate Height: Pt 8 ft Lf 20•ft OTM vf Lf Pt OTM 21432.85lbft Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting. Rf 6 (15 psf) 2 ft Lf Wa 6 (10•psf)Pt Lf W Rf Wa W 13201b Lf DLRM W DLRM 13200 lb ft 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: I OTM DLRM HDFf L Wind force of 133 961b ft I E f= 27 1916 ft I 20ft 20ft ZN 122 lb CD 1 33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N 162.26 lb B Z'N Per Nail Bp of Bp L21 ft Shear Wall Summary: 1875R 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 f100 MPH) Designer Truc Nguyen PROJECT Plan 1878R/2A WIF 213861 I Seismic Force B.P. Nailing Spacing A.B. Spacing B 1.21 ft 16d 16' o.c I Max Opening Height Oft, Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 W aLI –a +W L1 -2a (LI -2a) IL 2 L1 W1 2L1 Check Wind Force vf of 133 9616 ft I CONTROL Lf HDFf 411 641b A 830 lb ZB As vf 5/8' .A.B 72' o.c. 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Base Plate Nailing Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11N) Anchor Bolt Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11E) 16a Nails 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness CD 1.33 ZB A CD ZB 1103.9 lb Per Bolt As =8.24ft As 8.24 ft HDFf 411 641b Holdown Force Holdown Types No Holdown Req'd Page FOOF FWING I'LAN E ;1CKET p /iii i�%✓.il n .,i/ ?or %i+�/.� ��A r I 1 4tCEJSJ Q 512 15:12 (a I tie MFR COMMON TRUSSES 74' OL.— `L, a5 PER MFG SPECS. TYP 6 I Zmo ma I I 4x12. GABLE END TR155 I MFR COMMON TRUSSES 24 OL. 45 PER MFG. SPECS. TYP ROOF PLAN W/ OPT. GARAGE I C O Tt0N C SCALE +*••r -m• gel !Pm Air_ ..ri'� V I. a GIRDER TRJ55 ■IQ 617 L/ el I (.9. I i I GABLE ND TR15S I MFR Cc 11ON TPoJ55E5 74' OL. AS PER MFG. 5PEC5. ttP ROOF PLAN W/ OPT. GARAGE SCALE (11 -0' CAS CADE Residential Design, Inc. VO Job Name 3 II PLAN Lfl Location (7 �Z P LA A) Technical Representative t om; 4 I P 4 4 x t 2 1)F P Job Number Sheet I of B TV �a L I V e Date 102 South 26th St. 'Tacoma, WA 98402 253.284.3170 i 253.284.3183 fax email: cascade©ix.netcom.com Description Beam 1 General Information Section Name 4x10 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Full Length Uniform Loads a gh Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb Fb Deflections 896.16 psi 1,242.00 psi Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 Center Left Right DL DL DL 3.500 in 9.250 in Sawn 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf 3.73 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k ft 5.17 fv Fv Dead Load Total Load -0.025 in 3.000 ft 2,892.4 D.L. Defl 0.037 in 0 000 in 0.000 in 308.00 /ft LL #/ft LL /ft LL 0.722 1 3.7 k -ft 5.2 k -ft at 3.000 ft at 6.000 ft 85.66 psi 207 00 psi -0 065 in 3.000 ft 1 101 02 Reactions. Left DL Right DL Title Dsgnr Description Scope Rev 580003 User KW- 0605873, ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec 2003 1c11983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow 900.0 psi Fv Allow 180.0 psi Fc Allow 625.0 psi E 1 600.0 ksi Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Summary Span= 6.00ft, Beam Width 3.500in x Depth 9.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin 6 00 ft ft ft 513 00 /ft #/ft /ft Maximum Shear 1 5 Allowable Shear Camber 0.95 k 0.95 k .Lu .Lu .Lu Left Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Job Date. 11 17AM, 24 JUN 05 0 000 in 0.0 0.000 in 00 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0 00 ft Page 1 1875r2.ecw:Calculations Beam Design OK 2.8 k 6.7 k Left 2.48 k Right 2.48 k Left 0 000in Center 0.037 in Right 0.000 in Max 2.48 k Max 2.48'k Dead Load Total Load 0 000 in 00 0.000 in 00 Rev 580003 User KW- 0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec 2003 General Timber Beam (01983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description Beam2 [General Information y Section Name 4x10 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL AMMUMMISLIMMUOURftet 3.500 in 9.250 in Sawn 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf Summary Span= 5.00ft, Beam Width 3.500in x Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow 5.17 fb Fb 351.85 psi 1,242.00 psi .Location 2.500 ft .Length /Deft 8,740.2 Camber using 1.5* D.L. Defl Center 0 010 in Left 0 000 in Right 0.000 in 1 46 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft fv Fv !Deflections as 04, Center Span. Dead Load Deflection -0.007 in 44,E 173.00 /ft LL 288.00 /ft /ft LL /ft /ft LL /ft Depth 9.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin 0.283 1 1.5 k -ft 5.2 k -ft at 2.500 ft at 5.000 ft 37 75 psi 207.00 psi Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow 900.0 psi Fv Allow 180.0 psi Fc Allow 625.0 psi E 1 600.0 ksi -0.018 in 2.500 ft 3,365.13 Scope Reactions. Left DL Right DL Title Ds®nr• Description "otal Load Left Cantilever 500 ft ft ft .Lu .Lu .Lu Maximum Shear 1 5 Allowable Shear Left Right Camber Left Center Right 0.45 k 0 45 k Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Max Max Dead Load 0.000 in 00 Job Date: 11 17AM, 24 JUN 05 0.000 in 0.0 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0 00 ft Page 1 f 1 187Sr2.ecw:Calculations Eu Beam Design OK 1.2 k 6.7 k 1 17k 1 17k 0.000 in 0.010 in 0.000 in 1 17k 1 17k Total Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 Rev' 580003 User KW- 0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec 2003 General Timber Beam (01983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software i 'a'«t s,' "a- r: .er: i .:ry xa m,v t. .s aas ss,.0 xa... ,z, tea. me aar;aar ^zn •..a.:: Description Beam3 General Information Section Name 6x8 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density LFuII Length Uniform Loads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever '16357= 357= 'mfU TIENTAiew Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length /Deft Camber using 1.5 D. Center Left Right DL DL DL 5.500 in 7 500 in Sawn 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf Summary Span= 8.00ft, Beam Width 5.500in x Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 279.85 psi Fb 776.25 psi [Deflections 1.20 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 3.34 fv Fv Dead Load -0.027 in 4 000 ft 3,555.8 L. Defl 0.040 in 0.000 in 0.000 in Code Ref: 2001 NDS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined �u =,4.N4 53.00 #/ft /ft /ft Depth Depth 0.361 18.54 psi 161 00 psi Scope Center Span 8.00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Hem Fir No.2 Fb Base Allow 675.0 psi Fv Allow 140.0 psi Fc Allow 405.0 psi E 11000ksi .5in, Ends are Pin -Pin 1 1.2 'k -ft 3.3 k -ft at 4 000 ft at 0.000 ft Title Dsgnr Description zW LL 88.00 /ft LL /ft LL /ft Reactions. Left DL Right DL Maximum Shear *1 5 Allowable Shear 0.25 k 0.25 k Total Load Left Cantilever -0 065 in 4.000 ft i 474.04 Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl .Lu .Lu .Lu 0.8 k 6.6 k Left 0 60 k Right 0 60 k Camber Left 0.000 in Center 0.040 in Right 0 000in Max 0.60 k Max 0 60 k Dead Load 0.000 in 00 Job Date 11 17AM, 24 JUN 05 0 000 in 00 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0.00 ft Page 1 p p 1875r2.ecw:Caiculations t: Beam Design OK Total Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 Rev 580003 User KW- 0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1-Dec 2003 (c11983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software -.r :-r ;'•n,.' Description Beam4 LGeneral Information Section Name 4x12 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Full Length Uniform Loads ds' Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Summary w.w .eraA s.,..,YAn;X,,., ga•,a Span= 16.00ft, Beam Width 3.500in x Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 571.55 psi fv Fb 1 138.50 psi Fv L Deflections Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 D.L. Center Left Right 3.500 in 11.250 in Sawn 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf DL DL DL 3.52 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 7.00 Dead Load -0 104 in 8.000 ft 1,845.3 Defl 0 156 in 0.000 in 0 000 in Title Dsgnr. Description Scope General Timber Beam Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined x rsv E.._'�'' x 4 '........,.®:e ra.r.. is aN 47 "t lagag.EZmw:— r aa1u....a<:.�,..Z7F':,7" :Si Center Span 16.00 ft .Lu 0 00 ft Left Cantilever ft .Lu 0 00 ft Right Cantilever ft Lu 0 00 ft Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow 900.0 psi Fv Allow 180 0 psi Fc Allow 625.0 psi E 1 600 0 ksi 38.00 /ft LL 63.00 #/ft /ft' LL /ft #/ft LL #/ft Depth 11.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin 0 502 1 3.5 k -ft 7.0 k -ft at 8.000 ft at 16.000 ft 29. ;,4 psi 207 00 psi Total Load -0.244 in 8.000 ft 787.35 Reactions. Left DL Right DL Maximum Shear *1 5 Allowable Shear 1.2 k 8.2 k Left 0 88 k Right 0.88 k Camber Left 0 000 in Center 0 156in Right 0.000 in 0.38 k 0.38 k Left Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Dead Load 0 000 in 00 Job Date: 11 17AM, 24 JUN 05 Beam Design OK Max 0.88 k Max 0.88 k 0.000 in 00 Page 1 t 1875r2.ecw:Calculations� Total Load 0.000 in 00 0 000 in 00 Rev 580003 User KIN- 0605873 Ver 5.8.0, 1-Dec 2003 (c)1983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description Beam4A General Information x Section Name 4x12 Beam Width 3.500 in Beam Depth 11.250 in Member Type Sawn Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor 1 150 Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Wood Density 32.500pcf Full Length Uniform Loads .Ai ."Pis' Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Summary e�.•an,3 Span= 8.00ft, Beam Width 3.500in x Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 583.70 psi Fb 1 138.50 psi [Deflections Center Span. Dead Load Deflection -0.024 in .Location 4.000 ft .Length /Defl 3,980.5 Camber using 1.5 D.L. Defl Center 0 036 in Left 0.000 in Right 0 000 in General Timber Beam Title Dsgnr• Description Scope Zlif«2272ZU a w7 i ra•o-q :car JORV.7 "4. Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined acer 165.00 /ft #/ft /ft Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E LL 275 00 /ft LL /ft LL /ft Depth 11.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin 0.513 1 3.6 k -ft 7 0 k -ft 3.59 k -ft at 4 000 ft 0.00 k -ft at 0.000 ft 0 00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 7.00 Reactions. fv 52.53 psi Left DL Fv 207.00 psi Right DL 8.00 ft ft ft 900 0 psi 180.0 psi 625 0 psi 1 600.0 ksi Maximum Shear 1 5 Allowable Shear 2.1 k 8.2 k Left 1.80 k Right 1 80 k Camber Left 0 000 in Center 0 036 in Right 0 000 in 0.70 k 0.70 k .Lu .Lu .Lu Total Load Left Cantilever Dead Load -0.062 in Deflection 0 000 in 4 000 ft .Length /Deft 0.0 1,541.94 Right Cantilever Deflection 0 000 in Length /Deft 0.0 Job Date. 11 17AM, 24 JUN 05 0.00 ft 0 00 ft 0.00 ft Beam Design OK Max 1.80 k Max 1 80 k Page 1 1875r2.ecw:Calculations k Total Load 0.000 in 00 0 000 in 00 ?6 Rev 580003 User KW 0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec 2003 General Timber Beam 101983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description Beam4B L General Information Section Name 3.125x13.5 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 3.125 in 13.500 in GluLam 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL 173.00 /ft LL Left Cantilever DL /ft LL Right Cantilever DL /ft LL Summary Span= 16.00ft, Beam Width 3.125in x Depth 13.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin 0 690 1 15.1 k -ft 21.8 k -ft Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support 0 00 k -ft Max Right Support 0 00 k -ft Max. M allow 21.83 fb 1,903.46 psi fv Fb 2,760.00 psi Fv LDeflections Center Span. Dead Load Deflection -0.247 in .Location 8.000 ft .Length /Defl 7771 Camber using 1.5 D.L. Defl Center 0.371 in Left 0.000 in Right 0.000 in 15.06 k -ft at 8.000 ft 0.00 k -ft at 0 000 ft 115.64 psi 276.00 psi Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined 4 xt aa. `�drn .ak:264r:i ecr> ':.+<»e W4 _`:1: Z. Center Span 16.00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Douglas Fir 24F V8 Fb Base Allow 2,400 0 psi Fv Allow 240.0 psi Fc Allow 650.0 psi E 1 700.0 ksi Total Load -0 637 in 8.000 ft 301 43 Reactions. Left DL Right DL Title Degnre Description Scope 288.00 /ft /ft #/ft Lu .Lu .Lu Maximum Shear *1 5 Allowable Shear 146 k 1 46 k g Left Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Job Date: 11 17AM, 24 JUN 05 4.9 k 11 6 k Left 3.76 k Right 3.76 k Camber Left 0 000 in Center 0 371 in Right 0.000 in Max 3.76 k Max 3.76 k Dead Load 0.000 in 0.0 0 000 in 00 0.00 ft 0 00 ft 0.00 ft Page 1 3 1875r2.ecw:Calculations Beam Design OK Total Load 0 000 in 0.0 0 000 in 0.0 37 4 4 13 1 11y -11° L SLAB CN GRADE 16 -3' RO. 1 tx100__ i 1 etAs ON GRADE 1 :i, I-7i c 1 'le 5 r-i• is' 1. 341L 8PAGI FOUNDATION FRAMING PLAN -r BLAB a4 GRADE 5V-0' —p" 53 5-6 15 r3 L_ L_71.1 Location CASCADE Residential Design, Inc. 01 kthi_ -L. Technical Representative a Y 2 4 Job Name Pt AA) 1 /Zs/ Z 4b h i 0U t -T i 9)t I [2010 X1 p F 4t 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 253.284.3170 253.284.3183 fax email: cascade@ix.netcom.com Job Number Sheet of By 1 ALL[ L ?:34 Date _I Rev- 580003 User KW- 0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec 2003 (c11983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering software Description Beam5 [General Information warommarmsvapit...4, 597 7 Section Name 4x10 Beam Width 3.500 in Beam Depth 9.250 in Member Type Sawn Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor 1 150 Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Wood Density 32.500 pcf Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL 138.00 /ft Left Cantilever DL /ft Right Cantilever DL /ft Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Ye Title Dsgnr Description Scope General Timber Beam Job Date. 11 17AM, 24 JUN 05 Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined wt4sRei r. ti ",w�^rwwe £.aM, ,,:m s• NnrR. .....:.re3i,� "?"'7238.7” 8 Center Span 7.00 ft .Lu 0.00 ft Left Cantilever ft Lu 0 00 ft Right Cantilever ft .Lu 0 00 ft Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow 900 0 psi Fv Allow 180 0 psi Fc Allow 625.0 psi E 1,600 0 ksi LL 460 00 /ft LL #/ft LL /ft Summary Span= 7 OOft, Beam Width 3.500in x Depth 9.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin 0.718 1 3.7 k -ft Maximum Shear *1 5 2.5 k 5.2 k -ft Allowable 6.7 k 3.71 k -ft at 3.500 ft Shear Left 2.12 k 0 00 k -ft at 7 000 ft Right 2.12 k Page 1 1875r2.ecw:Calculations Beam Design OK Max Left Support 0 00 k -ft Camber Left 0 000 in Max Right Support 0.00 k -ft Center 0.032 in Max. M allow 5.17 Reactions. Right 0.000 in fb 891.38 psi fv 76.96 psi Left DL 0.51 k Max 2.12 k Fb 1,242.00 psi Fv 207.00 psi Right DL 0.51 k Max 2.12 k Deflections taw. ,Z a: .i,. «Dui. '.°xa^'.k.loSZC v,...'a,.., r "a q 1,C p ai p,,: g f Wv 7' r w"" ;;ss:m..4,Ti i :Z :.m, :7 ".nH,m"a;:9as,?,s..1e.S..,ws a v.at4M .,,:n..t?«i:&. :r.. .r Center Span. Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.021 in -0 089 in Deflection 0 000 in 0 000 in .Location 3.500 ft 3.500 ft .Length /Deft 0 0 0 0 Length /Defl 3,952.4 948.79 Right Cantilever Camber using 1.5 D.L. Defl Deflection 0 000 in 0.000 in Center 0.032 in .Length /Defl 0 0 0 0 Left 0 000 in Right 0.000 in 4 0 Rev 580003 User KW- 0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1-Dec 2003 X11983.2003 ENERCALC Engineerin Software Description Beam6 -MAIN FLR. JST (OPTION) General Information Section Name 2x10 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density L Full Length Uniform Loads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Summary Span= 12.00ft, Beam Width 1.500in x Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 718.28 psi Fb 1,236.54 psi Fv Deflections Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length /Deft Camber using 1.5 D. Center Left Right DL DL DL 1 500 in 9.250 in Sawn 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf Dead Load -0.069 in 6.000 ft 2,074.9 L. Defl 0 104 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 1.28 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 2.20 fv 16.00 #/ft #/ft /ft General Timber Beam Depth 9.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin 0.581 1 1.3 k -ft 2.2 k -ft at 6.000 ft at 0 000 ft 40.23 psi 172.50 psi Scope Code Ref 2001 NDS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Base allowables are user defined Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Hem Fir No.2 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E -0.258 in 6.000 ft 558.06 LL 52.00 #/ft LL /ft LL /ft Reactions. Left DL Right DL Title Dsgnr• Description 12.00 ft ft ft 850.0 psi 150.0 psi 405 0 psi 1,300 0 ksi Maximum Shear *1 5 Allowable Shear 0.11 k 0.11 k Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl .Lu .Lu .Lu 0 00 ft 0 00 ft 0.00 ft Job Date. 11 17AM, 24 JUN 05 Repetitive Member Beam Design OK 06 k 2.4 k Left 0 43 k Right 0 43 k Camber Left 0 000 in Center 0.104 in Right 0.000 in Max 0 43 k Max 0 43 k 0.000 in 0 000 in 0.0 0 0 Page 1 1875r2.ecw:Calculations TEel°,= ra oz:; as M ,:-r r 'aa 3 .442Z .r.a, luriw"',x„ Total Load Left Cantilever Dead Load Total Load Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in .Length /Defl 0 0 0 0 4t SUPPORTS. I*6°) BEAM 6 -MAIN FLR. JST AVG user Bu refs 9 1/2" TJI®110 16" o/c TJ- Beam(TM) 6.10 Serial Number 7003013791 User Pagel 2 8/17/2004 Engine Versioon:: 110. 3 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN Page 1 nine Version: 1 10. DESIGN CONTROLS. PROJECT INFORMATION: PLAN 1875R/2 CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED 0 e 12' LOADS. Analysis is for a Joist Member Primary Load Group Residential Living Areas (psf): 40.0 Live at 100 duration, 12.0 Dead El Product Diagram is Conceptual. Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Other Width Length Live /Dead /Uplift/Total 1 Stud wall 3.50' 2.25' 320 /96 /0 416 A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 1 1/4' x 9 1/2' 0.8E TJ- Strand Rim Board® 2 Stud wall 3.50' 2.25' 320 96 0 416 A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 1 1/4' x 9 1/2' 0.8E TJ- Strand Rim Board® See TJ SPECIFIER'S BUILDERS GUIDE for detail(s) A3: Rim Board Maximum Design Control Control Location Shear (Ibs) 402 396 1220 Passed (32 Rt. end Span 1 under Floor loading Vertical Reaction (Ibs) 402 402 1018 Passed (39 Bearing 2 under Floor loading Moment (Ft Lbs) 1163 1163 2380 Passed (49 MID Span 1 under Floor loading Live Load Defl (in) 0.138 0.290 Passed (U999 MID Span 1 under Floor loading Total Load Defl (in) 0.180 0.579 Passed (L/773) MID Span 1 under Floor loading TJPro 48 35 Passed Span 1 Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL:U480,TL:U240). Deflection analysis is based on composite action with single layer of 23/32' Panels (24 Span Rating) GLUED NAILED wood decking. Bracing(Lu)• All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 2' 8' o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability ADDITIONAL NOTES. IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus Joist (TJ) TJ warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with TJ product design criteria and code accepted design values. The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJ technical representative for product availability THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code UBC analyzing the TJ Distribution product listed above. opy rght O 2003 by Trus Jo st Weye Be nes TJI® nd TJ Beam® are eg ,tered trademark, of Tr Jorst e -L JorstTM ProTM nd TJ Pro'' are trademarks of Tr Joist OPERATOR INFORMATION: Truc Nguyen Cascade Residential Design 102 South 26th Street Tacoma, WA 98402 Phone (253) 284 -3170 Fax (253) 284-3183 trucn @cascaderd.com /Ih Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 H SL h KCE E FCE S L` F' Cp F' c F' 462 psi Axial Load Capacity Slenderness Ratio (SL) H SL h KCE E FCE SL C 0 8 KCE 0.3 FCE 840 psi C 0.8 KCE 0 3 FCE 993 psi F' Cp F' c F' 794 psi Pmax F A PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH1 Maximum Load For 6x6 HF #2 Wood Post psf psi plf psf ft lb plf ft H 9 08341 144 F 575 psi Cp 1 CFb 1 CM 1 C 1 CL 1 CF 1 E'•= 1100000•ps, F' c F Cp CFc F' c 575 ps, 6x6 HF #2 Wood Post Properties Kf 1 (Kf 0 6 for unbraced nailed Axial Load Capacity built up posts 0 75 for bolted) Slenderness Ratio (SL) h 5.5 in t 5.5 in FCE FCE \2 FCE 1 1 F c F' F c Cp Kf C 0.8 p 2C 2C C p Pmax F' A A• =th A= 30.3in th 3 1 1= 76.3in 12 S•= I Z S= 277in Pmax 13978 lb (Maximum post Capacity) Maximum Load For 3 -2x6 HF #2 Built up Wood Post psi psf plf psf ft lb plf ft H 9 083•ft 144 F 1300•psi Cp 1 CFb 1 CM 1 CI 1 CL 1 CF 1 1 E' 1 300000•psi 3 -2x6 HF #2 Built Up Post Properties F' c F CD CF F c 1430 psi Kf 1 h 5.5.in t 3(1.5)in A• =th t h 12 A 24.8 in 1 62.4 ,n \2 S•= 12 S 22.7 in FCE FCE FCE h 1 I F' c F' c F� c C Kf C 0.56 p 2C 2C C p 0.6 for unbraced nailed built up posts 0.75 for bolted) Pmax 19662 lb (Maximum post Capacity) 1875R 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer' Truc Nguyen Page w r Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 Maximum Load For 2 2x6 HF #2 Built up Wood Post H SL h FCE F 1300-psi CD I CFI 1 CM 1 C 1 CL 1 CF 1 1 E'•= 1300000 psi F' c F CD CFc F' c 1430pst 2 -2x6 HF #2 Built Up Post Properties Axial Load Capacity Slenderness Ratio (SL) SL C 0 8 KCE 0.3 KCE E' FCE, FCE 993 psi SL 12 3 2 S• S 15 1 in FCE FCE FCE h 1+ 1+ F' F'c F' C Kf C 0.56 Cp 2C 2C C p F' C F F' 794 psi Maximum Load For 4x4 HF #2 F 1300-psi ,E' 1300000 psi F' c F CD CFc Axial Load Capacity Slenderness Ratio (SL) psf psi plf psf ft lb plf ft H 9.083-ft 144 CD I CFb 1.5 CM 1 C 1 CL 1 CF 1 15 Ci 0 85 F' c 1495 psi C 0 8 KCE 0.3 F 402 psi F' Cp F' c F c 377 psi Pmax Pc A PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH Pmax F' A 4x4 HF #2 Wood Post Properties Kl. 1 Kr 1 h 5.5 in t (2) 1.5-in A• 11 I i 1= 416in4 h 3.5 in t 3.5-in psf psi plf psf ft 144 12 KCE' E' SL S•= 1 S =71in FCE FCE F CE h l 1 F' c F' c F c C Kf c 0.25 Cp 2 C 2 C C_ p (Kf 0 6 for unbraced nailed built up posts 0 75 for bolted) A= 16.5 in lb plf ft H 9 083-ft Pmax 13108 lb (Maximum post Capacity) A• =th A= 12.3in th 3 1•= 1= 12.5in 12 (Kf 0.6 for unbraced nailed built up posts 0 75 for bolted) Pmax 4615 lb (Maximum post Capacity) 1875R 2A 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 Maximum Load For 3 -2x4 HF #2 Built up Wood Post F 1300•psi CD 1 CFb I CM I C 1 CL I CFc I 1 E' 1300000 psi F' c F CD CFc F' c 1430 psi Axial Load Capacity Slenderness Ratio (SL) 1 SL h KCE FCE SL S 12 S 9.2in h 2 FCE 1 FCE F CE 1+ 1+ F' Fc Fc K C p 2C 2C C Kf F' Maximum Load For 2 2x4 HF #2 Built up Wood Post psi plf psf ft lb plf ft H 9 083 ft 144 F 1300•pst CD l CFb 1 CM 1 Cr= 1 CL 1 CF 1 1 E' 1300000 psi 2 -2x4 HF #2 Built Up Post Properties F' c F CD CF F' c 1430 psi _Axial Load Capacity Slenderness Ratio (SL) H SL h KCE E FCF SL C C 0 8 KCE 0.3 FCE 402 psi C =0.8 KCE =0.3 FCL 402 psi 2 FCE FCE 1 1 F' c F' c 2C 2C Fi Cp F F' 375 psi F' 375 psi Pmax FcE PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH1 Kf Pmax Pc' A psf 44 plf psf ft 3 -2x4 HF #2 Built Up Post Properties Kf I 0 6 for unbraced nailed built up posts 0 75 for bolted) h 3.5-in t 3 l.5•in A• =th A= 158in 3 1•= th 1= 161in 12 C 0.26 Pmax 5913 lb (Maximum post Capacity) Kt- 1 (Kf 0.6 for unbraced nailed built up posts 0.75 for bolted) h•= 3.5 in t'= (2) 1.5 in A• =th A= 10.5in 3 1 1= 107in 12 12 3 S' S =61in h C 0.26 lb plf ft H 9 083•ft Amax 39 lb (Maximum post Capacity) 1875R 2A- 100MPH mcdi 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen Page Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Faxr,(253) 284 -3183 Maximum Load For 6x6 HF #2 Treated Post F 460 psi CD 1 CFb 1 CM 1 Ct 1 CL l CF 1 E' 1045000 psi 6x6 HF #2 Treated Wood Post Properties F' c Fe CD CFc F' c 460 psi Axial Load Capacity Slenderness Ratio (SL) H SL h KCE E FCE SL H SL h KCE E' FCC SL C•= 0.8 KCE• =0.3 FCE 798 psi F' C F' c F' 387 psi C 0.8 KCE 0.3 FCE 1970 psi F' Cp F' c F 892 psi FCE FCE 1 •CE 1 I F'c F'c F c K Cp 2 C 2 C C` f 'max F' A Maximum Load For 4x4 HF #2 Treated Fuondation Post Pmax F'c A PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH1 psf Psi plf psf ft lb plf ft H 9 083•ft 144 K f 1 (Kf 0 6 for unbraced nailed built up posts 0 75 for bolted) h 5.5 in t 5.5•in A t h t h 12 A 30.3 in 2 1= 76.3in 2 S•= 11 -2 S= 277 FCE FCE FCE h 1 1 F'c F'c F'c C Kf Cp 0 84 Cp 2C 2C C 'max 117101b (Maximum post Capacity) F 1040•psi CD 1 CFb 1 CM 1 C 1 CL 1 CF 1 E 1235000 psi 4x4 HF #2 Treated Wood Post Properties F'c Fe CD CFc F' 1040 psi Kf 1 (Kf 0.6 for unbraced nailed Axial Load Capacity built up posts 0 75 for bolted) Slenderness Ratio (SL) h 3.5 .in t 3.5 in psf psi plf psf ft lb plf ft H 4 ft 144 A =t A= 123in 3 1•= th 1= 12.5in 12 S•= 12 S =71in h Cp 0.86 Pmax 10930 lb (Maximum post Capacity) 1875R 2A- 100MPH mcd 6/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen Page ino CASCAD Residential Design, inc. LAT'ERAIJ ANALYSIS EXPIRES. JUNE 5 2007 IF THIS SIGNATURE IS NOT IN COLOR, DO NOT ACCEPT FOR PERMIT SUBMITTAL. PROJECT Addendum to Plan 1875R/2A 3 Car Side Load Garage Option December 28, 2005 2003 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE 100 MPH WIND EXPOSURE B SOIL SITE CLASS D SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D, /D, 102 S 26 St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Phone 253 284 -3170 Fax 253 284 -3183 2 CAR GARAGE MAIN FLOOR PLAN SCALE I 1/48. r-�' SOP 14 srff-c)/ 4 Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL B w/ 3rd cars sides load garage option Wind loads per foot: W1 169.991bft 1 W1E 213.86lbft Distance between shear wall: L1 39•ft L2 38ft l Wall Length. Lb (10.5 4 5 12).ft Lb 31.Sft Lb 10.5 +4 9 I +5+ 12 •ft Lb 31 06ft 1 Max Opening Height Oft, Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 Percent full height sheathing: Check Wind Force: Rf 15•psf 55.ft 392 38 ft Wa 10•psf 55•ft•6.ft W =Rf +Wa Seismic Force. Overturnina Moment on 4ft Wall: Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft Lb 4. ft OTM vb- Lb Pt OTM 7641.26 lb ft Shear Wall Dead Load Resistina: Rf .6•(15•psf)•20•ft Lb W =Rf +Wa Lb DLRM W DLRM 1876.8 lb ft 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: HDFb OTM DLRM HDFb 1441 12 lb Lb Wind force: 7 V W Eb Lb 4ft 4ft 2a, 1: 7 4 a L2 W 35062.5 lb Eb 121.591bft 1 Wa .6•(10•psf)Pt Lb W 938 41b vb 209.92 Ibft 1 Eb= 121.591bft 1 B 0 77ft 16d 8' o.c. PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH 2 ";L 1 2 Check Seismic: 7116' 'Sheathing 8d�.nails;@ 6.C. ';O Win :92414city 339,p1f Seishiic Crapacity =242 :p Base Plate Nailing Spacing 12001 NDS Table 11N) Anchor Bolt Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11E1 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N 162.26 lb A 830.1b CD 1.33 ZB As-CD ZB 1103.91b Z Per Nail ZB Per Bolt B Bp =077ft As• As =5.26 ft vb vb Shear Wall Summary: Seismic Force. B.P. Nailing Spacing A.B. Spacing As 5.26 ft 5/8' A.B. 60' o.c. vb 209.92 lb ft 1 1875R -2A -1 OOMPH mod I 12/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen. Holdown Force. Holdown Types STHD8RJ HDFb 1441 121b Page' Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102•South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL E 3rd cars Sides load Garaae ootion. Wind loads per foot: W I 169.99lbft Distance between shear wall: L1 20.ft Wall Length. Le (8).ft Percent full height sheathing: Check Wind Force: Check Seismic: Rf 15 psf 39-ft 20 ft Wa 10•psf 39•ft 5-ft 2 W Rf Wa W 7800lb 7 V W Seismic Force: E E 105 lbft Le Overturnina Moment on Wall: Plate Height: Pt 8.1 ft L 8-ft OTM ve•L OTM 16602.89 Ibft Shear Wall Dead Load Resisting. Rf .6.(15.psf).11.5 ft L Wa .6•(10•psf)Pt L W• Rf Wa W= 1216.8lb L DLRM W DLRM 4867.2 Ibft 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: HDFe OTM DLRM HDFe 1466.96 lb L Base Plate Nailina Soacina (2001 NDS Table 11N1 Anchor Bolt Soacina (2001 NDS Table 11E1 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. 5/8' Dia. Bolt &1 1/2' Plate Thickness. ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 ZN ZN CD Z'N B p ve B 0.63 ft Shear Wall Summary: 8ft 8ft PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A 1100 MPH) Z'N 162.26 lb Per Nail WIE 213.86 lbft 1 1 Max Opening Height Oft, Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3 7.2 W1E2a• —a +WI (L1- 2a). -2a) ve L 1 2L 1 ve 256.2216 ft 1 CONTROL Le 16d 8' o.c. 5/8' A.B. 48' o.c. 7/16' Sheathingwliv%'8d riails; :6' :O'C` Wind`=Capacity 339'plf .Seismic. Capacity` 242 p A 830.lb CD 1.33 ZB A CD ZB As• As =4.31ft ye 1875R 2A- 100MPH.mcd 12/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen. ZB 1103.91b Per Bolt Wind force. Seismic Force. B.P. Nailina Spacing A.B. Soacina Holdown Force. Holdown Tvoes. H PAH D22 ve 256.221bft 1 E 105 lbft 1 B 0.63 ft As 4.31 ft HDFe 1466.961b Page r Cascade Residential Design, Inc. 102 South 26th St. Tacoma, WA 98402 Tel: (253) 284 -3170 Fax: (253) 284 -3183 WALL F 3rd cars Side Load Garage Option. Wind loads per foot: Distance between shear wall: L1 39-ft Wall Length: Lf (20)-ft Percent full height sheathing Check Wind Force: Check Seismic: Rf 15•psf 20-ft 2 9 ft Wa 10•psf 20-ft 5-ft W Rf Wa W 68501b 7VW Seismic Force. Ef Lf Overturning Moment on Wall. Lf 20- ft OTM vf Lf Pt Shear Wall Dead Load Resistina: Rf .6•(15•psf)•2 ft Lf W =Rf +Wa Lf DLRM =W- 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFf Lf vf 186.46Ibft 1 W1= 169.9916ft 20ft 20ft W1E 2a L1 -a +W1 (L1- 2a)• -2a) L1 2L1 vf._ Lf DLRM 132001b ft HDFf 831 71 lb ZN 122 lb CD 1.33 Z'N ZN CD Z'N B p vf Bp 0.87ft Shear Wall Summary: Wind force. Seismic Force: Ef 36.88 lbft 1 Ef 36 881bft I PROJECT Plan 1875R/2A (100 MPH W1E 213.86 lbft 1 1 Max Opening Height Oft, Therefore C 1 00 per IBC Table 2305 3.7.2 Plate Height: Pt 8 ft Wa .6•(10•psf)Pt•Lf W 13201b OTM 29834.2916 ft Z'N 162.2616 Per Nail B.P. Nailing Spacing A.B. Spacing Bp= 0.87 ft As 5.92 ft 16d 8' o.c. 5/8' A.B. 60' o.c. vf 186 461bft I 1875R- 2A- 100MPH.mcd 12/28/2005 Designer Truc Nguyen CONTROL VI 6' ;Sheathing /E8d- nailsg6' O.C. Wind Capacity ti 339'plf Seismic capacity -242 plf Base Plate Nailina Soacina (2001 NDS Table 11N1 Anchor Bolt Spacing (2001 NDS Table 11E1 16d Common Nails, 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. 5/8' Dia. Bolt 1 1/2' Plate Thickness. A 830•lb CD 1.33 ZB A ZB As• As 5.92ft vf Holdown Force: Holdown Types No Holdown Req'd HDFf 831 711b ZB 1103.916 Per Bolt Page