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217 Juniper Ln Technical - Building
TECHNICAL Permit 07 284 Address an Project description New 5 FrAyyl Res\ s Ge Date the permit was finaled Number of technical p a g. es 5S 1901 Center Street Phone 253 284 -3100 Residential Engineering Groin LATERAL ANALYSIS BEAM CALCULATIONS EXPIRES. JUNE 5 2009 IF THIS SIGNATURE IS NOT IN COLOR, DO NOT ACCEPT FOR PERMIT SUBMITTAL. PROJECT Plan 1875R/2 October 24, 2007 2006 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE 100 MPH WIND EXPOSURE B K 1 00 SOIL SITE CLASS D SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY D /D2 'S 6 Tacoma, WA 98409 Fax 253 284 -3183 Residential Eng =neerin9 Group DESIGN LOADS. ROOF DEAD LOADS ROOF LIVE LOADS FLOOR DEAD LOADS FLOOR LIVE LOADS STAIR LIVE LOADS 15 PSF Total 40 PSF (Snow) 15 PSF Total 40 PSF (Reducible) 100 PSF PROJECT 1875R/2 WOODS WOOD TYPE. JOISTS OR RAFTERS 2X. -HF #2 BEAMS OR HEADERS 4X 6X OR LARGER -DF #2 LEDGERS AND TOP PLATES- -HF #2 STUDS 2X4 OR 2X6 -HF #2 POSTS 4X4- -HF #2 4X6- -HF #2 6X6- -DF #1 GLUED LAMINATED (GLB) BEAM HEADER. Fb =2 400 PSI Fv =165 PSI Fc (Perp) =650 PSI E =1 800 000 PSI PARALLAM (PSL) 2 OE BEAM HEADER. Fb =2 900 PSI Fv =290 PSI, Fc (Perp) =750 PSI E =2,000 000 PSI MICROLAM (LVL) 1 9E BEAM HEADER Fb =2,600 PSI Fv =285 PSI Pc (Perp) =750 PSI E =1 900 000 PSI TIMbERSTRAND (LSL) 1 3E BEAM, HEADER, RIM BOARD Fb =1 700 PSI Fv =400 PSI Pc (Perp) =680 PSI E =1 300 000 PSI TRUSSES. PREFABRICATED WOOD TRUSSES SHALL BE DESIGNED BY A REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. TRUSS DESIGNS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF IBC 2303.4 SUBMITTAL PACKAGE SHALL COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF IBC 2303 4 1 4 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIAL OR STATUTE TRUSS DESIGNS BEARING THE SEAL AND SIGNATURE OF THE TRUSS DESIGNER SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT TIME OF INSPECTION ENGINEERED I JOISTS -FLOOR JOISTS BEAMS OF EQUAL OR BETTER CAPACITY MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THOSE SHOWN ON THIS PLAN, 'EQUAL IS DEFINED AS HAVING MOMENT CAPACITY SHEAR CAPACITY AND STIFFNESS WITHIN 3% OF THE SPECIFIED JOISTS OR BEAMS 10/2412007 I Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2.mcd Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering 1F. 1 0 R S 158 S i 0 40 F l 00 F,, =1.5 W w Equation 16 -37 Equatibn 16 -38 A2 (Main 10/24/2007 I Residents! l ngnecring Qloup LATERAL ANALYSIS BASED ON 2006 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) Lateral Forces will be distributed along lines of Force /Resistance Lines of Force /Resistance will be investigated for both wind and seismic lateral loads. Roof and Floor diaphragms are considered flexible SEISMIC DESIGN SEISMIC DESIGN BASED ON 2006 IBC CHAPTER 16 SECTION 1613 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING LIGHT FRAME CONSTRUCTION LESS THAN THREE STORIES IN HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE Seismic Design Data. Soils Site Class D (Assumed) Seismic Design Category D /0 For Seismic Use Group I occupancy (ASCE 7 -05 Table 11 5 -1) Light Framed Walls w/ Wood Shear Panels (ASCE 7 -05 Table 12 14 -1) Mapped Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration Short- Period Mapped Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration 1- Serond Period Site Coefficient based on Site Class S (ASCE 7 -05 Table 11 4.1) Site Coefficient based on Site Class S (ASCE 7 -05 Table 11 4 -2) Seismic Weight of Overall Structure Seismic Weight of Structure above Level x (LB S S s 1 a S S1 F RooOlope Adjustment Factor Plan Area for Each Level Al 1984ft S 9091 S (Main Roof area) 7 7 1984ft` S 1016ft` S Roof area w/ 2nd car side load garage) 7 A3 1984ft` 1312fC S (Main Floor area w/ 3rd car side load garage) A4 1984ft I 145ft S (Main Floor area w/ 3rd car front load garage) 1.58 Smi =06 S PROJ ECT 1875R/2 cos a.tan 12 Equation 16 -39 Equation 16 -40 S =112 Plan Perimeter for Each Level: P1 2(57ft) 2(60ft) (Main Floor) 2 SDS Sills 2 SDI 3 Sml S P2 2(57ft) 2(65ft) (Main Floor w/ 2nd car side load garage) P3 2(57ft) 2(77ft) (Main Floor w/ 3rd car side load garage) P4 2(66ft) 2(60ft) (Main Floor w/ 3rd car front load garage) Residential Engineering Group, LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, VVA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax 253- 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering SDS 1 05 SDI =04 cos atan „12), S 1.2 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2.mcd F 1 0 VIE'= V2E 4 V3E'= V4E Residential Er c; ee 'mg Group Weight of Structure at Each Level Story Weight at Main Floor wI 25 psf (Ai) 10-psf 5 ft (P1) Story Weight at Main Floor 2nd car side load garage w2 25.psf (A1) 10•psf 5 ft (P2) Story Weight at Main Floor 3rd car side load garage. w3 25 psf (Ai) 10.psf 5 ft (P3) Story Weight at Main Floor 3rd car front load garage w4 25 psf (Ai) 10•psf 5 ft (P4) Shear at each Level (F SDS'w1) R' S DS'( w2 R [F SDS'(w3)] R [F SDS R Total Base Shear W w3 10psf 5ft P3 'F SDS'W� VE 10/24/2007 VE 17755 4 lb F =1 0 for one -story building F =1 1 for two -story building F =1 2 for three -story building Vl E 15308 42 lb V2E 15389 45 lb V3E 15583.91 lb V4E 15454.27 lb PROJECT 1875R/2 Equation 12 14 -11 Residential Engineering Group LLC' 1901 Center Street Tacoma WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax. 253 284 -3183 Designer' TRUC NGUYEN Engineering Weight of floors include weight of floor framing flooring material insulation and 5psf for miscellaneous partition walls Story Shear at Main Floor Story Shear at Main Floor 2nd car side load garage Story Shear at Main Floor 3nd car side load garage Story Shear at Main Floor @3nd car front load garage Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2.mcd Residential Engineering Group LLC Residential PROJECT 1875R/2 1 Center Street Tacoma WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax. 253 284 -3183 tr.g netiing Group Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering WIND DESIGN USE ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE OF ASCE 7 -05 SECTION 6 5 ENCLOSED BUILDING LESS THAN 60 FEET IN HEIGHT WIND EXPOSURE B h 15.25.ft Mean Roof Height as per Sec 6 2 1 1 0 Important Factor (Table 6 -1). V 100 Wind Speed Miles per Hour (Figure 6 -1). z 1200ft Per Table 6 -2: z 1200ft a 7 0 for Exposure B Kd 0.85 Wind Directionality Factor (Table 6 -4) a 7.00 z 900ft a 9 5 for Exposure C "2 h \,a Kh 2 01 Kh 0.58 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient (Table 6 -3). Topographic Factor (Figure 6 -4): 2 -D Escarpment with building downwind of crest for Exposure B. x l ft Lh 1 ft K1 0.85 H L h GC 8 Windward Wall GC f2 .25 Windward Roof GC –.6 Leeward Roof GC –.5 Leeward Wall 10/24/2007 I K� 0 85 H l ft K2 -1– x vtLh z h y 2.5 K2 =075 GCpsl .8 GCps2 .35 GCps3 6 GCps4 46 Velocity Pressure q Evaluated at Mean Roof Height (h) (Equation 6 -15) qh•= 000256KhK qh =12.57 Design Wind Pressures p g g (Equation 6 -18) =4 y z) L K3• =e K3 0 Kzt (I K1 K2•K3)2 Kz 1 Internal Pressure Coefficients (Figure 6 -5) GC 18 External Pressure Coefficients w/ Roof Pitch 6/12 (26 6 degrees) Front to Back 8/12 (33.7 degrees) Side to Side Taken from Figure 6 -6 (w/ G =0 85 per Section 6 5 8 1) Front to Back. Side to Side Lfb 42ft Bfb 57ft Lhb 0 74 h 0.36 Lss 57ft Bss 42ft L„ 1.36 h 0.27 Bfb Lfb BSS I ss Windward Wall Windward Roof Leeward Roof Leeward Wall Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2.mcd APFgoX '0› S U 1•1111111011, WOW" WWI IVO le 11, la II v i tt 1 Z 1 c S&L w e FL BRONT OVATION 12 1 1 RIGHT ELEVATION MIA) Roc.F {}T 2© 5 4( ice alT,C VENT rip r 1 r C i totok s ors \IS I 1101100111 I II WW1 Sank, C ;ML" 1 Residential crrpne€ ring Group PROJECT 1875R/2 he Internal Pressures on Windward and Leeward Walls Roofs will offset each other for the lateral design of the pverall building and will therefore be ignored for this application Front to Back. Pfl qh (GCpfl) psf Pf2 qh (GCpt2) psf P13 qh (GCpt3) psf Pf4 qh (GCpt4) psf pfi 10.05 Ibft 2 pf2= 314lbft Pf3 —7.54 lb ft 2 Pf4 —6.28 lb ft 2 Windward Wall Windward Roof Leeward Roof Leeward Wall Side to Side. Wind Pressure at Walls Roof e 2car front load aaraae (Front to Back). Vl W (pf2 Pf3) (pfl pf4) Wind Pressure at Walls Roof ae 2nd car front load aaraae (Side to Side). V2W (Ps2 Ps3) ft (psi Ps4) 506•ft Wind Pressure at Walls Roof e 2nd car side load aaraae (Side to Side). V3W (Ps2 Ps3) (273 52) ft Psl Ps4) 26) ft Wind Pressure at Walls Roof e 3rd car side load aaraae (Side to Side). V4W (Ps2 Ps3) 73) ft (Ps1 Ps4) (506 51) ft Wind Pressure at Walls Roof e 3rd car front load aaraae (Front to Back): V :W (pi-2 pf3) (388 135) ft (pfl pf4)'( 77) ft Psi qh (GC psf Ps2 qh (GCps2) psf Ps3 qh (GC psf Ps4 qh (GCps4) psf 1 But not less than 10 psf over the projected vertical plane Vi W 12082.61b V2W 11269 761b V3W 12302.11 lb V4W 12948.59 lb V5W 14782.21 lb Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering psi 10 051bft 2 ps2= 441 bft 2 Psi —7.54 lb ft 2 Ps4 —5 781b ft 2 Vi W 12082 6 lb V2W 11269 761b V3W 12302.11 lb V4w 12948.59 lb V5W 14782.21 lb Windward Wall Windward Roof Leeward Roof Leeward Wall 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group, LLC 1875R 2.mcd 34 31 MAN PE-00S.5' 57' 9 ilet7 14 26 (.b WALL A. Wind Force Residential Enq neerincj Group Story Shear due to Wind V2W 11269 761b Bldg Width in direction of Load L 60 ft Shear Wall Length La (3.8 5 67 4 2)ft La 17 47 ft Percent full height sheathing va V2W L1 L 2 La va 204.281b ft 1 va 246 121b ft I C Dead Load Resistina Overturning. L a DLRM WR DLRM 9367.95 lb ft 2 HolFiown Force Net Uplift: ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 CD ZN Co Bp Bp 0 76 ft Per Nail E Shear Wall Summary: PROJECT 1875R/2 Distance between shear walls. L1 38.ft 9.5-ft 100 =61.29 15.5 ft per IBC Table 2305 3.8.2 Overturning Moment on 15.5ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft L 9.5-ft OTM E L Pt OTM 18477.3 lb ft WR 0 6(15.psf) 17 ft L 0 6-(10•psf) 1Pt L 0 6.(10psf) Oft L OTM DLRM HDFa C L Seismic Force. p 1 0 E E 213 731b ft 1 HDFa 1155.28 lb Base Plate Nail Spacing (2005 NDS Table11N) Anchor Bolt SDacina (2005 NDS Table 11E1 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir 5/8' Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir Wind Force Seismic Force. B.P. Nailing Spacing A.B. Spacing va 1 Ea I B 0 76 ft As 5.34 ft 246 12 lb ft 257.511b ft p C C 10/24/2007 i 16d 8' o.c. 5/8' A.B. 60' o.c. Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering Story Shear due to Seismic: VIE 15308 42 lb Max Opening Height 4ft -Oin Therefore C 0.83 La 4 8 2+ 3 8• 7 5 67 ft 91 91 VIE L1 0 7p L t 2 La Ea 257.51 lb ft Co P1 -4 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 4 0 C. Wind Capacity 494 plf Seismic Capacity 353 plf A 860 lb CD 1.6 ZB As As ZB C, As 5.34 ft Per Bolt E Holdown Force ZB 1376 lb Holdown Types HDFa 1155.28 lb Simspon STHD8RJ Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2 mcd WALL B. Story Shear due to Wind Bldg Width in direction of Load L 60.ft Shear Wall Length Lb (10 6 3 4 4.8 11 8)ft Lb 34.2 ft Percent full hei ht sheathin o 16.5 ft 1 9 g /o= J100 /0 =8571 19.25• ft Wind Force vb vb 164 761b ft vb 189.381b ft C Overturnina Moment on 19ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft Lb 13.5 ft OTM vb•Lb Pt OTM 20241 091bft Dead Load Resisting Overturnina: WR 0 6(15 psf) 17 ft Lb 0.6•(10•psf) 1Pt Lb 0.6•(10psf) Oft Lb Lb DLRM WR 2 Residential Erg4 nee trig Group Hczdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFb HDFb 112.69 lb Co Lb Base Plate Nail Spacing (2005 NDS Table11N) 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 CD ZN C B vb Shear Wall Summary: V2W L1 L2 L 2 Lb DLRM 18917.551b ft B 1 03 ft V2W 11269 761b Per Nail PROJECT 1875R/2 Story Shear due to Seismic: VIE 15308 42 lb Distance between shear walls. Max Opening Height 6ft-8in Therefore C 0.87 per IBC Table 2305 3.8.2 Seismic Force p 1.0 Eb 163.88 lb ft 1 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering L1 38•ft L2 22 ft Lb 106 +3 +4I 9 +48+ 11.8 ft Eb b 188.371b ft 1 Co VIE LI L2 0 7p. L t 2 Lb, P1 -6. 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C. Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Anchor Bolt Spacing (2005 NDS Table 11E) 5/8' Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir A 860 lb CD 1 6 ZB A CD ZB 13761b As ZB Co As 7.27 ft Per Bolt vb Wind Force Seismic Force: B.P. Nailina SDacina A.B. Spacing Holdown Force Holdown Types vb 189.38 lb ft 1 Eb 188.371b ft I B 1 03 ft As 7.27 ft HDFb 112.691b NO HOLDOWN C C 16d 12' o.c. 5/8 A.B. 72' o.c. 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2 mcd WALL C. Story Shear due to Wind Bldg Width in direction of Load L 57 ft Shear Wall Length Lc (6 6.33 5)ft Percent full height sheathing '12 ft 100 ,18 ft} Wind Force vc 348 6lb ft 1 vc 348.6 lb ft I C Overturning Moment on 18ft Wall. L 12 ft OTM vc L Pt OTM 38067.51 lb ft Dead Load Resistina Overturnina. WR 0 6(15•psf) 2 ft L 0.6•(10•psf) 1Pt L 0 6•(10psf) Oft L L DLRM WR DLRM 5227.2 lb ft 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: HDFc Overturnina Moment on 5ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft L 5 ft OTM vc L Pt OTM 15861 461b ft Dead Load Resistina Overturnina: WR 0 6(15•psf) 2 ft L 0 6•(10•psf) 1Pt L 0 6•(lopsf)•Oft L L DLRM WR DLRM 907.5 lb ft 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: HDFc1 OTM DLRM C L Base Plate Nail Spacing (2005 NDS Table11N) 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5') Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 CD ZN C B Residential n_cgineering Group vc vc Shear Wall Summary: vc l 348 61b ft Co Vl L1 L 2 Le B 0.56 ft Wind Force. Seismic Force. Vi w 12082 6lb Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft OTM DLRM C L Per Nail 1c 309 17 lb ft 1 B =0 56 ft Co PROJECT 1875R/2 Story Shear due to Seismic: VIE 15308 42 lb Distance between shear walls L1 57 ft Lc 17.33 ft Lc Lc Max Opening Height 2ft -Oin, Therefore C 1 00 =66.67 per IBC Table 2305 3 8.2 Seismic Force E 309 171b ft I HDFc 2736 691b HDFc1 2990 79 lb B.P. Nailina Spacina A.B. Spacina p 1.0 E VIE 1 -1 0 7p L 2 t Lc Ec 309 171b ft Co P1 -4 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 4 0 C Wind Capacity 494 plf Seismic Capacity 353 plf Anchor Bolt Soacina (2005 NDS Table 11E) 5/8' Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir A 860 lb CD 1 6 ZB A CD As ZB Co As 3.95 ft Per Bolt vc As 3.95 ft Residential Engineering Group LLC' 1901 Center Street Tacoma WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax 253 284 -3183 Designer' TRUC NGUYEN Engineering 16d 6' o.c. 5/8' A.B. 48' o.c. HDFc1 2990 79 lb 1Z Holdown Force HDFc 2736 69 lb ZB 1376 lb Holdown Types Simspon STHDIORJ 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2 mcd WALL D: Residential Er 4neenng Group Story Shear due to Wind V1 W 12082.6 lb Bldg Width in direction of Load L 57 ft Shear Wall Length Ld, (15 6 75 25.25)ft Percent full height sheathing '47 ft 100 83.93 Max Opening Height 4ft -Oin Therefore C 0.91 ,56-ft per IBC Table 2305 3 8 2 Wind Force vd VI L1 Lt 2 Ld, vd 128.54 lb ft 1 vd 141.251b ft 1 C Overturning Moment on 56ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft Ld 47 ft OTM vd Ld•Pt OTM 54975.83 lb ft Dead Load Resistina Overturnina. WR 0.6(15•psf) 2 ft Ld 0 6•(10•psf) 1Pt Ld 0 6•(l0psf) Oft Ld Ld DLRM WR 2 Holdown Force Net Uolift: OTM DLRM HDFd C Ld Base Plate Nail Soacina (2005 NDS Table11N) Anchor Bolt Soacina (2005 NDS Table 11E) 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir 5/8' Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 B CD ZN Co B 1.38 ft P vd p DLRM 80186.7 lb ft HDFd -589 45 lb Per Nail PROJECT 1875R/2 Distance between shear walls. Ld 47 ft Ld Ld Seismic Force* p 1 0 Ed 114 lb ft 1 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax. 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering Story Shear due to Seismic VIE 15308 42 lb L1• =57ft Ed VIE L1 0 7p Lt 2 14 Ed 1 125.27 lb ft C P1 -6. 7116' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf A 860•lb CD 1 6 ZB A CD As ZB CO As 9 74 ft Per Bolt vd ZB 1376 lb Shear Wall Summary: Wind Force Seismic Force. B.P. Nailina Spacing A.B. Soacin9 Holdown Force Holdown Types vd 1 Ed 1 B 1.38 ft As 9 74 ft HDFd -589 451b No holdown 141.25 lb ft 125.271b ft co CO 16d 16' o.c. 5/8' A.B. 72' o.c. 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group, LLC 1875R 2.mcd Residential Encj veering Group WALL E. Story Shear due to Wind Bldg Width in direction of Load L 57 ft Shear Wall Length Le (8 8.5)ft Wind Force ye Vl L1 L 2 Le, VIw 12082.6 lb PROJECT 1875R/2 Percent full height sheathing: 16.5 ft 100 76.74 Max Opening Height 2ft -Oin Therefore C 1.00 21.5 ft per IBC Table 2305 3 8.2 E e ve 128 47 lb ft V e 128 471b ft 1 E 113.9416 ft 1 113.94 lb ft 1 C o Co Overturnina Moment on 21.5ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft L 16.5 ft OTM ve•L Pt OTM 19289 77lbft Dead Load Resistina Overturnina. WR 0 6(15 psf) 10•ft L 0 6•(10•psf) 1Pt L 0.6.(lOpsf) Oft L L DLRM WR 2 DLRM 19683 671bft Holdown Force Net Uplift: HDFe OTM DLRM C L Base Plate Nail Spacing (2005 NDS Table11 Nl 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 CD ZN Co Bp B 1.52 ft Per Nail ve Shear Wall Summary: Wind Force 12847lbft Co Seismic Force. Ee 113.94 lb ft Co HDFe -23.87 lb B 1.52 ft Story Shear due to Seismic VIE 15308 42 lb Distance between shear walls. L1 20.ft Le 16.5 ft Le Le Seismic Force p 1 0 E Anchor Bolt Soacina (2005 NDS Table 11E) 5/8' Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir A 860 lb CD 1 6 ZB A CD ZB 13761b As ZB Co As 10 71 ft Per Bolt ve B.P. Nailing Spacina A.B. Spacina Holdown Force 16d 16' o.c. 5/8' A.B. 72' o.c. As 10 71 ft HDFe -23.87 lb 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2.mcd Residential Engineering Group LLC' 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax: 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering VIE L1 07p L t 2 Le P1 -6 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C. Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Holdown Types no holdown Residential ng s'»cring Group WALL F. Story Shear due to Wind Bldg Width in direction of Load. Shear Wall Length Lf (1.88 1 88)ft ,Percent full height sheathing Wind Force vf vf 549.5 lb ft of 549.5 lb ft C See APA Technical Topic TT 100B A Portal Frame with Hold Downs for Enaineered Analications' (Emphasis Added) Restraint Panel Height 9ft Maximum Restraint Panel Width 1ft -10 1 /2in Minimum Allowable Shear per Panel 1160 lb (3 75ft vf) 2 O K. Shear per Panel V2W L1 L 2 Lf Ff 1030.31 lb V2W 11269 761b L 60•ft 10•ft 100 100 10•ft Ff See Portal Frame Construction Detail on Structural Sheets for framing nailing and holdowns. PROJECT 1875R/2 Story Shear due to Seismic: V2E 15389 451b Distance between shear walls. L 22 ft Max Opening Height Oft -Oin Therefore C 1.00 per IBC Table 2305 3 8 2 Seismic Force p 1 0 Ef 525.261b ft 1 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2 mcd Lf (1.88 1.88)ft Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax: 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering Ef 1 525.26lbft C V2E Ll 0 7p L t 2 Ef Lfs 39) 35 ENT K A.tt 4. OPT. MASTER CLOSET �.c Y3 4-d 20 MM. RATED DOOR DK TO 5 AS J 5 HAU 2 CAR GARAGE 4' CONC. cl IAA 71 nxnC LACCE55J I by MAN FLOOR PLAN OPTION 2ND CAR SIDE LOAD GARAGE 37 zo WALL B Cad Master closet option. Story Shear due to Wind Bldg Width in direction of Load Shear Wall Length Lb (4.25 2 4 4.8 11.8)ft Lb 29 1 ft Lb 4.25( 2 4 .8 4 8 11.8 ft 91) ,91, Percent full g: height sheathin 16.5 J f 1 100 85 71 Max Opening Height 6ft-8in Therefore C 0.83 9 19.25 ft per IBC Table 2305 3 8 2 Wind Force vb vb 211.38 lb ft vb 254 67 lb ft C Overturnina Moment on 19.25ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft Lb 16.5 ft OTM vb•Lb Pt OTM 31738.18lbft Dead Load Resistina Overturnina: WR 0 6(15.psf) 17 ft Lb 0.6.(10.psf) 1Pt Lb 0 6•(10psf) Oft Lb Lb DLRM WR 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: Overturnina Moment on 11ft Wall. Lb 8.5•ft OTM vb.Lb Pt Dead Load Resistina Overturning. WR 0.6(15•psf) 20.ft Lb 0.6•(10•psf) 1Pt Lb 0.6•(10psf) Oft Lb Lb DLRM WR 2 Residential E,g:neenng Group V3w L1 L2 L 2 Lb DLRM 28259.55 lb ft DLRM 8474.92 lb ft V3w 12302.11 lb L 65 ft HDFb OTM DLRM HDFb 254 01 lb C Lb Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft OTM 16349.97 lb ft Holdown Force Net Uplift: HDFb1 OTM DLRM Base Plate Nail Spacing (2005 NDS Table Co Lb 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir ZN 122 lb CD 16 CD ZN C Bp vb Shear Wall Summary: B =077ft Wind Force Seismic Force: E vb 254 67 Ibft I Eb 231.31 Ibft I C C Per Nail B 077 ft PROJECT 1875R12 Story Shear due to Seismic: V2E 15389 45 lb Distance between shear walls. L1 38 ft L2 27 ft Seismic Force. p 1 0 Eb 191.98 lb ft I As vb B.P. Nailina Spacina A.B. Spacing Holdown Force Residential Engineering Group LLC' 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax. 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering Eb Eb 1 231.311b ft Co V2E L1 L2 0 7p Lt 2 Lb P1 -6 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C. Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf HDFb1 1116.24 lb Anchor Bolt Spacing (2005 NDS Table 11E) 5/8' Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir A 860 lb CD 1 6 ZB A CD ZB 1376 lb ZB C As 5 4ft Per Bolt As 5 4 ft HDFb 254 01 lb 16d 8' o.c. 5/8 A.B. 60' o c. HDFb1 1116.24 lb Holdown Types NO HOLDOWN Holdown Types. Simspon STHD8RJ 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2 mcd Residential Eng neering Group WALL C (a Master closet option. Story Shear due to Wind ViW 12082.6 lb Bldg Width in direction of Load Shear Wall Length Lc (6 6.33 8 17)ft Percent full height sheathing* Wind Force vc 294 71b ft vc 346 71b ft 1 Co Overturnina Moment on 30.5ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft L 20.5 ft OTM vc•L Pt OTM 54975.83lbft Dead Load Resisting Overturnina. WR 0 6(15 psf) 2 ft L 0.6•(10•psf) 1Pt L 0.6•(10psf) Oft L L DLRM WR DLRM 15255 07 lb ft 2 OTM DLRM Holdown Force Net Uplift: HDFc Base Plate Nail Soacina (2005 NDS Table11N1 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 B CD ZN Co B 0.56 ft Per Nail v c vc Shear Wall Summary: VI L1 L 2 Lc L 57 ft 0 20.5.ft o 100 /0 =67.21 (3O.S.fJt C L PROJECT 1875R/2 Story Shear due to Seismic. V2E 15389 45 lb Distance between shear walls Lc 20.5 ft Lc Lc Seismic Force p 1.0 E 262.751b ft 1 HDFc 2279.53 lb A 860 lb ZB C As vc Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax. 253 284 -3183 Designer* TRUC NGUYEN Engineering L1• =57ft Max Opening Height 4ft-Oin, Therefore C 0.85 per IBC Table 2305 3.8.2 E c V2E L1 0 7p L t 2 Lc Ec 309 11 lb ft Co P1 4 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 4' 0 C Wind Capacity 494 plf Seismic Capacity 353 plf Anchor Bolt Soacina (2005 NDS Table 11E1 5/8' Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 112' Plate Hem -Fir CD 1 6 ZB A CD As 3.97 ft Per Bolt ZB 1376 lb Wind Force Seismic Force: B.P. Nailing Spacing A.B. Soacina Holdown Force vc 1 Ec 1 Bp 0.56 ft As 3.97 ft HDFc 2279.53 lb Holdown Types 346 71b ft C Co 16d 6' o.c. 5/8' A.B. 48' o.c. 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2 mcd MALL E 2nd car side load garaae option. Story Shear due to Wind Viw 12082.61b Bldg Width in direction of Load Wind Force Residential Engniee ing Group ve ve 194 83 lb ft ve 194 83 lb ft C L DLRM WR DLRM 599 691bft 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFe C L ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 B CD ZN Co B 1 ft ve Shear Wall Summary: L 57 ft HDFe 1564 73 lb Per Nail PROJECT 1875R12 Shear Wall Length. Le (8 2.88)ft Le 10.88 ft Overturnina Moment on 2.88ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft L 2.88 ft OTM ve•L Pt OTM 5106.11 lb ft Dead Load Resistina Overturning: WR 0 6(15.psf) 10.ft L 0 6•(10•psf) 1Pt L 0 6•(10psf) Oft L Distance between shear walls. E 192.4 lb ft 1 Wind Force. Seismic Force B.P. Nailina Spacina A.B. Spacina ve 194 83 lb ft 1 E 192 4 lb ft 1 B 1 ft As 7 06 ft Co Co 16d 12' o.c. 5/8' A.B. 72' o.c. Story Shear due to Seismic: V2E 15389 45 lb Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax. 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering L1 20•ft Le 8 2.88( 5 76 ft 9 1 Percent full height sheathing (10-ft) 100 100 Max Opening Height Oft -Oin Therefore C 1.00 10•ft per IBC Table 2305 3.8 2 VI Ll 0 V2E L1 L 2 p L 2 Le Seismic Force: p 1 0 E Les s Ee 1 192.4 lb ft C P1 -6. 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Base Plate Nail Spacina (2005 NDS Table11 N) Anchor Bolt Spacina (2005 NDS Table 11E) 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir 5/8' Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir A 860 lb CD 1.6 ZB A CD ZB 13761b As ZB Co As 7.06 ft Per Bolt ve Holdown Force Holdown Types HDFe 1564 73 lb HPAHD22 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2 mcd WALL F at i 2nd car side load garage option. Story Shear due to Wind V3W 12302.11 lb Bldg Width in direction of Load L 65 ft Shear Wall Length. Lf (20)ft Percent full hei ht sheathing. 10.ft 9 9 100 100 10.ft Wind Force Residential Engineering Group vf V3W 1 -1 L 2 Lf, of 127 751b ft of 127 75 lb ft C Overturnina Moment on 20ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft Lf 20•ft OTM vf Lf Pt OTM 23250.99 lb ft Dead Load Resistina Overturnina. WR 0.6(15•psf) 2 ft 0.6•(10•psf) 1Pt +0 6•(10psf)•Oft Lf Lf DLRM WR 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: HDFf OTM DLRM C Lf DLRM 14520 lb ft HDFf 436.551b Base Plate Nail Spacing (2005 NDS Table11N) 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 CD ZN Co Bp Bp 1.53 ft Per Nail vf Shear Wall Summary: Wind Force Seismic Force. vf 127 751b ft 1 E f 111 871b ft 1 C C B 1.53 ft PROJECT 1875R12 Lf 20 ft Lf Lf, Seismic Force p 1 0 Ef= 111.87lbft 1 B.P. Nailina Spacing A.B. Spacing Holdown Force 16d 16' o.c. 5/8' A.B 72' o.c. As 10 77ft HDFf 436.55 lb Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax. 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering Story Shear due to Seismic V2E 15389 45 lb Distance between shear walls. L1 27 ft Max Opening Height Oft -Oin Therefore C 1.00 per IBC Table 2305 3 8 2 V2E L1 0 7p L 2 Ef t Lf Ef 111.87 lb ft C P1 -6 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' O.C. Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Anchor Bolt Spacing (2005 NDS Table 11E) 5/8 Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir A 860 lb CD 1.6 ZB A CD ZB 13761b As Zg •Co As 10 77ft Per Bolt vf Holdown Types no holdown 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2.mcd 4. imo 4L AR GARAGE 1 1 1 1 •3't Wind Force. vb Residential Engineering Group WALL B 0 Master bath option. Story Shear due to Wind Bldg Width in direction of Load V4W L1 L2 L 2 Lb V4W 12948.59 lb L 77 ft Shear Wall Length Lb (10 3 4 4 8 11.8)ft Percent full height sheathing. 16.5 ft 100 85 71 19.25 -ft PROJECT 1875R/2 Story Shear due to Seismic: V3E 15583.91 lb Distance between shear walls. L1 38.ft L2 39 -ft Lb =33.6 ft Lb 10 +3 +4 +48+ 118 ft 91) (9 1) Max Opening Height 6ft -8in Therefore C 0.83 per IBC Table 2305 3.8.2 Seismic Force p 1 0 Eb Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel. 253 284 -3100 Fax: 253 284 -3183 Designer' TRUC NGUYEN Engineering V3E L1 L2 0 7p Lt 2 Lb E b vb 192.69 lb ft vb 232.151b ft 1 Eb 169.95 lb ft 1 204 761b ft 1 Co Co Overturnina Moment on 19.25ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft P1 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C. Wind Capacity 339 plf Lb 16.5 ft OTM vb•Lb Pt OTM 28932lbft Seismic Capacity 242 plf Dead Load Resistina Overturnina. WR 0 6(15 -psf) 17 ft Lb 0 6.(10-psf). 1Pt Lb 0.6•(10psf) Oft Lb Lb DLRM WR 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: DLRM 28259.55 lb ft OTM DLRM HDFb C Lb Overturnina Moment on 3ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft Lb 3 ft OTM vb•Lb Pt OTM 5260.36 lb ft Dead Load Resistina Overturnina. WR 0 6(15.psf) 17 ft Lb 0 6.(10.psf) 1Pt Lb 0 6•(10psf) Oft Lb Lb DLRM WR 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: DLRM 934.2 lb ft Overturnina Moment on 10ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft Lb 10•ft OTM vb•Lb Pt OTM 17534.55 lb ft Dead Load Resistina Overturning. WR 0 6(15 psf) 20 -ft Lb 0 6•(10•psf) 1Pt Lb 0.6.(10psf) Oft Lb Lb DLRM WR DLRM 11730 lb ft 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: HDFb1 OTM DLRM C Lb HDFb2 OTM DLRM C Lb HDFb 49 1 lb HDFb1 1737 42 lb HDFb2 699.34 lb 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2 mcd Wind Force vb 232 151b ft C Residential Engineerng Group Base Plate Nail Soacina (2005 NDS Table11N) 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 CD ZN C B vb Shear Wall Summary: B 0.84 ft Seismic Force: Eb I 204 76 lb ft C Per Nail PROJECT 1875R/2 Anchor Bolt Spacing (2005 NDS Table 11E1 5/8' Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir A 860 lb CD 1 6 ZB A CD As ZB Co As 5.93 ft Per Bolt vb B.P. Nailina Soacina A.B. Spacing Holdown Force B =0.84 ft As 5.93 ft HDFb 49 1 lb 16d 8' o.c. 5/8' A.B. 66' o.c. HDFb1 1737 42 lb Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax 253 284 3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering HDFb2 699.34 lb ZB 1376 lb Holdown Tvoes. NO HOLDOWN Holdown Tvpes Simspon STHD8RJ Holdown Tvpes. No holdown 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2.mcd Residential En neering Group WALL C na Master bath option. Story Shear due to Wind VI W 12082.6 lb Bldg Width in direction of Load L 57 ft Shear Wall Length Percent full height sheathing: Wind Force VC Lc„ (6 6.33 14 67)ft VlW L1 L 2 Lc, X 27 ft) J 100 ,38-ft L 27 ft OTM vc L Pt OTM 54975 831b ft Dead Load Resistina Overturnina: WR 0 6(15 psf) 2 ft L 0.6•(10•psf) 1Pt L 0 6•(10psf)•Oft L L DLRM WR DLRM 26462 71bft 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: E vc 223 75 lb ft I vc 257 19 lb ft I E, 202.01 lb ft I c 232.2 Ib ft C C 71.05 Overturnina Moment on 38ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft OTM DLRM HDFc C L Base Plate Nail Soacina (2005 NDS Table] i N1 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 B CDZNCO B =076ft Wind Force vc Shear Wall Summary: Per Nail PROJECT 1875R/2 Story Shear due to Seismic. V3E 15583.91 lb Distance between shear walls L1 57 ft Lc, 27 ft Lc Lc„ Max Opening Height 4ft-Oin Therefore C 0 87 per IBC Table 2305 3 8.2 Seismic Force p 1 0 HDFc 1213.84 lb 16d 8' o.c. 5/8 A.B. 60' o.c. Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax: 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering E V3E L1 0 7p L t 2 Lc P1 -6. 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Anchor Bolt Soacina (2005 NDS Table 11E1 5/8 Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir A 860 lb CD 1 6 ZB A CD ZB 1376 lb As ZB Co As 5.35 ft Per Bolt VC Seismic Force B.P. Nailing Spacing A.B. Soacina Holdown Force vc 1 Ec 1 B 0 76 ft As 5.35 ft HDFc 1213.841b Holdown Tvoes 257 191b ft 232.21b ft Co Co Simspon STHD8RJ 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2 mcd Residential Engineeing Group WALL E na 3rd car side load garage option. Story Shear due to Wind V1w 12082.6 lb Bldg Width in direction of Load L 57 ft Shear Wall Length Le (8 1.88)ft Percent full hei ht sheathing (io. 10 .ft) Max Opening Height Oft-Oin Therefore C 1 00 9 9 J 100 100 ft per IBC Table 2305 3.8.2 Wind Force ve ve 214.55 lb ft 1 Viw L1 L 2 Le Overturning Moment on 8ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft L 8 ft OTM ye. L, Pt OTM 15619.24 lb ft Dead Load Resistina Overturning: WR 0 6(15 psf) 10•ft L 0 6•(10•psf) 1Pt L 0 6.(10psf) Oft L Le DLRM WR 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFe C L Base Plate Nail Spacing (2005 NDS TableliN1 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 Bp CD ZN Co B p 0 ft Per Nail ve Shear Wall Summary: Wind Force Seismic Force: ve 1 214.551b ft Co DLRM 4627.2 lb ft HDFe 1374 01 lb B.P. Nailing Spacing ve 214.55 lb ft 1 E 193 71 lb ft 1 B 0.91 ft Co Co 16d 8' o.c. PROJECT 1875R/2 Distance between shear walls. Le, =9.88 ft Seismic Force E 193 71 lb ft 1 ZB C As ve A.B. Spacing As 6.41 ft p 10 5/8' A.B. 72' o.c. Le (8 1.88)ft Shear per Panel Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax. 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering Story Shear due to Seismic: V3E 15583.91 lb L1 20-ft V3E L1 0 7p L t 2 Le Ee 1 193 71 lb ft C P1 -6: 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C. Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf See APA Technical Topic TT 100B A Portal Frame with Hold Downs for Engineered Aaalications' (Emphasis Added) Restraint Panel Height 10ft Maximum Restraint Panel Width 1ft 10 1 /2in Minimum Allowable Shear per Panel 860 lb (1 88ft. ve) F F 403.35 lb 0 K. See Portal Frame Construction Detail on Structural Sheets for framing, nailing and holdowns. Anchor Bolt Spacing (2005 NDS Table 11E1 5/8' Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir A 860 lb CD 1 6 ZB A CD As 6.41 ft Per Bolt ZB 1376 lb Holdown Force Holdown Types STHD8 HDFe 1374 01 lb STHD14 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2.mcd Residential ng veering Group WALL F Cad 3rd car side load garage option. Story Shear due to Wind V4W 12948.59 lb Bldg Width in direction of Load L 77 ft Shear Wall Length Lf (20)ft Percent full height sheathin 10•ft 100 100 9 9 10 ft per IBC Table 2305 3 8.2 Wind Force vf Seismic Force p 1 0 Ef= 138 13lbft 1 V4W Li L 2 Lf, vf 163.96 lb ft of 163.96 lb ft C Overturnina Moment on 20ft Wall. Lf 20•ft OTM vf Lf Pt Dead Load Resisting Overturning. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft HDFf OTM DLRM C Lf OTM 29840 61 lb ft WR 0 6(15 psf) 2 ft Lf 0.6•(10•psf) 1Pt Lf 0 6•(l0psf) Oft Lf Lf DLRM WR 2 DLRM 14520 lb ft Holdown Force Net Uplift: HDFf 766.03 lb Base Plate Nail Spacing (2005 NDS Tablel l N) 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 B CD ZN Co B 1 19 ft Per Nail B vf p PROJECT 1875R/2 Story Shear due to Seismic: V3E 15583.91 lb Distance between shear walls. LI 39•ft Lf, 20 ft Lf Lf 16d 12' o.c. 5/8' A.B. 72' o.c. Max Opening Height Oft -Oin, Therefore C 1 00 Residential Engineering Group, LLC' 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax: 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering V3E L1 0 7p Lt t 2 Ef Lfs Ef 1 138 13 Ib ft C P1 -6. 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C. Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Anchor Bolt Spacina (2005 NDS Table 11E1 5/8 Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir A 860 lb CD 1 6 ZB A ZB 13761b As ZB Co As 8.39 ft Per Bolt vf Shear Wall Summary: Wind Force Seismic Force. B.P. Nailina Spacina A.B. Spacing Holdown Force of 163 96 lb ft 1 Ef 138 13 lb ft 1 B 1 19 ft As 8.39 ft HDFf 766.03 lb Co C o Holdown Types. no holdown 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2.mcd 1 V c I 3•$ 4 SAT i b I I F MAIN FLOOR PLAN 3R0 CAII FRONT LOAD GARAGE OPTION a 1 lb Residential Engineering Group WALL B Ca 3rd car front Toad aaraae option: Story Shear due to Wind V 12082.61b Bldg Width in direction of Load. L 60-ft Shear Wall Length Lb (10 3 4 4.8 11.8 9)ft Lb 42.6 ft Percent full height sheathing Wind Force vb vb= 141811bft VIw Li L2 L 2 Lb Overturnina Moment on 10ft Wall. Lb 10•ft OTM vb.Lb Pt Dead Load Resisting Overturnina. Lb QLRM WR 2 Hoidown Force Net Uplift: HDFb OTM DLRM HDFb 304.23 lb C Lb ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 CD ZN C B vb Shear Wall Summary: Wind Force b 170.861b ft C 16.5 ft 100 =8571 ,19.254t, vb 1 170 861b ft Co DLRM 10380 lb ft Bp 1 14 ft Seismic Force. Eb 158.58Ibft Co PROJECT 1875R/2 Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft OTM 12905 13 lb ft WR 0 6(15•psf) 17 ft Lb 0 6•(10•psf) 1Pt Lb 0 6•(10psf) Oft Lb Base Plate Nail Spacing (2005 NDS Tabie11N1 16d Common (0.162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir Per Nail Distance between shear walls. Seismic Force. p 1.0 Eb 131 621b ft 1 A 860 lb ZB C As vb B.P. Nailing Spacing A.B. Spacing B =114 ft As =8.05 ft 16d 12' o.c. 5/8' A.B. 72' o.c. 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax: 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering Story Shear due to Seismic: V4E 15454.27 Ib Li 38•ft L2 22 ft Lb 10 +3(9 +4I 9 I +4.8 +11.8 +9 ft Max Opening Height 6ft-8in Therefore J J C o 0 83 per IBC Table 2305 3 8.2 Eb Lbs Eb 1 158.581b ft Co P1 6. 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C. Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Anchor Bolt Spacing (2005 NDS Table 11E) 5/8' Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir CD 16 Zg• =A CD As 8.05 ft Per Bolt Holdown Force HDFb 304.23 Ib HDFbI 1737 42 Ib V4E LI L2 0 7p L 2 ZB 13761b Holdown Types. No Holdown Holdown Types: Simspon STHD8RJ 1875R -2 mcd Residential Engineering Group WALL D a 3rd car front load aaraae option. Story Shear due to Wind V5W 14782.21 lb Bldg Width in direction of Load L 66-ft Shear Wall Length Ld, (15 6.75)ft Wind Force vd V5W L1 L2 L 2 Ld vd 159 61 lb ft I vd 159 611b ft co Overturning Moment on 25.75ft Wall. PROJECT 1875R/2 Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft OTM 31591.38 lb ft Ld 21 75•ft OTM vd Ld•Pt Dead Load Resistina Overturning. WR 0 6(15•psf) 2 ft Ld 0 6•(10•psf) 1Pt Ld 0 6•(10psf) Oft Ld L 12LRM WR 2d DLRM 17172.17 lb ft Holdown Force Net Uplift: HDFd OTM DLRM C Ld Base Plate Nail Spacing (2005 NDS Table11N1 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 B CD ZN Co B 1.22 ft Per Nail Bp vd p Story Shear due to Seismic: V4E 15454.27 lb Distance between shear walls. Ld 21 75 ft Ld Ld Percent full height sheathing: 21 75•ft\ 100 84 47 (25 75 ft, per IBC Table 2305 3.8.2 Seismic Force: p 1 0 Ed 116.811b ft I HDFd 662.95 lb Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering Li• 57ft Li• =9ft Max Opening Height lft-6in Therefore C 1.00 Ed Lds Ed I 116.81 lb ft C V4E L1 L2 0 7p L 2 P1 6. 7116' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' 0 C. Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Anchor Bolt Spacina (2005 NDS Table 11E1 5/8' Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir A 860•lb CD 1 6 ZB A ZB 1376 lb As ZB CO As 8.62 ft Per Bolt vd Shear Wall Summary: Wind Force Seismic Force: B.P. Nailina Spacing A.B. Spacing Holdown Force vd 159 61 lb ft I Ed 116.81 lb ft 1 Bp 1.22 ft As 8 62 ft HDFd 662.95 lb Co CO 16d 12' o.c. 5/8' A.B. 72' o.c. Holdown Types. No Holdown 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2 mcd WALL E 3rd car front load aaraae option. Story Shear due to Wind Shear Wall Length Le (8 8.5)ft Wind Force ve L DLRM WR- 2 Residential En Group V5w L1 L 2 Le Holoown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFe C L Shear Wall Summary: C Wind Force Seismic Force VSO, 14782.21 lb Bldg Width in direction of Load L 66.ft ve 196.82 lb ft 1 V 196.82 lb ft 1 DLRM 19683 671b ft HDFe 598 15 lb Base Plate Nail Spacina (2005 NDS Table11N1 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 B CD ZN Co B 0.99 ft Per Nail ve PROJECT 1875R/2 Percent full height sheathing 16.5 ft 100 76.74 Max Opening Height 2ft-Oin Therefore C 1 00 ,21.5 ft per IBC Table 2305 3 8.2 Overturning Moment on 21.5ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft L 16.5 ft OTM ve•L Pt OTM 29553.23 lb ft Dead Load Resistina Overturning. WR 0 6(15 psf) 10 -ft L 0 6•(10•psf) 1Pt L 0 6•(10psf) Oft L Story Shear due to Seismic: V4E 15454.27 lb Distance between shear walls. L1 29.ft Le 16.5 ft Le Le Seismic Force. p 1 0 E E 144 04 lb ft 1 Anchor Bolt Spacing (2005 NDS Table 11E1 5/8 Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir A 860 lb CD 1 6 ZB A CD ZB 1376 lb ZB C As ve As 6.99 ft Per Bolt B.P. Nailing Spacing A.B. Spacing Holdown Force. 16d 12' o.c. 5/8' A.B. 72' o.c. Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax. 253 284 -3183 Designer* TRUC NGUYEN Engineering V4E L1 0 7p L t 2 Le Ee 1 144 04 lb ft C P1 -6. 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' O.0 Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf ve 1 Ee 1 Bp 0.99 ft As 6 99 ft HDFe 598.151b 196.82 lb ft 144 04 lb ft C C 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2.mcd Holdown Types no holdown WALL F Ca 3rd car front load aaraae option. Story Shear due to Wind V2W 11269 76 lb Bldg Width in direction of Load L 60-ft Shear Wall Length Lf (1 88 1.88)ft Wind Force vf Residential Engineering Group vf 549.51b ft 1 of 549.5 lb ft C See APA Technical Topic TT 100B A Portal Frame with Hold Downs for Engineered Applications' (Emphasis Added) Restraint Panel Height 9ft Maximum Restraint Panel Width 1ft 10 1 /2in Minimum Allowable Shear per Panel 1160 lb Shear per Panel Ff (3 75ft vf) 2 O K. Ff 1030.31 lb V2W Li L 2 Lf See Portal Frame Construction Detail on Structural Sheets for framing nailing and holdowns. PROJECT 1875R/2 Story Shear due to Seismic: V4E 15454.27 lb Distance between shear walls. Lf 3 76 ft Lf Lf Percent full height sheathing (10-ft) l0 ft 100 100 per IBC Table 2305 3.8.2 Seismic Force p 1 0 Ef 527 47 lb ft 1 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax: 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering L1• =22ft Max Opening Height Oft-Oin Therefore C 1 00 Ef V4E Ll 0 7p L t 2 Lf Ef 1 527 47 lb ft Co 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2 mcd Residential E q ;leering Group WALL G 3rd car front load garaae option: Story Shear due to Wind. Bldg Width in direction of Load Shear Wall Length Lg, (22)ft Percent full height sheathing 10•ft 100 100 10 ft per IBC Table 2305 3 8.2 Wind Force vg 50.9 lb ft 1 vg V5W L1 L 2 Lg Overturning Moment on 22ft Wall. Plate Height: Pt 9 1 ft L 22 ft OTM vg L Pt OTM 10190 771b ft Dead Load Resisting Overturning. WR 0 6(15 psf) 2 ft L 0 6•(10•psf) 1Pt L 0.6•(10psf) Oft L Lg WR g DLRM 17569.2 lb ft 2 Holdown Force Net Uplift: OTM DLRM HDFg Co Lg ZN 122 lb CD 1 6 CD ZN C B vg B 3 83 ft vg 50 9 lb ft 1 g 37.25 lb ft 1 C C V5W 14782.21 lb L 66•ft vg 50.9 lb ft 1 C HDFg 335.38 lb Base Plate Nail Spacing (2005 NDS Tablet l Nl 16d Common (0 162 "x3.5 Nails 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir Per Nail PROJECT 1875R/2 Story Shear due to Seismic: V4E 15454.27 lb Distance between shear walls. L1 10-ft Lg 22 ft Lg Lg Seismic Force. p 1 0 E 37.251bft 16d 16' o.c. 5/8 A.B. 72' o.c. Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax: 253 284 -3183 Designer' TRUC NGUYEN Engineering Max Opening Height Oft -Oin, Therefore C, 1.00 Eg 0 7p V4E Ll L 2 Lgs Eg 37.251b ft 1 C P1 -6. 7/16' Sheathing w/ 8d nails 6' O.C. Wind Capacity 339 plf Seismic Capacity 242 plf Anchor Bolt Spacing (2005 NDS Table 11E) 5/8 Dia. Bolt (6' Embed) 1 1/2' Plate Hem -Fir A 860 lb CD 1.6 ZB A Cp ZB 1376 lb Shear Wall Summary: As ZB Co As 27 03 ft Per Bolt vg Wind Force Seismic Force B.P. Nailing Spacing A.B. Spacing Holdown Force Holdown Typ E no holdown Bp 3.83 ft As 27 03 ft HDFg —335.38 lb 10/24/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2.mcd 4' OL. 24' OC MFR SCISSOR TRSSES 24' OL. AS PER MFG. SPECS. TTP VILVOI a. 8:12 II I Ili II 1 \II Atuk 6X8 PT. 11 1 6 X E P.T. .ail .10 OVER fRN'C 1 N■ 1 GIRDER T7.1155 1 10 C I RIDGE C 6 X 8 P.T. 3 P 2 2 6 RAFTERS 24' OL .ROOF FRA IINE4N 6 RAFTERS 24' OL 2 X it MFR E T 24' 0.C. AS PER R MFG. SPECS. ECS. TTP L GABLES TRUSS GIRDER TRUSS I :11 8 N 'I OVER RI P V MFR SC SSOR TRUSSES 24' CC. AS PER MFG. SPECS. TTP 72:X30 AXTIC DOGES_ 8:12 8:l2 tt MFR =TON TRUSSES 24' CC. AS PER TE SPECS. TTP I'.6 GABLE EN TRJ55 2 b RAFTERS 24' OC. ROOF PLAN M. BATIK OPTION Aiwa mi. GIRDER TRUSS COMMON TRUSSES I4' OL. 46.5 PER 11FG. SPECS. TYP am. sL■Aavmim ire &Q GIRDER TRIES GABLE END TRJ55 COI'T'ION MISSES 24' O.C. AS PER MFG. SPECS ri ROOF PLAN e 2nd CAR SIDE ROOF PLAN 3rd CAR SIDE LOAD GARAGE OPTION LOAD GARAGE OPTION Vain p li GIRDER TJ55 F. A siriaL 4 X 12 4A 4XR 1 g 5:11 r GABLE END TR155 `IFR COFAIGN TP155E5 24' OL. A5 PER MFG 5PEC5. TYP ROOF PLAN 3rd CAR FRONT LOAD GARAGE OPTION Residential Design, Inc. CASCADE tip c /2. P G-0 Job Name Lq `7 V I Location V n r D P Lit A) Technical Representative t I .1 LO? 3% x J5 C L� i I (47 f'&A,) 44-6 i .i` t 102 South 26th St. Tacona,WA 98402 253.284.3170 253.284.3183 fax email: cascade@ix.netcorn.com Sheet of T By I V N p Date dY I Job Number _LIP vATE 10 z 0 -7 Rev 580000 User: KW-0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 (c)1983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description Beam1 window header LGeneral Information Section Name 6x10 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density LFull Length Uniform Loads Deflections Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 743.98 psi Fb 1 006.25 psi Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 Center Left Right DL DL DL 5.500 in 9.500 in Sawn 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf Dead Load -0.018 in 3.000 ft 3 944 4 D.L. Defl 0.027 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 5.13 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 308.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft General Timber Beam Center Span 6.00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow 875.0 psi Fv Allow 85.0 psi Fc Allow 625.0 psi E 1,300.0 ksi Span= 6.00ft, Beam Width 5.500in x Depth 9.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin Code Ref: 1997 NDS, 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined 0.747 1 5.1 k -ft 6.9 k -ft at 3.000 ft at 0.000 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 6.94 fv 73.03 psi Fv 97 75 psi Total Load -0.065 in 3.000 ft 1 106.69 LL LL LL Title Dsgnr Description Scope Reactions. Left DL Right DL 820.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft Maximum Shear 1 5 Allowable Shear a Left Right Camber Left Center Right 0.96 k 0.96 k Left Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection Length /Defl .Lu .Lu .Lu Max Max Dead Load 0.000 in 0.0 Job Date: 5:05PM, 23 OCT 07 0.000 in 0.0 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 18 7 5 R -2. a cw: C a l wla t i ons Beam Design OK 3:8 k 5.1 k 3.42 k 3.42 k 0 000 in 0 027 in 0.000 in 3.42 k 3.42 k Total Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 I r 4 Rev: 580000 User KW-0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1- Dec -2003 (c)1983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description Beam2. Garage door header LGeneral Information Section Name 4x12 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density LFull Length Uniform Loads Deflections Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb Fb 764.00 psi 1 035.00 psi Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 Center Left Right DL DL DL 3.500 in 11.250 in Sawn 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf 4 70 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 6.37 Dead Load -0.104 in 8.000 ft 1 845.3 D.L. Defl 0.156 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 38.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft 0.738 1 4 7 k -ft 6.4 k -ft at 8.000 ft at 0.000 ft fv 39.75 psi Fv 207.00 psi General Timber Beam Code Ref: 1997 NDS 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E Total Load -0.326 in 8.000 ft 589.02 LL LL LL Span= 16.00ft, Beam Width 3.500in x Depth 11.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin Reactions. Left DL Right DL Title Dsgnr• Description Scope 16 OO ft ft ft 900.0 psi 180.0 psi 625.0 psi 1,600.0 ksi 100 00 #/ft #/ft #/ft .Lu .Lu .Lu Maximum Shear *1 5 Allowable Shear Left Right Camber Left Center Right 0.38 k 0.38 k Left Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Max Max Job Date: 5 23 OCT 07 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 1875R -2.ecw •Calculations Beam Design OK 1.6 k 8.2 k 1 18k 1 18k 0.000 in 0.156 in 0.000 in 1 18k 1 18 k Dead Load Total Load 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.0 0.0 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.0 0 0 i I 4 Rev: 580000 User: KW-0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1 -Dec -2003 (c)1983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description Beam3 Cover porch beam LGeneral Information Section Name 6x8 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density [Full Length Uniform Loads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Summary DL DL DL 5 500 in 7.500 in Sawn 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf Span= 8.00ft, Beam Width 5.500in x Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 376 66 psi Fb 776.25 psi LDeflections Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length /Deft Camber using 1.5 D. Center Left Right Dead Load -0.027 in 4 000 ft 3,555 8 L.Defl) 0.040 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 1.62 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 0 00 k -ft 3.34 fv Fv General Timber Beam 53.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft Depth 7.5in, Ends are Pin -Pin 0.485 1 1.6 k -ft 3.3 k -ft at 4 000 ft at 0.000 ft 24.95 psi 161 00 psi Code Ref: 1997 NDS, 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined I Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Hem Fir No.2 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E Total Load -0.088 in 4 000 ft 1 095.17 LL LL LL Reactions. Left DL Right DL Title Dsgnr• Description Scope 8.00 ft ft ft 675.0 psi 140.0 psi 405.0 psi 1 100.0 ksi 140.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft 0.25 k 0.25 k Left Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Lu Lu .Lu Maximum Shear 1 5 Allowable Shear Job Date: 5:05PM 23 OCT 07 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 1.0 k 6.6 k Left 0.81 k Right 0.81 k Camber Left 0.000 in Center 0.040 in Right 0.000 in Max 0.81 k Max 0.81 k 1875R- 2.ecw:Calculations Beam Design OK Dead Load Total Load 0 000 in 0.000 in 0 0 0.0 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.0 0.0 I M Rev: 580000 User: KW- 0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1- Dec -2003 (c)1983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description Beam4 Side load garage door header LGeneral Information Section Name 3.125x15 Beam Width 3.125 in Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density LFull Length Uniform Loads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Summary Span= 16 00ft, Beam Width 3.125in x Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 2,108.88 psi Fb 2,760.00 psi LDeflections Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 Center Left Right 15.000 in GluLam 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf DL DL DL Dead Load -0.181 in 8.000 ft 1,059.8 D.L. Defl 0.272 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 173.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft 26.95 fv 139 71 psi Fv 276.00 psi Scope General Timber Beam Code Ref: 1997 NDS, 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir 24F V8 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E Total Load -0.635 in 8.000 ft 302.30 LL LL LL Depth 15.in, Ends are Pin -Pin 0.764 1 20.6 k -ft 27.0 k -ft 20.59 k -ft at 8.000 ft 0.00 k -ft at 16.000 ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft Reactions. Left DL Right DL Title Dsgnr• Description 16.00 ft ft ft 2,400.0 psi 240.0 psi 650.0 psi 1 700.0 ksi 460 00 #/ft #/ft #/ft Maximum Shear 1 5 Allowable Shear Left Right Camber Left Center Right 147 k 1 47 k Left Cantilever Deflection Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl .Lu .Lu Lu Max Max Dead Load 0.000 in 0.0 Job Date: 5:05PM 23 OCT 07 0.000 in 00 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 18 75R- 2.ecw:Calculations Beam Design OK 6.5 k 12.9 k 5.15k 5.15k 0.000 in 0.272 in 0 000in 5.15k 5.15 k Total Load 0.000 in 00 0.000 in 0.0 I I 1 Rev: 580000 User KW -0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1- Dec -2003 (c)1983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description Beam4A. 3rd car front load garage [General Information Section Name 4x12 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density L ull Length Uniform Loads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Span= 8.00ft, Beam Width 3.500in x Depth 11.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 798.25 psi Fb 1,035.00 psi Deflections Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length /Defl Camber using 1.5 Center Left Right DL DL DL 3.500 in 11.250 in Sawn 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf Dead Load -0.024 in 4 000 ft 3,980.5 D.L. Defl 0.036 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 4.91 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 165.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft 0 00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 6.37 fv 71.84 psi Fv 207.00 psi Title Dsgnr• Description Scope General Timber Beam Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 0.771 1 4.9 k -ft 6.4 k -ft at 4.000 ft at 8.000 ft Total Load -0.085 in 4 000 ft 1 127.50 LL LL LL Reactions. Left DL Right DL 8.00 ft ft ft 900.0 psi 180.0 psi 625.0 psi 1,600.0 ksi 440.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft Maximum Shear *1 5 Allowable Shear 0.70 k 0.70 k Left Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl Right Cantilever Deflection Length /Defl .Lu .Lu .Lu Job Date: 5:06PM 23 OCT 07 Code Ref: 1997 NDS, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined I 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 1 875 R -2. ecw: Calculations' Beam Design OK 2.8 k 8.2 k Left 2.46 k Right 2.46 k Camber Left 0.000 in Center 0 036 in Right 0 000in Max 2.46 k Max 2.46 k Dead Load Total Load 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.0 0.0 0.000 in 0.000 in 0 0 0.0 1 r3L JST 24 X IS MIN GRAIL SPACE ACCESS W X 1' SCREENED FON VENTS (12) REDD I 3' 4 v___ I i tAl 74 i i 8 a re e K19 4 A. LL T-0' CANT. 0 52 52 e 4 x I0 j (3 X 10€2 24 X VD j 4 1i4 14 I 2.7 4 24 24 24 24 SLAB ON GRADE SLAB ON GRADE 4' CCNC SLAB 0 S'-3' F-3' MAX SPAN TYP CRAWL 5' PIN Ui/S IlL VAPOR BARRIER TYP e C.ONC SLAB P: T r L 24 L.f...] 24t_ ALL -41/ Fos Ni FOUtlejtslIARAMING PLAN 8 52 52 C+ 4 X 4 x IQ le,(& 24 24 24 24 24 j 0 ID BLOCK MT FOR ii MECRISORK. SLAB ON GRADE 4. CONC. SLAB OP 4' COMP FILL TYP SLOPE 3/15 FT TOUJA0D DOORS CACNT. FTG. I II 0 A If 10 24 7 SCY BLOCK OUT FOR MECI.ILLIORK SLAB ON GRADE 4 CONC. SLAB CN 4' COMP FILL TTP SLOPE 3/15 FT TOWARD DOORS FOUNDATION FRAMING PLAN I M. BAN OPTION L BLOCK CUT FOR _J MIECHWORX SLAB ON GRADE e CONC. SLAB ON 4' COMP FILL TIP SLOPE 3/I6 FT TOWARD DOORS L_ FOUNDATION FRAMING PAN I 3RD CAR SIDE LOAD GARAC a 2ND CAR SIDE LOAD GARAGE I awnw 17 aa. 2e 24 74 CRAUJL SPACE IS MIN IL' 6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER rfP I 0 24 24 2 HL L B BLOCK OUT FOR MECH. WORK 24 SLAB ON GRADE 4' CONC. SLAB ON 4' COMP FILL TYP SLOPE 3/16 FT TOWARD DOORS IL T!? 24 CONT. FIG,I7r I CONT. FTG. j FOUNDATION FRAMING PLAN 3RD CM FRONT LOAD GARAGE OPTION CA Residential Design, Inc. oz Tir- ALI 102 South 26th St. Tacoma.WA 98902 253.284.3170 253.2843183 fax email: cascade@lx.netcom.com Job Name PJ j I IZ/ Z Job Number U[ Location L M1 ^)D/t1 (9X J Sheet of I 11.2-11L-- f l Technical Representative By M i Date _O 1 7/ 1 Rev 580000 User KW-0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1- Dec -2003 (c)1983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description Beam5 Foundation girder [General Information Section Name 4x10 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density [Full Length Uniform Loads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Summary DL DL DL 3.500 in 9.250 in Sawn 1 150 Pin -Pin 32.500 pcf Span= 7 OOft, Beam Width 3.500in x Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow fb 891 38 psi Fb 1 035.00 psi [Deflections Center Span. Deflection .Location .Length /Deft Camber using 1.5 D. Center Left Right Dead Load -0.021 in 3.500 ft 3,952.4 L. Defl 0 032 in 0 000 in 0.000 in 3.71 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 0.00 k -ft 4.30 fv Fv 138.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL LL Scope General Timber Beam Code Ref: 1997 NDS, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined Center Span 7.00 ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Douglas Fir Larch, No.2 Fb Base Allow 900 0 psi Fv Allow 180.0 psi Fc Allow 625.0 psi E 1 600.0 ksi Depth 9.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin 0.861 1 3.7 k -ft 4.3 k -ft at 3 500 ft at 7 000 ft 76.96 psi 207 00 psi Total Load -0.089 in 3.500 ft 948 79 Reactions. Left DL Right DL Title Dsgnr• Description 460.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft Maximum Shear 1 5 Allowable Shear Left Cantilever Deflection .Length /Deft Right Cantilever Deflection .Length /Defl 2.5 k 6.7 k Left 2.12k Right 2.12 k Camber Left 0.000in Center 0.032 in Right 0.000in 0.51 k 0.51 k .Lu .Lu .Lu Job Date: 1 14PM 23 OCT 07 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Beam Design OK Max 2.12 k Max 2.12 k 1875R- 2.ecw:Calculations Dead Load Total Load 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.0 0 0 0.000 in 0 000 in 0 0 0.0 M I 4:) Wjj, BEAM 6 -MAIN FLR JST AVGiyri11 Ise, less 9 1/2" TJI® 110 16" O/c TJ-Beam(TM) 6.10 Serial Number 7003010301 3791 ag8/17/2004,3:44:07 ine e110. Version: 1 10.3 PM Page e 1 E Eng THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN P CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED SUPPORTS. DESIGN CONTROLS. PROJECT INFORMATION. PLAN 1875R/2 0 LOADS. Analysis is for a Joist Member Primary Load Group Residential Living Areas (psi) 40.0 Live at 100 duration, 12.0 Dead Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Other Width Length Live/Dead /Uplift/Total 1 Stud wall 3.50' 2.25' 320 96 0 416 A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 1 1/4 x 9 1/2' 0.8E TJ- Strand Rim Board® 2 Stud wall 3.50' 2.25' 320 /96 0/416 A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 1 1 /4 x 9 1/2' 0.8E TJ- Strand Rim Board® See TJ SPECIFIER'S BUILDERS GUIDE for detail(s): A3: Rim Board Maximum Design Control Control Location Shear (Ibs) 402 396 1220 Passed (32 Rt. end Span 1 under Floor loading Vertical Reaction (Ibs) 402 402 1018 Passed (39 Bearing 2 under Floor loading Moment (Ft -Lbs) 1163 1163 2380 Passed (49 MID Span 1 under Floor loading Live Load Defl (in) 0.138 0.290 Passed (U999 MID Span 1 under Floor loading -Total Load Defl (in) 0.180 0.579 Passed (L/773) MID Span 1 under Floor loading TJPro 48 35 Passed Span 1 Deflection Criteria. STAN DARD(LL.U480,TL:U240). Deflection analysis is based on composite action with single layer of 23/32' Panels (24' Span Rating) GLUED NAILED wood decking Bracing(Lu) All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 2' 8' o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability ADDITIONAL NOTES. IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus Joist (TJ). TJ warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with TJ product design criteria and code accepted design values. The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJ technical representative for product availability THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code UBC analyzing the TJ Distribution product listed above. oht fJ ?li0 'fru, Jh t 1'31 ,d 'r,l i' Icm e t cd ti ■demo Y. of Jo of e- I Ju t. I' 3 'I' t t ode h of Ti Jo 12' OPERATOR INFORMATION. Truc Nguyen Cascade Residential Design 102 South 26th Street Tacoma, WA 98402 Phone (253) 284-3170 Fax (253) 284-3183 trucn @cascaderd.com El Product Diagram is Conceptual 1 Rev 580000 User KW-0605873, Ver 5.8.0, 1- Dec -2003 (c)1983 -2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description Beam6 -MAIN FLR. JST (OPTION) General Information [full Length Uniform Loads Summary Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max Left Support Max Right Support Max. M allow Title Dsgnr• Description Scope General Timber Beam Center DL 16.00 #/ft LL 52.00 #/ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Span= 12.00ft, Beam Width 1.500in x Depth 9.25in, Ends are Pin -Pin Job Date: 1 14PM, 23 OCT 07 Section Name 2x10 Center Span 12.00 ft .Lu 0.00 ft Beam Width 1 500 in Left Cantilever ft .Lu 0.00 ft Beam Depth 9.250 in Right Cantilever ft .Lu 0.00 ft Member Type Sawn Hem Fir No.2 Bm Wt. Added to Loads Fb Base Allow 850.0 psi Load Dur Factor 1 150 Fv Allow 150.0 psi Beam End Fixity Pin -Pin Fc Allow 405.0 psi Repetitive Member Wood Density 32.500 pcf E 1,300.0 ksi 0.639 1 1 3 k -ft Maximum Shear 1.5 0.6 k 2.0 k -ft Allowable 2.4 k 1.28 k -ft at 6.000 ft Shear Left 0.43 k 0.00 k -ft at 0.000 ft Right 0.43 k 0.00 k -ft Camber Left 0 000 in 0.00 k -ft Center 0.104 in 2.00 Reactions. Right 0.000 in fb 718.28 psi fv 40.23 psi Left DL 0.11 k Max 0.43 k Fb 1 124 13 psi Fv 172.50 psi Right DL 0.11 k Max 0.43 k LDeflections 1875R- 2.ecw:Calculations Code Ref 1997 NDS 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000. Base allowables are user defined Beam Design OK Center Span. Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever Dead Load Total Load Deflection -0.069 in -0.258 in Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in .Location 6.000 ft 6.000 ft .Length /Defl 0.0 0.0 .Length /Defl 2,074.9 558.06 Right Cantilever Camber using 1.5 D.L. Defl) Deflection 0.000 in 0.000 in Center 0.104 in .Length /Defl 0.0 0.0 Left 0.000 in Right 0.000 in I I Residential Engineenn.g Group Maximum Load For 6x6 DF #1 Wood Post psf psi plf psf ft 144 F 1000•psi CD 1 CFb 1 CM 1 C 1 CL 1 CF 1 E'•= 1600000•psi F' c F CD CF F' c 1000 psi 6x6 Wood Post Properties Axial Load Capacity Slenderness Ratio (SL) SL h KCE•E' FCE SL C C 0.8 KCE 0.3 FCE 992 psi F' C F' c F' 688 psi \2 1 FCE 1 FCE FCE F' c F' c F'c 2C 1 2C C Kf Maximum Load For 6x6 HF #2 Treated Post F' C F' c F' 365 psi Pmax F' A Pmax F' A PROJECT 1875/2 Kf 1 0.6 for unbraced nailed built up posts 0.75 for bolted) h 5.5-in t 5.5•in A t h A 30.3 tn 3 I•= th I= 76.3m 12 S I S= 277in h C 0 69 Pmax 20816 lb (Maximum post Capacity) F 460 psi CD 1 CFb 1 CM 1 C t 1 CL 1 CF c 1 E'•= 1045000•psi F 6x6 Treated Wood Post Properties F' c F CD CF F' c 460 psi Kf 1 0 (Kf 0.6 for unbraced nailed Axial Load Capacity built up posts 0.75 for bolted) Slenderness Ratio (SL) h 5.5 in t•= 5.5•tn SL h C 0.8 KCE 0.3 2 A• =th A =30.3m KCE E' FCE FCE 648 psi I t h I 76.3 m SL 12 FCE FCE 2 FCE S 1h S 27 7 in 1 1 F' c F' c F' c Cp 2C 1 2C C Kf C =079 psf psi plf psf ft lb plf ft H 10 083 ft 144 Pmax 11054 lb (Maximum post Capacity) 10/23/2107 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2.mcd Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax. 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering lb plf ft H 10.083 ft C Residential ng=.neering Group Axial Load Capacity Slenderness Ratio (SL) SL H C 0.8 KCE 0.3 h KCE•E' FCE FCE 806 psi SL �2 1 FCE 1 FCE FCE F' F'c F'c 2C 2C C F' Cp F' c F 682 psi Axial Load Capacity Slenderness Ratio (SL) SL h FCE KCE E SL C 0 8 KCE 0.3 FCE 806 psi F' C F' c P 682 psi Kf Pmax F' A Pmax F' A PROJECT 1875/2 Maximum Load For 3 -2x6 HF #2 Built up Wood Post psf psi plf psf ft 144 F 1300•psi CD 1 CFb 1 CM 1 C 1 CL 1 CF 1 1 E' 1300000• psi F' c F CD CF F' c 1430 psi 3 -2x6 Built Up Post Properties Kf 1 0 Kf 0 6 for unbraced nailed built up posts 0 75 for bolted) h (5.5) in t 3 (1.5) in h 5.5•in t•= (2) 1.5•in A 24.8in A•= t h 3 I•= th I= 62.4in 12 S•= S= 227in h C =048 Pmax 16871 lb (Maximum post Capacity) Maximum Load For 2 2x6 HF #2 Built u Wood Post psi p psf 144 plf psf ft lb plf ft H 10.083 ft F 1300•psi CD 1 CFb 1 CM 1 C 1 CL 1 CF 1 1 E' 1300000 psi F' c F C D• C F F' c 1430 psi 2 2x6 Built Up Post Properties Kr= 1 0 Kf 0.6 for unbraced nailed built up posts 0 75 for bolted) A= 16.5in A• =th 3 I t h 1= 41 6 in 12 FCE FCE 2 FCE S 1 2 S 15 1 tn 1+ 1+ h F' F' F' C Kf C 0 48 2C 2C C p Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma WA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax: 253 284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engineering lb plf ft H 10 083 ft Pmax 11247 lb (Maximum post Capacity) 10/23/2007 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1875R 2 mcd Maximum Load For 3 -2x4 HF #2 Built up Wood Post Residential Engineerng Group PROJECT 1875/2 F 1300-psi CD 1 CFb 1 CM 1 C 1 CL 1 CF 1 1 E'•= 1300000-psi F' c F CD'CFc F' c 1430 psi 3 -2x4 Built Up Post Properties Kf 1 0 h 3.5-in t 3 1.5-in Axial Load Capacity Slenderness Ratio (SL) SL h C 0 8 KCE 0.3 A t h A 15.8 in KCE E' FCE FCE 326 psi t h 3 SL I I= 16 1 in 12 \2 I2 3 1 FCE 1 FCE FCE S h S 9.2 in F' F' F' c c C p 2 C C Kf 2C C 0.22 t (2) 1.5-in SL h C 0 8 KCE 0.3 2 A• =th A 10.5 in2 Kc E' FCE FCE 326 psi t h 4 SL2 I 1 I 10 7 in S I S =61in3 1 FCE 1 FCE FCE h F' c F' c F', Cp 2C 2C C Kf Cp 0.22 ti F' C F' c F' 309 psi Pmax F' A 10/23/2J307 Residential Engineering Group LLC psf 44 plf psf ft lb plf ft H.= 10 083 (Kf 0.6 for unbraced nailed built up posts 0 75 for bolted) F' Cp F' c F' 309 psi Pmax F'c A Pmax 4871 lb (Maximum post Capacity) psf p s i plf psf ft flfaximum Load For 2 2x4 HF #2 Built up Wood Post 144 F 1300-psi CD 1 CFb 1 CM 1 Ct 1 CL 1 CF 1 1 E' 1300000 psi F' c F CD CF F' c 1430 psi 2 2x4 Built Up Post Properties Kf 1 0 (Kf 0 6 for unbraced nailed Axial Load Capacity built up posts 0 75 for bolted) Slenderness Ratio (SL) h 3.5 in Prnax 3247 lb (Maximum post Capacity) Residential Engineering Groip, LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma, W?9840 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax: 253 -2 3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Engle lb plf ft H 10.083 ft 1875R 2 mcd sidential crngneenng Group PROJECT 1875/2 Residential Engineering Group LLC 1901 Center Street Tacoma NA 98409 Tel 253 284 -3100 Fax. 25 -284 -3183 Designer TRUC NGUYEN Eigineering Maximum Load For 4x4 HF #2 Treated Foundation Post psf p s i plf psf ft lb plf ft H l5- ft 144 F 1040•psi CD 1 CFb 1 CM 1 C 1 CL 1 CF 1 E'•= 1235000• psi 4x4 Treated Wood Post Properties F' c F CD CF F' c 1040 psi Kf 1 0 0 6 for unbraced nailed Axial Load Capacity built up posts 0 75 for bolted) Slenderness Ratio (SL) h 3.5 in t•= 3.5-in SL h C 0.8 KCE 0.3 2 A•= t h A= 12.3 in E' FCE E FCE 436 psi t h3 4 SL2 I 1 I= 12.5m FCE FCE FCE S I 2 �2 S 7 1 in 1+ 1+ h c F' c F Cp 2 C 2 C C Kf Cp 0.37 �d F' C F' c F' 390 psi Pmax F A P.„ 4772 lb (Maximum post Capacity) Maximum Load For 4x4 HF #2 Treated Deck Post psf 44 plf psf ft lb plf ft H 3 ft F 1040-psi CD 1 CFb l CM 1 C 1 CL 1 CF 1 E' 1235000 psi 4x4 Treated Wood Post Properties F' c Fc CD CFc F' c 1040 psi Kf 1 0 (Kf 0.6 for unbraced nailed Axial Load Capacity built up posts 0 75 for bolted) Slenderness Ratio (SL) h 3.5-in t•= 3.5•in SL h C 0 8 KCE 0.3 2 A• =th A =12.3m KCE. F' 3 FCE FCE 310 psi I tt I 12.5 m SL2 I +FCE 1 +FCE 2 FCE S 12 S= 7 1 in h F' F' F' Cp 2C 2C C Kt Cp 0.28 F' C F' c F' 288 .psi Pmax F'c A max 3528 lb (Maximum post Capacity) 10/23 Residential Engineering Group, LLC 1875F-2_mcd (17 eff The City of Port Angeles Building inspections Dept. Upon reviewing the single family residential plans submitted for permit, the following are some of the items that will need to be taken in to consideration. 1 Foundation Footing. The minimum size of a footing in Seismic zone Dl are as follows. (1 Story 12" W/ 6" min. thick) (2 story 15" W/ 7" min. thick) (3 story 23" W/ 8" min. thick) (Load bearing value of soil 1,500 (psi). With 1 4 bars horizontal continuous 3" off the bottom of footing. The minimum specified compressive strength of concrete in basement walls, foundation walls, exterior walls and other vertical concrete work exposed to weather in moderate weathering table R402.2 of the IRC is 30001bs with a min. of 5% air entrained, but not more that 7% Foundations in seismic categories Dl that exceed 50' -0" in either direction are required to have a continuous footing per section R403.1.2 including support of an interior braced wall line. Locating and marking the property boundary is required for a footing inspection. Tables in chapter 4 of the IRC. Will be applied for soils that are heavy in moisture (hydraulic) in nature or foundation wall over 5' -0" in height. Verify site conditions and unbalanced back fill at time of application. Foundations Drains are required as per section R 405.1 Erosion control and a construction entrance per public works details regd. 2 Foundation walls. (With a construction joint)Vertical bar reqd to be 'A" #4 bar with a hook and tied to the footing steel in place at 4' -0" O.C. at footing inspection. One #4 bar horizontal within the top 12 "of the wall. %2" anchor bolt with a 3" x 3" x steel washer is required at 6' -0 "OC for a 1 story and 4' -0 "OC for a 2 story, along and within 12" of each end the pressure treated sill plate. Crawl space ventilation is required at (1') s.f. of vent per (150') s.f. of area per sec. R408.2. 2006 IRC. 6 mill black poly is required in crawl space as a below grade moisture barrier per section R406.3.2 2006 IRC. Finish grade shall be a 6" slope away from foundation within 10' -0" of the foundation wall measured horizontally as per sec. R406.3 2006 IRC. 3- Framing. All connections from a pier to a post and beam are required to have positive connection per code. In addition any connectors/ fasteners in contact with treaded wood are req'd to be hot dipped zinc /galv (See manufacture details.) All floor joist are required to be blocked with 2x material at the beam support. 7/16" OSB sheathing is required to be nailed to pressure treated sill plate and bottom plate or sole plate of wall. (or other approved hold down's). Attic ventilation is required at (1') s.f. of vent per (150') s.f. Of area with an allowable 50% of ventilation can be located in the upper portion of the ridge if applicable per 2006 IRC. Truss design and calculations are required upon submitting an application, lateral connections are required to end walls where truss rafters are perpendicular to end walls. A truss /rafter tie shall be required to prevent uplift per code. 4- Braced Wall Lines. In Seismic category Dl exterior and interior braced wall lines cannot exceed 25' -0" Wall bracing must start within 8' -0" of a transverse wall or a designed collector Standard wall bracing methods are required as per section R602.10.3 of the 2006 IRC. If the wall bracing methods cannot be met, then refer to "Alternate Braced wall panel" Section 602.10.6 of the 2006 IRC. If any of the aforementioned methods cannot be met, engineering design will be required for the "SHEAR WALL" design. Section R602.10.9 for interior braced wall line support for 1 and 2 story buildings require a continuous footing supporting a braced wall line, interior and exterior not to exceed 50' -0 "intervals. JO 5- Egress. Rooms used for sleeping are required to have one window with 5.7'S.F of openable space and a sill height of not more the 44" above finished floor for emergency escape per 2006 IRC. 6- Energy and Air Quality Insulation, Heating, Air conditioning, Lighting, Windows and Appliances to meet 2006 WSEC VIAQ. New single family structures are required to have a whole house exhaust fan with a 24hr timer per table 3 -1, 3 -2, 3 -3 of the 2006 VIAQ. Mechanical fresh air intake (FAI) is required to have a 24 hr timer or windows in all bedrooms and living, dining area may have intake ports for fresh air per 2006 VIAQ if zone heat is applicable. Exception, when heat pumps with FM are installed a timer on the whole house fan is not required. 7- Dry Wall. (Gypsum wall board) 5/8" type "X" sheets rock is required in the accessible usable space under stairs and on ceiling of a garage only if a habitable area is located above the garage. The rating of the sheet rock nail pattern must be visible to the inspector Nail pattern for all sheet rock 1/2" and 5/8" to be 8" on center and 12" OC if drywall screws are used. Per table 702.3.5 of the 2006 IRC. Interior braced wall panels are to be inspected prior to tape, bed and texture. Moisture resistant wallboard is required around w /c. A cementuous backer board is required for tiled areas at tub and showers. A perm rated paint is reqd. on the warm in winter side. 8- Plumbing. Water heaters are required to have two approved seismic straps in the upper and lower 1 /3 of the tank per UPC. T &P valve to be I.D and directed to the exterior and turned 90 degree downward not less that 6 -12" above finish grade. Water heater s are required to have a 26 ga. Pan or other approved drain pan with a 3 drain line from pan to exterior per code. Impact protection for w/h and mechanical equip are required to resist 6,0001bs impact if located in the garage area. All DWV are req'd. to be tested under water pressure per 2006 UPC or air test (consult manufacture recommendations for air test) Min. test pressure in Residential LP gas is 30 lbs for 24 hrs. 9- Smoke detectors. shall be located in each sleeping room and in the hall leading to each sleeping area. One smoke detector is required at the top of each stairs, and at least one smoke detector is required on every floor level. Smoke detectors must be within 6" to 12 "from the ceiling if mounted on wall. Smoke detector shall not be less than 36" from any air return. Power supply for smoke detectors shall be from the main house supply that is not switched and required to be battery back up. Smoke detectors to be inter connected so that if one smoke detector alarm will start a chain reaction to all other smoke detectors as per code. 10- Safety glazed tempered glass required within 24" of any doorway edge, along with other requirements as per 2006 IRC. 11- All water, sewer, gas, electrical, drywells, downspouts and footing drains are required to be inspected before cover This letter is not intended to cover all items required by the City of Port Angeles, but is to serve as a guide to help you understand frequently asked questions, "ALL WORK IS SUBJECT TO FIELD APPROVAL" 11/07 1 oo lLik Va. ZL 0\--kAwP-' 1 31 ter zxroe z r 34n 101 I; 'L\ l'arze-A'\ 1 CONtc 1T-AvEauR5 1 Zo I