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3918 Solar Ln Technical - Building
TECHNICAL Permit Address 1\S S o Project description 'New S uncle.- FacrY1 L i dean eie Date the permit was finaled 1 4 609 Number of technical pages )5 Aug 03 07 12:48p Terry A. Nettles .4r FrA164 Terry A. Nettles, PE Consulting Engineer structural resictenhal engineering FILE 2538587777 p 1 3615 SoIak -Lay. 1 72`a PoNea 4-4 A residence by ECO -GREEN BUILDERS FOUNDATION SYSTEM STRUCTURAL REVIEW ALTERNATIVE DESIGN FOR PIN FOUNDATIONS ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS REPORT leave& ieiosia8 */67 2006 International Building Code Site Address: Seismic Zone D2, Importance 1], Ss 1.5g Park Meadows, Lot #1 100 mph Wind (3 sec. gust), Exposure C Port Angeles Floor and Deck Live Load 40 psf Snow Load, 2Spsf Soil Bearing Preures —1500 psf (assumed) 6625 Wagner Way #208 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Voice (253) 858-7777 Fax (253) 858 -7777 I VI VI Terry A. Nettles. RE. 1 P AN IC MOP AM OM Im 00 6625 Wagner Way nos Gig Haibot WA 98335 VOICE FAX (253) 858-7777 Project Eco Gazta4 'U 1...r)c2. sheet I of 11 Consutting Engineer 4 t 1 me .gli=s1d..64... 171: 07.. iiiii.l..... .doiNEsquilialvfaiiv.ilmolv,... --mg ro IVA 1...— 1,,ivs•III sr, lin :111 fill 1 4V i l li ag l ai llr _ilip•m, loge gallium. fill vglilkosisz■ Ill Ill Ill Ill Subject MI ',MI IMAM Job No. 1.1 g 4 Date 2A I (2 5 sl Aug 03 C? 12:48p Terry A. Nettles 2538587777 p.2 BAUMSTARK RESIDENCE Eco- Green Builders Exposure C Lateral Forces Analysis in accordance with the IBC 2006, chapter 16. This lateral forces analysis is being performed for a site with 25 psf ground snow loads, 100 mph wind speeds, with an Exposure C terrain condition, with a Seismic Ss 1.5. Seismic analysis shall use a site class D site, coefficient F, for a site spectral response of Ss 1.5, Seismic Category D Use Group 11, Importance factor 1.0 Wind Fastest Mlle Method per IBC, Exposure C, 100 mph wind speeds ps 1. Iw psso, IW 1.0 Zone A Zone C for h 15' I 1.21 ps 19.2 psf ps 12.7 psf end strip a 0.1(44') 4.5' end zone 2a 9' center zone f/b 35' center zone s/s 62' Ff /b 12'(9119.2psf)J +35'(12.7psf]] 7408 lb Fs /s 9'[15(19.2psf))+ 62.5(12.7psf)1= 9736 lb GRAVITY LOADS DL (psf) LL (psf) TOTAL (psf) roof (composition) 15 25 40 psf floors (framed) sleeping 10 30 40 psf floors (framed) living 10 40 50 psf exterior decks framed 10 50 60 psf wails (8 ft height) 80 80 pit SEISMIC FORCES This building is 3- stories or less of plywood shearwall bracing The seismic base shear Veq [1 .2.Sas R) W from Figure 1615.1 or lower Puget Sound, S, 1.5 and from Table 1615.1.2(1) for site class D Fa 1.0 so S,s F0Ss 1.0(1 5) 1.5 then Sos 2 /3 SMs 1.0 R 6.5 for plywood sheathed framed walls For working stress analysis, use 0.7E for seismic W dead load weight of building So Veq [1.2(1.0)/6.5] W(0.7) 0.129 W for framed wall portions Aug 03 07 12:49p Terry A. Nettles 2538587777 p.3 t BAUMSTARK RESIDENCE Eco- Green Builders Exposure C Where W is the gross weight of the part of the structure above the base of the shear resisting element. Therefore the floor weight does not add to the wail shears of the floor being calculated but only to the mass conirbuting to shears of the next story's bracing walls below it when it is calculated. Dead Load Live Load (floors) Seismic snow is not included when 30psf) Calculate the maximum gross weight A roof Wr 2902 15 psf 43530 lb A floor Wf 1974 10 psf 19740 lb L walls Ww 409 80 pit 32720 lb Veq 0.129(Wr Ww) 9836 lb SUMMARY OF CONTROLLING SHEARS FLOOR 1 Maximum F fib 9836 Seismic controls Maximum F s/s 9836 Seismic controls For Maximum Base Shears Veq 0.151(Wfl) Vegl Vwind 5'(78')19.2psf F f /b1 12817 lb 17324 lb CONTROLS Foundation Pier Requirements to Resist Lateral Forces (Cumulative) Total foundation base length 208 ft By using the allowable lateral resistance rating of the shortest pin (4-ft) diamond pier determine the globoi number of piers required (counting only perimeter walls with Fiat 820 pounds per pier then Vbase 17324 lb, so minimum number of piers req'd V1820 21 Use Code minimum, 1/2"di A.B. 0 6' o.c. for conventional garage foundation, and a minimum of 21 Diamond piers on the perimeter of the house ®y N Terry A. Nettles, P.E. L. Consulting Engineer 6625 Wagner Way 8208 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 VOICE FAX (253) 858 -7777 'F= q8 Fo K/(9 ,o 1cti oes r •l5 F 4o F i� r AU' 5-x1 R. P. lA/Acutd ARE S 1 P vcre M lNJIJJ �i TCNER� 161-7 p19 2 Z' vG \01) Project r 1415 pLe 0/ -hi 5') (0"72 '3 s 6 e w t o z/2,5 4 +4. t. 1 (5 +5,5 -5) 'Wi p 416 p 1. r Ip �Go G t 1 IL, oats. Sheet 4 of I Job No 11 4 Date 7 AO /07 Subject L (LA1/ rc ire) 9N11G Lo Cohl T1 ®L- If-4 c 'bt IP ALL- FbP-CC r71/4y r itw'b izy P mt 141 1(172 7 67 topd e V601 e 60" 1 d !lv OS PJ 1 si e F 0,20 (qb) (ciW Fc O' r re ad e to exc Sieloo 4 14IS N o I- 11oL- Dowt45 N o HoL DO W i P5 N o t- l-o D0w■-•1 AN v Terry A. Nettles, P.E. Consulting Engineer sI 6625 Wagner Way #208 Gig Harbor WA 98335 VOICE FAX (253) 858 -7777 I�M1 f-lbL khq REQUi (2-5Mekl- 01- Or e'Cl'1 -0) IS-104 &of 4 4'(5psf) lo i s 060 4 Project Eco GRZc I �11t,p0L r -1 Subject Tup 1 -w2.0 —,÷77 P' No u�1 Fri IMo1 -7. 7ff S' C0',ao 15---0 4 /01.,44a_ W 13' (60 pi43) 4 I Slvo ?86 hm-tel- m,4 766 1 5zoo l J 3150 -Isr90 Ty f oi.wwi-* To I CD /Aar 1 /Wid- (60')(5) V904' 1 4u 11, 5 �oplP,) 4'6s t�)f 1,5 M r 4 4 S 1 )8 0 (4!) 414 It T ut, lob X140 '814 t- k to MOT 2.021146 b t bl/ i,G '7 I (60 pfd) 2 4 1140 M L r -es7iS 1140 CZ I 0 ti J /31z 1v4-6 d4� LTT2oP..? w/ Po-3cfterc. perne( 0 Men- ve7Z 1 Wbt. (loo pf e -I- 4'Qi7 -P) gem) I Y,7l� Ilhe 330* TT] Cp Sheet S of Job No. '2:7094 Date 7/90/07 1, N Terry A. Nettles, P.E. fr A ts,. Consulting Engineer 6625 Wagner Way #208 Gig Harbor. WA 98335 VOICE FAX (253) 858-7777 rte A it rcj„) (J) 7 CZ i ptot_ t 1---1 /14-r Ma &e,.1 v C" .4- 79 -1-05 +c) Project GtteL1 60(4)015 Sheet C' of Job No t0i4- Date 7 y Subject ,2 tl Ilit„ N.:11) 4.t/N6 If., 2 A sw t Z.‘{ ta T A 1 pL !4? 4-- Ann I L I Akr-e-5 t t 7/7 A I F Lutcx i- g(a 5 l„ t_P'c_.; F2 /11 1 k L Afr e nr i Lo- L t s ihri e p vr D c3te s. tu-1601 1 -tit 1 L(2 6 C;7 Sri I (,4,-/ 1 L.- 1)014 4) I LT I Lip ®vv Terry A. Nettles, P.E. Consulting Engineer 6625 Wagner Way #208 Gig Harbor. WA 98335 VOICE FAX (253) 858 -7777 AU- Kccr Rt: 2 {tt-ci.o5 k A---01 -55 Re 4 i_1 i nry 1 At-t_i PcG(Lo 55 Gievui4 12y I pu Project u Project 0 DU it,1aGR -S Subject 12.AViT l e co>.l.% ',Cii w -rAti poriNG 1)� 12 r till,,, Zips /2,( 15 e5 -1)- (,is- u n..0 �3 SpsT (zoOr e to5' o.c. to 01560 44 1 W. 2.2l pI 2 1 ((1. 104 L� 5 %6 tts r=' i` 1 l I L,U 6c!) p I� 54 +I00 I l6 ,1 246-6 P_0l 1✓ 2-1( c?fr/, 20 20 j r 2S C2 S 24 oo /ccizv9 5A1 l.= 2 (q 33 7s 2- j5 4 t lie flo l42 liii 2.4 r 24'06 r roU 10pt`'n d 4s dlip 1 Fo(z Au- (-+o ,9 LOA-Ds 0}-4 Get i cz- f*4tCd L, t...0^1 3S Us11'% GLu- L'flM V 161.1 tin Sheet 7 of Job No 2 Date '7/ /07 f e c f`t) 9)4 t■J x (9p)/v 41A Ern -Green RB2 MI-Be Serial 6.25 SeriaNum 7002005128 5 1/8" x 16 1/2" Glulam (24F V4 DF) User Page 2 7/2712007 5:21:45 6.25,71 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN Member Slope: 012 Roof Slope0M2 A All dimensions are horizontal. SUPPORTS: CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED 25' LOADS: Analysis is for a Drop Beam Member. Tributary Load Width: 1' Primary Load Group Roof (psf): 0.0 Live at 125 duration, 0.0 Dead Vertical Loads: Type Class Live Dead Location Application Comment Uniform(plf) Roof(1.25) 229.0 126.0 0 To 44' Adds To A Overall Dimension: 44• 19' Product Diagram is Conceptual. Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Other Width Length Live&Dead/UpliftlTotal 1 Stud wall 5.50' 1 79" 2412 1488 0 3899 By Others None 2 Stud wall 3.50' 4.74' 6299 4031 0 10330 By Others None 3 Stud wall 5.50" 1.50" 1718 929 0/2647 By Others None Bearing length requirement exceeds input at support(s) 2. Supplemental hardware is required to satisfy bearing requirements. PROJECT INFORMATION: Copyright to 2006 by Trus Joist, a Weyerhaeuser Business TJ- BeamtB is a registered trademark of Trus Joist. C: \Program Files \Trus Joist \TJ Beam \Job Files \Eco RB3 ridge.sms OPERATOR INFORMATION: Terry Nettles Consulting Structural Engineer 6625 Wagner Way NW #208 Gig Harbor WA 98335 Phone and fax (253) 858 -7777 terrynettles@engineer.com P% DESIGN CONTROLS: Maximum Design Control Control Location Shear (lbs) -5577 -5005 16913 Passed (30%) Rt. end Span 1 under Roof loading Moment (Ft Lbs) -23305 23305 43704 Passed (53 Bearing 2 under Roof loading Live Load Defi (in) 0.326 0.822 Passed (11908) MID Span 1 under Roof ALTERNATE span loading Total Load Defl (in) 0.510 1.233 Passed (L/581) MID Span 1 under Roof ALTERNATE span loading Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL:U360,TL:U240). Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 44' o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability -The load conditions considered in this design analysis include alternate member pattern loading. ADDITIONAL NOTES: IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus Joist (TJ). TJ warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with current code accepted design values. The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJ technical representative for product availability PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code IBC analyzing the TJ Custom product listed above. The analysis presented is appropriate for Glulam beams. g cOo- Green RB3 (ridge) TiBeam®6.25Serial r 7 Business 5 1/8" x 16 1/2" Glulam (24F V4 DF) User: 2 727/2007 5:21:18 PM Page 1 Engine 6.25.71 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN Member Slope: 01`12 Roof Slope0l12 SUPPORTS: PROJECT INFORMATION: Copyright 2006 by Trus Joist, a Weyerhaeuser Business TJ -Beam® is a registered trademark of Trus Joist C. \Program Files \Trus Joist \TJ Beam \Job Files\Eco RB3 ridge sms CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED ©r ©M LOADS: Analysis is for a Drop Beam Member. Tributary Load Width: 1' Primary Load Group Roof (psf): 0.0 Live at 125 duration, 0.0 Dead Vertical Loads: Type Class Live Dead Location Application Comment Uniform(plf) Roof(1.25) 229.0 126.0 0 To 44' Adds To Overall Dimension: 44' a 31• t 3 All dimensions are horizontal Product Diagram is Conceptual Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Other Width Length Live/Dead/UpliWTotal 1 Stud wall 5.50' 2.21' 2945 1870 0 4815 By Others None 2 Stud wall 3.50" 5.45' 7237 4631 0 11868 By Others None 3 Stud wall 5.50" 1.50" -794 -53 -854 -854 By Others None Bearing length requirement exceeds input at support(s) 2. Supplemental hardware is required to satisfy bearing requirements. rt/n ry El DESIGN CONTROLS: Maximum Design Control Control Location Shear (lbs) -6849 -6278 16913 Passed (37 Rt. end Span 1 under Roof loading Moment (Ft -Lbs) 33445 -33445 42680 Passed (78 MID Span 2 under Roof loading Live Load Defl (in) 0.749 1.022 Passed (U492) MID Span 1 under Roof ALTERNATE span loading Total Load Defl (in) 1.216 1.533 Passed (L/303) MID Span 1 under Roof ALTERNATE span loading Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL:L/360,TL:U240). Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 44' o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability -The load conditions considered in this design analysis include alternate member pattern loading. ADDITIONAL NOTES: IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus Joist (TJ). TJ warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with current code accepted design values. The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJ technical representative for product availability PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code IBC analyzing the TJ Custom product listed above. -The analysis presented is appropriate for Glulam beams. OPERATOR INFORMATION: Terry Nettles Consulting Structural Engineer 6625 Wagner Way NW #208 Gig Harbor WA 98335 Phone and fax (253) 858 -7777 ter ynettles engineer.com TJ- Beaae6.25 Serial Number 7002005128 User: 2 7272007 5:22:12 PM Page 1 Engine Version: 6.25.71 Member Slope: 012 Roof Slope012 I'9 23' All dimensions are horizontal LOADS: Analysis is for a Drop Beam Member Tributary Load Width: 1' Primary Load Group Roof (psf): 0.0 Live at 125 duration, 0.0 Dead Vertical Loads: Type Class Live Uniform(plf) Roof(1.25) 229.0 SUPPORTS: 1 Stud wall 2 Stud wall 3 Stud wall Input Bearing Width Length 5.50" 1.62" 3.50" 4.68' 5.50' 1.50" Bearing length requirement exceeds input at supports) 2. Supplemental hardware is required to satisfy bearing requirements. DESIGN CONTROLS: Maximum -5235 -22179 Shear (Ibs) Moment (Ft -Lbs) Live Load Defl (in) Total Load Deft (in) Design -4664 -22179 0.226 0.342 Control 16913 44218 0.756 1 133 Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL•U360,TLU240). Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 44' o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. The load conditions considered in this design analysis include alternate member pattern loading. ADDITIONAL NOTES: IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus Joist (TJ). TJ warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with current code accepted design values. The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJ technical representative for product availability. PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code IBC analyzing the TJ Custom product listed above. The analysis presented is appropriate for Glulam beams. PROJECT INFORMATION: Copyright 2006 by Trus Joist, a Weyerhaeuser Business TJ -BeamB is a registered trademark of Trus Joist C: \Program Files \Trus Joist \TJ Beam \Job Files \Bco R82.sms PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. Eco -Green RB4 5 1/8" x 16 1/2" Glulam (24F V4 DF) THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED l Dead Location Application Comment 126.0 0 To 44' Adds To Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Other Live/Dead/Uplift/Total 2204 1328 0 3532 By Others None 6213 3976 0 1 10189 By Others None 1974 1144 /0/3119 By Others None Control Passed (28 Passed (50 Passed ([1999 Passed (U795) 21' Product Diagram is Conceptual. Location Rt end Span 1 under Roof loading Bearing 2 under Roof loading MID Span 1 under Roof ALTERNATE span loading MID Span 1 under Roof ALTERNATE span loading OPERATOR INFORMATION: Terry Nettles Consulting Structural Engineer 6625 Wagner Way NW #208 Gig Harbor WA 98335 Phone and fax (253) 858 -7777 terrynettles@engineer.com •va a, Y,wuvw CO. ,wvn, •a•m. m, w... v..r.r...... ..,.....,r r....................... Overall Dimension: 44' 4 tb i -°14 .0141 AWtyedmousor Business TJ- Beam4:06.25 Serial Number 7002005128 �1 Ve��6257 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN Member Slope: 012 Roof SlopeO12 PROJECT INFORMATION: All dimensions are horizontaL Copyright 0 2006 by Trus Joist, a Weyerhaeuser Business TJ -Beam® is a registered trademark of Trus Joist C: \Program Files \Trus Joist \TJ Beam \Job Files \Eco RB3 ridge.sms .green RB1A 5 1/8" x 13 1/2" Glulam (24F V4 DF) CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED 21' LOADS: Analysis is for a Drop Beam Member Tributary Load Width: 1 Primary Load Group Roof (psf): 0.0 Live at 125 duration, 0.0 Dead Vertical Loads: Type Class Live Dead Location Application Comment Point(lbs) Roof(1.25) 1435 600 10' 6" Uniform(plf) Roof(1.25) 175.0 75.0 0 To 21' Adds To SUPPORTS: Input Bearing Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Other Width Length LivelDead/UpliftiTofal 1 Stud wall 5.50' 1.75" 2555 1264 0 3819 By Others None 2 Stud wall 5.50" 1 75" 2555 1264 0 3819 By Others None Product Diagram is Conceptual. rYn DESIGN CONTROLS: Maximum Design Control Control Location Shear (Ibs) 3730 -3397 13838 Passed (25 Rt end Span 1 under Roof loading Moment (Ft Lbs) 24134 24134 38587 Passed (63 MID Span 1 under Roof loading Live Load Deft (in) 0.585 0.678 Passed (L/417) MID Span 1 under Roof loading Total Load Defl (in) 0.868 1.017 Passed (L/281) MID Span 1 under Roof loading Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL:U360,TL:L/240). Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 21' o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability ADDITIONAL NOTES: IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus Joist (TJ). TJ warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with current code accepted design values. The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJ technical representative for product availability PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code IBC analyzing the TJ Custom product listed above. The analysis presented is appropriate for Glulam beams. OPERATOR INFORMATION: Terry Nettles Consulting Structural Engineer 6625 Wagner Way NW, #208 Gig Harbor WA 98335 Phone and fax (253) 858 -7777 terrynettles@engineer.com V N Terry A. Nettles, P.E. I Consuting Engineer 6625 Wagner Way nob Gig Harboz WA 98335 VOICE FAX (253) 858-7777 11l I, I o.5` .M 1:1 14SIfE`vL' Ili44kt;li vie 6 1 4 2 4t t(o 6.c. (lo,s 5b t+ +-go Z (I, ft S4,0 „Es s+ }¢a +so Project Eco Grzi?;14- )Uti..P 6 Subject rooll NG t 4 r-i LIVING, l�L� y a p{ t,)1tG u MAx t.1�1>✓ SQL e G rz Iv rk(ATii$ o`[Y1t`lt'S p eu o rOd>" 1,)Al» 1 CIz 4d Ao 4(: 5 co„ 0-M- k /ft +10 S )4o 44op 4 ?c t112 4 (i51M L 3 e q Fee lb 5 i Sheet 1 of Job No. Z1 O A Date 7 AO /0 H1L261.04 LoCorl 4 uv, BC CALM 9.5 Build 91 Job Name: Address: City State, Zip: Customer Code reports: 10 -06-00 B0, 2 -1/2" LL 255 lbs DL 59 lbs 4"t sfl Load Summary Tao Description 1 Standard Load Controls Summary Pos. Moment Neg. Moment End Reaction Int. Reaction Cont. Shear Total Load Defl. Live Load Defl. Total Neg. Defl. Max Defl. Span Depth Bearing Supports Dim. (L x Wt BO Wall/Plate 2 -1/2" x 2" B1 Beam 3-1/2" x 2' B2 Beam 3-1/2" x 2' B3 Beam 3-1/2' x 2' B4 WalUPlate 2 -1/2' x 2' Page 1 of 1 siooiisE Design Report US Eco Green Builders ESR -1336 fill 81 3-1/2" LL 610 lbs 0L 132 lbs qqaft9( Value 753 ft-lbs -1014 ft-lbs 301 lbs 889 lbs 456 lbs L/1458 (0.107 L/1691 (0.092 -0 029" 0.107" 16.4 Single 9 -1(2" BCI® 5000 -1 7 DF 4 spats I Iio cantilevers 1 0/12 slope 16' OCS I Non Repetitive I Glued nailed construction File Name: Eco Joist Description: Joist Specifier Designer Company' Misc: Load TYPO Unf. Area (psf) 08-00 -00 1111 13 -00-00 B2, 3 -1/2' LL 670 lbs DL 136 lbs (ea5 pI Total Horizontal Product Length 42 -00-00 Allowable Duration 30.6% 100% 41.2% 100% 29.0% 100% 42.3% 100% 30.9% 100% 16.5% 28.4% 5.8% 10.7% n/a Ref. Start End Left 00 00 00 42 00 00 Load Case 14 22 14 22 22 14 14 14 14 Allow Allow Value Support Member 315 lbs n/a n/a 742 lbs 14 1% n/a 806 lbs 15.3% n/a 909 lbs 17.3% n/a 306 lbs n/a n/a Notes Design meets Code minimum (U240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets User specified (U480) Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1') Maximum load deflection criteria. Composite El value based on 23/32' thick sheathing glued and nailed to joist. 40 10 Span Location 3 Internal 3 Right 1 Left 3 Right 3 Right 3 3 2 3 0 3 Material Unspecified Versa -Lam 1 7 Versa -Lam 1 7 Versa -Lam 1 7 Unspecified l B3, 3-1/2" LL 728 lbs DL 180 lbs (Pb?- p19 Joist Jo* t Saturday July 28, 2007 12:44 10 -06-00 f B4 2 1/2' LL 254 lbs DL 52 lbs D Live Dead Snow Wind Roof Live 100% 90% 115% 133% 125% OCS 16' Disclosure Completeness and accuracy of input must be verified by anyone who would rely on output as evidence of suitability for particular application. Output here based on building code- accepted design properties and analysis methods. Installation of BOISE engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or ask questions, please call (888)234 -0056 before installation. BC CALM, BC FRAMER® AJSTM ALUOIST® BC RIM BOARDTM, BCI® BOISE GLULAMTM SIMPLE FRAMING SYSTEM®, VERSA- LAM VERSA -RIM PLUS® VERSA -RIM VERSA STRAND®, VERSA -STUD® are trademarks of Boise Wood Products, L.L.C. 17 ©y Terry A. Nettles, P.E. Consulting Engineer 6625 Wagner Way 0208 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 VOICE FAX (253) 858 -7777 FLT tA' wrx F1 e F5 w 7 3 w 4Co5 USE Coxi b 6 r, w= 4'o L Ox to AT U fPrqE cep W,Psu' /r1 Ccs m Project EC° G tz U (UOeIL' Sheet 14 of l I 4 Subject 6 j P tthot,s 80 -f SD DEL kJ= Co0 (xlo Z f :87511s‘ r IAA-0 (G70.3) q U e o tea- Cry 81 et 05e &X 0 (A,1 (pets 9 L 52 165 s e 1 V 5°049 M 10 Co v &ry r- `ef 4)/i0 f- 2 p1= M 7q2 I s -7 Op Z if legs 0 to' c o C p1-5 for a.c, 0 C. 235y0 gar {Z2 'W? 455 Job No 2/011 Date 7 /5o o7 5 2f pi/15 M. I (90 st Coq 411 5-2.14o I 'I p= -z8-0--d 4 t+c I St/t� 2.Co 5F �1 tr SG j V d( Terry A. Nettles, RE Consulting Engineer 6625 Wagner Way #208 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 VOICE FAX (253) 858 -7777 wA ,e-i rat, J= 2.s 1, 0012 t) &)Vt'\ t(, cb11 t4-G rvivrtA Lvt t'ttn --G, Project Eco -G rz Subject i 1 2 114 -i t TO SeND C?"(I1g06) 1.5 2e l •6°.6-6)i.C.— 4 z L., (4 1 2 e it ozA 4 1,5 11 X 65') rio 1 ►iC235 p 1.) _24co l 5( I I•1O1 TtC/ t,, 1 -JQ sE' s lc-c.usl ot r i,.e 6) 0 1Po/ O ?tat-4 1 t ��l' 1 yptc(- &xl.0 c L (del° tki C 637 7 (ZCVp 5 col-144-4 (-EG I,T 6,1 0 Sheet 15 of Job No 1-?094 Date J )O 1 4 Le' lac —n>14 PC-- rR -0/14 s Ur pa 2 r per w17 pligs TV 69Iorr F s upl,i rr w t &oX to 6D CO PIS ADe4. %8 II 4 vct2 Terry A. Nettles, P.E. l l �0 Consulting Engineer 6625 Wagner Way #208 Gig Harbor. WA 98335 VOICE FAX (253) 858 -7777 Fog- Uri 4- 1-1 pis ))C (nIZt1AEND V .oLPow hl Project 4 Subject t; ,,J uPe51 of Job No 2- 4 115 benA kon �f i IwA7vk uov Lo-/ Rot-Dowwg rog, K +A/ z z ore-T/ ply \''vt ksa D (4� l44 u 4Y- ID rat, 4 t *1-11041e- 21.= 6764r Folt 0 4(67o) 2 ?4,8 o sk 7 HMo1 i= 021 CO' (4O y(/d C/1- Piht., :7 1656 4 Date i '5450A0 0 72 z=9 e0xt6 2 or Sore t-efft4 (t) I44 Ito L G;tz- TOP DOS. 'tz, 01 r Af&N 111 Terry A. Nettles, RE. Consulting Engineer 6625 Wagner Way 8208 Gig Harbor. WA 98335 VOICE FAX (253) 858-7777 4)(10 Le136(30,- Project E-CO Gizet egb Sheet 17 of 19 Subject 0 78 11 4 Thy R0 7 "74 atat. 12114"ti 6 1 X 10 etc) 4'4 Dccoo (.4)7 Rso PeA Nu r Luftsi-vQ2. co 13r7 11- t:30Uf2 >Cu ro." ITT I `67,9 V-OD "HiCholt-- '14 4X10 1- Lute 4 )1k-f" wi\-51-roz. ot-Ive L.FID6 T Job No 270 Date 7 7_ 12602.. 6 117 'HWWL'Aj 1 vowN P2oi-1 11 CUT tAJA-51-teit, Ler 195 Gmt, '6)440 Ac-gor= 4.Xi Top DOL rrxic Structural sheathing is required to provide adequate lateral bracing of the building system and as diaphragms of the roof structure to transfer loads to lateral bracing elements. This structure will be constructed using proprietary Structural Insulated Panels (SIP) of nominal 6 -inch thickness on all exterior walls and with single side sheathing of several specific interior walls and is specified by the following notes: For exterior walls use a 5W EPS thickness core thickness with a 7 /16" APA rated sheathing panel on both interior and exterior faces. The roof will use a 7W EPS thickness core thickness with a 7 /16 APA rated sheathing panel on both faces. For all wall panels, there shall be one row of fasteners at each plate and at least one row into each rim joist. Spacing of these fasteners in these rows shall be consistent with the panel designation nailings as defined below and indicated on the drawings. At the foundation line there shall be a row of nails continuous at 4" o.c. minimum. Sole plate nailing of all wood panel sheathed walls is specified below Erect all SIP panels in accordance with the Premier shop drawings and coordinate the contract drawings requirements for holdowns with those requirements of the panel provider Roof fastening should be done with 8d nails spaced at 6" o.c. at all panel edges into the splines as indicated on the vendor's shop drawings. Edges of roof diaphragm shall be fastened into solid bearing plate lines over walls and/or beams in line with and directly above the bracing wall elements below The roof panels are to be connected to the top plates using the Premier screws a maximum 12" o c. and a minimum of 1 embedment into the receiving plate. Nailing and sheathing requirements are specified on the drawings with the fastening indicated by spacing on the edges and along interior lines (through the field) in inches by the following symbols. for SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ECO -GREEN RESIDENCE Use a 7 "minimum thickness APA rated sheathing panel on one side with 8d common or galvanized box nails 6" o.c. edges and 12" through the field. Nail sole plates into solid material (blocking or joists) with 16d 12" o c. Staples may be used, however they shall be a 14 gauge 1 galvanized wire staple with crown placed parallel to the panel edge and spaced at 6" o.c. edges/9" o.c. field. Blocking is required at all unsupported edges of the sheathing. Use a nominal 6" SIP panel with 8d common nails or #10 x 2 -inch wood screws 6" o c. edges into the splines on both sides of panel. Nail sole plates into solid material (blocking or joists) with 16d 12" o c. Splines are required at all edges of the panels. Use a nominal 6" SIP panel with 8d common nails or #10 x 2 -inch wood screws 4" o c. edges into the splines on both sides of panel. Nail sole plates into solid material (blocking or joists) with 16d 8" o.c. Splines are required at all edges of the panels. Use a nominal 6° SIP panel with 8d common nails or #10 x 2 -inch wood screws 3" o c. edges into the splines on both sides of panel. Nail sole plates into solid material (blocking or joists) with 16d 6" o.c. Splines are required at all edges of the panels. 4 qrI SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ECO -GREEN RESIDENCE (continued) In locations along the exterior walls where reinforcing straps are specified on the drawings, they shall be placed over the structural sheathing after all specified sheathing nailing is completed. The vertical straps are to be placed to align with the double king or trimmer and king spline studs at the wall corners and wall openings as appropriate. Simpson hardware is referenced, similarly rated recognized hardware is acceptable as an alternative. All holdown devices at the ground floor level shall have their anchors set carefully and accurately into the foundations in order to properly align with the intended position of the holdown brackets which attach to the framing at the first floor level and to be compatible with the special details provided on the contract drawings. All holdowns shall be so positioned within the framing so as to achieve the maximum level of separation between the two ends of the full section of shear panel to which they have been assigned. All holdowns which are to be bolted or nailed to the framing shall have as a minimum 3" of full wood thickness where the nails pass through the stud. "Ai PROJECT INFORMATION: Project Name: Product: Location: Engineer Date: SOIL INFORMATION Description: Phi (degree): Unit Weight (pcf): Cohesion (psf): Ground Water Table: Neglected Depth (ft): PILE INFORMATION: Pile Type: Pin Length (ft): Angle (degree): Pin Diameter (in): Wall Thickness (in): Pin Type and Grade: Effective Depth (ft), D Effective Length (ft), B: Effective Pile Width (ft): PILE CAPACITY Compression: F S. =2: Uplift: F S. =1.5: Lateral: Parallel to Pins: Perpendicular to Pins: CALCULATION DATA. Bearing Capacity Factors: Nc=27 10 Nq =14.20 Nr =10.70 Pressure at Base (psf)= 130.36 Arching Factor =2.25 Allowable Deflection (in) =0.5 Allowable Bending Stength (ksi) =24 PIN FOUNDATIONS INC. 2003 V4.0 PIN FOUNDATIONS INC. Calculation Software for Pin Foundation System Eco -Green Builders Samara Woods DP -100 Pt Angeles, WA LOT 23 TAN Structural, Alkai Consultants Soils 6/29/2007 Soil 1 Silty Sand 26.00 110.00 0.00 At Grade 0.00 Diamond Pier (4 pins) 4.2 40.00 1 900 0.145 Pipe, 36ksi 2.74 4.60 0.36 C_utbm (kip)= 5.87 Callow (kip)= 2.94 U_ultim (kip)= 1.87 U_allow (kip) 1.25 L1_aliow (kip)= 0.82 L2_allow (kip)= 0.82 Soil 2 Not Used Soft 1 D1 t Program automatically Buoyant Weight when Grade" is indicated. Program corrects total active length. All capacities are calculated separately B corrects Dry Unit Weight for Ground Water Table At Pin length indicated for actual •1 D V Software Developed by CivilTech Software, BeUevue,WA,USA www.civlltech.com PROJECT INFORMATION: Project Name: Product: Location: Engineer Date: SOIL INFORMATION: Description: Phi (degree): Unit Weight (pcf): Cohesion (psf): Ground Water Table: Neglected Depth (ft): PILE INFORMATION: Pile Type: Pin Length (ft): Angle (degree): Pin Diameter (in): Wall Thickness (in): Pin Type and Grade: Effective Depth (ft), D: Effective Length (ft), B: Effective Pile Width (ft): PILE CAPACITY Compression: F S. =2: Uplift: F S. =1 5. Lateral: Parallel to Pins: Perpendicular to Pins: CALCULATION DATA. Bearing Capacity Factors: N 27 10 Nq =14.20 Nr -10.70 Pressure at Base (psf)= 168.64 Arching Factor=2.25 Allowable Deflection (in) =0.5 Allowable Bending Stength (ksi) =24 PIN FOUNDATIONS INC. 2003 V4.0 PIN FOUNDATIONS INC. Calculation Software for Pin Foundation System Eco-Green Builders Samara Woods DP -100 Pt Angeles, WA LOT 23 TAN- Structural, Alkai Consultants Soils 6/29/2007 Soil 1 Silty Sand 26.00 110.00 0.00 At Grade 0.00 Diamond Pier (4 pins) 5.25 40.00 1.900 0.145 Pipe, 36ksi 3.54 5.95 0.36 C ultim (kip)= 9.74 Callow (kip) 4.87 U_ultim (kip)= 3.13 U_allow (kip)= 2.09 L1 allow (kip)= 1.36 L2 allow (kip)= 1.36 Soil 2 Not Used t Program automatically Buoyant Weight when Grade" is indicated. Program corrects total active length. All capacities are calculated separately B corrects Dry Unit Weight for Ground Water Table At Pin length indicated for actual Software Developed by Civdrech Software, Bellevue,WA,USA www.civdtech.cam PROJECT INFORMATION: Project Name: Product: Location: Engineer Date: SOIL INFORMATION: Description: Phi (degree): Unit Weight (pc f): Cohesion (psf): Ground Water Table: Neglected Depth (ft): PILE INFORMATION: Pile Type: Pin Length (ft): Angle (degree): Pin Diameter (in): Wall Thickness (in): Pin Type and Grade: Effective Depth (ft), D Effective Length (ft), B: Effective Pile Width (ft): PILE CAPACITY Compression: F S. =2: Uplift: F S. =1.5: Lateral: Parallel to Pins: Perpendicular to Pins: CALCULATION DATA. Bearing Capacity Factors: N27 10 Nq =14.20 Nr =10.70 Pressure at Base (psf)= 232.46 Arching Factor=2.25 Allowable Deflection (in)=0.5 Allowable Bending Stength (ksi) =24 C_allow is adjusted based on Allowable Deflection. PIN FOUNDATIONS INC. 2003 V4.0 PIN FOUNDATIONS INC. Calculation Software for Pin Foundation System Eco-Green Builders Samara Woods DP -100 Pt Angeles, WA LOT 23 TAN- Structural, Alkai Consultants Soils 6/29/2007 Soil 1 Silty Sand 26.00 110.00 0.00 At Grade 0.00 Diamond Pier (4 pins) 7 40.00 1 900 0.145 Pipe, 36ksi 4.88 8.20 0.36 C_ultim (kip)= 18.34 C_allow (kip)= 7.63* U_ultim (kip)= 5.95 U_allow (kip)= 3.97 L1 allow (kip)= 2.26 L2_allow (kip) 2.26 Soil 2 Not Used I< Program automatically Buoyant Weight when Grade' is indicated. Program corrects total active length. B corrects Dry Unit Weight for Ground Water Table 'At Pin length indicated for actual All capacities are calculated separately D V Software Developed by CivMTech Software, Bellevue,WA,USA www.civMtech.com DIAMOND PIER"' MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Diamond Pier"' Model DP-100 www.pinfoundations.com 253 858 -8809 ph 858 -8607 fx The following are generic instructions for the DP-I00 the hundred pound pier. They may be varied for specific projects or unique applications as See also our Installation DVD. The DP-50 installation instructions shall annlv when using the fifty nound pier. You will need: Diamond Piers with the corresponding number of Pins and Pin Caps, a shovel, automatic driving hammer with driving head, a sledge hammer, sliding post driver, a level, and a reciprocating or cut off saw with a steel cutting blade. (Note: Most applications will not require the use of a cut cif saw.) Note: Check for buried utilities before Pin Driving.. Step 1. Dig a hole with a conical base which is approximately the shape of the base of the concrete pier and slightly larger than the width of the pier itself to allow for adjustment (On sloping terrain, dig the hole deeper on the uphill side so that the concrete pier sits level.) Step 2: Position the concrete pier in the hole, and plumb brace as necessary. (The hole may be baclled as a substitute for bracing, provided that no further adjustments for plumb or centering will be required) See Note Step 3: Slide opposing Pins through the driving cavity in the concrete pier, and, making sure to support them in the center of the cavity, set the Pins a foot or two into the soil with the sledge hammer or sliding post driver. Then drive each Pin alternately in increments with the automatic hammer, periodically checking for plumb and centering (Avoid hitting the Pier with the automatic hammer.) Do not attemn t to drive the sins all the way down iust with the sledac hammer, or allow the weioht of the auto-hammer to force the oin against the lower half of the cavity. The niers are concrete and may aadc if subiected to continued imnact blows with the Pin in this orientation. Step 4: Finish driving the Pin with the automatic hammer or sledge, leaving 1" protruding from the top of the cavity, and being careful not to damage the precast pier, or upper ends ofthe pin. Once the dead loads of the structure have been, annlied verify the length of the protruding pin, adjust as necessary by tapping with the sledge,and cover the exposed end of the Pin with the cap, sealing it against the concrete with a 50 year, siliconized adhesive caulk, or equal. (Note: Ensure that the concrete is dry before applying caulk) Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the remaining Concrete Piers. Note 1: Do not drive a Pin all the way down at once if this causes the Pier to be pulled to one side. Continue to rotate around the Pier, driving the Pins in increments, until the growing strength in the pile group is sufficient to allow final driving. If loss of plumb is not a problem, the Pins maybe driven all the way one at a time. Do not continue to hammer away at a Pin which is bouncing or raffling against an impassable object if it causes the Pier to ride up the pile along the sleeve. Ensure that the pier will remain in place when encountering difficulties in the soil, and when following the steps in Note 2. Note 2: If a Pin meets substantial resistance in the soil before it has been driven its full length, it may be left in this partially driven position and cut of& provided: l) the pin will not drive more than an inch during a full 60 seconds of uninterrupted automatic hammering with a 90 lb. hammer, 2) attempts to drive the pin with single sudden 10 lb. sledge hammer blows have been made, and 3) if after a reasonable period, attempts to redrive the Pin using both methods 1) and 2) have been made. The pin must be driven at or below local frost line if it is to be cut off If this is not the case, the obstruction may be dose enough to the surface that it may be dug up and removed and the pier reset and Pin redriven. The pier may also be turned or relocated within the parameters of your superstructure design in order to avoid underground obstacles. Temporary Product Storagce To avoid the bulky white deposit known as "wet -storage stain," all galvanized products shipped in bundles, stacks, or cardboard cartons, should be protected from moisture until they are separated and put to use in exposed environments. If products are shipped wet, they must be separated and thoroughly dried before restocking or rebundling If indoor storage of the products is not possible, they must be kept off the ground, covered with an roue plastic or canvas tarpaulin covering and the bundles or stacks slanted slightly to allow condensation to drain. (1) American Society for Metals, Metals Handbook Ninth Edition. Vol. I, (USA, 1978), p. 169 0Copyight 2007, Ym Foundations Inc. All Rights Raved PIN FOUNDATIONS INC 8607 S8'" Ave NW Gig Harbor WA 98332 shipping: 2105 34 Ave NW Unit 30 Gig Harbor WA 98335